Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

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remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out that Minecraft isn’t infinite is already a let down sure enough if you go 30 million blocks in any direction going to find out that there is something that stops you and what is it in recent versions a world border which is a far cry from how interesting this used to be back in the older versions of the game since back in the beta versions We could have found something called the farlands which the fact that it’s still a Minecraft Legend and most players have come in after these were around speaks to how cool they are it’s an important part of the game’s history and it’s unfortunate that it’s left into these old decrepit versions a lot of which are hard to play these days so while in Mojang’s eyes this was a coding error and needed to be patched out in the communities it was a Down grade and I think the fact that there’s mods that bring this back in recent versions speak to the fact that if it was added back in it wouldn’t be a let down why do so many players still play on version 1.8.9 now it’s not because they don’t like elytras and definitely not because they don’t like the sniffer but the real reason is is that with the combat update Minecraft’s combat changed a lot but whether it changed for the better it’s a matter of interpretation and while I do think that there’s arguments to be made that we shouldn’t be span clicking and instead moving over to a more methodical method the idea that you’re no longer able to block with swords like we could in the past that’s something that I do miss granted shields were added in but considering the fact that Mojang’s still looking into making combat changes in later experimental snapshots I think it’s safe to say that even they realized that they didn’t hit the nail on the head with this update yet and it’s not like it exactly made it more balanced either I mean now Stone axes deal more damage than diamond swords so there was a new meta but is it a better meta I have to disagree a lot of fans were clearly very excited when we got the caves and cliffs up St with changes to our world generation and as we should be it made the game a lot more impressive to play around with but not every of the game’s World generation’s been met so kindly and in beta 1.8 a lot of players were not a fan of how the new worlds looked here the plains biomes became incredibly flat with little to no variation between the blocks or the height and what was even worse is if you happen to have the misfortune spawn in the middle of the ocean when you don’t have any trees nearby to get you off that Survival Island you might as well just start a new seed and for a while an ocean would be a death sentence without a boat and back then boats weren’t exactly easy to row around in either and so it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come in our world generation since then after all big part of how you play the game just comes down to the seed that you’re given so so when so many of them ended up being rotten you could see how this was a clear downgrade to what there was before and while the caves and cliffs update did obviously make the worlds a lot prettier to look at it did not make them faster to look at and ever since about 1.18 for those of us on Java Edition the performance has taken a huge dive sure the worlds look a lot more impressive but now you just get to enjoy them in slideshow Edition oh that’s fun and the fact that so many players have to play with something like OptiFine or sodium to be even able to play the game that’s pitiful and I get it Mojang split between the two different versions for optimization but when there’s clearly options out there that can make this playable it’s a shame that none of those have made it into the base game and instead it seems like they just keep updating the game until all of us are eventually forced over into those third party options anyway before we had wool blocks we used to have cloth blocks which functionally were the same thing just a different name but also they had different colors as well and while some of the color types have remained the same I mean we had blue wool the same that we have blue cloth the different shades of those colors have been lost and I think that’s unfortunate I mean Builders are always looking for more blocks to be able to build with so getting rid of any of them that seems like a rough deal and if there was some way to craft our wool blocks or maybe even dye them into these colors and newer versions I think a lot of players would be a lot happier at least for pixel art it’d be nice to have a whole bunch of new shades just saying Minecraft isn’t a scary game but here’s how it got so much darker after 1.19 and no it’s not because of the ancient cities or the actual Darkness effect that you get from the warden it actually comes down to the game’s files and specifically what you’re not allowed to do with them anymore see prior to version 1.19 we were able to go into the game’s options text file and ourselves increase our gamma past its regular limit so instead of having a brightness of 100 we could basically give ourselves permanent full bright but now that’s just not the case try to do this nowadays and you’re just going to be stuck at the top brightness it’s pretty disappointing I mean speaking of someone who likes to record videos at full bright so that you can actually see it on a screen it’s unfortunate having to go and find a secondary mod to be able to do this is it a major inconvenience no we record with other mods anyway but I also think that if you own the game you should be allowed to do with it what you want I mean it’s pretty obvious you’re not doing something intended when you’re going and changing the file why would you code it out just seems weird to me now when you’re playing Minecraft you’re probably not using a horse very much I mean ever since the elytra these have not seemed like the best inclusion in Minecraft and while that itself is a downgrade it doesn’t seem like Mojang’s done kicking the horse when it’s dead since in between updates Mojang actually changed the horse model to make it look a lot less detailed and now if you take a look at the Hooves of the horse the actual snout you’ll realize it’s quite a bit different now compared this to the skeleton horse which I actually think got an upgrade in how it looks and it seems even sadder now I’m not saying they should have looked exactly how they looked in Mo Creatures because that’s a little too high res of a texture for Minecraft especially back then but I don’t get what made them choose to change the look this way just feels weird if you used to play Minecraft back in the beta versions then you’re used to hear hot bar looking a lot different since before beta version 1.8 the hunger bar did not exist at all and instead eating food would just help you to regenerate and of course since the game’s full release we’ve only had the hunger bar for a generation which I’ll be honest when you see how quickly we were able to heal in some of these old examples it does kind of feel like I’m missing out add on to that the fact that Minecraft does not incentivize you to play around with the different foods that you eat I mean get golden carrots and you’re good for life I just feel like there’s more to do here than what was actually added in oh and while we’re at it I also miss the old cooked pork texture but that I will fully admit is just Nostalgia talking that I like outlines now when you think of changes to Minecraft’s cave generation you’re probably also thinking about the caves and cliffs update which don’t get me wrong that did that and while there was obviously a very popular change what was less so was the way that cave generation changed after 1.7.2 which caused a lot of players to not like how it was anymore the older caves were confusing but there was definitely a lot more to do no one was calling them boring they were calling them swiss cheese and I think that gives you a pretty good idea how intricate they were and In fairness caving kind of has to be interesting otherwise the only alternative is Branch Mining and that is much more boring than any kind of Swiss cheese that we can get up to and thankfully Mojang seemed to fix this with the other caves that we now have today Minecraft bricks even though they were added in pretty early on to Minecraft are not that popular of a building block and one of the reasons for could be the change in texture see if you ask me the Old Brick texture was much better given a vibrant colorful red brick nowadays you look at him and it just seems sad at this point I just feel like I’m using dirt with a better blast resistance and well I do think that we’ve seen some cool build hacks where you can use these inside of actual walls to make it look like it’s eroding away that’s not to say anything’s better about the texture actually it kind of says quite the opposite but both examples have never lined up in the brick texture like this so at least they didn’t downgrade that it stayed equally bad and a lot of the criticism that you hold against the bricks texture changes can also be said about Oak planks see before the texture changes happened in Minecraft as a whole in 1.14 oak wood looked very much more distinct and nowadays the texture is technically better defined but it also looks blurry and don’t get me wrong it’s a lot better than the first texture for wooden planks that was pretty much a mess but I think even the original texture that Jasper tweeted out for this would have been a lot better than what we got today it’s definitely a lot easier to read and honestly I’m a little sad that we didn’t get this I would have just preferred not to know that it existed instead of being tempted and then not getting it while other ores in Minecraft have been given more recipes and uses hence given them more value Minecraft’s most iconic ore Diamond has really just stayed the exact same I mean one of the most notable changes for diamond is that now you can turn it into something better that doesn’t exactly seem like we’re honoring how important it is add on to that the fact that you’re able to get diamond tools much easier through villagers than actually going in mining and really it seems almost pointless to try and go mining for some diamond ore so if you’ve ever wondered why diamonds don’t feel as special anymore it’s not because they’ve gotten worse it’s because everything around them’s gotten better by comparison it’s a rising tide that did not lift this ship surviving your first night in Minecraft used to be a real challenge that’s because in the early days of Minecraft nighttime was scary but now as many other people have pointed out there’s just too much in Minecraft that makes this not even a threat anymore not that it was that much of a threat if you were smart about in the past I mean dig straight down cover yourself up you’re fine oh with how often you’re able to find villages and then find beds we’re able to instantly sleep through that scary night and not even have to worry about it not to mention that the game also incentivizes you to use a bed anyway and not tough out the night because how annoying Phantoms are at that point nights seem less scary and a lot more like an inconvenience and in the same way that I wouldn’t call Traffic scary I can’t say the same for Minecraft anymore when Minecraft changed the way that its ores looked a lot of players were unhappy now I get it the changes were made for color blindness and I don’t even really want to speak on so much these regular ores I will point out how if they were trying to change ores to make them more appropriate for color blindness then why didn’t the texture for the ancient debris change doesn’t exactly pop from Netherrack I don’t know the fact that there isn’t proper color blind Support options inside of Minecraft’s accessibility menu anyway that makes me feel like that would have been a way to change the textures and have a lot more players actually be happy though I will say if I have one grievance with the texture changes it’s that diamond or between 1.14 and 1.17 got a lot more muddied and blurred out in its texture oddly enough making it harder to read go figure in the transition from Minecraft 1.12 to 1.13 moang removed numerical IDs for a lot of features in Minecraft this was referred to as the flattening and if you’ve ever wondered why lot of technical players choose to play on 1.12 that’s partially for this reason since back then you were able to change the color of sand or concrete using only Redstone which is pretty cool but this also got rid of helpful features like being able to have a water or lava flowing Source or a stagnant Source both were in there a separate IDs and I’ve always wanted to be able to hold a portal Block in my hand like we can on Bedrock without these numerical IDs that’s just not possible and it’s unfortunate especially as we’re able to turn on admin developer tools inside of our creative menu we can have a debug stick we can have this other stuff is all I’m saying as we briefly mentioned in this video original Minecraft textures used to have bold outlines that made them pop a lot more and it’s hard to say that these original textures didn’t look a lot more iconic I mean for one they existed while the game was becoming the literal most popular game in the world that helps to make it popular but now if you look at the newer textures they’re definitely a lot cleaner and I would gladly hear out any argument that tells me that these are technically better made I mean for one they’re not programmer art anymore you’ve got literal artists working on it but looking better and fitting Minecraft are two different things and so for some of us old folks have been playing it for so long it does sometimes feel like a downgrade to look at the texture differences though that said some have definitely gotten better if I were to never look at the old nether texture ever again it would still be too soon outside of just the regular villager texture the most iconic villager profession that’s ever been in Minecraft was the librarian but not this one sure the book as a had is pretty funny but it’s the original long white coat texture that became synonymous with Dr torus in DanTDM’s Minecraft series and that was just one of the many different coats that these villagers were able to wear giving them a lot more color for sure but in later updates Mojang would remove this and instead give them other accessories that made it a lot more clear as to which villager did what profession which I’ll fully admit is a fair reasoning but come on I don’t think try orus would caught on this much if he was walking around with a fez like this the whole time there’s not going to be sad about the old classics trap chests have never been that good at trapping people I for one they have a bloody nose on the texture so if you look at it for longer than a second you can tell that it’s going to be a fake but also there’s just better ways to trap people now observers and skull sensors make everything based basically trapped so why would you even need to use this for that but it did used to have a use since in the past the only way to be able to place chests next to each other like this was to alternate between regular and trapped chests and this seemed like it would have been the solution until moing added in different wood type variants for our chests however we didn’t get that the much more surprising feature that we got is just the ability to place chests next to each other regardless which is great for chests and terrible for trap chests and for trip wire hooks I don’t really have to craft those anymore and considering there wasn’t something else that made the trap chest more useful after it’s a shame that these got downgraded in such a way in some of the oldest versions of Minecraft it was possible that if you press the F7 key you were able to take isometric screenshots which are really cool to see it’s such a l on that this feature doesn’t exist anymore I mean don’t get me wrong there’s plenty of times that it would glitch out and miss things out of the chunks but also look me in the face and tell me it wouldn’t be cool to scroll through your feed and see your friend show off their builds in this way instead of just the regular fv30 full draw distance shaders on it would definitely stick out and if I accidentally press this key to take a screen shot it at least be funnier to look back at since when I just press a screenshot with F2 it looks the exact same as how I remember it I’m not even getting a different angle for a long time fishing wasn’t that useful in Minecraft but when Mojang added in a treasure loot table and things like luck of the sea and lur our fishing hooks got a lot more useful which also brought along with it the ability and need for AFK fish farms and while those were a great way to get different resources in the past especially when you could use one of these to get many enchanted books as a treasure item MOJ eventually decided they weren’t really fans of having AFK treasure on demand and so they changed it in 1.16 for the treasure loot to only spawn if you had very specific set of circumstances for the body of water and while there are farms to fix this nowadays they’re way more of a pain to build I mean the fact that I was able to memorize the design for the old fish farms speaks to how easy they were to build you can carry all the materials for it in just a few item slots and so while I get it for balancing reasons you also can’t look at it and call it a downgrade at the very least it was a Nerf bone meal is a great thing but it used to be so much better since in the past you could immediately push a crop to its final stage instead of getting a random buff like we do today which made it a lot more hilarious to spam trees on your friend’s lawn but I get why it was fixed it definitely was overpowered this screenshot is illegal in modern Minecraft and it’s nothing to do with what’s in the picture but rather the picture itself since for only a brief time during Minecraft’s history there was an implementation where you were able to take 645 megapixel screenshots and as Muma put that into perspective a 1080p screen is 2 megapixels an 8K screen that would be 33 megapixels this 50 $50,000 camera that would be 400 megapixels and Minecraft still 245 bigger that would have been a resolution of 36450 by 17,700 pixels and you could only do this back in the beta versions that might have been for good reason because most one of these screenshots could take up 1.8 GB of space and most of the time that didn’t even work and I’m not saying I want to take screenshots that are that big I do think that having the opportunity to take super high resolution screenshots in game would still be an awesome feature or even just being able to change our screenshot resolution anyway much in the same way you can do with replay mod that would be a welcome return that puts the power back in the player’s hands instead of accidentally filling up their hard drive when you press the F2 key in a brief period between Minecraft 1.9 to 1.10 there existed a bug called piston translocation which is that if the Piston arm extended into you and then retracted it could pull you up through the Piston which when that existed allowed for some incredibly fast and impressive elevators I mean really the ways that this let you manipulate entities was pretty impressive but now it just doesn’t work the same Not only was the bug patched out but now if you have a piston push you down it pushes you into crawling and I think having some way for this feature to return be really cool maybe even taking after this Reddit post and saying that it should be a translocator block I don’t know I think it’d be neat back in 1.3 we could fit up to 60 cows in this hole but now thanks to entity cramming that maxes out at 24 which is a shame when you’re trying to make an efficient Farm but it’s definitely a lot more Humane the rasal and the tough Golem might not have won the mob vote but they are still in Minecraft because in Bedrock Edition there was a special free skin pack that was added in that would let you choose between different clothings for the 12 different skin including the Rascal the sniffer and the tough Golem so it’s a far cry from the mobs actually being in the game but it’s a lot better than some of the other mob vote losers got so I guess you take what you get back in version 1.3 Flint used to look 3D and if you studied it closely you could see that the item had a shiny texture to it but all of that changed in snapshot 18w 43a where the Flint item was changed to be a little bit more 2D and that same shiny texture seemed to have gone away making it look a lot less like a Minecraft diamond and a whole lot more boring in older versions of Minecraft it used to be possible to buy the eye ofender item and this made the cleric villager indispensable for speedruns considering that with this trade you didn’t even need to go to the nether to get blaze powder for Your Eyes of Ender but during the snapshots for Java Edition 1.9 this did get balanced so that you couldn’t just skip this integral part of the game which is a bummer but I think speedr Runners are doing just fine without it before any other slab was added to Minecraft the first of the bunch was actually a dirt slab but even though it was the first it never made it past any of the older versions which is definitely a shame for Builders but with a texture like this they might have been too distracting to build with anyway prior to 1.9 it was possible to kill the Ender Dragon using only snowballs it was just going to take a while and In fairness you could still kill the Ender Dragon using snowballs you would just also need to place down end crystals to damage it with the explosions and given that those same end crystals are going to heal the dragon you’d really have to be precise about how you do this I think if you want to give this a shot of killing it with snowballs just go back to 1.8 back in beta 1 8 it was possible that if you held down the right click with a bow in your hand you could actually spam fire out arrows like this which I’m not going to lie that is pretty satisfying but I can definitely see why this changed and it’s funny to think that crossbows were the one that got the Quick Charge enchantment when it seems like our bows were quick charging just fine on their own before the enchantment was added before the so-called flattening there are ways to give yourself special six-sided blocks through give commands in Minecraft oh well some of these have been added in official capacity such as the six-sided Logs with the smooth stone block I think it’d be great to see something like the six-sided piston return is an official capacity maybe it’s a crate block or if you want to add in extra Redstone functionality you could use this as a way to extend the Piston push limit past 12 blocks I don’t know I just think it would be cool to see these features that were historic in some Minecraft players Journey return officially especially if they’ve already picked a few of them to do this with back in the day golden apples used to be ridiculously cheap and to get one of the basic ones you only needed to use eight golden nuggets instead of the eight ingots that we use today though I guess nowadays they give us the absorption Hearts so maybe it is worth paying a little extra and honestly I’ll save my golden nuggets for crafting golden carrots anyway those seem to be more useful never craft this block because while it might seem handy to compress your nine Nether wart down to one Nether wart block unlike other compressed material blocks this can’t be crafted back into its base material and considering the fact that you’re able to get these blocks from the Crimson trees I’d say it’s better to save another wart for your potion Farm there’s already going to be plenty enough supply of these the other way around when chests were first added in Minecraft they used to be a full Block in size which is different to the 14 pixel chest entities that were familiar with today and because they were a full block on size you were able to place things like torches and Redstone over the top of them which is unfortunately something we lost now but this old chest would have looked ridiculous if it was water logged so maybe it’s for the best that we got the newer option ever since Minecraft 1.7 you haven’t been able to get a rose in vanilla Minecraft but the reason isn’t all that serious it’s really just because the rose was eventually replaced with the name poppy instead and while texture packs like vanilla tweaks let you change this back to the original name I think it’s still a bummer for our Iron Golems I mean they don’t even give about villagers flowers anymore this secret feature was added to Minecraft only to be removed shortly after but for a brief period during release 1.7 you could find a feature in your settings menu called super secret settings and while that’s ominous when you would click on it it actually showed off different Shader options for Minecraft and the different settings were weird to say the least you could go from everything from pixelated to black and white and even upside down and honestly I’m surprised it was possible for Minecraft to get more pixelated anyway but what seemed like an early showoff for adding in Shader effects to vanilla Minecraft was quickly removed and the worst part we never got to find out the secret since beta 1.8 of Minecraft if you were to dig down into the void and stand on top of Bedrock you’d notice that down around those lower y levels there would be a void fog that would cloud up your vision until eventually you reach to the bottom and it was Pitch Black which I’ve got to say made Branch mining a whole lot scarier to do and that’s probably why this feature was removed in snapshot 14w 34C but since then Minecraft worlds have gotten twice as deep and honestly with the deep dark I feel like having to void fog in the game again would make some sense I mean it doesn’t fit with the old Minecraft textures but with deep slate I think it does the job well you’re going to be even more relieved to hear that entities with knockback resistance will now experience reduced knockback from punch bows so something like a ravager which is a little fierce in the past if you had a punch bow and you tried to knock it back it would fly back as a regular mob would but now it takes reduced knock back but something like failboat will take a lot of punch knock back this is actually a change that I didn’t even know needed to be changed but now scaffolding Burns for 1/4 of a smelt instead of two the original problem would be that if you crafted bamboo into scaffolding you would actually get a very high return on your smelts and all of a sudden you’ve turned six bamboo which is like one and a half smelts into 12 I don’t see anything wrong with that at all now leaves are a transparent block you’re not supposed to be able to place torches on them but back in Minecraft Alpha if you changed your graphics setting to play with fast textures then you can place a torch against the block even if you were to change it back to fancy but don’t try to place it on fancy first because then it would just crash the game and while neither Graphics option lets this work nowadays you could always do it with the set block command here’s how you get water in the nether see back in Java version 1.2 or older it was possible that if you put ice in the nether it would melt and then turn into a water source block which was fixed in 1.3 but we would eventually get water in the nether once again through this snapshot with glow like in so that got fixed too so it’s definitely something Mojang’s trying to keep an eye out for when I say the phrase audio Loops what do you think of well probably Tik Tock but these actually existed in Minecraft well before Tik Tok was even a thing see if you go into the game’s old files you can find these dormant sounds that exist in the folder and these were meant to play as Ambiance in different locations some of which that will play here those being things like birds chirping Chimes that would play when you were in caves and even adding in specific sounds for something like a waterfall which makes it a lot more exciting than just seeing a one block water source hanging out of the side of a cave especially with all the changes that we got to World Generation in the wild update in the caves and cliffs and honestly I would much rather have caves sound like this than the spooky cave sounds that we get either wise I’m not past substitution now this is a lava bucket and this is a lava source block so how do we get both in our inventory well in the past the give command was a lot stronger than it is today so if you typed in SLG player 10 or 11 it would give you either flowing or stationary lava blocks and as you can probably guess this got removed in 1.8 which is too bad but honestly I don’t know the point of having one of these versus just a regular lava bucket prior to 1.5 it was possible to break iron doors without a pickaxe it was just going to take a while but now if you were to do this you’re just just going to have wasted your time and not even get an iron door and both of those seem like a slap in the face you might not notice it now but when creepers were first added to Minecraft they were able to camouflage and a lot of this was because the original creeper texture actually matched the alpha grass texture that we can see here so when standing next to the standard foliage these creepy mobs really did Fade Into the background and that made it even tougher to try to pick one of these out during the early versions but as the textures got updated and the grass color maps changed creepers stayed the same and unfortunately for them now they stick out like a sore thumb this villager was never seen in Minecraft but if you go within the game’s files there sure enough is an unused texture for the angry villager mob featuring red eyes and Angry Eyebrows and even though villagers can still get mad in the game if you were to punch them even with all those particles it’s still not nearly as intimidating as one of these when it was first added in the Wither was actually much easier to fight since if you were to catch the Wither inside of a mine cart as it was charging up you could interfere with its startup and it would only have as much health as it had before it went into the mine cart so if you did this correctly you could end up fighting a Wither that only had one of its Health but that bug would get fixed in 1.5 which is unfortunate but maybe don’t tell Mojang about this even easier way to kill the Wither we’ll just keep that between us it’s only in recent years that twitch and Minecraft have become a lot more synonymous at least in a cultural sense because really back in 2013 there was a native way to integrate your account directly into Minecraft you could literally broadcast out of your Minecraft without the need for OBS and every twitch chat show up as if it was a regular chat message it’s a weird idea to say the least and I can get why the Fe feature was removed back then but with things like Minecraft championship and the dream S&P really making twitch and Minecraft more of a household thing together and they go be a fun idea especially if they do something like this game called choice chamber where your chat can actually choose to summon in things through the game there’s been plenty of unofficial mods that have done this so having an official way to do this especially if they already have some of the code that would be awesome this is an iron golem and this is the love Golem if you put together four iron blocks and a carve pumpkin on top you’ll of course get the love Golem exclusively found in the love and hugs update this special mob is meant to be a manifestation of the villager’s love and that’s probably the reason why it’s passive toward any players or even Hostile Mobs which yeah does mean that it doesn’t do much but In fairness we can’t attack mobs in this joke update either so at least it’s not alone with the World of Color update in 1.12 a lot of our diet items changed color and they weren’t the only ones to do it since the shoger boxes also got a whole new set of colors and personally I kind of like how some of the original colors look for the Shuler boxes but it’s hard to say that the new ones aren’t more true to the actual die colors so I get why the changes made you can’t craft this item anymore but before Minecraft 1.9 there was a way to craft an enchanted golden apple though to do this you would have to pay a hefty price putting eight golden blocks inside of the crafting table around an apple which is a hefty fee but considering that nowadays the only way to find these is through rare loot chests I think I’d much rather set up a gold farm and do this the oldfashioned way at least then it’s a matter of skill not luck when Dolphins were first added to Minecraft they came along with a bug which is that through special methods you’re actually able to equip armor onto dolphins granted you wouldn’t be able to see it since it didn’t render on top of the mob but if you tried to hit one of them especially one with thorns you’d notice that they’d actually have the armor and its effects and then if you killed the dolphin it even dropped the armor as well but this was eventually removed and it hasn’t been in the game since which is maybe just to keep us from doing a cruel joke of giving to Dolphin Frost Walker and uh watching whatever kind of horror unloads here’s how you get infinite obsidian at least infinite obsidian back in 2012 since the system to make this was just using a standard cobblestone generator and then placing a piece of redstone dust with the Cobblestone to form and there you go infinite obsidian though understandably this got patched out in 1.8 but infinite obsidian is still possible you’re just going to need a Wither in a whole bunch of nether portals for a brief period in Minecraft Java there was a time where you were able to craft both horse armor and horse saddles and oddly enough there was a unique item just for riding the horse with this saddle meaning that even if you went through all the effort to get five leather and three iron ingots you couldn’t use this on a pig and even strangers still it could be stacked up to 32 in a stack which again made it unique but that didn’t save this or the horse armor crafting recipes from getting patched out of the game shortly after from version 1.8 to 1.13 of Minecraft there existed a special option in the world building settings or should I say options because when you clicked on this custom World Builder menu it allowed you to customize a whole bunch about your Minecraft world like the ability to change the sea level the dungeon count whether you had Villages or not and a whole bunch more it makes a lot of sense for a Sandbox game honestly I’m surprised that it’s been cut out entirely but seeing the kind of Horrors that you can generate with this World type maybe that’s for the best before the path block was ever added to Minecraft our Villages looked entirely different and the reason was that these originally spawned with gravel roads instead but ever since the grass path block was added in you won’t see any gravel show up in this way anymore which is weird when you see the grass path blocks out inside of the desert as well maybe it’s just me but I feel like gravel would have made more sense there if you look at the original Sprite file for the items. PNG that used to be in Minecraft I no is quite a few items that were textured but never added to the game fully and among those was the quiver which its origins in the legend of the chambered game that Notch had made prior and more interestingly is that this wasn’t just a forgotten thing since on the 22nd of January in 2010 the texture was actually flipped to be a mirrored version so they didn’t forget about it until of course they switched the way that Minecraft worked entirely with the resource pack update and that meant we lost the quiver that was until dinnerbone tweeted out these two screenshots one showing the quiver being used in survival and another one showing in the creative inventory so it seemed like they even plan to add it in with the new tipped arrows but again after 1.9 fully came out there was no mention of this anymore but with inventory management being such a big problem for Minecraft having a different way to hold extra arrows on hand without having to clog up your inventory I think that’s still worth exploring this is dirt and this is grassless dirt but that’s actually the point since while there’s no way to prevent a regular block of dirt from getting grass gr on top of it the Special grassless dirt variant allows map makers to actually have a variation of dirt that they don’t have to worry about keeping it separate and quarantined from the other grass blocks and now I know there is coarer but that itself has a different texture which isn’t so much solve the problem is it does just brush it under the rug and since this version of dirt already existed with old commands I think adding it back in with the help of NBT data would be a nice middle ground for the more recent versions even though the LA made it into Minecraft during the Wild update it was originally planned all the way back for the nether update although back then it would have been called the Wisp and it would have had a much different look even when it was renamed to the LA and it was planned to be added in there could have been different colors that we saw for the mop which I’ll say I’m disappointed that we didn’t see but you can find a yellow La that shows up in the Minecraft Legends trailer so I guess guess the idea is still there and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ’59 Minecraft Downgrades’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-03-31 13:03:00. It has garnered 711580 views and 19315 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:06 or 1746 seconds.

59 Minecraft Stepbacks

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by LocalJon, BBelle, Brennan Moore, and Daiku Research by MonocleMC, Frankie Mundo, and Jonah Walters Footage by Frankie Mundo, Abelardo Robles, Jordan Cross, Brennan Moore, Jonah Walters, Samcraft, MonocleMC, and Jaden Moore —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. ——

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  • Baine SMP: Semi-Vanilla

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  • Flight in Minecraft: Epic Short Video

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  • Uncover Secret Item in RDR2!

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  • CAPTURE OF AFRICA on the MINECRAFT server! 😱🔥

    CAPTURE OF AFRICA on the MINECRAFT server! 😱🔥Video Information сейчас сижу и думаю у нас на карте есть вот такая Огромная Африка и её никто до сих пор не занял ни Россия ни Китай Но на этом огромном Континенте есть такие маленькие города поэтому заходите на сервер и занимайте Эти свободные территории This video, titled ‘ЗАХВАТ АФРИКА на сервере МАЙНКРАФТ #politpig #политсервер #колонизация #dynmap #картаземли #towny’, was uploaded by Scubthree on 2024-04-30 11:00:22. It has garnered 12263 views and 451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #politmine #minecraft #minecraft #politmine #military-politicalservers #politicsminecraft #videominecraft #warpolitmine #politmineminecraftreview #minetixpolitmine #bestminecraftserver #guide #pvp #survival #politicsminecraft #minecraft… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Top Hidden Secrets: 30 Ultimate Tips & Tricks!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Top Hidden Secrets: 30 Ultimate Tips & Tricks!Video Information welcome fellow adventurers think you know Minecraft’s top 30 Secrets today we dive in to uncover these hidden gems let the adventure begin One how can you create a hidden door using a painting a right click it B Jump On It C punch it the answer is a right click it in Minecraft you can create a hidden door using a painting by right clicking on the painting to reveal a hidden passage behind it what can you use to break bedrock in survival mode a diamond pickaxe B ender pearl c dragon egg the answer is… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft PE Lake House Build! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft PE Lake House Build! 😱Video Information sh [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] he [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Building | ⛵ Lake House · Old Style House ♡’, was uploaded by Cherxyie on 2024-03-05 11:08:33. It has garnered 137 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:41 or 1001 seconds. hey! it’s… Read More

  • Secretive Minecraft 1.20.1 with subs!

    Secretive Minecraft 1.20.1 with subs!Video Information Привет Локс Привет Привет Бро Забыл даже что у меня это Привет подожди Кстати у меня такой голос приятный Я настро наконец-то микрофон нормально меня тоже хороший голос у меня лучше Я тебя забаню сейчас я тебя Убавь Ты громче меня по-моему орёшь там вообще-то прошу заме что трещит микрофон ты говоришь сейчас [ __ ] подожди Ладно пойду фильм досмотреть ББ Ладно пока Заходи на нам сервер будем рады поприветствуем как будто как будто ты создатель ла Нет Кого тебе заходи он пошёл фильм досмотри бля ята если я включу музыку на Spotify Насколько быстро меня авторские… Read More

  • Spending Eternity in VR Minecraft with Koiro Yumi

    Spending Eternity in VR Minecraft with Koiro YumiVideo Information [Music] uh H H what okay there we go hello hello it’s me ker Yi where it’s just you and me welcome to quite a spectacular stream I would say a a fun a a fun stream today we’re going to be playing uh Minecraft VR and as you can see apparently my computer is so [ __ ] good that I can stream in VR and have a shaders so um yeah who who who knew who knew you started early I’m on time what do you mean it’s it’s been like 5 minutes past 10 yeah… Read More

  • Intense Battle: Kingbor’s 10 Armored Dogs Take on Endless Mobs

    Intense Battle: Kingbor's 10 Armored Dogs Take on Endless MobsVideo Information This video, titled ’10 Armored Dogs VS Mobs’, was uploaded by Kingbor on 2024-04-26 05:33:56. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Well Minecraft released a new update, and I gotta say the Wolf Armor is overpowered! Hope you enjoy This video was recorded in my Minecraft server, if you want to join, go to the community tab and scroll down and you,ll see it! Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Indian Parents in Minecraft #viral

    SHOCKING!! Indian Parents in Minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by (MAYUR_X_GAMING) on 2024-04-15 03:35:00. It has garnered 427 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#ytshorts So Today, I am going to tell my story about Indian parents but in Minecraft! I hope you all like this new type of content :p Bas Maje Karo!! and Subscribe Bhi ):D About me: I am Paresh, Aka ProBoiz and I make gaming videos… Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware – 2.5+ Years Old – No map resets – 21+ – RPG-inspired – Claims – Dynmap – Discord-MC chat – Nether Roof – One-player Sleep – Shopping District – Aura Skills – 1.20.4

    Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that has been public for over two years, offering a unique RPG-based gameplay experience tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Where to Find us: IP: Live Map Discord Our community is diverse and welcoming, with a no-map-reset policy and a claims system in place to protect your creations. We also offer regular world and inventory backups for added security. Unique Plug-Ins: Aurelium Skills – Introduces skills and stats into Minecraft, enhancing gameplay. Acuteloot – Adds billions of unique items for… Read More

  • Crafty Portal Wall: Minecraft Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Portal Wall: Minecraft Easy Tutorial In Minecraft, portals are key, To travel between worlds, just wait and see. Build a frame of obsidian, tall and wide, Light it with flint and steel, let the magic inside. Step through the portal, feel the rush, To a new dimension, a world to crush. Explore, build, and conquer, the possibilities are vast, In Minecraft, the adventure will forever last. So try this tutorial, easy and quick, To create a portal wall, a Minecraft trick. Subscribe to our channel, for more tips and fun, In the world of Minecraft, the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • My friend, the lava lover #shorts #minecraft #meme

    My friend, the lava lover #shorts #minecraft #meme When your friend says they’ll only play Minecraft for a short time but ends up building an entire empire and conquering the virtual world. Meu amiggooo, more like meu amigGOALS! #minecraftconqueror #friendshipgoals Read More