Insane Alchemist: Epic D&D Minecraft Day 25!

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There it goes oh I did it twice it’s going to it’s going to do it a lot guys be prepared okay all right and it’s done yes remember that time remember that Johnson agent Johnson Johnson or agent Johnson okay we’re good so let’s go ahead and start oh je now we’re good okay hi everybody oh I guess I’m wearing my tuck today I did a biome Builder that’s going to be showing up on the channel soon and I dressed up for it and I forgot to

Change out of my nice clothes we don’t want you to have a bad day go back to bed wait what we don’t want you to have a bad back when you go back to bed right ah yes unscrupulous thumb craft Mages who use blood [Laughter] magic it looks like there’s some updates

Going on with THB Craft um they’re going looks like a there might be going back to wands I’m not too upset about that I like wands feels magical okay so here’s what we’re doing today so last time let’s just whoa let’s go over here we had set up see let’s try it again Silo what the heck are you Vanguard wait um exqueeze me okay well looks like this is a job for wet noodle okay where did you guys all come from so these skellies don’t have swords I mean ow they don’t have bows Vanguard Adventure Z okay all right so somebody doesn’t like

Us here and has sent their honor guard after us we’ll be an eye out for our new enemy whoever that is ah okay I’m wearing my tuck and an unmatching [Laughter] belt I’m looking good yes uh I was prepared for a rather opulent biome Builder a very rich

Biome things did not go as planned pretty prepared for the video be coming out sometime soon um but we got this guy going you can see it is just dancing happily doing its thing and let’s see how much Mana we got in here now that’s a lot cuz remember

That little thumbnail you see that little bit of Mana there times that by 97 because each these pools have the same amount in it plus the one up here will be full now what I need to figure out is how to get that distributed to um where it’s needed and

I have an idea for that a wireless transport iidea and I’m going to build a little machine this column here that we have this one block column is just enough for me to make my machine in here as a matter of fact it’s going to be a 1 by

Five machine so it’s going to just insert nicely inside there have to get a few blocks now the first thing though high priority this Belt doesn’t match my suit so I have to I need to take care of that it’s a very high priority uh can can we do this Ty there we

Go oh yeah I figured out why that’s happening every time we log into the World we found the create bug ladies and gents um bottles we have bottles in Here yeah we have three it’s just a wait Phantom ink we need four bottles okay fine we’ll do it this way one two three yeah gr own glass bottles it’s fine grab one of these also fine good and what do we need some dye and a block of glass and ender pearl

Okay we’re running out on ender pearls well RAM and B needs to restock let’s do this and I guarantee you if I go over here we’re going to see a bunch of bone meal just sitting right on top yep whole stack and we just accidentally threw a composter into the machine which will

Break it so we have to fix that now I grab this one before it falls yes okay mix that real quick that this that out of there a b meal do that this relock it okay so I’ve discovered that every time we reload this place this Farm turns on

That distribution thing turns back on this thing turns on and this thing turn on in fact we just grabbed a bunch of gravel and iron fortunately my system dist like automatically stores it what’s happening is we are Using see if I can find one here these stock pile switches and they are telling they are lit when um the machine should be stopped see here this this did run that’s why there’s wood everywhere and I bet these are full yep and this is also

Full so this should not have turned back on yeah so these log I think these load in first and they load in off which turns the machine on and then they detect the inventory and then turn then they light up to turn it back off so all

These machines will do exactly one cycle so basically that’s a bug and create these things are they need to they need to know that they should be lit before they load in otherwise everything is turned on so basically if you have a machine that’s un chunk loaded that’s

Going to that you’re going to have that problem so that kind of stinks cuz that means we’re going to lose a stack of bone meal every time this loads in which I’m not happy about oh I have to figure out a solution for that but anyway uh we don’t need those

We got so many I would like to make a farm here I got it prepared this is where we used to have all the Endo endothermal flowers endothermic lilies or whatever they’re called Hey F question what is Agent Johns doing right now in the buum origins timeline uh right now he is

Still probably doing his own research setting up his base figuring out what he’s going to do after aftermath the th craft that kind of thing can’t can’t reveal too much yet so let’s go ahead and uh get this set up here so I want fill that with dirt

Beautiful okay and I want this to be a special type of grass going to make some vivid grass here so we’re going to toss this in here oh I need this to be grass hold up there we go and I need a green die which uh right here okay die green

D die Vivid grass boom and this is just spread that is a very beautiful green look at that and that will spread on its own accord we’ll just let it do that yep it’s already beginning to grow fantastic okay and it’s isolated from all other grass so this should just grow

On its own perfect and then we’re going to move this flower I don’t want it to bind to this but it’s going to isn’t it that’s okay that’s perfectly fine we’ll let it bind that way for now Boop and they do grow there perfect okay

So the goal is to make an automatic farm to harvest these it’ll give us every single piece of dye that we need we’re going to end up moving this and we need to set up a Mana distribution system here that can actually call on Mana from the Mana farm that we made

So for that let’s see let’s get rid of our excess stuff we don’t need it actually I did need that die I needed that die gra die can be any d this yellow Dy and one piece of glass cuz this belt is driving me Crazy there we go it was Z fighting with my suit and that was just driving me insane okay perfect it’s back over here okay there we go and boom okay so I know what I’m going to need here we’re going to need some smart shoots we got one we’ll

Need another one please tell me I have somewhere in here come on I know I have a ton let’s go back to our base here spawn I know I have a ton too close to the monitor have a ton of dodes Back Got The Silo knowing that every time I do this

I’m losing bow just kills me though okay perfect we need of Those I understand Batman but what’s he’s doing what he’s doing in bewitchment is predicated on what happened in Tomcraft two are related okay I need this I’ll need these o I need this perect that’s everything out of this chest I will need to make more I’m very excited because once I get this set up I don’t have to visit this place for Mana anymore it’s going to be great so good okay that’s it how are we doing here is this thing keeping up hey this Cactus is a little bit behind

Well we got 3K these in reserve Farm’s doing fine okay good good good good good okay o I know I [Laughter] know see we’ll have a stack of stuff up here yeah and another stack of bone meal up here yep oh that kills me I hate

That cuz these are doing the same thing they’re loading in as off and then they turn back on which the system thinks means it needs something but these are full so they going up here and getting wasted but I have a dank on me that’ll

Suck it all up and get it back in there so that real quick there it goes except for this one nugget we’ll just destroy that one nugget it’s fine okay so these docks we need this is good we have extra gravel um gravel gravel gravel right

Here and we needed some sand right here let’s take a little bit of this gravel let’s just take a stack of gravel and we’ll shove it in here turn that on and now we have sand and we can turn that off okay cool and I need black black nice okay and

That and I did that thing where I didn’t actually grab it I just why do I do that I don’t even know okay bum Lump Lump okay and we can wet that I fixed this thing so it will now that stuff will fall down when it’s

Done I just wanted to make sure you aren’t confused about which AG joh I’m talking oh no no understood it’s all the same character I mean he’s I mean he’s like it’s all one continuous storyline but I I know what you’re were saying okay this transforms it should fall cuz

I fixed it heck yeah okay good make ourselves a little donut here yeah we’ll do that cuz we’re going to need a lot of these and then we need some DS now this is the part that kills me cuz I don’t like making a lot of these but we’re

Going to need it coal ooh coal not it’s got to be coal it can’t be charcoal wow okay well good news I guess uh we have a thing that will help us with that okay so we got coal right here I kind of love this okay looking for coal I need lots of

Coal that one has some coal it’s not enough we need yet more mhm going to go to Jerry’s see if we left any in The Loft that’s the one she died okay any in here wow really don’t have any coal that is crazy okay I guess we’re going to go get some coal

Then so I’m going to need to make at least four danks each one of those is eight coal hey this is looking pretty the Vivid grass is spreading very nice okay good good can I reproduce this can I reproduce this I could reproduce this if I had

Mana okay by we’ll give it a little bit of a kick Drive kick start soon we’re not going to have to rely on this system at all it’s going to be fantastic not freaking wait okay that hopefully should be enough oh my goodness we have all the

Coal in the world it’s already in the Dank fantastic one place I couldn’t check because it was already on my person that’s funny okay all right put that back so is Ami going to do aent Johnson’s paperwork right now during the origin th crft series because a anent Johnson’s dealing with your character

Yeah I was going to say yeah Demetri is kind of like he’s like the intern so he’s like getting anent Johnson his Donuts doing his paperwork setting up his appointments that kind of thing okay there we go so we got these awesome okay now barrels barrels more barrels

Let’s flip this over to sassy side here we need to uh clean this Up okay hey what gives did I not switch this those all reabsorb okay we need our favorite heritors machines we’re going to be making and need some negative switches here we need an inverting cathode yeah one should be enough got two great let’s grab these two okay oh good we do have some

Electron tubes okay we’re in a good place we’re in a good place so let’s go ahead and make a few more smart things smart smart smart smarty smart smart there okay and shoots I knew I should have brought some shoots with me that were from the place shoots good

Okay and Brass we have a little bit of brass in here oh yeah baby s Bon slot yep Bo boom fantastic back back those in there put those in there okay so thanks and we needed some wood oops somehow that okay I need two two three four at least start with four overcraft

These we will make the barrels CU we will definitely those are L point so we’ll just make the barrels now and we’ll check the extra barrels material in there okay perfect these will all be locked okay that one’s a six okay we’ll do these order

Six also six did these all get the same one no seven eight that’s nine okay so can any of these be five no we have to test this to see which ones are available three is okay so let’s make all these threes then want the lowest possible

Number can Okay so this needs to be a three perfect it’s get in there okay that and this some torches got a couple in there not enough though okay how are you today F I’m doing great uh we took a weekend off a week off actually sassy and I from work um this

Is a big week for for us so it’s a it’s a fassie’s birthday was on the 4th my mom’s birthday was on the 7th and then we got the Super Bowl this weekend so we’re going to be doing a uh we’re going to be celebrating birthdays and and Super Bowl all on uh

Sunday and um we kind of taking the week off for ourselves uh we got some editing done um I got some th craft done I got um sassy has some of her new series read done that no one has seen yet and we also got some biome Builders done

So we should get some good material out pretty quickly and then we also spent some time to play Gloom Haven which was a lot of fun we might play more today I kind of hope we do fact I think she’s editing right now so we want to get things back under

Control we’ve kind of not gotten as much editing done as we’d like to we want to get that back to being a normal thing so we’re trying to get all the other things done so that way we can spend the rest of our time doing that missing a redstone

Torch I think comparators are probably my favorite redstone block okay you also need those like emitters o I need even more Redstone how much do we got running a bit low oh boy probably let’s make four of them these are very handy yeah nice let’s put you back

Okay I think that’s everything par oh wait let’s put this back let’s put away we can nice don’t need sticks anymore good and we can put that away we put that away got the diode we put this away that back away okay I think ah and I need filters do we have

Any spare filters not that kind of filter I need to simple filter filters filters filters I need some filters okay all right we need to make some filters so need wool should be enough and some nugs and then whenever we use nugs we’ll just use these one two six eight

Perfect full fade Fabrications I love you so much what’s great is once we get these buildings done I’ll actually be able to make battlements for this place okay got those and I want these all set up the same way initially let’s find ablet full and we need it to respect this

Data check take the other half and we’ll garbage that and we want this one to be empty respect data and check okay so now those should be all set and now we made tablets we and that is going to be Trixie because we only have two three ender pearls left

Only really two usable ones we want to hold the slot oh boy two things about th craft that series are agent Johnson your characters lore and then and when you and agent Johnson start to battle like th Craft series episode in the end Dimension two things you like okay I I I

Misre it two the things I like about tomcraft series are anent Johnson your characters lore and when you and anent Johnson are to battle cool you you should enjoy the next few series then I few through episodes then I think as uh yeah agent Johnson is going

To his episode is going to be the next one and then um yeah the things are coming to a head for sure okay yeah good pick that up take a nap nope break that okay I think we’re good let’s build on our brain real quick so we have to Mana

Pools you know what we’re fine we can build Mana pools down there because we have the whole form okay so let’s build our m m eye okay so we have the Mana pool we have a thing that drops down block the Dank I think we’re good whoa

Woo oh oh it’s sassy and it’s chaos is at the same time did you guys plan that H how goes the project today did you ladies plan that that was crazy at the same time and just like that for 31 months of antagonizing your reflex

Say I’m like yay for 31 months and then I’ve heard the rest of it it’s a twin thing yes great mind s alike it was exactly the same time hey welcome I’m glad you’re here cuz I’m excited for this next build okay let’s um thank you for the reubs everybody and the hype

Train I’m going to make a teeny tiny one block Farm one by one Farm here oh it’s going to be challenge I need to get in here that’s I need to get in there right here and right there okay so oh let’s uh H perfect and then we’ll set our CH perfect we’re

Good o that dend lifel looks Tippy trippy yeah this this thing’s cool um I’m very proud of this now that we’re making the Mana we need to get it to where it needs to go easily and that’s kind of one of the hard things about batania cuz Mana kind of goes one way

But I got a very clever system here it’s going to be great it’s going to be a passive system it’s going to automatically bottle um uh it’s going to bottle the Mana tablets for us and it’s going to automatically send them to where they need to go

So let’s see so we need to put so here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to take one of these and put it right there going to take one of these DS we just made ID channnel three sassy by the way is a dead channel do not use unless you’re looking for

Tablets it’s a dandelion of a Dandy life Leon I like that a dandelion way easier to spell I’m pretty sure that’s the play on words it’s a dandelion because that’s the flower and the uh life Leon it’s Conway’s gain of life is the algorithm that is used to create

This it was a mathematical it was a mathematicians game and uh that’s what this is uh running it through so big big brain stuff going on over there that’s like a [Laughter] calculator but um that mesmerizing at some point I I really just want to put a

Whole bunch of observers above this and lights above that and just make a dance floor out of this thing but um this okay so we’ll put this dank in here okay then we need one of these smart shoots and we’ll put that right here on

Top and we need to take a look at these which one do we have that’s the full Mana tablet filter we’ll do that okay cool uh oh we made a mistake we are missing a piece seen a piece okay we got to we got to pick this stuff up not quite not quite

There pick up the Dank too need to take this out I don’t want to break this pool okay that no we were fine we didn’t need to do that a back we were perfectly fine I was thinking of the other part of the build okay let’s let’s put that back together absolutely fine

Is this the full tablet yes boom boom perfect okay I’m going to be in and out of stream running errands for the stuff to make banana bread nice I’m also jumping in and out editing bye-bye train see you next time hey that’s okay I’m all right with the

Having the train kind of us go by the station every now and again I need to update our sound alerts and I need to we need to do the thing with the uh Origins I just want to get this thing done first that’s why I’m trying to like hard push

These Farms to get them done because this is stuff that’s going to enable the building and I want to get to the building phase by the end of this we’ll have everything all stored and everything will be made automatically and we can get to building to cities and the places

In the arena and the test for the fights and you can run heists on each other and all that fun stuff okay did you know today is pizza day is it did not okay and then we will put a second one here we’ll put a different T filter on

It this one will be for empty tablets we’ll put another one of these here perfect that’s an allow list or it should be I hope it is that allow list it is an allow lless okay so you have to be white listed to fall through okay and then we’ll put this here m

Perfect so the way this works is very simple it’s the same dank right so if we get an empty tablet in here it will fall land in this pool and it will stay there until it’s filled once it’s filled it’ll pull back out and get put back into the

Dank the same dank so now if somewhere else something says hey I need a tablet that’s full we’ll have a system like this but built upside down which will pull it out and um it will use that Mana to fill up the pool for the the farm which will

Make it empty which will mean that it’ll get when it’s put back in here this will find an empty pool drop it empty T tablet drop it here fill it and put it back in the Dank passively just gravity admit it you miss having four walls in a roof that’s why you’re

Rushing I also want okay fine I also want battlements and I want an orbital Shield are and a um how destroyed barrier whatever the heck we called [Laughter] roofs H why I see agent Johnson’s most appointments for therapy because he has to deal with your character maybe he

Might have like a a bill uh sassy says uh chaos just wait until you see your next biome Builder chaos responds sque walls may have been mentioned blah blah blah blah [Laughter] blah okay so this part of the farm is done I would like there to be a

Anti-magnetic flower up here though so I think I’ll build a couple of those real quick because this will be laying in the world and we don’t need to suck it out by mistake so let’s uh that’s cool so that’s the reload mechanism on top of her Tower this thing is looking awesome

This looks like a high high voltage like wait a minute hello Rick the portal charm dark oak saplings and slime and there’s another one down here that I can’t see cuz I’m not sassy and you won’t let me see your hidden Wares I sure hope you’re selling a wall for 80

Emeralds like last time that’d be great mhm you’re lucky that this thing is not destroyed by you being present on it and enjoy that kind of want to see you little confused there buddy what’s happening name other I know right but the funny thing is we’ve seen a rick

Over at Sassy’s side too so I I don’t know what is happening that mod is going crazy uh I almost typed in Rick Guild there we go quick nap we just lost a stack of bone Meal uh uh okay that sound what that that’s what the uh that sound was this right here these steams these steam uh every time my base loads in these this is meant to warn you that this is turning on and that’s not supposed to happen unless the machine is empty or low and

As you can see the Cobblestone is like at 100% is at 94% it shouldn’t have turned on what’s Happening is every single machine that is mon that where its um inventory is being monitored by Yep this also activated when it shouldn’t have anything that’s being monitored by

These things in create has is it has a bug these things load in before they know if they should be on or off so they Lo load in off and you’ll notice that it’s currently on and it being on is what stops this thing from running it’s on because it’s

Full this is supposed to be lit when it’s full so because they load in off they turn the farm on for one cycle and then when they’re fully loaded they they see that there’s inventory and they light back up so that means every single Farm I’m using over here that is

Monitored by one of these which is all of them turn on for one cycle which means we have overflow for a little for a little bit of time so that that’s something I need to send to the create team now if this place were chunk loaded that wouldn’t be an

Issue but I specifically didn’t want to Chuck load this place so the other option would be I invert all the switches I make it so the default state is off so when they load in off it doesn’t do anything but I mean inverting this farm would be easy but inverting

This be a lot more difficult so yeah I’ve never heard that warning sound that’s because sassy this warning sound is made the these sounds follow the same um sound um as they’re controlled by jukebox sounds so if you have the Jukebox sounds low that determines how

Far away you can hear the sound so if it’s not at 100% the range of this won’t be far enough for you to hear it in fact I can just barely hear it at 100% at the guild if you’re loading in and you’re loading in from your

Um your your village you’ll be too far away by the time you get here the system would have realized it’s supposed to be off and then it would have stopped but I’m glad that thing’s on the alarm is working as intended because it’s telling it it’s actually alerting me that

Um it’s running and that’s how I knew it was running when it shouldn’t have been so my part of the equation worked is the create was wrong oh by the way sassy we need more ender P pearls that does explain it yeah but basically if you hear that

Sound expect there to be a small lag Spike because that means that the um stone machine is running fortunately it’s so quick that it doesn’t need to run for long it makes like a stack per operation does as many operations per second so okay I’ll get more next time

Cool okay so we were needing a antimagnetic flower more than one we need a couple so this is look at this nice green by the way sassy this is what uninfected grass looks like okay so I need yeah very pretty and non-invasive okay uh I think we need Brown red

Blue and probably some Grass which we’ll need to duplicate a little bit of so I don’t have to cut more cuz I’m lazy like that use the technology we made you know okay uh Redstone route let’s make some Redstone as well because we’re running a bit low on the red stone

By a little bit low I mean we have one thank goodness for this Mana okay nice okay we’ll need a couple Redstone roots I think that is it that that is our uh our thing need uh one more one more Brown zy has fallen oh failed creating a

Potion it’s turned into a frog and hopped away no sassy come back okay or sassy I’ll be headed back into lurk mode okay you can make your own version of Smokey the Bear only you can prevent the spread of invasive species we’ll do those propaganda commercials where where will friend he’s

Always a bad guy I mean look I just look over the hill and look what you see a giant spider and gigantic trees that don’t belong here I mean that that’s not healthy my city is very concerned very concerned okay and that will doop bucket water okay two that

Nice seeds two of those look it and bl see okay cool and bl totally ignoring where the spider came from oh it yeah yeah the spider it it came from um let’s go over here there’s a cave over here I’m pretty sure you can’t see it’s not chunkloaded but there’s like a cave

Right there pretty sure it crawled out of that yep sassy disturbing the natural environment and now now the spider’s coming over here because this this food is easier than it’s native hunting and I mean if this doesn’t look like a spreading infection I mean I just don’t know what

Does like even the material the houses have changed I mean this is an invasion this is an invas that’s very pretty and I like that but everything else is an invasion I Wai for you to build a a massive Pacific Rim type wall to keep out the inas of species that’s

Awesome okay we got two functional flowers okay so longas which means I now need two floating flowers okay D those dirts and uh do we have okay going need two glow stones two more glow stones which apparently was already in our dank yep two three four cool and two of any flour which

We’re producing well we need to pick these flowers up actually we’ll do that later later when we have our pouch make sparkly and make sparkly make floaty and make floaty those floaty great okay and now we can uh grab some living Rock From The Silo

Back in the minute off to the next door cool fade question how rare is for agent Johnson to do his own paperwork when he is uni foundation and not hunt for your character he is definitely delegating that to somebody else probably Dimitri 100% he’s got to yeah I mean aent Johnson

He’s got to be out in the field doing his work hey sleepy sleepy sleepy we like to sleep in the incineration chamber warm in here go get some more water here the invasive species will pay for its construction of [Laughter] course it’s good water okay don’t like you marching around my

Redstone bits here buddy Rick yeah oh and for those who didn’t see this um this right here is you know that block the uh what’s it called the create block the stockpile switch it doesn’t look at Mana because it’s this is not an inventory

And this and Mana is not an item so I had to recreate its functionality using comparators and this is just an anti-b backup switch this has a slight DeLay So if this pool got filled while this was itself filling this line would be lit and if this delay

Weren’t here then this switch that’s supposed to lock it off would accidentally lock it on which would be bad so this is just to ensure that this signal gets to fully go through here in process before this command goes through so it’s like a delay circuit of sorts

Anyway very proud of this I like it a lot see this will yeah it’s set to turn itself back on when it’s two when it’s 1/3 empty but yeah this thing turns itself on and off automatically love it and we’ll just cap this with one of these perfect so now we need to

Make some tablets there’s our living Rock let’s pick up some of this here it’s enough for two tablets which is really all we have the uh that’s all we’ve got in terms of uh ender pearls stone stone stone stone incorrect there’s Stone this this as we go so we always have some on

Standby okay those will stay it’s got to be a Mana Pearl oh if we only just had some Mana oh no there these to stay empty so hopefully they don’t start to fill hoping it prioritizes this okay these aren’t filling can’t see it but that is filling it should be

Filling weird well I’ll ignore that for now okay oh it’s because this is filling we don’t want that okay well anyway we’re going to put this empty tablet in fact we can we can do it right here we can do it from this because they’re all the same kind so

Here empty tablet it falls and it’s going to fill and now that it’s filled it’s gone and it will be magically in here which is the same as this one so you can see doc one tablet so when that tablet gets empty it’ll fall down so now I need to

Empty this out I need to it will I don’t like necessarily doing this but I need it to be empty quick this is going to be difficult I okay I need to take off my armor there now now it’s no longer a full set so this should no longer be producing

Mana need to take okay so now we’re no longer producing Mana good drain it into one of these pools it’s empty and now will uh that now we have two in there okay great so this is the automatic filling system so that’s done okay put that back on stream back on

Cool why do see the agent Demitri now knows how to do Aj Johnson signature for a Johnson paperwork he probably does that is probably [Laughter] true like every good assistant you know can can forge their uh the assises what would they call them you have the assistant and the boss I guess thirsty

Okay okay so that’s this thing done and I think that that’s like complete this is now ready to oh look at that oh I love how that looks looks awesome at night okay technically speaking we probably won’t need ever need more than a couple tablets in there at one

Time as well just be recycling the same ones to distribute Mana everywhere it’s going to be kind of Cool okay it’s going to be alarming again yep you can see that that the thing is running very briefly cuz H again I mean the only other option would be to chunk load this place but that was a very point I didn’t want all these machines constantly chunkloaded

And bringing down the resources of our system that’s why I if I wanted this to be chunkloaded I would have built it at spawn on I I find a solution I’ll find a solution it’s fine I’ll just have to make my future builds the anti- chunk load circuit I can figure that out

Okay so where do I want to put this thing I could probably just line it up in the wall let’s see so we can line this up right here yeah yeah we can do that let’s dig this out and let’s put boxes out here okay so start with that’s here that

Dank which will have the okay fill ones boom boom and then another one there right okay let’s uh that’s fun okay we don’t have any filters on it yet take that out let’s set the filters first okay so we want this to only drop oh I

See we have to dig into this wall actually I just thought of something I’m glad that happened so I want to tell this system first of all to only pull out okay only empty Mana pools can come out of this because the idea is no man a pool Falls it will be

Uh it’ll be empty put your back in the corner it’s a procedure chaos is back thank you for the pities when this okay yeah let’s let’s dig out we’re going to have to dig this out a little bit I’m realizing let’s go in by three because uh when this

Uh the arrival of chaos is announced with an explosion [Applause] so we’re going to have this thing monitor when it’s full in fact this has to be moved up one okay all right we’re getting this we’re getting this I got this right and let’s dig this out

Okay would you rather I use the goat Batman’s like no the goat is scary the goat is scary don’t don’t poke the chaos that’s what we’ve learned she she’s grouchy because she’s being she’s being cloned and held in a box somewhere [Laughter] chaos oh thatn it you got me oh

Okay how’s your thirst for entropy been slaked for a while oh you’re funny okay oh red strain container oh I am content for the moment but for how long so thirsty today so yeah this machine when it’s done is going to Auto Harvest these flowers and contain them for us

Unless a Blood Moon shows up then all bets are Off good computer be good okay chaos runs on a lunar cycle that’s a Wonder it’s going to be a full moon or not okay so this machine will call for a Mana tablet when this needs it bade why do I see that agent Johnson still knows how to do all of his old

Boss’s signatures during the time agent Johnson was a full agent Unity Foundation like Demitri uh that’s probably not the case cuz I don’t think he would have been signing those things he would have been out in the field um but um Demitri though yeah I could see him knowing aent johnon

Signature for real I think that’s funny particularly I like the uh mundane paperwork stuff yeah AJ Johnson’s not going to be doing that okay um running around circles right we needed to make that red string I kind of set it up and didn’t do anything with it okay so we need a block

Red stone uhoh just tell me have enough oh yeah we’re fine we’re fine totally fine give me a block there we go dump it okay so we got a block powder I think we had a powder over here maybe oh it needs to be fairy dust uhoh uhoh he says

Because that’s an ender pearl that’s our last ender pearl right there the end good thing uh we have that one a string and the Ender air air of the end I think is in sassy stank yeah okay there we go go now we need seven please tell we have

Six are you kidding me kitten me okay not this wrong dank okay transform else do we need here just a chest like red string which we have okay cool oh it’s a good thing we didn’t make that cuz guess what that’s not what we need we need a redstone

Comparator we almost made what we didn’t need comparator comparator this okay so let’s kill that let’s get the comparator there and now we can break these got this we got this okay so this will allow us to read inventories anything that this block is looking at will be treated

As if this is looking at a chest up here and I have a comparator looking into this it’ll act like this comparator is in fact checking that chest up there so this is good for measuring hard to reach things which we will be doing let’s give ourselves one more little space

Here we still kind be hidden behind this wall okay and it’s nice is that doesn’t count as inventory even the Dank doesn’t count as inventory for as far as this thing’s concerned test that because it would be glowing red if if it were it’s not and then we need of

These is also not an inventory we need a Mana pool luckily enough we just made these incorrect hey do you have a class because I’m putting because I put I put during the time the agent Johnson was a full agent Unity Foundation I mean before the character met agent Johnson

For the first time have a class have a class I’m not sure what you mean by class Aiden Johnson is yes he’s he’s an agent fade is kind of like a freelance Magical Scientist I I mean Alchemist um I’m not sure and we’ll put this there

And we’ll put that way up no why would you do such a thing okay this goes up there there we go and now our last tank right that little problem okay and we’ll just put a uh block there okay so that’s a bit of a problem um let’s um

Okay this is only empty pools so ploop no no no let’s grab those that’s a problem let’s fill these back up these need to be full these need to be full okay let’s run away from that we need to sleep we can hear the thing up there moving that’s full Mana tablets

Okay pick those back up okay so I think the way we got this set let’s look at this here that’s an empty tablet okay so if I were to put these back inside the machine here they would fall down because this is empty now this is looking at this now okay so

We’ll take our favorite little block here and do that and we can see that’s releasing an output of five we’ll do this grab our favorite lock this and we’ll tell this one to be out of seven so that’s like half a pools F fill fullness okay so right now this ought to

Be let actually use red wire here so I can see it’s lit easier okay so that should be a a five signal strength that this is putting out right now actually this is going to be a full strength but it only lights up if seven is greater than whatever is inside that Mana

Pool then we get a signal so really this is saying is send it will send a signal when that’s at uh less than half or less full so that’s when we want it to fill also need to make sure that we don’t pull that out out by

Accident with our magnet ring so we’re going to put that there and we’ll close that back off okay so that that’s good you need to read slow because I put not before I put what fade do you have a class because I put during the time that agent Johnson

Was not a full agent in un Foundation I mean before your character met agent Johnson for the first time yeah I reading it I not quite sure what you mean okay I now need a pulse extender and a pulse repeater and we’re going to pray that we already have some built cuz I

Don’t want to do it okay pulse repeater and the pulse extend okay so there’s the Peter and we need the extender that gold or is that that’s probably the brass isn’t it I bet it’s brass so we need that sand come from put the sand back we don’t need the sand right

Now and we don’t need this right now okay so a couple torches little bit of redstone somebody just fall from up there and just normal Stone always are short Redstone torches now we’re not okay and that good CU here’s what we don’t want to have happen that little test that little

Thing we did when we first put this together kind of showed me a possible flaw here when this gets below half we don’t want this to drop all the every single tablet it has in here at the same time we want to drop just one so we’re going to break that going to

Take this put this to four tick and then we will put this at 1 second which is 20 ticks yeah that should be a good DeLay So It Go plop ploop then we can maybe build up a little wall here we’ll use these for that this

See absorb all that back in let’s grab this okay so now we have this need an inverter switch thisit is that even a real thing that’s that’s only a component that’s I need the inverter itself okay how do I make an inverter see St projector and ore and not

Gate o that’s a bit more involved okay okay we need a not gate so let’s do that let’s put this back up here and will you be nice enough to actually so blanks on either side right little te thingy a bobber this and a line and I guess we’ll make a second one

Cuz we’re cool like that all right that’s fine okay space to do what I want to do I need this yeah that’s okay put you like that yeah now this is now on and if we should see this slime blink yeah just enough time for one thing to

Fall except that’s the one we want to control not this one uh funny funny funny funny okay we’re getting there though corre logic wrong device put all that back get this that up that’s the machine right there we specifically do not want to power this and yet we’re going to run a

Cable up there so we’re going to get clever we’re going to put this panel here cuz whereas this wire will actually when this wire is lit this block will also be powered when power goes through this block it will not power this one which is good cuz we don’t want to shut this

Off think if We that now that’s lit and it’s red perfect okay now that’s what we want and then if we pick this up it’ll blink perfect okay that should be just enough time for it to drop a block drop a single one of these so if we put these in here

Perfect so this is an important thing we have to make sure good that when this thing fires that it will drop one of these tablets at such a timing so that way the tablet when it’s done will put this above 50% because if it’s not done if it

Doesn’t get before 15 50% then this won’t reset itself because this will only ask for a tablet once and that’s when it gets a 50 it’s already below 50 because it’s at at level of five right now and this is asking for a seven so we’re going to emulate this thing asking

By breaking this placing it back down that not work that’s too quick or ticks 20 ticks a tablet did fall oh it’s there it happened it worked okay okay and now and now oh okay okay okay I see what happened it actually worked worked as intended

So that’s funny so what happened was the tablet fell it filled this up it fell into dank but then it disappeared because back at spawn it found a tablet that was empty and it fell at spawn into its pool it refilled and then it got put back in

The Dank so now we have two full tablets again so this thing is now ready to refill itself if it ever gets low again and meanwhile this pool should be near full yeah perfect so this is this is set now this is now ready to go great that’s that’s awesome this is

Done just uh fill this up and uh we might want to put a light in there there I think right here will be a good spot yeah and we’ll just fill this up we’ll make this wall look pretty later there okay and now we just hope that this is close

Enough so if we do this yes now this flower is connected to that pool and it’s forever full so this will never stop now okay now we just need to figure out a way of filling it okay sorry when you’re reading my I sorry when you were reading my why do

I see agent Johnson still knows how to do his old boss signature during this time agent Johnson’s not a full agent you the foundation like Demetri you said why do I see okay okay think I get it okay so this block is reading this one and when this gets to halfway it will

Call for a tablet because this will turn off for a split second the tablet will fill into this and it will be empty it will this P pool will be empty enough that the tablet can completely empty which is important because it needs to be empty because this is looking for empty

Tablets which drop into here back at spawn the empty tablet will be detected it will drop refill and be replaced into the Dank so this will always have full tablets in it waiting to be distributed to their respective Farms so I can now have Mana Farms

Anywhere on the server and if I make this device here they will always have Mana that is awesome combination of dank storage metania and create I love that that I do not love this dirt wall though make a prettier one here later now I just need that to there

Careful okay I need to go to little Rogues room real quick quick I’ll be right back good job fade you get a pet on the head for good time [Laughter] yay I get head Pats nice little cinematic of the farm here I’ll be right back guys For for e for e for e for all right coming back say hi to the people sassy hi people Sassy’s editing y they still don’t know what series you’re doing keep it it a secret I haven’t told them what series you’re doing yet [Laughter] so okay DK to move it between bases you

Should be able to incorporate corporea to move it around your base where it’s needed right or it just been easier with more DS so I try to avoid whoops making too many danks because every time let’s say I made a whole bunch of DS just now

And every time I do it makes a new channel but I want them all to be the same channel and so those channels kind of accumulate and sometimes the DS can be a little bit buggy so I don’t want to be overly reliant on them I kind of let them do simple

Tasks Coria is really good let’s get back over here real quick Coria is great if like I’m actually using over here for a lot of my machines right in a close area if I need to distribute certain amounts of items this that are y hi and yawn the great I’m

Using the thans because they are unlimited by range as long as you’re inside the same Dimension now I also want to use trains originally the idea was to before I designed the systems too efficient I don’t need trains to distribute Mana so I’m going to figure I

This is weird usually I start with a problem and then I work towards a solution in this case it’s in Reverse I need to find a problem where the answer is trains because I want to use trains and I and I want them to be a good solution for whatever problem they solve

I had this discussion with sassy and one of the things I’m thinking that trains might be used for is we don’t have a great way of Distributing liquids so things like milk honey molten chocolate sugar water even uh that might be something that we need to use trains

For or or maybe even transporting villagers around can you imagine I mean the we could literally seat them all she could have like a this would be cool she could have like um a bunch of rail cars set up put a bunch of villagers in there and if she has multiple cities and

Stuff she could actually have like a little Marketplace go to City to City that’d be kind of neat yeah a mobile trading Hall that’d be freaking sweet I mean style points for sure I love that so we’re not going to stop here we now have it so this flower never runs

Out of Mana but these flowers are not harvesting themselves but they could so we are going need to make a few things here drum of the wild is something that we need need a drum and I think it’s it’s the drum of gathering dude we need to to do some looking here

Let’s get into our suitcase here and look up drum R of the wild Dr the wild simply the Horn of the wild percussion Mana hits the drum destroys vegetation that’s okay so that’s what we want to do for the flowers but what’s the other drum do Dr a canopy breaks leaves drum of

Gathering when a Mana burst collides with with it any sheep around with grown feasts will be sheared oh it’s an automatic sheep shear and we’ll also empty will milk cows now to be very honest I think the I think if I’m going to milk cows I’m better off using Create

But this is a shears always have durability so even if I use create I’d have to keep on making replacement shears but I wouldn’t have to with this that’s neat not today’s problem but I’ll remember that so we do want the drum of the Wild which means we need a horn of the

Wild okay we can do okay we don’t need this Redstone right now we don’t need this right now we don’t need that right now this can be put back in her dank that extra chest right now where those barrels right now now we have a horn we could just take a

Shortcut okay so two three four six 7 eight 16 colors so we need 16 six six seven eight that’s eight but I’m pretty sure got Redstone right there let let’s go let’s go back in here have have that block let’s take these out that way I know whatever is left is

Red stone and that’s not a wall we can break okay so these are even safe those aren’t okay so that’s all safe to work with could also set up a train that let you fill with Building Supplies so you can make tracks out into the wild and just

Says train stop whenever you think you want to build that’s true I could do that as well we have applied energistics in the pack which I intend on using as a storage solution but I intentionally included no power uh Solutions in the pack which means we’d be limited to

Using only the uh coal generators I know that applied energistics does give you like a remote terminal option I don’t think we’ll be able to make enough power for that by Design to make it so it wouldn’t compete with other Solutions so the trains on the table for

That that’s true it could also be a way of um returning inventory back to a central Hub where um like we could have U have our cities and then when we’re all done we have all this extra junk we could throw it into a big tank thing a

Tran could go by collect all of it and then it could send it back to a storage system that organizes it for us aka the apply Logistics area that’s a good idea those are a couple things we okay thank you I like it I like it let’s clear this

Out and this is going to be where eventually have storage have to think here how do I want to store these eventually they’re going to get full and we’re going to need to remove the excess so I got two options with Farms I can either tell them to stop producing when I get

Full or I can have them continuously produce and just destroy the excess normally like with these machines here I like to turn them off when they’re full because I don’t want to use up FPS resources but I think with this one I’m just going to have it run continuously

And destroy the excess and the reason is we got 16 different items we have to collect with this and if one of the 16 gets full the other of the 16 might not be full and I don’t want this Farm to stop like what if we got really unlucky

And we only have like aund white petals but everything but something else is full the farm would stop and we wouldn’t uh keep on collecting so that’s no good so let’s um it’s bottom line here that’s that’s this is safe that’s light could be removed though so let’s take that light oh

Darn you need silk touch for those okay well let’s put that back get another one ready so down here will be our destruction area one two three four six 7 8 okay yeah okay this is a usable row trains go through portals they do they do and it’s awesome they absolutely do

Okay and I need crafty crates oh boy I need eight I need 16 crafty crates okay okay we’re we’re going to have to make a lot of this get that started and we’re going to need oh gosh this is going to be a bit more intense than I thought it would be

Okay I think before I go any further I’m going to be using a hopper Hawk to collect this I need to make sure a hopper I need to know know where that hoot can even go could use that to free up some space if you want to remove your lava Farm

Those pulley uh pulls treat any lava source more than a thousand blocks is infinite uh yeah that’s true that’s true I was thinking like I could eventually make a giant pit replace this and just make a pit underneath the base with a cube of lava made from this thing

Or or or I could collect it from the nether the the thing is once the train has gotten me the lava and I have gone infinite then the train would no longer be needed so I think I’m leaning towards the uh see what do we have we have

Mobile storage Hall which is cool we had um kind of returned to uh Master uh sorting system and we had liquids like other liquids like um I mean I guess I mean there’s nothing sto from from from sending lava like like if we didn’t want to worry about

Going infinite we could just like send the lava there honey is another one I’m thinking of and Sassy is you know she’s Wolf Ram and B she’s going to be playing with honey I’m sure royal jelly actually is something she produce yeah I think I think we got some

Things we can do with trains that’s good cuz uh I don’t know them very well yet I need to learn them too so I’m kind of excited because you know trains are cool okay let’s make a hopper Hawk we need to know what this range

Is and we have air we do good and I’m pretty sure we need gray so how does one hopper Hawk both types of gray okay cool leave this out since we’re currently crafting away here let’s get this to that way eat a cookie lava transport could also be if you want

To use it to power other bases and don’t want to set up another Infinite Source that’s true oh no I forgot to reill my water okay let’s you know what we need to clean up up this anyway where’s where’s our oh I’m holding my flower bag excellent okay good these flowers we can

Get let’s put them all in the bag yay and now they’re all just being here need a light gray we only have one but about to get we need here it could be an exported trade material then yeah oh I I see a TSL peeking hi how you I see

You yeah we’ll we’ll get the uh Hopper first so we can figure out range and hopefully it can cover the whole Farm then we find out where where our placement options are then we’ll figure out where we want the storage to be hello from the Pacific hi how is the

Pacific hope you’re having a great time we now have this system here which will call Mana tablets from Spawn whenever it’s needed so in this that this does TSL and uh anyway else has joined in is uh right now it’s tied to this uh jaded M paranis so these are

Going to be automatically harvested and this will slowly use Mana once this gets to a little bit under half this red string comparator is looking at it which means this is looking at it when it gets below half this willp turn this off just long enough to

Drop one pool one full tablet it’ll drop it will go in here empty the empty tablet will be pulled out and put back in here and then we have this system but built upside down at spawn which will refill set empty tablet put it back in the system so it’ll always have these

Full tablets and Q so basically I can make a Mana Farm a farm that uses Mana wherever I want and this will keep it full few white caps but pretty nice that’s awesome that is awesome that sounds oh right right and secret ingredient there seeds Okay and now I should make that

Floating cuz all my flowers float they all float over here so they all float down here okay seed we working our way be independent of you know this was where all the endof Flames used to be or exop Flames used to be so are we’re no longer going to produce Mana over here

Because we don’t need to we don’t have to run our a super fluty burn all the trees Mana farmed that took forever now it will just get mana on call whenever we you need it and it’s being produced elsewhere back at spawn in our super Mana

Silo this is pulling the Mana from so I am so proud of that it’s not a dank we need this two grab one of these it went into our pouch Too Tall Sparkle okay okay now big of an area can you cover is the question that is a huge area enormous that’s

Good so it looks like we can go as far as here so 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 10 block radius and this is one two three four five six 7 8 nine so if I put it all the way on the

Edge I could still get the whole Farm but that’s going to limit us to putting it okay so I think this wall is now disqualified from being a place where we can do it actually so we’ll just uh fix this back up and I’m glad that

I checked that before I went too far into building very glad this back here so our Redstone area is lit it’s good just close that up there we go dark and with all the free Mana you could set up an orchid to Auto decorate the wall if you want yeah just make them

All ores yeah I could I might do that once we’re done with everything else that’s funny just yeah once that’s done that that farm will have uh 27 full Mana pools worth of Mana some of these flowers use ridiculous amount I did the math and 27

Mana pools is 27 million Mana but a single lumium if enhanced with overgrow seed could go through 27 million Mana in just under two Hours yeah now fortunately the the Orchid doesn’t use that much Mana but it would still use it faster than the dend LifeLink could keep up but I think if we have it turn on in spurts and only on demand we can use it sustainably okay so where I

Think this wall is probably a natural place for it have space this might have have to move that’s not a hard thing to move I mean honestly this is going to be moved this might even be moved over here it’s going to be thick so I don’t think we want this to

Be the storage wall so yeah thinking that that means this is going to be it over here so next thing we need to do is make a big big dank as big as we can make it and not not a dank a big Vault how much metal do we

Got how big can vaults be see how big vaults can be here so they can be yeah we know that but how long three times their dier so it can be a three by it can be a okay a 3X3 by9 got it thank you which means that this one here is

Probably already max length one we’re using for the stone is that correct 1 two three four five six seven two 3 four five 6 7even eight no it’s not correct I could this could be longer nine and we only have 16 okay so we need let’s see each layer is nine it’s

Going to be nine long 9 * 9 81 81 we need 2 * 81 so we need 162 okay so 162 plates it’s uh 128 and that’s going to be um 60 I’ll just do three stacks that’s going to be more than we need but that’s okay

Now we have to get started on barrels this thing’s overly full so we’ll use this this wood first start by getting rid of these invasive plants oh it’s sassy a randomly orig generated wall fits in really well with the randomly generated flowers oh Fair I’ll probably what I need to do is

Some setup I’ll need to be sure that there’s no like stone that can be transformed I don’t want to transform because that’s wasted Mana I don’t want to drain the system too bad one Nuance about the system is if the rate of filling isn’t sufficient to keep up with the rate of

Pulling if when this tablet is done this pull isn’t above half the system won’t reset and now to call another one so I do need to be careful of that I think I remember doing the math and only flower that did that fast enough to cause a problem was the

Alumium so actually I think that’s okay that part’s okay so we’ll just clear out everything except the stone we want to transform I guess the next question is do we want that to be stone or do we want to be deep slate cuz I can produce ores in

Both that could be kind of cool or maybe alternating it kind of would make it look like this place should generate ores or something that’s fun all right up jump I never actually got my wood I’ll get it from this 81 barrels oh boy let’s go oh there’s half half a

Stack back for good now cool so what we’re doing now chaos I’m not sure if you you were here for the completion of this but this is the system that pulls tablets out of our farm back at The Silo when this is half full tablet gets

Pulled gets put in here it empties when tablet is empty gets put back at the Dank same day is back at The Silo it sees that empty tablet it drops refills it puts it back in the Dank cycle continues so this will always have two full tablets that this dock is also

Right above this shoot so this is now a completely passively refilling system for flowers anything Bania I can just make one of these things and that’s good I’m now going to make this thing Auto Harvest first thing I’m setting up though is I need to figure out where

These flowers going to go once they are harvested which means I need a massive dank because the flowers we’re going to want the pedals were going to want and pedal blocks we going to want because if we look at at this at platania petal these blocks here are

Awesome these here can be used to bake things and then the flowers themselves are I mean sassy is going to want just to have these you know I’m pretty sure cuz they’re they’re pretty and you can make them glow as well and float and glow they’re great for color I

Mean they’re flowers she’s doing a be theme I mean surely so did you just make Bluetooth Mana uh yes and uh guess what the system is now called that that is clever I like that Bluetooth yes this is my Mana Bluetooth system 100% yep I am changing the name of my stream

I like that so much hold up I sometimes have to make a choice between having a clever title and one that people understand but we’ve been going for a while now so I’m past I’m past clickbait let’s uh Bluetooth manag distribution system doing it okay I like

That if I remember right the maxed out dank has a block compressing feature does it not a cheap solution let’s look at that tell me here we’ll have to look at that I do have an idea for um packing though and that’s why we’re getting this and you know

What we’re going to do this a smart way we’re not going to do this eight at a time I made a machine for this or at least a setup let let’s The Silo is like the capital of all things Mana let’s go to the Mana capital of the world and

Let’s do this right because we can get this done in like two minutes I just didn’t want to travel why I made this W right on the crevice okay so here it is here’s the uh that’s the botling system up there or the Bluetooth system I love love how it’s a one by one block it’s like a 5 by one block design so one of these is kind of hidden beneath this

Uh kind of see it right there so yeah when a tablet gets emptied at one of the places it’ll drop in here and refill and then it goes back in that simple still running and dance I love it so much and it’s been running the whole

Time so how is it now oh it’s a little emptier and it’s not even okay see so my little thing about having the walls all fill evenly didn’t quite pan out at all it’s like random okay so when I mean that’s not the worst thing so when a tablet fell fell in here

And it sucked all the Mana out of this and this says I have to be full and it’s pulling Mana out of all these pools I guess it doesn’t pull out in any pattern it just kind of ran some algorithm I guess decides it but that’s okay if this

Pool here gets filled the rest of these are probably pretty close so I’m just going to say that’s fine it’s shaped like a manic Canon with a silencer yeah I love it it kind of reminds me of like a a high voltage like uh trans um what are

They called like a power lines transistor but Mana Canon with silencer is pretty ba I like that too okay um I was here for a reason why why did I come here to get wood okay so we are going to use this to quickly see let’s uh destroy and we

Will so we can do this and then we can get bunch of that not that much though I think it’s like a single stack is what this maybe two stacks okay and we’ll put this back onto place there now that will and we’re not going to use the pickaxe

Anymore it’s going to be the uh axe axe I am out of Mana Pearl sassy I use my lital last one I’m using it when you see it I you’ll remember this wait what what what I’m in a sod and so I’m pretty sure I’m contract obligated to say duck is lon an

Option as long as it’s a great duck duck duck gray duck is not a gray duck though but I’m using it when you see it you’ll remember this day still duck okay so I guess keep an eye out for sassis there it is and now we will change this to destroy mode

No no we will not we’ll do this smartly lace mode because we’d be smart that way yes yes yes no I am making wood over here okay Living Wood okay and now it’s going to continue like I said this this is very simple but with

The wand it’s a great way of just making lots of living stuff quickly all right sassy dank has all the animal bits in it so we’ll put that back back over to this okay have one of our Mana biscuits oh that’s why it’s doing that

Okay back in there and I guess we could store that in there not sure if I really want to or not sassy oh that was chaos I saw the face I’m sure I will go quackers when I see it quackers O A crev nope okay we’ll explore crevices later okay

So let’s go over here okay little devil smile thank you for the Bitties it’ll be worth the quackers sassy okay we got that so now I think we can go back we don’t need anything else here I don’t think excuse Me oh thanks sassy appreciate you [Laughter] jerk Ash quote Oh no I have one of those streamlabs responded uhoh I didn’t know I had one of those on over here here I got to be careful about what I say I didn’t know I had that set up but sassy

No bad face don’t know that that’s an idea face I’m going to make dream wood and pretend everything’s okay this might take a bit thank you elves okay that and what else come on come on come on there a crafty crafty not a drafty a crafty crafty crate is a a table yeah

Okay I need 16 boom okay that’s one of them this we have 16 tables cool can delete that out okay thank you all right meanwhile this got done stack this back in here Surplus dreamwood now we need barrels so many barrels no wait Bo inverted chaos H I’ll figure this

Out she is contacting Caesar this very second I guarantee it oh that’s not out a bed that makes me fly okay gosh OMG duck was the best choice [Laughter] ever I’m kind of excited to see this let’s put purple back in here sassy I’m almost done hey hey nice nice

Nice let’s put the wood back okay need 81 barrels though okay so that’s ready good I’m just so glad that we’ve set up all this infil structure took me way too long to realize when you’re doing modded solve wood Stone and Metal Woodstone iron that’s where you

Start took me way too long to figure that out I’m always like there’s so many options what do I do yeah we’ll just do this junk you know what manufacturing Halo save me I cannot be bothered to craft all these things just just make it for me please barrel and

Boom barrels okay so we need more just normal wood okay cool we’ll just do it like this cuz we have Surplus okay 64 and 32 is that 81 that’s more than 81 that’s 96 so we’re good now cool and we’ll just turn these back into to normal

Planks that was actually not that wasn’t too painless that was painless that wasn’t painful at all fantastic yay W exciting thanks I’m also very excited explody faed fade fade gets excited his face explodes okay let’s do this that Bo and that let’s see 64 so if we do six that’s

70 10 16 17 we need 17 of these I think to get 81 and of course so let’s make a few extras then okay put those back in here actually let’s do this smart okay okay and we’ll put the metal back in here and put the extra Barrels in here

Cuz I’m always need more barrels okay great so that should be a little bit more than what we need we can we can test this hypothesis we can test this hypotenuse Let’s test it up here um we have any like flat place that doesn’t have grass everywhere yeah we do down here yeah

Pick up these Stones though because they’re going to get in the way okay two three okay so let’s this should be nine so one two three actually four six seven eight eight and now if I try to do anymore yeah it wouldn’t because so that’s how long it will

Be this is going to be an industrial thing okay are you really not going to let me let’s face away from our sensitive machines here break our pipes wait you should know by now that ex extras are not a bad thing when you build things I know spin spin spin I

Know what kind of demented xylophone are you playing the the daph okay so it’s going to be nine blocks long and this is one two three 4 one two three four are you kidding me are you kidding me this is nine blocks long one two three four five six 7 eight

Nine oh happy day okay let’s uh shave this down okay let kind of shape this up a bit we’re going to need the space so sassy I don’t know if you heard but I’m going to make this thing collect flowers pedals pedal blocks and dyes it’s going to do all of

It that is 48 different [Laughter] [Laughter] blocks I’m going to need more than 16 crafting crates oh gosh this this is actually going to be quite the entt cuz I have to tell this to craft this don’t craft that keep this combine that somehow we got teror Stone down here that’s fun [Applause]

Okay yeah I’m thinking let’s try to be smart here better bury the circuitry at this one wouldn’t want a creeper in your system I know right I’m also thinking about this these flowers only grow so fast if I make what I was thinking was we’d start with see start with

Packing you know maybe just the more I think about it maybe better for me only to collect flowers and petals because what will end up happening is the system will fill and it will start it’ll start by filling one layer it’ll start by trying to pack blocks which means it’s going to want

Nine petals each one of these flower only makes two so before it stores any petals or dyes or flowers it’s going to try to make storage blocks each block contains nine pedals it’s going to take forever for this thing to fill a chest full of blocks

Then it will back fill into petals then it will back fill into flowers then it will back fill into dyes this thing just simply is not going to be that fast it’s going to take a year for this thing to fill to that point so I think storing some flowers not even a

Bunch of each we can always make the blocks on demand so I think what we’ll do is we’ll have big inventories for pedals and yeah now I think is it called This is called iron chests if I remember correctly yeah we can build all the way up to Gold pretty

Easily could you flip it and start with flowers petals and so on yes yes yes we could let me think that one through if we did start with flowers first flowers can be converted into blocks or dyes on demand if you need to they’re the most uh tot potent

Of many blocks that these the many resources these make instead of setting up an overflow the Overflow could be crafting for the next one in line and so on we could just foro dyes pedals are essentially dyes we don’t need to store them in die form you could just take a

Stack and it’s just a one for one conversion so that’s not hard to do so flowers petals storage blocks I like that you build a tower Farm like you did for the Mana I I think I think it will kind of have like a tower design so we’ll start with

Flowers and we’ll work our way down to blocks the blocks basically acting like our overflow and then what we’ll do is if the blocks ever get filled that’s when we’ll just have extra go to um extras can then be put can then be disposed of from there okay we’ll do

That we have an old Route still collecting these for sassy getting close why she wants that garbage but there you go okay so we know that I don’t know is how tall how tall can this go now normally I do some tests but testing height on this is going to be

Difficult because like I mean I got a flower that shows me width I want to do height I’m not sure if it’s a 10×10 by 10 cuz usually they’re not perfect squares so we’re just going to look that up that’s going to be easier let’s see let’s look that real

Quick or the hopper Hawk he vertical height range of flowers okay fine we’re going to have to I’m going to assume 10 I’m just thinking if you had multiple layers of flowers you might be able to start with the blocks like you wanted oh okay um

I could go multiple stories I I just ah I I kind of want this to be a compact Farm I think it’ll be okay it’s going to be running 24/7 I’m going to assume that this thing has a 10 range up and down

So if we uh one two let’s see if we go or here this is nine so 1 2 3 4 five six 7 eight 10 so we can even push it back one more so we could have it here this is Center that’s right we have to do so six seven eight

Okay going to make sure I have lots of space okay that’s too high one two three four six seven actually I was fine 8 n put that here activate it it’s all the way here and I can see it does cover in fact can I see that that

Enough oh darn it if I could I could go back even further I must count it’s here 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 Farm doesn’t go this far out oh does right okay but that’s not a uh planted block okay we can push it back one further

Cool that is good I want there to be a path we can walk here so that means we can take that okay and now let’s see if I can still pick up those blocks that okay so if a flower like right here let’s just do this so that’s got that

Got sucked up into the that it did get picked up nice okay so even though it’s way up here that still works good now that does mean if a flower when this thing breaks a flower if it gets put there it will not get picked up so we’ll

Probably want to case this whole thing in glass that’s the last y That’s the last place also notice look how long it’s taking this thing to realize this is empty and replanting it so it is not the fastest what we’ll probably want to do is eventually make another one of these

Replace this block with grass or dirt get an overgrow seed and plop it on that that will make this twice as fast CU my guess is unfortunately for us this flower probably checks all these blocks randomly one every set time limit and if it can get a flower it will so it’s got

We got to wait until it randomly selects this block so in a way if we could clear all these flowers out so that way no matter what this block CH what this flower chooses to grow on is a valid Target that will probably increase production does it have seeds to replant

Oh what’s nice is um Let me let me destroy more this just simply causes respawns no no plants or seeds needed it will just simply generate them on the dirt see Boop there it goes what’s happening is this flower is like I need to plant something I’m going

To randomly check this block oh already a flower there okay going to randomly check this block oh already a flower there going to randomly check this block oh okay it is empty put a flower here so that’s I think that’s what it’s doing I think it’s

A it must have like a random Al yeah see it’s not doing it any pattern and it doesn’t know to eliminate blocks that are already filled with flowers from possible choices so I’m think that’s how this logic is working but that’s okay I can work with that drum of the wild will

Solve that problem for us and uh it’s going to be pretty cool let’s get that out we need to make that drum of the wild H toost we have extra of these and one of those and that should be all we need to make make the horn oh we just duplicated some grass

Let’s uh turn into a seed two three one two three seed and the horn isn’t there and we’re sad wild there fade yes remember that time insert memory here fade Johnson or agent Johnson I was not expecting to hear Sassy’s [Laughter] voice oh thank you chaos that sege of adrenaline

Just made me realized what I was doing wrong too we need it to be these blocks oh gosh still not working what the hey living log living log pasture seat okay the E set me oh I didn’t extra wood okay that’s why leather leather more even more

Wood oh go away yeah you got [Laughter] me just m down all at once yeah drum is more efficient run Redstone poles clear out the flow the flower Patty yep yep yep yep exactly we’re going to uh you’re going to see this whole place explode here okay this one

Two and now we can drum bing bing doodle there we go R of the wild and perfect I wish I had an easy way of shooting Mana into this thing and a spreader red stone I think this is all that’s needed yeah just borrow that this is just for demo purposes

Here Target this there it is let’s put all the stuff back we don’t need let’s get no buttons buttons in here don’t we yeah okay headphone users beware push this boom and they all got picked up there they are you can see that why we’re going to need a big storage system

Here made it okay okay so we’re going to shave that down have this on the very bottommost block here so let’s no Mana Blaster yet not yet and I I could make a Terra steel sword as well really you’re you’re going to be do me like that okay one two three four

Five six 7 oh come on now just just do the thing where you make it all fine fine fine you’re going to you’re going to be like that that’s cool that’s fine there no oh see what I did I see what I did I wish this thing would destroy in in uh

The same pattern it built in that’d be amazing yeah I think F used used it to automate crops on top of a kitchen and garden of glass I did I did I did so we need to uh this that should be fine and now we got ghosts okay

Woo Garden of glass is fun we had a crazy oh it’s just raining it’s not even a that’s another machine I need to make oh weather machine that can automatically feed sunflowers our territor boou so it stays Sunny me weather machine that kitchen was awesome the Cat Cafe so cool let’s do this

Yay how far are we one two three half one two three four six seven eight nine a maximum size dank plenty of vertical space for me to play with okay so I can put storage and crafting machines underneath it good next thing I need to do

Actually so this thing is just going to pick up everything under the sun and we don’t want that we want it to only pick up pedals and I don’t really want to slap 16 item frames on this thing okay yeah it can it can I forget what it

Is but like I think when it’s like normal it’s a one power if it’s rain storming it’s a two power also um we have a uh a Weather Vein which is up here just for fun but this thing actually does produce Redstone when it’s storming so I could

Also use that I just haven’t gotten around to it yet I would also need to automate um a tiny little automation for um sunflower seeds too so guess what we need to move this we need to move it down one and over one cuz I need to go and this sleep okay yeah

Okay it’s going to be easier just to this whole thing then fuss with the blocks not connecting right and making a solid piece and I’ll show you what I’m going to do here we’re going to use a technique that I have done with storage um what are they called

Uh storage drawers but instead of a storage drawer we’re going to take advantage of these have just a simple filter to the wo okay do that make it so the container that the hopper is is looking at is only able to accept certain blocks see one two three four six seven

Eight n these are two talls and they’re glimmering two six seven eight 10 11 16 that’s glimmering okay okay so we’ll start here you let’s put all of these in here six S 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SE one Sayan like gray it’s going insane here what are we

Missing let’s let’s let’s do this instead green missing light green thank you ah okay perfect thank you filtered okay this is an allow list ignores data boom okay so now we’ll go here put on the side okay are serious why do you have to be so

Stubborn to place blocks on the side of you and I’m standing on you okay okay so right now we want to make a thing that goes forever oop and then it’ll pick that back upop and this is an example of a of a material we don’t want it to pick up right

Okay there now FBA okay okay perfect here this is directly in front of it so we want to start like down here I think yeah there’ll need to be two below to the side okay so that I think that’s that’s works not perfect gosh we are struggle busing now that’s correct

Yes this is what I want no two three six S stand okay there nice okay and what we’ll do to get stuff in there is we’ll make oh no I need another ender pearl now cuz I need to make okay headed string container and I don’t have what I need

To make pixie dust I need an ender pearl or a Mana Pearl do we have just Mana Pearl in here oh lucky lucky lucky lucky okay now we’re completely out string those chest nice okay D that thing around nope yes okay so now anything that gets broken we

Put in there now we’re going to Let’s seal the top off with something here so that way it doesn’t not want anything falling into that by mistake cover the top up here there H is it filtered or should be a nothing should be able to fall oh you’re right

Who cares if something Falls in if it falls in it’ll actually be able at once cuz yeah you duh duh I don’t have to worry about that you’re absolutely correct we’ll leave that alone cool if it fall if it goes in the Dank we wanted it in there anyway okay cool ah

Yay man that was harder it need to be okay all right okay so we need to set up like a timer here so that way this thing will you know before we even before I even do that let’s just make another we we know we’re going to need it an antimagnetic

Flower there we go there we go and there we go already got seed seeds two Redstone do hickey bops that that two of those who it these those seeds which apparently doesn’t count as a seed fantastic that’s good to know I out of Seeds there seed might as well make a second I make these in twos as we end up with extra pedals otherwise okay two Stone one two three solo and everything okay two more flowers we’ll do two of these if that were if I turned that into a trap it’d be so

Effective I Fallen that every single time okay okay and we’ll just put you happily on top of the drum and I think that prevents that looks to me like it does cover the whole area almost corner here it doesn’t you know what we’re going to cover this in glass anyway so who cares

We might even pick that flower back up but we can always use more of these things so I’m not going to worry overly about that but at least for our test here and picks them all up was picking them up very slowly wasn’t it I don’t

Like is it because this thing can only handle one at a time I mean it got in there let do that Again H it’s all right it’s okay I’m not going to worry about that too much okay so that works and and we know it doesn’t pick up anything else that’s garbage because it’s filtered I guess this thing can only hold one kind of item at a time so

That’s why it’s doing a little bit slow but I don’t think that’s going to be a right limiting step say what now hi sassy okay so next step is to set up a tiered system where it will collect the flowers and then when the flowers are in

Overflow to break them into petals and then the pedals are’t overflow to break it down into Big Blocks and if that ever gets full which it probably won’t but if it ever does then have that destroy okay we did it yep you can see them going in you see

The numbers going up cool all right fun okay I’m going to have to do some hardcore design in here to make sure that things are correct here I don’t want to I don’t want to build lot stuff I don’t need so I’m going to do some uh

CH yeah I’m going to go to the drwing board and create in uh creative mode and see how I want to design that little bit but for the moment it stores it harasses I could just put a helping hourglass right here and that would be a good temporary thing that would collect all

That stuff would be cool let’s make the let’s at least make the H an hour class we can do that make the Hine hourglass first then I will call it at least then it’s automatic until it gets full but that thing’s never that thing’s going to take forever to get

Full we’ll have time it’ll be fine okay four gold two red and a okay gold future man ignant red two pieces of glass okay ourglass and we’ll say I don’t know every 10 seconds that’s probably too quick let’s say every 20 seconds 15 seconds and we will move this cuz why would we

Have it be the Mana pool that’s not being monitored well we’ll put it here this is presently attached to that right ATT to Let’s attach you to the correct pool B mode find you that find you this find you find find you that well wait you already were

There okay get get back over here and make sure that you are bound to this like you should be are low it does does good that goes here hourglass I have a feeling that let’s put just one in here is this even going to power it like that

Does oh we oh okay okay good good test good test okay great every 15 seconds okay well that cleared that up okay we’ll let this it’ll clean itself up it’s fine then in 15 seconds it’ll boom okay Fade’s floral is now accepting [Laughter] orders yep we’re farming them we’re

Collecting them now we just need To cover that up with glass in the worst way I’m just going to carry this flower pouch with me at all times until until we get that covered okay put all our stuff away because that makes me a happy fade guess we’ll put this here in case

Sassy needs to use it okay cuz I’m nice like that we might be at War but I’m not a barbarian okay we do that put this in here oh you’re not a barbarian I said what happened I didn’t know I could stand on [Laughter] these apparently I can one more for the road

Huh well thank you oh boy that’s fun so this is yeah one two three six seven eight nine I’m guessing I just can’t see the full oh there they are there’s all 16 have the shift to see them okay cool oh no this is just a suit I mean

This is a tux not a business suit I I um I’m dressed up because uh we were going to go to a very fancy biome and biome Builder and so I I dressed up the F the part and everything went according to plan it was great it was great I wasn’t overdressed at

All yep oh wait let’s let’s put our our stuff away now we Boop okay yep everything was good so satisfying okay okay okay we’re going to do one more hold up got to do one more thing we are using a full blast of mana on top of

That when we cover this with glass that glass is going to block the beam so unless this is too hard right now and it might be Phantom lens obtrusive plat we can’t do it we’re out of Ana pearls okay that’ll be next time we need to put a lens on this

Um we can at least do this though right cuz I think messenger lenses are just paper yeah we’ll do that we at least don’t have to be wasting Mana so we’re sending out a full Mana pulse right now and that’s a little wasteful cuz the Mana isn’t Distributing

It we’re not relocating Mana anywhere we’re just simply using it as a means to turn something on so we want to use as little Mana as possible and we want to fly as fast as possible too so we’re not losing time in the time it takes for it to be shot and

Received so we’re going to do this take make a lens we going to use some of this bark that we’ve been peeling make some paper uh four sheets 1 2 3 four d and we’ll go here that that that that and what color should we have this it’s because we’re being

Fancy we’ll make it pink color of unication I don’t know it’s already red but we’re going to make it Pink so now when it fires it’ll be a faster Beam with minimal mana and it will go a lot further too and I can combine that with a phantom lens later so yeah that’s

Nice I like like it a lot okay nice okay now we’re not wasting Mana okay feel better now don’t need You here plan went right on the first try I don’t believe it it did 100% right sassy right say nothing if I’m right she agrees where’s my toolbox I already have it okay let’s go home so awesome I love automating things there okay let’s see who was out there

This video, titled ‘Fade Streams: D&D Minecraft Origins Day 25! Long Distance Mana Export & Bottling!’, was uploaded by Rogue Alchemist on 2024-02-16 16:00:17. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:22 or 12502 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Sassyrogue-

Bewitchment Reforged is a 1.19.2 modded SMP Featuring The Create Mod, 214 Origins, Botania and Bewitchment! I, Fade_Achemist (link above), and my Wife Sassyrogue, Stream this Weekends and Mondays! Come join our adventure!

The story so far: The previous world, having been subjected to a realm-breaking amount of trauma from Sassy and Fade’s magical experimentation, imploded. After losing Gemini Towers to the calamity, Fade flees to Wolf Ram and Bee HQ where Sassyrogue enacts a desperate ritual to escape. Resulting in the entire skyscraper smashing through the multiverse, leaving building-sized holes in dimensional barrier after dimensional barrier, before finally crashing here. wherever “here” is…

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    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More