INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!

Video Information

last episode we went ahead and summoned the Jojo and made a fast andesite Farm producing many different resources ready for Automation and this time we’re going to be building quite possibly the biggest Factory I’ve ever made and automating the entire and asai age of create mostly I’m probably going to forget a few things and in between episodes I have been a busy busy boy as you can see the most obvious thing uh we have another giant custom tree which is looking wonderful and I’ve been hard at work expanding the decorations around our world adding in a lovely Little River connecting to our water farms for the rice and kelp which from above you can see stretches all the way down to our big lake so it’s all nice and connected expanding our M shaft with two new floors the first of which being a little Moss Farm which this is just a vanilla one I was getting really fed up of going all the way out to a lush cave every time I needed Moss so uh it’s pretty handy and then a floor below that we have an actual storage room it’s nothing fancy just a bunch of chest with some stack upgrades but it holds all of our stuff pretty well we got all our workbenches move the enchanting down here and I do want to say this is not going to be my final storage room I just needed something quick and dirty to uh tide me over until I build something better and then lastly I have also decorated the iron farm which I did show off in the last video but you know here it is it looks really nice and I do got to say our little village here is really coming together I’m really happy with how this is all turning out today’s project takes place in this rather unfinished corner of the base in which we’re going to be building a factory that is going to automate pretty much all of the andesite age because when I looked into it pretty much everything in early game create can be made from wood and aite and iron which are all three things we have automated but anyway I’m going to make use of our new storage room gather up some materials ready for our big project [Music] well that certainly was a lot more items than I thought to make but we got there in the end thankfully all of our Farms so far made this relatively painless but we’re going to let the cannon play we’re going to let it do its thing um oh gunpowder oops uh gunpowder gunpowder although I can’t lie with y’all I got really excited and I may have designed the farm already um but what I’m going to do is I’m going to let the cannon play here and then I’m going to do my best to explain this absolute Madness to all of you aha so uh it doesn’t look enormous but the amount of things this Factory is going to make is insane this entire wall of drawers behind me is going to be filled with different items and with the draw Network here what we can do is we can use these controller slaves with a filtered output to pull from these drawers over here so every item in the system will be stored in these drawers any of these funnels connected to a slave can input an output into them so here we have some SS making strip logs we have some turning those into planks and we even have a few here making shafts cuz you get slightly more andesite all and then just behind that we have some presses making iron sheets and then over here we have a bunch of deployers being given andesite alloy and the strip logs from over there to make a casing and then on the back of this floor we have all of our mixing recipes so over here we have three basins making andesite alloy we have two here making large and small cogs have one here making encased chain drives we have one making Depot and we have one making portable storage interfaces and all of these work by pulling items out of these funnels at the back we just fill what they want to use and it will automatically backfill here and then for everything else we want to craft we have an absolute Army of mechanical arms and mechanical Crafters down below I still need to go through all of these crafters and add in some slot covers to like make the shapes and stuff but for the most part this is all of the recipes here too but obviously this doesn’t work at all without two main things one being our core items our wood our andesite and our iron so we need to get those brought over here and then the other thing thing which I’m going to deal with later is in my testing this uses about 100,000 Su to run at full speed cuz you know I want to run this thing at 256 RPM I’m not I’m not making this slow we’re going big here and I don’t think making 100,000 stress units with water wheels is the best idea cuz that works out to about 195 water wheels and I know yall love your water wheels but man that’s that’s a few too many even for me which side note I think a lot of people are going to be really irritated at this but have not made a single steam engine in this world cuz everything you see here all of these Farms all of these lovely things is powered solely by water wheels there’s these few more down here oh yeah there’s one power in those belts few more power in the iron farm can’t forget the ones powering the Wood Farms and the ones hidden up here for the elevator so yeah I think it’s about time we enter the steam age for this project because uh yeah I I don’t want to make that many W Wheels but thankfully this building is quite long so we should be able to squeeze in a decent Siz steam engine along the back here but I don’t really need the power over here right this second so I’m going to focus on getting our three main resources over into the farm here which is probably just going to consist of a lot of tunnel digging a lot of belt running so uh I’ll bring you back in when that’s done that actually took a lot longer than I expected to hook up these belts but we have all three of these items coming in now from our various Farms what I’ve actually opted to do is for the iron we’ve got it on a threshold switch just so we don’t overfill the belt cuz uh yeah I don’t really want to have like few thousand iron blocks just chilling on this belt here the wood in the andesite I don’t mind but the iron I’d rather uh yeah keep that a bit more controlled but that means that we now have all the raw resources we have the farm all built we just need to power it now normally it would be an absolute pain to find the outline of the building so I know where to put my steam engine but uh no I’ve I’ve actually been smart for once not smart enough to bring a schematic table but smart for sure my schematic 14 very well named so I’ve taken a schematic of the first layer of the build and now if we use free cam we can see that gives us the exact outline of where everything needs to go pretty genius the plan for the steam engine is pretty simple we’re just going to run some pipes underneath our Blaze burners and then we’re going to use these straws which is going to convert them over to a liquid inventory and that means we can pump lava directly from our cauldrons into the blaze burners without having to do any of that mechanical arm bucket nonsense although looking at this I think maybe 24 cauldrons to 18 burners might not be enough to run this sustainably so I think I’m just going to add one more layer of these uh and that should be enough so all of that set up we can go ahead and put our fluid tanks on top of here and I believe it’s four blocks tall to be Max size and I’ve run out of fluid tanks add on our steam engines and this thing is looking pretty good for the shafts themselves what we’ll probably do is stick them going down we’ll connect these all underground and then power the farm with it that way couple blocks here for the dripstone to go on and then we see do I actually have any pointed drip Stone uh no Great Harvest pointed dripstone also lag horribly apparently ooh this this seems bad ah add pointed dripstone trap doors to hold the lava back collect lava buckets ah lag that was terrifying some lava buckets for seasoning powered up blazes are running and I forgot the water oh no so then we add a little bit of water and oh yeah there it is and then to finish up we just attach a belt across the bottom and that’s going to combine the power of both of our engines now we just need to connect this to the farm okay so we just crank this to Max and connect the chain drive to it ah this is really exciting we’re really getting somewhere now so all I have to do is go through grab all the different materials and put them into the drawers and this thing should start going and you know in the time that it took me to fill all of these slots out it it’s pretty much done everything I think the only thing it’s now crafting is the drills because I’ve gone through and I’ve added some upgrades into these so we can store more of certain types of items and stuff and yeah it all seems to be functioning you can see it’s just backfilling all of these random little bits now but it seems to be working pretty good one thing I am slightly worried about is though our steam engine doesn’t seem to be keeping up on the heat front like the The Blaze burners are not getting enough lavas which is a little wor woring we may have to add yet another layer of cauldrons here which I don’t know if they just need time to backfill but I don’t know man I might add another layer here but that is a problem for later ske because as you can see we have some very terrible outline blocks going on here and we need to fix that as well as fixing the landscape so I’m going to run back down to the storage room see what building materials we have and hopefully get started on this I was thinking about it the other day as well and my fa build in the world is the mft elevator up above me and we made that based off of a reference image so I think for the factory we’re going to do the same thing and I found this really cool image and it seems really interesting I’m a very big fan of this part near the bottom where it kind of goes in and then out again so I kind of want to replicate something a little like that with the build and then the two big towers on the side you can kind of see how it’s going to come together from the outline definitely we’re going to want some Mossy blocks some stone bricks little bit of tough couldn’t hurt definitely quite a bit of spruce wood and dark oak wood and some canopy for the roof dark oak planks for the roof trim maybe jungle wood to go with the mud then we’ll also go with our classic red to yellow glass gradient and lastly some Moss so I think the most important part to get right is going to be this weird in andout segment that I want to do so we’ll start off by doing like a rim of stone brick all the way along where this warped is and then from here we’ll have it go in a block and use some of these chipped wood blocks and then on top of those we’ll do some copycat steps and then we’ll put stripped wood in those and then maybe on top of that just finish off some copycat slabs with Spruce log in them and that kind of creates like that effect where it goes in and then out again though looking at this we probably want to break it up with some kind of pillar and then just to break it up even further we’ll probably come in and replace a few of these blocks with stairs just so it kind of helps that shape a little more and then even on the front we could do some surface Moss like this and the odd glow Len as well just for a bit of texture yeah I’m liking that and then above this we’ll come in with our mud wood gradient and I’ll make sure here that we leave some space to put some windows and stuff in then we’ll just add some looms for decoration I wonder can we put these in copy cats oh yeah oh that’s cool and then on top we’ll do dark oak for the roof trim and I want to give this a very slight overhang couple supports underneath just for Decor we then just fill in our Windows couple decorations on the front and you can really see the vision starting to come together I am so happy with how this is turning out although there is one little edit I want to make to this and I want to rip out these stairs and replac them with framed ones in those stairs I want to do some chip blocks like this just to give it a bit more texture and to be fair while we’re doing that we could also do this with the canopy wood and then we can have our strip logs in here for a bit more texture too moving on anyway we’re going to move up to the towers next which are going to be made with a bit of a gradient starting with some tough and then just some smooth Stone after that a little bit of light gray concrete powder top of that concrete powder we’re going to go for Limestone and then at the very tippy top peak of the roof we’re just going to do a very slight bit of calite for our details and stuff we’re going to be using some polished tff add in some windows then we come back in with our frame stairs for the roof trim fill that in with our blocks filling in the middle of this roof we’re going to go with the Red Roof variant this time and that is kind of the basis of what we’re going to be building here so I just need to get this repeated on both sides and all around and and then we can start adding some details so for that I’m going to go ahead and boot up stream over on the twitch if you don’t already follow me over there you definitely should link will be in the description and we’ll see how much of this we can get built I should probably also actually fix the terrain here too that’s probably job number one one eternity later and it’s looking pretty good if I do say so myself we’ve still got quite a bit of work to go I actually ran out of Mangrove wood so I wasn’t able to finish this side of the roof but we got all of the main structure built and I believe everything in here has now completely filled up which is great but you know what it’s time for comment of the day question of the day whatever that thing yeah uh today’s question comes from Anonymous anims asking I guess what is like my favorite contraption that I’ve built in the create mod it would be hard to place like what would be my favorite but I did really enjoy making absolutely Mega goofy mining Contraptions when we were digging out a perimeter in our little private server I have with some friends we just made these absolutely ginormous mining machines which stretched from the lava level all the way up to the Bedrock of the nether each wall was like 2,000 drills and if we added like one more block they were disappearing into nothing so it was quite literally at the very limit of how big a Contraption can be in create they were really fun to make and it was just so goofy watching the entire nether just be eaten a live by these machines sadly I didn’t actually record any of it but uh I definitely have screenshots of the goofiness of them so uh yeah but I think that’s probably where we’re going to leave things for today because I have a very busy work week coming up and I want to get this video out before that starts all of like the remaining little decorative work on this farm and everything else around the world I’ll probably get done over on a stream so make sure to come and check out the twitch if you want to see some extra content obviously make sure to like And subscribe and I will see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Automating the ENTIRE ANDESITE AGE in Minecraft Create Mod!’, was uploaded by Skeej_Inc on 2024-05-03 19:03:54. It has garnered 10943 views and 487 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds.

In this episode we AUTOMATE THE ENTIRE ANDESITE AGE! (mostly…. i probably forgot something) ————– Try my Modpack? ————– Join my discord? 🥺👉👈 ————– Follow me on twitch for more content! ————–

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    Mob Mastery: Minecraft 1.21 | Allay Away in Style! Yo, Blockheads, it’s yo boy yo plays on the scene, Diving deep into Minecraft’s new Allay machine. No need to tame, just befriend with a gift, Watch them collect items, give your gameplay a lift. Find them in cages at Pillager outposts and Mansions, Free them, befriend them, no need for expansions. Hold out an item, let them take the bait, They’ll collect more of the same, no need to wait. But remember, their radius is small, Only 32 blocks, don’t expect them to haul. They’ll collect dropped items, not ores in the ground, But with their help, your… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creepersgonnacreep Read More

  • Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Naruto Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Creating the Naruto Portal in 2024 Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when players like UzeMing take it to the next level. In a recent video, UzeMing embarked on a journey to create a portal inspired by the popular anime character Naruto in the year 2024. Building the Portal UzeMing started by gathering materials like Flint and Steel, along with additional items like orange and black walls. With a 4×5 size in mind, the portal began to take shape. The intricate design showcased UzeMing’s creativity and attention to detail. Entering the Portal As the… Read More

  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

    11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft Important Things To Know If You Just Returned To Minecraft Minecraft, a game that constantly evolves with new updates, can be overwhelming for players returning after a hiatus. Here are 11 important things to know if you’ve just come back to Minecraft: Diamond Armor Without Diamonds Did you know that you can obtain a full set of enchanted diamond armor without mining a single diamond? The key lies in the armorer Villager, who, when leveled up, can sell you enchanted diamond armor at a reasonable price. Gear up quickly with this trick! Optimize Crop Farms When it comes to… Read More

  • Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!

    Delving into the Abyssal Chasm in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Story – Episode 3 – Abyssal Chasm [EN]’, was uploaded by Nico Nirva on 2024-04-04 22:05:25. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:45 or 945 seconds. [Twitch] [My Twitter] [Music from Youtube Audio] Bug Catching – Emily A. Sprague Shadowing – Corbyn Kites Two of Us – Saidbysed …And Ragnarok Online – 49 – Watery Grave #NicoNirva #Minecraft Read More

  • Terrifying Cave Mod Adventure

    Terrifying Cave Mod AdventureVideo Information capítulo 2 de este mod del cave Horror Story Okay señores bienvenidos al capítulo número dos esta vez estamos donde lo habíamos dejado Señora Vaca usted no va a ingresar ahí sí sí lo sé estamos en el capítulo número dos en el cual vamos a intentar sobrevivir ya que como les dije estábamos en modo difícil y Bueno hay muchas cosas por hacer de momento que esto marcadores no me interesa bueno de momento Entonces vamos a estar haciendo una mina Mena Porque necesitamos recursos pero también necesitamos hacernos un huertito creoo que no Ah no s… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Memes ft. Lava, Water, Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 06:26:30. It has garnered 2008 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!

    INSANE!! Automating Entire Andesite Age in Minecraft!Video Information last episode we went ahead and summoned the Jojo and made a fast andesite Farm producing many different resources ready for Automation and this time we’re going to be building quite possibly the biggest Factory I’ve ever made and automating the entire and asai age of create mostly I’m probably going to forget a few things and in between episodes I have been a busy busy boy as you can see the most obvious thing uh we have another giant custom tree which is looking wonderful and I’ve been hard at work expanding the decorations around our world… Read More


    "INSANE REASONS TO JOIN MY VIRAL MINECRAFT SERVER!" #games #dutch #smpVideo Information alle Minecraft servers zijn natuurlijk niet volledig uniek maar toch willen we jullie een paar redenen geven om onze server wel te joinen onze server is lang in development geweest en alle functies werken nu dus het is goed speelbaar Ook hebben wij speciale features leaderboards en natuurlijk Kermit op span ook krijgen wij binnenkort een nieuw seizoen en een hele grote zomerupdate Laten we daar even induiken binnenkort krijgen wij een nieuw seizoen waar alles reset maar er ook heel veel nieuwe dingen komen en hoe je op de hoogte blijft van alle updates en de leaks… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›

    Unbelievable: Getting Stronger Every 3 Minutes in Kimetsu No Yaiba in Minecraft! ‹ Ine ›Video Information hoje aqui no Minecraft a cada 3 minutos vamos Opa conseguir aspirações mais fortes Ah cara aliás eu tô com um pouco de dor de cabeça então mano Ah Espero que isso não atrapalhe o meu desempenho porque eu não quero perder essa série aqui para quem não tá ligado a gente tem várias portas de cores né branca como dá para ver azul e a preta e bom atrás de cada uma dessas portas tem um poder diferente do juts kaisen e esse poder ele vai ficando mais poderoso a cada TR minutos e assim você tem… Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 – Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!

    Minecraft Story Mode S1: EP 1 - Mind-Blowing Plot Twist!Video Information hey guys Mar here welcome to Minecraft story mode I don’t know why six to seven years ago I did season 2 and not season 1 but this time I’m here to do season 1 for yall since I know this game is no more because tto games is gone and uh now maang or Microsoft has t me up with Netflix to make something else entirely so thought I’d replay this add it to the list of videos I should have done before season 2 so here we go I’m only going to do episode one tonight… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!

    SHOCKING: Why you should never underestimate wood!Video Information parce que en gros il a dit [ __ ] sur Oui écoute on va voir ça on vair ça jeoupe la comm pas je rej dans le [Musique] à pas il y a pas de qui t’a dit qu’ prison il y avait PASF tinquiète une BD où se trouve vasy dis qu’on a fa continue à parler tu vas je va les [Musique] baisere la [Musique] Ve [Musique] pour nuag bloqu dans le mirage 4 service pas SOS a que moi qui peut me servir je vend pas la mort faudrait [ __ ] Servier les… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi’s Basics 2 Showdown!

    Ultimate Herobrine vs Baldi's Basics 2 Showdown!Video Information hey everyone Baldi still thinks he has a chance against me so let’s show him that I’m still the most powerful and evil being in Minecraft by hitting that like button did you hit it good now let’s get [Music] him if I were you I’d start running you know normally I would think that that was a good idea but you still have one more question left to complete the first not book I don’t want to play your stupid game Baldi I want to kill you plain and simple oh wow you’re really evil aren’t you… Read More

  • Vonix Network

    Vonix NetworkA survival and creative velocity minecraft sever with several plugins including Slimefun Iron Elevators and more, you can check out the website for feature list! We aim to create a memorable and fun experience for you and your friends Read More

  • TownThrive SMP – Whitelisted, Towny, Voice Chat, Movecraft

    IP: (whitelisted) Discord: ~ Server Information: 24/7 runtime, hosted in Florida Average of 20-30 players throughout the day List of Plugins & Significant Features: Towny Squaremap Geyser (Bedrock Crossplay Compatibility) Movecraft Cannons FlagWar Brewery Simple Voice Chat Compatibility No Economy Plugin No (/tpa), (/home), (/back) No P2W features No End Crystals Read More

  • DarkWater SMP Hardcore Lifesteal (VoiceChat) (GriefPrevention) (Cross-Play) 24/7

    Dark Water Junior High School 24/7Very simple basic SMP with added plugins for added difficulty for Minecraft latest version.Plugins list:GriefPrevention VictoriesJunior High School LifestealHarderMobsAntiCheatSimple VoiceChatHow To PlayPlayers are encouraged to work together and or build/survive their nations and towns to their will. Everytime you die you will lose a heart and after you lose all you will perish. PVP is enabled and so is voicechat. All players have equal commands and permissions and there are no ranks. If you die you may be revived with a revive beacon or you may simply craft more hearts to survive. There are no… Read More