INSANE 1.21 Combat Changes – Must Watch!!

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Minecraft recently confirmed the theme of 1.20 would be combat adventures and on tinkering this is something Jeb has been trying to do for years as 1.9 was received as being pretty ass and so he put out a special combat snapshot and then another and then another and eight

Updates later we had the final version of the combat test but this was 2020 something happened and so the combat that we were expecting in 1.16 or 1.17 is now in 1.21 and while we can expect there would have been some tweaks and changes over the last 3 years

Particularly so it will fit the trial Chambers the other big part of 1.21 it is worth going into exactly what was in the final combat snapshot as well as what will have changed since then and more importantly the final question you probably have which is although many of the changes they’re

Making to combat are exciting by themselves and honestly are great features they should add I think it is valid to question why they even need to make a combat update to begin with why have they put so much time and thought into one when in reality Minecraft

Combat is fine how it is and although the answer to this used to be 1.9 or the combat update the modern day reality is that during the time this debate has been aging people have crystallized their opinions that either they’ll just go play the new combat because it’s fine

Now anyway or they are di hard pre 1.9 combat people regardless and they’re never going to switch to any new system so what’s the point in going for them and that’s why the real reason they’re doing this is not the original combat update but instead the fact that it

Never came to the bedro version although Mojang never committed to reversing the combat update they did appreciate that it was quite controversial and never did quite work on mobile and so they never brought any of the major features off it to bedrock to this day this includes

Things like spectral arrows but it also includes sweeping Edge the change to axe damage and most importantly a full the offhand slot on Bedrock we have an offhand but it only works for about six items and this means that there is a huge realm of functionality that is just

Not available the way Shields work between platforms entirely different the way certain mobs work change changes between platforms the way PVP Works changes entirely based on what you’re playing and so ultimately this is actually all about the Bedrock version and trying to bring them closer to Java

Not just for the sake of having one combat system between the two games that are called Minecraft but also so the sweeping Edge and ax changes and most importantly the offhand can come to that version and at the same time if they happen to make a better combat system

For the Java version if at the same time this new combat update makes people prefer the combat there that is a very big benefit and so like many big Minecraft debates It ultimately comes down to parity however you might then be asking what changes have they made in

The name of this and good Question it probably goes without saying but they made a lot of changes to combat in the combat snapshot and if you’ll believe it these changes can be as small as changes to the way exophone to changes as large as a brand new enchantment specifically for axes or

Indeed a new way to allow people to spam click without NE negatively penalizing people who want to do the oldstyle combat both systems kind of work in Twain in this system and that is five separate categories we’ll be going through today but first in case you want

To check these out for yourself how do you get the combat snapshot well this wasn’t released via the normal snapshot system where you check it out in the launcher instead you need to download it from this place right here and then you need to put it in your

Versions folder then you need to make a new installation and specifically select this although Minecraft gives you a very funny warning where it tells you ah just so you know you won’t have all the fun new features we’ve added since then because this is actually a 1.16 snapshot

A never update snapshot it has been that long since they really updated this and so just keep that in mind uh that a couple of things we’ll be talking about one of the whole categories are things they’ve since depreciated and made decisions on but lots of these have just

Been sitting in here ready to be implemented as one big bundle because for example they decided to change the way that projectiles work and the biggest and most important one is bow Randomness has been removed you might be familiar right now the fact that if you

Throw in the exactly same place if you f fire an arrow and at the exact same place you’re kind of going to go slightly left slightly right each time and it’s not going to go dead straight it usually goes slightly to the right of where your Crosshair is but after this

Update as you can see from those three perfectly lined up arrows you will shoot perfectly in the same place every single time which means once you work out how to hit the belt you can hit it over and over and over again as I recommend doing for this channel indeed did you know

You’ll see lots of uh stuff to do with Minecraft updates every single day on your channel if you do but um the interesting thing about this is the fact that there is one caveat to this if you hold the bow for more than 3 seconds or I guess hard scoping to use firstperson

Shooter pance the bow starts to shake more and more and more and then it starts to become less and less accurate so this is a perfectly accurate shot and after that you have to actually time it and you’re going have to work out that like yep it’s going to go in the wrong

Direction because you’re not meant to hold down your bow and aim at people for more than 3 seconds or so this combat snapshot posits at the very least the other interesting thing about this is not do bows but instead to do with crossbows because multi-shot gets a huge

Buff uh right now when you shoot something m M shot there is a cool you know there’s a delay between when you can shoot something and when you can shoot something again it’s you know kind of a cool down however this snapshot allows multi-shot all three of the

Crossbow arrows to hit the same Target at the same time and this will allow you to do some pretty fun things in my opinion uh so let Let Me Show an example of this if we try to shoot a mob all three of those things can hit the exact

Same mob if you’re a close enough range and you could damage him three times I did a terrible job there because the two other arrows didn’t hit but the idea of being able to hit the same mob three times is pretty damn impressive if you ask me and a really big buff to

Multi-shot that kind of makes it like a shotgun to use first person shooter pance again uh also they made changes to the eggs eggs have a cool down timer off this update if you’ll believe it if you throw an egg it then cools down before

You can throw an egg again as you can see this kind of limits the amount of eggs you can throw to basically the same as you can do right now but with a upper cap also snowballs have been changed to have the same thing but more fascinatingly to me is the fact that

Snowballs finally have their ridiculous 16 cap removed and instead can stack all the way up to 64 and I think that’s incredible personally also snowballs and eggs do the things they’ve already done on servers forever which is when they hit a player the player will be knocked

Back by them which is really really strange that that doesn’t exist right now but basically snowballs and eggs become a real projectile for real everyday Minecraft including you know in the high vetical where you want to uh you know like you want to hit creepers

And all that sort of stuff you can in fact knock them back which is really really fun speaking of things that are really really fun a lot of people really don’t like the way that combat cool down worked in 1.8 indeed 1.9 onwards which is basically that you hit and then you

Can you see underneath the uh the cross right there if you’re not a Java player there is a cool down before you can hit again in reality you can hit before that cooldown recovers but there is the big downside of you do much less damage and

Right now it means you can spam hit uh you know zombie 50 times with a neite sword at least it feels like it’s it’s more like 15 uh and it kind of sucks that you have to hit so many times because the game is trying to tell you

No cool down the hit and then hit again uh this new combat snapshot B basically weakens that drastically while still keeping in the spirit of the feature which is basically to say you can hit something again and again and again if you want I have to turn down the the

Range on this clearly cuz it’s not working so well um so let’s um let’s go ahead and let’s point it at the sword so that he’s nice and close by you can hit something again and again and again just like this if you really want to except

There are downsides to this one of those downsides is your range goes slightly down and the other downside is the fact you know basically what it is is you can hit things endlessly with these same attacks but you have slow slightly less range and you get a much more charged

Shot if you do it the other way around basically encouraging you if you want to have the maximum range the optimal reach to actually hit things on the time but then also giving you a third option so you can do current combat where you spam

As much as you like or I guess Bedrock combat you can do Java combat where you time your hits every single time and make sure you hit the thing or you can do a third style which is holding down the combat button so to show you this

I’m going to hold down the sword right here oh okay so if you hold it down it does the minimum level attack the maximum and then you can get an attack which will go perfectly on the beat and this is very very handy if you ask me

Although again you want to have these longrange attacks specifically for killing uh creepers at a distance because the range now varies based on whether you’ve cooled down a hit and based on the weapon you’re using so as a fun example here is an axe uh short range long range will it actually work

Here is an axe when it’s fully charged versus an axe not at fully charged uh it is a slightly shorter range even when it’s charged which means I can’t hit that mob right there unless actually wait I can’t hit that mob either way I guess uh let’s let’s get a um let’s get

A sword now uh I can’t hit that mob with my axe even when it’s fully charged I need a fully charged sword if I want to hit that at all which is just incredible to say right having range uh be a part of the combat debate was something which

A lot of people found controversial but actually made combat more interesting especially when you combine it with the rest of this so uh bear in mind that the swing be in mind you can hold down the click to kind of spam hit but this is slightly less efficient than just

Hitting on the beat every single time uh so keep that in mind but something else that you can keep in mind which I think is absolutely fascinating is they’ve decided to make every weapon have a different reach and also made it so they’re a different enchantments reach weapon so uh specifically what I’m

Talking about here is you can put a sweeping Edge only on the sword it will no longer have a default sweeping Edge enchantment but also that sword has been massively uh you know nerfed and so basically as you can see right here um sweeping Edge used to do it was I think

It was uh 75% of your base damage if you attack the at the edge but as you can see right here if I do that I’m only going to attack the mob very very barely and do much much less damage so sweeping Edge has been nerfed and also isn’t a

Default thing but is a cool specialization of the sword meanwhile the axe has the fun behavior of cleaving which gives it additional damage you can see it goes from eight attack damage to 12 here but also gives it the ability to stun Shields like you can see with

Piglin brutes doing to you right now a very very very big change um also um yeah basically uh they have uh they nerfed tank reach in general they made a lot of things slightly different including by the way I I think this is one the most interesting if I take this

Right here the Trident I can now attack mobs from slightly further away if it’s fully charged which means the Trident is no longer a throwing weapon only or a you know kind of bad or cheap diamond sword it’s going to be the longest reach weapon uh however it then has its damage

Nerf massively to compensate so here is my neite sword with seven attack damage although I guess that’s without sharpness here is my Trident with seven attack damage too and here is my never axe with 12 do you want lots of you know you can have lots of damage with a low

Attack speed or you can have a little bit less damage with a slightly faster speed and a slightly longer reach the fun trade-offs you get to make really are pretty compelling if you ask me speaking of things that are pretty compelling if you ask me um I also have

To quickly mention the fact that natural regeneration now works all the way down to health levels of three and a half hunger Shanks which I have perfectly timed I swear that was a coincidence and uh so this leads to something fun right which is that if you are to get damaged

Uh I guess for the sake of this we’ll just uh I know TP ourselves in the air a little bit so if I was if I if I was to go um okay so let’s just go okay there we go there we go just let’s let’s

Teleport 10 blocks in the sky let’s say and take some damage now we will heal that damage even from halfway in our hunger like so look how incredible that is also to kind of compensate for the fact that there is no longer a saturation boost so you can see I’m

Healing from the mdle of the bar right even if I’m eating all the way at the max here there is no saturation boost there is no faster healing because you’ve eaten other words and even crazier the saturation that you used to have that used to allow you to not eat

For a while will only apply to running around and jumping and sprinting it does not apply to Healing from Hunger healing from Hunger will basically always take your real hunger bar which is a very very big change and so to counteract these two changes being made together

Healing is being made much faster this is something which is kind of a a nice compromise with bedrock Edition uh right now it takes 4 seconds to heal every half hearten Bedrock um but the new system the combined system will take 2 seconds to heal on both platforms and so

Will be slightly fair for PVP you can’t just get away in a corner a single stake heal up all the way to Max and then 3 seconds later go back in there and start sweeping people to death or indeed cleaving them to death this is not an option anymore something I think is

Pretty incredible actually um also something else that’s uh massive is the fact that healing and strength have been massively buffed healing has gone up from uh it’s I think it was four uh Hearts healed per level up to six hearts per level um so I guess to show that

We’ll just uh go in the air go in the air and then drink an instant Health too and show you whoa look at that also some of you might have noticed is the fact that I had two instant Health two potions right there you can stack

Potions up to 16 in this update if I’m not mistaken which is crazy I I I really do think this is a huge change that even if you don’t care about the rest of the update you should probably be making regardless but this is one of my

Favorite personal ones I love the new healing system and I really do think for Bedrock players this is an objective win although also something I should mention is strength has been buffed to with a 20% flat bonus for strength one and a 40% flat bonus for strength two and so

Yeah if you want to get a big boost this is a great thing also healing is faster to go through than eating which means Now the default thing if you are in a PVP or PVE situation we’ll be bringing multiple potions of healings with you this will rapidly change I I think PV

You know PVP always has a lot of like variables to it like what game mode you’re playing but PVE fighting Woodland Mansions or end cities that will change massive L as a result of this I really can’t overstress that and I think that is something that’s pretty darn huge oh

There’s an Ender Dragon around here somewhere I’d better watch out for that huh anyway yeah the the key thing to mention here is that there are some huge changes to the way that healing would work in this update and for Java some of those changes are negative and some of

Them are positive uh but I would say when it comes to the Bedrock version uh this is a much better system and that is why it was seen as very good at the time however again the the final changes they were going to make I don’t think they

Ever got round to and so let’s go back to the Overworld and mention the final couple of things that we know they didn’t get round to because they later decided against it I do want to be clear and transparent here these are the latest changes they wanted to make and

So they’re the most likely things for Mojang to come back to however despite that fact two things that they had in these combat snapshots they later went back on and so one example of this um you know should we go should we go punch something and and prove it uh one

Example of this would of course be the default attack speed so uh when you attack or sorry default attack damage if if you attack something on the Java Edition it used to be you dealt one damage and when you attacked on Bedrock it was two this was vaguely given also

Is there only a horse here of me to punch is there nothing okay you know I’m sorry I don’t want to do this to you it’s the only way though uh the damage was buffed on this update however since then they have changed the Bedrock damage in 1.18.3 if I’m not mistaken uh

They they they updated it so that it would be down to Java and they cited Java Pary as the specific reason meaning that they’ve decided Java has gone it right and that one attack damage Dage is what you should do with your fist also there was a critical hit that could be

Dealt while sprinting if you sprint attack someone for the first time in combat you deal a critical hit um that is something that was a Bedrock exclusive that is not on Bedrock anymore and so likely both of these things won’t be coming but the reach and variety

Looks very likely the changes to the again I think as far as like least controversial to most controversial healing is something that needs to be fixed and at least for Bedrock that would be a great system I think it’s a great halfway house between the two

Versions um then I would say the way the bow and arrows and snowballs work again everyone and every server already has snowballs dealing knockback let’s just accept that that’s how they work and give them a cool down to balance them out um then we’ve got the you know the

Bows and stuff so the I would say the the projectiles are the second most controversial then there is the uh the reach and variety everyone loves the idea of sweeping Edge being an enchantment rather than by default also can you attack the horse that you’re on

Okay anyway U but yeah you can oh with sweeping Edge what a terrible enchantment who decided on that what the heck you know I sorry as you can tell I played I played too much Bedrock my own good I didn’t know you could kill your own horse of sweeping damage but

Something else I don’t know is the fact that um I think when it comes to cool down this is the most spicy Topic in the Minecraft community at least it was until mob votes maybe all we have to do is like as soon as they make these changes to cool down distract Everyone

By saying oh we’ve got a new mob vote coming and so everyone who would be mad about cooldown would be mad about that but I think the cooldown system is a great compromise it obviously could do with some extra tweaks and obviously with the tri Chambers they’ve got all

The opportunities in the world to do that but that is what I personally see from all of this I see an opportunity to make Minecraft a much more interesting and involved combat game and I see from this long line of experiments that they’re clearly willing to change some

Pretty fundamental things to get there and so that leaves us with only one last question it might seem like a crazy thing to say but even though the combat snapshots were really well formulated I would argue they don’t go far enough to solve some of the deeper problems that

Minecraft actually has with combat ultimately Minecraft was planned as a block placing game with a combat system kind of tacked on later but if they want to make the combat system at least make sense within the context of that game there are some things that should really

Be considered one of these is the difficulty system right now hard is by far not the hardest difficulty I think the difficulty system needs to be reworked entirely and I think it needs to be done so in such a way that you actually feel like hard is hard you feel

Like easy is easy and you feel like normal is the reasonable way to play the game right now everyone who plays hard only does so because there are some rewards that actually make the game easier on that difficulty and more favorable uh everyone who plays uh easy

Is just there because it’s the fastest way to speedrun and get things done while taking minimal damage you don’t feel like hard difficulty is harder you just feel like it’s more punishing more punishing is not the same as difficulty something they could easily fix uh but

Also as well as fixing the difficulty I think something which is much more fundamental and aitly takes more effort but would really improve m inecraft is adding new weapons in the same way that a tier above diamonds was thought to be impossible and Unthinkable and un minecrafty but now neite is just an

Accepted status quo I think maybe we need an alternative to the sword I’ve been yelling for years about how we could have how birds for longer reach or daggers for shorter reach but it seems as though Minecraft is doing a really good job on literally adding these to

The game itself fire the axe for short reach but more damage and the Trident being a hird for longer reach and more damage and so maybe all they actually have to do is add a new series of enchantments that allow you to specialize your weapon and feel like

You’re going into something not just with the sword the generic way the game wants you to do things but instead a sword that is based on your specialization in the same way there is a micro decision to make in the way that Smite is really good against Undead mobs

But bad against everything else and sharpness is good against everything but kind of weak maybe there could be more micro decisions about yes this makes your sword more powerful but have less range or this adds a lot to your sword’s range but makes it less powerful if people are actually considering

Different weapons and people are considering different play styles for different environments then it would be actually quite interesting to have a different set of weapons for the ideal end versus a different set of weapons for the ideal ocean monument and maybe a third set of tools yet for the trial

Chambers if you feel as though changing your gear for the situation actually gives you an advantage then people will start to want to have lots of different versions of these things and all of a sudden the fun RPG aspect of Minecraft really kicks in making it a more

Interesting combat game but also I I think it’s important while saying all of that that you allow people who are just playing normal Minecraft with a normal diamond sword to not feel punished and that is what I like about the existing combat framework I think regardless of how many of these features they

Implement almost all of them are pretty decent by themselves but as a package they represent something that I’m really excited to see Mojang’s latest Twist on because something that should be kept in mind is that these original combat snapshots uh the fact that there were so

Many of them is because the first ones were quite zany and very wacky and it took a lot of refinement to get it to to a point where they actually were a very balanced put together update and so is it possible that we can do something

Like that today to make it an even better combat update or has it gotten to the point where Minecraft discourse and maybe uh internet and video game discourse as a whole has gotten to the stage where people would much rather complain than say things that are actually valid and indeed constructive

It is very very hard to have a real constructive feedback session about how to make things better when it’s much much easier just to say I don’t like cooldowns I don’t like mob votes I don’t an alternative to what I’d like to do instead and maybe that is how we’ll have

An interaction as a community and so ultimately whatever combat changes they do make in the final update what’s really going to be tested here is the community’s resolve to constructively get feedback about very big changes or to retreat into our bubbles and to criticize it from afar I genuinely don’t

Know what the state of discourse is especially around Minecraft but it’s something I’m very excited and curious to see and maybe you can be as well let me know what your favorite changes by the way I I personally uh have my own opinions but I feel as though this is

The sort of thing that people have very strong opinions on so if there is some combat change you think is so much more important than anything else let me know in the comments down below because for now I’ll just be ending the video with a 10-second promo for Ultra flat survival

It’s out right now with a brand new update for 1.20 do you want the best superf flat survival experience of 16 biomes and custom structures which you can turn on or off also the ability to craft End Portal frames and the ability to go to the nether all of these

Dimensions have been fixed and flattened for creative and survival players it’s great and I’d recommend you check it out but for now thank you very much for watching I hope you all enjoy this video I hope you found it interesting because I’ll see you in the next one Goodbye

This video, titled ‘These 1.21 Combat Features Will Change Minecraft FOREVER’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-11-01 20:23:43. It has garnered 250062 views and 11803 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds.

Latest Combat Test & installation instructions (scroll down the page to get the latest version – 8c) →

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:43 – Why Even Change Combat Anyway? 2:39 – The Big Combat Changes 16:48 – What Else Should Change? 21:31 – Outro

If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • Mojang Forgot Something In 1.21… ↓ • BREEZE RODS AND NEW GOLEMS? (Minecraft 1.21) ↓ • Minecraft 1.21 playlist ↓

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Minecraft Bedrock is the same as Minecraft for Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, Windows 11, iOS/Android (Pocket Edition), and Chromebook.

This Video Was Edited By: @HarrisonGray

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    Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I build a massive temple, reaching for the skies. In a jungle-only world, I face the hardcore test, Surviving 100 days, giving my very best. With an AMD Ryzen 7, my processor is strong, MSI B550-A motherboard, where I belong. Inno3D RTX2060 Super, for graphics that shine, Gigabyte SSD and Seagate HDD, all mine. Corsair RAM for smooth gameplay flow, Gigabyte power supply, keeping me in the know. Redgear keyboard and Logitech mouse in hand, Ready to conquer, in this blocky land. So join me on this journey, filled with delight,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥

    Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥 “When your Wi-Fi is as unstable as a creeper in Minecraft, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet provider!” #minecraftproblems #firstworldgamerissues 😂🎮🔥 Read More

  • Piggy Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Piggy Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Picky Piggy Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the mysterious Picky Piggy Portal from Poppy Playtime? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets of this intriguing new addition to the game! Discovering the Picky Piggy Portal As Minecraft players venture through the vast landscapes and intricate structures of the game, they may stumble upon the enigmatic Picky Piggy Portal. This portal, inspired by the popular Poppy Playtime game, offers a unique and thrilling experience for those brave enough to enter. Features of the Portal The Picky Piggy Portal… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and exciting server to join, Minewind is the place to be. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on epic adventures with other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what Minewind offers – a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts coming together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans Minecraft Skywars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Skywars, where the thrill of competition meets the creativity of building. The server IP awaits players ready to test their skills in this dynamic game mode. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of Minecraft, Skywars offers a unique and challenging experience for all. Breaking Down the Action In Skywars, players are placed on floating islands and must gather resources to survive while battling opponents. The goal is to be the last player standing, making strategic decisions and using quick reflexes to outwit… Read More

  • EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!

    EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-11 13:00:28. It has garnered 211078 views and 6763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:05 or 3545 seconds. NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a lucky block race in Minecraft as SUPERHEROS! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEX

    Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta | HALF ALEX’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-05-14 08:00:23. It has garnered 55491 views and 1956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:12 or 912 seconds. This Minecraft creepypasta is about Half Alex! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! ► I’m an author! Check out my books!: ► Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in the comments what books you want! Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be… Read More

  • 🔥OPROBOY – CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraft

    🔥OPROBOY - CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft |’, was uploaded by OPROBOY on 2024-04-20 04:30:16. It has garnered 406 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft | shorts bushcraft camping minecraft survival shelter camping in heavy rain cold weather camping bushcraft wilderness camping alaska girl camping wilderness survival tips minecraft mod go to the forest minecraft tiktok bushcraft alone camping in arctic primitive technology camping in the rain tik tok minecraft bear grylls minecraft but challenge 7 days… Read More

  • EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle – CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!

    EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle - CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOO CHOO CHARLES BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB S PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-04-20 09:41:32. It has garnered 63219 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as they team up to construct the iconic Choo Choo Charles! Watch as they carefully plan and build this impressive and elaborate train in the virtual world. From laying down the tracks to adding intricate details like smokestacks and train cars, witness their… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!

    Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-18 12:00:17. It has garnered 351 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Fauzex-aid Minicraft – Epic Eid 2024 update!

    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

  • Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔

    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! server ip is (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. Map: Discord: Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences and make them last? Mikeize is here to guide you through the maze, With quizzes and challenges that will amaze. From Exit 8 maps to barrier blocks, Endra and Ender Dragons, we’re ticking all the clocks. Splatoon-style showdowns and command block tricks, In the world of Minecraft, the fun never quits. So join us now, in this rhyming delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. With Mikeize as our guide, we’ll never be lost, In this world of creativity, at no cost. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in a split second. Minecraft logic at its finest! 😎 #minecraft #meme #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE

    Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE Minecraft Portal Creation with ElestialHD ElestialHD, a popular Indonesian YouTuber with 3.98 million subscribers, has been creating engaging content in the Minecraft PE world. Let’s dive into the process of creating a portal with ElestialHD and explore the exciting world of Minecraft. Creating the Portal ElestialHD’s videos showcase the step-by-step process of creating portals in Minecraft PE. By following his instructions, players can learn how to construct intricate portals that lead to new and exciting dimensions within the game. Attention: ElestialHD’s videos are not only informative but also entertaining, providing viewers with a fun and engaging experience as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community

    Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to share with you a heartwarming dose of inspiration and connection from an anonymous stories video. While the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it reminds us of the importance of community and support in our lives. Just like the incredible moms in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server come together to create a supportive and welcoming community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, you’ll find joy in raising your virtual creations and overcoming… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank

    Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank Minecraft: Exploring the Four End Gates Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual landscape – Minecraft. In this article, we delve into the intriguing realm of the Four End Gates, a fascinating feature that adds depth and mystery to the game. Unveiling the Four End Gates Within the expansive world of Minecraft lies a hidden gem – the Four End Gates. These gates serve as portals to different dimensions, each offering unique challenges and rewards for daring players to discover. As you traverse through these gates,… Read More

  • Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!

    Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess the Word or DIE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MacNcheeseP1z on 2024-05-01 21:45:13. It has garnered 12159 views and 498 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. we are playing guess the word or die in minecraft, we have to guess the correct word or we die by getting pushed into lava! this game is a ton of fun. you put a word or phrase on the board and then the other person guesses letters, each wrong letter we push the buzzer and they get one step closer to lava!… Read More

  • Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE Gameplay

    Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PE – Whitelady Haunted Mansion Horror Map – Gameplay Part 4 [Android/IOS]’, was uploaded by Yaky on 2024-03-22 12:57:14. It has garnered 51 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds. See description | | / / ​​If you liked this video, then please write in the comment “I love it” And don’t forget to subscribe and like thanks in advance)💜 0:10 – Welcome 0:42 – Tutorial 1:17 – Walkthrough 24:51 – Ending Previous video: Walkthrough for Android: —————————— Granny chapter 2: —————————— Granny SUPER FAST… Read More

  • Babu’s deadly shorts – OP enchanted armor in Minecraft

    Babu's deadly shorts - OP enchanted armor in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘fully inchanted armor in minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by Babu deadly shorts on 2024-02-20 14:39:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS Ep 1079 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Project Minecraft Shorts Ep 1079 #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plain and Simple Gameplay on 2024-01-13 15:00:11. It has garnered 374 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Village to City! Join me on an epic adventure as I attempt to create a city with 1000 villagers in Minecraft! In these videos, I’ll show you how to build houses, farms, and other structures to support your growing population. We’ll explore the world and gather resources to create a thriving community. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More