INSANE! Beating Minecraft Speedrun in 21:15 RSG

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All righty all right all right all right let’s do one more warmup and go right into it please don’t lag okay uh we might lag guys and if we do I’m just going to have to end the stream um if it starts acting crazy again I was

Having a lot of internet problems I called Spectrum went through the process you know the process they did a bunch of stuff and they made it better but I still had a couple frame drops randomly um so see how it goes oops okay that’s fine let me actually do this as Well it’s kind of laggy stop the cap please oh my God don’t be lying don’t be lying don’t be ly seriously like don’t don’t don’t just say it it’s annoying not even funny like when it’s actually happening it’s super annoying bro oops here we go all right

Y Ellas thank you for the tensy Bro seriously man lag lag go away don’t come back another day please bro please don’t come back H anyway let’s get into it we’re doing one more of these and then we’re going into it I was doing some practicing on Twitch while I was

Basically on Twitch doing a watch party and then we’re lagging so bad that I just ended it and then I was just streaming nothing testing the net and then eventually uh I started just practicing some Minecraft wow that was an insanely fast perch by the way that was an insanely fast

Perch like on those Towers too I don’t even understand how he did that I guess cuz oh I guess cuz I I I drank the potion he kind of glitched a little bit but he shouldn’t have perched that fast off those big towers it’s kind of Insane Ellas thank you for the 10 seriously appreciate that dude lag lag go away don’t come back another day don’t come Back forcing Dragon a Purch okay we got it all right let’s get into it need Spectrum up for the lag I’m sad it might I might have to just move soon sooner than I expected to somewhere with better internet that hurt like that kind of hurts cuz I feel bad like so close to

My mom and my grandma right now that it’s been nice but I’m might have to might have to move if I can’t find another internet company soon or get this somehow just sorted right how was aot uh I personally enjoyed I think it was fine ending uh

You know if you watched it all it’s a little emotional you know if you’re attached to the characters um but uh I liked it I think it was pretty good A little out there there but you know the last few seasons have been so you got to like expect That okay this is just a warm Up I don’t expect the I don’t expect the god SE to be here immediately but there is a Boat um I can’t tell if it’s a half though let’s go for it that was 25 seconds behind all right uh hin you ready I was you know what I’ve been watching lately Stein’s gate okay it’s a good half of a shipwreck let’s see what Happens where is the doorway wait wa wait uh okay it’s over Here and no iron okay it’s perfect because I just got to set up my whatam iall Anyway okay let’s set the chart up take level entities block entities just want that out the way St get very interesting it’s good it’s good I’m liking it starting gen V if you like the boys you’ll like gen V and you can’t watch gen V without

Watching the boys doing so is just a stupid idea because so the the universe is so tied together it’s like a Marvel show which I don’t like how they did that for Marvel shows personally but I’ve watched all the boys and also you don’t need to watch 20 different movies

And 10 different shows understand it just one show so it’s okay right now but I don’t know if I like gen B I I like the boys world and I like like they use so much they they they’re not scared to like use superpowers all the

Time we’ve had some lag already bro baby lag baby baby lag anybody noticed it we had 42 frames drop 2% of the Stream I’m just going to play through it I’m just going to play through it let’s see what happens okay we’re on an ocean I’m just going to run this let’s Go no we’re not on an ocean actually uh maybe we got a fishing house big copage fishing house let’s See four beds me all the emeralds no emeralds no emeralds no ocean no fishing house no run honestly unless this got wait we got two houses here let’s see big emeralds okay big beds big emeralds here we Go see what we can do I didn’t told you when you said it it had happened yet I just checked Now all right give me a four piece all I need is a four piece and we’re Happy okay where’s the Golem there he is four piece Please oh baby slappers he wasn’t going to give me four anyway Terrible no this I mean that was a big copage run anyway that was just practice um a village on site uh let’s see furnish no furnace not running a mile just to not have a furnace new One Piece episode Banger bro no no no no no don’t say anything about

It please I’m one episode behind I already know I already know it’s getting good again like it’s they’re just not taking a break I thought there’d be a big pause and what’s going On no only God Seats animation so good I feel like the animation’s Gotten Good ever since they’ve been in like uh the the Whatchamacallit n wano to be honest okay on the water that’s what I like to Be okay actually let’s do this Okay here we go Pinewood boat okay let’s see what happens Here oh this song Fits so well for boating Watch it I know it left off on the last episode on a pretty decent Cliffhanger uh with uh I don’t want to spoil anything about it I don’t want to say anything about it was L introducing the that marine guy I’ll just say That we got nothing Here Mario 64 Water song yeah it’s like a remix of it I could Tell [Applause] Lava pool give me a uh a boat right here actually and I’ll be right Back is that another lava pool oh it is it is actually that’s Funny I don’t see any boats though maybe there’s going to be a sneaky one right here I’ll just I’ll just check if not Reset is there a hot key I could press to make these automatically go up to the the uh crafting Thing I guess I should be the one knowing that huh is a Speedrunner um honestly without a boat I don’t see this working out thought I maybe saw one right here but nope shift click on the menu while being crafted let me see Something see shift click makes it do that control click no middle click middle shift click right click right click left click Shi Click okay so I just found a micro time save let me see boom boom okay okay so I’m like oh my God oh my God okay nice nice nice shift click on the chatting try have you tried shift clicking bro I always shift click it okay we only dropped 42 so far this

Whole stream 42 magical number 42 have to work on the muscle memory you’re 100% right honestly I got to get used to it but I’m going do it right here watch micro time save micro time save that’s what we call those when you’re just saving literally one second boom boom boom

Oh no I can actually okay I got to get better at that but I think I got I think I got it we have to improve on that a little bit Spectrum respecting you finally uh they’re disres they’ve been disrespecting me all night All Right okay there’s a okay ooh ooh ooh Ooh no chest chestless what a bad okay we got a boat right there though we got a boat right here we’re just going to circle back grab the gold after hitting the boat up here we Go actually just enough that’s actually just enough which is Hilarious Oh Okay I need lava there’s a ravine right here I just got to look nothing wow kind of painful There I got no food Ellas thank you for the big dog that thing is speeding that thing is speeding oh we got some fakey laa it looks a little fakey I’m not going to Lie [Applause] okay Flint took way too long I don’t like how this looks man okay I’m going to do the 2×1 cuz I’m a flipping Sav well well that was a fun one okay okay maybe I’m going to do the 2 by none you know two by none cuz

There’s nothing to work with oh wait we got a three by we got a 2 by one right here wait wait wait wait okay okay we may have something please no please no please no please oh I would have died if there was something under there actually funny

Enough maybe over here didn’t bring any Water all right that’s a fun one lava popping to my left left and right hello am I I’m at eight lava Popp on my left it’s this way directly okay hey look what we Found we got no food but we’ll make it work there’s going to be big pigs in the nether for us to eat that’s what’ll happen right Oops just practice it’s just practice anyway 5:48 this is not what I call morning early night stream hope your internet’s holding up regardless I’m here to support what’s up big dog my internet’s been acting a bad tonight man I literally went on phone to customer service to like get it fixed they did

Some resetting and it l it did get better I’m assuming there my guess is that they’re having problems in the area right now and and I think we’re getting past the problems cuz it seems like we get a lot of problems at night time around here I usually never lag during the daytime

Like I never have big lag issues during the daytime but I’ve had a lot of times where it’s lagging bad at night like randomly on a few like some random nights not like consistently every night type thing but it’s definitely happened okay we got a we got a fortress on us wait a

Second wait a second uh dang all we have is a fortress that’s all we have that’s all we have we don’t have a Bastion like 100% let’s go look at the Fortress for funsies though right nothing wrong with some funsies right no I’m speedrunning what am I

Doing I’m speedrunning are you a Karen on the phone I actually streamed it on ttch I actually turn the mic on whenever I had them on the line for a bit bro I was like let me just stream this so I got in recording what they said I

Deleted it though I completely deleted the entire stream cuz I don’t know I just didn’t uh I leaked some stuff you know there was some leakage I know ellias saw it but he’s a real One all right I didn’t use the new skill that I just learned dang it oh my God all right all right all right all right what do we got here any boats run on the Coastline need a little Coastline Titanic Please No looks like a dead seed we’re not running trash we just I I got to get better at resetting dude I only dropped 42 frames this whole stream it went to z0 0.0% frames dropped on the percentage since then it was 0.1 and it got so many frames as fast now it’s under

.1% makes me feel better what the is there a go you guys see that is that a portal built inside of a brewery you guys see that am I bugging right now what am I looking at what am I looking at what am I looking at you see this

What the what is this yo what is this let me see please I have a chest in here please oh it’s chestless though what the heck I’ve never seen this I’ve never seen the structure ever look like this that’s hilarious I’ve never seen it so glitched that’s a funny

One no furnace though um honestly I don’t see this really running unless we have a fish House it’s kind of funny let me just see something is there a chest here I just got to know chest didn’t spawn then right let me see that’s so weird looking bro that’s Hilarious go swim in the lava great idea oh another portal I always like running portals just to see what it has for me like there’s a cave right there I could go crazy and just do a natural run like give me a golden axe Flint steel Um let’s see what we get let’s see what we get okay flint and steel shovel sagge I guess shovel is not it though to be honest like a golden pickaxe would be huge cuz then I could dig a bunch of the stone out grab iron and just cook it up

While like setting up a portal and stuff but without like an axe or a pickaxe I don’t see that working someone did some mad experiments in that house Is that a shipwreck right there I can’t no it looks like a bound to dirt to be Honest All right what do we got here I hate being on the wall water after a minute that’s just not great Pace like I want to be on the boat in the water sub 45 seconds like that’s kind of goals sub 50 at least but that’s a big 10-second L

For not getting in like I might as well respawn especially if I don’t see a shipwreck right away either is a shipwreck over there but I think it’s a bad half anyway It is a bad half all Right yo Ellas I don’t know if you noticed I did some big questing last night bro big questing Legends I’m a legend I’m literally legendary now There you go it’s like I don’t honestly literally no pressure bro don’t even worry about it oh there’s a big shipwrecker over here but there’s a small there’s a small shipwreck here but that’s also sand I don’t like that I’m just going to go for the big one cuz

There’s also going to be food for sure that’s what I’m going to do and also we’re going to want gravel Anyway uh nothing there also be able to spot a ravine on the way Possibly yeah this might be it let’s see that looks decent that looks decent that looks decent where am I at okay uh I need to go directly oh there’s a portal there too directly north 236 and then go go north go negative like 236 240 240 and go

North right go east to 240 then go straight North got it got it got it locked in locked in wow oh that hurts man food L when I just hyped up the food chest no oh my God that’s insane man I should just drop right Now That’s dude no food and no no iron one Diamond What drop I’m going to check this chest just in case it’s magical baby Iron yeah I guess I should have gone to the half shipwreck sad really sad about that Man all right let’s run out this way let’s see do we see anything a birch tree Anyway I see a shipwreck 1 minute on the water H eh sorry we got to ship Breck in our I locket at least so that does feel a little better and there’s a portal right underneath me I got to go there first oh there’s a temp there’s there’s

Lava down there too oh this is actually big Unbreaking efficiency Fortune why not all right let’s go we’re going to come right back here all right uh where am I going 93 and that’s Negative X so we’re going to go 90 and what is that South all right so we’re going to go

West until we hit 90 and then we’re going to go north or South no way man it’s Crazy that’s so painful right now when looking at Okay was there fire charges in there and I didn’t pick them up let me just double check I think it was just flint and Steel no I was just flint and steel dang Um I’m just gonna make a bucket since I have a pickaxe I’m just going to make a bucket in the Flint Steel guci shovel one two Three I can oh man I can’t even get the gold though man oh God I got gold boots on I don’t need any gold let’s Go we’re just going to make it work whatever just make it Work mhm Yo wait a second whoops I do That that’s honestly fine oh my God there we Go See what happens Here here we Go sub five entry St feels Good do I have anything I might have something uh 31 30 okay it’s definitely this way something 35 I’m at 44 right now okay let’s stay on this level if I go any lower right now I’m going to fall into lava probably I don’t want to go down there

Yeah I don’t want to go Down got to stay up we got to stay up oh my god well we don’t even have a pickaxe for this So see um man the wall Kingdom oh look at this I didn’t notice oh my God look at this there’s a tiny Gap here I could have gone this way and then I would have gone that way I would have seen the Bastion but had to go

Around the left though and then maybe just go straight up yeah would been kind of a pain to get To all right not even any I need iron bits anyway literally wouldn’t have got wouldn’t even had enough for a pickaxe that’s crazy wouldn’t have had a pickaxe oh there it is kind of trash though you have a god Apple yeah but I didn’t I didn’t know how to get to where

I was going and I had a I had a pickaxe that was literally about to break so brim Haven agility course why are you doing That like tell me why you’re doing brim Haven agility course Though what what’s your what’s your strength and attack level actually zipper tell me that right now I’ll tell you what you need to do I’ll tell you what you literally need to do guardians of the rift more efficiently no both 58 so you’ve done waterfall Quest you’ve done um fight Arena and

You’ve done uh Grand Tree have we done all three of those those are the basic easy three please tell me don’t want three of those before you done all that okay I’m say You must have done it if you got that much okay making sure Mak sure you knock that out

Um Guardians on the rift more efficiently Savage reason I respect it actually but is brim Haven even great agility XP or is it just be I don’t think it’s better XP rates though what’s your agility at right now we did waterfall together back in the day you’re right okay I didn’t know

If it was the same account or not the hardcore that died day One all this running just to get to an ocean if there’s not a shipwreck in Arms Reach from here I’m not going to be able run this dude you need to be doing ki’s course bro somebody tell this guy you got to get Grace get your marks

Of Grace up I got full graceful now dude on the on the iron I went crazy the past couple nights or not last couple nights but recently oh I just did that uh Whatever you want XP um Zips I’ll tell you one way you can get XP really well like a really good XP quest one small favor such an easy Quest you just got to do one small favor for this guy and then you get two 10,000 XP Lamps that easy just got to do one small favor uh and graceful is useful for anything you run with which is almost every single thing other than Bank standing uh skills graceful not only reduces your weight but it also gives you a 30% run like regeneration bonus when you have

Full full uh full outfit there’s nothing here actually there we go oh look at that another portal and a village give me an axe right now so I can cut down some trees and take the wood to the Village sharpness and fire aspect and efficiency I’ll take a you

Know I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it is there a furnace there if there’s a furnace there I’m running it nope no furnace no run you can craft deaths now wait a second you did morning’s end part two don’t you need to do mornings end

Part two to do that or am I bugging You need a quest to do death runes don’t you or maybe you don’t I thought you needed a quest to do it ruin started what what are you saying uh at least I don’t understand exactly what you’re saying there it’s very oh look at the ice Pike biome let’s just

Take a second and appreciate it look at that bro it’s the freaking world Trade Center look at this thing oh my god oh man that is huge it’s in the Clouds huh Bruh Bruh what do need a quest to do It don’t you need morning again look at the wiki bro you know how to use the wiki yo Zips is a real runescaper this dude got a free he was chilling off for him a bond in chat on stream he’s like bet I’ll take it and some other guy’s

Like don’t worry I got you Zips H got some random guy hooked up with a bond from chilling stream then Zips goes yo chilling you still got me that Bond my boy my boy wants all the membership that’s a real run scap Here you said he give it to me anyway oh okay okay I didn’t hear that part I didn’t hear that part he left that part out when he told me Maybe he’ll give you one anyway after your bond Runs Out only if you stay going steady hard you know oh my God look at this beautiful shipwreck can’t believe I was even running This This is hilarious always like this I’ve been really like bad RNG rolled in these shipwrecks today so bad it’s actually crazy got it I got it I got It seriously all these quests first um you should actually do underground pass I streamed that was the one I streamed the other day remember that one the miserable one you get agility from that Quest it’s kind of worth doing for you at least you should do underground pass regicide

Um are you using run light by the way big Zips or uh not whoops my bad my bad called you by your grandfather’s name didn’t I you’re no longer that person let big zip here I still know this guy’s OG Name if you offer and give it to me think about this imagine some guy at the gas station says dude I just need $5 I just need $5 so I can make it to I can make it home please and then they’re like you’re like okay let me go get some

And someone’s like don’t worry I got $5 and he’s like okay can I get your $5 still though that’s that’s what I’m talking about Sis uh dolphin do it for Me not just for me Mr dolphin but for the whole team please oh I was Running Any shipwrecks though je all right Let’s kindness of the homy heart okay okay I wasn’t there for the situation so I can’t really judge it okay I I hate spawning right next to a temple it scares me so much it keeps thinking it’s going to just curs me right away on spawn no you can actually so RuneScape

You can actually buy monthly membership as well that is an option what a lot of people do is get bonds which you could buy bonds um as well and they last for 14 days of membership but they’re also you can take them in game and they’re in-game items

That you can also trade with people so you could actually trade and there’s a grand there’s like a Marketplace in the game where you can spend like the coins you make in the game like not Co you can’t really buy coins but you can buy bonds at least and like there’s an

Entire market and like literally an entire economy when it comes to the game uh in the grand exchange that people use to buy and trade all the items in the game and uh you can buy bonds there right and they’re always fluctuating in prices like a few years ago they were 3

Mil now they’re like like a few weeks like a few month mon ago they were 10 mil now they’re like 6 mil so it really fluctuates with uh the game there’s a full shipwreck over there but I’m going to hit this one cuz it’s closer I kind of regret it I kind of

Regret not going to the other one we’ll we’ll hook a left and we’ll go to the other one if this isn’t it we got we got dolphin here actually that’s huge for us oops that what we wanted oh maybe we’ll just do that actually Instead yep everything we needed Okay Oh it would have been magical oh oh it’s magical no it’s a jabate it’s actually a jabate though I can just tell it looks it’s so fake I can literally just tell do I go for this for the sake of food I just got to go west and south over

There let me go for It speaking of Food just give me good food please dude what the lava no Lava all the steel in the world no gold I was really hoping for some gold to be honest that Hurts yeah dolphin I need you to take me right now do come on come on come on let’s Go come on lead me straight to a ravine with lava please what is this what is this what is this something all we’re going to we’re going to have to just go for it at this point nothing else happening okay this might be real looks really real really really I said really Really yo What okay what we got here might have something here definitely looks like we might okay we got 66 entities that way that’s a lot of entities no spawner either which is interesting um let’s go ahead and bomba a Tree We got Big Blocks huge blocks okay it’s directly this direction 81 okay that’s all my beds for later not even worry about that oops don’t need that Honestly yep what’s up what’s up pig Dog there it is Bastion in sight let’s go for it it’s pretty massive there oh my God oh my God oh my God huge huge Honestly big food too Insane insane food I just got big big food off that big big food off that it’s huge uh-huh uhhuh okay come on come on guys come on come on come On all right all the food we need we got gold on us let’s go we got a good Gap All Right Four and five and okay we have a spawner on us too by the way within 16 chunks that’s huge we have a baby Pacer going right now I’m not even we have a Pacer Going um we’re going leave that okay don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that boom boom boom don’t need this wood don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this I really need pearls is what I need pearls yeah okay we got them okay

Okay we’re good we’re good we’re good be back we’ll be back we’ll be Back are they done trading no no they’re not no they’re not we’ll back we’ll be back okay single Gap okay we only have one gold spawn here and a lot of pigs are out here Doing Straight it up yep Okay um no triples Huh wow this is a terrible One this is Terrible oh my God this is so bad man all right uh we’re going we’re going To the fact that there’s oh okay okay okay I’m bugging I’m bugging I’m bugging right here I hit this one Okay okay Huge Okay I don’t have the spawner on me anymore so it’s got to be I’m guessing it’s that way where I’m looking right Now 22 no 23 23 chunks from where I’m at now check this way not this way not this Way it’s not that way it’s got to be this way okay that’s fine it’s more than fine that’s amazing actually here we Go I might hit that I might hit that oh God let’s go Massive No no no no No that’s exactly where I wanted to Be Oh All right let’s go this to the North 20 two chunks we are at four it’s negative Z so we need to get to Like8 I think right what’s 4 – 228 I believe right sounds Right I have just enough pearls though that’s a problem man I’m going to have to throw one more in Prage we’re going to have to Just we’re just going have to run the next Few N I got to throw another one there it Is Oh we got short bald on the uh low bald I mean whatever you want to call it on these uh on these pearls Man Am I missing something No not the best Pace not the best Pace but I mean it’s a runner it’s a little baby Pacer we got going on you Know oh my God almost Fell Spawner right There Single Rod man El rates too 1 2 3 four five six kills one rod I’m just Saying don’t go up there no bro no come on Down one rod only one rod still what’s the opposite of Rody Rich cuz that’s what I am Rodless There we go four rods I’m probably not going to have enough eyes like I’m going off RNG for real to get these eyes and stuff um uh Crafting uh what do I drop this is trash this is Trash five rods let’s Go can I get any better blind cords I Cannot woo luckily I way Extra you’re not this will only take a minute bro broke that’s a good one Brody Broke watch me beat my own PB still like a Savage Oh how low are we are we really this low okay okay um He let’s just see what we C to I’m just going to PR this is good practice you know it’s just practice anyway at this Point all Right It’s probably thousands of blocks away there we go Maybe not maybe so actually we’ll see I’m just eyeballing it can’t tell really until I C there we go it’s 1,361 blocks away we broke one so we’re going to have nine total we’re not even going to have a

Pearl to get to the dragon that’s so funny this going to be such a Cheesy Run oh you completely shut my portal off okay it’s fine no big Deal there we Go maybe it didn’t wow I was bugging actually the portal just stays there um zombies made it here no no no don’t die I still want to practice all right uh I need to get to 138 onega 166 this Way that’s why you Practice all we can actually run this out that’s Crazy Oh there it is I thought I tossed it I was like what is wrong with me there’s only a 15% reading by the way so there’s a solid chance yeah we didn’t even hit it um let’s look around do we see it Oh We are so low bro we are at 22 y right now which means we’re next to the Floor so what is This Are we in the ocean got to be like an ocean Huh how is there all this water here okay we are in Ocean all Right oh No yeah we know where it is it’s far Away it’s on top of this mountain how about we do This so I would have to go all the way up I would I would have gone around yikes uh let me see 118 TR to go this way like right here 1108 and then 192 one I mean one 1292 so it’s right here there we go all right I see it back there let’s see would have gone oh um follow the water maybe uh the water would in such a pain but it would have

Got here and they would have had not enough by the way we would have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 one short no dragon hope is real hell well op Israel Chillin finally just finished the Marine Fort Arc uh the Marine War Arc so he finally understands the Reference I don’t want to spoil one piece for anyone but he said some really funny stuff to me when he was watching that I was like some really funny stuff I don’t want to spoil it though like he was giving me his predictions and it was funny you know

What I mean how’s fantasy team looking let me check I didn’t even I watched The Birds game yo that game today was messy bro that was a messy messy game today oh my God I’m losing fantasy I’m going lose I need um wow I need Garrett

Wilson to score 23 fantasy points for me if he can get like three touchdowns and maybe uh 200 receiving yards I have a Chance actually not even that much a little less than that three touchdowns would be enough plus like The Yards you’d have from that would be enough Probably It’s a bad shipwreck or a good one I can’t tell looks like it’s oh this might be really good for us this might be really good for us let’s see no it’s a bad shipwreck dang it you know What Dang never mind was going to say say this map’s on us so we’re Good and there’s no chest because we got a big portal I hate this portal bro the big ones never spawn chests I don’t get it I’m on Pace to still be perfect in my wow that’s insane that’s actually insane to do I mean we’re going this was week what this is week

Eight PR Jack didn’t throw five interceptions yeah yeah me too man so many tush pushes bro so many tush pushes today I think even Dak did one right kind of crazy what fumbles no no no tush push is whenever you push the quarterback over the line of scrimmage on like just

Trying to get one yard Eagles are literally notorious for it like it’s they they’re so so so so good at doing it like their success rate on it is pretty amazing I’ve only seen them like not get a first down from it one time from watching them um which probably more

Than that but like I think they probably got like a 90% success right on doing that maybe 80% 80% got to be like the Lowest it’s honestly such a dangerous play in my opinion really risking the quarterbacks uh he be really risking injury doing it uh but it’s Savage I see a shipwreck straight in front of me Interesting see the big ship right here so glad we haven’t lagged this stream guys I was literally I was so I was like this close bro and you guys can’t see my little fingers but you see my ghost hand bro that’s how close my fingers are together right there that close you know

You can’t even see the Gap it’s so close was this close to canceling stream because my lag I was so upset we got it taken care of at least oh my God give me everything I need oh no Berry treasure bro what is this okay wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait give me everything I need why do you why are you doing this so much today bro it’s literally failing me so many time the shipwrecks have been awful today man like not only am I not getting what I need not only is it buried I’m not

Getting what I need I’m not getting the the iron it’s Crazy give me a furnace bro it’s furnace Time the furnace be right here in this Village there’s not one no trees either sh bre got ner live chatting H better server no literally bro the internet company has a monopoly of my neighborhood and they are the only provider supposedly I’m going to have to

Look more harder but I went to a third party company oh my God oh my God wait a second let’s see something real quick grab some wood before I go there that to find internet providers and they said the only one I have in my

Area is the one I have currently which I blew my mind but I’m going to just call internet companies I’m like can you guys install something can I pay you guys money to come and install something Maybe just food actually sucks though it’s not even like food in a map it’s just food this one’s the worst ship this is the forward half shipwreck on its side is literally the worst when you get out it kind of Sucks Let’s see sag I know man big sagge honestly Dragon armor is like 20 mil a piece Rip dragon armor what do you mean dragon armor a dragon chain skirt goes for like few 200k Dragon boots 200k you can’t even wear that bro you need 60 defense you looking at dragon armor four whoa who’s singing in my who’s

Singing in my no sing stream this is in karaoke stream bro 58 is pretty impressive listen get to 60 and then stop training defense trust Focus uh get 60 attack as well and uh actually you need 60 attack 60 strength Zips goals for you ready 60 attack 60 strength do you even know what a dragon Defender

Is feel like you don’t even know what it is maybe do you know what that is oh you got to stop sh sharing stop sharing okay Dragon Defender is an off hand that you’ll hold like you know you got one hand holding a weapon and you can have like a shield it basically

Takes a shield slot and it boosts your your strength and your attack like accuracy by a ton um you literally go get it in the uh in the Warriors Guild but you need 60 uh need 120 total stats between attack and strength so you get 60 60 in those two

And then you go to the Warriors Guild grind it’s called The Warriors Guild grind cuz you need Defenders literally everyone use Defender all the way up unless you got like some of the best priced offhand items which is like bills in the game but Dragon Defender is amazing I

Just got mine finally today took me a couple days to get it but couple a few couple hour Grand seses honestly basically what you do is you go into this Warriors Guild bring like a full set of mythal armor like the helmet chaps and plate body and then you go set

It up at this little alter thing and then it fights you as like a Ghost Armor you slay it it drops you Warrior tokens once you have 100 plus you can go upstairs in the top room and start slaying s copses and they drop the Defenders and every time you get

Defender you walk out show the lady and they upgrade Defender starting at bronze and then bronze uh iron steel uh and so on literally and each Defender is like bonus attack stats you go all the way to Dragon once you get rued you have to go to the basement do

It but why though only stuff withth killing no you slay cyclopses for it it’s literally 100% the thing you need and you don’t there’s also Slayer you could do Slayer not in the wilderness you tell me you know what Slayer is you have a furnace I’m going to go for

It please tell me you know what Slayer is it’s literally the whole like it’s like probably the best skill to train it’s like the most fun you just so 47 well you get your Slayer up more you got to get it higher I like Wilderness Slayer personally now you don’t risk uh the

Defender Wilderness Slayer though I’ve been doing a lot of wilderness Slayer lately a Slayer on the iron’s already like uh 57 tough task you just got to know what to wear and what to prepare how to prepare for him bro a lot of times you bring welfare gear monk robes and you

Just pray tell me you got prayer at least right prayer defenses okay we got a portal right here to my Right Village first just cuz it’s closer and on the Way taking this with me Where is the SMI that’s got to be the Smith right There oh sorry Jimbo try to slam door in my face child Okay what you got for us oh my God look at this saplings what am I doing I do train Farming that was one of the worst I only had there wasn’t even a piece of iron in there bro wasn’t even a piece of iron in there man this is even a runner anymore wow I needed that to have iron in it man needed it to going to check what’s in this chest

Copage um okay couple of these and I have to break this man no no we’re not doing all this it’s big sagge man that that hurts I just see a portal there what a second n I’m not even worried about it was far Away what do we got herey okay Smite and a golden apple we take all that um shipwreck now would be very cool very very cool of you to give me a shipwreck right now zero God seeds today huh nothing like 12 hours of driving and 3 days to make vacation right yeah

America saw a funny re about uh about uh like a British guy explaining how Like it’s funny how like over there there like somebody would say do you live close to like to this place and it’s like 2 hours away they’ll be like no but in America if you like say you live close do you live close to like New

York City and it’s like 2hour drive you know what I mean they’ll be like yeah I live and like someone’s flying you know to visit or something you be like yeah I live close but over there it’s like no I don’t live close cuz we’re just so accustomed to driving extremely long distances

Compared to most other countries like 12 hours you couldn’t even drive from the the top of the UK into the bottom maybe do a loop around the whole thing maybe that take you like did a whole loop around it that probably take you like 20 hours maybe

Max no matter where you’re at in most EU countries you can drive only a few hours be an entire new country yeah pretty cool though you know and all I want to do is make death turns that my dude didn’t know he need to do morning in part

Two oh no he didn’t even he didn’t even Chuck the wiki bro come on oh dude you’re funny oh my god look another failure chest though another failure chest that’s crazy man that’s crazy I mean if you think about it you could drive a few hours and you’re

Another state here but actually it’s not even the case like depends on where which states you’re talking about in the Northeast it’s like that state by state but in like the the South and Southeast and the the West it’s not like that there’s no trees here no boats no Run also state by State’s not like country to Country at all like state by state isn’t like traveling from country to Country EU there’s a lot different of cultures in every country there compared to the states so you know we’re all United here still the end of the day

There is different I mean States vary by culture of course you know you got Southern Culture I guess you know in the north I mean you got I mean we don’t got the deepest of cultures to be honest our history only goes back like 250 years really So Hot tub Drive 3 hours DFW border flight R Hotel pay dude DFW parking is insane D’s got some tough parking prices you got to pay $2 just to drive into the airport and not leave like even if you’re staying for 20 minutes in the airport to pick somebody

Up you got to just pay $2 pretty wild the hot tub drop Yeah oh my goodness give me a shipwreck that is facing upright that one’s on the side that won’t work I don’t have any trees I can only rock a shipwreck that’s like completely facing upright cuz I need to use the door in there to breathe

And to be able to knock wood down and start crafting and make crafting T so when you’re on an island with no trees it’s pretty Miserable hotels parking lots LOL 25 bucks a night is robbery yeah I know luckily like as an employee of DFW uh when I was working there I we had our employee parking lot was outside of the toll booths so we actually didn’t have free free parking whenever we came like

To go pick somebody up we still have to pay $2 we didn’t have any employee like access or discount to it or anything like that but if you are going to DFW by the way clutch Pro tip pay online ahead of time you’ll save a lot of money it’s

Like $16 per day instead of 20 something there’s like some kind of app you can do and you save like it’s a lot of it’s a lot cheaper it’s actually Insane a word you’re Welcome if it ask for employee number or anything about like that just fake it there’s no checking or anything like that so if there’s like a like yeah like some kind of thing in there for employee number Stuff I don’t think there is I think that’s literally anybody can use it I don’t know if it’s an employee like discount that they had online or not but I’m pretty sure anybody could use it I just heard about it from other uh like flood attendants cuz sometimes so what you

Have to do is you have to park outside and then take a shuttle in which so like when you parked the shuttle take like 5 to 10 minutes to get to your like terminal um cuz it stop make a few stops and also you have to wait for the

Shuttle sometimes so like just assume that it’s going to take at least 10 minutes after you step out of your car to get to the terminal at least um sometimes they’d be really like sometimes it make it within five but usually be like 10 average and the shuttles are pretty reliable at least

But but sometimes you didn’t have time to do that cuz you’re running late so people would literally just park in the terminal a lot of times when they’re running late take the L on the paper so they don’t get like a weird Point against them for being late you know

It’s like a point system and stuff like that it’s a very big uh American’s super large corporation so everything’s like the all these systems in place you’re just really a number in the system there as an employee I mean of course they say you know oh we’re all

Family yada y y but super super corporate like when you have over 50,000 employees like you know what I mean like flight attendants alone there’s like 26,000 of them so yeah yeah the I mean the parking lot’s convenient cuz it really is like you park and you walk right up to the

Airport which is nice you know what I mean you walk right in the terminal parking lots are nice there convenient but really expensive park there my two days in Vegas after you’re losing a lot of money oh my god oh No there it was there it was hey there it was I knew it was coming 90 parking at PDX yikes was lag no no no that lag was on my end I dropped remember I said 42 frames earlier we not 848 total frames dropped I just had a solid solid lag There we’re going to power through it if it starts if it starts being continuous might have to end stream we’re just going to power through it for Now I’m glad we I can’t believe we were live this long without much of an issue to be honest what was going on earlier after this I’m watching Invincible anyway kind of ready to end whenever I mean I want a speedrun I I’m trying to get like a Pacer going I

Really the one Pacer we had was just like mediocre pce not even amazing Pace we didn’t have enough pearls so I knew honestly right away we weren’t going to be able to win it when we had like 11 pearls leaving you know what I mean yeah the Fram stop I mean it’s back

To normal it’s not dropping any frames now it it was a spike of lag though it definitely spiked for about couple seconds there trying to move to Indiana a what do you mean Indiana like cuz is that where you’re at sure thing big dog you got a room for

Me and uh the only deal is no Spectrum internet allowed I’ll pay you in uh runes gate Bonds I might do some casual Twitch streaming of my room Escape honestly know on the side cuz it’s very very I might like literally just do like some very chill Slaying you do group questing or you got to catch up on the quest I got plenty of Quests you haven’t done Heroes Quest you haven’t done Legends quest you haven’t done regicide you haven’t done underground pass did you do monkey Madness tell me you did Monkey Madness at least the new social group it’s a uh it’s a really uh experienced group big dog with this like people that it’s and

Actually there’s only a limited amount of space too so we can’t it’s only up to five people allowed cuz we’re playing Iron Man which means there’s no Grand exchange access and you can’t trade other people outside the group it’s really so like you can’t buy items you need at Grand exchange you

Have to like get everything yourself you know what I mean it’s a very kind of Hardcore way of playing it Um I know that was leagues is coming out soon by the way so uh maybe uh save yourself a bond Zips for when leagues comes out because leagues is going to be dropping really soon here oh God no Man all right last run make it make it a good one 5 4 3 2 1 back Go I’ve dropped 1,669 frames that’s not nice s honestly sad about it see if it continues it might back to back big boats though I’m scooping the food and I’m dipping scoop and dip scoop and dip Scoopy Bop all right we’re good on food for this run let’s go I don’t need any more

Iron oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah there’s a portal there I’m hitting that for gold armor screw it let’s do it this could be fake too by the way come on take me But steel let’s go um one lava that won’t Work9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 okay do something for me right here I think I can do something here huge this is actually such a big find right here Um wow not a great place to be see 70 entities not good at all not good at all any1 entities man we got nothing we’re lagging that was a fun one 5 IR your blocks so far away dude I had streamed the phone call I know Burger Ling po guy heard it bro they were tell I said so why is this happening like they think it’s some kind of Disconnect between the rout like I don’t know honestly the personal the

Phone I don’t think they’re the I think they’re just phone service people trained to do just you know step-by-step thing they have to do I don’t think they’re like that big technical people and they just got their little uh dialogue stepbystep box they have to do

So they did a little reset on their end of something and Um I was like what causes this she’s like it could be anything it could be uh the equipment it could be cell phone waves in the air it could be other things using the internet it could be was like cell phone waves in the air oh that’s what’s causing my internet to lag

Cuz I’ve never had that problem before I’ve never my cell phone waves haven’t caused lag before bro like what are you talking like like okay okay I was oh man anyway we’re ending stream there guys thank you so much for watching and uh I’m going to Spectrum

Tomorrow that 5G man dude I don’t even have 5G it’s LTE I don’t even have 5G yet that’s how behind I am bro anyway thank you for watching I’m going to go watch Invincible because hopefully that doesn’t lag you know uh but I appreciate you guys for being out here

Uh internet was working for about an hour and a half good there but we’ll see anyway thank you so much once again I hope you guys have a great night’s sleep um tomorrow’s Monday all right don’t be sleeping in daylight savings is over all right you got your

Hour all right all right big love guys have a good night Bye

This video, titled ‘(GL MY INTERNET) BEATING MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN RECORD 21:15 RSG’, was uploaded by RealQuick on 2023-11-06 17:12:37. It has garnered 627 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:58 or 6598 seconds.


Current Personal Best(PB) : 25:01

Glitchless Minecraft speedrunning with a Random Seed is a category in where we aim to complete the game as quickly as possible without using any glitches, exploits, or cheats, while also generating a completely random world seed. In this category, We must rely on our knowledge of the game mechanics and world generation to navigate through the randomly generated world and reach the Ender Dragon. The goal is to complete the game in the shortest amount of time possible.


Instagram: @realquickgg (I post a lot on stories)

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    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

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  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

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    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More