Insane 100 Day Survival as Spellblade in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

In this world there exist tons of unique weapons some with powerful abilities among them there are legendary weapons that can be obtained by defeating certain bosses there’s also magic spells that can only be cast with a sword however as I learned to use spellblade magic and create rare weapons I’ll start

Angering an evil cult that will invade my world to try and take me out before I become a threat will I be able to fend them off and survive until day 100 let’s see right after I tell you about today’s sponsor NR NR is a multiplatform game server host that can

Support servers for platforms like PC Xbox PlayStation and mobile vacant host servers for games like Minecraft Arc survival evolved rust over 100 different games they can host servers for online right now and just one server can install up to five games and swap between them whenever you want to losing

Zero progress or time not only can you swap between those five different games but say you have a Minecraft server you can swap between the version of Minecraft whenever you want to quickly and easily it doesn’t even take that long to start your server will be online

In 60 seconds NR also offers both subscription based and prepaid plans so you don’t have to pay for the server for any longer than you use it for they also offer 247 support and free server backups and you can downgrade or upgrade your plan whenever you want to so click

That link in the description and get your NR game server today anyways back to the video day one I spawned on a beach and then nearby I found some blueberries for early food then I looked up into the sky and saw a gigantic flying Island once I

Had some gear I was definitely going to check that out in the distance I saw a fire so I went to go investigate oh also when I spawned in I did already have my first magic sword this one was called sting it comes with two magical abilities one of which lights up when

There are hostile mobs nearby and the other one is that it does more damage to Fighters not the most exciting but trust me this sword has a lot of potential later also that fire that I saw was just lava but there were pigs there which I could kill for food and

Killing them led me to a village I activated the waist Stone in the village so I could teleport back later and apparently this town was called tofu oooo yeah then I learned that the mod pack adds more villager types wait bro you got an aquarium wait I love you

Oh let’s just stay friends actually I looked around the village and I scavenged whatever I could find I got books potatoes wither roses emeralds an iron helmet and chest plate the blacksmith house was for some reason buried in stone so I made a wooden pick it dug in and I hit the

Motherload okay it’s like that on the inside too did you even have anything you had stuff see you were trying to hide it from me I respect holy Bone boots your boy Speedy with it yo oh I’m kind of killing it right now heck yeah dude yeah these Bone boots were a

Nice little speed boost then in and on this weird house I got some nether Ward quartz and glowstone who even needs the nether right by the village I stole from this grave for even more iron and then I went to go for a ruined portal that I

Saw and I got attacked by bores the sword didn’t light up for some reason but I’m telling you they were pretty hostile I looted that ruin portal and got some gold obsidian and a silk touch hoe then the final thing that this Village had was a gazebo this structure

Has a spell binding table which is what I need to acquire magic to cast with my swords unfortunately it needed XP and Lapis and I did not have any of either of those I wasn’t going to waste the table though I made an iron pick and

Then I stole it at the end of day one I began cooking food and then I slept off the night day two I was really able to take it all in look at this stuff look how stacked I got on the first day however I can tell you right now that

This was nothing it doesn’t even compare to the magic the Legendary Weapons the bosses it means nothing compared to those once my food was done the XP from cooking it actually got me to level three wait I have three levels do I have enough oh I can I can

Choose a book okay so the way this works is that all these books have different spells for your sword I’m going to go Arcane battle mage that sounds fun oh and now I need 10 levels okay just 10 more levels and I can actually use sword

Magic now I wanted to check out that flying Island that I spawned near and just a look at this place a gorgeous pink spring themed Skyland biome it’s so pretty and it was basically perfect to build a base on unfortunately I didn’t do that in my mind I wanted to explore

And not build at the world spawn point and I I don’t end up building on this Island and I kind of regret it I’m not going to lie and yeah from there I explored and right at the end of day two I found some lapis ore just on the

Surface in the Little Pond I’m not sure which mod makes it generate that way but I do need it later so I’ll take it and then day three I found a dragon whoa are you host I mean my sword’s not lighting up you have a baby can I have you I like

You you want some you want some pork chop you want some here you can you can have this I don’t really want that you can have that probably still some some meat on the bones just a little dragon chilling and yes it is table but I

Couldn’t do anything with it now so I left and then as if the dragon was not enough for day three I found the rarest structure in all of Minecraft a woodland Mansion oh sweet Jesus Jesus Christ okay that that scares me oh no dude look at that look at

That would you look at that a totem would be really good but I I cannot afford to go in there right now I can’t fight a woodland Mansion right now without magic but later I was going to take this place down I continued my journey and after a while I finally

Spotted three new structures yo what is that there’s a tower there’s a tower over there oh there oh oh oh I’m going this way I’m I’m going to do this guy and there’s so many there’s so much stuff all right oh this is a dungeon what you got bro spawner get lost idiot

Idiot my sword is still lit up there’s still mobs where are they okay that’s fine okay iron oh I got a Magic Helmet oh oh oh and I get runic Aegis what does that do oh I got absorption Hearts when it wore off dude oh that’s sick my first

Piece of spell Blade armor in orang Arcane helmet the armor value itself was pretty low but in exchange I get bonus absorption Hearts this armor also increases my Arcane magic damage I didn’t think that was super important because obviously I have no Arcane swords or spells yet however little did

I know I was about to find my first one okay what is this oh this is a Pillager Tower okay it’s just a normal Pillager Tower but it looks Japanese they have chests there’s no mobs here there’s no mobs yeah where’s the okay there there’s a clay Golem

Oh I heard one okay I have extra health I could probably take this out where’s the door there it is just fight it got him easy dude easy CL uh oh a mace uh no sharpness three oh my God die die die die you suck idiot clown okay uh

Sharp three magic protection hostile magic okay so I’m going to be fighting Wizards epic dude increases knockback delt yeah I’ll do that yeah how do I put that on right there okay I do more knockback now dope dude all right what’s next another chest a frost orb wait whoa an Arcane

Claymore okay we have another magic sword and this is also from the spellblade mod you can see it right there so I’m going to take it I mean that’s that it counts right it counts putting I’m throwing away the blueberries I’m sorry blueberries and what is this grant immunity to knock

Back I don’t want that I actually hate not being knocked back okay we we just got a new Magic sword it’s slower but it boo okay it has a spell on it Whirlwind I have a spinning spell called Whirlwind right now that’s my first spell okay okay okay um this is slower

Attacking than my sting but I think it’s a better weapon because it does Arcane spell power yeah so it has an Arcane spell on it and then the sword itself gives three Arcane spell power okay I’m going to sleep is it night time there’s probably going to be pillagers down

There I have an Arcane hat and sword right now this is a spell sword okay so I should be able to do a bunch of damage where they at I want to fight the pillagers there let’s try it out come on yo oh my God okay that’s definitely more of a

Skill than a than a spell but it it is it does magic damage that does magic damage oh my gosh that was insane dude okay my second magic sword not only does this blade have the Whirlwind spell which just mows down mobs but also whenever I use it to cast

Arcane spells it boosts their damage I was getting closer to level 10 too so soon I would be able to test that at the other Tower I found this massive Boulder made of copper and iron blocks I ended up with eight iron blocks and nine copper blocks and copper is normally

Useless but in this mod pack I needed to make some magical Metals later so this was good stuff the tower itself wasn’t very interesting though it had some apples and literally no mobs after that Tower I realized that my inventory was super limited I needed to make a backpack ASAP backpacks however needed

Rabbit hide which is a lot more annoying than leather so yeah the goal right now was rabbits while looking for some I passed through a villager Coliseum one of the villagers was a vagabond apparently which I don’t know what that means but I think it might mean a

Scammer like seriously who is paying these prices and then I walked right into a murder scene oh my God it was a massacre over here dude what are these squirrels doing why’ you kill all the chickens I’m so sorry no that wasn’t me you’re not going to kill me right okay

You’re chill why’d you kill the chicken wait does that mean you like chicken does that mean you like to eat chicken I got you oh are you mine are you mine now are you just trying to breed you’re just trying to smash you’re not mine oh my holy cra I’m so no you’re

Mine hello I have a piston on my fist this is my friend I’m going to call him George I’m going to leave George behind goodbye George M wait okay I can’t use wands that’s for that’s not I can’t use wands I’m not allowed to use wands but I am allowed to

Eat gold now apples but like I want XP die idiots oh oh you walk into the lawn mower that’s my special ability give me that XP I should have farmed that freck yes so wands do exist but they’re banned okay also bows and pretty much anything

That’s not a magic weapon and just to be clear that’s for combat I’m allowed to mine with a pickaxe before you go commenting that I continued my rabbit hunt from there and I wasn’t really sure where they spawned besides desert biomes so I wanted to find a desert then day

Five I lagged really hard and then my game crashed and the crash report said it was a compressed oops yeah I agree that threw off my entire sense of direction but I didn’t crash again so we’re good A bit later with no rabbits I found a really strange

Portal structure I would like rabbits real bad right now another Village would also work what is that what what is this what’s going oh my God that scared the Daylights out of me I’m stronger than you I’m stronger than you I don’t even know that I thought there was nothing here my

Heart my dude my mouse probably freaked out the prisoners quarters so they came out of that so this is either a spawner or that’s a portal and there’s there’s an asterisk what what does that what does that mean that’s a dead guy I’m sorry for

Your loss man of your life okay I don’t know what this is I saw it I crossed the Ravine and I got jumped so we’re just going to see what this is oh okay this gives me like big point of no return Vibes I feel like if I cross

That I’m not going to be able to come back back is that how that works this feels like a dungeon I should do when I have actual gear okay I cross it it’s a diamond yo I I don’t have the inventory space for this I’m going to come back later I I

Can’t I can’t right now here you can keep my cobwebs I I’ll keep the the Diamond this seems really cool later I’m going to come back later I keep finding all these structures before I have the gear and inventory space to do them but don’t worry I do come back

Later and that place is crazy later I was wandering through a spooky Forest when at long last I hit Level 10 wait I wait where’s my XP at I want to a different dimension fix level 10 there we go there we go okay okay I can get my first spell well

I guess like second spell now but like my I can get a spell for my book I want to get to a safer spot hi there’s a dinosaur down there he is definitely hostile he is he is like okay I don’t really know how to feel about

Him yeah anyways okay I don’t know how to feel about that guy that he was just there anyways uh hopefully I don’t ever have to fight one of those guys they’re kind of cute okay I have this now so now I should be able

To yeah okay I have the level and I have the lapis so now Arcane overdrive and that only costs three levels so you need okay so it’s like enchanting how do I equip it equipable in the spell book trinket slot which is right here so how do I oh

Okay so yeah okay so look I can Whirlwind which is this spinny attack that I murder everything with it is so powerful but I can hold alt and scroll in the bottom left and now I can over I don’t have an Arcane Rune what is an

Arcane Rune okay this uses ammo what is an Arcane Rune amethyst or an ender pearl a no okay I need am at this now but we do have a spell now okay okay okay yeah yeah cool yo can this Tower please have like one amethyst just a

Smidgeon of amethyst is all I need dude there’s coal I have to take these if you see a block of ore in Minecraft you can’t not take it I don’t care if it’s coal or not you have to I’m going to get this coal okay there’s two towers here I’m going to see

If this one has any amethyst emeralds I could buy am with this later that ain’t bad okay okay there’s skeleton skulls that’s a ominous okay oh this is this is like full aband oh wait I thought it was rabbit hide for like a split

Second oh my go oh my God what are the odds this looks fake I’m not cheating I I promise I’m not cheating I have no proof but I’m not cheat I mean you can see like creative mode you can see my my i’ I’ve had this achievement for I’m not

Cheating okay anyways that’s crazy love oh my gosh okay and now I can make the Rune is there any more come on I look so cheated right now that’s so not cool and half the chests are empty it looks so fake okay well I did get

Amethyst I guess I did yeah okay okay let’s get some Cobblestone and try the spell out what are the odds the Tower actually had some amethyst that’s so crazy that’s so crazy okay let’s go ahead and just make it all cuz like what else am I going to use amethyst for

Oh I kind of want this I want this because the Spells do more damage and it has a different spell I did get that diamond I stole this diamond let’s get this magic sword the Arcane Spell blade I need to cook some uh some gold I have

To make at least one of these Arcane runes I can go ahead and test my spell while I’m waiting for this to cook what does this do oh wow okay it’s an AOE spell and it says it says that it gives me a stacking attack speed buff triggered

On hit so whenever I hit an enemy with that my attack speed goes up okay that’s pretty that’s pretty good all right we have enough gold now let’s do a gold sword all right let’s do gold diamond amethyst and there we go our Arcane Spell blade so this this sword has a

Spell of its own and also it boosts uh Arcane damage but it attacks way faster so for spells the benefit from a high attack speed speed this is really good I think okay also it has flourish what is flourish okay it’s like a it’s like a single spin okay I actually was

Incorrect about how my spell worked this new spell the overdrive one applies to all of my attacks with a magic sword so every time I swing a magic sword the little AOE Nova fires off it gives me attack speed and does damage which is insane I desperately needed a backpack

Now though or just a place to live the backpack would be IDE deal of course because of all these dungeons but settling down meant that I could form XP easier and focus on spells so yeah now my goal is either a base location or rabbit hide for a backpack but instead I

Got distracted by a graveyard structure disturbing the Dead one a medium graveyard wither roses everywhere I’ve seen these before yeah I looted one of these in my Necromancer video and everyone keeps commenting about how I forgot that iron chest plate and I I know man I know wait there’s an anvil

Ah there’s an anvil I don’t have the inventory space I I don’t need an anvil I can M iron dude there’s amethyst okay I don’t look cheating anymore there’s more amethyst yes this amethyst is amazing dude this is like so much all right that’s the big

Boy spot and so is this thing yeah that’s a lot of gold that’s a lot of gold I’m just going to start smelting it to it Stacks with my ingots okay what’s in this big big chest oh there’s two I don’t have the inventory I need the diamonds those are

Huge screw wither Ros I can get more later I know where to find them in graveyards okay let me loot the rest of this place real quick string oh my gosh increases Arcane okay increases the Arcane and fire spell damage you deal that’s better than magic Protection One yeah okay I’ll take I’ll

Take sunrise or Sunfire 3 the loot do be good though I must say okay there’s two building that’s diamonds that was two diamonds in that oh these are all worth it now well now I have to break these I didn’t know there could be diamonds in that I ignore those

All the time let’s go into this building first it seems different there’s a pile of Wither skulls that was probably that could have been trapped for all I know oh my candles okay I’m good in the top of the tower I don’t care about that a gold sword I

Don’t care about any of that you cannot open these got it now in my Necromancer video I did turn this building into a wither skeleton farm so there’s probably a spawner maybe not this one maybe it was a different size oh there’s two blocks of gold yeah I’m sorry flint and steel you

Got to go temporarily and there’s a real Wither Skull yeah no flint and steel you got to go I’m going to need that give me that okay I really got to stop looting everything I see is the loot good yes is it fun yes do I have

The inventory space no but the game really wasn’t helping it gave me two Villages side by side I of course wanted to take everything but I settled for just the emeralds I also unlocked a new waste to teleport to for the town of wad mui and the next morning I found a third

Village called seha I just did not bother I’m in need of a home not bread or crops and to be honest all I really wanted was a flat space this time I had a really fun plan for how I wanted to do my base I wanted to make a big old magic

Fortress and to do that I need a big flat space so as long as I could find one it was perfect but so far everything was mountainous or a forest and I was not about to clear a forest of course the flying Island was pretty flat but I

I forgot about that so but it’s fine because towards the end of day eight I saw what might be the perfect spot for some reason my boat wouldn’t work and I had to swim but yeah this place was nice okay let’s check this out oh okay I think I found the spot

Dude check this out this area is nice it’s nice and flat right here big enough space for the The Fortress that I want to build and it’s right across the river from this fancy like it’s magic it’s blue the grass is blue over here grass

Is supposed to be green why is it blue yeah you cross the I might be like a bridge over here dude look at this cave well it kind of scares me right now but like yeah okay this is it but unfortunately I need to waste oh my step off idiot step

Off okay all right I found home but for now now I need to get a little bit geared up first let’s clear some grass this place was genuinely amazing flat lots of space nice scenery it was everything that I wanted more or less I obviously was not ready to build the

Fortress right now though because I had no blocks or resources so for now I just placed down some chests and stored my things and also because it is always the first thing you should make with diamonds I made a pickaxe then I placed Down The Binding table and turned

Another book into an arcane tone this one had a spell that sounded like a projectile which I really wanted I just needed levels first and because it seemed like I was going to be on the Arcane path for a while I wanted to make more of this armor and this stuff was

Expensive each Ingot used for it costs four gold ingots and four Arcane runes it took all the amethyst and gold that I had just to afford the pants but now my Arcane spells are stronger so hopefully it’s worth it after making that armor I set up a little potato farm for

Renewable food because I would need that soon while I was waiting for night time so I could Farm XP I saw some uninvited guests hello I’m I don’t want you here please leave nope leave I’m better than you oh my gosh I cleared I clear you oh my gosh dude oh

Now the Banner’s on my head ahw those were not the only thing mowed down by this Claymore either that night I farmed XP and this thing was absurd and this stuff was just the beginning it gets way stronger and way cooler I got to level 17 I slept off the night and

Then the next morning I learned some new spells let’s unlock some other spells with this with this XP I just got first things first Arcane missile it doesn’t do a whole lot base but it does better when you upgrade it with armor let’s get a different book

Too I’m going to get the frost one I have a frost orb that I found Frost bolts sure and let’s see what the frost battle mage spell is okay it’s the same thing but ice okay I got this orb earlier and it is from the spellblade mod so I assume

It’s meant to be used by people that are spellblade classes so let’s just see what Frost bolts like I need a frost Rune you know that makes sense how do I make a frost Rune snowballs well I don’t have those okay that’s going on the back burner I’ll try

That later let’s try this Arcane spell what does this do oh there we go okay we have a little okay we have a little little little pew pew little little little little gun dude we have a gun okay that is awesome that is awesome now I desperately needed more resources XP and

Runes for spells ores for other magic weapons blocks for my Fortress rabbit hide for a backpack so what do I decide to do a dungeon admittedly it helps XP and the rewards could be good but my priorities were just not where they should be before heading out I added

That Sunfire book that I got in the graveyard to my pants meaning my magic damage was now even stronger I swapped back to the battle mage book for that passive AOE attack and then I went to find a dungeon to fight I was gathering food along the way when I noticed

Something strange about my Arcane Spell blade what happened what happened to my sword what the heck why did it do that I shoot you yo this sword is sick what the heck does it get stronger or something I’m so sorry why does it do that does the other sword

Do that it doesn’t do that yo my sword changed yeah so I guess it transforms whenever I have that overdrive buff which is kind of sick day 11 I was still trying to find a dungeon when I made a major error oh yo my my bad yo a Wizard’s House I’m

Taking that yo thank you um for these I’m taking them all I’m taking all these what is that a w I can’t use that nope oh now it’s raining o okay wow this looks like it’s going to be terrible for my bit rate yo who’s shooting at

Me yo yo yo you can challenge The Village all you want to I’m not your enemy here step off who are you who do you think you are go oh I’m going to die oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no that is a that is that is a bird not a enemy I am running away yo yo yo yo chill chill chill chill

Chill chill chill chill chill brother brother brother I I’m not nope I didn’t want to do that that Village is is toast I wanted their way Stone I was going to take their way Stone and put it in my house okay so no more raids for now vindicators are op

After escaping that raid I had no more food so I took a break to cook some the next morning while waiting for my pork chops I tested out that Frost orb now that I had a rune all right I have the frost run now

So I can try this out at least what does this look like oh okay that casts really fast fast yeah 50% spell haste wow orbs seem pretty good in the pinch and they are from the Spell blade mod but I’m not really going to be using them in the

Future I wanted to use magic swords and stuff and an orb isn’t really a sword later that day I came across a beach biome made of cow site and let me tell you I wrote down those coordinates because this block is perfect for my Fortress and as if that wasn’t enough

That day I also found a jungle Village which is cool yeah yeah whatever but more importantly it was in a gigantic Blackstone desert I now had all these great blocks to come back and get whenever I was ready however this was really far away from my base and that

Village did not have a waist Stone so I wanted to make one to do so I would need an ender pearl so I stayed up at night to hunt Enderman thankfully my sword is kind of nuts but while hunting I saw these spiders look at them what are

You oh Noah ew oh I don’t know this is D is this dangerous I’m just going to kill him nothing is dangerous when you’re me dude oh my gosh stay dead for real oh my I am so insane pretty weird guys but they stand no chance against the

Whirlwind deck the next morning I use the ender pearl that I got to make this weird eye thing and then I turned that into a waist Stone now I can teleport back here whenever as long as I get a waist stone for my base too at the end

Of that day I found a Big Snowy Mountain and I got some snowballs intending to use them for ice runes but uh I can tell you right now I threw them out because that is a lot of inventory space that I do not have and then finally on day 14 I

Found the dungeon I was looking for it was a portal like the one that I found before and it was time to see just how strong this place really was okay here we go oh my gosh oh my God that’s new die that looks sick okay I’m going to go

Into this place I have a lot of food I have a lot of golden apples I am straight up tossing these snowballs I can get more later I’m a little bit nervous what is going to be through here oh this is a different one I thought

They were all going to be the same okay I assume I’m going to get attacked as I go through this place Health flas restores 2 Hp removes bleed and poison okay I’m nervous oh that is unner that scared me I’ll admit that scared me a Rod

Sword all right that’s just a sword it’s not like a magic sword it doesn’t have an ability on its own got him I okay I I understand it now those squares are where enemies spawn so I see a floating square like that thing over there that little glowing spot

Enemies will spawn when I get over there there going to be an enemy spawn right here shielder mess them up bro all right mess them up all right so far far so good this place is pretty chill bro as long as I can just cast my Whirlwind it’s over they got nothing on

My Whirlwind protection for oh wow boots are going to love you boots are going to love this guy holy oh a torch wait can I hold this am I off hand no this is a pretty dope torch though can I make these no you know what

This is the benefit of this place I’m stealing these look at that that is perfect for a magic house oh I’m taking all the oh you are mine oh this is a cool Banner too I can claim this Banner for my own and pretend that it’s mine my

Like it’s blue and gold right like that’s my eye color that’s like the same thing I am the king all right another guy here who’s this don’t matter he ain’t got nothing on me right more diamonds dude spell volatility okay is that armor I have no idea dude the enchanted books are the

Best thing here these are nuts and the Torches I I kind of like those too okay Archer man nah this dungeon is kind of sick I’m a big fan and I think every single portal is a different dungeon like it’s like randomly generated I did I don’t know

What this mod is I’ve never I didn’t look into it I saw that it had a cool looking creature that look like a pink eyeball and I did it so shielder man on God I don’t like you nah no Shield bashing me man oh this

Is another flag a tenac why I’m not into that all right go for it I’m baiting him to do the attack and I’m dodging it yeah that’s sick dude okay I’m I’m kind of a a goated gamer let me grab these oh you get rotten flesh from those that’s cute

There’s a guy in this prison cell Diamond let’s go an Assassin’s dagger that’s definitely not magic I’ll keep it as a trophy but I can’t use that it’s not magic I don’t oh there we are okay wait there more damage with each consecutive attack balanced Blade no I’m

Not going to take it it don’t count all right we drop down here oh I don’t like this I feel like it’s going to get a lot harder I was on the basic floor how deep can I go all right two cleared there’s a lot of chests

Wow this is a sick dungeon there’s so many guys it’s really convenient how they don’t spawn until you get there that does a lot of damage oh my gosh silk touch oh that’s so sick wow you all take that that’s huge I am a little nervous how one hit from any

Enemy does five hearts of damage to me but I’m just going to trust that I’ll be fine protect oh my that scared me so bad I didn’t even notice there was an opening here I got protection 3 that scared me so bad another protection 3 we

Just got two prod three books we are so good this dungeon is so good for me so good to me Frost blast this is like a spell I can’t I can use it there we go it’s a little awkward I’ll admit I have to use a different

Spell first and have it on cool down dude that’s a cool spell it freezes everything in front of me amplify spell inrees the damage of critical strikes done with a spell oh my god dude we’re getting so many things I might have to back out and come back

With a backpack that was a lot of backs in a row but they all were needed I’m just looking for the next floor cuz these guys are Chumps think I another on me for real sharpness three I need that I need that blade is half my purpose in life

Okay I’ll throw the Frozen Rune away it’s literally a cobblestone and a in a snowball protection three there’s so many protection three books I I can’t hold them all oh you’re still alive I thought I’m sorry brother I thought ow okay I thought he was dead that sucks

Okay I might be strong but I am hexed I have a weird feeling something really bad is going to happen when this runs out and I don’t know what it is but I need to get out of here I need to get out of here like now this is not

Safe I I don’t try I need to leave how do I leave I don’t even know where the exit is my only way out is is finishing the dungeon I think I don’t know what’s going to happen Okay okay go this way I am the best you cannot stop me Sunfire 2

And Breaking 2 okay I’m I screw efficiency too I get I get that later oh dude I have a minute and a half oh this is not going to go well I don’t know what’s happening but my yeah him that’s part of it that’s it I’m invaded oh no oh no

Oh he he dropped a Spell blade oh my god I’ve been invaded okay I I shouldn’t have killed that man I don’t think oh they’re casting spells oh they are evil evil I’m so much better than you they’re also spell blades I killed that guy okay they they can drop their spell

Blades oh they’re all casting spell okay if they fall down to me I’m good they’re teleporting yeah so remember that evil cult that I mentioned in the uh intro that was them and they were called hex blades because I was using magic so often in this

Dungeon they invaded to attack me and if I was not in this cramped space I would have died guaranteed trust me it is not the last that I see of them and they are insanely strong I guess they Retreat after a certain amount of time or something and it definitely saved me

Them spawning did show me a hidden loot room though okay those guys are gone I I guess they left when the effect ran out I don’t really know they did show me this room though which is kind of cool I mean there’s not much in here but that’s

Neat I just want to finish this dungeon and leave now I’m I’m scared I don’t know what I don’t know why that happened in particular I I like I don’t know but now I know I have to look at these chains every single time cuz look how

Much loot is on these chains dude they Tau me that you know those guys taught me that okay I can’t take it all I can’t take it all I’ll take I’ll take some this looks like a boss is going to spawn this room looks scary none of the other

Rooms looked like this and there’s no oh oh is this just dungeon one wait I’m scared what oh where did I end up okay this is this is seemingly a village oh I’m scared is this still a dungeon oh they’re spawning yeah okay oh there’s new guys who are

You no don’t mess with me don’t mess with me I’m not ready for this I I’m not built for this I got to leave I’m going to try and get back out of here I need to get back home I’m not built for this gigantic my

Health I was stabed in the back by who it wasn’t the guy that just spawned was it oh my God no what is that no I’m going to die I can’t I cannot do this okay yeah no I’m leaving I’m out that was awful okay I’m not strong enough yet that was

Terrifying dude that guy almost killed me yeah after that near-death experience I just backtracked all the way to the exit and went back to the the Overworld on day 16 I had had my fair share of Dungeons and near-death experiences I wanted to return home I was level 21 so

I could learn new spells and I had all kinds of enchanted books and diamonds to use and I really wanted to work on my base and get stronger I started journeying back when I saw this weird tower in the ocean at first the loot seemed pretty mediocre but at the

Top oh my God yo that is incredible oh wow okay I mean it’s not that expensive to make one of these to be honest it’s just an ender pearl but also a god Apple I mean you can’t go wrong with a god apple and my right Gamers you know what I’m saying uh

Okay with my new waist Stone in hand I continued back home I spent all of day 17 traveling and as I was nearing my base location on day 18 I found a better spot it was prettier it had more space and I definitely wanted to live here so

I put down the wa Stone and some chests and spent all of day 19 moving my stuff then day 20 I wanted to make use of the XP that I got by trying out some new magic so if I take this thing I assume it just works like an enchantment table

Yeah so I should have access okay I have access to the tier 2 spells now Frost flurry a frozen statue I like this book a lot twin slash O Okay and then Arcane blast I could also make a new book let’s see so these are like holy magic these ones are

Like Buffs for not magic stuff so I’m not really going to be doing those mostly let’s try the flame battle mage book that’ll use one level to make launch a sphere of scorching that’s what I want that’s what I want we’re doing that that sounds dope scorching

Wind and I can also do flaming overdrive I think there we go we have both spells in this book now my fire book uh can I make a flame Spell blade how do I do it Spell blade oh no you need blaze rods for that

Okay I’ll do that later I bet I can get one of his loot from like a ruined portal how do I make these oh I can make the armor I can make the fire armor this is really easy to make right it’s just copper and then these runes or

Cobblestone and coal yeah I’m going to go ahead and make fire armor that sounds sick right now yeah yeah yeah I need to flatten this out anyways so I’m going to start it up here okay we have some Cobblestone here’s the copper that I smelted before

From those blocks that I got and here’s my coal so if I do this I get two stacks of fire runes and then I can make 16 ingots right now I would need eight more so I need half a stack of copper let’s see if I can find some copper yeah right here

Perfect Dude Perfect perect easy enough actually while my copper is smelting I’m going to go look for some lava cuz I need to enchant actually I can just use the books that I got I guess yeah I’ll just use the protection three books that I have yeah

That seems way better all right we have enough copper so now what I can do I can make my last eight ingots and now I can make a full set of fire armor yo yo okay I’m going to go ahead and blow all my books on this I think I

Think let’s get Sunfire let’s get protection three protection three feather falling uh protection three and spell volatility protection three okay here we go okay boots feather falling that’s already Seven Levels okay Pro three oh the spell volatility is expensive okay um and so is Sunfire okay I I need more XP before I

Can do this I’m just going to farm tonight hold on whoa oh that’s just a helmet yeah I thought you were built different for a second I mean you are kind of sparkly but you ain’t nothing brother wait what that zombie was sparkling and had a weird hat when I

Killed it wait I got a soul star where does it lead is there like an Eye of Ender bosses of mass destruction yeah I almost died to a man with swords for hands so I’m going to I’m going to wait on that I think I’m sorry sheep what is that dead I

Guess okay do I have enough XP um pants I want to put protection three and this yeah then helmet I just want this okay five levels one second oh I got an ender pearl yo it’s another Wast Stone later sweet okay I’m level six now boom boom

Check that dude so now I have a full fire armor set fully enchanted with protection three and I have enchantments to boost my damage let’s try this dude oh you that looks wow it looks better in my inventory okay look at this look at this guy in my in wow this looks

Awful why does it look like this this looks sick though dude this looks so clean oh my gosh in my inventory at least now let me try out these fire spells let’s equip my fire book that I just made fire battle mage spell book so

My first spell is the same thing as the it’s the AOE yeah so every attack will do that AOE of Fire magic and then my other spell oh that is sick okay what does that do I’m going to shoot this cow with it I have enough magic runes to do so check this

Out okay that did not kill a cow okay zombie villager let’s try on you what just hit me me a child I think this is mostly a a utility spell oh that’s cool okay so it does not do a ton of damage yet until I get more

Boosts but what it does do is it sends enemies flying yeah I could that’s amazing he’s like a firework and then he dies to fall damage these new spells were nuts without more enchantments the Spells don’t do a ton of damage with the big wave of fire was incredible utility also

That soul star thing that I got I end up following it later and let me tell you wow but that’s later right now I wanted to go mining my next objective was to build my magic Fortress but for that I really wanted amethyst blocks I’m sure

There’s other ways to get them in modded Minecraft but I figured the best bet was still a geod so after making another way Stone I headed underground I Don’t Love mining without a backp pack but because I had found literally zero rabbits I had no choice the first thing I found down

There was a material called of ve glass this was a material needed for legendary weapons but those weapons also need a lord soul which comes from bosses so then while underground I heard this weird Roar nope what is nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I heard a roar that Roars from in

Here I can’t see hey tell me what this is an underground Crypt but what is the roar coming from oh no what are you dude oh sweet Jesus Oh that I thought I straight up thought I had a Herobrine installed I’m not even going to lie to you die oh there’s a lot

Of you Fireball did you want to fight so bad come here yeah that’s right yeah you want to fight fight so bad come here come here I’ll fight you come on oh you give good XP okay you know this isn’t really my objective right now I shouldn’t be down here oh there’s

Another one coming from up there I’m leaving okay uh maybe I’ll come back to that later but I don’t no I that’s not what I’m here for I need to I need to find a geode just below that Crypt I found an or called Moon stone that was another

Material that I needed for Legendary Weapons like a Moonlight sword and stuff it’s pretty cool and somehow with luck that I literally never have I actually found a geode like I just saw some basal in the wall mined in and yeah it was a geode I also got this cool brown rock

Near there which I figured might make good flooring or something I placed down a way ststone and then I went back home but with the Blackstone desert the cowside beach and this geode I now had access to all the materials needed to build my magic Fortress the morning of

Day 22 I made a second diamond pickaxe I Enchanted it with efficiency 2 in silk touch because I would need a ton of stone to flatten the area and then I got to work 1 yo look at my base my Fortress dude look at this I have all I I’m really proud of

This wall design I think this is very very pretty look at the amethyst block and all that is pretty good and these little towers here they’re just here they don’t really do much I’m waiting for the grass to spread right now but I didn’t want to wait cuz this took a long

Time it is day 38 right now I’m very concerned about how long this took also look I have a farm I have a little farm here we’re growing some crops I’m going to be like you know I’m going to be harvesting those for food we have little blueberries for aesthetic just chilling

Around uh we’re going to pretend that this is centered because it was too late to to fix that and then I have my main hall here I don’t really do much with it but I’m going to put like some trophies along this I’m pretty sure this room is

Where I’m going to be enchanting and binding spells we’ll be doing that that’ll be fun and then in here is my main room this is where my trophies are currently I’m putting some some little Collectibles that I’ve been getting up here and then I have my storage and I

Think this base is the best I’ve ever built in my life this base is sick it’s so good dude next thing I wanted to do was get a steed I was basically a magical version of a knight and every good knight needs a steed to ride on right this mod pack

Has magical mounts and I wanted the track one down and tame it I was out trying to find one and then I made like the main mistake you could ever make while in the woods good God that’s pretty okay this isn’t look like Minecraft dude this is crazy

Oh oh I’m sorry I didn’t I didn’t oh oh you’re fast oh I didn’t mean to punch you uh go away oh God okay oh oh that was scary okay I’m not going to fight these things either I don’t want to fight them wow I didn’t know Bears could swim like that

Yo on God bro I don’t you’re not part of what I’m dealing with right now I’m scared of a bear not you oh that was scary yeah who knew bears functioned as speedboats unfortunately I did not bring a bed with me so I could not sleep and

That night I got attacked by a wild beast it’s dumb that my fire spells don’t light things on fire that’s a weird skeleton oh my God what are you it’s healing no no where are you where are you what are you spin I don’t have

Spin oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God did it drop anything yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo time in place my man time in place meat chupacabra meat this meat was

Actually really useful you’ll see that soon I searched for all day 39 and all that really happened was that I found a red and white Tower and got another waystone and then day 40 there was a real slap in the face I’m out here spending multiple days trying to find a

Mount of my own and look at this dude that I found in the swamp yo what is this look like a barn which is where you would keep a mount not there’d be one for me but I mean maybe what up gang there are mounts here yo I actually need one of

These appreciate that brother this guy’s like flexing that he has mounts and I don’t I could steal his but I’m not going to do that cuz that’s not what I want I don’t want these These are these are basic dude they’re not magical at

Least I got a saddle but I was a little upset but then right after I found one there’s a lot of things I would accept to find right now number one on the list a mount that can fly number two a mount that can rock

Oh oh oh oh oh yo I got to s from my chair yo I think that’s a magical mount it looks very mountable hey yo how does this work do I just it’s like a horse oh it’s like a horse I got you now you’re mine now you’re done come on come on

Show me the hearts come on you’re like a horse right come on I got to feed you is there like a is there like a strategy that I’m not understanding I want to be your friend oh yo shaders I didn’t mean to do that yo in this new saddle that I just got

Yo this beautiful blue creature was a courier bird I named it pumpkin spice unfortunately despite being a bird it was a flightless bird and I really wanted a flying Mount and this one was not that also pumpkin spice could not use a waist Stone to teleport with me

There was an item called a summoning staff which would teleport your Mount to you but it needs a name tag and a bell from a village it’s doable but it would be really annoying as if day 40 wasn’t good enough already it got even better with this giant village that I

Found apples pumpkin spice probably likes though oh my God you have rabbit hide oh that’s yo huge huge okay we have one oh pumpkin spice this is big you don’t understand but I’ve been looking for rabbit hide for 40 days finally a piece of a rabbit hide just five more

And I I can finally get a backpack I spent most of day 41 looking at the rest of the village but there wasn’t really much of use I got an ender pearl and also this bundle which I guess is kind of like a backpack but like it’s not

Really a backpack it’s really bad I’m not going to lie I then stole their Bell and the final chest that I found had two more rabbit hide I was so close to that backpack I could almost taste it after another village with no name tag I tried to just teleport

Anyways Y what if I could just teleport while riding you well that didn’t work yeah so I really needed that name tag at the end of that day I found this Village made of tents and it had insane loot wait another saddle oh God okay yeah this is a very promising

Village they’ll have some unique stuff going on here I’ll be I’ll be honest you know oh oh y I got oh that’s cool that decreases the trade prices I wonder if I can trade with the librarian for a name tag what can deflect a hit once a minute that’s not

Magic increases the length of invincibility yeah dude sure y I’m getting some bobbles finally do you happen to farm rabbits it’s in your best interest to not tell me oh another saddle dude that’s three okay oh this hat is broken this hat decreases the prices by

So much okay so I just need a name t they have a spawner in this Village the chests are gone but like this could be this is the best village I’ve ever found this could be a mob grinder yo I’m going to I’m they don’t have a way Stone here

I’m going to install one and the payment is that I own their village now and that seems like a good deal to me turns the wearer invisible dude an invisibility thing that sounds really annoying most of the time but I’ll take it just in case it becomes useful Later zombie village yeah

That’ll be my zombie spawner Village okay the Villager hat that decreases trade prices was easily the best thing that I found villagers are really powerful for a lot of reasons and this hat would make it so much better I was trying to find a village that had a

Librarian so I could trade them for a name tag and then I found three structures back to back all right big graveyard little ruins giant town all right this is the this is it what a beautiful selection of structures all right sir I parked my pumpkin spice on your roof I hope you

Don’t mind uh a power two bow that would be epic if I could use it hello good sir Bandit oh I mean sure dude that’s a weird this is a weird trade all right pumpkin spice stay up there I’m going to actually sleep cuz the graveyard scares me you never know

Oh a soul star Yo cool I got a second one of those all right I don’t have a clear inventory but I have a clear mind okay I have faith in this graveyard it will not have ow it will not have nothing it has a ton of gold don’t care right

Now two diamonds I will take the two diamonds okay I have to take those for sure surely there’s a name tag come on who doesn’t bury their loved ones with a name tag how are people going to know who they are when they dig up the graves

See this is a nice set of stuff to bury someone with but there’s no name tag so it’s not nice enough you know you can’t truly show your care for somebody unless there’s a name tag in their grave lots of non-name tag stuff around here oh wait this is a free Wither

Skull that’s kind of sick yo wither skulls are huge right now I need those give me that free Wither Skull and an Infinity book oh and spell Hast yay Infinity is irrelevant but spell haste is pretty sick who needs a load Stone 2022 come on

Like a Wither skull is like I I need a Wither Skull cuz I have to fight the Wither but it’s like I don’t need that right now I’m planning on going to the nether eventually anyways so like I don’t need that right now whatever pumpkin spice How’s It Go um all right pumpkin

Spice we’re going to the Village onwards and upwards ow we got rabbit hide last time we can do it again this is the same type of Village I’m pretty sure my goals are a librarian for the name tag and rabbit hide sup bro your cheaper Fletcher prices are crazy rabbit hide

Okay four I need two more oh dude I have not seen a rabbit all 40 whatever days so far what day am I on 44 all 44 days no rabbits lots of raw rabbit but no rabbit where where y’all getting this raw rabbit from huh where are you

Finding it where are you getting this stuff oh a golden apple y I didn’t even see this chest last time all right Castle I know this won’t have it but this is diamonds yo now one of these towers has a chest that could contain rabbit hide I think it’s this Tower

Right here come on it’s a yes dude it’s time it’s finally oh my God okay oh my God okay dude no way no way no way no way no way I need an iron inot oh God I actually don’t have one right now uh there’s there’s definitely one in a

Chest somewhere right how do I not have iron right now am I trash yes yes yes dude oh my God finally finally finally a backpack equipable in the back trinket slot which one is that this one no this one right here what oh I have a different oh yo yo yo

There’s unlockable backpacks I feel like the most fitting one for for for my case would be the end Crystal one which we’ll be doing that for sure finally a backpack also I changed the config to add more slots because one row is not worth all that effort and then as I was

Looking for a villager to trade for a name tag I found found an even cooler magical mount uh hi I I think this is a magic Mount how do I ride it oh it’s so dark when I’m next to you I’m caring I don’t think I’m

Supposed to be able to do this but I this is mine now um no I want to I want to ride this can I can I ride this no come here oh you are wow this makes the lighting really weird are you supposed to have shaders come back are

You supposed to be table oh I am so sorry I have a feeling I’ve made an enemy on this day I want to oh I got you okay okay I got you come on come on I I think you can be come on come on come on I don’t

Know did you tame you tamed when yo I didn’t even see hearts yo I got a flying Mount I got a flying Mount I have a magical flying bird now I ended up naming this one McNugget I was trading with a villager the next morning hoping for an enchantment called spell infinity

That enchantment made spells not need runes which sounded really good because then I can just Spam spells all day but instead of that I got looting three I cannot say no to looting three so I bought it so I went to find a different villager for spell infinity and it took

Forever but eventually I got it oh finally dude spell infinity okay this is spell infinity so spells don’t take runes to cast anymore it’s only one Emerald like I need to level you up anyways okay and that should level you up curse of binding you are useless I really don’t want your

Lanterns magic protection that’s not very good though okay I need more emeralds magic protection is like chill but like not really I’m out of books okay I’m going to put a was Stone down I don’t have a was wait I have a was in here oh

God okay I have a new W Stone spell infinity so I’m going to go home now get more emeralds and and books okay back to spell infinity villager Hey where’s your name tag you’re so annoying for real man this is why no one likes you that’s 14 I’m

Sorry okay don’t insult your local villagers I guess we have a name tag we have a name tag we have a name tag okay I can make this staff I just stored my ender pearl in my chest back hall goodbye level why would I do that stored my feathers too okay anyway

Staff check it I can make this summoning staff now now the way that it works is that I can teleport my pets as long as the chunks are loaded so if I do it real fast I should be able to get my my pets back home McNugget is top priority we

Got to we got to get McNugget inside so McNugget is bound to this thing now so I go home it didn’t work oh jeez oh this is going to cost so many levels to just to test so I can move you around no oh this is horrible news how do I get

McNugget and pumpkin spice home okay I need to get my friends home okay you know what because this is my Village that I’ve claimed I think I’ll temporarily leave pumpkin spice here I’ll leave pumpkin spice here to guard the place this is where pumpkin spice will reside awaiting

Me McNugget and I will fly home on off I go yeah so I spent all of day 46 just flying home McNugget was really fast just not as fast as teleporting I also grabbed more way stones from these towers along the way because they were just so valuable now

That I was home I decided to make use of that Chupacabra meat you can only cook this stuff on a campfire so after making one I cooked it into these skewers and a chupacabra skewer can be used to tame a wild Drake you know the little dragons

That I saw before before heading out I made an item called a mob catcher which is a mod that I installed after flying home because I never wanted to do that again I use these to bring pumpkin spice home and then I headed out to use the

Skewers I wanted to find a purple or a black dragon and it took the entire day but I finally found one that night oh there we go there we go all right my man do you want this oh oh I tamed this oh this is mine now

Oh look at my man look at you okay get in get in the catcher oh yeah okay we’re going to go home now there’s probably a wayone over there I can just use that yeah home oh all right my new man right here yes sir dude I don’t know if you’re good at

Combat or anything but I like you I’m going to name you uh I’m going to name you Blackberry Blackberry the dragon was here I didn’t really trust taking him into combat but he’d make a good house BET next I saw this item when I was trying to craft stuff before and it was

Called a spirit stick and I wanted to try it out spirit is stick and what is this oh this is a wand oh want oh if you have at least 10 fire spell power you can summon this item by shift right clicking I don’t have 10 I don’t

Think but I assume I got it cuz of the stick host of spells burning Spirit an instant cast AOE and because it it has a plus 100% fire spell power oh but when I’m not holding it it goes back into stick form oh it just disappears that’s

Awesome I can just make these spirit sticks so I can summon a good fire sword whenever I want to now I want to see what other fire spells I can get let’s make some more Fire books Let’s make all the Fire books right now now I need

Flame source and to of fire so I have Fireball fire breath meteor super NOA Rising flames and tempered flame okay and then there’s flame overdrive scorching wind and flickering flame I need level 30 I need to unlock these spells okay so to unlock the Spells wow to unlock these spells

You need level 30 30 and then it takes nine of your levels away so right now all I have is is the ones I’ve been using this sword had crazy Firepower as long as I can get the levels for the Spells my preferred method of grinding

XP is nether quartz mining so it was finally time to go to the Nether and I couldn’t have been less lucky quartz time if I don’t die immediately please don’t be floating above lava please don’t be flying above lava please don’t be oh oh ah ah what is that dude what are those

I’ve never seen that in my life what mod is that oh sweet GE okay that’s really large okay what are the odds of it’s hostile oh this is the worst spawn this is like the one thing I didn’t want oh my God where am I sulfuric bone

Reef I went back to the Overworld to get blocks and I built my way across but I was not trusting these jellyfish you never know when they’re going to shoot a fireball or something I assume these are very common for fabric mod players but I haven’t really played fabric mods before

And I am afraid of the unknown so I found this nether Ruby ore which is just insanely op for some reason regardless I won’t be using it because it’s not magic armor but this stuff was crazy then after traversing this spooky gravel desert I found a nether fortress I had

To carefully navigate it blocking off wither skeletons to take them out safely and dodging Fireballs from blazes to avoid burning to death I looted a few chests and got some horse armors and some night vision goggles which are really cool but in the nether they might

Be a little too bright the thing I needed most from The Fortress was blaze rods because blaze rods can be used to make the fire element spell blades I know I just discovered the spirit sword thing but the spirit sword cannot be enchanted and fire spell blades could so

Later on they’d be a lot stronger I put my life on the line to fight these blazes and I got super lucky and got five almost immediately with that I decided to leave the Fortress but then I found another one in a Soul Sand Valley and I saw something incredibly cursed

What is that n n n no no no no no no no no no there’s a snake man over there oh it’s casting spells in me stop it come closer if you want to fight idiot I I’ll fight you oh God what is that look

At that it looks withy I wonder if it can drop a skull I want to fight it you’re bad come on get closer I killed it I don’t know I don’t think it dropped anything those things were terrifying but I did manage to kill

It I was kind of hoping it would give a Wither Skull because if I had one more of those I could fight the Wither which I have to do later because the nether star can be used to make legendary weapons and don’t worry I have not forgotten my objective here okay I was

Still mining quartz whenever I saw it I just didn’t see it very often skull oh my God is this like a safe drop okay skull dude oh I’m so lucky oh that was so that was not even that much grind to be honest okay I still kind of want to hit

Level 30 before I leave but there’s no no quarts anywhere okay there’s some right there but I’m a little scared to mind that oh good evening all right I now had three wither skulls I was definitely not ready to fight the Wither yet but now I

Could do it whenever I was ready I spent a while getting quartz for more XP and then I found a new entrance to the Fortress and it was very dark so luckily I found those night vision goggles because of the fog in this biome it made things a little bit green but it’s

Better than seeing nothing then right afterwards I found something pretty cool in a chest yo I mean this is not that hard to craft I’ll be honest but yo this is a staff I can’t use those but I can use the frost Spell blade for ice spells oh that’s so

Sick okay I did not expect to find that in the in in in hell but I mean yeah okay another spellblade element and with those blaze rods that I got before I can now make the flame one one for the third a bit more Mining and exploring later I finally hit Level 30

And I also got a fourth Wither skull for the road that was like everything that I needed from the nether so I went back to my portal it took a while but I somehow managed to find it and I headed home Hello friends I got you some some

Drip I got you some drip oh yes can you wear armor I think you look really good in this no okay that’s fair now that I’ve hit Level 30 I must decide on a fire spell to get the most logical approach would be to finish the book I have right here and

Get flickering flame which teleports you to the enemy and Strikes them repeatedly oh that’s like a oh that sounds sick dude but meteor sounds sounds sick but with my luck it’s going to be really tiny and boring I have the ability to get a level 20 and actually I have the

Ability to get okay I can finish a book Supernova Rising flames and tempered flame I think I want to do this book or this book I’m going to do this book first we’ll do the other one later we’re going to get an XP farm soon oh that

Used all my lapis I need to go get lapis now okay I want to try the Supernova on these on these mobs let me get out a spirit stick I want to do it with my full abilities let’s charge up a supernova oh my armor looks bad cuz of

The dark it’s fine check this out I’m I don’t have a fire Rune oh jeez hold on all right fire runes are really cheap there we go fire Rune another spe stick check out this Supernova attack ah y fat damage it’s on cool down a bruh whatever

Whatever that did a lot if I one shot him with a four attack damage attack that did a lot wait oh oh oh oh in hindsight makes sense make my M okay but did you see what I was doing there so I was using that spirit sword I was charging up my burning

Spirit buff and that was making the sword the sword’s fire damage go up so I could have done 24 damage in one hit there but if I have too high of a number it it lights me on fire go away yeah oh sweet Jesus Christ are we chill I offer you my Frost

Blade okay I’m glad that I got that cuz he he wouldn’t have taken a damaged one I I’ll have to get another ice Frost blade that or a frost Spell blade if I did not give that man my Frost Spell blade I would have been invaded immediately and I was

In no position to take them on at least not yet unfortunately it is not the last that I see of those guys and next time it doesn’t go quite so well I spent the rest of day 51 getting lapis and then I headed home okay before I do the rest of

These spells I want to enchant something cuz I hit Level 25 in that cave and I only need to be level 20 for the spell and I don’t want to waste the the more expensive levels let’s go ahead and make my first enchantment table Y what should

I enchant I think I should make the fire Claymore my Arcane Claymore is about to break so we’re going to going to retire that for now let’s make the fire Claymore now that I have enough for it oh I need glow stone ah shoot you want any glow stone oh there’s glowstone

Right there perfect yeah also glowstone pile but that’s annoying so give me gimme all right flaming spell Blade Two Rune blades ingots and there we go my fire Claymore this does not have the crazy ability of the burning soul sword or whatever but it’s still pretty good

So I’m going to try and enchant it with level 25 spell haste would actually be really good let’s try and do this 28 26 what about just this one right here Bane of Arthropods okay uh what if I just Enchanted this real quick sharpness no what about a quick roll sharpness

Three that’ll work and stagger two that sounds pretty good okay sharpness to that’ll work Unbreaking to sure and now that I’ve used my levels efficiently flame Source back in and learn Rising flames and tempered flame let me read what these do and then test them out oh

So tempered flame will let me hit like zombie piglins with fire and then Rising Flames is actually I guess an attack let’s try it okay real quick spell infinity yeah I’m going to add spell infinity and spell haste so I can cast way faster yeah all right spell

Infinity is the most important and then spell haste there we go check that out check out this new Claymore I just made this thing’s goated dude my fire spells are crazy I have the full fire spell armor too so this one tempered Flames that yeah okay so

That lets me hit like fire immune things then we we have the Supernova which does not kill a cow I trust it’s on one HP now it’s not no no seven okay that did three damage what oh I have no spell power boosts I need to

Get spell power okay but for now let’s try this Rising thing oh oh wow so I can suffocate whatever I’m looking at that’s incredible and then of course I can spin to win oh spell haste makes this really fast okay that’s massive improvements okay I would like to get spell power see how

Expensive this is cuz I would like more damage five levels I can do that okay I hit level five from mining coal all right now I add spell power okay and now my spells do more damage which they they need apparently they don’t do very much my magic ability has

Gone up a ton at least in terms of fire damage if I wanted to use a second element with high damage I’d have to upgrade my armor first if I upgraded the armor that I have right now with a totem of a different element I would get a

Higher tier armor set that can boost both elements of magic of course Elemental totem require totems of undying but your boy just so happens to know where a mansion is and it was time to make use of it I grabbed McNugget and headed back to where it all began the

Town of tofu Oo we took to the skies and flew over to the mansion and prepared for battle goodbye McNugget I promise to come back alive buddy I’m in water okay not a good start I’ll be honest break in they can’t stop me what are they going to

Do oh you want some you want some spin oh my God no no I just got here why is it on fire is there another Mage here wait why is it on fire oh that you guys who built this place here die die die okay who oh I got to

Hurry got it got one got one got one die die old man oh my God oh my God there’s another one at least there’s another one in the other room I heard it Golden Apple no right there right there where’d he go did I get him no leave spin just spin just

Spin oh the knock back okay I still hear another one okay I only have two tot I killed three though didn’t I okay oh it’s my HPP bar okay we have three totems right now all right I’m going to keep the totem in the uh the slot just in case this Mansion is

Burning down as we speak got him huge damage got him okay shoot another one down another one down another one down all right these vexes have got to be like in incinerated dude they are ruining my life that was stupid at me screw this dude okay we have gotten four totems so

Far are there any more bro what are you I know it’s too bright for you to spawn so I don’t even try that is there any loot here that I have not gotten cuz it is over for this place they put their their home on lava here’s a chest

Here oh sweet Jesus that scared me that was not a Pillager there’s a Las here let him free let him free let him free y you got to get out of here you got to leave you got to leave there it’s on fire you got to go you got to go get out

Get out go I got you don’t worry don’t worry I got the guards go leave okay I freed them the LA can go oh my God what were these pillagers doing here not bad I’m just going to leave I’m just going to leave I’ve gotten enough totems and I have an extra

One to use for my like not not dying thing that was very worth it we’ve escaped with our lives and lots of totems of UND dying no no leave oh okay totem didn’t go off didn’t die we’re okay we’re okay okay McNugget McNugget we have to go no kill kill this

Pillager before he causes problems got him okay McNugget we need to leave now we need to leave right now made out like a bandit though I did kind of feel like I chose the wrong book for my fire spells because they weren’t really doing much damage there I’d work

On increasing the power of my spells later but for now I had to work on those totems but before I got home I got distracted by a cabin in the woods accept the invitation to the house in the woods oh there’s pillagers in there come on out my

Man this doesn’t sound like a Pillager this sounds weird who are the what what what did I walk into oh oh yeah I’ll take that oh that’s full of stuff oh I didn’t know it was like that oh a diamond that’s a couple that’s two where are they they’re upstairs oh my

God they’re above me that is so good I I literally needed this wow they’re all up there what are y’all I’ll spin what you got yeah catch this bro what yeah what you got you scared me what is that what is that do we all see the thing peek through the wall what

Is that anyway what’s in their storage room not me I’m not not in their storage room anymore I’m leaving I don’t that hurt that hurt a lot no I’m escaping whatever I don’t want anything to do with that ever again I don’t care I’m leaving nope okay

So if you see a cabin in the woods that makes weird grunts don’t enter it got it after that I just flew back to tofu ooo and teleported home with a Way Stone I had the ability to combine my flame armor set with either Arcane damage or

Frost damage but because of that Sunfire enchantment that boosts Arcane and Fire I figured that it was probably the best idea I made a ton of Arcane runes then began making the ingots for the totems but I was 16 gold short so I headed back into the mines got what I needed and

Then back home I made some fire ingots to repair my current armor once the gold was smelted I made the Arcane ingots my three totems and I combined my armor with them to create the Aether fire Magister armor set but if you noticed I said three because the helmet is a

Little bit different there are three helmets in the mod not really part of any set the give Buffs to either spell crit chance crit damage or cast speed and I wanted this one that needed a golden helmet and I did not have extra gold so back in the mines I go except

Instead of the mines I ended up in that Crypt that I saw before and the loot is crazy oh what the okay that’s amazing what is dark iron it’s not very good yo Herobrine man yo is the other loot here this good too yo my

Bad yo I’m just here to see if you have gold a nope so yeah they don’t have gold gold yo thanks P God Apple P thanks more gold thank you yo no you know what man you had good taste in life not in death though goodbye wo got him yeah so I can

Kind of see why some people grave Rob it’s kind of profitable I headed back home and I completed my set of armor boom boom and boom Mage Bane Crown now that’s pretty cool I wonder if I can get a quick uh enchantment on it pro one sure this what matches the rest

Of my armor look at that setup dude oh yeah now the downside of this super drippy armor set compared to the one that I had before is that this one does not give absorption Hearts those kept me alive many times over so without them I

Was kind of worried but either way I can now use Arcane and Flame magic mixed so I made my last Arcane book and I added spell infinity to my Arcane sword and now I only need like 90 levels to learn all the Spells and that XP issue is

Exactly what I wanted to tackle on day 57 I wanted to fly around a McNugget and find nearby dungeons hopefully finding one capable of becoming a mob grinder I know I had that zombie spawner in that one Village but I kind of wanted something better and modded dungeons are

Usually better I found a few structures here and there but none that would really work as a mob grinder that is before I found this Tower it absolutely shredded the durability of my sword to clear this place but after destroying all the skeletons and lighting up the

Room this place seemed perfect a small enclosed room with five skeleton spawners it could not be better I boxed in the entrance and set up a Way Stone I then cleared the room with the spawners and now all I really had to do is get

Them to flow into the right spot and I could Farm them for all the enchantments and spells I ever wanted I would need to spend a level every time that I waste on here however it would generate so much xp that it doesn’t really matter the next morning I used to that Moonstone

That I had to make a blue moon great sword in its current form this was not a magic weapon however it could be upgraded to one later but it does more damage than a diamond sword and I wanted to turn it into a grinding weapon so I

Move my enchant table to the Mob Grinder set up the water so the mobs went where I wanted to and I got the work the first thing I did was get sharpness four and sweeping Edge two on the Blue Moon great sword I don’t exactly know how to do the

Thing where the mobs are half a heart whenever they’re in the mob grinder so I just wanted to upgrade the sword so I could do it faster and then I noticed that this Farm was not as efficient as it should be and that’s because the mob

Spawners did not have slabs on top of them this meant the mobs could spawn on top of the spawners slowing down the entire farm so I had to risk my life and nearly die to slab these things up I had to dig through the entire Tower just to

Get this done without dying but I did it and now the grinder was better however it was not quite as fast as I expected I had to spend so many days grinding this and it really was not helpful that the Spells cost so many levels that was the

First thing that I grinded for I unlocked all the Arcane and fire spells and then afterwards I focused on enchanting I’ll go over all the enchantments that I got at after but just no I nearly broke this entire sword and had to stop in the middle to get a

Mending villager with luck that I’ve never had in my entire life I actually got mending in like six resets because it was so fast I got another librarian villager with spell power three this means that I can get spell power five really easily making my spells do a ton

Of damage between spell infinity mending and spell power I now had three villagers so I built a little market so I could trade them whenever I wanted to then after multiple hours of more grinding the enchantments were done I had a bunch of magic boosting enchantments on the armor as well as

Protection three or four I had a fortune 3 God pickaxe a few swords with sharpness and then there’s the flame Claymore this thing had spell power five and also Unbreaking three because turns out mending cannot be combined with spell infinity which fair enough but man I had also Anvil this sword too many

Times so I can never repair it again so hopefully it doesn’t break and with all of that grinding done I tested out the new spells let’s try out this toome of fire Fireball yeah that’s about what I expected I’m not going to lie ow I want

To hit something with this let’s see if my spell power five Fireball kills you goodbye I missed goodbye you lived it do you live too shoot do you live too too you don’t oh let go okay this already does more damage than my other thing God all right

Let’s try out fire breath let’s try out fire breath against that duck right there hello duck fire breath oh roasted oh these are so much stronger now than my old spells but the old spells were really weak I don’t know what happened with them they were not

Very good though and let’s try out the final one meteor I bet you this one’s not there’s another duck I’m so sorry I’m so sorry for your kind all right let me just go for it oh smoke dude spoked so these spells are really good the to of fire spells might be the

Strongest ones I don’t know let’s try out the flame battle mage next so this thing has three spells the flame overdrive I’ve done that one before and scorching wind I’ve also done before I wonder if I can kill now before this spell didn’t do any damage it couldn’t

Kill all it could do is push mobs away but if it can kill them now with all this power boosting then I’m the goat for real a butterfly you know maybe that’s a better Target than the butterfly I’m a little nervous to fight a bear let’s try it okay bear come on

Buddy are you mad or what I’m going to hit you with whatever this I actually don’t know what this one does it it might be a melee attack with the other one flickering flame what does it do I don’t that was questionable okay I’m going to try the the the meteor on the

Bear oh yeah Fireball oh yeah oh yeah okay yeah Tomo fire very strong I killed a bear okay let’s let’s try the battle mage stuff again on less scary mobs than a bear it’s isn’t it crazy how in Minecraft a zombie is less scary than a bear you ever think about

That there is walking grass that explodes in this game and you’re more scared of a bear that’s crazy oh right I haven’t slept in a while oh it killed a phantom oh thank you be gone bye-bye bye byebye oh shoot dude okay now what is flickering flame huh teleport to the nearest enemy

Striking them repeatedly for damage no oh shoot okay uh I guess we’re doing this what a good time to test my magic no no shot no shot leave me alone no no no what are you doing God Apple what is up with you guys you’re insane no you ain’t beating me

Buddy that was my totem of undy dying okay I think I’m safe now you’re really you don’t you’re not a threat to me Little Phantom boy I had to eat a god apple and I use a totem of undying for that that’s such a waste also I have all

These blades now whenever they invade you they take these blades as trade to not do that maybe I have to do that next time cuz that was awful whatever spell that ice guy was using is insane it was so strong back to testing my spells I I

Guess okay so straight up this spell was worse than my spin never mind I can see that being pretty good in certain scenarios now y’all for go away so this teleporting spell seems really good for single Target damage it seems better than the spin oh you have to just look at them

Dude that’s crazy oh I have a book I’ll read that in a second let me test there spells first so we’ve used all the fire ones best one to of fire easy second best One Flame battle mage easy let’s try the Arcane Source magic Missile amethyst rain and Sonic Boom magic

Missile magic Missile dude whoa whoa how does that work dude how does that work I don’t know oh it has really good tracking it tracks the Phantoms let’s try uh amethyst rain was it oh yo amethyst rain that’s so I okay I fire like a shotgun of amethyst and then it aims at

The nearest enemy but it’s also not doing a ton of damage I’m I’m going to blame the fact that I’m using a a fire sword maybe I should get an Arcane sword as well yeah this isn’t doing very much damage because of my sword yeah so magic Missile charges

Projectiles the amethyst one is pretty self-explanatory but it’s pretty cool and then the other one is Sonic Boom is like the wardens oh okay that’s an amazing attack actually it’s like a rail gun dude what the heck I need to get an Arcane sword like very soon what happened

Here what type of eel Farm is right here look at this e a mud monster what is that thing it’s a mud monster I want to Sonic Boom them to death but it seems pretty like the cool down is really long Arcane battle mage all right let’s try out Arcane battle

Mage so we already know what this one does that just adds the thing to my attacks what is the other one called Arcane twin slash and then Ender gaze whoa what the heck hold on how do I oh okay it spawns two ghost boys one it slashes around me and

Wherever I’m aiming let’s try the Arcane toome now this one has Arcane missile blast and beam we’ve already used missile before yeah this is just a little blast little little thing magic Missile is better than this and then there’s Arcane blast oh it’s like a firework thing okay then Arcane beam

Holy oh it pierces oh that’s amazing what that is amazing okay I’m going to make an Arcane sword and then I’m going to go enchant it and then then we’re good and Sh think it’ll be easy don’t worry all right we got it with sharpness three mending and spell power five that

That works for me now I never tested Ender’s gaze because I forgot also this sword does not have spell infinity so I’m just going to have these runes in my inventory I guess I found another duck Okay Go Okay that duck must not have had a lot of Health that destroyed him dude

What the heck let’s see if this can oneshot a cow dude that killed all the cows shoot a slow moving ender pearl the first enemy hit gains five rotating ender eyes each dealing Arcane damage every two fifths of a second and if the enemy dies the eyes go to a different

Enemy that’s my favorite spell so far yeah now my magic was actually good I’ll be honest I was kind of worried that it was useless before that training Arc but fortunately it turned out to be really strong back home the next day I checked out that book that I got from the

Invaders it seemed like their boss was this dude named Mages and he has an alternating barrier and based on the colors of the text to fight his barrier I assumed I would need all three elements of magic when I was looking at some items before I saw this primordial

Dagger it Buffs all three elements and it can be found in n city and stronghold chests meaning that was now my focus the XP from the dragon should also be enough to learn all the frost magic now that I had looting three Eyes of Ender should

Not be a problem I went to the Nether and quickly got my blaze rods and now I just needed pearls and they were sort of easy I remembered seeing a lot of Enderman in that Blackstone desert jungle Village and I did find some just

Not a lot I wasn’t able to get 12 I got up to 11 which is close enough on day 69 I began following the Eyes of Ender and it did not take long to reach the stronghold I navigated the stronghold and I found two different libraries which unfortunately did not have

Primordial daggers I did get Frost Claymores though so now I don’t have to make those if I ever need them I navigated for a bit more and I found the portal room and thank God they already had an eye in it and none of mine broke

I put in my 11 Eyes of Ender and now it was time to face the Ender Dragon I shall place down my waist Stone I’m going to kill the Ender Dragon I’m going to use this this one with yeah I’m going to use the uh this this combination

Arcane overdrive Arcane Claymore for the spinning attack here we go what uh-oh uh-oh okay first of all sky looks pretty crazy and now I know that there’s music playing in the video right right now but there is no sound here and I don’t know why I have a bird what am I

Doing come on Bird come on me and you we got this take out the towers with my spells all right this book does not have many R what is that what is this what is what is that I need a range spell um I think scorching wind is the easiest to

Land if it works let’s try scorching wind I’m going to try it go Enderman Enderman please just get out of my way oh my gosh scorching win come on it worked okay sick and final Tower boom all right I want to get McNugget out of the

Fight I don’t I don’t want McNugget to get hurt okay let’s swap back to my uh my magic now let’s see how much damage I can actually deal I have an ender pearl but I don’t have a water bucket so that’s kind of scary oh there’s so many

Pearls here wow that dragon killed so many people spin the win baby spin the win well that didn’t go very well I’m alive oh my God how am I alive Golden Apple oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no okay new rule I don’t spin to win inside

The portal full of Enderman dude feather falling Force saved my life just now straight up it did dude I’m sorry okay the arcing and overdrive is going to get me killed I’m scared to look up too much I can’t hit him with it are you kidding me oh my God

All right all I know is that my current spells are not working let’s try meteorite the dragon’s immune I can’t even hit it why are you kidding god dude I I’m not able to hit the dragon and I don’t know why okay we need to try something else my my current

Spell selection is not working Arcane beam might work Arcane beam is a is a good idea Sonic Boom also might work I don’t know it’s a pretty bad game I’ve heard no it didn’t do anything dude that was almost off the edge I’m not able to hit this Dragon at

All I don’t know what’s going on nothing nothing I I can’t hit the dragon okay I’m going to try a different sword I don’t know no nothing am I stupid go somewhere else are you joking oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my

God there it’s low but he he takes damage there okay I have an idea where’s magic Missile I need to charge Magic IC missile and then cast it as soon as I get in range this spell charges a bunch of projectiles I don’t know how many but

It should be good and all I need is the dragon to come in range and it’s over okay here we go here we go here we go here we go please just don’t hit an Enderman come on man it doesn’t work for what reason great I’m not doing that one again Sonic Boom

O okay that’s the play Sonic Boom does really good damage it’s like a rail gun it’s a very slow recharge but it will kill huge ooh okay there’s a weak spot yeah it’s like when you bed the dragon and speeduns that Tiny Box right there under the chin you do more damage there

Genius one hit left Don’t Mind If I Do goodbye Ender Dragon the Ender Dragon has fallen that fight took way too long and it was way too hard but it was defeated and as a reward I received a lord soul these Lord Souls drop from major boss fights and they are

How I get most of my legendary weapons and now I had one so I can make my first legendary weapon as soon as I get home but first I would need that primordial dagger I haded to the outer end and I flew off on McNugget and this outer end

Was crazy all kinds of crazy biomes that I’ve never seen before a Giant floating Fortress that probably was very cool but I have no idea how to use it so yeah there was just a lot okay I found my first n city pretty quickly but it only

Had one room with loot and that loot was terrible n cities themselves are pretty rare but I did keep finding these ruined ones here and there that had some loot just not the dagger in my second n city I did not find the dagger but I did get

This Power Glove Bobble this thing is like permanent strength to basically and then many structures in like an hour and a half of flying later I found this nity in the dark Forest okay I’m going to do the boat first go away shulker I’m not interested I’m only here for these primordial

Daggers I’m about to get go away come on freak ah no I’ve checked so many things I’m taking this no no no get down here McNugget no you stupid shulker McNugget McNugget come back I’m sorry I’m sorry for dismounting you and you weren’t on land yet

Oh big Nugget’s going to fall in the void no no no no no no I’m doing it I don’t care for McNugget frick oh where am I that Ender was mad at me there’s Phantoms big nugget big nugget no oh my God okay that was terrifying

Okay I still got to loot this room but make nugget never fly away from me again I I almost died uh no dagger dude no dagger where are the chests at right here dagger oh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

Okay dude okay one primordial dagger I do want to get two though I think I want to get two one dagger obtained I wanted two because spell infinity and mending can’t be combined so I wanted to make one dagger for each enchantment the second dagger took a very long time to

Find but while searching for it I did get an item called a cloud in a bottle it let me double jump which is pretty cool then a bit later I found an obsidian skull which can make me immune to Fire and yes before someone comments it these are items from Terraria but

Anyways finally 45,000 blocks out on day 75 come on come on boat show me what I want to see come on you know what I want to see you know I want to see that primordial bagger come on come on oh let’s go dude okay can I get like a

Third oh yo I have three I have three I got third one oh is there anything else here I guess there’s gold that’s pretty good I need that yeah dude we got two more okay wow could could I not have just found this like 30,000 blocks ago that would have been epic three

Primordial daggers were now mine I only really needed two but a spare is never bad from there I located a Gateway grabbed the Dragon Egg and I went back home the first thing I did was put the egg and the dragon head on display to flex my accomplishments then because I

Had so many ender pearls from the dragon you know farming Enderman for me I made a bunch of these Abyss Watchers these are used to make waist stones but just the item itself would allow me to warp to any waist Stone from anywhere that I

Am it was one time use but I had so many now so why not I also had some shulker shells so I made some shulker boxes for inventory space and now it was finally time to enchant these daggers and master ice magic but first I wanted to make use

Of that lord soul that I got and I had a lot of magic weapons to choose from what I chose to do because it was already Enchanted I combined that lord soul with my blue moon Greatsword to get the moonlight great sword these types of weapons are unable to Fire magic from my

Spell books but but they have unique abilities of their own the moonlight great sword can fire Moonlight projectile beams this thing was awesome and seemingly it did good damage too okay but now ice magic and enchanting and stuff I decided to learn all the ice magic first which apparently used all of

My levels I thought being level 60 would be enough but apparently not it also used all my lapis so I had to go back into the mines and get more of that and then I had to grind skeletons again as if I had not done that enough before

Just like last time I got a librarian villager this time for an enchantment called spell haste this would make spells cast faster which sounded insanely broken from there I finished my grinding and I ended up with two Enchanted primordial daggers but as I was going to test these daggers I

Realized that I was really really stupid okay let’s use the spell infinity one okay wait oh oh no these don’t use spells I saw that I could add spells to them but they don’t actually cast spells from my book so now I have to go enchant a claymore for frost oh

No yeah so these also cannot cast from a book the daggers do have their own very strong magic abilities though so it was not wasted they had one spell called the assassinate that would teleport me behind the Target and stab them in the back and then there were four other

Spells that I could add to the dagger and each dagger could only have two and these things added like 10 magic damage every single melee attack this was without a doubt an incredible magic weapon it was just not the one that I thought that I was getting which meant

That I had to grind again luckily I already had frost Claymores so I just went ahead and Enchanted one and once it was done I tested it on night 81 this is called glacial barage okay and then glacial wind I assume is like the fire wind oh no wow oh what the

Heck that’s overpowered wa and then uh snow bombard snow bomb bar let me get away from my villagers dude wait so how does that work so I like I I Circle things around me snowballs and I just bombard them Yo good B this is like an

AOE they can’t even get near me I might not be able to see very well because of the lighting but like I they can’t even get near me so who cares dude what is this spell book okay so far Frost source is amazing all right Frost overdrive Frost flurry

And ice storm so Frost overdrive is like the other overdrives where it just does this little thing that’s fine uh this other one is called Frost flurry oh my yo so I send forward a little dude little ice clone and he just goes sicko

Mode is he is he strong I I don’t I don’t think so no he’s pretty strong that’s pretty good and then ice storm is the last one okay I don’t know what that was what in the world is ice storm is it like a shield oh yeah it’s a big blade storm

Around me and then mobs can’t get close but the other the the Source book had a better AOE it was like a better version of this I mean that’s still pretty strong okay let’s try the final one Tom of frost Frost bolt Frost no a Frost shield Frost

Bolt uh it do be a projectile all right this is frost Nova that’s it it’s the same as overdrive but like longer cool down oh that’s what it does it Roots them in place dude it freezes them with some icicles in their feet does that work on slimes they don’t have

Feet it does idiots and then Frost shield is like like that may ice block in in OverWatch and I assume it can be like regen or something no it just protects me from attacks so I can eat a golden apple during that so say I’m

Getting low HP I hit him with the I hit him with the this and then I start eating golden apples okay I’m not going to lie I think Frost Source might be the strongest book that I own like goodbye and like that that’s only one of the Spells they’re all really cool and

Good not going to lie these made me very much so regret not having ice boosting armor however I may not have have been aware at the time but it is not out of the question to get armor that boosts all three elements you’ll see later for

Now though it was time to use these Soul Stars I had gotten a ton from my spawner and I wanted to follow them and see where they went I assumed that they would lead me to a boss fight what I really wanted to do right now is fight

Mages the guy that wrote that book but to fight him I would have to be invaded again the hex blade people would invade whenever I use a lot of magic damage and I figured a boss fight’s probably the best way to do that I expected aot long

Journey so I hunted animals for food and then I began following these stars and that night I somehow found a second Woodland Mansion the odds of two of these in the same 100 days are astronomically low but given all the different bosses I was going to be

Fighting I cannot pass up this chance is this a different Mansion this is a different Mansion it’s very close but it’s a different Mansion what are the odds wait I need that yo I I need a mansion right now wait I’m so lucky go away nice

Try you suck I’m going to go through it with this thing I’m just going to kill everyone with this oh what are you you are not supposed to be here you are not who I’m here to fight um I have a feeling I’m going to want to spin yeah I wanted to spin

I still want to spin okay there was a lot of them aoker got one oh God that one of those that guy has fire aspect dude oh my gosh that’s a totem acquired let’s go dude I I equipped it last time there was like four right here got one a boxing

Ring man they know how to get down dude oh come on how did you manage that dude spin is so good without it I would be dead oh my God how am I alive oh my God I’m not stay away stay away stay away no there’s one

More stay away there’s two more oh my God okay is it guaranteed four totems per Mansion I don’t know I I did get four though okay what matters is that I’m alive alive and back on my journey to whatever awaits me at the end of this

Path I got a little bit distracted by a graveyard along the way and I stopped there and stole a Wither Skull and got some golden apples then just a bit later I reached an ice biome and the star changed Direction where’d it go oh oh well I I would assume that that

Would be it I’m nervous but there’s an igloo that’s that’s cool so this Tower is where the stars go I’m in an ice area that makes me want to fight using fire I need to be prepared for if the boss can fly let’s use the to of fire here and

Then I have the moonlight great sword and I have this for melee I’m going to make sure this is on Fireball just in case I have my Moonlight gr sword whenever I need it okay here we go there’s a chest there there’s a spawner right there I can see it through the

Wall there’s skeleton spawning oh waa whoa okay break that what do you guys have in here oh oh it’s like the ender portal so I put the stars in there and something spawns I want to loot these chests first what kind of loot y’all got spell infinity well that’s hilarious

Uh I don’t need any of this I’ll worry about the loot later let’s just do this for now one eye two eyes I’m super duper nervous right now here we go oh it became night time there I saw I saw a dude there’s a dude there’s

There’s a guy who are you what’s up bro Fireball Fireball lock on come on did it lock on oh I missed ow I can’t reach him with my spells I can reach you though idiot go away where’d he go Fireball dude he’s dodging all my spells

How that bomb will kill me well it’ll use a totem it won’t kill me yo stop you’re spamming you’re spamming is he summoning all these guys the bomb bomb the bomb dude a shell I need to hit with my sword you’re not faster than me you’re you’re faster than

Me Fireball come on hit him okay the fire book’s not going to work oh that did I cannot get hit by that bomb Dodge I need a faster projectile he just teleported I can’t land a hit no the bomb the bomb the bomb I haven’t landed a single

Hit oh that did good damage okay all right he doesn’t have a ton of Health fire breath him screw you dude okay if I can ever get close enough to fire breath I could do huge damage Dodge fire breath that was fat that was fat okay

Meteor oh that’s how we do it the meteor locks on meteor Dodge his meteor that hurt a lot wow bro it’s so annoying that he dodged my Fireball that’s what I was banking on was the fireball for a flying enemy meteor my totem oh my God uh other totem

Other totem okay uh oh my God he that sucks so bad dude I fell into the explosion area oh that sucks so bad he’s full he’s full HP he’s full HP how did he heal fire spells aren’t going to work I’m learning that the hard way magic Missile okay

Make sure I don’t get caught by an explosion Arcane if I can charge a magic Missile and hit him in the head with it it’s over where is he well you can die okay well what didn’t go very well sick go there we go that’s what we need to do that destroyed him

Bomb yeah that tracking is perfect that’ll hit him every single time but can these Phantoms oh my God can these Phantoms get lost no I hit him he’s almost phase two I don’t even want to know what phase two is this is Phase One this is this is terrible I

Hope he stops using the bomb go there he’s face two he’s face two what does that mean oh he throws more bombs oh my life is awesome this is super sick Bro tur into doctor strange but with bombs and now he’s what is that what is that it’s snowing that I don’t

Know why I said what is that I know what it is is X’s dude he’s throwing the X letter at me I hate letters come at me all right kill them this guy is difficult bomb all right magic Missile is all I need I can kill him with magic Missile for

Sure thank you phantom for taking that hit all right where’d he go he’s right there dude the snow made this so much worse I can’t see a thing right now now now now now I’m alive and he’s face three oh that’s not a good thing right no stop it stop it stop

It okay the these little tiny projectiles don’t scare me it’s only the bombs yeah that one’s fine oh what is that that’s a super ring what is that I don’t know what that is that’s new he’s spawning more Phantoms that’s fine the Phantoms are like mostly just annoying they’re not really a

Threat no bomb no yep got Apple I had to got Apple all right I have tot number three equipped oh my god dude this guy’s insane so if I didn’t find that Mansion I was dead are you kidding me I’ve been trying my hardest dude go massive I’ve been charging this for a

Second now go go I cast magic Missile he’s low all right so this is the bomb spam avoid it if I can avoid this we can win he has no he has no more Super whatever this is anymore the marks of his health bar are

Gone jump it would ever get hit by it I I’m fine I wish I had like an AOE spell for this I guess these will do amethyst rain yeah amethyst rain can hit the Phantoms this is this is amazing and it hits the night l oh my god get him just

Clear every Phantom please and bro you don’t want me to hit you with the warden shout ye big Snipes eat that buddy and then I’m just going to charge up a super long magic Missile die insane let’s go oh he dropped stuff for real he dropped stuff for real for real

Oh my inventory is full I don’t want my stuff to get blown up by a creeper ancient Ana is that what that was called I think so I need to go over to that Village and sleep to get this snow away and then we’re going to look at what we got

Oh I guess I have something else to deal with first kill everyone kill everyone I’m better than you the ice guys are the worst kill them all get dealt with clowns let’s go yeah I’m not I’m not giving into to your little little little scam I’m not giving

Into extor bro I got you with that nightmare of a boss defeated I looked at my rewards most were useless but one of the books had Sunfire to boost magic and fire damage which is pretty good with how hard that battle was and despite me using so many Arcane spells I only used

About half a stack of runes this taught me that I should be fine for most bosses I headed home and added Sunfire to my boots and then I filled the shulker box with a ton of runes for whenever I don’t use spell infinity now I was kind of

Hoping that that guy would drop a lord soul like the Ender Dragon but I guess cuz it’s a different mod it doesn’t really work that way the easiest way to get more Lord Souls would be to fight the Wither after that graveyard that I

Stopped at on the way to the night lch I now had the materials for two Withers but the nightl used all the heals that I had so I wanted to get some more before fighting them I spent all of day 84 mining whatever gold I could find and

While doing so some real unexpected events happened go away dude oh God I don’t want to fight you I mean I kind of don’t want to let you live either so tell for you buddy love for you you’re a Caster stop that did I win y’all suck for real what

Is this I already have this but what is this oh this is the boss summoning item oh I got two yo these Matic Effigies were something that I knew existed but I had no idea how to get them until now I can now fight Mages the leader of these

Stupid Invaders and hopefully beating him would make them leave me alone after that I had enough gold so I just warped home the next day I began smelting gold and then I put that ancient Ana that I got from the Lich on display once I had

Enough golden apples to feel safe it was time to fight the withers my plan was pretty simple just use the snowball storm spell and the moonlight greatswords magic on phase one and then in phase two just Spam it down with the primordial dagger and this strategy worked

Flawlessly boom boom all right make sure the ice Spell’s ready dagger’s ready I’m ready I’m so sorry little dragon you probably don’t want to be here I’ll be real hit it oh that did not do a lot it didn’t do zero though moonlight don’t get with her leave me

Alone dude we’re we’re nuking it ow eat one apple sure dude we destroyed it oh my God so wait we get two Lord Souls from this oh wow we get to make a lot of weapons I’m fighting the next one underground I’m I’m a coward hold on oh no it seems that I

Have slipped into a cave oh no I hope someone doesn’t fight the Wither here that would be really awkward hold on what okay there there was a block there I’m sorry that would be really awkward what no someone’s fighting the Wither under underground that’s cheating good game

Okay I did not even realize that the Wither would drop a lord soul of its own meaning I can now make up the four magic weapons and on the morning of day 86 I made the first one I upgraded The Sting the weapon I spawned into this world

With into the holy Moonlight sword by pressing a key bind I can transform this sword into a great sword the great sword has an ability but it needs charge to use it it gains charge whenever I hit enemies in the normal sword mode and just look at this ability when it’s

Fully charged a massive devastating wave that just does insane damage this ended up being one of my favorite swords in the entire 100 days next I used another lord soul to create the sword of fryer this one was a bit different in that I don’t actually actually use it the sword

Of Frayer is a sentin sword that I can place down and have it follow me around and fight stuff with me it also has the ability to stand guard and defend my base if needed but for now I figured it’d be a lot better to bring it with me

Now the two nether Stars I actually only used one of them for a lord soul and the other one had turned into a pocket Wormhole this thing was an infinite use version of the Abyss Watcher that I Ed to teleport around and I was not passing

Up a chance to get this thing then after smelting some Soul Sand to get these lost souls and then making a lord soul I created a blade called the Lich Bane I made this for a few reasons the first one is screw the Lich boss I want

Whatever the bane of him is and the other reason is that one of the abilities is literally called spell blades so I kind of felt like I had to now what the lichbane sword does is that it does magic damage and more fire damage based on its fire aspect

Enchantment and yes that meant that I had to enchant again back to the Mob Grinder I went I I didn’t go too crazy this time though I got sharpness three on both swords and then fire aspect two on the lichbane I tested that Lich Bane at night and it was actually really good

It doesn’t do as much damage as the primordial dagger but what it does do is it sets enemies on fire for pretty much the entire fight this would be super op against bosses and the sword of frer was actually unfair it basically played the

Game for me and I had to do with nothing my strength was unrivaled right now but there were some terrifying opponent that I had to face over the remaining days and even this power was not enough to make them easy day 88 the day that I

Take on Mages I had my favorite spell book from each element prepared I summoned freyer and I had my arsenal of Magic Blades at the ready all I had to do now was use the Effigy and defeat Mages okay here it goes absorbs all damage from Arcane

Sources all but damage from arcane I need to get I need to swap the Arcane y get away from me Freer keep away please okay Arcane magic Missile oh my God what was that fire fire fire okay fire breath Fireball he has no Boss Bar meor huge hu oh whoa whoa whoa

Whoa ice ice ice woo okay Freer can you push him away please prer prer get him okay swap the ice and now snowball look at that damage I have no idea how much it did to be honest but it probably did a lot hit him with the

Barage snowball rain to finish it maybe ow all damage from Arcane where’d he go oh whoa was he in the air dude okay back to Arcane okay I’m not going to be able to use my other swords he can only take damage from these ones Sonic Blast

Amethyst bro you you are getting kited like a cod zombie bro you are not it oh my God never I’m so sorry for speaking ill of you okay I wonder if I can hit him with this ow okay uh the objective is to never get hit again that is scary you’re not as

Hard as the night ledge though I got to say the night ledge still has you beat buddy you ain’t cool like that ow ow ow okay ice ice ice Dodge whatever he’s doing okay it’s good that I have access to all these elements now cuz I would have been screwed otherwise stay away

From you buddy oh he is strong enough to get through okay zombies can’t get through that barrage barrage barrage okay bro you are cooked right now you are cooked enjoy your snowball rain dude the Snowballs do Insane damage I know cuz I’ve been hit by them before he’s swapping the magic okay he

Should be above me or something dude where is he good God that’s scary he killed Freer what Oh my he killed my sword okay sword’s out of the fight for now you’re kind of built slow I’m going to be real you’re a little slow you

Little you kind of can’t catch up to me Sonic Blast how did I miss all right this this phase is done back to fire okay Fireball how does that Miss Fireball Fireball fire breath oh smoked brother smoked he gave me a primordial dagger a hex blade and then a primordial rope

This gives damage to all spell elements hey why is it doing that y that scared me oh I was hoping it was going to change color when I used a different that was too hopeful wasn’t it I I was like hoping it was going to

Change color like his did I mean I beat it that wasn’t that hard I kind of would love to get the rest of this armor I can go to a different dimension with that okay we’ll do that later that’s for later Mages the leader of the hex blades

Defeated I didn’t get to use my other swords as much as I wanted to but don’t worryed they have their time for now I wanted to get the rest of that primordial armor that boosts all three spell elements I ran around spamming magic to force the hex blades to invade

Me and then I farmed them with looting except I I may have thought that I was a little bit stronger than I actually am yo yo I have a heart I have a heart i’ have I had half a heart oh okay so that just happens so yeah this better armor would

Be greatly appreciated I had gotten another Effigy from that Invasion and I decided to just take what I had right now the next day I fought Maes two more times and it was really fast with the daggers just a little bit risky the first one that I killed actually gave me

A legendary weapon what is this okay I got a new piece of armor that’s really good okay let’s put the armor away what did I just get attacks with this weapon deal 50% Frost damage on hit and it has two of its own spells on it okay let me

Take this off so this one this first one is called bone shatter and that does 2X melee damage to enemies in an area uh increases spell haste okay and the other one conjures an arena of frost oh oh I didn’t expect to get a new magic

Weapon though this is from him this is from the Spell blade All Things Considered this counts yo Skeleton Man consider yourself Frozen oh you’re stuck you’re stuck little guy you’re stuck you’re stuck oh got him okay that’s not bad this thing’s kind of cool this Hammer was cool and it was

Straight up and upgrade to my Frost Claymore so it would definitely get a lot of use soon the second Mages that day gave me my third piece of armor and now I just needed the shoes for the full armor set and if course I really wanted

That so I spent that night and all of day 90 casting spells to try and get the hex blades to invade again and I mean all of day 90 and they did not invade at all it was day 91 and I still had to enchant the armor and Frost Hammer so I

Just took the L and gave up for now I grinded until the end of day 92 and I had some pretty good enchantments by the end especially on the hammer on day 93 I put my old armor set on display as well as the now retired Frost Claymore which

Didn’t look great on a pedestal but I think I made it work now I only had a few days left whenever I fought Mages before it said in the chat that he was not as strong because of this Dimension combine that information with the item

That he Dr saying I can go to the glass ocean Dimension and that meant that I could fight his true strength I wanted one more legendary weapon for that one that could heal me in a fight of course for that I would need a lord soul so I

Made this item called a moonstone Compass this thing points me towards the nearest boss that can drop a lord soul I had a couple things that I wanted to take care of before heading out for that but first I learned something really interesting about primordial armor it gives those absorption Hearts like the

First armor that I had but when whenever they run out the armor sends out a constant AOE of spells until they regenerate with this ability I thought that I could just never go below full HP because I figured everything around me would just die but uh I do end up being

Wrong about that however even with that I would prefer to have a safety net so I wanted to do a raid I had no more totems of undying and this armor does not have armor toughness meaning you take way more damage when you wear it and I

Wanted to have totems just in case on Day 94 I actually managed to find a Pillager Tower in a jungle I killed the ravagers there which gave me a ravager horn this thing could be used to get bad Omen without having to go find a banner Pillager I headed to my Blackstone

Desert village and I summoned The Raid with the horn and this raid didn’t stand a chance against me I used freyer and my holy Moonlight Greatsword to absolutely destroy the first two waves with some help from the ability of my primordial armor freyer on its own was enough and

The ability of the Great sword was just Overkill in the third wave I used my frostborn gavel to cast Frost flurry to deal with enemies in an AOE the fourth wave spawned much stronger enemies including armored Knights and witches so I took some out with my moonlight great

Swword before dealing with the rest of them using the holy great sword and my Frost flurry spell wave five was the first one with an evoker and I used my gav’s unique spell to trap the pillagers and then freyer just went in I picked off the remaining ones with Lich Bane’s

Insane fire aspect wave six was probably the easiest it spawned across the river and I could just cast Frost flurry over there and destroy it in the Seventh Wave the frostborn gav’s unique spell really proved it worth it basically trapped the entire wave and let me kill it without

Issue I took care of the evoker that fled and I had finished the raid and gotten five totems of undying hopefully that would be enough also I just want to say that raid was awesome I had so many cool abilities that can be used in different scenarios and it was all

Really flashy and only little bit op right after I got home though I uh got punished for using those abilities oh no oh no oh why now oh come here come here come here yo yo oh God why now why now I hate you oh my God

Get off of me gee I I survived okay it didn’t it didn’t use a totem my health disappeared I didn’t know yo that’s epic shout outs to primordial armor at least I got another Effigy from it I was going to use that one to fight Mages at

His full power on day 95 it was time to head towards my next boss for a lord soul I got in McNugget and I followed the Moonlight Compass it took pretty pretty much the entire day but I made it okay I assume that’s the boss that I’m

Here for oh is it underground I don’t see the structure maybe it’s just this gigantic Hill that is oddly Square shaped and elevated you know I think it might just be this really Square shaped Hill yeah no yeah I think I found it okay I’m a little nervous I don’t

Know my SC scared me that scared me all right so the boss is in this dungeon so for I’m going all out I have no idea how hard this boss is I’ve never seen it in a video or anything before I’m going to put my night vision goggles on cuz looks we’re

Going to be in a little bit of a cave there he is that’s the boss okay I’m just going to summon freyer and then go down there with my Moonlight sword this ises more damage to Undead I don’t know how much more but it does more damage to

Undead I think between these two swords I can do a lot and also just like setting them on fire all right frer me and you buddy what is he doing okay uh get my golden apples ready what did he just do all right my my plan oh that destroyed all my

Hearts oh he’s almost dead oh dude you’re you’re so free what the heck die phase two there’s a phase two there’s a phase two there’s a phase two okay uh I got a jogger sword there’s a phase two freyer Freer freyer Frayer Frayer Frayer Frayer I don’t know what’s going on am I

Winning or losing frer I don’t know what’s happening oh my God am I winning or losing I don’t know okay dude I do oh my god I didn’t even need Freer did you see how much damage I did with that one hit at the end what does

This do this just makes a jogger I already have a jogger it’s not very good it does 10 damage at night that was loud and scared me but what loot the whole diamonds and some gold for Golden Apple you want any more any loot Berry down here any chests any chests with good

Loot no okay what about down here oh there I knew it I knew there had to be something under the under the snow dude I knew it I knew it how about in the pillars any gold in the pillar like a like like a Bastion though I didn’t even get to

Fight oh my I didn’t I don’t think I could have fought I don’t know what was going on everything was purple and exploding I am level 35 to say that fight was chaotic would be a massive understatement for the time being I promoted freyer to base guard I

Literally could not tell what was going on and still somehow won the fight so freyer might have been a little bit too good on day 96 I put the essence that I got on display and now I wanted to make that legendary weapon I wanted the darken blade a legendary sword that

Heals me as I deal damage healing is really good but to get the sword I had to kill these withered demon enemies they apparently spawn in Crimson forests so now I had to go find one of those and quickly so then of course I just do something that would slow me down a

Jesus that’s so not my fault that’s so not my fault as good as the primordial Armor’s ability was man the worst part about needing a specific biome in modded Minecraft is that there are a lot more biomes I traveled through gravel deserts a magma land a soul Plains and eventually

Finally found a Crimson Forest and uh the demons that I needed were super rare the whole two of them that I found even with looting three did not drop anything I spent all of days 96 and 97 trying to get these things and I had zero luck however there was one other legendary

Weapon that seemed pretty useful so I decided to make that one on day 98 so if I do this this and this the comet spear so I can throw it infinitely it’s like a this is basically a try look at the distance whoa it is gone

Yeah okay that goes like forever I don’t know if there’s like a distance that that cannot go so this will be a useful range weapon occasionally but the reason that I want it right let me explain so I’m going to be using this sword to go into the glass ocean Dimension and if

That sword is where all those dudes the hex blade people are coming from then that means there’s going to be a lot of them and as shown many times they’re really dangerous they’re going to get me killed so I have this spear with the ability called Grand Skyfall which means

If I have it in my off hand I can rip tide wherever I want to and then as there’s there’s no fall damage there’s a big shock wave it has a cool down but the ability to just get out of the Dodge whenever I want to I

Think is going to be really good cuz I don’t have any other form of teleportation or Mobility the closest that I have is my uh spinning move that I use sometimes yeah like look at that I can just get out of Dodge immediately from then back off and start casting spells

Again my only concern is can I cast spells with this it would seem that I can it seems that I can uh what happens if it’s off cool down all right okay that that’s amazing so it prioritizes spells perfect perfect this seems awesome that’s exactly what I wanted

Okay there’s no reason to enchant this thing I don’t I mean I’m level 31 already I guess I might as well just Level 308 real quick right sure I I could not have asked for better with the mobility of the Comet spear I should now have a much better chance to survive

Any boss fights I spent the rest of that day using my new fire aspect looting spear to form food and then it was time I think I’m going to bring freyer for this I don’t know how scary it’s going to be but I’d rather be safe than sorry

Those hex blades have uh brought me to half a heart or broken totens of undying many times over and I’m not really willing to risk it so let’s go to a where they’re a lot stronger shall we oh we’re going okay glass ocean go dude there’s an upside down

Reflection of me under the water yo that’s sick as heck I’m not even going to lie all right what is this building yo what up is this mages’ house I’m pretty sure I have to summon him with the with the blade but maybe he’s just in this house oh that’s

Sick dude check it out the house is upside like it’s invert like let me see what’s on the top floor that’s hex blades okay if they don’t notice me they’ll despawn they saw me oh god oh it’s chaos it’s cha it’s pure chaos Golden Apple they’re gone okay I just learned

That I can’t spin with this in my off hand oh God they’re back spin spin just spin when that spin I will win Spin to Win okay go go away go away Jesus dude okay I can’t spin when this is my off hand but that’s fine I can just hockey

It what I wanted to see was this is the top floor which has like a you see this library and stuff I’m going to go to the bottom floor yeah the bottom floor is mirrored That’s So Dope so the whole world is inverted that’s so there’s even

Like a fake version of me look there’s even a version of me down there I wonder if that’s important at all probably not it’s probably just aesthetic right all right I can land here safely right yep okay nope you ain’t beating me nice try Spell blade Bros or hex

Blade Bros or whatever I’m nervous but ready I’m going to summon Freer freyer is my guy he’ll help me fight and I guess we’re going to summon Mages I’m going to have this ready in my off hand I’m going to have all I’m going

To have my ice no no no he starts off Arcane right so I’m going to have my Arcane spells ready I’m going to have this thing it’s fully charged right now so I can I can send off one beam if more hex blades spawn in here we go oh

God okay he he brought dudes with it be gone oh God get away from me I’m alive I survive oh my God okay Arcane Arcane Arcane come on frer frer Freer frer okay fire fire fire fire breath that probably did good damage I have no idea I can

Spin big big big okay what’s next Frost I have the gavel oh he’s inverted he’s inverted okay well there’s a me down there too right he killed my sword he killed my sword he killed fer okay I have Freer again stay back get back damage all okay I’m hitting his

Reflection with my reflection it’s so sick but also scary I’m going to spin cuz Okay yeah these these surround me I’m just going to spin that was easy okay get back dude oh I have my primordial my dagger this is also fire oh my God I I got one shot that

Face wait he’s summoning dudes stop Freer Freer frer shoot shoot shoot shoot spin I’m lagging hard there’s so many dudes oh my God oh my God oh my God I can’t see Golden Apple I don’t know what’s happening did I win did I okay they’re dead fer you God there’s so

Many I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive somehow I’m alive somehow I have no idea freyer is still alive too freyer get him okay Golden Apple where is he he’s an ice form he’s an ice form I still have my ice book on oh thank God get back dude the the thunderstorm

Now all right magic magic magic Arcane Arcane Arcane get off me dude that what that destroys him all right he’s back to fire I have pral dagger for that spin I can spin too buddy I can spin too he’s back to frost where is he throw throw throw charge snowballs charge

Snowballs go spell go hit him I didn’t hit him get off of me he teleported where’d he go oh god dude Arcane I know how to do this one spin spin spin spin spin spin Golden Apple he’s back to fire dagger I can win this what’s next Frost again okay snowball

Rain snowball rain come on I got him Arcane we can only spin with the Arcane cuz he does this thing I I got him oh i i w one hail storm spell bow primordial Boots the boots dude we got them store this we got the boots I

Finished the full set and he gave me null whoa he gave me the sword null which this is what I thought the primordial dagger was when I got the primordial dagger I thought it casted spells of every element but I guess that’s what null can do cuz it says it

Can cast spells from the equipped book hey hey I already beat your guy I already beat your mans okay leave me be yo yo not no not okay I understand they did not take very kindly to be killing their mans why is there a horse here does anyone know I

Won I’m going to enchant These Boots so they match the rest of it and I think I think with that I can go home it’s night 99 let’s sleep off the night I got Freer back right yeah I I ended up getting freyer back he did die freyer did die

Once all right let’s head over to the Mob Grinder one final time time let’s enchant These Boots it doesn’t really matter what they get cuz now I have the full Enchanted set it looks terrible cuz like lighting and shaders and all that but it looks good okay looks fine now I’s send off

This 100 days world the right way oh I didn’t even look at this bow that I got I guess I should look at that real quick hold on this can apparently have spells on it let’s just see sure let’s just grab these primordial burst multi-shot oh can only

Have two it’s fine I don’t even know what the other one was let’s see what this thing can do okay multi shot’s like a barrage thing no that was hail storm multi-shot I don’t know what M shot does it didn’t do anything that didn’t do anything what

Does what does burst do oh wait these are parts of the bow they’re like the things that boost my attack with the dagger so when I hit something with an arrow yeah that’s awesome wow so if I hit something with this Arrow it it bursts with all the elements that’s

Incredible and multi-shot is what makes it shoot so many arrows what an incredible thing and also I guess this is technically my main sword now I love the broken texture I assume that’s why it’s called null now let’s send this world off the right way let’s go ahead

And put these boots right here finishing off the set that I used before first things first my primordial armor then surrounding it that looks fine all the we weapons that help me get this far right here null and the bow that I got from Mages it looks it looks

Fine trust me the dagger goes right here and then last but not least Behind These Elemental spell blades and there we go a monument to what we accomplished Here and Now 100 days as a Spell blade is over thank you once again to NR for sponsoring today’s video don’t forget to

Use the link in the description to get your own NR game server to play Minecraft with your friends and you can even play the mod pack that I just used in this video with them anyways bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a SPELLBLADE in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2023-12-13 17:11:18. It has garnered 60503 views and 2935 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:53 or 10013 seconds.

Be sure to check out Nitrado and get a gameserver to play with your friends!

With tons of different magic weapons and spells, I survived 100 Days as a SPELLBLADE in Hardcore Minecraft…



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    Finding Your Perfect Home in Minecraft Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds in 2024 Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft? Look no further! In a recent video, the Minecraft community shared some of the most stunning and unique seeds that are waiting to be discovered. These seeds promise extraordinary landscapes, massive caves, and enchanting villages for players to explore. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and uncover the best seeds of 2024! Seed 1: [Seed Name] One of the featured seeds in the video showcases a breathtaking landscape with towering mountains, lush forests, and hidden treasures… Read More

  • Triple Trouble: EfeKan & Esra’s Minecraft Trio!

    Triple Trouble: EfeKan & Esra's Minecraft Trio! In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Efekan and Esra, their love never grows old. They got married in-game, a virtual delight, And soon enough, they had triplets, what a sight! Their adventures continue, with laughter and fun, Exploring new lands, under the Minecraft sun. So subscribe and stay tuned, for more tales to be told, In this world of blocks, where love never grows cold. Read More

  • Boy Love in Minecraft: Music Video

    Boy Love in Minecraft: Music Video Minecraft Animation Boy Love: Exploring Love and Music in Minecraft Love knows no boundaries, even in the pixelated world of Minecraft. In the latest installment of the Minecraft Animation Boy Love series, viewers are treated to a heartwarming tale of love and friendship set to a backdrop of captivating music. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft Animation Boy Love and discover the magic that unfolds in Part 10. The Power of Music in Minecraft Music plays a crucial role in setting the tone and atmosphere in Minecraft Animation Boy Love. From the pulsating beats of “Earthquake” to the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a New Hardcore Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a New Hardcore Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to share with you a new journey that has just begun in the world of Minecraft Hardcore Hindi. In a recent YouTube video titled “HOW I STARTED NEW JOURNEY ! ( MINECRAFT HARDCORE HINDI ) #1”, a player embarks on an exciting adventure in the hardcore mode of Minecraft. The video showcases the challenges and triumphs of surviving in this intense gameplay. While watching this thrilling gameplay, you might feel inspired to join a similar experience yourself. That’s where Minewind… Read More

  • Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple

    Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple The Quest for the Lost Diamond Temple | Minecraft Adventure Story Embark on an exciting journey with Alex and Steve as they set out to uncover the Lost Diamond of Eternity in the vast world of Minecraft. This action-packed adventure is filled with ancient temples, powerful treasures, and thrilling challenges that will put their courage and teamwork to the test. Will they be able to unlock the diamond’s hidden powers, or will they face devastating consequences along the way? Join them on this epic quest to find out! Exploring Ancient Temples Alex and Steve venture deep into the heart… Read More

  • Crafting Crazy Custom Trees in Minecraft

    Crafting Crazy Custom Trees in Minecraft Exploring Custom Trees in Minecraft Today, we delve into the fascinating world of custom trees in Minecraft. Learn how to build unique trees and discover 24 stunning custom tree designs that will elevate your builds to the next level! Building a Custom Tree Creating custom trees in Minecraft is a creative and rewarding process. From selecting the right blocks to shaping the branches, every step contributes to the final masterpiece. Follow along as Frostoid (@frostoid_) shares valuable tips and techniques for crafting your own custom trees. 24 Custom Tree Designs Get ready to be inspired by a diverse collection… Read More

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • Nepiz Kingdom

    Nepiz Kingdom> NEPIZ KINGDOM # Kingdom Creation: Only Kings can establish kingdoms. The process involves applying and, upon approval, managing a kingdom’s economy, defense, and diplomacy. # Currency System: The server will use two currencies: # Cash ($): For general transactions and shop purchases. # Resource Points (RP): For kingdom-related items and upgrades. Exchange rate: 1 Cash = 0.5 RP. # Diplomacy and Warfare: Kings can form alliances or declare wars, affecting their kingdom’s standing and resources. # Roles: Kings assign roles like Nobles, Generals, and Stewards to manage different aspects of the kingdom’s administration and military. Kingdom Upgrades: Invest in… Read More

  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

    Welcome to Enival – Minecraft Survival Server! Server starting in 40 minutes from post date! Join us in shaping this new, soon-to-launch Minecraft survival server called Enival. We have a few quality of life mods and an amazing community waiting for you. Why choose Enival? Democracy: Players vote on server changes Whitelist: Safe and friendly environment Quality of Life mods Launch Date: Today, September 14 in an hour! Join our Discord: 👉 Enival Enjoyable survival – the name says it all! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - End this Minecraft madnessWow, that meme scored higher than I did on my last math exam! Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

    Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring New Horizons Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with Catrophy in the 3rd episode of his series. Join him as he delves into the depths of the game, mining for valuable resources and uncovering hidden treasures. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with challenges and excitement! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From constructing elaborate structures to designing intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Catrophy showcases his building skills and demonstrates the art of crafting in this episode. Exploring the… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ 🎙️ 🎙️ Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

    XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘The XP SMP!’, was uploaded by XPGamesNL on 2024-05-19 03:34:10. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:41 or 8561 seconds. Welcome to the XP SMP! A Minecraft Multiplayer server where my friends and I will be chilling, playing Minecraft and perhaps even let a story unfold! Hope you enjoy it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray's Day 77 Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 77’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 10:20:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 77 Mods … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: School BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-19 21:05:21. It has garnered 565064 views and 9492 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:39 or 7359 seconds. Today Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty have a Bus Build Challenge In Minecraft! Who will build the BEST house? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

    Cristalit's Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Teleported Players Into The Void’, was uploaded by Cristalit on 2024-03-04 20:05:16. It has garnered 409836 views and 15510 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. I Glitched the End Platform to drop my enemies into the void on a Minecraft Youtuber SMP Will I manage to trap them? Watch to find out:D & ENJOY!!! SLOTS SMP Discord: THUMBNAIL INSPIRATION FROM BACONNWAFFLES!!! If you enjoy other SMP creators like Baconnwaffles & Rekrap & Parrot from Lifesteal, or other creators from Levels SMP, Bliss SMP, or Infuse SMP, I… Read More

  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: Join The Server: (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) ■Membership —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with PvE: (1.20.4) Creative: (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡ te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: Tips/donations: Merch store: For more content check out my… Youtube channel: I find channel: Twitch channel: Tiktok: For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: My Discord Server: Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK:… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More