Incredible New Minecraft VR Update! 🔥

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[Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello I’m coming to you live live from Minecraft uh I’ve made a few changes since I last played I’ve installed a few resource packs uh I changed out my Shader uh so hopefully hopefully things will look a little nicer a little neater uh I’ve done what I can to optimize as best as possible my frame rate uh with the the bit that I’ve added so we’ll see how this goes we’ll see how it looks uh let me know in chat if it’s not so great uh and if it if the frame looks a little messy if it’s not so goodlooking let me know and I’ll take some of those packs [Music] off so uh here we are we’ve got nice uh God Rays coming in which looks cool I don’t know how well they show up on stream but that’s just that’s neat and uh before I forget this tree this tree grew well I was testing out uh various uh shaders all right I should have a there we go so I’m hoping all this looks pretty good I did change my texture [Music] pack is that the last I had oh wow that was the last stairs that I [Music] had yes anyways uh that looks a little funky but uh we’ll we’ll deal with deal with it um yeah so let’s put some torches down uh I’ve installed this lovely lovely Shader pack that lets me have uh [Applause] [Music] light so see if I bring out the torch makes things light up around me which is very handy but it also does illumination uh it’s not doing proper full true volumetric lighting it’s kind of Faking it but it’s allowing me to get these uh lighting effects that look very similar to the base game but uh being able to light my way just by holding a torch or if I put this in my off hand keep hitting that wrong button here it is if I put it in the off hand then I’ve got a way to uh light things up a little bit uh the textures have been redone to uh I think it’s uh that looks like a 64-bit texture uh anyways it’s um might be higher than that I’m not sure uh but it’s a a a texture pack called Pixley which is meant to look like the old Minecraft um it does have uh Parallax seclusion mapping so you can get like actual like reall looking depth on a lot of these things but uh I found that when I turned that on a lot of these looked really really rough really really bumpy uh even these like polished blocks and like smoother blocks looked really really aggressively Jagged um and it was kind of like it was way too overdone um so I I I decided to go back I also couldn’t get good volumetric lighting down in the mines uh where I could see if an area was lit well enough or not to prevent mob spawns so uh this is the trade-off is this this this Shader that fakes it that uh fakes the lighting for me but lets me have a local light source I can carry around uh and I also installed a 3D block mod that makes just a few blocks 3D I wish this one was sunken in I did find another mod pack that looked so much better but it is so performance intensive um that I I I the frames were terrible I was getting like 20 frames uh per second it was it was so bad but it looked so nice um so this this is what I’m I’m defaulting with um this these are from a different mod pack called R blocks um I only took the ones for the trees uh that pack part of that pack I I dumped everything else um not that it didn’t look good um but the vibe that it had didn’t quite fit well uh with the pixel uh art style and and and some other things I was trying to do it was too far evolved from basic Minecraft look uh and it it definitely looks way better with proper volumetric lighting yeah so I can see the creepers coming um but yeah definitely better with proper volumetric lighting but look at these cherry blossoms they’re gorgeous especially with the uh the nice sunbeams that come through them now um I think I think this was a a good tradeoff I think it looks great I I like the look of this it makes me happy so uh without further Ado I’m going to head back into the mines and continue my uh Journey down into the deep and uh oh I should check what I needed for the uh this little Plaza area at the top here that I’ve been building what do I need for this I need granite do I have any granite on me dirt more dirt I have no Granite all right so Granite is what I need to get to really finish this off do I have the we go chiseled stone brick pop that down in the center all right and on the hunt for some Granite now I’m hoping everything looks great on on screen it’s kind of hard for me to tell uh I did have my headset uh I was holding it in my hand and moving it around um from where I stand where I play VR is kind of across the room where I’ve cleared it out away from my computer so it’s not that I have a I don’t have an easy place to just look back and see how good it appears on screen so I’m hoping it looked good the image looks smooth when I was testing it so I’m hoping that’s holding true but I really can’t be sure so again uh if it doesn’t look so great let me know or if you just disagree with this mod P pack if you think it looks kind of ugly uh tell me I I just realized uh all the smooth Stone kind of looks like Ender sight now cuz it’s so much more uh bumpy oh shoot press the wrong button again and I need I need more stair blocks I need diorite I need stair blocks there diorite there for sure all right I’ve got plenty of smooth oh no that’s oh they were hard to teleport before but now I don’t know I might be having second thoughts about Pixley all right um just to safe some time let’s go back up to the top um the 3D blocks mod though is pretty neat though I do like how it’s uh made uh some of these structures completely 3D I think is cool definitely gives a lot more uh depth to it I mean I guess I guess that’s quite literally what it does oh that’s a shadow I thought it was like suddenly in nighttime but I I mean I guess I kind of was now that I’m in the shade from the Sun yeah it’s still too uh too early I also install distant Horizons which seems to be having trouble every now and again but um uh it’s really really cool uh but yeah distant Horizons mod uh really neat uh lets me help load some further further away stuff uh very conveniently very easily uh and and it just it does it through uh limit of detail loading so it’s it’s not so intensive so it should also be good for that for not taking too too much uh from my Minecraft [Music] experience right oh that’s right I was going to go and use the uh the saw cutter now realistically I’m hoping I expect at least that the game loads mobs based on the original light settings that it would check per block uh actually if I go to the over I killed a flower I’ll replant it I promise do my bit for nature let’s see here oh thank you uh chat window for opening up on top of stuff I’m trying to read just fast forward to the day yeah there we go so I’m getting 15 light right now even though I’m in this darker Shadow area I am getting 15 light on it so it is good all right uh turn really off this is what I want to use this guy here going to replant that flower just really quick before I forget I wonder why I’m walking around with the Daisy in my pocket there we go oh not this guy this guy this is who I want I want to put Stone in here I want stone brick stairs is this a one to one it is oh my goodness that’s yeah so I was just doing it quick so I didn’t have to make uh the change over to the uh the the the blocks and then back again all right I might pull uh distant Horizons if it’s going to keep uh popping up every time I interact with something uh let me see if I can just turn that off right now turn that off actually shoot that just lets me uh interact with it I wish there was a way I could just uh turn it off from here enable disable button but I guess I guess I guess that should turn it off hopefully uh no more error messages just these ones here all right so let’s go down like I said into the deep into the dark man I really okay this has to be smooth Stone but yeah I’m I’m so going to not be able to tell it from andesite that’s definitely Granite which I need which is good diorite and andesite could be here but it’s hiding in PL sight that looks uh interesting right down there I should Crouch before I go over the edge oh did the Crouch not register my crouching isn’t registering all right I broke something when I was updating all of this and I am very disconcern uh concerned about this yeah let’s uh calibrate height there we go that’s my problem it thought I was very short oh you know what if I go back here yes there we go now I’m I’m full size also I made my character more 3D just the little fluff on top and the ears so uh yeah little little bit more 3D there yeah just open the menu up with nothing in my hands so you can see my ears are in 3D now so I’m happy I’m happy with how that looks happy happy happy all right let’s go uh back to the game putting these stairs up oh I don’t get over enough to uh see where that’s going all right well then let’s put that there there oh this is too far down now all right polish diorite all right so that’s the bottom step so I need this guy to go here at least I’m not getting too badly injured at least it’s better than a full drop into that pit can I make this jump I believe in myself there we go all right that block there we go this part comes out a bit all right let’s uh I thought is this Stone should have Cobblestone now yeah andesite how much andesite do I have 37 30 this isn’t is end of sight okay I need stone is this is this just regular Stone there we go that gave me a cobble block there we go I mean I guess you know what with the tower I can always put a dirt block in here and then uh use that to build out from there we go theoretically I should be able to h no almost there we go got it back take that out oh but that will kill the dirt block good to know really so close almost the correct direction if I press this rotate right rotate what does rotate right do oh I just realized my pickax is is even more 3D now that’s cool yeah I don’t know what that rotate right rotate left does oh I’m dumb I’m going to get myself killed got stair block back must say getting down here though is definitely proving a lot easier than uh I had originally uh thought it would be is all right I’m starting to wonder if this uh Pixley pack is what I wanted cuz it looked great on the surface but uh for Mining andesite and uh smooth Stone are already pretty darn similar looking and this just made that problem worse let’s uh yeah let’s let’s see how it looks with uh let’s pull Pixley out actually we’ll do that we’ll pull these two out go for a much more uh traditional Minecraft look I’m GNA keep the 3D blocks because I think it’s really cool and then we’ll go to done wow immediately uh frames just jumped up and yeah now it’s much more clear that uh this is Stone this is andesite all right I’ve been surrounded by andesite that whole time totally didn’t know all right so that’s uh that’s good that’s good uh it should definitely make frames everything look smoother uh I am keeping the uh 3D uh block effect on um you know what I think I might even just prefer the way uh the everything looks without Pixley I mean Pixley is a nice pack I mostly getting it because I saw it with the uh um uh The Parallax occlusion mapping the the the artificial 3D effects that some of these blocks would get um especially the crafting table looked amazing in Pixley um but yeah every single Shader pack that I downloaded it to make Pixley look good made the mines either way too bright way too dark the lighting was really weird um I I the the the Shader pack I’m using right now is called uh it’s a makeup fast 8 I believe um and it’s just it’s it’s it’s a bunch of fake volumetric lighting effects it’s not real but it captures the look and feel of Minecraft um oh so much better it still gives me Shadows it still gets me lighting effects um but it just does a better job of that and then uh it gives me the wavy plants and everything which looks so nice yeah Pixley looked really nice originally when I had it here uh it looks really great up top but uh you know what and I I still think I think this Plaza looks so much smoother so much less rough um without Pixy on so I think I’m going to I think I’m going to leave Pixy off I really got I originally got it CU I want 3D look for some of these blocks but I can get that now uh using the the 3D blocks mod so I think I’m think I’m going to stick with the 3D blocks mod just instead um makes these look so much better just just little details so I think I’ll leave Pixy off um I really did like the way these uh trees looked before with the other blossoms from uh RR blocks but at the same time you know as as pretty as they were um the visual style doesn’t quite go with this without using Pixley but I think this is going to be better just it’s got better frames it looks so much [Music] [Music] nicer also I keep getting uh notifications in VR when my friends are going online in games uh I’m trying to figure out exactly what it is I thought it was steam so I turned off all my notifications in Steam and they’re still popping uh I thought it might be Liv but then I was playing a game where I didn’t have Liv active at all and they were still popping um so I’m at a loss for where they uh might be coming from uh definitely going to be uh investigating that it’s not so much a problem now uh during Minecraft it’s not a big issue but uh oh boy for beat saber though definitely don’t want stuff popping up in my face when I already have a bunch of blocks to uh contend with all right can you di right no you can’t okay shoot I need two [Music] more I don’t want to pull that stuff out of the walls just because I you know what I guess I could just fill it with dirt would be the thing to do but uh I don’t want to pull it from the walls because I’m going to try and fill the walls in and then and I don’t want to have like weird gaps inside the walls where maybe something nasty could SP oh it makes the coal block 3D oh okay well I’m going to put a hole in the wall here just to get some coal I’ll fill it in with [Music] dirt [Music] hoping I don’t get copyright strike for having uh Minecraft music in Minecraft again which was uh the issue I had with one of my last vods uh it only it only muted me for like a minute though like not very long but it it was weird it wasn’t even the full song just like a snippet of it so I don’t know if it got sampled and used in some other uh piece of work that got copy writed and I got confused about what I what I was doing how many torches do I have not enough that’s the correct answer Never Enough torches get this up to 20 that gives me 21 and that’s exactly how much uh coal I have perfect plenty of torches take put the 64 away I’ll take the 54 with me darn I need to make another shovel or another uh pick I’ll make two picks one to use now and then it’s replacement later but uh I’m getting to that point where I need to start finding more uh I need to get diamond I need to get diamond soon well I’m here shoot one off but yeah I’m going to need to get uh diamonds soon H all right you know what with Pixley off and and with RR block off I’m wondering now though if uh the other uh oh I completely removed it there was another 3D uh blocks mod pack like I was saying before that I like better maybe I should test it with this um I I I know it looks like I’m was really unprepared going into this stream today I didn’t want to actually like play Minecraft to I really truly experience any of these mod packs that I had put in oh that looks that’s cool that’s how bright it is but um I I didn’t want to uh risk playing with any of these mod packs uh too much in the game because I I really want all the work all the things I do to be on stream for people to check out uh I know it’s a lot of content that’s why uh if you go and watch my vods on YouTube uh I put timestamps through to all like any interesting Parts mostly me getting blown up by creepers um so to to make it a bit easier to uh the people who are who are viewing after the fact I should probably check out how my other stairwell is doing but I think I’m going to focus mostly on this stairwell for now and try to get down actually if I get down to base level I can just build up which is so much easier to go up than down in Minecraft uh for construction so yeah I’m just going to focus entirely on this stairwell go down try to get to a Bedrock level I’m realizing now that uh I should go up here and I should take out some more of this coal and then I need to uh fill this in with dirt because otherwise I’ll have creepers spawning in here and they’ll just casually walk into my uh stairwell and then up the stairwell and into me because that’s how this game works creepers got it out for me I know they do heck even the creeper Mafia came after me at one point I just hope I not so dumb that later on I come back desperate for uh for blocks for dirt and I find that little spot in the wall and go oh I’ll dig out all this dirt in the wall that I just put in all right let’s not fall down there [Music] this is terrifying I know I’m right at the edge and I’m looking up and not where I’m going uh yes and now I have the uh lovely lava flow right there move those so nothing can spawn off to the side there so that will be where the wall goes put a torch in there brighten up the area a bit was not crouching low enough I totally can hear a zombie trying to seink up behind me H that worked this is one of the magical things about Minecraft in VR all the weird little angles you can just kind of like get [Music] to all right that worked oh no there’s a lot more lava coming out there theoretically if I just put that across that should block that off but it goes down into this little section here and uh everything should be safe that’s horrifying I kind of wish they had like a more of a lava V Splash maybe like yellow particles coming up but uh that’s cool though all right no creepers behind me I don’t think okay not sure how uh safe I am right now feels like not very is the correct [Music] answer there there there Chuck a block there this middle piece that I’ll have to go in later I’ve got more diate oh perfect amount there we go all right that should all be uh appropriately blocked off I hope oh nope that was a mistake that was a mistake all right that part of the tower isn’t properly there we go okay okay okay that should be good now nope this should be safe though all right yes it is put that there that there all right all right so this should all go around so I might have a leak in the tower let’s leave that for safety yes I do all right now that should all be safely contained where is safely contained as one can safely contain [Music] lava [Music] [Music] sh [Music] loud rumbling creepy cave noises exactly what I needed right now the music is so nice but the vibe is not [Music] least I’m getting more dire right though which is [Music] good and iron Precious Precious iron I think that’s iron if that’s copper I’m going to be so sad it’s iron oh thank [Music] goodness [Music] several more picks worth of iron okay good good good all right every two blocks one two this level there we go stick that there and now to do something I hope I’m not going to regret I’m going to let the lava go down a little further [Applause] okay I was illuminated I didn’t actually have lava going down it I’m sorry what is this blinding sunlight I was going to say that that there’s a bunch of walls there where where is the sun coming from all right I might have to turn God Rays off it looks so pretty but again these features that look so good outside as soon as you’re going to mine um they do weird stuff underground uh mods Iris really I’m just happy that the plants wave I think that gives it a little more life and motion I think that looks good uh Shader pack settings disable the god Rays game is going to take a moment there we go okay okay so beautiful right at the start for the sun coming up right at the beginning of the stream but oh my goodness uh yeah it doesn’t work oh that’s right the lapis I am really enjoying this 3D block uh block pack though I think looks really really cool all right I should be focusing on uh mining where I need to mine I can always get that stuff later CU they added new layers down below so I’ve got so much more to have to get through now oh oh there goes the pick oh I carried those two iron ingots with me that’s dumb that’s how you lose iron drop it in some lava or something or more likely drop me in some lava and they go with me all right uh see let’s use the coal actually can you turn charcoal into a coal block no all right maybe I’ll start collecting the coal Coal blocks look cool they’re nice oily dark black probably use them for something put those in there should grab this other iron pick we can go back down to the mines man it always feels like you’re getting so much more uh uh so many more more blocks than you actually do just going like I’m getting like um I should probably bake some Stone while I’m at it here’s a full stack perfect burn my Cobble burn and we may as well produce some more uh just manufacture a bit more H charcoal where did I get the gunpowder from oh all right back on my quest to get down to Diamonds CU diamonds mean I can do an uh enchanting table enchanting table means I can get uh way better effects than equipment when it comes to trying to mine stuff I hear water over to my left so I don’t know if I’m coming up on like an underground uh pool or something but uh we’ll I guess we’ll find out right baking stone and I need to make more stairs too so my strategy right now for clearing out uh this debris CU I’ll clear out that stuff later when I put in the other stairwell um whatever level I leave off at is what I’ll continue on um around a corner I’ll do an l-shape with that level and then I’ll drop down and then the next one will start at this level going around to the next L Bend that makes sense to me because that’ll expose a lot of rock which will give me lots of opportunity to find uh useful resources better odds of exposing that sweet sweet iron or Diamond actually did they change the depth of diamond I don’t know now I’m wondering about that how how deep does one need to go to find diamond actually with the caves and cliffs elevation I’m assuming y 64 is still like sea level but I don’t know actually technically how high I am how how high planes sit now questions questions I guess I’m going to find out oh yeah I picked up Granite right did I did I not pick up Granite I went by all this granite and I got none of it all right uh let’s grab these you’re kidding me there’s iron right here I’m happy I mean I’m not complaining that I walk by the iron I’m just happy to get iron [Music] now more iron oh this Granite is lovely it’s got little bits of iron in it it’s good for you best Granite is that [Music] rain ah yep it is raining the iron blocks in there put in a little more raw iron wait can I make these into iron uh cubes these become slabs we do what what else can we do with these iron can I take does this go with the stone cutter that’s what I’m wondering now can I use these with the stone col let burn4 sec I’m going to make a ton of uh so much andesite got to figure out a use for andesite I have Granite now so we turn three of these into polished leave the rest unpolished is it night time too or is it still day look like it’s still day mostly I wonder how the volumetric clouds look uh I’m got to sacrifice one thing maybe I can turn on another volumetric Dynamic yes apply how my frames doing still good still good oh those are pretty puffy clouds I like those those look [Applause] nice look a bit darker on the UND side too instead of just white all around you know I’m tied do I want really realistic looking clouds or do I just want like puffy block clouds I think puffy block clouds feel correct they look good they look nice oh yeah I have to put the uh let’s try the stone cutter can I put this in can I get things oh oh there is a slab wait there’s cut copper cut copper slab this is cool let’s do these was trying to figure out what I should put into like the sides of of uh this area all right let’s see do I have the smooth Stone do all right let’s make a bunch of stone BS I wish I could just hold the trigger just get a bunch of them like there’s a trigger pull and then there’s a click and I wish I could just hold the click position um and it would just give me a bunch of these but I guess not that’s too much to ask all right so the first step gets granite and then the top step is the one that was always getting the uh seems I forgot how to do patterning so we should continue these guys on and the next jump up which would be this step should then be the polished Granite there we go this this polished Granite should go here and here and then get the torch there we go and then behind it goes this guy and that guy and another polished Granite on either side and more torches now these are coming up to level but eventually um I guess if they continue on with the stair but then this has to get pushed back and then I need a filler and I think I’m going to use the copper blocks for that I have no idea if what I just said made sense out of uh the context of my the design in my brain so uh we’ll uh I’ll have to show that later all right real question do I plant more trees here or do I make this more more just kind of a plaza space I don’t know I don’t know what I want to do with this yet so many options you know what I might just repeat no cuz those patterns are in the corner cuz this is technically this was supposed to be the center of the plaza and then you have a step down in the plaza so it’s kind of like a ring-shaped plaza I just don’t know if I want to keep grass block cuz I kind of want this all to be uh [Applause] Stone oh choices choices what do I put there what do I put there all right I guess they’ll be I’ll still leave it grass for the time being I think I think grass can jump one over to uh generate more grass I don’t think it has to be completely adjacent I think they can go from here to there we’ll find out we’ll see [Music] put that there so that this can become grass and then that can become grass and then if this gets grass on its own then I’ll know that’s true MythBusters Mythbusters in Minecraft guess I can polish the rest of these this very nice well illuminated stairway there we go just something simple there we go simple yet ornate I think it looks good I think this is looking good so far then I might put a little like flattened area over there and over there and put some more trees in I absolutely should be going deeper into the mines CU now I’m just uh burning iron on this project but at the same time this also keeps this area safe especially if I come up here at night little bit of a safer path from there to here and into the village which I need to make a proper Road connecting to this Plaza [Music] okay I know I’m going to have to get rid of all this dirt copper all right I’m going use copper this construction so it’s kind of good that I found that [Applause] [Music] take a little more copper out and looks like that was it for the [Music] copper fill that in a bit there we [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] put bread back in my [Music] hand probably going to change out a lot of these torches for lanterns later because I think the lanterns will look really nice but uh don’t have uh enough iron to spend on Ms at the all right how does this look oh that’s dark and imposing over there but uh that’s pretty SE the clouds going in front of the Moon oh there’s lava up there okay good to know good to be aware of oh my god you’re kidding me right right how dare you Ambush me in the night the creeper assassins the creeper Mafia is coming for me again guys Freaking Creeper Mafia oh put a head out on me in the middle of the night that’s what they do I sneak into going to try to kill me in bed I’m going to wake up one day and I’m going to have a horse head just like next to that bed up there come on come on up here can you even get up here no he can’t okay I think I think I’m good I don’t think he’s got a way up all right can I knock him off with the bow Minecraft does not like the bow at this angle oh that straight up killed him oh my God humbled into the abyss oh is that is that gold see something yellow down there all right I I’m not going to risk going on that ledge to get that XP I’m considering that XP lost but still creeper Mafia man they’re coming for me in my sleep they uh they really uh made the shovel I think it would be more blocky at the edges and thinner in the middle it’s kind of like the opposite made it uh very uh Sharp [Applause] almost to the top very good I got to stop jumping into uh pits as soon as I make a hole I just jump right into that hole and one of these days it’s going to get me killed I should not be uh diving into holes as soon as I see them all right those ones I might just to keep this BL block now let’s let’s keep the patter so it doesn’t look like the dirt’s just gonna collapse in and that’s literally just enough Granite to get to exactly where I needed it to be all right good so this is all nice and eliminated this looks wider more grandiose start fing this part where are those here they are I really hope this doesn’t do something weird like make uh lightning happen suddenly start striking this [Music] area I don’t think so but I don’t know so so I am a little concerned there we go so I’ve got a little bit of back filling place these with uh grass because I like the grass that look looks so nice yeah up to one layer of dirt seems to make sense now the question is do I have enough uh copper to get all this up to the proper [Music] height [Music] I had exactly oh how is that guys exactly the right amount of copper and exactly the right amount of uh um oh I guess this does get up higher though shoot yeah I think I’m going to raise this side over here on the right give you the height as uh same height as over here on the left let just fill that in for now oh you know what I should make a circle kind of going around this that’d be cool project for next time kind of want to make this match nice and [Music] [Applause] symmetrical yeah at least up to around here is did not go quite how I expected it would yeah let’s even out that terrain a little bit all right that’s getting grass this one’s yet to get grass so I think it does need a jump block so put that in there see if that fixes it yeah I just like how subtly it moves the little waving all right so I do need more copper I need nine of those I do have more copper which is good actually I need more wheat all right let’s go let’s go back into the village let’s go get some wheat under the uh puffy clouds the pink trees and the uh purple pinkish yellowish tannish I don’t know what color is that Sky oh yes all right lots of wheat [Applause] Harvest Noe didn’t mean to take out the torch there that was a weird bird call all right had uh nearly a full uh Farm of wheat can I use this in my off hand no I cannot I can use the torch in my off hand like a real farmer it’s what 10 11 at night just going out putting seeds in in the field how do I explain this I don’t know daylight saving time or something also the water is uh now that put this uh Shader on [Applause] [Applause] plenty of wheat so I’ll make lots of bread I can go back down to the mines I need to start farming [Music] animals actually I guess I could use seeds in the other hand here oh that gives me an extra seed anyways oh no just cuz I knocked one up all right I need to test this all right I’ve got my torch I’ve got my seeds Okay no but if I have nothing in this hand then I can use my off hand okay so it defaults to the main hand first and if nothing’s in main then I can use the [Music] [Music] offand and hopefully I don’t have a bunch of creepers waiting for me outside now [Music] oh there we go oh there’s a zombie just casually look out the window in the morning watch a zombie fall over and [Music] die this glass away oh I’ve got plenty of iron here okay I’ve got iron in the village I’m not going to take it cuz I want to try and de uh depend on the iron in my mines but that’s good it’s good to know I should really be planting more trees still have a horse there slowly been working on my project to uh put Cobblestone roads in do a little bit more Cobble here why not because I’m going to get so much of it when I go back down into the mines there boo a little bit more Road this should probably be three blocks wide here we’ll do up to there we’ll do that little bit just to take a break from constantly mining down oh okay didn’t realize the well extended that far under underneath also if uh you’re just joining now and you’re wondering why I’m saying that there’s a a new look in Minecraft for me uh when everything looks pretty much the same except for some waving plants now um I did have uh some resource packs on I’ll just Chuck them on right now uh Jin’s resource packs I had actually I’ll probably keep that one on I like that one uh but I had that and this guy and this guy has to go there this one has to be above that and those have to be down there give it a sec so uh this is what I had done Minecraft into this is all the changes that I had made to it um just had like a lag Spike but uh yeah I uh for the most part it’s good except uh a frame rate is a little lower but then I’ll I’ll I’ll hit these little uh lags in the frame rate and then uh I realize that some blocks like andesite and smooth Stone which look really similar we looking um identical uh and mostly I was doing this pack because it has parallel occlusion mapping which can make some blocks look 3D uh like like this here making that look 3D except for all the shaders that I applied to it looked awful so uh as it turns out let me turn the overlay off uh if I go to options resource packs and uh you know what I’m going to leave that one in but I’m going to pull this one out I’m going to pull that one out leave those to in but as it turns out I can just download a pack that gives me proper actual uh 3D uh blocks which look great and I’ve been happy with um but yeah and then this this doesn’t quite fit the visual style now because all of these are now pixel plants if I take a Pixy off um does look very pretty though but it justes it doesn’t fit with all the other uh plants and how everything else is super pixelly so I went uh and I took that out too um can I leave the bushy uh leaves mod though back in just it’s some much more performant it gives way way better uh smooth shading yeah I think that looks nice there we go nice mix of uh pixelly but with like a little extra aesthetic to it that looks really good on those trees and then uh now because everything is just one pixel um it’s a lot cleaner especially off in the distance uh I don’t know how it looks on desktop but on on VR it was super super uh so almost like someone had a turn up film grain to maximum uh for a lot of stuff that was off in the background uh because there was a bunch of just Little pixels on the textures that were all competing and trying to render up uh the way the renderer was trying to scale everything and optimize it was it was way too busy looking uh and it I mean it still is a little by default but like this is so much more tolerable this looks way better so this this is what I’m going with for now um I also had uh distant Horizons on but I’ve disabled that because honestly I can see pretty darn far I’m rendering a 32 chunks out so yeah it’s basically where everything is I can get rid of this jump block now since these are coming in oh I should uh go get that uh copper that I was baking overnight also I do have again more 3D effects so the cobwebs here are in 3D that’s a weird glitch that’s kind of cool cool I have an underground Observatory except all I can see is black and lava some water over there um Brown window just break that it’s all dirty so the door is 3D this is 3D that’s 3D which I find is quite nice oh they changed the uh even the items got 3D ified uh the windows are also 3D which kind of was done in a lazy way but I I like it nonetheless realizing I still needed that uh crafting table oh well I’ve got one down here wow that really multiplies it when you do the cut copper all right shovel there it is shovel is about to die though there we go but now I can put that in that looks good that makes me happy now I just need to know do I carry the copper all the way up to the top nah let’s not but uh let’s turn these into uh grass blocks little disconcerting I should probably put walls up I got long these edges so I don’t like walk into them casually one day I’ll get distracted I’ll be like something looks pretty cuz I changed something and I’ll walk totally into that pit of death all right that’s looking good I like the way the copper looks there got my nice cherry blossom trees all right time to go back down into the mines see if I can just Chuck anything these chests that I don’t need yeah put that there going to bring those things down with me oh I have an iron axe with me okay I could have been planting trees actually I have no trees now I have trees let’s go plant trees and and then we’ll go back down to the mines for a game about Mining and crafting I do more uh uh shoot what’s what’s the word Landscaping than the other things put some trees around here be good excuse me uh should also mention I apologize for any coughing um I am still recovering from Co I no longer have it I tested negative today so woohoo no more Co um but I am an asmatic so that stuff hits me hard in my lungs uh and uh so I’m still I’m still coughing from time to time and I might wheeze a little bit every now and again I saw like the water glint oh there it is that just looks pretty that’s just so pretty now I kind of wish I could have the water look a little bit more like the original Minecraft water but then have more um um specular effects like uh Reflections off of it would look cool um would also be be really really neat if they just made the water look blue cuz there’s a waterfall I’m looking at right now and the only thing telling you there’s a waterfall there is that some of those white snow blocks are gray and that’s it it’s not the most uh intense effect I do wish that they made the water look a bit more Blue from the surface instead of uh super uh just translucent put egg away I don’t know what I will do with egg all right tree need to grow and I need to craft some more uh stair blocks what’s the recipe for uh cutter stone cutter there we go I have that perfect now Stone Bri there we go that’ll get me going a bit further down deep into the mines and I am going to need another pick soon so should probably make one of those two blocks from there put that away water buckets good to just have on hand put this in there too all right should be good for going down deeper so I know this is a spiral stairc T spiral stairc a helix double helix I guess technically um but uh I’m focusing on just doing this one span because I’m trying to get down as far as I can uh just use those up for the time being put those in there we go uh trying to get down uh to uh Bedrock soon CU by then I should be able to find lots of uh Diamond lots of iron lots of other resources there is a dirt block I absolutely do not want to disturb cuz that’s the only thing holding back the lava let see one two so this will be the next level so put that oh that uh prevents me from escaping there we go I hear water from that wall or that wall somewhere there’s water uh all right this will be the next height that I carve out all right what am I going to need I’m going to need let’s put put that there so dite next to Stone steps actually Stone steps will come first then I need to place dite then I need to place Cobblestone so I’ll put those all together so it’ll be nice easy to move through and in the past I was mining up all the way up till I could see like where the other stair well would be uh I’ve stopped doing that cuz again it’s a lot of extra material to remove and I’m trying to save my pickaxe a little bit more so now I’m doing these chunks where I carry off from the level before around an El Bend so this will go to the next area and then down and then this height will be that next El bend over that is my strategy I do not want stuff spawning those edges and using them to get up here that’s a zombie villager I need one of those oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hey Creeper zombie villager zombie villager that’s exactly what I need I don’t have gold though I don’t have a golden apple I have to wait till next time I don’t have the potion of weakness either but uh that’s definitely one of my goals I want to that broken down Village that abandoned Village I want to uh populate it with villagers so I’m going to need vill need zombie villagers to get them okay check the pit before I jump down into it this time dig that out dig that out let’s put some dirt there little horrifying was that deep slate that’s deep slate that’s that new stuff okay I don’t want to close that off yet I do want to open that and now there’s somewhere oh okay that’s a little disturbing sudden growel from behind all right now I got more light down here hi creeper you look really intent on trying to get to me the feeling is is not [Music] [Music] mutual he water again didn’t get flooded out when I put a hole in the wall so that’s a good sign I think I hope I hope I think I think think I hope let’s put some more torches very very well lit area is what I want here sure absolutely nothing can spawn on these stairs and ruin my day and you know they want to ruin my day oh hello who did that who’s who’s who’s the funny guy seriously I think I’m getting get trolled by a skeleton again you know he was trying to knock me into that lava you know he was trying to knock me right in there basic programmed mobs no no no no no these aren’t mobiles these are full-fledged AI they know what they’re up to they enjoy uh humans uh suffering in pain I heard those B rattle I know he’s down there I know he’s around somewhere there it is there we go denote that edge so I can see it while I’m exploring nice bright white Edge I can notice ow [Music] seriously all right I’m going to need to take care of that guy howow looks like it just kind of goes down into a pit can I just let them out can I just wash you guys guys away ow can’t just see if I can flush them away looks like he’s flushing I hear splashing ow all right all right all right I guess I’m at the point where I need to go get some chickens I need to get feathers I need to start making uh more bows and I need to uh take over that little stretch that little section of the mine why I can’t have nice things skeletons I know that might sound silly but look deep down inside even into yourself you’ll find a skeleton there I heard that I heard oh my God creeper Mafia keeps coming for me guys when I sleep this one tried to just drop in on me all right I need to put like a ring of fences around the top there to keep stuff from dropping in on me terrified right now they’re all coming for me guys they’re all coming for me the creeper Mafia is out me for me okay okay all right all right all right all right all right let’s put away the stone stuff and make a chicken Co all right I don’t need granite don’t need andesite no one needs andesite put the bucket of water away put the D right away I’ve got a lot of stone so maybe I’ll just make a little bit of use of that Oak slabs a fence I can use those for the chicken coup yeah that’ll do mosty Cobble looks cool but uh do I use it yeah I’ll h no I’ll save for something else oh ton of sticks just take I don’t know take 30 sticks I totally forget fences fence all right planks and the sticks all right good good good man I uh what was I I just completely blank on what I was about to say oh I totally forgot my axe down in the mine all right I’m got to go grab my axe not for the chickens for the trees going to cut some trees down question is do I use the Cherrywood to make the cherry blossom tree wood to make the uh the fencing the cpee for the chickens cuz if I do that I I can have a little pink Chicken Coop no I’ll make the roof pink that’ll look cute that’ll look nice my inner gay is showing I’m normally not a pink fan I’m not a fan of Pink it is not a color that drives with me it’s not even a real color it’s just light red let’s face it pink is just light red purple is a real color but pink pink is fake pink is an illusion this is just red but brighter that’s it that’s all pink is oh these grew none of those grew but all of these grew oh wait I’m going to cheat a little bit uh I’m going to go to options physics collapse let’s turn it on let’s see physics mod also got updated I haven’t noticed any big changes with it yet though can’t quite reach that yeah just the one single floating [Music] [Music] block now I saw another mod that looked really cool called 3D trees and it it basically remodels the trees um to just be uh I mean they’re still made out of pixels but they trace out a cylinder shape instead of just being a a square and I think that might look cool so I might play around with that that worked well okay I’m realizing now if I make like Hedges later they’re going to look really cool with the bushy leaves that’ll make Hedges look [Music] great all right so so uh that’s all done that’s all taken care of oh that’s in 3D too with the uh the mod I pack I have on that’s cool yeah the 3D mods are are very nice oh that just [Music] grew and that one just [Music] grew and I’m realizing right now I really really really should be turning collaps off because I totally just forgot that it was on options physics collapse off I wish there was a way to set it just to uh naturally generated trees cuz uh there there’s this amazing mod I can’t remember what was called I think it was called the tree cutter mod just something really simple um but if you cut off down the bottom block of a tree it would break all of the uh uh tree blocks above it and then out I think to like one or two blocks away and it would literally just you chop out the bottom block and it would the tree would just like disintegrate it was great super great for chopping down trees um I I wasn’t able to find an updated version of it for uh this version of Minecraft 1.20.1 um but it’s a handy handy uh mod um but yeah if anyone knows what I’m talking about or is encountered it or and and there’s one furthest version of Minecraft please let me know I will absolutely install it uh it also put all the blocks that it broke that were like the uh tree trunks uh it applied uh the cost of uh chopping them down to your tool so you didn’t get one tool use uh you know take one tool use and chop down an entire tree it made you pay for it but it was it was a really cool uh mod really loved it all right let’s get more cherry while I’m here oh turn claps off all right let’s turn claps back [Music] on something just satisfying about [Music] that [Music] let’s replant the uh cherry trees as well this would have been here and there there we go hopefully they don’t grow while I’m chopping the rest of these down and Trigger uh breaking [Music] [Music] that one’s kind of high so I want to start up high on that one [Applause] hello chicken I need to capture you and you too sheep these Cherry Groves why did I lose that oh there’s torches on that that I got I knocked [Music] off [Music] put some there put some there cherry blossoms everywhere all right let’s hopefully get to bed before anything nasty spawns I think I’m good I don’t think I got any mob spawns through the night plenty of eggs more chickens all right good good good man where am I gonna put the chicken coop where do I want the chicken coop do I want it next to the house do I want to hear clucking all the time what’s this building what was this place it’s blacksmithing I don’t know if I want to put a chicken coop right next there man raise some of this up and it’ll be like great field for uh for like cows and whatnot [Music] y I mean I have tons of dirt so may as well level off a little bit of the ground you know what this might be an area good area I need to fill that gash in the earth in too this is probably a good pasture area around here oh wait this is the giant pit into the ground all right maybe not I’ll figure it out I’ll figure it out all right that’s too Rocky or too bumpy all right I want to fill in this kind of region here I think I should have yes absolutely crazy amounts of dirt all right let’s let’s be a dump truck and just fill in dirt also I’m going to have to bring this Plaza section up to like this height anyways oh crap do I have collaps on questions I should be asking myself every time I go to do something do I have collaps on all right that’s fixed that’s good now uh yeah you know what [Music] hm I mean a lot of these houses need to get fixed up anyways so I’m probably going to drop them down now you know what I like these these higher areas let’s let’s keep them let’s keep them going what I need is a I have in here I do I’ve got smooth Stone stairs all right let’s mess with those for a little bit oh I and I’ve got more smooth Stone all right going to mess with that for a little bit I think my ADHD is showing because as soon as I say oh I’m going to go do this thing I immediately get distracted by something else that’s the end of those a little bit more over this way and let’s make the corners let’s do that that looks cool I like that just using up more of that iron I only have so much of I mean I’m a wolf I can I can use my hands my paws there we go one two three four [Music] five still don’t know what I’m going to do with these patches if I should plant stuff in them if I should replace them up for stone if I should just put more uh cherry trees [Music] in I don’t know I don’t know I feel like that might make the area a little too [Music] cluttered all right chicken coop Chicken Coop I need to focus on Chicken Coop so yeah I think I want to level this L land up a little bit um bring all this up to this level screw it I’m going to have chickens clicking around me anyways I may as well put a chicken poop in around here to oh wow this’s this giant hole I forgot I need to uh go in okay let’s bring this up and then we’ll turn this into Farmland right in front of the houses ASMR more dirt uh dirt placement and then at least I also don’t get creepers uh spawning down here coming up from underneath cuz I’ve already had that jump scare I don’t need that again oh that got dark fast is it nighttime did I seal myself off from the light this pitch black where’s my torch where is my torch oh it is night okay this is what I love about this Shader pack it lets me just pull the torch out and get light so I can see what I’m doing I hope no nasty spawned I don’t see any nasties that spawned I guess I can worry about that when I get up to that level so much dir and I feel this pit is going to consume all of it well you don’t even have enough for it man this location is just lucky it’s so pretty with all those mountains in the background or I would totally have just I wouldn’t be doing this i’ just move on but it looks so nice it’s just so relaxing to be in this uh I know it’s a Pixy fake environment but it’s just so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep stacks of uh I’m going to need like all of my dirt and it’s not going to do nearly as much as I thought it [Music] would [Music] there have a furnace here I do not I should make [Music] one furnaces all right now I need [Music] wood did I replant those saplings let me go check that’s uh making some charcoal for me yeah it looks like I replanted that area all right then I can throw these also into the furnace it’s a baby tree it’s going to go into the furnace listen environmentalism is great IRL but in Minecraft if you don’t have Smoke Stacks uh burning down trees and polluting the environment you’re not Minecrafting correctly and uh burn some cherry saplings to make some other some more charcoal too all right we’ve got those going and then what do I need shield shield only takes one iron ingot man I really should have been making a shield a long time ago okay that’ll be uh for next time okay let’s see what do I need I’ve got fence I got that ah shoot can I can I use use this saw on wood no that’s dumb I always thought I saw these like in the mountains in like like a Lumber’s little like lean to or something like a logger’s lean to that’d be great if we could process uh it but it’s just for stone cutting should just call it the uh cutter you know or the saw rotary saw saw T there we go saw table they should just call it the saw table and then uh you can use wood on it you can use whatever can can I use Planks on it no it it’s exclusively for stone sad okay let’s make a bunch of those keep those make a ton of fences okay those for the chicken coou grab literally all the uh dirt because I want to fill in that hole anyways it needs to be done at some point anyways so we’ll get it done now steal dirt from here cuz these are technically too high not sure if it’s faster to break it with like myself or to use the uh just hold the break button still not decided yet mining is definitely uh faster when you’re using the pick it might be faster if I use this shovel and actually like smack the blocks all right deep dark hell Fisher it’s time to seal you up and I know I I could just be sealing up like the entrances and leaving this cave underneath uh but that leaves a small problem in that stuff can spawn here and I don’t want to hear zombie moaning all the time that I’m in the village be a little awkward you know trying to enjoy nice day and uh there’s just moaning coming from underground there we go e all right it’s actually filling up pretty well still going to run out of dirt before I get this completed but but that’s probably better for you guys watching for pacing because you guys want to see me uh get blown up by creepers and you want to watch me uh dig myself into a pit and then fall into it and fall into lava or dig straight down like the genius I am and find diamonds no find Death find horrifying death but it’ll be entertaining to watch me uh scream as I fall into a pit oh speaking of uh pit it’s now getting dark again and stuff will spawn and then I will be screaming again there we go safe safe safe safe all right already looking so much less uh hostile than it was all right the last 64 that I have totally went the wrong way to grab a torch but uh we’ll go with that better all right that’s look looking better all right for now we’ll put a temporary chicken cop right here one two three yeah there we go that looks about a good distance I feel like I’m giving more space to the chickens than the horse is getting yeah about that okay maybe the horse is getting a little bit more space than the chickens but not by much [Music] there we go lots of fresh air for the chickens but that’ll keep them uh contained I don’t think they can fall fly up that high just going to steal a block so I can stand up a little higher check this in the center and I’ll just use our four remaining pieces here is that too high maybe for a chicken coop I don’t know that might be too high uh where did the other pieces go did I get them all no went way over here that one went up there all right cap it off with a nice pink roof I mean a hideous pink roof but I think it’ll look nice in this context [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where’ that block go it’s up there there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] yeah let’s do [Music] it there we go little chicken coou all right and I am going to spare an an Ingot for this cuz this will look so much better and it’s also a convenience thing to make this work correctly but I got to make a [Music] lantern you know what screw [Music] it like a bunch of [Applause] lanterns [Music] I really hope that wasn’t a waste of iron there’s only one way to find [Applause] [Music] out [Music] how does one all right uh I wish these this this 3D keyboard that I can hit with both hands was in so many other VR games instead of the point and click option feels like people when they type but they just push one key at a time at their fingers instead of you know typing uh this is so much nicer to just be like boop boop boop boop and you know over time you can get a little bit quicker at it okay it’s just the same pattern it’s just [Music] reversed theoretically that should be sufficient to keep the chickens from flying out what oh that’s right I made it out of Oak actually if I rotate this put these fences down oh it doesn’t connect that’s weird you think it would be able to connect if I place it like that do these always just place that direction no that worked okay uh it’s directional I guess there little Pink Door totally meant to make that Oak so it would match everything else but you know what that’s cute let’s let’s leave it like that all right now I need chickens and the easiest way to get chickens is to throw eggs actually let me make sure I have all the eggs in my possession and why do I have gold nuggets I must have got them from killing a zombie maybe that’s weird all right uh is that oh the pink petals I keep saying I’m not a pink fan and yet I’m going to do a bunch of stuff with pink what what does that mean guys what does that mean wait what I thought these were like flat against the ground before like when they would generate over here all right let’s just uh put those down and then I don’t know some let’s put the poppies in front of my house I like the poppies oh what I’m in a black void guys I don’t know what happened the world stopped rendering uh I’m going to save and quit to title and reload and hopefully not be in a black abyss guys I’m scared I don’t know what [Music] happened I hear stuff placing I think something broke in a really bad way I don’t know if I just have to wait out the night is the moon even moving this is horrifying guys uh is is this how it looks on my monitor give me one sec yeah it is just uh the dark abyss on my monitor too that’s so freaky I don’t know what happened all right I’m going to try to uh toggle some of my resource packs out maybe something in there is breaking see if that uh reenders the world correctly nope all right I might need to uh turn off yeah I think something broke in there with uh with my shaders that was horrifying all right hopefully you guys can uh see yes okay uh light has returned to the world I don’t know what happened there let’s hit the uh bed again wake up and uh restore my content uh options resource packs all right let’s put bushy leaves and 3D back in all right good good that was a little glitchy for a sec over there but that’s good all right done and then mods hoping uh make up Ultra fast will uh not drop me into the Blackness again nope seems uh Minecraft is just going to straight up uh crash well uh there’s my desktop I like Warhammer don’t judge all right let’s uh let’s try uh going back into uh Minecraft again and nothing on my desktop is interacting so I will be uh right back in just a moment [Music] all right here we go should be uh nice and smooth and working again uh I did go and I disabled uh one of my uh uh mods distant Horizons but I’m rendering natively out to 32 chunks um so I don’t think distant Horizons was really needed because it would just give me like really low res far off distance stuff but that might have been uh playing not so nice with my uh uh uh Shader pack let me see if uh it actually loaded yes it did all right so now if I load up mine world theoretically everything should just work it’s like a Bethesda game it just works all right I’ve got eggs chickens I got one on the first try and that was it all right still pretty good pretty good I’ll take that I got some bone meal here also the game feels very quiet for me now feels like it was louder so I don’t know if something changed with the uh audio settings everything looks like it’s where it was that’s definite so I guess that’s just in my head there we go more poppies more daisies [Music] put those there and we’ll put the uh Pink petals [Music] down now I’m wondering like cuz I find the pink petals near naturally grown uh growing whoa my God cherry trees which raises the question oh my God why is there skill oh at least he doesn’t shoot flaming arrows when he comes out during the day okay A little horrifying but um I don’t know if if they generated there during the night when things blacked out on me or or if it’s just dark enough that they can M regenerate in there a little concerning questions for later though all right I have I do have a chick uh but yeah no I I’m wondering if like these pink petals do they spawn only from natural trees or or can they [Music] generate what if I used bone meal on uh one of these blocks would it drop pink petals no it doesn’t seem so if I use bone meal on pink petals I get [Music] more that’s so cool oh my God all right okay now Minecraft feels like it’s being really loud I I I swear I’m going insane because every none of that has changed okay I’m just nuts okay that’s cool though I can I can make more pink petals why wait yeah they’re called pink petals petals don’t just like grow and reproduce on their own they’re they they’re part of a flower part of the tree which is uh I guess weird then that I can just get more petals by fertilizing petals seems a little off but you know what it’s Minecraft I shouldn’t be complaining I should just accept [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it [Applause] [Music] wait the dirt Block’s also 3D oh that’s cool I’m loving this 3D mod pack cuz it doesn’t it doesn’t make a ton of stuff 3D but where it adds the 3D effects it’s just it’s small it’s subtle but it it it looks nice [Music] okay I have a bunch of seeds I now need to find chickens literally just some around here uh earlier these chicken there we go chickens chicken come here I’ve got seeds come on you creepy little carnivorous actually I guess they’re they’re omor omnivorous uh Raptors bird things yes come come follow me I’m going to give you free luxury uh bird condos you too you too can breed chicks for me good if I feed the chicks do they grow up faster I feel like I’m just getting conned out of seed yeah I can’t use it on an adult oh whatever eggs that worked all right it’s getting a little crowded in here guys I’m going to take this one that one is seen too much There Is No Escape and how many do I have one two three four I have four chicks I don’t need you there we go guess who’s got a canorous diet and I can make arrows and there’s a Traer in town okay all right 16 arrows definitely better than what I had all right gots let’s make some bread bread cuz I got that spare wheat there we go 26 bread plenty of bread okay where’s that Traer Trader dude The Angry Angry llama alpaca whatever things yeah yeah you you buddy I wish to trade with you I can get that that’s kind of cool but not really useful to me here pod’s neat an for a dandelion oh that’s a terrible trade okay you you don’t have anything of particular value to me totally forgot I need dirt and I’m going to swap out man this guy with his uhuhuh uhuh there I can totally take a bunch of these dirt blocks swap them out [Music] Cobblestone I can f more of that trash I wait for uh more chicks to be produced H CU those chicks will be very good for uh well for the chicks to grow up into chickens so I can breed them to again and use them to uh get more feathers actually I think I have shears I should check if I can just do shears on a chicken to get feathers that seems to make sense to me I feel like you should be able to do that huh I can already feel someone in the comments going well if you can use shears and a chicken to get uh feathers you should be able to use oh okay he was drinking his invisibility potion okay that was just freaking me out weird weird noise there for a second um but yeah know someone’s going to say uh oh if you can Shear a chicken to get feathers you should be able to Shear a uh cow and get leather which I don’t you know I think the the the chicken thing makes a little more sense I mean it is I guess a little weird but the other one’s a straight up handable Lecter oh my God I just real realized if I go out over here I can change out cuz I’ve got lanterns I’m going to change out these uh torches for lanterns CU I think it’ll look so much prettier just realized the torch prodicle effects have been disabled probably for uh quality oh yes that defin looks so [Music] beautiful I don’t know about you guys what do you think should I replace all these torches with uh lanterns or should they stay torches what is happening with the iron or not the iron the copper look pale weird okay then it’s just the lighting H wait I just realized I can put a lantern on that post out by the house and that’ll look really nice huh huh to you too sir okay just going to think to myself I really hope collapse is off right now I think it is but I’m not entirely sure there little hanging Lantern actually I probably should just build build this right in front of the road just build it over the road there we go and the lantern just Falls perfect feel like I’m missing fence blocks but I guess not roughly where it was I think some dirt blocks [Music] down that seems a reasonable [Music] height that’s what five high one two three one two three four okay four high two over ah that feels like it hangs way too low maybe if it’s just at the end like right there still kind of feels low maybe tiki torch style yeah I like that that’s just simple simple nice and then it’s closer to the ground so it should get more more light uh around the surface which is good all right let me put this spare Lantern away don’t really think I need Oak fences for anything right now bunch more seeds let’s see if I can and speed up the growth of one of these chicks still feel like I’m just getting ripped off oh yeah go go back in escapes get the axe all righty so I have to wait on those so I’ve cooked chicken now should be able to mix a chicken and uh bread make like a chicken sandwich I guess it’s a bit much for Minecraft cuz it does try to keep everything relatively stripped down except for the points where it decides to get very complex all right let’s go Place more dirt in that gash actually uhuh this yeah so this is where it was let’s make some Stone uh Stone steps in the most inefficient way possible but whatever it’ll do it’ll do for my needs so I have a nice Neer wave to up and down this area well I still wait on those uh chicks to grow nice easy not too crazy uh stairs down to this lower [Applause] level oh heck you know what probably look even nicer even smoother if I just use uh Cobblestone slabs there we go there tons of cobblestone slabs better return on investment for the stone that goes into it there we go now it’s an even smoother stairwell down there we go better it’s coming along still kind of a old dumpy one Horse Town literally but but it is improving it’s getting better getting actual [Applause] roads this this I’m going to have to bring something like down there and then down back down around again to reach it but that’s looking good that’s looking good all right plenty more dirt to go fill in that hole let’s get a little bit more of that done before the sun completely goes down all the nasty things come out to try and murder me like the creeper Mafia then again creeper Mafia has also tried to hit me out uh to put a hit out on me during the day so I don’t know how safe I necessarily am and they’ve come for me while I was sleeping dirt there all right that does it for the little bit of dirt I was able to get ah yes let just be a traiter dude freaking me out man and for dyes I wonder what uh oh there it is blue corn flour shoot I need bone me wait does pink petals give you pink dye I wonder I put them away put them here all right the azur bluette gives you light gray dye despite the first name being blue and the second name being blue someone was trolling okay it just it straight up gives you pain pink d purple I don’t haven’t figured out dies yet soon one day I need red and I need blue to make the purple does oxide Daisy give me like gr Dy all [Applause] right I just realized I could have used seeds for breeding those chickens all right I’ll just get more I was a little disappointed to learn that in VR if I hit one of these I can I can just get it but but if I’m holding the hoe it doesn’t work it doesn’t interact cuz if you hit with the hoe it thinks you’re trying to use it on a dirt block but they should have made it so uh if you hit a hoe against a wheat at no no uh cost to the hoe it would break the wheat that would have been great cuz that’s that’s how you can use it in like regular Minecraft weren’t there four of you guys oh okay there still are four of you guys you make a baby perfect one of you make eggs [Music] I need like a little chest or something ooh Barrel how do I make a [Music] barrel I thought it was just all slabs around Barrel okay wait a minute uh does do all the barrels look the same man they need to make the barrels uh different colors they need to make different color chests different color barrels and then this be like the look of the barrel if you mix use like a mix of woods just like that chest over there should be the look of the chest if you use a mix of woods but uh whatever all right barrel barrel [Music] barrel this corner ha NOP no no skap for you [Music] chickens and into here I can place I was going to put seeds and I realized I fed them all to the chick but still still useful for next time [Music] shears shears on the chicken do I have shears in here no they must be down in the mines all right let’s just make more [Music] shears huh I I really hope this wasn’t a waste of metal and that this works and gives me a feather nope it does not all right are you [Music] serious oh yeah the fence okay and another check that’s good all right um I’ve got some more arrows which means I can shoot more skeletons and my pickax is about had it so I may as well go back down into the mines don’t have any real dirt block or anything else I can do so on onwards into the mines I love how those lanterns look there with the cherry blossoms I need to put the cap the top on this uh building here too at some point I haven’t figured out exactly what I’m going to make it out of though probably should just use Granite nice nice red top all right I have a lot of cherry logs so let’s just burn Cherry logs for a while oh my God I have two sets I have a second set of shears already down here that’s awful all right I’m going to take this cuz I’m going to need it again in a bit all right put the shovels away because I don’t really need the shovels just yet keep one with me in case I encounter a bunch of dirt I need to clear let’s put these away because I don’t really need them torches are handy this I don’t need that I’m not using and I don’t want to confuse it for what I am using same with those okay stone stone can go into the stone cutter and I can make a bunch of stone brick stairs which I need those to go deeper I need diorite which I think I left up above this is becoming the game of oops I forgot to get insert thing here at the store let’s some logs away in case I need them later and take this diate oh I have a ton of stairs too perfect and I need these guys need some Cobblestone die right in die right out turn yourself around and you shake it all about there we go all right so now I should be able to go back down hopefully there’s just no skeletons around right now okay good I took so long coming back they got bored and left all right now I’m crouching I didn’t realize that uh going to open my menu is going to cancel my Crouch that’s really good to know now oh my God crap this is not where I want to be and I don’t have dirt blocks to just like build up to there just going to munch some chicken and hope I not die all right so uh first things first check some torches oh my God okay well that was uh awful and unpleasant in all the ways it ever could possibly be shut up dude anyways all right I need to get back down into the dark bucket thought I had a bucket here I guess not all right I need to go and get all my stuff back now horrifying oh yeah I should have put a lantern there that look nice hanging from that later that’s what I’ll do later now it’ be cool if if you drop a torch if it like illuminated the area around where it dropped like from the uh the block that it landed on that would be really cool cool that’ be a really neat uh feature or an effect to have yep that’s what I was afraid [Music] of no go into the pit oh it’s not a pit I was hoping that would just be a sheer drop into the abyss but no no it can’t ever be a nice convenient sheer drop into the abyss well this looks pretty that’s cool except for I’m getting slowly surrounded more skeletons too all right I need to put my where is my torch where are my torches where the heck did my torches go they couldn’t have been launched too far I hope they didn’t get destroyed by the creeper blast that was a lot of torches to lose bro I will murder you I guess I mean I I wasn’t lying o that’s more lapis my torches end up down here there’s an axe there’s some arrows it’s possible my torches just ended up further down deep though further down deep is a creepy and disturbing place and I don’t know how far I want to go without actually having found the Torches yet I might just have to consign them to uh being lost into the pit I don’t see them anywhere all right torches are gone but I did find lapis which is good okay there’s my stairwell need to get around this Gap cre died though at least s that’s good let’s go grab my stuff again actually uh no I got spare torches in the m so I’ll grab those I love how those lanterns look settle my headset all right back down torture torture torture oh I get it yes it’s torture oh shoot that was myh chest with my supplies see all right bunch of torches es least I can get that what odds are I’ll probably die again so I should just make more torches get my big Supply there and then uh I’m going to need another H which is good what are we saving coal I thought I had coal in here but I guess not all right torches I have a pickaxe skeletons right there of course and now I don’t have a bow or those arrows I just made yes shoot each other shoot each other fight oh my God thanks creeper everything is so angry right now I’ve lost all my new stuff I’ve lost all my old stuff ah all right new plan run in grab stuff get out no fighting just go probably should make a shield I’m going to do that I’m going to make a shield and I’m going to go at least I was right I called it I’m probably going to die again so I don’t want to lose a full stack of torches so I’ll just make them oh I’m stupid I was just wondering where did I thought I had Char uh coal stored up where did my coal go of course where my coal went I just used it to make those torches that I just lost all right back up here again iron iron planks Shield I’ll take a stone ho cuz it’s better than nothing all right I have a shield I have a hoe I can hopefully better defend myself this is what I got the main stairwell is going well though just have to get down through this next new pit of Hell dirt there which is Handy oh am I not hitting using the shield correctly [Music] oh okay that’s teleport that’s what I okay I think I need to change the settings because I need to not teleport when I pull that trigger because I think that’s what makes the shield actually like work all right uh option skin customization no it’s kind of NE I just realized that that’s here controls controls controls sneak hold actually no VR settings this is what I need actually did I make sure uh my keyboard setting my control settings were good yes okay those are how I want those to be okay uh VR settings uh hot switching yes chat Crosshair settings those are all good Locomotion [Music] settings teleport settings free move settings Force free move yes right now pulling the trigger makes me walk forward which I don’t want either uh okay options VR settings Locomotion settings REM move settings Auto Sprint is on yes analog movement on actually no I want okay that doesn’t I don’t think that really matters because I’m moving relative to my hmd uh okay I don’t want to use left trigger for that uh controller settings all right first hands requires a restart to take effect okay the entire game or do I just have to save and quit and then go back I’m not sure might require the whole thing to be closed and redone interaction settings though backpack switching that’s cool didn’t realize that was in there all right so that’s good um world scale radial menu quick commands yeah um all right we’ll use the teleport and see if I can get across without getting injured but yeah I’m pretty sure I just I needed to press on the thumb pad for the shield to like swing out in front and then work but I was doing that and nothing was happening so I figured okay uh maybe I need to uh um just hold the shield out so I was trying to doing that and it didn’t seem to work I really should have practiced that Shield before I just like charged off into the dark okay let’s see if I can live long enough just to snatch a few things up and then make it back kind of to the stairwell I don’t know how I’ll even get back up here all right some stuff torches other stuff that I had the torch out all right so I’ve got some light bread some of my stuff at least I got back I have my stuff get flung up here nope I’m sorry he has my shield and my sword you took my shield and my sword I can’t believe this [Music] [Music] can’t believe it the zombies are arming against themselves against me it’s like the opposite of what you [Music] [Music] expect well thus ends the mystery of where did my stuff go okay I’ve got two arrows it’s way less arrows than I had before okay that’s teleport that doesn’t help me pressing the uh this button pressing the thumb track that doesn’t help me all right how do I use the shield in VR like I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s it was uh you push on the thumb pad cuz that’s how it worked for me before [Music] swear a creeper is just going to sneak up behind me there are so many zombies here all right I think I just have to cut my losses except everything I had is just gone and uh try to get out of here I got torches back I got my sword back I have a shield that I guess doesn’t work okay so I can just walk down to that level below which I guess is good yeah I figured this would just if I held it out in front of me it would it would be good but I guess not that or the skeleton was just shooting around it but uh yeah I remember when I originally was playing uh with Minecraft in VR you’d push the shield would be like this and it is basically your unshielded state it did nothing and then uh you’d press the uh the thumb pad on your controller and the shield would swing around to be in front and then it would you know work for you um I don’t see why why it wouldn’t do that now maybe it just protects me if I just hold it up in front and I was just way too close to those skeletons so they were just shooting under my shield I’m sorry did I just hear a goat down in the mines okay um but yeah yeah it looks like uh I’m going a little bit backwards on my technology Cu uh stick’s just ready to go no I do not so uh yeah I’m going to need to uh Cobble Stone pickaxes it’s what I’ve been reduced to I should make a sword so at least I’ve got something keep half my bread away since I don’t trust myself to actually survive I have no bow anymore I guess I could just make a new one but I don’t really have arrows for it so not much point and I had so much diorite so many of those uh Stone stair blocks I had so many supplies this is the first big major setback that I’ve had so far skeletons sniping me in the dark I need so much dirt block I mean there’s drip block there but I’ll probably get killed trying to harvest that all right let’s go back to the surface see what I can make use of wait what okay it’s in my right hand is my control for my off hand okay now I know how to use it okay I was trying to use my left hand as my left hand but I apparently that’s just dumb you have to use your right hand as your left hand okay weird place to put the control but now now I know now I know all right I’ve got Stone shovels I need to be able to build dirt kind of fake stairway up to where I actually need to get uh to do it uh reasonably kind of safely so uh yeah let’s uh go collect some dirt actually let’s just dig up more of the uh the town dirt this feels like a little too high too quick so let’s just take this now [Applause] e there we go so we’ll take that how much dirt do I have all right I don’t know if that’s enough dirt but we’ll find out I I heard something again like a goat any one of those llamas down in the mines feel like the edges of the shovel looked a little thinner than uh yeah the edges of the shovel are more of a blade than the sword that’s kind of funny all right so not from there but from here I can go down just put up a bunch of torches just to keep stuff from spawning too close to me oh iron that’s exactly what I need to rebuild uh my weapons hello [Music] creeper oh don’t mind me creeper you really needn’t uh involve yourself in this really all right I’m going to fight then oh just sent him into the abyss there’s a creeper somewhere up behind me and I don’t know if he’s approaching or not and that’s terrifying to not know dirt dirt more dirt good oh hi creeper that’s where you went looking for you let’s get to some High Ground here [Music] shoot the zombie zombie there we go go zombie get your revenge speaking witch [Music] all right hopefully hopefully I’m in the clear looks like more iron there I’m going to grab that really quick di which is also useful to me that’s it for my torches all [Music] right okay hopefully that’ll keep stuff from spawning around me long enough that’s gold I think coal thought I saw iron around here yes let’s get a little more light reaching these areas all righty so that’s better this is a neat little cave so little more iron down there I don’t have torches though just a single block there oh that sound it makes is different from what I’m used to threw me off a little bit that’s kind of a creepy noise it makes I don’t know if that’s just me cuz I’m just freaked out right now like at any moment I’m half expecting a creeper to just like jump into that pit with me oh plenty of iron though which is good feel I deserve it after all I’ve just suffered and lost lava it’s copper not super big on needing copper right now let not fall into the lava all right cool cool little uh chamber here I guess I don’t know I might turn that into something later for now though oh my God okay so this is just a pillar it’s better than nothing better than just completely open air man the view from that mining Tower is going to be very cool all the little open sections it just kind of goes through grab all this iron well I can oh even more perfect tons of iron plenty of iron I mean it’s never never enough iron that is it’s red that one’s just copper is the copper that red though it is it’s red stone all right I finally have red stone can you harvest this with no you can’t Harvest it with a stone pick you need an iron pick all right all right all right okay okay well I missed out on some redstone I don’t know how much Redstone automation I’m going to do uh sometimes I can go crazy sometimes I find uses for it o lapis lapis is good just going to Mark the lapis here a little block totem there kind of wish I could put a torch on it but still okay now I know where to find [Music] lapis all right where’s that [Music] dirt [Music] yeah I didn’t expect it to be so many you know so many Fishers there’s more lapis this one might be in the way though might end up breaking it uh there just more Fishers underneath I don’t know this a big cave all right I thought I got to squeak out squit uh whatever I have no idea what words I was about to use anyways I thought I was going to have a way to uh get out of you know having to build that Tower through that section there when I realized that I could just walk there and then go back up and there’s even dirt blocks left over that I’ll have to clean up later but um as soon as I’m done that there’s just there’s more so uh this looks like it will still be uh my big engineering challenge to try and deal with all right I’ve got Cobblestone there we go at least I can get one piece of this Tower coming down from the core oh didn’t mean to put it there don’t know where that went I guess once I get down and start digging into the deep slate that’s what I’m going to start having to make uh parts of this Tower with is that just that’s just a gap I do not feel comfortable trying to cross [Music] that what is my level right now five probably much higher till I lost all my XP just take a few more uh blocks here leave the grass block cuz that’s handy for getting grass down in the mines actually I might put some more dirt just around it get a little more chance to spread [Applause] there’s an Enderman I hope I didn’t glance that him too long oh that’s where that one went there we go grael you know gravel would be really great for helping me build this cuz I can then drop it where I need it high it up let’s take this gra this is what will help me build the Tower actually and if I know where one leg is going the other St to go just need to Hope a creeper doesn’t sneak up behind me so terrifying dying from a Creeper explosion in VR is awful they can be shocking and surprising in the base game but oh this is just a whole another [Applause] level that lapis I’m hoping when I mine I’ll end up mining oh no it’s is it right dead it’s dead center in the core all right I’m going to have to destroy this no matter what there’s more of it just makes me sad man I’m so used to finding uh diamonds before I find lapis just missed that this feels kind of backwards almost all right I don’t think I’m going to swat over to deep slate for building down the rest of the core I think I’m going to still use Cobblestone oh just a little zombie they fast though ha I have a shield now you’re your worst shoot yourself shoot yourself there we go [Music] man I want to kill you with your own arrows you’re making it hard [Music] oh you gave me a bow all right better and an arrow boy can fix up but the arrow arrow is I’m happy because I’ve got another arrow that I don’t have to make but I’m sad because uh I lost so many like 20 something arrows 16 arrows I can’t remember exactly what the count was definitely more than one all right what’s that is that iron up there I think it I feel like it’s copper I feel like I get up there and i’ be like no it’s copper it’d be so much work to get to and then just [Music] disappointment all right so guess I just need more Cobblestone now cut this every Iron Man that water now it’s so uh transparent sometimes I don’t even realize there’s water there I kind of wish it had more of a distinct blue to it like the like the base game water just keep oh there’s more there bring this all down to this level lot of cobblestone we send out just you know make it look uh nice there we go it’s pretty pretty cool that might have glow squids in it and I can’t tell if it’s clear or Mercury this water this area that’s still not too uh is that iron there’s been iron right here I totally didn’t notice it before right next to the granite is that is that how Minecraft Works uh diamonds are going to be next to Lava and uh uh what is it uh Iron’s going to be next to Granite all right yeah let’s keep carving this down and out this uh section of cave here take this copper for just for the sake of getting that copper open these sections up to each other as well yeah let’s just carve out a pillar here oh I got the grass all the way down in there all right cool good good good that makes me happy all right maybe not do a pillar I’ll build a pillar later when I feel like I don’t want to build a pillar just use up the rest of this pick getting tons of cobblestone also I think the Deep slate is used to is where uh Bedrock used to be I believe so pretty much made it down to uh Diamond level I think just haven’t found any diamonds yet so did just start seeing gold though so that that might be uh they may have readjusted the heights push Diamond Down Deeper okay let’s see if I wanted to make this a pillar which I might be deciding on doing let’s do a cross [Music] [Music] that just all broke all right I am out no more uh pickaxes all right good all right let’s melt down some of this iron grab this iron all together 63 iron that’s good that makes me happy cobbled deep I guess yeah Cobble deep SL Cobblestone just Chu that away for [Music] now actually let’s extend my uh bread rations let’s plant a cherry tree cuz it will look pretty and I might actually fill this up and bring this up higher but uh for [Music] now just plant that [Music] there you better drop some letter come on zombie nope oh no it’s [Music] copper That Grew quick That Grew into the wall that’s not the way I thought that would [Music] go all right that answers the question can I grow a cherry tree down [Music] here I don’t know if I necessarily wanted it growing into the wall quite like that I was hoping it would that I mean that’s exactly the shape I want I just wanted it to go the other way [Music] [Music] man I wish I could climb these uh glowing Vine thingies but I guess not that would be too handy too useful all right let’s plant that again some bone meal get rid of this uh raggedy looking uh bunch of leaves here there we go oh that’s that’s gorgeous that came out really big okay I’m probably going to fill more of this in with dirt I’ll raise that up because I want to make it level with uh that area where it comes off of uh this CU how that would be so this is where I’m dropping things too I’m probably going to make that this height yeah man that’s a lot to raise everything up okay I might just drop that down a little bit lower then instead I’m going like where’s my pick I need to mine some of these but uh I don’t have one all right let’s put this back in here the lapis away so I don’t lose that because that’s super precious let’s burn this excess we might as well make some more uh charcoal with it okay I can use that for making arrows later which I have the materials to make a bow may as well just make the bow keep this broken bow because I can use it for repairs later I’ll put the bow away because I only have three arrows anyways which is not great let’s go back down to uh oh no I need to make uh torches I need a lot of torches oh my God I think that’s animal cruelty I keep seeing it Shadow bobbing out of the corner of my eye I can’t unsee that now there we go all right well that uh rest of that iron finishes cooking let’s go down again see if I can put uh some more Cobble there underneath build out a bit more of that core structure kind of getting lucky with Pathways that just kind of conveniently just can walk down to where I need to [Music] go [Music] man I just realized I had a bucket of water which would be really handy right now ah made [Music] it [Music] darn I’m just going to break this bro this is how uh stale the bread is I can I can literally uh break stone blocks with it all right I need need dirt so that I can just go onto the dirt hold me a little dir and get my dirt block back okay now to go get that iron oh not that I wanted dirt I’ll do with that later once I get actually back onto the stairs okay I could make a little dirt bridge but I don’t want to waste the dirt so when I can just walk around up here and be back on the stairwell man I need to refine more of this Cobblestone also I have no idea what that was that I just picked up I’m hoping it’s something I dropped and it didn’t come from something nasty that was on my stairs when I wasn’t uh paying attention all right get those cooking let’s full up up plenty of charcoal man that would charcoal’s one of the greatest little cheat that they’ve kind of added into the game being able to use uh that instead of uh constantly constantly um going to make just three of them I’ll take one with me and I’ll leave two behind going to make another iron [Music] sword leave the stone sword behind there we go a little more use out of that shovel slowly getting a good little collection of gunpowder which is good T of those yeah I’m short on diorite but I will take whatever the heck I can get there’ll be more diate the deeper I go down there’s piles of it over there in that area that I’m going to try and level out anyways so I should be good okay you’re a zombie I’m less concerned about [Music] you I I I want to see him do that again cuz I think that will kill him if he does it again was I not oh oh that’s called karma you never wish harm on others no matter how bad they are or that happens um I I I I’m kind of in shock I don’t know how I fell off I thought I was crouching lost my balance my brain went you’re going to Tumble downstairs you can’t do that okay that’s right I’m good for this but a stair block apparently I can walk off the edge of all right good good to know I guess you need to have a full block height drop or more beneath you to uh not fall and I definitely did not least the zombie’s gone I say as a skeleton and proceeds to try and ruin my day okay I don’t know if I’ve got do okay I’ve got my iron pick I got that back so that’s good man all right Lessons Learned do not Crouch at the edge of a stair block you will still fall okay let’s see sword pick torches stir blocks that polish diate Cobble put this in my offand because it’s handy to have oh I got an arrow all right excuse me yeah all right weird swallowed weird there for a second I don’t know what that was about but okay let’s uh there we go so again theoretically if I crouch and I move to the edge of the stair I’m good here I’m good here if I go to place a block it doesn’t matter cuz I’m getting attacked by a skel he’s going to snipe [Music] me man this game was so much brutal before the shields charcoal and shields some of the best survival added things oh my God can I place di right from there feel like I could place the DI right from here I don’t have to worry about being at the edge of the stair no it’s just at a reach [Music] all right tons of di right there which is good cuz I need some and here too which is good I’m just going to steal some of this right now handy to have stick that there I wonder if having the shield out all the time now just means I’m insecure but I don’t have to wonder about that cuz I can just tell you yes I’m insecure I’m terrified right now this place is horrible it is haunting I’m terrified I’m going to light it up with tons of Lights later but until then till then first thing is I need to get the mining Tower down to as deep a level as I can cuz once the mining Tower is nice and down and deep then then I can access pretty much everything on every level of Minecraft that that spawns Underground uh which is very convenient just it takes time to to set up but you know what the more you put into it the more you get out of it or the more you get murdered by mobs one of those things or maybe two of them I think it’s both I hope it’s both I hope it’s not just one of those CU one of those I know is a definite at this point this feels dark up here put another torch at least I can see all the the dite that’s available to me we go process four at a time would be nice if you could just press and hold or I use your alternate uh select option uh on the uh controllers here in VR to just grab like an entire stack Worth or just again like I said press and hold and just it it keeps giving it to you h stupid zombie I hear you down there but you’re not a skeleton which means you can’t reach me Q skeleton to spawn and shoot me off this platform cuz that’s how these things [Music] work all right crouching invisible actually how much do I have to go up to not okay a fair amount I mean maybe maybe I do want to oh that that suddenly having a pit beneath me was kind of creepy there for a sec uh maybe maybe I do want to recalibrate my height make it think that I’m uh yeah let’s let’s do this let’s go on my tippy toes and uh calibrate height and now yeah so now it triggers a little earlier and I have to go up even higher now to turn it off just so I don’t accidentally uncrouch a little bit and then uh send myself plummeting to Doom oh my goodness all right we’ve started work on yet another wonderful platform approaching moving over grabbing those can I get those apparently not God I’m terrified now cuz I was trusting in the Crouch ability earlier so much and then I plummeted to my Doom you know almost doom and then the zombie finished me off but you know you get what I mean okay one two that’s where that goes that’s horrifying all right up and in that goes down pretty deep okay oh you have an enchanted bow man if you drop that that’d be handy though then I need to make an anvil but I have tons of iron now so that would still be handy if it’s got infinite arrows on it that’d be like super to or even just mending mending would be amazing that’s what I want to get wishful thinking gets you nowhere was hoping you would drop that bow but nope man those creepers they’re getting crafty they’re trying to distract me creeper Mafia man he made it obvious he was going to come up at me in front let my guard down and then and then they come at you sideways you know that’s that’s how they do their hits you you can’t you you you always have to be on your guard you never take a moment never think you’re safe okay put some torches in here so nothing spawns down there [Music] again more around here more lapis okay tons of lapis spawns that makes me happy more [Music] iron more iron is good so I guess that’s the end of of that iron I just looked at an Enderman okay he doesn’t seem to have been aggroed okay I’ve got kind of like a thing for the lava to drop into torches along here to hopefully keep anything from uh trying to spawn it looks a little dark up there let’s put something there something there I don’t know if I’m going crazy with the lights or here or this is the same level okay that doesn’t actually go anywhere [Music] this lava’s keeping this area relatively well lit dark thing dark space up there so let’s go throw a torch up there know I’m not really active in this area so the odds of anything being in here is pretty pretty small that I’ll encounter anything in here but uh better safe than uh Sor that feels well lit enough some iron I’ll grab some more iron I’ll grab Oh I thought it was a creeper there for a second who oh oh no that’s really unpleasant okay at least it’s like a gentle slope down into a pit but I’d rather just not go into a pit yeah I’m not interested in going that way it’s high enough that things can’t climb up out of it towards me good good enough put a torch in here so at least this is illuminated so nothing drops out of there got a little extra iron which is good extend those bread rations think I need three of those to actually make that worthwhile but uh we’ll we’ll what it can get all right should now be able to unleash some more lava oh there is water right there that’s the water I’ve been hearing okay just a little bit just behind that wall okay so uh back here take out that dirt block let more lava go down to illuminate along the tower at least down to there and hopefully that will keep help uh keep me alive and seeing what I’m doing any more easily yep that’s gone so much work to do do on this core section later but for now for now I can just focus on all right let’s go down yes that went on the angle I wanted it to okay good good good okay I think I’m getting the hang of this and I got that back okay good good good good now I can clear this out and make the next platform take all this Cobblestone that I can get all right now I’m building into a surface again which is [Music] Handy except it’s shortlived that I get to build out into that direction [Music] but there’s iron oh nope Iris freaked out again all right uh mods or not Iris but uh this oh my God getting plunged Into Darkness with a Pit of Doom on either side that is also terrifying man I I feel like Mojang was trying to make just a cute little fun game but they are masters of horror actually no I guess I guess with the something called The Creeper in your game I guess they knew they were up to uh something a little uh concerning dubious oh God the Enderman teleport oh he’s right there please don’t Agro please don’t aggro I’m not looking at you I’m not looking at you we good okay Shader pack I might I might try that one again but uh other than that we might just we might just go back to default uh basic Minecraft since uh it does not seem to enjoy uh working for me anyways uh I’m going to end it here uh let’s do a raid tonight uh one of my friends is on um and I’ve never actually uh I haven’t raided her so I think I’ll I’ll do that now [Music] so let me try this all right ah shoot all right let me uh let me just hit them up and say that I’m trying to uh raid them [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] a [Music] all right looks like uh raiding isn’t going to work so uh I’m going to just end it here uh I did really want to raid my friend unfortunately uh it looks like her raid settings aren’t going to allow it uh um so well we’re just going to end it here so thank you again for joining me this has been air uh I’m signing [Music] off yeah

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT VR Part 3 – New lighting, new textures, new look! «^ᴥ^»’, was uploaded by AIIR on 2024-02-26 06:14:33. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:51:46 or 17506 seconds.

Dark chasms, murderous monsters, the void comes to claim my soul, creepers continue to be horrifying, but that tree finally grew!

Follow on Twitch –

Pre-Stream – 0:00

Intro – 4:56

Gameplay Starts – 5:48

Removing some resource packs – 26:29

What is this blinding sunlight?!?!? – 48:12

Mythbusters Minecraft Edition – 1:05:38 (Answer: It doesn’t)

Creeper Mafia tries to murder me in my sleep -1:11:19

Violent Creeper Death- 1:13:00

Probably could have worded that better… – 1:14:24

Pink rant – 1:52:42

ASMR Dirt Placement – 2:11:44

Banished to the Shadow Realm – 2:35:05

Skeleton Jumpscare – 2:44:07

Where Chimkim Nuggies come from – 2:49:29

One horse town – 3:02:23

Falls off ledge – 3:14:22

Creeper Yeeter Deleeter – 3:15:05

Shut up you. – 3:15:17

Everything is so angry right now – 3:21:45

“I really should have practiced that shield”- 3:29:35

He has my shield and my sword!? – 3:30:46

Goat!?!?!? – 3:34:30

FINALLY figured out how shields work – 3:36:38

Animal Cruelty – 4:12:02

Karma – 4:19:28

Feeling insecure – 4:25:15

Creeper Mafia Hit attempt – 4:31:57

Music Credits – Intro: Waterflame – Glorious Morning 2

Intermission: Dargorr – “Moon theme remix” {Welcome to Lunar Industries remix}

Outro: Umbra Extensions – M83 – Midnight City (Instrumental) [Extended] {Original music by M83 – Midnight City }

  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Turning Minecraft Trees into Ents

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  • INSANE! kpx’s Epic Minecraft Stream Debut

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  • LUJURIOSA: CURSED in Minecraft PvP 😱

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  • PrimePioneer Factions

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  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

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  • Prosto Vanilla

    Welcome to our vanilla Minecraft server! We always update to the latest version of the game so you can enjoy the latest features and fixes from Mojang. Feel the true spirit of Minecraft without any mods, just a pure game and nothing extra. Join us, explore worlds, build your masterpieces and play together with a friendly community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Basic Ocean Meme? Try Totally Spicy”

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Growth Spree

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  • Oi Oi Oi, Hotter than a Lava Bucket! 😂🔥

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  • Shulker Farm Shenanigans: Minecraft Hardcore Setup

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  • Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE

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  • INSANE Maelstrom Mod in Minecraft 1.12.2!

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  • Droplet’s Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!

    Droplet's Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky blocks with Twitch Subscribers (Stream 2)’, was uploaded by Little_Droplet on 2024-03-25 22:04:04. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:01 or 9601 seconds. Playing Sky Blocks on Hypixle with Twitch Subscribers! If you would like to join the world head over to my Twitch and Subscribe as it helps me, put more into my YouTube and Twitch Channel 🙂 TikTok: Discord: Twitter: Twitch- Kick- Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: “Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht”

    Shizo Clickbait: "Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht"Video Information This video, titled ‘The Fleemtu Bhaiya 😎😂 | #anshubisht #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamerzMine on 2024-04-19 13:44:00. It has garnered 3696 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Hii Domsto ❤️ Welcome To My Gaming YouTube Channel @GamerzMineog 💖 ♦️ I Provided Funny Moments Various Popular Games/Gamers Edit 😈🔥 ♦️ If You Like My Content So Don’t Forget To Like, Subscribe 😍🫶❤️‍🩹 ♦️ For Credit – @Gamerfleet ‎@AnshuBisht  ‎@NotGamerFleet  📌 For Credits/Business/Removel 👇 [email protected] 🎧 I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC AND PICTURES. THE CREDIT GO TO *RESPECTIVE OWNERS* 📌IF YOU ARE… Read More

  • Uncover secret dimension mods in Minecraft

    Uncover secret dimension mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Dimension Mods’, was uploaded by Daiazal on 2024-04-20 08:08:18. It has garnered 706131 views and 40994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. MODS FEATURED: Aether: DimensionalDoors: Tropicraft: My silly little social media: Read More

  • 24/7 Minecraft Survival Server – Java + Pe | EPIC gameplay

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  • Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraft

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  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More