Infinite Delights: Infdev+ 0.4 Saturday Live

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yes well I mean the creepers were a mistake I defin the uh I don’t have program the Bott I just write the code and I accidentally made to in of so like a that’s [Music] buing r very yeah you get kind of yeah you get kind of used to it it’s uh it’s like getting good sear it’s very Abra trying to describe hello it is I steel cat and welcome back to another Minecraft INF Dev plus stream absolutely no memes as you can tell clearly look at this look at this no memes no memes we don’t do memes here okay we don’t we don’t mess around with all that okay okay we are mature focused adults with jobs we don’t do memes okay that that’s how this works all right all right um and if you don’t like it uh well you are uh you are not um you a you ain’t one of the people um let’s see where are we at today uh this is just a reminder right at the beginning of the stream because seems like every stream I get at least one like 12-year-old kid showing up complaining about this mod so this is just a reminder for anybody who’s about to watch this this is you all right if you’re over here being like oh why doesn’t INF Plus have that nobody cares all right we’re just playing block game we’re having a good time all right this is where it’s at all right I I just I just felt like I needed to say that after like the cat last last couple streams there’s been people like it’s like bro just just play block game okay we’re not here to critique this thing we’re here to play this thing all right that’s what we’re here to do so ah for gour to turn off the stream time no no no I I remember to turn it off I just forgot to turn it on at the beginning so it was just already z0 any any who I’m going to crack open a cold one if nobody Minds V8 energy peach mango flavor best energy drink probably I don’t know this it depends on the purpose if the purpose is just oh it’s morning I’m going to have an energy drink then this is good to go if the purpose is I haven’t slept and I have a 10hour workday ahead of me and they going to be driving in then you need something substantially stronger than I’ve been there by the way any that’s where you can do this this version has all the new biomes in place based still no dungeons dungeons are literally impossible they can’t be added just just make all the dungeons the vanilla dungeons just have them spawned in every any biome and uh and just yeah just cancel the biome specific dungeons um it’s 55 biomes uh 16 core biomes and various variants I think is my understanding so that’s pretty that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool bro any who I going to full screen the chat and double the size of the text so I can see everything everybody is saying we’re going to actually play this game instead of just sitting here infia selected World here H can pick up what what what did you say about hose what did your tip say about hose hey guys look I have four dogs swirly spinner pin wheel and gl11 dog rotate F yes um you may notice if you haven’t already uh been to earlier streams you may notice that there’s a that there’s a theme there’s a theme at work here okay with these docks and uh there’s dog food in here where did it go oh I just put something else what the what did I just what just happened did I just put away something in there I don’t know any who make sure my function lock is on and hello it is I steel cat it is me behold behold the face face of Steel cat this is my face this is what I look like in real life by the way I I had my real life face surgically altered to look like this this is this is me now this is who I am it’s not a phas dad any um so yeah we’re going to we’re going to put our armor on cuz you never know what’s going to happen out there if I recall correctly yeah we still like are struggling to have enough gold these days morning good morning soybean soybean has a new song out by the way you should go check it out soybean 56 Channel based um and we’re going to go mining again because we’re still struggling to have like supplies and stuff do I have any more food I don’t think I do I don’t even have a place to put food really I have paintings though those are nice I can sit in my chair this is great we just behold the gold any all right let’s uh just checking to see if I have anything smelting just looking around don’t touch that one that one’s cursed it will liter literally crash the game because of an update changed things uh I’m just looking around to see what I got going on here uh I guess I’ll keep Bones on me just in case take my two golden pickaxes this is all the food I have let’s go check on on our wheat see if we can get some more bread and then we’ll go mining because we still have the problem of never seeming to have enough gold so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to do uh strip mining to get started and I’m going to wax philosophical as the kids say any I don’t even remember if I actually have to sneak on the crop land I’m just not willing to test it out so I’m sneaking on the crop land [Music] here cuz that’s just that’s just what that’s just what you do when you play ye Olden school Minecraft Ye Old Minecraft anyhow hello stupid can’t even get over here stupid stupid wow that was offensive I should be cancelled for for suggesting that oh my gosh really really we’re going to do this right now this count as sniper duel got him okay look at look at all these cotton seeds man we are oh hold on oh hold on just sec sick okay we good oh hold on hold on okay okay we good we have almost a full plot of cotton very cool all right let’s go deal with the really dude I couldn’t even get the door closed you were so eager so freaking e okay now we got to get more see this is why we have to go like strip mining to get the maximum gold for the least amount of being destroyed by mobs cuz look I’m about to have to make new armor again okay like we we’ve been doing nothing but mining for weeks and I still don’t have the gold for some reason okay new socks uh I’m going to we’ll need a new chest plate before long too then I’m going to read chat here real quick cuz people are saying stuff I think it’s mostly method out of the corner of my eye it seems like it’s mostly nothing okay then I got to put some crap away too I got too much crap in my inventory get some bread hold on yes we’re going to get mega bread also I’m going to put this this painting away here I guess okay this music man it makes me want to cry [Music] yes 12 bread based okay uh what we cotton cotton cotton cotton cotton can go here yes along with the seeds cotton just makes wool basically it doesn’t make string sadly I’m going to bring that up every stream until method never changes it that’s what I’m going to do so yeah there uh just put basically everything away let’s we got some dog food here we got to put away there we go works as intended very nice uh got to eat some more you know an apple day keeps the dark our way that’s what they say uh put that on the hot bar and the rest of this can stay in here dirt is handy in case I need to scaffold actually no it doesn’t really matter because we’re going to have the Cobble as we’re going to be digging and stuff so we have our two pickaxes that’ll get us pretty far uh can I just go ahead and repair these together real quick does that require that might require uh hold on hold on inventory click issues okay I’m guessing that requires this requires the what what what is this this this nonsense man okay uh kind of sucks not having access to this chest cuz this is the chest that solves this particular problem that I’m having right now so we’re just going to put that away actually we we’ll that one away you know what screw it I’m going to make two more pickaxes cuz we’re going to go Mega mining this is going to be a mega mining session right here that’s what I should have called this stream something about mining but whatever mining on camera you know that’s what we’re doing today uh it’s kind of the thing we’re doing what else can I put away for sure I don’t really need the bones we have four dogs Okay Okay show that message and then we’re going to read chat real quick you people so I mean best musician of 2006 butter armor indeed music reeks of early 2009 making my way down walking fast faces pass and I’m home pound most chaotic farming session indeed skill issue I just I had uh I had a Baga with cream cheese and four toaster waffles for breakfast so that’s not the healthiest breakfast I’ve ever had but you know it’s sad day and I don’t care so oh the allergies the allergies man it’s killing me too it’s the the pollen is awful this year cut making string is weird and too easy well spoiler man two repairs inconvenient make a new one that’s horrible Alpha Raven Pop-Tarts yeah pop Pop-Tarts I like Pop-Tarts not going to lie there used to be this good off-brand Pop-Tart that I used to have but it’s not as good as it used to be they changed it and it’s terrible now um but I like Pop-Tarts but I don’t get them because I really don’t need that many calories man like I don’t want end up getting all pudgy you know I do poptarts like if I had like infinite if if I if I had like infinite uh uh what do you call it infinite God infinite metabolism cheats um like some people seem to well I I think I don’t I don’t think it’s necessarily genetics I think it’s people who were raised in an environment where they’re just always active like like if if you raised that way then like you’re gonna be okay like you’re going to be able to eat whatever you want until you’re 40 kind of deal you know um soing oh my gosh I don’t hate fat people I just don’t want to I just don’t want to be one I want to be able to like I want to I want to ride my bicycle and and hike and I want to I want to do things in life besides being a warehouse house drone okay believe it or not my goal in life is not to be a warehouse drone and then go home and cry myself to sleep every night okay that’s not my goal strangely strangely enough I know that makes me a bad person but it is what it is man we don’t need these sticks right now we really don’t I’m going to put these sticks away if we run out of torches with like two and a half stacks of torches we’re just going to we’re just going to call it quits for the moment and come back up to the surface that’s what we’re going to do so yeah that should do it okay let’s uh I don’t even need some of these tools man seriously I’m going to put some tools we don’t need to keep this on us right now going into the underground I’m going to keep this because you never know when you’re going to encounter something strange underground in in this mod so I’m just going to keep that there cuz you never know when there might be like a m Shaft or something so uh yeah oh speaking of which there might be apples too no no don’t get distracted let’s just let’s just let’s just go let’s go let’s do this canceling JK I hate myself so it’s funny to see I understand self-loathing don’t you worry I understand self-loathing very well BRB getting ice okay you you get that I ice man I fully support your getting of ice okay some people will judge you for getting ice not me all right I’m all about that Ice Ice Baby okay one two all right let’s do it we are now mining let me make sure my uh screen brightness is all the way up oh W that really helps I can actually see what I’m doing now holy crap okay amazing what happens when you turn the screen brightness up you can just see the world you can just see fre look at that there’s some magma any who now that we’re just strip mining I have some philosophical thoughts to to ponder right here on stream okay about to get philosophical here so so be with me bear with me it’s going to take me a moment to gather my thoughts okay not very practiced in this sort of thing I guess that’s part of where I’m I’m streaming is is helps me practice this sort of thing oh of Raven I am so disappointed in you these were supposed to be nice PG streams this was a familyfriendly channel until you showed up now it’s not anymore anyhoo okay so let’s talk about why everybody’s depressed okay why are people so depressed in modern society okay why why do you talk to the the average guy who’s working a cushy office job making 80k a year okay which is pretty good money you know and and you’ll talk to that guy about his job and he’s he’s just completely dissatisfied with his job utterly and totally depressed like all the time probably hates his boss um because his job is his job is basically a mental illness and we’re going to get to that we’re going to get to that okay my stup fre oh my gosh this mod is unplayable unplayable literally unplayable okay hold on let’s grab some of this my cobbled balt based based block okay one two three okay so I’m I’m about to blow everyone’s minds and explain to the whole world why we are all depressed even though we have plenty of food and plenty of water and we have like amazing technology such as washing machines and like fast food and all this other crap um obviously there’s a whole aspect there too just the unhealthiness of our diets like that doesn’t help but I’m going to explain it specifically from like the job standpoint of like why are we all depressed about our damn jobs and you know the the older folk will be like oh you know like you you you just well you’re just lazy and you don’t want to you don’t want to work or whatever the heck you know you know and some people are like oh I wish I could be a like a hunter gatherer or some crap and I don’t think everybody understands what they’re talking about when they say that but they are on to something in a way um obviously there’s there’s drawbacks to such Lifestyles but uh oh my gosh we’re just going to do this I’m not even in a hurry right now I don’t care any getting to the point here here’s here’s the main the M hold on let me read chat your life went down to the moment you met me very true because no infinite plus that’s why everybody’s depressed when infinite plus 0.5 releases depression is cured yes that is true I am not repeating those words I am not going to do it I am not going to just not doing it whoops uh I almost I thought I was going to die just now any I’m trying I saw a diamond you got to be [ __ ] me right now saw a diamond or something somewhere I saw something good aha there you are okay that’s why I came all the way up here cuz I saw something excuse excuse me sir cuz I was just going to strip mine but then I saw something I got distracted idiot distracted again look at this iron got to get it even though I’m not down here for iron I’m down here for the gold but whatever you never have too much iron you know what I mean okay what was I still haven’t gotten to the point of what I’m trying to say oh my gosh I keep getting distracted by stuff dud look at all this stuff look there’s gold right there dude it’s been right here this whole time unbelievable here I am having a plan and then then just look look look right here why does the stone look different in the texture pack this is not a texture pack my dude this is just oh crap this is kind of like the deep dark and modern but different so when you go further down the stone changes when you go deep in the world it’s a mod obviously obviously it’s a based mod yes it is super based yeah you wouldn’t even know about this based mod right here dude look at all this cool stuff man I was just coming down for the gold and I found all kinds of other crap it’s amazing I’m not going down that hole not happening never hurts to get the coal this is basically the Deep SL M plus yeah hold on let me let me uh we press there no INF plus dungeon yes yes that’s why I Alpha Raven I will I will literally die of sadness I will quit my job and become homeless if you don’t finish the dungeons as someone who’s hunted a gather to dis prefer we turn to monke turn to monkey chocolate St chalky Stone I want chalky Stone chalky milk and chicken tending I’m like referencing horrible horrible meme communities right now uh-oh look at all this stuff man I just keep finding things can’t help it this mod works this mod just sucks you in you go in with a plan and it’s like nope this is what you’re going to do today and you’re going to like it the player is not in charge the mod is just guiding me along a path it’s Destiny you know okay once we get back to the strip mine then I’ll continue my philosophical nonsense but for now we are in the cave man we got to focus we got to focus we got to be in the moment you know yes I got him amazing so clutch must have taken fall damage which means somewhere around things are falling down so that’s scary something to keep in mind I like this music man this music is awesome hello Salvo 91 able nice Sonic profile pick I’ve been on a weird Sonic kick lately I don’t know why confession though I’ve never played a Sonic the Hedgehog game but I really want to but I’m I’m like I’m like the kind of person that if I’m going to do something I want to do it 100% I don’t want to just be like halfway focusing on it and that takes a lot of effort with my ADHD and all so when I before I even get into something it’ll be like weeks before I actually sit down and do it just because I’m like psyching myself up or something I don’t know what it is it’s weird um but I like rewatch The Sonic movie like the Sonic movie is a movie that isn’t that freaking great but I like it anyway for some reason it just has it’s it’s just a Vibe I don’t know I don’t know why and the second one the second one was good too it had higher highs and lower lows I would say than the first one so it had had way worse cringe scenes um but it also had like way more cool stuff going on at the same time so it’s it’s a mixed bag and let’s just say Shadow the Hedgehog is my hero yes Shadow the edgehog I embrace the darkness I like those Shadow those memes where like uh where it’s just Sonic and Shadow having a conversation about something and Shadow’s all like you know Hitler kind of had a boy you just like saying something terrible and someone just like Shadow you can’t say that I miss diamontes oh crap I miss diamontes Crum I Don’t Want to Miss Dam Mones Deon are good good things but I also don’t want to get lost edgehog memes yes course I probably said stuff that could be in an edgehog mem let’s be real the kind of stuff we talk about on these streams everyone’s from the convers probably anybody who’s like said enough things on line you can find something they said that’s like yeah that’s kind of an edgehog moment or at least if you take it out of context it could be ow I’m actually kind of psyched for the third movie I don’t know when it’s going to come out but I’m kind of psyched same with the third spiderverse movie psyched for that one too I’ve heard uh haven’t heard much good things about the oh crap about the knuckles minseries TV show thing I mean it’s a series made specifically for kids you know I mean I guess the movies kind of are too but they’re they’re more I think they try to be more appeal to a wider audience with those than they might with the shows I think the shows are specifically appealing to like kids and family type stuff so it’s going to be your your kids and family tropes oh here we go we got some based piano music awesome okay how do I get back to down from here okay this is this is the crevice I Came In by I don’t know where the diamantes are though I’ve been looking around for them yeah so psyched for the Minecraft movie real Minecraft movie completely real definitely not something that they mentioned for like two years and then just completely stopped talking about for and it’s been like they haven’t mentioned it in like three years so I’m pretty sure it was just straight up cancelled they just haven’t said that it’s cancelled either that or it’s just in development hell there they are there they are okay found the diamantes finally took me long enough jeez there was some iron too I don’t really care about the iron as much but go here some gold nice and some more gold dude this is sweet oh and we’re uh we’re close to that ice cave remember the ice cave I think we’re pretty close to it right there s’s going when am I doing a biome tier list never happening sorry that’s just not worthly my thing Shadow’s going to be in the Sonic movie already be voiced by Hayden Christensen the same guy who played Anakin Skywalker I really hope that this is true and Shadow be like I hate you [Music] how many references are they going to do with that ow and not just the men but the women and the children too Sonic or sh Shadow the Hedgehog 2025 or whatever whenever the hell this movie is going to come out oh ah crap okay well whatever fall damage small damage where was I at here we go let’s continue with our strip mining yay I just noticed something though over here why why did this turn green oh that’s because there was there was water there by the way I never got the emeralds that I originally went up there for isn’t that something oh well I’m not going back up right now I’m not going back up there right now how do I get back out of here just not going back up there right now I’m just going to continue on my Merry way back to strip mining you took her away from me you were supposed to bring balance to the for oh this music this music gets me every time now I don’t know if y’all can even hear it I’m sure you can’t but I can turn it up if you want me to or if I want me to I want me to turn it up no it’s fine it’s it’s already at up good volume okay I got to count perfectly here one two three one two three one two three one two three here we go I messed up somewhere somewhere I I messed up my counting and stuff oh well such as life you hate sand why do you hate sand what’s what’s wrong with sand what did sand do to you besides being hard to walk on like I get that well sand is usually hard to walk on um I found that there are there is a kind of sand that isn’t hard to walk on but it’s not like it’s super common in the world okay here we go a creeper oh man he probably took fall damage so probably not that big a deal but creeper oh man oh I was trying not to let him blow up but he like tight quarters and I turned the wrong way and that was it I know right okay so back to what I was trying to say like ages ago about why we’re all depressed about our jobs and it really comes down to uh and not just our jobs but like our it’s a in the broad sense of our our way of making money and Gathering resources and all that and why why why it’s depressing why it’s just not it’s not natural you know kind of deal I think it really comes down to uh layers of abstraction layers and layers of abstraction what do I mean by layers of of abstraction uh let’s start by describing a situation in which there are basically zero layers of abstraction if you are you know a guy living in like some ancient Hunter gather Society Long Long Ago another creeper is he gone he’s gone okay if if you’re one of those dudes okay you uh what do you do to to survive like think of think of the Native Americans of like the high plains or whatever um back before the settlement of the West and all that stuff they would uh they would hunt a buffalo and they would physically make everything for their life their house their food their tools out of that Buffalo or if they were farmers they would kind of do the same thing and they would they would uh they would eat the corn they would they would use the fiber of the cotton or whatever to make their clothes and everything and uh that’s how it was as Society developed we started to develop layers of abstraction and the first layer of abstraction is money um that’s when instead of me trading something directly with you or me making something directly for myself but I suppose trade itself could be considered a layer of abstraction but it’s just a very thin one um so there’s a layer of abstraction instead of me making something myself I trade it with you for something else and you could maybe call that a later of abstraction I’m not sure but money for sure because all of a sudden instead of trading something physical like a physical thing we’re trading a different physical thing that represents other physical things it represents a an abstract value that we can use that we agree upon in order to uh to trade with a commonly accepted medium and we call it money so so there there’s one and that’s one that society’s had for a very long time and we call it money we call it money okay but uh say well well you know that that’s been around since like ancient times you know we’ve had money for like thousands of years like what’s the big deal you know well it gets more complicated um and things have really accelerated in recent times because all of a sudden today think about how many more layers of abstractions are there even just within the subject of money itself like not even touching anything else related to it just the money itself your money a lot of your money is in something called a bank account there’s another layer of abstraction that bank account is online these days there’s another layer of of abstraction a lot of your money is in the form of credit rather than actual physical cash or even like a a number that represents anything real um so there’s yet another layer of abstraction here’s diamantes by the way okay so we’re up to like five layers of exraction just talking about money okay and then how do you make your money how do you make your money to do the things you need to do well you don’t uh again you don’t directly harvest food from the earth or directly acquire your own food um or like hunt an animal or whatever you do something for somebody else that provides them with the layer of abstraction known as money so there’s another one cuz you’re doing something that’s highly specialized like maybe you’re a warehouse worker or something like I am right now and Bally everything you’re doing doesn’t directly affect you in any way it indirectly affects you because if you do this and this and this somebody will give you that number and drop it in your bank account so that you can so you can move on to the next layer of abstraction which is the grocery store okay like you don’t you don’t Harvest your own food or hunt your own food it’s all prepackaged often times processed even if it’s not super processed like if you go and buy chicken it’s still like in a plastic package it doesn’t really look like a chicken it’s just this it’s just already prepared thing that you can go cook um we’re talk like what are we up to like how many layers of of abstraction have we counted so far I don’t even know but you get so many layers of abstraction and what I thing happens mentally to people is even though you can intellectually understand that oh if I do this and this and this I acquire this and this and this and and it flows this way and and it all works out and I can have what I need in life and do what I want to do in life okay the problem is that that our brains and our cultures did not develop in that kind of environment they developed in an environment with way fewer layers of of abstraction so that basically even though you intellectually and consciously understand what’s going on there subconsciously you’re getting nothing out of it subconsciously you going to your job every day does not feel like you are progressing toward the goal of getting your food for that day or or uh upkeeping your shelter that night or whatever else it it doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything you’re just kind of there doing it because in an abstract sense you know that you have to but it’s not concrete it’s it never becomes concrete basically and I think that’s part of why we’re all depressed about our jobs and why in order to not feel depressed we try to we try to like uh kind of self-actualize uh with our jobs try to like oh if you know if you do something you love you’ll never work a day in your life kind of deal um because without those layers of abstraction we could probably do almost anything and not be depressed about it because we just have to okay it sucks but we just have to do it so we do it we’re not depressed about it we’re not necessarily enjoying it but we’re also not depressed about it there’s a difference um so I guess that’s my rant now I’m I’m going to read the chat to see what you guys have saying that’s kind of the basic rant here Al says the concept of money is dumb and flawed if you really think about it I don’t know n it’d be nice to live in a world without money not going to lie ESS kind of a p ENT BL is the best Golden Age mod it is a good mod I have to say like if you want a mod that feels super vanilla but irons out all the Jank and just just makes it it’s like a refined version of alpha basically if you take Alpha and you refine it without changing it a whole bunch you get end Trip s and it’s it’s good stuff yeah it used to be based off the value of gold and silver yeah that’s true not anymore so that’s that there’s just another layer of of abstraction in our monetary system entro BL is sweet and simple that’s true yeah it’s it’s the mid thing is kind of a meme we just say in kind of mid as a joke I haven’t even heard a couple of those mods that sounds interesting [Music] there’s a few YouTube videos out there um not a whole lot but there’s a few I just want to do Stu I want to do you know I don’t want to work as a modern slave for supp to biling cor that only sees me as a number yeah that’d be nice huh see see but that’s what I mean Alf raven like there you are trying saying like if only I could do what I want to do make art you know make kind of the self-actualization thing um which is what we’re all trying to do because what else are we going to do and tri s was fun on a server on an active server um I find it hard to get into these days honestly um that’s just because I have limited time to play Minecraft as it is so and I’m already playing M plus you know it’s kind of my focus right now yeah this is an archive stream yeah you all all my streams are archived so you can always go to my YouTube channel and click on streams and all I’ve been doing is streaming lately because editing takes a lot of time and my life just hasn’t really gotten to a point where I can set aside that time uh right now cuz I don’t even want to get into the past 6 months but it’s been crazy basically I’ve moved across the country of all kinds of stuff ENT yeah I could stream ENT BL I could even stream on a server maybe that’d be fun uh that is that is not a bad idea actually I might just do that just just to do something different I actually had this winter world that I was playing on a couple years ago I would stream it on Discord it was fun not going to lie it was actually fun and Trip s can be a good time thanks for stopping by a it’s been good it’s been good okay where was I see one two three so six of those so far we’ve got to go 10 10 torches in it’s kind of what I do it’s my thing it’s my strategy yeah so yeah that’s that’s my uh abstraction rant let’s call it that the the the layers of abstraction rant the layers of abstraction hypothesis as to why we’re all depressed about our jobs you know oof whoa and I think that’s also why uh that’s something for example my uh my supervisor was just cuz he he tends to ramble about random crap like I do um except he’s he’s a boomer or something Gen X whatever um kind of a different vibe he was like oh you know the youth these days they just want to they don’t want to work they don’t want to have a job you know they’re talking about nonsense like oh I want to be a hunter gatherer you know and I get where he’s coming from cuz obviously if you were me you know you watching the stream or me were thrown into you know a situation where there’s no society and like we have to be a hunter gather or some crap you know we’re just thrown into the woods with a bone arrow like we’re going to die okay that’s just it that we’re going to die because we haven’t we don’t live in a society where we’ve learned those skills you know we we’ve we’ve we live in a completely different Society uh so yeah we would literally just die like in a few days there’s no doubt about that but where I think these uh some of these folks are coming from even if they don’t consciously realize it is basically what I’m talking about with the layers of abstraction if you were some kind of hunter gatherer those layers of abstraction are basically non-existent so you wouldn’t be you wouldn’t be depressed simply because you basically can’t be in a sense like you there’s no there’s no chance to get depressed if that makes any sense cuz you have to like what you have to do is so clear and so obvious and the way it connects to your own surviving and thriving is so clear and so obvious um even in a subconscious sense like you don’t even have to think about it you’re just you’re just living your life the way you have to live it um you’re not you know no one’s going to walk up to a 100 gather living in like 5,000 BC be like bro how is your life satisfaction okay they’re going to be like what the hell are you talking about like what you how’s your work life balance dude what the hell are you talking about what do you mean work life balance this is my life this is what I do okay I hunt all summer I chill out all winter like what are you talking about you know you know maybe I ice fish in the winter I don’t know I don’t know whatever these various societies did um the different societ said different strategies you know for for uh surviving and thriving but uh yeah it’s it’s a very different situation kind of deal and even even ancient farming societies um which some historians have argued that the moment we invented farming we actually made our lives worse for a few thousand years before it started to get better but any who some would argue that I don’t know I I really I can’t really have an opinion about that what what did I what just move was is there a cat hiding in this room I don’t know any um but yeah so let me let me read the let me read the chat again yes we would be useless in nature we would die a little too soon it’d be cool they get angry when I don’t pay them enough absurd yes yeah like you the domesticated animals thing Alpha Raven why are domesticated animals often depressed something I have found as a mover okay when I was a mover for 6 years I was often in and out of other people’s houses you know that’s what you do when you’re a mover so and because of that I met a lot of people’s cats okay and here’s something I noticed I noticed that the cats that were only indoor cats were very different socially from the cats that were indoor/outdoor cats the cats that were allowed to go outside were less skittish um they they were more they they they just had more uh boldness in like coming up to you and saying hi and introducing themselves and seeing what you were about you know um they weren’t necessarily instantly friendly though some of them were um but but they weren’t scared of you either they weren’t scared to go go say hi and check you out see if you were you know a good socialization option basically whereas indoor cats indoor cats were often skittish um sometimes lethargic um just just generally not as not as healthy often they’d be overweight or even underweight um but uh the indoor outdoor cat well the indoor the outdoor cats could be a little underweight too but they’re never never in like an unhealthy sense like they always had the strength kind of deal you know um because they’re because they’re getting that exercise and of just going outside and being cats you know whereas purely indoor cats are not doing that and so I think we’ve genu we’ve genuinely made a huge mistake in a sense of we domesticated these animals for thousands of years under completely different circumstances than what we live in now we domesticated cats um because they would keep our pests away and we would give them some shelter and and some and even friendliness you know we we could be friendly um warm laps and all that good stuff you know and then we developed a society where we don’t even have to be outside facing the elements anymore and that changes things that changes the whole dynamic because now they’re trapped inside with us and we’re depressed because we don’t go outside and they’re depressed because they don’t go outside it’s like holy crap what are we doing literally that that’s right so I mean life is so good that we made ourselves sad because like we’re not built for this man we’re not built to be stuck in like a we’ve made our lives what we always thought would be perfect and it’s not yeah yeah we got to go outside but if we go outside like depending on where you live a lot of times going outside is is awful one because if you live in highly populated areas you can’t get away from the car noise you can’t get away from the screaming of the highways you know you just can’t do it like well where I live right now um always I can always hear the screaming of the highway it’s not that bad at my parents house it’s not too bad it’s actually pretty nice they live a little bit outside of town but uh in town yeah you just you just hear the road screaming day and night never stops that is nice Alpha Raven that sounds really cool yeah it’s just weird Paradox you know it’s a weird Paradox because we you know they say we uh our ancestors fought for since the beginning of time to created a society that’s this good and when we made it we became depressed cuz a it’s like now what do we do and B it’s like we’re we’re we’re not living like our kind are meant to live if that makes sense or any kind is meant to live you know we’re not meant to be cooped up inside all day eting poptarts and Oreos you know and Doritos like that’s just not it’s not meant to be that way and there I am speaking as a realist if you know what realism and nominalism are that that that’s another thing that I don’t don’t even want to get into that’s a whole different philosophical discussion um but it’s worth looking up by the way realism versus nominalism it is a it is an interesting philosophical discussion to have but even even a nominalist would agree with me that like yeah we messed up because we developed for like all of time in a completely different way than what we have created our for ourselves got a deal and so it’s no wonder that we’re we’re always depressed and bitter you know okay so that’s one two three one two three one two three one two three look at that okay all right oh hello dude my dude goodbye my dude roads and ugly buildings yeah I know how you feel well there’s green over here thankfully at least there’s that it’s the South there’s green everywhere don’t don’t matter where you go even in the concrete jungle there’s green you hear coyotes all the time that’s cool that’s cool when is this thing online I’ve noticed that people keep talking about the uh the morning doves you you’ll understand so I mean they don’t have morning does in Europe I don’t think least probably obviously it wouldn’t be the same species but uh the morning doves I remember in the neighborhood I grew up as a kid I could hear those morning doves like every morning in the summer and Robins too I would see them all the time and I’ve noticed in like the past few years I think I went like two years and didn’t see a single Robin which even 5 years ago wasn’t the case and that makes no sense I don’t understand why I don’t understand what’s going on it doesn’t seem right you know um and the morning deaths like what happened to morning deaths and that’s morning spelled m o u r n NG by the way as in morning crying you know 2 rent for a closet gosh and I say all this not knowing like what what would even be a solution to any of this like there’s so many people you know but but it’s not like we can’t make Solutions it’s just that who has the money and who has who who cares you know and that’s the thing is like human society can only solve the problems it actually car enough about to solve you know um if the people at the top don’t give a damn then the problems aren’t going to be solved you know that tends to be how it goes the only problems that get solved are the problems that the people who can solve societal level problems have any desire to which sometimes is is good and helpful and sometimes they’re just things they don’t even notice like people who live in $2,000 closet Apartments oh I hate artificial Parks now I hate parks that feel artificial gold there’s gold right there I have to go get it crap I heard a bat trickle down economics oh look string I finally got some freaking string uh I don’t need one magma block I’ll take the string or or the the dirt I mean I can come if I want magma I can come down and collect magma but I don’t know what I’m going to do with this dirt though like seriously what what do I ever do with this dirt I don’t know how am I doing on Gold N still haven’t even replenished what I’ve used that Gold’s kind of far away all right oh crap there’s a bat back into a corner wait for it to find me dang it where’s the bat is that iron yeah iron iron gold iron uh down here we have some is that a diamonds no way I think that was just a cave noise where’s the stupid bat I need it to find me so I can kill it and move on instead of getting knocked off into the see look at that see see that knock back if it had come from the other direction it could have knocked me right off into there for real dude so basically I was standing over here and it was right down there it was just trying to get to me that’s funny oh boy what oh gosh how do we get down here without going straight to my death let’s see here I need to eat this is not taking me where I want to go or maybe it is it is taking me where I want to go here we go let’s not go that way let’s go this way a crap this is not taking me where I want to go seriously bro I don’t want to get stuck down in the caves hold on show there an elite slot Al hold I should read chat for crying out loud uh like out loud so soyan says trickle down economics moves like honey yeah kind of does alpha Raven says he that Elite slot God damn it you have it for a reason so mean what I will never understand is that the Oregan pipe business most people can’t make any good money unless you’re part of the church or a CEO Alfred says that’s almost every business sadly game design is the same the developers get shat on by the players they don’t even see most of the money it goes to shareholders and high high-ups so me says they pay so little for what I did Raven it’s disgusting they’re cheap bastards oh my gosh yeah cheap yeah I get it to an extent but if you’re not paying taxes you shouldn’t be so cheap yeah maybe maybe so I don’t know uh which way was I going seriously which way was I going this way I think I’m trying to figure out how to get down all down to all this without just jumping cuz I can see it I just can’t safely get to it oh here’s a dude really guys I don’t want to deal with yall right now I got problems I’m trying to solve I need a water bucket is what I need that’d be perfect well no it wouldn’t because I can’t get back up because of the INF swimming mechanic sucks it sucks man yeah seriously I don’t know how to get down there there’s diamonds down there I I all I can do is is just dig down there basically I could go down this way and I could just dig down to it I guess that’s what I’ll do see like that makes any sense oh gosh okay they’re killing each other perfect this is good ah jeez there we go I was awfully close to Lava just now anyhoo okay so if I want to dig down there uh what’s a good place to do it uh like over here somewhere see but it’s so far down gosh well let’s just try over here or something just start digging down somewhere anywhere really grab some of this iron may as well is that Bedrock gosh okay I was further down than I thought well let’s just move this way get the the void fog going on here I don’t really know exactly if I’m too far down or what I don’t really know where I am in relation to where I was trying to get to it’s kind of hard to tell oh oh here we go we’re getting somewhere but I need to I’m too far down uh what do I want to get rid of I don’t really want to get rid of anything per se uh obviously I want to keep the string because you can’t just craft string out of cotton oh gosh I wish I could craft string out a cotton that’d be amazing even if it was kind of an expensive recipe like three cotton makes one string or something that’d be kind of cool but no cuz uh you can’t do that because you know you know well here’s here’s one thing I could do that’s the wrong freaking button oh gosh I I hate it when I press that button because I expect it to do something different the graphics where’s the fog right now Runner distance normal or far thank you controls I need to change the controls that just I hate that that change F toggle fog we’re going to make it like l or something ridiculous uh swap item we’re going to make that F cuz that’s what I always expect it to be cuz that’s what it was in in uh 1.2 I used to play all the time okay so we’ll go f there we go now I can pick up some more items get my torches I don’t know why I’m bothering to hoard all this stuff I just just have it I guess oh look at that getting somewhere I just built down too far here let’s uh do this or dug down too far not build dug down too far oh here we are look at this diamantes okay where I can’t even see where I was because it’s the void fog Darkness here we go we are dual wielding right now we are so so gaming a crap watch me die because dual wielding won’t let me eat yeah it is really dark okay there we go demones all that for one lousy Diamond this is kind of a kind of a wall almost right here almost leave that be make like a a marker to show me the way back home here okay what else was there down here besides those diamantes and iron I don’t care at this depth I don’t want to bother with iron I don’t want to be down here that long it’s called the deep dark for a reason yes oh dear there’s there’s lava uhoh ow yay got him broken lighting old chunks it’s my special world with broken lighting and giant trees the more things change in this mod the more special this world becomes it’s kind of cool okay I need to go back there’s oh crap wait a minute could there be a dungeon over here somewhere I thought I heard more thought I heard more oh dear besides you okay be cool if there was a dungeon over here that’d be kind of neat I could build a obviously a a zombie dungeon wouldn’t really be useful in the long term just get the loot and leave you demones can’t stop saying diamantes now I don’t even know if that’s correct and like another language or if that’s just gibberish got some gold right here de is Spanish it’s correct Spanish okay that’s cool Spain without the panish let’s get the heck out of here don’t give a crap about the iron right now it’s too dark for all that now I got to find my way out think I may have explored all the uh okay here we go here’s something it look some gold awesome like to get at least a stack of gold that’d be awesome we’re up to half a stack of gold well that’s okay because I still have lots of strip mining I can do why is there Cobble here when did I put this Cobble here that’s interesting cuz I don’t remember that let’s not go that way okay let’s keep the Torches to our left for a moment try to go back the way we came this looks familiar we’re getting somewhere obviously I really don’t want to get lost down here dude just fell down from somewhere okay we’re we at a weird intersection right now we got some torches on our left and some on our right which way did I come from originally oh here we go this is it okay yeah let’s get out of here James 64 welcome good morning oh crap you missed the most amazing philosophical rant thankfully it’s over I was talking about why we’re all depressed about our jobs besides the fact that ain’t nobody paying enough these days can’t afford rent you know oh my gosh go away you stupid bat okay what did I break socks okay okay well I did get those diamonds and I did PL some you kind of see where I was now that we’re not in the void fog that’s cool okay uh where is here we go here’s the strip mine again very nice back to good old strip mining about an hour into the stream we still got a lot of and we found half a stack of gold that’s actually not bad for 1 hour of streaming it’s more gold than I tend to get also I still have more energy drink to drink here you don’t know if it’s correct Spanish Alpha Raven okay it sounds good correct or not sound sounds kind of Spanish is [Music] [Music] L gigantis yes where’s the GI where’s the INF of plus Giants no I don’t add them to this mod that’d be weird they belong in indf plus it makes it special in plus kind of Base not going to lie in the battle towers oh that’s right that’s right okay I forgot that they were already here just in a different a different kind of implementation obviously I have to find one okay maybe someday I broke my spoon no I don’t have any wood I did not think about that situation happening oh here we go let’s do it let’s let’s get the speaking of organs and church music here we are turn that down just a little bit it can be kind of loud I’m sorry if you’re bored or I hope you’re not bored What’s the phrase from the promac 101 video I hope you’re not bored it’ll be worth it it’ll be worth it it’ll be worth it it’s not metal I know that’s kind of it’s not white metal one I know I could Skip and see if we get a metal album you never know hope you’re not bored Pac 101 being the best when is Pac 101 going to stream you know that’s what I’m wondering pretty sure proac 101 did a stream that would solve World piece pretty awesome okay I want the gold I’m going to make an exception I normally just leave my M shafts as is but I am desperate for gold so look at all this look at this oh this is amazing look at this wow what did we get that’s nice all right close that up so it doesn’t look all ugly I I filled it in all the way just in case uh so the mobs don’t spawn in that space CLS off the ones we’ve already been to okay the entire point of the M shaft is to get resources to I know I’m weird like that I can’t can’t some why so what is INF plus I’ve never seen it before imagine uh yeah B basically alpha alpha Raven’s already telling you what it is Alpha Raven is Method by the way in case you’re wondering uh and it is a based mod yes what it is super based this is base craft we’re playing base craft based on what oh wait I I need to okay I’m going to go to to the to the surface because I I need I need a spoon like seriously I’m going to go nuts without a spoon so let’s go back to the surface also I could use some more food so I’ll cut down those trees get some apples I will hat your mom wait she’s already there giant got him oh my God put those back there there we go I hear a spider may as well get some string where you at is there another one no that was just his last dying breath okay the ogres yes yes even better can’t wait for them to add triangles to Minecraft oh by the way James 64 these are my dogs you’ll notice that there’s a theme and how they’re named we’ve got over here we’ve got swirly we’ve got spinner that’s the first one I got um by the way there were dogs I had before and they all died cuz they’re stupid but anyway spin spinner he’s spinning this is pin wheel look at him and this is gl11 dog rotate F notice how he rotates yes yes I love these dogs they’re so stupid hold on let me I got to check a Mythic real quick on my fion uh okay cool we’re good we’re good uh let’s see I have things to smelt wonderful okay I have uh coal that I can put away look at all this coal put away all this Cobble B salt in this chest put away the I canic soil down here oh look I have three string amazing wow in an hour I managed to collect three string holy crap you know what would be better if if I could if I could use cotton and I could and I could craft and I could I I could craft string and then ites doesn’t take an hour to get three sorry I’m I’m having a moment here make a blast furnace for double speeds melting I don’t know how to make a blast furnace you were not doing that well fine somebody mod INF Dev plus to make it a good game please hold on hold on hold on hold on uh this is me this is me now now that there’s now that there’s no uh you can’t just craft string uh this is me where am I where am I oh yeah this is me right now okay upper left corner that’s me that’s me when I can’t me when the mod doesn’t let me just craft cotton into string that’s me right there all day every day U look at all them diamonds that’s awesome looking good on diamonds we’re actually going to have more than a stack of gold for a brief period of time until I have to replace all my armor again cuz I keep I keep ending up in these caves and getting the crap beat out of me so that’s that’s kind of my own oh but yeah it is what it is uh let’s replenish the coal in these furnaces oh je we need we need more there we go look at that beautiful okay let’s let’s let’s let’s move that off off the screen I just wanted to take a moment to make fun of myself there okay uh you you got to do that sometimes you if you can’t make fun of yourself then like like bro like like Bruh Bruh like how are you going to get through life if you can’t laugh at your at your own your own dumbness sometimes you know then then you’re just going to be mad about it and it’s like what good is that or you going to pretend it doesn’t exist it’s like no you have dumbness yeah you’re human let’s get all the good stuff man okay let’s see how my crops doing not bad I suppose but I’ve been pretty deep down so pretty far away I should say yeah cuz Minecraft chunks it doesn’t matter how far down you go it just matters how far away you go something like with mind test where if you go mining way underground uh things just won’t grow yeah so actually in mind test uh things don’t grow properly unless they’re exposed to the Sun by the way which kind of sucks not going to lie kind of sucks man okay do I I should just get more wood while I’m at it anyway so here uh let’s do this yes the white crops are cotton but the cotton sadly does not craft into string it crafts only into directly into wool um claw whatever you want to call it um which is sad and not based and it makes me makes me very sad okay I’m going to stop so I don’t have to put that Meme back on screen again look at those trees Isn’t that cool what is that tree up there is that like an aspen tree or something I got to go check that out oh it’s still daytime let’s do it why do I need string I don’t know bro what recipes use string fishing rods and bows that’s it I thought there were other recipes that required string oh the name tag that’s right which I guess yeah you don’t use you don’t craft any of those things that often so I guess it’s not a big deal uh hello C hi cow you racist son of see where’s the sun yeah we got plenty of time I’m going to climb this hill and go check out that tree cuz I’m curious also I need to make a new axe I I’ll make a gold axe Golden Axe you ever played that game name t will be uncraftable name t will be uncraftable dang it I’ve ruined the game it’s my fault guys I ruined the game I ruined INF plus because I complained about uh wool or whatever any let’s let’s let’s go get this a sapling from this tree these Aspen trees I like the aspen trees I want the Aspen Twee which one I guess I’ll get this one the aspen trees can get really tall too which is kind of neat okay let’s replant that one o look three saplings very cool that’s plenty that’s plenty uh I don’t have anything to grow that with but you can do it little buddy all right well the world height is uh in this mod is is already extended so you can you can play with OG World height if you want to but yeah that’s extended World height in this mod as an option and actually the extended it’s not just it’s not just extended like like 1.12 we’re talking like extra extended World height I don’t know it’s kind of complicated but it’s not complicated yes the lead and the leaves exploding used to have a sound effect so it would play basically the leaf breaking sound effect of all leaves all at once so it was just like this explosion of the leaf breaking sound effect it was awful thankfully uh um Raven uh removed that from the uh from from happening anymore so it’s not as it’s not as ear breaking to to farm trees anymore look at that I got snow on a palm tree isn’t that kind of neat I like that it’s because the biome shifted well while this thing was being updated those this world is kind of unique in a few ways um one because it has the these are the OG ancient oak trees they’re not as big anymore they’ve been made smaller so they’re actually farmable like conceivably these are just completely ridiculously large like you would never actually want to try to do anything with those so but yeah those exist in this world and that’s kind of cool no yeah no and NPCs are cringe NPCs a cringe uh multiplayer also cringe right uh castles castles are Mega cringe we we do not want to add castles at this point I’m just talking [ __ ] by the way not serious castles castles are cool I’m just I’m just talking [ __ ] okay let’s uh let’s get some dirt oh I I still need to make a shovel hold on look at this gold inot okay gold let’s let’s just take like half of this and a wad take some sticks and we’re going to make some tools real quick we’re going to make a golden [Music] axe to replace that one here soon we’re going to make a Golden Spoon cuz why not um okay there we go perfect okay that’s how much gold we have it’s an exact representation of our gold Supply uh cool I think we could do one more mining trip and we might even have pretty close to two stacks of gold at some point I’m trying to get my gold supplies up it’s just difficult oh I need dirt dirt dirt dirt going to expand my tree farm to include Aspen trees cuz I like Aspen trees Aspen trees are B So based So based okay how am I going to increase my creep Farm which way because it kind of Corners it meets it meets up with this so that kind of and there like other terrain around I don’t want to just fill it in and make it uninteresting I feel I could smooth things out a little bit I don’t know well here let’s just go one two torch I can definitely put an asry here I can know that much I can do that it’s fine uh same with right over here one two B like I don’t want to mess with the terrain too much cuz I like the terrain I like the terrain being what it is kind of doing its own thing did I do this right did I I messed that up I I messed I messed all of it up hold on I forgot to use my spoon for a second there there we go okay now I can put the Torches in the proper locations wonderful put a torch right there here let’s just move that there we we go now we have a couple of Aspen trees in our tree farm so that’s cool we can have Aspen wood if we want to yay Aspen twe wonderful okay I have a good food supply now uh supp I can go mining let’s just put a couple things away and go back to our mining trying to get the gold man trying to get the gold I’m trying to do uh where am I at put that away put that away yeah and that’s that’s pretty much good right there put the gunpowder away even though we’ll no doubt end up with more yeah all right let’s go let’s do it oh I have dirt put the Dirt away okay here we go again here we go down the stairs all the way down deep deep Into the Depths I love the step the step bug that used to annoy me but I’ve grown fond of it over the years man that makes me think about how long I’ve been doing this jeez good good thing I brought the sticks cuz it could run out of torches on this trip it’s possible yeah yeah there’s there’s a couple different uh unique mobs down in the down in the caves of course there’s some unique animals too there’s like deer like how has Mojang not added deer to Minecraft that’s like one of the most common animals in real life like all around the world you can find deer you know don’t know did I do hold on what did I do so far one two three four okay to actually pay some attention to what I’m doing here I was kind of half paying attention to chat there five oh I hear water why do I hear swimming oh jeez uh I know not the soil I want the Cobble Sal there we go hello seor dude Bruh Bruh like do this got him okay there we go we good crap okay there’s a dude how many arrows do I have 40 nice should eat an apple real quick keep my health up you know an apple all day oh crap come back I got him yes clutch clutch moment what’s happening in chat James hasn’t played Minecraft in about a year yeah sometimes you go in spurts you know honestly the only Minecraft I’ve really played recently or block game in general has been a little bit of Mind test but that was like when I was looking for a job after my move now I’m not really doing that anymore um and this it’s pretty much it that’s pretty much all the gaming I’ve done in general I I’ve played a little bit on my uh I have a portable emulation device that I play like Game Boy stuff on but a little bit of that from time to time but that’s about it I don’t think I’ve ever talked in these streams about my uh what was it yeah I talked about it with some guys on Discord but I made like this like Manifesto thing it’s not really a Manifesto yet it could be written as one but uh basically a guide of how to get off your phone and touch grass cuz like sometimes in life we get stuck we’re like basically all we do is we go to work cuz we have to and then instead of doing anything really doing anything half the time there’s so many so much time is spent just scrolling on your phone mindlessly doing nothing in particular and maybe you’re watching random videos or just seeing random posts or whatever like how do you stop doing that soone wrote down like this step-by-step guide of like well here’s a theory of how to stop doing that um cuz like they used to say our parents and our grandparents grandparents especially at this point in this day and age used to say stuff like oh the TV is rot in your brain or the video games are rot in your brain it’s like maybe they were right a little bit but things have gotten so much worse to the point that even if they were right you were better off spending every day of your life like playing a video game than you are just sitting around scrolling on your phone you know it’s like so much worse for your brain I’m skipping the iron I don’t care I want the gold I want the gold man that’s what I’m all about all about that gold yes social media is definitely way more brain rotting than any any video game hypothetically could be okay maybe certain games could be brain running but uh but at least you’re doing just one thing you know rather than you know social media your your brain is just absorbing like a thousand different topics in an hour you know it’s ridiculous like our brains ain’t meant for for that stuff the amount of information we can encounter not truly process but just encounter in such a short period of time because of social media it’s it’s mindboggling hold on SEC taking another the SG of the old energy drink okay how far did I come so far dang it I got to like run run run run run run run run one two three four okay five there we go five of those one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay so that’s seven wait that wasn’t even correct that was that that I counted that wrong because H eight 1 two three 4 I was thinking like I was playing 1.12 again that’s when I first learned to mine like this and it works really well but it doesn’t you have to like do the lighting differently in uh these earlier versions so also the the reach is short where does animation fit on the Spectrum like making animations like that sounds cool that’s actually doing something instead of staring at your phone it’s eight of them oh here we are again in this cave once more one two three four five six oops I don’t know having a brain fried is better than having it rotted at least when you fry your brain it’s cuz you’re actually doing something with your brain there we go look at that beautiful okay uh all right back this way James says I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the only social media you ever meaning got invested in was Vine Vine was a thing it’s weird how like why do Vine and Vine and Tik Tok in theory have very similar very similar they’re very similar kind of platform in on paper but the way people talk about them and I haven’t really directly experienced both either trying to talk here I have not directly experienced either one really because Vine was before I really started to get on the internet and of course Tik Tok I just haven’t I haven’t really looked into it at all CU I’m not interested I don’t really want to be on that I’ve seen guys on Tik Tok scrolling on Tik Tok and it’s like dude how what why why are you doing that to yourself like that is clearly the most brain rotting thing in existence but why why was Vine what made Vine so different from Tik Tok I don’t understand what’s what’s so different about it but I know they are because something’s different I don’t know what it was B was Tik Tok but less cringe Vine failed so we got something much worse to replace it yeah basically Nostalgia yeah Tik Tok is addicting cringe yeah basically but all the platforms have something like that like Facebook will try to get you with their reals and Instagram reels which is basically the same thing um YouTube they’ve got shorts although I don’t find myself getting sucked into YouTube shorts like sometimes I’ll click on one but only if it’s something I’m already interested in like uh like if it’s hybrid calisthenics or you know somebody I’m already interested in or a topic I’m already interested in but the on Instagram and Facebook they just kind of they clickbait you into clicking on stupidity on stuff you’re not really that interested in but they they convince you like oh you know maybe this is something interesting and then nine times out of 10 it’s just like AI generated slop just oh my gosh end me end this wretched existence I don’t want to click on this nonsense you know okay one two three three three one two three one two three one two three two three three do I want the I have the space for it it could get the magma but someone who actually used it there were still plenty of spam and cringe on Vine if Vine live lived longer could have become cringe like Tik Tok maybe I think Tik Tok because it appeared later I think Vine was so early it was part of the of an earlier era of the internet basically and because of that there was a different had kind of a different character to it than Tik Tok does even though that they are uh on again on paper pretty much the same thing really guys go away go away oh my gosh I keep getting uh texts from my Energy company at the apartment I haven’t lived in for months and I paid my last bill after I got here and they they still think I owe them money and it’s like no bro it’s just my landlord was too lazy to inform you or to to uh change it over basically and expected me to do it as if I had any way of doing that it’s like oh that’s kind of your thing I can’t just arbitrarily hand the bill off to somebody else I don’t have that So eventually it will be figured out when uh the Energy company cuts off access to that uh address and then all of a sudden you’re like oh my gosh there’s like no there’s any who eventually people will figure out what’s going on over there who knows maybe I’ll get a phone call be like did you know like yeah I knew and I didn’t care I don’t intend to move back there it’d be nice I loved where I lived I really did it just once the rent went up I couldn’t I couldn’t stay so it’s sad life is just sad sometimes it’s like even if you do everything right you know like all that stuff they said in high school about oh do life this way and and you’ll be fine it’s like no it’s not really true sometimes sometimes you you follow the the rules you live by the book you do your job you pay your bills on time and you still get screwed over sometimes you know that’s sometimes that happens Alpha Raven cleaning okay goodbye canceling if plus. skipping to 1.0 yes yeah I don’t know what to do about social media I think the number one thing to do about social media is don’t leave your kids on an iPad or or whatever other device like I see so many parents like even in the grocery store be like three kids in the cart and they’re all just staring at their devices it’s like dude do you not understand that you are setting your children up for failure you not understand that you are training their brains to basically be useless at normal life like like these kids probably don’t even have ADHD but you were giving it to them by training their brain to be unable to focus on anything for more than 5 Seconds at a time like what are you doing yeah that makes sense James with the algorithm the algorithms weren’t uh developed to the point that they are now these days the algorithms are like scientifically made to distract people so that you’ll keep clicking cuz they want you to keep clicking they want you to scroll to the next thing cuz that’s kind of that’s how it works that’s just how the platform works you know okay what am I I got six gold out of all that that’s just sad anyway continuing on we must get more gold spooky cave s James you were born at the perfect time to get unrestricted internet access as a young lad yeah back before Al algorithms controlled everything basically controlled everything you see um or the algorithms weren’t as developed as they are now it wasn’t as bad I guess but uh the algorithms have become kind of monstrous entities in a way I just kind of suck you in and chew your brain up you know it’s not good yeah at least it was fun yeah but back then on the internet it felt like you were controlling what you were seeing you know you know what I mean like oh I I’m viewing this content because I S it out and chose to you know like yeah maybe I came here serendipitously but it was a bit more natural but these days it’s like the algorithm is just oh here’s the next random thing here’s the next random thing here’s the next random thing has no connection to what you were just doing it’s not even a link that you followed no it’s just the next random thing so I don’t know yeah that’s like the number one thing is like if I ever have kids I cannot allow them just unrestricted internet access at a young age it’s just not good like I’m going to give them like a freaking Super Nintendo and a and and a box of DVDs say here you go kid like back in my day I be like but d something I’ve noticed is that anytime like I see a comment from somebody you know they’ll say like oh my my dad or my parents didn’t let me have devices at this age or that age and they all say the same thing they all say I resented it when I was a kid but when I grew up I was grateful cuz I had to actually like go outside and learn to be comfortable with silence and that kind of thing know basically it’s good for your mental health and the long run you think someday I will be a father well I am engaged uh so potentially this is a very real possibility gold we’ll be back gold I’ll be back in just a moment gold don’t you worry gold I’m Coming For You gold okay so yeah there’s definitely potential oh why is this random there we go but that just gave me an idea Alpha Raven isn’t here to take advantage of this horrible idea I don’t think I think he’s cleaning or something but I just saw that coal and I was like what if there was a mob like a rare mob that just looks like a random thing you can pick up off the ground and if you walk up to it it I don’t know that’d be funny that that’d be such a troll such a troll move it’s like those mods that add like chest monsters like you go to open a random chest you’ll think it’s loot nope it’s just a chest monster yeah that would be something would like oh did I drop an item nope oh yeah yeah yeah there’s a there’s a mod I used to play that add on 1.12 that added some some mobs and one of the mobs it added was called uh the filch lizard it was just a lizard that would walk up to you and steal a diamond or or a emerald or any anything valuable that you had iron basically it would choose the most valuable item in your inventory and it would steal one and it would run away when did I get my first iPhone I think I was I was 16 when I got my first iPhone or or was it an iPhone or an iPod touch I I think it was an iPhone but it could be wrong it’s hard to it’s hard to recall um yeah I think it was an iPhone I was 16 was I 16 or was I 18 honestly it’s hard to remember there’s memories jumbling together because it’s not I there there’s periods of my life that I don’t really think about a lot and so if I if you don’t think about certain parts of your past a lot you’ll tend to forget exactly what happened until you try to write it down and then you can try kind of figure it out but um yeah I was either 16 or 18 or maybe even 17 I don’t know when I got my first uh iPhone um or or iPod Touch I forget which one I remember I used to play uh I think I was 16 I think I was 16 I used to play Pac-Man on it there was this game called Pac-Man Championship Edition that I got uh really good at which means I spent a lot of time playing it I also there was a Mega Man X port on iPod Touch SL iPhone in the iOS store I don’t know if it’s still I’m sure it’s still there but uh it’s probably changed cuz those things they develop it and they add stuff and and they refine it and try to make it work better whatever they do you know optimize it and stuff but I beat that thing back in like shoot I don’t know 20 man I’m trying to remember now a long time ago but but I a long time ago I I maybe I was 15 I don’t know but but but I beat this game I’m 28 now so that gives you an idea it was like 12 years ago when I beat Mega Man X with touch controls on an iPhone which kind of which just blows my mind now because as an adult I don’t have that kind of free time okay I don’t have the free time to play Mega Man X on freaking touch controls and beat the game okay like the amount of time it takes to actually get good enough in that kind of situation an already somewhat challenging game using touch controls and beat the whole thing like holy crap how did I have that kind of time but apparently I did at one point in my life because I wasn’t an adult with my own adult adult responsibilities and adult relationships and all this other stuff I was just a kid I was a teenager just doing whatever whatever I wanted to do as long as I did my damn homework and stuff you know first iPhone was in 2020 when you were 20 years old that’s cool that might be the that might be a good age honestly the first phone I ever bought with my own money was a flip phone it’s just a dumb phone um I think it was one wasn’t like a flip phone flip phone it was one that had like a slide out keyboard thing I think um but yeah I played that not played that I I used I bought that it was the first one I bought with my own money I had like a prepaid thing still have that phone around somewhere ow I’m going to collect all this magma just to have it cuz you never know it’s a it’s not a rare rare block but it’s not super common either so I may as well take the time to get some of it since it’s readily a available right here ow and back then I think it was I yeah I got a prepaid plan so it was like so many minutes per month or whatever and that was right after high school when I uh when I went to uh went and lived in Wyoming for the first time for for a year before I ended up in Alabama for the first time that’s where I am now back in Alabama don’t want to be here but uh it’s what I got to do for now in life there’s some things it’s a complicated situation that I’ve already talked about before did I ever tell you the story of the Samsung phone that caught fire that does sound familiar for some reason I think you’ve talked about this at some point in the past cuz that sounds awfully familiar it’s probably in like a Discord VC bunch of people hanging out and you probably told the story of the phone that caught fire it’s amazing how many people I never would have met in just regular life that I’ve met on Discord you know and we don’t know each other’s real names in a lot of cases like you all don’t know my real first name you know um I don’t know method’s real first name I don’t know soy mean’s real first name and we’re just kind of okay with it Discord I think is way better than most social media something about it just doesn’t doesn’t lend itself to the kind of cancer that you get on some other platforms it’s like people feel more like people on Discord than they do on some other platforms where it’s like other platforms it has kind of a I I would call it like a road effect cuz when you’re on the road all the other people driving in cars you’re not really thinking thinking of them as people you’re thinking of them as cars it’s oh look at those other cars you know but uh which is different than like walking in a park or something when other people are people you know I think Discord something about the way it’s set up the people here feel like people they don’t feel like like cars or abstract objects like that you know I don’t know what it is you’re ignoring a math class right now yeah not not a lot of people on Discord use their real name a few people do but not a lot of course it’s the same way on YouTube Some people use their real name on YouTube Some people have their face and everything else and I’m just not comfortable with that personally I’m not it’s not that I distrust anybody in particular it’s that I just don’t trust I don’t trust all of humanity enough to do that you know what I mean so so I I I keep things private I don’t have my face like anywhere on the internet these days except like Facebook of course but that’s just kind of part for the course even then Someday I’m probably not going to use Facebook anymore once uh my fiance and our my fiance and I are living in the same place I’m probably going to use it a little bit less I’m saying I’m not going to still pose but I got Facebook at like 18 years old because I wanted to keep keep in touch with high school friends after high school and what’s weird is I don’t have a single Facebook friend that’s from high school so that’s kind of funny of course I only have like 10 Facebook friends I’m I’m one of those people okay there’s like most of the people you know on Facebook have like 300 stinking friends no not me I have like 10 okay maybe 20 actually I think I’m up to 30 but that’s just because of all my fiance’s various relatives and stuff want to be wanting to be my friend okay sure whatever one two three four five 6 8 9 10 11 there we go now we’re talking all right how are we doing on gold we got 23 ra gold that uh that is not what I was hoping for hoping for a little more that to be honest we are getting up there I’ve been streaming for 2 hours and 15 minutes at this point so probably need to just extend this uh mine a little bit this way know prep some new sections to mine later then call it a stream after that we have been here for a little while it’s been a pretty chill stream I have to say those are the best ones keeping it chill keeping it real that kind of stuff I don’t know what I’m talking about but okay we’ll go one more have like six of them prepared for next time this music is Chill and I’m almost out of yep look at that well that’s as far as I can dig I just ran out of uh pickaxe so back to the surface we go slowly jumping my way up this cave is pretty cool good BR all righty that’s a beautiful day late afternoon in Minecraft times oops I missed the thing there we go hi dogs okay let’s just put some things in to smelt and call it a whoops look at all that iron there we go yeah I had a different username way back in the past couple different ones way back in the past but I’ve been steel cat for several years now and it’s probably never going to change at this point that’s fine that’s good it’s good to just keep a a single thing going instead of being all over the place you know so yeah see all right how’s my armor oh good as ever all righty well well this has been good this has been a pretty chill stream but uh anyway thank you if you were here live or if you’re watching this later hope you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll click that like button or maybe even that subscribe button that would be pretty darn cool if you ask me and I will be back next week with another stream it’s probably going to be something different next week because Alpha Raven will not be able to watch the stream next week and this is his mod so part of this is so that he can kind of get live footage of somebody playing for a couple hours every week to kind of kind of get a feel for how how it’s going down so so yeah uh any who I’ll be back next week with something maybe it’ll be n Tri s or something I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see what we do but thank you for stopping by and I will uh see you later see you later and and yes V videos are coming eventually I really want him to start making videos again it’s just it’s going to come down to once I have a stable situation in life again um which I should by the end of this year basically but like fall I should be somewhat more stable I think hopefully so yeah that’s what I’m hoping for in life um things have been crazy the past 6 months and they probably will be for until September basically from September of last year September of this year is going to have been the most chaotic part of my life in a long time so but that that’s just life sometimes you know life life is is weird sometimes but yeah so catch you later you guys byebye byebye it’s been good byebye GL I for [Music] Lord of all

This video, titled ‘A Lazy Saturday Morning in Infdev+ 0.4 Live’, was uploaded by SteleCat on 2024-05-05 03:50:53. It has garnered 111 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:25 or 8425 seconds.

This ain’t your grandpa’s Infdev mod.

Infdev+ is a mod by method, based on the Minecraft Infdev development period of early to mid 2010. Try it on the Betacraft launcher!

Join my h*ckin’ Discord!

Minecraft and its associated assets are the intellectual property of Mojang AB and associated owners.

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  • Mind-Blowing Bellydance to Arabic Minecraft Song

    Mind-Blowing Bellydance to Arabic Minecraft SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘#bellydance #music #bellydancer #song #arabic #minecraft #songlyrics #cover #art #musiclyrics kali’, was uploaded by anin dan amar on 2024-04-08 09:37:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Server26 – SMP, Small, No Teleport, Java, 1.20.6+, 18+, Older Players, Discord, LGBTQ+ Friendly, GriefPrevention, Player Shops, No Resets, est. 2015

    Attention 18+ Attention 18+ means 18+ Please be 18 or older! It should go without saying, but apparently these disclaimers are never enough. Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins known from other servers are absent by design and won’t be added. Visit Map: Discord: Gameplay This server is meant to feel like a vanilla server. The default… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft oopsie daisies!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft oopsie daisies!Wow, this meme got more points than my high school math test! Read More

  • Crafty Customer: Mine for Fun in Minecraft!

    Crafty Customer: Mine for Fun in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, what type would you be? A builder, an explorer, or a redstone devotee? Would you farm and mine, or create memes divine? In this virtual world, where do you shine? Are you the type to build towering castles high? Or explore every corner, reaching for the sky? Maybe redstone is your game, crafting machines with flair, Or perhaps you’re a meme lover, spreading joy everywhere. No matter your style, there’s a place for you, In the vast world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. So tell me, dear viewer, what type do you see?… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeleton Shenanigans 🔥😂

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Skeleton Shenanigans 🔥😂 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • 100 Days in One Block Hardcore Minecraft

    100 Days in One Block Hardcore Minecraft The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in One Block Hardcore Minecraft 1.21! Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft 1.21 One Block Hardcore challenge! In this epic adventure, our fearless gamer takes on the ultimate survival test by braving 100 days on a single block in Hardcore mode. Witness the intense battle against mobs, resource gathering, and the construction of epic structures—all while struggling to stay alive in this custom Minecraft challenge. Key Highlights: Starting from Scratch: Armed with just a single block, our hero embarks on a journey to survive and thrive against all odds. Building the… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft!

    Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft! The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Experience in Minecraft Imagine a world where Minecraft transforms into a thrilling zombie apocalypse adventure. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast showcased an incredible modpack and resource pack combination that brings the undead to life in the blocky realm. Let’s dive into the details of this spine-chilling experience! 35 Mods and Resource Packs for the Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse The creator of this immersive Minecraft experience curated a collection of 35 mods and resource packs that completely overhaul the game into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. From terrifying zombie hordes to eerie atmospheric changes, every aspect of… Read More

  • EPIC SMALL MODS!! Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock

    EPIC SMALL MODS!! Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft StoneblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘GREAT SMALLER MODS | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 6’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-08-30 17:08:58. It has garnered 854 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:40 or 3400 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock… Read More

  • Minecraft Custom Pack: Farming Wardens at 3:33am

    Minecraft Custom Pack: Farming Wardens at 3:33amVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE- MineCraft Custom Pack-FARMING WARDENS AT 3:33 AM’, was uploaded by Youtube Chanel on 2024-08-06 21:33:36. It has garnered 204 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:43 or 6523 seconds. Hey yall WELCOME to ANOTHER VIDEO OF MINECRAFT if ya like the content feel free to join the discord i post when i go live there i try to stream daily i usually start late afternoon but if ya have any recomendations or ever want to play together feel free to ask in the discord Read More

  • EPIC Bluey Play: Queen Bingo vs Skeleton Muffin!

    EPIC Bluey Play: Queen Bingo vs Skeleton Muffin!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Skeleton Muffin In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-23 09:00:50. It has garnered 3706 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:31 or 3691 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Skeleton Muffin In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon SMP with Quicxil – LIVE NOW!

    INSANE Pixelmon SMP with Quicxil - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] New Pixel Destiney’s Pixelmon SMP Minecraft’, was uploaded by Quicxil on 2024-07-11 09:23:01. It has garnered 8679 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:56 or 13076 seconds. Pixelmon is a Popular mod for minecraft java edition that mixes the pokemon world within what we all know and love about minecraft! mixing the creative building and exploring function of minecraft with the cool pokemon battle mechanics makes for a fun and unique time! Server IP ➤ Heres The Quick Start Guide to Joining my server! ➤ ➤Join the Pixel… Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Reveals Epic Minecraft Domain! Exclusive Home Tour” #minecraft #minecraftpe

    "Insane Gamer Reveals Epic Minecraft Domain! Exclusive Home Tour" #minecraft #minecraftpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering My Minecraft Domain! Episode 1, Part 1: Exclusive Home Tour|#minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by MAD×GAMERZzz on 2024-05-27 17:25:55. It has garnered 529 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Discovering My Minecraft Domain! Episode 1, Part 1: Exclusive Home Tour|#minecraft #minecraftpe . .. .. . .. . … .. . . … . . Welcome to the first episode of my Minecraft adventure series! In this video, we take an exclusive tour of my meticulously crafted home. Join me as we explore every nook and cranny, from… Read More

  • Minecraft Mastery: Use WHISTLING to Beat Game LIVE 🔴

    Minecraft Mastery: Use WHISTLING to Beat Game LIVE 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | Beating Minecraft Using WHISTLING’, was uploaded by Bloomscorch on 2024-08-17 17:02:52. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. The preparations for the journey to the stronghold start now We got a Discord Community server! Go join it! – Big thanks to @LearnCodeByGaming for creating the pydirectinput python library which allowed me to control the keyboard and mouse inputs of the game Github link: Here’s the github link to the code: I haven’t made any releases yet so if you… Read More

  • Shocking!! Axolotls are NOT Pink?! #mysteryrevealed

    Shocking!! Axolotls are NOT Pink?! #mysteryrevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Axolotls arn’t pink #vtuber #envtubermemes #minecraft #anime #animeedit #twitch #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Faye Hue on 2024-01-09 07:31:44. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Technically… im teal !!!!! :U Read More

  • Mikey steals DIAMOND, Golem stops him!

    Mikey steals DIAMOND, Golem stops him!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Steals a DIAMOND From Villager, BUT Iron Golem Stops Him ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-07 07:44:48. It has garnered 5244 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Mikey Steals a DIAMOND From Villager, BUT Iron Golem Stops Him ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

  • Minecraft Cover with Hilarious Duo – A4 Song History Memes

    Minecraft Cover with Hilarious Duo - A4 Song History MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘#song #майнкрафт #cover #дуэт #history #юмор #юмор #мем #a4 #a4 #minecraft #singer’, was uploaded by Тирьяка on 2024-04-23 04:22:10. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • SteamBreaker

    SteamBreakerSteamBreaker é um servidor de sobrevivência multiplataforma que oferece uma experiência desafiadora e imersiva. Explore um mundo aberto com ciclos de dia e noite, colete recursos, construa abrigos e enfrente criaturas hostis. Jogue solo ou em cooperação, participe de eventos regulares e complete missões para ganhar recompensas. Respeite as regras de fair play e junte-se à nossa comunidade no Discord. Prepare-se para sobreviver e prosperar em SteamBreaker! Read More

  • Ordinary SMP – Vanilla Java 1.21 Fabric Hermitcraft-like Whitelist

    [Ordinary SMP] Join Our Friendly Minecraft Community! Vanilla | Java 1.21 | Whitelisted Hey Crafters! Are you looking for a new place to build, explore, and make new friends? Look no further! Ordinary SMP might be just what you’re searching for. We boast a diverse player base from across the globe and you’re invited to join us! Our Server: Version: 1.21 – Always up to date with the latest features and updates! Community-Focused: We’re a small, friendly group of players who love building, adventuring and working together on community projects. Grief Protection: Although it’s vanilla, we’ve got measures in place… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Literally Lava Hot!

    Wow, it’s got a higher score than my math test! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Herobrine Meets Jesus

    Herobrine Meets Jesus The Hypothetical Encounter: Herobrine meets Jesus Christ In the vast and blocky world of Minecraft, where players embark on adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various creatures, there exists a mysterious figure known as Herobrine. Herobrine is a legendary character, shrouded in mystery and fear, often appearing unexpectedly and causing chaos in the game. The Meeting of Legends Now, imagine a scenario where Herobrine, with his dark and enigmatic presence, comes face to face with the serene and divine figure of Jesus Christ. In the video “What if Herobrine met Jesus Christ,” we delve into the intriguing possibility of… Read More