I’M BACK & READY TO DOMINATE – Uchiha Shizo Clickbait

Video Information

Oh my God you’re always first the hell bro I came back after YouTube destroyed the hell out on me I have other ways all of you are losers I’m joking I’m joking that includes me also bro I’m going to start streaming in twitch uh El in Tik Tok I I’m going to

Do this multi I have to do this after stream I’m going to do some I’m going to do a test stream inshah I have to set up everything and then I will do a what do you call this a multi stream cuz I don’t trust YouTube at the

Moment garbage server see how to multi stream I was just watching video how to multi stream I can’t even connect to cubecraft come on after two days CU is still garbage I was like you know what I didn’t even care server what the hell I just joined I want work

If anyone says any bad words it’s going to get muted instantly bro YouTube is so crazy they they they gave a warning on my video because Sammy just said he just said like oh yeah I’m going to beat you all up in just like a Minecraft way of

Saying and didn’t even explain to them they literally they they rejected that appeal they’re like no it’s still ha speech I’m like okay I’m going to make a video on that one just to say how bad YouTube is unfair man ah I feel like four warnings of the

Moment so I gota make sure the problem I don’t care about the channel I care about all my videos if I get all vide is gone one year of memories man all gone like this just like this like a click of a second i w server yes uh it’s called multi

Streaming I will stream on all platforms I found a way I was just watching a video how to do it because I tried it before it was so laggy I hope I try it again and let me see if it works or not with my phone no no no there’s like Tik

Tok Tik Tok is very good actually to live stream on it but I’ll just keep it as a twitch is a bit very their to terms agreement a little bit strict like what you can do what you cannot do in Tik Tok and in twitch they’re very strict in

Some things or else you’ll get banned instantly oh alhamd it’s not a strike if it’s a strike then I’m gone bro a garbage skin okay oh what is that bro I didn’t play Minecraft for so long like two days days okay I’ve been touching grass oh I’m running right I’m running yes I’m

Running hey where is that woman I always see you with your why do they wear ones here it’s a Minecraft it’s like such a mediocre skin move stop moving woman let me see your face there some red thing you know I’ve seen is that like oh my God is that like you you’re

Being like shy or something skib bro man me not streaming for two three oh hello who are you oh I madean like a three infinite three eights go like this and then like this what is that skin bro what’s going on with you I am op

There’s no point in wearing that if if it’s going to be covered by a chest plate did you oh people calling me Joo I can tell their what do you call this OG Og man rest in peace Raman what Jojo you’re looking at me bro what did I Do bro I saw you in the uh I saw you in the lobby I like what is that skin bro the r girlfriend full green I’ll join we see don’t worry join and you leave High one don’t mind I want rank can you give me oh my

God rank please rank R please rank please please please please rank also don’t be har with me oh what’s going on why is everybody bu becoming oh there’s six blocks away so that’s good what up guilty what is that skin oh my God VOR oh oh my God the very oh my God

No I’m not lying I go Fallen cuz FR I’m going to get roasted and toasted yo what did you say it I want to see ah okay even if you deleted I can use the I can open the chat from my YouTube I can see what you deleted okay good to

Know think we got this we definitely got this bro uh today stream short I don’t know I do not know I’m just afraid of YouTube being like harami to me I have to be Careful I didn’t play for two days did you guys play Minecraft when I was on there hopefully you guys did nobody did you guys didn’t just like join stream like just went Lobby or something shot of fish like damn bro bro that is so true our egg is gone

I was too slow okay I couldn’t do anything you’re alive I thought you got folded bro I had like three debris bro bro two St I took it that’s vtor by the way hello VOR escape with the B as usual nice what is he doing what is VOR doing it’s going to get

Folded it’s cuz having that lag that I’m receiving also block lag something like that where you can’t build up at all PC Mobile why is a always with the Trident whenever I see him fat move okay I hit him bro guy’s do this something called pattern kit no way that’s

Why I kept boing him bro I I killed Q pain bro damn there is a trident bro there is August said it so so it’s true Augustus sorry snipers yes Big B snipers bro I found this Halal bread bro finally right after so long on the Halal bread

Man I was checking like no this one has this thing and then I saw it has Butter let’s go it’s Halal keep checking the ingredients who killed Augustus oh it’s SK let’s let’s go escap for the win because of woman oh wait anything to please YouTube whoa what do you want D where’s

Everybody probably you guys are in the in in middle no we going to die [Applause] how dare you hit that person y beat this person bro no oh running away oh my God wait wait r let him go down what is this look at him he’s

Who okay even though I ate it yeah okay it’s a lag oh we were the last people that are alive and Ros is the last person to be alive as usual where the heck were you guys fighting the whole time hello Gam what’s up H

What Gap is useless I the new up is going to come out soon so I’ll just wait for it I Gap like three or four times okay wait bro let me see let me think I get fallen I think I’m going through that go Fallen next time fruit huh where is

My I was drinking this yeah the I saw some infinite CPS sptw my ping is high I can tell the way I the way I was hitting uh ulysis the gr so bad I don’t know whenever I have hyping when I hit somebody they’re fat as

Hell I was trying to hit pin off bro you was just there stuck I could have avoided him but just couldn’t at all like zero stop leaving and joining because he will join what why is people wearing these skins by the way my second time seeing this skin in front of

Me why is everybody trying to be look at that why is it so green two three times I’ve seen this skin I want okay the hell am I supposed to do now it’s impossible for us to get Obby unless we’re super fast someone oh did got eliminated [Applause]

Whoa j five I mean GTA 6 is coming out but it’s coming on Playstation first so what am I supposed to do buy a whole PS5 I buy one not the PS5 is so fat than you bro what is this individual wasting okay never mind I got it but still this person with

The green skin bro what are you on about who are you how are you playing this game I want to shout at you but I don’t want you might be a child or something you’re still naked crazy but at least he broke the yeah how do you know that was TTV by

The way I thought he was in Green Team oh okay at least you had game sent on that one you had to break I thought he was in uh Green Team incoming he can’t do anything he a stupid n anyways get folded this person is just putting debr

By the way he’s actually doing something good yeah I don’t mind he’s actually doing something good just putting debris it’s much better okay okay I can’t hear the I’m not putting anything never mind y you’re I’m on the egg don’t worry don’t worry I got it I got it oh it’s got G

Winner I think you got it G don’t invite him I’m joking I’m joking I’m so stupid the way I played doesn’t matter why is this person name is pork chop food he’s taking all the diamonds High one fatty pork chop my food get out thank you guilty oh that’s a lot of diamonds

Bro Oh oh he wants burger [Applause] okay Among Us what why they randomly see Among Us amongus amongus why did he click up did he knew that I was there incoming oh he’s dead I hit him once just once it was a funny thing over here bro I can’t stand here anymore I’m going

To go if that is gone that is gone the hell bro every day housewife where codin which cin oh ski is cin I call her uh I don’t know how to say the name but he was a US president they have the same name s you

Uls the gr something like that oh just got him they’re going to the heavens okay the funniest thing Wow oh my God that was such a patient battle why was I like just patiently just going up oh my God I went to the heavens that person didn’t die and uh had to be sacrificed it was so necessary you killed ask there’s no point in going there are you

From Japan no I live in Japan all right no worries no worries this thing feeling fruit is a map is you’re so very difficult it’s possible to win very difficult but possible to win Apes monks hello will you be will you play Call of

Duty no after this I need to uh I need to check if I can able to stream in other platforms while not getting destroyed I’ll also try on Tik Tok why not let me see how Tik Tok works but is that Pro Gamer oh that’s another Pro Gamer I have to set

Up no no no like I would set it up after Minecraft I have to set up every single stream it’s not easy Lord everyone is fine except for Lord oh even TTV is there ya yeah definitely guys have to make a Twitch account make one so you can be my first follower is

Siren so you guys have to I just need to start streaming on Twitch too but twitch is a little bit strict in their terms of agreement I got to make sure that I am complying with them I have two come on I’ll send one yeah I didn’t send anything I will send

Don’t not pickaxe R can you bring pickaxe oh he really want to kill [Applause] himself is that Lord whoa bro what the heck happened I didn’t even hit him once at least he died uh behind this V by the way I want to kill him okay cuz he’s

Going to stand there for nothing like a mosquito in the house you know I going put a block above but he still managed to is it just me lagging or is this the whole uh Ser he’s teabagging me okay okay BR I will not let you

Live why is he also okay M even this guy okay even this guy’s dring why is everybody what the hell’s happening oh people like to use my kindness so much man bro that was completely drag or or I’m just lagging there’s no way I should learn how to drag I’m just so lazy

Mhm oh I’m so stupid I have iron armor okay drag is not illegal no Blaze is just very Gable like me what was that bro silent or is that your first match I think you guys got this bro I trust you uh actually you know what guys gear up

Bro I want to see if Lord is alive oh yeah Lord is bro he’s literally just Gathering stuff also t t sh and Lord okay worry about these three people oh also him CP are they on a team c pro C power also brought his uh also his girlfriend yeah

Sure go back and just gear up man why there is TTV and them alive no none of them are alive all of them are dead yeah four times I got one more strike where you said uh that okay all right I’m going to mute the stream so yoube yes I will

Check I will check oh what it didn’t show oh that’s weird that’s so weird that is super weird you have Ender in your team you got SK oh my God think you got this oh the guy you tried to save just got eliminated or I don’t know what happened to

Him my phone is getting slower a I can just feel it oh I was so scared oh never mind bro what are you deleting I’m G to keep it I want to see what’s going on I think I think if you delete it super fast then it’s not going

To I I have 21 emeralds okay last time match was 42 by the way one of the matches a 42 Emerald upgrade everything get every single thing every single enchantment and yeah I think if you did it super fast then it will just uh W what did you say speak bent BOS zero

IQ yeah it will take a lot of time actually I don’t know who used to say that someone used to say that yeah it was Dan always TTV is alive he’s just killing people in the bridge what the hell yo man he’s he’s going to the base

By the way TTV it’s better if you go help him he’s in green he’s in green base green base green base green base even car was alive where were you yes I don’t know you were alive I was looking for you a you were helping skib uh go green base green base green

Base green base okay TTV is it’s outside of green base he’s just he’s just getting diamonds uh you should get uh what you call this protection bro Rusk upgrade something and get protection man and also feather falling feather falling is so amazing bro it’s op as

Hell yeah tell me what did you say tell me in DMS at least I need to charge my phone it’s said like it’s said 5% Oh my God I SC killed the T run run oh my God no let get tried Fireball Jutsu don’t shout on me why do you think I’m going to shout at you interent relax the hell what do you want oh sh dead he survived what this guy what is

This it’s so much feathers Lei bro what is this I’m behind you the teleportation it reminds me of this it reminds me of this dog M like he has like a he like a sword on his mouth I don’t know what he says wait I forgot let me find out

Like dog me the dog mem tele pretation tort behind you nothing personal kid it’s a goofy one okay I need to send this in Discord this is this is how they were fighting wait Paul why is my phone so slow oh wait it’s in low battery Mode Nothing Personal oh

Bro what are you saying yent oh my God he’s oh hello hello hello hello is that KS okay never mind I thought it was kits for a second that skin exactly like a k type skin hacker are we all aren’t we all hacking wait what’s going on here something’s going on here hello

Hello bye did he like stuck his headphones somewhere else like oh it’s making green noises like yo sysy how Hell I want to say something so bad okay I hope you guys understand that I don’t want to get demonetized again not demonetized destroyed I’m not even I’m not even getting demonetized I’m just

Getting instant strike I hope you didn’t hear me I know is your headphones important or the game damn stay in the lobby now the game already started I’m lazy now I don’t I don’t leave anymore by the way if you have noticed may maybe only for him uh ski I would

Leave I got Wonder uh debris only by the way our egg destroyed bro I can’t actually there team I only got like one debris so I couldn’t do anything at least all legs are destroyed I know this guy we can see you by the way yeah you’re

Flying I know but but it’s a lag it happens sometimes where you can see some your players I’m eating huh okay wait what what is this guy doing wait who’s blocking h can I go in the mid okay let’s go hope I don’t die Lord incoming ah he was waiting for me

Should have CLI should have uh clicked the a it’s F yeah I know I stream sniping Lord jump behind you Oh I don’t know who doing that garbage what call this it’s a 14 I want to check my ping it’s I think my ping is like 400 or something I water bottle Dam y up so annoying please invite Shin te Lord and pain but you got a lot of diamonds should

Got yeah they’re going all of them are like they want to income hey guys can’t prepare my strength potion and and gaps gaps get it instantly cuz they’re coming yeah yeah three three three incoming no way he nearly died No August got his Str pushing Gap Gap Gap Gap Gap pin you can’t you can’t even counter ladds you cannot I’m saying it’s possible just just do a lot of clicks is still alive damn M how did it hit you so much that just have to put like three blocks by the way

Instead of two it’s like you don’t fly away your stupid PL who was your PL by the way silent why the heck they’re targeting you okay but kill this individual clicks man no whatever I lost Lord You’re a drag you’re a drag clicker with 870 SK is a switch player what do you

Want come on man he can’t you cannot be complaining you in you y you cannot be complaining on this one you can easily counter ball just place blocks all go from behind door is lagging for me kill this n no get de let’s let’s oh my God well kill this individual

Fast and and help the help your other teammate he’s getting destroyed by uh oh Lord incoming no mind behind you Lord huh oh no I should have helped The it’s like you trying to help SK trying to help you the Lord just attacked you I should have not died it’s okay I like to be spectator okay I wanted to eat next match don’t worry we got this we got this you don’t bro use Fireball and boy everything you

Got how can you bow him if he’s there my Lord is lagging for me or am I just crazy not like we we got completely what it call this decapitated you guys good not me I was dead the whole time I want new maps but there is no new mouse

Fallon Fen I to say that but now I’m very good at typing never mind H uh for once you here I want the egg to be alive whoa someone is saying the hell well this is even worse what do you mean got offended by someone saying Luffy should I die again or no

Oh I have no more ladders who killed them oh leor killed them what is below saying B kill this how kill him or kill her or something like that you mean well why did I buy nobody cares heo you okay always excusing man this guy yeah but using it on you that’s even

Worse ah why did I go here bro this so stupid I just wanted to fight for no reason wait what are you a different account again her why are in a different account what the why you like why did I fight them why what was I

Doing I thought I killed T but he he was alive like what I was shocked you do hack Sammy just play the game and don’t lose you haven’t done anything this whole game what do you want is that an arrow mhm no not denying have you not SE have you not

Seen an have you not seen this guy mhm switch why R talking it’s not going to help you uhhuh look at this L your ego is just a red red base red base red base both of them are in red base I’m fighting one of them I’m going to kill it I killed

One no no don’t come no need we don’t need you oh we do need you ah yo matching skins the harami I I saw them at the beginning they were very close I when I joined in I saw them bro they were like like one block away from each other behind my

Back you can hide from me but you can’t hide from a Man what I didn’t know August was the for no you’re not in my team I’m in green I do not know red or blue yes yes yes I have one I have one debr you got it you got it you got it I’m more useful than you in

Society no I was searching grass for two days okay I have done more work than you ever done in your in your entire life you just touch grass but I PL them bro I pled them so then you could touch them no what team Shen is he he’s that team I think green

No way you killed her man oh incoming incoming incoming on egg on on EG godamn it oh was so bad bro I tried bro no one’s on the egg I was running as fast as possible no he was coming right behind me he’s so fat I have no food nothing no great

Bro so good what bro this so laggy I think I think I’m just lagging I think it’s just me sh incoming oh my God lord and them both with the what is this click everybody’s going yes just went though we need we need TRD ASAP guys get trid 19 diamonds AAP fast

Why were you running Rosco why you we running on the corner I saw you this guy always drinking portions oh okay I’m dead too we need we we had to break Green’s egg first actually that’s a problem I don’t want them right next to my team right next to

Me because then they can they can easily just come in who are you yeah there is a lag by the way I can see them whenever I hit them they just like uh what is SK doing that SK no that’s someone by name of person nod Mal y for that

Nobody’s on the egg go then say Salam alaykum to yourself I hate food and whenever you eat some of the food stuff gets stuck in the teeth so annoying use tooth fake to manually remove them what is C they’re not being Halal bro look at

Them come to me call I need to invite you physically I think I like this garbage server is always doing this yeah I’m very disappointed in these two people cuz they’re not being h like whenever I join they just like they’re like always together whenever I see them

They see me and they just like split apart okay you’re hiding from me but not hiding from Allah a I don’t care if it hurt for me banana why you keep saying banana I’m waiting for con C gaming two times bro why canot invite this

Person can you just can you just can you just join uh what you call this physically like slash SL party accept IIA X01 I think you have to join uh what happened what happened now they’re being Halal okay but this is not nice okay you guys are being UNH Halal behind my back think from you can do as much s you guys can do as much sins as you want it’s fine

But do it where Allah cannot see you now think of that statement think of that statement cuz it has double meaning do you understand Yus do as much since as you want where Allah cannot see you yes no I think it’s six BLX is enough I’m trying to invite conal gaming

It’s not working yeah very h on six blocks and more notot R banana oh four work yep being har I can’t wait call don’t relo click re remove the hole should I have to do I have to relog leave the whole game okay you’ll join normally call there there’s

A you need you need to I said Fallen L look look up I I really typed fallen and then I joined I typed Fallen I remember I saw that what what what what uh by the way this [Laughter] I oh my God I’ll give it give it to him you belong in the streets right yes give it give it give it give it you know that already cuz you’re always doing it Tusk for the for that for the snow block I will not say

W but you do it I know that Mhm for that’s weird by the way why the defending we got this we got this we got this do we have diamonds do we have diamonds all I go get diamonds then what more the better what do you want I’ll take it from up you take it from down what do you want

Get more than 25 if you can 75 is the maximum least I’m trying to fight Lord with with like lexer but I’m really weak I’m not doing much you keep using that client the client that everybody uses yeah this what do you think oh are you saying that you’re hacking I I meant

Did you reinstall Minecraft did you uh did you did you upgrade your graphics driver you should upgrade did everything I don’t know I got enough diamonds I think so upgrade one nobody was on the egg by the way nobody I was running they didn’t even see him so

Annoying why is this guy in over our base why was the whole team whole nine player were no nine players it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we still have a chance we still got it we still got it oh they’re already here by the way what

Oh so annoying nobody was on the egg not a single individual and how how she were four it doesn’t matter never mind everyone in my team was not we only four so that’s fine why M cuz you always crashing What yo Minnie how are you my friend yo Minnie people are telling me that you’re dating Augustus is that true I didn’t know that es Sammy what do you want oh we’re dead never mind I’ll invite call but we played really bad to be honest are you in game yes Minnie I’m asking

You I did wait you know what let me let me relo mhm bro I’m sorry I’m I’m very gullible I believe anyone anything say in the internet especially when it comes to people dating okay when someone says oh this guy is’s dating now it’s now it’s stuck in my mind

There he said it like oh the people are dating I’m like really I I was very unexpected but if you say you guys are not then okay oh now you got the invitation did the invitation work what you not guys getting there it’s body broken wait wait move what Discord DMS

Looks I don’t think broken close friends one is bent other is well close friends H close friends okay you guys are not da you guys are just very sus that’s all sassy Baka R can you invite me can can any of you guys invite me okay I’m already part of party with the

Party wait slash party accept Ros yeah I don’t have any invitations from Ros party accept call not gaming huh weird what is these two people doing whoa okay bro who’s the man that’s what I’m thinking broken bro everything is broken okay I cannot invite people I can only

Invite SK but but try to invite Rus joined Sammy can you join I’ll invite you I’ll invite call I’ll invite this try the other way using the uh social menu okay you have to just join manually t okay we’ll go I’ll go fruit okay what bro mini augustas you

Guys said close friends you made it even more suspicious if you just said you’re friends it would be okay but now close friends bro why is everybody dating really he was also daing no what is there go down get diamonds get diamonds from the right I mean the gold what are you on

About oh this Cen is in my team hello cin I have two I have two got de bre oh bro get armor go back there’s two people on the egg two enemies by the way pain and uh pain and Bel bro he’s lagging so much that his click okay I mind got

It beat you n bro his uh his knock back is so crazy no I was going to I was I was going to say naked no I didn’t not relax a bit incoming bro I got that downward knock back so annoying B then then I was used to say that boso IQ

I don’t know if you remember that b boso IQ oh orange I mean purple no they they show me exactly where was the hate speech that hate spe that music video didn’t even not not even any of them got a copyright strike don’t worry I don’t trust YouTube

Any don’t worry I don’t trust YouTube anyways cuz they literally just destroyed me cuz you said something that is so trivial so now I don’t I don’t know man I think it’s automatic there Fields garbage though so that’s why I’m going to stream in multiple platforms because I don’t

Want my videos to get deleted I don’t want the videos to get removed yeah I’m trying to get diamonds it’s so difficult R you stay bro the whole game is lagging I can just tell shining coming from from mid I think he wants to kill

Me this High you what do you want do you want to marry me or something I didn’t jump [Applause] the lag is unbearable to be honest should I be on egg should I be on egg or should I go and get diamonds it is garbage server being stupid as

Hell as usual so I can’t do anything about it no it get it gets worse by the way it’s not there’s no pink car anymore if it’s like 400 or like 500 ping it’s not P carry anymore bye-bye sh oh why is Lord killing me click away I’m running away from

Finally got diamonds bro I was trying so hard he’s hacking what what the hell bro he just went full speed who or he just flying he was flying in a way just so he can click Ro blocks uh is he actually hacking or is just normal or is it h not M right

M is hacking or not M doesn’t matter same [Applause] people oh why was I running away from I have like three iron sword oh my God me opening the sh uh shop takes me like seconds this ping is too much oh this woman is actually doing work

Housewife nice one or or is it you uh Rusk so what even I’m also housewife I did I did a little bit of housewife work I wish I could do more but I kept dying here from Lord and shin that M guy also killed me really we’re only a party of three and

How are we winning though it’s your yes they’re very easy to understand it’s just you that that I cannot understand girls it’s your fault because you don’t understand woman that’s your problem you don’t you don’t understand any woman what are you on about at Le I maybe who said that right right inside

Him then why did you die no unless you potion and and critical hit I mean crits okay then I obviously will die if it’s all of them are yo Manu incoming whoa he’s super speed no he was going to die I tried got on the egg on the

Egg nobody’s on the rest in peace is gone GG w we could have got this okay we were oh man wanted to keep the egg alive what’s I mean I can’t fight M when he has uh some weird type of hack I don’t know if he’s hacking or he’s

Just using elytra as a way to our team is good we should not be losing but I have a weak garbage sword bro the bro he went all the way in the heavens oh my God man is not hacking but the way he’s flying I think he’s glitching out no way

Cuz look at the way he’s flying’s he’s using the elytra as a way I don’t know it just doesn’t feel like it just feels weird bro if he was likeing he could have just fly why is why is is he using elytra it makes no sense my my brain is not braining

Oh definitely is how what so weird he’s gliding not hacking I’m not sad or mad relax look at them oh yeah definitely let’s be careful by the way the mods ah they’re sleeping or they’re either floating with girls that’s what they do they B big one the prophet has said

It this is not th Jer he’s running in a weird way boo I can kill him it’s easy to beat it says That hey end is way too mad oh my God I saw my is that ar e no way even Arie has turned into us look at that it’s very nice actually I like this one doesn’t it look nice very casual but I like it where is the archia emote on your

Server somebody needs to take a picture of this one and then he needs to emote no I need to just go near so people can take picture of him much better okay it’s good for you’re not on my team by the way yeah I think it’s broken stream tomorrow for sure I’m

Back tomorrow the old gang will return who are you talking about Argus what do you mean why didn’t they kick the hacker who who did not kick the hacker sorry I was AFK I don’t know man by the way you guys can get banned if you keep the hacker I don’t know

Bro why is col in a different team okay yeah I got two I got two I got two OB uh I think zebra got uh two uh one I can see zebra going already with Obi yeah he has one he has one I have two on the egg get

Fast no way zpra is literally fighting with K how is that even possible oh they already have the Breeze purple purple purple AAP oh Shen why you killing me what did I do may Allah give you J but damn bro o alos that that that not M guy he’s not he’s not using he’s not using kill or anything he’s just using fly it’s a bit confusing

I’m getting I’m I’m going to get diamonds I’ll be on tomorrow arus don’t worry inshah I I just stopped streaming not because I wanted to stop streaming it says I could not stop I could not stream bro I was really tired bro I was touching I told you I left at 6:30 a.m.

And I come back home at 12: these Japanese people they work so much and they were telling me like I know we work a lot you know and I know it’s very bad but like that’s how Japanese people are I’m like bro like that’s a lot of

Work they just love working to be honest like it’s in their blood I was get it I was being a house five what do you want I swear I did not see the chat at all like I had zero I’m I’m going outside the base again just to get

Diamonds so you guys can get diamonds from the cuz I upgraded the outside three then I’m going to upgrade I already upgraded two inside level to level three just want to do one UPG bro why are you always crashing oh by the way the part is broken and what’s your name what the

Hell Z I’ll try to invite you but I know the uh party thing is Broken Egg okay I’ll be on egg wait coming you need you need help ASAP I’m coming how is he hitting me from like I just keep running with no pickaxe thought I killed them kill him she just one

Hit bro all my my inventary is all messed up how did he see me y Rob oh I’m play so bad play really bad [Applause] oh we have a nun just eating of our egg I mean eating of our diamonds oh my gosh both destroyed bro stay alive if you

Can he’s so laggy Cain y fix your Wi-Fi I’m fighing someone who’s just like oh my God he’s so laggy why is everybody so laggy look oh my God it’s garbage server I want to curse the the stupid mod and Developers for not fixing the game at all whenn win I’m in mid

Why is Orange fighting the same time as they’re fighting purple that’s so crazy who’s alive in my team nobody answering me who’s the last blue alive okay look at this purple this orange he should get banned by the way for for cross steing Loki he’s doing that he’s not

Doing hiy he’s just Loki I saw him fighting uh the other blue want report this fo he’s doing a question mark like ah I saw you I why you killing another blue while the while the other what do you call this purple were fighting okay okay why am I getting this

I’m only like four so I can’t do anything I will go Fallen as usual yes why so many people talking the same time it’s so difficulty I know you are Muhammad K I can tell literally from your name I saw you in your Discord change I’m like God that is

You why did you why did you go with such a nonn name Z Muhammad Q your old name was much better Muhammad gamer 634 why people are being being so n with their names not talking what do you mean you not hear me what are you on about who took my

I hate when these non take over stuff definitely will not be able to be very very difficult for me to get party thing is broken by the way can’t do anything about it of course this gu a garbage server what do you expect what the never mind

Man where are you what do you mean can you guys not hear me bro what is this guys I’m so confused W what’s going on who I’m why half of my theme is in a different why skq was in a what how dare I didn’t know I you

Were I think the server’s like getting more more more laggy as time progresses how how dare it’s a very laggy server thank God I did not get the YouTube prank should never get it the amount of lag in the server is unbearable oh my God they a whole team do not go like

That okay even though I was hitting more but no no this is not going to work it’s okay it’s okay we still got it bro SK is in a different team but got in a minute so it’s just two of us by the way they’re red and they have op 36 that’s a

Lot I was the last person alive and they destroyed me well I tried our egg gone oh I want to go back up wait get let me get armor Oh I’m dead why is green and blue on the egg ban this guy Lord he’s literally cross teaming well I want to report him like I just want to do it but relax CL I’ll report him actually he’s playing with us aha you should get reported I

Swear no way I’m I’m not I’m not going to let this slide this so annoying he’s saying what do you mean okay no I’m going to actually do it I’m so annoyed yeah he I hope he gets banned W I hope he gets banned I don’t report people this

Time did on purpose I swear so annoying Aha uh-huh uh-huh uhhuh I hope he gets banned W I hope is Lord and the other guy the way the play so dirty o it’s cting it there okay look so dirty telling he’s he’s fighting me my hair okay the hell can you can you still join by the way try

Joining if you can it’s not working weird they’re supporting people who want to kill kids crazy who’s this another guy the invitation is broken by the way why can Samy join but then nobody else can he why are you copying me it’s okay it doesn’t matter anyone to

Play doesn’t matter it’s out of so it’s fine we’re only two who who who are you who are you reporting even even m is doing the same thing by the way I saw it it’s not I think it’s a glitch it’s not flying bro it’s not bro why why would they fly and

Then they will not use kill Ora think about it for I don’t I didn’t get any egg I mean any gold I’m the only one upgrading this guy is big [Applause] stupid why don’t we have Obby yet oh my God y it is so annoying bro you should have at least placed

It at least like a little if you have like at least three don’t take it all in place it will take too much time because because they come at at least when we have like at least three or two debrises the I can’t even invite people so like

I’m just stuck with randoms most of them so they’re not going to listen annoying bro why do you fight alone bro you will die instantly especially from that cross team yeah he’s high biggest high one in the world I’m going to report him actually bro he he was literally cross

Teaming and then he lied he said oh no I’m just uh I was telling you he’s there I know he’s there he’s he’s getting away with it ah no way I’m going to let let let him slide I hope he gets banned I do hope W I do

Hope there’s no way he like he just let that slide bro and they brought his excuse Bible [Applause] Too they’ve been cross teaming so much y okay this is so annoying I was trying to help Ros you got chat what what’s going on you want go go to be your housewife how I’m just so confused how how he is doing this guy is he just using fly that’s all

My life is good here F does not work at all I don’t know why they uhuh and we have this uh and we have this boo who’s always uh cross teing and then he’s going to lie I’m going to call him cross teer Lord I will not remove that from his

Name I’m not going to watch that can’t be oh people added me and let me just uh relog how did the whole video game beat the most viewed view in 24 hours 100 million join yos invention is broken I think the invitation is broken when they fix server I do not

Know why am I still here okay I’ll go regardless if they join or they don’t join I’ll go Fallen I’m not going to wait the game’s going to take way too long skull and bols yeah cuz there were no mods oh the community is garbage oh of course we’re part of

It yeah all they do is with girls it’s problem focus on your job horny as hell what nothing in D Ms oh wait yeah I saw that I was so mad I did on purpose you should get banned to be honest I’ll I’ll actually report him he got away with it no

Way there’s no way I I don’t usually report but this time going to do it you’re supposed to break you’re supposed to also break I mean you’re supposed to also kill him you I always do that I don’t know if if I can get if I can get your

Clip I can also post it I told you I leave the match what the hell you were like I’m not going to wait no no no no no no no but I even tried breaking through but then he was there standing and he let him break the egg did you

Guys I should have waited because this game will take so long we to do Zea when cubecraft uh becomes the best server in the world than I do Z and when it has no more faults then there will be nothing to uh mhm m mhm what Abu what

But why do he say Abu then Abu means father ah AB chub you mean chub or are you saying chub oh my God no way CH B’s dog what CH or is a what no this is not this is what language from yeah CH means shut up it’s c

Not not CH huh is is this a is it an accent it has to be an accent why is it chel maybe means Cal you are even sh yeah like abam bro don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry the stream cannot hear you anyways yes bro Sammy

Relax yeah the way you’re saying is like even morean than me you you literally said your parents are speaking aric in the house you are liar you are AR what are you on about in how do you forget how do you forget that you’re not yes I’m is out

Okay but he has been very westernized you know you you think that if you’re going to block him he’s going to go cry in the corner it’s not going to do anything if you block someone he’s roasting you by the way damn for the first time well then unmute and then

See he’s not saying anything anymore the stream cannot hear us you why why do keep saying banana to everyone I can’t go I I don’t want to go te so I’ll go Atlantis take what I will take it I can’t be asked no heo I’m not what what is

Name I don’t know what that is Ni y I messed that up [Applause] I want egg is safe H oo I’m a waste of space in this world what do you [Applause] mean want to is that Dante what is Dante doing here IGN and Dante is that the Dante himself IG and Dante

Background character Ros he wants to make an emoji because he has the same skin as us orange color so I he wants an emoji that’s why I’m making a t call like it just it doesn’t work like that you know what I mean why is this guy being so

Zesty he’s dropping he wants to drop the soap look he is big Z all right he I wanted to kill him but I was like y hit me from so far away I thought he was like way back that’s all of us that’s all of us what up

Thomas hello Thomas how are you my friend uh do whatever you want I don’t really care to be honest by the way the stream the stream cannot hear them so it’s fine the stream cannot hear them that’s why because I need to see how YouTube is doing because YouTube is very very

Strict no no no the stream can hear me but the stream cannot hear Discord that’s all the stream can definitely hear me but stream cannot hear Discord I just removed that for some time look at Sniper Wolf she literally docks somebody and then she’s okay okay with

It and again my channel is getting strikes because some bro I thought I killed him I thought I going to throw him but he’s also [Applause] do I have like a netherite pick come where I’m going to Yellow again but that M guy is there bro I cannot fight y Allah trying to

Break their egg they’re defending it all the time o I want to break the r but I can’t wait wait I’m just going to get a far Golden Apple much better but I was fighting someone with the what do you call this yeah yeah really what what’s hero speaking what is

This all there all there for me for what oh my my God I was so bad I just so goofy I had low health and I just jumped down just died instantly it’s good that you you guys cannot hear them CU they’re saying one of the most disgusting things ever in

The history of humanity bro Aros okay I understand enough enough you didn’t Gap you’re a liar you’re bad well get an armor damn get armor waffling Comey Baku why is okay oh my God I’m playing really bad this High one is on the gend the whole time look at [Applause] [Applause] him

Yes I’m talking to you in you were there the Gen I like died like 10 times like I’m still there you’re still on the Gen I’m like I have to go in mid to get diamonds below I’m going to beat the hell out of you

Wait I didn’t not say anything bad to I just said a I’m going to say this to you I’m fighting in green I said I one oh yeah I mean you are though what’s wrong with that bro I cannot you know what actually I’m playing very goofy I’m playing with

The I want to push to Green this game is going so long getting tired of it I just want to push to Green why is this game taking so long just buy a new pc there might be something wrong with your PC that is inflecting some something

Something that is there a task manager something is going on Even If you restarted your PC ah it hurts oh up we’re all that for me just to get oh my God bro what are you on about here mine damn my bad I didn’t know you were that sensitive you’re the most insenstive

Person I ever met Sammy don’t talk yeah if you say something to you you get crazy start toing obviously cuz it’s a game but I’m not I’m serious Go’s always nice what do you mean hereby I’m actually really stupid if you know that so if you call me that then then it’s

True but if you don’t call me that then you’re lying now would you want to lie to me would you want to speak truth truth to me y he called you that and he call to the word Beast bro here fine it’s okay why are

You if you roast me it’s okay herban I don’t really care man people always roast me every single day I got so used to it power is on his name power is on bro power for w i remember you you will not be able to win Power by the way

I don’t know why you can join but no one else can join they’re taking all the gold can’t do anything I got one only can you come with me no I’m on defending I’m on defending fire here BR Miss you call them a [Applause] what huh what do you mean

Where are you here Ry what happened I’m following you her come one second Allah what the Muslim or something I’m right here what do you mean I’m following you L okay I’m right here bro what are you doing I’m following you you’re trying to throw me out I mean I

Have nothing throw me out going to do anything why is shk here in the game the hell where did when did he join y a little bit serious more now why is not potato playing he joined me for no reason look at the guy right there potato IG and his name whatever

Literally you knew it right away it was Potato everybody knows it’s potato but potato I don’t understand you exactly that’s what I’m telling you that’s the that’s the thing I don’t understand Mah he praise it he praise and all then how I mean if he makes to yeah no he’s he’s praying kalas cuz he has he has but like

And what’s sadness in your heart he’s just spraying okay maybe you have no like doesn’t care can someone remove that here did did you try to kill me I think he was trying to kill me I wasn’t focusing I was like very confused on what he was trying to

Do there’s someone by the name of drag clicker he doesn’t stop he doesn’t sound directly like you okay are you the one that is doing the slts one thingy the the really yeah yes yes yes are you doing who’s doing it don’t do it don’t do it guilty it’s

Annoying but I don’t say anything but like you have to think about you have to think about other people in the VC you should never be honest with yourself no you should speak truth yeah those Chico gamer and and and we nothing were bro what was no point I think a TTV is

Alive TTV is alive no no no okay okay just keep keep focusing TTV is still alive strik was alive I was I was afraid of strik but I forgot K died so I think it’s okay I don’t know if I haven’t played the shk that much

After the update I know that after the update most people from streams they all became like Ultra Ultra garbage like de tier man not the same as before obviously it would it would be understandable bro cuz cuz they were playing they were playing like old school you know h n stupid no

Why is that fighting [Applause] naked oh I’m going to die finally I I’m trying to reach worked BOS give me give yeah the glitch is still there yeah it’s okay it doesn’t matter to me you saw Shin in set off another girl I told to be but I think X creeper Pro X is power for w someone says I oh my God you know oh what do you want to

My yo bro are they here I was lazy okay you also please thank God I muted the Discord why why why that one Rusk just we’re waffling Oh you mean that person I don’t know that person that person uh can somebody pck tell stop listening to that

Music like someone just ping him like everyone just ping him L something like that I forgot yes yes yes I just don’t want to say it on stream yes what is this guy doing is he playing like Java yo we we should get green oh never mind

Green egg is destroyed do we have diamonds who why is he fighting with me bro Shrek what happened to you Bro oh my my oh okay I was really bad to be honest was really bad like I played so bad no yes you can the why because I’m the only house five here I’m not going to search it up okay who are you talking to you then don’t switch that up your helmet

Rusk he lost it or something I just want to get a that’s all I’m happy now when upgraded cuz I am so not annoying everything oh incoming on egg on EG on egg yes no I don’t know I do actually do not know is he also the is he also a

Screamer by the way Dr clicker I don’t yeah he they box in fast they he box in fast if he box in fast then he’s a screammer but like average I mean you Auto so I understand why Sammy you’re saying I’m joking I’m joking I said you’re autoing so that’s

Why you can box in fast obviously you don’t he Sam is calling you a loser because you said he AOS I knew this guy is potato yes anything anything it’s natural to call you a loser he where did he come from goofing around it’s okay doesn’t

Matter we still got this oh he flew in bro gu is flying scroll 2.0 Maru Airlines that’s what he’s saying not me he we upgrade everything seven versus six yes I have 12 do I upgrade I just upgraded one I have five now you need it great if you

Can what did you say you did say that she’s a loser right say w you didn’t say it okay then you said it right cuz you’re not saying [Applause] W yeah focus on creeper for this guy’s a okay I oh I have a pickaxe on me oh y it’s my mistake so

Annoying you picked up the stick bro what it was so bad for me I had a pickaxe instead of my instead of my block uh in my inventory so I wanted to clutch putting pickax I was like I’m dead he’s lying you can uh ban him from the server if you want

EV I’m joking don’t ban him he a edor he was oh by the the invitation is broken so I can’t invite anybody let me try inviting you let me see if it works see if it if you can join or not yesterday yeah that’s nothing by the

Way yeah we’re just goofing around to be H we just goofing around half of the match I was lazy I couldn’t be asked I or what’s that they’re just sniping that’s all then let him you like you like when that happens to you Sammy so let it happen I know also you like it blad so do it oh you haven’t what are you are talking about guilty what no I don’t use any CL anymore I stopped I wanted to use horion but then I’ll get banned so I don’t want to use it Horan client it’s not allowed though you can’t

Use it oh my God we’re going to lose oh focus on getting the do we have all do we have all purple purple purple purple I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know did you crash might have incoming no way Blaze for the win bro we need we need to kill a

Map no bro he clicks so much nobody cares why are you still I saw you from the cor the running naked back to the base no Rusk did you kill him bro you know you’re saying these things you’ll get in trouble in the future by the way Blaze so you have to

Relax like these things are not like you can’t be joing it’s a kid bro bro relax you you forgot that you’re not a child anymore thank God I thank God muted this or else it would be so bad for you man it’s not you it’s the other people that’re going to use

You no just don’t say Somey stuff I mean s doesn’t care but like it’s the other people no I said that you won’t really care cuz you’re not going to go cancel him I’m talking about the cancel culture wait s loves it what he hea hea is a c culture what

Bro what why are you attacking hea Blaze then what I can remove the modor ru [Laughter] anything do you like her do you like her Blaze do you like her Blaze he did right he did wait you did say you have a crush on her I remember one time so you do

Y oh yeah no no no no no no at the beginning you did actually no but like it’s okay I understand you’re a guy man it’s not a big deal no just liking someone yeah this AOS man no lacking someone is not Haram what are you on about like Ling someone is

On oh my fellas where I’m upgrading y you didn’t even upgrade anything now you’re there after saw me upgrading it I’m upgrading even the other ones I see you see me upgrading this one too who’s who’s our teamate who who you talking about bro I didn’t do anything this game

At all I this zero work go go go go go go green is weak you got it go go go go go go go go everybody says that fight back oh my God this oh this guy SP bro he’s so Stupid your new skin is bad uh yes your new skin I don’t like it I don’t like your new skin he but that’s my opinion that’s all the hea master skin was good the one before was also good the one with like those green uh it’s not green but I think it’s

Like aqua color this guy inside me and blaz inside me I do not know why do you keep asking me that that question not you that guy space guy wonder you’re talking about he’s just on the G the whole time and then and then you see he’s just going to fall off where’re

Incoming who what are you saying I already have a good pickaxe yeah I knew it’s like right when he invited me 25 by the way what why la I’m not for nice one you you I’m so sorry Ros bro try to survive I can’t break okay your death was not in

Did oh my God now I’m getting I’m getting the treatment that what what R got it ah oh run run oh you killed them okay I’m on their Base by the way should I fight TTV I mean should I fight t and a shin I’m scared to fight that

Down I threw them both okay should I go back to base should I fight I don’t know I’m still thinking I’m in green base I’m fighting uh no I’m building up and I don’t like building I just want to fight to be honest but someone kill

Yeah I’m I’m just stalling them by the way monkey oh I’m dead let’s go survive nice one no actually I didn’t want to fight them at all to be honest I didn’t want to fight them at all like I was trying to just run away because I know that I would lose and

Then it just throw me but like I didn’t like just going up all the time it was so bad I’m let me just go so they they like after fighting so many people with drag SK SK has become very easy you go from purple I just go I’m

Just going to go but he has he’s going to have I mean she’s going to have bow and uh Fireball where Yos there okay do you know where exactly cuz I don’t want to up is it up he’s like an ant you know that just came out or like a cockroach

When you like throw some type of spray they just like where where where your Eternal skill is skill is being zesty he has bll got both of the kills where is this uh Kad whoa this actually a good skin actually this gu a nice skin cuz it’s

Red and black so obviously I would like it 10 out of 10 that is a Oh is is that a hijab or I thought it was not a hijab because it doesn’t look like a hijob by the way because the hair is still out but I’m saying because I like it cuz it’s red and black I don’t care I’m big n bro what the hell is bubble come

Pink I’m not in any expecting now no I want to end stream because it’s already 430 I end stream actually 30 minutes ago but let me see I literally have no one in my party everybody wants to snipe me nobody wants to Jo ending on a good note ending on a

Good note bro I have like 17 viewers bro you can roast me all you want guilty I will never feel affected did they fix the lag I mean they fix the party glitch no I not play MW uh not playing uh call of D I mean Minecraft I want to

End stream take a bit of relax

This video, titled ‘I AM BACK YOU LOSERS NON (dw i am also included in that) – cubecraft – 227’, was uploaded by Uchiha on 2023-12-08 19:52:26. It has garnered 292 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:58 or 16318 seconds.

OIIIII GTA 6 LES GO oi join discord: https://discord.gg/82ZeansZ2n

Tags minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft cubecraft, eggwars, pvp, cubecraft pvp. minecraft pvp, skywars pvp, mcpe pack, minecraft pack, cubecraft montage, cubecraft eggwars, cubecraft eggwars mega. cubecraft season 3

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    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition"That friend is basically running a petting zoo in their Minecraft world while the rest of us struggle to keep just one dog alive. Read More