INCREDIBLE Christmas Eve Surprise in Indev+ Live!

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For For hello hello it is I steel cat where am I there I am hello welcome back to indf Plus for another stream and today we’re it’s probably going to be a bit more of a chill stream I don’t know if we’re going to do any uh uh achievements necessarily

Maybe I don’t know but uh tomorrow’s Christmas Eve as you can clearly see in the top left corner I might uh I might turn that off later I don’t know um but uh hello everyone hello and we we are uh uh the main thing let’s get rid of this

We don’t need this today this this uh Hellfire Ring today I don’t think cuz we’re not going swimming in lot we’re not going to Michigan I don’t think I think we’re going to stay in uh in normal normal area hold on turn my make sure my live chat is on

Properly there we go wonderful okay uh I still have I still only have one of these aminium chests I have one last aminium Ingot right now oh I got chain mail leggings from some mob I now have two of these funny looking leggings that’s cool very

Cool anywh who what are we going to do today method is here welcome method tomorrow’s Christmas Eve and I noticed uh that snow doesn’t seem to fall on top of the mushroom it’s kind of interesting I don’t know or maybe it just hasn’t snowed since I put

The mushroom there I don’t know I get it tomorrow’s Christmas Eve now make it go away yes yes I’ll make it go away hold on Boop there we go it’s gone you feel better method okay wonderful all righty uh why do I have this extra I don’t need

An extra bed right now either I’m not uh spending the night in Michigan right now uh what I am going to do though is I want to get some snow and clearly there is snow in the world plenty of snow that we can go get I might have to deal some

Spiders though hold on boop boop out three spiders oh my goodness are just excited they’re so excited what no put it back on says right behind you yes yes it’s it’s it’s funny it’s funny it’s wonderful I don’t know I don’t know how to make it like sometimes be there ideally it would

Just kind of fade in and out on its Zone every few minutes that’d be nice but I don’t know how to do with that if you put it back on I’m canceling INF plus he says that’s terrifying the fate of the world is in my hands right now ow

Really spiders come on man oh it’s getting all foggy too I can’t even see the spider that came after me it’s so foggy by the way what challenges will you be getting I don’t know man I’m thinking of just chilling like I I’m I’m tomorrow’s Christmas Eve man we’re

Getting some snow all right we’re going to going to get we’re going to get like tons of snow like crap ton of snow um I suppose I there are jokes I could make here about getting snow you know cuz uh you know you know I I I need

It okay I need ow I that got me I need a lot of snow okay I need like tons of snow totally needed absolutely necessary to have this much snow in my life okay don’t question it all right just don’t oh hello Fox yeah so I don’t know about

Challenges I mean I’ll take a look at them I may as well uh take a look at them here in a minute when when I’m when my inventory is full of snow cuz I am shoveling snow today could have called this stream shoveling snow and INF Dev Plus or inev

Plus I mean we might do INF Dev Plus on Christmas I haven’t decided yet I thought of a way to do uh IND of plus randomizer that would be really interesting though I have a kind of a rule set I thought of that would make it very interesting um maybe I’ll explain it

Later when when some more people are here when so maybe soybean will be here I don’t know we’ll see soybean tends to have like light you know have a life so um often times he’s he’s busy having a life may as well get some of these uh

Berries I don’t know why I decided to hold the Flint I don’t know why ow why I have the Flint right now I I seem to never be able to figure out that that’s there oh here comes the Sunrise it’s too foggy to see it though that’s all

Right it’s all part of the part of the thing you know so yeah uh no I won’t stream tomorrow at this time I’m talking about uh Christmas day so yeah will I be making a big old Christmas tree probably not I mean I guess I

Could I don’t know if I really feel like doing that though or where I would do it either because it’s not like I have a a large space where I can sit there and build and not get wrecked by the mobs so you’ll be having Christmas dinner

Okay yeah no I’m not streaming uh tomorrow I’m streaming on Christmas Day itself maybe at this time it may be like 2 hours later cuz people got stuff going on in the morning um I understand it’s Christmas day so if like people aren’t there it is what it is right cuz it’s

Christmas Day people got stuff going on but I’m figuring like oh maybe there’s a time I could stream that would make a little more sense I don’t know or I might just stream at the normal time and whoever shows up shows up and whoever don’t show up don’t show up and it’s no

Big deal you know is what it is any look at all this snow it’s just everywhere so much snow know we can get it’s wonderful uhoh okay yep there’s uh here I’ll just put these on so I can collect these last few snowballs wow it got bright look at

That I can’t even see my house oh my goodness what was what was that something just died I have no idea a Christmas tree with those lanterns hanging off it that would be cool unfortunately I don’t have that many lanterns okay every Lantern you see is all the lanterns I have

They’re already placed in the world in places that make that I want to have lanterns so that’s not really a thing I can just do so any okay see you meth BRB uh let’s see I think it’s just like this right yeah oh my goodness I’m getting horrible system slow down let

Me let me see if I can minimize that and make it a little better make sure this is minimized oh my God the system slowdown is almost unbearable it getting too hot yeah it this happens whenever I’m streaming for some reason it doesn’t really happen when I’m

Recording though so I don’t know what the why it makes such a big difference doesn’t happen when I’m recording like not at all when I’m streaming yeah my system like acts like I’m asking it to compute you know like I’m asking it to do NASA super computer tasks you know

It’s like no we’re just we’re just streaming Minecraft it’s not that big a deal something we do all the time oh I can take these off now there we go right there off okay cool oh it’s beautiful it’s a beautiful day and I I do like days like this in

Winter at least when I don’t have to work in it if I can just like go take a walk in this kind of weather and the air is calm then it’s it’s really nice welcome back meth welcome back welcome back look at all this snow there’s so

Much snow probably don’t even need this much snow but that’s okay we’re going to go down in the basement by the way uh that’s kind of my my plan today why I’m getting all the snow is we’re going to make that Winter Wonderland area in the basement we’re going to flesh that

Out oh wow here uh you know come to think of it I actually haven’t looked outside yet today so and I got my my blind I had my blinds closed overnight and I haven’t bothered to open them so so far this morning haven’t bother to open those so uh like a depressed hermit

In here blinds closed don’t even know what the weather is I know it’s cold that’s what the weatherman was saying it’s going to be colder today it’s been a mild week I mean with a little bit of wind here and there but uh other than that a mild week but yeah

It’s supposed to get cold and start snowing again and all that good stuff pretty soon no no no no no no I hate when that happens put that back there we go 15 to 20 cm of snow okay see how much snow do I got I could

Get more snow you never have too much snow you know yes the fog is Eerie indeed that’s kind of a weird looking scene right there all that Cobble I plac this is just because this is part of the basement so there’s all this Cobble here I could like terraform it just put a

Bunch of grass on top at some point in the future I could do that something I could do try to make it look less weird and unnatural I could even do that in this stream why not I have the dirt not like I don’t have the dirt I have crap tons

Of dirt I could do that with like right now what the heck let’s do it Let’s uh I’ll craft up some more snow blocks then I’ll go grab the dirt and while it’s still daylight I’ll start uh covering this with some dirt that is why I hate efficiency

Shovels yes cuz you you’ll constantly destroy more than you want to destroy yeah they’re only good if you want to just knock out ridiculous amounts of stuff yes the poly world is over methods po world the most famous poly world in Minecraft I don’t know if that’s true or not don’t quote

Me reached 1.20 and did not throw his computer out of window in any of that time which is just amazing I mean I don’t know how you have such incredible self control method I am proud of you okay let’s grab uh I guess we can craft a few more of

These okay where’s where’s look at all this freaking dirt here we go just move this stuff over to here I don’t need some of this stuff right now I can put that stuff away I guess I’ll keep the Spectacles on in case it gets dark where

Where does Flint go Flint uh well where does Flint I think it goes wherever the gravel goes right yes it does okay let’s grab some dirt here we go yay look at that okay I getting some dirt woo yeah look at that look at all that dirt

Okay here we’ll we’ll put one stack away and we’ll grab our fertilizer wherever that is uh you know what I don’t want to waste fertilizer on this I I’ll just let it spread naturally over time while I’m not looking oh it’s getting dark I better hurry up do this I forgot the

Days are really short you can’t just take your time doing this stuff you got to you got to get on it going to do anything in the daytime I mean the night time yeah the daytime uh hello any yeah imagine playing modern Minecraft in 2023 like who does that

I haven’t played modern Minecraft since the 1.13 snapshots once I started my uh beta Land series there was pretty much no going back after that spiders INF are fast a survival test oh gosh that’s horrifying oh I’m out of dirt in my hand hold on what am I doing oh boy

I better hurry up and get this done and get the heck out of here before the mobs start spawning and destroying all of my work I do I hear something not just me okay just my steps I [Applause] think okay that’s good enough it’s it’s still oddly flat but at least it’ll be

Grass instead of Cobble so somewhat more natural also I didn’t need nearly as much hello little friend how you doing okay okay I woke him up sorry yeah it is really quiet in the game right now it is there’s like nothing out there what do we got uh I guess I’ll

Just put all this put put it all back didn’t really need most of it I don’t know why I thought I would need so much dirt or why I decided to bring that much I will keep a stack on me for going downstairs to work though uh I guess

I’ll keep a bow on me you never know when you need it and here’s my snow blocks and I don’t know what else I’m going to need but let’s just start with the snow for now and which direction is I think the winter wonderland is up

North somewhere oh my gosh it’s dark as heck down here right now with the freaking fog hello snowman you kind of scared me for a second that’s all right F those foxes there is working on the impa plus table foxes yes that is going to be interesting to see so

Basically so am I going to want to put grass in snow I don’t even know if you can craft snow layers where where do I have a crafting table do I have a crafting table somewhere down here I know I have them in here so let me find a crafting table real

Quick can can you craft snow layers somehow you can okay so that is something to know worth noting but it’s also worth noting that uh I’m pretty sure yeah torches will uh get rid of snow layers so I can’t just put grass and snow layers down here because the Torches will

Eliminate the snow layers so my other option would be to just put snow down here just actual snow blocks just a ton of it I I guess I don’t know do I have enough snow blocks I don’t know if I have enough snow blocks or not that’s a good

Question because I know those won’t melt let me take a sip of water while I’m pondering these deep Mysteries I don’t know what do you think Snowman I do like my grass I don’t want it to be just I could have I what I could it’s going to have to be like a

Mix it’s going to have to be a mix for sure like under the Torches obviously has to be snow blocks or there can’t be any snow at all so why did I imprison that snowman so that he doesn’t just wander all over the basement and cover everything in

Snow cuz that’s not the goal here that is not the goal here right now so I’m I’m going to start by placing some snow blocks and we’ll we’ll just kind of see what happens along the way that’s what we’re going to do there’s a good chance I don’t have

Enough snow but I guess we’ll find out won’t we oh there’s no way I have enough snow blocks oh my goodness there’s just no way I’m going to sneeze excuse me I have to sneeze again oh no oh please go away sneeze sneeze don’t need you sneeze this is not

Helping sneeze yeah look we used half a stack and we’re like nowhere close to doing anything at all this is not going to work clearly okay so what I’m going to have to do is I think I’m going to go around every one of these torches and just put a 3X3 snow blocks

And then I’m going I’m going to craft some snow layers real quick and see if they’ll melt um cuz I’m not sure what the melting radius is for these torches that that’s what I don’t know so I don’t need to go all the way over here I just need go

Here craft some of these snow layers very nice yeah new recipe unlocked snow we’re making snow in uh in plus guys we’re making snow we’re making some some perfectly regular snow nothing wrong with making snow you know okay it’s just one block so 3×3 okay that works that’s great uh so

Uh so yeah the rest of this has to come up cuz this is going to be grass or dirt I guess so I’m going to go grab some dirt again and then the rest of it will just be covered in snow layers and uh yeah we’ll make we’ll make it work

Somehow so but these of course these have to be completely covered with snow blocks that’s the only way to make this happen here very nice Minecraft music Good Old C418 we were hearing some some of the new music in your stream method the other day or maybe it wasn’t your stream maybe

It was on Discord I don’t remember uh and it was just like what the heck even is this music cuz it didn’t sound remote we always never have snow in our country is misalign TE okay where would that be in the world that always never has Snow the new music just doesn’t sound like anything remotely minecrafty it sounds like just some something else entirely I don’t even know what there we go oh man the fog is just awful not sah he does okay Moline T does not live in the Sahara Desert that’s

Good stray you st does he live in straight no stralia gets snow I’ve seen pictures of snow in stralia close to stralia maybe up north of there I was talking to Mono this morning cuz it’s you know it’s uh he just had summer solstice where he lives so he’s getting like you know

9:00 like 9900 p.m. uh sunset and over here in Wyoming we just had winter solstice so we’re in that part of the Year where basically there’s there’s no there’s no afternoon like you have the morning lighting from the Sun and then you have the evening lighting from the Sun and

There’s no in between at all method method says and I quote I effing love Islands I don’t know if YouTube’s okay with me saying that properly but [Laughter] uh yes method effing loves Islands you can come here it’s always snow and winter where you get to stop going to

School now School Days Are Over ever since we invented uh uh like online school and all that crap please don’t come down here snowman there we go okay which is lame lame lame lame lame lame by the way I’m going to have to go farm my tree farm because I need a lot

More fence to keep this guy from getting out cuz I want him to have a bit bigger of a range so he can actually go around in fact I might not even bother crafting snow layers I might just place the snow the snow blocks where they go then fence this guy

In and then just let him go around and make snow everywhere and I’ll just put grass down so that he he can put his snow everywhere that’ll work that’s now we’re thinking the third brain cell has activated guys we are thinking also I just realized just now

That uh wait no okay okay I also realized that this isn’t the correct place for these snow blocks so hold on that that’s not even where they need to go probably hold on what we got yes islands are an infa plus it’s going to be great metha did you see that video I

Sent you of that uh Island that’s not an island biome that just kind of naturally generated and it’s super cool looking yes so this is going to be this is going to be where a torch is going to go right here I think and then right over here as

Well online school is best school don’t want to be around people yeah fair enough dang it what’s weird champ mean oh wait oh that that torch is in the wrong place hold on it belongs right here these don’t belong here all of a sudden

Oops and these go here there we go I am just messing this up left and right but we’re making it happen it’s all good it’s going to happen it’s going to happen that’s daytime I bet I better go farm my trees while it’s daytime yep yep let’s go do that right right right

Away cuz I hear the uh the mobs are dying must be daytime that’s uh do I have another axe I can work with let’s craft a new axe real quick sticks my last two sticks at the moment uh oh hello let’s uh you know should we make a diamond axe what the

Heck let’s do it okay here we go and oh let’s uh we’ll we’ll heal up real quick when the sunsets there more berries yeah and let’s Farm the tree farm here we go bye Mr line is going to sleep see you oh you sent something to me on

Discord okay the me meaning of weirdchamp okay but yeah did you see that video I sent you of the of the island it was pretty cool looking in my opinion pretty cool terrain genen and I’m thinking I might actually make uh make that my home

Base if I make an INF Dev plus series I might just uh I mean spoilers but whatever I’m thinking like the first episode starts with I’ve uh basically I was drift I’ve been drifting out at Sea and then I land on that uh Sandy Beach you saw at the

Beginning of that video and then I discover this island and then that’s where I live then I go to the mainland nearby whenever I want to you know travel and find new biomes or whatever but that would be my home base oh I I didn’t know what you were

Saying yes to I just saw the word yeah or yes or something I didn’t I didn’t know if it was uh to that question or not so do you have D menar no I don’t have D menar I just don’t know what the random y meant there’s a lag

Between what happens on stream and and you know the replies in the chat and all that so what is what is happening here with these leaves goodness meod says I ha her YouTube okay why why I still don’t understand why these just sometimes don’t grow seems there’s like no reason for I don’t

I don’t get it I I’m going to have to redesign my tree farm in the spring uh so that these will grow properly cuz I think they sometimes get uh they get interrupted by the trees next to them most likely so I have to I

Have to fix it somehow and then I’ve got all these all these uh Aspens bunch of them which is awesome hold on let’s replant these yeah it’s it’s just it’s just Oak yeah it’s just just a modified oak tree that’s all that is where’s the dirt we got like all diamond tools right

Now I feel so rich like we are we are gaming Mega Gaming you know yeah yeah they uh I think they might be too close to these ones specifically I don’t know I don’t really know exactly what’s causing the problem here oh my gosh can I please place the

Dirt that’s not Aspen it’s Birch whatever nerd no just kidding yeah you’re right it’s Birch these are birch trees I do like I I like my Aspen Aspen is my favorite tree in real life it’s uh the trembling Aspen that we have or Quaking Aspen we call it here in uh the western

United States love those trees they’re fantastic they’re fantastic trees cuz they uh Aspens have a unique sound they make when the wind blows and I like it also this one just decided not to grow this this little this little drop out here this little sad little loser who’s never going to mount to

Anything loser any I just had to bully that tree for a moment crying Willows will they cry that’d be epic like what what what if when you uh when you chop down the crying Willow like each block you’re breaking it’s just like C cuz it’s a crying Willow so it’s crying the whole

Like not even crying in pain just straight up Crying that might be a little bit uh little bit much there you know but it would be funny cuz that’s like the direct OPP that’s like the the polar opposite of Mojang approach lately cuz their approach lately is like oh we don’t want the players to hurt the

Turtles you know or any of the new Mobs we put in so we we’ll uh make some complicated system for how you get their resources you know whereas in like in in older versions of Minecraft like when they added horses like their dying sound is

Horrendous cuz it is in real life um so their dying sound is just awful and it’s like you you are perfectly welcome to kill these things and they will die in the most horrific way possible but you’re perfectly well welcome to do it they sing black yes the crying

Willows will sing black metal there you go perfect all right what do we got here or maybe you were talking about the horses I could be mistaken a challenge complete oh did I eat everything just now really hold on the Apple was the thing I hadn’t eaten yet since the challenges were

Added really is that it yeah Collectibles eat every type of food I just ate every type of food by eating that Apple at random wow okay that’s interesting well what do you know I’ve eaten all the in in inev plus foods that is uh an achievement I guess where have

I been putting the saplings lately were they over here or something yeah I’ve been putting them over here so let me uh grab these okay saplings saplings um good uh saplings and saplings and saplings another where did I get this Palm sapling from today I don’t know but I

Have some wood here very good so not a whole lot of oak wood H I suppose I could make some Birch maybe the Birch would look nice let’s let’s let’s just let’s just find out hold on let’s what do I have for I

Have Oak I have dark oak I have Palm I I have a storage problem still uh that I haven’t bothered to solve yet so we’re just going to make a bunch of these right right away plus a bunch of their sticks so that we can make a bunch of

The fences which way is the cuz one’s the fence gate one recipe is the other okay those are the fence gates we don’t want a bunch of those right now we want a bunch of these right now just a bunch of fence okay I don’t know if I’m willing

To go all the way and make that much fence right now but I sure have one stack of birch Finch let’s see what that does for us okay and also I can put my other wood away put the oak away put the dark oak away I have Palm logs which I

Don’t know if I’m really going to do much with I think I might want to I I need to fix my storage situation like very soon it is becoming a problem very very rapidly it is becoming a problem but let’s go northeast no Northwest Wrong

Way Northwest here we go the fog is just persistent as heck uh oh where’s my snow blocks Let’s uh craft a few more of those Also let’s let’s go ahead and uh get the Snowballs from those so I can craft a few more okay I got 16 snow blocks left

That’s not even enough dang it so I got to get go get more snow but for now oh I need to get more dirt too shoot every 5 Seconds there’s a new like Inventory management problem or something I need to place these where there’s grass first let’s let’s do that

First let’s let’s start by placing these where that’s grass so many mobs Simply Having so anybody in the chat does anybody have any cool plans for Christmas are you at home this year visiting family are you with family by yourself like I’m going to be I’ll just

Call some people on the day you know so going anywhere doing anything hello Fox nice music’s coming in very cool that’s a good method and watch a movie oh yeah that’s what my family used to do a lot we used to watch movies on around Christmas Eve Christmas

Day my gosh the I me system slow down again I don’t know why it does that while I’m streaming and not while I’m recording a nice Christmas movie familyfriendly stuff about the end of the world you know the usual yeah yeah maybe you’re watching uh what are like the most familyfriendly

Movies I can think of that are totally uplifting and positive uh and obviously there’s your disaster movies where like you know there’s some horrible disaster that’s going to kill everybody and everything it’s going to wipe out Humanity or you know whatever whatever that this particular movie

Disaster is going to do why are these one block in the wrong place wait a minute what what’s what’s going on here what’s what’s going hold on so if these are wrong does that mean these are also wrong hold on oh jeez oh brother uh okay which one’s correct now

I going to go find like the uh go find the template here cuz I know this should be correct and there’s four blocks in between and there’s four blocks in between over here so most of it seems to have four blocks in between so I think I got it wrong in

That one spot over there and now it’s all messed up uh this is correct but this is not correct is it it’s not correct I don’t think yeah this is this is wrong this whole row right here is wrong no what where is it wrong it was wrong

Somewhere for a moment here right just here just just these ones yeah this whole this whole thing is wrong so this needs to move over there this needs to move over there this just move like that uh this is in the wrong spot this needs to move

Over that’s got to move over that’s got to move over there we go I fixed it I done fixed it whatever whatever got done messed up it’s fixed now hooray okay no I don’t want this thing okay oh for a really nice Christmas movie that’s like super super not

Disturbing at all you could watch the hunt not even a little bit disturbing or or sad or anything like the guy dog totally doesn’t die you know all all that good stuff um I need dirt I need to bring down some dirt so I can place some

More dirt that’s the next thing I need to do then once I placed a bunch of dirt I can place my fences to keep my friend the Snowman uh within a certain range and then yeah then we can do some whatever uh dirt okay I have a bunch of dirt

Now wonderful North North is blue it’s working my color coding is working yay man I’m feeling quiet today why am I so quiet today I don’t know I just don’t know what to talk about so what do I got going on this weekend I’ve got today so tomorrow’s Christmas Eve get it h

And this is pretty much all I got planted I’ll do some laundry cuz I got a pack cuz I’ll be uh heading out of the country on Wednesday if you’re hungry the solution is usually to acquire some food that’s what I would do honestly if I was

Hungry but that’s that’s just kind of my way of doing things I’m weird I really am so there is no food well shoot now what are you going to do a hungry Christmas oh dear are you broke in America if we broke we eat ramen ramen

Noodles maybe add stuff to it so it sucks less a little bit eat yourself that would be a little difficult to be honest I always I like uh I like to have some Ramen with like a bit of canned chicken and some frozen veggies throw that in

There put the canned chicken and the veggies in in the pot first let it boil or not really boil but like simmer so it’s all happening oh and I’ll put the I’ll put the little uh flavor packet in there with it so it kind of seeps into the chicken and the

Veggies and then uh then add the ramen you know and let it let that cook for 2 or 3 minutes you know so the ramen and then then it’s good and then it’s pretty much good to go okay where’s my fences my inventory is full of crap

Yay so this is going to be weird cuz somehow I have to fence this guy in yeah Ramen Ramen is is pretty all right it’s pretty all right okay so I got to prevent this guy how am I going to prevent this guy from getting out in this

Direction cuz he could totally take advantage of this block right here cuz you can you can step up on it andoo he’d be gone’ be going all over the place oh dear where where where did that did I get that I don’t know so I guess I could just do

This which is stupid but hey if it works it works right this is obviously temporary this is not the permanent solution yeah I’m going to be pretty broke next year like after this trip well why would I move the stairs black one block what what what good would that

Do forward stairs one block forward I suppose I could do that but then but then this wouldn’t be happening anymore and that’s because then I I would just have to shift no that doesn’t really work that doesn’t doesn’t really fix it at all stream died stream died stream stream YouTube how we

Doing error YouTube is not receiving enough whatever the hell blah blah blah blah blah YouTube’s dumb YouTube can we fix this please dude imagine having a girlfriend so cringe waste of money okay well whatever I’m hoping the stream isn’t completely dead INF Plus is free that’s

True that’s true but yeah next year I mean with the prices going up like my rant is going up a ridiculous amount uh practically criminal as far as I’m concerned but uh whatever if you’re getting Corner stairs well I don’t you don’t you don’t understand I have this I have this Grand

Vision and design or something I don’t know uh what fence gate I need to make a fence gate with some of my Birch just just a couple of fence gates I know let’s just sure we’ll make six of them what the hell you never know when you need fence

Gates I do need storage Joe Enderman says I am still here right behind you says the stream is fine for me that is good that is wonderful Snowman no fog very nice no that’s not where that goes go outside smell the fresh air go back inside no that’s not what I yeah just

Break it there we go okay now I have some fences I can do wonderful now I need to wait for that to spread all that grass so it’s all green underneath and then and then we’re going to let this guy out well look the the yeah there is a

Contract it’s called a lease But the lease only lasts for so long and uh what they’re doing is they’re renovating everybody’s apartment and raising the rent by like $300 basically roughly speaking um you know because because I don’t know poor people are need to be punished

Basically so for existing so uh maybe I can pay the rent next year or maybe I need to go get a new uh new job oh dear or maybe I’ll just go live on the street and uh and uh hold a sign you know all

That good stuff so I could do that too um or maybe I’m going to my YouTube channel is going to totally take off and and I’m to totally going to going to make you know the big bucks you know I’m I’m going to be see these diamonds this

Is like a symbol of what’s going to happen in real life yeah totally totally going to happen so yeah that’s that’s that’s what I’m thinking yep absolutely I do need to would you not be like that please thank you I need to get more uh

Snow I need to put some crap away before I do mve in with my girlfriend in a foreign country brilliant idea do some insurance fraud that always puts money in your piggy bank yes yes just a little Insurance fra that’s all I need to do just a little insurance fraud uh I

Don’t know h supp i can get a life insurance policy on like I don’t know some random dude you know then then just accidentally blow up random dude’s house and then you know that’s the way it usually goes I just have to commit a few felonies you know charity fraud did the completionist

Do a charity fraud yeah but then I’ll get canceled but I’ll have so much money for my charity fraud that it won’t even matter hello hello Fox there’s like three foxes out here right now that’s cool Hello foxes oh my uh my grass is spread out here that’s looking nice that’s looking

Nice can I go outside hold on I’m going to go uh it’ll be all over the news and everybody will forever know I’ll be right there with with the completionist and dream and all those other guys who cheated in life um but I’ll still have like an army

Of 12-year-olds who will defend me uh no matter what happens basically I could kill my own mother just strangle her to death on camera and the 12-year-old Army would still be like yep I’m still going to watch this guy’s videos I’ll be streaming from prison and they’ll be like you’re so

Cool cuz you know that’s kind of how it works in life you know get rich and famous enough nobody cares what you do anymore you could do anything it’s kind of horrible it’s the unfortunate uh effects of human nature at the scale of thousands of people yeah I never did hear about the

Completion of stuff so maybe I’ll I’ll look that up if I’m looking for some some you know some juicy reading you know or I’m sure there’s plenty of videos about it the completion is did this and that hey if the rich get rich and the

Poor get poor then it’s okay to rob the rich you’re just getting your money back oh I don’t know about that I don’t know about all that but yeah yeah it’s a it’s yeah it’s messed up man it’s just messed up but like what do you do you know like

With my rent going up I’ve looked around like there’s other places that I can go but like like sure I could like my place that I I live in is not going to be worth the amount that they’re going to charge me but I could go to another

Place that costs less but it’s also not going to be worth with they’re charging either and there’s no saying that they won’t raise the rent in another you know at the end of the lease period either so there’s really no way out of my situation like we’re it’s it’s like the

It’s like the groceries going up like is you’re screwed there’s nothing you can do you you can you can buy nothing but eggs and ramen all day and you’re still kind of screwed cuz that stuff is still still like double the price of what it used to be so it’s

Just just the average person basically who doesn’t make a ton of money like me is just getting steamrolled by this crap and nobody cares nobody cares because the people who have the power to change anything about this situation are doing just fine but anywh who I will tell you the full timeline

Later oh the full timeline of the completionist controversy I haven’t watched a lot of that guy sometimes I get into those kinds of uh those kinds of Gam YouTubers um they’re better than your uh in my opinion I enjoy them more than like the kind of let’s players who

Were like guys watch this I’m playing this game welcome back dudes it’s super cool Carl and muda made videos about it okay I haven’t watched muda in a while um I tend to drift around on YouTube because I I uh I turned off the setting

Or turn it off but I uh changed the setting where my YouTube history only saves for like 3 months um so if I haven’t watched somebody’s videos in 3 months YouTube forgets that I’ve ever watched it and then you know so I don’t get that stuff

Recommended anymore so I my as such as a result I kind of drift around with some of that stuff but uh you watch the completionist a lot as a teenager yeah those channels can be quite fun it’s it’s but it’s it’s sad when like you see them do something like

That and it’s especially sad when it’s somebody like the completion like the completionist is a big channel right so you know this guy’s doing all right in life it’s not like he’s broke you know like or if he is broke it’s kind of his own damn fault basically um he just

Hasn’t been making the best decisions about uh what to do may maybe he was like oh I’m I’m going to buy this super expensive house house cuz I have money it’s like well maybe you could buy a slightly less expensive house and be a little bit more secure and then not get

Yourself in a situation where you’re tempted to do something stupid like charity fraud you know but that’s just that’s just that’s just thinking okay and as we say in my line of work you ain’t getting paid to think so yeah any who okay there we go there’s some more snow

The grass is slowly spreading down here he used the name of his dead mother to solicit donations that is horrible that is that is messed up dude like dude that is just oh my gosh oh I’m I’m out of dirt I need some more dirt I put too much of it

Away I had subed the dream before his first 100,000 says Joe underman he had good content and a great personality then in a couple of months he was to 10 million and he wasn’t the same yeah that can happen sometimes the uh sometimes people just can’t handle the the the sudden

Fame that’s why I’m glad my channel is growing stupidly slow because I can like mentally adjust to it you know if that makes any sense wait a minute okay yeah I was going the wrong way that’s fine but yeah I can like mentally adjust to it over time and it doesn’t like get

To me in a way you know so that just the I think the kind of content I make is is a slow growth kind of thing it’s stable so like I never suddenly lose subscribers for any reason but I also don’t suddenly gain subscribers really um which is I guess

That’s how I prefer it this this works for me so hey white bear what’s up hello tomorrow’s uh tomorrow’s Christmas Eve hold on because tomorrow’s Christmas Eve I know meth method is about I’m sorry guys I’m about to cause method to cancel INF Dev plus but here it is

Method’s going to get so mad yeah yeah method at the the slow and steady I think it works it’s it’s more stable in the long run I think CU those those big channels they they they can gain or lose 10,000 Subs in a day you know just over over over the stupidest

Things he’s going to cancel INF plus okay okay let me uh let me uh hide that so that INF Dev plus you’re going to cancel me on Twitter okay I don’t even think I have a Twitter account anymore I think I did it one time

Because I was like oh that’s what you do and you’re a YouTuber then I realized but I don’t want to do that so excuse me there we go we are building a winter wonderland if anybody has joined late is wondering what the heck we’re doing we’re building

A winter wonderland in the basement oh jeez of the uh of the house you’re an indev Plus what’s a Twitter I only know X yeah well you know what is he throwing snowballs at is he throwing them at me what what is happening what is happening is this guy like protesting

For his freedom or something what is going on what how did I make him angry what did I do that made him so angry what is happening the Snowman appears to have identified me as an enemy for some reason what is this if I go out of range he forgets I’m

Here and if I get too close he’s like you must die sensient mod moment dude holy cow that is just [Laughter] hilarious oh he found me he found found [Laughter] me I am flabbergasted this is so weird I I’m guessing this is a bug I’m guessing that the Snowman has

Misidentified me as uh as a hostile mob but that’s just bizarre as heck where’s my uh Birch fence gate let’s let’s oh would you stop it you know what I’ve gotten more snowman where you came from I killed him I murdered him in Cold Blood and I have no

Shame rejoined the world too late I killed him yeah it probably would have faked itself but it’s too late now I I uh I decided to Give In My Blood lust instead and uh now the Snowman is is gone the Snowman is gone I can build a new

Snowman sorry it was too late I I killed him right before you sent that message or that before I saw that message so my apologies he’s dead oh that’s right behind you saying no why did you kill him um I killed him because uh he went insane and I didn’t

Have any other means of medicating his problem so I decided to just uh to end his life so um so yeah but we will get a new snowman down here in a minute we will we will just go ahead and get a new snowman it’ll be all

Right it’ll be all good I just got to get a another pumpkin and then I got to I got to wait for more more of this grass needs to spread so maybe I can go farm my trees again maybe it’s daytime I don’t know we’ll find let’s go find out yeah maybe

I’ll get a Snowman that’s not it’s not so angry okay okay let’s uh nope it is not daytime it is night time is not a good time to farm my I mean I can Farm my trees there hasn’t been a Blood Moon there’s the only enemies I have to worry

About are the spiders right now uh excuse me dude dude dude the other thing I do need to go mining at some point because I mean I have some Co but not like a ton and I’m also completely out of adminium at least in any amount that I

Can actually use for anything I don’t need any more of the snow right now so I guess I can put it uh up up here I guess is fine look look I have some ice that’s wonderful you’re just being playful and throwing some snowballs at you if you’re

Out of school during winter and your little friends snowballs at you will you stab them too and Method just says I would oh that’s hilarious okay let’s put some more I have no I oh my storage is driving me nuts I have to fix my storage I have to

Fix my storage I have to fix my storage problem the storage is driving me crazy I need more storage okay I’m going to I’m having a mental breakdown don’t worry guys don’t worry the mental breakdown is perfectly fine everything’s fine everything’s just fine I’m just having a little mental

Breakdown I’m don’t worry about me everything’s going to be just fine guys I promise we’re just going to make we’re going to make a new storage place somewhere okay I need I need where can I make more storage I don’t know I can make it like I can make like a new room

Somewhere uh Oh oh Daylight’s coming that’s a good that’s a good thing uh where could I have to like really think about where I could actually make more storage like really like for real more storage that isn’t like really far away you know cuz I could build a I could build a warehouse but

Like welcome to the club I lost my mind a long time ago oh I never had my mind white bear I was born screwed up just kidding it wasn’t born screwed up but it got screwed up pretty soon after any um little bit of dark

Humor let’s see see here what do we got here what is that that is snow that is the sunrise and the snow my tree farm is not really grown yet you know what you know what occurs to me you know what occurs to me I could make a storage Warehouse in

Another world I could I could do that there’s no reason I can’t do that there’s no there’s nothing stopping me from making a storage Warehouse in another world where I can store like copious amounts of stuff and just Farm things like I could make I can make a bigger Better Batter Tree

Farm which this is something I’ve been thinking about making for a while and I could start making it today I suppose uh where am I at North North where’s soybean by the way if soybean was here I would explain my uh my brilliant ideas for oh I need

To place more dirt still so like the work isn’t done in this section but uh I don’t know when soybean is going to show up so I will just explain my idea that I have in my mind for how you can make a uh or how you

Could play indf plus as a kind of randomizer that would actually be somewhat engaging so in indf plus here we have uh different worlds you can make obviously and your character can go to the different worlds with the same inventory that’s very cool another thing you can

Do is you can make randomize Worlds by using the I’m feeling lucky button uh which is very nice or there’s also believe uh method is working on okay I won’t I won’t spoil what method’s working on so I’ll just I’ll just leave that silent but you use that button you can make a

Randomized world okay so here’s what I’m thinking to play to play this randomizer you would only make randomized worlds that’s obviously rule number one you cannot make a new world that is not randomized you can’t you can’t uh use custom settings or anything you just got to press the randomizer button and I

Just broke up a pickaxe and so that that’s that’s rule number one rule number two is you are not allowed to make a new world or go to a different world um actually that could be two rules you’re not allowed to make a new world without first completing at least one a

Achievement or challenge in the world you’re currently in so when you get your first world you have to complete at least one achievement or challenge um before you go to any new world and two I don’t know about this but this could be like an optional thing you’re also not allowed

To uh leave your world and switch worlds without uh having done an achievement or a challenge in between so that is that would be that’d be kind of the more hardcore way of doing it and that when you really think about it about like the

The tree of how things could go what did I come up here for oh yeah a new pickaxe here we go look at that um there’s a lot of different lot of different ways that could go like for example for example you could you could completely fail right off the bat if you

Ended up with a with a really bad seed like if you end up with a moon world right off the bat you’re done cuz you have nothing in your inventory and you’re not going to be able to kill Raina fast enough before you uh before you make a new world basically and that

Would be the only way to really do anything although wait what what is what is the first achievement that that depends though I might be wrong what is what is the okay never mind if you get a uh Moon world you could just press there

Really is no soft lock here um at least early on you can just press e to open your inventory and then make a new world and leave um you you could get messed up if like your next world didn’t have any trees for some reason uh which which can

Happen you you could get another world with no trees then then you would truly be uh stuck and then you’d have to start over but that’s early game stuff you could also get stuck in late game for example if you like go to the challenges here combat challenges um you have

To like for example if you made some worlds but you haven’t gotten this one yet uh demonic Demolition and you make one more new world and it’s not a hell world because you haven’t had a hell world yet then you could be in trouble you could get

You know then then you lose basically um if that’s the only one you have left uh so you’d have to like strategize you’d have to and my strategy would probably be to have as many worlds to work with early on so I would like take inventory in a world world and then

Immediately make a new world Get Timber immediately make a new world get bench so you have a variety of Worlds to start working with but you also have to be careful because you have to manage your world switching because you have to get a new achievement or challenge before you switch worlds

So so yeah that that could be a a fun challenge to do um an inev plus randomizer yes yes once I finish this if I want to play some more inev plus I may indeed start a new character call it call it steel cat randomizer and it be it’ be an end the

End of plus randomizer like the way I just described it and it could be genuinely very cool stay frosty achievement hold on achievements challenges stay frosty defeat a fire imp with snowballs I mean I have the Snowballs now we could go to Michigan real quick and uh take care of that

That’s actually not a bad idea so hold on cuz we do have the snow at the moment and that is something we can do before like I make a storage world or something because I I really do I I I need storage so bad um I could because

Again I I can use barrels to store this stuff but it would help let’s use some barrels real quick to kind of mitigate some of our problem let’s have a barrel for like ladders and fences and signs and all that crap all your miscellaneous wooden things that aren’t blocks um per se

They’re kind of not blocky uh okay yeah I’ve got some of these in a barrel that kind of helps for now back to Michigan my favorite state yes the best state in the US beautiful Michigan we’re going to want these and I guess oh yeah I’ll

Definitely want to bring uh this with me and and keep it close so I can switch it really easy right there uh let’s bring all the food I have I don’t have anything spectacular in terms of food but I do have enough berries to to uh be useful

So put both of those on my hot bar there we go I don’t I can’t put any more Cobble away unless I get another Barrel out and all these barrels are full of stuff mostly hold on Cobble Cobble let’s put some more Cobble away in another barrel of Cobble here we go I

Don’t even know how many stacks I just clicked more than I needed but that’s okay we have two more or not really two more barrels of Cobble but we we have some more Cobble in barrels yay I put all that Cobble away but yeah even even with with doing this the time

Is approaching when even this won’t be sufficient to manage my storage issues so you have to check Discord right now look at the fence okay hold on let me do it on my phone real quick it’s a little easier okay MF plus fences oh that’s kind of

Nice actually I like that I like that that is nice okay uh what was I going to okay put these other barrels away don’t need them right now where where where barrels barrels go over here okay this Barrel has crap in it wonderful uh okay and then the other thing I need

Of course is the Snowballs the Snowballs the Snowballs where’s my snow snow where did I put my snow here’s my snow I’ve got some snowballs right here actually what I want to do is just put my food over here have snowballs and then snow block can I craft it directly into snowballs no

Darn so I have to like place these in the world and then and then I can have and I can make then I and then I have to sit here and shovel them all jeez okay so I think I’m going to strategize with this carefully so that it doesn’t take a

Bunch of hits with the snowball to kill this guy I’m going to have my diamond sword one hit with the diamond sword one hit with the golden sword and then throw the Snowballs I’ll leave the rest of my snow back here in case something goes wrong where where where does snow go

Okay here we go we’re going to Michigan and we’re going to heal up real quick very good okay save and quit single player let’s go to Michigan Let’s Do It select level ah beautiful Michigan what a wonderful place how dark is it right now I put the hell fighter ring on

On it’s pretty freaking dark got to say oh crap yeah I would rather be able to see right now okay so hold on let’s just leave you alone because I don’t really want to get hit with the arrows right now looking for a fire imp specifically oh my gosh

Look cows in Michigan no way that’s crazy look at this there’s also creepers in Michigan lots of them running running running running running use the cows as a distraction oh no oh this is a bad spot to be in right now I mean I’m mean I’m in the bad neighborhood in Michigan

Let’s go this way just keep running for my life uhoh uhoh okay so far so good where’s the fire rims could really use one right now here come the spiders I have a following right now I have quite the following should have used the ring yeah but then I can’t see where I’m

Going that becomes a problem okay there’s the house over there I don’t want to get down in there cuz that’s like a death trap down there I’ve been down there and almost died no ow crap this could be a real death trap too got get out of there where are the fire

Rimps can’t get me can’t hit me can’t hit me now I got to go back the other way cuz there’s really nowhere to go over there don’t go through there that’s the death trap yeah avoid the death trap I guess I I don’t need my torch out

I don’t know why I have my torch out ow oh there’s one right there okay there’s some other enemies around though just treed carefully maybe just let these zombies come to me I can take care of them pretty easy where’ the fire ramp go I don’t know he’s over there somewhere I hope

Okay good hello creeper I don’t know where the fire amp went to I think it might have despawned that sucks yeah despawned dang it that’s d um lame I don’t want all these zombie flesh darn it too much of it Noe no no nope oh there is an imp he’s just chilling in

The well here we go then think I know what to do take care of these spiders first okay need to lose this get this on all right dude where are you ow he my dude is just under the lava somewhere do you mind like coming on out of here dude dude

Dude my dude is camping he’s camping okay I have the fire ring I can’t see though ow and I can’t get to him if he’s just going to chill in the lava so basically this isn’t going to work is that the sunrise how beautiful okay is he ever going to leave the lava

Dude there we go now I can deal with this guy where is he place a torch somewhere oh my gosh what the hell what where do Health go okay well that was a failure I didn’t realize his health was down guess I’ll grab some of this what the

Heck may as well that’s we here I never saw him take the damage unfortunately so it sucks just Spam snowballs okay I could try that what’s going on down here guys oh jeez what is happening what is happening down there I want to get like over up on the hill

Here that’s easier said than done one of Michigan’s famous apple trees uhoh okay now we’re getting up in the hill very nice I wonder what a mountain Hill world would look like sure it would be interesting was that something over there no I don’t know I don’t know did I see Something over here nope okay oh man where are they where are the little dudes oh crap okay there goes my uh there goes my night vision it’s raining and also some of my berries oh there’s a little dude let’s get him let’s deal with this guy first ow all right excuse me little

Guy where is he did he fall in the lava of did did he die did I kill him with a snowball did did did I get the achievement he must have died from Fall damage no not challenges hello challenges uh yeah he he must have just died from Fall damage dang it that’s

Dumb no the game did not crash hold on e let me get back on the hill that’s my safest bet get back on the hill so don’t end up in any death traps for the moment did I just see a little dude I don’t know it might have just

Been the blood rain doing something the animation of the blood rain oh there’s one how am I going to get to him okay he must be over here somewhere he was over here somewhere where’d he go can’t hear him something dropped some boots where’d you go little guy there’s one

Uh I have five snowballs left said these do good damage there we go I had one snowball left to spare okay well guess we’re going to say goodbye to Michigan for now this place sucks at the moment so yeah let’s go oh we got another achievement very

Good world one SL level we’re back home uh no not achievements challenges we got 20 out of 34 challenges so far what do we still have left we still need sniper duel kill the skeleton 30 Buck away which I can get whenever I suppose the harpy one is

Going to be difficult we have to first we have to get our boots again yeah whacka which we can do anytime in the desert pretty easy those 16 wool colors in one sitting craft do we have the what we need to make all 16 wool colors just out a curiosity I don’t really

Know cuz I know I know a sapling makes your green a Dye I think right what just happened I put that that was dumb yeah Green Dy from a sapling and then we’ve got we got our purple Dy our blue dye our red Dy and our yellow dye that’s five dye colors

That we have well plus six because we have uh the bone meal I discovered 1 two 3 four five six seven eight nine D colors so far clearly I’m missing something I mean does red and white make pink let’s find out no it does not does not make pink

Okay huh that’s just weird I don’t even know what to do then uh H recipes recipes let’s go to where the dyes are let’s take a look take a little look in a book in the recipe book where are the D where are the D where are the

Do serious see where the do okay we got we got some we got some some wool looking things we got can make a sand layer that’s cool it seems to believe that I’ve oh yeah cuz I made a snow layer so now it’s like you have the layers you can craft

Layers now very cool leaf pile I haven’t crafted paper since the update that’s interesting I haven’t crafted any books since the update haven’t crafted ropes in a while did it the one time this must be a lightning rod uh okay okay here here we’ve got some dyes

Showing up but these aren’t the dye recipes themselves this is a different green dye so that might be green combined with white but where are the dye recipes themselves this is spring green dye that’s one I don’t have so there’s two of and then cyan I don’t even know I

Don’t think I have cyan um so where are these dye recipes magenta die Rose wait where are these what okay green and yellow makes this one red and yellow yeah I already have the orange green and blue green and cyan Capri and red I’ve done that I think yeah done Ultra Marine green

Magenta and red purple and bone meal dark gray and like coal and Bone coal and bone meal well I’ve tried uh using the search feature and it it never seems to this is okay I swear to you this is the first time I’ve seen the search Feature work for

Anything uh that’s interesting any who um so so I know some of what I need now now that I’ve sat there and stared at that for 20 minutes here here we go I know I need some coal wait do I have some blocks of coal sit over here I

Sure do I didn’t realize I had some coal blocks inting there um that is that is useful so I need to combine a yellow and I need I need more green I need more green so let’s just take a whole stack of these and just turn it into a bunch of

Bunch of green dye so I can have more green dye and let’s take some green and some yellow combine them into this this one so now I have more dye uh more dye indeed Let’s uh start combining these hold on just trying to clean up riveting gameplay isn’t it riveting gameplay okay

So now I’ve made this one I’ve made the ultramarine die this is this slot is just nothing but fertilizer so um I need this and some coal to make another Dy like the dark gray okay I have some dark gray I need I think that dark gray and just

Another bone meal makes the light gray Right light gray die here we go very good Sate mod indeed oh so that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 that’s that’s 12 dies is that no because I’m still missing the the light purpley one so hold

On so this is purple this is violet and violet and white I think makes purple right no it does not how do I make the purple dieye I don’t remember all of a sudden it must be uh combining yeah the Capri and the red I think makes the purple

D let’s get some of the red and some of the Capri make some more this purple stuff and purple Dy okay and then the purple combined with the this one makes another one right or it might have been like one of these or something I don’t know hold on yes magenta here we

Go so how many how many D colors like officially are we looking at here I guess that doesn’t really count as a d color cuz wol white wool is just white wool so one two three four five six s eight nine 10 11 12 die colors method is getting salad very cool

Salad sounds strangely good right now um so now in order to I think we have to have uh yeah cuz this isn’t this isn’t like modern where you can just do this right oh it is okay oh what no I was I was thinking I was thinking backwards

Okay so see I want one of each of these so let’s put some crap way I got some crap in my inventory let’s put some crap where the crap goes like this stuff just goes up here really it ought to go in in in like an incinerator or something but

I don’t have one of those right now so ashes ashes go over there string goes back over here the magma I think I’m keeping it where am I keeping it that works feathers over here oh more of this really get that uh the extra boots can go go over

Here and there we go now we’ve got inventory space to work with uh I don’t need this anymore right now yes the bow can stay right there so we’re looking at 12 pieces of cloth right here and they’re going to be our 12 colors these 12 pieces or not 12 not

Nine 12 there we go then we want our 12 dyes so let’s get rid of some more crap in our inventory get rid of that uh get rid of some sticks get rid of some wool okay there’s 12 12 wool then we’ll grab our 12 dyes in no particular order I

Suppose uh I should I should uh craft another one of uh this so that I don’t forget it exists so that my my die chest will like inform me of what I uh what my options are basically uh yeah that’s fine this can just go here I suppose and this can

Go that can go there that can go I don’t know yeah that’s all 12 die colors represented in the chest somewhere uh my other orange tie purple I’m missing one this one there we go 12 die colors 12 pieces of wool here we go we can just craft one at a time

Boom into the inventory it’s getting colorful and I guess we should place these in the world rather than just throwing them in a chest and forgetting they exist forever could like put them somewhere as a memory of the day we got this achievement on uh Christmas Eve Eve here it

Comes you also need to craft I thought it said 12 okay fine I’ll craft I’ll craft white uh from this one this one’s going to turn into a white one uh there we go there’s 16 colors not oh my gosh for real okay white dark gray light gray what am I

Missing what am I missing Uh what on Earth am I missing e recipe book die I don’t have spring green that’s cyan and green combined so let’s combine a a green and a where’s my cyan I don’t have any cyan yet how do I make cyan hold on die can is made from Green and Capri

Okay some more green Capri here we go cion and then one of those combined with one of those makes a spring green and then I’ll make another Canan so I don’t forget it exists uh hold I mean yeah another whatever another yeah another Canan so

That I have two of those so I can just or more than one so I can just store those away so now I have a record of these existing so I remember that they exist couple more of these cyan spring green okay that is one two 15 Rose I’m missing Rose you’re right

Die how do I make Rose die red and magenta makes Rose okay let’s take one of these Reds I only have one magenta to left so let’s make another magenta which I think was purple and white together right yes it was okay cuz I don’t want to forget these exist and

Then not be able to make it again I mean I would still be able to make it again I just mean like I it’ll be to have a record so I can always go here and know what my options are and then I just got to remember how to or

Figure out how to make it again there we go taste the rain I have tasted the rainbow we tasted the rainbow here today folks we did it okay so uh so there’s eight slots and eight slots so that’s six we can have 16 colors in here what would make any sense

So this could be let’s put that there that there put this other blueish one here uh yeah I don’t know how to organize the colors in a way that makes any sense honestly well we can start with the here let’s put these away let’s put

Start with white go to light gray go to gray okay and then we could uh I don’t know let’s just do like our primary colors that’s our red yellow and and blue isn’t really a there isn’t really a straight blue one though but we’ll call this one blue and then these

Next red yellow blue and green what the heck very nice red yellow blue green and then this would be like the most purple one right here red Roy G Biv right red orange yellow uh green for doing the royi Biv thing red orange yellow green blue so we’ll have the blue right

Here Ry Biv uh Indigo and violet what so I guess we’ll have like the purple over here and then the Violet red orange yellow green chart okay this man is he’s giving me the secrets to the the universe here red orange yellow green chart spring green cyan

S and move the gray to the bottom the AR is important okay fine fine fine fine fine we’re going to we’re going to do this whole thing again okay we’re going to move the red over here orange yellow grain sh to use uh spring green cyan where’s my Canan cyan Ultra Marine this is such a mess ultramarine magenta magenta magenta magenta mag magent what the hell is magenta okay my rose rose purple purple purple is this purple violet is right here purple violet okay One Two Three swap green and Shar to use okay 1 2 3 four 5 six seven eight 9

10 11 12 13 oh I got Capri in the wrong slot hold on where’s Capri go it goes cyan I forgot Capri Okay so ultramarine okay finally we have some level of organization in here oh my gosh what a mess uh and I guess I’d like to have at least three of

Each so let’s uh make some more of this right here okay and then let’s make some more wrong one some more of this we go some oh this is making sense all of a sudden this is making so much sense okay but I need more cyan which is

Made with I think just green and Capri there we go uh magent is made from something is made from this in white okay that’s magenta Rose is made from from magenta and white no it’s not that was wrong how the hell do you make rose D ye oh red and magenta okay

Done so red and magenta Rose there we go and then gray light gray okay and then light gray just made from one of these and another one of these I think yes very cool I have all the D colors at least three of each so three Slots of each yay I did this

All right okay uh where am I going to put this in the world well we’ll put it in the winter wonderland because that’s where we were working okay that’s where we were working during this stream we shall remember that these things happen at the same time also let’s grab a pumpkin and some

Snow to make a new snowman it’s about time so hold on where’s my snow oh where where did it go here we go okay is this all green now yes this is all nice and greened up I don’t know where these snow layers came from oh because the Snowman was throwing snowballs

Good use them to make a Christmas tree oh man you had to say it didn’t you you had to suggest a good suggestion that is going to take me the next six hours of my life to do I don’t know bro maybe on Christmas day but on Christmas Day I’m supposed to

Well I could still stream this uh but anyway let’s go ahead and oh I forgot the pumpkin nope great now I have more snowballs filling up my inventory okay no yes on on Christmas Day I can make a actual Christmas tree boom look and this dude’s not even

Pissed off at me isn’t that great he instantly tried to escape but that’s okay no big deal yeah uh at Christmas first of all how are we going to make a small enough Christmas tree in here that’s going to have 16 of these yeah no no way in

Hell second of all a Christmas tree is one of the most notoriously difficult things to make in Minecraft you know in terms of just building there he goes look at I’m putting snow everywhere that’s awesome very nice yeah you go dude thank you thank you Mr snowman doing a great job it’s just

Wonderful look at them go just look at them go isn’t that great okay looks like I’m going to need some more snow blocks in some places like right uh right here maybe over here yeah I need a few more snow blocks in here but that’s okay

I forgot about the the edges and how that might be an issue but uh we’ll just let this guy do his thing for now and then we’ll figure out snow blocks later where else are we in terms of it uh Challenges craft all the Base Brick types H what do I have in terms of clay cuz that would be another thing that’d be useful to have if we’re going to do for the for the Christmas special you know if we’re going to do some more building down here be useful to have uh

Some nice red brick you know let’s see I have I I I don’t have any clay man I don’t have any clay you know what I do have I do have a swamp World a paradise swamp World which is probably a good place to find some clay but let’s let’s go ahead

And craft a brick so the game knows that I have I have brick new recipe unlocked brick okay put those over there for now uh how else can you make bricks can you do anything with like Sandstone can you can you do with like a thing make smooth Sandstone

Okay uh cool B but clay bricks stone bricks Moon bricks and brimstone bricks well I mean I have the brimstone I have the stone I I have do I have the moon rock I probably collected some Moon Rock right I know I have the brimstone I can craft one of each and I

Can have the uh the uh the whatever you call it the the achievement so there’s no Sandstone bricks uh there are stone bricks though of course I I have crafted stone bricks recently so that probably is registered already um I’m just missing Moon bricks

I don’t seem to have any Moon Rock so I can just go to the moon real quick but before I do I’m going to safely deposit these away okay something goes wrong somehow I don’t expect anything to go wrong but you never know and I guess I can put them in the

Correct order no we’ll do that later uh just grab necklace of the sea real quick that on put the Hellfire Ring away for now save and quit single player going to the Moon Dum Moon hello guys here I’m here for the The Rock we oh dude this is so cool we wee

I only need four but I may as well gather some more are you going to something about Mr Snowman and is Parson burn what I understand the song You’re referencing but something went very wrong with that sentence Joe Enderman okay oh pretend pretend Mr snowman is challenge complete bricked yes I made

The bricks those are kind of that’s a cool looking bricks let’s place that down look at it that is a cool looking brick not going to lie it might be worth spending some time on the moon collecting some Stone just to query the moon basically so yeah look at Raina hey

Raina want to die real quick nice Rose doesn’t do me any good right now can I get another Joe is drunk or high her both no I think he just misspelled the word pretend everything else was correct uh it’s no what do you know Raina come here come here Raina Raina

Raina no just another Rose Raina Nope Raina please drop the thing I’m just going to kill Rus until one of them drops the thing again because I want another the thing whatever it’s called the moon tier or something ow I bet it would be fun to come on the moon with the uh the harpy Boots the

Harpy feather boots whatever they’re called it’s ra not Raina okay whatever is that the thing no that’s another Rose I don’t want more roses Raina I want your soul so I can make things with it if you don’t mind just looking to craft some things okay that was like two rain up

Oh an apple R is dropping apples two more Raina I see Raina come here can they get the item over here no no Raina no item method’s all mad because I’m saying Raina instead of RA all kinds of roses I just got apples where are the blood moon Tears there’s ‘s Raina again give here Raina arrows fire normally on the moon that’s interesting 10 roses from Raina now ra whatever no it’s okay it’s okay Joe no worries I just didn’t understand it first and then I figured it out we’ll have lots of fun with Mr

Snowman until the other kitties knock him down see I can sing that right now because the Minecraft music is also playing so it probably won’t get copyright because it’s like combined I don’t know like James was here the other day and told me that uh if you

Uh if you hum certain Tunes you could get copyright struck which is incredibly stupid but whatever like it would never go to court unless somebody had the money to fight it but if it did go to court I’m pretty sure the judge would be like yeah you’re freaking stupid people can hum whatever

The hell they want shut up quit your stupid lawsuit and go to hell and give the defendant like a bunch of money so but any who but you would have to actually have the money to and the time and the you know the care to go through all that

Kind of trouble you know which is just no no so it’s easier to just not hum the stupid tune apparently where I have killed so many Ras and not one Moon tier this is annoying please Raina I just want your stupid Moon tier thing

I guess I should get a uh I should be out here with a golden sword instead but I would think that if I killed like 20 of them I’d still get one I don’t know they’re pretty easy to go around and kill though so I guess I

Guess it makes sense that that drop rate is super low that was another Apple wasn’t it sure enough I mean this is a decent way to get apples though so I don’t mind that ow there’s two more Ras without the gold sword it’s nearly impossible to get it okay well I guess I

Could come back later with a gold sword I see I’m going to kill a few more on my way back to the house though going to go back to the house and I’ll kill whatever I see on the way may as well get the apples apples I love

Apples I love apples yes I do all righty save and quit single player world one level here we go okay okay so where was I what was I thinking about here I have the Bricks now I have all the brick types achievement challenges we’re 22 out of 34 12 more to

Go obtain every ore variant have I how have I not done that I mean I know the best way to do that real quick is to grab this because of because of where I’m going uh and grab uh I’m going to want some more torches so let’s just

Uh get a stack of sticks and a stack of these and we’ll just make a four stacks of torches because I haven’t made torches in a while look at that oh that’s so wonder I love making stacks of torches like that but they do go they do get used up

Pretty fast in the caves so me use a golden pick for the ores oh obtained the actual like ore block itself okay in that case let’s grab a golden pick and another golden pick I get it I hear you dude jeez you don’t realize that you’re like 30 seconds behind okay so

Uh I guess I’ll bring all my apples with me and oh and leave the spectacles well I mean I guess I could I could no I could take them because they’re they’re useful they’re useful where I’m going so save and quit single player haven’t been in the caves in a while like level

Okay you obain every or variant using the golden pics hold on hold on dude really dude just Cal the freak down you’re like 45 seconds behind and you’re over there about to lose your like I get it bro I get it would you go away you stupid piece of crap there we

Go Uhoh that’s some make a comeback and INF of plus 0.4 I hate you I hate you I hate you method I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate INF Dev plus I hate I hate I hate this game I I

Hate I hate everything that has ever happened as a result of the existence of infd plus and all its subsidiaries and I hate everything I I hate Minecraft I hate block game in general I hate life as a matter of fact and um I I’m just filled with hatred uh from from with

With every fiber of my being is filled with nothing but hatred for for for all the things um hold on I got to show that one it was hidden kitchen sink mod pack may as well go grab that gold or was it yeah go grab that gold with my uh would you

Stop spawning every two seconds so I can actually do anything at all please okay what did I lose a dang okay yeah I got the lucky coin Let’s uh grab some gold cuz we do need Gold Blocks if we want to make like golden apples and

Stuff so may as well start grabbing the gold cuz those can be useful especially especially if we go to Michigan you know do some mining in Michigan get a bunch of stone Brimstone abyssic hate is an album I may like I probably wouldn’t like it honestly oh shoot I don’t have any

Blocks I I have c c Cobble Cobble don’t destroy all that please that was close uh no the whole hatred thing is just a joke in case you’re wondering mostly thank God Michigan I hate Michigan oh dear okay back over to the golden pickaxe I believe I saw some some uh

Iron ore somewhere look slime yep I saw some iron ore right over here I can grab one and then I can get a bunch of iron cuz why not why not get a bunch of iron okay it’s been a while since we actually just went to the caves

And got a bunch of resources in general tend to spend a lot of time getting the finer resources but let’s just get some regular old resources click the live but you’re two minutes behind here we go we about to get crap tons of iron of course to obtain every ore

Variant that means I also have to obtain oh jeez I have to obtain some actual emeralds good freaking luck cuz those spawn they’re they’re more rare than diamonds in my experience well not anymore at this point well they actually kind of still are more rare than diamonds in my in inep plus experience

I still have more diamonds than I do emeralds right now so yeah I do have to get the uh adminium that’s going to be the uh difficult one uh yeah going to have crap tons of iron though with this lucky coin going to be great have to Coss some iron

Blocks this might end up being a bit of a longer stream I’m kind of getting into the mining here oh dear right as I say I’m getting into the mining lava o oh the sound system is still crap so as soon as that ambient noise came in

There was like a freeze and I thought I was like oh what’s going on is my game going to crash no my game didn’t crash it was just okay I’m not risking it okay that’s enough uh let’s find some new Direction I see some iron over there let’s find some new Direction here

Let’s see there’s anything back here worth exploring not really okay here’s some more iron here’s an edge of the world I can kind of see I uh when I earlier uh when earlier in the development of this mod I played around with in Creative to see if I can make like a mob

Farm when I use like uh I what I use to to end up with a big empty world but I I don’t know if I just use TNT or what or were the commands I forget but uh I figured out that you can kind of make a mob farm it’s it’s really

Difficult but you can do it you have to basically clear out an entire world of whatever type would work for that and then uh I think a flat world is best you just build up on as well get a bunch of coal too but the hours it would take to actually

Accomplish it would be nuts even even if you use the smallest World size wish I get some TNT right now blow some holes in here I can make it I I’ve got the resources to make TNT I just haven’t bothered to do it oh my lucky coin broke well

Shucks it was useful for a moment okay well let’s let’s move on from here then broke my lucky coin don’t really have a new one ready to go right now so I don’t have the resources uh waiting to be used to make a new one

So in fact let’s uh as we’re doing it that way let’s go ahead and break these torches and use my spectacles so that way I know kind of where I haven’t been to really like seriously mine you know oh hello so I want to place torches only in

Place I’ve actually gone around mining you know I don’t want to place torches just anywhere o emeralds okay golden pickaxe grab emerald ore and I’ll grab all these and I’ll take them back home and I’ll mine them when I have a lucky coin again so I can get more emeralds out of the

Deal this is going to take a little while though it’s going to be a slow process here oh man hey we’re going to get some emeralds out of this though so that’s going to be cool emeralds are hard to come by in my uh in my experience I don’t know

Why it’s been that way from the beginning but I saw other people back when they were playing More in inev plus saw other people getting like Stacks and stacks and stacks of emeralds just early on I was like how did you do it I guess cuz they spend more time in the game

Probably there’s going to be a lot of emeralds to place in the world to mine that’s all right we have room in the basement to do it oh my goodness I’m starting to wonder if I would be better off just uh going to make a lucky coin but we’re already this

Far if I’d be better off just running to the desert real quick to see if I can get the resources and then yada y y you know oh my gosh I might even have the resources at home and I’m just being stupid that’s quite possible that is entirely possible but I

Think we’re almost at the end of this this uh v no we’re not there’s more I feel trapped just stuck here M slowly mining all these emeralds no oh my gosh I should have just gone and made a new one but no we’re just stuck here wasting a golden pickaxe okay finally

Okay okay uh let’s just uh go looking around some more try to go low because that’s where we’ll find diamonds and adum aha diamonds beautiful okay here we go let me guess this is going to be another huge vein of diamonds isn’t it oh my God okay okay hold on save and

Quit we’re going to the main World single player world war we’re going to check and see if we have the resources to make more of what we’re looking for here okay I don’t have any ant lion Pinchers sitting around so let’s just make some new armor

And then go to the desert real quick unless I don’t need to make new armor I need to make new armor okay yay okay put those away put this this on uh and I may as well leave some ores smelting at home here I mean not that

They’ll smelt while I’m gone cuz the world will be unloaded but whatever whatever just smelt all around smelting smelting all around and this one’s going to need some more uh coal I may as well refresh some of these okay cool I’ve got things smelting wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful

Let’s put these ore blocks that I’ve got let’s just put them in here with with with these for now so that I don’t risk losing them okay now we’re going to go to uh the desert uh do I do I have what I need do I uh I better bring a golden

Sword couple of golden swords I guess okay and let’s take these off for now save and quit single player where’s the desert dry dry land select level here we go okay okay okay I got to find the an lines there’s one look at that oh thank you for the the pincer

That was quick could also knock out the uh challenge of killing an ant lion while it’s buried if I just go find another one or would I find another one can’t believe I’m still streaming it’s been two and a half hours and we’re we’re still going because I I keep

Finding things I want to do right now I guess we we’ll try to end it at three hours we won’t go any longer than that for now we’re we’re still going so why not let’s just keep keep it going uh where oh where or where

Uh I don’t see any ant lions I just got to where’s the where’s the the Sun is setting that’s something to uh be hello method so uh we’re in the desert I just got another antline F no I haven’t done the challenge yet um but but I keep

Running into good ores that I want to actually get and cuz I ended up spending all this time clearing up a whole vein of emeralds with my golden pickaxe and I found these diamonds and there’s a whole vein of them too so I’m like okay let me

Just go get what I need to make another lucky coin cuz my lucky coin broke that’s why we’re doing this uh and I’m trying to see if I can get the challenge while I happen to be here the uh the antline challenge and I may as well collect more pincers if I I

Can oh sure what the heck thank you what ores are you missing I just I’ve I’ve gotten everything but at minium so I got the I’ve got the gold iron the coal the diamond and the emerald I just need the adminium where where let me put these on so we can see

Also since I’m here I may as well try to get the uh ant lines are going to ant lines are going to come back in infv 0.3 huh in plus okay that’s going to be cool I assume they’ll spawn in the deserts dur what what’s 1.25 oh so Joe Enderman you caught up

Welcome back drop is going to be likely a haste potion okay cool Hello ah please bury yourself thank you thank you you okay please bury yourself again please bury yourself again dude please bury yourself again damn it oh my gosh dude you know what r r nope respawn

Doesn’t work in uh surval never mind this thing is so annoying it won’t bury itself what the hell okay I’ve gotten a little bit of ways away from it did I escape it okay I escaped it its range so it might bury itself again now I got to wait for it to bury

Itself now go ahead oh never mind okay is it over there is it did it bury itself perhaps or did it just despawn there it is hey little buddy oh yes there we go whacka all okay I got it I got it woo yes yes all righty uh now What saing quit single player world one uh select level take these off for now let’s cook these antline pincers both of them and get our gold we’re just going to craft up two of these what the heck this is a cool mod it really Is Come to Papa Come to Papa there we go two lucky coins very nice wear this one and put this other one away okay put it over here with the other charms oh okay yeah yeah it is a cool idea that’s a cool idea you had going on there okay

I put these no don’t put those back on right now well I mean put them back on for the moment because I need to see where I’m going when I get there single player the cave select level okay where was I here’s the diamonds uh place a torch right there

Take this off put that on okay here we go now I can get more diamonds could have also gotten so many more emeralds if I just done what I did now sooner but whatever okay that wasn’t very many diamonds but that’s fine whatever let’s

Put this back on okay now we got to find in minium somewhere let’s see if this leads somewhere what the heck oh hello emeralds look at that it’s being nice time to have the necklace of the sea on me but well okay emeralds let’s get this back on before we get all

Excited okay here we go yes yes emeralds Come to Papa You Beautiful emeralds yeah once we get this this next achievement I think we’ll probably end the stream at that point we’ll be uh 10 challenges away from completing all all the things so that would be cool oh there’s another cave up here

Very nice all my items are just floating around making a bunch of noise it’s fine okay that seems to be all the emeralds for the moment did I get them all I think so is there like a way out over here maybe I didn’t see another cave up here

So let’s see if I can get to it okay another cave looking around looking around I just went in a circle what the heck okay I just kind of went in a circle ish where was I how did I get in here I don’t know anymore right over there okay I’ve been

Here I see a bunch of torches so I’ve been here let’s try to find new areas okay this be a nice time to have the fire ring on me I can just swim around and try to find whatever I could go grab it what the heck let’s do it let’s see what that’s

Like I never swam around in the in the cave lava before but now I can do that thanks to the fire ring so let’s go do it the cave select level okay take these off put on the Hellfire Ring and let’s go for it oh this is so slow this is so

Slow we’re going to be doing this forever stream lag yeah it’s like way behind for some reason I don’t know why the stream is way behind let’s go over here check this out bat don’t kill me in the lava dang it okay let’s take that off put these

On okay take that off put the Hellfire Ring back on it’s on okay here we go here we go here we go here we go I’m just ending up back in places I’ve already been that’s not good that’s not what I want in life I don’t know how I ended up but I

Ended up back where I’ve already been this is not helping shoot got to find new areas man that’s where the adminium is going to Be you should go over there okay there’s less torches in this General Direction that’s a good sign that guy just walked off into the lava nice Okay yeah this is where I like was before there’s a place I can swim around control I don’t know if I can get anywhere really anything to find under the Water by Chance why am I still in control there we go or not in control I guess depending on how you look at it uh oh hello hello let’s go I can’t see a thing the lighting is glitched out I fixed it ow that again let’s put an apple here let’s get some get some

Food Joe Enderman says once I hit the floorboards then I had the stored was expensive but it was a write off what do you mean like what are you what are you talking about no don’t shoot at me ow dang it I hate that reverse knockback that sucks cuz you never know

Where you’re going to go Joe is high okay that’s fine enjoy yourself Joe we’re we’re we’re we’re here okay don’t want to that was where I was a minute ago when I was not getting into new territory like at all got to keep going over this way and

I got to stay low oh there’s a dude can I get the dude get some slime I haven’t gotten slime in a while dude slime SL slime slime slime slime slime slime SL I am hitting this thing I swear here they come they’re coming after me there’s a bunch of tiny slimes holy

Crap oh my gosh they’re everywhere they’re everywhere okay there’s another one there’s some emeralds too I can grab here in a moment i a food technically no let’s see what happens here we go okay that didn’t help at all we have some more yeah that was that was some rum luck okay

Well that’s a let’s go he real quick save and quit SLE player Oh World once luck level uh where’s my bed bed from The Diamond Sword Song by Tobuscus okay I remember Tobuscus I had a the friend growing up who introduced me to Minecraft his name was

Tobin and uh and he was in a Tobuscus and of course because his name was similar to that like his actual name kind of similar to tbus you know Tobin Tobuscus so yeah he he was like yeah Tobuscus I’m Tobuscus man it’s cool yeah single player the caves here we go okay

Oh I’m still getting shot up by this there we go taken care of all right Mr other Slime Guy okay now it’s just the little ones that can’t actually hurt but that’s okay that’s good and they’re like falling they’re killing themselves with fall damage like constantly

Uhoh get the slimes get the slimes I think I think most of them just kill themselves with fall damage I think more of them died by Fall damage than by my sword it’s kind of funny any uh I guess I’ll grab these emeralds real quick it’s dark okay

Cool stream died again damn it stream there’s no reason for this crap also on my phone the stream is like 90 seconds behind at this point which is just absurd but whatever oh man look at all that coal if I want to get a bunch of coal with my lucky

Coin there’s my there’s this is this is the place right here come on adminium oh come on adminium adminium oh I hear the music I like this music so much this is one of the the best songs right here I love it here comes a slime he’s like you will die sir

And then he killed himself he just fell it his death oh my goodness oh my goodness look at this I found like the jungle in in the cave oh this is cool look at this this is this is kind of neat look there Vines and stuff where’s where’s

Dude I was appreciating the scenery and you interrupted me you jerk you you too really go go away go away I said go away now there’s nothing I can really do it’s it’s already all the way forward there’s nothing I can I can do my my stream is already like current

According to my phone so um any who let’s let’s uh oh bunch more emeralds yes that’s what I’m talking about but where’s the dang ad minium I am trying to get a challenge here not just get emeralds although I do greatly appreciate the emeralds oh hello hey little

Dudes I’m going to end up with a bunch of slime by the end of this one I’m 15 minutes away from 3 hours of streaming but I i’ I’ve got to find that ad minia man I’ve got to find it I’ve got to get this one last achievement or

Whatever yes Lush caves amazing stuff tell you here we go okay back to the Lush caves area more emeralds for real very cool it’s a bunch of emeralds around here this is this is a cool place like if I was going to actually build in the

Caves like this would be the place right here to like hang out and have a little cave base I guess oh my goodness go away hello those guys always hit me first doesn’t matter what I do okay I I need to get low I’m way too

High right now to find the adminium need to get low oh I’ve been here I’ve been here oh oh okay so far so good let’s let’s hold on hold on let’s just uh let’s just place a little bit of Cobble over here so we don’t have a

Problem with with the with the things here we go okay okay okay okay now golden pickaxe this is it I’m a geologist now I’m a indev plus geologist and look there’s a bunch of diamonds right here I can grab too with my uh if I place some torches and there’s some

Gold I’m going to have to like log out in this location yeah I got the thing on there we go okay that didn’t really do any good but okay whatever it is what it is but yeah there’s a lot of good ores in this area so I think I’ll log out in this

Spot and make sure to come back with a lucky coin of course cuz I can get diamonds I can get emeralds around if I go up higher there were emeralds can even see some more diamonds right up there no emeralds emeralds so yeah but this is pretty much

Where we’re going to end the stream because we did get the achievement F well hold on there’s there’s some more admium though okay okay there’s there’s some more ad minium hold on okay hold on hold on uh torches okay okay my lucky coin is not giving me

Good luck right now okay that’s a little annoying but whatever um yeah this is a really cool spot though like chill in the cave so I I’m going to yeah this is this is super cool wait is that what what was that okay no that was nothing anywh who enough talking

About how cool this PL this is really cool though just saying it really is is super cool uh other than the bats the bats are still a problem no matter where you go in these caves okay yeah here’s these diamonds okay we’re going to log out by these

Diamonds save and quit oh okay single player world one select level okay take these off goodness my home looks weird uh okay put all the charms away for now including the extra lucky coin let’s look at this we got some emeralds and some diamonds and things we also

Have these emeralds which I need to and these diamonds so let me get the lucky coin back out actually we’ll take care of these real quick okay we got the am mini more and I guess we’ll save one ore of each why not we’ll we’ll put them in the in the correct

Order there we go all six ores just like that so we got all six ores and we got we got the the the cloth we’ll do something with those next time uh and but for now let’s place down the diamond lucky coin not coming through yet

Again my lucky coin is all of a sudden not very lucky uh Emerald Door and it is on yes it is on okay no no no no no no no no no no uh glass Whoopsies okay okay now my lucky coin’s coming through now it’s really doing its work you know yeah all righty more emeralds more emeralds look at all those emeralds we almost have a full row of emeralds we almost have a full row of diamonds too that’s crazy we actually have more emeralds than

Diamonds for once so that’s cool uh add hold on ADD add that there okay and collect wherever there is to wherever it’s done smelting things we’ll collect it’s not really done smelting things much of anywhere yet so just let it keep on smelting lime goes over here let’s just

Clean up and and call it a stream here uh put that I look at this look at this I’m I’m going to end up with a chest full this crap and no use for it whatsoever uh snowballs snowballs snowballs can go here along with the snow bones over here uh my flowers go

Over here uh sand goes up here with the glass ooh I have I have ad raw adminium that I can smelt so may as well smelt that um gunpowder that goes over here I have enough gunpowder and enough sand to make a substantial amount of

TNT if I want to at some point in the future oh I have two bows look at that there we go who’s here besides you and Method besides Joe and Method I don’t know I think it’s just uh you and me yeah method is the dev method is the dev

Joe five people apparently yes but the other people are very quiet very very quiet people whoever they are I put the berries away and heal up on the bed rotten flesh has a better use in INF plus does it make like wax candles or something or you can feed it to your

Pets to heal them okay well that’s useful and medium ingots there we go look at that we have five mini ingots cool right behind you is here that’s very cool uh so where where are we let’s check those challenges again we have all but 10 of the challenges we still need

Sniper duel so kill a skeleton from 30 blocks away um does what count Joe what counts air combat destroy Harpy midair all the machine blocks all the music discs which requires a fair amount of uh ad minium craft all nine charms so I haven’t crafted all the charms yet

Still got a few to go Adventure Time visit every World type and theme kill every every mob at least once unlock all so I’ve missed what mob have I not killed I really do Wonder there’s probably there could be any number of passive or uh Hostile Mobs I haven’t killed yet

Depending on the world types unlock all the recipes high score well I died so we got a ways to go for that and do all of course once you get that you automatically get all achievements and challenges oh yes yes YouTube does Count me as watching the stream so technically

There’s only four people watching it at least I think I think it does count because I’ve never seen it say zero when i’ when I’ve checked on it so I don’t know any who so yeah we just have 10 of those technically nine really because

This one is just you know once you get everything boom but uh yeah we still got a ways to go we got and we got all kinds of things things to do let’s go check the basement one more time let’s go check on our snowman and

Then we will end the stream where’s our snowman snowman snowman is this way I always think that’s blue for some reason okay snow Mr snowman look at him look at him placing all that snow yeah we got to we got to do something over there it doesn’t place

So we got to put our uh put some more oh hello Fox so yeah we got we got to place uh more blocks over here also we have some some lighting we have some more lighting see look at that beautiful um the lighting thing is still happening but

Whatever you haven’t killed mu Bloom and mushroom that’s yeah that’s definitely true I’ve killed probably all the ocean mobs yeah the I’ve even killed one of these if that counts how he is stuck up did he get stuck I thought he was stuck anyhoo um you know what ju just out of

Curiosity I know I said I was going to end the stream just out of curiosity is if that’s all it is that’s a really quick that’s a really quick achievement to grab real quick that would be over here in the Mushroom Kingdom select level yeah you spin me right right

Am okay let’s go get so it’s it’s mu Bloom and musroom so this is mushroom and the MU Bloom I could find in probably in Paradise in the Fisherman’s Paradise so I’ll go check there okay I’ve killed a mu Bloom officially or a moo shroom I mean now let’s go to Fisherman’s

Paradise and find a cow find a mooom I don’t I also don’t know if I’ve killed a duck yet that’s the other thing I don’t know if I’ve killed even one duck in all my time playing this that is a genuine uncertainty but if it is we’ll make it

The last mob we kill so snowman does count okay well I’ve killed the Snowman he deserved it too it was funny though that was hilarious let’s go find a mo Bloom mooom no just a regular cow that is we’re going to go find a beautiful and rare creature just so we can kill

It does that make me a monster I don’t know maybe it does the rarest spawn rate of any mob so we might be here for a while maybe I should just end the stream I don’t know I don’t know there is a passive mob cap so I guess I if there’s a passive

Mob Camp uh then I should go around killing mobs when I see them I can check the statistics oh that’s right yeah see what I’ve killed zero times okay SL lab split zero log stripped zero technically I’ve done that but not not when there’s been statistics workbench uses 179 chest uses 1,672 holy

Cow medium chest uses 14 even though I’ve never actually really used the generator I’ve used once time slept in bed 28 time set in chair that’s interesting where’s where’s what mobs okay so times killed and times killed by what mushroom I’ve killed five mushrooms evidently mu blo isn’t

Here mu Bloom is not here I’ve killed 40 Reas I’ve killed black Steve I’ve killed everybody over there on the moon but there’s no moo Blom here on the statistics screen there’s no mo there’s no mo Blom there is no mo Bloom on the statistics

Screen is there a duck have I killed a duck I killed a duck fish there’s no duck black Steve one time muo there’s no muum on the this and there’s no duck on the list either there’s no duck on this list there’s no mu Bloom on this

List bat slime ATL Mummy I’m I’m just going to read the whole list to you pig sheep cow zombie skeleton spider creeper Black Steve Beast Boy ra mummy ant lion slime bat jellyfish Fish Fire amp mushroom Giant and snowman there is no duck and there’s no moo

Bloom yeah yeah it does count so back to game I’m going to save the duck for last because I’m I’m 99% sure I’ve killed everything but except for muo and duck so I’m going to kill a muo and a duck and hopefully it is actually getting the statistics so it’ll

Understand that I’ve done it but it may it probably just you forgot to put it on the display of the statistics would be my guess as to what’s happening oh they appear as you kill them okay okay dude calm the down jeez it’s not that big a deal

Pig stop typing I figured it out already dude jeez I thought this would be a quick achievement to grab but uh now I have my concerns but I’m already here I am already here and it is too late come on come on there we

Go yeah I see the chat I I just didn’t read that part of the chat yet I can see most I can see a good chunk of the chat though um with how I have it displayed don’t worry Ducks you’re next that’s a duck fact by the

Way yes I remember seeing that move Bloom that was a while ago I saw something moving M around over there yet as a cow the more mobs I kill the more likely that a muum will spawn in theory by the way does the uh passive

Mob cap how is it affected by the size of the world and what I mean by that is like is the proportion different as in it’s the same number per world or it it depends depends on the size of the world being a different mob cap yada yada I’m just curious also

Pizza sounds real good right now I don’t know why I’ve had a bunch of Tak and bake but what sounds really good right now is like some horrible God awful greasy nonsense from Pizza Hut or whatever not at all bigger worlds have less mobs so if I made a little

Tiny okay so if I made a tiny Paradise world this might go a lot faster okay single player create new world this is going to be I mean take after this yeah on the cows um small flat world yay we made a small flat world make 256 x 256 that’s

Better all right method thank you thank you yeah this will be my last achievement for now it has to be i’ I’ve done this too many times okay more World options it’s going to be a flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat flat world normal theme

Actually you know what this is the perfect world to be something I’ve been thinking of n n Noh yeah sure this is going to be paradise Flats it’s a world I’ve been thinking about making for a while games low to the spawn rate I think they’re the Hostile

Mobs well if it’s a flat world I’ll be able to see the mob so I can make it bigger if I want to theme Paradise so I can make it because I I was going to make this a big world 52 x 512 it’s going to be flat

Let’s make it as big as possible what the heck here we go because this is the world where I’m going to uh I’m thinking I might build some Farms here so we’re going to make this world real quick look for a muo bloom for a few

Minutes and if I haven’t found it in like 10 minutes I’m I have to end the stream at some point so watering assembling planting oh my goodness ow yeah because I’ve I’ve always wanted to have a world where I can make big farms like big tree farm

Big uh wheat farm that kind of stuff and a flat Paradise world is perfect for it so this will have plenty of room finalizing maybe I made the world too big I might have to delete this and remake it this might be a little Overkill Sky doing its thing lighting lighting block

Spawning oh wow what the heck what the heck I’m never going to find anything here this is too big isn’t it I mean this is cool in a way but it’s it’s too big yeah this isn’t going to work uh single player we’re going to just straight up delete

That yeah Paradise plats delete delete create new level same thing but a little bit smaller more World options Paradise flat done and create let’s try this instead this might work a little better okay that was much faster yeah that was just going to be that was just going to be a little

Overkill still got a lot of lighting to do it looks like tons of lighting liting to do here we go uh well guys the game crashed so that’s the end of the stream um if you can still hear me I want to thank you very much for watching this

Stream the game has crashed I’m going to send this crash log to Method we’re going to figure out what happened um thank you for coming to the stream and uh Christmas in two days or maybe one day depending on where you are in the world

Uh so yeah I’ll see you on Christmas Day for another stream woo alrighty good goodbye this has been steelcat and I’m out thank you very much it’s been fun

This video, titled ‘Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve in Indev+ Live’, was uploaded by SteleCat on 2023-12-24 08:48:05. It has garnered 50 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:37 or 11617 seconds.

Descriptions are hard, this is a Minecraft livestream, like and subscribe.

Indev+ is a mod by method, based on the Minecraft Indev development period of early 2010. Find out more at the Legacy+ discord server!

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Minecraft and its associated assets are the intellectual property of Mojang AB and associated owners.

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    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More