Insane Billy The Kid – Warfare Grinding Session!

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hey guys Billy here welcome back to some more Starcraft going to be ging well gming going to be trying to grind Army warehouses for a little bit just setting up some stuff a little something I can throw up what’s up Arrow how’s it going Roski all thing already oh you’re sick that’s why that makes sense I’ll get going here in a minute I’m just setting something up I tried setting up a camera with the green screen today but my lighting is just so off in here that it just doesn’t work very well I’ll have to get like some kind of plug-in light that I could use see what my plan is is well yeah I took my my blue screen down so I can’t show you but what my plan is not not if you just sent one I seen the one last night said the one you sent me last night but if you sent me one today then know okay yeah than I seen it why why is it doing that okay for context sometimes my controls will just have a mind of their own like I’ll try to tap left and then I’ll start going forward and jumping or I’ll start running and then I’ll let go a Sprint and then I’ll just start Auto sprinting what’s up Tomas how’s it going good to see you back going have Bo all right sounds good Arrow not really sure what’s going on over there I think I’m good on materials I think I’m just going to send it attack can I just yeah I should have put that in my tips video d and my hands are sweaty today sorry for all the gross noises my allergies are kind of kicking me in the butt today and I’ve got my door open my screen door the internet sucks today that sucks man today I’ve got a pretty bad connection to the server but I want to play regardless my internet’s usually good but I just live in a location that’s just far enough from my nearest server that I just never have a good connection yeah I need this I need to farm everything everything except cashes so I may not even bother with those that might if I just stumble upon some just cuz I have enough remains of batteries to craft the [Music] avacon whoa where did you come from just a random flesh that doesn’t belong to any Den I was reading chat and then I seen that I just ran over a light spot and I almost had a heart attack cuz I thought it was an anomaly oo you know you know you play a game way too much when you have dreams about it I had dreams that I was artifact hunting last [Music] night got me thinking about stalker too I need to go finish my shadow turnov play through since I figured out my crashing issue I’ve just been so addicted to this game okay so they’re up there okay I don’t know where these guys went I heard gunshots up here but now now it’s quiet okay they disappeared normally I wouldn’t be so paranoid but lately I’ve been actually getting killed by other players around here on reload oh it just randomly decides to reload nice okay yeah Arrow’s one of the homies he’s one of my fortnite Bros I really don’t want to help allies cuz I can get that kind of stuff from doing easier dens wait a second okay okay that player just popped back up it’s an ally okay that makes me feel a little better I’m going go say hi hey bud nothing cool beans one thing I didn’t know softcraft 21 gigs dang I actually honestly pay attention to the download size that I downloaded it from their their launcher so I had to download their launcher too so I just had the extra space like I’m send it it’s honestly a lot smaller than I expected the game to be cuz this game is pretty big like but I think that it may just be so small because of the simp the Simplicity of the graphics maybe that and the coding isn’t exactly Advanced for the enemy AI they’re extremely basic look at this guy wow [Music] okay let’s go find that signal again I don’t know why I call them signals they’re not signals they’re I mean techic in it not in the gameplay aspect but I’m thinking about it too much how far is that actually could also go farming graveyard but I don’t feel like it want to be outside in the open air [Music] [Music] oh I got to hold it du rodent Nest well as long as they come one by one I should be okay [Music] one of these days you’re going to produce me an artifact [Music] [Music] come on what should I uninstall for now Gang Beast or Portal 2 which one have you not played in a long time how’s my day going it’s going all right I like if you don’t if you don’t play portal as much as you play Gang Beast then I’d uninstall portal but if you like just started portal and haven’t played it yet like have you played Portal 2 before like have you beat it all the way through is that smart D yeah you beat it all the game well if you’ve got friends that you play with on Gang Beast then I would just in uninstall portal for now goodness uh what’s going to be quicker just walking straight through oh lucky there okay that works yeah if you uh if you install this game just you can add me and I can send you useful stuff from time to time ammo you don’t have access to D I’d kill for some fruit snacks right now actually I’d have to go fruit gushers if I was going to eat any kind of like fruit gummies you know I’m an adult now sometimes I forget that and I’m 25 and I can literally just go to the store and buy whatever I want like literally the past 3 days I’ve gone and just bought like one and a half gallons of like different types of juice like uh Tropicana like orange juice lemonade stuff like that congrats on 164 by the way thanks Broski yeah I woke up and seen that this morning I was like oh my gosh holy crap I got to be doing something right but I don’t know where my Subs are coming from cuz I’ve searched on some of my recent popular videos and I don’t know if YouTube analytics is just wrong but like I don’t know I don’t know where all these Subs are coming from like content wise I don’t know which video is getting me like all these people like I know most of my scooter videos are simply because it’s an extremely Niche thing but like I know that’s not where all of my Subs have come from there’s only so many videos I can make about a scooter probably the tips videos not really um I’ve actually got one of them being you used as an ad right now so I can check how many Subs that ad has brought me and it’s not really brought me like as many as I’ve gotten since that video has been posted so I’m a little confused the analytics like I said could just be totally wrong cuz sometimes when I check between YouTube on PC and analytic analytics on PC I’ll get different numbers between both same thing with the mobile version all four give me different statistics in certain areas and like these the things do take up to maybe a couple weeks to a month to actually update so I won’t really know until way down the line so it’s hard to tell in the moment what’s getting the activity but I’m just going to keep rocking and rolling just going to send it and see what happens oh [Music] okay since I’m not being add R by them yet I think waiting a couple more [Music] seconds FL down blood sucker Nest that’s what I need right there [Music] it says there’s four more where the heck are [Music] they the grind is real dude very very real and it’s only going to get worse [Music] where are these flesh dude I’m going stand right in the center of it make myself vulnerable and then they’ll show up I need to get [Music] here [Music] oh oh I thought I heard fo steps kind of hard to tell with the music but the monotony is kind of killing me so I need I need some jams Hollow night dude I love Hollow night it’s amazing another good game if you can get your hands on it Castlevania Arya of Sorrow and I know you like ear’s play Terraria too that’s a good game cently Ni heard of Castlevania well if you’ve ever heard of the term Metroid Vania that’s kind of what that comes from it’s like cuz Castlevania and Metroid invented that gameplay style of like just how you progress through the game needing specific items or upgrades or this that and the other said my blood sucker Nest is gone unless this is the one I was looking at oh come on seriously I keep wanting to tap it instead of holding it getting impatient yeah but uh I forgot what Arya released for I think it was the Game Boy advaned like if you have a console or they might have released it on PC too I don’t even know but Castlevania the advance collection but you get three games with it and Arya of Sorrow is one of them it also has a sequel on DS called Dawn of Sorrow oh my god oh no no no no no no no why why are you here oh and there’s Bandit oh those are zombies I’m going to die I die here I die here door door door door door yes yes yes yes yes oh come on come on come on come give me give meun no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no self press self press self PR self self get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up no come on of course the giant had to come ruin my freaking day oh he tried he really tried I don’t have any heals so this is going to be fun who’s here nobody they just ran right through it well I guarantee that Giant’s still going to be there once I get about five 100 I’m going to pop an EpiPen get around this peak and then send it o big oof my guy oh you poured it while on a hoverboard I thought you like you poured it on your hoverboard give me that I don’t even care about all the materials I just lost I need that ammo that stuff is expensive let’s really hope there’s nobody else in this area or anyone that was close enough to see me down because Sigma meal oh my god dude here’s your dinner kids oh there’s a dog down over here conveniently can I pop the dang fence or am I going to have to go all the way around the Giant giant still here the Giant’s still here holy holy toilet oh come on no shoot why are you not shooting my goodies where’s my heels where’s my medkits where did I had like 10 medkits dud this game has been deleting stuff out of my inventory for the past two days and it’s really been irritating me I got to run all the way back just to go get freaking meds to come back out a so stupid seriously where’s my jump for the longest time I didn’t even think you could Sprint jump in this game because my jump is just so broken it doesn’t want to work half the time not in it not in it today man yes we got meds no we got meds no I took it all anyways because this game is just a little slow sometimes [Music] okay right now loner radio is not cutting it for me I really need to work on one of my the meat chunks just that way I’ve got more health [Music] regen I’m letting him get this close because it makes them a two tap oh my God Hey where’s my health regen by the way oh because I’m bleeding fantastic I’m sitting on 1% for a fat second there you thank God for artifacts really goofed right there that was almost [Music] [Music] bad yeah just my medkit just went to the abyss [Music] [Music] dude straight up dude like I don’t know where else they could have gone cuz I even had like I’m pretty sure I had a pack too that was unpacked or a pack that oh my gosh I’ll just English is not my strong suit today I had some packed meds there we [Music] go a pack of meds that was UN unopened like where did that go and like yesterday on stream I don’t know which one of you were here but I bought stuff out of the shop left the vendor checked my inventory twice before I left all of my stuff was there but by the time we got all the way out into BF my inventory was empty except for the stuff that was bound to me I was Mega frustrated with that okay what all do I need hold on how much I got 400 [Music] okay control quick shift click Mar still good don’t do what I just did never sell nous dust ever under any circumstances so I I only needed like 480 of those I need like 950 of those 420 blaz it oh I got take a hit off the car quick I think I only needed like 200 beta yeah 227 so realistically don’t need all that much more okay second oh was is a scientist suit I forgot to grab more booze oh well we’re off to a productive start if you want to call it that man I need like 530 dope Stone that’s insane I don’t remember how much Northern Moss I needed probably about the same two or 300 I think actually maybe I’m just going to go to Army warehouses directly and just run circles there 61% almost third place do CP nice nice uh there’s my username by the way I am a stalker um tip for the like tutorial don’t hoard stuff it’s just a tutorial like swap out weapons every once in a while just to test out guns you might want to craft late game or just pick something up and go ham just to get through the tutorial just don’t like you’re not going to get to keep any of it basically I spent way too long trying to loot into the tutorial way too long meticulously choosing what I’m going to take with me all for it just not even matter in the end it does teach you some helpful stuff and I would recommend only changing your keybinds after the tutorial [ __ ] dog dead yeah I need to kill some doggies I need to K blind dogs though let’s go ahead and make that the my dogs cuz I think dogs Army warehouses just four dens but I need to kill six blood suckers four but potato potato you know I don’t think I have it keep Ed anymore yeah know so we’ll just uh yeah I should have charged and repaired all my stuff ouch am I getting shot at yes yes I am wait your turn sir I’m a little busy dang that had a lot of stuff in [Music] it I think these guys are just part of the controls yep [Music] I heard something shooting over here oh bro just single-handed cleared out a whole Nest I love how often there are patrols here because it just saves so much all the material grind oh oh oh I got lit up like a candle Theo just hit me up said he got off work early I’ll be all way sooner than usual all right so we’ll be on with Theo the Bro here in a little bit I’m going go find somewhere safe to chillax and I’m going hit him back up to my mic was muted my apologies I was blowing my nose and I forgot to unmute it but Tomas if you’re still here um you want some good pointers I think my first tips and tricks video will be the most helpful to you but both of them will be pretty pretty good they’re not the greatest of quality because I’m still learning but the tips are helpful yeah you don’t have to watch them but some of them will make your life a little bit easier yeah yeah like I said they’re not mandatory they’ll just just useful information that’s a lot of zombies nice [Music] oh are you sharing my stream too make me the only mod please n see I can’t do that I can’t do that I got to have more than one mod yeah I mean right now it really doesn’t matter how many mods I have because I’m so small and like almost nobody watches my streams but I I got to have more than one mod at some you know in the future toal artifact than ooh that’s nice I will take that well good hunting stalker hope you have [Music] fun ooh okay so I’m not the only one out here that’s good to know I’ll get at least some participation out of that the stabby guys are fast [Music] I really don’t like the irons for this gun I really wish I could put like a at least a small red dot on It come on we [Music] go still a ways to go on thats nice yeah have fun out there man the zone is waiting [Music] really feel like doing that I need to get back towards Army [Music] warehouses okay yep I’m not I’m not feeling this fitting I’m on my way to take out a bandit encampment listening to Bandit radio [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I got 20 out of that one dang o getting closer let need like 400 [Music] more here oh I guess I just got mered nice try buddy [Music] [Music] come on man he came from all the way over there that is nuts road travel to Marathon just to say hi Oh [Music] right by his face wait give me your good ears oh come on I need to charge at least my gold grabby soon I need to go kill some dogs oh I was about to say I’m surprised I can go that high but no no I [Music] can’t this is a great time to fight some [Music] dogs you guys were not invited to the party [Music] [Music] no already just chilling nearby would you look at that something just spawn I have a theory I want to test you guys don’t mind sitting around for an extra sure you this into this my GS come on come on oh I about kill myself doing that yep still here [Music] okay St do go how do you still have that much health after tanking so many hits from that dang goodness oh I stopped it just in case bro wanted to farm it but I guess he’s just passing through like sence least I got rid of the dog that was on and got one more from my blind dog hit list okay I’m running backwards okay where is I keep getting so far from army warehouses and I intend to stay in that area but dog dens that’s the whole reason I came over here but that one’s pretty far ah they’re the only two right now another’s going to come out of nowhere let me pick it up why isn’t not working where are these dogs at dude no I’m just going back to Army warehouses I’m sure those dogs will just aggro me out of nowhere here in a couple minutes man I still need so much dop Stone oh come on oh my gosh bat for days oh come on stand still stop moving so much make it easy for me you just got shot nice dude nice I had to actually process that line for a second there it was like there’s no way he already just got killed by a player I forgot about the like that part of the intro I was trying so hard not to spoil it earlier so I just kind of tried to erase it from my memory you know what we’re going to be I don’t think I can actually get high enough to get on a branch oh this is going to hurt are they all Shooters no Runners wow is the cut scene skippable I have no idea to be honest [Music] you don’t get a whole lot of cutscenes so there’s that I guess how did thatness what what what was that hit box it’s literally right in their face oh I do need to kill me some blood [Music] suckers um I’m a stalker oh my [Music] gosh no wrong button [Music] [Music] where’ the other one go oh he’s over there [Music] still hey let me finish let me finish reloading thank you [Music] [Music] yeah if you want to know what armor I’m going for what guns I’m going for I I can let you know when I get back [Music] [Music] yeah stalker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] is more man the iron sight on this game that an artifact I have reduces my stability so my SES are shaky ever so slightly is he we don’t even have any dopes going on them that’s weird man how did they get so far I even ask how low gives me FPS but medium gives me more FPS that’s strange I’ve just got mine capped at 70 because it would drop from 140 to 70 all the time so just to keep it a smooth experience I just kept it I just keep it at 70 where are these Snorks okay SM singular I guess I still need to kill so many blind dogs ooh did somebody die in here is that why there’s a dog in here oh if only let me out [Music] I’ll be nice I’ll wait for him to get done with this [Music] thing for o unnecessary sacrifice I’m trying to give him all that space to run that way he can he doesn’t have to worry about me creating protoclusters in his wake is still only got two from that dang I guess it’s just better to do him solo [Music] situate in my seat I really need to go bring some anomalous research stations that way I can do these Rifts and I’m tired of these AI interrupting my my dens here cuz then it gives me less materials there Patrol here so I guess it’s okay it’s part of the patrol oh he’s part of the D that’s a friend I haven’t seen online in a while he has two accounts for I keep h e about to have to unpack the emergency rounds for this thing he’s yeah but he’s most likely going to do that one as soon as I go to see it he’s already doing it so I need to go start this one Patrol nope oh I do need to blow my nose real quick though and we still need so many blind dog kills I don’t think I’m halfway generally about halfway is I think I got all my blood sucker kills so I’m not going to bother with with that and then doas give the do I should pack nades just a little too [Music] high I don’t understand the aggro distance for some of these dens was like look at this these guys are already after [Music] me choking on my spit over here oh I felt like my rib cage C in oh yikes oh where’ these guys come from holy smokes right next to each other insane dude for just finished the tutorial kind of what do you do has it walks you through how to use all the vendors I guess uh basically story Quest start with the the main Quests for a little bit and then go do dens like uh yeah mutant dens like world events go do Bandit camps go do mutant B collect the Mater the crafting materials that come out of them like yours will be different than mine but they’ll have this chain link symbol on them if they’re crafting materials sometimes but you’ll have stuff like this that gives you set amount of that crafting material you just have to keep your eye out read item descriptions yeah you want to CRA uh you want to farm materials that way you can craft items and uh I do believe for a certain amount of levels like each new map you go to dens will give you XP towards that base like there’s base reputation like you’ll need to have say adaman HQ level three before you can craft uh a plunger it’s not really an in-game item it’s just the first thing off the top of my head that I thought of so there’s always is a grind uh once you get adamans to their highest level you unlock a new tab in your personal storage like that you can access while you’re in a safe zone so it’s always worth grinding each base level to its highest for one thing or another it’s being able to craft a new item getting more storage space now let me tell you exactly what it is down in adamans um The Merchant of gear basically you want to go there to figure out what kind of gear you’re going to end up crafting ah I’m so stuffy well there’s a way out of this place I thought it was just a In-N-Out deal I didn’t think there was an exit on either side or the other man too bad I don’t have thermal 3 protection I need to grab my other artifacts I give me uh thermal resist I can go through there looking for artifacts after remissions speaking of which I’m probably going to run back through Army warehouses then head back because I have a stinking suspicion that there’s going to be an a mission soon I can’t go back down from there just got two shot by NPC o yeah early game’s rough when you have no armor but if you keep doing the story quests they will give you better and better gear side quests will often sometimes give you gear too um if you ever need help with a quest or something there is a channel called maximum aggro and they are fantastic they have fantastic guides this guy is in trouble and I can’t help him cuz I don’t have the necessary ammo and I’m just going to run so this thing doesn’t aggro me cuz we know how that went last time hi fail Zoom oh that’s right they’re part of a dead D hey that gave me 21 nice dude come on PO oh man why did this guy take so many shots that was scary Oh wrong button 404 we don’t really have all that much ammo left oh crap come on I still need dogs seven more I don’t think it’s I’m not going to do it just to have an even ammo supply no get away is e I [Music] [Music] now come on [Music] hey I not the gun I wanted to use but okay I I all right we’re at 500 dop Stone I just don’t remember how much I had so I’m going to do a couple more DS and then I’m going head back zombie or Bandit DS I should say oh actually let’s take all that for why was he so far jeez Ain’t No Way someone just dang okay this is oh blue got the SBA nice but this is a smart thing again I was dead wrong [Music] oh this guy this guy’s ruining everything not really I mean he’s got faring to do too and I’ve been here for a while that’s why I’m not that tour about it jeez except for the fact I need so much [Music] come on reload reload reload okay come on can’t play too much since my PC can’t handle a lot of programs yeah that makes sense my mine can’t do a game and watch YouTube at the same time so if you want to close me out that way your game runs smoother that’s probably the best option I’m not going to be like oh why’ you close me out bro yeah if closing me out to make your game run smoother dude then by any means go for it let’s go let’s do all that that way it give you the better experience I’ll be here if you got questions though well if you got a cell phone or something you could always do that but yeah I ain’t going to force you to stick around [Music] [Music] why don’t I actually just take everything out of there um I keep being selective but I’m literally about to go back anyways I got 56 565 dope stone that should be enough dope stone for what I need I don’t think I have enough of the other materials though so I’m going to grind it as I make my way back yeah that’ll work I mean let’s train on your PC oh doggies oh I can’t shoot to the F that clearly has gaps oh wait give me all the stuff one more Dog Den you think it’s got five more dogs I don’t think it does it’s probably got like a bunch of side dogs and two blind dogs oh there’s a boar uninvited these guys done probably already killed all the dogs this the last one dude come on there’s got to be another Dog Den nearby right there oh it’s gone dang it hey there oh yeah once you once uh Tomas once you get up to the garage’s HQ you’ll be able to buy supplies up there but you won’t be able to access any of the other vendors until you get that base level two so it’d be worth just as soon as you get up in that direction just grinding out dens side quest will also give you XP I’m pretty sure I tried avoiding it but I stepped in it anyways yeah cuz I got a little ahead of myself and I tried going to a garages to craft something and they were like oh you don’t have any business being here and I was like oh well shoot it looks like I got to grind a little bit so yeah this just save you a little bit of time and frustration that was it oh if you don’t want to like double click to transfer things if you hold shift and press left click it’ll instantly transfer 100k from that trip let’s go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right uh 85 in this 24 those 849 I still need more of those what El is it 1 two three I’m missing something I just need Northern Moss okay so two 400 and one o 41 insane [Music] [Music] all right what time is it 6:30 yeah there’s some minecrafty aspects to it most of the visuals but some of them aren’t as minecrafty like I think if you actually have Minecraft I think like I only think that you might be able to find the original version of stcraft because it used to be a mod for Minecraft and then the mods spent like seven years developing Starcraft as we know it I think it’s like eight years now but yeah they became they went from moders to devs just like that like uh I don’t speak or read this language so I don’t really know what they say except that one that one says St craft very obviously there’s a whole green screen back here at the bar I’ve used it a few times for things 4001 can I cheat it [Music] man I hate it when people don’t put an actual buyout limit on [Music] them it’s only 20 that’s less that I have to farm so there’s one and four or do I need Moss I need Moss are 50k these are 40 2 4 6 8 10 that’s going to be expensive [Music] [Music] I’ll buy another one okay it’s just less farming I have to do I know set me back on cash but 92 so now I realistically need like [Music] 309 yeah early on the side quest give you very useful things like depending on how you progress sort of dictates how useful your quest items are like if you focus more on the grind and crafting items and you do your quests then the items will kind of fall off in usefulness but if you just focus on quests like side quest and Main quests that stuff will remain useful to you for a really long time I was going to do something h surprised I haven’t seen a single Den yet holy crap there we go Dog Den Dog Den let’s go why did my game drop from 60 to 10 that’s a good question I have no idea that is kind of strange that kind of a dip is insane I don’t know what kind of Hardware you’re running but I can show you my graphic settings that might help you with all I don’t know and that’s not even worth going to why are you running gosh you know in hindsight I should have just brought my shotgun I don’t have graphics card I play with integrated Graphics ah nice I I have an integrated graphics card too I think I’m running on a gaming laptop it’s got Nvidia 3050 3060 I think it’s a 3050 TI I could be wrong why did I start this I don’t need to do this [Music] goodness was a jump scare all on its own thanks for the sub Doge blocks fruits two more of these goobers hopefully another giant doesn’t come out while I’m trying to do this nest why were you down there man ah come on come on come on there a dead player down here did someone just like run past you come on why would it let me Sprint hello is it me you’re looking for cuz I’m looking for you right get up this way he’s just wow big chilling this guy where’s all the other dogs guess I’ll go do the snort then oh is that literally one of the dogs let’s take it all what are they doing over here and now I got to run all the way back D I was hoping I can hop over him the arst that we can see not that I can see that was almost bad crap [Music] uh what’s closer H I’d rather do this blood sucker Nest than the dog then to be honest graat on 165 hey thanks man oh you’re good you’re good our Northern Moss collection is growing I don’t know where that other dog just took off too oh he flanked me holy smoke go the dog oh bear bear in W Bor in hey they keep knocking me around for oh all right man where are the mutant DS just go [Music] cuz there’s someone else over here [Music] this guy literally just run off that’s one of my biggest pet peeves with this game is people just AGG gring a den and dipping off to freaking Narnia it’s like dude I’m out here trying to grind I’m not out here trying to sit around for 5 minutes waiting for the mutants to return come on [Music] I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care [Music] three from that gosh some random dud kills yeah that’ll happen um once you hear like a if you look at the very top of your mini Map There’s a number that tells you how many players are around if it says one then it’s just you it says two then there that means there’s someone nearby [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on man are all the flesh over there oh was just one gun huh oh dude finally killed the rest of the rats someone go send him a gold sticker a gold star [Music] sticker one wow what a waste of my time for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] man is someone literally just running around aggroing all the dens or their AI just absolute [Music] bugging oh nice but seriously though where are these blood suckers [Music] oh I don’t need to fight you guys I need mutant dens bro you know what I’m just going [Music] to hopefully they don’t chase me halfway across the map [Music] no oh whoa oh this was a person thought it was an AI bag for a second there like when did AI start carrying our pen a lot of players nearby I really don’t like that CU that just means the less dens I have to myself like look at this they aggroed that and I guarantee they’re not even over there doing it right now if I go do it I’m just going to waste ammo on just like absolutely almost no materials show me the BS like look at this they’re not even over here scientif has stabilized the temporal field it can now take part in Deadtime okay cool I don’t even know what that is still I haven’t you go into the pause menu and go under session battles there’s stuff you can do but I really have no idea what they are I don’t even know if there’s any like purpose to doing them Oh I thought I had zero left [Music] jeez I don’t know how my bullets just keep phasing through some of these guys I swear if I go to this Dog Den and there’s like nothing there cuz there’s a patrol right next to where are the dogs dude like this is ridiculous man there’s a lot of players near me right now Theo setting up his stream for that scared me [Music] actually these blood suckers back at their nest yet yep oh oh multiple on me oh come on die die die die die die ah H I got what I asked for who the heck is shooting at me though all right I see like uh I’m going to get 150 more moss and then I am out of here [Music] where’s the other two this is annoying to the ninth degree whatever oh why are they all the way over here dude come on reload I hit the button three times already thought I seen an artifact just chilling in the middle of the road might be the first time that’s a mine and of course the day I came over here for is gone and I step on the mine see the mutants are still there though that’s so annoying any artifacts I don’t see any unless they’re just right below me [Music] go for [Music] [Music] come [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh that’s not [Music] good I was about to say why I just completed that then what the heck they were just right next to each other [Music] [Music] [Music] oh whoa whoa brother flanked me [Music] [Music] this goofy goober is running right through the dog D oh he’s actually going to do it okay I was about to get so [Music] mad this is so annoying come come fight me gosh why are you aggroing me from so far away dude I do not understand understand why won’t it let me Sprint jump oh my God where’s this blood sucker minding his own business dude Jesus [Music] ch ooh oh I ran out of Sprint at the worst Time come on no jump dang it there he is dude I just want to know which one of these dorks it is that’s running through and just AGG gring all these but not finishing them I really hope they disconnect and never get to reconnect to the game ever again it’s like the worst kind of BS you can do in this game especially in the upper levels you’re just going to run through every single Den in the game and not even do anything about it then just just don’t go around it and he’s surprised about it yall are just over here in la la land right I’m going do but so I got the problem or something basically I can play the game in 60 for time then for some reason it drops some error movement synchronization yeah I get the movement sync error a lot when my ping is is really high for the [Music] server well up this guy out jeez [Music] yeah I’m not sure what could be causing your game to do that because this game is meant to run on really old equipment course’s probably not going to give me much okay I like that you guys aren’t paying any attention to your surround in but can you please act like I’m [Music] here all right I’m going hit this last den and then I’m going to hope and pray that I’ve got enough oh come on man why can’t I ever come through here how you guys like thinking you got to be all that all see if we can get this flush down that one almost done already [Music] that’s a big old Barrel hey I’ll take those bandages I guess sh welcome back I think I might actually have enough materials to craft my next weapon let’s find out I’m the truth all check marks baby let’s [Music] go Theo just hopped on oh I’m overweight I’m overweight come on just a little closer just a little closer this is going to feel so good but so bad at the same time I just spent so long getting this materials just to dump them off I’m pretty sure this takes North materials not what I’m grinding now yeah and I get my camo back oh little Pro tip if you paint your weapon with a camo as long as it’s not a quest reward and weapons you get from Quest rewards you can’t use to get like if you get the bless ak74u you cannot use it to craft the ak74 you have to craft this to do this and this is a part of the crafting recipe to get this so you have to keep you know keep on keeping on with it but if you put a camo on a weapon how you get that camo back is upgrading to the next weapon or armor it works with armor too probably should have used a coupon oh well okay this off this off this offic this offic this and this for foreign speech speech did I not have a 545 magazine or is it attached to something else right now oh it’s attached to this okay he uh Theo is on I have not gotten yeah sorry I’m lacking up Ling on chair epic skin which one the thunderstorm or the green one that matches my armor speaking the green one yeah I’m thinking about popping it on that way it matches my armor all the wrong buttons I think it was this one yeah think I’m going send it I need to see how much the crafting recipe is how much damage does this do now 33 at 800 this one does 45 of 700 so this is probably better but for the sake of not that much less weight actually let’s uh let’s equip this see how much it weighs 5.3 less than this so we’re going to put this in storage for now and we got to check how much it’s going to cost me to craft another magazine that’s not bad so 85 93 I don’t think I have like anywhere close to any of this yep nope I got about half of what I need basically almost jeez I’m not going to use a coupon for this I’m just surprised I have one for it wait uh oh okay oh I already have a collection task for this okay wait do I need the M9 B it where am I 5.5 this one does 6% 6% dang I still need a lot for that too okay Trion I got all the batteries I need for that and that that’s something I do not feel like going back and grinding but I’m going to have to at some point so I basically need exactly the amount well no I need about 500 something that let say about 160 for that 130 the grind is not over i’ show some of my stuff off the chat but like he I just need two more levels on this [Music] that I can show off though it doesn’t have any special mods on it can we get it no not even one extra level wait did I I did not okay I need to stock up on ammo again s the other grinding is real yeah the grinding is it gets insane dude like I’ve been uh let’s see like let’s let’s say 2 hours flat I’ve been grinding just to get half of what I needed for this gun essentially but I don’t mind it because the way I see it is I could be wasting my time grinding out this game to get the next set of armor thanks d man I don’t even want to but D Rio I know it’s not Dillo Doro hopefully and welcome to the stream yeah welcome to the stream brother um what was I saying oh I’d rather be grinding this out than playing something like fortnite cuz what am I grinding for in that game calm down that’s like I’m I’m literally just grinding for skins or battle pass in fortnite but in this game I’m actually progressing to better and better gear meaningful progress nice covenants Covenant is pretty strong nowadays everyone loves their Bandits I like the voice lines that the Covenant has they got some pretty good voice lines oh that’s what I accidentally did crap then we’ll do this man I haven’t played Roblox since like 201 to 2013 it’s been so long I just want one of these oh I forgot to buy see did I not just buy pistol ammo no that’s one of the times that I accidentally didn’t pay for it okay you have been grinded for two years years end game is rough at the moment if you need something let me know brother can do man if you want to you can send me a friend request on here yeah I hear the end game’s really rough but H I’m here for it for now I guess I’m not looking forward to lonk I went up there accidentally last night I walked through I guess it was a portal toon and I just got aggroed by like every single Den in the area and I just got merked I being chased by like what seemed 100 side dogs or pseudo dogs then a player came by and put me out of my misery which I was kind of thankful for because I did not have the materials necessary to get out of the monster I think I don’t know Theo is on oh he was on I guess he hopped off mon better to go with Jagger for the mut now let’s check Theo’s Channel real quick yeah he’s not streaming right now use my Duo for the Moment by the way yeah dude I got Opera almost every player go around the edges not being AG half of the M that’s a good tip thanks for that actually yeah uh for my mods on Opera I’m running uh it’s called The Zone but it’s a a mod for stalker that’s where I get the Geer counter and I’ve got the Resident Evil 3 mod in there that’s for some some of the menu sounds come from and English is not my strong suit right now really need to go test this out but all we’ll go we’ll step outside put it to good use see if there’s a den or something I can shoot at sure do hope I get a one oh yeah I wish you luck man I don’t know what what that is but good luck dang this thing sprays I think I’m going to enjoy this a little more than the RPL for a little bit I access that nothing good oh did I not finish that Den okay I don’t want to be that guy that I was ranting about earlier I’ll go finish it oh gu let’s take it all uh man I just feel I just feel so bad duio um so what’s the situation like up north if I’m a free stalker or is everyone that’s not a stalker like aggro towards me like uh is Duty and freedom are they going to be my enemies too up there that’s something I didn’t really understand quite clearly from watching maximum Agro don’t ask a man his salary a woman his age don’t ask biller what players he hates man people that just run through dens with no intentions of completing them and just taking that the whole Den with them halfway across the map that hackers hackers suck I already forgot what I came in here to do man sell the junk I think I’ve got some other junk in my inventory I can sell possibly potentially pretty much yes okay because I was watching maximum aggro on one of his streams he just said everyone’s hostile up north and I just didn’t quite understand the red for for to yanov and every time you run into other human is kill on site all right I I I didn’t know 100% I knew I knew obviously bandits in Covenant but I didn’t know if it was a legitimate freefor all up north thank you for that valuable information I need to I need to charge my Proto AR not not my protos I need to charge my artifacts I have a 100 than someone’s been grinding wait okay must say my screen got a little fuzzy for a second there but that’s just cuz how much energy do I even have all right looks like I did need those protos wait notic wait wait a second what okay I still need to check the mail let’s see if you have veteran gear you will be paired inan gear yeah I’ve noticed that even though I’m not wearing my SBA I’m my gear score is still high but the only reason I’m not running my SBA tank right now is I can’t wear this and I mitigated to two artifacts and it’s just simply not enough space for me right now like once I go out to do legitimate PVP and my main focus isn’t to farm a wear my SBA but I’m fine with getting dunked on you join red forest and you and server one or two is all master gear and equal loot okay so I assume three and four are like I don’t even know what the highest tier is something I don’t know this a scientist suit guy [Music] yep yeah the main reason I wear this is the periodic healing and the carry weight and the fact that I can wear any backpack I got dunked on last night a couple times I think remaster the veteran gear yeah you got all right no missed it come on all right catch you later tomor [Music] no I keep getting so close with that armor is almost unkillable oh some like regen artifacts for the no the suit that I’m wearing yeah that’s kind of the plan but I need I need good health regen artifact I’m stuck with the basic one right now I think it’s a it’s uncommon I want to get two two decent ones and then have two artifacts to kind of mitigate that I want to be carry away artifacts though cuz I’m all about being a pack mu at the moment but with the SBA for that set up I want to get some bullet resistance artifacts there’s a quest that Maxum ago did that gives you a mama’s bead ooh I need to do that one it’s a Lon oof I’ve got a side quest or two up there I just don’t know how to get out of there and I’m I obviously excuse me I went up there with an RPL yesterday and you can go back and watch it on stream like I I couldn’t kill anything really I was doing like no damage whatsoever to any of the mutants I need to go up there with a squad but everyone I play with is below my level right now like like I’m pretty sure Theo is still farming for let me go look actually like he he’s also taking the hard way he’s crafting combat and scientist at the same time but he’s on he’s on the hoplight right now and I think something similar with the scientist suit so he’s still early bar stuff like he was going down the M16 route until I convinced him not to and now he’s here needing to no he’s here needing to craft this I think somewhere in here so he’s behind me a little bit you have to kill him a boss golden camps to get an ID okay that makes more sense I did see a golden Den thank you for that information that’ll let you leave in a bubble all right I’m just ready to get down to the OT I’m not satis ified with the beta at all that’s what I did but it is better to do the scientist suit first all right that’s kind of what I assumed because up north there’s a lot of areas that you just need that resistance yeah that damage Saturn jumpsuit would be everything I need for some of the stuff yeah I’m going down the combo line I got to the Warren Falcon then I pulled the style out of a case for this and then I kind of was just like in game is butter run regen or movement speed yeah when I watch a lot of Russian YouTubers they’re they’re full tilt they are Full Tilt man so that’s kind of what I assumed the meta was straight up movement speed or health regen which I’m trying to go for health regen at the moment I’m sure my tastes will change I’m just kind of hanging around right now cuz Theo said he was getting on [Music] [Music] [Music] bro bro crawling [Music] [Music] crap [Music] yeah I’ve only play been playing this game [Music] for I not even know how long in like days here we I’ll show you my hours 137 hours so real istically not a whole not a whole lot [Music] but I don’t feel like I need to buy anything did I get any more no I did not [Music] best to do at veteran gear is protect protect that sounds familiar is that a that a shouty yeah with that 12 round drum I want to get this but he I need to put a task in for that what’s the crafting recipe for that oh just North materials I just wish they had more backpacks in the game it really sucks that the trizip is the best you can do for carry away I don’t think there’s any brackets I need to craft at the moment that’ll have to wait what even is this like platinum or something this thing even do this is 5 mil huh yeah yeah if you couldn’t tell I’m going for the 545 much to my dismay I caught the style for the amb 17 but it’ll have to wait cuz I want this oh when does this end that is for subdivision the heart thing okay Sao was nerfed to the lowest point better spaz okay yeah Northern Moss is it was a pain just for the abacon it’s going to be a pain for all the attachments so yeah I’ll probably just wait for the protector okay uh let’s see and I’m like I said earlier I’m just kind of hanging around till Theo gets on English me hit him up on Discord [Music] [Music] that’ll work I guess what’s this guy got I’ve actually seen quite a few people running the scar but I think it’s just I think they’re in the same situation that I’m in I was let’s see it’s a blue gun right yeah oh twitch nice dude I was at the ak74m when I bought mine not knowing about the the freaking act tickets and how they worked I also ended up buying I think it was the SSR part two cuz I got the SBA all four parts for that yeah and I kick myself in the butt every single day for spending my ACT tickets Oh wrong one where’s that guy at right here this one this over here checking out everyone’s guns jeez is that dang lot of Scar users always smokes that got a shoty this man has got the RPL scar with no stock AK of some sort fight them that’s so weird sounded I know I should probably be running the RPL over this but oh man I want to run something different that I’ve been grinding for this for a fat minute no response from Dio all right let’s see how much of early bar materials I’ve [Music] got 200 do I have the P90 as a [Music] task so we need about so many sprigs man [Music] yeah let’s turn that off I think this is what I want to grind for next just to get that 05% movement speed [Music] buff caboo go buy at least one more epip pen [Music] I think tonight I’m just going to spend as much as I can regardless grinding out Army warehouses just for some [Music] cash hey it’s sear ah this dang he be he’s been grinding nice dude got the RPD some kind of EXO bro been putting in [Music] work all [Music] right actually I’m going to go hang out in the bar a little bit [Music] go watch some TV my favorite shows on stall craft I think it’s I think this little deal right here on all the TVs is a pretty cool Easter egg because in the stalker games if you look at I think it’s in 100 RADS bar in Shad out of Chernobyl it shows you a little gameplay play in the background which is really cool but it’s for it was like an earlier version of the game though not the release [Music] [Music] version still not reply [Music] oh he he’s a oh he’s got his mic muted [Music] [Music] thank you guys for tuning in and sticking around and talking oh boy what time is it 8:06 it’s almost time to go make me some food [Music] [Music] wait a second did I change my armor plates yeah speech speech let’s check out the auction while we’re waiting see if I can go bankr oh my gosh dude see if I can go bankrupt on anything see five six dang where do you get that I just wish I had several million Rubles that way I could find all the level seven seven containers on here and just buy them all out I have several artifacts I could sell I just don’t know what price I’d sell on that I’ve got a green one is this a good deal on a meat chunk or should I just ignore it like I know it’s not like of a higher tier and I shouldn’t waste my time time but like I kind of want it ignore okay okay I’ll ignore it you’re much more experienced than I am so I will take your advice for it I know I don’t like 99% of what’s on here I’m just looking for something to do while I’m waiting for Theo might actually hop off for a little bit here in here in a few just go get some food I’m going to go up North and do some some drops some cargo drops I’ve only done one so far and it was it was exhilarating it was fun but the only other time we went yesterday but the closest one was literally right next to a covenant base so I wasn’t even going to bother sometimes there’s people selling already too cheap I’ve noticed that there’s Sometimes some PE that shouldn’t be here yeah I’ve noticed sometimes there’s people selling artifacts cheaper than they should be selling them where do you where do you get this do you buy this from somewhere this and then is that only for 762 [Music] yeah that shouldn’t be in here speaking of artifacts did I transfer them all yes okay I went through and reorganized all of my storage so I I’ll have to reset most of these swamp R he I don’t even know what where to begin getting rid of these I’ll probably just do that another time hey I’ve got a meat chunk I’ve got another meat chunk okay I don’t even need to I don’t even need to buy another one what would I what would I trade it out for though the gravy but it gives me carry weight [Music] though oh choices choices well I could always just carry this in my bag hold on a second just going well actually I should probably put the negative ones in first and then the positive ones man if I had energy I’d upgrade this a little bit all right now let’s see how fast our health regen that probably just screwed me over all right show me that health regen not bad not bad could be better could be better it’s not horrible though I guess maybe I don’t know what good health reg is whoa someone get this man a [Music] pillow whoa that’s sick I’m going try one more time oh come on yeah oh I am the one who watches oh no can’t do that jeez looking fresh looking clean actually really excited that I have this now okay I got to skip this song oh man that’s where some people put real thought into their nicknames or their names in general and then there’s just people that have some very sus names just glad I haven’t seen fboy fapper in a while or any of those guys for that matter I remember how I got up on this roof something like that I don’t feel like trying right now do we got the a no that’s a what’s that mag though [Applause] jeez fboy FES are always up north yeah back when I was down in garages there were a bunch of Fanboys didn’t really see any FES but I saw a whole lot of Fanboys I haven’t seen a whole lot up here in in the bar so how stupid of it or how wow how stupid of me or how difficult would it be for me to go do these since it’s right next to a mercenary Camp does this go to Red Forest yeah one way where does that go though the bus really want to get in here search for some artifacts I’ll just have to go get some third class resistance I really need to come back down here and search for signals not that difficult if you get in a veteran server okay like I’m not that worried about PVP cuz I’ll either hold my own or I’ll get smacked I mean there’s no difference about it it’s just I don’t know how high high traffic of an area that is something tells me that’d be a good spot for Aries I need to go back and visit what is it the forest and go here and down in here but always forget my resistance like medication before I go that way coming sometimes have G rifles be careful yes the only thing I’m really concerned about is oh the PVE yeah I noticed I was in red Forest yesterday and I killed one of them and they had the the ammo for it I I was like oh God that was almost bad but I noticed taking out those Covenant bases give you a bunch of stuff not the bases but the camps I am and totally am not looking forward to farming up North mostly because freaking everyone’s hostile but [Music] this spices up the game playay cuz man I remember when I first when I first started swamps in The Cordon were popping with activity like you had to watch your step every step of the way but since I’ve gotten up to the bar there’s not been a whole lot of open world PVP I want to go for uh freedom for their uh their ghilly suit armor like I know it’s probably not the smartest thing everyone’s everyone’s in duty but I want that Gillies too I know it’s probably not good or anything but I don’t know my my stance may change on that in the future once I get closer to time like once I get closer to joining I’ll probably do a whole lot lot more research on on the subject but for now I have my site set on freedom but my goal is to get 100 RADS to level seven before I join a sub faction and I want to get most of my side quests out of the way so it’s going to be a while oh hey I need some more spare parts I don’t know if he’s going to hop on I’m just going to leave the call wrong sniped I dog what this dude got poor guy oh unless he just got that no I don’t think so man why would you waste your act tickets on these man I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know that is just not understood to me somebody up there no I’m going try to get my spot and I’m probably going to go get some food get that s all right I’ll be back in a few minutes maybe not that long but I’ll be back in a second [Music] for w oh all it took much longer than I anticipated my apologies goodness it’s cold in here did he hop on yet uh 8:31 that was five or so minutes ago yo yo [Music] all now have to go shut my door turn my fan off a little chilly in here [Music] what is this W I haven’t seen a Neo in forever let’s see not on quite yet I’m surprised anybody’s still here after me being gone for so long oh I didn’t go buy something to drink oh what time does this door close oh they Clos in 30 minutes oh dang it I don’t feel like getting dressed and sprinting out the door all right I want to go pick that up but I’ve got way too many okay all right well we’re still waiting on Theo but he’s about to hop on actually this time so oh we’ll be back on the grind in no time oh goodness I’m go shut my door though see if I can scr up something to drink e he all right I’m back again still not on scoup chat going with everybody making what interesting all right I think I wait did I claim my last one yes all the mutant killing that I’m able to do for now oh I didn’t mean to open that again one Sean he Sear [Music] [Music] sh [Music] was what I was just listening to I’m a little snake the thug Shaker well I guess I’m going to go farm some areas around the bar just until he gets on just I’m doing something and not just sitting around making you guys stare at a wall but did that increase my movement speed yeah that’s that’s why I’m moving so slow [Music] what’s up toas how’s it going bro about 30 minutes or so I’m probably going to hop off got some pork chops in the [Music] oven but I’ll be back on after I eat oh there’s bandits in there I do got to say I’m really enjoying this so far haven’t gotten to use it in PvP yet but what’s going on bro good sorry I was making some music so oh you’re good trying to get a track down didn’t work out yeah in about like 30 minutes or so I’m going to hop off to eat but then I’ll be back on all [Music] right my stream started finally crafted my next gun what really that’s cool yeah I got the obon I spent like two hours just doing nothing but grinding where’ this guy go hours gr no no this can’t be possible me stand up let me stand up let me stand up I’m getting fried just by boss out of nowhere uh at the bar of all places like I’m farming bar materials like early bar materials are like mutants AI or player Ai No no no no no no that was close that was close I want to go take a shortcut to get to a bandit camp and uh I almost got my brains blown out cuz I stepped into an area I wasn’t supposed to be in let’s go hang out on like on the Bandit side see if we can find some PVP run run stcraft all right time to take a d drink a water do some push-ups and get the Starcraft stream start yeah I got off work early cuz literally had probably four things to do today nice I did them all in like 3 hours and was like okay I’ll just wait till lunch and then I’ll leave [ __ ] left to LUN that never [ __ ] happened so it’s [Music] nice see rewards bro the arena is about to be gone yep I hate it now but I’m going miss it later bro I kind of lowy need to play Arena before I even do questing because I want this skin I really want this [ __ ] skin I might what’s it yeah I’m I’m done with this uh this cluster if you want to send me an invite and we can do like a game of Arena and then I can hop off a little bit while we’re actually in the same server yeah for sure I usually have to join your server go s on my junk get my stream all right oh just got a notification some guy named Dov is streaming buzzard and now my gun matches my armor Gilbert said kiler okay some of these people’s names dude this one’s the sad is that noise why am I hearing like is that the game it’s like got like white noise in the game what the [ __ ] that was my microphone I was like what the [ __ ] is um [Music] this side’s so easy to get up on compared to the other side o [Music] all right righty are you ready for some Arenas y all right get these skins going event play let’s have fun on Roblox tomorrow Roblox yeah good luck with those [Music] uh scrolling up through chat good luck with those aura [Music] yes yes yes yes oh you’re not going for ORS well good luck regardless no matter what you do I guess [Music] [Music] check just right over the [Music] edge hey damn my microphone quality sounds 10 times better today than it did yesterday think I finally figured out how to set this thing up you literally have just it’s got to be so close to your mouth it’s actually annoying I feel like it’s I don’t know it disturbs whoever I’m talking to but like when you go look at the B and I’m sitting away from the microphone you can’t hear me at all like it only be 2 ft away it just doesn’t make sense so I think the overall investment would be uh a boom arm that I can hook above the desk bring down and then I can just kind of like as I’m moving in my chair I can kind of push the microphone wherever I want so that’s my goal is a microphone with a boom arm I don’t know where I’m going to put the dang thing on this clutter table but I’ll figure it out as you’re saying that sitting in a desk right now with some books he said this cluttered table that’s basically what I’m using is a table it’s got my laptop my monitor my controller my mouse and my keyboard on it and it’s not a very big table oh 24 hours until the event’s over almost one day in five hours come on ready up we didn’t wait that long for nothing I will demolish all of you in the duels and the buar we got we got that luck today we’re going to win this except ready up players wow that ninth player man here we go all right let’s do this what did we get here oh man lowy got a good suit Rip but I didn’t get a gun I got a C her I think I’m going to go with the vector [ __ ] [Music] it I turned down this music and I shouldn’t have done that cuz now I feel like there’s no music go we got some music going now I should probably actually put my armor on Battle of dogs yay die little doggies get off get off the idle oh [ __ ] lot of Snorks for the Battle of dogs this is bad wow okay oh oh oh oh oh we are killing everything in our path today no flaws no mistakes oh noid oh my God come on guys what the [ __ ] I don’t have like actual grenades I’ve just got a shield barrier last moment they were [ __ ] feasting 18 800 600 I don’t know which gun to go for send [Music] it I need the uh bumpty next I think let’s see here I’m going try out this little little tur I was getting demolished with it last night so yeah I don’t have grenades I don’t know why I try doing that [Music] come on dog man I’m trying to trying he ain’t doing that today no no no get off the idle you pieces of [ __ ] they always show up as soon as I’m done reloading okay what did we unlock here nothing and nothing oh we did get a bandit okay that’s the last roll we got lucky with that one cuz I almost didn’t roll it [Music] again bring my microphone a little bit lower to my mouth there we go bro I so you’re telling me all that damage I just did to that dude did nothing bro still had like full health my last two duels they’ve got I’ve gotten them to one HP and they got away to heal and then they get me I also goofed and tried using my testing out my pistol that I just bought piece of garbage don’t recommend bro bro didn’t stay still so I mean like I could have Miss my shots but it looked like I was hitting I don’t know selling that piece of crap o what’s this stamina regain periodic healing we’ll do that open our bag oh of course as I’m going to place it in there it decides to start the round little tip you can open up your inventory watch out though this these fleshies aren’t nothing I eat fleshies for dinner every night plushies is just like the obese obese version of the boar bro was fat and slow basically I mean they used to be pigs I don’t know [Music] how I have no idea what this guy’s trying to say yeah I couldn’t hear it there’s too much [ __ ] [ __ ] going on too much [ __ ] tell you that I might need to turn down my master volume here cuz I feel like my game is way louder than my voice so let’s go to settings and uh there we go let’s try that okay boogat boogat here we go my favorite part of the game yeah I have a LoveHate relationship with these Boger braws my gosh I just like them cuz they’re PVP like I don’t care if I lose but I like to be able to challenge myself where this guy come from oh what the [ __ ] where this guy go bro dude you’re half how bro I just mowed you all we got a I think this gun is just we’re going to lose oh yeah get that stuck why let it move yeah [ __ ] that’s [Music] mine oh guys we start Sho this thing bro bro is a Slither bro is a [ __ ] Slither that’s crazy come on move I I don’t quite understand you better die you better die you bet bro is a sther again bro how am I not competing with that bro is it cuz I’m missing a couple shots yeah we lost this round cuz none of us not enough of us are shooting this thing [ __ ] dude nobody cared about the egg I can’t go down there so for me to even shoot the egg I got to go to the middle and even that’s the most risky spot up top because you’re just in the out open oh I need to so [ __ ] and then you got this one scientist that’s got like what two upgrades throw a grenade dang it I don’t have another [Music] one oh I got punched in the back I died too are you [ __ ] serious ow that’s so stupid not going to lie that’s pretty [ __ ] stupid okay so this time I’m not going to try to switch to my pistol because I sold it let’s got again [ __ ] maybe I can actually kill somebody duel no it’s not a duel I don’t know why I thought it was a little oh my game the [ __ ] bro I’m stuck I’m stuck I can’t move man I’m getting stuck there really screwed me oh my God so many rats just need my last weapon part man I’m never going to get it it’s going to be one of those games where the entire enemy team plus most of my teammates legendary [ __ ] while I’m still stuck on Blue I think I can go down there with this suit and will it let me move got him [ __ ] you see he’s already got blue armor and a green gun and I’m still on white the event chances are [ __ ] this is absolute dog [ __ ] it happens mate it [ __ ] happens every single game though every single [ __ ] game I know wow I got a green gun now I got to turn in an event quest to Theo after this so oh [ __ ] I got both okay I just need two more both of those I got a full upgrade wonder what’s going to be first again or the suit who knows okay bro is op bro just eats everything why do I have old men gang banging me right now so much damage too freaking monks of the century karate Cho in our foreheads like shit’s crazy thanks to us me check chat absolutely no’s in chat I appreciate anybody who is going to tune in in the future in about 3 4 2 1 no still no one okay oh he should have just kept running I said 3 4 two the [ __ ] wrong with me yeah basically toas Office Works is all this is purely up to chance on what you get and what’s in the store is limited so yeah not fun yeah they should just make PVP bro and then but where like it’s just it’s like CS go bro you pick your gun and you you want to [ __ ] know you just got to upgrade it like that I wish it was more like CS or literally any other game like this that this game Mode’s trying to replicate I don’t even know what the [ __ ] what is it Bo anyway I’m not even sure what a Boer is to be honest bro was almost dead too oh my God how is he not dead and why can’t I move oh he’s almost dead ah he where I was if I can move where did the spawn camper go no dude wait how did he have that much health bro actually I just shot him with a full clip like what can I move please thank you [Music] good [ __ ] on I’m better I died from bio infection I thought I could go down there bro I have like a scientist looking suit always know where I am you’ll have to go through the the middle not the direct middle like over here on the side of the map have to drop down over here won that thank God can you hit the can you hit the weird squiggly line next to one and see what the scoreboard is I am you’re 4 and 12 I’m 4 and8 and what’s their idle percentage versus ours oh see the lizard n [Music] oh watch out watch out get out of there they have they have a little bit more just 5% but we can’t let these dog we got to get these dogs off what the [ __ ] are we doing gosh [ __ ] die that my guy shooting at in the freaking [Music] wisps guys With Grenades need to be tossing nades [Music] de bro damn bro yeah the game’s very it would rather you just buy the battle pass instead of actually play the game which is admittedly most of what I’ve done I grinded like half of it then bought half of it okay so I got a mocking bird got the Mocking Bird and wait what was it resistances I want to look game why do you do that buet resistance is almost 200 bro that’s insane this might be meta [Music] poor armadillos bro what the [ __ ] where’s my aim [Music] going the [Music] [ __ ] okay let’s see if we can roll that gun bro [Music] yes we rolled it we rolled it okay cool so far so good bro it’s only round 13 and I’ve already got all like the level three [ __ ] gone I’ve got blue armor and a green gun still oh dude I’m about to win this I got 200 bullet resistance it’s about to happen Frozen place [Music] is this guy just AFK or something how there’s no way oh my God okay bro this gu smacked this smack does no damage bro’s dead bro’s dead bro he’s got worse and a worse gun than me yeah he still got me lock this store oh dude I’m about to have the king king pin armor pink armor that that yeah I’m almost close I’m close to Pink I just need one more think I’m trying to save my tokens right now get off my homie dog you don’t deserve that reload please [Music] I can’t see anything oh my God what the [ __ ] we’re better I just need one more piece for my gun and one more piece for my armor I got two of the pink armor and then I got one of the vectors I’m getting close bro it’s only level 15 bro I’m about to go [ __ ] oh my God bro let’s go let’s go [ __ ] on these nerves bro let go [ __ ] on him bro okay that guy actually maded me and he smarted me crazy time oh [ __ ] how is he not dead oh my God what like I’m dumping bullets into him how is he not dead can I move bro my PO resistance is actually good though hold up we’re going to lose this one bro he’s so bro he’s got a good armor so what the [ __ ] is that dude I can’t kill these guys no matter what I [Music] do dude I’m gorilla these guys yeah I’m I don’t have enough ammo to [ __ ] do anything got one finally get that kill holy [ __ ] that was horrible bro they just have better armor like what the [ __ ] is that it just came up where’s my [ __ ] Vector bro it’s what I [ __ ] need and of course I don’t roll it it’s going to [ __ ] me at the end of the game bro I just got the veresk dude I hate when they when the the team that’s talk [ __ ] it’s like dude you’re not even that good you literally just got lucky you piece of [ __ ] blusters are you [ __ ] serious maybe I’ll throw a grenade sometime this year I wish the event would give you resources for doing this [ __ ] but right like if you’re literally going to make me spend 24/7 in here just to grind your stupid battle pass you might as well give me mats that I need too like yeah for real like you either have to be in here grinding your freaking beans off or you could be in the open world damn I’m so close I just need one of both [Music] it’s a duel I’m going to win it okay it’s not a du I’m literally not even going to get off a blue gun in this game I hate oh [ __ ] bro why is this thing on the [ __ ] can I reload please so my grenade doesn’t go off when I throw it that’s crazy like this game mode would be so much more fun if it just had a normal store just changing that one thing would make me love this game mode give me two PVE rounds to collect some money for the PVP rounds and then just leave it at that no what do I sell the vector is right there in my face and I can’t buy it you you can lock your store if you hit the lock symbol that way it doesn’t move from you next turn oh did not know that all right is it going to let we have the same gun and this dude basically just one shot me I’m just what ridiculous dude I just started lagging so hard when I got close to that dude I don’t know what the [ __ ] it be cheating who knows it’s so hard to tell in this game because the time to kill is so fast anyways yeah and then it’s also like I don’t there’s not enough detail to be able to tell okay I just got my first Vector part okay we got my Vector [ __ ] finally B just wish I knew what button it was for me to check the freaking scoreboard you don’t have a scoope no I apparently re rebind did that key we’re winning there they thing we just got to keep everything off our [ __ ] y I’m dead okay that’s [ __ ] crazy that whole thing covered our whole how are you supposed to avoid that I have no idea to be honest I’ve never encountered that you get turn to a event it only haveen once every single time I see this guy I die I don’t know how you’re supposed to dodge that cuz even when you’re not standing in the laser you still seem to be taking some kind of freaking damage how are they alive see I can’t even look I’m dead that’s so stupid can’t look at the scoreboard okay can I turn off my MPGs please what’s next I so I have the vector so apparently there’s an armor uh I literally get two of the three parts that I need for my next armor set and it’s the the set you’re trying to get the scientist set the uh with the skin you want oh yeah I doubt I’m going to see it this game but I I have two parts in the store oh my God bro got where there’s already it doesn’t help our other teammates literally keep dropping in the center yeah I accidentally fell down there oh come on dude they they always come around that fre Corner bro just ate a million he ate 40 Vector shots to the face like I don’t quite understand that aspect of the game I don’t either man okay and then my heals don’t work bro got an so suit like it’s just one guy that keeps killing me and I guar bro how is that guy’s naked ass Bandit suit tanking this [ __ ] don’t quite understand that this guy what the [ __ ] yeah I know I did like no damage to him while I shooting him how does that [ __ ] do that how is he not dead I dumped a full mag into the back of his cranium damn now we’re losing we got 10% we cannot lose this we got 10% gentlemen do not lose the idol easier said than done 8% 8% armad delos with armor that’s great oh he’s not dead not die though just from the bleeding alone throw a grenade throw a grenade I’m spamming the button just throw it oh my God dud I just died If lost oh how did we what the we have 2% left uh let me look at that and I just now got the vector part and I had to sell both of my armor what is this damn game [Applause] mode healing reduced by 50% what the [ __ ] can I get out of the yeah it’s gone 8% might as well just take it let it be over there’s no way okay I was about to say there’s no way we go around with 2% damn 27 kills you guys play this game too much like look at the guns they had what was the modifier he had on this thing cuz it was shooting like a shotgun um he had no modifiers bro was literally hacking dude I can’t even report his ass either where did that go oh I actually got two rewards for that literally all birch bark basically yeah I like the snake camo a lot it’s cool I kind of want to get the gun one too [Music] but for why hop in there uh gab and them’s Discord and see if anyone want to hop on some Arena later cuz I feel like it’d be better if we had a squad that knew what they were doing not just up with randoms oh yeah oh [ __ ] put that oh man okay um hey where I got to go talk to Theo aka me where are you at I still need to win four more games well Matt Young sir I guess I under you you both strength and some brains in the head of you and you were able to click necessary anomalous modules prepar a special combat scenar for you still not to take next opponent this battle will be an excellent warm up however you or even a bogatar can bundle a warm up are you sure you don’t want to obtain an additional I just see one more level oh nice I completed some daily tasks oh and I completed some challenges too nice I have to go get the shield from someone and we’ll find it they want me to pill this guy D so he oh he’s in the bar okay for so we have to try to convince this guy to talk so we can sneak the pills into his thing yep it sure is gotcha for sure for only 500 that’s such a ripoff can I just open the case and then it just disappears where did my case go I just bought a case and it wouldn’t let me open it and then it disappeared my inventory entirely oh because it sent it back to the shop why need be bugging lately oh come on yeah I already have that gun anyways this guy has all D so I [ __ ] it up bro I can’t this dialogue shit’s hard man yeah it’s pretty tedious you almost have to watch aggro sometimes Colgate bread guess I don’t need the bullet resistance Shield but whatever do it poor guy oh my God why is there an army of those dudes I just killed myself I had impact grenades what realistic okay let me try that again and why it spawned me on the other side of the bar I don’t know why it does that okay let’s get back in here and try this again yeah they’re all fun oh that’s annoying no way that dude just batted away my grenade there’s no [ __ ] way no way that’s insane and an impact nonetheless that’s it didn’t explode it looked like like he punched it out of the air Metal Gear Solid where do this last dude that I can’t even see him oh of course I get flashed oh she’s throwing grenades bro oh what the [ __ ] dude how are you supposed to kill something that’s flashing you constantly he’s just throwing stuns at me I can’t run what the [ __ ] reload what my keybinds are being weird bro oh my God he’s throwing grenades what’s up with the [ __ ] flashbangs and [ __ ] all right I’m hop off for a little bit go get something to eat all righty oh [ __ ] oh I’ll be back on in an hour or so okay no run what the [ __ ] all right toas thanks for sticking around um I’ll be back later in like an hour an hour and a half something like that but uh thanks for stopping by thanks for hanging out it’s been a pleasure yep yeah I’ll be back on in a little bit I’m just going to go get something to eat and I I like to do my dishes after I’m done cooking that way I just don’t have a mess the next day all right I’ll catch you later thanks for stopping by good luck on Roblox what you’re doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘Stalcraft – Grinding Army Warehouses, Still.’, was uploaded by Billy The Kid on 2024-04-23 02:57:38. It has garnered 40 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:12 or 17952 seconds.

Welcome to The Zone. Stalcraft is an MMO that began its life as a Minecraft mod, it is based off of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games.

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    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More