Insane Bedwars chaos with viewers LIVE!

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Hello hello chat hello chat chat guys I have to oh you know you know the ritual you know the routine I have to send out this stream link I have to the stream link it must be sent it must be sent um I’m very confused as to why you cannot see my Minecraft

That’s so crazy um okay that’s not what we want um that’s so silly wait if I go into like Hypixel maybe it’ll work I’m really like fingers crossed right now that’d be so like amazing wouldn’t it um uh what if we give this like oh my gosh

Okay it did it I’m so happy okay I was really nervous for a minute okay uh we’re going to send out the stream link now I wanted to make sure it was going to work before I go sending out a link oh that’s so bad okay so sorry so sorry about that

Little inconvenience you guys can look at me while I while I send this out oh man okay okay it’s out it’s out in the public the public has seen oh that was loud why was that loud all right we’re good now I think hopefully fingers crossed feel like everything’s loud

Again I just changed the audio settings too which is crazy uh music and sounds yeah friendly creatures why are they so loud I just turn those down you silly goose I want everything to be the same cuz that will make that will make me very

Happy oh no we’ll put that at 60 yeah I mess with it I mess with it okay hopefully everything is good now we over ran okay o put my mic closer to me that was kind of far actually um all right updates silly silly all Aspen updates oh carart was going crazy right

Now as the aded um okay I I went to the gym yesterday and I was doing deadlifts and I used these wrist wraps to like help me grab the bar cuz I got weak grip and uh now I have a fat like bruise on my hand and it hurts really bad cuz

The grips or the not the grips the wrist wraps were way too tight um so we’re we’re dealing with that now but honestly live left love we’re just going to go on what is no pain no game am I right uh but yeah I don’t have a whole

Lot more for chat um I will say though okay we have red coming over that’s so not cool dude you are literally the least cool person I know o C down just just do it what the freak oh we got him we so got him come

Back just come back oh we were so close he played us so well I was way too aggressive too in the back of my head I knew what was happening I knew it but I just kept going anyway that’s so on me all right just you’re not sneaky at

All how the freak are you doing that bro how did you do that how did I not land one hit on him that that’s really embarrassing actually that’s actually really embarrassing oh this is cute oh this is so cute wait I love this map this one’s so cute

Okay um we’re good we’re good I’ve got a tall glass of water with me too sorry as I was saying before I was rudely cut off um from now on I’ll be like putting all my streams as unlisted after a certain amount of time uh and if you want to see

The vods I’ll be posting them in the Discord but yeah I don’t really have much else to say very very chill today very chill stream we are we’re chilling we are absolutely chilling no good oh I do not have enough for armor that’s okay we still want uh iron anyway you’re hi simply

A uh let’s rush let’s actually Rush someone this time let’s Rush white was that I think that was white uh we can put this away for now um okay actually I think they plan to come over here they’re just crouching at me I saw them they’re probably going to get a

Fireball but I’m going to keep going cuz I’m silly I I don’t I don’t learn I don’t learn I just go and I do my thing and then I face the consequences later oh okay I could have clutched there too I really could have clutched that’s

Okay that’s okay we we got got it he’s I think he’s probably coming over here too which is not what we want but we will deal sounds like a future me problem in all honesty okay I I just saw him fall so actually I think we’re good I think

We are absolutely fine oh we were so close too took him a while to buy that fireball holy okay dude I really don’t know like what your plan is here oh you want to break that from under me nuh-uh oh I was I had him perfectly set

Up to break that from under him what’s with the no bed defense what is you’re a little silly for that in all honesty we were really close actually it was like I keep saying actually I have to stop why am I doing that that’s so horrible um he was one hit

Away we’re going back like right now we got to get that we got to get the dub I see him trying to hide up there he’s not very sneaky though he’s really not sneaky and he’s really trying to be you’re so silly you’re such a silly goose you’re such a silly

Goose he really thought he really thought all right what can we buy we can buy armor now that’s nice uh the the kind we want the kind of armor that we need and we want I’m thinking actually oh I said it again I need to make a punishment for myself if I do

That oh Okay uh simply Ace when are when are we getting that texture pack oh hi I almost kind of fell off that would have been so silly so very so very silly of me but guess guess what I’m not going to do that I’m not going to fall off ooh

Okay um put this away let’s get some more of that and then let’s buy a fireball with literally the remaining stuff that I have left absolutely no extras there’s nobody oh I I was just saying there’s nobody coming over to us can I make that oh the aim was on point the

Aim was so on point holy oh we got this we are on today we are on oh my goodness that was wild that was wild he was he definitely looks like he’s going over there but he is just not we’re coming to him though you know if you

Want to be kind to people meet them halfway in things you know oh oh oh oh oh we did it we did it oh we’re on a roll we are on a roll oh my goodness oh my goodness uh put this away let’s get let’s get another Fireball some

Wool oo my heart my heart is pounding my heart is pounding that was very very anxiety very very silly anxiety oh wow okay wait it’s just me and yellow that went by really quick oh my goodness where is Yellow where are they where’s that silly little Goose where’s that silly

Goose feel like we’re definitely at risk right now okay well okay they’re definitely going for my thing my bed um even though I don’t know where where they are there’s just no way that they’re not right right question mark question mark um all right I’m thinking we go to

Mid cuz chances are there’s probably a bridge going over to their Island that connects to Mid um and if they’re not over at my Island they’re probably at theirs so we’re just going to go to Mid and try to find them I don’t see them we’re still going

Though realistically if we get to them before they get to our bed we should be pretty Set uh oh I see them they’re over there I ran out of blocks oh my oh my oh my goodness oh oh I oh I didn’t Sprint and I fell I didn’t Sprint and I fell is

That even right grammar I don’t even know if that grammar was correct Oh either way that is so horrible all right we’re going to buy a gapple to take with us this time um where should we go where is Yellow where’s that where’s that silly L Goose

I feel like my sensitivity is kind of high right now but maybe maybe it’s not maybe no it is a little high little too high for me all right I see them over there there’s no Bridge connecting those two islands and I don’t really want to

Make another one uh so we’re going to go to them through mid I think that’s the smartest idea Spotify ads are going crazy guess what we’re going to do we’re going to close up this where I fell last time the trauma just block it off block

It off where even is oh yellow’s over there okay I really want to know what their game plan is cuz I cannot imagine it’s anything spectacular uh they definitely have interesting stuff going on though they seem very un very not concerned about my presence um but then again I don’t

Really know if they know what’s going on they’re definitely figuring out right now cuz they were just running back to their Island um fingers crossed they’re not smart enough to buy a fireball which a lot of bedw war players are naturally uh we’ll see we’ll See ooh we’re almost out of blocks but that’s okay cuz we are here ooh oh we’re we’re good we’re so good that that was enough we just have to throw one Fireball and we’re done you know actually I don’t know why we didn’t throw that fireball earlier because they were just running across

The bridges earlier and I had a fireball on me that that was a little silly but but we did it either way we did it let’s go oh man okay this definitely looks like oh the pumpkin was giving Halloween but the rest of it’s kind of just fruit

Just going to say this looks like a Halloween map but no no we’re all Right we’re gaming today we are Gaming um let’s let’s see let’s let’s see oh I did not want to buy a pickaxe but we have that now I’ll just you know what maybe we’ll need it maybe we’ll need it I feel like a lot of the time we end up needing one um do we worry about blue yeah

Blue’s coming over here all right um do I have enough for a fireball yes I do yippe um I accident bought a gapple I did not want that LOL oh never mind he is fine should have gone on an ankle okay uh we we can afford another one

Though is he still coming over here yeah he is what a silly little guy what a silly guy yeah yeah you thought I wasn’t going to get it that time you thought I wasn’t going to get it at that time but I am such a gamer H some people some people just

Doubt me they have such doubts low low expectations for me H some people okay hello I’m coming over yeah you thought I was going to fall oh oh you’re probably going to win you’re probably oh you’re actually probably not oh my gosh I’m going to get

Your bed I’m going to get your bed ah oo I don’t have my sword out O Okay I I need to start using my hot Keys again I’m starting I’m going to use a scroll bar um and that’s what we don’t need I need to be using you know my hot

Keys sometimes it just feels quicker do you have a fireball maybe maybe not oh yeah you do okay you clutched up too he clutched up I thought he definitely that was risky that was really risky is he coming over here he probably is oh wait no I see his gamer

Tag over there okay um we’re going to try this again oh he’s just up there again don’t tell me he has another Fireball ooh oh he didn’t fall off oh no he destroyed how did he destroy my bed that quick cuz I I fell into the void and died pretty

Quickly you know sometimes it takes a minute oh that is so unfortunate okay okay we’re going to try we try this again we’re we’re like oh hi Lenny um we are 1 for three already I think Lenny Lenny is watching in school that is crazy simply Ace watching at

Work Lenny watching in school oh man I really need to I really need to get the the thing is once I start streaming like when people are home then they end up like calling me to go and do something and then I have to end the stream which

Sucks um so now I’m just you know oh uh the Mandalorian hi welcome back uh can you play cracked server on Pika Network oh I’ve actually never even touched the pika pika Network I can’t speak I’ve never even touched it so I absolutely know nothing about it um I’m trying to put that

Away uh going to play out loud too that’s so silly where are you are you in Lunch um put that over there where’s the diamond gen oh it’s right there it’s in between us um yes but I have free classes all day anyway why do you have free classes how does that work work I want this okay we could easily afford the iron pick which is nice cuz

This guy I don’t really know this is a weird looking bed defense okay it doesn’t really look like it’s they got a they don’t look like they don’t look like the brightest bed defense okay that could have been executed in much better ways I thought I

Was going to be fine and clutch that but I did not a lot of people will join really uh I can’t afford account on Minecraft oh wait is is the Pika Network like not through Minecraft question mark I don’t really know that’s what it sounds like though let me know if I’m wrong

Um ooh okay hang on oh wait we got Aqua going over there too actually I’m just going to let Aqua deal with them I think uh I think that’ll be a lot more beneficial for us if we just let aquor deal with it well let’s get some of this though I

Think this will help us b b b b b b okay we need more we need more um uh last day till winter break really I still have another week oh I still have to go to school for another week that’s so oh ooh I can’t

Believe you I can’t believe this is your last day I wish um okay and we’re just going to throw that out cuz who needs that um what is okay chat uh so most teachers just give us activities or something oh that’s weird that’s really weird I still have a week

Which is horrible um yes you are right okay that makes sense um you study in college no if I was in college break would be right now I I do dual enrollment um but I am well I’ll be going to college next year hello oh wait we need to go on an angle

We just we just learned this okay no I thought he was going to go up another one no I should have just played it safe I really should have just played it safe hello don’t don’t do it oh that would have been really cool if we could have you

Know oh okay he played me he played me he played me oh my goodness oh my no no go away please please just go away I don’t I don’t want you here you’re not invited I didn’t invite you over I didn’t invite him over to my house he came

Anyway oh my gosh okay so stop complaining about stop complaining because you get to leave early yeah that’s true I get to leave school after second hour that’s why I stream so early um ooh sorry I hit my mic that’s cringe uh use iron blocks to cover the bed

There’s you can buy iron blocks also hi oh my goodness I don’t know how to pronounce your name please help me um but hi welcome uh I’m one year smaller than you oh okay junior year is nice junior year is hard but Junior year is nice um

Yeah that’s all I have to say about it senior year okay I can’t really speak on senior year cuz I haven’t had a normal uh year but I like it I think it’s Chill okay let’s put that away and then move that there okay we’re going to go over here and we’ll probably have to deal with red but that’s okay we’ll deal with with them uh you want to be a YouTuber or just or this is just a hobby uh little

Bit of both I mean I feel like I’m definitely not banking on this becoming my career but if it does become my career then that that’d be cool I would not be opposed to it uh but definitely I would be pursuing other things in life until I hit like a place where I’m

Making solid money doing this um but otherwise yeah I don’t really know kind of hoping I think that’d be cool um what do we want to buy let’s buy some of this and then put some of that away cuz I would like to oh hello what

Are you doing there’s no point in even fireballing you cuz you’re just going to fall right back onto the island what if I come over here huh what are you going to do yeah you don’t have a fireball dude that’s so silly what are like why are

You doing this oh he oh my how did he do that much damage oh uh let’s get some more let’s get some blocks wait there’s no iron blocks oh there’s obsidian oh no that’s four emeralds I’m not purchasing that for four emeralds I’m using my emeralds to do

Other things oh hello what are you doing what are you doing okay I don’t I really was not going over to you so that was really just unnecessary you know it would be great right now a fireball but guess what we don’t have a fireball oh you were really close to me hitting

You oh we did it oh my gosh we did it we did it we did it I was really nervous because he was dealing a lot of damage uh but we’re all right he’s dead in game uh okay okay goated real real uh let’s let’s go over over those

Blocks and and place these there we are definitely sticking to using endstone from now on cuz I think that’s really helpful all goated I love the pun real real all goated all goated um let’s get one more gold for an iron sword and then oh why is he back I

Did not invite him back I did not say that he could come back over don’t do that don’t don’t do this oh that just did nothing to him okay that’s great oh my gosh how did why does he have that much on him don’t be so silly dude what how

Did he kill me no what how did that happen oh my gosh oh wait he’s like right next to me okay um we can put that away honestly actually no there’s no point in putting stuff away right now because you know there’s no point it’s not like I’m

Going to be able to take it out of the chest when I die later cuz I lost my bed oh wait did I lose my bed I did lose my bed okay we need to get rid of Blue’s bed TBH o I don’t like the bridge that they’ve

Built rip technoblade what do you mean what do you mean rip technoblade long live technoblade long live technoblade that was so that was such a sad day oh my gosh I have pictures of me crying and I wasn’t even that like I wasn’t a techno viewer honestly um he he

Definitely made an impact just cuz I was so like involved in that Community um but oh that was such a sad day that was so sad oh hello where did you come from I’m going turn off the hat client turn he needs to turn off his hat client and

Then we got a chance uh rip is rest in peace yeah I know I know I know I we do know that we do know that oh my ice has completely melted in my water that’s so sad I don’t know why but like water that has ice melted in it does not taste

Good maybe maybe there’s like the water or the ice is different I don’t I don’t know but it it does not taste right okay we were just on this map why are we back on it okay I I should have enough blocks to get over there do you think there’s

People that memorize how many blocks there are between islands and everything hello I’m a potential new fan hi welcome uh okay tell me is your name Alex is that is that how you pronounce it do you like soft music I like all music I love music music but I listen to everything a

Little bit of everything except country I’m sorry I cannot do country and and so many people I feel like people who like country really just like country and I don’t understand but yeah everything but country I mess with I did not want to buy another sword so we’ll put we’ll put

That away uh like sad songs you like them oh depends on the mood honestly uh what sad songs are we talking about name some Titles okay green you you look a little silly you look a little silly without your bed and we’re going to go we’re gonna go over there oh I don’t know how to bridge I can’t Bridge very well oh my goodness okay that’s so silly goodbye oh no oh my God say psych right

Now oh my gosh that’s so horrible oh no I totally was banking on that fireball hitting him and it just didn’t oh my gosh Alec Benjamin um I used to listen to Alec Benjamin a lot actually I used to really like Alec Benjamin but it’s been a couple

Years oh I could totally name some artists if you guys wanted me to name some artists that I listen to like my favorites um also I’d be willing to read you guys my Spotify wrapped that’s so funny actually I posted the Spotify WRA to my Discord Houston hi

Welcome uh oh I love I love new people guys guys there’s new people today and I love new people you have to aim for the bridge yeah you’re right you’re right listen I I only have so much time on bedw war like I’m I’m this is like your

Level right right here oh hello you are coming over I don’t want you to come over is that okay I’ve heard people oh I can’t speak I’ve heard some people call it like a star I’ve also heard some people call it actually only a star is

It a star is at a level but I’m I’m only 11 so that’s not cool oh get booted get booted ooh I love I love the little ping when I kill someone so does not happen often but I’m so messing with it oh my goodness okay where was he was

He close I did not see him but he hit that fireball oh hello I see you coming over over o we got to move quick have to move quick okay he’s up there he’s up there what is he doing okay he’s he’s bridging back over he’s bridging back

Over okay just drop down oh I just deflected your Fireball you silly little Goose you silly little Goose how do I keep losing this is so bad oh my goodness okay okay this is so not cool this is so horrible actually oh my gosh okay let’s get a

Fireball uh put these away move that bro you’re so bad at PVP leave me alone dude you’ve been a viewer you’ve been a viewer for some time you already know this hello who just ran over pink what does pink doing what are they doing over here that is so not cool man oh

Oh I don’t even know why I was fighting that I was on half a heart I don’t know why I was fighting to kill um it was there was an attempt there was an attempt but did it work no GG that was not a good game that was not a good game oh

Man Lenny Hart hi Cam oh man okay sleep on the concrete oh there’s a shirtless man I understand this is from an anime but there’s a shirtless man right there okay what is this map I may have oh I can’t speak again or I oh my goodness I may or may not have

Played on this map before I can teach you bedw Wars oh oh man man oh my goodness oh my goodness Aspen dot dot dot what are you why why are you saying that what is what is triggering you to say that right now I cannot afford that armor that’s fine we’ll come

Back I think we should start investing in the endstone again I think that’d be a great idea what was the reaction what uh can I join you oo woo yes you can join me the oooo is crazy absolutely horrible Actually he thinks he has this in the bag and I might give him like a minute more to bridge over that way I don’t have to bridge that much um but okay what is your plan here bud what is this plan what are you what

Is he doing play in Pika I want to play with you man I totally would but I’m not playing on Pika I’ve got Hy pixel and I’m happy on Hy pixel oh come down please please just come down please just fight me please just fight me hello actually don’t fight

Me I lied don’t fight me don’t do that no why are we so bad oh my gosh play MC mcci would you guys want to see me play mcci I I’m even worse at mcci oh my sister’s calling me give me a minute all right we’re good sorry sorry about

That um Aspen no offense you suck at PVP I already know listen Bedrock PVP I am so good if you guys wanted a Bedrock stream hello listen I know that I’m coming into this game late but you really don’t need to do this I was on a

Call with my sister please just don’t do this please don’t do this you really don’t need to do this oh oh that is so unfortunate cam cam get the negativity out of my chat get the negativity out I don’t want to see it I don’t want to see it

Jesse Jesse no negativity in the Minecraft YouTube chat Jesse One V one me in Hypixel nah cam cam get that out of here get that out of here bud we’re not doing this he was being rude no it’s fine I don’t care I’ll speak up if I care I just I don’t

Care oh he’s he’s gapped this is so not going to go well oh woo like like the sound effect like the sound effect woo oh my goodness okay we need we need a gapple right now actually we need we should gapple uh got to love the small streamers thank

You we’re we’re working our way up we’re working our way up okay he’s going to see me I have particle effects right now don’t come over here he knows where I am why do you know where I am why do you know where I am x-ray

X-ray oh man I don’t have Hypixel and I was not being rude no I don’t think you were being rude it’s fine I was telling the truth okay okay bud calm down calm down calm down calm down that’s crazy that is crazy oh man oh all

Right like I said like I was saying if you guys wanted to watch me play on play on Bedrock I would play on Bedrock I am good on Bedrock I’m so good on Bedrock I just suck on Java I don’t know what it is like everything feels different on

Java I feel like I move different Hypixel net what are you on about um but yeah that’s how I feel do Bedrock okay cam says do Bedrock what is everyone else’s opinion please play Java all right I’m playing Java screw you Cam H uh sa is acting like he has a

Total crush on you ELO uh saber and I are friends actually oh I keep saying I keep saying that I need to stop saying that yeah but no uh saber is Cam and Cam and I are friends we’re chill um let’s move this way uh stay on Java please I’ll stay on

Java I’ll stay on Java for you for you Alex I’ll stay on Java um I can’t defend my friend okay let’s calm down let’s calm down um oh hello goodbye uh Albert hi welcome bro I’m just messing chill I know you’re messing I know you’re messing cam cam is a little it’s a

Little sensitive sometimes it’s okay though come down come over here come over here buddy H people people I swear people I swear um okay oh we have nothing we have no armor or anything oh we need we need like one more thing hi soup welcome back can you

Join yes yes there is nobody on the team right now you can join um please give me your Gamertag again cuz I I forgot who are you was that cam no it wasn’t that looks like Cam’s skin though that definitely look like cam skin okay uh soup I’m going back to the

Lobby for you put your Gamertag in chat uh nice LOL no that was horrible that was horrible today’s a rough day for PVP it was rough okay wait actually while we’re waiting oh I said it again oh I said it again um while we’re waiting for soup to put

Their gamertag in chat I’ll just load up a new Game top one streamer currently trying to make a good impression so when you’re big streamer you remember me thank you oh man I let’s hope fingers crossed a lot of the things I do is streams I do a lot of streams so you know uh it’s okay you

Will get it I hope I really hope we’re going to we’re going to win this round okay Cam wants to join so I’ll invite him oh I spelled that wrong I spelled that wrong there we go um I still need soups gamertag I forgot what it

Was um but but Alex I remember a lot of chatters when they come in unless unless like people come one time and then don’t show up for a while I might forget I have a short memory but most of the time especially people that come by a lot I remember

Them oh oh oh how do I spell your or not spell how do I say your name um B oh my goodness okay give me a name to call you and I will call you that either way hi welcome I hope I hope you know I hope

You know who I’m referring to the guy the guy who said said hello him him him speed bridge that was an awesome speed Bridge let me tell you I have no blocks I don’t know why I just dropped down that was such a horrible idea cuz

Now I can’t get back up oh hello can I take your blocks actually no you’re going to take mine holy crap oh my goodness oh my goodness we just got we just got everything handed to us okay oh man I had I had stuff on me I had stuff

Speed bridge that is a you saw what I was just doing that is a great speed Bridge speed Bridge right there uh let me see L shut up shut up cam I’m just messing I’m messing oh you thought you had me you thought you had it but you

Didn’t LOL I definitely should have just broken the wool that’s okay though cuz we were able to do it he’s going to win I’m too low yeah I was too low from the last one bro is your is your Gamertag not sending um ooh wait do we have anything no we

Still have leather oh this is so bad w we got the bed we got the bed at least oh it’s it’s Orin Orin is oh my gosh okay it was Orin totally forgot that’s on me there you go sorry um or in his soup or in his soup okay

Understood oh hello you’re coming back I really don’t want you to come back actually I said it again o don’t go up don’t go up that’s no why are you doing that you’re being silly right now I don’t like silly people I don’t like when you’re silly

Don’t do that I’m going to throw it back at you I didn’t throw it back at you but I did not fall oh you got to have another another you have another I see oh I deflected that oh oh oh why do you have another I just deflected it okay he only

Had three he only had three oh my gosh okay you go up I go up fine what are you going to do huh what are you going to do fine by me oh you gave a Christmas gift to the other player did I really what does that mean does that mean like I’m

Bad okay I think I think we already know the question to that or the answer to that the party chat is Crazy okay let me see what do we want let’s get this and let’s put that away wait how much do we have in there oh we have 15 let’s get armor I totally did not even realize that we could get armor okay uh nobody’s coming over here right now we can re

Chat uh okay that pink guy is so Pro is he though is he really are you being sarcastic or is he really I don’t see it personally I don’t see it even though he’s rocked me multiple times I don’t see it what are you doing oh

Hello I’m so dying yeah they just got me right off the bat okay oh my goodness oh yeah she had a better sword I couldn’t do I couldn’t do a whole lot um the gifts give Hypixel coins yeah is it is it bad

If wait oh wait soon I’m G to be able to afford what I want to I have no idea how much the how much the Skins cost but I want to get one that looks like mine like the shopkeepers I think that’d be cool um obviously sarcastic okay I got

You uh L XTS hello Espen hi you’ve been here before right I want to make sure I have that right but hi welcome I was asking for a teammate got VIP what I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what that means I think I just read that

Really out of context actually I said it again oh my goodness oh some random dude gave you VIP earlier oh I see I see that’s really cool I wish I have MVP but that was given to me I did not buy that no context that’s cool I I take it

Something tells me they may or may not have spelled your name wrong um but hey take what you get H all right all right how do we think we’ll do this round I think we’ll do better considering we have a team now I’m really hoping I’m really hoping we do

Better cuz it’s been it’s been rough it’s been a rough road I got your you got your skin back okay cool um I guess no what do you what do you guess no oh you guess that we’re not going to do well is that what you’re

Saying that’s so mean of you that’s so horrible we should block off our bed right now we’re getting quick at that we’re getting pretty quick at doing the whole bed thing kind of okay I see how it is I see how it is you know what I think

We’ll do well I think we’ll do better than we’ve been doing at least don’t take me seriously I’m taking you seriously it’s Happening I want one more gold please give me one more gold uh I’m like this from my childhood LOL What no cost now I want a fireball just give me one more iron pretty please thank you um all right we got that and we’ll put that away and we’re going to go then we’re going to run we’re going to run into our thing we I didn’t block clutch that’s

Embarrassing oo I thought that there was a bridge there but there was no bridge but we’re okay we made the clutch we made the clutch oh hello goodbye oh it didn’t hit him though oh cam is going off dude cam turn off the hat client Bud okay oh my

Gosh just follow what he does I guess he’s moving quick he’s moving really quick oh my goodness oh man I did not even have my I got to get my sword I have to start using my hot Keys instead of my scroll bar stop they were

So bad I oh my gosh if I had taken my sword out when when I needed to then I would have been fine I would have been absolutely fine but no no we can’t be fine we just can’t be fine oh you’re a good YouTuber thank you

I’m happy I’m happy you think so are you going to stream on Twitch um I really want to start streaming on both plat platforms like at the same time but I have no idea how to set that up uh I’ll figure it out eventually uh I hope cuz I think I think

That’d be nice oh we got green incoming uh incoming oh hello do you know what you’re doing you might know what you’re doing okay but but Orin soup soup Orin what do you want me to call you I but they’re on a roll they’re on a

Roll o okay yeah take out the weakest take out the weakest player fine fine fine I see how it is I see how it is did they die oh yeah they’re good we’re good we don’t have to worry about them as of this immediate minute are we even doubling this right

Now it feels like we’re not oh my merry early Christmas thank you we have we actually you can’t see me anything give me gold I’m not giving you gold cry about it um we’re wearing the Christmas skin no cry about it cry about it Cam um what are you getting this Christmas not a clue I think a lot of clothes maybe I don’t know as do ooh look at that that was so gamer that was so gamer of me what a gamer moment um yeah I I think a lot of clothes honestly nothing

Special um what is what is everyone looking forward to for Christmas or the holidays cuz I know not everyone celebrates Christmas oh hello you are actually on my team I said it again that is horrible uh White hi welcome back how are you how are you

Uh we can’t do much with three emeralds TBH what can we get right now what should we do red red has a player I’m not seeing a player over there they might not be loaded in uh we’ll see um me and Christmas studying you’re studying I’m good that’s good good to

Hear good to hear all right we got this one I’m really hoping the other generator has an emerald in it because if it does we could buy iron um not iron uh we can buy oh wait we still need one more oh oh we got it okay

I can buy diamond that’s what I meant cam is on the Move I’m going to take care of that uh so we don’t fall and that so we don’t fall this bridge is really not good guys I don’t know what you guys have done to this bridge but it is it is looking

Rough all right we need to we need to start doing a better job because you guys are being a little silly at the moment a little silly and our Bridge our bridge should not be silly our bridge should be should be sturdy and stable um is the party full no there is still

Room for one more player would you like to join uh okay where should we go I’m thinking oh hello green you want to take my stuff don’t you well guess what I don’t want you to do that okay I think I think sup’s got him

Oh you are on my team you are not on the opposing Team all right I’m going join okay uh are you getting online or are you already online uh where’s yellow where’s the one other yellow play player I don’t think they’re over there where are they

Maybe maybe I should go to our base at yellow okay I’ll go back thank you for answering thank you for answering my my question um oh there’s already a bridge uh I’m assuming soup will get them fine uh but we’ll go anyway for backup just for backup I’m coming up okay

Um let me know let me know and I will invite you oh we win gg gg oh good for us good for us Christmas skin woo Christmas skin uh okay okay so hello hello the Mandalorian SL P oh wait we got to go back to the lobby

Sorry guys you guys are going to get put in the game but I’m just going to drag you right out um all right I’m in I got you SL p white pinkcore MLS yay all right and then we can go into squads easy we got a we got a good team we have

A good team you are really good at bedwars you’re silly you’re you’re real silly let me tell you one thing I’m not I’m good at I’m good at Bedrock but oh my goodness I cannot for whatever reason Java is not it uh but but we live laugh love and we

Do it anyway what is your Discord um uh uh uh I I actually am not friending people on Discord because I don’t know how old you guys are and that’s not good um but if you want to join the Discord we have a Discord server and I

Talk to people there uh but yeah that’s linked in my bio if you want to join that I’m very active there so if anyone wants to talk you know that’s a very good spot practice makes perfect you’re right I know but the thing is the only

Time I practice is when I’m live I don’t play bedw Wars any other time I always just go for Bedrock cuz I mean I know this is like oh incoming incoming incoming from where oh hello green stop spamming it guys I see the message you don’t have to keep sending it oh my

Goodness what if we go over to Green while they’re over at Mid would they even see it coming would they even see it coming oh yeah but sorry about the Discord the Discord is honestly such a good place cuz everyone everyone is there and it’s it’s fairly active comes

And goes but also all the streams stop spamming incoming bro the Mandalorian stop it knock it off knock it off you silly goose hello you know what’s crazy that oh how did he make that how did he land the fireball I got to go by okay

Have a good day or night different time zones um thanks for coming either way but yeah sorry the the Discord very active I talk there if people want to join um also so all the stream vods are going to be there and I’m going to start taking all the vods to put them

On what am I what am I thinking unlisted yeah they’re going to be unlisted but they’ll be posted there for people to watch oh uhoh uhoh we just lost our bed and I’m in the middle of fighting this guy uhoh what is he doing what is this why can’t why can’t

I what is happening uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh we’re getting double teamed I just want to take out this guy please okay or not fine I’m only one age smaller than you you can’t cuss me don’t act too silly I’m just I don’t want to DM people Espen I’m going to

Fight soup after this game dude we are in the middle of we are in the middle of this please if you and soup are gonna go do something else I’m gonna remove you guys from the party what is white doing oh they’re oh my gosh this is a team brawl

Holy oh we’re winning too we won we won the team brawl oh man okay let me see so don’t redo this game after this I am I’m going to put us in a new thing sa wants to fight me for some reason cuz he’s silly he’s silly

And he want just wants to fight everyone all the time oh oh my gosh she’s only on four that took a lot of damage or that dealt a lot of damage oh I can’t speak I can’t say what I want to say I destroy him that’s actually so funny that is so

Funny uhoh uhoh uhoh oh you got him you got him crazy I need some water okay we got to the water I’m guys I’m going to put us in a new game I’m going to put us in a new game I don’t want to I’m not waiting for you guys to do

Your One V one only one kill leave me alone leave me alone I was alive for a minute I was alive for only a minute oh he’s going oh my goodness oh they’re getting double teamed but at the same time they are a team oh

That was so that was actually I I have to stop saying that oh my gosh that was done so well that was executed so well I don’t know if you guys were watching the hearts on that but that was executed so well uhoh this is not

Looking good this is not looking good oh man oh that’s all right that’s all right that’s okay oh that’s so unfortunate but that’s okay we’ll get this next one Aspen what saber I’m not abandoning my teammates that’s right that’s right stop quick I’m not

Deal uh you had it we it was it was close it was it’s hard but we were we were somewhat close crouch crouch crouch crouch crouch crouch all right I have faith in us with treason treason what did I miss oh we need to charge him with treason why treason

Oh Cam you guys can duel later oh my gosh I’m literally getting showered on I’m literally getting shower on I love when I love when white comes and plays with us cuz I just get I get all the gold they need to keep the gold for

Themselves but they don’t and I get it I need Orin to move Orin pretty please thank you okay we’re making two Bridges oh we’re not doing that anymore that’s good oh they’re already bridging what are they doing over here nah ain’t no way turn off the hacks turn off the hacks

No there’s no way okay that would have been wild if they landed that oh it’s just me and this guy up here do we have faith do we have faith who will win oh okay we didn’t even need to have it oh there’s that guy up

There I need to come down here I need to be the last line of defense I did not take knockback from that fireball where was that oh it was cam it was cam uh can I join the next game hi Jacob um I I would say yes but unfortunately

Our team is full you can wait though you can be next in Q you know like we’ll invite you next uhoh the fireball on that was crazy I saw it though so we’re good is anyone dead no one’s hacking everyone is hacking anyone that beats me is hacking Obviously I love this song the song is so chill ooh we got the kill y o okay okay okay okay I was low realistically I should have ran should have ran for the hills but we didn’t that’s okay um take some of this and some of

That uh whoa you are really behind in chat am I really well your chat was there for a minute I just just was in the middle of a thing so I couldn’t read it um stream delay is a lot better now though I fixed

It oh pretty much I think I fixed it um I changed the latency recently recently changed the latency and it’s it’s been a lot better I I much preferred this way uh I am behind in chat what how how Orin you are so low my man no you

Got to go oh my gosh the I took knock back from both of them that screwed me up so bad yes you are how how I’ve I’ve done so well I’ve done so well how I don’t understand how I would be behind in chat how did how did homie

Drop down that quick and destroy it that quick oh no oh no we need some of we need this we need this and then we need that oh Fireball too uhoh people are fighting people are fighting people are fighting I came in too late no don’t do

That don’t oh that was so close oh my goodness that was so close that was so close it’s taking 50 15 seconds the chat to go to your screen oh oh my gosh I thought that was the opposing team that’s so silly um okay well the chat going to the to

The screen is delayed uh I’m not really worried about that though cuz I can see the chat before it appears on the stream so so you know don’t worry too much about that uh cuz I see it before it goes to the screen um but

Yeah I hope that’s okay I won good job I’m going to do a test okay uh then it’s okay by the way I got to go oh no hello where did you come from that’s so silly uh bye big sis bye the Mandalorian thank you for

Coming okay there goes my blocks I guess what just happened I I looked away for like a split second and then it was gone it just appeared oh well well again like I see it I see it um I just it takes a second to appear you know what I mean

Hi vanillo is your name vanillo did I say that right uh hi welcome you have not been here before right okay the entire red team is over there I don’t why am I looking right here they’re going to come over here and team up on

Me this is such a horrible idea why am I just standing there oh no all right should we go over ex no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no Van ilho van ILO vanillo vanillo am I saying that right vanillo you fell okay crazy player

Weirdo hi welcome um yeah that was unfortunate yeah yeah not even close man yeah white white is still going off white still going off just joined and you died great introduction uh Casper can I call you Casper or do you want me to call you Moss either way uh hi yeah that’s a

Pretty good summary of The Stream that’s a pretty good summary of The Stream so far uh just dying a lot uh yeah I said it right yay let’s go oh red is here watch out watch outside oh oh oh that might have been too late

Might have been too late oh no he got him he got him uh can you invite me I would invite you but unfortunately our party is full right now Casper is preferred got you I will call you Casper I am 160 stars that is crazy I think I’m 11 I think how do

You check your stars great question ooh what is happening oh my goodness um me me three me too uh and I’m next yeah yeah yeah so so if someone leaves if someone leaves Jacob is next cuz Jak Jacob did claim it but as of right now our party is

Full why is Cam spamming one more do it what is he talking about uh type in chat what uh Minecraft robloxian wild name hi welcome what is happening oh no oh no oh no oh no Jacob is a legend you won’t oh white took care of him white went off white went

Crazy oh my goodness go crazy you’re 11 Stars good to know okay so it’s the XP bar is what tells you how many stars type in chat to see your stars oh LOL I don’t see my stars oh no we were so close that’s okay

New new game game new game new game we got it we got this one in the bad guys um oh yeah it’s okay uh I think I’m 11 it’s your XP bar right my XP bar is 11 uh me please please I will invite you when someone leaves but but um the thing

Is the thing is uh Jacob is first in line Jacob claimed Jacob claimed it Daddy’s home hi Axel guys razor L is Axel um Casper what platform are you on Bedrock or Java right now I am on Java how to join uh how to join um you can join when a player

Leaves and Jacob joins and there is another spot GG by the way you are good who is good who is good it’s just I had have trained for 4 hours today my final exams or my exams finished Oh yay exam’s done I main 1.20

I me on Java I me 1.8 just cuz I feel like that’s easiest for me at least um I understand it I can spam click which is like bedrock and that’s where I thrive uh yeah I’m very comfortable with 1.8 oh I should I should probably tell

You guys I totally should tell you guys we have a Discord we have a Discord uh if you would like to join the Discord please do we love new people if you want to talk when I’m on or when I’m offline you know not streaming I’m always active there uh which is really

Nice and and we do things we do things now and people can now like I’m going to take the vods off my YouTube okay I see why are we breaking the blocks from under me that is so silly what are your keybinds okay I will show you my keybinds once I

Die uh so that way it’s not like I’m in I’m being threatened like I am right now I’m doing this to myself though oh where did you go oh my goodness you why do you not have a sword he has at least a sword honestly okay he’s going to spawn back

In yeah and I’m going to let my teammate no teammate you’re supposed to take care of the bed teammate was supposed to take care of the bed uh we’re going to have to do it ourselves though which is a little silly but it is

What it is oh bed is gone what am I doing right now we definitely did not need to worry about the bed a Discord I am not mod in cry about it hello where did you come from that’s so crazy okay uh let’s buy a nicer sword

And let’s buy some of this and let’s put some of this away a lot of that away actually and then let’s buy that and then let’s put that away there we go um uh oh yeah key binds I can totally show those now okay so so one is one two

Is two three is 3 Q is 4 e is five R is 6 f is 7 C is 8 x is 9 Z is to drop an item I don’t know where that just went and then my inventory is tap love my keybinds they’re all right

Around and I don’t have to stretch to reach different keybinds that’s the worst part about them if you got a stretch to reach them oh we should let’s buy a gap let’s buy a gaple um okay cool we got we got that we got that uh Aspen have you seen my house

I’ve been working on it I have not I got on for a minute the other day to work on mine but I didn’t go around and look at people’s um your gold what am I what am I gold what am I what are you referring to what am I missing right

Now up and over your your gold is near you near the end chest did I throw it on the ground did I really throw it on the ground I’m going to go back cuz that was a lot and then that’s that’s not good I’m going to go back I’m going to go back

That is so not cool oh that makes me cringe okay thank you for telling me uh that’s unfortunate if you’re if you’re messing with me right now I’m going to I’m going to go ballistic oh no it is okay good thing I came back cuz that is quite a bit of

Gold all right um we should do a calm building stream Aspen perhaps maybe perhaps maybe perhaps um did I not read something no I read everything we’re good I I love I yeah I guess I I love I love keeping up with chat I feel bad if I don’t read

Someone’s message so everything is red especially especially Daddy’s home from Axel oh that is Cam I almost just bombed cam off the bridge that would have been really funny okay it’s just us and one green player oh I see them over there one of my teammates is going over there

And I’m guessing they’re going to get the kill cuz my team is just cracked I messed up okay Cam if you if you want it to be that way fine oh they’re they’re getting okay yep good game good game oh man woo let’s go what texture pack are you using great

Question I think it’s like bubble gum something options resource pack yeah this this is what I’m using uh yeah I’m going to get a new one soon I’m really looking forward to it Aspen the server won’t work no what server never mind okay okay oh all right I have we we we just

Won so now we’re we’re doing well I got to drink some water really need to drink some water oh all right oh all right all right we’re we’re gaming today we’re we’re like getting there we are getting there took us a minute to get there but we’re getting there we’re doing

Better um also guys is the music like okay does it need to be turned up or turned down uh I found a few flaws in the rules of your Discord server please tell me what are the what are the flaws me and saber are friends again real glad to

Hear it glad to hear it uh let’s buy let’s buy this um I can’t hear any music at all what no way no way is it that quiet this is a quieter song at the same time you know me me neither uhoh ooh I’ve had guys I’ve had Lovejoy playing this whole

Time cam I don’t know what kind of bed defense you’re trying to do but you’re being a little silly my guy you’re being a little silly uh rule one spamming what’s what’s wrong with what’s wrong with rule one what is wrong with rule one missing rules oh I don’t have

Spamming oh that’s what you’re saying okay all right red no longer has their bed LOL let’s let’s join our team let’s go game with our team minus cam I don’t know what Cam’s doing I’m too stupid no you’re not if you can’t I can’t write all the time I

Have to correct myself all the time trust me trust me you’re fine why you have to kill my cat oh goodbye we got one of them when is anyone leaving I don’t know are you nicked with MVP Plus MVP Plus I am not I am just all

Aspen uh why why are you punching me oh you’re throwing these on the ground cool I’m going to put these in the chest um when cam gets too annoying yeah that’s when people are leaving oh when cam gets booted I don’t know uh do you guys plan to leave sometime

Soon like uh people in the party oh hello guys where did you come from uh let’s move move oh my goodness move that over um another missing rule is scamming okay well that’s in the Discord to that’s in the Discord to oh if it’s in the Discord to then it’s it’s pretty self-explanatory

Um I hate you Axel now I’m staying because of you you were going to stay either way let’s be honest you had no plan on leaving oh get bombed get thrown get thrown oh I just got thrown oh my goodness Aspen there’s active hate in your chat uh Axel you

Started it so currently playing bedwar LOL that is the way to go let’s look at what our team’s doing I’m the only one dead again that’s so great who’s Axel a axel is Razer L sorry I should probably explain that uh the saber is Cam and Razer El is

Axel oh go off go off teammate to go off more water water is important guys stay hydrated all right Orin Orin is doing the thing is any of our other team alive no I could have looked at the sidebar too right here I could have just looked

At that to get my answer but no um guys or I’m like one of Aspen’s best friends guys I’m in videos Axel is in videos Axel’s in the phasmophobia video one of the uh treasure Wars videos and I’m editing one right now that A’s going to be in yeah new video

Coming soon guys soon to come in the in the works all right it’s happening it’s happening oh oh they don’t even see it coming they didn’t see it coming I’m in videos too cam is also in videos oh wait Axel yeah you were in the gartic phone one too has Axel been in

Almost every video oh no oh oh that was close GG okay why is it so loud oh my goodness that was so loud um I’m in videos too and me yes Cam is also in videos um can you guys hear the music now is the music can you hear it now or

No OMG I found another missing rule no ads Hey listen we got ads Rolling In The Stream all the time it’s unfortunate cuz I have no Spotify Premium but yeah is your name is your name chish is it chish tell me if I’m saying that wrong but hi welcome you’re new

Welcome uh I’m not in videos but I am in Waffle man yeah yeah I spelled that right or not spelled I said that right okay good good uh but for the Discord um well I mean at the same time that kind of goes with another rule cuz

One of the rules is like use chats for what they’re supposed to be used for so if you’re if you’re advertising for yourself in a channel you know there’s there’s no place for that there’s no place for that in the Discord uh yeah I don’t have

Much I I could definitely go and do more stuff why did I put that away I really wanted to get a fireball and I think I just autopilot put that all away that’s silly oh my goodness get me out of here okay chat chat chat chat as but I might stream

Later would you want to stream with me if I’m around yeah onean is hi welcome back uh stream with me cuz I’m cool no um how about all three of us stream at some point um cam might get you cancelled but but you know cam just

Might get you a strike but go ahead that’s that’s your funeral oh hello yellow what are you doing you silly goose okay that didn’t do anything to them that’s silly let’s go take care of yellow oh they’re actually not doing anything where are all those Fireballs coming

From you guys heard that too right I’m not I’m not going crazy um what is bro yapping about am I bro hi I am useless great name there I go you are crazy understood uh no he has a good switch for streams apparently Aspen oh I’m not

So sure about that um you can definitely test it though you can be the one to test it it’s your funeral um let me see he’s an angel in his own stream yeah that’s his own stream though if he’s on your stream you never know what will

Happen I don’t know if you recall this axle but when I used to stream on Twitch he was horrible I had to remove him from multiple streams horrible horrible there’s only one there what is the bed defense they have what is this what oh we’re walking

Away I can’t deal with people I can’t deal with people we’re going to go put this one diamond in the chest Hello Goodbye uh what am I what am I looking at what am I looking at I really want to play with you today but I don’t know if anybody’s

Going to leave there’s a lot of people that are in the queue right now chances are chances are guys should I start like switching it up like play two games with people remove them uhoh uhoh uhoh okay we don’t have a bed anymore cuz I feel like I feel like to

Some extent it’s kind of unfair because a lot of the time I only end up playing with three four people because people don’t leave well okay okay I understand the people in the in the party are going to say no and be opposing to this uh you

Are in fact the only bedwar streamer on YouTube I believe I’m not so sure about that um but yeah no would you guys would it make sense for me to kick people like play two games and then kick people if people want to play um okay what about tagging everyone on the server

Okay that’s I just made it so people can’t do that I just took away those perms um no I’m saying like we stream at the same time What kick cam you hung out with him out of stream yeah you’re right I’d kick cam first uh last time I waited for an hour

But you ended so I couldn’t play I I understand I see I see I understand and I see all right we’re going to start rotating we’re going to start rotating this is the last game with this team very respectfully very respectfully and I’m I’m sorry about it but I I feel bad

Because a lot of people are waiting and I I feel bad um but Jacob Jacob is the first one that I’ll invite because Jacob has been waiting the longest in terms of like putting his name out there and saying that he wanted to play I feel bad for Jacob

Guys why must you be so nice there’s nothing in the spawner that’s so unfortunate where am I going right now oh we’re going to Green that’s where we’re going I just kind of run and I don’t think about where I’m going but we are going to Green what they’re building castles over

Here they’re building an they’re building an empire oh my goodness you are not on my team okay okay goodbye hello I missed there was an attempt how am I going to lose this how am I going to lose this how did I lose that that is

Crazy um last oh I already read that one sorry um I mean you go live I go live and he goes live that’s how you get cancelled uh I’m playing on my own right now so don’t so don’t be sorry don’t get me wrong I’m still in the queue you are

In the queue I understand um send your send your Gamertag in chat or send me a friend request and I’ll invite you um you literally thought of everything I can’t think of any more any more flaws there’s there’s patches for these flaws you see um I’m in the queue onean is

Unfortunately you are like last in the queue you were like the last person to say anything Aspen what about a custom server so everyone can play you’re funny if you think I know how to make a custom server cuz I don’t which is unfortunate but I don’t know how to make a custom

Server uh Jacob what’s your Gamertag though CU I will invite you once I get the opportunity to add people to the party then I’ll start kicking people and I’m sorry cam but you are the first to go we hang out outside the stream my guy wait where did my

Teammate go oh Orin oh no Orin just died I meant like I am in the queue yeah you’re in the queue Captain kubas understood may or may not have said that right but we’re going to live anyway okay I spelled it wrong probably oh I did there we go I did

It uh you want to work you want me to work on one LOL I am a Dev oh you’re a developer um work on one how what would you do um okay saber if we kicked you want a 2v2 duels sure yeah you guys go off um cam will be kicked though

Once uh once Jacob accepts this party request unfortunately gmfu what does that mean I forgot I totally forgot what that meant um what do I Jacob Jacob you’re first in the quebe my guy you need to accept the party request hi kitten that’s crazy I’m going

With Cam put us back in the queue understood you guys are like last in the queue but I I understand we’re going to have to send another party invite to to uh Jacob okay who else has been waiting because there’s some other people that have been waiting if nobody else says

That they’re waiting though I’ll invite one is um wait so who are you going to be in the party now what what are you what are you asking what are you asking I don’t know how many people will have I know I have to invite names wait what

Wait why does it not show in my chat I don’t know it should show in your chat if if it’s not showing just do SLP accept I don’t really know how how that works um uh I’ve been working on my house kitten guys stop eting in my chat you’re

Nick I I don’t have a nickname I’m not nicknamed it’s just all Aspen um that’s my user what I’ll play a few games then leave the party okay I understood um Jacob I need you to accept the party request oh I am useless do you want to

Join um one is what’s your Gamertag again I’ll invite you uh Sam Samra is is that how you say your name either way hi welcome whoa Aspen what are what are you wng to me and saber are in the queue right yes yes yes yes yes

Yes oh I got it I got it SL P1 uh like that okay there we go I’m going to go back to the hub while we wait in-game name my in-game name is just all Asen I want to join I know you want to join I’m trying to invite

You I feel bad remember I’m a minor that’s true then stop stop saying things in my chat stop saying things in my chat um wait SL P list how many people do we have in here right now we have three um invite you again got it what is your how

Do I spell this again got to scroll up a little bit oo what am I spelling right now I sent you another one uh I am just talking to my kitten what do you mean stop stop talking to your kitten just stop oh I am useless invite me

Um if if we cannot invite Jacob I will invite you Jacob if this one doesn’t work man I don’t I don’t really know oh he did it okay we’re good we’re good uh I am useless you can join after 5c delay oh maybe um again what is gmfu mean I

Forgot I don’t know what it means and you you’re just saying it I don’t know I don’t know how to respond to you I’m in already yes we are good now um by the way okay so I joined the server and will work on something and see if it

Works uh the Discord server question mark perhaps maybe water oh thank you thank you for the gifts oh thank you oh thank you oh thank you thank you for the gifts it’s so silly so silly yeah okay cool wait what are you going to work on I would love to

Know okay green just fell we got blue over there doing something but they look like they’re going pretty quick uh we’re going to go this way I want to go to the diamond gen Ahmed hi Welcome oh wait I know what gmfu means means I know what that means it just hit me I just remembered ooh we almost fell we almost fell oh that was crazy that was a crazy fight we win though we won okay I need to go back I’m too low to fight that guy

And I have some stuff on me that I don’t want to lose I’m Palace whoa why why can’t I say words today is it pales palestin Palestinian am I saying that right I’m really not good at speech I’m not good at speaking but hi welcome uh like a custom game/ map

Server thingy really you can do that I mean okay I get that you’re a developer but you can do that it’s really interesting backup is coming oh my gosh backup came and backup ruled backup took over sounds like a freedom hater Ace shut up shut up Ace get out get

Out put some of that away and then get some of this a don’t do this in chat real bro real Wild wild um oh hello get away please thank you sure hope nobody knows that there’s a flaw in our bed defense that’d be so horrible that’d be so very bad wee we we run we run I think it’s funny like if you really think about how many keys you’re

Clicking at one time it’s kind of absurd like how natural it is to just do it just it just happens and you don’t even think about it what are you doing were you waiting to hit me off oh but you just did you just did I see how it is okay oh

Man oh do we have people over here oh no we’re good I don’t know what we’re doing but we’re good let’s get some of this and then some of some of this what are you doing don’t be silly don’t be silly that’s so silly of you okay I’m just getting I’m just

Taking damage from the fire it’s nothing it’s nothing to worry about it’s it’s only it’s only t a scratch t a scratch is only a scratch got to go now bye thank you for coming I hope you I hope you enjoyed while you were here uh wait do you want

A survival map or like a mini sort of thingy mini game sort of thingy uh I don’t know man you’re the developer you do what you want I missed I took a lot of damage right there why am I running so fast do I have speed I

May or may not have speed right now I don’t know how this just happened oh that is a different language that I don’t know I don’t know that language I speak English yeah I only know English guys I took Spanish for a while took Spanish for

Seven years I I cannot tell you much I’ve forgotten a lot of it which is really sad completely oh goodbye I thought I was going to have to Fireball him off but no we’re good hello uh definitely thought that was another team coming over all right how much how many diamonds are over

Here guys this is the best love joy song by far nuh-uh what are what is ooh he definitely could have hit me off there that would have been really bad too all right we got an upgrade on our swords nice uh let me try to pronounce this oh it’s chill Kai hi

Welcome is dead it’s mine it’s mine it’s normal people things just Li here in silence I totally love this song I love this song so much this is my favorite love joy song Just just came out like a couple weeks ago I believe actually no

It’s been a while now um but oh my gosh it goes so hard I love this song so much I’ll translate for you thank you thank you for that um that’s my user some random guy hi what’s what’s your user what is your user hold your my blood is always right and Palestinian

Huh what is what is homie spitting why why was he moving like that that was weird was that not weird the way he was moving everything about that experience was just weird oh blue still has everything we should get some stuff and then go Back but honestly I am using or I am useless that’s my user I thought that was like the same pfp I wasn’t sure though okay understood you are the same person it’s fine it’s noral people just here Sil um you’re on Hypixel right I am on Hypixel

Yes what am I what did I come over here for oh I wanted a pickaxe I know that o please let me click I should get this and then I should get that that that um okay and we can put this away and then let’s go over to Blue cuz blue

Needs to be taken care of blue needs to be taken out let me tell you I see one of their players like up up up up and I don’t really know what they’re doing up there but they’re doing something uh my my team my team come we must move where’s this guy

Going let’s fight him okay we don’t need to fight him changed my mind all right come on we need to move missed a little bit oh no that’s our teammate what am I doing I’m sorry I’m sorry I thought I thought I thought that was I thought that was the opposing

Team I totally just oh no I I really messed that up for my teammate I’m so sorry I’m so sorry my man oh I absolutely thought that was the other team they’re not going to see me coming uh that one guy actually definitely saw me oh they don’t have a

Bed what am I doing oh Victory let’s go that’s so great um so invite me when you can I got you uh white pink I hope you understand but I might have have to have you leave I hope you understand though we do have to cycle through the

Queue uh white pink is honestly a Chad White pink is a g okay um it’s how you translate Arabic what is how you translate Arabic uh why not face reveal because I will do a face reveal when I get to like uh when I get to like a million I

Don’t know when in my head like when I get to 1 million that’s when it becomes my career and until until that becomes my career I do not want to face reveal cuz then I’ll have to go down a different career path and then that will

Be my reputation and I don’t want that to be my reputation um proud to say I know Aspen’s faed wild yeah they do yeah there are some people out there that do um well he didn’t I stay in stream I got you uh okay wait SL P I am use let’s hope they’re

Not useless I am useless 169 there you go sent you an invite okay let me sub then thank you I appreciate that all right we are back into squads we are we are slowly getting closer to 1 million I think it’s really funny how many people ask for a face reveal it’s

Especially as a small streamer um if someone pays me I’ll leak it no don’t do that Axel Axel I’ve trusted you Axel I’ve been friends with you for three years about maybe I think and axel I don’t want you to leak that my guy Axel knew what I looked like before I started

Streaming um and I was fine do you support Palestine or Israel uh Palestine is the one that’s getting messed up right I’m pretty sure Israel is doing the you know attacking and I don’t support War I don’t support War I am sorry do not support War so stand with

Palestine I really hope it’s nothing Freedom Ace shut up bro we’re talking about war right now we’re not talking about some some us some us silly things silly us we o they’ve got endstone over there and we don’t have a bed anymore how did that happen they’re fighting over some land

They both think they deserve their Holy Land I understand I try not to keep up with war too much um I know you’re a true human if you support Palestine uh yeah I’m not I’m not too like familiar with what’s going on in the war because I try to I try to not

Let myself worry about that especially because I can’t really do much about it as a 17-year-old in America um but yeah I just it would be so nice if we could just have peace everywhere I’m getting this is not peace this is not peace that was not peace

That is what peace does not look like okay is what peace does not look like o I’m crying too I’m also cry crying oh my hello hello hello uh guys I’m going to I’m going to put it out there again I put it out there a couple times but I I like

Putting it out there uh can you you can enlist at 17 with a parent permission I am not enlisting sorry but I’m I’m not enlisting um uh oh sorry like I was saying if you you guys want to uh be a part of the community okay good

Goodbye where did you come from what are you doing what are you doing um anyway if you guys would like to join the community and uh talk and you know I’m pretty active in the Discord and we have a Discord server it’s linked in my

Uh it’s linked in my about me so if you want to join feel free right there that player is no longer alive sorry what one of our teammates is alive Oh Captain Captain is alive Jacob is still alive which I don’t know what Jacob’s doing down there but Jacob’s

Alive uh you miss my message what message what’ you say uh just a reminder Chad there are filters on social media that will donate to Palestine with use oh there are yeah Tik Tok filters I don’t completely understand how those work but I I do see those a lot definitely use them

It it will help it will help I think Jacob is just AFK and somehow Jacob’s the one that’s still alive that’s crazy uh why not play s solo I think people like it a lot more when I play with chat so I’ve switched to playing with

Chat um I used to play solo all the time though dude what is what is Jacob doing Jacob’s just AFK oh okay there goes Jacob bye-bye Jacob new game uh you missed my message I’m missing multiple messages what messages am I missing sometimes messages don’t go through the YouTube filter yo I’m back

Hi welcome back the Mandalorian I feel like I feel like that is a long name to call you do you have another name that I can call you that would be easy for me to remember shorter shorter and easy for me to remember I got Bridge he got Bridge homie got Bridge uh let’s see Harve ooh I may or may not remember that I I remember gamer tags I remember usernames are you American I am American um call him Mando obviously can I call you Mando feel like that’s pretty Easy uh let’s see we got someone coming over right now hello hello dog that didn’t do anything to you o we’re kind of gaming right now we’re kind of gaming okay he thought he was gaming for a minute but really was not which is mighty unfortunate no my

Teammate oh no he saw me coming oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh he was right there I absolutely did not see him either okay there goes our bed yep okay goodbye goodbye I guess uh try sandwich bed defense what is that I have never heard about

That heard of that not about that heard of that all right one of our teammates has been killed um where is everyone else we got one in front of us o o o okay okay okay I see I see uh you can call me Harve I will I

Will try to remember that yes uh boycott Zara McDonald’s KFC Starbucks Chanel coca colola Pepsi and lays for sake for the sake of humanity I’ve heard a couple I I think I’ve heard something bad about Pepsi I have no idea what it was though I’ve also heard bad stuff

About Starbucks I’m not sure about what the other ones oh no I know about KFC I understand KFC I’ve heard a lot about that oh no that was so unfortunate okay wait we have one one more teammate left it’s I am useless I am useless is left that’s

Wild American good at bedwars LOL I’m not good at bedwars I’m just an American uh also Ben hi welcome chat chat I need to I need to take a minute I need to use the restroom oh my gosh uh that is a lot of different

Names can I call you can I call you Javier I think maybe either way guys I need to I need to step away for a minute we’re going to spectate Blue you guys got to watch what’s happening over at Blue while I go to the bathroom I’ll be right back think l

Hello chat chat I’m back oh man okay we’re good we are chilling forgot she forgot to ask Ace I’m not asking Ace if I can use the bathroom that is horrible oh our entire team is dead let’s re relog uh welcome back thank you thank you for welcoming me back to my own

Stream uh I definitely need to catch up with chat Americans are good at fighting raw that’s crazy um buos di buos di yes um uh uh um what am I what am I looking at okay uh he he she going to the restroom to rest no I’m going to the restroom to

Yep um I mean they are pretty weak Miss spell what uh so did we all come here to see somebody fall fail at playing correct me if I am wrong uh no you’re pretty you’re pretty on point that’s pretty correct if I’m being honest I try I definitely do try but I

Don’t succeed a lot of the time they’re gaming uhoh oh you are on my team what am I doing I’m being a little silly right now I need one more gold there we go that was really quick did not have to Wait um put this away move that uh mucha something um man I do not know how to say that oh they’re going that way no we need to worry about blue blue is like right here ooh that was kind of close almost almost had him uh let’s go let’s

Let’s game Let’s game I’m gaming I’m gaming I’m literally gaming we’re going we’re going oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re gaming oh wow holy oh my goodness we’re gaming we’re gaming we’re gaming what just happened oh my gosh I got kicked out of my own chat let me

Just look I just wanted to look at my chat what the freak what the freak oh my gosh I just wanted to look at my chat and I just get bullied is there anything in here oh there’s a little bit I could definitely use no all I have I don’t have much oh

My gosh I tried to contribute I didn’t really contribute much but my presence was needed oh let’s game real um get a knockback stick and knock people off that’s a really good idea uh you’re so bad at Spanish Aspen oh my I’m sorry I try anyway have a nice day wish

You be wish you luck American why did I think that said bad luck okay either way uh yeah totally um have a good day thank you for coming I will I will carry on the Legacy or we’ll make a legacy cuz I don’t have one right now let me tell you um I’ll

Join when people I joined when party got place what soy day Americano oh my okay okay I see I see you oh my goodness this is so silly we’re making a staircase actively o there I go oh no I’m still I’m still existing not by much not by much how did

I how How I died I died what I’ll join when party got placed I already read that what am I doing uh I’m only watching this because techno made bedw Wars famous he really did Tech techno such a g if he doesn’t if if he oh my gosh Long Live

Technoblade oh we just gamed I they were low but we were just gaming oh we’re listening to oh we’re listening to normal people things again oh my goodness I love this song I love this Song backing um oh man Axel I’m not saying that Razer nice to meet you um oh hello what are you doing you silly goose oh we have two silly geese over here we’re about to have a third too oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness watch I watch bedless Noob who

Um I’m still watching you because you are human and support Palestine thank you thank you I think I think that’s the right response oh man oh I am useless isn’t online that is so silly does anyone want to join how do you remove is it P

Kick oh it is I did it right uh spam noob in chat don’t do that um if anyone wants to join put your Gamertag in chat and I will invite you but until then I’ll put us in trios hello hello I like this skin this is a cool skin

Oh that is also a skin Oh I have a question can you guys hear when I clip stuff cuz I just clipped that did you guys hear like the little like ding oh why did we get put back why did that happen that’s so silly oh there’s more spam in my chat

Why is there more Spanish I said one thing about Spanish and now there’s so much Spanish in my chat hello this oh he doesn’t have clothes on now Espen are you Australian no I am not Australian I’m not Australian you’re CH oh I have a question for you guys if

I were to stream um um don’t say this don’t say this um some random Spanish in chat I can translate for you Aspen please do please um guys sorry like I was saying if I were to stream like a survival world would you guys want that or an

SMP would you guys like that kind of stuff cuz I really I’m really just streaming for what chat wants I love I love doing what my viewers want me to do okay I don’t know why I’m coming over here this is a horrible idea goodbye I

Took out one of them he’s saying you don’t get S he’s saying you don’t get sad you tried oh oh I got you I got you I did try there was effort not as much not as much and as well as there should have been it was

Not executed well but the effort was there I’m here for you I’m here for you okay okay I’m going to take on this teammate even though this is a horrible idea okay yeah that was a horrible idea I don’t know why I did that um save me as a friend where question

Mark exclamation point oh man okay let’s let’s put this away um oh oh there’s people there’s people there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of them oh why why is he doing so well why was he rolling us oh no this is the end this is the end this is the end

For us this is the end of the road this is the end of the road oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no don’t do it don’t do it please I’m begging I’m begging why did homie just take it not buy anything

And just run this is so not good this is so not good oh no oh no you are not the opposing team oh man okay we get a minute we get a minute to ourselves oh my my gosh okay chat chat chat what is chat saying um more Spanish more Spanish from chat

Bro using Google translate I’m trying I’m in spanners honors Spanish honors 3 that’s crazy I’m not I stopped taking Spanish the minute I could I had taken it for seven years and then I moved to my new school and they only required us to do two so then I took the two there

And stopped oh oh what did I just do why why was I hitting him that is my teammate that is not a threat oh hello goodbye no no no no no no oh yes yes yes our teammates are here is now okay to proceed okay balling baller hello blue where did you come

From this is not good this is not not looking good oh game over that’s crazy oh that’s crazy W Aspen who was that who is this W Aspen I don’t even know who that is oh your content is so good thank you also welcome hi um well Aspen if you don’t

Mind I’m going to go check out some other streams I’m coming back okay cool um 7 years till can’t speak it seven years still can’t speak it okay to be fair for like five of the years they were teaching us colors colors and numbers for five of the

Years um shouldn’t I speak in Spanish I would appreciate if you spoke in English cuz then I can read your chat Aspen he is asking if he shouldn’t comment in Spanish please comment in English um L why are you sending L why are you sending L we’re not taking that

Big of an L we’re doing mediocre spam l in chat don’t do that don’t listen to this guy don’t listen to this guy he’s a silly guy I want one more gold so I can buy cool things oh maybe I won’t be able to buy cool things anytime soon actually I

Can does this guy have any plan okay no I can just buy what I need to no he sered him up so well he served it so well I really did not get anything from him um what am I going to get here one diamond yeah all right let’s just take

This back I can’t do a whole lot with it uh but we can put it away for savings guys I saved my money for for years I never spent like anything unless I really wanted something and it was pretty rare um and then I spent it all

On a $2,000 laptop and now I’m a streamer so that happened oh hello where did you come from I clicked on the thing I clicked on the thing no that wasn’t fair I clicked on the thing because it’s fun no it’s not fun it’s fun for you dude is

Talking to no one exactly what are you on about oh we lost again all right that’s all right let’s put us in a new game water stay hydrated attention seeker what are you on about you’re my mod why are you saying that I modded you you’re my mod you’re supposed to be

Supportive what are you guys even going on about oh thank you thank you oh thank you thank you I get things well I came to see your live because it caught my attention your avatar is cute oh thank you this username is crazy no family that’s that’s good feedback to

Hear that is cute cuz sometimes I think I should change how it looks and make it like more more anime more anime more cute well actually no it’s pretty cute right now uh probably just more on the on the anime side rather than the cute

One not you SMH okay okay good good to hear supportive mod ooh this guy is not gaming oh he just juked me he juked me don’t do that ooh ooh we got to go up we got to go up oh my goodness oh oh I switched no I

Switched to My Sword I switched my sword real agree with Ace uh sure oh you are not supposed to be over here are you mm- who invited you because it wasn’t me cool got nothing to worry about now I have a suggestion for how to win go to

Mid get stuff and win you’re so right you’re actually so right I need to take that into consideration oh this is not love joy this is copyrighted this is not love joy go back to love joy please go back to love joy thank you we go in and we

Win oh I am low I am low low low okay goodbye nothing to worry about now let’s take some of this and let’s buy that and then put the rest of this away real real I’m glad everyone is coming to some kind of mutual agreement that I am not familiar or aware about

What it is but but it’s happening it’s definitely happening watch this speed bridging this is this is top tier bridging TBH oh hi um how can one join the experience oh my sister’s calling me I hear her knocking give me one sec I’ll be right back we’re up high but it doesn’t [Applause]

Matter e e hello chat sorry uh bad time to go AFK GG’s yeah that’s this is unfortunate um if you if you want to join sorry my sister’s home now and she brought me she brought me chips um but if you want to join you can

Put your username in chat and I will invite you wanx is going off or W is he’s got like two names oh there’s more Spanish I don’t know the Spanish please but I’m going to I’m going to or by I’m going to cuz it’s uh 12: almost in my country I’m not

Leaving until you say I don’t know how to say that and I don’t know what that means but but I hope you have a good night um it’s the same as my YouTube one I got you uh oh wait I’m going to have to figure out who’s been in the party for the

Longest because that’s going to be who I have to kick unfortunately oh wait we only have three people I don’t have to kick anyone that’s cool all right I got you uh that is an interesting name wanx is still going off this guy always goes off he’s always alive for so

Long bye bye thanks for coming oh he doesn’t see it coming oh my gosh he didn’t see it oh uh-oh uh-oh that’s not good oh that’s all right it was a long road to long road to Victory as well adios uh I think that says I think that

Says bye I like the live see Spanish taught me something all right thank you for coming um please say it’s supportive it’s a supportive sentence I don’t know how to say it and I don’t know what it means you can tell me it means one thing

But I don’t know if it means that uh bye I liked your live I did know it oh I’m so good at Spanish even though I hav been able to read anything um yeah bye thank you for coming um I think setting timer slame would be a more fair

Way to circulate the people wanting to play rather than just oh I forgot um yeah no for sure my play quads yeah we we’re in it we’re in it squads um but yeah the way that I started doing it in this stream is like once I play at

Least two games with someone then I can open it up to more people and I’ll just remove the people once someone else wants to come in I just don’t remember it was it was wanx I think that was the newest or the oldest one to join I believe

Hello can you guys hear the music because earlier I don’t think people could hear the music but can you hear it now okay say it in English uh okay half of that sentence is not English though hello oh my goodness we need to go we need to go I can’t place

Blocks in here I couldn’t even get away oh okay yeah but half that sentence still is not in English and I don’t know what it means either way man I I support you and I’m sorry for what for what your country is going through okay yeah it’s wanx again wanx is still alive

Crazy oh oh oh o that took a lot of damage took a lot of damage he’s gaming though he’s gaming oh we were close we were close L get the L out of here my man get the L out that’s horrible oh okay I do we just have like the same

Three Maps we Circle through every time that’s a little silly but I swear it’s the same three Maps bro you were not there what do you mean I was not there where was I not was I supposed to be somewhere that’s on me that’s on me what time is it right

Now 1 30 we’ve been live for like 2 hours not bad what what did you just say someone was not there what what is he saying what is blood saying that’s horrible why did I just say that I hate the way I’m influenced in this Society what do you mean what do you

Mean what what do you mean what do you mean TBH oh hello they’re gaming I don’t want you guys to game oh he is gaming gaming okay I see how it is I see I see there’s too many holes in this map for him to knock me

Into oh that’s crazy oh we’re so crazy we’re gaming guys we’re gaming W’s W’s hi oh let me try to pronounce your name uh lorri John lorri John O I might be saying that wrong but hi welcome um say Palestine belongs to my Mii and pakistane belongs

To PTI what I don’t I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means um yes I said it right okay cool hi welcome um I’m talking to the dude that said I was not there what do you mean I wasn’t there oh oh I understand I understand I see

You what’s with the sudden lag Spike hello don’t worry my man uh-oh we were we were close we were we were we were a little close all right guy enough politics in the Minecraft streamer chat we are talking about Minecraft today oh goodness oh my goodness oh my

Goodness oh we were kind of close we were a little close we were a little close we were a little close we were a little close oh okay wait there’s still people that are alive who is alive uh I got to go through all of these oh this guy is still alive he’s

Thriving what is our other teammate doing oh wait no they died never mind they they died that’s unfortunate all right now we’re spectating him oh that’s a far jump that is a lot of Health to take that’s half your health you just lost cuz you made that jump my man oh man

What is happening I would say l but you should but you said get the L out of here real yeah get the L out get the L out my man crazy all right he’s invis I don’t know why we’re drinking the invis right now considering Nobody’s

Around but go off I guess go Blue real I think blue is the best option right now considering they also do not have a bed I have no idea what this guy’s health is right now but that jump took a lot of it oh I meant yellow oh

Yeah yellow also might be a good idea cuz if you have invis then they know you ran out of your invas you missed my message I did not see a message go off go off there’s nobody over here so I don’t know I don’t know the purpose of invas right now but go

Off cuz they’re doing something right apparently they only one alive got to be doing something right zuka hello welcome H what are we looking at what are we looking at I don’t know something so she learned to lie she learned how to pretend drama in the I would love to know what this guy’s game plan is I just hit my sunglasses I think it’s so funny I got sunglasses set

Up uh he should just hide out yeah but is that really the best idea because like at the same time um uh at the same time we got to win right the power move the power to move things with their mind what is he saying oh wait I see I

See do you know Star Wars in Star Wars there are Jedi and they have the they have po move things with their mind a that’s mean the other spectator said something mean I I never watched Star Wars uh homie just got a final kill it’s

Crazy what is what is red doing cuz red has still got their stuff red doesn’t even have that big of a thing to go through honestly yeah but he doesn’t have a bed I know oh yeah but we got to be gaming is this an ad this is an ad okay

Just want to make sure that was right okay red is red is gaming over there where did our teammate go okay you never watch Star Wars that’s deserving an L there’s a lot of things I’m really uneducated on in pop culture you do not want me to get into it trust

Me oh oh that was kind of close I saw it I saw it they they have no idea where this is coming from it’s really funny oh you got it possibly oh not quite not quite oh you just missed oh okay they fell on their own what’s the other yellow guy

Doing he’s just gaming he’s chilling not a threatened sight oh there is a threat in sight never mind change my mind let’s see let’s see how this goes down our teammate our teammate has been alive for a while it has been a minute since they died she has a pop culture deficiency

It’s terrible I know it is really bad is a pop culture deficiency I don’t know why I’m over here right now this is wild did they just die they did bro I don’t even know what just happened I I caught it but I don’t know what just happened I really hope it’s Nothing all right the The Lorax skin goes so crazy it’s so funny hello hello hello The Lorax when he just looks at me he looks at me and I it’s so funny want to do 4v4 duel uh I don’t know I’m I’m feeling this right now bro walked off the map a that’s

Sad of constant paranoia guys you know what’s absolutely insane how popular Lovejoy is now like I I always loved Lovejoy they’re this is some teamwork right here um I always love love joy um just cuz they were like relevant you know in like 2020 for silly reasons um but now they’re like actually

A really popular band which is really cool um what am I doing the purpose of being over here I don’t know C2 Furious hi welcome back uh only noobs like me do that oh so you’re a noob you’ve been clowning on me this whole time this is a weird

Fight okay we don’t have a bed anymore that’s interesting very interesting o you don’t see me you don’t see me none of you see me actually I need to hide died ooh that was kind of close but he didn’t see me he didn’t see me we stay hidden how to stay

Hidden is there anyone around me there is oh my goodness this is kind of close oh they’re they’re fighting up there I feel bad I should definitely be helping them I’m just hiding oh I do not need to deal with you right now oh we’re actually we’re at the same Health kind

Of come here wait we can fight we can fight we can totally fight don’t do that that’s a little silly don’t you think no you can’t come in you can’t you can’t come in and take that you can’t come in and take that oh man all right WX is still alive not

Anymore oh they all got the same matching skins get out you guys are silly you guys are silly um let’s see was that our whole team no this guy’s still alive H this is interesting not too sure who he’s hiting from right now considering there’s nobody

Around that I know of no there’s nobody here my Gody you can jump Down oh yeah he’s going he’s going he understood you should have ran back to your base I know I don’t think about it in the moment I just kind of do whatever I don’t know I do whatever it’s silly it’s a little silly this is a lag Spike I need to go

Hang on I’m moving the router give me a minute all right I’m back oh man okay it’s it’s silly but if I move the router like two more inches it it’s suddenly better it’s not looking like it right now but I promise it is uh I said in the

Game chat that would be my last game so goodbye I gotta go eat okay that’s okay thank you for joining uh we’ll have to drop down to trios unless someone else wants to join yeah see the the lag is getting better it is literally just a matter of moving my router a couple

Inches I don’t know why it’s like that either it’s weird oh oh ooh that did that did quite the damage wait where did he go why did I lose him oh I didn’t I didn’t want to go to the lobby please tell me that doesn’t take my team to the

Lobby I don’t know how to click here to claim Don’t Mind If I Do I can claim these any day what what did I get oh that was a cool noise I liked that you just claimed I don’t I don’t know what I got though oh wait I unlocked an achievement cool I

Guess what did I miss can I not claim any of these oh I can claim this one this is so funny achievement unlocked another one another achievement I want coins give me something cool why am I doing this I need to figure out what’s happening we are still in the game how

Do I go back to the game uh game menu guys I don’t know how to view your game how do I go back to the game Lobby selector no that’s not it how do I go back to watch our game guys Uh oh this is I don’t want to put us back in a bedw Wars game because that’s going to that’s that’s kind of mean but I also don’t know when they’re going to die slash rejoin thank you is that working oh that’s working oh guys thank you for thank you for that C2

Furious C C2 Furious always a real one oh we’re boing we’re boing now you should watch more techno learn the strats of Hypixel bedwar maybe maybe or I could just have my friends teach me a lot of the time when I like play with other people like my friends they

Teach me a lot of stuff and then I’m like a lot better off but I don’t know maybe maybe I should watch some technoblade oh this is this is very anxiety very anxiety there goes yellow okay we still have to worry about green and yellow what are they doing yellow’s over

Here not doing a whole lot but they do have a lot of endstone that’s just pretty much one layer cuz I think if you break through right here you’ll be there which is kind of silly they need to do a better job but you know oh they’re bombing this

This looks pretty easy to access too they’re on top of it though all right where’s our teammate uh here okay very confused as to what’s going on but they’re I’m still vibing out maybe you’re you are going off though techno is better than all your friends

Though probably true simply Ace is a is a tough competitor though let me tell you simply e is a tough competitor um but in techno’s name in techno’s name um my game plan is to let them fight it out and then I’ll try and finish them off oh that could take so

Long though that could take so long I don’t want to be spectating for a long time oh goodness oh goodness Yeah they’re still doing their thing uh the matching skins it’s the matching skins for me matching skins is crazy all right they’re they’re making their round these guys are too techno would lose to me right now honestly that’s crazy man cuz you’re currently you’re currently dead in

Game I don’t think techno would let that happen especially since he’s no you can’t say that you can’t say that no you can’t say that no that’s horrible that’s so bad you can’t say that oh probably should not have said that no probably not probably not oh it’s close

It’s close oh they got it they got it okay we’re one step oh we’re dead actually I was about to say we’re one step closer to winning but we’re not we’re we are just not oh man I’m going just leave the party oh okay thank you for coming though bye

Okay all right I’ll put us in trios oh party you got you I got you man rip Jacob real rip Jacob you didn’t have to if if you’re worried about the comment um I’m Jacob and I’m I’m cancelled no no no man you’re fine you’re fine it’s an unfortunate comment but

You’re okay you’re not cancelled for Real uh see2 Furious you got to Join there we go there we go we got it we got him they let you off Easily what is this map oh hello hello I’ll probably get sticky keys cuz I don’t have those turned off I’m back everyone hi welcome back Ammed yeah hello this is one of those like uh one of those one of those yeah yeah oh I forgot over in lazy is is C to Furious he’s ni I totally forgot what is your name Squire is it Squire either way hi welcome what what are you wanting about

Um get wood get wood for the bed please understood uh should I go watch Sky vid or stay here um stay here here what is that a real question oh yeah oh they’re both they both have different ideas they’re both trying to execute the different ideas too and this looks really

Unfortunate I can’t stop watching your stream I’m on another account it’s me oh hi I got you I got you oh yellow fell off I saw that oh I totally could we have made that jump if I didn’t put that block right there could I have made that I thought I could

Have block clutched on the edge uh did I I did not chish hi welcome back everyone’s coming back right now that’s so strange like for everyone to be coming back at the same time yellow incoming from the generator understood uh from from where I don’t see them oh they’re just bridging over

There we’re all right for now I think I really would like some gold for some armor rip fire alarm went off in your house or in your school um either way concerning unless it’s a drill at your school blue incoming um I’m currently buying things

Um oh you guys got them I was going to come in with a fireball but we don’t need that now it’s looking like our defense our bed defense is going crazy all right we we have yellow possibly plotting something I think they might have a fireball in their hand no they have a

Sword I saw them switch to something just now but it was it was not you know oh that was close oh my gosh only Psychopaths try to make a hard bed defense no house the fire alarm in your house went off why did it go off are you okay is your house burning

Down and why are you in a Minecraft stream if your house is burning down the amount of things that people come in with there was one guy talking like he was in an ambulance and he’s like oh I’m watching your stream I’m what oh I totally forgot what his name

Was I want to say it was Umar but I don’t think it was hi can I join hi Nexus um wait is it Nexus maybe tell me if I’m pronouncing it right um uh we have a full party right now I can kick someone though because once we play two games with

People I am opt to kick them okay good bye um yeah if you put your game in chat I can or your Gamertag in chat I can invite you our accommodations started to evacuate huh what what are you people are evacuating girl what is happening what is

Happening uh we got someone over there let’s go over here let’s go let’s go game uh no it’s not it’s fine someone burnt toast oh okay we’re good okay how is the fire alarm going off from burnt toast though can we be for real like I think it takes a lot

More than that or it should take a lot more than that to set a fire alarm off oh I have a funny story um you know I will friend I will friend white pink cuz they’re always always around um in-game name yeah what is your in-game name um

Oh hello I don’t have a fireball for you hello well ooh we got the kill um at what cost my death but we respawn so that’s kind of cool um oh sorry my story I was staying at a hotel uh over the summer I think yeah I think it was this past

Summer um and some boys on the baseball team were smoking in the bathroom downstairs and they set the fire alarm off in the hotel um and so we all evacuated and I’m been staying in the room with my mom and she it’s like the middle of the night she’s like just get

The things most important to you we got to ghost so we’re grabbing bags and stuff and we’re evacuating the hotel going down the staircase everyone’s doing the same thing by the way everyone’s got their bags and we’re all like running down the stairs uh it went

Off it went off or it stopped going off after a minute um cuz you know everyone realized what was happening um but yeah that was that’s that’s a fun story who is this guy I did not invite him LOL oh wait we have we have things from

Him we have little gifts let’s cash that in 25 coins that’s nice bro LOL real um all right let’s see let’s go over here ooh that is not a full Bridge oh there’s just a gift box there nothing special I really need emeralds well I I guess that’s special we have two gift boxes that’s not what I need but I’ll go cash them in we’re not cashing it in we’re not cashing it in oh

No lol um let me just get this real quick oh you got it I got nothing to worry about my team my team is on point I mean we we just lost our bed but we’re we’re on on point we’re on point catch them in the void real oh

That’s so unfortunate but it’s so true I’m going to put that away cuz I’m going to get a better sword yeah I want this one want the pretty one people like you all right we got it oh you are not welcome I missed that’s so silly better question how did we lose

Our bed do you see this bed defense what was broken was it the corners it all looks still very put together I don’t know how we lost our bed but we did uh do you know Sprint jumping is faster than just sprinting right I do know that yeah I know I just

I don’t do it a lot I’m aware I am aware donic use hello please go away oh did he really oh he really just survived he really just survived oh my goodness where where are you coming why don’t do that totally just come down here he’s inis I understand wait who’s in

B all right we got we got one sort of little bit all right let’s get another one of these and another one of these uh put the rest of this away for the rest of my team move that around H um where are we going oh there’s someone up there hello

Uh there’s no point in me fighting you TBH I see I see I see I see oh hello can you are you supposed to reach me from that far away I don’t think so the sad dog noise I hate that that’s so sad I love animals too

Much let’s go this way oh hello yellow Goodbye Yellow I did not know yellow was down there but go off uh let’s go up and down I’m going to take a lot of damage here okay yeah that was a lot uh ooh ooh ooh that could have been bad

That could have been bad again uh let’s go over here I would like to be able to buy some armor okay we’re still annihilating people get stuff I am I am getting stuff I am oh they’re about to drop again and then I can afford armor that’s

Nice okay I’m not going to fall into the void if I go down there be very unfortunate teams just keep coming over to try and take us out oh someone did take us out ooh ooh ooh I can’t go to anyone’s thing either to hi Milo Milo I don’t know what that

Language is but hi welcome I speak English this is not good I’m I’m too low to be doing this I’m too low oh I was too low to be doing that all right new game oh man okay okay I think I think we will be better hopeing hoping invite you

Uh ingame name question mark I’m going have to go back to the lobby to invite you okay wait you speak English my guy I know you speak English why are you putting another language in my chat I will invite you SL P SL p uh i n e x x u z

Yes all right he joined uh I think we have a full party right now oh no we have four people okay that works out I was worried that we had too many Milo that is still another language I don’t know that language Milo Milo I would love to know that language and

Talk to you but I I don’t know that language I see English in there I see English um I don’t know I don’t know what those other ones are though I don’t know oh man okay okay okay okay e yeah yeah that’s so silly that’s so Silly hello all right I need to get some more stuff no not potions like that yeah that’s what I want all right where should we go feel like we should Rush someone today today like uh you’re a good something huh oh hello where did you guys come from I was looking at chat

Oh my I just got tossed I just got absolutely tossed around okay I took care of one guy um but this guy is still over here oh no our teammate oh there I go okay am I able to join hi Casper um if you had been sending messages earlier

And letting me know that you were here you could have but but our party is full right now at the moment um okay okay I would like two more gold so that way I can oh we ooh I don’t have time to get two more gold oh

Yes I do oh maybe no I don’t what are you doing I’m just going to throw that out cuz I don’t want this guy to have it what are you hello why do I feel like I’ve seen this guy in every game today okay they’re putting it in the chest that’s

Good put that one in the chest too pretty please pretty please uh just come down what do you have to lose o gaming who from where how oh my goodness you gaming how are you hitting me through the block I was behind a block how are you hitting

Me um can you say hello Casper hi Casper um they are cheater real that’s okay I was uh playing with you or I was I was playing uh ym brother anyways I had your stream on mute for a bit oh that’s okay thank you for staying

Though uh all right new game they are cheaters such a funny chat to me oh technoblade the amount of technoblade like conversations that we’ve had throughout this stream is actually crazy I feel like we’ve mentioned technoblade so many times not sure if you need it English XX shrug

Shrug I don’t I don’t know wait why why are you watching the stream though if you don’t know if you don’t know English wait do you understand English but you don’t speak it something base English oh your voice is cute thank you I appreciate that that’s nice technoblade Never Dies for real for

Real please Asin listen listen I’m thinking I’m thinking that I I’ll do something from now on like if you’re here a lot and and we play a lot I’ll I’ll friend you back but before I was friending everyone and now my friend list is getting a little full um so I

Think it I think it might be a good idea to do it that other way what version of the game I’ll try to magically join somehow we’re on 1.8 I want one more gold pretty please pretty please just one more just one more thank you okay cool uh let’s get one more

Fireball and then we’ll put the rest of this away including those blocks cuz why not uh click yeah yeah so that’s why that’s why I friended white cuz White’s always here oh hello oh you’re you’re gaming and I’m not oh I am actually wow oh

Okay okay okay we’re not I I jinx myself a little bit happiness is paved with rows and rows of very tempting parking spaces o please give me some of this thank you kiss my skin I’ll take this too see you know you put those blocks in there for a reason

You go back and you use them uh let me Sprint there we go hello goodbye can’t stay awake forever oh he’s strifing he’s strifing oh but I am too oh the technoblade no oh no okay okay okay okay we’ve got summon here to use all right let’s put the rest of that

Away and then and then game that was unfair that was unfair because I I was in the middle of a fight and they just came in they just came in and took the kill you know they took the easy road we do not take the easy Road here okay come back come

Here oh hello you guys both want to do this fine oh my goodness cool okay oh you you you you you oh man there’s just a brawl going on at Mid it’s just constantly people going over and taking the kills when everyone is low did we just contribute to that

Yeah oh it’s oan what is oan oen how do you even pronounce that I don’t know how to pronounce that but that’s the language let show I do not speak that other language I I pretty much just speak English but I know some Spanish a little bit which is

I feel like that’s common for English speakers cuz the two languages are fairly similar therefore easier to learn hello would you like to fight I would like to oh actually no maybe I don’t cuz your whole team is right there which is a little silly yeah that was a little

Silly um you’re a little silly for that one but that’s okay um I thought that was blue that’s not blue we’re okay we’ll take that um and we’ll cash in the rest of this for this and this and more of that and then oh I did not want to throw that

Fire why did I throw that was I not clicking on the chest okay that is so silly of you you’re about to get rolled yep you just got rolled you just got rolled that’s so silly Um all right let’s see let’s see used to do this so wake up I don’t know what I’m doing over here TBH because I don’t have I need to stay with my team that’s going to help us stay alive oh hello team okay you you have a jump boost I’ll

Just I’ll follow behind you no don’t don’t hit my teammate off you’re so silly for that one ooh uhoh that’s the end that’s the end for me all right I think I think this is where we’re going to call it quits today I think I think this is this is it

This has been a really good stream um all right thank thank you everyone for coming um I really appreciate everyone being here and talking and it’s been so nice it was a really great stream today um if you want to talk when I’m not live

Or want to be a part of the community join the Discord it’s linked in my about me and we have a good time there and I post things yeah um but I’ll probably I I might go live um I might go live over the weekend

Maybe maybe not um but if if I don’t I should go live next Friday but yeah thank you everyone for coming I hope everyone enjoyed if you want to see more please consider subscribing uh you can always unsub later um but yeah I hope everyone has a good day or night bye everyone

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Bedwars with Chat! || (LIVE STREAM)’, was uploaded by AllAspen on 2023-12-15 19:28:58. It has garnered 181 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:31 or 10411 seconds.

Bedwars can be funny with the right streamer and right audience. I believe I can make Bedwars Minecraft funny again. Come tune in to see how I can accomplish this. As a gamer girl new to Hypixel Bedwars on Java Minecraft I’m not very good. I have been playing Minecraft Bedrock on the Hive and that is where I excell, but Java is a completely different game. Today I am testing how bad I can possibly be at the game. Come watch and enjoy my funny time streaming bedwars while I am gaming and slowly increasing in skill. Come chat!

Shh.. Minecraft,Bedwars,PvP,Gaming,Live,Stream,Competitive,Strategy,Multiplayer,Block Game,Bed Wars Tournament,Minecraft Bedwars Live,Minecraft Mini-Games,Minecraft PvP Battles,Team Gameplay,Pro Player,New Player,Bedwars Challenge,Bed Defense,Streamer vs. Viewer,Minecraft Hypixel,Hypixel,Funny,Funny Video,Meme,Memes,Bedwars Strategies,Minecraft Bed Wars Wins,Bedwars Solo,Funny Minecraft,Funny Stream,Funnt Bedwars,Minecraft Community,Minecraft Skills,Trios,Squads

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  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

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