impulseSV2 – 12/16/2021 – Twitch Rivals: Minecraft Best on the Block w/ False, Iskall & Stress! (Stream Replay)

Video Information

Oh yeah what’s going on everybody my internet semi working today for now how’s it going how’s everybody doing we ready for some twitch rivals it’s been a while it’s been a while since i’ve been in twitch rivals i’m not like you know the best minecraft speedrunner on the planet but we have fun

And i get to hang out with some different peeps today usually i’m with like jevin and hypno and those dudes cub fan but today i get to hang out with false and iskall in stress which is awesome we’ve kind of shaken the teams up a little bit said you know forget about

This north america versus europe we’re hermits let’s shake them up and see how we do and so today’s gonna be a little different it’s gonna be fun uh twitch rivals is cool if you guys don’t know what it is it’s there’s like 20 teams of four we’re gonna be competing in like

Five different game mode styles in minecraft to see who’s the best on the block [Laughter] and uh and there’s some prize money on the line there’s some there’s there’s sixty thousand dollar prize pool uh so depending on where we place we could get a little taste of some of that moolah

But we’re not going to be ultra competitive today i think uh we we mainly want to just have some fun and uh yeah i mean we’re all competitive of course but you know we’re not gonna go crazy uh you know we’re just gonna have some fun and hang out together and and uh

All right false is gonna be competitive i’m along for the ride i’m going to let her carry on what block what type of block uh we’ll say quartz we’ll say of course it’s best block in minecraft right so internet today is looking it’s looking good all right uh internet story

This week okay here’s the song you want the saga we got a few minutes saturday i had a dunkin stream playing mario kart about halfway through that stream my internet just tanked and i had like one megabit per second upload speed and that’s not enough to stream at least not

At a decent quality anyway and so i had to cut out midstream and sunday i was checking the internet it was back to normal so i thought oh they must have just been doing some maintenance on it or whatever everything’s fine streamed monday monday stream was great perfect quality internet was fine

Tuesday rolls around it was time for skizzleman and i to do a naked and scared season 23 kickoff live on twitch and as i was talking to him in voice on discord he noticed i was real body checked my internet it was bad again back down to like one meg

So had to cancel that stream of course i was pretty upset so at that moment i called cox communications which is my internet service provider said come on you know come on out to my my place and figure out what’s up with my internet i also checked with my neighbor and he was

Getting the same problem same issue so when the cox dude came i said look there’s no need to come in my house the internet issue is on the for the entire neighborhood and so he went out and checked the uh the outside bits and he came to me afterwards and he’s like

It’s bad it’s bad i ran all sorts of tests and you’re getting 30 packet loss and all sorts of other issues he mentioned and he’s like since it’s affecting the whole neighborhood i’m gonna put in an emergency order but it’s still gonna take him a few days and i’m like dude

I got a competition tomorrow i gotta be in twitch rivals there’s money on the line can’t do anything better than that no so i’m still waiting for them to come actually fix the neighborhood until then i’m like on in this internet that’s on shaky ground it could it could go it

Could go in the middle of the stream um so if if all of a sudden we start getting buffering and i’ll look over and i’ll see some drop frames and stuff i don’t know what’s gonna happen i don’t know what’s gonna happen in order for me to participate fully in twitch rivals i

Have to be live like 100 of the time well maybe not a hundred but anytime i’m in the match i have to be live i think it’s their way of like making sure i’m not like cheating or something so if internet goes down and i’m going to

Let my team down i’m like i’m more nervous about the internet than i am about the actual competition like i told my wife before we started i’m like i got this like pit in my stomach that i that i don’t usually get before these things and this is this is

Mainly due to like me not knowing if my internet’s gonna hold out for this so and this event could go like four hours potentially so that’s that’s a little nerve-racking right i don’t have a hot spot and it’s upload speed that’s hard that’s hard to do uh it’s it’s hard to do so

Anyway uh okay let me check in let me just check and see where we’re at have they like given us ips and stuff there’s announcements oh i p for the server do not leak roger that okay i p for the server do not leak hang on whoop all right we’ll go here

Ask your neighbors to go can everyone in the neighborhood just get off the internet for a little bit because i need to i need to do this twitch rivals thing can you do that all right you guys don’t see my you don’t see my screen right you don’t see it

Triple check it it’s a very adamant that we do not leak this this ip address no you don’t not even sharing my game you can’t see it twitch rivals server resource pack enabled they said make sure it says enabled okay done i’m gonna pop this to the top because at that point

If we get disconnected or whatever i want this at the very top of my list so i can easily get back in okay i think we’re okay double check we’re in we are in oh that lag like somebody joined options music everything’s good okay we’re good i think that’ll be fun

Uh so they’re letting us use optifine today which is neat so i can zoom that’s it no other mods just have to find regular like vanilla optifine if that’s a thing just checking on the others make sure who’s on my team today it’s going to be false symmetry iscal and stress

So yay i consumed today i know right feel weird if i couldn’t uh let me see i think outside these doors is the arena anyone else getting lag spikes yes sir all right typical twitch rivals lobby you guys should be familiar with this we can practice our parkour i haven’t

Played any minecraft today i feel like i should jump around and uh see if i can warm up my parkour skills actually i got false on my team she can carry she can carry yeah they’re live it’s just we haven’t decided to join each other just yet we still got a few minutes

And i’ll take those few minutes actually because you guys have been amazing as usual so as we’re getting started here elsev thanks for the 21 months a7 28 months uh rage thanks for the five months i was just here to check your schedule and i’m here i’m here on time what do

You know i actually followed my schedule for once if it wasn’t for the internet issues we would have been streaming so much this week i think i had seven streams scheduled for this week hopefully it holds up uh but yeah we’re here for now kitten mom thanks for the four months

Sir was a lot thanks for the 500 bitties merry christmas to you as well kitty bunny thanks for the prime sub honda night in the house 28 months thank you man appreciate it bone daddy thanks for the 20 months dear nicole thanks for the prime sub meera star 10 months colt

Heart 12 months dhd thank you for gifting out that sub kate carnage thanks for the 10 months grenda grinder i never get your name right 500 bits thank you so much it says good luck from escalia nice thank you clear cab two months derek thank you for the 28 dog 26 ism 11

Scruffy eight hal thanks for the five dollar can you dig it i do have my um they’re muted right did it go off or did it was it muted okay i’m gonna mute the alerts just so they’re not like going off in my ear as my teammates are trying to like talk to

Me so i’m gonna mute the alerts they should still pop up on screen it’s just not gonna make the audible noise and i’ll probably like turn down the music in my own ear you guys should hear music it’s usually pretty faint for most people but at least it’s not like extremely quiet

Should still be there seeing a little bit it’s not loud who’s on my team it’s it’s false stress and iscal today and we’re just waiting to get started let’s see mean we’re here in the lobby we’re here in the lobby let’s let’s see if we can parkour just a little bit

Among us would be friday yeah we’re hoping to do among us friday again it all depends on whether or not my internet’s gonna behave like my stream schedule i set it i wanted to like go 100 miles an hour this week with the streaming and internet put a uh

Put a brake on me so we’re just gonna do our best we’re gonna do our best and see what happens hal thank you so much for the five dollars it says if you want to a way to get mumbo to kill a mob prepare instant health potions a regen beacon or some

Other way to heal him whack him with your sword a mob until one of the armor pieces break replace it with netherride item with thorns two oh get mumbo to wear thorns three get mama to wear thorns he would have to be like afk i mean i don’t know feels like uh

It feels like a cheaty way to do it but i’m with you that would work if if somehow he mistakenly put on thorns three that would be funny sixer thanks for the 11 months evan rude thanks for the three king arthur thanks for the prime this is one of those like situations where

I know like everybody’s off talking to their chat but we’re all kind of like looking over to see who’s gonna who’s gonna like unmute in in the team discord first i need to warm up excuse me excuse me i’m trying to i’m trying to do parkour here oh sad

Oh i go for the white i go for the the big one i always do that i always think i need to go to that there’s too many people on that one there’s too many people on that one let’s go for this one oh somebody fell out of the world and i got

A huge lag spike oh man i should have warmed up i should have played a bunch of minecraft today is it is this guy look at us we’re okay oh man i made that jump even all right where’s the next jump that guy way over there let’s see you do it ha ha

Okay i didn’t do it either this this is my my achilles heel in these competitions is the parkour so we probably should oh lag spike on that jump that wasn’t fun come on now yep uh that’s this guy right far one ha ha this may be the furthest i’ve ever gone actually no

Okay okay i mean that’s pretty good that’s pretty good i was feeling it i was feeling it is is scale talking to tumbo this girl’s talking to tobo in chat what is he saying i didn’t mean it badly i’m just busy okay oh geez okay don’t know what they’re doing

Yes lots of shifting when when we’re parkouring jump on the block shift is like he puts on the brakes it like sticks you to the block right king arkansas thanks for the prime mark thanks for the tier one the wolf thanks for the four hazard thanks for the five

Fuse thanks for gifting out that sub you guys are the best appreciate it spunky mcfun pants love the name tier one four months appreciate the resub says you were you were looking great good luck today thank you so much how’s internet doing okay internet’s hanging in there

Okay i’m going to iskall and stress of undeafened i’m going to do the same oh hello because i thought that you forgot to take me off hello hello hello i’m gonna test some buttons on my go xlr is that okay i’m gonna go yeah i’m gonna count to

Five and you guys tell me if you hear the whole thing okay okay one two three four five and we didn’t hear three and four we didn’t have three employees okay so i can mute myself to you guys quick quickly sweet oh so like you know when i’m like

Hey so-and-so thanks for the gift sub you know i you go you don’t have to hear that are you is this pre-marketing for gift subs yeah yeah exactly let’s get them going let’s let’s go is it time for another hype train yet let’s see wow wow

Oh wow thank you so much for the 500 oh sorry sorry i forgot to mute sorry i forgot to mute that hello yeah i’m on something oh you’re over there i was trying to warm up some parkour because that’s gonna be my my achilles heel so oh is there parkour in there somewhere

Probably even the temple one had parkour remember the uh the fiery part yeah that’s true this has got like glass parkour i this is the thing where you launch which house are you guys in the archery one yeah yeah the first one there we go we should read

Purple balloons and gold balloons where are they oh how are you doing oh that’s what the balloons look like okay come over here we’re in the back dress where all the games are how are you oh yeah going all the way through the building yeah they’re looking everywhere look at

The zuma they’re like what is this mouse doing i’m just a bit different oh man i’m going to go and get straight anyways guys look at the balloons balloons look at this i’m really slow can i not i didn’t i didn’t know that’s what they would look

Like so that’s just used up their speed this [Laughter] okay so if we see a golden one we all should focus on it right three rounds no i think we need to split up because it only takes one hour to hit it right okay false you’re our captain today captain

Dear captain thank you rage you decide okay Did that just turn did that just turn them down for you guys and i couldn’t find where you were so i was like okay i’ll be by myself crow crosstalk terrifying go go go i guess we can’t all just swim constantly that’d be hilarious like the whole team swimming around no

Oh dude it would be really fun team in the most part okay i didn’t get the uh wear your christmas sweater memo no dressed was the only one that did it and then i copied her i’m i’m wearing a christmas sweater mine went on at the beginning of december so well i see

It’s fine it’s fine impulse you and me are wearing our christmas sweater it’s also our summer sweater and our easter sweater exactly we’re just more efficient we’re just more efficient that’s how it is i have 365 of these actually so i only have to do laundry once a

Year oh man do you change every day i change every third day uh i’m gonna ruin impulse i’m gonna ruin impulsive skin for everyone forever oh no why do you have an upside down exclamation mark in your chest what do you do oh I wish you could name me dinnerbone and i could flip over and then it really would make sense wouldn’t it be so funny actually actually i’m gonna have to make a mod where i can spawn in an impulse burning and just flip it over yeah yeah [Laughter]

Come on you can do that on vault hunters you guys can do anything totally yeah 100 new easter egg find the exclamation mark flipped over and pulse okay so this is the archery and then next it was the oh yeah let’s let’s let’s try it oh yeah uh

Flying swimming and running what are you good at i’m not good at any of that you can run i just saw you run literally from that house to this house okay that one should be running running oh no swimming i’m not i’m not really yeah of a large track

Dang this is gonna make it so hard for false to carry if it’s a relay yeah is this a relay also carrying yeah okay all right there’s gonna be a lighter rings you know you know last season we had the electro rings and we did that flying course yeah they’re back here you

Can have a look at them here they look like this oh there you go i was gonna say i just cut myself off as soon as you were like ah that’s not big enough [Laughter] you up red one slow you down apparently yeah but but look there’s a barrier

Block that if you get stuck or lost you use that to go to your last checkpoint oh like you click on it or something which is nice so like be quick on that if you if you’re like gonna let me know it’s something you’re gonna have on your hot

Bar i suppose oh well you will be spectating so we can also say you know hey you might want to click that bad boy wait this one’s not really is it yeah it says really oh it is okay there’s two relay races then was the other one then what’s the next one

The next one the ice boat one right oh it might be oh no wait it’s what is this i’m not gonna control control i’m not gonna lie i didn’t know what the relay was so i had to google it on the side i’m sorry you shouldn’t just ask this is what it’s

Like to have an idiot on your team oh yeah so have you guys pla i know isco has played this stress i have not played this one either and it’s basically like you there’s gonna be an area like this with a beacon it won’t have a collar until a team

Takes the area okay and then it’ll you know if we’re team purple this would then be ours and someone will try and battle us for it basically oh and you get points for the longer longer you hold it so we got to pvp them off hold the point yeah yeah

And i can say from experience like from experience it’s important that you like you got to give up on a point if it’s like three teams coming for it then just go for another point is better sticking together and two that are close together is the best option i think okay

Stick together follow instructions they’re always two together oh keep getting freeze lag yeah yeah yeah that’s good me too it’s like when people should love me or fall out of the world and stuff it seems like yeah all right so then the next one’s the the ice thing it

Looks like a rush yeah oh scoring let’s see oh god dean’s place for hell oh god dang so much pressure it’s like individual but still team oh is there enough room for us yes come in here where are you on the taller piece it’s it’s because i have okay i have the

Butt issue i told you about in private my butt cannot get cold because yes it’s full cinnamon you’re the one that said we have to stick together false okay okay this is a team okay this uh-huh this is paul’s you sure you’re you’re sure you’re changing that sweater every day because okay

Well i i have 365 doesn’t mean i change them every day [Laughter] okay uh yeah next one so this is just like mario kart i’m still in the boat mario kart yeah the bolt thing yeah the boat yeah we’ll be sliding around like when it’s raining yeah yeah yeah yeah

And this is the elements which i got confirmed from the dev that they have changed the contents of the oh challenges so it’s not the same oh man you have to escape from this one yeah it’s just you have to complete four different challenges what’s it like an escape room or sank

Sort of yeah there’s like symbols will be flying one room will be pvp and the other one will be something else i don’t know does anyone have to complete the parkour no no there’s checkpoints oh there are checkpoints yeah we should totally abuse that this time false because we didn’t realize

Oh yeah once somebody hits a checkpoint just die right in case someone you know fails or whatever yeah there’s no i’m i am just really bad at parkour all right it’ll be your chance to practice right well the problem is i don’t have the patience for it no yeah

That’s why i don’t do it very often no no no i can’t even stay on these blocks i know this is oh oh there’s parkour underneath by the way that you can practice maybe that’s what we were doing down there yeah follow me i’ll show you i’ll show

You okay where are you at yes and then i believe that the hard thing is over here oh no this is this is really hard this is the tricky one impulse around this corner it’s all right oh i felt oh okay i have i have landed

It so i know it’s possible i did it oh yeah oh you did it for the first try [Laughter] yeah when not under the actual pressure yeah yeah oh man oh wow there’s a lot of people online could you imagine mumbo having to do this holding shift with his thumb or

Whatever he does like oh man impossible oh my god of course my mouse is inverted so there’s that yeah that’s also kind of weird i remember like back in the days did the world just crash or what happened nice day in the world i think i’ve

I flew so far away from the world okay oh i did it again back in the days there was when i was in in the quake pro scene there was like these two camps one with inverted miles one with the not inverted mouse and there was like literal wars between the

Two thoughts of school she was like this was better because this is the way airplanes does it this one’s better because this is the way airplanes doesn’t do it it was so weird yet i was in the camp fighting right i’ve sent you all a squad stream

Um invite oh you wanna do that oh golden could do i thought that it existed okay let me see how this you can then have all four streams up at once notifications right is that where it comes in it’s on the dashboard now it’s on quick actions isn’t it like the right hand

Side oh yeah oh yes oh quick actions yeah the thing on the right uh this is the warm-up can we can we establish a squad stream quick actions four seconds start streaming stream and then you will have a tab which is invites you can add it add it with the button um

I accept it anyway yeah oh no can i oh god what’s what’s going on with the game are they gonna let us start see i don’t know they they kind of i think i just update us whenever they’re all right they’re probably doing interviews and stuff

Is there nowhere else where i can do this thing have you not found it yet it’ll be in the pink section like yeah in the pink section if you go add i think they’re different they’re color coordinated aren’t they oh start squad stream yeah yeah and then

Go on invites and it should be there invites oh i see it now do i have a cape uh i have a cape but i choose not to wear them i have a couple minecon capes but i never apply them all right If you wonder how the stream is going to go today guys that that’s it please [Laughter] i was trying to like not put pressure on the team by saying let’s just not be last but like even saying that feels like it’s putting some pressure on it there’s a big big

Like there are some big big boy teams here yeah i was looking yeah who’s here he’s here you know bamboo randby it’s no rambu i don’t know rambo you know randy no Are we starting then i think we’re starting oh no we need to get a warning okay oh how is the rainbow guy oh it’s archery round one Oh i love it snowmen everywhere candles um so do we just get the things straight away or yeah like i think we’re we’re not started fully yet right because [Laughter] Like well that’s kind of what they did with the bingo i really like they didn’t do bingo this time did they um yeah i love the bingo yeah oh oh we thought 59 seconds what do we do i don’t know two or three rounds of shoot scattered targets

Yeah the balloons are going to probably appear in front of us right yeah but we don’t have anything right so we want to hear this is kind of unfair because this is the one game that the qualifying team has played like 100 times Yeah yeah targets are worth plus three points in the third round yeah if there’s a gold one you can go four go for it yeah oh man that scoreboard’s taking up my stream should have warmed having not done this for ages players have speed too so you can cover

More ground we got it running yeah let’s spread out the spread out on the terrace because yeah i’ve got one oh they’re around the world okay got two got three what do you do there’s a gold one over here yeah which one of the gold doubloons

Yeah gold’s best if you can go for gold go for gold if someone can follow you behind like behind you and go for the purple ones maybe i’ve got a gold one gold uh if you can get purple on the way you might as well oh yeah yeah i missed it

Right there oh it’s lagging come on oh yeah oh my goodness pulled back all the way oh man oh i nailed that one sweet move quickly yeah like they’re in between the trees sort of thing so i’ve got gold one here i think we’re doing pretty good uh oh

God i’m running out of out of a city i’m out of city okay i’m my way no no i’m turning i’m turning i’m turning i’m turning i’m just saying i’ve left like a bunch on the way i’m just sort of following like a root oh i’m in

The water because the gold ones are spread out so if i keep moving yeah i should cover more of them nailed it get all the gold ones first i’m doing it i’m doing it probably ran past gold ones to be honest like my perception is not so good oh come on

Oh no there’s none on the outside where’s this gold one oh it’s there okay oh no there are no balloons here there’s nobody on the outside and there’s like no balloons it was sad i mean i’m finding them constantly like yeah you must have run the right way then yeah come on

Around coming back towards you in a bit i think no i’m with impulse i want to hit that yes [Laughter] don’t worry about the scores don’t worry don’t worry about the scoreboard over there just shoot yeah i am i am i am that’s all we’re here for oh

It’s just like all excited you know what i mean i looked over and i was like yes Teams who are winning hard here though they they must know our route because like that’s the only thing holding me back i’m not missing my shirt right you come my way yeah i’m completely out of balloons again yeah I feel like the only thing holding me back there was the lack of balloons uh stressed like follow me like run backwards instead of going with you and the other two you can go the other way where i went was to the right ear and there was loads like in

The mountain and stuff yeah i mean yeah i mean if you if you guys can come with me why don’t you go with them to the right and then i’ll just sweep the whole left side because it didn’t seem like there was a lot okay because i went i went over the bridge

Yeah i’ll go i’ll go with false um it’s cool if you go to the right and then impulse you go to the left then yeah yeah i’m gonna go towards all those yellow houses yeah that’s where i went and around uh but not a lot over there but i can at

Least if i’m by myself it’ll seem like a lot to me uh yeah i went to a cave uh impulse and did some ice ice jumping yeah it’s getting a bit hard it’s fine okay it’s easy easy still um there’s a gold one whoever’s uh here no keep going

Forgot no no i can’t follow you i’ve got to go for a different route no i saw someone’s arrow come past me that’s what i said eat the gold one if you can it doesn’t matter if we steal from each other no i know i’m just trying to go

For the i went for all the purples as well to be fair yeah yeah yeah don’t just go for gold like go for whatever’s on the way oh damn now i’m missing a lot now i have balloons but i’m missing a lot maybe the twitch compression they can’t tell that you’re missing

Just pretend you hit every single turn it down nailed it everything nailed it come on yeah yeah you just let there go and then just turn around don’t show the results yeah feel like i’m getting the exact same way i didn’t turn shoot and turn there you go

That’s fine i think they’re they’re appearing in the same places i think yeah looks like it they’re just moving a bit more there’s nothing round here oh this is boo-boos make sure you come back towards like the street come back towards me then because there’s loads my way come in

Let’s get golden oh i see a lot of yellow ones up here oh i’m on fire i shouldn’t have said that i missed the very next shot Oh there’s a gold one up there i should learn lessons nice there’s another gold one there oh i swore i saw some balloons up here but it’s the yellow banners i’m lagging a bit more last time yep oh i missed it i just wasted so much time i climbed the mountain thinking

There was like three yellow oh no no oh no yeah i’m going like a different route it’s not what i’m sure about but there are quite a lot close come on gold one nice oh i see you falling okay i’m going to turn to the right i’m going to turn around

I’ve got loads on the way back okay you keep going that way yeah although that you are going to get to a point where there’s like none so yeah i’m going up the mountain oh come on okay you go behind you then i’m lagging like my arrows aren’t registering

I don’t know i just might be a bad position seriously out of balloons i found that so many around me oh come on oh geez fail yeah i’m sorry dudes there’s not a single balloon where i’m at no you’ve got to you’ve got i think if we speak

For the route we were at before i think i’ll be honest i don’t really remember it it holy cow oh that was all right that was right we missed 200 yeah there’s there’s a lot on there thank you so much for trying to pretend we hit them all right

It literally tells you you’re doing right yeah i did i did yeah i did i went to the right hand party i’m not going to come up that way again so if you end up that way again that’s fine i’m not going to go that way

So i’ll leave those ones for you okay i’ll go the direction i went before there wasn’t as many as there was the other way though i don’t think yeah i think i got it the first time so i got a better feel for not to go when i go to the left

I mean stress if you feel like it’s better than what you did first round good do that like i saw like that was better go for it okay i’ll do that then because i got all the gold ones in that area like where i went backwards

I’ll go i’ll go left impulse i’ll go left you go right this time okay because i feel like i’m oh immediately i’m like which way switch is it oh oh they’re faster oh no the only way i can think about solving this is going underneath them

Okay false you and i are in the same spot i’m going to go into town yeah don’t i’m going to head into town so we’re not going for the same ones what town this backpack is where you want this man you know there’s like a million snowmen on this map right

There’s like one of them the only one that matters okay okay okay the other snowman doesn’t have feelings yeah they are a bit harder now yeah it does help if you go underneath them though yeah that’s smart go straight underneath and you can’t miss right that’s true well

I just did a little bit more travel time though right so that’s the sacrifice that’s the trade-off oh geez two gold doubloons i don’t want to see how many arrows missed this round oh yeah i’m missing a lot oh man it keeps changing directions it felt so easy the first time yeah when

They didn’t move yeah oh there’s a lot of times holy smokes oh we’re going down another another point oh oh stop oh you shouldn’t be looking like i should look i just it’s really disheartening i’m moving it looks kind of nosy because i feel like i’m doing great when i’m shooting

And then yeah ruins it at least then we don’t have to be disappointed until the round’s over no i don’t like to feel bad when it’s happening afterwards it’s fine though yeah yeah oh no i ran into someone i went back for a yellow balloon but someone else has been here

I’m climbing them out and it’s probably not the smartest idea yeah there is it’s just like really hard to hit this is this one’s not worth my time this was a mistake ah spit the whole round on one stupid balloon go around can you imagine just sit still just shooting arrows [Laughter]

I shouldn’t have turned i shouldn’t have tired this was like why did i want to shake the teams up impulse was on the other team he was finally there she just left him over there well i got to hear do we accept the impulse into the team he’s a

Professional here’s his scores i mean the player report that we got was kind of promising i got to be honest oh really yeah when we traded rendog for you it was like yeah this is a no-brainer it’s going to be good yeah but i don’t know man i i paid

Somebody to you know make me sound good so oh come on that’s always right wow we dropped even more yeah that was not my best that’s all right we did pretty well yeah we did we are close to the 16th team though it is good to see that we missed so many

Though but the people underneath us missed less so at least we tried harder that just means that it’s the wayne gretzky move right you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take yeah exactly that was fun i i enjoyed that it was a bit laggy which team is uh

Is the other half yeah they’re that’s how it was when it was uh n a versus eu it’s just like as long as we’re involved we’re good that’s that’s all that matters to me you know these speed runners and high pixel professionals whatever whatever yeah you know

But um oh that’s a good point if i change my gui scale let’s make that thing smaller yeah but it’s done hard to see everything gosh okay i’ll go to three i guess all right let’s see how that works that was good though that’s better than i thought it was going to be

Yeah like i thought they were going to be moving targets in front of you i didn’t think you’d be moving around the map so i i liked that i was good i liked it a lot that was a that was a very good challenge yeah

It was a good game mode well done with travels okay so the next thing should be the triathlon okay oh this this is uh yeah i can’t um we’ll see you can’t you we’ll be fine oh elrich is here hey hey buddy hey ah what was i looking at cpk shut up

Oh it’s hard to read ren’s name because it’s it’s dark yeah yeah and i went to kindergarten with you two oh sorry i vanished oh dear oh dear what’s going on dear no just the freeze like i’m running around i’m like oh and then

No i i enjoyed that game i was gonna say that i don’t think we failed on our aim i think we failed on finding balloons like the aimless fight loads of balloons though yeah that was really fun i’m not gonna lie yeah that was good i feel i do like

Using a burn minecraft that’s like probably one of the most fun like mm-hmm yeah it’s really good yeah it’s a good experience they did it well they made it well well made hmm you know the balloons are really cool the way they moved it’s pretty pretty good oh yeah

If they can get them to go like angles and stuff instead of just straight up and down and they go side to side as well like that’s just a mixture of them you have to look at them for at least a second to see which direction they’re

Heading before you figure out how you’re gonna shoot i felt like the yellow ones were just randomly placed though they should have been placed in like you know spots on top of the roofs and stuff like that because now it was like if i think thanks for the two months the fun

Thanks for the two months the wolf’s 100 bitties silver thanks for 9. joshua thanks for the 12. borealis thank you so much for the six months you still have to sort of shoot them like yeah winkler thank you so much for the five months oh yeah thanks for the 28. we’re

All caught up that was a fun round oh no that was really good yeah i think we did well yeah yeah i can live with that score this is where it all goes downhill no i’m like what’s next oh try after yeah flying running and swimming like there’s so much pressure in this

One there’s no pressure i’m put pressure i’m not putting pressure on you no but you’ve i’ve put you in myself i never thought of myself okay so you’re having fun get a post-it note it’s over the score for me it’s just i know that this is not my forte you know

No i’m with you i’m going to be struggling with your stress don’t worry it’s going to happen as long as you’re having fun that’s that’s the key oh god i gotta face plot everything hey i’m having lots of fun with you guys this is great yeah but that’s really fun

Like for the people watching you like that’s hilarious yeah i might have to go and watch it watch it back you know just for that who’s going to run who’s going to run this one down first is it going to be false do we get to pick or do you reckon they just

Yeah we might not but we can pick an order now if we want to decide that i’m fine with going second but no no i i i think you’re the best at figuring things out faster that’s what i’m saying oh no i’m still quick at like realizing things

Oh the noise oh yeah it’s all on the same map yeah it’s gonna be really laggy right now oh oh no no oh wow mine’s still loading in let me out so if we go we fly they give you rockets right yeah and then you want to go

You go through like the green rings to get boost i’m assuming yeah green was boost red will slow down no that was all for the running that’s for the running there’s red batteries that slow you down and green oh it’s like mario kart look you can see it out here

I don’t see anything i’m stuck in a tower yeah if you get outside you can see they’ve actually put batteries on the track oh yeah yeah yeah cool and that’s how that is oh where where for the eyeballs behind bars smash your face against the iron bars oh

Yeah yeah okay yeah so like like if you get a bit too fast and you’re uncomfortable and you can’t run like you know and maybe you can take the red ones yeah yeah i don’t i don’t know if that’s how that works but yeah no i’d love to see that

Just you just stress going as fast as light i’m like i’m like this is the running track but is everybody running together like what the hell yeah i think so you’re just getting this guy yeah i think it’s impossible to get that one question oh first up is call 85. oh okay

Yeah i covered that with a post-it note try and figure this out for me stress figured out the batteries they’re big you can’t miss them so there’ll be 20 people running at a time basically right i’m not saying okay oh god that sounds terrifying okay yeah all in a row like

It’ll be fine wait a hundred people are about to watch is so you get a rocket booster up on reaching the next checkpoint on flying and swimming the running you got the batteries does the red one matters the flight things barrier block yeah so there’s a barrier blocking our

We might go into spectator right okay we’re starting with flying it looks like okay did you get moved yeah oh i wish i could see okay i don’t have any light from yeah i don’t have any light right now in seven seconds no you’re in the sky you’re in the sky

I don’t know where i’m going though do i go for the yellow one or go for the yellow one just go seriously my world did not load up oh no that’s so cheating oh i was doing good block yeah oh and then okay uh and now i’m very slow oh yeah

Press press uh shift you get i can’t i can’t speed anymore okay that’s lame the wall did not load in how do you know which way to go yeah that’s the swimming now the same thing works i think the rockets every time you go through yeah you can rock it through the water

Oh god this is going to be that’s all right yes there’s still people in front of you you’ve got you know racing against them i mean that bugged out completely i’m just mad now yeah that’s all right no no steak one just like stay on it you know

Because you’re yeah i think as long as you stay yeah like you just went past the zuma there you go just keep going that’s it i think it’s up there you go right now we’re running green batteries don’t get the red ones no oh okay okay good to know i don’t know

Yeah but that’s good you’re learning like you’re showing us what like what there is and so we’re learning for when we go no it’s me next it’s me next i say keep going that’s it sorry with the rings how did you know which order to go okay you go left there

You go left there did you guys see that yeah go left right press shift again and you get back into his view yep yeah okay you’re doing great oh you oh yeah they had it oh yeah you you’re not like fast enough really to get over those it’s pretty

Better to go around like jumping will slow you down basically when you’ve got speed you can do when you’re running is best very true really so yeah keep keep your feet on the ground because that’s where you’re getting the speed boost from unless you’re like you have to get used to

Oh yeah now it’s not like oh it just takes you neat that is cool it’s you know false it’s false oh i’m so mad don’t worry no the world i completely missed the circuit because the world didn’t load in how did you know it was your turn to go false

Because it just said i was up next and then it just teleported me in our very last that’s so sad it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry i’m the last one to go oh how do you know to go left right there oh this is the brightness why’d it look like they’re running

I don’t know gold knives my rockets aren’t really doing anything in here oh no you have to press it do it i’m right-clicking the rockets but like they’re not doing anything i can’t i can’t tell if i’m not in fly mode or something maybe i touch the

Floor and therefore i’m not but i don’t know yeah yeah you’ve got this stay on the ground wow um at the beginning at least when you haven’t got the long the large speed boost you know left there yeah i ran around that whole thing yeah if you just if you press left

Or right you go right around there sort of thing well does not load in for me at the moment there we go god false how are you doing this yeah afterwards f5 100 yeah i still won’t be able to do that like that i’m just saying

Yeah i got a feeling that’s going to mess me up if i try that my eyes keep going nerves of steel right now jeez boss you’re a boss why do i have to go after you that’s the only thing i’d recommend and also and also for this when you’re

Going down like you when you’re facing down and you’ve got the speed up already do like save your rockets so that if you get like stuck you can use them to get yourself out of like so don’t use yeah follow the arrow right right right up

That’s it nice then to the left and then it goes down towards there there’s the yellow one yeah the orange orange and then down into that and then keep facing that way what happens hurry or berry block fairy god berry block baby marry a block how did that happen and yeah

I’m just trying to go through the rings yeah he didn’t lose anything there impulse you didn’t lose anything yeah you haven’t got to go through the rings i think so yeah but just take this one steady yeah the water one is really hard just trying to yeah right yeah it is yeah

Just like don’t oversteer basically yeah you’re doing great and then it’s up and then it’s running f5 mode is is best if you can just because you can use like you see the holes in front of you like far quicker and just do left to right a

Press a a and d to get round batteries yeah it’s okay there’s plenty on the map it’s left here it’s left there yeah okay thank you yeah yeah hold on oh my god you’re gone barely got that battery and then my wallet yeah now you’re doing great

Like is it worth going out of your way to get the battery you think no i mean i don’t want to get it oh my gosh right just try and stay at that speed even like you know oh i went through it well nice there you

Go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa moves oh oh i missed that one yeah a and d are like so fast because you’re basically speed speed running when you’re going left and right as well like it’s not it’s not like normal speed boost i don’t think that just seems to include increase the

Speed the minecraft yeah yeah And then try and save your rockets just when you can oh my gosh you just need like three or four near the end there you go boost again and then you’re you’re good going down oh you got it you’re good nice stressing right here nice you’re doing great yeah i don’t see

The next one straight okay right in front right to the left left orange and then down okay and then don’t dive down too fast like i did geez there you go doing great what the hell what stopped me there you’re in sort of like are you fine you’re fine you’re fine

You’re doing good now what i don’t like is that it’s showing me that yeah it’s fine it’s fine yeah don’t do anything about that ignore it like let’s concentrate on what’s in front of you keep going and yeah it did help it’s weird at first but

It helped you can yeah you can see where the holes are way way easier you see them coming like nice job yeah good job i’m done yeah perfect are you getting all the batteries yeah left there nice they tease you with that one it’s like right in front of the hole

Yeah yeah you definitely have to skip a few they’re in lightweight well done nice perfect the part of it that i can see is going great oh perfect yeah oh my good goldens you got this yeah you got this just flip the batteries from now if you

Need to oh my god go stress yeah you did so good i am so sorry team like mine didn’t implode again and that lost us so much exactly oh yeah some people were saying that as well chunks not like that was that was scary that was good

Man stresses like flames coming off her shoulders in her life like in minecraft yeah that was really good that was really really good yeah that was so good oh deary babe unfortunately the other hermitcraft team just beat us in that game oh sorry desperate i mean it

Happens it happens i think we made it like we made it up for your chunk not loading things i didn’t realize like the batteries were that important she got going so fast i know yeah i was ridiculous that was actually fun this is the one that i was dreading but i actually quite

Enjoyed that that was good that was good yeah i like that one that was good well played [Laughter] yeah this two tribals is pretty cracked so far yeah yeah it seems like these events keep getting better every time yeah yeah well that’s what they promised as well they said that um

It’s going to be better and better oh dear is there someone still running or no there’s yeah yeah they’re still going around how do you spit tight um press your explosion oh you can see what they did are we doing another one oh are we just saying oh yeah

Oh jeez oh my god we got to that again no i did so well the first time please say that the time if you guys see the chunks uh if if we are doing it again yeah tell me because because like yeah i don’t know but

They are but i’m doing their three and a half said they wish for you they went out for me too though when you were spectating yeah okay yeah well when i was flying they went out completely like it just froze i couldn’t see anything

Oh man i can’t believe we have to do it again i’m going to need one of those shirts i think he’s sweating through this again though it is a weird game to play again i need a new shirt every round did so well yeah it’s two rounds apparently oh yeah

Okay it’s in the dock i didn’t see that oh dear oh oh i see no what’s the difference selected to lead not read i just had to i just had to they uh they uh they what’s it called oh they flexed that in her face it was

In the docks dude it’s in the documents yeah oh the two okay choose a weird number to play two rounds or something they reloaded the chunks uh it’s lagging like hell yeah i think you’re right it’s because everybody’s here yeah they’re teleporting people and stuff please don’t bug out but do that thing

With the rockets again when you hold on to some because it’ll save you yep just a couple you need oh it’s hard to say yeah do you think oh i can’t see anything yeah straight ahead down [Laughter] it okay oh this is where you should have played with the waterfall golf because you were allowed to do that damn uh yeah i didn’t do that is that in the settings because we can do that now after somewhere uh if chad knows they can help me options settings details video settings

Probably somewhere it’s just fog off right uh there’s not a special one for that’s certainly one of those settings you have to enunciate isn’t it yeah no don’t do that don’t jump don’t jump go around because you’ve got the speed with a and d so you can get around it quicker than

Jumping good really good i used my mouse by the way i just hit forward and yeah that works too yeah wherever you find best basically yeah it’s all about reaction speeds really yeah it’s really hard when it’s that fast as well yeah oh man i’m doing great let’s go dang it i

Should have gone on vault hunters i’d be way better at this [Laughter] you may talk okay okay right okay michael myers nice okay that was that was good right that was okay aim again yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s what you did yeah yeah you did really good

Yeah that’s time i got last time so that’s that’s our best time so far as a group so we can so we’ll be around that time i think that’d be fine you’re doing great stress to the left to the left this isn’t fair it wins it’s fine yeah

Yeah it’s fine it’s fine you did it real quick though right there we go where’s the next one after this is the yellow one and then left again short left and then down do help here i think yeah if you can hold on to something it just sort of saves you rather than

Only giving you one per ring is like yeah pretty difficult you’re doing great okay you’re doing really good in this wow yeah that’s what yeah this is probably this might be our best uh water round yeah there you go perfect i’ll pop up you gotta get up we gotta go pop up

Hit the batteries my concentration is so yeah you’re doing good you’re doing good don’t worry about talking just shut up yeah yeah good job hi oh what is going on i should have probably got that one nice right doing good oh my god i’m getting super super fast get away from me

Never mind the people never mind the people folks don’t worry about yeah doing good whoo oh it’s so fast yeah you’ve got this just shut up and focus it’s not loading in right yeah it didn’t load in from me there as well i can really see where you were

Going whoa oh you run over the gap oh gap is great look at that get ready oh false you’ve got this well very stress well done but yeah the uh loading in issues is a bit bad with this ring i say chunk loading 32 helps i don’t

Know if i think it’s a server honestly it’s um it’s not a tank loading client this year yeah there we go yeah no it’s fine now oh nice good faults doing very good yeah just trying to keep it steady rocket’s helping water rockets does help

Yeah i use the rockets when i get them i use them a and d a lot to maneuver here i felt yeah yeah that might be it that might be yeah that’s smart actually that works well it’s the sharp turns that slows you down yeah no amd work really well actually in

Pulse when you do it oh okay i didn’t try that last time i didn’t oh i didn’t either i mean either well done stress it is really good here false this is that was insane brilliant you’ve got this folks yes just going to concentrate yep yep i’m like nervous watching this

It’s kind of nerve-wracking playing it a second time i’m gonna miss that it’s fine i miss loads as well sometimes it’s better to miss them i think rather yeah you don’t want to get pretty fast no i think as long as you it’s staying steady really that’s the key yeah definitely

We’re all silent i’m going to shut up my heart’s racing i’m so nervous you got this impulse no pressure just don’t fail stop it stop it All right okay let’s go that swimming was so good that swimming was so good we’ve kept some really steady times here as well yeah yeah it’s it’s all about staying steady like yeah it is impulse to left noise very smooth looking great mate this is amazing

And we got the diamond into the hole yeah yeah yeah nice and you can boost here yeah i can’t use the a d yeah use a d it just stops you from missing them as easily squeaking out i’m like shaking weird you got this you’re doing good you’re doing good yeah you’re good

Your plus time is actually very good no that’s all right that’s all right that’s all right [Applause] don’t worry about people coming near you you got to swim up here nice that’s it same again yep a five yeah just focus just focus don’t worry about us you’re doing great looking very very stable

Super stable that’s all right keep going yeah that one’s a tricky placement that one i’ll just try for it the only problem getting lost is that the the thing coming up on the screen but yeah but they’re not that far they’re not that far ahead though no they’re not

As far as they were last time oh oh no no do a real good impulse keep going good stuff nice that’s right well that was good good one nice you’re almost there now oh he’s off almost there speed come on everything’s like shaking for me nice come on come on

Come on let’s go let’s do it let’s go look at those pines though we did better yeah we did really good look at the times we got yeah what are the times we got we did much better amazing good job guys man i just hit that one little ledge in

The water that killed my momentum that stunk but other than that it felt good no but we like all of our times are pretty much the same i think yeah we all did amazing that was really good oh well good i don’t think i was breathing i didn’t think Oh my god look at that look at that dragon yeah the dragons are amazing it’s really great it’s a nice map yeah yeah that was um that was really fun i really enjoyed the flying part yeah that flying’s always fun it’s the water one that wasn’t so great

Yeah yeah the water one was pretty janky mixes it up though yeah it was fun that they that they ran those together i think oh this is it though right i love the people first up stress monster why are we doing another one oh there’s only two rounds

I just said there was only two in the in the file so what’s happening now is there another file with three in it no we have to we have to run it backwards run the course in reverse yeah two two more rounds of backwards and then two more rounds

The slowest round wins and then two rounds of something else my heart can’t take another go at that one come on i’m an old man i can’t you see the dog why do people keep saying it’s in the dock i need to open this dock i’ve got it open on the other side

It’s become a meme it’s become a meme because of that guy that courier guy oh and then three and then it’s four [Laughter] we’re fine we’re fine my exterior is missing yeah oh we did good we did really good that round that was good we are 17. 17 total okay all right

That’s pretty good friends we had a friend’s team yes i think we are in there we are in the same place we shared with team tabo oh team tupper get outta here tubber we need to beat team taboo i don’t know who those guys are are they the people

Is that the nightmare people you know ryan are you the one that impulse goes on about you know yeah i’m looking for him but there he is let me go fanboy it was rambu he’s the one he’s got like it’s my littlest daughter likes to dress as

Him as a cosplay he’s friends with pogba funnily enough thank you oh oh we even got like quick oh is it now yeah this is song control this is on control is it already started or yes leading this uh do you want me to uh i think yeah you

Lead but i will also talk over you if i think your decision i’m just going to quickly explain how it works so basically in this middle section this is sort of where you respawn in the middle uh there are these little pressure pressure plates you can see that

Sparkling i think they give you a bit of a boost but don’t worry about them if you know that there’s like a time there’s a time there yeah they have a cooldown okay uh basically there’s going to be beacons coming uh in all these different biomes around the place uh you’ll see

Like three in each sort of section so three in that lava area three in the maester area and you’ll sort of have to choose which ones you go for to which control points you take and usually you want to sort of pick two beacons that are kind of near each other

So that we can sort of try and keep two at a time because then you get more points going any more than two i think at a time is going to be difficult because teams are constantly coming at you uh to try and take the points away from

You so yeah but it’s it’s control points basically it will change to our color which is what’s our color right there um where are we going yeah which one will that will go we’ll decide when everybody starts sort of getting ready in their little i will

Should we hang back for a second see which way everybody goes and then go a different way yeah so we’ve got i think snow meter and lava i think the map is smaller this time falls by a little closer it does like it has less areas yeah

And more teams like right when we played it was 12 teams so that may yeah um it’s going to be tough actually we don’t have to go to that castle on top of the hill at all you think um i don’t know if the the control points will be in the castle um

They weren’t last time they were sort of on the uh yeah they were but i mean sometimes those corner ones that are upstairs are quite good because you can sort of uh you get a hybrid yeah but there’s always more than one like route up to that area usually so

Like they can come from the left or the right sort of thing don’t forget to critique when you attack someone yeah do not hold forward when you create it you don’t create it if you’re moving forward yeah as long as your momentum isn’t going forward if you’re if you’re

Falling forward that’s fine i got you okay well if you’re like eating it i’m gonna practice on sparkles so do you say we should go ice do you think uh what if you want false i’ll follow i mean i mean i mean we just have to i honestly we shouldn’t overthink the the

First we need to get the people i mean if there are any teams that we think we can definitely beat with pvp we should probably follow them maybe um i think it’s more likely going for the area that at least at least man people are going for if possible we could we

Could yeah could follow the hermits and just uh try and try and go for that oh yeah because i remember rendog oh my goodness he he went in the last one of these rendog went uh i was like oh ren i got 21 kills am i doing good he’s like yeah

But kills doesn’t matter iskall stop it i was like okay it’s a pvp game he got really angry so yeah i would like to i would like to show him that it matters how much the kids got there yeah oh should we skip should we skip the

Zone control and just go for this try to kill them Just keep them from getting [Laughter] anyway oh blessed that was also very funny oh my chat is saying do it of course it looks like of course okay so you know you crit if you get like the orange little sparklies right as opposed to yeah there’s a different sound there’s like a

Yeah yeah yeah if you’re practicing now you’ll see this box i shall practice on this scale don’t run oh okay so i can’t do this oh no that’s don’t give me that i i need to oh you’re here okay you can’t you can’t meet up with you because i’m gonna get lost

Impulse you’re a programmer guys who would understand me saying this if your acceleration is positive then you want crit if your acceleration is negative then you’ll crit so that means when the momentum has stopped moving you forward i i try and correct correct that’s how you that’s how you guarantee the crits yep

But now try and try and run at them and hold w and do that it won’t work won’t crit we are now to be fair there was not much point difference like we had 993 in the top had one three nine five so it’s you know it’s not like they

Completely and utterly outdid us right yeah no we’re like we’re yeah we’re like did i write the following christmas trouble keep your money money and i’m going forward when you grow up oh no oh my god money money tips for this goal yeah are we here we’re here in crits right chat

No particles when do we start this what are we waiting for i don’t know usually they give you updates in the the discord and they’re like oh yeah this will take 10 minutes this looks like 15 or whatever i think it’s only when it’s taking a bit longer so

I reckon it’s just going to start there’s like no heads up [Laughter] oh he’s giving 250 dollars for every kill on the straight the guy who’s called straight oh really can we do a bounty like that for red dog but with like minecraft diamonds okay do 10 years of minecraft i’m learning how

To crit noise [Laughter] dear like in the player card when we traded you for rendog it said definitely knows how to pvp better than men but now i’m getting scared oh well no no no i’m still better than ren i mean i don’t need the crit to kill him oh that’s true [Laughter]

Like the yeah i think that this team is very good at pvp though like cpk and puns are going there maybe they are going to go to the top right like where is the hermit team going let’s get towards lava look at lava lava’s gonna know i’m waiting for it

Yeah as long as that’s straight guy don’t go there okay i’m just gonna follow you all um i’m by fault where are you i don’t see the other hermits i see now i see okay here we go oh yeah they’re going for lava they’re going for lava air drops

Can help yeah are we going for lava yeah i think so yeah that reckon they’ve got the same idea as us right what happens when we die we should wait in the center wait till like everybody dies and then like go somewhere else it depends no it depends

If we yeah but we want to try and stay as yeah but you don’t need to you don’t need to know oh there’s a booster here folks looser here i missed this i’m going to continue up this way i’ve got someone behind me though it’s gonna kill me oh yeah somebody uses it

Oh man i don’t know where you are to the right to the right where there’s the beacon you see the beacon on the right follow follow follow follow you’re behind me yep yeah i’m behind you okay we’re gonna go for this dark grey yeah where are you guys going we’re going to

Clean up we’re going to clean up we’re going to clean up i went for the beacons just tell me where you are are you on the mesa bomb oh yeah okay where would it right there was a team doing clean up in there so let’s do it let them do it

In 30 seconds they’re ready switches yeah it’s going to change run back towards the left run back towards the left because we can get ready to yeah let’s go let’s go run back oh they hit me because i i the chances of uh this beacon working is is really

High so let’s get going because i can’t fit out of the way oh i fell in llama oh that’s his school oh i’m out oh this is a beacon okay oh i died all right i’m coming that way [Applause] i’m going back i’m going back go back

Yeah we’re heading back there’s a lava down down below down below where impulse is going go for that one instead oh yeah who’s this oh it’s this way oh hi it’s red lord probably the worst person to go for oh god damn it no there’s the wrong person you’re hitting impulse you were

Hitting me oh this lava is not working out for me yesterday did you just kill sweat god i think i did but i don’t think they have many i mean uh no word is coming he’s coming do we leave here stay here stay here oh no

It’s the that black team just keep it just keep it just keeping the point so we need to get some points just hold it hold it and then and then when it changes we’ll try and grab two because this is this is nowhere near another one so we can just

Hold it for now there’s a theme above us yeah they’re coming around coming around i’m hoping that those two are gonna be the next ones which is quite likely split clubs on the right watch out can you move it keep moving as well well i have zero kills boys

Uh die i think zero [Laughter] rotating yes right let’s look at our points right we’re in 11th place just by holding one so like yeah that matters you know like even though like that person up there there oh no i guess they’re holding them we’re going for the mesa

We’re going for the mesa on let’s go on five seconds because this still holds without us here right yeah yeah in five seconds we move yeah okay five four we’re going to the moment three yeah yeah two goals maybe stay low in the mesa wait did it activate us

Right is there still one on the right of us no yeah there’s one on the far right are we going after team black yeah should we let him fight it get some hits in but like kill the guys that run away oh he’s really random but don’t don’t

Run don’t run too much oh that was that was fruit berries right guys they’re all in there yeah i also died right uh shall we go for let’s go for uh left left right left device has two white beacons i got air drop it’s a terrible place to be actually right now but

It’s the yellow one people are trying to get killed there’s a yellow in front of me and uh impulse right i’m back i’m at ice right now because i have to run away they’re killing me they actually killed me because i had the gear god dang it stress is with me right

I don’t know that we’re gonna have a chance at this one there’s so many people here well i’m looking back around to come back which one are you going to else i’m just coming to that area but there’s people there’s people like guarding it damn it don’t hit me that’s

Right if we all die maybe where do you want to go then how are these high pitches yeah we need to get uh an objective uh all right let’s hide straight straight thighs three thousand do you think hi there’s a lot of people in ice right now

Oh yeah no no don’t go eyes don’t guys i’m hitting me right let’s put it over because he’s going to reset again and lava is likely to be the next one yeah so let’s go towards one of them if you can lava yeah black’s also going to love watch out lava lava go

I’m behind i’m in the wrong place oh they missed me nice nice place where did we go i’m lost everybody please don’t decisions and then just stick with it like we said top lava there we should have all gone we had that point for a second we were there

Yeah you and me were there yeah because i got lost mesa look look where okay this time we go with our initial strategy we’re just going to kill them yeah listen listen we need to be a little bit quicker on the decisions because when we said top lava we

Actually got that point for a second but because we were only me and falster we didn’t actually manage to keep it we need to save teams possibly yeah and you see where the lava is right no but i saw the bottom lava i didn’t see the top lava

It’s wherever the beacon is and wherever the beacons are color you know that that’s us yeah but to be fair it’s the other brown team that was on the bottom one so i’ve got bigger confused that’s why i got confused okay but let’s let’s do better we can’t be beaten by

Randolph i would be really sad if we are ruining area let’s say top or bottom lava mesa whatever it is and then hopefully you’ll know like five seconds here five seconds just need to get it okay go top lava top level top right lava stop right got it my way i’m away

Oh there’s people waiting people are already here yeah they they will be they will be on the way they will be it’s like there are so many things i’m on the baby are you at lava i’m at lovely street lava i’m a tough lover let’s get to mesa oh they’re very low

They’re very low okay all right remember people don’t read jen but yeah we can talk about that later mesa mesa top mesa yep there’s uh team iprs here let’s try and like clean up a little bit oh the mix behind your stress is uh falls or something oh no

The beacon’s gone out right the beeping’s not there is it yeah it is it is you’re getting killed behind yourself you may want to turn around i’m right behind you but so you’re just taking me out from behind i’m down to three all right come back

Come back how are they can you respawn right let’s go to ice because ice has just gone out and i reckon it’s gonna be the next lot the problem is no i’m running now i’m running now uh it’s green now ice i must is okay i’m on the green i’m on the green

Perfect perfect i’m coming i’m coming i have no health there’s cub fan in red dog there’s a zoo ma okay he jumped down though we had that we had that i had so much health but okay there you go okay uh what where was it uh spam attacking yourself yeah yeah let’s

Get ice cancer my thing didn’t work i’m going straight up to my slope down the middle careful because um it’s cool there’s a lot of you on your own yeah well i think we i may we can come down for this one yeah but i’m getting i’m getting attacked in the

Back by four people yes right where are we going i’m back back place are we are we only two here again no no yeah the white castle no no no what the white castle my castle what country it’s really really far away and like if no

One’s up there and there’s like a beacon right now to the right of lava yeah i come up this path in front someone’s already up here but hopefully we can um hit them out if there’s not too many six seconds if we all just

Managed to go as a group we can do this yeah the problem is if people get left behind maybe we should wait and group i’m right here white castle there’s a lot of people here there’s a couple from sweat god’s team i’m gonna try and let them take the middle of the castle

Personnel who’s that no no there’s not one person yeah i’m coming i’m coming i’m coming here behind you behind you behind you i know i’m coming out i’m trying to i’m going to take that that th i’m going to take the point i’m taking the point i’m taking the point that’s

The purple behind me perfect purple behind me i’m coming back i’m coming back we’re not right right and there’s a team up there but i don’t think it’s a full team up there by the way so we should be okay to try and group up again what about the one left

Of the castle oh team hermitcraft are there the other hermitcraft team team left of the castle it was all alone okay the leftover castle in like the lava area yeah in yeah the ice lava yeah yeah right right of lava yeah it’s team army craft it’s no it’s black team

Okay it’s cpk it’s only him though only one no no no no team behind him i’m coming yeah but so are we yeah i’m getting worked already oh god damn it i’m gonna back off you gotta just believe in it just believe i fell in the lava

I’m lagging like anything yeah i don’t think this is our oh no where are we going i’m going back back there okay oh someone just shot me potions i didn’t realize okay do we have another round because if so we can go for a different spot the

Low lava the pink one right no no no we should go for the luggage camp if there’s another round right no one’s there that way okay yeah yeah yeah look we’re gonna lose please look look at it no captains everyone’s on their way here everyone’s on their way here yes [Applause]

And where the orange is there are so many people yeah i’m i’m here too if you can if we can just sort of stay alive i’m trying there’s only one beacon here in like 50 teams okay yeah that’s true hanging back i’m also just trying to

Kill me it’s a log cabin i don’t know if this is the correct place though by brown i don’t feel like i’m right i’m at the other orange i’m at the back back orange of the log cabin there’s only what green one how are rendog’s team owning a point damn

Yeah back back back once i’m running there yeah but it’s coming on there you still need to wait for me you need to go wait wait around the area yeah what happened that was not so good no no it keeps so many teams on this map

Okay let’s let’s i gotta i got an idea let’s just camp one spot that doesn’t have a beacon in the first round no we need to sort of well we need to sort of try and take one but then no yes after that give yourself at least 30 seconds to try

And get to a new area but so does everybody else you sort of notice that everybody else starts going for those areas too so let me sort of get there first and try and like hold it how do we get air drops so i don’t know where they are actually

I haven’t seen them i don’t know they spawn on the purple things that are out there can we go for the the white castle yeah yeah there’s actually two points up there one to the right of it but yeah let’s go to there there’s none yeah okay

Is the kids because you basically got like the log cabins to the right then you’ve got lava to the left and you can reach both of those areas whereas if you go to the other side of the map there’s that big ravine that stops you from going there right so yep

Are here yeah yeah yeah i was ahead of them and they they got it scaled down pretty well that’s right yeah already okay yeah let’s try it let’s try it are we are we all here where’s one team oh you’re here okay ready yep yep three two one okay okay i’m dead ah

Dead okay i see you fall oh they’re almost there they’re almost done we go back back going back going back behind you oh oh they’re chasing you i’m going purple’s also coming out if you turn around there’s one purple in between you both yeah you should you should you should

She’s going to fire her up she’s trying to hit you faster yeah i know okay i’m getting hit then yeah i i got killed by the red pag oh you should tell us that if you’re going to report yeah it’s going to rotate behind you yeah jump off the map you can

Go fries i’m going to fry some no price there’s green behind us false he’s already got me down to half they’re already on here yeah yeah that’s all right that’s right well i’m gonna go to the top ice top ice top ice okay but uh anyway after that there’s already one

One green player up here that’s fine so i’m going to try and just i was already low so i got to get away quick quick quick this blueness blue is blue why why why quick makes me as a team yeah but let’s try and claim it impulsive play it okay i’m getting it

I’m low okay yeah we’re grouped we’re grouped this guy should be right behind me let’s go all the way to the right round this beacon and then go to the top because okay watch out they’re coming for you green or after you yeah that’s right i’ll just keep running

Okay yeah they gave up on you i’m going for skyam so if we go up up top there they come you see right but let’s try and take them on one at a time same on one at a time so bring them in yeah go all four all for one people all

For david yeah turn around and grab them right one of them’s really really low i was trying to get to the point behind them i got that one i got the one from behind i’m coming they got an airdrop man up there though uh have you guys died then because i died yes

I think we’re going for that let me know here with me because i’m just like okay yeah we’re just following you well it’s hard to know what the what the not the hardest thing is right we can go for this brown because there’s two browns holding both of these so these this

Team’s got to be split yeah it’s going to rotate there’s two on that two on the back wooden cabin back right wooden cabin okay i will have to die and come back and be in here holding cabin coming got him off taking it nice i’m coming i’m coming and coming

I’m going to keep him off just which one is it rotated right right right right up to the right we headed okay where are we going where are we going i’m on it i’m on it i’m on it oh man it’s hard to get up there’s four

People up there though yeah it’s just gonna a region they’ve got they’ve got um gear yeah yeah that was too much okay okay the top right of ice so you know the like the in the wooden cabin how do you get off of the stone oh are you okay

I’m gonna try and scout i’m going to scout the stone castle okay i’m behind you i just don’t want a stone yeah there’s no there’s those people why are there always loads of people wherever you go right the right of the ice where there’s like a stone like building oh there’s so

Many can we just let them fight and then sneak up no no come down here come down here cause i reckon there’s a there’s a area here that might rotate it runs into that next probably right but that’s a minute away no wait it’s three out of

Three wait what’s the time where are we no no no no it says zones rotate otherwise it’s otherwise it says this all right guys we’ve got the stone platform here and we’re hoping that in 54 seconds it it’ll be this one should we oh i see like yeah they don’t think anyone’s here

Are you where are you where are you impulse impulse you need to show the people that there’s three of us here okay but the right thing there’s two different things okay that’s right there’s there’s only two people if they backed off okay yeah yeah so it’s so we need you right

Now i’m here is it on the beacon take out that brown take out the brown people there’s a full team what are they are pink i don’t know where you are then this was not where you were right device you said but this is should we head back there i mean i’m

Sort of headed back there already yeah that just got okay okay in the like ruined thing there’s three teams there’s this map works with twelve teams but it doesn’t work with lava lava lava but i’m already uh there’s there’s three themes fighting right now because we keep changing and

I’ve just run all the way to the wood one where is it yeah the problem is what happens is someone’s running to that area and then they’re dying yeah yeah like everybody’s everybody’s happy you need to instead of instead of dying we need to like wait there til our team

Actually groups up with us right go to lava directly to switch where’s everybody else oops that was uh raw not great that’s gonna put us closer to random dog’s team pvp not my specialty the problem i felt was there was so many people and then it kept freeze lagging

On me that’s really weird you know that’s separate i mean this is this is probably the game that is not our game like out of all the games we’re playing so don’t don’t be like you know like what’s to say over my head what kills yeah oh yeah what’s it sound mine three

Million nine on you sweet six five nine yeah what about me i don’t know where you are i’m next to impulse all right break it’s you’re breaking me the real news i can handle it oh dear break my rules doesn’t say zero kiss count there’s a six zero above my head

You go you got three you’re okay i really got nine yeah but tell me how many do i have eleven eleven eleven yeah yeah yeah you have mine you have nine nice i i’m pretty sure i killed tubbo so i’m good i’m uh i’m a little bit yeah i don’t

Know i don’t know i think false nailed it when she said that there’s a bit too many people for that map yeah you really like it it’s not well balanced yeah you need to stand back and study like we made it worse than last time we played

It because like last time we played it there’s a bit of a chance you know you’d somehow sometimes get to the point before other teams but like i think the people that were doing good were like first of all the the god pvpers they obviously yeah i don’t know

How how how they had the rain reach they did with their swords like some people could like because they’re higher up like they’ve got the higher advantage no no no no even when i was chased like they could hit me from so far away it was crazy yeah that’s minecrafty

And then the second thing was i i think if we were to do that again i think it’s better if you don’t get a point after the first 30 seconds when on the first death just go and camp you can but everybody already knew to do that and so

We’re like sending people off to those areas and then killing but how did rendog’s team end up getting more points than us if they didn’t i think i think they were lucky twice we were only lucky once with the first game getting that sort of hold they got that at least twice i

Reckon that’s what happened to them because this game is a lot about luck like a lot about somehow knowing what area like the thing is you can’t know what area those people are in you like there’s no over like overlooked map of the whole place letting you know where all the teams are

If there was that’d be great like you’d know who has what he took a minute to like send a scout to every area you know split up yeah and report back who’s got the least amount but we’ve got to remember as well so many of these teams are full of pvp as

Like that’s what they are oh yeah i turned around and i’m like it’s a swing at me and i’m like what am i going to do like yeah exactly yeah but no i think we we held her in for a bit yeah that’s fun

Part of my game i need to get better at if i’m gonna do these kind of things yeah i think in general hermits in general are known for like not being pvp is right like that’s probably the one thing like we’re all pretty not stressed like which team could build

The most advanced sorting system right because why why is it why is a vintage beefier they look very similar they’re like brothers from another mother maybe or the same mother i mean oh that yeah could be maybe actual brothers yeah yeah is it nice separated at birth it’s vintage beef’s secret account you

Know for when he wants to like be good at pvp and stuff you know he’s like no i’m not hermit crawford [Laughter] twitch rivals yeah i’d be hilarious when he wants to be good at pvp yeah that would be because secret secret account yeah the next one who is this person

E admin just keeps poking me why why stop it i thought would be fun they actually have votes now oh i lost a bit of my mojo in that game there no i didn’t know what was happening i resorted to spam clicking like it was 2015 and yeah i think the concept is

Great but like the map has to be bigger if it’s that many teams yeah yeah yeah oh this is the one where you got dodge things coming from the sky monkey thank you so much thanks for the thousand videos i’m excited about guys that’s gonna be fun four months what did you do

23 jk three five months relay yeah thanks for the two months yeah two months jay harvey 28 months yeah thank you so much for the six months that wouldn’t say a lot jet hun thank you for the prize appreciate you so we each played three times yeah

So i i actually i commentated this one and so yeah there’s moving boulders i forget which way they come from i think they might come across in front of you sort of thing god um like mario kart then yeah it’s pretty much mario kart yeah

But i mean what what works is just sort of staying sort of steady because the first round it would be like that the the other game of the relay game where sort of the first round you you do it steady you learn the map and then once

You play again like the map doesn’t change i don’t think it’s just the difficulty of the sort of effects i guess yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure oh shell but lag lag will like ruin this if we do get like issues or junk buildings or not loading yeah so

So do you reckon we’re all on the same track or is it more yeah we’re on the same track it’s how they did it before it we it went pretty smoothly so like as a as a an event so i don’t think they had too many issues

Oh you’ve seen this oh you’ve yeah it was the lando norris one which is why i think no one here has played it unless they were invited to that because that was like a special light charity event right right right so this is one that like not many people here would have

Played i think i might be wrong i really like the triathlon yeah that might be my favorite so far i have to agree actually it was really fun i mean i did enjoy the archery to be honest archery was fun as well yeah yeah the

Archery one made me feel like i was good at minecraft like actually good at something for a bit and then it then it’s let me down since then so i’m no longer good at minecraft guys i’m sorry i’ll let you down no yeah why have

We turned so bad at minecraft is it an h string oh my god yeah wow i was playing some minecraft mini games the other day practice for this and i was always so slow like cooking oh my goodness those neurons are slowing down to a crawl yeah it’s so sad oh

I feel like i need to do some practice over the christmas period and come back like you know fighting again um you know what i haven’t because i haven’t played a shooter in a while like i don’t play shooter games anymore i used to be like well that’s it i’m gonna

Yeah battlefield 2042 together yeah let’s do a four-man co-op and just we show them we show them kids oh like quickness that you need to be for those games well i had my obviously pubg 2017 2018 and then i got offered an extension and i turned it down mostly

Because i felt that i was making more mistakes that i was actually slower at reacting to certain things um yeah so there’s definitely something to it like it just goes downhill from here reverse it come on we gotta find the formula we need to say more uhc’s and

Stuff as well we don’t deal with those anymore right it’s like uh like those brand new trainer things right there’s gotta be that was a training yeah you’d think that mcc would have helped me but it really hasn’t although you know i have won three times

On that so you know i got some into the show at least that’s why i was like showing anything else i was like i wanna be on foster’s team so she can carry me but then it’s like relays i’m like oh no oh yeah so low performance

Yeah there goes that no these these have all been team games like there’s no like one person can like hold the whole team up i don’t think no oh i like the relay idea though that’s new the relay idea is new yeah i really like that yeah tag team yeah it definitely hasn’t

Been in the olympics or anything like that no but in into trust wow first first i went up to the zendi guy and asked where did he get a boat from and he said shut up to me and then you say that i’ll take that i’ll take second place if

They’re in first let’s find my me well i like this cave this is cute oh there’s a dead end there’s a dead end ran that whole way for nothing there’s so many people though this is actually crazy like this is the most people i think in two travels i think

Yeah it’s kind of never done 20 teams before this seems like i don’t know it feels busier doesn’t it or at least before they would split it up and have like eu and then n and then come together i like that they mixed it though yeah yeah

Yeah i like playing with you guys it’s nice to sit there and play with your impulse yeah you’re weird though yeah welcome to the eu i am i am so used to like being the only american in a group by now like that’s how it was in last life for me too so

Oh oh oh oh oh it’s me my name is i’m in a boat as well it’s me yeah that didn’t come up right people were slowing me down it’s trying to find just yeah don’t go into them that’s it we should be yeah this one is friends

Ice track that we did on season oh yeah yeah we should practice that maybe yeah just try not to bump into people directly but but you can’t really do much about it just try and stay steady well there you go if you see someone try and go wide

Like round sort of thing oh no yeah that’s fine that’s fine this one you’re doing great you’re doing great well like on the streets you can sort of pick up some uh some speed oh good one doing really good tight beautiful nice gotta cut the corners you’re up next

Impossible that’s the sneaky way but you can go around the other way if you feel better oh can i hit that five now i can okay you saved a lot of time there that was good dude definitely try and do that if you can speed this up you’re on the next impulse

Just so you know that’s beautiful so i thought that was a good good way to go yeah very good really difficult focus you got it it’s doing great you’re doing great you’re not getting too stupid it’s perfect left again well it’s very tight but you can go down that right yeah try to

Follow the arrows everywhere because yeah all the my bad i was confused no that’s all right we’re learning but this is the right this is the game to like learn where all the shots yeah yeah it’s quite difficult um i’m up next after impulse okay you did good you did a good stream

That’s great no that’s great yeah we learned a lot from that yeah yeah yeah as well i think the blue does the blue eyes accelerate too slightly yeah yeah yeah so the other yes in some of the shortcuts there there’s only like you take it wider or or

Narrower like that one on the left there you would have had the speedier ice but it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s going to be best because if it makes you crash it’s it’s no good taking it right there impulse took the the fast route right yeah okay

But like only only take that if you can if you’re on your way there like yeah like that there’s a shortcut there yeah there we go that’s nice but it was working the the checkered stuff slows you down oh geez are you’re doing good you’re doing good

Yeah when you spin out on that stuff it’s not great oh yeah yeah yeah okay left stay left and say let’s just follow yours i was thinking there was a shortcut to the right i really wanted to check it out but here’s a shortcut too yeah i missed that one last time

Yeah that’s right okay there’s one there nice yeah when you pick up more speed you saw you’re doing good oh what up that was You’re almost at the fitness level that’s great it’s great one thing you got this you’re doing good you’re doing good yeah that’s it that’s the finishing line you’re up next beautiful you’ve got 20 seconds on it perfect cave yeah there was a straight here somewhere okay i saw what i missed there

Yeah if you missed it like automatically yeah because the boat’s skid you sort of out of the way you’re better just taking that and then take what you can basically yeah yeah whatever whatever you’re lined up for like this one you’re lined up for it pretty much so you can go straight there

Mario kart paying off a little bit a little bit it’s a little different in a boat on ice but yeah that wasn’t too bad yeah you’ll find that i just took four damage with the hell right ahead straight ahead yeah and there as well but that’s all right yeah

That’s good instead there’s like a double one yeah okay oh not gonna make it on the edge you’re good you’re good that’s skipper but if you keep speeding on that you’re quicker than the middle oh this was the one that’s really good yeah that’s a tough turn right there you know oh okay

There’s a little shortcut to the right that’s yeah fine no damn you’re good yeah if you bounce off the slate down a bit yeah you’ve increased our placement you can’t really help that yeah so we’re good yeah you got this this was really fun this is like a real relay where like you

Have your anchor that’s like you know the one that’s going to bring us back to first that’s not me by the way oh look at that yeah you’re pro taking the shortcut nice i’m ready to skid out at any minute were you guys holding just w the whole

Time yeah yeah i was yeah okay okay it’s really really difficult i’m not gonna lie oh like that oh that was awesome good that was nice i feel really like wobbly you know oh nice oh someone’s in front hey stop because i get you and all from beyond yeah because everyone’s caught up

To me now so i’m like sort of uh i think people are lapping us so it’s sort of like no one’s lapping us no are they yeah i think that’s what those people are i think we’re doing this it’s nice look how quickly look how quickly they zoomed

Past me right that wouldn’t be people in the same position as me yeah no there’s no one up next but this is the first round this is it yeah yeah yeah we’ll have another round after this whoa oh sorry no you’re good that was awesome that person pushed Yeah it’s weird doesn’t it the person behind me keeps pushing me it makes me glitchy give you a little bit you’re doing good That was really good we beat the other hermes i think i don’t know hell yeah i haven’t seen their name come up yet no me neither believe me that was stressful though actually that’s that’s uh that’s really good for us yeah okay oh nice they haven’t come up yet

They started 143 143 impulse’s time there yeah i’ll pay for that i didn’t realize them yeah okay 144 okay that’s fine i thought sorry i thought i was doing worse than you guys are saying i had the best time yeah you did mario kart is paid off nice 18 okay

I liked that one did they finish this one it’s good so we’re probably gonna go again right yeah three rounds and now everyone’s going to be amazing and i’m not going to improve where were they they were supposed to be falling on you but they don’t that’s really complicated

Like the difficulty increases again yeah okay yeah obstacles as well they said what happened to the place in there did they not show it oh it’s not done yet paracetamol is still going oh randoga 18th okay yep that should help get us a little bit of padding

Oh you can fly around now to check out the uh yeah um i mean oh we’re just spectating false so yeah how are you no no you can go shift and then follow paracetamol [Laughter] every time i spectate i saw the shortcut but when i ran it myself i was like i

Know there’s a shortcut here soon yeah is this uh where is it it’s not this one no it’s the next oh yeah okay so we didn’t get to know who’s up first so everyone should just be holding forward i guess yeah if you look at the

Skin if you go in f5 mode you look at the skin you i think it tells you so i saw stress his face basically and i was like oh stress must be first hmm oh i i don’t know what you mean oh f5 mate like you lose oh yeah yeah of

Course yeah who to see who was in the boat be in f5 mode already now yeah okay i’m in f5 i’ll admire how many rounds how many rounds is the ice race it’s just three three okay but there are it gets harder and harder they haven’t really given any like

Before they’d give like scheduled breaks or whatever between the matches they haven’t really done yeah i think we’ll probably take a break off of this one i think i think so because we’re doing five total and this is the third event fourth event fourth temple is a big one though yeah

Yeah temple element’s like a 20 minute game i think i need to go low and all there’s obstacles now oh no yeah yep yeah yeah yeah okay wait can you see them no no no so you can see through that is yeah yeah so it goes across basically

And it keeps respawning on the left i think or the right way okay yeah so you’ve got to try and see it ahead of you sort of thing you just keep going just focus on driving yeah don’t worry about the other people like they’re going to bump you it’s

Going to happen they’re going to bump you oh there’s a snow golem oh yeah you don’t you don’t want to go into them i don’t think i think they slow you down this was old school that’s it you got the quick the quick route yeah you’re doing really good yeah oh my

You’re okay other people are gonna get stuck by like the air oh they got stuck on the snowman all of them yeah that was fantastic yeah they just crashed in oh look at you going around the board yeah the boulder yeah that was good everyone took the shortcut

You’re still with them so yeah it’s when you when you see something in your way you don’t want to like try and move too quickly away from it because otherwise you’re going to like skin out yeah it’s straight this right there no no i missed it that’s right sorry

I shouldn’t have said anything it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay you’re right you’re still studying they’re all there so yeah you’re still with a group you got it you got it I don’t know turn it around chilling please chill out calm down you’re good wake up stay calm i’m trying i’m trying i’m fine it’s just i’m skidding everywhere no that is hilarious though that’s great okay oh my god it’s mine you’re fine don’t don’t react too

Much when you see something in your way there you go you got it right right right right that was a great shortcut yeah yeah nice that was worth it beautiful yeah yeah he saved some time there next up is impulse impossible ready i’m ready okay

Oh i’m so sorry i have my fingers i’m gonna keep everything you’re fine that’s it something right there oh lily patterson what was that why can i not control things no there’s come from the floor uh come from the ceiling did the ice get icier that’s part of this

Right everyone i’m really sorry i’m grabbing a little blue going forward go for it yeah yeah yeah yeah i’ll be back in a minute i knew that there was something she did at the loo yeah you tell her she stressed herself when’s the breaks happen yeah oh just go around nope

Nope ah you’re right you can see that everybody’s sort of getting messed up though like so yeah everybody’s hitting something i want to go that way all right yeah follow me follow them stay out of my way oh don’t do that okay go straight straight here if you can uh huh

Oh oh oh god that was amazing for that that was showing off that oh geez i see how it is it’s like trick shots we’re trying to do trick shots yeah hey there yeah good good job it goes right in the left hand tough stuff yes oh i’ve

Hit them left yeah let’s stay through this you’re doing good you’re doing good you’re doing great ooh dice that’s nice you just passed all of them there oh but let’s get it out got a little too much You’re swinging it back it’s getting too good for us insane that was incredible he’s going to go join another thing i think yeah oh that was more like that okay okay let’s go well take it away i got it i got you 141 you beat 142. whoo

People you said you wouldn’t beat it you did not competitive scale come out if i can beat my own time as well it’s the next round that’s the problem when when loads more things appear on there yeah it’s gonna get nerfed so i think i think they

Get a lot faster like they’ll be able to catch you it doesn’t begin to feel a lot like mario kart at that point though where it’s just like a matter of luck like where you ended up impulse did a masterful rum oh oh my god yeah yeah i’m sorry i was oh

Yeah it’s fine link wink um [Laughter] that was good that’s a tricky one to line up yeah it’s not false it’s me oh i read the wrong name smooth this girl thanks brother realize you’re saying yeah yeah yeah yeah her name is the majority of the name tag right now yeah

It’s so long for everybody i’m telling you look on top everybody’s name is like really long pretty much mm-hmm come on no no go go go go go go go go go go go go let’s go is this you it’s you no oh come on what a glitch i didn’t hold

The thing why it’s me now it’s me oh i’m so sorry but 136 and i let go no no no because you need to finish the line after you go through the building no why do they do like that god damn it man i don’t know what happened but

It’s fine i i have no idea oh we lost we lost six seconds fine that’s fine you’re gonna lose more than six seconds in a second while i’m doing this to be fair like i’m really i’m really enjoying this at the moment i think this is like

Well i mean like the whole experience right now i didn’t like the last one too much oh i’m getting bad lucky with the stone no i wasn’t the last one with it you just didn’t have enough americans in your group last time as well doing good false you’re doing great

I’m so sorry but like you have to hold forward after you pass the nether portal that’s good to know i didn’t know that no i didn’t know that oh get on my way my fingers are probably frozen on the keyboard you know yeah i

Just let go i just like yes that was a good time and then yeah get out get out my way you’re doing good get out away get out my way how dare you be in my way oh now you’re not in my way okay we’ve got this whoa whoa whoa whoa sorry

Really glitchy though yeah it is oh you got it nice well done i’m just copying it impulse at this because i’m turning corners my corners are a bit slower remember to hold forward after you pass the portal yeah okay okay nice hold forward forward four times okay okay okay okay

I’m so sorry like we would have had 136 there team coraway said the same we lost two seconds not holding w after the portal yeah yeah we didn’t lose six seconds yeah i had 136 came in at 142 i mean i couldn’t really when i hear the quickest thing yeah nice

Sorry that was i was the wit yeah i was the link wink the link the link stop being the link wink i know not loud oh that’s cheating so we’ve got enough cheating are you going through the blocks oh no i’m not looking at the whole map as a whole you go

What’s up here there’s a building quick quick we can hang out world edit copy chunks let’s put this on overcrowd i would be great fun Where is this oh oh it’s the start oh no wait wait where is this yeah that’s the pool yeah it looked different i was like well wait is there one more run or two more runs there’s oh i don’t know there’s one more round yeah that was the second round one

More okay and then yeah the difficulty is going to be harder yeah yeah i’m going to try and look at that stag a salad at the end of the map because there’s what there’s oh where’s the end here so where the shadow is oh oh wait a minute oh we didn’t get to

See it it’s just normal okay no but there’s meant to be a stark type that falls there like but i’ve never seen it on anyone’s run the shadow just gets bigger and that’s all that happens well the times they had there exuma 140. um ah we would have had 136. i’m sorry god

Dang it so currently 15th place we’ve gone up again so that’s good i think we went down from 14 but yeah oh yeah but it’s fine team all got 150 drawn with so yeah yeah true true as long as we beat the other hermits i’m just upset with myself like

I let go of the keyboard to celebrate you know we’re going through the portal call me mad about something that’s literally like a game design thing like it’s not something thing it’s not up to you is it to know that like no i didn’t know

Oh quill it’s a reply the portal will be changed to the end if when we run again nice yeah see thank you so much quill i appreciate that see this is why twitch rivals keeps getting pogba that’s why it gives you yeah because every time they improve it right

So like yeah yeah yeah temple i’m so excited about the temple oh i’m excited too the temple’s so much fun it’s like next level like sort of game am i going to be first again now probably i would say because they ordered last time right yeah yeah

You can do this uh stress now that you’re not needing a wii it is uh you it’s your stress hold forward hold forward all right i’m gonna take a break okay go go go no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you’re absolutely fine you’re doing great doing fantastic

You’re much better at bowling than you think and you’re the ice queen represent represent sounded like a right just went through that stuff it just didn’t matter forget it with friends that ain’t slowing me down oh no get off me oh they’re gonna they’re gonna crash in they’re gonna crash

Oh man instead focus on getting off the checker pad oh oh you can’t oh okay you’re an f5 model so it doesn’t matter to get the pumpkin on your head so maybe snowmen aren’t that bad oh is that what happens when you hit the snowman looked like it yeah it looked

Like that’s funny straight ahead yeah i’m curious oh good you’re good you’re good that’s the way to go oh yeah so the ground it’s that look cool straight ahead here oh you’re gaining a lot of time on this nice great good job good job well well done well done good job

Gained a lot of positions there damn it you’re good how’s tubble yeah here’s the job abo’s team i think i don’t know if it wasn’t let’s let’s say there was yeah there you go it’s worth it right back guys welcome back you’re doing fantastic this one doing very well

This may be your best time keep going almost at the finish line it’s down here then straight ahead and then to the right and then the portal remember to hold forward i’m trying to hang on yeah there you go now just hold forward and you’re in gold

Beautiful go go go go we’re going nice well done good time good time you’ve been through the previous time yeah that’s good perfect that’s great was it was it more difficult with the um with those things in the way no we found out that snowmen only put the pumpkin on

Your head which doesn’t matter in f5 oh it doesn’t matter if you’re doing f5 okay okay i find that if you um if you take your finger off of w sometimes as well that helps yeah no for sure if you um get if you lose control

That’s good i’m taking my finger off of w ever again after the finish line oh yeah she’s going to be going into walls left right what about 136 i would have been proud of that time i’m going to try it again no no that is good yeah this has gone good

Imposter’s going really well is actually good yeah yeah and you’re very good at drifting impulse nice nice nice what a what a pro thing and then straight through here this is like a wibbly wobbly yeah yeah trying to over correct that one yeah it’s a difficult one to like get right

But that was good though yeah oh it does stop you the pumpkin stops you by the way oh it does okay the boulder yeah because it makes it makes it stone on the floor basically oh but yes nice you’re getting a position there yeah just gonna hug like

This this is the most difficult part i think that last time well done no no you you got a great time you’ve got a great time oh you’re up yeah yep keep holding forward all right off you go oh i go oh okay okay good time in there snow literally

Was that one good time you know now that one was fine that one was fine the other one was like in my face it’s like hitting all the traffic all the red traffic lights you know yeah yeah [Laughter] it’s like come on now i wonder if like the way to do this the fastest way is to actually hit the the edges a little bit to just touch just to keep your control yeah yeah being in control is almost more important than like speed nice look at you crushing it dude

There you go oh you got you straight forward right here somewhere yeah there’s a shortcut right to the arrow there you go yeah there you go well done okay you’re doing good on time yeah thank you snowman it’s like no wait a second you’re too fast slow down for a bit

All right folks you’re ready yeah i’m ready he’s pressing forward let’s go there we go nice you want yes that is that’s right it’s cool you made up for my bad run there i think you got a great run it was my best swap oh nice corner there nice corner there beautiful falls

Nice nice it’s all about trying to keep control of the boat but it’s not gonna happen you’re doing a good job of it yeah you’re trying to be like like tap the keys a little bit more oh yeah oh that was nice that’s nice straight past the snowball wow okay okay okay

Here’s our sharp turn yep nice let’s go look at this look at this one are you dead are you guys getting this come on come on oh it’s this same person that gets me every time that’s me always they always slow me down oh you go going

Just trying to pick up speed again okay is that an empty boat he got the armpit just left really really that’d be hilarious oh this is the sweat god people let them sweat nice nice falls keep keep holding forward here as we go through yeah there we go

Let’s go that was an amazing run Where did we end up there how did we go 15th come on i know i feel like it right but no it felt like we did so much faster it’s very all three rounds crazy that was good that was good that was good that was good that was really good

My turn to take a break i’ll be right back i need a wee wee too oh dairy maize well you better get going the next one and you have to i did as well yeah we’re both like right we’re off okay i’ll be right back i haven’t done this temple of uh elements

Yeah so uh chat actually remind me what it was it was like one was parkour but like there was checkpoints like if one person hit the checkpoint it meant the other people can like just get to them straight away so it wasn’t it just didn’t mean that everybody had to do it

I don’t think uh one of them was like under like the water would rise actually killed mobs in the area oh that’s so like you would get higher and higher and i think the exit was probably at the top somewhere um what else was that one was a flying one

You had sort of fly through rings all the rings in the map sort of thing but like you didn’t get any rockets so you’d have to sort of like i think you had to like climb up so then like launch yourself back off again or something like that i don’t know and i

Think that one was like uh a mob would like spawn on a platform and there were three platforms and you’d have to guess which one it would be uh and then kill it or something i don’t know it was a it was a very confusing game that one so

It took us a while to like work that out when we played it but we’ll see if the games are the same we can we can pretty much tell you what they are yeah so yeah because all it says on this is um navigate each unique challenge yeah

Find the boss it says and collect their elemental relic yeah so basically you just get one yeah you get a relic at the end of each one which is fire air like earth you know sort of thing yeah yeah yeah um Yeah oh that’s cool though yeah it doesn’t take all the challenges it just has a unique challenge so they could have changed it yeah i’m back it’s a fun one back wait we’re still in this boat race lobby yeah yeah they just have boarded up here yeah i think we are

Yeah 16th place overall huh was that wolverine in in the boat race wait a minute oh they happened that’s the pirate race wait how we spent 20 points and they’ve got nine every time and we finished like 15th every time i don’t understand that’s what happened what happened they gave randolph the

Boat seven of course if you spoke about the nine in some of the races i think right it makes it yeah like or if one team if one team like completely spun out and finished last one game like toppo there but in the other team they finished

First like you know yeah like it yeah good march is three yellow is the points and then they go in order of you know yeah yeah the points i mean compound managed to get an amazing time there coupling of 136 nine yeah cubs got 138 i’m just scouting for potential members after uh

Impulse [Laughter] who’s the weakest link but you can see the person who went first every single one had uh the slowest time of the team because they were like finding them oh no team cara didn’t the second person got longest there but it makes stress feel good falls [Laughter]

I’m good that wasn’t that wasn’t my cup of tea well it was but it worked oh you did good honestly you did not do bad except for the second round when you needed to go to the toilet you could tell you could tell you were so stressed out you’re like

I’m just gonna drive here on the checking board for a while it looks like you were chilling i was like what are you doing focus was that called maslow’s hierarchy of needs or something like that like if if you have to go to the bathroom you’re not going to be able

To focus on stuff so they’re like deciding at something right like when you need when you need the bathroom i don’t know is that not a thing but make better decisions but you meant to like if you have to decide something you’re better at it if you need the loo

Oh really oh yeah i think so yeah yeah i’ve heard that all right next time we’ll test this out i’m gonna drink a gallon of water before we do it and i’m not gonna give myself a break it may be coming but it’s fine yeah one weird thing with

The scoring here is that we definitely outperform the other hermitcraft team in the boat thing but in the final scores after that they actually gained points on us because they were at seven and we were on like 14. now we’re on 15 and they’re on 12. thanks

Yeah they didn’t beat us a single round there how two tribals how does that work how does that work with rivals yeah i thought we were getting ground up super strange man yeah we would have we should have bring gained ground or kept the same no i checked i checked the with the

Event before in mind okay now well you can see the speed running teams on top right sweat god hannah x rose yeah or the pvps as well dave corey wade like that’s the that’s the teams yeah yeah we were uh shared 17th with tabo’s team before that

Didn’t we just beat tabo’s team in the boat race i thought so we did i don’t i don’t know i mean what’s going on robbed we’ve been robbed yeah i think it just depends how they calculate it i don’t really know gold nose gold nose they should they should do it similar to

Mcc where you get the same amount of points per game yeah yeah that would have been the amount like if you look at archery like the top person is 1300 points and then like triathlon is like 20 points i’m like like if you get if

You get those even and you and you make those work together then you can just add them all together and and then you know yeah like that’s how i think mcc does it like or just placement points right place yeah placements yeah you place two places higher than their team it says

Hannah roses oh hannah rose’s team oh i’m confused [Laughter] this is confusing this is why we’re not in charge of the point system because i don’t understand it what’s going on you place two places higher than their t as in as wait higher means better right higher up on the scoreboard mm-hmm huh

They’re like plus ratio and then i’m supposed to understand that all the other kids i mean younger teams they join in and they go like yeah this is how it works [Laughter] oh this the temple’s really cool except like you have to actually think and that’s where i falter yes

Me too me too there’s maths and stuff maths yes yes then i’m not good i don’t do maths last time i just couldn’t find stuff they’d be like oh come over to the beacon over here and stand in the circle and i could not like even find it it was embarrassing

Yeah this in this game is super important to listen i feel like i feel like this is the biggest thing listen because like when we if we’re doing the puzzle thing it’s not just communication it’s like properly listen yeah stress listen and no i’m just no i’m just because you

Didn’t say anything so i was just catching up and making sure because you haven’t you haven’t played it before i’m not singling you out because of anything he doesn’t have to play things [Laughter] come on then we can argue [Laughter] oh my god [Laughter] but seriously though like it’s a puzzle

Game where you’re supposed to okay go to the gold blocks that uh shift so that you become a block when you shift you become a block and someone else can jump up on your back that’s when you that’s uh yeah that’s when you need to listen yes

That’s just it’s just the listening to know where you have to stand the things appreciate it because it’s it’s not that one i did my hair today yeah it’s quite awesome you know yeah that’s all thanks for that host b thanks for the two months taco mafia

Thank you so much for 27 months you know yeah oh my gosh thanks for the tier 1 mlr thanks for the prize played it but yeah i think it’s the green monkey thanks for 18 months i think it’s 12 chats troves 12 my hair is getting long it’s making my

My scalp itch more my scalp does not like long hair yeah so impulse you were saying about uh vault hunters when can you start when can i start aren’t you guys in the middle of some aren’t you in the middle of the season yeah yeah that would be weird wouldn’t

It it’s like a quest it’s isn’t it like a timeline progression thing yeah uh so okay like everybody’s like on mile you know 21 and i’m i’m just off the finish line is that let me let me put you let me put you in the spot then if they’re potentially

Which i haven’t confirmed and it may not happen would be a season three are you interested because people have asked for you yeah i definitely want to try some modded stuff it’s more than just here first yeah you’ve heard it here first spoiler i’m ready to try some new stuff man hmm

I think i think you would like it i think you would like it it’s very addictive yeah i gotta admit like i’ll tune in and i have no idea what’s going on so it’s tough to to like keep up yeah yeah like if i was in it i understood everything

It seems like it’d be fun it’s actually actually i i’m gonna put my arm size out and say it’s actually not that complicated but i realized that when you look at it from afar it’s like so many things right and you you just drown but when you start it all the concepts

Are simple yeah when you’re in it from the start you slowly um realize you know what yeah it’s it’s definitely easier to pick up from the start because like yeah it’s just last night yeah yeah is he a comeback for falls as well i mean if there’s an invite

Yeah you’re already a member you’re just inactive he’s like he’s like hanging out nicely what could i come back at any time be like no no no not this season that would be weird hi guys bring it on i feel like this is uh this is uh yeah

You know if there’s another season you guys can play if we manage to beat ren’s team oh yeah true that’s the first thing this is such a cool build though all right right okay guys right let’s come to the middle uh yeah so there’s different elements in each side so

There’s ice over there oh no this is the flying one right well there’s rings in there well they are they’re different this time false so let’s not assume but yeah but no but that’s flying rings that one the biggest one is like let’s let’s decide which one do we want to go to

Yeah let’s just pick one i’m fine back to the middle or yes let’s see the flying one first because i reckon we we’re all like it’s something in your imagery and it goes in one of those middle things in the sort of impulses you know those end possible

Frames do we have to run back then yeah but you will have to run back to then go to a different door anyway so yeah all right yeah don’t worry about the technicalities because we’ve played it before we’re going to teleport back to the middle now we’re going for the big

Eye store we’re going to have the ice door oh oh with the with the rings flying rings here that’s not it it’s to the right just to keep going down here again and then to the right that’s not really confusing so right here here we need something

From the center do we not need something from the center uh i don’t think so don’t need to have a quick look oh we got we got no no we’re going to stay on stand in this ring circle do everyone have does everyone a particle no uh yeah okay

Try not to hit the ground because you get boosted through these rings come on right get in the water yeah nice it glitched and now i have to go one on the floor there’s an eagle on the floor oh here we go come on oh no run run straight

Forward down down below there’s an ice ice yeah there’s a circle on the floor for all four of us okay yeah come on down finally i think we need something straight this is mother bear on the floor done on the floor okay we have to return the car into here

So we have to find the cubs and bring them in here oh okay okay okay so okay that wasn’t clear carbs i don’t know but how do we get back in the air again right they must be in the sky surely right yeah yeah you have to

Run back to the start here i’m jumping to this one here yeah if you can jump with a ring then do it how do you oh whoa okay where did you find it to the middle to the middle where you were okay can you bring that down to the igloo

I found one i found one as well they’re up on like the the things yeah there we go finally where i can’t this one was just up on the thing actually saw it by accident because i fell it was on a roof very hard to see what do you do right click leads

Oh okay perfect looking for it i found one oh my goodness i’ve got a baby cop on my head this is so cool well done okay okay we’ve worked out my goodness how do you deliver it okay six six six six dress three left you right click

Then you just walk into the house you can fly with them on your on your um thingies i see one i see one by the snowman oh yeah you got that one okay perfect so we’re still looking for one more yeah one more i’m checking i’m taking higher up on the ledges oops Oh yeah it won’t let you go too high but at least let me at least get high ground and see if i can spot him i’ll see him protect all the letters this is the sneaky little one can’t find it it’s always just always the way with the

Light i’m gonna stop and like use up to find zoom to like look at the rooftops and things yeah i’ll do that well no it’s not not making it any easier to be honest entities don’t render out of a distance though remember can you use f3b uh i don’t know probably

Well i mean this is another thing yeah i’m like it’s an entity i just don’t know where it where it is oh that is a oh it’s black i got it oh and it’s on my it’s on my head i can’t see yeah yeah okay right where do we speak

Do we need to be at the exit i’m here right is this may not be it’s huge yes it is okay to the next task okay well done impossible it was black in like in a box play all of the phantoms they’re going to be in the sky as well okay oh dude

This stuff right oh no why don’t you have to kill the phantoms yeah one hit kill one hit kill yeah they’re easy i i just i’m not flying i’m sorry they know i can’t do this i just built a sanctuary damn it these are the evil ones these

Are evil ones okay these are different they’re gonna kill all the other ones so you better save them okay you’re the only hope for these four ones i’ll take them you’re gonna take them out okay all right they’re like the hero save them all i can roll with the stories oh [Laughter]

I missed it i missed it around completely everywhere yeah i have no flights No they’re just they’re called when you’re dying yet until this phantom’s gone oh come on come on come on come on come on oh no yeah i gotta dive down i got one uh this time we have to shoot a bow i think oh no we just have a ball that’s a hell

Out of small phantoms it doesn’t have to a one zebra got two no you can use either oh okay we’ve got three got three we have going for the vodka where is it i don’t see him easier yeah you can land on the platform it it’s a platform it’s a platform you can

Land on it oh my bad oh that’s right i realized yeah we kill phantoms until we can hit him okay oh i see okay good job it’s nothing below where is it el mate okay i got it where is it where is it go for the guy

Maybe i should stay on the floor here and just shoot them hey come on and done okay nice got one and there’s two more oh you didn’t boost me come on oh there it is i’m literally following you how did i miss that whoa wow one attacked me that’s an

Impulse that’s an impulse i’m just gonna i’m just gonna shoot from the ground oh he’s got me got him okay okay smoker i’m up here hey get down all right it’s down returning to tempe yeah we’ve got the feather we got the feather okay put it in

Nice okay what are we doing let’s go this way it doesn’t matter just going yeah that’s right oh great oh no it’s fine if you if you fail you can always die and get to the latest checkpoint that any player has gone to all right yeah i’ll stay behind whoa i’ve got lag

Just let us know when somebody hits a checkpoint so if we have to uh kill ourselves to get ahead yeah we will shout the checkpoints oh oh yeah what do we do with these okay smash the targets uh throw it to the end and and pull things f3 and b f3 what about

One in the cage oh okay so you don’t you know you have to go up there i think yeah i have to land it from the top great oh wait i’m going up i’m going up for this one okay assuming i can get it from up here i

Don’t know i don’t know i can’t get it from there on the crane did you get it right oh yeah yeah we got seven out of ten i’m still looking for more i found one more eight out of ten oh my goodness i didn’t realize that so many okay yeah

It’s fine this time as far as you never got distracted by that one yeah i don’t see oh i see it i don’t see anyone more now i’m up and like did you go down did you go down the mine mine yeah yeah i’m on the other side there but i don’t see

The others is there not one else another one down the mine no not that i could see all right it goes upstairs i don’t know if there’s one up here it’s gotta be in the morning here no cause the mine goes upwards oh upwards i mean yeah the mine comes

Out in there is that not one up there i don’t know oops i’m confused by this oh my goodness how am i stress always always like where i’m aiming for i’m a pro i’m going to park or up something and she’s already up there i really don’t

Think he’s going to be on top of that bit i can’t see it though no i’m going to come up in the mine again i don’t know how you get to that though yeah i saw that too i don’t know how to get there either what

We were so focused on another thing when we went up here i’m gonna she is magic she’s like a magician she appeared somewhere i am yeah ah it’s got to be behind there can we get can we get there this is weird yeah this is really strange oh man

I don’t know if anyone’s flying around to help getting caught up on stuff like this like when none of us are seeing well we have four people and we can’t see it i think they’re right right up above up there but like how do we get up there

Because the lava kills up with us we can’t go that way the mine only led up that to that crane open the trapdoor someone said it might yeah the trapdoors won’t do anything i think i see one what’s up this no it’s no layers oh that’s stressful [Laughter]

They are present okay so they are here ah and where i’m the lava but we can’t we insta die in the lava i’m going to try it yeah you’re doing design i’ve already tried it there must be a way to get up high in here

I i think it’s the thing in the sky but like how do we get up there have we got a lightroom no we haven’t got a lightroom you got it what yep and done nice oh my goodness where were they where were they when we climbed up the thing

To the right we were focused on the cage we needed to look across the map from that top part yeah okay oh that hurt sorry yeah that hurts oh how’s the fail okay more targets it’s all right there’s gonna be more in here just look everywhere like if you if you if you

Climb up somewhere look all around you basically first i’m gonna i’m gonna keep running to the edge of the end of the map this is just a huge map i’m gonna keep running around around this one let’s spread out because yeah oh or or go for the same ones

Around the backyard i don’t think okay i’m going up straight up here this is cool though this is better one of them you won’t need to get up high by the looks you sort of need to just stand back and shoot from far again looking i thought i saw one more there

Let me get the higher and see if we can see anything okay yeah i got another three there so it’s only one left one left looking okay no i fell down oh no oh dear always uh i see it oh i may i stop it nice everyone’s gonna die now everyone

Gets the exit if you’ve got it there we go right where’s the exit if i die do i come to you oh yeah yeah i don’t know where this is gonna i’ll respawn in now yeah you will come to the next place yeah just like just died right here just

Stand here just stand right here okay just die just die everyone takes five seconds Oh no it’s just the same thing from last time no we just did we punch him what do we do No we don’t punch him yeah you punch them off you punch him into the uh into the uh okay okay okay cool cool cool it’s about getting the magma cube out yeah there you go it’s about getting them into their crystals okay that that damage is good Just go and get them off the map basically okay are you sure about that you i think you need to i think we have to get into whoa okay okay you do have to be sort of targeted okay oh that’s a good one hit it straight hit it straight down

Okay let’s i need one more i bought more nice that’s nice nice we did it nice let’s go that was better than the parkour right okay okay uh right next i guess this one and portal water yeah and portal and portal and stone and yeah and so

Oh man we lost so much time oh damn god dang it right around this way to the water one water one’s around here oh no yes forest one whatever it is other side yeah the leaves what one’s this check this out tick me up hello i’m

Going up somebody somebody else go up on mine oh going folks oh i’m not going to do that okay i’m going to stay we need uh all of us here all of here yeah you did it now we can go okay do not do us i thought sorry i thought she was

Becoming a blocker next to me i was confused on top of you okay we’ll explain uh which puzzle to complete next okay actually the blue thing okay i see it up there okay i’ll go okay you got it yeah and i’m going down jump on me post yeah okay stretch both up okay

Nice red red one red one side and stress goes okay yeah okay you’re gonna have to jump across to the make sure you stay on the nether right or whatever it’s going to be yellow yellow exit exit exit exit okay it’s open it’s open yeah yellow is here yeah uh

Right oh oh stress come here someone get above Nice and then here impulse and then where everyone up everyone help me yeah oh okay is everyone up they can go yeah uh there’s something here yep that’s the one actually okay uh here here okay impulsive impulse you need to come down to me yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

And then stress go ahead no no no not that one the stairs okay okay you sure yeah okay look we need to activate this one okay right now can you jump oh no no like jump uh you do what you did there’s a block that poked out to help

Us get up here yeah yeah let’s continue on is this it what are we doing someone on this one someone on this one jump down on that one two of you two one more one more okay okay sorry i just need isco got it nice yes bathroom is working here here here

That new stuff [Laughter] uh i’m gonna go bowl i’m gonna go bow two if that’s okay yeah oh i didn’t realize they were both i thought there was something else like that floor observers okay everybody find an observer on the floor i got one one female they’re in the middle of the

Center then centered on it okay i hope i’m centered yep okay nice okay the earth column what the hell i’m stuck yeah it’s fine it’ll it’ll come out um okay swords people go for the silver fish both people yeah but every time you hear the golem

So more fields come out we have to be careful to not overload them with silverfish yep oh the damage is respawning yep i’m gonna do just keep them in a circle yeah keep sniping from afar k9 there we go let’s keep that rhythm oh i’m behind you whoops oh oh wow

I shot you soon my bad oh man he’s getting faster oh good what was that first team completed it oh my god i am so bad at this why can’t i not hit them i need to have you have them following you like you know hang on let’s get there rhythm

Import end one now come here oh no it’s this one ice ice ice back this is eyes yeah sorry where is it uh it’s in a corner yeah i saw ice We completed the earth one very quick feels good all right at the water temple yeah so this is we kill the uh kill the mobs and the water rises i think and it was last time we’ll see if uh yeah well let’s see if it’s the same but that’s

What happened last time oh got trident no no yes you just want to kill as many things as you can what do i do just usually try to take them okay and then the water level will raise rise and we need to get that up to the top f3b will help yeah

Next next area next area come through yeah i’m coming up i’m coming i’m right i’m diving straight in so i just right i just left clicker yeah yeah and then you right click to be able to rip curl whatever right i think all the mothers are probably in the water i i just

Killed a mob in the water there but nothing one outside water i didn’t see any i’m going to climb back we must have missed sea fires no there’s nothing there’s not in the water no you’re franklin yeah just kill whatever you see yeah maybe as more water appears maybe more

Spawn in the water so maybe yeah and there might here don’t end up teleport when they’re in water just keep going upwards you will find mobs yeah oh there’s one up there yeah keep going for it go for coffee immediately okay yeah yeah i i’m on the top now

You you try and sort of stay there but we’re sort of taking on the same sort of level down there okay good not the same levels i guess is someone in the bottom there’s someone up there there’s one up the top there yeah i’m going i’m going i’m heading over

We don’t want to be all in the same area why are we all in the same what the hell i’m going after the ones in the water now yeah they’re just going down there same but some people stay up there a little bit the other guys instead

There’s loads in the water now everyone yeah we’re in the water if you can get a guardian against the wall that’s going to be easier for you to kill them make sure you regen oh people have escaped already yeah that’s true yeah yeah yeah we’re five minutes behind

Don’t worry about it worry about the others worry about redox teams that’s all yeah because ren’s played this before and i think zuma did as well so yeah zuma did too they’re all down the bottom yep kinds of one somebody’s turning nothing with riptide though i gotta say

Oh i didn’t have to be oh yeah you nearly died though like that i’m just sitting here nutting them you know i’m like ooh yeah there’s so many of [Laughter] is the guardians yes but not the grounds anymore in the mine area there’s like two guardians that i’m trying to go for

Guardians are harder than the other guys though riptiding into the guardians is easier yeah i’m i’m just retiring not smashing anything okay got him oh we are always dead straight why are you i’m just trying to kill anything that moves oh no that was the instructions i was given

That last time you see anymore what’s going on is there more now is it eyes open the last one yeah i’m getting it nice there you go oh big one in the middle big one in the middle right try again against the wall or something it makes it easier for

Everyone to just spam click him oh oh down below down below there’s another one oh wait i can’t oh there we go i can’t move there’s no one down here carry spawning he’s falling how the hell did they do this so fast is that he’s dead where’s the others i

Got one here on me where about daddy is it long i’m gonna die i’m gonna die oh my god i don’t know where you are it’s fine it’s fine i got it nice you saved me me the big one big boy big boy on the top oh i probably

I’m going to die if i i’m done i’m dead it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i’ve done like two times just nothing summons again i’m going down got one on me one here yep there’s two here good job that one’s down one at the very bottom again i’ve hurt him

Three times and then i died so two more hits on him two more hits on the bottom one falls is there i think yeah nice nice one there’s one more there’s one more where is it it’s one in the same way the same place every time i found it

By the wall of the building i got him though oh oh yeah one here right middle mid mid middle left a big one oh nice oh i died it’s almost dead though nice one more oh no you missed there we go nice yes and final door i guess right is that it yep Gonna be a mix of all the things yeah i’m going for this i’m going for this yep Green green uh up here up here yeah that one yep stretchy oh wait oh yeah okay where it where is it okay crosstalk it’s uh yeah follow that follow the glass follow the glass okay i’m on it nice purple apple one on me i think oh left left left here

Left left yeah okay okay go go oh we’re out let’s go around warriors glorious i don’t know what we’re doing but kill everything kill them oh okay i’ll wait for you then don’t move wait where’d they go wait i don’t know i do you kill them right one i wanted to

Play there’s more in the water to play where did robbie there’s a baby he killed me baby behind you folks behind me how’s it behind me i’m up above oh okay oh do they beat us in the last things people waiting for players is those end crystals ah and we have more crystals

More end crystal fun oh my god where are the end crystals at the end i hope so oh now i got stressed when i saw rendog type in chat amazing event twitch there finished ages ago god dang it oh come on over here oh one at the back i hit it

No there it is right where’s the last one someone got it uh no i don’t see it yeah i see it i see it that’s it i got it i got it i got it right back keep keeping it big door big door big door stress is ahead oh well right right

Click the campfire by the way that’s that’s um that’s the checkpoint no you don’t know if it’s lit it’s fine but oh it’s checkpoint so you’ve got like right click it whoa sorry that jump scared me then right everyone in the middle right checkpoints are lit yeah yeah

If you can’t make it then die but yeah no five seconds oh my goodness why click in there [Laughter] Right now it’s now it’s flying it’s flying you don’t get any rockets though so yeah it’s boosting okay oh oh geez uh this is just where we fly off right i wasn’t lucky 28 25 years or two minutes faster than us two and a half minutes yesterday ah

Yeah we spent so long looking for those does that mean they fun yeah that was really fun yeah that was really cool i liked that yeah the the temple was amazing again really amazing yeah that’s just sad that we missed those crystals it felt like we spent like four minutes there

It was because like stress and i were so focused on that one in the cage that like we just jumped on top of the cage and then so neither one of us like thought to look around at the top of that thing i didn’t realize there’d be loads of

Them i didn’t look at yeah but you said you said that though impulse and i went all the way back up and did the same thing again like i just jumped on the crane and i was like no there is none more up here yeah so it’s like

That’s my downfall with the temple is just like i don’t have very good perception at all like yeah oh it’s always better to just like slowly pan and then look at chat because somebody in chapel have seen it you know yeah yeah Is that cheating chassis is everything yeah which one was your favorites oh i liked i liked the uh archery except for the zone control yeah the triathlon got ruined for me because of the chunk loading like that yeah yeah it was just like oh come on it’s weird

To me that out of the five games only one was pvp based it would have made more sense for me to like have no pvp in this game at all yeah or like have at least two like because then it balances out a little bit you know yeah yeah

Because it was the odd one out sort of thing yeah yeah it was a bit yeah but yeah the the i think the temple is such a cool concept because you switch focus so often yeah it’s very very cool yeah it’s a it’s a really good game

Yeah hopefully i hope they run it again and do some more things with it if there’s one thing of the temple that’s like kind of weird is the drowned fighting yeah that is a strange level it’s like a water level in any game though right like no one really enjoys

It but no i guess about the water in mario like no one likes the water that was right but no no they’re there to like make it a bit different we need something different let’s have water why not yeah there’s not enough underwater stuff there’s a reason why

Oh there’s one team left that’s hating it huh it’s the placebo yeah the paracetamol slash browser and follow slash one browser oh yeah and that was oh it tells you what they got it’s me oh they really beat us okay hopefully they didn’t get enough points yeah don’t don’t tell them unless

It’s like obvious 20. yeah two minutes three minutes faster oh they’ve done it now have they who’s that yeah i think paracetamol has done it i don’t know who has not done it okay so ren’s team finished two places in front of us yeah i think that’s gonna do it it might

Do it oh those stupid end crystals we would have finished ages ago if we oh well oh it’s spying on the other hermits i’m just jumping around the finish finish area oh i’m in uh spectator yeah are you in spectator how did you get there

You you do the browser thing to a team and then you press one and then it allows you to teleport to them oh you get the head okay oh i got the head in my inventory but i don’t know what to do with my with the head i mean there is some pink

What the hell they flew out of this map maybe we did that last time how do you use the head just press middle mouse button and then one one one i’m so confused i can only see one team so like oh so do the browse right browser yeah and then

Click on whoever you want to go to and then yeah do regular spectators oh this is where oh i see now we oh it didn’t work the first time i did it okay i promise uh i’m not sure that control plus thing worked yeah

You you say that now as if like oh no it’s on live stream i can see if you if you if you mouse over your screen like on the dashboard stream manager yeah it’s on the right it’s there what does it do exactly because when i

Click on it it says control plus stream kits customizable i’m not sure the control plus little widget thingy on the screen can somebody click on it and tell me what it does what what does it actually do does it sell you coffee does it deliver that as well yeah i don’t know

What i don’t know i don’t think i set it up right or something because the zuma showed his and it had like an ad for for duncan it says the same thing for them control plus stream kit is a customizable set of tools for creators to connect with and

Grow their communities so it’s just like selling this extension i don’t understand i have the control plus thing i can see it on the overlay what’s it do i don’t know it’s just an icon and you can click it and it’s like added to my channel build an extension report this

Extension exactly i don’t know what it i don’t know what it does supposed to like i don’t know it’s just there like 80 are probably watching on the telly anyway uh yeah yeah yeah i don’t know either but i have another one on there that reminds people when they have a prime

Subscription that they can use [Laughter] i see does anybody want to test that out make sure it’s working he’s on fire today i got that one for gifted subs the same one oh man [Laughter] i think i think the bolt bomb was my favorite i enjoyed the bolts the boat was fun it

Made me want to play mario kart again yeah i hate mario kart but i like the boss oh i love it i finally got my switch connected through one of those capture cards so i can actually do it on stream oh that’s cool i got the i got the um um

I got the urge to play uh what’s that of course the original one work it worked quirky works thank you so much three months yeah you booped the prime um thank you i’ve literally forgotten the name of it i unless you played it the other day like so they do one of the

Levels in the mcc um terra sweep force that’s cool that’s reports yeah yeah yeah oh that was cool oh it’s it’s it’s tough though when you’re under pressure going against other people oh my goodness yeah yeah i can imagine single player is fine it’s when you’re against other people it’s like people

Flying through this is pretty small that’s when you really get to focus on yourself and try and make it more yeah but other people get in your way you know you can’t see where you’re going and yeah definitely difficult that to be true i think the wiring game in the temple

Was actually better this time than last time because they marked things with the netherrack no you made a little bit more sense i think yeah yeah do we know which where we placed no i’m still waiting for someone to finish i think feels bad like whoever’s still going

There just they just got to be like oh everyone’s waiting on us there is a 45 minute time limit so it will end for sure in 17 wait how long did that well we ended at 28 so it’s got to be close we ended in like 30. yeah 30 something

30 58. oh yeah 28. i’m looking at men’s team that’s why 40 yeah 22 so far so in five minutes all right they’re gonna time out ouch it’s weird that that team has finished last on everything can we watch them i don’t know if it’s them no

Yeah it is the server is full they said so we can’t spectate them because everybody else was watching them already yeah i’m gonna meet up for a couple minutes then okay i’ll be back in a bit okay but it’s weird how they uh one team has finished last every single in every

Single game and this is so different oh they’re almost at the finish now all right you know that i’m checking out the twitch rivals twitch channel stream reception stream section yup are they finished uh yeah mario kart’s gonna be saturday assuming my internet’s working okay it’s work today So yeah mario kart uh i think we’re starting at 9 00 a.m pacific on sunday or saturday sorry did you see that and we’ll be going for like for about four hours oh yeah i may start with something else before but i got to do i’m going to do

At least three hours of mario kart because we got we got some uh some coffee to drink That’s funny that is bad that is really bad and everybody’s in the race to see the scoreboard now and then nobody can be lost they’re usually not updated oh see though i’m i’m jumping into the wall uh we finished before ramp one point let’s go one point where did we finish seven

18th and eighth were 19. everything yeah everything went down from there everything went down from the start what how how is that a thing we are we are back i want to look at this because the boat race scores we got 20 points for that and ren only got nine

Well yeah that is very weird i did a lot better we got 11 more points how do we only have 17 points overall hang on a second because we got 20 underwater alone yeah no they don’t add up like that i think it’s like oh i don’t know

I don’t know how it works thing but we finished above them on archery oh they killed us on zone control yeah that was bad yeah you get it from where you place in the thing and the top one is 20 points the first place is always 20 points by lots of things

And then it goes down to one point because there’s 20 teams is there i think yeah the point systems is weird it should have just been like 20 down to one for everything yeah i think it is right no i mean some of these are showing like archery

1000 you know it’s crazy oh that is weird we lost a lot of points in the elements then they got two more points for us i don’t know how it works i don’t know how it works but we finished above them that’s all that matters team not last and team better than the

Other hermitcraft team perfect yep [Laughter] if this was only a hermitcraft rival rival tea then there was only two places we win yep [Laughter] i’m confused as how we can be so bad though like what is it that makes us so much more worse than these other people i’m always equally surprised probably

But they haven’t just practiced but they haven’t practiced this no but they they practice doing that sort of thing right they do it more often i mean the fact that we missed the crystals i think we beat a lot of positions if we didn’t miss those crystals yeah in the

Thing we were stuck there for at least four minutes that was sage but anyway that was good though it was good fun ggs yeah it was a fun team too vibes were great absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah we we got to get this team rolling one more time i felt uh yeah

Yeah you guys were great you guys were great practice some pvp i know what the problem is see when skizzle man he he crits he always yells crit and and i think i should have done that oh every [Laughter] just I feel like we could totally make a boat race again on the hermitcraft server that’s great fun like with big drops like that that’s that’s really fun yeah definitely i think that drops the drops because it works like that in manila right the blue eyes accelerate too fast i mean

There was plugins there as well but yeah hey we got above around them right yeah i’m sorry you celebrated welcome to the parties let’s let’s do this in shifts like one person at a time we got to celebrate four times [Laughter] let’s all log into hermitcraft with crowns yeah yes

That would be funny can we get like this like the uh no wings club can we get medallions that say first place yeah that’s rivals yes we should do that we should do that you should do that yeah for sure going forward any any any games we play

The losers at least just have got to like wear something silly for a week or something wig of shame oh what the wicked shame wait a minute i i just saw on the twitch rivals channel the others had oh did you guys were there were there were the bombs highlighted for you in

Red the water main the bombs you know when we in the elements when we couldn’t see the the things were they highlighted in bright red no the end crystals no no no they were they were brothers so the internal shaders in optifine made them not highlighted his outline doesn’t work with the

Shaders as well i turned them on for this event oh it’s the shaders we got kicked by the shaders let’s go oh my god oh yeah yeah yeah we would have come first see that that project definitely that that’s the deal breaker right that proves it that was

The deal but that’s why we didn’t win for you meanwhile twitch rivals like what you were running shaders disqualified jinx it well um we said when you were gone we said the vibes and the team were really good we got to do this tv no this was this was great vibes yeah yeah

Great communication good vibes good time yeah and we started zone control this is that awkward part like is the event of over like are we is this do we stand here waiting for something or it’s done yeah yes it’s done all the remains to say is uh merry christmas

Yes hope everyone have a has a good holiday yeah yeah enjoy see you in the next week rival so we i mean unless we get banned for being but we weren’t laughing we were too pro for them really yeah yeah next time no shaders we’re taking first place baby yeah let’s go [Laughter]

See you later guys all right we did it we made it through twitch rivals without the internet dying on us amazing amazing that was fun that was fun team not last team better than the other hermitcraft team done i’ll take it [Laughter] you know i would have team built full of

Speed runners and all that stuff so of course you know we’re gonna we’re gonna be like at the top but we knew that going in i mean we always have fun together so it was fun to shake up the teams you guys like uh you guys like you

Know usually i’m with cub and hypno and jevin we shook it up a little bit you guys like that that we shook it up nice to see some of the perspective from uh zuma’s team and stuff as well i might have to go check that out vibes felt good

Yeah we had a good time for sure yeah see we don’t need it like that’s what i like about teams it’s like we don’t need to feel like we have to come in first place to to have fun like we could i came in last place and had just

As much fun to be honest so oh no az you just you just popped in you’re just missing it we’re wrapping up uh we’re wrapping up it’s done we came in what 18th 18th place yeah with 17 points total man look at that team sweat god just owned tubbo’s team feed us

We were ahead of we were tied with tubo’s team like in the third event and then they they they pulled it out the last couple ones that have been nice to be beat them as well though that’s right i had fun and the biggest win was my

Internet held up like i didn’t have to i didn’t have to let my team down today because my internet was being wonky so i’m glad it held up for this stream uh we’ll test it again tomorrow i don’t know how many streams i’m doing tomorrow at least two

I’m planning on doing two if my internet will let me so uh there’ll be a jit stream at noon pacific tomorrow and then they’ll be among us at like i think seven pacific maybe earlier depending on what people are in for so uh p.m so and then i may still do a morning

Stream we’ll see yeah so among us we’re doing tomorrow and the jit stream i don’t know what game we’re playing i gotta go check in with them i think they picked the game whilst i was doing twitch rivals you want me to look real quick you

Probably want me to look don’t you you guys want an update all right let me see let me see if i can tell you what game we’re playing while that was fast here you go wait a minute what devs of four player games reaching out to us to play their game oh

We got keys for something this we play this panic and squealing will be off the charts okay got keys for us what oh my gosh okay we’re playing trash sailors i’ve never heard of it trash sailors is a hand-drawn co-op sailing adventure for one to four players create the trashiest

Team in history in online or local co-op the world is flooded by a giant trash tsunami luckily for you a lot of trash is floating around trash is your main resource and the most valuable thing in this world you can recycle it into fuel rafts and then it goes on that sounds fun

Something something different trash sailors tomorrow we’ll be doing that it’s jits it’s joker myself tango and skizz it’s gonna be fun uh so noon pacific tomorrow assuming my internet’s okay otherwise they’ll be streaming if i can’t they’ll be streaming um and then i may test the internet in the morning we’ll

See maybe i’ll do a short just chatting stream and we’ll hang out a bit we’ll we’ll see um i did miss some streams this week so i’d like to make up for that if i can so but yeah definitely among us tomorrow night all right um i’m gonna go we’ve been

Streaming for three hours and 40 minutes that’s enough got through twitch rivals had super fun this is that part where like everybody that i would think about rating uh was in twitch rivals and probably ending i don’t know if anybody plans on still going yeah my internet held up today

It’s not fixed but it held up can we raid sly slime is he streaming yeah we can do that we’ll read slice line because i’m afraid to parade one of the herberts that just did twitch rivals because they’re probably wrapping up just like i am so all right let’s raise

Uh slicedlime he’s one of the developers from mojang that’d be that’d be great let’s do that if i raid phil’s he probably wouldn’t even notice that dude’s got so many viewers all right we’re gonna raid slice live give him some love give him some love he’s he’s a cool dude

Don’t don’t ask him about bugs in minecraft or anything like that let him let him have his off time all right all right guys thanks for hanging out let him know i sent you see you again soon

This video, titled ’12/16/2021 – Twitch Rivals: Minecraft Best on the Block w/ False, Iskall & Stress! (Stream Replay)’, was uploaded by impulseSV2 on 2021-12-17 20:34:25. It has garnered 24214 views and 322 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:05 or 13145 seconds.

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    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) TikTok minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

impulseSV2 – 12/16/2021 – Twitch Rivals: Minecraft Best on the Block w/ False, Iskall & Stress! (Stream Replay)