This video, titled ‘🔴Animation and Minecraft during breaks with Sydney!!🔴take 3?????’, was uploaded by Sydney Belladonna on 2024-08-27 14:48:00. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:43 or 12643 seconds.
Hi there! I’m Sydney (they/them prefered), a hrothgal viper who plays video games and does art! Hang out with me and my chat while we do dungeons, hunt monsters, or get an improptu art tutorial about how triangles are scary!
RULES: 0. Understand that my streams are rated T for Teen we have strong language, violence, and the occasional suggestive theme.
1. Don’t be mean
2. Do have fun
3. Just chill out and enjoy the stream! (Yes it is a mandatory rule that you enjoy the stream. Breaking this rule results in a ride in the paddywagon.)
4. Please no negative degradation of yourself in chat please and thank you. We’re here to lift each other up! Support one another! Leave your worries at the click of the video and enjoy the stream and hang out with some good people. If you need a place to talk about stuff or work through issues we’re willing to help, but stream chat is not the place for it. If you need anything my DMs both on Twitter and Discord are open!
Follow me through Twitter/X for updates on when I’m live and art posts! X:
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