Insane Cabbie Goes Crazy in SteamPunk LPS Minecraft!

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Sh What the hell is going on people it’s cabby thanks for stopping by my little core of the internet I got my coffee I got my Copenhagen we’re on steampunk LPS Minecraft once again twice in one day what the hell is going on I don’t know I’m just pumped up we surpassed 420

Today on our subs that’s right folks blaze it up I know I will be tomorrow but not tonight cuz we’re going to go for a different type of Blaze we’re going into The Nether we’re going for the blazes hopefully we don’t die I don’t know we’ll have to see so in between the

First stream I know my coffee got me all hyped up and jacked up like a spider monkey but um so pretty much in between the streams today yeah I did stuff around the house did my honeydew list all that great crap then I went mining um for yall that

Don’t know this is my little house day one I took it over I think that stream was yesterday oh there’s something down oh that’s a ladybug huge ass ladybugs that are annoying um so if you see in the top right in my map is that little white

Dude with the like mask on that is an evil troll uh give me one second let me turn down the music and let me let me turn my play music on turn that down there we go all right where are we where are we cabby that’s right we’re

On um need more options music turn music down there any who there we go all right so I’ve taken over made this in my enchanting area I’ve been mining this whole time uh pretty much after I got done on the honey dude list so let’s go ahead and get an axe

Going we got Unbreaking efficiency for okay cool would rather have Smite and all that stuff on it um but this bad boy right here Slayer 4 like it’s sharpness on crack it’s awesome it it’s just so much better um I can kill skeletons real fast like it

It’s pretty much an overall mob not just you know how like sharpness is for certain and smites for Undead and stuff like that uh I just ran into the wall so so y’all can see I have to work on an elevator and all that stuff but our chest

Room is is right down here this is what we’ve gotten so far I messed up I made a diamond um chest when I actually wanted a diamond backpack so I screwed up on that my bad but any who so that’s what we’re doing today uh I’m

Going to get we need to get a little bit more diamonds because we have like three we have three more diamonds but I am geared out we got Enchanted and everything um I have found so many experience blocks it’s crazy so and also like walking around I

Found just in here there’s been like hidden chest that I missed the first time like we got lapis right there um there’s a couple of XP blocks around here and so far so on so yeah this is where we’ve been going I’ve gotten this area pretty much cleared uh you know cleared out

One morning and earlier it was really cool um so my pickaxe is Unbreaking four what how cabie that’s impossible well the little known guys or Goblin dudes uh that you can trade with ooh get off me all right but yeah the Little Gnome dudes I was so lucky I had an Unbreaking

Three book and a pickaxe and I was able to trade what’s that little dude oh that’s a little screamer guy that scaring the crap out of me earlier so hey I was store hope you’re doing doing well today this is uh part two of our stream

Oh so you missed it um over the weekend the hardcore World wait bye-bye um I died to an Enderman while trying to fight the dragon oh no there’s a troll we’re out of here we are out of here I am not dude this skeleton’s fast as hell Huntsman oh it’s a

Spider 88 our golden Carrot so I’m on the uh steampunk LPS on from curse Forge L can be found in the description below like I always do but it’s a really it’s I feel like it’s more more of an adventure-based mod pack what is that huge thing what oh Jesus I don’t think I should have came

Down here good Lord we’re out of torches already where’ that huge thing go I want to kill it uh oh he hurts ooh this ain’t good we got the troll over there what the that’s two things in one e sies twins all right we’re doing some damage to o oh all right

So this is the uh steampunk LPS uh mod pack uh on curse Forge that is some so there’s a bunch of like it’s a steampunk themed uh create and all that stuff and there’s a bunch of new Mobs where like different that um most of them are like mechanical and

Have cogs and all that stuff dude that badass thing didn’t drop anything what is that what oh that’s not right I want my money back all right o what’s that thing with the green eyes after this we I’m going oh no that’s one of the little thieving troll guys I can’t see

Crap so y’all can’t see crap sorry about that there we go is a trolls still here and the trolls hurt so much see there’s a broken grinder unit look like a knight from chess all right so the troll is gone thank goodness um honestly the reason why I

Came down here is so I can grab some diamonds um one second we need to change that there we go cuz I want to to oh it’s the w a vampire so there’s vampires and a thing called a wool man and the wool man’s are creepy it’s like no face no

Nothing oh there’s another vampire right there oh there’s a XP right there there we go did I bring blocks with me of course not why would C bring blocks hey it’s a uh once I get back up top if you want I’ll show you I’ll show

Off like the quest lines and stuff like that it’s a it’s really it’s been a good uh mod pack for me um holy crap I got four XP orbs from that and then these all right I can’t complain about that now I need to figure out how to get

Home the one thing I wish it had which it doesn’t is uh way uh waist Stones it’s one thing I wish I had oh look at that cool dude oh we fought him Before i’ uh in the where my base is that’s there was a bunch of those guys there and I had to fight them off all right so there’s the M shaft so we live this way there’s another XP orb over there just trying to remember remember how to get how I get down

Here where I go to get back look like something just died over here oh there’s a necromancer somewhere all right so see I got bear with me for one second I I was jamming out before I started the stream and it’s really loud in my ears right now there we

Go can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man all right let’s go ahead and grab our bread and because this is modded Minecraft and they don’t have way stones I feel oh Enderman do we so uh one cool thing we can make um mending books on here so that’s

Really cool I like that but it’s a really expensive recipe so and it’s okay we won’t go there we go like I said I feel that there should be waist Stones because it’s modded so there we go that’s my waist Stone what look at those butterflies those are like Satan butterflies

Oh what is it oh it’s the wool man I hate that sounds like a shrier all right so let’s go ahead and grab our obsidian how many four ah shoot we’re one short it’s all right it’ll be okay so let’s go ahead and build our portal right here for

Now um there we go we’ll use Cobble deep slate and Bam ooh the Portal’s pretty and here we go hopefully we don’t die that’ll be kind of embarrassing as soon as we go through oh what the hell is this uh what all right so now we know there is

Lava underneath us no no no no gas please no guest not now M uh Way Stone portal confirm all right let’s go ahead and since the map’s part of it oh there’s a structure over there there’s a fortress over here so that’s cool there’s I think that’s a Bastion behind us

So all right as long as we don’t run into some crazy mobs I think we’re going to be a okay did I bring gold no should have brought gold wait did I bring a crafting table no wait what was that oh the Netherrack looks weird e the nether looks like body parts and

[Applause] stuff uh let me back up and see how close we are that is some type of Castle thingy it looks like all right so we got blocks let’s go ahead and R oh crap I forgot about uh temperatures tempatures we need to run back run back get back

Home oh crap we’re going to fry we are going to die use this shovel oh no all right so we need to figure out something for the temperature in the nether ooo that’s a pretty cool effect though that was so pretty all right so now we need to

Figure out the Heat heat heart let’s go ahead and claim our reward for going into nether fire resistance and then integrated stronghold be another thing we can not make a diamond Shield let’s go ahead and soul spring lamp what what’s that for soul of the sea using a heart of the

Sea is a vital tool against oh okay so I guess we I guess we need to use that do we put that in our off hand I’m just going to go in the Nether and see if that’s how it works if we have to I I hope that’s not how it

Goes like I hope we don’t have to hold this in our right hand where’s our backpack there it is uh I’m going to put some of this stuff away especially the bed cuz I have a tendency to put beds down okay we’re not going above 39 right

Now it looks like we’re using hunger a good bit is this all new to me so I am just as lost as probably you are yeah I think I think this is the trick maybe hopefully don’t know all right so we are at this Tower thing hellish Paradise is this

Snow oh no it’s quartz this is a strange iome all right so I want to go across right here oh great I did not bring a bow what is that that was so cool it’s a soul trap so we got to watch out for those ooh scary what’s this grimstone okay I’ll

Take you you look cool what’s that all right I hear the guest I don’t want to jump down oh crap the heck was that oh hell no oh those are wither skeletons what are these oh the that frog is so cool I want that frog yeah I thought this was G

Oh I thought that was going to die like a um oh I’m wizard eat cabby eat dude this is messed up this place is what was that oh it was a guest okay my goodness Soul Lantern o what’s this hey we’re I’m going to be saying ooh what’s this a lot

All right that’s scary as hell I ain’t going to lie that’s just terrifying oh Unbreakable un the chains are unbreakable too what the heck okay ooh all right woo dude that place is messed up like for real messed up oh my goodness would y’all quit coming after

Me all right this isn’t what I thought it was going to be like how far down do this thing go holy crap a Reaper oh my God that’s awesome they they shoot down uh they drop crying obsid yeah crying Obsidian that’s funny that I I like that ooh why am I still going this way why am I still going here wait oh my God these are crazy oh great a gas honestly I just want I do all right so nothing spectacular l oh that burns [Applause] good Lord man all right so the nether isn’t like the I thought it was going to be like the Doom nether but it’s not like that but it’s crazy still oh my God that looks like a butthole all right I’m out of here here holy crap so like is that the same

Thing well we did something that place is insane what the hell I didn’t think it was going to be like that jeez Oh no no no no no no What’s messed up is I thought it was in a [Laughter] bikini ooo let’s take a deep breath uh it’s going to be okay cabie just breathe so what’s this do we’ll have to look that up when we get back um let’s go ahead and get some more uh oh oh there’s one right

Here oh this pickaxe okay this place is freaking huge I honestly just wanted to see if it had loot right here oh it does on the inside of course ooh gold and there’s holes all in the floor uh Bread oh crap there’s one on me come on where you at good Lord ancient the bris oh we got gold we got the gold oh jackpot oh that was so sweet uh lava bucket okay but we don’t need you it’s a you’re you’re okay you’re not like a bad thing but oh

Nether uh Nether wart uh root scroll what guess we need to figure that stuff out Um all right so I guess we need to head back up oh that was close all right so we’re away from the oh that’s a blaze our first like Blaze encounter where is he all right let’s come over here that’s right hit them not Me there we go D this is insane and what is this that I hear down here oh it’s a blaze right oh my God so is each room oh it’s a blaz spawner grab that health Orb all right come on Mr Blaze you know you want to come up here oh I’m getting hot oh I get oh there’s lava right there all right so let’s go ahead and Fire Resistance and then let’s put our backpack up There that damn gas got his from what was that oh my God dude there’s something truly satanic down here all right cabby where you at okay Okay all right so we got 14 blaze rods we should be good for a little while my good why one is what the heck’s that thing with that that like satanic there’s a devil God that scared the crap out of me uh so we good oh no oh great come on I need

Blocks uh that would do where’s that gas oh it’s over there okay um um hopefully there’s one uh I think I’m really dumb for doing this right [Applause] now give me your backpack yes what do we get backpack we got another backpack even though I don’t really use them we got all the

Gold oh we got a uh spell book that’s pretty cool all right let’s go ahead and put this stuff in here dude there’s some messed up noises down here holy crap come on Mr piglin Brute all right so I killed them all right okay killed the hoglin it seems like the

Hogins are harder to kill all right let’s go ahead and oh oh come on please something good oh no chest no nothing oh that sucked that’s not what I was hoping for oh we can put you here okay this is pretty intense holy hell all right so we got these all

Done and then I need to make sure I don’t fall in a hole all right so I’m going to take those and then we are slowly going to make our way back that little Castle’s insane this is like a slow progress in Castle and of course the gas is just flying

Around like a dick there’s two of them what is wrong with them all right all right that’s one gone see I can deal with these guys oh Health orb yes dude what is that uh there’s something behind me wait where’d that second one go there was another one dude there’s something following me

There has to be don’t really see anything okay so there’s some of those guys there all right let’s no there we go what there’s gold up in them okay hopefully that will help cool things down a little bit for now cuz we got to watch our temp

Pi um let’s go ahead and do that one all right right now I’m just collecting blocks so he the nether is no joke on here let me see no chest there a chest over here no there a bunch of gold so it’s just like the other one um where there is no chest

But a bunch of gold all right d it goes over there and then back up what is that noise all right let me make sure I eat before we go and sorry for like talking like all slow like This yeah SC you yes all right oh I want to sple them so bad all right so let’s go ahead and take that off gold oh a chest okay so there’s a chesticle over here there’s a lot of gold over there ooh diamond sword diamond Blaze core immune to fire temporary immunity

To lava burns those attacks of melee any heavily improved visib visibility in lava um M heart You’re vulnerable to underwater creatures that’s perfectly fine cuz we are in the nether oh netherite scrap that’s what netherite scraps look like oh I think I passed up uh one or two of those

Already oh darkest scroll we’ll do that I’m a wizard Harry oh one more there we go how much how much this a damn dinosaur D this thing goes on forever where are we at all let me get out from underneath it out in the open is that Satan up there that’s the devil

Oh that’s what I’ve been Hearing oo all right I need to put that one thing on seriously uh so I take this off and I put you on no is it activated I don’t know we will find out oh jeez there’s a gas oh my God feather falling four saved my ass oh my

Goodness I can’t believe I survived that oh come on dude oh actually I have gold so if I see more of those guys I will actually trade with them that’s what I should have been doing this whole time was trying to trade with them I think there’s one what right there

Oh wait so we can all right I ain’t going to lie this nether is sick so that means that throughout all those Towers there’s like chests and stuff like that all inside I thought it no no no come here I have gold yeah yeah I have gold buddy don’t you want to Go good Lord Jee what fire the fire charges are big all right so there blazes in that to you son of A dude I’m giving you gold so don’t try to kill me not just yet tool of War what did I just oh hey buddy what do you want H I only have uh two where’s Satan at all right I only have four of those oh my goodness all right the heck is

That Propel Pearl all right man wait so there was another area right in here this was the blaze Area ow uh Soul Sand I need crap all right all right did I get yeah I get the blaze rods lava gas gas tiers look pretty cool I really am enjoying this nether though it pretty sweet all right so was there anything on this side yep more chests ring of holy

Infinity plus one level to angel wings um okay I don’t have angel wings but wait what are you what’s that oh we have that we have that okay well all right what was up here just gold just gold oh no okay as as long as I didn’t hit that zombie

Piglin oh that Enderman looks cool over there all right so oh my gosh I have a feeling bad stuff’s about to happen okay we need to eat I just realized how low my health is where’s that Golden Apple there you are There we go come here boys all right let’s let them fire off I can’t see crap I’m going to hit that zombie five pag all right sweet all right get rid of that how did I not hit you during that yeah I know I know little dude I

Know I know I know I know I need to my God they’re just following me where are you other backpack other backpack uh there we go where you at here we go bam made money off of that so we’re up to six netherite scrap all right so I’m going to start

Building up and also oh no we’re too hot we are way too hot [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um why am I so hot right now did did that run out of fuel I I don’t understand what just happened is pretty though when we come back it be kind of cool if we went why is there a vampire here oh thank God I’m home

What happened to the fire thing yeah what what happened to all that stuff what’s going on I have no idea that nether is cool as hell though I will say that All right so now to kind of see our spoils um really don’t like these right here to be honest might have might move them somewhere more accessible um I thought about earlier I was going to put them all line this whole area up with chests but it’s just

A pain going all the way down here and then going all the way back up and we don’t have elevator blocks on here so that stupid vampire I there’s a spot up here and that way that’s more accessible I think I might do that put some chest over there and start

Putting my um storage over that way all right so we got quick good on the blaze rods put those here put the gold gold oh that’s food so we put that and then that there actually let’s go ahe and take that one out before we go to the nether we’ll put that back

On o I don’t know why it’s weird like I drink the same coffee almost every day but it’s getting a little bit of heartburn right now um as you can see I have no like Rhyme or Reason to my chests as right at this moment see gold gold blaze rods but

Stuff I think that’s pretty important music disc mournful a bit this all right so how many diamonds do we have nine diamonds we can sacrifice one Diamond but I’m going to hear I’m going to listen to this before I actually play it cuz I don’t know if it’s copyright or not

So um we got 40 blaze rods which is amazing Arrow Bo boots diamond sword golden axe more gold gold nuggies we get more chest over here iron obsidian and cry obsidan I think those two are valuable they’re valuable to me so they’re going to be in the valuable chest same with my

Coins and this stuff over here cuz I don’t know where we buy stuff with coins there’s something about a market Marketplace or something like that um ew okay so we do have to find a fortress yeah I found it oh defeat carcass a tall skeleton uh we didn’t defeat

Him what is this oh the ancient Knight okay defeat ignis The Forbidden Castle which one’s that that’s where we were we we didn’t get uh credit for that I I think we have to go further in uh like further into the castle than what we did

Cuz from way it looks we just like nip the tip of it so I got to discover a wizard tower all this kind of stuff Hunter’s cabin I found some of these I don’t know why he didn’t give us uh credit for it but te is with it te is

Um I am going to upgrade the backpack after I empty it can I re wear this like I don’t know if I can or not cuz angel wings let me see what angel wings are wait did I spell angle no Angel’s blessings Angel’s thesis angel wing scroll uh level two + one spell

Book oh okay so that’s for spells and stuff okay we’re not there yet so we’ll put it in the valuables get a good amount of gold so inventory I mean it went from being valuable stuff to stuff now um load Stones those are not cheap to make and then we go one

Two all right so here we go and I’ll get my inventory sorted sooner than later this was uh kind of like a surprise spur the moment stream today I was just like hey I’m going to stream I feel like streaming again so here I

Am I oh no that’s what I thought was uh scraps okay so Soul Sand let me go ahead and why did I get stuck right there so we got 13 Soul Sand there we go and switch you up for nether wart it’s the first time I’ve planted something nether W oh I got a ton more emeralds that’s cool let’s go ahead and put all this stuff in here go ahead and make this will it work like that 1 2 3 4 yes it will oh thank God I don’t need that stupid uh no it’s not a server it’s just a

U private world that’s all it is um I am thinking about doing a server after a while um holy crap ew ew um after I hit uh 500 I’m thinking about opening up a little public server for folks that was nasty e e spider ey I’ll just keep

There yeah I want to see what that stuff is um so I got nine of those can I make stuff with this o I can make it malic maliciously explodes upon him what it’s pretty cool uh chest piece I’m going to save all this and

Then uh once I can make a full set we’ll make a full set of that um let me continue doing putting all this stuff away um cuz there is a couple of things I want to try to find today you know I want to knock off a few things on the exploration

Um side of the map uh the quest lines but I don’t know I I like exploring a good bit so um so lanterns I’ll throw in there I like them so they’re valuable to me I might should put that as my stuff I keep seeing that plant over

There and I think it’s something coming for me okay what I do with all right cool let me see what’s the next step for backpack so we’ve get uh backpack iron diamond netherite oh I could done a netherite backpack but I’d rather have a netherite pickaxe to start with Than anything else and then while I’m at it do I have just regular Cobblestone like I want to make wait where’s why do I only have one backpack oh yeah is that broken thin air respirator yeah I think so I don’t how do I fix that do make filters or something oh no

Rest respiration respiration Ender respawn alter okay so if I need to I think I want to see F so I got coal there I got paper upstairs I’m just trying oh wait Cobble there we go going make a uh I’m going to try to make some upgrades real

Quick I need Redstone I know that um raw gold I must organize soon wait do we have um uh oh we don’t have refined storage what storage do we have computer craft oh hey Verda or ver all right so oh my God I need a fortune 3 book fortune 3 book yeah efficiency

4 okay so come with me come with me oh please don’t despawn while I try to do this oh my God look at that spider over there scary uh there’s always going to be zombies right there oh it’s raining so I need to hurry up get over here so I can some of

Them oh my God go up the damn ladder there we go that was kind of cool I didn’t mean to do that but go and sleep real quick I think our villager up upstairs is dead I really do um let’s go ahead and try to do lateral feather

Falling see it takes five experience though whereas if I go like this it takes nothing all two RS I’m breaking come on um is that all I had three bucks there we go let’s go and put that there power falling nope oh that’s that’s not bad at

All T three no quick Quick Charge Soul Reaper puncturing punch protection accelerator exus toage come on Fortune oh potato recovery three twice in a row channeling multi undertak what see the best part about this right now I can come over here oh wait nope go right

Here wait what am I oh uh lepis I guess if we have more lepis I thought I ran out of levels but it was just lapis screw I’m tired of going like that there we go wait there’s lapis somewhere under the dungeon all right so ladybug’s over

There all right so I think it was right here there we go and we have wait there’s no way we just got 18 oh no not that way that’s to the underwater city area there we go of course I fall in the water like a jaus should put

The should put a trail L pads from there to there all right we need Fortune three we need a quick I should have looked in the chest if there was more Undertaker what does that do I don’t know that see cool though silk touch no no no fire starter

O there’s come on Fortune please Fortune three Sharpshooter I you fish justly No power come on last shot last shot dang it oh no we got one more efficiency 3 what the heck man why oh let me go ahead and get our levels back there we go that sucked all right so now we know we can reroll and it’s not that expensive um

All right so let’s come down here and I want to hurry up and make um or at least try to make a couple of upgrades for my backpack I know I don’t have it I don’t have it I need fortune 3 oh cuz if I had Fortune three oh wait I’ll have

Oh I might have a better chance finding a tomb to be uh the toms the books to expand it honestly oh there’s my diamond backck all right um need you what I do with the leather Um all right there we go ooh hoglin hides okay oh there’s more leather all right so upgrade magnet so I want to do that that’s oh iron and do I have a slime ball I don’t think I have a slime ball oh wait no I don’t need that’s for a sticky

Piston my bad oh it has to be a sticky piston crap I need ender pearls okay so we can just make so we can make that and we can make some of these well we can make one of them for right now put that in the valuables and then I will

Make that one all this stuff for when we’re ready to make it I want to know what Undertaker does where can I put I’m so sorry is there anything I can give you o Mahi all right we’re good man go on about your business all right So did another one pop up no all right so off want to go up top and that way we can look at where we need to go next um I really could just put rope right there yeah the villager’s dead he died to stuff don’t

Know oh oh I see why oh oh we can go back in the nether now okay all right so we have to keep it filled up with those little um I did put them up um little like blue BL Soul Lantern um seed things there’s somewhere uh this is not good there they

Are so how do I I should have I I should have uh grown those what what other field do they what like Soul lanterns maybe nope what what’s that thing called Soul spring uh oh this thing so Soul Sprout Soul Sprout okay so they’re from where are they from

Though I should have tried to grow I should have uh grown it first like I thought I didn’t think it was going to take all four but all right is what it is all right so let’s go ahead and we’re going go back to the

Nether see if I can find some of those and then we’ll start trying to grow them um that way we can try to have an endless supply so that when we go in the nether uh we won’t burn up or yeah cuz [ __ ] there and sleep cuz if we have those if we

Have an endless amount of those then we’re going to be good golden pony boy stay golden all right wasn’t planning on going back in the nether right now but man’s got to do what a man does okay so we got to look For seriously wait was that is that batania oh biomes of planty okay oh wait you know what I want to check out to see where’s that the Fortress is over here or at least I think that’s the Fortress cuz we were way over here it is that the castle right

There I don’t know but I say we Go over here o what is that all right it’s time to start messing stuff up show these mobs how we do it in the Overworld uh where is everybody hello oh there’s a castle Yeah Yeah Yeah play spawners over there I screw it uh so that happened oh I could have just walked

Around all right here we go here’s the fun Part should be getting a wither skeletons call soon oh I got to go up there oh I went up the wrong one please don’t make me hit you don’t want to hit you oh magma crane mini ped oh yeah I got to get that feeding upgrad

Sweet that was one of the upgrades I was going to make more diamonds oh hell yeah so I’ve had some mod packs I’ve played that has this these fortresses and stuff and like the loot sucks I ain’t going to lie like loot really sucks in them this already 10 times better okay go

Across just make double check and make sure there we go see diamond and gold already so much better and then once we um start to burn we’ll go back to the house and then honestly yeah it’s the second stream of the day I’m probably going to callau a little bit early

Um because like I said it’s the second stream of the day um I want to go eat in a little while then the reason why I was saying earlier the reason why I’m streaming I was just jacked about like how well today went uh the numbers the just everything about today was awesome

Um completely stoked on today oh yeah nether we found a fortress oh we got a blaze trophy we skeleton trophies we got trophies hell yeah oh Jack crap that crap run cabby Run oh I didn’t put the um I didn’t put the fire thingy on it’s here there we go I was going to say I now I got food two three what was that coal oh no that was is crap instead of it being a um a health orb it is a harming Orb hey get off me jeez all up all my business I really like the sword I have um the way it slows Down all right we have to move oh no it’s a pigling that chain mail boots all right see know this is more like the stuff I usually get in these fortresses come on where’s my Wither Skeleton skulls drop a skull nope oh I missed a chest Jack crap in it

Yep yep this is more like it oh where’d you come from oh No a great where are we already hot oh okay some good here y we’re already burning um Teleport go ahead and put you on you you you you oh would you give me a second oh not again all right so let’s go ahead and go back oh yep stupid zombie pigling just give me your skull just one just one skull that’s all I ask

For wait I have looting three I think right yeah I got looting three on here all right I was about to say don’t tell me I’m out of food yeah auto feed on jackpot oh that’s a quest oh could have gotten that done a while

Ago all right so we got a blaze spawner there parchment paper okay fire resistance good down here okay what is that oh that’s okay okay all right let’s try to get up out of here and go to the portal oh my God those blow up what that look oh yeah those plants we

Got to find those uh Soul things wait where is my shovel oh there you Are oh the Portal’s down okay all right that’s no big deal oh that ain’t far at all on the map it looks like it’s really far away but actually it’s like right here all right sweet Ow now is there anything oh that was you I heard these things are like tough like I’m surprised how hard it was to kill that Dude cck pork chop and put that in there oh we got 13 diamonds so far so we can do more expanding it’s a dinosaur I don’t this a lock Nest monster but lava come here Nessie Nessie wait what it what are you Labyrinth hi hi wait God I’m going to regret

This I think I can ride that guy oh crap we need to get the hell up out of there though yep oh where’s the portal this way oh it’s hard to see run cabby run portal safety oh my goodness all right oh how do I get over here wait uh I

See a thief that little dude’s a thief like he tries to steal stuff from you and so you have to kill him to make him not steal so one cool thing I see already is like this is somewhat started to be hooked up maybe no but it gives you a good

Idea how it start stuff oh my nose let’s see I give it another like 15 minutes or so uh there you are I’m probably going to stream for another 15 minutes and then I’m going to head out so I can go eat don’t know what I’m going to have

For dinner oh yeah I do never mind I wish I would have kept some of that are you still here ver God I wish I had the fortune book I don’t oh but we do have trophies to put upstairs so that’s cute we got books then what we got in

Here oh the money load add some money oh I have uh gold to give where you at I got gold for you there you go hope you enjoyed that that’s all like all what else do you have I don’t have that don’t need that buck a puffer fish is

Eight I really wish that I had a fortune book uh iron spells so we got you I swear no but it’s still a good reward I guess 64 blocks of diamonds one Diamond seriously I got one diamond for that whoa no I got more oh yeah we got

More holy crap we need to do more of these craft a wayward let’s craft it to find how do we make that oh we got soul lanterns okay um what did I do with the soul I throw them somewhere because oh nope there they are and there’s you Uh this now recovery Compass Wayward Compass I ain’t going to lie I’m going after those them diamonds um netherite ingots you can get two netherite ingots ah we got 20 more levels but we’re up to 82 levels now so that’s that’s pretty badass oh wait what’s this uh rarely in some vanilla

Structures more commonly in Magic structures each School Mage drops one from their school on death okay so I thought we have a a blank runstone somewhere I keep hearing stuff around here yeah I I’ve seen them oh no it’s those all right well we can start up on this Quest um Quest

On what’s this what do we have to do what’s the first thing we do oh we have that leather cap okay so we just do leather and then them on the smithing table I think no we only have two those okay so we got to grab more of that stuff

Um see what else can we do Spirit craft Soul steel okay so Soul powder block yeah we got flint and steel let’s go and see how we make Soul powder okay how do we make that oh so we throw glowstone into a soul and we have glow ststone

Somewhere so is that that’s going to be doable get five we need 9 18 27 30 something 34 I I don’t better 9 * 4 is there are two trolls in my base right now I do not like that one bit the trolls are evil and there is some odd Critter over here

Too or the trolls upstairs there’s oh that’s a ladybug yeah the trolls are over there why I don’t understand why they’re over there it’s not right all right any oh yeah I did want to go well let’s go ahead and empty out the rest of our stuff

Um like that that and I think off uh between now and next week whenever I stream during uh Monday cooked I thought I had oh yeah I took it out I am going to um organize this room more organize my chests I have enough iron now

That what do I put Undertaker what do I put that there I have enough uh stuff in here that I can upgrade the chests and all that stuff better so during the uh weekend probably Sunday cuz tomorrow is uh busy day for me um I will get all that stuff done let’s go

Ahead and put that pork chop back in put the steak there I only have one bread oo and then also we need to work on a food supply like a endless food supply actually we need to work on that like sooner than later cuz we’re almost out of food right now

So get that done put that there heck was that bone did a weird little thing it’s kind of crazy let me see and if y’all want to watch simulation stuff I put out a video today for a house flipper um pretty relaxing fun game um don’t need you I’ll take these blocks

With me cuz I’m going to need those um all right so yeah we need to work on food cuz as you can see in my backpack we are out and then oh God we’re even lower now where am I going besides insane my God why are y’all here

Also eventually I need to work on making a a bow um Bow’s really going to help me out here we go especially for like long distance like the trolls that way I can pill up real high and take them out I had a bow somewhere I thought there’s my books all

Right let’s see if Undertaker goes on my Sword yeah cuz I don’t know where Undertaker goes sword no actually let put that back shovel axe no pickaxe nope yeah I don’t know where Undertaker goes I’ll have to look that up cuz that seems like I don’t think it’s I don’t know if it’s working or not Undead

Unleashed yeah I that’s going to be one that I have to research let’s see where are we going to put let’s put our trophies in in this room we’ll put trophies over here oh ooh let’s go ahe and get the axe there we go oh there we go

That’s I wish I could take this skull oh yeah food uh time to work on food I think I know where there’s a place with a bunch of food so we’re going to head over there real quick and and then also there’s a chest down underneath there that

Has like there’s a giant Grill up bar e there and it has food and stuff so but we got why do we have fire resistance so there’s a catac oh there’s a Crocodile right there there’s a catacomb that way what is following me oh it’s a squid Billy get on out

Here oh shoot all right I will be oh it’s a pig all right so I will be I’m going to go over here real quick come on chill there and then I will be back in a second I have to go check out something in the living room real quick

Like this a safe place kind kind of maybe all right we didn’t blow up let me see can I make we can I turn that into bread yes all right so I’m going to fill up my backpack with bread then we’re going to I’m going to head out for

A second and then I I’ll be back in I don’t know maybe half half a Minute And I am back woo such a long break I guess I just said good so we got wheat kind of want to check out these catacombs I don’t know how far away they are but bam so I found this earlier today it’s called The Brewery little books don’t need you oh what’s

That oh it’s a a book about a bear hunt all right we’ll read that later emeralds another fishing rod all right we can always use more string leather straddle jump got to figure out this whole straddle where is it yeah straddle all right oh Cookie oh nothing wait experience crafting blueprint place on

The wall can be used so what we got uh for create another one book leather need paper another book is that oh glass yes yes yes yes glass a shoot what’s that those look pretty cool I like those oh honey bottles carrots eggs oh look at little bunny rabbit I Pok

Out that makes it a little messed up but oh well um cookie putting all my food in here also making sure I put the food in all right then you and you oh and then seeds so we can start making Farms Poes a honey bucket ooh butter bottle water

Sugar wait can we make carrot cake I got to see if we can make carrot what we can make ships Airship oh my God I got to figure out how to do this yes we have to get into crate I have to figure out how to do all this stuff

Because I want to fly ground all right let’s go upstairs we got wool green bed which we’ll keep here dude they’re following me like I’m trying to steal stuff I don’t know what they’re worried about out just going to borrow a couple things good look at that hoe oh I don’t have a

Hoe yet we going make one of them ooh Iron Soul Reaper ooh soap iron hoe oh there’s a bow in here too all right hi uh don’t mind me there no there’s not a third floor what you get oh you’re hoarding everything you got the better stuff I don’t need

A get more soap we always need soap get soap you can wash your Way all right and then then I am going to try to head up um actually keep one of you one of you is there anything else I need to take out no so I’m keeping one of the onions and one um carrot out is this honey bottle dang that honey bottle’s

Huge all right so how the hell do I how do I get out oh oh what’s this oh my God look at the pigs they got helmets on That’s So Cute a horse I heard a donkey there’s a donkey it’s a donkey oh that was cool I saw that it

Tells you the um stats what did I do there it is all right so we’re going to go to this catacomb or try to find the catacomb and then that will uh I will call it a day after we go in hopefully it’s not too horrible and we won’t die right

Away cuz I haven’t seen a catacomb I think the catacomb is what’s up if I remember right it’s underground I wish I had my coins my uh cuz I think those guys sell stuff to me all if we had a uh Airship right now oh we would be Gone so it’s going to be a goal of mine oh look at how cute you are goodbye ouch all right so we got to go this way straight that way it’s so funny cuz I know that rectangle with the Derpy eyes is a frog like the frogs are still Derpy I’ll get out

What is that was that Thunder I think that was Thunder I heard oh no this a loud ass Pig I don’t know we may end up having to go 10,000 blocks who knows oh yeah then we’re going to come back here we’re going to mine all the I’m going to

Mine all the coal out I ain’t going to worry about doing that on stream today I’ll probably do that um next week oh little turtles turtle turtle there we go so we got Auto e on so I don’t have to worry about that uh do got to worry about oh is it seriously

Underwater okay so it’s under here we go why yeah I should oh jeez oh I got respiration aqua affinity so I’m good I do not have uh Co though which I probably should go ahead and get some way I can make cuz I think I have do I have wood on

Me damn it C wait was that that’s raw lead not wood Magnetite all right whatever we’re heading down it’s going to be dark as spooky I saw the catacomb for Split Second all right I really need to make some uh oh shoot uh okay cool I really need to make some torches oh great oh I hate you so

Much I know there’s water right over here so hopefully we get some water oh what’s that oh lapis we need that all right oh we got coal so all we need to do is dig up and get wood now there we go all we’ll just dig straight up this shouldn’t take too long

As long as we don’t hit like a gravel bed we’ll be good oops hey what’ I say and here we go in the trees already look how cute they are when they lay down little poor poor little pig he’s tired you had a rough day didn’t you Mr Pig yeah we

Go my C there we go little Overkill but it’s all right okay so where Okay so we’re right oh there we are where’s a good spot to go over there we go now we can place torches so we could see Abyss quartz block oh we need that’s something we we have

That all right so let’s go ahead and go down Um all right where is uh there’s a room all right cool Adventure Time who what was that one oh I got speed all right I hear stuff well I mean there everything’s everywhere ow oh he didn’t hurt oh yeah that one hurt oh that hurt why do you hurt me my God ooh come on oh don’t turn your head oh you got [Applause] me oh hell no I’m not doing that that’s exactly what you want me to do oh my goodness my goodness come on I don’t want to hit him there we go oh another zombie oh no got anything else for me

No I I honestly I think Fortune’s broken cuz Jesus Oh the back of my neck let’s go ahead and put all this stuff away over here I’m just going to head out this way ooh oh the wheat oh yeah what what special things do you have chirp oh I like

Chirp Fortune for Jesus they want to give me Fortune for I have that oh chest hidden nope what’s in here nothing to oh wait wait wait wait I want that charcoal there we go cuz we need the charcoal For oh a bow Don’t Mind If I Do there’s potions strength potions oh it’s just chain mail okay all right so we went in there did we go in here yes oh Wait wait what’s this trip wire for instant damage haha come on there we go 12 amosis shards from fortune 3 can’t tell me that that ain’t broken blank run Stone where was that was under iron spells yeah I got a blank renstone oh I have to oh I have to make

That first and then that okay all right that’s why the prefectures weren’t done wait what’s that is that what I need inscription table Yeah breaking three yes let’s put this trash away don’t need that don’t need that we got those ooh ender pearls what’s that shivering

Stone all right so we’ll deal with that when we get Home oh Shing Stones right here oh okay I do I think that’s so awesome oh we need this I guess we need the Ink yeah we need the ink for the um Whatchamacallit table okay this dungeon really I don’t know if this is the bottom of it but it’s not that bad yeah I um this is yeah sorry I’ve just been like really I guess focused um in here so welcome to the stream

Um I just uh so this is my second stream of the day I’ve just been like really excited about everything that’s happened today yesterday just overall in a good mood so I figured I’ll throw in a second stream um I’ve made it to Diamond gear I need

To find mending I need to get mending bad um me see I’ve already been oh wait there’s ink yes we need the ink so I found uh where I’m at right now is I found a catacomb um I crafted the Wayward compass and and that led me to

Here and then I ain’t going to lie so looking at my yeah yeah y’all stay up there for a second looking at the map got this right here and then I don’t I’m not sure what this is but I think I know what this is and so I think the um

Uh stronghold is literally like right over here I was check it out so Pro next next week whenever I stream uh I will oh whoa uh one more over here oh we’re in a m shaft now wait this is part of the catacomb it looks like sweet all right

So oh yeah this one had my blocks in it there we go ender pearls I don’t want to use those up cuz I want to use those uh next week oh oh you missed uh the nether a little bit earlier wait what so it’s another staircase

All right let’s let’s go ahead and block that off get you he these are Geo there we go close that door see what’s down this way Room here we go of course and nothing go poor little chicken I do need these get that stuff going there we go now we need to go through all of these there we Go oh we always need get the uh Health Orb there we go where was it in here oh holy crap we found the mother load though that was a good trap all right I need to hurry up oh that’s why oh no no no no don’t die don’t die don’t die oh come on why am I dying why am I

Dying eat eat dude that was a hell of a trap that that was good I I can’t even get mad at that my stomach dropped though my goodness Now I’m checking just to make sure that there isn’t any more traps I can’t believe I fell for that oh oh wow okay if I stay up here okay ink bottles uncommon ink oh look at the SE oh I got scaffolding I didn’t even notice I got scaffolding scre you dripstone

Okay let’s go ahead and head towards uh this area over here uh all Right wait did I not break or spawning like okay so I killed the hunter where is how are they spawning in here though that’s what I don’t understand all right ooh aha there’s nothing in it oh but uh we need okay so that’s one thing I do need need no no

Yes I need the sticky pistons so we can make the upgrade for the backpack for picking up so there a good thing we fell right here and hon I think those kind of tell us where trap might be yeah know like a point a point of

Interest oh wait go like that and go like that and break it one Emerald don’t need you this place is huge though can’t believe that Like how big this catacomb is might as well light this area up over here and all of this cuz oh what are you oh you’re a necromancer all right come on guys all right so now we’re getting into the nitty-gritty holy crap this place just keeps going and going like what the heck

Man anything in there yeah you’re not that tough oh I stayed out here haha all right hey little Buddy oh all right so we can go away all right we already have that and then there’s like ink and that kind of stuff in here trigger finger increase the speed fire weapons backstab loyalty yeah we’re we like 500 blocks away from home uh so cells is this the dripstone room no okay

Come on there we [Applause] go there all the plants and stuff so that’ll be good to have eventually Wait I knew it I’m breaking oh we have my goodness there’s more oh you’re you’re the same one as before all right rockand all right so we need to go back this way wait how do I where do I go to go down I can’t hit a damn

Thing all right there’s a hunter over there all right so we are going into this main room down here I’m not going to go all the way over there cuz I want to go here oh crap he’s waking up what is this guy the dead King wa Whoa what the oh hell No why My goodness the hell do I not have food Uh uh okay so he’s almost half Health all right so we got a health orb so just in case anybody comes into chat I am uh it’s not that I’m ignoring you it’s I’m ignoring you okay where’s my I have no food wait oh no I need a crafting

Table uh we can throw you out put you here put you there put you There okay and then we come here where’s all that wheat Bam Bam do I have more wheat in here no oh no this ain’t looking good um all right so where’s this King at all right so it is up here somewhere all right he’s on the Move question is is where and I

Think let me double check okay oh ravager horn a screw it my potatoes and carrots will go in there it’s okay Where is that King At that it Was something’s down There all right so now I’ve lost this guy No he’s not this way oh come on where are You oh oh uh splash person of harming instant damage okay so once we find I Mean says it’s like where is He wait it just moved it moved where is this guy at wait want to keep going down but at the same time all right there’s you what was that where is he those are just dude I have no idea where this uh King guy went like

Do I go here do I need to go up like I see where he is but I don’t see where he is and then if I come up here oh [ __ ] My goodness my goodness my goodness come on come on there’s got to be oh yep what is this crap oh we’re respawning we’re heading straight back there um crap um teleport heading home all right so we got to go down I swear if there’s a troll down here I’m going to be so

Mad I think he blew up my armor to be honest with you all right um pressure of regen for 22 seconds that’s fine um let’s see gold an apple bam wait uh D okay One two backpacks there he is where’s my diamond backpack there you are try to heal up real quick all right he’s halfway Respawn I’ll just keep doing this I don’t care we’re going to get this son of a [ __ ] turn All right where the hell are you okay so we’re cool right now that he’s not seeing us I think we lost our helmet uh what can we do right now looks like not much man not much at all um all right guess we just got come in here oh where are

You no no no no damn it [ __ ] are you serious I killed him we killed each other at the same Time all right God oh that’s great some of my stuff out in lava I think what the heck oh come on yeah it should be good dude he broke my boots he broke everything I got him though fell d all Right no don’t pick up my stuff well at least I got a ton of uh ton of diamonds out of it and then we can just enchant I lost all those levels though I had like I had like 90 levels almost I think all right time to

Rebuild that shouldn’t be too bad to rebuild um I wanted to go up here first I need to figure out how to make those um mending books so cuz I know wait eight what happened to hold on I got to go downstairs I got to check

Out I know my feather falling for bids are gone all right hopefully it won’t be too much of a pain to get him back all right yeah see pickaxe axe shovel all that stuff still here then I’m putting this stuff where was it right here I don’t know it was one of these

I’m kind of bummed out I ain’t going to lie that sucked that was fun but it sucked at the same time so let’s go ahead and get our rewards all right so we’re getting exper we got some experience back and aite all right 30 levels nice brass Ingot all right wait Wait where’s the where’s the uh dead take another star we could yeah I did that no because I didn’t have that done oh no Okay found and yeah I did that oh that sucks all right well that’s that’s fine that’s fine like we literally just did that oh that was pretty dumb all right any who we got our diamonds yes we have our diamonds we can go and oh shoot we didn’t lose levels we’re at 136 Now all right well that’s really sweet all right so I’m going to go upstairs and men to my wounds go fix me something to eat and I’m going call a night appreciate everybody came out um it’s been fun oh still can’t believe that oh let’s listen to the ravager horn wait options

Oh okay well I guess it doesn’t blow all right like make music or anything so all right we are going to be repairing and let’s see how we do uh Ming so that’s The Mending book Ming mixture repair your item second hand enchanting do we make that oh okay so we got okay

So required pedestal wow polish dark stone where do we get that all right I’m going to have to read up on this and figure out um what we can do like I know right now I can just go like this come over here hopefully it won’t take too many all right so four

There two three yeah that’s good enough we’re going to do that for a minute but I also want to be able to uh men uh enchant stuff so efficiency oh yeah yeah yeah I was looking at the books earlier so fire protection ain’t bad oh and that’s all I got was fire

Protection protection three roll respiration three all right blast protection cuz we’re going to need that if we’re going to be fighting more bosses like that guy um not sure exactly how to fix the quest line but I’ll try to thanks for watching stop by the corner for our second stream of the

Day like always till next time yall take care Now

This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 17:24:12. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:15 or 11175 seconds.

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    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter →… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: PATREON ———————————————— As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: ✘ The best streaming products: ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: ✘ Cheap servers: 👾: 📸: 🕊️: 🎬(Main): Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! Read More

  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

    Welcome to our Discord community! We are a small community running several game servers. Recently, we opened a TFG modpack server and are looking for active players! TerraFirmaGreg is a Forge modpack that adds realism and challenge to Minecraft gameplay by including TerraFirmaCraft and GregTech mods. Learn more about the modpack here. The server is online 24/7 and includes a mod for region protection (1 player can private 50 chunks). Join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft HacksWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More