ImShrammyToo – I Survived 500 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

I have survived 500 Days in this Minecraft world you know close enough to 500 days but to celebrate the occasion today we have like a very long video movie thing all right it’s going to be every single episode in this series all in one video so if you’re new to the channel

And you want to catch up with this world to see what I’ve built to see me go through the process I am stuck there we go um but yeah it’s all contained in this one video I should point out that I no longer had the original file for the

First six episodes so I kind of had to just go through my own YouTube channel and just record it so between those episodes you’re gonna see like a little end screen with like my YouTube logo to subscribe like the stuff I normally have at the end of the video

Um yeah sorry that’s gonna be there you can actually click on them but it’s there that can also potentially be why the quality might be a little bit weird I’d actually don’t know if it’s going to be completely weird but it might be a little bit lower than usual but anyway

Grab a drink grab some popcorn it’s a very long video hopefully you guys enjoy my journey so far in this world’s I’m excited to continue it further and hopefully we can make it to a thousand days down the line I hope you enjoyed the video one quick small thing I want

To point out too I mentioned this a lot later in the video but I wanted to say it in the beginning the seat of this world and the coordinates of my starter house are in the description down below along with the shaders that I am using

So if you like to check those out feel free Foreign A little while ago I uploaded episode 1 of season 2 of Hardcore Minecraft and today I have episode one of season two of Hardcore Minecraft um uh yeah your boy died between episodes I uploaded one episode of season two and I have died since while recording episode two

Uh some zombie gave me the sauce down in a cave he had an iron sword all right he was a bit dangerous it was it was a tough time I’m very sad that I lost that world but we have a new world right here and this is still going to be season two

I definitely can’t justify that one episode being all of season two so we still have season two here of Hardcore Minecraft gonna call it episode one just because why not I posted a poll on YouTube as well asking if I should use a set seed if I should like scout out a

Couple seeds to find a cool area to build or if I should just use a random one and uh the vast majority think that I should use a random seed so here we are I have no idea what the seed’s all about this is the first time

I’m setting foot into this world but we do have a nice dark oak forest over there I’ll definitely be going there shortly looks like we have some planes off in this direction I’ll probably head off that way when I’m looking for a place to live I might actually just head

Off that way now because I don’t really want to go too far away from Spawn I kind of want to stay within like 500 or so blocks from Spawn it’s nice being close but not too close that you’re still in the spawn chunks so we can

Always come back to this dark oak forest later it won’t be that far away but there is some nice coal in here I saw a little bit of iron as well in this cave so let’s collect all this up and start heading off into that plane’s Forest

Area I saw a couple cows over there too we can probably uh just go ahead and Slaughter all of them to get some food and would you look at that just a little bit into this plans biome we have a village so we can go ahead grab a bed

From here also a little bit more cow wedge going on in this direction so let’s go Slaughter these guys as well That cow absolutely just got disrespected I’m so sorry that I had to do that and honestly the most important part of a village right now for me hey Bales now normally I’d make these into food but since packed mud exists and you need wheat to make it packed I will not

Be doing that we’re going to be saving all of this hay for the packed mod we’re going to use I’m just going to grab the pillars from this house here not necessary at all for them to to be there it’s not like they’re supporting anything it’s Minecraft after all and

I’m going to use those to craft a smoker or we can actually start cooking up some of our food we also have a good bit of bread on us we have 14 bread so pairing that with all the beef that we’re cooking we should be chilling on food

For a little while at least until we find an area that I want to call home and we can actually begin settling down I’m not really looking for anything too specific right now it’d be cool to find a nice Mountain but if I don’t find one

It’s not the biggest deal in the world I just really like what the mountains look like since 1.18 has come out we’re looking pretty good right now we got a lot of food got some nice stuff from the village we are chilling the inventory is a bit disorganized but I don’t really feel

Like organizing it right now definitely want to get out of this Birch Forest I absolutely hate those probably my least favorite biome in this entire game there is a Pillager Outpost over here I don’t know how close I want to get to this thing I guess I’ll see if there are

Any olays over here if there are maybe we can rescue them also we got a shipwreck okay that’s pretty cool but uh yeah maybe we can rescue some malaise if not I think I’m just gonna keep going I don’t want to die that would be really tragic if I lose this world somehow

Earlier than my other world that would just suck I don’t really see anything through the trees and I don’t really want to get that close so I’m sorry if there are a LA’s there but we’re gonna keep going hey we got an aqua affinity leather cap dude we are

Completing the leather armor here we look amazing whoa it’s a baby turtle look at this guy look at him go he’s just doing like little turtle things that’s a that’s a great guy did a great job over there producing that thing way to go got ourselves another Village

Over here this time a spruce one and I think I should probably get out of the spruce biomes after this because I don’t really want to live in one we just love Dennis Bruce biome in the last hardcore world and I don’t really want to do that again I also forgot to mention

Episodes I feel like that’s just a good way to stay on track right and my goals for this episode are to get a full set of iron armor that’s probably like the first goal and after that I would like to build a starter house of some kind that’s always

A good goal to shoot for in the first episode of a Minecraft playthrough and those are the main two goals that I had in mind I think that would make for a successful episode but there’s a couple other things we might end up doing maybe I’ll find some diamonds maybe we’ll

Plant Some Farms starting up some animal pens as well something like that could potentially happen but we already have a bit of our iron armor that’s really good to see so aqua affinity leather cap I’m sorry you got to get out of here we could get a little bit more iron armor

Right here as well and we actually do not but we do have an iron pickaxe I would definitely take that in four obsidian that’s really nice all right we’re getting a lot more interesting terrain over this way we’re a bit out of that 500 block radius

From Spawn but I really don’t care that much I was running around for a little bit and just did not find anywhere that I liked at all so we’re just gonna keep exploring outside that radius I just don’t want to go like thousands and thousands of blocks away

So let’s just see what we can find over here I see some snow over here that looks like it goes pretty high so this might be where we call home yeah that’s a nice Mountain that is very sad right there but that one looks a lot cooler let’s

Keep going this way there’s a village over there as well okay so I think somewhere around here is where we should you know start building yeah okay I think we’re gonna call this area over here home because we’re very close to a village still we have a huge mountain range behind us

This looks pretty similar to the other seat I had to be honest oh my god of course I started mining a tree and it’s one of these huge ones I hate this I’m just mining a trade just for a second because I actually want to trap these

Cows in some fences there are three cows around the area so we trapped them right there and I was able to breed them up so we got the achievement we got a baby cow and we will definitely expand on this in a little while but I just wanted to get

Some kind of animal pen set up for now let’s head off to the Village then as I’m going I’m also going to plant down some spruce trees so we can start up a spruce tree farm we got a librarian in this Village that’s nice we can get some free bookshelves nothing too crazy

In this Village in terms of loot but a lot of hay bales which I will certainly take and we also trapped a whole bunch of villagers in houses so they can remain safe but let’s head back over there organize what we have and actually hit the mines because I really want a

Lot of iron and hopefully in this first mining trip we can grab some diamonds I was able to make an iron ingot out of all the iron nuggets we found and we also have three more raw iron so I can make a bucket and we can also make a shield

Which is going to help us tremendously in our mining Expedition and sadly we don’t really have any coal so we can make 24 torches I will take those with me for now and we will also grab some more coal as we head down into the caves and

Honestly I might as well mine a lot of this tree out right now and we have made our first Shields that feels very good let’s go ahead and slap that on we have a whole bunch of food I’m just gonna take a stack of steak with me I’m not

Gonna bring this bread we have a whole lot of food we have some oak logs not really need a hoe we can leave that behind we have some sticks and we also have two iron pickaxes to bring the only thing now is to grab a bucket of water

And then we are absolutely good to hit the caves this goes down kind of far but I don’t know if that continues I will check it out though does not seem like this actually turns into anything so I’m gonna head back up and let’s head more towards the mountains that’s some

Weird looking lava over there oh I had a skeleton that might drop down yeah let’s actually go there first and then we can head towards the mountains and see if there’s any big openings over there yo Enderman come on man’s is pissed but he’s just not moving

Oh you dropped the ender pearl nice we’re just going through here collecting a whole bunch of resources it’s mainly just coal at the moment but I’m a fiend man I’m collecting all the coal I can and honestly a lot of this coal I’m just gonna make into torches now we’re gonna

Use them eventually I’m not gonna collect too much more coal then at least right now we can come back when we have fortune and stuff but 22 should be more than enough to smelt whatever I’m going to need to smelt down here and this definitely goes down I’m glad I

Checked out over here oh that goes into the spooky there’s a spooky deep dark I don’t like that I’m barely even prepared to go into a cave let alone the deep dark but these leather pants will lead me to Victory all right the warden should be terrified

Ow I hit a spike dude the warden’s gonna be so impressed watch this watch this water bucket oh my God I actually did it okay hold on there’s some stuff here though I’m scared get me out of here I’m just gonna keep running down I’ve definitely passed a

Whole bunch of iron on the way down here but I didn’t really have too much time to stop it was only a spider and a creeper chasing me but it could have been more that was a creepy noise oh no oh no I need to get out of here

Ah creeper stop creeper stop hold on hold on hold on we gotta get out of here I can’t see anything okay okay all right we’re good I don’t think we spawned the warden I’m pretty sure it’s like three of those and then the warden spawns oh God

All right just checked my heartbeat I’m still alive oh my God okay all right we got a full set of iron armor it’s not great but I feel a lot safer now oh God I did it again okay let’s just like get out of here

I’m thinking we just go the way we kind of came in and hopefully I don’t trigger that sensor again I’m just gonna do this the safe way I’m just gonna try to mine over to where I was before I think it was over here okay okay

I think we’re good for now I would like to go down this way but it’s just not gonna happen we’re gonna head over here I think that’s an ancient city down there pretty sure that’s what that is I’m gonna screenshot those coordinates so it’s something that we can come back to

I’m fairly certain I saw the right kind of deep slight block so that’s nice to know I’m gonna go up this way though yeah it’s definitely an Asian City down there I don’t know if you can see that but there is some wool right over there so that’s something that we can come

Back to in a little while and uh we found some diamonds a skeleton will not leave me alone but it’s like in the stone I’m pretty sure this is like a really rare block because diamonds normally spawn in deep slight now it was only one Diamond but I am gonna do it

I’m pretty sure that’s a rare block but I really want Diamonds oh there’s diamonds right there I think I risk it oh God okay let’s let’s just take the long way over here I feel like I can sneak up next to the diamonds pretty easily and we’ll be okay

Oh it’s just one Diamond again oh it’s not let’s go we have four diamonds oh I need one more I am not leaving until I get one more Diamond also I’m gonna go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe honestly I don’t really want to do this but it’s probably the safest way right

Now I’m just gonna dig down very far and just try to strip mine for this last diamond oh God it happened again I didn’t think they could get me in the strip mines please don’t tell me I just spawned the warden I think we’re good I don’t hear anything I think we’re okay

Let’s go this way now bro this is so much for one diamond literally just need one singular Diamond all right I looked it up and apparently negative 57 is better I was on negative 59 this whole time so maybe this will make a difference this immediately made a difference what

All right well anyway we found diamonds I’m not gonna complain we popped out like right over there it’s very close to where we’re going to be building I don’t think I’m gonna really use that for my mind I’ll probably have like a better looking one down the line

Didn’t mean to rhyme that but it happens all the time bars maybe no okay um let’s just keep going I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore but here’s the cows they’re looking great they’re chilling that was a pretty successful mining Expedition looking real nice we can also go ahead

And craft one enchanting table we don’t have the sugar cane to actually make it work but that’s what I’m gonna work on right now we’ve got a little starter sugarcane farm planted down there we have seven sugar cane sparrows that’s about like 50 sugar cane I think

Around that in that little farm and I am preparing to go on an adventure because we still need some more stuff before we can start building the starter house I need Mangrove wood I need mud so we just need the mangrove swamp in general I would like some jungle wood

And then dark oak and the sad thing is that we did pass a dark oak forest a while ago and I honestly thought I was going to be staying closer to that and we just kind of aren’t but it’s all good okay we’re gonna make this work I’m

Gonna go find the biomes I need I really wish we had a saddle I could take one of these horses but it’s fine I’ll get one someday so let’s just head out on foot and hopefully we can come across some of these biomes The Mangrove swamp is the

One I’m most like worried about because I don’t know if that’s the rarest one I’m looking for but I feel like I come across those the least I also have one spare piece of iron on me apparently whatever this piece of iron can come for the trip I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a blacksmith and an acacia Village I genuinely have no idea if I’ve seen this before you know I may not have been able to find a mangrove swamp just yet but I did find two Villages and in those Villages I was able to get three diamonds

So that’s really cool oh my God this took so long but we found one also OptiFine keeps crashing my game so I can’t use it right now the game might look a little bit choppier and I also can’t zoom in for a dramatic effect but I can when I’m editing

So put it put a zoom right here all right I hope that I hope that was was dramatic anyway we found the biome we’re looking for and oh my God this one is so small uh this looks like it might be the whole thing I’m gonna take all the mud from

Here though and just see how much we we can get out of it but oh my Lord this took a while okay there’s actually more over there I think there’s a little bit more so let’s start here we might move over there if I don’t fill up on mud I also

Used the diamonds we had to make a diamond ax that’s why my iron one is just floating right there I like immediately regretted that because I probably should have made a diamond shovel to collect all this mud with but it’s fine this iron one still does well

And this is one of the most like unsettling noises in this entire game oh God mud sounds so gross but it looks so good we have roughly six Stacks now of mud I hope that’s enough for like my next two builds it will certainly at least be enough for the

Starter house but I feel like my next build will use mud as well so I hope it’s enough for the both of them but I think we’re good to head back actually before I forget this would have sucked let me grab a couple of the mangrove saplings which are these propagules we

Got four of those bad boys so we can start heading back and it does look like this is another little Mangrove swamp over here a very small one as well there’s a bigger one over there it looks like okay nice that’s where we’re gonna come next time to get more Mangrove

Before we head back I want to get a parrot this parrot is eating way too many seeds come on man join me oh my God this parrot has eaten like 50 seeds but now I’m determined I have to get this one there’ll be plenty more at home if you just join me

Let’s go okay it took four that time but I’m telling you this man is a fiend he just ate like a whole stack of seeds my God that took forever to get back we were so far away I have explored a lot of the surrounding area just looking for that one stupid biome

But at least we found it okay our storage situation looks absolutely horrible but it’s all good okay we’re gonna be fixing that very soon by making a house I just need to go ahead and collect up these Mangrove saplings we have four of them do I have any bones I have some

Bones so I can make some bone meal and that should speed up the process a good bit but man harvesting Mangrove saplings is just like the worst thing ever I chopped down all the trees aside from The Acacia ones because I’m not going to be using any Acacia in this

Builds but I definitely still need more Mangrove we only have 54 Mangrove logs I should be good with Spruce should be good with dark oak and jungle because at least the jungle I’m gonna be using planks so I should be good with all that

Uh dark oak is only going to be for like the trim of the roof so I think we have enough for that we also have a couple leftover saplings as well but while I wait for the mangrove to grow back again I think I’m gonna start setting up some

Farms I think for the time being I’m just gonna put everything in one field just because we really don’t have that much of anything in particular I mean the most we have are 29 potatoes and that’s definitely not enough for an entire field I’m gonna need some Oak as

Well for this build but we can clear out this area right here because I feel like it kind of descending down this way would be a pretty solid spot for a field I’m eventually going to cover this whole area up so it’s not going to be completely open I think once that is

Done like the whole area will look a lot more complete but let’s just go ahead and start chopping down all these oak trees and then we can plant down the first field of this series foreign I cut down a good bit of the oak trees in this little area over here I’m also

Going to go ahead and make a diamond shovel nearly getting a full set of diamond tools already which is actually really cool I’m going to take this top layer of grass down and I’m going to use the dirt I get from this to kind of like make

This whole area look a little bit better all right I like this decline now I feel like I cleaned it up a little bit terraformed a little it’ll all look a lot better once this whole Gap is filled in but we’ll get to that eventually so I

Think we can throw down like the wall and let me show you the design we’re gonna do for that all right this is going to be the approximate shape and then we’re probably gonna throw some like stairs some slabs maybe some walls to make it look a bit wonky that’s kind

Of the look I’m going for but this is a huge space there should be more than enough crops to get us going for a while and I feel like since we have the actual spot laid out it’s probably wise to actually get everything planted right now so then while we’re working on like

The rest of the walls and stuff I think craps have time to grow we’re gonna get the a CD Place advancement now we’re planting down some wheat and that is everything we have right now it’s certainly not much but it’ll at least get us started okay the texturing on this side is definitely

Looking a lot better I feel like a little bit more and we should be good I’m gonna throw some andesite along the sides here as well just to break it up a little bit more I think it’s looking very solid around here we brought the wall down a little bit as

Well in some sections just to like kind of go with the go with the terraforming I think it looks nice I do think the next thing we should add though is a bit of greenery like some bushes or something and um I need to go get some leaves because I have none and

The leaves we’re going to use are Birch leaves I feel like these actually look kind of good with the color palette we got going on yeah I need to patch this up real fast I was really close to just dying right there and I think with those last few

Additions the farm is complete so this is going to be the design uh we go with for I think every Farm in this area once we get some lanterns as well I can throw them around but I’m liking this man Mangrove tree has got to be like one

Of the worst things in this entire game dude that took so long and I only got 50 logs out of it we can probably just go ahead though and start building the house I’ll come back and get more Mangrove as I need it this is going to be time lapsed anyway

Probably won’t even see me leave to go get the mangrove but yeah we have a stack and 41 that’s probably not enough for this house it could be it very well could be but I doubt it is honestly if you watched the original first episode of season two it’s going to be pretty

Much the same house I really like the house I made in that one and I hardly got to live in it so I feel like I can make it again and it’s not that big of a deal probably won’t be exactly the same it might be a slightly different shape

But for the most part um it’s going to be very similar and uh without further ado let’s start building this thing Foreign We have shaders on it’s looking nice chilling next to the cows having a great time over here but yeah here’s a look at the starter house I’m a big fan of how this turned out now I’ve mentioned this earlier but I pretty much built this house already it is

Slightly different but I also threw down this path and this is going to be the path design we have for like most of this area at least it’s gonna be like regular path block and then some Stones thrown in I don’t have any smooth Stone right now I have to get some eventually

But we’re gonna have some tough some Cobblestone uh some smooth Stone maybe some andesite every so often also some like Stone buttons uh we can probably throw around the the edges and maybe actually build up some Stones as well on the sides it’ll look really nice but this path comes back

Here we have a little like storage chest area on the outside I don’t think I’ll use this too much but it just looks kind of cool and if you keep going all the way around you have some windows we have a little collection of wood the whole thing is nice and decorated

And then we have like a little porch here we can look out on our beautiful tree farm and then if you go inside there’s nothing in here I just moved on my chests inside I will get this completely designed between episodes but I can probably describe how I want this laid out now

This first floor I want it to be chests and like a workshop kind of area uh the second floor then I’m thinking we can maybe have like a little furnace room like like a little Reading area or something like that you can see the chimney comes down right there so we can

Probably have the chimney actually attached on the wall over there or something that could look kind of nice just have a hallway then up to the third floor which is going to be the bedroom and the enchanting area I think I did a pretty good job let me know what you

Guys think in the comments down below and uh next time I think we’re gonna try to give the cows and the uh horse a better home they can probably cook up some kind of barn maybe plant some more fields in this same design over here and

I also would like to fill this in not completely obviously that’s that’s psychotic at least right now I want to maybe like double layer the top of this just so I don’t fall in because I’ve almost fallen in a couple times and I actually have fallen in a few times and

Nearly died so that’ll probably be the death of me if I don’t actually fill that in we should also get some enchanting done maybe do some more mining next episode is going to be a good one as well um but this is going to be everything for this episode just building up the

Starter house we got a full set of iron armor got some diamonds we’re kind of chilling in this world right now hopefully I don’t die between episodes that would really suck but thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this one and I will talk to you guys soon bye Foreign For like 50 Minecraft days same thing with the horse so we should definitely go ahead and make them some kind of home today um sadly I mean for the cows it’ll be their home but it’ll also be where they get converted into steak just don’t think about it okay it’s it’s pretty

Sad but just don’t think about it um so yeah definitely today we should go ahead and make them a new home that seems like a good idea also we need to do a couple other things we need to enchant I’m really tired of cutting down trees like in general but specifically mangrove

Trees without an enchanted ax it’s so annoying thing um I would also like just some more diamonds in general we don’t really have any and uh Fortune is gonna be good for that so hopefully we can get that in a little while but in order to enchant properly we should probably go

To the nether first and get some experience I could probably do it a safer way by trading with some villagers like trading with some Fletchers or something like that um but I just said before I don’t want to cut down trees and you gotta cut down

Trees to get the sticks to trade with the Fletchers I just don’t really want to do all that so I think we’re gonna go to the nether at least Scout it out if it’s a terrible nether spawn maybe we just we just chalk it and then come back

Later so I think the goals for this episode will be get some good enchantments I really want fortune three if I don’t get fortune 3 from the enchanting table I might just force it out of a villager I also kind of want mending today that would be nice because

Our diamond tools are running low and uh we don’t have any diamonds to repair them so hopefully we can get some mending in a little while then I also would like to build a barn of some kind with like a little stable area for the horse and I’m thinking maybe we plan

Couple more Fields not a couple probably just one we’re probably playing one more field I actually have to go through and harvest all this I haven’t done it once yet I’m a little lazy and just another tiny goal I want to fill in this hole not completely okay that’s psychotic I don’t

Want to just put some some dirt on the top few layers just so I don’t fall in but let’s show off what we did last time I built a starter house and I think it turned out quite well I also got this guy what are you doing not really selling anything interesting

But he did give me an excellent deal on some leads and some leather so that’s nice of him um but yeah if you go all the way around the house is looking looking rather schnazzy if you ask me I gotta complete this path all the way around I will do

That eventually and then if we head on in inside I can show off the interior so this was not done last time I literally just did this a little bit ago and I think it actually looks kind of nice so you walk in you have this main room where all our

Storage is going to be we have some furnaces some smokers actually just one smoker one Blast Furnace a couple more barrels just all over the place we got a table with some plates looking nice to have a little Reading area down here that I will never use because I don’t read uh

Some more barrels couple potted plants that always looks good and this is not organized even a little bit so that’s something we can work on eventually you’ll pop up stairs we have a little fireplace going on a nice L-shaped couch some like shelves back here with absolutely nothing on them

A couple more plants a couple more barrels a few more empty shelves and you go all the way up to the top we have our bedroom with some empty armor stands and our enchanting setup I think it looks really nice on the inside here also I didn’t really show this off last time

But we have a balcony we can look off into the area I want to expand down this way I think that’s going to happen today this is where I think the barn is going to go at least in my head right now that’s where I want

It to go but maybe I’ll second guess myself later but we can probably get a nice overview of the area once we build up some more stuff but let’s go ahead and get prepared to head into the nether I have some gold boots I think somewhere with

Like fire protection on them and Fire Protection too better than nothing I’ll throw those on to go to the netherwith I’m gonna grab a flint and steel do I have a bow I don’t think I do I guess we’ll just punch the gassed shots back at the guest I also don’t

Have any string to make a bow so we’re just gonna we’re just gonna go into The Nether without one and honestly I would bring a second pickaxe but I don’t have any iron to make a second pickaxe we really need to go mining again but I

Really want to wait till Fortune to do that um I don’t know where to throw the portal let’s just probably Chuck it like back in this mountain that’s probably where I’ll put it eventually so I’ll just get it in the right area for now

Oh my God I suck guys I am like so good at this game it’s insane look at this portal is the best portal you’ve ever seen it’s staying just like that now I need to go get my diamond pickaxe I don’t have it on me well we potentially

Have an issue here uh I have no idea where I put my diamond pickaxe I’m guessing when I like moved all my chests it despawned I don’t know how that would have been possible though I swear I just used it oh my God I also don’t have enough

Obsidian to make a new portal so I’m just gonna have to break the two pieces that I misplaced with this iron pickaxe and then we can head into the nether from there uh this is so annoying I don’t know where that pickaxe went I mean it was gonna break soon but still I

Could have Enchanted it and then got mending and then it would have been fine maybe we can find another Fortress and then find diamonds that way if anything I think I think that pig just messed up my flow I have to redo this whole thing now great but maybe we can find another

Fortress and find some diamonds that way if we can’t then I’ll just do some strip mining I was planning on doing that anyway oh yeah I’m really happy I just had to waste two pieces of obsidian like that but let’s hop in there is another Fortress right down here but this is a

Very dangerous nether spawn yeah this nether spawn like really sucks so I think I’m just gonna go back home We’re Not Gonna worry about the nether right now instead what we’re gonna do is just do a little bit of strip mining I need to find some more diamonds now

Anyway so let’s just do that we can also get some experience this way I really hope I run into some iron on the way down because this pickaxe is surely going to break before we get down to like y negative 58 or whatever I have to get down to foreign

This is the saddest thing in the world my iron pickaxe is about to break I haven’t found any iron yet and I’m going to need that to mine the diamonds so we have to make a stone pickaxe to start digging down oh my God this is

Gonna actually take so long oh yeah this is taking way too long with stone I give up with this instead what we’re going to do is just head over to the mountains and mine up some iron there I’m just gonna mine as much as I can with this

Iron pickaxe and then we can smelt it down and we can mine a little faster than underground now at least our house looks really cool from over here oh it’s gonna be a good view I think when we build up all the stuff I have in mind

All right we got ourselves a whopping 13 iron or living big right now let’s go smell this up and we can make four pickaxes all right well we got some skulk but I I feel like I’m past it no I think we’re okay I don’t think there’s

Any streakers nearby at least so that’s good and we have finally hit the Deep slate level okay thank you oh God no there’s more cave I don’t want a cave there we go finally I feel like I’ve been going for a pretty long while just be three oh come on it’s only two

Don’t do this to me okay of course it’s only two dude my iron pickaxe was about to break so I made another stone pickaxe all the way down here and oh my God this takes so long to mind the Deep slate with this is so painful this has to be

The most unlucky I’ve ever been strip mining I’ve been strip mining for like 40 minutes now granted I’ve been using like a stone pickaxe in the occasional iron pickaxe when I actually found some iron down here um but I literally only found two diamonds this whole time this has been

Awful I have a plan for right now um I’m just gonna go explore and hopefully come across some shipwrecks maybe we can find some diamonds that way since I only need one I feel like this isn’t a bad option so let’s go ahead and do that

This is exactly what I was looking for okay the first buried treasure we found has three diamonds in it oh that is brilliant we also have another buried treasure map that we’re close to so let’s go check that one out real fast before we head back home we had two more

Diamonds out of this one as well some more food some more potions yeah we’re looking good right now okay that’s what I wanted to thank you now we can head back home and we could probably do some Trading in the nearby Village because that’s probably the best way to get experience

Right now I mean I could go to the Nether and make it a little bit more safe but that’s kind of scary at the moment I don’t really want to do that we have like an entire inventory filled with sticks right now and we have two Fletching tables so let’s head over to

The Village convert two of them into Fletcher’s and then start making bank because Fletcher’s absolutely loves sticks I don’t know why but they just can’t get enough of them I got the level 26 trading with this Fletcher also got 32 emeralds out of it not too

Bad I’m gonna go ahead and chop down this jungle tree and we can convert all of that wood into more sticks and let’s just keep the process going until we get to level 30. all right this next trade we have here we should be able to get to

Level 30. there we go beautiful I ended up making another Fletcher as well and both of them are out of the stick trade right now and I got a little impatient so I just decided to get some bows we got some arrows and honestly I’m gonna use all of these arrows probably

Eventually we have three stacks now that also means I don’t really have to go for an Infinity bow right away then if we can just keep buying arrows and stuff they’re very cheap they’re only like an emerald or two we are guaranteed an Unbreaking three please be more than

That oh it’s just Unbreaking three yeah that is definitely getting re-rolled once again another level 30 enchant and it’s just efficiency for what is happening the next one’s going to be efficiency three which I’m really not looking forward to efficiency 3 Fortune 2. man that sucks

As well I don’t want that we got 33 levels this time and the first three are actually going to go to a book because a feather falling for book is incredible to get and then we have efficiency 4 next efficiency 4 on breaking three okay

I will take that because now I can just get a fortune villager then we just need a mending villager and we have a great pickaxe that took a very long time but we finally got at least a pretty good pickaxe I do want to make this thing

Like perfect though so let’s go get a mending and a fortune villager We Got The Mending trade it is for 24 which is a little expensive but I will take that we also got the fortune 3 trade sadly I only have 10 emeralds so let’s just go get some more real fast

And the fortune 3 book has also been acquired all right so we have the capability right now to construct a very good pickaxe um I think we just need a little bit more iron though because we still need an anvil you know this whole section of

The video is taking me a pretty long time I’m really hoping I can cut it down though so it’s not super boring for you uh because I highly doubt you guys want to watch me just like run around Gathering experience doing very tedious things

Um but we do have to hit the caves a little bit again I just need some more iron so we can make an anvil so then we can put fortune and mending on the pickaxe foreign ly certain we have enough iron now I have 30 raw iron on me

And we have some more back at the house and let’s throw some enchantment on this ax hopefully we can get a good one it’s Unbreaking 3 which is already solid and efficiency three not perfect by any means but I will definitely take it silk touches next okay so then we have to

Make a decision if I want to do like a silk touch shovel a silk touched ax or maybe we can just do a silk touch pickaxe just so then we can mine up all the stone we’re ever gonna need that’s probably the best option and now we have

An anvil wow oh it’s so nice I think I’m gonna throw this upstairs as well so then we can do some combining after we enchant so let’s just go ahead toss mending on this pickaxe and then toss Fortune three on this pickaxe and now our pick is looking amazing you know

Also now that we have this I am going to collect everything in the farm because we’re gonna get more of everything because of the fortune on the pickaxe well not everything We’re not gonna get more weight but we will get more seeds but still I will take that and this

Finally needs to be done man I need to organize my stuff yeah it took some time but essentially everything is organized now we got some wood in here I like to think of this as like the darker wood chest we got the spruce we got the dark ocher At The Mangrove lighter wood

Chest up here this one’s empty a couple of these are empty just to make room for some stuff that I didn’t even think of just yet uh this is all like crops and food and other vegetation stuff like that we got dirt we got some drip Stone

Down here a couple empty barrels on this side and then this one is going to be hostile mobs and apparently Flint why not Flint’s pretty hostile you want the [ __ ] pool because this is going to be non-hostile mobs we have like tools and stuff like that in

Here we have some random stuff I found while exploring I don’t know how else to categorize this chest we have glass up in this one another barrel for arrows I added just another little shelf over there over here we have valuables we have like mud and stuff like that we

Have deep slates and basalts we have some other like gray blocks we got Stone in this one so it’s pretty organized we’re definitely going to need more room pretty soon but I think this should be good for a little while I forgot one this is going to be the nether chest and

Just other things accompanied with the nether like these golden boots and stuff like that so it’s not absolutely perfect we could definitely still use a storage room probably pretty soon honestly but we’re gonna live in here for as long as we can I think it’s time that we take

Down pretty much all of the tree farm again let’s Harvest all of these materials replant everything and let’s see what we have at the end hopefully it’s enough for our newest build it probably won’t be though foreign Lapse came out correctly but I harvested all of the trees over there aside from The Acacia ones I’m not going to be using those I don’t even know why I planted those if I’m being honest I really don’t use Acacia often at all but

I guess in case we ever need it I have some Mangrove is literally just like the worst thing ever it’s such a nice looking wood I wish it was easier to collect it’s so frustrating to mine through all those trees all the leaves and then all the the stupid root things

I hated okay I just wish it didn’t look as good but I think we’re just about ready to start building this Barn I’m going to show you all the wood we have now so we have quite a bit of spruce we have a little bit of dark oak we have

Like two stacks of Mangrove that took so long to get honestly just these two stupid Stacks I’m gonna stop talking about it now um and we have a bunch of jungle logs that should probably last us for a good while and then also we’re gonna use some

Mud so we have just about three stacks of mud if we combine that with the packed mode we already have we will have over three stacks and uh yeah this is all going to be packed mud I will probably use regular mud down the line just not for

This build here it’ll probably be a similar looking pattern to the starter house so I think like the first floor will mainly be out of packed mud uh packed mud brick and jungle planks and then the second floor will be Mangrove but before we actually start placing

Down any of those blocks let me just show you where this is going to go and also you might notice the grass texture looks different I’m not using OptiFine at the moment I’m just you know in fabric so I can access the replay mod stuff I’m thinking the barn will go

Right where I’m standing like now we just gotta do a little bit of clearing out because I like what it looks like from over here I feel like this area right there would be perfect for the barn and then the way the barn is going to be designed is that like the areas

For the animals to roam around will be on the right and the left sides and I think there’s more than enough room on either side of this like little plot right here to have nice areas for the sheep and the cows to run around I actually didn’t mention that but this is

Going to be for cows and sheep not really any other animal I guess aside from our horse I’ll make a little extension somewhere for for the little horse friend but let’s do a little bit of clearing out I have four stacks of dirt on me so we can tell our form a

Little bit and also I just want to lay out how big this building is going to be with the dirt that we have I think I’m Gonna Change Up where this goes very slightly so originally I was going to put the building kind of where I’m clearing out right now but I think

Instead this is going to be the edge of like one of the fences I think we’ll have the building like here-ish where I’m standing now I’m aware that it’s just like a big floating dirt blob right now but I’m hoping this design works out let me try to explain what I’m going for

So I think the middle section here like this middle rectangle let me actually pillar up a little bit so you can see it a little bit better this middle rectangle right here is going to go up two stories like the central rectangle that is going to come to like a pointy

Roof like that okay if that makes any sense hopefully you can kind of visualize this the sides then are going to be one story and the roof will slant up in the middle it’s kind of difficult to describe what I’m talking about but hopefully if you’ve seen the thumbnail you you know

You know what this building is going to look like but the main issue right now with it is uh yeah it’s floating so let’s fix that let’s terraform this area a little bit to make it look more natural it’s probably not perfect but it looks way better than it did before

I’m not really the best at terraforming but I don’t think it looks awful we can always tweak it a little bit later but at least it looks like it fits right here all right so we have all the materials we just gathered in this chest right here um yeah we’re definitely

Going to need more at some point but the tree Farm’s right there all right it’s not like it’s far away we could definitely easily go back and gather some more stuff I’m assuming I’m going to need some more Spruce that’s probably the first thing I’ll run out of because

I use Spruce for so many things even though we do have like a stack of trap doors here I will probably use more all right Spruce trap doors are one of the best blocks in this entire game um but at least I feel like jungle were probably good Mangrove I’m sure we’re

Fine we’re not much of this building is actually going to be Mangrove and then the dark oak I think that’s just going to be used for like the trim of the roof like over there so I don’t really think we’re going to need a ton of dark oak as

Well hopefully we can at least get a good start on this build before I have to go gather materials but it’s going to be time lapsed you really can’t even tell when I leave to go get materials when it’s time lapsed so let’s just begin that Foreign The outside of the barn is now complete I hope you guys enjoyed that time lapse hopefully everything turns out correctly with replay mods sometimes it messes up that is a creeper I kind of want to cover that hole so I don’t fall in and die to this guy the hole is now covered

We should be good uh but yeah the outside of the barn is complete and the inside is completely empty but I did that on purpose because I wanted to do the inside kind of with you guys I’m not going to Time Lapse this one but as you

Can see we have some doorways on the side here because this is going to go out into the fenced area for the animals so we’re gonna have an inside area in here where they can come inside if they want to and also an outside area that is

Fenced off and I’m just thinking on the left side here maybe we have cows right side we could probably have the Sheep the back here could just be used as some storage stuff maybe a way to get upstairs as well that can be back there and also behind the

Building not accessible from the inside we have a little stable which I actually quite like I have so much random stuff on me that I have to make another chest this always happens whenever I make anything in Minecraft I always just throw a bunch of random

Stuff in here that I don’t actually need but we do have a bunch of deep slate and I have this because I think I want to make the floor of the inside here out of deep slate like the different variants of it maybe we can work in some Basalt as well

That could look kind of cool and I do need to go get my stone cutter so we’re not losing out on materials I think it looks real nice from back here once we get the path all connected and stuff it’s going to look real cool that’s also something I want to do

Before this video is over so like you know the exterior of the building itself is pretty much done but the rest of like this area is not finished I want to you know decorate it a little bit more connect the paths and maybe have another

Field in here as well we still have a little bit of work to do but this shouldn’t take too too long hopefully all right so for starters for the interior let’s definitely get some deep slate variant blocks I’m thinking we get some bricks probably get some tiles as well maybe

Some polished deep slate only bring a stack of that because I don’t know if I’m actually going to use it but let’s get two stacks of the tiles and the bricks and then we can probably work in some basalts I don’t have much I only have 12

And can I put that into the stone cutter I can to get polished Basalt okay I don’t really want that and let’s just start throwing down these deep slight blocks and see what kind of pattern we can come up with okay I like this I like

This I used all the blocks that I brought with me so we got some of the deep slate bricks we got some tiles we got the polished we also got some of that Basalt in here I think this Blends together all very well and then over

Here it’s going to be mostly dirt and coarse dirt maybe some drip stone I have some of that as well but I want to try to keep this all dirt I don’t want it to turn into grass yeah I think this looks really good I like the drip Stone in all

This I think it actually Blends in pretty well and looks solid now that the floor is all in uh we should start working on like the ceiling on the inside and a bit more of like the supports and stuff like that that we’re gonna have stretching across and I think

We’re gonna make this out of dark oak now typically I do spruce for stuff like this but I like the idea of having dark oak on the inside because I feel like it kind of gives off the effect that this whole building was once done dark oak

Like for the supports and stuff and then for the outside it just kind of like faded away a little bit because it’s been exposed to the Sun the inside is much better kept most likely right so it would still be the dark oak on the inside I don’t know if that makes sense

I hope it does but that’s kind of the the idea I’m going with here and uh yeah I definitely need some more dark oak but here’s the idea we’re gonna have dark oak supports like all over here we’re gonna have some beams going across it’s gonna look nice I think when everything

Is in place and then in the middle here we could have like fence gates and some fences just so we can get in and the Animals obviously uh cannot get out I also did not mention this but that dark oak is all eventually going to be

Stripped I just want to throw it all down for now I connected all the beams together here on the inside and we also like kind of brought over some trapdoors and some stairs and stuff like that to make it look a little bit more supported

I like what this looks like I think this is a a solid start for the interior here and then the ceiling design for the inside is just going to be some Spruce slabs and some trap doors think that looks okay we can probably throw some lanterns and

Stuff around this area once we get some more I still don’t have like any lanterns I used all the iron I had to make like 11 lanterns which I was able to put around like the windows of this building but we still need some more for

The inside I really need to do some more mining like desperately but the interior is definitely coming along with a staircase now as well to the second floor I missed a piece of Mangrove but I will fix that in a little while but now we have the second floor which honestly

I don’t know what to throw up here just yet I almost just put another floor on this building just to make it look cool the bottom floor is probably the only thing we’re going to use and also some of this is turning into grass I feel like it was because

Of the dirt block that I put right here I’m assuming that I can connect like diagonally so let’s take that one away and hopefully it stays all dirt and does not turn into grass I also just threw in a very basic roof on the animal pen

Sides we just have a spruce roof there it doesn’t have to be anything special and now let’s continue decorating with this back room over here we are going to bring up a dark oak beam to the second floor here I’m gonna strip that all down of course looks like it’s supporting the

Stairs a little bit better I always like that and then now we can actually throw in some like shelves back here and on these shelves we can start throwing down some barrels I have a couple chests as well I want to throw down I just really like what single chests look like next

To barrels I don’t know why but they just look really nice in my opinion I don’t know if it’s because like the size is different or what it is but it just looks a lot better than just having a bunch of barrels I think we are getting

Very close to finishing the interior of this build I want to throw down another like potted plant those always look good gonna actually break into my hay bales stack we have a bunch of pay bills this shouldn’t really affect me too much we also got to make sure we put the hay

Bales in ways where the animals cannot Escape that looks good to me adds a little pop of color on the inside here and the last little room we have to decorate is this one right here that looks good to me then nothing too crazy but it’s enough I think and I feel like

This is going to be the actual storage we use for this building just because then I can run in and grab some shears grab some wheat or whatever just right off the rip and then do what I need to do with these animals so now let’s just

Map out how big of a space we’re gonna give these animals here on the outside I feel like that’s a good amount of space out here where all these like logs are we’re gonna connect fences between them all right yeah I think this definitely

Works this is a lot of area I think the fence looks all right we have some Spruce and we also have some dark oak I want to try to go for that effect where it looks like some of the fence is fading maybe it’s a little bit older I

Think this actually looks pretty good one more final touch I want to add to that fence I just want to throw trapdoors on top of all of these little like wooden pieces here and I’m fairly certain the animals cannot escape from here actually they can escape right there

Now we’re good okay I I think we’re good I don’t think they can escape from in here let’s do the same exact thing here to the other side yo that guy is absolutely lost foreign I have no idea where he’s going but anyway this pen is now complete it’s

Pretty much the same as the one over there just a different shape now the last step for this build before we actually get the animals in is to like connect up the pathway make it look all nice and that also might mean we add a new Farm I’m thinking we could probably

Have a farm where this big like Cavern is because I did say I wanted to fill this Cavern and we’re going to do that right now it’ll also make transporting all the animals a lot easier I have one Diamond spare so let’s go make that into a shovel

And part of me really wants to enchant it before I start mining all of this dirt that would be so useful we’d get so much more dirt that way now the thing is with enchanting right now my next guaranteed enchantment is silk touch and I want that on a shovel eventually

But I would much rather have that on a pickaxe first and as you just saw we used our last Diamond to craft this diamond shovel so I think we should do some mining and I’m probably not going to show most of this because it’s just going to be strip mining but I’m gonna

Head down there try to get some more diamonds we have Fortune three now which is really nice that should also give us some experience so this isn’t actually that bad of an idea right now it actually won’t give us any experience right away since we have mending on this

Pickaxe now but I still do think it is worth our time to go and mine some stuff oh my God we’ve found diamonds and is it really only going to be one no way you’re doing this to me Minecraft I have been looking for so long literally like

45 minutes of just straighten Mining and you’re gonna give me one diamond and it actually only gave me one diamond from Fortune as well and finally more diamonds but it looks like one again okay it’s not one Diamond thank you there’s also a cave right here oh in an ancient city over there

All right we might do something real dumb in a second but let me just get these diamonds we have four now that’s actually all we needed I only needed enough to make another pickaxe we are pretty safe in this area back this way okay so

I want to see if I can just like steal a chest or two because yeah this is certainly an ancient city that’s cool um if I could just like eat one chest that would be pretty sick because you can get some pretty good stuff out of these ancient cities I think we’re

Actually okay to build a little bit right here I think it’s just sensors in this area yeah I think I’m good okay it’s just one again dude my diamond luck in this world has been wildly insane anyway though back to the search let me see if I can

Find just one chest those are the guys I’m scared of those are the shriekers if I’m not mistaken those are the guys that are going to alert the warden that I’m here those are the snitches no one likes those guys I’m just thinking that if I can open up a chest

And only alert the shriekers like once we’ll be okay I don’t even know where the chests spawn in here I’m kind of wandering around like an idiot and there are some more diamonds over there okay well let’s go get those I think I’m good to collect these it’s

Probably just one again it absolutely is nice that’s what we wanted I have seen my first chest let’s see if we can make it over there I can climb that without triggering anything so that’s good let’s keep going and we’re at a chest can I open this

Okay I can open it and nothing happened but sadly we didn’t really get too much out of this so we have another chest let’s see if I do this if we can then open it we can open it and we got Swift sneak 3. also Unbreaking three leggings might as well use those

But yeah cat we got a disc fragment a couple more disc fragments some bones okay that Swift sneak 3 book is going to be amazing once we get some diamond leggings there are still those diamonds over here that I do want to get I’m just gonna have to sneak my way all

The way over here because I don’t know what’s creeping around the corners here I feel like I would be safe to get up and start walking actually I probably wouldn’t if there’s a Shrieker right there sorry we’re just gonna stay crouched like forever there’s two sets of diamonds over here which is actually

Nice I hope I’m able to mine this without sending anything off Let’s try okay we’re good we’re good we mined one of them and we mine the other one okay we’re good so let’s just go find one more chest and I’m gonna dip I can also certainly be missing a lot of diamonds right now so if you see any uh I’m sorry that I

Missed them okay we made it up to this chest and I feel like since I just built all the way up here I can probably just open this one got Pro 4 diamond leggings with cursive Vanishing but that’s not that bad an Unbreaking three efficiency five

Diamond hoe okay that’s why I did this by the way this is precisely why I came here a ridiculous pair of iron leggings I’m gonna take those as well I don’t know if I’m gonna use them Swift sneak 2 we don’t need looting one isn’t that great I’m gonna

Leave that so I think that’s good I’m gonna hop on out of here we are now out of the mines and we’re back in the area feels good to be back here I don’t have to crouch everywhere I go I’m gonna head over to the Village though and trade

Some sticks to get some experience I really don’t feel like going to the nether right now we have now reached level 30. so let’s go enchant a pickaxe with silk touch I really hope this is more than just silk touch it’s silk touch Unbreaking not too bad efficiency on

That and then obviously mending would make that very very good but I’ll still take the silk touch and the Unbreaking we are exactly level 30 again so let’s go enchant this shovel and we can finally start just digging dirt we we just did all this so I can dig dirt more efficiently let’s

Go enchant this shovel it is only efficiency three but I will take it for now efficiency three on breaking three at least it’s Unbreaking all right now that we have this we can go collect a whole bunch of dirt a lot faster we have essentially an entire inventory

Here of dirt so that should be enough if this isn’t enough I’m going to be very upset we also like obliterated a lot of this biome here and I found the best way to do this actually so I can instamine dirt with this shovel but I can’t insta mine grass so what I

Was doing was trying to find like a tunnel that was too high in Dart and that’s kind of what this all is and it went by a lot faster and next up we just gotta fill this entire thing in and try to make it look natural I already kind

Of started up here but we’re gonna try to follow the same kind of idea all the way down and hopefully it just doesn’t look like a flat piece of land I think this works pretty well I think it looks fairly natural right here we can easily

Have this path kind of come down this way now and it can lead right into the barn without any you know risk of falling in or anything like that and we could probably throw another field right here we still kind of have to fill in this area here so let me actually just

Go do that before we are completely done with this whole section this is all flattened out over here now it actually doesn’t even look that bad with it all being flat but we can definitely throw some kind of building here eventually I do think it’s finally time though to let the cows in

It’s day 100 and they have still not figured out that I am not one of them also it’s day 100 I didn’t even realize that that’s cool all right we got the big happy family of cows in there I think everything is good the animals are

All in their cages all in their little pens we have way more cows than we have sheep but that’s fine and now last stop in this video is to decorate the path leading up to the house and I think we’re going to plant another field we’re just gonna do the same design probably

Won’t show too much of that just because you’ve already kind of seen me build one of these before but let’s go work on that but actually before we do that I almost forgot about the horse we gotta bring the horse into his new home there we go horsey looks a

Lot happier there’s some hay bales in the back there for him he’s vibing now it is time to work on the path the shaders are now on so that means this build is finalized now there’s some stuff I still want to do to this area down the line once I get

Access to more materials like I want a bone meal most of the outside here but I just don’t have any bones I want to add some more flowers around like I want to add some of the two tall flowers um but also I need bone meal to get a

Whole bunch of those once again don’t have bone meal so we will continue to work on this area throughout the series but I think I did a pretty good job based on what we have now so you’ll walk outside it’s looking gorgeous you can come over here and this path connects

All the way down to the barn we have a completely new field and this is what I want the two tall flowers for I want those flowers to be all throughout this field because I don’t know I like what that that purple looks like with the

Fully grown wheat and stuff like that I think it looks pretty cool I want to add some flowers to this field over there as well but I did add a couple hay bales those always look nice in in fields even though this isn’t a wheat field anymore

This is just potatoes and a little bit of carrots all the way at the bottom I still added some of them I still think it looks nice but this path now comes all the way down here we got some nice mud brick slabs to kind of help me go up

And down this place then we got some more like Stone broken into the path a couple uh pieces of coarse dirt along the way some lanterns I used the final bit of my lanterns actually I have three left let’s go make use of these really fast before we continue

Want to put one there then I’m just gonna throw two over here all right it looks amazing cool let’s go back this way now I meant to put a fence gate there too I keep remembering things that I that I forgot doesn’t matter though uh we have access to this Farm over here

With the fence gate I think it’s a little bit smaller than the other one this is going to be all Wheats that one like I said before mainly potatoes a little bit of carrots we should probably make a carrot field once we actually get enough carrots to fill a field I have a

Couple barrels here now where I can actually just go ahead and store all the stuff I’m going to need for you know these these different fields but you continue walking down here and this is where I want the bone meal for as well like this looks so bare there’s just

Nothing going on on either side and I think bone Mill just makes a huge difference but we at least have a path now all the way down to the barn and then the lower part of the barn is completely finished guess I shouldn’t say completely because

I still want to add lanterns once we get some more the upstairs there’s nothing here yet I don’t know what to put up here I guess let me know some suggestions in the comments if you guys can think of what to put up here

But for now it is empty I had the idea to maybe put like a table up here we can have like a dinner table but that feels a little mean right above where we kill the animals we have the dinner table that’s a little insensitive I think

Um but that is going to do it for this episode I hope you guys like the barn I think it looks pretty nice it’s a different style of barn to what I normally make but I think it turned out quite well we desperately need some more lighting

Around this area but just looking back here this looks pretty nice with all the lanterns now in place but once I get a butt ton more iron we can make infinite lanterns and we can make this area look a lot more lively but thank you so much for watching I really

Hope you guys enjoyed this one and I will talk to you guys soon bye meet Jim Jim might look harmless but he is one of the most infuriating mobs in this entire game most of the time he just doesn’t do what you want him to do sometimes he’s completely useless

Altogether he’s incredibly good at getting stuck in areas that he’s not supposed to be in and also his parents are built like Dwayne The Rock Johnson you’re welcome but somehow Jim is wealthier than Elon Musk I have no idea what kind of Enterprises this man is running

But he has emeralds for days okay and that’s what we’re after in this video I’m going to be making friends making an alliance with Jim with Jim kind all the gym in this world’s I don’t even I guess they’re called Jim now to me all the

Villagers I don’t know um but yeah we’re just gonna be working with villagers today they suck to work with but they’re incredibly useful you can get some super good enchants from them you can get unlimited emeralds and they’re also used for other things like an iron farm which

Also is going to be one of our builds for today today is a pretty ambitious episode so I hope you guys enjoyed this one but without further Ado let’s begin Foreign Tro I mentioned a few of the goals I wanted to accomplish today but there are still more so let me kind of lay out all of them the first thing I want to get done is I want to complete my set of diamond armor that’ll make me feel a lot

More secure and you know hopefully we won’t die as easily then we currently only have one piece of diamond armor and it’s this protection for aggressive Vanishing diamond leggings that we got from the ancient city last time and uh you know it’s a pretty good piece of of

Armor I mean that’s good for now at least prop 4 is very good Chris advantaging doesn’t really matter all that much because if I die and I drop the loot the world’s over anyway so it doesn’t really matter we could also just use some more diamonds in general to

Make some more diamond tools and uh just like a diamond sword I don’t think I have one yet so that’s the first point of action after that I want to make a villager breeder because we’re gonna need a lot of villagers for the trading Hall I have in mind we can probably just

Put the Villager breeder like somewhere underground maybe like in this mountain or something somewhere where it’s not visible because I don’t know how to design one of those on the outside to not make it look horrible then after we get the Villager breeder we can kind of

Progress onto the trading Hall and the iron farm and stuff like that so those are the four goals that I for sure want to accomplish today there’s still some other things I might do along the way I might end up putting like another field around here might end up just making the

Area look a little bit better in general but the four goals I listed first are my main priority right now so um let’s go ahead and hit the strip mines again I almost want to change where my strip mine is because it’s just been awful for me I think I’ll

Eventually build a mine I don’t really want to do that right now so let’s just head back down here again I just hope it’s better than last time all right I’ve been down here for like half an hour or so and we got 20 diamonds a lot better than last time

Last time I mined for like an hour collectively and I think I only found about like four down here let’s go ahead then and officially retire this armor and I swapped out my pants for these ones and I even think the iron pants I was wearing before were also swapped out

So those weren’t even my original iron pants but I think I have my original helmet my original chess piece and my original boots so I’m just gonna throw these leggings on there and now we have kind of our original iron armor but we look way better now way more safe as well

Diamond armor is looking nice and we can enchant this in a little while as well once we you know get some more levels but let’s also make our first diamond sword so that’s at least the first goal checked off for today and now let’s move on to the second one

I want to make a villager breeder now but we need one more villager at least in this Village because I don’t think we have a farmer and I’m pretty sure all of the villagers who are in that Village already have jobs I’m gonna go ahead then and harvest all this wheat that we

Have at least the wheat that’s done and then convert it into bread and then go make two of those villagers have a baby let’s go you produced a little child how you doing little man the thing is it’s probably wise to wait for the baby to grow up first because I don’t really

Have enough iron to make some like rails and stuff to transport the baby right now so I’m gonna wait for the baby to grow up I’m gonna turn them into a farmer just gonna throw this down so the baby becomes a farmer when when they

Grow up but I guess we can actually just start you know making the Villager breeder hopefully by the time I’ve finished digging everything out uh that baby has grown up foreign foreign I’m pretty sure now the Villager breeder just needs the villagers in there in

Order for it to start working I think I built it correctly I guess once we get the villagers in we can kind of test it out and see if we’re actually producing any um but I am level 30 once again and let’s go enchant something I think I’m

Gonna enchant a piece of armor first and I think it’s going to be the boots so depth Strider 3 is guaranteed please be just more than that it’s prop 3 Unbreaking 3 Dev Strider three okay those are actually very solid boots I want prop 4 but that’s not that

Difficult to get I just need at least a prop 3 book and we should be good with that we also have this feather falling four book which I think I’m actually just gonna throw on these boots right now feather falling is so important so hopefully now we won’t die from any kind

Of like fall damage and there we go we’re just a little bit more protected now we’re looking pretty good I feel like this villager should be grown up by now let’s go ahead and take a look in here all right we got the Villager out

Let’s see if we can lead them over here hopefully we can just continue leading them to the farm An annoying amount of time I hate moving villagers and now I believe it is fully functional everything is planted down the farmer should start collecting this and just tossing it out to their friend hopefully this works we’ll check back in a little while to see if we actually

Have any baby villagers and also I should point out that this is logical geek boys design I will you know put the link to the video I watched in the description now that we have the Villager breeder up and running we can start talking about this trading haul

And I actually don’t think I’ve said this yet but this is going to be a trading Castle okay so I’ve never built a castle before so we’re gonna see how this goes together hopefully it’s not too bad but I thought it could look really cool if we have a castle in like

The main Courtyard area is just lined with villagers on the outsides and then in the middle we can have like a central tower and that’s where the iron farm is going to be encased I like this idea quite a bit we just have to figure out where to throw this

Castle I think somewhere up on the mountains would be a cool idea I think that would just look really nice in the backdrop of everything or we could potentially put it at like a Midway Point like we could start it over here so we have a little bit of options let

Me just kind of run around a little bit and find the best spot for this I actually do really like right here we’re gonna have a lot of clearing out to do we’re gonna have to take down this whole area right here but I do think it will be worth it so

I’m just gonna start digging away here some of this is powdered snow well that’s gonna be annoying to deal with Foreign We cleared out a good chunk of this space up here I might still have to clear out some more to put some like decoration and stuff around the castle but this is at least a good start and I definitely did not miss a tree that that’s that’s just your imagination

Um but anyway I also laid out what this Castle is going to look like Dimension wise this might get tweaked a little bit but I just wanted to make sure I had enough space up here to have like a build of this size so we have like four

Towers on the corners each of these I think is like five by five on the inside and then we have a central tower which is seven by seven on the inside and I think this is where the iron farm is going to go and that’s what I’m actually

Going to work on now I want to get the iron farm in place before we start building everything up just so that the iron farm is going while we’re building up the rest of the castle we can actually start accruing a lot of iron I

Have no idea how to make one of these so I’m definitely gonna have to look up a tutorial but let’s go ahead position ourselves like right here and now when I turn around the iron farm will be completed so here we go we got an entire iron farm

And don’t don’t pay too much attention to this dirt like roller coaster over here I needed to get the villagers up all right it looks awful but I gotta leave it up here for now because we’re gonna need villagers to populate the you know Castle once we start building that

Up but yeah here’s a look at the iron farm the design I went with was from shulkercraft I’ll put a link to that video in the description you know the one I watched but also in the video it says that the farm was designed by K1

Inc so I figured I should point that out as well it’s a pretty compact design which I like we can definitely put like a little Tower around this and it would work out very well it actually might be a pretty big tower but we can certainly

Put a tower around this and it’ll be perfect but we have 20 iron already I’ve just been sitting here for a little while just making sure this thing works you can see the Golems burning up there and also I had to throw like a couple dirt blocks above the water sources so

The water doesn’t freeze I feel bad for the villagers though because they’re just gonna live an entire life in constant Terror of this zombie over here that is getting sent up every once in a while another thing I would like to point out is uh you know normally you

Would name the zombie that’s what it said in the video to do that’s typically what you do if you want to get something to you know not despawn but I don’t have any name tags I went to go try to level up a librarian but I just don’t really

Have the finances right now to go ahead and do that so what I did instead was just give him a potato I’m pretty sure this will stop him from despawning I really hope it does I tried a couple other times with other Zombies by just giving them a gold helmet and that

Didn’t work I don’t know if I did something wrong but uh they all despawned but this guy has been here for a while I’m hoping he stays here forever with his glorious potato but anyway yeah that’s the iron farm it should be good

For us for now we do still need to do a whole bunch of stuff before we can start building this castle and honestly I need to get more food I’m running out of bread that’s the last piece of bread I have I am cooking down some potatoes in the house but I’m kind

Of tired of eating that stuff we have like a trillion cows so let me go kill a couple of them I do actually want to enchant a sword before I do that because maybe I can get looting and just get a whole bunch more you know beef

So let me just quickly get to level 30. fire aspect 2 is the guaranteed enchant please be better than that I’m hoping for at least sharpness sweeping Edge 3 fire aspect to it’s not too bad I mean I guess we can save on coal but I don’t really want

This sword long term let me go take down some of the cows with it though and then I’ll probably come back and disenchant I still need a ton of materials in order to make this Castle a lot of it’s going to be out of deep

Slate and I have a ton of deep slate so we don’t have to go gather that but I probably need more Spruce because I think we’re gonna work in some Spruce accents have some like Spruce pillars going up on the sides I think and then we certainly need a lot more mud because

We’re going to be using the regular mud blocks and then also like in the packed mud as well the idea right now is to start with like the Deep slate on the bottom and then work in some regular mud into that because that’s like the same

Color kind of like that they do go together pretty well and then we can throw in some of that rooted mud I I don’t remember exactly what it’s called and then transition that into the packed mud because you know the rooted mud has

A bit of brown in it I feel like we can probably blend those together pretty well and then like you know the top will be all like the the packed mud and the jungle planks and stuff like that I think it could actually look really cool

So let’s head all the way back to the mangrove swamp this is gonna take a while it took me so long to get here in the first place and then we’re going to completely obliterate all of the mud in this area I think this took a while to get here but we

Finally made it as I remember this being like a pretty small Mangrove swamp I’m still gonna get as much mud as possible from here also during my travels I killed a lot more cows so we have like another stack of raw beef which is nice and I got a whole bunch of

Flowers I got a bunch of the two tall flowers I want those for my farms and stuff I think they’re gonna look pretty cool in there but let me just go ahead and load up like the rest of the inventory on mud we have a ton of mud

Also a little bit of the muddy Mangrove Roots but you can actually craft more of these so I don’t mind not getting a ton of those while I’m here but yeah we have a lot of mud hopefully I don’t have to come back for a little while but if it

Turns out this isn’t enough mud for this Castle I’m just going to be incredibly sad so on my way home I came by this Pillager Outpost again I think we actually found this one in like episode one I just didn’t go in it because I

Didn’t want to die so early but we do have a goat horn in this which is actually awesome so I’m gonna go ahead and take that for sure Dude I love this thing man dude goat horns are like one of the best things I added to this game they’re amazing after traveling for what felt like about three years uh we are finally back home and we can continue collecting resources for this build I want to collect a whole

Bunch of wood and before I do that I’m gonna go ahead and enchant another ax the ax we just Enchanted only has efficiency three on it that’s kind of lame but at least we can combine these two to get efficiency four I’m gonna go ahead and do that right now and also

Repairs the ax so it’s not too bad we just need silk touch then and like mending on this and then it’s going to be incredibly good I’m going to go ahead though and chop down like all of these trees here pretty sure we’re going to use nearly all of this wood I actually

Don’t know if I’m gonna use any Mangrove for this which I like quite a bit because I don’t really want to harvest any it’s the most annoying thing in this game now that might not be true it might not be the most annoying thing but in terms of harvesting wood it is so

Annoying to get so we have a ton of wood right now I just harvested pretty much everything aside from The Acacia once again and I just never replanted the mangroves so we actually just don’t have any over there but this should be good for at least a start if this is not

Enough wood for the whole build I’m gonna be very upset I’ve never really built anything to this scale before so I don’t know if this is enough but I guess we’ll just start placing some blocks down and check it out we also have a ton of deep slate that

I’m gonna have to bring up there all this mud as well left to come up so I’m gonna have to make a couple trips I’m gonna throw some copper out to oxidize as well because I think I might use like the final form of copper for

The roof It’s Like A Touch of Green would look really nice on this I also want to throw some like Mossy Cobble and like Mossy stone brick and stuff in the roof that’ll probably look pretty cool with this like Papa green so I do need to go grab some Moss now I

Think I have like one Moss block but I don’t have too much bone meal I’m gonna bone meal as much of it as I can and we’re gonna see where that gets us if it’s not enough I’ll just go try to find a lush cave oh we actually have a decent

Bit of bone meal right now I guess I killed some skeletons along the way which is nice we can finally bone me a little bit around the area so I’m gonna spend a little bit of this bone meal just making the area look a bit nicer

All right it’s not much but I like it a lot more than you know what it was before just the grass and the flowers just make the whole area come and also we’re gonna use like this entire stack of bone meal and get as much Moss as possible we have so much

Moss at the moment and we have a good bit of like moss carpet some of the azalea bushes and stuff like that for some more decorative blocks but we probably won’t be needing Moss for a good while we have a lot and I think with all that Moss we have pretty much

Everything that we’re going to need for this build so let me organize everything I’ll move it all up there and then we can start building this Castle Foreign Foreign Dude this thing took so long to build oh my God alright so before I actually show off what the build looks like with shaders on need to apologize all right I’m sorry it’s been so long since the last episode in this series now I have a main Channel where I upload Madden

Content right and the new Madden game just dropped a couple weeks ago so I’ve kind of been focusing all my time on making content on that game so I haven’t had all the Time in the World to come over here and start working on this project I also work full-time so trying to

Balance all that stuff just a lot of time that I don’t necessarily have but we have completed the castle well at least like a good portion of it it’s not fully done yet but I’ll kind of go through exactly what isn’t finished one more thing I want to say before I turn around

Thank you honestly for all the support this channel has actually grown a good bit since the last episode I’ve gained like 90 Subs which is huge for a channel this size so thank you so much if you’re a new you know subscriber and if you’re just watching this for the first time

Thank you for checking me out I really appreciate it I do not want to end this series all right like I want to keep making content on Minecraft I’ll just have to find time in my schedule to record it but without further Ado let’s turn around with the shaders even though

I’m pretty sure the time lapse should be with shaders on Dan it doesn’t really look that good from down here if I’m being honest but I’ll take you guys through and then we’ll go back like to the house and look back I think it looks really cool from

That angle so we have a castle this is the first castle I have ever made I’ve never built a castle before also I did not do this in Creative first so that probably accounted you know for a lot of time in this build but I’m thinking the

Villagers will go like in these hallways here we can at least have a decent bit of villagers in these hallways that’s kind of why I haven’t finished the interior I didn’t really give this too much thought on where the villagers are actually going to go it is completely

Empty we gotta definitely do some interior design I did put a roof on a ceiling on the inside so you know it’s looking pretty sick but you know I think we have a lot of room for a lot of villagers over here we can also have a couple like you know in

These Corner rooms in the towers you can even have some more going up the towers and stuff like that but there is a ladder over here just a tentative ladder to get up to this floor of the Tower and again you know I have to patch off the

Top here and put another ladder put a staircase do something like that to actually access the top there but we do have this kind of view which I think looks really nice once we build up more of the civilization down here this view is going to look really sick but even with

Like the starter house and the farm oh did I miss a piece of tough down there oh my God I did but with the starter house the barn and the Farms looks really nice from up here the central tower here of course has the iron farm

In it and I actually have to do some spawn proofing up here because Iron Golems keep spawning on these platforms I’ll figure out some way to actually spawn proof this area like this section right here that I’m standing on right now is spawn proofed since you know we

Have slabs maybe we just bring the slabs up all one I’ll have to go through a couple different like trial and error phases in order to figure out some kind of Spawn proofing system that I like also I realized in the middle of me building this that I couldn’t put this

Tower completely Central like as you can see there’s only a one block Gap right there whereas over here there’s like a three block diagonal Gap um yeah so I couldn’t put it completely Central but I still think I did a decent job to make it look okay like as you can

See here there’s an iron golem what’s up dude how you doing there’s enough room to run around this whole area so I don’t mind that it could be a bit crammed on the bottom there also might be some like miscellaneous blocks still chilling places just because I didn’t have

Scaffolding so I had to go over with like tough and Cobblestone and wood and stuff like that whatever I had at my disposal I could definitely go around as well and decorate with some more lanterns I kind of threw a couple around in some areas but I want to throw some

Like off the roof of each of the towers probably like near the windows and stuff down there as well I want to throw some more but as you can see you can actually access all the way back here don’t know if we’ll have any villagers back here because it’s super cram but

Yeah this is the castle I think it turned out pretty well especially since I’ve never built a castle before with some more like interior design and stuff I think it’s going to look super super nice but honestly I’ve been keeping you guys waiting I think for too

Long on this episode so I kind of just wanted to get this out and we can work on some interior design in the future but dude going up and down from my house back up to here it’s made me realize that I really need wings like really

Badly I think next time we’re gonna focus on like beating the game hopefully we don’t die honestly we very well could the Ender Dragon is still pretty tough I beat the Ender Dragon several times already but honestly like if if the right thing happens you could very very easily die

So I think we might focus on that next time I do want to get some wings I want to get some elytra get some shulkers as well that’s another huge thing dude building this without shulkers was the worst but yeah anyway from this angle I think it looks awesome so let’s actually

Like come from the front deck of the house so you know let’s just say came out of the house slept a beautiful like eight hours right now let’s do like 12 hours all right I’m a tired man been working on a castle for the last like a

Month of my life okay so we had a nice 12 hour sleep it was beautiful we had our coffee talked to our parrot who I have not named yet once we get a name tag we can name that bad boy but you know we had we had cereal with the

Parrot had some coffee coming outside walk around the corner I don’t know why I’m setting the scene like this but you know you just deal with it and you say that the beautiful castle getting obstructed by this disgusting dirt bridge but pretend that’s not there all right we have this beautiful castle I

Think it looks really nice from down here honestly and once we build up this entire area down here it’s gonna look super super nice from up there as well but yeah as you can see we definitely have to get more lanterns around the area I will go ahead and do that at some

Point as well and I’m also unsure about like the middle roof kind of just threw something together and it’s sort of difficult to get a good angle to see what it looks like I’ll have to like gauge it from replay mod and stuff it might look really dumb in replay model

Figure it out one more thing I need to point out I hope I’m you know getting everything here the roof isn’t completely done yet I need more copper I want a mix of like copper moss and like Mossy Stone and stuff like that I just don’t have enough copper and all the

Copper you see up there it’s going to be fully oxidized I just kind of threw it all down just now so if you saw any completely unoxidized copper that’s not final that’s not supposed to be there once it turns into like that nice like teal green color it is complete that’s

The look I was going for but that is actually going to do it for this episode I hope you guys have enjoyed the castle let me know in the comments what you think about it like don’t be too mean it’s my first castle no I hope you guys

Actually enjoyed it I think it looks pretty sick maybe we build some more castles in the future maybe go grander I don’t know if I’m gonna do that dude this was a pain to build at least without scaffolding maybe with scaffolding and elytra it would have actually been a lot easier

But thanks one more time for watching this video I really hope you guys enjoyed this one man and I’ll talk to you soon bye But now I gotta say before I really do anything in this video just want to thank everybody who has been watching um this channel has recently passed 400 subs and the channel now has 500 Subs so uh this is kind of awkward you guys actually seem to be enjoying these

Videos which actually really means a lot I’ve spent a good amount of time lately trying to work on editing and stuff like that and actually trying to you know build stuff that looks decent and I feel like so far I’ve done a pretty okay job

Right in this world so thank you for the support on this series I really do appreciate it but we are back with my Minecraft hardcore let’s play playthrough kind of thing and last time we built this Castle and I I gotta say I lied to you guys okay

Um there’s no villagers in here just yet I said last time that I was going to put villagers here between episodes I I just I just don’t want to do anything else in this world honestly until we have elytra and shulker boxes okay it’s just a lot easier to deal with Minecraft when

You’re overpowered and that’s what today’s plan is not necessarily to become overpowered we’re not going to get nether right and get the perfect enchants and all that stuff but I want to beat the game okay we’re gonna start out by collecting all the resources necessary to go to the end whoa that’s a

Big fire stick and to defeat the Ender Dragon I want to explore the further parts of the end get some elytra get some good loot that way obviously some shulker shells as well to make building bigger projects a lot easier and the third thing I want to do the build for

This episode is going to be a museum because I kind of want to start putting my cool stuff up somewhere else like the dragon egg dragon head I don’t even know what else I could throw in there that I have right now maybe the goat horn that’s a pretty cool you know object

That we have not completely rare but love me some goat horns I’ve always wanted to make a museum I just never really got around to it normally whenever I get anything cool I kind of just throw it in my house but we’re gonna make a dedicated building

To kind of Mark the history of this series maybe I’ll throw my first pickaxe there too I think I actually still have that but yeah if you missed the last episode we built this castle and it’s made to house an iron farm which is in here

Producing kind of well oh look at that it’s also apparently a dark oak slab a mossy cobblestone slab mossy cobblestone a mossy cobblestone stare an exposed cut copper stair Farm that’s that’s the best that’s the kind of iron farm you get on this channel this will also house our villagers I

Mentioned it before but I didn’t actually move anyone in here it is still completely empty the nice at least even without much decoration on the inside the outside still looks pretty epic in my opinion got a couple really nice comments about the castle as well certainly appreciate

That I think for starters then today we should go get some ender pearls I want to say I might have like one or two my inventory is a complete mess though so I I definitely have to clear this up I think we are all set to go to

The nether now inventory is rather cleared out I’m breaking a bed even though I can’t use that whatever it’s still gonna stay in the inventory not a big deal but uh let’s hop over to our another portal I really hate our nether spawn we’re gonna have to do something about

That in the future and I only have like a stack of gold so I’m not gonna bother bringing any we’ll just go to a warped forest and try to kill some Enderman there’s a warp Forest over this way but getting there is gonna be a little bit annoying I really hate this nether

Spawn like so much and we are in kind of we actually just have to break in now and we are finally in the Fortress gonna make sure we’re safe from some wither skeletons I’m gonna screenshot those coordinates for sure and let’s go kill this Blaze I’m sure there’s a spawner over here then

I should have brought a shield the more I look at my inventory the more I realized like I shouldn’t have brought all this stuff there was no reason for me to bring uh the diamond hoe or the ax but it’s whatever now I don’t believe there’s actually a spawner over here I

Guess those blazes just kind of spawned on their own gonna gather some quartz on the way too be nice if we can get some levels but at the moment we’re just repairing our pickaxe since it has mending on it but I do want to get to

Level 30 again before we hop into the end because I want to enchant a bow with a level 30 enchant yeah okay just four saddles in this one chest don’t think we’re gonna need all of those go get him go get him my minions I didn’t drop the bow I was really

Hoping you would I haven’t found a blaze spawner yet but I’ve just been killing a bunch of blazes that I just see like roaming around there’s actually been a ton of them we have seven blaze rods I feel like our drops are actually you know pretty

Decent got that Dream Drop luck at the moment now this is where all the action is it looks like yeah there’s some blazes over here there’s some wither skeletons over here and this is where the spawners are there’s at least one over here I can see

It to the right I don’t need that many more blaze rods actually so I don’t want to like push my luck too much I’m not trying to get all the wither skeletons right now as well so if I can just get a couple more blaze rods I’ll be fine I have seven I

Think if I get to like ten I’ll be chilling yeah I wish I had a shield oh God I wish I had a shield I’m stupid sweet I’m gonna go get this blaze rod and then I’m done it’s actually two we’re chilling we got 11. good with that let’s get out of here

I still do need the ender pearls obviously so we actually have to stay in the nether I just want to get out of the Fortress dude this is so sketchy so when I get to the Warped Forest why is it so hard to do dude this is incredibly

Sketchy but I don’t know what else to do let’s make the jump and we’re in we made it to the work Forest oh God I wish my portal was over here I hate Basalt Delta so much I got ourselves in a weird position right now I accidentally hit a piglet

Yeah so this is kind of weird might have to make a an interesting Escape here in a little bit I think the piglets are angry at me so I’m just gonna leave I’m not trying to die to them here’s a tip about Enderman if you guys

Didn’t know this if they’re mad at you and you keep looking them in the face they don’t run at you so if you ever caught in like a really weird situation with Enderman you can uh you could just try to like stare at him straight in the face and

They won’t come closer to you we nearly have a stack of Ender Pearls I’m good leaving on that note I think so let’s make the very sketchy trip back yeah this is just like the worst another in the worlds I think it’s definitely up there that sucked

Let’s leave it’s time now to clear out the inventory once more and then we can consider trying to find the stronghold I don’t know if I’ll go find it right away because I still do want to enchant a bow what does my bow and chant even going to

Be let me check that out because if the level 2 enchant is decent I might just take that oh it’s way different okay so let’s definitely wait until we get to level 30. so I guess you know what that means we’re gonna go trade a whole bunch of

Sticks in order to find this image I Googled a good stick and I think I completely agree this is a pretty good stick now if you haven’t already definitely leave a like on the video for this stick just look at them do you guys like my AFK chamber for when

I was waiting for my spruce trees to keep growing because I needed like way more Spruce than I thought for that castle I think it’s a nice aesthetic adds to this area very well you know but we have a ton of sticks also a bunch of leftover

Planks to make more if I need it so let’s head over to the Village and go bamboozle some of these guys to get some massive stunks we are now level 30 so let’s go enchant a bow and then we can actually start looking for the stronghold go ahead and get power four

And Unbreaking three punch too not a bad bow definitely not a bad bow at all an Unbreaking three book is next that’s actually really solid may have to go ahead and get that I think we’re looking good to go look for the stronghold sadly we don’t have a full like Enchanted set

Of armor but if I’m being real I’m okay with the armor we have I might as well check out level 2 enchants on everything it’s probably smart to at least get some kind of enchantment on my armor for this like protection 2 on the helmet I will

Take that it’s just prop 2 but that’s fine we can obviously disenchant when we come back that does mean though I did lose the Unbreaking three enchant on a book but it’s not the end of the world I’m gonna enchant the chess piece as well Thorns won fire protection

Thorns one the fireprot’s not gonna be super important but it’s fine but let’s toss apparel and see where we have to go it’s this direction and of course the first one breaks why wouldn’t it all right this is going to be kind of awkward but I’m pretty sure the

Stronghold is like in the middle of the ocean here found some diamonds digging down cool all right I’ll take it I don’t even know if I’m in the right spot I was kind of just swimming around underwater for a while found a spot I was able to dig so

I just kind of started doing it honestly this is just kind of ridiculous it’s been tough for me to try to find this stronghold I don’t know why but I found more diamonds thank you I honestly wasn’t being too precise with this because I was kind of just going near the areas where it started changing direction figuring if I just dug down I could find it but this is exactly where it starts pointing down so let’s just dig down from here I

Probably should have just done this from the start yeah it’s right here cool should I just done that from the start I suppose but I mean I got 30 diamonds this way so you can’t be that bad I found a library that’s nice let’s try to

Find the chests in here and get some books potentially nothing good in the first chest let’s go upstairs we got an Infinity book in this Library also a respiration 3 book it’s not bad also take all the regular books not too shabby and there is the spawner

Perfect I think it is time though that we do this thing think my inventory is all set up I got my water bucket over here I’m actually gonna have it next to my bow I think so I got my water bucket here in case we get flung up into the air I got

A bunch of food on me we should be good this is always scary to do but especially in hardcore right I’m gonna grab some blocks as well just in case I have to pillar up or anything like that let’s do this thing all righty we are here start taking down these pillars

Also while I’m here I’ll get the achievement of getting the dragon’s breath I think we might have gotten all of the towers so I think it’s time we just start shooting now I’m always really scared to actually go after the Ender Dragon when she goes into the middle

Because I feel like you get flung so easily that way I kind of just like stand on the move oh man we’re getting real close does not have much health left just don’t get flung off and there it is the Ender Dragon is dead oh it’s great feels so good let’s get

All this experience let me not drop my bow it’s also heal my pickaxe might as well got 65 beautiful levels actually a little bit more hold on maybe 66. yeah 66 levels let’s also grab the egg bada boom we got the egg as well all right so

We will be back in a little bit to go through that Gateway but first let’s hop through the portal again head back to the house or let’s not head back to the house because I slept in the middle of nowhere I’m an idiot all right let’s uh go find the house

Again nothing says home sweet home like this dirt bridge that we got going on I missed that so much no okay well we’re finally back and uh we’re gonna go spend all of these enchantment points who are you guys wait huh where do those villagers come from I

Genuinely have no idea are they able to get out of the breeder what huh are there too many of you guys that you just like phased through the wall oh ah no not at all I just left that open let’s do that for now I guess

All right well we got a couple villagers now in the in the barn area whatever that’s fine they made it out on their own I won’t punish them for that we’re also gonna go ahead and make I think a new set of tools probably not armor just new

Set of weapons and tools just so that we can enchant some fresh stuff maybe except for the hoe actually no I will make a hoe because if we get silk touch it’s worth combining but let’s go ahead and do some enchanting I won’t show you everything I do because

This is going to take a while and I actually do need a new pair of leggings I forgot about that because my leggings have curse of Vanishing and I can’t disenchant that now we should be good all right so I’m gonna get some enchanting underway and I’ll let you

Know all the good stuff we get that’s a really good hoe that we just got also a pretty good sword I want looting on that though for sure so we’re gonna make another sword too there we go we finally got the leggings I was looking for prop

4 Unbreaking three that’s very good to me I think that’s a pretty good chess piece I think we are actually supposed to do with armor is have like have like three pieces for protection four and then one piece not the show one piece for either fire protection or blast

Protection I think I’d rather have blast but I don’t mind the fire protection right now I wish I was able to get prop 4 in the helmet but we only got prop 3 here that’s decent for now I guess and we are all out of levels I wasn’t able

To get a looting sword but it’s all good it is time though that we do a bit of combining we have a prop 3 book I forgot I got that earlier so I can put that on either the helmet or the boots I think I’ll put that on the boots

Just to make the boots like perfect I’m not sure I’ll be able to combine everything that I need right now I’m gonna start though by putting a lot of these books on stuff so Swift sneak we’re finally gonna get Swift sneak that feels so much better

You sneak so much faster oh it’s great gonna throw protection on the boots then that brings us down to 12 levels and I think next we should put efficiency 5 on an ax that’s exactly 12 levels so we’re gonna go ahead and do that I don’t really want

The fortune too I want silk touch but I should be able to exchange that later there are two other things left for me to combine that’s these two pickaxes to get an efficiency 5 pickaxe and it is my hoe with my other hoe which I don’t

Have on me I think that was very successful we got a full set of very good diamond armor I don’t know if I’ll switch out this chest plate for blast protection I very well could do that in the future but every other piece of the armor is essentially perfect and then

Obviously we’re just looking for looting on the sword but you know for the most part feeling pretty nice feeling a lot safer I think we’re now ready to head back to the stronghold because I do want to explore obviously the further end Islands to get some elytra and get some

Other tools and stuff like that our inventory should be good I have a bunch of blocks I’ll probably run out of these if I’m being honest uh we got some Rockets though which is actually pretty important because once I get my first pair of elytra and travel will be a lot

Better even without mending on it and like Unbreaking right away you know a normal pair of elytra still lasts a pretty long time so I should be able to take those and you know fly to other end ships and stuff like that I’m looking to at least come out of the end

Now with like two or three pairs of elytra it’s not super necessary obviously since this is not survival and like I don’t have any risk of really like dying and losing my elytra because if I die I lose obviously the entire world but it’s nice to have a couple

Pairs I guess in case some run out before I get mending on them and also maybe I can just use one as like decoration in the museum it can go in like an item frame or something like that I think that can look kind of cool all right guys watch this insane water

Bucket here we go Never seen anything cooler in your lives I’m sure of it but I’ll be back once I’m in the end again we’re back in the end now but I definitely need some ender pearls just makes you know further end travel a lot easier I also forgot trapdoors

To go into the end Gateway in a safer way so we’re actually going to have to use some ender pearls and uh you know hopefully I don’t die I’ve seen a couple hardcore worlds end this way where they throw the Pearl and somehow the game glitches out and it like throws them off

The map all right we got 14 we should be good yeah let’s hopefully going the the further parts of the end I did it and I’m On Top Of A Chorus fruit lovely now it’s time to crank this render distance up and let’s see what we can find there’s

An end city right away nice let’s set off in this direction then and let me make sure this ender pearl is not next to where my Cobblestone is that I’m pillowing across with I died in a survival world that way foreign oh my god dude no way well that is very

Painful we lost a lot of good stuff including our elytra I guess um don’t have your ender pearls on your hot bar directly next to the block you are building across with we actually have two end cities there’s one over there too so this one actually looks really small

But we could at least go get some shulkers I’m gonna head this way anyway maybe there’s more behind it that’s just not rendered in yet this is always so sketchy but here we go it’ll be a lot faster with swift sneak now which is beautiful but it still kind

Of stresses me out I’m not used to moving this fast while crouching so I’m scared all right the first ender pearl is down we’re alive we made it cool and this end city is terrible there’s nothing going on here is this even worth going to I

Don’t know end cities that well I’m not even sure if there’s loot at the top there but I guess I’ll check it out and I’m sure you guys don’t need like end rating tips but I guess if anybody does a water bucket is like the most useful

Thing I feel like when you’re raiding entities it allows you to climb all this stuff without wasting time on the parkour at least we got some loot up here so this end City wasn’t completely useless beetroot seeds oh my god dude weird rich now let’s go really bad loot but it’s all good

At least take a chest and we can obviously use this chest to make one shulker box our first one ever it feels so good to have these and I believe that’s it for this end City it’s uh it’s very small I should say it’s average size but

Um yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna leave here let’s let’s redeem my water bucket 360. look at that just the first try best thing ever now this one’s at least a little bit bigger oh it has a ship yes all right cool that’ll make end travel a lot better

Then another end City with another ship is loading in over there as well sick let me just build right up to the top of this ship finally some diamond stuff we got a prop 4 Unbreaking three chess piece got ourselves a prop three chess piece and a prop 3 helmet that can

Actually make our helmet prop four that’s beautiful fire prop 3 Unbreaking 3 chest piece which I think will make our chess piece fire protection 4 which isn’t that bad but of course the binding one I’m just not going to take because I don’t want to accidentally put

It on and be screwed but this is what we came for the elytra oh they’re so nice look at them all right let’s actually throw them on and we can continue exploring and let’s fully take to the skies for the first time in this series oh it’s so Majestic

Nice looking end City over here though so we can get quite a bit more loot from this one hopefully and then I’m kind of just looking for like one more ship and I feel like I can call it on our end travels can you get sweeping Edge 4

Because if you can we’re able to get it sweeping Edge 3 sword we already have a sweeping Edge three sword that’s a lot of diamonds also a pretty good helmet but curse of binding I don’t want curse of binding I don’t want curse of Vanishing all right well that’s not the

End of the world but I also just don’t want it but our second pair of elytra has been acquired all right I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten all of the loot out of this end City I’m at least fairly certain I have we’re gonna head off and

Find another one which I think we just did I did not get the dragon head hang on wait let me go back we’re a dragon now we’ve done it anyway let’s head off to this other end City hopefully this one has a ship for us it doesn’t seem like it does

So we’ll find at least one more after this one there’s one right there dude I’m getting actually really lucky with these what’s going on here and this one has a ship as well sick let’s loot these last two bad boys and then we can head out I think we are all good

Alluded this city we really didn’t get the best loot from the chests but we do have three pairs of elytra now so we should be chilling we got a bunch of like backup pieces of armor I guess and maybe some things to combine but nothing that crazy I feel like we’re at the

Point now anyway where we have really good tools and armor there’s not too much more I could really ask for but let’s just try to find another Gateway and then we can head home well I mean all right hold on oh there’s another ship yeah I can’t not loot it right no I

Just dropped my one shulker box all right at least it didn’t fall completely off I thought it was one of the uh I thought it was one of the end blocks and oh my God I think I just went down to half a heart oh that could have been so bad what

Happened all right I think we are done for sure now so let’s just go try to find an End Gateway we got our ticket home and see if I can just fly right into this here we go am I the best or am I the worst

Oh first try baby we’re amazing and this time I actually set my spawn properly we’re home we did it let’s take a nap so we got a bunch of pieces of armor some of these might be able to be combined with the stuff we have to actually make

Our stuff a little bit better got just like an Unbreaking sword I guess in case I ever get like a Godly sword that doesn’t have Unbreaking on it a couple other random things I got there’s a really solid looking shovel actually it already has mending on it some more

Pieces of armor a bunch of elytra one dragon head though that’s amazing but the best find all these beetroot seeds look at this man we are rich as a hell we probably will have to go back eventually to get some more shulker shells we can make one more

Shulker box though might as well do that we got three that should help out with some projects but honestly most importantly what I want to do right now is fly up to the castle we can do this this was so annoying to have to walk up

And down this hill so many times to make this Castle but now we can just fly above it it’s nice also see some of the mountains in the surrounding areas this is a cool area we got here found a really nice spot even over here it looks really nice

Anyway next up for the agenda in this episode is to start figuring out what I’m gonna do for the museum I’m not sure where it’s going to go maybe we can actually expand over this way now clear out some of these trees throw it up like against the uh

Against the incline or something that could look kind of nice I’ll brainstorm a little bit this might be the most important thing I do all episode getting rid of that tough block I noticed it from up there when I was looking down in our area a little while

Ago I think it was in last video I’ll definitely figure out some kind of block palette but we certainly have to go collect some materials so let’s go do that Foreign I’ve gathered a bunch of materials and they are all in these shulker boxes right so we have a full shulker of like wood stuff we have a shulker here of mud and just leftover wood stuff that I might end up using and then a full shulker of like rocks because I think

The palette for this building will be mainly out of these blocks here out of the gray blocks we’re gonna have like a tough two regular smooth Stone gradient going on the roof will probably be dark oak and Spruce kind of like I normally make my roofs and then I think we’re

Gonna have like a little second floor it’s kind of difficult for me to explain right now but I think that’ll be out of like the jungle wood and the mud brick obviously of course regular mud too so like this little pattern we have down here so no Mangrove in this build but

That actually makes me a little happy because then we don’t actually have to get any Mangrove wood that is still like my least favorite thing to do in this entire game completely unsure if this is going to be enough materials but it’s at least a good area to start I

Really don’t want to deal with these guys can you just like kill your captain and just like that their Captain was betrayed and killed by some of their own along with these two captains over here I didn’t mean to destroy that grass I’m sorry grass but along with these two

Captains over here anyway though let’s head over to where I actually want to put this building and I think it’s gonna be down here this looks like a good spot we have a lot of room down here probably have to level out quite a bit of the land but I

Think like the pathway can easily come down this way and this could be the front of the museum so still a little bit more work to do we just have to clear out this area so let me get started with that I received a comment recently asking if my builds are my own

Or if I’m copying a tutorial from somebody or anything like that I responded to that person but I’ll just respond here as well so all the builds I’ve made so far are just mine completely I’m not following a tutorial with anything I’m kind of just throwing down some blocks I haven’t actually even

Built anything on this world before so I don’t have like a creative world for this world right now I kind of like playing Minecraft this way though where I kind of just like figure out what I’m gonna build as I’m going so what I’ll typically do is just have

Like a shape in mind maybe a block palette in mind as well and we’ll just start throwing down some blocks and you know kind of just see what happens but I definitely have to say that I certainly take inspiration from like flip from mythical sausage from a Creator named Mr

Beard Stone as well you know Mr beard Stone builds in a very similar style to like our starter house here and I’ve been watching his hardcore playthrough so I took a bit of inspiration from his builds a lot of his builds kind of like the second floor will jut out one block

Away kind of like this right here so we definitely are taking inspiration from other Minecraft creators which I think is a really good thing to do in Minecraft I think it’s definitely healthy to consider what other people are building but obviously just don’t blatantly copy them straight up and

Obviously also give credit where credit is due so now let’s go ahead and start laying out this building we’re gonna have a change of plans I’m gonna put the building up here where I’m looking right now I think we can make a much bigger flat area up there but it’s still nice

That we have this area all cleared out I feel like I’ll use this for something in the future now that it’s leveled out we can actually to start placing down some blocks again there’s a chance we’ll have to like terraform a little bit more around this area to make this whole build fit

But I think I like this area more to work with than down here we got ourselves a layout so this is going to be the entrance and then this will be the main area where we actually have everything displayed and this little offshoot over here is going to be where

The dragon egg goes maybe also the dragon head like we can put the egg right there and the head right here standing on an armor stand I might also Branch out back here somewhere just to have another room just to give this a bit more shape

On this back side let me actually do that so let me cut away at the dirt here okay now this is gonna be the shape we just added one more little room back here this should be a decently sized building that I think will add to the

Area very well and I think we should begin the time lapse right now foreign Foreign So since the time lapse I have textured a little bit more of the building so all I’ve done is just brought in a little bit of a mossy cobblestone and some Moss I think it looks nice just added a bit more you know to these walls I like it

Quite a bit it Blends well together uh but yeah here is the museum it’s not completely done we have not done any of the inside yet I figured I could probably do that here to you know finish off this video and we also still need to

Do like the rest of the outside like the path and we have to connect it back up to the rest of the area figured I can end the episode off by doing both of those things still and we’re gonna do these more together rather than doing

Them in a time lapse but let me kind of clear out this inventory a little bit and then we can start working on the interior I’m going to begin on the inside here by throwing in the floor and then the ceiling the floor down here is

Going to be out of spruce and then the ceiling will be out of Oak oh there’s a party going on down here now I don’t believe I’m gonna finish off the entire interior of this building just yet because I don’t know exactly what all is going in here I know for

Sure though that the dragon egg will be over here and the dragon head so we can at least design like this little section of the museum the rest of this I’ll kind of figure out later I think I think we’ll at least start off with this kind of like Spruce Archway here

To section off these two areas of the building and then let’s go ahead and do just a normal looking archway I think between here do I want to strip this I don’t think I do I think that blends in a little bit too much with the floor

But we could try instead though is some stripped dark oak and I think I prefer that yeah okay so that’ll be the divider now pretty big fan of that let’s bring these trap doors down a little bit more that’s a nice you know little entrance

Into this room and I think we’ll do this for the roof on the inside here have like a little Spruce around the outsides I think that looks kind of cool looks like it’s being a little supported which I quite like then we have like a stripped Oak log

There in the middle we’ll probably do a similar thing then for the rest of this build as well once we actually start working on that but in here is looking kind of cozy let’s go and actually grab the dragon egg though and the dragon head

So we can put it on full display for now all right I got a bunch of stuff now to display around the area we’re gonna start though putting down the dragon egg and I’m gonna do this on an anvil because I kind of just really like what that looks like

It’s nice little like pedestal for the dragon egg and then the other part of this room I think we’re just gonna make like some shelves I’m gonna make sure I don’t accidentally right click on the uh on the dragon egg as well and we’ll throw in like a mix of things over here

So we’ll throw some barrels just to kind of like make it look pretty good and then we will also throw in some actual stuff from the end like for example we will throw the dragon’s breath on this item frame we also got an armor stand which will throw some armor on

That we got in the end and the dragon head one more thing I would like to throw in this room is a pair of elytra on that Barrel up there and that’s kind of all the decoration I wanted didn’t want a ton I just wanted a room to kind of commemorate the Dragon

And the end in general and I don’t have any boots from the end right now so you’re not gonna have shoes on pal I’m sorry and then we’ll just have a couple other different artifacts in this building to kind of show off the world maybe back here we can have another

Little room showing off like a dimension maybe like the nether we can have some cool stuff like a wither skeleton skull can be on display a couple other things I don’t really know and you know what I’ll also put a rocket down there to kind of go with the elytra kind of

Show that we can take flight now like it for sure we’re looking kind of good there so that’s kind of all the interior I wanted to do at least for now we will like I said come back later to finish off the rest of the inside of

This building but to move on we have to decide on a path looks kind of awkward over here in my opinion so we should probably level this all out a decent bit and um we probably don’t have enough dirt for this we now have three empty shulker boxes and I have realized that

We actually have a decent amount of dirt right here so before I go collecting a whole bunch let me just take all this dirt and see what we can fill in so I’m just gonna go ahead and start placing down a whole lot of dirt should also point out that I’m

Not the absolute best at this it’s kind of difficult to terraform and make it look good in my opinion but I’ll do my best all right I think it’s looking a little bit better now always looks kind of weird when it’s just all dirt so let’s just start kind of stretching a

Path down this way all right we got a tentative path in right now and all we have to do next is just detail this path and make it look nice we’re gonna do the same path design we have everywhere else so let’s bring over some like mud bricks

Some like stone blocks some coarse dirt and some buttons for now here’s a start to the detailing of the path just added some stones in I think it looks pretty cool but this video is getting pretty long so I will be back when I have a path I’m completely

Comfortable with we got the shaders on that means the build is completed so let’s go ahead and take a nice little walk through and the new path that we just made it’s a little different from the rest of the paths I think we have more like bushes

But I think it fits we also have a couple Wells just a little well designed I like this one quite a bit also provides like infinite water sources throughout the area so that’s kind of nice too has some practical use but it’s not much right it’s just like a little path connect in

These two areas but I think it looks kind of clean in my opinion pretty big fan of it another Well down here and also we added a flower field on like the right side here of the museum I feel like I should add something here there

Was like a decent amount of space and I didn’t really want to put like a wheat field or anything like that figured some flowers would work pretty well it is bone milled a little bit of the outside too not all of it is bald milled as you

Can see like over here it’s still just grass but there’s a little bit of you know like the one Tall Grass some two tall grass in here got a bunch of lanterns around the area too looking pretty snazzy I’m gonna use some rockets and just do a little bit of a flyover

And we’re gonna see what it looks like from above yeah I really like that the path connects super well here now and we will continue expanding over in this direction and we’ll probably even continue expansion over here too in my head this is kind of like the farming District

This is where we have the barn where we have a couple of the fields right now this is probably always going to be like Farmland so maybe we have like an official horse stable we can have like a sheep like wolf arm all over in this

Area with some more fields and over here can be more of like the attractions we got like the museum we can have like a bar potentially maybe like some kind of Lodge I think that could look kind of nice look at the Sun setting over the castle oh that’s actually kind of beautiful

Anyway though that’s going to do it for this episode kind of a long one I think but thank you so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and I will talk to you soon bye I’m currently recording this video in the middle of October spooky season

Is in full effect and that is going to be the main theme for this episode the main build of this video will be centered around spooky all right so hopefully it’s a good one for you guys but October it’s just like the best month in my opinion you have awesome

Weather at least from where I’m from it’s just perfect like hoodie weather just the best the leaves are looking pristine you got the nice little gradient of the leaves and it just looks really nice especially like if you’re going up some mountains and stuff like that football season is back obviously

It’s been back for a bit but if you’re a big fan of Football October is great for that you can dress up as Mike Wazowski every day in October and only one day it won’t be weird so I mean just because of that it’s clearly the best month so yeah

To celebrate like October I guess and the Spooky season in general we’re gonna have a nice build at the end of this episode but before we get to that there are a couple other things I should definitely tackle first and one of those things is actually going to be really

Fast to thank you all for the views and subscribers lately I’m pretty sure I said at the start of my last episode that the channel got like 500 subs or something like that it’s now at 1300 at the point I’m recording this and that’s ridiculous thank you guys so much for

All the support I’ve gotten nothing but like really kind comments about the builds about like my editing style my personality and stuff like that and I really do appreciate it it’s awesome that you guys are actually enjoying this series I’m loving making these Minecraft videos so I’m gonna keep trying to pump

Them out I mentioned before but I do work full-time so it’s kind of tough to pump these out regularly but I’m gonna do my best to get them out as often as possible one other small thing I’d like to point out before this episode begins I’ve gotten a couple comments regarding

The seed of this world I will put this seed in the description of this video so if you would like to actually play on this world yourself feel free all right so now that that’s done let’s get back to talking about the stuff I actually have to get done in this episode

Before the main build at the end There are three things I would like to get done before we start with this spooky build okay and they’re all Farms that I just want to have built because they’re incredibly useful um as you can see somewhere hold on where’s my hostile mob chest we have no

Gunpowder this is hardly even a hostile mob chest anymore by the way unless purple stairs and purpur blocks start trying to kill me soon um I think this is just a random chest of random stuff I need a new storage room soon as well like for sure but I

Have no gunpowder just absolutely none we have some paper over here and we have a little bit of like sugar cane down here so right there those are two Farms I would like to build I need to make a mob farm I want the gunpowder but I also want other mob

Drops some bones would be nice just for some bone meal around the area and then of course the gunpowder that’s like mainly what I’m looking for but I think making like a general purpose mob farm would probably work really well I mentioned a sugar cane Farm but that’s

Actually the third Farm we’re gonna build today the second Farm I would like to build today is an experience farm and we’re going to use Enderman for that so I’ll have to go back to the end make a nice Enderman experience farm that works super well and once we get mending on

Everything we will never run out of our tools as long as I’m careful and don’t break them by accident which honestly is not completely impossible but before we get started with anything let me show off what we did last time we built this path heading down to the museum which we

Also built last time fairly large fan of the path I think it looks nice we got some nice bushes got some like Wells and stuff along the way I think it ties in really well with everything else here and then the museum is not even kind of

Finished we have one room sort of done here kind of commemorating like the end and the dragon the dragon egg I like this room quite a bit and we’re gonna like kind of continue this style throughout the rest of this build around here just to you know show off some of

The other aspects of this world I was thinking over here maybe we can have a little tribute to like the nether or something like that and then like this main like rectangular room can just be like random artifacts and random items we find uh you know throughout those

Worlds but I gotta show you something else because I’ve been a little busy since the last episode as you might have noticed um the dirt bridge is no longer here I moved villagers finally I actually moved the villagers into the castle this was such an annoying process man

Villagers or a gym I guess is what we’re calling them they’re just the worst I saw a comment saying Village him kind of like that uh but yeah they just suck they’re like absolutely the worst thing in this game right up there with Mangrove wood like harvesting it in my opinion

Um but yeah anyway we kind of did a bit of interior with the castle now and we have a bunch of villagers as you can see they’re lining the walls of the bottom floor here I have made a bunch into Fletchers just so we can get some easy emeralds also

Left a shulker here let me grab that back got some easy emeralds with the Fletchers here and we got a couple Librarians also like all right some of these beams are not here I’ll fix that eventually but yeah we got a couple Librarians here too which actually all

Trade really good books so we got a looting three book we got numb breaking three book sharpness four silk touch and mending mending for 28 is a little expensive but we’re about to be rich I don’t mind that much it’s also kind of a little painful because directly after I got this silk

Touch Villager when I was trying to get mending on this one right here on this gym um you know they gave me silk touch for six emeralds and this is silk touch for 13. so he was half off over there it’s whatever though 13 isn’t that many

Honestly for silk touch and we still have that silk touch book but I bought every other book and I put it on my stuff so now we have a really good sword we have a sharpness five Unbreaking three sweeping Edge three looting three sword we also have mending and

Unbreaking on our elytra super super good upgrades right there and then I want to throw this silk touch book on something I can’t put it on my ax because it has Fortune I just have to get a silk touch ax and then combine them in the right way and I think I

Should be able to get suck touch on it then I also tried to spawn proof the rest of the castle I have no idea if it worked sometimes I hear Golems up there and sometimes I don’t but we have like a little carpet design over here I don’t

Even know if they can spawn in here but I keep seeing random Golems along this pathway right they were either spawning on the pathway or inside so I kind of Spawn proofed both we have like a half slab here all along this pathway that actually extends throughout every single little like pathway here

And we have a couple trap doors just to stop the spawning from there and then some carpet I have to get more carpet to finish off all these rooms because I actually kind of quite like that design with the colors we have I just heard a

Couple Golems burn just a second ago and one’s getting burnt now so I think this might have worked I realized that they were also spawning like up here which was really annoying so I had to go ahead and put slabs everywhere I think now that we did that the farm is fully functional

I’ll see if I hear any hiccups at any point later I think the plan for the rest of the villagers is that I want some of them to be Farmers for sure so we can get some golden carrots eventually and then I’m honestly not sure about the rest maybe you guys can

Suggest some stuff in the comments what some good villager trades are we can also even make a few more of them Librarians if it turns out I need more you know enchants that I’m not thinking of right now but I think we at least have a good start with the Villagers we

Have and the castle is almost completely done then the last thing we have to do is actually link this up with like the rest of the area which is going to be a little Annoying I have to figure out some way to do this and my original thought was to have like

A bridge connecting here to over there and then maybe we can have like a little building here into the mountain that kind of like takes you up some stairways to the castle I feel like that could actually look pretty sick I might work on that eventually that’s not going to

Be today though the first thing on the agenda for today will be a mob farm so let’s go start getting the materials for that I think we have everything we need in these two shulkers I hope so I’ll come back here if I need anything else and I didn’t actually have

To collect all that much we had a lot of the materials already I did chop down all of my spruce trees though because we needed a lot of trap doors and I was able to muster up like a stack and a half with the wood I have and you need

Three for this so I just decided to chop down all the spruce trees was definitely excessive but it’s not like I’m not gonna need Spruce Wood in the future but let’s go try to find a spot to put this thing I should definitely mention that the tutorial that I’m watching is from

Voltrox I’ll put this video in the description for sure though and this is also an experience Farm which is kind of nice in the sense that like it’s going to be looting based then so we should get a lot of drops I don’t really care too much about the experience I’m

Getting from this but it’ll at least be good to heal up some stuff like right now this is far enough away from our base where it won’t be annoying like in the sky but it’s potentially close enough that I could throw something around this build eventually and make it look cool

In this guy so I think right here is a pretty good spot actually in the video it says to go to a high spot in your Minecraft world so I’m gonna go over here yep on top of this little Hill seems really good man look there’s a pink sheep over there

That’s pretty cool I was trying to speed up me building this Farm by like ten thousand percent but I kept crashing Adobe Premiere whenever I tried to do that so instead here are seven uninterrupted seconds of me placing slabs I hope you enjoy the farm is done

And see if we get any mobs to drop in and also uh this is not a spider farm as well we got a creeper nice this is not a spider farm as well but I don’t mind just having a mob farm aside from spiders right now we can work on our

String problem later but yeah everything looks like it’s working that’s really nice we got five gunpowder already from that we’re rich hey this is a zombie village oh my God a creeper just blew up because I got too close that was very scary I don’t know exactly

How efficient it’s going to be I’m going to sit here in AFK for like half an hour and we’re gonna see how many mobs we get all right it’s actually only been like 15 minutes but there are a ton of mobs here dude this was barely any time actually

Works decently well as an experience Farm too we have 30 gunpowder in here now oh we actually have way more we have 55 in this back one as well that’s really nice we got ourselves over a stack of gunpowder already that’s really cool all right so I’m gonna take the gunpowder we

Have now and we will head out of here but I will be back later probably to AFK for a lot more that farm is super easy to build too it really doesn’t take that many materials and you actually can’t see it from the house over here at least with my render

Distance so I don’t mind that we got over four stacks of rockets now looking very nice next up then we should start working on an experience Farm that one actually works pretty well as an experience Farm but I still do want a dedicated Enderman Farm because those

Are just ridiculous we need quite a few blocks for this build so I’m just gonna go ahead and fill up like an entire shulker with cobblestone foreign end up getting an entire shulker but I think these are all the blocks we’re gonna need for this Enderman farm and

Once again let me shout out who made this video This Is by shulker Craft and I’ll leave this video in the description below you’ve probably all seen a farm like this before though but still if you’d like to build it yourself and want to watch the tutorial the video will be

Down in the description now this Farm also requires some stuff that I just don’t have for example it requires a lot of carpet so let me go bring up the Sheep start by doing that and then also we need a name tag which I have not found yet on this world

So I think my best option for that is just to level up a librarian I’ve honestly been a very bad farmer like when it comes to these animals I have really not bred them up in a long time we really don’t have many sheep but whatever I’ll make I’ll make it work I

Want to do something as well that I kind of just haven’t done in a very long time I’m gonna Harvest all my Fields there’s only two here still and this one’s not even fully planted but I do want to build another field today because I think that’s where the

Sugarcane farm is going to go it’ll just go underground I’ll explain all that stuff later but let’s go ahead and get whacking wait this is not a fortune on it this one does okay now let’s get whacking after farming my fields we now have the shulker filled with potatoes and wheat I

Have a little bit of carrots but I’m not gonna actually trade those right now uh just because I still want to make a carrot field probably today so I’ll go ahead and put these carrots away and we will head up to the castle and get some

Trading done I think we start back here and we make four different Farmers the farmers now all sell things they all at least sell potatoes then I have some carrots and wheat in here as well so let’s go ahead and see how many emeralds this gets us nearly a stack of emeralds

And we’re gonna go tearing these emeralds into mending books this is going to be the librarian I’m going to use to get my name tags with just because I know I’m gonna need these mending books so might as well level up this one and while we have them

I’ll start mending on I guess some of our armor now we got mending on the leggings and on the boots then we can start throwing mending on the rest of the tools the helmet’s not absolutely perfect yet I can still do it obviously and then just throw like another prop book on

Later but since we have nothing else to sell to the farmers right now I’m gonna go ahead and chop down the spruce trees here and we can go sell a bunch more sticks to the Fletchers up there and we’ll kind of just like repeat this process for a

While until I am able to level up the librarian but we do have two more mending books now so I’m gonna go ahead and start putting these on my tools and my weapons and stuff so now we have a mending sword which is beautiful for the

Mob farm we just made we can use this thing infinitely there and then I’ll also throw it on the X wait this villager does mending twice what is that and this one’s more expensive at the bottom the hell is this dude how did you spawn there

Oh my God I’m getting so tired of these Iron Golems just spawning in random ass places we are going to make two more types of villagers and try to get more emeralds this way so I will be making the tool Smith and the weaponsmith this is the weapon

Smith right here we have a [ __ ] ton of coal so I’m gonna go ahead and trade a lot of this coal with this bad boy right here and you should level up as well and then take iron in a trade which will be really nice since we have an iron farm

Right here yeah there we go now we got two iron trades down here I would love to have these guys cured because then it would be like one iron I think for an emerald but it’s fine all right I think we’re good pretty sure we can get name tags now we can finally

We got a name tag now we can get the rest of the materials for this farm and I have literally hit my head on this step so many times I wonder if I have a concussion I probably do I believe we should have everything else just kind of like around

The area so let me just assemble everything in these two shulker boxes I believe I have everything we need this just has to be a lava bucket and I also just need ender pearls which I can get in the end so let’s head off to the stronghold

And it’s gonna be so nice to be able to fly there I’m just gonna start building this thing and I’m gonna speed it up a lot if you actually want to watch the video and figure out how to build it yourself definitely go ahead and check out the description Oh my God this thing is so loud okay that is way better and uh yeah this thing’s done it’s amazing this thing works so well if you’ve never built one of these before definitely go ahead and do it it’s really not that hard to build and you

Can get up to level 30 very fast the only thing is like you just have like way too many ender pearls then but that’s not a big deal you can actually make a little like machine to drop this off the edge I just didn’t do that part but uh yeah this

Thing’s amazing now that this is done we can worry about the next Farm we have to build and uh yeah I’m just saying I’m probably never gonna make that look good I guess it’s not completely impossible for me to do but uh yeah I have no idea if I’m ever

Gonna make that look good actually though while I’m here before I go ahead and you know make another Farm I want to get more shulker shells so let’s just fly around let’s go this way because I mean you can see my bridge back there we’re gonna go into a different

Direction we’ve got two end cities right here that one over there has a ship which is kind of cool I guess I mean I might as well get another pair of elytra right but I mainly just here for the teleporty boys or yeah that’s a god tier pickaxe I’ll take that for sure

There’s efficiency five on it that’s awesome if only I looted this place first I got 14 more shulker shells I’m out of here time to make the flight back because I ended up spawning you know at spawn but I’m pretty sure it’s just over this way

I brought back one End Rod with me so that’s just gonna stay there and next up I actually want to build a farm I didn’t mention yet I want to build a wool Farm because I think for the build at the end of this video I’m gonna need a lot of

Wool so I think we should get started with that and I’m gonna throw it here in the second floor of the barn now we built this a couple episodes ago and this is empty up here and I think there is you know enough space to have you

Know a handful of sheep so we can actually get their wool and it’ll be beautiful I don’t know if I’ll completely decorate the inside I might just throw down the farm for now just to get it functional but we will eventually come back and you know decorate up here

Yeah I missed a block here all right I did it what are you gonna do about it and also I forgot to strip this I will maybe add that block later I don’t know I’m gonna go ahead then and gather all the materials I’m gonna need

For this wool farm and like every other Farm in this video look at that you can see it now but every other Farm in this video The Links will be in the description of you know the tutorials I watched we had room four six I could probably actually cram a couple more in

Here like I can put one more in the end potentially you put another one over here I think so we could actually expand this even more but I kind of just want to make sure it works first before I do any more expansion hey it worked nice

Now I have to actually dye the Sheep the correct colors but I’m gonna get them all in first and I’m just thinking of something here um I really hope this grass grows back because if the grass doesn’t grow back this Farm won’t be useful oh the grass did grow back okay good I

Was really hoping it would I’m gonna fill out the rest of this area with grass I think like all the blocks I’m able to take away I think I’m Gonna Fill them with the grass I don’t know if that actually helps the process out at all

But we’re gonna do it and you know because of this because I needed grass I put silk touch on my shovel we just actually have to dye these sheep the correct colors now and three of them are going to be black three of them are going to be orange I believe we’re good

Now I think every sheep is the correct color so we got orange down here then we got black over here and a bunch of other random stuff I’ll check back on this in a little while to see how it’s doing but let’s go work on the sugarcane farm

Now now for this sugar cane Farm I’m not gonna make like a dedicated building for it instead we’re gonna put it underground and I’m gonna kind of like bury it underneath a field I’m thinking we put the fields over here somewhere just to add you know to the Farmland

Over here I think it’ll actually look kind of nice I’m gonna go ahead and collect the materials for this then we can get started working on the farm itself I’m actually not going to watch a tutorial for this one but I will link one down in the description below just

Dug down a good bit from the surface this is probably pretty good so I’m just gonna start digging out in this direction here and I will be back when I get a nice big room we got ourselves a pretty nice sized like hallway and that’s the idea we’re gonna line this

Hallway with sugarcane farms and since I have this underground right we can keep going deeper we can keep going this way probably maybe even back that way we can add some other Farms down here of like a similar nature like a bamboo Farm or something like that like down the line

Okay so these are gonna be the collection systems now we just have to figure out you know what goes behind the collection systems to actually make the farm work and I should say that this is not going to be lossless okay so I will be losing sugarcane throughout this

Process it’s not going to be as efficient as possible I could make it lossless by adding like a hopper mine cart and stuff underneath and having that go but I don’t exactly know how all that stuff works and I kind of just wanted to see if I can make one of these

On my own without looking anything up so I’ll see what I can come up with here it’s probably going to be very like starter Worthy but I don’t actually mind that much it should produce enough sugar cane I believe this first side is done I

Do need some more Pistons so I’ll go get that before we obviously work on the other half over there but as a quick demonstration the sugar cane grows it fires off all the Pistons breaking the sugar cane most of it will end up in this water stream which will push it

Down to this Hopper and eventually into this chest so this should be good for like a starter sugarcane farm I’m gonna let it up a little bit more too just in case anything funky happens but we can actually cover this up just like that and then just the chest we’ll

Be showing which I like a lot here’s the other side then I think we should be good to go I’m gonna start working on the actual field that’s gonna go above this thing and I’ll check back in a little while to see if we’re actually producing any sugar cane let me also

Check on the wool Farm oh you’re not a cow all right uh let me check on the wolf Farm because it should have been firing while we were building that thing it’s not amazing but it definitely is working so that’s good I should have everything I need to make another crop

Field in this white shulker box and it’s going to be the same exact design as these ones actually there is a slight twist I think I’m going to use oak leaves instead of birch leaves honestly just because I don’t have many Birch leaves I have a lot of oak leaves and I

Figured I should probably get rid of them and I think it’ll look fine still but the field is going to go right here and we will be putting like a little Hut above this hole but let’s build this little Hut thing it shouldn’t take that

Long yeah we got a Hut now it’s amazing this is going to be like scattered with barrels and chests and stuff but it’s really just gonna be a way to get up and down which I like quite a bit rather than just having like a hole in

The middle of the farm I should go get some more barrels though because that looks kind of weird I feel like with only those and I might as well get some lanterns I think it looks fine now those extra few barrels actually added quite a bit in my opinion anyway yeah that’s the

HUD it’s beautiful and now we have to put down the fields but you know I’ve already built two of these you guys kind of know the Vibes for them so let’s let’s go in here and then here’s a sick transition we will have the completed carrot Farm the best part about this entire

Situation is I guess I thought that before I built the farm I stopped talking by saying when I open up this door again uh because that would have made sense with the thing I just said because then it would have been like when I opened up this door again we’ll

Have a completed carrot farm right um but I didn’t say that so the transition just looks even more amazing in my opinion yeah that’s the uh that’s the type of editing you get on this channel and uh don’t don’t be mean to him all right

He’s shy I don’t have many carrots so he hasn’t fully bloomed yet okay he’ll he’s in like puberty or something I don’t know but you know money is eventually fully you know grown up it’ll look amazing I think it actually looks pretty solid right now even without the crops

Actually fully grown it’s like you do a little fly looks nice I think the sizes of all these are pretty good and they fit well together and it also gives me room now to expand like over this way we can continue a path between these two farms and actually I’m

Checking on it now for the first time and you know it’s producing a very little bit but it’s something at least we have so far made four different farms in this video and now we can move on to the bigger project of the episode all right we will be making like a Halloween

Town Halloween little village thing just to kind of celebrate spooky season right I talked about it in the intro but here we are actually at the point in the video when we can start building this thing and I was trying to brainstorm where I wanted to put this thing and I

Feel like in this like big tiger over here it would fit pretty well I think this aesthetic goes well with like Halloween right kind of looks like you’re in a forest right like we have some tall trees it could be a little spooky back here I don’t really know but

I feel like this area back here would work really well and I have a vision in my head of what this is going to look like and I actually used creative mode to design the buildings for this little town this is the first time in in Forever that I’ve actually built in

Creative mode first but hopefully that makes the building process go a little bit more smoothly but somewhere back here is definitely where we’re going to be doing this but I have to gather up some materials Ah I was trying to get a good take of that joke for like 15 minutes man was that even worth it of course it was my cat has come to say hello everybody say hi to my cat I actually have two cats so here’s a picture of both of them

And like the all black one is the one who just made that noise and for anyone curious their names are Annie and Charlotte and now Charlotte’s not really named after anything that was just the name she had at the pound uh but then Annie is actually named after Attack on

Titan if you guys have seen that show it’s easily one of my favorite shows of all time and same thing with my girlfriend so I feel like that was a pretty fitting name so now if you guys end up ever hearing a ruckus on the background of my videos you can at least

Put faces to the destruction that is occurring in the background foreign So I just broke a lot of blocks and uh we have them all in these shulkers so this is like the big spooky shulker look like the black and the orange uh we got a bunch of deep slate got some of the mud we have an entire shulker of stone

Stuff and we have some wood I will be getting some more Spruce Wood by the way because we will be you know clearing out in an area to put this whole thing so you know that’s just awesome I’m taking a break from collecting materials by collecting more materials

The grind never stops let’s keep going I’m sure I’m gonna have to fly back to my house like a thousand times because I literally always forget things so we’ll see how that goes I think I already forgot something it’s a stone cutter I’ll come back later for that all

Right I’m too stubborn to turn around right now and we will be building this over here somewhere I think actually like on top of this little like Hill could be really cool I don’t know if we’re gonna have enough space up here to build everything but it

Can be like a little gradual walk up that could look really nice actually okay so I think I’m gonna claim this area I don’t know who I’m claiming it from I’m the only person on this world it looks like it’s inhabited by mushrooms so we’ll come to some kind of agreement

There one golden carrot for this plot of land I think that’s a good deal let’s get my weird assortment of you know colored shulker boxes together and I’m gonna just chop down all of these spruce trees so uh yeah let’s just let’s just get started with that dude I’m so tired

Of chopping things down All right there’s now a good bit of space cleared out and I think we can actually start planning this Village and I’m gonna start up here and then work down this way but I think the way that this Village is going to be like oriented is that the end will be up here

Might be a little confusing just based on how I’m describing it but let’s actually start placing down some blocks yeah so it looks like an absolute mess right now I’m aware but uh this is going to be the layout of the buildings I might add more buildings to this place

But I think this is going to be like the minimum number of buildings that I decide to build for this little village so it’s gonna end up here then I think it’s going to lead into something else over here not quite sure what that’s going to be just yet I have a couple

Ideas in mind maybe we can have like a pumpkin patch back here or I was thinking like a haunted kind of like church thing that could be kind of cool but I don’t know if I’m gonna have the materials to build like a big church or

Big like house mansion kind of thing I’m not sure if I’m gonna have that left over so I might just go with the pumpkin patch and put you know another build like that somewhere else in here eventually and then as we walk through here we’re gonna have three houses on

Either side and they’re gonna be like alternating with the colors of the walls so we’re gonna have like mud deep slate and stuff in this one and over here it’ll be tough Stone Cobblestone maybe Moss Mossy Stone all that fun stuff and then for the roofs that’s where like a

Lot of the color is going to come in where the concrete is going to come in so you guys hopefully will enjoy what I do with those I think it actually looks kind of cool because I think I mentioned this before in this episode if not then

This is the first time I’m saying this but if I have mentioned it then whatever I’m saying it twice um but I have actually built one of these houses already in creative mode this is the first time I’ve ever built something in creative mode for this world that’s actually only half true I

Built some of the walls of the castle just to get that kind of design in Creative as well but I haven’t really built like a full structure yet I did build one of these houses already and it’s like kind of this one I actually did add a back room to this one that

Isn’t in the creative build but I think I can probably adapt that pretty well and I actually really like how this house turned out I hope you guys enjoy what it looks like too but obviously not gonna spoil that just yet you guys will have to wait for the time lapse to see

What it looks like oh yeah anyway we have two houses on either side up here and then as we come down the trail we have two more which looked really weird right now because they’re like up against the hill I just wanted to lay them out just to see how much space we

Have they’re going to be level it’s not going to be like a weird kind of house like this this is not what it’s going to look like that’ll look funky I feel like if I try to build that up but we have two smaller looking houses on either side down here

And then actually at the front I put two little squares because I think we’re gonna have like a spooky Gate House at the front here we’ll have to figure out exactly what that’s going to look like I’ve never really built a Gatehouse before but we’ll kind of you

Know get through this one together I suppose I think that can look really nice I think it’ll add to the aesthetic of the area quite well and then yeah we’re just going to build up these houses and then of course we’re going to do a lot

Of stuff with like the terrain not only do I have to terraform it to make it look good with the buildings next to it but I also want to add a bunch of other spooky stuff like maybe some pumpkins just lying around maybe some jack o’lanterns actually like lighting up the

Area I’ll mess around with some stuff but I think we should just get started by building up these houses Oh Thank you Foreign that time lapse I really want to try to find some like a nice spooky music to put behind it instead of like the Medieval music that I typically do uh but yeah here’s a look at what we just built and like I’m not done with this section just yet for this video

Um I just wanted to get like the actual structures just up for now and that’s kind of all the time lapse was I didn’t really decorate these all that much there’s a bit of like exterior decoration to a few of these uh but yeah here’s like the main village area where

We have four houses and I at least think that they fit the vibe of like a Halloween spooky town quite well I like the roof designs that we went with we still need to throw like Windows actually in some of these buildings like in all of these up here I think I think

They all still need Windows and I have some leaves like draped down but I’ll probably do that to all of these eventually that’s kind of what we’re gonna work on the rest of this video here just decorating the rest of you know this area and there’s still two

More things like for sure I would like to add but let me show off what I’ve built so far and then I’ll kind of come back and talk about that but then this building down here I think this is my favorite building of this area I wanted

To make a Gatehouse and I wasn’t really sure what to do so this is all just like freestyled um I kind of just threw some stuff down and it turned out to be this and I really like what this looks like I feel like it fits the vibe like perfectly I

Accidentally made this side like one block further than this side and I just kind of stuck with that and I feel like it gave it a nice little wonky shape as you can see there’s like a weird diagonal right there but I really like that I think it fits with the area super

Well and then the roof is like you know the orange blending into the black so it kind of fits with the rest of the area and I think it you know serves a good purpose being a Gatehouse we have like a little passageway underneath here that we can actually like access the whole

Village through and maybe eventually I’ll throw like a wall around this whole thing like connecting back here again I just didn’t want to do that in case I want to actually expand to this Village a little bit more I don’t want to just like put the wall down and have to move

It and you know I have to work on that that’ll just be a little bit frustrating so I just kind of threw down the actual just Gatehouse itself and we’ll work on the wall eventually whenever I’m completely finished with this and uh these are still empty because I don’t

Think I’m gonna actually put houses here instead what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna throw a pumpkin patch and a graveyard still in this Village so one of those is going to go right here like right when you walk in and the other one will go at

The end like down this like stretch it’ll go at the end I’m thinking the pumpkin patch goes down here I don’t know why but that’s just kind of what my first thought was that means then we can have like a little graveyard back here as well and then maybe a couple custom

Trees probably some other pumpkins just lying around maybe in some carts we just need to add some more like exterior decoration to this entire area to give it the vibe I’m going for now I really don’t want this video getting like too long so let’s kind of just get started

With the rest of the builds for this area we’re going to start here with the pumpkin patch the last thing we need is a scarecrow you have a job to do now my friend um there are no crows in this game so your days are probably going to be pretty boring

But you got this I believe in you next up I want to work on this path I think this path looks solid I kind of wish I was able to break this up a little bit more but I kind of feel like I need all these steps just with the landscape we

Have but I think it’s fine it doesn’t look that bad um but yeah I think this looks solid and this extends all the way to the pumpkin patch well actually hold on not completely to the pumpkin patch go ahead and fix that there we go now we’re good

We can go all the way to the pumpkin patch next up is the cemetery foreign and there’s not all that much more I really have to add to this area I’m just going to throw down some lanterns and we might just call this finished I’m comfortable with what this looks like

Even like the ground I don’t actually mind it being some podzol and then some coarse dirt and regular dirt just kind of all over the place I think that looks okay now we can shift our Focus to making some custom trees I think this looks all right like I said

I’m not the best at making custom trees but I feel like it looks pretty good at least from this angle I’m pretty big fan of that so I’m gonna go ahead and build up the rest of these and I will be back the custom trees are finished and the

Shaders are on so that means the area is completely finished for this episode now I don’t want to call this like done entirely like I’ll probably come back to this area and continue building some stuff and Enderman I think place this down uh but yeah I’ll be you know back

Here eventually down the line to probably expand upon the village that we started today but let’s take a quick walk through and hopefully I don’t die I want to do this at night because I felt like it’s like the perfect spooky time to walk through the village but here we

Go through the Gatehouse looking pretty good I think I gotta figure out what I’m gonna do on the inside of here eventually but for now I’m content with where it is the path obviously extends all the way up I moved my big shulker mess I guess aside from this one now I

Move my whole shulker mess and there’s still a chest here but I actually don’t really mind what that looks like I think chests are just a good decoration block but of course they got the cemetery over here nice and spooky and the path continues up this way where

The more residential area is I also continued the path over here it could probably eventually you know wind all the way around all these houses and stuff but I want to do at least extend it in a couple different directions just to get a basic idea of

You know where I want to actually go when I you know come back to this project but you keep walking up here got a couple of the custom trees there’s actually some down here I didn’t point out there’s one right there and one right there as well different sizes I think

They look kind of cool moving up a little bit further then the path continues now between these two houses it just comes to a dead end right here but you know if I figured if I did expand it would be back in this direction somewhere so I kind of just

Wanted to get the path through this area but one more custom tree here that you kind of have to like walk underneath another custom tree back this way got a couple uh cards now just some very simple cart designs pulling some pumpkins pulling some wood and then there’s another one back here

With some more pumpkins and of course this leads to the pumpkin patch with our beautiful scarecrow he’s doing a great job I’m gonna do a quick little flyover as well just to see what it looks like from the sky so let’s turn around and look at that

I think this is like the exact Vibe I wanted to go for so hopefully you guys enjoyed the the big build for this episode thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you guys soon bye it is day 322 in this hardcore world

And this is still all of the storage I have it’s horribly disorganized like what the hell is this chest we have some dye we have some like rails some Hopper Minecart some Redstone stuff this one is supposed to be hostile mobs but we got purple blocks we got some scaffolding I

Have a crafting table in here but for some reason it’s just terrible okay so the main focus to this episode is going to be to upgrade the storage for this area and we’re going to do that by making a dedicated storage building where we’re going to have a ton more

Chests they’re all going to be organized in you know a much better fashion and this should hopefully help out a lot with this world but as always we still have a couple other things I would like to get done first the last thing we do

In this video is going to be the storage room build so let’s talk about what we have to get done first As of right now I have two goals for this episode that don’t involve the storage room the first goal is that I want to get nether right I want to get full netherright armor full netherright weapons and tools as well just to finally get very very strong in this

World I mean we’re already fairly strong with our diamonds but netherright is just that much better so that’ll be the first thing we tackle and in order to actually get the netherrite I’m gonna have to go to the mob farm for a while to get a lot of gunpowder we still have

A lot of sand I think in like one of these shulkers up here I think this is still mostly sand so we should be able to get a lot of TNT if I just go to the mob farm for you know a good amount of

Time the second thing I would like to do is kind of just like tidy up the area this is kind of a broad topic but I want to like make the outside of this area look better like take this down which has been here for you know a weirdly

Long amount of time um but yeah I want to add potentially more Pathways in maybe more Fields maybe build some custom trees around here we can bone meal some more of the area and also I want to finish the Interiors of a lot of the stuff around this area too so like

The second floor of the barn it has my wool Farm but it’s not decorated and I want to actually work on that I want to decorate it same thing with the museum that’s not decorated really at all so I would like to finish the inside of that

Building today so that’s kind of the second thing it’s a pretty broad topic but I kind of just want to fix up the area and a lot of the previous builds see the switch down there it’s about to get owned hold on wait did it really just try to throw a potion

At me you think you’re you think you’re Patrick Mahomes what is that all right forget about forget about her she’s not worth the time but let’s just get started with those first two goals the first one being acquiring ancient debris which means I’m gonna have to go AFK my

Not no hold on not did not mean to do that we have to head over to the mob farm to go get a bunch of gunpowder hello there oh God oh my God wow all right that could have been just horrible my man heard me say that I need

To go get gunpowder and he tried to destroy me all right we’re we’re still alive we’re still breathing I guess the actual first goal should be to fix the the front porch all right I don’t think I missed anything I’m pretty sure the front porch is oh wait

I think we’re good I’m pretty sure it’s fully repaired now that creeper really could have just ended my entire world that would have sucked but actually before we go to the mob farm let me show off what I did last time so we built a bunch of farms around the area but I

Just want to show off the main builds of last time we built a spooky City spooky Village it’s more of a village than a city I’d think to kind of commemorate October and like Halloween and stuff like that and so far you guys have been really enjoying the build I really

Appreciate it but let me just take you through it really quickly in case you missed last episode um but this is actually the back of the village there’s a Gatehouse at the front there but I’m gonna start back this way where we have a pumpkin patch and our scarecrow

He’s putting in the hours he’s a great scarecrow um but yeah we have four houses one of them has an orange roof with like the Deep slate and mud kind of design for the walls the other one has a black roof with uh like Cobblestone tough and

Smooth stone for the walls I think it turned out pretty well I think it’s a cool little Vibe back here we have a couple custom trees around the area uh we also got a graveyard or a cemetery is what I was kind of calling it I think it looks pretty nice

Back here too and then we have the Gatehouse which is my favorite part I think of this entire area I think it looks really nice do a quick little flyby again even though I kind of flew in here it’s a cool little area in my opinion

And it’s definitely an area that we can expand upon but let’s now head over to the mob farm where I will be AFK for a little bit trying to get a lot of gunpowder so we can destroy a good portion of the nether all right let’s see how good my reaction time is

Right when a mob drops I’m gonna hit it I missed it landed over there dude just land where I’m looking that was a chicken that completely threw me off guard that doesn’t even drop I think that just kind of floated down anyway we’re gonna be done um we have

Almost four stacks of gunpowder in the first chest and we have some more on some raw chicken oh that’s so sad and we have some more in the second chest here a little more gunpowder as well kind of trickled in so that works for me let’s

Go grab some sand how much TNT can we make not that much I’ll give this a shot let’s see how many pieces of ancient debris we can actually get from this um but also I do want to clear out just another shulker and take one more with

Me and I kind of feel like we’re good to go now we have an empty shulker box I have a bunch of rockets if I need them I have all my TNT I need something to light the TNT with and I believe now we are probably good I

Mean watch out for creepers There’s a Zombie that’s not a creeper but get 360. Bud or 180 hold on now actually 360. you just got destroyed oh again oh I’m just sick with it too nice I swear man whenever I do any kind of like sporadic

Movement with my mouse I feel like my desk is about to collapse I’m so ungraceful when it comes to like mouse and keyboard Games been a Call of Duty kid my whole life all right I’m a big console guy except for Minecraft though it’s like the only game I actually play on mouse

And keyboard but let’s go oh my God I forgot if I put my elytra on for a second oh that scared the hell out of me but we’re good all right um let me look for a Soul Sand Valley because I think I’ve heard before that you can get agent debris in Soul

Sand valleys easier than any other biome I don’t actually know if that’s true but we’re gonna try it dude why is that so loud that there’s no reason that needs to be that loud you wanna get the sauce too my friend hold on wait that was that was a really

Good strafe okay we’re good but why is that noise so loud I can probably turn that down but honestly just to keep something to complain about I kind of want to keep it really loud I also did not bring any torches I don’t know if that’s gonna be an issue or not but

Let’s go down to uh why level 15. why level 15 now so I’m just gonna dig straight for a while it plays a whole bunch of TNT down and see what we can find hey we found a piece just dating out this tunnel nice there’s another one

Behind it word dude let’s go off to a great start all right I used a lot of my TNT in this one stretch let’s see how much this gets us well after that very long stretch of TNT we got uh 12 more ancient debris so not too

Terrible right now uh we have 15 more pieces of TNT left I’m gonna place these down and then I think we’re just gonna go crazy mining around the area sadly the last piece is the TNT only really got me lava which is not what I’m here for

Um so let’s just go digging around for a while until we find the rest of the ancient debris we need and let me actually figure out how much that is I think I want to convert 10 things into netherright so we need 40 pieces of ancient debris just 25 more

And we’ll be chilling it has been quite some time but we’ve done it the final pieces bang boom bang again we have 41 pieces now let’s go also just out of curiosity wanted to see how many pieces of Netherrack I have broken and it’s 21

720. that is by far uh the most I’ve ever destroyed a block in this world so um let me try to find my way out of this massive maze dude that was horrible I felt like I was in like the nether back rooms there or something that took so

Long but we made it back now let’s fly back into our another portal I want to say at least like 10 times since we’ve brought home this parrot um I’ve like walked around this corner install the smallest amount of green and have had a heart attack because I think

It’s a creeper this has happened so many times it literally just happened right there I almost passed out the netherride scraps are all cooked so let’s go ahead grab all of those and let’s make 10 netherrite ingots and now let’s go ahead and make some stuff netherride so let’s

Set down the workstation right here in the middle of the room and sounds about right hey hey okay listen listen you leave all right don’t want to talk to you but uh the first thing we’re converting is a hoe like for sure That feels nice another ride hoe it’s beautiful so the rest of the tools here we got the ax let’s get the shovel the sword and then this is actually a different pickaxe than the one I’ve been normally using um but this one’s better I see you creeper all right see you

You’re not you’re not gonna get me um but uh yeah this is a different pickaxe we just need to put Unbreaking three on it and then we’re good so let’s go convert that and then I also want my silk touch X which we need to put

Mending on so we have a full set of tools and weapons and stuff and now the armor now we’re for sure putting it on the boots just for now because I think the boots are essentially perfect same thing here with the leggings I believe I think they’re perfect now the chest

Plate and the helmet I don’t know what I want to do with these the helmet’s almost perfect it’s actually kind of getting there we could do a little bit of enchanting and see what else we can get to potentially combine with this helmet before we make another right that’s probably the best

Bet and then our chest plate doesn’t have mending on it it’s only fire prop 3. I think I want a different chess piece before we actually put mending on it but we can get partially covered in netherright and we also have netherright tools now which looks so good I’m so

Excited to have these I’m pretty congested right now so I apologize if you can actually you know hear that in my voice but after this point I decided to go to the Enderman experience Farm just to try to get some really really good pieces of armor and potentially

Some better books and stuff to put on the tools that I already have we now have a very good helmet and a very good chess piece so let’s go ahead and make both of these nether right another ride helmet netherright chest piece and we are looking fantastic

Shout out to that End Rod by the way for from last episode but uh what is our what does our bird think I think our bird likes it let’s go bird nameless bird you’re my friend he got really sad when I said that I’m sorry man

Um but anyway yeah let me kind of go through a little bit of the enchantments that I just got recently if anyone cares I feel like a lot of Minecraft youtubers don’t show this kind of stuff but I kind of always want to know like what the

Enchantments are I don’t know if that’s weird but I always end up pausing the video whenever like other creators that go over their tools and stuff but my helmet we have prop 4 Unbreaking 3 respiration three mending and aqua affinity and then for the chess piece we have blast protection four Unbreaking

Three and Thorns two this just needs mending and another thorns book and I think it should be good I was watching a video I’ll put like the uh the link to the video in the description and just like a little snippet of the title of the video here

Um but it was about like the perfect enchants on everything in the game and the guy was saying that if you have three pieces of armor like your helmet your uh leggings and your boots if they all have prop 4 your chest piece shouldn’t have brought four it should

Have another kind of protection so I just went with blast protection I felt like that’s the most like useful I feel like blowing up by a creeper is a pretty common way of dying so hopefully with this little bit of blast protection that doesn’t happen fire protection is

Another one I want at some point especially to go into The Nether but we kind of already have some fire protection here on a diamond chess piece which I can actually combine these two to get fire prop 4. I might do that eventually um but yeah for now the netherrite set

Is completed wait hold on let me grab everything where’s the pickaxe now the netherrite set is completed and we’re looking amazing look at me go I should also mention that a few other things changed with my tools so now everything is mending on it I don’t think the hoe had mending on

Before but it now does and we now have a brand new ax so I realized that once I converted my ax to netherrite I needed to get another netherright ax in order to get silk touch on it because I couldn’t have put a silk touchbook on

That ax since I had fortune on it after realizing that I just disenchanted that ax Enchanted this new one and now it’s perfect now this is exactly what I wanted for an ax we also now have fire aspect too I think that’s new on the netherite sword

But I’m pretty sure everything else is kind of where it was before so we were absolutely chilling when it comes to our armor our weapons and our tools and stuff like that um but we are certainly not chilling when it comes to the Interiors of a lot

Of these builds and not just that honestly just like the exterior of a lot of this area should probably get changed as well so that’s what we’re going to work on next that was the second goal of this video so let’s start considering that I think

I’m just going to start working on all the Interiors we’re gonna get those all done in one bulk section and then we will move on to the exteriors of our little like spawn this is not spawn our little like starter area I’m just gonna start here with this shulker

Has a lot of wood in it that’s probably like what we’re going to be mainly using to decorate the Interiors of these buildings with so let’s start over here with the barn and there’s not too much more I actually have to do to this building

Um I kind of just have to decorate the second floor so like last time if you missed that episode we put a wolf arm in the second floor of this building but it looks horrible right it just is the Bare Bones wool farm and I want to make it

Look a little bit nicer so let’s get started with that so and then I’m thinking we can kind of just do something like this where we have stairs against all of the dirt blocks here and then we can kind of just slab off the rest it might be a little crammed under

Here but I think it’s okay I think it works pretty well uh you know for at least its intended purpose I also just realized that I think I need Mangrove wood to finish off the rest of this build up here and I’m probably gonna need Mangrove wood for my

Storage room later I’m just gonna go collect a whole bunch right now I think my original plan was to gather up like one full shulker of Mangrove logs also look at me what am I what am I doing that’s weird um but yeah my original plan was to gather a shulker of this

Stuff but after Gathering like just over a stack um I realized I don’t want to do that so what we’re gonna do is just push that problem under future SRAM all right that guy hates me but it’s okay that’s something I can live with now this is what the upstairs looks like

There’s still more we can do obviously which I’m gonna get into right now but I kind of just wanted to show off the layout here I think this back section isn’t a good spot right now we just have some extra storage here a couple lanterns a couple bushes

I think it’s looking fine nothing too crazy back there but I kind of like it and we’re kind of gonna do like the same thing back here throw a couple shelves in probably just throw some more random like bushes and some random barrels that’s kind of all I ever did when it

Comes to interior decoration I really don’t do anything that crazy but I think it ends up looking at least okay this is good enough for me I think up here we have some hay we have some more leaves some more barrels and stuff and a couple lanterns just kind of scattered around

The area but I think we can call this interior done the next interior we’re going to work on will be this building right here which of course is the museum which we you know built a couple episodes ago now I’ve only decorated one part of this interior and it’s this room back here

So let’s figure out the rest oh my God it is an absolute mess in here but it would probably be a good start to put in the ceiling the ceiling for this is going to be very simple it’s gonna be mainly Oak slabs and then oak stairs on the sides and then the

Only other thing in the roof is like the ends we’re gonna have like a little Spruce like supporting Archway kind of thing I think that looks kind of cool and then I think the entryway will look something like this got a nice little dark oak trim around

The sides and then we can also go ahead and throw two like potted bushes on either of those Corners I quite like that a few more final touches then to the ceiling just have a little bit more Spruce now in a couple places I think it looks kind

Of nice this one’s a little weird but I don’t actually mind it that much because it kind of just bleeds straight into the rest of the spruce at the entrance so honestly I think that’s fine next up we actually have to go find some stuff to

Throw in this Museum to kind of show off I don’t really have all that much to actually show off in this world but the first thing we’re going to put into an item frame is my very first pickaxe which I’ve actually Enchanted um but I Enchanted it

With a level 30 enchantment and I got efficiency for so there we go my first ever pickaxe I kept it this entire time I will rename that when I remember to do so I kind of just completely forgot but it will be renamed okay but anyway yeah my first

Pickaxe makes its way into the museum my first shield as well will go in the museum right next to it I feel like that’s pretty fitting and then the final thing will be just pretend okay just pretend that’s my first diamond it is absolutely not my first diamond but just

Just pretend it is another first though my first like really good pickaxe that’s going to go in here as well because I no longer need it I have this better one right here but this one is definitely important for the history of this world and then the final thing is just a

Regular golden apple I want that to be a Notch Apple eventually I kind of just wanted a spot for it right now those are all the things that I kind of came up with I guess let me know in the comments if there’s anything else you want me to

Throw in here that I currently have and you know this back room I kind of mentioned it before maybe I did actually I really don’t remember um this is going to be dedicated to another I just don’t really have all the stuff for this just yet I want to put

Some Wither Skeleton skulls back here somewhere and I want to go hunting for those once I actually go hunting for them to get a beacon so that’ll be in a future episode we’ll worry about this later the last thing we have to do in this building is actually go up

I really don’t know if I’m going to make a way to actually access up here but I want to make it at least look good from the outside I probably did like the most Bare Bones interior up here but whatever it’s at least something but with that

Finished I think we can actually call the interior of this building complete next up I just want to make the outside of this area look nicer and I think a lot of what we’re going to do is just sprinkle some bone meal around um but let’s start here by getting rid

Of this thing which we used a little while ago to make some bone meal and also Auto smelt some stuff one quick stop at the mob farm and we have a ton of bone meal I’m just gonna run around then and just start putting this down

And I feel like this should at least be a good start yeah I personally feel like this looks a lot nicer now especially on this pathway now we have a bunch of grass on the sides it’s looking pretty cool then I also continued back here and Bone milled all

Around the path I left over here empty on purpose because I want to put something here and that something is going to be a pond that’s what we’re gonna work on next I think starting it like on this block right here will be nice because we can

Actually have the path then come through this way and we can probably make a little bridge going across this Pond to a building over here I think a shape like this would work out pretty well I’m just gonna go ahead and fill in this bottom layer here with dirt because then

I can actually just put down all the water really easily and then just take away the dirt to make the different levels I want that’s definitely looking good but we have to put a lot of decoration in the pond and outside of the pond so I’m gonna go grab a whole

Bunch of random materials I think that is looking pretty good right now I’m just gonna go through and bone meal a lot of this stuff down here to give it some more life next up then we have to throw a bunch of random stuff on the

Outside and we are very close to being finished the last thing I want to add is a bridge across I think this bridge works pretty well nothing too complex but it gets us across and I think we will put something over here eventually but for now this looks pretty nice and I

Really want to work in some glowberries somehow so let me go brainstorm for a little bit and see what I can come up with I think this could work I just have like a little Archway there with some glowberries hanging down that could look kind of cool at night I think

And all right I think this is kind of completed now it goes to nothing like I’m aware um but we’ll work on that another time but I do think that’s going to be everything we kind of do to the outside of this area I think we made a good bit

Of progress on some of the stuff I’ve been meaning to finish for a little while now but next up we have to start with the storage building you know I really wish I didn’t just do that thing I did earlier where I didn’t gather a whole bunch of Mangrove wood so what

We’re gonna do is just push that problem under future SRAM that guy hates me but it’s okay that’s something I can live with I really do hate pastrami but uh yeah we have to get a whole bunch of Mangrove wood now we now have four empty shulker boxes these two over here have

Rockets and just some like random wood stuff in them so I’m kind of just going to keep those as they are because I’ll probably use all of these wood things and then this red one is just always going to be my rocket choker but these other four shulker boxes can be filled

With stuff for this build and I think I’m gonna get the really annoying process out of the way we’re gonna go get a bunch of Mangrove wood and I’m just gonna you know bone meal the propagules that we actually just have here well that was just the

Worst this might not be enough which is very saddening because I don’t want to do this again but I think I might just call it for now and uh just come back later if I need more let’s move on to a much better type of wood to collect

We’re gonna collect all the jungle wood that we have here that was so nice and simple got a stack and a half of jungle logs from that one tree might need to plant more but I think this will also at least be a good start I don’t mind

Coming back to get more materials once we start building I just kind of want to get enough to really get the build going I’ve already started doing it but next up we’re gonna collect all of this uh dark oak wood this is essentially what we just gathered up right now I did kind

Of combine this shulker with the blue one over here so now all the wood stuff is together I do want to fly over to the spooky Village though and I want to see if I left any wood over there not too many wooden blocks over here but honestly it’s fine there’s still some

Stuff I could use out of there in this Pond over here at night is looking pretty good in my opinion it’s the first time I’m kind of seeing it at night time and I really like it seems like I forgot to put string over this piece of bamboo

It’s all right though watch the zombie he’s gonna get the sauce I definitely killed him that was me I think we actually have everything we’re going to need in these shulkers right here we have a whole lot of wood that we kind of just collected some random like

Leftover pieces of wood also a bunch of mud stuff got some decoration blocks down here with some lanterns I don’t really need the hay bales for this build in particular but whatever they’re not taking up that much space it’s fine and then we got a bunch of like Stone and

Mossy bits for the floor of the basement of this place now it’s probably in the title I’m sure I put this in the title somewhere this is going to be a storage room and a Tavern I thought that up in the middle of this episode all right

Like I I knew I wanted to make a storage room and I also knew I wanted to make a Tavern at some point in this world so I figured let’s just combine the both of them also do not mind the poisonous potatoes over there all right they’re they’re just chilling they’re vibing

They escaped the barrel I’m gonna let him go but I definitely feel like we can make a really nice building here where like the basement is going to be the storage room I have like a general layout in my head for this build I think it’s going to be kind of big so

Hopefully if I freestyle it it doesn’t turn out too badly um but I freestyled that entire Castle pretty much well most of it I think I said this before but I built like one of the walls over here in Creative before um but I freestyled the rest of it I

Think we could probably freestyle a Tavern I’m gonna do my best to do so um but anyway yeah let’s try to figure out where this thing’s going to go I kind of like back this way kind of back behind the museum we can probably Branch off the path like over here in some

Direction and then we’re just gonna need to clear out some space back here how do I want this oriented though that’s kind of the question now I also want to have like access to go in the mountain if I want to make more storage in the future so I want this pressed

Back against the mountain I’m thinking like right around here maybe exactly where I’m standing now is kind of where we start this thing so time to clear out all of these trees I also think I’m gonna bring down the dirt to this layer right here so let’s

Start doing that too we got ourselves a decently big space right here let me kind of break down what this section of the building is going to be so my idea is that this is kind of going to be the basement this is where the actual

Storage is going to go and then above this we will have the tavern we’re kind of like all the people spend all the time and then this is just kind of like the storage for the tavern but it’s doubling as my actual storage uh for

This world and this is the size of the basement not massive right it’s not like a huge amount of storage but we could always expand in that direction we can always keep going down we can maybe expand over here that might be a little tight but we can at least go down and

That way so I think I’ll be perfectly fine on storage for a good while just with this amount of room here but with that all laid out I think we can just start building this thing and let’s see what I can come up with trying to Freestyle a Tavern I’ve

Never built one before but I’ve also never built a castle before this one and I think that turned out fine so hopefully this goes just as well as that castle Thank you I hope you guys enjoyed that time lapse I feel like this build turned out kind of well and obviously it’s not completely finished I kind of just have like the shell put up so it looks nice like compared to the rest of the area like it’s a good addition I think but

The inside is like completely empty and uh we’re gonna end off this video here by doing the basement so we’re going to do the storage room and I’ll probably also connect a path over here but as for like the tavern itself which is up here

I don’t know what I’m gonna do for this just yet I don’t really know how to design the inside of a Tavern so I mean you guys could always like leave some tips down below of what I could potentially include up here like I’ll probably have some spots like for some

Bars probably have some like little tables kind of like out here I have like a little table out in the you know the upper deck area I don’t know maybe you guys can give me some suggestions down below of what exactly to put up here I could also throw something actually

Functional up here or we could just make it like a nice just decoration piece I don’t really know but let’s go ahead and start working on the bottom floor which is of course the storage room and I kind of want to make just like a legit entrance into the storage room I just

Don’t know where to put it for now I’m just gonna throw it right here I don’t know if this will be the final entrance I I really have no idea we’re gonna begin though by throwing in the floor which is just gonna be this same pattern down here so we’re gonna have

Some smooth Stone some Cobblestone some tough some mossy cobblestone as well I might throw in some Moss as well that might look kind of nice yeah okay this is the floor I was kind of thinking of I think this works well you know for a basement next up I think I’m just gonna

Lay out all the chests let’s just get those all down now just so I know exactly how much space I have all right I feel like it looks like an absolute mess right now but I think this is going to be the layout we go with for the

Inside of here so kind of just imagine all these chests are brought up to that block this is going to be a massive upgrade over the storage that we currently have and I really do like that so let me go and just make a whole bunch more chests and then we’ll actually get

All these archways connected and it’ll look a lot less messy I’m sure I am fairly certain that the storage room is now completed and I also threw on the like floor for this top part of the building as well kind of just went with some deep slate variants I think it

Looks nice and we’ll probably you know decorate the rest of this top floor using some Spruce and probably some oak wood and stuff like that as well kind of like what I’ve been doing for the rest of the pillars like right here as you can see probably do that kind of

Decoration up here but I want to do one final thing to the building itself before we start working on the path and that one thing is just actually adding in the windows I put in the spots for all the windows even though these windows are useless I might still put something there I

Don’t really know you can even just do like a fence or something weird it might actually just stick with the fence I think that looks better than a piece of glass would look right there um but yeah we can have glass pretty much everywhere else around this

Building so let me go get some also don’t mind the weird gaps and like the walls up here I probably should have pointed this out before I was kind of just trying to save some materials just because Mangrove wood is really annoying to get so if I was able to save some I

Kind of took that route the glass is now all put in so the last thing we actually have to do in this episode is just connect up The Path which should not take too much longer but honestly if you guys have been watching this series this entire time you probably are quite

Familiar with the path design that I have for this little area so let’s just go ahead and throw it in I’ll catch you guys back up again once I have the shaders on we got the shaders on and it is actually night time and I kind of

Wanted to wait for this because I wanted to see what the whole area looks like at night time with shaders I feel like it’s gonna look really nice hopefully mobs don’t bother me too much I am on fire this might have been a mistake I keep getting bombarded by mobs

But hopefully a creeper doesn’t come up and just ruin my day that would suck but anyway walking through this way now this Pond is looking really sick honestly with shaders on at night time I really like this Vibe right here I’m gonna go to this place in real life

Okay it looks like it looks like a good time can you stop do not realize that I’m trying to do an outro right now oh my God your child is here too I don’t want to destroy the grass I’m on fire again guys this is just the worst

But this path now extends this way we have some nice light we have some lanterns I like this tree so I put a lantern on it but uh you know this whole area is looking kind of chill I think I need a lantern right here though

Let’s do that for sure seemed a little dark in that one spot maybe one right here too that’s it though I’m done but yeah now you can continue this path all the way up here to the tavern slash storage room let me know what you guys think about

This build in the comment section down below I always love to hear what you guys think about my builds honestly like pretty much all the comments so far have been just super kind you know I’ve been getting a bunch of new viewers lately it’s just awesome thank you guys so much

For all the support on this series you guys genuinely seem to be enjoying it which makes me even more motivated to make the content in the first place so I really do appreciate it um but enough of that let’s do a little flyover so we can kind of see what our

Area has turned into so far it’s looking nice from above man I love the connecting paths a lot of light around the area maybe I should light up some of these roofs a little bit more we’re looking at a tad bit dark but I’m a pretty large fan

Of what we have been able to create so far I see you over there man I see you trying to end my hardcore world don’t do it all right just be be a bro and then let me go that rhymes that was unintentional but we’re gonna we’re

Gonna rock with it um but I should also mention real fast before the video ends that I think I am going to try to get everything moved in before next episode like all my storage I’ll move it all to you know the basement of this building

That Sun is bright I’m gonna look this way but I’ll try to get it all moved in before next episode but uh next time I don’t really have any plans as of right now we’ll kind of just figure it out as we go maybe I’ll continue working on the

Tavern maybe we’ll finish the like Upper Floor of the main part of the tavern we might do that next time build some other random stuff maybe I’ll get a couple totems I kind of want to get some totems of undying I probably should do that just so I could potentially survive

Longer we are on day 365. I’ve survived a year in this world huh that’s pretty cool but after surviving that long I should probably have a totem at this point so maybe we go ahead and do something like that next time but thank you so much for

Watching this video really hope you guys enjoyed and I will talk to you guys soon bye in Minecraft it is far too easy to find yourself dead and then in the nether there’s like the number one rule of Minecraft not even just in another the number one rule of Minecraft is

Don’t mine straight down so let’s go ahead and see what happens when I mined a shroom light straight down this is pain all right I’m gonna look for another end City I think oh my god dude no way of course though Minecraft has an item that prevents you from dying

No I’m not I’m not talking about a potato talking about a totem of undying and essentially every hardcore world of the player will have a totem in their offhand just in case anything happens of course I do not I’ve been running around with steak in my offhand for the last

Like 300 days in this world and I think it’s finally time that we start considering totems these things drop from these Wizards hey and you can either go through a raid and actually just kill a bunch of evokers or you can make a raid a farm which is what we’re

Going to be doing today at some point but like pretty much every other episode in this series we have to do a couple things first before we get to the main goal of the episode The first goal is going to be pretty minor we’re going to be adding a little bit more to the stuff we just built last time and we will also be doing the interior of the sugarcane farm I completely forgot about that farm in that last video I wanted to actually

Complete that last time I just completely forgot about it so we’re going to tackle that pretty early in this one I kind of really want to make a lumber building over here because this is where I’ve been growing all of my trees and I kind of want to take all the

Trees down and just make a decently sized building over here where I think we could eventually put a tree farm not gonna make the building big enough to hold a tree farm the tree farm will certainly go underground because I’m pretty sure those things can get pretty

Massive but I think just having a building above ground is going to look really nice and it’ll you know be a nice little piece to this area I feel like I can probably make something kind of cool over here but then of course the final

Goal of the video what I talked about in the intro we’re going to be making a raid Farm to get a whole bunch of totems so hopefully we don’t die for a very long time and if I die before or I end up making that raid Farm well that’s just natural selection I

Guess I don’t know but let me shove off a couple of the things we did last time so I’m kind of in a new spot we built this Pond this is one of the things I actually want to add to today but yeah we built this Pond I think it looks pretty cool

I swear I put string over these pieces of sugar cane but I guess I didn’t I’ll have to go get some string at some point I don’t think I have like any so that’s fun um we also did the interior of a couple buildings did the interior of you know

The upstairs of the barn over there I’ll go there in a little bit we also did this one it’s not completely finished yet still because I still have to get this back room and I still think I want to make this look a little bit nicer at

Some point but I kind of just wanted to map it all out for right now and then the big build for last episode was this tavern slash storage room back here the storage room looking kind of nice it’s also all organized now I moved everything into its own chest and then

Let me also just kind of show off the upstairs of the barn nothing special up here but it completely closes off uh the sheep farm we built a couple episodes ago this is very basic design but we’re actually getting a decent amount of wool the Farm’s not too bad I should probably

Dye those sheep a couple different colors as well because I no longer just need black and orange well I’ll get to that eventually oh and then also last time uh we got another ride armor that’s normally a pretty big deal but I feel like I didn’t make it that big of a

Deal in the last video but yeah I mean we’re looking very nice we got a bunch of very overpowered looking pieces of armor we’re kind of chilling when it comes to that stuff when it comes to the armor and the tools I think with the

Intro out of the way now we can go ahead and kind of just start with the goals for this episode I want to start over here though so I received a comment on my last video actually I think it was two comments the more I think about it

That kind of made me want to do something else with the pond over here so I was originally just gonna have the ponds you know lead to a building and it was actually going to be my mine that’s what I was thinking but I think I can move that somewhere else but instead

We’re gonna put a gazebo over here I think that’s a pretty cool addition near a pond I kind of like that and also I just want to gather a couple more things for the pond yeah so I received this comment which is a shopping list for the

Pond we need to go get an axolotl a fish some Coral some sea pickles frogs maybe if I can find some and I don’t actually have to lure them that far away uh sand and turtles so we can definitely go ahead and try to check off a whole bunch

Of the for this Pond here I’m going to start off working on the Gazebo part so I’m just gonna go grab some wood and some other random materials that I think could look good with this maybe some Mangrove I think a mangrove one could look kind of nice so I’ll just start

With some Spruce and some Mangrove stuff we now have a much bigger space back here looks kind of awkward with like this hill face but I’ll figure out something for that I might eventually just kind of trim like almost all of that down not sure what I want to do just yet so

I’m just going to let it go I exchanged out the mangrove for Spruce and I think this is going to be kind of the floor on the inside here then we’ll probably have Mangrove fences kind of outlining everything we’ll probably then bring up some pillars every so often and connect

Them with some trapdoors and stuff I think that can look kind of cool we got some pillars up and I also put down just some Mangrove fences along the outside here not very good at making like a circular roof but let’s see what I can

Come up with I guess I just kind of feel like circular roofs are kind of awkward to make I might just rock with this let me keep designing it and maybe it’ll just look good at the end I think it’s looking better now the roof is still a

Bit awkward but I think I can deal with it I like what the inside looks like a lot of spruce in here but I think that’s fine I also check out the mangrove and instead of just put dark oak I think that just looks a little bit nicer we could potentially incorporate some

Mangrove in for like some benches over here but I might honestly just use dark oak as well but let’s try out Mangrove first I’m having a tough time deciding between these two I really like this design but I’m just unsure if it’s like too similar to everything else but this

Is a really cool bench design I think it might be just a little bit too similar to the rest of the color palette so we’re going to break that up and we’re going to use Mangrove instead I think this works pretty well we got a couple

Of seats just to kind of hang out and do gazebo things I think I’m comfortable to call this little build done now that that’s done let’s move on to the interior of the sugarcane farm and I should also Harvest up these carrots which I have not done yet wow we just barely had

Enough to fill out the entire Farm nice we got four whole carrots spare let’s get to work I’m gonna start off by doing a floor and I think we’re gonna have a very similar floor design to what we have in the storage room I want to put some Moss down here as

Well on the floor and probably the ceiling too but I forgot it so what we’re gonna do instead of finishing the floor right now I’m gonna make the water elevator to get out of here now I’m sure you guys all know how to make one of

These but in the off chance that you don’t let me kind of walk you through it real fast you need a piece of Soul Sand at the bottom of wherever you’re trying to make the water elevator and then you place water at the top so it just flows

All the way down and then you just bring kelp all the way up top that’ll make all of these water blocks into Source blocks and then from there all you have to do is destroy the kelp and then it works so if you guys don’t know how to do that

Now you do you could also use ice instead of like the water and then the kelp and stuff because if you place down ice and you break it it just turns into a source block anyway but I’m just gonna do it this way mainly just because I

Don’t have any ice right now I’m also just now realizing that I meant to finish off the pond by going to get you know the rest of that checklist I will come back to that I will do the rest of the pond once I finish this sugar can

Farm the floor down here is now complete we have a few pieces of moss we also got some azaleas some flowering azaleas in the floor as well I think that actually looks kind of nice now let’s go ahead and get with the rest of the decoration

Down here let me kind of move everything off this wall just so I can kind of plan where I want some pillars to go this room is like the perfect length we can have pillars along the sides with a three blocky Gap in between all of them

Which should look very nice once we get them all in so let’s actually just start doing that now we will probably do like the same design we’ve kind of been doing all over the place every time I need any kind of like pillars we’re gonna have some Spruce stairs upside down and then

Some trap doors in the middle and I really don’t care that I keep reusing this it looks good okay now as for the ceiling I think it’s just gonna be Moss nothing too complicated up here but honestly that looks pretty nice to me and since we do have a moss up there we

Can go ahead and hang some glowberries around to get some nice light I do also want to put a Spore blossom in here somewhere at least one but honestly probably two uh we do have to go to a lush cave at some point in this video to

Go get an axolotl so I should be able to get one there the next thing I want to do is change out these walls and I want to change them out I think for Mangrove okay all of the walls are now in oh there’s a piece of cobblestone glitching

Out over there uh next up we just kind of have to you know continue the decoration so I’m just going to throw a couple random things around maybe make a few shelves with some more chests and then this area will probably be done this area I think is done for now the

Last thing I want to add is a Spore Blossom or two like I mentioned earlier but we’ll get that in a little bit but for now I think it looks pretty good a little overgrown down here but that’s kind of what I was going for not super overgrown but you know the glowberries

Do look kind of nice I think coming out of the ceiling uh the decoration is just pretty normal pretty minimal honestly it’s just a bunch of barrels and a bunch of chests and some other you know foliage I think it looks kind of cool though and then we have the actual

Storage chests for the sugar cane over here they’re both double chest now so they shouldn’t fill up for a good while so we can definitely check that off for right now um the next thing up is to kind of complete that little shopping list for the pond I’m gonna begin this little

Shopping list by going over towards the spooky Village because this tree is right here and this is an indication of a lush cave now hopefully we can find some axolotls underground all right we got a bunch of fish now that should be good for a little while let’s go see if

We can find an axolotl still no Axolotl but there is a Spore Blossom right here which I will definitely be taking hey we got an axolotl down here let’s go I will look around and I’ll see if I can find a second one but if I

Can’t I am fine just to take one home with me we have a bunch more right here sweet I know it’s probably tough to see in here I didn’t bring any torches I’m sorry but uh we now have six axolotls which is nice I’m just gonna kind of

Make my way out of here now I think I’m done next up then we do have to find some coral and I’ve definitely come across some I just really don’t remember where it is so let’s kind of just head off to an ocean somewhere and see if we

Can find a nice Coral biome well this is not what I was necessarily looking for but holy crap this area looks insane I’m gonna screenshot these coordinates and maybe come back one day this looks nuts oh my God it gets even bigger over here what the hell is this place this is wild

If you guys want to know the coordinates of this place here it is all right so I finally found the biome I was looking for I probably should have just came this way immediately I kind of figured it would be over here this is kind of by

Like the mangrove forest the jungle all that fun stuff it’s all over this way but I decided to go a different direction I kind of just wanted to explore a little bit more if I’m being honest but let’s grab some Coral while we’re here and of course some sea

Pickles and some other random water stuff it turns out you need silk touch in order to get Coral to be colorful if you mine it without silk touch it just drops the dead variant and I didn’t realize that this entire episode so I bring back a whole bunch of dead coral

And throw that around the pond I’ll have to come back in a future episode to actually get uh some of this beautiful looking coral but I do think we are now good I think I got everything I kind of came for we got a bunch of sea pickles

We got a bunch of different types of coral um I actually do still need to find a turtle we got two Turtle friends let’s go make a baby I know you guys want to are you doing it like I don’t know what’s happening here are you making a baby

I don’t think so not that the particles aren’t coming up there we go okay all right let’s go put all this stuff down and we can actually finish this Pond once and for all now I do have a question do axolotls eat fish foreign yes so the fish can’t go in this Pond

We’re just gonna have a bunch of axolotls in this Pond instead and I honestly don’t want to name any of them because I don’t think this is completely Axolotl proof and I don’t want to lose any of the ones I named because I will definitely grow

Attached do they eat turtles oh you guys better not eat turtles the Pawn’s at least finished for now we gave it some inhabitants and we also added a little bit more decoration to the pond yeah so turtle eggs need to be placed on sand in order for them to hatch just keep

Adding things that I have to fix with the ponds um there’s probably more okay I’m I’m very smart with Minecraft if you guys didn’t know that one more thing we gotta do before I work on the like Lumber building I don’t know what I’m gonna call it just yet but before we

Work on the building that’s gonna go like over here um I do need to go add these two Spore blossoms to the sugarcane farm put one right there and we’re gonna put one over here now they have this nice particle effect in this whole area and I love what that

Looks like now then let’s go and clear out I think all of the trees in this area and I can kind of plan out where this place is going to go all right all of the trees are now gone and we have a lot of open space over

Here to actually build something we also got about half a shulker of wood from that which is really nice I do want to go ahead and repair my tools though and I also need Rockets so we’re gonna go to the mob farm to kind of get two birds stoned at once

It’ll be great I’m just the best flyer in the world you saw that ready first try here we go bang I now have roughly six stacks of gunpowder that should be good to make you know quite a few rockets for the time being let’s go clear out the

Sugarcane farm and make as many as we can there we go we got most of the shulker Box filled now with rockets this should last me a very long time next up then let’s start considering the lumber build let’s try to figure out exactly where it’s going to go I definitely want

To take away some of this grass in this area so I’m gonna start over here and we’re gonna take away this entire top layer which isn’t actually all that much then I’m thinking we actually just throw this building over here and then I’m kind of thinking right here where I’m

Standing we can probably throw another field I think that would look really nice in this area so let me just go lay out how big this building is going to be I think this is a pretty good size not too big not too small I’m thinking the

Entrance can be right here and then we can have you know one main room over here back here maybe storage or something I don’t really know exactly just I just want to give myself another room back this way and this is going to be like a kind of outside area I’m

Thinking we kind of have like a canopy drooping down maybe connected to some fences on the corners here I just wanted to lay it out in tough just so I know how much space I have over here but as for color palette I think it’s going to

Be like the same as the museum so I kind of have two different kinds of buildings in this area we have the mangrove in the mud which is the starter house the barn and the tavern and then we also have the museum which is you know like Stone and

Other gray blocks at the bottom and then mud at the top and I think I’m gonna copy this design for like the lumber building I think that’ll look really nice with the area so let’s go ahead and fill up some shulkers with materials for this build I really hope I have

Everything I need I don’t really want to go gather more stuff sadly I do have to go collect some stuff I need some smooth Stone so let’s go fill out the rest of the shulker box with smooth Stone I’m not going to need that much but I’ll take it for later

This shulker is now filled so we have a bunch of smooth stone for this build I think we have mostly everything that we’re gonna need in these two shulkers here so then let’s just get building Foreign ER building is now complete and we also extended the path and I added another field so another path comes over here and it connects up to the front door of this building and also there is another potato field right here in the same kind of style that we’ve been rocking with

This whole time but yeah hopefully you guys like what this building looks like I think it looks pretty cool I feel like it’s potentially a little awkward in some places but I think I’m all right with it then we have the nice lumber yard right here with a whole bunch of

Different types of wood and you know some coarse dirt podzel regular dirt some Stone in here some rooted dirt as well I think it’s a cool little area and over here in this little Outpost this is where you know the wood you know theoretically if you use your

Imagination is actually cut and this is just kind of the backlog that we have to cut so if you look right here here’s a saw and then the woods going through it hits the saw it turns into campfires but uh yeah I mean this is supposed to

Indicate like chopped wood I think it looks all right hopefully it’s okay and the inside of this is obviously not done at all but I did put in a floor so that’s a start I guess but I mainly just left it like this because I really

Don’t know what’s going to go in here I’m thinking that I could eventually make this like my wood storage building if I ever grow out of the storage building we built you know last episode over there in the tavern if I ever grow out of that we could probably just store

Wood in here and maybe I can do a similar thing with stone and we can actually just like attach a mine to it instead of a little offshoot for some logs it’s just like the entrance to a mine that could be a pretty cool project

To have later down the line but yeah I think this area just looks kind of cool I think it adds nicely to the overall you know aesthetic that we’ve been going with oh that was just the best um let me do that again but I think it

Adds to the area pretty well now that that’s done the next thing we have to work on which is the final thing we’re going to work on in this episode It’s The Raid farm so I’m hoping you guys see it in the title I’m hoping I end up actually doing this

Build and it doesn’t turn out to be too much um I really want to make like a Coliseum for this thing I think that’ll look really nice I’m just hoping that it doesn’t have to be absolutely massive like in the title I might put I made like a massive Coliseum or something but

I’m hoping it doesn’t actually have to be like a megabase sized build okay so I found a very easy raid farm tutorial which is probably what I’m going to be using for this build but the difficult part still is the Coliseum build itself because I’m trying to look up like how

Pillagers spawn in a raid it kind of seems like the members of The Raid can spawn within a 64 block radius of the center of the raid that’s kind of what I’m getting from this article that I’m reading so what I think I might do rather than making the biggest like Coliseum ever

Um I think I might just make a fairly large one and then try to spawn proof everywhere around it and hopefully spawn proof within the Coliseum itself like within the stands and stuff like that maybe we can just use slabs for seats just so I don’t have random pieces of

The raid spawning within the coliseum in a really weird spot I think that’ll probably work out pretty well so let me just go put all the materials for this red Farm in a random shulker it doesn’t actually seem like it takes that many materials at all which is very nice

This video will also be down in the description below you know the tutorial that I’m following to build this thing but these are all the materials that I need I also need this to be a lava bucket so I have to go do that and of course we need a villager

I would love to take one of the villagers I have over here but I don’t want to transport Jim that far away and I actually want to go turn off my villager breeder I think it’s been on this whole time so it’s probably producing like way too many villagers

So let me go turn this bad boy off oh there are like too many villagers here oh my god there are so many villagers here I think we turned it off I hope it doesn’t end up causing any lag in this world there’s just a ton of things over

There so you know hopefully um my world doesn’t just like blow up because of all the gym in that area but anyway let’s fly to the Pillager Outpost we found a while ago and also hopefully I can find some lava on the way there’s The Outpost looking nice all right so I

Know you want to be a certain number of blocks away from The Outpost when you actually make this raid farm so I’m gonna build it over here I hope this is you know enough blocks away I think it will be so I’m gonna set down my big

Shulker mess and start clearing out a bunch of spruce trees all right we now have a rather large area and we can at least put down the base raid farm and we can kind of figure out what we’re gonna do around it so let me go ahead and

Throw this thing down okay I think this thing is done now I’m pretty sure mine looks a little different with the water from the video like I don’t think it has like this little wall of water right here in the tutorial but whatever we’re gonna see if this thing works and I

Really hope it does another thing I actually genuinely have to be careful of is breaking this pickaxe I really don’t want to do that and it’s getting a little bit low we need to put on breaking on that I keep forgetting to do it anyway though let’s

Go fly over to the Pillager Outpost and see if this works all right thank you Let’s go we got our first totem oh that feels awesome all right I’m assuming they got stuck somewhere because nothing’s come down yet a few things have died as you can tell by like the bar up top but nothing’s come down and the bell can’t find them oh I found them

All oh that could be a problem all right well at least I know that now I completely forgot how loud that noise is but uh we finished a raid that’s pretty cool um and we got four totems out of it five totems actually I forgot I’m holding one

So not too bad really uh we just have to patch up that one spot but other than that this thing works pretty well and now comes the fun part of collecting a whole bunch of materials to build something around this thing and I really hope by building something I don’t ruin

It now I’m thinking of making this Coliseum out of sandstone not exclusively Sandstone we’ll probably have some kind of gradient going on but I think I am going to use a lot of sandstone so before I go collect any of that let me go put Unbreaking three on

My pickaxe and also uh just heal it back up another thing I’ve been meaning to do for a while I want to finally name like all of my tools and stuff I just haven’t gotten around to it yet so we’ll do that after we heal everything up now every

Piece of my armor and tools has its own personality which is great we got picolas cage I’m actually reusing that name from an old pickaxe I had in a 100 days World a while ago so I mean it’s just a great name I I feel like I could

Reuse it I feel kind of obligated to honestly we got the one piece is real which is if you know you know all right that’s what I’ll say about that we got shovel of course the ax we got Billy Bob the shovel we got my girlfriend the the

Hoe at least she’s nether right you know uh we got boner just comedy right there we got the silk touch one uh we got I hope you’re enjoying the video it’s just true I hope you are uh we got boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and

That’s another meme I couldn’t think of anything else we got diamond leggings because obviously we got really cool hat and then we got can we get much higher which goes in tandem with the one piece is real um yeah those are the names hope you guys liked them so I’m just

Gonna take off then uh we’re gonna go find this desert I think it’s this way if not then I’ll just find another one out here somewhere and I will collect as much sandstone as I can until I go insane that’s probably not true okay I might get like

A shulker Max and I feel like my sanity is probably a little over a shulker we’re at the desert now let’s load up on some Sandstone oh this is insta mine oh that’s amazing man I wish Gathering everything was that easy that hardly took any time at all now that we have

All the Sandstone I have to go ahead and grab some oak wood which obviously we don’t have very much of right now same thing with Birchwood we need to go gather some more of that because I only have 25 logs to my name and I guess we’ll use this shulker box here so

Um now next and hopefully the last thing we’re going to need is Spruce Wood and do I really only have two stacks of spruce logs I have to go gather more of that too I hope that’s enough if it’s not I’ll just get more later we’re back

Over here at the rain farm and I kind of set up a little workshop area so this little Contraption is making all the Sandstone I have into smooth Sandstone which looks a lot better and that’s mainly the block I want to use and I guess I actually didn’t turn it all into

Smooth Sandstone just in case I want to use regular sandstone in here just as a bit of texturing I don’t really know just yet um but the first order of business that we’re over here is uh I have to figure out a shade for this thing that should work I’m fast as [ __ ]

Boy still fast as [ __ ] so I think I copied the shape over to survival um I at least hope I did now I know this is uh strips Oh cannot Sandstone right now but I think the gradient is going to go from the stripped Oak and then we’re

Going to bleed into a little bit of birch wood let me kind of just show you what I’m talking about here it’s a little bit of stripped Birch and then I’m contemplating if I want to use Birch planks and then go to the smooth Sandstone I haven’t really decided yet I think the

Planks could work out pretty well yeah I think I like the planks in there I think that looks kind of cool but I do think that’s enough of me talking let me just go ahead and build this thing and I hope this doesn’t take as long as the castle

Did but we’ll find out foreign That time lapse and honestly that did not take nearly as long as I was expecting it was just like a couple of recording sessions and we were able to finish this build now I gotta say uh honestly I’m not a hundred percent about this build I don’t actually know

How much I like it it’s a completely new building style I’ve never built a Coliseum before so I really don’t know if it actually looks good or not um this might be a build we come back to later in tweak I’m just not exactly sure

Right now what more I could add to it to make it look better but anyway let’s check out what it looks like it’s looking actually pretty good with the shaders I gotta be honest uh but yeah I mean it’s a little basic I think there’s not too much texturing

Involved I mean I think the leaves helped a lot at the end I think it looks way better with the like the vines draped around but yeah there’s not too much texturing here um there is not much depth I feel like with with a lot of the builds the only

Kind of bit of depth we have is like right here at the front and like the sides in the back have the same kind of you know pattern but yeah I mean on the inside here it is completely empty because I genuinely just straight up

Have no idea what to put here and I also kind of wanted to test it out before I designed the inside just in case like these you know pillagers destroy this place somehow like I don’t know if their ravagers are just gonna run through the walls here I really don’t know how they

Work but yeah and then on the inside we just have a bunch of dirt and course dirt and stuff for the floor then the actual Farm itself I’m also not gonna run the farm at the end of this video here um I kind of want to leave it up to

You guys if you see any glaring issues with this that would really limit what’s happening with this Farm let me know in the comments okay I’m I’m an idiot I will probably miss any huge issues with this farm and I won’t realize until it’s way too late and the whole thing gets

Destroyed or it just completely doesn’t work anymore but actually there’s one thing I need to change I realize this a little while ago but do I have a trapdoor I have some trap doors okay I missed one Spruce trapdoor or at least I noticed that I missed one Spruce trap door right here

Boom um but yeah here’s the upper level I tried to spawn proof everything up here just so we don’t get any weird spawns and I think I accomplished that but you know these are going to be kind of the seats take a seat you can look out on

The show I guess and then my idea over here is that these are two like Throne seats I kind of feel like in a lot of movies with coliseums there’s like really important people in like a really nice Booth or something that’s kind of

What these are so I don’t know I hope I hope that effect is here um but yeah I mean I hope you guys like this I think it looks very okay I feel like I could potentially do better but I’m not sure exactly what I could do to

Do better let me show off the other build we did with Shader is because I just now realized I did not do that in this video man I love this sky and these shaders it looks so good oh my God that just got so much better what

There’s like lights like that oh that looks amazing I never knew those were here oh that is so cool dude Minecraft is such a beautiful game I’m just saying like with shaders on it’s it’s so so nice looking oh that’s why you gotta fly all the way

Up there to get that effect oh that is so cool I wish that was there all the time anyway though yeah let’s show off the other build we did today which of course is the lumber building we already looked at this building so I won’t go

Crazy with it but just a quick run by with shaders looks pretty cool in my opinion very happy with how this building turned out I need to put a lantern right there I keep finding spots I need to put lanterns and I just keep forgetting to

Do it but yeah the actual lumber yard looks nice too a little Outpost area over here looking pretty chill if you ask me but honestly you guys have been absolutely crushing these videos lately I really appreciate all the support it’s fantastic every time I look up a channel

It’s growing it’s so cool and you guys actually really do seem to be enjoying these videos as well so I very much appreciate it I hope you enjoyed this one one final time and I will talk to you soon bye this has been my nether portal for approximately 400 Days in this Minecraft

World I have full netherright armor and tools and I don’t even have a completed nether portal and this what has been my another spawn the entire time what the [ __ ] both of those things are going to be changing in this video and I’m very excited to actually get started with

Those now when I’ve made another portals in past worlds I would usually do one of two things the first thing being exactly what I’ve done in this world so far I’ve kind of just left it the the vanilla basic looking nether portal not even finished usually uh just like plugged in

The side of a mountain or something and the other thing I would normally do is build it within a cave and maybe decorate the cave a little bit but I want to go a little bit extra in this world I am going to be making a giant

Tree and we’re gonna hide the nether portal not really hide it that’s not the right word but it’s going to be encased within the tree it’ll be exposed to the outside so we can just run straight in and I think it’ll actually look really cool I’ve wanted to make some custom

Trees around this area for a while and I think this is a pretty good start just one massive tree now I’m not going to go to the same levels that flip did with his massive tree um because that seems borderline psychotic to me I don’t know how he did

That no idea flip is an absolute madman that tree is insane it looks amazing but oh my God there’s no way I’d be able to build anything close to that scale I don’t think I really don’t build custom trees all that often but I’m hoping this

Gives me a good bit of experience maybe for future builds and stuff like that but of course though let’s detail the other goals I have in mind for this episode Now in very surprising fashion the first thing we’re going to do today is going to be the main goal I normally save that until the end but I kind of just want to get this done right away and the reason for that is because uh when I hit 500

Days in this world I want to do something for that occasion like I want to make it its own video so I kind of want to see if I can at least finish off this tree before day 500 so I guess I should say that the rest of these goals

After that I will get to them as long as I think I have enough time before day 500. so after the tree I would like to build a bridge and let me show you exactly where this bridge is going to go I’ve mentioned this before but I want to

Build a bridge from here to over there because then over here is kind of like the third goal maybe like with the second goal too same kind of thing over here I want to build like a Gatehouse kind of thing leading up to the castle and then down here as the

Final potential goal for this episode I would like to finish off the interior of the tavern I kind of meant to do this last episode but I just never got around to it of course though before I tackle the goals for the episode let’s go over what we did last time

So last episode we did a few different things I designed the interior of the sugarcane farm down here let me go shelve that off real fast of course this is the farm we built a couple episodes ago but now it is all decorated down here with some glowberries with some

Moss with some Spore blossoms and it’s still completely functional in these two chests over there also last time we built this building for our lumber stuff maybe our lumber storage eventually this is where I can like store my wood if I ever grow out of our current storage room and then the

Main big build for last episode was off in this direction it is a RAID farm that I put inside of a Coliseum it’s a short flight away near the Pillager Outpost over here but uh yeah here’s the raid farm and the Coliseum still not the like

Biggest fan of this build in general I might come back and tweak it later but I think it’s good enough for now it was actually another build I had last time as well which was a gazebo on the other side of the bridge in the pond and I

Will show that off in one second because I actually want to go grab a few more blocks for that pond I tried to grab Coral blocks last episode for the pond but I didn’t silk touch them so they are still dead so I’m just gonna make a very quick trip over to the

Nearest Coral biome and we can go grab some with our silk touch pickaxe I’ve been meaning to mention this as well for the last few episodes I literally just kept forgetting uh but people keep asking me what the seed of the world is and what the shaders that I’m using are

The seed is down in the description below it’s in the description of each of these episodes I think is a cool looking area too wow I don’t think I’ve ever been here before nice Cliff like that um but yeah anyway the seed is down in the description below if you would like

You know to get it down there you can copy and paste it into Minecraft if you want to play this world for yourself and the shaders that I’m using are these ones right here complementary shaders obviously I’m not using them now but when I actually show off my builds I use

Shaders I didn’t think I clicked on it but apparently I did but we’re using complimentary shaders here’s what they look like if you would like to use these I will go try to find where I downloaded them and I’ll put a link in the description we now have the right kind

Of coral and I also put a piece of sand under the starter legs so the turtle can actually grow but let’s throw down some colorful Coral down here I think I broke one of the turtle eggs by walking over it wait is that a thing whatever we have one turtle egg now we

Now have some Coral that’s probably look pretty cool at night I’ll have to come back and check that now let’s start Gathering up a whole bunch of materials to go ahead and build this tree now I think I’m going to use a mix of oak logs

And stripped Spruce logs I need way more Spruce logs for this so we’ll have to go and collect some of those I’ll probably take some stairs I’ll take some slabs and a whole bunch of other random wood things I think a good idea would be to fill out this entire shulker so we’re

Gonna have nearly half of it uh Oak and then the other half Spruce so let’s go ahead and do that all right the shulker box is now full but the thing is I want to make most of these maybe all of them into this type

Of wood where all of the sides are this texture and you actually lose out on a little bit of materials doing this but it’s gonna look a lot better on the tree so this is now what the shulker box looks like and I accidentally made a little bit into planks so we’re missing

Out on a little bit more but it’s fine this is at least enough for a start and I think I want to put this right over here I feel like this is a good spot it’s pretty Central and if we clear out more of these trees and maybe like level out

The land a little bit this will be more than enough room to have a massive tree and also like a little campsite maybe around a couple benches some other different you know forms of decoration we might have to move this well but also maybe I could

Just put the tree back here and we can keep the well there I don’t know I didn’t mean to do that but let me clear out these trees all right here in this area so we’ll actually get a little bit more oak wood which is very nice

All right I believe all the trees on this like top layer up here are all uh chopped down so while I’m waiting for the leaves to go away I think I’m gonna try to terraform a little bit of this area because there’s this little like half circle right here that I kind of

Want to get rid of all right this place is now completely covered up and I like what it looks like I think it’s a lot better than it was before it’s much more of a gradual decline now going down to where the other portal used to be

And we also have a ton of room back here to put another building of some sort so that’s nice to know we can at least expand in this direction so I guess let’s just go ahead and start throwing down some materials and I’ve kind of come to realize that I didn’t actually

Have to make all of my wood into like this type of wood but it’s okay it doesn’t really matter I’ll be losing out on a little bit of wood overall but honestly it’s fine I think we’re gonna start this thing over here like this will probably be like one

Of the sides of the tree and then it’ll also extend this way I just gotta figure out how big I actually want to make this like obviously it has to fit a pretty big nether portal so the tree itself will actually have to be substantially

Large so I got a nine by nine square right here and this is probably a good start at least I can just start taking this up I can always add more to the outsides to like you know thicken up the tree whenever I need it so I guess let’s

Just build these all up a whole bunch I don’t know how high to go maybe let’s go like 40 blocks high I don’t know if that’s going to be too high or not I’ll do this front face here all up to like 40 blocks high and see how tall that is

Yeah this tree is going to be really big but I hope it’s worth it I really hope I can make this thing look good and it just doesn’t end up looking like a massive just Minecraft tree you know what I mean I don’t think I can make it

Look just a lot cooler I feel like I like this height we can always bring it down move it up do all that fun stuff in a little bit so let’s just continue building up every other side This Tall all of the sides are in so now we should

Start working on the branches and I really got to figure out how I’m gonna do this I have no idea how this is gonna work I feel like that Branch might be long enough let me go add a bunch more of these branches some will be smaller some might even be bigger but let’s just get working on that now all right so the tree looks horrible right now um but I did put in like six branches I

Think we have a few long ones and a few other short ones I feel like once I actually connect the leaves it’ll look a lot better um but also I kind of just want to shape out the rest of the tree as well so I

Don’t want to keep it just this box and I also want to make it like thicker at the bottom so what I think we actually might do is trim away some of the stuff near the top and replace it like I’ll Block in let me kind of show you what I’m talking about

Let me pull her up here for a second I’m kind of thinking we do something like this to texture the sides a little bit more so what I did was I kicked most of the wall in about half of it actually and then I kind of just put a few

Different pieces of wood like jutting out and I think I like this a good bit more than just the flat surface it’s hard for me right now to Picture This build looking good um because it just looks like crap right now but I’m hoping if I kind of just

Keep going through this process it’ll look good in the end yeah okay this looks significantly better I think if we do this all the way around I feel like I will be a lot more comfortable with this build and I definitely did not miss a piece of dirt here you guys are just

Seeing things for sure uh but yeah I think this looks a ton better okay I got roughly half of the tree textured and I’m liking it so far if you can kind of just imagine what this will look like all the way around you know the base

Will be a lot more circular now which is kind of what I wanted I still don’t necessarily regret starting with if you know the uh like the square shape because I feel like that was a really good way of figuring out how tall I wanted this to be but it’s certainly

Coming along now all right let’s go texture the other two sides now I do apologize that it’s raining but we do have all of the texturing done now and I am pretty comfortable with what this looks like we do now just have to put on the leaves which will probably take another long amount of time but we’re getting close man we’re definitely

Getting close it’s looking a lot more like a tree than it just did before we still might extend the base a little bit more but for now I am comfortable with it let’s just go start putting on the leaves now I only did like two branches

And I feel like I used so many leaves but doing this all the way around could actually look pretty cool I think and I will be hanging some lanterns and stuff from the top that’ll look really nice too so let’s kind of just replicate this all

The way around this is actually going to take forever All right boys it’s day 451 and um we are I would say halfway done with the leaves the top looks terrible I will fix that but we’re making our way the kind of strategy I’m going for this is I am kind of sectioning off uh like two different layers and with the first

Layer here I will droop all of the leaves down to like about this level and then as you can see on the first section we did I will need to make another layer down like this level to continue the rest of the leaves because they’re all

Going to fall down about this far so I got quite a bit of work to do up top here but it is at least kind of looking like a tree from some angles and I would definitely call that a success oh Thank you Foreign so I think I have all the leaves placed on the sides and I actually quite like what this looks like it at least looks good like from the sky the top I will work on in a second but at least looks good from the sky hopefully it looks good from the ground

As well let’s uh I guess let’s walk through this way yeah that’s looking pretty cool I think dude this thing is massive this is nice though I like it alright so next up I want to work on the top because as you can see the top looks really weird

Like I feel like this is not what a Tree Top should look like so I really don’t know how to do this the best way um I’m just gonna go crazy placing down some leaves and we’ll get something so I kind of just randomly just threw a whole

Bunch of leaves on the top and it looks way better now so this tree is going to hide the nether portal I want to have an effect where it looks like the entire inside of the tree is another portal is like one continuous nether portal and

We’re gonna get that effect by making a whole bunch of another portals in there and kind of just cutting away at the tree to reveal the purple I think it’ll look really cool the thing is though I need a butt ton of obsidian I might just

Get like two stacks but that’s gonna be a lot without a beacon and I really don’t want to go get a beacon right now I’m just gonna head off to the end and uh start collecting obsidian let’s see how long this actually takes I gotta say

Man it’s like way too normalized at this point if you’re a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber um you gotta take down all of these pillars and like destroy your end island or something I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get to that point like it would be

Kind of cool I guess but I’ve only taken down like three layers of this pillar and I’m already very very upset about my life choices so I can’t imagine what it’s like taking down all of these pillars like I know that like many of the people who take out their whole end

And like take out all these pillars it turns out obsidian is like their most Mind Block that’s ridiculous man and they say it like so casually like that’s insane my most Mind Block is Netherrack you know the thing that’s insta mine I’m just not built for this bed I don’t know

No I don’t know maybe maybe if I dedicated like a full day to doing this I could do it like if this was my actual full-time job I don’t know but even still mad like it messes up your mental I swear like these people are built different all

Right I got two stacks I’m sure that’s enough if it’s not I guess I’ll just come back uh I definitely did not set my spawn oh my God I actually did set my spawn that’s that’s remarkable so I guess it would probably be easier for me

To kind of cut out all the holes in the tree and then put down the portals yeah let’s do that all right so we’re gonna have one right here because this will probably be the actual one I enter through so something like this where like you really can’t see the portal

Frame in the background and I could just walk right into this portal who put all this tall grass here all right whoever did that’s an idiot creepers just blend in you can’t hit them I don’t know who did that um but yeah anyway this is kind of the

Idea so like I want to make it look like the inside of the tree is the portal is like all purple like that and we’re gonna kind of like wind this all the way up the tree on either side with a whole bunch of big portals that’s the idea at

Least so let’s go cut away at a lot of this tree that we just spent hours building uh it’s so sad so sadly I wasn’t really able to make any of these that big but that’s the effect I was going for and I actually really like it

All right time to do this all the way around I used all the obsidian man I really don’t want to go back I went back to the end and got two more stacks of obsidian so now let’s continue and actually finish what the tree trunk

Is going to look like all right so I got all the other portals in and I think this is looking pretty cool so all the way around now we got nether portals of varying Heights at varying points of the tree and I think it looks pretty cool

This is really close to being finished then I think the last thing I really want to do is just add some lanterns like hanging down so we can light up near the top of the tree let me go grab a bunch of lanterns and we’ll hang them down from the branches and stuff

Probably connected with like Oak fences or something that could look kind of cool all right we got a whole bunch of light up here now I think I got rid of all the Torches I hope I did at least I know I hid some torches like under the

Leaves at the top I’m gonna leave those there because you can’t really tell that they are torches you can kind of only just tell that there’s light there but now we have a whole bunch of lanterns everywhere I actually see a torch right there hold on

So now hopefully we’re good uh but yeah I put a whole bunch of lanterns along the tree itself and then also like around the branches and stuff over there I do think though with that the base structure of the tree is finished and there’s only a few more

Things I would like to do in this area one of those things is I want to put like you know a nice path around this tree maybe have some seats or something like that I could even have like a little campfire around here that could look cool it might not you

Know be super realistic in a way since this tree is so big and if it burned down that would be massively devastating but it’s Minecraft and Minecraft doesn’t work like that so we should be good to have a campfire around here and I’m not gonna worry about getting all of this

Dirt I don’t really care that much there’s a whole bunch of dirt just scattered around the tree it’ll despawn I guess first order of business then um let’s just get a path over here we got ourselves a base path just around the tree now we have to just go decorate

This I’ll probably do a very similar path design to you know what we have around the rest of the area I think over here though it’ll probably uh be more focused on dirt we’ll probably have some like coarse dirt probably some rooted dirt around the base of the tree uh

That’ll probably look nice so let me go load up on some of that so I think I am done with the tree and the surrounding area I decided to put on shaders now even though the episode isn’t ending um just because I wanted to see what

This looked like with shaders on it is currently day 460. so we still have enough time to do a couple more things before this episode ends but let’s just check out what this tree looks like with the shaders on looking pretty big if you ask me I think

It’s a pretty cool addition to this area but yeah now we have a path over here that connects all the way around the tree with a bunch of rooted dirt some coarse dirt as well some leaves some lanterns and stuff to make sure everything is all uh lit up I think I

Actually want to put a lantern right there as well yeah I think that’s good okay cool and then on this side over here we have a small campsite very very tiny but a couple chairs got a hay bale under the campfire to make the smoke go higher

I think it’s a pretty cool looking area right now that also means that our nether portal the one that we’ve been using this entire time can finally go Before we actually move on to another build in this episode I want to go ahead and move the nether portal that we have in the nether onto the nether roof I definitely want to put another Hub on the nether roof eventually that’ll probably happen within the next few

Episodes but I kind of just want to get up there for now I just watched a tutorial to refresh myself on how to do this just so I didn’t mess up what you’re looking for is a piece of bedrock at the nether roof that is at

Y127 as you can see over there with the targeted block if it’s at y127 you are chilling if it’s not you will probably die I think I think you’ll suffocate through the Bedrock so then what you need to do is Place ladders like so climb all the way to the top make sure

You’re still holding forward and then throw an ender pearl then you should phase through the Bedrock and you are chilling on the nether roof so I’m gonna go ahead and throw a portal up here I guess I’ll also just slab the top just so nothing weird spawns up here and this

Should link back to the tree we have like 8 000 nether portals in that tree it should link to at least one of them and we’re good a link to one of the ones near the top but we are chilling now let me just make

Sure if I go through this way that we end up on the nether roof again we do sweet we have access to the nether roof now and I still have about 39 days until day 500. so we definitely have enough time to work on goal number two

Which is going to be the bridge and let’s figure out where that’s exactly going to go I initially wanted to connect it from there to over there but that’ll probably go right over this Pavilion and that might look kind of weird so I think what I’ll do instead

Is kind of raise up all the ground over here and make a little Hill like this I kind of just push this hill over here and then connect it to there this lines up really well right over here so I’m thinking like the bridge will probably start on this level we can

Always trim this one down like a few layers just to match it up perfectly but I think at least where I am right now is going to be the top of this like kind of new Hill that we’re going to be building I don’t know if I’ll completely take

Away this hill or if we’re just gonna extend it might just kind of extend it and make like a little Cove over here maybe we can actually put like a pond that the bridge goes over in the future that could look kind of cool uh but yeah let’s just start terraforming

All right so I got a portion of this hill kind of built up and this is kind of the idea that I have so I’m thinking that we can definitely have some water flowing through here maybe some kind of river going all throughout this area

That I could make and I want to have the cliff side have this kind of pattern to it so the bottom is going to be with the Cobblestone we’re gonna have some mossy cobblestone some tough some moss and stuff like that just because it’s like submerged underwater that’s kind of the

Idea that this part will be underwater and then up here will be above water so it’s not as like grimy it’s not as Mossy and I think this looks okay we have some dirt hanging over as well look into pretty interesting I think and I only really did this you know face

Right here the rest of it I could potentially detail I don’t know where we’re gonna have the river go through exactly so I don’t know if this will all be this same kind of design or not but I wanted to at least get this face done because this is the main one that

Matters right now so now it’s a different day and uh I’m kind of sick I’m like recovering from a cold and a fever and stuff so I apologize if you can hear it in my voice but I do think I’m just going to start working on the

Bridge I got a whole bunch of materials in this uh shulker box and I think this will probably be enough to finish off this bridge it’s not going to be that big but let’s go start throwing down some blockage this spot right here seems like a really good place to start and

It’s going to be five wide on the bridge itself and then we’re gonna have something supporting pillars on the other two sides so it’ll be like seven wide in total but the actual walkway will be five wide okay yeah this looks fine to me over here now I definitely

Like what this looks like way more than if I would have just flattened out the whole thing this looks way more natural I think but now let’s start working on the supports on the sides and let me clear out my inventory because it’s an absolute mess so I’m

Just going to kind of do half of the bridge here and then I’ll just replicate it over to the other half so we got some supporting pillars now and I kind of just have to figure out how to connect these up to make it look good there’s

Definitely a few options I could do with this so let’s figure out which one looks the best all right here’s option one I don’t think I like option one doesn’t do all that much I want a little bit more here alright and here is option two

Which I’d like a lot more than the first option I think this might be the one we go with maybe I’ll tweak it later but I think this looks pretty cool for now the other side is now completed as well so now we kind of just have to add some

Railings and lanterns and stuff and this thing’s probably done this is also amazing a lot of the villagers I have up here have turned into zombies I wanted this to happen so I can cure them and get better trades and I kind of figured if I just you know built around here at

Night a zombie would eventually walk all the way up here and kill some of them so that’s sweet sadly though the iron farm has not been going this entire time I was really hoping I was close enough for it to activate I really badly need to make a different iron farm I’ll do

That in a future episode I think what I’ll probably do is just make a really good one in the spawn chunks I threw down a whole bunch of lanterns now around the bridge maybe too many honestly but it’s fine lanterns look pretty great uh let me go grab some

Leaves the last thing I want to do is just put some leaves all around the bridge there we go dude leaves make everything look better in my opinion just have a whole bunch like draped down the side of the bridge I think we can probably call this build finished then

Now I know I said that after the bridge I wanted to make like the gate house over here but I think I’m gonna skip that for now and we’re gonna work on the tavern and then if I finish the tavern with enough time left before day 500 I

Will come back and start working on the Gatehouse so uh yeah it’s really good to know that this has been running this whole time I kind of forgot about the wool Farm but we have a ton of wool now um I definitely have to make some Shepherds I guess let’s just start by

Placing down some pillars that’s probably a good place to start in here all right so it still looks like a complete mess up here but I got a lot of like the support beams in and now I would like to put in the ceiling which I

Think is going to be made out of oak wood all right so it’s looking way better now that I have the ceiling in now let me go try to figure out where the bars are going to go all right I think this works that’s a pretty good

Spot for a bar then I’m thinking we can definitely do something like this for the walls and then we kind of just have to throw in some like shelves and cabinets and stuff where like all the drinks would be you know I think that’s a pretty cool looking design I mean

There is a window on the wall tube which makes it look kind of weird but the windows look really good from the outside so I’m gonna leave them honestly I think this one bar should probably be enough so I think what we could probably do now is just put some like tables and

Stuff in all right so we have some tables in now just a few but I think it’s enough these back areas as well have some decoration in them we also got some leaves now making it look a little bit better got some bar stools here too

That’s kind of the idea behind these I think it’s looking quite all right a few final touches and I think we’ll be done with this all right so we have some cups now at the bar and at some of these tables I also had to change some of the

Table designs uh because for these tables back here you can’t put anything on top of the trap doors so I had to change a few of the tables I’m going to leave these ones in the corners because uh I think they look fine the way they

Are and if there’s no cups there it’s not a huge deal I also decided to throw some paintings in here too just to kind of decorate a little bit more and we are getting very close to finishing off this whole area I just kind of need to add

Some lanterns I think and also don’t pay attention to the inventory all right I have a bunch of random stuff on me I just can’t be bothered to go clean it out right now all right so after throwing in all the lanterns I think this area is successfully decorated and

It is currently day 470. I think 30 days should be enough time to build a little Gatehouse over there so let’s go ahead and do that I think this build is going to be pretty small so I doubt I actually have to go collect any materials I can probably get this

Done with the materials we have okay so I think this is going to be the size of this building it is really not going to be all that big and the idea for now at least is that there’s going to be two towers on the ends and then the middle

Section here will just be like a regular like rectangular building probably with like a walkway through here that is completely open and then we will eventually build like a staircase within this mountain that leads up to the castle that’s kind of the idea so far so

Let’s just cut it to a time lapse and I will build this thing foreign So at least the outside of this build is finished the inside is completely empty kind of like the interior of most of my builds in this world I will fix that eventually but to finish off this episode the last thing I want to do is I

Kind of want to connect up the bridge in this new Gatehouse building to the rest of the area you know through some paths and I’ll probably bone meal this area around here too because it looks very very empty so I’m going to start working on this and when I’m back I will have

Shaders on and we’ll take a stroll through everything we did today the shaders are now on so of course that means we are finished with the builds for this episode I connected up all the paths did all that fun stuff so we can go ahead and take a nice little walk

Through so let’s start by heading over to the tavern I’m sorry my frames are pretty low right now my computer is struggling at the moment and I’m not exactly sure why but it’s fine we’re gonna deal with it we we’re gonna move on it’s a nice place to get drunk I

Think I would definitely get drunk in here this seems like a comfortable place to do so I don’t know but uh yeah it looks way better obviously than it did before when it was completely empty and looking gross um but now also if I walk back to the

Starter house the path continues this way and of course it’s raining but whatever it’s fine the path continues over this way and obviously don’t mind all the Torches I want these to be lanterns eventually but I just don’t have any iron which is hilarious since I have an

Iron farm and then on the other side of the bridge we have a little extension of the path leading up to this Gatehouse building we did a ton of building in this episode so I hope you guys enjoyed this one we didn’t really make all that much progress but it’s all good thank

You guys so much for watching this video I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and I’ll talk to you soon bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 500 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by ImShrammyToo on 2022-12-06 17:22:51. It has garnered 1271302 views and 23493 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:16 or 15436 seconds.

thank you so much for the support on this series so far. here’s to 500 more days 🙂 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Thank you for watching my hardcore minecraft series. I hope you enjoyed the episode 🙂 World Seed: -2547169278668765196 House coordinates: -192 107 1804 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Main Channel:

My Twitter:

Discord: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Shaders: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Hardcore minecraft logo: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 🎃Halloween Lo-Fi – Spooky Hallway Clock (No Copyright Music)

Minecraft OST – Dead Voxel (Synthwave Remix) (Nether2.ogg):

Royalty Free Celtic Fantasy Music – “Behind the Sword” by Alexander Nakarada

“Makai Symphony – Dragon Castle” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0). Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Celtic Music → “Grundar” by Alexander Nakarada (Royalty Free)

The Dread | Scary Background Music Copyright Free ————————————————————————————————————————————————————– #minecraft #hardcore #letsplay

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building, surviving, and exploring, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Just like in the YouTube video where the creator builds a beautiful underground house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much larger scale. Imagine constructing your own underground fortress, gathering resources, and defending your territory against other players. The thrill of survival combined with the joy of building is what makes… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

    Minecraft's Baazigar: Crafting Chaos In the world of Minecraft, Techno Gamerz reigns supreme, His gameplay skills are like a thrilling dream. With each heist and adventure, he takes the lead, In GTA V, he’s the master of speed. Join him on this journey, full of action and fun, As he pulls off heists under the blazing sun. His commentary is witty, his skills are top-notch, Techno Gamerz is the one you can’t watch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride, With Techno Gamerz by your side. In the world of gaming, he’s a true star, Epic moments and thrills, that’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft content like the one in the video above? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Join players from around the world on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of survival mode, creative mode, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – dive into the world of Minewind today and… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creative fusions like the ones featured in the YouTube video “¿Como se vería TOM y MINECRAFT Fusionados? 😱 Dibujando Fusiones”? If so, then you’ll love the unique and exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a community where creativity knows no bounds and where you can bring your wildest fusions to life in a virtual world like no other. With a diverse range of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers an experience unlike any other Minecraft server. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and unleash your… Read More

  • Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan’s Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan's Mysterious Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a portal appeared, A mysterious entrance, the players cheered. Cube Xuan Hot Stalks Collection, the channel to see, With animations and humor, filled with glee. Fangkuaixuan, the creator, with a smile so bright, Bringing joy to all, with every video in sight. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, happiness all around. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With Fangkuaixuan, the journey’s just begun. Subscribe and follow, for more to explore, In the realm of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Trading Stronghold: Villager Paradise – Minecraft Creation Hero

    Trading Stronghold: Villager Paradise - Minecraft Creation Hero In the sky, a village high, what a sight to see, A stronghold to build, a trade center to be. Guigui’s on the case, with a grin and a spin, Crafting a paradise, where villagers can win. With each update, a new adventure to unfold, In Minecraft world, where stories are told. Subscribe to Ghost, for more tales to find, In the realm of creation, where imagination shines. Follow Guigui on FB, IG, and Twitter too, For updates and laughs, and a Minecraft view. With AF as editor, the story takes flight, In the world of prominence, where dreams… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of modded gameplay and hilarious moments, you won’t want to miss out on the action happening on Minewind server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. While watching the entertaining video “NEVER GOING OUTSIDE AGAIN!!! #short #minecraft #modded #funny #mod #gaming #fromthefog” by @TheMezzmoGuardian, you may have been inspired to dive into your own Minecraft adventures. And what better way to do that than by joining the Minewind server? With a variety of mods and a dedicated player… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – Follow on Instagram – Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Alex’s first time on Skyrim LIVE

    SHOCKING! Alex's first time on Skyrim LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME ON SKYRIM | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Fortnite | Minecraft – LIVE #skyrim’, was uploaded by Alex Barton on 2024-05-24 21:01:51. It has garnered 117 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:06 or 13686 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Tantrik Survives Mind Roar

    Sly Tantrik Survives Mind RoarVideo Information This video, titled ‘क्या तांत्रिक बच पाएंगे?#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 11:30:08. It has garnered 1504 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni funny… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla Pirate

    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla PirateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate’, was uploaded by Bangla Pirate on 2024-01-13 10:09:00. It has garnered 2536 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate like aim 300 #sokhergamer #banglagamer #minecraftbangla #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftlive #banglagameplay #minecraftpe #minecraft #survivalseries #banglapirate #minecraftlive #minecrafthindi #minecraftlivehindi #minecraftenglish #minecraftliveenglish #minecraftjavalive #minecraftdedicatedserver #minecraftsurvivallive #minecrafttips&tricks #huaminecraft hardcore minecraft hardcore minecraft minecraft hardcore mode minecraft hardcore survival hardcore minecraft hardcore episode 1 minecraft hardcore ep… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : Telegram : Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 Buy member products here 👉 #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : TW : TikTok : 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : TW :… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

ImShrammyToo – I Survived 500 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]