INSANE Castle Makeover in Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

welcome back to episode three of my hardcore series here on Minecraft Java Edition we’re building a floating castle and today I think we’re going to attempt the interior as you can see I’m already getting started we have that staircase over there and I’m beginning to design the hallways I’ll tell you what interior Castle designing is not an easy process uh but I think I’m getting it done so I’m working on the staircase right now but I need to figure out where I’m going to have doors so we got to go in an adventure to find some dark oak and not die in the process Bob I’ve seen you sell dark oak saplings before where you at you know what every Adventure we go on we have to bring the pets how about that ow sorry W that was fairly simple not that far away what you got for me Fortune cool okay I’ll take these is that a decent door I kind of like it it’s like a play on making the normal door a little bit taller so that’s why I like it uh I guess it’s time to start some interior decoration at least down here so as you can see I just kept this hallway in an L shape it leads around around here to upstairs and then I got this nice Grand door right here this is where I’m going to bring all my stuff in to store here I believe I want this to be like a corner section like this I’m on pre-release too by the way this update is coming out real soon actually Minecraft just announced that the update’s going to be releasing soon also got a little closet here so it’s pretty exciting to know I’ll get the painting soon in my main LP World it feels weird using them in this world for some reason but I want to I want to experiment I finally want to see what they look like okay we got four oh I’m excited I kind of pictured these paintings being along the walls in this hallway um let’s do it here first so I know they added some new vertical 2×1 paintings whoops did I get my hopes up oh no I didn’t wa it’s a horse wow you have to really take since it’s so pixelated you have to take a step back to actually see the actual picture wow I love that one it’s a guy on a horse on some sort of Sandy terrain with some rocks in it I don’t know if that fits the castle theme though are there any more that guy that guy Pinocchio I’m honestly going to be surprised if we only got one New Vertical painting and we did wow okay I’m a little disappointed I thought we were going to get like two or three New Vertical paintings because these are like the most useful shapes in Minecraft we only got one though wow I think that also goes to show Minecraft doesn’t play their own game because in here for example it only fits like the 2x ones whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh what’s that what is that oh there it is the classic Minecraft Hill why is it so big though it’s a little too big for my liking ooh what is that mountains hovering Mountain what is that oh there they are oh there they are I saw a bag no um I’m mad what is that Minecraft what is oh it’s a pot I thought that was a bundle I was about to say you guys haven’t even added the bundle to the game and you put it in a painting no it’s a decorated pot with a sunflower and Cake we’re on a mission where they at I got to hurry there it is oh I want that or a crossbow I’m trying to scale the mountain look at him what are you guys doing let want see if I can get another ominous potion oh my gosh that’s way further than I thought oh advancement I guess that was far enough look at that oh my gosh my aim is impeccable can I keep going okay that was a game’s fault can’t Dodge that oh my God oh oh gosh oh gosh I got to be careful hope I don’t get shot off this where are this oh it’s way over there all of this for a stupid ominous potion is it over here uhoh oh my gosh I’m leaving oh are they going to jump on my head I thought I was going to die there there’s the potion I’m looking for please don’t jump on my head there’s a chest in there should I go for it absolutely we have respiration now I’m not too worried but I am worried about oh what we had a fishing pole down here oh I could bring my brush down here of course oh there’s a lot of them oh oh wow I didn’t know there’s this many right here all right got my brush let’s go see what this has to offer is that a diamond not it’s piece of coal a nugget oh here we go our first Pottery sht yes whoa that looks cool from down here bir treasure map heck yeah hearing underwater like this makes me want to build underwater like it just sounds so peaceful down here imagine having a conduit and hearing sounds like that that’s honestly a fun challenge like you you cannot surface you have to dedicate a certain time where you go underwater and you can never resurface oh here you go you’re not hiding from me another one that just lay us to the same spot right what do we got what’s up with that X the x is like what the oh it’s lava wait a minute buried treasure map where’s the a okay um these are clearly bugged that sucks okay I’ve been taking the time to decorate my castle on the inside it’s I mainly been having the problem with figuring out how I wanted it to look made a door here too looks nice I’m still messing around with it but I went for more of a simple look I guess you can say just like it just looks like your basic castle but I really love the feeling of it just a few paintings up which one did I not okay I didn’t notice this they have a bunch of new 3×3 paintings and I don’t think we’ve ever had a 3X3 painting in the game so that’s pretty nice look at that there’s a planet back there I’m assuming that’s Earth maybe but yeah I’m working on this room right now got my first armor in display stand here got a bit of a break in the wall but yeah it’s feeling really cozy this is going to be like my main workstation area this is not where I’m going to have my bed so just where I’m going to have chest and places to craft things and put more storage back here but as we go up I think we’ll build probably like a smel shelter room a library a place to sleep all up in here what what the heck this place is not safe yet all right I got the second floor is this no this would be the SEC oh I forgot I still got a uh-oh somehow I completely forgot that I have a floor down here oh well um this is a lot of space too I don’t know what to put down there collected some flowers for this it definitely wasn’t enough H yeah that’ll be fine but uh yeah I decided to take it right up here I’m still working on it a bit and go down the center this time so we can have splitting rooms off of the sides like so I don’t want any doors within the castle it’s just so much easier to walk into the rooms but yeah I don’t know what these are going to be these are going to be like Alchemy rooms maybe a small bedroom where I can sleep speaking of that’s why I made these uh we can do something let’s do like a double bed against the wall well that looks stupid all right you bring mail well give it to me why are creepers this strong Jesus I have a decent idea of how I want to build the floor at the very top actually I want to make some of these now that we have some I got a warden one got a sword need some normal ones did that go good there that’s not bad but okay yeah like I said I’m going to have I just made a little bed there I can put some more furniture in there I love that painting um lecturn that’s not staying there don’t know why that’s there I think this is going to be some sort of potion making room but up here I decided to make some pillars so this is going to be like a big large oh what the I wasn’t ready for that I’m not running you’re running I’m not running you’re running oh he gave me it what was it power two not bad but yes I kept it a big open room down here I might just have big storage piles of something this is supposed to look like an old castle with just like a lot of history in it uh but I have these splitting staircases and I believe this is where a like kind of a cool is he up there kind of a cool looking old library but my problem is is I’m running out of bookshelves already so that sucks and I need lots of bookshelves I want all these walls to be lined well not these necessarily I like the natural light coming in and I need wood I think this is why I always had the issue of starting new worlds on this channel is because I already have a world that has all the resources I need to build something realizing I need to go gather the resources just to build something I’m visioning right now irritates me oh luckily this still grows a little bit I was about to go grab some bone meal but is that a Bedrock exclusive thing like can you not bone meal these in Java which I would really suck by the way I feel bad for you if you can’t get what am I talking about I’m the one playing Java I feel bad for [Music] me I may or may not have got most of this leather from horses I’m a terrible person whoa wa W I love that it’s a golden apple and glistening melon oh that’s so cool these are the new 3×3 I was talking about another planet one and gunpowder what’s that one oh is that an owl sticking its head out of a box and a nut sack I like that one there that looks nice I usually don’t like putting paintings on a wall where the edges will be exposed like that actually you know what’s funny about this this is what I’ve been dealing with this zombie is so annoying where is it from where are you are you actually just up here you are okay oh gosh you were decked out let me get this on hang on I’m slow go get him what go get him wait why aren’t you killing him ow oh I’m level 30 now I can go enchant my boots again these areas right here where I have these just I don’t know empty spaces I don’t know what to do with them I thought about putting plants in between them but it doesn’t look that good I tried iron bars but it doesn’t look right the only thing that looks halfway decent is hi ralie is these right actually haven’t tried polished I tried andesite wall and they look okay so yeah andesite wall it’ll just create like a little Edge I think that’s what’ll make it look better what about tough it’s a little too dark I think I am just going to use anide walls why not I don’t know what else to put in them there someone in here I’m still not going to have enough oh my gosh I underestimate how nice it is to have lots of bookshelves you know what I need to find I don’t know what do I need to find oh a stronghold that would save so much time and I’m already out of looms how do people do this I don’t know anyway that’s kind of what I was going for there that’s about how high it’ll be and I’ll have these archways every so often just doing a loop around here and then I’ll throw an enchantment table and probably one of these little mini Towers or something well what the heck can’t mess with this anymore I guess we can finish this carpet oh no oh no I need my enchantment table now I was going to enchant my boots can I break this oh I can’t what are these blocks doing here oh this helps a lot what’s that dirt is this the perfect wow what are the chances of that so I can have me I don’t have to make a traditional setup but sometimes that’s just the best look sometimes there we go would that give me level 30 no how about with one more level dang it have to borrow some that is level 30 I guarantee it okay oh I’m missing aide so you got to do these at least three high oh my gosh that is enough it’s not am I doing this wrong apparently I am because the number’s not changing oh you have to have three sides I’m acting like such a noob here been playing this game since 2011 2010 somewhere around there actually this will flow really well together the way I have it set up here because yeah I mean I’ll be covering it actually I don’t have to cover my windows I got rid of these windows here but I could simply not put bookshelves right here and leave a little window in an area to put a flower pot yeah I’ll do that you can see they flow together pretty well so I can even do this will actually look like a nice little Library I’m starting to dig this okay enchantment boot time here we go for the fifth time or something like that kiss it for good luck I mean I’m pretty safe inside now but if I do plan to expand this place then I’ll have to worry about falling again so perhaps I am just wasting my levels now what the every time this place is not lit up up up Unbreaking three protection three I’m probably just going to leave it at that cuz I am sick of this how do you repair stuff again oh Anvil oh my God maybe I am sucking at this game now uh yeah that’s a good name yep man I wish you could bone meal sugar cane because I want to do more but I can’t I got to wait for this crap to grow I’m actually going to go find out if that’s a Bedrock exclusive thing which I think it is which sucks but it is what it is and you know what what I said earlier in this episode I think I’m going to go with that play style in this and that is to live like a nomad in this hardcore series until I inevitably die or beat the game you never know um and that is well use this Castle to build up my first set of gear which I’m already just about there I’ve already been here a long time it’s just I cut a lot to make these episodes around 20 minutes so I admit I am getting a little tired of this place already but what if my next adventure in here is to live underwater I know it sounds absolutely absurd but it’s definitely a possibility so I go get all the things I need for a conduit and I’d want to get aqua affinity for my helmet I have respiration for it already but get enough for about maybe a couple conduits I didn’t bring any bone meal of course son of like but gather up all of the stuff I would need from this castle and then pick a spot in the water and build a little base under there it would give me a bit of a challenge not that I needed challenge because death lurks around every corner I haven’t been over there yet wonder what’s over there I mean I love my castle maybe we can do it right here in the water we don’t have to go far there’s a freaking Blossom biome over here what oh thank you I don’t know I just love the idea of moving around like my Nomad series way back in the day I say way back in the day it was like 2016 but hey think about it kids that were born in 2016 are now 8 years old who look at that it’s like a pure water cave or not or maybe that was boring I got to say I think powdered snow ruined Mountain bioms for Minecraft you got to admit every time you see snow like this you do not want to go in it no matter how strong you are and half of the time that area is usually covered in powdered snow it’s a little unforgiving if you’re not wearing leather boots which you’re most likely not it will just sink you to the bottom and then it’s just such a hassle to get out and I think that ruins a lot of mountain climbing in my opinion oh another song to end the episode yes I will be ending it here I have been getting Dons and I appreciate them all I’m not really going to do them in this series but uh I’ll catch them all up in the main LP of course which I’m sure I’ll upload next I wish the update was out for it what’s that oh I need you oh no we have a couple skeletons oh he has a b chanted boat okay we got three skeletons this is not good ow ow ow ow Let’s test my theory that I know is definitely wrong wow that is lame that is lame is that really that is lame that’s actually a very important feature for bedrock and that’s a big contrast to not have it in this I wonder what made them decide to have that very useful feature only in Bedrock people would love that in Java thank you everyone for watching another this was kind of a small building episode but uh we got some Big Adventures to go on here soon let me know down below if I should attempt that ocean idea or should I just strictly stick to normal Minecraft playing like you know living in this castle and you know actually surviving cuz I got a feeling the ocean might kill me if I do that but it’s such a fun idea or I could save it for a completely different you look like you want one for a completely different hardcore playthrough I don’t know I’m just trying to find ideas to you know spice it up a bit have fun I’m having fun are you having fun this is my kitchen I think I don’t know I’m going to turn this place into something I have a lot of sugarcane to collect so might as well go make a farm or something anyway I’ll see you in the next episode thanks for watching bye-bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft #3 – Interior Castle Decorating’, was uploaded by Dallasmed65 on 2024-06-03 23:28:49. It has garnered 23162 views and 2145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:48 or 1188 seconds.

Today we begin designing the interior of our floating castle to prepare for future adventures and challenges!

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About me and my Let’s Play world: Race: Slime Age: 28 Country: US World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014) Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 – Record With: OBS Studio Edit With: Shotcut Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion) Headset: Astro A10

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    Insane Minecraft PE Bedwars on LifeboatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardest Minecraft PE bedwars in Lifeboat’, was uploaded by Jubayaer 40 on 2024-05-08 11:46:21. It has garnered 433 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:36 or 276 seconds. 📌 #Minecraft vital video 📸 #Minecraft SMP video 📸 #Minecraft Fram #Minecraft tutorial #Minecraft tips #Minecraft tips and tik #Minecraft 🚂 setting #Minecraft all problem solved 😭 #Minecraft problem 😭💔 #Minecraft New update 2024 #Minecraft New resources pack #Minecraft txcher pack #Minecraft god Encinit #Minecraft lag problem solved #Minecraft high FPS 😂🆒 #Minecraft FPS lower problem solved #Minecraft all versions downloaded #Minecraft SMP… Read More

  • Expandion

    ExpandionNostalgic minecraft server for survival without privates and donations. There are no hard rules, but there are local restrictions, such as: “do not griffer spavn and its surroundings (1000 blocks radius)” and “do not do lavakasta near the spavn (1000 blocks from the spavn)”. We will try not to introduce rules but physically restrict players with plugins, if we conclude that it will be necessary … There are anti-cheat and anti-dupe, but if someone can bypass them – ban for this will not be (but soon will fix most likely). Basically, players themselves can build the surroundings of the spavnon… Read More

  • E PROJECT Semi-Vanilla 21+ Whitelisted Discord 1.21 Survival Java

    About us 🦩 Enjoy Project is a NO RESET server. We provide a stable environment for long-term projects without the fear of resets. Our 21+ community is based in Ashburn, Virginia and run by Mectis from the UK. Our community consists of friends known for 8+ years who play at a casual pace. We welcome new players looking to join our tight-knit group. Changes for a Smoother Multiplayer Experience: Phantoms are disabled, Bats drop membranes instead Access to /home Minecarts move faster with players inside Right-clicking a rail summons a temporary minecart Signs protect chests Tool Stat Tracking Keep Inventory… Read More

  • Boys

    BoysWelcome to Boys Minecraft Server!Dive into an immersive RPG experience where adventure meets innovation. Los Chicos offers a unique blend of custom items and enchantments that will elevate your gameplay to new heights. With the addition of Slimefun, you can explore a vast array of technological advancements and magical items, making every moment exciting and unpredictable.Our dynamic economy system allows you to trade, build wealth, and establish your empire. Participate in thrilling events and competitions to showcase your skills, and don’t miss out on our frequent giveaways that reward our dedicated players.Join Los Chicos today and become part of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every. Single. Time. 😩🔥

    Every single time I play Minecraft, my diamond pickaxe magically disappears into thin air. It’s like the game is playing a cruel prank on me! Read More

  • Mastering Insane Wind Parkour in Minecraft

    Mastering Insane Wind Parkour in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wind Charge Parkour (Height Test) – shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftparkour’, was uploaded by PinGGulli on 2024-07-16 03:20:33. It has garnered 2066 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftparkour **Like and Subscribe!👍** *🎬Editor:* PinGGulli *Description:* In this video I test Minecraft wind charges under different conditions! *Version:* Minecraft Java Edition *Potion Effects:* Both Speed II & Jump Boost II —————————————————————————— Music and Sounds: Song: Coast Artist: Anno Domini Beats @AnnoDominiBeats —– Song: Final Boss Artist: Myuu @Myuu —————————————————————————— Read More

  • Block Bustin’ 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown!

    Block Bustin' 1000 Days: Minecraft Survival Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I embark on a challenge, a survival dream. 1000 days in a limited space, With creativity and wisdom, I must embrace. Building shelters, growing food, fighting monsters with might, Discovering hidden treasures, in the day and the night. The challenge is tough, full of surprises galore, But with your support, I’ll conquer and soar. Join me on this journey, witness the thrill, As I navigate through this limited land, with skill. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell with glee, Let’s create miracles together, in Minecraft, you and me. Read More

  • Hot Villager Alert: Oi Oi Oi!

    Hot Villager Alert: Oi Oi Oi! Why did the Minecraft villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi oi” every time he got scared by a creeper! #minecrafttherapy #villagerproblems #oiOiOi Read More

  • Ultimate NPC Beatdowns in Minecraft

    Ultimate NPC Beatdowns in Minecraft Explorando o Mundo de Minecraft com Nickolboy Games e Jogos Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Descobrindo Minecraft No mundo de Minecraft, os… Read More

  • Grow Big with Minecraft Subs and Likes!

    Grow Big with Minecraft Subs and Likes! The World of Minecraft: A Virtual Adventure Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in this virtual universe. Exploring Endless Possibilities In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a vast procedurally generated world. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a variety of biomes, creatures, and resources to encounter, every playthrough offers a unique experience. Building and Crafting One… Read More

  • Dhipona builds epic secret basement in Klepon_Plaza Mall

    Dhipona builds epic secret basement in Klepon_Plaza MallVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Dhipona】Bikin Basement di Mall Klepon_Plaza – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dhipona on 2024-06-12 05:19:21. It has garnered 158 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:02 or 8042 seconds. Hi Sweetie!! My name is Dhipona – Vtuber Klepon What am I?? I’m a klepon, Javanese traditional chewy cake with brown sugar inside. Audience Rules & Risks are in the Youtube community! With: @alibuburu @masdav9n __________ Subathon Duration __________ Rp 1K = 55 seconds | Rp 5K = 5 minutes Rp 10K = 14 minutes | Rp 30K = 35 minutes Rp 50K… Read More

  • Minecraft Survival Series: Epic Live Gameplay

    Minecraft Survival Series: Epic Live GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL SERIES IN MINECRAFT VIRAL LIVE PART 25 #MINECRAFT #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING #SHORTS’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-23 02:27:36. It has garnered 345 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:38 or 4298 seconds. GAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude #army #alightmotion #part3 #online #op #official #india #update #upload #youtuber #youtubevideo8… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Minecraft Server Raid #7 | MineHell | Insane Loot

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Minecraft Server Raid #7 | MineHell | Insane LootVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Griefing #7 | MineHell | 100 ons’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-07-19 06:55:17. It has garnered 160 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. LunarAlts Website: LunarAlts Discord: My Discord: Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked bedwars skywars sw astolfo novoline sigma 5 sigma5liquidsense moon rise sight zeroday exhibition flux cracked crack fdpclient jartex network lucky pika cheatmine liquid bounce liquid bounceb73… Read More

  • “Unlocking Minecraft’s Hidden Sky Portal! What Lies Above?” #minecraftmadness #gamersecrets

    "Unlocking Minecraft's Hidden Sky Portal! What Lies Above?" #minecraftmadness #gamersecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unveiling the Minecraft Sky Portal: Digging Into the Unknown! #minecraft #mineexploration #gaming’, was uploaded by GamePlay Simulation on 2023-12-16 16:26:03. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Dive into the unexpected in this Minecraft adventure! Join me as I embark on an epic mining quest for diamonds, only to stumble upon a mind-boggling phenomenon – the Minecraft Sky Portal! 🚀 🔍 Curious about what happens when the blocks run out and the sky appears? Watch till the end to witness the unbelievable twist in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sand Farm Trick for Epic Efficiency! #virtualfarming

    Insane Minecraft Sand Farm Trick for Epic Efficiency! #virtualfarmingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automated Sand Farm with Command Blocks in Minecraft: Efficiency at Your Fingertips #virtualfarming’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-02 14:08:29. It has garnered 1682 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Dive into the world of automation in Minecraft as we showcase the creation of an ingenious sand farm using command blocks! Join us as we unveil the secrets behind this innovative farming technique, designed to effortlessly harvest sand with maximum efficiency. Discover how command blocks can be programmed to automate the process, saving you time… Read More

  • DeltaZangoose in Horror Modded Minecraft: Mining for MYTHIC METALS!

    DeltaZangoose in Horror Modded Minecraft: Mining for MYTHIC METALS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Delta Does: Horror Modded Minecraft. Ep. 3 – Mining for some MYTHIC METALS’, was uploaded by DeltaZangoose on 2024-04-03 20:03:02. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:32 or 1892 seconds. I finally found some gold! Finally ready to take on the nether. Also became a little bit insane DISCLAIMER: The mods I have installed are of a gore/horror nature. Please keep this in mind if you are sensitive to those sorts of themes. All mods are the 1.20.1 versions using the Fabric mod loader. The mods I… Read More

  • Asha Ghatwar’s Wild Night Adventures || #shizo || #viral

    Asha Ghatwar's Wild Night Adventures || #shizo || #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘रात में हम क्या कर रहे हैं || #shorts || #youtubeshorts || #ashaghatwarvlogs ||’, was uploaded by Asha Ghatwar Vlogs on 2024-04-04 14:27:51. It has garnered 459 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. रात में हम क्या कर रहे हैं || #shorts || #youtubeshorts || #ashaghatwarvlogs || #minecraft #shortvlogs #shortstory #villagelifestyle #ashaghatwarvlogs Village video Village vlog video Village vlog Village life style Village Village vlogs Vlog Vlogs Vlog video Vlog channel Vlogs videos Deshi vlog video Deshi vlog Deshi video Jharkhand vlog Cooking vlogs Cooking vlogs video… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT TIPS & MEMES! 🎮🔥 #gaming #trending

    INSANE MINECRAFT TIPS & MEMES! 🎮🔥 #gaming #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #minecraft #youtubeshorts #gameplay #new #memes #tips #trend’, was uploaded by MY_GAMING LIFE on 2024-04-21 16:09:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join us for family-friendly fun, as we journey through vibrant landscapes and timeless tales. From classic cartoons to modern … Read More