INSANE CHALLENGE: Eating Every Food in Minecraft!

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now we have a special food in [Music] Minecraft I just got my own notification that I’m I’m live that is so weird I have the tablet off stream or gamer J what is up we have not been together any while I think about it got the tablet off uh well everything’s off stuff I will be announcing the winning game and it and it’ll be between these three are the winning games but which one actually actually won we put them back up uh our goal for today is we’ll be eating every food in mine where am I all right so basically if we can eat it I have to get I don’t know this guy looks a little familiar this guy looks a little familiar don’t you guys agree Al that’s cool I have the liveing around me how about the stream delay that’s my question I’m just checking oh we’re we’re just starting to M the tree okay so that’s not good but bad oh it’s loading was it loading always replant I always replant um any food I can eat Island I always find an island I can eat not I not Island I can eat uh so crafting table sticks always got to CFT the wooden pickaxe first all right see coal beautiful coal we always need coal oh coal I feel like well not feel like but is literally the the literally the best or not best Lally the most uh it has the most of any that’s what I’m trying to say boy I cannot speak today the stream delay is not bad I don’t know how to fix it though you’re drowned we can get rotten flesh oh but rotten flesh really the first thing we want to eat that disgusting okay so we got to get two for the sword three for the pickaxe then three more for the axe then eight for the so 16 in total if I math is correct oh whoops also I never leave my crafting table behind all right furnace all right let’s get out of here let’s start eating anything oh there’s our first meal now I don’t want to kill with my sword because well that’s oh okay that’s good that’s good he dropped two so I can get the raw beef and the cooked beef that’s good also I did realize um I need two for every need two every cooked so there’s cook do play games other than Minecraft don’t mind me asking I play those games down there which you guys cannot see I’ll pull them up in a bit all right we have cook beef and we have the regular beef also who’s the third player in uh stream my drawer is kind of empty right now so the Minecraft dungeons bendy human fall flat the games I play all right we’re back but I do want to get so off screen I have a notepad out or I don’t know where they go so yeah oh no my notep pad’s gone what that’s dumb whatever people join yeah and I welcome them allall so let’s go run around for a bit get our not strength not SK hunger and yeah so we need to everything in Minecraft that’s literally to course fruit to spider eye oh I think potions count cuz technically that’s eating well well according to the my Minecraft files that’s like eating basically considering that has the same animation as eating should I play Minecraft right now yeah of us play Minecraft that would be so cool also look what I found this is so cool oh so that’s beautiful oh my main thing is trying to find a village [Music] really Bey oh more that more that beautiful line we need get stone cuz we’ll be cooking a lot in this episode okay maybe oh emies there’s emmies Emmy no idiot I’m not going to mind it Oh that’s oh that’s a lot of ir down real quick hang on oh more iron so iron lots of iron more over here scanning the Mars that’s a lot of iron that’s a lot of iron just so much coal I cannot get sucked into the colus all right we have notes open we have a Google Notes open so we can officially keep track of our food status all beautiful I’m trying not get distracted by this so much iron I’m not complaining I’m just saying but I will complain on how much coal is here no I won’t awkward mining there’s a pig there’s two pigs we need one cooked and we need one uncooked you know what’s ironic uh Mr the Zenith 42 and sheep uh the Zen 42 said that he’ll be here and okay so that’s the uncooked what P I could have okay no that’s Birch playing tricks on me I see exactly uh where are the pigs the pig the bee is there anything bee eating thing is that chicken what is that what is that that sheep that’s another sheep all right do need that bed huh oh hi unfortunately rotten flesh is one of the items also yep there’s a cave oh no that’s that’s not a good cave not good enough for the waffles anything else I don’t really know where the piglins pigin anyways time to eat oh some are already going down this mountain took so long to mine oh found them where brother Oh Come mind I just need two that’s all I just need like two two things one for the uncooked and then one one they could my f thought I placed down the furnace um nah should we we can get like one piece of iron so I can make a shield have enough Shield I’m more more I’m more one short what I do what should I do on Minecraft uh yeah let’s have let’s have a competition who can eat the most food within the stream do the challenge with me eat every food with me my furnace oh a creeper oh freck and he sees me um don’t explode actually yes do explode and then oh I’m getting triple teamed back don’t don’t do I need a shield oh freck you go to be kidding me first smack you oh freck uh beef with the first I’m dead I’m alive we doing this quick put him back we don’t leave without we don’t leave materials never leave a material behind behind okay build good good good all right we got materials that’s cool um IGN um press on where do we go water water oh all right first food aen was cooked cooked beef hello oh I need SPID eye to eat yeah ow come on come on you drop your spider ey no spider no spider ey all right that’s good I didn’t want to eat one anyways disgusting absolute and utter disgusting less oh frck oh no no no they see me they see me too they’re both of them I have archers on me oh there’s more I don’t know why I said archers on me I I really don’t know why we’re good we’re good is it dangerous it’s on normal mode so I don’t know why there’s so much mobs especially the skeletons oh they’re fighting idiots literally idiots I mean I didn’t need the distraction you got be kidding me I didn’t need the distraction but thank you that’s I do need a spider eye yes know might as well eat it I’m on HP all right so spider eyon beef You’ got to be kidding me creeper it’s not that was a skeleton right in front why the knights why is night one dangerous oh my God am I really going the boat I want the boat aren I this is a giant Island oh my God it is that island that we saw over there getet that no we got a giant Island yeah we at the boat we have to get out of here any so I’m soow on HP oh my God I got to go I I have to go I I just can’t jump anymore they see me that scared me xray glitch x-ray glitch that’s cool that sucks no Cas uh we ain’t safe by the way we got to go oh my God see now explor uh West East down what that side of the island maybe maybe this can prove my theory or not prove my theory holy mountains Maybe disprove I don’t know uh not support my theory there that’s L the best word I can come up with uh we’re not doing swimming swimming takes too long plus I get uh surrounded when I’m swimming soon as I come to the shore as soon as I come up like right here there’s like five skeletons waiting for me and if I try to go like over there there’s like a billion or like a billion zombies just waiting for me it’s a big mountain I don’t feel like climbing that there so zombies holy moly what is that stone Cliffs or something Stone rocky rocky Cliffs there’s a buy name for that I don’t know I’m stuck all right uh go so I like Generations all right back to focus go we got to go now oh freck oh my God oh my God you gotta be kidding me H this just one big island let No Escape hey there some snoow wait what we huh did we did we go the other way I I thought we went okay that messed with my head a lot I I did not like that we have to run past the skeleton and not get shot I was I just look at an end I just seen Enderman for a split second oh that was beautiful parkour I can’t miss these tree jumps ah cannot lose more that and I got no cooked food only got the riness r I’m making up own words uh jump Avid the zombie that’s a lot of zombies Moon’s almost set survive for a few more minutes got push through Guys Woodland it’s in the Woodland Mansion I always like to be on top of these trees cuz these are like big trees and I can’t Sprint parkour and MOB spawn right so let’s go ahead and typed in all right we got beef and spider it’s been eting we’ve been running for a long time guys what was that what I just cook muton yeah cooked muton all right that’s it wait do we have any yep all right that was good we are doing some good stuff that’s a beautiful site to see I do want to find a village like my main priority right now is the village I feel like we can eat some more we can eat some addicting fries they didn’t addict me oh wow we got rotten flesh rotten rotten flesh and then ohoops that uh when I did this like off camera for myself I could not find a village but I found beautiful mountain peaks also this what I mean by zombies oh also also I found a swamp in the other world not our Minecraft Survival so the unfairness happened we’ve made four things o we can find an Apple let’s find an Apple we get an Apple not even a stick nope okay oh yeah any more oh okay got any more any more any more oh there zombies any oh there’s a stick see if we can eat that Minecraft another stick but where’s the Apple not to be found more sticks we’re getting lower when the stick Dimension oh yeah we’re defin sticks so maybe we get some apple soon any apples my goal is L to get some apples before my stuff gets done you don’t understand how much I’m willing to find an apple you don’t understand how willing I am to be healthy healthy all I give up how are you doing never mind I was going to do a big dramatic thing but never mind I way over hype this I have pork yeah let’s get back up here because I don’t feel safe down here no please my old generation and look we have some stairs H look we have literally right here a shield and we had a staircase to bad I won’t be staying let’s get the all right good kind of want to conserve the food not just blow through it is that the more addicting fries in the corner see furnace please go faster going take this away so you don’t make anymore all right let’s get out of here oh my God so so far we have beef spider ey cooked mutton rotten flesh and raw raw we have raw pork chop that’s what I put it as this is a beautiful mountain really I would love to stay here but I don’t yo Z how know is I don’t know how that happened that was a clutch play I want to replay that I have I have my stream not oh yeah all right I missed it so this is some now you guys you guys know how golden carrots golden apples and Notch apples I’m I’m getting there all right also thanks for reminding me about everything but not apples thanks for reminding of me about golden carrots and yeah and golden apples far forgotten I completely forgot about those oh we should find like a temple that that should get us like the golden apples and stuff village Village village Village it’s in there all right let’s not die getting toward to it you know what suck right now if we got sucked in sorry also I might put the Discord on Early Access yep I mean I have Discord I have the app installed but like don’t I do have a Discord but I don’t have it public so will I make it my Discord public that’s for you to decide why Birch why I’m all right with Birch it almost killed so now I’m not all right I’m taking that personally considering that I might have not stuck all right we have we have beef birs I’m sorry yes what you want oh the main thing of the game yall know the thumbnail back up the thumbnail is a potato it’s it’s one of the old potatoes before was like updated we going to plant over here good enough uh beetroot could be something we can find oh we got cooked C chop radishes what do you mean radishes what do you mean radishes every single time I look down to read chat I like literally almost walk off the cliff okay this is what I was imagining not the uh wheat Farms I was imagining the hay bales to get my bread speaking of bread what the oh uh bread [Music] bread Bread’s at its list and that’s all I’m going to take anyone in here anyone here I go to Every do we get Golem maybe put a w in chat if we get Golem put an L in chat if we don’t want to get goem this this is the same thing I got a little cave oh you got a spawner why I fighting all the good stuff in other lands we got a freaking Apple I was searching one from earlier sheep oh there’s some lag we have a crysalis that’s what I call the traitor yeah excuse me S do you have any food oh you have bread well it’s fine now you’re going to starve for the winter sorry uh we haven’t found a chicken yet also I just realized this Village does not have any beetro I mean good for them Round of Applause for them f I mean Round of Applause yeah good good job good you don’t have any beat also I got show you the new game that we will be playing was in between one of these and it is you guys ready to see the Des we will be playing ter next stream will be Terraria and oh boy am I waiting for that level on unfairness have I played it yes do I enjoy it yes is it unfair oh heck yeah uh yeah no beot which I’m disappointed but then proud of who’s idea whose idea was this who idea was this okay lamp post right here lamp post right here good I’m a good construction worker house right there and a tree right in the middle of the road what can go wrong oh perfect yeah let’s put a tree right in the side of the road right in the sidewalk on oh yeah there’s absolutely nothing that can go wrong what’s that it could grow and hurt somebody foolish God the idiot Supply did did not go no hang on the idiot Supply went to construction instead of farming there there’s always nothing up here but I don’t know why I just checked yeah all right I’m vastly disappointed within this Village I will be on the other hand taking this what the only I’m I the only one here yes cuz you’re an OG a go still more D I blame him lol lol lol about it hi yeah thank you get him get him get lost I got you man I never mind you got this no I’m I’m the them to yeah what a say get out of here nothing seriously these guys can’t get a job like you can basically force them to just stare at like a job and they’ll be like what is this what I do like serious Al you two are OG’s zenth everybody in the Stream is OG’s remember if they long enough uh clutch mayy zombie oh yeah oh whoa there might be food in here stre started oh yeah he’s been oh yeah I knew that totally we have a cave no no let’s let’s have our main food is bread I almost crafted another uh another one another crafting table I would have ended stream right there all right let’s take a crack open let’s see what what’s wrong with it I swear to God if it’s if it’s like a skeleton SW like haha we tricked you oh oh my god oh heck yeah this entire chest is coming with me yes let’s craft some melons or not craft let’s make some melons oh there’s nothing oh fre there’s something all my bad my bad my bad my bad my bad you happy now oh my God what did I do wrong what did I do wrong that that’s what I call a good F you get out of my way hit me again one more time I dare you so anyways as I’m saying that come on breing it come on come on yeah hit me again so that is what I’m going to oh he dropped Lo would you quit it oh my I’m going to die should I pop the guy up no no no that’s that’s too soon we got too soon so like I was saying you see that zombie around the corner we call him a good father because he has the child on the back all right you’re the the one with the crown on is the most never mind I was going to say the one with the crown on has the most like Behavior like good behavior but you just hit me to be fair I hit you back no The Shield dead back back back move in and see he’s still a good father cuz he’s not attacking me what are you sitting on I I oh oh we see the we see the middle you see what that middle one is oh we got to get like good oh that was bad oh this is bad there always a perfect find good enough you see that middle one oh oh guys we have a saddle and we have 24 bones oh wait we should get all the B seeds uh now what’s going on down here okay not I mean was this the ominous light oh oh hi hi all right I’m leaving so I’m o don’t mind me I’m just no no no no you’re an OG it’s going to deny me like that my guy damn fine I’m leaving you know what no no you you guys don’t even get the colored one you don’t get the fancy one ah oh [ __ ] that scared me oh that was amazing that was amazing oh God that was that was beautiful poetry in motion did we leave our crafting table no all right we need to review what we got but why are you rejecting someone’s message or rejecting we got an ender pearl we have a snite four yeah Smite four efficiency 4 and loyalty three enchantment book we have a cat disc we have a melon slice which I was going to plant before I died um we have that we have a golden apple and saddle uh gunpowder we have an Ender ey we have bone and we have our new food sauce also we have a potato which I think we should eat because it was the thumbnail never mind to screen record uh it doesn’t really work for me the best we’re going to get with screen record is screencasting and that’s uh for my phone and here’s the thing the only thing I would do on my phone on like screencast screen screencast there you go for uh screencast I would play like Clash Royale for you guys that’s like the best I would do any of y have Clash Royale my clan name is uh Clash that’s it clash and it’s like a blue blue background white sword uh 16 members more emys you going to fall their IQ has oh you’re D I feel like zombies IQ has like officially like downgraded we’ll come back all right see you in bit that chicken that’s a chicken oh oh little doggy friend six six little picky aren’t you I’m like take all the time chicken delayed [Music] sound take your time but come back soon bye didn’t we name him like jce taco or something didn’t we have a nickname for him Jay T more Emmys good good good holy banana that’s that oh I hate that look how it go look at the illusion look at the illusion it has it’s very scary um you guys are not fun oh frick I’m getting double teamed up here get back I got you where’d you go he dropped nothing boo I don’t if I I don’t I feel like going down there I feel like going down here though oh it’s nothing all it does to come back up a I knew I want to make friends we’re good are we good we’re all good we’re all good guys guys of course spider eye I already e a spider eye it was done right delicious uh I do wish to advance faster I mean I have I have all the stuff here but like that pumpkins those are pumpkins right there I don’t know if you guys can see it the pumpkins right there I don’t know if food get another put chest we don’t oh hi we don’t need chest where we’re going do have a hay Bell nope yeah pumpkin pie that’s exactly what I was thinking exactly I’m like pumpkins a pumpkin pie I do want to get a cookie before we leave cookie a weakness of man come on you’ve been te little gamer what what is up bro oh yeah all right so we got Zenith we got little gamer and we got gamer J in the Stream all we need is Moon Watcher and Jack attacks for the ogs stream we about to make some pump oh we got to start making decisions here people s that all right let’s let’s start cooking let me cook I play Terraria 2 also Terraria won the game so we will be officially playing Terraria after this uh let’s eat the cooked chicken first well oh back camera like this uh how do we make pumpkin pie again let me see if I can remember from scratch sugar in a bowl I want to say that doesn’t sound right that doesn’t sound right also we got a big potato that was the first person to terrari obviously uh potato we’re cooking all the potatoes alive sorry some kicking in there oh you smell something nice do you take a bite one two three four four and you had six you’re sad uh want you to sit uh we’re going to let that cook and we’re going to get a flower we’re going to find a flower whoa who is this jerie Miller whoa do we have a newcomer Mr Miller do you want to become an OG join join the OG stream if you’re wondering how you just got to stick around and be fun all right yellow will stand for four so yellow was four bones red was uh six Miller welcome we have a very nice Community I’m sorry if I said your name wrong all right let’s go see if our many potatoes are done move down by the pumpkins Jerry Miller is that is that what I’m saying I don’t know I’m so sorry for making your name supposed to get pink let’s not get pink cuz I don’t have another dog H let’s hopefully not lose our stuff cuz that going would be bad there’s the pumpkins and there’s the dog at potatoes we made we made eight potatoes while we were gone what nah have a lot of stuff on M phone whatever rebalance it out all right sorry for attacking the camera guys uh what else do we need oh yeah pumpkin pie oh an egg oh that’s righty I do need an egg let to put baked potato on there get a horse yeah yeah little gamer what’s up you has ps+ no I do not unfortunately uh let’s go and let’s add what was it baked potato baked potato and add potato because we are about to eat our b i I don’t know why I switch accents why why have I switched accents well fall now w’t I sorry I don’t know what I’m thinking guys oh cook chicken let’s go yall like chicken I don’t maybe what potato like you potato like me yes I will never say the word potato without that accent don’t need that I don’t really want to just like leave book addicting fries well actually yes let’s do keep addicting fries so we can play a 200 IQ so we can get more hungrier actually you’re the best streaming thank you what the addicting fries did nothing what the heck red the red the stickman we got red in the stream from Alan beer what’s up hi red you know what if I’m want to say Mr red Mr red red you feel like an OG and I want you to stick around for the stream make sure you’re subscribed I love animals well I have two dogs with me so there you go red also got a cow just a distant cow oh cow likes me no eat eat eat I eat my addicted yeah I’m addicted let’s no h bar no dog I like dog also are we about to have two new ogs finally Town Hall open what on Clash of Clans I’m so confused also my hunger’s not going down also the sun’s going [Music] down YouTube oh thank you for subscribing red are you subscribed that’s the only way to unlock true Stickman and true animalist oh my God this is taking way too long string we don’t need I want this music disc I will I will do the intro uh andp I’m sub ah red stick red Stickman I really hope I see you next time on next stream uh for the intro I will be dancing to this oh that so that means we need to find a diamond don’t hurt my dog you dead get teag on you all right you all right where you go right regen regen yeah where your mom at now where where your mom at I I want she needs to give me an egg connection is bad for real I’m sorry I apologize I’m just doing as much as I can bro trying to give you a good stream just trying to be the man in your shorts feed oh we’re done you know let’s cook everything cuz we already have everything [ __ ] I’m no liing you said dog doggy what do you mean we guys good proba not I just attack camera I just attack the camera all right are we good oh frick my phone’s at 31 what your guys is that I just attack I just attacked the camera hey hey hey hey yeah yeah back me up back me up oh yeah ah he just back thank you dude OG OG Vibe I’m getting a lot of OG vibes from you all right should we head out oh we don’t have enough room to carry all this uh this is officially for you guys bone and stuff is officially for you uh we don’t need these saplings so let’s spend the next oh I can’t even take the saplings with me what do I take you know what uh gu we don’t need the ladder also we got to go quick we got to go quick we got to go we got to go I just heard skeleton approach we got to go we got to book it guys oh there’s a creeper right behind me there there’s just water um stuck in the trees all I have a plan but it resolves wood okay I have a plan the plan is called operation get out of here uh Hey waffle you already eat poisonous potato I was reading chat that’s a nice Hiding Place ear do I already eat poison potato dang it oh we missed the poison potato I could have sat there farming [Music] the oh that really hurt my can we make we need two boats that’ll do we need a lead oh my God we need a lead okay I’m need you I just heard a creeper didn’t like that oh he needs to jump down here okay you’re good this is called operation getaway let’s just go to bed just Farm the at your base I don’t have a base operation lost lost dog fine po poison potatoes R so good luck yeah me too oh thank you thank you okay one I’m not going to drown you you have to trust me there’s Cod we can take Cod don’t don’t get in the boat okay yes yes all right get two pieces of cod he’s oh freak he’s got a fork oh that hurt I’m good okay oh another world L what do you mean about that all right I just need one more that hurts defend defend Define or denied denied so come on yes what I don’t try what the heck let he cook let he cook I need a lead that’s my main thing right now whatever uh put this right here no no no perect perfect um oh I think I heard uhhuh which is what I need cuz that’s a Wandering Traer sign all right I’ll be right back please don’t go which is basically impossible more iron bet we’re cooking I’m L the chef from M Becker r no sorry all right also I completely found out on accident that that is what I call a grand happy accident what you want oh I could have swore I just looked at him like twice whoa you all good man if you luck you can get a TR good durability why you under audio play to to my phone I don’t know why Q&A time hit me with the q& A’s I hear that Enderman he has problems he has legit problems he’s like going everywhere he’s like like is it today that he got his new power of teleportation where I want a teleportation yo sign me up they’re not accepting visitors I almost died over a joke all right you need to leave huh what that is a good back comment down below what’s we need two we’re good I feel like I’m going get brutally murdered I’m not the one brutally murdered you are I can’t find the lead guys I I can’t find a lead I need my doggies command I’m just kidding where am I uh Doan Jake W I’m I’m never playing gorill tag lagging badly unfortunately it is don’t know why it can be worse it could me so worse you know it’s like it’s like waves in the ocean you know you got to take them head on or you can turn it with quality honestly both are good does Alex have like look look at the corner of look at the white eyes they look a little darker the heck well to be honest I haven’t been sleeping well that was the first night I slept so why do we get eyebags that’s my question scary parkour I’m not a parkour person I need an egg too I need so much things that caus me like waiting around waiting there’s an ocean right there cill laugh sequence hey that was cool uh we need kelp Bingo uh I can’t play girl tag because uh Oculus issues a can you play final sign soundtrack I’m not taking audio requests last time I took Audio Request I got copyrighted or not copyrighted I just all was there was the word there was the word copyrighted right next to my video or copyright that was that was the word right next to it uh it’s undertale again no request I’m sorry denying it all right so that was cooked Cod and then that was just Cod also there was a lot of undertale memes going around there’s a lot of undertale memes I’m I’m still seeing that uh that he died four times have you seen that one video seen that one video where where he said um he died four times also ignore how much ignore how much I’m messing up I’ve gotten that video a lot squir playing sacks oh Squirtle couldn’t find that one [Music] guys what’s your favorite song put them in the comment we need a chicken and a thing to advance there a baby sheep just a random baby sheep oh mushrooms uh mushrooms are a key thing for soup just needed one also where did everybody go D is gray so [Music] H where did everybody go I had five viewers and I was just down to one n i I have more than yeah what’s up little gamer I have I have way more than one yeah it says one viewer when in reality I have three s yes Father waffle you already eat rabbit stew no that’s why I’m getting the stews actually you know might as well do something while we wait live yep all right it’s live now uh they’re so cute forgot to jump yeah you you guys know you love me you can’t just look away like just normal uh cook the kelp and then we’ll [Music] um that boat just freaked out d k oh yeah put that at the [Music] list we have a lot done actually Dryer no dry dry we have tons done look at that guys beef spider eye cooked mutton flashh raw pork chop bread B potato potato cook God and God Dr that was beautiful waffle yeah suspicious still FNAF one and twoing uh waffle waffle what what’s up how about how about what course fruit course oh I might have to do a part two on this yeah I didn’t really think about this one [Music] oh guys hang on guys two things one I’m I’m about to get a pop golden apple and God Apple we have a golden apple oh Bren french fries Oh you mean the addicting fries true all right what was that a dog we have two dogs oh yeah gamer J he missed a lot so basically here we are so we are at se we’re doing operation uh operation scadaddle and that’s getting both my dogs off the island uh we have not yet guys we have why is the spider ey okay what was that somebody just you idiots you oh freak uh oh fre please don’t I have a family I have a family they’re right behind me you’ve got to be kidding me whatever any oh my I keep kidding I keep I keep hitting the anybody want to fill in gamer J on what happened then what what the what the what the what the hey yo hey yo this is wild I’ve never seen a drown do this before nah bro are we seeing this are we seeing this this is wild this is the this is this is the most gayest drown I’ve ever seen in my life oh my God this is a oh my God raw food yeah raw food count um we’re going to leave this as the intermission side my God this is beautiful oh my God I’m a yeah gay gay gay okay I’m gonna go grab my pop you guys can take a pick hey yo bro all right I want you guys to guess who Q now this toing s this tooing dude I’m not taking a screenshot of this all right I’m just not going to you guys can’t make me all right I’m gonna go grab a pop I want you guys to guess what it is for all right I’m back and he’s still like this so this is the iced water I call this ice water it’s just ice cubes and cold water put in a refrigerator boom you have ice water what pop did you guys guess zombie has a special night nah n that’s crazy oh God all right honey is a food dang wait honey too that’s DB all right guess my pop want you guys to guess the pop all right did you pray today did you pray today because if he didn’t this is wild this is he’s got to lifted up higher what the freak he’s stuck save him yeah this is crazy this is crazy I’ve never seen a drown do this before are are you good dude I where’s this space that oh my God this is beautiful honestly don’t hey oh now he sets up n this will I want everybody this will be officially the gay drowned all right this is the gay Bo and the gay drowned because if you did not y I’m back my phone died LOL we just uh told the drown Zenith we uh told the drown if what happens if they uh didn’t pray the day was going to give him a little surprise they I was going to go save him he was stuck I’m save him also that’s the gay boat and everything gay in it so oh ah you saw nothing all right there let’s go ahead and put this right here let’s get the melon I have any more dirt lot dirt yeah the fact that that you’re stuck there my guy you’re you’re literally gay for all eternity the drowned is gay in the rainbow boat uhhuh I I wish you can dye the boats that’d be cool like dye the boat it’s like a rainbow color bro he would want that the Dr would like that and I’m hop on and wall that’s crazy wait for these guys to melon up and then we Harvest just so the melons can spawn properly also he’s gay for half a day n he’s gay for all eternity as long as he lives in that boat he’s gay so I want you to guess what pop I will be drinking I have a pop you take a V for something special it’s crazy hey now your dad’s gay I don’t want your gay illuminent on me here follow me delivering your son he’s gay too get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat kid boat you boat you two are gay Coca-Cola Pepsi Next Level get all the effects e that’s going to be insane spray you’re just guessing away wait a minute what if these two aren’t even related oh freak yo he’ be like nine bro bro he’s nine this is wild I don’t even care that di that’s wild oh nah I’m GNA hide that one Stickman next live get all sikman how did that work so anyways we’re just going to sit here and uh yeah also I’m GNA make a poll for it we haven’t been a poll in a long time so these things are getting drenched in water well you’re GNA have to trap the warden honestly that might be the next stream I trapped the warden in Minecraft here’s how it went down hang on there someone text me so I had text him back uh make the PO and then we got uh where’s the oh we can only add four options that’s dumb you can only make four op oh we have a little spout a little spout and then poll posted all right also I’ve not been checking chat let’s let’s catch up on chat 69 options that’s crazy awful you canite someone I wish two votes Pepsi and Dr Pepper that’s a split even anybody’s a tiebreaker uh oh that’s not good I accidentally voted Pepsi that ain’t good off screen I have another Channel well let’s see what it is shall we Dr Peppa clean s good job good vote good vots good vs all right end pole end pole nice crack and we get ah and it’s good oh oh yeah there you go how’ you know wa can you invite someone into your world no it’s because I don’t have PlayStation Plus or I don’t have a PlayStation account it’s not all hooked up all right what do we get so melons still growing our bone meal now realizing that that that’s all we need basically you know we’ll get more did I craft all my oh I crafted all the bones I like we can’t have any more friends all right we wait for that no I can’t oh yeah wait what were the names again for the dogs it was Jake and someone else I’m making the brown one Jake or yellow Jake Jake and Doge Jake and Doge by Zenith 42 thank you Zenith oh we whoa who we just realized someone oh someone’s gone someone an OG’s gone or not an OG and OG in training is gone we don’t have it was Guy Miller g e r i and then m i l l e r wow he could have been an OG but all I gotta do is stick around Dave Miller I don’t know but you red Stickman has officially become an OG which is not something I hand out quite common on the channel congratulations also after the stream I want you guys to scan my comments or my uh Community section are they gone damn it in danger now down the alarm boys uh yeah so I will release the Discord after the stream what the frick whoa hi hey hey hey I have I’m tempted to sky bomb that chicken awful Gotta Go Gotta Go dude you gotta go my dude oh man well hey catch you next stream and hey remember I want you to keep checking my community section for the Discord and tell you what if you guys can get in in under a a week you’ll be title you’ll be officially titled an [Music] OG Al also [Music] um I have to watch you until you make an egg like sub hit that notification video button yeah I’m G be back all right hope to see you back oh we didn’t Dr the one more before I go what’s up I have a dishes I’m I’m go for like 20 minutes because it’s a lot take take your phone take your phone with you s now the real the real outro word is foosh hi hi what you want you want an egg well too bad they’re beans uncomfortability increases I’m going to that cave behind me Zenith what is that c equal I don’t know after I clean math room you have a mathroom is that like your study my guy has a study room I’m jealous I’m jealous all right see you in a bit honestly if I ever had a cleaning or not cleaning if I ever had a uh uh not a waffle if I had a waffle for if I had a study room or yeah a study room I probably turn into it my the my office so I can game know what you know what what also F WAFF yay I’ll watch but not talk you know what as long as you’re still watching you are goo also are you going to lay an egg soon please my guy my faith of the dogs is in your butt wow that’s weird the fate of my dogs is in within your butt honestly I think I might let you kill me after saying that I think I might let you kill me we’ll make you day right probably dude I don’t know what to do I I don’t know you guys how to kill D you guys know how to kill time zers heck don’t I’m mad oh I’m mad so hi no n bro n bro no this is crazy this is crazy chicken you seeing this this is crazy I got a mountain dog in minecra uhuh also I’m watching The Stream play some Terraria I gotta do this first level I swear if this is GNA become a threesome don’t come dude I just swiped up from my stream this is only on my thing this is only on me it’s only for me and there’s a Roblox person with 2.8 Subs this person I just SC hey hey hey hey hey hey hey what the [Music] [ __ ] so I just scrolled up you don’t have have to cuz it’s not going to show and it’s this person with 3.3 how tell me your ways and she’s doing she’s doing Roblox which makes me more mad oh waffle what the freak what’ you do what did you do Spirit what’ you do you a baned on girl tag for eight months eight months would you do also she went back down also she went back down to 2.5 she lost the K uh yeah would you do my guy oh she went B she went back down to 2 one [Music] H seriously what you do please don’t do Roblox I will not that’s cringe cringe AF tutorial how’s tutorial hey no I’m getting bang I’m getting jumped what the freak n open Live oh so how does getting a tutorial get you banned what I went to tutorial but tutorial is not going to get you banned my dude how do you my guy did you join a code like code KKK Hitler the n word that I don’t know how oh where’s your where’s your owner where’s your owner actually where are you where are you no come back here I’m interested in your trades I got you suck they saw me in tutorial and reported me we have a lead we can escape we can finally escape from this P prison operation scadaddle will become in full event yeah what tutorial there a tutorial and gorilla tag Al I just swim to the bottom of the ocean but we’re going to ignore that is there this is a watermelon here my guy not to be a racist I’m just trying to let you know that this is watermelon my gu get in the boat hey lol Jake no n I only have one only have 1,214 hours oh you’ll make it dang was it girl dude oh my god sword there’s an advantage here he was black I’m just kidding I’m I’m just kid but oh my god dude I work so hard to get this by doing nothing what the pad m why you spaming chat weirdly uh what was it right here dude stop dude he L did the pray today my God my my my poor dude my dogs are just getting attacked this island officially doesn’t want us here that’s we going to do that Enderman Dodge Aros n Dodge a minigun what should I do on VR uh get new games probably get a game called job simulator you’ll like it we we we can’t leave him like this nah that in there now we we I can’t live him like this whoa yeah meds it’s crazy do you remember the guy that followed you when you playing that real really tagging clouds give me a description you you’re basically going to need Cosmetics just give me your cosmetics it’s basically what you had what you oh it’s blurry that’s good never mind gorilla yeah gorilla taget I I know I know but you’re you have to give me like more thanks to it would you have I don’t remember all right whatever so yeah I think I remember you what’s up how’s it how’s it going but you’re like H oh worker a worker I was the worker I was like role playing as a worker yeah I swear if you get into the boat I will rape your spine out and break it right in front of your face and I will hunt down your parents and burned on your village get lost I’m doing fine my dog di so now I’m protecting my other dog as much as I can yo waffle what should I do on b g game servers don’t work alone honestly no no offense I don’t take this like personally but like trying to get like better at the game you’ll come back stronger like be like hey guys what’s up and then just beat everybody in the lobby all right so that was our NOP bro speaking in TOs uh why is it all blurry my name was meds I don’t remember the name oh wait a minute were you the guy that was next to the board and you were like sitting down okay I’m G get better at vertically yeah keep the stream on were you the guy that was like right there next to me like to the board then what I always say all Ender die oh I remember you rip his name and then this is my quote all Enders die all Enders die uh one more step before we go yellow literally yellow literally stoked my phone for real for real what is that like an El backer oh wow the dove at my house died a I don’t like that I think in it’s three years was oh that was your dead what you looking at huh fight me fight me and what the point of Grill tag honestly it’s just to have fun how I do it I just have fun I I can’t leave I I cannot leave and I have a phone and by the way I was going to make it blue I was not going to replace them I was going to make them blue yo I’m supposed to read chat but hang on wait what I’m not fun this four-year-old saying the n word as soon as soon as their mother walks in oh that’s gonna be so satisfying just there talking smack about you like bro you’re so bad like you’re just trash dude like all up in your face and then you say one bad thing and then you’re uh and then they mom comes in and be like what did you just say and it’s perfect in the mic oh it’s just everything’s there all right I have I have a lot to catch up on chat oh I don’t really need to unable it’s full fullblown attacks oh I completely forgot I’m supposed to be eating stuff all right cook chicken that’s the one thing I like about you guys you guys making me get distracted in a good way so I was cooked chicken and you guys like theic I met a toxic kid he said I sucked and one V one him and I destroyed him he got beat with the belt oh my God that’s awesome all right before we leave this island I gotta do one thing hand oh I just I just did this wa play PG PG 30 what’s that what is that then it was game mode there it is 3D oh my I done Lally do play that it’s Nostalgia Nostalgia it is can we just Is Here Yeah but can we just just give a minute just take a minute and enjoy just a moment of silence can I get a moment of silence please can we get ripg RP Jake I got plushy you got the plushy you got the gy plushy good job I play for you Jake bro rip Jake I’m going need a rip Jake in the com in the chat oh that’s that’s a screenshot right here that’s in oh I’m starting to get emotional all right we need to get out of here I’m star to G hey popped up hey popped up [Music] that’s million hey back I will send you back into the chips of the ocean where you belong now I’m a pro you with the head shot noise OB was aim for the head uh waffle spoon was would you quit it you do nothing right oh have a fork I don’t care it’s just because you’re bad you can’t do anything for yourself that’s why you need a fork that’s why you attack the dog instead of me oh tough guy you came up on land whoopy do round of applause oh you’re so special he killed me oh guess what bud I’m came back something you can’t do something he can’t do here why are we all just I’m just trying to have a sympathetic moment in Minecraft and we all talking about this talking about Jake he was supposed to be an OG all right I need room my bed all right we got to go we got to go now bye guys waffle out all right m LOL LOL you guys can’t keep up with me lol lol lol lol put LOL in the chat that they can’t keep up with me put some a waffle too good oh all right let’s eat do I have cooked mutton down here yep I do do I have an apple no can I eat the apple no and there’s the next Island Again hell Astro Dragon welcome to the Stream also Drive the boat no no I did this for I did this for Jake I did this for Jake I will fulfill my promise well it looks like we’re going to take a a quick stop before we explore this beautiful island which is full of these trees which I hate we’re going to take a little sleepy sleep we’ll be good good also Dr Pepper cream soda my favorite Dragon copyrighted him playing that one song I mean she didn’t I think Jack’s attacks did really honest I I think payone really oh he has the fork again w w you’re so cool wanton denied H come on is that all you little fort can do oh so cool I’m so dead right right now guys right oh I’m so dead he’s he’s too good he you’re not a tryhard you’re not a wannabe you don’t have a fork all right I need to catch up on stream where’s the chest so close oh oh honestly I’m not even mad okay work I am Place let’s place a St Stone get I really want to catch up on chat but I’m currently busy not dying what what is it nine fishy fishy watch out watch out uh gold helmet I don’t have a gold helmet I mean I I wanted to give him one but oh excuse me watch out fishy oh we have Flint Steel oh excuse me again keep burping what’s better Unbreaking this going to be better yep o let’s take both maybe we can fire charge you’re a wizard Harry I’m what a wizard I thought that would at least set off the fire not not keep it going but like you know hey what’s being oh it’s a c uh can we no oh we don’t have IR glow squid bro party why you set that dragon you know actually I what the fudge bro who says oo anymore get your dang cringe out of here all right uh honestly if she says in enough time I’ll just block her from stream just block her she gets annoying or he I don’t know no only only a girl would say you well I want to be girl would say wo what the heck I officially collect it have collect the code oh my God that took a number on like oh that my like throw a lot like it was like we don’t like it punch throat uh all right so we are officially on this island what am I going to do on this island well first I’m going to uh okay just want to read chat because there’s full everything so Dron Minecraft since I was one now I’m 1.8 years old good job the primary thanks good job Dragon you copyed him playing cool y red want to friend me yes oh we’re making friends we’re making friends in the chat all right okay get the fork this Fork I can’t get fork for you you’re waffle I played Minecraft since I was one 18 years old that’s a lot of emojis don’t know what that means one of his viewers and I have some bad what’s that yeah I don’t know what’s yeah I don’t know don’t bad word don’t use Astro Dragon I want you to shut up your freaking Avatar looks like a damn coffee foam Dragon the coffee foam Dragon no Astro Dragon n we got coffee foam Dragon I’m getting a little bit of a Caren alert from Astro dragon over here little uh bad word what bad news don’t use a pixel gun progress is gone no asro you weird yeah she is or he no she no yeah cry about it I don’t care okay me don’t block them all right I’m well just don’t be annoying or weird that voice crack yeah I have good night I know where you live I where you live what make a new account in Fr me you level up dude all right okay waffle okay waffle did you get better at GT unfortunately my headset’s like broken I don’t know what to do I’m officially stuck all right we’re back one read chat lat the I think Astro’s not done you B oh my God okay I want you to follow me all right way past my bedtime like four hours maybe look up how to fix or a VR or something I’ve tried that wait you’re like four hours past your bedtime so you go to bed at 5 on the weekends or now it would be six right now so you go to bed at 6 on the weekends that is incredibly sad I bed at 2: am in the morning if I want to all right come on let’s get you on land what this Doge you want try me come on let’s go oh you got a fish oh wait he has fos never mind he has Foos hey ignore him yes F no he he did threaten your life and you can take hiso never mind give on my soul back all right and get on top of there on top of there are you good or something hello okay there all right uh water officially breaks you yep all right we’re good are you good no don’t go back into the water I’ve completely forgot about this oh sweet Berry is in the bag sweet bear be bear berries it auto corrected to berries like like it was a person all right let’s get back to stream there was a hidden message for you guys right here hey oh that was amazing Kingo Drago with Redman oh I’m clicking another moderator just handle it this oh freck we’re being spotted on I’m laging we’re being spotted on guys appar ow ow apparently moderators over this I did not give none of Y all moderat positions there’s like a YouTube sorcerer on here wow oh holy bana welcome to caves and cliffs Cliffs also I read chat in a minute just want to get I want to get moving uh I also have a little bit of an idea to do evil laughter intensifies bar finally I don’t know why you laging there was um something I wanted to do with the flint and steel what what there go oh no my finger it has a Pur personally tripped and now I’ve accidentally pressed the fire button cuz I was totally on the flint and steel the entire time let’s just look this way for a little bit there there’s total there’s nothing behind me there yeah that’s ah whoa who put this here don’t die oh no who put this here oh no chicken did you do that that’s a bad chicken oh oh no you zombie did you do that oh you’re dancing what the heck where are you dancing see there you go well that was that sucked I mean oh no I’ve uh excuse insert excuse all right let’s go the the excuses I I mean reasonings I mean reason I mean a wait wait wait Hey Hey Hey listen they’re like the police they’re like the police of the of the uh wait what no oh my God that was so close me Minecraft a okay uh just a few seconds with me and we’ll be all right oh no oh the forest has officially been burning down by some weird things maybe it’s herobrine oh the oh no scarily missed oh boo we we must get out of here we we must escape oh no no my dog oh shoot I’m so D wait this is actually bad um no I know how to get back hopefully yeah I go to the reef and then I just swim forwards that’s it oh that’s it no Karma here whatever five Souls has been in a flower oh no big flower domain explosion expansion sorry oh no the fire started not my fault flot and steel what foot and steel I see an apple uh how do we get to the dock again [Music] oh frak [Music] wait hang on I’m actually confused oh I have an idea before you say this is cheating this is going for my own good or not my own good this is going for this is going towards my um waffle guilty what do you mean what do you mean I’m not guilty that’s guilty I’m L parkouring on the trees right now okay just keep heading there I’m I owe myself an apple or you just become like [Music] green that looks a little familiar doesn’t it [Music] and guys we have not died whatsoever okay so this fire is very approaching I’m sorry it was it was for the greater good it was for the dog all right new account and then friend me my inter trash show waffle a thousand times better than me Minecraft cool soundtrack vibing hi hello hello gamer J welcome back waffled quality I’m sorry or you just STI in question do you like Minecraft or gtag or PG what’s PG what PG what’s that I don’t know I don’t know what oh oh pixel gun you’re talking like pixel gun if you’re talk if you’re talking pixel gun then this is how I rate it I must go nobody wanted you anyway ow got him look cook beef move out of the way so I can okay little more cry about it cry about it so was it so Minecraft gtag I have to rate gtag number one and then Minecraft second and then PG cuz every single time I play uh PG like it’s kind of difficult LOL cry about it cry about it we ate an apple right no I think I forgot to add it Apple e I’m I’m a black I’m a block BL 999 years ago yeah block Astro I want you to I want you to click the three three uh three buttons or three dots and I want you to click don’t recommend Channel if you see her on the if you see her on the uh short short speed Village attempt to attempt to at the village don’t ask here just because you love me all right attempt to on the Village um yeah just click don’t recommend Channel if you see get on the short speed two hours into the stream and we have four four viewers beautiful so oh someone was blocked o you brain ooo your brain rotted brain Oh I thought that was a I thought was a pink sheep you broke my sword I’m a ma I’m massively offended M back the dragon is oh is a [ __ ] and a trash can becoming a I don’t know I mean I agree with you I do agree with you like a million times I agree with you dragon now we got coffee from Dragon also I took one good look at their Channel and I said nope why cuz I’ve seen the anime like anime edits everyone doing today everyone’s everyone’s doing okay today oh blacksmith blacksmith you a do you think I’m weird four four rats four cats four dogs six crabs one snake and a bird egg what I feel like that’s the new crafting material in Minecraft we have an iron pick oh someone said I think Zenith said horse armor I like that uh I don’t think you’re weird you just have a an odd crafting recipe my guy what do you sell for be I seen the be I seen the RO I seen the root of all the beats K beat up you know nin those I just pulls out the sword and it’s just Shing and then pulls it back in and then everything’s just demolished no oh you’re nothing oh you’re so stupid no you’re no you’re nothing I’m not goingon to I’m not going to let nobody take my things all right today I found dead D there wow aren’t that cool the show mother all right I’m I’m G need you with all kindness I’m have to ask you to take down with the f bomb all right it’s supposed to be a family friendly stream I’m not going to I’m not going to do anything I’m just like letting you know but if I have to do something I will but I do agree with you I do agree with you Astro or coffee foam made it so so so much worse we have I did not mean to do that we have such low capacity we got to get Stu we got oh I did not mean to do that I just did that with my cross on the uh thing this we don’t need to come on let’s go good we don’t need this bookin I guess we don’t need the dirt the book no did I kill the nothing I need to set up base waffle at go to bed I don’t have chill pills anymore oh wow should we set up base or keep moving on should we set up base or just press on I’m down for whatever we need to make it quick we’re getting rushed LOL before I go I hope that we get to 300 are we that close to 300 already holy freak we’re at 279 oh wait no we increased by one all right yep all right setting up base we’re taking over that one never mind this is a job excuse me we’re taking over with this one FBI open up get out of here little kid B oh no don’t attack him wait wait hang on no dude it was just prank bro dab me up I don’t know what I just did but I dabbed him up it was just a prank my guy calm down all right then let’s put up ah this ain’t a prank no more just look right here honestly I I did say it’s not it’s not not my fault uh there beautiful ow hey you got a problem got a problem right man I could have swear you see a great particle effect y red you already friend me she making friends every I open up oh you want them bet I’m just kidding guess what w w and then we will we will set up a shop we’re able to craft one chest yes oh yeah beautiful all right we have the sword oh whoa chugging I just turned my pop oh head hurting I’m just kidding then I first do beetroot with the beetroot soup beetroot root soup says we’re on we good are we good we good oh we’re good are we good I see myself it’s me yeah uh wack wow is just this account all right wow is just this account I want to see what I’m saying all right my phone died that’s all guys I made Dragon soup yummy y oh fre my controller it’s so goofy looking at I want to I want to check I want to check I want to check I want Tex chat Montage drinky Montage drinking Montage play playing Rec I hear myself I G soup we are back all right this guy’s looking at me this guy was look looking at me this guy was looking at me in the weird mirror oh God he’s coming around I got you clip sir I want to majorly where’s my dog where is my dog okay get ready for some no I I can’t I can’t I can’t I was going to kill him cha him in the boat and kill him but no he he’s he’s a Defender all right furnace L on Cole we need to have a double chest go this right here all right guys let me cook there’s a lot of stuff happening in chat is wow you yeah wow wow wow is the tablet basically I just hear myself echoing I can’t get over that gra right there I just let me cook guys ah that scared me so I want to have the chest going like so I don’t know what just happened Bo no I need that of course this the last thing I pick up just going across thing guys he’s coming back around you get this my ax broken right do and I we’re best friends forever and you are all lonely don’t hurt me little singing Montage I’ll be 99 and a quarter of a buck oh I was gonna catch up on chat my bad finally time for flowey What play no is this highlighted well uh is this highlighted in white red oh it’s not highlighted oh wait yes it is not that let him cook you are filled with determination yes I am this is highlighted on your end of the stream on your iPad wow yes that is well not what you just said but like the first thing you said are you really what you are you are really you lost your account red yep said you should play Terraria I miss my what you’re new kind new yep yep yep yep wow my tablet’s gonna die oh my God oh my my tablet’s gonna die dude this reminds me of like FNAF like it’s I’m on my fifth night and I’m low my energy source or you know what else reminds me of like the catnap like reminds me that c the last like battle battle boss battle scene with catnap from popping playtime I don’t play popping play time I just watch it others because I don’t have a PC and we got and we have power to the tablet last B last battery hey hey what oh thought that was a villager wow name all right oh that’s perfect I was I was wondering like a deep do has food like the Deep dog has food and we’re going to need a mountain [Music] to I’m hit what the heck that was weird pineapple that was your wall of gods was your wall of gods quote all right Mr doggo you’re supposed to stand right in front of something that can bake you alive and something that can suffocate you don’t don’t look at me like that it’s to all right we need to pull into serious mode our last like stack of like materials has been absolute downright trash that is why we are going to be I hate this too uh all right no forget it uh full armor we do not need oh it’s very blurry I apologize okay so 19 1949 on my account don’t ask my name is that okay nobody’s asking questions do you have a switch npe I do not um all right uh we need a bucket not getting armor I will take a sword I seen that creeper creeper keep rap damble oh oh yeah this is nice you know what there’s two of you you’ll be spared what is that well what is that do you see that orange thing right there there’s like an orange dot right there back up I’m I’m just trying to I’m just adjusting stream please don’t I don’t have a family well yes I do all right oh you okay just I’m just going for it I’m going for the house WAFF the FL no how about golden carrot you know what oh my God golden carrot we have six people in stream that’s actually in that’s actually amazing we’re going to go to bed what’s better waffle of Pancakes do you even need to ask that question when the obvious answer is waffles well no it’s it’s not an obvious answer it is the only answer it was your answer right because I hate for something terrible to happen to you if you chose pancake Waffle there you go it’s a beautiful correct right answer no harm done come back here I’m just kidding so we have a sword got beef food we need water oh the list sticks all right deep dark time okay what our what’s our protection fire protection and Unbreaking beautiful we’re going to have this sure we’ll keep 10 out uh kiss we gotta Summit this entire Mountain we have two pickaxes on here let the climbing begin also we had six people in stream I look I looked uh wait for one second oh we need a rabbit for rabbit stew oh easy kill easy kill R you here out of the six people four out of six people are OG’s oh we have five people in stream is he gonna stay en jooin my content cuz it will be amazing if he does oh b as we are about to approach the deep dark and us five will’ll do it together when I climb this mountain I will dig into the tip of it and I will fall drastically into the endless Darkness I I should be like a like a game developer because I can leave I can make good Cliffhangers we’re going all the way up so we can have a much more higher chance of like falling into one plus it’ll be more fun how you ask we’ll find out oh this is so cool whoa oh clouds like the beach map D six people welcome to the Stream found the found the spot let’s get to digging all right’s start with the broken first so we can get this one out of the inventory also going to have to put water down here because I probably not going land this water bu clutch seven people in stream we’re going down to the deep do in case you’re wondering the Deep also the echo in the background that’s just uh my stream oh Emmys we have Emmy no way we landed perfectly on emies all right good we have we’re down to three people cuz on my stream it says uh three but it says seven I I’m experience a major glitch right here uh it looks like we are uh approaching the deep dark guys cuz we’re about to hit a stack we have we have officially hit a stack of cobblestone that that’s that’s good oh wait no okay I think they gone it’s cuz it got all blurry why did it get all blurry whatever okay after this you want to play yep sorry I have to play like like 12 oh my God tell your friends about this get your friends in stream Are we almost there there’s no way we hit Bedrock dude bro bro I’m turn no I’m turn on coordinates we’re at 46 no we done near pass one I’m not giving up do y want to play bone tail and me what’s that will mind this [Music] because or whatever Pig nine eight seven six five four oh we have to hit the negatives that oh du I got so mad I forgot to hit the negatives I forgot that they extended the caves all right that’s honestly my bad my fault my fault I’ll take blame I’ll take blame for being impatient for you oh do you guys see the thing there yep 645 we have hit iron uh two cuz I’m not all right guys get your get your friends in here I have to go I have to go down to like negative 80 or something or not like six I don’t know what I have to go down to [Music] just gravel this dark or this deep down oh will’ll be taking one quick intermission I’ll be right back guys intermission for e we’re back all right welcome to [Music] the some water that’s some Aga go up gotta do something else though we’s turn up the gamma I don’t know what that’s going to do but something in my mind says turn the gamma there’s no GMA spy glass spy glass what that I don’t know know you’re say I welcome you ladies gentlemen Stickman from the Alan Becker aome oh my God there’s a baby I don’t know that l a baby guys we don’t did this exist what the heck Minecraft logic no the baby oh the baby will miss ladies gentlemen Stickman from the Allan Becker I welcome you to the deep dark the dark all right let’s go we’re doing the silent mode light work no reaction first chest of the day lots and lots of regeneration and that literally almost that literally filled up my thing I don’t know if that’s protected by anything like any skull oh that that’s good right oh it wasn’t what is this fire protection sure why not the other side I hate that there’s so much Regens I don’t know you let’s just start running around like a dum dum because we need to fill our space cuz our space is already filled up oh wait let’s turn up the sound oh that’s turning it down lot nice and Loud yep oh shoot warning one [Applause] warning two I don’t know how much warnings we [Applause] get where warning for I think it was last warning welcome does have the hidden room something’s burning not my fault uh okay this is technically boring I want to get out of here [Music] last [Applause] warning sticky what the heck oh freck I didn’t mean to do that did he just climb over he just climb over to the fence I can’t run this is what I see oh he’s right there he knows I’m here I don’t care let me see let me see where’s an exit oh I’m booing it for that Tower or I’m walking for it how satisfying will this be well not satisfying at all kind of that’s nice all right I’m actually I’ll go until I die which is going to be soon all right whoa Stickman what the heck this is crazy can something kill me you know I’m I’m want to explore up here about King and purple oh you don’t know hey yo ooh lapis LLY oh scary cave noises oh my God right that’s it then iron how about here bra oh wait what about here Ron oh fre one no scope from a skeleton I’m dead just one of these just one of these in my survival world in the main Minecraft survival world that’s all I ask oh frick hi how’s it going all right guys what is our signing off food wait no I oh I wanted to make a diamond I need get a diamond get one Diamond before I sign off oh congratulations I want to eat it alive oh congratulations you you gave birth I’mma eat it right in front of you what oh PW s okay this is karma I shake EP Zoom okay more snow more powdered snow let’s go this way h o diamond oh fre no no no I will get that diamond you don’t understand I’ve seen it I likeed eyes on it what what what what I mean let’s just focus on the diamond because nothing else happened let’s just focus on the diamond I might just cancel stream or not cancel stream I I might just cut chat oh U cut chat toasty I’m warm yeah let’s wait for this death all right let’s just read some chat messages which I’m not going to read chat messages because they’re all bad breing nice what do you mean I’m getting warmed up and we’re dead what do you me I I overheated I didn’t freeze I overheated red D I didn’t have the what I huh huh what what I didn’t do anything uh hey guess what guess what you will be missed hello oh weave weave damage [Music] damage management of like a Huggy wuggy Chase not this way another Diamond another D whale whale whale look like we had Three Amigos back again except for I kill one of them this time and I get my diamond you guys just what I mean what huh I didn’t know anything oh no I got double tapped [Music] oh my god oh great heavens gun it and run it LOL yeah l Lo upon you have been load no damage has been done a hole is a goal what The Last Ship is dark all right [Music] cool all the iron I’m not seeing any diamonds guys will will will where your SPID friend now oh found the deep dark again but I survived oh I was trying to cut through perfectly H right not right what chat has officially G to another universe L I better get like 50% off your trades oh your trades suck never mind all right so we have a diamond and there’ll be more diamonds don’t worry beautiful where’ the yellow one go oh no I had another green one no oh all right all right there’s the poll I have a poll set up if you vote 5050 uh so now it’s in the hands of me all right I want you guys to spam comment just [Music] Spam or someone else can vote all right let’s little gamer so either one which stands for green two which stands for yellow one’s in the lead we got one in the lead we’ll be playing the green as the outro all right that’s no red no all red doesn’t get to say the green disc [Music] thank you guys so much for watching this video hope you guys enjoyed and remember check out w oh voice crack and remember check out the community section of my channel if you want to join early Discord now Vibe [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] should to [Music] [Music] revive [Music] thank you guys so much for watching the video remember subscribe and make sure you check out the make sure you check check out the community section of my channel and hope you enjoy because the community section has my Discord you can be early access now please enjoy my other streams and as always goodbye

This video, titled ‘EATING EVERY FOOD IN MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Wafflespoon on 2024-03-25 19:05:46. It has garnered 16 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds.

  • Bedwars Shenanigans

    Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars Adventure with BlueLedYT and WeebRed Software and Equipment Used: For this epic Minecraft Bedwars adventure, the team utilized: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Capcut They also had the following hardware: Keyboard: Random Logitech keyboard Mouse: Bloody A60 Mic: Portal 7.1 HG28 (headphones mic) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 RAM: 16GB Resource Pack: The team played with the Bombies 180k resource pack by Tory, adding a unique visual flair to their gameplay. Subscribe to BlueLedYT and WeebRed: If you enjoyed the gameplay, make sure to subscribe to their channels: BlueLedYT WeebRed Highlights from the… Read More

  • Chill Showcase: Dragon Mounts 1.20.1 Forge

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  • NOOBS IN THE HOOD: Minecraft Ep. 1

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  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

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  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

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  • Crafting a Tea House in Minecraft! | Part 78

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Bot Shenanigans!

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  • Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party!

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  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

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  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

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  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

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  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

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  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

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  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

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  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

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  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

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  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

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  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

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  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

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  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

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  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More