Insane ATM9 Sky Base in Mekanism Lab!

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[Music] [Music] hello welcome back to all the mods 9 to the sky I am rejoined by our old friend natural radiation AKA Lex you prefer do you PR RADS or Lex oh I’d go by either RADS or Lex Lex is my name uh RADS is you know the nickname sure okay so you may remember RADS as wearing like a radiation suit but um yeah he took it off and it turns out he’s a woman it was really stuffy under there so you have not been with us for quite some time you’ve been away not part of the series um and you’ve missed a lot last time I was here there was one building and one platform and now uh I don’t know where I am well this might also be a bit strange to people at home because basically last episode was EMC we did the EMC generation but then I did a bit of a stream like a 3-hour stream where I upgraded upgrade the power um we got some stuff we did some things and basically yeah so if you’re coming back and haven’t seen that stream you might be wondering what’s happened but yeah it’s just a few quality of life upgrades here and there like the auto over here we’ got bigger chests we’ve got like upgrades in here so is there anything like you want me to clarify with what’s going on here like anything you’re looking at thinking what is that uh well I mean I think I more or less understand what’s going so this this building here this is your power generation right this is lava power cuz as you can see by the big flame can you see the flame I can see the flame flame typically means fire and lava it looks very you know what I’m a big fan yeah I Googled pixel art flame and I copied it nice there you go yeah what about this building over here this giant building filled with presumably nothing so this is the mechanism lab the big tall thing is going to be the elevator and we’re going to have different floors to completely cover mechanism then actually oh I got a gift for you as well so you can see what I’m doing a jet pack I unlocked the power of flight see you later sucker these are the bees needes that make things like super easy so I’m going to present you with three options RS three options for us to pursue this episode are you ready to hear my three choices for you I am unimaginably excited a Bad Genie yeah you you get one wish but I choose which wish you get well basically these are the things we’re going to do for the episode so number one would you like to improve our or generation basically you see all these civs and stuff the crushes how we get resources from like Soul Sand dust gravel um all of that stuff I’m going to build a big Factory over there behind the house you can see like the floor for it at the moment yeah I see it we’re going to build a big resource generation Factory over there where we’re going to like just do all the ore Gathering and compressing and sving and stuff right that is option one okay uh and what that would do is it would also tidy up this area in front of the lava generation place so that’s quite kind of cool as well like basically be relocated over there yeah kind of plus also augmented it’s not just moving things over there but making it bigger and better as well number two is mechanism so I’ve I’ve made a start with mechanism and we’ve got like tier 2 or processing maybe tier three whatever it is this looks like tripling right here I think but there’s a lot more to do with mechanism and I think if we pursue mechanism this session we can possibly build a nuclear reactor ooh okay that would be really cool also the third option if you go onto your quests go to getting started part two mhm and as you can see we we we kind of got started um we did a start has definitely been I can see however you see the auto Sky Block automated which is where we end uh yes there it is so next to that you’ll see suddenly the game becomes about demon dream seeds and to the right of that your old friend AR noo AR noo my best friend so yeah we’d have to get tablets of conjure Village which let you conjure an island Village that sounds amazing that sounds one conjures like a deep dark Park Island which sounds weird but amazing too and that is option number three cuz you have been on our community server doing a lot of arsn MH and you know the mod pretty well I also know the mod pretty well so that’s something we could achieve I reckon this episode however I’ve given you the choice of mechanism instead because I know maybe you’re a bit bored of ARS noo because you played loads of it right yeah I I did play a lot of it I’m I am personally leaning oh which wish indeed um one caveat wish number one was a fake question and you can’t pick that okay three was a better number than two let’s go with mechanism I want to make a nuclear reactor me mechanism okay yeah yeah yeah good very good very good I’m glad you picked that I was hoping you picked that so right how much do you know about mechanism are you good at mechanism I love mechanism I have used the mod a few times yes I I do know my way around mechanism I know about infusing things with other things to make new things and then you turn those things into new things which make more things things and you win yeah exactly right so I mean new things into new things into newer things into the newest things into very brand new things it looks like you’ve gotten like a good way through mechanism already looking at the quest list so is is the aim just to create a tier four Factory uh and then like work our way towards a nuclear reactor well yeah the the aim is literally quests mechanism Quest mechanism so we want to build a thir Thal evaporation plant we want to get a chemical infuser and a chemical injection chamber and then we want to go to rotor condensing and chemical washing and chemical crystallizer th I think those are pretty achievable they’re all pretty simple machines yeah it becomes a case of making the sulfuric acid you need hydrogen chloride lots of pipes are going to go everywhere it’s going to be great so can I leave you in charge of thermal evaporation yeah no problem where we’re going to do this I reckon so basically you see these like four little kind of holes here yes these are resource holes basically we’re going to run pipes up and down here okay so what I reckon is we can have a platform over here on the other side of this uh imagine imagine I’m oh I got hover mode on there look look how cool I am so I’m going to build like a platform here and I think we can put two evaporation cuz you need two eventually yes two evaporation plants here on a floating platform that connects to this mechanism lab between this and this is going to be a tunnel basically that can that can you know connect the fact you can go through I see yeah I see I thought you just put diorite down for no reason just a no it’s just a funny pattern no it’s going to be like a glass tunnel but yeah so um basically two platforms here with two of the biggest thermal evaporation plants we can get cuz the thermal evaporation plant’s like a big multi-block structure and I think it can be like it’s like five blocks by five five blocks and then it can go as high as 17 yeah that sounds about right so yeah if you build the two biggest thermal evaporation plants you can what I’m going to do now then is I’m going to see if I can improve the um metallurgic infusers we have cuz if we’re going to go deep down mechanism we’re going to need to get like the things that Infuse diamond dust into things and um obsidian into things if that makes sense yeah that makes sense cuz at the moment we got steel production right got Redstone here but we’ve got 1 2 3 four more basic infusing factories I’m going to make a obsidian generator that generates obsidian for us yep and then I’m going to use some of the diamonds and obsidian that we have to make like the super powerful infused obsidian diamond stuff does that make sense amazing it does and I will get to work on the thermal evaporation plants chemical injection chamber blah blah blah blah blah blah blah amazing let’s get this started I just made a diamond Cobble gen I don’t know why like there’s no way there’s anything that is going to need that kind of output but there we go bu I’m supposed to use no tool to dig this as well is this going to break hopefully I hope it does oh what the that was didn’t know you had placed it down in front of me scared the crap out of me oh Jesus so do you want to see something funny basically on the stream the whole time I was like oh I’ve got these lava generators they use lava to make power and in the chat people were like oh you want to make some super heating semiconductors and I was like oh okay so I looked them up and it said oh they’re like 60 times as good as lava for heat generation spent the whole of the stream trying to go for this super heating element condenser thing then when I finally make it and try and put it underneath it doesn’t even work oh which is the story of my life right so when I’m reading that comments on YouTube it’s so easy to look at something and think oh no this guy’s telling me that this is you know this is the best way and then I find out I try and do it turns out they were lying turns out lying wrong just wrong yeah there’s a difference between I guess lying and being not right well you know how you know how they were lying you know how YouTube comments are they they like to say that they know what they’re talking about in actuality they don’t but what I did discover is the superheating element is way better for crucibles to smelt lava oh okay so if I just creating more lava right real quick yeah so I’m going to use the Cobble into these then the lava goes into a stone Barrel then water goes in and we get the obsidians man I remember last time I was here we were staring at a crucible for ages waiting for lava oh my goodness yeah I know also I I don’t know if you saw but I I fixed your dirt generation setup as well that that’s automated now all I needed was like 10 pipes and it’s like automated now yeah but that was was but that was my job that was SP two hours doing something I automated in 2 minutes I spent two hours holding right click on the ground then picking up okay it’s okay it truly is the age of AI taking over my jobs well no AI didn’t take it over it wasn’t AI it was like a it was a hammer it was like a like a hammer with like a gear on it I I know what you’re trying to say you are replacing me with a machine that’s what’s happening I mean there’s a big difference between like a power drill and um chat GPD now we’re going to start with power drills taking my job as well oh my goodness honestly these machines are getting way too out of hand well I heard you you’re terrible at screwing so maybe from who who told you that from a certain Flathead I know oh that’s a terrible joke that’s real bad well at least I got it this time at least I understood it [Music] right this platform you want to make you’re making it out of a diorite I assume so I like the idea of diorite for the framework and Wood Oak for the floor um say no more it’s happening now do remember both of those can be made with EMC so don’t don’t ever dig trees anymore we don’t need trees trees don’t worry I’m just stealing everything from your computer it’s fine it’s like Lord of the Rings we are like those goblins like at the um at the the tower what’s s tower called Eisen guard Eisen guard could you just do that again for me please just real quick yeah that was that was that’s one now I understand what you’re saying it’s it’s weird though there’s like some like kind of little bits of songs that you can hear and instantly know where it’s from like it’s like that’s always going to be the it is it is quite iconic isn’t it likewise see if you can guess this one oh I think I know it I think I know it to be fair I’ve been playing a lot of that game recently so yeah oh it’s good it’s good it’s goodar is a classic it is it’s a really good game we’ve been playing um well I’ve been playing a lot of modded Terraria recently been doing a lot of Calamity mod um the bosses I tell you what actually something I really enjoy something that’s really under underrated well I don’t I it’s not really underrated something I really really enjoy about Calamity is the music the music for the bosses are insanely good oh I don’t remember it I obviously I remember like the cuz everyone does yeah everyone everyone Boss music no the Boss music for Calamity specifically um is is amazing it’s super super good and I I’m wrong when I say it’s over is underrated it’s not everyone loves it but it’s it’s one of the things I don’t really pay attention to when I’m playing Terraria until recently right like recently is when I decided I’m you know I’m going to actually turn up the music because I want to hear what it’s all about it’s really good it’s very good it’s so funny to me Turn Down for What but it’s that’s actually from Terraria really no way didn’t um post Malone do a track for Terraria about his magic card about his magic card oh full Circle let’s go yeah oh coolback no cool back no one’s going to No One watch that what are the what are the games are like there that have famous music in their soundtrack like a like a band Like a Rolling Stones or like a Metallica song well the two that I know of for sure Starfield had imagin dragons make a song for them called Children of the sky yeah they did um okay it it’s basically just the theme of um Starfield but they turned it into a song uh and also I correct me if I’m wrong I don’t know if you’ll know this Coldplay I think made a song for Assassin’s Creed called Mirage for Assassin’s Creed Mirage oh wow I know I did not know either of those things yeah uh and then of course as the obvious Imagine Dragons made uh arcane’s theme um oh yeah yeah yeah but that’s like TV that’s not a game that’s TV based on League of Legends yes but yeah it really count it doesn’t really count it doesn’t in any way count it’s a different Med I feel like a lot of these games that are coming out now are getting like famous bands to do their music for them and like combining the two fields of pop music and video game music into one yeah know I to I totally get it right because I’m I’m on board for Arcane Arcane was a great series I don’t like League of Legends I don’t like the lore even more but what I do like is the TV series that was really cool it was I was I was surprised I expected to hate it but I loved it it’s it’s good isn’t it I expected the same I like a little bit of League I am atrocious at it and only play it with with my friends right so I oh yeah yeah I I can’t stand it when I play on my own and I like it I prefer DOTA please don’t hate me but you know it is what it is um but the law the uh the law around Arcane is is just way too good to miss out on I’m a huge fan of that the League of Legends law in general is a bit weird like yordles what even is a y tiny little meets gnome Ewok wait that’s so accurate it’s yeah but they’re dumb they’re so dumb also they’re weird right you’ve got some yles that are really furry some yles that are just basically small people and there’s like a bit of like inconsistency with what a yel really is you know well weird I don’t know the the the only thing I know about yordles is they are tiny furry and annoying like like Teemo is an irritating little rat when you play him in the actual game uh and then there’s him medinger who’s also an annoying little rat when you play him against him in the actual game uh that is a recurring theme with the Y little characters as in Annoying Annoying Little rats both in gameplay and in look y exactly I get it I used to love poppy like back I played League of Legends back when there were like 10 Champions back in the good old days back when good old days Heroes of new Earth was it competition and um damn way back in the good old days yeah cuz that’s what it was right so the people that made DOTA in uh Warcraft 3 defense of the Ancients yes yes that’s correct the dev team split up and made two Studios one made Heroes a newth and they sold that for like 30 quid and it was a game it was a mob it was really good it was better than League of Legends but League of Legends was free and it was like one of the first games to Pioneer the free to play model and it just took off cuz guess what people love free stuff so yeah people do enjoy free I know I’m a big fan of free stuff that’s why I played it and then I spent like 20 quid on the skins and like that was that was pointless but yeah that was a mistake yeah yeah good old good old league so who’s your favorite character in League who’s my oh boy oh boy it it may or may not be Lux no she’s the one that shoots like the light stuff yes she’s like the the training character that you play when you’re first learning how to play but I love her play style so much because it’s easy and I’m bad like I will just permanently lock support I will sit in a bush and wait for my ADC to do something and then I’ll walk out and press q and go hey I did a thing and then walk away and die but I like Lux fair enough who who’s your go-to I know you don’t like league but who’s your go-to like I said back when I played it was Poppy I thought poppy was really funny you could build her like um heavy magic damage and she would charge people into a wall and then onshot them just explode them and then they killed that and like all the all the things that are fun get killed eventually but yeah now now she not so fun no more fun I’d say I like I like vi vi is cool she’s from the series as well like Arcane and she’s really fun I like Top Lane so I like I like br like the that that kind of like solo Bruiser kind of character do your own thing and don’t pay attention to the rest of the game sort of deal yeah exactly because the worst thing about team based games as everybody knows is your teammates the team yeah the teammates why why you know I’m here please don’t you know if you’re losing it’s because somebody fed a different Lane uh anyway League of Legends it is what it is welcome back welcome back to Sky Block where we talk about games that aren’t Minecraft so I thought I could do this thing I thought I could just like pipe lava into a barrel and then pipe water in as well the same way we did with like the witch waterer yeah didn’t work oh oh no you mean to tell me that your attempts to um just not going in Auto make something that I was doing before uh didn’t work I’m looking at the clock now yeah this last 30 minutes has been a giant waste of time did I say we were going to get a nuclear reactor this episode that was ambitious you may have been wasting your time but guess who’s just created two separate thermal evaporations plants oh is it you that’s right it’s me oh my God you’re making progress I’m making no progress well you know what I I was yelled at last time I was here I was yelled at because apparently we did nothing Listen Here YouTube comment section it looks like we did nothing because the beginning of a Sky Block is always slow all right and this time we actually have the materials to do things it wasn’t slow you’re just impatient you just hold those guys yeah I did don’t cut it out oh no yeah yeah good for you RS defend yourself I think it’s just because we were both very excited we were just so excited to play and we’re in no rush yeah we were speed running you can’t speedrun Sky Block it’s it’s about it’s so complicated it’s so technical these things are coming along quite well look at that oh oh my God I did say can you see it hello hello what’s coming on really well what you saying you can you hello oh my god oh oh God welcome to welcome to to the sky that looks amazing well done oh you know what you’re doing with mechanism I do enjoy a bit of mechanism check this out so when I right click with a bucket of water on the bucket with lava it doesn’t use up the bucket so I can literally just hold right click here oh flip and it’s crazy yeah okay wait I thought I thought that you had to wait for the lava every time okay this looks fine yeah so wait does the nuts does the water the water in the bucket is not being used up right what do you mean like you’re holding the bucket the bucket the water in the bucket is is the water in the bucket just stays there oh that’s awesome look at that I do run out of lava eventually because these things are quick at making lava but you know you get to a point right you get to a point where you don’t have lava yeah I make like two buckets a second which is actually a little bit too slow but yeah oh my God for what you need it for I think it will work fine yeah I mean I’ve already got like a stack and a half if I I make like a mini tank I’ll I’ll make a mechanism tank cuz that will actually speed things up as well oh that’s a good that’s a good point and they’re pretty easy to make I think I made a mechanism tank earlier before realizing I didn’t need one 64 of 64 block one uh bucket one as well so that’s pretty good but yeah we got we got basically some kind of obsidian automation going on now I can make it fully automated later but this will be good this will mean I can get to like metal allergic infusing and the rest of those things how close are you to finishing those evaporation plants I my friend you’re going to love this I’m actually done no way both of them are complete maximum sized all the way to the sky no way now all I need to do is stick in an extra little valve into each pipe in a little bit of the old water from the sink and Bobs your uncle wow well done that’s impressive that’s very impressive um there we go it’s get they’re getting water what is the next step then what do we need to do after that so these things need energy I’m I think oh right so we should be able to get basically the cable I’m using is Advanced universal cable okay that’s what’s going so if you can make some of that and there should be the bits you need to make that from the basic and that’s kind of okay for the tier we’re at we’ll have to upgrade it at some point like you always do yeah but I think we’re good for a while okay and you can drag the cable there’s some cable already in the basement underneath the mechanism lab and that’s all connected so you should be able to get it to the evaporation plants quite quickly do they use power do they I thought they were not no correction they use heat they don’t use power they use heat and to heat them up you need to power I usually power a resistive heater so I see yes heat into brine which is great absolutely no I I understand what you’re saying now and I’m on the same page excent those are excellent those are excellent excellent you’re excellent oh thank thank you very much you’re welcome yeah thank I am welcome you are welcome boom chemical injection chamber very nice oh my god well yeah I just completed a bunch of quests yeah oh we got some refined diamond in here oh there you go I think I got them in my absolute heave of stuff earlier I’m going to return the quest that we’ve done then now so oh some good stuff so we’ve done chem you made the chemical injection chamber job I have it in my inventory and operation plans don’t want to place it down just yet cuz I don’t know where particularly you want to put it so the does remind me Quest so this machine is the next step to your or processing add this to the left of your purification chamber entally this is the one that takes in hydrogen chloride and ores so go here over here yeah bam right there this is going to require hydrogen chloride it is which means we need to use the hydrogen we’re getting from theair separator which is currently going this gas tank the chlorine from the chloride is from the evaporation plant yes that’s correct but what does it make what does the evaporation plant make I thought it brine it makes Brine and then you use a what is it an electrolytic separator yeah to change brine which is salt water into sodium chloride which is salt and then uh you take sodium goes into another evaporation plant I’m correct it now I remember yeah sodium goes into something else later down the line which makes uh something else I can’t remember oh my word uh yeah one of the things basically mechanism everything selfcontained like water becomes hydrogen chloride you need both of those brine becomes whatever and whatever you need both of those so what it can be do worth doing is storing all of those things in their own little tanks yeah I I think that’s worth because then that way you can also build up a buffer so that you know that they’re not B neck later down the line and you can catch them when they are being bottleneck cuz you can see when the tank is going down I’m going to put some diamonds through the enrichment Factory to get some like enriched diamonds also what do you do with obsidian do you crush that first or do you just enrich it straight up uh you enrich it enriched obsidian is oh no you have to you have to it into dust yeah you you crush it you refine it then crush it if I remember rightly you you crush it then refine it oh my you enrich it then you combine it with enriched Diamond to make super enriched obsidian yeah Super Ultra Mega enriched obsidian yeah Mega enriched obsidian so I’m going to put a diamond into one of these item frames so we know that that is where the diamond infusing goes and then when times get tough we can we can take out the diamond crack the piggy bank you know yeah we absolutely need a DI we can just break the frame sure yeah I don’t think we’re going to get there but I hope we don’t get there but right I’m going to tough Mr Frodo CRA on the diamond all the lamb bread oh dear uh I need some red stone I need a bit more gold I’m imagine like a crossover of Lord of the Rings and Fallout like the hobit have to take the ring through the world of Fallout to Mount Doom and survive the steel Brotherhood Etc that’d be good I’d watch that oh I I would 100 I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t watch it but that would be crazy I don’t know anybody that wouldn’t watch it yeah yeah be that that nuts like I just it sounds crazy I just got to see it yeah exactly would um Frodo and sambi accustomed to the world of Fallout or are they going into it with like the mindset of they’ve just come from token’s world where energy doesn’t exist and now they’re trying to figure out what this magic is and what basically they they are in the sh which is the sh yeah and they’ve never left the sh and as soon as they step out the door turns out the sh is a vault it’s a vault yeah yeah cuz they’re circular as well it’s it’s it’s works it’s really good oh my goodness a vault just Hobbit holes a vault a vault is really just a big Hobbit Hole yeah that’s crazy and they kind of live like that as well it really is oh man did did fall out rip off Lord of the Rings it must they did didn’t they it must yeah yeah maybe kind of the ghouls or the Orcs or whatever yeah did you say you had Advanced uh universal cable already or should I make more I need more valves because I need to put in heat oh yeah of course into both of them they need a heat So speaking a valve yeah they’re making a new game for the first time in like 20 years valve are making a game it’s like they they made um they made the DOTA two card game obviously that was huge no they didn’t they that that doesn’t exist what uh was it called artifact I knew people that um when artifact came out they bought loads and loads of the cards on Steam Marketplace thinking that they were going to be rich like a year later as prices went up and it’s like oh you got baited even now it’s like Bitcoin they’re just praying that they actually make artifacts good and their cards have value but not going to happen it’s not really not going to happen it’s really not well the banks say you’ve got the much money so you’re rich and you can do these things it’s it’s not really an accurate representation of someone’s actual wealth not really yeah that that is actually true that makes sense this is the most horrendously boring thing to be talking about playing Minecraft sky BL I always get trapped in these things we always get to politics oh you know the Tories oh well I mean when you’re playing the game and you’re just sort of like talking you don’t think about that right no you don’t it’s just like you’re doing something and and words explode while you’re doing stuff I I we us to call it Lego talk and it was more entertaining when we were worse at it because we just said really moronic stuff now we actually say kind of cohesive intelligent stuff political stuff which is really boring that becomes it was much much better when it was like oh what if gimy had was in the Power Rangers a yeah that so which is funny it’s funny think about as a Power Ranger Power R which R which Ranger do you think would be in the Power Rangers oh the pink what color pink the brown I no he’d be the brown Ranger they make a new ranger for him the brown Ranger mostly because of his extracurricular activities he’d replace the Pink Ranger would he know he would want to you know he’s he’s that kind a massive Crush in the pink ranger but I couldn’t imagine and now you have a massive crush on gimy which is correct you should have a massive crush on G all that time I had a crush in the Pink Ranger she takes off her hat it’s gim gimly no or yes or something never thought I’d Die side by side with a blue ranger what about side with a friend that was that was my Awakening that was when I knew dwarves were the one for me dwarves were the one and now for something completely different we have brine nice hot dog water we have hot dog water so now the next step is to use a thingy to turn it into more things a hot dog to turn it into a delicious lunch s stick stick a hot dog in in the evaporation plant and it becomes what does it become uh delicious hydrochloric acid hydrochloric acid stick a hot dog in your thermal evaporation plant you get hydrochlor it becomes sodium Chlor hyper chloride gly sulfate what those were words no just I made I made that up but if I don’t say that I made it up I sound really smart it sounded very smart I certainly didn’t understand what you just said I’m going to go and drink a glass of dihydrogen oxide oh nice dihydrogen oxide did you know every single person who has ever drank dihydrogen oxide has died or will die it’s very poisonous that’s nuts I well it’s weird because dihydrogen oxide is um an acid with a like a much higher pH than most yeah it’s true and and I can drink it and survive so science baby it’s an acid with a much higher pH than most that makes me upset it is true it makes me upset I’ve been staring at the electrolytic separator just talking about fish and just zoning out completely no I have likewise just been putting stuff into meic confusers talking about random [ __ ] oh but I I imagine this episode is not great to um great to watch so if you are watching we apologize for all the Guff that we’re doing but we are getting there honestly like the evaporation plant is a really big moment and the work that I’m doing is going to make everything leading up to that better because now I’ve got the diamonds in the infusing factory I’ve got refined obsidian dust going through the enriching Factory so we are basically kind of good to go like we can make all of the complex stuff from mechanism there we can make the best cables the best tanks uh here’s a question for you yeah um speed upgrade what what what’s the situation on on something like that so we haven’t got any what I would suggest is putting four and four four speed and four energy upgrades into every machine we make that’s like a good medium there’s no reason to go to 88 yet cuz that’s expensive that’s four four is like all of all of our all processing is like four speed upgrades four energy upgrades and that gets us like relatively quick yeah quick enough that we don’t really kind of lack for resources you know yeah until we get a fusion reactor and then A8 and it’s just like it’s beautiful Yeah well yeah yeah beauti you’re a nerd I am yeah me too and we’re playing Sky BL Minecraft of course we’re nerds oh jeez I need a fluid pipe or is it a gas pipe a flip what pipe do I need for brine brine’s a liquid so brine should be a liquid but is it in mechanism is it that’s that’s what I want to know well you can tell if you just like go brine oh that’s true you can take take a look brine uh it’s gas it’s gas yeah gas no that’s gas no that’s gas brine no brine is a liquid confirmed yeah so ites goes in the bucket if it goes in an upside down bucket it’s a gas that’s that’s how I know that’s true good point so dumb so dumb no one’s carrying around gases in upside down buckets unless you farted and that’s quite funny but oh okay you know you never done that like farted into a jar no you’ve never it’s so what you can do is you can fart into a jar and if if it’s a particularly spicy one you can seal the jar and the the flavor is preserved what is going on what is what is happening you put the jar somewhere comical and then someone opens the jar and they’re like oh farts so okay fed in a jar what are you saying you know okay step one we got to fart in a jar and we got to hope that the fart stays in jar well no it it does cuz gas it go it goes up so upside down jar well I mean you can put it right up against your cheeks and then it goes in I don’t know get in there and then you’re going to put an empty jar empty to the eyes somewhere and someone’s going to walk along and just open it obviously yeah don’t you open a jar When You See It lying around I have an insatiable urge to open jars yes I just can’t help myself you made this mistake made the blunder opened a random jar I found and it was full of of F this is the worst conversation I’ve ever had every time every time it’s a fart I’ve made a in the flipping Panic of fart jars I’ve made a gas pipe instead of a liquid one thanks oh I’m not sorry so do we want to kind of automate these um infusing factories pipe sorry we probably do want to kind of automate these infusing factories right so that we have like chests above and below to get the inputs in the outputs it’s always a good way of doing things isn’t it really yeah yeah yeah all right where are we going to put this chest then it’s good practice it is it is all right I make a big chest and I’ll get that done nice look at you being being uh productive chlorine is happening slowly but it definitely requires more heat to produce faster it’s not a case of the electrolytic separator is the bottleneck it’s it’s the brine production is the bottleneck currently and the only real way to improve that is more Heats more heaters yeah um are there anything is there anything else you can use instead of a heater um so the quest says that you can use a fuelwood heater to burn buckets of lava or a resistive heater which uses um energy there’s no other way uh I don’t know if anything else creates heat specifically come have a look well okay walk walk me through this then so we’ve got two evaporation plants here both of these big old evaporation plants need water from the sink here being piped out the sink back here we’ve got some heat being and being piped straight in because apparently you can pipe heat then the brine is coming out the front straight into an electrolytic SE electrolytic separator yes uh turning it into sodium and chlorine and the sodium and chlorum are being T tanked tanked taken into the tanks on either the left and the right so both sodium is a gas and also chlorine is a gas well are both gases and there you go and now where’s our nuclear reactor then how do we do that uh so the nuclear reactor is actually right up your bum so if you just go rumaging over there for a bit oh yeah I found it yeah there it is oh no it’s melted down there it is uh so so there is no nuclear reactor yet but now all I need to do is take this chlorine put it into this chemical infuser with the hydrogen we get hydrogen chloride and the next step of your all doubling machine is done right so so the hydrogen chloride comes out of this machine yes out of this well wait you need hydrogen here as well right yes but hydrogen is downstairs which means I need to pipe this chlorine downstairs you mean like underneath the no Oh you mean in the in the inside inside because you’re already producing hydrogen okay it’s the same hydrogen you use to fuel your jetpack down here right so so do you do you want me to help with any of that cuz I’ve kind of I’ve done all the metallurgic infusing now and this system is pretty tight if you need any kind of alloy you can make it at the Press of a button like super simple uh honestly I just need to basically you tell me how you want pipes to go because all that is required now is the piping cuz I I could basically I could put this here um I need an advanced universal cable I put in the computer because I’m stupid honestly just as long as it’s pretty neat and tidy I’m happy and and that’s fine it won’t be it won’t be neat and it won’t be tidy nope be neither of those oh this is mechanism did you really expect it to be neat and tidy no no that’s the problem with these machines like I wish they were I wish honestly I wish they were a bit more multiblock because you can kind of get pipes into and out of a multi block much simpler but having to get like power items a gas an output into like a one block machine it it’s it’s really clunky and it makes everything look like spaghetti and meatballs you know like where the pipes are the spaghetti and the machines the meatballs this is going to look horrible oh boy but that’s why it’s in the basement that’s why everything that’s got to look ugly down here is to be fair to be fair I can move this over here because uh I wait where is your where where is the actual machine what machine the the machine that requires uh uh uh sodi so it should be left of the the the the one that’s got at the moment so yeah that’s going to expose it okay there you go you don’t have a tool D you want me to make your a penc I have I have a pickaxe but I don’t have an axe I’d love a pel let’s make a couple of diamond paxel thank you I feel like it’s time we’ve got diamonds for quote unquote days I made three oh helloo I made four stacks of thermal evaporation blocks those are the walls right yes does the floor have to be thermal evaporation as well yes yes they do cool okay so it’s 4X four and then bada bing bada boom so you’re going to make even more yeah cuz we we need two more we need ones to make like the sodium and stuff right this makes sodium what this is sodium this no but we need to pipe this we need to pipe something different into oh I see what you’re saying I understand yes yes oh sorry my bad yes yes eventually you will need to make yes yes I’m tired uh does this work let’s find out I’m going to slap oh so it’s all it’s all hooked up I think so I’m hoping if I slap a little bit the extra step we have is the basic injection Factory this injects acid hydrogen chloride right yes hydrogen chloride I need to power it there we go now it’s powered so we also want to move our chest to here instead now right yes this is where it starts so if I slap this one single iron or into the chest that chest boom one iron ore in the chest wait it’s got to suck I mean p suck there it is okay it goes in oh it’s a bit slow but we can speed that up we can speed it up we have the technology give it a sec come on Boom iron shards iron shards so basically want eject on it goes in there oh iron clums four wo wo it’s been done four times 1 to 4 ratio that’s amazing so now 64 iron ore becomes 256 bars that’s nuts damn right that’s like an insane amount I’m just going to take some well there isn’t much iron in here but I used like all of it to make steel that’s real good but there we go we’ve actually done quite a lot this session we’ve got um I guess the metallurgic infusers are now automated look at this so you can basically put whatever you want in these chests at the top and it will create the basic phases and that’s important for getting like some of the more advanced mechanism things we’ve got ther evaporation plants outside you probably able to see the ones that I’ve built over here they’re not yet complete but it’s a super easy thing to do once you know what you’re doing and these will be used for the next phase of mechanism but we’ve done quite a lot this is actually really really really good progress also I built like a kind of semi-automated obsidian system as long as you hold right click down yeah you have to hold right click with a bucket but it’s actually still pretty quick and also I could probably use like an auto clicker if I really wanted to but yeah but it’s pretty good oh man next next step is tier four or factory but that’s that’s a lot of stuff it’s a lot to do but it’s it’s actually not going to be too bad I reckon like in the next session because you’re going to dip out for now and I’m going to get back to solo because I do tend to get a little bit more little bit more done solo cuz we’re not talking about garbage but it’s it’s been it’s been really really really cool so stay tuned because pretty soon me and uh rans will be um appearing in a Terraria series which we’re going to be um knocking out for the channel pretty soon so do stay tuned for that it’s going to be good I’ve not played Terraria forever and I do miss it so yeah a massive thank you for watching my dudes thank you for joining me RADS it’s been it’s been a laugh we managed to dodge politics for most of the time and everything remained relatively clean which every minute of YouTube video is and is a minute that got edited out because of polic let me tell you the problem with the Tories no yeah thank you for watching until next time uh make sure you keep your comments coming in on advice and tips and tricks because we make loads of mistakes get loads of things wrong so it’s nice to hear from you guys your ideas and thoughts but thank you for watching and until next time my dudes take care byebye

This video, titled ‘ATM9 To The Sky! – Chilling in the Mekanism Lab’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-06-17 16:15:02. It has garnered 10848 views and 459 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:04 or 2704 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 To the Sky ( atm9 Skyblock) Episode Eight (ep8)

A friend joins me on the Skyblock to assist me with Mekanism and other Minecraft mods!

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All The Mods 9 -To The Sky

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Unbound

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In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM9 #Minecraft #Skyblock #tothesky

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

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    Insane Escape Challenge ft. Crimson Nyan & Mad Squirrel!Video Information This video, titled ‘Decked Out 2 Escape Challenge! 😀 Attempt #9 !Now With Sound! XD’, was uploaded by Crimson Nyan and The Mad Squirrel House on 2024-01-13 05:17:35. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:52 or 1672 seconds. I attempt a minecraft survival challenge with rules of my own devising inside of The Decked Out 2 dungeon. The world file is from the Hermitcraft S9 World download. This is the challenge as I have currently devised it: –Goal#1 You gotta escape Decked Out 2 by collecting resources to build a… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Satria Panca’s Unedited Mastery

    Mind-Blowing: Satria Panca's Unedited MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘maaf enggak ada editannya’, was uploaded by Satria Panca on 2024-07-22 03:56:33. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Addon Mcpe, Addon Minecraft pe, Addon, Addon terbaik, Addon Minecraft be, Top 5 addon Minecraft pe, addon survival Mcpe, Ahoy, Addon terbaik mcpe, Best Addon Mcpe, Ahoy showcase Addon, Ahoy showcase Texture Pack, mcpedl, frost diamond, Home Staff Addon, Carry All Mobs Addon, Revive Addon, Lootable Bodies Addon, Item Physics Addon, top 5 addon in mcpe, top 5 addon in mcpe 1.17, Minecraft, minecraft pe… Read More

  • 🔴 Custom server chaos with subs – drama and vibes

    🔴 Custom server chaos with subs - drama and vibesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Custom Server With SUBS! – COURT, DRAMA & VIBES’, was uploaded by Curly on 2024-07-12 05:44:40. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:36 or 5856 seconds. In this gaming livestream we are on MINECRAFT and we are starting a brand new survival series WITH subs & viewers! Feel free to join in and get in on this chaos that’ll surely unfold! We are ready for more madness, court, ender dragon, prison and lots and lots and LOTS of MELONS Check out my socials HERE: SUB HERE:… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HIGH SCHOOL ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Anomali SMP – Aku Introvert awuuu atut atut :’3’, was uploaded by Reynard Blanc Ch.『 Re:Memories 』 on 2024-05-29 12:27:57. It has garnered 3845 views and 576 likes. The duration of the video is 05:26:59 or 19619 seconds. Please accompany this introvert Lenad, teach me how to socialize, I’m atut ueueue :’3 You can support me through here!~ 🎹 🎹 Request Song Here!~ Music Commission: 🎹 For collaboration and business Inquiries: 🎹[email protected] ======================= Aturan Live Streaming Rey: 🎹Kalian boleh ngeclip livenya Rey ya! 🎹Tolong jaga ketenangan di chat yaa 🎹Tolong jangan bicara OOT… Read More

  • “Sick MOD Farm Hack for Epic Minecraft Results!” #Short

    "Sick MOD Farm Hack for Epic Minecraft Results!" #ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Minecraft Mod Farm: Easy Guide. #Short’, was uploaded by LogieCan on 2024-03-26 12:15:07. It has garnered 4472 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Want to upgrade your Minecraft world? Follow along with our simple tutorial to learn how to make your own mod farm! Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, we’ll show you step by step how to set up your farm with cool mods #Minecraft #ModFarm #MinecraftMods #ModdedMinecraft #GamingTutorial #MinecraftTutorial #Modding #GamingTips #ModdedFarm #MinecraftFarming #LogieCan Read More