Insane ATTACK ON TITAN Minecraft Simulation!

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imagine you’re in the world of Attack on Titan with monsters called Titans Titan Shifters who can transform into them and 200 bloodthirsty players hunting each other down will I survive with just my one life well in the next few days that’ll be put to the test starting from day one within a town called shun while searching around trying to find some more loot we ran into a suspicious team I guess we’re in the walls oh what was that what what I don’t know there was like something moved thing weird you sure you’re not a skit bro no BR I mean what if it was a Titan what if it was a Titan that went in the walls bro they’ve been saying for years and years the Titans do not go inside the walls bro but as soon as we let our guard down yo are we getting jumped he wasn’t wrong he wasn’t wrong and he was not fat he has a sword wa we can talk about it what a sword I got some stuff jump jump jump come back come back here you can’t you can’t Marco Marco get in get in get in Marco no Marco get in the house get in get in the door’s over here hurry hurry hurry get in okay y parkour parkour yeah yeah my ninja I’m yo they’re right there run wait oh I have to get up oh hell oh I got shot I got shot I got shot where bro if you You’re Gone bro where where you get shot I got hit again again all right split up split up split up split up split up split up oh there’s still right behind us come on come on come on yes yes it worked it worked oh my God they don’t have a bucket got to lose them they’re going to find a way down I think if I find a house just shift I quickly fled into the castle barely escaping their forces what right off the bat there was a colossal Titan breaking down the wall letting floods of Titans inside oh my [Music] God I think they’re taking him hell no okay book Let’s book Let’s book I ran out trying to find an escape but before I knew it players around me became Che toys to these Titans oh it breaks walls it breaks the walls no no no don’t don’t don’t it breaks the walls get some food I’m get Marco I don’t know like couple there like couple D oh my god dude why today why today y yo yo we need to get out of the city bro this led me to fleeing Shanina out of the Boonies in search for some people I can actually team with you’re going to eat me why I just right now guessing these are all looted already that’s where I met no who seemed like he had a screw loose 5 years ago my family were killed by Titans this is before I met you Adrian my best friend my number one nak okay y they were killed slaughtered by Titans one of them was really big in red I call him Marco the Titanic Titan oh anyways we need to avenge my family come on agents we got to get out of here let’s goventure come on I think we should go into the forest cuz it looks like everybody like beign it to these structures so there’s maybe something out there but with him being my first teammate I went into the woods we could maybe find a Titan wouldn’t we be able to turn into a Titan are you stupid agents why would you want to be a Titan dude I thought I saw something I met an ally I had in previous events Jenny but right when we thought we were safe we saw Titan in the distance this was chaos it’s chasing nindo chasing yo it’s into you bro talk to him talk to him this could be your one chance of getting a girl bro okay wa what hey bro listen now the big thing he’s going to do he’s going to slap that big me stick on you listen I put a we might have a high all right I don’t care I’m clb all right listen give me a chance you should have seen the thing he was up to right now he was nibbling on toes that’s a lie Li it isn’t that’s a lie he’s lying he’s lying bro I don’t know who to believe who would you believe a Kronos watch user or nendo let’s be real here I’m sorry yals when is lunch time what the heck Adrians come here come come come come come come come come come I must ask huh what’s the color of your blood let an acri or are you a subject n decided to question me he was trying to gather people to expunge a team known as the acans was a bloodline which some players here were it gives them strength Buffs what color is your blood I have ice in my veins I got ice in my veins I got ice in my veins oh a defected one as well what well regardless we’re defected together what do you mean no don’t me it was regardless Adrians get back here and look at me ad answer my question boy when I ask what color your blood is I ask do you possess the acman blood within you or are you a subject of yir it’s a very simple question I’m a subject oh good good good good good good good good I was afraid I would have your head as my hat you don’t like the AC kill this guy than y Adrian listen do you see that wall Adrians mhm no see the wall within there possesses the enemy the acman Invaders trying to ruin our beautiful bloodline trying to tarnish it do you know what we are Adrians do you know what we are what are we we are the subjects of yir we are the children of a goddess a deity that has given us the power got eaten she got eaten num num num she got eaten num num num this a but before we knew it some players had found a way back into the walls for us defend ourselves against these Titans we need to get a hold of something called odm nerve gear which was located within the walls so our goal was clear [Music] yeah of I was so close to getting I was claming there was a Stairway genuinely we need to get away from these dudes bro they’re creepy we do but listen listen I think I think we we go we do this bit get past it and then get inside the walls and see what we can find cuz I think I think they cleared out a lot of the Titans anything bro one of them is insane one of them is a racist like yeah yeah there’s a lot of crazy people here all right we need to do this parkour bro and with that we were in front of a set of Parkour up okay we can’t do anything they broke everything now this is possible on me where we supposed to I’m on the oh that do work oh wait I think it’s this one I know we kind of screwed it kind SC thank you we don’t have a choice right now they put us here hey they said no build go bro this actually no I’m not Bing you can’t do anything okay I’m stuck on a build now because people keep pushing me off trying to get out of there my teammates fell like morons but unfortunately someone had died attempting to make the jump oh oh my God I’m in half heart Jesus dude be careful ow yo go go go go go I I can’t I don’t have enough Health if I fall go go gentl I want a time bro one at a time there’s way too many people you can go first oh my God you bot okay where oh that’s too close nervous all right okay okay go walk back walk back jump again jump again jump again God go back back back back long oh my God you made it you made it wow wow wow what do you mean w w w i luckily made it and went on my way to a scout mission who gave us our first Quest someone said it was here oh there he is I don’t think this is Levi though oh no it is this Skin’s just broken okay so this one’s completed what the hell there are guards ow ow oh they do damage oh my God I almost got wiped okay so now that I went to the front yeah cuz I’ve already gone inside I think the infiltration was a parkour out recruiter I guess I got to go back inside on my way there I run into Eevee getting caught into some C fire leading to her friend dying um we were we were crying over our cats his got stepped on by a Titan oh my God yeah and then mine I tried to save it from a Titan and it took my eye and now I’m dumb it took more than my eye I think it took my bra oh my God okay it’s okay I’m I’m fine I’m just a little little crazy um I watched my best friend die just moments ago yeah there’s been a lot of duts going on yeah the um okay so the government they’re corrupt they’re crazy I know dude literally the moment I spawned they started chasing me I’m I’m going to go around and see who else I could find but yeah just just be careful we were given a government warning about some stuff going on at the top but regardless we needed Nerf gear so we finally made it to the camp they had training gear and even offered us some Titan fluid which is how players even become Titans in the first place like we don’t get poked into by syringes Enough by our nation our next Quest given to us was to inv investigate an area called The Underground apparently there’s been some complications there that needed resolving but all we had to go off of was the set of cords uh Apparently one of my quests led me into this building I don’t really know so this led to a house which leads us into the underground after stumbling around for a bit we found where we were supposed to be and surprisingly someone lived here are you a shifter what is this hello no I’m not a shifter oh it’s your GRE what’s up yeah what is this place some might call it underworld some might call it cave Hollow Earth hollow Earth one of my teammates had the attack TI syringe I don’t know I’ve been split up dude wait wait wait wait wait wait is your if your team if one of your teammates a Zuko Zay is manipulating Zuko to do his bidding maybe you could un manipulate him by manipulating Zuko that’s a crazy I told him I was going to kill him said can I join your te I said no but you could you okay yeah if you Gaslight him into thinking you have a Titan shifting ability as well and that you want to team with them and that you can dominate the world I don’t for now he knows the current you doesn’t he doesn’t know I don’t I don’t think anyone’s believe in you Marco that’s the whole point I’m about to play a be you got to do something down here the quest led me here this might sound a little wild but it’s telling me to find where the homeless roam well ah to the Slims go something tell me we already are in the slums bro I can feel the CP and blood signs from a mile away bro this place made us feel uneasy and to top it off we had company lurking in the shadows with countless events like these I knew we couldn’t stand by and let them toy with us that was when we noticed a group of nasty looking thugs so we knew so we just you know let them out of their misery I saw movement coming from over here knock knock what the hell kill them they disease they’re dis my they’re poisonous oh they do bring disease yo yo yo they they just they’re full of disease they disase R put them down like I got poison I got poisoned it’s like like they’re sticking the fet needle in you bro they’re trying to make you bums like them I can’t do this anymore oh my gosh with this our Quest was complete why were the Scout captains having us kill kill off innocent drunk people in the underground it didn’t make a lot of sense a person named zay’s wanted to meet up with me without having a clue as to why I agreed all right what do you guys want we’re kind of in the middle of assassinating the the locals okay we we need to talk mean the poor people say how it is you’re a class it’s okay what have yall been up to what have yall been doing um killing dis homeless we’re doing quests we’re doing quests okay we’re doing the government’s Dirty Work we just really hate like poor people we think we think the real problem is not the Titans but the poor people that bring disease I agree they should get arrested okay that’s that’s good that y’all are more against people than you are Titans because uh my boy Zuko here he’s the founding Titan this meant he had total control over the Titans allowing him to control them however he wanted a god amongst Titans if I ever saw one the government is after him bro so like I’m trying to Rally some troops right now to like protect this guy oh my God he’s doing it again stay inside stay inside I want see I think I think he just he might have just done it knock knock you know what you guys go see zuka are you transformed right now yeah you just treat homeless what all right um what Y what are y’all teaching bro it’s like it’s like oh that was off of his own oh oh oh my goodness that is disgusting my textures are loading he like he just shot some Titans Zuko gave birth before I realized we were surrounded by spies so we sent Zuko out there to deal with them while we attempted to run away get get him oh there also go go go go go outside go outside and do it go outside oh gosh wait stay inside show them why they call you the homeless Terrorizer where’d he go wait he might be fighting he’s a dishonorable if he dishonorable he’s a Titan like what are we give us are you going to do it what do you want yoke what do you know tell us everything you know now bro hey now tell us what you what do I know what what did you hear what do you know you killed him he that was the King by the way the was killed off by oakam was the elected King making sure things didn’t get out of hand which may lead the whole server to hate us leaving no more protection and we now had to be extra careful at every step now now that Zuko’s clearly shown that he’s a shifter can we can we talk like for real yeah come here Zuko okay you treat him like a dog come here boy he’s my sh okay so there’s a lot of people who want who want him dead do y’all want him dead look at him tell me look at his eyes um boy big boy I don’t want Hy wow I think it’s better if we put him down bro no no no look at how cute he is he’s like a little it’s like it’s like those two leg dogs that you have just because you feel bad he’s back I’m pretty sure you know tricks right yeah yeah you know can can y help me protect him roll roll from what bro he’s stronger than all of us combined he’s not a dog he’s not a dog no there up like up on the surface there’s like 20 people who want him dead like the whole government wants him dead the whole government wants us dead too oh that’s perfect we can work together once we got to our destination we met with Fuego the leader of the scouts who also had a vendetta against Zuko for some reason wio was an acran thick and thin guys guys yo yo yo yo yo are you friendly no he’s not he’s not he tried to kill Zuko earlier I tried to deport him there’s a difference same difference he’s the Corp he’s a Scouts leader are two separate I really want to to eat yeah that’s the scout leader excuse me sir can I can you list me into the scouts I’m good at looking he he tried to kill Zuko earlier he’s he’s not our friend he’s he’s like he’s the one who gave me the gear doesn’t matter bro you can convince him trust me you can convince him I I I promise you we can’t I tried but look there he’s not killing him off that’s because he knows what what happened last time last time they tried to kill him Zuko killed like 20 people like K homeless I’m getting listed into the army oam decided to ditch us when we needed him the most despite his major mess ups with the King we with everything slowly falling apart as well we had to leave the underground we now caught wind of yet another situation what do you think of this team bro I I think we might be cooked I’m going be real there’s some inner fights there yeah but Zuko’s a good listener he follows the fact fact you’re trying to do that to him is kind of weird I think it’s the fact that anyone can do that to him go be free that’s the scary part after seeing the boats we decided to go on board and see what we can find out I can’t break the eyes these are the guys blocking the shipment oh oh I’m getting jumped like once you swim in water it breaks yeah it does it does oh okay did you get him no you got it bro I believe in you I believed in you since day one there was a couple of Rogue Scouts which we of course took care of but it was way closer than I had expected just as things were starting to look better for us we caught when that Zuko was secretly working with the government we’ve talked about the government before but what that means on this Sur is the Scout captains were given orders by the government which is a group of people and the King within the wall I got some more information about what’s going on okay what’s happening the okay Zuko is working with the government um what yeah he was literally giving like CH s them free stuff is that them go where go dude he’s on the government side what are you talking about I have some questions for who what was that what was why was the two TI fighting okay that’s my dog that’s not your dog but that’s the government’s dog you have no control over him what are you talking about he was literally licking Chase’s toes I will shoot you I will shoot you all yes like Chase took oh my God he literally started offering free items to Chase and then they left that’s your dog right there bro should have trained them better yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s not even your dog anymore bro as we were running around we stumbled into Chase’s team it didn’t take long for us to realize that there was no going back once we had made eye contact with those lifeless bloodthirsty eyes of wait let’s talk to him let’s talk to him yo Chase Chase where’s I don’t know I we I haven’t seen him since we talked on the roof I don’t know about this bro I’m got G attacking who’s attacking you what Focus Moy Focus Moy I’m not [Music] strong yo the Govern get the Govern I’m just I’m here you missed all your attack come here get him come herei I dodge I leave before I knew it we were getting attacked from all sides it wasn’t looking good for us Mo Moy get him get him get him we’re here we’re here we’re backing I thought we were friends I’m acan my guy get off now get off M come here come here come on see my odm gar don’t work this ain’t Fair what you lucky oh my God I’m so sorry please forgive me no Jenny got caught off guard and died once again another miserable death like in every event now not only were we undergeared we were also a man down and with no other choice we had to split up and try to lose down thank you I’m actually missing all my I know you are my sh my captain it’s ATT my Captain manzy [Music] [Music] no it broke again they backing off I think they found someone else I managed to escape and met up with zann y y bro what happened Jenny died and afterwards the entire team started chasing me cuz I was targeting Moy not not with this odm gear too bro they’re acans like we’re kind of yeah I didn’t really realize that our only option is to try to become Titan Shifters we got to kill Titan we got to like I don’t no I don’t know how to do that though to be honest me neither Zuko just kind of showed up with a syringe I probably should have asked him where he got that from but unsure where to go we headed back to the city center where the Squad Captain waited with another quest for us our lock in bro this is where the quest led us to I don’t know what to expect I don’t know what we’re going to see we might see nothing to be honest the underground Quest led us to homeless people so I don’t I don’t know what to expect this Quest led us to a bridge where we took some of the Rogue Bandits but I couldn’t get careless all right let’s go there’s a behind us too be careful oh I’m low I’m one heart I don’t want to die help help okay this guy’s messing me up okay just keep switching oh my blades broke what be careful I got him o this I just got the human remains Quest completed let’s go all right now we got that out of the way got free 15 bread okay we can leave from here uh do you don’t want to settle down not here we just trying to build something I’m not building a family with you bro bro I didn’t say with me I’m talking about that Titan over there that clearly likes you dude what all right let’s get out of here okay we have so much more to live for than this bridge we finished the quest on our way back we found two randoms wandering around but they didn’t seem too friendly so we decided to give them a little surprised where it’s Adrian it’s Adrian friendly or what’s up you friendly yum yum potato food I don’t think these ones are educated Adrian I can’t speak yeah what you guys been up to huh what down calm down guys we don’t want to we don’t want to fight we don’t want to fight tell me are you guys who do who do you guys work for uh uh we’re with no one oh my God please we’re with no one he I don’t trust you yet no I’ll take take all your take all your oh no hey do do you all work for the government no no we hate them that’s well that’s who we work for oh no I don’t hate them he’s the only one who hates them I I was high these guys don’t stand on business Adrians we hate the government and y’all y’all oh okay I think I think we I think I think we just have to oh that one went on the Run we got a runner where are you chicken we managed to get one but his friend escaped like a New York City rodent I heard you join the Army hey man I did join the Army you want to talk about that you know I needed to be in the Army to grow an army I needed to learn the the ways you guys were kind of messing around in ient some might say weren’t you teaching you were you were the only thing inefficient about your team you were just yapping the whole time we we we lit be trying to talk and you just like be like on your own people where’s Zuko where’s Zuko he’s dead why because you you’re inefficient you suck at protecting a little boy your dog you don’t say that about him you don’t call him a dog all right so why why’ you call us out here being in the Army you get you get some inside info guess what I found out the female Titan is in this Forest bro she’s hiding she’s lurking but she’s in here somewhere might be able to get a syring from her we can get the syringe that’s what I’m saying that’s a good point okay okay what’s your him am I supposed to know you said she you knew that she was in this forest and also how do you plan on killing her we are in the forest well I’m the goat I’ve been training I’m a natural all right show us then the way right behind you I don’t even think humans would be in here for us there’s another opening up at oh I hear something admit it who did that she’s so bad what go are we fighting it she’s kind of she’s kind of heavy she needs to W whoo wo W oh she’s fast oh oh look out she’s doing yoga that did damage oh my God is okra fighting ‘s fighting her oh God oh my Jesus there’s another one back there oh damn bro got the nape these other people Vindicator part of the army fego part of the army hey where she going no she ran into the forest what the hell do we follow her should we follow her I mean sure okay my odm gear is broken so if we see her we’re kind of dead I think mine is broken too hit it wait where where did she go I don’t know where did Marco go wasn’t he with you I don’t know bro we got lost and sauce during the fight are you serious yeah it seems like oakam had disappeared out of nowhere leaving no clues behind we began to get worried he was held captive somewhere maybe by the acri that were calling the shots here I went to go investigate into the woods while I couldn’t exactly find what I was looking for I did find myself a syringe it was the attack Titan syringe which had huge strength Buffs and decent speed also the hardening I’m going to use this as a last resort type of thing I don’t think I want to use it yet cuz I didn’t announce as it to people that might be a problem not going to lie we need to take charge or something dude this is ridiculous like the government we could overthrow them low key you this whole time no you haven’t what you’ve been okay wait what you’ve been saying I know you’re anti-government but you’re also like anti every oh w w what what’s up the hood bro oh my God was busy getting lost in the forest chased ambushed me and soon his entire team followed yo come here bro come here bro thato I tried running away but Chase transformed into the jaw Titan there was no way I could outrun that Beast oh oh that could have been so bad without any chance of winning this fight I decided to take a Gamble and climb up a wall hoping to lose him you can’t reach me up here can you I look you oh what are you doing I don’t feel safe here okay okay um Stroke of Luck I managed to escape him alive but I had meet up with the rest of my team I was too vulnerable alone did you survive like what happened did you kill anyone I I went back to save you and then they got distracted by me Chase Chase is a Titan he’s a Titan which one I I don’t know he was CW in on his all fours whatever it is though it’s fast on land like really fast the only reason I escaped was cuz I went up onto the wall almost died too I ran I I ran into Bree Bree actually saved me we were fighting Moy um and then we came up here I don’t know where bream went though I lost him did you win no he got away our odm gear broke after meeting with zays we headed to the castle for our next quest which had Us carry a very important task at being saving the Queen here it is yeah it’s hard to explain you know I want to tell Zayn’s that I have the attack Titan oh how do we get in but I don’t I don’t know if I should trust him uh there’s usually a hole there was there was a hole Yeah here it is there players there Players let’s see what they’re up to as soon as we got to the castle we saw oakam talking to Eevee so I guess he wasn’t dead after all though concerning to why these two were even talking maybe a lover’s quarrel who knows we tried reconnecting but he was being distant almost like he found out I doxed him on the stream the other day happened he’s Titan she’s a Titan God what’s happening I think she just transformed before we can leave we heard a Titan transformation happen nearby so we hit the dash the queen is who the queen Eevee I don’t think so I think one of them did the quest we were just in the area so that Quest is completed so the next one is just like coordinates we were s here to check it out the next Scout Quest we were given was to find a blimp from a different city nearby so we set out even though the world was filled with Titans wa look up what am I to see right now look up I don’t see anything it’s a sky straight up you’re such a bot bro you are such a bot oh my god oh oh my god oh a blip I see it I see it oh my God BL this is who I’m teamed with I’m cooked I see it Adrian so here wa wa okay I bet we don’t go that way I heard a lot of Thunder I think a Titan’s transforming over there climbed to the top looking around for anything suspicious but we heard some sounds we found a whole Titan just wandering around there this should have been served as a warning but we ignored it and continued we pretty stupid I have the attack Titan syringe what I got it during the fight with Annie what yeah are you going to use it I haven’t use it yet but I think like the reason I haven’t used it is because it displays it in chat idiot there were some eldians who seemed scared for their life it was foolish for us to assume that they were scared of the Titan because moments later I think we found out what they truly were terrified of you think lives up here what what happened dude oh my God a tit just took a big bite big bite out of me there’s a TI right there that actually scared me oh my gosh we got to kill it we yes we what do you mean okay we can mine around right there should be other things yeah there’s a big hallway out there there’s just a these are just a bunch of rooms oh they’re like dorms wait Adrian he’s locked on me right now I can see him through the wall like look if I come over here you can come out you can go out that door and maybe get him from the back are you sure okay wait it depends on what Titan it is it’s just a four meter here unless I can get it oh okay I’m out here right now he’s not attacking me I’m going to try to get him okay Adrians I have an idea bro I’m going to jump off 360 slice him in the N oh my God okay just wait I got to I got to clear some room so I can do a 360 okay are you ready he’s breaking blocks this might be my best idea yet bring him over here bring him over here ready three 2 1 spin okay it didn’t work it didn’t work it did not work it did not work it did not work it did not work um maybe one more time hard oh I got him okay cut that so it makes it look like it was my 360 that did it and keep every buddy to no don’t do that don’t do that okay there’s a human on board oh oh oh y blocking them off come on you think there’s more humans on board uh I don’t know wait why are there humans and Titans on board how does that make sense I don’t know this one’s broken and I don’t think we’ve been here okay that’s why that’s why that’s why run him we can block him wait got him saints Saints I’m trying I’m trying so hard right now okay okay first try um were you about to block me off no yeah you had the two blocks place he’s gone another guy oh gosh let me get oh watch out behind you behind you oh my God he’s on me oh that’s broken that’s broken that’s broken I got this that’s crazy not a problem anymore there’s water right below us I heard noises above us just let me play there’s there’s another thing hey who whoa whoa whoa who who eeve and Oak found us once again what you do to my blimp is this your your blimp no this is my blimp I don’t my blimp yeah everything in this world is mine I’m I’m tired bro she knows it’s my blimp I’m tired of your I’m tired of the government the AC what do we what do we do to you they’re ugly all I hate the way that they talk I hate the way that they walk I hate the way that they dress you guys are just medaling in everybody’s problem the government doesn’t even know what I’m doing bro I’m taking over this world is mine and either you guys join me and help me take over this [ __ ] government and kill off the actor men those inferior beings or you guys are my enemy but I’m merciful I’m merciful so I’ll let you guys have the choice to join they threaten us and it’s either acman Slaughter or death to us for protecting them can we get a little privacy can we get a little privacy for two seconds oh yeah of course we can go over there yeah what do we do what I I don’t know did we join him no you could pop that and then like die I I’ll just jump out probably going die do you have a knife wait really here pause you guys are what uhuh no pop one we picked neither but that clearly wasn’t the right choice as a they started to hunt us down like rabbits I’m alive you think I don’t see you okay where is he I’m looking don’t don’t hit me trust me after escaping okam and Eevee I found Zayn’s and two other acrian we found another castle and this time our goal was to protect it easy right well not so much as our entire lives depend on it okay oh Jes that door oh my God the lag oh my have we checked out inside the building there’s like a door on the left here let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh that was bad that was angry angry Ang oh break this wall break this wall do it do it do it I can’t see I can’t see don’t look back don’t look back fight back fight back wait they’re killing them they’re killing him we can help them oh my gosh these guys are really acrian huh oh oh that’s what the Spin Attack is probably the acrian showed us what they could do this made us glad to have them on our side we definitely didn’t want them as enemies we should have just worked together from the start but not did oakam in Devious ways oh God should we try to we should probably help them can’t I use my maneuver gear you guys good uh oh yeah yeah now it’s probably a good time to switch now a great time to fight back go shift go shift go shift yes okay I’m TI what is going on with my body dude die am I doing damage to them okay messing you up buddy oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m getting double teamed this is crazy I don’t think I can kill them hey ability what I what did I just do what did I just do no I decided to test out my Titan abilities and they did not disappoint we fled to a nearby area discovering an abandoned house we found a few things here but zay’s ended up getting a Titan syringe of his own which was the Beast Titan syringe what is going on I don’t know what just happened we got to get out there hello who is that I’m the Beast Titan what what do you see me yeah I do I’m the Beast Titan this was a strong Titan which could grow rocks at Titans and is very lanky we were finally getting together a strong team we headed back but when we got there a huge crater awaited us and I was starting to get a bad feeling about this place the hell is that thing okay that’s a Titan more Titans they’re fighting what what the hell oh my God oh my God I clutched that keep my distance from this fight someone was fighting a Titan I didn’t want to get involved but it seems like that was the wrong choice Oh shoot that’s what the government and the Titan team what the hell is oh yeah we’re so CED we’re so CED I mean at least we’re both shifters but like we’re up against the colossal we’re up against the jaw we’re up against the female yeah literally everything oh gosh all right well what do you want to do oh should we head inwards yeah we got to head in you know what Adrian it’s been nice knowing you met in the slums of uh the underneath then what happened then you then my dog died yo I’m not going to lie everything in your life went downhill after me to me yeah honestly that is so true I had such a good thing going and yet through all of this all my friends you’re the one who stayed that is so unlucky for me well Adrian’s what is that the the Sun never sets in the waast but it always sets in the Beast you know what I’m saying is that cuz you’re the Beast Titan mhm you feel Beast I am the Beast feel beast mode call me a beast it’ll help me in this final fight call me a beast well now there just the two of us and there’s no one around I I want to Reas the question no I do not want to do mouth to mouth but how do you know I was going to ask that cuz you been if it’s a life if it’s a life or death situation I would rather die you need CPR I don’t need you Zay and I ran into Chase once again but this time we couldn’t run oh oh oh oh [ __ ] A I can’t believe that was our last conversation I can’t believe that’s how we [Music] go damn his whole team transformed in front of her faces before the battle even started it already felt like we lost our coordination was non-existent we gave it are all but inevitably we lost the fight Chase’s team was just too powerful and without oakam we stood no chance I died an honorable death in the middle of a battlefield later oakam would also end up dying to tax collectors he just couldn’t resist committing tax fraud if you guys got any suggestions for other anime saves let me know in the comments peace

This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate an ATTACK ON TITAN Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-07-07 23:00:14. It has garnered 47632 views and 1505 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:25 or 2605 seconds.

100 players we’re thrown into a town called Shiganshina to fend off against Titans 20 times their size, will they survive human eating titans or fall victim to the their reign! Watch till the end of the video to find out!

200 Players Simulate an ATTACK ON TITAN Civilization in Hardcore Minecraft… ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Socials 🔥 🎀 Stalk Me : 🔖 Join Our Community : 🧧 Contact Me : 💓 Help me go Full Time! :

◤ Creators Involved ◢ ➜ @oakram72 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #civilization #minecraft #minecraft100days #attackontitan #aot #minecraftanime

100 Days as EREN YEAGER in Attack on Titan Minecraft! minecraft attack on titan mod modpack 100 player civilization In this video I explored what it is like to have the powers of EREN YEAGER for 100 DAYS in Minecraft Attack on Titan as the ATTACK TITAN! I am one of the most powerful TITAN SHIFTERS out the all of them including the COLOSSAL TITAN. As the ATTACK TITAN I had to battle other Titans like LEVI to Survive for these 100 Days!

◆ The Music Used In This Video Belongs To Their Respectful Owners ◆ ✉ Email me if there’s any issues or for sponsorship opportunities ✉

  • Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft AI Experiment!

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  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

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  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

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  • BobLyn’s Insane Arctic Outpost Build – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!

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  • Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴

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  • ValticSMP

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  • Faster Gaming’s Parkour Shenanigans

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  • 🐶First Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!🌍

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  • Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleet

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  • Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!

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  • Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!

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  • EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS – MUST SEE!

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  • INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11

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  • Cobalt SMP – Cozy Active Community, Vanilla, Events, Discord, NO RESET

    If you’re looking for a 24/7 chill / private SMP Server, join Cobalt SMP! We just started the server up 3 days ago and already have a strong active community. We have spots remaining for our next batch of players. Simply comment your IGN and we will whitelist you. Plugins Include: McMMO, Land Claiming, & /sethome /home /warp /setwarp Join our Discord server: Read More