Insane 51-yr old Minecraft Birthday Stream

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Hey everybody yeah gam food and birthday that that’s correct how come won’t let me sign in the chat there that’s weird oh well hey Mary yeah soon as I started talking she started talking all right let’s see here I can hear myself talking because I obviously have the stream open

Somewhere here it is I need to pause it I need it oh look good muted there well at least I’ll see the chat hey thank you Eric um and thread ins sanity for the happy birthday and I’m getting ins serated with u Mary had the little lamb too hey

Mar see if I can see this thing over here oh all right and then gaming all right so that’s it I don’t know if you can see this this is not really set up very well for uh this game maybe if I put it over here that should be better all right

Cool it was RA so like I haven’t played this game for several months now yeah take you Mary you have water you have food you just want to play huh Mary is that right hello hello hello hell hello hello Hello hello it was Raphael so should I lie to him Raphael well thank you for your honesty of course I should have known the devil would come sniffing the stench of impending chaos is irresistible to them good evening to me this afternoon with you up be a deal how

Interesting no doubt he impressed upon you the need to do so and what did he want in return for this knowledge it’s okay I should be on um fight the Flat Earth today at 6 pm he asked me for a thumbnail we’ll see if that happens ground out a wor

Bra giving a devil what he wants sounds like thank you Top Dog sh tell me you turn down uh did I turn him down I can’t remember good I am glad been like 3 months 5 months maybe the devil is like a no matter what you do to it it will

Always come back I doubt this will be the last time you are approached it won’t be I trust that you will continue to remember who is really on your side not you without my protection you cannot defeat the Elder brain you cannot even get close to it no

Matter what the devil Whispers In Your Ear there’s actually several ways to beat this game but I’m going to do this route even though like it’s probably not the best I can’t remember where to go now see what’s the is it Jay yeah okay we already have kther stone

Okay okay so I need to what’s this one talk to Raphael um help it’ be good if I could remember what I was oh yeah you got click to go somewhere don’t you oh wait it’s over here I got everything turned North wait maybe it’s over here somewhere hey I’m here you Rafael

Okay you’re looking par sweetheart another tankering another SI to spill over Celestia I haven’t I can look it up you give me a taste I like 3D space but I like I’m not playing dangerous of course as you can see but I’ll look it up right now is it on Steam thank you

Max see Celestia I see Celestia Empire I’m just ordering um Wendy’s a Baconator Celestia I don’t see it on Steam I see Celestial Empire let’s see they sounded like you were marketing something too it’s sort of weird anyways let’s see let’s pop this out Celestia uh

Game this one I’m the guy with the orange goatee thing it says it’s a board game slly a board game celesia 3D SPAC okay sesia game Space okay here it is ah okay so it says space simulator so it’s not a game it’s more

Just uh to be able to I I like lead dangerous yeah I found it thank you um Eric oh that’s cool probably a lot quicker to get around than in um Elite dangerous but Elite dangerous is just for Galaxy too oh excuse me right as Falling Rain what’s it to you

Chaffer thank you no longer on the ball head about the fist love I can play them all like a loot you don’t have to play the tutorial on Elite danger Mac you just get right into it if you want to it is challenging but I have my controllers I just don’t have them

Set up or programmed or anything so I actually overslept unfortunately I can uh let’s see I have high great but look at all my bonuses cuz he’s uh let’s see advantage and that one 22 is it dark May me it’s dark it looks good oh it might

Be I know it looks different over there I know oh El last thing I need the man upon my ass see you around keep that fire for me damn it you just chased off a full Cofer of tips but I’ve still got one tip left

Just for you don’t stand between a G and her gold mine I don’t know that’s about all it is it’s a little lighter actually like my gameplay it’s darker how come I talk oh I know yeah I sleep more when it go yeah I guess oh I leveled up oh was this level

Up is that a level up no it’s Ste in BL all right Cool can never like keep track of where I got to go like I can’t but it’s been forever okay who do I got to talk to it’s not these clowns I know kid right boss is that it probably you tell me you took the devil’s deal am I a flat arur fre gets

A yeah I’m an INF Don you were caught casting a forbidden spell this guard’s come to make sure you don’t do it again what spell did I cast it was forbidden my GR cast another one friends see donut I’m a flat um Hollow um Cur earther it’s all of them it’s all of

Them all the different shap but next time you won’t be so lucky yeah Inver important tell me you took the devil’s deal tell me you will free gi’s air can I can oh hey pretty girl a oh I can roll again okay good a you run one one more

Time oh [ __ ] oh oh critical success I rolled a 20 I’m not a Helios yeah uh earther or eater I am a eater I do eat a lot yeah Top Dog I do have Universe Sandbox too I have played around with that I made one where it showed the like

The Tao sort of model where the earth the earth does like or all the planets do this like disco disco dance ball around the earth and then um where if I put the sun in the center they all do this nice elegant like dance around the earth thank you Jimmy for the happy

Birthday can it be will the mighty Prince orus soon illuminate the astral plane among the gith Yan one gift is esteemed above all others the silver no longer on the ball you can just Google ozian and Flat Earth on YouTube and it’ll show you is Tick now that you have the hammer you

Must find a way to enter I’ll be on Fight The Flat Earth at 6 p.m. eastern time or’s bonds his cry will shake the Plains and I will fly to your Aid the prince of the Comet will sear the heavens again let the litz queen

TR I dis like think again I will not permit your I like to no there is not questions istic you seem to be lost in thought the prince of the Comet aches V gith Yankee Liberation more than he abhor G he might see when you free him

He might Nash his teeth and slander your name but he will see reason I promise you well I know I mean sometimes I put a little bit too much foundation on also uh but he likes poo emojis I mean I don’t know what’s wrong with a good

Emoji nowaday but like if you notice here we have some cool emojis I think so here this is the derailed Emoji like that’s when the conversation gets derailed like Mary’s right now derailing the conversation and uh here’s like my confused Emoji oh wait where’s my confused one did I not upload my confused Emoji oh there it is my confused emoji and here’s the pimping oan Emoji one of them yes but you will meet he says Americans don’t pronounce Craig right isn’t it Craig how else do you pronounced Craig I’m not so sure but I’ll let him know he needs to

Cut down on the um foundation and stop eating too much poo oh I got a powerful silver sword for line I mean I’m not going to use it but I’ll give it to somebody who can uh no one in my group here can though cool uh what’s going on with this chest

Here is that this like why does he have a sword in his back something doesn’t look right whatever okay so I lied to that dude let’s see do I got to go over here and front Lord whatever I want to go I cheat when I don’t want to like figure out how

To get to the path like such a just a the wait I want to go there so there’s something okay over here where’s this dude right so this is Raphael how do I go up there 10 loaves of bread I remember um whatever I’ll figure it out how do I get up

There isn’t there a roll like how do I do This is it over here um what’s the button to see up see that business I’ll be fine oh that’s NE all right oh what’s a control Uming let’s see thank you r&m for the happy birthday how do I look from the top dang it page up it’s page up isn’t it okay right page okay it’s page down handsome as from the bottom all right thank you I’ll take that whatever that I get up here don’t to press ahead

See it hell that whoa what the heck to R Tower isn’t there a way to like go all the way up is it tilty or something oh slow down hey there’s a way to look like tactical oh it’s oh okay it’s oh there we go are you sure talking outes besides our pantry

Yeah you can hear my Bird oh it’s okay maybe is it parot social media I didn’t know that that’s cool okay can’t go in here there we go I can’t remember how to play this Game my favorite f I didn’t know that are you ready to accept my kind offer I know I’ve seen that too like like where animals have like millions of followers but I don’t know like she does sing and talk and she’s dancing right now like I I did a 24-hour stream with

Her before no one watched it and excellent excellent you’ll find everything is in order hate Peak and this agreement will bring we want you’ll save the world I’ll unite the hells and the aths will be eradicated I’m just to you pleas doing business with you before the end comes you’ll find

Yourself in again when that happens I wanted to kill him use the hammer to shatter the chains that hold him be sure to keep the hammer safe until then your survival depends on it and our deal depends on your contract I’ll keep it safe for you in my house of Hope thank you

I still expect this to end badly but of course I could never allow such a festering pastle of a city to die it’s an object lesson in Mortal your bird flirting with all the girls now I have business elsewhere Mary doesn’t like other people assured we’ll talk

Again not at first you has to get used be reckless in a devil’s hands the crown could be as dangerous as any artifact in existence we need to nullify the terms of that deal to do that we’ll need to find a diabolis willing to open a back door to

The hells sneak into Raphael’s home and destroy the contract let’s do it simple sounds good to me how do we do that thank you Captain desk yes let’s do that that sounds fun how do I do that where’s where’s that one at let’s see now wish I could remember how to play the

Game um 6 p.m. eastern time how do I get in the House of Hope I can’t believe you signed that contract we okay maybe I have to go like into a Dream well realm or something thing oh wait wrong way let go agree with this guy too I’ll break all these deals

Okay cool Max I’ll see you in the side chat looking forward to talking to Craig well he said 6 PM but you know I’m not holding my breath because been delayed a couple times brain is Breaking Free he I got to go uh I think no this

Guy though I don’t want to think I confront him like I think I almost died the last time like I got to figure out how to do all these side quests and stuff see what’s up here H not this again the brain is resisting its orders without all three stones to

Control it it will soon start acting on it own will oh sure I want to die oh my last member human girl I got that backwards the follower and member or subscriber and follower up top subscriber is actually last member and followers last last subscriber and the

Other the one in the top middle is the bits was from twitch anyways I normally stream to twitch but I decided just to stream here since no one watches my twitch stream anymore because I let it die off but oh see here they are oh see this is what I was I was

Looking for nor like the quest icons are there you know thank you Pedro I can’t drink beer I get gout no no no yeah this is the end too like chapter three so you you don’t want to get spoilers wonder if the gods are watching Bess gate oh did I click on

This he yeah I got I unlocked it I’d rather not think of it sh Strang acci what a quite detailed quite colorful quite unnecessary is still watch well I am so glad you asked yeah I just decided to do this even though I am going on Craig shows so

It’s not a complete day off for me from streaming while I’m streaming to playing the game though we’re lost aren’t we no we’re uh yeah we are we’re lost you know I set the map thing to like not spin I’m not liking that I want to put that back uh where’s the

Interface okay here do you remember which way we came yeah I remember it’s just is it in here oh it’s probably in here no how do I get in here oh what’s going on right there that’s interesting oh the kid the broad Sheet’s gone to pot ever since I left got

I I got lost you’re such a cheat when I found me and Daddy again they wouldn’t get up shouldn’t have run away I don’t believe you sorry maybe I do I’m not just don’t want to get in trouble that’s all little found his Forks gotted didn’t see the same

One City’s arms are some proper sick bastards like just backstory for something I don’t know Refuge you What was that about look mama look it’s so so Pretty great isn’t it these are just hand trips I can keep this up all day yeah I’m using people with can trips good job Mage animated let me back in I’ll bring Lin out here you tin yeah okay dude you tell thean I went for his God’s damn nightsong and now he

Has to pay up what are you looking at you [ __ ] it’s you you went looking for the night song after me I did please tell me you found it yeah hope you lost fewer people along the way than I did I lost warned us she’s out there I’m

Going to find her you my words what the heck welcome dear Patron to sorcerous sunre I am in service of the revered wizard L proprietor of this fine establishment to browse our say trade to provide information about the Night song say night song Night song If you are a

City official here to collect dues say taxes for all other inquiries say other taxes I’m sorry I didn’t understand your query to browse our say okay I heard all this to provide if you are a city official here to collect say tax for all other inquiries say

Other you are not Mr Marvin HUD the collections officer assigned to this establishment let’s see logic detected petition approved enjoy thank you how else can I help you today I don’t know how much I got but whatever Night song The provision of information that leads to the retrieval

Of the Night song is worth a great deal to master looen I do do you have information regarding the Night song please proceed upstairs for further instructions thank you please come again soon and have a magical day I want to trade the I think she has something back to

Sorceress shut up how can I help you you’re sure to find what you’re looking for oh oh just spells okay a hat Prisma plus two oh I could use that to who clothing Armory class plus two don’t have any my Gold On Me I have tons of gold though in

Storage you guys more quest to do like okay Beller go to the Book seller she can point us to the tone I need literature Department can I help you oh these books are sensitive they prefer an environment of quiet reverence okay bold you might have heard that our

Library has a collection other shops would lack the skill to curate no I think you got to call your your your father even Master Loken was reluctant to house them in his Tower the pen is mightier than the magic wand apparently they’re locked away here for their and our customer safety Martin of

Luther King Jun day Reserve includes the th codex the annals of carus and Ne Folly I could but that’d be awkward if I called your father interest you it is said to be written by Lord carus himself the nees Arcanist who attempted to replace the goddess mistra failed and was banished for the

Attempt great magical knowledge lies within those pages but not many can withstand it that’s it I’m sure you’ll talk your your father up the anals of cus would no doubt have much to say about the Crown’s true nature if only you could read them by books as temperamental as these are not on

Sale they are secured in our vault where none can harm them nor can they do any harm tomorrow’s your dad’s luy to have learned of such a book’s existence my dad died in 2022 also born in December that’s okay man parents die sorry your dad died we all go through that at some

Point sorry let’s see um it said 60 hours I’m in the third chapter like you are why I prefer the company of I like I explore too I like go and check everything out only way to gain access to the vault is through my office and before I think there’s a speedrun that’s

For minutes long you are not allowed for less than four minutes critical I already told you it is locked in our vault and with good reason imagine if a tone so dangerous was sold to someone with such poor comprehension you certainly have yeah that’s why I do

See all the things I play Forever dangerous you play Forever literally and not go everywhere 20 hours wow I’m sure there’s gold in me stacked somewhere no this was here last week already copies of this I go up these stairs or something you’re impressed by the Nintendo 64 wait yeah

Upstairs uh nintend 64 was okay for the time I guess think I need to go down here I think it’s very F wait now it’s up here how do I get up there though it’s over here somewhere what in that door’s is that the door the Vault or something

Welcome dear Patron to the floor at the top of the stairs okay if you have information about the Night song great riches await if you are here to waste the great wizard lakan’s time reconsider let your knowledge determine your path forward oh what’s the portal about the Night song is an immortal

Being the child of a DIY that is true the Night song is a Priceless Ruby is false realm beyond our own the Night song is an ancient potion allows its Drinker to become irresistibly attractive to man and God alike the Night song is a druidic starve that allows its Bearer command over an

Army of Ancient beasts no oh this is not nice what he miss uh hold very still mclaw uh crank’s aim is much improved but uh still leave something up to chance yes sir all right crank Ready Aim come on we have a visitor that e MCL you may go Uh I see no Night song surely you wouldn’t have entered my tower without the Night song in hand surely you wouldn’t have wasted my time oh yeah fascinating you’ve been to Sha’s Temple haven’t you you to the shadow fell and the Night song Speak true now for I detest a

Liar I’m growing tired of this repar my friend let us cut to the chase oh really beautiful isn’t it worth more than your life too I bought it from a kashite warlock very little of his soul left to him it can bind Celestial to the wearer’s service with a snap of the

Fingers and this this can keep her in place forever wow we shall see won’t we do as I say and you will be rewarded Beyond imagination I’m just going to kill this dude fail and you give up I want to save it for to the next motivated mercenary to encounter my

Contract the choice is yours but make no mistake I always get what I want yeah yeah yeah I’m going to just kill your ass how do I click save I I forget where’s your dead ass where did he Go oh wow there’s all these guys here I don’t care you’re dead I don’t like you what can I do here I guess Fireball I don’t think Fireball work too well let’s make this level five wait can’t I do another SP corn of cold let’s go up here guys every everybody come here

Everybody get over here get over here dude come on get out of the way this get over here okay now let’s go to ozian um oan wish interesting times walk okay let’s unsplit the group which one’s that toggle group mod okay let’s toggle them back together and go hi this

Okay I’m not I don’t know what you’re talking about dude all I know is uh I’m want to do this am I okay can I not get all of you okay then you need to back up there we go come on get back here there you

Go it goes down at Price yeah it’ll eventually be like 30 bucks or something probably caught in the act of killing a fight I welcome this fight you’re a dead okay and then is he almost dead no he didn’t even take any damage would how do he not take any damage what

My guy died how’ he die we’re probably going to die okay I can I do another quicking spell no thought he had like another ability slide yes good dominated ouch jerk I get a bonus action or something how come I won’t Target Him please help me I’m dead right load this is how this works oh I got 70 hours I know nothing happened just ignore everything the last couple minutes like nothing nothing to see there nobody’s even watch to this stream three viewers oh well that’s cool not the most popular content on matters now

I just thought I’d check to see what would happen we could probably do like a a review or something like that I thought about doing a debate review yeah negative it’s cold outside too like it’s not negative um right now but it’s pretty Close but what I can do is I can go to the camp uh where’s my Camp I can’t fast travel low freezing in New York wow 8° I want to go get um what’s her face where’s she at she’s right here um so who do I want to get rid

Of you just tell Gail to sit it out I think it deserves game of the year I don’t know it’s okay like it’s pretty good to me I I only played these games once that Char loo thinks he can best Dame alen he’s even more clueless than I

Believed we should inform her of delusions no doubt she’ll have great fun in dispelling them yep I agree kale I question the wisdom of that decision but so be it yeah uh yeah let’s get rid of somebody else who else do okay maybe get rid of

Will I don’t need will your Will’s over here somewhere W is 3 is an old one I played part of Witcher 3 U what’s Tok I’m not sure if that wizard wants Dame aen so bad I say we give him exactly what he’s asked for I’d love nothing more than to

See her grind that wret into bone dust oh let Zelda yeah I haven’t played Zelda like since I was a kid BL stands at the ready or like young anyways I say kid but I probably wasn’t actually a kid and just when things were warming up yeah yeah yeah warming up you

Say if not over then through I haven’t playing any of them so I played like the one that was like Tidings like the first one I think Legend of Zelda first one is he indeed what does he seek from Dame aen magicians and and their machinations

I got to play I had enough for an eternity I will ring his neck everybody always talks about the Zelda games I just I don’t know haven’t gotten into them oh his end will be one more strand in the great braid of our friendship okay I’m coming with you I’d like to get

A few licks in myself my darling out for the nearest salite Enclave this very night let us divide our efforts all the sooner to be reunited I won’t let you go alone who knows what this wizard might have planned our closest Ally will accompany me won’t you wild

And we to this away I am as eager to meet him as he is to ens snare me but the new ones feel a lot like fetch quests uh it’s okay too where’s where are you going like she’s just going on her own like okay will come

Back guess I can take you with me let’s talk yes and at a great cost partial sorosis I won’t begrudge you your choice as for me though I’m not ready I might never be thank you yeah I’m going to use all the worms for myself that’s the okay speaking of worms

Like it see out of oh wow I didn’t know I could do this this this is new so I can like fix like do all their inventory management now oh that’s convenient the short Loop gameplay of Zelda is really top in class music C also fun I’m in the game industry and they

Really do um well with that franchise where is my like item oh here we go well that’s not what I want I want where’s the here it is party view character shoot that’s what I was looking for where’s the tadpole upgrade thing where’s my tadpull

Menu I’ve been playing this on the PS5 I think it is or the Xbox I have all of them but I think it’s a PS5 where’s the tple men menu is it here here it is I have n left so I’m a partial lipid okay all right that’s where that was you

Now I’m going to exit Camp do I need to sleep no okay let’s go back what has go kill this dude a magician in a tower hiding away from the frightening world what are you so scared of magus not the Night song surely why she’s nothing but a relic to be purchased and

Pursued at last there you are my dear you will address me with due deference I am d aen and you are a wealth without honor without Pride with nothing but a tower full of trinkets my apologies Dame alen I meant no disrespect you have a freaking prison course we could start

Over I am lakan I am most pleased to make your acquaintance and that of your fine companion who perhaps I was looking for you Dame alen I have discovered a device that would allow your immortality to be shared it would cause you no harm no

Pain of any kind took you N9 years to make what game you serve your mother saluna I believe oh it took them N9 years okay blessed our real with so many gifts honor her by sharing yours you mean this game I know it took him forever to make this game you seek

Legend of Zelda game the Zelda game you dare to threaten me with the same magic that held me in torment for aund years I had hoped to appeal to your better nature perhaps I overestimated you no bother I have an arsenal of implements capable of convincing you to see reason but his magic

Lives I’d hoped you’d keep an open mind but it seems you’re determined to make this as difficult as possible I have great plans for you Dame aen and if you will not go quietly then you’ll go Kicking and Screaming you shall die hopefully magicians and their plans for Dame aen predictable sadistic

Like what okay why would I use that one I’ll just use this one yeah she’s not a vampire she’s like an angel thing of B jig okay and then I want do I have scorched I thought do I not have the spell it is well that’s probably not going to

Work too well against him fire let’s do something else not want any area effect spells we could do like the magic Missile that was waste of time should attacked one of those other guys I’m going to probably have to redo this one yeah they it was on Early Access forever

Too like a year or over a year I bought it on Early Access so okay I’m want to have to like kill those oh yeah there we go ah that guy is Wicked Strong it I have this set up to do like this certain thing somehow will it work on him

No path is interrupted High defense this sucks I had this set up to do like bonus attacks like not knowing like not playing forever and not be able to kill that guy I don’t know it’s like repetitive I think yeah it’s uh 6:00 p.m Eastern Standard Time come on where’s my

Thing I should do to I still can’t do any damage to that guy so a he has a bunch of Buffs U fight to Flat Earth Craig it’s a YouTube channel um let’s see if he post it again I’ll post a link he wants to do a debate review of my debate with

Caleb I’m not subscribed to him see if he has it he doesn’t have it posted yet but I put his link out for his channel so it should be tonight mine is the advantage oh what the hell let’s finish this oh this guy’s here too I’m dead okay I can heal though let’s

See don’t I have like a group heal or something oh yeah there are lunar eclipses I Misspoke they are a type of lunar eclipse so I messed up on I think he asked me about corpuscular Rays too I thought he said selli in eclipses oh I need heal isn’t there a group heal I have there we go and then I should have h okay and then oh

Yeah huge text and you make faces yeah oh just trying to think of something to like because the guy’s sort of a dick you know so I had that like all prepared ahead of time well as you could tell that’s not going to work

Oh okay so he has it ready yet did he post it oh yeah there it is a debate with an idiot I need a better commercial like he has so there’s a link to the thing I’m going to post it in my um create post I am doing a debate priew

With white F Earth about the debate I had with Caleb on at modern a debate at 6:00 pm eastern time here then post a link then post cool uh uh guess it was affected but it came across as you interrupt me for some yeah yeah I could have done it a

Different way um and it did come across I guess it’s a little some people loved it other people didn’t but it’s like that with every debate I do anyways some people like my style the people don’t like my style people complain I read from a script like but like he mentioned

That you’re just reading from script dude you’re literally just reading the PowerPoint and clearing the PowerPoint like word for word from the screen you’re reading a script it’s like at least learn how to clear a PowerPoint like you put notes like when I do PowerPoint presentations I put notes on

The PowerPoint that describe what’s the like the the blocks on the slides so yeah reading from a script is classic like people have always read from scripts for the opening and sometimes even their rebuttal like if sometimes people will share their opening arguments and then you write a rebuttal

In response to their opening too but not like perfectly more like notes like that you’re going to cover some things you’re going to say something you you’re going to cover and you start add Li based on any changes they may or may not have made and it’s um prepping like

Precisely and like I made a list of questions too just in case he wasn’t willing to have a discussion about the topic at hand I intentionally wrote a bunch of questions to ask him about that claim because I knew it was going to be like that yeah reading my preparation isn’t

Scripted yeah it’s like he thinks I got it from somebody else oh you didn’t write that like what are you talking about other people tried to say that like I write dude who else wrote it in my thing just Breck that’s weird I don’t know how to

Kill this guy like I have to do physical damage I think against him but none of my guys are really physical except the Paladin but they’re not grouped up so this sort of sucks right like just do a fire ball can I get like two of them at least

Yeah oh that’s a good question what are meteor showers I don’t know I don’t think stop falling from the freaking Dome I guess magic yeah they have no answer for any of that stuff I okay so I broke through that one okay I can’t use anything jerk what did you hit me

For yeah the fireworks it’s uh what is it they call it harp I guess will rise again did she die how did she die I’m so annoyed like she died oh now I’m I’m like what so now he’s down too I don’t know there’s something wrong like I need to like

Level up or something cuz like none of these battles am I like surviving in act three oh of course like I got to go all the way back and get her and all that stuff maybe I need to go like outfit her out before I tell her to go fight this

Guy oh you know I need to go get my food I should be here I’ll be right back well looks like I left my food out there a little bit too long because uh it’s a little cold my in the battle oh no that’s some practicing for

Yeah I think I messed up a little bit on the whale thing too like I wasn’t precise I’m just putting in the microwave for a couple minutes so two minutes 90 seconds like now I’m bored I don’t even want to play this game I want to play

Something else I don’t know let’s think somebody got me uh a new game I like I like Minecraft too my Minecraft world got destroyed though it’s sort of annoying yeah I got a thing to I’m just microw waving it I’m lazy let’s see what could I play

Library no man’s kind I don’t want to play that I do want to play Elite dangerous I don’t have my controller out um Don’t Starve Together Justin recommended that I don’t know Eve wow it’s been forever since I played Eve yeah yeah I got it Ace thank you I

I’ll be on that too so it’s uh I posted the link and I posted uh review see looking forward to this oan and uh let’s get through his review and see it says three hours for me that’s four hours yeah four hours I like Minecraft let me go get my food

Though I’m not sure if I can watch it I don’t really like get bothered by people like K calab cab like he least he wasn’t being racist or whatnot on on stream um even though he said well I have a black girlfriend so he’s not racist I’m like whatever dude it’s not

What that means racist doesn’t mean like you just think um white people are superior thank you Robin you know what I’m want to play a modded Minecraft um my son always tells me to play all the mods but haven’t really got into that one I like um enigmatica what’s the launcher it

Is Forge curse Forge there it is you got black pajamas let’s see if enigmatic has been fixed amadis enigmatica enigmatica n’s out oh what’s e oh expert oh enigmatica 9 has an expert version what’s the difference between the expert and the non-expert I don’t know you’re playing in the snow it’s too

Cold we don’t have snow today in Pennsylvania okay yeah I’m definitely playing this they got it fixed I don’t know what the difference is between expert and non-expert oh working in this snow yeah that’s right here yeah yes I definitely want to play this come on install

It I am good I that’s okay I’m not young though but you can pretend like I am if you want to like see all the wrinkles I can get or over here get know all the wrinkles I’m in my 50s for sure now 55 that’s old so much older than me

Double Nickel yeah bit who I need catchup though you know that Matt Walsh guy I think it was him one of those little snobby little guys that’s on the um Ben Shapiro show he’s he’s like all snobby about ketchup I’m like get out this the dude’s so snobby he says you

Shouldn’t buy presents for your um significant other um before Valentine’s Day you should only do it for Valentine’s Day like why why like I’m the other way around like I’m going to do nice things for my significant other all year round like why why would I wait for Valentine’s Day

That’s just going to be an extra day like where we I get like Valentine’s Day stuff yeah he’s a he’s an idiot like mocking people putting ketchup on fries he’s sort of a dumbass but whatever and then uh don’t buy Valentine’s Day gifts for your significant others like are you kidding

Me did you anybody see Grayson’s short he put out about magnets and Trump where Trump was saying that water will extinguish like magnets to make him start working yes unfortunately I was born on maral Luther King Jr day no I think he was born on um January

15th wasn’t he like not no I’m confused used he was born January 10th he died April 4th so yeah it’s um in celebration of his birth not his death he was born on January 10th now he said he put magnets in lot water they don’t work so dumb

I mean he’s just he’s old and Rich he’s probably never even played with magnets before like I’m that’s sort of dumb well he obviously never has to think about stuff like that like how do you go through life not know how magnets work Matt Walsh’s life wife yeah I’m

Thinking like there’s going to be a Steve Crowder event coming up like when his wife left him with Matt wall or no he um did he supposed to leave his wife is that what happened well I Steve Crowder’s much nicer than Matt Walsh I I wouldn’t at least he comes off as much

What nicer it’s like Matt Walsh intentionally tries to be a douchebag oh if they died that stupid Emoji thing that live reaction I hate that I want to get rid of that if people don’t know if they stream you can get rid of that live Emoji you

Just got to go into the stream and then click the customization for the stream and uncheck live reactions and then click save and then it went away thank you flat Sabbath yeah why would people in Iowa die for going to vote for Trump like it’s so

Bizarre gu what vote it’s not worth it to die to go vote just to die you know like I mean I understand like if it’s a war like a war Revolution or Civil War or something like that dying for the right to vote you know but

Just to die on the way to the voting booth we need to make voting easier like um I always thought like we should have like where we can do it online but I don’t know how we’d make that secure where people could hack it or trust it entirely like there’s still

People that only trust voting by paper ballot like no one could like cheat with paper ballots like no one could like Forge your ballot like if their paper ballot it’s like ridiculous but or sleepy gel will come for your loved ones you make it secure by doing it over a couple days

Yeah you can do it over it doesn’t have to be the same day well that’s what mail and ballots are I mean Most states have some type of mail and ballot process for voting so it’s not like you have to vote on Election Day Megaton Megaton rainfall

Okay that like an old um 2D side real sort of game well then you got to keep the voting boosts open for a week too if you do it like walking over a week and some people can’t go in to vote right disabled or for whatever reason maybe

They’re in the Navy can’t go in to vote like I was several times where I was deployed overseas flat Sabbath um I think they count both like it doesn’t seem like it because if there’s 60 million people voting you’re just one vote but I mean all those one

Votes are what added up to that whatever how many people vote a year not 160 million is it more like 110 now I got to look I can’t remember 81 million well he had 81 million votes Trump had 74 so that’s 155 million the last election I think that

Was the biggest Yeah by far the biggest election electoral college but it still matters for your state right so even when with the Electoral College your vote matters in who your state selects to be poto yeah New York’s not always like New York has gone Republican it’s gone

Democrat but that’s going to be the same for any Statewide election right for Senate Governor uh and have Republican Governors and Democratic Governors so New York goes back and forth people think it’s like a deep blue state but I mean it just depends on who’s running and how like conservative

Conservative they are whether they could get like the presidential or Governor vote but they go back and forth now California on the other hand I don’t think they’ve had a republican since schweger is a senator or a governor get my straw if I got Minecraft downloaded I’m going

To play that in a minute once I eat uh you’re saying New York doesn’t go Republican National they do um no Frosty today sometimes I get one when they’re cheap or sometimes and door Dash will’ll have them for free if you get like a Coke or

Something so I I get them let’s see um um who okay when is he last time New York voted for a republican votus okay voting history um come on 1984 so rean uh both reans 80 and 84 so they voted for Reagan in 80 and

84 I mean if you want to claim flat Sabbath that there’s shenanigans that go on sometimes in presidential elections I’m not going to quibble about that but if you’re saying that there weren’t Shenanigans going on on Trump’s part also I’m going to call it [ __ ] on that because there’s shenanigans that go

On in politics especially National politics um I mean he was trying to get um Pence to not certify electorates but that’s up to the state to decide um what electorates are certified for that state not up to the vice president that’s the system we created I I’ve known there was

Issues um with Kentucky I think during the Civil War um where they sent two sets of delegates um to the for the Electoral College and they wanted them to certify the Confederate ones of course but they didn’t because you know H that’s not how it

Works I think that was the last time I’m not sure if they’ve ever not certified like what the state sent in for electoral electorates for Electoral College there was there was one election where I think Congress had to select who would the winner was oh besides Washington let’s see if there’s a tie

I think if you don’t have um the minimum like 270 electric College boats then it goes to the floor I think that’s happened before too all the times in history there we go Le her defectors anyway sure I’m pretty sure there was an election hey Justin thank you oh Jefferson Hamilton over

Burr I know there was like one or two elections where there’s like a three-way race where neither of them had enough Electoral College votes and it went to Congress to select who the president would be but that’s super rare you could see a scenario like that this election because of how unpopular

Biden and Trump are United States that if Kennedy got enough Electoral College votes to upset it that it would go to Congress to decide and so you could see a scenario where Biden has more Electoral College votes than Trump but he doesn’t have 270 I think that’s how it works too

Thank you Mary and because Congress is run by Republicans overall right now that’d be interesting to see I think people would be a little upset hopefully they wouldn’t do that so how many senators um so there’s 49 Republicans 48 Democrats so with the independence go Democrats so would

Be no I’m in act three actually Dustin I actually took a break from playing I’m want to play some Minecraft but yeah it’d be close that would be that would be crazy if something like that happened in the US right now I’m eating I’m G to play Minecraft I want to change the

Title oh it’s going to be a fresh game enigmatica nine it’s running 1.19 so should work pretty good but who do y’all think the Americans are going to vote for for to be president in 2024 not who you want to win but who do you think the people are going to vote

For there will be people to vote for Biden that’s for sure Republicans are twoo separated they’re behind Trump though U the Republican voters are didn’t Viv drop out or is he he still in I saw him where Tim pool interviewed him I didn’t watch the interview let’s see what real CLA

Politics says right now hey Biden’s beating Trump by 19 points in Cali Mary out yeah there we go national election but Trump’s lead is falling to 1.1 Point yeah all but you’re you’re not like um hard hardore democrat or republican right Robin you just don’t like Trump you prefer Biden over Trump

But other elections you might go Republican or no yeah Chris Christy was a moderate um Republican we’ll see Robin um this time during the election cycle Biden was leaving in the polls but it’s a different election Mary okay Robin I don’t know if they’ll die the average

Life expectancy of somebody their age is like 12 years so lifelong Republican but the GOP has lost their minds this Christian nationalism stuff is AB insane yeah it is strok I mean they could have like some major um disability that happens or something while they’re in office the next four years that’s much

Much more likely than um what’s yuck me eating a burger oh about Biden and Trump yeah if conservatives decide they can’t win democratically they will turn away from democracy um I don’t know I I hope not I think there is a minority of Republicans that don’t give a [ __ ] that just want want

Christianity like they want the government to be run as a Christian state which to me is completely an unamerican like they don’t understand like what the US is about I like Mayo on Burgers too ketchup and Mayo you are annoying Mary every time I talk she freaked out last night she was

Like flying around her cage and I had to go comfort her sometimes parrots will have nightmares so I need to get a cover I took the cover off of her because I was us it my blanket anyways I’ll be right back there I put a thing so she can’t see

Me she won’t talk as much so I can hear myself think it’s an Amazon parrot so the green sort of perck you’ve seen Yeah the more educated a person is the more likely they are to vote Democrat or independent that is true it doesn’t mean educated people

Don’t vote both parties but uh higher percentage of them vote Democrat or independent over Republican she’s like six or seven years old now um so she’s young I mean it’s an adult for a parent but she’ll live to be like 80 or something she’ll live to be like Trump for Biden’s

Age so crazy how old they are right like how is that well chrisy is a republican too um we had lots of options to vote for people in that last election that were much better than Biden and I think they still would have beat Trump like

Like almost all of them were better than Biden I I just don’t get it why they selected Biden because he’s like to States SP or something I don’t know I mean I I like Yang I actually donated money to Yang even though I voted libertarian I donated money to Yang

Because I sort of agree with the Ubi and I think we need something like that yeah I’m looking at both the green and libertarian options actually um um West he he’s a common Green Party candidate and he’s vote running as an independent this time so he is on the

Ballot as an independent if people are interested in like a green Party candidate but he’s not tracking in the polls at all I think people when they see that they think he’s Kanye West it’s but it’s not Kanye West Kanye West isn’t running um I you say very few presidents I’m

Reading all the chats but like I get it like Republicans need to change um how many poce have lost second term so 10 former presidents lost their second term Carter George HW Bush Donald Trump um so it’s 10 out of 46 or something to like 25% have lost their second

Turn yeah I guess Yang just didn’t have the gravy toss to win it’s not saying he didn’t have a plan otherwise in Ubi like you look at his website he had a deta outline plan Librarians stole the show Libertarians didn’t steal a show last election or any election really people

Playing um Trump winning on Libertarians and green party but um Libertarians are sort of split like if they don’t vote libertarian they’ll they’ll either not vote or they’ll like split between Democrats and Republicans maybe a little bit leaning more towards Republican than Democrat but it’s not like a 100% of them would

Vote either party tiger kings run he I think he was running or he said he was running for this election that’s a joke V though he’s in prison right now but he can run for president um the main candidates running really are just Trump Biden and Kennedy

I mean you can vote for whoever you want to but I’ll tell you it um like the ones that are pulling let me look at a a recent PLL I think it’s West okay so Trump Biden Kennedy West map Steed um which is libertarian Stein Jill Stein who’s green

And then Mansion who’s run he’s a um front in as an independent to B receiv the economy from bad reception recession that was Congress like I don’t think the president has much of a role in that it’s just the economy goes up and down regardless if

Whoever is in charge anyway so like if the economy started going in a slide tomorrow and we went into another recession I wouldn’t be blaming Biden for that that’s just like the cycles of the economy um just like I don’t give credit to them for getting us out of the

Recession unless there’s specific policy that they like wrote to get us out of the recession so I would say like Congress did that Congress passed the bills to help us get us out of recession and you could see uh that was from um you know the virus we had a pandemic

In the country that you know I did we actually go in a recession I don’t I think we were actually in a recession let me look was the last us recession yeah 208 was the last recession so Biden I mean you can say he saved it from a recession but we never were

Actually in a recession so that would just be something you you can’t know is true or not oh yeah like Trump’s like originally like he was very positive about trans people and LGBT but now he’s just appealing to the worst part of his base about trans and LGB stuff and I that’s

One reason like there’s something like there that base is just toxic how did they change the recession criteria um H Hammond I thought it was three S three quarters of um not negative growth think Biden did all the Dirty Work all things are not sexy like infrastructure okay yeah so like in 10

Years we might see some benefit but that those policies future policies don’t necessarily get us out of recession today that would be like in the future when we actually start enacting all those infrastructure measures and stuff like that that we’ll see some positive growth out of that and that’s

True but you know Trump did infrastructure plans too like they all do like every president does yeah president I don’t think the president has that much of an impact on gas prices either um like they can help like restrict or enact policy to make it easier to produce

Oil yeah like the wall but it is an infrastructure program like and that does put people to work whether you agree with the infrastructure he was building or not but no he did a lot of um they enacted like a uh Interstate upgrade policy too but like it was sort

Of a laughing stock nothing was really done in in any period of time and that’s the same with all these policies they don’t happen until forever and ever and ever yeah like a lot of these changes you won’t see the effect effect of until like the next

President and the 2008 recession was the shortest on record too no I didn’t see that Justin he stomped on Disney how did he stomp on dis Disney oh because Disney criticized a law he enacted in Florida an anti-lgbtq law okay now the oil industry wants to elect GOP that may be the

Case I don’t dispute that at all I think we need to go I think we need to get away from fossil fuels but like I don’t know how we do that for heating and transportation like in the short term it’s going to be a long-term process still but we need to start

Somewhere oh they stop like they’re huge in Florida too Justin like Disney um Disney World Epcot Center and all that stuff okay uh should the capital generary 6 events make people not even consider revote for Trump again no um I wouldn’t vote for Trump again um not necessarily because of January 6

Events just because I don’t agree with his policies um like I don’t like that they were trying to manipulate the Electoral College vote um I don’t like that whole campaign I think they should have relied upon the court process and let that happen and not make it entirely political so that

Was all just political theater there and people died due to the political theater and there’s people that actually were convicted of insurrection um what four people I think that were convicted of insurrection for the January 6 who was convicted Did of insurrection for January 6 uh was it I know he was Enrique tario probo leader I don’t know there were four people pretty sure but yeah you talk about Trump he was tried in the Senate and he was acquitted now a senate hearing Senate trial isn’t like a criminal trial so but

That’s like how they do it with the podus and they quitted them so we’ll see what scotus rules about these um Colorado and Maine cases about taking Trump off the ballot for primary election he did insurrecto I don’t know what that means what’s cucko we do a lot with our fossil fuels

Like what could we do besides just use them for like other type of manufacturing or like I think we need to get off a fossil fuels for a fuel source right to at least okay here we go SED dious conspiracy that’s what your conviction is 1 two 3 4 5 five six seven

People um five proud boys and two oathkeepers Enrique tario Joseph big Zachary ra Ethan nordan Dominique pisola Stuart rhods and Kelly mags here in America we pretend we are all that matters we are damn it Go American we’re all that matters what are you talking about um yeah sometimes but I think most

A lot of countries do that don’t they like like people sort of view their own thing first it was VI supposed to be a elite dangerous stream I couldn’t get my controllers up and running in time so I’m going to play Minecraft instead I’m sorry if you came for elite

Dangerous um but I actually played Baler gase 3 instead and now I’m going to play um Minecraft but I overslept this morning so I wasn’t able to get all my controller set up I moved and stuff like that so anyways apologize for that it’s just my birthday just here to chill in

Chat yeah I love Elite dangerous so but I need to get my rig all set up I’m moving again so it’s like uh I don’t know like maybe I’ll wait until I get into my new place to play thank you for the happy birthday thank you Hannah triple Elite I’m I’m not triple Elite I’m uh I think I am oh I think I’m Elite in combat and um maybe I am triple Elite I don’t know I’d have to look again yeah fossa fuels I agree I need to get my P for I mean that’s what the science tells

Us flat sabath is that um is causing global warming which will destroy our environment so you can deny the science I I prefer to go with what the best knowledge we have is oh here it is um like yeah if you can’t just look at one day though and make a decision if

It’s going to have long-term consequences or not to the environment so I think the 2010 were the hottest um decade on record hotter than the 1930s at least for the US and across the globe it definitely was the hottest on record and you think of the other side

Of that it gives us um energy independence from the Middle East so we’re not as controlled by prices from there even though I know the US has maybe the largest oil Reserve in the world um for fuel and stuff like that but um we just keep that use it for other

Stuff and if people don’t know in I think it’s three hours now I’m going to be on fight the flat Earth’s channel to go over a debate I did against Caleb let’s make sure it’s in three hours here yep in two hours 6 PM three hours

You’ll figure out who I am people say I don’t know this ozian person thank you Robin um so yeah it’s global climate change so you can get extreme weather changes is um colder and hotter so but the overall trend for the annual temperatures are hotter um but just because you have more

Extremes doesn’t mean oh it starts at 1:00 amm for you vipe yeah I think um Craig said it was midnight at his time when he asked me yeah yeah just because of Colder winter like here the winterers are warmer the last few years but they were cold like the year

Before that so it’s like H I think he told me it was midnight but maybe I don’t know maybe he did see 11 I think he did see 11 you’re right it’s five hours ahead but yeah flat Sabbath you can watch our stream I did with um Dr J on

Here I’ll post a link to it if you’re curious about it and watching it if if anything you can just you can comment on it and let us know what you think where’s that at here it is get sharable link here’s the link to it should be a better review than the other

One let’s see no one danced Nadar commented on the the stream we did last night he just is the knowledge we did say that that he was arguing against Christianity is your trust issues when it comes to Authority um that’s unfortunate sometimes like authorities know more about certain things it’s your birthday

Yes H yes it is how go thank you all right oh where’s my game thank you Robin for sh putting that out there I’m just gonna play a single player game we are definitely open to different views and opinions here including a deer if you’re watching

This right now the deer um come on to the next debate after show we’re going to have about the Israeli Palestinian War um between Daniel a kikachu and um apostate Prophet on the 16th so it’s 7:15 p.m. Eastern Standard time we should be doing a pre-show about 10 pm

Eastern Standard time we should be doing an after show you know what it be an interi MDD debate calib versus flaty do they disagree fight what do they disagree about who makes the most meme faces yeah uh sure I mean they’re both flat earthers so I don’t know what they would argue

About oh you have to figure out a topic yeah that that makes sense The Ether did they disagree about The Ether I didn’t hear K kib or calb whatever he wants to call himself argue for The Ether like I sorted waiting for that too I didn’t have as much of a problem

With um ploid that I did with C KH khib versus William that’d be a good one too William would decimate him Caleb okay Caleb yeah that’s why I sit in the debate too Caleb wouldn’t um Caleb thought he was going to interrogate me like he did Craig and I

Wasn’t going to let him interrogate me like that it’s like to hell with that [ __ ] you’re not here just to interrogate me dude he considers an interrogation a debate it’s like the kid doesn’t know what a debate is he’s a goofball definitely calebs a goofball I have a lot of patience you

Thought I had a lot everybody says that I had a lot of patience in that debate I’m like are you serious like I thought it was a bit of a dick to Caleb I mean I had those shorts I had this [ __ ] where’s why how come that’s not working

Oh I’m half expecting a judge to pop out and score a debate like an Olympic event one for argumentation but a perfect 20 for theatrical facial expressions is my headset off it is that’s why I’m not hearing that oh no with that level of mocking my argument is crumbling wait no it’s still

There just checked Caleb Leo’s too awesome to debate him yeah yeah Caleb’s not unintelligent I just don’t think he knows how to debate yeah like I I don’t know how he thought that was going to be impressive I mean listen flat Sabbath I get I get it flat Sabbath okay I get it

But I offered I tried to give Caleb some advice like during the debate I said listen Caleb this is a gotcha question here about the calculus derivative question they asked about integral then they ask about um the derivative like Caleb it’s just a gotcha question they’re just trying to prove that you

Don’t know calculus it’s like and so he said no no I want to answer that what was it what’s the what’s the D of 3x um to the third power and he said 81 like no like and I said he was talking about infinite flat plane I was

Like dude I recommend you read about Zeno’s paradoxes I know 81 so so bad like I tried to like tell don’t don’t answer that just say I don’t know like if you don’t know don’t answer that question but he answered it so whatever incorrectly I might add here we

Go how come it’s not working all right I forgot to change the thing for the game where is there it is I don’t want B it how come this is I’m going to close oh that’s not working um Auto okay that auto worked transform stretch the screen okay

Oh good I hope you enjoy watching the rookie there vipe I’m down to debate religion Justin you didn’t watch last night that debate was cringey too like uh Nader wait how do I why do I have all this stuff this e what like I have all these arrows this is

Nice can I put these in here how do I open a a backpack is it B okay what’s that I was so excited for a nonf flat Earth debate I got a mod it was horri it was hored MDD would let you on with the vague topic you would be willing to debate

Wouldn’t it was worse than the um nere isn’t worse than Caleb um but Mike like he tried to do like a skeptical debate against Nadar and I don’t think he did a great job with it what whoa what the hell are these things h he’s I can make it

Bed come on I can’t play Minecraft yeah I’m I’m using streamlabs actually okay how do I make a bed uh I need planks that’s right get a bed down first thing that’s convenient right okay then I need five of them I just need one of them come on

Then what I can’t build a bed unless you’re the same color a they all need to be the same same color Daniel’s Gross yeah Daniel can be cross my up speed I don’t know is it not clear I’ll tell you output is set to 2500 bit rate just 2500 normally I do like 4,000 so look good like I didn’t even look I guess I can make a I should make an axe at least right

Save see an ax is like this and I did it wrong for gaming on YouTube I set my 9,000 9,000 I don’t have luck with that maybe in my new place I will like that’s not recommended anything I’ve read but I’ll I’ll check it I’m not going to stop the stream to change

It usually I get dropped bits so I I don’t do that like oh wait I can do TIY right like can I do tilty see some builds I’m playing on a flat world though Sabbath doing it for you buddy I want to do the quest oh daylight 9,000 is recommended for YouTube gaming

Like okay a different oh what’s this is that one of those cofy things is that Firefly oh wa I got a firefly for AE yes Minecraft is flat sort of actually it’s not flat what are you talking about it has like holes in the world like if we go out too far there’s

Gaps all over and you start walking sideways and stuff and if you go too far I can try it really quick whatever okay let’s see I think I got a book oh that’s a map what I can see forever where’s my book at is it q q no not

Q uh is a book no is backpack oh there’s backpack oh I’m wearing a backpack I’m not going to do it I just did it for my birthday not normally Minecraft only has one up and down up and down is always in reference to you it’s relative dude it’s relative to

How much pot you’re smoking I guess I need to find like a building or something what is this like I haven’t seen a single mob they better find a village what is is all these buildings I think have a bed where’d you go sheep hey I I get that you don’t think

Um a kikachu can defend the Palestinians oh no no no no no no no no no wait I have a bow Central pedal down I don’t know what you mean by that but down it’s just in reference to me it’s not like a thing I shoot through here nope

Ah I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I kind eat this eat this I know it’s it’s Isabel the crying because I ate I ate the meat somebody’s going to come kill me now oh great no down is in reference to me like down if I’m upside down down

Would be my feet depends like down down has different um definitions what is that what is that hello no what what what what I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead we are you leaving me alone did he go invisible like I’m dead what’s going on what okay he’s

Dead I’m so dead like I need okay I I need food or something like when’s Daylight coming this is like the longest night I want to die with all this stuff is the light coming out like there’s light over there oh that’s a firefly okay okay no no no

No hey doggy don’t eat me hey whoopies don’t eat me what is this a crow okay don’t kill me oh here’s more sheep I need this need make a bed I need three Brown sheep okay let’s see is there another Brown sheep over here okay another Brown sheep or blue

One okay where’s it okay where’s that other Brown sheep do I have three brown wool okay good and I can do this okay then I can do a brown bed right right Brown and then I could just do where’s that oh I need to put the workbench down crafting table I mean yay

Sure like Twilight oh it’s a twilight forest oh that’s so weird right like I didn’t know that um I need to cook this I want to get out of the Twilight Forest I think keep that in my hot bar I don’t think I like this Twilight Forest thing

Okay I want to get out of the Twilight I want daylight so I know when it’s night is this like the snowy Forest okay where’s the daylight here oh Mariah no go away Mariah I don’t want to kill you I can’t kill you I don’t have enough stuff is there daylight over there

I’m like reading the comments on man more Caleb oh funny there’s a way to get the chat into Minecraft at least there is for twitch you can install a mod it’s pretty cool he that scary sound what the [ __ ] hopefully I’m out of the Twilight Forest thing I don’t like that come

On where’s daylight at like what biome is this mushroom Forest oh shoot the one with the magnet yeah I talk talked about it a little bit ago about Trump and magnets yeah that was funny mushrooms I can eat mushrooms though that is pretty funny I let go eat this mushroom

Oh did I not get him I don’t think I can eat these I can make soup out of it how come I saw Twilight it’s so weird oh here here’s a house hopefully this isn’t the same like full of skeletons things I think it is that’s good of

Well I’m going to die dude what the hell can’t I can’t go in those places can I eat no I’m playing with my keyboard and mouse I can make mus mushroom soup right like I can’t remember how to do that I need a bowl or something I

Think is that like a little pet or something didn’t I get a I got um apples here we go Max hedum a little bit right except not the blonde hair like a older version of Max hedr didn’t they do an old Max headr should see what he looks like when he’s

Aged compare him to Biden that’d be pretty funny I find a village I think these guys Ram you um I don’t know just going to stay away from them just in case what are you H whatever oh there a well what was down here what what okay something’s under

There I’m in Oak Savannah how come it’s still dark out thank you K I’m just chilling until my live on fight the flag Flat Earth Channel about my debate with Caleb got me diamonds I got a dig I did okay okay where do I dig just tell me where I start digging

And over the hump yes I’m over the hump of a century dang it what the hell like I don’t even know if it’s N Out out or day out like what is that like I’m like is it still night I don’t know like what the hell hey

Chicken come here stop where’d you go well you can breed chickens in this game too and get different type of material you can build like a breeding thing there raw chicken some obsidian I could build a portal if I had a diamond pickaxe like why is that just randomly there like

Whatever that Forest looks sort of scary over there I got another one just randomly there I’m on a Lisa I can paint one like how come it’s always dark like I can just sweep sleep whenever I want to so weird something’s weird yeah I don’t know about this

Okay okay did you guys hear that I’m like no no no no no no this is a what the hell what are you some Demon to possessed freaking wolf a hostile one okay all this is enigmatica 9 there’s a quest log um I need to figure out the command

Open up the quest but uh like right now I’m just trying to find a home like I want daylight this is so weird like what is that so like a broken biome or something there’s like light over there maybe there’s light like what is this this like there’s experience up

There can I get it no huh looks like there’s daylight over there so I’m GNA go hey what what is that is that one of those mooses yeah be moose wild deer okay Enchanted Forest people want to make a home in the Enchanted Forest I don’t know if I’ll keep this stream up

I might just remove it just came to chill chill and chat with people that didn’t want to come in in chat there’s some glass over there wait what’s like like random glass doing like sitting ol over it’s weird I no way to pick it up though but oh maybe I can break the

Fence are they like lanterns Dar it Firefly jar okay it’s the water flat no it’s pixels okay that is scary what the hell got one question plat Sabbath who won that debate between between me and Caleb 811 yes that was so horrible I know you’re biased in favor of me

That’s okay I appreciate you you don’t want to make Caleb seem bad you notice I don’t call him KK Caleb like everybody else does either even though I questioned some of his comments and stuff even though I just did yeah like where’s your daylight at I got Twilight Forest [ __ ] like

I I only used it the one time just to say like you should listen to other people if you come and watch the um debate review on the fight the flat Earth’s Channel you’ll see in the chat a lot of people will say it he offered some Hitler apologetics

Let’s just say that and so why am I wasting like bow oh no no no I will always read a script I write in a debate um is part of my opening that’s just normal for debates like you come in prepared man he read from his script too plot Sabbath

Did you notice that he posted his PowerPoint he just read his PowerPoints off he was reading the script just as much as I was just my script was just better and then I did I had notes and stuff yeah that’s like tradition and debates like I could try to memorize it

But I don’t de I change my debate you’ll never see me do the same debate twice either like all my debates have been original and different it wasn’t fton it wasn’t actually it was close but it wasn’t exactly what was on the paper on word right what you read his name wrong

Caleb how did I read his name wrong it’s not Caleb at the end I said hello to James I mispronounce it yeah because I don’t know how to pronounce this how do you pronounce it calb Caleb I don’t know I don’t know the person yeah pronouncing the name it doesn’t

Matter if you write it down or not um pretty sure I said Caleb though but is that wrong Caleb or is it calb trying to find some light daylight like what the heck like why can’t I just sleep I can just sleep whenever I want to in your script you didn’t realize that

His name was coming up yeah I did like I what do you mean in the first paragraph are you talking about when I took a pause that’s because there’s a bunch of background no so I paused my um opening to shut it off because Caleb had a bunch of background

Noise feeding back through his mic and I had his thing open in the background so I don’t know what you’re talking about and yes you read your notes but it’s not verbatim I had to modify some stuff most of it was but not all of it I’m not apologizing for writing an

Opening argument I will do that for every single debate that is normal for a debate to think it’s not normal just mean means you’re not watching enough debates but everything in one of my debates is opening is scriptive scripted and I practice it too I didn’t realize his name was coming

Up what are you talking about I have no idea what you’re talking about if I mispronounce announced his name I’m the one that got that debate to happen I’m the one that spoke to him I’m the one that scheduled it I’m the one that got

Um James to agree to um moderate it so I knew exactly he always debating and I wrote my script after I knew I was debating so I don’t know what you’re talking about if I mispronounce his name it’s just because I mispronounce names all the time

Mario like just ask people I do it all the time no everybody agrees that you everybody like read up this comment section the only PE there’s only a couple people complaining that people write scripts like an opening argument for a debate like they don’t have to be notes they can be like entirely

Pre-written out or notes like I’ve done both but there is part of the open opening yeah why wouldn’t I script an opening that’s just silly like I’ve WR the opening argument for every one of my debates like you think that’s weird like that’s just weird sorry I used to do that too like

Literally get sick watching it um Minecraft I’m trying to find light but I might actually quit I’ve been doing this for three hours take a break and wait for my debate but um yeah and Mario was Caleb’s opening scripted or not Mario on flat Sabbath was Caleb’s opening scripted did Caleb read exactly

What he put on his PowerPoints on the screen are you just complaining that my opening was better was that the problem was it scripted or not Mario his his opening was not scripted he didn’t read exactly what was on his PowerPoint on the screen that’s what a scripted opening is you cleared your

PowerPoints that’s that’s what that is so if you’re complaining about scripted debate so is mine it was in my own words you scripts that you write are in your own words I don’t know what you’re talking about nope those were my words every one of my debates I write

For my openings every single one so and I spend days tweaking up you can ask the people that work with me I spend days writing my opening then I repeat it over and over again until I feel like I can present it well in my debate thank you mads wyberg for the happy

Birthday we all disagree on lots of stuff I’m sure yeah if you don’t like what I write that’s a different story um but I write all my openings I write books I disagree that we disagree us thank you yeah like sometimes I make mistakes like um when I’m speaking and that’s

Just a problem I have I don’t always um like speak very well like I think I do okay but I make mistakes especially when I’m reading too um that’s why I practice my opening a few times and I’m getting better and better and better at reading

The scripts I write so I think that’s cool I’m going take a break from the game when how did I Mis promount his name Mario when I said James what did I say Caleb or calb because I’m not sure how to pronounce it some people said it’s

Caleb I mispronounced the name so I didn’t write it let me let me find it let’s see so who wrote it Mario who wrote it then come on since I didn’t write it who wrote it like I have my edit history of me writing it here it is so I didn’t say his

Name oh like this one oh no it’s not that one I’m half expecting a judge my argument is crumbling wait no it’s still there just checked well if intelligence was measured in sarcasm I think you just won a Nobel Prize congratulations Caleb there I pronounced his name correctly

There how did I pronounce his name wrong I and that was scripted too yeah who do you think wrote it if I didn’t write it Mario come on well if intelligence was measured in sarcasm I think you just won a Nobel Prize congratulations Caleb there I scripted that

Too yeah sometimes I read words correctly sometimes I don’t yes that’s like cool thank you for noticing I I I love it when people were picking on my um twitch too like how how how uh how secure are people in their beliefs if they have to pick on

Somebody’s twitch like I got Tourette’s well that’s what my doctor thinks I’m actually being evaluated here soon but I’ve had a lifetime twitch but people want to like poke fun at a like a twitch like so stupid or a stutter or something like that right part of what my

Debate yeah give a time stamp we’ll share it cool I love that big I awesome that’s a compliment dude yeah I know I know who a big Labowski is that’s a compliment where did I first Say Caleb like Caleb’s not even in the first paragraph of my thing so like when I said Caleb it was me ad living it so if I said it wrong it was actually not part of my script it was ad lived like I added it so like my opening

Is just hey everyone I think I said something about James too where it’s not in my opening um hey everyone welcome to the debate it’s 2024 not 500 BC and the earth a flat bro I’m ozian and today we’re diving into a heated topic the

Shape of our planet this is a nod to my last debate see that was odd because I removed that stuff because uh stuff about because I talked about Jewish scientists but because James asked me not to trigger the um anti-semite Caleb I removed all that stuff about the

Jewish scientists so that sentence there this is a nod to my last debate was about me a nod to the lot so I edited it like right before I started also uh as James was doing his thing so I missed some stuff to remove so my not to the

Last debate was Dustin Nemos being anti-semite and that debate too so I was doing this to see how great Jewish scientists have been in our past so that’s what that was about why would somebody else write that this is a nod to my last debate and then everybody

Talk about a Jewish scientist or a Jewish philosopher in my opening argument specifically to trigger Caleb I made these well if intelligence was me I made these you know why because of how he treated Craig in his debate with Craig because Caleb think he’s just there to interrogate people and not to

Have an honest debate because Caleb is not an honest debater like I don’t think he even knows how to debate he thinks debates are about interrogating people but let me continue with my first sentence this is a nod to my last debate now you probably heard a ton of scientific evidence point pointing

Towards a globe Earth but there’s an angle you might not not have considered the incredible contributions of scientists through history their work done against all hods has been pivotal in shaping her Cosmic understanding so I don’t talk about Caleb until the last um where did I even put him in here

Did I even put him in here Caleb yeah so to Caleb I added Caleb towards the end end so the only time like Caleb’s in my script is where I put to Caleb my opponent and to everyone watching I encourage you to consider the evidence the real hard evidence so scripted I

Added Caleb towards the end but I might have adlib something about Caleb in the beginning I believe I did so if you’re talking about that that was not on my script that was adlib anyways thank you I hope you enjoyed my script sometimes I add jokes to my

Script even though I don’t always deliver him very well but yeah give me the time stamp Mario when did I mispronounce Caleb’s name you know what we can just watch it let’s do that right now let’s check let’s see no that’s boring shoot for the hip

Shoot for the hip so don’t prepare for a debate yeah but Caleb didn’t do that Caleb read his script off the screen like anyways yeah because you don’t have an argument because I prepared they’re all Upset like come on now I don’t do flat Earth debates for a living either like you want to start paying me to do flat Earth debates I will prepare like a mofo I’ll have everything memorized like the rebuttal the reputations for all their silly claims memorize start paying me like I

Just need 3,000 a month that’d be fine it’s like so silly let’s see where’s my debate 19,000 views wow look at that uh what so bizarre dude uh let’s see I thought I shut off the game let shut it off there it goes let’s see the only part that wasn’t my words was

The the clip from uh mune you never proofread your work you never proofread your why wouldn’t you proofread your work like I always proofread my work I read it multiple times like the book I published I read it like five times like anyways whatever um in chats yeah sometimes I

Type too quick I hit enter I do the same thing sometimes yeah yeah sometimes I need to like reread before I hit enter but where is like I could just add this to the game really quick hold on yeah really quick I want they’re saying I messed up his name

Like that’s a gotcha or something I I don’t get how that’s a gotcha but whatever yeah I want to take a break I think um but I want to do this really quick let’s see we’ll just send that to game everybody tonight we’re de there it is

Okay then we’ll add a browser S no not a browser Source uh screen capture window capture see snowing all right dating Flat Earth versus Globe Earth and we are starting right now with ozan’s opening statement thanks so much for being with us ozian the floor is all yours hey everyone Thanks James welcome

To the debate it’s 2024 yeah so there was a big disruption right there at the beginning because Caleb had the a had speakers on bringing everything back in so I’m like what is all this freaking noise so hard like just hear my like to talk and hear all that [ __ ] in the background

Hear myself come back around because and the Earth ain’t flat bro I’m ozian and today we’re diving into a heated topic the shape of our planet hold on a second there shape over our planet this is a nod to my last debate now you probably heard a ton of scientific evidence pointing

Towards a globe birth that there’s an angle you might not have considered the incredible contributions of scientists through oh 810 okay yeah that’s towards the end like so I mispronounced his name okay arguments on evidence not just what feels right or what seems to make Sense on the service the evidence for a

Spical earth is overwhelming consistent and observable by anyone willing to look to CB calb sorry my yeah I pronounced his name earlier too on stream KH C calb calb like so I I forgot how to pronounce his name thank you like so I said it I heard my brain

Oh I pronounced that wrong so I said it again wow such a gotcha like wow do you guys know I read his script and I I mispronounced Caleb’s name like like who spells it that way anyways unless they want to like it’s so weird hate the Hat the tinwell Hat it is

Weird some people actually like it hey Dean so if flat Sabbath if you shoot from the hip in a debate like with me you’re probably not going to do too well or anybody else is prepared for a debate like if you watched that debate last night nadir was super prepared for that

Debate U Mike was not prepared for that debate and it could it was telling even though Nadar I don’t think had a very good argument at all he was at least prepared for the debate and um the deer wasn’t 810 okay oh CA Caleb says opponent because he was

Written from a script it wasn’t prepared for this debate perfectly with the laws of thermodynamics and entropy and it’s yet another piece of real world evidence contradicting the Flat Earth model so here’s the deal in this debate and in science in general we need to base our beliefs and arguments on evidence not

Just what feels right or what seems to make sense on the service the evidence for a sperical earth is overwhelming consistent and observable by anyone willing to look to cab calb sorry my opponent and to everyone watching I encourage you to consider the evidence the real hard evidence from centuries of

Scientific inquiry and exploration the shape of our planet isn’t just a matter of opinion it’s a matter of P fact with pictures demonstrated by Relentless Pursuit Of Truth by scientists across history including those who faced unimaginable adversity in this debate is not just about proving the point it’s about

Respecting the legacy of scientific discovery and acknowledging the hard work the genius and the perseverance of those who have dedicated their lives to understanding and expanding our knowledge of the universe to disregard this is to turn away from a rich history of human achievement in favor of unproven unsupported Fringe theories so

At we move forward in this discussion today let’s keep our focus on the evidence on the science and on the remarkable discovery that has brought us to our current understanding of this incredible spherical world we call home now I have a short clip I got permission

From mc2 to post a beast trip to Antarctica how did Mr Beast destroy flat art and there goes the it’s right there Beast went to Antarctica to destroy Flat Earth so I wrote it like that to Caleb my opponent and to everyone watching so I was seeing who Caleb was so that’s

What that is so Caleb my opponent so like I did that intentionally like so like I addressing him I’m telling the audience who Caleb is at the same time so that’s why I deal it like that like they can say this is scripted it is thank you so much for

Noticing like you’re so funny the Legacy Got Hijacked well then you’re just talking about like a rewriting of history that so I don’t know how you can know anything is true but like modern history like from the 1905 to now um we we have a very very good history like nothing’s been

Hijacked uh we we have a like a continuity of information um so there’s no reason to doubt it you go back more than like 300 years it gets more sparse data collection was a lot worse also so it’s hard to compare today with like 50 years ago or you know it’s easier 50

Years ago but you go back much more in the 50 years it’s it gets gets much much harder to compare like claims and stuff like that so people will say like well crime’s worse today than it was in X year but we weren’t collecting that type

Of data like a hundred years ago though either so how do we really know if crime is a percentage of the population’s worse today than it was in the 1750s we can’t really ever know Nathan Thompson sort of like off the debate scene I think um

Is it udaf I like I I want to always try to pronounce it but if it’s UDF I I I I was right the first time I debated him I think that’s the last time he’s been on modern day debate when I debated him no I debated um on modern day debate

Here Udu okay cool let’s see uh Nathan Thompson and oan let’s do it the other way around oan andan Thompson stupid thing yeah I’ll just go to Moder debates yeah I debate him a suit let’s see live there it is eight months ago yeah it was eight months ago three days approximately 75,000

Miles a day and then they slowed down in the vacuum of nothing landed played golf talked to the president on a landline telephone came back then we lost all the Telemetry data Mark Cameron Wist in space Have you ever to see just played all these did I just go to the next oh

But it’s not as at least he didn’t script it no he just played freaking like eight minutes of other people’s [ __ ] like this horrible this is not some Flat Earth YouTuber ladies and gentlemen these are boomers that have figured it out Boomers bro we got to get with the times here

Come on employee in Houston that’s all I have opening statement started with poison in the well attacking my previous comments out of context anyway so hey there earthlings today we’re talking about those pesky mood Landing conspiracy theories that won’t disappear some folks insist that the US government oh well no

Oh no that’s scripted oh no I scripted it but it’s a different script because I change my script up every time anyways but yeah eight months ago people can check that out but yeah um the only one that wasn’t scripted was my um manosphere debate which actually got removed I’m not sure

Why it got removed um I was asked to talk about if men are being like men like are being disrespected don’t have rights or don’t have influence or something like that yep I scripted it but I wrote it so whatever like I use um um grammarly to help me and word to

Help me so grammar grammarly is pretty cool like it’ll help give you suggest suggestions on how to reorganize a sentence to make it flow better and what I also do is I read it I read it and I record it and then I play it back to

Listen to it to see if it sounds like it flows correctly and then I go back and make edits so a lot of times when I say like I’ll write it it seems like it’s good I’ll read it it seems like it’s good and then I’ll start seeing it I

Realize oh this doesn’t flow correctly when I say it so I’ll make edits to it and then do it again until it flows off my correctly and then I’ll record the entire thing and I’ll play it back and listen to it and then listen to it to

See if it flows well and if it flows well then I’ll practice it once or twice more until I feel like I’m well enough good enough for the debate but usually like in a debate I’m more I want want to say nervous but I feel rushed with the time limits in the debate

Um that I Rush my words I I’m not being careful to track ahead of where I’m at in my script so I try to annunciate specific words um sometimes I’ll go so far as to bold the words I want to enunciate to like put emphasis on those

Words I mean um so when I get to it I like put do that emphasis yeah like Eric say it’s very easy to rush when you’re on a time clock and like I try to fill in my 10 minutes so I try to do 150 words a minute that’s

Sort of like my goal so if I don’t like speak at a rapid Pace like at a normal Pace I won’t get through it within the time frame thank you Stephanie acquire for the birthday W wishes I age well yes I am old see look I got WR oh the other side

Of my face all the wrinkles see all the wrinkles all the gray coming in but I got all my hair so no no balding which is Good yeah reading sentences allowed helps with grammar and people will complain like when I speak sometimes it’s it’s like I’m not pausing but I put emphasis on certain words to try to give it like a Cadence or I try to anyways why getting old like 51 is not young anymore definitely middle-aged

Right I still want to do like um other topics to Stephanie about other sort of like not necessarily conspiracies but like crypto stuff like um aliens and stuff like that I wanted to like do a conspiracy Tuesday or something like that but I still need to like I have all

This other stuff I need to get through with all the stuff I promise witness W witness hey look oh [ __ ] like I don’t know I now I can’t remember wh whatever you know how I mean why can’t I remember his name see what I’m saying like oh I Stumble over name

And it’s a guy I’ve talked to like five times and I can’t remember his name like I know his name like you can’t say I don’t know his name I talked to him several several times like like want to have to look CU my name’s like my my brain’s like faring right

Now what’s it see oh sh joer I stumbled over a name what it I had Caleb right there I couldn’t remember I couldn’t remember Austin’s name yeah I was trying to say what it I couldn’t even remember Austin Austin so whatever I’m getting old leave me alone I’ve always been bad with names

Though so for somebody who make fun of me because I Stumble over his name is sort of funny they become chronic when I turn 55 yeah or 51 well they’ve been chronic my whole life so um my shyon return is upon you I don’t know what that means I’ll

Have to look it up shyon return is that some woo woo stuff let’s see shyron Occur this shyon return occurs when shyon completes his first full orbit around the sun since your birth which takes takes appro approximately 50 51 years okay astrology yeah you have austinisd you mean um I know you’re just playing um words here with Austin I don’t think I have autism but

Whatever I don’t think that matters my dad had um early onset dementia maybe but it really didn’t become bad until he was in his 70s so that could be a thing but it’s with names like other stuff like I’ll stumble on stuff sometimes that’s another thing like if I write it down

Ahead of time I’m not as apt to stumble on stuff and like I messed up with like um lunar eclipses right the Cinelli eclipse of course it’s eclip an eclipse I was just trying to say it wasn’t the same type of eclipse as like a normal

Solar eclipse so like I I like misspoke like in that like um part of the debate but also he was Gish Galloping changing subjects all the time constantly like I was trying to keep on my specific claims to my opening argument about I really wanted to know how Second Law th

Th I really want to know how the second law of Thermodynamics works on a flat Earth with a closed container but like he didn’t answer that question or how you measure distances on infinite plat flat plane and he’s like well that’s a ridiculous question no [ __ ]

No I told him he should read zenos paradoxes um if you don’t know what zenos paradoxes are they’re about Infinities so that’d be something we could talk about for a moment actually if you people are curious and you should read them there’s other paradoxes like that if you like the gr Mar Reaper

Paradoxes but zenos like the ancient Greek forums of the Paradox is about uh the doconomy Paradox Achilles in the tortoise Paradox Arrow Paradox and stay Paradox um so the arrow Paradox Arrow Paradox is an arrow in flight has an instantaneous position at a given instant of time at that instant however it is

Indistinguishable from a motionless arrow in the same position so how is the motion of the arrow perceived so how do you perceive a motion of an arrow anyways stuff like that yeah 52 years old for Al Alzheimer’s is Young I would love to debate Howard I’ve said that before too I know

People want to say he’s crazy or something but he just believes in conspiracy theories uh but he’s not really there to debate either so I don’t know how well that It Go like he has to want to debate I hit the noise cancelling I couldn’t hear

Anything like he’d have to like focus on one topic I don’t I didn’t understand his argument with the the gear thing like what what is that about it all I had no clue what is the contradiction with an infinite physical flat plane thank you who done it for my

Birthday he doesn’t always say the same thing Dean I don’t think so okay that doesn’t work with them doesn’t work with them here paradoxes in geometry and perspective from a geometrical standpoint an infinite flat plane presents several paradoxes for instance it would be impossible to define a center or an edge

So where’s the center of his infinite plat flat plane or the edge of it like there isn’t one which are fundamental concepts in Geometry so you have to be able to define the shape so a flat plane that’s infinite couldn’t be defined so it’s not it wouldn’t be a geometrical

Flat plane if it’s infinite and then uh prospective laws which we understand them like parallel lines converging at a vanishing point when not applying the same way on an infinite plane thank you ter test for the happy birthday I know I’m a young whipper snapper oh wow so that’s still young 62

Like 10 years I hope I never get autism it doesn’t run in my family fortunately but a lot of the males of my family died young like in their 40s my dad lived to be 76 so that’s positive and it wasn’t like his dementia was completely dehabitation

Either like he could remember stuff he just struggled with it sometimes did I I said altimers didn’t I whatever Justin he’s going to pick on how I pronounce words Alzheimer’s I didn’t say autism did I okay I meant to say Alzheimer thank you that’s me like I mess up words philosophical and conceptual

Issues the idea of infinity itself especially applied to physical objects or space is more of a philosophical or mathematical concept rather than physical reality in physics the concept of infinity is often used as an ideal idealization or a tool for calculations rather than a description of physical

Reality yeah anyways I’m want to take a break um guys check me out on Fight The Flat Earth in an hour and a half I’ll be going over that debate with Craig yeah I can imagine like during the lockdowns my um my son’s my kids grandmother died her great-grandmother died during the

Pandemic too from the pandemic so but she would had stage four cancer at the time going through chemotherapy so her her prospects were not that good anyways and she was in her 90s so she got covid and passed away from covid and they they were wearing

The suits and getups and stuff like that but somehow she got Co and died okay Stephanie um I don’t know if I’ll be paying attention to the chat too much but I’ll take a look anyways I want to take a break thank you everybody for coming to the stream to

Chill out for my birthday I’m want to go talk to my kids for an hour and such um now but talk to you later bye-bye

This video, titled ’51 Year old Birthday Stream – Minecraft – Taking a day off…’, was uploaded by Matters Now on 2024-01-15 21:41:28. It has garnered 160 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:21 or 13161 seconds.

I’m just going to chill and talk to the live chat about whatever topic you want to talk about playing Elite Dangerous! No panel, no reading papers, just playing my favorite game!

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control and Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and unique experience that awaits you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a Minecraft video and felt inspired to jump into the game yourself? Well, now is your chance to join a vibrant community of players on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Imagine controlling your own destiny in a world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or battling mobs, Minewind… Read More

  • Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness

    Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With boys in animation, their tale untold. Magic and gates, a mysterious blend, As Martin narrates, with rhymes to send. Through Telegram and Twitter, his story he shares, With music by Tom Wilson, each moment he dares. Boys love in Minecraft, a theme so divine, In Martin’s world, where the characters shine. In Arabic script, the words do flow, As Martin’s tale continues to grow. Darwin and Matthew, a bond so strong, In the world of Minecraft, where they belong. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In… Read More

  • Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos

    Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos Minecraft Hardcore World Adventure: A Tale of Loss and Exploration Lost in a Strange Minecraft Version In a bizarre turn of events, a Minecraft player found themselves trapped in a corrupted world, losing all their belongings. The player, in a panic, sought help from the community to unravel the mystery of their lost items. A Hardcore Journey Begins The player embarked on a hardcore adventure in Minecraft, showcasing their skills and newfound high FPS count. However, disaster struck when they discovered that all their items had vanished without a trace. The player’s confusion and frustration were palpable as they… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden World of Minewind Server

    Unlock the Hidden World of Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure that is fun, exciting, and full of surprises? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, create, and interact with other players in real-time. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and discover why so many players are choosing to make this… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans

    15 Years of Minecraft Shenanigans Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft Magic with @Aphmau, @TommyInnit, and Friends Join @TommyInnit and @Aphmau as they embark on a journey to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Minecraft on YouTube. This iconic game has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions worldwide, offering endless possibilities and excitement. Survival Mode: Where It All Began Survival mode is where the adventure began for many players, including @TommyInnit and @Aphmau. From the first night filled with challenges to the thrill of finding diamonds, Survival mode tests players’ skills and creativity. Redstone Wonders and Creative Builds Redstone creations and detailed builds in Creative… Read More

  • Pegasus Craft Offical

    Pegasus Craft OfficalSMP Server With Friends mildly strict on rules no bs tho if you grief things up you will be banned. Anyone can play. Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion Minecraft Server! Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Dominion is committed to preserving the vanilla Minecraft experience without altering gameplay. Transparency We are transparent with our community on donations and server decisions. Community Voice We welcome feedback and involve our community in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #17

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Madness #17I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into our hearts with a score of 1366! Read More

  • Crafty Tips 1.20.6: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Crafty Tips 1.20.6: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! Welcome to the channel, where gaming is prime, With Asphalt 9 races and Minecraft’s blocky climb. Roblox adventures await, so come along, For epic gameplay and laughs, where we belong. Join us for tips, tricks, and fun galore, As we explore new worlds and so much more. Subscribe now for the latest in gaming delight, And let’s embark on this journey, day and night. So buckle up, get ready, and hit that subscribe, For gaming adventures that will make you thrive. Don’t miss out on the action, come join the fun, And let’s make memories together, one by one. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2

    Pranking in Minecraft ONE BLOCK #2 Minecraft One Block #2: A Timepass Adventure Embark on a whimsical journey in Minecraft One Block #2, where the possibilities are endless and the fun never stops. Join our protagonist as they navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Exploring the Unknown As our character delves deeper into the one block world, they encounter a myriad of fascinating elements. From mysterious structures to hidden treasures, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Unleashing Creativity With the ability to craft and build, our protagonist lets their imagination run wild. Using the resources at hand,… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating new mod that is taking the Minecraft world by storm – “The Silence (Beta)”. This mod, created by EBALIA, introduces a whole new level of suspense and thrill to your Minecraft gameplay. Imagine exploring dark caves, encountering mysterious creatures like the Goatman and Wendigos, all while being enveloped in an eerie silence. The Silence mod truly brings a new level of horror and excitement to your Minecraft experience. But why stop there? If you’re looking… Read More

  • Villager Assassination 6: Minecraft Mayhem

    Villager Assassination 6: Minecraft Mayhem Minecraft: Villager Assassination 6 Are you ready to dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft with the latest installment of “Villager Assassination 6”? This thrilling map, Villager VS Illager Castle (updated) (“NPC_WAR”), sets the stage for an epic showdown between villagers and illagers. But that’s not all – with a variety of mods from Curseforge, the gameplay experience is taken to a whole new level! Mods Galore Thanks to mods like Guard Villagers (“almightytallestred”), Yes Steve Model (“Tartaric Acid”), and Timeless and Classics Guns (“TheRealClumsyAlien”), players can enjoy enhanced features and exciting new elements in the game. The John… Read More

  • Toast_Gaming’s EPIC Magic Builds! #viral #shorts

    Toast_Gaming's EPIC Magic Builds! #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Magic #trending #minecraft #fyp #goingviral #shorts’, was uploaded by Toast_Gaming on 2024-01-14 16:55:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Gracie Jamesy’s Minecraft Meltdown

    Gracie Jamesy's Minecraft MeltdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jamesy ISN’T Fine In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-04-08 15:30:03. It has garnered 3509 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:26 or 1586 seconds. Jamesy ISN’T Fine In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! – Follow Louie’s Channel! – Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Zachcraftone – Gay Furry Goes Wild in Minecraft!

    Zachcraftone - Gay Furry Goes Wild in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gay Furry Creates Anarchy in Minecraft :3’, was uploaded by Zachcraftone on 2024-05-26 00:29:11. It has garnered 270 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:04 or 7684 seconds. Let’s create gay furry chaos in Minecraft’s gayest server to exist :3 Server: #minecraft #furry #furries Discord server: Donations: Use Kofi or Super Model by: Buffpup I do not claim ownership of any music or imagery featured in the video: Furries are taking over a server Read More

  • Deadlox Reveals Insane Minecraft Revenge Plot!

    Deadlox Reveals Insane Minecraft Revenge Plot!Video Information This video, titled ‘The True Meaning of Revenge (In Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Deadlox on 2024-02-11 02:17:08. It has garnered 786 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:25 or 505 seconds. This video shows the true meaning of revenge, in Minecraft terms, on the Nightfall SMP. The video will dive deeper into the true meaning as my journey continues on the server. MORE VIDEOS TO COME ON THE NIGHTFALL SMP!! My Discord: deadlox1111 Feather Profile: csluefjf Songs used: Continent – Adrian Berenguer, Crossing That Bridge – Brendon Moeller, Escape – ebunny, Skoryk Melody -… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Story: SCARY MICKEY Mouse Part 2 in Hindi

    Minecraft Horror Story: SCARY MICKEY Mouse Part 2 in HindiVideo Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MICKEY MOUSE || PART-2 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI’, was uploaded by Chill Tushar on 2024-02-24 15:23:03. It has garnered 106552 views and 1543 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi by CHILL TUSHAR #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp, ujjwal, techno gamerz, herobrine, herobrine smp, rawnee, chapati gamer, loggy gamer, monster school, gaming, gaming hindi, mine, craft, Read More

  • The Grumpy Goose’s INSANE secret in Minecraft! 😱

    The Grumpy Goose's INSANE secret in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft Mod?! [RLCraft Livestream]’, was uploaded by The Grumpy Goose on 2024-02-01 12:28:13. It has garnered 88 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:53 or 11093 seconds. Read More


    ZORO UCHIHA - BUILDING NEUVILLETTE & PULLING KAZUHA! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄BUILDING NEUVILLETTE AND PULLING KAZUHA’, was uploaded by ZORO UCHIHA on 2024-04-05 18:51:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to ZORO UCHIHA, your one-stop destination for thrilling Valorant and Minecraft gameplay! Join us as we dive into the … Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Guesses Blocks in 60 Secs??!!

    Minecraft Pro Guesses Blocks in 60 Secs??!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Minecraft Block In 60 Seconds’, was uploaded by GMR PLAYS on 2024-04-05 03:30:12. It has garnered 7391 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello guys, how are you all, I hope you all are good…… SHOW YOUR LOVE…….. 😘😘😘😘 JOIN ME ON πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ INSTAGRAM βžͺ︎ DISCORD βžͺ︎ ROOTER βžͺ︎ FACEBOOK PAGE βžͺ︎ COMING SOON DISCLAIMER βžͺ︎ This video has been made for free entertainment, no one is being entertained in this. That’s why someone should take this thing on their heart. If… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Piano Skills in the Rain – MUST SEE!

    Mind-Blowing Piano Skills in the Rain - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Try Today – Rainimator’, was uploaded by Pianthesia on 2024-03-21 13:00:13. It has garnered 780 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. I play on piano Rainimator new Minecraft song! 🌟 Get FREE access to flowkey and play like me! β™« Give me a Like if you loved it and share the video πŸ˜€ β–Ί Don’t forget to subscribe πŸ˜‰ 🎹 Get the Sheet Music here: πŸ“’ For inquiries, please contact: [email protected] 🎡 Support me. Become a member! πŸ”₯ Get your Official Merch… Read More


    THE SMPThis is a SMP which you survive and gather armours, the server will be open at saturday and sunday. So have fun! The server is 1.18.2. Read More

  • Potatoland SMP factions vanilla

    Welcome to Potatoland SMP! Potatoland SMP is a new whitelisted survival Minecraft server looking for players to join our community. While we are still in the early stages of the season, we are excited to have you on board to help us grow and thrive. What we offer: Shopping district Factions Discord server We can’t wait to see you online! If you’re interested in joining, please fill out this form. Discord: Join our Discord server here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RED BULL GIVES ME ENDER PEARLS?!!!

    Minecraft Memes - RED BULL GIVES ME ENDER PEARLS?!!!RED BULL?!?!?!?!? More like Bed Bull, because all this game does is make me stay up all night building imaginary worlds! Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Misadventures: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Misadventures: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Twisted Steve, a story untold. Creepypasta and horror, lurking in the night, Mysteries and scares, giving us a fright. With each video uploaded, a new chapter begins, Scary entities and horrors, where the darkness wins. But through it all, we find a way to survive, In the world of Minecraft, where we strive. So join me on this journey, as we delve deep, Into the twisted world of Minecraft, where secrets keep. Let’s explore, let’s discover, let’s face our fears, In the realm of blocks and mobs, where adventure nears. Read More

  • Golems vs Warden: Ultimate Showdown! πŸ”₯

    Golems vs Warden: Ultimate Showdown! πŸ”₯ When the Golems heard they were going up against the Warden in Minecraft, they were like “We got this, he can’t handle our iron fists!” But little did they know, the Warden was just waiting to give them a taste of his underground dance moves. #WardenWins #GolemDown #MinecraftBattle Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and action-packed Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of intense gameplay, challenging adventures, and a thriving community, then Minewind is the place for you. While watching the YouTube video titled “πŸ”΄Π’Π•Π ΠΠ£Π›Π‘Π― НА ΠšΠΠΠΠ›! Π˜Π“Π ΠΠ•Πœ Π’ MINECRAFT/+Π‘ΠœΠ•Π Π’Π•Π›Π¬ΠΠ«Π™ Π—ΠΠ‘Π•Π“πŸ”΄”, you may have noticed the IP address for a server called SmerteRun. But why settle for just one server when you can experience the excitement of Minewind? Join players from around the world on Minewind… Read More

  • Sneaky Tips for Modern Blue Home in Minecraft

    Sneaky Tips for Modern Blue Home in Minecraft Minecraft Building Tutorial: How to Create a Minimalist Modern Blue House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in Minecraft? In this tutorial, you will learn how to construct a simple yet stylish blue modern house. Let’s dive into the details of this architectural masterpiece! Materials Needed Before you start building, make sure you have all the necessary materials. From the foundation to the roof, every element plays a crucial role in bringing your vision to life. Building Process Foundation Start by laying down the foundation of your house. This is the base on which the entire… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Johnny Racing with Lucky Blocks!

    Minecraft Pro Johnny Racing with Lucky Blocks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing a ZOONOMALY LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-04-24 22:40:48. It has garnered 575476 views and 16680 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. Today, Johnny, Marty, Daisy and Gooby play a ZOONOMALY LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Who’s luck will be the best? Watch until the end to find out… #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Wild Monday Stream with Alaydriem – Birthday Bash!

    Wild Monday Stream with Alaydriem - Birthday Bash!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monday Stream with Alaydriem – It’s Was A Great Birthday!’, was uploaded by Merely Adequate on 2024-05-28 16:29:24. It has garnered 34 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:01 or 10381 seconds. @Alaydriem and I had a quick peek at the amazing 15th Birthday minecraft download world and we knew we had to go back. If you haven’t seen it, come and check out the awesomeness! If you have seen it, come and check out the Adequateness! πŸ”” Subscribe for more videos: πŸ”— Links – Discord: – Youtube: Read More

  • X6 Ultimate Minecraft Hack 2024 – Unbelievable Features!

    X6 Ultimate Minecraft Hack 2024 - Unbelievable Features!Video Information This video, titled ‘New minecraft Hack client 2024’, was uploaded by X6 on 2024-03-27 21:20:57. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:15 or 75 seconds. Download : link in the comment #tag minecraft hacked client minecraft hacked client bedrock minecraft hacked client 1.20.1 minecraft hacked client 1.20 minecraft hacked client 1.20.4 minecraft hacked client free minecraft hacked client 1.8.9 minecraft hacked client 1.20.2 minecraft hacked client java minecraft hacked client tutorial minecraft hacked client 1.20.60 minecraft hacked client auto build minecraft hacked client android minecraft hacked client auto mine minecraft… Read More

  • MIND-BLOWING Minecraft Build Review 🀯 | MUST SEE! #minecraft

    MIND-BLOWING Minecraft Build Review 🀯 | MUST SEE! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rate My Minecraft Build 🀯 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by VIRTUAL GAMING on 2024-03-15 11:10:43. It has garnered 427 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Rate My Minecraft Build 🀯 | minecraft,minecraft builds minecraft build hacks minecraft build ideas minecraft build minecraft shorts minecraft tiktok minecraft building cool minecraft builds shorts minecraft build tips minecraft builder minecraft builds for survival minecraft redstone builds minecraft but build hacks minecraft minecraft build tutorial minecraft build projects minecraft funny minecraft memes minecraft shorts build minecraft build ideas 1.19 Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Shader for MCPE 1.20! REALISTIC BSL Shaders

    Unbelievable NEW Shader for MCPE 1.20! REALISTIC BSL ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Finally πŸ”₯ Realistic Bsl Shaders for Minecraft Pe 1.20 || Render Dragon Shaders 1.20’, was uploaded by DILKHUSH YT 2.0 on 2024-02-01 01:12:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DOWNLOAD LINK :- CHECK PINNED COMMENT βœ“ ✨ Join for Direct Link … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spotify Speedrun πŸ‰ YT ban percent? 😱

    Insane Minecraft Spotify Speedrun πŸ‰ YT ban percent? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but we’re listening to my Spotify 🎢 YT ban percent speedrun? πŸ€” A vampire yoinked me too 😡’, was uploaded by Melonhead60 on 2024-04-16 02:01:27. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:42 or 19482 seconds. I coded all weekend oopieeee ❀️ 🍈!!!COMMANDS!!!🍈 Exclamation points (!) do lots of things on stream πŸ™‚ 🍈!tts, !speak, or !say🍈 pushes your chat to speak and be displayed for all! Everyone gets 1 free TTS message per stream. Members get 3 πŸ˜‰ ALL donations/superchats are TTS so plz give me… Read More