INSANE!! Ceres Fauna finds CRAZY surprise in Minecraft!!

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Foreign Foreign ER hello hello welcome welcome daylight savings time has me sleepy I don’t know if I can even blame it but I’m sleepy I’m going to blame it hello same with you right oh no I’m just sleepy I think I’m always sleepy I’m just gonna blame it on daylight savings time because

Because I can’t daylight savings time is awful well I really like this time like I wish we could permanently be in this time because I like how it stays light for longer but the change is awful like why must we change why but here we are it is a sign spring is coming

In like one week it’s the the vernal equinox in my birthday I am here Nature has arrived to bring spring forward no do not spring forward no more dealers soon I know are you guys surviving the cow Source birthday relay I’m not happy birthday crony crony crony crony’s

Birthday is today depending on time zone but she’s celebrating today later today happy birthday happy birthday oh shoot my inventory is full I didn’t bring my shulkers I have more logs I think mummy brought these thank you Mommy get rid of that get rid of that We are continuing to work on

The tree today um I’ve seen like a few people have seen my tree now so I’m nervous I really need to finish it because everyone sees it and they’re like what the heck is this and I know what they’re thinking on the inside they’re thinking who has created this Abomination on our server

Who has done this just look at it it blots out the Sun so I’m gonna keep working on it Maybe I should get some food from my house um I was just mining some Vlogs before the stream started because I think I’ll try to fill in the trunk I think that’s the next step this is it here it is um I could continue to shave it too A little off-camera mining only for like 10 minutes as you can see I don’t have that many yeah and then maybe like the roots would come next Maybe and like shaping the trunk um I need to make an auto composter what why did I not plant anything here are you doing past fauna

I’m just gonna take the wheat it’s fauna you did not replant Some nature you are what can I get rid of that’s probably fine I just thought I should put a hoe in there but I’ll need all of these hoes that was an auto planting Farm don’t you need villagers for that I don’t know I’m still not decided do I want

Villagers to live in my house with me hmm oh no I like my privacy they’re happy that I crafted it like that this is still not a lot of food that’s fine though okay Let’s go to the tree and I will start filling in the trunk how you guys doing today are you holding up if you had dinner let’s see I’m talking about as if it’s such a big deal are you surviving Um how do I even fill this thing in oh my goodness ouch a little bit tired but you’re surviving that’s good keep it up it’ll be worth it for that extra hour of sunlight for me it is I think Should I just start filling it in I guess so and I can get rid of the sleeves as I go I guess you just have to do it just build Um I’m really hoping that by making it irregular like this it will look good eventually But I’m not sure but trust the process I’m trusting it’d be cool if the inside is like a secret Grotto you know if it has like imagine it’s like at least at the bottom like the house could be at the top but at the bottom imagine it’s like cool natural landscape

Like glowing glowberries and stuff Keep it natural it kind of like waterfalls in there that would be cute then you could go up the waterfall to get to the house I know I said to trust the process but already I’m having a hard time so here’s my the next layer of dirt which I also wish to remove it’s my spoon out doubting myself I’m only a doubter when it comes to myself it’s not sad

It’s not sad how we are to ourselves I know you’re in the same way you would never doubt your friends right but when it comes to yourself it’s free game I couldn’t push my middle Mouse button my game or shortcut I think I need to do this evenly I think it will be faster if I make it all even first okay this is also annoying I’ll just go down here how’s my controller by the way I haven’t tested it uncertain

The fate of my controller is uncertain Oh I hate when it’s like this See already we’ve gone through like two stacks and we’ve done almost nothing This is how it’s going to be I also I don’t I don’t much bone meal have right now I’ll add it to the list I think seeing like iris is you know I’m gonna leave that there seeing iris’s new emotes it’s like used almost all of her slots I really want to it’s but I have to

Think really hard because we don’t have that many slots left foreign so I need to use use them wisely There’s a lot of good ideas but Um that reminds me of something I need to do though hold on wait can I it’s not nighttime yet can I do this right now Live on stream I forgot for too long and I need to stop forgetting I’m so sorry um Mommy made me an emote that’s right the nanashimum made me an emote many many moons ago many moons ago and then she was like recently like Hey do you remember that emote I made for you

A long long time ago and I was like yeah and she was like you can use it if you want and then I was like gonna add it but then I was like I should add it on stream because it will be more exciting that way so let me

Let me add it if I remember how to do such a thing release the moves let me show you first um laughs and then I’ll try to add it oh God where did I save this here go ha look at that it’s so cute so smug fauna made by a movement thank you

Just put it here so good mommy is so talented okay you need a smoke you have smug namu but now you can have a smug fauna to match um if I can figure out how to add it Um memberships do I have uh membership where did I put this membership customize default perks aha there it is the number one is called smug can I rename it to nemus mug and then we can just have smug foreign that’s gonna mess people up isn’t it everyone is used to typing smug okay

Give it a few minutes and you should it should appear I hope I see it cute cute cute thank you Mommy Thank you I’m so happy sorry it took me so long to remember to do this thank you movie all right oh my God there’s a creeper on my tree that’s so rude that’s just disrespectful I don’t even know what to do about this What the heck snipe yeah if only I had my bow but I never bring my bow with me did she wear who needs a bow oh did it spot me oh my gosh I can’t reach him oh he’s a smart one smart one bye okay it worked out I guess

What is this did I do this probably seems like something I would do to be honest but why I’m sure pass me Han better reasons out okay um if I need to move the Lightning Run probably eventually is it fine nothing’s above it yet I think okay I’ll get rid of the dirt

Okay this side is also filled in almost make sure it’s at least five blocks away but I don’t know if it is it’s a little close it’s fine oh I’m not fine though thank goodness for elytra wow oh no even the line trick cannot save me I’m just hopeless

Why am I going so fast I don’t want to fly so fast is there a regular Rockets right yeah okay let’s fill the tree in nice should I start from all the way over here oh goodness what happened here did I do this actually I did all of this

Why am I even asking Everything here is my fault and my fault alone have no one to blame but yourself I’m gonna take this one up a little higher ouch this is this is how it’s supposed to be good I think It’s supposed to look natural you know like blend it in the gradient of sorts yeah it probably needs to like be Blended even more than this this is fine for now though we have that blend tool have you guys ever made stuff in Minecraft you’ve seen like World in it ouch

I never have I’ve watched a lot of Minecraft build videos let’s use world edit Oh I’ve locked myself out So fine I don’t know move it okay I don’t know where I’m gonna put it though foreign I will not miss an opportunity to remove some extra leaves at the top Yeah but I’m just I’m gonna be working on the top actually I’m not not for a long time probably so I should not worry oh can I do this parkour just like qua be impressed

By that junk that’s like a classic parkour ow jump right there he ever jump can I reach these yes goodbye goodbye this week this is the weekend is fourth Fest did you know that did you know that we hold on should today be another day that I just like put

A million things on the screen Yes a smug I don’t find a way are you seeing this actually wait look Whoa What have I done to this picture what have I done what the scaling is so weird right now what how to use obs I’ve seen this this is kind of the same this is the same Kieran I see no difference I’m not this smug am I like all the time

What’s happened to my OBS scaling though okay I’m gonna put that right there I had the same picture I’m already almost out of vlogs which means we have to go back to the mines the log mines enslave away um yes fourth Fest is this weekend I’m so nervous Too oh my God I’m so nervous though it’s gonna be like the first time I’m in 3D you will get to see you got your stream tickets thank you thank you for buying tickets are we lagging the server for fun yes yeah one extra dimension and then it’s my birthday and I’m also

Really nervous about that I’m nervous You can see my house that’s not my house it’s the barn would you mind more nervous for honestly I don’t even know I’m kind of a wreck because both are happening like at the same time and I I can’t I cannot deal with it I’m like stressed about everything but it’ll be fine

It’ll be fine I might take a break after my birthday just so you know I’m not sure yet I might do hibernate turn into a potato that’s true or I might just like stream nothing but Minecraft it’s like do nothing just Minecraft something like that no special streams no fun streams no

Planning do nothing no thinking Island Minecraft I would try a silent stream but it’s actually hard even though no talking ASMR was hard for me to be silent I was like get in a little bit bored I was like oh I want to talk to the saplings

But I committed already to no talking oh and Michael yeah I’m gonna get the shulker and then dig some more server is lagging sit I think Maybe yes it definitely is lagging or I’m lagging I might do I think I’m gonna bone meal them I have dirt yes I do I will oh

Do not fly a lighter while lagging it is perhaps not advisable it’ll be fine I’m sure the server will stop lagging wait I might go oh God am I about to die oh nope you’re fine my plant my tree is in the sky actually I could just plant them over

There though if I’m gonna plant them in the sky Minecraft server moment I mean I kind of need to dismantle this tree farm but since it’s here I might just do this and Bill I’m gonna build a big platform in the sky and I’m going to bone meal like a ton of trees I just don’t want to get blocked by that so I’ll build it here And I will not fall but even if I do I might survive because of my Elantra and my feather fall boots I couldn’t build a lighthouse over here and it would actually make sense unlike in the other server where it’s on a river it’s Minecraft does not have to make sense The lighthouse is cute thank you I like it I saw I was watching Iris play yesterday and I saw her see my lighthouse and be like wow it spins it’s kind of cool too how it spins especially with shaders on also I think her shaders she runs them at a higher

Setting she probably has better computer than me I need to give my new computer I’m sorry whoa oh I shouldn’t do this this is gonna create a shadow upon the land down there this is not even that big of a platform either it’s okay I don’t have that much bone meal so oops

What oh interested in load okay oh gosh the lag the leg We love when the server is lagging Whoa did you guys watch I didn’t watch them but I kind of want to know if anything funny happened the streamer Awards did anything notable happen that I should be aware of as an internet user I know they’re mostly like twitch focused no nothing fun happened at all

Do we hate the streamer Awards I wasn’t just just not not that interesting iron Mouse won best of YouTuber congrats congrats congrats Spoiler the most popular people win well I’m sure with iron Mouse definitely deserved but that’s kind of how a lot of award shows are isn’t it especially because well I don’t know actually is it like voter determined or um is there like a panel of judges I don’t know how it works okay I’m going too no no I’ll keep growing them More trees Community vote I mean literally like that kind of is just the popularity contest right well I don’t I mean I don’t know there’s of course Merit to that but the Oscars also happened and everything everywhere all at once wait is this should I spoil or am I allowed to spoiled

I don’t know if people care about like Oscar’s spoilers not that movie I won’t spoil the movie but I just mean the results of the Oscars well everything everyone or okay if you care about spoilers of the Oscars and stop listening for a bit Everything everywhere all at once won like everything which I really like that movie I thought it was an excellent movie so but hey I didn’t get to vote on the Oscars nobody asked me for my opinion Um it was everything and everywhere you’re right it truly was all the categories all at once no is it kind of weird when that happens like it didn’t win everything but it wasn’t a lot like kind of a sweep feels like oh no why does that happen is it because we

Need more movie competition or is it because this movie like really peels to whatever metrics thoughts or the Oscars the Oscar Oscar himself judges them by Cupcake sweep yeah what movies did I watch last year wait what was it last year this year hmm I mean it must have been last year but what movie is how I watched that came out what came out last year don’t know I do like to watch movies if there’s good ones

This is fun to go to the movie theater and eat popcorn um I should have brought a bed up here I’m just gonna keep digging into the night oh the whale I did not watch that one I heard about it though I watched the menu

But did that come out this year was that last year help was that 2022 or 2023 why is my memory so bad this year has been a blur so far I’m getting conflicting answers Glass Onion was last year I thought Glass Onion was not as good as Knives Out and get my logs

No server sequel curse but it’s not even a sequel I did think it’s interesting how they called it like a Knives Out mystery it made me kind of sad like the state of the world where like if there’s a popular like a successful movie in the people who made it want to make

Like another movie but they don’t want to make a sequel they feel like they can’t they feel like it has to be in some way related to the other movie they’re like oh look look it’s different but we promise you if you like the other one it’s it’s not that different

The franchise curse oh I feel like I’m chopping this really slowly so once they’re all the same height I think oh it was so mid and the first one was so great I think that’s just like the way it is sometimes though I’m not gonna hold it against the I

Don’t think it was bad I just like the knives out a lot more I will not hold it against the creators because sometimes I’m gonna be all winners you know and the next one might be even better and then Dives out you never know like a lot of people

Felt that way with like um Jordan peels movies like nope I think a lot of people didn’t like nope I really liked nope though I liked us too thank you you guys like to know I heard a lot of people didn’t like it I liked it I heard people talk about the

Sound design positively though which I agree the sound design was really good and very creepy I like that about us too like I keep seeing YouTube shorts to use the the US theme the like um the music that plays the opening like the opening shot of us I really like with the rabbits I don’t know I’m not really a moving person I know I’m like I’m talking about movies right now but I haven’t seen a lot of movies like a lot of classic movies I’m missing out on yeah this did have really cool visual Style I’m talking like a film buff don’t think I’m a film buff I have no idea what I’m talking about I have movies that I’ve watched in my life I don’t know I might do like watching movies I mean who doesn’t when you ask people what their hobbies

Are and they’re like I like to watch movies I mean some people it really is their Hobby it’s like everybody likes to watch movies right it’s like oh I like to watch movies and eat food and go outside breathing air yeah I don’t know I think I don’t know I

Like going to the movie theater and eating popcorn I do think that the theater experience enhances the wolf enhances the the movie because I always cry at the movie theater embarrassing something about like the really loud music like you’re in a dark room and the screen like fills your vision makes me emotional

Always even in bad movies I’ll cry I don’t know like gets me in my feels the just the loud music surround sound oh it’s snowing wait have I created a tiger bile by doing this what it vibrates my soul yes well I told you that story about how I went to see

Movie with my mom and my grandma and I was like tearing up at the end like trying not to cry and then we got out of the theater and my Mom and Grandma were like man that movie wasn’t very good and I was like oh that’s right

Yeah it wasn’t very good as I’m like sniffling Can I have these logs please look we’re almost there That’s how it goes bad I cried no I don’t know like I bet if I watched Twilight in the theaters I would have cried cried when when Edward is about to expose his sparkles and die cried when spider monkey it’s just something about the music it just makes me so emotional

I know it’s like just at theaters it’s just because I think it’s so it’s so intense oh I don’t think I’m the only one I mean movies are literally made too make you feel things right you love the movie theater experience so much so that you worked at went all

Through high school got a lot of free movies you understand really more emotional at the theater as well I think it’s I think that’s what they want I think it’s designed for that foreign they play the sound so loud I get really scared to watch horror movies at the theater

Because it’s just so loud I’m afraid that I’ll get jump scared and then I’ll cry again but for another reason that’s fun I think I watched Us in theaters that one is not that scary though which is also why I like it my mom really likes horror movies so

I watch them with her a lot um but some of the ones she likes are too scary okay we’re getting a decent amount of Vlogs here this will last us like two minutes what’s my favorite scary movie I think in Silence of the Lambs I haven’t watched in a long time though

I want to re-watch it I mean it’s a classic right if I’m missing out on like I I’ve watched The Shining but I don’t really remember it I think I need to rewatch it too old movies were so much better I think it’s not that actually I think it’s

Because we only remember the good old movies and like new movies that are just coming out it’s like your your inundated with the bad movies and the good movies but it’s like old movies you only remember the good ones and the bad ones are just lost and obscurity

Like I’m sure a bunch of bad movies Silence of the Lambs but we just only remembered the the good ones lawnmower man what the heck is lawnmower making is that a real movie that sounds like a movie that could be so bad it’s good actually that’s a wait

Is it oh it’s lightning oh no I’m gonna die I don’t want the lightning this is very scary it hasn’t been thundering yet right is there fire anywhere oh do you think anything fell down in there that would be convenient Behind Nowhere Man and then this is the the predecessor to chainsaw man the less popular predecessor am I allowed to say that I don’t know learned about that because that’s a movie but it’s also a real bear it’s a real bear I don’t know how they made a movie about that

I don’t even know what that would be laughs but I looked it up and it’s a real bear kind of sad it was real well the movie dramaticized it a lot the bear just like ate some you know and then died which is sad but I think in the movie like turns into

Who some kind of killer killer bear okay no no fire right here shoot Oh no how do I stop this ouch the server is lagging is it done a few trees died it looks like I can prevent forest fires what if my giant tree is on fire I might cry I might cry and end the Stream Minecraft Mondays are canceled I never replaced the lightning rod

I’m living dangerously right now let’s go see I guess the chunk is not loaded I agree I also think that the chunk is not loaded oh it looks like a wizard tower from here it looks kind of cool and then the rest of it loads it and it no longer looks cool I don’t think I’d even be able to tell if it was on fire to be honest with you I mean look at it how can you even tell it’s so big okay I got a lot of Vlogs now um maybe we’re not really lagging as much anymore oh I don’t like scaffolding

Um let’s put the lightning rod up here what’s the name of the tree I don’t know it doesn’t have a good name yet I’ve just been calling it the world tree but it should have a name probably Oops can I just do this and then remove the blocks it’s fine right the neck I’m not calling it the neck oh I hate scaffolding I’ll remove this eventually Hell Gate come on come on now that’s not what it is and you know it hard to fill it in Okay I’m Gonna Fly here and I’m going to land perfectly oh wait I actually did I did not think that would work all right give me a bunch of these oh now I feel blended into the landscape it will be beautiful ouch Oh don’t die don’t die no no no no no this thing does not get an acronym name it’s not a farm could just call it fun tree big ugly trees that’ll be accurate the name for now I figure it will earn a name you know when it’s when it’s done

Until then it’s just whatever It doesn’t matter Call It Whatever You Like hasn’t earned its name yet thank you or maybe yeah maybe it gets a better name the more impressive it becomes so right now it is just like that what is next but one day It will be a grand tree foreign worthy of a beautiful name yes hopefully there’s a call back Um don’t worry about it now I’m being perfect all part of the plan if you can believe it It will be better this way Maybe possibly it might be weird to have those these bits and stuff but it might not be oh it’s kind of Empty over here though oh I really want to remove all the leaves but if I jump down there’s a chance that I never can return to this position oh okay we’re down anyway ouch let’s go look at it from afar looks the same well well okay it’s definitely gonna need a

Lot of work I’m gonna have to texture the whole thing you know it is tempting to work on the roots to make it look like something like anything I’m doing that thing again where I work on one thing for two seconds and then I get bored I want to work on something else

I like this line of torches up the side you do that all the time it’ll get done eventually filling it in is just somewhat boring but it won’t be satisfying when it’s done probably let’s go to sleep ow that didn’t even hurt at all just the sound of my bone snapping it’s all

Yeah if I had Roots it’ll be more obvious to what it is for passers-by make them less afraid for the future of their server you know whoosh whoosh stuck The Landing there might be a better way to do the transition I know you guys are saying like oh I’ll

Keep the leaves the leaves are fine I don’t want the leaves bald I will add the leaves where I want them when I want them for now no leaves foreign I didn’t mean to do that oh I kind of want to try adding one root do I this could be really bad it might look horrible it’s hard when you cannot get a good view of it laughs let me Google tree tree illustration oh that’s a nice tree I’m looking a nice

Dog photos of trees what about one way the roots are like I don’t know just look at it what is this monolith I want to do the branches I’m so tired of doing the monotonous work of the trunk I want to do the exciting stuff

I don’t know should I even do I don’t know though because I I may wish to like texture it I wonder how it will look if I strip it first we shave it and then we strip it just like a little bit just in places it’s kind of horrible

I think it will be fine though Foreign I don’t even know how this is where the real challenge comes in we made a pass the easy part which was just planting the trees and now I’m realizing I should have to build stuff and I’m intimidated let me go look at it again from over here

I wish I could like yeah I need a second Minecraft account I can look at it from afar to see what see what my progress is foreign right here I think you see the vision Flora count Um This part too I feel like should flare out man how do you do a tree should I look at Minecraft trees Minecraft Give me a world tree Okay I’m looking oh this is cool this one’s got like glowing Bibles up it whoa this one is a cherry tree that looks really cool okay I’m looking at references I’m gonna try Let’s like Um I really do need a cam account though anything when you’re in this close you know oh ouch So my thought is like what if we make Kind of a circular shape ouch get ready for that to happen a million times So what if it’s kind of circular But not exactly circular so we don’t want it to be too perfect This is too small I think I think the route needs to be way bigger This is considered this the sketch Maybe more like this and then Somehow It will come out flare out Um like this Ow filthy dotted pill was a mistake How Scenic it is though ouch I should just make a platform for myself we’ll terraform later it has to look ugly first before it can look good Oh built this platform but it wasn’t enough I still fell Bigger platform Is this how a route goes I do want it to kind of be at an angle though so like over on this side like Comes This Way sort of I should go to sleep before a million creepers spawn rudely you don’t see the vision just wait just wait

Don’t worry about what blocks it is sideways don’t worry about the blocks this is just a sketch this is just to get the shape down this is not how it’s going to look when it’s done I will replace every block where am I where am I wrong side this side

You guys have no faith in me I know I have not done much yet to earn your faith but just just wait just hold on it’ll be fine this tray also has to go I’m sorry cute small tree actually not that small but compared to my monolith here small

Maybe I should go look at it from afar again all right let’s see I don’t want to run out of rockets though because I don’t think I have more gunpowder and I don’t want to have to run my rain form oh it’s total that’s totally gonna work she might be small still

This looks fine trust the process I think some of the roots need to be larger We saw them can be smaller for variation I think it can slope downwards faster I think the name will be the process that’s kind of meta ouch Okay have it slope down get out of here You are not my giant tree so you must go be gone foul timid Oak you are nothing in the face of my mighty world tree and the platform also needs to go okay excuse me I’m getting spring allergies already oh thank you thank you for your blessings I need them Um this is it’s really a root oh gosh I’m getting kind of dizzy building this oh goodness looking up at it like this I need to build another platform and then demolish it and then build another platform and then demolish it again the endless cycle gross spruce tree destroys spruce tree

Grow spruce tree you scaffold me do not ask me to use scaffolding will the root go to water Maybe there’s water down there I mean it’s gonna go to the ground if there’s water there’s water I’m not going to build it underground though for added realism that’s not happening mmm my platform If I use like all of my logs I’ll eat this apple delicious It’s hot just a facade it’s true It is just a shell of a tree not even a real working tree it’s just an amalgamation of hundreds of now dead spruce trees Nature is truly brutal foreign From afar See I think it’s too small I mean we can have one small one but I think the other ones are gonna have to be way bigger let’s firework oh another stack but then I need to worry hmm yeah I think I’ll like add some more blocks like up here

Like this shape and then y’all have it continue down down somewhere into the ground how many roots four to six I don’t know I think it needs like Roots all on every side all around Well they don’t have to be ouch super detailed I think that if we do this pouch it will help No oh I’m out hmm Foreign Without looking close or when you’re this close to it I think this will make it blend a bit more possibly all right let’s go to sleep Do I even have a way to get in this way this way um my tree oh no we have company I thought it was safe in here I thought this was my safe place the inside of my very own tree is crawling with bugs my bugs that means zombies but probably

Also plenty of bugs hopefully not termites though Should I conserve my Rockets I want to go look at again I’m like I could just just walk up the stairs though but oh I was so lazy too lazy to walk up the stairs by no if I used it that’s only 65 check your work it’s hard to even see it

Yeah I think that’s good though I mean obviously okay ignore like the block composition because that will change Just look at the shape and then get another angle um I think it’s okay we can refine it this is it’s like every two seconds I’m like realizing what I’ve signed up for and getting overwhelmed Okay so it’s gonna have to go wushu I guess I will just keep following this shape down Get rid of my platform build another one probably It’s true I just have to if I make even a little bit of progress every stream and that’s all I need it will get done one day even making one route progress the roots are going to help though they will help when people look at it

And think like what the heck is this like oh it’s a root it’s a tree it’s not an evil tower rather it’s his tree of life itself Not death Patience I need to have patience something I am not most famous for Oh did any of you watch the the bear movie that just came out is it like a movie that’s so bad it’s good you watched it intoxicated Bear yes bear with illegal substance that I should not mention probably maybe it’s campy is it like Sharknado it must be right

Polar bear there you go that’s a real thing too though right the polar bear Um you cried well it is a sad story I don’t think the movie is sad well maybe probably if you love bears it’s sad because imagine if that movie Coca-Cola bear became like such a classic hit like Jaws they’re like Bears had a new wave of of

Of hatred and fear against them wouldn’t that be horrible like what happened to sharks with jaws these true bears are scary though I mean I think a polar bear is way more dangerous to humans than a shark is but like people think polar bears are cute I mean they are cute but they’re

Really scary they will actually hunt humans as a food source sharks don’t do that polar bear’s a swift death I don’t know I’ve heard that they’ll just two alive literally if you’re lucky maybe it will be Swift they do if they’re hungry which they probably are scary but they are very cute

I will not deny that truth please don’t make me build another platform I don’t want to build any more platforms no no more platforms you see what I’m cooking hope so others they will doubt me and say things like what what is that I hope you can see my vision

Although even I may not be able to see it at times it may seem like I’m placing blocks randomly I assure you I’m not okay um I’m going to refine this part there are a lot of like excess logs here too they definitely don’t need to be here She’s a little bit Concerning Maybe if you think about how many logs were wasted and how long it takes to chop them What’s your guys favorite bad movie Mine might be the room still I mean it’s a classic but it’s a classic for a reason I think rubber rubber is a little scary to me it was a little too much Gore for me Twilight that’s just a good movie what are you talking about foreign it looks scary my tree

It looks less like a root and more like an alien it’s like tapping into the ground to steal nutrients from the Earth which is literally what it is but I don’t know it’s a little bit scary I also have no way to get in to my tree there’s a door somewhere here

But I do think it does look kind of like a a root right it doesn’t look incorrect my tree doesn’t have a curb hey don’t talk about my tree that way there’s plenty curvy don’t you know I’ll have you know it does have a curve it see it does get smaller

And it’s not done yet do not judge my tree so swiftly unless you wish to have your own tree judged okay I mean this is not that bad for the general shape of a root one root we just need to do this like 30 more times now I think um What do I want to do what do I want to do with this thing Among Us see it oh do you know I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that now I’m feeling self-conscious about the shapedness of my treat We can work on refining the general shape oh it’s just this tree is so large I can’t play if I almost let you guys convince me that this is small pretty big build I think could be bigger well anything could be bigger unless it’s like literally the whole

Universe even that could be bigger it’s always getting bigger at every moment invalid criticism guys we’ll just not stop today it could be yes you’ve seen people who Among Us the size of their neck is like equal to their heads like they worked out so much you’ve seen it right Yeah one-to-one ratio Foreign to see if I can do that hold on like wide Fawn actually well her head is also wide Um How do I how do I how do I only increase the size of my neck Um foreign Did it work Um do I look kind of buff now kind of look at my shoulders look at these shoulder widths absolute size oh my Chrome froze I became too powerful for Chrome Wait my chin also gets bigger like you could Chad wait this looks really cursed kind of cursed My Chrome is so broken okay it’s fixed it lives so powerful that’s enough of that I wouldn’t mind to being dainty delicate woman please Say Chrome I know I didn’t even switch after the Creepypasta almost Blinded Me from staring at the lines of black and white literally leaving permanent damage to my retinas only firefox’s reader mode could save me Oh I should not I should finish the first layer first let’s be methodical about it let’s not be crazy Even though I don’t really want to oops Let’s get this out I will get out of here stray leaf gone Is it good oh if I don’t break my legs and die that’ll be good But I think it’s good if I was like varying ouch Varying hides here so it looks Blended valid building strategy to just like break your knees over and over again Because it’s kind of the only strategy that works for me yes I mean we can do this too this one is fun oh no I like me the the old triple Place Crouch walk that one is the classic oh I remember I was over here and then I fell And died probably always likely at any situation any given moment Um Does this look terrible Maybe will you be able to notice from afar probably not it might be good to have some like rounded shapes um on the sides That’s how people build in this game I cannot well that too but I was thinking more to imply a curved shape but if we may or may not be having a curved shape sleep and then um let’s get some food do I have potatoes or anything like it spew from that heal my stuff

Oh dinner one poisonous potato please my favorite um I want my fortune three oh I could get that so easily too there’s nothing stopping me thank you potatoes it’s not many potatoes it feels like a waste to use a whole lava bucket but it means free so it’s not a waste right

Can you even make cooked carrots I mean raw carrots are pretty popular to eat like some ranch or hummus but I really like roasted carrots but carrots are one of my top vegetables you might say that that is what a child would say and well children like delicious food like french fries

No one is going to deny that french fries are delicious right um carrots and pizza and peas I love peas too they’re so sweet carrots too I’m out of water yeah I can chicken nugget and french fries this might be that might be food than children love

But who can deny the deliciousness of chicken nuggets and french fries you know you can try to deny it all you want but it is delicious the unrefined palette I mean when we say that kids have bad taste It’s it’s not always like it’s more like the things they don’t like rather than the things they do like Like the things kids like are beloved by all right like a cookie a cake back to work let me do this okay am I going to get quite a few Vlogs out of that mining Expedition tree mining Expedition where we almost caught everything on fire but we didn’t ouch I don’t know how this looks um It’s a shape certainly it is a shape what of the shapes ever it’s tree shaped ah I do feel like it maybe it does need to be need to have more of an hourglass shape to it I’m letting that one comment live in my brain now do we need to snatch the waist

Because my thoughts it would go out a lot at the top but Um the branches will do it yeah I need to get this tree of corset just go whoop I think this doesn’t look that bad if we have more of them It could be a tree all right back we go oh sure oh sure oh for Tanya it’s not a fort no I’m thinking if we do I want to put glow like in on it I think it will look really good if it has a glow like in okay let’s go over here

Ouch get rid of these leaves because we can do the glow like in a swirly pattern I think that would look good because I did see you I was Googling Minecraft trees compare mine with there is one that had like really big like glowstone swirls on it it looked cool but I think I want mine to look a little more subtle than that a little more natural hey Comparison is the thief of Joy it’s true that is true I will only compare my tree to how it looked in the previous stream oh Ouch birthday profile happy birthday You know what if you guys think this tree is medium then that actually makes me feel better about myself so if this is what counts as medium then maybe it’s fine to be medium maybe medium is like plenty if this is what you consider medium there’s still so many leaves I’ve spent

Like three hours last time chopping down every single leaf and there are still so many Um I know the sideways placement is probably driving so many people crazy but it’s fine just don’t worry foreign it is kind of satisfying to find new pockets of leaves I have missed before get rid of them no photosynthesis allowed you shall grow only when I tell you to grow

Yeah they’re nice they’re my soup chainsaw man they didn’t watch them she watched the whole anime right I was not washing with her but I was I was keeping my eye because I don’t I haven’t seen the anime I only read the Manga but did she like it hooked and then she had

To binge the whole the whole rest of the series foreign I wonder if she’ll read the mom she does like reading manga and then I can I can talk to her about chainsaw Man manga because I don’t know I don’t want to be an obnoxious Manga Reader because I’m normally I normally am

An anime only watch her but I really do think it would change something like all the good stuff does happen like after the first season ends You gotta read the Manga or you can wait like 10 years for it to get animated maybe not 10. just do both yeah I need to watch the anime I feel like some you are so rude I feel like some things will hit harder in the anime than the manga that’s like

My one problem with the manga is sometimes I feel like I read it so fast like it doesn’t have time to like sink in you know that’s my own fault but it’s very easy to just binge it like makima I don’t know I don’t know it’s complicated it’s complicated

I Like Crazy Ray’s a best girl for me all right dancer Oh gosh oh gosh thinking about makima you gotta read the Manga I don’t know so much happens in the manga but I kind of want her to step on me I think that’s the experience of Chainsaw man that’s like the whole that’s like everything power best girl power is very good too

I like um from part two I mean there are many good characters though this thing I like Yoshida too I’m intrigued By Yoshida what’s his deal what is his deal cool bunny yes kovani is also great these cars that makes me so sad Beam Beam is very good too Yoshida just looks cool helps emo he’s so emo don’t trust no I mean I don’t know I’ve heard some fan theories floating around but

I don’t know who knows nobody knows this is a thing That’s just a theory wait tomorrow is a new chapter it’s not on break this week ah is it new chapter tomorrow Cosmo’s the best okay I agree with you actually Cosmo might be best girl no longer am I playing Minecraft I’m just climbing up the scaffolding listing chainsaw Man characters

There’s many best girls yeah maybe Cosmo tomorrow I am procrastinating I don’t know what to do about this tree how do I fix this tree how do I fix the mistakes that I’ve made fun okay okay let’s fill in the remaining holes on this layer okay or not or not

I hate us here I hate it I’m beginning to hate my own tree ah just tear down scratch ow ow I can’t fly I really feel like if I developed a good scaffolding system it would be way less painful but I’m not gonna do that I’m gonna continue painfully flying and failing

And then complaining imagine if I did have like a comprehensive like scaffolding ringing around the inside and the outside that would be great that would be so useful I’m not doing that sounds like a lot of work um I don’t even know where the rest of the holes are oh please

Get out of here be gone Oh there’s a hole I do kind of want to do like a stream where I spoil every thing spoiler stream I know chadcast did one I do spoil things sometimes usually unintentionally but sometimes you just want to discuss everything that there is to discuss oh

Haha did you see that I got that I got that leaf and broken fridge and spoil everything I’ll call it your fridge after you leave your Tupperware in there for three months um 360 no scope did I tell you I finished um I don’t remember if I mentioned it I think I might have I finished um spy family I didn’t talk about I think I talked about the last Minecraft stream even yeah I didn’t because then people were like

It sucked and I was like no it has bond in it it cannot suck oh I don’t know that shows I really like that show it’s extremely wholesome and comfy with like the right amount of humor like a lot of I don’t know oh one of my favorite it’s probably not wholesome

But it is comfy one of my favorite comfy animes was like um Miss kobayashi’s Dragon Mane but it’s just not as wholesome as spy family you know but it’s still comfy it’s still a comfy show you’re a cam I should watch that I haven’t washed it

Poor best girl I love Polo she’s so cute I haven’t watched season two though yeah Um no this tree it’s very heavy I know there’s always there there was always a lot of fan service and Dragon Mane but oh I feel like It doesn’t need it I always liked watching it for the like comfy family Dynamic you know and I love Euro camp probably will yeah the found family dynamic that’s why it feels it’s very comfy and oh my gosh I can’t do this I can’t do this it’s not even that time yet duh my tree tree

I should just build up to it but I don’t want to plastic tree oh my gosh [Applause] I’m gonna have to give up and just build up I’m not a gamer enough foreign Scaffold person you must understand Minecraft into a rage game it’s not already it can be sometimes for sure um this is probably fine oh I started mom’s psycho season three but I only watched the first episode I always love seeing the new Ops the mob psycho Ops are always good without fail ouch

Oh I knew I don’t know I love Reagan I love fake it Reagan is so funny but then I love how he genuinely cares about mob and he’s like trying to give him good advice season three wrapped up everything perfectly is season three gonna be the last season

So I kind of thought that after season one he was like it was a good I didn’t need more but season two is really good too so It’s The End I should I should have rewatched the first two seasons then this is the last one maybe I will maybe I’ll just re-watch

The whole thing when I’m done watch season three and then watch season one two three again don’t fall I might I love mob psycho but I I won’t because I’m already like satisfied like with what we have you know I mean there are some Mysteries left on explored but I really like

Mom psycho as it is no this tree it pains me so never be satisfied always demand more no I’m so scared because that’s how they end up like Reviving your beloved series and then ruining it with a million reboots you know better call Lalo are they gonna make us spin-off for Lalo

I would watch it Lala is such a good villain nah they should I heard they’re working on a show for um it’s not in the same universe right but it’s it’ll be for the actors to play in Kim that’s what I heard they are on Apple TV what Does is there like any info on what it will be about or anything I have not watched Nana or Nana I need to though it’s like a classic um there’s a lot I need to watch Apple TV Stein’s gate yes I need to watch that what I didn’t watch that is so dumb I think I mentioned it before I was like gonna watch it and then

You might hate me for this don’t hate me I’m changed now I probably wouldn’t feel the same now if I watched it and I saw the tutaroo girl and I was like oh my God what are you doing why are you tutoring in my serious mystery anime I can’t do this I was like I don’t know it’s like who are you and what are you doing that’s the best part I think now I can watch it and I can appreciate I think before when I watched it I was like really in an edgy phase and I was like oh my God

It’s probably like right after I watched death notes but I don’t know if Misa said tutu would I forgive her me so my beloved I think I’ll forgive her for anything if only the tutorial girl were goth and we then we would live an entire life where I watched science Gates

I’m so much like her though really I don’t know anything about her is she smart not really But I’m sorry I need to read I need to actually watch it so I can reform my opinion I was somehow really put off by the tutorial it’s not fair but it is what it is she’s comfy I don’t know I need to watch it to understand what is her role Okay we’re almost out of vlogs The best stuff girls oh I mean that show also has the the other girl who seems like smart because she wears a lab coat that’s how you know someone is smart right lab coat that’s all it takes She’s so quirky who wins is tutorial quirky what is her name I should know her name I can’t just call her tutu I’m sorry I’m sorry Miss tuturu mayori her name is Tutu bad she doesn’t deserve this you know it’s just because I was so edgy at the time

But I’m like a Moe lover now so I need to re-watch so I can reform my opinion and not have only the remnants of edgy emo fauna reformed I’m still kind of edgy it’s never just a phase is the thing I mean people I don’t know like there has to be a

Reason why you’re drawn to the emo life you know I’ve always had a morbid Fascination you know it just is what it is but at least I can appreciate Moe now no need to I don’t know it was probably because I I was afraid it’s like you know

I I didn’t want to like it because then I wouldn’t be cool anymore if I like this too true boy girl I was afraid she threatened me by being cute and I was like oh no what if I like this I have to reject it so I can be be edgy and cool

Like that you understand do you have things like that I don’t think I’m that way anymore at least not with like cute cute things ah it’s a state tree this is a Dame tree oh the hips are Paradox it’s not good to me but hipster about things but I totally

Was and I probably still am twister an extent it’s like how do you cleanse yourself from the Hipster mindset no good the contrary and hipster mindset ah simply Embrace cringe I think I have have I I’m pretty cringe unashamedly Elias I think I am cringe is good almost everything fun is cringe to

Someone ouch quirky not cringe but if I call myself cringe before anyone else does it then their words will have no power over me is that just combing no who cares what people think cares just live your life the way you want like whatever you like Carolina that’s just just being human or you know something close to a human we are social creatures we want to fit in and be approved by others but the trick is not to change yourself to be accepted by others but to find people who are willing to accept you As You Are Um so a tutorial girls just to find someone who is not me she deserves better I need my Redemption why do I feel so bad from this anime girl because I hated on her for no reason because she was cute that’s all she did nothing wrong and I hated her it’s true

All she did was go and I hated her for that she’s voiced by kanahanazawa and do you love me some Pana hanazawa I’ve changed I’ve changed this was from an end of your time oh no an energy or me to loud adult tutu is loved I will love her helpful love for her have I really I think so I don’t know I don’t know what problem was with this tutorial whoa whoa I mean I feel like I’ve watched things that are much more ridiculous than a little tutaroo you know foreign I didn’t like how dumb all the characters were they were all so dumb it was making me frustrated I think

That’s like the point I think you’re supposed to go ha ha you’re so dumb and laugh at them but I was just getting getting frustrated so I don’t know if it’s meant for me it just may not be for me I don’t know I don’t usually watch like comedy well anything to be honest I’m trying to think like oh If there are any that I like One punch man I didn’t really care for one punch man that much I don’t think it’s bad or anything it just wasn’t really my thing I really love a mob psycho 100 though The slander it’s not slander it’s just my opinion I said it’s not bad I can’t change my opinion I mean you can’t I guess but I’m not saying you shouldn’t like it You must agree with the hive mind So Andrew’s opinion oh no I ran out of Vlogs what’s that just a lava Sword Art Online never watched it um I mean there are oh no do I like comedy as a genre it’s usually not what I go for in anything really like um the office I watched the office classic comedy TV show that everyone has watched I mean

I liked the office but I was kind of like I don’t know no I lied I liked it from the humor I think I’m gonna say I was doing it for the Pam and gym so plot but I mean that was there too but I watched Malcolm in the Middle that’s funny

That’s a comedy oops Big Bang Theory never watched Big Bang Theory I did watch a couple seasons of Rick and Morty but my favorite episode of Rick and Morty was the sad one where Rick falls in love with the hive mind and then you have that really sad ending scene I don’t know

I think I just I like sad things or serious things Parks and Rec I haven’t watched it I’ve seen like probably a couple episodes oh I don’t know I don’t I do feel like I’m being like OMG I’m so edgy right now like I don’t even

Oh my God I’m so edgy I like can’t even find joy and like watching comedy because my soul is just so dark I can only enjoy edgy media that’s not true no it’s like I like to watch streamers if I want to watch something funny you know

Just to watch Hollow live if I want to laugh I want my other media to make me feel things deep in my soul I don’t like scripted Colony I mean I think I can like it she’s not like the genre I like go for or like comedy movies

I don’t know have I ever watched like comedy movie wait yes oh my God thinking about this there is there is a comedy movie that I think is really funny Austin Powers it’s so stupid there we go look see I’m not edgy I like Austin Powers I’m normal

Awesome powers I want to watch that again yeah cause I think mume was talking about it in her stream like briefly and it made me think about it I love the part with the steamroller that part is so funny and then the part went the where they’re trying to turn

The cart around the hallway those are my two favorite parts the 60 point turn yes oh and I want to watch I want to watch it’s been too long has similar humor really Maybe maybe I should give it another chance I’m not sure about that one random Chad

I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t mean to call out and just like one person’s opinion that’s like what happened to me earlier when someone takes your opinion as ultimate fact and they’re like cannot be your opinion is wrong you cannot have this opinion because it differs from my opinion

And that makes it wrong megumin has snail too cute do people really hate Aqua she’s cute too oops my tree love to hate she’s a bro maybe I need to watch it give it another try I think I was like going into it like pre-judging it which you shouldn’t do

You know when you like form an opinion based on nothing before you even watch something and then you’re already kind of like hmm okay yeah if I watch Soviets now I once was an isakai hater but we can try to change and have a more nuanced opinion don’t need to write off a whole genre which one well okay so this is like I was washing it it’s like a Shoujo isakai so it very much whenever I was watching it I was like

Wow this show is like designed to appeal to me to my brain so my next life as a villainous I didn’t finish it though I don’t know why I didn’t finish it I need to finish it if I was like this is totally just like fan service Shoujo fan service

But it was working it was working on my Shoujo brain you liked it too it was cute I like the main character I think that’s like key to an isakai the main character has got to be likable the main character was very funny they’re kind of stretching it now I classic move

I mean I don’t think every animani’s have a likable MC but hello do you need one for isakai I think if it’s gonna be like a harem isakai you have to have a likable main character otherwise you’ll just be mad at them right be like why are you acting this way I

Would not treat my best girl that way what are you doing Shape Up how dare how dare that’s everyone watching me talk about how dare you phone us I’m sorry I will atone for my sins she does not deserve this you start watching re-zero out of that oh full poop take this

Ria zero sometimes I feel like I should watch it just so I can understand all the references wait that’s where Ram is from right she’s really cute I don’t know anything about her but she’s cute I like her hair and she has a twin that people don’t

Care about for some reason and I need to like understand why why is she so much more popular than her twin where is the love for Ram Ram is hilarious really to me REM is like well to me they both have the same personality because I haven’t watched it and I’m just judging them based on appearances and fan art that I’ve seen in my head they’re both like shy soft shy girls Very long oh no it has Emilia too right the purple one she’s cute too I don’t know I see a lot of fan art of ram though a lot of pretty fan art I feel like she is one of those characters that like artists just like to draw her

Like even if they are not fans of the show she has nice character design So she gets a lot of fan art yeah cute Mane exactly Felix Felix is cute too good character designs in that show I didn’t know Felix was from reason whoa Um oh wait I just realized reserve and Sword Art Online are not the same show I mean I think I do that but I’m just thinking they’re like in the same in my brain they’re stored in like the same spot that’s like another one that I feel like I’m

I need like I’m missing out on by not washing it because people always make references and stuff that’s the one with Kirito they’re nothing alike really are they really nothing like not even close they’re both East guys Kirito is the main character and he has Asana and they are trapped in a game

And if you die in the game you die in real life that’s that’s all I got I could give you any plot summary of re-zero actually is re-zero not the same you’re also not trapped in a game and if you die in the game you die in real life

No what is the setting of re zero other way around if you die in real life you die in the game that’s true though in our world that’s pretty true you reload when you die can you just like keep resetting until you like get a good life scene then

Flying until you like get born into ends like a king speedrun resets foreign file oh you don’t get to become someone else that would stress me out like the idea of having the option to reload a save my life I would always be worrying like should I have should I have reset it

I would never be able to live in the moment because I would always be worrying about if I made a good enough choice laughs oh that’s exactly the point of the series I’m getting it IRL saves coming but can everyone do that or only the main characters

What determines if you can do that Just the one main character how do you know that not everyone else can also do that how would you know if someone else didn’t just reset the universe and you had no idea can you ever really be sure what if it’s not like one timeline what if there’s all different timelines yeah

Like instead of reloading you actually just create a new timeline And if everyone can do that then they’re always constantly creating new timelines like infinite timelines Stop spoiling the show for yourself we’re just I’m not talking about research anymore I’m writing my own show I’m gonna call it um read one wait then selling recipe for one I’m gonna call it undo no maybe I would like re-zero apparently I have no I knew nothing about it

That’s the thing Ryan do you ever really like the anime summaries on my anime list and they’re like why are they all so bad like they do not describe the shows at all somehow you like know less about a show after you read the summary Because they don’t want to spoil I don’t know I feel like they shouldn’t try to summarize the plot I feel like they should summarize like it’s a heartfelt Adventure instead it’s always like I don’t know I don’t know though it’s like Hunter Hunter how do you subscribe Hunter Hunter to get someone

To watch it cause Hunter Hunter looks so it doesn’t look like it would be anything special on the surface it just looks pretty normal like two boys going on an adventure but that’s not That’s not what makes it so good I feel like I just have to say it’s good just trust me just trust me just watch it you won’t regret it it’s just very good at what it does show pictures he’s a good bad scene how could you say that no one’s gonna watch it if you say that You can only withstand that scene after you come to terms with what he’s the cut is how he is Shonen with subversive character writing that’s pretty good I prefer high stakes anime or low space anime that’s a good question um think I do generally prefer high stakes anime I like if the characters are at risk of death But I don’t think every show needs to be high stakes I think some shows well a lot of shows shouldn’t be it does not work for every show yeah imagine how I said I was gonna say imagine like torador is high stakes but honestly Toradora kind of does feel high stakes

When you’re watching it this is like not that comfy the emotionally devastating And then there is like um ah what’s it called again the one with the girls who are wandering around and it’s like a post-apocalyptic world but it’s just comfy girls last tour yeah that one like yours feel like something horrible is about to happen Yeah it has that atmosphere I wanted to re-watch that one I didn’t read the Manga should I read it is it on my manga reading app time to check Oh No unless there’s an apostrophe is there an apostrophe No it’s not on my mug we’re my pain three dollars a month for just so I can read chainsaw man I guess that’s worth it oh God so baited Willow by this app which I’m not gonna name right now because I’m about to complain about it

You can do this thing where they list a bunch of manga but not all of it is free even with the premium subscription like I bought the premium subscription thinking that I can read every manga that they have but they’re not all available some of them you have to buy

The volumes individually still They make it so hard I just want to legally Read Manga please oh no it’s getting like that with like the anime streaming sites too I think it’s been like that like now there’s so many of them it used to be like just Crunchyroll and now there’s like so many others to

Have to get a subscription to all of them uh Uh YouTube has free anime now I feel like I’ve seen that YouTube has a bunch of random free stuff on it I think there’s like some free movies too Streaming sites in general are reaching critical mass like cable I think so too oh like it feels like we are looping back around cable like I’m just waiting for whenever well maybe this already exists like streaming side bundles does that exist like where you could get subscriptions to multiple streaming

Sites all bundled together for a discount and then that’s like basically cable we’re just Reinventing cable cause like honestly at this point like I I kind of need that although it feels I don’t know the bundles I don’t want the bundles but once you have so many subscriptions But I know I still don’t have a lot of subscriptions I don’t have Hulu or Disney Plus or uh HBO Max I don’t know I’ll get them if there’s like a show I want to watch well I still haven’t watched the finale to Better Call Saul because it’s not on Netflix

And I don’t know what to do I guess I can get a free trial to whatever site has it AMC plus I don’t even like know what that is isn’t that a movie theater why is that a streaming site I’m so confused then a TV channel too oh now they’re

Getting it on the streaming service game I mean it’s kind of amazing that Netflix like was the only one for so long you think about it Like how did these other companies not get on in sooner like they just didn’t see the potential in it even though Netflix was kind of killing it for a while um MC plus what’s even on MC plus The Walking Dead ah Better Call Saul season this last season

Is Netflix going to get it one day if I wait like three years I hope so nah oh either they get it or they lose the series ah if Netflix loses Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul what will they even have left wait does Disney Plus have the Ghibli movies on it

I’m not a huge Disney fan but no didn’t they did they not buy and give me in America the like localization HBO has it what money there’s too many oh they had publishing rights for a while um the American publishing I see so complicated I am going to be so complicated You’re watching nausicaa right now right now hello That’s cool I’m tempted to steal your alpacas but I have quite the collection myself I really like the world but I thought that the movie was really slow paced but maybe that’s my own fault my own bad attention span but the world is really cool and of course the animation is beautiful the older and gambling stuff is like that yeah Then the newer giveaway stuff is Foreign I’ve collected many many logs red vochi no I want to watch it mommy did a watch along or she’s been watching it with her members that shows is cute and comfy right I’m kind of in like a cute comfy show mood am I I think so

I just really liked spy family it was so cute not comfy really maybe I have the wrong opinion wrong image of it I mean your Camp it is then I should wash it’s Sunset that was cool though look at this thank you oh wow ciao it’s too real to be comfy

I think I understand I just know that people compared to chaon but maybe just like superficially just like The Superficial similarities but I haven’t watched all of either Nothing like chaos is it pronounced okay on okay foreign how do people normally say it ouch You said it doesn’t chaot IC visual k it wait is that why okay just means like doesn’t it just mean like fashion but visual K is like also a music genre but it’s also about the the fashion they don’t sing visual K music and chaos that would be crazy can you imagine

If they knew if they wore that style they sing pop rock this thing don’t say that you are lazy crazy thing of Haruhi too I also have not Marsh Haruhi ever but that’s another one I need to watch um fake weave I’m not a fake weed because I

Still know the dance the haruhin dance I can do the night can do the dance I’ve forgotten it I could do it at one point I’m imagining it in my head right now the dance Did we make any progress today I mined a lot of vlogs let’s go drop them off I guess ouch ouch my face Good morning Empire God is here foreign we dropped this off wait I probably want this dirt I like how it rains in here it feels like it’s indoors but there’s just a huge hole in the ceiling good morning Tiki yeah did she change her name recently it was different before right

What was her name before oh it was it was Kowalski analysis or something Kyle analysis yeah yeah She changed it um This tree this tree I did watch The Penguins of Madagascar movie oh wait is that different from the original Madagascar movie oh I also played the game for GameCube it was on GameCube right that game was a thing oh it’s different maybe I didn’t watch it I watched the original one

I guess it’s just called Madagascar like I watched the Penguins one maybe not the GameCube one was so good it was so good I don’t even remember what you did in that game remember it was good I want to look it up now okay I think I will stop playing

Minecraft here but I’ll read some super chats we make a little bit of progress every day in crony’s birthday is in link two hours right lots of privacy it feels like smaller progress today because we didn’t plant a bunch of trees but I think we did make progress nonetheless

It’s way more filled in that’s good That’s good wait I shouldn’t log out like on the scaffolding that’s just asking for me to die when I log back in okay the feeling is satisfying oh it’s dangerous in here should I go home or you drop the potato I will just leave goodbye Kyla should I type it to her

I never know what to say when I log off the server now that’s good foreign Fun well why am I so awkward hold up hold on try not to be awkward challenge impossible hello that’s our quick cringe Queen oh no try not to cringe challenge impossible big Idol fauna that’s right that’s right I think I might do a super chat reading I guess I wish our reading stream

On Wednesday because I’m kind of behind and I should catch up before my birthday probably Yeah we haven’t done one in a while like super chat reading dedicated stream thank you guys thank you thanks for hanging out Minecraft Monday true yes there’s sapling book club on Thursday don’t forget to read we’re reading the first half of all tomorrows if you would like to join

It’s available it’s like only it’s not in print this book it’s only available on PDF so you can easily get a free PDF online I haven’t read it yet I want to read it close to the stream so I don’t forget everything probably read it tomorrow forgot to do your homework you still

Have time don’t forget you took notes on it that’s a good idea I should do that actually so I have stuff to talk about I have to lead the discussion to lead the book club discussion after all um I’ll take notes they’re hanging out today thank you

Thank you I will read the super chats from today now Jose Moon pie thank you you thank you and my ninja thank you milkshake thank you everyone said thank you I need more water I drink all my water but I don’t want to get more right before the end I’ll just tough it out thank you Aaron Khan thank you oh no Evan thank you

Katie thank you snip thank you Bloom thank you cyano thank you thank you I forgot about the thumbnail I promise that I would I would use I would make this the thumbnail so I did suffering from dehydration I’m bound to get assassinated Agent 47 Bishop thank you

Thank you that means a lot to me Bishop thank you again don’t know oh no Spirit but thank you oh thank you I appreciate it yeah have a good wine today tomorrow everybody thank you trees are ordinarily beautiful but this one is simply exquisite are you being for real do you really

Mean it thank you sub city thank you happy birthday new interesting space facts that I can share with you Um new I don’t know the first one that came to mind is just like because we’re talking about it how the universe is expanding but the rate of expansion of the universe is also increasing so theoretically if it continues to expand and continues to increase in expansion

Rate there will come a time when the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light and therefore no more signals can ever be transmitted because the growing distance is too far for light to travel in time and the universe will be plunged Into Darkness that was that a fun fact

You don’t have to worry about it that’s going to be a long time from now yeah no way we live even I won’t live that long so don’t worry about it the sun will have engulfed the Earth by then long before then don’t worry about it Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you casual oh no thank you I’m sorry for the fauna Standard Time I think it’s good for Europeans for like two weeks and then it goes back to being bad again what I mean

Good is also a strong word I think it’s still really late but better better 6 a.m for you oh oh but if you live in North America well honestly it depends where you live in North America if you live in North America I might be streaming right when you get home from

Work or I might be streaming while you’re still at work and then that’s maybe not ideal but maybe depending on your job you can listen to it on your second monitor it sounds like my time is not good for anyone Good Majestic bear song thank you I have watched before not much but I have Fonzie thank you girls thank you Azar thank you I’m afraid for people to perceive my tree that’s like my main motivation in finishing it right now is like I need to make it look good so the people

Who look at it will not have their eyes destroyed by its ugliness my main motivation I didn’t even like think about it the other people would see this giant thing and be like what what is this One day one day it will look good I hope They’re doing worse it’s okay it’ll motivate me to work on it finish it faster crumble dog thank you prevalence thank you ashion thank you soon though hey hey you’re right but that doesn’t mean you should say it seven thank you oh ice pumpkin spice much latte

I wore my own milk before I blended her after if you want to drink it hot I think if you want to drink it hot you warm the milk first wait do you wait I think you’re supposed to get the Mantra in a little bit of like hot water

And then whisk it up and then you put it in the warm milk I think Yeah and froth it I think casual Vader thank you missed by 20 thank you Hang in there don’t worry don’t beat yourself up too much Giorgio thank you Johnny thank you tomato juice called V8 that’s a lot of can e watch out watch out that has a lot of sodium Thank you very much Nike will win it’s a good idea why don’t we have one wait no we don’t What if I just add the like wide upon a neck I was thinking of wide fauna that’s already kind of a neck emote oh you haven’t died yet good good anime girls are the best thank you yeah I hope that it gets finished I mean it will get finished one day we’re

Making progress it’s only been like three streams and we already have a lot of progress try Nova thank you I remember someone commented this I saw it Hitman Dev is reacting to speed runs one of them was a sixth sixth second Dubai run and the dev directed they said

That level took a year to make they shouldn’t be dejected they should be happy that their sandbox works so well and can Inspire so many different methods of playing you know that it didn’t take them six seconds to figure out the speedrun either it probably took them hours to

Figure out this speed run you know they’re spending hours figuring it out yeah exactly it means the speed run took six months playing it send him thank you I hope it’s not broken does this sound broken to you Sounds like ASMR yes this is broken can’t twisted yo Buddhist thank you I don’t we don’t have permissions right now but I have heard of it I could perhaps ask prevalence thank you classes couldn’t thank you takoyaki thank you thank you that’s true but I do want to have those stacks of wood possibly I’ll just light them up eventually undented unattended camel thank you

Kenshin thank you love the emperor thank you Thank you Warren thank you where can you watch the concert it’s on spawn can I direct you there wait is it on spawn wait maybe it’s not on spawn don’t listen to me I’m sorry I don’t know anything it’s not on spot usually it is um it is okay What’s this website though Is that where you can buy tickets free section on YouTube where do you buy tickets there’s a button delivery spawn here you go Um wait this is wait is this is this correct that’s the super Expo wait where’s the here it is hold on I’m finding it Here you go for the Fists kids foreign I am performing on day two in case you want to watch me you can also get tickets for all three concerts this is the JP link though is there an English one I am I know less than you

Is it not just if you change it to English at the top Ian link it’s confusing there’s different lobbies different chat rooms where’s the English one um um it was confusing finding the right tickets um I do not know I am sorry maybe someone made a guide on the

Subreddit people like to do that right people like to be helpful right they did actually okay go to the subreddit in some kind person has written a guide probably because it is confusing back it’s a really great guide kudos to whoever posted that Mr Luigi thank you

Oh no thank you and run the wind thank you my new computer I’m just it’s because I want to have a custom built computer but I don’t know how to build it myself and and that’s that’s where we’re at that’s where we’re at you see the problem easier than Legos I don’t know if I’ve ever even like put Legos together

I’m so scared I’m gonna like I’m going to shock myself on the capacity capacitor I’ll die episode custom build that would be convenient um anime life thank you or Mommy thank you anime life thank you hopefully not just got back from my trip to the Philippines couldn’t catch a lot

Of your streams my internet access was spotty but I’m glad to be back to catch my favorite carrot yes welcome back welcome back welcome back hope you had a good trip as you thank you magical girl thank you um Giorgio thank you come thank you right right Bibles thank you

No I have not watched caving horror film The Descent caving horror film that sounds that sounds like something I would like I would love it should we do more cave how many caves slash rock related members dreams have we had cause we did um free solo we did the read-along not enough

Never enough I mean I should just do like man in cave wash along at this point is sad so thank you oh no oh no eggs thank you sorry thank you that has only seen five movies in her life and three of them were Twilight please help please help

Them thank you great move thank you um I hope it’s not all bad we get to watch anime at least end of YouTubers damn let me thank you well thank you thank you Lilith Rose thank you speaker G thank you you drew sapling see that’s the problem with Idris El I don’t know how to

Pronounce it did you pronounce like an i or why you you Brazil you’re sapling that’s pretty good name if I can learn to pronounce it which is debatable dark Jason thank you silver thank you Has a fist thank you Drizzle that just sounds like caveman speak but at least I know how to pronounce it thank you Coop thank you Captain Sharky thank you world tree of fauna or WTF that will match people’s reaction bone removal expert wow thank you Kanda thank you cash money robot thank you Thank you LDN thank you Don’t be pretty background thank you thank you to know you thank you Um oh do you ever just Google Google just for fun Thank you no you never just like put a Google into the search bar for Google always Road talk thank you definitely no torches in my build but probably lanterns and glowstone and sea lanterns and glowing lichen Logan thank you thoria thank you thank you I will don’t worry I’m just

Getting the shape first Brian thank you you think you’re just a very song thank you bears are really cute they have nice cute ears but they have beady eyes the eyes just they tell me the danger lurks do you know what I’m talking about but you thank you Patito Louise thank you

Cat girls are more cats or humans humans of course there’s a meme about this if you go too far it’s bad they’re like they should be at least like 95 human at least James thank you REM thank you and cheese that’s okay hey hey profile thank you happy birthday let me sing for you too happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sapling happy birthday to you that’s good thank you don’t worry I have lightning rods nazim thank you

Always thank you then thank you Mazzy thank you anime ninja thank you I’m so sorry Thank you I’m sorry Ninja Warrior thank you thank you Bishop thank you Ginkgo thank you Ari thank you Cloud thank you final flight thank you mmm thank you thank you so edgy and Darius thank you thank you thank you sorry thank you Pride thank you pixie thank you simpleton thank you undented

Camel thank you thank you yeah first thank you importing your 12th of March was your birthday wish you the best on your world tree build enough coin fourth best cannot wait for you and the counselors to show up on this stage thank you I hope that

You guys will be cheering me on and I hope I can do a good job for you out camera thank you guys thank you I’m really nervous I’m nervous for best in birthday why could I not have been born at another month hi if only I was Australian then my birthday would be

Close that I don’t know Equinox then my birthday would be September 23rd but here we are I know I’m gonna have to do this every year every year oh my oh my oh my it’s okay after this I’m I’m just chilling that’s all that’s all they’ll toughen me up that’s true it

Might it might do that all right okay those are the superstars from today um I’ll read the other ones I’ll probably do supercharger reading stream soon but thank you for hanging out today crony’s birthday is in a little bit like an hour and a bit Um I’d wonder if I can send you there Oh I can I can send you to Iris maybe she’ll said you’re too crony I need to remember to redirect more I always forget I just forget send you to the middle man okay thank you guys are hanging out today um tomorrow I’m not streaming but I’ll

See you on Wednesday thanks very much for hanging out and please go enjoy Iris karaoke and crony birthday in just a little bit bye fun well bye-bye and don’t forget that the the fourth Fest is this weekend it’s this weekend it’s this weekend so I’m not gonna be

Streaming this weekend because I’m gonna be on the stage and there should be like a stream I think I don’t know there’s a free part I think and then I think last year some of the Expo stuff was also streamed we’ll see there may be various entertainments to

Watch and you can also buy tickets to watch the full thing thank you and I’ll see you on Wednesday and my birthday is in one week and one day ah and guys goodbye I will see you soon goodbye thank you for everything bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 The tree is not my neck’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-03-14 02:24:10. It has garnered 188656 views and 12149 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:55 or 13555 seconds.

I said I would make this the thumbnail so I did

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    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More