Insane Challenge: Survival 100 Days in 1×1 Expand World! EP 6 | Everhearth Minecraft

Video Information

Hello hi hotties hello I don’t know if they can see me now hello you’re looking good today okay okay guys please don’t kill us okay um today introduce what we today also I’m back for my stream Hiatus I am still sick it’s that residual cough that lasts several

Weeks um but so because I have it on the server now instead of local we aren’t able to see what day it is right now so everybody’s going to have to help us keep track of the day okay we got today it’s it’s the 26th night

Right now so tomorrow would be the 27th day so we got to keep counting um I looked it up there’s no way to be able to fix that um because it used to display so the local difficulty on a server used to display um something like random I don’t

Know if it actually showed a real day or not and then just like count it up from like 3,000 ,000 instead of zero um but since uh an update as of like two months ago now for servers local difficulty is displayed as question marks um and to my knowledge for my

Research there is no way to fix it if someone knows of a mod let me know um but I could not find one in the forums that I was looking at so we will have to count all of the days all right we got oh Fitz ville’s here

Yeah I’ll stop with my monologue sorry guys on Tik Tok Mama T says hi hello speaking of monologue we have an adus monologue the indoor opens and attakus walks through a portal carrying a few large bags walking to the bar he sets them on top of wait on top and begins to

Pull out a series of meats cheeses and other Delights hey uh got some stuff for you I that’s right I can’t do a a Burly Burly cow boy because uh my voice is too high uh thanks thanks attacus I will take this and make a shuchi board oh God check your recipe book

Popup what it just block use annoy players oh okay oh man thanks pitville it’s been a while I forget I’m sorry guys I had to disable Kill player summon wither summon Ender Dragon and teleport player to a random spot I deleted chus fruit too the reason I deleted the

Teleport ones or disabled them was because because we’re on this like strange layout um with I don’t know if like crowd control would necessarily know that there is just a cliff you know over there over Yonder so I wouldn’t trust it to not just like teleport us into the abyss you know what

I mean so oh my God it’s time to call the cows were you able to refund back the coins for the Wither uh yeah let me know if anybody donated to the Wither um oh my God it’s so loud hold on sorry guys that is so

Loud um if anybody donated to the Wither let me know I will refund you but I messaged fzv and CA and I don’t think either of them did oh okay but if you guys had money towards something that was going to murder us let me know and I will look into

Refunding uh F A Drop pod crashes through the roof and Daniel in purple futuristic Army that armor that matches his suit steps out and m42 strap to his back well this isn’t Mal levelon Creek kellia welcome you got to say it in a in a narrator DM voice wait I need to go

Get this isn’t Mal levelon Creek is that what Daniel sounds like I think in the hell diver’s form he would yes um all right I need Luna is here hello Lun is here hello hello I’m what’s up Pooky bear and cl Rizzle CL Rizzle wow and I’m

Not stinky any more guys I have upgraded because of my silly ooh ooh Guys Savannah Fitzgerald hey Mrs belt’s here hell yeah yay the gang’s all here fit says there’s no levitation potion fit Bill serious talk time what’s something big that yall have wanted to purchase for the in IRL or like role

Play you said serious so I’m assuming IRL okay you said no levitation there is a drink levitation potion enabled it’s called drink levitation potion uh be en I am building the wall building the wall it’s going to be the best wall the best wall everybody know everybody knows

It’s going to be the best wall tremendous tremendous wall I’m sorry everybody I’m going to go kill a bunch of cows I did the whole Trump like uh face and everything purchase your very own eus oh my oh boy guys I’m getting so much xp I have 20 20 levels on this

[ __ ] and I can’t oh God okay all right that’s enough death um play some VR with y’all in the play some VR in with y’all in the background how are you today hell yeah we’re good it’s been a did you say you’re playing VR back rooms I think she

Said she is playing VR and has Us in the background oh my gosh you should play VR back rooms oh no oh no [ __ ] close the door oh [ __ ] all right well all you guys are dying sorry mumo fun fact you don’t get any XP

From baby um animals no ve nope you just straight up kill them you don’t get nothing it’s because you’re committing an act of sin murdering the baby animals what Luna rocks VR yeah what uh what VR game are you playing um I’m going to Long Weekend we’ve been we’ve been

Tie tie we’ve been very tie tie lots of stuff going on I’ve been looking forward to the The Crafty mine though mhm I got to finish the hobbit hole I might take a break from that for now I need to collect more wood but we got to there

Are no doors here Drew how am I supposed to get out of here other than hop into the lava pit I’m working on it I know I know and then he put this ugly wall right outside my door my beautiful hobbit hole do you hate me no only a little bit No come on I can I mean come on OBS let’s do this come on buddy come on oh were you not sharing your screen I wasn’t until now but it’s there it is I woke it up it makes like 18 alt tabs before it starts um the hit hole is

Coming together though guys not going to lie still want to play some onward Pavlov Shack withdrew yes it’s going to happen I need more VR friends I I would love to play VR multiplayer stuff once this 100 days are done I bet it’ll be time to start stard do 1.6 stream on oh

My God yes I would be so down I just want some cozy feels right VI the Cozy Vibes are Immaculate all right The Hobbit hole we can start moving stuff to The Hobbit Hole um we can make so we have little storage space here I’m wondering if I

Should just tear out this wall and we can make this entire room a storage room what do you think Drew yeah you didn’t even look I trust your judgment okay um the floor what was the floor going to be was it also wood or were we going to make it into

Uh I think we were going to do dark wood for the floor um so I need to collect some more but let’s play some let’s play some Minecraft music yeah let’s get the get the Vibes going I had it ready um Luna’s playing Beat saber in Zenith hell yeah

Fitvil upgrade time okay so were you you said did you say IRL upgrades or like roleplay upgrades for the in what are The Vibes um where’s R Upgrade I mean currently I don’t think the only upgrade like logistically is space but also just being able to afford making the YouTube videos that we were trying to do cuz those definitely cost yeah so we we announced on the the patreon but for those who weren’t in the know we hired an

Editor for making YouTube videos and we love her and she’s great and she does a fantastic job so we’re taking it serious we’re having another YouTube video every single week yeah we’re shooting for every Friday every Friday and the uh but as is customary um patreon the the tiers that get early

Access to content will get early access to YouTube videos um yeah yeah at at least the day before uh IRL so he confirmed yes uh everyone of us with VR should all play VR chat too yes um see yeah our editor has been big um

Um and keeping that up yeah she has good oh my goodness what was that was that donation hold on it was wait what what the [ __ ] What FV family I’m starting to cry right [Laughter] now oh my god oh my god well thank you oh my thank you God that was excessively generous super nice that was so n guys it’s been a long day guys so we appreciate it go thank you so much you

Guys are thank you you guys are oh my God I don’t even know what to say that oh my God guys oh that was very nice you guys are what keeps us going yeah we’ve come into good fortune and I was always taught to share Good Fortune with my friends boy

No fville thank you thank you it’s going straight into ever Hearth rest assured we uh we super appreciate it yeah that is extremely kind and very generous so nice you guys are you guys are great if you have any uh any YouTube videos that you are particularly interested in

Seeing let me know we got I know you sent me uh that foam brain games site and I ordered a bunch of stuff off of there and we’re actually filming that YouTube video this week so we’re going to do Mystery Boxes excited for that you guys are great damn boy I am still processing that that was extremely kind of you we have to build a a memorial a a ever Hearth Memorial yeah Fitz buil what we fil family Fitz built family uh what are we building in

Honor what do you do you want to be on our uh on our our first hardcore game I’m I’m just building a little Cube for let us know a YouTube video that you want and we we can make that happen yeah for sure okay this cube is where we can put

The the memorial to the the the gracious Gods yes Fitz spila is a gracious God he has join the ranks of chimera in gracious [Laughter] God my only wish is Cinematic lore videos at some point okay I can do that I’ve been I’ve been doing I did a couple um

Practice is ones there is actually I do have some that I have partially filmed um yeah there’s one where um Isa has a deal with the devil we’ll see we’ll see yeah I just haven’t had a chance to film The the other portion of it yet but I have

Filmed part of it so there is for sure going to be some more some more lore the ever Hearth lore just processing why was my like natural reaction to that just Admiral abar like or not not Admiral have the uh the uh the gungans the oh is that what you did yeah

Like was I was no thinking I just did that that was your natural reaction yeah that’s some cartoon [ __ ] right there the eyes like poporn oh my god wow yall should build the in IRL well we do want to get a bigger place and we want it to all be

Like in theme like themed like a Tavern MH and right current currently our set is just like a a wall not even it is oh yeah it is the whole wall I wallpapered that whole wall um but we like to have a bit more

Space for it um so that way we can have like different angles of things and like for like for for example if it’s built the Cinematic stuff that um you’ve requested and I’ve been filming a bit of it’s all it’s really hard to get different angles because we only have

That one wall wall so when I do different angles I have to like it’s it’s I have to be a little bit weird about it cuz it’s it’s I really only have that one wall so when I’m trying to be in like a different area uh it’s it’s like I’m actually just shifted

A little bit and the camera’s pointed so you can’t see the table so so I’m not actually in another room but I have a feeling I’ll get a bit better about that as time goes on is uh this the next night okay so this is the night of the

27th okay so that was a full day cuz it it it was um the sun rose and then that’s when I slaughtered all the cows yep it was daytime when I slaughtered I remember I could see the the ve why not film in the woods that y all talk about

All the time that is so I want to be able to do that um it’s not the where we currently are it’s not very private um there are a lot of people and a lot of people walk around in like the woods behind us um ideally we would like to

Live by in a more like remote area and be able to just like like have a yard for example and be able to just go out into the woods behind like the place um cuz currently if we wanted to go somewhere that was more private to film um it would

Be well we have built more which is like that’s like a 30 minute Endeavor to get 30 minutes at least to get to the place um and then it’s still pretty busy so it’s it’s not like super easy to do but um we’re we’re looking and one of the plans I keep thinking

About is that I’ll finally be able to film outside in peace cuz of the issues is like we can film outside but there’ll be like people walking around or there’ll be like kind of structures in the background for any like convenient place and then for more secluded places

It’s like you got to drive a while um so it’s like a you know a total probably how long is it like I would say like to get to a nice hike would be like a 40 minute heke 40 minute drive there’s close is ones but because we’re in like

Downtown Asheville pretty much um we’re not like immediately next to Trails mhm of any sort of privacy what about Fain actor they seem close enough to let yall film there or seem chill enough yeah they’re they’re good they are a like a 45 minute drive away and um currently

We’re looking to be closer though yeah uh the the big like consistent theme is like finding the scenic spots that are accessible and then also not busy and Fain actor has like people there frequently um they’re just too successful they they are building a super dope Tavern room their current

Room knows is so Chimera when you were there on the uh the room behind the bar uh it’s like there’s the the main room where we all were and then the second half of that room is like the production floor it’s kind of like just a workshopy

Space the on the opposite side of the wall behind the bar they’re constructing this dope ass Tavern room that’s like like cozy long table booths and like a live wood Edge Bar and a fireplace like it’s going to be Immaculate and they’re going to start doing their own food

Instead of having a food truck and like all sorts of great stuff um that would be really cool uh and if we wanted to do like a different type of Tavern Ambience type shoot we could probably go there after hours or something but that would be late um yeah their after hours is

Like 11 11 and then they open they I think 10 to 11: is their typical hours mhm um I definitely want to do more outdoor stuff though that has been a big uh with we’ve been like super busy so I’ve been trying to do a bunch

Of new stuff but like I have to do it in like sections cuz I I’ve been like we’ve been wanting to move to YouTube I was editing for a while and then last week we got the editor so editing YouTube those YouTube videos would take like 5 days cuz I also am not

That good at editing long form content and I think like part of the reason is like I’m looking at my own video and I’m like nitpicking too much you know um all right but uh yeah with the editor now we just film on Friday we give her all of our stuff and

Then she gets the video To Us by um Tuesday and then we review and then we post it on Friday yep or we post it Thursday patreon Friday to yeah dude Drew I said move this wall further back okay it’s okay I just want I want to have a good front

Yard you know what I mean like I want to be able to see my Hobbit Hole M so I’m thinking like cut it here or something you know so I can have some Hobbit Hole Zone okay um I’m going to go cut down some trees guys [ __ ] a while ago so said

Wait you’re telling me a sorceress decided to actually work for some magic instead of being born with it JK Sorcerers are pretty wacky says when you were saying the deal with the Devil type thing oh yeah I have the script written out I forget what I

It’s been like a couple weeks since I filmed the first portion of it but it’s to this song that’s really cool and the song kind of uh goes along with the script I’m excited for it re the Set uh Chimera said I want to do stuff like

That too for eus but I don’t have the space dude like a a cool Western Saloon situation oh my goodness that’ be hot I want to I was looking just for funsies oops I have don’t have any I’ll throw out some dirt for funsies I was looking at she

Sheds which by the way are so expensive I was looking at um what was I I was looking at cuz I I was thinking like okay what if I what if we get like a house or something and you know just casually get a house have a yard um and

And had like a she shed or something for uh like either YouTube videos or like the set but like the nice looking ones are like freaking $35,000 yeah I was then I was like do I know anybody that is a Craftsman knows how to do

Woodwork I was like I can make a table not even a good table actually I haven’t really tried one of the things I want to do whenever ever I have a house is get like when I ever have a house in unlimited money when I strike it rich um

I want to have all the woodworking equipment and do like make like wood stuff like make learn how to make like Cabinetry and stuff see like I’ve I’ve had space I’ve had this inkling for a long time like I I’ve wanted to do no I’ve always wanted to do business like

I’m excited about business things in hence ever Hearth but like shake hands also like other types of like dinky like I learn like I I was just bullshitting with co-workers the other day like it would be kind of cool to like get into learning small engine repair and then I

Go and buy like a junked lawn mower and restore it and make it all clean and run well and then my C literally does that yeah and then I I sell it for not that expensive expensive to families that need it and like make YouTube videos

About it like I think that would be super cool and rewarding yeah um have a YouTube channel called Drew’s Drew’s uh I don’t know uh next time next time I go to Asheville to visit I’m defin going to Fan actor in atus cosplay yes please oh hell yeah uh he saw their uh

Um Tavern room upgrade and then I don’t know what’s wrong fist I don’t know what’s wrong with my Wi-Fi but it’s been an hour and a half and Hell divers only just hit 50% downloaded uh sometimes the actual Steam servers are running slow when did they

Do their don’t they do their updates on Tuesdays yeah steam used to have server maintenance on Tuesdays uh so if it’s gone to like complete zero that could be look up do you think down detector would tell him if uh yeah you could also if you just

Search like Steam down question mark and like I think every time i’ Google that steam’s page it’s like yes we’re in the maintenance window um Matthew Hebert is here again hope I’m saying your name correctly uh I hear Asheville is a dope place to live we love it here it’s amazing cute and

Cozy um when we save for our trip to as I’m also going to show up in Daniel’s cosplay a crisp royal purple suit in Spellbook hell yeah brother oh my gosh hell yeah is Daniel a wizard or a sorcerer I would assume wizard I know you’ve told me this I’m sure it’s in

The so how do you want this wall near The Hobbit Hole to be just farther away on all sides on all sides cuz I want to be able to see my Hobbit hole you had it covered so I couldn’t see the front until I uh was like right up on it you

Know what I mean mhm all right there’s going to be a hole underneath this Stone but uh I’m covering it up so it doesn’t look so weird with The Hobbit Hole underneath it um Chimera says Western fantasy oh like Saloon set evocation wizard I was going

To say is he a necromancy wizard cuz I learned some cool builds uh I know that he wasn’t a Necro romancy wizard cuz I feel like I would definitely would remember that um oh that looks cool with the Steps step up yeah do you want it further offset

Though yes okay cuz I want to be able to walk around and see my hobbit hole I mean you could just uh you could just cut it here instead like have it go that would look weird above my Hobbit hole you can just ignore this section for now

How about that okay and then I’ll tell you what I want later I collected more uh Oak planks he blows [ __ ] up in his suit always stays clean is there an enchantment on the suit or is he just uh so skilled at avoiding his own uh he

Knows like the precise like blast radius of all of his spells and he can avoid Messing up his suit he’s just like that good uh that’s what I would imagine at least I would imagine like he’s like an esteemed gentleman who uh like you know whenever like in anime

Or something like they do this like huge thing and then they’re like effortlessly like flying through the air and avoiding everything and then they carefully land on the ground in that just like pristine condition mhm like there’s that one anime is like my my name is Sakamoto or something haven’t you

Heard yes um while chlo’s coughing Rose is awoken sorry guys fist buil knows construction oh oh whil atus is a gunslinger he first mastered the sword and bow oh also oh oh my God all the lads and F actor together yeah that would be fun now he blows shoot up yeah

He cast pressed digitation neurotic steam fed up yay pumpkin I got to move for a second guys I’m switching need to Drew’s view I’ve got to go get cough drops move okay he puts his head oh gosh pumpkin BRB guys so what did everybody do this weekend

So Chloe alluded to it but we’re we’re trying to look at purchasing a house and that’s a whole bag of worms we’ll see how it goes who knows but it has been exhausting in every way this weekend was trying some viewings and stuff and it’s all yikes

Man so it’s been high effort and we’ve been tired but it’s exciting it’s tough and also our one of our offers well our only offer today got declined which blows but there will be more it’s it’s a lot Chloe has returned from her disease guys it’s just that leftover

Cough that you have like I didn’t even I did kind of have a cough when I was actually sick it’s like so annoying because sry Punky Punky likes to put his head like in between the Wheels on the chair mhm look for a house that had someone

Pass in they’ll be a lot cheaper but then like what about the ghosts we have been looking at houses that people probably died are like real realtor I say realtor instead of realtor our realtor uh we were looking at a house um and like it had not been

Updated at all since like it was built in the 9s and like there which isn’t that bad but yeah it would like zero like the roof hadn’t been redone the walls hadn’t been painted like it was like nothing had been touched up either there was like it smelled like old

People like it was it was an old person there was a lot of water damage um and our realtor was like yeah they probably died the carpet there was a carpet that was like in the garage and it was just like so dirty I was like this is

Original to the house it’s never been cleaned in 30 years MH uh there was tell them about the tell them about the mold house oh yeah fox geef says yo hello welcome to the stream welcome fit buil Drew and I hit the gritty and fan

Actor hell yeah my house was built in 19 1946 dang that’s cool we did look at a 1946 house not 1946 1941 yeah it was early 40s it was F like it was in good condition the only issue was Drew couldn’t get into a lot of

Places cuz he was too tall so like I’ve toured there’s a uh um an aircraft carrier in Charleston from the World War II that you can tour and uh oh that was fun you learn how short the average American male was at that time cuz everything’s built to fit them and like

It’s a it’s if you would have been average size it would have been fun exactly I’m average is like 5 right um he Too Tall he’s too Alpha Sigma yeah and so like it’s it’s a like more size is more weight and everything so they

They only build it for as as big as it has to be but like touring around that aircraft carrier I am ducking constantly um and so we viewed this 1940s house it was a flip which was already scary um it was fine though yeah there was some the

Bath was nothing that was supicious like about it there was yeah there was some some rough edges that were definitely di wide there was no mold we didn’t see much water damage like we saw some like stuff that could have been like so old yep but uh it too small for Drew

It’s also in the part of town where there was a paper that recently closed and I don’t know if you’ve ever been near a paper mill but when they’re operating they smell and it’s cels it smells like poop and like rotting trash it smells so shitty and then like the

Wind picks it up and it will go for like miles and miles and miles um and so it closed a year ago but it’s like so that kind of opens up the local market to like maybe people will tolerate living around it now um but it’s huge like there’s so much infrastructure just

Sitting there and so I worry that it is so prohibitively built out that nobody’s just going to come in and buy up the land and so I worry that it is still attractive enough to some dumb company to buy it out and open it back up again and so if we were to

Buy by the house right there on the bet that the paper mill was closed we’d then just be constantly afraid of reading the newspaper and see that the mill got bought and was going to come back into operation um so there’s that uh but yeah it was a 1940s house that was flipped

And like looked fine it’s just the crawl space was like unusably short for me it wasn’t a crawl space like basement basement and some rooms like the doors to different rooms and like there was some weird closets where like they’re really narrow and really deep so it’s like I would

Have to rotate and shimmy in and like reach to grab what was in the closet it was really odd um and then it was probably like I could probably be fine mhm uh that’s Matthew says I realized I discovered your channel years ago from your tabletop simulator D and D videos

Hell yeah brother any thoughts of implementing something similar to dungeon Alchemist but that is able to export 3D dungeons I have not kept up with the the um DND d mapmaking space I I need to get back into that I uh have since transitioned uh well actually

Ironically we’re back on to tabletop Sim um do you want to switch it to your view cuz I’m I’m not doing nothing I um I’m just digging out some floor in The Hobbit Hole so we uh started out tabletop simming I made all those videos

And then we got an apartment and made a whole game room where we I I have some videos on my like my hybrid in-person plus remote DND setup which I was really proud of like that room was dope um and we we had a table and we had like these

Like $100 Bluetooth surround sound speakers around the table so you could feel like you’re immersed in the sound um and uh the Discord people would play out of the surround sound um and uh we had a a cheap shitty TV laid flat on the table and I was subscribed to some

Patreons to get animated Dungeons and Dragons maps that I just play on Loop um on the TV and then we put The Minis on the TV it was awesome it was a super great system and then we moved away from everybody so now we’re entirely remote so we’re we’re back on tabletop Sim

Um but I don’t make the 3D maps anymore it’s really high effort it takes a long time and even when you get really good at it it takes a while to make a map um and so now in tabletop Sim I just use a uh you can set the like the table you

Can like put like a a board down on the table and load a custom image onto it so I just do that and all of the patreons that I have of like 2D uh just handdrawn Maps um I just load those up and it’s just faster it saves me time for running

The game uh but if you love making Maps I love tabletops in um Fitz builts asking we read the paper I was going to say drew you don’t read the paper well you like read the news I I subscribe to the the digital copy of the local news

Um but uh by reading the paper I mean looking my phone um more more oh c oh yeah when I walk into my basement I have to duck down or I’ll hit my head hell yeah cuz he he’s a a tall Chad like me hell diver is 76%

He’s taller than you sh that’s when ever Hearth swoops in and buys the mill yes just a casual we become several million dollars into an like a previously unprofitable business can’t wait yeah speaking of that one of the houses we toured was a uh was an

Airbnb um it it was being sold fully furnished and like it was definitely being sold as like you too can buy this house and run it as an Airbnb right away um and like you would inherit the previous bookings um and our realtor was not confident that it would just dissolve

The bookings automatically unless we opt it in and we’re like no [ __ ] way are re buying this person’s house and then obligated to satisfy their Airbnb obligations that is that is their issue and our realtor was like I don’t know I’m like [ __ ] that um but I just thought it was funny

That so they bought the house like F four or five years ago when houses were way cheaper and they’re selling it so clearly the Airbnb is not profitable and and now they’re selling it for a lot more in like one of the worst interest rate markets

Ever and like saying like yeah make it an Airbnb like it clearly didn’t work for you it won’t work for anybody else like I thought that was funny um same with the attic crawl space in my house oh tell them about the the pin or the shower thingy that was in there

Too wasn’t there like a a a mine shower a nine shower oh yeah in the 1940s house so I I uh read this thing about in in I think it’s in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is like a big Steel Mill Town at least a handful of years ago uh a handful being like a 100

Um a handful it’s Pittsburgh or it’s like mining towns um in really dirty job industry towns uh it’s really common to buy these houses built when that industry was still booming and they’d have these showers in the basement and an exterior door leading into the basement because

The workers would be so covered in soot and [ __ ] that they would come home from work and go straight into the basement door from outside and into the shower so that then they would they’d shower in the basement keep all the dirt down there and then come upstairs clean which

Is just so interesting and so that one 1940s house um it it had a basement shower it was it was interesting it also had an original sorry pencil sharpener on the wall oh yeah some weird pencil sharpener saying uh that shower idea isn’t a terrible idea yeah right it’s it’s

Smart it was just an interesting little Relic that like we wouldn’t use do you think uh what what uh kind of Monument are we going to make for the the builts oh yeah house built what would you like okay guys it’s the night of the 208th right yeah uh yes cuz last night

Was the night of the 27th so we can build a a well we could build we could build a gigant take statue I don’t know how a red Concrete Rose ooh okay how do I make concrete like you want it made out of concrete or do you want

Like cuz I have I have to figure out how to make concrete I don’t know how to do that I can make stone um I could do oh I have terra cotta but that’s orange okay it’s day it’s the 29th everybody woo day 29 all right so right

Here make red concrete powder and place it in water to cure it how do I make red concrete powder F bu wi hold our hand concrete is Stone and I’m guessing it’s Stone like Stone goo right so I can put it right here I’ll just mark it with this because we got to

Have a little stem too so there can be a stem there let me get some red cuz I would assume I need these red flowers um Time Travelers verified it’s the 27th it’s the 27th what oh the 27th night or the 27th day of what are you talking oh it’s it’s the 27th

IRL like of February oh we’re we’re verified time travels because it’s the 27th IRL and it’s 27 oh I see okay we get it well it’s but it’s the where what did we get okay four sand four gravel one red dye placement doesn’t matter okay cool

Okay I will do that where did it expand I want go explore yeah we need to light up that um Pine area though it’s uh yeah it’s I saw some creepers spawning in there mhm I’m looking for red flowers I whacked one of the red flowers

And sorry guys I’m trying not to cough um it just disappeared I might have to I might have to get some bone meal and try to flower it up hi creepy boy you see any let me know if you see any red flowers Drew okay I see some red

Flowers 93% of what downloading hell divers oh [ __ ] we’re going to play hell divers um I don’t know what day do you want to do it Thursday yeah let’s do it Thursday we have wigs we have um we each have you saw them on uh I got poppies

Tuesday last week I wore the wig cuz we were going to play hell divers and then um it was before they implemented the AFK timeout which since they’ve done that I’ve had no issues getting into a match which is really nice um watch out for this uh

Pit mhm but yeah last stream we tried oh my God it’s over here oh oh do we have the full Temple now uh yeah we did uh the last time though oh okay I just don’t know how to explore it yet so I wasn’t going to I

Wasn’t going to [ __ ] with that cuz don’t go in by the way literally there’s TNT everywhere ow my okay yeah well there’s not TNT there’s only TNT in a specific spot but I don’t remember where feel like on the hunt for some red red flower um if you go back to the house

Drew can you tell me if we have any red flowers or bone meal please okay terrifying sunflowers okay we got that fitv you’re playing on PC right oh yeah you said Steam what maybe after stream I could can do an open what is that have some some hell divers hangs F maps maps Post finally do a what is it a what would we call it a stream day a community day oh my gosh all these sunflowers just died how did that

Happen I just hear some whining no I’m imagining it Piggy pancakes had the shits recently cuz her her stomach is a delicate ecosystem pancake gets the shits frequently fit SP weight really yeah I think so I think I was we trying to do it yeah as we were logging in we were

Thinking like what are we going to do after stream cuz we’ve been so tired from all this house [ __ ] and so like I had a a personal challenge where I just moved my head up thinking I could see around the corner um a personal challenge where I wasn’t playing any solo

Games I could only play games with other people and I decided I had to break that once house stuff happened because we’ve got wedding and taxes inhouse it was just like I recognize that the next six months are going to be a lot and so I’ve been playing to turn my brain off

American Truck Sim which we almost played on stream on Tuesday which has been really fun I play with the VR headset and I got a a little steering wheel set up uh it’s it’s very immersive and I just listen to my music and I I my

My uh I think I explained on stream my Persona is Hank Evergreen he loves his wife Diane um and uh he when he’s on the road he gets to sneak some Snickers and Chloe when I I had a particularly rough day last week and I was playing truck Sim after work

And Chloe surprised me as soon as I signed in she got me a Snickers so I’ve still got a piece of it um true doesn’t frequently get them because is this rooted soil rooted Co dirt never mind guys course dirt it’s just dirt with gravel I think speaking of gravel must get some

Gravel although I feel like I have a bunch of gravel like I don’t need to be collecting gravel yeah I like I don’t get candy too often and like ice cream and stuff like that because like because I never drank full calorie soda I I’m very much like I

Diet via just hard restriction from things that I know I will have a rough time with um so candy bars are a very rare treat and it’s been it’s been nice but yeah uh I was as we were logging in I thinking like do I want a truck Sim or do I want

A hell divers after stream but I think we hell divers so want to Hell divers if you’ll be uh anybody who’s AV veils yeah anybody on stream who has hell divers do it in the Discord and is in the Discord yeah you got to be a member

In the disc I have never played hell divers but it’s done says Fitz built hell yeah cuz some practic in cuz dude’s going to whoop your ass oh red flower okay for some reason I didn’t see it collect when I whacked it last time I just had that same

Experience with the flower yeah let me practice on a yellow the flower and then it just didn’t see that one worked okay I got the yellow flower red flower I might actually cry if we play together y’all are basically celebrities and boy well it’s it’s gonna happen

We’re a pretty big deal yeah we I I mean I am great and humble um who is very humble Chloe knows I make that joke every single [ __ ] time I can he loves call himself humble I think such a good joke to multiply the flowers

Or am I literally cuz I just went all the way around the map and I found one red flower oh I I picked up a bunch I have 13 poppies you’ve just been too slow well here I’ll give you my puppies where are you wait just meet me at the house I

Have to craft anyway okay where’s a jazzy we need to put a pressure plate right there why is there a single block of sand Enderman um damn our world’s getting kind of big I’m getting a little lost oh I have to go into the wall I’m not

Inside the wall outside all I like how you left me zero doors I have put your plants in the Box huh I have put your plants in the Box I dug a hole through your uh your wall wow well you didn’t leave me any also this are you going to make it look

Better yes you’ve been G given nothing no I I can’t word nothing but hate for my wall I don’t remember what the wall looked like so I didn’t realize it was a two three block High thing okay um all right where you put them in Plants right imp

Plants uh what [ __ ] test it’s only right now you don’t have to worry about it I I had that same thing you it text to speech for that first few settings choices and then it never happens again huh um another keybind once once you get into the tutorial let me know and I’ll

Let you know a key button that you should change Indra says how I get in so if you we’re we’re we’ll do a hell divers uh Community night after stream Fitz spilt gets a priority seat because of his extremely generous donation today um but

Um you got to be in the Discord so go to our our website and uh you have to go through the whole in rules make an intro checklist situation um and and then we’ll have a a voice channel for dropping in on some uh some HD2 my dudes

And do thats I’m going to be crossplay matter I did it I don’t think it does it like the verbiage it uses sounds like it needs it but I just did it cuz I have a PlayStation account what they uh hell divers has PlayStation crossplay and in order to do that you

Need to also sign in in with a PlayStation account for some reason um okay but uh oh [ __ ] it wouldn’t hurt to do for sure Frick my box isn’t working can’t open it up oh God I can’t get back there either oh gosh guys this we’re going to have to have better

Organization I’m just out of space with the stone so I had to make a new okay iron ingot I got food there’s so much leather oh my God guys I’m sorry about any coughing okay okay I will make us a door do we want double door yeah I think make

More than one mhm do do like on some Far ends some big Gates do some make them double and then do um pressure plates on the inside mhm actually the opening cut scene I [ __ ] love it it’s so good oh my God super Earth mystery of truth yes there’s so

Like I love games that lean in like that um but yeah games that lean into that that uh like all the tiny details oh there’s a there’s a crate back there okay wait I I need to remember four sand four gravel one red Dy so sand

Is in I need to go get some sand I need some wood to make wait do we don’t have any oh yeah we do have gravel I was going to say okay I’m going to go get some sand sand time can we sleep door it’s going to be the the 29th

Can you come sleep please did you just type in dooo I typed in door or I attempted to I love that propaganda only shows uh shows the terminats yes can we do a termined planet cuz that’s the one I wanted to do yeah that’s the bugs right they seem scarier than

The yeah the bugs the bug planets are way scarier I Amo than the uh Robos I haven’t actually seen any of the robots I just why am I making a bazillion doors robots don’t seem as scary as bugs three doors this is excessive um and then some pressure

Plates I’m kind of excited though we haven’t had a community night in a long time yeah uh let me I’m going to announce H we’ll keep we’ll keep it chill keep it on the low L For Us in the Stream here and then we’ll we’ll blast out bigger ones in the

Future um I’m going to need okay I got 42 sand it’s time to make some red I’m GNA have to do a bug planet the automatons are the ones kicking asses yeah um oh yeah so once you’re in the tutorial let me know and I’ll I’ll let

You know the uh the keybinds that’ll make your life easier I don’t know how much dye I’m going to need I’d guess you’re probably actually at the tutorial by now cuz you had the The View also now officially have a fifth buil Minecraft account excellent um so judging that you’re probably at

The tutorial by now uh what you do is uh open up the like hit Escape go to options and then go to like the mouse and keyboard controls and then change bindings um and then you scroll all the way down I’ll I’ll give some pauses in between these

Steps and at the bottom it’ll be the strap stry controls and the the key for opening up calling a strategy I forget what it’s called but it has it it defaults to left control uh there’s a button to the side button to the left of where it says what

The key name is where it’ll say hold you can click on that and you want to change it to press and then uh below that on the different strategy up down left rights they default to WD change them to up down left right arrow keys on your

Keyboard so this way by default in the game it has you stop and then you hold control and then use wasdi to call in your strategems so you’re while you’re like calling them in and like [ __ ] up sometimes you’re standing still and just getting minced um and then uh this way

You just tap it you tap control to open up the strategy calling and then you can use your right hand to use the arrow keys to summon your stratem while your left hand is still on WD and keeping you moving it’s way safer it’s like so much

Better um and the other like nitpicky thing is you you’ll want in the mouse controls to disable Mouse smoothing and mouse acceleration because they just make everything worse like yes I don’t want my mouse to actually do what I tell it to please make this boggy and

Shitty all right I’m going to pull up a flower so let me know if there’s any um any chat that I need to respond to all right we have one door it is very basic I it’s an MVP door I will make them into more Grand Gates so I’m going to try to

Make a rose like how they had it before I don’t have a dark red so I’m going to use purple maybe I should get some green dye too how do you make brown dye I’m going to get green dye for the stem is there a way to do

Brown if so please tell how many do I need that should be a good amount and can you do like a dark green can you do a dark red is what I want to know I did purple for the shading cuz that was what I thought would be the closest thing but

If there’s a dark red I don’t know if there’s that many colors though let me know Drew if there is a response to that cuz I can’t see fist Wiki spinning up wait how do I I thought I thought Cactus made the green color cus wait what makes the green Dy what hold

On green brown dye comes from some swamp stupid heart react button some swamp flowers and cocoa beans Cactus must be cooked for dye cooked okay I was I was looking it looked like I needed kelp I was like I don’t know how I’m going to get that

Okay thanks fistt Wiki thank you fist belt Wiki appreciate Brown is made from what did he say some swamp flowers and cocoa beans swamp flour okay well we don’t have access to cocoa beans yet all right we’re going to get this green dye and we’re going to make a stem

And I’m going to use purple for the shade for now um but we can change that later if we get a let me just look at the different die colors I might be I might be able to like use something that’s not cement if that makes sense like I

Can find something that’s slightly darker that’s not cement is this that’s just seaweed that’s not kelp yeah it looks like there’s no dark red which is fine I can use something else there will be something else I can use all right that should be enough another speaking of home stuff a uh a

House we had a few weeks ago thought like oh that’s not a a bad option um so we have set up alerts to tell us like we we drew what region we want it to search for and we set up our our price and like how much bedrooms and stuff we need uh

And then I get push notifications whenever a new house goes up for sale that matches that criteria um and it tells you once the house like it begins the the formal purchase process and so for those who don’t know because these are things that we’ve just learned in

The past few weeks um you go under contract so you make an offer you get the offer accepted and then you have a due diligence period where you commit some money some is non-refundable and some is uh for like you have like say a month uh to do all of your inspections

And you you get an inspector who will give you a whole list of what’s wrong with the house and some some are important and some are workable powder oops and uh then at any point if you find through this due diligence period that like oh this house kind of sounds

Like a nightmare um you can pull out of the the purchase but you lose some of that money you devoted um and so when that happens money yeah it’s it’s a few thousand depending on the house um and uh when that happens it goes back up on

The market and like we get a notification for it again um and so for one of the houses we looked at like a while ago that just came back up on the market and it said like buyer decided not to buy and it was 20 days after it

Went under contract so like they got it inspected and they said no so like okay we are staying away yeah okay I forget how to how do I concrete powder touches water okay so I have to put water [ __ ] sorry guys dropped that so I have to put water on it [ __ ] ketchup

Damn well sorry I got to go uh do we have a bucket of water perhaps Maps um I have a bucket in my pockets you have it in your in your pants yeah can I have it yeah I can fill it with water too yeah thank you hello I’m going have

To I think I’m going to need more green dye though but I need more sand to be able to do that where are you at Fam I’m just kind of wandering around in the forest I don’t really know why um you have a wall to build are you getting bored of your

Wall no I I think I was just vibing with the chatting and so I just started aimlessly wandering um I will get you your water bucket and then build out our our gates I also don’t have a I didn’t bring a shovel cuz I’m a stupid dunderhead Cactus must be cooked for oh

Never mind I literally just you said that a long time ago just a oh my gosh we’re almost on day 30 we’re almost a third of the way done not 30 but you know what I mean this is a cute song are you in the house I just entered

Hello oh come and get it come and get it I thought you were coming in here coming thank you I got to get a shovel um um here in Colorado I’ve been looking at houses that are on lots that went through wildfires oh my holy [ __ ] is

That I would imagine that’s a big risk what’s the like but a steel yeah like is there is there a process such such that you could get in on a good price and then improve its resiliency but I I don’t know like I know exactly nothing about infrastructure to prevent

Wildfires so is that like really I if I would guess if Wildfire has raged through it even if you make your property more resilient at best your house is then surrounded on all sides by Wildfire look at this the general Brash guy is Kipping my kissing my ass hard damn yeah like never

Have I seen such a better exemplary form of athleticism like something like that he really wants you to work for them mhm all right I’m going to actually I need to go back to looking at what a rose looks like okay so these are dark oh I could have done I actually

H I’m going to attempt to make this look really good that’s GNA have some raw raw sand on it that’s going to be that that’ll be this will also be raw up here like so for the most part you keep trees away from the house okay that

Makes sense do you not like I know at least in in in parts of North Carolina uh especially in the eastern half uh there is like a [ __ ] ton of pine trees like so much uh and so like a pine tree Forest looks pretty unique because it’s just covered in dead pine needles

Which makes the ground super flammable if it’s dry for long enough um do you not have I guess if you keep the trees for far enough away you also would keep like a pine needle situation far enough away there was that one house we were looking at that the pine needles somehow

Went all the way up to the house and I couldn’t see any trees like there were there were trees like maybe 10 or 20 yards away I my only guess is maybe just the wind was enough to blow it perhaps all around there was a lot of find it was copious

Okay how should I make I’m going to look up Minecraft castle gate Minecraft well like the one you were showed me earlier that one was nice there’s like a hobbit hole gate no remember we looked at it before and I was like that one looks good and you

Said you were going to make it you don’t remember do you no I do and I had it up um let’s see I have to go to my search history probably just search it again M wall Minecraft wall or something okay oh God I got to get back

Up Minecraft wall design there it is okay so it’s four and then up and now I build the FL flower um so we’re going to start I got to oh [ __ ] I got to turn this all into I got to turn this on into faking cement oh fing yeah faking cement got to

Get some cement up in this [ __ ] while I do that I will go back to the chat okay so okay so that sounds good oh my God queso does sound good one of our favorite cheap dates I’m sure we’ve mentioned this before a go to Chili’s

And uh we did that recently play the trivia yeah get some oh my gosh playing the trivia is the best they changed the trivia recently they did and we’re I we’re I rate we’re so mad I heard another like-minded person at the Chili’s who said they changed it uh and

The the bartender was like yeah I like the old one better I do too wait you heard them saying that mhm wow but uh yeah yeah so after we were um house viewing on Saturday we went to Chili’s and get a they they keep the mugs

Frosted and cold so I got a big ass hard cider which I’ve become a big cider fan recently and he’s a cider boy cider boy uh and we played our trivia and we got some queso it was Heaven always delivers Chili’s is the goat so I need logs for for all

The wait is that a is that a genz slang or is that Millennial the goat yeah I don’t know those strategy slap right what is a strat and they get better they’re so they’re uh they’re like air strikes and stuff that you can call in like it there’s a whole huge

Variety of different stuff that you can call um so it’ll go from like calling in different types of air strikes and some are like faster than others and some are more like powerful or you can like Drop in special weapons like a a heavy machine gun that you can just carry

Around dang um all sorts of stuff it’s it’s definitely like oh those are the ones you have to like wait a while to do right yeah you what happens is you you hit the strategen button and then you have to like sometimes Under Pressure type in this like like old Atari cheat

Code Type combo yeah I remember that like up down left right AB yeah exactly and then uh you get like a little Beacon that you throw and it’ll like be where the air strike lands or where like your drop pod carrying your stuff with land but it’s it’s definitely where the game

Gets a lot of its flavor [ __ ] dropped a piece of cement dust all right so this is going to be it for now I mean it’ll I’m going to finish up this side but once I find some better colored uh things like a darker red than

This red and um like a brownish green block for the Thorns then I think that’ll be good okay I need this has to be three High doesn’t it do yeah fine [ __ ] okay I think that’s it one two three four five all right let’s see what it looks like from the Bottom do you see our Rose I’m coming down ooh cute ow I came down a little fast and then they have stairwells got see what Fitz buil thinks how doth one stairwell once I once I get this doesn’t S we’re I’m gonna have to wait till the morning for the reveal because uh

I feel like that’ll be the best time for the full reveal unless there we go all right speaking of morning it’s the 31st right that was the night of the 30th I think so and now it’s the 31st guys there it is Fitz buil your rose let me know what you think

I will upgrade it a little bit but there’s your rose um hatch me I might have to put sign on it but door there it is Oak trapo so cute it’s amazing he says it’s amazing yay yay I’ll add add Thorns once I get that

And then I’ll add some darker red once I get something that can do like the center of the Rose I just didn’t have any darker colors but it’s good I think it’s a cutie patootie and you can see it from my hobbit hole look at that that’s so cute it’s like a cororo

Look nice that is so cute uh trapo we got a lot lot of sugar sugar cane a sugar oops I whack is this what I’m looking at here is that a trapo yeah can you put the back please thank you that would be a oak trapo I believe

Oak they’re different kinds like every every tree makes a different looking trapo mhm some look better in other situation so if you want to show me I can tell you which trapo I’ll experiment okay I think it might be time to make a little uh enchantment table I have the stuff for

It it’s too dark I not am I a dummy boy Birch I’m a cow slaughterer Spruce that’s what I wanted I got to go feed the cows now we got like too much space soon even know what to do with we haven’t even got mining in like 10 days I

Haven’t strictly crafting we’re strictly crafting this is not Minecraft this is craft craft this is craft I get a [ __ ] Cape yes where did you get a cape in Hell divers oh yeah capes are uh dangerous according to The Incredibles yeah is Drew being creat over there I’m following something you’re following the

Instructions that’s what I always do and that’s what I did for that well for the rose uh oh I’m lost don’t day oh did that oh it does work let’s go all right MooMoo stay away or you will die yeah he die you did you did not okay um all

Right let’s dig up some sand while we’re here cuz we tot need that I want to make a it’s going to Daniel hell yeah brother soon you’re going to choose the name of your ship oh you got to let us know is it going to be named after a

Bird our current D and D campaign we name all of our ships after Birds what’s the current one it’s like the electric Baloo to oh the yeah Albatross mhm um what rocks do I have chiseled stone bricks I gosh this sand area is a mess there’s just like holes in the sand

SL what return the slab return the slab actually I bet I have to do all right cows I have not come to slaughter you yet I have come to feed you make more cows so I can slaughter them breed breed I say breed oh my goodness get going eat that wheat all right

You you don’t belong here sorry Chicky umid of the gravel I guess oh [ __ ] you guys stop laying eggs how do I get more chickies is that that’s seeds right [ __ ] well oh we only have one sheep we’re going have to some rors yeah okay we will have to capture some sheep the custodian of democracy

Cleaning up bugs and Bots at your service and it has a tagline hell yeah good hell yeah what the [ __ ] oh God did the the tra the wandering traitor scare you yeah cuz he didn’t make any noise until he was right next to me and then his

Llama his llama like hacked and he went her at the same time so just this like combo noise and he was right there oh god listen she was constantly on edge bucket of puffer fish for five emeralds emeralds let me see what we got we have zero emeralds okay but look at my

Gate if wait capture the traitor en close him okay like dig a hole have them fall in listen bro come on inside no stop you have to do you have bread I don’t know if he likes bread where you at which door um about to dig them out okay

Fall no [ __ ] you I’m trying to find where you’re at cuz I have a shovel oh I see you okay stop moving I don’t know if we can like actually capture him and do much with him but nice like my gate now shove the llamas in there too so we can

Just we’ll deal with them later I like the gate do the same thing on the inside too so it looks nice but that looks cool looks really cool thanks very good Drew not ugly I am proud all right this guy will not despawn we will trade with you

Forever this is your stand for now good sir uh-huh uhhuh uh here I can make it more into like a a stall well this will be this will just be for now I think you know mhm oh excuse me I’m going to be punching you here if you’re not careful okay I’m Sorry I can get some slabs so he can’t oh here if we do b b and then b b there oh nice now we can trade hello forever all right we’ll leave it like that for now it’s kind of ugly but now we have a Wandering Trader guys if he doesn’t

Despawn a non wandering Trader yeah uh Matthew says when I TR my Trader like that they despawn I wonder because we have it we have only so far that we can go out of the range so I wonder if they will still despawn I guess guess we’ll find out we

Can’t afford anything anyway right now we they only take emeralds and we have zero emeralds but we need to find like re regular Traders so we can uh have some more Traders all right what am I going to build next I will continue with the hobbit

Hole but I need more I need to go put some of this stuff away how’s this for an edge for the wall how it HS right there that’s good I would just not mess with it right now like finish up all your other stuff and

Then I’ll tell you where to put it I just want to seal us because of danger um I mean I think we’ll be okay okay I need uh not doors I need some I haven’t even drank my pop what’ you all do this weekend I just spilled it all over myself guys I feel like that happens all the time every time I’m on stream it also happens when I’m not on stream I’ll let you guys watch Drew he’s doing a more interesting

Build six of those I need more B I need I’m working on the floor of the hob hole four per door I need 12 total do you have any Oak planks cuz I’m trying to do these arches I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to do like I think

This works here like this so you see how it these are like the wooden arches that are supposed to go above the mhm although these are the wrong that would looked a bit nicer if I would have made them Wider perhaps how many is this one two three four five six six in between maybe that would be better instead of two we’re learning okay um that and then I need more of these chiseled Stones absolutely chiseled chiseled God yep how am I how do I make a SL one two

Three four five six okay that would be good so I can dig this out and then just do that Arch there that’ll be good then I need to make you said you don’t have any Oak uh I have like there’s dark oak now I need the regular Oak those are

Those that’s I have dark I’m not really sure how to do this I have four oak logs in the thing oh wonderful hope this helps huh hope this helps a little yeah I will need more though [ __ ] so our final base is going to be this hobbit hole I think cuz we don’t

Need to have more than that oh nobody okay thought someone’s underneath my uh desk pumpkin likes standing out there do that way no don’t really know what I’m doing with that but um let’s go collect oh it’s the night of the 31st I’m just remembering to count did I make this no I’m

Good all right oh am I a dummy I’m a dummy [ __ ] a true it’s okay I forgot I’m an idiot oh jeez right those are not oh [ __ ] we’re going to have to actually plant some oak trees cuz those are not large Oaks those are dark Oaks and we need regular

Oaks think I can going have to finish off that tree eventually a is this all dark Oak [ __ ] okay I’m going to go I need to plant some regular Oak saplings looks like I have grabbed a bit too many now we are out thoughts on building

Parts one step at a time of your home with cash instead of taking on a mortgage thoughts of wait wait thoughts on building Parts one step at a time of your home with cash instead of taking on a mortgage if you can do home purchase cash more power to

You [ __ ] is super expensive right now and but if you’re able to get something that meets your needs um that you can avoid a mortgage for like do it uh mortgages are dumb right now hell yeah brother brother that’s my my sermon and like houses are expensive

Mhm like our I don’t know it’s just like the houses for our budget I’m like I mean I see a house it’s going for $8 million I’m like yeah I could do that today if I wanted to but do I want to I’m kidding um where are the stairwells I

Had I had stairwells building actual house like you buy the land and then build the house cuz that’s cool that would be hella cool if you have like the skill set to do that hell yeah or I guess if you want to hire companies I don’t know how that works for building a

House build the restroom first that would be really cool if you did it that way like you’d probably have to you have to build the whole like bones of the house first yeah like it depends what sort of house you want like are you going to like Homestead if if you

Do Homestead on like bare bone stuff but if you want like a a full scale like regular size Suburban house I don’t know if there’s a way to piece muet room by room you probably to style yeah but that would probably be more effort in the long run cuz like for

Examp example when you do plumbing or electrical I would assume you wire everything optimally for the house the first time but if you’re doing electrical like on one part of the house and you add another part then you have to rewire the electrical to be in the next part of the

House you know mhm orless electrical is like a part of the build process so you don’t have Plumbing you have a restroom but you don’t have Plumbing that makes sense but also there is like if you do your budget and you figure it out um there is nothing wrong with taking on

A mortgage that’s the the typical path and that is okay cuz we will and 99% of people probably do uh it’s just important to know that right now interest rates are horrible um however and this was a major part of our thinking um the FCC has indicated pretty

Repeatedly this is not Financial advice um that uh inflation seems to be cooling down to the extent that they are comfortable with beginning talks of lowering interest rates um not the FCC the FED um and uh their setting of the interest rate is the primary driver of what sets mortgage rates uh

So with signs pointing to this is not Financial advice uh interest rates coming down in the next let’s say a year um the housing market has cooled down because mortgages are so expensive right now um our thinking is that we get a mortgage for a monthly payment we can

Afford um knowing that it’s going to suck and uh interest is going to be a huge annoying part of how much we pay get something that that we can afford do that for like a year two three maybe by then interest rates have come down substantially and then you uh refinance

Which for those who don’t know that’s essentially just like going to a bank say like hey I have a loan with this other bank um how about I have a loan with you guys instead and then you basically go through like acquiring a fresh new loan using the interest rates

Of that current period so if interest rates in 3 years are substantially lower than they are now you just swap out your existing shitty loan for one at a much better rate and uh then you have a much better loan and like your uh monthly payment would theoretically go down

Pretty strongly um because you can re refinance and get out of a bad loan but you cannot do anything about purchasing an expensive house once you lock in a purchase price it is that forever uh so um right now with interest rates being so expensive and the housing markets cooled off theoretically housing

Prices are at a a local low barring any sort of economic collapse um that’s my financial nonfinancial advice non-financial advice speech um one of my parents did that but but each new room is like a different style from a different time as a consequence that is really interesting that is very

Interesting um also I made a little calendar is today the 32 or 31 I think it’s 32 okay this is our calendar nice EXC you that’s my theme song for uh planting uh this goes here right we have a compost Spin and a seed box just so you know and once we get

Carrots then we’ll be able to get more pigs unless we want to do it the hard way capturing the pigs am I blind go up one block and then it’s over one block okay this oh my God planting is so much more difficult than harvesting am

I my dumbness knows no bows what did you do I just oh my God I’m not a pro that’s okay oh my God we’re going to have so much bone meal um you can buy a duplex and run out one side while living in the other eventually you can knock down the wall

In the middle true that is called house hacking uh Chimera T poses and emerges from the floor greetings my fellow Gamers welcome back oh my God Chimera do you have uh hell divers too I don’t know if you were there for the uh reloading discards left over

Rounds Drew explain the mag system yes you don’t have a bullet pool you only have a MAG pool so be conscious of your reloads um also like one kind of General strategy is when you first load in immediately call in like your machine gun and such and you start off with like

Like with the AR you start off with five out of seven total possible mags um or I guess it’s six because you have one in the gun when you first start um six out of eight total possible uh and your when you get your machine gun you have one

Belt in it and then one spare reload belt available and and you can carry two spare reload belts so I just call in call in my machine gun call in or resupply immediately get fully topped on ammo and then go and do your mission and then your resupply timer will have begun

And by the time you’ve done enough fighting you’ll probably have resupply back yet already oh my dumbness continues what did you do behold is that you’re like like you’re you’re saying now yeah behold my my idiot this I do not for a poor peasant only of Xbox [ __ ] and it’s

An Xbox One damn it I remember you said that well we’re having a community hell divers two night after stream and you’re not invited Ry man you’re invited but big sad maybe we uh if you wanted to just hang and Vibe we could stream it in the Discord chat or something but we’ll

See yeah how is that can we do that we could it just wouldn’t have like our face cams it would just be like a gameplay stream that’s fine stream yours though because wait no I can use OBS virtual camera it would have the exact same setup yeah whatever whatever works okay

Um time is it 43 4 yeah I guess we could just do that and then like people could join and hang in the voice chat if they wanted they can listen to me scream and die CA sobs we just join us in the Discord and hang my dude we’ll just be there in

Spirit and also in speech if you love us don’t be mean Drew’s Drew is mean this time oh I’ve been playing Dave the Diver by the way great game it looks so cozy and also looks like legit dream life it’s like you are were working for a you’re like

Recruited to work for a restaurant like a sushi restaurant which I didn’t know that until I started the game um and you like catch fish for them and you help manage so you have you get to manage all the workers and stuff and you bring cool fish and you decide

What’s on the menu for the day and like you also get to help all these people around the town uh with various things and it’s it’s fun it’s so cute and the cutcenes are really funny and the art style is really cool it’s like pixelated um and it’s i’ it’s been on my

List of games to play for a while and I just hadn’t gotten it yet and then I needed a cozy game to play so the next the game was a Oh do the the stairs not oh what stairs don’t like if you punch them out they just

Destroy no they don’t oh you punch them yes yeah I thought you meant there we go wor stone I have my extra Stone over here Etc we’ll put the dye in ETC he’ll just play something else or be a an emotional support camera hell yeah

Oh my God I almost got my ass ate by bugs yep welcome to democracy is that the saying democracy is the like managed democracy is the thing you’re spreading which is just is that just like forced democracy or yes like authoritarian democracy you will democ democra manage

Democracy cuz I hear you say that a lot when you’ve been playing it mhm all right uh [ __ ] the only good bug is a dead bug this is nothing like training so charge make some tea and give call outs Chimera yes thank you oh I kind of want some tea I have

Uh I have some uh what’s that tea that I have that I like it’s like a fruit tea it’s very good Tazo it’s Tazo Tazo is the brand oh goodness I need okay four we got Oak planks I’m waiting for the oak trees to grow which is inconvenient I need more

Of these Oak planks oh my god you’re kidding Frick when you place a Minecraft block in the wrong spot I’ll have my chamomile like attakus hell yeah Cameo is good you have to have it out of those little teacups too and the teacups have to be

Like his hands are like so dirty from like chopping wood or something all day and or like fighting crime and the teacup is like pristine clean condition that’s how it is okay so that’s going to be and then I dig this out one I I’ve told Chloe this

Over and over again but one YouTube video I’m excited to make is like cuz I want to do YouTube videos by like using video game logic to learn skills and stuff I want to learn how to chop firewood oh my God Drew wants to learn how to chop firewood and he wants to

Build a firewood shed thing which I want to help that that’s fun and so that’s something I’m super stoked about future house is to chop some [ __ ] wood yeah hopefully we live in the woods mhm but still have good internet yeah okay oh [ __ ] found more Stone in here I

Know how to chop firewood yay I do too I’m not very good at it I taught drew the basics though where you like swing it and then like slide your hand down and it was a terrible demonstration I saw a cool little Tool uh for making kindling huh

Nothing go ahead for making kindling out of previously chopped wood where it’s like some little it’s like a wedge gripper thingy that you then hammer it through and it makes it into small little strips um thought that was cool um I was going to say Fitz spille you know that one

Guy uh that chops wood on Tik Tok Thoren Bradley is that his name I didn’t he came across my algorithm today I was going to say say that’s probably Fitz built oh he’s very thirst trap Heavy He’s a hunka hunka hey hey wait a second how come you’re

Able to flirt with Chimera but I can’t just hey hey hey just trying to have his make his voice low hey has anybody come across that um Tik Tock sound of it’s like ASMR boyfriend um hitting you over the head with a frying pan have you seen that I have not oh my

God uh we just always had a log splitter so I don’t need to learn with an axe oh nice uh just walk into his house after an intense and bloody Monster Hunt and then SI down who has a who has a ax who has a splitter F buils oh Chimera does fist

Buil calm down my wife will find you [Laughter] there’s only one hunka hunka here thank you come on guys give me this give me this no no you guys always pick on me okay back to the top back to the mines all my plants have grown it’s time

To chop them down by all of them I mean some of them no [ __ ] no [ __ ] maybe uh maybe I should though that’s actually kind of better looking a little happy accident [ __ ] okay something we have to watch out for wait are there big oak trees like not not

The not the dark oak like tall like where I plant a 2 by two oak sapling instead of a 2 by two dark oak is that a thing cuz I know they have the really big pine trees yes I laughed so hard at the frying pan just like my birth I am Confused your birth was ASMR frying boyfriend I don’t believe that don’t lie to me don’t tell me don’t get my hopes up Chimera happy little accident oh oh oh oh okay oh oh um I guess I should fix those Corners if I like it better oh it’s

Going to be so much work never mind I just won’t you’re going to leave it ugly it’s not ugly it’s just one I like better than the others and that’s okay well you’re making them all different no okay I was going to say oh we got some spooky Minecraft music going On it’s like it’s like Halloween Minecraft I have to go back outside and grab the is it daytime yet no no just have to always be worried about the day always be worrying yep oh well that’s not different than what I currently do so [ __ ] what are we listen to what is this

Song it is meloi C4 18 I think it’s one of the uh that you find huh C418 is the OG yeah I think it’s one of the discs that you find in the used to be I feel like you could only find those discs in um the monster spawner areas this is

Before um before the times of M shafts and you know all that all the all the temples I watched a video about how they kind of did him dirty where like he very clearly yeah he set like a really good musical direction for Minecraft that everybody fell in love with and then

They uh something about like them wanting to take over like like naming rights or some Creative Impact um such that he said no and so they tried replacing him with people that just weren’t it and so it it never really hits the same uh did yall see the pck of Dakota

Wrapped up in her blanket in bed I sent earlier I did not the one that was an angle or was it no that was that was just a a big old what am I big old nose I had these I did not see it but P that’s how it sounds whenever I PL

Place planks you know if I can build a house in Minecraft I can build a house in real life yeah it translates yep if you think about it all you got to do is buy cubes instead of planks and you just put them down with some soupy glue all right some soupy glue

I’m not really sure what’s going out the ceiling guys but it’ll be fine in the end I’m convinced guys it’s a night of the 32nd all right collecting these trees planting them again oh yeah look at all these soupy Glo soup Baloo all right I’m going to try I’m going to place four

Next to each other I’m going to see if it builds a large oak tree if it doesn’t then no after the goofy angle huh there’s a picture after the goofy angle oh I did not see I was not on Discord after that okay the gates are constructed

She’s being a big old baby cuz there’s a sun storm Gs does that poor baby no she doesn’t she’s Brave during thunderstorms unless it’s nighttime if it’s night time she comes and she snuggles us which is a big deal cuz she doesn’t snuggle us she does not snuggle so we know she’s scared

When she snug us she she likes to lay on top of my head and when she’s scared she’s she drools way more and so I just feel like moisture accumulating on my head but I don’t want to disturb her it’s such a it’s gross okay what is it about to be I

Think it’s about it’s about hell diving time okay let’s go take a nap so it can be the 33rd day mhm and then we’ll fitvil used annoy players okay and then I’m going to turn off The okay good morning oh we can see the Rose from here I love that so cute cute okay it’s the 33rd day I’m going to just mark it with a piece of wood cuz I put away all the all the red all right I’m going to

Pause the server we will be on uh give us like a five or 10 minute break um I think I’m going to grab me some a little bit of bourbon maybe bourbon um and then we’ll be in the uh what of the Discord voice chat channels you guys should be

Able to just drop in and we can figure out plan um cool so hell divers to community night Fitz Bill gets primary access thank you again Fitz Bill house extremely generous very welcomed very welcomed what’s the word very thanked and appreciated we appreciate it very much it was very nice

Of you um okay we will see you in the Discord for some hell divers we will also be back Thursday I don’t know if we’re going to be like productivity streams guys is kind of hard right now we’re very stressed and tired um but we’ll try I also snuck a

Decoration on my mom’s shelf and I’m trying to see how long it takes for her to notice genius okay we’ll be back at the very least that immediately Thursday 600 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. playing hell divers bye Bye Is

This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 days in a 1×1 EXPANDING WORLD… EP 6 | Everhearth Plays Minecraft’, was uploaded by Everhearth Inn on 2024-02-28 13:40:55. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:44 or 7124 seconds.


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  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT Shader — Complementary Shaders Mod — OptiFine ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Welcome to Foggy Willows Foggy Willows offers a simple, vanilla Minecraft experience unlike most servers. We prioritize simplicity with no plugins or datapacks. Our server runs on the latest stable vanilla jar and is hosted on high-spec fiber optic servers. There is no world border, plugins, tp/sethome, and we play in hard mode. Players are encouraged to sort out their own social issues and play how they want. Join our small community of normal players and help us expand. Key Features: Latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard… Read More

  • Distant Horizons

    Distant HorizonsDistant Horizons: A classic Towny Community with frequent events and minigames!Check out our Discord for more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Okay grandma, I’ll build my own damn village”

    It’s like grandma is trying to understand Minecraft, but she’s stuck in a different dimension where memes have scores! Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Saving laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 is like being the superhero of slow internet connections. I am the hero they never knew they needed!” Read More

  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with technical issues while trying to download or install Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store? Look no further! We have a solution for you. While watching the video on “How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Downloading or Installing Microsoft Store,” you might have realized the frustration that comes with encountering such problems. But fear not, we have a welcoming and thriving community waiting for you at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience without any technical hurdles. Our server IP is… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring my first abandoned mine in Minecraft

    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal Amazon USA Amazon Canada Amazon UK Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #anarchy

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight ะฝะฐ RuHypixel ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts #minecraft #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ #anarchy #ะฐะฝะฐั€ั…ะธั #ัะตั€ะฒะตั€’, was uploaded by ะงะธะท on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ฬถะœฬถะžฬถะ™ฬถ ฬถะกฬถะ•ฬถะ ฬถะ’ฬถะ•ฬถะ ฬถ ๐ŸŒžIP: ๐Ÿช…Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: DONATE: —————————————– – ๐Ÿ“ซAdvertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More