This video, titled ‘Minewind Aqua: Largest Wildfight (TPLR/HATE 15v15)’, was uploaded by Aureus on 2021-05-14 03:34:15. It has garnered 724 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:06 or 1086 seconds.
This wildfight happened around late July, 2020. Most likely on the 26th.
As far as I, and others, are aware, this is the largest wildfight in *at least* Aqua’s history. Potentially in all of Minewind as well.
This video is a POV of 803kman, and was reuploded due to the original being privated by the original poster (not kman). I figured it deserved to be public.
This fight spurred on a long lasting rivalry between these two clans, which was sadly stifled with the 3.0 update. But it was fun while it lasted.