InfiniteDrift – Relaxing Minecraft Longplay With Commentary – Cozy Autumn Starter Cottage

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Hey everyone and welcome to a cozy fall Long play today we’re going to explore a modded fall biome and build a cute little starter Cottage there’s so much to explore and we’re in for a really fun build today so let’s get started all right I guess the first thing to do is

Just start off with the Minecraft Basics so let’s begin by punching a tree and we’re going to have to get our tools sorted now we are playing in survival mode so we do have to be aware of mobs our hunger and sleeping And I guess it’s kind of lucky that we have all these sheep nearby because yeah I’m definitely going to need a bed all right let’s get our crafting table sorted pop that there and let’s make some tools hello what are you doing buddy okay let’s get an axe a

Shovel a pickaxe and you know what let’s just do a sword as well the wooden tools probably will not last very long but it’s good to have them just in case I’m sorry fella it’s got to be done I see you too I need your

Wool oh sorry okay we have enough for a bed which is perfect so let’s make that really quickly and now I no longer have to worry about that which is great oh I see you too you know what we do have to worry about our hunger so it’s

Got to be done dude it’s got to be done all right the next thing that we’re probably going to need is to upgrade our tools a little bit o look at these mushrooms I’m getting so distracted already I Honestly Love modded so much it has recently been one of my favorite

Things to do is play like with modded Biomes modded packs where you have like different different types of furniture and stuff it just adds so much life to Minecraft worlds it’s been really fun to see what all these mod packs have to offer all right the next thing we need

Is actually some Stones so let’s go down here and grab some perfect turns out I really didn’t need these stone tools for that long but hey better safe than sorry you know it’s okay we can just like toss them in a pit later or something like that perfect oh what’s this over

Here big cave we got some iron Got Some Coal which is very useful we’re going to need some torches for sure I mean I say risk it and go down here all right I’m going to I’m going to upgrade my tools before we do that though so let’s do that that we’re

Definitely going to need a better sword for sure there are probably some scary mobs down there the more prepared the better and let’s get a shovel as well okay let’s put these guys aside boom and boom all right I think we’re good to go okay I’m going to make my way down to

The coal first I think I’d really like to get some for torches oh before I do that I should probably collect a little bit more wood just to get some sticks boom tons of sticks we’re good to go and let’s grab a little bit of extra

Wood in case we need it you never know when you’re caving honestly it’s always nice to have like extras of everything I think all right how are we going to get down here this is a steep drop very steep drop I think I’m just going to

Have to like kind of make my way over that way towards the coal first okay I had a feeling that would happen there we we go slowly make our way down figures the first cave that I find is this giant drop off honestly just my luck it’s okay though whoa oh

No all right all right we’re good we’re good slowly dig down we grab this little bit of coal along the way so so we got some torches now excellent excellent really wish I had a water bucket but I mean that’s kind of what we’re going down here for so we can get

That iron you know I think the first thing that we need to do is a little bit of caving anyway that’s what I always like to start off with I like to gather up all my coal my iron just because it makes building a lot easier especially cuz

It’s nice working with upgraded tools and also honestly I use a ton of iron when I build because I tend to make a ton of lantern and stuff so I usually like to set myself up in the beginning with some caving there is a lot however to explore

In this mod pack though so I don’t want to be down here too long because the whole point is to just kind of like enjoy the Autumn Vibes and stuff like that but hey it’s it’s necessary you know it is definitely necessary so I will provide a little list in the

Description of all the mods but basically all I’m using today is biomes of Plenty and it’s a mod that you use on Forge I believe I wanted to keep it nice and simple so we’re probably going to stick to some like vanilla is blocks today to build with there’s no like

Furniture mods or anything I just wanted to build like a really cute and cozy Minecraft house in an Autumn forest and this biome pack is honestly perfect for it it is so so cute all right we made it down oh my gosh there is a lot going on here oh he is

He’s getting hit by the sun this is good for us there we go okay okay we can handle this we can handle this honestly so let’s start by making a couple of torches to help us out here and I’m going to like start lighting up a little bit of this so we

Don’t get like sneak attacked cover our ground here it looks like there’s a fair amount of iron actually which is very ideal let’s go over here really quickly and let’s start by gathering up some of this iron so then at least maybe we can get like an iron pick or something

Perfect grab all this too you know what this is like quite a bit we’re actually pretty lucky whoa look at this vein oh my gosh yes I would say considering we’ve barely dove into the caves this is a very good start I just realized that my food is

Pretty low too so I’m definitely going to have to fix that situation so let’s get ourselves a furnace going maybe two and we can cook some food and also some of that iron I just used all my coal you know what that’s why you bring extra bits of wood honestly so while

We’re cooking up that food let’s maybe try to get some coal possibly oh there’s more iron over here see the problem with caving is I get very very distracted because I genuinely really like caving in this game I find it to be very relaxing as long as there’s no like huge

Threats around you especially if you’re playing in something like peaceful mode um I usually do that for most of my long plays kind of just wanted to play some survival today though but it I find it personally to be very very relaxing okay I know there’s a lot of

Stuff down here so I’m going to come back here in a second once I a go to bed and B get some food in me so let’s do that oh it’s not night time yet I am just panicking a bit I always panic when the sun sets and I

Always end up just like standing over my bed like this all the time just waiting but I’m a little bit too eager so let’s okay there is a spider that is out to get me apparently plus I think it’s night time now so I’m going to go to bed

And let’s pop this iron in you know what we’ll split it between the two boom and boom and I guess I’m just going to have to make another another Stone pick until all of that burns that’s okay Though that is a okay all right let’s keep exploring Now gather up all of this and while we’re here I think I’m going to gather up some of like this andesite Granite I really love building with these materials it’s funny I found that like it’s just recently that I’ve really been into building with andesite I find that

It pairs really well with Cobble and granite goes so well with brick especially if you use a stone cutter to get like the polished stuff it looks so good so we’re definitely going to grab some of this cuz why not you know okay what else is in here I know I did

See some coal oh forgotten iron very important I can’t believe how much I’ve already collected I’ve barely done any looking around what there’s some down there too oh my gosh it’s covered by lava but hey okay I see you Skelly I see oh there’s a lot here there’s a lot oh no I

Need to be a little bit careful there skeletons I find do a lot of damage like I find them to be one of the more threatening cave dwellers definitely come on there we go he’s done honestly I think in that situation he was more afraid of me than I was of

Him I’m just kidding I was kind of scared it’s okay though we got a nice big old vein of coal oh I hear him I hear him he’s zooming oh there he is and one critical hit good to go he’s hiding too oh no come here come here oh

Look at all the iron here though this is so good oh there’s so much I am literally just vibing right now this is awesome okay let’s let’s let’s not forget the task at hand which is this coal we can’t forget about this you know what I always arguably get too much coal

When I’m searching for it like I grab all of it however I always end up using it you know it’s one of those things where like I’m always throwing it into furnaces I use it for torches and lanterns all of that stuff so I think I think it’s worth

Grabbing okay let’s grab all of this nice nice and we’ll take this as well I think like I’m not even sure I’ll have to go back into the caves after this there’s so much here we’ve already got 13 iron and there’s some back at our uh furnace as

Well like depending on what we do today we might have to make an extra trip but honestly I’m kind of doubting it do need a little bit more coal though copper I’m not going to bother with I don’t really plan on building with it today and you know what you can

Find it everywhere if we desperately need it for something I will go back and get some but as of now yeah I don’t think we need it okay that should be good and let’s see if there’s anything on this side as well then I think we’re pretty much done in

Here now it’s a little dead end fair enough fair enough uh we got 40 13 I think that’s pretty good there was a little bit of iron over here as well the one thing I’m was kind of hoping for was a lush cave cuz I love to build with

Moss and drip leaf and all that stuff but I have not seen any signs of one so far which is a little disappointing but hey that’s fine we’re in a modded biome we have a lot of other stuff that we can like mess around with today so it’s all

Good okay let’s grab this and we’re pretty much done get me out of here it looked like there was something at the bottom of the cave but it looked mostly like water so you know what I not going to bother oh iron right there too yes

Nice I would say we’re doing pretty good definitely doing pretty good I mean at the end of the day this is we have all the time in the world we’re just going to be building up a cabin taking our time it’s not a speedrun or anything we can we can do

Whatever we want at whatever Pace I find that usually I mean I think I have gotten a lot quicker building and Gathering materials as I’ve played this game for quite a few years now but like I still generally would say I’m a lot slower of a builder than most people I

Kind of just like enjoy taking my time and enjoying the whole process of it so I usually don’t really rush through too many things oh what’s down here okay okay seems to be like a lot of dead ends in here sometimes these open up into like big vast caves though this

Is getting a little bit sketchy though and my pickaxe is starting to wear out and oh oh yeah this oh this is a m shaft what that’s cool oh dang that means there’s probably going to be some cave spidies around which isn’t good for us because those things are pretty deadly but look

At all this coal listen you know I can’t say no to a little bit of coal there’s a geod here uhoh hello where’d you come from oh this is going to get dicey this is going to get very dicey all right we got to be kind of careful

Here you know what my one thought is since we are actually playing oh no a baby zombie oh God you little Menace get out of here he took away like half my health what a little rat oh no okay you know what we got to be smart

About this I did not come equipped I don’t have any armor on I got a little too eager so I think what I should do is maybe unfortunately head back we are out of food as well which is a little disappointing because we have a giant M shaft over

Here I mean I can always come back to it which is good and to be honest we’re probably going to find a bunch of cave entrances along the way so it’s fine it’s fine the thing is with long plays I’m usually more used to playing them in

Peaceful I don’t know why I just kind of had like the idea to play this in survival today cuz I genuinely really do love survival I personally find it just as relaxing like creeper explosions and stuff can definitely cause a fright but I find the whole process of having to

Like gather food and eat and worry about staying alive I I enjoy that so I was like you know what I’ll go with I’ll go with the survival route today okay well it’s yeah I think maybe we should head back up we’ve got 23 iron in

Here we got a bunch of coal which I should probably make a couple more torches uh so we can maybe maybe we could guide a path along the way so we don’t lose this spot and then I’m going to make my very first Iron pick it’s always

The first thing I make with my iron it’s probably the most useful thing to have and since we’re playing Survival honestly I might have to consider getting us some armor you know what maybe we should spend a little bit more time down here let me burn up a little bit more of this

Iron let me here we go there we go split it up we’ll wait quickly and then when this is done we are going to go back into those caves get a little bit more iron and coal and then we’ll be all suited up ready to go

And we won’t really have to worry as much about mobs and stuff I’m thinking we go the better safe than Sor route you know in the meantime I’m going to grab some of this coal and and there we go I’m going to sleep quickly cuz it looks like it’s

Night and we’re at 25 I think that’s enough for armor let’s see boots pants chest plate helmet you’re good to go all right we’re safe we’re good this is a lot better than what it was before so with that in mind let’s o I don’t have

Any more oh wait I have more sticks let’s make one more stone stone pick just in case and let’s go exploring very quickly well not very quickly let’s just go exploring we went off this way and then we kind of went off down here yes this is such a funny little path oh

My gosh just winds around I’m going to have to torch this a little bit so I make sure I know where my entrance is otherwise this could be trouble just going to leave like an obnoxious amount here you know sometimes that’s the way to do it I

Think genuinely I do feel a lot safer already I think that was the right move making our armor all right sorry Granite I’m going to use you to pillar I hear Little Footsteps I feel like like it’s creeper footsteps they usually sound like they’re wearing like a nice loafer with

A heel I don’t know why yep there he is I see you buddy I don’t think he can get me he’s down there he’s down there we’re fine I hope I’m getting a little frightened some of this coal oh avoid all of this gravel falling boom and anything else around here so

Much iron more iron than I could possibly ever need honestly like how how much is too much at this point you know okay probably not going to go too much into the depths even though there might be like some cool stuff such as golden apples and maybe a couple

Diamonds in there I’m I’m not too worried we’re not in like a full-fledged survival world where uh we’re going to need all that stuff long term this is more of like a little one-off thing unless of course you all are interested in seeing more uh fall stuff I totally

Would love to do more and then maybe we can come back here but for now oh there is a spider spawner in there we’re leaving yeah for now I’m thinking um don’t worry too much about the long-term stuff cuz we’ll see we’ll see how this

One goes and we’ll see if we enjoyed it and then we’ll we’ll move forward but of course if you are enjoying this episode definitely let me know but of course if you’re enjoying this let me know in the comments and all the feedback is always greatly appreciated I always take that into

Consideration when uh making making videos and stuff you all your feedback is very very important for sure all right you know we got to break into this this geode you see a geode you never leave a geode you know I think that’s just like a rule in Minecraft whoa it’s kind of like open on this side too that is so cool I don’t think I can grab any of these crystals cuz I need silk touch right yeah okay well oh wait got these ones but I can’t use them to build with I’ve only got like the shards well

I’m just going to run around in circles on this because it makes a really pretty noise and I think I’m satisfied I did hear little skeleton toes scuttling about so I think that’s my cue to get out of here got another 15 iron we got some

More coal and I think I think I’m pretty satisfied H fresh air feels lovely feels very very lovely okay let’s pack our stuff up we’re good to go don’t forget our crafting table oh my I am definitely going to start getting very hungry soon in this game so I think

That is definitely the queue to leave I almost forgot about my Hunger for a second cuz like I said when I do long plays I’m so used to like not worrying about that stuff so definitely something I need to be aware of I think this was my way up there we go

How did I did I just drop down that was like 15 minutes ago I don’t even remember oh my gosh okay let’s go up here and then like this and we are safe and sound out of that cave now all we really got to do is um

Look for some food start exploring this beautiful area and I think we’re good to go what I love about this biome is if you watch the trees you can see like little leaves falling from them it is so so cute okay I think I’m just going to head

In this direction I don’t know I don’t know I don’t want to run too fast either because I figured if I run I’m going to deplete my saturation so we’re just going to take like a little Scenic stroll through here see what’s around o there’s a river over there okay

Okay got some sugar cane that could actually be useful for us avoid falling off of this ooh those are not spruce trees those are something else I think they’re like called fur trees or something we should definitely explore that as well fish fish is what we need to

Survive I feel like I feel like we’re going to be living off of fish today that’s what’s on the menu until we of course get a little farm going and we can get ourselves some like bread and stuff all right let’s grab some of this sugar cane might be able to use it

Later and let’s see what is around here of course I want to stay within this really nice fall biome that is definitely The Vibes for today but I would also definitely like to explore some of like the fur biomes and stuff too especially to see what types of

Building blocks we have I do have an idea for a build in mind but in terms of pallet not really I kind of wanted to see what was around here uh in order for me to choose my palette I just kind of had the idea of building just a really

Cute simple little starter Cottage that’s kind of the game plan for today and then everything else is pretty much up in the air you know if we’re doing a cottage though I feel like river is best bet I really do feel like living amongst a river in a

Little Autumn biome foxes o cows wow I get so distracted I’m sorry you know what like this is kind of cute too even we’ve got a little flat spot here this would be perfect for a dock this area doesn’t need too much terraforming it looks like it seems pretty

Okay I don’t know I kind of like this area we’ve got access to like the fur biome or whatever it’s called we have a river so we can travel around a bit I feel like this might be a good spot I know it feels really early to

Kind of like pick a spot but this one feels very nice especially cuz it’s so low to the river so I I can build out a dock and stuff like that so let me lay down a bed let’s sleep really quickly and I’m going to have to get

Some food first and then we’ll go what was that I think it was a fox right that was terrifying I did not like that noise at all oh my gosh that was not nice okay let’s cook our fish first and maybe lay down a crafting table so we can get a chest and

Stuff going to have to chop down some of these trees though and I want to take a look at this spot from a couple of different Vantage points just to see what it looks like since we need the wood anyway we might as well clear out

Some of these trees so we can kind of see what the space looks like and we get some resources out of it these foxes are terrifying why are they so what they just attack everything oh free fish I’m going to take it give me your fish oh my

God maybe this will benefit me look at this he’s literally picking off all of the fish and just leaving them behind okay I think I think we can come to an agreement here Mr Fox friend that you you can stay here if you give me your food please and thank you much appreciated

Okay well now this is just this is great this is great okay perfect going to eat a little bit and now oh my gosh I have so much stuff that I need to just make a chest I need to just make a chest don’t worry about tossing stuff aside for now

Because we’re going to fix this in a second let’s make a double right here we can put all of like our stones and stuff in here and then also you know what our wood we’ll have to have like a junk chest as well which I will do right

Now this is the the problem with modded the one problem I would say is your inventory just increases like like crazy because look at all these different types of saplings we have now I find that modded can be a little bit tricky for that okay junk chest over here just

Like out of sight out of mind leave all this stuff in here for now we will come back to it it’s not necessarily totally junk but you know what I mean you know what this stuff why why am I leaving in here there we go we can however replant this sugar cane that

Would actually be a good bet and let’s get our iron burning okay do they have any more food for me it looks like they’re very busy and hard at work they’re thinking very hard about that this is hilarious oh jeez okay let’s go across the river really quickly and see if this

Spot is like a good good little spot for us to hang out yeah I should have gotten rid of a couple more trees I think but you can kind of see the idea having a little space By The River there isn’t much to terraform because it’s only like one

Block height which I actually don’t mind so maybe what we can do is build the house a little bit further back where like that tree is and then have a path going to a dock you know something like that honestly also a space like this has

Potential for other builds if we want to if we want to continue with this there’s definitely a lot of space to kind of expand I do see a little bit of like Hills over here but that’s generally very easy to terraform I think something

Like this is kind of the vibe can I get up a little bit higher just to see a little overlay I do have faith that it’s good though yeah there is a little bit of Hill over here but that’s that’s so manageable so so manageable I really

Like the vibe of it as opposed to on this side also the sunf faces that way which is a huge bonus this this area the terrain is a little bit more rough and then on this side you can see the flatness which definitely helps so I’m I’m definitely uh inclined to build over

There for sure really all we need to do now is just start chopping down some of these trees which is really good for us because look at this these trees I think they’re dark oak that’s awesome so we have something that we can definitely utilize in our build

Today okay I also don’t want these like trees these leaves to go to waste I feel as though I should Shear some of them and we can use them in our build later cuz they’re very pretty and I’m assuming that when you have these leaves somewhere they always drop the Autumn

Leaves they add a nice little Ambiance you know these noted trees they’re always the worst okay I think this is the last one maybe yeah looks like it’s starting to okay now perfect so we’ll clear out a bunch of this stuff I always like to clear out

Pretty much a little bit more land than I would to build with just so you can get like a lay of like where to place your footprint for your build so I always get rid of more trees than I really need to however the easy part is you can always replant them

After we have tons and tons of saplings from these trees so replanting is is never an issue let see maybe get a couple guys over here now of course if you know my build style you know the one thing that I kind of am hoping for is some sprues I don’t

Know what the fur logs look like I feel like they might be a little bit close to Spruce I want to go check that out as well because it would be nice to have Spruce as my beams and then I can work around that spur is just one of those things

That is just such a great foundational Block it’s perfect for beams it goes pretty much with anything so I always like to have some just just as just as a building point you know but however I would love to kind of see what we can make with maybe possibly some modded

Blocks come on oh my gosh okay there’s one more one more guy up there I’m going to have to get you this way there we go okay let’s get a couple more of these guys chopped down and then I would say we’re pretty much good for like the

Landscape and also Gathering wood as well we’ve got quite a bit of all these different wood types which is nice cuz I think I definitely want to incorporate the dark oak into my build as well as the regular Oak so we’re definitely definitely getting uh multiple things done at once you know

O this tree this tree is a pain do I get rid of it let’s see how it looks let’s see how it looks in this landscape cuz I got rid of a lot of stuff we might not even need to touch it honestly let’s see how this space doy

Looking right everything’s still kind of breaking down but I think that’s like pretty much a good space starts from here all the way to here that’s more than enough room for a house for sure okay we’re doing pretty good we’re doing pretty good definitely need to organize some of the stuff in my

Chest and then we’re rolling I think I really thought I collected more Oak than that I really did think so that’s okay we’ll chop down some more trees along the way but wow I was like I’ve got so much Oak I literally don’t have any that is hilarious

Okay oh it sounds like there was an accident yep classic squids am I right am I right all right we’re just going to like throw that into the junk chest really quickly do I have any more food I don’t think I do that’s pretty much it for me um maybe

What I should do is I should grab a little bit more food before we head out let me plant the sugar cane too just a little bit along the edges here we might be able to use this for books or something if we get some cows and also

You know what I should do should probably yeah let’s get some uh some of these seeds planted kind of further away from where we’re going to be building maybe around here oh what’s this yellow Autumn sapling ah I see I see okay cool all right this should be a good

Spot let’s get our four little seeds grow my friends grow and then let’s hit the hay real quick torch up this area probably I I feel like we should just a little bit though you know boom also will help it uh help make it easier for us to see it when we’re coming

Home which is definitely important so many saplings so many and then oh we got some rain you know what that fits the vibe though it’s fall rain is normal you know I mean honestly IRL it’s been raining here for the past couple days and you know what I

Like it the temperature has dropped we’ve got the fall weather is in full effect the trees are starting to change and I’m thriving right now because I honestly really love fall weather which is why I was so excited to do this um one of my friends Dil red has come out

With a fall Long play as well I highly recommend checking out her Channel she’s got really great cozy content and I definitely felt very very inspired to give one a shot as well both me and red are very much like fall lovers we always talk about you know like the cold

Weather the pumpkin spice lattes all of that stuff so it just feels kind of like natural to be doing this type of Long play honestly I don’t know why I haven’t done one of these before I really don’t know why I’ve done snowy ones before Christmas style ones but never have I

Done a fall themed Minecraft video that doesn’t that doesn’t feel very drift I’ve got to be I’ve got to be real about that doesn’t feel very drift I’m going to spend some time collecting at least quite a bit of food just so we’re good for our little

Trip I don’t want to be struggling while we’re at out there takes a little bit of time to collect these salmon sometimes but hey it’s all worth it in the end you know seems like the fox they don’t really have any interest in helping me anymore you know what I respect that

They’re doing their own thing they’re doing their own thing or maybe they’re just like not as good as at fishing as I am you know maybe maybe I’m better oh no oh scary all right how much we got we have 16 I feel like that should be good for a trip right maybe

We’ll burn what we got now I think so burn what we have um also I think maybe I should obviously put all of this stuff away we got some bone meal out of that which is nice I’m going to make a little bit more like another axe but I’m not I don’t

Think I’m going to do iron I’m going to try to preserve that one if we have to hit up like a big tree just cuz I don’t want to waste it although we did grab a lot of iron it’s still very easy to burn through if you’re collecting Resources with it so

We got to we’ve got to preserve it you know hello Mr Cow how you doing hope you’re having a good day oh there’s another one here this could be ideal you know what this little area is so cute this little patch over here I’m just saying that if if you all want

Another fall Long play I could I could see me building like a cute like bigger house over here in this patch like look at this what’s the vibe right the vibe is excellent that’s what I’ve got to say and also we’ve got so many animals around us like

This is just so ideal so ideal so I’m just I’m just saying just throwing it out there got a little bit of ois put away boom put away our little apples and I should probably you know what where’s my Cobble ah in here trying to stay organized

How much of this is burned we’ve got 12 eight more to go if I wait I think that will be the better bet I will bring my bed just in case but we’ll hang around this area a little bit longer just so all of that stuff cooks let them

Cook is what I am saying to my furnace so much dark oak at my disposal like this is pretty good pretty good I’m must say I’m really thinning out the forest in the back here I’m going to have to replant some of this stuff later honestly oh we got ourselves like a

Little whoa a little cave moment you know what I actually did like get rid of a lot of my andesite let’s let’s collect some of this again cuz I used a lot of it to P out of that cave I probably shouldn’t have but hey I panicked a bit okay what can I

Say there’s one thing about me sometimes I just like I panic in this game for no good reason even if there’s nothing to panic about what’s a little bit of Minecraft without a little bit of panic okay how’s my food looking see oh perfect amazing okay and it’s

Like you go over there we’re going to bring a cobble with us we got our bed we’ve got a boat let’s take the river I know I saw like a direct path to that fur but like you know I always love to boat in Minecraft always love to boat in

Minecraft you know what I actually think I didn’t even think about this I think a chest boat would actually benefit me in this situation I don’t usually use them cuz I find that when I’m exploring I’m always breaking the boat and bringing it with me but like in this

Situation with the amount of stuff near us everything seems to be connected on a river that might benefit me a bit what kind of uh what are these guys let’s see I’m not sure what this is that is definitely not Spruce fur log it’s kind of like nice

Looking it’s very like pale I like that that could be really nice flooring inside of our house or something you know I also really like the looks of the leaves I think those could look really cute as well maybe placed outside the house maybe I should grab a couple of

Those a man a man got to pill her up a bit for this guy thank you and while we’re at it let’s grab a couple of these dudes just a few my inventory is going to fill up so fast I know it I just know it ooh the

Sapling for this is so lovely looking though I like that you know what I kind of like that better than how the OG Spruce sapling looks that’s going to look really cool in a pot like to decorate with um where’s my boat there it is let’s go a little bit

Further into this area with the fur logs oh wait no yeah this is the same as the ones that we just broke but bigger I see I see so if we want lots of it we have it our at our disposal which is nice oh my gosh squid get out of here

Okay this is a really cute looking Forest honestly feels very um northern Canada you know like alonquin in Ontario I kind of love that kind of love that I think that’s maybe why I’m always so drawn to like the spruce forest and stuff is like it’s very

Reminiscent of parts of Canada which I really like o berries nice going to grab some stuff whatever we can sprues real Spruce Spruce is that you I think it is I think it is what’s that over there oh that’s more Spruce nice okay we also got some lilacs which you know what I’m

Definitely going to take same with Lily of the Valley and these rose bushes definitely these are a few of my favorite um flowers to build with yo we got sunflowers too you know what that would look great if we built like a pumpkin patch or something oh yes

I you know the Visions are starting to come to life I kind of like that when you’re building and you’re kind of winging it as the more you get into like exploring and stuff the more you can start to visualize your build with like some of

The things that you find I do however need some pumpkins though there’s got to be some around here though cuz we’re in a fall biome there’s probably some just like hanging around guaranteed we’re absolutely grabbing the spruce though and some saplings so maybe we can

Uh build some of the big ones not build grow you don’t build a spruce tree I mean like you can but it isn’t what I meant also while we’re at it let’s grab some of these oak leaves cuz I do have my better leaves uh resource pack on

Which only works for the vanilla leaves so we’ll definitely grab some of this Oak try and get some of that kind of like having a mix of um like vanilla leaves and then like the germs better leaves I think it’s it looks kind of cool seems like it might be a good time

For us to sleep now though which means the rain’s going to go away just like that the sun is up all right how many I don’t even have a single Spruce sapling how sad is that foiled come on drop the saplings please oh man it’s being finicky isn’t

It I mean there are a bunch over there as well that I can go grab I’m kind of like do I just do I have to go get my boat or can I just make a new boat you know what I mean maybe I’m just going to make a new

Boat so then I can have different boat stations I can have a boat for this little like ocean area one for the river I’m just being a little lazy you know just a little bit it’s fine though all right what do we got going on over

Here probably going to need some sand I probably have some close to home though and I’m only going to need a little bit realistically for like glass if anything so I’m not going to bother filling up my inventory with that this might be a a two Tripper

Though got a lot of things that we’ve collected so far as long as I get my spruce though all right have I gotten I have not gotten a single Spruce sapling oh there’s one one my very first one excellent okay we’re making progress here we are making progress I think

Definitely the plan is going to be since I don’t see any Giant Tiger trees we’re just going to plant one at home as soon as I get my for saplings though as soon as I get them and then we’re you know what though we’re not going to leave right away I

Want to explore a little bit more uh just to see what’s around here because there might be some pumpkin patches and stuff it seems like we’re surrounded mostly by Fall types of biomes so you never know why is the tool breaking sound always so scary it’s so

Jarring what is up with these trees are any of you going to drop saplings any of you I’ve only gotten one so far oh there’s a bunch right there look at this this is the tree that is is doing doing the Lord’s work for us there we go there we

Go five can we get eight eight was would probably be the like ideal number I would say come on eight okay let’s go let’s go excellent all right we’re out of here we’re out of here probably got a little bit more than that which is good so I’m

Just going to try to circle around this island to see what’s up cuz I think all of this stuff there is regular Forest but but it goes back into Autumn I think this is kind of where we started the Long play actually relatively close cuz

I think we did kind of come from this direction I probably just did not notice the spruce I was too enamored by the Fall biome to be honest yeah we’re back into the fall biome I swear this is where I was first started though definitely Definitely ooh what’s that that is not the same tree as the one we saw before absolutely not this area is so cute too what the heck I like this oh wow okay okay o what’s this like wheat stuff in the water can I grab this oh okay shears

Shears it is grabbable let’s get rid of these seeds it’s no longer important because I need these reads forget the seeds give me the reads okay what do we got with these guys these are tall so they’re going to be a bit of a pain to chop down of course but

Maybe this will be a nice type of wood though let’s see Redwood whoa okay that’s very bright that was not what I was expecting I think I actually kind of like this better especially for the Vibes that we’re going to be going for today that’s very very bright I’ll grab a little bit

Of this I’ll just like tap into one of these trees but that yeah that it lives up to his name it is very red very red if it was a little bit closer to like this even the orange I would love like a a burnt

Orange for like a tree but I don’t know that that Redwood is very very red that’s okay that’s okay just because it doesn’t fit our style of build that I probably want to go for today does not mean that it’s a bad block you know it’s just it just

Serves a different purpose that’s all going to go around a little bit more this is very beachy over here we’re just doing like a big loop around pretty much where we came from I think oh we got pumpkins yo look at those look at those oak trees with the leaves those

Are so pretty oh my gosh I love this okay I’m I’m going to take these pumpkins for sure oh this is such a cute area too what are these little guys are these clovers oh I’m going to have to make some decisions here here we go well this is an obvious

Choice we’re definitely taking these clovers this is adorable reminds me very much of like the um the pink Petals in the new update same Vibes you know same Vibes I already have a stack I’m like should I just take take some more yeah why not why not okay we got that we’re

Going to have to make room for these little pumpkins as well I think I can safely get rid of did I already get rid of the dirt I did what is not useful here torches going off hand there we go Jacko Lantern cute I can make one though

I can make one let’s grab some of these pumpkins though I mean we can always regrow them too but it’s always good to start off with a few so you don’t have to worry about regrowing them whoa okay okay no these are like big pumpkins oh these are so

Cute I almost feel bad tearing those apart you know huh what oh it’s a I accidentally broke a Jacko Lantern I was like why why can’t I pick this one up wrong one oh these are so cute you can place the mushrooms on top of the pumpkins

Okay noted noted I’m going to want to do that I think we might have to come back here to be honest when we’re decorating cuz there are sheep as well which would be nice if we don’t get like a small little Barn going I am going to have to

Shear them at some point you know cuz I want carpets and stuff like that so you know what let’s let’s take what we can get here for now and then we will come back cuz this is a really cute little area I think it’s safe to say that we

Can kind of head home and start building out a cute little base you know no okay we’re going to have to go to bed really quickly let me get my bed ready we’re going to have to make a quick little stop here and just have a nice little nap there we

Go and back on our voyage I see you little sheep I see you looking at me I think we made it like we got some good stuff I think I’m going to leave the boat here just for like easy travel the crafting table was around this area

From what I remember ah there it is I can see it that’s our little marker I’ll leave the boat here cuz if we do need to travel back at least we have all the stuff ready to go I like these little things too I just don’t really have room in my

Inventory as much as I want to take them I can’t really think of anything that I want to get rid of I’ll have to I will have to come back I think that’s just that’s the thing we’re going to have to come back okay let’s begin our travels home ah I’m stuck

And boat was around here right I think so oh yeah there it is I see it I see it let’s go back home you know what this is so easy to travel between points I love this I really really like this I think we picked a good little spot

Honestly this is the spot though that feels like the most immersed in the fall Vibes which I really dig being along a cozy little river going to build a cozy little cabin now all right there’s our little area and now that we are home let me drop these torches really quickly and

Let’s get all of our stuff in here that I don’t think we’re going to be using just yet aka the junk chest and then all of the other stuff can go in here like the wood types dark Oak and then sprues of course I’m going to have to plant some of these dudes um I don’t want to get like the podzol over here so I’m going to go a little bit further behind let’s go in like this Area not to ruin our landscape too much oh how do I get this barley ooh this is this will be really nice to decorate with as well I like I like that a lot okay let’s plant our saplings right here so we can wait for them to grow and

We’ll Harvest them when we need them now I have realized I need a little bit more Oak so before we get to building I’m going to just gather up a little bit more from this area I think I managed to grab way more dark oak than I realized

Because so many of these trees are literally just dark oak you know so grabbed far less than anticipated for the Ois I’m thinking maybe a stack will be good the thing is though with the oak like I want to use stripped oak logs which means we’re going to be using far more of it cuz when you use planks obviously you get so much more of a return when you use planks but with the

Logs it’s pretty much one piece and you’re done right but that’s okay I’m going to try to jump this who I mean thankfully there was water under there there seems to be like a lot of Ravines in this area very nice noded trees man nooted trees they

Drive me absolutely Bonkers in this game cuz I always miss a piece and I’m like why is this not decaying it’s always the knotted trees that get me thought I just saw the wandering Trader that was like a little bit of a jump scare if I’m

Honest oh I like this cute little river that’s adorable that’s so lovely just kind of like seeing what’s around here while I’m gathering Oak which is why I’m going so far I’m kind of passing by random trees I do recognize that but I’m also kind of curious you

Know always kind of looking around while I’m doing stuff we do have a stack though so I think that probably should be good going to head on back over to our base which is right here that is extremely close very nice oh we got ourselves a little Pond

Here too that we could do something with I’m going to put some of the stuff away for now that we don’t need actually we do need the seeds we should really be planting all of that stuff while we can there we go and now I think what I Can Begin

Doing is getting some of this stuff out to kind of start planning out our build I guess so I’m going to take out all of the foundational pieces first and then worry about like the roof trim and stuff afterwards all right so I think we can begin building this thing I’m going to

Start with I think maybe do I want a little Foundation like a stone one possibly let me just clear all of this stuff I think I’m going to build on this platform here and then have like a little path winding down into a dock so we’re going to build it a little bit

Further back so maybe let’s go actually first I need my barrels I really like building with the foundation pieces as barrels on the beams uh what’s a wood type we have lots of dark oak let’s use some of that for just like the wood that you kind of burn through for random

Items so we’ll make ourselves a few barrels boom seven should be we might need a couple more than that let’s just full send this stack nine should be okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go Place one probably around here so maybe

Go one and then 1 2 3 four five six 7 ooh that’s pretty I would like to go seven wide I think I might have to bring back some of this though so let’s get rid of some of this dirt just to give ourselves a couple more blocks of space

I think that should be good so if I go about here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yeah that’s a lot more space that we have to work with and then I think for a cross we’re going to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a 7 by9 uh

Rectangle how we say square that is most certainly a rectangle like that so then in the middle I’m going to get like a beam here as well same with on the back and then I think in order for it to have a little bit more shape I don’t think I just want

To do a simple rectangle I think I think I’d like to have a little piece that comes out here however I’d like for it to be raised by one with some Cobble Cobble and andesite so maybe we’ll go one two three it’ll be like a two block Gap but I think that’s

Okay so something like that and it’ll be 1 two three in between yeah sleep really quickly and then and then we can basically like start building this up so this part’s going to be raised I don’t think I want this part raised though maybe what I do is I get rid of

These barrels or at least this one that would make sense I think into this wall and then basically what I want to do is I want to fill in the walls with some regular Oak so we’re going to go up probably one two three four I would say it’ll be four

High something like that before I get to ahead of myself though I should honestly probably finish off these beams that usually kind of determines the height for me so one two 3 four five is probably too high yeah five is going to be too high let’s just stick to

Four ow I tried to be graceful with that I’m going to do a nice mix of um Spruce and Oak I really like doing that on my beams it just gives like a really nice texture and they go very well together all right yeah we’ll worry about the beams first three

High try not to take fall damage or at least too much I think I’m being pretty graceful I must admit we oh that was not good that was not good I tried okay I tried so one two three this is technically a beam as well

I’m going to fill it in as such just so I don’t get too confused and then if we want to change it after we can I’ll bring back the barrel too just so it’s all kind of like uniform you know something like that so now that that’s in place I think

Now we can like worry more about filling all of this in I think a door is going to go right here so I’ll leave space for that and this is where we just start filling everything in and all of this Oak I’m going to need more

Definitely you can you can now see why with this build like how much Oak you just end up consuming it’s always it’s always the entire oak logs that you just end up burning through you know but honestly I think the mix of the two looks really good so in the end it’s

Kind of worth it I was thinking of maybe doing Sandstone instead of uh Oak but I kind of wanted this one to look a little bit more rustic if we do another build in this area I think the walls I would go Sandstone instead but it it for the

First starter cabin I always like them to be very like very very rustic looking I just thought this kind of fit the vibe a little bit better forgot to strip that piece too I like how he’s like I want to preserve my my axe because I want to

Make sure it’s okay I want to make sure I have a good iron axe and I’m just using it to strip everything like I should have just used it to chop down the wood this is no better my logic sometimes is very flawed I think but it’s kind of

Funny do I have any more ois I don’t think I do oh I do amazing we just need to fill in this spot and then we’re pretty much good so for this spot I was kind of thinking of like raising it one block higher cuz this is on its own

Little platform so then we’ll go 1 2 3 4 and then this one will rest a bit higher than this roof it’ll just give a little bit more height difference I think in the end and make it look a little bit more interesting ow breaking my little Minecraft ankles every time I

Fall then maybe here we can like have a window that’ll will be here something like that and then drop down here fill these guys in and then we’re pretty much done with the shape can I make it yep parkour something like that should be good

Oh that is a wall so let’s get those stripped and then we’re good to go so I think that looks oops I think that looks pretty good in terms of the shape it’s nice and simple but we’ve got like a little bit of variance to it I think that’ll be okay for

It just got to eat really quickly so I think I can put away all the Oak and possibly the spruce for now and now it’s time for us to get the dark oak trim I need to figure out what I’m going to build for this though like the inside I’ve got

The trim figured out but I don’t know what the roof color is going to be but I was kind of thinking maybe some Granite we’re going to have to go collect some more though all all right yeah I think I’m going to start with the roof trim first and then I

Guess we’ll kind of figure out what we’re going to do with the like inner part of the roof after so I think I’ve got enough dark oak for this I should not going to do anything too crazy I always kind of I really like the simple roof shape I always stick with

The simple roof shape I don’t know why I think it just like works so well and there’s always so much more detail you can put around the build depends on what you’re doing though like if you’re doing fantasy you might want something a little bit different you know but I find

That like when I’m doing very basic cozy cabins and stuff you can’t go wrong with simple however this one maybe we’ll like kind of switch it up a bit you know we’ll see we’ll see if we’re going to we’re going to get a little fancy around here

So this part’s going to be a little tricky because we have this part of the roof going up I think I’m going to have to like kind of go here here yes that’s how we that’s how we line it up like that let’s start with the back end

First um let me just pillar up quickly with some andesite this is the one roof that I was kind of considering maybe doing something a little bit different um instead of just like the Triangular roof I’m kind of thinking maybe we go up like one block here it’ll almost look maybe

Barn like if we do this but we can always kind of taper it off at the top if it looks too steep with some slabs instead so maybe right towards here we go in with some slabs I do have to get some though I didn’t make

Any slabs I don’t think oh wait I did oh no oh the joys of building early game honestly I used to hate scaffolding now I truly truly love scaffolding so much it actually helps me out immensely okay so if we do something like this I think that’s cute I think that’s

Really cute it’s very barn-like cuz this is a little bit wider so having this little piece to really like bump up the height of it you got to taper it off at the end I think I think that kind of helps let’s let’s give this a shot on

Both sides and if we really don’t like it guess what we can always tear it down that’s the best part about building in Minecraft if you don’t like something you can always always change it that’s not right that is not right there we go got to fix that one

Boom and then for these ones what we’re going to have to do is Boom like this these roof lines kind of fit perfectly into each other actually seems like it’s a sign that we we picked the right shape I think I think for this one I’m going to

Keep it relatively simple plus then because this roof is a little bit steeper on this side as you can see this one will kind of like just gently go into it like more naturally pretty much is what I’m trying to say so we’ll go like this with our

Classic roof shape and then we kind of have like a mix of roof shapes which is nice it adds a little bit of interest uh I’ll probably be doing just like a little trim like this I kind of want to try doing a bit of a fancy trim

But for now we’ll just leave it like simple with slabs uh oh I almost fell oh I was scared for a second but I would like to do like a fancier trim maybe towards the end when we figure out what is actually going into this what we’re filling this in with cuz

I have no idea I don’t know yet oh that was the perfect amount of slabs look at that oh I tried jumping to the andesite it did not work I’m going to go to bed defeated okay so this is what we got so far you know what here let’s take a

Quick little look oh over here yeah that’s super cute oh my gosh I love it okay oh my gosh this is supposed to be a cozy Long play I’m so sorry that genuinely terrified me though no I really love that though I think that looks so cute I love it I think maybe

What I want to do though is get some like dark oak trim lines like throughout the middle piece you know what I mean so we’d have to follow the line of this we need to do that once we pick out our um like what what’s going in on the

Inside so our options pretty much are like Spruce which I don’t I don’t think I want to do that I think it’ll just like I want this to look like a cabin but I think that’ll look too cabiny if that makes sense you know what I mean like sometimes it’s just like that’ll

Just push it to the Limit I was kind of thinking about Granite um we do also have this fur log which I think might be a little bit too light let me take a quick little look you know what it is kind of cute what if we filled it

In but then again I’m just like it might be a little bit too pale I’m kind of leaning towards the granite with some like polished Granite I don’t know I do want like a pop of color to kind of complement the biome that we’re in and I’m thinking Granite might be the

Solution for that which means we do have to go get some that’s okay we’ve we got to take a little Adventure that’s what we got to do you know we should probably plant these seeds really quickly uh let’s make some more land here also you know what would look good with the granite

Terracotta I think terra cotta would look fantastic we we’re going to have to make it so it’s not going to be it’s going to be a little bit more tedious cuz we’re going to have to collect clay and stuff and it’s really too bad that we don’t have a lush cave nearby

But I think this could look really cool what is that oh my gosh there are so many animals in this River here this is like the most animals I’ve ever seen hanging out in a river before it’s full of life it’s vibing I love it I’m really digging it okay

Okay give me my Clay Ooh bone meal Don’t Mind If I Do nice nice yeah I’m thinking like the Terracotta Granite Vibes maybe even some brick honestly M maybe we’ll go brick I don’t know decisions decisions honestly we’ll have to see maybe just all of them really who’s to say that we

Can’t right I’m going to try brick first and then we’ll figure out the Terra Cotta after so what we got to do now is we got to go get more Granite for sure um that’s our next big thing that we need so I’m going to have to go back

Into the caves uh these poppies need to go away CU I just don’t know why I still have them in my inventory raw salmon I’ll put this guy away for now let’s take our bed and do you think maybe just maybe there might be some stuff in the

Caves over here let’s take a look let’s take a little look see these seem like very surface level I’m not sure we could get lucky but also e maybe not looks like I might be making a trip oh nope here we go I was going to say I

Was going to make a trip to the other place I was at but this is literally a granite Mecca this is hilarious I do need to make a couple more torches though it looks like it could get dicey in here got to keep my eyes peeled look at all

This well I seem to have gotten very lucky with this I would say we need at least like a stack of this stuff maybe a little bit more and we’ll grab some of this gravel too that’s always like a next uh texturing block that I enjoy using a lot whoa we hit

Some water whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uhoh there we go nothing happened you saw nothing I think that should be [Applause] good grab a little bit of this [Applause] gravel [Applause] and then let’s let’s just get out of here you know I don’t think we need to be here

Anymore amazing oh my trees are ready too that’s perfect we’re probably going to need a little bit more Spruce down the line for probably interior stuff we managed to go pretty far with the small amount that we had though I mean to be fair we were

Only using like using it on beams and stuff but still that’s that was pretty good all right we got some bricks and I think what I’m going to do is I’m definitely going to make a stone cutter I believe that is we need to like make

Smooth stone or is it regular Stone and iron we will find out in one second uh stone cutter oh I can’t even make it yet cuz I don’t have the recipe fair enough okay patiently waiting while I’m waiting for that let me grab a little bit

More I don’t want to waste this I don’t want to waste this I’m going to need to keep Cobble on me I’m going to make another shovel and try to get a little bit more clay cuz I should probably try to make the Terracotta to see if it’s something that we want to

Use there’s some right here boom there a couple patches down there still too I should realistically just make a door so I make my life easier but alas this little cottage is going to look very cute clay ah perfect we got that so we can make a stone cutter I believe it’s just

Yeah it’s just Stone and iron we’ll get that right there and let me make a door very quickly what does the fur plank door look like let’s let’s investigate oh oh that’s very cute oh I like that a lot maybe we’ll use that as our door on this

Build very nice I kind of want to use that um that type of wood for our flooring maybe as well I think it would look really cute all right this is a little bit better we can actually breathe while doing this and then collect it easily after we Oops easy peasy so easy lots and lots of clay the good thing about like the clay in the waterers it gives you quite a bit so although it’s a little bit time consuming at least it’s not like you’re getting nothing out of it like we’ve managed to

Make quite a few blocks might use those for texturing we’ll see the bricks though I think I would much prefer to use the bricks at least they look so good I I love bricks in Minecraft honestly it’s kind of like a meme at this point but truly there’s such a great building

Block all right let’s go sleepies a little bit of terracotta brick granite and then with the granite maybe what we can do is we can get some polish granite as well there’s a lot of textures happening though so we might have to for go those we’ll see we will

See uh let’s pillar up oops and just start building out at least like this row so I’m kind of thinking like the brick and the Terracotta together then the polish granite I’m trying to keep some of them like close to one another if that makes sense like the brick and

The Terra Cotta maybe should always be kind of like touching I don’t know I’m going to try that out but then again we can’t really use much of the Terracotta in this build because it’s only going to go on one block level cuz we can’t make stairs out of it

Although I really wish you could really wish you could maybe we’ll get one like up in here as well something like that we could maybe place like full blocks in here but I don’t know I might might want like the the stairs instead sometimes I go full blocks let’s see how it

Looks all right we’re going to have to turn all of this Granite into some stairs now now well we’re not going to fully commit cuz we might use full blocks I’m not sure yet not too sure yet okay let’s see Brick Granite Granite I think honestly I might have to go mostly mostly brick the granite it looks very nice but it also tends to look very very messy and I want this one to look a little bit like this Cottage look a little bit more like clean cut if that makes sense so I think

It’s something that we should maybe use a little bit more sparingly if that makes sense like every so often we might be on the hunt for clay and then right here we’re going to have to worry about the slabs as well yeah we’re going to have to get slabs of

All this stuff too or can we go full blocks uh that actually might not look terrible let’s try the full blocks first and see what we end up with maybe we can do like a mix of like stairs and full blocks you know something like that let’s take a look at

This I don’t hate that I actually kind of love having that variation there I think it looks pretty cool actually and you know what I think this is the perfect amount of like Granite to Brick ratio this is kind of what I’m looking for where like 80% of it is Brick and

Then the rest of it is like the other blocks that we chose and the Terra Cotta it actually works I think I personally think it works so we’re definitely going to have to get a little bit more clay I think to finish off this roof but that’s

Okay we can definitely get that got a couple more bricks in here let’s go back into the river really quickly and then just grab some of this stuff uh my shovel is right here [Applause] perfect give me clay stop floating around oh this is this gu looks so cute

I’m very much into this build okay we’re going to have to pop some in here and then in here as well we need a little bit more coal for this one boom maybe we can make some bricks it makes like nothing oh no oh

I’m going to be here a while aren’t I I aren’t I that’s okay that’s okay it’s it’s all going to be worth it in the end I think personally oh look at all this free fish yo what what happened here the foxes really came through the foxes really came through

Thank you I no longer have to worry about food at all probably for the rest of this day that’s awesome incredible this is all working out oh my gosh thank you there’s going to be no salmon left though by the end of this oh my gosh how many am I

Collecting here I’ve gotten 11 so far I mean keep keep doing it keep doing it friends I appreciate it just taking all the food you’ve gotten they’re not going to take it anyway so can probably just stand [Applause] here go down like this then we’ll pop this in the furnace we’ll

See how much we’ve gotten so far I I might be able to get away with this much we’ll see we shall see ow didn’t mean to okay some more in this one and in this one perfect 25 what does that get us oh my gosh okay I mean listen it’s got to

Be done it’s got to be done to be fair though we’ve also only covered I think we covered the back end of this roof on the bottom as well so we just need to worry about like the stairs in the upper part here I’m thinking because we did the thing where

I have some like full blocks here maybe I’ll tear out a couple of these ones as well and do like a full block here and like maybe one down here somewhere you know just to have a little bit more variance in the shape got that there too I kind of like

It and also we’re going to be replacing some of this stuff with leaves after as well so all right let’s get some more polished we have stairs we need some regulars of this as well and then I think we need a couple more brick stairs cool we’re making

Progress woo so then on this side let’s do kind of like the same thing um maybe I’ll go Granite here tons of bricks going have to replace some of these dudes with uh with brick as well cuz we kind of decided that’s going to be the vibe of making

Sure all of this is like mostly brick some variant right here oops boom boom boom I think this is together then maybe something up here going to need some more bricks it’s always the bricks isn’t it couple more I’m barely like I’m barely scraping by with these guys oh

Man let’s see if I can sleep yet no it’s okay there we go I think that’s good going to try to sleep now yeah okay okay it’s coming together we just got this little section right here and then our worries about the bricks are are no more that’s it that’ll be it

For us I’ll probably go mostly stair pieces on this section CU it’s a little bit smaller though that’s kind of what I’m thinking I think it might look a little bit Goofy with the full blocks maybe until we reach like the end here like I don’t mind having something like this and

Then all the way across at the bricks like this boom it’s all coming together ow oh I forgot about this part I was like hm something seems off here yeah I completely forgot to fill in the roof right here of course they did that’s okay that is a okay okay oh this placed

Block feel like I’m in Ultra con concentration mode I’m just like making random noises right now all right this is all pretty much filled in we just need to fix the trim a little bit like the dark oak and then we’re like pretty much done I would say for the roof at

Least minus of course all of the fun little details that you add in afterwards like leaves and chimneys this is this is looking very good though quite proud of this one we’ll pull back in a second to like take a little little lookie actually before we do that let’s

I always leave those little sections after I build the roof for way too long honestly sometimes I even forget to fill them in like it’s I’ll leave them in some of my builds and some of my other worlds and I’ll be like what is that

Like why is there a Gap there oh yeah I never properly filled that in classic what a thing to do done and then there’s going to be yes big one right here going to have to torch the inside of that so mobs don’t start spawning accidental spawner I’ve made

One of those like far too many times while playing Minecraft I feel like that’s a constant for me let’s just get in there very quickly before we forget boom Oh there’s already a torch in there look at that I thought ahe apparently excellent so that’s pretty much done now

Let’s go over here and take a little look see to see how we’re doing with the shape if there’s any changes we need to make and a one and a two and a one two three oh no I love it it’s so cute oh I love that that is going to look

Amazing yes adorable okay we have a very very good template to work with this is looking so cool in this biome I’m really happy I went with the brick really happy because it just complement all of the leaves and stuff so well oh this is awesome all right that’s that’s it well

That’s not it we have a lot we have so much more to do but the structure’s done which is usually the biggest question mark because sometimes you’re like what am I like that just dictates everything else we’re going to have to do so that’s all done which means we get to like kind

Of just decorate now which is super fun all right let’s get some of this like random stuff put away we’ll organize it as best as we can uh just get all of like the wood types up here here I guess Stones can go down here

Now all right now I think we can get started on kind of like detailing this place out um okay let’s start with the door of course always start off with the door we’ll get little piece of Cobble right here boom put our little door here it looks kind of goofy

But I I really like that door I don’t know I don’t know if it fits a Vibe though we’ll have to wait and see this one actually might benefit having like an oak door I don’t usually use those but like that one’s like a little bit

Too medieval for me I think we might have to go classic oak door see what that looks like yeah I think that fits a little bit better really think it does okay so next I want to make like a little bit of detail um around the windows and doors so I think

What I’m going to do is I usually do stairs kind of give it like a little bit more just a little bit more definition above it’s always a simple little thing and I think this one I’m going to make like a smaller window maybe yeah I think smaller window works

As long as we get something up here and then H what should I start with I mean we can get a little path going as well something like this I don’t know if I want to change the path actually I kind of like the dirt path with this orange uh orange

Ground I think it looks really nice actually Cobble would be nice but I I don’t know I think that’s looking real cute as well you know so I’m thinking maybe we do some glass though for the front window I think that might be the vibe one more piece of clay come on all

Of these bricks are now done that now that I don’t need them anymore they’re all done that’s okay though we’re actually probably going to use a ton for pots and decorational items like that I forgot we’re also in 120 so we can use those big pots as well I always forget

That so maybe we can do some decorating with those guys too I wish I had dead bushes around here somewhere I don’t think I saw any is that a village huh oh well this changes everything they might have some stuff that we can take let’s let’s go take a little look

See I did not notice that before yes oh my gosh we got ourselves a full Village here oh no oh we have lots of sheep we’re in like a little Plains area this is actually really cute little cat got some stuff we can definitely take Don’t Mind If I Do honestly

Honestly let’s grab some of this what what is that is there a zombie in here hello you good ooh look at all this stuff this is kind of cool a terracotta that would have been useful oh look look at all this really really oh this would have been so useful

Figures just my luck didn’t even notice a village here what seeds we got here we got some potato carrots this is good composter that’s nice I don’t want to take the composter just in case I’m like what about the job blocks you know I don’t want to destroy potentially

Everything I will however take a cauldron though cauldrons are great great for kitchens some emeralds don’t mind if I do some bread they’ve got more than enough cauldrons they don’t need all of these you know you don’t need them I feel bad I’m literally just taking everything this is actually a pretty big

Village too ooh a yellow bed whoa are those ice spikes what the ooh oh okay floating house uh little bit of an interesting design choice but hey what do I know about design I just play Minecraft let’s try to get up into this guy yeah not much not much feel like

There’s really not that much in The Villages I really need to take oh look at all these ice ice spikes though can’t help it to look so cool there’s lots of sheep around here too that we can um eventually Shear which is very useful actually do I have my shears on

Me now I do indeed give me your wool you give me your wool as well thank you I appreciate it all right I guess guess I’ll have a quick little nap at the village and then we’ll head back took a couple job blocks you know those are always good decorational items so no

Loss there and the away we go we are exceptionally close to that Village that’s hilarious looking cute looking cute love it love it all right back to work on our little place so what I’m thinking is let’s get let’s put the job blocks in here cuz I’ll probably use them later and then

All this other random stuff I had collected we’ll just put away for now I don’t even know if I’m going to bother planting those crops I think what I want to start with is maybe um just getting like a nice little ceiling in place in

Here so it looks more looks more like a place rather than just an empty space you know and then we’ll get the flooring in as well so ceiling what if we do dark oak I feel like dark Oak’s kind of the vibe cozy fall you

Know can do that and then I feel like we’ll probably need more than more than 40 the fur planks are really cool cool let’s see do you think they will look good as flooring though I don’t know it’s kind of cute you know I think it could potentially work I

Think it needs a border on it though if that makes sense maybe we could do like a little Spruce border or something I don’t even know why I’m bothering to fill that in if we’re just doing the Border okay let’s do that and then or maybe Oak

Border we’re not going to have enough but I think Oak would actually be better than Spruce we did this no that’s like too that doesn’t work this is too like faded if that makes sense I’m wondering if we’re actually just going to have to go

Back and get some of the fur logs in order to make the Border you know what I mean that might be the solution I think we have some over here and the forest behind us just over here yeah yeah we’ve got tons of around us who I almost fell in that

Pit I need to look where I’m going I never do I never do maybe some of this unstripped actually would look kind of neat stripped or unstripped oh that looks nice too though o okay okay this is very nice I don’t think I need this much I

Probably should have gone for like the regular trees would anybody judge me if I just kind of stopped chopping this down a little bit I’m only at 29 though I actually need more than that I just very much realized how like knotted this kind of

Is and now I’m like I don’t even want to commit to Jumping this whole thing down don’t make me do it are you all going to judge me if I do this let me know in the comments if you judge me and if if you

Do I will never do it again I promise I promise I’ll never do it again but for today I just can’t be bothered we’ll never see that tree we just won’t look in this direction you can’t see it Beyond here anyway it doesn’t matter just keep telling myself that it doesn’t

Matter doesn’t matter all right let’s try to get like a little border or something with the fur log I’m kind of leaning towards stripped yeah that’s a vibe that is definitely a Vibe okay very nice so we just border it like that and then we’re

Good to go um I’m going to have to make another shovel definitely let’s get one of these we’re just going to totally fill this all in get rid of the bordered ones right here oops didn’t really know what to do here I feel like this would look better turned like that and

Then I mean in the corners I could actually do it like this instead I think that looks kind of cute yeah why not why not just just a little design you know little design flare okay nice that’s looking really good so far so we’ve got this filled in and now

We just need to do the ceiling the dark oak might be a lot for uh this fur log but we’re going to we’re going to see if it works who knows maybe it’ll look like classy you know we’re going for like a classy look in this uh

Cottage I almost wonder if we can make like a little Loft area up here we might actually be able to I think we could I think we could get away with it what I’m thinking is okay we make like a loft right but we do kind of

Like beams of if that makes sense we can probably get in some beams across like here problem is these don’t really look like beams anymore it just looks like I’m filling in the roof at this point yeah it looks kind of cute I think just like a little a little

Messy now I have to figure out if I’m doing kind of like a loft Style or an actual second floor you know I feel as though maybe like an attic area would look kind of cute though so we’ll fill it in as such I’ll leave like a little section for like a

Ladder or something yeah the one problem is though actually I just realized because of the way I did the ceiling this is only like the half slab is on the bottom half of this so there actually might not be enough space might end up getting covered okay we got some rain again it’s

Okay we’re we’re here for the fall rainy Vibes it’s all good now what I think I want to do is I kind of want to divide this space up maybe with some walls possibly so I’m thinking spruce is the way to go on this one for sure

Um we should probably do some like Spruce stairs and maybe some trap doors as well though get some trap doors and I was thinking we could either divide it up one of two ways like one here and make like a really tiny room or like across here instead except

I think we would have to make the wall something like this instead could do that this o the pain the pain of breaking your axe just going to make a cobble one for now I don’t know how much of this um Iron I’m going to need later so I’m

Just going to try to be a little bit cautious with it something like this and I’m like what if we put like leaves across there or something I think that could actually look very cool just a little bit of division it doesn’t even have to be a full wall with an entrance

I think something like this is cool and then we walk on in through here the only thing we have to decide now is like what is this space going to be I think the most obvious thing is a workstation for here and possibly a bedroom kind of in

This corner we could even potentially do the same thing right here here this might be too small of a space though we’re going to have to See this is very small it’s two blocks you know I mean something could go in there a little Lounge area or something but speaking of bedroom I need to sleep so Not too sure how I feel about that one I think maybe if I put it here instead it would make a little bit more sense we’d have a little bit more space to work With so we can do that and then put them here instead get these across I think I’m going to forgo the idea of the upstairs I just don’t think it’s going to be enough space it’s going to it’s going to be one of those like spaces that are very

Cramped and it’s not going to be pleasant I think that’s kind of cute yeah it makes more sense wondering if we could do like a little trapo wall here too maybe with Oak Though That’s me approximately four that is not nearly enough what do these look like do you think oh those are like really cool Sellar doors that would be awesome if you um if you had like a little basement space that’s super cool I’m going to need a little bit more Oak though actually

Definitely going to need some Oak cuz I think a trapo wall would look really cute in that space you know what let’s go over to our other I’m always like kind of cautious chopping down trees around and behind me cuz I’m like oh no like what’s it going

To look like if I just take away all these trees so I’m just going to go over here instead while we’re at it we’ll Shear these dudes as well I need you for carpet come over here and you there are so many sheep around here oh my

Gosh never going to have an issue finding wool I guess thanks thank you Stinky okay well got this we can put that away for now and let’s make our trap doors so I’m thinking probably need a couple more 16 should probably do the trick and let’s see what it looks like if we do this oops trying to save as many as I

Can I think that’s cute I like that I’m picturing like a cute little picture frame above that and stuff we’re just going to have to figure out a little space for the bed it’s very tight like it’s a very tight space we could do like a little raised

Bed possibly something like that with some storage underneath I’m thinking then you at least have like a little window view maybe the other side though like that and then you just like walk up to there let’s get some barrels I think I have a couple left in my

Inventory I should be able to use oh I got one let’s make some more uh what wood type should I make this out of I think dark oak that’s probably the one I’m least likely to use from here on out trying to conserve some of this wood because I need it for decorating

Oops what am I doing here seven that’s perfect all right what does it look like as like a little storage bunky does this look too goofy kind of I’m more used to doing the bunk beds honestly I think bunk beds are always just such a classic you can’t go wrong

With a bunk bed like who who doesn’t like a bunk bed either you know so funny when I was younger I wanted one so bad now as an adult I’m like that actually does genuinely sound a little bit like a nightmare but I really did want a bunk bed when I

Was little never got one though never got one maybe I would have hated it all along though cuz I’m not too great with Heights so I bet you any money if like my parents caved and got me one I probably would have been like afraid of

It and not slept on it so it would have been such a waste for them okay we need some signs now just for some decorations for the bunk bed and stuff bunk bed in Minecraft A+ bunk bed IRL not so sure not so sure about that

One can’t place one here that should be fine though I think good enough space we get can get like a little wardrobe here one thing I haven’t really been putting in my worlds is armor stands as much as I used to I really miss doing that I think it could

Look like really cool and I think above this would it be too cramped if I did like storage uh a little bit but I don’t think I mind it actually okay now we got got to start moving all of this stuff in too so we can get our furnaces in because I

Think I want to place those on the front entrance wall we can do a little cubby unit with our crafting table um two furnaces how do we want to Stack these guys maybe something like that keep it nice and simple and then a granite wall would look really good above it

Kind of acting like a little chimney thing like that and then barrels are always a good bet that always I don’t like how that looks when the wall attaches to the barrel we’ll go with one but what we can do is we can get um a trapo

Underneath to act as like a little shelf and then we can place something on top of it I think that looks pretty good whoops I wanted that to go the other way I don’t know if it can though with the way that it’s facing M no cuz this one’s on the bottom

Half that’s okay can do like a little cubby like that however if we’re making like if we want to like kind of utilize our space having a little decorative cubby like that kind of kills the amount of room you can use it does look cute though I do like making little shapes

Like this it’s just you do lose out on a little bit of um actual surface area area to be able to put stuff on but I am kind of into the vibe of it although we do need to kind of place like we have trap doors to place or not

Trap doors sorry we have lanterns to place and also like the stone cutter and stuff so we might actually have to utilize it properly like I’m thinking we need that there possibly and then last but not least let’s get a little like stair here for our furnaces I think

That looks pretty cute it’s nice and simple I would also say that like this would be the area where we store some of our stones and our bricks and stuff like that just to make some space we could put like I don’t know dirt up here if we

Need to and then in the what else do we need oh yeah lanterns lanterns my brain is starting to go like huh that’s how I’m feeling it’s always the decoration phase where I just start I’m all over the place I’m like oh my gosh what am I

Doing now decorating is like very it’s hard I would say like I really enjoy it but I also find that it is like pretty tricky to do so we got our little unit done I think maybe next what we can do is like a a bunch of cute little like shelves

And stuff what I kind of like to do is the ones where oops let’s do oak in the middle you have like a shelving unit here and like it goes up like that just to give a little bit of height difference I think that’s super cute typed an e by accident oh my

Gosh e can’t go to sleep yet oh man and maybe can just have like a regular Spruce one there now I think go to bed nice I just don’t want to be running outside to go grab stuff and then a creeper just goes boom and destroys every every beautiful

Little thing we’ve made thus far which could happen could very well happen all right I think that’s cute so I think this is um where we can start bringing in some things like maybe leaves I’m really happy I grabbed the oak leaves cuz they have the bushy

Leaves texture on them and I was kind of thinking about placing them like you know like some in here they are they do look a lot more desaturated cuz they’re in like the Autumn Forest but I kind of like that I think it looks I don’t know I think that looks really

Neat uh what else do we need we’re going to need maybe some fencing as well just for some detailing so maybe in between those like leaves we can get some fences just to add a little little pop of detail like that I like that it’s just nice and simple you know very much

Nice and simple honestly I’m even wondering if like placing something like that there I don’t really know what it like what it acts as but I think even something like that is kind of cute we could always put like a flower pot on top but this is a little bit more

Industrial feeling so I think we should keep it as such uh we definitely need to get some chests in here as well always need a couple chests you know maybe we could do like a little chest wall here at the front entrance it does look a little messy

Though I always find that look looks a little bit messy you know what’s what would look good here maybe an armor stand an armor stand and possibly like a flower pot with like a big old flower in it and maybe instead of this little unknown thing maybe a chest I think a

Chest works we actually genuinely do uh need chests around here I mean especially if who knows we might do another long play here we might do another long play here so it’s always good to be prepared you know I’m thinking I’m going to do a little chest wall here with some barrels as

Well something like that and then in the middle maybe we can do not the middle the top Corner get like a little Lantern or something so it’s kind of like a little cubby I really like that it’s all boxed in I like I think you can tell I like having things like

Very much like boxed in within a space I think it looks so cool it’s so funny this is a three by what 1 two 3 4 3×4 1 2 34 this is a 3×4 as well and it’s just so cool seeing what you can do with each space like this is the exact

Same footprint as this and they’re two completely different functionalities but I think they work well together within a space I think that’s really cool the one thing I would do though is maybe H see this is where you run into problems like if you have like an entire

Wall like this then you can’t necessarily utilize a wall like this you get a little bit boxed in here I’m trying to think of what we could do within this space that it wouldn’t totally Ru this I’m thinking like maybe a little work work table or something so let’s do maybe something like

That and that’s a little bit boxed in you want to be able to kind of like walk up to this and not have any obstructions that’s kind of the key and this this part is causing a little bit of issues it might just have to be almost an empty space if that makes

Sense unless maybe I do like maybe the other way around honestly oh you know what we could do I love making these little guys um oh wait no we can’t cuz this is here I was going to say usually I make like these little compartments for

Chests I think they look super cute the only problem is it’s kind of in the way of this and then that wall is there you’re a little bit constricted trap doors are great because they add such like I find that like the thinness of them adds detail however the problem is

Like you can get stuck with them because they do take up like a full block if that makes sense so maybe the solution is literally just like just that nice and simple don’t overthink it too much and then across maybe I can go like this or instead of this because we have

This wall right here something like that I think that’s cute I think that still works it still looks like accessible and stuff and then we have this entire wall um left to kind of use as storage and stuff and this one’s kind of out of the question because we have this

Here little Lantern in the corner I think that that’s looking really cute and finally we’ve got this room which honestly doesn’t really need much else just needs like maybe a light in here except the trap doors don’t really work too cuz we have the barrels just do one maybe oh my

Gosh the curse of the bunk beds I’m telling you oh there we go I placed it properly nice I think this room will mostly be reliant on like you know probably just like some paintings and stuff keep it nice and simple a little storage chest for your stuff well barrels and stuff I

Think that’s pretty cute the only thing I want here is maybe some armor stands I kind of forget how to make those cuz I have not honestly not made one in a hot minute I used to make them all the time for all of my other builds but

Lately it’s just kind of like I feel like you go through phases with certain things I think they require smooth Stone pretty sure smooth Stone and sticks is what I think the vibe is can we do a compost bin here sometimes the compost bins as much as I like them they’re

Like too clunky if that makes sense cauldrons work too actually as a little pot design you know what I forgot we could make like the big pots I don’t even think I need to use a cauldron anymore I think I can make big pots now cuz we’re in 120 I always forget that’s

Like an option see how do you make them again like that nice boom it would benefit to have a little bit of height with like a dead Bush but I still think that like kind of works you know I wish you could dye the pots so they were like different colors and

Stuff I think this has to be smooth so it’s got to go through one more round of furnace okay the light seems to be okay in here um we should probably do like one more in here and maybe with a bunch of these bricks we can start getting some flower

Pots get one up in here maybe on here where else where else you know what there aren’t that many other spots in here for a flower pot it’s a sad day for flower pot fans isn’t it okay here we go so smooth slabs and then armor stands there we we

Go let’s just make one boom amazing I think I have some armor in here that I could put on there yeah I do just two things just two little things looking a little sad but hey it’s fine still kind of cool I like that and then maybe maybe it’s just

Decoration we get like little pieces of sign and stuff around some spots maybe some around these leaves can’t really on this side so much I don’t mind them only being on one side I think that looks kind of cool and then we need some flowers in our pots we

Did grab quite a few I think yes oh we also have we got some ferns which look really nice but we also have where’s that oh yeah the fur sapling this one is so cool I love it okay let’s put a fern here oh it’s like all

Dead you know what that might work in this pot problem is that we have this trapo here so it won’t fit but that is good to know I love that sapling I think that one looks so nice he very cool I think this area would also really

Benefit to have some like Carpeting and stuff in here for sure we’ve got like the very pale looking floor so I don’t know if having kind of like I don’t know I don’t know if like red will necessarily work I’m wondering maybe if it’s just like white

Carpet is the way to go I don’t know don’t know until you try you know do have lots of white wool red is such a classic though for carpeting I find like you just can’t go wrong with it I also really like brown but it’s a

Lot harder to get CU you need like cocoa beans and stuff usually but I think see I feel like the carpeting almost needs to be a bit more Dusty like the white works for sure but not too sure about the red green would also be another great option but we just don’t have

Cactus near us as well cuz the lime’s like way too bright green is perfect but that’s another D that’s like a little bit harder to get I still like what we have though I think that looks pretty cute yeah I can’t really think of anything else I would want I do like

That though I think that’s really nice so this is our interior which I would say minus maybe a couple picture frames did I leave some white wool around yeah I did nice couple picture frames item frames would be really nice too um we’d have to go find some cows though which there are

Some around but I won’t bother them for now I think maybe like a picture frame here would be really cool that where else can we have one can I have one here ooh the elf guy is so funny one of my favorites I think I want one that’s like length wide

That one I like this one a lot very very cool all right nice okay this is getting real cozy really cozy so yeah the I think I think that the interior is pretty much done which is really nice um I’m going to move some of this stuff in I

Guess we need like a little section for wood oh no I can’t open this oh what a tragedy no I forgot the barrels obstruct that you know what we’ll do instead we will have to do upside down stairs that’s okay the upside down stairs still kind of like enclose the space but what

A tragedy might have to make this all barrels then because now that cut off looks a little bit goofy so this is going to have to go and then where did the barrels that I just broke go there they are nice something like that I think that still looks very cute that’s

Nice okay wood can all go in there for now I’m not going to overthink it too much but I also don’t want to like ruin my My Life by making it completely disorganized so I’m going to I’m going to try to have some level of organization here just a little bit you

Know cuz I know it can be super painful to watch these and have it not be very organized in any capacity uh clay and Bricks can like go up in Here let’s do that okay awesome now we just pretty much have to decorate the front of the build and we’re pretty much done so I’m definitely going to start with getting this glass paint in next we basically just need to like really detail out all of like the trims

And stuff around here so I’m thinking of keeping it really simple simple and adding in some like lanterns on the side here I would like a little trim around the front here with maybe some uh fencing and stuff think we might have a little bit left in here yeah we do

Perfect and then the glass we can put away trying to be good here trying to be good so let’s do a little little trim like this classic but it always works you know and I think maybe honestly I think a little planter box above this would be

Really cute we did get sweet berries which would look really nice uh do I have all of that stuff in here still I think I do I’m going to need the trap doors though I think I left them over here yes sweet berries and then we’re going to need

Like a little bit of dirt and my trap doors we’re going to need to make a couple more Spruce ones I think we might have to chop down one more spruce tree which is good that we ended up um kind of planting those big tiger ones because I do need them now

The dirt where did I put that oh no I don’t think I put it away properly let’s be real sorry I’m like opening all of these barrels here just like crazy my bad you know what the dirt is in there somewhere I don’t know where I

Put it I probably put it in a really silly spot L I’m trying to be organized here sometimes I struggle though sometimes I struggle I just honestly need to label it with signs and I think we’re pretty much good oh scary do I have okay I do have a little

Bit I can chop down like half of this if I need to we don’t need all of it just left or just left we don’t need all of it just yet so think that should be good yeah I’ll probably going to probably going to have to come back here though eventually ow

All right so my thought is to have something like something there and then we can have some trap doors all along it little planter box maybe even even actually I kind of like it when it’s stairs on either side that usually looks really cute too so maybe we can do

That do we want them underneath as well maybe and then on this oh no do I need more spruce oh no I do oh many mistakes were made many mistakes were made I just need to suck it up and I need to actually just like yeah I need to just make another

Axe and just get over it you know just chop it all down I will I will thank myself later if I do this I will thank myself later it’s getting to the I feel like everybody hits that wall with like material Gathering where you hit a

Point in a build where you almost have all of the things that you need and going to get the other stuff the last few remaining things is just kind of annoying I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels that way where you’re just

Like oh no I need a little bit more Spruce but I have to go do all of that rats that’s okay though the good thing is Tiger trees just give you so much more than like the regular little Spruce ones so we’re set and I promise I will

Actually fully chop this one down especially cuz we need these saplings so do I wait for the saplings to drop I feel like I see one floating oh wait no that’s a cloud n I’m going I’m going will I regret that later possibly it’s very possible but hey it’s all good

So let’s get a couple more planks we’ll get like one or two more stairs I’m sure we’ll use them somewhere else as well can I go to bed yet is it sleepy times yes it is it is Sleepy o’l um yep I’m on a little bit of a predicament there we go boom

Boom yeah I think that looks good but I just don’t know if like floating is the answer here I’m picturing maybe some Cobble or something underneath it will kind of help fix that issue Cobble yeah I think that works that looks a little bit nicer okay this is looking really cute

So far I like it it definitely needs a chimney I think that’s like the one thing I’ve been most concerned about I’m like where is the chimney though you know the chimney is the most important part in my opinion which means we need a couple of

Logs we do have some coal and I’m going to need a few more sticks I think we’re it’s safe to say we’re pretty much done with this like furwood so I’m going to use that for materials instead boom boom let’s make a bunch of campfires just like a very useful thing

To have and 18 trap doors we should be good for our little um chimney cover thing now what do we make the chimney out of we’ve got usually I make like brick ones but obviously the roof is Brick so I don’t know if that’s the vibe kind of

Thinking H I think Cobble just might be the way to go I wish I had Moss Cobble but that’s just not in the cards for me today and I’m thinking maybe just like two really basic ones oh I as soon as I jumped I was like

This is not right and then it was too late I already committed to the jump I’m going to need a little bit more dirt than that I don’t know where my dirt went I went somewhere that’s for sure like did I put it in my bedroom chest probably

Okay there we go there we go feel like a chimney would look good in this spot right where this full piece is boom and then maybe one right here as well I always like doing two that’s cute got to cover them and before we tear this

Down yes very cute I love that but before we tear that down I’m going to take the opportunity to throw up some leaves and possibly like a flower pot above each one get our oak leaves these are going to look very very fall very cute okay oh hello let’s just do that

Makes my life a little easier boom and then leaves around here I would say so like one here wrap them up like this um we can even like pop this out possibly yeah it’s a little bit too far one could go into here though as long as it doesn’t look too

Goofy I think that’s cute I knew I was going to miss that I just knew it yeah that looks really really [Applause] cute you got to have the leaves you know you got to have the leaves somewhere I think I like that better too actually that’s nice all right we’re making progress

We’re making progress so we can put actually we’ll keep the leaves out wood we’ll put some of these away fencing we’ll probably need uh for pathing eventually leave that out just in case tell me where did I where would where would I put my dirt where would I have put it so

Lost I swear I had some I I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s getting to that point of the day you know where I just just start zoning out okay cute very cute so I’m thinking now I don’t want to go like too overboard with decorations but I

Definitely want like let’s say a pumpkin patch on this side I think would look super cute also pairing the pumpkins with um like sunflowers would look incredible I’ve been doing that a lot in some of my worlds lately and it actually looks phenomenal I think it’s one of my

Favorite types of like Fields I’ve done recently yo these clovers even end up being all like orange this is so cute though it’s such a nice little detail along the path I like that actually ooh just add like a nice little pop of texture you know really like that

Cute all right time for us to make a water bucket and I would say uh maybe two of these doesn’t have to be like a huge pumpkin patch but we want it to be like a decent size you know I like to till the land around it

As well I think you have to have it tilled with the pumpkins in order to plant the seeds but I like the look of it all tilled something like that I think that should be good and then what we can do is kind of place I’m

Going to start by placing a small border of leaves I was going to go you know what we can do like a couple of like Cobble things things like this if I as long as I Stone cut them but I’m going to put them in as placeholders like

Little Rock piles here and then also I think doing a mix of maybe like Oak and Spruce fencing would look kind of good too we’ll keep it like nice and simple I’m kind of thinking maybe an a fallen down Oak log if we can do that I wonder if we can place those

Mushrooms on top of it as well that would look kind of cute something like that and the mushrooms are where did I put those ah there they are toad stools these are awesome boom oh that is so perfect I love that actually obsessed with it I think we can

Get rid of this chest now nice all that stuff’s going to have to go away too pumpkins will keep out sunflowers will keep out get rid of those guys for now uh this will be like iron chest I guess I have an extra bed we don’t really need that in our inventory right

Now and the grindstone I’m going to leave that over here as well I might make a little lean to after on the other side we’ll see though so for this what I’m thinking is I’m actually going to turn some of these into pumpkin seeds so some will grow like naturally I

Will place a couple around here though we have so many pumpkins I grabbed way more than I needed to but that’s okay cuz we want it to stand out and then in between all of these we’re just going to toss in some sunflowers and this is probably one of

My favorite fields to make now I love it so much something like that maybe one more like right here I think that’s enough cute and we can get like a little Lantern on top of this guy as well it’s nice and simple I actually like that I ended up leaving this tree

Here cuz it acts as like a little overhang for that field it’s really cute actually I was a little bit unsure at first I was like hm should I have left that but no no no no it was good I think what I want to do

Though is I want to make some coarse dirt for the edge of this path I think it would actually look so nice with like the burnt orange look of the ground gravel we did get a bit of gravel the the mystery of where all my

Dirt went I have no idea I must have used it or something it makes no sense why is it suddenly just gone what is happening that’s okay though we can make some out of uh what we got I think and if not we can easily get some dirt

Course dirt 40 is pretty decent actually oh no sorry clovers oh I ruined them too they don’t they just break oh that is tragic is actually so tragic I’m not going to going to go too heavy on this stuff though I’m going to go try like try to go a little bit

Lighter than I normally do just a couple here and there and I’m thinking maybe in between that cuz I like these so much I’m like what about little tffs of leaves right here it really doesn’t need that much I don’t know I feel like almost the

Simpler the better with this and I was also kind of thinking we also have like The Barley if I can plant that around here game over you know game over look at that so cute I feel like The Barley looks like better in toughs though like little sections of three maybe something like

That I’m actually usually I do a lot more decorating I’m actually kind of trying to strip back for this one a little bit sometimes I think keeping things a little bit more simple is a little bit better I want to swim around to see how this is looking

Though oh yeah that’s looking really cute I think maybe this may have been a mistake though like covering up the stone cuz the stone actually was a really nice division line from all of this like really dusty looking ground I actually might have to bring that back

We might have to change up the front of this I’m not completely sold on it it’s all starting to blend in now if that makes sense so I think I actually might make that adjustment get rid of that even that could possibly work yeah I think that works a little bit

Better my one thing now though so funny I’m making so many changes I think this window needs to be bigger now cuz you have such like heaviness at the bottom with the planter box I think the window actually needs to be a little bit bigger I think it’ll complement it a bit

More um so let’s pop this out really quickly we need another piece of glass which I’ve gotten one of these guys there we go boom and get rid of that replace it with this one and I think the only thing that would be missing from here we could do

Like a little trim up top I don’t think it really needs that I think that the window needs a little bit of a trim or something one thing that works really well is campfires uh and gates for to act as like shutters so we do have some spare

Campfires uh we could make some Spruce Gates let’s try that really quickly while I’m at it let’s toss that back in there so the gates are like this boom yeah I think that’s like simple enough you know yeah that’s looking good good I’m still not sold on this to be honest I

Think it’s got to either be like maybe it’s just the fact that the planter box itself is too big I’m trying to think of the reasons why I don’t like it and I think maybe that’s it is like it’s just a little bit too

Much for what we have going on if it was a bigger build I think it would it would benefit from it but I think it’s just too small of a build to have a three wide planter box maybe one is the way to go with like now

That we’ve got a bigger window too having the berry kind of like obstruct it isn’t so bad either like that I think that makes a lot more sense to be honest what what did I just place oh oh my gosh so many things are happening I wanted that there there we go

I think that looks a lot a lot more clean honestly I’m thinking maybe for the slightest little bit of detail just like a cobblestone wall on the side here doesn’t even necessarily need like a lantern just like a little extra little bit of detail on the side here yeah that’s kind of cool

I think maybe also I know I didn’t say I know I said like I wasn’t going to over detail this thing but I think adding a couple of like small little features really goes a long way I’m not going to over detail it in terms of like spamming

A bunch of leaves all over it but I think being able to add like a couple of signs and stuff to the side of the build just brings out a little bit more definition to it you know so let’s try bunch of signs and then we can do them like on

The tops right here I always think that always goes a long way as well yeah that looks really good it’s just you’ve got like so much detail with the barrel at the bottom that bringing in a little bit more detail at the top here with these

Signs kind of just like helps give it a little bit more balance I think I forgot to put fencing here and then we got to add a couple slabs here just to round off the rock pip PES a little bit which is funny cuz like I don’t really notice them like

They’re very very much hidden in the back it will benefit to have the rounded little bits there but it’s almost not even necessary because they’re very much background pieces but I know they’re there so I’m going to want them you know what I mean otherwise they’ll just like drive me nuts

Maybe a couple of stairs as well you know what I forgot I had andesite we should be using that too how could I forget about the amazing andesite just do a little few little slabs here and there it’s pretty much all it needs I think want to keep them as simple as

Possible yeah I think that looks good maybe to give like one a little bit more height than the other um this back one we can like take this out and then replace it with one so it looks like it’s chipped you know that I think that’s super cute I love

That I want to swim out and take a quick little look yeah we’re definitely getting there definitely getting there that’s all of these little changes have like they’ve gone such a long way honestly I think now what I want to do is add a couple little like put out campfires here a

Little pile of sticks here maybe one underneath here even very cute and then on this side we are going to need something here for sure I’m almost like I’m kind of contemplating getting a little bit more barley and do something well okay I’m going to have to get a lot more barley

Because I thought I could break it with my bare hands you can’t you can’t oh no mistakes are made I’m thinking maybe another little patch right here inste I was going to do a lean two but I think actually like a little uh wheat field with some barley in it would look really

Nice all right well I’m just going to Shear all this because I just I keep breaking everything classic so classic clovers can go somewhere over here instead you know that looks a little bit more magical then let’s go to sleep really quickly don’t think I really need these rocks

Anymore I’d like to do a slightly different design and by Design honestly I think I might just use coarse dirt to outline this little field that we’re going to have keep it very very simple another thing that looks really good amongst wheat are roses that’s something else we should

Probably consider putting in there I know I can finally Harvest some of this wheat we don’t really need it by this River bed at the moment so I’m just going to tear it all apart and start planting out these seeds kind of trying to be a little bit

Random with it just because I want to place some roses and also some of this barley in between yeah the barley looks so good okay I need to get more I can’t believe I broke all of it and as for the roses that would be in

Here somewhere but they are not I think they’re in the chest outside still my hidden chest there we go wonder if I can just bone meal the bar that would be such a time saer there that provides such a nice pop of color once you see it with the wheat

It’s just so good so good all right the moment of truth I can’t no a that stinks okay we’re going to have to go get some more the problem is I don’t really remember where I got it from obviously when I was exploring I don’t remember exactly I

Think it may have been in that pumpkin field actually that’s probably the most likely area why do I have fish in here gotten all messed up over here okay so we’re going to need Co dirt I’m going to line the paths a little bit before we go and then we’re going to put

Some of the oak leaves too just a couple here and there I think probably on surface level like this at most that’s nice and simple I think you don’t really want too much cuz it’s going to be a very busy looking field I think that’s perfect so the last thing that we

Need is some Barley I think we should just bite the bullet and run and get some I’ll take the extra bed just in case and let’s go do I have extra shears I do not if I if I run out of run out of juice on these shears and I’m like gone

I’m going to be so sad so let’s get those going Boat Boat there’s my boat this is looking so cute though look at that I love it very very happy with this build the interior actually is really nice too ooh let’s grab some of these reads no there’s barley right here let’s

Go oh my gosh so close we didn’t even have to do like a full on Adventure well this is just great that scared me I was not anticipating two cows just standing there big fan of the barley big Fan and also the reads are really cool too I think they only go in water though so we’ll place just like a couple here and there like so and then some barley amongst all of this this will like frame very nicely towards the back there I think that’s good we really

Didn’t need that much more I don’t think something like that it’s also going to look vastly different when the wheat seeds actually grow too there we go I think that’s really nice though just going to grab some of this stuff to put away in our house now

And let’s get all of these things put away the last last last thing that we need now I think is finally a dock that’s it that’s it we’ve done this much work on a build can you believe it and you know what it’s looking really nice too I’m actually so happy with how

This has turned out so I think having maybe I I wonder if the dock should just go out like this and just have like a really nice simple one so just like a really cute small little fishing dock uh yes think that far cuz we have one two three in between that’s

Perfect then we can have this on each side I’m almost wondering if instead of the big planks like it does look good but I almost wonder if a dock like this would look better with fencing instead of the giant posts I think that might be the vibe

Okay we got to make our very last axe that might be the one I’m saying now this is the final axe that I’m going to be making today but I don’t know I just don’t know keep adding to these builds cuz I’m having so much fun you know so who who

Knows yeah I’m kind of just getting the vibe of like a very very simple dock for this guy is that a drowned no I think it’s just a fish well this is certainly a pain to chop I should have brought my door with me okay what if we do like

Something how long the lines of this it’s a little bit hard harder making docks like this cuz they can look a little awkward but I’m thinking maybe have some of these as like full slabs or something where you can connect like these guys together and then you just

String along fencing if that makes sense kind of like this and then it looks a little bit more like disheveled but in a cute little way you know I think this is a little bit this kind of fits the vibe a little bit more like even along here what we can do

Is have this like go down by a slab anyway oh no oh no I’m misplacing everything water why why water why going to go to bed really quickly though as soon as the mobs start spawning I’m gone I’m out of here yeah see this looks a lot it’s like

Disheveled but it looks a lot cleaner you know so what we can do is have it like go down by one here and then that makes more sense in terms of attaching it as well cuz now the posts attach properly I’m just going to have to make

A couple more though I have to get rid of these dudes too there we go yeah this looks like a true fishing dock you know there’s just something about it the disheveled look it’s all about the disheveled look honestly I’m kind of into it though there we

Go I think I really like that and then also like if we want it to feel even more like broken down and disheveled get rid of a couple of pieces here and there so even if they don’t connect I think it that actually looks kind of neat or

Alternatively you can try to like do things like put Gates and stuff in there as well which we could try see if that adds a little bit of a different vibe to it and then finally I would say like the last thing I would put on there would be some light

Honestly really doesn’t need that much I don’t know if I have any more torches though oh wait no I do I do I do let’s put that back in there just so when I burn stuff I actually have fuel we are going to have to use some of

This iron though it’s a good thing we got so much iron today like very very lucky with that cave I would say and there was probably so much more in there too it’s a little light here and maybe one even here you know nice and simple and then we talked about gates in

Between and maybe another thing that I would possibly add are like some some leaves that could be kind of cute too there we go I mean yeah I like that I think that looks really cool just going to move the lantern over cuz it’s a two block Gap so

Having this little guy here kind of causes a bit of an obstruction but you can literally just place it right there that is perfect I mean I think this Cottage is like pretty much done that’s wild we just we just built this whole thing should should we

Do a quick little tour of this guy of our cozy fall Cottage equipped with a dock I love this okay so here’s the dock area you know what let’s let’s swim out first let’s do a quick little swim out this is what the full thing looks like all

Done and I’m very happy with that I think that is so cozy oh my gosh I really like it it’s so good it’s all the little details that really come together like the two different types of fields we got the pumpkins with the sunflowers we’ve got the barley with oh my gosh oh

That terrified me of course of course I’m just trying to have like a peaceful little tour and then you come over here and just you’re absolutely being mean to me do you think we can just ignore them just keep doing this tour without even like go to the Village over there

There’s tons of people over there bother them please all right aside from those pillagers that are there this is what we’ve got going on and I really love the fields I think that it frames the build so so nicely it looks very very fall very cozy very cottagey it’s perfect I really love

Everything about it I think I think this is like one of my favorite exteriors I’ve done in a while to be honest hello sheep and I think all of these like pieces have just come together so nicely it’s definitely got very cozy fall Vibes except for the fact that yeah I think

I’m I’m going to have to deal with these dudes oh my gosh bro oh my gosh oh no ow oh ow they’re really getting me ow hit each other oh gosh oh no am I going to oh oh my gosh this is supposed to be a cozy Long play and here I am

Getting absolutely destroyed by pillagers I might die well this is just embarrassing don’t embarrass me during my cozy long plate I’m going to have to drink milk aren’t I yep yep I am okay yep I did not plan for this that’s okay though that’s okay that’s okay this

Is what we got to do we Co survival and you know what survival’s been fun but that that’s the price that’s the price with survival all right there was a cow around here and now they’re all suddenly gone bro where’s all their Stompy little feet I heard so many of them earlier now

They’re just like nowhere to be found they’re hiding they’re like you know what not my problem not my problem they you just got hit by a Pillager oh there’s one there’s one give me milk thank you jeez anyway so after they completely just interrupted our our cozy cozy little

Session we’re having here so this is pretty much everything here’s the dock that we’ve got that we just built and then walking up to this house is just like super cute I love it I like how I didn’t go too heavy on like the path design design just like a little bit of

Coarse dirt here and there the clovers really help add a lot of texture and detail and I think even like these little leaves and stuff are really nice as well um I also really like this log the toad stools the toad stools I am so obsessed with this I wish you could do

This in vanilla I really wish you could it’s so good even like the little bits of barley here are like really cute love this little patch right here I think it’s perfect we got the leaves fall in here this is super cozy this makes me want to Cozy up read a book oh

Maybe some Twilight or something with a hot chocolate and just wear like a really big sweater you know it’s it’s big sweater season big sweater season in cozy socks if if you know what I’m talking about leave leave a comment leave a comment and leave also leave a

Comment what are some of your favorite fall films since we’re in the theme of fall right now drop drop all of your like favorite films and like books or like even things you like to do during the fall let’s let’s have that little little fall combo going on because you

Know what fall as nice as it is it doesn’t last long enough so let’s let’s soak it all in with this long play Let’s soak it all in with all the other stuff we enjoy and yeah so yeah this is pretty much like the rest of our field here I

Love this one as well I like that I also didn’t didn’t do the same thing with like the fencing and the leaves and the Cobble just left it nice and simple there and of course all of the little details on the outside I think they come together very well I think this is

Perfect so if we go inside yeah I love it love it it’s very simple but I like how I tried to divide up the rooms as best as I could so everything kind of feels like its own little thing we’ve got our workstation here we’ve got some storage and of course

The small but cozy bedroom and we got a little bit of a view you know what more could you need what more could you need all right yeah I think that’s pretty much it thank you so much everybody for watching this long play with commentary this is actually the first one that I’ve

Ever done with commentary and I had such a blast doing it let me know how you liked in the comments and also let me know if you enjoyed the fall theme as well because if so I will absolutely do do another one in this world I had such

A fun time and there’s definitely so many more things we could add to this area this this is certainly just a starter house that is just the beginning to some other things that could come so thank you so much again everybody I hope you all enjoyed this video and I’ll

Catch you all later bye

This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay With Commentary – Cozy Autumn Starter Cottage’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2023-10-12 14:32:18. It has garnered 7274 views and 444 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:11 or 12131 seconds.

In this relaxing longplay with commentary we set off in a lightly modded world where we explore a fall biome and build a cute and cozy starter house. This is a longplay with talking where we chill out and enjoy the autumn scenery while building a house.

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More