I’M NOW A HERMIT!?.. | Empires SMP x Hermitcraft | #24

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to Empires where we have a fully fledged Beacon and we’re still small yep we’re still small I’ve got my Sheriff hat back we’re feeling good and um the Hermits are trying to go home but we have a plan we’re gonna stop them today but before that Joel’s asked

To meet up with me this is going to go either way it’s gonna be a good thing or a bad thing and a good thing is subscribing if you haven’t already appreciate that hit the button hit the Bell thank you so much let’s go meet Joel well well well well well

Look who came Colin and what for are you doing uh well I’m I’m doing all right I’m doing okay uh the Hermits are planning to go home and I’m a little bit upset about that because um I’m about to lose a friend um so me too me too I’m gonna stop them

But yeah yeah what’s up how are you doing well you know the Hermits are going home right and I’ve been watching them analyzing them as a species and they do a lot of stuff together right like they built that massive Tower and yeah it made me realize that I

I I don’t like having enemies I need friends and although we’ve had our differences and we’ve been pranking each other some of us more than the other one uh you on me obviously on that one uh I think you’re mistaken but carry on well I thought it’s time for us to

Settle our differences uh Jim so I’m kind of okay it’s sorry it’s just you keep looking at my knees and it’s really awesome sorry sorry sorry there we go I’ll look directly in your eyes nice okay so I’ve built something for us something to oh sorry just getting attacked

Uh so at spawn I’ve built somewhere because you know you had your book of law yeah which started this whole thing because I disagreed with your laws I thought they were outdated well if you want to come with me follow me all right okay what is this I built something I

Built something Jimmy it’s what I would imagine is what would happen if we our Empires had a baby and this is what would be produced oh my gosh take me inside okay well you can take go up the Stepping Stones if you want oh I just noticed myself come on yeah yep parkour

A bit of parkour oh it looks like you’re worthy I am worthy oh my gosh welcome to the new law building whoa spell it different ways law and law inside if you want to come in this is the building the law building of peace

Law and the law and this is the book of law well that’s the thing I was thinking right we we we we come up with our own book of law together one that we both agree on okay one that isn’t favoring someone more than others just saying

About their hat it was a bit too focused on their hat to be honest okay all right yeah yeah okay so we’ve each got like I was thinking right we both write down on these books here yeah what we want the laws to be okay the laws of what books just just

The server in general okay all right um so you write down a couple of laws and I’ll write down a couple of laws yeah let’s go for two each okay and then um okay let me have a little think there we go so let’s have a look at yours

First then shall we uh make sure there are peace between Empires is is peace but sure we can alter that all right sorry sorry I’ve got to be in English and then uh number two is don’t make any jokes about toys and stuff because no one’s a toy in Empires that’ll be really

Strange and bizarre that’s like a good one I think to like okay kind of have across the server number one you can’t insult other people’s height so that kind of comes into you as well because like you’re small and obviously we can’t really talk about that uh and obviously I’m really

Tall so we like people can’t talk me over being tall and stuff um yeah all right and uh so murder is fine as long as it’s a funny murder right you’re gonna have to convince me on that one give me it give me an explanation what would Define so give me

A funny scenario so you’re streaming right yeah and Scar comes in out of nowhere and he yells hot guy and he shoots and kills you and it’s funny because everyone in the stream’s like um and it’s okay if I SM if the person who’s been killed

Has a cheeky-like grin or a smile or even goes like that’s funny they found it slightly funny so it passes all right okay okay all right I get it so I think we combine these uh don’t make any jokes about toys okay yeah we’ll stick with that right I’ll

I’ll go along with that law yeah as long as you call me tall I’ll say you’re a human if you say I’m tall all right this is sounds like the start of a great relationship let’s make the yeah all right that sounds great bye Joel yeah it’s it seems my uh our new

Friendship has broken my Minecraft nice look at that right there’s two more things we need to do just the just to solidify everything in place number one we need to go take all the things off the shelf um if there is any left and um close that section of the store

If we could please uh okay but there are no toys left in there just letting you know you took them all okay could we just like put a sign up saying um oh my I didn’t did I oh actually if they are still there I

Know where they are and can we just burn them or something I found those ones oh okay could we just close that section of the aisle please you know what I’ve got them here well on the way home back to yours we could um we could uh we could burn them because

I think I um oh Hermes an apology um I’m not sure if Hermes is even there where is your son he’s with his other dad oh well don’t worry about it apologizing another time all right okay another time okay all right okay we can do that let’s uh let’s quickly let’s

Quickly go burn these things and then uh oh there’s lava right here let’s use this all right goodbye little fellas took me so long to gather those do you know what is that all of them that was really now I know that our friendship is real and true because of

That you watching me burn them that was good oh my gosh it’s not real and it’s not true because he’s logged out again oh my gosh well you know what Jimmy this sounds like the start of a new friendship it does feels good feels great now we can actually work together

Yeah and we can stop them Hermits leaving we are we’re gonna stop them they’re not going anywhere Yeah by any means necessary by Fun murder as long as it’s funny as long as it’s funny it’ll be fine right I’ll catch you in a little bit friend bye-bye friend bye-bye

That felt weird but good okay so I’m at this thing you know what it is we all know what it is it’s the rift and this is what the Hermits actually came through and that is looking big and strong and now Grumble has arms I don’t know what happens when grumbot has arms

But like me and flip said last time we are working together and these Hermits ain’t going home scar is staying with me flip head to the rift let’s hide this baby on my way nice okay cool sweet I I honestly don’t know how we are going to hide this but we will

We’ll do something oh there he is there he is there he is uh I’m here what’s going on yeah um it’s time to uh hide this thing time to hide this thing sorry can you stand on the slab yeah oh sorry yeah yeah sure again yeah thank you thank you thank you

Um so yeah we need to hide this because like we said last time Hermits they’re planning to go home grumbot has arms dude I don’t know what that means what’s is that he has a face yeah base has a face yeah they call him grumbot face

Face face with bass face it has a face base arms and it’s it’s got hands and it’s pointing over here yes you think they’re going back through the rift like they’re not just gonna like make a new one they’re gonna try and use this guy again

I think that guy is facing this way he has his hands pointing up like he has an idea and I have a feeling that that idea might be something to do with this so I think well conveniently being a goblin I always carry Stone on me so what if we

Just hide this behind a big stone wall and pretend like it’s never been here yeah I I guess we could make it out like the the rift got swallowed up you know like those movies here I don’t know about that yeah I think we do that like there’s those

Movies where they have like a big crack in the wall and then it gets swallowed up and everyone’s like yay oh my gosh cool things no more trouble we just do that yeah yeah start doing this so we just start filling in I like that around and just like nothing ever happened they

They just came here somehow we don’t know how they got here and it definitely wasn’t through a rift right it just they just appeared they were crazy popped out yeah it was it was a weird dream and now they’re just gonna hang out with us we’d have more friends to play Minecraft with

I love that um have you got any stone I’ll help you out I mean yeah there’s a whole box over there buddy oh yeah sorry sorry yeah the Box let me just uh it’s all good it’s all good this is where we just hosted a really interesting concert a while ago yeah

That’s that’s all this is yeah really good concept weird platform where we had a concert yeah really good one as well really good one at that okay all right pretty good to me yeah that looks pretty good I think it’s I think it’s fine yeah I think it’s fine I think there’s

Another thing we can do obviously this kind of looks like this bridge kind of looks like it’s leading to somewhere uh just somewhere yeah to somewhere so I’m thinking oh I’m thinking we uh Maybe blow up the the Gateway whoa whoa not the stroke boxes oh not me or the

Shulker boxes right so we got basically not the shulkers three two one get rid of the bridge blow the debris go light it up flip oh my gosh oh we’re just gonna do the bridge nice on your way back just just hit the blocks yeah we’re just gonna get the

Imagine the explosion works really well yeah it didn’t it didn’t do great so I’m thinking also just beyond this one here oh get the banner back up very important nice what if we build a little like barricade here not for any reason of course because there’s nothing here

That’s worth guarding but we just built like a few little walls uh yeah sure so we can like watch over the area we’ll just we’ll become like like the night watch you know yeah yeah I like that um I’ve got loads of spruce in here so I’m

Thinking we do something like this just kind of tracing along here up to probably like this height maybe this could this could work right up to here that’s a good like vantage point to look down on people and you’re building off by a block but you know that’s fine what am I that’s

My problem let me just we’re just gonna ignore that one eventually right the fort is complete it is it is and there’s there’s really no reason for us to build a fort here because nothing was ever here that’s just a plane yeah it’s just

A rock we call it the rock we just we love the rock yeah yeah we we like the rock so the rock is this is our new secret Clubhouse hangout space I need a name we need a name just for doing deputy sheriff activities yeah you got a

Name in mind I think Mr Sheriff fought riffless that’ll be good do you like that yeah yeah like a music riff because neither of us are musically talented oh neither of us can make a riff that’s why it’s true or riffless true and taken over at the bar did the con I was

Thinking that perfect I was about to make that link oh my gosh right amazing should we put up a sign somewhere should we put up a sign like for riffless yeah have you got yeah let’s let’s do right back here okay uh Fort riffs this nice I think that’s perfect nice

Yeah I think that’s great yeah that’s amazing yeah no I think that’s great awesome perfect and now uh we can uh just kind of keep watch up here not for any reason or anything just want to make sure nobody else comes into our clubhouse and uh

Only me and you it’s all good yeah it’s all great right I’m gonna go back Sheriff back together always back together we always come back together right I’m gonna go tumble town you go back to Goblin and uh if we ever need to meet here I’ll just put in the chat ruthless

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah we got it okay cool perfect amazing I’ll see you in a little bit goodbye Sheriff okay it’s been a couple of days I need to go check back on the fort um see how Fort riffless is do oh we’ve had some changes speaking of which

What’s going on here hey hey look at our new Fort member picks hi no that’s pix that’s pixel riffs no I mean no no no no no no no no you gotta you’ve got to be picks here because why what wait because because this is for riffless oh it’s

Ripless of course there’s no Rift here there’s nothing there’s just pigs Iron Wall I was here hanging working on some things trying to keep Tango here some more and I ran into picks while he was building a thing and uh I think I should let him take it over from here

And describe what’s yeah what’s going on here yeah Jimmy um grumbot is a doomsday device like we have learned through conversations with him we’ve been investigating him as part of the the law unit uh with me and sausage and Catherine Ollie and they talked to grumbot it turns out he thinks this

World has no purpose and he just wants it gone what um but hey he looks kind of just like a normal little guy I think about wants to destroy the server he he wants to blow up the server and the entire world but we already did that I mean I oh okay all

Right that okay how do we get rid of him this is why flip found me because I’m building a missile that’s probably now going to be our last resort in order to blow him up oh my gosh but if it might not even come to that because Flip’s got

An idea of of keeping the Hermits here and we’ve got a couple of yeah like defenses now in place the Hermits built it right so the hermit should be able to turn it off okay but when he turned on the Riff turned on and now we’re in a

Little bit of a pickle here so picks built these which we have Arrow launchers and TNT launchers you might want to move away a little bit right there okay okay uh so testing with arrows you can see Works boom Oh my gosh oh that’s amazing you’re gonna use this

As a deterrent to keep them way but if they do make it in there’s a lever here pull the lever and Boop we can trap him in a nice little hotel room I’ve set up down there where it has a bed it’s got a plant it’s got a little table wait how

Do you want to leave wait how far does it go down oh my God and there’s cats there’s cats wait by the way you do know there’s a lot of pigment behind here right that yeah it’s screaming they are screaming um they must be they must be trapped in the

Glass because they can’t leave one way or the other and then go back through to the nether oh oh my gosh final deterrent there’s our they won’t want to go in there it’s infested with pigs the army of pigment yeah I love that I love that

This is insane we gotta we gotta be on watch here Jimmy we gotta be on watch so I’ve I’ve just ended my shift so you’ll be on here right you got this wait uh he’s gonna finish his missile and then we’re good yeah yeah yeah I might need

You to take another shift uh I need to just I know I know I just need to go one last chance one last chance to convince scar not even to to even you know be interested in going home can I have this one last shot and I’ll be back I’ll do

The rest of the shift it will be fine you know what it’s I got a thing to manage too so I you just be back in a few right it’ll be I don’t think I don’t think it’ll be a problem it should be okay I don’t think it’ll be a problem

Like that yeah that’s fine that’s fine we’ll see how it goes right uh by the way these buttons they do anything on we no no no those are the decorations these battles I wish they did these bells the bells the alarm morning Bells the warning when he comes

Ring the bell sound a horn this little bit come running this little bit of redstone here that’s blood that’s my blood I took a blood Jimmy wait I wanted to I want to do a blood Oak wait has anyone got any Redstone is anyone burning I’m fresh yeah I’m fresh

Out I might have some hang on he took the Blood Oath but you didn’t this what’s this what’s this about why didn’t you take the blood of my fair strap server defending already and it’s just yeah well it seems it seems only all right all right all right where’s

Where’s a piece of redstone give them one more give him one okay okay give him one more it only seems right that the sheriff of the server must take the Blood Oath also Let’s Line them up alongside the rest of them here’s my Blood Oath to defend the server there it is the

Lines a line of redstone that does nothing it does nothing but we know it’s intimidating it is sure it does something yeah all right anybody anybody crosses this line of our Bloods blood will be spilled this day exactly right okay you stay here just for a second break time everybody will get

Your juice boxes chill we’ll and we’ll pick up the watch when we get back yeah yeah it’s it’s all right okay right I’ll see you in a little bit bait oh Jimmy hello gymster hello oh there he is there he is there’s my little guy look at how

Beautiful he looks he’s got you know you’re not gonna leave me are you you’re not going on used hold on let me get down to your level of geez Louise oh please please God you’re not going are you you’re not going I I I I’m going I gotta

Go home I’ve left a cat running a theme park it’s a whole thing and I I gotta get home I’ve got balloons ordered I have churros coming I’ve got Slurpees on the way also it’s a whole thing I’ve got to get to plus Christmas we gotta get

The Christmas decorations up at the park how can I convince you to stay please anything anything some sunglasses do you want some sunglasses yeah I’d love some sunglasses there you go that’ll make you stay oh go on put them on look at these oh my oh my gosh you

Look so cool oh my my mouth looks very peculiar it doesn’t really uh it really accents my nose it really does I look horrendous in sunglasses this looks like a demon you look great you look amazing you look incredible you’re my favorite Deputy you

Are I can’t let you go the time has come Jimmy all right there’s always the time in everyone’s life where they have to make decisions all right come with me like you have a decision you have to make at some point wait what and we’ve talked about this together at the beginning

What is that embracing who you truly are inside no if you’re talking about who I think you’re talking about I I’m not talking about anything I’m not talking about anything I just want you to know one last time that Woody does not define you you define yourself you’re an MCC

Champion I am yeah put your head up high put your head up high I want to see an eye there we go you’re at MCC Champion you’re a share of a great and powerful Empire yeah no matter if anyone calls you a toy nor not or Woody which I find

Nothing wrong with Woody you are Jimmy the sheriff the most powerful Empire and MCC clutch champion yeah episode that upon you and this wait what that looked enormous for a minute in your hand you’re hot a gift bow you are worthy of the Velocity it’s easy am I keeping this you are keeping

It it is a gift it is a gift for you because as I said you are a master of the velocity and if anyone strikes you down you have the power of the hot guy to come after them or if they call you a toy you can you can blast them with that

As much as you want sure and if they have a problem well they can take it up with hot guy himself or cute guy that’s Grand all right okay thank you so much thank you come come on come on come with me again you wanna oh wait you

Can open those doors like a big man I love it um there’s a little gift in here a little gift in there really yeah yeah if you just slipped past me that um hello I’m here hey oh where are you oh wait here I think you need a Steppy stool you can’t

Really see me you can only see the top of my hat but um here can you see me now here we go I I oh no that didn’t really help but that’s fine that’s okay um there you you’re not going anywhere bud you stand right there stand with me into town

You made me do me in jail after I gave you the Hawkeye bow you made me do it Scott I can’t I can’t let you go have you seen how much you’ve done Round Here Jimmy if you don’t open the door I’m gonna call you something [Laughter] Come on come on come on come on is this goodbye scar oh God ah I mean it is it is a goodbye it is a goodbye green said that grumbot’s got hands he’s slightly evil apparently in this world but just to let you know yeah just

Before you go yeah I’m not I’m not gonna let you guys you know you as as the Hermits go easy there is gonna be a little bit of a challenge before you go I I I’m gonna have to be stepping in your way but just know that you are my my favorite Deputy

Okay I I and you’re my favorite sheriff and maybe if whatever you’re planning on doing maybe you just directed away from me I’ll I’ll avoid you at all costs you’ll avoid me head off Cuts well Jimmy it has been a pleasure and an honor look at this we’ve built trains look at this

Look at the mighty Luxo Express Jimmy it actually has been really fun I really appreciate you let me be in your village and or your Empire and it’s been so fun building here so yeah it’s been great it’s been great to have you you’ve helped so much I wouldn’t have been able

To do any of this and hopefully uh we meet again soon hopefully you me again oh we will we will remember whatever you’re planning directed it the other way I won’t I I will I mean I will lift the chess monster up on the hill there’s nothing I can do about it it’s

All right bye bye now to get back to my shift at the Restless Fort riffless because I have a feeling these Hermits they’re gonna be coming in soon oh oh I see them they’re looking at the thought I think yeah they’re going to grumbles they’re looking over guys Joe they’re

Looking at us I’ve got a bad feeling about this oh the Swarm is moving oh my gosh oh gosh all right um that right guys they probably think the rift is here but what they don’t know is that we moved it right that’s the story we move

Hello welcome to Fort riffless what can we do for you well you’ve definitely got a riff in the riffless no no there’s a pixel refs right there no no he’s just picks now he’s renounced the refs he’s right we’re trying to learn how to play music we’re not very good there’s really nothing

Else Happening Here guys I can see like the corner of the rift that you’ve like missed I don’t know what you’re talking about that’s the way there’s we don’t know what you’re talking about there’s a decoration on here look I we would like to leave as soon as humanly possible

And I would like you to stay as humanly impossible we would like to talk to you all about that you built a Doomsday Machine and I just kind of leaving can you get rid of the Doomsday Machine let’s let’s hold off a second let’s just talk I’m a sheriff all right I’m the

Good guy here all the close guys they’re getting really close no no no you want me to Hawkeye I think maybe Scott just do not even think about it do the horn do the horn throw some GMG do the horn do it guys guys Panic stations listen up it’s all good

Nothing’s happening here no you don’t need to leave all the Hermits let’s back up a sec let that just got a little out of hands that’s also bad can you just remove a couple of blocks of stone and look listen we’ll just go in there just go and we’ll be out of

Your hair right right guys guys let me let me get onto their level my friends and not going anywhere staying right here having fun with us look at those fun people right scar you think we’re fun right Scott oh yeah I’ve had an enjoyable time but I’m ready to go home now

This is your new home look at your house it’s huge you’re all weirding everything these pearls it’s really drastic yeah robot will Purge everything if you don’t let us leave please just Purge let’s go guys let’s have them come with us through through to the Fort come on come through

To the floor come on come through to the floor oh my gosh I flanked them that [Applause] that was chaos um what that was Jimmy oh my God no why have you done this to my little Grandpa big mission mustache I’m gonna try and stop him um

Keep him down keep him down keep him down give me blocks give me blocks give me blocks I can stop it I can I’ll grab him don’t worry guys I’ll get him yeah I’ve been training for this yes good job now guys let’s all watch it happen right here does he live

That’s horrific demolition you’re saying we think we should go through yeah you should follow it let’s go here I’m a little scared I’ve got nothing yes I’m going This week on hermitcraft me [Laughter] that’s right folks I made it all right turn it off turn it off right have we blew that up we killed this there’s another one wait am I big am I big you are big we’re here now

This video, titled ‘I’M NOW A HERMIT!?.. | Empires SMP x Hermitcraft | #24’, was uploaded by Solidarity on 2022-12-06 18:03:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome to Empires SMP Season 2! A Minecraft 1.19 survival multiplayer server. Each player will be taking on their own biome …

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    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

I’M NOW A HERMIT!?.. | Empires SMP x Hermitcraft | #24