Insane Adventure in WynnCraft Hardcore Mode!

Video Information

[ __ ] I accidentally hit starting the start stream I am so not prepared I am I accidentally hit start stream no it was an accident I didn’t meet the stream yet oh [ __ ] well that was embarrassing isn’t it I realized it when I saw the chat sh yeah I am definitely changing the

Keybinds after this but hey there is a stream that’s going to happen it’s just that holy [ __ ] I’m setting things up and I accidentally hit my key bind for streaming whoops whoops I guess uh [ __ ] this is oh no oh no I keep getting bad at this

[ __ ] now we’re good right should no no no no you can stay it’s all good scop start of the stream welcome to the chaos as usual it is chaotic indeed uh well isn’t that just oh [ __ ] okay I thought I made another mistake but okay I was going to I had my

Yes I have my shaders on cuz I was going to freaking take a photo of like a thumbnail what holy [ __ ] okay I guess we’re not doing thumbnails for now I guess I’ll just grab a thumbnail while the stream goes hey we pretend that that didn’t happened shall

We yeah we pretend like nothing happened also I am just in woohoo more chaos exactly I have been doing great doing doing great doing great yes I’ve been addicted to wincraft which is this game ohshit what happened oh I I I just started yesterday so I still like have no idea I started

Yesterday and last night actually oh never mind not last night like yesterday morning and I’m already at level 23 which I’m kind of proud of cuz that is insanity in my opinion I can like grind to 25 or like 30 today 30 something I mean it’s always the

Beginning the easy ones right so yeah I wonder what what’s it about um it’s a MMO RPG wait just a sec let me just load everything up CU we’re kind of lagging since the shaders were on when we started so it’s an MMO RPG um I’m not sure what it’s

About but it’s one of those ones where you grind the hell out of it um and you have like specific classes I took the warrior class wire where uh basically I can only use the spear and yeah I’m I’m a freaking War Warrior there we go um we have the character info right

Here um there we go uh yeah that’s basically it I’m freaking new as [ __ ] so I don’t freaking know what most of the time I’m doing but I am researching I’m like grinding the hell out of this game uh most of the stuff though I just

Have no idea also I’ve just not done any crafting or gathering skills except farming for a quest I didn’t see the use of it but I guess there’s a use of it of course there’s a use of like the scribing and like the crafting skill stuff but I tried like upgrading my

Weapons but it um when I searched it up it was not allowed if you want to like upgrade your stuff you have to ooh daily objectiv I finish my daily objective so that thing that you guys are seeing on the screen that just popped up also I’m removing the

Freaking why is it still showing it literally says that I don’t want to show players or animals at all but it’s still showing me it okay Journey map thank you thank you for the inconveniences oh there we goob headings player headings points pets reticles entity MS show players show villagers I

Just don’t want it there we go I it’s just that I really just want to have a map over there cuz I get lost pretty easily and this place is huge as [ __ ] oh also apparently Alex mob has extra wait I couldn’t read it like the bear dust which use the best

Item which is the best item ever ooh I mean um is it on 1.20 as well I mean is it on 1.1 19.2 as well let me just see if we’re doing fine yeah this is happening because I freaking opened my supposed to be like Po I am actually just oh

That’s why is it on yeah I was setting things up and I was copy pasting something so I hit control a which means to start the stream so which is my starting to stream keybind and I totally forgot about it so yeah this is me I’m nerding the freak

Out cu as you guys can see like I said I was searching stuff so like how to play this game stuff like that and holy to be honest I don’t really like this armor cuz it does just it just gives me a bunch of health and regen stuff Soul

Point regen as well but uh my spell damage and Main attack damage are minus so decreased I mean so yeah should loot some chests I I feel like I’m almost I almost know all the the loot chests there’s like around actually everywhere especially if I go here there’s a lot over

Here you know what let’s go there I have a feeling that we’re kind of lagging a bit which I don’t know how to enable oh I mean we can search that up if you want to we can search it up I am testing something also is the okay the chat is

Over here oh no what is Oh shoot no no way I just did that I was going to move chat you know what I’m going to turn off Discord because I think it’s me there we go and just yep and there we go of course it’s not the best CU this is

Like in a different like freaking in a different country I’m going the immediately goes the wrong way also I do have abilities in this one like um probably you guys will just watch me just do dungeons and quests and just lose my sanity just play this like a whole freaking

Day why is my my strength decreased no it’s okay it’s because of the freaking armor setup stuff I’m not I’m so not uh more gold which is like dexterity uh G imagine how me yeah I’ve being new to a game where you have no certainty on what the freak you are

Doing cuz I don’t know any I don’t actually know any streamers who play this game I just thought it’ll be interesting if I play it also I have a brown hor but it’s oh actually it’s not that slow anymore when I got it it’s like at one we’re kind of struggling aren’t

We it’s fine ouch I’m already getting owned as soon as I got here whoa okay I don’t like this armor I’m removing this armor this has just decreased everything I’ve worked for I’m removing it holy [ __ ] hell no wait I’m setting things up what is the thing that I

Removed oh why am I removing that then if it just gives me more Health leave leave leave okay I hope I’m not too loud what the [ __ ] I’m not grabbing that I really should learn about oh you I’ve already fix that I’m also just trying to level up

But holy [ __ ] this mushroom B freaking things are oh no no my inventory is going to be filled with mushrooms again there’s even this one time I had so many mushrooms in my inventory to the point that I just went to the to the like Delta like the village and then

Just ran around scattering all of the freaking mushrooms that I have so why is it saying oh the Tre plus oh so that’s why it’s not doing [ __ ] okay so where do I find that oops I don’t actually remember where the tier three ones are which I don’t know how to enable

Okay I found how so I’m so sorry you know what I’m going to look at my chat in my phone because I don’t have my phone on my desk pretty quite in fact quiet fact why is this it okay chat for some reason it’s not showing all of the things that you guys

Are oh oh this is what is hi chat I am awful at setting chat up I AB absolutely forgot how we know it is just not showing everything that you guys are like saying in chat uh anyways how are you doing I feel like you’ve asked me but I haven’t asked you

We just slowly but surely make sure that my chat you know can see themselves there we go now isn’t that just great there we go as good as I can be doing at 1:00 a.m. it’s 1:00 a.m. for you holy [ __ ] Dam also chat is just in incredibly

Blurry I I hope I’m smart enough to do something about it but I am not I’ll just fix that at some other time cuz I I’m live I am now known for setting things up during stream No actually that’s a bad thing is it though is it

Really also damn it’s 1:00 a.m. for you so what time are you go into sleep like rest you which is something you need especially if you have like school or something okay I forgot where we are going you know what let’s not focus on the daily objectives I’m just going to

Go to um I forgot REM something there like a place here that I have to go to here so the problem with this is that there’s a lot of like mobs and stuff in here well not mobs like enemies but I have to go here cuz I have to level my

Stuff up I can’t keep beating level 12 oh hola Amigo damn you’re jumpy oh that’s why I’m going to use my lightning St then he is weak to lightning to thunda so I have this three main things that I’m now using oh shoot which is thunder water and um Earth because dir is more of like strength um water is

Just good for like damage in every certain way um it’s like the strongest in my opinion and based on like forums that I have read yes I indeed did read a bunch of stuff about this game and then Thunder is just um if I ever come across like something that is water related

Um I can just beat the hell out of it with lightning with thunder CU Thunder is weak I mean water is weak to thunder and I just real I just figured that it would be handy if I cuz water is really strong so I have something

Thunder with me or else if I ever encounter something water type or water skilled then I would probably get [ __ ] cuz water is so strong wait I I made a waypoint why am I not following it bro I made a waypoint and immediately did not follow

It I found the super secret setting yo that’s hype what does it do sorry if I if you already said but I was I did not remember is a your three hey what how do I find dear tree chest I think I’ve only found like two so

Far probably like far far away stuff like around dungeons there at bottom Alex Ms a bunch of stuff it does a bunch of stuff like what oh new Mobs and items maybe we can beat the [ __ ] out of this oh I sure sure will horse return why am I

Using in terms of switching into my um I’m lagging aren’t I I’m like I mean I can still play properly but like I’m obviously not doing well okay drops yeah it’s like dropping it it’s dropping or it’s just not smoothing out which one is it I think it’s just not smoothing

Out do we increase or we decrease I don’t low sheep it says a zombie pretty sure you will need to edit it on the server side of the mod too yeah true there’s another chest it’s the one useless where did the horse go oh I’m only using the horse because I

Also wanted to like get faster also where’s the Waypoint that I have to be following 200 blocks away from me oh no no no by drops I mean oh settings oh okay okay okay I don’t I’m dropping again I actually just woke up and we have this

Like thing where we joke around like my friends and we would like say oh fire powder actually I’m not interested really in fire cuz it’s not that strong I I know most of the people would like I mean it is like there’s some certain qualities of like fire that is

Good the thing is just ooh oh no I have to fight that thing Dam die please i’ like died but another thing oh never mind it did not die or a new one spawned I am just kind of getting owned oh there we go oh there’s another one holy [ __ ] it’s

A level 30 I’m going to get screwed with this level 30 cuz I am nowhere near level 30 I’m like 23 I know but like that’s still far from 30 I am screwed if I keep oh whoa these things are like around level 30 I should probably not hang

Around here I mean this is good for my combat level XP but like I would die holy [ __ ] I mean they are dying fast for level 30 but I should not get cocky cuz I will die who what did I accident hey what’s damaging me ow yeah they do really good damage

But the thing is I may be level 23 but I do like high damage stuff that doesn’t really matter cuz they could just once I get overwhelmed by them I will just perish like this dude just takes a bunch of my health you joke around by saying ooh

Fire powder what kinds of jokes do you have oh ah did I I don’t even remember saying something regarding joking about fire powder um I’m not joking around about fire powder it’s more like um it’s not the thing that I just need right now um it’s not the yeah water is still

Better it may be good but water just has the quality also this one that I am using right now is has fast attack speed and it’s like it has the Thunder element in it and also poison so I am also like poisoning my enemies at the same time is this a

Cave if I go in here would I I probably now that I think of it there is a chance that I would die yeah but the thing is my thunder freaking thing is weak though it does it is fast but it’s not as strong as my the

Water oh also I do have explosion I have like 10 I am 10% exploding ooh something strong probably spawned wait where where where no clue I did do the noise cuz I definitely did not level up so I don’t know what maybe I killed it already probably probably stop going

Here cuz I’m going to get cornered then throw throw away this useless item what is that sound I am so paranoid oh it’s a bat oh it’s a bat that does fire damage okay well it’s dead now immediately gets annihilated I mean like you were saying something about

Joking with your friends about something but then found the fire oh I see I did not finish a sentence that I said yeah I it happens um so I joke about oh yeah we were joking around because whenever I just woke up my voice would like Drop so

Low so whenever someone just woke up and joins the VC we would just go like oh wait actually I should probably talk about the origin first cuz that is sounds so out yeah exactly my balls dropped cuz I remember remember Frank just being like H also Misty aren’t you in

School yeah cuz there’s this one time my my voice just suddenly like dropped oh my oh my Lord that’s not what I was trying to do I was trying to hit my enemies and kill them oh just got home sh how did how did the go cuz my day is

Just starting I’m supposed to be cooking rice oh my goodness there’s like it’s it gets so overwhelming and I’m sorry if the frames are also like dropping which means you guys are just having a hard time seeing what I am doing right now but I am getting a bit

Overwhelmed [ __ ] where did it go did it die die or did it just ran away n it probably died cuz it’s impossible that that thing would run away from me they do not do that oh you should sleep though oh why did I use a freaking ability for

That and yes I am just leveling myself up but this is like the wrong place to do it cuz these are like level seven these are like babies great I’m not tired even though I slept I’m not tired or you are tired even though I slept for a gaster sleep is for the

Week question mark I mean Frank did sleep already so is it actually yeah this are level 15 and this is more good for my I don’t even I am not even sure if what I’m my calculations are correct but if my calculations are correct killing um higher levels of enemies increases xp

Faster you are weak to my judge judgments oh immediately dies as soon as I said that he is weak to my judgments immediately just explodes and gives me a bunch of money good I do need money also I did go to the auction house like where people um sell stuff and I

Got like something really called a Morp something and it gives me like 450 health and stuff like that cuz I’m also kind of like starting to prioritize health and stuff cuz I do want to last long in fights this is yeah I’m surrounding so I’m currently going in a slaying H where it

Says that combat level has to be 25 I really need to go in here cuz I have like a task a quest around there so if I go in here the mobs are like around 20 23 um it’s really good but I would die it’s good for my uh XP f fing

Situation where I am indeed o is that a level three or level two this probably level one o o Earth powder damn there has been a lot of like Earth powders going around spider egg do I really have to I’m thinking if I should prioritize

My poison as well cuz I can poison stuff I like how it says it’s a Content book good so far wow that’s nice yes so H okay Elemental defenses my fire is 11 11 air Earth 16 Thunder 11 water 11 which is actually good because there’s not much air types um also spell

Damage Where’s my water damage so my Earth is 18 to 14 but well damage 7 where the freak is my wait how can I see my oh here water is my water is 34 to 47 it’s like my strongest right now which is good actually Thunder is 629 so it’s not it’s

Not that good for me right now yes I am indeed looking at statistics die it says that it has to be level 25 but you know what I’m going in I need to start killing this stuff if I want to level up already I’m not going to freaking get

Here all day I do need to play hardcore oh sh also these things are weak to air but the thing is I’ve decided that air is for babies and I would Prefer air just makes you faster that’s it actually there’s probably more stuff about air that I’ve just not searched up about but most of the my researches is just it’s like walking speed faster more walking speed oh wait just a sec okay I just realized my mom just

Reminded me that I have to buy food cuz yes I am indeed home alone and there is no food in the house I also have to cook rice but you know what instead of leaving the stream I will just do a be right back screen because I

Do need to play hardcore soon and I’m going to stream anyways later look I I’m having a break okay like a school break this is all you know this is my rest this is my rest cuz I swear to God if I just stop streaming or like stop playing Minecraft

And stuff like that I would just be like laying down not snack time oh for you probably but I do need to eat lunch and breakfast cuz I haven’t had breakfast yet and yet I I am streaming this I’m should probably not be proud of that yes

I am not proud but woo I’m not proud that seriously I’m not proud it sounds depressing if anything Al righty bonab or whatever they say we do not say bonab here we just say eat well or something so eat well or eat your vegetables you young child you but in

Like our language like they will just cuss the hell out of us to tell us to eat that’s how nice people in here are break off die you are no much for my intelligent oh my freaking God I got so I’m getting overwhelmed by my enemies

But I shall overwhelm them even more by that oh wait wait [ __ ] that actually took a lot of damage shoot nothing um yeah I guess I can upgrade my Earth stuff now but H I had like a legendaries um thing that I got also I am indeed going for level 25 because I

Do want to finally use my Legend di spear which is like so much better than what I’m like using right now stuff like that also I hope the audio is fine also I do apologize if I did turn down the music there we go if you guys

Want cuz last night I was like really tired but at the same time my brain is like I can’t sleep how did that die that fast I oh there we go I was like how did that die that fast I don’t believe it and yeah it

Did not die it’s just went behind me yo level 24 let’s go see I can get to level 30 in a day that’s how cracked no cracked in terms of like that’s how high I am not cracked in the game I’m just in crack I should probably not say that

Brain be do brain be do that yes also I just shouldn’t be here I I would die cuz there’s like some level 30 stuff here that are like really strong why did I do that whoa why did it why did that give me so many emeralds what oh never

Mind that’s like just four level 15 I think I can get here now cuz I’m 24 that’s almost 25 you know yes there is a 10% chance that I would ex explode my enemies Zen no no forget what I said it just happens so okay like like

You said Misty brain be do that okay also my mouth does do that oh no there’s a freaking it’s a level 27 piece of sh I should probably stop spamming my abilities it’s so unnecessary I can kill this thing without spamming anything it’s just an earth type but the

Thing is it does do a bunch of damage but not as did it die yes it did see oh not you again I’m sick of you dude leave you’re level 15 starts bullying people that are like lower underworld Crypt key yeah there’s like a dungeon here probably

Okay I told my mom that I’m about to buy food so I should probably put my be right back screen soon okay I just need to like go here actually actually what if I use this it takes so long what if what if I just Spam click what if I spam click

Actually whoa new farming method Auto clicker question mark now is that even allowed I’m not sure actually should probably search that up before doing that ah I’m fine we fine o it dropped the fire powder wait I want to pick this up leave me alone I want to pick something up

Wait wait I said wait I said to wait did I pick it up yes no it’s there too let’s go my brain is just melting right now it’s like actually on something wait I just want to open the chest o Emerald that was [ __ ] dude what the freak why are you

Zigzagging do you have crabs for brains I mean possibly you guys are dead you guys probably don’t even have brains you’re a skeleton I’m sorry I should not be sorry you were made like that ah y isue yeah when I when God made me dumb

Or stupid I’m just like I just look at my the mirror and say skill issue if you’re born in a certain way is that a skill issue for your part like imagine if you are missing one leg is that a skill issue of course not I’m joking bro is wave dashing holy hell

What is wave dashing cuz my brain certainly isn’t wave dashing Oh you mean just going in the fight it’s a luck issue oh my goodness there’s a fast one oh never mind it’s dead oh no we run We Run for Our Lives can I take that oh yeah I can oh

Whoops dude you’re missing all of your shots so sad to be you holy [ __ ] you’re doing a bunch of damage run I don’t have no oh what the freak and There Goes My Soul points it’s okay my soul points regenerates fast how fast actually if right click Shi right click

Oh no no no no no I do not want to enable PVP combat cuz I will wait can I wait can I start stabbing people wait okay no I’m going to explain the whole the idea of wave dashing to you especially in one message I mean I have an idea

What wave dashing is is you mean just going in a dungeon and just clear trying to clear out the wave as fast as I could I mean I died cuz I was not supposed to be in there at like level 2 4 and also my stats for what are you doing dude

You uh actually that was rude I’m sorry you did not deserve that I do not know you but you probably did not deserve that but yes personal space buddy personal space you know we all have a bubble and my bubble’s quite big if you are not in my face then I would really

Appreciate just why am I not opening my character info okay so in terms of like defenses wait my fire defense is 11 which is not that bad in my opinion but I think I really do should work on that I’m not work I should yeah I should work

On my freaking defenses in terms of like fire defense yeah cuz my fire defense is like only in like my boots it’s a movement technique oh it’s a movement technique okay what the heck so I just did something that I didn’t know what it is I did a technique

And I like had no idea of its existence or whatsoever probably is there a possibility that I could put what if I put the fire powder in there oh wait that sounds smart actually excuse me cuffing yes powder you didn’t the skeleton that insulted did okay that’s good thank you

For clarifying cuz I will think that I will think that I did something that I just had no idea of and it would get in my head o the far defense of this thing is actually big though but my damage I don’t like how it freaking decreases my damage I’m

Not wearing this if anything I would like to auction this or probably uh sell it fire defense it’s the boots right ah this boots is sucks oh wait does it oh it’s it doesn’t it doesn’t I just need to like get my dexterity and to get level 25

Is it worth it putting this you know what I can just remove it when time goes by water defense and fire oh it decreases my water defense what the [ __ ] I mean that does massive brain issue not going to lie oh oh I saw the slash J but oh imagine you know

What this actually makes sense like of course your water defense would decrease if you higher if you increase your fire defense that makes so much sense so I’m just going to there’s more fire enemies than freaking water type anyways so I’m putting that in there we

Go just the pressingly go like oh cuz I have now decreased my water defense to nine it’s nine that hurts actually but it’s okay I will stand the chance against that annoying fire thingy that does like absolutely huge damage or would I if I just keep increasing my

Fire defense it would that means it would lower my water defense and which will be making me really sad you know what yes depressing indeed someone in chat agreed I mean not in my YouTube chat like someone in the chat here depressing yes I don’t know what you were talking about but that

Depressing was on time it was timed perfectly indeed now this is the far damage now where should I put I should put it in the boots with boots it’s all good yes I am just absolutely decreasing my water defense because there’s more fire fire freaking entities than water unfortunately Ely I have to

Sacrifice my water stuff unfortunate indeed I was really hyped when I got this gold stuff but it really is not my goto cuz if it decreases my spell damage and attack damage that much I can’t cuz I barely have any personals oh disappeared immediately I was like personal face immediately goes

Away I didn’t even finish my sentence also is this worth oh this is worth opening wait there’s a high chance that I get something good from this wait I got something that’s finally worth opening wait where is it go to the price of 43 EOS emeralds actually the E is for emeralds but

Euros please get something good whoa no it I have to be level 29 to use it that makes so much sense but no [ __ ] that makes so much sense oh also you missed a question I asked in chat should I resend it uh yeah

Sure oh is it the one that you said that what do you think about adding a plugin that drops heads on on kill to season two yes yes don’t resend it but yes I agree Emerald this indeed I’m like I’m like so depressed like holy [ __ ] it’s so

Good but no I need to be level 29 to use it that makes so much sense I can’t even argue cuz it’s so good there I got something good again whoa look at this I’m still wearing leather armor I know but still look it’s better than the

Gold okay I’m serious this is like it gives me 100 Health but the thing is this gives me more like um good [ __ ] head collecting yeah oh my goodness that’s going to be creepy oh actually actually guys here’s the thing um I said yes to that but the

Thing is remember if we’re in lore mode you are not allowed to kill a player CU if you kill a player in lore mode then the person is just dead so it will be breaking the lore if you just have a head full of I don’t know full of piie

Somewhere so you have to like um D actually I’m not giving the idea we have this thing that me and P used to do when me and Charlie and the three of us were like playing four of us actually four of us yeah so we did this thing

Where um we would ha would like change his skin and turn himself into a Wither Skeleton okay hear me out a wither skeleton and then so what will happen if he’s now a wither skeleton I would like grab his head so the player head will like appear

As a wither skeleton and it’s just like alt account as well and then we can just rename the head and sell it in the auction now to whoever is dumb enough to buy Six skeleton heads wither skeleton heads wither skulls actually not wither skeleton heads wither skulls that are fake then actually

That’s five head we sold like um six of it in the auction house cuz someone wanted to spawn the wither and we were like yo you want wither skulls and the dude went yeah sure I do need some wither skulls for for my beacon and then we just went like

Okay um so there’s like w we have six wither skulls over here we can like sell it to you and oh my God we sold it for like 2,000 each and shees we got a bunch of money but we did I did get hunted down and our base did blew up into

Smerin after that because they have found our location and they are mad they weren’t happy that they got scammed but in my defense it was funny okay it was worth it now whenever I see someone wearing this gold stuff it just makes me think that they are wearing the like they’re really

Weak actually never mind I take that back a sculpture similar to insert names head you know what it’s either it’s strong wrong or it’s like one of these things cuz they’re probably going in like Dungeons already that are actually good oh wait I need to go to a

Blacksmith I have to I have wow oh also I need to check my money oh I don’t have much money okay that’s sad isn’t it I don’t know how to do deal with this also minus 17 durability [ __ ] the weapon smiting but the thing is I

Don’t know how to weapon Smit and the thing is it says that when you weapon Smit you instead of like upgrading your um weapon all you can do is craft another weapon you can’t upgrade your weapon I’m kind of sad about that also I do have this stuff o it’s level two I

Forgot that was the same tier all along and I plac it at the same okay brain you definitely are working should I just keep this stuff or should I like sell it maybe I should keep this boots just it just doesn’t do anything it just doesn’t have anything

On it that it’s making me question if I I’m selling this it’s making me question if I I’m selling the both of this and then this is like the good one right yeah this is the good one ooh also this is good as well it is air damage though so I’ll

Have to like use my air stuff or is it honor your honor it was for the funny or is it honor I think you did honor right maybe and whatever yeah exactly it’s fast attack and uh you know what I can water d Dage Mana steel I think Mana steel would

Be good maybe but the thing is I have like a b huh is this a good one or a not cuz I’m almost level 25 so I can like keep this with me already D’s desolation ooh this is D’s Shadow and I’m just collecting DS stuff

Whoever is this DS dude is just getting owned by me right now now I’m joking you know what once I hit Level 25 I’m using this um I’m probably putting it here I don’t really need the horse I’m just doing that so I could make it speed and jump

Higher okay time to sell some stuff that I absolutely do not need more keys I guess have wait is the server called again westcraft nope it’s windcraft w y NN I’m putting it here for when I’m level 25 you know what we’re found we’re going to farm

Mushrooms cuz that’s all we can do actually I could probably do something else but yeah oh [ __ ] I can definitely do something else like grabbing food wait I need food I’m going to AFK guys guards guard me with your lives you shall guard me with your lives

You peasants o this actually looks cool it looks like a seat this looks like a wand to me it doesn’t look like a spear at all looks like a wand like for this to be a spear it has to be like longer at least yeah that someone make that longer is that’s

Small small also win all right yep it’s wincraft I should have just put the IP actually in the freaking description but he it’s not my server who am I to freaking who am I to what’s it called I forgot my English forgot it um advertise yes who am I to promote this

Thing I a no why do I talk like this oh wait I have a new skills I have to buy food um where do I use it oh yeah I need to put it in my dexterity yes now be right back ladies and gentlemen for I will buy my food ones

Are magic Spears true but this game has decided that that’s two different things I got like a legendary one one time and I couldn’t use it but it so definitely looks like a wand it so definitely looks like a wand I didn’t pick Alchemy cuz I’ve did realize that Alchemy just kind

Of means that it’s like for rich people I probably have to like buy a stuff to upgrade my stuff in like certain amount of money that are just huge also I will indeed have to be right back I do not have a be right back screen for this stream So uh okay let me try this yeah there we go that’s so bad that is just so not it it it’s literally the portal that screwed me over so we’re just putting it like right here where is it and then when renaming it to right

Back I need to buy food but I am still playing Minecraft green that is so blurry there isn’t it scuff already it is but be right back be right back Right h H H H H All H H H H H H H Huh Huh All H M H uh Huh Okay Huh Right Right Right H H Huh H Huh huh Oh All H H H H H All I have returned but yeah I am still catching my bread cuz I did bike hello oh that is so low where is my where did the light go oh the light back the light on Like oh um let me just speak louder so that the mic can hear me from far Away oh there we go just in case it’s I am and I got it’s probably no this I love this living really the living room be your job small house where I literally in the and yes the light yes I do need to eat at some point but

I’ll probably just bring the food here as Gamers D that sounded so bad I’m joking whoa it’s already night time in the game well was I fast actually though was did I not take that long I feel like I took a long time the reason why I took long

Though I could have gotten home faster if the bike didn’t break cuz when I was going home I was like speeding up cuz like hey I want to get back to my stream immediately and then I realized when I hopped into my bike I squeezed the brake and it was not

Working the brakes were not working at all I got scared for a sec cuz good thing I realized or else I would have gone down the really step um way down with without brakes and which is like really bad would have gotten so bad if I didn’t

Realize that my brakes were broken cuz I was legitimately like yo let me speedrun this I will bike my wi and get as fast as I could holy [ __ ] it would have ended bad if I didn’t it was broken good thing I checked cuz it was my it’s my brother’s

Bike bike my brother uses the bike so how the freak in the world would I know that the bike is broken the brakes no one told me that it’s broken so I thought it was fine and not until I used it I guess now I got to tell my mom that the bike

Is is it it still broken yeah it’s still there like till this day like earlier when I went to buy food did realize that wait I’ll show you guys when it’s already in all on you guys can doing grabbing for whenever I tell people that hey I buy

Food I don’t really cook much I do know how to they do just buy my and then they think that I’m in some kind of like unhealthy lifestyle and like tell me that hey you should like or sounds unhealthy look at this [ __ ] it’s squid why did I say squid in that accent

It’s squid okay it tastes really good it is really good I love um it’s one of my if you know calamaras same [ __ ] but it’s like with like sauce that tastes good it’s so good I mean I’m not a freaking American I can likey that aren’t Burgers fast

Food look buying food also means that I can like buy something this it’s like it’s really good I got what it’s called I actually don’t know what it’s called but it’s food it’s healthier than a freaking Burger actually I do want I’m not going to buy I do want the burger though

Just realized that the mic is like the mic is this the earphone yes that yes everything is like Tangled well it’s I guess okay everything is breaking way everything is breaking why did you delete okay there we go whoops you’re getting hungry now whoops all right also if you are getting hungry

Then that probably means that you thought you were full earlier but actually uh wait wait actually it’s like looking downward all right I’m in the not 2:30 oh it’s 2:30 a.m. for you Jesus Christ who are you also playing in the server wait it is addicting and I’m I’m

I should probably stop playing it cuz it it is addicting it is unfortunately it is I’ve been playing it like I played it last night and I’m already at level 24 wait I should probably go get food I am so sorry you know what I’m not going

To apologize freak you chat I am going to eat I have to you guys probably didn’t know cuz I didn’t tell you guys of course I found two legendary bows as a sham oh [ __ ] you’re a shaman and you got two legendary bows that’s just sad also there is this thing

Where if it’s like an un unidentified um yes you can just like look at it and it says what type says that it’s lagging and what level range it is so that you won’t have to use the identifier which cost like either 24 to something um you can actually maybe keep

That or sell it actually cuz I did sell the legendary stuff that I got that are just not part of my my class also holy [ __ ] that’s crazy if you are actually playing as well good luck on your sanity cuz you’re probably not sleep even more let me just turn down the

Music also my hair is a mess then is fine let me just open the chat in my phone now y I actually really love squid I love squid also I know that I look awful but I hope I can give a [ __ ] whoops why is chat not showing

Up hello chat yes I like being a shaman because unlike Me minions don’t have thing true actually that is true ah wait wait I forgot to say this how is everyone one we are indeed doing good yeah sh yeah if you have like bad ping or like you’re lagging a lot

Probably Shaman is a good one I I I saw that archers are like really good but the thing is I’m not really a bow person I more like the fighting stuff so I did choose Warrior even though people are saying that ooh Archer is the best one Archer is the best one

Well I’m not really trying to try hard that much I just wanted to like enjoy the game so also I’m going to turn off my cam now cuz I am going to eat while streaming which is probably not the best thing to do also seriously though if you are in this game

Is there a slash party or like slash friend oh [ __ ] wait let the is there slash friend how do you add friend someone wait Das friend add gaster I forgot the number what are the numbers in your username there’s like four something I forgot actually actually you know what we probably

Can’t can’t party yet cuz you’re like level something like one or two right now yeah there’s a possibility that you’re like level one oh okay there’s no four then let me just drive friend you 7 six 5 nice I have gaster as my friend now we are now friends even though we’ve always

Been friends but we are now friends we were never friends before but now we are actually how much money do I have I bet it’s not much how much do I have in my bank okay bye Coco also Coco do you not have school who the [ __ ] threw this in the ground keep

It stop putting random stuff in people’s inventories now time to do the math 16 * 4 yes but I got beeping Wick off nice that’s actually good I was like looking for my phone and it’s literally right in front of me cuz it’s my chat

Yeah I barely have any money cuz um I had this thing where I got um obsessed with identifi an identified chest and I just kept opening them before selling them I was like that is such a bad thing to do so I stopped it and then I

Realized that I was wasting money just by opening those items I have Around I don’t know like wait I have like 1,253 emeralds which is so freaking poor I’m poor guys I’m I’m poor I’m poor I’m me I am poor but not that poor just I’m average oh shoot who did that is it you Destiny I can’t believe her the person’s

Name right beside me is you destiny feather of Grace I really I can’t believe we can’t freaking upgrade our stuff like our weapons and armors all we can do is like craft another one or something or craft a different thing which kind of is

Sad now where do I want to go do I want to go back to here or is there like another place I could go you know what let’s do a is there no quest for me I want another daily objective I finished all of my daily objectives last

Night oh yes I was doing this then I stopped now where is it which way is it 72 70 7 wrong way like around this way 72 and look for an arrow oh over here whoa It’s my auto jump on that is crazy if yes oh shoot

Perish okay Auto jump isn’t on I thought I have it on I just realized I’m not on full screen wait ah yes zombies wait before I start killing you guys ouch oh are you freaking kidding me there’s another fire type here yeah alive oh Explodes I mean how would zombies get alive actually I mean there’s a possibility they could ouch I don’t need another key I had like so much of that in my freaking storage it’s so freaking useless I mean it’s useless for me cuz I don’t have anything to use it for now for now

I have a 10% chance of exploding okay so it’s that way leave me alone peasants move I like how I’m just getting cocky now cuz like I can just one hit this guys please leave me alone dude just kill them okay oh not you again whoa what was that whoa that was

Sick dude is upgrading his water abilities I should probably do as well I really should as well but I am just not doing it whoa that’s a lot of skeletons over there jelly Wellies and they dead what did I get added to my pouch I

Didn’t even get to read it cuz I’m so focused on my cursor oh ow oh it’s you again I’m so freaking sick of you holy [ __ ] also I want more help what the [ __ ] it’s empty that’s crazy it’s my first time opening a chest that’s empty wao that’s that’s a lot of

Mobs let me just let me just hurl them around in a circle hello get added to my collection please oh it barely did anything whoops never mind that did something it’s so dark game it’s so freaking dark I can’t see [ __ ] actually the probably the reason

Why I can’t see [ __ ] is because there’s light in front of me there’s like light right in front of me and I’m looking like at the dark screen cuz in my stream I can see it properly I did say I was going to eat but I’m not taking a bite at

All that dude’s fast he’s sprinting fast oh now I remember why I wanted to go level 25 cuz there’s a quest right there and ah would would die I would die if I do that if I go there what is this again you know what I’m just going to grab those to sell

Them yeah I have like three I can just sell those oh builded Bowman it whoa who I’m going to die again [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I refuse TI I refuse to go down like this I am too young to

Die to be honest I am indeed too young to be fighting mobs like this whoa they’re all underneath me that’s crazy die Immediately ouch never mind it didn’t die what the [ __ ] this is why I needed my water damage my defense I mean I’m getting owned you guys are under the bridge damn Under the Bridge Under the Bridge I’m supposed to be level 25 to be here what the freak am I doing

Here why is it saying that I already have a certain potion active even though I keep getting owned I am still going to come back and return to kill these things cuz this is like better for my levels if it says do not enter I will enter rules are meant to be

Broken that sounded so bad I’m joking or am I I want to be freaking you know what my defense are so low I hate it I hate I need my water defense actually why am I miss missing my water defense so much cuz it replicates my

Tears it symbolizes the tears in my eyes and the tears that I’ve cried and shed at night imagine shedding tears that sounds weird actually do you shed tears but I feel like that’s a wrong way of saying it yo I have discovered the new

Plane I can so spam click let me just on my auto clicker I’m joking I’m not going to do that that’s probably not allowed I’m not sure actually actually not sure if that’s like allowed or not get owned ow he dead I’m dead we’re all dead great no something strong spawned I’m walking

Away I’m probably going to get owned I I accident there there I got really overwhelmed that time Jesus Christ hello why not just go around [ __ ] oh cuzz I’m using my lightning rod [ __ ] which is like the weakest thing I have with me so freaking useless against this ones now let me

Just I am not supposed to be here but do not mind me ow hey there’s a lot there’s a lot of them I don’t have Mana we we run and this is where we run we have Sprint for a reason [ __ ] I can’t run away from a battle like this I

Shall take my course whoa I’m going to die where where where I am fine and easy now you can say shed oh no I was de I was alive I was fine I defeated my battles and I shall not take that one holy [ __ ] the timing of that is bad that was

Awful what the [ __ ] is going on stop shooting me I was like I’m safe woo I have won my battles and then a strong one appeared out of nowhere ah mysterious Obelisk the [ __ ] is an obelisk right click to interact what you don’t have enough Mana to C what indirectly n ch

What did I do you don’t have enough Mana to what did I do don’t even know what I did I guess it has something to do with water element stuff or my Mana ooh speaking of Mana I do have little Mana oh I want to fix that but I don’t know how item

Identifier these are useless I’d rather sell this cuz I’m not wasting my money on that is this the guy that I have to talk to who do I have to talk to tyos De brother oh [ __ ] uh oh I’m in the bank party finder hi party finder oh mer this a

Fisher oh it’s a blacksmith why are you here what are you in the dark sire what are you doing actually want my judge actually you know what I’m I’ve learned my lesson I will stop selling stuff like that cuz it says here that the potential price is around 12 to 42

So I’ll get like High higher chance if I like sell it alternatively like alternate so that I get a higher chance of getting more money if I don’t do them all at the same time also not this though cuz that’s my good one so you dude you’re scamming

Me like I am somehow sure of it that I’m getting scammed 16 emeralds for all of that okay okay sir okay the four hours of sleep or two four hours of No Sleep which one h for yes I did forget to freaking unmute Jesus Christ knew it so yeah I was talking about

How yeah I knew it good thing I got caught onto it yeah so basically I feel like I’m playing the game wrong like I think I could be um buying stuff in the crates I think how do you get silver bll I actually do not know what is a seral bull seral bull

Share so do I have to join this I need to go do some stuff have a nice stream maybe I’ll goodbye thank you for the lock I yeah the lock the have a nice stream part and also good luck on your stuff bye bye okay how do I get Silver Bow it sounds

Important yet I do not know how so I guess it’s this one where is this for more information visit the silver bull headquarters oh I can recruit a friend ooh y Bill I know it’s probably called a we bill but I’ll just read it as y Bill invite one ah

Ah gter I’m inviting you if you’re still in the game oh you can’t use commands right now wait probably did it wrong wait imagine if I just oh it’s the wrong [ __ ] uh wait it’s the wrong I typed it wrong whoops you are wait let me try something oh here recruit a

Friend then gaster I think it’s 7656 yeah cannot send chat messages then we trying to find the identifier guy um the identifier guy is usually in the middle depends on where you are please write in chat chat the username of the player you want to I am typing it I don’t get

It are we friends gaster I feel like we are please write in chat the username your username is gter 7656 why is is it not letting me hey also powder Master hello powder master I think I have to whoa how am I supposed to do

This it says write in chat I am writing in chat I mean I’m basically typing but what do you want from me are you sure I can’t even cancel oh no I won’t be able to oh okay I understood none of that you know what it’s fine D damage just considerer the powder

Of course not how do I do this great doing Miss with you adventur come back at any Lia looka why is there a parkour here I’m wasting my time I’m just going to go do the quests where is it the identifier gu is usually in the

Middle but it depends where you are if you are in ragy then um the identifier guy is near the bridge around there before the bridge I mean oh in here why hello there I see my brother oh yes I do know where he is buried by but

Do I want to tell you no it’s none of your business found them and got 42 damage one damn there’s something to make him talk the nearby potion shop Oh we’re going to drug him we’re going to drug the drunk dude where’s the potion shop actually oh the item and Fire potion potion potion potion time to drug this dude now what to make him talk whiskey are we talking about whiskey whoa potion of Mana potion of Defense interesting potion of strength

Exterity intelligence agility I think we’re talking about the whiskey right I think we’re we’re going to buy the whiskey then I think that’s what it wants we’re buying nrock whiskey for this drunk I thought we were going to drag him to be honest I’m kind of sad about

That I thought we were going to drug him he took the whiskey anything for a whiskey I guess now it’s over there let us walk to Victory oh my God whoa what are you sure for only 525 I’m so buying this for when I’m oh never mind it decreases every single defense you

Have never mind I take back why is there so many minus stuff that’s kind of sad isn’t it Mana region minus five hey minus water damage no hell no Ace of Spades that’s hilarious actually G of Darkness why does it minus every single thing is is there anything that would

Not like decrease every single stats you have like the important stats no wonder you are selling this okay this is kind of good but it does minus your water damage by 17 but you do get 3,000 Health maybe I’ll get back to that rever defense from Thunder minus 100 under

Damage this is crazy these are like crazy stuff oh no I don’t want to get rid of my exploding I want to explode oh it does have life Ste though wait this actually good but the thing is I can’t really access it till I’m like level 99 but is it worth buying

Already you know what I don’t actually know I’m not going to buy anything heing Hing crafting station and pant yeah yeah I’m not going to freaking craft should probably try craft something at some point cuz I feel like crafting is like very important are you an enemy why do you have a health

Bar meron ooh oh I have to kill this things hell yeah wait what that what are they weak to okay they’re kind of annoying whoa whoa whoa whoa I was so confused how are they good for you I am having a hard time calculating stuff oh holy [ __ ] water defense don’t

Understand do I use my Dar Shadow on this dude how what the [ __ ] oh and also how do you collect wheat I try to and it doesn’t work um you have to go find a tool Merchant you have a tool you need a tool and you right click for green left click for

String what I’m so confused The Archers are just so strong okay that’s crazy what the [ __ ] it’s hitting me from afar Okay they are weak but they do a lot of damage yeah you need a tool Merchant and buy a hoe I’m going to die here what what am I doing wrong in this game Like I’m probably doing something really wrong to be dealing this much damage from a level 20 actually it’s not that far off but like whoa I’m doing something wrong I’m behind of Something I I think they’re water so I’m using my th my thunder one that I’m going to die this is bad I’m behind of something how many fish oh fishing I have to fish how am I going to fish in this conditions yeah I can’t don’t even feel like I’m healing

I feel like I’m behind of something and I’m really I really can’t my brain isn’t functioning the Press well rotten flesh I think I have a lot of those S yeah rotten flesh is like one of my strong suits yeah I have like a a bunch no need

To go to the place that you want me to go to retrieve his wheel bring it back there that’s deep some deep Lor going on here welcome back Coco I am going the wrong way where is it got another rotten flashh in what happened this’s just happening to my stuff something strong got

Spawned probably not that right oh is it this the turtle why does the want the turtle want me dead Okay Turtle okay I guess the turtle wants me dead Al I just realized that the thing that I have to go to is literally just right there or maybe not who knows

Actually where is it oh this I don’t think So where is it cuz I’m already here 31 To kill s’s brother to retrieve his will where I’m confused where is Siler but brother where oh where I don’t see it it says it’s right here but where my brain is not functioning what is going on I can’t find the dude eras the turtle feel like there’s a fight there

That I should join in I am going to die whoa oh okay okay okay we got to process this we’re lacking something like defense or something let me figure it out I really don’t [ __ ] effective Health 550 um Defense h h H H what could possibly be wrong I think I’m not supposed to be doing this you know what I’m going to go back there but not not specifically there just grab myself to till I get to level 25 that was insane my brain couldn’t comprehend what what just happened that was crazy everything is like killing me really fast it’s making me question what the freak I’m doing wait I really feel like I’m lacking something in terms of Defense but the thing is I just really don’t know what it

Is you know what I’m going to start learning the the crafting skill and I’m going to try to figure out how to join the guild The Syndicate I mean not Guild ow oh I thought it was a zombie yeah that thing would kill me like the one that’s shooting a bunch of

Arrows I I’ll be dead with that so dark it’s so dark you found a command um for Recruiting something is wrong I have a feeling that I’m in the wrong place at the wrong time kind of for Finding Oh no is this a a cave I think it’s just a mine did I kill it already yeah I think I did holy [ __ ] I think I got a dagger yeah whatever that was I keep getting almost killed by it bone parasite yo level 25 let’s go last one [Applause] yo I’m walking so much faster now as well let’s go it tells you you are on the server oh okay okay got it so we were in different servers is that what it is cuz that’s possible what is going on what the [ __ ] I’ve been invited to join

Ooh do not attack me I am [ __ ] you must be in a party to invite I mean wait it worked did it did it actually work cuz I am not sure cuz I was in the middle of a fight while I was typing SL party accept which was probably a bad idea ouch

Dude oh I can use this now okay nice leave me the [ __ ] alone yo also I got a legendary oh it’s a dagger no I got a dagger which I won’t use you didn’t accept yet okay wait I don’t think I know how to accept

Yet cuz I am indeed in the middle of a fight let me just get out of here I need to work on something about my defenses I don’t know what it is but um I got to search it up I need to do F the research that’s why create SL party

Invite so you haven’t um invited me am I Correct you have been invited to join gaster’s party so I did Slash party not no no try you making it and invite me yeah there we go then you join there we go hello is there a slash party chat okay wait slash help oh SLP

Okay I do it right I don’t think I did to specify a message to send Okay Minecraft okay I’m trying to stash be do I have to put what I no SL B is party isn’t it oh never mind I do have to type it this is so

Dumb oh I get what’s happening I have my oh got settings on command only oh oh so that makes sense there we go Jesus Christ my dumb ass couldn’t okay got it it has to be there has to be a PE so what I can do is there we go there we

Go do you know how to recruit now oh for why is it just ignoring me there we go oh shoot I thought that was I thought that was an enemy yeah probably yeah oh yeah actually it’s better if you use that chat so you won’t have to Tab out probably save Mana I really don’t get where this where SOS brother is how about I’m watching the stream from home oh but I mean you won’t have to like have a hard time to oh [ __ ] what is that oh [ __ ] it’s the ghost you are the one that I’ve been

Needing to kill Jesus Christ whoa I need to get out of here I think I’ve done it muscle enraged soul I don’t think I got it I thought it says silus body so I thought I got it where the freak is this sto dude kill Cero’s brother to retrieve his will

Bringing back ceros at the NR Cathedral where I’m I’m lagging so hard probably try putting down your render distance is CTO going to be here like C where the [ __ ] is the thing that’s hitting me whoa that battle was insane I could have died there’s something behind

Me yeah good luck when you’re getting swarmed by stuff angled Soul yeah I think something up there is trying to attack me [ __ ] I didn’t get to grab the freaking rare freaking chest something behind me yeah the water is stronger a it’s so unfortunate now where is this guy what do you mean

Oh what’s up you found a speed run Strat what is it um what kind of speedrun first though what are you speed running like leveling up or whoa that looked terrifying I would die there just given what what gave me resistance ow I do not die I actually do

Yeah what do you mean I’ve lost when did I get electr plasm I don’t even knowed S I am struggling with defense that’s for sure I need to keep looting chest for sure chest and then killing How much is O 102 H gter imagine if I can just hand you this dagger what if what if i s oh my dexterity right right dexterity dexterity up mana region Health Region strength defense oh never mind strength plus two defense yeah I’m I’m struggling with some stuff here

Here and by some I meant a lot of stuff I’ve heard father so it says here that it does air damage does this mean that it’s air type but it says here that it also has water damage Mana steel goodbye Coco hope you’re doing well also I do have to finish my food Oh where’s the selling dude again yeah it’s near the Dock bye Coco oh [ __ ] let me check my the jewelries actually where’s the jewelry guy knock knock guy that sells jewelry where where are you where are you I’m so sorry don’t waste your time on Me where the [ __ ] fu is that knock knock where is the guy that sells jewelries I guess there’s none that’s so weird though it’s the scroll Merchant actually scr Merchant oh ragy Delta and nrod ooh but it causes M everything you look at just dies that’s insane well that’s a shaman for you how do I craft jewelry you know what I’m going to search up crafting jewelri the power of Google just a sec h damn this actually tough cuz most of the stuff that are showing here are

Like or like what’s it called um expensive like stuff that I haven’t even seen before keep saying something about Doom Stone and stuff like that which I do not do not know how or like what it’s stolen pearls are like one of the things that I keep seeing in Vim

Vines yeah like stolen pearls Vim Vines and lunar charms which are stuff that I just really do not have and I have a feeling that um it’s going to be really expensive and are like around a 100 level level 100 I did not understand anything whoa what

Okay wait what level am I in five H I’m not sure sure how this works yeah I’m not wasting my time on this okay I just really need to think what to do here refin gems and and I think I’m going through like is the tool shop in the

Middle area um are you in ragy cuz if you’re in ragy um no The Tool Shop is around the sewage where yeah the tool shop is near where the farm is which is like ragy ragy where yeah Delta is here so it’s Around around here somewhere is this ragy actually I’m not sure oh that’s insane this is where we started damn yeah like to your North just like a a bunch of farm stuff and there’s like a tool Merchant somewhere there just a sec wait cuz I really am not sure by

Being this is just so much stuff my brain also wait let me I mean like the spawn do you want me to go there oh though that’s really far from me actually but wait whoa who why do people say negative Elemental defenses can make a huge impact but positives aren’t very useful

What does that mean still then Elemental defenses damage of negative Elemental damage no don’t I found the sewage era okay so it’s saying here here the negatives are actually actually does bigger impact than the positive ones so since I am collecting more and just grabbing more [ __ ] that are like

Positive towards the things that I have means that oh my what I am so confused so the strong ears are where are actually the ones that are has negative stuff in it so the freaking armor what hey I am I understanding this correctly probably not oh I am going oh right I’m going

Through this you know what I’m going to show stream later so are you telling me this is actually good and I’m just not using it because I’m feeling like it’s not good I want to go level 39 already look at this this is insane I want this I need this I love

This we all need this why did I do that that’s such a freaking let probably not focus on some Elemental stuff this is good though Soul point region to I do need some soul points that’s level 20 six I’m wearing this though I’m still keeping this just in case [ __ ] that

Item is there a powder slot ooh there’s powder slots here so fire defense+ 15 what will happen if I I’m confused well I’ve I have more Health now that’s good fire powder why are this not together there we go okay I’m so sorry if I’m just like

Nerding out right now I’m really trying to to calculate this properly if it has a power powder slot then that means I could add a powder to it what powder should I use if it says that it does plus five fire defense the thing is fire defense doesn’t really do

Much cuz there’s bar I barely fight anything fire related most of the stuff that I’ve been fighting are neutral cuz most of the stuff here are neutral you know what I need a new leggings that’s what I need legendary dagger I do need the blacksmith I need to sell that [ __ ] or

Else it’s just going to ruin my day it’s going to ruin my day where’s the Blacksmith Blacksmith I can’t with me just running around looking for certain stuff Jesus Christ show villagers no CU if I show villagers that’s just going to show every single thing here entity names show mob head mine I’ll show villagers no villagers no it’s this way oh the black Smith is right in front of

Me why can’t I access why did it say that myself has given myself 20% resistance oh there it is I lagged there for a sec ooh you know what I’m buying this then and then I’m going to yeah let’s try that actually where is the item identifier

Why do I always have a hard time looking for it it’s right here it’s probably going to be some kind of like oh I was going to say it’s going to be some kind of like really good dagger I’m not sure actually I can’t use dagger so who what am

I what would I know whoops I almost oh I found a tool but I can’t use it what tool you mean weapon [ __ ] dude am I lagging that much and I’m going to sell the dagger okay let’s please get lucky and be around 200 cuz that’ll be from a to

Tool no what I mean is what tool did you get cuz that’s literally just um hoe pickaxe axxe and fishing rod I think yeah what oh I don’t it gave me 155 I got this at one two that’s actually yeah that’s fine a hoe what do

You mean you can’t use the hoe you click on it you can use it I promise you can I’ve tried wait you know what let me grab my hoe you got this mate you can use it I promise you it works it’s it’s really like it’s impossible that it’s not working that’s

All I’m going to say it’s impossible it says it requires level five how what there only Merchant I found what what’s your level eight what are you mining I mean what are you farming it depends on what are you harvesting are you harvesting wheat whoa sounds like I’m shooting something

But not really is there a f around here none level five farming is it a stone or is it a wooden ho hoe what kind of hoe is it I need to empty my stuff if I want to go to this Quest I have to finish this Quest but I just really

That’s impossible what are you farming are you farming wheat seriously what are you farming I have to empty my stuff whoops I need that yeah I don’t know mate just keep trying I really don’t know musle oh I have a dagger that I could just sell saled salmon enrage putting in

This there’s so much stuff that I’m like no I’m going to start selling the mo Mor topus stuff or maybe I should leave like one whoa wait why is it saying there’s more I’m confused I’m selling this stuff rotting bone and feather of Grace uh oh there’s another

Page there’s another page this whole goddamn time there’s another page to the storage area no that’s wow there was another page this whole Time I’m selling this I have nothing you to use that for I don’t even know why that’s still there and why am I organizing this so much Bro I could have just done that holy [ __ ] well well that’s that where now where’s the Blacksmith cuz I want to sell this thing time to sell another stuff oh can I turn them into scraps actually turn them into the scrap oh I can’t scrub that I’m selling that that’s

Legendary actually you know what like then sell this yeah that’s like then get something good you know what let’s throw this in so it gets higher at least a higher chance of getting this are you kidding me 100 yeah sure dude yeah sure probably open that for

Like four or something but now what to do with scrap I saw something that says about something about scrap scrap what do I do scrap reward click on reward to add it only three rewards are required with us click to add rewards in order to scrap them oh

Wait okay I get it now got it now where can I put have someone jum I swear to God I can turn them into something it’s just that I do not know what that something is I really do not know I’m feel so dumb okay I think I found out why it’s a

Tier two hoe where’s a tier one Merchant then I’m actually not sure I’m sorry I like do not know legitimately I I I just played yesterday and I don’t remember where I got this if it’s not the sewage then you probably missed one around the Farms I don’t

Know are you doing the cooking assistant West m I really don’t know where to find this thing kills siler’s brother to retrieve his will I really don’t know do I just you know what I’m going to go back to here to the cathedral but I swear to freaking God I

Really don’t know if I already killed it or not I didn’t I didn’t even know what it looks like yo gaster leveled up I swear to God it will say that I haven’t even done it you should be able to enter the [ __ ] now be careful you are entering at your own

Risk where’s the [ __ ] crep where what is a [ __ ] actually wait I feel like I need a key for that do I a [ __ ] is like a dungeon right is this a dungeon Quest did I just enter a dungeon Quest and I have no idea of he whoops wrong one

There will it still point there cuz I feel like I’m going somewhere wrong oh I just ow whoa I’m doing less damage now holy [ __ ] there’s something fire there oh there it is whoa I’m doing so low damage that’s insane I don’t like that Just going to keep using this [ __ ] do not die [ __ ] plus 150 Health where I don’t not see the given health okay okay it’s here now okay oh so I was going the wrong way I think Oh wrong thing got it so that’s why I’m so confused it going here

Huh okay I guess I’m going here first hello merani would you like to hear the tail of the oh this is a different task a different Quest okay sure I’m down to do another task did of the Dead Ry at 356 oh that was the grave that I was getting getting killed

On wow okay game thank you I don’t even feel my defenses increasing I feel weaker I’m so confused I genuinely just feel weaker I used to two hit this things yeah absolute confusion leave me the [ __ ] alone I’m genuinely confused yeah even this legendary weapon does nothing

Now okay I guess my spell damage is still fine though my neutral damage like my main attack damage is not doing well my attack speed is low [ __ ] is behind me even I can’t even one hit the parasite any any more oh that is not good I’m going to die if I keep

This [ __ ] what the [ __ ] whoa my damage is just sad it’s so [ __ ] sad genuinely wait I’m getting back my armor what the freak this is insanity what the [ __ ] that was insane I was dying it may say that I’m like getting plus stuff I’m not whoa wait I have to do something maybe I can just

Like switch it switch between I don’t know I oh what the [ __ ] this is absurd actually where’s the bank that’s what I need the bank I need the bank where is the bankco bco Central of the Philippines not really of um what place is this again I forgot this was it right ooh this has other slots I’m wearing this nah I am so confused on what the freak I should do what if I put the powder slot here would this would it help

Me no cuz it was just increase the defense right not the I’m so confused my brain is not braining uh uh um we are not in a good situation right here like I obviously just do not know what I’m doing I killed Bob and got his steer I

Feel evil now I also have Bob steer though I don’t know what to do with Bob steer I just have it yo I’m stuck in NRA um Elemental defenses are BL I’m so confused hey gter h Wella I’m just you know what I should have like researched before nothing

Much I just kind of like asked look at this dude I do not know what to do with the armor stuff because it’s really bothering me a lot of it it’s like bothering me a lot how do I get like more armor stuff that’s the question you know what let’s

Do dungeons instead of the the quest stuff I feel like I I’ll get more like stuff in there um not dungeons actually I don’t want To yeah let’s go there instead I’m going to start doing quests instead of like also I still haven’t finished my food wait oh whoops oh wait I’m not checking my CH anymore sorry chat I was busy researching for good defenses and to be honest I found nothing cuz whenever I would read

Something and base stuff in there someone in the comments would like say that is this actually true and then someone would reply no it’s not oh figured cuz I this is definitely just just not how it’s goes and then I just go like oh so what I read was useless okay

Thank you for letting me know Forum also I got to be more careful now cuz it does what happens is that whenever I die I do lose some stuff of course accept this stuff oh also gaster you can lock your um stuff in your inventory so that they

Won’t you won’t accidentally throw them like drop them I’m not sure if that’s a thing that you would want to be aware of but it is a thing I don’t get the 20% resistance thing but it is a good thing cuz resistance is more like I guess defense at the same time as well what are those that’s a lot it’s so hard when it’s night time cuz I could barely see [ __ ] I thought the water was hurting me for a Sec oh is something doing that Whoops sh good thing I didn’t die sh okay there’s plenty for everyone do not do not do not R actually that sounds so wrong my English just absolutely did not English at all oh I’m back here oh no this not a good place to be in I mean

For for getting more XP then yes but I hope that was a chest plate the thing just really needed to put me here huh I already stated that made it clear actually that I hate this place from now on though it is a good place for whoa holy [ __ ] [ __ ] please stop lagging

Jesus Christ I think the poison is helping a lot Jesus Christ I guess this one is doing me good oh my goodness are you fre okay that was not the thing that I was worried about I was worried about something else yeah there’s something down here got it I’m using too much Mana I shall slay skeleton actually what if I just go back there cuz I think I’ve already slayed enough skeletons oh I need 12 bone meal do I not have that whatever is happening with this thunder freaking D Shadow I am confused but it is doing great also I need a better

Leggings game get me good leggings please okay let’s try our Mist blade now you know what while there’s there there’s other people here I should probably okay I think my main attack damage is not doing Well yeah I think the poison is like helping a lot and the Thunder is like really strong whoa I do not like those things they spam crazy I need bone meal like 12 bone meal that’s how the game wants me to prove that I’ve killed enough it’s just crazy another zombie

Ouch can I please get a skeleton out Here ooh wait I can finally do something wrong one hell yeah okay let me see I did not see any Difference where is it did it die actually okay I think it made a difference also more Mana no not more Mana I should probably drink this Mana then if I drink this will this increase my Mana or regenerate oh it will regenerate my Mana never mind that’s different thing I need

Skeletons why am I doing that that’s so useless I’m wasting Mana yeah I’m wasting Mana when I do that H I should probably stop that I have two unused skill points should I put it in my defense or attack I’m having problems with both actually you know what defense I’ll put

It in defense but defense will increase this is what’s difficult in this game because defense increases fire attack like fire damage and fire stuff um um intelligence increases um intelligent increases what does it it increases water damage um agility increases air and strength increases Earth damage so

If I go for intelligence it will increase my I got a freaking Relic what level are you oh you’re 10 um I got a something for for shamans oops maybe I can hand that to you I I’m not sure if you can give stuff to a player I’m not sure

Supposed to be killing skeletons not zombies leave me alone killing this dude oh there is a trade command okay I didn’t check actually I didn’t check cuz I didn’t even think I would ever like trade with someone if you ever get like actually never mind that’s a bad deal

Cuz you’re still in ragy or probably you’re about to go to Delta soon if you’re going to the story line of course but if you’re still on the other stuff then oh I don’t like that that one will kill me actually everything in here will kill me and you say I’m weak ah

Actually now that I think about I’m feeling better now I think I’m going to put it in defense cuz I’m bad at Dodging no a baby zombie dead oh I’m feeling better now because I removed this but if I probably put that back on I will just die TI two water powder let’s go probably going to put it here ow lesson learn focus on your fights is oh

No Dodge I barely have ping but I shall Dodge I mean I’m lagging a I barely have FPS but I shall Dodge wrong thing actually you know what I think it’s a ping thing whoa I saw that that was Sick yeah that water thing is insane I love that actually you know what I think I have a chance of killing that dude now I feel more confident I now have confidence in my skill die yo I did it I have killed my worst nightmare here that’s hyped actually

Whoops now I shall up my Defenses I should I so should defense yeah defense pick the other sets defense I’m joking of course we need to increase I got a bow that I’m not going to be using what is this actually oh the creep it it did say that I have to go to the

Creep but where is the creep oh no something strong spawned again and I don’t know where it is or what it is sounds nearby though it’s that one damn oh you want to fight as Well where did it go oh did it die I’m so not used to it when they die like that and I know that it’s not because I’m I’m strong it’s just that I think I’m just spamming too much that’s why I feel so unaware how many I still have nine bone

Meal I need more I don’t know what’s going on in chat but you know what I’ve became a solo player at this point I’m probably going to only in do parties with you guys if you ever want to like play like I bet gaster if you get addicted

Enough I swear to God you can get ahead of me or like around my level cuz you’re already on 10 and it’s just your day one cuz like if you also have any questions I could just literally answer cuz me when I had like like questions I would have to like search it

On you on Google what’s in here oh was there something in here ow I was lagging oh my God this this what you need this what it’s worth I mean fighting in dungeons together is pretty cool I think it is pretty cool depends on what dungeon we are talking about

Oh freaking hell something strong spawned again and I’m going to die I refuse I even what do you mean A item vomi in spawn oh is it a a my inventory is screwed why what’s happening in your inventory okay I have 12 bone meal now so that’s the quest Quest done I mean board done yes slaying out post saying post I mean I’m not going through there again I will

Die and I do not want that you know what we keep running We Run for Our Lives holy [ __ ] I’m just triggering them all move out of the way I need to complete this task oh my God there’s a lot of them behind me damn holy [ __ ] I feel like I’m going to die I don’t need another cryp key why are you here R okay I’m

Alive well I guess I’m stronger than I thought thought I am well that’s always a lesson learn guys whenever you feel weak don’t cuz you’re probably wrong you’re always wrong we’re never right we’re never correct whenever we think we’re so good at the game that’s when

The the game just goes no you suck and then whenever we feel like we [ __ ] suck at the game that’s when the game goes like no you’re doing actually really great so I don’t know what the freak are we doing we are wasting our lives in a game in

Minecraft now we’re good oh [ __ ] hell dude I am doing a commentary how dare actually that was not a commentary that was more like a speech a motivation speech yeah whenever you think you’re weak that’s when you’re strong and whenever you feel like you’re strong that’s when you’re weak that’s

Facts and yes it’s like that because life freaking sucks and it doesn’t make sense yes oh you again die can you stop existing please did it die did it actually just die when I said die I don’t know I don’t see it though and well that’s that I

Guess oh I’m about to go level 27 yes slay oh never mind it’s already dead I don’t know where the 20% resistance is coming from to be honest mysterious Miss oh shoot ooh I want to go there that’s like an overwhelming ow that was a human that was a human being I knew

It hey I love that Tactic just let it what are set your items um they’re usually like items that are uh wait just a sec I’m getting owned or maybe not maybe I lied um set your items um wait I forgot actually wait but set your items are usually good especially if you’re

Like new and stuff it’s really good um I have like a set here here like a Morp set it’s like the mo um that’s basically like a kit basically like it I don’t remember uh a certain list of a certain thing so like if you have like two morps it just says

Morp set two so basically it’s like a set um so here’s the thing okay just to make it clear a set means you know the the we all know the definition of set so yeah there’s like more to it than one um there’s like a bunch of it that you can

Collect if you want to focus on having set armor I am not sure though what it um if it’s good or not but I do have ouch but I do have a set Boot and a Morp set um ring which are really good for my mana and stuff yeah and loot bonus oh

Yeah yeah there’s like Mor Emerald more yeah there’s different kind of Morp sets yeah that I just do not have all of them so I do not actually know what the rest does but yeah ooh Thunder screw the rotten flesh I have a feeling that I’m missing

Like good stuff because of this because of how full my inventory is I can get to level 39 today actually Zombie f okay I’m near Delta what village are you in gaster like what town thank God it’s almost morning okay I’m in Delta now currently none I see

Also I did just realize this is like this is kind of like Sky Block cuz there’s an island as well we all have an island the thing is I am leaving my Island empty as heck cuz I’m actually not sure what to do with it but like you can build the house and

Stuff yo want to me to the Middle oh no there’s a rankings system oh no um view your Global ranking how well I guess why not is a way to put it oh I can see you you glow yellow I’m behind you whoa that is sick actually I think you’re the first Shaman I’ve seen

Holy [ __ ] wait oh my goodness yeah I think you’re the first Shaman I’ve seen cuz I haven’t seen anyone do that Holy hey Mr Shaman um can we do the trade gas your skin wait is that a legendary like Shaman thing oh cuz I only have like a relic I mean uh

Yeah I’m I’m not sure if this is good or not we just try do you have a legendary one is that legendary nope rare oh it’s rare um can you can I like trade this to you as well let me just cuz I do just want to try

Trading the trade requests have been set waiting for them to accept okay let me try this if you have any actually never mind yeah then just click to accept the trade I just want to though it’s 25 though it’s like level 25 so check it if it’s good like check

Its like skill set and everything if it’s like good or not for you cuz it does say that you have to be level 25 to use it I’m not sure there’s a high chance actually I’m not sure there is a chance though that you will get something better but I

Don’t know just giving it to you yeah it’s not that bad but it is just not that good as well though I am giving it to you just in case yeah I don’t know anything about shaman So in terms of like your item stuff I’m not sure no problem what key is it there’s probably a dungeon wait what key is it oh what key is it yep it is indeed a key Eh oh it’s full already oh okay intelligence More okay you know what I’m going to fix this bug PS This is full once again toxic spores I’m throwing the mushrooms away I swear to God time to throw mushrooms Away by going to the middle and just mushrooms for everyone I am lagging I’m Distributing I’m healing Society let’s

Go that’s so freaking dumb I’m just making a mess in spawn imagine if that’s bannable red mushrooms for everyone yo what am I doing now there’s just a bunch of red mushrooms holy [ __ ] the thing is I don’t even think it goes in their inventories yeah I have a feeling that

I’m the only one who can pick it up that is so dumb like what the [ __ ] do I even you use it for I don’t know and I could just Farm it anytime cuz there’s like a bunch of mushroom stuff like everywhere Mhm no time to eat my stick oh I’m just eating while streaming oh actually I turned off my chat whoop oh hello green spider I am so sorry I just did not see that holy [ __ ] I’m a bad streamer I’m joking anyways yeah I probably missed that that was probably like a really

Long time ago I accidentally whistled when I said that jeez you know what is there a map up on like okay wait so it does say that the best element it’s like water H wait a second this is weird did even working just a sec I think everything froze for a sec yeah it is frozen for a reason because I’m like out all tabbed I’m tabbed out I am currently tubed Out okay all is good oh let me just grab something whoa and the world go everything is like Frozen it’s fine it’s fine also I’m tapped out that’s why it’s Frozen as long as you guys could hear me fine it’s all good everything is under control yeah it’s fine Um anyways hello to chat and and I think I’m starting to get kicked it’s fine let me just black screen it black screen for a second just a bit it’s returning H weird okay I’m about to return second okay also yes hello hello yes it is a black screen just a

Sec just a minute yeah I’m currently going back to the game I am returning and we’re back Me hey just wait I see I am Audible right you guys can hear me Yeah okay so what we have to do is increase Mana we need more Mana cuz we are doing good in strength if Mana is like this we’re doomed but I think what I would need is I have two rare boots right here this

Is 16 to 20 and this is 8 to 12 so I should probably do The but the thing is it says here that this this is you know I’m still going to try worth the shot uh I have a feeling that it’s not going to be like the better than the actually you know what it depends on the stat so I’m just go for it yeah knew

It haki um Mana Steel section I think it’s good actually wait five um Region main attack yeah I feel like that was not worth it I might put it in the I might sell it might sell it yo gter is level 12 oh you’re here as well I gter hey I do have damn that spell gives me 20% resistance if I do this Oh wrong

One just testing something oh did the water thing not happen wait that’s crazy wait a second so it’s right left left right right left right left left okay right left left is the water thing the uppercut I don’t know why I tested it like that I could have just gone to the character Info and check the ability tree cheaper uppercut oh damn okay you know what I’m going to go west ooh there’s a oh I’m I can’t go there that’s level 27 go to a cave oh wait a second oh what am I doing this is earth right yeah

Um hey there’s citizen I’m really trying I’m really trying I need new Pants blank why is there a potato here why do I now have a feeling that there’s something potatoes cuz I have a rare like potato something you know what I need I really need to do something with crafting skills crafting skills indeed I just that’s just empty okay let’s keep this

Actually yeah I’m keeping what if I start begging in chat actually I’m not going to do that cuz that’s so annoying imagine begging in a freaking server what is wincraft windcraft is a MMO RPG actually I’m not going to do that it’s a um MMO RPG it’s like a RPG

Gam so on RPG is uh I forgot what RPG means but it’s more like grinding and like um hi I’m also hi I’m m to the stream welcome welcome to the stream welcome to the chaos yes welcome yeah wincraft is a um a Java server that I’ve just found yesterday

And I can’t stop playing it after this I do am going to play I will I mean play hardcore after this if I’ve I ever decide to stop playing this I’ve been playing for a while I’ve been I’m playing for like hours now I think yeah i’ I’ve been playing this do

You stream a lot I do actually I do stream a lot though I did take a break cuz this few weeks I’ve been sick so I did take a break there and then I’m back so yeah now I stream a lot now tough bone no that’s a

Rib that’s different I have so many under World Crypt key and yet I still do not yeah I stream a lot a lot dang it’s late for you um not really it’s actually um b.m for me oh not in like a nighttime situation it’s afternoon oh I have so so many

Stuff that I have to sell know I’m going to start selling stuff wait let me put yeah it’s pm here not that sad though I don’t think that’s sad I don’t think it’s sad is it it’s not I’m fine I have so many St fragments I don’t even think that I need

Them anymore because well actually it says that I can like buy something with them but I’m not going to put the bug parts there Jesus Christ also yes I am organizing my stuff even though it’s looks so unnecessary for me it is even for just a little bit maybe just a teeny wi

Beit adaki adaki sounds like a great name actually okay let me just you know what I’m just going to put this here just in case I kind of want to play wincraft now l oh my goodness I am just actually um gaster as well is currently like in watching and stuff

Like that has also started playing it as soon as um like today um the person I’m parted with with yeah ho um yeah wait is my chat even big enough for you guys to see ex Size yeah that’s gaster there we go yes so yeah what I plan to do is just party with like my view the viewers he’s already level 12 he just started to be honest I also just started so Bas I guess but I have a feeling that he can so catch up to me

727 wrong way coordinates be coordinating I can believe that after this we’re doing hardcore I’ll probably do hardcore in an hour or two what class are you using oh [ __ ] um I’m using um Warrior or Knight Cuz um I’m not confident with bow and stuff like that um gaster is using the shaman he’s a shaman so yeah it’s I really got hooked in this game I can’t believe this for all the r MMO RPG games out there it’s still Minecraft It All Leads back to Minecraft holy

[ __ ] oh it’s a identify dagger I can’t I’m not an assassin I’m not going to freaking use a dagger magic man yes he is the Magic Man holy [ __ ] wait wait this actually might be good wait I’m interested but the levels of like more Poopers no already have that

Lake is just water stuff gilded CU in it it’s like level 74 though which I am not level 74 dude whatever is hitting my back is so going to die did it die already yeah it already died whoops I accident I got 10 minutes I need to sleep you do you know what I am encouraging my chat

To sleep early yo combat level 69 funny number okay I Can’t I really can’t buy it oh yeah and I can’t even use it cuz I don’t use fire um I can’t use any of this that’s the thing though I can save them from for like when I’m like in that level for freak’s sake dude yeah I I think I’m just checking so

That I know what necklaces and like stuff there are in the game but now that I know that these things exist that’s actually really good um yeah though I already have a mortus and I have like 9% less stuff so yet I eh I’m fine with that um these are interesting ones but

They’re like really far off from me yeah you know what I feel like I’ve I’m going to interact with them anyways at some point also yeah how how has your day been going I so does it mean that it’s like night time for you oh why do they have like hostile oh my

Goodness not this it’s this thing again I have like thunder now as well and like with like poison and stuff so I can like poison this thing where is it it has so much health though and it’s so small so usually when I kill this thing I have to like open my hit

Boxes kill the baby zombie yes oh I’m so bad at this it’s jumping so much thank God yippe that took so long for like a small child um more useless stuff in my invent Jesus Christ nice L zombie exactly L zombie oh what the [ __ ] is that an enemy

Oh my goodness holy [ __ ] what type is this even I guess Water Works okay holy [ __ ] um Discord server uh I do though uh not as active I just put the I’m am streaming thing but no one chats there yeah no one chats there cuz we

Have like most of the viewers that I have are like part of like an SMP that I have so yeah we kind of just chat there wait was was what was the task oh thermite Mounds Maze of tunnel oh no not another maze is this

It it is I swear to God this is a freaking hey it’s am maze it’s it it it’s am maaz isn’t it look I got so sick of Mazes yesterday yesterday the freaking stronghold was such a freaking maze I think it’s like a really big one and I

Got so annoyed it took me 33 minutes and 33 36 seconds just to whoa is something hitting me whoa that’s crazy unfair whoa imagine I’m going to get hit off and I jump down it’s fine I think you’re supposed to go down right no I think I’ve played this before

There’s a possibility it’s actually quite famous so there is a possibility that you have H did something spawn did something strong spawn I swear to God oh [ __ ] I for oh [ __ ] that was a loot chest I forgot to loot it oh my God I hate it when I accidentally clicked

Him I don’t think it’s worth it whenever I do that do I have to keep going down it’s down the way to go that was not worth doing what’s the point of this place I think it’s just to loot it right across find one of the entrances to their Maze of tunnels and

Treasures it did give me coordinates Maybe if I follow the coordinates then I will get there I think it’s down more no I think uh this has like a secret exit I mean I did see the exit already but I don’t want to exit yet I think I have to keep going down

Even more yeah I’m going to keep going down shoot that was a bad idea I just there’s so many thite ow I just need like all the loot okay then I go up right yes I’m just trying to grab all the loot I can let’s go what is

This ooh okay okay okay okay wait I’m not going to exit where is that thing where I don’t know where anything is to be honest oh is that it no that’s a player corpse of G Gil look in English that’s gu I think that’s gu cuz GUI and guide

Is guy so that’s gu you con try convincing me like the difference of this and that it’s GUI so it’s guile it’s gu it’s like Kyle imagine a name guile I mean if you know where this secret is then maybe but oh I think that it’s that’s it holy [ __ ] dude is

Strong I mean he is weak to water but the thing is I my thunder defense is low so I am screwed did he die no wa he turned into termites did I win did I win what did I get he did not drop anything but it’s

Okay there’s something up there um now I have to get up there ouch leave die beish your small creton combo M so you said you stream a lot how much is a lot um wait I feel like I’m stuck here wait [ __ ] hey dude how do I get out how

Are you jumping like that nah he’s probably like already level okay I think it’s here yeah it is here um I stream like since um I have a week off since I have like a week off I do I will be streaming every day but when I do not when it’s when I

Have school I do stream at like Monday I mean not Monday [ __ ] like Friday Saturday and morning around in Sundays [ __ ] hell words you’re so oh my goodness no Fall Again everybody’s yay I hate that dude please let me get up am I bad or is just that

It’s pushing me off so it’s kind of Base that I can’t get up there right it’s understandable like I have a good reason why I can’t get up here right there dead statistics tell me you stream around eight times a month really I mean during this month I haven’t been

Streaming much but I think eight times is is you know what I think that’s baby numbers I’m killing this again cuz I don’t know what it drop why did I kill it that easily that this time I do not understand that I was having a hard time down there and then I

Suddenly just oo legendary leggings okay I do need that legendary chest plate bracelet fear I know I am such a a freaking Noob for doing this but I’m really I really need to check every single thing cuz I just need to defense that’s actually really good horse main I

Don’t really know in terms of like set stuff I don’t really know what I’m going to do with them but I will keep themy Fern I’m leaving leggings and I don’t think this is anything good though so I’m leaving that I’m taking the sticky Fern just in case I ever need

It I will definitely need it for something yeah most of this are like baby ones now whoa I can just farm this now that I think about it I can just farm this that’s evil actually oh I’m using the wrong thing water dude’s weak the water you know what there I’m wasting my

Time I can so just kill this and get this over with already but I’m like not comboing it for some reason how much do you have it open so you have a Minecraft server how much do you have it open um Minecraft server oh oh you’re talking about lost

SMP what what Minecraft server I think that’s what it’s on about um Minecraft Ser I Minecraft as I I mean lost SMP yeah lost SMP um has currently ended for cuz we’ve already done like it’s almost a year of lost SMP actually and we’ve just ended it

During um last month I think yeah I’m I’m leaving dude I’m leaving Jesus Christ leave me alone I’m leaving I’m not dealing with you anymore though I am going to return at some point loot quality o I did go inside when the loot quality was at

99% I think that’s what I need to look out for that’s actually cool what is that why is there a stick and why am I killing cats this is so inhumane this is just whatever is behind me don’t ever don’t you dare charge me ooh never mind what’s

That yeah you’re not harm so Los SMP um it’s very active are you thinking about opening Yes actually Los SMP season 2 is coming uh at July at its first anniversary yeah it’s opening it’s a modded Minecraft server we do we do role play in it as

Well um I think it’s going to be more lore heavy this time though but we do still want to keep the having fun part of it in cuz Los smp1 was more about like meeting new people and just having fun and then that’s when we just when we

Got to know each other and stuff like that that’s when we started the lower part which which was really fun actually whoa what are you wait air air air okay air air I do have whoa I’m going to die yeah so lost SMP is like a test one

We did enjoy it a lot that’s why I was actually not planning on making a season 2 of it but the thing is the winner of like [ __ ] hell man oh I I Oh I thought it’s fire type jeez it’s not fire [ __ ] I thought okay it’s I think it’s

Like lightning thunder cuz it’s like weak to I’m trying to memorize every single stats okay yeah it was weak to now you are weak to air [ __ ] I have to like think and like read stuff Rob I have to think I do think quite good I am quite smart it’s a baby zombie

Whoa not a baby zombie come on so my hardcore world I keep getting chased by baby zombies and even in wincraft this is a MMO RPG and why am I getting chased by cats I do not want to kill cats I’m poisoning this dude Jesus Christ I really don’t know what to

Freaking can do with him it’s so [ __ ] strong I really cuz like this is like it does this thing does air damage but it also does um water damage so whenever I try to like use my air spell it just uses my freaking water spell there we go finally and another

Set remove the muscle actually I’m going to remove the I don’t even know what I’m going to do with the muscle but I think I can craft something with it you know what a rare spear that is level oh that’s useless I mean that’s not good that’s not the best thing I could

Get yeah quite excited for lost SMP season 2 but yeah it’s take it’s going to take a while cuz I do we I hate this why am I killing cats why there’s so many cats oh sorry if I suddenly started running in a straight line holy [ __ ] they do so much knock

Back I really don’t want to kill them but them they’re annoying I mean not cats in real life of course I love cats in real life also hello Coco I did see you I just I don’t think I said hi I mean Hello I think I forgot to say hello

Okay now let’s try see your quest again wrong thing actually wait do I have another one no I don’t leave me alone you guys are just going to keep dying you know that right actually they don’t know that Jesus Christ how many hours have you

Been streaming for um it says in my OBS that I’ve been streaming for 4 hours um this is not something that I can do every day it’s just that I have no school today that’s why and there’s no one at my at home so I’m kind of

Like um what’s the what the heck there’s a thing that throws cats at me you shall die how dare you how dare you use adorable cats actually that’s kind of I mean as a person was planning to do world domination using cute things that actually makes sense I’m throwing this away actually no

I’m throwing this away instead give me that back then what is this now I’m going to stop I can probably just farm that at some point I’m going to return to streaming sounds really fun I wonder if I should start doing it you know what

If you have like the stuff to to stream and you’re like really passionate about it though I must say it can get stressful when things aren’t going your way cuz it doesn’t always go your way um it is fun not unless you have to kill like a

Freaking bunch of like adorable cats no I’m kidding yeah it is fun also I do have are you aware or cats are actually used in war against Egyptians actually I I had a hunch cuz like cats are like in some kind of like um princesses or like

Goddess before though of course I am not sure because I do not um why is it running away from me oh infested pit key Guardian I don’t need to kill another one of these I have a bunch of like infested pit Keys just leave me alone dude I said leave me

Alone I said leave me alone I said leave me alone leave it would make my house so loud LOL I don’t have a room Dam I also do not have a room I’m streaming in my in on my living room so yeah I’m only get I’m only allowed to be loud if

There’s like no one home and yes there is no one home right now so nice I do not remember the details but I think the enemy like added cats next to them so Egyptians would fight them um I don’t think that’s logically makes sense um but maybe

I don’t think cats would like attack if they want to I think cats are just like one of like royalty stuff before though of course I am not sure they’re like part of like the Royal stuff find me some damn evidence around here three pieces of evidence should be

Enough lava Springs will I just not I think I’m just going to die oh why did I you do that oh okay I have a daily objective of Life looting tier three chesses this is tier two but okay uh you know what I need to go to a nearby is that

An no they put cats so they just won’t attack oh my yeah of course they won’t want to hurt cat of course who would want to hurt cats ouch holy [ __ ] this cat bro wait I need to like get to um is this a okay this is either a dungeon or like

A town I hope it’s a town cuz I need the I need to start organizing my stuff again cuz I think even my yeah my Emerald my pouch is full Again where is this pie of [ __ ] you baby zombie die thank you and the baby zombie has successfully perished oh yeah it is alo alo Orma Alma I don’t know how to read it Alma what is this ribbing ooh dungeons scroll Merchant ah yes I do need this but do I have fragments

No okay I need the bank oh no not the bank I need the item identifier first sorry wood working alchemis item identifier on this don’t Amigo doing thisit oh I don’t know why I there let me replace what oh just a question what do you stream off off let me replace what

Do you play off off uh okay I did get it a bit um I stream using OBS um I play of course Minecraft and um I just use the you know what I use the I don’t know play out of um Minecraft launcher is the Minecraft launcher item identifier let’s do the

Chest plate first it is costly huh it is costly damn please get something good is it good ooh I actually like it oh [ __ ] this is good okay no not another one of these I don’t like this I don’t like it I despise it with a passion it’s actually bad here the bracelet

Yeah a spear and a bracelet and yeah those are like the only things that are worth like opening yeah so I’m not going to open the others cuz it’s just going to be a lot of it’s just going to cost a lot of money oh not this again I already have

This [ __ ] so that’s going to be a problem because the the stuff that I keep getting are just sometimes stuff that I already have so I guess I have to sell that now how much did it cost costed like 100 something right 200 something so let me see if I can get

That what the [ __ ] you’re lucky I can’t pick this up I will sell all of this I will sell those that’s money let me just sell the stuff that I really don’t need cuz I can’t use them this is such a scum some scum sometimes and this yeah cuz I already have another

One and anyways I should probably go to sleep have a good night have a good night probably go now see you and have a good stream thank you for joining us today um I hope I hope you did enjoy the stream today and we’ll be streaming probably tomorrow not sure what time but

I hope I can do it earlier at some point but yeah goodbye rest well everyone have a great rest what is this the stone 147 that is so not worth it I should probably stop I am having anxiety I want it I want it next time just trade it I would have

Freaking oh my God I would have freaking just sold all that and just that’s a lot of money already hell yeah let’s go we’re going to start popping off guys conductor legendary more gold this is you know I’m going to try wear it and see if it does something big to my

Damage th damage five L damage cuz this decreases my damage stuff whoa anything what the heck it just increased my Mana stuff for like one water defense plus five intelligence but this thing gives like a bunch of uh did I just like you know what I’m just going to keep

This do I really want wait even if it is slightly too late yeah maken that’s actually such a full name to like pronounce Maiden I have a feeling that this is like much better though plus 16 Health let me check if there’s a difference if I remove it 929

912 uh you know what I’m keeping this I’m keeping that on I can’t believe I have to do this much math or like just calculation in my brain oh I do need to sell the freaking oh also we need to learn as well how to like go to oh I can’t sell

It I did say I’m going to keep this with me right so I’m just going this one and then let’s like try get a ourselves to combat level 29 already so that we can already use that we can abandon this D Shadow and um use this instead yeah cuz it’s much

Stronger also Coco what you been up to um where’s the jewelry guy does he sell oh [ __ ] if your name isn’t you haven’t got me any spe my special drinks get out of here oh it’s a quest green gloop okay then green gloop Green gloop he J Vu clock clock well what quest is this it says green gloop right Quest request green glue green green okay let me just green blue Green W I can’t see green glue well I guess I don’t have that Quest yet so yeah I don’t need to do this I realized the stream is delayed by 40 second and now it is is fixed yeah in YouTube you have to like move it so that it will go to like

The ooh I am interested in this boss Al Tower okay you know what instead of just standing here let me do the lava Springs one I guess I guess this is the this was the one that I was trying to do oh yeah that was the one that I was trying to

Do okay let me just find the bank so I can clear stuff up oh that’s the liquid Merchant what the heck if that’s the liquid Merchant Where is the where’s the bank huh elb it is infuriating yeah well where’s the bank I guess no bang Whoa okay be right back h h okay I’m back switch to hardore I should probably probably going to do one last task and then I’ll switch to hardcore and I am probably not going to take long in hardcore as well damn that’s a lot yeah I need the

Bank I guess I’m leading my horse ouch leave me alone cats this is closer so this Way yeah like I’m watching my stream as well and for some reason YouTube Just Just decides by itself that hey we got to get slower from your viewing experience let me just move you back a bit and just delay the hell out of the things for you oh it’s the Bro I got down for that know what I want to go here good quality is 100% so why Not You know what I’ll probably end this then holy [ __ ] useless okay that’s probably something Good oh just experience points okay thank you I appreciate the experience point of course and now we go back to going back [ __ ] Off leave me be I just want to go with my horse we’re going to go home and you know we’re going back to Deltas I don’t think we’re from Deltas I think we’re from ragn though but a what is that my curiosity is just nah nah we’re going here I think you meant

Return why what did I say wait what did I say seriously I forgot you know what yeah I’m going to end stream then after that hardcore later is this seriously what h i mean it wasn’t a legendary chest so understandable probably start selling this yeah I should d

Kind of sounded like a horse there didn’t I je Spellbound Ash let me just put this there for now I’m going to just slap everything there there for now but like I said for now yeah I’m just keeping them there just in case the time in

Need time we I’ll be needing them so this is the stuff that I’m just going to be selling [Applause] y Goodbye I’ll be going soon as well so yep h There’s like 50 here which I’m probably going to remove then place it in the tier two where’s the tier two I don’t know what to do with the sticky Fern but I really should put it here yeah then the rest are like stuff that I shall that I shall you know

No black black Smith blacksmith blacksmith is Over here hello night ey um it this is 1.20.1 I forgot the full screen again but does it really matter actually it does okay how are you doing am I near the fire where is the blacksmith yeah I’m putting that there jeez that is damn I don’t like how that price is like

That I guess I’m the only one who feels a bit off with the price yeah 1.20 this is 1.20.1 I think yeah or 1.20 actually either of the two what the [ __ ] what R an item bomb does that even mean well I got nothing

F3 oh I mean yeah sure I’m going to F3 and reveal everything again um yeah it’s 1.20 oh [ __ ] so that’s that oh damn fre stuff [Applause] bro wa rubber Helm I like the rubber helm is he just going to keep on giving us [ __ ] cuz hell yeah yeah it is woman

20 if you’re going to keep giving us free stuff then hell yeah what the [ __ ] there’s another one what is this dude on about you can be selling this stuff right I’m not an Archer you know what I can just sell this stuff all good I’m keeping the helmet though

Yo I don’t want to I don’t want to go go away from here now cuz like he might do another there we go [ __ ] one Sound of Silence what the [ __ ] oh okay no I’m putting it on now yo I got free stuff isn’t that great time to stream snipe oh okay holy

[ __ ] gaster why did you leave gaster this happens when you leave the game [ __ ] n mine is better or is it let me try what the actual [ __ ] is with this dude I’m Gonna Keep claiming this free stuff adventurers fence oh there’s an adventur set not oh I used to have this yeah

Adventures cap whoa wait a second my inventory is full stop grieving giving free items just a sec holy [ __ ] let me prepare I’m getting free [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is it good oh not really is that another one or am I tripping what the freak is going

On is it my birthday already now I’m joking oh not that again I don’t like that I don’t like this swarm thingy oh [ __ ] just why not play Hypixel because what else was there a wand and a rubber Helm where’s the rubber Helm oh [ __ ] I’m getting overwhelmed withit getting overwhelmed with

Stuff I’m getting [Applause] spoiled I’m giving that To damn I’m getting free stuff what Lobby am I on yes Santa’s SC um wait let me check actually I’m actually not sure how to check used golden helmet and yeah this is whoa oh no never mind gter already has that one did I keep getting free stuff um

Gohub one just a sec I’m getting getting free stuff um wait actually I can friend you and like to see what’s your Minecraft is it just rip night I does that make [Applause] sense you know what I’m keeping it please stop please stop giving stuff genuinely stop like I have to organ oh

[ __ ] hello e na K huh UL Ayan May back so many free items wait okay okay I’m currently you’re accept lator oh I mean you can just not accept it as well I’m fine with that Jesus Christ just a sec dude you’ve fooled my inventory Jesus

Christ yo tier 2 air powder O A will drop this sh I’m getting spoiled wait a sec wait I need to get it set is this a f2p server what do you mean f2p sorry my brain cannot process what f2p is water powder dark nle oh that’s a mage

Thing please stop I hope the dude stops cuz I I don’t have anything set I’m keeping oh [ __ ] what’s going on why are there people giving free [ __ ] I mean um it’s not like I have the you know the rights to complain do I

No I’m taking it so do I really have the rights to complain free to play oh yeah it’s free to play I’m am I really in the right to be complaining cuz like I’m taking it so who why can’t I sell it GRE mean oh oh I’m doing the wrong

[ __ ] whoops um I’m selling them I have to good thing I didn’t have enough money or else I just wasted money on like stuff that I’m not going to be using also why can’t I put my yeah I know what pay to win is just I didn’t know what f2p is

F2p okay so you know what I’m going to stop doing this cuz I do have to grind to 29 now um why is it not let think me put it what I guess that’s full huh like a genuine huh okay time to freaking take a look what uh

Uh I’m selling this cuz I’m never using a used one also this I’m selling this as well and then Panorama which is at level I’m using this put that there I’m going to the adventurers Adventurer set probably going to keep them just in case holy you’ve been yeah I’m about to

That’s why I’m about to end because I have to Aon not I think I should keep it yeah I’m keeping it I’m keeping this as Well not keeping that I am so keeping this actually I could wait what do I have right one Feld 4 30 walk speed reflection under damage I like how I’m just zoning out now because like this is crazy oh it’s both 140 this I can’t even see

It you know what I should probably wear the licorice now oh [ __ ] it’s level 39 never mind worn boots I should probably sell as well and yeah now these are like the stuff that I’m probably going to no not this there’s so much stuff that’s why I

That I have the process so there’s going to be like a thing where I’m just going to be staring here oh I’m so using this wait do I have a better helmet though no I’m using that Little Inferno rubber Helm I’m keeping that these are like all the stuff that I

Have to like Sell rubber helm um Adventurer Spence I’m like zoning in now adventurers SC do adventurers SC okay well I guess I’m selling one of this as well but let’s sell this first okay but I’m kind of glad they stopped now now where is change guy to one yeah

Sure it is indeed all over my fa on my face huh it feels so small it feels so small small [ __ ] it looks so small I swear to God I can barely see it hell no I’m not keeping it on one that was so hella small time to sell some stuff

Sometimes I do feel like I’m not getting the proper oh I almost sold that wait which is better uh this one is better N I think gter already has this that’s impossible though cuz this is combat level 25 there’s nowhere 25 did I keep it just in case yeah okay now we’ve cleaned our oh there’s a bow in my inventory that I can’t even use there we go now we can do like Last Quest probably I’m going to do last grinding till like I get to 2 n then that’s

It uh there’s a stats thing be honest there’s some rank thingy as well it did say oh I do need more Mana I need something that would wait actually I feel like I left something in the chest I left something anything that would give me Mana that’s my bank uh nope nothing Mana

Related the next page is only available to P VIP okay now on we go where should we go yeah the gravedigger I think I should finish this one around There it’s just so stuck in my brain now he d also I do have a 10% chance of exploding unless it changed oh yeah it’s 13 now 133% I now have a 13% chance of exploding my enemies to death good and water is still better yeah um wait br oh my God just a sec ano bum AK for like the first time whoa I got confused I got wait okay I’m not muted got it okay it it wait I’m out I’m taed out that’s why it’s nothing’s moving I’m tabbed out oh dropic Dam digal Harbor B Pala tumawag Sabi KO okay reply na

AKO did the stream froze yes maybe probably happens see D what happened oh [ __ ] Oh what’s going on with chat okay just a sec never meet someone with name n you’re probably GNA say la la or not bye guys I need to eat something eat well is there PVP on the side PVP um I think there is I just haven’t access it oh

Damn yeah the stream on my phone just [ __ ] dipped so was so confused but yeah I see the chat on OBS I think this is a sign to end stream it has been a while though I did say that I’m going to end at like when

I’m like at level 22 but I guess that’s not the thing that’s going to that’s not a thing now um y let me Check yeah the stuff in my phone just crashed like my phone oh oh [ __ ] oh no well I’ve used up all my freaking well I guess that’s that Whoa I have a feeling that there’s like something going on with the internet yeah you want it’s Mojang oh no the data it’s fine and yeah it is indeed loading yeah my date I was like so confused why did my YouTube stop working in my phone and then that’s when I realized

That put it the way now whoa why am I here Cavern time wait why am I low health I wonder why I feel like I just answered my question so let me just dude I hate the ones that are I hate The Archers I really do I despise them with a passion it’s

Just that archers are like so good like when I research it as well it says that archers is like the best ones as well but the thing is I’m not an Archer person so I didn’t choose Archer damn this is it’s so dark I can barely carnivorous PL

I think I guess I have to parkour my way I can barely see actually I can’t see it I’m like having a hard time which way do I go next actually I could have just gone down you know what yippy they all dead in one freaking swoop I think I missed both of

That yo another loot chest let’s do a party where everything is just rainbows yeah I think there’s PVP as well cuz there’s a thing where if I do this and shift and right click it it will say click here to toggle hunted mode and enable PVP combat yeah but I’m not doing

That gaster is back aged Medallion whoa did I oh that’s my tier one oh dude why was the loot like that oh never mind please don’t don’t do this to me I really need to grab my loot you son of a gun oh I’m using the wrong thing whoops

Stop I just need to grab my loot okay wait when I finished my objectives last time I didn’t I wasn’t claiming some of my objective stuff or maybe not or maybe I have actually never mind I think I have yeah I’m sure I have yes gter that’s when I realized Lo go

Yes loot quality Zero so where was the quest that I was trying to do now this one perfect sake dude can I not check my stuff in peace how dare you in convenience me whoa what was that oh are you freaking kidding me I lost a age Medallion oh [ __ ] that was like the

Only good thing that I got from that and I lost it isn’t that amazing [ __ ] um I did get this too but it’s probably just going to be something like this also I do have something better than it so nah probably going to sell this instead did I died from that yeah I

Couldn’t see what was shooting me I couldn’t kill it you know I’m going to try again but this time I have to like focus on just looking for the dude that I have to kill then just focus on that where’s the blocks okay I’m almost level 28

Uh next time once I finish a cavern I should Pro like a cave I should just freaking run I should just go Bank it next time I’ll do that I keep forgetting to bank will I win against this guys now oh yeah okay I can do this

Then oh [ __ ] I don’t even have need my abilities yeah last time I was getting owned so what was it t again I forgot immediately I Forgot oh never mind fishing level 23 never mind my brain did not comprehend that correctly to be able to enter the [ __ ] now but be careful what [ __ ] where is the [ __ ] it keeps s about like a cryp but I don’t know where the cryp is it like a cave

I think I got a key for it you know let me check the bank again hello you are not late I actually you are cuz I’ve been streaming for a while cuz yeah oh yeah you are late it’s all good I might come back for hardcore though it’ll be hardcore later

Oh I should probably Bank um Dam now that I’m free they are not scheduling no give me oh never mind play please play bedw War sometimes I sure will I love bedw war it’s just that the last time I played it with my friends they freaking there was this guy

Did not even break our bed I mean the defenses but immediately broke the bed it like um just looked down to like where the location of the bed is and then he was able to he or she was able to like break the bed it’s so dumb so

Yeah I would play it with like a group of friends probably and then you know yeah so yeah I I am indeed going to R notification oh hi gaster um a key right grip I think it’s this one the underworld grip I have so many you know what yeah I think that’s

It now where is the [ __ ] that’s the question cuz I don’t know where the cryp is coordinates only shows the cathedral but it doesn’t show where the Crypt is that’s water now all I need to do is find the [ __ ] I’m going to turn into Dora the

Explorer like where is the [ __ ] do you see the [ __ ] [ __ ] I do not and yes I am a better version of Dora the Explorer is this it that’s terrifying if it is yo we’re level 28 now we just need one more chat let’s go oh [ __ ] that looked scary for a

Sec where’s the grip I’m a grip nope I don’t think that’s the grip I am so focused I hate this why am I focusing so much why did I do that yeah I’m so going to be play bedwars at some point I’m just waiting for the time to

Come I really don’t know where this script is Is this it nope where is the [ __ ] I don’t know does it look like the game is giving me any specific directions directions directions please For what the [ __ ] did it die oh did you oh I thought you stole my kill oh now where’s this grip am I seriously just going to be using my remaining stream time to look for a [ __ ] lower Cavern been here already something strong is hitting me where is it and it’s like hitting me from afar is it that thing oh never mind it died something was hitting me earlier where is the [ __ ] I’m going to start singing Creep if this if I don’t see this

Thing nope can’t jump that here before look me The Beautiful holy [ __ ] I am still so going to die in there like look at that thing like on the in the sky that’s going to kill me also something is hitting me from afar [ __ ] I hate Archers you are an angry skeleton well I am also angry I just need to find where this guy is where is this creep do I look like I know game give me any sorts of proper direction I don’t see a [ __ ] in here the game is just not pointing me out to

Where like the creep is so I really genuinely do not know where I have to go I’ve been doing this Quest since earlier and I still can’t find it I don’t think I can do this Quest I really do not know what it once from me he say brother brother to retrieve

His will bring a back to and whenever I go back there it keeps talking about a creep so I only have like the idea of like looking for a creep no I’m just going to keep farming this [ __ ] I’m changing quests I really do not get this Quest where is

It okay last Quest before we go bye-bye okay I have to go back to rugy if I investigates the house in the oh okay well where is the house two two 2 26 I’m just going to follow this path there we go found it it’s not the [ __ ] but at least it’s something

Right now have to investigat a house investigate I mean yeah I guess that’s it ooh please leave me alone oh my um which way do I have to go it’s so dark well I can’t see [ __ ] Now wait I genuinely can’t see a thing wait it’s not teleporting me as well what the [ __ ] brightness is that even going to do anything I hope it does I couldn’t see anything okay what the freak oh my goodness am I in the Underworld is this stranger things hello something

There oh that’s a player player oh sh I can’t see oh my goodness and here we go again where I am in a situation where I still don’t know where the freak to go because the game doesn’t give me directions um not yeah I love this

Game I just it’s kind of my fault if I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing but I’m just not sure where to go from here investigate the strange Dark Realm but I can’t go to certain places I guess I’m going back there oh there’s something there

I feel like I’m playing with like barrier blocks Jesus Christ Minecraft damn I said this is the last like thing that’s going to happen but I think this last one is going to take a while what the heck what is this I feel like I went in a

Circle did I just go in a circle H what is my objective what did you guys get there hello guys I’m all good are the lost souls um harmful would they harm me no the [ __ ] if I get one hit of something in them am I going in a I think

So am I losing my mind I think my incredibly tired yeah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can I have last one I mean uh when gaster probably gets here Yeah whoa oh holy [ __ ] as soon as the game went like is there something to climb with nearby just suddenly summons this ominous looking group upstairs and I forgot to Sprint to the skull do I go down and go in the skull you don’t know me night what are you doing Lala fun

Why did you come back you’re going to I’m I’m already insane enough don’t add and just keep heading into the darkness where there’s like a Wither looking thing over there there we go oh my goodness damn well that isn’t good who I didn’t say that it’s going to be like this this is

Terrifying holy [ __ ] this is the exit right I give you the farewells of a jewel actually wait whoa yes greeny dude I’m Joking I’m just going to I’m just going to put that there just in case I need thumbnail thumbnail you know I will allow allow you to return now I will ensure you remember what you have seen here good luck in your little Quest come on over here oh [ __ ] I was stripping balls

Okay okay where do we head let’s see a bit more of color in your eyes Capital you had me quite worried for a spot there do a bubble about just what went on down there I see you’ve managed to uncover the gem at least you are stumbling above like a

Cenal bey eyes blank as scream when you kept Ming something about a Sharon a Sharon a Sharon I’m supposing he was the one with took you for a spin there Well you certainly haven’t clarked it so I might call this operation a jolly good success ah quite a nasty look there Chum

Don’t you worry a bit I’ll be carrying the can on that one I’ll also take care of putting in this gem too what I already took out the one up there so how would you like to take it Chuck why is the accent keep on changing I can feel the magic potential in

It I’ll be there buggard if you go without reward now might be good to go back to town pop some Zeds after all that called swall up what the [ __ ] is this dude on I’m certain you can’t be feeling quite Ace right now holy imagine being in a

Traumatic experience and then someone is just like this never met someone named ah that was like a CH from and well that was quite that impressive feet feet Fe fit fit there we go just rushing straight on and on in the State you’re in right now wouldn’t end

Happily why is the sword changing okay still though once you’ve all healed up I’d be chough to have you along again in the Expedition down Into the Depths old bin okay old man you old British slly dude chaff the first time I heard that was like from a freaking mumo Jumbo

Video actually agree on video which is like chaff to bits I don’t even know what that means damn that took a lot of my heal okay we can get to level 29 immediately so let’s just go do it that was like a bunch of like nonsensical words that I just

Heard it was English but I had no idea what was going on with his vocabulary whoa there was a lot over there he time to like run it I am focusing um wait Lun chill the freak out I don’t even think the dude that you’re like speaking to is even around don’t

Need okay just few more kills I really hate this like dude there we go I was using the wrong weapon on along to like defeat it and stuff grab some pass by I need to find like a place where there’s like a bunch of them don’t die thank God that’s just a flower

Yeah dead Already oh didn’t actually know that I had that is this like another dungeon or like a cave cuz if yes then I’m going in I like how I used the wrong ability on it and I still killed it it happened C Springs who What was that F okay well I guess that was that I like how this place is just surrounded by different elements of like beings Okay Okay we’re almost done actually [ __ ] that was so annoying Jesus Christ what is even in here he what am I Here I what And probably a few last more kills and I’ll be on 29 then we’re going go to the Bank I challenge it to kill 10 members um I can’t really kill like 10 of the the players especially right now since I have to go soon it I’ll come back for like but if you’re talking about um bedwar stuff then yeah sure I accept the Challenge I need to get a few more dude it’s so freaking useless imagine being AFK yeah when I play bedwars then that’s when Okay almost level 29 let’s go wee whoa [ __ ] there we Go Okay wait now we go through a bank yeah I’m going to a bank cuz I don’t have it in My hello did I forgot the poan Howow yeah what was that Okay what is hitting Me I just need a where is it Beam Beam Yo Dude this thing again I’ve like encountered this thing like four time now we’re almost done though it’s so good Thought that was somewhere near nearby they shouldn’t have done that but whoops lesson learned stop freaking tabbing out he tabbing out literally oh my God yep I guess that’s that oh I’m so like tired of that took so so long I’m not going to say how long it is now

Because but it is long so I am going to exit it now so goodbye also wait let me just black screen it for you guys and Goodbye I tapped out bye

This video, titled ‘Playing WynnCraft & Hardcore Later =]’, was uploaded by ZInABox on 2024-01-23 06:55:33. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:40:27 or 24027 seconds.

Just random tags:

#wynncraft #minecraft #hardcore

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  • Unlock secrets in KaizenSurvival with Rio Claudius 🚀

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  • INSANE Cherry Blossom Bedroom Transform – Minecraft Build 🌸🛌⚒️ #shorts

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  • DreamerSMP

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  • KidlessCraft SMP 18+ McMMO Terralith Quests 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Unleashing Overpowered Hits

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

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  • The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft

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  • INSANE OP Kits Added to Bedwars! 😱

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  • Crafty Gameplay: Minecraft + Art with el_XoX

    Crafty Gameplay: Minecraft + Art with el_XoXVideo Information This video, titled ‘ART AND MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! | el_XoX Plays Minecraft + Art’, was uploaded by el_XoX’s Vods on 2024-04-04 18:00:19. It has garnered 81 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 07:46:11 or 27971 seconds. Streamed live on twitch ➜ My Main Channel: for business inquiries: [email protected] eL_XoX is a Genderfluid, English Speaking Vtuber from the US, who is know for her Dancing Streams, and her sex positive LGBTQ+ environment and community, as well as her livestreams on Twitch.TV. She is known for Playing community games, games like Poppy’s Playtime, Among Us,… Read More

  • Mind-blowing find: Ashu – ultimate storage block #minecraft

    Mind-blowing find: Ashu - ultimate storage block #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘best storage block in Minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unexpected Ashu on 2024-01-12 07:50:00. It has garnered 7809 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. best storage block in Minecraft #minecraft Read More

  • Unreal BUILD HACKS in Minecraft Build Battle!

    Unreal BUILD HACKS in Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using BUILD HACKS in Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-04-07 14:30:04. It has garnered 401392 views and 6759 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:27 or 4287 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Pro Gamer Reveals Top Animated Texture Pack

    Insane Pro Gamer Reveals Top Animated Texture PackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why this Texture pack the most Animated Texture pack’, was uploaded by Pro gamer on 2024-05-16 19:41:15. It has garnered 117 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. texture pack discord server link: gamer #minecraft pvp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftserver #montage #server #viral #texturepack texture pack owner : @SpunkyOP tags ignor minecraft texture pack,texture pack,animated texture pack,minecraft texture pack 1.20,minecraft animated texture pack,pvp texture pack,minecraft texture pack 1.20.2,minecraft texture packs,fps boost texture pack,the best animated texture pack is here…,unique texture pack,best minecraft texture pack,the most unique texture pack,the most… Read More

  • She built a perfect Minecraft EXP farm?! | BasicallyWeeb

    She built a perfect Minecraft EXP farm?! | BasicallyWeebVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Perfect Experience Farm in Minecraft’, was uploaded by BasicallyWeeb on 2024-02-28 20:00:19. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:42 or 702 seconds. for Anime reactions Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft as Mari Main! #LiveEvaHopfnerMinecraft

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft as Mari Main! #LiveEvaHopfnerMinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Mari main | Vtuber #live’, was uploaded by Eva Hopfner Ch. on 2024-05-29 16:15:07. It has garnered 193 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:57 or 11097 seconds. Thank you for watching and liking ^^ ——————————————— ——————————————— Support by liking, Subscribe, Share, And Comment ——————————————– ———————————————- Discord: Saweria : Tick ​​Tock : Link tree: #live #vtuberid #vtuberindonesia #minecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft MLG Challenge Gameplay!

    Ultimate Minecraft MLG Challenge Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Mastering Minecraft MLG Challenges: Epic Gameplay Edition!”‘, was uploaded by NABEEL GAMERZ on 2024-01-10 13:03:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unstoppable Gamer Destroys in Minecraft Clutch 😎🔥 #gamingmastermind

    Unstoppable Gamer Destroys in Minecraft Clutch 😎🔥 #gamingmastermindVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch in Minecraft 😎💪 #unstoppable #music #short #lyrics #Minecraft #sia #song #gaming’, was uploaded by Sk Kudaskar on 2024-04-08 07:44:08. It has garnered 107 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Honey Network

    Honey NetworkTestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222TestingDADADADADADD1ER1R3R2222222222222 Read More

  • HomiezClub Server SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java Bedrock

    HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. There is room for any playstyle on our server with awesome people, builds, and active admins to assist you. General Information The server is whitelisted to provide an exclusive experience and avoid griefers. Only performance mods and a Discord bot are used as plugins. Recommended modpack for performance and shaders, but no mods are required. Java and Bedrock compatible. Major updates include chunk pruning and resetting end cities to keep the world fresh. We aim to provide the best… Read More

  • Wizmo Gaming Comfy Survival Build [Semi-Vanilla PvE]

    Wizmo Gaming Comfy Survival Build [Semi-Vanilla PvE]Wizmo Gaming SurvivalIP: MC.WIZMOGAMING.COMDiscord: [url=””][/url]We are a small survival community dedicated to the old-school Minecraft experience. Our lightly modded, semi-vanilla server recreates nostalgic gameplay. As a non pay-to-win server, we ensure everyone has an even playing field, with no donator ranks or kits beyond a supporter title.Wizmo is unique in that the spawn is shared, you can build anywhere you’d like from the moment you join and start helping build the community! Or, start your adventure outside of the ruckus with /rtp to teleport to the wild.Protection:We have full block protection and rollbacks, to get your land protected from… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Skeleton War: Beach Edition Part 3 – Time is Running Out! ⏰🏖

    Minecraft Memes - Skeleton War: Beach Edition Part 3 - Time is Running Out! ⏰🏖Looks like even skeletons need a vacation at the beach! But make sure to keep track of time, or they might turn into sun-bleached skeletons by 12h! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails

    Crafting Chaos: Day 5 Trials, Trails, and Fails In Minecraft Day 5, trails we explore, Trials we face, and rage quitting we abhor. Kiwi takes on the challenge, with skill and might, In honor of Minecraft’s anniversary, shining bright. From the start at 00:00, the adventure begins, With gameplay at 00:37, the excitement never dims. Exploring new trails, facing challenges with glee, Kiwi’s determination, for all to see. But beware of rage quitting, a foe to fight, With perseverance and skill, Kiwi takes flight. In Minecraft Day 5, the journey unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. So join us in celebrating, this milestone grand, With… Read More

  • “Creepin’ on that Wi-Fi like a pro” #minecraft #meme

    "Creepin' on that Wi-Fi like a pro" #minecraft #meme “When the creeper keeps trying to connect to your Wi-Fi but all it gets is ‘No signal’ and ‘Limited access’ – looks like even in Minecraft, the struggle is real!” #minecraftproblems #creeperwoes 😂🎮📶 Read More

  • Game News: God of War PC, Alien VR, Minecraft Series, Silent Hill 2 Remake

    Game News: God of War PC, Alien VR, Minecraft Series, Silent Hill 2 Remake Welcome to the Latest State of Play Presentation Recently, a new State of Play presentation showcased a plethora of exciting announcements and updates from the gaming world. Let’s dive into some of the highlights: God of War: Ragnarök Coming to PC One of the major reveals was the official announcement of the PC version of God of War: Ragnarök. Fans of the franchise can now look forward to experiencing this epic adventure on a new platform. Exciting Gameplays and Trailers The presentation also featured gameplay footage from multiplayer shooters like Concord and Marvel Rivals, offering a glimpse into the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the best escalator design for houses in Minecraft. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers to its players. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing the boundaries of imagination and building unique structures, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft… Read More