Insane DawnCraft tricks! Ultimate Modpack guide!

Video Information

Hey guys Dean here and you might be wondering what are all these amazing graphics and where am I in the world right now well where I am is none other than a brand new map that we spawned in in a super popular mod pack right now

Called dawncraft and a lot of you guys have been quite interested in dawncraft and what it is and apparently this mod pack took over 365 days to actually complete which is pretty crazy and after a year in the making we’re gonna be trying it on this channel now I’m going

To be showing you as many features as I can in as little time as possible in this mod pack and what you can expect by playing it so make sure to smash the like button and subscribe and we’ll play dawncraft right now so to start out in

Dawncraft you have to talk to this little guy okay and he will spawn in your world and you right click on him and he is what’s known as a korok which we’ll get on to a little bit later hail fellow you’re finally awake Welcome to

Our world you must be confused as to why you ended up here and who you’re speaking to now well regardless I will begin my disquisition as I do with every adventurous summoned here you will summoned here to defeat the Ender Dragon fabled beasts like Giant Giants werewolves and even other dragons

Started appearing two Winters ago wreaking havoc and disrupting the balance of our realm our elders told us that the Ender Dragon has been blighted by a certain malicious deity and that the both the dragon and the deity must be destroyed to bring peace to our realm thus we call forth your Aid grave

Adventure you need to obtain at least 12 Mystic eyes use them to locate and open the Gateway into the end a few of these eyes can be crafted but most are held by powerful entities we don’t know who or where these entities are but the native inhabitants might have a clue look for

Their Guild Masters they are the most knowledgeable when it comes to these matters you’ll need to get stronger way stronger the native inhabitants may also teach you different fighting skills if you treat them well at least as a general rule of thumb don’t attack or steal from them they are not forgetful

Bunch they are however forgiving if you pay off your sin through their Ledger chest also here take a spirit orb collect four of them to upgrade your health or stamina if you ever see one of my kind interact with them and prove to them your prowess at intellect they will

Surely give you something in turn if you ever forget this information an adventurer told me once that he jotted it down in a place called the wiki he said his season’s Adventure will know what that means I wish you well on your journey my Sweeting expect tough obstacles and roadblocks ahead but know

That they will only make you stronger God be with you so we’re gonna press Shaw and this dude’s gonna do this fancy dance and he’s gonna drop us the item he promised us which not other than a spirit orb so what did he say well there’s a few things we can explain

Which we’re gonna get on to now I’m gonna cheat and go into creative mode because this is kind of a mod pack overview and showcase as well as just a playthrough right so the main combat system in this mod pack is the epic fight mod which you guys might be

Actually familiar with if you’ve seen my Mod Showcase Video on that now if you need help with the epic fight mod how to play it what all the features are I go a little bit more in depth into that so I’ll link that video down below but basically the epic fight mod improves

The combat and you have what’s known as epic fight abilities so you have stamina Pillager energizing guard swordmaster roll which is like a combat role Berserker technician step guard active guard and Jewel great sword so it gives you some additional abilities during combating game now all of these books

Can’t be spawned because typically we’re not going to be in creative mode right so you need to actually acquire these by starting off guard villager quests which you can get from villagers and that’s how you’ll actually acquire all of these ability books from the epic fight mod

Now there’s two types of stamina in this mod pack guys and you can see there’s actually this circle above my health bar next to my hunger and this recharges automatically so this is the first type of stamina in the mod pack this is what’s known as activity stamina now

This is going to be drained by things like running as you can see I’m draining it right now I also drain it by jumping jumping basically stops it from recharging but it doesn’t really drain it and also swimming so if you would be swimming that would also drain your

Activity stamina so as you can see as soon as we start swimming it’s going to drain it and then it’s going to make it harder for us to continue swimming on until the activity stamina drains back up and then we can start swimming again once we get out of the water okay but

It’s a little bit glitchy in that regard but then it’s gonna naturally automatically replenish oh I don’t know if these guys are friendly so I’m gonna stay away from them now you’ll notice that when I actually used up my full stamina bar I’m gonna try and

Do that again so if I can just quickly Sprint and dream a bar if we do it fully it’s going to give us in the top right you can see there’s an effect it’s going to give us slowness okay so it’ll inflicts you with slowness at the lowest

Value that’s what I forgot to say now if we press R it goes into the combat mode so we can use the epic fight mod abilities in the mod pack and as you can see if we just go into survival mode this probably isn’t the best idea but

I’ll show you we’ll attack these guys and the second type of stamina is what’s known as combat stamina so this is drained by using epic fight abilities now the way that we actually do this is we have to actually use epic fight abilities for this so we’re going to

Drain the stamina by using something like roll so if we just get roll right click and we learn this then now we can use roll okay so I would use shift to use roll for an example and there’s a little bar in the bottom right which is like a red bar

This is the combat stamina bar so every time I use roll it basically uses some of that stamina bar but this is replenished as soon as we start taking no damage so when you get out of combat this actual bar will be replenished oh definitely regret doing that because I

Didn’t check my health this leads us into the next point it’s actually quite useful that I just died right because this leads us into the next point which is actually in relation to death so you can see when I died I kept most of my items right so you’re probably wondering

How did he keep all of his items well upon death you do keep a lot of items in dawncraft but the rest are actually found on your corpse which actually decays over a period of around seven minutes okay let me just steal all this chest stuff and I’ll press R to go back

Into build mode so I can actually do normal things if you’re wondering basically you have to press R to switch from combat mode to build mode when you want to get back to just interacting with stuff so now basically if I want to get back all my items I have to return

To my play of death oh my God okay we’ve got it when you find your corpse what should usually happen is you can lose certain items and they can only be retrieved by going back to your corpse so this would be items like oars ingots valuable gems and

Gemstone blocks of those gems feather leather books and enchanted books oh I’m not in combat mode guys oh damn this boy is strong this mushroom dude oh manifested me and as well as enchanted books and normal books you can also lose any items from the apotheosis mod and also Beast blood clumps every

Time we die item durability and experience will be lost so you do need to be careful about that but this depends on what’s known as your fractured soul level so this increases by one point every time we die and it goes to a maximum level of five so that

Will also impact what you’ll lose every time you die so the more times you die you kind of get penalized for that as well okay here is what I was talking about earlier so let’s just break this block this is the corpse so this is what you’ll usually see to retrieve your

Items now I don’t have any of those valuable items I was actually talking about earlier so they’re not on my corpse but that’s basically where you need to go to achieve your items and when you activate the corpse it will eventually vanish if you’ve already

Looted it right wait is this guy oh he was passive sorry now over here you can see at the top there’s actually a health bar where it says Knight Rover primordial one so that probably leads me into the next section which is talking about mobs let me see if I can attack

This skeleton can I wait can I do oh probably not well I did Dodgers Arrow cute boy okay that’s the first one slain I believe this next what way is this the night Rover dude oh wait this is the this is night Rover right oh gosh yep

Oh no that’s a half with a demon so as for mobs before I got into that little predicament or entanglement as you could call it and I just died there’s different tiered mobs inside dawncraft okay so basically we have normal mobs and then we have uncommon mobs so

Uncommon mobs are kind of a little bit tougher than normal mobs and basically those mobs could be like special zombies special skeletons who one shot you in some circumstances and a lot of those actually have special name tags so like what you saw a few moments ago some of

Those uncommon mobs will have like a special RPG style name and those are from the RPG mod and let me just attack this dude hopefully didn’t kill me skeletons of the bane of my life so as well as uncommon mobs we also have legendary mobs so legendary mobs would

Be even tougher they’re very similar to uncommon mobs they will have custom nameplates on them but they’ll be even tougher so they’ll be harder to kill and they’re kind of like mini bosses now this mob that I actually went head to head against the Wither a few moments

Ago he was basically like a mini boss as well because he was super tough right oh no oh I’m not gonna catch me this time I feel incentivized right now just to cheat because I want to show you guys yeah I’m going to use that as an excuse

That I want to show you guys the features whereas it’s just me cheating for no reason right so I’m just gonna spawn some armor I’m gonna spawn them from this medieval armor mod because this is one of my favorite mods and then we also need some legs so we’ll just take some Crusader

Leggings because I am the blue Crusader okay so now we have some armor right so those mobs will be tougher but there’s also some boss mobs as well I think these guys are Vikings oh okay so I was wondering why they were attacking me but then I realized I’m actually in survival

Mode I’m in creative mode but I guess they’re so weird that I can just take them all anyway oh no oh wait how did she not die okay I’m glitched out bro I can’t remember how to do charged attacks in this okay right what loots have these boys got

Mirror gems okay sweet okay so let’s go to daytime because for the next section I want to cover the item storage okay so there’s a few different methods of item storage in domecraft and the mods that actually are contained in this mod pack for the means of storing and sorting

Items so the first one which we have which is going to be your main one that you’re going to be using is the sophisticated backpacks mod now the sophisticated backpacks mod is basically a mod that adds different backpacks you can see there’s a bunch of them in

Different colors right here we have like the normal one we have one in orange purple blue yellow green pink black you get the idea right and these all have upgradable abilities which are here so you can see we have pickup upgrade the advanced pickup filter Advanced filter

The magnet and I’m just gonna Mouse over some of these tool tips so you know what each do the advanced magnet the feeding Advanced feeding restock and each one has an advanced variant so the deposit refill Inception Everlasting tank battery and then we have a normal backpack over here which I believe is

From different mode so basically these also have upgradable abilities right so these backpacks there’s a few cool things we can do so if we just plop this down down here we press shift and while holding shift we right click to drop it down and you can see we have the

Backpack over here we can sort the inventory inside a backpack just like our normal inventory which is pretty cool that’s the Sorting mod then we can also sort them by different things like tag name or item count we can press backpack settings in here we can apply

Certain things to the player or the backpack we can modify the interface for an example the Sorting the memory and the item display settings there’s a lot of customization here and I believe you put the upgrades in this slot here so I am actually going to try that out let’s

Just go ahead and get this Advanced restock upgrade and we’re going to shift click that in there and you can press this to turn the upgrade on and then when you go into the advanced restock settings you can see over here it adds like a little subsection for the upgrade

We’ve just applied to it and this will upgrade our item storage okay and we can have upgradable things like stone cutting a smoker a blast melting feature these are all gated by knowledge okay now there’s also something called what’s known as cloud storage okay now I’m not

Really sure what how to simulate this to be honest with you I’m not sure if we can just like put down a TNT crate and light it and just do a normal explosion okay that didn’t really do anything right so I’m gonna showcase you an image

Right now on screen while I talk about it it’s from the wiki just to show you what I was actually trying to pull off right there because maybe I was doing it in the wrong way or maybe we didn’t have enough kick to that explosion but basically whilst we explore this very

Pretty looking mushroom biome there’s something called cloud storage right and basically what this is is it’s something you’ll notice all crying obsidian it’s something you noticed if you look up during an explosion in the air okay and basically you may find a sky Temple which houses a great deal of loot inside

It so if you want some specialized loot that’s also a nice little perk holy just look at this mushroom biome it’s absolutely beautiful and may I just say that the world generation in this mod pack is definitely something else I don’t know what texture pack they’re

Also using which is admire the beauty of this land guys it’s absolutely incredible I will put the link to download the mod pack in the description down below so you guys can check it out as well so now we’re going to try and find a village okay and I think this may

Be what we’re looking for these are not the droids you’re looking for okay so I believe we found a village oh hjvu 55 come to hump me down follow Adventurer yes I’m the dreaded half full people speak of slay me with your sword if you dare I hope I don’t transform before you

Finish or rather you can fetch me a golden apple I’ve been told that only a golden apple will cure my curse could you get one for me I would do it myself but I’m in no condition to gather resources okay so since I’m just a dirty little

Creative mode user I’m just gonna spawn a golden apple over here thank You Adventure I feel better already wait something’s not right that’s not what I’ve been told well it’s goodbye for you it seems okay so this dude’s gonna go ahead and eat himself into a werewolf

And Maya said whoa okay this animation okay that’s awesome okay that is actually genuinely awesome combat mode okay let’s just kill the guy let’s just put him out of his misery okay sorry guys that was quite anti-climb wait he’s not dead okay let’s just change the survival mode

I’m probably gonna die and you all okay yeah not going into survival mode geez how many okay I think he’s dead lycontrope Elixir wait let’s this this is probably not a good idea to eat this right hopefully I don’t turn into a werewolf momentarily I guess I just ran

Into a quest right so what I was trying to show you is villagers so here I am in a village so I can talk about this now because it kind of makes sense so in villages you have what’s known as villager rap now I can talk to this guy

But we have to leave battle mode right hey fella give me a hand will ya me and my friends hats are a bit broken we want to make a new hat you see could you give me a bale of straw okay of course I could let’s spawn a bale of straw

Because I’m definitely not true in the game right now forgot already don’t wait let me remind you I need a straw bale rice Bale straw bale okay this is it okay let’s just give him what he wants but I just gave him one oh there we go Quest completed

Hey a straw bale now we can make ourselves brand new straw hats thanks stranger who asked okay right so it says the blue Crusaders made an advancement obtained trade scroll for Farmer okay so we’ll talk about trade scrolling so trade scrolling in this mod pack are important right and

These are gathered from quests you just see me give an example of a quest and I’ve been given one we use these trade Scrolls which I should not have one in my inventory and we need to find a lectin to activate these so because I don’t want to Source Alexa normally

Because as always I am definitely not playing this mod pack as it should be but I want to show you guys how to actually play this so you want to go up to a lectern shift right click it oh wait I’ve got my map selected get your

Trade Scrolls so this would be the trading contract farmer Guild and you want to right click and you sign the contract okay so this is what you do to sign a lectern contract I think every time you die you might have to keep doing this I’m not entirely sure but

This is what you do with trade Scrolls and basically after it’s signed you can then trade with villagers so I basically just did that guy’s Quest okay now he’s shaking his head okay he doesn’t like me but basically that would allow me I think to trade farmer villages

So he has a quest allegedly but he doesn’t want to talk to me maybe because I activated that scroll can we talk this well wait someone just got hurt okay no one wants to talk to me right now I think he wants something what about this dude do you want me to teach

You how to use the grindstone it’ll cost 10 emeralds well I don’t have 10 emeralds buddy well let me Spawn 10 emeralds one two three four five six seven eight just spawn at 11 for good luck hey I thought you said you were gonna train me wait oh that was the

Wrong guy I can hear this dude here’s this dude oh there we go okay yeah sure you can train me bro give me 10 emeralds okay here’s 10 emeralds thank you the blue Crusader okay so I gave him ten emeralds and he just keeps saying thank

Oh okay there we go there you go easy right yeah it was easy but you didn’t give me anything bro press completed okay wait did I get another trading scroll farmer Guild no I guess I didn’t oh we’ve unlocked the grindstone sweet okay we have the grindstone now so you

Can see we can unlock things by talking to villagers each villager will give us like a different Quest also here’s the stone cutter over here now one thing that’s pretty cool I want to show you is if you press o it does actually include shaders in this mod pack and you may be

Wondering how on Earth does dawncraft have shaders when when you publish a mod pack on curse Forge you can’t actually upload OptiFine to curse Forge because it’s not hosted on the website that’s a problem I had but the reason for this is I believe correct me if I’m wrong I

Think dawncraft is actually using Iris for Iris shaders or it might be using sodium but I’m pretty sure it’s using Iris so that’s how they have shaders so with this mod pack you have complementary reimagined you have complementary shaders you have soos renewed which is Sonic ever’s unbelievable shaders renewed and you

Have still does Vibrance so literally like pretty much the full the four best Shader packs and that actually happens to be my four best Shader packs or four favorite Shader packs they’ll come in this pack so you don’t have to install shaders and we can change these so it’s

Using complementary reimagined right now we’re going to disable shaders which is a really cool feature okay so let me just explain a little bit more about the village rep system so I talked to these villagers they gave me some nice quests we kind of seemed like friends right

Well sometimes they’ll talk to you sometimes they won’t depends if they have a quest it kind of depends what your relationship is with them they have a rep system so there’s a few things you don’t want to do in a village if you want to lose your rap and a few of these

Are for an example if you steal from their chests and steal items out of the house they will realize and this only matters if they’re actually looking so if you do this when they’re not looking and they won’t actually care oh snap these have some pretty cool stuff wait

Let me take this paper I think one guy wanted some paper earlier but if they see it then you’re gonna lose villager rap and they’re not gonna like that you’re gonna lose reputation with them and then they’re not going to want to talk to you and this is from opening

Chess stealing things destroying Village blocks hurting Golems or other friendly villagers and that’s all going to impact your rap also I don’t know why there’s someone’s head in this guy’s balcony but I think I just walked into the wrong house that I’m gonna get out of here oh snap

What what a humble about and this dude has a nice little armor set I would have taken it but that’s gonna lose me right okay so reputation it can be checked by a guild house so when you find a guild house in a village you can actually

Check your reputation over here we have a Way Stone so we can use that to teleport to different places in game and now when walking into a marketplace now if you manage to find a guild house you can check your reputation of these Guild houses and you can use bundled emeralds

Or currencies so I’m just going to show you bundled emeralds over here for an example and I’ll show you the crafting recipe it’s Emerald surrounded by a piece of leather you can offer this kind of like an offering right or like a gift and you can craft it and give it to

Villagers and this will actually raise reception so as you can see this is The Ledger box we’ve luckily actually ran into a guild house this is actually perfect okay so this is what I’m talking about this is the guild house so we can check our reputation here and we can

Also use The Ledger and pay for our crime so if you accidentally steal things punch a villager break things you can pay for the crimes and as you can see we can use the Ledger book and it says villagers seem to treat you as a neutral entity which means we haven’t

Got enough rep for them to really like us but we haven’t really done anything wrong with them tight us so people may still want to talk to us it kind of depends who we run into right now you need to place these bundled emeralds inside a chest okay and that’s where my

Bundle emeralds went earlier because I actually right clicked on this chest and spent them because you put them in his chest and then what you do is you sleep in a bed overnight and after you’ve slept overnight in a bed that will improve your reputation okay so you have

To wait one full in-game day for your payment to actually do something so now we can go ahead and we can talk to this guy and we can use his bed as well if you want to break this wall and open the chest remember guys it’s not going to

Impact your rep very good okay so don’t use me as an example this is your first time visiting the guild would you like to take on your first Quest I’ll do it so I’m gonna press sure we’re gonna follow his quest and he says Ah I don’t

Think you’ll be able to find the eyes in your current conditions come back to me once you’ve killed 10 pillagers I’ll give you the most important skill you can get in this Dimension oh no no this is your house you don’t walk out of your house because you’ll break the game so

Being the really awesome Minecraft player that I am who totally plays things by the rules what I’m gonna go ahead and do is I’m gonna spawn 10 pillagers in a hole reason why I’m doing this is because then they can’t get out and hurt the villagers you want to spoil three four five

Six seven eight nine okay he’s dropped in a block nine and ten okay these dudes look pretty creepy okay so now I’m gonna make some space for myself and we’re just gonna quickly kill these so we can actually continue the quest so you’d usually you’d usually have to

Kill 10 pillages and you can see there’s an uncomfortable I think this is an uncommon villager that I was talking about the mobs earlier because he has a special name tag and you can see we have an uncommon villager he’s not that strong so we’ll

Just kill him and he I believe is a champion oh okay so we wanted to continue in the quest but we may have just accidentally started a raid Quest completed so we’ve killed temperatures now we need to go back to our boy over here destroy this Pillager egg so we

Don’t accidentally spoil one and now we need to talk to him but he’s he’s kind of got a little bit sidetracked okay now there’s also a raid here just open the book and learn the skill if you want to get more skill books I suggest you do

Some of the Gods requests good luck on your journey okay thank you brother but we’ve already learned this roll skill because we cheated at the start of this video I guess I’ll leave the villagers to sort their own raid out now but wherever the Raiders actually start they

Seem to be doing wait what on Earth is this this shouldn’t be here this is this like a squid Okay is it dead no it’s not dead okay someone tell me in the comments what this thing is what what is this Squidward looking thing and why can’t I hit it yikes okay it didn’t drop something but if I was living in a village I know I wouldn’t want some weird Squidward

Looking thing flying over okay so these guys are running in a panic all these Farmers ah there’s the village there’s the raid come on I’ll help you guys after all I did start this right boom wait I think there’s some boys over here someone’s running now I’ve just gotta

Not like let the villagers die boom also if you’re wondering what this dude is he’s running all over the place in the raid this is from the mod called Savage and ravage this guy basically spawns like mini creepers and I think he can use like creeper bombs and we’ve just killed the

Raid Commander so now we wait for the next wave to happen oh okay that’s what I’m talking about boy all right let’s quickly switch to survival mode and see how hard the parade is boom Oh okay wait why are these guys sport okay those guys are a little bit tough

For me if any of you guys have watched my videos for a long time what I love to cheat in video games specifically Minecraft I love to use golden apples because it requires no effort to actually have any skill how many waves have we had we haven’t had so many waves

So far I just love how like wait oh snap this is oh that’s the uh what’s this mob called it’s like some magician anyway wait oh damn I just killed a villager oops my reputation is definitely gonna take a hit for that oh my God I mean they all

Look the same you can’t blame me right you can’t blame me for accidentally doing that is there another wave are they gonna like re oh wait oh oh okay yeah I messed up I messed up I’m gonna put down this to show that I’m actually a Pillager dude why are you

Attacking me man I’ve done so much for your village I’ve done so much for the village and this is how you repay me this is definitely how you should not play Dawn graph don’t craft guys don’t follow my advice die well my rep is not gonna thank me

For that but it is what it is it’s the one pillage that is hiding I can’t tell why is this raid not finished I swear like maybe there’s just like one dude just hiding in the house whatever that’s that’s the villager’s fault they turned on me after trying so hard to help them

You know wait let’s see oh even the Golem too come on boy hit me okay maybe not maybe not there we go sweet dreams also I didn’t mention earlier we didn’t read this message so it said that I found a village it seems you found a village you can interact

With villagers who have exclamation marks above the head some of them provide knowledge insert Tai Lopez meme which is required to work with certain blocks such as Loom Fletching table Etc but for mostly useful blocks like the Anvil enchanting table smithing table you will learn it from The Guild Master

So you notice I unlocked I think was the grind and block earlier from doing a quest fine villagers wearing blue robes and start your journey okay so this is this dude next to me it seems your reputation is bad amongst villagers villagers will now stop trading with you

If your reputation drops even further guards and iron golems may start attacking you you can improve your reputation by handing in a bundled currency into The Ledger chest inside any Guild so basically just bribe them so let’s just bribe them again you know there we go there we go you know it is

What it is now let’s see if they’ll talk to me or or am I like a hated Baddie now in the village good seems like you’re ready for an adventure ready to find your first eye The Eyes of Ender which I guess they’re not really called that

These are gathered via the main quest line and these quests which we’re gonna get from places like this one specifically in the village or you can search across the world and happen to stumble into them and find them and Guild Masters like this nice little guy

Over here will give us info on the eyes okay I’m ready for the quest why is he not talking to me anymore let’s set the time to night unless sleep in his bed again and we’ll just keep paying him loads of currency and just bribing him

Until he’ll talk to me okay he still won’t talk to me I honestly can’t oh no bad bad oh it seems you’re unwelcoming Villages well that’s nice to know he just went from a hundred to zero like the opposite of zero to hundred he liked

Me but now he just doesn’t want to talk to me enchanted books wait what’s this placeable Smite V1 okay so you can actually place down enchanted books in this mod pack which is also kind of nice I guess I got those reward so in this mod pack there’s something called

Stamina containers and also Health containers so we have the stamina vessel over here which is what I’m talking about this increases maximum stamina up to 10 times and then we also have hot containers which are the health containers or health vessels and these increase your maximum heart by One heart

Up to 20 times and you also have this anti-vessel over here to obtain these basically you need to obtain four Spirit orbs so at the start of the game you saw we got one Spirit orb just by talking to that guy that spawned which I’ll mention

In a moment so we need four of those or we need six Essence as well as six emeralds or currencies okay so I guess maybe a bundle of emeralds will work I’m not sure but six emeralds as well and the way you can get these is one of the

Ways is by finding these little guys one of which is who we talk to at the start so I just spawned a few so you can kind of get an idea as you can see these guys just go absolutely flying when we right click on them I guess he doesn’t want to

Talk to us as you can see that brings them to life and then they run away from you to actually get those items I was talking about you need to appease these guys to these car rocks and you need to basically get into their good books to

Actually obtain them or I’m gonna put a picture on screen right now there’s what’s known as a puzzle dungeon and you need to actually tackle these puzzle Dungeons and by doing so you will actually also have an opportunity to acquire those items in question from there as well so that’s also another

Method you can actually use together so over here you can see this is an item which is in relation to how you acquire them once you have those items you can trade them here this is what’s known as a horn statue so we go to this statue

And basically we can trade the emeralds and the essence for a hot container or a stamina vessel it costs the same amount either or we can we can trade a heart container back for the items or a stamina vessel back for the items to

Trade into the other kind if we do it by accident Etc so that’s how you would actually trade those items in inside a village once you actually acquire them then the next item which we mentioned is Essence so you guys are wondering how do we actually get essence in the mod pack

What places do we loot what mobs do we actually slay to get it dropped well I’m going to show you the exact mobs that can potentially drop it as a rare drop right now so I’ll show you some mobs over here so the first one is the church

Doctor so this guy will also drop essence as you can see he’s a pretty cool mob and he has some really nice animations then we also have the big cat now I don’t think it’s the big cats to drop them I think it’s actually the big rats

That dropped the essence drops here we go so these big rats will also drop Essence as well so you can get them from these guys oh snaps now you can see all these guys are pretty tanky and that Witch Doctor killed the rat for me and

Then also you can get essence from ogres too so okay I don’t know where that guy went I think though you can only spawn ogres underground but ogres will drop them as well and then after you acquire all those items like I mentioned you can actually go to one of those statues as

Well as the statue that I showed you you can also use the items at a goddess statue as well that’s another type of statue and once you interact with those you can trade for stamina and health containers now I’m gonna put a picture on screen from the wiki to show you guys

Because right now I’m not the place where I can get one but another thing you can do is you can also get human companions in this mod pack and when you get a human companion you can also equip them with really cool loot which makes them a lot stronger and kind of better

At helping you in combat which is a nice way kind of like the Elder Scrolls right where you can play like most RPGs and actually have someone to follow you around but just like Elder Scrolls you can also probably hurt them and attack them which I wouldn’t recommend

Doing also I want to show you a picture here right now that during a boss fight you can defeat some bosses and they’ll drop what’s known as in snared Souls now instead Souls what they are are basically things that you can actually repeatedly right click on and these are

Methods to actually respawn the bosses and these bosses can then be re-summoned but you need to do certain steps to actually be able to do this and I don’t think all bosses support it and there you have it dawncraft a pretty cool RPG mod pack I hope this is giving you a

Good coverage on how to start out and an explanation of what everything does and how you can actually progress in this mod pack there’s a lot of cool series that people are doing on this modpack on YouTube I didn’t really find that right showcase that was showing you how to get

Started and how to get an edge in the mod pack so I thought I’d do a quick Modpack review and show you how to actually begin in this pack because it’s a pretty cool one and it’s getting a lot of tension right now so if this video

Was useful and you found some value out of it then do like the video and subscribe because I do a lot of individual mod showcases and Modpack reviews and also so every single week you can see the top 10 mods and mod packs every new Minecraft version so

That might actually interest you and leave a comment down below if you have any problems if you have any questions about the mod pack or if there’s something that I missed or got rung in this guide I have been using the wiki for all the information here so if

Anything’s a little bit outdated then you’ll have to forgive me but all the tips in this video are based off of official information from the Modpack authors you can download the Modpack in the link in the description down below and watch my video on the epic fight mod

If you want to know how the combat works and I’ll catch you real soon Thank you

This video, titled ‘DawnCraft Beginner’s Guide: How to Get Started (Modpack Showcase)’, was uploaded by thebluecrusader on 2023-04-11 13:35:57. It has garnered 74082 views and 877 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:41 or 1961 seconds.

Unlock the Secrets of Dawncraft: Master the Ultimate Minecraft Modpack & Jumpstart Your Adventure! 🔥🌟


DawnCraft Modpack Download:

DawnCraft Wiki:

Welcome to “DawnCraft Beginner’s Guide: How to Get Started (Modpack Showcase)” – the ultimate tutorial for Minecraft players looking to dive into the exciting world of Dawncraft! In this video, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to get started with this groundbreaking Minecraft modpack, including installation, essential tips, and a showcase of the most impressive mods.

Featuring thebluecrusader, we’ll explore Dawncraft, the best Minecraft modpack for 2023, and discover what makes it stand out from the rest. With Minecraft mods 1.19.2 forge, Minecraft mods 1.19.3, and Minecraft mods 1.19.2, Dawncraft offers a fresh and exhilarating Minecraft RPG experience that you won’t want to miss.

As we venture into Minecraft Dawncraft mod and Minecraft Dawncraft modpack, we’ll provide an in-depth guide and share our top tips to help you navigate this new Minecraft modpack with ease. Dawncraft modpack offers a unique blend of Minecraft mods and gameplay that will have you hooked from the very beginning.

Join us as we count down the top 10 Minecraft modpacks and reveal why Dawncraft mod deserves a spot among the best. As a new Minecraft modpack, Dawncraft is already making waves in the community, and we’re here to showcase its incredible features.

Don’t miss out on Dawncraft episode 1, where we embark on our journey and offer guidance on how to make the most of this exciting Minecraft modpack. So, gear up and get ready to explore the thrilling world of Dawncraft – a game-changer in the realm of Minecraft modpacks!

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Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction 0:36 – How to Start the Questline 2:30 – Epic Fight Mod: Combat Skill Books 3:25 – Stamina System: Activity & Combat 5:21 – Death System & Items Lost 7:22 – Mobs: Rarity Types & Mini-Bosses 9:53 – Item Storage: Backpacks & Clouds 13:00 – Werewolf Slayer Quest 14:23 – Villagers: Reputation & Quests 17:11 – Shader Packs 18:04 – Villagers: Reputation & Quests (Continued) 27:14 – Enchanted Books 27:24 – Stamina & Health Vessels 30:26 – Companions 30:53 – Boss Respawns 31:16 – Conclusion: SUBSCRIBE! 32:20 – Outro

#dawncraft #minecraftmodpacks #MinecraftModpack #MinecraftMods #TopMinecraftModpacks #DawncraftGameplay #DawncraftGuide DawnCraft Beginner’s Guide: How to Get Started (Modpack Showcase)

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  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

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  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

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  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

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  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

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  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

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    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More