Insane 340 Day Hardcore Bunker Build – 🚀Chat now on Discord and Twitch!

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So funny thing y’all might think I’m late but actually I uh I ate something really bad and so maybe I am really late but I really wanted to stream today so we’re streaming today oh it’s loud hold up hold up let me uh I haven’t even tested

Anything yet AR no are clear okay hold up okay uh that’s that’s actually that perfect so bad no too loud to very too loud too quiet too Qui go hello the of space welcome in the Stream my man dein mommy welcome back to the stream on the

YouTube side as well how are yall doing today how are y’all doing today uh oh that music is really loud excuse the music for just a second because let me just give you a word VIP Before I Forget before I forget okay perfect okay uh

Loud quiet is that too too quiet is it perfect oh it’s perfect oh let’s go we got it we got it guys I’m so who’s first today it was Ace of Spades was first on the YouTube side but Anthony gaming welcome to the stream how are you doing

Today yo and hello space cakes SP space cakes how are you doing oh my gosh yo let’s go welcome in ch oh my gosh and guys I’m so sorry I’m late I have an excuse I have an excuse okay my excuse is that I’m lagging let’s it not lag

Thank you okay okay is that I was really hungry and I was like what could I eat I found rice that was in a pan from yesterday night and then I found a pork chop a random pork chop in my fridge I had both of those things that I was on

The toilet for hours okay I’m so sorry I I am okay now and I really really wanted a string but I really really wanted to stream so I was like you know what even though it’s late it’s time it’s totally time they said they said the wrong thing crap they did okay listen

Listen they were close okay who was the second we’ll give it to first okay Tio actually you got the breeding bucker first but since we already gave it to Devon we’ll just give it to both of you congratulations you’re so lucky you caught my mistake there you go I’m tired

No HED please go to sleep if you need to I totally understand if you need to okay okay they said breed not breeding you’re right too congratulations on VIP the VIP word oops word VIP you all right I see I see I’m giving it to both of

You hitter Gator for real I mean they’re right though they they were right my bad thank you for catching me on that and Whispers welcome in oh my gosh why didn’t you eat some toilet I should have I should have ate some toilet paper I should have aten that toilet paper and I

Wouldn’t have had this problem chat chat what if you ever eat a rotten pork chop eat some toilet paper and it’ll make you feel so much better oh my gosh I should have done that I should have done that what what am I doing what am I doing okay okay guys today it

Is time it is time for the prime okay it is okay what do we need we need a breaking 3 meding respiration aqua infinity we need prop four we don’t have prop four on a helmet tell we don’t have prop four on our helmet hold on hold on

Hold your muffins It’s time it’s time for the stream ladies and gentlemen toilet stream no I’m kidding that me do you guys think anyone’s never mind I don’t think I want to know the answer to what I was trying to bring up I don’t think I do let’s just take zom zoom and

Dip uh if you say breed breed bunker you get VIP if you said breeding bunker you get VIP but uh well you would if you said it first but T said it first and Deon caught my uh mistake and so Deon also gets it for the entire day today

But you know what that’s all right that’s all right y’all did good getting it y’all did good y’all did amazing okay so show prop four prop four prop four where the the prop four at no no chat we need a prop for oh gosh the toilet paper

Will wipe it up and you won’t need a poop I haven’t pooped in 5 years I don’t think the toilet paper will stop oh my god dude wait wait but how wait so how old is the nether rubric how old is the nether exactly then all right how old is

It oh let me just do this Pro four okay great one more thing chat we need um I I think we needed what we needed Thorns 3 for that boop boop boop all right perfect perfect oh my gosh you winning I am today man we winning we winning how

You doing Granny Smith apple owl owl Apple welcome back to the stream how are you doing today what no no oh crap no we’re going to have to reenchant the whole helmet oh no Chad no it’s oh no Chad oh never mind mind we ain’t winning we kind

Of just hit a that oh oh CH oh that oh that’s really sad oh that okay respiration 3 mending awkward video breaking protction unfortunate but I’m kidding anyway trust ra THS isn’t worth it oh no yeah we’re getting we’re getting the full THS don’t worry don’t worry I’m just going to have

To redo my entire helmet which makes me want to cry okay it’s okay though because we need some this is not enough okay we need we need a we need an actual helmet okay and we also don’t have the emeralds too okay we ran into a little

Problem but we’ll figure it out soon I’m sure we will I’m sure we will Panda cookie lover oh my gosh thank you so much for the follow one of us one of us chat one of us listen okay it’s an L for only a little bit okay we’re only Ellen

For just a Ellen for just a little bit okay okay soon we will get thorns on this thing and we’ll be very happy are you winning son I was and then I failed and I was sad but we’re good we’re winning now we’re winners now I think I think can do you

Not know about grindstones I don’t want to yeah that would have been smart but wait I don’t know if it would still keep the expensiveness every time I enchant it back up so I don’t I don’t I don’t actually don’t know oh my gosh yo I already are I love

This chat let’s go W Panda cookie w you pay the cookie dude welcome back how you doing today yo all right no I love Thorns so we’re trying to get maxed armor for the entire thingy but you know what that wasn’t our goal well actually

Kind of was our goal to G to to today to Y we did fire it was all the worlded if you’re not winning then I guess it’s time it’s time for our sin I freaking love it I freaking love it let’s go okay okay you know what is time though it is

Time time for some villagers to do some was going to say do some dirty but never mind just take some potatoes take some potatoes there’s too many children up here man we’re going to start um setting them to the void in a little bit I think it’s about time ladies and gentlemen

That they start getting yeated time to get rid of you what do you mean what do you mean what it’s villager milking time no no it is not villager milk time it is it is a villager mil uh breeding in time you muffin oh my gosh oh AK

Just what what what wait oh wait dude Bob Bob aren’t you um wait you’re right you can disown me because you’re you’re ye’s Grandpa you’re ye’s Grandpa and if they were my son then you’d have to disown your own son how did you even remember that did you mean to be that

Accurate how did you get that accurate oh dude I’m so proud I don’t even know oh my gosh I see how did you do that oh my villager mil good what oh my gosh why can’t we make children do the work cuz I have a child and I don’t want to do the

Work no I’m kidding uh that’s a good question actually a good idea we might make him do the work also I figured out all the enchantments we’re going to do on the rest of these like this was going to I don’t remember I put it on my phone

And notes just every enchantment we want on each of them channel on Discord uh maybe oh well if you haven’t posted anything in there was it the Villager breeding process I new set forever so oh my gosh oh my gosh please please man so maybe we

Should put the children to a little bit of work they got to carry their own weight their moms and dads are um very busy so maybe they should uh you know carry just carry a little bit you know of their own weight just just a little

Bit I can’t tell if they’re going to go one more up or not I actually kind of for uh what is life chat what is life oh no oh no okay what if we go around here it was a villager make yeah I saw that

Bro I was like oh my gosh oh my gosh okay wait how high was this supposed to be I forgot I forgot chat oh so you should so should I show mercy on you please please man even argu wied son it was perfect for that Meme though oh my gosh is I

Supposed to be ye’s father okay anyway sorry I’m just like I’m applauding you right now bro I’m I’m a little bit proud should we go one more up on here I can’t tell exactly how I have an idea we are going to go one more up yes because we’re going to

Do this weird thing so we’re going to actually go one more up on everything yeah yeah okay Speed Run and building okay it’s it’s the it’s my hobby it’s wait I forgot to add people no no no no no no no no Nar Nar clear can’t stop saying

Okay question did y’all ever watch H2O uh when you guys were oh lag lag leg oh my gosh oh my gosh did any of you ever watch H2O when you guys were children or maybe even not children just normal people so our children not normal people I guess they’re not anymore so get

Discord covered up my chat box and I’m let’s typ you deserve that you deserve that okay oh my go yo watch Dr oh my gosh d how how big is your watch streak probably like insane right probably like probably like 30 stream streak dude W

What the heck H2O yes sir H2O did you watch that just uh now that I’m really thinking about what I just asked well I mean listen it was a show I think I watched it but I don’t know if I’m ever going to watch it again but I watched it

And it was you know it was something I will say it was it was probably childhood oh my gosh Kai welcome to stream on the YouTube s how you do doing today friend how you doing today welcome in it’s true oh it’s true it’s true let me just we’re spam clicking where’re

Jitter clicking I think it’s actually Jitter clicking okay uh speedrun oh crap blocking our way bro there we go okay perfect we just got to go back oh my gosh what now oh my gosh k k listen it’s a breeding bunker it’s what we’re up to

But oh my gosh what’s what’s up man how you doing today oh we need to sleep as well honestly um there’s not accurate I never miss my least favorite streamer sorry oh you know you know that’s that’s that’s fair honestly very fair oh my God you are you are a muffin

Head you are so funny okay I am going to sleep and we’re going to sleep this out all right it’s going to be great okay okay um egg egg egg egg egg is great egg is great should we like have a little look at this look at this

I actually won’t screenshot it cuz we have way too many screenshots but you know what the effort was there that we need scaffolding CH if we I just I just think that’s something we may might need okay I just think that perhaps some scaffolding wouldn’t be the worst thing

In the world anyways that is a is that a that is a great name for a bunker isn’t it the breeding bunker it is absolutely legendary bro oh my gosh and thank you so much for the follow wait what wait what it’s broken again no oh I can’t tell wait was it

Late wait Panda was that you did it did it just do your alert Panda am I going crazy thank you for the follow one of us one of us chat what the one of us yo I’m just hearing sounds bro I’m I’m seeing colors I’m hearing sounds it’s just not

It’s not great it’s not great oh I think I I swear I heard my mom I don’t know if you could he it on the stream but also that follow said I swear where it says Panda so I’m wondering if the alerts are like 3 days late you know good all 3

Days I mean 3 days is 3 days okay let’s uh let’s get up here this is just sad I do not like this little ladder we have going on for ourselves crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room you know Yeet isn’t here to stop us

From making this m okay ye how how will he stop us now okay we could probably do this I was not going to do this but now that I’m thinking about it we probably could um and I should do a little bit of boop boop boop a little boop boop boop

Do you ever guys think of just installing like a butt ton of viruses and see what happens like like what do you think the worst Could Happen actually maybe on your personal but if you bought a brand new computer right think about it think think about it brand I no kitty no you

Can’t anymore can he oh it’s great it’s great um Kit PVP tricker tree I have a business proposition for you you know I am a villager milk Tycoon you m produce villagers in your breeding bunker I would give you villager milk to breed them and you give me the villagers in Return or you know you could I could I could give you the villagers right you could pay me money uh like at least 50% of your profit right what would actually BEP trick or treat I have a business proposition for you are 3 years L as you know I am a

Villager milk Tycoon that is late villagers in your breeding bunker I give you them if you give me the villagers in return what anyway think some wait that’s so that was late wait all of it’s oh it’s cuz I shut my computer and didn’t turn it off when I

Cuz I had to go to the bathroom anyway oh my gosh but thank I’m not pressing anything I am not pressing anything and it’s cheering all the wood I’m not see see see okay watch this watch this you ready my finger I’m going to push it

Forward that’s a little too far oh my gosh so I got a little excited I was like dude dude something’s wrong with my okay is it still okay that was really weird it just kept shearing all my wood and I was like bro please BR anyway

Thank you so much for the follow uh there’s probably a way to fix this is there a way to like re restart my sources or just kind of like refresh cuz a refresh would be great or if I muted unmute the source is my audio off I’m

Surprised it’s not is my music off I have no idea I have no idea no idea at all this is uh this is great speaking of irises I think we have one okay I said that like 30 seconds yeah you know when I said that one thing was late the

Follow alert I was right it was late that was what’s going on okay let me mine this boop boop boop boop boop boop okay see we’re fine we’re kid just called me a virus no no no no no you’re the dude okay rer can you know what you

Should do I’m okay I have I have a proposition for you okay how funny would it be if you made a bill build milk virus that just like poured I don’t even know what but like I don’t even I don’t even know what kind of virus what if you

Made like I don’t even know I don’t even know you know it’ be funny actually if you made a virus a villager milk virus that you and you somehow managed to sneak it in to a like a popular mod folder right or like better mod anything right

Anything or like just just like a random virus that it’s really easy to get and you know what be great is if a person managed to receive this virus um they their Minecraft files would be tainted to where they would receive villager mil or they’d have that plugin that you made

How great would that be huh how actually great would that be I might actually just voluntarily get that by I’m kidding anyway uh okay okay wait what bro bro it would long that would be so funny oh my gosh bro what would you even call the

Virus huh like the great rubric of 2024 I or the Villager mil probably just the Villager milk virus that be so funny that’ be so funny ew Grass Grass it is it just that would sound like grass it’d be horrible how gross H oh oh oh we’re

Out of stuff rip okay I’m touching grass bye-bye oh bye-bye uh oh e grass I thought you were respawning to uh RC I oh gr um if it wasn’t legal illegal I would oh yeah I forgot it was illegal forgot okay what if what if you voluntarily made that okay what if you

Made the virus right and then you told people it was a virus you were like if you download this this is malware it will change your CH files for you to make it do that and every time you ever put it anywhere you’d be like listen

This is what this is unless if you don’t want it don’t download it tect the link oh my God okay what about that huh huh is that legal cuz they techically they technically no right because they’d be they’d be consenting when you’re like don’t download this and then they just

Download uh what you is it really a crime to do crimes listen listen listen actually would be consented if you told them what it was right if they agreed to do it in writing Maybe so I mean yeah we got to find a loophole Ro brick I am willing and I’m volunteering to

Help you find a loophole anyway maybe that could be like a TOS like a t oh yeah yeah yeah like a to like a TOS bro yeah yeah yeah you could you could just send them to a random website page that was like here’s the to to this I don’t even know that’s

Just like you know imine signing a to before receiving a virus that’d be kind of uh kind of interesting kind of kind of uh kind of pug champ H okay we’re running out of cobblestone I mean hopefully not too much but we are we are kind of running

Out of stuff uh I think this going I need to build up here one day right okay great great we’re actually having a lot of cats during in this thing and I I don’t know how to feel about it I really don’t you know o

Oh okay there we go there we go a virus TOS kit you don’t need a download a virus you could just add it to your world I know you want to no I’m funny would have okay well I guess at that point you just want to download it and

It wouldn’t even be a virus you just that’s just extra work that’s just extra work I guess you’re right rubric I guess you’re right but uh if someone was willing to do something illegal maybe that wouldn’t be the best thing well I’m just saying that would be

A very interesting virus if if it existed if it existed okay that would would be very very interesting what the leave her in here I guess my cat stuck in my room and I didn’t see her but my mom was trying to get her out and I didn’t realize I

Was like what is that noise anyways anyways okay see we’re Zoomers chat we are so good at zoomy zooming it’s great it’s great uh oh no okay we need water good to water I’ve been pinged I’ve been pinged in the Discord I don’t know how to feel I don’t

Know how to feel help help help okay uh uh so we got this down this is sort of what I’m going for it uh it just needs a little bit uh more somehow maybe it’s this that I wasn’t expecting right I don’t know if I wanted

This we we could like we we’ll see how this goes I’m going to keep reforming it like a million times before we’re done with it so so I just real that most of random crap I say right Here yeah that’s true yeah that’s I’ve asked them if they’ve uh overheard me say anything really weird they said they haven’t and I don’t understand how they haven’t because I’ve said the most weird stuff I’ve ever even could think of right so I have no idea

What how they haven’t but you know I guess they haven’t so so that’s cat that’s what I’m saying bro I think that I think that’s actually not true oh my cat’s on my piano look at my my cat I can’t really see her okay well there’s my cat there they they are

Chilling like a villain like a muffin head that’s what that’s what they’re chilling like anyway I talk about eating toilet paper oh my gosh dude if I had a if a child that was streaming I’d probably I don’t know if I want to listen to what they’re saying I probably

I don’t know would I be I don’t know actually thinking about it if y’all were parents do you guys think that you would be very nosy like would you just like secretly if I mean if they stream to watch the stream I I guess that’s like you know or Snoop

Around their stuff would you would you I mean h can she play something the cat she’s just sitting on my piano it’s so cute it’s so cute sorry I I love cats a little too much anyway uh okay we need to sleep we need to sleep very badly it’s time for

Sleep wait didn’t it didn’t it play ads I have no idea I have no idea all I want is what wait I think we might need to build this at a different stuff I don’t really want to build this out of wood I got to be honest but that will be our g

I our dimensions for now also I really I we’re probably going to get rid of this cuz I don’t want this this will look not how I want it it might look how I might not want it to be so I might destroy the front of this and keep the side of it

Does that make sense we’re not we’re not sure yet though of course only thing I’m wondering is how many blocks was that that was 1 2 3 4 okay on the fifth so there’s four air blocks or four actual blocks and then the fifth block okay so

We need to go up like four blocks uh and maybe do we’ll we’ll just do this we’ll probably have the first little thing kind of like in stone I feel like I feel I feel like do you guys think that you could teach cats how to

Play Pi like I don’t know I don’t know has it been done I feel like if it has been done it would be on YouTube you know I don’t know I don’t know could be a possibility what if you could like insert a brain chip to make an animal

Smarter somehow and then make it under understand how to like do stuff you know I’m so sorry yo okay welcome to the stream M how you doing today how are you doing today I hope we’re doing so well but how are you doing Elon Musk move

It’s so true though it’s so true sorry huh sorry uh like cuz imagine I mean we’ okay if if they found a brain chip to make animals smarter the only problem is be we’d start competing for resources like like if I I wouldn’t want to be I

Wouldn’t like okay if I was an animal and I all of a sudden grew smart I would not want to share my resources to be someone’s pet right so I would uh fight back and create my own you know just like stuff so so we would probably have to fight

For resources at that point and then the world would end yep that’s how that would go unless if we like decided to just immediately share but you know how humans are really bad things so uh we probably wouldn’t share very good animal right it would dude it’d be like oh I

Want to make a joke dude okay I want to make a joke and you guys will understand it 3 to 4 months it’ll be like The Lion King 2.0 okay anyway I’m okay my foot H my foot hurts long no your foot hurts why does your foot hurt man why does

Your foot hurt hurt and also Pinto welcome to stream on the YouTube sites how you doing how you doing today oh thank you so much for the bits I really appreciate it corn yo what US what US what us thank you so much for the bits you’re amazing what the heck you’re act

[ __ ] CH look at that look at that anyway uh if I was suddenly intelligent cat I would I would cuz they would make me fake axes that’s actually so funny yeah you know what I hate to say it but you might actually have a really good point there

I got to admit yo thank you so much for the follow what yo three to four business days late we already thank you for the follow but I’ll thank you again thank you so much for the follow one of us one of us chat one of us yo let’s go uh cornbread of

Course I like to Rite a people [ __ ] and follow oh what you’re a legend cornbread what what the heck what thank you so much actual Legend bro you’re an actual Legend there would be some pretty crazy jobs I guess there would be like what kind of jobs flying probably didn’t help

Oh no man I’m so for a little while it was a little bit but I think last night this morning it’s been oh no I’m I’m so sorry that really sucks K I hope I hope we’ll feel better soon I hope things get better oh know how do we lose Health excuse

Me oh my gosh I’m good how about how about you and buring bunker yo let’s go bro I’m doing well thank you so much for asking PTO yes sir it’s the breeding bunker time the only problem is we really need scaffolding and I am resisting getting scaffolding and it’s

Driving me crazy it’s driving me crazy okay this is just like a weird little side thing we have accidentally connected oh yo thank you so much for the the follow cord bread yo one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate

It I have no I hope I hope that wasn’t too late because it’s been it’s been it’s been kind of crazy that kind of late but thank you so much I really appreciate it oh no lose Health by taking damage K oh thank you R I didn’t

Know that okay uh let’s see it’s okay I walked too fast I didn’t think about landed on it oh no oh no where is Anthony King I don’t know where Anthony is I got to admit oh actually I just remembered the message I said I don’t think Anthony’s going to be

Able to make it to the stream but I’m not sure I’m not 100% H well we got to start converting this to wood or yeah we need to start converting this to Wood and eventually we’re going to need a lot W it’s going to be kind of

Bad it’s going to be kind of bad what you making glad you asked K we’re making a breeding Monker and it is great it is great all right the good old breeding bunker it is very pug chip I got to admit okay uh let me go Boop let me go

Boop let me go Boop let me go Boop let me go Boop let me go Boop Bo breeding bunker yes sir the biggest breeding bunker I’ve ever made in my life it’s going to be great uh a breeding buer is that like a bakery a breeding bunker is that like a

Bakery wow oh you know what I I I it can be I guess that’s great that’s great I dude dude dude you know I’m going to you know what I’m going to do I’m going to become an entrepreneur and you know what I’m going to do when I become one

I’m going to make a bakery and I’m going to name it breeding bunker Chad if you saw if you saw a local breeding Monker would you eat there would you eat at the breeding bunker you to get the at the joke but I’m like even if I did like

Okay but take it literally how funny Would it be Cafe k k sorry I just used your full name uh if you just you know you know you see it you know okay oh no not ads well ads are kind of lurking around the corner wow how funny would it

Be if you took it literally W are you mad I Ed your full name oh rip oh rip sucks two suck no I’m kidding oh let me just see what I can do here want to go Boop we can go four higher like this like oh and we’re out rip rip

Okay that sound like sounded like the thrope noise like I being to off what oh my gosh me can’t can’t read what wait what wait what villager milk villager milk wait what villager milk ew ew ew uh okay okay you know what we need we

Need a lot of stone so we might either have to start a stone project which I know exactly what we could do for that or we’re going have to go find some Stone we left somewhere so I’m hoping we can do that I just don’t know where that

Is going to be the only Problem yeah I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to use your full name but I guess it kind of just came out that way didn’t it villager milk de delicacy bro no please oh no please please man please I just need to hear K go or nor or nor or nor

Clear please I know it’s not in their accent but I really want to hear them say it for some reason K trick live wow it’s okay Krick wow wow I am personally offended in every single possible way you possibly can imagine right now like oh my gosh bro like oh my positively Bonkers

Gosh anyways oh my we to blow up another roof I was planning to do that yesterday but we didn’t um I’m back hopefully some less aie I mean who knows who knows all right let’s go let’s go we got this I believe oh I believe our poor horse actually

Poor me I just kind of like suffocated myself there a little bit but you know we chilling we chilling but anyway how was your trip to um England then how how was it I heard you met some people how was meeting people that sounded like I was saying

Something else when how was meeting people no I meant I meant it literally I meant it literally how was meeting uh like the friends and stuff okay I’m so sorry I’m just attacking you uh anyway did you know what that guys what I do it and I will

Ban you I’m not even joking do it and I will ban you it’s actually very bad do it and I will ban you I will I’m being silent I will B rubric you say anything like that again I will ban you I I’m not joking I am not

Joking do it don’t do it okay um so if I say something that rubric said I will get bad yes yes I was about to say you were so lucky you stopped yourself then aren’t you mate aren’t you krix hates fun I hate being called that it’s the worst pet name ever it’s

Disgusting I’m sorry don’t tell anyone with that name that okay please please don’t tell them that um coward I want okay here’s some more Cobblestone we found all right do we get a lot of cobblestone from there if we mined a lot or did we

Use it somehow H I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think we have any chests over there though let’s see okay going back going back cuz we’re already going on to zoom Zoomie wait did ads already play Yo thank you so much for the follow yo Z yo

One of us one of us chat one of us let’s go bro thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate it oh my gosh oh that’s so that’s bad but kid but KitKat is good yeah those are two very different things aren’t they also I don’t really

Prefer that either I like kit I like kit a lot okay anyway okay now we Zoom well that like hesitated before going up there kind of felt bad kind of felt bad man kit L I do not even I don’t like that either no I’m so glad I have mod

Delay holy muffin no Kurt okay okay we’re going back we have we have a minimal amount of that but we should be done we have a lot of wood though uh surprising L also our way points died and I’m not sure why I think they reset themselves which really makes me afraid

Cuz that would not be good and y’all know that wouldn’t be good right it’s weird uh no uh okay why have I lost my way home what is what is what I don’t know what that is just to why am I like dying okay um

Just to add why get close it close yes it will it will it will get you get you yeated out of this chat very quickly it is the fastest way to get banned wait oh dang it I don’t actually want to be here no no oh my gosh we’re

Going to have to Bagels Bagels Bagels huh on screen what what what you what oh are you describing ads Speed Run Band 3 do not even test me trust me when I said you will get yeed out of Here sorry well that was a very powerful burp this nice and cold nice and cold I’m back are you back bro are you sorry sorry but go back uh okay I was good dice and cold 32° C uh the UK between like 10 and5 I went to Manchester shees okay oh Wait sorry uh it super F three mods and two oh that’s so cool but that makes sense it did dude that sounds epic I’m so glad it sounds like you had a lot of them in sounds like you had like a lot a trip in life them in very cool very very

Very cool very PK chap very very P chap man okay we got that okay we’re going to do this weird Thing okay let me just uh make sure I didn’t mess up rrick is so cool are you a voice of the people for my god wow so hello hello voice of the people bro BL me up please please voice of the people is sheep cool I will ban you if you say

The wrong answer just uh for warning here for for warning hello voice of the people how you doing for real how you doing welome in welcome in man welcome in okay we’re going to do all the way up here sheep is so cool for real for real hey

Let’s go I see your man of your word for and then this will be the top okay that kind of fits pretty well I think maybe maybe I should have gone one Higher with this I kind of regret I kind of regret decisions now um who knows who

Knows this will start going to Wood and then the roof will be wool which will be amazing uh we’re running out of wood I don’t actually chat I mind trees today like a lot of trees like when I say a lot of trees I’m talking about like a

Lot of trees uh anyways so I don’t think we’re going to be short on Wood Wood ever again it’s it’s kind of bad it’s kind of bad how much uh wool we have made okay or not wool I we need more wool for this cuz the whole roof is

Going to be wool and if you think about that it’s probably going to light on fire what am I going to do one day when the lights on fire bro the whole thing comes down that would suck okay we’re just going to pray it don’t burn now one

Day okay uh going to do that and I was maybe maybe somewhat in the middle we’re going to do that no Forest left no Forest left bro it’s great it’s a great great day when there’s no for left should I write should I recite the Declaration of Independence I don’t even know if

There do you want I mean I don’t um I I I don’t know if you should or not I I don’t know Neo ah let’s go we W okay sorry got a little excited okay so if this is the middle no this is the middle this is the middle or is there something

We could do that’s like this it’s like one up and then boop boop boop boop oh crap boop boop kind of do like this thing we’re going to run out we’re going to run out but okay like this and then this is this good we just do this kind

Of a thing kind of wanted to do it like like this and then maybe like this wait but that wouldn’t even matter because oh crap this is a little building for my brain cells bro this a very confusing I kind of want to raise everything by one which

Would be really annoying but we need it to be very tall to fit with its proportions so yeah yeah is this trust me chat this ain’t tall enough even though there was going to be like extra this is not tall enough we need to raise

It by like at these two blocks this is really bad this is really bad most should probably start cutting it like right here oh man I don’t I don’t want to redig everything up though but we did make a mistake on proportion okay I’m thinking like literally right here

Probably something like that and then we could do like six blocks of air and we can do six on each right oh boy uh One part okay okay well I I mean it is considered a little bit of spamming but I don’t I don’t know I am not sure I am very not sure okay so we got rid of that I’m just not sure how high we should do this

What dude the the I still can’t see Channel points what is this what is this I was like huh just look at stream why did I look at stream bro okay well y do I’m here with you y’all and do Frable welcome to stream my man how you doing

How you doing are you doing well today okay uh we’re going to do this can I read chat like this it looks like I can’t so chat how we doing they funneling them as I wait what I’ll be funneling them as I make them the I just

Found a way to make like 10 more twitch accounts oh my gosh no how you’re going to have like your own little bot crew oh did you figure out like the email stuff I know there’s something you could do off emails to make a bunch of stuff off

Of emails but um anyways anyways I will recommend doing it bro okay or did you have like 10 emails and you just decided to use all 10 of them I need answers now okay we’re going to lose so much so much uh Cobblestone okay you doing anything fun

Later nope I have no life so you probably could just answer that no I’m kidding I’m kidding kind of kind of not kidding also uh you know I’m I’m I’m playing Minecraft that’s fun I’m fun guess American history spam it is though it is sorry

Anyway I guess it is I guess you were right I guess you were right oh y’all okay hold on hold On imagine if you looked iron golems in the eye that they got really angry at you imagine that would be funny how we like half that I feel like actually that height might be the the actual height we need if we wanted just two floors and a

Roof oh boy this going be this is be heck sweet L be stream so oh catch up oh I see can hear my holiday stories yes dude that’d be amazing and Astra thank you so much for the follow one of us one of us chat one of us dude welcome to the

Stream how you doing hello welc how you doing today hold on are we getting like a raided lur oh my gosh welcome in how are you doing today and wind wind beater yo I love your name and sent me oh EZ said you dude dude I freaking love ezri oh my

Gosh well tell them thank you and welome in oh we said we have a similar energy so hi dude hello welcome in how are you doing today Y and welcome as well oh my gosh let’s go says raid oh no wind raid crazy oh no this horrible my alerts

Are so late but thank you for the raid okay I don’t care whether it was actual physical rating or like verbal rating but either way dude welcome in wait if it was rating it was oh my gosh my my alerts dude my alerts and my like sound

Alerts that are coming over to do that okay my stream Orbot is the only thing that hinted to me oh my gosh D dude wind thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate I see we playing valerant how was valerant oh no bro I am so so sorry

That I I didn’t see you ra at first my alerts and my even my twitch like alert thing bar is not alerting anything it’s not saying any anything anything at all it won’t even show me channel points it’s so bad but dude thank you so much my too wait really some sometimes

They’re they’re not working either oh bro oh bro twitch is Twitch is on something all right twitch twitch is Twitch is having a hard time bro oh my gosh now I have to I have to wait hold on I got to do something I got to do

Something real quick let me just quickly tap a little button there we go there there we go oh my goodness I hope I hope it shouted you out guys guys if you haven’t already please go follow wind please please I think they’re amazing oh my gosh I can already tell they have a

Lovely community and they seem so freaking amazing so please go drop a follow in their Channel it’d be amazing okay to crack that Minecraft tool let’s go let’s go dude that’s amazing that’s amazing put also ice REM let’s go why why need a vtuber model when you have

The cutest totem model two in one use a actually that’s a you got a point there asra you you got a point there man oh my goodness uh oh start off with goose goo duck oh dude that’s amazing let’s go oh man oh man let’s see

Okay I got I got sucked up by a windy tornado oh oh no but oh let’s go I saw end oh let me see R oh no rubric I mean like oh y rubri thank you so much for the follow you did not just make 10 more

Accounts did you please man please I wonder how long it’s going to be take twitch to flag his spots H I love the energy yeah thank you so much I really appreciate Astra absolute Legend absolute Legend man okay we’re going to okay this is not fast enough okay okay

Hold up hold up um oh w w let’s go I bought a if I bought a domain I could make as many account freak what oh my gosh dude dude dude rubric what if you bought a domain for like what what if it was villager milk like what if that’s available you

Can have your own website you’re own everything if you bought a domain that I kind of want to see this happen I kind of want to see this you could actually villager milk. store you could have villager milk villager milk it’s so bad EZ is so so bad oh my gosh I can

Definitely see how dude oh my gosh actually I have a question for you when sorry I have a question for you when when do you usually go live what’s your streaming schedule oh my gosh it’s so bad rubric started it and I do not approve of it but how funny because oh

My how funny if they got it fell remot nut store that would be horrible oh my gosh bro oh my gosh raid regret what oh my gosh anyway lur thank you so much for the lur I really appreciate I’ll have fun I’ll like well consider oh sounds

Good for I’ll do commissions oh dude you do commissions that’s so epic what the heck have a great rest day of your night you too friend oh my gosh and also people coming in from wind raid if you need to sleep take care of yourself eat I totally understand and you totally

Should okay you totally should so please please go rest and do amazingness but I go live uh Tuesdays Thursday at 800 p.m. at EST oh let’s go sounds good I have de summer off from school so I’ll be often as I can oh that’s amazing dude okay I

Will be sure to catch one of your streams I promise I promise okay let’s go we have a good rest of your night man bye bye 8 P.M is see if she has to work oh that’s fair that’s fair my bad my bad I kind of missed the message for a hot

Second um American history spam there’s nothing we could do oh my God all right there we go there we go I feel like rubric immediately when I said that went to go buy the Villager milk domain I mean that’s fair I bought the trick Das gaming domain and I have like a cool little thing off of it but I

Don’t know you know if I could change my domain I’d probably change it to something else kit related like krix just going to be honest like if I can but then my email would be so weird it’ be krix krix that’s weird anyway um I will fully support villager

Milk no please yay I love seeing off my f acting oh that’s amazing as oh man you’re such a Pog champ what the heck ezri you are such a Pog champ I can’t reach my little legs I can’t reach the wol the wool the wood the wood okay there we go there we

Go uh let’s go rubric 21 villager milk. store oh my God no way bro no way I should actually parkour from here to here Boop look at that look at that no wood left behind I know we have a lot of wood and it’s quite uh dispending but uh

Please my little legs I need to have Point points oh no are we gambling oh no oh oh y of 10 no no you’re going to gamble all of it’s going to go bye-bye it’s going to go bye-bye oh my man oh man I feel like we’re about to see a

Disaster happen a little bit of a Disaster you lost it oh no rip I kind of caught it by accident oh no I think I jinxed you EZ I have found a new project to work on bro I wonder how much the vager milk domain is holy crap how how much I will

Not buy it don’t worry but I’m really curious if you look it up on domain manager do you want to see if it’s open like is it even open can’t you JX me I did I did bro sometimes I Jin you for good luck and sometimes I just I just uh

I kind of the cause of the bad luck it’s $20 dude D dude dude dude that’s amazing that’s amazing dude are you going to do it are you going to do it okay this song bring back memories yes sir good all memories okay we’re going to going grab this all the wood

All the wood cuz we did not build this high enough which kind of sucks but uh it’s kind of the way the cookie crumbles at this point man it’s kind of it’s kind of the way the cook crumbles still love you the same let’s go good dude good to know you uh only

Need eight followers to reach huh oh oh that’s true oh Chad I have all I have like this new gold thing I made and I’m so excited for yall to see it I made it like spram robot and I made it a while ago I also made like a hype train thing

That like it’s it’s so epic it’s so epic oh my gosh I’m so excited maybe we’ll get to see it who knows who knows let’s see oh my gosh okay so I think maybe we like right here we’re going to run out of this oh we are so

Going to run out of it I have an idea to get more I have an idea I have a really bad idea but it’s still an idea so so we’ll have a bunker we we’ll dig this out and that that’s probably my greatest idea jit click ah no arar clear sorry I

Can’t stop saying that y’all just can’t is anyone else just can’t stop saying that you know arar clear it’s just so hard it’s just so hard not to stop saying okay um we got to we got to break this too crap no no I say we should have

Eight how about is eight enough is maybe eight blocks of air and then on the ninth block we can have it like this I feel like that could be good that could be that could be good ooh fancy let’s see uh hey kid I I kind of betrayed you I joined a

Different a p since has been down for so long I feel like I okay I wouldn’t consider it betraying man I consider it uh normal cuz you could totally play both and also it’s very not much not my fault that it’s been down but you know we’ be chilling we’ be chilling we

Chilling like like uh your mom kidding uh kid I think I’m sick again no you’re sick no more homework so I’m going to do it real quick and sleep okay good and please sleep oh my gosh please take care of yourself you’re too amazing man okay

Well have a great rest of your night man and I wish you good luck bye bye as you know I don’t agree with you okay anyway okay we’re going to do this speedrun but uh breaking house down Edition arson would be a very much good

Solution to this but uh I think we all know what would happen I mean half of it would still be up technically just uh you know be a little be a little quick be it’ be kind of nice kind of kind of quick kind of nice

I think we’ll run the risk of not doing it though okay okay someone should give me someone should give you points maybe anyone willing to do a little bit slash give or slash uh give points ezri oh there that that block is vibing he vibing chat look at him look he Vibing okay oh crap I hit a wall no no wall hit man okay we are effectively running out of blocks very quickly very quickly okay there we go I’ve kind of done the good stuff it says Nara Bunch dude that’s awesome that’s awesome Ultra super what about the toilet gift

Point say infinite dude dude rip wait did I actually work what the heck oh GG what wait did it work work that work uh hello my name it’s my it’s my birthday today it is y’ oh my gosh happy birthday happy birthday man happy birthday yo yo let’s go let’s go

Bro dude happy birthday how are you doing today let’s go how’s your birthday been yo Happy be day you know how we haven’t used this in a while take the confettis take the actual confettis bro take the confettis okay um we do a little bit of Boop okay

Uh so we are live on the YouTube right like it’s working it’s just the only thing that’s weird is the bot messages aren’t working which is kind of sus it’s kind of suspicious I don’t know how to feel about that Okay okay running out of blocks but that’s just fine oh crap we have a lot of blocks down here I’m getting all my blocks back oh no oh no how about we finish building up the stuff before we’re we do the yeah yeah we we’ll do that crap I didn’t mean to

Do that oh no we’re running out blocks oh no please oh no no we have really fast pickaxes though so maybe maybe we’ll be good maybe we’ll be good now this Iron Golem is just chilling here a he a he just chill in there I got money

Let’s go you got that’s a w good to hear it man good to hear it oh outside you could definitely tell on the outside if you haven’t filled that in uh of course I hope you had a wonderful day wonderful oh yes uh your wishes come true lovely a

A let’s see what’ you get oh let’s go how much how much money that’s that’s very specific you want to know our money let’s go but it’s happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear that void happy birthday to you so this is

Definitely something we need a very tall but the problem is I just don’t know how tall maybe we should just build it to our parameter and then fill it up you know just not fill the sides at all yet and then fill it up I feel like we might

Actually have to do that I feel like that’s how the cookie will crumble this time okay perfect let’s get up here let let us get up here so we have this kind of a thing going on uh how tall do we want it how okay

I’m going to build up like a lot we need scaffolding so bad uh we might have to go try to find a jungle is this high enough I can’t tell if it’s high enough oh clutched it clutched it $70 sheesh dude that’s a lot nice bro that’s

A lot bro who Ed me out wait what someone timed you out I can’t even see who times out or does anything in my chat anymore be that party today oh dude hey that’s such a w Jack hey let’s go if you get sick tomorrow cancel suy sun again

I’m going to drw you milk oh I’ve been threatened now bro I have been threatened fine fine what okay what if fine I’ll try my best not to get sick and I’ll stream sussy Sunday stream sassy Sunday should we go a little higher with it I think we could go a little higher

You know what I really need though scaffolding like really badly need scaffolding I have to use this I’m about to trigger rubric Again by doing this wrong I don’t I don’t remember how I didn’t run last time but I did run okay let me up thank you let me me up

Please okay perfect let’s go just a tiny bit higher this was supposed to be kind of crazy and then this needs to go that way uh can we remember this y level chat okay chat chat remember it can you guys remember something for me can you guys remember 85 that would be actually

Amazing you are so soit what do you mean I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything I way to my death listen that’s very fair actually that’s very fair sub 85 okay okay I shall pin your message now thank you oh did that it won’t even work no I

Can’t see pin messages okay y’all I just needed to mentally remember 85 cuz I’m not going to remember it okay oh oh Jo yo wait is that how I pronounce your name Jo yo but yo G is Aron um arson is Inc I don’t know I don’t know where is

Esta s anyway what do you actually speak Spanish or are you chilling or you is this 85 this 85 is a breeding bunker it’s the best thing on this Earth Lois that’s what that is that’s what it is bro and we are building it we are currently we are

Currently in the process of building it is 85 Too Tall let’s see okay thought I was going to fail I haven’t I haven’t failed yet I haven’t failed yet worse than villager milk bro what do you breed villagers yeah isn’t that great is that great this might be good enough believe

It or not it might be too short which is kind of something oh never mind anti- villager milk I am that is more that is okay uh lless I have a question for you that okay can you agree actually I just have a question is villager milk more

Morally wrong than a breeding bunker think about it like is is a villager milk factory worse than breeding bunker okay think about it think listen to the question what what bro bro oh yo we is so cool really oh let’s go let’s go it means fire oh W okay it means

Fire anyway y’ thank you so much for the follow yo one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much I really appreciate it let’s go let’s go man no I wanted to say it was incredible you Muffin head okay I just take a little

Out of the casual casual thing I love vill I’m done I’m done I’m ending stream I’m quitting my streaming career man I’m I’m done uh you KS speak Spanish I can speak a little bit yeah I can I can speak a decent amount I just haven’t I have not

Spoken in a while I’m assuming do you speak Spanish you are finally what is you’re finally what I thinkk you follow yo what of us one of us chat what of us let’s go wait I went too high oh crap hold on hold on we went too high with it

We went too High uh 62 go 62 go before y’all see greatness before yall see good cool things oh yeah wen’t we supposed to destroy that I was going to destroy that okay anyways um we got this and then we got this we could have three layers of uh

Well too late we designed this to have two floors but this could easily have three floors three might be a little a little too distracting though two is kind of perfect so we might have to just do two floors oh crap uh perfect oh crap we’re one too

High I keep going too high chat I’m too high please help send help please okay it took me one year 5 months and but I finally made quit quit streaming or at least think of quit streaming wow wow pause what wait what wait wait huh what

What your mom no I’m kidding uh let’s see yo CH okay what what did I do what did I do what what did I do too high again man just I keep getting too high horrible sucks don’t ever get to I sorry I’m sorry Okay is this 85 oh I almost messed up we’re good we’re good here first person that I see is very happy compared to the others that’s why you gave me my follows oh thank you so much doll I really appreciate that wait am I supposed to

Say Joel crap how do I how do I pronounce your name I am so sorry man but thank you so much I really appreciate that jo’ that’s amazing that’s amazing you keep getting high I keep getting a high Pinto I don’t know how to do she really is a what you K are

So sweet this is why I can’t this is why I don’t quit streaming okay this no matter how hard you try lless I’m kidding um still y thank you so much for the dude thank you so much yo one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so

Much I really appreciate let’s go let’s go okay okay we are going to go over here we are farmers okay we need more wood before we continue this we’re building these Sky High look at them look at them 85 85 thank you thank you I don’t remember the

85 um we also need more wood we are not going to run out of wood anytime soon definitely not I so we’re going to get a lot more and now that I realize we have two double double chests full of wood like somewhere else plus that wood we are going to be so

Stacked oh man it uh yes okay let’s uh keep going back to 85 we need scaffolding badly I am going to keep saying it till we get scaffolding I’m what kind of hoping is that one of those wandering Traders will come by and then I’ll just I’ll be able to buy

Scaffolding from them you know I feel like that’d be pretty nice pretty nice uh I can see thank you what if we messed up somewhere we did we messed up no no CH we messed up right right there oh crap I oop oop oop oop oop oop oop oh oh

We’re we’re too high too oh crap oh no oh noop okay perfect I just do this do this do this actually these two weren’t supposed to go all the way to the top this one these two were supposed to start arcing as soon as wherever we decide to go uh Arc

At so these ones we’re supposed to combine with these ones in arcing so but we can we can make them the base height which was 85 right no okay we’re good we’re good I’m Miss Jacob games oh man they are awesome they are awesome aren’t they uh H we’re

Too high I keep getting too high chat this is horrible this is horrible okay we have exactly 48 in each uh little thing it’s kind of awesome kind of awesome okay let’s make them all the base of 85 this two though in the middle don’t never needed to be that so there we

Go okay perfect these poor these villagers are probably like what what is going on why is there big walls happening I’m confuzzled if I was a villager I’d be confuzzled too honestly honestly also I have a I have a question for yall y’ this thank you so much for

The follow one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much I really appreciate it okay chat considering this okay you know in every like sci-fi movie or like especially after to doing with aliens right I have an answer for you awesome awesome cuz I I have a question

What if we hypothetically imagine there were aliens right we’re always thinking that they’d be ahead now imagine if we were the first Homo sapiens to actually be smart enough to make all the stuff like we always think that there’s something else out there that’s smarter than us what

What if we were what if we actually were the first species to ever just invest stuff what what if we were like why are we always thinking other people are inventing stuff first right like what how cool would that be like we’re like discovering we become like the

Dominators like like what what of that right like you know the way get to them first exactly we would be aliens that’s exactly it yo but what do I call you do I call you oh my gosh what dude welcome to the stream how you doing I don’t understand English

Much belong to Spanish Community oh I like the way your live is what un fortunately I have to go to sleep oh gracias uh have a good night what is noes uh bye bye friend [ __ ] uh we would be overpowered we we would listen listen I

Think I think that that is totally a potential all right I totally think that’s a thing yes do I could call you I could call you doen perhaps but dude welcome in welcome in my man hold up okay bring Munger I’m just saying that totally

Could be even if we’re slow even if we think we are slow at making stuff what if we were just the first to be here and so therefore you know oh than so much for the follow dyslectic plays yo oh my gosh one

Of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much for the follow and I really appreciate let’s go let’s go Okay oh too I too high oh no alert hello hello my man welome in how are you doing today how are you doing I’m doing well friend how you doing today man and again thank you so much for the follow and also thank you so much for the follow

Rubric 13 yo one of us one of us chat one of us yo take go so much three more three more if it were wait if if we were it still wouldn’t explain the weird settings people get that explain there could be that and there could

Be what if those weren’t aliens what if uh what if what if those were something else perhaps you know you know you know you know you know you know yeah I don’t think it’s true but that would be an interesting sci-fi movie you got admit

Right like if we were first and we were like oh my gosh I don’t even know but still first to check out and see all the people uh so we’re really high now Oh I thought I was going to make that I think yeah all right let’s see oh no

They were just flying around Eagles exactly they’re just flying Eagles anyway like honest I’m trying to compare that y fast W go in no actually you know what is fine this build this build’s about to be so to say so F listen trust me when I say that trust

Me when I say that okay it’s going to be good it’s going to be great it’s going to be great anyway yo how are you doing how are you doing I want to J like Dam l l do welcome inest how you doing roic 14 being silent I

Don’t even see there any first message oh it’s cuz you’re all you can’t even talk anyway well welcome and how you doing I looking square but fair we’ll we’ll make it less Square soon is this this is enough this is tall enough this is tall enough we’ll we’ll

Split in half we’ll make yeah I think this is tall enough all right that is so funny I’m sorry I’m sorry anyway uh for being silenced it’s being silenced that sounds like a u problem I’m sorry but but it kind of do uh we really need uh

Jungle bro we need jungle very badly very badly o it looking fancy why is this just look up by one it always does I’m doing good glad to hear you do hey let’s go I’m so glad you’re doing good m oh water pew pew water pew pew water pew

Pew okay we could die nope we don’t die Krick don’t die okay we need to like it’s going to be so much fun now chat oh we so going to be fine oh I don’t want to go my H right now no I know it’s hard I’m being silenced with

Him are you are you bro sound like I was about to start a song L to that okay well now that we’re actually doing all right uh what’s half of this is what I wanted to know oops okay we’re good sorry got a little bit of a

Panic well so if that’s 85 and this is 69 I didn’t realize this is 69 where’s my phone where my phone at hold on chat hold on emergency meeting that clutch though that clutch though oh my gosh okay we’re we’re chilling uh so we need 85 – 69 85 –

69 so we need to go 8 blocks wait that doesn’t divide evenly no no chat it don’t divide evenly okay uh I don’t think it does okay let’s figure this out so what’s easy what can we build up with real quick K what would I do for you to

Add me the rub official resource pack for a stream I don’t know let let me think about that let me think about that what something shooting me okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 unfortunately it is 16 blocks so how

About we make the 17 blocks and then we’ll just um yeah yeah it’s 17 I want it to be 17 but we’re going to we’re going to make it we’re going to make it 17 yeah yeah and we’re going to put eight blocks here

Uh do I have my do I have my my spoon my big boy spoon I might name this my big boy spoon okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then here we’re going to have like this and then 1 2 3 4 5 6

78 I I did my math wrong hold on uh we’re going to hold on hold your muffins I got to I got to fix this real quick I got to I don’t even know what we’re doing I don’t even is this the so touch

Okay I mean 35 oh crap 35 oh man reverse psychology man this crazy that’s crazy okay so oops please man I’m begging you is this right where we wanted it I have no idea I don’t know where we put that stuff anyways that is how many blocks

That is 1 2 3 four 5 six seven that is seven air blocks and then that should be seven air blocks we’ll place it on the eighth wait what oops what did I just do what did I just do I am messing up a little bit okay my fellow Americans I am tired

Once more and my people need me please remember me eat all of the toilet paper poop far and be the biggest balers you can be bailers bailers bro bailers anyway oh my gosh oh my gosh yo chaos y guess what chicken B my man yo welcome in the King

Has arrived what what the king wait has Anthony arrived then hey Anthony I caught it I caught it bro Anthony welcome to the stream how you doing today yo welcome in yo oh is that a raccoon that’s a Rec attack oh my gosh oh my I’m the biggest Bor big oh my gosh

Bro oh my gosh luckily I fixed it dude I have no idea what I’m doing also W I got went to another Village and some Fletchers somehow went dummy mode and put one Fletching table just could Escape oh no bro rip wa was 16 16 what am I doing actually though

Actually I’m really confused 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 what this add two more so what am I doing ah okay so if that was to be eight and that were to be eight then we’d have to go like this is what you’re

Saying well let’s take advantage of this rain then okay so apparently we’re doing this now which uh I guess we’re chilling I guess we’re chilling chilling we’re chilling like villains right now a little bit of that okay okay well this is going to be really tall now

Ohop got him got him got him Big O from Mr chaos and it happens it happen I am the biggest Bor you’re the biggest Bor crazy crazy bro we the biggest bers we the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union um are you building Castle I’m

Building common defense building a the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America United States of America and to this day in the Republic of your mom sorry anyway um going to eat soup okay

Have a good soup eating time okay okay have a great soup eating time I actually think this is I don’t know what we’re going to do here but I will I will at least make the middle part of this but that is not going to be needed who

Ball who what oh bailed sorry I was sorry anyway to bring my bom into this I’m sorry I had too okay I couldn’t leave the out of this I don’t know if you remember me but my name was place I think I do actually I haven’t been in

This channel in a while um time to hop on M yes dude I do oh no I love the stream well thank you so much I dude actually I think I do 100% oh my gosh well welcome in how was the rest of your summer how is the rest

Of your summer I have to memorize the whole thing you do RIP rip that kind of sucks that kind of that actually really sucks I’m so sorry get that villager melt no no if we went straight down we think we’d die anyway we got to somehow okay I have a

New plan we’re going to shoot ourselves up here like this and then go down oh I didn’t mean to do that oops oopsy Poopsy I’m I can’t getting exhaust as while I sleep okay have a good night all right bye itive oh let’s go let all me

Wonderful rest of your stream you two friend have a wonderful rest of your night please sleep what the fell in a hole uh have a help me okay sorry great rest of be night bye have a good sleep have a good have a good sleep bro have a

Good have a great sleep have an amazing sleep have the best sleep ever okay have the actual best best of sleep that you’ve ever had in your life okay okay you better you better okay got to get some more wood we’re still far from uh far from

Becoming out of wood what if I like do I think I I can yes let’s go this is so fun chat this is just epic this is just epic wait is this the same height wait okay this is 79 this is 79 am I going to make it this

Is 78 it’s one down crazy crazy we is actually catapulting okay it’s uh it’s one down so we’re going to have to delete it anyways let’s just feel like okay uh I was good I think I follow you right before you got diagnosed with sleep oh

No I was had normaliz so it’s pretty good oh man finally out hey let’s go W school getting out but dude I hope I hope things are going well though oh no oh no oh but also by please take care of yourself okay but dude it’s so nice to

See you again pleas I I’m so glad to hear you’ve been doing decent okay well it sounds like You’ been doing because school’s out because that’s amazing we’re going to Kno oh there’s nothing to Neo there bro there’s just there’s just wall on the other side we’re just fake Neo in

Okay oh we were going so high that’s higher than I was before anyway poor Anthony Kit Kat never said what never huh okay anyway hold let me just do this never said bail yeah well I I’m dead did read the message like I was love you guys people

Bye bye Anthony as well please take care of yourself okay please please take care of yourself bye friend by way I can’t tell which level this oh crap okay it’s this level it’s right it’s right here right here is this where it was before

Am I crazy I’m crazy I am the most crazy person there we go I am mentally insane okay um and then we got to do this right here break a little bit of this go a little boop boop I don’t if I sleep chat

The rain ends and I don’t want it to I don’t want it to end I don’t want to end chat I’m going to accidentally die I don’t really want to do that but a okay is there anywhere we need to go before the rain ends you know just casually

Like we might need to sleep now CAD say goodbye to the Rain say goodbye to the the water pew pew what’s up yo still piece of bread welcome back to the stream how you doing today yo oh my gosh I slightly remember I do I am not even

Kidding I can tell you I think I know exactly which point of the stream you uh were in too I’m going to tell you I think we’re building a mansion similar like okay this is not a mansion but we were actually building a mansion with a similar like block structure with it

Straight through right I think you were and I think you actually follow right in there maybe we were even in the back of the Mansion I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure that’s what part of subathon you were you came in at or maybe we were in

The front doors I don’t remember I just remember seeing windows and then I maybe saw your name I’m actually I I really do I really do re you um I appreciate you all wait yes I’m I’m telling you I remember I don’t know how

But I do oh my word I just I just recogniz it I think I was running around or something mid special event real world chaos find the cookies and leave chaos to the Trap made on the ground oh my gosh oh my gosh wait how do we we need

To get up we need we need to get up here oh no wait what did you say yeah what that’s that’s that’s a little weird that’s a little weird okay we’re going to go all the way up we’re going to go all the way up oh we got light gray did

We already make light gray okay that’s kind of weird that’s oh Oops do you think I can like no I thought I could clutch oh I’m so sad I am so sad oh I’m very tired just got back my out soon oh oh it sounds good friended if you need to sleep I totally understand you totally should okay we’re going to Neo this real

Quick please I almost had that rip I make some next SPS yeah oh bro bro what okay um let me grab some food real quick this should this should be the right pickaxe so I’m just going to trust it all right all right we’re going to we’re going to

Eat this out of my inventory as well we we’ll just build up we’ll just build up you know you know okay actually don’t think we’re running around chest at that moment but everyone make sure to take breaks eat Hy kind scary but pretty ping amaz I I actually don’t usually

Remember that kind of stuff but I just do I just do I just dude I just dude I just dude okay I make sure to take breaks you too man you too is good night friend take some confetti as you leave okay you need to take some confetti it’s

Important just keep falling I want the rain to come back guys please this is so bad okay we’re going to we’re going to I think this is about the same we’re going to trust oh yeah that’s the same level that is the same level here

Okay oh crap oh crap okay oh yo thank you so much for the sub lless hey yo one of us one of us chat yo thank you so much for the sub and I really have let’s go let’s go bro let’s go one of us one

Of us ladies and gentlemen one of us let’s go is fake I’ll take fake confetti what it’s real it’s real in our hearts it’s real in our hearts okay anyways have a great rest of your night man bye woo let’s go bro thank you so much I really

Appreciate it oh yo mhm for real for real angof No Cap No Cap No Cap oh I didn’t want to I didn’t want to actually make that yet hold on I don’t want to make this Side we’ll we’ll do that we’ll do do that and I’ll continue this oh no oh oops I just went to like flick the hair out of my face and then it did not move and then I was like what the heck I just red a weird head thing and it probably

Didn’t look amazing it’s okay though um so we got this go one for us we just kind of need I have my water oh we could just make a thing here just do that just we need we need a n ow okay we’re going

To I have an idea we’re going to go down here right and then we’re going to we’re going to get some more water yep we’re going to get some more water extra door let’s go in the middle of fortnite mat rip Bozo no oh bro well let’s go thank you so

Much for the sub I really appreciate it I really appreciate it I think I found mod who silenced me did you did you I messed up are you making are you making a like a breed breeding Arena I’m breeding Arena I’m breeding Arena I get I’m sorry that’s amazing I

Just want yall any of you who want to imagine that there’s a fly on my screen hold on squish gross gross I actually got it I didn’t even move oh it was like a gat sorry no I just imagine what a breeding Arena would be my mind is going very anyway

Uh so that’s a good guess though U so basically we’re making this will soon be a bunch like 41k CES and each cage not including the basement the basement will be the breeding area and oh actually the top will be the breeding area but the breeding in the middle of the basement

The whole Center will be the breeding area the outsides will be cages and each cage will have its own little uh like I’ll have every one of every enchantment so there’s 41 enchantments so 41 villagers with the Max and that’s that’s what I’m going to do eventually Yo God

Bro welcome to the stream how are you doing today friend how are you doing bro I was gone I could tell you I can’t tell tell you who it was probably was stream elements I got to be honest uh my my stuff isn’t working in my chat so I

Can’t see who it was but I’m pretty dang sure it’s stream elements oh crap breeding bunker breeding bunker breeding bunker breeding time I was offline for 2 hours hey that’s very fair that is very very fair okay luckily I didn’t have any fly but blood on my hands have you ever killed a

Fly and regretted it or has that never happened to y’all uh it was stream probably was probably definitely was was 70 a lot how many question marks did you put sometimes it’s just uh picky you know you know nope that’s fair should anyways uh he what going

On it was too many symbols that’s what it typically says you know yeah so you too it probably was just out to get you Then no leave the cat in here I’m sad my cat has been stolen from me yo thank you so much for the follow d y one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much for the follow and I really appreciate you actual Legend you

Actual Legend bro let’s go wow I take care no she took the cat she took the cat and it made me want a it made me want gr it’s fine though it’s a no oh say can you see by the dawn’s early light the wood got eated the wood got

Eaten chat the wood got eated I’m so sad we saw St we stop we cry we we we cry hard I’m eating fish dude what kind of fish are you eating that’s a w actually what kind of fish what kind of fish do you like yo but dark thank you so much

For the follow welcome in man welcome in how you doing how you doing we so we cry that that would oh definitely for the cat as well did you even I remember cat cat cat remember chat when the cat used to sleep on the back of our bed while we

Streamed I miss that day so much but my mom just cannot stop profaning herself from stealing my cat from me even though she hates me like the only time she doesn’t hate me my mom steals or just any one of my family members I don’t know how I did that

Sorry uh steals are from me and it makes me mega sad I got to be honest one follower left one follower left let’s go let’s go and y’all get to see special surprise I forgot exactly what it looked like but I think it was cool oh yeah

Yeah yeah you have never seen this this going to be great chat I promise I promise or I hope you guys like it anyways I forgot that I didn’t really want to put that here yet I did want to put that did we oh my gosh what are we doing I I

Didn’t want to do that over here but okay what if I fall I mean you can you can ruin your follow R though wow I see wow I see how it is ramen got my back bro Ramen got my back no wow wow no I everyone just like no you can’t what you

Building oh you’re going to love it dark dark it’s going to be amazing bang oh Among Us among anyway I’m building a breeding bunker a huge huge mega breeding bunker it is going to be great bro it’s going to be great it’s going to be legendary actually mom tell your mom

To never steal your cat again I know I should man it hurts my feelings man my cat’s my cat and she just be stealing it 17 days she C oh nice I know right bro I know right we’re building the big boy breeding bunker it’s so it’s going to be

Amazing bro it’s going to be amazing as you can see it’s going to be huge anyways we got to we got to get started chat we got to get started our big boy breeding bunker I think we’re technically out of wood so let me know okay I have actually been decent on

My clutches today I probably just jinxed it but you know what okay let’s go bring back wood chat oh oh give me that give me that okay let’s go oh let’s go there we go there we go we’re getting some wood y’all you know I said I wasn’t out

Of wood right I’m going to show you just how much wood we have it’s crazy I have never owned this much wood in my life it’s actually crazy it’s actually crazy oh my yo AI welcome back to streaming how you doing today how you doing 18

Days cool W bro W actual W it’s a long time wait dude Robin you probably been fall for like five one year five months dude you’re so wa they’re just spawning and burning I’ve never seen that before I’ve actually never seen that before that is so weird Okay um maybe they

Already were spawned there and we just like respawned them in as we went there one year one year 5 months bro that’s crazy are you an AI that’s a good question AI are you AI like what how you exist how you exist in this world oh I show Walkers show Walkers bro

Let’s go how do you get a doll of your this the totem I mean I have never you know what we’re going to call it a do from now on this is this just a new name it’s just too pogers not to call it out um I got the I think if you’re

Talking about the totem I got the totem uh from a custom deure pack uh that someone made for me which is kind of Foggers it’s kind of Foggers you know you I am well I mean it’s a fair question okay sometimes words just word doll listen it’s a doll now okay we

Don’t question it it’s great it’s great okay now we sleep yep sleepy time I use to. me website oh interesting wait actually that’s a thing I didn’t know that’s the thing this you actually know the website for that I’m might actually have to tell people that now I didn’t

Get it from that someone just made it for me w w just uh viruses more I’m kidding oh oh please oh please please have uh I’m going to cry I’m want to kill you like you’re a piece of pie thank you now you die too come here I can’t run ah

Okay there you go ah no you are M now die thank you thank you see all good all good and good things that are good uh it isn’t the same model or anything like yours but it’s easiest that actually sounds really cool sounds really cool do

You know my enemies must go and sorry it’s creeper hole dang dang oh creeper hea hea I forget we have our Pew PE we just use our pew pew anyway I was grinding all day y’all want to see how much wood we have that’s not even it you

See this whole chest we have this whole chest too we have we have a lot of wood I went off camera mining literally bro it it was bad oh dropped a little wood we dropped a little wood here okay listen as I’m studying for tests and

Listening to a butt ton of videos I have been just chilling I’ve been mining a butt ton of wood no Forest left it’s true it’s true uh okay well I going to put the stuff back like look how many stacks of like trees we have

This is crazy that’s a lot of wood I know right anyway yeah I was very prepared for this build and I don’t even think we’re going to use half of the wood for this build that I thought we were anyway I just going to grab as much

As I can and we’re going to probably use it so I think this is a fair amount okay we’re going to grab a couple more use half our wood up and then we’re going to mine it mine it up good oh just a bit of wood just just a

Tiny little bit of wood ah oh help help help okay perfect back crap waa it’s just like completely invisible when you do that all right let’s go let’s go FS are coming up this week oh no good luck okay oh no just a just a tiny little

Speck over you know we chilling with we chilling with it we chilling with it okay oh oh crap I wanted to take that I did not want to place that down that is simply for water clutch and purposes and it’s very very needed we call that tiny

Oh no that’s an entire livestock of wood listen it’s the best oh also chat let’s check on our like iron farm cuz I think we’re going to need to we we grabbed too much wood for whatever the heck I was going to do let’s quickly get G get g g

Okay uh every single piece of iron we can from down here of course is it is it is this Thursday and whoa oh I thought I was lagging I thought I was lagging to I was like whoa we’re lagging we just at the bottom oh my gosh okay let’s put

Down that um Well for now let’s dang looking nice we got a bunch we got a bunch let’s let’s throw it all out okay we’re going to do that and then we’re going to oh I didn’t mean to do that oh D we have a whole stack of shees

Okay let me just do Boop let me go Boop let me go Boop do we almost have we can actually get a uh a thing chat a thing I forgot what the thing would called okay we’ll go grab that oh stuff more we’re not done yet oh gosh

Okay we actually might get too much is that a thing I think too much is about to become a thing yeah yeah yeah it is oh no oh no okay well now we got this and I don’t know how we’re going to hold anything is just working I got to hold

All of this wood as well there’s a window there’s a way ladies and gentlemen okay we’re going to throw the sticks in here and we’re going to grab it we’re going to dip we’re going to dip hi there how’s your day going it’s going good friend how’s your

Day going yo welcome in a what Jack a what a what oh my gosh it is the Thursday and Friday a man I believe in you okay you got finals I believe in you okay okay 100% 100% I believe in you bro those Iron Golems are just suffering it’s my favorite arson

Farm okay like actually the best arson Farm ever he was even holding my little thing that I got him up there with I don’t know why but he is he’s just chilling there okay well let’s uh put some stuff back maybe put some uh dirt we can put some dirt back

Okay oh oh oh okay we we take thank you Z me zo me show zo me oh hi there how’s your day going yo it’s do wait did I already oops I think I’m try to do better oh man I hope things get better than man well dude welcome

In how you know I have a random question for you Hypersonic also I love your name what the heck it’s amazing it’s amazing dude what is your favorite color what is your favorite favorite color why do you need so much dirt that’s not even a lot

Of dirt I need more dirt I oh we have a lot more dirt wait I don’t know if we have a lot more dirt we have a lot more of something in our uh chest that we have but I don’t know what it is anyway

Uh hardcore I’ll try to make a TNT can with t expl my TNT SK dude that is so relatable that that holy crap I get that dude I be making TNT cannons or just something TNT dupers and they always blow themselves up I don’t know how uh chat what what the what was

That huh what Minecraft just do right think mine that was Minecraft Warden that was like a warden did we get the did we get the what was that what was that I’m lost okay hey what meep meep zero welcome there’s an Enderman what the game with my arrival of course

Oh man zero how could you how could you man wow wow bro wow I can’t believe it green black and blue oh pretty colors that uh that was really weird cuz I usually it’d be my whole screen that would do that and not just like the game

I’ve never had that happen in Minecraft to me before very weird but dude zero the psychic M welcome back to the stream how you doing today yo went to the IM I went to the back RS bro I just like actually TP to the back rooms holy crap

What your Minecraft is broken it really yeah that was really weird that was really weird please don’t shoot me me and my horse me and my horse alone please leave my me and my horse alone anyway oh we’re good we’re good we chilling we’re slowly but and surely not

Dying of course of for real for real you can just see it trust me chat it’ll be much more epic than that in a little bit we got to get some stuff going first I should have clipped that that’ been very interesting that would I just I had no

Idea what happened that was that was really weird okay so now I got some leads get it lead I’m kidding uh on what have happened here okay we’re going to go Boop we’re going to go Boop and then we have a lot of wood now so we’re going to put all

The wood we have into that chest up there all the wood all the wood maybe a little bit of iron too you know just kind of like top off the iron so much iron what the heck let’s go okay and more wood we can always get more wood if

We need to of course so much dirt a lot of a lot of the Good Dirt okay we got that we got that and we got like you know casual three stacks of iron all to our name right now for absolutely I don’t know how or why but we chilling with it and

I’m probably going to grab a stack of dirt to have some scaffolding okay this we’re going to go what do you call a cow and earthquake beef jerky yes I know it was something with jerky that’s why I was like having like a constipation moment on my face right

There yeah did I get it no I hope I did I hope I did I hope I did okay the breeding Coliseum yes oh no milkshake oh no it’s a milkshake I was so close I I was so close man rip rip okay um yo oh man okay okay I try my

Best I Tred myself oh wait what happened what happened Bob Ram he sleep what happened I’m confuzzled are you talking about like Bob Ramen is asleep uh break’s coming soon for me so my bra going bur trying to figure out a plan to do finish my school early that’s so fair oh actually that’s so smart oh my goodness dude I

Cannot wait for my break as well I have one more week left and we chilling we chilling like a villain and I’m going be streaming like every day except Mondays of course maybe Mondays who knows who knows I’m just excited I’m excited man uh let’s just do that half let’s make

Sure all the sides are done what are you building a house no no no no no no Hypersonic you want to know what we’re building we’re building a breeding bunker it’s great bro it is a bunker for breeding good all breeding bunker 2.0 Big Boy Big Boy breeding

Buker time all right all right breeding Arena that’s so just intimidating I can’t explain why I’m breeding Arena so bad I oh man okay now I experiment chat I have an idea what I want to do is I want to meet this with a in the middle

But we have to get to the middle we have to figure out what the heck we’re doing please tell me this is an non number okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 it’s an on number okay that’s a

Good thing chat that’s a good thing it’s an on number we just so then we got to go 15 so 14 so 7even 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yep okay okay so basically got to have this there we go oh that’s okay

I was using the other day when I actually click pickaxe and turn to my bow my other pickaxe disappeared it did that’s so weird what the heck oh my gosh oh my all the daily Aron let’s go 14 total times chat I have a question

For you how cool would it be if the first person to reach 50 daily arson got uh Discord Nitro I just thought like what if we did like a little prize for it I think I might Implement that especially over the over the winter how cool I don’t think anyone has gotten I

Don’t think it’s old enough to get 50 yet so I think no one has gotten 50 yet uh I don’t know about you chat this does not look even wait wait why why why doesn’t this look even what do I what oh this is the middle what am I

Doing I have 11 what happened what happened should have told me that earlier bro I don’t know I just have an idea K I think I K get me back and I think I broke my pinky you Oh okay sorry sorry okay we’re good we’re good anyway well I mean I guess there is there is a in between of seven there’s it’s like six right so there you go one 2 three one 2 three so this this is the this is the half this this is literally

A half okay I don’t know what I was doing here my bad my bad this this wasn’t supposed to go all the way to the top well GG okay we’re going to go all the way up here I don’t know where it’s going to meet but it could me right here would

Right here be bad a little a little higher I need like water oh we could die here nope we don’t die okay let’s go see if that’s way too big I can’t tell if it is or not oh man that I don’t know how to feel about it I think that actually

Might be perfect I’m not sure sure though I’m not I’m not very sure we’ll put this here and we’re going to we’re going to go get some water that’s what we’re going to do yo insane 10 stream streak my guy let’s go W that is awesome

That is awesome I 14 y’all are popping off dude I should make it a thing where you can see how many daily things you’ve gotten I have to ask Lee how they did that cuz I actually have no idea how you did that I got we’re good we’re good ah so I’mma

Probably build out here I’m not why why am huh huh y thank you for the hydr I really appreciate it what I did not get four out of 50 kin rip oh yo let’s go we at the follower go yo Legend let’s go dude W guys thank you

So much for the follow I really thank you thank you so much for all the follows as well you actual Legend thank you so much for the follow and thank you so much for the yo one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much I

Really appreciate let’s go anyway that’s what happens when we hit the follower goal I’m actually impressed cuz I thought I had to update it first for it to work but it worked it worked one of us let’s go one of us Chad one of us

Let’s go one of us w w we chill like a V bro thank you so much for the the follows guys I really appreciate actual Legends actual Legends let’s go let’s go okay okay so now now we got this right um what a go this might be really big this might be

Like oh boy this well I I don’t know exactly how this is going to go so we’re going to find out let’s go all the way down here okay okay great strong could get strong strong wait Flex those muscles follow go oh crap did I strong kid thank you what the heck

Okay Boop and then we’re going to take some more dirt for scaffolding cuz I got to see how this is going to work I got to mirror whatever the heck we’re doing Boop okay let’s take this for example um I didn’t mean to do that hold

On hold on I just I can’t tell how we’re going to do this this needs to meet an inner circle and this needs to meet an Outer Circle but I just I just don’t how we’re going to do this I just want to do Whoever likes that M slope that’s what

I’m doing right now kind of maybe we should do something I don’t know it’s too high too high the slope is too high uh Hey cryptic oh my goodness yo cryptic welcome to the stream how are you doing today yo Flex muscles for the B girl did

You pay someone to FIV wait did you pay no no no uh someone just offered to make it they’re like uh I can make you this kind of totem or I can make you this kind of totem and their name was e eth the SE eat the sea and think they

Literally came into my chat the other day and was like do you remember me I was like dude why wouldn’t I remember you I just was like bro bro oh my squirrel hey hey my man welcome to the stream how you doing today squirrel yo welcome in um let’s see what you build

In creation of potential Warden place oh oh potential Warden place would be actually kind of awesome but I don’t think the villagers would appreciate wardens in their little Hut would they let’s see uh they made the do he so how we we need to make this okay one two

Three one two one one 2 3 one one hold on we’re just going to do this really weird thing chat this probably doesn’t look good oh please don’t die I ran of hunger okay this actually did not look that bad I’m just going to try to make it even that’s

My only goal I I started and I love slope P that’s M slope that’s seen better days that’s that’s seen a little bit of better days but that’s okay that’s okay we’re we’re we’re learning we’re loving uh so I went I went three up three up two up four up

Two up three up two that is chaotic that okay I have a better idea what if we go all the way up do a little bit of Boop right we’re going to restart except we’re going to do it differently this time uh I need to go back up there hold

On hold on got to get back up there this is a weird like kind of catapulting system we’ve made for ourselves huh kind of kind of kind of strange anyhow I’m thinking what if we did three like 1 2 three and then we went the way to three I’m

Trying something out I’m trying something out let’s uh go all the way back down right then me go one two three uh uh please don’t die die yet you have totem I do I do have totem on my off so hopefully I won’t die hope we chilling

I’m doing pretty good pretty tired ready to chill hey that’s very fair that’s very fair I hope you get to rest very soon I but how are you I’m doing well thank you so much for asking yo let’s go the mega breeder is the big boy breed

Breeder time bro it’s the big boy breeding bunker time all right oh did you casually water bug clutch without even thinking yes I don’t know I don’t know man yeah yeah I have like a hot key in my like water bucket so we we be chilling bro we be chilling it’s it’s

Amazing but also Blake welcome to stream M man also do I call you Blake I Call You Blake heart my but dud welcome in how you doing today all right we lose her doll I will lose my that’s true I will lose my doll oh I should think of the the hydrate

Yo one of us chat one of us let’s go one of us let’s thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate it it never stinks that’s true I don’t I don’t think okay we’re going to one two we can do another three on both let’s do another

Three then one two okay one to the side three up one to the side two up pop okay uh then we go and we go right back up and then we go three this will be really hard actually Oh yay let’s go uh you know what we could do

Though solve this issue this okay how will we do we did how how are we going to wait wait so if I’m doing this opposite then I would go three out two not this ah no okay uh I don’t know what we’re doing here okay let’s just

Trust the process for a little bit and see where it takes us and then oh one down and then two out that would technically be it right there o uh oh what if we did y love let’s go 72 7.2k love thank you so much for the follow I am nerd

Dogg y thank you so much for the follow or not the follow sorry the S let’s go one of us take some conf funny man yo one of us one of us chat one of us let’s go let’s go bro the water textures are messing with my eyes so fair that is

Very fair actually okay let we go up here and then we’re going to do uh how are we even going to do this we need to grab the water and then go down here and see what’s up do a little bit of boop boop okay hypothetically how does this

Look how how does this look bro o that’s that’s hard to look there let’s wait till the water gets down am I about do this again thank you so much for the sub oh mg you absolute Legend you absolute Legend thank you so much hrah let’s go

Thanks for the brand shout out oh my whole entire bread is literally deep trust the process oh let’s go yes dude trust the process crazy you said that sometimes sometimes you just got to trust the process you know what I’m saying it’s just a way of life it’s a

Way it’s a way of living okay it’s a way of life that it’s not looking good though I have an idea if we put a block there and a block there maybe it’ll look better I think it’s it’s actually off by a little bit it is actually not off by a

Little bit okay give me a second what my thought was if we what do we what was my thought I was going to place something somewhere I think it was just going to be right here Place one more here uh get rid of maybe

That okay what if we what if we kind of do that I mean TR the proces am I right y my go I went for the Hy hold on hold on let me just quickly slope of I don’t know that is so fair oh that’s actually looking a lot

Better hold on okay hold on let’s see what we got here that I forgot what we were going for we’re not going for a curve we’re going for straight oh crap uh I don’t know how we’re doing this it wasn’t supposed to bend too much it was supposed to like crisscross like

Straight like you know like that on the top was yeah it was supposed to look like that chat um that’s not that I forgot what we were doing that looks really good for that kind of build but that’s not what we were going for so

Have to destroy it now oh boy I forgot what kind of we were doing okay my bad my bad back it up back it up beep beep oh dang yeah that was a good curve though okay it was a it was a good curve this is why we have dirt for scaffolding

Cuz we don’t really have scaffolding cuz we’re crazy we can’t we don’t know how to use scaffolding apparently okay the what was that for I don’t know what I was thinking okay two how are I going to do this what is it okay what does it look like about a

One by one one by one slope so we were supposed to do slope okay let me just uh do a little Tower thingy what ises the tower thingy look like I wasn’t I have a different idea but if this matches well it looks like it almost is

Going to match this is going to match this is going to match perfectly so we might actually have to keep what we’re doing uh sleep crap we dropped our bed wait did the bed despawn oh no chat did the bed despawned no oh crap oh crap we

Need to sleep we need to sleep ladies oh no okay we’re good we’re good look at that look at that rebooting let’s go if there was a donut I’d give you three wait what if there was a i thing I understand like of a thing ah okay you stop doing that I can’t

Water bucket colle your making me do this it’s just practice in fact I actually think I’m getting really lucky today I usually suck you could ask chat I promise I am just risking it for the risking because we need to risk some stuff yeah so apparently so that’s going

To supposed to be one out and that’s going to crisscross but anyway Auto Parts uh let me just quickly see if we so then we’re going to go like this right risk it for the biscuit risk it for the biscuit yes sir bro risk it for the biscuit see this should perfectly

Cross off the top see so this should actually accidentally work and it’ll end right here oh we’re going to make it boom okay so this is what it was supposed to do except cross after the middle which is now what we’re doing okay this has the potential to look

Decent actually I’m not the only problem is how are we going to do that part without okay I hate to say it but I we’re going to have to do this part by a certain type of block which is this kind of block so I keep switching my head

Over to get the hair out of my eyes but it’s not working it’s just not working we’re going to have to make a butt ton of these blocks a butt ton of these blocks okay so now we got these blocks uh Auto Parts ow let’s go all righty Auto

Parts okay we got to get the bottom first though um the bottom first I just had to figure out what we’re doing but I think this is pretty good let me just that was a perfect Bend it’s just kind of unfortunate we’re not going to be able to use that

Bend how long are you going to be live for quite a while uh I mean it’s not only 942 which I mean not usually only doesn’t usually go with that kind of do I like that oh I don’t like that oh I don’t like that at all hold

On so what I was doing was this I don’t like that at all so we’re going to have to switch how we building this okay um I did the oh perer man oh my gosh Y poer Man welcome to stream man how you doing today on know YouTube welome in what the

He we’re going back and forth this is uh something thank you so much for the follow aspect y’all what of us what of us chat one of us yo let’s go thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate it wait how many do we had wait is it

Actually resetting it is oh it’s going to keep doing that it’s going to keep do with every follow it’s going to hold no emergency emergency meeting chat emergency meeting right now right now emergency freaking meeting hold on we need to press this button that’s no what

I meant to press crap chat is it sub only are we good did I did I press a button oh no oh no chat it’s not stub only right we we oops oops nope not anymore okay good good good I hopefully no longer something K us I did not mean to press

That uh why is this not working hold on I oh I press run and AD oh I’m screwing my stream up no start new goal it’s not letting me start a new goal oh no wait why wait what do I do I feel like I know that texture pack do you you

Could you could it’s a very awesome texture pack it’s a very awesome texture I think I just ran an ad I chat if I if I if I played an ad I apologize I really really do I really apologize for if I played an ad okay let me

Uh oh oh oh we started it okay we’re good we’re good I fixed it I fixed it that’s what I wanted to fix okay we’re good we’re back in business one minute long I no I’m so sorry oh no I’m to play I’m so sorry you did not I didn’t

Oh man I hope I didn’t I would suck I I pressed I pressed play an ad so I’m really hoping it didn’t work I got to be honest I’m sorry if I did I didn’t want to play it at chat I’m so sorry okay so what if

Pathetically okay you know what what if we do this what if we Literally okay wait what is this how would we even oh hold on hold on three we add what do you mean three ads wait what no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to play ads please forgive me I really did bro got to add someone to add looked like

Kit Kat that’s so funny actually that’s so funny well that that’s that’s a rip I so sorry Chad I did not mean to place an ad place an ad play an ad like at all I feel horrible and I regret my deeds and my words okay I’m sorry I am so sorry

Please chat please forgive me I didn’t mean to play that I didn’t mean to play it ad I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I’m really really sorry please for for give me chat please please forgive me I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to

Play an ad bro I got add about anime bro I’m so sorry I didn’t mean you I don’t know even how long the ad was for uh anyway I feel like I know the texture pack it’s called a makeup Ultra fast friend also if you want a direct link to

It if you want to like download it for yourself uh if you do exclamation mark shaders it’ll send you to my website and I have the link there let’s go you forget it thank you guys I’m so sorry I was trying to change the follower goal

Cuz every new follow is going to trigger that follower goal so I was like I can’t have that happen like it’s awesome but I I can’t have it trigger like that so I misclicked and pressed play an ad and I me to I’m so sorry I I just oh bro don’t

Ah we’re good we’re good we’re good let me pick up the dirt I’m so sorry chat please forgive me man for my sins I I purposely sent you to the void I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it what’s anyway that’s I didn’t I’m good old Jack lucky

You are very lucky very happy oh y peer man with the is that a potato or is that a bean what is that it’s a potato that’s a very shiny potato like that is a really shiny potato all right purpose for mola no I didn’t I swear I swear I

Didn’t mean to I swear my laugh bro I swear okay we’re going to we’re going to break this entire thing okay I mean at least YouTube didn’t get ads I’m not sure how often do you guys think that YouTube plays ads in like a stream I don’t think you have any

Control over it she needs the money no at least at least even though at least because of you all sacrifice I will be able to eat steak with my potatoes today okay or tomorrow tomorrow I because of all of y’all’s sacrifice and forgiveness I will be able to eat steak with my

Potatoes there’s beans in Minecraft dude there better be there better be beans in Minecraft oops oops okay okay let me eat let me eat no kid cat she needs no uh every 10 to 20 minutes I think that sucks hello what’s up yo KN welcome to stream D I love your

Name dude yo yo wel coming how are you doing friend how you doing today okay I’m have both streams on what awesome awesome okay hold up we got to we got to keep going with this real quick technical difficulties go B at least stream hasn’t crashed today that

Is a w in itself I’m just saying I’m just saying it’s not crashed and I totally jinxed it no I’d laugh if I jinxed it at that point it just not crashed yet but you’re just kind of reminded me of that yo thank you so much for the follow

My man yo KN hey thank you so much for the follow KN yo one of us one of us chat one of us thank you so much for the follow me I really appreciate you an actual Legend you are an actual Legend thank you so much thank you so much

This is how it’s going to go I like that maybe ending in an up note though there we go there we go so something like that I don’t okay it was meant to be thicker but I don’t know how we going to do that oh oh yeah yeah yeah oh that’s

That’s not that that’s not wait is it looking right how’s that looking I don’t know if that’s looking right is that looking right do we have to double the the only problem is that’s not really looking right from this angle you know that’s just kind of kind of not

Looking you know I guess it could look fine though it could look fine you know it it don’t not look fine it don’t look fine it don’t look fine okay I have an idea though I have I have I have an idea whoa some spoopy noises are

Playing oh that is a weird noise hold on hold on that’s not my that’s not my playlist excuse me excuse me we don’t do Loi here listen CH I love Loi of course but maybe kind of but like we chat how chat oh chat you know that song we were

Listening to we just finished the 1 hour version we just listened to that same song for an hour and I didn’t even realize it cuz it’s one of our songs from our playlist oh no oops oops oops uh anyways anyway so my ad play out me too actually

Me too um so that’s kind of a w you could literally if you didn’t have like anything on one side you could just go to the other like YouTube and if you had premium and just not listen to any ads which would be kind of awesome not lie I

Would not blame you for that I would not Discord oh yes sir there’s the Discord bro thank you so much for doing that I appreciate it yes sir we have a lot of fun in the Discord we’ be chilling there we be chilling there for real anyway I

Wait I I would have your stream my my dad is playing as game ha he’s playing his game let the man play his game all right let the man play his game that is very fair I’m on here now and on Twitch let’s go Jack so crazy welcome on the

YouTube side that’s so epic that’s so epic okay we’re going to ooh lag good me a little bit of lag there bro bit of laggy lag okay lag that is GRA that was really bad really bad lad for lad really bad lad really bad lad for just a second chat

Okay let me do a bunch of this boop boop boop boop Bo boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and then all the r the W the roof will be wool and and you can imagine there’s going to be a lot of wool and it’s going

To be really hard to get it but that’s okay chat we got this we got this Discord for natifs hey dude that’s very fair that’s very fair you’ll be in the Discord is means a lot though holy crap so thank you for being there man the Black Desert oh

Cool all right all right let’s see let’s see um we might keep that we might keep it we might not I’m this way we won’t need uh well we’ll still need dirt we’ll just need dirt a different way we’ll just need dirt a little bit of a different

Way we ran out oh we’re good we’re good we chilling we are chilling I think we’re going to end it right there right yeah okay but now we got to bind this backwards okay spaghetti she doesn’t read these I do too I just said oh time for a private combo my bad my

Bad I do I just haven’t looked in a second my bad my bad but dud nuh boy subject she doesn’t read I don’t know spaghetti spaghetti are amazing oh no I just no wrong block wrong block wrong block uh uh hold on made it mday let me

Sleep let me let me go take a little bit of a napping okay hold on hold on let’s uh pick some of this up no no she figured it out I’m sorry man I’m back I did welcome you to the YouTube all right where we go be I’m

Going to go get some more Cherry Coke Coca-Cola I love how you had to like clarify Coca-Cola well are you sure about that no kidding anyway well dude okay sounds good back I was AFK well D wome back dark is so nice to see uh kind of looks

Uh weird because some of them are facing upwards and most of them are facing sidewards yeah it looks weird from that angle but if we make them all look the same direction which will be fine we will be good we will be pug champ let’s go with

Our oh that scared me I was not meaning to fall off there oh my gosh we make it in yes let’s go let’s go okay oh okay we’re good we’re good I’ll be back get up oh yes sir for now oh bye thank you so much for popping in popping in uh

Good all good all but uh hold on this is this is looking oh crap we just yeated a piece of wood off the edge I did not want to do that okay that’s okay we’re going to have to make them go both directions kind of do a little bit of

This going be really kind of hard to do but you can actually just get this bottom layer first like this uh so it’s like all the same direction I think we might run out of wood soon but that’s okay cuz we have a lot of wood we have a lot of wood Jad

And we are not going to be too uh sorry about that in just a little bit but we do want these facing the same direction because it drives me crazy if they’re not so let’s make sure they are should make them thick boys look at this good

All thick boys oh that scared me I keep almost dying this is going to make me go crazy oh my gosh fresh cooked dep heads of leftovers or not that’s fair but I kind of like o fresh cooked garlic bread just saying the best the best are oh

Let’s go back oh wait what I swear I saw twitch chat move it’s it’s it’s making me it’s tripping out all right it’s scaring me it’s that was weird that was really weird okay I left over no sauce no sauce on your garlic bread chat do

You guys like sauce on your garlic bread I what opinion on sauce on the garlic bread let’s make like four of the three of these I guess and then some of that and then we’ll be good and we’ll get up there we got we’re using our good old

Dirt as scaffolding whoa I didn’t know you could switch that okay I mean I guess I did okay um see I swear the twitch chat is moving and it just stops moving uh oh go mod somewhere oh let’s go my boyfriend tell allergic to Tomato oh to tomatoes

Oh no oh no but uh that’s interesting I actually don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with a tomato allergy I got to admit I got Adit that is definitely a little new I actually also don’t know where we started on this I think we started right here so so we’re going to

Have to do more than that there we go like right here how about we go right here yeah we’ll just do a little bit of thiso boop boop boop I thought that was a creeper I thought that little patch of light was a creeper not going to lie not

Going to lie bye for now okay sounds good friend sounds good well we the say basically great wait hot H I don’t know I’ve never had garlic bread with sauce before I got to admit I don’t know if that’s weird but I’ve never had oh we didn’t get the third I was

Like what how is this possible wait what do we we doing we didn’t do this chat I’m having a moment I’m having a huge moment hold on hold on I kind of had a moment okay we’ll go back down we’re go back down R pendo means a one

To 10 I would rate them a 10 bro I probably talking to other person but if I’m just going to intrude in this chat a little bit uh then a 10 Pento beans obviously the best obviously obviously so first oops please bro I am struggling okay I wanted to do that

Now I go back Up I bre got really bad six for oh no what oh no oh that’s what happens no I’m so sorry but that is very bad reaction holy crap holy crap did you just like randomly find out you were allergic Tomatoes like did you find out the hard way that would not be

Good if you found out the hard way but now I’m kind of curious if you found out the hard way uh how oh I got you so a question how old is your hardcore world it is 356 Minecraft days other than that it’s been like a couple a few months old it’s a

Few months old i’ be chilling we like had a bunch of deaths hardcore deaths after we lost our 2000 day hardcore and we had like a lot of hours like an insane like that was a year old and that was an insane amount of hours it was bad

It was so sad that death was imaginably sad we had so many things I had like a big potato Hill anyway after that we kind of struggled to keep a hardcore but we could chill with this one and now we’re building this huge breeding Monker

So you know we we be chilling we be chilling how about you do you have a hardcore or do you play on Survival to do a little bit of what amazing she raided PTO bead on I did not I did not bro I rided it listen listen bro listen

Okay this might be a little hard cuz they’re going to intermix but yeah I have no idea where it comes out oh it comes out right here um so how far does it come out I know like right here one Higher like that oh I think it okay right

Here and then we’re going to go like this this this this yeah we’re going to need a lot of wood we’re going to need a lot okay we finished this kind of side I had a question for I forgot no rip oh both nice D how long is your

Hardcore then profile she r a 10 on a 10 bro listen listen oh man oh man I’ve been caught I’ve been caught no but PTO bead are 10 obviously you’re yes yes okay I’m sorry I’m sorry ever forsaking you you like this bro poor p though man poor p though

I feel like I betrayed him I feel like I betrayed you man okay ah no I missed a thing we’re 13 years old how often do you play on it no I’m kidding but dude that’s fun that’s Nice um then we get to go like this kind of like that would be kind of cool if they intersected a different way but you know what chill with this as well we chilling with this as well sorry it just Doesn’t something’s just not sitting right with it in me I I can’t explain why I I can’t explain why this just isn’t isn’t it it’s just not it I I don’t know why I don’t know I think we might have to trust the process on this

One I’ll make it I’ll make it something cool but for right now now it’s not really satisfying what in I had envisioned for this right Now quack yo quack quack uh super do girl let’s go it was my very first hard oh that’s a w that’s a w always even right now that’s awesome that’s awesome well I kind of grew up randomly breaking out after eating spaghetti oh was it all that time oh no

What same reaction oh no man ah that kind of sucks they find out like a hard way but anyway oh it’s good thing you find out so you could stop like hurting you know it’s a very good thing we can make this work I believe Chad I am a believer I we

Can do this okay I’m going to leave it alone for a little bit right now cuz I need a moment I need a moment uh this will be thick this will not be thick uh this yeah yeah anyway I really want to start the cages and all the all the building stuff but

That’s going to come way later I know that I know I’m very much swear I number 12 hug I really appreciate where’ NX go that’s a good question NX anyway yo I just took three shower I a clean boy you are a clean boy let’s go that must feel

Very good that must feel very pogers bro that’s a w that’s a w wait oh yeah or do I good just trust the process yeah please I trust trust me chat this will look good you got to got to trust trust the process all right trust the process and it will be very

Very good very very good for you for me for everyone it will be very it will be the best thing you’ve ever experienced in your life okay okay okay oh no Ultima oh no Ultima just got silenced bro Ultima just got actually silenced I can’t believe we listened to one hour version of the song and didn’t realize it LOL I didn’t even realize it okay there we go there we go back down I’m back weome back my friend let’s go WX WX okay let’s just let’s finish this shall we CU I feel

Like we just got to finish the kind of weird thing we’re doing here I got to go down and do this this is kind of hard it’s kind ofd you know what’s crazy me I guess that’s true I guess I guess that is true no man I keep falling down it’s

Kind of sad yo I’m back you are sir you are back where is edex that’s a good question edex bro is it a me or that kid bro is it me like one cage takes five stacks of iron that is very fair and it’s not just you that is not just

Dang man I have Panic a little bit right there bro oh my gosh oh my gosh okay uh let’s go this way let’s go all the way down kind of not panic there okay oh crap we missed kind of one right here there we go okay we sleep we for

Got a bed oh no oh that was my first Miss water bucket clutch rip rip we tried we tried hard okay let me sleep let me sleep thank you thank you where’s the monster it’s sorry about that I always wanted to be one of those people

Who spamed seven and L just for the funny love you P you too man oh no you’re good you’re good it kind of yeated you but you know it’s okay it’s not okay I was just going to make sure that the zombie wasn’t down here or anything cuz that would have been very

Bad I don’t know where the mob is okay going up here oh oh we hit it we oh okay we’re good we’re good okay let’s just break this she basically called history spam listen I totally did I totally did because sometime history is Spam sometimes wa I just have big heart

Computation there o my goodness cancelled cancell dude is it just me or Instagram is becoming the new cancel culture I I don’t know why but for my English assignment for my English glasses I got like this weird this paper full of a bunch of people who got cancelled on

Twitter it was really sad actually it was really intrigued I was like wait a minute about these like accounts that were not even that like they were like you know a thousand followers or 100 followers and they said something and then they then like a bunch of people

And it blew up and then they get fired and their whole like lives were ruined because Twitter I’m sorry but I what I okay my head this was serious when I saying it out loud this is hilarious and it’s so bad okay but I’m actually what is Marvel game oh it’s really fun

It is really fun now that I’m thinking about it it was really sad on paper these like a grown but adults getting fired over random comments they’ve made but well dang I guess you would really have to I don’t even know man that’s uh that’s kind of a skill

Issue it is sort of a skill issue in some ways and I feel really bad for saying that cuz these people’s lives are actually ruined but now I just I it was I’m so fun wait what I was through up so fun that is not okay good luck please

Feel better please feel better oh boy anyways uh in that case I think Instagram is becoming the new uh cancel culture kind of thing you know because now I don’t know how but it really it really really is I have seen people I act this is the only time I’ve actually

Seen people get like get yeed off of things for random posts and stuff like my gosh bro there there’s like really bad stuff it is really sad anyway y’all how do I pronounce your name can I pronounce you again oh my go but dude welcome to the stream how you doing

Today friended how you doing I feel like is streaming right now and I’m not sick or anything that is true I hope you’re not sick that suck that really suck wouldn’t it be very bad very bad H yo Abraham my man welcome in the Stream how you doing

We made can’t have a full combo with our dogs that that is true that is very true dude thank you so much for the K yo call me G okay I’ll call you g okay you know what that is actually that very that is very fit that is very fitting actually

Okay but sounds good man how you doing G how you doing today uh cuz uh what what yeah especially cuz I have a I have I have an essay due Tuesday oh that’s not fun that’s that actually sucks I’m so sorry I am so sorry for your loss okay

Let’s see how much dirt we can pick up let’s just let’s just see I know we have probably a lot probably a lot of dirt we didn’t even finish like getting across there I I can’t reach my little legs please please I almost hit that Iron

Golem that would have been the end of my hardcore career that would have sucked that would have sucked okay okay already have a turn it hey you already have a turn d That’s amazing dude W okay um we’re going to grab all of this how much more dirt do

You think we have probably a lot like probably like a decent amount do we have any on the outside nope they have on the inside or the outside okay well this is doing this is really big that’s all I’m saying this is huge this is probably quite literally the biggest build I’ve

Ever built other than that tree okay that tree actually almost equals this wait what are your thoughts on spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti wait what but long I’m kind of glad we have this little like stick thing here wait wait what happened what happened oh I’m going go here let’s see if I can

Get no let me that was really dumb oops wait wait what what if I say the name Kit Kat will I get bad here also if you say the what rubric said earlier you will oh crap oh sorry a little panic attack cuz we are a little low or

Okay really do bro it really do this is probably the only reason I’m able to quit finish this build like half fast like just at least least half fast okay what PE go bur it really do it really go bur okay um don’t do it no that sucks that really sucks I landed

On a pole that’s not fair that’s not fair bro I got scammed I got scammed my mother told me have a brother I have brothers I don’t know about H my heart was to keep secet no what no dude I’m so sorry that’s o that is some class a prom

Ding I’m so sorry bro I hope you feel better please take care of yourself and I hope you find the healing you need okay okay baby Village from baby no enx that is so morally wrong on so many levels I hope you know what you said is

Just so bad so vile to humanity that I don’t even think half the people know how to process you know be really funny if we went to Elon Musk and told him villager milk just saying okay I think that’d be Peak comedy right there uh can’t that is very fair that is

Very very fair oh that scared me okay we’re good we’re good no okay it’s fine it’s kind of doing two opposite edges but okay okay think everyone hats me for it wait what wait what h let say no one hates you but that is really morally wrong I’m just saying I’m just saying

Okay I’m we could get the technical roof done before we’re done with this that’d be epic I don’t think we’re actually going to get the roof done cuz we do not have enough wool this wool is supposed to cover the entire bottom uh so we

Don’t we don’t have that we do not have that guys um soon good things will happen but oh my gosh please oh dang man I lagged off the thing I lagged off of it that was close that was close Okay we back we good we chilling like a

Villain b b oh that’s not what I wanted to do okay we go to the other side now yeah that’s a cute name H all right what’s wrong with it that’s not technically nothing wrong with that but the other name is very bad the other name really really sucks man it is bad

It is very bad they’re saying that wait what I’m puzzled should hit throwing me into bro what I just said we don’t hate you bro we don’t hate you also also we chilling we chilling we good we good guys we good I know kid what what’s up

What’s up that’s not good and I think you need to called a popo I think I think popo need to be involved to be honest as your friendly Minecraft streamer I will give you advice unsolicited advice real quick uh poo may need to be involved for that got to be

Honest got to be honest okay what was that what was I couldn’t okay I don’t even I don’t even know what happened there I don’t want to get banned you will you will you will get banned well guess what whenever I go to class my classmates come up to me and it’s not

Good okay guys we this is very very very uh not good not good again when I say contact the authorities it’s much better to discuss it with them then on here because not very safe is it so there you go parkour we’re we’re chilling we’re chilling like actual pug Champs that’s what’s

Happening here that is what happened in here if this was was built correctly yeah I was like this is supposed to end up in the same spot there we go there we go let me do this let me do this oh boy um I’m playing fire I’m playing with fire literally right now

What what I’m what excuse me arson arson arson almost just jumped off the edge almost just actually committed something bad okay uh boop boop boop there we go we’re good we’re good we’re good let’s uh let’s destroy all of This hey okay I was really late with that water bucket so I’m actually surprised we didn’t take any oh my gosh you mether real dude it’s so nice to see how you been what you building I’m glad you asked I am so glad you asked we are building

A breeding bunker is actually yes bro we are building a good old big boy breeding bunker over here but y welcome and how you doing today is so nice to see you how you doing man breeding Arena that is so much more vile a breeding Arena oh my

Gosh anyways all right um get the dirt big boy big boy breeding bunker bro it’s great it’s great I’m living the life right now building my big boy breeding bunker it is great it is great some dirt has accidentally fallen in here not good

Not good let me just get a little bit of this okay okay who here plays Roblox I used to play Roblox but then uh never again never again while I play Roblox okay actually we do need a bed though and I think we have some extra beds we

Do we do have some extra beds pretty POG POG champ pretty pogers let me get up here let’s go oh we missed what how do we how do we miss okay we’re good wee dang that was weird anyway special not become oh no no oh wait hold uping

Bunker okay hold up uh a minute I’ve been doing really well how about yourself I’ve been doing good ah I just got my stuff caught okay there we go there we go my cord nice crisscross applesauce here we go or if you do it put delete it right after no no I get

You to my pho twitch my laop let’s go w w I will ban you dude don’t don’t even don’t even bro I will ban all of you I’m not joking I’m not joking I will you’ll be Perma banned anyway um do you have a better I have demodded an admin because

They’ve said that word before uh I will uh for sake you better catch pH other than baby no yes maybe maybe so but dude I’ve been doing good I’m glad to hear you’ve been doing good I mean pretty well that’s pretty good that’s pretty good okay uh but that is very

Fair I’m going to do some oh sounds good sounds good G I hope you have some f play in the video games honestly sounds sounds awesome sounds awesome this could look sick okay this could actually look very good we’ll just have to see no I missed ah we’re struggling we are

Struggling it’s okay though we got to we got to go over here crap there we go there we go [Laughter] don’t do it I will ban you and I won’t ban the other person if they didn’t do it okay you’re on your own if you do it

You’re on your own I’m not no dude guys please don’t say I will ban you okay you know it’s your choice it’s your choice it’s totally it’s okay well say your goodbyes say your goodbyes cuz it’s on dot chat too I see your name I’m hitting a ban button okay I

F like that what what do it I dare you I dare I’m right here I am waiting that’s so hard right now to do it I’m dare I have literally that the game paused and my mouse over the band button do it don’t do it it if you don’t want to

Get banned just saying just saying what’s the word no there’s a reason I don’t it’s you can’t even say it on Twitch this is so D oh go guys please okay literally playing not even in full screen cuz I am ready to literally press

A button oh my y wait what zero M man are you on the YouTubers as well part champ bro par champ oh my gosh oh my gosh Boop booop Bo nope NOP make sure she’s not I am looking I will if I see a deleted message if I see a deleted a

Redacted message or no a deleted message I will ban you anyways I don’t even care if it’s a space and a delete oh my gosh oh my gosh I am looking at you I am looking I’m staring at you all right I’m going to YouTube I’m sorry anyway we’re

All chilling I got to go for the oh well thank you thank you so much for popping I really appreciate me I’m glad you’re Rock in this world oh yes sir yes sir what if I delete a random word that sucks for you then because you better

Not delete your own message I’ll I’ll still ban I will still ban you I’m here yo Andrew welcome in yo what the he is is going on here so much so much what’s going about to happen is I’m about to delete I’m about to ban some two people’s butts right into second that’s

What’s going to happen I’ll delete a random I’m staring at you oh crap oh my gosh I’ll talk to that oh it happened awesome so why should I delete I don’t I’m going to I if I see a message before it deletes and it’s not

The bad word then I won’t ban you but you better hope I see what it is are you taking like three to two to three business days to delete the message like goodness gracious okay um bro I can’t you can’t delete your own message sorry anyway uh the those little

Plushies do they do be chilling those little sussies do be chilling it’s crazy it’s crazy bro oh my gosh I’m innocent are you innocent I don’t trust you I don’t are are you innocent are you Innocent was under the heart emoji that’s what I was saying bro oh my gosh sometimes I do struggle like that sometimes I do struggle like that there Andrew deleted his own message look at that look at that they didn’t even say anything they just this said something and now it’s redacted

Look at that look at that uh-oh uh-oh Andrew I did see your message there’s no no point deleting it I could I can even repeat I can even Repeat I love threatening you’re right I’m threatening you I’m threatening you bro okay you’ve you’ve misunderstood okay it was the I’m here a message that is true that is true true that’s just what it was oh my gosh brother I was in my class and I don’t

That it’s a little it’s a little uh what is it called not sa for work maybe maybe a little bad but I understand that I think we should get more professional help but I don’t think this is a very safe place to do that we’ll maybe have

Another safer place on uh the Discord soon have that treat equals threat what can you give me what a device but I’ve never but one oh I got you uh yes I have some good tutorials if you do exclamation mark Farms or hardcore Farms they both should work uh I have like

Some really really good really good tutorials uh I there’s like a really minute a good mini one um I don’t know if you look up YouTube some some good farm tutorials it’s really amazing a little Miss anxiety dude welcome back to stream how you been hello any fire today oh of

Course bro oh of course we visited our arson Farm you know come back the Casual ARS what do M welcome back to stream how you been you can see I word I’m reading both chats bro I have to read both both are actually going at the same pace which is

Crazy just like YouTube stream feeling good hey WX WX let’s go thank you for liking the YouTube stream I appreciate it you’re a legend you’re a legend good how you been I’ve been good friend thank you so much for asking let’s go oh my gosh I’m not I’m not taking my eyes off

Of you mister okay my eyes are glued on to my my left of my screen but dude I’ve been good dude I’m so glad to hear you been doing good that is actually so awesome so awesome don’t Fu it I won’t but I’m going to stare at

You I’m going St I can’t tell that’s said fail or fall I think that says crap almost fall almost failed almost did both it’s funny that I and getting and then getting th is it though is it dude wait oh yeah I did this right okay yep

Is it though dude twitch I’m actually really surprised uh YouTube chat didn’t like kill that but you know we’re chilling we’re chilling like villains I don’t have the online name in my YouTube show H H as my YouTube show me not type there that is fair that that

Yeah yeah yeah I totally understand I totally get that NX oh my goodness wait break brain moment what what you Muffin I’m going to build wait I want to build the one you have thanks okay sounds good R I think I have two different versions but yes dude Good Luck Good Luck sheepy

YouTube how you doing then delete you could go twitch and then do it there and then delete okay do it do it it it in Twitch I just clutched on my last little block but dude how are you all right we’re good wink wink that’s not going to work but you could try uh yo you’re still alive J how art th how art th my friend I’m doing well with Y sheep how you doing it’s so nice

To see you how’s life did you just wake up did you you better have just woken up bro you better have just going up going back up how well how long this can’t leave be alive for for a while I want to finish the roof I really want to finish the

Roof with no ah okay okay we got to go back up we got to go got to 5 a.m. 5 a.m. D I did just wake up let’s go dude oh man dude your sleeping schedule loop back around so now you have a really really God to your

Sleeping schedule like you you’re waking up like really early like you actually have like an amazing sleeping schedule now isn’t that crazy I it’s so funny to see Gamers like I dude sheep I have I have watched you cycle through the sleep schedule twice maybe even three times no

I think twice cuz it takes like 6 months for you to cycle through and I swear I’ve I’ve like I remember this like when you’ve done it it was like almost exactly 6 months ago bro or a second I will not anyway um I think s you I think I’m

A gamer yo but it’s so cool it’s so good how did I listen listen to what your mom sry missed bro oh my gosh did I was ready for that water bucket that was in my hand bro I was so shocked I’ve been here for a month already and that crazy

Bro you’ve been crazy you’ve been actually so crazy and awesome bro I could just glance over right cuz I’m I’m like looking at my screen I’m glancing over you guys see can’t look behind you what I just have sussies behind me man just have I have susies

Behind me I’m telling you if I catch you say the word I will ban you permanently on both chats I am just saying um got to go oh no bro thank you so much for popping in dark it was lovely meeting you bye bye bye friend thank you

So much for poping in I appreciate it me not awesome look at awesome person inside you bet I’m not kidding if you want to run that risk I will ban you I will ban you you can ask Yeet liby Lee and all the other people who have miss

Said it at $20 you won’t catch me I will if you if I see a message redacted you’re you’re You’re gone you’re G I don’t even care if I didn’t even see what the actual message was you are gone sir you are so gone just saying just just saying Okay wait what what wait huh huh sorry L I’m looking you ow 20 bucks didn’t even do it I don’t owe you also I didn’t agree with the deal but I’m just telling you I’m just telling you okay go to bed never never also Asian her welcome back

To the stream how you doing today man how you doing today I don’t want to go to bed move the pink what to the quarter for real e e there’s actually two on the corner there just can’t see it okay what dude their stream delay is going to screw

Over oh my gosh dude they’re going to be like oh my gosh kids looking behind them and then stream delay is going to eat them oh my gosh dude oh my no imagine imagine that would be so funny oh you’re so dead the back corner dude actually this going to be so funny

Dude you guys going to think I’m looking away and I’m going to be reading chat and then your stream delay is going to actually mess you up actually mess you up I can hear you okay how can you hear me you’re confusing me my Max budy wait what I ain’t betting

Anything okay um I think we need to go down there oh oh we already have something here there we go that going to be so funny okay we love stream delay we love stream delay today we love stream delay just saying okay is this good yeah watching your stream I’m watching

Your stream duh I don’t think you understand uh my stream doesn’t have like zero latency it has like a good amount of lat latency so you have a lot of delay especially YouTube chat it’s a bit of I think it has a bit of I’m not

Sure has more of delay not but trust me when I say you will be so yeated okay stream delay really be your worst nightmare don’t it um se s more that’s true it’s true it does there is insanity on there it’s exactly bro it’s so late I about have S

That I’ll get away with it I’m not saying anything okay I I’m not taking that B all I’m saying is that if you say it I will ban you christas break is it is it is next week asan are you excited bro are you excited are you excited hero

Actually I think I’m going to call you hero if you’re okay with that um not saying it you’re smart for that that’s saying you are smart for it oh my gosh oh my gosh build never bro never I’m I I I I sheep yo yo sheep

Online let’s go let’s let’s go no we we pck Champa too much for that bro you you know how it be you know how it be Billy Bob junior also welcome to the stream Billy Bob how you doing today yo I have to take some exra test though smiley

Face let’s go I have three chest you don’t know I can’t I’m here now yo so crazy welcome to the twitch side how you doing how you doing let’s go they like pop with their chats it’s crazy it’s crazy okay now I got this three chats W

It’s true so you serious about me betting I will say it well I’m just saying I I don’t I I’m just telling you the warning I’m not saying anything I don’t bet anything I’m just saying you’re going to get eated okay we’re going to probably do this

Now how much get what how much do I love me what m is live oh what H do I love my brain I don’t understand I don’t understand okay it I’m so big brain are you are you oh my gosh you will get chucked when she pants you

It’s true it’s true okay I’m actually been like clutching and like looking away as I’m doing this this is great this is great yo uh do you have the feather F I do have feather falling uh from an all I’ll just watch kit from an Al you can

But I’ll ban your alt if I find out it’s you just saying so all all your follow time all your all your all your things You’ worked so hard to get your stream streak dude everything is gone okay especially if I catch who you are you

Will not find out okay will you lose all your statistics you have to get it all back also I probably start guessing I’m just going to start Banning every new person that comes in my stream much time oh my gosh so much 11 days sheep you’ve been watching me for

11 days of your life a’t that crazy you actually watch me more cuz you were here she before dude you were like in a bunch of my early streams too so think about that you have more than 11 days of watch time all right all right more of 11 days

Of watch isn’t that crazy followed one month and four days w w bro I wish it was a month dude it was crazy I wish it was a month really a month of your life watching me would be crazy bro actually crazy care for the first time let me get yeated because

I’m yeah dude that’d be so funny it’s what’s going to happen honestly honestly follow it sh watch time sh 13 hours andx that’s crazy you spent 13 hours of your life watching me isn’t that crazy isn’t that crazy y’all crazy y’all are actually positively Bonkers it’s it’s actually crazy actually crazy that would

Suck that would be really funny but really really would suck for whatever person just got heated because of what you did anyway just uh been a entertainment TR oh my sheep you’re amazing sheep sheep you’re amazing sheep you are a p okay we got a little bit of this let’s

Just uh we have a little bit to put on the other side to get to the other side we got to break all of this now reverse Uno reverse card yes sir but I can if you want to kid well I don’t want to obviously voice I voed

That I don’t want you to Uno reverse Uno reverse wait you know this is such a genius tactic to make me actually read chat I’m sorry okay you know how sometimes I struggle to keep up with chat like I sometimes Miss people’s messages you making me watch chat actually made me

Read every single message isn’t that something I mean I’ve now mastered the art of building while not looking at chat by extremely big height oh we’re good here look at this take that kid bro take that kid that’s actually really funny okay I do know no

Reverse a reverse car let’s go let’s go um we’re going to go all the way up here going to water clutch all the way down because yes because that is something we need to do hold up look at that side water clutch we chilling we chilling okay and then we got to do

This I force you to pay attention to your viewers I guess you’re right man I and then I keep falling and then I keep water bucking clutching like a f j we’re monsters are you monsters uh I do know why why why was the message

Not posted huh huh what was which Mo uh thing Uno reverse oh socials yes what was posted in you in YouTube I actually don’t know why it’s not I don’t know if that’s what you were me meaning but I understand if it was because okay what am I say there

We go how dare she pay attention to her chat how dare I in in twitch wait why why was that message not posted which which meage which message kit I wait which message uh kit I wake up and think it was uh 8 to 930 so I so you would be

Live make my day if it was a a that’s so sweet that’s so sweet man that’s yeah exactly how dare how dare man wait did I miss the other I didn’t even get the dude I didn’t even get the other way oh bro oh no I just didn’t get most of the

Other way uh hold on just looking away quickly do it I’m I’m kidding I’m looking right at you I’m looking right at you uh you can’t you can’t get away from me you can’t escape me what are you laughing for you you you Muffin you Muffin watch time y are

Spooky 7 Days spooky holy crap dude amazing amazing Bruh Bruh you know you deserve that you deserve that anyway oh my gosh dude welcome to the stream how you doing spooky how’s life genuinely give a chance pleas no I will ban you if I catch you okay I will ban you uh I

Shall send you a DM so for real oh thank you thank you right after I what why was not oh oh okay well definitely thank you for the DM because for what for your M Notting um anyway yeah thank you for sending a screenshot I appreciate it the

She checks so often now I that how art that spooky it’s true how are you spooky all right um this time it is time for the prime a chance for a ban you will get yeated out of existence it’s true it’s true she won’t notice bro you can’t you can’t give him

Ideas oh yeah no no no I don’t think you know how this works anymore it’s the point of oh my gosh what is the point of wanting to be B that’s what I’m saying zero that is what I’m saying bro that is what I’m saying cuz what if I do catch

It you’re so screwed you have no idea how often I might be looking at my YouTube chat you know you know it’s kind of you have no idea oh boy okay uh can I to house three up oh oh spooky spooky sneaking doing spooky things excuse me wow okay

Sorry oh this was a bad idea this was a really bad idea I’m lagging oh my God I I’m sorry I lagged and I thought I was going to die what if I spam you get timed out I don’t I don’t know how that would help

You my gosh I’m going to get eated um uh can I anyway that’s a good question why would anyone want to be banned that’s what I’m saying that’s why I heard you try to S your stream I thought my game was GL that’s so funny dude I get that sometimes too holy crap

Oh my gosh hasone ever fell asleep and the cat pounce on their stomach when I think they’re they’re dead oh I wish I wish my cat has honestly I’d really appreciate that I’ve been asleep and then woke up to find the Cat my cat at my feet and

I’m like what the heck how do you get in my room dude cuz I they sneak in my room sometimes and then automatically theid night I feel sensation on my feet I’m like what the heck it’s it’s my cat dis weird spaming don’t work in reality actually it’s really true it’s really

True oh boy I’m wait I’m trying to get land in the water kind of struggling kind of not okay here we go D this is a long stream I know right it’s awesome it’s awesome hopefully hopefully long stream is what y’all y’all chilling for okay what the people United St what

How is this going to help you Bro how is also since there’s more people in YouTube chat I don’t want there to be spam in YouTube chat I will have to time you out this time this time wait I don’t want to sleep okay we’re sleeping we’re sleeping give me a chance

Well I’m sorry but I will say that uh and it and it times out for a long and we can’t untime me out which kind of sucks but but because there’s a lot of people in the YouTube chat uh I want to be able to read everyone But she’s looking away nope never never never never never never never okay um oh my gosh I keep doing that ah ah three people if there’s if there’s two bro also please don’t mention the Fe account but otherwise otherwise uh yeah if there’s two people if there’s just one person I don’t

Really care for spam but that’s the point point is it don’t matter it’s because the point is I just don’t want spam but if there’s like one person I don’t really care does that make sense uh no cat sleep on my face that’s so cute that’s so cute a cat sleep on

Your face kid SP 2.5 hours gathering this stuff for a drown a drown for a build it I would say wait oh build it and I would say it’s worth it oh bro alone it’s still getting banned just spaming um dude so you say it’s worth it or you

Say it’s not worth it cuz it might be worth it who knows who knows three three 2.5 hours against what like a lot of hours it might be worth it my face trying to figure out what was up my face that is so funny but that is so cute I

Love that to sleep but I listen to stre okay sounds good AI thank you so much for popping in I guess technically thank you for the L let’s go we have a good sleep okay okay do it uh it was what he was though it would be

Playful we talking about 20 P out my head that’s so adorable that is so adorable I love that bro just to have a wake up and a cat suffocating You by sitting on your face that actually just sounds like the dream right there that actually sounds like my

Dream my dreams come true you live in my dreams bro was worth it nice nice okay I definitely want a second Trident with channeling so we are going to have to eventually did we go the right way we did not go the right way where are we going here bottle plug bottle plug

Bottle plug every chance every every second now used to almost time looks at chat it’s too it’s I don’t tell you it’s true how stream been so far it’s been chilling bro but how is life how’s how has the morning been so far I’m back welome back KNX yo let’s go welcome back

My man hope you’re doing well that happened to me before my cat’s up says when cute that’s so cute that is so adorable she’s not looking at it often now I really I biged to differ actually oh are you just trying to lure him actually I take it back if you were lure

Kind of sounds like we’re trying to lure him in a trap the secret spam that work hold we got a bunch of stuff we probably need to get the rest of the stuff out of that I’m going to get shot ah ah okay we’re good we’re good but listen cat on face sounds

Amazing just say it I disagree but you know what do we chilling we can we can agree to disagree how about that how about that we can agree to Disagree wow we are really truly making this pry bunker we have not made the other side of this okay oh crap okay we’re good we’re good do we have some in our inventory we do we do let me just quickly quickly make this quickly make this we’re eating Arena dude no that’s

So weird just say it it’s a it’s a little morbid just a tiny bit morbid oh my gosh I’m falling off in more than one ways oh my gosh if I said I threatened well I do believe that you are threatening to shade the name like cats hold up

Yeah uh one time goofball I am you are a silly goofball uh my traps aren’t loading for real oh for real wait what traps oh oh bring Coliseum oh my gosh cheese ball your cheese ball I love cheese balls what your guys’s opinions on cheese balls what is your guys’

Opinions on the cheese balls silly cheese balls actually I really want a cheese ball is that weird I kind of I’m kind of cing cheese balls I love cheese balls so much I might go buy myself cheese balls tomorrow how funny would it be if I literally just

Left just to get cheese balls uh they’re okay a awesome wait what about the cat I spawn when I have bonding time my face was oh it’s big cat bath I guess oh that’s adorable andx what the heck but yeah know my cat is just chunky Derpy

Boy also has the highest pitch voice that I’ve never heard my like male cat in my life that’s adorable that’s adorable a a let’s see opinion of the name thank you so much for the hydr I really appreciate it botle plug bottle plug bottle plug I’m back welcome back God bro how

You doing how was would you say you’re eating yo how was eating man how was your meal how was your meal man well me go like this let me go like this let me go like this 10 out of 10 huh what’s 10 out of 10 anyway earlier record a conversation

With a c oh you dude you should that’d be so cute’ be amazing wel go back wel go back I was not eating I was streaming oh I forgot forgot nice nice well you were we can all imagine you were eating I don’t know anyway we have a couple

More to go we have a couple we have a couple more to go we could do this you realize letters well you hav’t technically we only sent two letters okay so we have a couple more to go cuz technically we need that to be that and

We need a couple more things dead what what okay let’s uh how wait we want this exactly yeah yeah we do okay so we want it like this uh let’s see uh I was okay let’s go zero people my she I going to done dude yeah

I also talk to my animals like a baby because they are a baby they deserve to be talked to as a child okay cuz they are little children they’re just children they’re babies they’re cute what do you have on your armor uh I think they’re almost it’s about uh

Completely completely done I think it’s completely done by this point or almost completely done just have a couple more couple more little things you know couple more little things we got to redo our helmet though which kind of sucks uh let’s see 30 minutes that’s that’s sus I don’t

Know why I I led with that but it is it’s a little it’s a little it sounds like actually you know what it smells like it smells like sheep’s about to say something in chat and uh I’m going be a little proud of them for it I think

Maybe if this goes the way I think he gets about to play out what what okay anyways um I took H like a baby oh it’s adorable that’s adorable your mom your mom oh your mom’s a good a good little saying and let me go like

This be higher who’s not to say I’m already high kidding never mind I’m joking I am joking exactly though for real wait why you want to know bro why you want to know huh huh anyway I I don’t know I’d have to look bro and plus I think they’re about maxed they’re about Maxed why you said I told you Max what enchantments I have I said they’re Max that means every ACH it or you can possibly get at least makes sense makes sense it would be one time if I said it let’s see and we got to go on the other

Side cry why you crying bro we chilling we Chilling y’all are just chilling chilling like villains as I’d like to say okay okay now we got some more we’re going to need some more like a hot second in like a hot second bro I have not so far wait what happened Los your streak I have not

So far no God proo is like an insane streak I actually don’t know if he’s tied he might be tied with you enx they might be tied with you am I feeling you now it’ be true it would be true okay let me grab a couple bit of this a little from my

This let’s see all right boop boop okay perfect we just do in a casual little bit title has lied to me what’s what’s the title what do you mean AIC breeding bunker breeding moner someone change the title then what is going on what is going on has lied to

Me the enchantment part of I didn’t even put enchantment in it what are you talking about what part of it huh oh I just closed my OBS oops oops oops oopsie Poopsy this 340 days it kind of It kind of does update doesn’t it do that doesn’t it doesn’t it do that

Man it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy for real it’s it’s it’s almost like we’ve been playing this for 4 hours I’m kidding how long we been like we oh got CH we just re the the three hour mark dude W hour W3 hour W3 hour let’s go bro

Let’s go 7.5 huh anyway that’s actually kind of sus um w w let’s go let’s go okay we got to we got to get up all the way up okay okay you want to explain what you mean by that meter huh huh what does what does that mean huh what does that

Mean okay let’s break this real quick break this and we should be good we should be actually okay there we go take a long I mean like as P I’m going break from school I going do a hour that is very fair let’s go let’s go what does that

What what does what what what does what mean that’s a good question that a good question oh what is what oh on the YouTube chat the YouTube chat I got you sheep the YouTube people are being really sus they’re being like sussy peoples and I don’t know how to feel

About it what just check chat three times in a row in span of 4 seconds why you are you counting the times of times I’m looking at chat bro oh my gosh dude w wow they are being so sus I know sheep isn’t it horrible isn’t it

Horrible they’re being sus you got to get guys you got to save the sus for like sussy Sunday which is tomorrow oh my gosh we keep ah dying okay now we can now we can fall okay there we go there we go anyways they susp they suspicious for

Real it’s kind of kind of crazy it’s kind ofra now we just literally have one more Edge do it on Susy do not do it on sus I will still ban you there’s no nothing stopping me if you say that word okay there we go kind of a little like

That okay Bo boop boop and then okay we literally got one more thing and we’re going to be good guys for switch switch switch from game to CH it’s true you made me very how are you uh clutching when you’re when you accidentally fall I don’t no dude I

Don’t know I’ve just like I’ve fallen so much that I’m just doing it now it’s just like automatic it’s in my brain cells now my two brain cells have been equipped with just the falling it’s G of Chad let’s go dude I’m so excited for

Susy on tomorrow by the way chat uh if you are ever okay I know Among Us has it’s been it’s been a while since the Among Us has like you know really took its peak in society well but oh well thank you someone for popping and I

Appreciate have a great rest of your night man have a great rest of your night bye friend bye all right but clutch reflexes it’s true it’s true just checking it’s very it’s very very true anyways uh but tomorrow if you ever do not want to play among us alone

I got you every Sunday we do a little thing called sussy Sundays and if y’all are ever lonely playing among us and it happens to be Sunday and it happens to be the time we’re live we play in Susy Sunday and it’s pretty progress but we play Among Us With You Beautiful People

And it’s just very fun it’s a fun time okay it’s a very it’s a very fun time I love Susy Sunday anyway it’s tomorrow so if youall want to play among us tomorrow we are going to play Among Us with y’all yes who’s back again welcome back Deon

How you doing to slaughter Sunday for me I love that Slaughter Sunday dude cheap for real if we get imposter if you play Among Us Together We Get imposter together I’m saying we for real for going to dominate everything it’s going to be great all offering the host um man you

Can host on on your on your own channel you know okay there we go that scared me a little bit I propose a deal I don’t propose any deal I’m standing firm on wherever that guy stood sorry sorry we can do that there we go that’s

The medium medium thingy I think we want to do that what what I thought about bro I’m sorry if you can’t host it though there’s no possible way to host it because I’d have to give you the channel key to my number and I don’t want to do that

Sorry but you of course you could do it on on stream you should you should for real do it on on your own be for real poggers I will have to wait a while I’ll tell you if I game left to play which Christmas oh will W that’s awesome

That’s awesome I wish you luck in your your chis crimmas laptop no I clutched but I clutched on a slab no all right let’s go okay second time I’ve missed all right I don’t need a channel key no it’s all right bro we don’t need to

Explain I got you I got you uh Boop no dang it man I used to be so good at those I’m regretting life I’m so sad I’m so sad that’s okay we we’ll figure out I’m sure if we just like aim this right okay instantly said no I didn’t even

Give you s I say I won’t bring the name up again you forgive me but dang well I mean if you still want to make that I feel like you that was not your proposition and then you said that to make me sort of try to feel guilty I’m

Just saying well if that was it then I would but I don’t think that was it so I don’t so kind of kind of kind of bad kind of bad but if that was your proposition I might change my mind who knows who knows uh how funny would it be if

I oh crap I I Tab out for no for no reason help help uh let’s see we are farmers sorry anyway uh why aren you playing what huh I’ll go to huh huh feel like I feel like that one cat that’s like huh huh I feel like that right now oh my

Gosh uh can I like destroy the dirt please let me destroy the dirt okay hold on hold on when of noises that’s what I’m saying huh anyway all right sounds good I think think about your BR huh GTA I’ll go to bed in a minute so confused ah youve confuzzled

Me going up here I want to stand on a Wither Rose IR wait what you want to just Decay that would be that would be very interesting alai that would very I mean I don’t I wouldn’t recommend it if there was a Wither Rose IRL I probably

Wouldn’t stand on it myself but you know dang oh we’re good we’re good we’re good it was just really unfortunate where we fell okay another special offer of of what what does that mean that’s so weird are you guys like the same person oh my gosh I’mma throw one at someone honestly

I feel that I don’t know what you’re going to throw I blinked out what happened that’s a good question bro I want to I want to throw one at someone for real dude oh man can I join you in throwing out one at someone that’d be

Funny I would be down for that bro okay oh there’s that there’s dirt right there okay I say sorry and you forgive me oh so okay well does that that mean you’re going to say it or you’re not going to say I’ll still ban it either either I’ll

Still ban you either way even if you um even if you do say it well you know sure I’m willing to forgive you if you say sorry of course of course I will still I’ll still ban you though if you say it just saying but of course of course I

Will so rude what do you mean you’re so rude I’m being honest and I’m being direct straight to the point I ain’t I ain’t end handing out any fluff I’m giving you the straight stuff ttis T taurtis Thursday for Faz for real dude that’s so cool do we have to do that we

Have to dude we should play phasmophobia I haven’t played it in such a long time okay now we need a butt ton of wool it’s going to be great it’s going to be great CH we’re going to have a lot of wool anyway so we finally got our little thing going on

Here just say it though ex exactly exactly Jack okay uh I’m going to go down here let’s see if we can Neo oh crap we would have well I guess we’ll never know if we made it or not iess it wasn’t a block over there ban ban for

Real for real should I say it I can you do you know what it is also I don’t think it’ll let you say it to be honest on which chat not a weird cold feeling that’s really I don’t like that okay this wasn’t supposed to do that either so let

Me do something real quick that what even say no he did not say why’ you keep it in the middle sorry no no he didn’t say that he didn’t say that don’t worry don’t worry he’s not he didn’t say anything that um heck and he said heck oh man man he

Man I going to have to ban him cuz he just said heck me truthful think the worst thing to do is that’s so weird Okay Anyway you’ll let me say it for real I will not heck oh my gosh no no one of these naughty words this is my Christian Minecraft server y’all are ruin wow I don’t even know how to feel I don’t even know how to feel I think that’s about the end of

That no I missed the block what oh my gosh uh okay let me go what okay we’re going we’re going this way Jack I don’t even know what to say anyways anyways uh I don’t even know how to feel or say or do anything why are

You saying that word that is just weird that is very weird of you sir that is very weird um it’s just are you ail all right I’ll keep that in mind I did see you mention it every time I did not stream I will say I’ve Not not seen it uh

D oh crap uh oh crap so far we don’t really have a taking over system that’s why I haven’t uh you know took the offer if you know what I’m saying all right all right clown Charlie weird you know their name okay sorry we go Boop okay Uhow a daily r one total times two we we we all right all right what what is going on what is going on I’m so confuzzled I a confuzzled person sometimes all right let’s do that I’m just confused entirely that is so fair zero same same oh yeah

We wanted this to keep going my bad hold on hold on we wanted this to not just end here but we wanted to keep going let me let me get rid of this little line here real quick I need a break I think we might need to lessen

It dud I’m just going confusing Charlie I’m so confused I can’t say the word that huh anyway what you can’t you can’t that’s so funny I didn’t realize you can’t oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry Catgirl but dud welcome to the stream how you doing how you doing friend you

Got to go to lethal comp oh yeah I’ve heard of lethal company man I’ve heard of it uh have you played it what’s your what’s your opinion on it man what’s your opinion on it You not know that your name is Charlie oh my gosh uh kind no Heise just banned I didn’t realize that uh well man not okay what’s going on who man not okay well rip yeah let me go Crush Cross or not Crush cross applesauce just just

Cross my legs there we go there we go okay okay well now I’m saying we’re about right here what if we start doing a little bit of crossing and I do a little bit of crap no why I don’t want to Fall they said me you bleeped out the word that’s so funny oh my gosh oh I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that no yah okay anyway um wow wow botle plug ptle plug this really cool give your employees too much space this is

Really cool you give your employees so much space what what I I don’t understand okay anyway speci I will just give the reation I also wor you get spamming but okay okay hold on I’m not sure if this is this good okay let’s see let’s See oh I but the game is good for oh that’s so awesome let’s go let’s go really pay them but I’m sure they appreciate it the mods uh you should play Lego fortnite uh maybe the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect un establish justice ensure

Domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general and secure the blessings of Li to ourselves and our posterity ordain and establish this constitution for the unit States of America that’s actually um okay that’s actually my breeding bunker you know this whole thing is actually becoming my

Breeding bunker I mean you know they they love it there though like they have beds they have they have food I feed them all the time I do I do I can’t just screaming in the middle of the night oh that’s so sad no no dude my cat does that every morning

It’s a little Annoying they get they’re trying to get into the garage for no reason it’s just I was like what this cat’s crazy I don’t understand I am not understanding things can I come for a breeding bunker come to your breeding bunker I will I

Have a little you’re a little what ah I don’t know man I don’t know if it’s able to be accessed accessed by uh people I don’t know I don’t know they answer to that question yet I think maybe like a little bit like that I think that’s actually

Perfect done way oh my gosh um NX is back welcome back enx how you doing I am that that is Holy muffin that is so sus oh sorry I got something in my throat any wait kit needs a Christmas skin I do I was trying to make me one

But the Hat doesn’t look good with crown I don’t know how to take the crown off it’s just it’s just a little thank you so much for the follow yo thank you so much for the follow man one of us one of us chat one of us y’all let’s

Go I think I think my cat gets Lely whenever was asleep that’s so sad a okay okay did well no what’s going what are you what’s No what’s no I’m so confused Jolly trick Jolly tricks oh my gosh dude yes oh man Christmas name Christmas skin I need I need the whole

Show bang bro um offer hosting I I saw your message there before and also I said I saw all of your previous messages like um for all the sussy Sundays I didn’t host we don’t have a hosting system so that is why I’ve declined all

Of them but I am very aware of your offer I’ve been aware for a good a good couple months actually but yes there there’s a specific reason so if if I ever change my mind I got you don’t worry don’t worry Man okay there we go there we go perfect perfect um did I just like get rid of two points oh once uh says stop working please try again later it’s exactly how I feel B do you have the uh do you do you at least

Have your tree set up no I don’t but tomorrow I don’t okay my tree also isn’t set up my my actual family’s tree is not even set up we always set it up Thanksgiving uh break but I don’t know why we have it we have like some Christmas decor set up actually I’m

Going to cry I won’t cry spooky that’s what’s going to happen that’s what’s going to happen cuz I’m going to start crying in a hot second okay I also want this to come off because I feel like that’d be really cool so I my cat actually hurt my cat go

Uh okay I’m disappointed I know I’m disappointed bro it’s like my I put on my little Christmas tree don’t worry I’ll put my I’m putting up my Christmas tree tomorrow and I’m putting up my family’s Christmas tree is going up tomorrow as well uh boop boop I don’t we

Didn’t finish this oops that been kind of funny to miss also it looks like I’m not reading YouTube chat I am very much reading YouTube chat I know exactly what you’re saying vento anyway uh do you just got home from school you’re watching a new

Episode of the kid wait a m that that that’s not that’s not very fun I I hope I hope you’re okay man I hope you’re okay be safe made back to pe oh my gosh you final welcome back to stream how you doing you made it back in pleas how was

The journey man how was the journey come over help yes oh my gosh a little spooky help it’ll be great it’ll be great anyway we need to make this go down by one so we’re going to hit this crap that did not work very well yo Warrior

Creeper M welcome to the stream yo how you doing today oh that worked kind of okay um so we need dirt oh you from Oblivion it’s true it’s true texture speech it said the name I don’t think think you can number one number two you’d still get banned

Like my man think I’m so sorry some days I lose my filter if I don’t know if that’s pretty obvious but uh I’m standing firm on my main think you got this okay okay we’re good we’re good let me just eat myself into the oh my gosh I

Eat myself so high so high bro crazy crazy okay boop boop boop days huh it’s one of those days where my filter is just not to be seen fine how are you I’m doing well thank you so much for asking yo and I’m so glad you’re doing fine that’s good

That’s good to hear very very long Fred very long Fred the journey was very Treach stous a lot of laughs S I finally made back let’s go bro what Shader does that by the way looks super cool a let’s go I got you bro if you do exclamation

Mark shaders um it will give you the link to my website which will then give you L well if you scroll down you’ll then see all the links to my shaders and this one Shader is called called to makeup Ultra fast yes I got you I made

Kit loser filter bro I’m just being direct today it’s okay you know direct tricks is is something I think that’s actually a thing I’m not even kidding you I think direct tricks is something with a parabola I don’t know why I remember that but I remember something

With it is that Anthony oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s the Anthony it’s the Anthony my man yo welcome in how you doing how you I’ve been good for how you been are you I mean I think you said you were doing good right wait are you okay

Sir that’s it friend how are yes sir dude welcome in how you doing I think two more down will make this look very good two more two more down for real let me just like myself into there and get myself down here and kind of do like a

Go out a little bit and that K was going to pull up bro I thought just bypass the moderation or something yeah I I don’t think yeah I I get that okay we go boop boop and then we’re going to go boop boop boop but anyway so I think I think

That’s maybe maybe one more down cuz it needs to I can’t tell let’s let’s see if this needs to be one more down uh it’s the get Anthony let’s go this definitely looks better definitely does look better I can’t tell or does it need one more D

How do how does this what are we thinking here should we go chat should we go two more should we go one two or should we leave it like this I think this could look fine we could do it on both sides though looks a lot better

Than it was before I will admit that Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down never going to run around and desert you never going to make you cry never going to say goodbye never going to tell a lie and hurt

You wow wow I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I am so you’re a great Builder I’m see than I am I don’t know it just took a lot of blocks that’s that’s all I’m saying I I’m just chilling like a villain at this point bro I am really really

Chilling I’m going to I’m going to probably drop this back a little bit too okay tell a rick World brh BR always is the reaction I’m just like bro bro there’s more um minimal what oh oh I oh oh you’re talking about sleep I thought you meant like go roast us some

More I thought you were saying you’re going to roasty toasty some more CH I have a special surprise that’s going to be announced Sunday by the way Sunday middle of day I have a super special surprise I’m trying to think of more ways no no I have made a journey

From Evil V to Peaceful Minecraft again oh man you made the full round the full Journey I’m so proud I’m so proud man that’s that’s great that’s good to hear and then we have we have a okay let me just boop boop kind of see what’s going on

Here a lot of points that was do that say I see Sunday what no it’s a good announcement it’s a good announcement I think I asked your opinion a while ago about it or y’all’s opinion a while ago about it and I finally have a plan I

Finally have a plan to set in motion and I think y’all will be very pleased with what I have to announce I’m just telling you that there will be announcement so if y’all want to see the announcement the very very special announcement uh make sure you are in the Discord ifone

There an announcement of course we very appreciate it very appreciate it no thank the Lord for oh my goodness okay anyway we got this cute little thing I’m actually really happy with it it look it looking a little better the only thing is I’d love if this was out one

I do actually want it to be out one we’ll see what we can do actually we’ll see what we can do with that we might we might actually move it out one for fun yep kind of have like a an extended door instead of all being flat we could

Literally have it three layers I’m King water PE are we still a team oh of course bro of course for a little while anyways until uh things happen up same Jack it feel like you Jack and Pinto you feel like an ALT I don’t know

Why but you guys feel Al of each other and I know you’re not you see your face bro if that I think I’m going be so happy I’m actually kind of curious maybe maybe oh wae minute I see what you’re saying I see what you’re saying um for

Real for real I have the Discord let’s go okay um I don’t think we’re going to have okay uh I sound like my mom snoring I got to admit that that was the exact sound of what my mom sounds like when she snores like there’s a bit we really tired oh no

Skip it also please sleep if you need to I totally understand big smile a big fro in like two seconds bro I don’t like the little string there of stuff so we might remove it we might not remove it we might keep it let’s at least destroy

This I don’t want this here no why we miss why are we missing you don’t look up the funny snore sound effect oh I see it I think I see what you’re saying no the only the only a snore sound effect I know is like

The uh the what I can’t even do it it’s the it’s the it’s come on it’s a classic I just did not think I did it right I do not think I nailed that okay let me parkour yay okay the uh someone is out your door K

Someone is out your door what does that mean a yes that one that one Roman that one but like the extended one the extended version the the the a no see that that that one that yes I can’t do it I am not mimicking I have not heard

It in years but that one that one what the I think I think what you’re saying anyway yes that is ramen Fred yes Ramen Fred is here let’s go that’s exactly the sound I’m thinking of okay we could keep the thin line up there but I think I

Want to want to keep that there so we’ll keep that like that with okay um let’s go over here um and then we want I actually don’t know where it’s lining up uh well how about we just risk it for the like this it looks like this could be

It looks like it’s like this maybe did I get it right okay it looks like it does look like I actually got it okay awesome awesome and I could just like PE into the corner awesome awesome where do the typ go it’s like midnight it is or dude it is holy crap

Well it’s not midnight for me yet but like it’s almost midnight for me kind of crazy kind of crazy dude I was sitting on my floor right now cuz my my technology needs charge that’s fair that is totally fair this is looking decent for a little bit

It’s looking it’s it has potential and that’s all I that’s all I need bro all I need is that sweet sweet potential also would like to this will be a doorway somehow soon soon this will be somewhat of a doorway but for now I’m kind of not sure how this is going to Be yeah we’ll see what we can do here but before I go oh no oh no oh so oh my gosh good night friend need charge did you just say that why did you repeat the okay you know what the bouncing I don’t I actually don’t know what that is are

You talking about a bouncy house quck quack quack quack zero oh well that go so much but I hope you have a great rest every night okay sleep sleep super well super super well okay you better sleep like the best the best I better see that you’ve slept insan I

Bounced all the way up and then fell down again that was sad that was sad okay now I got to kind of destroy some things so is this this is where we needed to be right all right I have an idea okay awesome awesome pagers pagers and awesomeness goofy aome oh my

Gosh L thank you for the lur sheep I really appreciate it yo let’s go let’s go it’s might it might be a thing where I live uh like interesting I’m not sure what that is but we call this the oh oh the breeding part oh oh interesting

Interesting I best just sleep oh yes shouldn’t be difficult hey that’s good to here that’s good I’m glad I hopefully it won’t be too difficult of course okay this is why level 78 chat can you guys remember why level 78 I got it I got it 78 okay so it’s so it’s right

Here mhm awesome awesome ah well I must go my friend I have some more Journeys to go okay sounds good I pick up my phone once more okay sounds good friend thank you so much for popping it was lovely having you here man so good to talk to you get I hope

You have I wish you luck on the rest of your Journeys and I hope to go be all right I hope things are just fine bye friend bye uh let me just do this real quick grab a bunch of this a bunch of wood we are definitely not short of

Wood not even close baby we’re completely fine why 78 why level 78 thank you guys you guys are actually Legends it’s so fun to have a chat oh my goodness I’m just saying holy crap streaming is the life I’m telling You y’all are just so awesome for real for real Bob Ramen I’m I’m saying I’m saying okay boop boop boop you know what I like about 1.8.9 is that you can shift without it like slowly going down you guys see how it’s smooth and 1 Point uh

8.9 it’s like it’s it’s like super quick and super like you know so you don’t fall out well Mr my full name I’ve been doing that this stream I so sorry I am just actually just saying people’s full name and scaring them no oh no yes dude

It’s just so much a little bit useful but it’s just harder a little bit harder to transition when you’re trying to shift Mr Bob Ramen oh my gosh I’m so sorry I’ve been pulling out people’s full names bro people’s full names no one’s safe no one’s

Safe all right yes okay go there we go oh my gosh no oh my gosh oh my gosh rip Bob rip Bob okay let going go around here I sounded like a sheep there I don’t know why but I felt like I sounded like a Sheep the YouTube has so delayed so much right now dude you might have to refresh but also rip also o o yeah some I don’t know if uh YouTube has like a different kind of L I I don’t know I don’t know I I know my knowledge it sometimes does

Get a lot later than normal we go over there and we go here we also need to go up there and finish what we’re doing up there so I want that I want that to be full oh crap okay we’re good let me eat real quick so we don’t die but I’m

Commenting I’m not just watching the YouTube but one but but us comment that is very fair oh how are we going to get oh I know how we’re going to get there we’re going to go right here and we’re going to go like that there we go then

We’re going to go down and then we’re going to finish doing that and then we’re going to run on the other side we’re zooming we are Zoomers I don’t YouTube but I’m commenting Pinto are you guys I don’t even understand are you copying Jack dude how

Does Jack feel about this Jack how do you feel about being copied how how do you feel my man all right okay so we got smed at that time let’s try to go over here no I missed the wall dang it oh now I’m stuck outside bro bro this is so sad

Oh let me fix this real quick oh looks like we kind of got this done kind of missed the job there there we go help F he doing here help f ah wow wow I can’t believe it I can’t believe it what was it 78 chat right yeah okay

78 good old good all 78 no more fortnite no more YouTube P Bro the P also the three stream streak to Chocolate Thunder dude I’m so proud I’m so proud W chocolate also chocolate welcome and how you doing today y that is a w that is it y78 yes

Sir yes sir okay it looks like we got all of it except apparently that over there for no reason no reason just uh just a hole the wall bang bang your cartic my man welcome to stream on the YouTube side how you doing today how you doing today my friend y

Okay let me do this oh I don’t know where this torch came from but I’ll place it down if we can just aim this right we’re good we’re good we’re good ah yo why wait why why uh that’s hold up that’s a good question uh but yo how are

You I’m doing well friend how are You Okay we at least get these two there we go mine these two down and we are finally good I think we’ve oh oops death death are y’all alss yall totally alss honestly honestly okay okay so we got something something here I am going to destroy both of that though

Real quick I’m not going to destroy the top I’m going to destroy can I get it picked it up I placed the water down and then I picked it up bro no that sucks I want up let me up let me up beat me up please okay hold up oh looks like we

Need to break this real quick too real quick hold on hold on asking let’s go Gucci doing Gucci oh that’s good to hear that is do that is good to hear oh crap the heck you know be funny is that people really it was just sticky about it uh you know how

People could copy people in chat just like repeat their message at least a good old copy paste like really quickly be really really really hard to uh mimic what I say on stream and chat like if anyone was trying to play game with me no one responded not even Krick spot

See not even Krick spot oh no frog oh dude frog I didn’t even no how while ago dude you’re not even in my chat dude I’m scrolling all the Frog oh God it was like an hour ago anyway you’re like a very top of my chat about

To despawn but dude frog will come in I think kri bot died let me reload it yeah it’s kind of sus it’s kind of a sus right now it’s it’s I don’t understand what’s going on with the streamer bot going to be honest but you know we chilling we chilling like a

Villain kind of okay let’s break This but frog how are you doing friend just hi oh don’t just say hi to Anthony oh but do I I’m sorry all the way back there down but oh my gosh welome oh my gosh okay sorry seem under to share your chat oh well thank you so much awesome stre

Well thank you so much cartic I really appreciate your kind words and also you telling your friends what the heck you’re such a legend bro you’re are such a legend cartic but dude oh my gosh oh my gosh thank you so much man I really appreciate it h do you notice kit spot

Is just unresponsive in both chats it is not even set any alerts to the YouTube CH yo thank you so much for the follow yo hold up Ken Kendall yo welcome to the stream thank you so much for the follow yo welcome in one of us one of us chat who

That bugo yo welcome to the stream how are you doing dude D okay trick spot is finally it’s responding it’s responding dude but oh my gosh you see we playing some lethal company oh my gosh yo that’s epic that’s epic i’ I’ve heard a lot about lethal company I’ve seen insim I

Don’t know if you know who in insim is but I’ve seen a lot of inside play it so it’s kind of awesome it’s kind of awesome yo hi dude cozy bugo dude I love name how is stream thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate but how was

It well we got this kind of weird thing going on here um oh I wanted to destroy that I’m assuming okay hold on oh got it got it okay what we want to destroy this like okay desty this three think real quick oh dude thank you for

The raid how a stream friend how a stream I think we need that to be there but in a different way like like crap we left this stuff down no wait no we don’t we don’t need it okay let’s go let’s go my bad my bad oh thank

You so much for the follow cozy buo thank you so much for the follow one of us one of us chat Country Country Road take me home to the place along oh my gosh but yo no welcome to the stream my friend how you doing on the YouTube side

Friend yo what you get oh colors I love colors okay let’s see thank you it was lot of fun build build is sick oh thank you so much yes we’re building a breeding Monker I am very hyped I am very hyped for my breeding Monker I got

To admit I got to admit I’m a little too hyped anyway dude we welcome in again thank you so much for the raid guys please go show coo all the love and please please go check them out please please go check them out okay so here

PTO beans is Pinto oh yeah pinto is still chilling can’t we talking about Faz it said something about dude name inside so I I found his channel and he’s really good oh I love inside so much I actually dude guess how many challeng points I have an inside’s Channel I have

Like 120k I’m not even joking I so I have watched so many of his streams that I am not at 120k it is great Co L also today early I got b m made W it’s actually a lot I don’t even know how I

Got it hey what’s up yo Z welcome to the stream how are you doing W points I know it’s so crazy I’m actually really proud of it oh it’s not okay I I watch the streams and get that you know streamer watch streak me are you doing me no I

Hope you’re doing better it’s not okay listen it’s the best uh anyway that’s the that’s a lot of points I know right oh I’m so proud of it I am so proud of the points I got stress at all so like I have two point you so much guys you think that’s good

Bob is freaking like 300K in my channel I don’t even know how I don’t even know how dude it’s crazy I’m going go get dinner okay SS good I hope you have an amazing dinner and great rest of your night bye friend again thank you so much

And thank you so much for the sub is that how do I say your name doom doom thank you so much for the sub on the YouTube I really appreciate it yo one of us one of us chat one of us again thank you so much for the sub on the YouTube

Side I really appreciate it my M uh actual sub alert kind of came through alert though I got to admit I did not hear it but I saw it so uh is thep open yeah oh what are we getting raided no this is such a bad I can’t I can’t see

Any alerts oh my gosh chat chat I might need you to CL here cuz I don’t know oh zulie oh never mind never mind I know who’s raing us I know who’s raing us L my do it zulie thank you so much for the raid how are you doing how to stream my

God willome in it’s so nice to see you I see you playing a little bit of Minecraft a little what kind of Minecraft were you all playing oh my gosh oh my gosh my man welcome to the stream again thank you so much for the

Raid dude has it been just me our alerts twitch alerts have been dying this twitch twitch itself has been actually dying it’s so bad how’s the hardcore it’s going good we’re building a breeding bunker and I it’s been going well it’s been this is going to be a

Mega breeding bunker it’s going to be great it’s get we’re up to a hoplight oh that’s epic how is hoplight Yo um anyone grip cheer hug yes sir yes sir we probably need to pild the actually we should not pick this up yet is there

Anything we need to get rid of like dirt ah there we go little bits of dirt we did not have scaffolding so I’ve been play placing a fre down a dirt everywhere to get these things to work look at all those a bro y’ it made it’s true breeding Arena breeding Arena

Sounds so vile I’m sorry it’s so bad but again thank you so much for guys please go follow zulie I fre I love them their Channel amazing actual such pug champ I’m sorry I just oh man such fug champ people all right so please please please go check

Them out all right they are amazing I block it blocked my emote it did my tongue emote wait what I didn’t even know it could block emotes wait what what is is it spelled out I I didn’t even know it could do that what the heck

I’m so sorry rip rip dude that sucks okay I go now go out going to do this stuff have fun YouTube friend and all the people coming from Zuli strip if you need to go take a break or eat I totally understand and please go take a break

Including you zulie please go take care of yourself and again thank you so freaking much for the raid I really appreciate it eat that one oh I still don’t know why I blocked it I apologize for that that sucks oh no okay and hello krix y’ Timmy welcome back to stream how

You doing yo okay hold up so this is chilling we need we need better cages I’m just saying uh we can’t we kind of oh than you for the hydrate let’s go is she speaking English cuz it doesn’t sound like English no it’s it’s your momy in it’s my favorite language

Okay I speak it all the time I speak it all the time it’s actually so P but dude Tarzan welcome in the Stream how you doing today my way how you doing hydrated I’m hydrated I promise I Pro what time is it for you okay is 11:29 it

Is pretty late or PM PM definitely not am oh don’t try to creep you but there’s a kid in the background seems like he’s crying and staring at you that would is it the Among Us is it the susies bro are you are you talking about the susies the little

Sussies scoot up this sucks okay okay does oswal have a life I know oswal has a life now it’s crazy it’s crazy we’re talking about this little Sessy is this child bro is this the child I I kidnapped the sussy bro it’s not with us but dude Kenzie welcome stream how you

Doing today yo it’s 1:30 a.m. right now go to sleep bro go to sleep also K why did you hear that OS was talking to a girl I know I did it’s crazy he is popping off bro he is actually popping off so hard I’m a little proud of him

I’m a little proud of him Kenzie you know I’m a little proud I am very proud of arme and oswal all right anyway I so it’s crazy I miss annoying with virual hugs I know right I know there a life now it’s crazy it’s crazy uh I don’t

Know no you said the first part of my name it’s okay my pH I was Doom Gi Oh I love it I’m so sorry my alert I do have YouTube alerts I know how to see your name oh my goodness I forgot sorry everything’s been broken lately so I just I couldn’t

I couldn’t read your name fast enough but dude dude well welcome in it thank you so much for the sub I really appreciate it actual Legend welcome and how you doing today when he told me I couldn’t believe it when he told me I know right bro was crazy California

Dream about who we used to be oh sad sad song Maybe is it sad song I can’t remember sorry back to whatever we were doing oh I wanted to make a balcony before we made the thingy I want to make the beginning of our of our uh sus

Operation I will say for example I think okay let’s use dirt to plan this out ESG time yo it says the YouTube part uh it says YouTube part the stream is empty oh it says the YouTube I can’t uh what does it say uh this stream is enter other than me uh

It’s true it’s it’s true oh are you oh I see I see you might be confused on like who I’m responding to I’m also streaming on Twitch Doom so I’m responding all the people my twitch chat as well as my YouTube which is where you are which is

Very poggers so that’s that’s oh and if you want to know context of like who I’m responding to from twitch it’s uh if you look at the chat on the right side of or right side wait left right right side of my screen yeah I know that oh my B all

Right I was just trying to make sense of it friend why does it look like it’s going fast is someone spamming something thing I can’t see anything chat’s not moving is that weird chat is it just me or chat wasn’t moving and it was moving in the whatever the browser that’s weird

Okay we sleep we sleep it’s e your time zone dud that’s amazing we’re Krick spot late hello oh my gosh East all right I’m going to go off to a okay sounds good sounds good man have a good stream you too friend you too oh Legend oh leg it’s

Delayed it is oh I didn’t see I just saw a bunch of light going down bro I was like what is going on oh I know why it’s delayed oh this whole stream’s delayed cuz I shut my laptop without turning it off my bad your chat is so delayed oh oh

I didn’t know that it’ll be fixed when I restart OBS tomorrow so don’t worry don’t worry actually you can do this I could do that oh w w sorry H I’m distracted what were we doing what were we doing anyway yo Andrew Andrew did

Andrew raid I can’t I I want to keep my uh my there we go that open perfect perfect uh maybe that open as well maybe open as well Boop that open as well Boop oh sorry we’re good we’re good help everything’s dying everything’s dying inside like me no anyway but dude well

The wait did did Andrew raid let’s go hello from the other side well dude thank you so much you were raiding oh thank you so much for the raid Andrew I really appreciate it welcome in I thought um I thought I could use that glitch oh interesting oh I see I see I

See I’m watching from Phil Philippines y’ that’s W welcome from the Philippines man how you doing today also uh is there can I can I call you how mad would you be if I called you James how bad would you be if I called you James friend okay

U I have a create a brand now hey that’s W that’s a w friend hold up we’re going to go all the way to this side Plankton sings that song Oh I have I have Anthony the way Plankton sings that song is so heartfelt it’s crazy Anthony it is crazy

The rough necks I love it actually Andrew I really like that thing for you that’s awesome I’m an Indian right now oh dude that’s awesome ja so crazy let’s go let’s go uh I need to eat oh I don’t need to eat what I thought we were empty that’s

Weird it’s crashing because of the delay oh o I’m so sorry frog well thank you so much for popping in welcome Raiders again yes sir I need to focus how what how many blocks were we going to go inside okay let’s see this 1 2 3 4 5 6 1

2 3 4 4 5 6 78 so either we do that but we need to push eight blocks in or we need to push like a little bit that way like this maybe so how we do this wait this is this is eight this is eight oops I

Missed I missed my math a little bit okay so if this is the floor this is very well oh she said in yet wait what wa I’m confused what did I read that wrong oh no was it not India crap I’m from Indiana I read it

India you’re right oh crap Indiana I did I misread it I’m so sorry it’s so funny oops oops yes it’s uh Indiana I I I read that so fast I’m so sorry if watch country and speak English congratulations for you a that’s amazing it’s true congratulations friend y’all

Are POG Champs okay so technically it’ be against this wall which is 1 2 3 4 4 5 six 1 2 3 4 5 6 I think this is looking good yeah you know what we could we could do that should we do one more chat

Or should we do six by six I think six is a good like balcony area I mean we could always change it we just need to you know start it you’re POG champ krix no you are you’re a Pog champ Anthony you are a Pog champ you are a Pog

Champ tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart but matter cuz it Doesn’t part anymore you know seeing those lyrics just written out without any tune just sound it just sounds very I don’t know sad it just sounds really like I’m from or oh dude that’s so cool dude D

That’s that’s that’s a decent State that’s a decent State H let’s see singing songs now yes sir bro we are singing the songs we are singing the songs it does it sounds like almost sounds like something it definitely it sound it sounds interesting that’s that’s what it sounds

Like I I not exactly sure is there something I can relate this to so I know where to do okay looks like it’s related to the second thing in that looks like from or second thing right here so it looks like right here move from huh just

Curious wait you’re mom oh my gosh bomb you really just really you’re mom this man bro like ruthless one 2 three four five six Yep this should be six and then this should be one two three 4 5 six wow wow I can’t believe you just you’re mom this man bro

Did he really deserve that did he really deserve that your mom okay let’s see let’s see we’re going to go over here go a little bit over here oh is that hardcore move um James I’m so sorry for uh missing your message there uh yes this is hardcore mode from

A good good old Java hardcore you know it it’s pretty good it’s pretty fun I’m so sorry I missed your message by the way please forgive me man okay I think this is two one two yeah this is two blocks and then uh then we build up one

Two so I think it was like right here I think it looked like it looked like we had two blocks and we just built up uh who’s from or oh oh who’s from Oregon I don’t know why read that ore I’m so sorry uh the a person in uh crap

The the YouTube chat the YouTube chat I I don’t if you want me to say your name I will say your name a lot but I don’t know if you want me to this only had its own video game and night which is the only state that I 1998 and also has

Gravity Falls at Oregon oh that was in Oregon at his statue from forest somewhere I don’t know is it Oregon I’m assuming maybe a good old good old boom from the other side other said um I thought I heard organ so I was just C yes yes you did

Hear organ you very yeah yes yes yes um it was a beautiful person from the YouTube chat who said they were from uh the beautiful state okay so now we got our actually it was so bad that I wasn’t planning to have this n it’s fine it works it works if we

Want to change it later we can I wasn’t going to have this be I still am not planning to have this okay yeah yeah C we’re going to have to I’m going to keep going this way I don’t want this this part to be a balcony we could but I well

What if we change our mind I don’t know what to do okay chat chat I need like a verbal poll I’m not going to actually unless I of course mods want to run a pole but n let’s let’s take a verbal pool should we have this go straight to

The wall and there’s no balcony piece right here or should there be a balcony piece right here you know because I’m not sure what we do this there wasn’t originally going to be a balcony piece here but now I’m not sure you know also I’m actually maybe we

Should expand this by one yeah now that I’m looking at this this this will be a 2X two before we get to the cages and I don’t want this to be a 2X two I want this to be a 3X3 balcony if we expand this though we’re going to have to not

Do a balcony I think I think we’re going to have to expand this by one Chad I I think it uh cuz I want three uh the Breeders have a few bro oh my goodness yeah I want there to be a three cuz okay cuz if that’s where the

The the the cage starts there’s only going to be a two little thing here be really annoying so I think we should pull this out by one would that be too tight though I it wasn’t originally supposed to be too tight this looks good oh no but I don’t want a two

Balcony but I mean two two might be perfect but three would be ideal I don’t know I don’t know I really I really don’t know actually I think we leave it here for now we fill it up and then if we don’t like it we expand it of course

Now I think we should do should we do blocks here like uh Cobblestone I think we could do blocks I I always think it’s raining right here I don’t know why every time I pass this little spot I feel like it’s raining it’s really weird s organ has a depending L USA it’s

Called Creator oh that’s really cool that very cool Doom I want to go to bed I’m tired Bo thank you so much for popping in Jack I really appre it let’s go let’s go thank you for your advice for having to let the Breeders have a

View bro oh my gosh that’s great other side oh I know that song it’s called hello from I think aele am I right um Al the that no that is not true Anthony don’t you dare talk yourself down like that never never is that a house or a barn

It’s better Doom you want to know what it is it’s a breeding bunker it is one of my best masterpieces I’ve ever made or attempting to make it is a beautiful breeding bunker um let’s see uh what were we going to do I still think yeah chat I

There isn’t going to be a balcony I want to see this beauty here that I made like this little like front piece so we are going to eliminate this this real quick yep yep yep Gone Gone hello sh myele let’s go and I think we might we

Might not incre I don’t know what we’re doing here I got to be honest I don’t know what we can possibly do here and then yep I think this is good I think we’ve got our little our little balcony yeah yeah I think this is going to be

Epic chat we’ll let it we’ll let it of course wrap around to like right here but it’ll it’ll end right here wherever the heck the wall is so at least right here ah let’s see it’s gracious on Twitch I also hello everyone from twitch I hope you’re

Having a good day also um what’s your favorite food and the Doom has spoken chat what’s your favorite food what’s your favorite food um I don’t know my favorite food I would have to say rice and it’s so blame I’m sorry but it’s like so good it’s so good

Sometimes Groot mode one day we’re POG chip we are POG chip dude that’d be such a sad final goodbye bro we just be like imag you’re leaving to like start a life or something and you’re like just remember krix and mon we are Groot uh we are pugp said hello person from YouTube

Oh that’s awesome that’s up yeah I definitely think we’re going to have the expanded and okay chat now the question is do we use wood or do we use stone for the floor here I definitely think cuz Okay this top part was going to be wood this

Bottom part is going to be Stone All the Way Stone I I just yeah V to be Korean oh Korean that’d be cool that’d be cool um oh that is pretty that is very pretty look at that I mean it’s kind of pretty let’s sleep boop boop boop it’s 11 43

Already bro oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s actually kind of late I’m kind of impressed I’m kind of impressed with how late it is you know what it’s bad though we do not oh man we do not have what is it called why my brain blinking

Come on man come on is insane actually is it bad I don’t think I’ve had Korean barbecue I might have to try it bro I might actually have to try it um now that I think about it let me go Boop try to fill in all of these I don’t know how

This is going to go for me this is oh can we reach from here if we can reach from here we can’t we cannot reach from here oh bro okay well this is going to be interesting for a little bit hold up so we got to I’m having this whole

Bottom spot uh be definitely all Cobblestone try one day oh of course of course I definitely will have to we’re kind of struggling look at that look look at that bro I never thought I’d see a day where I have like infinite more amounts of wood than I do Cobblestone this is kind

Of sad we we okay oops I’m going to find another about the the lactose are tolerant so pizza oh no your lactose are tolerant oh man the soup you can get from Olive Gard called oh really dude have you okay question question Doom have you ever had the like

I think it’s called the dumpling soup from Olive Garden it’s so good I love it so much bro but I have you have you tried it uh unless if that’s for your timeout rip I I I don’t know how many different soups that allive uh that Olive Garden

Has we’re going to go up here I hear a zombie where’s the zombie coming from must be like in a cave or like in a a cave we blocked off or something we got it okay awesome awesome never had one before want to try that though dude it’s so it’s so good

It’s so Olive Garden I haven’t had Olive Garden in a hot minute I actually really have not what that Fletcher noise I think lagged and it made this really creepy like skeleton noise and scared the living out of me that did not sound good that did

Not sound good I love how we managed to build this whole build with an excuse me oh what the heck with a hole in the literal wall it’s great it’s totally not scuffed at all all right I think this whole bottom part should be ah I’m completely out do I

Have any I don’t have any more Cobblestone this is my last thing EB EB you say e I say e you say e we all say e oh this dude’s just chilling a hole in a wall anyway well now that we’re we ran out of cobblestone which is not good and

I also don’t know if this should be Cobblestone or not this could be Cobblestone I think I don’t it could be wood too how about the what’s the floor going to be made out of chat no I don’t know the floor could be made out of

Quartz for for hex I what I’m saying it could be made out of quartz the roof instead of wool could also be made out of quartz cuz we have more quartz than Wool by an infinite about so I don’t know what we’re going to do chat should we make it out of

Quartz instead make the rest of the houses out of wool that wouldn’t be very consistent would it load oh that’s fair must have Olive Garden Olive Gard is amazing bro it’s amazing crap is it bad that I forgot what I was doing for a hot

Second oh yeah yeah yeah I was going to put some blocks away so we can have some room so we can have some room to uh expand the breeding bunker okay let’s put most of this away prob like that and then let’s uh yeah let’s go mining it’s mining time and we

Need this pickaxe these villagers are going to be very upset but uh we kind of need to uh have a little bit of space y’all I’m sorry I’m sorry has to has to be this way I might accidentally burn myself alive but if we don’t it’s Boog champ it’s poog

Champ usually streams a little longer I told you guys when I stay on stream K usually stays a little longer it’s true bro oh no it’s not the dumpling soup oh man oh it has C uh kale potatoes and sauce dude that actually sounds really good I’ll have to try it I definitely

Have to try it spaghetti oh my gosh is that the night Slater dude dude is that night Slater oh my gosh welcome in friended welc how you doing oh my gosh there’s a the thing sorry that scared me a little bit I wasn’t not expecting water spaghetti spaghetti but dude have

You tried it though it’s so good the dumpling soup I don’t eat the is it weird that in the dumpling soup I don’t eat the dumplings I just eat the soup anyway I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll eat the dumplings but like they’re not like what

I go for first you know or I’ll go for first to get it over with and then eat the rest of the soup now the dumplings aren’t bad they’re really good they’re just I don’t know I like the soup the soup tastes good I’m here for the soup bro

There’s going to be mobs that spawn here if we don’t get torches like right now uh hold on chat we got to we got to go oh crap nope nope okay hry if there’s a child the uh these villagers are done for okay okay these his his huh he what

Huh I like that one that’s like huh anyway boop boop okay we have coal I’m put the coal back and we have a bunch of this and I’m putting it on my off hand at least it’s not 13 torches when it gets 13 torches we need to refill it

Right now oh my gosh hi oh hi dude hello friend hello welome how you doing today how you doing today okay now we just kind of flood the place with torches because if we don’t it’s it’s bubye time okay it is bubye time and the highest

Bubby time we’ve ever heard in our lives okay no it’s not weird huh I don’t eat doublings in the soup I’ll take them out of the soup yeah same it’s it’s just I don’t know it’s just the soup itself tastes so good you know you know it’s

Just I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know why but it just tastes a little better you know yes sleep right now sleep it’s almost 2: in the morning yes dude sleep please sleep please bro imagine it being 10:49 for ramen for real for real that’s so R my headphones

Are so glitchy oh no I like be the worst vain are you using like Bluetooth headphones or like the one with wires okay got to do a little bit of this okay Mr Bob and K cat yes sir you should sleep wow K wait what oh yeah how how it is I

See how it is no that’s a good thing I’m just like imagine it being so early for you and I have to suffer foring early W zombie converts to drown huh okay like what was that noise and I look at my subtitles and there I don’t even

Know I don’t even no I mean you’re ahead of me kri that’s crazy am I ahead of you I thought you were ahead of me by one 10 49 and yes blooth that’s 104 enough for you crazy and yes Bluetooth nice oh rip I’m so sorry they’re glitching that

Sucks it just feels good yeah sometimes my brain just went Blake sorry I need $10 want a don’t for I broke to man we can be broke buddies together we can be broke buddies together but also Jeffy welcome to the stream how you doing friend welcome go in oh go so

Zombies when they sink for long become drowned cuz they can’t swim [Applause] so yes chat so if you guys didn’t know that Anthony has described it for for the chat for all the people who didn’t know that in chat for all the people who didn’t know that Anthony has have this lovely message for you I’m getting a new for Christmas heavy

Hey that’s good to hear that’s good to hear man oh let’s go that’s a w Christmas gift um I’m sorry I’m sorry just just for people who didn’t know in the in the chat of course just just the chat okay you’re welcome yes yes you know Anthony Anthony to the rescue for people

Who didn’t know in the Chat we’re chilling we’re chilling okay we just need a couple more we now we’ve got a lot bro that’s great that’s great let’s put a couple more torches down uh do there we go there we go oh there we go perfect all okay we M

The dirt I guess we can mine the dirt uh okay now that we’ placed the Torches in an ungodly manner let’s oh yo thank you so much for the follow on man I cannot read the text that small I sorry but do think for the follow one of

Us one of us chat one of us let’s go bro thank you so much bro on it true it’s true okay let’s do that and then we could try to fill in the rest of whatever is here maybe you know uh let’s switch out

Porches put dirt I have dirt go me can I have dirt real quick thank you I appreciate I appreciate I’ll be okay sounds good I miss my man my pray manest I have this is this tank thing that’s so sad what oh that’s really sad that’s really

Sad don’t care people my real place let me tell you tell uh what cck are you on uh every kind no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I am joking I am joking my Christian Minecraft server of course we did uh only oh sorry my dude Z welcome in how

You doing oh if you’re if you’re like saying that for a response of why I couldn’t read your name because it was so small is because my alerts aren’t working so the only only way I could read your name is if it comes to the

Side and my my like stream overlay is so small like it all the words are just not they’re blurring together they’re so bad it’s it’s it’s really bad but tomorrow they should be fixed I’m going to fix them it’s it’s kind of bad so I’ve been reading people’s name off of that way

But dude there we go I can’t reach a little block I can’t reach little I told you about the C Minecraft it’s true blasting oh that’s awesome this about almost got me blasting laughter that is good to hear bro that is good to hear okay Bo there we go I’m going go

Down perfect awesome let’s go over here we are chilling we are chilling like villains I can’t stop saying that okay it’s just uh a little bit of a habit we should have something back here I’m not sure what maybe we someone falling like crazy I’m crazy

I’m crazy Al I did not realize have my stream open on my phone my battery’s probably dead my battery is probably really dead I had didn’t open to read alerts and I failed uh I haven’t played Minecraft in like too much you haven’t that’s fair though that’s fair but

Someday someday you are going to have the Minecraft grind again you’re going to have that feeling in your gut you’re going to be like oh my gosh I want to play Minecraft it’s going to be great but I totally understand that and yo thank you so much for the follow I

Really appreciate it my man yo one of us one of us chat what is going on with my phone okay sorry uh yo one of us let’s go thank you so much I checked my phone to see if I could see who F like the name of the follow

But it it broken and it’s not showing anyone’s chats so all my twitch is broken twitch is so broken maybe I’m broken Chad I think I’m the problem anyway sorry anyway yo B B welcome to the stream yeah welcome in how are you doing today friend welcome in welcome in

I love your name oh dang dang dang dang what sorry you I’m confuzzled it’s okay though let’s go up let’s go up we going to go all the way up all the way up all the way up there we go and wait what would we oh yeah we wanted

To fill this up all the way but since we’re going to go to the wall I’m going to go ahead and do this for now just to just to see what’s going on yeah I’m not sure what we’re going to do here but just in case we’re just

Going to kind of kind of do that actually hang on oh oh oh another food person another food wait is there another oh but Mr Bob Ramen y’all are food twins it’s great great ow bot thank you so much for the follow yo what of us what of us chat one

Of us thank you so much for the follow me I really appreciate it let’s go let’s go dude yo welome in welcome in yes sir I R it I won’t risk it oh oh I is food person you are a food person it’s great have all the food people chat we are the

Chat we are friendly to food people yes yes like it’s a match oh w w they’re buddies they’re buddies let’s go and we can go Boop and we can go oh that’s not what I that’s just that imagine I left it there for fun just to

Irritate all of you it irritates me too much to leave it there but that would be funny that would be very funny okay so I think we’ve successfully fixed all of it can I here I’m going to do this and then we’re going to do this

Do this there we go there we go and do this yo is this a server this is not a server but we do have a server it’s just not currently up it’s uh under maintenance it’s been under maintenance for a while but hopefully soon it’ll be all all back up it’ll be

Amazing but soon soon server I promise Yi let’s go for people it’s great it’s great okay so now that we got the whole botom layer I wasn’t planning for it to be this uh I don’t know how to explain it normal not unique so we’re going to have to

We’re going to have to do something to it to make it look I think that’s this is the piece that’s going to make it look epic I honestly I honestly believe that if I could just reach cuz we just have a little bit longer we just have a

Couple more a couple more y thank you so much for the follow FN R yo what of us one of us CH one of us thank you so so much welcome in D stream friend yo let’s go let’s go let me go over here real

Quick there we go Boop and then Boop and we are good I think we are good okay perfect oh what oh my gosh what was that y thank you for the h I appreciate it let’s go let’s go okay profiles for me honestly that’s fair I don’t think I

Don’t even think it would work if I tried I think we should start filling up it uh all the stuff with the good the good stuff I don’t I don’t know how to explain it the the planks planks we need to start Ping up everything with planks

Now it is time Christmas theme song stes playing honestly that’s what’s going to happen that’s what’s going to happen all right um should I putl this in half I don’t know if I want to split it in half just yet well we are going to run out if

We do not get more wood soon which we have a lot of wood we just have to go get it you know all right there we go we need to get oh you know I have a great way to get up actually what where

I doing how do we get how wait what wait what oh yeah there’s my water pew pew I was wondering where I went I was like bro bro how am I supposed to get anywhere without my water pew pew it’s crazy it’s crazy okay going to end it up

Great great and we shall start filling in the walls yep uh this is going to be a process chat this is going to be a process but you know what it’s going to be amazing it’s going to amazing we actually got a lot of this done and I’m

Now understanding how people can start finishing me mega builds cuz I’m like holy crap they take forever and how do you commit your time to something so cool I’m just excited to build the cages holy crap that is going to be the highlight of this whole build is just

The cages that they’re going to be in honestly it’s going to be very amazing very amazing I process I’m dead did I say I’m a process I’m kidding oh I love it I guess I’m a process now that’s great that’s great uh or it’s a process and I’m I see

It I see it that makes sense that makes sense you make sense I understand I understand uh it has finally made a touch of phasmophobia I really Photoshop let’s go oh come on don’t make I’m good at NEOS do not don’t no yes okay okay okay we did it sorry I

Was about to I was about to cry if I did not make that Neo I got to be honest I about to you know come in a little bit of Cry perfect ah ah there we go boop boop oh we missed that’s actually really fast okay we can actually get walls filled in I missed it no oh we’re struggling hold on there we go there we go I can’t believe dude we have so much wood it’s kind of crazy

It’s kind of kind of we need to eat before we die be very good uh someone tell me does Mr Bob ran have a food Prof profile picture I think the last time I checked I think they have a I only checked ramen’s Prof twitch profile once and it was actually like a

Week ago and they had a really awesome Christmas one a Christmas profile I think if I remember correctly I could be wrong I was totally I want to make a joke of this I was totally stalking Ramen just for the fun of it just to see

What I’m kidding I’m kidding but I did actually check I I I think I tapped on your Twitch I don’t know why I don’t cuz I wanted to see if the names linked up I think check now it’s the same it’s the same one oh anyway yeah totally I

Totally stocked a twitch profile 100% 100% hey yo krix listen listen it was worth it it was worth it okay we got thato Boop do we think we can get this Vol down yes we got it I’m so proud yeah I’m not hearing any noises from my uh oh

I’m kind of hearing noises is it just me is it low maybe I need to turn this up I’m going crazy okay um whoa who now what what do you mean that is not oh I got that let’s go this is this went from really cool to just not where I was looking

For cck camera runs with Ence bro this isn’t I think it’s cuz it’s to block you see this just not fitting where it needs to be fitting this has the potential though it has potential it just needs to maybe we should put a back one I have a couple

Ideas of what we could do to make this look good so my my my mammals what my mammals that’s so funny dude well welcome in my fellow mammal dude welcome in how you doing hi question it’s a very interesting High question mark like glass would just look sick as a top I

Know it we’re not doing glass but anyway y’ thank you so much for the follow yo dude actual Legend yo one of us one of us chat one of us yeah trust the process chat for a little bit we’re going to make something different out of it anyways that’s me have lost you’re

Lost okay so we are farmers bu bum bum don’t know if you knew that chat but I I just got to tell you that we were farmers we actually Chad I made a mistake so funny thing this needs to be three blocks so we’re going to have to

Go do a couple things once again bro why is this looking oh that’s why that was looking that way okay well sh shell let me just hop down here real quick yeah we’re going to have to make like a I don’t even know what we’re going to

Have to make we can make like a I don’t know I do not know actually I have an idea what we can make please let me land on this okay thank you we need to make something like this like 1 two three three 1 two three 1 2 3 1 2 3 one

2 3 is that one 2 three I can’t tell that one two three that’s a one two ah crap no oh two three one really two there we go Boop and now we are well actually I don’t know not like that not like that hold on hold on uh give me trust trust

The process trust the process we’re going to keep going up but not this way we’re just going to we’re going to eliminate this block all these and we’re going to do one more here like that and that’s what I want okay then we got to go here one 2 three

4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 four one 2 four one hey there we go there we go something like this and we’ll fill that all up with cob it’s just when I say trust the process I really do mean trust the process okay

Trust me when I say trust the process okay it’s been hour oh no chat I can’t read your chat messages cuz oh no I can’t no I can’t we’re good we’re good I don’t know how to do describe myself as a run turn to give the evidence oh no oh

S oh my gosh oh my gosh yo did I get it too late BR Booker you just just a tiny bit late just just only like a couple seconds a couple seconds I’m sorry but y oh my gosh we call me metal uh for not calling me metal I would be cursed iron

Ore oh you want me to call you long legs what okay anyway that’s that’s fair that’s uh that’s very fair but also gingi welcome to the Stream how are you doing yeah big sad big sad bro trust the processing it’s just not it I just that just single-handedly ruined it

I just even this is just not listen trust the process we’re experimenting okay push behind you are looking s they are looking kind of sus they are looking quite sussy if you ask me man they are really really sus now okay I got to admit that I know

I don’t know if we’re going to use quartz or not but uh some just a white block would look so nice there I’m just saying I just I can’t explain it it’ look really nice or glass I’m not even kidding the rest of it being glass would

Look better than uh who did the sus who committed the I can’t even see redeemed which points but you know what I see you redeemed the sus and now I don’t know how to feel about myself and now I don’t know how to feel about myself bro wow I

Can’t you’re just really pulling the sus out here man you’re pulling the sus out here uh Neo crap no okay we just go up here then oh sus oh so sus bro so how could you how could you w wow wow I can’t believe you commit something like

The sus bro you committed the mega sus no the sus sus is it’s it’s working it’s working yeah it is working real hard anyway oh anyway trying not to get cancelled oh makes sense makes sense yeah there’s just something else that needs here I’m telling you that wool would complete the

Build but then I don’t know how we’d finish the top part cuz the the roof was going to be wool I don’t I don’t know who we going to finish this well I am will f figure it out we will figure it out we will I will I will look

At some stuff get some inspiration we’re going to figure out how to finish this build I’m just saying we will we will 100% well ladies and gentlemen I just would like to say this has been amazing stream but I will be ending stream now on both sides I absolutely thought think

We had so much fun today and we will continue building it tomorrow okay we’re going to find the best stuff we’re going to find we’re going to find the absolute best stuff okay well guys thank you so much for the amazing work real hard breath laughing too hard bro that’s

Amazing that’s amazing oh my gosh well guys please have a great rest for today I want I really appreciate if you stayed for the rate because because guess what guys uh what because your mom ah okay because you can you get channel points and you might find someone you really

Like which is awesome I mean why wouldn’t you you know um let’s see we could raid dude we’re live so late that actually most people are even Al it’s crazy we haven’t rate Canen in a while I’m just k okay guys guys I’m going to raid

Ken but here’s the thing instead of the normal raid messages we have to say I’m just Ken okay or you’re just Ken you’re just Ken how funny Would it be how funny would it be if we just like bombarded their chat with you you’re just Ken

Anywhere else you’d be a 10 oh my gosh okay guys please please go show the streamer all the love I freaking love them they are amazing they are amazing so please please seems like I woke up the perfect time yes sir but Devon I hope you have a great rest of your guys

This night hold up K I almost fell their name wrong oh no okay please go show this streamer all the love I love it ready awesome awesome please work I can’t tell if it’s working so I’m going to have to do it off my normal chat cuz

I can’t even see raids because for some reason I can’t see raids okay well I love you guys please go show the stream all the love it’s they’re amazing they’re amazing uh if you guys want to join the Discord and see when I’m next live or participate in Susy Sunday

Here’s the Discord let me show it real quick There’s the link okay bye chat bye didn’t work hold on why is it not working three times oh my gosh e ah A ah

This video, titled ‘🔥Building- THE EPIC- BREEDING BUNKER!! Hardcore Day 340! -Come Chat!- !discord !twitch’, was uploaded by kittrix on 2023-12-10 07:26:07. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:21:48 or 15708 seconds.

Bit ago we did hardcore minecraft, and we have gotten the GREEN (Cactus and not even by a desert, I got it from an IGLOO.). Last stream was Spooping around Hardcore committing the casual Arson! then, we got A WATER PEW PEW (trident) and starting le BREEDING BUNKER. BUT TODAY- TODAY IS 🔥Building- THE EPIC- BREEDING BUNKER!! Hardcore Day 340! -Come Chat!- !discord !yt

Thank you all for the very special stream! Super exited to try out streaming on YouTube! Totally not going to have any funny moments, nope

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

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  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

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  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek

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  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

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  • Jack’s Mojack Op: Gaming with AnshuBisht

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  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

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  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

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    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

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  • Fantasia SMP

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  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

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  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

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  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

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  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

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  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

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  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

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  • I regretted this in Minecraft

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  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

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  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

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  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More