Insane! 4,800 Hardcore Minecraft Days – I Survived!

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Today my collection of every single block is fully finished I’m also going to get one of every single different type of villager build a machine that gets me charged creepers that then allows me to farm lots of mop heads and I managed assuming my old pulp Right From Another Dimension what could

Possibly go wrong not chapels are the first priority I mean come on at this point it’s a tradition so I’ll ride on this to load the ward and disabler grab some of these then I’ll shoot over this way fly a massive distance and begin operation ancient city Mountain Spotted

I shall see what is below it’s deep dark I’ll keep digging down and find nothing well there’s an even taller Mountain over in fact there’s loads of them and every single one must be checked still nothing nothing and I’m gonna admit it this time there’s something which means it’s time to start

Searching hopefully gonna be lots to find down here but the only one I’m actually bothered about is of course the notch apples oh my goodness we got two let’s grab both of them check every other chest get more success oh my goodness it’s just back to back I’ve just found five really

Quick the odds are in my favor today and things have gone so well down here that I’m gonna try and track down another one that has been successfully done and I’ll check every chest and that’s the entire Place searched only managed to get one notch up like

The the first one was definitely the best one but I’m happy with six so I’m ready to head home also guys I’ve got new merch it’s a fancy one with my logo on it it’s available in black and white and it’s available on right now discovered a

Bastion on my way home just gotta be careful I don’t die that uh the surrounding me on all sides thankfully they are pretty stupid and uh and jump in lava a lot of the time and in the chest you know what it’s absolutely rubbish it’s open for a notch apple or

Maybe some nether riding Gods but I guess I should just forget about that and fly back home my elytra have also broken just as I’m getting close actually I can just mine in here and walk back for the rest of the journey here we are lots of items can be

Uploaded then I’ll grab six item frames there’s of course no space in here for me to run more well that’s exactly why I’ve got this giant pyramid but not chapels in the gaps I should probably also get these Elijah fixed I’m kind of sick of walking at this point best

Options to grab a hole place a few catalysts as I mine it up you’ll see it get better and the other stuff can be repaired at the Gold Farm next is time I complete the task of collecting every single block started last episode still quite a bit of work to be done one

Of them will require void trading for more quartz and that is all of my emeralds used up got a pretty good amount of course if you ask me and now I do want to travel back along this big pathway there’s also a problem that I’ve decided it’s finally time I solve gonna

Grab a load of stone and add buttons to every single one of these ice blocks because I’m sick of random mobs being able to spawn hopefully this won’t take too long mission accomplished whilst I’m here I’ll nip through the portal so the warden switch gets activated then I can

Zoom along here with confidence that it will be mob free next I’ll drop off these items AFK at this huggling farm for more food you can’t say the hot wings down there but trust me they’re spawning in look at all this food nicely filtering to the chest I’ll fill this up

Then head back this way to continue work on this place also completely forgot the couple deep slate so I’ll grab them in fact I might as well just grab everything else as well then Zoom along here and actually get back to work on this building project that’s another

Level completed I love all the different types of blocks in a little bit because for now I just want to get all of this done this one is also now done just need to sort this staircase and work out how it’s going to go around the corner I

Think that’ll work best looking nice also reckon a bit of lighting in the walls will be ideal I was gonna put trap doors in front but yeah they don’t look great maybe if I make some sticks mine Cobblestone and craft a bunch of levers I can make these look a little bit

Better although this is you can’t power things we see London so it’s not working I’ll just forget the Trump person and get back to to work that work is to add polish deep slay all the way along here I’m going to add these lights and this

Layer is complete as well but for the fact that I do have to take the very long process of mining away at the reinforced deep flight I’m using a siltouch pickaxe right now just to prove that even if you mine it you can’t pick it up finally one broken you can see it

Didn’t pick it up that is the first time I’ve ever broken one and that’s the entire reason why I built this thing in an ancient city this is my silk touch pickaxe and I’m gonna have to break the other two mission accomplish let’s block that up bring those deep slate is now in

My collection and I shouldn’t have to do this but based on some of the comments in the last episode I’m gonna go all the way home grab One Singular piston and prove to you guys that you cannot move reinforced deep Slade with redstone despite all the people commenting

Thinking you can’t look it up it doesn’t work okay the Piston works fine look it’ll extend straight away when the green post deeply ain’t there that was a slight waste of my time but I did feel like I just had to prove a point and now it’s back to my humble building that’s

The final staircase complete which is nice because all of these will just be on the exact same level making it much much easier to build quite a bit of mining will have to take place to fit everything in you’ve been covered more diamonds while doing this always a nice

Little bonus and I can use the Deep slate that I’m mining to create the staircases that will be placed along here I will be getting rid of some of these end portal blocks at some point I actually meant I want to keep the frames but I also want the actual portal blocks

Themselves to be part of my collection so one of those is gonna have to remain as well the others can either be removed with a few different methods now to get all of them added along this side I actually get down to every single stairs when I’m out of Polish deep sight

However the roof does still need to be mined out and changed to quartz so that will give me everything that I need to craft them and place them along here another thing is to have quartz along here and I need to place more for this

Roof got this far but now we’ll have run out of quartz and I do also need to start removing a bunch of these frame blocks but I don’t think I currently have the materials needed for that which means flying all the way back home with yeah the portals here those stairs kind

Of blocked it from view but yeah I’ll grab all the necessary materials thankfully I also have plenty of TNT in here trapdoors are the only other needed thing and when I do this I have to be so so careful that I break the correct ones

Because if I I break one that I’m not supposed to there’s no getting it back this also has been much much better since I spawn proofed it now this spawner must be fully protected because I cannot allow it to blow up would be too much of a big disaster if I like

Okay you know it’s going to be annoying though because it’s going to be able to spawn mobs I guess I can light it up I hope that would stop it from spawning things but anyway it’s getting completely surrounded and I definitely know that this block here can be removed

So it is time to get to work it’s the first one gone the portal still intact everything’s looking good I know that you can use a mushroom to get rid of portal box but I want to be controlled I want to take my time I want

To be safe with it so that’s why I’m taking my time I also can’t really put a tnt here because there’s a portal book in the way now I’ll probably just go to the end I don’t want to blow things up there so we’re going to have to just do

This and it does still work sometimes just just not every time second attempt was also unsuccessful but this time it’s mission accomplished try and decide which ones I should get rid of I think I’m gonna keep that one and that one and all the rest of them

Can go so I shall get busy doing it it’s also an absolute pain blowing things up in a stronghold because you just end up with a million silverfish I’ll be glad when this is done trying to be more and more careful I’m pretty sure I have to get rid of this

One I better be certain well I got rid of anyway and stupid silverfish leave me alone whoa look now I’ve gone through and it’s about seven million of you look at you eh all coming through as well well you know what happens to you all

Right now I’ve got to travel all the way back past 70 million drinkers just leave him to it at least it’s a fun Journey going across this pathway and now that I’m finally back I can see that yeah those two there goes a piston those two definitely need to stay but these behind

It need to go they’ve once again got the Dilemma that I can’t really Place TNT here I’ll probably go through the poll I’ll give it a go though you never know what might I always stayed okay nice but then the Piston placed the wrong way around which is not silverfish just

Leave me alone things God didn’t put a block there I kind of messed it up but for take two it’s mission accomplished this one keeps messing up I think it’s because I’m studying an import block which isn’t quite a full block so I’m gonna try something a little bit different I’m

Gonna instead place the trap door there then leave uh move across get underneath and do that still didn’t work unfortunately so plan C is to get rid of the end portal frame first there we go and after doing that still didn’t work what is it going to

Take a change in angle of attack there we go work straight away with that and I believe that’s that’s every block I actually need to get rid of a few of these stairs do need to be put back I’ll remove all of this Buster Mountain obsidian look at that I’m covered it

Down with the tnta who says it’s not your back two diamonds very nice oh yeah I’m mining up all this and now that’s looking as it should this can be brought around the corner it might be easy with the stairs but silverfish stops what this is just gonna

Be a part of it that I’ve realized that silverfish are going to spawn maybe light will stop them I’m not sure I’m not gonna get my hopes up though and if I wanted to continue this I need one thing one thing that can only be obtained if I fly along here

I was also very smooth the way I just went through that Gap but yeah the thing that I’m going to be getting lots and lots of is of course Quartz in hindsight I could have just gone through that in Portal rather than flying all this way

But I didn’t need to drop off my stuff this guy’s got his trades already and waiting which means all I need is plenty of emeralds what I currently have is not plenty that’s almost more like it and thankfully I have a shulker box which has plenty more this part is easy but it

Does also take a little bit of time and I think I might have messed up straight away did I miss no I did I almost almost traded too fast you’ve got to be patient in this and at the very least it is definitely faster than going mining for

It match number one of emeralds used up but I’m not stopping there I want even more quartz so I never have to worry about it ever ever again which is good news for this guy because he gets even more business I reckon with this I’ve definitely got enough I’ll send you back

To your home but this shocker box as well hopefully I’ll be able to completely Finish the build well time will tell if that is actually the case since it’s taken way more resources than I expected it to let’s grab you put it all the way along here and it also needs

To oh okay well this is the danger you can just walk through mistake any time as I was saying it all seems to be on this side but without me doing that I’m thinking so do we want like what don’t you dare push me in as I was saying do

We want quartz to be like that in the corner perhaps and then that’s also there I don’t think that works I think we want some of the police deep flag which I apparently don’t have but I can make more of that easily and place it like so yeah still not sure about this

It may need adjusting up future point but for now I can just focus on putting this up here let’s get to the point where I’m not gonna have enough of these stairs although I am surrounded by Deep snakes I could probably just mine up

More for now a good way for me to get more will be to mine out the roof with what I get I can make more stairs if I craft a few extra slabs it can also get replaced you know I’ve come to realize that I’ve survived so many days in

Minecraft though I have actually an internal body clock and I just I just know when it’s gonna be night time when I can sleep I just went to bed before and as I was doing I was like how did I even know that it was time and yeah that

I’ve just spent way too much time on this game I’m hoping this is this is probably gonna be long enough might need extending once I’ve added loads of blocks in all the other thing to worry about is getting in the lights in I think this is going to be a great

Collection but to confirm that I’m gonna have to go and head back so I can collect every single block first I need more of every single log because I forgot about the stripped variants not really sure how I was going to deliver them to the place but I’ve realized I’ve

Completely run out of firework Rockets So the new priority is to grab Gunpowder the crap papers and stuff completely uh run out and then lots of these can be made unfortunately run out of sugarcane as well not as much as I wanted shouldn’t be too much of an issue

Because I have filled this shocker box I’ll craft a few extra for my inventory and get all of these delivered to the right place I would like a shulker box of every single color so that I can begin the collection of every single colored block including the shulker Box

Itself there are 12 colored items including banners beds carpets candles concrete hunted many many more there we go that’s red orange yellow lime green cyan light blue dark blue purple magenta pink white light gray gray black and finally Brown took a little while but it is very nice to have every single

Colored block don’t know if I’ll group them by color in the collection or group them by item and then it’ll be a nice little Rainbow effect all those colors it’s almost 200 extra items as well which is a pretty amazing amount I don’t think I want to put them in this choker

Box and by that I mean chest I don’t want to put them in that chest instead they could have their own personal one which looks very nice and neatly organized for my next job I’d like to get a few more levels I feel like 279

It’s a it’s a bit of a rubbish amount I don’t want to spend too long this Farm it’s probably not my best XP farm but it’s it’s pretty good it’s just very very simple and quick to use but if it doesn’t take me too long I’ll aim for

300 levels and there it is 300 levels which means I can now get back to business one of those things I actually want to sort out if I can find where I put the chains there we go we want all of that is I want to fix this bit this

Hole I put it here for that so I could get a huggling through but they definitely don’t need to be here anymore they’re just kind of ruining the look of the place and I think yeah there’s one all the way over here this is where I brought mobs from a fortress so again

That should be nicely tied it up eventually this walkway which will take me to spawn needs to be done as well but then I need to wait because this is actually my only way in and out of the another what are you doing now by the

Way well this is my only way in and out so I probably need a way in and out as well but I’m not thinking about that for now I want to grab a couple of these shulker boxes and then I can go on a block collection spray beginning with

Obsidian crying obsidian sponge a sunflower tough turtle egg lily of the valley jack-o-lantern stone brick stairs chiseled stone brick Barrel Brewing Stand Moss azalea flowering Azalea big drip please a little drip Leaf sport Blossom string Azalea leaf and flowering Azalea Leaf rooted dirt hanging Roots

Allium with a head and I also require a conduit for my collection and the easiest way for me to get the Nautilus shells is to disable the mob switch and way to the drowned farm this will get me everything that I need hopefully that’s long enough the uh the sky has opened

And the rain is pouring and I have ended up in what on Earth is up in there I got completely blown up I did oh I go wait what I’m extremely extremely confused as to what happened why did I go to that but wait did I remove the other Port what on Earth

Perhaps I shouldn’t have gone through that portal and it didn’t link like it used to I’ll get hold of a few more resources and then I can fix whatever weird disaster happened in here hopefully that fixes the issue I also think creepers are spawning on this Farm

In fact they are and then they’re going through the portals at the bottom and all they can connect to is that drowns one this Farm is completely obsolete when I built the EOL Farm that’s why I don’t mind messing with it I’m setting all of this up so the water will be

There permanently the spawn proofing it I’m also gonna spend a bit of time eliminating all these shortcuts because I think they’re just causing issues more than anything okay this is probably not the best way to do it now this is definitely a bad idea but these are all

Making it so that other mobs won’t spawn in this vicinity they were good for the void base but that ship has sailed mission accomplished and this Farm should now work much much better before I stay up here for too long I’m gonna test and see if the plan is working it’s

Not great I’ve got more creepers tonight I’m guessing 1.19 just messed up was born in rates so it’s time for Plan B grab the three that I already have to make up four and then I’ll go out in search of the rest first one spotted which means I’ve got five there’s number

Six seven and finally number eight to me actually forever to find the last shell I I’ve taken out so so many drowns to get it and now my focus can be tracking down a heart of the sea which will require a shipwreck that has already been looted great what about this one

Well it has a map I need to fly West and dig right about here everything else can stay I can also hear a Wandering trade hold on a second will you show me imagine if he was gonna sell me north of the Shelf once upon a time I could have

Found some of those items useful but but not now instead conduit can be crafted which is one of the more difficult ones out of the way also got quite a bit of copper from taking out all the drowns and they can be used to make a lightning

Rod which is another of them checked off the list so those two can be added to this collection a junk can be gotten rid of I also seem to have misplaced a shulker box I’m hoping I’ve placed it down here somewhere here it is thank goodness for that we can put these back

And bundle everything back together then I can go to the nether fly up here and repair my light track that’s all sorted at this point I’m just gonna fill these up with all the remaining items such as activator rail Underside slab stairs and wall Anvil beehive and Blackstone slabs

There’s a wall also a cake a candle and a campfire I’ll also get every variant of brick Cobble deep slate diorite Granite Mossy Cobble and Bricks Cobblestone deep slate deep slate tiles mud bricks polish Underside diorite and granite all of the black stone and Polished deep slight variants facts mud

Stone variants two chiseled my three cracked and with the red nether brakes that is all of those kind of variants done well kind of like those like with the brick slabs wall things all completed I think I will grab and deliver these shulker boxes and then

Whilst I’m in the nether I can try and track down some ancient debris got to the life of me remember how I got down here now I’ll just have to dig my way out and swim my way through Lava with hopefully without dying okay well the old totem got popped so

Yeah it could have been better but I am back safe and sound as you’re well aware I have loads of totems to go out and speaking of using totems I can’t remember if I’ve actually finished this area around the one oh there’s still little bits to be dug out which requires

Me to grab loads more chiseled Blackstone and place as much of it down as I can before the warden gets too angry and already he is it’s annoying because that building when you get the darkness is just very very annoying I also don’t know what my plan of Escape is

Here we go okay I can place those I’m so close to finishing it as well it’s just it’s just annoying as I’m watching please mail the guardian and my weather I find I should probably get out of here so I don’t get any bad effects from that

Don’t fancy mining fatigue and I’ll keep continuing to finish that area around the world and every time I’m passing and it’s calmed down more importantly I have a mission to find beetroot I own every other crop of a beetroot is one that I just never bothered with I also

Apparently completely forgot that this Village is undergoing a raid and I I just left them to you know what this could be a they can just be a permanent rated Village that’s very very nasty of me this one might have what I want only one way to find out no that’s seeds that’s

Potatoes I do require a grindstone but I did not have the beetroot that I wanted and it also didn’t have any carrots but hopefully if I try one more place it’ll be a bit better for me well it had the carrots but no sign of beetroot so it’s

Time for Plan B Plan B is to head to the nether then to the end and then to the outer Island to find an End City because from here I can get something that people never ever get from ancient city nobody ever cares about it it’s just the

Most pointless loot in the world but for the first time in history I have found a use for it if I can just reach this chest without I’m just about it it wasn’t even in there perhaps in this place it’ll be better nope okay it’s not a little rarer than I first thought

Surely one of these two has it okay no I always used to think it was just in every single chest in entity but apparently not maybe here there we go with a very rare beetroot seeds can’t believe I traveled all this way just for now and with these extra four I have

Just 64 blocks left to collect but one of them I’d like to make a farm for since I do have a complete collection of mob heads but I don’t have any spares so just being able to have a bigger supply will be much much better this Farm is

Going to require a load of items that I will have in this shulker box in three two one and there we go I am ready to rock and roll with all this stuff whilst I’m on my way I don’t want to forget about sorting out this place although

The one does sound kind of angry is yep all right I guess uh we should let him calm down a little bit more I should definitely get another totem for safety purposes oh for this bit of ocean seems like a pretty good spot I reckon it’ll

Be useful for me to pull out some scaffolding so I can easily get to the correct height this shroom light is going to be the very spot that I AFK on all the platforms are gonna be built with glasses since they are spawn proof and the reason for the red glasses to

Signify where the safe distance will be to be away from the charge creeper and not take damage although with my fantastic armor I I wouldn’t worry about the creeper anyway the storage will be at the bottom here I’ll also widen these stairs like so and this part right here

Is where the charge creeper and the other mob are gonna be or at least they’re gonna be sent down here for the big blast waterlog rails will push them to the very middle and now to build up the chamber here there’s going to be observers with note blocks that will

Send the signal upwards and these are the shoots that the creepers and on this side the mobs will be falling down this bit here is where Minecarts are gonna get dispensed onto powered rails that will pick up the mobs those water bits are full that are going to push the

Different mobs around the gate’s been opened or closed is what will keep things in position when they drop out of the spawning room they’re going to go on this water that will push them along here let me just fill up my water buckets okay not like that but filling

My water buckets as well and those gates are going to be controlled by the Redstone the lining Rod will be here which will turn into charge creepers and when it does it’ll let them go through but to do that with God’s gonna need some comparators as well and a repeater

But I I think I may have forgotten to bring one moment my beacon is going a little bit crazy over there but anyway I’ll grab one of these had it right there and place down a load of other bits of a redstone I’ll just spawn prove

All of these and build these shoots that the mobs that spawn will fall down these bits are gonna have water on them and so they definitely need boxing in along these sides it’s all starting to come together and as far as Farms go this is a very classic design this is like the

OG way that you would make a mob farm because I’m going to be using trap doors to make the mobs walk in I mean this this really does roll back the years they think the trap door is a block they can walk on and they can’t quite clearly

So okay that’s that’s upside down but yeah they most certainly cannot and they just end up going down my little shoe now to play slabs in a formation that will stop spiders from spawning and then a lad stairs all the way around the outside which will stop light from

Getting in but will also allow for pack spawning to occur looking good then more blocks all the way around the top the trap doors will ensure that only creepers can spawn in this part but that’s that’s how I’ll get the charge Creepers the final thing we’re doing is

Just to cover the entire roof with these slabs the reason I’m coming out this far is to help the whole pack spawning thing the spawn raids don’t need to be super fast because I’m gonna spend a lot of time just kind of waiting there for a thunderstorm to happen and the mobs can

Kind of Spawn at their own nice slow and steady Pace it’s also very very important that I’d leave a gap right here that’s so that the lightning can get down to the lightning rod I block that up and the whole Farm will just not work so I definitely don’t want to do

That I’m also very very hopeful that I have indeed got enough slabs to finish this it could be a little bit tight looks like I did indeed have enough it is very very close to being complete I’ll just get rid of this little water feature right here remove all

Scaffolding and then there needs to be a bit of a minecart crafting spree if I run out of those it will mess up the entire Farm also looks as though mobs this morning we’ve got creepers we’ve got some over here so at least that part’s working almost run out of mind

Doing this there’s a block of Quartz in my eye in chest as well doing that couldn’t quite fill up this one but not to worry because I can take that white shulker box fly to spawn and remember this massive iron bomb that I built well

It is a great way to replenish me iron stocks I don’t even have it running at the moment because it’s uh yeah I’ve just got so many iron blocks somewhere there we go loads of iron blocks along here loads longer in fact maybe I should turn it on again I reckon my iron

Supplies it are just getting a little bit low because my eyes applies could just use a little bit of a Top-Up although by the look of things the farm is not working properly I bet they updated how Iron Golem spawn again and that’s broken before I better not have

Done but I’ll have to look into that either way I need lots of iron and I might actually end up using all the iron that I’ve got if some smart person could tweet me as to why me if I’m not working properly that would be absolutely fantastic well the main positive

Takeaway is I have fully filled a shulker box I still have quite a bit of iron to spare and now I’m gonna AFK up here for a bit and see if I can get lucky and get a thunderstorm I’ll let all the mob spawns we get a good

Distribution but even if I’m at AFK and a lightning strike happens it will still like everything will work as normal without me having to do anything so it’s not like I have to be here when the thunderstorm is present if that makes sense it would be better but yeah I’m

Just gonna uh wait for a bit and hopefully in like the next hour a thunderstorm happens I just heard lightning strike and a thunderstorm has started now did the lightning strike where it wanted to it doesn’t look like it but I can see the creepers there we go there’s another one it’s

Still not going to my lightning rod but don’t worry there’s always plan B I believe I can build my wheel and throw it at this lightning rod there we go oh my gosh creepers are ready this is very very cool it’s been a while since I’ve

Made a fun farm so by using this and this I should in theory yes look at that both sides we’re getting a mob then from here I’m gonna light it up it blows up and I get a mob head so I’ll keep repeating this over and over again with all the

Mobs I’ve got can hopefully get through them all pretty quickly if I do then a new batch will be falling down as the mob cap changes and I’ll have uh yeah some more creepers are already coming through So the plan is working perfectly also gonna put my chest plate on for a

Bit of extra protection I thought for a second that the rain had stopped I I think maybe the thunderstorm stopped but it’s just normal rain but it’s still not the end of the world because as you can see I can just keep using the farm anyway even when it’s not thunder and

Lightning this is going to be my first creeper head that I get and it’s definitely gonna take quite a bit of time to get through them all which is it’s probably a good thing because look at all those charged creepers what a very nice little routine going we just

Go like that it’s like I’m already down to my last charge creeper which is not a problem as I’ve got a decent amount of heads and unless it’s oh he’s even more in there also probably a smart idea to replenish the minecart supplies the real shender thunderstorm stop just to double

Check yep there is definitely no more lightning but I’m happy with what I’ve got considering I know why I’ve got very few creeper uh as number considering how I barely had any before I have now got like 30 of them which is definitely a great turnaround and it’s an extra three

Items for my block collection plus it’s probably one of my most favorite Farms that I’ve ever made I think the warden is still angry at me by the way because he’s he’s definitely stomping about like a crazy guy so yeah I’m gonna get it mine let’s let’s get out of here and I

Think he has to be in the area around with it’s loaded what is going on with my beacon oh yeah it has to be in the area around me that’s loaded for him to calm down and so because he’s kind of alone a lot of the time he’s still very

Angry let’s add those three oh okay well apparently I can’t click properly but we’re gonna add those to the collection and I feel like the rest of my beds are too special like for me they’re one of the coolest Treasures in the game they’re too special to be open in my

Well down in my storage room maybe I can find a spot for them in the treasure room the treasure room that’s kind of fun someone told me that I should make that another right block I think I kind of like it’s a dime block you know just

Just For Old Times Sake it goes with the blue fire maybe yeah I could do something like this could not that that definitely yeah you know I I like that and with even further adjustments that is the finished product very very cool indeed and then the rest of these could

Just go in in there with all these extra horns and the dragon yeah you know they deserve to go together and with 61 items now remaining I’ll be going through them in Rapid Fire beginning with glowberries which will be cave Vines a cauldron just daylight detector detector rail dirt for

A dirt path dispenser dropper Ender Chest water this time for Farmland Netherrack for fire a collection table glass glass pane and glowing for a glow item frame then there’s honey honeycomb Hopper and heavy weighted pressure plate can you tell that I’m doing these in alphabetical order well now we are on

Iron trapdoor item frame jukebox lava lever and light weighted pressure plate then there’s Loom and lodestone but I ain’t using another Ingot for that even if I do have quite a few up there as you can see I’m sure I must have a spare loads though knocking them out somewhere

Indeed I do I’ve got two in there in fact I whilst I’m collecting all these extra resources if you could possibly subscribe or ask your friend too to help me get to 4 million that would be so so helpful I’m trying to reach it this year

Next I need a note block an observer and and the three different frog lights although it’s saying that the yellow ones are the okra frog light is not something I own used them all up for stuff like this so it seems like a trip to the Frog Light Farm is gonna be

Necessary this is where it is and apparently there’s loads in here why why I’ve never yeah no idea why I haven’t got them all might as well chill here for a little bit extra anyway just so I can refill the shulker box that should be long enough I’ll let all of these get

Taken out by the gun and eaten by frogs I can grab the small amount from it it’s nothing crazy I’ll take the Magma Cream as well it’s still a good enough top up if you ask me now it’s back to collecting more items such as a piston a sticky piston power drail comparator

Lamp repeater torch dust and reach board anchor I’d also like some extra glowstone for that respawn because I think it’d be cooler if it’s fully charged then there’s scaffolding skulk Shrieker catalyst oh my goodness Two Notch apples in there that is crazy and we also get a sensor

And finally vein next I’ll grab two item frames to add two more Notch apples to the collection ever since Asian cities were added I’m literally getting millions and millions of them and next I’m gonna need slime a smithing table smooth Stone this for soul fire and the

Blue campfire plus the torch for the complete collection next a Target block tinted glass trip wire and trap chest water yes that that counts as a block and one final item that I have absolutely loads of yeah well two and out Stacks maybe not those but the

Wither Rose yes I have finally collected every single item actually I don’t have any Crystal on my list because it’s not technically a block but I think it could be cool in the collection and I’m just grabbing a few extra types of blocks because I’m gonna have to place all

These and and sometimes I’ll just need something to play Someone Like You know if I get grass then I need to place that on dirt and stuff like that you know although I’m I’m grabbing uh I’m grabbing a grass block I’ve grabbed my ceiling and I’ll grab pods up just in

Case I want something that looks better and this is very very exciting because I’ve I’ve spent a long time getting all these this collection has definitely been a big big project in the making it starts all the way down here still gotta link this ball but I’ll do that in a bit

Because I’m going to go through every block on my list and check it off to make sure that I don’t miss placing any it’ll take me a bit longer but we can’t have any mistakes that’s them all ticked off on the spreadsheet took a little longer than I expected and I’ve realized

That I’ve still got mob spawning on I haven’t actually activated my mob switch and I think just just to make sure that nothing goes wrong I’m gonna head back home turn on the old and MOB switch and I can safely add blocks without having to worry about anything I’m also not

Going to particularly add them in a super organized way because I feel like it would just be too much effort you know what I’m like with effort avoid it at all costs that’s this side complete well at least it will be when I put quartz behind that Shrieker on this side

It’s time to carefully reveal the pudding amethyst and it’s a nice opportunity to put normal amethyst stuff next to it whilst about it I’ll put beehives but you know like I said there’s very rarely a system here but as long as everything is placed down some where it doesn’t really matter now this

Is the first of those potentially unobtainable items this I’m gonna hope will grow I might need to give a bit of space around but the plan is for it to grow into a poor spread okay well it grew faster than expected it’s not gonna be allowed to go any further that is

That is just a block that is uh this is always a correspond and also plant this seed next to it I’m gonna need more End Stone plus I think glass panes may look good to hold the water in the lava I didn’t think about that and string

String is going to be needed to stop other things from growing even more that’s the pains the End Stone and the string so that is gonna go like that and then I can put that on top and then I need string to stop it growing because

It’ll tell you what it grew very quick before I think this is now a very good opportunity to add all the different mob heads three of them are here and the other one is in one of these found it and the final slot can be this daylight

Detector and now to add another entire row like a bit of a count up after over 200 items are now in and counted up but the very least they’re marked on my spreadsheet anyway now oh we come to the section with the reinforced deep slate so I’ll start adding items to this section

And that is enough on this trip I want to add more wood along here and whilst if I head all the way down here which is you know looking like a nice area of the collection you’ll see that I kind of grouped all of the wood together with it

With its own type but I really like the way the sandstone’s done when it alternated I think it looks a lot cooler so I’m going to attempt the same thing with these Woods I don’t really I think it is starting to look quite a bit better just really breaks up all of the

Colors nicely comes a little bit of a robot when I tried to place the Weeping Vines because obviously they can only be placed on on like a roof or something so I will leave a bit of a gap for them and the same thing I think might be the

Issue with these roots yeah they’re not going to place on there thankfully the nether is very close although I mean said that this part of the nether isn’t very close I can’t get blow the Bedrock from there which means I’m better off using this portal to grab a bit of

Netherrack which I thought would allow me to plant these down but apparently you need the actual block this is getting more and more complicated all the time also didn’t realize there was diamonds down there also apparently mushrooms are spreading slightly they’re not meant to be growing

No I put string there to stop that here I shall grab a couple of these and then there’s a Crimson Forest up here but those two which allows me to get all of this back on track that’s a big amount of them done but the Weeping Vine definitely still needs sorting so I’ll

Sail back home grab a bit of glass to test it and decide that one on its own is going to look pretty rubbish so I’m getting another and this section can be fully completed and now to add a load of other random items including these fancy

Leaves which all goes quite well in this section kind of ironic that the small drip Leaf is actually bigger than the big drip Leaf I also think I’m gonna need a bit more glass for the hugging roof why don’t I just bring an entire stack it would make life much much

Easier this time I would have to come back for more glass that I can be sure of there we go would have been embarrassing if it didn’t go on the bottom of glass and here’s an idea I can grab one of these planks and use this

Furnace to dry up my sponge heads it’s practical too very nice indeed say I’m already reaping the rewards of bringing extra glass because the Spore Blossom also has to go like that string is technically a block as well which it needs to be in the collection even

Though it’s it’s above all the ones it has to be of its own section pretty sure the turtle egg won’t hatch because it’s not on sand at least I’m hoping we don’t end up with baby turtles and whilst I can add in that jack-o-lantern I’ve actually got more of that kind of stuff

To be added here look at that we’ve got normal pumpkin well put car pumping pumpkin melon hay bale apparently sand is another thing I need and I didn’t bring it we’ll have to go all the way home for it though since I can fly up the bacon beam and grab it from here

Then I get the satisfying job of just flying directly down okay well that’s that wasn’t very safe so I reckon a bit of water in there then we block it like that plant the sugarcane and oh look that looks fantastic when it comes to Cactus I’m gonna have to be a little bit

More careful because of course you can’t place it next to block so yeah I’ll have to be like that with a gap behind it and another plant on this side also string will stop these from growing in fact since those started adding plants I might as well just add all of these all

Along here which should be easily done in three two one there we go it’s looking good I even included the bamboo shoot and then the the other bamboo shoot I can’t come which way around there I thought I brought bone meal because for a couple of them like these

For a large Fern and Tall Grass I need bone meal but if I did bring summer I have no idea where I put it so I’ll knit back home to grab some now in theory bone meal and these look at that make some tall ones also bum meal that just

To make it look a bit better and the crops can as well with all of those done I can begin the water section and the water section will include all this coral and I did also forget about these stripped variants so I’ll get them added

In opposite to all of this now for the coral obviously I don’t want these bits to die so I believe as long as they are next to water they’ll be okay and a dead one could be an expert so that that will die eventually poor thing I’ve just just

I’ve murdered some Coral can you believe it that’s something I didn’t expect to say today and now they’re all in and next need to create a section that can all be underwater so I’m thinking glass panes along here and the water can be added along with the coral now to add

The fan variants and then very conveniently the dead ones will actually hold up the water I feel like I’m talking about it as if it’s a real person it’s gonna die off suddenly it’s giving its life to hold that one in fact no it’s not going to give its life

Because it’s oh well that’s that’s not allowed I have to let you die off manually there we go and that does give me an idea instead of having these submerged in water and I may regret actually trying this but I can open this up behind and move the water to be there

It isn’t quite working to plan because they all turn to water source blocks but with a bit of work it’s gonna look great now to continue adding all the dead ones looks good it looks a bit sad it has all the dead one doesn’t it but they’re all

Got to be part of the collection and these glass paints can go because they just kind of you know it looks a lot better without having them let’s put it that way more water is still going to be necessary for the rest of the things I have such as double tall seagrass kelp

Sea pickles oh my okay that’s made a mess just remember to put glass beans in front of it doesn’t matter whether the conduit is in water or not it has to have prismarine to be activated do I want it activated I feel like it wouldn’t work anyway if I did activate

It simply because I need you need loads of water around it and then pretty it’s just not feasible I am also gonna add an end Crystal here but I can’t just place it [ __ ] it well I can apparently I didn’t think that would fit I didn’t

Know a case I can’t place anything next to it yeah maybe yeah okay I messed up a little bit I really really hope that covering it in water there we go I didn’t break anything I was just worried that it would break something doing that now where did my

Lily Pad go oh a momentary apparently no no need to worry quest for the Lost Lily has been successful now I think about it both water and lava do need to be added to my collection so it doesn’t ruin my system too much I’ll keep the basalt

Stuff here then we’ll get some lava like that but change your mind I want I want the lava on this side I don’t know it’s just just a preference then water there the mud and Bone blocks can be here and that makes me realize I only had one of

Those hand crystals I know at least one thing would have to go wrong so once again I’ll go along here grab an entire stack because this might take me a few attempts so will that place the oil place that well that’s just fantastic that makes everything easier don’t need

To worry about anything else water can be removed and I think I’ve placed down every block except for the seven silverfish variants and all the rainbow ones but I’m gonna kill up add everything to his spreadsheet and and make sure that that’s the case after checking everything I’ve realized that

There are a few missing items both the grass path and the Farmland have been overlooked don’t play in one of these shocker boxes yep I have plenty of dirt so both can be easily added although the Farmland one will require a bit of water near it so that it stays tilled and

Bizarrely another of the missing blocks is an extremely extremely common one and one I can get by just mining that yes the stone brick wall was overlooked I really don’t know how you see where it went wrong is there is already a stone brick stairs right here so I’ll put it

In its place but I’ve had one here as well so I had two for some reason so instead that should be a wall I’m gonna break a couple of these because my lights are absolutely dead and I am I don’t really want them to break so just

A few I’m not going to get them all the way to Max Joe about so we’ve got XP farms for that but that that should be enough and now I Can Begin work on the infested variants and of all of these and apparently I’m once again missing an

Item I need a chiseled stone brick because that can be infested but then I also will need some Stone which I can get from up here this game is coming handy a few times and now in order to make them infested I’m gonna need to get a silverfish into them which will no

Doubt be easier said than I’m also thinking is it going to be smart to put these right here because if a silverfish hits me once everything it’s just gonna basically all go in there right and we’ll just we’ll just now you know what I think I’m gonna

Happen far away because then yeah forget it by selfish over there it’s not going to uninfestival if that makes sense because that would be a slight disaster all right little fella over here come at the moment you’ll see I can’t really do anything to this Stone but once it gets infested which

Should hopefully you’re going there now I don’t know why I thought it was going to be that simple um there we go stay in there now kind of glitching now just just go inside it I’ve trapped it I’ve had to move it slightly to the side because the end

Crystal was getting in the way of me placing anything I don’t hear it anymore I think yeah look at that it’s infested now because I can mine it fast okay perfect there’s another block to go in that Gap now the bone block come on make your return perfect and to make sure I

Don’t die to the next one I was getting a little bit low because I took my arm off to get rid of the Thorns I’m gonna put on some Thorns less armor probably a wise idea I’m gonna put the Cobblestone here and then yeah just just box it in

Like this if we have it on both sides next I need a silverfish and here’s one Ride On Cue and I should be able to okay well not like that take two oh no okay well it’s a slippery little fella this one let’s try it from the other side

Good idea mate all right let’s get you in there and I just leave the areas I wait for him to infest the Block it’s selfish number three can I can I get you up here oh yes I can I’m assuming by the time we get over here the other one

Infested it otherwise this plan is going to fail look at that we’ve got it we’ve got another infested block perfect believe it or not I’m actually getting good at this hard to believe I know and that’s all seven done I think did it go

Did I see it go in well I did perfect so you can see from the speed that they can be mined they are all invested in I feel like I just have to prove it to you know I didn’t just you know see look at that

Mine’s way slower so yeah that’s a job done I can also put this armor back and my good armor back on perfect might as well pick up and move these and then it will be time to place down every single color which can all be found in this

Chest here I also need one bit of clay and one bit of terracotta I didn’t have those then I’ll just mine it all up the chest doesn’t you know we’ll put the chest up down there I mean as we’ll place the chest we’ll put it up you know

You know what I wanna yeah this has been a big project guys I reckon McLaren terracotta can be in this part of town and then I’ve got to get everything organized place them by color these silverfish you’re gonna get annoying but yeah place them by color will be the

Best option and I’m starting off with candles also means the generic one can be added candles won’t quite you all together just due to the fact that there’s a These Arms in the way that can’t be moving I could have organized it in a better way and had more of those

Along here but you know what we’ve got this far and I am very much happy with it next on the list banners so I’m gonna see if I can do something about these silverfish spawning all the time I don’t think it exactly works like this with these but I’m gonna play some torches

That hopefully slows them down tell you what I’m starting to like color Ally and I reckon it’s time the wool was added there we are forgot about the ominous Banner as well that should go on the end of these Lots now for concrete powder concrete clay which is actually known as

Terracotta now glazed terracotta beds but you know which I need to sleep in one bowl so I’ve got the glass the glass panes the carpets and of course not to forget the shulker boxes themselves ever to ever so slightly expand this thing I think I’m gonna have to expand it by one

More as well indeed I do well that’s it the collection is completely complete a real monstrous Tusk that was made a bit harder because I had extra things I wanted like the portal blocks and the spawner and stuff after being very very specific area I do also still have stuff

Here it’s just what I need because with oh I’ve got 45 I’ve got the things I need there plus an extra light in the ceiling means that this bit can be sorted and as Minecraft adds more new blocks in future updates I’ll be able to expand this which is why I’m not just

Going to go ahead and like make an ending for it that’s permanent I think I might end up well first of all let’s put some sea London in it’s also lighting out and then I think I will just box it off with quartz so that it looks a

Little bit better but that is of course temporary until it gets expanded maybe I could put a little sea lantern in actually never mind don’t have it on mayonnaise ain’t messing with it also I have space for extra blocks if they get edited up there anyway although

Something tells will add more than that also just just notice it’s on the way past mid candles aren’t lit and I think they’re going to look better when they’re when they’re on fire so we’re gonna go and do that you can’t really see much much else but they look

A little bit better if I had all my particles turned on they’d look much much better but anyway I don’t want to make me uh the game like and I’m very very pleased with this entire collection we’re gonna fly through and see everything so it’s been a massive

Monstrous project in the making like some of the difficult ones reinforced deep slight of course are very challenging one to get and then we’ve got all the wood along here once again very well those aren’t too bad actually then this area got me scored a bit there

I could hear it it’s going off and just tell me the budding amethyst another challenging one Target and then the final bit which is all this around here and there’s the tricky one down here of course the Bedrock but hey yeah we’ve even got bedrock in the collection next

I’ll gather up all this stuff there’s a human do I even have space for it all I don’t think I do you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna leave the empty shulker boxes here for now because yeah they’re just they’re just not gonna fit well they’re good some of them will fit

We’ll take what we can and leave what I can’t and then I do want to head along here I should definitely make that looking a bit nicer some option but yeah I’ll head on down here I mean most of shulkers boxes are because most of them

Are empty are just going to go into their own chest and then some of them can be used in the auto sorter so that’s not a problem and something that I’m very happy about is is this stone color because I I couldn’t be bothered to craft one of course instead I decided to

Steal it from this room so I’m very glad that I can go back there now it’s it’s as it should be all that TNT stuff can filter through no problem all these empties can be taken out and I actually don’t think I have a dedicated chest for

Polish stuff so this is this is going to be a shulker box just for the Polish variants of them all the normal Cobblestone can go in there operation sort everything out is complete I was gonna put that shulker box back here that’s where it was originally from and

It does look good in there with the the black wall and whilst I’m also in this vicinity I can grab some more chisel stone bricks and take on the very dangerous task of again no listen although the warden is roaring at me so it seems like he’s a bit angry already

So I’ll just do what I can I got mine in particular you’re kidding me I got minor league and then attacked by the one great although realistically maybe I could put a little bit down come on I can do a bit here so you do that once

One totem gets activated I’ll make a run for it there you go all right we’re making a run for it just go down it’s okay I couldn’t afford to crush either that was that was very risky risky Reckless and stupid if I get that built without dying

It will be a miracle now I was meant to have loads of milk done where the Elder Guardian is but it didn’t look like that was the case to me so I shall make it my priority to fix that I should also make it my priority to get hold of another

Totem it really will be disastrous if I went down here without one that’s stock up that just puts them in here as well and that’ll be good enough for now this will definitely be a good time for me to get me a lighter repaired it’s it’s just

Not good wearings at the moment and up here is the best place to be thought I’d stop at a nice round number like three three and whilst I’m in there there is something that I actually need to fix you see this portal right here links to

This one and I don’t want that to be the case this portal does not need to exist really just a temporary one that I made that fit what was needed for the moment also looks like I’m gonna be able to get all my sugar boxes which is you know

It’s a nice little bonus now the actual portal that I want to be linked up is going to be found down here let’s uh yeah we’ll just we’ll just break in through the roofing style but yeah the actual ball that I want is this one

Right here that is this is the one that is the main one for me to get to the block collection and back and everything so I need to get the coordinates over here divided by eight and then rebuild it in the nether kind of crazy that to

Be good at Minecraft you’ve actually got to be pretty good at maths I’m going to use the calculator I guess it’s both the same thing so yeah I’m gonna mine up this entire puzzle and then the plan is to go up to the Bedrock roof rebuild the portal in the correct place and

Hopefully it should link up if that works it will be a small miracle also don’t know why a mind of this entire thing it’s not like I’m short on obsidian or anything I’ve got a massive shulker box for that anyway I’ve got to try and find a way up there which is oh

Look at this this is brilliant I think I’ve done this I’ve done it I’ve done this before wait did I hold on a second no I was gonna break the Bedrock but I didn’t do that somewhere around here there yeah there’s a ladder now that hopefully I do still have ender pearls

Yeah I’ve got 13 perfect when I open this it’s gonna yeah make a big Crouch down a little bit that’s not a massive problem we’ll go like that we’ll put it in we’ll break this and then through the Bedrock we go and this right here is the

Correct place which does worry me a little bit ever connected to that one in the past you’d think that it’s not that far from that one it should work but I guess they are there’s a bit of distance anyway I’m hoping that one separate this one and like the other one everything

Should link up correctly you know what I’ve got this far I’m just gonna break the whole thing it’s it’s for continuity poses I’m gonna be coming up here quite a bit and seeing it so it would make sense that I get rid of it next I can grab my oh no no I

Don’t want uh the name tags I actually don’t need those mob name tags anymore considering that I did finish them up oh there might be more mobs adding up there you know what never mind anyway I’m gonna like the portal and please connect please link up please be fine oh yes it

Worked perfectly so this is all done you’ll also notice the only thing that isn’t complete in this collection is the fact that this copper is just weathered copper it’s not yet oxidized also this should also be uh weathering and oxidizing but I would just have to sit here and wait for like

Hours and hours for it to fully get to its final form So eventually get to its final form obviously I’m not just going to sit here for the next seven days and wait for that because with things to be doing so just dropping off a few random items and the shulker boxes

Then I want to return to the frying pan that is the wardens area and just try and get the next bit finished does still seem to be angry at me actually so I think I could be wrong but I’m sure I read on the wiki that if you leave the

Dimension it stops getting angry at you well that’s true I don’t know but it gives me a good opportunity to check out the little nether area of my mod but I like this room actually I really do like this room and now we can see I I don’t

Think leaving the damage makes any difference does it it’s still pretty angry probably gonna attack me any moment now you know what though oh well there you go never mind I’ll grab those get out of it oh well just about got out of it another Toten Bites the Dust really I’ve never gone

Through so many times as I have one I got that Warden and for these final few days I’d like to obtain something something that I’ve actually never got before that is one of every type of villager in each biome as you can see right now we’ve we’ve got just these

Snow villages everywhere which we want a bit of uh a bit of uh variation diversity you know all that that good stuff in the community and to do that I’m gonna have to collect villagers from all sorts of areas and also do a bit of villager breeding it’s around with beds

Stone Cutters you know job sides food few hay bales I can travel to another biome to find a villager if there’s any left this will be a good place for oh there is as well so I can get a spruce villager because it’s just gonna be

Easiest for me to put you in a boat makeup all right just don’t be a wise guy but yeah if I nicely kidnap this Spruce villager then I have a perfect plan because we are right by a planes bio I’m not realizing this is the slow

Bit but yeah there’s not only going to get me the spruce varianted villager but it will also get me the planes one although of course I need another one yet you’re on your own you’re you’re not gonna make much use a little breeding chamber in all the beds are going down

And where is the other one I definitely saw him there he is hiding in the trees mate no you can’t hide anywhere oh well you can if you can’t get in the but there we go and it’s time to transport you as well welcome to your new home

Mate well you’re not gonna be here forever you’re gonna become actually I don’t know what I’m gonna be doing with you you what if you might just be left here forever because I don’t need to no we’ll bring it both why not anyway not much is gonna be happening at night so

We uh we might as well get some sleep and you just stayed up all night walking around some of us were trying to get our beautiful anyway let’s give him some bread there you go you have a bit of bread you have a bit of bread no don’t

Take his bread no come on share the bread out that’s it I think between I’ll be between you got the bread oh maybe not yep Maybe take that I’m going to assume that between you you’ll you’ll have enough bread to um there we go you’re trading

Bread that’s what we like to see got some love Arts going oh we are gonna we’re gonna get this is all gonna work against the odds and you can see that he is a Plains villager so he’s you know he’s a bit of a a different uh different

Wait has it is he oh he’s not apparently it’s random okay so sometimes it’s randomly the biome and sometimes it will choose the the parents well I’m glad we’ve got a happy family but that’s that’s not what this is going to be harder than I thought whilst I wait for

Them I’ll go and find either a swamp or a jungle which again is going to be a tricky thing because there isn’t really any nearby but thankfully I must be 737 and I’ve always got a plan and our plan is to grab more beds and that’s it

Really that’s it that’s all I need I felt like I needed a load more things I just feel like yeah I’m just short on beds and that’s it but anyway the plan is to take these villagers from here to a swamp I might be able to lure them out

With a stone cutter any any takers come on you look like an unemployed villager that’s it come on over your cup don’t go to the lectern that’s it straight into my I drop okay don’t go back in oh that didn’t work there’s another one here is

That gonna get him oh yes I got them both you can go into a boat if you there you go you just sit tight I knew I needed extra boat but then I took myself out of needing them so yeah that was not a good plan but anyway five of those and

Here you go sorry I know you want to work which is very admirable the pair of you but you’re actually being recruited for a new secret mission actually that secret we’re gonna we’re gonna make you have baby villagers that have the appearance of a swamp whether I actually

Bother to bring your bucket or don’t fall in there flip a neck had one job and that was to not go in there and I managed to do it it’s all right don’t go back in don’t don’t be like this come on just get in the boat that’s it and away

We go I know that there’s a swamp in this direction and who knows maybe maybe it like in somewhere Over the Water there’s a jungle that way I think maybe it’s whether I really have time you know I’ve not got much temperature left to make out in these Villages backwards and

Falls I hope that this time we actually get a swamp villager and not just get what’s based on the parents but time will tell anyway we are close to the swamp now but you wonder what on Earth is going on don’t you tell you what mate

You’re lucky I found you you had a very boring life before and now look at you living it up in the swamp apparently you’ve got a cow and a sheep as friends as well I don’t blame me they just decided they wanted to drop back if you

Want me to kill him just just say so and I’ll do it in a heartbeat no problem no you don’t want me to do it okay all right that’s that sorted better go and get another villager thank goodness I can actually fly back for this whilst

I’m in the vicinity and before I I grab that one down there I’ll just check on the villagers in this hole they might be ready to breed again maybe you know what do you reckon it’s been spend some time but I actually don’t know if the if it

Like that time tracking of how long it was into the last break oh hold on a second you’re throwing food maybe you are ready all right stop watching the baby bouncing and make another one yeah I want to show if the whole timer was based on if they were loaded or not but

I I’m guessing maybe if they you know do you want a bit more bread we could we could Supply plenty of bread there you go don’t be shade fish at the moment nothing’s happening I’m not just gonna sit and watch you all day instead I’ll begin the kidnapping process of you well

You can’t really kidnap an adult can you it’s the uh it’s the adult adult nap process now the prior to this time is to avoid the water not making that mistake again and then we’re on the open ocean so realistically I can get four of the variants fairly easily that is the swamp

The tiger the ice and the planes but then for Jungle Savannah and desert whilst they do spawn in naturally it’s gonna be harder because those are quite far away I’ll have to do some nether travel or something is probably the best idea wow you are very Cooperative by the

Way man I just say it’s like you know where you’re going I think you do actually you’ve got great are you actually gonna go all the way you know what let’s not take any chances we can sail this last bit and have some bread there you go I should have given you the

Bread to keep you apart all right don’t eat each other’s bread that’s all I’d really bothered I never know if they each get bread go on that’s it all right just give it to each other and then friends right cow you’re kind of in the middle of something all right just just

Move on come on there we go you give me a swamp baby I promised you could leave all right otherwise you just took it you didn’t did you oh my goodness well I’m doing well at randomly breeding villagers but that’s about all that is going well all right guys must be about

Time you’re you’re ready now I’ll either give you more bread all right this this was not what I had in mind when I I said let’s let’s crack on come on sleeping during these turbulent times well I might as well do the same oh well you

Know what this this could all work out well come on two for two oh wait we got we got some yes we got one well done team this has been a great effort I’ll be back later to complete the abduction seriously you could take my videos out

Of context and I I would come across as a very very dangerous criminalistic person yeah please just just never do that and I will patiently wait for you guys to do the same I sadly missed the magical moment when it happened because I was I

Went AFK for a little bit but we have indeed got the uh the swamp villager which is perfect my editor is now going to go through the footage and find the bits and show you what happened there you go live beautiful I can’t see it but

But you could say yeah yeah we got uh the swamp villager oh my wait we’ve got two where did the other one pop all right we’ve got more of these guys than we uh than we need all right well um I’m Gonna Leave You guys to it I’ll work out

How to transport them when I need to I’m gonna grab myself a few more firework rockets and that’s Operation find the jungle London’s been found but it’s it’s not the kind of land that I want to see with we’ve already sorted out those ones so I’ll keep following the coast I’m

Sure I mean I know there is a jungle in this direction somewhere it’s also an acacia but I’m gonna there’s a village here I don’t remember there being one but it would still be very very handy all there is oh hang in a minute I don’t

Know the rivers kind of connect maybe I maybe I rescue this Villa drinking nothing nah it’s too much effort I’ll just get you that’s that’s much easier oh my God wait did another one just walk why are they all doing that I have no idea what the fascination is

With going over there I’m just gonna put you in I need to first work out if there’s any way that these Rivers connect to that River so basically aha I can go through the cave here it means I’ve just got to get you across this no

Problem at all and I’ll dig a little tunnel that’s good enough through we go very nice and then from the water I think this this little bit of water here does connect to the ocean eventually hopefully it does all the way apart from this little Gap here I can’t actually

Get through at the moment but with a bit of a bit of mining we can make a nice little tunnel and I think I think there’s enough space there all right villager this is quite exciting because this is why why new caves are added so you can do cool things like this like

Sailed through caves and everything look at that amazing because normally I never use boats but when transporting mobs I’ll hold in a second won’t be done here maybe I’ll accidentally put myself in the worst place possible what on Earth what was I thinking what was me what was

The end game here I’m getting all excited about this amazing plan I’ve gotten how the river connects and everything but it doesn’t I must have thought it goes all the way out well this makes life a bit harder I’m very tempted just to abandon you and go and get another

One it might be easy nope I I we we’re committed now this is the Villager that is coming with me but it’s just gonna require quite a bit of doodling there we go out the other side the old lectern can be used to layer him through go on

That’s it you’re gonna get a job you know you want to don’t look at me like this I’ll push you all the way through if we have to this is literally just manual villager move there we go you’ve got oh you’ve got you reached it did you

Oh well that’s that’s not great let’s go and put it at the end come on then no there’s no others I want to go on business you’re you’re a worker now the fact that you can manipulate them with job site books makes life so much easier like imagine getting them through any

Other way that’s it get in there like turns being broken sorry to Chris your hopes and dreams and I’m pretty sure this bit does connect to the ocean I could be wrong you know I’d be wrong before and I’ve said it once but I think that this river goes all the way

Otherwise we’ll be doing a bit more tunneling but I I it might even go through the spruce for it now right or left I’m gonna I’m gonna take a Gamble and say right look at the cage down there a little drip Stone and everything 737 cannot guarantee that his passengers

Will not get her to die and it’s a dead end but on the plus side we’re actually pretty close to the edge is are they both dead ends realistically I think we’re just going fought for this last bit now whatever you do don’t fall down what are you doing whoa you just don’t

You dare don’t go up here come on oh my goodness I turned me back for two seconds and you’re walking but I thought he was going to a job server is he trying to go home or something I have no idea but what I do know is that I’ve

Been using to pull my beds to go ahead and breed the villagers so I’d actually have a bed to sleep in tonight which means I’m gonna go and take that villager’s bed over there I hope I don’t lose him by the way I might forget where

He is honestly yeah you know what I’m like with losing things anyway the priority is to get in here and get into bed and I quite like the cooler of it as well so I’m uh I’m gonna go and take that one realistically I probably won’t

Lose him the main reason being I can just follow the river you know it’s the advantage of taking him through the oh my goodness what’s been going on over here but oh well it’s not my problem at the end of the day I think I’ve got to

Stay focused on the important stuff like transporting a villager of thousands of blocks away he has no idea what job he’s going to be sometimes he’s a stone Mason and sometimes he’s a very smart librarian where on Earth did he go I’ve lost him listen don’t take a villager

Into a forest it just completely going did he go to the fire I don’t know where he went but he’s at he’s at the light zone which is the main thing I reckon this is a good time to get you in it but I’d say don’t try and escape from it I’m

Giving it a boat so I can keep an eye on him now we’re on the open ocean we can do a big sale home I didn’t really plan to get an acacia Savannah villager but you got to take the opportunity when it presents itself apparently I went right

Past the planes which I forgot that this one existed so I didn’t really need to breathe want to go just take one of them anyway not not a problem because I’ve got it sorted but it’s good to remember about this this water Village floating on the ocean nice to be at the familiar

Ice what the heck I just broke the boat and the Villager disappeared hopefully nothing reloading The World Isn’t gonna fix there we go uh I’m glad uh glad to see you mate I just disappear on me like that did it did the boat duplicate or something

Did I just duplicate a boat no I think I had two boats of inventory because I had yeah I did because I put my uh my Village in the oh my look at this speed by the way avoiding the ice a bit of a pro above promos I nearly messed it up

And then I didn’t mess it up like she didn’t disappear this time I’m kidding you up and I think for now you’re gonna be left down there mate okay that’s that’s the plan just leave you there I know I still need to get the desert villager and the jungle villager I need

To actually bring them all closer but there’s one villager that is more important to me than any other villager in the world and it’s a villager that’s been a good friend of mine for a long long time and I haven’t seen him in years it feel like maybe not years but I

Haven’t seen him in a long time anyway I just said years for effect okay guys but I haven’t seen him in a while it’s been at least six or seven or eight months and that is Fred the Villager from my awesome World Series and you know what

I’m gonna build a machine that brings him over gonna take quite a bit of brain power but I’m sure I can do it right here next to the teleporter is probably going to be the best place and so I will get to work this is the construction

I’ve come up with I I it looks pretty basic but I’m pretty sure if I just go like this and once the machine has done its thing we’ve got him Fred is back well welcome Fred no need to be sheepish you may not recognize me yeah of course you do come

On come on out don’t be scared I I know you I know you probably wondering what’s just happened well that’s it oh you’ve come and this is yeah this is my world oh my new world anyway let’s let’s get you in a boat I haven’t really got time

To give you a tour but for now I’m sure you would love to go and spend time with the other villagers that’s it get in all right maybe you don’t maybe he’s uh you’ve got your own friend this isn’t a choice you are a villager which therefore means for now you’ll leave the

Fish I’ll get you your own place don’t you worry Fred but at this moment in time we’re presenting you in here get to know the other villagers you know have a little explore don’t die I’m pretty sure it’s it’s pretty safe no you can come

And live in the house with me at some point but for now don’t you press that button it just never changes does it but hey the sun is Now setting on my world so that ladies and gentlemen was four thousand eight hundreds and Hardcore Minecraft was 4

800 days Fred it is six so I’m ready to head the sun is Now setting on my wall We’re Gonna Fill the machine that brings him over what could possibly go wrong

This video, titled ‘I Survived 4,800 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2022-10-01 17:25:32. It has garnered 1813953 views and 64380 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:46 or 3706 seconds.



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In this Minecraft video I survive 4800 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More