Insane Chaos: Grinding in Pokemon and Dark Souls

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Yeah hello Internet pixel here today we’re here with another stream on Cobble Souls what sorry oh we got a new house here H we got a new house here wasn’t that you what the build a house here that’s this isn’t me oh my God I don’t think they claimed

It then cuz I could just steal [ __ ] so I thought it was yours no they didn’t claim it cuz it’s Angel’s house oh oh think they haven’t stolen [ __ ] yet what the [ __ ] M Mischief what the what the heck are you doing okay what day is it for Souls I wonder okay let’s

See I don’t think I have any of those weapons but it’s fairy drag and fighting oh okay that’s not too bad of a day let’s see what actual weapons I have Storm’s Edge no it wasn’t Storm’s Edge none of them are Amber blade and none of them are the watching Warg

Glaive well I’m [ __ ] this is [ __ ] what happened to you uh oh you got a fan on right now that’s what it is oh my fan like fck all right yeah noise supression let me turn that back on yeah because you live in you live in [ __ ] Australia don’t you so do you

Yeah but we’ve got like vented air conditioning so it doesn’t matter I also have a vent but you know it’s just it’s [ __ ] I also have a vent but that’s kind of sus oh no it’s CU it’s just way too [ __ ] hot wow I got level 100 now at

Least zingo’s been on the server way too much by the way yeah he’s got like a million different [ __ ] things yeah I saw them all like earlier cuz they they popped in they were like I want to test my team and I was like I’m not even participating in the tournament

Sure and then he annihilated you yeah pretty much because he as you just said he does not have a life on he just plays it Ser forever he’s still he’s still on what a [ __ ] nerd man has been playing he’s been grinding like I mean if if this gives you that much enjoyment

Go ahead it’s a great it’s like a it’s a decent server you went from great to De I feel is is there some beef going on I’ve got I’ve got a bit of like as you would say beef I take it this is the last one thank God no

No can’t believe you just you just got beef um I like how you streamed as soon as I home yeah Clementine we streamed just for you to get home to join the stream if you don’t join the server join the stream join the gr crew we will start World War which one hasn’t

Happened yet 1.5 the Final Mix um so rev how you feeling pretty good uh Rogue Trader came out recently and that’s been really fun oh what’s that uh 40K game made by the people who did the Pathfinder King maker and Ral the righteous also has co-ops I’ve been

Playing it with hendo and Jor I don’t know those people but yeah that’s awesome for you you you definitely do know both those people tell me no spoiler alert it’s also been really funny because like jori is jori and so like uh it works like standard RPG where like

The main person gets to make all the choices so on the one I’ve been playing through was a big group it’s been like chori hosting and the one I’ve been playing through solo obviously I get to make the choices and it’s just like it’s so funny getting to every choice that’s

Been made with jori and discovering that we made the worst choice that could be made okay the thing is unfortunately you did use the collective we chose that but in in fact what it sounds like is to chose the worst option I mean yeah pretty much but you

Know actually no I don’t really have the ability to like influence it at all but yeah basically it’s just been really funny because like at every opportunity he’s just killed everyone you know that’s I’m curious to see how it goes you know that’s a very on point jori thing remember that time

Where he murdered your family yeah toori does do that I do recall him doing that just last night actually it’s also like significantly like weird because like the difficulty is like so different all right I’m going to I’m going to get some keys uh bug s next

There we go a [ __ ] playing with like it’s really weird because like it’s kind of like the concept of like the monster hunter like player scaling right except without the player scaling absolutely where it’s just like hendo is currently playing off like two Frontline characters but is like super passive and

Like stays in the back way too much and then chitori is playing our two like backline support characters but it’s like really aggressive and like runs in a lot absolutely also I just got an Umbreon and I now win congrats umbreon’s amazing yeah sylveon’s better best Pokemon in the game it’s not

Wait does converting Pokemon oh wait if we release a Pokemon does that give us anything the I don’t all right so I think we get the tokens actually if we uh do so hey star come join our chat I always like there be on more than um I will be

Honest Cody why why are you being why you being terrible they they’re living their life okay and that was my problem they were living their life rev they can’t do that I don’t get to live my life yes you do sh shut up no one else has meant to know that

Yo yo what’s up how are you going uh fixing pngs who yeah this is the weirdest thing right now we’re all talking on Discord right yeah we are okay cuz disc Discord was not open on my computer for some reason it just said discord’s not open sorry oh it’s Sanji

Yeah how do you not recognize your longtime friend and Ally Sanji from One Piece I’ve made that joke every time I think that Sanji might hate me I think we all do I think I only hate uh uh you know uh politics uh no what the

[ __ ] I don’t know you sound like someone that wouldn’t like politics too much that a stat I don’t talk about that exactly if you liked politics that’d be weird yeah exactly uh let me check any would just sleep like 800m that’s so uh my question is when did you turn

Off mob spawning don’t don’t tell me like like you you can tell me why if you want but I don’t really care that much but yeah why did you just turn off enemies spawning wait what yeah you did that there’s just no zombies or anything it’s just

Pokemon might be because there’s a mob limit there’s only a certain amount of entities that can exist on own might just all be taken up by Pokemon right now there’s Pokemon spawning why yeah no Pokemon is actively spawning no mobs are here I just saw a

Zombie running at me what I can’t see a single one don’t don’t start spawning them I’m not asking for them I just I’m just curious as all you know yo what’s up Bedrock oh no here they are they they just decided not to sh all right thank you isingo I

Suppose I haveing who just decided to come in and explode that guy like that guy is no longer on the mtal coil with us okay rev yeah um how is your fan uh pretty good and may I eat it how are your fans uh Sanji how are you my devoted

Fan please Sanji I just need you to just say yes you are my fan like just for this one okay uh yes my devoted fan Sanji she sure also I I like how you have like made poke Shiny Pokemon essentially worthless cuz you can buy

Them mean you can uh you can just turn them shiny yeah but thing is is I have to remember one thing you get to pay for it so still going to add some to oh yeah no it’s fun I I like it but it’s like the one server that I don’t

Have to like care that I killed a shiny Patra earlier yeah we don’t have value to Shin it’s all player based value to be honest so it really depends on how many how much poke token a shiny for uh ah which a sh a sh’s 2500 point

So I can respect that so it’s same cost 25 and how can I get py build tokens by the way uh if you release a Pokemon uh and get a key from it right if you’re getting like a bug Soul key and you release a Pokemon holding 25 bug Souls

You’ll get 100 Pok butter points as well as you know I like that I like that yeah well if you just quick buy them you won’t get the Poke Point yeah I didn’t know that so now I’m going to start getting loaded let’s go [ __ ] H I [ __ ] up I just released

A psychic I I just released the wrong kind of Pokemon there we go um if you do SL poke Builder uh pokebuilder uh points tokens yes SL poke Builder tokens tell you ah so what you’re saying is Viv Revolution yeah I guess I can respect that I just heard an explosion

Outside and I think I know who that was oh it’s a zingo he’s been like begging me to to to do this he hasn’t he’s forgot his main mission by the way I haven’t seen I haven’t seen that you’ve signed up for your own tournament yet why would I need to sign

Up for my tournament what you’re literally going to like show up the day and they’re going to be like yeah you didn’t sign up so you can’t sorry you’re not on the L I wouldn’t they I mean I would say this pixel even if even I’ve posted the last two turns

Before this one I just tell you this even I had to sign up so final you might have to just yeah ah is that it did I do it uh you go launch click sign up button oh I got to go onto a website yeah you you are hosting this

Code you are really you cannot blame anyone but you wow y’all are really pulling my leg here I got to sign up to this oh you’re really pulling my leg here I have to authorize oh my leg being [ __ ] ped yeah well I had to do previously I’m

Banned from it this time so I can’t or that was not fun least but it’s Tuesday it’s Tuesday right it is a deck time zones are can be different what are you doing is why Oingo why admin abuse admin abuse it’s always a it’s always a valid reason what what

Done all right there I’m part of your precious sorry part of my precious tournament once again this is this is on you you started this jez you have no one to blame but yourself no I I want to blame on someone else no too bad it’s your fault

No could a z away from my house he’s scary there only need there only needs to be one more gym uh gym leader and we’ll actually have enough for the whole gym leader thing what gym leader thing what are you just planning how do I know more about this

Than you have player gym application because I know that but like what do they do uh they’ll give up badges you have to battle them for it um they they’re probably gonna have competitive team warning you right now most them do that’s all right I’m gonna have a

Competitive team by the end of this uh they’re all monoy around I guess yeah I’m they can around your you don’t understand I’ve got the best type there is doing very okay I I can’t actually [ __ ] beat this RS I hate this this level 10 RS I actually can’t

Beat because it copied my ability motor Drive that’s goofy yeah I I just have a Pokemon that is specifically just for killing Pokemon you might want to just catch a Glade or something use false wipe and hypnosis it’s going what it’s for catching things I mean for killing things I just want to

Kill things then just put like sacred sword on your Glade or something there you go be bro no I’m using elect okay bro it’s a Chad then put like ice punch on put I got Fire Punch I’ve got three electric moves the idea is is I just wanted to

Have a lot of [ __ ] really good hitting moves just a little moves that I could just get all the fod out of the way with fair enough okay that’s it zingo he yeah do you want to try my pick out I don’t want to try your pick out

Sound can we not say that again it doesn’t sound fun to say try my pick out what yeah I never have to catch another Pokemon in my life I love it one thing that’s real fun is uh yeah I’m good with that you pickaxe so uh

Soon uh you know about how uh our Pokemon pngs are super high definition [ __ ] we lowering them down we’re lowering them down to like you know the 6 by 32 by 32 Sprites that were used like the Sun and Moon games and some lowering the value of the nft you’re

Lowering the nft like values I can’t believe this corre resolution n you’re lowering the value of the nfts how I meant to feed my family now you expect me to just get a job now by the way I’m just going to say this the only reason why we’re doing

This because uh some people have some potato PCS and their potato PC can’t handle the higher definition TNT I’m sorry what what [ __ ] PC are you running in the day of oh Lord [ __ ] 2023 that a [ __ ] 64bit PNG is killing your game what the actual [ __ ] I’m sorry

What it’s hold it’s about a few thousand 128 by 128 PS that should still not be something that should make that much of a difference holy [ __ ] remember that time where someone’s game ran poorly because of a PNG hold on the main reason why I’m just

Going to tell you this is because uh people uh actually made tickets about this and when we when they sent their crash logs they said oh this PNG is too high resolution crash okay now let me ask where any of those soda soda soda s soda filum or

Whatever who’s soda filum they used This Server they they crashed because their computer was that computer not good yeah not one of nope not them uh let me let me check it’s star uh star C ta we use we have to give them a custom resource pack

Get oh my God that is that is upsetting yeah I’m getting one because I like because I want to get better like stream like quality for uh making my D and D series and when I’m making VR not that no what s you can’t handle the PS I can’t handle the PNG information

You’re giving me sorry I just want to clarify the you’re saying that a 128 by 128 PNG is killing their game right yeah apparently what part of that don’t you understand I need you to understand this because I don’t think you you properly understand the the not a 128 by

128 is like the level of definition you get on like you know like the [ __ ] app on your mobile like the [ __ ] what that is that’s killing their [ __ ] computer that’s why I’m [ __ ] flabbergasted I used to I used to have a computer like that when I was a kid on

Let me just mention this uh so in one of the crash list say Kon Pokemon palan paland size 128 by 128 maybe try your lower lower resolution resource pack okay but what what’s going to happen when you eventually get the models to all these Pokémon go on tell me the information of

What’s going to happen when you get when you finally get these Pokémon’s models are the models going to do better than the pngs well no the definitely take up more yeah thing is most of the time the textures for the uh for the actual mod I’ll die I

Guess we have nothing against you we just don’t think it’s fair that you have a potato computer I’m just St that there is a computer that potato still fun honestly actually to be fair if the 128x 128 PNG is like what can take it over the edge

That is is incredible you got into the server I I am I am actually wow that is insane it’s all right I’ve grown up with potato computers hey guys so I like playing on my uh my you know potato oh oh my God star I can’t believe you’re logging in with your fridge

Hey no no too soon my computer is getting out there I need to replace my computer soon yeah you need to replace your computer soon it’s oh my gosh oh yeah I think a fridge would handle this better fire [ __ ] yeah I mean if they can’t yeah no Chrome is actually like

A let me just mention something Chrome actually has a faster upload speed than Firefox they it’s actually been proven okay but like a very minor thing but yeah Chrome is literally a ram hog yeah that’s the reason I wouldn’t use comp that’s why you bra browser you know

I don’t know there’s reasons for each it’s like for example I mean a perfect example is like Linux Linux is a fantastic system and has a lot of [ __ ] to it nobody’s ever going to [ __ ] use Linux oh I okay that’s that’s kind of debatable there’s people that

Specifically use Linux oh yeah the people who use it though are like people who know what the [ __ ] they’re doing and are like specifically like only Linux they know that they’re better than people for using Linux yeah Linux is [ __ ] and also are very knowledgeable about machine yeah actually so I used to

Use Linux but it’s not because I was knowledgeable or anything it’s cuz uh my friend at the time decided to install Linux is my main uh thing because my computer was so bad it couldn’t run Windows oh I couldn’t run you buonto by the way I had to run lubuntu oh you

Couldn’t even run auntu no I had to run luntu the like the lighter one but it let me play Minecraft and I remember being so happy I could play Minecraft finally oh it here’s something that was real funny so before I got this PC I’ve

Been playing on right now I used to have to run like an I3 with like integrated Graphics like four gabes of ram play Minecraft play Minecraft still no I don’t know how is I’m very much not the type of person to ever replace things so it’s like it’s going to

Be it it’s going to probably be the same problem that I had last time where like I literally couldn’t run new games on like the lowest graphics and the fact that I could like go make breakfast in the time it took for my computer to turn on before I actually like replaced anything

Yeah yeah now I have a 2080 I remember having to play the attack on Titan tribute game at like the lowest possible um graphic settings just so I could like play it it was still laggy let me just mention something with this mod pack on a van NOA Minecraft

World I actually get around 150 FPS hello captain hello Captain pirate and the only reason how I get that is because um f has installed all the optimization mods into the mod pack no it’s fine I feel like FY like fitty updates the pack so dang often

Though uh not like compared to any other like thing out there that I’ve seen fitt is like the most compreh sensibly like updating like you can bet that if you miss like a month you will come back to an update I don’t see that a lot with a

Lot of other servers and I mean this is a good thing by the way oh yeah obviously I mean it does get annoying for players but at the same time it’s probably a good thing so it’s like okay it takes a couple of seconds for an improvement to the server like FY

Listens to what you say and then immediately like gets rid of it as quickly as possible uh depends on the thing that immediately got rid of the hot and cold thing like as soon as like I found out that the like I was like oh I hate that

FY got rid of it within like the week no we’re already planning on removing it come on just let me have this let let let me up yeah let me up S fitty for you come on we just mentioned that we’re planning on removing it because uh it’s already

Messing with like it was messing with too much because especially since we had Green Seasons on the server was instant to get hard M it it instantly made it to where like oh wow I I get cold anywhere let’s go or get extremely hot anywhere unless it’s like fall or spring

Nice right yeah don’t you love yeah that’s that’s often an issue with those like temperature mods oh my gosh there’s just so many like mobs right now is it on hard mode right now the server yep I don’t feel like it’s too hard I feel like it’s definitely

Annoying I think my only issue is the fact that there’s no way to prevent Pixelmon spawning in an area cuz they seem slaps Cobble yeah [ __ ] Pokemon who cares yeah that’s that’s like the only thing I’ve had as like an issue is you can’t stop from spawning but I don’t

Know if that’s a [ __ ] fix there is no problem these bastards keep spawning in my damn [ __ ] machine all right did you make the XP sh by the way no I told you I need [ __ ] for that bu everything make you a horror mod pack why no no ki’s already made one

That L her refuse to play Sorry by the way Ki if this is how you found out that I never intended to play uh the things that we still need is redstone Cody need lots of redstone okay but like yeah in my defense though I’ve made it very clear how I feel about

Playing anything horror related so yeah I’ve made it very clear that I don’t like horror stuff even this is a bit too much for me when there’s no one else here what yeah no I been scared of his takeup you can’t that’s fair you of all people don’t get to like

[ __ ] randomly be like what how you’ve already had this Revelation I don’t know what how huh we’re good we don’t have to retell the story again rev we don’t have to tell it I think you need you don’t have to maybe we just don’t have to have we ever thought about

Peace in our times you’re the one who brings it up you could have just said you’re a coward and left out that you had to bring up the deup I’m a I’m a coward and I leave it at that so I heard you were competitive uh Sanji yes I

Am um I’m also very competitive yes not in the sense that I’m make like really good teams or anything because I never have anyone to really verse mhm but I got aeno now I guess like a vers Ino but do I want

To you can r one me it’s all good I I I just I’ll fight you with monpe Team not right now obviously we’re gonna yeah we’re going to One V one during the tournament when we when we both get to the end together I can’t I’m

B why why you actually why are you actually banned uh because every time because actually there’s actually a statistic that if I’m not if I’m in a tournament less people participate in it that’s a that sounds like a madeup statistic I mean also the fact that you know people don’t like fighting chasing

Me what the freak is this Pokemon what this guy the no the fand FIP oh that’s a legendary uh in SC oh cool get rid of it uh it’s it’s from the uh SC invol DLC I actually think we’re the only server that actually has that that I don’t believe you

Oh instead I believe in getting Shadow sting hooray a new weapon is it shadow Sting’s day please no don’t tell me actually I want to go check I want to get my heartbroken by myself not you yes it is fairy dragon of fighting uh by the way you might want to

Turn that into a soul a soul stealer cuz that’s the one that actually gives you pip SS how do I do that what how do I do that is that a thing I can do yeah do SL shop go into to Soul weapon shop uh wait

Soul weapon shop yeah and then go to Soul weapon swap Soul weapon swap yep yeah now what do I do you can uh do you see uh in the soul weapon swap yeah it shows uh it called so do you see just click like the soul stealer Francis hover over the soul stealer

Yeah uh you’ll see that uh uh it’s one Shadow sting and 2 500 do that and then then what it like wait well I don’t get it so can I not use so Shadow sting is here right yeah can I not use the weapon here to get these

Souls yeah uh you you you get that so you can get reg work Souls currency that’s one you hold currency yeah not the type Souls how do I get the type Souls do I have to get the souls stealing thing yeah so I have

To go just grind up a bunch of Souls and does it need to be a full like Shadow sting so if I no no just do s and Shop go to SW and Swap and then you can just click s steer yeah yeah so it doesn’t

Need to be a full like Shadow sting does it like it can be slight it does it doesn’t it doesn’t cool I’m going to go start killing things yeah well look out isingo I’m finding where you live I’m going to throw meon at you why would you do such a thing why wouldn’t

I that’s fair wait how long have we got left of the day the day yes I mean it’s 1:55 a.m. for it so I mean you have okay cool you have 22 hours of the day cool so how do I find out which weapon gives me Souls that day

Like type Souls from killing things Guide Slash what slash Guide Slash guide go to SL gu [ __ ] off maractus you [ __ ] you have no right damn sorry it had no right you get it slash guide uh so server features yep and now how do I I figure it out from

There so from there uh you go to uh go to Soul weapons yeah now hover over like the soul stealer for instance yeah soul stealer yes oh so it tells you their days wait so I don’t get it then so why is oh 50% at getting two times so

Currency okay so the top one is the one gives you type souls and the bottom one is the that gives you other thing yep cool and do I and I don’t need it to be a full thing so I could just use Shadow sting to uh to like get the souls and

Then I can trade it in yeah so so D okay apparently Gera just doesn’t want to [ __ ] hit hit what [ __ ] hell yeah I’m not going to use Shadow sting like to kill things that sucked all right um slash PC I’m going to grab a Pokemon out for just general killage of Pokemon

I guess I don’t want it to be a fully leveled Pokemon I want to like level it up you know I’ll get iron hands up I heard iron hands is fine mhm yep I guess Rock works too okay cool watch wooo all right rev yeah did you figure out the uh the

Thing with your microphone uh yeah it’s called me turning off my fan no don’t turn off your fan I mean you know assert your dominance be much a fan of we’re in Australia so we don’t exactly have your winter athetic going on yeah more of the it’s burning hot and

[ __ ] have dispatched um Pinker man to correct the correct Pokemon usage I like it yeah I understand so since uh I’m in the US and the Northern State yeah I have to deal with cold more often than the heat so it’s kind of yeah we live we live in

Australia I’m in the total oppos area where it’s always cold yeah cold is good bundle up and warm not when you’re constantly cold yeah would you rather be constantly hot I mean depends would you constantly not be able to go outside because you might get [ __ ] hypothermia or hell

Yeah sounds like my kind of place so would do you rather get hypothermia or heat stroke heat hypothermia could not do could not do heat stroke Cody where where is the Redstone that you want oh right I got to grab Redstone don’t I yeah red stone

If you see any lapis I won’t say no but that’s not actually request okay cool one nice thing about being in a cold area though right your PC will never overheat oh yeah always I knew this I knew this one person right and now this this sounds

Like a very me thing to do but it wasn’t me I swear uh so their whole thing was their their computer was running too coldly so they decided to overheat it to make it run hotter yeah it sounds like a thing you would do that’s what I said it sounds

Like something I would do but it wasn’t it was wait why would you want your PC to not run super cool no it was too cold they wanted to overheat it to make it warm up the place you bur down no I’ve set fire to a bathtub I don’t like huh what

Huh you we know this is the story is about you yeah you get it yeah I set fire to my bathtub everyone like why does everyone get like is sent back when I say that because it’s a really [ __ ] questionable and stupid thing yeah I get it I did it I’m

Sorry and and also wait how how did you actually like not that your water was not on it was not a toaster you know the story rev was definitely like what was it like a flamethrower on your water like huh no I tried to I didn’t realize that uh bath

It didn’t calculate in my brain that bathtubs are um aren’t fireproof I thought they’re waterproof and fireproof like correlated you know look I I I get it that’s on me unfortunately I believe rev has seen the damage to my bathtub at the time to confirm this is in fact true yeah that’s

Goofy you don’t have to be polite you can just call them L you can just call me an idiot my uh my land my landlord was very uh very confused they thought that I was just one of those bad tenants that would have just kicked it in I’m like no I

Accidentally set fire to it I I don’t smoke or anything no no no what happened was I accidentally set fire to it ah set fire that’s a mimic I thought I thought I really thought isingo was next to me that whole time just like opening and closing a chest damn is said

Retry anyway but yeah no it’s it’s funny that everyone thinks it’s like a crazy thing that I managed to do that but if you but like those the people that know me just go oh really it’s real hard like it’s not that it’s like a crazy thing it’s the fact

That you were dumb enough to do it and that’s not even like you you think I’d learned to stay away from fire after all I’ve done right you would think but you know once again people who know you have long since yeah the amount of the fire related things they

Caused and none of them were positive yeah I’m a parent by the way I did these things while a parent these weren’t oh I grew up and like I was growing up and I was just being a bit silly like learning you know no no these were me being a silly goose

Growing up like being growing up and as I I’ve said this before and I will say it again I 100% believe that we should have a um we should have like parents have to go through a quiz before they can have a [ __ ] child as a parent I’m saying that they

Should go through a quiz or some kind of like exam or something because a mental stupidity test they should the problem is with that Cody is if somebody gets accidentally like knocked up and have a kid then you have to like come into the moral thing of taking away their yes absolutely they

Should and then people look people don’t want to like have yeah people don’t want that but people also don’t want to see kids get sold for cocaine we got to like we got to draw the line somewhere we can’t make everyone happy can we uh you can’t but usually people’s

Response there is just ignore it and not change anything yeah okay I just think we should have a test or something like that and I think we should let natural selection take it called I look I think that it would also help with overpopulation depend it really depends

On which country you’re talking about because some countries don’t have that much it okay most countries aren’t as you know okay I don’t think that many Australians like as many Australians would be affected as Americans no America America isn’t that overpopulate where I no no I know but

Like I don’t think that anywhere would be more affected than America have you no a place that would be more affected like China and India no no but China and India you do understand like overpopulation is definitely not America no no I’m I’m not talking about that

Though oh okay I’m talking about I feel like the people that would have the most declining birth rate after that and stuff like that would be America that’s probably not accurate if they enforced that probably not accurate sorry sorry American uh I mean I don’t think you

Yourself that dumb but like there are a lot there are a lot of dumb Americans out there here education it’s this is the problem with all [ __ ] like whenever people talk about like generalization stuff it’s not a majority it’s a very vocal minority like it’s not that like [ __ ] what is

It like there’s what what is the actual percentage of Americans that own like more than one gun it’s less than like 10% or something [ __ ] like most Americans are not gun toing [ __ ] crazies it’s just a very small amount of them but those very small amounts are very [ __ ] loud and very

Noticeable yep like that uh like that one president you guys let be president oh uh have ever heard of uh so it’s called we’re that election was actually just terrible either way yeah I know certifi how dare I mean to be fair what I think like one of the country

That has like the highest like level of like education and like uh just general citizen happiness it’s I think like Norway or Denmark and they’re also one of the highest percentage of racism so yeah I’m just saying who knows maybe Trump is the right choice is this

Uh is this rev like coming out being like look I’m not saying that that we should be racist but there are facts out there no rev are you okay uh no very much not so I’m not okay but you know what is okay not racism but it’s like it is a note that

Like there’s a lot of racist people out there and as said Donald Trump was very obligatorily racist I want to point out that maybe instead of correlating it with the racism we correlate it with the fact that he’s an idiot like the people yeah the the less you have to think

About the happier you’ll be that’s also here’s the thing as well though to another note though remember Trump got elected when he was like up against Hillary Clinton and like let’s be honest that was not a better option like a great situation either [ __ ] way okay but here’s the thing

The the thing is is it was a lot easier for some people to choose the lesser of those two evils well no remember that America’s not a don’t have to choose there were pling people who just didn’t vote because they didn’t have to I know it’s not like Australia where

You’re forced to [ __ ] vote regardless of your own which by the way I completely agree with that I just think that it’s stupid still whenever I have to do it I go I hate this but wait you agree with mandatory voting or I agree with mandatory voting I disagree I think it’s [ __ ]

Stupid like for instance if you if you don’t like any of the like people that you want to that are getting voted for then don’t vote I not well the fact of like I know plent of people even during like towards the end of high school did

Not have a [ __ ] interest in politics did not read anything about politics would literally just go in and vote random [ __ ] cuz they just didn’t [ __ ] care that’s not a healthy system it’s really [ __ ] dumb I mean it’s dumb but at the same time if you’re act well no

Cuz they’re not voting in their own interest because they don’t [ __ ] care they don’t want to vote rev I just want to use I want to use something I got from school and one of the things I got from school was being able to stand in a

Line pointlessly for hours okay oh God I [ __ ] ha us do that during Co actually [ __ ] pissed me off so much oh one thing I was real fun um co uh co uh hit uh like in uh 2020 Co hit my uh the second [ __ ] semester of

My when I was uh in my freshman year so I was basically like a ninth grader like immediately just got first into high school and then look at that I’m now out of high school for like that time but then look at two more years of uh Co SC

Then finally like that one last year was just done of it finally I think I found a boss I don’t know Co hit when you were in fifth grade what the [ __ ] no what wait what what am I versing wait zingo you’re only an eight you’re only an eight oh ready why why

Why you got to remind me that I’m old why you going to invite these young people in here yeah rev’s like [ __ ] how old are you rev you’re older than me6 now [ __ ] it I feel it bro I’m I’m right now only eight eight I imagined that you were going to

Say 18 but I love that eight S that came out do you need anything from an amethyst crab no you can uh use it to uh if you use amethyst crab meat on alter uh you can get a good version of crab meat okay but you understand that I’m only in here

To find Redstone and I actually found that well then just kill it and then save that for later so you get how many stacks did you say you needed of it two right yeah two stacks cool check something oh no Cody needs to buy it this is for Cody’s thing they need to

Yeah I need to do it all right that’s it you got a dock siiz Ino I don’t know how your punish I don’t know how your um your punishments here go uh I think they exist what happened what wait what happened with the server no or are you just asking little on

Me hey Cody do you have like asking you have one of every type of apricorn do SL shop and you can buy them I’m not buying them then remember I I am a fundamentally boring person who is doesn’t doesn’t like server things hold on let me just mention

Something the only way you can automate apricorns is using a Deo deployer I am fully aware and have of doing that we actually doing that we’re crashing the servers economy yeah I I exclus like here’s the thing I’m not here with a care for Pokemon or any of that I’m

Exclusively here to build an Empire and sell cell [ __ ] all I’m gonna say is uh you can make a pretty funny iron farm if you don’t yeah reev is specifically here to help me um to help me with my streams so rev finds an absurd task to do whenever

I ask him to join me yeah and we all praise him for it banned hide it from wait is is is aone Farms Bann I don’t believe they were no they’re not okay thank god oh let me just mention one thing no I think it’s just saying sorry so you can make an

Automatic iron farm using Cobblestone generators going crushing wheels and getting washed off interesting I was notw that I was just going to do the Iron Golem Farm iron gol Farms are banned okay so there’s an alternative way alter there’s also alternative way of getting a gold Farm too instead of uh

Using uh water you use Soul Sand like you convert the uh you convert it again from gravel to sand and then sand goes into gold yeah so it’s just double crushing whe there you go uh rev do we still want Copper I imagine we will for the automating of

Poké Balls right uh yeah copper is still good yeah copper can’t be automated un fortunately for me cuz uh I do the best mining technique in all of the time dig straight down hold let me just say one thing if you make an auto gold farm

Right uh you can make a infinite or ball Farm cool as long as I’m not making an infinite marable Farm because that’s one thing you’re the server here like as much as I love it I talk highly of this server in my free time one of my [ __ ]

Things that I have to say is really bad about the server is that mbls are worthless what do you mean very much impossible to automate unless there is some weird nether wither build if there’s a way NE automate netherite or sh like this the only because we can’t automate shulker shells because all

Sorts of automatic mob farm but here’s the thing right it it doesn’t matter because like fun fundamentally themselves mbls are useless on This Server oh no it it’s it would still like if you’re going to be selling like M produced balls obvious would be the not

Not not selling I mean like as a item on This Server they are they are very um pointless I mean yeah because you can’t find legendaries in a wild so exactly like we we have them a crafting recipe for them if you like find a shiny

Or something that that it exact no I know I know for a fact you can get them but it’s stupid that I can’t that there’s like the master ball is basically useless I mean it’s just it’s just a yeah it’s extremely expensive to the point where it’s not worth getting but

Still be a master and like the only thing that is like a benefit about having a master ball is to have is to basically Flex that you caught a Pokemon with a master ball that’s not a but you can’t there’s no point because I could just change my Pokemon’s bow to master

Ball yeah well I mean that that’s you know the the 5050 between convenience and collectibility it’s such a small thing that I don’t really care about like again if I want to go and stress out about a shiny or I want to go stress out about a like about getting

Legendaries and stuff I’d go to a different server but I don’t I spend my time here optionally fair enough I mean you say optionally but are you really do you really have oh yeah no I’ve got like I’ve got things I actually get paid for to do but

I’m I’m here instead aren’t I see here here’s the thing Cody here’s the thing that you didn’t didn’t realize your will is not your own everything is predetermined from the day you were born all anyway one thing uh do you like how you have for a healing machine you have to get copper

Sheets thank you asinger so you actually had to play create just get healing machine at your own base have fun I mean it’s gonna vary from was it was more than I was just I the thing is is I was just done Asing and then you gave me

That so uh I think that rev should be fine here rev let me just me just mention that because uh if you try to get uh [ __ ] off you like we also need to change the PC as well craf recipe because I’m planning on just making them

All sheets iron sheets can you make the thing now rev uh yes I be able to go through the full process of making an XP share now awesome oh you making an XP share yeah I wanted an XP share it just I know that I could level up with candies but it

Doesn’t feel as good you know oh you have to get nugs of experience yeah that’s why yeah that that’s what this entire thing has been for you’ve had to do a live create just because just so you can get an XP sh get something that’s normally available but create

Exists well I mean here here’s the thing remember Cody that that’s why because Cody’s here for the Pokemon I couldn’t care less about Pokemon I’m do rev’s here for regular stuff you know it it means it gives me something to do because otherwise I wouldn’t bother yeah I scared one I

Think I scared one of my sponsors away um they they uh looked at how many views one of my videos got and uh so they’re used to having like very low views on my videos uh um and I just got like a lot of views

On one of my videos and they pay me for every like 500 views and now they haven’t responded after I like sent them they like okay and they’re like well [ __ ] um one thing that’s real fun uh do you know that if you put in uh if you

Put in any Berry and a nuget experience you can turn it into zingo you can take these back now you can actually make a exp candies you can’t automate them because you can’t automate nuggets with experience but yeah okay where’s rev yeah what rev here yeah take

This okay why why did you give me this cuz a zingo just gave me those anyway so let’s make the crusher we need the mechanical Crafters which I can now uh I should have iron sheets I need to sort out the autate shame there isn’t like refined storage or any of

Those like big computer mods you don’t have a computer mod yeah that’s what I’m saying you are a bit of a sweat buddy but it’s fine I did I didn’t tell you how much to play I literally told as zingo to like come Scout This Server out get ready for me to come

On that’s my bad then Z kind of played a lot not as much as k no Sanji and fit but yeah yeah I assume the server owner would probably be one of the the most why do you throw me all this stuff I already have an inventory full of [ __ ] because of

This yeah yeah zingo kind oh wait I just realized what the [ __ ] what what that uh thing in chat said I never met an American who set their bath on fire well [ __ ] you they’re not wrong I’ve also never met an American who’s done that Sanji is this an order

Yeah Execute Order 66 Execute Order set your bathtub on fire I can’t be the only one wait 2 888 legendaries released what huh what f f yeah fitty has two whisper wins yeah I don’t even have one whisper WI crafting tables I guess that shows like I I would I would have a

Whisper win but I don’t feel like grinding Soul so I’m just trying to sell stuff on the GTS yeah I’m just uh defeating Pokemon so I can get that stupid item so I can just start harvesting Souls a bunch tonight and get my team like all EV trained and stuff

Oh I can’t believe sanji’s banned from the tournament I am yeah I’m so sad that okay if I’m so sad I want Sanji in my tournament who do I talk to about this I can help post it with you yeah I know you will CU you’re a nice guy like

That but I won’t be able to you know actually participate because uh cuz people are s losers and they don’t want you uh winning so wait how do I get souls how do I get souls as a currency like you know the currency Souls is it just

Killing things is that all kill thing yep literally that’s it it’s the is that what’s the best way to get that yep it’s it’s just sling sling slash slash can I get it from beating things in a battle or do I have to use my

Weapon uh you can the me wait so if I sorry rev cut you off what did you say about so I could use a I can do Pokemon battles yeah cool uh what did he say I reved uh star science cat said to say uh no isingo said to ask you about the

State of the matter state of the matter what what is the state of the matter mhm what I so back we had up the lot more manag now we have to count changes gen n roduce lack of Z crystals megas and shaping per we’re trying to make a Balan

Meta that won’t get easily get easily get power creep and fall real established by this Moon Council all right so it doesn’t appear they actually get them from defeating Pokemon in battle oh okay then yeah he’s got link slink SL slash I guess uh that’s that’s always

Fun as did mention you can sell [ __ ] but uh sell it the work it’s not that good though how do I sell like okay but I only get runes when I sell stuff yeah you can convert your runes into that so you do SL shop go to uh Soul exchange

And soul exchange you does it is a one for one conversion yeah pretty much easy easy peasy time to go sell a bunch of my stuff Co wheel oh remember to do SL worthless to see how much each thing’s worth okay all right why did I [ __ ] build this like that I’m so

Stupid hold let me just mention one thing thank God FY removed Flint from the worth list because if you had make an automatic iron farm right for every 100 pieces of iron blocks right for every 100 iron blocks you get a few thousand sink uh

Flint wait so is only the things on the worth lless that can be sold yep all right so basically I’m going to have to go out and go kill some things so I have 24,000 Flint right now barel let me check something yeah so my my auto uh my auto Cobblestone

Generators producing a lot me check something real quick yeah it’s a 16 by 16 of just Cobble it was just cobblestone generator so every like like four ticks it it gives me a stack of cobblestone I’m hating it I don’t know grinding is pretty like it’s it’s okay

Attribute cure I’m still so envious of fitty to like for him to have created a server that he like so much that he actively just plays on it himself make your own server I I do have my own server and I do like it it’s just

That a lot of it story based and also the release isn’t too there’s no point in streaming it yet or anything like that because it’s not like people can come join oh rev I see you’re using like small water wheels and windmills but um yeah well I mean

There’s a limit on the water wheels but there’s no limit on the windmills which is a thought there’s a limit on large water wheels that’s the difference oh interesting also did you pick up mechanical Crafters I think you may have picked up some I didn’t where the hell did they just go

Oh no they’re up here never mind yeah uh I could give you 50 large water wheels if you want me to so I’m I’m very much on the philosophy of anything that I don’t do myself is just something that I could have done myself and therefore time that I could have spent doing

Something because otherwise it’s just like you know you can just end like it’s for example the idea of like hey if you run like a server you know some people be like I’m going to use creative mode mode and do all the things and it’s like

Well then you’re like you know two days on a Minecraft server just turned into like 5 minutes and you just wasted your time and you’re just kind of stupid San you going to check out my server when it’s finally up uh I hope that FY comes and like checks

It out it’s like the whole idea is we’re creating our own region Wheels oh yeah I should do the but yeah um I’ve got like we’ve got a bunch of Pokemon that we’re that we’re all willing to we’ve like gone through and like seen a couple of Pokémon that would

Be nice to uh to share with um people yeah uh sorry like yeah no we got Pokemon that we want to share with you yeah I do see um specifically of like the creepy variety cuz I know you like the whole creepy thing going on uh what did you just get for your

Shiny stuff anyway grai and and skip if you happen to want a shopper or a Roselia just tell me good you good I’m good sounds so awkward and so quiet what have I done question actually what haven’t I done it’s a good question remember uh if you have an Eevee start

E you didn’t answer me Sanji are you angry at me what are you angry at me Sanji what my what H what did you say sorry I was something I planned I planned something what plan I don’t know a catastrophe an an atrocity something a war crime maybe what’s your favorite war

Crime uh I I I probably say chemical weapons o basic I can get behind it but it’s still a bit basic or just a bow and arrow uh rev how is you getting your thing going you mean your thing yeah how’s getting my thing

Going I don’t know you tell me I know do you have it Cody do you have any concept as to how much you want me to do to get this damn thing not a not a single schackel exactly it’s a few steps oh my God bro my GPU is only 50

Degrees Celsius oh my God Liv and also we then have to hope for the uh the old luck with the uh Crafters HZ uh hi how did you and fitty meet each other uh Sanji uh during a different time a different time it was a long Summer’s

Eve man Sanji was just making some burgers on let me check how B been in this server for May 31st 2022 that’s why I first my oh you oh you you you met FY through the server let’s go not even yeah I met isingo through uh poke

Hub I I oh I met uh FY through another server yeah you see every I met a lot of people that like followed me after my ban from poke Hub um I’m just going to mention uh that I’ve not been banned from any only ever been banned from like pixon

Dev servers I I was so upset about my ban like rev can confirm how angry I was about my ban it was pretty funny Ser exists completely out of spot on one thing that’s real funny though I’m pic we banned from the official Minecraft server I guess

Ah and then I’m also banned from a lot of the Pokemon uh discords like scar valid [ __ ] like that why what did you do uh so in the scar and violet Discord it’s because I have a hack switch so I can have some themes and I got banned

Because they saw I had him on switch they’re really that [ __ ] serious about that [ __ ] yeah that’s stupid damn Nintendo lawyers do do be a thing God damn they’re Nintendo in Disguise bro like now you’re going to get in trouble by Disney for Mickey mousing shees uh sorry I don’t make the

Rolles then I’m I’m also banned from the official Minecraft server because uh what was the story between uh just simply wait didn’t this start off with you saying I’ve never been banned from something and then you just on I’m banned from Discord not banned from any Minecraft server

Oh yeah no I got straight up banned on uh I got straight up banned from that server cuz one of them was watching one of my streams and I was speaking about uh speaking about the idea of a server that uh sells something or other like that like sells mimiku like custom

Mimiku it it was really bizarre uh you go let me just say this in the in the Minecraft Discord server I got banned there because uh so back in 2020 I was a big [ __ ] poster three years ago yeah I’m not even gonna lie with you

So uh what back then I was just posting memes in general and I posted so many memes in general the mods got annoyed me and B pretty sad that is actually quite pathetic imagine being imagine being offended by somebody posting memes exactly kind of crazy dog well it was against the rules so

That’s probably a good reason why they ban me but yeah [ __ ] the rules who cares she but they didn’t have a memes channel so I she said [ __ ] it just post in general I love having a an elective just like Crush things hold let me let me copy my uh ID

Real quick on Discord so I uh actually find my images because I technically have an all that server you know I always have an all in the servers I have an all in a few servers like I’m technically still in that Pokemon uh that other Discord because the Poke the Pokemon SC because

Uh simply I have alts if I 50 alternative accounts I have 50 alternative accounts exactly come on you know how it is yeah I got the weirdest uh message from someone that was on my server just saying look uh I think you’re bit eager itical I’m leaving your teame oh my

God I got banned I got the last thing I sent in the Minecraft Discord was a uh so you know peeps right you know like peeps well I I post a thing that said creeps and it was just creeper peeps yeah oh my god um

It it is kind of nuts that like I know it’s a meme but it’s like it’s the same as like the Discord Reddit moderator thing it’s like people do really let the most tiniest insignificant amount of power go to their head oh absolutely it it is it is very uh

Crazy um the amount of like a a power surge people feel yeah this is oh my God three years ago I used to use light mode yeah um by the way I I just want to I want to point out just a little uh thing for future viewers of this stream

And for anyone right here the reason I name every project uh like pixel something or Ian or something like that is purely because I am not good at naming things is that actually is that literally what you just got messaged is because it’s like yeah because I because I’m

Egotistical because I named my server after myself and I’m like I mean it is my server but no like I get being like being that is a bit egotistical but my my it’s only because I haven’t changed the name since my original idea of it being my YouTube server yeah I was going

To say like yeah no it’s the YouTube Ser like they literally like one the most common things what yeah I I just there I want to have the uh the recognition with it to be ass like I want my YouTube to be associated with the stuff you

Know God that sounds like you though you’re pretty egotistical oh I like 100% yeah imagine having an ego shake my head terrible people never me yeah you just care about birds it’s all you want I I don’t have an ego yeah I was I I just remember thinking about

That just immediately made me flash back to when you first started the [ __ ] server and you’re like oh yeah do you need people to help you with the pack it’s like no I’m better than them oh yeah um Sanji when when are come on you’ve got to have like some egotistical moments

Right yeah yeah go tell us tell us yeah I’m really cool obviously have an ego so uh tell us about your ego Sanji you probably I bet you like one of the things you have is you get really cocky right yeah yeah that sounds about

Right I have to wait till night time for like the zombies and stuff I never I I don’t like waiting till night time on This Server Like normally but now I’m just like suddenly like yeah okay I’ll now wait till nighttime for creatures to spawn so I can kill them it’s

Great how’s the XP share going buddy I’ll [ __ ] kill you I don’t know how long it takes to do create stuff Cody Cody come to come to the [ __ ] thing right give me a sec hold on let me check something all right I’m coming over oh hello there yamper get in get

Get in battle with me you never have too many yampers to battle I guess actually knew how to [ __ ] PVP holy [ __ ] I actually used to know how to PVP like a long time ago oh yeah yeah I used to know how to PVP two years ago did you yeah and now you’ve

Forgotten yeah because that was 1.8 PVP so I don’t have wait you just spamm the button that y so all right this looks annoying so this was why I needed Redstone this is a mechanical crafter which I have had to attach Vier gears to this vertical gearbox to then power this

To make these two things which are Crushers which I then need to attach to the Gear power system to then then this will run and I can [ __ ] put alls in here and that might give us nuggets of XP and SS like an absolute nightmare I’ll be right back after my

Son son of a [ __ ] yeah you should have [ __ ] you were like what did I tell you all right so what do you do you need any more extra parts or do you just you just doing stuff now I I’m well I need extra pts but I’m I’m making the pts that I

Need but th this is what I mean by it was a little bit of effort to make the damn [ __ ] and why it took a bit all right actually Cody there there is something you can do to help that’s me I I can help yeah okay I think this so yeah

I think this might not work CU they’re turning the wrong way okay I need to fix that um so I need you to stand here and try and jump in between these two yeah no it’s not working I do need to turn get the rotational energy being

The other way I thought as much but I figured I’d make an attempt you were going to kill me i’ never I feel like you were just about to kill me actually y rev you need a gear box yeah yeah I do I was hoping I wouldn’t need to

Because it means it’s a less thing for me to make but yeah I do oh [ __ ] shiny licky tongue did you find sh Wait you found a shiny lior Tong in spawn yeah that’s so cool hand over wow oh I just caught it first try oh my goodness there are just so

Many zombies and stuff here I love it I love coming to this island just for the zombie spawns when when’s the when’s the stream where you learn how to actually use teack mods um well we’ve got we’ve got an SMP coming up do we yes I specifically told you about

It did you and we were talking about how you you’re not limited to like the current version of Minecraft and you were like oh that means I can use like the good [ __ ] conversation sure this happen yes I’m 100% sure I’m I’m 100% sure this did not happen I do not remember this

Commentation so wait you’re doing mono fairy right Me No Mono electric maybe yeah I think so okay hold on let me get you something quick I just realized they don’t actually have to like hide it from you what I I just realized they don’t have to hide it from

You cuz they’re not letting you participate exactly I mean you just said it on stream and also everyone has seen you assemble your team so I mean that’s like you know yeah that’s just a skill I’m going to want to kill myself for this screw it I’m too lazy to care

I’m too lazy extra effort bro I I put in least amount effort as possible normally I have standards in the things that I make but standards went out the window long ago yeah what’s a standard my battle standard Je oh my God why are there so many Tor holes around

Here cuz they just are they just really are yeah they kind of just feel like it and so that’s where they are yeah they just feel like being here search fun in PCS there no surar punction oh God sounds incredibly an if you get a lot of

Pokemon oh thank God how much did Eyes of Ender not eyes ender pearls cost can you sell them nope oh makes sense I guess need whe all right C I need your help yeah I need you to test something like I could test something oh I’m not jumping

In no I’m not jumping in the crusher then how will I know if it works you can throw something else in there it’s either you or I don’t think we’re getting this XP sh fine bro just throw just throw in a cobblestone accept it uh give it a shot see if it works

Yeah it works good to see was that worth it yeah yeah it was was that funny it was pretty funny you just watched me the funny thing is if you look in chat like two seconds before you can see to make sure it was working this time all

Right yo pixel oh hopefully we get the Nugget of XP yo Sanji what’s up on let me give you something this might be a notifi Tesla might seem to you but uh look at EVs and stuff oh I don’t care about EVs and stuff if they’re

Like no they good just look just look at the just look at it let me just um do this quickly got to just defeat every mob I find cuz you know got to get those nighttime spawns if you do yeah SL PC uh you’re about have something

Else all right Cody so do you I’m going to put it up to you did you think with all that all that you gave me that we got the negative experience why for the no thing yeah I gave youla there you go uh it’s competitive as well has Max IES for it Max

EVS oh my gosh it’s red yep it’s shiny all right so if you do look at it I like it I like it if you look at the IV look at it IV hey C have you seen why zero attack so it takes I love that I’m using this

Now there is there you go yeah get out of there there you go get out there my Ty by the way that one will probably do more damage than your like I’m just going tell that now I’m going to do crime hey Cody have you seen a um a

Ocean Temple anywhere around no you’re up to that part of it now yep uh you just need the prismarine and the I believe you already delivered glow stone didn’t you um yeah no you have not delivered glow stone all right just the prismarine and the glow stone and you have your XP

Share uh actually got real lucky with the Nuggets of XP so you could have like 10 of them if you bring enough prismarine and glow stone believe I did get glow I know I didn’t give it to you I don’t think fa well if you’ve got it

You’ve got it we just it’s just prismarine then all right time I’m going I’m going to leave the game I just place my LEAP Redux I guess you know uh yeah you can start a revolution whenever you want feel free to all right plug in my USB Dr with my all my

GBA there’s that now I’m going to go run across the water for you I’m right now doing monoa you’re absurd what you’re not real and whoever says you’re real I don’t believe them you’re not you’re not a real person what do you mean what for doing a mono

Runing This Much Time on stuff that’s crazy it’s crazy you’re crazy in a good way don’t worry but you’re still crazy is good them doing Redux or doing mono runs like it’s probably not healthy oh it’s definitely not healthy hey what do you mean nothing wrong with doing a monor monor runs are

Fun and you have rev on your side meaning it’s definitely not healthy yep oh yeah I forgot Serena gets triple kick all right so I’m just looking for those uh underwater lanters right rev huh what yeah I’m just looking for a lann right uh well you need prismarine crystals so C

Yes look for a Lon because that’s what they drop when turn or chincha also can be murdered for them yeah oh really cool keep an eye out for chincha then on the way yep forgot I need to look at there is also technically another way to get them but let’s not do that

Because that’s far worse that one would require you doing stuff wouldn’t it that one uh both of us it requires me to make a soulfire fan and it requires you to get enough lapis that we can gamble the 12% Chance by the way a soulfire fan is actually how you make to

Have H I’ll get to it eventually but it also requires an obscene amount of lapis I mean yeah unless we get lucky fun fact did you know fitty allows you to make 4×4 uh 6×6 GRS maximum so that means uh you can just make 6×6 grills and just dig down

Through chunk like uh through the ground materials F oh thank you oh my gosh okay please don’t make anything with cheese cheese got it you want cheese no cheese guy oh no oh yes cheese guy she she shows she shows brother the she she show anyway I

Know rev where are you you’re out here she show she show by the SE let me give the PEX the black sludge bro since I’m since I’m doing mono runs you always have to do a thing called catch every Pokemon there a difficulty far an enchantment table can

Reach for a block to did you do it rev did you make it yeah I got to I got to smelt up the iron to make the helmet yes and then we’re done with step one oh wait no this can’t be made with iron helmet this need okay wait what what

Helmet still got why is Diamond helmets but you’ve got diamonds we’re fine do I have diamonds by the way um you can smell uh you know your diamond armor and netherite armor and turn your netherite armor into netherite and stuff that’s cool uh which by the way you get

Netherite armor you King Enderman sometimes kosis have fun I’m always having fun it’s my job wait so can I smel diamond tools to make diamond stuff or not yep yes you can oh have fun of that a wait what do I need to do what

What furnace do I need to smel it with any furnace any furnace okay so iron diamond tools you said can work yeah holy crap Cody you barely got any it’s not working but you have enough it is it doesn’t work on shovels why I don’t know probably because you’ve used the

Shovel and therefore it doesn’t have ma the pickaxe that I’d used oh get [ __ ] apparently yeah sounds about right apparently I got to get [ __ ] apparently time for me to time for me to fly over to this area and get a wind pod uh is it really that time

Again time for me to go to a a singular place just so I can get one Pokemon oh I got wait where are you rev I am right here I wear the crusher where I always am all right yeah that’s your home the daily reminder fut reference all right

Finally time to obliterate everything on this island except for electric types I guess sounds about right yeah well they spawn there’s fairies that spawn here so I get the I can stop farming uh tokens um there there’s nothing here okay drink and Ice never mind all right rev

Is there anything else I should keep an eye out for you for uh no no I mean that that was the thing you needed right yeah so you don’t really need anything else uh not really just a will to live o see that’s going to be 25 Pokey

Unfortun unfortunately I cannot give you that sorry to say I can give you this limited edition Funko Pop for the right lied Edition Funko for the right Price um okay so I have to get rious cator J mud bra oh you can sell ender pearls okay can you yeah and you can sell Dawn Stones can you sell dawnstone yep so I’m feeling like pretty good they don’t sell for much but hey that’s just

A bit of ex that it’s just a bit less time I have to spend leveling up my dudes yeah not leveling up get grinding for money I love grinding for money money money money oh if you want to hear something that’s annoying try getting 50,000 I was speaking

Sincerely I actually do like grinding I’m really weird like that I have to get 50,000 50,000 no seven Seven’s best I can do so it’s not too bad per se it’s just bad at the last stage you know where kind of been grinding way too long and he knows it so

It’s like all right grind one last time so hard that you probably don’t want to play on the server again and so then that happened you never wanted to play again I haven’t actually hav’t finished I I I I still play because I haven’t it gotta keep on killing Pokemon like

I’m just gonna say this people can um you know make it faster by just I I have a lot of weapons on the GTS because that at this point that’s the only why I’m getting M um BR spawns on Route 109 let me fly um that’s the beach area right yes is good

Rod ah so many spiders so many creepers creeper oh man I remember [ __ ] stop remembering things you’re not allowed to have memory memory what is that it’s not in the contract je that boom oh dang I forgot God damn it ah get out my shoulder yeah sometimes mil just gets

Off my shoulder I hate it yeah it like I get infinite saturation but I had to get rid of it because like I accidentally get it every now and then but I had to get rid of it cuz rev insisted that I like get crushed in these Crusher BR bro

That’s goofy yeah rev [ __ ] me it’s it’s good rev [ __ ] me cry about it I’m sure Scarlet will take a take a second away from playing World of Warcraft Al listen she just went to to the toilet yeah a surprise she’s she’s not going to hear my woes exactly Scarlet

Rev took away my exploit oh yeah rev took rev took away my infinite um saturation that’s funny anyway no it wasn’t for the best yeah it was yeah now FY doesn’t have to ban you anymore you know you’re not exploding it never ends the bad news everyone uses it

So he would have to B everyone I think everyone actually uses it I never do it intentionally but I don’t I don’t cuz I don’t know how to turn it off but like it’s good I like having it on Hello Duck join the server duck no Sanji tell duck to join the server

Yo Duc join server join the server duck Jo join server now Smiley you can come into chat with us come on Duck oh God I I will say my face emoji out loud uh okay does anything give specifically like a lot of souls or nothing really just just everything gives one or two

Souls you is one R Souls all right so and that’s just because you know we don’t want anything to have my emotion’s ruined it’s nothing like Dark Souls SS I got like seven Souls from defeating the final boss not one oh these aren’t bosses that’s a big

Difference I don’t like this what are you saying are you saying I’m wrong that they aren’t the bosses I can’t believe this is there another Necromancer out here oh my gosh some of these Pokemon have no right to be as strong as they are yeah true like oink L

That’s no okay go to yeah I don’t care I don’t care what his name is WN la all right let’s let’s get this RTS get those wind token ah creepers oh that creepers aren’t even worth it cuz they always explode before I get the soul from them how to fight

Ah I do need to get that um thing I need I need to get those winter tokens so I can show off what’s in those yeah feel like the the the winter tokens and stuff are definitely like one of your least accessible things because of how much you just got to like

Kill blood blood you know I guess so if you want to give blood to the blood God go a [ __ ] off that’s that’s like a ho zombie that’s not that’s fine I like that gives me some more souls bro I I wish they implemented like one Elite Redux has Moxy like rock do

Uh okay ah come on how is there like another yeah okay there’s another thing over here I guess that’s a damage ran that was a nice damage range one for me oh my gosh there is just there’s just so how much do like do the KN are the knights random like times

Yeah they’re random are they actually have fun yep have fun like how long they are that’s crazy I like that actually it makes this like whole thing where it feels like it’s lasting forever actually be because it’s lasting forever damn how many necromancers need to spawn in one night though good question next

Question I have no idea a necromancer literally just shot at me spawned some dudes then ran off he knew it was I just I just swallowed this Team Magma grunt with just two Pokemon I could respect that all I have to this Doo is scary oh it has Moody speed

Roose lower attack okay lost Moxy boost all right look at that oh I got like no souls this my right okay cool beat me forgot how much damage this thing does oh my God it’s sash this thing’s so broken dou okay oh my gosh I hate the rain in

Minecraft so much I’ve always hated it yeah yes all right I think I think I can send this out now and I think I can K it this thing’s a nightmare I can take it on ororo okay so what was the decision that led to use like making this hard mode like

Putting the server on hard mode and how do I plant a berry put you had to put water I think you got to place water fill with the dirt put water you know just like rug wheat seed oh like I got a till it uhhm okay can Marowak kill it I don’t die

I win this game makes me have to sweat sometimes jeez this is chill I’m have a CH time to use Rev yeah what you having a chill time I’m existant my answer is not answered then I mean thankfully you know this isn’t going to be one of those uh

[ __ ] 30 hour streams so you know are you serious zie I’m just trying to do stuff get out of here you don’t need to exist how long is this cuz you never you never have a plan no I don’t have a plan I still don’t have a plan that much I’m

Just going to kind of play until I get bored or I’m tired most likely the ladder uh I don’t know actually I do get tired pretty quickly lost why aren’t you joining the chat cuz they hate you why do you hate me lost this is canonical information I’m finding out about you

All a little whack you do not take a d yeah I need to give my rombi stun okay first hting a sun h h h Hy this surf will do more I’m dead bang come on Yer stop [ __ ] running away Swift [ __ ] yeah rev you’re welcome to go

Whenever you want by the way oh yeah no I’m fully I’m not being held hostage wink I’m mostly just thinking of like basically I am compiling notes of what I need to do and then I’m deciding on how much effort I have in me to do them yeah I’m just kind

Of wanting to get that one Soul thing I don’t know they they guess that was my plan for sure the plan to defeat all plans can I take that wait I dropped it yeah all right I S Rock how many winter tokens do I need to get like a winter

Key uh 1,000 half one Jesus Christ good luck got it yeah I mean I’m a bit there bit of the way there I only have like a couple stacks at the moment so yeah fun got a list of what I need to do okay yeah no I think I’ll call it the

CU the next thing next time I’m on the next thing to do is set up the apricorn Farms easy as that’s going to be a lot L of work and a lot of boring oh you have a good one bye have a fun stream you nerd I

Will like I don’t have any need to like log off anytime soon uh yeah you’re welcome to leave whenever you want to I want to point out I’m not hostage taking today I can chill out I’m your fan I’m your big fan I oh hello there cinnamon roll if uh thank

You for checking out the stream if you want to come join we are always open to new players coming around and joining right Sanji yep that is true sanji’s also a big fan maybe my biggest Sanji has a tattoo with me on him no that’s up and you’ll never be

Able to disprove this to you see sanji’s body I hate it here yeah okay I’m not the one with the tattoo of me on my body I hate it well that was a quick turnaround anyway I’m playing Elite R right now so okay this the last this is Maxi’s last

Pokemon yeah that’s pretty cool well marow wax dead yeah cact turn kind of just Wicked blows uh my mar to Oblivion that’s epic uh ory Coro pom pom time but yeah know if you thank you for for checking out the channel dropping by always appreciated all right um

Goodbye Yer you you came to the wrong wrong place the wrong time yeah defeating a yamper does not feel good all right come on PESA let’s get those Thunder s oh my God why did you have to use inure why did you have to use inure just a mess with me

Because I wanted bananas uh okay so it looks like most cobon items are just really cheap like to you can sell them which is nice right uh I don’t even think we do sell C items do we no no like you can uh you can sell them when you hold them you do

Sell you can hold check yeah because fny must have just fixed that which is really nice all right I’ve got to like oh it’s so hard to make a place that doesn’t have zombies and stuff spawn around it I guess I could just use lighting

Which I guess I’m going to have to do oh my gosh wingle you’re not that guy get out of here yeah whoa okay I that was weird okay just check some I just uh y Scarlet what are you cooking I could smell it and I heard you your crinkling that could never be

Unheard crinkling what oh I heard Scarlet made my partner cook starting to cook see what she’s cooking up my gosh sorry zombies you’re not it today you got to get out come on leave this place buddies oh my God I forgot they gave this thing one of

My favorite things that I would not expect anyone to give this Pokemon okay zombies you really need to [ __ ] stop right now you’re not you’re not important you ain’t that gu you ain’t you ain’t that like you ain’t that person do that you weren that person when you were like either [ __ ]

Off huh I’m just trying to make as much of a like distance away from like all this Forest Area as possible so I can work on what I want to work on a mix attacker minor yeah mix attacking minor sounds very fun do you want a pink

Min I’m using a mixed attacker Min do you want a pink one I’m good and No you know never I’ll never understand you I’m sorry she that was such an emotional shees I’ve never heard you shees so emotionally the sheing okay I’m getting two mix attack that’s nice psychic things do I get the funny chat button yes I do get the funny chat button bang yeah oh cool

Aom yeah they spawn around uh oh yeah no I know they where they spawn around people and stuff but I uh I got a ROM from the thing in the the crate oh no is there anything to stop SP like is do we have any of those like torches or

Anything that can like stop spawns of Pokemon yeah put down carpet just like how you stop R SP um you know like how you spawn how you stop uh the spawning of life it’s pretty much a mixture of not being able to spawn you know how sheep can spawn only

On like grass and stuff like that well Pokemon don’t have that that’s the difference yeah they cracked yeah um I forgot they gave perator filter that’s so fun OT clinker SC um until it gets clanger scales guess I have to get like ice pun air and Dragon

Dance I don’t know just not that good until gets signat move actually never finished the GL pod hold on uh chat the not good here all right awesome awesome now I’m going to go click hopefully I’ve got some spare pickaxes to like use my Journey coming up awesome I grab some shovels

Too oh it’s a freaking all right let’s go down oh what what happened this shovel it digs a bunch of shoveling where in a in a dig what I didn’t know that was a thing sh it just does more shoveling it’s a shovel that shovels

That shovels B shovel it does a lot of shovel sh we do sh we die um like I’m specifically it was specifically like very impressed okay the pink petals for anything no nice I phal for usess item yep we like useless items here fine oh my God are you okay Master Shi

BR the DLC comes out two days what is the DLC going to be good don’t know we no one haven’t played look all I got to know is is plus the mining in it plus the money in it good game good DLC but if they’re going to continue

With what they’re doing right now bad game bad DLC pick it up what I’m putting down wow there’s been a you’ve seen a dip in quality of Pokemon games since like sun and moon there’s a reason for that notice how plus and Min are in Sun and

Moon they’re not in sword and shield look I don’t make the rules but if I did make the rules I’d say plus the mind didn’t should be mandatory shees man look if you sh me one more time I will say she you sounded like a computer like done with an operation sounds about

Right boom all right one against plan first try didn’t even need do even one little C no c f no don’t get tired on me yeah me tired then I’ll have to stop but I don’t want to stop Big Y telling F you yawned oh no he’ll fire me for that he’ll have

My head what it it was a joke because yawning and it’d be really stupid thing to get in trouble over no what it’s got again I’ll [ __ ] kill you h no he he doesn’t murder his staff yet all right well I guess off off like camera I’m probably going to just start

Working on this thing because yeah there’s no point in streaming it because it’s very boring uh so yeah I’ll probably end the stream like now is and do like an actual stream tomorrow one with energy and happiness and not hunger all right

This video, titled ‘Grinding up in Pokemon and Dark Souls? This server is amazingly chaotic!’, was uploaded by Pixil on 2023-12-12 08:53:28. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:43 or 8683 seconds.

Pokemon, Minecraft and Darksouls these were the ingredients to make the perfect server until the professor added an ingredient IZINGO! Now the server is chaos!

But in all seriousness if you want to join use this-

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

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    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More