INSANE Christmas Mekanism in Minecraft

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods nine I almost said seven that’s how you know it’s going to be a good one um so last episode we automated fistle fuel that’s what you’re looking at here um I’ll be honest I don’t know what we’ve done differently but this just

Feels nicer visually than a lot of the stuff we’ve done recently I don’t know if it’s just because we made an attempt to tidy things up but uh there’s a lot of potential here I feel in terms of having this look nice um I don’t know if

We’ll be able to pull it off but there’s at least a there’s a possibility I also I’ve I’ve seen some cool bases not just on the checking out server bases videos but also just um I think I I had one pop up on my my phone like a notification

From Reddit um it it it’s inspired me I do want to build up a lot of our base a bit more like actually put walls and rofs around things um but for now we’re not going to do that that’s awesome um so what’s next well we’ve got fisal fuel

I guess this episode we attempt to burn some fil fuel um so we’ll probably consult the quest book it might lag as I open it for the first time um but we’ll jump into the mechanism Advance tab which is where we spent all of yesterday

Um oh wait hold on it is the 25th it’s it’s Merry Christmas right now which means this gift has appeared mysteriously and can’t uh doesn’t seem to want to open a message is written here cannot be opened before December 25th it is the 25th for me I’m not sure

If American time is what this is based off but I can’t open it um find a way to open this gift oh do you reckon it needs a gravestone with um a soul floating around it I reckon it might and um I think we’ve got one the only problem is

I don’t know where we’ve got one my best oh yeah I was going to say my best guess would be around here there’s a little present on it a there we go the gift starts to shine then disappears revealing its contents uh my knowledge of death increased by 10 and then by one

So we got a lot of XP in here I’m guessing Christmas bonus during special holiday events um huh uh cool I I think hold on let’s open that again um so this mod just does stuff in the background it’s it’s pretty good um chance of finding special items speed when you die

What I like is the grave key one what this essentially does is when you die it increases your chance for your key to spawn Enchanted which lets you teleport to your death Point um but I mean if you’ve got ender pearls you don’t really need that um a puppet

Experience I don’t really know what else we need then I’ll be honest with you um I’ll just pimp this one out boom 100% chance there we go wonderful and then we uh bump that up a bit cool sweet was that my gift also got an essence of

Undeath and I think that was it cool that’s the first time I’ve ever actually opened one of those presents I think oh Merchant Stone these rare Magic Stones allow to obtain better exchanges with a merchant cool all right well we’ve got one of those as well oh there we go what

A what a wonderful start of the episode okay so let’s um let’s get back to business let’s get enough with the magic Grim Reaper stuff let’s build a let’s build a reactor so um last episode we pretty much did this whole part we did all the um fistle fuel stuff um observe

Fistle fuel in a machine huh weird I guess I need a okay um I haven’t observed any of this stuff because I’ve got an auto extracting oh it’s fine um but we actually have the reactor stuff over here so does it tell us um the maximum size is an 18x 18 by

18 we’re going to start with a 5×5 um are we though um I feel like we’re not going to start with a f i mean no we’re not going to start with 5×5 all right so we need an 18 by 18 by 18 what is it suggesting

That we require for that oh you know what actually I think um I think nowadays you can actually see what you need as in if I click here aha we can go to the maximum size which is 18 by 18 by 18 and it tells us exactly what we need how

Cool is that no longer do we have to guess or do math or any of that ji does it for us that’s awesome it’s it’s this is honestly so good um so this will tell us stuff logic adapters we’re probably going to get I guess just one of these

Guys sure whatever um four ports yeah I yeah I guess um we’ll use glass as well cool so this is what we need I’ll take a picture of this and then and then we’ll uh we’ll add the recipes and get this stuff built all righty so let’s go back to um

Fion over here so we’ve got um fision reactor casing that we’ll need we’ll need the ports logic adapter the fuel assembly next we’ll need control uh rods so that’s this guy here the control rod assembly we’ll need that and we will also need um structural glass I think I

Believe you can use structural glass um there is reactor glass in the game but I’m pretty sure reactor glass is more for um Fusion reactor I believe I’m not I’m not certain on that though so I’ll tell you what we’ll do we’ll just double check that so we’ll jump in here scroll

Down oh it does save reactor glass okay that’s probably a good thing we don’t uh accidentally use structural glass cool so let’s go reactor glass we want the mechanism reactor glass there we go awesome now I from memory this stuff used a lot of Steel now yeah steel casing and then lead

Um we’ll see how this goes I’m not sure if I should have High Hopes or not to be completely Frank with you because yeah I I’m I’m not sure what to expect here uh but we’ll grab each of them we’ve obviously got mechanism automated I don’t know if we actually

Have steel automated but once again we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it so I’ll make all of these recipes and then we will uh start ordering all right so based on what we had before let’s get some stuff so um the first thing we’ll do is We’ll order

The ports and that sort of thing because they use some of the casing so it’s going to mess up our numbers if we order these afterwards cuz obviously they’ll use the the the casings up in their own creation so uh oh oh you space bar I’m

Learning um we can get four ports so we’ll order that cool um we’ll need one logic guy here logic adapter grab one of those cool um the rods which is these the control rod assemblies we need 120 28 which is a lot um and we need more

Lead so we don’t have lead cool first little obstacle let’s go ahead and jump into mechanism big time and we’ll uh I think we’ll have to add this to it how’s our machines our machines are good nice um so H let me just double check there’s

No lead in here right osmium gold blah blah blah cool all right so we just want to Simply turn this into lead see that’s cool I right clicked it and it did oh it’s cuz I took out half a stack okay yeah that makes a lot more sense all right quickly swap these

Up it’s I I when this system works it’s really nice the problem is the second that it stops working it’s such a mess to try to fix um but that should be lead taken care of cool so we’ll go back to those um um fuel I guess we’ll make

These oh these things are a lot more expensive or at least we need a lot more of them we need 1,920 allegedly yeah we don’t yeah we don’t okay yeah all right all hold on we need to add the smelting recipe for that guy I I’ll be honest I don’t know if I

See this going well like going for a Max tier one um we’ll do it though you know we’re we’re already we’re here go big or go home all right so it’s going to attempt to make this it’s going to have to process quite a decent amount of stuff it’s it’s making about

12,000 um lead ingots which is pretty ridiculous so we’ll order that cool it’s already begun it’s getting the steel and osmium cooked up um and you know what it is nice to watch the system that we’ve spent so long building in action um oh I

Will have to add lead onto this so we’ll have to go lead clean and we want to put clean lead slurry into our machines and we should see that evenly distributed it looks like beautiful and yeah oh what you are you hearing that what am I sorry

What what am I hearing I’m hearing the Christmas spirit hold on hold on hold on hold on I need I we need to go up I don’t know if you guys are hearing this I I don’t know if I’ve ever actually played on Christmas Day what was that I didn’t hear it anymore

Wait what is it is it just the chest do the chest have the Christmas spirit or is there something below maybe we’ll find another chest and compare let’s let’s compare Christmas jingles here there’s chest here no it’s it’s over there okay hold on hold on we we are we investigating

The Christmas spirit um there was a dungeon under there or like a big cave I think hold on hold on the whole episode just changed what is this I’m sorry I’m not talking much because I’m trying to trying to like listen for where this is coming

From you know what it might stay in here let’s let’s try to spoil it tile Christmas mechanism what why is it wa what’s it trying to say here is it the machines themselves oh that’s awesome why don’t these machines do it oh that’s fun good on your mechanism

That’s a nice yeah that’s that’s fun might get annoying in like a few more minutes but for now it’s fun oh look at this oh we’ve got a problem they don’t have an even amount in them like like they don’t end in 100 this is going to not end well at

All all right well anyway okay so that’s the lead taken care of cool I guess we can continue on um so the control rods they were next that was going to be 128 of those which we should now be able to order so we’ll do that um um then it is

The reactor glass and then the reactor casing so reactor glass this one again we need 1,531 we are missing enriched iron can’t we make enriched iron isn’t that the whole wasn’t that the whole thing isn’t that what’s going on here I swear like that’s just a thing that we can do oh oh

God oh oh it’s an orchestra I really hope that these aren’t like copyright copyrighted songs but ah honestly one episode It’s a small price to pay we’ll see how this goes oh it’s beautiful oh um okay cool let’s jump jump down here um so what do we have going in here

Yeah we don’t have enriched iron going in was that something that we had before surely I guess we’ll make a new one anyway um enriched iron oh what’s that enrich tin enrich tin who needs enrich tin all right enriched iron We need oh God I don’t know how we did

The recipes what are we doing for the recipes in here um we’re doing about 40 of the stuff so I’ll just figure and everything’s going in here yep the enrichment stuff the actual stuff it’s all going in there cool so we’ll alter this accordingly so the

Enriched iron is going to be 40 so 40 iron in 40 iron out as well as um so it’s 10 a pop Cool to get this there is enriched carbon or we can just put we just we could just put coal in I don’t know if I don’t know how much coal

We have let’s do enriched carbon that’s 80 enriched carbon of course being this um do we have that as a recipe um hold on hold on what’s my en this is my enrichment chamber okay we are we’re already doing that cool so I can just go

Away whatever that’s fine um so that how does this change what we were doing before Oh it broke what we were doing before oh God I’m mess I’m messing up so let’s try this again you’ll be 40 you’ll be 40 and if one of those coals is worth 80 I would

Do 40 divid by 8 that what to do 40 / 8 and that’s five so I would do five enriched coal does that make sense to you guys that should work right oh it’s carbon sorry carbon five is that surely um the only other problem I can

See is that I don’t think we have yeah enrich diamond and then all of this stuff so I would need to edit both of these to have um one of those be enriched carbon and the other one be nothing else what what what what have we done here so Iron’s already going somewhere

And then I just add enriched carbon to this and then we’re good should we just pretend that that’s how this works I think perhaps we should well let’s just see let’s just see enriched iron cool um I’m going to order 10 and it’s going to order 40 sure so that goes

In or at least it makes some then that goes in the orchestra place it’s beautiful everyone’s in awe of the beauty and then we have 440 cool oh that works perfectly all right let’s get back then control rod I don’t think we didn’t order that did we or was it the glass

Rafter yes the glass rafter okay so let’s go back in here let’s search uh oh sorry hold on let me double check yeah so let’s search um reactor glass let me go back to my photos um 1531 it’s an odd number but that’s fine um cool order that that’s on its way

Um and then the reactor casing last but not the jingle so funny to me especially cuz they’re not all playing in sync oh god um sorry I need 200 of this so we’re going to order 197 and that will be our 200 oh it’s going to it’s going to just craft 200

Anyway cool boom there we go I’ve ordered all that we need uh we’re going to be waiting on the ores to process now that that is the one downside one downside that is a downside to a mechanism um setup is that it’s pretty slow because these guys can’t

Really be upgraded into oh they’re also out of power that’s probably a bigger issue oh my why are they out of power why is this happened one other time and I didn’t really grasp the fact that they were out of power so what what are we actually

Doing so this is Network 1 which is fine these guys are also going to network 12 and that’s where the power ratio is in this direction sorry we’re playing catchup again in this direction we set up Soul lava um thermog generators and they are all going into Network 1 let’s

Put them into Network 12 okay so hey that looks good looks like we’re gaining stuff I’ll double check Network one make sure that’s still you know has enough power even without those guys over there so Network one being this guyy yeah he looks good he looks happy and so then

Hold on we’ll go back into mechanism big time and everything should be fine now right everything’s running full force yeah cool awesome uh not awesome I think the buffer that was inside each of those Thermo generators has ran out that is what I think we are witnessing live

Here okay and now they all have a little bit of lead left in them that is disastrous okay so why has that happened that has happened because and I’m I’m looking at the top here um all of these have 130 in them except for this guy but he’s just

Out of power I think if he had power he’d end up at one no he can’t end up at 130 so the rest of them all of these guys their whole day is ruined because that one machine over there has you know you know what H 191 that’s oddd there’s two possibilities here

Right causing this problem now I I’m aware I’m aware that what I should do if I was if I was smart is I would have a row for each type of resource the problem is though that like as you can see here even this

Stuff it took a while like I I get that we’ve got like it’s a parachute as to why it took a while but it still takes a while regardless even if we had P to have this Row for every single type of thing we’ve got like five six

Different rows of this and that that’s all we’re using at the moment we’re probably going to add more ores in the future if we can get this to work perfectly then it’s fine this is the way to do it um but yeah so two two problems I can

See problem number one is that one machine runs out of power before the other one somehow which I don’t even know how that would be possible and then obviously it doesn’t process the other one gets filled up with some then it starts that’s a problem the other problem I think I saw is

That no I still don’t really know what the problem was cuz once it it’s only processing 200 a Time meaning this thing drops by 200 M buckets at a time meaning then more can come in it it does it doesn’t add up it doesn’t make sense in my mind I I can’t

Figure out why that is is it because it’s coming out in an odd amount is that does that make any sense I don’t know if it do maybe we’ll just make another chemical washer just on the off chance that that is what’s Happening Here I

I’ll be honest I don’t think it is Che is it chemical washer we don’t have chemical washers automated wow that’s crazy all right okay yeah so I I don’t know what to do with this one you know what I mean because now I I’ve got to go through

Each of those machines manually I believe and pick up the lead that’s in each of them and like that’s ridiculous no one wants to be doing that at all there’s currently osmium in the pipe and then there’s lead in here so all right I I do have a temporary

Idea I I I don’t necessarily think it will work but it’s an idea if we get a couple more of these tanks so I’ll just order a few hopefully we can even make them I I don’t know if the machines will run cuz I might need to order some

Resources to to make them but maybe we have a chemical tank for each resource and then maybe but then yeah no I don’t know I really don’t know I I I just want to try something out by placing a couple of these on there now

Yeah I I am a little bit concerned that what what just went in here we’ve got clean osmium we’ve got lead slow we’ve got osmium there that’s there this guy isn’t made yet is it even possible to make him no he needs a cool course I guess I’ll start Gage gauge dropping oh

God I mean this is just pathetic how is it possible I I don’t know I’m Lo sorry I’m losing my mind I’m just trying to think here this like I was saying before like it’s great when it works the problem is when it doesn’t instantly doesn’t work man so rough what could

Possibly cuz they were all empty and then stuff came through the only thing I can no but then some of them had a different amount than the other like one had 190 yeah the only thing I can think of at the moment is that is that this guy

Is making them at an odd amount towards the end like there’s not enough stuff for it to be evenly distributed that could make sense I I I was originally planning that we needed a full buffer like this needed to be full all the stuff finished processing before

It goes through here but I don’t really know if that’s possible um you know what it is it is hold on hold on it’s coming to me it’s coming I’m having an epiphany here’s what we do we have um Redstone that only puts from this when

This guy’s done right so when this guy’s done as in yeah any of these when they’re done then he can output he he can let the stuff out right okay yeah then because this guy could fill up again like how we sort of fill up with um osmium right what we

Do bear with me what we do is we have this guy pulse inserts next set and we hook him up to re when something shows up somewhere else or maybe when when this guy’s empty Redstone gets applied to that yeah okay okay okay okay I’ve got it I’ve got it I

Just need to now do that okay so we’re going to get some readers I’m going to get a machine reader potenti can I machine read that possibly I I’ve the machine reader doesn’t always work when it does work it’s it’s probably good is a worker false well that’s that’s great isn’t it

Is a work okay cool so far horrible so far disastrous yes it handles Forge energy it can extract Forge energy no no that’s not what we need I reckon what we need instead is just a uh fluid reader potentially worst case I’ll just trck the comparator on it I’m

Sure the comparator can read that stuff right fluid reader um fluid capacity it says zero so I don’t I don’t think it can read the stuff is tank it says it’s a tank oh but there’s water in there okay hold on hold on hold on hold

On hold the phone hold the phone let’s grab a comparator you know what what this guy has some cool side configs are any of these output Redstone when running that’d be a great one wouldn’t it Side configs Auto eject what do we have Redstone control redstone protection

Trans I don’t know how that works but that could do something um let’s check the comparator down if I can oh if I can figure out how to get there okay comparator is undable wonderful that marvelous truly one of the things ever um okay that’s it’s fine it’s fine let’s go tiny let’s

Do at tiny let’s grab I don’t know which one it is but one of these possibly this one yes this one one okay so this one we then grab the wrench we spin this guy around comparator H is that a comparator why does it not look like a comparator

What’s happening what did that drop tiny comparator all right cool everything’s fine hold on hold on hold hold on hold on Boom tiny comparator okay cool what can it do okay it’s just it’s comparator comparators wonderful we grab tiny Redstone right we send the tiny Redstone all the way

Over here and we get a lamp right just to test to see if this thing comparatives that goes there let’s grab a repeater um a tiny repeater um and place that there okay all right you ready okay so let’s now go osmium again um and attempt hold

On hold on Boom attempt to order another bit [Laughter] ah oh look at this look at this look at this look at this you ready ready you ready and okay so here we go here we here we everything’s fine everything’s fine monar after on Christmas it’s inevitable okay so this

Guy what am I doing when this guy is yeah hold on what do I need I need pulse sends out stuff is that a is that a possibility can I do that can I set this guy so there’s normal there’s inverted there’s ignored we want pul now it’s

Possible I could CH a redstone card no there is a redstone card activate ones per pulse I don’t really know what that means we’re just going to do always active here’s what I’m thinking right this guy can be Redstone controlled I’m going to leave it as normal right it’s a normal Redstone

Control um I think you can also apply it to pipes like pipes will disconnect and reconnect based on Redstone so that’s arguably a good idea as well right but okay um Let me let me let me just catch up mentally here what we will do is we will get a

Piece of redone from create that is I don’t know if it’s a pulse repeater or if it’s a pulse extender that we want or a powered toggle latch now the toggle latch the way this will work is that when redstone’s applied it switches and then when the redstone’s not applied it remains

On which is not what we want okay so now we’ll search pulse the pulse repeater the way this guy works um we’ll set him to do I don’t know 4 seconds the pulse repeater redstone’s applied then he waits and then he app and on then he

Just does it instantly so I don’t think we want that either the pulse extend pulse gate is that the toggle lch h what do I actually what am I trying to do here um CU we when Redstone is applied you’re allowed to Output or you’re not allowed to Output

Not allowed to Output makes more sense right if he’s not doing anything don’t output yeah surely all right we’ll set it to inverted cool um do you think I I always forget if you can entangle Redstone to the thing I don’t think you can I think you can pull

From so hold on let me grab entangled block entangled binder give me a second here pick this guy up cool we’re going to entangle this I’m going to place it here sure we’re going to place that there wonderful looks brilliant um we’re going to place this

One hold on we’re going to place this one here I’m going to spin it like that excellent we’re going to pick up all these and just move them all the way to the other side so we’ll go here what do I need tiny comparator tiny repeater wonderful so we’re going to go here

Boom um boom uh you know what I think I think you can get away with this I I’ll give it a shot and obviously we’ll test it but this accompany with a tiny Redstone right going into there I think that should work so the second there’s items in there this guy’s put on

A lock he’s told no you you can’t extract anything and then the second is empty meaning he’s done doing his job this guy’s like hey yeah let it out do it go for it I think that solves your problem because that should mean that we get the full processed stuff like for

Example 768 th000 in here waiting and then that should be split evenly we we’ll try that at least we we’ll give that a shot so um all right I’ll oh God I’ll have some fun with this all right um so let’s go on into this system now

Uh I don’t know we’ll just hope that magically that resets the whole system now with with at least with this new system that we’ve got I don’t know if it will um yeah cuz I mean look at look at the pipe already how is it physically

Possible that we have 311 oh is it because I’ve got stuff still in the pipe okay hold on it might it might be savable it might hold on hold on hold on wait there’s osm in why is there OS in there can I put this back in

There I need I need to get this stuff out of my inventory I need it out I need it gone I need this stuff gone I’m spamming right click I’m spamming right click I I need this stuff out did we get it no we didn’t get it oh

Man oh there there we go okay beautiful perfect we need this thing to empty before the pipe empties oh the pipe’s empty okay okay well look I’ve got some bad news I think one of these machines is broken oh here we go all right we’ve

Done it I believe we’ have done it um the osum is now processing and all of these should have an even amount in them I have an even amount in this uh this little dropper so we’ll empty that later I think it’s good though I I do

Want to do a test run to see if the entire amount stays in here or if a little bit sneaks through um I don’t really know how we fix that if that is the case would I guess we’ have to um put a gate in or something that that might do the trick

But okay so the osum slurry is now done meaning these guys will start emptying I can get rid of this last bit and then we can test the rest of them man this was meant to be a simple episode I I’ve just got Christmas jingles absolutely making me go insane

Um you guys as well probably I don’t know how loud it will be for you guys but I mean it’s happening I’ll tell you that much what were we even doing does anyone actually remember I was meant to make a reactor how’s oh that’s what this all is yeah

Cool oh wait yeah it’s we’s getting there I think steel case ing Steel Ingot stored oh it just needs lead for the steel is that how that works oh yeah the rest of these machines are probably like packed as well that they’re usually they’re not actually that good yeah like they’re still just

Le in this guy uh the rest of them I think are pretty good like yeah like that’s sort of keeping up that’s keeping up that’s keeping up um yeah we we’re probably going to need more of those but okay cool let’s uh empty this guy wonderful you’ll love to see it um

Shelby all right let’s go osmium let’s attempt to order an osmium so I’m going to order one and so that’s processing the slur is filling up the clean slurry these guys already have some stuff in them this is disastrous and my it could be fine though nothing else should be going

Through though right cuz this guy should be not on right I don’t think that worked what’s happened here that was just horrible that was disastrous why’ that go so horribly wrong um inverted so it should work when it has Redstone my guess is that that just didn’t work maybe perhaps let’s um let’s

Try that again uh with like the repeater and stuff let’s go tiny repeat wait I think I think that can stay hold on I think that can stay then the repeater and then the Redstone and the Redstone just goes like that that should work right let’s order some more osmium

Cuz that should hopefully I don’t know reset the system maybe I might have to order a l lot of oan but none of these should turn on and yet they just are they’re just like they’re gaining stuff as well so I mean this the redstone’s applied

Though does the Redstone not do what I think it does like does that just not do anything that that’s that’s all I’m gathering from this is that the Redstone applied to this just does nothing um let’s try that instead then to the pipe shall we what do we

Think I reckon I reckon it’s worth a shot so I’m going to place the block here I’m going to place the tiny Redstone here which one do you think it is I it might be this one cool we’re going to rotate it um so this should disconnect the pipe

That’s how that Redstone should do its thing um I will try it without the repeater cuz obviously L the benefit of that is there’s no delay right so there is a benefit to doing that so we we’ll give it a try first let’s go in here again osmium attempt it osi’s in

Redstone’s done absolutely nothing it’s done less than nothing it’s done a pathetic amount okay all right okay so what that makes me think is that this could work I just need to have it do something a little bit differently so bear with me tangle block here um panel

Here that’s no not this panel why do I have two panels on me one of which is one that we don’t need what’s going on let’s have this here okay so that will go there and then can I just do redstone can I do a redstone onto this no okay

Well I’m going to lose my mind I’m just going to lose it I’m just going to freak out I’m just going to have an actual like meltdown um what do I do here what’s the solution how do I get redstone to point that way I have

To let’s just I didn’t want to do this I just didn’t want to um let’s grab a new comparator in fact hold on this here no hold on hold on hold hold on this here comparator here okay osmium we order it boom none of these turn on

No I don’t I don’t know what to make of this Redstone detection inverted ignored normal inverted normal means that Redstone turns it on inverted means that what all right okay hold on I order this this is at 112 the redstone’s applied in the bottom left you see that it’s still

Applied and osmium is showing up then in the bottom left the Redstone disappears and I mean it was still just processing okay let’s switch this to normal see if that does something all right let’s go osmium all right we’re watching Redstone applied osmium showing up okay uh-huh and then Redstone still applied

Redstone’s no longer applied and this I mean that Go’s empty yeah okay well cool what okay am I am I crazy I it could just be that I’m missing something so obvious in regards to this but I feel like I’m not and and that’s that’s the struggle here okay can

I place a comparator on top of you no cool okay um well that I mean that’s just that’s annoying because I want to disconnect your pipe I don’t want you to function um all right okay um like what what what what like gen what what am I meant to do here how

Am I how do I solve this I need it to be here but then it’s going to connect to that is that a problem I guess I can just disconnect it I’m going to place this here okay nothing’s connected to it anyway wonderful and then we’re going to place the comparative there

I that doesn’t even do anything that’s meant to disconnect it do I need to do that that does nothing either you’re you’re useless you do nothing um okay hold on hold the phone we are going to no it doesn’t work does it okay hold on hold on hold hold

Oh what we’re going to do you’re going to love this just wait for me to get a set up and then it’s going to be awesome you just get wait for that just I just got to set it up um that goes there um okay I’ve almost done

It one second guys just I’ve almost it’s almost here what what if I do a block and we do that oh we do that what do you reckon does the Redstone go through the block and Trigger that guy maybe maybe let’s try boom okay so it doesn’t am I am I crazy

In what I’m trying to do here is that like not even a thing like if I have this here did I get rid of the button I got rid of the button if I I mean like how do we not have levers what what world do we living

In um if I apply this oh it does nothing huh I swear I mean that doesn’t work cuz it’s not facing I swear that disconnected it huh what I I I guess I’m just crazy huh well I I I feel like I’ve lost my mind the fact that that didn’t work okay

I mean that I guess that’s okay so then why don’t you just work come on man inverted redstone comparator block uh-huh let’s give this another try before I lose my mind okay so I mean this thing should just fill up the redstone’s there but it’s he’s instantly

Extracted what’s the problem there is it cuz it’s on auto eject is that the problem surely that surely that’s not the problem that seems like a weird problem okay okay so they’re done let’s try this again Auto obor has been turned off the gases it does not matter it just is it

Or is it because this is extracting maybe that’s the problem maybe I do do want Auto eject and I just don’t want this yeah hold on hold on guys I got it let’s uh let’s set this to configure and then we’ll just set it as a normal pipe

Ah I’ve done i’ I’ve gone and done it it’s amazing I order this you ready check this out look at that it simply stores it until it’s done wait for it and then when it’s done check this out it all just goes out at once now a little bit was there so we

Could probably do with a repeater now that I’ve seen it in action but okay I I think I’ve actually done it this time I think a lot of what we had before would have worked the problem was just obviously the um actually no I don’t want a repeater I

Want oh yeah this is a problem cuz I don’t want a repeater I want I want it to be instant but then I want a little bit at the end it’s not possible I’m sorry guys it cannot be done okay how can it be done if it were to be done oh my

God what what am I trying to do what what are we doing okay um what do these guys have they have speed upgrades cool four acceleration cards that’s great that’s wonderful um this guy as well yeah he’s got he’s got he’s got four acceleration cards he’s got no he’s only got three acceleration

Cards that’s the problem he just needs another acceleration card there we go um but on a serious note I don’t actually know if this will work what we’re going to do is we’re going to order a bunch of osmium I think like I might go for

10,000 we can’t afford that I’ll add the recipe to make osmium things is that we just doing that anywhere no how are we not man there’s some small things like this where I’m like what are you what are you guys doing let’s grab this you guys being me by the way this

Episode we we have not done at all what we plann to do this episode and we’re already pretty much an hour in all right you’re going to go there you’re going to have that much be cool I’m going to go back to osmium we’re

Going to try to see if we can just do a reset on this so I’m going to order 10,000 how much is that that might be enough we’re going to order 10,000 so that puts a halt on the system while that’s processing as you can see wonderful that means we’ve got a lot

That’s going to fill up in here this is this is wonderful and then it should overload the system these guys can store I think 10,000 in each that sounds right um and so what that means is if I have 64 then I need 64 * 10 right which is 64 I mean we

Should have that right like we should have had that with the previous ones we did unless I’m crazy why no I might be crazy hold on let’s try why do I have to multiply this what’s that number okay yeah I was wrong it’s an extra zero so now we’re good

Right now if this goes in the system every single one fills up to the brim and that should do a full reset on the processing and then we’ll just see how that goes I guess how much what have I actually done here is this doable I

Think this is doable I wasn’t sure if I woulded to oh my God okay on the other hand the react reor stuff’s done we can do the reactor this this whole episode we’ve been doing the reactor and you didn’t even know okay so check this out

I I am actually pretty excited oh this Go’s full you know what we’ll check back on it right is that a good idea or is that a horrible idea for the flow of this episode we’ll come back to it in the meantime I’m going to go build a

Reactor over here cuz that’s cuz that’s a wonderful idea um so let me just clear my inventory this all this just is disastrous all right reactor boom boom boom boom um all we don’t need is what don’t we need sorry how much do we have

200 yeah we don’t need three so three of those can go back in the system cuz I don’t want them and then we’re going to need the reactor glass um we’ll leave the reactor glass till the end because we’re going to have to do um all the insights and whatnot now this structure

Is big as as you probably can gather um it can make a big mess I’m going to go ahead and claim like all of this um there’s going to be a lot of Hope involved in this which is the one thing you want to hear when someone’s uh

Starting their construction of a reactor is that there’s hope involved um but there is so we’re going to be using the building Gadget most likely for a lot of this we are going to need to clear a lot of I mean just an 18 by 18 I guess so

Not a lot but you yeah what I mean uh let’s do a large tunnel so yeah I mean I’ll clear out some land and we’ll uh I don’t know we’ll go from there I guess all right I believe this here is an 18 by8 um based off of my numbers my

Numbers are wonderful um and so I I’ll be honest I’m tempted this time to do it underground now that that adds quite a bit of mining to my little uh goal here but I don’t know if that would look better or worse if we just just had the top of it

Visible cuz alternatively if we have the whole thing up I I guess it gives us something to do in terms of like design and stuff but ah we’ll just we’ll do this part up there there’ll be other things I guess all right so I want to bind bind failed invalid

Block you really going to do this to me this is is bind failed invelop oh no sorry yeah take it off bind mode and there we go I thought it wasn’t going to let me build it for a second all right cool so um we can do this and that will be the

Structure the frame of it or I guess the bottom frame then we’ll need to go up obviously so 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 is this correct this is massive um boom boom and I guess we’ll see what frames

Will do and whatnot so there with that with this and then with this okay so as you can see uh one two three we four short H impossible um it is a bit odd because um I’m pretty sure all the ports and stuff that you place none of them go

On the frame so the frame should be complete that is a bit weird I’ll order some more I guess we’ll finish this one there we go I don’t know I I’m just going to continue as is um now with the glass we we can do parts of it we just

Need to make sure that we keep I guess the top empty which I guess is pretty obvious so boom we’re going to select this um and then we can fill this one out so we’re just going to go and right click every single block there try not

To misclick or you’ll have a bad time boom so they’re all hooked up um I thought they were connected interesting um but yeah so that should be fine we can jump up here um and we can just do the walls real quick now there will be ports that go in

The walls or the roof or the floor um and it’s purely preference as to where you want to actually go ahead and place them so we’ll just continue as is and we’ll decide all that at a later date um now you do want to make sure

That you have all your ports decided on before you start this thing up like at all because once there’s R uh radioactive waste in this guy or even all your fistle fuel you can’t really take it out so you sort of have to I guess be prepared for what have I done

Hold on hold on that’s a that’s a problem um y I mean it’s not the end of the world but grab all that um grab the rest of the reactor glass beautiful I guess the better approach is probably just right clicking the walls that’ll probably stop the little extra

Bit at the top boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and we’ll do this wall uh we’ll do that wall but properly I guess all right cool um so we’ve obviously got glass left that’s a lot of it’s probably going to go at the top if

Not all of it uh but we do need to place other stuff first so um for example the fuel assemblies these guys here now I believe you just do a checkerboard pad um meaning we place these here and then we like you know just do a checker board

Across the entire thing and the middle of these I don’t even I don’t think you fill it with water physically I think you just pump water into the system that’s my understanding now if if we do have to rebuild this thing I apologize there is a high chance that I’ll

Misplace something but um we’ll try as is so I’m going to go there and there and then I’ll try to do this all from a distance and we’ll see how well or how not well this goes now for these ones I should say um fly down a little bit CU I’m going to

Have to chop off three layers on each of those um which isn’t the end of the world but is obviously a lot more annoying than simply not having to do that um so what it’s going to be is these will be up to here there’ll be the

Um control rods above and then it’ll be glass at the top so that’s sort of how this layout Works um it look I think that’s a fern down here um that’s a concern that’s a concern Fern that we’ve got there cuz I don’t Really trust that we have a full floor now which could be a problem let’s just hope it’s not let’s fingers crossed hope that it’s not um let’s get back down here what height this height cool um so that’s done I think and then I think we’ve only just

Reached the center is that what I’m gathering by this that is rough all right um oh I I mean I guess there’s a few over here but there’s not enough over here to Warrant how many I’m missing which is a little bit concerning I don’t know yeah I’m missing how many

Pillars essentially I’m missing I reckon this one probably could uh finish if we had all the stuff down there right yeah that would be done so but then we’re missing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight pillars if I’m to read this correctly now where

Could we take eight pillars from to make this be in even shape I don’t know if we can yeah I don’t know if we can um what this is scaring me about is let me grab a tape measure and just double check that I’ve got the dims right here so one

All the way over here is I guess we can just do this right let’s right click this so that is 18 you can see it there and over here that’s 18 as well it should be an 18 by8 maybe we just need more fuel rods I I don’t know why but I

Don’t know water some more see how long that takes ah okay not long at all beautiful I’ll take it yep thank you pleasure doing business all right cool so then that and that this that oh we actually need a decent amount cool I should probably actually grab the stuff um now

Yeah these reactors because they blow up you do need to be very careful before you start them you need to make sure that everything’s perfect you need to monitor them for a bit before you actually get them going because it is very very dangerous um so I’m going to

Place the ports in let’s go Port um four ports we’re going to grab the logic guy as well this guy is going to allow us to stop it if we need to essentially so I’m going to open this guy that will be a port I’m going to open I’m going to

Space them out a decent amount just so that if we need to run cables close it’s not a problem um and then I’ll Place one over here as well cool um as for the logic adapter we’ll just slap this guy I don’t know over on this part seems nice logic adapter cool

So so they’re all set up that’s good um next up I guess we’ll just finish off the actual structure so that’s going to be the control rod assemblies I guess this will give away if we’re missing anything so these go on all of these um now this is one of those things where

You could probably set it to grid mode lower the range and and be able to do this quite nicely you know what I mean like like that places one on every single one so that I mean that does it works it’s just oh God it’s a little bit of a

Brain mess a brain mess he says a brain mess oh you know what we actually missed some uh reactor glass stuff on the walls that would have been quite disastrous change this to build to me cool so one there and then all those all right there there might be a

Bit of that I I have a feeling um we’ll still got control rods placed there and then we’ll place the the final roof on and then yeah there’ll be some finger Crossing hoping that everything works um let’s have a look did we get the right amount yeah looks like we got

The right amount of rods uh or the control rods at least that’s good as for the walls they look complete from this angle I think they’re complete um so all that’s left is the um the roof we’ll see if we have enough of these for it but let’s give it a

Shot all right so when it’s done you can tell because there’ll be a fun little effect that happens no it looks like we are a bit short um there’ll be an effect that happens using like red particles and obviously oh not that sorry bo bo boom

Um so yeah so boom once we place these there’s a chance oh I was going to say there’s a chance that it all comes together it is not um which is concerning that means we’ve missed something and if I can’t see it from here it means that it’s likely

Underneath where I’ve missed some oh wait no I see I swear I saw didn’t it look like it through the wall is that just the I think that’s just a visual bug where it looks like oh um yeah so I mean this is a problem this is hold on

Is there a Fus a fion like is there a reactor controller controller um at Mech Fusion reactor controller thermal evaporation controller at Mech fion Road Assembly adapter Port casings how weird what does this show here glass a control rod the fuel assembly the things

It says it can be an 18 by 18 by 18 so that’s what we’ve done um we do have no I had to make more anyway yeah I had to make more anyway so I hold on the only part that might be wrong is the height then I suppose

That’s possible what he’s that please be oh my it’s wrong I’ve got to chop this entire thing down one or up one uh down one man I I should have known oh how embarrassing okay well not the end of the world as you can see it’s quite straightforward to uh

Do I I’ll be back I’ll be back with a down one well that was easy um I just exchanged and gadged all that stuff which yeah was actually phenomenally easier than uh breaking all of the layers I should have just done that um to do that you need to make sure that

You enable um effect block entities cuz these uh are tile entities um every single block in this multi block is a tile entity um I believe could be wrong but pretty sure they are um I’m almost done the roof won’t take too long as well all right let’s see if the red

Happens there we go cool so you saw the red little particle effect and now if we right click on this at any point we can see the entire inventory um and all the you know stats for it so we have a heat graph we also have a temperature bar

This will get higher you don’t want it to really get to the end and start exploding on top of that there’s a damage percentage if this is anything but zero click scram turn the thing off hide and then cross your fingers don’t break any blocks just you know cross

Your fingers um the status is um disabled so it’s not on at the moment the burn rate is how quick it’s burning fuel the heating rate is I guess how much uh steam you’re making or whatever your coolant happens to be because it’s not just water that you can use

Obviously there’s the temperature as well now coolant tank we’re going to fill that thing with water so to do that what we’re going to do is we want to have um we want to have so much water that it doesn’t know what to do with it

That means I’m going to grab a sink and I believe we’re going to be using integrated Dynamics I think that’s the play um so this thing is going to have um fluid stuff so I’m going to need a fluid interface and I’m going to need a fluid

Uh exporter I think I want to make exporter what does this do exports from the network perfect so what we’ll do is we’ll grab all of these things that I’m taking out of my Hopper um we’ll place the syn down this guy will have a logic cable it will have an

Interface attached to it so this should give it access to all the fluids um cool then we’re going to have a fluid exporter here this thing should export the fluids in here but it needs to be told what to do um so I think I want to

Just set this guy to be it the fluid transfer rate I’m going to make this as much as we can which is apparently this and in fact what I might do is I’ll do nines just so it’s even higher I guess so there we go that should be good um

Assuming that worked yep that stayed cool awesome uh so all we need to do is grab a variable card Chuck that in this guy to export all fluids and as you can see it’s filled up with water now this thing will never run out of water if as

Long as that’s fair next up the heated coolant we need to remove that Pronto what I’m going to do for that though is I think I’m going to do it on this side just cuz it’s just we just want to get rid of it it should be nice

And simple so what I’m going to do for that is I’m going to grab one of those chemical tanks we made I’m going to place it here uh we will have to change the port to actually be a output so to do that we’re going to do output coolant

So there we go it’s going to Output the heated coolant um I want to have this guy insert from every single side um specifically for huh yeah yeah because it is steam so it will be a gas that it’s getting so it’s inputting on every single side and

We’re going to do dump excess that should mean that it is automatically connected to this guy um meaning that we won’t have problems with a with a pipe disconnecting we won’t have any of those issues um and it should be able to take the capacity of

All of the coolant coming out at once and it will just dump all the excess automatically or if you want automatically um fingers crossed that should work that should work so we’ll leave that go there then all we have is the input for the fuel and the output for the waste

Now you know what I think we actually need another Port right cuz how do I get power out did I think about that I didn’t really what are our options output waste output coolant input output waste huh yeah so we’ll have the output waste there um I don’t know then does this do

This guy make Power yeah uh yeah I think he does right so how do I how do I grab that power oh it’s also you can set the burn rate in here um and that Det determin the Heat and what not you need to be a bit careful with that um I don’t

Actually know I don’t remember is there a power tap they’ve called it before that’s for um extreme reactors I guess um at Mech power at Mech uh you know it would say it in the quest book if it existed a circuit breaker oh cool so

That’s um if you want the thing to turn off we’ll check that out soon what um what does that need actually does that need two logic yeah we might we might just do that CU that that seems pretty cool um fil fuel production blah blah blah blah blah

Um you know what I I don’t know I I I don’t know I don’t know about the power I think maybe the turbine would give you power so I think we’re just after the waste at the moment um all right so hold on let’s go sorry let’s go logic we’ll just set the

Reactor up to work and we’ll deal with the um the off the offshoots and stuff next episode um so yeah let’s follow the quest book for this cuzz pretty cool little guide It’s got here for um setting this up so two of these guys one block above the other so we’ll just copy

It like this how about we build it and then we and then we read what it actually wants us to do um so what else did this say Observer piston Redstone and then something so Observer a piston very weird and then it looked like it was saying sand or gravel

Which is sounds a lot more complicated than anything I would build although looks a lot more compact than anything I would build so what’s it saying using some vanilla mechanics and two fision reactor logic adapters we can create a simple circuit breaker to trip and turn

Off the reactor in case things get a little crazy to do this we’ll need a single piece of redstone a piss I think I forgot the Redstone a piston a block of either sand or gravel and an observer on one of the faces we want to put a

Logic adapter down then skip a block above it and then Place Another adapter yep cool set the top adapter to activation and the bottom adapter to damage critical so top adapter to activation bottom one to damage critical cool what do the one next um next in front and underneath the bottom adapter

Place any building block and stick a piece of redstone on it leading from the adapter so we can see there uh place a piston with sand and gravel okay for the final part of our breaker Place The Observer facing towards where the Sam will go cool whenever the has critical

Damage it will activate the the bottom activator the Piston will push the Redstone up that will then turn off the reactor and then I guess it’ll fall down again or something I don’t know cool uh yeah I like that so for example I guess um let’s grab the Redstone watch

Me fail building this from memory so that will go there that will go there The Observer needs to go well how do I do this The Observer needs to go here no hold on which way does the The Observer needs to go the opposite way to that how how do I do

That how do it’s just not possible oh there we go it’s possible all right cool so that can go there awesome that can be removed and this can be sand so that’s it we’ve done it I think so cool now look I’m not planning to

Blow this thing up so it shouldn’t be a problem regardless but there we have it wonderful um so yeah everything’s still on this guy is still attached there nice let’s go ahead and hook this guy up so let’s go um I I guess we’ve got cables

Here how many more dense cables do we have we’ve got eight or six sorry so we’ll bring this along as far as we can to there that seems nice then we’ll Branch this off so this is obviously going to contain our inputs and it may also

Contain our output so I’m not certain on whether we want to manage it like that part of me wants to just not risk anything and I don’t know if that’s by using applied Logistics or by not but what we can do here is I’m I’m debating whether we have this as a crafting

Recipe for making the actual um nuclear waste or whether we just Auto output the stuff I think we’re going to do you know what I’m going to do I listen there’s a chance we Chang in the future but that’s okay I’m going to set this guy up as a

Pattern provider so the pattern provider is going to go into this guy and we’re going to have a recipe for the um for the stuff oh that’s not what I wanted to do that’s okay um yeah so so we’ll give that a shot so um I want to

Say hey fle fuel turns into nuclear waste I me that seems pretty simple so I’ll Chuck this here um the water we don’t need to go in there the steam we don’t need to worry about so we just need the nuclear waste oh sorry

A waste um and was it a one to one I didn’t quite catch that in the recipe let’s have a look oh there’s also there’s also the bees yes I forgot about the bees the bees are pretty good get the stuff um man maybe we should have just done bees

I wish I looked at this that would have been arguably better um one to one cool so that means that we can set oh of course I get rid of it um we can set the fistle fuel at one bucket to one bucket sure why not so we’ll take this over

Here and we’ll Chuck it here what I’ve just now realized is because it’s a recipe that means we will need the nuclear waste accessible in the system so how do we want to do that there are a few ways one way is if I search radioactive there is a

Radioactive cell that we can make this guy here Mega radioactive chemical storage cell and that will store radioactive waste within the system pretty cool um yeah or no you know what that’s probably just uh Wei ponum and stuff um but this probably is the way to

Go I’m just sort of looking at this like is this all doable it’s most mostly durable I don’t really know if any of these are D yeah it’s doable we definitely could do it um in the meantime what do we actually want to do we we get

Waste I’ll tell you what just burn some just to sort of see how it goes um and Just sh it off I guess so we’ll make a waste Barrel um we might need more of these in the future we likely will um we do not want to break this Barrel at all

So wherever it goes it will go essentially at least until it’s empty um I think you can still use pipes for this stuff I think I’m pretty sure um I know we’ve got quite a bit in here if I’m wrong about this it’s fine it just means that we’ve um got a

Radiation leak but I I think it’s fine I think I think it’s okay so um yeah this looks goofy but it should work let’s let’s give it a shot let’s hope that we don’t radio uh you know radioactive our entire base so let’s go in here let’s search no sorry let’s go here

Um and let’s order some nuclear waste boom so what this should have done is placed one bucket of fistle fuel in here which it has we can go ahead and activate and there we go it’s burning um it’s burning up the fuel quite slowly at

A 0.1 m per tick rate which is pretty cool um the waste is currently going in here where it will be dissipated into the world cool for example if I go ahead and scram this turn it off um we can see the waste here slowly drain so that that

Small amount of waste we can manage the problem is that is a very small amount of waste we likely be burning more um to see what we can handle we can go into stats and we can up this to one M ver now this is a big jump usually you

Wouldn’t do that uh but we can now as you can see these have radioactive waste in them if I broke this pipe it would leak and be all around us and be very very annoying um the temperature is stabilized and as you can see we can handle it um what you

Should do is go up by a very small amount at a time I’m just going to like double it and stuff I know I know that we can go pretty high with this or at least I think we can so yeah 10 m buckets per TI that

Worked pretty well let’s go ahead and order a few buckets I guess let’s order 10 buckets uh uh oh yeah it’s not yeah hold on I’m going to have to oh god I’ve got to cancel this yeah there we go cuz we’re not we’re not getting the waste back yet

With how I’ve got it set up um which means the computer just stays full um so this guy’s got the stuff let’s heat it up um let’s do 20 mil buckets per tick um temperature I guess has gone up a bit maybe as you can see the water’s

Uh keeping up the Cool’s just gone we can watch the coolant over here and as you can see it’s full but it’s dumping um all the excess this guy does have a bar he does have a max amount currently it’s fine we don’t really have to worry about that

But obviously at higher amounts you will um but yeah there you go there’s a reactor we’ve built it we’ve got some nuclear waste maybe I should set up at least something to make use of the nuclear waste for example um what plutonium or polonium let’s get this

Guy uh oh you know what I don’t think we have all the stuff for that guy I don’t think we have um let me bookmark both I don’t think we have yeah we don’t have this do we that’s so annoying that that’s such an annoying thing to do um

We can make one of these guys another isotropic centrifuge thing what does that get us that gets us plutonium which is radioactive and that can be turned into plutonium pallets which can be used to make an SPS or it can be used in the star Forge to make a creative chemical

Tank for plutonium with The gregar Shard wow or reprocessed fle fragment that can be turned into fuel ah there’s that that’s fun um all right Next Episode we will likely most likely uh get the solar Neutron activator start making um some polonium and do all that sort of stuff we’ll increase this burn

Rate as we need to um but the important thing to note is is that with this setup using the gas uh the chemical tank there dumping excess and using the sink here with integrated Dynamics this should be pretty much the best it gets in terms of providing water coolant as you may have

Seen in here there is the option of putting sodium in and getting superheated sodium out the difference I don’t know what’s the difference um colon efficiency 100% thermal enthalpy to Forge energy per Mill bucket so I guess you might be able to get more power out of this maybe it

Holds the heat longer or something but um yeah cool I don’t know might do something I know what that means um but yeah reactor we’ve done it this guy showed up in celebration cool all right well yeah thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed hopefully you’re enjoying

The series as per usual I know we say it often but um I mean hopefully you are um as for the thumbnail of this one it’s a big structure I don’t really know how that’s going to work but eh it’s there um thank you to our tier three channel

Members thank you to our channel members in general thank you to our donators um our tier three channel members mizzy Andre not Andre was Andre for a while thank you Andre mizzy f f 13 uh Mr Brendan and Julia thank you guys um for supporting the channel financially um

Thank you for watching the video thank you for watching the ads if you did um and thank you for liking if you happen to if not I don’t blame you it’s I I I treat my like so like I’ll be like you know what this is’s a video that

Deserves a like you know what I mean whereas I think YouTube just thinks like eh people like videos I I don’t know I feel like I almost prefer it to order like every video you know what I mean like I like most videos I watch I don’t

Click like but I like most videos I watch I I’d rather go out of my way to take away the like or take away the or or add a dislike or something if I actually didn’t like something but eh I don’t know um yeah hopefully I’ll see you guys in the next one


This video, titled ‘Ep95 Mekanism Christmas – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-12-25 19:00:15. It has garnered 1988 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:28 or 4708 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – Client Side Mods – (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – Playlist –

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

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    Luck Check: Minecraft Minefield In the world of Minecraft, where luck is key, You control the fate, just wait and see. With every twist and turn, a new surprise, In this game of chance, where the winner flies. Join me on this journey, filled with fun, As we explore together, under the sun. Minecraft BUT You Check My Luck 🍀, A game of skill, where we test our pluck. So hit that subscribe, and join the crew, For more adventures, just for you. Let’s dive into the world of blocks and mobs, And see who comes out on top, with all the odds. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and More!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and More! Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial! While watching this video on how to build a simple tree in Minecraft, you may have noticed the creativity and fun that comes with building in this virtual world. If you’re looking for a server to showcase your building skills and connect with other players who share your passion for Minecraft, look no further than Minewind. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a dedicated community of players and a variety of game modes to choose from, there’s never a dull moment on… Read More

  • Roasting Homes on Quest SMP!

    Roasting Homes on Quest SMP! Judging Peoples Homes on Quest SMP! Introduction On Quest SMP, the Minecraft server where creativity knows no bounds, members are tasked with building their homes at spawn. However, not all creations are created equal. In a recent video, one member took it upon themselves to rate and even give a makeover to some of the homes on the server. Let’s dive into the world of Quest SMP and see what happens when you build a dirt house! Rating Homes Some members of Quest SMP decided to test their architectural skills by constructing unique homes at spawn. From towering castles… Read More

  • TNT Test Fest: More TNT Add-On Blast!

    TNT Test Fest: More TNT Add-On Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a new add-on that’s quite the dream. More TNT to craft, more explosions to see, But be careful, my friends, don’t blow up your spree. From the classic TNT to the mighty Nuke, Each explosive has its own unique puke. Some will blast high, others will spread wide, But all will leave a mark, a fiery tide. So join me in this journey, this explosive delight, As we test out each TNT, shining bright. Craft them, ignite them, watch them go boom, In the world of Minecraft, where explosions… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Egg-citing Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Egg-citing Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Beating Minecraft using ONLY chickens while speed painting Pomni from TADC as a Vtuber – Ep 13.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to experience unique and exciting gameplay like never before? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities, encountering challenges, and meeting new friends along the way. Minewind offers… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about a topic that every Minecraft player can relate to – improving FPS in the game. If you’ve ever struggled with lag or low frame rates while playing Minecraft, then this blog post is for you. In a recent YouTube video titled “MINECRAFT’DAKİ EN İYİ FPS ARTTIRMA MODLARI,” the creator showcased several mods that can help boost FPS in Minecraft. From Optifine to Sodium and Lithium, these mods are designed to optimize your gaming experience and make your… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Adventures and New Friends!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Adventures and New Friends! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and funny moments? If so, you’ll love the latest video titled “Minecraft (day 3) Losing a friend – Minecraft 100 days funny animation.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities and adventures that can be had in the world of Minecraft. Imagine stumbling into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen. That’s the kind of experience you can have on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay, and endless opportunities for exploration, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Rosie Gemini’s Minecraft River Shenanigans

    Rosie Gemini's Minecraft River Shenanigans Making Rivers in Minecraft with Rosie Gemini on Helios Rosie Gemini takes on the challenge of building a tent over a river in Minecraft on the Helios server. The project involves shaping and beautifying the river to create a stunning visual experience for players. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting Minecraft adventure! Building the Tent Layout Rosie starts by laying out the tent, which is a departure from her usual round shapes, opting for a square design divided into six quadrants. The tent is positioned over a river, adding a unique element to the build. Rosie hints… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Fair PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Server for Fair PvP Battles! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft PvP Life Hacks #1 – How to beat cheaters in ranked nodebuff !!!” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if there was a place where players could enjoy a fair and competitive gaming experience without the worry of cheaters ruining the fun? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a dedicated community of players who value sportsmanship and integrity, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Mom’s Minecraft Chat: Cube Xuan’s Smiles Galore!

    Mom's Minecraft Chat: Cube Xuan's Smiles Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With memes and animations, all child-friendly and bright, He crafts content that sparkles, like stars in the night. From burgers to pizzas, the debate is on fire, With mom and son banter, a humorous choir. The essence of gaming, in every rhyme, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gem in its prime. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with all of your might. Spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE TIPS: DOMINATE AppleMC for RICHES!🍎Video Information is how to get stacked on the biggest earth server Apple MC first join and get as far away from Spawn as possible next Farm sugarcane or Cactus you can sell it in the shop for money now you can buy items like Totum which make it nearly impossible to die then with the paper you made from the sugarcane you can make an enchanting set and get some really op enchants now you can build the biggest base and get to the top of the server here’s the op and Port come join This video, titled ‘How… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Update: Rustplayz in Trouble!

    Shocking Minecraft Update: Rustplayz in Trouble!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kuch bhi karna hoga😂.#minecraft’, was uploaded by Rustplayz on 2024-01-18 06:37:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Video title- Kuch bhi karna hoga . Discrod-Soon Hello guys thanks for watching this video love u all ⚔️TAGS (IGNORE) … Read More

  • Insane Tower Escape in Roblox – Funny Multiplayer Fun!

    Insane Tower Escape in Roblox - Funny Multiplayer Fun!Video Information let’s take her some pizza I see the Gang has gathered and brought pizza for the little girl the baby is about to hatch she left the [Music] net oh and the lads are here in the dungeon well let’s go damn it This video, titled ‘Little Crazy’s Tower pt1 #roblox #gaming #game #shorts #minecraft #multiplayer #funny #escape #obby’, was uploaded by Game galaxy on 2024-03-05 10:00:17. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #roblox #gaming #game #shorts #minecraft #multiplayer #funny #escape #obby Read More

  • Unbelievable! Baby Zombie’s Incredible Transformation in Squid Game Minecraft Animation

    Unbelievable! Baby Zombie's Incredible Transformation in Squid Game Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School: Baby ZombieBecome Strong and Squid Game Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Crafty sole on 2024-01-04 00:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Cactus Upgrade vs Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft

    Insane Cactus Upgrade vs Skibidi Toilet in MinecraftVideo Information run yes go go go o la la run yes yes yes yes yes yes go go go really oh [Applause] gross help me help me you are [Music] yeah [Music] wooo helicopter helicopter yes yes yes yes [Music] give [Music] me me [Music] give [Music] [Music] give yes yes yes [Music] yes what really yes let’s go you one a gross go go go nice wooo no [Music] God Co yep be yes go go [Applause] [Music] go oh [Music] gross o la la okay let’s [Music] [Music] go what run give me me oh God no… Read More

  • Insane Blood Cutting Draw Dice 75M Draw Part2 – Sonoyuncu Titanium

    Insane Blood Cutting Draw Dice 75M Draw Part2 - Sonoyuncu TitaniumVideo Information hepinize Merhaba arkadaşlar ben bugün kan çekeceğim buz çekeceğim yok kan çekmeyeceğim Pardon yalan söyledim Yalan Söyledim arkadaşlar vurmayın vurmayın beni buz çekeceğim sonra kan keseriz belki çeken olursa Sonra şey yaparız ya zar yaparız ya Selamünaleyküm y Bu arada başka bir hesaptayım benim ana hesabımı bir [ __ ] evladı mutel ettirmiş 10 gün sanki küfür ettik hesapta Vallahi etmedim ettiysem de bilmiyorum ya ne yaptık sanki ya Allah Allah ne Mut diyorsunuz beni arkadaşlar yayından bir ses almış Selamünaleyküm yapmış neyse Selamünaleyküm aleyküm selam aleyküm selam Selamünaleyküm atan yok Hoş geldiniz alayım Biran çocuk kana Geleceğim… Read More

  • Golden apple found by noob in Minecraft 🍎 #shorts

    Golden apple found by noob in Minecraft 🍎 #shortsVideo Information सुबह का वक्त हो रहा होता है और नब अपनी मछली पकड़कर आ रहा होता है तभी उसे पेड़ पर एक गोल्डन एप्पल दिख और बार-बार कोशिश करने के बाद भी एप्पल उसके हाथ नहीं आता है तो वह उसे एप्पल को तोड़ने के लिए अपनी मछली फेंक देता है लेकिन फिर भी वह नहीं टूटा तो वह इलेक्ट्रा पहनकर उसे पाने की कोशिश करता है लेकिन वह उसमें भी फेल हो जाता है फिर वह पेड़ पर चढ़कर उसे एप्पल को उतारने की कोशिश करता है पर तभी विलेजर जाकर उसे तोड़कर ले जाता और नब को… Read More

  • 🐐 Gratopia SMP: Survival, Dungeons, Skills, Community Events! NO Whitelist, Longterm Map, NO Resets. 1.20+. Java+Bedrock.

    Version: 1.20 Java & Bedrock Connect With: IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Gratopia is an economy survival server that is cross compatible with Java & Bedrock! Our community is made up of friendly players who are always eager to make new friends! We hope to see you in game! Features: EventsThere’s always some type of in-game event going on. You will always have something to do when playing on Gratopia! Player WarpsCreate a custom warp that others can visit! Want to make your town and rent out spaces for new players to live? Create a playerwarp! Custom EnchantsVanilla enchantments are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mineplex 🌋gives latest pro-privacy update

    Minecraft Memes - Mineplex 🌋gives latest pro-privacy updateMinecraft Update name reveals be like: “Introducing the ‘Exciting Adventures and Bug Fixes that Somehow Create More Bugs than Before’ Update!” Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Bringing Minecraft to Life in Reality

    Bringing Minecraft to Life in Reality Minecraft: Bringing Game Elements into Reality Exploring the Possibilities Imagine being able to bring items from your favorite game into the real world. The possibilities are endless! From resurrection armor to capes that let you fly, the choices are exciting and diverse. The power of command blocks could make you the ruler of your own Minecraft world. With items like elytra wings, broomsticks, and even water at your disposal, the adventure would be limitless. Challenges and Laughter In the world of Minecraft, even the most mundane tasks can turn into hilarious adventures. From dealing with power outages to facing… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 7

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 7 The Minecraft Challenge Continues: Day 7 🌳 Today marks the seventh day of the epic Minecraft challenge where our intrepid player embarks on a journey to create a new world every day for 365 days. The twist? Each day, they must gather one more wood block than the previous day. Let’s dive into the latest adventure! Challenges and Solutions 🌿 On this particular day, our player encountered a slight hiccup – the trees were a bit spread out. However, with a quick trot through the meadow, the issue was easily resolved. The task at hand was to gather seven… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Portal: Pro Player Hits Record” #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Portal: Pro Player Hits Record" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘biggest portal in minecraft #minecraft #portal #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 13:17:44. It has garnered 2643 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. 1. Minecraft 2. Blocks 3. Crafting 4. Mining 5. Building 6. Adventure 7. Survival 8. Creepers 9. Redstone 10. Exploration 11. Villagers 12. Mods 13. Creative mode 14. Monsters 15. Tools 16. Farming 17. Enchanting 18. Ores 19. Nether 20. Ender Dragon 21. Biomes 22. Caves 23. Diamonds 24. Multiplayer 25. Crafting table 26. Wood 27. Stone 28. Armor 29. Weapons 30. Potions… Read More

  • Hunting House Horror Map in Minecraft

    Hunting House Horror Map in MinecraftVideo Information ठीक हो गया हेलो गाइस कैसे हो आप सभी लोग आई होप कि आप सभी को ठीक होंगे तो आज हम खेल रहे हैं एक बार और हॉरर मैप तो चलो आप सभी को जल्दी जल्दी जॉइन ले ले एंड जितने लोग जॉइन लेंगे उन सभी कोसे आज मेरा लाइक वीडियो जरूर एम रहता है ज्यादा नहीं 10 लाइक्स एंड जल्दी से कंप्लीट करो गाइस सभी कोई जितने लोग हैं सभी कोई आ जाए हमारे गेम में एंड चलो गाइस आप लोग भी हमारे गेम में आ सकते हैं तो सब कोई को डिस्कॉर्डेंस क्रिप्शन प है जाओ… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mystery Revealed! 😱🔥 #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mystery Revealed! 😱🔥 #ShortsVideo Information what are you doing T I’m getting sand for our house buddy so we can make so we can make Windows we can look outside of the house don’t get that close to me sorry sorry sorry oh oops oh wait how did that happen oh my God I just turned that into sandstone I just turned that piece of I just turned that piece of sand into sandstone by dropping in the water what really yeah yeah yeah look I I drop it pick it up Sandstone what yo is it wait Isn’t that cool Chief oh… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Cobblestone Farm – MUST SEE!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Cobblestone Farm - MUST SEE!🔥Video Information सलाम वालेकुम गाइस वेलकम एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज मैं फिर से माफ्ट खेलने जा रहा हूं जैसा कि पिछले वीडियो में हमने देखा था कि मैंने यूरो ट्रक खेली थी और अब मैं फिर बहुत ही देर बाद काफी यर से बाद माफ्ट खेलने जा रहा हूं और पहले मैंने एक वीडियो डाली थी उसमें हमने कॉबल स्टोन फार्म बनाया था लेकिन वो अच्छा नहीं था रल आज फिर मैं कॉबल स्टोन फार्म बना रहा हूं उसके लिए जो सामान की जरूरत है वो आपने स्क्रीन के ऊपर देख लिया होगा और अभी इसको बनाना… Read More

  • EPIC 8th Video: Lost Village in Minecraft!

    EPIC 8th Video: Lost Village in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘8th Video Part 7 Village in Minecraft #minecraft #timelapse #viral #shorts #error24yt’, was uploaded by ErroR on 2024-01-11 15:33:29. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🌐 Ready to elevate your Minecraft builds? 🏡 What features make your dream Minecraft house stand out? let’s inspire each other in the world of blocks! 🔨✨ #MinecraftDreamHomes #GamerChat” 🏡 Secret Minecraft House Reveal! 🌲🕵️‍♂️ Welcome, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! Join me on an epic adventure as I unveil my hidden masterpiece in the world of blocks. 🎮✨ 🚀… Read More

  • Newbie’s ultimate test in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Newbie's ultimate test in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘มือใหม่โดนท้า เอาชีวิตรอดใน Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WakeUp Ruj on 2024-05-12 08:03:03. It has garnered 7072 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:23 or 10343 seconds. Anyone who likes to play games, I recommend PC Game Pass. The membership fee is very worthwhile. And there are games to choose from, whether it’s Minecraft or many other games, for only 29 baht / month. You can subscribe to PC Game Pass at: And now Xbox SEA has an activity for friends to join in and have a chance to win 6… Read More

  • Lennongames123 reveals secret messages from God for Minecraft gamers!

    Lennongames123 reveals secret messages from God for Minecraft gamers!Video Information This video, titled ‘#memes #gaming #minecraft #gorillatag #voicereveal #godsmesseges #fallguys #voicerevel #vr’, was uploaded by lennongames123 on 2024-03-23 11:43:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Siega’s $1000 Disaster Strikes AGAIN Why I’m So Unlucky

    Siega's $1000 Disaster Strikes AGAIN Why I'm So UnluckyVideo Information [Music] what that much fall damage oh I kind of need to go to sleep though anyway so This video, titled ‘How I Lost ANOTHER $1000 WHY do I keep falling’, was uploaded by Siega on 2024-04-04 15:00:55. It has garnered 598 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. The Ultimate Oneblock challenge — In this video I Got Trapped By skeppy the minecraft youtuber that plays with badboyhalo and dream. Its like an escape room but not really. Appreciate Skeppy for hosting these events for $1000! This one is one… Read More

  • Master PVP in 3 hours! Crush all foes in Minecraft 1.8.9

    Master PVP in 3 hours! Crush all foes in Minecraft 1.8.9Video Information Всем привет дорогие друзья Меня зовут кряка и мне кажется уже все видели мои видео так вот как же я добился такого результата всего лишь-то за 3 часа Ну я бы вам не сказал то что это легко но быстро а вы Присаживайтесь поудобнее Ведь мы уже начинаем Казалось бы всё решают только КПС но ПВП тактики не стоят в сторонке их есть очень много видов но я скажу только самые лёгкие это тупо закрывать противника блоками либо входить противника чтобы он потерял аим или просто ПВП чтобы противник вас не задел самые лёгкие – это конечно же… Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord Online In-game map: View our map Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version. Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required). Hard difficulty. Custom enchantments. Teleport mobs by putting a lead on them. Free fly in the overworld every Sunday. ProtectionStones for land claiming. Bartering economy system. No grief. Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory. Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether. In-game private messaging, homes, and player to player teleportation. Minecraft-Discord integration to stay connected with the community. Responsive… Read More

  • The Towers Champagne

    𝐭𝐭.𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲.𝐠𝐠 ⚡𝐒𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐬 to 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 Champ agne 1.8.9⚡. ………………………………………….. …… ………………𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝 | 𝐅𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐬: 𝐭𝐭.𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲.𝐠𝐠 ⚡ You are all welcome to The Tower Champagne server 1.8.9⚡ ………………………………………………💎Server always open💎………………………………………………….. Discord community Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Take this, creeper!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Take this, creeper!"Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in school! Read More

  • POW: Friend braving the chaos in broken Minecraft server (HILARIOUS)

    POW: Friend braving the chaos in broken Minecraft server (HILARIOUS) When your friend insists on playing in a broken server in Minecraft, it’s like watching someone try to build a sandcastle in a hurricane. Good luck with that, buddy! #minecraftstruggles #serverwoes #gamersgonnagame Read More

  • Mastering Village Raids in Minecraft

    Mastering Village Raids in Minecraft How to Start Village RAID in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players can encounter various challenges and adventures. One such thrilling event is the Village Raid, where players must defend a village from pillagers. This guide will walk you through the steps to start a Village Raid in Minecraft across all editions. Starting the Raid To initiate a Village Raid, players must first obtain the “Bad Omen” status effect. This effect is acquired by defeating a Pillager Captain, who can be found leading a group of pillagers in outposts scattered throughout the world. Once the Pillager… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Adventures Await!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Adventures Await! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and music videos? If so, you’ll love the creativity and storytelling on display in the latest video “Minecraft animation boys love|| my favorite demon part 3 || music video.” While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the power of storytelling and community in the Minecraft universe. As you immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft animations, why not take your experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? With a focus on community, creativity, and… Read More

  • Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10

    Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10 Minecraft Night Dweller: Facing the Most Dangerous Dwellers Yet The “Night Dweller” series has captivated many with its thrilling mods and terrifying gameplay in Minecraft. As the protagonist delves into the world of horror mods, the intensity and fear only grow, making for an engaging and heart-pounding experience. Exploring the Terrifying Mods The protagonist’s journey into the world of terror mods in Minecraft has brought forth a unique blend of fear and excitement. From encountering the Man From The Fog to facing the Cartoon Dweller, each mod adds a new layer of horror to the gameplay. A Night Like… Read More