Insane Creeper Farm Build in Hardcore 1.20 Minecraft!

Video Information

Hello hello hello everybody how we doing today welcome welcome welcome on in lovely to have you welcome on in happy Wednesday today today my friends is the day we trap all the creepers inside the mountain for the sins they have committed back of Hardcore Season 1 we

Have to do it we have to do it we got to get rid of them got to just send them in just trap them into the mountain they just yep that’s the whole purpose of the mountain that’s all it’s been there for is to make it so that the creepers can

Suffer like we did in season one when we tried to build a mountain so it’s the way we go it’s the way we go hi everybody how we doing today I saw we got eggs in here T what’s going on Kira how we doing Alena what’s going on

Cowboy craft jinxy heart how you doing welcome welcome welcome American mailing we got profy sloth we got Jordan Cass thank you so much for the 9 months I see we got Tiz became a member like an hour and a half ago Jenny tried to slide in right before the stream

Started with the 14 months we got Renee as the brand new member and we got Garfield thank you so much for the Dono I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you blocky what’s going on how you doing B tofu hello hello hello hello how you doing jko welcome on in Marcel hello

Welcome welcome welcome sorry the Monday’s late stream was 3:00 a.m. for you I saw the comment gota got to hit the multiple audiences you know LS assassin welcome on in heroic pixels hi hi hi teach upai how you doing welcome welcome shark bait whoa hello welcome welcome hi everybody how we doing today

Lovely to see you going to draw while I watch SL SL slash listen Judy enjoy have a good one enjoy enjoy enjoy like the stream my friends be sure to leave a like on it we got almost 600 people in here we got 270 likes right

Now so I believe we can do it lagging how you doing hello hello Jenna hi hi hi hope you’re having a good day uh I’m having one of those days where I was like I thought I was so far ahead and then the day kept going and suddenly I

Just kept get getting farther and farther behind schedule and then I was like oh I have to stream in 2 minutes right that that thing I should probably go into my office and get that set up I that happened on Monday too I I did

That also I it’s one I it’s like that like you have a holiday and then the week after the holiday for me I think almost every single time is just so slow just so slow it’s just yeah I just can’t get moving such a hard time Liz asaurus

How we doing don’t call me out like that I’m sorry you know was it was going off of me just you just caught in the fire I guess idle brain days yeah pretty much pretty much pretty much it’s the weird limbo week yeah I cuz I remember like in

College it was always come home for Thanksgiving and do that and then go back and have a week of classes and then do finals and then go home again and it was always just so weird but you know it’s one of those things it’s how it goes yeah catching

Strays over here do I know lagundo uh I’ve seen his contest I don’t follow them too much though I’ve seen some of their videos parkart World Turns 2 years old tomorrow is it tomorrow wow okay I got to got to use that in the I got to

Leave a comment on that I’ll do a I’ll do a like I got to get a story post or something something like that but we got a lot of work to do today my friends so it’s it’s time to Jump On In what are the blue names the blue names are

Moderators please be nice to the moderators they’re here to make make sure this stays a safe environment and all that good stuff sorry my headphones like sitting in my ears weird how’s your Spotify wrapped uh sit in I just looked through it right before stream uh like

10 15 minutes ago and I was like I don’t recognize any of the names of these artists but then all the songs kept playing and I was like yeah no I like that one oh yeah I like that one yeah that one’s cool uh that that one’s sweet

Blah blah blah blah blah blah all that cool stuff we love the mods here we love the mods oh you probably want to see the gameplay yeah so last time on Monday for those who missed the stream we did it the mountain is done if that doesn’t

Deserve a like I don’t I don’t know what does I don’t I don’t know what does the mountain is done and we added the water coming all the way down for the stream going right through here all the way out to the river and it’s bootiful I’ve got

A bunch of empty shers right here because we need to go get a lot of materials and I want to use well we’re building a creeper farm and part of the creeper Farm if you didn’t know you need so many trap doors you need a ridiculously large

Number of trap doors that we’re not going to ever see cuz they’re going to be buried inside the farm can I make that jump please thank you uh and so it really doesn’t matter like how or what what ones we use or anything like that can

I nope can’t do that I thought I was going to be able to do we have any bone meal in here okay so we got some bone meal in there let’s go get some more bone meal first just to fill that up and then I also want to come down here and

Expand the storage a little bit cuz it’s a wee bit full actually I think I can just do that right now we can do that here real quick uh let’s grab our Hoppers and then I should have a bunch of chests in here and we can just add another set of

Double chests right below it uh and then we’ll just put these guys back in there once we’re done but the reason being is I want to get this thing running and moving and doing all that super cool stuff so that we can get a lot more stuff yeah that’s that’s the whole

Purpose is uh we’re going to run this to get the stuff you know can I yes ah and yes okay that is filling up with those that should start emptying these and they’ll just keep moving forwards and then that gives us a lot more storage space in here perfect perfect

Perfect perfect and we’ll start running this Farm as soon as we get back and we can do a little bit more on there we got a lot of work to do today I built the farm before many many times uh I believe the original design is by

Chapman uh 13 or something like that I don’t know I’ve built this farm so many times I just kind of have it memorized by this point cuz I’ve usually I build the logical geek boy one if I want like a really just crazy massive creeper Farm

And I don’t really care for this to be a crazy massive creeper Farm cuz if I’m going to AFK a gunpowder Farm I’m going to do the gas farm this is just going to be one that’s going to work as we go how do you become mod uh you be a part of

The community for a long time and be an active member in the Discord enough that I’m like hey this is a really cool person and they really uphold all of the standards of the community and they’re really trying to make this a really special place and help keeping it safe

And all that and then I’ll reach out to you and be like hey are you interested in helping out and we’ve had a few people that are like no I just prefer to kind of not have the power and just be here and hang on the side I’m like

Totally fine no pressure at all uh where do we get the bone meal uh do is my box full not really let’s go to the let’s go to the nether are you going to decorate the nether Tree Farm now that it’s covered like the inside of it I do want to build

A box around it but it’s kind of my access point to get inside the mountain right now where we’re building the creeper farm so I haven’t really figured that out quite yet but we’ll see where am I going oh I need to go inside don’t look it’s a spoiler the video comes out

Tomorrow maybe the bone meals than one of the other mon Sher monsters nah nah nah don’t keep that there really it’s definitely not in here with all these swords though I need to make like a I need to make like an item filtration system for this

I need this needs to this needs to be a one that we fix soon we can filter everything out make a little bit of a storage room here that is actually much more functional than this and can store a lot of stuff and then we just get rid

Of all the swords we just burn every single one of them I just I don’t I don’t want any there’s none in there okay we have like no bones by no bones I mean my inventory is full uh what am I doing we’re going to

Do that in there and then we’re going to just go ahead and craft all these down as much as we can can I do another one I can if I drop that do Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam this is not that much bone meal but it should work for a little while this

Is enough to power the farm for a bit the farm doesn’t break if it runs out of bone meal which is nice so as long as we have a little bit in here and we can just tap into all the extra reserves on this so that’ll that’ll get us a good

Distance we can put a full chest of bone meal inside each side and it’ll be fine and then we can get out of here repair the electro over here cuz why not oh we got another 46 bones this Farm if you’re actually like here using it it’s pretty good pretty

Good all the iron swords you don’t need you don’t to smel into iron nuggets uh that’s Stone Those are Stone swords dude could you imagine if wither skeletons spawned with iron swords no decorating my structurally super flat world base while watching the stream there you go good good on you

Blitzen the idea of like having a super cool like amazing super world to me so fun actuality I couldn’t be bothered but like crops to you for doing it that’s awesome like the fact that you’re putting the time in and willing to go through that grind and just enjoying the

Process of it I think that’s so cool but that is not a skill that or that I don’t have that level of patience I have a lot of patience in this game but there’s certain things in Minecraft that I’m like no way will I ever do that but I

Will leave a like on a stream so you know you like your local flipper and leave a like uh just ignore the fact that this is growing and getting worse thank you okay so for the walls of the creeper Farm I think we’re just going to go with

Deep slate uh most likely deep slate bricks You Know M swamp right yeah yeah yeah MOG was in the last video I posted he’s a cool dude uh let’s see we got a little bit more in here so we can bring that along with us here

Too yeah that’ll be fine we’ll just fill it all in uh we’ll turn a lot of this into bricks that can get us started my goal is to build three layers maybe four layers if we can fit it why not make bamboo trap doors we could make bamboo

Trap doors you know cookie God yeah C cookie was on an SMP with us last January oh sorry yeah blocky you’re right that was that was swamp Flip Flip swamp you’re right on the bamboo we’re going to we’re going to make a bunch of bamboo trap doors good call good call thank you

Thank you this is why I do this on live stream because y’all are so much smarter than I am thank you we have so much is this Farm Broken no it’s not yet wow look at that that’s fun wait is it is it broken no no it’s not broken

Sweet it’s running low though wow I mean woo what are we going to do we’re running out of bamboo yeah I only got like probably how many what’s that 20 22 I only got 22 double chest of bamboo what am I going to do this is terrible I’m almost out

We need to fix this immediately I knew I should have built a bigger Farm oh we don’t do that we do this that’ be sad if I crafted them all into sticks would definitely run out of bamboo at that point we craft a bunch of planks craft a

Bunch of planks craft a bunch of planks planks and trap doors oh this is so much better you’re right thank you thank I whoever said that I appreciate it oh we’re almost at 500 likes we’re almost at 1,000 viewers we’re getting up there we’re going to do that I think I

Am going to still run the nether Tree Farm cuz I am almost out of warped wood and I am almost out of crimson wood and I really want to get some more more I’ve been enjoying using them in builds recently and uh we’re just going to go through and probably clear through to

This one and then we’ll uh we’ll see how many trap doors we get out of this and then see how far that’ll get us and we also need to go get a bunch of carpet which is easy uh cuz I I was looking at the sheep farm recently and as much as I

Made the sheep farm for uh one of each type of sheep just you know to have all the wool colors as an option I still have never used a few of them I even looked at my stats and I was like I’ve never used this color of wool

I’ve never even picked it up I literally I’ve never even like all I’ve done is I put a sheep in there dyed it that color and it’s been filling up the chest ever since and I have never touched it so yeah that was do you think that’s

Enough trap doors I think we need more there’s a if if you’re like wh that’s enough trap doors creeper Farms use a lot of trap doors okay we’re going to figure it out we’re going to do it okay there we go that finished that that’ll be yeah yeah

That’s enough trap yeah this is that’s enough warp toad is my favorite it’s so fun I do like warp wood warpwood is really really nice never Heards to have extra yeah yeah yeah all right one sec I’m it’s a little too warm in here I was like I’m going to

Be cold no still cooling down from post gym time do you edit your videos yourself no I’ve been working with my editor Marcos for almost two years now uh January is going to be two years for us actually no not January he started in

Like a spring so I guess at a year and a half two years will be in the spring and probably a full year since he’s been doing everything a little bit more like a year and two months CU when we first did it uh he started I started using working with

Marcos not using Marcos uh working with Marcos um when afterlife started so if anybody remembers afterlife SMP that was when Marcos started doing all the editing for that and then we slowly transitioned to him doing the hardcore series okay uh you know I could just not take those we could

Take we can take our magenta carpet they even better even better okay so we’re going to do that we got our carpet I I still don’t even need to touch those wool colors I’ve never used perfect we that should be no let’s use the purple cuz there’s

More cuz I think I might need more than just the magenta and purple and bamboo work so great together color-wise it’s going to be perfect perfect for us to never see those colors ever ever you say you work out I try to I try and stay healthy now I’ve had a really good

Routine about that in the last few years now I’m very proud of myself I just got my badge for I we have a pelaton so I just I just work out using that and like all the classes and everything and I I got my badge recently

For 60 weeks a 60 we streak of working out at least one once a week and I I most of those have been at least uh four or five days a week which I’m pretty proud of which is fun what am I looking for we need Soul campfires do I have any

In here I have one how do we make a soul campfire again ah Soul Sand stick wood okay so we need we just need two actually we really don’t need that many um and then that’ll be fine we just need to get two campfires we can find the sticks and wood over

Here and then we just need 1 2 3 4 5 six that’s Seven and we need SS to make two Soul campfires easy you know what I also want to grab that orange glass cuz we’re going to make a water tube going all the way over and I think the orange glass could be kind of fun to use for

It keeps it spawn proof also and we can kind of enclose it so you can see the gunpowder going through but uh you won’t really see too much going outside that which would be fun your cat just beeped at you she request scites I mean yeah they they the

Animals will tell you what they want you know okay uh hopefully the TNT explosions aren’t just absurdly loud the entire time so we can oh you know what we need one more thing sorry sorry uh two steps actually we have to we have to make a trip to the guardian Farm we need

To get some fish so we can breed some cats CU I don’t think I have any fish at home and I probably burned all the fish in the guardian farm so we might have to hang out there for a minute people really love making the mods work today

Yeah yeah my I think my personal favorite of just like come on now is the people who ask a question I answer the question and then they ask the question again I think that’s like a personal favorite of like come on now blocky you got a hang

Woo yeah we’re almost at 600 likes and we got over a thousand people in here I believe I believe we can get up there I just made a spider farm in my new world hopefully this one will last spider Farms I feel like are pretty impervious unless you change something

To it they uh they don’t really break that often there’s six fish maybe there’s fish in The Hoppers fish in The Hoppers always fish in The Hoppers oh we went way out of the way woohoo back down any advice for my hardcore series I beat the game and I’m kind of

Stuck if you mean just like your own personal hardcore world then like that’s on you to figure out what you want to do for it uh if you mean in terms of your like if you’re a YouTuber running a hardcore series I’m not giving you ideas on what content to record like

If you I this is just general if you’re like a if you’re a content creator and you’re asking other people to tell you what stuff you should record maybe you shouldn’t be a content creator I’m not saying that’s the case for you but if

Like if you I not that like your job is to create content if you’re asking other people to give you content to make then why are you you doing it um but let me turn the clouds back on add them off for the thumbnail

But I would say if you are just you know like generic I mean with that being said here’s some advice on what you can do in your world build a town build a village for all your villagers do all that stuff if you’ve just beat the game like killed

The Ender Dragon beat the game got your elytra and all that that to me is where the game starts like that’s not beating the game um so okay we need a lot of cats we need a lot of cats nope sorry you can stand up no kitty get back over here thank you

Sorry we’re just going to take the children we’re not going to we’re not going to take the adults just going to we’re just going to take the children it’ll be fine we’ll put we’ll make the children work in the mountain and then oh oh it’s going to be really loud here for a

Bit no kitty all right you can sit on the bush uh you can sit there you can sit there I don’t know how many cats we have no don’t okay yep you can sit on the cart that’s that’s great okay H we’re hurting cats how would you get on the barrel I

Don’t want to know now getting the cats inside this might be a little difficult let’s see this brings all the babies over here oh and a big one uh we had multiple of the big one that I have every single type of cat there uh you can I don’t

Want just in case you’re you’re a unique one and I don’t have any extras we’re going to leave you there uh we’re going to try and get inside the mountain without touching the ground so the cats teleport to us inside the mountain this could be a little

Dangerous cuz this is a two white Yahoo let’s go and kitties Assemble yes the children all right where’ the last one go there he is hi buddy okay so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 we’re going to need a lot more than that well we’re building four

Layers we actually need eight so we only need one more uh that’s that’s pretty easy cuz we only need two cats per layer easy that’s pretty much all the materials we’re going to need need we’re going to need some more deep slate for this uh and I cut out the shape here

Just so I could have it on hand and then I was like actually I don’t want to build it here cuz I don’t think it’s tall enough so we’re actually going to remove it over there nice nice nice nice the cast need some time to

Grow do you like blu’s music it’s not my go-to pick but I don’t mind it being on in the background if that makes sense okay we’re going to let that go and that’s just going to kind of do its thing and we’ll probably occasionally hear some fire or not fire TNT

Explosions yep we’re getting here TNT explosions it’s fine it’s not creepers it’s just it’s just the TNT where did he spawn maybe up there and he fell down oh yeah yeah yeah definitely up there and he fell down my creeper Farm is not going to work if there’s just mobs spawning all

Over the place I saw a creeper on the wall too I thought I saw one up here it might have been no nailed it not nailed it absolutely did not quite the opposite of nailing it uh actually completely failed but that’s fine okay that’ll work up there is probably spawnable

Um we just do a quick little fly around real quick and get some of the weirder spaces and Ah that’s where he was no I really have a LoveHate relationship with bows when you’re flying cuz your velocity like with an elytra if you’re going up or down really determines where

The bow is going to like the arrow is going to go and the speed at which it’s going to fly which is annoying until you’re trying to do something like killing something by flying super fast then it’s kind of fun but like every other case it’s I hate it

It’s so annoying to deal with yeah that looks a lot safer there’s definitely yeah like that’s a spawnable space over here is for sure spawnable nope that’s still spawnable probably got it okay I think that’ll do uh for now we’ll we’ll keep watching if y’all see mobs spawning anywhere in the background

Please call it out for me uh and we’ll go fix them cuz I want to make sure that this is uh safe on the inside and we can actually get you know mobs spawning I saw one I saw one more spot over here where something could spawn there’s so many horses they just

Wandered in the mountain I don’t know what to do they just they wandered up here okay okay right so eventual goal is the items are going to be going all the way over here so for those who didn’t weren’t in last stream to hear the plan for this is I want the

Items to eventually spit all the way over here and end up inside of that so the gunpowder is just going to go in there and it’s going to Auto sort itself into where our gas form sorting system is cuz we don’t need a second gunpowder sorting system within the same Mountain

So if we take him from here here we can just have a water Channel pushing them all all the way over there and easy peasy lemon squeezy we’re all done mini HUD can show you SW little spaces yeah I’m kind of hit or miss on whether I enjoy using mini HUD I’ll be

Honest like mini HUD has its place but it feels so non minecrafty to me it like mini mini Hut is one of those where I’m just like I get that it can do that and I totally see the value in it doing that but then I’m also like I

Don’t really know if I want it to do that for me you know okay so this is going to be our dropping pit where the they’re going to go down I’m not going to deal with texturing anything below where we’re at right now let me go get some trap doors

Just so we can have them kitties are still children okay okay so we do this and then we need this to come over and then that’s going to go to here I think it goes let me just double check what I did here so we go two and

Go one one and then we have another and then we have a four okay so it’s two one one and then this is going to does this go back here all the way was that it or am I one too big one one and then there so we step over is it

One two or three let me let me go check so it’s two one one one yeah okay so it’s one11 okay cool sorry uh 1 1 Z we’re just talking in binary for a second it’s it’s okay once we get the base sorted we literally just stack this up to the top

It’s so easy and we we finish each layer as we’re going and then they they’re just going to be done like we don’t have to worry about anything and as we put the roof on of this one then that is the layer of the next one so they just they

Just keep feeding into themselves which is very very nice nope but here we need to get our trap doors they’re going to go like this so the creeper ERS can just fall they’ll just like run around and fall down into there super easy we want this and then this is where

We bring it back one twoo is it one too big did I make it one too big did I really no there that and then one two three then boop boop boop boop so we got we got the two go one two three boop boop boop boop that’s

Right I think that’s right isn’t it what texture pack do I use I use my own I made it myself I want to get back into messing around with some things uh and doing a few more uh I wanted to add some more more flower variants and stuff to it I

Think it could be fun yeah this is right I think okay so there’s our first corner on one side and then what we would do is come into the middle here and at that point we’re going to be placing a cat and then we basically fill in the rest

Of this going all the way around for this entire layer gets filled in with trap doors for now to keep it safe we’re just going to put a torch in the middle and as we finish the layer we’ll we’ll remove the torch have you thought about doing a

Dungeon just for lore uh yeah definitely I think it’ be fun to make a really cool dungeon I I think I’m going to wait for trial spawners to come out and see if we can like transform one of those and then turn into like a cool battle

Arena I think that could be really fun and then I believe for the we have to do some spider protection and I think it’s just this and then you come over here has anybody done this uh farm and knows where it is I guess I could go

Look it up real quick if we need to can you do a series on Skyrim vanilla that’s not really the style of content I make I don’t plan to make any non-minecraft content right now so I think I’m going to double check the size of this before I

Do anymore just to make sure we’re doing it right you know cuz I’m a little worried that this is one too big I think it I is it I use this Farm everything looks good so it is that three diagonal is it I’m going to go look up the placement

For the carpet real quick just to be safe water okay uh yall can see this too cuz why not okay so here it goes there oh we were one too big you all were right okay yeah we we had it one too large all right that’s actually really big change

Okay so we need to shrink that back down that’s okay yeah no it goes here that’s fine we’ll fix this real quick cuz that entire back row is then going to come in one I’m glad we looked before we did the other side we’re finished the

Layer cuz we have to go off of the radius where a cat will um be able to detect or uh we have to go up the radius of that a cat can use to scare creepers so building it too big is actually a major issue cuz the farm won’t

Work so it’s four to there and then we take this all the way back do we fill in the corners yeah we do because I think light can technically go through in some cases normally use Sher craft yeah I like I don’t know after all the hate

Shulkercraft got a few years ago I try and not use their Farms oh there some concrete powder right there fell from all the way up there I appreciate what shulkercraft did to make redstone and things a lot easier to access for the entire Community like that’s really cool but I don’t

Appreciate how they don’t properly credit they do the well I gave them credit type of thing instead of like actually giving credit they’ve done done a little bit better recently but an entire channel that exists around tutorials of how to build other Farms that the people who have

Made those Farms have nine times out of 10 provided tutorials for that to me is a little little sketch it’s not my favorite to see okay so that should work yeah their tutorials are oh I didn’t even go full screen mode again their tutorials are very easy to follow I will

I will give them that 100% like the tutorials are easy but if I’m ever crediting somebody I never credit Shuler craft cuz I know that they didn’t make the farm okay so once the cat is in here uh where do we so we go there there

And then we bring it down by two and is it just those it’s just the six carpet yeah okay so it’s just the six carpet easy I can do it from here now ra Works tutorials are good I will say the thing that shoger craft did well

Is there were a lot of super smart redstoners that were like spending 10 minutes describing how the farm worked why it worked and all that and I just don’t care I I just that’s not what I’m here for just tell me where to put the block so the thing

Works so that is what shulkercraft did well they they were like you know what we see that there’s an audience that is just skipping the entire explanation section on these videos so let’s start taking those videos and just re-uploading them without the explanation more or less is what they do

So please to meet you all right there’s this will be the entire first layer once we get this little bit in here and then we just got to figure out the trap doors where one’s going to go in the middle new episode tomorrow you bet Raven monster with the

32 months thank you so very much thank you thank you thank you I’m very excited to see the mountain that the mountain is done I can’t wait to see what you do next me too I got to figure that one out thank you so very much 32 months I

Really appreciate that that is very very kind of you thank you for sticking around the channel for so long I know you’ve been around a lot longer too how many layers you going to do uh my goal is four but we’re pretty much just going to go until we run out of

Materials cuz that’s the whole first layer right here uh and now we need to figure out which cats we want to bring over are any of them big yet maybe I don’t know um oh I forgot trap door that’d be sad oh I forgot the carpets Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam

Perfect all right let’s get some cats they’re still children so let’s go check on this farm and make sure it’s still running oh did it run out of bone meal no it’s still going what’s broken oh no there it goes is it working I just haven’t heard

It explode for a wow okay it’s working has been working a ton yeah it’s been working okay look at that wow all right it’s filling up there’s not too much warped wood in here though I guess these chests are all filling up first okay that’s fine okay it’s

Working feed them with fish yeah I guess we could get two of them yeah you got 20 fish there homie anybody going to grow nobody’s going to grow well we need to go breed another cat anyways so let’s do that and bring it over and then we’ll start working on

Them maybe by that no okay I got to turn this Farm off before we get cuz I think it’ll I think it’s on the edge of what would load in we got to get some light back here cuz I’m worried that is spawnable okay once that explodes we’ll

Be good CAU it up good time okay sweet something that farm does weird with render distances yeah just drain the fish supply yes je these little kitties trying to put me out of business the fishy snacks they can’t have them all we’re going to remember that’s here I Swear orange or white kitty white kitty okay kitty come on how many hours we put in this world we just hit 50 days days of played Time 5 Z days I know can he do it again woo almost hit the obsidian ow hit the stone they’re big the kitties are

Big okay come up here buddy come up here yeah hello how you doing good boy right uh I’m just going to take one at a time we’re just we’re just going to do one kitty at a time pleased to meet you kitty kitty come here no okay right

If you sit down we just need to push you right over here into a dark box where you shall live for eternity just going to cover this up real quick oh sorry you have a light down there a dark box where you shall live for eternity uh gaay wolf thank you so very

Much for becoming a member I really appreciate that leads would be useful they would be okay before we do anything else let’s set up the killing chamber for the farm once this is done uh and I should probably put that torch back in the farm uh I think

Actually torch here and here would be enough okay come on Kitty come on let’s go from this side buddy ah there we go no I hate cats this is why dogs are better real hi F weip I have a headache so I’m watching your stream from bed and my

Younger dog just laid down next to me so now we’re both watching your stream and cuddling smiley face smiley face anyway hope you’re doing well Rena thank you so very much for the Dono I really appreciate that sounds like a a start of a better day okay kitty you’re in there good on

You thank you so very much though I really appreciate it hopefully the headache goes away soon right that is layer one Done that took a lot more deep SL bricks than I thought it would okay let’s grab a little of our glass and and we can do this then we’re going to use a little bit more of the deep slate and then I also want to grab

Some of our Hoppers and for now we’re just going to grab a double chest not in that box other box uh we actually just need two hoppers for now also just to be safe oh I actually need another bucket of water I think you can type exclamation

Point PC and some of the specs are listed there oh we got to turn that farm back on I did not need all these buckets I needed one actually I’m going to grab an extra that way I can keep my safety bucket always have a safety water

Bucket is the PC oh pie of command doesn’t work never mind false alarm command’s turned off right now oh there goes a rocket let’s get some more just to be safe we are making a creeper Farm after all so soon this will not be an issue opinions about elytras uh I would

Not be playing Minecraft to the same scale if elyas did not exist that is the truth make sure this is yeah that looks pretty safe I think the only way that what we are able to do in Minecraft nowadays is possible is because elytras exist the the before elytra

Times were very slow and I think I think elyt really modernized the game like I don’t think Minecraft’s popularity for survival right now would be as big if elytra didn’t exist oh I guess uh if we do this here and I need to open this perfect okay and then we just fill

This these sidewalls here in with a little bit of deep slate what do you think about totems I mean I’m using one I think we can actually just bring this up one here too give the creepers a little bit more head space to move down I don’t think it’ll be a bad thing

Now I I think almost all of the tech that we’ve had added to Minecraft fits the Minecraft Vibe really well I know there’s a lot of people who are like they added mending and it ruined the game and I just like no why do you want why do you want Minecraft to take

Longer like I that’s just it’s full you like the the people who are saying they added mending and it ruined the game and that type of stuff or they added totems and it ruined Hardcore Minecraft like you’re just asking for the game to be harder for the sake of it being more

Difficult and I don’t think Minecraft has ever benefited as being a game that’s just difficult for the sake of being difficult like I don’t I don’t think Minecraft has ever had like a benefit from that so I’m very much on team of uh don’t make this game more difficult just

For the sake of making it difficult you can add difficulty to a game without just making it easier to die or harder to get around if diff if the difficulty that is added to the game only comes at the expense of your time it’s not difficulty like there’s a there’s a big

Confusion in The Gaming Community recently about what difficulty is in video games and how something that is difficult is good or bad and all that stuff and a lot of people are like Well yeah if we get rid of totems we get rid of elytra Minecraft’s

Going to be so difficult no it’s not it’s it’s just going to be more time consuming and as somebody whose full-time job is to play Minecraft and I have to get projects done to in order to finish a video I don’t want this game to be any more timec consuming than it

Already is because that means less videos okay that’s our killing chamber I need to put that glass on the top done we’re going to turn this into uh I got to make sure the only thing that we got to verify is uh making sure that that top I

Don’t think that light’s able to get up there far enough to the point where it’s going to yeah if you don’t like them don’t use them it’s a Sandbox game nobody’s forcing you to use anything how many layers will you make uh we’re going to aim for

Four ah we’re right up in the old original design I had okay now if we break you and we break you that will be uh perfect before anything spawns though I want to get those torches back cuz uh I like having torches great there’s one layer done and

The ction system that’s actually that’s a huge portion of the farm being done how do you get better at building practice what’s up nip how you doing welcome on in okay so we don’t need glass anymore we’re done with all of that we don’t need these extra buckets anymore we’re done with

Those now we just need uh a lot of trap doors and a lot of deep slay brick we’ll see how many layers we can get through another Tree Farm back on o thank you good call we might have to go mine for some deep slate but that’ll be okay

Radio thankfully this thing’s pretty easy to stack up from here cuz we literally just repeat everything we just did including drop doors right here and to keep ourselves safe for now uh we’re just going to leave those closed and once we finish a layer then we will go and uh

Expand like we we’ll open those as soon as the layer is finished we will open that pleased to meet you 65% likes amazing no that’s wrong that’s wrong again it’s fine I’m not having any issues it’s easy I definitely didn’t misplace it in the same place twice no no not at

All so the carpet’s down there to stop spiders which means the only thing that should be able to spawn in this Farm is a creeper could you imagine if they make a New Mob that is slightly shorter than two blocks and can spawn in the same space too how mad will the technical

Community be when if just creeper Farms no longer work have you ever thought about that like it’d be really like accidental for Minecraft be like hey we’re going to add this new mob isn’t it so cool and everybody be like New Mob yay and then

They get it added in the game and it just spawns wherever in the world but I don’t think they’re going to add too many mobs that just spawn anywhere in the world be honest I think they’re kind of done with that I think they have their core set of mobs that spawn all

Over and now they want to focus on mobs that spawn in different parts of the world I don’t have confirmation on that or anything but like that’s like where my brain assumes they’re at that side doesn’t need one we can just put it up here then we go here

Boop thankfully this Farm is actually really easy to build didn’t misplace that at all no way absolutely did not they’d be fuming yeah I mean look how mad the Tactical Minecrafter is when the copper bulb that was an experimental feature got changed I couldn’t even tell you what it

Did before and what it does now other than apparently it’s a t flip-flop couldn’t tell you how that works I mean which is weird because like I definitely took engineering classes like electrical engineering classes in college so like I should I mean I know technically what a

T flipflop is how to build one in Minecraft nope not at all okay second layer’s done we just got to bring in the cats and cover it there’s a kitty and there’s a kitty will they land teleport please sit and sit okay one Kitty goes in here and

You my friend I’m just going to push all the way over there did this Farm myself some time ago and it works really well yeah I’ve built it in the past a few times it’s not my end all Beall creeper Farm The Logical geek boy one is definitely better that’s what Lizzy and

I built on Empire season 2 uh it is a lot better but it’s so much more intensive on the materials and I just don’t need them I just I don’t need that much gunpowder this is more just a fun creeper Farm to throw inside the mountain that when I’m working in the

Area and just kind of passively doing things it’s going to be generating new gunpowder for us which will be fun to have please to meet you what this definitely isn’t one where I’m like yeah I need this to be Giga overpowered three billion gajillion gunpowder per hour otherwise I don’t

Want it this is just a this is just a passive little uh we’re going to get some extra gunpowder so I don’t have to AFK the gas farm right there we go that is the second layer done nope it’s not done there we go that’s the second layer

Done that would have been pretty bad if I had to go back in and fix those later dude that was 4 minutes and 50 seconds to build that layer what am I going to do for the rest of the stream my whole plan ruined also Martin thank you so much for

The 4 months my friend I really really do appreciate that uh tree still growing still going strong good good good and then Anders thank you so much for the two months uh hope you had a great day and the dogs are okay big support from Sweden I hope you feel

Better than me I’m sick oh I’m sorry to hear that my friend hopefully recovery goes by goes quick radio here we go there’s that should decorate the farm oh well we need to get the water channel built out going all the way back over to the Whatchamacallit we got to get the items

Actually traveling to you are supposed to be closed right now uh the gunpowder storage yeah the water line we’ll get that we’ll get that easy oh yeah now I feel I feel in the Rhythm be super quick to get all these done now this creeper Farm isn’t going

To be amazing because I do not and i w I’m now I’m not planning to spawn proof the area we could maybe if we have some extra time and want to do it we could spend some time like lighting up the uh the caves underneath cuz I know we found

Some massive ones in there uh that were still dark but like this is a daytime Farm I kind of categorize uh yeah yeah what brys say we could light up the caves after I kind of categorize cat cat aore cat aore sorry um where’s the other cat okay there’s the last

Two sit and sit uh Farms that I build as either daytime Farms or full-time farms and this is a daytime Farm I’m not going to be lighting up everything with 128 blocks I’m not going to be spawn proofing at all because we built an entire Mountain one that would make the

Mountain look really ugly two I can’t be bothered I spent the time building building the mountain I don’t want to go and I really don’t like the look of like terrain where you just put torches everywhere or even if you do like the Moss carpet trick and you hide the

Lighting underneath it I really like the look of a dark Minecraft landscape at night where the light is only coming from the little towns and little buildings that you have or the lanterns along the pathway like that for me looks really cool like that in my opinion is one of my favorite things

About like seeing Minecraft Builds from the night is the being able to tell where the player goes and where the player interacts with things and not just being like Oh yeah the entire space around everywhere is spawn prooof I think glow liing is one of the best additions to the game because you

Can use it and it’s not super bright yeah like don’t get me wrong in like the Nether and things I’ll spawn proof everything just because uh gas but okay that’s the last deep slay bricks we have we one stack of trap aors left and the kitty grew and we’ll just do all

This we can go refill the Deep slight Shuler after this too cuz I am definitely going to be needing a lot more for the next episode so definitely going to want some we could fit so many more layers in here why did I think each layer of this

Farm is so much bigger than it actually is how efficient will this Farm be absolutely no idea this could produce one gunpowder per day I don’t know I think technically perfect conditions and sitting at the AFK Point each layer produces a few hundred gunpowder per hour uh diminishing

Returns as you go up because it’s not going to be as efficient but if you were to build this thing like all the way up to like the spawn limit like 12 16 layers or whatever it might be uh you you’d be getting a few thousand per hour for

Sure about a six on the efficiency scale yeah now this one’s definitely not perfect but the reason why it’s nice is because this is how fast we built it it’s been 10 minutes and we’ve added two layers since the first one we get the first one in that’s wrong uh and we just

Fly like this is this is super easy to throw together and we got to trap a bunch of cats and Dark boxes so just full on shinger cat over here times8 is the cat alive I don’t know making a noise though so maybe it’s almost it is over a stack of

Trap doors per side which is absurd so again if you’re still in here whoever recommended doing the uh whatam call it uh bamboo trap doors thank you appreciate it I always forget I have access to Bamboo wood if I just need to like bulk do something like my initial thought

Today was oh I’m going to have to go and just mine a bunch of spruce wood and we’ll turn it all into Spruce trap doors and and then I was like no I don’t have to do that because I could instead just uh do the other like I

Could just go get a bunch of nether tree trap doors which is why we’re going to run that farm and then I was then you guys were like no what about this I’m like ah right there’s one there’s two let’s push you into the little hole

Oh we forgot carpet here I don’t know if anybody else said that but that should work that should work thank you thank you nope don’t fall do cats take fall damage in Minecraft feel like they don’t right we’re so close to 1,000 likes 150 away well

155 you not fall in the hole you are you are literally floating cat thank you you don’t take fall damage we can test it out let me just shove a cat off the edge of this it’ll be easy just see what happens for for science okay so there’s a little light

Coming from there but I don’t think it’s enough to actually stop spawn I swear we’re going to be just shy we have to go get more deep sleep we’re so close we’re so close so close we’re so close have any more I can convert no no we do

Not love the trees I hope someone will get a purple tree I think that I think purple tree is 36 months Raven monster came with 32 today they’re getting close have any more deep slate in any of these I have deep slave but not only the silk touched variant of deep SL

Late right let’s go do some mining come back and finish this after actually we can just leave these here we’ll come back for them um well that I want to fill up yeah we can just go fill that up now that’ll be fine go do some mining

The cats always land on their feet and bread always lands upside down what happens when you strap buttered bread to the back of a cat there we go that’s that’s the true sence we got to test 24 months BL is 36 oh maybe I was

Wrong on the order oh yeah no Raven does have a purple one it worked there we go chat we have creeper Farm it’s official a creeper has been farmed ow ignore that nothing happened we’re going to disable the top layer with this but I’ll make it so no

Creepers are spawning when we come back Yippee a chicken I missed again just a fun little game I like to play anytime a chicken drops an egg out I like to pick up the pick up the egg and quickly turn and just throw it at the chicken like a whoop I missed not the goblin children n not

Those are just regular eggs not even remotely related to a goblin child yep I think zombie don’t do it zombie I know which door you’re breaking down don’t do it you’re going to kill my villagers you leave that door alone there’s villagers that live in that house why I don’t know put them

There where we have any oh my gosh so touch spawners I kind of appreciate that they haven’t allowed us to do that cuz at that point you would just like your spider spawner the same thing that I do on all of the modded

Smps that we do is I just go get six or eight spawners and I just put them all together and it is an endless funnel of mobs coming in and I kind of appreciate that it’s not which Hoppers would be faster yeah I wish there’s a way to upgrade Hoppers

Like you could make a diamond plated Hopper and it goes at like two times Hopper speed like or a netherite upgrade to a hopper or something I think that they could maybe add that eventually yeah Hopper mine carts are fast but then you’re still limited by how many Hoppers are underneath it granted

You could push one into the middle of four Hoppers using some iron bars as like a little L shape and then you can get into there I missed it our speed aha I nailed it now you’re getting into create mode stuff yeah create mod was fun but it’s

Also like a little too much for me like what I would be interested in doing something on it again but just like only going for the Aesthetics side like I feel like like creative create mod like creative mode create mod sounds a lot more appealing to me than survival

Create what exactly is the purpose of having a beacon they give a lot of Buffs you can see the little pickaxe in the upper right corner of the screen right now uh that’s giving haste too which means I can mine faster I do the techy stuff for you let me know

If you need schematic yeah I I yeah I’ve been seeing a lot of people doing the single player create series like that sounds fun but I also don’t want to just like add a second single player Series right now I really want to add an SMP if I would if I’m

Going to start another series I really want to do an SMP I think I I think I need like an episode one hypee I I I think the channel needs that right now I’m really enjoying the hardcore world and everything and this is more of a me project but I’m definitely realizing

That we are on episode like I’m working on recording episode 53 right now episode 51 comes out tomorrow that’s a lot of hours like if you add up all the movies together to get to 5,000 days I think it’s almost a full 24 hours of video content and then

I’m already on 5,700 5 right now so we’ve uh we’re we are nearing 6,000 days in this world already which is pretty crazy first game to say hello hi last day of being a member thanks for the amazing texture pack hey enjoy it my friend any spoilers for The Next Episode

Yeah we’ve already spoiled it twice in stream today spoiled it pretty much every stream as good as the Clone flip one off was I 100% agree yeah the Clone flip video did not do well at all I was really bummed I was so excited for that video I mean I it didn’t flop

Like it’s it’s a video that like I keep call like describing it as a video that was for the true fans like the longtime fans the big Empires SMP fans the fan the people who are like fans of me and my friends instead of purely just like a FP fan you know uh

Like those are the people that really really enjoyed that and they loved it but outside of that group nobody watched it it uh it did not get pushed well at all on YouTube it uh it has half the views of my normal videos which is a bit

Of a bummer I think it was a little too chaotic so if you weren’t a fan there was just I I think I needed to like if I were to do it again I think a lot of it there’d be a lot more cinematic footage of following along

People with me narrating above it and then going into what they were doing to give more context about what was happening instead of just letting the pure chaos unfold one this video come out the one I’m working on right now another two weeks probably I’m trying to get ahead for the

Holiday so I can take some time off I normally don’t get this far ahead on videos and it feels weird I I the amount of like things I’m having to write down scheduling wise like where things are out in videos and all that stuff and I just I keep bothering Marcos

And I’m just like hey how’s it going on this one hey where are we at on that one he’s like you asked me this yesterday I’m like yeah I know but I just keep forgetting where we so now I’ve got like we got like a whole notes spreadsheet

Going of like where things are at editing progress versus recording progress so we can keep track of all of them and so it’s funny to it’s funny like just my normal flow is like work on a video it gets published next week then work on the next video it gets published and I’m

Usually about a week ahead and I’m three weeks ahead right now and it just like I feel like I’m just like what am I doing I don’t even know at this point 34 more likes to 1K we also have uh we had 1,300 viewers 15 people just left though so it’s

Fine they say we don’t like watching somebody mine deeps slate there have been no diamonds in this ah speak of the devil my Dundo a the Bedrock 12 diamonds out of seven that’s all my man man come on now don’t going to do me like that what S&P are you interested in trying in the New Year well I had a meeting yesterday with a bunch of people that might have been on an SMP

That I ran a while ago and and I might have pitched an idea for an SMP to do in the kind of beginning of the new year that everybody was on board with so so there might be something in the works that we’re trying to flush out the idea

On a little bit more that I don’t want to spoil but maybe there might be something there might be something in the works what does SMP stand for survival multiplayer basically means you’re playing on a server content creator speak means there’s other people in the series

Even Redstone down here wow it’s a big day five nice locky thank you so much for the Dono I appreciate it not even average I know I’m below average no I I honestly my diamond luck is so bad I mostly just keep it in silk touch

Form because it looks shiny and then I don’t get sad when I break it down with Fortune cuz like this is a fortune 3 pick this should have been getting a ton amp series are you talking about Amplified I did one it was fun until it was very not fun

Goblin flip wouldn’t have broken that Redstone Goblin flip didn’t care about deep slay Redstone that was the first that was Empire season one flip count flip Adventure Mode like the maps oh uh N I have I play Minecraft for survival I don’t real don’t forget to like the

Stream I hate silverfish because they take my blocks I just want my blocks I don’t care that they’re annoying to fight but I was going to take that Cobble deep slate man they just took like six of it from me I got to go mine more blocks sorry Blacky thank you again for

The Dono don’t forget to like the stream everybody we just passed 1,000 likes y all are amazing just want the blocks just want the blocks you know absolute menaces exactly Phantoms of deep slate yeah I think it was the uh Conquest Redstone uh reforged or no the original

Conquest texture pack uh monster fish was the uh artist behind it um very talented artist if you’re looking for a cool Medieval theme texture pack definitely check it out um it has a whole mod for it now but anyways back on topic uh he Chang changed the silverfish

Texture to look like diamond ore so you would get so excited being like I found diamonds and then you’d hit it and just turn into a silverfish it’s the ultimate troll like the ultimate troll if you’re like diamonds over there go and you m it it’s just a

Silverfish oh man I kind of want to do it I kind of want to do that like if we’re if the next SMP Series has my texture pack on it I kind of want to throw it in there just just to really mess with people I think it’s so it’s

Such a good bit it’s so good that’ just be so funny on top of everything just going and doing the chaos of mining you’re fighting all these mobs oh I’m trying to survive break around the you break the block and you’re like it wasn’t even worth it 1,50 likes now oh

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy how do I talk to your texture and act what how do you talk to my texture pack uh I mean you can talk to it all you want I don’t know if it’s going to respond though I always run out of deep site so

I I we’re just going to re we’re just going to fill my inventory up and we’re just going to go put it back in storage this way it’ll last me and I don’t have to come back down here again for a little bit better than Ollie being a chest that

Exploded when you open it okay so new life bloopers uh because the series is over uh I’m I will tell you all this new life bloopers we were messing around with it on day one and you know that Village that olly would like to post up in and

Try and get people to open his the chest and everything like that I kept finding him and I kept opening the chest and just bothering him and he just kept running away he just kept running away and doing it again and so I just follow

Him and open it because I was like oh this isn’t killing me this is funny this is great even the bad effect like I was surviving it so this is funny I’m just messing with him and it was he was like hide and seek game and he set up right

Next to an iron golem and I was like oh my God I think I can make this work cuz if he when he triggers I was assuming that it did it was a damage effect that he was causing or that it was linked back to his character so I opened it and

I think I have the footage somewhere I think I might still have it I I’ll I’ll have to go look uh it’d be new life let me see do I have it I don’t know if I kept all the new life footage or not no I deleted all of it dang yeah I

Clear Bas on the computer but anyways uh I opened the chest it triggered poison on the Iron Golem and the Iron Golem just turned and slapped him and killed him instantly and we were like uh that wasn’t supposed to Happen but oh my God it was so funny just went from being so so alive and just a funny little game to nope there that’s a down on the floor hey wonder if Marcos has the footage no I probably didn’t even upload it I must I probably

Let’s see projects no we deleted all the new life footage off the drive after it ended he usually keep footage around for like a month after a series end and then I delete it all and I probably clean that all up I do have all of the footage for the

Last like 12 hardcore episodes still though and I need to go through and delete some of the older ones because W it’s like 600 gigs every Hardcore episode turns into like i’ say on average there are like 70 GB of footage between time lapses cinematic shots uh the actual recordings and everything in

There what’s your favorite block to grind for mining dirt is really satisfying but honestly I I think like dropping large spruce trees is also very satisfying it’s just kind of then you go and then back down there’s a slight amount of thought to it so it’s pretty okay to

Do mud’s pretty good too but there’s so much water like if you get a good dry spot of a mangrove swamp where there’s no water source blocks anywhere then it’s fantastic we’ll fill this up I know I keep adding more but it’s Cobble deep slate you understand I’m also enjoying just vibing

And chatting answering questions we will finish the creeper Farm today that that’ll we’ll go for sure until that’s done you have your Christmas decor up I don’t have my office but decor’s up downstairs we’re going to get our tree this weekend what’s your favorite mob I really like polar bears in

Minecraft but they don’t do anything like I wish they had functionality outside of I exist in the snowy biome my favorite like hostile mob I think would be a stray just cuz I they’re unique and they they have like they have a pretty cool effect that you can use for

Mini games and things just by having slowness arrows I think that’s pretty fun also i’ just like to point out that we have mined almost two Shuler boxes of Cobble deep slate here and we have 12 diamonds you give a polar bear enough fish it’ll give you a bottle of

Coke that’d be funny if it was true like that’s the only way to get a unique item is you just give a polar bear a ton of fish and then no they just they could just throw a potion back at you just like a somehow a a polar bear has like a

Potion of like like a a 30 second sprinting potion swiftness right yeah they just throw a 30- second swiftness potion back at you but you yeah that’d be really good just here’s a sugar high potion you chop your own trees no I actually pay viewers to do it for me I’m kidding

Uh yeah I the only Auto tree farms we have are for Mangrove and for nether trees I do know a few cont cont creators that do have people that just grind for them like they fullon have people on like on their payroll that their job is

Just to log into the Minecraft world and gather blocks like they they have a person that designs the builds for them and then they have a person that logs in and gathers the materials for them and then they get in and then they do the build

But it’s all under the same account so it uh it all registers as the stats for them so they can keep it all and everything thing but they have multiple people that are playing the game for them I’ve always thought that’s kind of weird like that at that point it feels

Too much like a job instead of something that I started to do because I love it like if I’m at the point where I’m like hey let me hire on people that’ll do the grind for me in this game I’m like no why would I do I’ll just build Auto

Farms first like I no I’m not going to I’m not going to pay somebody to play Minecraft for me I would grind for money I do think it’s funny I know Coralis lets his uh kids jump on the hermitcraft server and go gather blocks for him just takes one mistake for that yeah

Where can I get that job there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of YouTubers like Minecraft youtubers that it’s mostly people who also do like Marketplace content then they just have those people that they hire for the marketplace also come over and do like their uh primary Channel content

Too CU I know there’s a like he has an entire build team that does his Marketplace content for him that um just like does everything and it’s just his name of the Brandon cuz he has the marketplace account to be able to upload it L behind you oh no

Slime we chilling hermit Craft’s youngest members yeah I’ve heard that uh the only way you can know it’s them is because if you say hi kis and they don’t respond and like the whoever’s on K’s account doesn’t respond he’s a rule that the kids aren’t allowed to talk and get

Up to any Mischief on the server otherwise they’re kicked off so they’re not allowed to type in chat or do anything they’re just they’re only allowed to go break blocks might have been one of the particles for the haste Marketplace seems like such a interesting space to exist

In so I know Pearl used to be a full-time Marketplace Builder like before she joined hermitcraft Pearl built for one of the marketplace teams and helped them as like a map Creator um and it did not sound like a fun job it sounded I I think it’s one of

Those things where anytime you’re like a lot of the joy for me in Minecraft is I pick my project I do my project and I create what I want to create and I think the second I think it’s true for pretty much every art thing the second somebody

Says no don’t make that make this or no I don’t want it that way you have to make it this way in this style that for me I think would take a lot of the joy out of creating you chop your own Christmas trees no we just go to the there’s so

Many tree lots nearby so we just go pick one ah we’re so close stack and a half explains why I hate my job right now yeah being able to like do what you want to do for the work and like also that I think comes across as a lot of

Trust from your from your employer of you’re going to get it done in a way where it’s going to work and it’s going to be good and I think the more employers like there’s a lot of fulfillment in jobs out of being able to

Say I did this this was my name on it I made the decisions and it worked like that’s a cool feeling to have and it gives you a lot of like self-empowerment of being like I did this and the team trusted me to make this happen and we

All like the result of it versus somebody coming out and being like uh no you you have to do exactly this this and this and being super micromanaged thought about making a cyberpunk city um we might do one I don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon but definitely is a thought of

Doing it that would be so much learning for me I I like would really have to that would be a hard build to put together cuz I just don’t do that style I i’ I’d have to look at so many people’s like cyberpunk cities on how they do things how they incorporate

Details and everything so that’d be a tough one it would be fun though one day and still only 12 diamonds yep well these chunks are from 1.19 caves and cliffs no 1.18 uh caves and cliffs uh version two that added the new terrain generation everything like that uh that is

The that’s when this was added or that’s when this was all generated and I haven’t reset these chunks ever so they’re Diamond count in them is very very low that right there is a full shax I think I probably only need like one more stack of deep SL

Yeah those are the only ores we got out of this entire thing yeah we we could we could do better I do want to make like a whole diamond mining system I think that could be fun like go for a challenge of trying to mine a

Where’s my way I think it’s over here yeah I’m going to Mark some torches on the floor here that’ll help me remember W Stacy thank you so much for the Dono I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you I will let the bot do its thing ooh Redstone oo more

Redstone my Redstone supplies have been running pretty low I’m kind of also in a Zone where I’m I want to do more villager stuff and like I don’t want to I want to keep the villager cave as something that I go back to often but I also know that the more

Villagers I used to be in the realm owners demanded everyone build where they pick into to build in the style they wanted not fun yeah that really sucks oh piece of candy oh piece of candy oh piece of redstone how big is your world in gigabytes uh it’s like four or five gigs

Now now I think four I I uh trim chunks every so often just a smart thing to do oh there’s some good ores in here we could take those back wow deep SL W oh there’s so much stuff in here Wow look at all that there’s a luck of the c one book in here and more gunpowder than my creeper Farm’s made nice jelly still guarding the mine and we got Oliver guard in the house dude Oliver has saved me multiple times actually please to meet no joke he has

Legitimately uh the creepers have been walking up to the door and he’s scared them away from me how do you do that don’t you accidentally delete chunks that you have stuff in yeah I have once I deleted the gold Farm output uh if anybody remembers finding that on stream

While I was like oh this is great we’re going to go check and get some gold and I was like oh no the gold Farm’s not working oh I broke it all no I cuz I thought like an update had broken the gold farm so it wasn’t

Working at all and I was like oh no and then we went through the portal and we’re like no we just deleted these junks no I use a program is it Aid I think I made a video about it there’s a video on the second Channel

About how to prune chunks in your world you can check that out if you are interested uh there’s also old video on the main Channel about how to do it but you there’s programs you can use that can give you like a 2d top down view like you’re looking at a Minecraft map

Um and then you can select specific specific chunks you want to delete so I have a rule where I don’t delete anything within, 1500 blocks of Spawn and then I also don’t delete anything I try to not delete anything um that is within 300 blocks of any builds that I

Make so that that’s kind of where the other line is drawn so I don’t want to I don’t want to ever delete something and then have like a harsh terrain line like right next to it but um where can I we probably have some around here I could give you an

Example I don’t think any of this has been deleted maybe it’s been deleted more Rec like old old time um that right here this is this is the Border where I deleted chunks see f3g yep that’s chunk border and you can tell because uh the tree spawned the old tree was here

Positioned at this point and then when I the chunk got deleted and regenerated it moved the tree over here so that the leaves are off so if you ever see that in people’s worlds uh that’s where you can know that chunks are deleted if we follow down this way we can probably see

Some more of where it’s deleted stuff versus not oh I haven’t really loaded in the mountain from this Direction before whoa all right that looks so cool that is so so cool looking I’m really happy about that yeah he he’s a little crooked but he’s all right he’s fine he’s all

Right when are we getting a new map update uh we I’m going to be doing an episode 53 because I uh realized that I have not for a while oh we need to go get a water bucket real quick we also need a dropper I think I have the Redstone

Supplies to be able to make a little item dropper system night Time oh I’m getting good at thato we’re going to sleep inside the mountain are you texturing the mountain yeah we will eventually I’m going to give myself a month or two before we tackle that though I’ll be honest I just uh it’s one of those things where I’m like yeah

Probably would be very smart to do it and would be great but also we literally just finished it and I want to do anything else cool that is the creeper Farm let’s go inside and make sure it’s dark but that’s the that’s the whole creeper Farm done

Yeah and then they would all come down here and they would die right there nice Chey cam you beta okay what is our y level here 96 right let’s go measure and see what we’re at at the other point noce noce noce noce noce yeah we’re doing

It uh and over here we are much higher 98 great okay so we’re going to bring bring the items up that’s that’s a must we definitely got to bring them up uh let’s see we probably we need a dropper we need some kelp we need a Soul

Sand we need a repeater we need a comparator we need some observers we’re going to need a sticky piston I got so probably one of those and then yeah I think that’s everything we’ll go we got a little got to use my Redstone certified polish deep slate placing

Block you cannot you can’t place redstone on any other sort of block all right has to be it’s got to be there there’s a creeper dying there’s a creeper dying oh we missed it but it’s produced more than the Mine okay um oh that’s uh we don’t need that pickaxe anymore all we’re getting cheaty cam sorry is that a good lineup that’s actually a really good lineup we’re going to go all the way up here perfect and then if we do our dropper facing here we’re just going to do our

Soul sand right down there and we just need to get a hopper line that’s going to go Bam Bam and then we’ll place that Dro that last hopper in there at the very end I think we actually only need two pieces here uh cuz then we need one of you and

We need a you and we need a do we need a comparator looking at that and then put that yeah yeah thank you perfect okay so that right there now we need some glass to be able to make the tube going all the way up produce more than Jimmy’s already sad

Part is it’s the same Farm no Jimmy just never lit up anything he was like I built the farm it should work I’m like no Jimmy that’s you did the bare minimum but like yeah but like also a bare minimum okay uh where is that hole is it right probably over

Here L up with this right where the heck did that go oh it’s right here okay that’s not bad that’ll work all right so that needs to be dropped down by one and then bam and a bam and we’ll do that after we’ll cuz I don’t want that just flooding down here for

Now all righty where’s the rod down right here you can get it one closer to the dropper oop no no my Redstone oh that’s nice didn’t cover any nice nice still uh oh we have deep SL breaks here perfect I need to go back in here real quick because uh kind of

Goofed yeah now I washed it that’s fine you don’t have to do this but I find for my own sanity I like to thank you I’ll take that back I like to surround any Redstone anything that I’m doing going all the way up with uh like if I’m making any tubes or

Anything like that I like to surround them with something so that if I’m ever digging around underground I don’t dig into it and just flood whatever I’m doing you don’t need that repeater it’ll make it more responsive oh we can just do the comparator that’s fine one shy one

Shy we’ll put a little cap over the top of that with some glass so it make sure it’s not shooting up all over the place cuz for now it’s just going to go there’s our bubble elevator in place we’ll do that for the first few so

It kind of starts to move itself down downwards and then if we hit ground layer we’ll just come back and cover the whole thing but I think with this we’ll be slight no we’ll probably hit ground right about there so maybe we do just cover the whole tube cuz I don’t want

Anything else falling in so you’re saying I could just do boop boop boop you sure we T it oh yeah fancy sweet all right we don’t want that to run yet that’s definitely okay well that’s done there’s our hole we can kind of see into it a little bit

There yes I’m fixing it don’t worry okay much better sweet okay so my goal is to make it just drop cascading normally um and the thought behind that is that if I just add it in right now and like just keep it going straight and doing ice and keep that

Going there’s a chance that if that were to be on a chunk border which that one would be pretty close to it um when that chunk unloads the items would lose their velocity when they’re traveling um so we would have a potential for for the items

To get stuck and if you remember back in the day when Mumbo created a circle out of pumpkins that’s how you get that so we’re going to try and make it just drop down just like and see if we can get that to go all the way and if we need to

We’ll just do some ice down on that side uh but now we just need to figure out what the heck we are oh no no no no no Right anyways okay uh water travels what from there goes seven blocks talk about Cascade effect dude for real uh what is this I always forget the count 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 and then so and then we have to drop it down okay so that’ll be there

One two three four five six seven and we drop it okay one one 2 three four four five six s seven one 2 three four five six 7 that be eight so I count out eight each layer right I mean let’s just make sure this works that’ll be

Fine could have been much worse it really could have I just I don’t want to any chickens ending up in here that are like laying eggs and getting pushed in the water stream cuz that would uh not be good for the storage room but I think we already

Have chickens in the gas farm and so I did make a filter for eggs to just go right into some fire so you know there’s that did I cover up the rest of farm we covered up the top yeah okay so if I did this right I can break

That that should go I did it all off by one nice nice nice well better to fix it now better to fix it now okay well we can bring BR this all back that should actually let me test that do you go to the end or you get stuck you go to

The end okay ah it doesn’t really matter it’s one block he’s fine does the ice block make make the water reach a bit farther no you use ice blocks because it’s slippery so the item slides over the top of it uh which is great for shortterm item

Transportation but I find if you want to make it foolproof for longterm that’s going over a lot of chunks that has a chance for it to unload while it’s moving which can sometimes stop your items from moving any farther um having a water only system like this can will

Help alleviate that cuz no matter what when the chunk reloads it’ll be in moving water and it’ll start going Again all right we’re going to go back through and just place in all of our glass this is why we’re putting a top on it you saw nothing okay perfect that’ll work I probably won’t do the sides there we’ll just do the glass underneath so it kind of creates a little bit more

Of a oh I think it’ll go to there ah close temporary placement right there so it doesn’t flood everything I know I’m definitely wasting orange glass here but I really can’t be bothered I have two Sher boxes full I need to get rid of it

So it’s uh so that would be 1 2 3 four five 6 7 and I think it goes there right did all that work to make sure it didn’t flood did all that work to make sure it did not flood and what did I do I made it flood somewhere

Else am I under the mountain flowers whatever will I do at least it fell into that we’re fine it’s fine everything’s fine totally fine that go another one no okay so that is right distance how many is that 1 2 3 four five six 7 yeah okay so it’s one 2 three

Four five six 7 one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven got to make sure we don’t run across any concrete powder cuz it’ll turn it into concrete on the outside I think we got the height though cuz we need to make it from there and

Have it just dropping into that so I think I think we got the height for this we’ll need to go get some more glass here in a second though cuz I think this is the last that I do have yeah okay let’s go pick some more up

Oh I almost hit the back chicken almost got him yeah that’s probably probably going to be how many I need can I see the mountain yeah this is it uh after I finish this we can take a look at the outside oh I dropped that down no that is right this is

Just wasting glass oh no oh no bad call bad call bad call bad call bad call I did it wrong woo I did it Wrong I think it’ll go till there yeah that will definitely drop down another I think that has the height on it okay we’re doing it we’re getting another chap slowly the music broke okay there we go you finished the mountain all of the stone work is done for the mountain is the

Mountain finished I don’t know one two three four five six 7even I think we drop here and then turn yeah then we can turn there and we can bring it behind the machine so it’s not like going through our section where we pop out

So we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and we can turn into like a cool tube or something ow I’m fine totally fine one two three four five six seven item test yeah we’ll do it at the end if the water’s flowing the this system can’t really

Break I me like the only point that might be iffy is if that but then you can see the water I I did it a I did it one block early here so that we have that sideways so that even if items get all the way stuck in there they’ll they

Still have that way momentum so they will move forward you made a stream Christy welc com on in two three four five six seven are we we’re not going to be high enough oh no I think we’re just shy oh no I think we’re just going to be a block too low

I mean we could probably just do an ice here and that’d be okay cuz I want it to be coming in above it needs to be dropping into that water so we’ll just do an ice on this and just make sure it’s not on chunk borders I should have some packed ice

Somewhere it’s coming all the way down all the way down and there I think if I bring this all the way across here yeah that brings us literally to this and then our goal is to have it drop in right there like end goal is this just goes right in there it drops

Down goes right into the collection system for the gas farm that gets in The Hoppers and moves all the way over here and we’ll get picked up and sorted into those how far do you go okay so we literally were yeah we need one probably two pieces of ice that’s honestly not that

Bad do I have any in here of course not ice I have scaffolding I do what’s the first Farm you should make in a survival world uh I would say a crop farm so you can get villagers going and then after that you want to make an iron farm those are definitely the two biggest things to have early in a

Minecraft world I’m going to do this right here actually should probably do a back one this is a guard so that the animals can’t walk on top of the pipe cuz the pipe does become open eventually and we don’t want Mr horsey walking down and getting stuck in

It yeah I’m just not going to bother covering it it’ll be okay we’ll cover the corner just in case should I go back and cover the whole thing I probably like for completion sake I probably should do it okay so what we do here is we do

Scaffolding like that and we do a bucket we’re so close we do this and we do another piece of scaffolding and we just need one more bucket and we need a sign cuz we don’t want the water dropping down into that guess just to be

Safe one farm from a new world there a perimeter Wither Skull Farm yeah that’s that’s a pretty casual one to make too that was so close so close get so far all right so we need a sign how do I not have a single sign not even in there come

On got make a sign what is this a new Minecraft world gross oh we’re so good oh amazing pleaseed to meet you Steven Barry with the 20 2 2 months at tier two I don’t know when that happened my friend but thank you so very much thank you thank you thank you very

Kind of you also I missed it earlier nip thank you so much for the six months you don’t like to build what somebody tells you to try being an architect yeah that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair people coming in with all these things about gravity and uh physics and you’re like no but

Art okay we want to do sign in here sub to equip just for anybody who looks you know but the people only people are going to see that probably already have the world down like you’d have to have the World download or you’ll see it like on the video they’re probably already

Subscribed but I say it anyways every time okay uh we just need to go get one hopper and plug it in to link up the final step for the dropper I thought that was a zombie for a second and that’s it that’s a fully functional creeper Farm

Chaing we go right in here we got 32 gunpowder in that’s going to start dropping it out I want to get up to the top and we can run around and see what it looks like going down the pipe it’s going look at all that gunpowder yes it’s working all the way still

Moving it’s grooving and it is home look at that oh I love it that’s so fun it’s it’s fully linked up we got we got the gunpowder storage all the way out to here that is awesome just going to add into the mess that we have in there we got all that

And then here’s a bunch of TI that I never use and then over here I don’t know what this sorts into I think it’s what do I have sorting into that I can’t remember oh well there’s an egg that’s awesome I’m so happy let me see is this any chunk borders no it’s

Not okay so even if it stops there it’ll still be in flowing water perfect what am I sorting on these last three arrows oh right uh bones and arrows because skeletons occasionally come through it very occasionally that but they do that’s so good I’m so happy with that that’s so

Fun completely pointless to put it all the way over there but I I don’t know I I think just having it all go to one space is a lot more I don’t know that I I had done that before I mean I built long item transportation systems like

That for Farms but like linking two Farms together I don’t think I’ve ever done that that’s what we’re here for doing stuff that’s new because we can I need more Rockets you say how the meeting went it went pretty well pretty well we got I’m going to get pork chops too

Sorry we got some ideas that we’re playing around with we got a rough time frame but that’s all I can share right now okay I’m kind of curious is it night time for one it is good enough for me yeah thank you so much for the Dono too and Cal thank you

So much for the gift member I do appreciate that and uh Dar Dark Mist or Darcy Mist thank you so much for the eight months love your stream thanks for the content hey I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you but now we can turn this on the nether Tree Farm

Can do its Bo boom booms I I don’t know if we’re like I I have no idea what the Y level check is for this Farm if this is too high or not real do you say how the meeting went yeah we uh nothing to announce yet

But the the meeting didn’t happen so if we’re up here I’m kind of curious what are we at we at 221 which means just below a hundred is where the mobs will stop spawning and where is the base of the far I think we’re too low I think we’re

Too high at that please to meet you I think right here no it works oh that work that’s stupid anity calling it works why is the sound not working though hostile creatures on so if that’s going then we should see items moving so I can just like chill at the

Top of the mountain and this is pretty much the prime AFK point that that was not planned at all I think if we went a blocker too higher it would be like the perfect AFK point for it but hey the whole system works and we can just chill you’re out

Of range for silence oh yeah right right right that would do it you be will like to grab some Cal fans and put it at the top of the mountain like an eagle nest that could be kind of cool it’d be a fun little bit put like

An egg in it or something visible item frame were you that if we just do the gray it would just kind of just be there and be gray you know it would just look like a little fuzzy gray bit we’d actually like keep it alive somehow and

Uh this whole place cannot have water on it cuz it’s got a lot of concrete powder always satisfying when things accidentally work out perfectly I know right I’m really curious like the rate of this farm and we are slightly off to the side too so it works and it’s still working

So that’s good but that’s so fun I’m really happy let’s see are there any mobs spawning up here that’s probably all so we got a mob there we got some mobs there got a few mobs over there wow how did I miss this many spaces of

Lighting things up got a mob up there there yeah we did a pretty good job on lighting things I we still got some work to do obviously but oo there’s a lot up here yeah okay I’ll have to come back and do that later yeah this is our this is our

Daytime Farm use the bushes from the desert would look so nice yeah we can’t place that on anything you place on Terra Cotta and like your dirt blocks but uh so like we could do some of that like over here I never really detailed these out I don’t I kind of forgot about

Them when I was texturing the mountain like I pretty much detailed up to here of this and bone meal it all and mossified it and then I just didn’t do anything beyond that I was pretty lazy when it came to this section cuz I was like you’re not

Going to be able to really see it too much like it would be so far away and also the top of the mountain looking really Lush I felt like I was like that might be kind of weird cuz that’s very high up but we got

It any tips on how to not get burnt out so fast uh I got a video that uh published like two weeks probably a month ago at this point how to not get bored in Minecraft that might help uh let’s said go watch that if you haven’t and

Uh tips on how to stay motivated and all that that’s pretty much the whole video you need a patriot on the top of the mountain what do you mean by a patriot next we need to figure out what we’re doing here like this needs like a little like door entrance or something

Something but that’s a problem for another day I’ll tell you what I think with the creeper Farm done that’s what we’re going to be calling it today uh I’m kind of curious let’s go it’s not it’s not like a full endless stream of gunpowder but it’s it’s pretty

Good pretty good it’ll just be working casually as we fly over which is fun but we got over we got almost a stack in there now compared to what was before so that’s pretty cool maybe some got stuck in there who knows cuz this is probably slightly out of render

Yeah like landmarks like a statue or something just don’t know what you mean by Patriot Patriot missile defenses on the mountain defend from enemy dwarves yeah cuz our dwarves have nuclear missiles that they’re going to be firing made it to the end of the stream huzzah you’ve done it you done dly did

It all right my friends that’s going to do it for today I’m going to go get some lunch and then I got to go to the grocery store and figure out what the heck I’m making for dinner tonight but thank you all so much for being here I

Really do appreciate it also Rumble Bumble I missed it thank you so very much for the five months missed the start of the stream as I was building my first tree on the member server oh very cool can’t wait to watch the stream and catch up later well we built a whole

Creeper farm so we did all that stuff uh yeah that’s going to do it today thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate y’all are awesome as always have a wonderful rest of your day new hardcore video dropping tomorrow 10:15 a.m. Pacific time 30 minutes

Before this stream started if you’re one of the early folks um usual time for the Thursday releases on videos and things like that uh it’s going to be a fun one I really like it it’s it turned out to be a really cool end result in a fun

Video on top of all that a lot of little like random side projects and then a huge mega project too so I hope you enjoy but that’s it for me today and also you have to watch it tomorrow cuz tomorrow’s the 2-year anniversary of this world apparently somebody said that

At the beginning of stream so I’m assuming it’s right we’re just going to roll with it tomorrow’s 2-year anniversary of the hardcore world so you got a hardcore video woohoo thank you all so very much for being here I’ll catch you on the flip side Bye deir thank you so much becoming a member I really appreciate that thank you very much right at the end of the stream thank You

This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a CREEPER FARM in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-11-29 21:25:30. It has garnered 23309 views and 1784 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:17 or 8537 seconds.

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  • Insane Minecraft World Tour on MTR Server!!

    Insane Minecraft World Tour on MTR Server!!Video Information [Music] everything all right we should be good to go I need to play me big operators you’re already big operators oh what’s good everybody welcome back to the stream we are back again we’re not doing a short stream this time for this series I believe I’ll stick to the normal format how’s everyone doing though it has been a while got some uh new stuff going on here I need to change this skin I’m sorry I I can’t do this I can’t do this bro we found the perfect place to start though big man… Read More


    SHOCKING SERVER CRASH HACK! LIQUIDBOUNCE NEXTGENVideo Information [Music] go [Music] n raining on the floor with my favorite slot if you touch your sh your neck gets SC they someka they some crack I don’t give a this is how we party in the Russian Club This video, titled ‘SIGN SERVER CRASH EXPLOIT | LIQUIDBOUNCE NEXTGEN’, was uploaded by xyz1337 on 2024-03-25 21:00:37. It has garnered 1200 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. hypixel skywars,skywars,hypixel,minecraft skywars,hacking,hacking in skywars,hacking on hypixel,ranked skywars,minecraft skywars hypixel,hypixel hacking,shmeado hypixel skywars,skywars hacker,hypixel hacker,hypixel sky wars,hypixel hacks,how to be good in skywars,hacker compilation… Read More

  • Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind Landscapes

    Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind LandscapesVideo Information This video, titled ‘(dc2) skibidi pobre 9 FULL’, was uploaded by WIND FROM THE LANDSCAPE on 2024-05-10 21:51:33. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. new threat found #skibiditoiletmeme #skibditoilet #minecraft #skibidibopyesyesyes #animation Read More

  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

    ChabCraft-CivilizationsWelcome to ChabCraft, a realm where strategy, politics, and faction warfare converge to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself into a world where every move you make shapes the course of history. Immerse yourself in the complex web of alliances and rivalries, where diplomacy and cunning are your most potent weapons. Non-Whitelisted, Join Our Discord! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – Discord – TikTok – Become a member – Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More