Insane 100 Days in Minecraft One Piece: THE MOVIE

Video Information

Today I was invited into a new server known as mind piece where I managed to conquer the first three islands in the game each island had its own Quest and challenges I had to do everything from killing Pirates clowns boss mini bosses and don’t even get me started on the

Cooking Arc I had to become a chef dude no way you’ve got to be kidding me you’re telling me I have to feed all these people I have to catch some kind of legendary Lobster what do you mean listen I don’t know what I was expecting

In this video but it wasn’t to become a ship what’s so amazing about this 100 days is that this is entirely not modded this is all done on a 1.20.1 server mind piece has truly blew me away with the share quality of a server that’s not even modded I highly recommend you go

Try it if you have Minecraft it requires no mods just simply play 1.20.1 and you can just log straight into M piece however this journey is a very long one so how about we just go ahead and get started so when I first joined I spawned

Into fusha it was there I received a question of what faction I would like to join I could have chose to be a pirate a marine or join the Revolutionary Army this was a tough choice because all of them sounded pretty appealing if I was to become a pirate I would have more

Strength and defense and I get a sales bonus on certain item as a marine instead of Defense I get strength and health which I think is actually a little bit better in most cases and finally as a revolutionary Army member I get defense and power power to my fruit

Now honestly all these sounded pretty good but I decided to go for the Revolutionary Army because I thought that would just be something new that most people don’t do and I definitely don’t regret my choice because I’m starting off a little bit more defensive than most people and that fruit power is

Going to pay off in the long run once I selected my faction I could see that I already had a bunch of items in my inventory so I went ahead and equipped it my armor and I also had a shield a sword and the sword was just okay but

The spawn was a really cool area I of course was wearing my shank skin cuz I thought that would be appropriate for the time I also noticed in my inventory I happened to have two vote Keys now I didn’t actually vote for these Keys these two vote keys I actually used in a

Crate and managed to get two cow spawners which I thought was pretty cool unfortunately in the long run these cow spawners didn’t really do a whole lot for me because you can find cows right there in fushia but I mean it’s a thought that counts right the first

Thing that caught my eye was a sign that says Zone Adventure so I follow the yellow arrow which was telling me to kill five Bandits cuz this was actually my first Quest once I got down the hill I actually noticed that there was a woman with a question mark and she

Basically just had all the quest and taught you how to sell and buy items I also noticed that there was two different crates and these different crates could actually be used to get special items finally there was a statue of the man I was going to have to kill

By the end of this however I actually didn’t know this at the time at the time I just thought it was simply a statue I tried right clicking it and nothing happened I looked at the dozens of pirates down the hill technically their Bandits I’m going to call them Pirates

They look like Pirates bro look at their out okay to be fair there’s some pretty cool Pirates out there but listen I just started going crazy on these guys I started killing them left and right and before long I actually completed my quest once I complete the quest I

Actually noticed that I had quite a bit of these shards and I realized that I could go open up one of the crates now I was pretty excited so I made my way over to the crate and once I had actually opened the crate I am immediately got a

Decently rare item it was AA this is actually going to be the guy that I have to fight at the Statue but I would know that until way later however having this pet was pretty interesting I didn’t even know pets were in the game until this exact moment I actually realized there’s

An entire pet menu so I can have passive effects from these pets that are constantly making me money every hour and giving me small little Buffs like higher drop rate more Sal pretty cool stuff you could also level up these pets finally I had a new Mission I needed to

Go chop down 32 wheat pretty basic but I had to go find out where exactly this was going to be I followed the arrow all the way down the path until I finally reached where all the wheat was some of it had already been destroyed but there

Was still plenty to go around I put out my hoe and I just started going bro I demolished the wheat in seconds it stood no chance against me once I was done I felt proud I went third person looked myself in the eyes and then I continued

Down the path the arrow was actually a pretty nice addition that taught me exactly where I need to go but before I could reach my next destination I looked to my left and noticed there was actually a town this town had some kind of bar which looked pretty interesting

And there was a couple different stores I entered the bar thinking it might be pretty interesting but it kind of made me uncomfortable everybody was staring at me I wasn’t exactly sure why so I very slowly left and never came back I was far too scared to check the town

Anymore at that point so I just simply followed the arrow and went back to spawn the mission actually said to create an island but for some reason it took me over to Zoro so you know I just did what anybody would do and I right clicked Zoro after that I clicked on

Your Island and it actually started my Island it created me my own personal Island however I couldn’t just create an island I had to create a name and after a few failed attempts I tried a few different names until I finally just had the revolution with the dash between it

After this I spawned in on an island that seemed to be a Shipwrecked and a cut scene began to play explaining to me exactly what I needed to do to further develop my Island these cut are pretty cool especially when this is not modded in any sort of way really all this part

Was was just teaching me a bunch of stuff like the tutorial I had to break some logs break some Cobblestone and I realized just how much I hate these stupid Cobblestone generators because it kept burning the Cobblestone finally I was able to go back to spawn open the

Shop menu and sell my hay bells that I collected my next Quest was just to Simply open up my Island menu which gave me something called a silver ber I opened the chest and tried to place the berry inside and it apparently added something called 300 value to My Island

Not sure if it expands my island or what but yes I actually added some more value to My Island I didn’t really focus too much my Island in this playthrough because I was more about the adventure aspect I wanted to see what this game could truly offer in the terms of

Exploration when I finally checked my rewards menu I had a ton pending it gave me a bunch of free money and also it gave me some diamond blocks which I thought was awesome at the time although diamonds are pretty useless in this actually but let me have my little happy

Moment you know but on my screen out of nowhere a boss event had started apparently it was in Orangetown but I hadn’t been to Orangetown yet so I couldn’t exactly go check out this boss but by completing the quest I got a Robbo this Robbo was going to be my

Ticket to getting to other Islands however just when I thought all the fucha missions were going to be done I was very very wrong I had barely finished the tutorial but this is where the adventure would truly begin I checked my quest and there was a bunch of stuff like breaking logs killing

Bandits I had to get to work the first thing I did was go get my armor and tools that I had left behind and I did what any reasonable man would do in this situation I went fishing now if you didn’t know I actually have a really bad

Habit when it comes to video games and that one habit is I like to fish in video games why I don’t know pokemo I literally just sold Magikarp on the market all the time and earned Millions from it start Valley I chose a fishing island and had maxed out my fishing stat

In a matter of days it’s all I did I just wanted to collect all the cool fishes in the game there’s also a bunch of other examples but the idea is I’m a man that likes to max out my fishing stat in games cuz I know it can be

Really useful and it’s something that a lot of people often Overlook however I’m going to let you guys know now while the fishing this time was pretty easy this was just foreshadowing for something I was going to have to do in the future that would really put my fishing skills

To the test to my surprise there was a certain fish I didn’t expect to lure in it was a standard Minecraft fishes until suddenly I had gotten a very special fish while also completing my quest I went to check and apparently had something called a neon ttra I was very

Interested in what this exactly was supposed to be but I was also really proud I it’s a special fish and to my credit I never got another fish like that on my Island for the rest of the video so that’s pretty cool however I was getting kind of bored and I wanted

To go test out my P PVP skills on some of these Bandits SL Pirates again so I start just getting back to work and trying to build up the Bandit whiskey that I needed to do a quest and I also need to kill a certain amount of Bandits

To complete a quest so there I went grinding it took me about 20 minutes to really get everything I needed except for the whiskey the whiskey seem to actually have a bit of a challenge and that’s where I was introduced to the grindy aspect of this server not that

It’s bad this is where it’s actually kind of fun and that’s what makes things harder and more rare to get you see these guys can actually drop mult different materials and they have certain drop rates Bandit whiskey would be the first thing that I would find but

There would later be more items that would drop before finally I got my first Bandit armor fragment if you got enough fragments you could actually create a set of armor that would make you stronger it goes beyond just normal Minecraft armor it gives you more health and more defense this was something I’d

Absolutely need for the road ahead and I had to start working on trying to get this if I wanted to have a chance against the boss of this island since I had killed enough Pirates I saw a mission that actually asked me to kill some cows this is something I didn’t

Quite understand and while I would need to kill more Bandits later and try to get more items to be able to get the armor uh I was just going to take a little break go do something else mainly I just wanted to finish up my quest so I

Need to figure out where these cows were so as I started to explore I found this cave and I thought this cave surely was going to have some crazy stuff and I mean it did have a lot of ores like there was some iron gold some diamonds

But for the most part they’re pretty useless and they’re not that valuable other than that the cave was BAS basically just there to be there but it did look pretty cool there’s also this Treasure Chest that I thought I could open and I just couldn’t open it I think

It’s just there for decoration I thought it was really cool I was like oh man am I about to have to have a boss fight down here am I about to click this chest and then something’s just going to spawn no no it’s just there there’s just a

Bunch of gold there and I’m not taking it because reason it would not let me anyway I want to actually see what my rowboat could do since I need to explore anyways I spawned my ship for the first time and I noticed it was actually a

Pretty cool looking ship look at look at that I mean it’s it’s not a normal Minecraft boat there’s actually a little bit of a sail and your ships can get better and better in this game I could see an island off in the distance and my curiosity was getting the better of me

Before I said sell though it said I could rename my ship so I renamed it to Bob Bob nater because like Baconator from Wendy’s you get like a bob bob nator anyways so I set sale and I didn’t set sale very long either because the island was right there most of the

Islands are very far but this one was a very tiny Island that just happened to be very close to fushia there’s apparently something c a treasure chest here and PVP is enabled in these areas which kind of just terrified me to be honest but these chests actually have

Really rare things if you’re careful and get them at the right times however I realized I’m not messing with all that I’m just not people are going to be here they be like man I got to get me a phoenix fruit oh I need this legendary

Fruit so I can sell it n man I’m good I think I’m just going to stick to the main quest try and get stronger and then maybe eventually in maybe 2 to 300 days I can try and come back here and do these sorts of things I continue to

Explore the Island and I found some kind of deserted Beach uh I thought it would have some kind of purpose no no it’s just a beach it’s it’s it literally is just a beach I mean what more do you want for me it’s a be but finally after

A lot of searching I did manage to find the cow Farm it was on one of the sides of the island so I only need to kill eight cows and I just started going in there and slaughtering all the cows and finally I completed that Quest I was

Getting ever closer to defeating haguma as I was searching I found the dock area where I found literally Shanks Shanks is literally in this so I stood by him for just a minute kind of admired that I was like oh yeah look look I’m sitting beside me uh that was basically it then

I just went back to killing some more Bandits and pirates for a while just because I wanted to see if I could get that armor that I wanted I wanted to have better armor and I still needed to try and get the rest of the whiskey that

I need to complete the quest I still had a long way to go and I didn’t even realize in the midst of all my grinding I started to wonder where haguma was you see I found all the bandits all across the island but I had yet to see the boss

And there was no area where the boss could spawn I I checked the caves thinking clearly this must be the where the boss would spawn I mean it’s a special area I was thinking maybe he spawns near the treasure chest after a certain time period however after a

While I didn’t notice anything happening so I asked in the chat where’s auma and this man potato Baba I don’t know potato Baba that’s what I’m going to call him potato Baba over here with an emperor rank he’s like Fusion Timmy read don’t be this guy okay because actually this

Is a very common problem that most people don’t even understand there’s nothing that tells you how to fight haguma I only learned because of somebody else every time you play This Server everybody’s always asking in the chat how do you fight the bosses once you know how to fight the bosses once

It’s the same thing for every island most people don’t know you’re supposed to right click the statue and if you try clicking the statue too early it’s literally impossible to fight anything because you’re not able to open up the menu you have to do a certain amount of

Quests before you can even open up the statue however since I didn’t know this at the time I was left pretty clueless I was like well geez man thanks thanks for the the help all you have to do is say hey it you just do it like this I still

Had no idea where haguma was after this I thought of course maybe the chat would help me not this time so I tried to do a bit more exploring and I just looked all around the island I did everything I could and I just couldn’t seem to find

Higuma so I was tired of like bothering with it and I figured why not just try and get the armor first even if I do figure out where the boss is I can’t fight him in my current state anyways I might as well get stronger I end up

Getting another pet from the chest which I thought was pretty cool then since my starter armor broke I went ahead and made some half Diamond half iron armor and I just kind of rolled with that for a while and I thought surely that must be pretty good right no it’s pretty

Horrible actually because the in-game armor that you can craft with the fragments is just that good but it’s okay it was still better than having nothing so it worked for the time being but even though this wasn’t a quest there was something I still needed to do

And that was make Bandit armor this is where it would get more grindy than ever slowly but surely I began to get more fragments I began to get more whiskey bottles and I actually figured out I had a lot of whiskey bottles just sitting in

My chest at my Island and I had no idea for the longest time so that was actually pretty easy I had finally had enough whiskey bottles and the only Quest left was just to kill the boss but as I said I needed to get Bandit armor

Before I stood a chance finally I had enough to get a chest plate so that’s exactly what I did I went to the merchant and I made a bandit chest plate the first piece of the armor had been created and this brought me up from 20

Health to 24 health and it also gave me more defense and protection this was the weakest armor set in the server when it comes to fragment pieces but it’s still better than diamond armor or even netherite I still had two pieces left so I went ahead and actually made me a helmet as

Well and now I had half the armor set I looked pretty dorky but it’s fine it’s all about the stats you know what I mean it’s all about that grind you guys will look pretty silly too when you join but it’s okay because you get the strength I

Can’t actually remember who taught me how to defeat haguma but I ended up eventually learning from somebody that you were able to do it by right clicking the statue now earlier it didn’t work for me but this time it did once I realized this I knew what I needed it

Was very stupid of me but instead of getting the last two armor pieces I went into the hauma boss battle and to be honest with you I don’t remember doing this I usually go in overprepared it teleported me to this random cave area and for a moment everything was silent

Until finally he spawned there he was while he was slow he did a lot of damage but luckily he was pretty light work for me I just started hitting him as much as I could closing the distance but also trying to dodge his attacks every time

He would strike it was a little hard to Dodge in a way but what really made this fight hard was when he spawned all of his henchmen all these Bandits just started getting on my face but luckily I kept my distance and just tried to slowly take them out I quickly realized

Though trying to take out all these Bandits isn’t the smartest way to go about things so I tried to go straight for hug and then I had a genius strategy what if I led them to the water what if I slow them down no matter who they are

If they go into the water they become slow so I distracted them taking a couple to the water and then I jumped out of the water and finally I took down haguma there I saw a chest I right clicked it and it gave me a berry some

Scraps and a couple skulls I don’t really know what the skulls mean I never figured it out but I’m guessing it’s probably like a pirate ranking system or something either way I got stronger okay I had finally completed all of the Quest for fushia Island and now my current

Quest was to upgrade to recruit rank so I immediately did that of course I’m not a slave I think I’m trying to be slave ranked you’re crazy this would cost me 100,000 but it would allow me to go to Orangetown and get me a recruit kit if I

Ever needed and a little bit of extra stats I went from 24 Health to 33 but after this I wasn’t done like I said I’m usually a completionist type of person so I went around killing bandits until I finally had enough armor pieces to make the full Bandit armor set finally

Finally I had the entire Bandit armor set I I felt So Satisfied I returned back to my Island I put my berries in and I kind of sorted out my inventory just a little bit after that I went to the port thinking that I would have to

Put the ship there for some reason I don’t know why I assumed this but for some reason I went all the way to the port put my boat down and then I left to try and go to Orangetown this was a very cinematic thing to do so I’ll cut me

Some slack I went all the way to Orangetown and as I got onto the island I immediately noticed some new enemies they were clown there’s also a lot of potatoes and rabbits everywhere I could already tell the quest were going to be insane so I immediately did what anyone

Would do I just started getting all of the potatoes there’s also a mini boss is kind of chilling in the area but I didn’t seem to acknowledge it I was too focused on the potatoes I think it’s rather a good thing I didn’t because he probably would have killed me since I

Was scared of the new island and I thought that PVP might be enabled for some reason I didn’t bring my actual abandoned armor I just simply used my diamond and iron armor just to check out the island but I quickly learned it’s safe and that’s when I would go back and

Gain my armor but this this is when I learned something that would be rather annoying throughout my playthrough and made things a lot more difficult for me you see you can’t just warp back to Orangetown you can War to spawn you can War to your Island you can War across

Places in fushia but you cannot War back to Orangetown not unless you pay for it and where I needed all this money for all my quest and to get stronger I was not about to do all that so instead every time I wanted to go back to

Orangetown I would have to sail all the way over there every single time Orangetown was a lot different than fushia this is where the game truly starts to let you have a little bit more freedom the grind here was significantly more than the grind I had to experience

At fuchia once I complete the quest I need to open up an orange crate same system as fushia there was some crates here that could give you pets and random items especially weapons and these weapons would have special multipliers that did more damage on this particular

Island so I really need to get this item if I want to grind faster they did almost two to three times more damage than your average item and to my surprise when I first opened the chest I got baggy’s knives as my very first item

And this was going to make my grind a lot more simple instead of having to hit each enemy four to five times I would now only have to hit them about two times and then they would die baggy’s knife actually had some more damage magic find and critical chance and it

Did 80% more damage to pirates from Orangetown which is huge after that though I was all out of my oranges and I went right back to grinding what really excuse me is there was an arrow that was pointing to a certain location where nothing was I was like uh I’m supposed

To find a mini boss here right where’s the mini boss so I was looking all around like uh where are you it could could it be glitched and nothing happened so I tried to stick in the general area until finally something did happen and mini boss spawned just like

The one I had seen earlier but this time I actually noticed but uh I’m not going to lie to you it was extremely easy for me because of the baggie knife it only took me about four or five hits and after I killed him I had something very special I guess

Something known as boogies ball which is just items that you can use for quests they’re not really all that useful they’re just something you need for Quest but I had a fruit a random common devil fruit now obviously it’s not that rare but it’s a fruit my very first

Either the way I was excited and I just tried to take a nice little nice little bite out of that it is my devil fruit and to my surprise I got something known as a slide slide fruit now a slide slide’s pretty bad in terms of the

Fruits in this game however and it does give me a giant speed boost which is really useful for grinding so it’s actually not too bad in the early game every time I right click this fruit it makes me become faster so I could kill enemies and then run around to other

Enemies faster making my grind quicker not to mention this made my traversal even better I could get around so much faster this actually used up a bar at the bottom that was beside my health bar it was my fruit energy bar me being in the revolution in the Army actually gave

Me a bit more fruit power and that made things a bit more interesting but after getting this I just had to go back to grinding and there was a buggy statue right in the middle of town the buggy statue was basically calling my name but

I knew if this was going to be anything like the last boss it was definitely going to be a challenge but I had a feeling buggy was probably going to be a lot more of a challenge than the previous boss the reason I say that is because that was basically an easy

Tutorial Island boss even that one was a bit more challenging and impressive than I imaged but buggy was going to be a true challenge I would later understand that I was right finally I killed enough to where it actually completed the quest but let’s be real just because you

Completed the quest doesn’t mean that you’re going to have enough to get your armor fragments or to be able to actually defeat the boss so I still need to grind a lot more even after I finished the quest there was a lot of crazy missions I needed to complete on

This island also I’ve been calling these guys clowns but they’re actually Sailors we’re not going to talk about it bro I’m calling them clowns you can call them Sailors I don’t care I managed to get a couple more pets over the course of my time here and some of the quests

Involved like me getting some apples killing rabbits getting some beetroots it was going to be a lot more of a chore the quest size had actually doubled there was more Quest and a lot of them had to do with a lot of minor task which was something I wasn’t exactly looking

Forward to and normally if I wasn’t making a video I would have no problem doing these I’m someone that can take these grindy games and I see it as fun I will do these grindy things just to get that reward and I will not complain at

All however when you’re on a video like this it can be a bit of a pain I was on a time limit I wanted to try and do as much for this video as I absolutely could within 100 days so I had no time to relax I was on the grind my biggest

Thing I wanted to do though was to be able to kill buggy so I did what anyone would do I kept killing all these Sailors and opening boxes one of my quests was actually to open up 15 boxes anyway so I needed to do it since I need

To kill a certain amount of rabbits I went exploring the island until I eventually found rabbits and and I hate to say it I had to kill a bunch of these things I had to kill like 70 rabbits or something it was something crazy and I did

It don’t hate me all right I I had to do what I had to do on top of that I saw some more mini bosses and every time I saw them I’d always kill them cuz they have a higher drop rate they’re highly likely to drop me at least a buggy ball

Or a fragment of clothes it was just totally worth it to kill them why wouldn’t I I now had Zoro and Luffy as some of my pets I thought that was pretty cool they’re really common but I thought was cool that I got them finally I had 12 armor fragments with those

Fragments I got the clown chest plate but instead of immediately trying to get another piece of armor I for some reason went to spawn and decided to look at the auction house why I can’t remember to be completely honest I think I was wanting a certain weapon and that’s why I got

Something called a Doon sword I won the auction for it and immediately tried to pick it up and just see what it could do the reason I got it is because it said it did a lot of damage I was think I was thinking oh yes 20 damage that’s a lot

More than four damage now I can onot these guys I’ll be able to kill the boss I thought I found the cheat code toing around the game system however I had failed in noticing one thing because I was very dumb back when I first started you see Dawn sword while it has more

Strength it doesn’t do as much damage to the islands Pirates you see Buggy’s knife might be weaker but it does 80% more damage to pirates on orange Island where Dawn sword does not so in comparison Buggy’s knife does a lot more and I just wasted my money on a useless

Sword at least for the time being eventually it’ll be useful but not for a few Islands from now and that won’t even be in this video a very simple mistake but one that would be costly however after a lot of grinding I managed to also get the entire clown armor set it

Actually wasn’t too bad I just listened to music ran around using my fruit and killing things nonstop for as long as I could I completed my quest and I man to get a full set of armor and now it was time to kill buggy when I spawned in

I spawned into a literal circus tent and I thought okay this is kind of weird it’s empty again and then boom and he just immediately started swinging he wasted no time luckily with his knife though I shredded him to below half his health in a mere couple of seconds but

There was one problem even with the clown armor there was too many of them my health was being shredded in seconds just as quick as I had gotten Buggy’s Health down he had already gotten mine down because of was henchman not to mention if he hits me a single time it

Does way too much damage I was very disappointed I had all the clown armor I had the weapon and yet I still lost I was confused how did I even lose this I did everything right but that’s when I realized it’s simply a challenging boss fight I hate that I wasted resources

Trying to do this fight but I was not going to give up there I knew it was possible to win I was close I just needed to be more aggressive I can’t let him kill me before I kill him but before I can even fight buggy there’s a boss

That spawns in the middle of Orangetown this was the boss that was mentioned earlier and while I did almost no damage to it and nearly died in just a couple of seconds I did at least get to see what the boss looked like before immediately running for my life because

There was so many fruits being used I was already slowed and I was scared I was scared for my life I had seven Health left and all these guys are just jumping this boss and look at him he’s just tanking them it’s insane they managed to kill him and I just thought

It was really cool just for a moment it’s like the whole Ser came together just to try fighting this boss I nearly died I really felt really weak in comparison to all these guys and I realized just how much I wanted to become stronger not just for the video

But because I genuinely enjoyed the experience since I had 20,000 oranges I decided you know what screw it how about I just start rolling I was hoping I’d get the fragmentation fruit but I didn’t however I did get Mor’s Whip and I thought ah maybe this is better than

Baggy’s knife because it’s actually just a little bit better right like look at that it it actually does a little bit of damage but once again I was wrong if you look at the stats one does 80% when does 50% the whip is not nearly as good as the

Knife and that’s just a fact when it comes to the orange toown Pirates so I pretty much already had the strongest weapon I just tested it anyways and yes of course baggy’s knife was better so in reality I didn’t really get a whole lot

Although I did get baggy as a pet and he became basically my pet for the entire rest of the video I put all of my candies onto him to make him higher level and I think it did pay off it allowed me to do more damage to people

On orange Island as well as I got more resistance I wanted to have a rematch so of course I went straight to baggie after that before I could fight the boss again even though I wanted to get my revenge I decided maybe it’d be best if

I did my other Quest first I had been trying to farm trees for a while trying to get apples and it felt near impossible if you play you’ll know what I mean however I asked in the chat and this very friendly guy was like Hey man try using these certain shears these

Shears were really expensive but I won the auction for 500,000 gold absolutely insane I got these really rare shears I was able to use and these shears did help me chop the leaves faster and it did make me have a higher chance of getting apples it still took me a long

Time it was forever before I finally saw an apple but after about an hour of this I finally had enough apples to complete the quest it sounds really silly and that’s because it is and I do think this was probably one of the Annoying quests that probably should have been just

Chopped out by the developers or at least made a little bit easier either way uh this is the best method to do it if you want a genuine way to just absolutely get these apples quicker than like 5 years make sure you get these shears they’re not that hard to get

People sell them and they’re going to have a lot of use in the late game it was truly a pain I even use dark oak wood because I heard online that has a slightly higher chance of giving you apples and that actually might be true either way after completing this I got a

Gym that I got a gym that could supposedly give me more stats in certain areas but it just broke unfortunately I had to create rabbit stews and then I had to create some beetroot stews and this sounds really simple once again but you have to get all the items and you

Can’t just go get them you have to either get them from the islands which is the easy part or you have to go into the shop and buy certain items some things you just flat out can’t find or receive you just have to be lucky enough

To get them however I did men get everything I needed and I created all the soups that I needed after a lot of exhaustion I was more than ready to try and take out buggy I got to be entirely honest uh as I’m editing this I don’t

Know where the footage went where I killed buggy he just it’s non-existent I don’t know where it went but exactly it pretty much went the exact same way as you would expect I just had to kill buggy twice and I did manage to do it I

Did die a couple times but you would either win or lose it was a 50/50 chance so if you do play it expect to lose sometimes it’s okay my advice is to try and get up close to Buggy and do as much damage as you can and just try and

Ignore everything else the quicker you kill kill him the quicker you win and the less quick that he can kill you just be the first to kill basically don’t let him kill you if you can after this I was finally ready to move on to the next

Island and what would await me there would be my final challenge of the video something I was not at all prepared to take on I got on my ship went to the port and this time I actually did need to go from the port it was the easiest

Way to get where I needed to go after a lot of sailing I could finally see something to my left an island not really an island more of a ship once I got off I could immediately see a familiar face it was Sanji when I checked him he actually had even more

Quest and then the last Island I was like okay these quests are getting crazy there’s also some crates and a statue that looks a lot like Gyarados from Pokémon but it’s supposed to be the sea monster which is our very final boss of this video you have no idea the grinding I

Had to go through in this island this was the worst island of all when I checked the quest it actually had a a couple cool items like there are some different swords that you could use I noticed one thing far later throughout this video that I didn’t really catch on

To at first all of the stat Buffs that you get from these weapons are for the next Island not this island this island has no Pirates this is not a bandit beater Island this is something else and I was quickly starting to realize this fact I went inside and immediately saw

Some kind of Chef and I was like okay what’s what what’s going on here you you could catch fish I was like okay I mean I know I can catch fish but I saw there was a kitchen stove it says restaurant a little bit hungry I’m a little confused

And I swear I just saw somebody despawn I’m seeing food above their heads and I’m realized this is literally a kitchen mini game it took me a minut to really understand but once I started to see what was happening I could already tell this is like a mobile game I go inside

The kitchen and I start right clicking everything and I saw that there’s an assembly the assembly had different types of dishes you could make and I was like okay so what do I need for these dishes you need very specific fishes and these fishes can only be caught at barai

You can only find them on this exact area and they all have different Rarities as well so there’s like a lion fish a fighting fish a Red Lobster an octopus and a butterfly fish and they each take different ingredients some of them you can’t even receive until late

Game so don’t even think about trying to do the butterfly fish it was literally impossible for me and good luck trying to do it yourself the others though they’re all entirely possible it just can take money and a lot of time hardest part is honestly getting the stuff for

The fishes not the fish the fish themselves are really easy to find it just takes you know about an hour or two of fishing once I realized what this place was supposed to be about I was very confused I was like no this this can’t be it that there’s no way that

This can just be the entire Island right so I go around and I’m looking trying to see maybe there’s something I can fight nothing I checked the quest and the quests are a lot similar to Orange island in the sense that there’s little random things for me to do but most of

Them had to do with me serving customers I had to become a chef this is what I had been training for my entire life and I did what any man in my situation would do I went to the Sea and I began fishing of course I had to fish for a long time

Now this first time I fished it actually wasn’t that long I wanted to test and see what this was all about so once I fished up a couple things I just went down to the kitchen I went to the stove and I started cooking and to my surprise

They actually turned into cooked fish it’s really cool because it’s not even modded and they have these special textures I don’t know how they do it but they did it after this I started making a couple dishes and I had to kind of go

To the shop to try and buy some of the items that I would need for these dishes which is honestly the hardest part some take potatoes some take carrots some will take water bottles rose bushes you name it and you need a bunch of them for

The fish but once you do this you can make dishes once I made a couple dishes I went to the kitchen and I realized there’s only two people at a time and each of them only have certain dishes at a time if you don’t have these dishes

You have to wait for them to despawn and respawn every time so I patiently just walked around the kitchen waiting for them to switch to something I did have this took a lot longer than it should have however finally my time did come and I gave them their dishes and I was

More Curious I was like okay so this is really slow if I just have a dish or two I need to have more dish types so I went in there to see what the other ingredients would take what other dishes what I need to make what ingredients

Would I need and I saw most of them were pretty simple they’re not all that bad and I really wanted to make some of the rare ones cuz I had a feeling they would give me more shards the hardest thing on this island is getting shards for either

The crates or to be able to fight the sea monster they are stupidly hard to get on this island but it is possible this is where the game kind of Slows To A craw and you just really need to go fish and cook a lot not only that but

There’s a lot of random other quests that you need to complete like trying to go to your Island and kill squids which means you need a squid spawner a lot of random things you would never expect however I persevered I made dish after dish and

Finally I had enough it was time to lock in and become the fisherman I was always meant to become I went to the crates and I realized there was a special fishing rod on this island I had the cooks fishing rod this gave me a much higher chance to pull something more rare

Especially fishes that were on this island as well as it had a faster reeling time so I was getting fishes a lot faster this way so for the next couple of hours I simply sat there and fished and when I say I fished I fished harder than I ever have before and

Finally as you can see my inventory was filled with over a stack of octopuses 20 legendary lobsters 64 lion fishes I mean I had a ton fight in fishes butterfly fishes I knew then at that point I should have more than enough fishes to be able to make enough dishes to be able

To get a lot of money that’s all I needed I had more than enough to fight the sea serpent already however I was scared I had a feeling I would need something else and this is where I made a small mistake you see I went into the kitchen and started crafting all these

Different dishes and you know serving the customers however when I got my points I kept spinning them on the crate thinking ah yes I need this weapon this weapon is going to help me this weapon’s going to help me defeat the sea monster wrong like I said I eventually learned

All those weapons are for the next Island the sea monster you’re supposed to fight with stuff that you got from Orange Island it’s basically a filler Arc so once I realized this fact I stopped spending all my money on these crates I mean sure it’s going to be

Useful in the future but I really just want to kill the sea serpent for this video so finally I got ready to fight the sea serpent I equipped my Dalton sword because I thought it would probably do a lot more damage than Buggy’s knife because that is actually a

Special circumstance where this has more strength also I had all my seed horns I had my money I was ready to go so I entered inside of the sea serpent battle thinking this was going to be a challenge and right I was but as you can

See I brought a bow and arrow thinking this would actually do something cuz somebody told me in the chat that that was a really smart idea I tried it and it did nothing it was like it just bounced off it ate it and immediately started slamming me with attacks

But luckily I used Plan B and this plan was the plan that saved me you see I had a shield that I got from a vote chest a day ago I had equipped the shield and started holding my shield and it actually gave me enough defense to be

Able to withstand his attacks he had an attack pattern sometimes he’ attack once sometimes he’ attack twice but my shield could block out all the damage from those attacks so every time there would be a little space in between where I could hit him now sometimes I would

Still get hit but I could simply hold my shield and let let my health go back up so after a long fight I had finally killed the sea serent after this I opened up the chest and I got the sea serpent heart as well as 300,000 gold

And you know just a couple other little odds and ends I completed the quest and I had officially taken out the sea monster that’s my tip for you if you want to be able to take it out doesn’t really matter the weapon just make sure you have a good Shield that’s the most

Important thing you want to have a shield with you and yeah I mean that’s pretty much it I took out all three of these islands and I feel very proud I’m excited I really hope I can do a 2 to 300 days on this one guys cuz there’s

Still more Islands there’s about six more Islands currently left plus some other bonus places I believe so there’s still so much more to do I’m still kind of weak in the grand scheme of things and yet I spent days playing so I highly recommend you go check out M piece and

If you want to see a 200 Days please let me know in the comment section below I spent a lot of time doing this video I hope you guys leave a like com subscribe I hope you enjoyed please tell me if you want to see a 200 days and I’m going to

See you guys in the next video Fusion me signing up

This video, titled ‘I Played 100 DAYS in Minecraft One Piece Civilization (THE MOVIE)’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2024-01-06 17:27:01. It has garnered 5622 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:58 or 2338 seconds.

Today I play 100 days of Minecraft One Piece, otherwise known as MinePiece, a Minecraft server based off One Piece. The best part? IT’S TOTALLY VANILLA, simply go to 1.20.1 to enjoy the server like I have!

IP Address :

#onepiece #minecraft100days #minecraft

TimeStamps: 0:00 Intro 1:06 Foosha Island Arc 17:18 Orange Island Arc 30:20 Baratie Chef Arc 38:33 Outro

Thanks for watching the video! I Appreciate your support and time very much, if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe! I hope to grow with you all and become one of the greats. Thank you.

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    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More