Insane Carries in Hypixel Skyblock – MGE

Video Information

Best Hor You soul Lo yo yo what’s up everyone Fire Al Know oh man y can I do this let me try this real Quick one sec uh we go yeah what do I need for this again I need to pick like the pearls I guess all right I got this I need to use a silverfish as well it both nope okay fix that real quick okay let me do This black hat nice okay rabbit hat nice what the heck dude what oh oh no Oho what is happening I don’t think I can do this no how do you do this one one I got this well guess I can’t do it [ __ ] it got to learn to do that first oh crap

Oh crap dude this skeleton guy is so annoying I swear there we go my stuff for real quick well and I’m using silverfish amazing oh okay we skeleton let’s go yo yo yo yo I’m so squishy D DN I’m doing a lot of damage hey what’s up Kaden uh I need my I spray there we go yes I got a handle as well go you want a free carry uh Kaden all right time to die let’s go again berserk with giant sword I don’t have giant

Sword wait is that fast clearing how does that clear fast is it because of the new update not new but oh brother I need to I to get some new arrows real quick I handle myself huh what do you mean okay okay that’s fine I’m just doing for uh cares for new

People and stuff um oh got and what do I need to upgrade it oh I can’t even see great so low right now it’s all good what other ones three diones handles let’s go okay ston I don’t need this bonso stuff blocks yeah I’ll keep it why not wa Spirit

L what even like put everything on here wait well I don’t have GC but I got live dager I don’t have dinos sword is very hard to get on Iron Man I don’t know how it clears fast though that’s kind of weird is it because of the like the S

The like uh what is it swing rage 15 swing rage oh wait that’s a that’s a cap okay yeah honestly I cannot understand that I don’t think anyone has gone to like berserk as well in my runs at least no no no dude oh my God I don’t know healing dude

Stop get some kills dinosa will be quicker clear than ju Reserve Check yeah man and saaz dude sure I’ll carry you wait Juju berserk isn’t a thing anymore I thought people did that Still at Le I got my I spray that’s like the only thing I got for my account wait I didn’t know like ice or what is it uh berserk was actually good now at least as well I’ll kill you after this yeah trying to get some like diam montis

Handles uh for storm and necron I want to get them before I actually start doing floor 7 I still don’t have a clear floor 7 I’m gambling to see if I can get uh handle on my first floor 7 so Lucky yeah let’s see how fast I can kill this dude right here dude how another one what two in a row i s they uped the chance on this guy well I didn’t get anything great is this livid yeah I still need to get livid or scarf yes I got

Him well that was kind of close you de 10 mil with berserk pretty good I think reach with sweep new berserk of start of run I know I only got it once though I’m trying to get uh like a lot of diamond these head right now I only got three of

Them I got a Mana steel as well now can I apply this I still need one more I might do floor six here yeah one sec let me add you real quick uh what do you want to do what floor you want to do depends on the floor you want to do cuz

I might change profiles cuz I got I do have hype on my other profile IM is mg guys hold on can I do this that guys me pin this yeah um one sec you you want a carry as well what I’m so bad some level don’t worry man floor you want there we

Go I pin my IGM there we go I got 14 I got 16k bits now I need to start doing floor seven floor s um I think I can I’m just not sure though l two yeah let me let me add you as well uh there we

Go oh wait I need to do something real quick [ __ ] I forgot uh one sec guys there we go I need to change some settings I still haven’t got settings still uh there we go edit it category playlist i i i tags as well all right one sec watch shl

All right let me enable subscriber only mode because uh on last stream it wasn’t the greatest uh me which profile you on I’m on my rmen right now okay uh yo all right let’s do Flor two okay what’s the FL for now it’s should be easy uh even on my Iron Man

Profile I I may need to do like um I may need to get my hype uh for like higher floors maybe but it should be fine uh I can change classes as well you guys want to change want to do floor 7 uh I can’t really do floor 7 on this

Account on this profile do you want to care I’m about at the game don’t worry about it uh if you want to do floor 7 do you want me to carry on floor 7 or do you just want to do like floor 7 for fun ready up oh I can change class if

You want there we go try to get some like w Bloods here I mean we’re not going to get S wait is there even like a wait is there uh s like a like a obsidian chest in this floor I’m pretty sure there is isn’t it I don’t

Remember I don’t think there is kind of useless though isn’t it no there is just there’s no s+ oh yeah my bad I just want to do a floor here I’ll add you we can do floor seven um if you want you can like party me I

Got party much on and I’ll add you we can do floor 7 if you want uh uh you’re lagging that’s fine all right that’s fine uh if you want to friend you to do some uh what is it they do some floor 7 while I’m like not streaming or while I’m streaming as

Well oh wait are we friends yeah we’re already friends where is this guy yeah don’t worry we’re already friends don’t worry about it if you see him online you can ask me anytime I W mind where is this guy oh wait I’m dumb can you give me a tip for this game

Um what tips I’m might upload a video on with some tips might do that guys I’m like started tips oh no like increase damage Flor I don’t know if I’ll do it soon I can’t even do floor 7 I still don’t have any completions on it one sec

Yeah I don’t have any completions not even still wait how do you keep getting revived get out get out quick get out so you won’t die quick quick no nice um let’s not get us let’s get a few things so you guys like you you won’t have to die every

Time that’s the important part let’s get some secrets and Stuff yeah I can’t really do floor 7 I have a GG yeah I I got it like recently though yo why am I so laggy dude all was that it yo wait you got a giant sword that’s very lucky I wish I got a giant sword I

Haven’t got like any luck on Arman only like Enderman pet I’ve got an Enderman like legendary Enderman pet twice but that’s it I don’t even know I died your HP is too low uh you need to use dungeon gear there we go nice I got an ice spray as well I can

Ice spray him hello bro this guy is so slow can you do floor uh three can you do floor three let me see last what what the heck was that I only do 5K damage yeah you need to you need to increase your damage Man ultimate wise oh what the

Heck ultimate wise for 50K damn you know what I’m going to use a chest on this a chest key I got like six D chest keys there we Go how do you do that um what is it What what’s up dude uh should I go into party Finder up my DM I I don’t I don’t understand sorry uh wait uh free carry there we go no dungeon requirement Uh do you want to do for Three might want to do floor Three up my damage um okay there’s like a ton of ways I swear I should have made a video on this like there’s probably a lot of videos as well you can follow like a lot of guides but I think mostly like your armor your armor like your armor and

Weapon and Talisman those three things are what you need to like keep in mind also don’t let your combat level be like level five uh wait uh y do you want to do floor three though you still want to do floor two or maybe you want to do floor

Three cuz I’m going to party I’m going to go into party finder carry some like other people this K is four okay okay let me go to 4 two get some free carries in here what the heck you good bro these guys are kind of annoying it’s free Kata 2042

Jeez wait Kata 21 guys this is supposed to be a carry like why are people joining you know what oh what the what the heck uh your magic probably just levels up your hping damage n no magic power wait no magic power can be for ehp but also for

Uh damage it depends actually you can tune it as well that’s the best part yeah equipment is pretty important but that’s like if you got like good already like a good armor you Good um you okay I go chy I have 50 million coins what can I get with that but but if you do a video I’ll wait you you need to get like some like better gear like better armor no bro can’t move uh is this guy okay you doing good

Bro I even have like a video on this let me see my guids are so [ __ ] honestly I’ll try I’ll try my best to do like a in-depth guide I’m in the floor jump RIP instense by the way it’s going to close out automatically I can’t jump all right you

Know what just go to HUB just go Hub what the heck am I lagging wait what let’s go to Hub buy some like a godp and Just yeah uh godt is very good but like if if you’re buying a godt as well be careful not to die with it if you die with your godt on it’s just like a waste honestly you can easily make your money back with gopop I got kicked now you’re online can you join

Back can you join Back just warp yeah True are you lighting or something all right let’s try again what couldn’t find players oh my God he promote Kaden yeah no God part not God if you die yeah it it’s it’s not that good honestly if you got like a a cookie buff it’s very good yeah okay are you good sabuz

Dud come on ready up quick quick sabuz dude you can Auto ready up click on the bottom left uh glass hugle auto ready up let’s go I’m not in the floor uh should I put a someone else on my pin comment Yo this what is this room bro it’s like the unluckiest room

Ever yeah wait is it do we still have a cat of 42 he just lost the party this guy bro on don’t join the party you’re going to leave it all right yeah we need to get you some cat XP let me let me go do some uh some some

Uh rooms cuz more rooms equals more XP for you something else you can do to do more damage yeah re just make sure you get like the best you can get just make sure you do that okay I’ll try to get a Ness d d like 2 mil right now not that

Good I’m Archer yeah I’m arer that’s probably why might main class will be tank I won’t be a a berserk by the way I’ll be a tank this is just my like uh clear gear I guess there we go let’s let’s go to this

Guy oh my God I can kill Floor 2 mini bosses so fast I can hear myself as well be doing only 30k damage to or yeah I’ll do you know you don’t need to wait for me to make a video about it there’s a lot of really good uh damage guides out

There like to increase your damage I I’ll definitely do a video like for damage and tips like store place like half the people don’t even know that you can uh that that you can use like enchantments or is it uh that you can use like enchants like remotely and is the party leader

Good he boom boom dude really okay thanks yeah you can look up a guide to do damage like it’ll just tell you like better armor and better weapons but it’ll be like more specific at least cuz like I’m not being as specific with it but it’ll tell you

There okay let me go here real quick I’m slowly updating my skin as well trying to did it all right let’s go and maybe we can do like higher floors after this it depends if you got like a if you got enough for uh for floor three like enough catacomb level dude

Hello there we go it just depends on your like skills and stuff that’s like most most damage honestly D do I miss him every time I am using my I spray am I not did they like make him immune what the heck that’s so weird oh I didn’t get S Necromancer

Brouge armor only contributes like 20% oh yeah end game probably definitely weon upgrades maybe like 10% yeah but weap upgrades include like the weapon itself which I mean I don’t know for early game I think like that’s what matters most cuz like you can level

Up it’s what you used to level up your damage as well like your combat skill is so easy to level up as well you got like good gear yeah let me do this real quick what is that diamond atom W this this is one coin that is not worth

Anything uh rejuvenate again dude I got so many rejuvenate bus I should use them once at least most damage you get from damage yeah honestly the total sum of your upgrades like are probably like what it’s going to like change your damage most cuz like one upgrade isn’t

Going to do it like if you keep upgrading your gear and stuff that’ll probably help weapon upgrades I mean like to giant sword NE true can I do this now what the heck why can I go from here dude what is it CU I go like click here to walk to

The dungeon is that what is that what it does that promote Caden yeah I got no clue bro I can do floor three but that’s okay I’m going to do go look for video and do you want to do wait can you do 4 three wait can

You oh we party all right got it one like floor six carries or something I can do floor six I mean uh let’s do he cannot do it is it fine yeah that’s fine I I could just like redo the party honestly I don’t know why it’s being so

Wait is is it is it done or did I join I joined immediately is is is dungeons down or something let me check hopefully it’s not down I want to stream for like a bit and where’s Discord that uh P the taskbar see some can you kick me from the

Party oh wait he’s not going to join you can leave from the party you know you can leave by yourself maybe we can do like higher floors now it depends am my leader Still wait he joined back you want to get kicked wait can you do floor two floor three now yeah I swear it’s so complicated now I have to work on my Ence y wait is it down is it Down dungeons might be down maybe I can help with like tier two uh it is maybe I can help with tier 2 Eman I can carry like NS maybe I don’t know we’ll see H you know what wait what what’s a party yeah I’ll remove you I don’t know

If you want to get removed but you did say in chat so I’ll just remove you can can uh r for Six let’s see if we get a full six party your Minecraft crashed I can’t do flor7 dude uh I can do 47 l lol can I wait I uh not not on this profile here we go what’s up Lord Doo we about to start with

Anything yeah I can Sol yeah I can Sol it as well on Iron Man as well not not on my main account my main account is hard to solo yo Lord Doo you need a carry if you want we’ll carry you maybe we could do like floor seven

Carries but I can’t do that by myself and I can’t even do floor7 and very easily on my main account all right let’s let’s just do like uh you Nice what you want I’m here for fun yeah doing carries you want one here let me see uh wait what should I do for five carry maybe there any people begging for carry people are charging 5 okay let me let me go to my main account then it’ll be easier to carry

People on floor five we’re not getting s+ though just like s probably 4 five three carry back n n all right there’s some floor fives maybe people like it Mage 27 why why are so many high level people playing it what floor is that uh floor

Five yeah let me go manually just in case nice yo what it worked how does it work now like it’s so Random wait three Mages two berserks you want to help with the carries I can do that all right that’s fine uh whoops I’m naked let me change my thing real

Quick I’m surprised I didn’t die my bad wrong armor I mean we’re doing carry anyways it doesn’t matter now we’ll probably get a lot of deaths wait what it’s this yeah I’ll blood rush real quick uh dude my my my skin on the mini map like destroys me so much

I can barely tell where I’m going half time yeah let me let me blood Camp can you car me 47 okay we’ll try to carry floor 7 I don’t know if we will honestly it’s a big gamble it’s like me trying to carry people in tier three Enderman

But uh if if we get like high enough people like high skill enough people and they want to of course I don’t I don’t mind it try to get s+ as well cuz I got I mean I I don’t have a a lot of uh let me

See how many floor 7even clears I have on this 120 that’s not that’s not that good I I I I I got handle at like 170 or something or like 117 or something I’m not really sure but what are these yeah I can use dungeon b as well you probably won’t get

Like if you want a floor seven completion that’s probably doable right i’ love to do M1 and do F7 honestly M1 is probably like harder than floor 7 for me it’s just cuz I’m solo uh I don’t know about anyone else if they want to carry and stuff you

Know I’ll definitely like uh try to find some people though uh if if we’re trying to carry you all right let me uh let me go here real quick try to finish this dungeon at least some four five uh three carries are Fine y GG sure bro GG what is this there we go got him we’ll still I think we’ll s try floor 7 what is this did someone do this oh no no no someone did it oh Great boom you seriously dude really why is this creeper puzzle so hard is this bugged wait what uh hello yeah it’s bugged all right let’s just go honestly I can do it I’m pretty decent but I can’t do terminals that’s fine wait aren’t you using a mod for terminals

Maybe you maybe you die to the LA quickly I can I help with 47 is same as YouTube okay same as YouTube on okay I’ll I’ll try I’ll try guys I mean I got a hype right you got to do like a th runs to actually get a hype usually on

My IR man I would need to do that but uh hopefully I get like a ton of stuff on my IR man honestly I need the free stuff the the free uh the free floor 7 drops how I got floor 7 how I got a Hyperion

In less than 100 runs or something like that I don’t know okay Why nice feeling good about it this at least let me in wait list he leave and Aiden uh you on no you’re not on also wait AR man yeah I’m Iron Man oh this is not my Iron Man my iron man is like the same level as my main account yo

Yeah I’ll save a po uh is this just like a a completion I still don’t know if it’s a completion or not probably just like a completion right just for the XP and stuff that’s what I would want as well and I’m not going to risk it by

Going to my IR man though I got no completions of floor 7 on my IR man and I’m almost higher level than higher level got Sky Block Level than my main account it’s insane I don’t know how I got hard per on this account I need to add more uh intelligence to

It yo what’s up me put some stuff out Bizar I can’t even sell that damn 79 can I join all right sure uh F list what we have here game o or Adam are you on okay you’re on nice wait are we five yeah we are perfect all right let’s go let me sure let make sure I get some

Like there we go dungeon seven pots get these real quick yeah let’s try Go let me ignore that it should be easy I should like not even like remove my uh wrenchers boost like until I after I need it I need to do it at least if we do this really easy you guys can live without a tank oh whoops oh dang I

Might but I don’t know about others I get you we don’t even have a tank honestly I could I could play as a tank on my arm man I don’t even I can’t even play tank on this game like uh let me do the secrets on this room I need to do some

Secrets no one doing them and not s subscriber only by the way not send only what does that mean you know Ching my helmet I already got a we already got a death all good hopefully we just complet It it’s okay if you die guys don’t worry we’re probably I don’t think we’re getting s+ Honestly uh this way yeah game SW we’re trying to like carry people as well ask can I get a frag I don’t have It yo can I where’s the level dude wait I didn’t do that how did I not hit it Uh uh wait another door dude how tall is this wait did I want the wrong way I haven’t done floor 7 in so long jeez uh what is it wait what I’ll take an S yeah that’s fine it might just be an S honestly yeah you’re not getting an S

Wait what we’re getting an S right not s+ but probably an S right oh man yep we not it’s a you want me to play tank I’m very very uh bad in but it’s hard for me they made floor s so much harder oh maybe we’ll see I need to

Practice like at least some floor 7 so I can like help carry people 4 S clear like uh carries are so expensive let me let me get some like other stuff from our accessory back real quick oh wait I I don’t even need use my dungeon

Pot uh probably at least 10 11 deaths oh my God yeah that’s true yo you is this guy good kayen you good bro wait did I okay I didn’t I have faith honestly I have faith as well I think we’ll do it may you please explain your

HP wait 200k dude I got a hype that’s why wait wait I’m using ranchers boots that’s why warp uh ranchers boots there we go that’s it wait how do you can you see my HP ehp uh where where’s the wait where’s the last secret brother I’m so bad at

Secrets oh wait it’s right there there we go easy can I get it as well nice uh okay one more room and we Good hopefully it’s not bugged like that last one okay wait do I wait where’s my bonso wait what I don’t even have a boun oh wait I do okay uh I have 300 KP if I glitch I can get that much okay I did this let me get some

Secrets on this room wait do I have a wait how do we get crystals I swe most of my stuff aren here it’s really stressing for me now there’s gold in my back plus some like yeah floor 7 is pretty hard to do honestly like you don’t have to do it

It’s fine we’re just trying it for fun just for like a completion uh wait can can anyone do like wait can any of you guys okay someone can do crystal crystals we’re good wait wait oh crap boom boom not on let me put my sheep on it’s

Already on oh my God I’m so slow oh my God go go go okay okay let me I’ll try to oh my God everyone is like I think we’re dead but let me get this real quick what oh my I got nuked dude what the heck I I wasn’t all wasn’t on my

Bad oh my God wait why am I thinking so much damage what the heck yo wait is it cuz I have like we have no tank wait wait yo I’m so bad at this yo don’t come to me please okay I need to kill these guys that’s like the only thing I’m good

At clearing with a hype how do I have a hype and I still die like I got nuked so hard what what how am I taking so much damage yo I’m getting carried so hard even though I got like the the hypest of Hypes okay don’t don’t nuke don’t

Nuke wait where’s my flux okay I need to kill the archers as well I can do crystals too oh you can do crystals oh [ __ ] we have S my Fanboy enjoyers bro yo these guys are so annoying one sec I can like kill him I don’t know why I’m not doing

That there we go wait where is he he’s right there we kind of missed it my bad yo yo yo quick quick quick what wait what how do you do that well wait wait he was crushed oh my God wait and he’s going to do the thing

Great is he going to do it oh wait there was no warning wait is there why is there no warning yo this run is in the like in the in the mud or something like I don’t even know okay can we can we get him oh my God overflux

Please okay guys guys guys guys guys quick quick under the thing does that work that works right nice I must be bur oh my god dude I need to look at chat but I can’t look at chat I got to focus so bad yo why is he not like Ang gring

Anyone nice nice quick do it do it do it do it quick nice did we do it yo I’m so slow oh wait I can use bom forgot about that uh I need my uh wither cloak quick with cloak look boom uh What terminals we not doing

Let me do this oh wait I got the terminal uh I got the mods already like ready up as well forgot about That boom easy oh great dude seriously nice is he oh he’s not been close to us I must be bir as tank I can’t oh my god dude okay we’re good on that we’re good on that we’re good on that let me let me do this just in case no is doing

That wait what dude really what that’s so complicated are we good all right let’s go we’re doing pretty good oh I spoke too soon wait I need to do that oh someone’s on it bro who this who’s doing that okay uh let me do this all right we’re

Good bro this is such chaos like I don’t even know what I’m doing I no nice 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 easy honestly too easy ah he’s running on me oh wait can I slow him down yeah I can slow him down

Easy if I had this smooth I wouldn’t be you know I’ll follow these guys they know what they’re doing you know a last breath yeah I can’t even do that oh my God wait wait overflux wait what what just happened wait what what oh oh crap and I go hello there we

Go bro who’s doing that much damage dude uh who is it lordo no someone died am I doing damage right we kill them wait are we wait do we have like wait are we one off dude are you we’re one off S I can go tag next

Round oh then they increase the kacon XP but I haven’t done this in so long oh man I might need to do I can barely do floor 7 and like not even on my iron man let’s rerun all right Jesus all right that’s fine yeah we’ll

We’ll rerun don’t worry I need to like Catch My Breath Jeez okay who goes tank let me see can I actually play uh Omar armman nah I don’t want to get carried I need to carry people man we lived I think we don’t need it uh we got a s we got a a we got a LOL nah we will live better yeah

True living better is better than just living fine I got bugged in nekron I should got nice yeah how many deaths like well let me see let me let me educate you guys guys 21 Secrets oh my God wait I died three times oh uh wait

Oh wait these guys didn’t die at all oh wait I don’t think it tells everyone else’s death uh IR man po all right all right let me try again let’s just try again again at least okay it’s very fat jump I jump on Ice oh my God I forgot to empty my inventory

Man wait wait we got a tank okay we got a tank that’s fine easy yo I wish I had a hype man okay this time can I get a frag yeah let let the arm man get a flag guys wait what this guy’s a frag as well

Oh [ __ ] I’m not I’m not trying to do creeper again I I can’t do creeper honestly I did it that one time but oh my God I’m going to mess it up like I can’t glitch that fast okay yo yo who’s chill chill wait what how am I taking this much

Damage my my armor is so basic like the normal like growth five like I need to change more okay let me put ran boots as well now I’ll have so much stuff on me on SEC put that away real quick don’t need that do that

Hello at least lock oh my God yo we already got one death y you’re Wi-Fi man okay Kaden’s Wi-Fi for real don’t worry about it I mean it’s all right it’s only one death guys surely we’re not going to get more right okay honestly with a with a tank I think

I’m not going to die I think that’s a big thing as well let me get the free what is this this is this glitched my PC just suddenly disconnected from Wi-Fi you need ethernet dude get ethernet U what what is this why my secrets not

Showing all I here I can’t even go there okay I know there’s a secret here as well I’ll just I have to memorize Secrets by myself that’s so hard I don’t want to do actual work what is it with the tank I’m not dying yeah yeah for sure hopefully we

Don’t die with the tank hope we do damage though yo what where’s the thing I looked at the Four Corners it was the last one I swear to God and now last one we go here boom bro where is the last man these secrets are so annoying

Oh wait the bat oh yeah should be here right what it’s already been killed dude I’m doing with without the like mod I cannot do Secrets Jesus so slow get s+ yeah um yeah other side uh one out of four come on guys let’s do the secrets okay this the

Secrets works on this one at least Jeez oh no no no dude stop stop trolling there we go fastest fastest secret run in the game literally uh you need does this guy need help all right I’ll help him out there we go nice go go go quick get the last secret now we got

Crips uh let’s get the last Secrets yeah just in case yo yo chill after blessings don’t go I need to do glitch glitch yo no hacking please no hacking on stream okay we’re good we got everything uh wait is that him uh wait wait he’s wait he’s level 367 Iron Man as well

Not Mo it kind of motivates me to play going dude our second death kayen come on man yo use ethernet bro it’s your best bet oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no dude are you serious oh wait I don’t have my thing

On oh my God stop stop oh wait is that a tank yay we’re good okay wait is that a tank is it uh Lord yeah he’s a tank okay yo can yo stop leave me alone dude so weird why is he standing there let me kill these

Guys okay my bad my bad sorry sorry sorry H your tank I thought it only aggroed you yo yo come come come here gam her come on what are you doing what yo games s what are you doing I’m lagging uh can we one phase it no we

Cannot oh my God I’m dying wait did I did I what the [ __ ] oh wait he died oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] revive revive revive wait where’s our tank okay he’s alive we’re good yo where is my thing like my you know my thing right my wither cloak did I Salvage my wither

Cloak at least it wasn’t my uh all right let’s go ah jump on ice oh crap okay let me overflux real quick I need to kill the archers right there right there these guys we have S well great RI to the s+ we had wait five deaths oh

[ __ ] yeah kind of Rip but all good I’m going to get handle oh not handle up with chest I don’t know man my best here did I actually Salvage my uh wither cloak one sec let me check I did bro that’s so lucky that’s 5 mil down the drain cool

Cool whatever gu I can clip it or something okay where are we going again is it targeting me oh wait the green or red okay are we going to red or green or I’m going get wither chest okay y wa it’s going for me how honestly what how is it still going for

Me oh my God why is it going for me still is that from like the the go the what is it the max or phase I hate aggro it was it it wasn’t even on me yo yo don’t crush us don’t crush us chill chill chill wait you good wait

Wait you got to you should probably go back right oh wait he has a with a club wait don’t don’t hit necron sorry I mean storm H I call him necron still I don’t care can me one pH him please did we one phas him yo stop leave

Me alone dude oh crap wait can we one phas him for throwing the run my wife cut off yo don’t worry man y you only threw s+ where’s he at no wait wait wait you cannot one phase this guy like can you two face him you can probably do that right okay yep

You can it’s literally so fast yo Kaden don’t worry man I’m using Wi-Fi as well public Wi-Fi there’s a damage cap that’s so bad dude wait I they made this so much better like there’s like way points for this as well now isone here yeah I’ll trust them on

That H I couldn’t do it my wither cloak I’m so sad bro What dude this is so weird okay it needs to show me like how to press it like how many times I need to press it not like the other [ __ ] thing Boom 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 where’s the thing I’ll do it guys don’t worry I’m going to do Among Us tasks ah there we go only can one phas you need to yo I haven’t played this in so long why do

They have to remake the thing it was so easy before and and fun at the same time kind of I mean you did you did battle against nekron like most of the time yo chill chill uhoh I’m good I’m good stop yeah we’re good we’re good 10 watching the stream oh damn like

10 people watch My Stream is already like very good like not even it might seems low but like compared to my Subs that’s probably like very good that’s what I think nope I messed that up okay I’ll stop talking H how did I get that I’m insane

Uh can I do this there we go wait which one’s left oh that one uh can we like help can I do it can I help I’m helping right nice oh crap wait who can like one shot goldor wait who’s one-shotting goldor Jesus Christ yeah your errors also count ah

Stop stop stop stop ah wait who’s there um Adam is my okay my hype reaches that far we’re good H spam oh my hand I can’t take it Terminator with diamond head what you can like one shot gold or dude they should make like every boss

Like that like how many phases are there jeez oh crap I got profit 10K profit let’s go wait 100K it’s 100K yo s yo thanks Kaden for throwing that got me 100k for free yeah bizarre oh I can’t one sec got to get the sell offer did I actually sell my

Thing no man wait what did I pick that up where is it little Catalyst damn I think I sold my uh [ __ ] weather cloak dude I’m so bad at this game I need to co Soul B everything next time sorry yo don’t worry about it

Kadden now for real I I probably I died like three times the first one we did wait but can we do it on my Iron Man let me see okay I’ll ask wait who’s who’s like the who was like the top damager is it was it okay it was definitely this Iron Man

Okay level 200 Golden Dragon okay okay okay Max swur interesting let let me note this down research it real quick Terminator should I get Terminator before hype on my Arman probably neither honestly I’m so unlucky don’t try don’t get carried I’m I’m a tank on arm though like I

Don’t know what like I need for tank on an arm like how to increase my HP I got almost got full necro Lord getting hype first all right I’ll just do 1 th floor sens let’s go it’s all good wait how many are we wait let me invite um who wants to

Join J long B what is it 2 hyper rat Jak long that’s you right wait last SC five hours ago um anyways that’s just me there are plenty of players who got term first yeah yeah term is easier but like it’s not always like better for like a first choice Though if I drop a core like my first tier four maybe if I drop a handle on my first wait if I drop a handle or a core first whichever I drop first I’ll I’ll go for that probably I think that’s a that’s a the best idea right my thing

Sold wait how do I have that many things my Champion books all right let me let me collect some more stuff real quick wait I wait I might need to do some like quick magic here list yo anyone want to do floor 7 it’s free let me go to my Iron Man real

Quick you guys should judge my Iron Man profile like uh let me let me Forge um we Forge now that we’re doing down time I mean we’re just seven people anyways there four NS for hype um true that’s true valid I don’t know man my head hurts scores yeah that’s that’s that’s the

Annoying part they used to be like the same place uh you’re visiting myland wait where you visiting me okay wait let me let me go back oh yes yo bring me back to my Island dude what the heck I’ll restart my PC and get in okay I’ll we’ll wait for you Kayden

Bro thanks Hypixel dude like Sky Block just hates me honestly you guys like my drip I got a little thing on my boots here I got I got Yeezys on can I remove these you can see them a little bit all right play SB can I join

Yet bro me join please what does the game want me to do like play dropper you know what I played that a little bit before I go play as B can I join okay you know what I still cannot join great let me play one G oh wait sorry guys

Wait wait there’s only four of us damn this game is Dead why don’t they just they can just release like Sky Block 2.0 well not that like another MMO they’ll get like another 30k players just copy like bedwars again no murder mystery used to be good does it actually have like players still

It’s kind of like among us though people just play among us though doesn’t Matter plays B yet play as B oh it’s okay guys go back guys go back to Sky Block I’m good I’m not I’m not joining my Island again dude that’s so bad P list F list uh it’s yo Kaden how you still not on come on wait what what else do I

Need mythal plates titanium iron block wait refine mithil uh come to your Island yo yo one sec one sec H [ __ ] where is it what did I want again y yeah yeah I’m coming I’m coming in a bit iron do I have iron I got iron and uh

Mythal let me just like just I need the 655 okay I’m actually broke easy easy boom Another mythal you need a whole like thing to get this boom five methal plates up there that’s actually POG we get a PG in the chat okay oh yes my Island actually works now yeah what’s

Up what is it what is it yo what is it what is this bonso staff you you wanted to show that oh crap I’m Dy wait 60% the K 28 no no no no no I am c a 28 what do you mean n

I wait wait who no no no no no no no c n I’m cat a 28 yeah more rejuvenate this is only my clearing set I don’t think I die from this would I die from a clearing set Insurance nah how hype uh that’s uh hype is on my

Main uh wait wait wait this this is my my thingy my my set my my tank set this Tank’s floor six like I can I can solo floor six with my tank set like the boss room the Terra cotas I can solo uh without a Healer as well like um uh kind of

Wait I’m using a shadow assassin chest plate as well when I’m in the boss with this I don’t have a necr lord uh test I think I think it’s worth it isn’t it yeah I I got the biggest drip here right is kadden on oh wait my bad kayen when did he

Join I got no clue I don’t have I don’t have a friends on so okay uh do you think I can play tank I probably can’t tank uh I got 1 mil ehp on the boss like 1.1 mil HP I don’t know how much you need to do 4or 7 of ehp I

Definitely need to do floor having to get gold or though so NEC chest plate is worth yeah ah my shus in chest plate only has like 1K HP that’s like oh my that’s that’s lower than my boots look in mine okay wait the giant sword Oh I thought you

Were I thought I thought you were Arman dude wisdom four wow D you got you got you got very good stuff honestly yo can I car can I pay people to carry me on on arment no I can’t do that I can’t I can’t pay like anyone in

This game anyways yo the flex look at that what the heck uh yeah I can’t pay with my other profile as well bro my minion is full man get out of here you know what just like uh let me go to my main profile here who who wants some free coins oh

Crap I can’t give away too much guys yo free coins in the chat yeah just Jo wait can you get Jo you probably cannot uh on settings uh Guild oh wait anyone wait what I I can friends a thousand days ago what what does that mean I want free coins all

Right go my I’ll give you some coins no no no glitching though you don’t to do the parkour I’ll do it I’ll give you guys coins since you guys help me um I mean it doesn’t matter cuz like were you playing I’m not an Iron Man

Wait you you aren’t you iron man you’re not aren’t you they’re not right I don’t get it yo this who is this guy it I I might give like like 10 mil to someone then if it’s going to be like 10 people I can maybe I can give like I I

Can give everyone to like 1 mil or either like one person 10 mil I am an Arman but you are oh I’m dead okay you guys want coins just V Island I’ll get some some coins I want 10 mil wa wait isn’t Adam like wait aren’t you like level two 200 or

Something oh you’re level 70 wait maybe it was uh where is your symbol then yeah you’re yeah you’re you don’t have a symbol you’re you’re not Arman if you don’t have Symbol uh I mean no one else wants to join I’ll give these guys like few coins I I won’t give two M I’ll share I’ll share 5 mil with two them there we go 2.5 mil Discord VC so no delay uh sure but let me uh can I even play music doing

That it actually are man wait are you Arman yo I swear you you guys saw that on my screen right go to dungeon Hub wait what oh yeah he is just glitched what the wait how wait you got nekron at level 100 yo what y i i I lost my wither blade and

I’m still getting like giving away money yeah let’s let’s try to do floor 7 warp all right going um let’s try 47 again can we get like an plus come on uh oh you know what I should be doing like floor six with my irmen that’ be so much easier

Honestly yeah where’s the guy at maybe I should be doing like just floor seven floor six why am I so slow okay my bad my bad that that wasn’t my fault right there um this way dude Y what what is my sheep dude how am I taking so much damage dude what’s your

DC oh wait okay wait we can VC if you want sure why not yo yo chill wait I’m I’m in Sky Block uh s spz are you guys in that bro bro really dude hey dude you good wait did I get a death okay we got a death

Y i b my tongue ouch yo what is happening yo kayen don’t worry about it man but like I feel like you need to like use ethernet can you not like use ethernet I cannot so I guess it might it might it might make sense all right boom boom dude can I can

I not increase like my hype range or something I swear I could do that before boom I send you a friend request uh wait wait wait yeah my IGN my Discord is the same as my uh in game name good thing I don’t know have to change

It I do I’m going to change my YouTube uh my YouTube name though to to my YouTube tag so it’s like all my my Discord my YouTube tag and my Minecraft username will be the same one sec let me accept it real quick I got direct messages yo what is that

Name do you want a VC please accept don’t worry yo what’s up Envy thei all right if I get if I’m going to if I’m going to give money away I might as well like y hello dude why won’t it let me do that I to like use super boom

Now I mean it’s not that using Super Boom has been annoying but okay let me try to at least like make myself feel useful by playing the game real quick easy okay call me if you’re fun with VC um I mean probably wait wait can you wait wait

Game wait what’s your name gamar wait do you do floor 7 as like a like a 128 Iran Sky Block Level Jesus I’m so bad why are you need gold Sil dude you’re in that too that’s can you see that as well shut up wait can you guys

See n you guys cannot yo how are you guys like you guys are adding yourselves don’t worry I’m in I’m in 50 I’m in 50 of them dude shut up uh cuz I’m an eagil in real life one second one sec D I’m in like 50 servers don’t judge me

Okay uh are you in Discord I’m in there for a prank yeah sure buddy yeah same why are you there dude I’m I’m there for a prank dude dude if if if you guys saw my friend request like if if how many servers I’m in like I’m calling you yeah probably

Because I have like streamer mode on on my on my thing uh on my Discord it enables it automatically wait let me join let me join okay let’s see let’s see uh hello yo what’s up finally no delay wait wait what’s the delay at uh I don’t know like 15 seconds or something

I never timed it wait 50 seconds no 15 oh god really wait what happened disconnected the game is uh very laggy for a few people today what is it lagging well for a few people I think and maybe it was like the maintenance or something yeah don’t worry it’s good

Wait how are you like level 120 Sky Block Level uh and you have like nekron already um let’s see I farm for money so all the XP that I could have gotten from part of the mountain and the accessory bag I kind of just skipped over wait so wait how can you survive

Floor six uh C 33 wait when did you start playing uh flor6 like what K I started playing floor 6 at around Kata 26 but K 26 can I can I do that then so here’s what I did I did a lot of F1 like

I think I got to K like 13 just from F1 then F2 I kind of skied F3 I did for a while F4 I did to like C at 23 and then I did F5 to like cada 26 and then I just started F6

Damn yeah I so wait should I do like 4 six now maybe I probably should honestly I think I got carried by my C wait are you are you in it did uh you’re not even here no wait two of us are gone like there’s three of us there’s three of

Us maybe I need to directly connect or something cuz uh Hypixel is not even letting me join I can join any other server oh wait that that that happens for me as well I can join literally any other server but Hypixel yeah I think it’s hypixel’s fault like wait where where you from

Uh South Africa okay wait you there right now okay maybe I don’t know maybe it’s because us people like don’t actually have this problem because I got a good connection I don’t know I’m in the UK right now but it’s whatever I don’t know maybe it doesn’t

Matter yo can we even do like floor s with three people the blood room has just a giant left you know what let me let me snatch that real quick where is he I can solo The Max on and storm phase uh if I don’t lag

That’s uh so uh it’s kind of just the lag that is a huge problem y i i i sweeped the diti handle oh can we go honestly we probably go wait can you do floor seven floor six like Solo or not yes I can solo FL

Six oh you can’t okay well I can do that to it I thought you Can I can Sol FL um can we go wait are you did you did you uh disconnect like did you crash yeah it’s still not letting me join but yeah I can solo F6 I can solo s because s+ I get penalty before I can get

S+ oh I mean yeah I did that too as well it that’s why I can’t carry people actually to long every time I just uh give free carries I I say s because uh yeah will you give free carries yeah uh just in party finder because I do F6 for C because

Most F7 party finder are very very very Monkey wait see how many how many floor sevens do you have cuz you got like full necron almost right I only have like 50 have seven go go um wait 50 f7s yeah no chest plate let me see if I can do

This yo I got the crystal [ __ ] I’m lagging I want to do M I want to do like M1 but M1 and two give absolutely nothing wait M2 I mean like you can you can do like you can do them like once right like once or

Twice yeah but M3 gives mon so M3 is the only uh is the only uh mon mode floor that’s starting to be worth it oh on I’m dead yo oh you guys already have can you see my screen like oh my God I fell dude no yeah it’s a

Delay yes I got it I got the other one yo guys get the thing please wait how do you have 300K what the heck wait did you get him did you just get him okay I you spent okay so here’s why I’m so broke I spent 45 mil on a

Turtle pet and then uh cuz I had 160 mil bank and then I spent literally everything on a turtle p and Recons wait what’s your balance right now uh I literally have to like 2K in my bank wait 2K wait how’s wait how did this guy

Flying oh yeah M oh yeah oh damn I’m almost dead okay I mean I got like I think I got like 16 mil right now it’s like something about there no my okay that’s not bad I jesus I’m so done oh my God I’m

Die I yeah how do you feel about buns on Mosk I don’t want to use it because when I use it my ehp drops heavily I mean you’re not going to die with it so do matter yeah I get like 900k ehp with neon and then with bu I get like

700k I mean it’s to be fair like I don’t have a lot of uh experience is it a on me this AI get with get with cloak wow dude I literally salvaged my wither cloak like a few seconds ago I wait let me let me do the thing yeah I have a dude

Nice oh my God I’m dude oh my God I’m going die I’m going die no no no did you know that all wise works with water cloak I never knew that oh you didn’t know that no for a long time I thought you didn’t it works with uh what is

It like flower of truth right uh no it works with flower of truth truth has a health wait what they change Al wise literally says reduces Mana cost use Bon oh wait wait one second can I yo stop hitting me Jesus Christ hey let me get bons real

Qui bro these guys is so annoying oh crap I’m going to die they said what why did they change floor seven man now it’s so much harder uh you want me to like use my L where B oh [ __ ] I don’t want to die I’ll use my l or of healing

Wait are you are you in are you here oh you got in I’m here where where are you get get back here stance St yeah we’re good we’re good we’re good give you my L of healing don’t worry we’re good stoping that’s backstory salvaging the Wither

CL what what oh wait oh wait oh I’m going to die I’m not going to die I’m thinking of switching back to my old Shadow fury because uh I I lost the siphon that I had from my giant sword after putting OFA on it but you got a shadow Fury and a Wither

Cloak and a giant sword yeah wait do you have like a lot of runs I have like 250 F5s and 250 f6s I mean that’s kind of lot how did you still get the like the best drop in the game though like from each floor the best drop like from each floor though

And I also have lost breath which I got back to back with Shadow Fury I mean to fa I did get like a did get an ice spray so I can’t with it’s going to help me a lot like BL s get into like a few

Parties so um if if a party doesn’t have a tank I’m usually the one who last breaths oh yeah I’m a tank as well I probably last breath and uh wait Last Breath doesn’t matter though right uh it does it like in F7 or M7 it reduces HP

By up to 50% or defense defense so like that that’s going to help your party just DPS nekron and gold a lot especially isn’t wait gold or wait who has defense um all mobs in Sky Block have defense n doesn’t like uh nekron have like no defense or

Something uh nekr has like 500 defense it reduces his defense to 250 it isn’t it only uh in master mode I thought that’s what they changed it maybe I’m pretty sure base 47 necron has like 500 defense according to the wiki at least and you can’t argue with the wiki

Can you I mean to be fair if it’s that official wiki I won’t uh can I go up here oh uh bad line use this fandom okay wait can you guys like there we go we need to do this quick I’m going to have to J I’m going to have to try

And Jerry sheen gun this onai oh I actually Jerry Sheen guned it nice nice wait are I forgot you’re alive still yo stop oh my God it was so fast wait we got seven deaths yeah because uh everyone forgot that spur leaps existed yeah I mean I don’t have a

Lot yeah I forgot my RCM there we go I forgot Spirit leaps existed how do you RM goldo without getting killed I mean I don’t know I I I’ve never done RCM so I need Jerry sing gun bro how going I like do anything without a Jerry sing gun like

Uh on my on IR man I don’t have a Jersey gun but I thought that Jerry Shen gun heavily drain your Mana but after just doing that I realized that Jerry Shen gun is actually useful even as a wait like as a weapon uh no um like to

Navigate yeah I mean you can use the bonso St for that right 25 Jer Shen gun helps you get things like um the levers way quicker especially if you don’t get the RNG launch cuz the RNG launch is also really good yo 100K wait handle you can’t get

Handle you can’t even get handle with Obby oh wait bro got like a yeah Obby you you can’t get handle you know what was the worst blade or something I don’t know wait what you say you know it was the worst thing that ever happened to me on floor 7 on this profile

What is it back to back I got two Max or the fish in the first slots what it was that a bad thing that is rarer than in the first slot any fish is rarer than handle if in the first slots and I got it back to back two Max or the

Fishes the fact that it was the same fish that’s P though rerun way one sec wait it’s I think Caden left right yeah um y can we do like M1 one sec let me change this real quick M1 isn’t M3 like easier isn’t can I do M1 I’m pretty sure

M1 and M2 are more difficult than M3 wait oh No Just M2 wait have I don’t think I’ve done M2 like at all M2 and up I need to do like so much stuff on my Arman I don’t people going to watch Arman though kind of boring like real content like a real

Profile I’m not that good at making content so people do like Iron Man especially uh yeah people do like Iron Man especially if you’re already decently far into the game yeah I’m not I need to like learn the game better maybe I can I I should make

Like a weapon I’m going to make a weapon guide and uh what is it no ST I’m contemplating because I’m building a set of uh three4 I’m building a set of ancient storm yeah but wait can you be like a tank wait can we do Master mode I certainly uh I can try

But I don’t think I will be a very good tank let me see can I be a tank I’ll try being a tank I guess I just select the class um what floor are we doing what Master uh we can try to do like M2 right is that easy M3 no M2 is

More difficult than M3 yeah wait can we do wait what’s the like a Max floor you can do with a hype uh Max floor with a hype I I think people struggle to clear M1 with a hype yeah same wait is that like the highest

Floor that’s why I can do like I haven’t tried getting like a like a not even according to someone I know they’re like at when they were like had 39 they were struggling to clear okay we we’ll just okay let’s just do one you don’t have comp okay let’s just try it you

Know let me get my dragon short boo is that’s probably going to help right oh God okay I literally don’t have yeah I my hype does a decent amount of damage I can like instantly spam it like infinitely wait am I not why am I not wait is there three of

Us ah you’re not ready wait why is there four of us Hayden isn’t in it is yeah there’s you want warp aen wait did he like out I’m prettyy he had to go or something because they disconnected I’ll just remove him real quick it’s all good go maybe you know what I’ll just

Remove him we can play a little bit it’s great how am I the Mage can I play like RCM um maybe play RCM I think even I think even very high C A LCM struggl like uh well M7 is a lot more difficult than M1 mobs

But like high like C 50 LCM struggle to clear in some mon mode floors with h most of my videos are just like quite [ __ ] cuz I I can’t edit well I probably if I edit well I’ll probably probably be better just kick me a GS turtle pet and full ancient

Storm should be enough to LCM like M3 right wait with without even like a with just a hype um no a giant sword without a hype but uh O A GS full ancient storm and turtle p is that for like LCM LCM LCM yeah and then for the clear even though probably

Two shot Mobs with Spirit SE it’s still going to probably be my clear weapon right I’m doing a lot of damage cuz as LCM you can’t really clear with like your main weapon like a claymore giant sword wait how do you clear as LCM you need a hype

Cleer wait a us usually very high C LMS just use the ancient storm set to clear but uh some people have two sets an necrotic and an ancient stone set wait they clear with hype does that work uh well usually they’re like c a 50 and uh what I just like tank honestly

I can do floor s with tank it sounds like easy enough it sounds easy enough excuse me you know nekron is almost as tanky as Necromancer Lord I guess I don’t have like men I’m not going to do the damage though so doesn’t matter I’m AR man at

Least unless I play you know what I played a f I did like a 100 F7 runs with um what is it as a tank and it was like before the tank rework so I didn’t take like my teammate’s damage I just got like some

Defense and stuff and I played as a mage as well also um try getting on on your Iron Man uh try getting like the base dungeon equipment like bone necklace shadow assassin CL adaptive and wait I’ll make like a quick Discord so like if I do stream people can

Actually join sorry about the Lord I can invite you if you want but are you are you lacking in forance on your Iron Man I think yeah all right uh I think it’s mostly just like damage in general I don’t even know it’s if it’s crons try

Going for waxed if it’s damage go for strength anded either one is pretty easy you can cuz wax strengthen is still we know s+ is useless on M1 yeah S Plus is probably because s you you kind of require s for like M3 and overl I need to like use my overflux all

The time now can we like can can can get one shot him maybe we can can we like floor um what is it ice spray him no one has an ice you know what it’s fine can we do M3 you want to do M3 yeah is that for a master star like

Three is the first is the first floor where you get master star do you do you need him wait what is this balloon snake yo let’s go wait is that a a necklace that’s insane yeah uh bone necklace is better wa that’s that’s that’s that’s was like 100k that’s so useless not even

Profit how much is bone necklace I don’t even remember it’s I don’t it’s probably like wait is that from MC M3 is first star okay let’s we can try probably and um much quicker than F7 very very good is M1 more worth than like F7 it’s

Probably like a lot better right uh or XP well in terms of everything like generally F7 is just better do F6 um well we can probably do F6 you guys want to do like F6 you mind Hey here I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll party if you wanted the F6

Um any other benefits I can really get from F6 I’ll I’ll get a free from F6 got the uh yeah I have Sol Weaver gloves and I have I have all the dungeon equipments I have B bone neck like Recs or something yeah every no every all of my

Equipment is recomed in five star and wax all right not an old yo yo just like send your IGN in chat so we can party you at least precursor I is something what oh you don’t have that no I don’t have get that yo that’s worth it

100% I mean it’s it’s rarer than giant sword so I don’t have it um yeah you can probably like set your RNG meter to that if you get it like it’s kind of free but you could have gotten it like probably get it during M6 doesn’t even

Matter I think off the storm the next that I should build is gold all right I just got C at F6 well he was first yo whoever whoever types your IGN in first in I’ll just invite you guys like whoever is first I’ll just invite you in we can do

Whatever you want but guys just like type your chat in in the chat type your IG in the chat Che the chats yeah I I started a lot I don’t know at least on my videos I can like edit stuff out but I’ll try to be like as concise as intellectual as

Possible what’s your J dude it’s pinned but just like party me and I’ll party you back yeah I’m I’m with like a fourman party right now okay oh wait all right what do 47 46 what I misspelled it wait well you wait all right we’ll do

We’ll do a floor six completion then we can probably do like 4or seven 4 six I mean okay do I have to stay tank 4 seven now you can do like berserk I don’t know what you play yes yeah I I main B um don’t die

Yeah hopefully we can get like an s+ again uh wait who you Lord you good I think we I think we lost s+ that one run due to um we had like five s’s on cuz like what was their name disconnected and we got pened it it was

Kaden he he I mean his internet was like crap you can’t wasn’t really their fault it was also the fact that we got penalti wait why uh we got time penalty it was 12 minutes we we took it took 12 minutes actually finish the Run yeah so we also got penalti it

Wasn’t entirely their fault okay I’ll try to at least uh I try to clear as much as I can now that I got a hype cuz I wait let me use my uh raner boots as well I think I died so fast like I definitely need a tank

What is this man doing this guy I’m doing this puzzle and then he still walks into the room is he mentally insane oh you guys three people in one room the like this the they see I’m doing a puzzle and then they still walk in are they mentally insane wait who who is

It um it was Adam I mean maybe he’s trying to he thinks he can do it better than you maybe he can dude I don’t know it’s literally a silverfish I I don’t know wait there’s like three of you in like a single room God y I’m good

I’m good what are you doing why are they room stacking my HP is so bad can I open this what is this why are they room stacking I’m going to I’m going to cry bro why is it so bugged this room is so bugged oh wait it’s not

That’s weird I am going to cry yeah don’t worry about it this like most like every time I carry people like if I do a free carry as well people just people try to like go to ice fille sorry bro I was just trying to do it fast see he was

Helping I don’t know I don’t even know what you guys doing so but like if I’m doing something please just assume I at least know what I’m doing why can’t I not open that what the hell I go yo what why is this chest not

Spawning so wait can I like is that a lever for that uh this feels like a secret but it’s not I love how the I love how the one run that I don’t lag they they accuse me of lagging but there’s two there’s two deaths already H I think we’re not getting

S+ wait well how do we have two deaths um you know what it’s I mean I didn’t die obviously I never die I didn’t die I I never died in face have I I thought like when we didn’t have a tank like a lot uh when we didn’t have a tank the

Only reason I died was because um I was lagging to death and I disconnected I think like I have like probably the the least ehp and like I can survive but that’s only with a tank because I have hype as well I get like fre stuff from it I get like free absorption

Too my HP is kind of bad but it’s because I actually don’t know why my ehp is bad know we were done yeah don’t worry we we we’ll do it together don’t worry um just run also guys don’t don’t mind if like if I’m giving like money to nons don’t

Worry guys it’s just for fun honestly though like um when you’re done streaming do you want to just do like an Iron Man F7 party or something do you already have like an Iron Man of seven party uh no but I’m just trying to build one so that I so

That uh everyone guarantees not to get carried yeah that’s I mean I don’t I don’t get I don’t care about being carried like I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t want to pay people to get carried like another account but yeah I definitely don’t want to like over overbound

Or whatever but sure I can I can I can join I I just need to like level up my stuff cuz I I can barely do floor s like on my main I mean I can definitely do floor s on Main you yeah you can pretty

Easily do floor s i i i need to do um what is it no my bad though your cata is like I’m a cata 28 I’m I’m like two levels High when you started did you like die a lot when you started um no that’s when I started F6 I

Started F7 at C 32 but C 32 okay I may need to do like a ton of Flor six then wait can I do did you do M1 um no I didn’t do M1 I only started mon mode at around the same cat I am

Now wait so you just wait so you did a lot of floor six is that how you got a catatory 2 I’m I’m literally C 32 on my main right now like with my hype and fives are so really contributed we did a lot of wait why’ you why’ you do floor

Four cuz I got Spirit up in 18 runs but my friend took a lot longer than I did wait what’ you oh you sure you just did it with him uh yeah okay I think he mostly quit now fine he still he’s still mostly just stuck at floor six gear not a giant

Sword that that’s just me though like I still I still don’t have like anything I I still haven’t got like a floor six completion I need to start doing floor six oh what did I miss two Secrets dude oh I can’t be asked my progression went

Uh dread Lord sword bunzo off birta um Shadow Fury and then giant sword actually got Li dagger in my first 18 runs I’m probably never getting any like type of uh in like General melee weapon I probably never getting that just like specific like Slayer weapons if I need

To Le try getting like an OFA giant or Shadow Fury OFA Shadow Fury are you doing are you doing floor six Ser yeah we’ll do floor six with two people now I’ll do I’ll do floor six for two people sure why not it’s not real you don’t if

You don’t want to get withered then you could settle for fabled livid liid like the reforge w Wait For What uh for like an OFA Shadow Fury I’m so excited I’m not excited for boss fight I’m scared you have bones of staff and with clo not

Me I need to I need to do crap faster to work on that as well anyone of f set of Max uh I think I don’t think anyone’s going to just like land you yeah so cuz two people here are Iron Man and uh yeah the rest the rest don’t even have Max

Said what is this last one actually actually the only Max will be I have all boots almost died wait do we still not have how do we not have s+ oh I think I accidentally salvaged my maxo boots we might need to go cuz like wait it’s this

Guy wait can we like uh is he still doing the is that is that glitched is that creeper I accidentally Salvage my Max boots wait let me do it let me do it let me do it wait what it doesn’t show it doesn’t show the mod for me is it bugged

It does let let me do it it’s ice fill guys don’t TP to me please if you TP I’mma ban you why do you always cancel my less of healing what me yeah D I don’t even know what that is what what if you click someone it it uh

They wait are you are you next to me though wait are you basically you regen 5% of your HP per second and you always cancel it wait how do I do that um I think if you shift you cancel it oh yeah I shift like every second yeah and uh it

Re and it gives you 5% of your a it regen 5% of your HP per second wait did we get these wait are we still not at oh there we go score finally I’m going in because we’re so getting penalty what do you mean run we’re doing floor 7 yeah it’s not a

Reun uh I need floor okay we’ll do we’ll do either floor seven again or floor six floor six is so easy I can do it on my IR man oh my God I’m dead I don’t I don’t have I have wrong armor on y yo don’t die don’t die

I’m not going to throw this okay we’re good thank God for the Healer honestly he do I have like HS on I idea God how do I surv how did I yo this floor 7 is so easy on like tank like a tank I need I need to be tank or

Something how does rage train do this wait rage train yeah how did rage train do this with like an OFA Shadow Fury wait what did he yeah how did rage train do floor s oh to be fair he’s a YouTuber he probably did get carried even though he said he never

Did I mean yeah he can’t lie he he said he never got carried on him but I’m pretty sure he did cuz there’s no way he did F7 so well with an OFA Shadow I’m scared jeez yeah it’s a block game yo I see W you good this block game is my life

Okay oh my God I’m dead I’m dead I’m I’m yo heal heal heal green hello no no no how do I get nuked oh we got no tank o nice oh man that’s why I’m taking so much damage we don’t have a tank uh someone maybe maybe that’s

Why guys uh guys guys guys I I see I see I see LLY dead Lolly did I say Lolly okay I’m done I’m thinking like Prime now ice ice pop like Lolly ice po here’s what you’re thinking of you’re thinking of uh of an anime Lolly no that’s that’s not what

I’m thinking of that’s what you’re thinking about dude do you know you do you even know ice pop I tried it Prime like it does taste like medicine I’m just going to I like powder more Prime tast if I’m going to be honest I’d rather drink medicine than

That’s because it tastes like medicine yo I don’t even have to do anything this is so good necron phase 4 OST what I forgot how do I how do I cheese into the necron phase again I know how to get to core entrance but oh man I’m about to die the

Nekron yeah how do I chese to that cuz I know how to get to core entrance phase you got to you got to like go into the thing right you got to do it before uh at the at phase one right okay you probably to do it from

Phase one you can’t do it now or else you die probably is that how I do it no that’s not how I do it yeah you know what let’s just do floor SE I want to chill a little bit after this I might just do like some

Like four six grinding or uh some arm and grinding I really hope I get chest plates soon wait wait have you done like any mining uh no I’m hard and fall I have done literally zero mining Jesus didn’t know you are you just going to get like away with

That money I farm I farm for money I make seven M an hour that’s perfectly Fine 7 m hour dude I can make that more on my uh uh uh I I can make more mining endstone probably maybe not I don’t know I don’t even know yo what is that 7

Milon hour is perfectly fine to survive in floor 7 your name what is it the side one second one sec can I can I help me carries yeah dude we’ll do floor six if you want to get carried in a bit probably I don’t know who’s joining but there’s probably too many people

Now just like add me and uh I’ll probably add you back just like party me people still can’t add me it’s kind of impossible now except they’re like in my party or my friend I love how you just entirely forgot me from yesterday yeah I I forgot

Like you were on my friends list like I do I do like uh I did remove some of people on my friends list in the core entrance if you want to LEAP to me I’mma die dude just just leap to me I’m in the core entrance I don’t have any leaps on

Me wait one sec how do I not die L Pearl very good question though I’m here early I don’t have any wait where are you I was in the core entrance the entire time I cheesed into it yo no cheating dude cheating what do you mean cheating no no no no wacky

Stuff no no wanking I mean no wacky no wanking oh crap did we did we did we win we go now guys goldo hello he’s dying right he’s dying I think he’s dead what just happened I think it’s a lag don’t do floor six wait someone is in Shadow

S someone is in Shadow NE inst ey he looks dead for my screen what what is going on why why am I still floating okay it just no skip like I don’t I don’t think the thing is skipped oh yeah because someone is doing floor 7 for the first time right that’s

Probably why oh yeah that’s fine okay I am not going to last bre we do more than enough DPS oh and he died and you died and I how did you die um I don’t know I think nekron still does the exploding thing where if you stand Too Close him yeah

You’re like next to him why are you next to him because how am I supposed to damage you don’t have to be like next to him you got like sweeping Edge and stuff you got like uh yeah but One Singular swing range isn’t going to do much

Yeah you know what let me make a Discord at least so people know where to join at least if you want to like go to VC maybe and after that I don’t know like how any mods does that I’ll see what I can do with that unpaid mods who would want to do

That I mean I’d be a mod to be fair if it’s like a popular enough server but I see I I want to wait until I had like a few Subs you know before I made a before I made a Discord cuz right now I’m only got 1K

Subs okay what the heck you guys speak English please I I don’t I don’t understand what what happened guys just like just party me in game and I’ll uh yo um uh you’re welcome for carry there we go P remove remove I see all right who who am I removing next

Huh who’s getting the banhammer I don’t think I don’t think I should remove anyone you guys even need to like play floor six um I have precursor I guess that’s good I think to be fair like it’s kind of unless you get like imagine you get giant sword again precur and three4

Terra is really good with like Juju and Thomas wait let let me sell all my Essence uh 1.2 mil oh my God easy I give magic fine does it don’t remove it I won’t remove anyone that like doesn’t need to be removed though what I think I’ll go

To my AR though I want to play my AR if I get precursor eye then I could like cuz precursor eye is good with Terror right wait how many floor SE do you have Lord though do you have like an outside dungeons that like burning CRA said or

Something I I still cannot do cudra like it’s insanely hard no one almost like actually play with me can’t you just buy like a a god roll piece just buy a bunch of regular pieces and then just n i I don’t really care about like my main

Account that’s just for like trading and stuff honestly oh that’s why I want to do kudra I already got oh yeah I got Crimson on my my Min account like burning must go I don’t like fact that people get I mean you just got they they’re just lucky just imagine that people are

Still going to pay it after so doesn’t matter okay 2,000 runs you got 2,46 runs maybe that’s like M6 you know yeah let’s go to let’s go to try it invite someone guys I need a my gen is nio who else want to do a for pick this

Non- English dude no he’s English he’s English uh Adam is not speaking English for some reason his name is just like uh on YouTube is not English that’s why I’m from the same country bro why do I do I get people like only from one country now is that like what

My YouTube is showing uh basically I don’t know I’m I’m only doing like live streams right now like um cuz I videos I need to edit I need more time to edit my videos and uh they’re better for watch time like I got like a lot of I can get

Easy Subs like from uh shorts but they don’t give a lot of watch time so I’m forced into live streaming now it’s kind of a fun though I’ll keep going okay y who I party who wanted wanted to not an Al you want me I don’t know it’s not an Al he

Might have left actually uh wait I need to make sure I have enough stuff like wait I’m going to be tank guys guys wait one second let me tank there we go all right let’s start we got five right what is your opinion on Fanboy die bro what what is dude what just

Happened what did he leave guys wait wait what I I um what I can tell the same I had I got views I just don’t have watch time so Adam I would like to I have a huge question why do you have two fors Maxa you know your damage gets cut severely

With any piece of Maxa right are you look at him like are you like interviewing him what is what the skulls like around you as well uh those are from Soul W gloves what they do is they stun enemies for 10 seconds which is why mini bosses get absolutely

Shredded through what how do you get that how do you get them uh F6 wait what item okay let me tell you what they do while in the catacomb summon a haunted skull that slowly revolves around you 15 every 15 seconds with melee damage when an enemy is hit

With a skull they get stunned for two seconds and deal 5% less damage so basically they just twirl around for two seconds which is more than enough time to kill a Min wait let me wait uh we’re doing floor six right let me yes okay I got I got giant sword as my

Meter I got 12K uh wait should I put necro Lord as my uh probably not I dropped two necro chest plates back to back in the same day while I was gring for will I do floor six I I’ll ask uh the Lord what do you mean

Lord I mro Lord as um did I just say if you if you have 12K it’s probably worth far more worth it to keep on in Sword wait wait is that low um yeah it is kind of low if you have like close RNG to chest plate then you

Should probably if you have very very not close which is what that is then just keep it on giant sword for a long time honestly I should have abused the bug where RNG meter I would say GC G GC I don’t even know what do you call it dinur

Whatever uh all right all right I’m I might just put it on that I’m going have to pre though no um I saw someone drop giant sword on their first F6 and they were Iron Man you can join you can join as well you guys can join like 4 six after

That’s fine just say your name in chat before like i s the one I know who to invite and stuff wa might we might be full though so we’ll see I might only do like uh completion runes I don’t know also way yesterday you didn’t have a

Juju but I did what do you mean yesterday I yesterday I didn’t play on IR man at all like you you never told me yeah yes yesterday I didn’t play IR man only like yeah you told me you had an Iron Man yeah cuz yeah I do I doing right

Now I I usually just don’t uh reason why I don’t like carrying people eight out of 10 people honestly so once I carried someone like I was carrying people for free someone would like keep messing up keep messing me up uh on the water puzzle that got me so

Mad I couldn’t even like do anything on the water puzzle like he he he was saying he trying to help me that was annoying okay that was actually annoying like water board or yeah yeah like the water board the chest one whatever yeah I’m kind of fast in this

Damn and not that I guess we’ll see we’ll see the who who did the most work who died as well we’ll see black cat pet should I use black cat pet cuz it’s only F6 use like a black use speed do you have speed do you not have speed I don’t have full

Speed but I mainly use Turtle cuz the 28 30% defense at level 100 wait do you have full necron right now no no I have three fourths no chest plate I have necro on chest plate cuz uh oh jeez I need that dude wish I could like trade and stuff

Wait I forgot to trade my thing let me ask uh my guy next door okay down time after this I can’t find the lost mob in this room can someone help me yo I’ll help man don’t worry it’s literally nowhere to be found is it’s going to take like a

Minute for everyone else to hear you but one sec one sec whoops this thing is literally cosplaying every Sky Block players dad dude why why are you down here dude uh because there’s literally nothing here I’ve looked everywhere I thought maybe it fell it’s probably like in another room

No okay I went to the I I I it wasn’t in trap for a minute and I I don’t think we can get us plus if we can like do this I can’t find it it’s literally gone where is it uh wait really you glitched it what do you mean

I glitched it Oreo McFlurry oh my God I’m so hungry now don’t say that uh oh yeah he probably here right dude check here at all he’s not never mind where where’s the guy oh here it is I found it well where was it dude it it was

Hidden okay it was here come here come here wait one sec one sec let me let me get the full Secrets me yo can I please stop okay look at me okay uh come to me okay I I see it this one no it was in here no it it

Was it just like jumped out and then it was in here it was literally in those over there wait wait wait what did you miss the bat the Trap is complete Oh Oh I thought you were talking about trap no not bat my accent is so bad I I thought you were

Talking about the bat and trap room it’s not your accent I can join us brother you carrying 26 healers huh it’s it’s the it’s the bat and Trapper my thought they supposedly I was trying to carry someone in floor six they left though like four people want to carry

With me so I might as well you uh you do you like do the bat when you do trap room or do you leave it I think most of the time like it dies by itself like cuz I’m tank I don’t know why but it does itself I don’t know how

But I do go to it yeah I’m so slow doing trap I might as well go to do the bats you know yeah cuz I yeah cuz I do like 60c trap I don’t know about you oh wait I need to yo let me put on my gear can I

I’m doing Golems first because I don’t want to die on Terra Cotta before no no don’t don’t kill me what the [ __ ] I’m taking the damage dude chill chill okay okay it’s if you guys die it’s not on me you got to wait until the Terra cotas

What are you doing no because I need fot and Terra Cotta um terra cotta do damage okay and you’re over there oh wait I’m coming why you why you just wait for the Terra cotas to spawn okay don’t worry about it I’m not going to die I I can I can

Solo this floor oh you can see you guys don’t have tank what is your tank level yeah I’m tank don’t worry I I got you guys we have tank he’s he’s tank he has I’m I’m an arm and tank that’s still some I stand here doing nothing that’s

Tanking that’s what I do gay uh what do you I wonder what you do as heal on F6 you probably heal people I don’t know I’m pretty sure you spam the secret you spam the this one yeah the the healing Circle I think I think as a Healer

You’re just supposed to exist somewhere on the map no your your your class the point of your class is to get your uh your what is it your Milestone absolutely no way what what you get what is happening uh you don’t need to know would you buy

Some you don’t need to know what I what did this guy get yo open it come on you don’t need you don’t need to know what I got I I can’t even afford it did both of you guys got some yo what’ you get Adam I swear someone got handle in my

Last one like I went not handle but oh Shadow Fury someone got Shadow Fury last yesterday Adam what’d you get oh my God I literally I got I can’t even get anything like oh swarm I got swarm three on my uh voral Katana now let’s go I don’t have enough coin dude you

Guys are you guys are capping hard you guys got nothing wait what’ you get just tell me I got a very good necromancy item that is better than summoning ring oh just like a dude is that it I thought you got like a giant SW something like no but

Like I thought you got like a die no no no but like I have been look a die it’s F6 but I’ve been looking for this thing forever you know how I’ve been looking for this thing longer than giant sword when I got my giant I still did like 40

Runs just to get it and now I get it when I do some random F6 that I that I don’t even okay let me uh okay first to actually party me can actually join because we got too many people so let me leave uh whoever party me whoever like

Parties me like the first four people I’ll just invite guys like here if cuz like too many people in chat like I can carry you guys but you can probably like you know when when are you going to get what melee weapon are you planning on using like

Aaga CLE Fury well I already know this guy already know you’re already on I’ll I’ll invite H you haven’t like gotten at all yeah I don’t have L tiger like I have L dger but I don’t have anything else but what melee weapon that’s it

Love I don’t use like Melee I use like a JuJu so yeah but melee is still really good melee is only when I need to use melee like ghost or some I don’t know like um I don’t need to do that I just use like vpal Katana for like Slayers like

Enderman uh I I use like uh what do I use oh yeah I got a Reaper Falcon as well I don’t need it for slayers I don’t need it for dungeons I don’t gr wait dude how are you going to like do M like M4 like you’re going to be so like far

Away you’re going to be so like um I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure with a giant sword I clear faster than like a JuJu Archer no that’s that’s that’s not true you have you seen how swing range is no I don’t I can’t be asked honest Berserker will always be

Bad do do you want me to do you want me to like screen share a frag run or something wait what why are you I can’t join let me let me let me invite you again how are you lagging that much dude wait how how fast do you do uh frag

Runs I guess yes yeah like I’ll just screen share fragon I kind of forgot that I’m pretty sure I clear faster than like okay wait let let me ask my let me down time real quick one sec okay yeah not here uh 1 minute and 10 seconds Jak D PJ

Mg no I can’t I can’t do that yeah but one minute and 10 second frag run I’m pretty sure that’s faster than like an average Juju AER right that’s just fast honestly I don’t I don’t I I can’t be asked to like actually find my

Stuff mg’s about to do more runs wait H wait how long have I’ve been streaming for let me see wait are you streaming what are you doing wait well let me let me see how long have I been streaming for gez oh D I actually got a few viewers in

Total more than last uh last stream what’s the analytics uh chat rate as well oh damn how can I fail tic tac toe without failing Tic Tac Toe okay uh I’m going to see how far I can actually get in Solo um one second one sec wait am I dying that’s here okay

Invite yo Lord thanks thanks for that dude let me mod you real quick ohip I can pin it as well okay oh God just wa you good yo can I come at a level 20 wa you’re c a level 27 you don’t need to be that high to join if you want to

Carry but or you want to do yeah all been stream wait when is it how wait what how is it exactly let me see go back and see I think you just see on stream wait I got 11 Subs how did you how did I just get 11

Subs I don’t is that is that just from my stream what you have t hel right no it’s not just from stream wait what I don’t what is that tant helmets Yeah Yeah I do I do that’s like my main helmet right now who wait who else wants to Join wait Jake do you want to join I sub to you yeah thanks for the sub man I don’t I got like 12 Subs in the past like 12 two hours no I should stream honestly I don’t need subs right now but I get I get subs from uh what is

It like I don’t know how I get that many subs from shorts like I mean they do kind of work for Subs you’re not allowed to invite players oh I just joined this party wait wait make me uh transfer later I will join yeah you want to do the thing asked

For mod yesterday all right fine I I’ll I’ll you fine I’m you I’m not mod any more people quick quick yeah Lord orro I just call him Lord honestly I’m so bad with names well I got so much wait okay what what do you use on bits do you use like

Uh uh rolls or not what do you use them on um km rolls only worth them yeah oh wait bits Talisman easy I’ll just get that something else that’s worth it is auto Ru it’s really really use oh yeah I already got one oh I should have got a beted before autoed

Roll to be fair but I’m a dumbass I probably should I probably didn’t need to do that yeah damn I I got more magic power than my main account now I’m like the same level as well almost 600 not bad not bad want to join I might as well I might as

Well Mana pool and Breeze is good right Mana po Breeze that’s what I use don’t I on my M on my main account I think and what is it I I heard Breeze isn’t like that good anymore or something cuz like magic power is probably magic Mana region is

Like a lot better I’m pretty sure it’s kind of we are Iron Man though just remember that cuz I have Mana bull Breeze Crimson which which I can convert to Aurora I guess Go lobby yeah I can definitely like it’s it’s probably your internet like cuz like sometimes I can join H as

Well like it’s kind of like bugging right now armman POG wait are you armman yeah I can’t see this like guy wait are wait a three ver IR man yes wa wait EML School uh invite me in game you can see my IGN and the pin

Comments I can invite you as well wait do you want to join uh are you on are you still streaming you’re just like my stream right now me what yeah do you want do you want to join uh what floor or what oh yeah floor

Six I want to do Flor six so might as well well you don’t want like a precursor right uh I’m just doing at least we’re getting like uh s+ hopefully people don’t die though yeah I’m just grinding vanquishes right now I’ll just be careful that yeah EML

School just like just party me and I’ll I’ll party you back so we can you can do floor seven floor six we’re yeah just invite me I mean you can’t I can’t I don’t know your username just like either tell me your IG and or

Just like in uh just invite me so I can like invite you instantly I mean we never tried M3 did we H we never tried M3 did we I I don’t even have like a M2 completion oh oh wait you’re icy wolf I still can’t tell who is who honestly

But um I am me you are you yeah at least I know you yeah watching you started watching when I had 700 Subs that’s probably like a few days ago like I got like I don’t know how many things I got but whatever what’s good what’s

Up uh do you want to join what are you doing at Crimson Al like what what are you doing uh grinding vanquishes wait can you do kudra um um I just no no that’s that’s all you need to know I can’t well I can survive and I can get

Crates though I uh but when it comes to you don’t have Juju like you don’t have like a hype I mean obviously oh no um you don’t you don’t no that’s hype you only need if you if you’re crowd control really I mean not really and I am not crowd control so

Uh wait usually in partyy I just say need hype CC okay you can join if you want or you can just keep like doing it uh I’ll probably get like someone else for free like in party finder I still to see it okay wait how

Many how many is do we do we have we like past 3 hours now jeez it’s so hard stream and then I think uh what else is there for me to do not much else I need I need to like at least get some uh I’m

Like food ready if I’m going to stream for like longer than 3 hours I don’t have that I don’t do that I am actually almost count of 34 that’s going to be good wait you’re almost k a 34 what the heck it’s pretty good okay

Uh let me see all here I can see it here yeah we’re 2 hours 50 minutes jeez okay I’m I need to eat bro never I eat anything today probably eat after this uh do do like one more you still doing dungeons yeah we’re doing dungeons you want to join I saw you

Before American Dragon Jake Long okay one second I I I’ll add you I’ll add your Discord as well oh wait people are join people uh invited me on my Discord got two friend requests I don’t know who is who but uh you know what sure why not don’t judge my server guys come

On uh yeah sure a Discord server do you have a Discord server now I I I’ll probably make one I I I want to make it a little simple for first at first cuz like I I wouldn’t make one since I don’t have I don’t have that many Subs I want

To wait until I had like maybe 10K Subs and 10K Subs I get a I can get like a YouTube roll on the Z probably helping a lot I don’t know what YouTubers do there though so it doesn’t matter I just joined SC um YouTuber rank on Hypixel is at 30k

Subs right yeah yeah that’s that’s you need like 30k Subs uh uh and what else and like just have like Sky Block content or like a Hypixel I think you also require MVP Plus+ to get no no I don’t think so do you for YouTube

Rank yes I think I’m pretty sure you you get like in you get an instantly don’t you uh YouTube uh rank profile let me check it out y uh Albania wait do you need wait just like just invite me uh party invite me and I’ll invite you back I want to say you’re

Aan Jake long wait can you not like join are you I like lagy as well yeah I’m I need to work on my Iron Man then might do some like content based on IR man I’m going like work a lot on it you need Minecraft content one

Video at least one video on a Hypixel and 10K Subs now you need 30k subs and not 10K Subs oh yeah they do accept if you’re like under 30k right I think I they do if you’re like popular on other like social media like in general if you popular outside of YouTube there’s

Definitely something like that you can name three Russian uh get a gift you give me a gift I know okay I know uh bat can I Google them I’m about to get 50 310 mil real quick and dude do you know some Russian words me yeah

No um it’s it’s probably like some like names that are like Russian right they sound the same in Russian that count D Bob yeah easy clap Bob Bob yeah what that’s like that’s that’s a not a pronunciation but Bob Love Bob oh yeah you had a

Friend with 10K subs and got accepted I have like one like like one friend that is like a a YouTube rank he’s he’s such an old like scaba YouTuber D I used to love him posting content though I BL 11 you got to go all right you know what all right all

Right okay I add me in Discord okay I’ll I’ll be quick is that you Jake Long I need to add people wait let’s just start I guess let me let me go to four wait we carry uh floor six yeah I’m like level 50 will join oh D no

VC uh I mean it’s going to be only one uh run all right let’s go let’s do this last L six run jeez done I should I think three hour streams oh there’s two tanks bro I think I think 3our streams are good though okay good write your nickname in

That uh my agan is uh p uh as you can see are you going to give me a gift this does Bob count as a Russian word Bob does it it should right I was kind of like 500 IQ with that right I don’t I’ve got no clue wait did

You find me with like from that shore of like the average Sky Block experience like party find experience like as for some guy like no that wasn’t him yeah I’ll be back all right that’s fine f boys bro chill what do you mean chill wait how do you do the the box puzzle

Again bad at this yo go look at my stream quick how do you do this uh Qui I need to change my you username I’ll change it to my in game name and my YouTube tag my bad don’t worry about it on on your stream you’re not even oh the box

Puzzle uh you just Che that like just go to the hopper what like like like just go to the hopper go into it and then ston into it oh yeah and then just ston into it and then yeah you should be through if you’re too slow though then

You might get stuck in the wall oh someone got it he he he knew how to do it it doesn’t matter I’m so slow yeah you just have to stall it oh do you need to put like uh uh what is it do you like silver fish and stuff

Like no you literally just need a stock oh wait no wait you can’t though can you you have to go into the cauldron name a number from 1 to 10 69 6.9 oh wait wait chill chill chill I got I got to get this right nine I can’t visit your Island I’m not

On my Island right now wait I I’ll I’ll check back and uh once I finish this run I I’ll enable people to join my I think island is public isn’t it you guys joined it no your island is not public your Main’s your Iron Man’s island is

Public but uh my my Iron Man is public yeah but yeah your Iron Man is public but uh yeah just join my Iron Man oh wait well you can’t give me anything I’m I’m a little dumb on that but just ignore it yeah wait where’s my

Uh wait this is this room completed it’s not y where’s my thing my trap thing I sold like all my diffuse now H I’m about to die I have to wait okay you get 9 million coins who I I got 9 mil from like a nine dude ah you you should have said

99999999 would that work though it is a number from 1 to 10 oh it’s one to 10 not one not between one and 10 so you could have just just said 10 H oh my God I missed the bat dude I just we need to restart I

Swear I guess I’ll love with it you know what whatever I need to do more secrets I feel like 30 virus now like I’m just not doing Secrets at all just playing the game honestly I shouldn’t be AOW to have fun I’ll do I’ll do everyone can see my secret can as well

Yeah don’t worry I’ll get this I have to go in through the hallway wait are we oh wait we got one death yo if we don’t get us plus guys please this is my giant sword R is it it is I don’t know visit my Island okay I I’ll okay

I’ll visit your your Island after this uh wait what oh wait there’s blood can’t even go that way I’m me help this guy I can just teleport him are you good yeah what is this there we go there we go 300 score on solo get us in Jesus Christ G money that

Money oh crap got to switch armors I got to switch armors every time on the boss though but I take no damage so it doesn’t wait someone disconnected did we lose us plus oh no we didn’t we’re good9 uh are we about to die because of Golems guys guys guys help kill the

Golems a we’re good we’re good yo my ehp is so broken dude no our Archer disconnected ah stop stop stop ah we’re done dude oh my God guys go to the ledge go to the ledge uh guys oh we’re dead yep I mean we did at two people I I

Think this guy’s dead wait how’s he alive it’s cuz he’s not Armen that’s why guys wait he’s wait how is this guy still alive what the heck the healer is clutching oh your internet died that was so unlucky dude our Archer died oh man um are we good yeah we’re good we’re

Going to be fine oh nope we don’t even have s+ why is there a total of half a person in the gold mines why does no one ever go to the gold mines anymore why are you in the gold I’m just looking at I’m just like visiting random

Places why is it like a total of half a person in the Gold Mine dude cuz there’s no reason to go there why are you when the last time you went there uh like on this profile or on another profile uh like any profile uh like last week

Yeah pick Discord guys I I don’t have like I don’t have notifications on by the way here’s a Discord template oh damn wait wait no no no I need to I’m going to change my uh my nickname to my is it my nickname my username my YouTube username to my YouTube tag which

Is okay I can change my username to anything now like anything that is taken I can change it to that but my tag at least it’s secure now what is this Jesus Christ one second let me let me delete some like old uh DMS real quick yo what

Is the no oh wait I’m about to get revived I forgot I’m playing a game right now wa is is Lord back yo how did I have nothing there I’m still waiting for you yeah yeah we’re we’re trying to beat the game here my bad it’s just like it’s

We’re trying to like destroy sedan here like the hardest boss in the game you have a need to like wa why do I have two tanks though e warp wait are you not here are you still dead doesn’t matter yeah wait did you get the stuff though

Only ask rip that was my din sword one how did you guys die this guy the Healer get out of here um uh cuz our Archer got uh disconnected there we go I got an excuse okay one sec one sec let me visit the same as your YouTube username

Yeah uh which one this this your Co-op or your um strawberry profile I don’t I don’t know I’ll try this oh I I can’t visit either so it doesn’t matter is my are my uh uh my Island settings like no anyone can visit my Island maybe it’s probably maybe it’s my

Uh my IR man I’m going to do F1 with an undead sword watch do was sniffing you wait what watch doog is sniffing you excuse me I can play berserk R if you guys want join the Discord I sent y wait wait one sec guys one sec okay I go party dude uh

Okay wait uh uh yeah sure yeah sure wait did he actually like is he actually going to give me 9 mil though I mean I’m probably going to give it away like to people who need it and by that I mean to say that to people who are going to get

Scammed anyways so it doesn’t matter it might help them though let me see oh what the heck dud I lit got disconnected all right one second one sec there’s no shot right all let me trade him I I should have said 10 mil though that would have been a free like a free

M more extra oh damn actually yo no shot thanks dude I I do have a hype but don’t I’m going to use it for Content that’s the most important part did you know you can five star in Dungeon eyes and Undead sword thank you dude can I get the link for your

Discord I’m dude guys it’s I’m I’m I’m a start a Discord like I barely got any subs but wait one sec just like chill bit wait what’ you say five star dungeon UND dead sword wait are you doing floor seven uh no but what I I can do is I can

Solo F1 two and three with an undead sword I mean wait is that’s pretty good though right is unda sword is like pretty broken the most broken sword in the game though no it costs a total of a00 coins from an NPC and uh to be fair mine is W dungeon eyes

And five star okay okay okay wait CH okay let me let me end the stream here guys like for a bit then I’ll start a Discord right now I’ll I’ll try to start it uh I wait let me put the Discord in the chat quick join this

Uh wait can you like wait are you going to make me owner Che Discord what is this get you’re just lagging I think I don’t know already got a server but wait let me see okay I’ll stop stream for now uh I I’m probably going to stream tomorrow

Like the same time I’ll try to stream for like a ton of hours like have some food ready so I don’t have to end the stream Sly again not that early but all right bye

This video, titled ‘Doing Free Carries In Hypixel Skyblock – Minecraft’, was uploaded by _MGE on 2023-11-24 05:48:47. It has garnered 197 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds.

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    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: xQc Reacts: xQc Gaming: xQc Clips: Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥

    AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥 Why does AURA in Minecraft sound like a fancy perfume brand? “Introducing the new fragrance: AURA by Minecraft. Smell like a creeper but with a hint of diamond ore.” #minecraftperfume #smelllikeagamer Read More