Insane Crop Farming with Ravagers! Minecraft Guide

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pic Soros and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a good day today we are starting off over here at the pillager rave farm which I designed in yesterday’s episode and it’s it’s doing pretty well to be honest I

Have made a couple of changes and you guys are going to be excited about this because we actually have a method of reliably getting the pillages and all of the other rate mobs to get off this top platform i’ve also expanded both of these platforms by one block in the

Horizontal direction on each side so this is now a 7 by 5 platform and that one down there is now I guess 11 by 7 and that’s actually been a really good shape for both of them I’ve only had one or two mobs now drop off the sides of

These just because I think they spawn kind of in the fences and glitch through but those have only ever been like the occasional ones like you’ve indicators or witches it seems like all of the ravages are now being carried down into here and getting caught in the lava trap as planned

Now setting up these water streams is actually more difficult than it looks because if I update the water sources now what you end up with is an infinite water source in the middle here because on each side we have flowing water but these right here are actually water

Sources so it can create an infinite water source in the middle and that’s gonna flood the platform completely and make it so the raid mobs can’t actually spawn here so I’m gonna reset this to show you how I did it because this is actually kind of useful to know

Basically when you place these water sources along here you want to do that with all of the fence gates removed because the way water works in Minecraft is that it will not redirect and update the direction in which it flows if it has a path to flow down a block and

That’s what it’s doing here you’ll see that each of these water sources is flowing across two blocks and downwards in fact if I were to take out any of the water sources here it would not replenish it on this side the water on these water sources over here does not

Flow over into this block because they haven’t an opportunity to flow downwards and that is preventing them from moving in any other direction so I’m a place that water source back in I’m going to remove the fence gates on either side here like so and I’m going to replace

Those in a second because if we take out this central row of blocks now you will notice they do not reform infinite water saw and this is crucial because having any blocks in the middle here is going to allow the raid mobs to spawn on those blocks but they never spawn exactly in

The center of a block it seems like so thanks to mob collision they will all start to spread out in different directions their path finding AI is going to take them in different directions and they will almost immediately walk into some of these water streams on either side which is

Going to bring them down into here now of course if you put the fence gates back along this road like so being incredibly careful to make sure they are along the edge of the water here where it’s flowing down and not on this block because placing it adjacent to one of

These water sources will update the water source and cause it to flow back inwards again but once we have a row of fence gates here you will see that does effectively stop the water from flowing down and all of that water is now clearing up and we can open up the fence

Gate as before it is just a little bit tricky to do that but once you’ve got all the fence gates open like so this channel here should remain completely dry and all of your pillages will be able to fall down into this area the water sources down here should all just

Be running into this central block here I have tried a couple of things to see if we can direct the pillages and so forth more accurately into the central block but I feel like that’s something we can refine a little bit more off-camera because as I mentioned this

Isn’t going to be a permanent raid farm or anything it’s something that we can temporarily come out to you right now and farm the raid mobs as much as we want to but in future the plan is to set one up around a pillager watchtower like

The one we have around here and make sure that we can just automatically renew that bad omen effect constantly to generate more raids and generate more loot as it is right now though I’ve been doing a little bit more raid farming off-camera I have myself almost two

Stacks of emeralds from three or four raids which is pretty good going I also have a real handful of these totems of undying so yeah we can add those to the loops and at not to mention we have sixteen ominous banners as trophies and I’m gonna take all of these away because

We’re not going to focus on the raid farm today we are going to still continue raid week and we’re gonna mess around with the raids a little bit more today’s plan is to take a few mobs out of raids specifically mobs like ravages the idea behind raids is that you cannot

End the raid until either a villager has died or you’ve killed all of the mobs that were present as part of read so all of the pillages of indicators ravages that kind of thing but I’m actually kind of interested in playing around with Ravagers a little

Bit because they can be used for a bunch of other things they have some interesting behaviors which I would like to take advantage of in this episode and so for that we’re gonna have to take part in a raid where some ravages appear but we do not kill them and yet the raid

Still somehow has to end so for this episode we’re going to focus on trapping that ravager and making sure we can get it back to an area where it’s going to be useful to us I have been testing this in a creative test world already and I

Think you guys are gonna like what we’re about to do so we have a villager out here we are back out in the desert in a different area of the desert very very close to the pillager watchtower so we could always go and grab a bad omen nice

And quickly and the idea here is that we are going to be trapping raid mobs around this area and how are we going to be doing that we’re gonna be using one of my favorite things minecarts we are gonna be trapping a bunch of mobs in minecarts and having already tested this

A little bit it’s really fun and quite easy to do all we really need to do is set up a few rings of minecart rails with mine carts moving around in them constantly so you’ll need a bunch of powered rails you’ll need some redstone you’ll need you know extra connecting

Rails and stuff like that if you want to but coming out from the corners here I’m going to actually make a set of ringed rails we’ll do one very close to the villager about there we’ll do one maybe a couple of blocks further out like so about there so like three blocks

Diagonals space in between them and we’ll do an outer ring there as well and those are going to be the spaces where we’re going to put together the rings of rail each of these is going to have a set of mine carts running around on it already when the raid starts and each

Time a pillager or whatever raid mob comes into contact with one of the mine carts they’re going to be picked up by the mine carts because the carts will be constantly moving and with that we should be able to trap a whole bunch of the raid mobs including a few ravages for our

Collection and of course I am thinking ahead a little bit and thinking about the museum project I plan to build at some point and thinking yeah it’d be really cool to trap a Ravager for that I probably won’t keep these ravages around but having some experience with it is going

To be key to getting this stuff done in the near future and with that our pillager trap is complete and we can start loading this thing up with mine cards the cool thing here is that we can get a few different mine carts just going at once we can set one off there

One off there and one off there and they won’t end up colliding in any kind of inconvenient ways that caused them to stop in fact they’ll sort of form this minecart train that will just go back and forth on these rails thanks to the fact that they are powered and there’s a

Block at each end and hopefully when the pillages starts to cross the threshold towards this villager in an attempt to get to the center of the village and kill him which he’s quite safe from at this point in time we should see some of them getting caught in these mine carts

On each section of track here we’re gonna just put three on the ones each side a two in each of the middle rails and probably one on the center or possibly two in there depending on how much I brought with me I have got a whole bunch of mine carts in this extra

Shilka box so we should hopefully have plenty of those to go around and when it’s all complete this does actually look kind of amazing it’s like the world’s weirdest Train Set is going on over here so all I should need to do is head over to that pillage or

Watchtower bag myself a pillager captain get back here and we should start the raid and we should start to see the mobs getting trapped in all of these mine carts I can put up a little barrier around here to keep myself protected and then pop out and bulls-eye them with a

Bow if I need to this should hopefully go quite well otherwise I’ll just be defending against a raid in the normal way and we’ll see how that turns out as well but this villager in here should be pretty safe he’s got a bed over his head full security and let’s go find

Ourselves a pillager captain and see how this is gonna go so remember the goal of this is basically to keep ourselves a Ravager and once we have a single ravager caught in a minecart we should be able to prepare for whatever we want to do with that ravager either getting

It you know removed from the area using mine cards because once it leaves the render distance it should at no longer count towards the population of the raid alternatively we could just kill the villager once we’ve got a ravager and that would end the raid but the ravager

Would still stick around because it’s already spawned in raid mobs don’t just despawn after a raid ends that should be quite straightforward to do although it does involve us sacrificing a villager for the greater good and my usual luck is happening with pillager captains although one has finally spawned down there we actually

Have two down there so yeah maybe we could get ourselves a second wave of raiders if we wanted to but yeah there’s some times I have a real hard time getting these guys to spawn they either spawn immediately or they just don’t spawn for ages so you I’m gonna leave

For now I think I’m probably just gonna go with bad omen one this time around and the villager has a work station and a bed so hopefully we should see a raid start around here and let’s see where our pillagers first arrived from maybe they’re just gonna turn up from the

Pillage of Watchtower over there it seems like we’re not getting any spawning at really close range right now it is part of the mechanics of raids that any raid mobs which are loaded into the world can potentially join a raid so hopefully we should start to see these

Guys getting picked up by the minecarts that guy yet there we go he has managed to get caught by thee in a circle and we can take him out with the arrows like so there we go and we can clear up that minecart for another pillager they do

Seem to be making their way into the middle quite effectively but then they get caught in the mine carts and hopefully we can take care of them at a distance like this there we go so in retrospect it’s not been the best idea to spawn this so close to the

Pillage of Watchtower because it seems like a lot of the pillagers who spawn over there just join this wave of the raid and it’s taking a while to respawn this third wave but it looks like we get a couple more of indicators here just a bunch of pillagers really nothing to

Worry about there we go a Ravager is coming across the river or trying to at least they tend to avoid water where they can but eventually they’re just gonna have to make their way over here anyway and let’s see how easy it is to get a Ravager caught in these mine carts

All I can say is thank goodness I’ve got an infinity box I’m having to deal with a lot of these guys at long distance oh we’ve got one at last we managed to get a Ravager in the circle of minecarts around the outside fantastic stuff will

Take care of the rest of these pillagers here and then we’ll see if we can do something about that Ravager now with the ravager as the last remaining mob for this raid we can start to clear out a couple of the minecarts around the outside and figure out where we’re going

To take the ravager to remove it from this situation I think what we’re gonna do is set up a super-long minecart rail heading out into the desert in this direction so I’ll just pop down a few more rails and we’ll figure out where exactly we want to go with it now as a

Rule of thumb for how far away you want the rabbit to get it’s usually a good idea to make sure you get as far away as possible so that the raid boss bar actually disappears from the top of your screen it will return to your screen

Once you get back within range of the ravager but hopefully this track here should be long enough that if we redirect the ravager on to this once it disappears into the distance it should be removed from the area of the raid at the radius if you like and we should

Hopefully see the next wave of the raid spawn as the Ravager travels away so here we go we’re gonna walk up to the ravager I’m gonna hold my shield out to stun it and then I should be able to push it in the minecart there we go and

It’s done a roar which normally moves a bunch of entities around with it but yep the ravisher is off on its journey out into the dunes and hopefully it shouldn’t collide with any other mobs that send it back in this direction it should leave the area of the raid and

Thankfully with all of these rails around we’re actually quite safe from any of the other mobs around here looks like the Ravager has made its way all the way down to the end of the track by now it took a little bit of damage there

It seemed to be removed from oh no I think the ravager may actually have been removed from the raid area but right now with some of the pillagers having spawned over at the watchtower that they might be contributing to the raid boss bar a little bit so let me take care of

The rest of these zombies and stuff replace the rails and we’ll see if we can take out the rest of those pillages okay having taken out a couple more of the pillages there is one a trader remaining and I think it’s actually that guy over there in the river so if we

Take him out from a distance hopefully we should see the raid boss bar refill and that should lead to the next wave spawning meaning we have successfully yes we have removed that ravager from the raid so now if we end the raid we should still be able to use that ravager

For stuff this has been a little bit chaotic mainly because I wasn’t able to sleep while the Ravagers around here so it turned nighttime and all of the other mobs and stuff associated with the night time came out but hopefully now we should be able to fly out here and see

If the ravager is waiting for us at the end of the line oh it looks like so it looks like the ravager who we sent out hitting the rails actually got outside of the D spawn this and did despawn which is funny because I didn’t think ravages were able to

De-spawn if they spawned as part of a raid but I guess once you’ve removed them from the raid mob area they are no longer really part of anything so we’re gonna have to go with the other option alternatively which is to get a couple of ravages to spawn in with the final

Raid wave and probably take care of the villager or maybe even to end the raid we could just break the bed and the work station I don’t think the villager technically has to die the area just has to no longer count as a village so maybe

We could get away with it without having to kill the villager at all let’s find out okay this should now be the final wave of the raid and the minecarts are all in disarray I’m gonna try and send a few more round if I can we’ve got a couple

Missing from the front line here as well and hopefully some of these should pick up a Ravager or two as we make our way into this final stage of the raid okay they’re all spawning over there we have two ravages amazing stuff let’s see if

We can lure them over into here and take out the riders from a distance the writers are gonna be a big problem in this wave though because one of them is an Evoque err let’s see if we can take him out before we spawn any vexes very good and there’s another Avoca over

There who we need to take out as well excellent stuff great okay that’s the main problem taking care of there is one more guy over there in the distance but a lot of these guys are now getting in the minecarts which is perfect that’s what we want three of ochres down zero

Of X is summoned amazing let’s see if we can get this ravager yes the ravager is now in the minecart as well so hopefully we shouldn’t see any more problems with that the Vindicator riding it is looking thoroughly confused and hopefully we should be able to take out those

Pillages without them trying to shoot through the ravages to hit me and the ravager over there is having a hard time figuring out what to do with himself at this point I think some of the other mobs have seen me but the Ravager is just kind of over there biding his time

I guess he’s just grazing or something I’m not sure but it seems like he hasn’t noticed me yet nobody’s trying to charge at me or anything so we can take care of the rest of these mobs in peace which is absolutely fine by me after how chaotic

The rest of this is okay I think he spotted me now so let’s try it yep he’s in the minecart amazing alright now all we should need to do is clear up the rest of the Vindicator x’ and pillages around here and this raid is complete this has certainly not been the most

Conventional way of dealing with a raid but I tell you what’s another way we can deal with the raid right now is head up into here and break this so yeah that counts as a defeat condition without killing the villager which I’m quite happy about because I really I don’t

Like killing villages all that much we also get to hear the hilarious victory noises that some of the of indicators and stuff make which is going to be a short-lived victory for them because I’m gonna take them out as best I can leaving us with just the two ravages

Here which is actually kind of brilliant in the interest of calming everything down now I’m going to try and take out as many other mine carts as we can we will release that rabbit well the rabbit can hop away and hopefully we should be left with a

Couple of ravages that we can do whatever we want with basically so that is the big question really at this point what are we going to do with these ravages other than zoom in on them and watch them as they go past harmlessly so ravages have a couple of uses which are

Actually quite beneficial to the player one of which is that you can make a Ravager based crop farm if you’ve seen ravages in villages before you will know that they have a habit of trampling crops they also remove leaves from trees and various other things like that so it

Might even be possible to harvest saplings from trees using a Ravager to break the saplings which would mean they would make quite an interesting component of an automatic tree farm if you could just get the ravager to destroy the leaves for you to drop saplings but I don’t know if the

Saplings are actually going to drop from those leaves or if the leaves just get permanently destroyed so that might be something to test with one ravager but this other one we are going to use for a Ravager based crop farm and to do that we’re going to be basically making a

Nano farm where the dispensers will bonemeal the crops instantly as soon as they are planted and then the ravager will break them instantly as soon as the crop grows so it’s all gonna happen very very quickly and seems like a pretty effective way to have a crop nano farm

Set up and I’m gonna quickly go and sleep before I end up getting a ton of other desert mobs spawning around me during the night and I’m not entirely sure how we’re gonna do this because I will probably want to nametag the ravages to prevent them from Dee

Spawning now that we know they actually do that I am a little bit more concerned about the status of these ravages going forward so I think what I will do is try and get a rail set up to take us back to that village where I have an enderchest

And I have a couple of librarians and hopefully we should be able to trade for a nametag we’ll have to do all of that without making contact with the ravages though because goodness knows they pack a punch so I think what I’ll do is I’ll start a rail going out from this

Direction and catch up with the rail that I use to bring the villager over here in the first place but we’ll have to move the ravages along little by little to make sure that they don’t get outside of the radius in which they might be spawn remember of course that

You can always defend against a Ravager with your shield and that should allow you enough time to push it back onto the rails like that but you will have a very limited time before it does its roar so want to be careful about that now hopefully yeah one of those guys is now

Stationary the other one is gonna keep moving we should be able to get this rail in place once this guy comes back around we’ll take out that rail connected up to this one and hopefully we should be able to move the Ravagers one at a time up over the sand dunes and

Into position great we can leave him there for the moment we’ll come back for him in a second let’s go and get this one and do the same thing there we go he’s stunned and we push him and he roars but that’s all fine because he’s

Away on the rails okay this is gonna take a little bit of doing but little by little we will get these ravages over towards the village and then we should be able to nametag them I really should have thought about bringing nametags with me first though that was kind of a

Rookie mistake well my friends this has been a bit of an ordeal and mercifully even though I have been working with them a ton of blocks apart the two ravages have not de-spawn I decided to just move them one at a time to save on

Rails and it seems to have worked out we have one of the other ravages over there right now and I’m just trying to push this guy onto the rails right now let me tell you guys if you’re working with ravages like this do not let them get

Off the rails at any point because it’s impossible to place a rail underneath them with how big their hitbox is just stop them on a piece of unpowered rail or allow them to come to rest against a block with a piece of normal rail because right now making sure I can push

This minecart onto that rail there is so so difficult and I’m going through so much shield durability just making sure that I can stun them like that and then walk into the minecart and oh boy that is it’s not going well this time around

I think I might be able to place a rail underneath him now but yet no look at this I can’t I can’t get a rail underneath him and I’m close enough for him to hit me which is kind of terrifying to be honest with you I’m

Almost willing to break them out of the minecart so that I could try and lure them back in at this point when it was attached to a rail but you know I’m gonna give this a good try we’ve got four gold carrots left hopefully the guy

Over there is still around it seems like they don’t have at the 24 block despawn distance at random that some other mobs have I think it seems to be the case that they will just do D spawn once they’re outside about 128 blocks and that is

But sometimes it takes them as many as four or five hits to Stunna thank goodness we got that guy on the rail I was down to the wire a little bit here and hopefully the other guy should be waiting for us at the end of this big long minecart

Track which should get us close enough to the village to find a librarian and buy some name tags off of them it’s gonna take a little bit of trading yes the other one is still there fantastic hopefully he shouldn’t rebound there we go if he doesn’t rebound a

Little bit I’ll just put a blocker in there and Wow okay yeah he merely just killed me I should be a lot more careful around these two guys but now I should be able to fly into the village and track down one of the villages we have a

Lectern here so there should be a librarian around if not we can always make one and maybe I can rummage through my ender chest and see if I can find anything in terms of nametags and stuff like that I don’t know if I have any of

Them in here but one other thing I could do now we’re back at the village is take the nether portal and go through to the nether because as far as I’m aware it doesn’t D spawn mobs in this area if you go into the nether because the chunks

Unload immediately and when they reload you’re not 128 blocks away and the stuff doesn’t instantly despawn so I think I might do that I’m gonna risk it just based on the fact that I’ve got one firework and one gold carrot left I really don’t have much of a chance out

Here otherwise and in my village a trading Hall is now absolutely full of librarians who will trade me nametags so I’m gonna grab a couple more fireworks out of here for safety I’ll grab a bit more food while I’m over at the trading hall and then we can come back and do

Something good with these ravages okay I’m back I have a couple of nametags and the ravages are one of them is despawned oh my gosh that’s tragic okay well I had nametags already for two of them we are only gonna be able to nametag one welcome to eternal life pebbles I was

Gonna call them pebbles and bamm-bamm after the kids from the Flintstones because I thought these are probably the closest to our prehistoric children that we will ever get but no unfortunately we just have to make do with one well hopefully now that should prevent pebbles here from Dee spawning and I’m

Fairly certain ravages have no natural predators there aren’t gonna be here any mobs that will dare to mess with this guy apart from potentially iron golems so we should probably keep the iron golems from the village out of harm’s way here and I want to set up a nano

Crop farm using a Ravager today so this is going to be an interesting experiment it’s not something I have tried before so I’m gonna see what I can do with this now this has specifically been inspired by docum 77 on the hermit craft server who regularly it makes fantastic contraptions like this in

Collaboration with the folks he knows from the side craft service so definitely look up each of those guys I will leave a link to Doc’s hermit craft video in the description where I first saw a design like this but I am kind of trying to freestyle it myself and I

Might get a couple of the details wrong here so we will see how this goes the first thing we want to do of course is make sure that we have a few dispensers around a block of grass here which is eventually going to be a block of

Farmland and that’s going to be where we end up placing our crops we’re going to take out one of the blocks here and we’re going to be able to hoe this and hopefully the water source we have placed diagonally to this should keep the farmland hydrated meaning whatever

We place on there is going to stay on there and it’s not going to pop off or revert back to dirt or anything like that the difficult part comes when we need to make sure we have an observer facing downwards into whatever is planted here but hopefully it should be possible to

Do that just by placing the crop and then yep there we go okay we have an observer facing downwards into the crops there and then that should just require us to place redstone dust heading from this observer out onto each of the four dispensers once we fill those up with

Bonemeal of course we’re gonna have a basically any time anything it gets planted here or the state of the crop here changes the dispensers are going to fire bone milling the crop all at once so that’s a stack in the quarter of bone meal at each of these dispensers and now

Hopefully if we bring the ravager up to this farmland they will trample the crops in here and it won’t revert the farmland back into dirt or anything but it will break whatever crop is there allowing us to constantly break and replace the potato that is being planted

Here each time so this is gonna be another tricky part it’s gonna require a little bit more shield durability we are gonna have to move the Ravager up into the region of this farmland and I think we can probably just bring him over here into the corner about there and then

Hopefully they should be in range to trample this farmland if not then potentially we can just bring him up one block on the rail here one other thing I should definitely change before we go any further is we need to make the blocks around here are glass blocks

Because if we had some solid blocks here we’re going to be pushing the Ravager into one of the spaces near this farmland there’s a potential for the Ravager to suffocate in one of those blocks and that’s not what we want because we’ve just spent a whole lot of

Time dealing with this Ravager and making sure that it does not die or despawn so yeah let’s grab a few glass blocks place them in there and it’s also going to be kind of neat to see the ravager there while we are nano farming these crops okay after a couple of tests

In my creative mode test world of course the wandering trader shows up is he gonna get hit by the ravager that’d be kind of hilarious if he did anyway we are gonna have to reconfigure this slightly for a couple of reasons the first and foremost of being that a

Single tick pulse from this observer actually won’t reach the dispensers on all four sides using redstone dust we’re gonna have to use a slightly different method instead and that is going to require us to craft another dispenser because I don’t think I have one here in

My redstone box so I’m going to quickly pop over to the village and see if I have the materials needed to craft myself another dispenser there we go one PO one dispenser and this fifth dispenser can actually be placed facing downwards into the top of the farmland

Here because we’re gonna be using a five dispenser setup for this we’re gonna set up an observer clock that is going to be powering all five of these these dispensers at once with a block over the top are like this we just need to hop back down to ground level and place the

Dispenser facing downwards into that we should give that some bonemeal as well we won’t need a huge amount for demonstration purposes here but I may as well just put like yeah close to a stack in there maybe a full stack actually and on the dispensers around the outside

We’re going to be placing powered rails both a for-instance signal transmission and to reduce the lag caused by these constant redstone ticks this is going to be receiving we’re going to set up and observe a clock facing downwards into this thing and of course we need a

Sticky piston on the side here that’s going to retract this observer from the circuit once it’s all set up so I’m gonna go ahead and do that real quick let’s make a lever attach that to this block and have the piston retract from there then we need to make sure that

This observer is facing upwards not downwards push that back into place place the observer facing downwards and there you go you can hear it pulsing all of the dispensers as it goes there isn’t anything in there that it can currently grow so that’s just fine let’s remove

These blocks here and we need to get the Ravager up into a position where it’s going to be able to interact with the farmlands so there will do and one last change I’ve made to this is that the farmland needs to be at foot level for the Ravager

Which is something I overlooked earlier in the video so we do need to push the ravager up into a space up here I’m gonna widen this out a little bit just in case anything weird happens with the minecart but it shouldn’t do and then yeah with the farmland here at foot

Level for the Ravagers say they’re two blocks high they’re standing in here the dispensers here are going to be at head height and at the farm land is going to be at foot height and that’s going to mean that they can walk over into that block and trample it in their hitbox

Terms at least they’re not actually gonna be able to move much now that they’re in this minecart so rather than move the Machine one block down I figured I would just move the ravager one block further up and my shield durability is running pretty low at this

Point so I really want to make sure that we can get this done let’s see if we get the stun real fast there we go a couple more hits on the shield come on pebbles you can do this oh man my shield is taking an absolute beating at this point

And no you’re going the wrong way that’s the opposite direction I want you to go okay a little bit of momentum from that rail ramp moving ever so slightly towards the powered rail will you make it I think I think pebbles is actually gonna make it onto the fouled rail get

Some acceleration in that direction yes there we go okay and from the looks of things the crop just got trampled okay I don’t see a potato in there anymore that’s good and hopefully now even if we walk up to the side or below the ravager

It is not going to hurt us in any way so now we should be able to let’s say replace the block opposite here yeah I can see the potato coming in here we’ll replace this block here with the water source just to make sure that we have hydration for the farmland hopefully

That shouldn’t cause an issue for the ravager so if we see the ravager starts to take damage we can remove that water source as quickly as possible but I think that should be fine and his head looks like they’re taking a drink almost on this side we need to have one block

Open so we can look at the farmland here but you can get right the way up to this crop farm without having the Ravager attack you which is kind of great as long as it is encased in this glass case here we should be totally fine now once

You activate the clock which I’ll have to move the lever around to the other side now I have reconfigured this slightly once we activate the observer clock it’s going to be constantly ticking bonemeal into this farmland but of course that’s not gonna waste the bone meal until it actually gets used

For something however it is worth noting that this one because the ravager breaks the crops so fast can a little bit volatile and what you want to look for because as you can see right there we didn’t plant and grow any new potatoes what you’re looking for is to

Try doing this a couple of times there you go until you start to see those green particles and once those particles come about there we go we’ve got a stack of potatoes from 8 potatoes in seconds you’re just looking for the green particles there that indicate the bone

Meal is actually bone meal in the crops and the Ravager is gonna be breaking those instantly let’s take a look at that Wow I’ve almost filled the remaining spaces of my inventory with potatoes at this point that is a super fast farm and it’s certainly a little bit better than messing around with

Pistons blocking the light levels and stuff like that that is probably one of the faster nano crop farms you can build in Minecraft 1.14 and all it took was the pain the trials and tribulations of pushing a Ravager into position in a minecart personally I think it’s worth

It you can decide for yourself I suppose but pebbles is now our brand new crop farmer and I think that is where we’re going to leave it for this episode of the Minecraft Survival guy thank you folks so much for watching I do hope you enjoyed the video if you did please

Don’t forget to leave a like on the video subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘How To Farm Crops Using Ravagers! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play) [Part 236]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-10-09 12:00:04. It has garnered 209715 views and 5372 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:05 or 1865 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Today’s tutorial will show you an easy and fun way to trap or capture raid mobs – including the mighty Ravagers! We also put a captured Ravager to use in a new nano crop farm!

I first saw this crop farm in DocM77’s 111th episode of Hermitcraft:

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Catch up with the Minecraft Survival Guide using the playlist:

World Seed (Java Edition): 7574084833700264939

—- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards!

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST!

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #RaidWeek

  • Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

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  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

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  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

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  • BakSoo MC

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  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

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  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

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  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

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  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

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  • Real Minecraft Myths Revealed

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  • Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4

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  • EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft FAIL?! Not Enough TORCHES! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Not Enough TORCHES… | Minecraft: Vanilla Let’s Play Ep. 17’, was uploaded by Gunthrek on 2024-03-06 21:00:14. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Dive into a world of endless possibilities with a brand new vanilla Minecraft let’s play! Join me as I explore sprawling landscapes, craft unique tools and build incredible creations. From humble beginnings to grand adventures, witness the journey unfold block by block. Stay tuned for epic builds, exciting exploration, and everything in between! Patreon: Discord: Buy Gunthrek’s Gear:… Read More

  • Insane 24/7 SMP Server | Join Now!

    Insane 24/7 SMP Server | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Joinable Minecraft Server SMP | 1.20 Java Survival Server’, was uploaded by CraftMan on 2024-04-08 07:46:06. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:55 or 3295 seconds. CoreCraft SMP Server Address: Version (Java): 1.20 Join discord to get server access Discord: Channel: CoreCraft-Access Support the stream: Merch: Ignore : public smp for java 24/7 public smp minecraft pe public smp for mcpe minecraft smp ip and port best smp servers for mcpe survival minecraft bedrock server ip and port 1.19 herobrine smp ip… Read More