Insane Community Stream! Join Now for Fortnite, Minecraft & More!

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L D Long Think out hello hello wait hello ah there it is oh I need to take code away we don’t need code wait why do I have two audio input captures whoa whoa hold on chat on chat we got some stuff happening all right y’all so what are we oh wow that’s loud hold

On guys my thing is tweaking right nowy Nam Leo has been stuck in the same a I can’t see YouTube chat okay I can see YouTube chat now chat what are we going to do first I don’t think we’re going to do um fortnite unless y’all really oh excuse

Me the whole point of us doing these is that we take a break from fortnite with the purple spaz cuz I lagged good job David I don’t think we’re going to be guys we’re doing a community stream we’re not doing fortnite Customs today I know y’all I know y’all

Love y’all really want to do fortnite that bad the whole point of us doing these Community Days is that you know we get to chill play some other stuff that isn’t fortnite I mean [ __ ] if y’all want to sure but like you know David I’m honestly concerned about how much you’re talking to

Girls yo what’s up orle Community fortnite y y’all really wanton fortnite Jacob we’re probably not going to do Minecraft I used to do quite a bit of Minecraft but like the only thing I really do on Minecraft is a bunch of mod stuff and that’s like impossible to coordinate to

Play with like all of chat SP uh or I Des I I talked about it in the private chat his sister had been banned for saying weird stuff and because Discord when you ban someone it IP bans them it IP banned him when I banned his

Sister bu rush in fortnite chat do yall want you know what actually I think that’s a good idea let’s do fortnite creative guys we are not doing fortnite this entire time don’t get used to it all right now I got yeah but you can’t join my

Party cuz it’s not in public wait what do you mean Jacob what do you mean it’s not in public I need to learn how to make maps or so I so I can do stuff like this although I really don’t want to learn what do you mean Jacob can you not

Just give me the uh the the the the the the code that’s what it’s called the creative code Chad what skin am I wearing I used to you know what I used to rock this skin a lot let’s do it I used to love the skin G money me running cult yo

What’s up Phoenix how you doing why Discord dumber than I am wait what’s happening with your Discord drift I think the whole point of us doing this was to not do fortnite and we’re doing fortnite I like how um you know that’s that’s just what’s happening oh de de now playing for

Waiting for you to go live my Discord didn’t say oh I never announced in the Discord dude I keep forgetting to announce also um to the mods here y’all want to know what I realized I made a mistake in doing when I recruited the new

Mods yo want to know what I did very wrong yall want to know the big mistake I made I’ll give you a hint the three people I recruited were Orly kid and um were Orly kid and Harley I went I went to see how long it takes for yall to realize what

Mistake I made yo what’s up Danos how you doing I was waiting until you live yo W let me see the creative map code yeah know that’s I can wait Jacob my auto cck said sex yeah that’s happened to me before Shadow wizard Money Gang dude I haven’t heard that in a

Minute yo what’s up Jacob what we doing uh so drift I know we usually don’t do fortnite on community streams but everyone wanted fortnite so we’re going to do some creative this gives us a chance to test the bull rush map that Jacob made shout out Jacob in the YouTube chat AKA G

Money huge fan with me as his profile picture he made us a bull rush map we still doing gck oh yeah drift don’t worry we’re not doing fortnite for more than an hour or two we’re not doing Customs we’re just chilling in creative we’re going to do some fun Maps we’ll do

The pickax map I don’t expect us to have 50 people in so we can actually just do be chill do a party you know I know some of y’all love customs but this is a good chance for us to just you know chill play some games me me talk with Y more

Can you do a Party public cuz it’s not public oh like the map’s not public yeah I was going to do that anyways I’m not hopping in voice chat though I’m still scared depending on how many people we have if I make a map will you use it it depends on what it’s

For like the reason I’m using Jacob’s map is cuz I wanted a bull rush map and he he’s making us one so yeah if yall want to join up we’re just going to do some chill Maps don’t expect Customs today I’m in a Solo game right now oh

Don’t worry Z we’ll be here for an hour or two I used to host a bunch of Zone Wars creative uh Maps back in my old twitch days I miss it but I feel like that would get repetitive sweaty combo this ain’t that sweaty who just joined and insta left good

Lord look I’m just I have this glider yeah I’m using this glider I didn’t know I had that glider I thought you had have pay for that I meant mine oh okay oh my God that’s like the chapter two no Danos I like to take Sundays to do a community stream you

Know just play with chat you know just have a chill day you know it’s Sunday night I got classes tomorrow I had I worked today I just want to chill out with y’all you know what I’m saying how do I see my own map code Jacob I have no clue Jacob I’m just

Going to give you party leader and you select it please oh ug joined and ug left season 8 yeah dude that’s the that’s the late chapter one early chapter 2 what um okay this is the map Jacob how long do you think it’ll take for you to make this map

Public eel Georgia what do you mean eel Georgia I believe go to your server settings and all the way down what are you talking about Onyx ug did you just realize oh oh yeah yeah no no I knew that I didn’t realize yeah I keep forgetting I realized but I keep

Forgetting about it why are y’all requesting that guys put the party on public Jacob please put the party on public oh never mind it is on friends why are people requesting to join then I’m talking to drift oh are y’all in voice chat my bad think I gave him full

Mod full mod and what how do I do it uh let me use Google publish a creative map fortnite when you’re ready to reveal your Island to the World by going to My Island tools if you haven’t enrolled in the fortnite island Creator program you see to find out how to publish under

Tools that’s what you have to do I I’ll give you a link uh Jacob that is a link yo insur I haven’t seen that name in a while any plants for Minecraft I was thinking about it but the only problem is I do mostly modded Minecraft and these Community streams are meant to

Play with viewers and unfortunately you know it’s kind of hard to coordinate that so probably not there’s a small chance but I I I doubt it if I’m being realistic I’ll be on in a few all right bet sounds good most of us yeah plus a lot of my

Viewers are on Console I mean we could do a Bedrock server but I mean I feel like that would just die out so quick because um you know you know I’m not the biggest uh vanilla fan especially on Bedrock at- also I am hacking up a storm

Yeah that’s what I’m saying it’d be really scruffed Bedrock moment for real okay I don’t think we’re unfortunately going to be able to do this map drift and Lea can you ready up please I want to see what this sends us into poor favore let’s see what happens I don’t

Think this is going to load us into anything I think it’s just going to break oh hold on maybe not wait a minute is this going to work I expected this to just not work cuz Okay it’s working okay okay it’s working W cross platform how would that

Work then he got to go ah uh oh it’s his Island map uh oh I’m stupid it’s an Island map not a oh my God this is a lot of building why can’t I slide I can’t slide good Lord this is why I’m VIP there’s no my

Brother just said but he didn’t know how to I feel like that’d be like even more SCU somehow bro yeah no I didn’t realize what you meant my bad so how is this going to work I’m confused wait I can customize this oh um you should probably not let us have

Permissions to do that what is this it’s supposed to be a bull rush it’s a lot of metal I will say that what are you doing stop it oh my God you got to take away our permissions bro you can tell TV yeah t all I think you need to delete it just

Take away our permissions just start the game thank you who can you unb me from the pis server I don’t know I don’t have perms in there wait do I I don’t think I do and it’s not up to me that’s not my place like I

Said that that’s not up to me man drift and ju juice was the one who did it I would I would request very nicely to Drew okay well GG’s yo Jacob I’m not going to lie this map looks a little unfinished unless you accidentally ended it okay this map is definitely a bit

Broken oh man what the hell is this yeah Jacob this map might be a little broken okay we got to leave this this is not working it’s not working you know what guys everyone go back to Lobby we have a few more chances hold on is it sometimes they’re called bore

Rush Bor Rush maybe this is it inspired by Nick a 30 easy to use grief protection hold on we might have just found the map I’m still breathing so I don’t know why you can’t um Onyx probably because juice was the one who B banned you drift I don’t think

Complet I don’t know if drift even knows what happened I suggested juice because juice is the one who banned you not drift drift might have no problems with you but if juice has problems with you then you know you need to talk to him about it that’s just me using

Logic no private private right now even though this does have zero players guys we’re going to be the only people playing this yo what’s up Chris how you doing tonight I did it for no reason Jacob unfortunately it appears the map doesn’t work which is the reason we got

Off it not be I don’t know how much I trust this map but unfortunately your map doesn’t work okay we’re getting quite a few joints I’m not in not in what space Boy the game we’ll wait for you if you want is the whole leader thing what do

You mean the whole leader thing maybe I can put my input on it the true leaders of of banana peel or peel Team Six are drift and juice right not a fortnite or do you want to hop on Space boy or is that where you saying you

Can’t hop on give me a second okay bet Chad look at all the look at all the shiny VIP badges there was a hidden spot for you but you keep stopping the game no Jacob I think it was instant stopping because we would spawn and it would immediately

There was a hidden spot for you oh is that what I spawned in on Yo Lea with the silver Leta is cleaned with the silvers I rock with it Leta okay can y’all ready up why was ion ready does it show anyone is banned I think wait what really I can

Check that too because y’all gave oh y’all did give me permissions no he is banned toxic tornado I don’t he the reason I don’t know because of botch because of botch I don’t know what that means I don’t know if he misspelled [ __ ] or botch as in he botched it I don’t know

Yo what’s good kid how you doing I’m going go make a bore Rush guys we have a map right here oh my God I’m putting the party on private if y’all want to join just request to join yo what’s up Lea oh give me if I

See it now also kid um did how long did it take you to how long did it take you to realize that I only um that I only uh uh gave mod to Europeans can we can we point that out and how that might be a

Problem I I might have made an ISS might a mistake doing that that is a large problem yeah um I didn’t yo what’s up Tay actually join because it was public no no no Tay you can join of course no Tay I I I took it off public because people kept joining and

It was resetting the ready up no it’s not your fault it’s cuz people were leaving and then randomly joining then randomly leaving t t t t you can totally join us yeah no no just request to join my party just having it on public was causing issues but we can fix it where

Is orley from he’s EU I don’t know where EU but he’s EU obviously you’re EU and obviously Harley is EU Tire night in8 hours for it not working well okay Jacob I’ll get I’ll give it one more shot because I do want it to work but it did not work yo what’s

Up Vamp how you doing Vamp RL we got ourselves a rocket League player yo that that reminds me who all was here when um cport came into my chat if you don’t remember uh a partnered rocket League streamer was in my chat the second I TR decided to play rocket League ooh this

Map looks cool this looks actually well made surprise surprise Rock I don’t know if I’d say rocket League over but it is a decent game who his name was creser I don’t know he was a partnered streamer deifying no creser creser no not kesport creser yeah 4.7k followers partnered

Rocket league coach manager for rule one GG oh God this song yall know the Jo we got to skip the song I’ll try to fix it right bet creser the SSL I would have to assume if he’s partnered he’s pretty good at the game so maybe players host y

Yo wow that is a long Q time nope I’m going to get it before you do yeah that is definitely not grief proof he manages rule one yeah apparently I’m SS myself I would hope so you have RL in your I’m just playing you would be surprised if they wait how does this

Work wait how how does this work wait hold on oh you have to get across without me shooting you oh this seems a bit hard no okay you won okay I think this should I think I wish this map is perfect but it would be better if it was with a pickaxe

I’m also unreal in fortnite Vamp you’re just good at everything I guess oh is it bugged don’t tell me it’s bugged this would be better if we had like 30 to 40 people there’s just not enough people I think right now this is a cool map though it

Works don’t let me be host because I’m a true controller player true I play rocket league for the first time di in ages today how was it I ran plat 2 oh yo W I think yeah I almost got into GC and hoops and that’s it I think it’s

Bugged can I like end the game or do I have to go back in here first time hosting read the host guide oh my God I’m sorry y I still not feeling great guys we got to go back to Lobby I think we broke it I should be Diamond too should

You okay let’s try one more map that map was good the only problem is um it was too easy for the host bore Wars what is this ride your Bor into battle em no that is not bore Rush Bor Rush 80 players welcome to the Nick a30 inspired

Game mode Bor Rush Hold on maybe this one’s better I want y w thy you were horrific when he played with Gavin to be fair I was also bad Jacob we will try your map let’s try some of these random Maps first don’t worry Jacob I promise we

Will try your map again I promise I would never lie to You I didn’t have music on I didn’t have the playlist oh that’s true music music makes a hell of a difference are you streaming on twitch yes I’m streaming on Twitch and YouTube I do not stream on Kick I don’t think Kick’s a great platform I also have no

Community on Kick all of my people are on Twitch some on YouTube most of my communities on Twitch a good amount are on YouTube such as you and Jacob how does that correlate kid you kid you’re a gamer how do you not understand how much music affects how

You play you don’t have that one playlist you get turned to while gaming you don’t have that playlist that makes you just play instantly better yeah trust me trust me good M oh let’s try again yeah trust me I play a lot better when I have good music

On that’s how it’s supposed to be yeah trust me it does but not at the same time as gaming cuz I was like that years ago I was like how the hell do people play music while gaming now I can’t play music without play gaming without music

Trust me it sounds crazy if you’ve never done it it it it’s it’s a mate trust me you got to try it please let me in I got you blaze ah I got you I can still let you in used to play with Pur it’s so much

Better with music yo what’s good icy how you doing wait I don’t see any requests oh it was thanks game for conveniently squishing it so I couldn’t see the requests appreciate you game the S out repetitive I’m boring it’s not even just that it’s music makes it better yeah we’re doing fortnite even

Though I said I wouldn’t what is this wait I’m so confused who’s the hunter who’s the bo um oh my God what is this jump why why does it feel like I’m so how does this work guys I don’t think that this map works I won’t lie how are all of these Maps

Broken oh hold on what if I have to watch this oh I tried yeah this map is broken all right one more I can’t even play though I’m in the party are you I didn’t even get in oh shoot uh yeah that map’s awful we’ll do one

More they had 11 people oh those that was us DAV Bor Rush the when the leader asks a question oh god oh this is almost like Simon says what about bull rush rush let’s try this one what you doing I we’re trying out some bull rush Maps so we can use on

Stream but it put the song you’re on wait what do you mean I drift tomorrow tomorrow is the day I get affiliate yo w i y’all if y’all are um haven’t checked out icy check out icy’s stream we’re helping him hit affiliate for uh all of the uh stuff he helps with

This stream 20 gifts it is still insane man see we like to support each other here you know what I’m saying did you hit 4K no we’re getting closer though I’m 30 away 30 we’ll probably get it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I don’t think we’ll hit it today I don’t

Expect to get much follows just because you know you know we’re not doing Customs but you know what I mean trivia if I find if we can I you know what guys do we want to spend time now playing actual creative maps for fun or do we want to

Find stuff that we think would be good for stream I kind of want to do stuff that we think would be good for stream you know just in case we get griefed we can do creative and it doesn’t have to be fashion show or pickaxe battle we can

Have more options you know 20 gifted made my ass broke guys y’all made I don’t know if I showed y’all in the past yo thank you for the lur J in the past week of me streaming do y’all want to know how much y’all made me on Twitch I I want y’all

To take a guess I think if you’re in my Discord you Pro I think I told it said it already Okay this map has a starting screen can we do pickax battle you want to 1.2k in a week bro okay that’s a little excessive yeah K kids got it kids got it

Aund y’all made me $140 in a week yo what’s up Seer how you doing keep in mind this is like my second week of third week of streaming after stopping for two and a half years I just want to point that out like y’all are insane what is this

Oh hold on maybe the map’s not broken yo wait this looks like it works who’s the host though are we all over Here oh um this map looks like it works but I think um oh my God guys did one of you all start it I think one of us were supposed to um weren’t supposed to go in what’s this don’t tell me one of y’all sprayed this so we all just fell for

It 100,000 I wish that’s why you couldn’t donate with bits oh yeah yo that’s a w got someone wanted to give you bits already though that’s crazy the pre affiliate Dono think it’s red light green light no no it’s not it’s not it’s it’s a bll rush I

Think we bugged it guys did one of y’all start it wait um Jacob how would that work how could you have a teammate in Bor Rush yeah y’all are just spraying doors okay thank you restart it please all right y’all ready up know the Deal I got an idea for the community stream let me hear it pumpkin yo what’s up ninja I can’t watch your play today it’s 1:15 oh no don’t worry ninja appreciate you for stopping by though even if it just is for a single message have a have a good night man don’t worry

The trolling go insane it do we should do squid game I don’t know about squid game KZ we are 100% doing marbles tonight don’t worry we should play a fortnite cahoot y’all want to do fortnite Cahoots I’ve been thinking about doing Cahoots in general [ __ ] y y’all want to do a fortnite

Cahoot oh I’m dying Chad I’m dying what are marbles it’s Marble racing SL marble um Battle Royale oh yeah Jay we got a lot new V oh also Jay I made three new twitch people mods unfortunately I made the mistake of giving mod to every unfortunately I made

The mistake of every single mod who got it being European and I didn’t even realize so you know I kind of am in a conundrum I’m in a situation okay yeah this is not working yeah I made a little bit of a mistake I still think there’s a solution

Maybe I’m going to drift I’m going to give them like a week and if I start to notice that like towards the end of stream where it’s like 5 for them if there’s no mods I will probably be giving it to you or we’ll see all right Blaze we’ll try your map

Or not Blaze what am I saying Jacob we will try your map one more time y ready up we’re going to try Jacob’s map one more time fortnite Duo scams and everyone insulted T I’m not doing Customs today I will be resuming Customs tomorrow don’t worry what are you doing we’re just

Doing some creative Maps we’re testing out some creative maps that we think would work on stream if I guess what number you’re thinking of 1 to 1,000 can I get mod you know what yes you can yeah thank you for the follow XTX appreciate that man you know yeah if you guess the

Number I’m thinking of 1 to a th000 I will give you mod no you you good kid you good kid I get it Blaze unfortunately you were incorrect it was 333 I told yall I love the number three it’s my favorite number it’s my lucky number it’s

333 that’s a 50t return or being first in your group to 100% new release maybe you just I got it okay okay buddy I was going to guess that you were too you were too late okay okay Leta just casually guessing it after I said it uh-huh I see

You I have Spain stuck in my head what the she from Spain I don’t speak knowing this buty know I’m about the game wait is that the song that’s playing right now oh my God it is about the game kick bronzy uh is there a reason

Chris is are they like saying slurs or something she from Spain I don’t speak Eng this py know I’m about the game I see only lyrics of the song I know oh well except what do I know B like Lio that’s it yo kids with the one day 13 hours

W okay we have so many people requesting to join the party give me a second so it doesn’t bug everything out oh Zora wants to join W Zora it’s literally just half of the chorus oh my God there’s no way I’m getting more requests never

Mind I get nine VIPs in my chat W she from Spain oh don’t speak no English but she know I’m about the game what do I know ball like Lionel Chanel back I think my faor one of my let me you know I’m going to start playing some of the songs I actually

Like on the playlist tweaking I like this song this song is catchy don’t worry it’s 100 player rap all right bet I’m more just worried about it working at this point Jacob check Discord DMs I got you been thinking cuz I’ve been drinking money

Drugs um so onx I am going to have to say no just cuz I really don’t well first of all I don’t really have official bodyguards into if I did it would probably be reserved for uh VIPs and mods but that doesn’t mean you can’t be

Bodyguards it doesn’t mean that but uh I really don’t have official bodyguards okay kid I don’t know what to play just just Shuffle this playlist this playlist isn’t amazing but it has a lot of catchy stuff on it which I like you know like

This is a good thing to have you know on the on the on the stream you know what I’m saying my heart’s racing hyperventilation this song is good I like this song yeah can y’all please ready up oh my God it’s Lea and Zora out of all people who aren’t ready

Up yo thank you for the lurk Shadow oh was that a blurp it was a blurp I should have known there they go turn the p in the PM par homie Ain nobody no 50 requests in my DMs they don’t want to talk to thei man nobody came

My already texted me sorry told me they got me I was at Photoshop oh no you good I’m loading give me a second all right dude I hate these new umine it also guys um so I decided what I’m going to do with the um the made

Outfit so I’m going to switch it over to streamlabs donations I’m not going to do it based on sub counts because you want to know why if we did it based on sub counts we would lose Subs every month people who didn’t renew or people I know

And I feel like that’ be unfair for y’all and it’d be really hard to reach goals meanwhile if you do them through streamlabs donations um they will never deplete and it’ll build up over time on my bu PS on heavy sleeping ass well you get new every day whoa what is

Happening Jacob um what happened what in the hell o w glider can get that’s loud no you cannot by the way Jacob I I think you what is happening nobody do it do what I’m lagging so hard Jacob your map is might be a little broken can I get a

Hoya I don’t know if I want to I don’t think I could I I can’t hit high notes like that right now my throat would not let me whoa okay something’s happening give us a ho I don’t think I want to yo my man your map is yeah know

This is Jacob I’m sorry it’s broken I’m sorry Jacob it is destroyed I win zorao won GG Zora you’re just better we will find a good one right one V one build fights no bull all right this is the last one I swear I promise this is the last one you

Got super fans now what do you mean I got super fans can I join yeah just saw request to join the party W timing not math you know what get in here not math I’m a dumbass not an [ __ ] true I might be joining stream lat on

Weekdays for my practice that end oh no no don’t worry you good Shadow oh I’ll always be live past 9:00 p.m. don’t worries also I bypass your mod settings how did you figure out why I can’t join back can’t join back what peely I have no clue that’s that’s

That’s that’s a that’s a juice thing can we do pickaxe battle Yeah Chris we’ll do pickaxe battle next I like that map I’m going to make food yo IC see can I get a bite I’m hungry oh hold on have one why are you eating it’s a

Midnight snack huge fan oh oh yeah duh yeah yeah Jacob’s a ww fan oh my God that is loud guys so I I was telling yall about the um ma stream should I still have goal should I still have sub goals like for completely unrelated stuff just to have

Them maybe I will never oh this song’s also decent oh it’s by PM of course it’s decent he’s one of the better artists on this playlist right now has a catchy chorus but the rest of the song is kind of bad unfortunately he already knows two days

Ago yeah the reason was because I came inside a map while I was loading Jacob are you sure all right we need y’all to ready up toxic tornado turkey peas turkey peas potatoes and gravy I’m not a big fan cabie can I join yeah where you at did you request to

Join it’s so loud this isn’t you is it oh Jay Warner that’s who asked if I was streaming okay Jay Warner we need you to ready up we have one more slot for you cby request to join my party that’s youan glorious might I remember you all

Right y’all just ready up oh we are full I cannot let him join oh no keep it the sub goal the only problem is Jay if I have the majus as the sub goal every month we’re going to lose Subs cuz not everyone’s going to Reed

Renew their sub or some people got it gifted so I feel like that would make it very hard to he hit Higher Goals cuz the whole thing with the Maj us is every time we hit it the requirement for the next one slightly goes up slightly so I feel like that would just

Make it eventually like impossible cuz you know I’m not going to be M like I have 45 Subs right now and half of them are from Icy and Nick a month from now I may have I may have 10 Subs you know like it’s going to be hard for me

To hold High numbers of Subs o this looks cool hold on chat this and someone started it yeah you’re you’re banned whoever started it by the way I’m finding out who’s starting it and banning you for life like you’re actually so banned DJ we’re just uh chilling playing some games with

Viewers we’re doing fortnite creative right now but we we’re going to be switching like marbles GIC phone stuff like that Danger Mouse isn’t he uh EDM so how does this work judge no Noe please don’t thank VI when flare is shot run okay how the hell do I do this oh oh oh

Okay wait what hold on y’all uh I have to figure out how to start this hold on this looks like it’s actually working how does this work how do I Chad how do I do this how do I jump on board I cannot do that oh I can oh oh well how do

I how do I get past oh oh I just broke it I know I didn’t how do I oh how do I get in t to be get running and start how do I oh my God yo uh 7j swerve thanks so much for the follow man appreciate it how the hell do

I okay I’m dead gg gg you all win I lost GG’s GG’s I I I lost I guess y’all are just better I mean I’m like what am I supposed to do okay we’re doing pickaxe battle we’ll figure this out tomorrow I mean I tried I really did I really

Did whoever started it end it no it’s fine we’re we’re going to do something that we know Works how long have we been live for 46 minutes okay uh there it is all right y’all ready up you doing scrims we’ll do some scrims tomorrow you’re so goofy this is not my fault

I’ll be back in like 10 minutes all right bet the entire I saw that if they done it they have to run if not Jacob the only problem is that’s kind of like Simon Says it’ll be really delayed let’s play the squid Games map

We could do that do I want to try the squid Games map we actually have people so that would work I’m down to try it someone left like later Babe I don’t hate this song but the song also used to be the first song that played so you know Squid map okay Bet can we do marbles after fortnite yeah kids we will we’ll do this then squid game then we’ll probably do marbles all right ho I’m going need you to

Speaking of he just did when are we doing fortnite Customs uh tomorrow Jacob I have the map ready so give me leader okay I got you then GIC yeah I’m down to do GIC all right let’s see if let’s um hold on challenge don’t start it early challenge impossible let’s see what

Happens I mean yeah challenge impossible and and look at look at all those people spectating because one of the eight people that loaded in whoever one of the few people in here started it there’s two people in yo shout out who wait whoever is with me started it that means okay and they

Ended it so I won’t get a see never mind bro if you’re going to start it just just at that point there’s no point in ending it it was one of these people that started it I don’t like one of those people Belgium oh oh you from Belgium I

Didn’t know that can I get in the game that’s what I’m saying we should play Among Us y’all want to do among us today oh my God and you we we have to leave we have to leave there is no oh wait ready up never Mind okay you know what everyone go back to Lobby if you were going to be an annoying person and start it early just go through with it don’t end it you complet completely broke the map stop starting it early I don’t know why y’all just decide oh there’s only eight people we still

Have 20 joining nah let’s start it now you know what I’m saying guys I’m thinking of doing Among Us stream on like Thursday or something would y’all be down with that like a full among us cuz guys as much as I want to do fortnite I love doing fortnite I

Do want to try to switch up you know with a little bit of variety maybe maybe we maybe we do if I stream every day we do fortnite every day except for like Tuesday or Thursday and then Sunday and then we switch games like sometimes we’ll do rocket League

Sometimes we’ll do Among Us sometimes we’ll do Minecraft y’all chilling with that scribble would be chaos oh my God scribble with this many people would be awesome while that’s kind of creepy noch necessary are you ready to take the next St towards a bright and rewarding future

Georget technal college is your gateway to success we offer accelerated designed to get you ready in no time whether you’re interested in technology healthare bus or the Arts hgtc Oh wait what the hell we’re in okay thanks game really cool shout out this game someone start it guys it’s yeah we just y we if you didn’t get in just wait for this round to end I would tell y’all to I would tell these people to just let

The round end but they’re not going to follow the rules well some of them areen yeah I know guys just wait for this round to end it’ll be fixed I promise just someone keeps being really obnoxious give me that last slice oh I lost Health it wasn’t worth it watch this Kobe I

Missed well looks like all the pey got in give me those mats I already have Max metal ow am I getting jumped by the peelies hold on chill okay I’m getting jumped this is not good y’all don’t do this again I got jumped last time we did

This I don’t want to have to go through that again bro okay it’s not even just the pey that is not a peely get away from me y’all are on each other and y’all are going for me nah so y’all y’all got to pay for this somehow someone’s got to

Punish you for your greed oh thank you whoever chug splashed me W man impulse yeah goodbye y’all yeah yeah how you doing now you were attacking me too now you’re dead yeah how does it feel revenge is sweet oh I’m dead I’m not dead oh how did you get in uhoh I’m so

Screwed okay I’m dead oh no way there’s absolutely zero chance I win this right oh thank you thank you cby lame cby lame I love you that’s when you’re my favorite Tik tocker come here no no yes come here yes oh no wait I might be able to win

This cabby you’re you’re dead to me cabby Lane I hate you I hate you cabby Lane zor you better win Oh no you’re dead oh wait no you have yes thank you Zora W Zora screw you cabie you might messages my bad DFT no to spam play vanilla MC more people have

That public we do 16 player bed War okay well the only problem is we need to decide Bedrock or Java we need we need to okay my mouse is just not working cool thank you why does that keep happening jav Bedrock yeah that that there’s our problem Java B it’s split Java bedrock

Oh [ __ ] yeah give me that yeah I’d stay away from me if I were you give me that slurp juice oh you want to go even when I have the power up how are you alive no you’re dying Cav lame I don’t like you oh [ __ ] I didn’t think Zoro would just

Target me or would just keep pickaxing me I thought he’d back off oh my I hate this game all I had to do was get my slurp off and Zora just said no I don’t how to do custom bedwars on Bedrock that’s a good point but like I Don’t Java is so much better that’s true I have a rocket Ram oh Tay you should easily win then Tay that should be GG you should win just keep launching up in the air and you’ll kill everyone if you you should that you should get so many kills with that it’s insane

Oh there he is always he’s flying do fortnite bedw Wars we could do that no not use the RAM use the RAM use the ram no launch up oh there we go there you go yeah he’s going to kill everyone the ram is so broken look at this he can just everyone’s

Gone bro I can’t believe I died the way I did Dude look at all the people that are down there oh my God goodbye everyone it was nice knowing you oh that portal Fortress Is clutch that wasn’t a great rocket whoever put the portal Fortress just saved everyone’s life oh oh they want him dead he has a rocket they want him

Dead Zora I’m mad you killed me in that situation I was chilling oh I guess I can’t be too mad you did Kill cabby lame last round oh my God he’s got another rocket and he someone just went flying good Lord if he survives for another rocket he

Might just straight up win oh get away from him that’s a RI of junk oh he’s got medist he’s Chilling oh maybe he’s not he’s got to get up in the eye he’s got to get up in the sky or El he’s going to die oh my God wait hold on is he going to do it that portal Fortress is oh my God he got greedy he didn’t get a kill though

That’s crazy everyone’s healthy I guess no never not anymore mods get privileged how long you going to be playing maybe I’ll launch my fortnite H how long do youall think we should play I don’t know I was going to go for an hour and a half to 2 hours max

So at at the max an hour at the very Max did that not do damage to him oh he’s dead he’s just going to let himself die he doesn’t want to give them the Ram oh Zoran again wait that’s not Zora never mind bro it’s so hard for me to win any of

These feel like I have a giant Target on my back and Gavin not seeing any of my message sorry I can’t get into the game wait really should I um are you in the party or is it just stupid Rift yeah the rift chunk oh it’s bugged we got to leave

That’s the only bad part about that map it bugs out every so often I think it’s from people trying to join mid game all right drift are you in the party yeah you are okay everyone everyone leave all right y’all ready up I’m going to use the bathroom please guys can y’all

Just be a good people and not started early thank you give me mod not mod but leader leader of what I don’t know what you mean oh also chat yeah um a total part of my headset just fell off today I set it down I picked it back up

And it this entire thing thing completely fell off it still works perfectly fine but but it just like it just fell off like I swear to God it just fell off buy a new one with the made money I mean this works it works perfectly like this is literally working

Perfectly right now I swear I woke up to it I put it on and it just broke and I was Furious by the way yeah like it and it looks like it like ripped off like you can see it like there’s a whole there’s a hole here like it looks like

Four I mean it looks like I uh ho disconnected all right we’ll kick him all right one sec I’ll be right back made with feed out for5 made with feet for5 made by itself is still um 70 bucks away no IM feel all right sorry I’m

Back can we play after fortnite can we play fortnite what you mean Roblox uh oh my God chat should we do Roblox tipped $100 okay buddy CH should we try Roblox later tonight people have been asking me to play Roblox even though I kind of hate

Roblox marble oh yeah kid I’m me me like later in the Stream should we try it would would y’all be wanting would y’all love to see me play some Roblox no no I’m not I’m going to do marbles after the story kiss we’ll do we’ll do we’ll do this

Until it crashes again or Until It Breaks and then I will um and then uh then then we’ll uh switch we’ll do this until it crashes then we’ll switch to uh the uh the the the the the the the squid game and then oh my God no one’s starting it

No one’s starting it wait it’s a miracle it’s a Christmas miracle I think everyone’s in everyone’s in it’s a miracle Roblox yes y’all really want Roblox all right bet yo thank y’all for not starting it thank the bus driver or you’re Banned all right y’all I have a I have a request and that’s please do not jump me all right I’m a peaceful man all right is there a reason you can’t deploy your glider early I guess that would be kind of cheap if you could all right I’m just going to do my

Own thing all right y y’all can fight I’m going to do my own thing all right are you rocking with that y’all okay we’re not rocking with that yo can this Knight hop off it’s him every time this Knight needs to hop off me he’s still chasing me Knight please

Stop stop targeting me please oh my God I’m getting focused so hard right now it’s crazy that stupid Knight oh my God why why me I mean I know why me but like still why me oh my God it doesn’t have to be like this I’m dead

You just you’re banned whoever did that you’re I’m dead who who is that red skin I need to have a word with you who is it who who is The Red Knight who is it oh my Blaze can you hop off me please I’d like to be able to

Play I’m getting jumped by Blaze every round it’s blaze in the um the black banana suit who is it oh they’re dead well who knows which peely that is playing blacked out whip oh I’m guessing you’re just using the same playlist as this right now but for real I don’t want to sound

Whatever but can y’all please not Target me in this poor poor favor poor faoro I went to play this to have fun and I can’t have fun if I’m getting touched by everyone yes I said touched makes me pop off damn really I don’t use this play this on

Rocket League I mean unless I’m streaming of course look at how peaceful y’all are being look at how peaceful they are when I’m dead CH y’all see this this is unb this dude has two boxes of pizza vocu you better not lose this oh my God he’s dead he can’t get

Out he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead GG he’s dead rest in peace local give out a streak on oh W after this give me party leader for squid games oh Onyx I I I I have the squid Games map don’t worry stupid person

Bro I have it already I have it too Onyx you want a drop shot turn me turn me turny dude I haven’t ever won a turny that’s not normal oh my God this person is choking I have never seen someone missed that many pickaxes in a row he had the power up

Too he’s got two pizza parties you might just kill this person though that’s cabie Lane wait please kill cabie thank you I still don’t like cabie from the first round two WIS in a row W dude it’s not going to be possible for me to get wins

What did I do the first round you were touching me every second you T everywhere I went I saw you how you like being maed by me Blaze can you please relax a little bit I would like to play the game and I can’t when I’m having a red Knight breathe down my

Neck every second wait there’s chest in this okay we’ll split the chest that’s fair I feel like it’s a fair result you know what the hell I just got boxed I just got double boxed what is this I just got bro oh my God you put your box in my box

Pause I got a grapple yes I can actually Escape when I’m getting focused W do you think I have time to get this mini off oh my God I love you what’s up bro I’m chilling psych I can’t join wait is it not letting y’all join I think this map just

Bugs out after a few rounds I don’t know what it is all right chat this map is all about movement should I get on the controller cuz don’t controller people have God TI your movement well I heard a RI to junk land or R junk get off who who is that I

Don’t it’s the suit banana again not you the black soup banana wait no there’s multiple black souit bananas never mind it’s Blaze I am scared all right I’m still alive oh yes oh no yeah whoever’s covering them you’re banned there we go that’s 50 players yeah no we’re not

Even close to the max players no Blaze get away from me I got pizza party give it to me I’m dead get away from me Please I can’t with this banana it’s the same banana no it’s Blaze again it’s blaze in the white banana I’m never playing this map again it’s Blaze and drift I’m been no I’m taking your VIP over okay wait I didn’t mean to actually leave God damn it hold on can I join

Back I hit the ground and IC my trouble mind need to slow it down dude I am getting jumped imagine dying to a peely I am getting getting targeted what do you want me to do that was not a rage quit actually maybe it was yeah it was

I’ll give it to you it was you cannot blame me for that Zora I’ll let you in I got you we need to do the um um the uh the the other map anyways where is it I have it do I not oh it’s right

There I just say I knew I had it bro I get targeted by the same two people for for every round I can’t do that map anymore I love the map but I just get jumped I don’t even have time to eat a Flopper I don’t even get mad at fortnite

Anymore but that genuin annoyed me that’s how much that’s crazy I got annoyed from a pickaxe map okay whoever played that blurp is also banned you know what seems like a bot yeah I’m Banning the entire chat I’m Banning the entire chat y’all are all out of here

Everyone everyone’s out of here yo what’s up Woody how you doing how are you doing today bro I was getting targeted so hard I couldn’t eat a Flopper that’s bad do you money equals bot yeah Blaze and you eal banned bro is rolling a D20 bro wait what what are you talking

About I killed everyone in the end yeah because you and Blaze gangbanged me spectum TV get zum I do not condone in any of the thug activities Z you you did not doing good yeah I’m I’m doing good aside from kiz or sorry aside from Blaze and drift

Absolutely molesting me I’m doing good my name is g money not Blaze no it isn’t you are not coping Me O who is that doing living large you’re modded that’s the best emote in the game who is that yo uh I mean you’re bad you’re modded

Sorry that’s the best emote in the game the only emote better than fresh we oh my God the coughing spasms are going to make me start to actually spasm why don’t you spend v-bucks uh Jacob I’m saving them for the giveaway when we hit 4k on Twitch can y’all ready up please

Drift ho I’m kicking ho this man never readies up I don’t know who ho is but they have not Reed up they are last hurry up every time and someone said that they disconnected you know what ho I I’ll give you one more chance but if you don’t ready up

Within a minute I’m kicking you again no but for real I am going to have another twitch I add another twitch mod soon so we don’t have all Europeans okay he Reed up it works every time vocal I need you to ready up friend request from Tik Tok short

Fellow you know what if your Tik Tok actually exists I’ll add you short fellow it does exist 1750 followers okay you know what yeah I got you I got you your Tik Tok actually exists wait why do you have another Tik Tok as your name you know what if that

One doesn’t exist you’re not getting added iq1 q311 does not exist I don’t think I can add you as a friend it doesn’t exist it’s not it’s not a thing can you add me on add you on Tik Tok followed you on Twitch so when I have time I drop

You follow I bet Woody wait Woody you’ve never been in my twitch I could have sworn you were at least once how to change they banned agent peely wow that’s got to be racist or something why Agent peely is normal peely banned wow normal PE is safe yeah that’s that’s got to be

Racist to the moon to the Moon guys I have a I have a position I have a situation so to those of you who seen my Twitter youall know I recently joined admire as a streamer now I haven’t really done much for admire because they really

Haven’t done much for me it’s I’m kind of like just in the team but without actually contributing I I might I posted my um streaming stats in that Mars Esports I was telling youall about who said they would actually be willing to give me a

Contract and um I posted my stats of me averaging like 40 viewers over the past week and they seem shocked like they were like they said next RC I’m watching you the the actual founder of it but the problem is I can’t double roster so what am I going to do do I

Stick it out and admire or do I say I’m out found a better opportunity and go to Mars yeah thank you for the follow Isaiah pul that seems sketch not really I mean even if it is a scam I only gain from it I will only gain

Them watching me it’s not like I’ll have to pay them but they surprised you average 40 well because it wasn’t the owner it wasn’t the owner that uh said that it was one of the recruit I forget what role he had it was one of their recruiting directors or something like

That cuz they didn’t they didn’t tell the owner obviously cuz I’m in admire I are you one Q is my old Tik Tok all right I’ll add you then I got you if my thing would not freeze there we go I was going to accept you anyways don’t

Worry don’t worry I accept everyone until I max out on friend requests oh it’s this one wait can I emote oh my God I can emote I diely can I go fix my map yeah Jacob uh although I will be getting off after this so we can try it tomorrow if

It if you do end up fixing it want money from the sco that’s what I’m saying see where I’m go oh yeah no no no no drift oh drift they’re fairly big their YouTube has 10K their Discord has over 2K although I will say a contract doesn’t necessarily mean oh I need

To I can’t hear the game I need to turn my music down I can’t hear the game I got to turn it up there maybe I can hear it now oh rest in peace dpy all right I can actually hear it now oh my God I’m crazy I’m crazy at squid games

So Shadow the main benefits I would get is pretty much exposure it it’s pretty much like for streamers joining teams like this is kind of a help me help you thing I gain exposure for them while also giving them exposure you know it it it and bigger teams like

Actual orgs and Esports will give you paid contracts now of course I don’t know if I would get paid or how much I would but if I were to get paid I would have to be um watch uh if I if I were to get paid I

Would have to be oh my God that’s so loud I would have to be promoting them like I’d have to have in my stream title # Mar Esports or something like that you know what I mean like I would have to do stuff for them like I can’t just say oh

I join they pay me and then I just stream they don’t just pay me to stream they pay me to promote their brand I pay I pay to represent them and promote them that’s pretty much what what a content creator is for uh Esports obviously that’s not just what a content creator does

But money get on my train all right where you at all right that was easy what time are you live streaming tomorrow uh probably around the same time as today maybe a little bit earlier also guys I got to end stream in like two hours so like I said we’re

Getting a fortnite after this oh it’s this one hold on wait I got to do the thing again hold on I passed it never mind I’ll be pretty late because I I practice my game crashed oh no I’m sorry goo it’s like a give and get type yeah

Pretty much that’s that’s for unpaid for paid it’s a bit more complicated yeah kind of that that’s that’s it on a smaller scale if anyone doesn’t win on this one you’re just like the worst player of all time respectfully this one is the easiest Chad we’re playing squid games

In fortnite how could be is this no I’m just playing I’m sorry I’m so sorry for that I genuinely would like to apologize for my actions that man got tripped out I did too for a second I won’t lie to you the colors uh kind of made it aids to

See oh that’s a hole pause that is a big old hole oh yeah first let’s go I’m so good I’m going to get first unsalted clove you are going the wrong way oh yeah first place I’m good never say that again my bad my bad oh all right guys someone go long

Someone go so long go long someone someone go long yeah you’re banned psych oh my god Kobe yo whoever catches this first gets mod whoever catches the first one gets mod I’m just going to randomly throw it I’m just going to close my eyes whoever catches it gets B no I’m

Not going to close bars oh that might be it yeah whoever catch no no no you can’t catch it on a dump pass you got to catch it going long no you can’t you have to actually you know catch the Long ball you got to catch the balls the long

Way if you block it you’re banned yeah who’s gonna catch it oh ho got it GG’s ho you won ho got it twice in a row yeah who won they made a Netflix to watch this map true I haven’t watched it yet I need to watch it it’s probably really

Good that was short throw it further okay Kobe Kobe Kobe catch it off the SE oh my God that bounce is crazy what is that bounce watch this oh my god oh we got the what yeah we got the umbrella oh well that’s unfortunate y’all are so slow just just

Say screw it you know what I’m saying just just just go it ain’t that hard you know what I’m saying it ain’t that hard you just ain’t like me I’m crazy catch it go along and I mean go long long go so long yeah Blaze you’re banned go so long oh yeah that

Go Kobe oh my God CH we need to ban can I get a mod to put a two hour Timeout on Blaze or a 20 hour or a 200 hour I don’t know if it’s going far enough or too far I I genuinely oh oops I genuinely cannot tell if I’m if

It’s going far enough it’s not okay it’s fine I have to imagine that that’s far enough right yeah boys you’re banned Kobe oh that’s it oh rora hell marry W what a what a DOT what a oh the lights are going out listen if you kill me I’m Banning you

And I’m serious this time if you kill me you’re actually getting banned I’m serious if you kill me you’re legit getting banned I’m getting I’m going to get jumped oh God I hear so many footsteps behind me I’m dead I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped get away from

Me oh wait wait I might survive no no someone save me please it’s Blaze I will genuinely give you mod for a day if you save me from Blaze please please I want to live please please please please we got 13 seconds no yes yes yes you’re banned Blaze Blaze you’re so

Banned Blaze you’re so banned Blaze biggest G money hater for real he doesn’t deserve that sub badge I see you should have gifted it to someone else actually I have no clue who got it to blaze I saved you pumpkin thank you w Blaze me a D1 hater that’s what I’m saying wow

Listen oh no it’s this one wait who has more who has more people on the team 1 2 3 4 five hold on do we have extra people yo team y’all got to go crazy it’s a 6V five oh hold on chat y y yall ready for

This team ho you ho get in line get in Line holy [ __ ] I wait what team are we are we winning or losing oh we lost wow we got destroyed Jesus Christ what the hell we got destroyed how did we lose so badly my team sold my team sold it was my team you the only stream

I watch I’m just trying to be haha okay Blaze I interact on scroll wheel bro of course you do wait how do you how do you set up that keybind chat I want to do that how do you set up interact on scroll wheell is it simply just where’s interact where’s

Interact why do I don’t know what interact is chat where is interact there Noe that’s writing that’s where is interact oh it’s here is that it wait but this will this will won’t this re oh I can do it scroll up slot down chat is that is that how you do it

Did I do it made for comfort and durability all at Anon PR is that how you do it did I do it right I think I think I did it right Shing so hard at that t of War dude I carried my team all right I was the only one putting an

Effort oh I already know how this I already know how this goes I’m not going to tell you all how this one goes but I know how it goes nope yep no knew it was the left trust me as soon as they jump I’m going to

Tell you if it’s right or wrong and I’ll be right watch watch soon as someone jumps I’ll tell you if they’re right or not don’t no one if you know what it is don’t say it I only know cuz I’ve played this map Before Y’all got to go by the way there’s a 30 second time limit actually no let them die to it we don’t got to they don’t got to now that’s correct yep it’s correct good job Zora nope wrong wrong oh okay so I guess it does switch

Every time I did not know it was all right I thought it was left left right left right huh I was wrong cabie what the hell he literally just never Mind no I’ve played this map before that’s why I thought I knew it apparently I didn’t know it I’m see That oh it’s this game yeah no I’m glad I didn’t make it to the final this game is awful it’s literally just a pickaxe battle so where’s the money oh well you got to win first all right y’all have fun all right let’s see it let’s see

It oh uh well that’s bad for drift oh drift lost by quite a lot actually GG zorao zorz W you haven’t got caught lacking what do you mean I got caught lacking my controller oh no oh look Zora you got the money good job Zora I’m proud of you yo jayen V2

Thanks so much for the follow appreciate that g being Nory message on purpose to iy wait Gavin’s on Tinder I’m not on Tinder I’m scrolling through Tik Tok all right leave me alone rematch it didn’t open uh well you got scammed get scammed you just got scammed hard I

Think y’all know what time it is right I I think y’all know what time it is I I think everyone here knows what time it is it’s temp for the greatest game ever invented the greatest game ever invented I hope yall are ready for this I don’t

Know love you don’t really treat me like I should I said I know love be a better man I know I could I’m trying to grow up sorry for the hold up guys it’s time for some freaking marbles is it free y’all don’t have to do anything actually y’all don’t have to do

Nothing be a better man I know what your Tik Tok account I want to follow uh it’s I’ll type it in chat that is my Tik Tok all right I’m going to bed now all right good night I see have a good one how do I join uh unfortunately Jaden

If you’re here for fortnite we are switching to marbles my bad how I’m going to I’m good oh Jo marbles I will tell you all first let me connect it to my twitch log in with twitch oh hold on am I about to dox myself no never mind you’re logged in W

Confirm so here’s how this works first of all um oh my God yes guys we have our marbles now we we have our marbles okay random so here’s how this works viewers type ex okay so we’re going to join I did not mean to take a screenshot

That’s a terrible map so how you join this do exclamation point play everyone has this marble oh everyone has the same marble I messed it up oh I need to do activation Point play do I want to join do activation Point play and you will be put in the marel race of the

Century oh yeah that’s right we’re doing it legit this time because marbles is meant for twitch oh yeah y’all see this look at me with a special marble oh guys if y’all want to do it with a cool marble do play one or exp Point play too shut up stream

Elements I’m not doing song requests oh Woody unfortunately you do have to be on the twitch to do this I’m sorry Woody well it’s too late now y’all already chose marbles but you know just next round do exclamation point play you can see I will um switch it so subs

Don’t have the same if you already a twitch sub you get a cooler marble than normal people just want to let y’all know if you were a twitch sub you get a cooler marble so hey if you didn’t have enough reasons to sub to me now you can

Get cool like look at me look at how cool I look tell me I don’t look cooler than y’all look I even got a trail look at that that’s fire I look fire oh yeah guys you can do explation Point boost I don’t think it’ll do anything but you

Know what’s your Twitch same as my YouTube goney X2 with 2 y g m o n e y yx2 I wish I was dead in C no we don’t need depressing music oh God this I like how it goes from depressing music to this just what a lovely

Transition just to the least depressing music you’ll ever hear you know what I’m saying I don’t think anyone’s going to be getting into their feelings to the song but that’s just me oh one sec cab on we are currently in the middle of a game you cannot join in the middle excuse

Me yeah y’all can do Boost I don’t think it’ll do anything but you know can we play fortnite again Jacob we will be playing fortnite tomorrow I’m sorry but I do have homework I to do after stream so I’m trying to move on to other games

I promise we will do more fornite I got you why am I all the way in the back this game doesn’t like you that’s why wait no no you’re not you’re chilling oh my God guys goney effn has the record my old twitch name has the record wait I might get first

Again wait it’s going to be me or Jaden oh it’s going to be Jaden barely GG Jaden wait hold on wait this is going to be a lot closer than I expected I won I won I’m and I beat my old record I am the best at this map i’

I had the record and I won bye all right bye Jacob yo I’m the best I’ve only won in this map oh look it’s the old version of this map that they for some reason decided but keep here cool I’m so good chat rigged that was not

Rigged hold on um I thought it was Jaden 2 I can’t believe I won that I know longer like marbles hold on guys we can customize it okay so everyone oh God skin call 75 Chad should we spend some more money in Marble’s shop um should I buy a hundred coins for

$6 should I get the bundle oh my God that goes hard no I’m just playing I’m not spending money on this I already have once before apparently everyone will get hold on oh there we go how do I do this ah oh okay boom and if you want no yeah

Everyone gets rainbow but if you a sub you can be Galaxy there how about that scammer what do you mean scammer all right guys do if you are a sub you can do play two if you are a normal person you do exclamation point play one choose number one or number two

If you do with no numbers you will just get plain like ninja and cabie but as you can see look we we have drift the sub with the Galaxy and play ones with the you know the rainbow so you know if you want to flex on people that you’re a twitch sub you

Know use the Galaxy you know what I’m saying W twitch Subs all right let me know when everyone’s in I think I think how many people we got oh I didn’t get in I didn’t get in hold on it won’t work cloned you did exclamation point play

Too cloned it worked for you you’re right here it worked perfectly you’re here why am I in the back sometimes being in the back actually helps you know what guys while we race I’ll let y’all gamble some don’t tell me I’m not the best streamer ever letting y gamble look at

All those points I just gave y’all look at all those points I just gave y’all oh my God Onyx good Lord are y’all a fun game gambling don’t I’m such a good streamer for letting y’all gamble um guys why is the record on this map 14 seconds excuse me what the

Hell okay well rest in peace to a mean pumpkin Shadow and Blaze y’all just got scammed but is there like a hole how did y’all just die okay well GG’s you for GG’s I don’t know how y’all died but y’all did you just got to get better I

Guess I don’t know damn I’m almost in last you’re a scammer what did I do I don’t control this well Blaze got karma for you know oh no y’all didn’t get scammed there’s random holes that open up oh oh never mind oh Ninja’s dead oh y’all did not get scammed you’re just very

Unlucky got it oh my God everyone’s dying hold on will I die here I probably can I not get stuck whoa how clone is far in the lead can I please not get stuck here oh my God this is actually so racist IST like it’s not

Even funny we should do scribble after G of course yeah we’re going to do both start some rumors with You you scre you schemer I schemer you my bad oh well z z died dude I might it first because I’m going to be the last person to die just cuz I’m in well there goes Orly clone somehow just tanked the explosion don’t ask me how dude I’m still alive can we talk

About that I’m just chilling in last place oh clone clone you could win right here clone don’t go in the middle oh my God clone’s going to do it wait no he might get stuck on these oh no he he’ll be fine yeah clone’s going to win

No way clone didn’t wait oh my God it’s me and Caton there’s no way wait kids you go into bed I’m going go to bed all right good night kids have a good one thank you so much for stopping by wait is C is cabon GNA get no way he has no

Speed oh my God I’m going to get first I won let’s go I’m crazy I’m so good at this game wait can I finish it though can I finish it go go marble go oh hold on hold on no one else bounce back like I did hold on hold on hold on

Hold on hold on no I still got first though yo thank you so much for the follow cabon okay y’all want to do let’s do some Community Maps the cuz the community maps are always the best one yeah yall want to do with like a 90% death

Rate y’all do n no let’s not do that much 50% death rate W G’s a scammer he rigged it okay buddy what the heck what am I looking at guys this map looks scary wait a minute guys we might be able to get nightball and Comm and command

Out guys we might be able to get hold on nightbot oh nightbot is banned no it banned the mar it ban the nightbot from getting in that’s so sad all right 12 in I think that’s everyone right hold on might you’re rich uh zyc you can only join with play

Two if you’re a twitch sub all right let’s do this this map looks crazy so this should be some this should be interesting hey you still get the um the fancy one only Onyx didn’t get one oh my God okay well we’re going oh all different directions who do I

Watch everyone what is this map where do you even go to win oh it’s right here oh my what is happening oh am me’s di am me’s dead orley might be dead no or’s alive who do I watch ninja and Jaden are oh they’re flying they’re God

Are they dead or are they going to where are they going to land in here oh my God perfectly ninja landed right in the hole pause what is this map where am I going I don’t know this is a fire map I mean it’s weird but it’s kind of fire it’s

Unique dude what is this did this map Creator just Spam everything oh I died well I finally didn’t win guys it’s not rigged I didn’t win oh Shadow W oh okay well they won I guess Zac in third wait imagine if you land in this would this just teleport you

Away oh it teleports you in here never mind um where’s cabie you’re the only one left oh you’re right here all right GG’s that was a fun map the map and I fix it I want to publish it give me the website I got you that is the map

Jacob all right you know what we’re going to do we’re going to do a battle royale yeah y’all got to kill each other this one’s we like this one this one’s cool do you got jackbox no I don’t Aman in chat does wait am mean are you

Still here yeah am mean’s here Aman has jackbox 4 and N if we want to do jackbox we can do it with a mean can I play with a controller no for the that would be dope it would be we we did it last time it was

Fun for those of you who don’t know how this works um we all have HP everyone will Target one random person and try to you know hit them if you get hit you lose damage um I don’t think exclamation point boost does anything but you know

You all can try as always I would say GIC and jackbox well or I think a lot of people want to do scribble as well all right hold on let me see how much homework I got to do tonight I might not have time for all of

That I might not have I might say no to jackbox just cuz I don’t think I’ll have time hold on let me check how many assignments I have do yeah guys I’ll have to end the stream in just over an hour so we’re probably not going to do

Jackbox yes but they D tonight and I care about my grades a lot do your homework while doing wild marbles yeah but then I’m just nah that’s fine I don’t want I don’t like I did I did homework while streaming once and it wasn’t fun all right y’all here we go it’s

Happening yo who’s targeting me oh my God I’m not getting targeted wait this might actually be rigged I’m like the only one not getting targeted you know it’s me cuz I have a fancy Trail and cuz it says G money wow Shadow just went for Z and hit me and

I’m going for him oh my God I I suck all right who’s looking the best oh Shadow and oh well Shadow drift wor 100 one to 100 1 to 100 what onyxx yo what’s up Jasper we’re currently doing some marbles just chilling dude my throat oh my God I need

To get some water you know what chat y’all watch y’all watch y’all kill each other I’m going to go get some uh water I’ll be right back I need water like already winner zy with the dub sorry I um I needed some water oh I didn’t mean to play again

Whoops but a great day night whatever time it is there peace all right good night ninja how do I join Jasper unfortunately you do have to be in my twitch stream to join as um it’s not integrated well with YouTube or it’s not integrated at all with YouTube

Actually I got targeted yeah I think a lot of people did oh let’s try um let’s try a different map actually do y’all want to let’s do a um let’s do a a a a grand PRS uh random all right y’all oh man my mom does let me have twitch I’m sorry Jasper

I totally would let you in what’s the game called it’s called marbles on on Steam pick one out of 100 uh 33 o it’s oh it’s this map I know what this map is this map is dope I can’t lie gamble 33% yo W Onyx gotta go your targeting is now ended Audi

Pleas I’m free I’m a free man man let’s go can I do your homework for you uh no as much I would love to I need to do it myself sorry I’m back after 10 minutes say the record W I’m back after 10 minutes I have the game on mobile wait

This game’s on mobile I had no clue this game was on mobile you I don’t know if you can join off that or if that’s just for hosting oh that hurt that hurt so bad oh my god oh yeah this is the map where if you get touched by these uh you

Die so I’d recommend not getting touched here this map is very dangerous how many more we doing not much longer then we’ll switch to uh GIC oh is no one going to die to those that’s rare that’s very rare I will say I don’t think this top

10 is going to change much usually um however you go into this is however you finish oh oh a mean got taken rest in peace I mean rip wait I died oh I guess I died that’s unfortunate what is GIC I’ll show you it says they can join oh bet all right

Jasper uh I’ll let you join in the next one then this is so rigged I died every time hey if it makes me feel any better I died I can’t oh my God yo cloned is going to win by a lot oh my God it’s a landslide he’s so far ahead yeah y’all

Aren’t catching up to him by the way can I please no I I will do my own homework it’s fine it’s not that big of a deal is that how you spelled it no it’s g a r t i c yeah what’s up Samurai excuse

Me my mom is not on my phone yo w w mom W mom for real for for real I want you to keep streaming though listen I’m not going to lie I have a headache and my throat is still killing me so it’s it’s honestly for the best

And I’m still going to be live for over an hour don’t worry and then we always have tomorrow and then Tuesday and then Wednesday so don’t worry there’ll be plenty more streams we we’ll probably do one or two more races after this all right well GG’s cloned Shadow second Jaden third pumpkin four

Zyc 5ifth cabie 6th Mi 7th Amina eth and Onyx 9th do you play it on mobile apparently there’s a mobile game that uh someone in my YouTube is using oh also the good thing about twitch is um it saves all of your stats how old are you I am 20 years old what

Game is that it is marbles on Steam if you’d like to join you can join you can either join my twitch to race with us or apparently they have a mobile app do you play GIC on mobile you can but I don’t know how much I’d recommend it I almost started it

Instantly it’s also a website yes it’s it’s a it’s a website which is why I wouldn’t recommend it on mobile can I stream for you no I’m not giving you all my account information is it on Steam uh this game is GIC phone is not GIC phone is a

Website are you going to play monstrosity Woody I’ve been think I I’m going to try the 1.1 6.5 version soon I am oh we got an extra person in do you got phasmophobia I do actually I do I don’t play it much though but I do have

It all right let’s start this cuz this is the second round of the grand prick then we’ll do some two normal races Community maps and then we’ll um oh Jay did I let you get in okay I did w can we play it with you on stream um

Maybe for another Community stream I’d be down how do I song request you can’t that’s just a default stream elements command explanation point play I haven’t had song requests since back in 2020 when dmca wasn’t a thing on Twitch or when it wasn’t as strict when vods wouldn’t get muted and

Stuff I only care about that cuz I’m making money so I I don’t want to take any risks Play some Dead by daylight I don’t have dead by daylight though people keep suggesting it though and it does look like a good game oh my God cabbie died and I think

I’m going to die I did die GG I died twice in a row well at least I got at least I got top 10 you know I like how I go from winning the first two ones to losing to dying every other time It was almost out of pocket Yes Y’all would they would request awful stuff yes if I die this is rigged oh about that I mean I mean about that I’m first unfortunately not anymore oh who won I think clone did drift what that first place thing is

Weird cuz I beat Jaden earlier when I don’t think I should have and I think clone should have won that how do I die every time bro I don’t even know all right who who’s going to get stuck at the doors for longer this is looking bad for Jay never

Mind it’s looking bad for pumpkin I think Jay gets through here wait no he doesn’t no he doesn’t but neither does pumpkin oh now he gets through he’s chilling there pumpkin goes well pumpkin will get from first to last all right well I mean eighth it’s not last

But finish gr Pricks all right we’re finishing it I think can I I that’s what I thought Jasper but I’m not sure Jaden and third shadow in second and cloned in first round of applause for our top three round of applause yes cabie I will it it’s

Literally just a link that’s it you just click a link I got ninth a mean got last I mean Jay only had one game so you know oh my drift got Fifth and he only had one game cloned got first and then second that’s crazy

I would like to thank my marble I can pull up chats I’m like that L are you gonna show oh chat anyone else have anything to say on the podium this game is rigged from our 10th Place player are we going to play rocket League not today Jasper not today I

Won’t have enough time to stream rocket League do y’all want to do another grand Pricks let’s do another one this will be the last one unless you want to do another one after that I love you but you don’t love me we don’t talk like we used to and I hate

That I hate That sorry oh this map has an intro that was cool first is the worst second is the best I mean you know what they say that that is what they say oh I just tabed out on my YouTube stream this map looks fire yo this is a cool map look at this aart

Yo this go is hard W map I you love me missed your message what what did I miss oh did you just oh that’s if you’re not first you’re last that is true that is what they say oh this is a sick map oh oh o I’m

Blind ooh oh okay I’m not blind that was really bright bright all right are y’all all in oh excuse me feel it you can’t be great yeah yeah true I’m going get first I’m calling it all right well you know what I’m thinking Shadow takes a dub I don’t know

I just have a feeling that Shadow’s going to go off Shadow’s going to have a really good round I don’t know he he’s been doing decent so far not great but not bad you know I think Shadow is finally going to you know prove that he’s got it in him what is

Happening oh look at this look at this yo that’s fire Shadow don’t let me down please drift after getting first is not looking good Shadow’s not looking good either oh no actually it’s not looking that bad pumpkin and cloned are looking great check hashtag games what do you mean hashtag

Games respecto give me the check and I say Perfecto oh in my Discord oh is that a GC phone link oh a mean and cabie died a mean oh my God there’s no way am is Amina is actually getting robbed wait is it brown or pink it’s it’s like oh are we all

Dead oh my God I’d say it’s more of like a like a grayish color you know what I’m saying more of more of a grayish appic caught you know pumpkin is going off wait I just want to make it one you can’t even make it to the end he

Literally just can’t make it to the end wait pumpkin said he feel like he was going to win he might actually win oh my God Shadow I cursed you okay hey I’m top three not for long I think oh my God pumpkin died never mind well rest in peace pumpkin what oh

Good lord the doors I hate the doors we just went right through them wait he did oh everyone else died okay well only four people finished everyone else I mean I mean you did get two points think about it you did get two points from that so you

Know I mean it’s not the end of the world you did get two points let’s see let’s see what the contenders have to say let’s go that’s a lot of message bro did not want me to win I’m him no rigged this is rigged I hate this game I’m beating a mean I’m

Totally winning I died everyone leave me alone this game is dog first is the worst second is the best third is the one with the hardest chest what does that even mean the hardest chest what do you mean the hardest chest you think my chest is hard what does that even

Mean oh my God this map looks insane oh no it doesn’t this looks like a very boring map actually this design is kind of cool though whoa we not slowing down that’s cool I’m currently getting dyslexia looking at it though all right what’s happening here I mean I mean we’re all rooting for

You I mean we’re rooting for you I mean I believe I believe you can make it to the finish line you have I I believe you can do it I mean said Harris oh I said or the hair the hairiest my chest is actually very not

Hairy I don’t know if anyone believes me but okay how’s this looking Onyx not looking too good but this is a door this could really help people in last oh my God I’m going to get through Onyx and mean not looking good cabie looking great you got to be

Careful though going first oh that’s TNT oh my God drift just got exploded oh my God but it killed cloned drift survives drift said [ __ ] you clone uh oh okay I’m safe well never mind drift took out clone and didn’t even care well that was scary for drif in uh

Shadow they went right over that all right cabie remaining in first I don’t hate my position you know I’m I’m behind but I think I have a perfect opportunity to come out of nowhere you know what I mean am me is still alive all right cabie this is where you could really

Suffer oh a little hiccup oh a few hiccups o oh okay well Cab’s probably dead drift is dead yep there it goes drifting cabie oh my god there goes someone else no one died on the first set of those and then three people die right there

Rest in peace to Pumpkin will will a mean survive oh my God a mean is surviving and he’s top three Amin is top three guys this could happen am me could meddle not only will I think he’s survive I think he’ll medal I mean you better hurry up I am on your

Ass oh I mean you’re oh my God I mean I mean you’re going to do it what is this oh my God shadow shadow you win the one time I don’t predict you to win what is this oh my God a mean oh my God a

Mean oh my God a mean could get third he’s going to do it a mean he did it I’ll take fourth I’ll take third and fourth that’s very consistent I’m consistent that’s all that matters that’s all that matters Jaden with a 10 + n wow that’s crazy

Wow me and Onyx tied hold on who is it going to give it to me and Onyx tied it gave it to me it gave it to me wow that feels bad Onyx actually got robbed we tied Jaden you are him and jayen with the first and second congrats David congrats Jaden I

Almost said David I’m sorry Onyx I robbed you you got second and fifth I got third and fourth yeah that might actually be a little rigged look at the points me and Onyx are tied oh my God we had three ties we had ties for last ties for Fifth

And ties for third that’s crazy yo am me you got top five how does that feel how does that feel you made it top five off of one good race you finally did it we should play GIC yeah let’s we’re going to do some GIC CH y ready

To yall ready to not draw stupid stuff y y’all ready to not be stupid are we doing VC nah let’s not let’s not do VC because we’re gonna do scribble after this give us a Spotify playlist do X Point playlist I got you all right here’s the

Link okay I sent it a little bit too much let me chill it’s a w playlist for streaming it’s not bad honestly okay there’s there’s the link usually YouTube if anyone’s here wants to join here’s the link okay who is goney with one y oh that’s aan

Right y’all don’t do anything that’s TOS please yep I’m so smart cuz I know your name name name name at one point was G Money Lover now I gotta open up on my Chromebook not cool what do you mean how do I join C be just click on the link just click the link do we want to try to replicate the drawings should we do should we do that or should we do H we can do

Animation n not animation I said we do knock off or compliment or nors what is nors what what the hell is nors oh normal oh is it full no Orly we have we can go up to 50 players we won’t be full do not worry I say we do

Compliment can you accidentally leave no I know I know what you’re trying to do yo what’s up Veo how you doing how’s it going tonight what do you mean please why okay I have a headache after him yet um animation yeah animation isn’t as

Fun as you think it is can can you U I’m going see me can you join yeah you can join uh s the link thanks Cy for the playlist no problem I got you keep in mind some of the songs um do to revenue sharing on YouTube but on

Twitch they’re 100% uh perfect you appreciate the lurk Shadow oh only fans she she she never had a plan she got her only fan sorry can I rate your playlist you know what send it chat should I do a rating playlist stream not a stream but like a

Segment I only do yours and mean just cuz you know I don’t have a lot of time I got an hour left to I do I have to end uh I mean send it in Discord DMS chat does any is anyone in that has not gotten in cuz once we start it this

Is probably the only one we’re going to do because there’s a lot of us so it’s going to take a while thank God I waited is everyone in a mean all right got it let’s see okay some cardi Uzi Kodak Black okay we got we got a lot of the U more popular Songs then whatever that was um whatever that was K car I’m not a Big King Carson fan oh my God you have the oddwin C crusty crab Jesus you mean a whole album oh my god oh an EP I mean okayo okay buddy okay buddy did you fill up to 10,000 you did

Um aside from the K crusty crab it’s not a bad playlist but there’s nothing special about it it’s kind it’s I’d give it like a six out of 10 with the actual scks there’s nothing bad but it’s kind of basic there’s nothing bad about it it’s

A it’s an above it’s a it’s a not it’s not mid but it’s not great start catching some basic lines all right I got this you know I’m starting at how I always do there we go wait what time’s already running out oh god oh no um okay we

Go hold on let me add some details you know what I’m saying I didn’t know I would have that little time that’s not fair it’s literally it’s not fair oh yeah we’re we’re at oh no this is not Clifford why do we have so much time

This turn wait that’s not fair what type of dog is that don’t worry about it what happened here by the way I’m I’m going to clean this drawing out for you oh I can’t erase your oh I can only draw over it I’m guessing yo

Um I don’t want to add too much so I’ll add all I’ll give him a bone the best bone you will ever see that’s that’s a good bone right I can’t see YouTube chat I just realized there we go it’s a it’s the dog type of dog we have

11 people oh my God that’s the most I’ve ever had doing this oh damn the Eagles Bills game went to overtime damn okay this is all y’all got out of this okay you know what we’re going to we’re going to make this entirely you know we’re you know what I’m saying

Chat know what I’m saying chat oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah America there that’s what I’m adding keep in mind y don’t have to use the whole timer you know say save save some room for the other people you know yo w z Jesus Christ Z that is a lot of

Points oh well um yeah never mind about that improved yours all right bet I can’t wait to see it I’m I’m thrilled actually I’m I’m so excited to see what you all have done to my masterpiece you know what I’m saying I’m just absolutely stoked I made it a lot better actually

We’ll see y’all are taking so damn long y’all don’t have to use the entire time there’s 11 people wait a minute I just realized this compliment wait I just realized compliment doesn’t go from one person to one person to one person it’s one then two then one than two oh never mind

Newphone made titanium that’s not what I wanted to do can I can I next so now I have the freedom to upgrade my phone every year I got to get to T-Mobile get our best deals on iPhone oh yeah look at it’s look at look at how look at how wonderful this

Is oh yeah look it’s so happy look it’s so peaceful um oh there we go no there we go this just kicked me out oh no oh no I’m B an AFK guy dude this is going to take forever we’re four out of 11 and there’s only two people been kicked out

Already how my subscriber Veo someone gifted it to you yo Mr duck is cooler thanks so much for the follow appreciate that man appreciate that are you able to get back in if it kicks you out I don’t think you can but you might be able to maybe yeah I don’t

Think so yeah never mind I don’t think so dude imagine if I could like draw imagine if I had like an iPad with those drawing pins dude I’d I’d be going crazy actually not really I wouldn’t but what the hell um chat I need I need ideas what if I were to just

Like my mcraft we’re going Minecraft in this hoe we’re going or Roblox we’re going Roblox we got the feet you know there we go um what does the default Roblox avatar look like um toad [ __ ] it we’re doing uh and we’ll give him the toad hat I don’t

Remember what Toad’s hat looks like or what toad yeah it’s toad don’t you know what I mean it’s toad it’s a it’s a toad in Roblox how about that blue torso and yellow arms God damn it God damn it oh yeah oh yeah blue shirt green pants yellow arms and head got

It I mean he’s got some very short yeah that’s correct that looks right um um um um um I’m out of ideas I’m out of ideas um oh oh oh oh you can’t make these diagonal what is this Oh you got um um oh that’s not the tool I wanted a I think Roblox logo doesn’t have granite and then like red I don’t remember and then Mario red boom there there we go the toad tent reminds me of spider eyes yeah it’s close enough what is that I don’t know all

Right what the hell is this is this football with a bowling ball screw it that’s what it’s going to be that’s all I’m I’m doing that’s it no I’m just playing um no we’re scrapping it we’re going to we’re going to show them what real football looks like you know what I’m saying

Oh yeah you got the referee they’ll do a bunch of dudes trying to block it you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying and will I’ll put some American we’ll do this is my second American one by the way oh yeah America America boom all the Europeans is that

True hey tell just just just just don’t let them forget that they never beaten Us in soccer all right just don’t let just don’t let them forget about that Chad that’s a banger drawing oh hold on I got to put the lace on the football there it

Is most sports I don’t know about any sport but most sports dude I don’t know why uh basketball players just choose to not go I mean I know America sends out good squads for the Olympics but like the hot cheads at the front what what the hell is

This oh I’m turning this into Santa sleigh that’s what I’m doing okay there’s holes in it I got to plug the holes pause don’t make it weird oh yeah this is Santa slay ho ho ho um reindeer no too much Brown enterpr we know you’re constantly on the this thanks Mom fixing

That we give him the Red Nose a bigger red nose you know what I’m saying life enter right and then we’ll put all the gifts we’ll put a little bit of green we’ll put a little bit of dark blue we’ll make this one light actually no we won’t that looks stupid oh

Yeah oh yeah chat tell me this doesn’t go hard tell me this isn’t the best strong you’ve ever seen okay duck relax don’t encourage them you’re going to encourage them there that’s the presence now you have to draw just a big fat man wait what if I draw case o as

Santa we’re drawing qu o as Santa it’s okay so no um there we out oh W oh hold on let’s do a background there we go w Wait we can do snowflakes shoot it we add a cloud or two We’ll add some Decor wait we need light blue there

Ah okay oh my God it’s me it’s g money okay um um um um um that is a big neck I just gave myself the world’s largest neck oh my okay I’m selling the presents look abstract a little bit interesting include a banana in the next how am I going to include a

Banana here I’ll eat a banana how about that um we even do we’ll make it realistic why the brown tips on the bananas you know what I’m saying no it’s a banana phone it’s a Banana Phone how about that you know what I’m saying um then what we’re going to do is

We’re going to not make this pitch black cuz that’s looks stupid and then I’m going to fill this in I’m make me black cuz my character my my whole thing is um I’m just not going to have another arm I made the dog in a dog pole oh that’s a

W oh I need to do my hair I need to do my hair you know what I’m saying oh yeah that goes crazy with we’ll do some purple frosted tips you know what I’m saying just some just a little bit of some purple frosted tips you know what I’m saying

Um then we’ll add chat guys who wants to be in who wants to be in chat who wants to be in chat chat here I’ll put I’ll type everyone’s name Orly D doc uh oh cloned Veo I’m running out of room I think that’s everyone right no that’s definitely not I think it’s all the people that are active right now cabbie is here right cabie boom Done Band list there oh I didn’t get you Onyx I’m sorry

Whoa what do I do with this it’s going into a gel cell criminals criminals criminals bad people bad people we’re going behind this you get the stripes you get them holding on to the bars they want to get out you know what I’m saying oh

Yeah guys what do I add from here I didn’t give that one arms guys what what do I add what do I add from here H what do I have from here I need ideas I just wanted to clip you saying tips but I was too slow oh well about

That what should I do here I don’t know what to do I oh my God this illness is killing me um oh we need to draw the toilets right they have sinks and toilets and this will be the sink you know what I’m saying yeah we’ll just do that all the

Way around it’s just a prison that’s what it that’s all it is you know we’re going to make it dark and gloomy and we’re gonna add some you know some gray I’m going to add some Gray oh yeah oh yeah this is gloomy dark and gloomy oh good lord I’m uhoh I think I got no no no no no I have time I have another one I need to fix uh-oh ah no that was almost really bad that was almost really

Bad why have you done this to my L it’s a prison what is this oh it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a peut pod that’s what it is it’s three PS in a pod it’s three PS in a pod no it’s a canoe it’s a canoe it’s a

Canoe it’s a canoe on the water with Cherokee Indians with oh I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking they’re spear hunting fish I’m cooking they wear abstract clothing so I’ll give them different colors oh yeah their bodies are very small because the Hunts haven’t been going well all

Right they’re in a body of water a body of water there’s a bunch of fish um there’s a bunch of fish oh yeah but then out of nowhere there’s a Crocodile out of nowhere look at the claw CLS oh wait hold on that’s not crocodile face look like

Oh but because they have Spears they impel it with a spear and then it bleeds everywhere oh my God I’m cooking and it will have its teeth and then out of nowhere another shark comes by and bites to this dude and then he bleeds everywhere oh my

God they didn’t even see it coming they they didn’t see it coming we have to color in the canoe because you know details Details Matter on this y’all Details Matter and then this dude’s just chilling fishing you know we’ll say oh we’ll say he caught a fish there he caught a

Fish hooray this dude’s angry and this dude’s dead there you said tip yeah I I yeah doc I made a mistake oh my God this is me this is me this is 100% me I know that this person made this to be me um um um we’ll do my headset you know

Black with red around it um the point is to not ever think what you’re going to draw you just got to draw it you know oh yeah um then we’ll then we’ll oh yeah oh yeah this is me this is chat this is the title this is a bunch of stuff um um

Um um um no that looks bad oh yeah there we go um um oh yeah oh yeah bro was cooking that’s what I’m saying watch this uh I’ll even drop my webcam look we’re playing fortnite look I have a gun you know what I’m saying look it’s me it’s you guys um W

Stream what should I add over here I want I a little twitch you know oh yeah CH how how’s this looking uh gmoney X2 oh my God I’m so good all right I’m now looking at chat who let bro cook what you mean who’ll let bro cook wait I made a

Mistake the white line I fixed it I did it we’re done all right guys y’all ready for this let’s do this this was my album this was my album I didn’t have much time to do anything yeah I mean you’re banned I mean you are actually

Banned I wish that I wish that this worked like you had something then this person had something then this person had Something okay oh well there goes cabbie I got add just when you’re were about to review oh no Duc I’m duck we’ll wait on you you know what that gives me the perfect time I have to use the bathroom I’ll be right back guys um I I’ll use the bathroom

Tell duck being a nice streamer waiting on him I’m a good person the it’s oh my God wait I had the Nae Duos thing up the entire stream I meant to turn that off yo new oh my God or with a gifted subscription to Mr duck is

Cooler oh my God yo or no more ads W or or thank you so much for the gifted sub to Duc W man all right um Duc you missed this am mean’s getting banned for this by the way and then just a bunch of not bad so far this one this one’s

Probably my favorite the the jaming out to music Orly thank you so much for the gifted sub we at 40 we are four Subs away from 50 oh my god I’ve never okay well this dude was going somewhere and then he completely ruined it unfortunate oh Orly that’s

Yeah it it was going so well and then wait why did I get to jice I just realized I I did myself I don’t think that’s how that’s supposed to work oh so you were the one that did the bowling ball into the field

Goal oh look look Onyx we had the we had the same idea I don’t I don’t I don’t know I don’t get this one what is this D yeah guys we can’t do another one of these we’re going to do a scribble then I’m going to end stream

Y’all yeah look at me American football look at that look at the field goal beautiful w veco w okay that one’s pretty good I won’t lie I won’t lie that’s pretty good ear y’all don’t know identity fraud what it’s Sten a knife no I don’t okay pumpkin That’s Unique I like

It what does that say I’m not even gonna I don’t I’m not even GNA question it look like I’m getting tortured oh it’s this one yeah HX just didn’t know what to do okay okay that one’s good that’s a good one oh my God y’all thought of the same thing that’s

Good okay simple simple okay okay okay okay what is this I mean oh a fingernail okay cby wait what doc yeah that’s kind of that’s that’s seven-year-old was a yeah dude I still think I had the best drawing now o never mind that wins it that’s that’s

Fire I’m just a Super Fan okay but oh you’re the one that Drew this okay I expect to see a lot of cool stuff out of this okay okay oh my God what is that that’s cursed okay that’s I like that W Orly okay I’m surprised it took so long to find the

Car then you know you got my um Santa slay with queso is that a shark I think that’s a shark little snake Okay W little snake what is I’m showering in your okay oh it’s a oh I see it now W I see it okay that’s probably the best one

That’s a close second though dude am mean is this am mean this is creepy I don’t feel safe mine’s the best one nah definitely not yeah no no I I like yours the best shift Veo okay what is this oh wait I think he had the same idea as

Me actually I don’t know if he did actually I don’t know what what or what is this supposed to be okay onx what is this bro he did it for everyone he got my cell d mine goes hard you can’t Li wait hold on is this never mind I thought that was something

Else okay it’s like from the inside of the Jael cell yeah we need 911 on a mean this is getting out of hand yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying okay or all right oh God Amin is going to be horrible oh no amans is going to be awful what is this what is

This what y’all do to me oh it’s a money bag I’m stupid that neck though oh I’m scared of this it was a AFK oh my God that’s probably a good thing help me I can’t fix it Jacob I have no clue how to fix it I genely do not

Know okay Woody I’m I’m rock with it I to take a shower took me 4 minutes shower is wild they said tomorrow I’ll be fun going be all right see I thought someone was going to be able to add on to it so I didn’t do more I should

Have oh my God it’s fortnite it’s fortnite y’all that’s what I’m saying duck look it’s fortnite w that’s the best one okay okay yeah this this is accurate yeah okay L who is LOM I just realized who is that okay okay drift you made a good police one good job okay bro’s getting

Robbed yeah we don’t talk about the Lal one did I make any good ones yeah the last one was pretty good that one was pretty good all right what did you just type in my YouTube chat cosmon what is that I made yours but better right bet okay Jesus I mean what

Is you know that’s violent look it’s me my uh Mario Roblox death sexual harassment it might be Gavin case o but Roblox yeah you’re banned y All Copy look I did Roblox and everyone copied my Roblox okay I I got scared for a second oh my God that one goes

Hard did I mention bro who doesn’t like fortnite what is this the Matrix all right two more to damn long okay all right look at how happy our our ones is look at that it’s beautiful that’s a good one it’s a very good one oh that’s an even better one yo okay the

Second okay buddy would you get Rick R wish got Rick R and scribble yeah I mean there’s there’s a reason for that okay this is the dog I’m curious as to what y’all did with the dog hey there’s my dog it’s my dog oh my God it’s a pumpkin okay for something

Your another dog oh it’s Clifford it’s Clifford it’s a squid dog sure it’s a bear Clifford it’s a normal dog okay oh wait yours was oh dog yeah right you said dogpool forgot about that I forgot about that oh okay well that’s violent what time is it oh my God it’s

10:50 guys I hate to say this but we not going to have time to do the um the the the the the the uh the scribble I am so sorry y’all and my camera wait did my camera just die the light just turned off I think my light like actually died

This time or my camera not my light who won what do you mean who won there is no winner all I know is that Amin got dead last everyone but everyone but a mean w how about that everyone but a mean all right I’m gonna try to fix my

Camera it probably just oh it came unplugged okay I’ll fix it later then I don’t feel like bending down and plugging it back in all right guys y’all have a good night thank you so much for being here it was a chill stream I got to get some homework done not going to

Rate anyone tonight I got to go hope to see you on the next one fortnite will be uh going tomorrow if y’all want to hop in the Discord and do some scribble or just even without the Discord feel free um I will see you on the next one peace

Out have a good night thank you all so much for being here I love you all or thank you again for the gifted sub and good night

This video, titled ‘LIVE – Community Stream! PLAYING GAMES WITH VIEWERS [FORTNITE, MINECRAFT, AND MORE] !blerp’, was uploaded by GMoneyy on 2023-11-27 03:59:35. It has garnered 134 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:25 or 10945 seconds.

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Hope you all enjoyed this community stream! Today I am playing with viewers in my community in a variety of games, such as Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, CSGO, Garrys Mod, GTA V, and many more! We will even be doing games such as Skribbl and Gartic Phone!

These community day streams are meant to interact with my subs and friends and play some games together with viewers!

For more videos like this, follow me on my other social media platforms and join my Discord server:

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  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

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    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More