Insane Caffeinated RPG Minecraft Adventure – Prominence 2

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Live Hey There She Goes she’s live righto OBS did not want to go live for a second that’s some Bonk ass [ __ ] okay that’s good to go let’s see here anything else no think we’re good to go back to game perfect uh does this have Ulta mine or

Any vein mining type things I didn’t really look mine nope Vin mine nope oh it’s been disabled by configuration okay that’s fine oh okay hold on can’t use swords to Break Stuff good to know oh it’s one of them big big mod packs it’s got tons of [ __ ] oh do a hammer how

Much damage does that do oh it does more it’s slow but it does more hell yeah [ __ ] okay what the hell is that swing animation H this has like custom animations for attacking and stuff it looks a little weird in first person cuz I think you’re supposed to play this pack in third

Person hold on oh it didn’t like me taking the apples I’m sorry I didn’t mean to take the apples hold on I gotta break it like this right yeah okay what is the mod software it’s just [ __ ] sick what the hell what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] clobbering it’s just uh just like normal

Uh Forge it’s what everyone uses basically oh yeah here we go here’s the combat third person it’s by you have to buy if you want to do sounds it’s changed from redeem to buy bro a funny hammer it is a bonking hammer though this is the epitome of a bonking

Hammer Bro [ __ ] Nature’s so loud I don’t need to hear nature my ear this much what is that ambient environment turn that down to like 30 bro I do weather down to 32 that’s a lot better doesn’t sound like I’m getting ear raped by a [ __ ] Raven oh hey

Shell I just hate nature in general grass question mark never heard of it oh dude a bridge oh hold up oh I don’t want to touch the grass hold on let me just avoid that oh I have to touch the grass well that’s [ __ ] disgusting oh [ __ ] is that architecture

In my Minecraft game oh [ __ ] [Applause] damn I’m vibing with this what the [ __ ] y who built the bridge I need chop a tree down oh yeah I have a quest book don’t I this has quests First Steps Quest book is very important in prominence and will guide you through

Most of the game’s progression you easily access the quest book you can click the quest book icon at the top of your inventory blah blah blah know that when you open a quest the left side shows what the the left show okay I had to get that all out of

Me so I could read English the left side shows what tasks you need to do to finish the quest and the right side shows what reward you will get wow find a fruit or vegetable yeah I did that okay first steps to open the quest chapter screen close the quest and move

Your cursor to the left okay yeah I know that that’s like simple Quest book [ __ ] craft a chest upgradeable via iron Chest mod blank chest upgrade gold two backpack tanks okay and then there’s a backpack standard travel backpack okay and then there’s the copper chest upgrade and then a bunch of

Like other tasks M for the world map n the talent tree is the most important method of player progression and prominence you can open the talent tree by pressing n oh skill points can be reset in the talent tree resets Talent Tree resets tab at the top

Of the screen to reset the talent tree you can use a knowledge scroll this item will get consumed on use and your talent points will get refunded all right free reset on skills cool way stones that’s teleporting that’s cool holy there are planets bro we’re not

Even going to stay on earth oh my God we can go to yo we can go to Venus isn’t that like right up against the Sun Mercury or Venus is like right next to the sun we die bro we ain’t even staying on this planet what the [ __ ] the

Prison don’t drop the soap there God damn Explorer Journal skas skele Forge void Invasion the beginning deep within vas the volcano where everything originated lives skac the creator of all things he maintains the Balan through all dimensions and has fought countless battles to avoid the realm’s destruction biome prison there just

Prison just don’t drop the soap there that’s all I can tell you oh a new threat but now after eon’s a battle skac is as weak as ever and a new threat approaches a hungry world ending Force known as the void whoa oo the void going to get

You skele has has contained The void’s Invasion for a long time but now with him being at his weakest point they are planning an invasion to all Dimensions corrupting what once were peaceful creation creatures and turning them into deadly aberration okay chapter one The voids Invasion skac

Has found a source of unbalance in the Realms all Dimensions have been affected with the void’s presence what once were peaceful creatures turn into collaborations by its corruption the fate of the Realms is on you on me [ __ ] soap is the [ __ ] boss spawning item yeah holy

[ __ ] okay the night lit is this the first man I have to [ __ ] destroy SK like my balls that doesn’t make sense but it’s kind of funny to say the once king of choria corbia has been resurrected and corrupted by the void now known as the nightl the night l is

Located in the surface of the Overworld specifically it can be found in colder biomes in a structure called the Lich Tower okay so he’s like the first dude we got to like beat the [ __ ] out of oh so we’re going to kick ass throughout the like

Realms God yeah we just over here to kick some [ __ ] ass oh I I get XP okay this is the Explorer Journal hello young Explorer welcome to the Explorer Journal where you will gather items that you wouldn’t actively find are you up to the challenge bunk the night lice yeah

I’m going to Bonk every boss I find deer has left her plant life scattered across the world and is challenging anyone who is willing to gather them and satisfy the goddesses oh okay so these are challenges that give rewards so if you collect things for Gods they’ll give you other stuff so

We’ve got like Poseidon’s Aquarium for fishing we’ve got Captain cornelia’s treasure hunt which isn’t even a god this is just a guy who wants stuff and you’ll get XP rewards for it and this is a reward for deer’s Garden okay I can [ __ ] with that it’s like some side questing

[ __ ] uh Collectibles holy [ __ ] A collector’s Journey the thing trinket artifacts to collect damn so this is for collecting I’ll open up all these trees so if I collect something I can get it get a blunt for that [ __ ] where I I was not paying attention so I did not

Notice we were getting a blunt for a reward oh I need to find the uh brush thing okay that opens up most the tree here wait did I not collect an a reward or something oh it’s this one probably oh over here oh yeah I got the Whoopi cushion look at big

Go obtain a diamond okay I can’t do that yeah these are all just nothing I can’t do anything these Earth I could look at I’m on Earth so we’ve got find an oil well find a meteor what the [ __ ] are you typing Moon Bruin did Dick on the nightl face that

That’s not a coherent sentence and I would know cuz I can’t speak English half the [ __ ] time oh hammer okay yeah that needs the globe all right that looks good new mechanics new combat mechanics combat mechanics were aled is it night time oh [ __ ] yeah it is I’ve

Been reading this [ __ ] book all day let me uh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that is that a [ __ ] dinosaur what is that holy sh I think they are dinosaurs hey buddy are you friendly hey oh yeah they’re Drakes hey little fella you just chilling

Huh just just chilling out hell yeah oh oh [ __ ] is it huh is it going to chop the tree down oh there it goes hell yeah I was wondering oh hey yeah yeah y yo back up fool back up get bonked silly [ __ ] unless you want these hands wo [ __ ] eat

[ __ ] the Bonk does mad damage yeah dude I’m I’m bonking they thought they thought they could [ __ ] come up to me with my hammer and I was like nah bro get out of here stupid [ __ ] I need to make like a h or I just need to run

Around it makes such a good noise I love it is this a cave ah it’s water cave water bad water drown no I don’t want to hit the cute little bird it’s like a little chicken get out of here ow you [ __ ] get [ __ ] bonked water gay water’s a little gay a

Little just grab all that oo shiny what is that wait hold on let me get back into first person let me go check this out oh wow that is no visibility whatsoever I just want to see what this is hold on let me just hang out over the okay that does

Not save you from drowning like normal green glowing blocks okay they’re like glowy green blocks I’m going to drown uhoh uhoh uh-oh okay we’re good jump in the gay water arges it’s a known fact of the sea that if you fall into the ocean you turn gay Captain what

The [ __ ] are you talking about it’s the gay water it has claimed a many a soul what kind of chicken you just a chicken you just orange yeah they got variety to the chickens man let me real quick scoot this stuff down here we go now I can fight the

Skeleton let me Munch a little I’m ready what up bucko hey don’t do this you little [ __ ] get out of here he’s gone my cat is watching too he’s two months old damn cat oh yeah cat yeah he uh that skeleton took a little trip oh two free

Bones it’s a little spoopy out here what was that blue Knight I found a oil she so good you got the cat watching nah bro cat existing I don’t think the cat understands anything I looked into Cat’s eyes there’s nothing in there except for the boiling pits of

Hell that’s all that’s in a cat’s eyes what the [ __ ] break what do you want [ __ ] is that a village hey wait I see either a village or some structure there’s a villager on the map he brought two more I have five cats damn five oh no well I can’t stock I

Have four dogs I can’t say nothing I got four dogs I’m no better I am not the man who should preach about someone having too many animals as an owner of four dogs which is definitely too many dogs holy [ __ ] you’re a catboy aren’t you you catboy whoa calling him out

Damn good day gentlemen do you mind if I take your [ __ ] no great actually I don’t really have room do you guys have a like a backpack in here like enough materials for me to like make a backpack my sister brought them I have my dog ah even more animals I

See how does one make a backpack cuz I would love to take all of this but God damn is it too much [ __ ] Back backpack pack backpack uh St standard Travelers pack requires four leather a sleeping bag two tanks and a chest don’t I have that no I don’t have leather well that sucks uh I’m going to take that’s steel I want to keep that I don’t need Pine saplings I can turn Twigs into

Sticks is that a door reference no it is not sir you need to calm down oh wait yeah don’t I have skill points to spend rogue’s path Archer’s path Frozen knowledge enigmatic knowledge and pyrotechnic knowledge or protector’s path uh I don’t really have like magic like I don’t have a way I think

I’m G to do protect oh I don’t have a point yet oh I see at the top there yeah I don’t have a level never mind too many Glocks in this backpack can you say Glock good now don’t tattle or Dora will find you Dora shooting up the school Dora I’m

Going to find you in your home oh hey I found a spell tome o chest chest chest that Barrel oh is that a floaty it’s a rubber ring how do I how do I equip the the ring uh how do where does this go is it a chest P oh my

God wait does it float me not really I still I sink slower okay I sink slower look at me I’ve got an axel lot floaty that’s amazing put my chest piece back on uh I’ll turn this into this into that okay crafting table I don’t need the shell I don’t

Need the eggs keep the sugar cane I don’t need the flesh or the arrow okay did I get everything out of here ah there’s food I’m good I’ll leave this AR matey grab your floaty you need it to Safe protect yourself it’s very important to bring a floaty you don’t want to

Drown I’m going to head back to land and start making a a home or at least like a base I guess to set a waypoint at I don’t really have like things I need things let’s see here where’s a good nice place to build don’t take apple or apple gobble

You I already have apples I’ve had four apples they almost crashed my game at the start when I grabbed them out of the chest scar fortnite sponsored Nerf fortnite sponsored Nerf gun Jesus AR M do not forget your fortnite scar sponsored Nerf gun um yeah this will work we just build out

Here on the edge of the shoreline got to clear out the area that’s the clearing out the area song right there it’s all song it’s like 5 seconds I don’t want you where my crafting table at slap you down let St you you a if I had one more

Refined iron I could make a pickaxe bring your slave Jesus no Pirates wouldn’t have slaves it’s like the one thing they didn’t do they slave traded but they did not own the slaves themselves I guess they would say bring your slaves if they were selling them but everyone was selling slaves

During pirate time so like that’s not special you know it’s like it’s like you could say that on any ship in in the early times of like the 1700s and 1600s and you’d be like you’d be saying something something everyone’s saying 1700 bring your slaves 1600 bring

Your slaves I mean like everyone was saying it oh what was that was that a Dodge oh oh yeah I have a Dodge R is a Dodge that’s cool this is kind of a cool mod pack it’s got a lot of cool stuff in it I’m

Not going to lie it’s pretty cool it’s totally legitness how much deated wh to a Minecraft server how much deated Wham it’s the most boring part is building a house this feels like a mod pack that would benefit from like prefab which let you like just throw a house up like a tent

Mod and this has vein mine disabled so I have to do it all by hand yummy bread bread oh [ __ ] my [ __ ] broke is like a better pickaxe I can make I wonder pick okay let’s see um Diamond looks weird oh is this a weapon pickaxe that

Does the same damage as a normal one what’s different about this one it looks like it’s made out of 90% oh it’s made diagonally is that better 1561 1561 5 five I mean no they’re the exact same just one looks like it’s made out of more diamonds what oh my

God I got to get in my sitting position real quick the only downside of a bony ass is not being able to sit totally flat that’s holy [ __ ] is it just sometimes really uncomfortable I curse God for not giving me volumptuous cheeks like what the [ __ ] man this [ __ ]

Annoying what can I sit normal bony ass painful me no like Tera shatterer what the [ __ ] is that Terra oh it’s a batania thing this has batania in it yo we could do Flower Magic I’m going to [ __ ] some dudes up with flower magic Mar my [ __ ]

Words dudes are finished when I whip out the [ __ ] Daisy dudes are finished I whip out the daisy oh dude what you can make a topaz pickaxe with a net whoa that seems like a waste how much better is this a lot better what the [ __ ] F why topaz is better Ruby is

It even better I it’s worse this gives you 6,000 this gives you 2,000 I mean how much does this actually it’s about the same but it is worse than topaz rose gold oh wow you can upgrade a golden pickaxe with a smithing template and a gold a copper Ingot into a gold

Pickaxe rose gold pickaxe is that better oh yeah like quad drupes the durability that’s cool it’s also bronze Ruby Sapphire paradot Moonstone oh it’s part of the souls like Weaponry stuff you can turn an iron pick into a cryo marble pick damn what the [ __ ] dude what is all this

[ __ ] there too much [ __ ] I’m getting lost I’m going need that Quest book to tell me everything is all right another pickaxe oh you could see who that’s cool you can see everything get crafted on the table now it’s like 3D projection yeah my wooden crafting table has 3D projection I know you’re

Jealous does your crafting table 3 project your stuff no I thought so you’re just inferior I play this Y no can’t even hear the ocean in that [ __ ] what is this Sapphire Tech reborn I can’t I can’t mind that I’ll mind this though little bit of copper for

Me oh yeah how close am I to a level up for this mod uh uh 42 out of two okay wow yeah you have to fight a lot that’s kind of cool it’s like an incentive for combat I don’t feel like there’s really ever an in incentive to do Minecraft combat is now

That you get like Souls light combat where like you have cool animations and [ __ ] and dodging I think that is like definitely more worthwhile I can’t what was that noise what is that noise I I hear like a type noise it’s not the wind that’s not the animals it’s like something is

Making that noise weird I do like that it tells you what you get in the bottom right too like on top of like picking it up you get told what something is in top left and get told what you picked up bottom right that’s pretty cool are there any sheep

Here I am kind of on an island so I I have like a lack of materials this game was not that generous in it spawning me I always seem to get these types of spawns the first world I make which is always just an island right I mean like cuz like look

Yeah that’s oh who whoa what the [ __ ] is that I didn’t even see that I literally didn’t even see is it all underwater or is it in the sky hold up oh hell that shit’s in the sky isn’t it there’s no way it’s right over there it is holy

[ __ ] that’s a sky village what the [ __ ] oh there’s an armada of [ __ ] over here and whatever this is holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of [ __ ] in the sky oh my God I just like saw that on the map I was like where is that that

Was not Out on the Ocean no it’s in the [ __ ] Sky who put that there who who who lifted up the houses into this guy who did that who’s the goofy guy I’m about to make the ugliest house no to man all Cobblestone oops all

Stone actually hold on we can make it at least a little fancy but it will be mostly all Stone can I turn Cobblestone into oh sweet Jesus that’s the most amazing thing you’ve shown me all day okay hold on we’ll do one two three uh one two

Three four five six 7 one two three one two three four five six 7 one two three and the final three will go one two three okay and then we’ll put the door right here mining out the floor and replace it with the bricks about to make the most out of what I

Have I got to keep my eye up for actual creepers now it’s been a while hey hey back up back up son back up son what you want some of this get back catch these hands don’t catch these hands is that a ghost a Banshee an otherworldly Spirit you may say ow [ __ ]

[ __ ] ow [ __ ] bit me hey hey I saw that where the [ __ ] did that thing go that looked like a white creeper that was a supremacist creeper I saw it can’t hide the truth from me I [ __ ] saw him you oh yeah that [ __ ] looks good look at

That oh that’s the good stuff that [ __ ] looks amazing I wish I could look at my quest book and be like fine but I guarantee if I open that [ __ ] Quest book I’m going to get shot we’re just going to do some like preliminary building like so that way only the

Spiders can get in okay he despawned I was like actually worried a spider spawned really close oh I have seem to have locked myself and this is not opportune okay actually damn it I shouldn’t have stopped [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] me God where’s the lamb sauce I really have brain rot like every

Time I hear certain words or phrases my brain’s just triggered to like be like oh that’s a reference to something that’s like true brain rot like real brain rot can I make like a cobblestone door damn I can make a real door though yeah oh yeah my [ __ ] broke hold up new

Pick new pick new pick who this oh [ __ ] I am degenerating into a lesser being as my brain dies all right oh [ __ ] okay well I’ll pick up the crafting table and then fill this the corners in all right well that keeps me safe from like a good chunk of things trying

To kill me I guess okay and then we need another row and that’s all I got go ahead and cook up this raw copper too am I is my house being surrounded currently oh yeah wow that’s crazy that is nuts that my house is currently being surrounded don’t make me come out there

I’ll [ __ ] destroy you I hit you from here get out of here oh my God my arms dude I’m doing the extendo arm yeah they call me Mr Fantastic cuz I got them [ __ ] stretchy Powers what the [ __ ] I got them stretchy Powers Yeah I’m just going to go off to

Find the one piece you know I think it’s my destiny God damn can I make copper tools or is that not a thing still even with this whoa okay come on I mean like I need a lord soul I mean like I’d have to make lichbane right what’s a lord soul de of

Night oh Soul oh okay oh these are bosses so if I kill a special enemy and it drops a lord soul I’m so going to make Lich Bane and go kill that [ __ ] night L with it oh you can make a train and like link it to

You you can make vestments like priest armor and Paladin armor that’d be kind of cool to make some Paladin armor it’s not expensive either it’s just copper iron or cenite I could take that can also just make a [ __ ] bear trap a ma Pulsar I thought that was a

Magnet copper Killin that’s kind of cool what does it do oh I see it Cooks specific blocks into their Alternatives I wonder if it does it faster so it’s like for cooking Stones Terra cotas sand because it will turn sand into smooth sand okay yeah so it’s

A it’s a faster way to cook certain blocks it’s sort of like a blast furnace or a uh the one for cooking that like it goes faster that’s kind of cool have I finished any quests lately I was looking at this each weapon has its own attack animation and

Time combos consecutive attacks will perform combos hold to attack you can hold the attack button to keep attacking continuously really I didn’t notice that oh yeah every time it re-ups it it attacks okay that’s cool it’s good to know I want to go through some of these

All Shields have new Mechanics for the shield from The Shield overhaul bashing attacks while blocking perform a shield bash this will stun the target for a second unless it’s a boss that’s what yeah whoa that’s [ __ ] cool okay I’m going to put this down and I’m just going to store everything that

I don’t need in my hands like I need that I need that and I need these mostly to put them down uh sort a dude this [ __ ] rocks I need to look up for what weapons I can make there are tons of weapons okay so is copper armor a thing

I wonder a dash cable a charger wooden crank vibration chamber he what the [ __ ] what do you need a vibration chamber for oh oh [ __ ] whoa It’s got the Wiki page right here what the [ __ ] that’s cool when did they start putting the wiki pages in the [ __ ] game what the [ __ ]

Oh bro dude this game this mud pack wild a Weather Vein what the [ __ ] good God there’s some cool [ __ ] what is a Weather Vein even for like I get it’s like to tell weather but like do I really have to worry about weather or like

Oh God I can imagine a tornado right now just [ __ ] plowing through killing everyone [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m just having a nice lovely oh [ __ ] The Weather Vein a tornado and then I [ __ ] die you just die man was that a [ __ ] an instrument oh copper diving boots and copper diving

Helmet together with a back tank allows the wielder to breathe underwater for an extended amount of time when worn provides the water breathing effect slowly draining air pressure from the back tank oh oh what the [ __ ] look at that fluid pipes oh yeah there’s copper tools and copper armor

Okay can I just like make a full set of copper armor real quick actually wait what am I wearing for armor I have a chest piece a helmet boots I need pants oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to hit the view recipe button okay they have half the durability but that’s

Fine uh what other weapons can I make exactly like with copper I guess like I can make a sword sure I can make a ring when equipped in the ring trinket slot when equipped in the ring trinket slot plus one armor okay so I can make a copper ring for

Armor uh is that kind of it s seems like it though there like slightly better armor we can make with copper we can make a scythe that’s about it I can make rose gold items with gold I can trade a copper for a brick with the be Queen spawn

Egg can make bronze with tin or zinc or no brass bronze and Brass compress into a sheet cup cupon nickel heating coil cables plates bolts curved plates double in what the [ __ ] is a double Ingot what is that even what even is a double Ingot what is that used

For that sounds like it’s dumb it is dumb it’s just dumb understandable have a good day it’s useless what the [ __ ] that really it it’s from Modern industry yeah I don’t think it’s used in much else think it’s a double Ingot yeah it’s literally just two ingots like it’s [ __ ]

Useless I don’t understand what the double Ingot is even for it’s just just do the crafting recipe twice if you want to use two ingots you don’t need the double Ingot it’s useless it’s trash I never want to see it again again if I find a double ingot in the

Wild I’m going to [ __ ] burn it lightning in a bottle what the [ __ ] that’s that’s the [ __ ] saying lightning in a bottle that’s the thing sorry for not chatting much speedr running this Obby thing oh no you’re good never feel pressured to chat just hang out if you want to lurk lurk you

Ain’t going to hurt my feelings if you’re lurking you’re helping out just by lurking that’s a cool to though that’s for patterns that’s for yeah making bronze and brass and that’s just the tag yeah that’s kind of boring copper is not made for much you just make a little

Bit of armor and that’s it it’s kind of useless other than that H Hammer oh oh yeah here’s the wooden great hammer I had I make a stone one I can is there like a lesser Hammer that does damage there is a smithing Hammer but you can’t make it any lower bone bone

Club bone cudel the [ __ ] is a bone oh it’s like it’s a netherite version of the bone Club a flail takes a mace great hammer oh it’s a different so there’s an MC dungeon weapons Hammer a better end hammer and then there’s the Hulk Hammer okay that one’s dropped I’m assuming

Yeah mutant monsters it’s dropped okay I guess I’m just going to make a stone great hammer or unless can I make like a this one’s kind of cool oh this one’s only an iron make a jackhammer what the [ __ ] whoa this aternum Hammer is even better than netherite okay it just takes

Four so I need more yeah I need more Stone what is this light night liite liite what the [ __ ] uh um I think I’ll just keep the tab on Earth for now unless skel Forge Molen core and make a hardening Crystal what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Ass yeah I’ve either got to kill a l or I just got to do other stuff gear simply swords offers over 15 weapon types for the player to utilize it also has the unique feature set of runic Powers which can be given to a weapon via VIA sockets the [ __ ] a

Socket obtain a unique weapon ah so not all weapons have sockets Understandable chungus Emerald oh that’s so [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God it’s so [ __ ] yeah I hate that I hate everything about that chungus Emerald [ __ ] kill me man what the [ __ ] a chungus emerald God damn bro cast spells from equipped spell Buck oh that’s cool just big chungus Emerald [ __ ]

[ __ ] it makes me want to un alive myself seeing it I’m going to go get the rest of the loot from this Village area what is this zinc I cannot mind zinc money oh boy it’s too fast e slow it down Dolphins I need up here uh I’m going to take your cauldron

Cuz [ __ ] you I’m going to go through and take all your fish reject modern enity Embrace chungus no God forbid no all right can I can I use these fireworks real quick I had a pattern I couldn’t see it hold on ah that one just shoots blue that’s

Cool I’ll just fire the other one dude this is finishing a bunch of my fishing quests that’s kind of cool was like a gold mine uh did I actually finish any quests in the quest book or was that just achievements and the achievement no achievement thech oh wait

No that did finish it that finished this one yeah I got the fish of Thieves River what the [ __ ] yeah that finished the quest that’s done that’s wild once I finish it all I can get a free Trident and then a a dolphin plushy that’s cool I’m going to take all

Your [ __ ] uh barrels I hope you guys don’t mind right ah they don’t mind no a I have to pick that up now all right I have YY spanked all their Collectibles I will now have fish four days to cook and eat they didn’t have any like wool on

Their thing did they no I’m going to have to steal from that pirate ship over there that pirate ship has wool on it I can make a bed out of that that shit’ll be [ __ ] sick I’m going to rob them I’m going to rob pirates pirates going to be going on

Their merry way and this guy’s going to swim out into the ocean after them and they’re going to be like what how is he doing that okay I need to place my barrels down and like start separating [ __ ] out okay I’m going to put the raw stuff

In here now leeches are for fishing I think oh we can compost it is that it that’s kind of annoying yeah we can leave it in here go ahead and put some of the plants in here and then we’ll put the uh like some finish sh in here like the blowy upy

Stuff in here put this away in here fish ingredient shiny shiny actually we’ll leave the shinies in here that’s a shiny that’s not a shiny that’s not a shiny I’ll take all these not shinies out of here that I’ll count that as a shiny that’s fried rice dud shrimp fried this

Rice what the [ __ ] that’s a shiny those are steel blocks uh any more raw fish no oh no wait that’s a shiny I can go in there ingredient that’s finished product uh we’ll go ahead and put the mob drops in here and then we can put

The boom boom in here and then like everything else in here uh we’ll put equipment in here this can count as equipment that’s equipment tanks are equipment technically put all the other stuff in here sort no that’s a plant those are seeds those don’t go in here do go in

Here all right rudimentary sorting has been achieved let’s start cooking fish oh yeah oh this is going to be so good so good going to eat up all the fish y um me you out you in hey you in here this is a good nighttime activity

Haven’t slept for any time at all in game just [ __ ] like sleep deprived cooking fish there’s something right there it says so on the map right there in the little Forest I don’t see oh what the [ __ ] is that is that a skeletal creeper do you blow up oh yeah I don’t like

That all right yeah we’ll put that in the notebook skeleton creepers do blow up and they blind you horrifying I love that it’s my favorite thing now totally like that oh yeah do I have a level [ __ ] no only got 82 41% of the way damn it’s expensive to level up what the

[ __ ] is there like no way to convert my XP into this I just have to it must be fighting XP you specifically have to get it from like combat delicious delicious food ah you how far in the night we at H we’re over halfway right yeah looking straight up counting the

Stars you know [ __ ] holding my thumb up being like yeah that’s about to position yeah we’re almost done there the night calculated you know all right these two in that in there plenty of food thank God I need to make a boat too should have wood I’m going to break down some of

This I’m going get a boat I’m going get a boat boat beautiful God it’s beautiful so much food can I use use it and other stuff I think I can right I can what I can take a cooked salmon cooked this is cooked meat mix it with four bamboo and

Magically it becomes a puffer fish what oh but that’s a grilled salmon dish that’s a barbecue on a stick oh and that’s fish and chips all right go down on the Chip Shot chipsy fish Well down to the chips shop have some fishy chips dude that’s a stormfish what the [ __ ] a storm fish I use that fish and chips and making puffer fish oh it’s tagged the same as the other fish so they’d be the same this be used for anything else

Sushi literally Sushi and then you cook it like 18 different ways got it got it all right well that last one Cooks up I was going to take a look here Sea Dog Weaponry poison chakum mazee Rose poisoned blade Remnant saber so what’s a Remnant

Saber let’s see if I could look up the recipe but I guess I’d have to search it get Pirates treasure kill certain enemies a shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia can be used near water and an ice maze oh send her to rest killing her as a quest then there’s the diving

Suit that’s cool okay it’s also just the Collectibles tab which is just full of [ __ ] the Bumble Zone the other side which is a which is a literal like special dimension for the Deep like it’s the skull Dimension then Earth has some stuff we need to make a

Hammer we’ve looked at most of this spellcasting I can’t really do until I get a Grim War so we’ll hold off on that and then witchcraft is cool but I again need the book then there transmogrification transmogrification is a type of magic that allows you to change the shape of any object without

Altering its function letting you mask your items into another including weapons and armors ah okay so just Co it it cosmetically changes your stuff so it’ be a good way if you were doing PVP to like disguise a weapon as a lower grade weapon or armor is lower grade

Armor Tech reborn is just uh ic2 I believe tree tap yeah refined iron yeah got to make an iron furnace and then iron alloy furnace we can start making Alloys which will let us make a Wrench some special ores yeah we need to be able to tree tap first though and then we can start making tools and other things this is just industrial craft too but remade there also power which is a good power mod gives me the manual perfect Logistics

2 and that’s for storage create which I don’t know how much I’m going to get into that I’m not too big of a create fan I like it but I don’t like to use it modern industrialization uh here’s the start of the tree no I need the book okay I think

I’ve gotten about everything I can get so where’s the clipboard oh like actual note taking [ __ ] what the hell and then there’s the manual for power I’ll go ahead and put these away all right I’ve got bread my stuff’s finished cooking I hear a Wandering Trader hey bud what do you

Got you’ve got a sepia Globe Blackwolf Pelt and the music disc for life from the Bumble Zone and a Ste pickle hey he’s got a pickle dude showing me his pickle man he needs to calm down bro’s going crazy over here like look look at my sea

Pickle I love the 50% Health that my character has in Dark Souls 2 for dying too much ah yeah that’s Dark Souls 2 for you it’s pretty fun right it’s pretty good game e get this [ __ ] out of here stinky spawner o get [ __ ] on loser I just stole your [ __ ] for

Free it’s all mine all mine I will take this chest though that’s that’s some good [ __ ] right there I’ll take that let me get that man let me let me get that let me snag that Mis complaining about the bonfires being too far hey man you know that’s life that’s

The Dark Souls 2 life at least they are not that far yet yeah I don’t think they get that far in Dark Souls 2 they’re pretty good I would I I think that’s one of the few complaints I have about Dark Souls 2 oh [ __ ] [ __ ] trying to crush my

Brain I just want their wool man no that’s concrete I just need enough wool for a bed and maybe some extra just for crafting oh you little [ __ ] [ __ ] hey don’t make me come down there I’ll didd you six-way sideways you little bastard don’t do it you’re looking at

Me you little [ __ ] stain get get the [ __ ] out of here bro I’ll [ __ ] you up I don’t think I won’t I will [ __ ] do it I no longer feel the Dark Soul inside of me yeah what you’re feeling inside of you currently right now is uh Dark Souls

2’s uh massive Wang penetrating you it doesn’t feel great it’s actually the opposite of feeling great let me just uh take a peek in here see oh hello let me just quick it hurts yeah that’s the point they don’t want you to have that much fun playing the game now he’s silly silly

Man are you you trying to have fun with your Dark Souls Nah dude shrimp is this the shrimp that fried my rice I knew it I knew I’d find him oh [ __ ] can’t wait to try BLB later when I decide to play it and I hear it’s really good it’s the one of the ones I haven’t played so I don’t have all of the

Information but I hear that’s the good one just sitting there waiting to be played it’s probably beckoning to you it’s like come stop playing Dark Souls 2 don’t play that that’s [ __ ] compared to me that’s [ __ ] play me play me instead add a text to speech I’m not

Adding text to speech right now maybe later oh [ __ ] that’s actually really cool it has mending on it what the [ __ ] a bone fish can it can it be oh my God it could be turned into bone meal you should add text to speech yeah yeah yeah yeah I got

It I’ll get on it eventually in like three weeks it’s a short time frame right it’s like 7day business days right yeah that’ll work or your boss you do what we say [ __ ] I will ban you so quick it’s not even funny I have no fear I will burn this place to the

Ground oh my God I can steam the crab that’s [ __ ] up get out of here that’s it I got the big what the [ __ ] is on my face there’s an apple on my face get those off of my face they were on me e oh how’ those get on my

Face holy [ __ ] little bastards oh Emerald whated my boat did it break [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I might die col the Kel and make a weed farm hold on there might actually just be weed in this hold on I could just might make a regular weed

Farm it is for the lore yeah for the lore lore in quotation modes no I don’t want to place that I want to take that with me yeah it’s for the lore it’s it’s very important to the lore that we have weed I will take this melon though

That’s some good [ __ ] right there hold on there might just be weed there’s MK weed nether Sprouts weed fire weed oh dude that weed’s fire holy [ __ ] yo dude this weed is fire this is some fire weed man what the [ __ ] we need to get we need to get some of that

That’s some fire weed right there what the [ __ ] if you if you don’t sell weed like once or twice in the series yeah yeah I got you I’ll sell it to the villagers I obtained a unique weapon so I will take this oh that’s a legendary weapon holy

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] it looks so cool what the [ __ ] oh and this has mending so I can just keep using this oh well that doesn’t look good I’m just going to away from that ow [ __ ] a [ __ ] he shot me rumors have it weed increases villager production rate by 15% ohud

That’s a bargain 15% Okay these guys hurt I’m not having an enjoyable time getting shot this much no no no no no that sunk that sunk so fast okay this this make a boat make some [ __ ] sticks throw you down you all right I’m going to get the [ __ ] out of here oh there’s my boat I

Got a cooler boat now this is cooler boat oh the noise is the guardian oh they’re [ __ ] up some squids over there holy [ __ ] they’re bastard people I just saw gang violence over there I saw Guardians beating up squids yo gang violence in Minecraft crazy man the guardian squid fights are nuts holy

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] the gang violence be getting crazy out here put this [ __ ] in the corner oh my bed looked [ __ ] up that thing didn’t look normal it looked like kind of [ __ ] up oh god what happened to the beds H huh uh how does this work it’s got one

Leg in the center What uh sure yeah that’s that’s how beds work yeah that’s that’s how beds work villagers are raw milk from drugged cows why would I go through all that effort I’m just going to drug the villagers directly if weed’s too soft core for you we can just give them black tar heroin

God trying to get fancy with it chests boop boop boop oh no that’s not what I wanted all right all my shinies going here and all my unprocessed shinies will go up above cooked uh you’re going to become glowstone shrimp he’s telling me how shrimp fried this

Rice I can’t every time I see the yo you tell me a a shrimp this shrimp right here fried this rice that’s wild man I can’t believe a shrimp fried that Rice it’s like in my head now I can’t get it out get out of my head you tell

Me a shrimp fried this rice get out of my Head you telling me a shrimp fried that Rice damn it’s just stuck in here man I can’t get it out now it’s in there forever stuck oh my God but like seriously you telling me a shrimp fried their rice I can’t control myself I’m a broken man I’m falling apart I’m

Dying I can’t keep it together I’m mentally collapsing but like no for real you tell me I should that Rice oh [ __ ] I’m I’m a broken man I’m I’m dying I’m dying the shm’s killing me I need to cook it I need to cook it to end the

Torment but like no for real you tell me to shrimp fried that Rice like God damn a shrimp ah thank God he’s dead it’s over he’s dead he’s he’s laid to rest he’s cooked shrimp I I can I can finally let go is there hemp in this ah shoot no hemp just fire

Weed I mean that weed’s pretty fire oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got that [ __ ] on the draw oh D yeah I’ve studied the blade I look so [ __ ] with this [ __ ] sword yeah I study the blade damn okay um what looks like a good place to I I

Live on an island is the problem here I need a wayist stone oh you know what we could check out that Armada of ships Hold Up Wait A Minute something ain’t right hold up wait a minute ships I’m going go get those oh do I have to go past the

Guardians I think I do they’ve been dishing out violence since they spawned in so I got to be careful they’re bad men they really like shooting people like this like that right there he just tried to shoot me oh [ __ ] is that a shipwreck down there oh [ __ ]

Y a little bit of a shipwreck yeah there are people who died in that what’s it do you I’m going to steal their [ __ ] is this like a village on boats holy [ __ ] yeah it is it legitimately is a village on boats what the [ __ ] can I steal this yeah you guys

Don’t mind if I take this right no no no no they don’t care you guys know this butt’s just not going to be able to move right I am actively stealing the sail you got that right yeah yeah okay great great just needed you to understand that God damn it will you

Break any loot on this boat no this is like a Dingy I’m for real calculating how I’m going spend this Robo what the [ __ ] you have Roo what the [ __ ] I got robox I got robox Roo once and that’s cuz the game gave them to me cuz the items I had in my inventory were so old they were no longer available and

Needed to be like refunded because they removed them from the game and then I just blew it all on stupid ass games cuz I didn’t care I bought like one costume item and then that was it uses is that just it is this just a eat it and torrent Dash thing or

What oh no it lets you dash another time it’s got durability this is an artifact okay my brain didn’t realize that that was just a fullon ass artifact oh nope that’s not happening I got six Roo off if I spend it on in a specific way oh I didn’t know you could

Spend Roblox in a specific way that was just buy stuff and that was that I’m learning so much today so much I don’t care about mostly roblo spending Roblox Roblox itself is pretty good I won’t lie it’s enjoyable enough but like spend getting Roo I don’t really care

About I’m a Frugal person I ain’t going to spend my money on robu oh Magic oh [ __ ] now I got to go back my inventory is already [ __ ] full I got goodies effing bargain uh got to get in that bargain sale on Roblox you know what I’m

Saying got to go to the clearance aisle of Roblox make the most out of your roox that’s that’s a young man’s hustling that’s how you start hustling when you’re really young is just [ __ ] hustle on Roblox you grow up and you run a [ __ ] casino and hustle everyone out of their

Money might have found a cheaper way to get the thing whoa the thing what does this do [ __ ] I can swing it move normally while oh I don’t have any spells in a spell book I don’t have a grimoire yet all right so put this away we got a

Void touched blade a bow a golden maze which we can turn I think into a rose gold can we no no it is just a gold mace then there’s an epic soul pire holy [ __ ] grimore yeah like a a magic book Warframe reference oh that’s from

Warframe I don’t even know Warframe so I wouldn’t know if that’s a Warframe reference bombs these in here and then these that that that that that that and then this oh no not you not you you two go in here you go in here too and then uh you and you and

Then you and you perfect oh and you I’m playing Warframe right now scared the crap out of [Laughter] me good be be afraid I’m in your Game I’m in your game ah and I I hope one of the times I scream like that you die I’m inside your game I’m inside your game I’m G get you I’m the boss I’m the raid boss did you get past the second dream what dream

What are we talking about now I thought I was just in some dude’s game I was in word’s first game I’m just invading his game I don’t know anything about [ __ ] Warframe I don’t I’ve never played Warframe once legitimately have never downloaded it and played it ever mostly because it would have taken

[ __ ] forever to download and that usually DET deters me from a game because I got shitty internet it’s only like 30 gigabytes yeah that’s that’s a lot for me I got that poo dangle internet that to take hours make sure this is all sorted dream Minecraft is that a that’s a that’s a

Reference to dream the epic Minecraft gamer who cheated in a speedrun for some reason even though it was Minecraft speedrun but dream dream dream he might touch kids he might he might it’s only an allegation right now it’s only an allegation right now he might touch kids

Might we’re not sure yet he’s debunked like like some of them but not all of them so I don’t even know where that situation is at dead ass like it’s [ __ ] it always seems to happen Man Poor dream unless he like did it but then not poor

Him he dreams he can touch a child yeah he dreams he dreams he dreams that’s why he named himself dream CU he’s always dreaming about children dude’s constantly dreaming what game is mining also in uh like literally a bunch of games rust rust rust rust Warframe Warframe yeah rust

Warframe Minecraft uh Seven Days to Die Ark arc Arc power world power world power world that one mind in power world mm what was I doing hey I was getting loot get out of here go away from my house Phillip I’m going go back to robbing those ships ow it’s all Warframe Maybe This Is War actually this is Warframe right now you just didn’t realize I’ve got a uh a Content patch you guys didn’t even realize this was actually just Warframe right here this is Warframe right

Now name something and I’ll connect it to Warframe Warframe I’m naming Warframe does that connect to warm frame in any way I bet it doesn’t no no I get everything out of here I don’t really care for this no now anything down here just extremely modded yeah this

Isn’t Minecraft this is not Minecraft this is Warframe you guys just didn’t realize I it’s hard to tell with all the with all the content patches I have oh [ __ ] that disc got grass on it damn oh all the beds are [ __ ] up like that that’s cool all right that’s everything on this

Ship next just got to Rob all these poor villagers of their supplies before they can go anywhere no that ship doesn’t have anything on it let’s park my ship here gentlemen good day good day how are you yeah very nice mhm let me just get on

Here uh uh I’ll take the bread but I don’t really need the other ingredients I’m kind of good on fish I’ve got so much fish I’ll take your bucket though Advanced machine frame take it data storage chip take it beds decided to turn inside out yeah

I don’t know what’s wrong with the beds they they’re special in this mod pack [ __ ] there’s something wrong with them uh no I’ll take the chest piece I’ll take the [ __ ] floaty I’ll take the coal oh my God I don’t I don’t don’t ask me about the beds I don’t know what the

Oh that’s a toy shark holy [ __ ] I’m putting that in my house yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with the bed they just [ __ ] up God they’re they’re going on a tie rate about Warframe everything’s just Warframe to them now they’ve devolved they’ve gone full monkey for Warframe quickly shoot them before they

Get too far they’re going too deep put them down put them out of their [ __ ] misery I know I already know what they’re going on about I can’t you got to kill them can put a gun to their head okay oh my God it’s too I can’t they I

Can’t this just happening I can’t stop it it’s too much Warframe I’m confused they’ve G they put me in a state of confusion I don’t know Warframe enough I’m confused I’m confused I’m I’m scared I’m scared I’m panicking I’m panicking in Minecraft well I’m dead I’ve I’ve uh ceased all brain functions

I can’t read I I can no longer Co cohere English I’m done I’m just brain dead they’re killing the stream I can’t I can’t put anything in the store I can’t read I can’t do anything all I can do is play Minecraft now that’s it I’m I’m

Stuck I can’t I can’t let you buy a shotgun it’s impossible I can’t put it in the store if I don’t know what it is anymore the bit rate’s going to be down what you want me to do about it I’m streaming the bit rate’s going to go down

There actually is one thing I can do hold on no I could still read but now I can’t the warframe’s killed my brain cells enough let me turn on the fan cool down the [ __ ] router which is a real thing that I just did I’m G just wait a minute

I know the bit rate’s down quit yelling at me hold on I turned on the I turned on the water cooling for the router it’s got to cool down give it a minute the router’s got to cool down H internet hot internet got too hot I

Got I got call T-Mobile and be like yo your internet got hot gota stop that oh my God I just got to let the internet cool it’s all coming together now yeah it all comes back to Warframe again everything is just Warframe Warframe this Warframe that Warframe everything frame frame frame

Frame frame frame frame no but it’s Warframe it’s all Warframe Warframe I’m just waiting I’m just waiting for the internet to cool down a bit before I continue because if I move that bit rate going to be chunky it’s everywhere man the warframe’s everywhere man it’s everywhere man it’s all Warframe man

Damn internet cooling down a bit more yeah it’s getting a little bit better now slowly internet definitely got way too [ __ ] hot has been taken over by Minecraft is top G I don’t know man there’s Warframe have you considered Warframe I know crazy idea but Warframe

Is the internet good now it looking like it’s happy now to be cooled cool I’ll keep an eye on it to make sure but I think it’s good what the bed doing yo yo what the bed doing what the [ __ ] yo what the bed doing man what the

Bed doing that’s crazy what the bed doing but like hear me out what the bed doing like what the what the bed doing like the bed was doing some funny [ __ ] man what the bed doing I need a backpack backpack in here no [ __ ] backpack in here no hey

Backpacks in here hey yo you guys got backpacks backpacks here me backpacks [ __ ] I got to come back all right I’ll be back for the rest of your your [ __ ] bye villagers I’m going to rob you blind poor villagers they don’t even understand me I’m going to rob them I’m going to rob

Them and we’re home it was a good day of Rob ing people I just love robbing people I love threatening their life and stealing their possessions leaving them scarred and mentally unwell for the rest of their life God I love it so much it’s my favorite activity to rob people I love

It oh [ __ ] I’m going need new chests I’m running out of space chest make another chest got more wood y oh I’m about to make an Unholy mess okay yep we’re just going to have to do it sweet God take the fish out put the tanks in uh [ __ ] [ __ ]

Ass oh God it’s so much of a mess uh oh no shark welcome strawberry yogurt to the stream how you doing oh God too much [ __ ] it’s all on the ground oh no my stuff oh no my stuff it’s too much good how about you

I’m good oh my God stop stop with the Warframe I’m sick of Warframe I don’t want to see Warframe again I’m GNA lose my [ __ ] mind if I see Warframe anymore Warframe the hit game Warframe what what are you being racist right now what are you talking about why are they

On about war frame oh my God don’t even get me started on that one of them started saying everything was Warframe and now everything is Warframe to them don’t don’t engage don’t engage with them they’re they’re devolved they’re no longer human no don’t interact with them don’t say

Warframe no you’re just going to make him go further look what you’ve done Mighty look what you’ve done you did this you’ve you’ve brought this sin into the chat he’s going to spit out like eight more Warframe [ __ ] messages now hey no oh my God end me now end my [ __ ]

Suffering I need to stop stop living I don’t want to be on this planet anymore I need God to take me no table gambling isn’t the answers to your problems please gambling won’t fix it gambling never fixes it oh No oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Warframe versus slot machines I don’t know if that’s what I would have gone with but sure Warframe versus lot machines let me put all my cooked Goods away I have a dog called Batman and Warframe Warframe is a terrible game I don’t know why I play

It this game is trash I don’t know why I play it the bot has struck the first the first one down I don’t know what he did but it got him I think the bot’s finished it’s it’s it’s striking them down the Bots had enough of the Warframe even the Bots sick of

It literally mans was on about war and the B with a gun to his head and blew his brains out poor bastard didn’t even see it coming oh God he’s back already it only banned him for like 30 seconds it’s not that much of a ban

Oh my God he’s he’s reaching his final form he can’t be stopped it’s too much too much information Barrel M drop mob drop mob drop mob drop uh okay I’ve never seen a 777 I think someone got a 777 on the slots did I win oh no strawberry you died uh you got

Eaten by a poisonous fog and you went to Davey Jones Locker you know the usual I’ve watched some previous streams that’s cool I’m glad you’re back oh my God he just keeps going who is this Nick guy Nick turned into milk y uh data chip you you

Here you you you perfect my fingers hurt yeah probably CU you typed out the [ __ ] lore of Warframe on your keyboard like 10 seconds let’s see oh I finished a quest Collectibles ah no ah right here boom Oh my God he just keeps going I’m going go back to

Robbing I think I’m going to have to put him down like a rabid dog I got to put him down he’s got to go I got to put him down like a [ __ ] dog I’m sorry little one it has to be done you need to stop he could take a little five minute

Breather I’m sorry little one what did it cost you everything War Warframe lore what did it cost you Warframe lore I watched a stream from a couple months ago oh [ __ ] that’s cool always grateful when people come back to watch gamblers win yeah I don’t know if gamblers are necessarily the winners in

Any situ sitation but sure you can take this as a w so that makes you feel better about your Gambling Nick guy kept talking about doing stuff through uranium yeah he does that that’s average Nick Behavior I mean you can be stopped I just didn’t decide to permanently ban you oh wait is this a different one oh [ __ ] that’s crazy let me just put the user in timeout oh no what

Happened he’s gone I could do this all day I don’t need any more [ __ ] floaties I already have so many floaties I don’t need more floaties oh my God I I do it to all of them just get out of here stop that you’re a bad man bad bad

Man what ly tune Spotlight Collection five DVDs fell on me what are you talking about you’re a Looney Tune how much inventory space do I have uh enough for this don’t need that don’t need these I’ll take this w waxed block of copper though and the sea Lantern what do I want to do next am I special to you your yogurt which means you must have come from Dan I’m the only non-insane person here yeah but you’re yogurt which means you’re related to Dan which means I don’t know what it means it just

Means you’re related to Dan so it’s not that positive Dan’s the yogurt man all yogurt is originated from Dan the yogurt man there’s an there’s even a hit song Dan Dan the yogurt centered man man it’s a very good song means you’re a Jew I hate to break it to

You you might be Jewish don’t Mighty don’t do it I’ll do it to this one too you can sing songs but I swear to God if you go on another Warhammer Ty rate you’re gone rock cod barrels I’ll take a compass I don’t need the sign uh o cool sword other cool weapon

H paper uh [ __ ] mutton shops mutton I’ll put the pork chops and the mutton away and I’ll take the sickle and I’ll take uh something else I’ll take this Paladin chest piece and this ring do I take this ring he’ll be the next demo I don’t need these the

Nuggies okay that’s good those are [ __ ] up beds okay there’s one more ship two more ships with good loot on them and then this place is cleared out don’t [ __ ] my face okay why do I have so many [ __ ] DVDs I don’t know why do you have so many

[ __ ] DVDs it’s the [ __ ] modern Century we don’t need DVDs no more you’re holding on to ancient relics epic top 10 anime reveal what that you’re Nick I kind of guessed pretty sure I remember you having that name for Dan specifically not Nick I don’t know you

Look like Nick to me you smell like him equipable in the ring slot oh cool I’m wearing a ring uh you that’s B Machine frame we put that in there I’ll put the smoker down Boop no Dan smells like you it’s always been Dan the yogurt scented

Man this is better no this is worse I’ll keep the armor but it’s worse all right I’m just going to get rid of these extra [ __ ] pool floaties that I don’t need off they go that that that that that uh it’s cooked cooked sort rice is Cooked speak of kids dream loves them no no no no might love them you can’t say he does cuz then that’s a a defamation on his character you have to say he might like kids might it hasn’t been confirmed yet smithing tablet goes we’ll put those in here and uh uh

String this Advanced alloy nope wrong chest dream likes baby goats no might you always have to say might if you say a person does then that’s defamatory and they could sue you but if you say they might then you don’t you won’t get sued it is has been rumored that he likes

Goats um okay sleep me me Bo Hello shark friend Dying Light sucks what did you say what did you say about Dying Light don’t ever bad mouth Dying Light I’ll come to your house and I’ll [ __ ] kill you this a threat you hear me don’t ever bad mouth Dying Light those games

Are excellent I’ll [ __ ] kill you I’ll throw you off a bridge throw you down some stairs [ __ ] throw you in an oven okay you’re going to die don’t you dare badmouth Dying Light I’m watching you I’ll destroy you you hear me destroy you you’re just bad you’re bad you’re

Bad you’re bad get better at the game get better at the game [ __ ] is [ __ ] amazing and everyone knows it but you add me to the store I’ve been looking for a job no if you’re in the store that doesn’t get you a job that gets you

Bought I hate Dying Light yeah well I hate you yeah doesn’t feel so great does it you you suck how about that huh where are more sapphires there we go yummy what is this Pebbles 10 10 I’ll take the 10 more tin more tin more tin more tin more Tin

Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin Tin yummy tin yummy tin I eat the tin of course or with an opinion like that that doooo ass opinion about Dying Light I’m fting to hold the vote to ban you now you’re talking all this poopy out your mouth about Dying Light makes me

Think we just got to get rid of you now the sming and a loved game okay he said do it there there he goes oh no what even is Dying Light I’ve never heard of it it’s a Zombie Survival game we get to like run around an open world

But it’s also got like a set story to follow and it’s got really cool like movement in combat uh it’s like really good the zombies are like nocturnal almost they they’re not as active during the day as they are at night pretty cool I’m mostly there for the game plays

And the story is there any like other good materials to mine from this mountain other than coal any other materials now shit’s dope any more materials oh [ __ ] okay well feel stuck in my throat mining away we’re already at PS5 how much longer until ps9 honestly a good question who

Knows definitely going to be a few years down the line but if they release a PlayStation like every few years like 20ish years maybe we’re at five they release them like every like three to four five years 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 and like 50 years

Maybe 50 years 50 to like 80 years to get us close if they do it like every five years it could be longer though I don’t know they’ll build us up to it probably I would not be surprised though to hear like on like the news they’re like yeah

Like I’m [ __ ] like 90 years old and like the ps19 woo come get it now you can get Spider-Man 7 and God of War super Ragnarok 19 what did I finish Collectibles I finished a collectible Quest oh I did yeah hook sick oh that won’t do me anything yeah

That’s the campaign and then this is exploration [ __ ] cool God of War Super Mario Bandicoot honestly in like 80 years time it might all just [ __ ] blend together into one game like fortnite it’s going to be like fortnite but with a story mode oh Kratos just got to help Crash

Bandicoot save Mario so that then they can go save Princess Peach so that then they can go help samis save the Galaxy some [ __ ] type [ __ ] like that can get GTA 6 next decade that’s some [ __ ] facts bro they’re never [ __ ] they’re taking their sweet ass time to release that [ __ ]

All right I need to make a waypoint at my base uh set wait how do I make a new Waypoint I can oh yeah create Waypoint home firm can I teleport to spots no I can’t yeah I don’t have Che on so I guess I can’t teleport at all

Sad they’ll tell us to kill ourselves and we’ll buy it because it’s GTA 6 yeah the only way to buy GTA 6 is you have to give five lers of blood which will retroactively put you into shock and kill you or kill you I think that just might

Be enough blood to just kill you that might be all the blood in a human how much blood’s in a human hold on how much blood is in a human body five liters yeah they ask you for five liters of blood and instantly drain you of all your blood and you still buy

The game it was five liters I was right damn yeah you will instantly die they remove all the blood at once and then they give you your copy of GTA 6 they only let you have it when you’re dead mining up this mining up this this

This lots of yummy materials I just need to take a boat and I just need to go in a direction until I reach my location I also want to explore like the sky village and [ __ ] so I think I’m going to like do that start here start a staircase we’ll get up to

That Island explore it and then we’ll go that way and check out the sky village oh [ __ ] we just start shearing this mountain away they don’t need this mountain right like I could just take it the whole Mountain they don’t need it I need it more than they need It is this high enough almost what’s the Y level on that 127 this shit’s turning into part snow hey ain’t going to need it n bro they ain’t going to need this one bit why why do they need the mountain I need the mountain more than they need it oh

[ __ ] it’s a little windy Jesus I got like pushed a little holy [ __ ] okay like our way over there I should probably head back and sleep first and then come back I also see more sapphires I’m just G I’m just going to NAB those they also don’t need these rare

Gems imine what it would be like if the water wasn’t spread out it’s just one big mass of pure H2O somewhere in you oh [ __ ] that sounds like a horrific existence as you would be constantly dehydrated in large parts of your body you would just be suffering as like

This mass of water doesn’t spread out through your body properly you would die there is no living like that You’ just be dehydrated I don’t need this Pebble not one bit okay let’s go back to building up to that little sky island and then that sky village There we go just take a little bit off the top no one will notice I doubt anyone would notice the Topography of their Mountain changing so I think it’ll be fine if I just slice a little off the top just a little it’s like a little

Haircut and if I fall I go into the water so I’m like completely safe oh we’re getting closer oh that music oh [ __ ] [ __ ] slaps that’s some peaceful ass [ __ ] right there God damn it’s a little quiet but damn it’s pretty good that’s har harmonious and [ __ ] oh we’re so

Close hell yeah I’m going get on that island I’m going get on it I don’t know what’s on it probably nothing but I’m going to get on it I want to explore it just a little bit more off the top there that’ll work work beautiful just just love changing the

Shape of the natural Topography of the world thus making any Maps vastly inaccurate it’s another one of my favorite pastimes someone makes a map for like a mountain range and then I put like a canal in that mountain range and then they’re like what this wasn’t here and

Then their map’s wildly inaccurate and then they get uh ostracized for their inaccurate Maps just love making the world a worst place love it can’t get enough of it I’m so close damn you Island I will see what’s on you it won’t kill me because I’m

Overwater but I will see what’s on the island just mining away at the Mountain Mining away I don’t know what to mine but I’ll Mine It Anyway my diamonds My Diamonds oh my Them is this enough to get me there or am I still going to be short I just want to see what’s on the island Aha exactly enough is it just a tiny little island yeah wow it’s like a little Oasis up here ain’t that neat so it’s just useless to me amazing what does it take to make a wayist stone cuz if I could make a wayist stone and put it at my house I’d

Feel better about leaving so then I could find another wayist stone or make a waist Stone somewhere else and then come back way Stone Abyss Watcher Emerald obsidian and stone oh that’s actually not that bad at all I just need to get an ender pearl and I could do it I could make

One and then I’d feel better about going somewhere I just need to get an ender pearl first what time is it 10: I did start late today I didn’t mean to start the stream so late but I’ve been going to bed at a normal time and I was starting to get actually

Tired yeah no I should turn in I don’t want to [ __ ] up my sleep schedule now that I fixed it all right I’m definitely going to play more of this I think tomorrow though either this grounded or Skyrim but for tonight that’s it I need to like get ready to

Like go to bed and not [ __ ] up my sleep schedule because I’m not doing that again I [ __ ] it up bad for like a week and I was like not sleeping good so have a good night everybody thanks for watching I should be streaming tomorrow hopefully I might also upload something

Or make a short play inscription I’ll get to inscription like 9 to five business days okay 9 to 20 business days you know it’s business days business days business days okay have a good night I’ll play description at some point I really will I just don’t know how soon it’ll

Be don’t forget to leave a like I appreciate it that goes for the people who watch this later on YouTube I know you’re watching I’ll find you okay bye hold on I get a Tab out of Minecraft and broadcast

This video, titled ‘RPG Minecraft is crazy – Prominence 2’, was uploaded by Caffeinated and Uncensored on 2024-02-12 04:17:19. It has garnered 105 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:54 or 8034 seconds.

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    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More