INSANE AUTOMATION in Modded Minecraft 1.12.2!

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All righty hello let’s just wait for the connection make sure YouTube is youtubing one two is it going to start stream it says live on the Studio but it’s not saying live on the live page God love YouTube oh oh is it working is it finally doing a thing I think YouTube is finally working yay God that takes far too long to get that working hi welcome why is it saying no data yeah I’m definitely uploading

Data there we go I think um YouTube studio is just being a little bit [ __ ] so that’s always fun anyway hi welcome how are you all doing today I am back on I I don’t know why I’m even bothering to introduce the server hello there General

Kenobi uh yeah I don’t know why I’m bothering to int uh introduce the server we all know where I am I’m back on the choo Chu Craft Server yeah but you know what I should have murdered you using my bow that would have been slightly more efficient in

Terms of um cooking or lack thereof hi hello there I thought you were Charlie for a moment can’t imagine why no I can’t think why either have I have some whatever they are oh hi Christina I see a Christina in my chat how many are in your group oh just um

You okay let me just how are you doing huh how’s you doing did you say something about joining the group no I was just saying how many were in your group but just you yeah right now it’s just me I’m guessing that’s CU um Charlie’s over with you in

Discord yeah Charlie’s on Discord yeah yeah yeah I thought I thought that was the case but I’m not joining Discord why can you not join a group I didn’t say that I can’t I said I didn’t want to Jame the other one oh this is going to be really

Entertaining well I don’t know if it’s going to be entertaining for the stream but it’s certainly entertaining for me ow actually no maybe maybe not that I put the bow down cuz I know that if I hit you with this you’ll be set on

Fire if I met you with this I’d be dead if it somehow didn’t one shot you it would poison you oh you got poison on there now yeah so um switched the stone out Le oh damn so it doesn’t even take a modifier what do you mean just you watching

I I currently have and I have two different figures on my YouTube uh Studio at the moment I have either four concurrent viewers or five concurrent viewers YouTube can’t make up its mind oh there’s a show oh everyone’s on today yeah in fact no we’re one person off from a full cast where’s

Fox anyone know where Vox is Vox your turn your turn to join Vox is the only person we’re missing on the server yeah well technically Christina but yeah well okay Christina’s cases she can’t join I mean she can she’s Whit listed but she can’t because her internet sucks yeah did we try

Implementing that possible fix I don’t know how to to be honest sother do I ah [ __ ] okay I could look into it but it would probably require a server restart it would require a server restart and I’m not doing it right right now no I can wait until everyone’s offline I only

Ever remember about it when people were online yeah cuz to be fair that’s the only time we think about it Christina what you need to do is bug us about it and then hopefully one of those times when you’re bugging us about it um no one will be online why why are you

Encouraging Christina to bug us well actually I’ll reord that bug BRS us about and on that delightful now bye that didn’t go very far oh I almost fell in my cave I almost fell in the cave there we go you bastard woohoo oh wow hang

On I’m running a bit low on food hang [Laughter] on worth it Charlie your Choppers a little bit yes oh dear God what the hell happened here Charlie disconnected what happened here Charlie’s having voice chat issues I think Charlie’s internet’s just died um no he’s he just that he for some

Reason he was disconnected from proximity chat oh even though everything else was working fine Jo has the same issues well it’s got color again yeah it’s cuz it had blocks inside it well what happened here is Charlie ran out of fuel earlier oh Charlie ran out of fuel yeah

And this is where he crashed literally crashed there’s why it’s in a crater I mean most of what I’ve been doing today has been hanging out with Charlie so I can say he definitely has a lot of fuel now yes by him saying hanging out he means laughing

His ass off while you’re dying to the withers how did you well actually the withers no I no um he has died once to the Wither I have technically died twice but not really I am not liking that not really these oh so you killed all your

Tools no I didn’t I didn’t go through the shovel uhhuh I I went through two out three uhhuh I’m going take this back well two two out of three ain’t bad whoa whoa hey Bra just jump in the r see if it does any damage I am tempted to jump in and test

That oh good branis is getting all the s d oh yes is going to be the garbage disposal again hey see you later Boys by bye so where are we going oh hearing them going out of range like that it’s it’s like where are we going it’s just

Brilliant all saw a show at my basee I’m assuming uh she was heading over to public and using my base as a stop gap which is fine um this has run out of fuel and this has also run out of oh dear lord uh uh that is

Full god what have you done well you know that chest of Cobble yeah it’s a bit full isn’t it do you want me to swap it out for a yab ow did you hit me no that was a blizz Oh or a Blitz Ste well that’s not much

Better get the German out of here no maybe I can’t actually say that whoops this is online um is anyone else going to sleep I am out in the middle of nowhere here braus can’t sleep he’s too close to Mobs Can someone else sleep please brers yeah we need to sleep time but

There’s mobs nearby meaning you can’t I also don’t have any space in my inventory for my thing oh it’s fine just put whatever into whatever chest too late zombie here well I suppose it’s target practice time um hey you leave my stuff alone bugger off thank you did really that missed what

The you know what I may as well get that gunpowder because that is going to be useful possibly all right let’s get all this XP oh you [ __ ] um I’ve been oh it’s one of you oh okay what did you drop anything useful possibly not uh don’t need that Blitz Rod uh

Don’t need that oh that might be useful okay cool cool cool cool cool cool uh what I’m with him on the lack of inventory space thing I am completely with him on the lack of inventory space my inventory is just full what if I done with my backpack I need that uh

Right how much is in here oh just over a stack that’s not going to go very far right okay gaval I’m going to put into this chest yes uh there’s not as much gravel as I’d like i’ much prefer that to be more gravel what the crap have I done with

This how full is it ah yeah we need to get my inventory sorted out again I need a proper storage area but that’s not really what I want to be focusing on today right let’s just get the gravel production back up and running cuz we need this chest emptying the no two ways

About it that chest has to be emptied because that is ridiculous Beyond ridiculous honestly all this is Switched Off now how far down has this got um about 73 oh that’s still got ways to go down I’m assuming from this these kinds of noises it’s about to uncover whoa a

Cave you have permission to buy braxas always why why would I not give you permission to bug braxas it involves bugging braxus literally our favorite pastime he’s going to hear that now and come back and Shout at me isn’t he Burger off Dog one two two three four five six all

Six are still here cool right um let’s just dump all this in here for now so what what’s my plan for today well couple of things um we need to get an upgrade sorted for the what uh for the polarizer because that is slow uh so let’s just have a

Look at up great um and let’s see what that’s going to entail I can’t imagine it being too too much let’s have a I think it’s a hardened you’re getting on your own fa uh so inva which is Relatively easy that’s inar blames which is iron dust and nickel so we need another pulverizer but we’ll be able to get three invar for that how much invar do we need four that’s annoying so we’ll need you know what let’s just make another pulverizer cuz it’s relatively easy we

Can we can sort that out well I say relatively easy it’s piss easy is what it is so we need 10 uh so that’s four for the gear uh for that gear um we need one more uh one more bit of glass because it’s four bits of glass so

Let’s grab a singular bit of sand uh we need eight bits of copper well we got four here and 1 two three four there there we go we need four five Iron which is as easy as this there we are uh we need um one gold two red stone well one gold two Redstone oh no three red stone because one Redstone in the piston and two bits of Flint this uh what one two three of

These and uh H have I left all of my cobble up there oh no there’s a couble here 1 2 3 4 we’re fine we’re fine so let’s just set the stuff that needs smelting to smelt um because there’s no way around it it needs smelting and there we go so that’s fine

Oh and we need um that one bit of glass as well there we go so all that is sorting itself out while we’re waiting for all that we should have a bit of iron so let’s make ourselves a piston there we go it’s quite nice and relaxing doing crafting while the furnace is

Burning next to us we also have the dogs screaming and shouting at us so maybe not quite as relaxing but it’s fine I’m as I’m working I’m going to I’m going to be building the uh recipe here in my inventory uh while we’re also waiting we can make uh this thing there we Are uh next up where’s me copper God’s sake there’s me copper there we go and that like is it like that yeah like that and now just the machine frame so that is the one bit of glass the iron ingots and the tin easy as that so T to make a

Gear oh what are these cans for forestry okay so sorry ttin to make a gear glass like this and iron like that I wonder it doesn’t work with a rotated grid it has to be that way around okay so let’s just get all this in here there we go second pulverizer uh we

Are going to need uh like conduit no oh how do you transfer power it’s not through the duct system is it I don’t actually know how to transfer power in thermal okay at thermal let’s see what we’ve got Here um item it no lead lead Stone flux which is as easy as was actually that’s really easy so that’s just Redstone lead and glass okay we we we can do that we’ve got uh how many bits of lead was it two bits of lead we do need some more GL in

Fact let’s just smelt off an entire eight bits of glass for a moment and we got plenty of redstone I’m only going to make up a little bit a little bit of these um leadstone uh flug stocks because we don’t need a massive amount we just need a couple

So that’s fine in fact that is that enough yeah that’s enough so let’s just Chuck the lead in there there we go plenty and now we got all this sorted I’m back what what did I miss just me teching I didn’t do anything why am I being shouted at Christina

Why am I in trouble what did I do oh dear I’m just I’m just making technology nothing bad at all don’t you worry oh no okay that sucks I am sorry to hear that uh there we go uh let’s put that in there that’s all working fine pulverizer so right what was I

Doing I was doing something ah upgrades uh I think it’s called A Hard hardened yeah hardened upgrade math credit didn’t transfer [ __ ] I am sorry to hear that that is horrible right so it’s the invas so we need two iron powder and one nickel powder per three so we need two lots of

The recipes so that’s uh one uh so two bits of Vine that we need to grab and one bit of nickel total because it doubles up Bo and sleep did um did some revision earlier do moot it so yeah I hope it’s not too much of a problem nickel nickel nickel nickel

That’s silver I’ve got gold got 10 nickel there we go all right I really need to set up a waist Stone up here do I have a spare waist Stone uh no uh no I I I don’t have a spare was Stone that’s a bit annoying but that’s the reality we live in we never mind take two wee oh that was even worse wee Barry said it help oh that’s nice always good when people are willing to help okay right we’re here two bits of Vine in here oh this is slow reason I’m doing it in there rather than in this one is because this one’s busy it’s busy doing its

Job now this is going to be a bit more of a drain on here but I’m sure it’ll be okay um oh piz nickel is the random output I’m not going to rely on it though cuzz it might not always work and this is fine paulz nickel so this will go in

Here I like that so we’ve got six in Bland let’s get all that smelted up straight away it’s fine in normal Euro that would have been some point last year it’s been a while since I played um stocko truim oh no no no no let’s not drop what I’m what I’m needing whoops

Daisy there we go that’s a bit better uh PL that in there and once I’ve got got that I need a bronze oh that could be an issue forestry thermal how do I make bronze bronze blend that’s copper and Tin three bits of copper and um two bits of 10 uh

One bit of 10 [ __ ] yeah although that does make four so that we might even be all right okay let’s grab that fair enough and let’s grab that let’s see if that’s going to be enough what was I needing the in for oh basically a GE oh wait

Wait that’s fine we we might even be all right here I think we’re going to be all Right there we go where my arrows [ __ ] oh I might have just done my arrows in the chest it’s fine I’ll if I look through my chest later and can’t find them then I’ll panic but uh for now I just need to get I just need to get this sorted I

Have five p on Discord why do I have five pings on Discord ah blooming Discord blooming Discord oh it’s just ping uh ping saying James’s gun live yeah I I I I know that James has gone live weirdly enough one more ping and that’s not from

Me or two more pings that aren’t from me adult scraft ah there we go all right let’s get these uh made into bronze there we go four brers hell yeah nice let’s turn all of that bronze dust into not dust technical term that not dust yeah I know I’m great at this whole

Technical thing just playing the waiting game playing the waiting game oh I have some seeds do you want some seeds little buddy do no you don’t want seeds okay I don’t know what parrot’s like I actually don’t know what parrots like da da da da da da hey right so this gets

Turned into a bronze gear which gets turned into a bronze gear with invar and Redstone around it and hey look at that it’s a hideen upgrade kit very nice while we’re here let’s grab the this augment let’s grab my arrow back I need my Arrow Feed Us I am not feeding it a

Cookie also box you’re missing from server we need you online yeah definitely cuz you’re the other than Christina who is for internet reasons unable to join um you’re the only person missing from server right okay cool cool cool cool so hey it did a thing is is it going to be quicker that

Looks a bit quicker oh in fact that looks quite a bit quicker hey it worked yay I’m I’m actually quite happy about that I mean it’s barely touching what’s in the chest okay right next up we we we need to get tree Automation and um smelter of said trees as sorted as soon

As possible now I know braxis has and technically they’re mine but we have uh bonsai trees Over By brax’s plot but I don’t really want to be using Bonsai because they’re a bit boring you just look at them and they just go tree tree whoop tree and that’s

All the Bonsai do that’s literally all they do so I want to use a mod called Steve’s cut Steve it might help if I actually put the at at the beginning there we go Steve’s cut and it’s easy relatively speaking little bit gold little bit redstone an iron and stone

Brick so I’m going to NAB bit of Cobble um and I mean we’re going to need it’s not a drill is it it’s um Treon Treon yeah pretty much it’s pretty much what they’re like and need a coal engine yeah I know but even that’s going to be really relatively easy and we’re

Going to want probably a standard Hull and oh what is it that chop down chops down trees it’s not going to be a drill bit that’s for mining I’ll figure it out in a mo or extractor no lawn mower no uh shooter no v shter no cleaning machine solar

Engine it’s none of these upgrades I mean this would be nice but it’s actually not too expensive either so we could probably do that um you know what let’s just get started with um this basic machine so iron iron Cobble Redstone gold I think me think ooh what’s he

Made creat a wrench for repairing Vehicles very nice very very nice now I know using div’s carts isn’t necessarily the most efficient way of farming wood but it’s oh hi hi what the [ __ ] is happening to your face right now what do you mean your uh helmet’s not rotating with your head no

No oh fine what are you up to uh I I have absolutely nothing to do so I’m just wondering around seeing what everyone’s doing I’m just about to be getting started with some Steve’s cats with some what Steve’s carts you see God [ __ ] I hate that Parr did you think there was a

Creeper I mean it probably saw your face and thought Oh God creeper is anyone El was going to sleep in question ow yep someone else slept Charlie Charlie you hurt me Charlie you made Dre was bang his head in the morning Charlie bit my finger Charlie bit your finger did

He Charlie bit my finger yeah see oh he bit your finger oh no shut oh I love this little dude this little dude is great isn’t he Charlie said if you make that Jer again the next thing he’s building will have missiles wait a minute oh God how can you do that James

Do what yeah you see normally people don’t go up there so they won’t ever see that you see I noticed that your windows appear to be two and then I noticed that the furnaces so I thought there would probably be exactly that I know I’m great at this

I there’s a reason my kitchen window is open it’s not so that I can have fresh air what have you done what do you mean what have I done why is your kitchen window open come look Oh you mean that your back I thought you meant in real

Life I was like what the [ __ ] you all about I can’t hear you now anyway hi bra hi I’m I’m assuming you just left it open so yeah blocks wouldn’t be attaching to it kind of a thing it’s because um it was attaching to the cut

Board of course it was why wouldn’t it because why wouldn’t it yes by the way take a look at the brewing stand oh God you should test it on Charlie he won’t mind no he side by the way James come over here oh dear Uhhuh you notice anything his Tail’s wagging and he’s lying down so you don’t notice you killed a dog nope Charlie did you know what I suddenly decided that I need to test Greek fire on [Laughter] Charlie but not right this moment here have some Greek no no no no no not right

This moment because I know I’ll accidentally test it on myself for instance by accidentally uh Missing the uh the uh brewing stand when trying to get into it that’s why switched to the arrow cuz I knew I’d miss yeah your head is really your head

Is really [ __ ] have you seen it on the stream no was that fixed it no what if I just hide that completely oh now I can’t see it so that’s a bit better um that’s no Better oh hang on how does Batman look to you at the moment is it being all [ __ ] on your end it might be my end you know no but uh try F3 plus a I might have to no it’s that’s not worked um try I can try a relog what is

It um alt Windows control shift b or is it is that a really complicated way of saying alt f4 no it uh restarts your graphics card ah it should be fine I don’t really care about how my head looks anyway plus it’s quite funny looking at

You I’m going to try to always look side on from now on when talking to you oh God anyway so whenever I stand still I’m going to finish it off by just moving slightly sideways yeah actually I’m wondering if teleporting will actually sort it no that’s not sorted

It I I don’t think I can sort it without a relog I forget that your door’s on the other side so I just accidentally shut myself out you [ __ ] oh dear God Charlie what did he do oh my God that doesn’t answer my Charlie’s base bring the Greek Fire I don’t have

Charlie’s base as a location let’s go find Charlie’s Base fire I’m teing this is why I don’t have anything done I’m not even kidding this is exactly why I don’t have anything done yeah this is why I I I kind of I didn’t join any kind of group

Chat because I know if I joined the group chat nothing will get done what H all right what am I doing something something techy okay I’m gonna go bug Charlie again bye have fun with bugging Charlie I will good do you do you want me to use one of

Them to send your regards no no I I’ll send my regards later when I’m um geared up to when I’m geared up for retaliation um do be aware that his armor is just as good as mine and so is his sword that’s why I said I’m waiting

Until I’m ready for the retaliation okay because I know if I do anything hello um uhoh um uhoh James are we going to have to actually do are work as devs if it’s a oneoff then it should be all right because people’s internets can be

Flaky I mean just look at gwin the other night yeah okay bye bye have fun I’m not even I’m not even kidding uh about the whole not taking part in other things because we get distracted thing because that is exactly why nothing get done around here we just get distracted um

Why am I making a piston there’s probably a sensible reason why I’m making a piston is it a piston in it’s not even a piston in that the hell am I doing oh I’m sure I’m sure it will get used oh I have only got one gold though and I need two uh

Right time to pulverize some gold because I’m not I can double The Ore I’m not going to not double The Ore that went well that went really well also welcome back Christina oh close to by in your second very nice right let’s see what if I don’t there we go this is

Eating everything oh my okay but that has gone through a mighty amount of Cobble already okay that’s fine that’s fine okay that’s fine um there we go let’s grab the gold as well that’s all we needed from up here for Mo at some point I will automate

That that point is not right now but at some point I will sort out a proper system where all ORS will automatically get pulverized I’ll then push it into Redstone furnaces or whatever whatever the electric ones are called I can never remember to be honest I only need one of these as well

Because this has um because I’ve already got one but it’s fine I’ll sort it cuz once we got this cut we can that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh where’s all my fcking iron where’s all my fcking iron or there it is not iron or iron ingots there we go and he Redstone

Around the side hello wolf I see you looking at me like that and like that so we got ourselves a little cat assemble let’s just dump that there for now so to start making a cat please add a cat h of your choic uh to the uh slot well to make a standard

Hole which is what I’m thinking we need iron Wheels which is just sticks around iron and a mine cart so in fact let’s have a nap and then let’s sort that me thinks that’s what me is thinking I have three more p on Discord oh people people are going

People are doing the live stream thing oh I’m being pinned um oh someone’s responding to me on the Guardians Discord that’s fine okay so sorry distracted um let’s just make a load of sticks uh CU we need two lots of these wheels which is oh wooden

Gear there we go and then we can just make a mine cart on top of that no not a shield a mine cart and that makes us a standard hole as easy as that here comes the fun part this is the fun part you see all of these add-ons and stuff yeah we

Kind of need to oh that’s why I was making Pistons I knew there was a logical reason behind it I just couldn’t remember what said logical reason was that’s fine sooss that like that uh so cuz we we actually need a second piston it’s fine plop plop second

Piston um cuz we’re going to do cold fired we then need need a furnace well hopefully these aren’t going to be in use for too much longer Um no in fact in fact no not the hle where’s the engine boom this is our engine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice um this is currently a beit crap because it’s just an engine uh so it won’t do anything useful next up not a [ __ ] we

Don’t need a [ __ ] we don’t need large [ __ ] ah you got a double trailer articulated is fun I need a some kind of choppery thing ah wood cutter is what it’s called uh okay what’s is that actually called just called a wood cut a creative Hull very nice E so we can have it using um thermal stuff eventually that’s nice that’s nice uh enforced Wheels uh no what does the wood cutter look like I don’t actually know I’m probably going to end up using side chests because they pretty useful so let’s just go wood oh wood cutting wood

Cutter which is a wood cutting core and S blade s blade is expensive is not too bad we need five of them now so that’s 10 11 iron plus saplings around oh dear lord okay this is getting this getting expensive okay so let’s deal with the advanced uh PTV

First that’s we need more gold how many of these do we need two so we need two more gold again ah why just why why why why when we don’t have much gold um I mean luckily that doesn’t take gold in itself but still ah and I’m doing it like this because

I’m trying to make the gold stretch as far as possible which is fine but it’s just annoying as all hell but that’s fine so I hope this thing still has the energy to do what I need it to do well Fox is not able is not having fun with joining tonight is he

Yeah we need more energy up here which means we need more engines that’s fun right gold opening alheim is not going to be show what are you doing oh botania okay bo bo hey toies there we go plop and plop oh you’re on oh well that would do it well done

Well done Vox well done everyone prepare all the sarcastic comments you you have because VX is being a dum dum okay right what am I doing not that uhoh hi braxus hi you’re all right yeah I I come bearing a gift oh God are you ready no no hang

On not throwing it in my face are you I’ll throw it on a dog instead practice yeah what you doing with that bucket of diesel it’s not diesel what is it if that’s poison I’m going to kill you Poison’s purple what is it I know it’s some kind of fuel tell me

It’s not fuel you looks kind of f colored why is it don’t you dare place that anywhere near this house or in this house or near any of my belongings you’re still alive aren’t you mhm yes he is Is that seriously just loot it’s just lubrication [ __ ] off I don’t it’s just sliding I’m trying to te I’m trying to [ __ ] Tech here and I is one not allowed to Tech in peace no you TW do you not understand the concept of trying to do stuff you’re constantly complaining

About nothing happening in streams I can’t think why nothing happens in streams [ __ ] sake you’re a [ __ ] I know in fact I might even go as far to say as you’re complete another [ __ ] oid now that’s just a bit too far no it’s not does it have to be

Forestry saplings or will it accept any sapling for what uh what I’m trying let’s just test it with any sapling oh it will just work with any sapling cool oh bye then well in that time we’ve made ourselves a tree cutting core so where where are me diamonds I put me

Diamonds somewhere I need me diamonds they’re going to be somewhat essential they’re in my backpack aren’t they [ __ ] off dog yeah they’re in the backpack oh along with more iron okay okay 1 2 3 4 5 uh one two three four five oh God the hell H what

Okay I have no idea what that was about I have in all honestly not paying that much attention Okay so tool on the front basic wood cutter that’s fine I don’t know if this does this plant as well I don’t know requires award cutter okay you feel

Very confident this time going back to school Ah that’s good confidence is good you need confidence all right oh I need another one of these I don’t have enough enough gold oh [ __ ] um you know what I might do don’t don’t tell bra is this I’m not doing anything all right just quick

Quickly sneak over here while he’s not looking this is this is fine if he finds out I’ll just use the argument of it will regrow it’s fine yeah yeah yeah all good all good I did nothing wrong definitely didn’t definitely didn’t steal anything just then I would never

Do such a thing why show oh is that where Charlie’s bases that might be where Charlie’s Bas is lot of support from all Chase and his parents and my coow Walkers and IRL friends awesome I’m always in trouble technically technically it’s all replanted and it’ll just regrow

And chances are it’ll regrow by time he gets back to his base if it’s not and he notices then yeah I might be in trouble but he’s currently mocking about with Charlie at the moment so it’s like fine I don’t need to worry oh I love these kind of technicalities they’re great

Fun no one else is sleeping right now are they ah well while I’m waiting for someone to sleep I’m just going to grab a drink very nice it’s just kind of coke it’s nothing spectacular but it’s nice oh you’re always used to it yeah I’m always in trouble for something

Orever I think we all know that is anyone else going to sleep that’ be useful I would quite like you love Coke don’t say that online you could get into trouble honestly I’m being serious saying that you love Coke online Fox is Box is doing the same same

Joke I’m going for God damn it Vox anyone else going to sleep you bastards fine I’ll just let it be nighttime then let it be nighttime I mean I now off my KNE so I don’t actually need to worry all too much uh how do I like that okay oh

God hi there is an arm skeletons making their way here well I’m hardly surprised no one slept I mean I I was sleeping for a while you’re going to come in out of the cold outside but that’s all the way indoors got to have some kind of decency

Braxas I’m I’m I don’t have an empty slot in my heart bar give me a sec rest in peace there we go hello hi you guys all right see yes would you like to see my new horns and tail yeah I would also like my door to be shut

That’s fair killing a zombie you murderer okay hold on I think it’s easier to see if I take the hat off and a little devil tail okay that that’s pretty cute that’s pretty cute this is the that is what I did I suffered through this so

I can make these just so I can you know wear these we were discussing other Cosmetics there’s bow there’s a black bow tie you can make a black bow tie both ties are cool yes uh you can also make cat ear um of course you can um yeah you a clock

Eye if you want a clock eyang how many one two oh I need four of these ah where’s me [ __ ] Redstone sorry [ __ ] I don’t no it’s okay I don’t have any redstone on me I thought I did no I I’m just using so much of my

Resources trying to get a single planter tree sorted yeah Fair a tree tree planter mine cart you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean I was suffering trying to sort out the bloody uh Endo flame hey Vox has finally joined hey hang on wait wait braas look at my

Chat look at my chat in your Christina are very cool hell yeah hold on let me look at what the Cosmetics we have um [ __ ] off spider hear you out there the thinking hands I can make I can make a quest Giver Mark which is just an exclamation point I can make those

Really stupid pointy Shades I can make a grouo glasses alien antenna I can make a little witch pin okay goly eyes four leaf clover a unicorn horn I can make the Majora’s Mask what this is not the Legend of Zelda is it no but I can make

Majora’s Mask I need floral gr powder and a manner infus string would either of you happen to have any uh botania flowers on you or in your general like storage you can have a look through I see oh y cuz I’m unlikely to use any of it to be honest I have

Mystical flower seeds I can go plant uh please do uh oh [ __ ] I still need oh you have a mystical orange flower I’ll be Ying that you have a tiny Cactus that’s cute wait does this oh my God wait oh so it is client side you do have to be holding it to

Listen oh that yeah oh you have a shimmering mushroom I’ll y that yeah you can thank you for clearing out some of my storage I’ve needed this do for a while you are so welcome I need all of this genuinely stuff cleared out okay you’re not nicking everything and don’t burn it

I’ll take all the gravel no I need the braxus I might have automatic gravel production but I still need the gravel or you forgotten the 10,000 blocks per kilometer of track thing I wish I was kidding I know I really wish I was kidding wor yes you can have the

Worm yes yed all of your mystical flowers lovely uh I’m I’m just currently trying to remember how Steve’s carts worked I don’t ask me me I’m the magic person not the tech person that’s why Bania has been stomping me yeah oh wait I need a cargo manager and a external distributor

Okay okay that’s fine annoying but fine I’ll sort that in a moment for now let’s just start that assembling did that just yoink everything and then well is James going robot on you no I’m just failing to talk James you were going robot on me I

Was I was going robot and failing to talk at the same time Wonder for me it was just failing to brain word m do either of you happen cuz you wer asking about Al right uh uh sure yeah uh here you go it should be on the Aline page

Page welcome to batania okay just through all of that go to the alarm page where would it be what category would it be it’s literally got a category what you me alphaman I’m guessing yep portal to Al in there so hang on you’re going to visit the elf

Else di menion yes so we can trade with them but it’s a very complicated portal box is confused cuz he just doesn’t do modded okay that’s fa did VX manage to make it online oh we didot moment yes Al home isn’t a dimension you can go to I don’t

Think this is going to take qu of an hour I’m not even kidding you’ll be fine there you go that’s got 13 minutes before I can even test that right while I’m waiting it’s really depressing that the only way for me to see my tail is by

Taking I need a test track and not the kind of test track used in Portal before branx just gets excited I wasn’t listening I said I need a testing track this was a Triumph I’m just GNA watch because I’m curious about how this works I can’t

Remember how this works which is why I’m building uh you’ll be fine let’s just give it a loop I I can’t remember if it needs a loop or whether it’s something that actually ends who knows not me why your Shield looks very strange what Shield attached to your

Backpack is it my backpack oh it is it is very strangely attached I hadn’t even noticed to be honest really wow why would I notice I don’t know it was on the OT the do you see where my chisel is it was on the lower slot

Oh I haven’t noticed it but I had it was very funny to look at what you mean like that yeah oh that’s weird so weird weird change your perspective and look at it yeah that is awesome that’s so weird what does it look like in the

Other one I feel like it should look good in the other one right uh it looks even worse you know what you know what I’ll leave it there no I mean the pickaxe looks good hanging down like that if feel yeah the pickaxe looks good I think that’s why

I’ve got my uh that’s why I put my my ma there even barely use it because it looks good yeah well why else would we do anything yeah you see I’m not doing Bonsai because carts is visually more interesting despite it using way more resources I’m glad Charlie is enjoying

His coffee I got Him does anyone have any oranges or an orange tree I have that things on me no I need oranges I have Pimon that’s not if ask kind of Ni though it’s also orange colored but only actual oranges can be used to craft oh gray wait is orange actually in t hot

Yes orange can be an El yeah but this one suddenly thought he’s Patrick Stewart it’s literally the item name oh oh it’s a Charlie oh God everyone run hi is this just going to be a gathering at James’s place apparently and then BR just wonders why nothing ever happens hi we coffee

Coffee I didn’t get it oh you stole your coffee coffee you and that ring of yours I don’t even have the ring equipped just because the door behind you and you threw it hang on am I am I able to drink it even though I’ve got no hunger at the

Moment oh I am yes it’s like n n n n this is this tastes good it counts as a potion yes this is nice also at the same time it has multiple uses yeah water I don’t does he think he’s one of the Heavenly hosts on the Titanic I’m just trying to currently

Process oh damn it the heads are working properly now there’s two Charlie I don’t even h he was wearing your head oh no earlier I had a visual BG on my client oh I see yeah he’s been that ever since he freaking got one everyone sleep over at

James’s house sleep over Jam’s house it has durability Charlie Charlie are you joining us yes yes I’m joining I’m just going to be if if we time it right we can all sleep perfect okay okay I hope you guys are comfortable on the floor there we’re so comfortable oh that’s

Good we get a right can we get to 100 40 ow no you’re never you’re never going to get it to James the crafting station oh that’s good I’m surprised fall off we did get it to 80 once I know oh God that’s gone through nearly all of my coal oh

[ __ ] you you need coal hang on I’ve got charcoal I’ll be right back I’ve got charcoal L is the whole point of this is to make more charcoal and I’m using all my [ __ ] charcoal oh would you like more wood because I have 64 Spruce Wood

On me I’m making a wood Farm I think I’m all right but you’re charcoal you idiot do you want the for the charcoal or are you okay I I’m okay actually to be fair at the moment okay do remember you do actually have that b side

Yeah if you want to tear that down at any point for whatever reason feel free he’s back do you have door away uh have fun does anyone hang on wait a minute why do you have so much coal M agriculture for the win hang on wait a minute I’m I’m just

Making a cold chest that isn’t my crafting table don’t trap me in the [Laughter] window culture [ __ ] [Laughter] hell Charlie you’re a menace that’s that is his life goal you are you looked so creepy just staring window over the furnace just like wait for the next moment where I can be

Helpful really just embodying the creeper huh y hey Brax should I say something about needing gravel or or um steel steel I think he does have steel the sad thing is steel was my next plan for today I think Charlie laugh bro [ __ ] Gremlin laugh I’m sorry fuing Gremlin laugh how much steel

He has oh God too much he won’t by the end of the season I know that much 1,756 I don’t I don’t I don’t understand how much he can produce I don’t think you understand how quickly I’ll burn through it once I’ve gotten on to building the railroad update he now has

2,385 are you are you looking at his Ender storage no I’m looking at his stream on [Laughter] Discord also we are in Long Range CS so of course you are would you venison Ste that does sound nice have some venison thank you uh what I may or may not have flooded

Something in charie Bas with Lava oh I am so glad be fair to be fair it was his lava storage I just took it out of the tank and put it on top of the tank instead why has Vox just been given that manual I don’t I don’t know CH you already just got the achievement all

Stuff be fair I don’t think you understand he has been relying entirely on canola energy I don’t think I’ve even got the uh Hot Stuff achievement what’s it under no I don’t even have it I have it what is uh rtfm um what mod is that massive vehicles I think yeah

Massive Vehicles so the the one that Charlie’s been working on lately yeah you’re getting shouted at by the way bra got so much more I am than that have you have just discovered that I have never made diamond armor you’ve never made diamond armor I’ve never made diamond armor no nether

Have I I’ve never gone to the end either neither have I ien I made five yeah I haven’t um gone to the stronghold does brus know that I borrowed some more gold from his farm probably not if it’s not grown back already he’s about to find out uh probably has grown

Back because of his chunk loader yeah that’s what I was think oh incoming okay cool cool cool cool cool cool I mean I know he can probably hear me because of the stream as well hi braxus hello make yourself some boots oh I will thank you I’m going to pinch James station

What oh thank unless you also don’t have the achievement cover me withs in which case make some boats I mean I have not got the achievement but I do also have all these yes you have the achievement no I don’t we do need an enchanting area if an enchanting area would be

Nice around like the public area yeah come on one and a half minutes the one downside of this mod is it takes forever to do anything yeah it looks like it [Laughter] oh that is brilliant okay but the paradot is like really good for that love the paradot

Stuff for that I know I need quartz enriched I because I plan on um getting my disc Drive filled with um stuff 50 seconds look at them running with little excitable Tails honestly I prefer the thinner Tails yeah I know I’m tempted to take the mod out of the pack and people who

Just want the mods can add it to their own clients cuz I know Garwin doesn’t like it either my opinion I I like it it’s just the tals that I don’t like two one where is it hey hey look at this brais I return what’s going on I’m I’m holding a

Thing thing okay bye you are holding a thing that looks like a very strange thing follow me follow me you will be confused confused best be real okay oh I can change the plant range on it that’s nice what the [ __ ] does any of this mean

No don’t use the saplings of fuel you moronic thing okay there we go did you stand in its way oh wait no it’s stopping to plant the saplings yeah it’s doing that not me are you proud I’m proud I’m so proud of I’m so proud of you I’m not proud of me I’m

Proud of it for reasons I’m fairly sure I can make one of these with weapons I don’t know I don’t know how hi Char Char I’d come back and have a look see so what are you wearing on your back what are those wings I did a thing it’s

Just something that I got from the angel ring that is oh that’s the angel ring spoken I love how a few of us cannot be asked me or because we like just using slings it’s kind of more entertaining to just use the slings so much

Fun see this is fun but it is going to burn a lot of charcoal isn’t it oh 100% yeah it’s the good farmer Christina’s calling you the good farmer by the way um Charlie of course the good farmer I’m always the good farmer yeah yeah yeah

Yeah and you know what just just to save the trouble of me and brex being confused I’m just going to leave the group there you go hey but it was entertaining yeah welcome to the so um James curiosity do you need oil do I need need what that

Oil uh what that oil over there probably okay I was just wondering because I could get it hit up to my distillation Tower and I can get gas diesel and loop I mean to be fair I was I was if you if you want to do it

Yourself then that’s no problem I was intending on using it for train fuel so you may as well Nick it for train Fuel and I’ll just pipe I’ll just tap off your output sure no problem that’s fine do if we can find a way of um having a

Fuel station at each base as well how much are you actually able to produce are you able to produce enough that you can distribute it across server so out of the what is it 1.5 million I got from the surface Reservoir by the public smelter I’ve been able to make a good

Amount of gasoline and Diesel jeez damn yeah so yeah overall you know what I’m gonna I’m going to change it up let’s see what I can do are you on my are you on my chest no are you on the furnaces have have you got under bed water the have

You got under bed heating sorry just kid hi hi hello I figured I’d join for a sleepover uhhuh we just got to sleepover okay how how did how did you know that they were all here and don’t don’t say Journey map that’s just cheating I actually going to say I was

Watching Charlie’s screen share still okay I mean that’s also cheating but okay oh hang on I can change that there we go ow a hit me we say ow but that did no damage Dage oh it did it did it did about a heart it did two

Damage right I’m I’m just going to leave this household before why do they sound so sad I don’t know oh do you have any bone meal are we start bone meal do you have um any on you right now nothing on oh okay never mind and actually for once I think one

Of the resources I’m slightly lacking in that’s fine I can just replace my coffee crops with what are you getting excited about I can see mystical flowers that’s what I’m getting excited about that means more Cosmetics James oh go go Harvest them then I will oh before you

Go before you go before you go do you have any bone meal with you I bone meal or bones uh no oh just give me the [ __ ] bur me that’s pretty good it’s just to make sure this is working yeah it’s taking down the leaves at this moment it seems to be

Having a little trouble why is it only taking the leaves I don’t know oh I got excited for no reason oh there’s only one red flower oh that is actually is it going to rep should be but it hasn’t sad times give it a minute I completely

Forgot also update it might be n now can finally see my fuel gauge I know how much fuel is in my vehicles so you’re panicking all the time now no no I’ve literally Ted off I just gave him four stacks I don’t care yeah and I literally don’t have the inventory

Space to grab any of it you you are a man of the future you see what can be used as bone meal zo here is going for the Nostalgia the original see that may be a bone meal but uh but this is the bone meal bone meal the the definitive article you may

Say nothing about this makes sense I should not be a to Su [ __ ] oh God you so [ __ ] loud oh wait you have a new skin you have a different skin did you boost your mic or you actually just that loud I’m very loud now [ __ ] no no kill it kill it kill

It kill it kill it kill it kill it my ear I think I’ve just gone temporarily death in my left ear what was that I can’t hear you why is he so loud no idea no idea just seems that way oh canola canola canola you that’s not harest that but I don’t need

It grabb it I grabbed it myself you gra for yourself okay good for you if he comes back and he rapes us again oh excuse me if I ever come across more mystical flowers I’m just going to yink them so fast I’m very I’ve got a few mystical

Around myself I’ve also got a couple of seeds if you want them why your roof is giving me anxiety hang on hang on wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh nothing to see here it’s not even nothing to see

Here I I I I don’t know what you’re on about nothing happened braxas what are you panicking about braxus the the roof’s fine y time for dinner Ah that’s fair you go you go have food you’re not streaming tonight um gwin I’ve just realized it’s nearly it’s

Nearly G stand of stream time I do good question Scream and Shout at braxus also do you know that you can hydro armor I could but I choose not to okay wait a minute I can tell it see if I can I’m going to try and pretend James can’t hear us but I’m

Going to try make a black bow for it can plant two trees out I’m pretending I didn’t hear anything okay that’s pretty cool yes there’s a few things I could make ring okay right let’s take yeah it is out of saplings I’ve also just taken the

Fuel out as well because I want it to stop and I want to make a proper setup and I need to my empty my inventory again um that’s something I might look at I’ll see if I can do mystical stuff good so oh Charlie wants to go do mystical stuff

Okay I’m thinking oh [ __ ] I’ve just accidentally pulled my audio out so I can’t hear what show’s saying um but I’m thinking I might end this stream here I can hear I can see Show’s talking at me but I can’t hear her because I pulled my audio out hi oh there we

Go I’m back I can hear you now fair I’m sorry what are these lies about James being intelligent I have my moment it’s in his name completely James I have saplings you know I’m letting it die on purpose now so I can uh build a proper

Setup oh I didn’t you ran away before I had a chance to tell you I was still here for a while I said what you were here then that’s what that is it’s literally just signal players do you want to see something interesting yeah Chuck that on your head

And then look at braxis and I sorry on my head yep just Chuck it on your B yes but that didn’t work why that why did I throw on the Flop uh click your B and then apply it and then just look at Brax I there’s no difference do you not see

The glowing on our heads no enough in your hand I keep seeing like little glowing over your heads whenever I look wearing that also congratulations you’ve got a B of your achievement now I actually can’t see give it to give it to Brax see if you can see it

Can you see it’s if you’re not holding anything in your hand oh okay can I test again for some reason it’s only if yeah well it is a bubble to find things that you’re holding but things on your off hand don’t really count oh that’s weird it’s doing it when I’m holding things

But but not when I’ve got an empty hand yeah so so um you can see my chests are glowing yes that’s because you’ve got what you’re holding in your hand in that chest and then if you look at a have you got saplings in your inventory nope that’s just me glowing

Because I’m a player should as well glowing because he’s a player yeah although I would never describe BRX as glowing worth it thank God they’re inside and all sat yeah they’re not sitting anymore may I have spectator back now oh no they are sitting again

They had stood up to come and get at me thank you let’s open the [Laughter] door I’m kidding hi guys oh oh oh get the bastards oh I never noticed how stupid spectator looks on a person’s head it does look a bit stupid doesn’t

It yes that’s why I turn it off so I can I don’t think you me I don’t think you meant to do that did you no James picked it back up you picked the back up I could grab it give it I’m just trying to see how it

Works you know how by damn well how it works I’d looked at players with it but not actually any chests or anything yes so it’ll only glow a chest if they’ve got that item in that chest ah I don’t actually know if I have anything that James is going to have any

Here um hold that and then look that’s what it looks that’s weird yes that’s very weird and then it makes players glow yeah I noticed that one and then you’ve got the purely cosmetic ones thank you slep time sleepover again more sleepovers ow how do you keep getting hurt

Genuinely I actually don’t know at this point oh I made a a Terrace steel arrow with a raven feather what the hello braus I don’t think that was braxus I think that was squeaker there hello you’re still [ __ ] loud yeah right I’ve just taken you down to 50% it’s 15% better try talking

Rap us I am going to hit you with a shuriken okay that’s a bit better are you just trying to get him to not say anything at all ever no try again cuz that that was quiet what okay you sound good now like gu okay I just noticed the

Horse a cool that one was just I stole the skin there a one I can tell it’s an itchy trigger finger do so if I was to do this it’s just an itchy trigger you baby zombie now why is this chest GL why am I holding that in this chest I don’t know

Venison oh I’ve just saked it back out yeah sto glowing now I was like why is it glowing it’s venison cuz I just dump my entire inventory in there I other then shooty stuff can I test it please test it on me or

Both wait no yeah do do no no no line up line up see if it’s got the Pierce oh dog dog do not do it with the dogs okay hold on hold on um oh wait is there a dog behind you oh there’s a blue colored

One as well prus I need you to stand behind ow okay so it does not have Pier it doesn’t have piercing but ow okay that took he does like half heal oh how most I’ve ever heard you might not want to go near my dogs for a moment

Show I’m not going to go your dogs oh no they’re fine they’re forgive me it’s I give them all the pets to please don’t I give them all of the pets so they love me Yeah you are one stick left I’m going to go back I’m I’m going to die oh God no run away I yes yes ow did I actually hit you yes you’re not showing us having any damage and you’re not on fire him I punched him well no I’ve got fire

Resistance I also hit him so that would then probably yeah I did this so James shoot me I mean I regen that really quickly yeah you do especially because I don’t take fire damage that was disappointingly quick Fox on the other hand Jam James James what it’s happening for you for me

Now oh it’s doing it again on my end I can see It whoa hello hello God that is so noisy Charlie can I can I test something on you well you need he’s got the same armor as I do just without the fire resistance I know I just wanted the XP on my bow and and on my arrow oh it’s fixed now your head’s

Back to normal moving yeah yeah yours is back to normal as well BR do you want me to fix that for you why do you have oh yeah sure what what did you do I H slime ball oh no not risking it what’s he not risking me being a dick

Zo I’m getting some petals as we speak y but I might I might also look into CU mystical actually do add like their proper seeds which allows you to make um particular petals throughout the essence so I could probably do either if you want oh awesome thank you damn you’re dominating

Him don’t take that out of context so already taken that out context do not take that out of context considering he’s got two backpack vials full of lube yes I’m currently carrying 9,000 M of lubricant I am so glad that my channel is not currently family friendly I I have 8,000 of

Lava I have n lers of Lube in what way did you dominate him no everywhere oh my God guys the fanfix are riding themselves at this point Jesus Christ yeah but I’m so glad that I won’t be a part of the fanfix cuz I wasn’t a part of the domination The [ __ ] and James stood there and Watched every time I see your dogs all jump there we go hang wait a minute wait a minute if you’re if you’re against the window pane will they get you no ow no they won’t wait a minute did my par get up yes what are you doing are you getting your stuff oh

Dear I thought you were going to drive him back to be honest if your dogs come off oh goodness me now the roads are atrocious haven’t you seen yes I have seen that’s why they’re doing emergency repairs right now where I live yeah council’s only just started

Working on the road by my place if you’ve seen oh to be to be fair the road I’m on about has needed do for about six months a lot of the roads that’s been about need I the okay braxus to give context the section of road that I’m on about at

The moment to drive over it during my driving lessons don’t you dare put Lube on me um putting Lube on myself thank you very much um to drive over that section of road I Lu I I need to I need to be in first gear traveling at

Basically 0 miles hour for the to not die out of curiosity this section of Road would this be by chance leading up to a particular retail store yes it word covering me with a Lube Stop it but yes no I 100% know even in my freaking car it’s hi annoying hello have

Some more coffee the start the star in oh we’re we’re on Sunday now so uh the starting the repair surplus of like 2,000 coffee beans but thank you very much I just need to automate coffee now where is Fox going over that way somewhere I don’t know what he’s

Doing you need to stop it will you stop looing people up brex no no no no no I do not consent and it wouldn’t be a genius James stream without braxus being a knob let’s go bye so loud know wait are you serious stuck onehive not even a [ __ ] beehive it’s

Just stuck on the hill stuck good oh I love a m Vehicles what she Ying flowers ow what just got slap my flowers chill flower cow [ __ ] I don’t know how that happened flower P I said I don’t know how that happen why did he after me I don’t know what

Ow no breakast that’s enough I’m nearly dead cringe oh hi I waited until you could take another hit that’s enough now hello chicken I whacked you once I think the chicken’s just as confused as I am no the chicken’s more dead wow I mean same at oh oh God the stream has basically

Descended into chaos it’s basically the same as every stream well while the up I’m going to go make myself the railroading manual um yeah I I also need to make myself the railroading manual oh I can do that just holding right um I also need to make myself um a steel production

Line GH not looking forward to that bit but I think I know how to not going I lubed up I know what a way of doing it sh so Charlie [ __ ] off braxas Charlie the way I’m thinking of doing it is using a alloy smelter with um with iron and coal mhm

Uh so that’s that’s that’s the way I’m going to go go about um sorting it all right you guys can camp out there for tonight oh perfect I have my spot he has a spot I don’t want to be looking at your face braxas E A I didn’t even have time I

Mean to be fair you were looking at Charlie I don’t want to be looking at Charlie’s face BRS us right anyway yes manual I’ll be back in a second 1 2 3 4 is 29 I was counting on don’t know are you think you’re just trapping the whole thing oh I don’t want

These oh de God oh my house is looking a little bit damp it’s looking a bit moist moist is the right word considering the circumstances why do you think I used it I wonder if I shoot fire arrows into it will it burn try it

No I’m not going in that I’m not going in that either oh than this you’re disgusting you know what that is it’s disgusting disgusting all right I need a crap ton of rails I also need a [ __ ] it wasn’t me it’s bloody water yes think was

[ __ ] wow you ran in front of me oh [ __ ] I can’t believe you done this truly let be real British Vines like Peak Vines yeah pretty much was Charlie not coming back I don’t know um where is I might need iron very much still at his base

If you need I have so much iron take it from me I was thinking of borrowing from my neighbors sir I have so much iron I can give it to you just okay give me a second you know how much iron I’ve got in my bank that’s why I said borrowing

From my neighbors I also yeah can I thank you it’s actually very um ow oh [ __ ] sit wor it wor It Anyways here you go thank me I don’t need that much iron on me blind me you know most of that is going to get pulverized or something so

I can turn it to Steel do not care well actually I might end up using it for Tech reasons James did you have IR yet uh for now no that’s my bottles of enchanting I accidentally one your dogs uh braus don’t fill my inventory I need inventory space I still need to I’m

Trying to give you iron that’s not right okay fine um I block iron block time is it yep why do I just have a random wooden tool rod in my backpack I don’t know but how much [ __ ] hell hey James do you want some more

Iron no you can buger right off we just deposit all of the iron onto James I’m going to go get some IR oh God does he not understand what bugger right off means yeah I am buggering off to go get more iron bugger off more and don’t come

Back wait hang on that last bit was out loud wasn’t it [ __ ] bra what the [ __ ] are you doing if you have if you have to ask braxas you probably don’t want to know true usually I don’t know what I’m doing yeah oh too late hello it’s me again hello oh God

Righta aha wait a minute right James here’s yours oh oh a good time oh that saves me so much time thank you and I’m I’m also going to PR yourself just a little fluid tank just to fill you up with these just so then you can you know work with your

Own stuff thank you oh this is so helpful the where would you specifically like it would you like it over by your oil uh for now just about here is right here I’m I’m heading over to um the the cutting and the bridge be okay so I think no right range um

What what Charlie’s just done he’s given me something called a track blueprint now this is brilliant because it means that we’ve now got a way of um which this is what I was just checking we’ve now got a way of Blueprinting our Rail lines oh yeah baby oh yeah that is freaking br

Brilliant so what I’ve just done I’ve just placed the blueprint here and this blueprint is uh that’s 100 blocks that’s quite short isn’t it but basically once I’ve got the gravel in here we’ll know this is where the track is going to end up going which is pretty

Crucial we need to know where the track’s going to end up going um and we can use this to plan out our Railway without actually using up any resources and then to sort it I believe it’s just yeah I don’t I don’t know how much resources that’s going to

Need that’s the problem I don’t think it will tell me um how do I get it to tell me how much that’s going to use I don’t actually know um unless it’s something to do with this hang on oh B Machine steam Hammer rail machine plate machine okay okay so I’m assuming that

Is this is how we’re going to do our multi blocks that’s pretty cool um I don’t know anything about that yet so I need to Dev that but yeah we got our uh the start of our tracks in place that’s perfect thank you Charlie that’s helped so

Much honestly helped a huge huge amount oh in the water [ __ ] sake hi oh God there’s a tank there where have you all gone you’ve all vanished are you all over at Charlie’s base you’re all at voxes okay that’s fine that’s fine I’m fine with that that

Allows me to do the Steve CTI stuff that I was trying to do earlier what I’m trying to do is uh make this cargo manager and I’m wondering if this is kind of how I’m going to be able to control what the cart is doing

Really I should be deving this in the in a creative world to figure out what what it’s doing but I really can’t be bothered so I Need bit of this hi that’s a worrying no who’s there oh hi Charlie hello hi how do we see how much resources the track’s going to end up using when we place it yeah I think I’ve got cuz I’m trying to tell it to use a

Uh do this as a blueprint but then it’s not telling me how much it’s going to use or need there we go Charlie Charles can you not hear me one one two oh sorry J I just I just caught onto the stream when you ask me about the

Resources oh I I muted that’s my fault it’s it’s all right um regarding the resources I’m afraid I’m not too certain I’ve never been able to really figure that out oh great okay but at least from my knowledge I made it hang on wait a minute wait a

Minute got it oh wait actually it actually attaches to your color wait does it actually yeah look at your skin oh oh my OB hang on my internet’s being [ __ ] hang on hang on didn’t mean for that to making skin actually attach to I can’t hear what any of you are

Saying right now because my my internet’s gone all [ __ ] I’ve just dropped like a uh God knows how many frames I think I’m back yeah it looks like stream’s back back back yay y oh just appreciating the fact that I accidentally made it so the bow TI fits your that that is

Brilliant are you sure you don’t want to Bow Tie Charlie come on you know it bow ties are cool happy to I know B ties are cool I’m happy I can also make you a regular black tie sure why not why not you want the black

Tie okay he wants black tie this isn’t an overpriced events you know yes I’m going to need orange petals PS yes uh right what the [ __ ] am I doing oh I need to make these Dynamic pains which uh ah where’s me Redstone there’s me Redstone why am I hearing dogs being

Dogs all right I need one two three 4 of these and then oh excuse me parrot could you please stop hissing like a creeper yep it is I still need more of these [ __ ] hell these are expensive then I wonder why um people don’t use this m what is that out

Loud do you happen have any combustible items that you don’t want currently no no saplings no logs no Twigs nothing why did I get rid of Twigs I’d be getting rid of myself I’m not going to comment on that because you and I both know what I was

About to comment on because you were in the call when it happened wait what do you remember what Mo said didn’t Mo call me a twig or something Mo called you a twink i n k oh I forgot about that uh yeah shout out to Mo 10 out of 10 friend

Oh yeah I’ve not spoken to Mo in ages yeah in know I’ve not spoken to any of them in ages I really ought to it’s okay I haven’t spoken to a few of them in a while yeah oh okay what the [ __ ] what what this what do um it’s a

Charles orange petal y 12 of them perfect and more shall be on the way lovely now I just need to burn some stuff to the Endo flame and I can make you your black tie perhaps at some point I should be going around and putting like Ender

Storage chests that would be a good move has it also I just realized you probably don’t have any of my way points do you no I have Three hell do you happen to know how this works no oh bugger but I can maximum change part of the car um yeah I currently have no idea how this works I have no idea please do not ask show Running Away immediately show do you happen to know

How this might work no um idea it’s worth for sure also please give me a second I’m resp responding to Jay who was a friend of mine who was very interested in comics and art not the J I know no okay I was going to say hm doesn’t sound like that person

No right holy [ __ ] it’s like 20 to 1 in the morning I should probably wrap up stream let’s just grab that for now uh so branis doesn’t steal it good decision because I don’t know if he’s got any interest in Steve’s CS or not and I don’t want him nicking my stuff

Yeah that’s fair wait was that out loud whoops it was out loud yeah whoops they’ll never notice no I hold on hold on I’m gonna need you to look up slightly I want to get something okay perfect there we go all right I’m happy now were you just get scre

SC oh with the bow tie hang on do you want me to make this even better look at it oh my God yeah yeah yeah yes yeah yeah I got it I hope to God that it’s being all [ __ ] with br’s shaders truly a dad are you Ender storaging it over yes

Jesus is this how we’re going to transfer across the whole server from your place more than likely might be that’s going to be useful I mean to be fair out of the three like potential things that comes out of food oil there is gasoline there is Diesel and then

There is of course the substance that breaks us light a bit too much uh what is it that’s currently coming into this diesel diesel okay cool cool cool cool cool just oh yeah I see it oh okay these things can hold a lot of diesel a hell of a

Lot I’m not even going to ask how that works I don’t think I’m going to need much more than this at all ever how do I output I’m assuming I just output from the bottom so output is basically if I just dig down here the most essent well the

Most simplest way is I’ve got yeah I’ve got the fluid pipe you just bang it in it doesn’t have to be the immersive then just pop yourself a lever flick the lever out it comes does it pay attention to the inventories it’s trying to place into or will it just try plopping

Anyway from what I believe should just be flopping anyway because what I’m thinking is I’d prefer it if it was actually paying attention to the inventory it’s trying to plop into just purely because then it’s not outputting stuff when there isn’t a train there and I can just leave it running

Fulltime oh sorry yeah with the um like the fluid loader from uh railroading you can okay cool cool cool cool cool cool yeah sorry that’s yeah you can 100% do that so we can set up diesel train stops along the entire room yep and they will be fueled up forever

Basically I’m thinking a a stop at every station basically yeah every station seems about right I think that should be spot on and then the only thing I need to worry about is water for steam trains which again it’ll be easy that’s not a problem okay at this moment in time I

Mean we can always get it from infinite water sources but specifically if possibly we could use it from my storage cuz I might have accidentally left the pump running so now I’ve got 1.1 million Miller buckets in my storage good God how does anyone have that much to their name it’s fine I

Shall steam through it all with wow that was an accident I’m sorry this you can just tell him to shush Jam I’m sorry James I’m sorry I’m fine I see I see how it is you guys don’t like me where’s the guys coming in I was just trying to clear oh God oh

God there’s a pumpkin head hi you you do know I’m not necessarily going to shoot you every time I do this you don’t need to threaten me you do know I’m not actually going to shoot you every time I pull out this oh freaking PRX is on your magnetic ring but you’re going

To I mean you’re going to struggle we will shoot him with that anyway it’s not ranged oh my God my brain um thank you for picking up what I’m doing this isang this happens to be not mine oh yes it just it went back into

My and you were blaming me I’m I’m not the I’m not the one with a bloody magnetic ring I saw the magnetic ring effect it must have pulled it toward where’s my fluid pip I haven’t got anything of yours Oh you mean these you well thank you very much James for

Being in the way of the magnetic ring field so then it hit you instead braxas you’re welcome now now ladies why is it plural cuz it’s funny I’m sorry my brain just apparently I’m just guilty of everything and I’m just Guilty by association yes yeah Prett much oh my

God this is so much better okay I’m in a happy place now you’re in a happy place yeah because the grass was so annoying why do you think my space is so clear of glor I’m getting my Camp ready Camping Time camping time we be hang hang I’m actually going to rest

This time yay hang let’s get a campfire going back what someone please sleep thank God I love the fact that it was no one that was actually here that slept yeah I I was thinking we go the normal place and by normal place I mean my window that’s his window uhhuh

You’re wait okay I’m not let’s let’s be fair it is I’m not going to question it made my window I’m not going to question it why why they hitting he’s just being a b s today near happy enough today you how did I hit you right I’m

Going to I’ve said this how many times have I said I’m going to win the stream now three must I’ve lost count shut I won’t distract you because I’m off to make myself another cup of coffee all right I’m also I’m going to deafen myself in here so you guys can’t

Scream at me my door’s shut this isn’t going to work all right to hear even if I all right you guys um yeah I’m going to end the stream here so thank you very much for watching I hope you have all enjoyed it for you um if you have feel free to

Like the stream subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and hopefully I shall see you all next time good night the internet

This video, titled ‘Continuing Automation – ChooChooCraft – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2’, was uploaded by Genius_James on 2024-03-03 13:42:40. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:29 or 7649 seconds.

Continuing Automation – ChooChooCraft – Modded Minecraft 1.12.2

Series Playlist –

Opening music – Monody –

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  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More