Insane Cobblestone Creations in Minecraft!

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Hello can you hear me oh let me turn that down a bit can you hear me I haven’t done this in forever and I’ve been having so many technical issues just getting this one started because it did not like my resolution it uh it says no you must play or you must use

Um 16×9 aspect ratio cannot use anything else cannot use like like I normally play Ultra wide but it does not like that for streams apparently I have no idea so I’m going to have to play in windowed uh that’s not going to be fun

But oh well uh so this is also kind of an experiment cuz I’ve got episode I’ve got the second video on the the modded thing uh Whatchamacallit that’s going up today and I kind of wanted to see what would happen if I were streaming when

That went up but so it’s it’s a science project really but I I do a to have fun and hang out with you but you you can’t hear me right but okay I think you can uh so the thing I wanted to do is here in my in the multiplayer world that I’m

Doing the modded thing on um I keep running out of iron and so I need to like solve that and one of the ways you can do that is by oh I I guess I logged out in the middle of a cave uh one of the ways you

Can do that is by grinding Cobblestone into iron but Cobblestone isn’t just good for iron um it’s also good for like a ton of things here I I’ll show you let me go into my test World I was seriously debating whether I should run this on my second screen or run this on uh Window mode or what so here’s the worlds I used for um hey but uh here’s the world I used for Designing my ropeway here’s the design for the whatch iall it the um the

Ropeway itself the cables and here’s the floating island schematic I designed so as you can see I put this in the totally wrong place in fact I’m just going to move it over to the right place a little bit oh uh not exactly the right place but close

Enough okay so I’m going to need a big platform so let me build one Out so Cobblestone here I’ll show you if you go to ji and press U you can see everything that can be done with an object so Cobblestone obviously can be smelted into smooth Stone which can be crafted into bricks or smooth stone or infested it can be haunted into Blackstone it can be

Crushed into gravel which can be used to make sand Flint or clay or iron and sand of course can be made to Glass and it can be made into Soul Sand which can be made into quartz and a small chance of gold or scoria which can be made into uh let’s

See if I can find it can be made into Granite I believe it can be made into diorite as well yeah it can be made into diate which can be used to make andesite so there’s a ton of stuff that you can get just by like performing Alchemy on Cobblestone so if I I’m also going to be just learning how to build factories with these mods uh cuz I don’t really know how to do that so I believe a creative crate it’s a debug item and you can provide an endless supply of various things just for

Casting so I want endless supply of Cobble and then I can use that in order to design everything else and a creative motor of course can be used to turn anything with infinite Force pretty much okay so first thing you you know what here let me load it up I got a

Whole flow chart of like all the things I need to do in order to process this fin completely okay so first thing is there any way I can use this to make Netherrack actually Cinder I believe that Netherrack can be made somehow with this as well no maybe not I thought so but I I could I guess I was totally wrong still it’ll be useful um also I just realized I hid my chat I can’t see what y’all are saying

Okay okay and I forget how I get items out of something I think I need like a hood or what’s it called create at Create um what’s it Called a funnel a tunnel No a funnel is that it yeah that’s it okay what about a brass funnel what’s the difference hi dummy you’re L okay yeah no problem that it’s nice um oh I see so brass can extract entire Stacks so I can get lots of Cobble out that way

Oh yeah feel free to lurk welcome it’s good to see you I I wish we caught up earlier brasses filters and stuff too okay that makes sense all right so what I want to do I think is connect a belt here and I want

To sort this all out got to go to bed soon going to lur no problem no problem I’m just doing this for fun and like science uh and I think there’s a way that I can separate this out DMS are always open okay all right I’ll keep

That in mind mine are too feel free to message me anytime but I’ll I’ll try to I’ve gotten a lot better at responding than I used to be uh it was a shameful state that it used to Be okay okay let’s connect this over to here oh I guess I have to do that one first and that’s thank You oh okay yeah that makes sense I I go on do not disturb a lot as well doesn’t do anything on YouTube okay no it’s fine it’s fine it’s whatever you want it’s uh like I wouldn’t want somebody watching my stuff just to boost my view count you know I that’s not

Really I don’t know that’s just not what I want okay so what I think will this will do if I’m correct I may not be correct but I’m pretty sure this will split my item into three streams so if I put a stack in there I’m pretty sure

It’ll come out in three separate sets of an even amount oh still there yeah okay all right I appreciate it thank you but you know for me it’s just like if you want to be here if you’re having a good time then that’s all that matters you know I I

Don’t want someone to lurk just for the sake of numbers but I do appreciate the the sentiment behind that okay so the first thing I don’t need three streams uh one of these needs to be turned into stone or actually I think the thing I need most right now is iron hey

Mono CBS okay uh mono what what’s the history behind all of your like mysterious the mysterious things you say in Discord what where where does it come from if you if I may ask I just want to elevate this a Little uh I don’t know if that’s going to work oh yeah not thinking or thinking uh I think in case chain drive is like the next thing I can use to get these moving in the same direction yeah okay so for now this side is going in the

Lava and this side is going to go into Grinders how do I create just don’t think I guess that works um this is called a crushing wheel not a grinding wheel crushing wheel and how are these made just just so I get an idea oh okay that’s going to be fun to

Make that’s going to be complicated and how do I make one of these mechanical Crafters oh actually not so bad so if I just go like that and somehow hook this up how am I going to hook this up uh gearbox vertical and Horizontal same here vertical and Vertical okay so let’s see if this works I think it’ll turn that into cobblestone what is that that’s not how how it’s supposed to do where’d it go you got a mechanical crafter okay I might I might take you up on that I’m not sure

Okay how long would it take to crush a stack of Cobble yeah mechanical Crafters are slow I understand okay so uh the crushing Wheels really Slow I see so I’m going to have to speed it up huh my gears ate it mhm okay I’ll just speed the whole thing up okay this is going to take so much stress okay that was really fast that’s how fast it really needs to go actually what if I put sand in

Again nothing so if there’s no re Speed The Crusher will just destroy it right is that how it works whoops I accidentally reloaded my Shaders oh okay so how do I get iron cuz that’s like the first thing I need or let me look at my flowchart so from gravel I need to split it again so I’m going to need another Tunnel [Laughter] Also better put something here to catch those items so let let me just test it let me just test it okay so the problem with this I see a problem already because of the way I’m feeding the grinder here it’s going to um not Crush everything

Properly so I’m going to have to change this section up a bit the uh the crusher right because what I need I need for it to do is if it backs up in some way I need it to like stop working I need it how do I

Save that better if it backs up I need it to not build up item entities so I that’s something I’ll have to test as well let’s extend this one we want that to turn can I put put Crushers on this or uh grind Wheels on the Side yeah crushing Wheels like so then put a shaft uh vertical gear box hey frumpy how you doing man this is going too fast I can’t even see It I’m going to shrink it down again or slow it down again so I can see what’s going on okay that’s working so what if I turn this on now I want to see what happens if it can’t keep up put it at 64 so that side freezes up and that means

This side starts outputting 64 Stacks I’m doing pretty good I’m having fun okay so this is exactly what I want to happen if one production line freezes up I want the other one to absorb whatever is left that’s going to mean that this can never build up too many

Entities although this does look a little Derpy but it’s good to know that this crushing wheel can’t handle all the uh the supply unless I drive the crushing wheel faster than I drive the the belts here it’s not going to be it’s not going to work what if I actually that’s that’s

What I should do huh I should drive the crushing Wheels faster then I can work out all the gear ratios later okay and put a motor on top so what if I have the crushing Wheels always going at full speed then will this be able to keep

Up I’m just trying to find a ratio that way I can have all my gears and things running at the right speed um it seems like it just doesn’t even process at all oh cuz it’s it’s turning the wrong way Uh fry have you ever played like modded Minecraft that much okay no wonder this isn’t working I got it facing the wrong direction there we go now it’s facing the right direction so let’s try 128 and see if the belts are running at 64 so let’s see if that will keep

Up you want to I’m running this on a server you’d be welcome to join if you like recording optional okay so this still can’t keep up I want to try to find a speed at which the grinder can be very efficient crushing it okay that’s still not

Enough but I’m not sure I need it to be doing quite this speed what if I reduce the belt speed down to 32 h is this Java yeah it’s Java okay so even at 32 it’s not quite going to work so I think I might need two sets of Grindstones okay I’ll give this a try shaft going this way and this is going to have another set of grind Wheels how am I going to connect this uh I guess a horizontal gearbox maybe gearbox oh that’s the wrong way there we go two gear

Boxes why have one when you can have two for only double the price okay now this is going to dump in lava Too okay let’s see if it’s able to keep up now what speed are we going at 32 okay that’s should be fast enough okay it’s still not able to keep up but thankfully any of the excess items are still going down here this is going to

Have to be how I do it this is looking a bit ridiculous already um okay so whatever this side is going to go and become how do I say um this is going to be my iron line so this side is going to be have to how is that going to

Work this one’s going to be washed into flint and iron okay here I’m just going to stop it for a moment you can try oh sorry I almost read your same chat message again you ever do that when streaming accidentally read the P same chat message from someone

Twice oh PC can’t handle oh okay well you don’t actually have to stream you’d be welcome to play regardless it’s not just like a YouTuber server or streamer server but uh what was I doing okay so now I need this to wash how does that work I Think if I do that that’s going to turn the wrong direction again okay that’s going to not work either um oh I can put big gears there I think or cogs nope still the wrong way uh I can use horizontal horizontal and then a shaft okay that looks a bit silly but if

It works then it doesn’t matter um so how do I wash things I’m pretty sure the way to do that is I just need a fan blowing through water right how did I place that the wrong way twice oh I see when you sneak it places the opposite direction

Okay uh and on this side I probably need like something the water can blow through right like iron bars okay I’m going to need this to go fast enough that it washes all of the Iron by the time it gets through to here I can’t get any of this right any of these Directions okay so I need gravel gravel and if I throw that on there is that going to wash in time no let’s just extend that into there okay so how fast do I need this to go in order for it to work properly let’s just test 256 cuz

Wow it it doesn’t even do the Particles um maybe I have it going the wrong Way oh yeah there we go totally glitched out the Spider I have no idea how a spider actually got up here flying spider uh okay so if I do gravel judging by the speed of those particles I feel like it should go it should watch it I guess feeling like something should work doesn’t mean it Will wow that really that really really blows from a far from a long distance it’ll take a while because of the stack amounts okay yeah that’s a stack of like 20 21 okay good to know So I’ve got to find a way that to time this right enough to wash the whole stack yeah Fromy man this is going to take so much stress units so much power oh well power is supposed to be no object oh oh yeah yeah I can invite you I’m not in a server right now uh but I will but I can’t do it right the

Second okay let’s try a stack of gravel I want it to be able to do a stack because if these other lines get jammed up it will have to do a whole stack hm is there any way I can make it go faster

I really do want it to be able to wash a whole stack of Gravel H I’m goingon to Google it I’m gonna look it up time to wash is 28 seconds huh so what I could do is slow down this conveyor belt that that would help that that could make it h make the belt really slow yeah but then it’ll slow down the rest of the

Line I kind of need it to go this speed but you know what I could do if it won’t block the water will a funnel tunnel block the water yeah yeah what I could do is run multiple lines to reduce the stack size cuz if it’s 28 seconds to

Wash um a stack of items it should only be like 10 seconds to wash if I divide that into three so let me try something like this oops excuse me weird noises um so or even for we could stream together yeah sure although I haven’t been streaming I don’t know that I’m

Going to keep on streaming with a vtuber model but who knows okay so now I I probably will use the model at some point so now it should only take or let me uh find a way to get it off of here if I use a gear box so now it shouldn’t

Take as long and because I’m splitting into four Stacks I can actually run these conveyor belts at one quarter speed as well but let me just see if this is enough hopefully I also don’t know if fan speed even matters at all it may not maybe not issue Um let me get a chain drive okay so I want that to cover the whole length of the conveyor Belt that looks about good Okay so that’s still not enough so oh that washed one of them that watched the last stack there you could have the items be on the ground and the fans bounce the items back and forth until it gets funneled by it hang on oh you know what I don’t think this

Is what at all what you meant but you did just give me an idea an idea for watching this effectively if I need it to take longer I don’t need to have it go in a straight line I can just have it Zigzag like uh I can do something like well you’ll see in a sec huh is that too Far so I could just Do Uh let me get a gear box another Belt uh I don’t know how I’m going to get it moved over just a single block I guess it doesn’t have to be a single block okay so I’m going to need a some way to move power into here this is getting a bit silly here you know what I need more

Space so what if I just have the items rotate around until they’re cooked oh that’s actually that’s it that’s it that’s what I want to do I just have the RO items continue C L until they’re washed maybe just a little shorter than that there’s probably a good reason why

This is not a good idea why I should not do this oops could have the circle be really small yeah but I also wanted to have capacity to have a bunch of items in it uh I don’t know how to filter items out actually put a brass funnel to take out

The watched items so I need a funnel to take out flint and um Iron don’t know if this is is a good idea uh tunnel not funnel smart shoots okay yeah that would work I think it does nuggets oh right the filters in the front nugget and Flint okay so now I’m just going to see if it jams up I just need to dispose of the items here and then I’ll just have to continue making this circle bigger until it doesn’t Jam anywhere till it doesn’t jam up anymore um also I just realized this is not

Going to shoot this yeah you’re right I’m going to have to actually use shoots to take the items out otherwise the funnels will block the water stream smart shoots so I can just place a Smart Shoot underneath right is that how it works Flint iron nugget yep so I put an iron nugget Okay and for now that just needs to go into lava and uh from to go back to what you’re saying I I may continue streaming with the model I just I don’t know I don’t know it just at some point it wasn’t really adding to what I wanted to

Accomplish with my streams but maybe I don’t know I don’t know maybe it will okay okay so the limiting factor is going to be the grindstone anyway so it just has to wash them fast enough that the that the grindstone will um will allow which is kind of a good thing

Actually I have a feeling this is going to work the grindstone limiting how many items can come in should prevent this from getting jammed up hopefully that’s my theory it also to prevent it from getting jammed up I could put the smart shoots right under here so that anything that

Converts right before it gets to this conveyor belts gets washed or gets removed before it can jam up okay I think that looks good I’m getting a weird bit of lag already from this oh well the grind Stone’s limiting the amount that can go in is is kind of a good

Thing but it’s kind of weird to me I guess I would need like multiple more sets of grindstones in order to have this thing operate at Peak efficiency um but let me just put a barrel down here and see exactly how much iron this is generating uh not a barrel a drawer

Okay nine that’s an Ingot that’s two ingots three ingots so that should be fast enough right you know if if I go AFK for a day and leave it running that should be more than enough enough iron let me put a compacting drawer in there so with a compacting drawer I can

Pull out it as an Ingot instead okay I think that’ll be enough iron to meet my needs certainly it’s infinitely more than I’m getting now but why should I stop there like this will be the most important and first part of my factory I guess the nice thing about

This is if it fills up it’ll back up to here and it won’t stop the other items from filling up the other processes from from running okay turn that off okay now the next step this grindstone is going to feed into another grindstone so let me just put a horizontal gearbox

Oh that’s that’s I don’t want a horizontal gear box there actually that would be very bad but I’m going to want this to run directly Into another set of crushing Wheels okay and that should convert that into sand which is going to be like the next set of things I need so let’s just test that out I’ve learned to test at every single step through just just iterate and improve step by step uh I wonder if I

Can H okay I’m also going to have to figure out what exactly do with all the excess Cobble although that’s not a bad thing to have I guess the excess Cobble will be bulk smelted into stone or some of it will go into storage and some of it will

Be bulk smelted in the stone so maybe I could make even another line here like uh so one of this one this one here will get smelted and this one will literally just go straight to storage stay as Cobble cuz Cobble I’ll need Cobble too and that should make everything else

Run a little smoother wrong way um okay so so long as these other lines aren’t backed up I’m not losing any efficiency by taking away more Cobblestone meanwhile this is producing sand and clay and gravel so I’m going to have to filter that out this is going to be quite the

Factory uh I’m also going to have to wire all of these up to figure out exactly how much stress everything is using in fact I can start doing math on that right now um I need the engineer goggles right okay 256 * 4 here let me start

Writing this down I could do a stress ometer but I’m just going to do the math by hand uh that way I can calculate individual parts so this is going at 128 so fans are doing 1024 and 24 the crushing wheel oh gosh those are doing 2,000 each

Um so that’s going to be around time 6 is going to be 12,000 so far hey BTN how you doing um so so far this whole system is using 12,000 stress units approximately and it’s going to be using even more soon oh dear okay so let me turn it

Off we’re going to want smart shoots to take out the the Flint oops the Flint and the clay okay so now we have a system that produces uh Flint Ash OH the ash I Didn’t Know It produced Ash how does it produce bones so this thing is jammed up

Currently okay so that’s going to be a problem this can get jammed up because it loopes back on itself so this is not going to be a viable solution for this I can’t have it jamming Ashen Bones from a skeleton oh I guess a skeleton must have

Died on here maybe I noticed but wasn’t pay Attention Okay but in any case I can’t have a part of the system that could get jammed up so I’m going to have to redesign this section I I’ll revisit that the iron here is the most important section though because it’s what I keep running out of

It’ll be the first part of the factory I Build okay now how can I move these items just I want to make them zigzag back and forth how can I do that h H you know the correct answer might be that I don’t need to now I think of it I can just have a do what I was originally considering which was here let me just break these I could have four slow Lanes Okay So this side is going to move at that’s going to be moving at 32 so I can have this one move at 8 put funnels in or two tunnels okay the most this will ever get is gravel so if I’m running six stacks 16 really slowly that should wash in time

Right yeah it doesn’t even need half the space that’s really handy so I can just do something like that to to wash them all and it’ll take up half the space and it’ll probably have capacity to do quite a lot more in fact okay just double check that’s going to work

Right stack of gravel by the way if I stand here oh gosh it really I cannot it pushes too far yeah it didn’t even take up all that space either but it’ll be good to have a little extra capacity here in case anything goes wrong

This is going to be a pain to build with these Fans okay uh vertical yours there uh actually I’m going to need this one to go quite a bit faster this one will have to go back at 32 speed again okay so if I run this again it should be fine that should work right hang on someone’s calling me on my phone who

Does that most of the time these will not even be full Stacks feeding into the system so it should wash even earlier than that huh it looks like this a chance that this actually won’t be able to keep up in some cases so I might even consider adding a fifth Lane

That’s a lot of particles that’s kind of annoying the number of particles to be honest uh but it looks like now it should at least have no problem keeping up the reason it was struggling to keep up sometimes is cuz when it washes gravel it the gravel can

Break into two items and take up more space on the conveyor belt and that of course will slow the whole system down but yeah this should be good even on the off chance that an extra stack of gravel falls into this right should still be Fine yeah cuz it’ll be limited by the speed of the crushing Wheels behind it so that should absolutely never jam up in theory okay now I want to finish before I absent-mindedly let a whole pile of sand build up what is dropped from the Sand so sand is made by crushing and it also has a chance of dropping flint and Clay so I’m going to have to filter those out oh I already am yeah right um so what happens next the sand can be turned into a whole ton of

Things I’m going to need some sand but not all of it and um the rest of the sand is going to have to go to other uses so let me sort out the sand Here okay so sand is going to be split into two section at least and or three the sand is going to be set split into three sections one of them is going to be washed into clay one of them is going to be smelted into glass and one of them

Is going to be haunted into Soul Sand I’ll also need a way to turn all of these off like is there any way to turn off one of these lines like if I put Redstone into one of them will one of them turn off Is there any way to do that do you know or what about something old school like what if I say like retract one of them with a piston can’t split round robin prefer nearest synchronize inputs H let’s Ponder this okay can use to cover belts can be used to filter items yeah

Filters can block non-matching items distribution can be configured okay H so what I could do is just intentionally Jam the system by like turning these off and that would prevent one line from running like if I just turn off these gear these um crushing Wheels that’ll

Jam this line and that’ll be able to turn off this whole production chain so that’s probably the way to go or if I turn off some of the the belts is there a way I could turn off just one belt I’m going to have to do some testing I don’t think there is

Actually h i could put on a filter that doesn’t work I could apply a filter that would be the easiest way to turn off a production line is just put in a filter that prevents it from feeding items out of it if I were to like filter all of them

Oops then it just stops accepting items okay that’s handy that means I can also turn off all of these is there any way I can apply a filter like can I use a deployer to apply a Filter probably not but that doesn’t really matter you know I I actually don’t mind going into the factory to alter these I probably won’t do it very often and this is easy enough alternatively I can just leave if I can just turn off the grind Wheels turn off three of the prodection lines

And the other one just voids the raft over Cobblestone that would be totally fine just delete the excess items and leave it running but I have a feeling this would be a little more performance Friendly okay all right so sand sand needs to be split up into three sections so what was one of one of them’s going to be sent off for haunting one’s going to be sent off for smelting I’m going to do probably something similar to this for the

Smelting uh I think I can just use a campfire to blast it h let me just increase my platform size okay in the meantime I’m just going to filter these ones so they can’t output all their items all the sand will come out here

Okay so this one this is going to be the glass line where it just gets cooked into Glass uh so I’m going to want to do basically the same thing as I did here I’m pretty sure uh not quite that way though shaft here gearbox shaft um nope that’s not what I want to do either um how do I get this rotating the other way um

Can just do that that’s inelegant but whatever okay then I’m going to want to divide it into five rows and basically do the same thing over there but with campfires instead how many blocks was that it’ll probably take the same amount of time Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 no seven okay one two sorry one two 3 4 5 6 7 perfect 3 4 five okay this one will turn at speed Eight again with the funnels then we’ll have an output here that turns at Speed 32 positive okay so that should be easy enough then from here we’ll have campfires I don’t think this will output any additional items so it should be easy enough to use um encased fans case chain and another motor this is going to be another two another thousand or so stress

Units these are going to have to go up to probably 128 again huh I think uh perhaps sand takes longer to smelt h i could double the number of lines here to 20 or 10 Lines Moving at speed two oh you need need to be Lava it can’t

Be fire oh okay that makes sense thank you that’s why I’m streaming among other things among other reasons yeah that looks more like it this is going to set me on fire too if I stand here right okay yeah that’s doing it you were right deals a ton of damage

H what about witches would it be enough to kill a witch because this could be like a good Killing Floor for a mob farm have the mobs drop onto conveyor belts and then just smelt them oh okay but there are cases where witches can survive it looks like

So probably better to go with fall damage okay so there’s the glass line I didn’t really have anything else planned for the glass line Beyond this I just want a lot of glass okay so let’s block that oh that’s not going to block it this is all just the concept when I

Actually build the thing it’s going to have to fit aesthetic requirements and all these other issues uh hello hello Phantoms I hate Phantoms I’m not sure why they thought it would be a good idea to make them spawn while you’re playing creative mode I guess I could set it to

Peaceful but probably good to get rid of the rain too okay so what’s next the sand also I need a haunting line that can go right next to here I think cuz it’ll be basically identical to this but with um soulfire can I not Hello it does not let

Me it’s not letting me continue to make the shaft long okay whatever I’ll just do it by hand do it manually it’s scary to hear me kill stuff cuz you’re playing Sky Block oh no sorry sorry about that yeah it’s weird to uh play and while watching someone else

Play uh what was I doing a belt okay so I I may have made a mistake Here the belt needs to go from all the way over here to all the way over here and it can’t do that it can’t go that far okay well it can go this far and then I can have another one from here to here and put that in

Somehow link these I guess I can just do a shaft and a chain drive okay then that’s going to go from there to here and once again going to do the same thing but with haunting to make Soul Sand Soul Sand is useful cuz it can be

Used to make quartz among a ton of other thing T ton of other things so that’s going to be pretty much the same setup as here but with soul fires okay let’s do a little test going need a motor going at eight this side I’m going to need gear box couple gear

Boxes okay let’s see that should turn into Soul Sand but I don’t know if it’ll be fast enough just barely I think the fact that it’s starting to jam up is actually helping me a bit helping to ensure that it all gets done oh wow the that gives me blindness

Being in here gives me slowness and blindness that’s annoying but but useful Maybe okay now I’m not done yet the Soul Sand um hello okay so the Soul Sand then I need to split it off again some of it will get stored some of it will get um will get turned into other

Stuff so this is going to get more and more silly as time goes on finding a way to make this aesthetically pleasing later is going to be quite the challenge okay brass funnel one of these is just going to go into storage AKA lava for now for now that means

Lava uh how am I going to get this I need a chain drive for now I’m just going to put it all into the lava what’s the rest going into the rest is going to have to go into huh it looks like this belt might not be

Keeping up is it it seems to be fine though with the amount of sand coming in I should be getting a full yeah with the Grinders is the limiting factor it’s fine uh don’t know why there’s Cobblestone building up there maybe that was just for a

Moment um okay so then the Soul Sand has more stuff to do the Soul Sand can be washed again can now be washed into quartz let me just extend my platform once more so basically actually I think this is the one I want to be destroyed this

One this one’s going to get turned into quartz so how am I going to do that okay that means that to save space I can have it loop back here two three 4 One 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay more belts um can I sneak a little gear box into

Here no that’s going to go the wrong way if I do um for now just going to use a motor this one’s going to be eight and this is going to look very familiar this is going to start getting kind of repetitive actually now we’re going to wash this too

And then again Motors at 128 so so what this should do is any additional Soul Sand here is going to get turned into what it’s going to get turned into quartz the fact that I’m going to have to build an Islands keeping all of this in mind

Build make a structure with all of this kept in mind is going to be such a pain to be honest but it’ll be worth it probably okay now I don’t know if this makes anything other than quartz I have a feeling there might be a yeah there’s a little chance of

Gold so I don’t know if that’ll be enough gold to like sustain sustain me but maybe it’s only like a 2% chance per Soul Sand okay okay now let’s try unlocking everything the nice thing about this whole setup is if any one construction line or any crafting line finishes or blocks up or

Is done I mean it’ll run everything all at once but as soon as there you know there isn’t enough Cobble to run everything at full speed but as soon as one of them finishes like my storage fills up for any one of these products it’ll produce more of the other

Ones though this actually seems to be backing up so this one might need more than five lines here possibly quite a bit more wrong way okay hopefully that’ll be enough to prevent it jamming I don’t know if it is it might still Jam yeah yeah that’s still jamming

Up and the problem is not this line the problem is this conveyor belt going too slow so let’s put that at 6 before uh there also seems to be some sand getting through here somehow occasionally some of the sand makes it through I’m not really sure

Why one thing I could do is just have another haunting fire that seems to be a rare occurrence though yeah look at it it’s still getting jammed up so what I could do is add a filter for sand or Soul Sand and on the off chance that any sand

Gets through I can just destroy it or you know I don’t need a filter I can do a Smart Shoot down here Smart Shoot suspicious sand what’s that is that the archaeology stuff okay so I only want sand to be filtered out just in case any of it

Somehow makes it through the haunting process I can extract that huh so I I do genuinely need at least six lines in order to wash all this without it getting jammed up and I think it’s still getting jammed well honestly it’s no big deal it’s making more than enough gold and and

Such okay so next next thing I need to do um divide the quartz and gold and all that stuff again because now the quartz can be made into Diorite and I’m going to need diate um but I’m not sure how I can make it exactly I think I need shaped crafting which means I need an Assembler or Auto a mechanical crafter maybe I won’t even automate this to be honest because seems kind of like a pain the mechanical Crafters are so slow here um I can try but I think the mechanical Crafters are far too slow to make this Practical oh well what what am I here for if not testing okay but let me just block this up for now wait for this to clear out so what I’m going to try doing is to automate andesite and diorite and andesite alloy maybe but at least andesite and

Diorite but the thing with the andesite is I’m going to need Cobblestone right yeah so I’m going to have to bring some amount of of cobblestone I can worry about that later for now I’ll just do a some kind of contraption oh what’s this guy doing I’m going to need ways to keep mobs off of all of these

Cuz they drops are not going to be good for it um yeah I don’t want to have rotten flesh on there okay all right whole system should be jammed up now successfully jammed oh the skeleton really trying okay so I want to see I don’t know how automated crafting Works in this

Uh mechanical crafter so what if I I want this one to do let me get a motor and and a cog so I want Cobble and andesite or quartz quartz Cobblestone quartz oh that is slow as heck Cobblestone quartz okay that’s that’s better um let me put my engineer goggles back

On I don’t know how much stress these are using 512 okay that’s doable but the problem is how do I feed things into the correct crafter I do I automate feeding things into the correct way items can be inserted into Crafters automatically inputs can be combined okay that’s good but that won’t

Get me quartz and Cobble in the correct order actually actually yes it will yes it Will here’s what I would do I would feed into this I need a um brass funnel sorry frumpy if you’re if all the mobs hearing all those mobs okay so here’s what I would do I’d have them going 32 tunnel I’d use a brass tunnel filter some ridiculous item on there

And then set this to synchronize inputs so now what I should be able to do is put quartz on one side cobblestone on the other and it should wait here okay and then when I put cobblestone on this side then it puts them both out at the same time so that should

Oops nope gears aren’t going to work okay quartz Cobble quartz Cobble is that going to work is this a shapeless recipe or no okay so that’s not going to work either H what I was thinking is if I could put these in in the right order I could get them to randomize

Properly that’s that bad English um here hor Cobble and now that’s going to do the bottom one Cobble and then quartz so it’s possible but I have to figure out exactly well no I need to first of all not put weird items in there quartz Cobble quartz Cobble all right I need to

Put I need to put a filter on this side so that nothing I don’t want to go out there so how can I put this in the right order quartz Cobble quartz Cobble that’s not going to work right okay that is going to work why okay um uh creative crate okay let’s try

This we’re going to need a brass funnel and I need this to become Consistent yeah that’s not right okay funnel try this again filter that um we’re going to use regular andesite funnels this time’s see if I don’t have the order right it’s going to screw it up what if I swap these yeah this is not going to

Work I can’t think of a way that it will work I’m not really sure that it needs to but I really wanted to to automate and decide alloy but so long as I have plenty of quartz I should be able to make it as I need it

So I’m sure there is a way to do this correctly it’s just going to be more work than I really want to Do so diorite can also be crafted with manipulation essence it can also be crafted using calite which can be made with TP which can be made with deep slate that’s more trouble than it’s worth really okay well I’ll consider autocrafting this in the future but it for now it seems

Like perhaps a little more trouble than it’s worth now I do have one more line here this one is just going to be St as Cobble let me just clear out this clear out these extra filters right this one’s the stay as sand layer okay so that’ll be sand and we’ll have

Glass we’ll have Soul Sand quartz iron flint and Clay that’s most of what I need really but I also if I’m going to be building more Islands the other thing I’m going to need is a lot of cracked stone bricks so I could just I could do a

Factory for that I could just do a massive furnace array a big smelting array using pretty much this thing I could use this to make a big smelting array and that would probably be good enough honestly in fact I could do that for glass too cuz I’m not if I’m being

Honest I don’t need to automate glass but it’s kind of cool so yeah I’m going to get rid of the glass section I don’t need to automate it it’s a good thing I did this in a test World cuz I would have gone kind of Overboard otherwise I

Do probably not need to automate any of these things to be honest uh quartz and gold I do want to automate because the gold is such a low drop rate that if it’s not automated I’m just never going to have enough gold so gold this line will be automated I’ll

Need to automate the Soul Sand just because I want to automate gold and iron so I’m going to keep this in the final Factory keep all of this I will still want automated Cobblestone uh maybe automated smooth Stone but that may not be necessary either if I have a big furnace a big

Smelting array that I can just throw everything in and forget it’ll be here okay no problem so theoretically I could make all the things I want but doing the automated smooth Stone and cracked stone bricks may not be entirely necessary if I just have a good smelting array set Up the most most important thing here is going to be automating iron and gold and these other byproducts are just Handy and of course also making like a workshop where I can go ahead and Crush things by massive amounts but automating iron gold and gold is absolutely necessary so I think that is what I’m going to focus on so I’m going to try making that a lot more compact automating Cobble iron and Gold okay I’m going to go ahead and turn this off and design something a lot more Compact and nice looking okay so this is going to have to fit on an island and it’s also going to need to generate the Cobblestone so I guess the

Next thing to do would be to build a design a cobblestone generator a pretty a pretty darn fast one really but that should be kind of easy right um ideally I’d like to Output about as fast as this is so like a stack every second at least just in order because I need

Massive volumes just to get a worthwhile amount of gold so I’m going to need a pretty huge Cobblestone setup so let me just start with a generator now I’ve made a basic cobblestone generator but not the kind of quantities that I need here so let’s

Start let me just build one one is like a concept okay so there’s lava and water and here is where we’ll have a shoot and let me put in glass okay simple pretty simple water here lava here pretty much a run-of-the-mill generator uh drill on top with a encased chain drive and a

Motor let’s do like 128 okay how much stress that’s using 512 um how much would I use if we’re running at full speed okay now that’s generating one Cobblestone every second so I basically just need 64 of these at 128 I think okay that is going to be a lot of

Resources and a lot of stress units that’s going to be like 32,000 stress okay so position one position two copy paste and now there’s also going to be a need for some way to store all this rapidly cuz as is well let me just paste a few more first

Okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 that’s good to be sure but I need like I’d like to have several times this ideally and the problem is if I just put a conveyor belt on under here it’s going to fill up the conveyor belts pretty fast so

Somehow I’m going to need to convert this into Stacks so that it doesn’t fill up a conveyor belt and I think there’s an item in create I can do that called an item Vault but how is that made that’s very cheap so I can literally just well I can’t quite do it that

Way but I think I can use this to store Cobblestone pretty instantly and then I can should be able to pull it all out and stack form but can I like now let me make this even bigger okay this kind of is hurting my FPS it kind of looks cool

But oh and it separated into two okay so world edit didn’t join these together properly oh no it’s just that’s the maximum size of them the maximum size is um like 10 or so H so this isn’t going to work quite how I imagined but maybe it doesn’t have

To let me just do some experiments with possible storage like if I do a maximum speed belt is that really going to jam up maybe if it’s maximum speed it’ll look silly but maybe that’ll be good enough it looks rather silly it’s like a cobblestone machine gun well you know

What I think this should be enough items this should be probably enough Cobblestone for my factory so what I want to do then is probably use a um storage drawer a drawer with a void upgrade okay now with the void upgrade does is it’s very Handy it um when whenever this storage drawer fills up it’ll just delete the extra items okay that way I’ll never have too much Cobble or that way this system will never overload and jam up okay so how many do we have here 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 okay 16 all at half speed so that’s 8,000 stress it’s definitely not lag friendly that that much is sure yeah and in addition some of the items weren’t falling correctly okay so it’s getting

Like a stack every 3 or 4 seconds and then I could pull out from this drawer as Needed I could also take a comparators output Maybe is it possible to take comparator output from this drawer no maybe not what I was hoping is once this drawer reaches a certain amount I could probably turn these off also if I go how far away do I have to go from this but before I sto lagging from

It that’s a very important question okay so about 40 50 blocks okay that’s another reason why I want to build Sky Island bases is to be able to get distance from a lot of my factories that way there aren’t all in render distance at the same time okay

Well now I can go ahead and Design This Factory so I’ll design the factory around here let me just temporarily turn that off okay so what I really need are three lines not four I need a cobble line a cobblestone line for storage I’ll need a a gold line which will

Go a sand Gold Line that’ll grind into gravel separate sand then separate then soulfire and um quartz and gold and then all of these things will get stored back in here okay so I’m going to try to build this in a compact way or at least you know relatively

Compact there’s only so much I can do okay so let’s get a brass funnel taking out of there okay so I’ll have a belt pulling out of there we’re going to Have at least a couple things coming out here okay tunnels H how is this going to work okay so this one will be they’ll all be out to put in Cobblestone so I guess this level will be grinding H I guess I can actually compact this

Further I can double d double down on the um grind wheels these crushing wheels for both the cop iron and gold lines so I can have two or more Crushers all feeding into these um both the gold and the the iron line uh I’m not explaining that well

Um although I’m not sure it’s necessary that doesn’t make any sense sorry um but in any case point is Is both of these lines are going to get fed into crushers okay let me put in a motor here chain drive we want to encase chain drive with a motor I at 32 oh well I should probably take everything out of there first okay so both of these are going to go

Into crushing Wheels so I can do that pretty easily just by having these all of all of these linked up with shafts now I think there’s an adjust or is there some kind of gear box that can pretty make it really easy to change the speed I think this one might be it

Unpowered gear shifts so when powered I can speed up other things okay so this will be running at 32 and I want these to run at 256 so do I still have engineer goggles nope okay so this should be at 60 hang on this should be running at

64 or what once I get this all running this will run 64 uh 128 well let me just actually get these other conveyor belts running first okay um so I need a gearbox horizontal gear box nope that’s not going to do it we work here okay horizontal gearbox as well as shafts this is kind of annoying to build some of these building mechanics

Are just kind of painful if I’m being honest okay then from somewhere around here I’m going to need an adjustable gear shift so that’ll go up to 32 64 oh sorry 64 128 and 256 so that should I think get this speed up to 256 going need a beefy steam engine yeah

I’m going to do the calculations on all this in a little bit if I put a vertical gear box let’s see if that turns those in this right direction at least nope wrong direction um okay so I’m actually going to have to put that over

Here that’s not a good spot that is not a good spot for it um shaft 1 2 3 4 and then we’ll have our vertical again that should at least turn it the correct direction and if I power it let’s see so these are going at 2 32 speed right

Now now they’re going at 64 they should these are still not at full speed huh this this is not working the way I thought hang on hang hold on I’ve got to be right back one moment okay hang on I’ve got to be right back I’ll just be a few seconds okay one

Moment for sh for for for for for okay I’m back oh hang on I’m using the wrong headphones I can’t hear myself just knock my glasses off okay there so I actually have two sets of headphones one of them is for actually doing things on my own playing games and such the

Other the other set is for like um how do I say it’s for recording recording because with the other said it’s plugged in and wired through OBS so I can hear my own voice which I don’t particularly enjoy but most of the time but I find it pretty helpful for streams okay

So this is going to be ugly but if I just do this like so in case chain drive that should now be going at the right speed let me just make sure it’s grinding correctly it’s going so fast I can’t even tell what direction I can’t tell

That it’s going the right way it still needs to go twice as fast as it is now actually okay that’s good uh so I just need one more gear ratio so I can just do one more gear shift okay I can’t even I can’t tell that that’s going to the right speed or

Not right direction okay that’s now going at 256 okay so that gets us gravel now how does that work um so then we can combine the gravel back into one belt I guess before separating it out again that seems a little silly but it’ll be more efficient if I can use

Both crushing wheels at once okay so let me just double check gravel make sure there are no byproducts okay so that should only produce gravel nothing else right uh gearbox no horizontal gear boox okay and then I’m going to want this to go from here to Now sort out all of these

Items okay so how can I make all of these turn can I just put another gear BLX there no but I can put one there there and there and then have a shaft okay getting there okay so that’s step one this is Cobblestone to gravel where is as this one will be just

Cobblestone okay so now I need to split this up half of it gets stored or one of these goes into storage I don’t know where that’s going to be how I’m going to do where the storage line is going to be h how is storage going to come out of

Here I guess we’ll just have storage over in this section on this side maybe so we’ll do drawers storage drawers okay so what are all the outputs we’re going to have we’re going to have Cobblestone we’ll have Cobblestone um gravel sand Soul Sand quartz gold clay Flint iron did I get iron

Already I don’t know I’ll just put that extra one there okay and then we’ll have a controller drawer controller so the way this works is I can put items into here and it should put them into these correctly yeah so if I put something into here it’ll funnel it into whatever drawer it

Can fit in so that means we can have put a funnel here and this will be our input line so everything our everything that gets produced will get put into here let me get a wand [Applause] okay okay so this will be input and this will be going maybe 128

Speed H how’s this going to work can I get a vertical gear box in here and then a shaft vertical gear box that’s going the wrong way there we go no that was going the right way what am I thinking okay so that’s going to be input okay uh

Belt and then in case chain drive if I’ve got another one of those okay so say we have cob Cobblestone drop it on there and now we have Cobblestone now all of these are going to need void upgrades in order to work properly now there’s also another issue with this which is after one of them fills up it will continue producing this will still continue producing that item so that’s

Pretty annoying but oh well oh well got to make compromises somewhere or maybe here I’m going to have to test that out actually let’s see let’s see if that’s true it may be possible to make it such that that won’t be the case Okay belt uh I need a horizontal

Gearbox okay so if I put a stack of Cobble on what if I use shoots yeah I will need the void upgrade cuz otherwise this could get clogged up okay okay oh well I’ll just have to keep a close eye monitoring all the levels of all these

Things and make sure to turn off parts of the factory that aren’t being used anymore that aren’t being productive but hopefully this input line will never get jammed up okay then we’ll have basically the same thing up here so some of the gravel will go down there as well while it’s turned

On and then the rest will be either washed or it’ll be ground again in the sand so I think I have enough room to fit both of that those mechanics here so in this side we’ll have the another set of grinders probably right here or so that seems

Convenient I can’t really tell where whether or not these are going in the right direction but I think they are I’m just going to assume that they are but I’ll test it out um need a horizontal gear shift up there or gear box no that’s not that’s not at all what I

Need maybe here though okay okay let’s test that so if I put a cobble in there they’re spinning the wrong direction okay okay okay that’s going to be the sand line now sand I think can have some byproducts here yeah Clay and Flint so I definitely don’t want those

Interfering with the system so I’m going need smart shoots here as well for clay and flint and I’ll just have another shaft so this will just be to bring things that come down here clay and Flint H it’s so hard to place these things okay clay and Flint with a

Belt uh I’ll need a gear box that can go right there okay so now clay and Flint should get dropped into our item import line so now what um what’s next you know what both of these lines here need to be washed so both these things what if I

Use one washer to wash both the outputs of the sand and the gravel I don’t know if that would be good but I want to do it okay wrong wrong direction okay um shaft no that’s not what I want to do um can I just use this one no that’s

Still the wrong direction um replace the belt there and then I can put a also don’t need that to be in there so then I can put another gear box and this time it’ll turn the right way okay excellent so Now 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 okay so this is going to look a bit silly 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 but this is going to be like a really big washing machine and it will do both the sand and the gravel all at

Once but the thing is I’m I’m going to have to have this run at Speed 8 not 32 so I need to do some little gearings gear stuff or cogs in order to slow it down so what I need this to do is use little cogs to turn a big Kong

Right little turning big turning Little turning big do I still have my engineer yeah so that’s 32 down to 16 down to 8 and then use a shaft to connect that okay what’s next so this the outputs of this are going to be um this is going to Output uh sand no this should not output sand but

It’s possible that some sand in gravel we’re going to get through let me get a sign that way I can just keep track of what this is going to drop in fact one thing I can do just to make it a little more likely that everything finishes processing before it

Gets ejected out of here is just make that one block longer than it was before okay so I’m going to need some way to get rotational Force out to here at 32 RPM am I going to do that h oh um that might actually not be too hard I

Where do I have 32 RPM that I can pull here I could put a gear box here where IAL and horizontal vertical to Vertical okay so that’s how I can get 32 RPM rotational Force up to here then I can just extend that up a little bit there easy

Except now I didn’t think of this until now but it’s possible that this belt won’t be able to handle it won’t be able to handle the huge number of outputs from combining these two mechanicing mechanical systems so I might need this belt in particular just this one to go a lot

Faster while all the items get separate well I’ll leave it for now I can I can test it I can test that theory once the time comes um okay so let me get a sign from here this is going to produce sand maybe sand actually where is my sand

Output crushing wheel controller did I make a mistake here gravel yeah I made a minor mistake very simple not a big deal but I actually need to grab sand out of this too hang on so this is going to be sand this will be washed that’ll be gravel coming out here that’ll get

Washed and um then I’m not going to have any sand whoops small mistake but kind of a a important one so what I can do is get a replace this horizontal gearbox with a vertical gearbox that way I can work close to it I can put a shaft there and

There and a belt there and there no that’s not quite going to work h this is some true spaghetti yeah I suppose so you know what I could just do one thing I could maybe try this is going to be like extra spaghetti I can put another one of these

Here filter it for sand see like if I put sand will it all come out the filtered one no okay great so then I can just take my out sand output here and if I want to make this even sillier oh but this one might be too slow no it’s fine I

Want most of my sand to go into gold so it’s okay if I’m only taking a little sand out of here um and then I can have a belt that’ll go under this line there’s really no limit to silliness in my opinion and then double that as a

Belt so if I put an item down there will it actually go down yeah so I’m using this shaft as an extra belt cuz it’s here why not use it and this will be my sand output this will be my sand Supply and it’s not a

Lot of sand but it’s enough it should be enough that’s the wrong way um that’s also the wrong way that’s the right way okay so there’s my sand that’s all get sand out of here so okay so I’m getting clay Flint Cobblestone um where’s my gravel gravel gravel’s just coming down

Here and sand so far out of cobblestone you know I should test it that’s going to be oh you know what let me just get my washer set up and then I’m going to test it okay and then I’ll be able to use the stress ometer to really actually see how much

How stressful this is that’s totally the right word for that right how stressful okay okay I can pull my 128 speed or that’s 256 speed line from here and apply that to an encased chain drive okay is that going to spin the right direction nope of course

Not but if I put another gearbox it will oh I guess the chain drive can’t do that okay let’s uh test it out because if it doesn’t work at this point that’s kind of unfortunate it’ll also give me a good idea of am I using the Cobblestone am I

Is this the right number of cobblestone generators okay okay the anite funnel is doing its job brass funnel okay we’re getting gravel and Sands correctly um this is overshooting that the output here should be Iron nuggets clay what else how’s this working down here this seems to be running just

Fine we’re getting Cobblestone gravel clay sand Flint all at more than sufficient speed and all of these can be turned off and on and here we’re getting iron FL and Clay this is keeping up with the Cobble I can’t really tell I think this might not

Be oh yeah it seems to just barely be keeping up okay so my problem okay so there still is a problem here and that is I’m not getting enough Sand I’m getting plenty of clay and iron I think but not nearly enough sand so I’m going to have to change the direction the sand goes because I need to split the sand into um that which is getting washed and also that which is um going to be converted into Soul

Sand let’s just turn that down for now man my frame rate okay so my problem here is that too much of my sand is getting turned into what is sand wash into anyway why am I washing sand clay do I really need my sand to be turned into clay I don’t think

So so if I just filter all of those for gravel then I should have a higher proportion of my sand drop in I really only need a little sand to actually get washed into clay because I’m pretty sure the gravel will get washed into clay

Anyway no it won’t okay but I am getting clay output from elsewhere like um this shoot here grinding gravel in the sand produces clay sometimes it’s only 5% but maybe that is plenty so I think I really only need one sand line getting turned into clay the

Rest can drop down into my sand area into my sand area instead of getting washed so I think only H is the sand ever coming out of this one yeah I can just break this I think break that I will want still one of those lines but these others can be removed

This can be pretty drastically shrunk okay I need this to go into lava temp or you know what I just need to stop okay so I will occasionally get some sand that gets turned into clay and that should be plenty the rest of the sand I actually need to go down

Here and I no longer need filters on any of these because I’ve separated the sand and gravel oh I guess I do need this to still go all the way over here to turn Okay okay so the Sands that gets dropped in here you know what let me actually need

To turn this back on again cuz I need to know how much sand I’m getting not a whole lot yeah I’m not sure this will be enough to get a substantial amount of gold maybe it will the only way to really improve it though would be to Simply increase the amount of Cobble

Going in cuz there’s a lot of leftover capacity here I think I don’t really know how I would increase that exactly but in theory this should the processing capacity on this is the same as this big Factory I’ve made over here so I should be able to

Pull out like a stack every second it’s only currently at doing eight eight per second but I have enough stuff here going on that it should be able to do quite a lot more than that am I going to make that happen H what I could

Do h i I don’t know I have to think about this and in addition the Cobble getting Cobblestone this way is laggy as heck so I think the next step might be redesigning the Cobble Farm because there’s got to be a less laggy way to do this for one how do I make

Cobblestone there’s really no way okay I’ve got to look up some Cobblestone generators cuz I need like eight times this much cobblestone in order to make this run fully at full speed and that that’s laggy that’s going to be Laggy so this is 16 so I need like 16 * 8 128 drills and Cobblestone h but if I just make this twice as big that’ll make it twice as Laggy well let’s try it copy and paste right here there’s only one way to really know and that’s just to test it out although I don’t really like how close it is to my collection system like I I’m 90% sure this is going to be too laggy to

Use but there’s only one way to be 100% why settle for 99 okay uh we need a gear box horizontal okay um yeah this is not going to end well granted I’m playing in Windows window mode if I play it in full screen oh it gets even worse

Okay if I go away from it about this far then my frame rate recovers but it’s still not perfect I’m feeling a little stuttery here okay is that jamming it okay the gravel here is jamming unfortunately so that that is one flaw in recombining the gravel streams is that there’s the potential for

Gems one way I could probably fix that is by increasing stack sizes right here so if I change this to round robin which I think sends the entire stack to one at a Time that should potentially improve the jamming Issue yeah that seems to have fixed it I wonder if that would be good to do elsewhere too that would decrease the number of stacks running through here if I did round robin yeah I think I will I think I’m going to set this to round robin as

Well that’ll decrease the number of stacks running through here by a third so that should speed the whole thing up I could do the same thing here but let’s see if it will actually wash in time if I have it that way yeah looks like it

Will you know as terrible as this is I might go with this this might be what I do hang on why do I have two Motors I should not be using two Motors cuz then when I build it in survival it’ll be confusing where the input goes oh well I’ll leave it for

Now okay all of these need to drop down okay the the frame rate the frame rate though yeah I’m probably going to have to find a better Cobble gen maybe I can find a faster one too that’ll be smaller and cheaper okay so this needs to drop down into

Here okay can’t move that further back so I can just put another is that going to work that’s an annoying location to work with okay whatever um go ahead and do that we’re going to need no like not quite like that um now how am I going to connect that up

Properly nope not like that that’s for sure but like that should do it um except it it’s horrible this is horrible um look at all this item still dropping down so I need items from here to fall down onto that onto this which means I need them to turn the right

Direction which that is not going to help with but I could just do something stupid like this something terrible like this and then find a way to bring the power up here vertical gear box to a vertical gear box maybe that’ll work okay that seems to work and a belt like so

Okay that seems to work so that’ll get my iron flint and Clay back to the start I don’t really need nearly this much Flint it’s not about need at this point though is it okay now I need to haunt my sand the sand needs to be turned

Into H so the sand I’ll need to turn into that into whatchamacallit um Soul Sand and then I can send the Soul Sand back up to this washer again so I can put the Soul Sand into here so I’m going to need a haunting setup up

Here and I guess I could keep a little sand but I really don’t need it to stack up very much I think I might I hadn’t planned originally to do this but I think I’m just going to haunt all of the Soul Sand all of the sand into Soul Sand

Because you know if I just make a workshop then I can just grind up the sand whenever I need it I don’t really need it to be mass-produced the same really goes for the Flint and Clay well the clay is nice cuz it’s hard to get so all of this will be

Haunted now where can I squeeze a haunting machine in here I’m actually surprised how compact this whole thing is okay so is there any way I could squeeze it in here I’m sure I could it might be terrible though yeah this is going to be awful

It’s going to be great in the worst way but I can just barely fit a haunting setup in here okay one two three four five six seven this is terrible I am going to have no access to this but hopefully I won’t need it okay

So I need a chain drive in case chain drive more of these tunnels 1 2 3 4 5 okay a way out for all items and then on here we’re going to have soul campfires more encased fans and chain drives I’m probably going to use a schematic Cannon to build most of this

Schematic cannons can’t can’t place belts but I believe they can place pretty much everything else and oh look a free source of power actually I need to get rid of that and start harnessing That Power from somewhere else this should be 256 it’s rotating the wrong way though there we

Go so now the whole thing is being powered from one motor at 32 RPM but realistically it can be powered from anywhere okay so these are all going to be haunted with soulfire uh that’s running at the wrong speed that needs to be slowed down to eight thankfully I happen to

Have speed eight right here now is there any way I can tunnel this down there should be right here where there’s a Willers way right there oh no that’s awful I can steal that power from that little conveyor belt right there and run it down through a vertical gear box

Hopefully that will be going the right direction no wrong way wrong way H how am I going to get that flipped around what if I do a vertical gear box no vertical um vertical gear box to a vertical gear box to a horizontal gear box oh my gosh it works

Though you can’t complain cuz it works and now I need to get power from here to operate the fans thankfully I have a source of 128 power right there is that going to push the right direction yeah no problem now I need to pull the gold out of this

With a shoot a Smart Shoot wait no the gold nuggets won’t come out yet the gold nuggets will come out from washing it okay so I need the majority of the Soul Sand to then come from down there back up into this so either there or

There a little of the Soul Sand can go down there but most of it needs to come back up here thankfully I don’t need this Cobblestone here do I no just just maybe one or two blocks of it okay how am I going to separate this

Out so that most of the Soul Sand goes up and only a little of it goes down okay easiest way I can think of is bit silly but you know what what if this isn’t silly just do that this one will drop down and then the rest will be washed into quartz and

Gold how am I going to get power to these I need these to have 32 speed power thankfully oh and this is going to drop down that’s perfect that’s pretty perfect okay but how do I get 32 speed power down I could use this belt that’s going the wrong direction vertical vertical

Gearbox vertical gearbox this is getting stupid uh okay now let me just make sure this will go the right way okay so Soul Sand that’s going to eight Soul Sand does in fact get dropped down there the rest of this somehow needs to come up here that should actually not be

Hard all I have to do let’s bring it up from here use an encased chain and then I need all of these I just discovered a way I can make it even sillier uh potentially then all of these no that’s stupid um need to be turned around and somehow go into that

Okay let me also just make sure that um none of these items will drop down here okay so if I put some sand on there it’s going to go down right no it goes up why why does it go up um well I guess that Belt doesn’t actually need to be at that

Height but there was a reason it was I forget what oh yeah that’s why sorry if you can hear my dog downstairs okay and somehow I need to get that one turning also oh my gosh nope wrong way okay oh my gosh this is getting excessively silly silly to the point of

Excess okay so now if sand goes on there it just goes where it’s supposed to in meantime this gravel line will get dropped onto the soul sand conveyor belt and then dropped onto the return home pressure the return home line so I still have to get these somehow over here

So if I have a belt like so that’ll go there and then I just need these lines to go here if I put a g box is that going to nope I always get that wrong um gearbox there will break can I do a gearbox there and then this needs to turn also

Simple what about this is simple exactly you know what this needs to only drop gravel also cuz otherwise the Soul Sand will not get washed so I need to filter this for gravel as well as this one I only want Soul Sand going down this line but I also want gravel going down

This line okay do I dare turn it on now it should work I believe this is all set up this is all of this compacted I need to put void upgrades on all of these okay ready let’s lag the game out this should be everything except Cobble

Production uh I’m let me get compacting drawers as well for the iron and gold okay gold nugget oh I thought I was placing the wrong orientation okay gold iron all right creative motor time let’s get this running huh none of the gravel is going into here let’s try Force round

Robin is that the right one okay so there’s a oh yeah no okay the gravel is now going in here properly the sand down here is getting turned into Soul Sand correctly I can’t get up and we should start seeing Soul Sand ending up in here

Too maybe it doesn’t need to be forced around Robin if we’re just regular round robin that would be great I just need I need gravel to be going down here okay good okay we’re at capacity with sand production that’s good um this doesn’t make any sense um I

Need I’m going to have to fix that need a belt here okay okay we’ve got plenty of quartz running back do I have enough storage drawers I think so we made one gold nugget so far but it doesn’t really matter if it’s not making a whole lot as long as it’s Passive still I I honestly would like a lot more gold okay so is the Cobblestone building up excessively no it looks fine something’s jamming up okay so This I don’t understand why this would be jamming up does it matter if it’s jamming up no it doesn’t if it starts jamming up then I just get excess C we going down there although one thing I should consider is maybe feeding this gravel into this here instead instead of having this choke

Point here okay anyway more importantly gold four nuggets four nuggets in that amount of time is good enough I think I mean I’m getting plenty of Soul Sand actually shouldn’t I be washing more of it maybe I can increase the amount of Soul Sand that’s getting washed oh yeah this is um missing

A one of those a tube okay so now a little more Soul Sand should get washed half as much should not get washed still a little unhappy with the amount of gold if I could increase the amount of Golds that would be great but how would I do that where’s the limiting factor

Here it seems like to me the issue is the Soul Sand the way the Soul Sand is being handled let me turn this off it seems to me that the issue here is that this Soul Sand should not be feeding into this it should be bypassing it entirely the Soul Sand should be

Feeding into here instead oops didn’t quite mean to go that far okay so the Soul Sand here should be going into this here but I don’t see any way to do that I could also have it just drop on top of here Maybe because if the gravel is CL also this crushing wheel the gravel to sand crushing wheel I don’t know if that is quite sufficient maybe I should turn this gravel directly into sand if I break this is it going to break everything anything else yes but

Why oh it’s breaking this gear box okay um H this is a tough problem but what I’d like to do is squeeze another set of crushing Wheels into here and then just have this have these ones just just bypass this entirely I mean it would not be a problem as is

But it’s just a little bit wasteful excuse me what if I did a belt like that what would this funnel here look like H I don’t like that don’t like it what I was thinking for a second was that I could divert this and have half of the gravel here go directly into

Sand and you know there may still be a way to do that but I don’t know if it’s worth it I guess the easiest way to go about this would be to Simply put another pair of crushing Wheels here and then divert this whole chain but the problem is I’ve built so

Many things around it that it would break a lot of other things if I did okay well it’s still worth it actually so I’m going to go ahead and do that okay crushing wheel one and two and it go straight into there cuz I want a higher ratio of sand

Okay let’s test this out cobblestone should come out as sand it does not because I need another gear boox here okay I need that to come through that way that’s quite simple actually I need a belt there still okay so the sand will go where it’s supposed to

Okay and then we can put a gear box there and there right okay that’s moving the way it should this thing looks ridiculous well like it is ridiculous okay and now there should be fewer items working their way into this so I should be able to put the Soul Sand up there potentially

Instead okay so that goes up there shaft there that goes up there okay almost geared up for another test the important thing is now I’ll be making a lot more sand so that should make a lot more gold however it’ll also come at the cost of iron now that I think about

It so one thing I could do let’s get rid of this output that’ll reduce the stress on the system Too rid of that okay what’s stopped ready of those okay so this will be my sand line I think I really just don’t need any of my sand to be turned into clay after all so I’m just going to get rid of that Al together cuz I’m already getting clay

From the gravel and so the important thing is that the sand becomes Soul Sand okay and if that’s the case then I don’t need these funnels in fact I don’t need a lot of this in fact this line can just drop down this line can just go to here

Than I can just go down there and I just need an En case Drive mechanical belt another one of these to here I guess or all the way to here really okay another inase chain drive okay now I need to reconnect these gears somehow so I need a little one turning a big

One turning little one turning a big one turning a belt or that can be an inase chain drive that would be better so I don’t need these that’s turning the wrong way that’s all turning the wrong direction that’s turning the right way now we can replace that with a

Horizontal can’t put a chain drive there H now I’m going to get rotational Force to here this needs to be 32 speed which seems kind of hard to come by where am I going to get 32 speed from I’m getting confused this is getting tricky this is very scuffed yeah

Okay so I can get 32 from nowhere where do I get 32 power where have I left myself that I can do 32 down here this is 32 um so I can do a vertical and a vertical okay I think it’s all working now almost almost I don’t like that these are

Running at 32 speed this should be at not 32 or that I mean sorry that should be running 32 where’s it getting power from for okay that should be 32 oh my gosh this is stupid this is ridiculous I need to probably just start over from scratch if I’m being honest

But I think it’ll work now did I finally build this line to get it no for some reason these ones aren’t working now this is a good lit lesson on how not to design things cuz this is not the way but at this point I just want it to

Work I just want it to work and I think I’m almost there now I can’t even remember what the improvements I’ve just made are or if they’re improvements I think so um only one way to really know okay so there’s clay going down there that’s bad

Maybe it doesn’t matter if the clay goes down here or Flint I forgot about flint and Clay going down this way but maybe nothing will happen to them and maybe I can just filter the Soul Sand down here so that the clay will always go down there instead of going

Up and maybe I can set that to round robin that way it will not overload the number of stacks here and I need gravel to go down here but not Soul Sand I also need gravel to sometimes go through here well this an easy way to fix that actually

I mean I say easy but like what if this has been easy why why why you not go oh that makes sense got to eat okay have a good meal so now there’s basically no gravel getting washed what if I do forer robin I don’t really need a lot of

Gravel getting washed but I need a little bit well I think I’m getting more gold this way but am I getting as much iron no I’m not getting any iron so I turn that off but doesn’t really matter is okay so it’s not really making enough gravel still I really don’t

Need any of the gravel actually I can always just mass-produce that myself so I think I can can get rid of this line I think I want all the gravel to actually go into here so I think I can get rid of that or rather I can connect it into

Here cuz I don’t need the store up gravel and then H this seems to be jammed up a bit but in any case I should be getting plenty of gold and iron now which is my main goal for as scuffed and horrible as this is my gosh what have I made

Okay I’m going to increase the number of washers cuz it’s jamming up a bit it’s jamming the Soul Sand and that’s going to limit my gold so I’m going to turn that off put that on at a belt increase that however now I need power down here

Which I think I should be able to get if this is the right direction it’s the right direction um gearbox now it’s the right direction oh and this can be my Soul Sand return line actually here’s how I can get Soul Sand I just break that so my Soul Sand return

Line will come down here then I can have all of my soul sand down here loaded onto here in fact I don’t even need the hoods okay I don’t know why there’s clay going back up here where does clay come from anyway Clay comes from grinding gravel right yeah so I need to

Add smart shoots somewhere to take the clay out and they only place they can be is right here and here that’ll prevent the clay from jamming up the system clay and Flint oops okay so clay and Flint from Granite gravel will get it taken out what about when sand is ground is there

Any clay and gravel coming out of that yeah or clay and Flint my bad again that’s actually quite easily fixed though [Applause] okay so I can just have another set of smart shoots here and here that will be clay and Flint no wrong way okay got to eat okay this is just

Getting worse and worse I’m just going to rebuild it from when once I get into survival I’m just going to build it manually now that I know how much space it takes up it’s not too bad okay that should be good we’ll find out soon definitely not a fan of the monsters here

Okay getting plenty of Soul Sand now Soul Sand’s going up as it should I no longer need a filter here there’s going to be a small amount of the stuff that just gets back unwashed by going here and there should be enough gold hopefully okay there we

Go okay so making absolutely plenty of Soul sand sand Flint stone gravel clay quartz enough iron the Iron’s a bit slow the gold so far not coming in at all definitely don’t want to have a creeper here I didn’t mean to do that okay there’s some gold um minor issue I

Think is that this one should be going twice as fast o the Wind okay so if I just have that one connected to there then I can have a chain drive in case chain drive and basically I’d like to power it from here if possible so if I get a horizontal gearbox plug it in there and it’s going the wrong

Way okay that should fix the jam going on here this is not jamming up thankfully oh is it not enough to cause problems I don’t think okay in that time how how much gold have we made five nuggets that’s not great we’ve made eight Ingots I don’t know I think I’m going to have to design something a little bit better from scratch I mean this is functional but far too slow compared to what I was getting back here anyway so I think I’m going to but I’ve done enough designing for today

How long have I been going in anyway um gosh like 3 hours 4 hours um yeah I I’m done for today um I’m happy to meet y’all I’m glad you tuned in um it was nice talking but uh I think we’ll we’ll revisit this some other day

Uh thankfully this is still a ways off before I have to build it in survival a little ways off not a big one as sooner as better but this there there are things to do first but oh well uh yeah see yall next week or sooner I hope you all have a

Good one have a good uh is it night time already no feels like it okay have a good bye I guess whatever bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Everything you can make with cobblestone in Create mod Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fang on 2023-11-26 23:42:36. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:11 or 15011 seconds.

I want to design a factory in create that will convert cobblestone into everything cobblestone can be used to make.

Not expecting this to be a really long stream but should be a fun time and I look forward to seeing you!

I’m playing with Create, Ars Noveau, Alex’s Mobs, Alex’s Caves, Yung’s mods, Terralith, Tectonic, Amplified Nether, CC: Tweaked/Computercraft, Immersive Engineering, Farmer’s Delight, Supplementaries, Slice and Dice, Pretty Pipes, Steam and Rails, Ender Storage, More Red, Mob Variants, Creeper Overhaul, and other mods as well.

Want to join the Let’s Play world? Reach out on my Discord. That said, I won’t be accepting people I don’t know and trust already at this time due to moderation and griefing/cheating risks. Join the Discord:

Credits: Warden Farm design by Rays Works:


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  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! πŸ”₯ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. πŸ”¨ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Ξ›sk Ξ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft πŸ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft πŸ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 βœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❀️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” πŸš€ | Subs Discord | πŸš€ My Texture Pack | πŸš€ | Twitter | πŸš€ | Twitch | πŸš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe βœ“ Like βœ“… Read More