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Call On La Call The Pretty but it kind of sucked there way better ones what up try like on let me but he kind of suck I don’t have why are you pe Griffin the I told you about this mying got seeds I got the first item guys I got seeds but kind of suck I don’t have

You this does not like me bro hello can’t break yeah it’s not breaking I was trying to break that it does not work yeah it does not work where did you get the wood then Tre I was lucky who is This it’s not breaking it does not work turn up my where did you get the wood then break it oh you broke it let’s go I think we just can’t break SP I got the first K didn’t ipec we just break I can see my perspective oh oh let’s go join

Terrible spawn by the way can we restart why why do I have a chop 32 log thing do are there quests in this is this fortnite terrible spawn by the way did that was materials and you build it’s just like fortnite I got I got to get up the fun for this

Later lumic how do you even read yeah I I I would I would I would get sodium and all the other like million like fabric mods but like I don’t know if all those are updated for latest I know op is for sure I got I got to get

Optun for this later what Y lumic how do you even read this also I think it’ll be better yeah I would I would I would get sodium and all the other like million like fabric mods but like I don’t know if all those are updated for latest I know is for sure nice

One my bad chat my bad actually real do we all want work together on this or are wec hi guys oh what the [ __ ] yeah thank you man hello are be good and D friends and family all right give me the give me the IP it’s a j

Yeah guys I’m leaking I’m leaking it I’m leaking I’m using BL leak wires IP 472 I literally have OBS open you can’t do this everybody the IP is RM top make your [ __ ] mic Qui like louder you’re so quiet bro shut up you’re not supposed to be here get out

Got a fishing rod for my reward dude I am but I’m watching the [ __ ] stream his microphone is so [ __ ] poo poo everyone’s mic is quiet probably why is everyone else so loud because I didn’t it no but why is it all in the red [ __ ]

Bend them wire bend them wire bend them wire what what no wait a minute wait a minute how am I here done huh I need got him got him yeah okay I’m out of here bye I didn’t know that I’ve been I’ve been wasting my time why has no one ever told me

This is that is that you get out bro hold this is a pretty big cave I’m pretty near spawn I’m not in the biome so break the jungle oh we’re right next to a jungle all right hold on I’m going back I’m going back to spawn I’m not oh okay well

Need okay that this makes chopping trees so much better thank you hello I already have wood I have like two stacks of planks oh hi guys was grinding oh yall doing there guys I found brick and Cough that makes sense oh uh is keep inventory on or off asking for a friend off why would it be on I I normally have more fun with it on I’ll be honest this is going to be the first hardcore death why is there a jungle over here so loud hello all right

Guys’s me holy [ __ ] there’s so many it’s it’s already night time I don’t I don’t have a bed I don’t have a freaking I don’t have any food hi wait actuallyit at the jungle near stupid lucky you w where are you I’m gonna get my my [ __ ] guys beat me up

Please beat me up beat me up G oh there you are damn it man there’s a there’s a force fire force fire okay okay yeah but um there there’s the main guy right here all right [ __ ] it [ __ ] you yo somebody help me bullied there’s like mobs all around us by the

Way I love I love being able to not read chat whatsoever it’s so funny that’s great I didn’t get mine Two Hearts I’m two heart how do you have a bed how do you have a bed oh yeah what the [ __ ] bro yo the moment I find a

Village it’s over for you I don’t have any quests find a village oh wait guys we need like two more people out bed to like no one has beds right now give us a minute yo you want to team up you want to team up you want to team up I joking before

When I said like we spawned like in the worst place ever but team up no I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna stick with you guys with wire more speci yeah me too I’m also lost I’m going to the little house me and made yeah yo where did you guys go give me I

Found pixel oh [ __ ] y there I I’m grabbing seeds right now cuz I need food I’m killing cows are we going to live in the cave this is like undertale what the [ __ ] y’ are not going here bro get out you’re not welcome is this your home yeah I’m you can go

There I don’t I’m just going to Bar some St i b n Stone how am I on Discord hold hold on I need to borrow one more thing a little wood Jesus Christ no one can why do the mobs not have eyes they don’t I don’t know why but for me like

The cows and pigs and stuff don’t have eyesone have a singular piece of wool the [ __ ] who messed up myut the [ __ ] up for for like 5 Seconds please I’m trying to [ __ ] should I take a screenshot of this red dm’d me he told me that he should check your stream cuz you’re

Muted on there all right uh are we going to be huddling up for like a funny or no wait what are we doing are all of yall just running around and playing the game already sing justat the game I’m trying to not get shot is that like a helmet is that your

Skin me me and Bre are actually just hanging out yeah um wire oh wait I found wire there [ __ ] finally what the [ __ ] you have any food I need food have you been what the hell oh zombies what are you asking for furnace furn is like one of the easiest

Things to do come on what the [ __ ] hi where where is all I’m not getting out there okay I have two and a half [ __ ] Hearts I’m not don’t punch okay cool I’m going I’m going in the right direction oh hey there you are you should I getting shot

At yeah know that’s how I found out I’ll make a leather cap if it w for red ding me that wouldn’t have like friends family and everything in what the [ __ ] all right hold on hold on hold on let’s all meet up in one place hamn sorry die from my my stone pickaxe

This is this is just like freaking poop shutters no way like this is like the dream ASP I’ll be um I’ll guys Che the [ __ ] out also I agree with Santi it is really difficult to talk in VC yeah we’re going to split up later but we have to group

Up first hello yeah hi hello hey guys I’m hoping it works now hold on Advance we really opening this thing oh that’s funny uh might do like an external mnal that is that is crazy oh hi brick hi brick wait brick joined the VC wow PC alive you are alive Jesus

Christ oh red can finally hear me let’s go 12 people here brick wor about how was our bed uh George I almost shot you was a skeleton what the [ __ ] I thought that was a skeleton as well no I tried to shoot like right on your head

Um just gr me and South at this point I guess coffee to your right yeah uh can you guys chill here for a second yeah I I got some uh I got some more food cooking in the uh furnace right there all right the glazing is crazy

I know I keep saying this but like not going to Li we could have uh done um starting map oh yeah true I actually suggested we should do a starting map but like eh lag heavily can’t do that anymore I mean you could do SL give

Locator map level four oh yeah well I’m not going to do that cuz I’m not stinky and smell I oh my God I’m so [ __ ] stupid where the [ __ ] did you go there you go I wanted to craft an axe and I ended up doing oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I

Ended up crafting slabs I crafted slabs accident awes is it just me or way longer or something you didn’t see bro think he part of the team not getting over here you be surprised [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I am at 3 only half the people who are on the server

Right here who are we waiting for bro actually don’t know wait wait wait where are we Grand’s in pixel’s house you said the cords again uh here3 this way how do you do this so fast what the hell oh my let me see your head BR me your

Head hello my friends uh I need food desperately who are you those are those are logs sorry I meant to eat oh yeah my bad you want me to break it we go P Griffin just stole your [ __ ] [ __ ] why’ you eat that there was a furnace right there oh [ __ ] for

For if y’all take my beef I swear to God all right let me plant my amazing saplings oh some saplings as well yeah baby let’s go I gave that is a lot of people it is the poop sh ISP guys it’s real no way go me wi it isn’t what oh

Man don’t make me come down there and kill you bro are you even are you even in your own house anymore I’m just like break the third BL April like I’m not going to hit my April over there over here I’ll be the April watch out April a bro oh [ __ ] bro where’s

Your the [ __ ] you did not sleep and tired you Reed three debuffs it’s over wait why is this happening to me oh I oh yeah I set it up so you get debuff you don’t sleep sleep so we are fine yeah early game is

Even worse why are you all in my M sh get out mind M you’re not we you’re not welcome coffee you’re not welome is not too long how do I hit the GRE how do you all right I need to go get a bed before I [ __ ] die of starvation and death

When do you want to play Minecraft again I don’t know man oh h on the poop sh SMP TR toop on I guys I have two crafting tables who wants who oh I want a crafting table who want me right now oh [ __ ] there’s so Rocky my god oh what the [ __ ]

Rocky huh oh my [ __ ] I gotta turn [ __ ] down hold on what the [ __ ] have a um what the Cofe stole my bow coffee give me my why you look like that you Dam what gr fight back [ __ ] y’all are loud what oh [ __ ] let’s go can we ban

Joe [ __ ] off bro no I’m bring up Minecraft I’m boting up Minecraft leave me alone wait who’s Joe wait who’s Joe Joe that who is that guy I never heard of some kid named Joe Joe is that the guy that like falls down the stairs and stuff does anybody have two

Pieces of lettera like leather you talked about where you can like just click a button and it chops the whole tree down oh yeah just Crouch and game capture Terraria any full screen application boom Oh what’s good jits I’m in can’t believe some more crafts oh got

Him I’m just because it’s funny all right let’s get going all right is my [ __ ] going all right we’re good I don’t have any or nothing damn all right hold on don’t you do [ __ ] bro stop what the [ __ ] is wrong with I’m trying to M my qu what

You doing to me I have nothing I have a M you stupid [ __ ] take the 64 planks stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] bro it’s so dumb bro last time we had ANP I was team with do guy and do guy is not here anymore oh yeah you’re the only s left

The last of your a little Trio here forite you’re the last hold on hold on oh my God we turn you up you’re really I have no idea where brick isck it’s been a bar on how does thisp work is it like teams against people or is it like everyone working together or

What we could do that God it’s all war we’re a little war it’s a little war let’s start a little bit what the do why do none of the mobs Have Eyes is that just me why do none of the mobs Have Eyes yo R the [ __ ] was that

Unnecessary oh it’s cuz I it’s CU I still have fresh animations on I’m such an idiot guys can I can I say something real quick yeah I have made two smpp VCS what aw when we split up I’m going to pull up the M Minecraft OST playlist let’s do it boys

I ped up is you want to VC yeah but it’s not con yeah but it’s not constant so I got hold up above it’s all right Squad goodbye which one should I join whichever you want I’m just gonna stay here what the [ __ ] yeah I’m good damn that’s a lot of

People yeah [ __ ] that’s why I made vs it’s too many people bro all right we we just split the VCS in half maybe the limit should have been oh L I’ll be [ __ ] honest does anyone have any a bow I’m just doing my quest I forgot um

I’m doing my quest right now I got to mine [ __ ] 64 logs I got to go enter a cave or something I’m on a cave right now I I’m having so much fun find a singular she yeah yeah oh yeah apparently April can’t chat in like the game so

Oh yeah they is everybody around us like NC right now yeah I I mean depends do you know where my house is [ __ ] get out get your ass out bro buy house I mean hold in a hole in a cave our house our house is com guys obviously but I’m

Against the other the other children yeah okay all I want right now is food I’m starving to death and I have we’re drastically running out of food we should start planting s cuz there’s no [ __ ] animals in the savannah I found a pig let’s go oh wait there’s a jungle I can

Probably get melons perfect so there should be some food in in one of the furnaces but I’m going head in the in the jungle oh that’s Ronnie can I kill Ronnie is Ronnie here Ronnie isn’t here oh they’re literally in front of me the hell Ronnie yes Ronnie are you sure read the

In front of me read the [ __ ] username I was a trans woman that’s not Ronnie you dumb [ __ ] that’s Ronnie that’s not Ronnie that’s one of our [ __ ] that’s April that’s April um don’t believe you oh okay you [ __ ] you okay I’m I’m dying so am I don’t kill this

Sheep yeah please not I’m like try to grow W oh this big this big I found like we’re running out of [ __ ] I found a sheep I found a sheep can you get one two more furnaces set up at the house also yeah know I’m sorry part of the poop [ __ ] I just

Saw C spawn in front of me what the [ __ ] the Bro asked to join the server yeah yeah no sorry red you ain’t getting in not this time not this time red nothing personal you want a leather leather I already oh thank you oh shoot look who it is oh

Hey Brock I got a I got a oh yeah um we need like I’m going to go get a furnace I have like uh two raw pork chops we should probably cook that [ __ ] up okay someone’s building a [ __ ] thingy the [ __ ] oh a spawn like Beacon head ass

Two three I can barely run should I do should I do like tactical suicide to I get to get my Hunger back nah hold on I’m getting a furnace oh wait I found I found everybody else ra punched me for no reason what where are you I found

Everybody else at the pill at the pillar oh the pillar hold on yeah I found everybody else I priorities I come in pi I’m going to go I’m going to go over to the over here see if I can get any uh wool that’s two donkeys literally

Donkeys something on my ey who the [ __ ] just set me on fire somebody set me on fire probably Santi yeah it was probably Santi fire at wire get it bro this so dumb bro oh I’m lucky as [ __ ] oh my God wait I’m goed I’m goed oh wait did they

[ __ ] just eat oh they did I forgot where the house is I forgot where everything is we have a house oh [ __ ] here tech there you go you can call it that thanks oh wait just boom I’m going need me a steak as well yeah go get

Yourself oh I need it I’m coming for the rest I need my nutrients okay there you go who wants my broken wooden pickaxe s a hug I think I’ll refuse this oh my God wait I’m good wait something stop don’t do not ever type like that okay sexy look at this right SE

This what the [ __ ] what is Graham doing here no way I also have one of those the furnac the two in the furnaces all right this is we the tonight sorry I’m with the Romanians there you go we spawn points it that’s what the ow one block

Away that was personal what the [ __ ] brick all right F should I go check on the other guys let’s go yeah hold on ow [ __ ] ow what the [ __ ] they’re having a bit of a fight over there wait we have four black wall uh Graham is Graham in this voice no he’s another

One head ass [ __ ] bro they killed me what the [ __ ] so over it’s over Jehovah’s Witness what they I really hope you’ll have enough sleepers by now I don’t oh wait can I sleep in your house yeah go ahead no I me if you have a bed I

Don’t you can make one we have there you go oh George is here [ __ ] I need to rearrange my [ __ ] oh these were Joe’s unlucky oh let’s go what the you’re gay stop [ __ ] hitting me you [ __ ] idiot oh bro expects me to give his items back after he starts hitting me

Why did I still get hungry bro this guy stupid you’re hungry yeah because yeah it’s hungry he just woke up um do I have anything that I stop bro what are my [ __ ] items uh oh damn thank you I hate these debuffs I’ll be honest idiot oh you know what we can do

Wait give me a second uh do this [ __ ] idiot bro me can you give me sti’s items too yeah sure where you at yeah thanks I’m heading to the P just give me his [ __ ] just give me their [ __ ] items they ain’t getting the [ __ ] back

Damn uh no bro like don’t [ __ ] kill me don’t worry they also killed me yeah [ __ ] idiots let’s just get out of here TB I give bro fler here wire huh wire right here oh yeah sure uh Li I’m going to do the best [ __ ] St be oh

[ __ ] get back up from the long ass mine yes oh yes my favorite thing in the game being in your group georgean wire what the [ __ ] wait who what VC is breaking Brook is in the other one oh Lal yeah bro just fishing fishing come on lumic you can do it come

On come on look you can do it it’s right there come on was it look a stone cutter give uh you can have those now we can put like stairs so we go like super fast on the mine oh yeah that’s we’re like we’re really deep that’ll do I

Guess I guess we’re doing it like this yeah you want me to like break one block higher yeah okay if Ro fight’s back it’s so over I keep pressing like why we want to do our own thing okay I guess we got to split from these [ __ ] crack all right where are you

Where I’m moving all right right behind you be with us cuz we’re awesome yeah where you guys at you can you give me cords uh I not give anyone cords actually oh well okay sorry give it because L said we can’t sorry my bad oh okay no I mean I physically can’t I

Can’t read my coordinates hold on why why I think I lost you already you know what where I’m going to trust you with these privately because I don’t trust to do it on stream or are the people are going to [ __ ] kill us DM me the CH as well okay let me I

Guess you can just give it to me and J can follow me yeah yeah that is that works that works that’s look look at my stream really quick this is what I’m dealing with currently okay uh I’m heading towards y’all my stream is in Discord by the

Way oh I’m already running out of [ __ ] stamina so am I I ate the rot and flesh but other than that have aot see fcking useless yeah like on the mine cuz we’re doing something wait you guys are making like a mine house literally last SM SMP bro but it’s

Not bruising in okay Minecraft o i mean we’re just doing this so that we have shelter makes sense yeah I doubt it’s to stay should I just follow the Torches I guess so I don’t know oh my God how did How deep did you all

Go oh we went to the negatives oh what the hell oh of course this oh no no no no no no no no that’s a scaling then I ain’t trying to die yeah I went I went to the negatives and I got like three iron it’s [ __ ] awesome this a I’m

Stay on the outside okay George let’s stay on the outside and just just [ __ ] do [ __ ] I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here oh it’s okay I alive I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive you exploded bro blew up I got I got [ __ ] by a

Creeper bro what the hell I’m on one and a half hearts do you have anything any food uh I have I do actually have a bunch of cooked salmon probably from Santi okay you’re not going back basically music what the [ __ ] who’s that is that that’s [ __ ] April that’s April hold on [Laughter]

Quick oh [ __ ] Lumin Lum oh this is where your house was I was in the complete other cave yeah look look look my jits Tada we have stone C we have the crafting U furnaces oh let me steal all the stuff let me steal I have a axe on hand and full

Health wait guys oh I’m going to borrow two Stone from you guys cuz I kind of need it I don’t really care I’m going to sleep on top of whoever that is any we have a lot of stone uh does anybody need food uh I think got now actually

Actually well I’m at it I will plant some more oh yeah did I ever make a [ __ ] announcement on Twitter there I’m live I don’t think I I I did uh let me do that right now actually oh Dam well call me down can do it also of course Megalania

Had to play when I was getting shot by a skeleton yeah makes sense George I got a I got a gift for you there we go oh my God thank you uh I need my tool get the racist bed the racist bed yeah man why is it

Racist oh it’s black where’s Brock I’ve not heard Brock in a while oh oh I’m I’m in a ravine I’ll be honest isn’t the racist bed just the white one then notel what are my quests wow oh we have a window that’s funny oh I need to chop 64 logs

Okay oh I’m going go do that how’ you how’ you place the bed uh on the wall pleas sneak quick yeah there there you go are we just going to have [ __ ] bunk baits now one more guess so dude I’m not my stream is not laggy

Thank God Is Mine laggy hold on I can’t tell I think my [ __ ] quality is okay cuz it doesn’t seem like it’s dropping any frames so I think I’m fine oh wa I got to I got to build a oh mine is fine oh wait wait I can activate the thingy

Now that there’s less people where’s the thingy yeah there we go thingy oh the I like the Discord activity [ __ ] yeah the reactive Images Oh wait I got I need wood holy I need to do that there should be a whole bunch of wood inside the furnaces because what the [ __ ] bro why

Did you we have coal we have like 30 coal I’m just mining wood for the quest yeah I can’t tell I can’t tell what anything is right now fair enough do I need to get anything from the outside that youall need what the [ __ ] giant pillar of food

So we don’t starve oh yeah food I already have a bunch of cooked salmon wi wire wire look at me right look at me look at me you see you see right there wait is there a giant pillar of stone what happened oh that’s Che of the other

Group oh well I’m going to stay away from that very much away from that yeah know I don’t think they’re very welcoming of visitors yes from my and George’s experience for the pacifist okay up until be a paist or should I use my fist shut until we try we [ __ ] fight

Back oh yeah [ __ ] I have three furnaces holy [ __ ] why the house we need more house we need more furnace and we need more house what’s wrong with coffee being with I don’t think coffee would be like would mind being with us okay don’t know we already unless you

Guys M no I got beef of Cofe all right I do m a lot actually oh my music [ __ ] died um okay I’m going to place a bun of furnaces in the house such a beautiful house you what oh damn my bad thought was stacked Oh Yeah from the [ __ ] that I what

The I didn’t do anything okay what the do y’all realize you have [ __ ] copper in the house oh my [ __ ] God you okay I so your skin is so like comically flat like your [ __ ] head it looks like it should have a layer but it

Doesn’t yeah it does St being mean to me it looks so stupid I could add a layer just like I don’t know how to do it D okay I mean I do but I don’t have experience of drawing skins well you guys are smelly and stinky maybe do my skin then fat that’s

What that’s what you sound like what I sound like that’s what you sound like no cuz you didn’t tell me that first so all right I’m sleep tight the back I love smelling can I be sleeping soft is there such a thing cuz like you’re sleeping tight

Night sleep like are you not sleeping you to get a million debuffs sleep wide yeah sleep WI it counts if you right click the bed and then get out oh yeah I forgot that actually counts yeah it still counts as sleeping if you just get in the bed and get out

Lot of copper yeah okay cool oh we have two chests now why we don’t need honestly because we’re expanding oh well okay fair enough uh I got to see what I want to do like my life this window goes hard as [ __ ] by the way the [ __ ] slab it’s all I

Had bro broke it’s kind of need iron somebody want some we have iron it’s not a lot I need like need like three I’m running out of items in general you need three give me a second yeah know I took I already took it out can I put all my junk in y’all’s

Like chest yeah go ahead I’ll give it back that’s why there’s multiple oh oh There Goes My pickaxe you want one I just crafted one there you go have fun all right I place a bunch of dog [ __ ] in the chest I took damage I fall

Damage oh I dropped my pickax back it oh the what the [ __ ] okay so I’m going to go and mine in your little cave that’s what I’m doing what the [ __ ] in the in the other cave the other cave yeah God Dam it yeah that’s they find they found

A village what the [ __ ] and whatever they’re already advantage Withers I’ll go check on them in a bit just where’s the thing yeah there it is and Then there we go should be good to go okay there’s I love the under I love the undertale ostd it’s such a good like ostd no it’s not you’re lying to yourself popular opinion but the under is kind of good unpopular opinion but Minecraft better that’s what you sound like that’s what

You sound like yeah yeah Christ oh [ __ ] you do that to me what you say why I just [ __ ] died two types of people someone said f and someone said L I said Studio okay you’re so funny bro sometimes you’re so funny you make nobody laugh damn that’s right I’m a bit

Evil shush the JS are so deep that we need to think about it it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] gono Goron Gro Goron I’m I’m going repl some [ __ ] saplings can we put a picture of G Ramsey like our our house pleas Gordon we can we can

Gord oh wait the Torches what do we need for maps we need like compasses which need iron and Redstone right yep unlucky all right I’m going steal some of that cuz I wait no I do remember where I died what the [ __ ] am I doing uh do we have coal a lot of

Coal we got charcoal and coal the furnaces though oh right okay I’m GNA grab like are yall more of a more of a coal person or or a charcoal person charcoal EAS to get but like what’s the difference they’re pretty much the same okay it does look exact same but I

Guess the other one is easier to get and the other one is so easy to farm oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] up I found diamonds what the [ __ ] what the I found diamonds again okay I found three veins of [ __ ] diamonds nice you did wait hold on I’m coming there I’m

Getting there in the big cave but I need hold on I’m getting there I’m getting there okay no I got this i got this i got this I found the yeah I I already smelted it okay but like you smell funny hi s you smell fny actually no I’m just

Going to pretend you like you never said that oh I found Redstone as well for the compasses the comy the wire the compy say that please Wire yeah it was good M en me record no oh my God so tall actually that Romanian GRE on I’m trying to kill the skeleton

That’s trying to kill me ow yeah hold on wire just give me a second yeah hold done after I died [ __ ] face [ __ ] you can you just let me finish my goddamn for 5 seconds hey we’re supposed to be the pacifist ones shut the [ __ ] up sorry I’m

Evil yeah but like he’s so annoying [ __ ] I don’t need your help bro you literally just died thanks to you thanks to okay you RR them you R them oh my god oh he’s so evil spill the tea spill the tea I’m evil I’m turning evil you are not my friend

I was I was meaning to give you something wi that’s why I said well that’s why I told you to wait where are you right now trying to fiend off of these creepers and skellingtons but what are you doing give me Scar the [ __ ] out of me can I message

People yeah I can is this a that show pry sure I have no clue but deep slate just means that there’s more diamonds you think there someone stream sniping us oh know I’m Gip it could here all right so want to play with me diamond level’s

At like 52 or something yeah and I found like three veins what uh we’re at I’m about to die again are you [ __ ] kidding me why are SK so [ __ ] op why are where did you set your spawn point what the [ __ ] wait I don’t have one it’s at

Spawn oh oh yeah I’m at the pillar I’m near the pillar pill we’re at likeus 22 actually pillar all right I’m atus 17 that’s whatever I’m making my way over there yeah yeah you guys might want to reset your spawn points on the beds might be a

I will what py level is it um 50 something that’s all I I’m here oh I need to go so much here oh [ __ ] here oh that’s goed thank you yeah that’s why he was like meaning to okay but I’m a hater so ignore my mischievousness I’m going to go with you

TB yeah no cuz I’m GNA need help fighting those Skilling oh [ __ ] I need food though we need food am I watching this I’m not watching this stre oh my God there’s skeletons yes there skeletons wait wait wait wait what the [ __ ] that’s huge almost died

To we’re going to have to meet up with the other crackheads like eventually by the way eventually I don’t know where the hell they went though yeah know me neither are you kidding me these [ __ ] [ __ ] faces what bro I’m getting [ __ ] from all sides I okay I

Missed it are you kidding me I’m actually getting [ __ ] bro I missed my okay and I know how I feel I missed I missed like the godamn God where am I block hold on getting back how the [ __ ] did I make it here oh my God also so I like he you mentioned

That we were supposed to be pacifist I just pulled up like the most dumb the dumbest like playlist ever what uh for My Stream undertale pacifist music oh it’s already bright I found a bunch of lapis by the way hi George hi oh that’s a spawner holy [ __ ] why do we have my

Items are down there look at that there’s a [ __ ] T of M down there George I would recommend do two buttons I’m trying to find my items oh [ __ ] I found item there two buttons on the [ __ ] chest I’m down oh my God holy found I found

Items I found the items this game is so [ __ ] annoying bro but just real I’m already about to lose all my marbles not all of them this is this is why I prefer keep inventory honestly I’m not gonna that’s too keep keep inventories for [ __ ] that’s what I’m

Saying more fun though yeah but we’re not here to have fun no fun where are these guys no cuz like their group is way bigger than ours it’s not fair only by like one person yeah but still we’re like five people while while they have the vast majority yeah because they’re lame we’re

Lone wolves we don’t need them I want to say that why coffey’s messaging me on Discord please accept me please accept me for who I am no they just said wire that’s it oh they’re trying to seduce you I guess Jesus Christ that’s bad that’s so

Bad said can I invite BR say can I invite Brad to the Minecraft server not poop sh who is Brad one of their friends that hopped on like the last season of the [ __ ] server no we’re like so full bro we don’t need more people Jesus Christ it’s poop

[ __ ] the whole point of the [ __ ] Po’s SMP is that only people from this server can join exactly oh oh don’t do this to me I’m the B of the [ __ ] M bro live here here I go getting like a million debuffs again oh no dude my stream is Bro My Stream is

Fine I can’t find my past items God damn it oh wait that’s a sword some mining fatigue dude no my stream works just fine what oh good I I couldn’t wait to get mining fatigue oh [ __ ] deep slay bro so fun all right pixel we I’ll just tag you

Out and I’ll start running no it it works yeah don’t worry I’ll [ __ ] it I’m good I found a [ __ ] on of iron I wish I could mine it hold on where are you what what uh [ __ ] where am I message George why do I see someone else over

There what do you mean it’s me look to your left what look over there I saw someone’s name oh now they’re gone okay that’s me that might be me I’m doing it just saying it’s either me depends where you’re looking who joined my what the [ __ ] are you doing

Here yeah I just can’t sleep man go sleep CFT you [ __ ] [ __ ] face also hello my go to Lucas p in the chat uh I think hello figure um I think yall should have had proximity voice chat not going to lie what I’m saying that would have been a

Better idea to be honest instead of splitting groups but no it’s really annoy yeah it is very annoy cuz like we have to pretty much stay always near each other yeah you can make you can make VC groups in game that just act like calls so you

Don’t so you can just hear like a group universally all right I got like nine diamonds for if I die I’m going to cry dude just using like simple voice chat is like way easier honestly I saw him too late I saw him too late I saw I might want to kill

Myself I don’t know how the hell to get out of here issues is that you have to stay close to each other that’s really not an issue because it’s like just make a group then God why go play Minecraft come on join the game up on the game logs

Into I’m never going to use AAA wood I’m just giving y’all advice yeah I don’t need the advice I’m a lone wolf I know what I’m doing complaining that I didn’t put my Minecraft bed next to his have a good night dude how the [ __ ] George up here George hi voice the SL

Slingers oh there goes Ronnie into the other voice chat we lost another one I’m almost with them cuz like this [ __ ] is kind of unfair why you just move them over here actually because we [ __ ] split someone I’ll just I’ll just die there you go oh damn a it’s over I’m I’m

Having a fresh start did my did all my stuff just despawn uh I’m pretty sure after a while it’s normal Minecraft time after like five minutes when the chunk is loaded if the chunk is loaded even all right I got to go back over to where I was I think I

Remember explosion what happened oh no that wasn’t me I’m going to go explode and see if I can find the other group yeah I can hear I just can’t see it I can I have like captions on it’s like to the left oh yeah I probably h on

Same here if you want you can just like turn it like try and mine to the left if you see like a cave or something um controls oh hang on accessibility settings so subtitles on I had a water bucket on me the butter wet God damn it let me get

The D he just pushed me into the lava and I died okay makes sense okay yeah you can [ __ ] do that when I’m out of your reach by the way game is a little stupid the poop gang and shs gang is quite unbalanced that’s what I’m saying 3 six let’s

Go oh my God that was oh is the only one that understands me he’s my goat should be somewhere around here yep here it is please tell me my stuff is still there I hear a skeleton I’m scared jorg dude did the other group just go exploring what

Happened what happened like I can’t find them uh not high to fall damage again I am such a bad position right now gold I just found a cave oh sick yeah n diamonds I’m full why am I oh wait because I want to do a shield give you should probably go mining for

Diamonds like when you’re you know already I thought I saw name tags for a second second oh no I’m in such a bad spot go ahead don’t go without me though where are you though where did these guys go wait for me you the stairs splitting far as [ __ ]

You can see how fair this is by you know we should actually like plan out some stuff just like they do just like they are gosh Shield because obviously they’re gosh dude I’m never gonna get my stuff it’s over it’s so over I have like seven diamonds dude you’re [ __ ] can I do

This this is why I like keep inventory more ho [ __ ] B let’s go well we we’re not enabling it for now pretty sure no fun where are you where are you me stop being a ha yeah you I’m off exploring to be honest I don’t know

Where the hell I am I’m trying to find them cuz like they said they were at the Village legle bombs where the [ __ ] are you guys holy [ __ ] we we have been not where you guys are I get that but like did you really split that far yes why

Christ well the whole point is that we’re supposed to split from you guys oh redone not like 2,000 blocks away bro have a [ __ ] 2,000 blocks away what are you guys trying to find us I’ve been trying to find you we we wanted to meet with you guys what the

[ __ ] the [ __ ] groups are really unbalanced we have like five people and you guys have like the vast majority this is really unfair I don’t know what to tell the right bro the right don’t get lost what am I supposed to [ __ ] mock then huh aren’t you part of their group

Somewhere near here where is my stuff they don’t want to you I do nope I’ve been trying to find yall send me and I’ll be on my way oh my gosh there it isite the VC we probably should we probably no cuz like when we split the

VCS [ __ ] people other left or went to the other one okay uh like they’re really they’re really unbalanced right now unless the water cave it’s very chaotic still so I mean as long as you guys don’t complain maybe we can do it I wasn’t complaining it was just George I’m I’m

Not saying that you are I’m saying that if it happens just don’t oh well yeah I wasn’t complaint what I never said this I no I’m not talking I’m not talking to you I’m saying you complain cuz you [ __ ] split the VCS in the first place

I thought that was the entire point I mean I split up the VC so that it wasn’t so chaotic as the main one before that’s the whole reason I split them up not for groups the thing is if we reunite them it’s going to go back to said chaos yeah

That’s like the only reason I split up the VCS is is that first off it was like Inc incredibly difficult for some people to talk in there yeah what’s up um I want you should probably come over to where I am because I found a huge ass iron or vein where you at

Um I went back okay I’m going back yeah all right I’m going to join the other one if you guys want to reunite just join us I guess I don’t know explain it to the rest of them I guess give me a second well that just happened that

Was well that just happened is everyone so upset this is supposed to be the moment yeah know and then it started splitting up like instantly I’m going on a journey as well I’m going to go set my spawn first [ __ ] Lucas in my chat said the war is going to be

An easy sweep for the opposite side so pretty screwed up for them if we have’t War if we have a war even we probably will you mind the top there will be more iron underneath it you know I’ve I’ve had enough I’m I’m getting out of this or this is a giant

Iron because that means there’s a lot of tough and iron in like a huge cave ve thing if you want to get to our place mine the tough I’ll just so mine the tough and I’ll mine the iron cuz like I got the [ __ ] do you need a pick no

Back okay this is where we are if you want to go to our place uh by the way guys I I still do not have a bed I mean oh more iron oh oh iron uh are you far right now uh I’m making my way over far yeah I’m like 700 blocks

Jeez I’ve been trying to find them bro we don’t even know where exactly they went with himself bro I’m going to go by boat [ __ ] my goat Lucas said we have better L than SMP oh yeah no so far we do oh [ __ ] oh well I mean we could try

Dashing back up to the beds I don’t have much hope I’ll be honest I’m gone I’m gone from the house so yeah no so am I I don’t have a God we’re like now we yeah we did okay I need not spawn in this world our sheep

Extinct what I’m saying no I found a sheep before it was like a gray Sheep Brown sheep oh holy [ __ ] more as my these are usually really rich in iron the poop sh oh my God brick isleep I found look I found I found

Oh oh my God damn holy [ __ ] sh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] have hung my God this is the best iron or B we’ve found so far diamonds God bro holy [ __ ] that’s a dolphin doline you mean I have no use for

It uh I mean since no one’s really sleeping we can probably still go back up to the base and like deposit what we have so far I’m going to mark down my Cod my C I’m going to message them to you uh yeah I’m just going to find oh no no

No no no no no no barricade yourself bro there’s a baby zombie in a spoo no Ro got jump scared oh holy [ __ ] Redstone let’s go oh yeah what the hell is that don’t tell me that’s what the hell are you doing here is that doy oh

My God that’s do guy [ __ ] doy join that’s doy dog oh my [ __ ] God okay doy is not in the other VC he’s just alive let’s go bro oh yeah sleeping hold on I’m just going to message thank you oh my God I can finally Sprint holy

[ __ ] I found sheep yes oh my God I spawned in front of you what the Yeah coffee’s outside coffey’s outside our house yeah is coffee just a [ __ ] Nomad cuz I don’t think they [ __ ] they have full iron armor and tools I told I told uh I

Told doy to get to our house our well you know oh yeah we need we need at least one Swedish in our team cuz [ __ ] gr IED I gathered coffee and not I gathered um and the house so I’m in a jungle uh wait let me take half of this

Put it there I did not expect him to join I’m going to be honest yeah know okay on the pillar oh you’re back there yeah start making armor I’m getting I’m getting some [ __ ] food for us I’m missing one I’m killing whatever’s like whatever [ __ ] I can find or food I’ve been finding

Like found I found melons pigs cows and chickens the [ __ ] was that I just saw some ass Arrow [ __ ] let’s Go all right making my making my way back in oh Brock I found you oh no Brock is AFK damn well I found him I need respond to DMS ha I stole his steak cuz I’m ROM a second [ __ ] coffee left okay unlucky right uh

Make I mean guys is not going to at Alles here you go even if he joins I’m not might join one I don’t really we back successfully we’re blinged look y’all are all stacked up we still have more iron which is the best part there still I found a ship I found a

Ship all right I’m cooking up food yeah no wait what is that bed oh oh [ __ ] yeah that’s a ship hey let’s start you for Fu get the [ __ ] out of here okay uh I’ll do one pair and then I’ll give it to you all I’m G break these really

Quick don’t mind me hey I can do it you’re not bad right you don’t want to do it give it you don’t want to do it give it you don’t want to do it give it I’ll trade you for two leather All right the food’s inside the chest all right fine oh free Le hey free leather give it back I give me a second here have a free Pi there you go uh I’m going to steal a bunch of [ __ ] cuz I’m stupid all right hey

Guys all right I’m going to go in my little quest to find the other gang hold on hold on I’m going back coming back uh [ __ ] uh you mind if I yink like an iron ingot for a shield no no you can yeah all right Nito finito there you go

I’m ready what the Bro fully stacked I think think I found a no wait what is that no way did you find them no uh Ela give me a sec I found a v oh my God I found a village wa where I’m GNA send the cards I’m gonna

Send send me the cords do you want one what you want one we’re okay okay complet different village though I’m not or not I’m not put on the chest probably send me send me the cords oh also I love how that [ __ ] it’s kind of tense cuz like this song is

Playing right now the like the more tense song that’s where oh oh I was close to it somewhat yeah get to it you might not be that far wait what oh it’s in the positives yeah it’s it’s all positives hi I was trying to I was trying to look

For like the coordinates George sent me yeah no I send them again if you want no it’s fine I’m cover it up just give me a second also my [ __ ] chat is asking me how we came up with the name it’s the server of course the sum name yeah theop Shooters

There’s a secret put in it it’s the secret awesome code wait you’re telling me they swam with the boat or what yeah oh my [ __ ] mostely most likely yes that’s how I did it as well no one will notice yeah no one all right let’s go

We’ll be able to find them let’s let’s go we’re going to track him down and we’re going to plan I’m going to go get a cat TB okay bro got his priority straight yeah no will I wait for you I might as well just do something in this Village if you

Didn’t loot it I might kill the guardian should I where is I don’t think it’s there is it populated it’s populated weird does does it seem like it’s stolen like [ __ ] I’m going to go look in the chests actually you should do that it seems no it seems

Untouched it’s untouched the village is untouched then to be ours yeah we can let’s I’m I’m going toing up this iron or vein and then well we’ll see what happens next all right B pixel what’s up here you go you whispered something to me I can’t

Read it Dam that’s really far away holy [ __ ] 718 480 okay 718 480 for just it yeah no that’s that’s a just specific like destination I took their Blast Furnace I took The Village’s Blast Furnace though oh okay good I’m also going to take one of their Bells

Oh the just live there yeah I took one of their Bells you really want to switch houses to the other Village we could yeah we could but should we I can’t tell what that is hold on I found something I see something in the distance but I don’t know what that

Is imagine it’s [ __ ] one of them no it’s like uh it’s like a it’s like what is this thingy calledit what you see me I found a shipwreck holy [ __ ] I what there’s a second bridge next to the other one oh where are you right now

Yo oh that’s so huge my quest gave me a diamond sword and a silk touch book dude I need to start doing more quests what the heck actually cheating they’re really what how do you do that like uh Quest FL Quest Jesus Christ that is sh happening wa can also

Click like yeah you can do slash quests to see what quest you have got Diamond SW another cave bro why this is crazy found a cave I found a cave when I was mining the iron bro these Villages are are untouched what the hell all right I

Claim one of them at the very least uh oh I I’m already in them I’m already in both of the villages right now one of them is oh one of them is an AAA Village and one of them is a oh that’s a brewing

I’m taking that um one of them is AA and one of them is like planes planes like a look another [ __ ] block of gr oh holy [ __ ] oh no right I just did that quest for the diamond sword oh did he yeah he’s like oh what

The [ __ ] you have diamonds oh I found a village yeah you found it hold on hold on hold on hold on oh I see it there’s a [ __ ] Savannah Village right next to it what the [ __ ] where is the block the block yeah no that was the

Vill I was first talking about the block where is it know where it is what what do you mean where is the block of did you I it oh okay good for them I forgot you could do that I’m meing Raw iron you can do with

A stone pickax I’m pretty sure okay guys we are we are setting our base here in the village the villes complete there’s a sheep here so I’m going to kill three of them you want me to guys like give you the cords or did George already do I

Already I already gave them the cords to the first Village I can’t really read them so I’m going to probably follow B pixel oh okay what I didn’t get them oh you didn’t hold on give me a second this is huge oh wait I found like I found like a

Church oh you already stole the BRS then yeah no I mentioned that yeah this is the plains Village but right next to it is a savannah Village so yeah we’re going to be able to split our [ __ ] Villages yeah you guys already made teams somewhat their team is significantly

Stronger because majority of the other people are there yeah fun killing them oh guys get ready to sleep 246 there’s six people in the other team if we get doy on our team we’re also like equal uh how do I exit this maze what the [ __ ] I was hearing scratching and my

Goofy ass cat was scratching the wall do you get the name it my cat Ira yeah oh yeah I thought you were talking Minecraft [ __ ] not really I’m pretty sure it does have a name I’ll call it I’ll call it [ __ ] [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] one more please wire nothing Burger freaking ship

Already what do you mean oh yeah I left the bed all right I found a shipwreck and all I found were freaking poisonous potatoes oh yeah I I looted that oh dang that sucks that was the one that I found over here where are you where um um f what’s your name

Tag I had a c a little bit red hello this is the exit okay let’s go uh there’s so much there’s so much dog [ __ ] that I don’t need I don’t think we’re going to find much more iron to be honest we have a lot yeah we’re good we’re

Good I can’t tell how much that is actually I have with me okay guys 21 raw I have 50 something raw damn guys final verdict do we switch to the Village or n yeah okay yeah let’s do that if you what I guess Al you can jump to go faster by

The way yeah if you have slowness the is annoying about going up the stairs you can jump to go faster even yeah yeah all right I’m I’m I’m Bo my way to the uh the village all right I got I got my awesome speed I should right to the Village how

About that H yeah what so let me see the coordinates again uh it’s a long way away at least you’ll be able to find it yeah I mean I have the cords oh wait what no [ __ ] shot what they’re there might be three villages right next to each other oh my

God I’m such a ghat you might want to grab the diamonds dude there’s three villages right next to each other where are you should I assume this shipwreck has already been taken uh it’s next to our like other Oak thingy there’s like another Oak Village

What all righty oh wait I found you oh oh it hasn’t been taken shoot very treasure oh wait is this the same [ __ ] one yeah oh I just went in CES I this thir before going oh wait we probably should grab the beds actually that would make sense there’s already beds in the

Village but like yeah I mean yeah but our beds work to get them okay yeah I’m good then uh you value to beds I’m rich dude I’m rich hang on I’m GNA go see jungle is when are you gonna fight when I find them when yeah when we find them and when we

Get geared up yeah know cuz I think they have the upper hand by a long shot right now also was good where are you I went off into the plains yeah know I know that’s I’m trying to follow you oh uh um the Romanian Crusade Romanian crus

Are where’d you go the training enemy AR needs to happen I’m behind you it does oh ites build like an arena or something I’m on top of a tree by the way you are you see me you like at the Village going that direction let me see

Go back though I think I lost come back to the Village come back to the Village wait yeah now that the cises cable management sub Romania Crusaders it’s there that way all right I I I need to go to the Jungle anyway so it’s a

Good is this a different V am stupid did I just like go back to another Village like dude I found I found a buried treasure map and it led me to I think someone already looted that’s amazing oh wait what wait they might have been there

Actually oh wait let me eat let me let me go ahead and go to that village now oh no never mind it’s the same Village I’m in the plains Village go [ __ ] you just reminded me I have a buried treasure I need to follow it oh I’m going further away from it

Okay why what go I told you I’m following a bu treasure map oh I’m just going to chill in the village all right oh there we go you good sorry I just want um cocoa beans those will come in handy cocoa B watermelon auam melon AA all right you

Want to drive you have to the freaking seven SE in order to make it to the yeah not really we went like a diagonal way Al uh did you grab the sugar can um do I have sugar cane no I don’t have sugar cane grab

It you know what as like a Revenge Arc we should like kidnap one of them am I going the right way there we go but that is when we get like netherite and stuff I’m following your cord not have put it in wrong now we’re just playing m like normally

Yeah we’re just kind yeah we have a group of five currently yeah wait how big is their group like right now uh seven six people six people [ __ ] hell get all the we can you know it’s not entir maps and [ __ ] like that not entirely fair oh

Wait might be seven with do might be seven with do yeah know they definitely baby turtle no fell to the there you go kidnapped do guy yeah get in the boat in the boat all right I’ll be honest I think you put in the coordinates

Wrong I didn’t I I just think you don’t know how to follow them 13863 592 he called you stupid 138 either joins us the easy way or the hard way okay we gotta see real quick well back in the boat I go that is further in the village but not like much

Um oh wait I guess yeah okay there’s a jungle like oh further away I think here possi yeah we need to go upwards then is that another shipwreck we need to go on land yeah I think uh if you found another shipwreck it might have like [ __ ] leather Armory with uh curse of

Vanishing and biting so I’m going to check it anyway all right I’m getting close to getting this buried treasure I’m hoping it’s not looted I can’t I can’t pick up anymore I it has it does have leather stuff but it’s all like finding advantaging stuff okay yeah was that the one you’re

Talking about George yeah most lik forward okay all right well well finally they left I thought guy also left I didn’t see him for a second guy left the server no no no he’s still here oh sheep oh cow you didn’t notice the cow’s in the back oh I can’t pick that up

Uh I can’t pick that up either uh I can pick up white wool but I can’t pick up the food oh wait I don’t need the crafting day I’ll just do another one what the [ __ ] there’s we over here I can’t oh this one unlooted yeah baby [ __ ] the brown

Wo I found one that’s not unlooted and it gave me a potion of [ __ ] water breathing nice oh I found the village I do have more tough that I don’t need just do this uh here we go let me eat this real quick um where’s the other one

Where’s the other one I killed it oh did you get it yeah okay cool cool what can I throw uh so I need I guess Le diamonds I got diamonds is we might need to get in the boat again actually know what [ __ ] boat time get the boat yeah excuse me Mr

Villager I’m just going to steal all your hay let’s go okay so you okay okay bro bro saw me get diamonds and he already wants me in the chat there’s a village right there oh there go dring which one is it is like is it okay yeah

No you’re next to us you’re pretty much let’s go finally wait there were two potions of water breeding I just noticed all right sickle 700 blocks isn’t that far uh it’s smithing template it’s for like armors and Sh like that like the armor trims where do [ __ ] V what the hell

Is that There Goes My axe what oh that’s what the hell you you’re stacked yeah we’re stacked where Y at guys we should have we should have our own specific like armor trim to like speaking I found I found some Coast armor trims in like one of the buried uh

Not buried treasure like one of the sunken ships let’s go yeah you can tell they’ve been here over here okay give me a second just getting rid of something if I wasn’t close to them before like at spawn we’re definitely further away from them now go I don’t know where the hell they

Could have been oh asgor sounds so compressed in that what zombie us is there a guy I know where’s used to know I’m going to [ __ ] kill you what holy [ __ ] don’t worry okay we already we already need we already we we just need wire table in this uh pretty sure not

Pretty sure not I’m pretty sure I have a thingy smithing table how didn’t even make a smithing table four IR I have a grindstone I’m stupid two two iron four hello Golem two IR for what two iron for wood okay I’m at the wrong Golem I’m at the wrong Golem making my

Way to the other Village what the [ __ ] why I have da it would have been so funny if you switch that guy’s job yeah man I heard a pig where is the pig I need to kill them kill the pig how do I how do I you need like smithing

Table works with netherite only oh my God I almost fell into a [ __ ] pit I’m not I don’t know I found y’all what’s good where are you over here oh there we’re here I don’t even need the sucker sucker what you want me I’m blow I’m about to blow it up

What the [ __ ] what they stole my B Wire yeah let’s go mining for iron or something uh sleep first so you don’t get any finally finally seven people are sleeping now oh my God really getting the sleepers all right I’m going to go straight down the one rule you should

Never like bro you going to die that’s store your items guys uh yeah I got I got a spy glass I can so I can store my sh hang on I got a whole bunch of wood like a a huge amount don’t give me the wood just place the

Chest what the [ __ ] what does this [ __ ] crackhead want why can’t I [ __ ] do it let me fed the pigs I want to kill one all right that oh yeah [ __ ] uh whose chest is like who doesn’t matter I guess whichever I’m going to place my valuables in there

Y’all better not steal the red bed is Mine by the way what the brown one red one no no no hold on there perfect let’s go we’re doing we are going to do the [ __ ] map [ __ ] cuz I have a lot of stuff do you have enough for our

Map I have 33 Redstone oh yeah right hold on oh yeah [ __ ] I mean I guess we need iron for that there we look at that look at that we got that we got that [ __ ] yeah look at our little base oh oh stinky yeah oh yeah I’m mining up some wood right

Now the wood there’s so many [ __ ] like random citizens in our house that’s right I said why can’t I [ __ ] oh is it because of this no I can’t why I’m going to go that’s why lumic jump scare I’m going to go do quest for wonder why there’s a

Whole bunch of villagers in our house are you guys stupid stupid that’s what you sound like it’s it’s the Bell so mean put the over here put some diamonds in this chest let’s use it for an enchanting table cuz we only have four oh yeah [ __ ] we could

Do that we could use that butel did you grab the diamonds you put them in the chest I did I grabbed the items don’t worry have and I have four books because oh cringe F what were you told to speak quieter huh were you told to speak

Quieter I you’re closer to mik no I’ve always been like this what there we go I got an iron helmet let’s go oh my God Don’t Make Harvest k for an iron sword where’s the door hole are you kidding me there is door hole it’s here I’m Mar with a magic

Marker dog this is so free this is the worst place we could have put our freaking door hole dog that’s so free holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] house already so don’t say that again who wants an iron sword I got me me me me me me okay

Uh give me a second I’ll be there that villager is depressed I don’t know where the [ __ ] he going I’m going to be back in a second just oh yeah take it take it take it our house is just a box right now yeah we’ll make it a fancy box in a

Minute I just need okay uh George where you at probably make my own stuff after a while because I want to make my own little house my my own house that’s what you s like yeah yeah that’s what I sound like yeah you can away yeah you get

It how to block off the haters Bro [ __ ] off these big noosed [ __ ] he oh he just said it bro heard us we spoke there sign we spoke their language let’s go what’ you get I need to see anald an emerald an emerald emal that way I need to harvest 16 wheat

For four golden carrots and a honey bottle that’s free that’s free as [ __ ] what there a pun would it be fun if like um I start War by infiltrating into their base being like guys I’m here to make peace and then I stay with them for like a little bit to gain their

Trust that’ll be funny much Happ I should do that what the [ __ ] that’s a wrong wood type uh hases anybody got any more oh they got jobs now bro of course yeah they got Jas off of our little thingies all right nine emeralds for a knock back one sword also give me the

Thingy oh yeah I should here where is all the sugar can trade me something for it oh sick I’ll take that yeah we could probably gather those like if we get more that is yeah wait does it work if I craft hey no doesn’t potentially not what’s my next quest uh

Quest oh I need to trade with the tool Smith two times where is that I need to reach level 20 I need to trade with a villager two times that I need to harvest 16 wheat where’s the toolsmith toolsmith can you guys give me coal like a lot of it

Um it’s on the floor oh thank you that’s exactly the sugarcan dude there it is found it boom I got four emeralds yeah let’s go harvest eight Nether Warts for one ened book of Bane of anthropods five and one Diamond how do we how do we skip that one can we

Skip quests yeah you can skip one but you can only skip one every 24 hours yeah that’s fine how can I how can I skip uh Slash quests Skip and you can on which one you want to skip I’m going to skip level I’m going to skip number

One ra with a Mason four times which one’s a Mason again Harvest 16 beetroots do we have that I got 16 carrots well I have beetroot seeds but I is there any carrot Place uh I have um I need like three iron oh L going crazy that’s what I’m saying for real

They ain’t ready for what’s about to come to them I’m about to infiltrate she’s about to be devious yeah oh hi Brock hello our house is now a house with a roof it is it is a house but we need house is now a house we need

Holes I got I got a couple of those okay uh what the [ __ ] why where are you uh at the [ __ ] Savannah oh bro sucker what was good do you want me to come back no linic what bro that guy I don’t know what yeah don’t kill the Sheep actually because I

Need I need to kill them for Quest committed murder in front of me you monster donkey donkey donkey Pig I need to kill pigs I need to kill pig I need to kill all right we’ve been doing significantly better than we were doing well like 20 minutes earlier yeah oh

Yeah that couldn’t happen in that time I guess that W April where is April didn’t even help that was so oh makes sense like last I heard are they playing on their phone I’m pretty sure they said oh my God how they playing on their phone this is a Java

Server they have a Java on their phone apparently how oh I want Java on my phone get free Java on the go hold get free Java anywhere you go my bad I’m get I’m going to get some sand so we can make glass and windows yeah that might be

Ideal I’m going off like exploring in the fields see if I can find anything else that might be useful uh oh yeah I got a quest give me a sec Harvest 16 beatroots I can really oh did someone do the enchantment en chant bro why does Santi keep killing

[ __ ] cuz s is a hater yeah crazy what [ __ ] are getting ads off my stream I’m not even getting any Revenue the [ __ ] Java phone about to pop off this year have like I think I think I made the requirements to like get like monetization and stuff but I I was just

Like too lazy to do it so I I stopped getting monetization cuz like I was just inactive on YouTube for like three years so unlucky I I started saying things about taxes and I was like you know what maybe this isn’t the thing for me wait I need to pay YouTube

Taxes wait I need to pay taxes someone’s a Tator the IRS can kiss my ass YouTube being YouTube that’s what I’m saying wait what is that I was scratching my ear oh [ __ ] that’s like a drown ruin thingy can’t you get the sniffer off of those hold on pretty sure you

Can I haven’t I haven’t seen the sniffer in game yet oh wait we’re sleepers yeah I can’t really sleep here right now actually I can I just got to build a bed let me do that real quick uhoh all right I got it hon just so we don’t get the debuff oh

My gosh I woke up next to a villager dude something about getting getting [ __ ] freaky with the Villager Rock let me just organize getting freaky with the Villager wild there you go okay hold on funky with it should I turn these uh glass blocks into panes precisely okay what the [ __ ] iller he’s

Moving something do the drowns have better animations oh yeah I know what I was thinking of um I might just doing his own thing bro he’s literally just doing his own thing I’m killing them drowns that are I’m going to put one one big window right here okay

Uh I’m going to get this and I’m going to do probably something which is lame because now I need to do it all again but he’s going to do probably something yes cuz I need to find lava is there any place that he saw that has lava uh I’m

Lagging our spawn was near a oh am I lagging I’m lagging I’m lagging a bit the Ser stop a floating in the a for me yeah know I can pick up anything uhoh okay I’m good I’m I’m I’m good I’m good I’m all righty time to go down there

Don’t make me come down there oh I don’t have any torches okay all right behind our house is a little farm I made a little farm let’s go oh my God what the hell I got hit l okay I don’t think I can find a sniffer

Egg in this area oh there go there go APR yeah uh let me just same reaction different brain is what I always say is no you always say we are Romanians we steal oh that is also something I say to we are Romanians we steal see you got it accurate

Okay this [ __ ] is getting a little a little concerning cuz [ __ ] are getting armor and [ __ ] like that I don’t like that they wouldn’t Ambush us I hope not we don’t know where they are they don’t know where we are yeah a a what was that huh my quests

Oh yeah Kill 30 zombies I think it completed the quest but I’m not sure how to claim it let me click on it cck where it SL quests rewards I’m pretty sure oh yeah this is happening someone started building the roof and just didn’t finish it listen I was

Busy that’s also why I’m getting wood right now we got doors oh [ __ ] dude what am I doing what skeleton fight skeleton fight skeleton fight Chad did you see that [ __ ] it Chad CLI that what just happened CH Chad clip that chat that was so weird

Wait what the [ __ ] I had a buried like treasure map I tried to [ __ ] like look through it and then it just placed a crafting table okay [ __ ] Sati got a Parrot they’re in the jungle ow got it what the [ __ ] [ __ ] face Dam wait so you’re telling me I didn’t

Grab the [ __ ] thingy grab oh I guess I didn’t wait what all right another parrot owner all right I got to get the hell out of here got to get the hell out of the water that’s right friends I don’t like to swim why enough because I’m Romanian I

Actually don’t know how to swim Arrow what I understand me neither I almost drowned in my [ __ ] swimming swimming class does anyone need any wood I got two stacks of w this very treasure map is very much useless now can we finish this roof it looks so ugly

No it’s the view to the outside let me see let me see let me see wait uh oh yeah oh yeah that goes hard I’m making my way back to the house that actually goes so [ __ ] hard look at this look at how ugly this roof

Is it looks cool bro looks no it doesn’t it’s so it’s not even finished here so Fire It’s So Fire I don’t know who you’re talk even finished it’s fire it’s [ __ ] fire bro oh my God I should be building this [ __ ] bro no bro it’s fine it looks it looks sick trust

All right that’s one I don’t care I’m I’m I’m fixing this myself I can’t I can’t live with this there OCD on what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] baby zombie has need two stacks of oak wood oh have one God [ __ ] damn it what you do hold on I’m going to do a

M there are you [ __ ] kidding me hold on what who did that why did you do that and I hope you die for doing that what what happened who put the pork chops in the regular furnace me I need food bro put it in the smoker it goes

Faster how do you smoke food I care so little for that detail it’s crazy I die a beautiful and horrible death simultaneously tail [ __ ] man okay get your ass back bro send you the cords slabs down river Down syndrome okay what whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy get you’re taking this too

Far you’ve gone too far Sans shut up Sans I kill you okay you just had to ruin it we’re going back in time the first poop shares to get baby girl off the menu why does this look so weird it’s symmetrical but why does it look so weird so about

It what the [ __ ] is that I get this black and red fish what the [ __ ] fish it might be tropical I know what’s wrong with it you’re just kind of stupid you’re stupid Santi hello hi guys what’s good get out of here what are you doing

Here I’m I’m uh I guys are you trying to betray them what no never that why would I do that no why that that’s what you sound like I’m making fun of you if you couldn’t tell are making fun of you could if you couldn’t tell yeah man I couldn’t tell

Good to know thank God he warned me cuz I wasn’t sure of course all right all right guys you should give me your cords right now I’m not give me your cords no I’m trying to go to your base why do you want R cords now what I’m

Saying [ __ ] killers and S he’s a Pirate y would you guys be surprised if I told you I don’t have a team oh would I be surprised I would I would be very surprised and I would not be I don’t know if you can trust that are you a double are you a double agent

I would be very inclined to believe that you are not go oh I’m I’m like in a that’s why I K he tried to hit me oh they weren’t very welcoming what’s up wait so is our team B now or not how do we know if you’re

Trustworthy or not no we’re not we’re not getting Senti in bro other other than like killing gram hell no if you guys send I’m [ __ ] out I’m just going to be a lone wolf all right what can I do I don’t know this point I’m just going to be saying wherever B pixel’s

Going cuz they they [ __ ] me in the same bed for like two days now yeah they stra to the same bed what are you doing we’re basically dating now you that what I thought we had something looking for a jungle I mean you were too late to the party what you lost

Your you little B what can I say oh my God that’s so much Co time to dig straight down here’s a stack of here here’s some oak logs just make a ladder and do something things why do you sound like that you sound stupid damn someone’s

Upset that’s lit you just e broke up with me I’m upset I’m sorry let me let me I didn’t mean you know I didn’t let me go to the Y VC I’ll be back oh wow the team you totally didn’t have yeah yeah so much for not having a

Team tell him tell him place down a ladder I can’t see Fu on I didn’t even like craft them guys crazy oh my God can he like are you sitting with your legs in cold water hold the [ __ ] on you have so much [ __ ] [ __ ] on you

Whoa there’s the molenator next to me get off of me did bro like actually [ __ ] die no yeah I I fell down the pit that he was making oh I also died I forgot to set my [ __ ] spawn point in the house cuz like I slept in the middle of the

[ __ ] forest and then broke my bed like an idiot [ __ ] idioto hey you can’t call me an idiot I already said I’m an idiot there’s so many villagers inside our house oh no weing fatigue the lore breakdown video about to be insane what I’m saying I’m really about to lose all of

My stuff it’s crazy no you’re fine fine you have five minutes you have five minutes Who’s down there because they probably picked up like 90% of it yeah I have a lot of [ __ ] it filled up my entire inventory also who made a diamond

Pickaxe that was me I I I made that cuz I I didn’t want to like someone else so like go ahead and take the diamonds I put in the chest and use it for something stupid oh okay I was say did you take our diamonds no I I got my own

Seven diamonds and I put like four of them in any more ladders no go up go up go up it’s not done just stay there stay where you were before I’ll get more Ladders because Su decid to hey I’m going to mind like a [ __ ] idiot I

Gave you a whole bunch of wood to [ __ ] make ladders I don’t want why why don’t you just mine down like a staircase like a normal person because George started the ladder I continue yeah because I made the I you [ __ ] dick [ __ ] dick [ __ ] dick okay so allegedly brick is in the

Jungle I might be able to find them if I’m lucky Welcome to the Jungle Welcome to the Jungle oh okay I made a baby what the a bro already gave birth in the first day yeah L is crazy is crazy hi get get out of my way now mine okay fine you [ __ ]

[ __ ] damn someone’s upset you happy you happy don’t hate appreciate thanks squir that was my saying they stole that off of me [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate him so much more reason why is in my chat guys it’s over for yall wait who’s in the chat not in my chat in like Rocky’s

Chat what are you talking about I’m going up to the surface so I can see all right all right here here here here come back come back little bro where are you going what are you talking to Brock thank you I thought you were talking go back go back go go like go

Not like that cofy what the [ __ ] are you doing in my chat oh yeah by the way um uh stop stre sing just stole all of your bread coffee stop stream sniping the vill stole every last bit of the bread that you had which is more than one St oh that that sucks

They’re like nah man it’s over it’s did you have on you mine and what’s yours I’m I had bit of iron oh my car you fat [ __ ] damn the Villager stole my carrot I [ __ ] hate villagers bro God damn it I think you should rub their big nose

Bro we need to make more test actually and do that no we don’t this one’s pretty full I think you should rub their big nose see that’s how you gain their trust boscus oh my God wait that’s another oh my God Jesus Christ carots yeah I just did

It oh oh [ __ ] ruin portal as well okay this jungle might be cracked I don’t know where I am let me let me why is that villager walking like that are you okay bro ice bucket challenge record I’m still on the move oh makes sense yeah more Pig babies how’s our

Little farm going oh [ __ ] that’s dude I have so much iron yeah I’ve been just like feeding the pigs I’m so big I rubed my big fat belly okay I didn’t need to know that keep that to yourself I’m full of ir oh wait PE is in my chat hi PE my

Go I think coffee’s in my chat bro bro stream sniping [ __ ] off bro [ __ ] off coffee bro head ass [ __ ] out of here stop whoever put this goddamn chest here I hate you for life I put that there bro stop [ __ ] hating all the time that’s what you both sound like

Where the other chest yeah yeah you [ __ ] destroyed it yeah thank you by pixel yeah but there was a double chest I got singular chest back so that mean someone else shut what what the [ __ ] I didn’t I did not even notice you were just defending me what

Is your problem anyway how’s it how’s it going PB I haven’t seen you in a while who uh friend of mine I’m I’m looking I’m looking in uh George’s chat it’s just PB just spamming I did not I did not noticed that he was like in my chat unfortunate I have two

Monitors so I can read the chat and both play I need to get a second monitor dude I also need to do that dude fire at wre like three years ago streaming and just holding his [ __ ] chat on his phone I remember ending stream specifically because my [ __ ] phone ran out of

Battery I felt so bad yeah I know he used to do that told us about it it was funny yeah but Chad doesn’t know oh but cuz Chad is but chat is my chat is my Pooky bear are you going to check the village huh are you going to

Check the village I’m going to go I’m going to to this V blow it up I’m going to blow it up bro I found an OT for the first time in 10,000 years give me a second give me a second can you still tame an ocelot with fish

Yes it has to be salmon it has to be salmon though that is so specific it has to be salmon that’s so stup Sal stupid [ __ ] has [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] pretentious I’m feeding you I wanted to tame one with like um iiest eater imaginable dude I wanted to

Tame one with like tropical fish but I couldn’t n pickiest theer got to be running bro unironically holy [ __ ] everyone knows who I am I mean unfortunately not D meixel doesn’t know who you are so that sucks dude I have so much iron I’m actually so huge oh my God give me your

I’m sorry bro okay this joke cannot go on any longer that who the [ __ ] is that oh that’s Rock it’s Barack Barack Barack oh bar dude I swear I have [ __ ] full leather armor at this point leather yeah I just I just said that didn’t you mean Iron no I said

Leather oh what the it’s bro stupid no thought [ __ ] off I thought you wanted to say iron if I wanted to say iron I just say iron I thought you had an IRL typo oh dude I found a lava pool should I go to the nether it’d be so funny you

Could you could I could but I don’t want to [ __ ] up our like World Generation and spawn points blah blah blah how was that going to screw it up cuz like if I’m close to you it might get linked to This Little Portal and if the that portal in the lava pool is

Still up you can get linked to it the fifth grade together sure you are I I trust that I trust that statement no it’s just like a friend of is being a DI [ __ ] makes sense there’s your PV L for today thanks TV can live with that for

I’ll join George send me your [ __ ] um stream and I’ll join it yeah sure hold on oh dude I need one more iron ingot Ingot until I become humongous humongus I’m sorry I don’t know what that [ __ ] bit is so funny I know e [ __ ] you

Bro actual ass hat what the [ __ ] is your problem my damn me and be pixel were in fifth grade together I don’t believe that I’m sorry me and B pixel slept together get on my level I heard that as like one of those like freaking AI deep fake videos where

It’s like hi I’m and it’s like some fat guy and it’s like this is my story and then he just Rambles on about something stupid hi I am Joseph at McDonald’s I stepped my foot in the ice cream machine all the girls in our class this is my

Story The factu that like it’s so obvious that their AI generated is like so funny yeah yeah yeah yeah no I’m dying no oh no I’m Al alive just stop just stop dying yeah there you go that wasn’t so hard was it not really thank you for

Saving me I thought it was a gun what the sucks there since when were you okay pixel was the reason for the Revolutionary War my name is George Washington I don’t know why I read that other message I’m going to be real oh that’s a ruin portal underwater Oh yeah sure Cor

Wait what corin’s in my chat what the [ __ ] did he say he’s like unrelated but do you want ownership of the [ __ ] Roblox cable management group chat oh that’s a Honk bro got his priority straight he’s not even here for the [ __ ] stream well I I got I got steak for my freaking Quest reward that’s that’s that’s great yeah no that’s that’s good what oh I sarcastic said Brock wait what we we we people slept I wasn’t even paying attention I got

Debuff now I’m in an actual jungle now holy [ __ ] why I might be here might be in the same jungle you are oh this mining fatigue you might be might I’m just going to give you mine all the way back up going to give you the the cords

To where I am and tell me if you’re like anywhere near those cords are the are these debuffs just like the thing to replace the Phantoms since it’s literally impossible to get Phantoms in like a multiplayer server like this I guess please I about to say

Please say yes or else if Phantoms are a thing as well that I’m going to die how could you even get Phantoms because like at least like like we always going to sleep through the night oh yeah true I no you you have to sleep in order to get banned I mean you

Have to not sleep in order to get Phantoms yourself it doesn’t matter if anyone else is sleeping or not oh why are those CES like anywhere uh near where you are I’m I’m making going down like the ladder way easier I’m going to put like a pool of water

Down at the bottom so you can just like like jump down to the left banana way climbing up climbing up to the right would still it’s still going to be like super annoying but I’m trying to find you George what do you need to like make like a water elevator don’t you need

Like Soul Sand or something yeah you need Soul Sand George where are you over here oh hi what’s goody not much hold on let me just there we go I got feather falling too on these little bab oh then then [ __ ] it I don’t care for it I’m too lazy to do that

[ __ ] what what you want what you want what he want you to do he’s asking me [ __ ] to join the group so he leaves the group so I can claim the group N that’s too much work n yeah just [ __ ] it at that point all you know what George I’m

Feeling romantical I’m about to start a nether portal all right I saved 100 Roo let’s go melon oh yeah you don’t have a flint and steel right I don’t we have a flint and steel do do I do I do oh give it look at me I also have a fire charge

Don’t give it to me oh L lumbo his brother Lumbo and his sister lum [ __ ] that video is so good that that’s such a good video do you still know how to do like a oh that’s that is that a wait did you already loot that yeah all

Right just have to make sure yeah and also yes I still know how to speedrun a portal cuz I’m epic all right cool cool cool cool cool cool where are y right now I’m making I’m in the house I’m making a port but pixel’s AFK I think

A is he oh yeah he’s just kind of standing in the house for a long of time what cave did y’all go into I’m not in a cave I’m outside it’s like what happened huh bro I thought I thought you were in a cave dude I went I went down I went

Down this huge freaking pit just to find y’all no no no I’ll send you the Cs like the cours near us y’all are so far away correct are you ready there we go all right let’s go I don’t have food by the way I have I have like a bunch of melon

Slices we’re fine oh that was like an instant transition oh we’re in a really good biome and there’s a crimson next to us hold on Wire yeah was goody here here here I forgot to bring like oh God [ __ ] giving me melons I don’t need melons just get food it’s like the

Closest thing to food so here you can keep it oh I’ll take Allen I forgot to take the iron pick uh oh do you have gold stuff thanks for reminding me yeah uh I can give you the helmet if you want oh good luck finding a freaking

Nether for that would have been more useful did you already craft oh my God you already crafted something yeah that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine all right wait hold on hold on hold on hold on just so we just stay there stay put hold on hold on on I’m trying

To trade with some crackhead just stay put to your location right there yeah come here that’s hat we need to go deeper yeah bro I swear to God oh he gave me crying obsidian the last thing that I needed kind of just mining like quartz

So I can reach level 20 oh he gave me Nether Bricks that could come in handy at some point no stay in there [ __ ] face all I thought I’m about to I’m about to mine more gold I’m trying to trade with this little little [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] give me nether dicks thanks P you are really you’re something else bro oh two hoglands just spawned that’s not very ideal here come here hold on like near you anyway I’m about to throw a bunch of useless [ __ ] oh Soul Sand pick that up Soul Sand is quite useful or could be

More soul I found a dungeon and it has a spider spawner and two cat music discs oh oh that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s pretty good yeah umel is are any of you at like the house yeah I am MSG uh please message or like stale

Um the cords just SL slash it mess that’s going to be you that pixel damn it do you have the cors for the house no oh dude George I know I know where the house is George you know how to do that right come here should I try doing water

Bucket mg water bucket wait what am I doing just do this keep looking behind you to your left keep looking wait do you have over here oh dude dudee get the [ __ ] out dude dude dude we are so [ __ ] behind behind behind there we go oh they’re fighting I killed

Him what what is this by the way oh that’s a m sha oh I’m [ __ ] hold on I’m I’ll try to get him that’s a m sha yeah attack me wonder if I should get in i’ be nice here [ __ ] go there’s a water bot yeah there’s a there’s a

Water right all right George you ready yeah hold on just give me a second um a second you need anything themselves it might be smart to save our most valuable stuff in case we die to the portal sure oh wherever that came from oh we’re only at level 10 ah this

Lame hold on I’m at level three oh what is this [ __ ] give me a second to make a chest give me a second level of depth on the M shaft that’s what you have wood right whoever organiz the chest um you’re stupid I don’t [ __ ] know we

Did not or organize a chest are you stupid they they’re mildly organized mildly my ass bro like relax Jesus Christ more like you’re I’m not mad what I’m not nemes ass what the [ __ ] bro you’re mindly stupid get him George get him yeah yeah yeah oh my god get him

George also uh plates on doors are lame because of one reason which is monsters when you’re being followed probably be careful about that yeah I mean I guess I’m trying to get him careful about that I mean you can replace them with um want saved your like do whatever fits I’m going to

Probably I not going to lie might be lost right now careful God oh my [ __ ] god hold on hey don’t use his name in vain oh my God that shaved your [ __ ] nuts again what is wrong with you did he just despawn wrong with you no I got him here

Let’s [ __ ] go that’s funny as Fu I my shirt near us pretty sure what the You Got a Friend in Me Gay that’s the achievement for I’m pretty sure I should have a couple friends in me oh I’m one of them hey hey I D you all right I’m placing my most

Valuable stuff in here that I really don’t want to lose oh [ __ ] Wait oh wait I had a chest on me that’s fine that’s fine no I don’t I don’t I don’t want to be fatigued l l his brother this place a bed in the nether you won’t be fatigued oh yeah how did you get in my house you’re out should I take the gold

With me the gold I have like nine gold maybe uh dude do you have like consistent food I have two cooked mutton and then two cooked pork chops dude I am so lost is anyone at the house yeah can I have the money uh yes give me a second let me

Just run to the house I’m going to run to the entrance all right I’m going I’m gonna take the bread and the raw pork chop oh wait George come here okay what is your tag real quick still uh George I’m about to I’m about to Y some wood for our convenience of

Travel might as well do that too oh wait how do you whisper to someone again SL MSG SL MSG slash MSG yeah uh all I got 45 wood more than enough the gas [ __ ] off bro PV is so [ __ ] stupid it’s crazy George you should uh you should

Leave the course over here in case we need like XP what you should leave the course over there in case we need XP we are so B lose our [ __ ] by the way we are so dead oh oh wait hold on there you go good get out I am so far

Away I was going in the complete opposite direction hold on oh sorry I had my freaking freaking map upside down fre like a cartoon anything useful uh nine cooked pork chops oh sick is funny that’s a brute that’s a brute that’s a brute I want to fight it oh you crazy little B

Okay wait I’m going to [ __ ] you are so do like wait he’s stupid I’m going to do a two block oh there’s like four of them there you go and then no I tried to Ping like [ __ ] fortnite bro I’m going to kill myself at fortnite Battle Royale oh wait gra the

Grab the gold blocks can you I don’t need that um can I even do this yeah you can you have iron no I have a [ __ ] I have that’s a chest up there where oh I tried pinging like fortnite again Um where are you there we go you want to help me for what hi George mine hi cuz you’re like so what I mean by that let me go up let me P like fortnite right there where are oh I see like a couple chests I see like two of

Them oh [ __ ] okay this is really risky this is bad this is so terrible like risky reels oh yeah no okay no thank you uh oh my [ __ ] God I’m at the Bastion I’m like right there okay AR I glad I stoed my I [ __ ] stored my valuables we should have probably got

Like beds up there Joe’s POV is boring respectfully what are you guys what are you guys doing I just died I think you’re the most entertaining one I’ll be honest I’m glad I’m not streaming oh I kind of want to be streaming but I physically can’t because of YouTube stupid

Stuff I think I I think I could stream I just don’t know how to set it up I’ve never Streed like in life the big the big YouTube why would I ever stream on Twitch yeah you have to wait an entire day to stream if if like you

Have a new account that is yeah I don’t have a new account or like trying to stream for the first time yeah oh well you know what maybe you might like yeah because I tried to do it earlier and it’s like nah you have to wait 24 hours

Finally I’m home oh thank I’m going to grab all your stuff by the way don’t risk it no the The Brute that like tried to kill me is stupid what really bad stupid my bad oh wait I have most of your stuff that’s good just get all my valuables like

Pickaxe [ __ ] sword head ass yeah no don’t worry on that we can throw Chris Crimson fungus we can throw streaming on YouTube is easy [ __ ] apparently if you have a new account corn uh corn yeah I’m talking to corn oh yeah corin’s in the Stream [ __ ] oh wait if you have a new

Account or streaming for the first time they’re going to ask you to [ __ ] some head ass [ __ ] like wait 24s is it in front of us might be in front of us cuz you can see in captions right there’s like footsteps and Sh yeah J can you give me the cords to the

Portal I think I already did that oh like the Overworld yeah yeah hold on I’m making my way back actually I made a cobblestone generator let’s go for whatever reason I mean I Mighty oh give me a second protect me I don’t think so okay let me just get in the hole oh

[ __ ] I am so far from the portal I’m going to get something real quick um oh about you get a life oh get him that’s what I’m doing I’m [ __ ] getting pizza so chill damn damn bro close you like that oh wait what oh [ __ ] did you find

The Portal or okay this could either be me or somebody else but I found a [ __ ] up jungle tree P you talk like the audience from the [ __ ] monster seeking Monsters jackbox game I hope you know that that is true he has he has a away with words all

Right I made a juke box so we can play the the two discs of cat that I got I’m pretty sure one of my quests gave me a free juke box well a little too late for that it’s fine now we have too far it’s

A little too far for that it’s too late to apolog too late that song was so hard except for the fact it [Laughter] doesn’t um oh [ __ ] I found a SW not entirely what okay I found I found the way back to the portal hold on apologize should I meet up with these

[ __ ] no not worth it should I risk it for the biscuit no all right I got most of your stuff in the chest why is my spawn why is it pointing over my Jo’s out our portal bro oh my [ __ ] God are you kidding me portal why is this compass pointing

To like my like I think our initial spawn point right than like my bed because that’s what it does I thought the compass points to like your spawn point and the should be my spawn point spawn the [ __ ] well this so This Compass is useless then more or less

Dang also there’s a cave spider spawner right under our base this our jungle now no it wasn’t it never was who does Bro think he is if you see Joe kill him also your um cobblestone generator set off like a whole bunch of um grass fires and it

Almost burned some of the villagers I hope you know that uh that’s their fault honestly we’re running out of Traders George if you see if you see [ __ ] Joe just kill him bre they’re breaking the portal oh my [ __ ] god he guys why is we so [ __ ] annoying

Where are you literally the fun police factual um no fun allowed w w okay actually kill him if you see him I’m so tired of him I can’t I can’t that’s the problem why not I don’t have stuff don’t you have my stuff yeah but I don’t want should I use

Your iron to make like an armor yeah armor piece make like a chest plate yeah that’s what I’m going to do did you send me the course to like the thingy by the way yeah the portal yeah yeah I messaged them to you uh [ __ ] hell that’s far they’re so annoying [ __ ] Santi

And Joe Santi and Joe in the same team by the way isn’t it crazy how they’re both from Casino crash who would have thought this is why their mod is never coming out I just used the wrong y but whatever how fat fingers I’m going to stream snap this

Guy I’ve seen so many people say WP WP what does it even mean what do you mean it’s like like [ __ ] the soneone this [ __ ] gas is so annoying literally [ __ ] bro holy [ __ ] actual [ __ ] bro kill them on site the whole team is there though that’s the problem are you

Kidding me yeah no I saw a Raz with like a [ __ ] Diamond chest plate by the way oh my no thatti that wasti they’re at our they’re us so they’re near us the team their team is like near us they’re at our portal right now oh yeah I thought it

Was a furry thing okay Corin what the what we can meet up uh ask a brick if we should like be truce hold on I’m kind of lagging in the nether wait I’m trying to get this guest I’m moving a little far okay okay makes sense then

Where the [ __ ] can you resend me the thingy I’m trying not to get our chest hello yeah what’s up hello oh wait I think I found it I found the jungle let me take off F3 yeah then just go just go just go just go let’s go I’m

Going did they break just tell me they I’m still in the sea hold on when you reach the portal tell me if they broke it or not I’m on my way are you stuck in the nether yeah I’m in the nether trues never go well you’re right

Lucas that that’s right Compass we did not make a compass we were dumb we forgot probably being smart to have like a yeah we would we should have probably made like one of those compasses that like like a load Stone oh do gu back oh no I’m saying that cuz I

[ __ ] I really hope he’s not with them he might be but he’s not in the VC see and plus like I’m see my [ __ ] go on they couldn’t like they don’t know they can message him on you know on the thing oh yeah dude I’m seeing sometimes my

[ __ ] view count go from [ __ ] like one to like and then go back to like what it was before there’s definitely one of them stream sniping me like one [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] suck if anyone if anyone from the opposite team is doing that I hope you guys

[ __ ] kill yourselves like I’m not going to hold back you guys are genuinely just cheating at that point you guys are actually cheaters at that point oh there learn to have some [ __ ] fun in your lives unironically oh there goes the defa the debuff oh the the oh it doesn’t affect

Us in the nether I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t did the debuff happen it happened for me because I’m in the Overworld yeah no it didn’t happen for me oh you’re good bro doesn’t need sleep yeah oh that actually makes sense cuz you can’t sleep in the [ __ ]

Nether yeah I’m kind of fixing some of the holes here from the god I really hope they aren’t stream stream sniping us I hope they have like the basic decency to not do that how long have I been live for I’m near our portal I don’t know where they could be

I have like four viewers right now damn I have like five I’m at I’m at an alltime Peak give me a second all right I’m going to go get gold this gold and I’m going to trade it with this guy down here hi here wait it was

Minus oh it’s that direction God I’m so stupid with [ __ ] coordinates jungle are so annoying thank you oh wait no problem what did you go fast sort of this where I died right yeah it’s cuz they’re blinking that’s why the viewer count goes down like they sto watching

For a second said py might be yeah you might have a point but I really hope they have the basic decent oh my God I got pearls GG let’s go um as I said I really hope they have the basic decency of not stream sniping us that’s literally just St up

Cheating in this context yeah like we really don’t want that oh God I got to eat the golden carrot what I do burn the jungle Down Easy you’re right corn you might be on to something save the trees more like [ __ ] that what what save the Tre is more like [ __ ]

Them oh my God they broke the portal they did theme awesome awesome was here you actual [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god they broke the portal and place a [ __ ] log dog are you [ __ ] serious I’m going to get your stuff and get out of here yeah just create a new

Portal are you [ __ ] I don’t know where this is going to like [ __ ] lead to though if I make a new portal I really really really hope it doesn’t what the [ __ ] is wrong with these guys bro actual [ __ ] wire wire wire behind you behind you oh [ __ ] oh oh that’s perfect

Okay [ __ ] hell man okay that was how does this work I wasn’t here at the start are there like two teams not there wasn’t supposed to be like teams but I split the VCS in two because it was very and now they’ve all decided to just team

Against us yeah yeah they’ve decided to like team against us it’s kind of it’s kind of dooky but do you have my shield um that pixel is a cave vanilla is in my chat it wasn’t mine for for me as well also George do you have my shield uh your Shield must

Have despawned I’m pretty sure [ __ ] is it worth going let’s go make another one hold on wait did you grab your iron yeah yeah uh hold on give me a second I got a crafting table don’t worry you don’t have wood do you I do okay then make yourself a new Shield we

Should okay we’re fine we’re fine can I have uh like a chest plate take mine thank you take mine and here’s like we have a little more balanced armor oh thank you I can get myself more armor later no mind I’m going to go find them cuz I’m pissed

Off are you no don’t don’t I’m want to place my emeralds and valuables and back in there again but I’m going to I might go look further in the Bastion just tell me like your cords every now and then okay wait do you want me to set cords to the portal like in

The nether I already have them I already have them okay okay okay like I’ll just send them Team Awesome here you about to pay for what you did Joe [ __ ] ass licker this is the Overworld ones right yeah here this is the nether this is the in the nether

Cords I need to find these [ __ ] faces they’re around you’re going to die I don’t care got to be around here somewhere bro n I’m going to go I’m going to go like Mining and I’m going to go with you you get big and strong and eat your broccoli

Thanks I’m definitely going to take the raw chicken I’m definitely going to take the coal the carrots and the M the mutton almost said muton muton muton I’m checking the perimeter two hours and a half I’m in both chats by the way okay vanilla’s in both over

Streams oh okay uh I got enough obsidian to uh make a portal by base if we want to do that uh sure yeah go for it all right so just can travel home safely stop for something uh Joe Joe broke our portal in the Nether assle and now we’re starting

Beef the L’s crazy also there’s a cave inside of this um M shaft pixel I was there with you I mean yeah but you didn’t see the cave oh I mean it’s normal they’re in the nether they are oh my God I’m going to find them I’m going to find

Them get back in another portal [ __ ] we can we can hunt for them there I’m going to hunt for specifically I am going to go mining just so I get like prepared you might find the basion that we were at oh my God they’re both going in the [ __ ] Nether of

Course were they here oh wait I saw you you did yeah in the Overworld I’m right like I’m here I’m going in yeah go stupid [ __ ] cucks we you should probably move the chest to the Overworld like bury it somewhere just saying where are they did listen listen listen they’re not

Here they’re not here listen though uh if they by any chance find our like nether portal take the chest oh my God take the chest and bring it to the overw world bury it oh my God that’s so much space though that that was like so lucky with

The portal though I can’t believe that actually worked yeah they found the B there is there a chance they could come out through like the portal Place base oh God damn it I know where they are exactly now it might be either another Bastion or our Bastion I’m looking around to see

If I can find their portal if I put a portal if I put a nether portal by our base would that uh bring the risk of them going through said portal into our base like likely I’ll all right yeah best to not risk it I’ll put it somewhere like

Hidden no no we already have like a portal I can send me the cords to it the Overworld cords I see Santi I see them H don’t don’t hunt them down bro you’re undergeared Santi has a diamond chest plate I know and and Santi might also

Hop in for Joe so don’t do that not worth it I just looted a little bit of what I could from one of the chests I’m trying to find their dumbass like nether portal making progress in the underground though welcome to the under hey Pirates how was the fall to the

Underground what do it go so hard and George was hating on it yeah saying embarrassing embarrassing embarrassing [ __ ] y Ru it yo [ __ ] you [ __ ] you y yeah you’re B you both have the same idea you have the same idea wait bro oh [ __ ] should I

Engage most likely not no no no I’m going to engage also vanilla said me personally I get them back but that’s just me though oh never mind lame for real [ __ ] Ain that [ __ ] oh my God they’re dying they are they’re dying I can kill their

Items yes dude and come back come back after that hey papus how was the fall break uh come back to the over world and try and break the portal so that it don’t find us if the portal is still active in the nether then that means I can know still go

Through it and it’ll still go no no no like break the portal in the Overworld I’m trying you break the portal in the overw world and the portal is still active in the nether then it’s still going to go to us he pixel can you sleep please oh I can

Oh this hurts this hurts a lot get out get out get out get out get out get out there’s a gas fighting me just leave just leave I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I just got to eat o I’m coming [ __ ] I’m getting there okay

I’m getting there I’m under geared as [ __ ] but I’m going to get there oh my God they’re Dy okay Santi Santi is getting [ __ ] I found them you did PR good all there’s four people with me there’s Graham [ __ ] Joe Raz and brick not a good idea but well of course

Do whatever you want oh this the nether oh Soul Sand Valley dude it’s over yeah my that might not be as bad as you think I accidentally killed the Bro [ __ ] parrot at least it’s not a BT Delta I guess just apologize at that point you can’t really do much nah we good

Oh [ __ ] I’ll steal that there was a whole block of iron in there they didn’t take it Return to Sender head ass yippee [ __ ] are you in your are you in the Bastion yes still I’m with thems oh oh wait I found their Bridge they’re like on the other side of the [ __ ]

Thingy Bastion hello why they split up in teams bro what the [ __ ] is this this is so terrible this is actually like dog [ __ ] I am bitter of your teammate I am aware that Ass I’m making my way are you with us me yeah follow their bridge I’m want to see if I can find their portal I found their portal when you be funny if I just block them in the nether I’m going to block them in the nether that would be funny with what oh

Wait I can’t find the Bastion am I stupid I’m going into their base Santi saw me oh [ __ ] okay I found their base CS uh and I’ll head Backus 200 and 2,000 minus minus 200 positive 2000 oh my gosh there there’s another portal here like right right from when I where

I spawn there’s another portal and there’s a chest by it is that yours yeah that’s ours yeah that’s ours that’s ours that’s where I goodies we spawned really close then oh my gosh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh my God we might have to destroy the portal in the overw world like the one near our base or the one you bu you guys are stupid as [ __ ] and I hope you know that but okay I’m telling you if you destroy the

Portal in the Overworld it won’t do anything if you destroy like it can spawn one near us can it yes it can it’s only fair that’s what I’m trying to tell you it will why are any last words watch out bro just watch out be careful that’s all

I’m saying gram is full of gold you miss your dad py I miss him too I have something that you don’t [ __ ] [ __ ] please me where are you Brock I’m I’m going back to my portal oh you’re going back there that’s not too bad I put some

Like wooden blocks to sort of like give a path I know where you live I’ll come for you gay so so what should I do should I destroy the portal by our base yeah all right just do it safety measure why not oh okay I had a feeling you did this to

Yourself yeah okay all right yes we haven’t even gotone if we Haven we haven’t even like finished with the first day and we already started a war you serious right now cuz of Joe’s stupid ass yeah that is also true oh would you look at that hi guy Joe is not Joe Doga

Is with them bro I mean yeah Joe is too yeah but do is none of the VCS as far as I’m aware he’s not in the VCS he’s just gaming okay I [ __ ] hate Joe Bro I hate him so much [ __ ] annoying little prick that’s it

I’m I was really feeling nice cuz like [ __ ] War day one [ __ ] vanilla and py said it’s war time War day one if war is what they want war is what they shall receive I’m going to go get [ __ ] stacked dog what yeah know cuz thing is they already like were

On thin Eyes by breaking our [ __ ] portal ice shut up I just I just recognized what [ __ ] reference you were doing shut up I get it not uh you remember that one like dust trust Sams with like ice yeah that’s where the dust trust server names that thin ice are you

[ __ ] kidding me that’s the stupidest [ __ ] ever yeah I know and yeah what were you saying doesn’t matter anymore just say it I’m pissed off calm down bro it’s [ __ ] No More Mr Nice Guy you [ __ ] up how many diamonds we have dude doy is such a goat okay do is on our

Side he wait seriously he DM me on Discord do you really think i’ team up with Joe [ __ ] I love this guy I [ __ ] love this guy so much I [ __ ] love you bro guy I would [ __ ] oh my God I love you I love you you’re actually a goat bro hold

On I’m dming this guy all right I guess I guess war is now finally Fair okay are you guys involved by the way Lum B pixel and Brock no no I’m doing my own thing I want to have fun actually I’m doing some gains man guess how many diamonds I have on me

Currently how many to many 16 clearly not enough it’s not enough bro you need like 25 of like an ore to I’m going to guess B pixel is not on my side either this will be a lone wolf moment pixel B pixel’s on my team that’s all I

Can tell you what is this freaking Lone Wolf bit I don’t get it your team is our team well then there you go okay bro whatever whatever whatever ah ah all right 19 is not terrible but could be more we could have more skeleton Joe will have to pay for his

[ __ ] stupidity I will not sleep well until that [ __ ] dies and I steal his items I’m like going further underground welcome to the if I die I’m going to be so mad also um PV said hey Brock yeah you got his attention now is your chance to be a big shot a big

Anyway I get the reference guys that’s like that one game yeah yeah dude you know it’s like that one all I found the portal again all right I’m I’m Going Underground bro the second one is unbroken I can confirm you that all right all right I made it in the nether

My items appear to still be here hey K Who funny seeing you here Mr K K my goat Mr K yeah Mr K little bit of a shocker seeing you here we’re playing MRA on the boob [ __ ] yeah and apparently they’re starting a war of each other already

Yeah yeah kind of a it’s not my fault I didn’t want this it just has to happen we should have been the pacifists bro we were going to be the pacifist we we should have been pacifist instead of using fists honestly shut the [ __ ] up I hate you so much

God oh God I’m wanted by the entire Mafia cuz I don’t wear any gold this is just like Romania me and I don’t have one l oh [ __ ] get out get out get get back in the portal this can be this can’t can be happening again okay at least I need to

Get back to the base and set my spawn point cuz I cannot be bothered always spawning after spawn holy [ __ ] my my keyboard makes my avatar move its mouth I can’t do much about that I tried giving like some pretty decent noise gain in reduction settings I’m pretty sure you

Can like modify that [ __ ] in the OBS itself I’m pretty I’m pretty sure I also have Ott on my mic Ott on your mic is insane no I don’t close threshold I’m going to do 50 with 36 I’m about to kill myself I’m actually so pissed

Off okay oh you mean Oh you mean these guys uh I know I thought it’d be funny to include them there sucker huh what did you leave anything at our old house uh the the old house at spawn yes um nothing of good use yeah you know what this will be enough I

Found two geod oh that’s cool I’m about to loot our house our old house okay yeah do that I’m trying to get up back to the surface although it’s not my pickaxe is about to die I’m like my pickaxe is near like death my axe is broken and I don’t

Have any food I am broken I am broen PV is in my chat now bro switching up on us except it’s the same stream technically sorry George n George is relieved to have him gone what B is in my chat oh [ __ ] you py dumb bro hit him where it hurts

All right I have a witch [ __ ] after me this ain’t that fun I just watch the glow squid die right in front of me and you did nothing about it yeah man you’re not a pacifist you use your fist I’m feeling evil I’m feeling evil think I’ll kill them

All the wire with the oppos with the opposite group I don’t want the opposite group I just want Joe I need his head man you should added player heads on death yeah exactly I mean you probably could you should have added player heads on death I mean then [ __ ] would

Have just farmed a bunch of heads that’s annoying yeah that’s also true R would have my head many baby zombies are there I’m going to die I’m lost Jesus Christ I mined so far down they are funny yes they are funny but it’s also gosh bro I can’t read chat so I

Don’t know what that is but this look like character spam oh my gosh they’re still they’re still chasing me those freaking baby zombies there’s five of them [ __ ] you doy bro me you want Jo to give you head what the [ __ ] did Guy J me wait George can you give me the

Course of the portal actually Brock or bexel can you give me the course of the house itself uh I’m kind of dealing with some baby zombies right now uh bexel like not here so so sucker um I’m in a cave dude you are not of help I have 19

Diamonds on me I think I’m pretty helpful get out I think I’m pretty help they get out what the hell what the hell I should let me I I can’t believe I almost died to a hoorde of baby zombies I would have killed myself no they would have killed you oh

Oh oh I get it Merry Christmas the [ __ ] Santa [Laughter] Claus the [ __ ] the [ __ ] I’m not going to play whatever you just send me on did that also end oh my God this also ended Santa Claus I love you what the I want you Santa Claus I need you on my naughty

List wow like a that’s like a whole song about that oh my gosh there’s more there’s more baby zombies dude where do y’all keep coming from from the baby zombie spawner of course no way there’s a there’s a specific baby zombie spawner somewhere in this be funny as

Hell oh my f God my pickaxe is near death oh yeah guys if you wasn’t obvious by now there’s a donate Link in my description donate to help the cause of poop [ __ ] so we can fund the mod and have the next update out the sooner the update the better of

Course this is our little hunt this is our little fundraiser casually sells out on stream re if you’re watching his stream you got to donate exactly you need to donate to me $5 to watch one hour of you if you don’t if you don’t donate you’re going to turn

Into a Goomba yeah you I you guys have IRL friends yeah said nobody ever okay sucker help me bro there’s no we you’re still in a mine right now I’m trying to get out please bro I’m stranded you want me to just tell you my

Current C oh wait I can’t tell you my coordinates at all I can’t read them right can’t just F3 if you go on Discord and look at my goddamn stream look at my look at my F3 screen currently do you I look at it as soon as

I get away from these uh goobers also nobody slept by the way everybody’s about to get a debuff oh it’s over oh I surfaced I surfaced oh what the hell did you send me py what is this what did he send you he sent me like a Mario RPG

Gift oh I know exactly what I I know exactly what key yeah yeah was wrong for that heavy pixel creeper behind you Brock send send me course to the house if you can uh I’m kind of in a pickle right now oh my God why is everybody in a pickle

[ __ ] both of you you’re so mean all right I just want to go home man I am home but I still cannot read my cor hold on hold on I think I I think I have like a screenshot of like the coordinate saved now that I’m like uh a little less

In a pickle a little less pickled where where are you guys rock and where do Minecraft screenshot save app data app data oh hold on Minecraft greens shots this is kind Of okay uh B was AFK from what it seems how do you want me to how do you want me to tell them to just [ __ ] I was muted I’m minus 42 at the moment I just met with the guy oh man also you just missed diamonds right next

To you how do you private message on stream look at the stream snipers don’t give the coordinates to the [ __ ] Bas I reached Bedrock oh yeah true just DM me on Discord oh yeah you’re right listen to them good thank you awesome DM me on Discord so they can

Look at my [ __ ] F3 tab mhm I guess it really doesn’t make much of a difference yes cuz they’re [ __ ] mean and [ __ ] imagine stream sniping honestly honestly fun police isn’t it right like you’re just straight up cheating actual loser bro no one likes

You this is why you got this is why you went through a programmers bro ooh tell him tell him oh oh yeah yeah the [ __ ] talans bexel will you join me in the war maybe I will not but where the [ __ ] were you and where [ __ ] are you currently I was eating

Pizza and I’m minus 42 right now I just told you oh Jesus Christ I Min so far down bro you think pizzer I want to die I want to die of starvation like I’m actually on the verge it’s the best what this the best

[ __ ] I’ve ever in my life oh my God to wonder that’s good you guys mind if I use the diamonds in the house okay cool Quin you’re wrong for that bro kill yourself what does he say not worth reading it oh all right [ __ ] asses come fight me if you

Dare damn said nobody ever said me I said it oh I’m sucker and I’m Edy yeah man okay so the two Villages spotted oh they found my old boat I’m pretty sure at least we have their cores to their base they might relocate for that they can’t go that

Far I mean yeah I do think they’re going to relocate they’re going to [ __ ] cuz all they had from what it seemed was uh just beds crafting table and portal yeah I know they’re relocating for sure shiny shiny shiny I want so true bro that was so bored man I’m mining swall

Swall singing that while having Delta for music play in the background is something where can I see your skin yeah I’m Walter wire um I will be right back oh vanilla you can’t to join the war man oh like they have like a an advantage

Over us so anyway I will be right back just give me a second I’m going to go get something to drink all right I found our house uh fck it f it yeah I was like lucky something sh awesome you’re awesome maybe what oh thank you someone didn’t like that and they just

Died owie no brick brick is the last one brick is kind of my goat yeah Lumin Lumin where are you oh hi please please don’t hit me I’ll die okay okay now you can’t hit me there’s have iron armor in this chest if you want oh [ __ ]

Bro never mind I’m not going to say what I was going to say but you can imagine oh my God yeah that was mine oh sickle time to lose it in the war it’s fine I’m not participating in the war but if if they [ __ ] with me well they’re not coming back a

Lot BR the main buddy they’re not coming back I think I’m swiching DS after that what Jesus [Laughter] Christ Santi stop stream sniping you loser I died by the Shipwreck oh stream snipe him uh can I take your iron and make tools sure why not I don’t care we got

Like over a stack of it so I had more as well until I didn’t yeah tell them sorry I got a little excited that’s you getting excited yeah hey we get excited in different ways okay okay I’m not going to judge I’m not the judge M Hall

Okay buddy we’re done we’re breaking up that was a good stream we’re breaking up oh my God Village they’re not talking about our village right right right right oh well that was quick uh oh lag oh yeah lag I think someone found like one of those like ruined

Shipwrecks cuz apparently if you tried to open the chest and one of them drown the ruins head asses it lags the entire server it always does that okay but I’m going to get so [ __ ] lost it’s impressive you know what pixel what do you want you are bed

Colored what uh my bed color pink yeah what pink okay I can do that thank you you’re the best thank you see why you never did this to me give you a pink bed yeah I give you a wedding ring um weird that’s not what I asked for what you you jackass um

Yeah but you’re like a uh lonely jackass cuz you’re not dating me anymore oh damn oh wrong thingy cool um on the wrong chair not part the conversation I guess I’ll side with the Enemy team and burn our house down oh wow no fault it is very much your fault

You did this I know you did this to everybody and now everybody and now everybody’s going to turn against you yeah cuz you’re a loser yeah my bad okay kid now you’re stretching it well Dam it sorry guys didn’t mean to the [ __ ] who are you bro Pro he part of the

Conversation I am here since now since never awkward oh I also said he’s going to go AFK for for who Brock oh never like that guy damn you know I’m realizing I going to have a change of heart it’s not sitting well in my nature is the server lagging or is iron

Gorm just stupid he’s stupid I know oh I was going to say the Bro forgive me but the second he saw me get closer to him he started attacking me again ass oh hey I found gold are you still in the nether no I’m in the over world I’m

Mining I’m a miner oh oh wait you can’t say that in definite Community oh awkward hi I killed three Golems the the village is going to hate you now and I hope you know that I don’t care I don’t live here anymore B pixel don’t

Want me no more who joined how do I do quests SL Quest SL quests hi do guy haven’t haven’t seen you in a while I know have you been I know try and try to not like he left you know oh he left yeah he left

What you didn’t like he can do that no man the minute the me to ask him how he is I see it I don’t want I see how it is guys as part pacifist I want to take onto my pacifist side and give Joe a third a chance although he really

Doesn’t deserve it why cuz we’re The Gang This should maybe be in the hundreds by now the hundreds hundreds what 100 chances that’s what it is oh yeah you might be right what the [ __ ] out of my bed [ __ ] face D how did I keep getting in here I don’t

Oh no shot where just found out okay it’s not from there did they just I don’t know where they’re coming from did they just come in while I open the door I don’t get it I feel like they’re going through the glass paines and just clipping in also nice

Attic yeah this is where the beds are going to be cuz the villagers can’t be trusted anymore oh okay watch them climb up the stairs that would be funny also everybody oh sleepers guys go sleep go sleep call me damn then the layer uh minus 47 oh I feel

Great I’m glad to hear that that why do you sound so unhappy for me [ __ ] cuz I’m slow he does nail I got you have bone meal oh there should be some Piel you is over is over oh I’m fast I’m supposed to talk fast hey guys I’m hey guys me wire

Welcome to another episode of M it’s just normal wire welcome back guys to another Minecraft episode yeah there it is how deep am I minus three she said minus three uh how do they get in what there’s two of them now where are they coming

From I swear to God I made sh none of them hop on the door what the [ __ ] they [ __ ] they [ __ ] shut up George they multiplying bro what the [ __ ] am I supposed to say they are quite literally duplicating I don’t know how they do it they pulled out [ __ ] agario

Multiplication that’s a reference by the way for the ones that get it don’t it it’s because Rebecca sugar was no don’t say that no no no no I had the chance to see that I did not want to see that but I got to see it hey I got

To like read it by accident uh I think on Tumblr on Tumblr oh hell no like hell not that boy stuck in time no one die cuz I just moved all the beds oh okay I better sell my new spawn point then um that’s upsetting to know trying my best bexel

[ __ ] closes his fist that’s upsetting um it’s scary because I have a witch close to me I don’t know how to fight us which yeah is it the one from the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s like a reference and a half for those who get it I got a fire

Protection for you by the way fire protection no yeah wire slowly disintegrates I hope so someday is not a wire repeller is the wire protection the [ __ ] but think he he can get rid of me that easily I my hopes up you guys will never get rid of me oo

That’s as much as you like to think it also I need to move my mic closer cuz you guys are way louder than me hey guys I’m doing far so well it’s me why I’m doing did I just say I’m doing far so well yes you very much did maybe too

Far whoa for those who don’t get it oh that’s a glow oh wait didn’t I have a [ __ ] nether Quest God damn it so can you fix the portal at our house oh yeah I S extra extra obsidian before doing so I mean you’re the one that put all the edges you edger

Whoa language yeah the portal is fixed stop eding [ __ ] George you’re so stupid bro my oh after 10 years s you’re a little late to the party w where am I did you find like a portal with a chest next to it no okay great oh great never do that please no that’s

Our portal are you kidding me you want it to be I don’t even want that [ __ ] okay you know what I’ll just do it for the quest oh wait that’s not how you do it that’s how you do it head ass I [ __ ] hate

Fnf yeah I bet that an FF FF Mark going in B pixel aren’t you an F artist yeah who joined guy he just like kept hitting like dance moves just dodging my [ __ ] attacks wait who are you talking to I don’t know you did anybody hear what he just

Said I don’t hold on why are they all coming in here get the [ __ ] out of my house think lost from the team I’ll be honest huh one RP RP right here punches you can you yell don’t get in the house I want you out oh get

Out I’m back what what happened while I was gone no guy joined VC for like 5 seconds and then left oh okay precisely because why ignored them I didn’t ignore I didn’t hear him it’s not that he ignored him we just did not hear him at

All pixel you’re evil yeah a little bit I’m evil someone need to show oh wait I know where we are oh [ __ ] I know exactly where our portal is said wire with her finger up like the nerd Emoji yeah exactly where our portal is I know exactly where our portal

Is uh let me see how mischievous can find uh F3 wait oh my God I get it I get it now where is the W all right let’s found it yeah 3 hours 50 minutes do you think I should end up streaming like 50 minutes

I mean the server will keep going yeah I know still damn it I was just wondering if I should close this stream in like 15 minutes cuz I’m about to grab my most valuable valuables uh huh where can you DM me the coordinates real quick to the

Nether no to the [ __ ] house he’s not in the house oh never mind yeah but he has it I do have it except for the fact I don’t a second what the what the heck uh whatever ass whatever whatever the same time potato tomato tomato oh my God I’m so [ __ ] good insane

That’s a reference whoa not that one I didn’t know about oh my God thank you for enlightening me problem see by pixel okay perhaps you’re not that bad yeah I know [ __ ] you [ __ ] you could have been more humble about it never Quest do I have again I just completed one 32

Arrows get out get out of here that hello was goodie bro I could have got oh my God s I’m about to make you rich no he isn’t okay I hate that I get [ __ ] T of stuff that I’ve been doing for like a long time yeah know I just

Completed one that’s like [ __ ] chop 64 logs and then I’m like oh okay what’s next chop 64 logs no not again oh I got a golden apple for that one also the first reset um you can claim the first reset within an hour but the second reset like

Happens in a day oh wait I can I can already Skip One yeah the first skip if you use like the first skip you can use another one in an hour but find a village well wow this so hard um lumic this is sick awkward what huh I got the oh that’s

Sick enchanted book of feather falling three oh that’s cool that’s good that’s trade with a fisherman two times for five splash potions of boost two boost boost to a jump boost yeah okay that’s cool that’s good I just found like a [ __ ] I found a nine Diamond re uh

Not vein do we have we have a fisherman we need a barrel for that I’ll make one are they even craft one uh two slabs and yeah yeah uh where’s a unemployed villager outside look outside just look outside they’re trying to get in our house where’s unemployed people when we need

Them everywhere but not here exactly are you stupid or something get a job I’m placing the Barrel in front of him you just it could have guess Bro think he works for free yeah fisherman fisherman all do we have Cod don’t think so uh not ideal but you know what it’s fine

Just break it and [ __ ] get it again all right guess I’ll go fishing guess I’ll go fishing guess I go yes I’ll go fishing someone’s excited to go fishing yeah yeah yeah I love fishing yeah yeah yeah shut up where you has never been fishing bam

It well that’s a debuff for me unlucky that’s a debuff for me as well as I’m Underwater title can you give me oh yeah [ __ ] I forgot give them NE I need it so bad oh man okay that’s okay oh wait I can’t do that you guys if you have any items that are on the ground before you sleep and the Sleep happens they’re going to despawn

Immediately oh oh okay I didn’t know that one probably because of the Tex being like uh come here a Fisher [ __ ] that’s right H that’s what you sound like you’re like uh when how long does mining fatigue last again uh look inside your inventory yeah I’m shifting on a [ __ ] Magma Cube you

Dumb [ __ ] I don’t know it’s like a couple seconds it’s like 30 seconds I think yeah like 30 35 seconds yeah thank you SE sucker it wasn’t that hard to tell I can’t read anything I keep telling you guys this and you don’t understand you and I can just press

E someone look at my stream and just tell them I they’re wrong please Harvest 16 potatoes so do we have potatoes um think so we don’t are you what are you streaming on YouTube or I’m streaming on YouTube Hey guys see suer this is why you play the

Game in full screen like a normal person I am then how can you not read bro monitor is like 2 in possi where is wire in DMS look at look at what I just sent you what the f then just change trying to tell you this and you guys aren’t

Listening then change the texture pack no okay then that’s a you problem yeah stupid then don’t come to me asking for [ __ ] when I can’t do something for you you can you just don’t want to it’s an L moment I guess yeah for you

For you for you for you for you you both are [ __ ] stupid shut up what the since when were you involved like since the beginning cuz Lou of [ __ ] that’s what you sound like exactly 19 diamonds let’s [ __ ] go I might get full set full diamond set 19 diamonds

Let’s [ __ ] whoa how how much you need for a full set 25 24 25 not 24 I think it’s either 24 or 28 I forgot where the [ __ ] I end those are three different Answers by the way 24 or 28 damn it 20 no it’s not

28 five for helmet five for helmet eight for chest plate that’s 13 so far seven for leggings that is 20 and four for boots 24 okay yeah 24 then it’s all coming together I’m lost also I’m trying to that’s not good lost in where the nether

Uh no in a deep cave oh not good you know what I usually do when I’m stuck in a deep cave i m straight up I kill myself I would do that but I’m very scared because I’m too deep to just excellently get gravel on my excellently

Um but where are the coordinates let me get it no one sent me the Coates please I as sucks her to and he’s a [ __ ] I told you I can’t lit his texture pack is all enchantment table language bro why why would you ever use that it’s funny yeah no [ __ ] complain when

People ask you to I’m telling you not to ask me that’s why don’t complain to me if I can’t read yeah we’re kind of buckled here why they got like the [ __ ] enchanter Brock yeah yeah been oh yeah sorry my my bad my my who even joined

Again got you hold on I got you I got you give me a second uh all right I want to see if DMS thank you uh okay why why why why why why why why what are you doing I think this would look cool what look look look down

Here like you see how this is like in the middle right here it could be like you could go down from from there since like the door would be in the middle the thing is there’s going to be chests all along this wall Here no I’m not the [ __ ] but but the entrance is already right here so even if I didn’t move that we would still have a problem fine just put a put a block of Acacia or slab of AAA right there yeah can someone else send me the course oh

Wait what soul Speed 3 huge actually so huge I’m taking that home Soul Speed 3 dude I forgot that even existed Soul speed three is [ __ ] busted oh my God I need a Cas of wood hold on first first time in the world I need aaal wood dude for

What or for the house yeah oh yeah that was my idea by the way thank thank you for giving a wood a use apprciate oh my thing is broken at the bottom left right right okay let me change that thank you for announ thank you for thank you for telling me thank

You thank you for telling me Oh my gosh my axe broke oh [ __ ] ender pearls why do [ __ ] piglins trade so slowly bro like what are you looking at it’s the same Ingot every Time doesn’t want to be scanned by a choco bar what the hell that should work right wait a minute this isn’t real gold these are chocolate coins I’m like hahaa with like a stack of ender Pearls come on pokey bear give me the [ __ ] that should it should work okay if it doesn’t it doesn’t work what did you just give me is that string you’re useless bro I brought a spruce sapling I’m just going to do that I’m going to size it to the thingy there so you can see the chat as

Well I’m going to go bring a peace offering to their base if they’re still there but I can’t risk having our [ __ ] stolen again better not to just let it let it be I let it grow God this [ __ ] gave me so much dumb [ __ ] oh wait all had this

Time oh what the [ __ ] oh quarts oo that was scary who joined this time Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac duck mac and cheese oh my [ __ ] doesn’t anymore [ __ ] hell the Rea I didn’t have any I didn’t have any logs did that you place one right there

Just so my freaking OCD don’t go nuts maybe you don’t go in front of me and I will there we go hey look at look at how nice that looks well it’s looking a lot better that’s for sure why are they blaming me for them destroying the portal that wasn’t even

Me [ __ ] ass face I’m home what I made it I made it to their base home damn it are you did yep all right well I’ve reached the 3H hour 30 minute Mark I think I’m gonna end the stream here no I’m Gonna Keep streaming so

George’s viewers go to the fire at wire Channel yeah set I’ll see you we’ll see you we’ll see you guys uh when when do we stream this again tomorrow Jes CHR day after yeah tomorrow or the day after yeah thanks I’ll just stream tomorrow anyway gonna cry goodbye guys oh my God

Home I’m gonna this here there we go oh godam it’s been it’s been for like a first stream in three years Rock get up here and sleep oh I’m sorry my bad my God Jesus Christ there I finished I just ended it oh my God yes how’s the house look so far but

Pixel so it’s [ __ ] I like this entrance at the attic it’s pretty cute I can give you that you can give you that this is cool honestly I like that I like the little down oh he has a door o I want to see if

I can find of them this was my idea actually this whole door down here that’s really cool I can give you that the interior needs a lot of work though this sh is boring as [ __ ] yeah we’re just trying to get it to actually work

And I had no idea you could do this thing with like trap doors that looks so nice it does uh yeah I I have a lot of [ __ ] oh my God I didn’t Jesus Christ iron iron gold there there diamonds uh obsidian uh car stairs that wood

Sticks Mar you have any extra um stairs stairs no but I have I I have one Acasia stair that works for me there we go Now isn’t bug go oh nice yeah I like that I like that a lot I said Peace I yeah who joined think that was what can’t tell

I’m gonna be special let’s go guy joined oh hi do guy like the fifth time yeah I didn’t no doy was here no [ __ ] I don’t know who it is actually it’s either ma chees or do guy that’s all I can tell you doy was here the entire time you just didn’t

Speak Jesus CHR I need more go okay I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am I’m going to be real with you cor it’s kind of a problem all right guys yeah yes I got some something awesome what’ you get a block of nyum nice which one what does that mean

It’s like the blue like Netherrack thingy oh one so now we can grow our own vegetation nice thanks Jesus Christ I’m like so far away Jesus Christ oh my [ __ ] god what does have the course house oh God I’m laggy not a good you want me to send you George do you want

Me to send you the cords yeah just DM me the cords okay not a good condition to fight in you going to fight no I’m fighting a gas and I’m a Soul Sand and I’m also laggy somewhat oh there we go that looks beautiful going to try and build my own

Little all righty now I can finally have some organization in this house all right I made it back alive and well congratulations Hello friends was goody lumic I want to put a window up here but I don’t know how it should look like that yeah okay Apple hey hey apple hit us

Good that was kind of happy for a second but but then you have to ruin it you and your fire at WM um yeah I want to listen no need to be such a poopy smelly head oh got him thanks your fault my fault for what what I do B

Stupid ooh you got me there being a stanky ass [ __ ] do the stanky leg do the stanky leg okay buddy I don’t know why I started sanking everywhere oh yeah do you think I should send doy the Cs to the thingy to yeah hold on I’m just going to whisper them to a

Fornite for NE not what dumbass villager almost went in the house wait that’s iron I need that go get a job stop looking stop looking into our house out the chests yeah all right kill 16 blazes are you serious right now oh that’s a deep I’m just going to cover that actually I

Can’t do that okay good oh oh I’m reaching the surface okay [ __ ] oh I’m back at the [ __ ] jungle you are yeah interesting weird yeah I’ve been like near the jungle when I I mean I was at the portal when I started like mining everything so I might as well make a boat

Oh yeah this is happening throw this this this this there we go then put this in here that’s the ship okay let me eat first this house is coming along nicely what should we do for the interior though because the pixel did say it looked pretty bland what Piel

Stupid yeah but you’re not working on the house so who should been there H uh you still yeah kind of bro’s winning with sympathy points okay this those are like this is oh wanding tror oh [ __ ] what does he sell okay I’m goingon to do that nothing good but see for

Yourself see I don’t know I don’t know the I don’t know the Minecraft meta you know what we do need Minecraft meta is K them and get the Lees don’t kill them yet I don’t need to trade something all right hold on there I got a sugar

Cane the hell really yeah yeah one sugar cane didn’t we already have sugar canane in the chest though I swear we did I got more just now oh that would have been useful before I wasted one Emerald oh oh someone someone put the uh the portal by our base back together are

We are we just fine with that now yeah someone told me to someone was me yeah all right I’m making my way back you’re going to love the house you won’t all right okay I guess I won though that’s right I’m evil do we have like five more diamonds to this spare um

There should be diamonds okay cool oh this Farmland is being a bit of a [ __ ] bit all right you know what I’m feeling romantical are you yep okay okay that was easy also does this sh work now hold on nope still doesn’t work is Mac still alive hey yeah Mac is still alive

Precisely I’m here you know M [ __ ] you get out of here he what the [ __ ] happened to L bro became possessed that’s why I don’t like him man you and your [ __ ] they’re the Antichrist [ __ ] racism bro I can’t take it yep that’s right God damn you even admitted it bro yep on

Stream on stream you already here on for guys racist I yell on the street I RAC Jesus Christ I racist and I’m proud and get up on the street guys like And subscribe I’m racist guys donate to me I want money it’s very worth donating to Bro gets one one first

Donation I’m back at the Village oh [ __ ] I can see it from the distance is that our house yeah yeah damn you guys did well you guys did really well damn I’m here destroying one so I could do like do you guys have paper by any chance I

Got plans question mark yes yes yes I should start doing my drwing why do you have armor trims why not it goes ay oh wait this is not my bed the oh this is so cool actually the hell was that wait no no please please please no

I was like three blocks away oh my you got the debuff anyway we almost all s together but we didn’t so I’m so sad why did I get the debuff cuz you didn’t sleep L I did I’m in the middle do we have pumpkin and melon seeds

I like the I like the uh the idea of someone dying of fall damage cuz you can lose half a heart there that’s really funny that is what the [ __ ] George can I have your sugar canes uh that’s it yeah that’s all I got is who’s um who’s making

Stone um I am what for oh what the [ __ ] why’ you the wait what is this why who made that what who the [ __ ] made that like second I have to all the way back up second trap door has a water bucket down there this appears to be inaccurate or unsafe

Design it really it’s not it’s it’s not unsafe though because you can have any you could land down there safely instead of like uh aren’t we to a jungle two minutes to go down yeah if by next you mean like two 300 blocks away yeah then travel through the nether the [ __ ] we

Can do that I need five diamonds bro where the [ __ ] are they what do you mean I found three already just by looking in a singular chest yeah not why fault we ar like or you have eyes right you havean [ __ ] has no category yeah please

Tell me how am I like supposed to know where the diamonds are look you [ __ ] just you in the same chest with the diamonds more than once I don’t know what to tell you I I didn’t reach that chest a CD please H oh yeah po yeah resistance have we never placed

Torches can someone throw me torches down here are the are these for melons or something hold on melons and pumpkins yeah oh that’s cool can someone throw me torches down the cave melons I need I just need three pum no those those are pumpkins I need melons oh yeah where are you are

Down should I plant beetroot or is that kind of thank you who uses be I mean maybe maybe we trading with villagers I didn’t remember like forever ago there like for quests the Harvest beetroot all right well there’s beetroot seeds in there if anyone wants to plant them H [ __ ] three more diamonds

Jeez ah it’s smarter to build iron pickaxe first all righty all right I got I got I got melon seeds sorry Diamond chest what so Diamond chest plate or diamond pickaxe diamond plate yeah CH plate might be better you literally do not need a diamond pickaxe after you get

Obsidian that is oh my God I mean if you want netherite I mean it’s not a bad idea oh yeah you do need that’s right yeah George we’re kind of [ __ ] why we’re in a bit of a pickle cuz there’s a lot of water I mean that’s fine we have magma blocks here

Ow he gets hurt by the magma I’m going to place Soul Sand over here I brought like a [ __ ] let me get a door some wait can can ladders are lad can ladders uh give you air pocket uh yes oh there you go I’ll just use these ladders then they do

Not give you an air pocket I got doors okay F Place one I’m about to look at them go you guys can get it I have wait where over here this is not safe I’m going back this is just not safe at all I to mine four Diamond

Dos do you would you mind if like he give me the diamonds sure oh [ __ ] please come on I need one more what the it goes deeper go down we need to go deeper o it goes deeper oh this is pretty bad but it’s also populated question mark someone’s been

Here Might Have Been Me Wait I I might know where yall are oh I see diamonds sick watch out watch out I heard an explosion are yall okay yeah wire’s just kind of venturing on his own that’s right barricade yourself I’m the fire at wiring oh and I’m also stupid apparently

Stupid [ __ ] you B pixel you’re never nice to me just shable what do you mean bro this was the part where you had to change your heart someone’s upset who the hell left the trap door open some jackass going to die Jass probably starts sing dude it’s Squidward [ __ ] I heard

Another explosion are you okay yeah he’s kind of that could have been better these [ __ ] ass skeletons bro all right there you go I’ve been streaming for almost 4 hours let’s go also hold on I’m going to be there in a second [ __ ] doesn’t sleep bro is

There to [ __ ] get my diamonds yeah no I really need them why do you need them full Diamond Head oh cuz after that I’ll go grinding for netherite and I’ll go kill Joe just cuz BR really is on that grind just to kill Joe yeah I respect it after all his

Stupidity he had it coming so you heard he better stream sniping for some reason that is not good what is that is not going I want two hearts holy [ __ ] [ __ ] ass spider bit me I’m like Spiderman where are you where Spider-Man Spider-Man was awesome yeah thank

You bum see it’s not that hard to be nice to people um oh wait you’re F at wi oh you’re not awesome what what the [ __ ] just like start laughing in the middle of it what the hell I frown IRL I see a bunch of torches here who was here probably Brock where are y’all right now down the cave of course 90540 626 I got to go up and make a new pickaxe the hell are they talking about I’m literally like on the same path as Brock was like a while

Ago oh they’re talking about fun police Okay police I just read the chat what the [ __ ] man what are you doing here may me Mayo I haven’t seen you in 10,000 [ __ ] years wait what one of my goats oh oh yeah I should probably hop in your

Stream actually just give me a second why you’re in VC yeah I want to see your po what not that bad oh I love how you your like description is barely like uhoh uhoh blow up Jesus Christ wait oh my God oh my [ __ ] god oh my

God God I got to get out of here you are joking oh my God I’m not okay I’m not okay I’m not okay I’m not okay I am not okay I am not okay holy [ __ ] she about to die I’m going to send this to do and DMS bro I can have

It wait what happened I died there’s three skeletons on me and four creepers yeah I I’ll just follow you George assuming you know where you’re going yeah just go up there oh [ __ ] get my bed I I’m somewhat safe for now oh my God I see you why who joined again um

Rapture who’s that oh it’s this place oh my gosh dude I I hate it being down here had sh there’s so many things down there I don’t I don’t I don’t want to be I don’t want to be here anymore I’m going back up do my own house do you

Want to see it oh my God I’m stuck here I’m working on it I’m in the middle of doing it but oh no why I see your name tag I know look at his stream bro look I’m doing it right there oh I’m doing a little Shack

Oh I might be fine I might be fine I need to make a r for it I’m making a r for it a little fishing house doesn’t have anything yeah know do something with it I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine it’s very funny very funny I found

My stuff found my stuff yes oh dude I barely made it whole holy [ __ ] how do I get out of here yes dude oh my god oh I do not I don’t trust Santi at all I’ll be honest I don’t trust him I don’t trust him either I don’t need him

To know where we live oh that’s just a bunch of Stupid Zombies cuz they’re stupid and there zombies I found my stuff bro I’m coming back home I ain’t doing that oh my [ __ ] God okay I’m oky dokie oh actually hold on I’m mine around here level up three times oh I

See dude skeletons got to be my worst enemy of all time like actually my Ops bro the [ __ ] does this [ __ ] won Greg’s drums the [ __ ] who reality I don’t know if you’ve saw if you’ve seen them before probably have oh what I don’t trust I don’t trust that one

Second as the leader of the peace gang I will meet up with them I just need to get out of this cave pixel do you need any stone or stone bricks cuz I do have excess oh I’ll come with right now I don’t are you coming with me yeah sure why not

Okay I G to have at least some assistant is that wire wire behind you hold on I’m mining Diamond damn it right here hey hold on I see you I need to kill a bunch of zombies hold on I got that skeleton off of you creeper does anyone have a singular Emerald or

Two here we go yeah let’s get out got it uh oh [ __ ] hell okay hold on okay oh you are dripping out right now watch get up get up get up do you mind sorting out the chests um yeah sure why not is there a MTH and it’s annoying I made it Out oh my God all right George don’t block it don’t block it please oh my God can’t believe I actually got my stuff back hold on I need there all right see let’s go where and now I’m going to lower my um my low my mic a little bit there we

Go hi you lagged for a SPL second you’re fine no my [ __ ] mic broke for a second second how do you make item frames um one leather eight sticks we have leather uh not on me can’t see going of so I guess I’m going to gain an achievement real quick oh oh

Wait just for this we made it out holy [ __ ] all two diamonds that’s all I need yeah that’s all I I only need two diamonds God damn it God all right why H oh right what was good I need to I oh wait there just I’m going to go meet up

With the crackheads actually can I have some food uh I don’t have much on me who has food actually I can make a bunch of oh my God Jesus Christ you good no oh my god there boys okay I’m doing something I’m going to go meet up with them I would trust

Them what don’t [ __ ] go come back just trust me don’t go there it’s not worth it come back just your team name your teammate name for Romania Crusaders you just sent cords what the [ __ ] bro all right I’m going to go meet up with them it’s probably not going to go well

Sor I have to do it if you die it’s your fault by the way yeah yourself of that we didn’t done nothing who joined mow yellow hi mow I’m on my Grinch Arc you are Happ yes this because I tried to suggest or tell people about some awesome Christmas

Names they could have and they hated them all so they I just made it this and everybody liked it so makes sense I thought my names were creative but they said that they were dog ass and that I I need like uh three more obsidian probably in the chest wait are

You guys playing Minecraft yeah who all the cows a h w can you can is it a modified version of Minecraft I just modified it’s vanilla it’s all vanilla vanilla o I think I there’ss this is I might opop on later all right did you just say this isn’t fnf

All right CED that oh yeah I forgot about that my bad you want revenge for wire yes I’m going to block this’s like a single more piece of leather for the sake of Peace oh B was there I [ __ ] got scared for a second didn’t know who that

Was [ __ ] oh yeah damn it bro move responses I’m doing an elevator that’s what I’m trying to do yeah I need a lot more C give me second I’m going to go check what they’re doing I’m going to be right back about time one of us went over into the other

VC so we got beef for now H oh holy [ __ ] yeah hell yeah that’s what I’m trying to figure out do we got beef oh my God I’m going to die I don’t want theak who the hell is that b pixel hi what are you doing I’m trying to get food or I’m

Going to [ __ ] die here I have food behind you oh thank you um awkward there you go um awkward I couldn’t pick it up I was stuck yeah all right hold on hey oh yeah um give me a second hold on I’m sleeping in my goofy bed hello what the [ __ ] we’re holding

Food while we eat what the [ __ ] H sleep TI for hour oh wait didn’t we set up the thing that we could like sit on chairs like stairs I’m oh wait uh we can I item yeah I was you have your Shield oh God damn it

What the [ __ ] uh what can I get rid of I can’t do anything with it really for me it works I can’t yeah I the one up top wait nope can’t whack okay yeah I cannot I’ll fix that later someone grabbed my carpet but okay not

Like I needed it anyway I gave it back to you I have it oh you biss ass the [ __ ] [ __ ] you bro now you’re not getting it I don’t care what you just complained that you don’t have it yeah cuz I was upset you got to care a little

Bit n not really you’re of a hater yeah you just want me to be a hater who joined back me it’s me oh going on Santi asked me for record again I was like no bro we can trust him they getting jacked dog I lit I literally said in BC Romania

Crusaders is a peaceful group we are not looking for Revenge anymore uh do we do I have wood H I do have wood we are pacifists and they are extremists extremists we we are pacifists they use their fists oh yeah 100% [ __ ] off [ __ ] you I get was going to and then

Realize I’m going to go visit them at their base via NE they don’t know where we are oh God damn I need sugar you have a lot of this like close to the Village actually uh to the side someone make a sugarcane farm I did should do that actually where next to the

Shore yeah where you down there oh yeah [ __ ] off bro I’m doing a little house fing head ass gas keeps following me I can’t find it am I stupid yeah it’s near the fisherman house if you know where that is yeah okay I found it but there’s nothing there’s nothing there

How yeah I know there’s nothing there I’m dead ass H I planted that pixel’s also there there’s nothing oh wait never mind I saw it I see it I was at the fisherman house I didn’t see it yeah it’s behind it at the shore did you pick up a torch by any chance

Rock I can give you a torch I have a bunch of them yeah just give me one okay damn it how are you the [ __ ] there’s got to be a more efficient way than just climbing up but oh well D dead ass pigs I think thing where is the thing I went

There someone’s upst why you letting a villager no I didn’t I’m not even there this looks sick actually George I didn’t do it yes you did it wasn’t me [ __ ] face hey what do you want now what do you want don’t be mean okay Ronnie commitment I’m sorry calling Ronnie commitment for Ron

Commitment is like one of the meanest person oh yeah okay uh I can confirm nobody is at their spawn their spawn point yeah know they [ __ ] off what did my cat they they couldn’t have [ __ ] off their beds are still here and their cats are still

Here I’m going to kill a horse for leather kind of hurts me to do that but it is what it is stupid horse stupid ass horse get anything stupid ass horse sck foral I need This this is what I need yes we don’t have leather do we no we don’t we’re out we’re trying to use it for the item frames for the chests y’all stole my [ __ ] item frames yes I was trying to do a painting funny [ __ ] you well we need more anyway yeah

[ __ ] n item frames Bro [ __ ] off we don’t even need that much storage yes we do we literally don’t right it’s raining question mark oh great awesome what I need maybe a banger time to fish what are you doing I’m getting rid of this floor I don’t like

It I was getting rid of the flooring I don’t like the floor I want a new one I hate the floor I need the thing though [ __ ] is like some Hollow night ass music what the [ __ ] bro what are you going to make the floor I don’t know

Yet what going upstairs like this I don’t know I’m not a builder I’m not a floorer got him some uh maybe like deep slate or something I don’t know of course my friend I don’t know maybe that’s a bit too dark for the house I’m wait do you have dark wood

Yellow FR that’s be yellow oh okay don’t get out of my face pretty sure Jo oh my God what is this we have this manyi [ __ ] god D well it’s not night time yet so oh they’re in the really could not give us of a [ __ ] I wonder if I can trust Them I like rain on sweet yeah what sorry I just a little too silent hey guys oh yeah I got it anyways I’m trying to run around their spawn and see if I can find a village that they were talking about cuz that can be their base Out oh [ __ ] sugar canes we’ll need those oh oh oh wait that’s funny would will Raz be at his [ __ ] dumbass spawn point now it’s not even Raz it’s Joe I got killed oh are they not in the same team they are they are that’s the thing Jo kind of just stupid I

Guess how do I make obsidian you uh oh my [ __ ] you poor water on lava yeah it it didn’t work it turned into Cobblestone then that’s falling lava it needs to be Lava Lava like the block I want my stone cutter right there Yeah about it it’s it’s m can I put it on my house aome okay I need books desperately thank you I have books we need a lot of leather take them away I [ __ ] did 300 chests we like not even half of them proba I don’t know what happened to the [ __ ]

Books oh wait hey are you giving them an attitude Maybe face I’ll take These like a librarian or something sleepy time sleepy that one sleepy time oh okay are they even sleeping in the same [ __ ] bed they’re not okay this is not their base for [ __ ] sakes oh I like I like the little checkerboard thing it’s it’s like these [ __ ] faces moved give you one

Ender pearl that I had let’s [ __ ] go dude I actually I will take half these the way you made it set up you could you could put Stone stairs right here and the freaking yeah I was a bit worried about that no way have I found their home have there been signs of

Population in this godforsaken Village also I found melons do we need melons no I’m actually saving this oh oh wait do I have no I don’t uh where is maybe what are you doing pixel searching for something cuz I want to grow the jungle sapling and I don’t have

Bones to do bone meal I have bones on me do you can I do bone meal real quick I’ll give them to you all Right they were on the flo so um there it is G that didn’t go so hard um thank you very much thank you thank you said Mario for some reason Mario you ought to kill yourself saying it like that why you hating all you do is hate

George no I’m not God holy [ __ ] I want to say that oh [ __ ] none of you business Mr wire don’t call me mister you’re mister pixel question burnt o sh up ooh Burnt I found something that they maybe haven’t found oh oh there goes oh oh yeah they haven’t found this oh they’re all leaving the game yeah I guess they’re going to we can have fun now we can have fun now I love how like five people left and there’s

Still a good amount of people that haven’t left yeah like this I think makes sense maybe why what are your C right now I’m at a Pillager Tower don’t mind me yeah I know cuz I was going to I’m trying to find base give me minut

Do you know their CS to the portal like yeah over it’s at the Bastion like at the TIY top of the Bastion there’s like a bridge just follow that you might see like three planks of Oak going upwards that’s where I built mhm R what the hell are you doing here

Hello can you not hear me no we now any I hoed off noticed I I spawned in the [ __ ] Soul Sand biome D I need the cords hold on how are we feeling about the mining craft I’m still streaming I know yeah why still streaming yeah but I want to hear your guys’s

Opinions on the minecrap so far yeah CU I think it is not going to plan at all I got really pissed at Joe why cuz he killed me twice okay to be fair yes but like I don’t know I wouldn’t have really cared if you

Guys killed me I mean about you yeah but you’re R he a’t about you this is Joe and Santi cuz they’re both stupid they are both really stupid I tried my best to be like guys let’s go and build a base and then we accident found like you

Guys we were trying to look for a jungle to build in you know I made like a little portal in the jungle and Y [ __ ] broke it yeah I don’t know why the [ __ ] did that dude that’s what pissed me off you’re doing that babysitting just

Put like there then don’t dig one more there we go you know maybe you are on the true neutral side yeah no I’ve tried I really wanted to be like annoying but I can’t like the my moral compass is like bringing me to being more neutral

Cuz like I have two Maniacs on my team I really tried to kill Joe but I couldn’t find y’all for the life of me yeah I know where yall live but like I don’t know where your actual base is cuz you definitely don’t live we’ve we’ve moved

Three times we’re there anymore that was so I was so [ __ ] sure that bro so over I’m still on the hunt by the way I’m trying to search for your base L yeah I think we’ve settled into something comfortable now so if you find us it’s like J for

Us you don’t happen to be in a Oak Village right that was the first base we had oh so am I close or far I don’t [ __ ] know not that you tell me I will be going to bed now though cuz I’m holy tired did you have fun my friend

I I did after the whole funny war [ __ ] happened did you even notice that I put like a peace offering at y’all’s base no or whatever’s left of it yeah I did that [ __ ] I I don’t think I think we abandoned that base before you saw it

Oh I thought You’ still like stay there considering there’s beds and your cats so why wouldn’t you like stay there oh brick just doesn’t care about them that’s bricks the yeah did log off there so I mean if you want to be rude and kill them you can I

Guess I ain’t got no be for them bro yeah it’s all J you want me to cover up this chest goodbye friends also waiter as one last time yeah what’s up what did Santi even intend by sending coordinates I don’t know cuz they kind of just like

Meet me here and I’m like oh okay I can’t I can’t read Santi at all they’re like playing their own game it’s like I have two loose cannons on my awesome team which is going something oh yeah the most wonderful Duo ever um wonderful is questionable yeah that was being

Sarcastic in that regard also trust me I really wouldn’t have minded kicking Joe’s ass if it came down to it but like I don’t think I can bring myself to [ __ ] kill all of y’all because of it really n saying like we gota we will get into

The mindset sooner or later where it’s just like die but for now I’m vibing is the first day not reing yeah that’s what I’m saying I was trying to tell like it’s the first day like don’t do any like stupid griefing or like I was even going to say like don’t even go

To the nether cuz like that’s too much I mean we are we barely did we went to the Nether and we found like a Bash that’s pretty much it yeah we basically did the same yeah you found the same bash we found yeah cuz that’s how small the nether is

It’s not really that small but yeah are we doing uh the [ __ ] every day likely yeah cuz I will probably only be streaming like once a week in that cas I not streaming one hour I made it to the nether are you with them or not I just

See you in the chat doing jack [ __ ] like completely separate from them oh damn bro alone wolf he puts on his little Hood it was so funny when you just join out of nowhere you weren’t in any VC I like how that surprised all of us yeah I know it really did

Though no cuz I was like what the D the [ __ ] I love how like the first second when doy joined it was like pure confusion because we you [ __ ] kidding me I just killed myself I’m back dude I hate the nether we’re going to the ne yeah yeah I

Just lost all my armor and I just lost like pickaxe and I just lost like all my to get your [ __ ] items back yeah dude I’m going to bed I’m actually shooting myself bro also [ __ ] Melo just joined our VC and was like I’m with you guys now oh no

Bro I don’t know what that’s all about what do you think of the house now uh it’s go look at it but I know this is a good setting but I don’t like how we started off aggressive wait yeah no I don’t either I really wanted to not do that

Yeah NE that’s also I’m gonna subscribe to you while your let’s go wait yours up to me either what subscribe on YouTube Bro on the YouTube yeah on the I like the wall how am I supposed to see this gas dude yeah you guys said

There was too many um chests so I just got rid of them and just did that instead okay fair enough fair enough what was I doing again oh yeah right I will be leaving now and going to bed cuz I’m [ __ ] tired will youing thep tomorrow yeah

Yeah I don’t think I’ll be streaming it though yeah lot of people holy [ __ ] goodbye good night I hate that guy oh my God what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] well then a they got one of our villagers or two of them actually what you guys talking them up um a giant

Horde of zombies spawned and killed two of our villagers oh oh it’s fine okay okay oh no the villagers I loved them oh no love I loved her my heart my heart I love the her I love the her love the her I love the

Heart I love the heart my heart I L the her why is that like a dick what what do you mean the biggest self report in the entire West Kanye West W yeah tell him George oh anyways I want to try to make my way

Back to the base now for I cannot find them for the life of me they’re base is just gone no the it’s gone it’s probably too far away from us yeah yeah know trust me I’ve been looking around the [ __ ] portal area like a couple hundred blocks away I can’t find

Them damn it that’s a little bit annoying oh it’s better that is SL oh [ __ ] another smoker don’t mind if I yink don’t mind if I yink also I guess it would be beneficial to kill the Iron Golem as well but I won’t oh depth is always the best thing

To add to the builds let’s go yeah CU When you do houses and [ __ ] like that depth is like number one to make [ __ ] look cool I found that out yeah yeah yeah dude then you have a lot of depth yeah that’s what I’m doing right

Now I used all my giving you a compliment dick cheese thank you thank you no problem okay the [ __ ] don’t kill yourself when I like add some to it it actually is kind of fun it would be funny if I got steel I’d be upset it’s the only

Thing I be or so it seems I mean what else am I going to do the [ __ ] kind of quest is that gas this tweet it’s urgent my tweet it’s urgent okay I guess I will all right I’m good now hello friends and family in chat

Maybe maybe oh my God I thought I was going to fall to my three types of categories friends family and chat and maybe and maybe that’s a whole different substit going be impossible to find nether fortress because of this render distance dude what what R render distance are you playing

On make your one block thicker I have it set I have mine set like high but it’s it’s it’s not client based so I can’t oh it’s by one block this way this way why I don’t know it’ be funny well then but then I

Mean I mean if if it really bothers you for it not being censored on the path you can also extend it other way like like of the top and like a I need to R probably look in the wrong direction then like that moving everything would

Be such a hassle as well to get but I wanted uh can I just yes there grab that this dude I left my awesome sauce cat in my room I forgot about him ow stupid as [ __ ] is still in my room I know he kind of just chilling I think he ate the

Cockroach how’ you get the cat anyway already left the game holy [ __ ] huh how’ you get the cat anyway some other cat gave birth M oh really they can do that a baby kitten or something no he’s pretty Big listen stop making fun of me what [ __ ] Piel ass I funny like no I don’t know someone’s got a dirty mind it wasn’t even that I was just find it funny as you sleeping yeah how did you know oh I know you so well that’s what I sound

Like oh I’m in your house you are what you want for my house what the [ __ ] Little J came up my B thank you what the [ __ ] do little G you want stupid ass cat okay man I have such a way to speak into pets cuz Roo climbed up on my bed he

Wanted pets [ __ ] ass you when my pet one like no no you can’t do that mother so goated knock knock I moved that’s a Bastion that’s I’m not gonna I’m not gonna I’m not going to find a fortress ever because of the stupid render distance Sebastian can you guys oh he’s climbing on

Me what’s wrong with that he’s attacking me I probably don’t want to go in here though so I’m I’m not I’m still trying to play Minecraft leave me alone get away from my mic little guy be he’s so stupid he’s blind in one eye is he yes yeah that’s why I know he

Was born with one blind ey when did uh did Enderman have that like wavy effect whenever they were like uh what the this [ __ ] started biting my [ __ ] microphone cable bro’s angry’s really smart he’s angry I cannot tell what you’re trying to do right now me yeah I’m just improvising my goofy SC

Oh got to move these cuz I was trying to do like before depth but now like just really on the front like edit all right I guess I have a cat now Dam oh really know the this motherfucker’s all up in my face what the you just left your fur on me you

[ __ ] oh my God he’s so huge ow he’s biting me I can’t even play Minecraft anymore play with the for a bit I am where you going what the [ __ ] oh he’s put my face [ __ ] you oh did I hear what the [ __ ] oh he’s climb on my

Desk what the [ __ ] don’t eat that no no he’s eating my Q-tips what is your problem those are not edible you hungry as [ __ ] oh no he’s climbing on my shoulder Head and Shoulder sponsored oh [ __ ] get your ass out of my face bro he’s moving my microphone if you can hear

That oh wait what this get my items I’m so TI of this [ __ ] ass cat Chad Chad I’m sorry I can’t play this cat is too distracting I’ve been sitting like looking at one block cuz I keep playing with this [ __ ] [ __ ] ass cat he pressed on my jump

Button what’s good stupid ass cat oh y’all are sleepy sleepy s a long time sleep godam I do like the visual of like the night passing by though who joined it’s me who’s that oh dude the guy in the other VC is like awesome who the MCH oh the M yeah we

Figured Oho he’s climbing on me no oh [ __ ] I I I started at playing the Minecraft and I quit damn you tell him to quit and then you [ __ ] call him back what the hell oh thank you he’s robbing himself against the [ __ ] microphone I’m so

Tired of yeah that that I heard I heard that as well oh my God stop climbing on me what is wrong with you there goes that guy yeah oh my God all this [ __ ] wants his attention I mean it’s a little cat I wonder why yeah what the

[ __ ] I wish mine woulded attention oh she [ __ ] wants just like to run away old [ __ ] wait until it gets older then it’ll revert back to like waning attention ow started biting my she never needed that’s what I’m upset about he started biting my eyebrow D [ __ ] eye what you sayel

Like she never wanted attention that’s the problemed yeah she was like always a [ __ ] dependant [ __ ] n I’m telling you just wait until the cat gets older damn it I don’t have stairs all right he set himself on me oh never mind he’s climbing on my head and

Shoulder and shoulders knees and toes knees and I guess it’s is a good time to end stream cuz I will not be playing apparently I’m sorry really good actually I like the B why are you biting me you know what [ __ ] you I’m tired of you you’re staying on the floor forever

Took a personal that’s right I’m evil evil with the cats can you guys give me course to home don’t climb back on me what the [ __ ] oh my God he set his ass on my chest you know what you can stay there we got pacified vanilla wants to jump VC I know oh

God oh God can’t wait for them to come like a you call me chunky I hate you I hate you yeah to you they’re GNA be upset I don’t feel like it oh thank you no problem that’s not I’m playing one hand I just accidentally took a screenshot there I can’t

Tell there’s a stairs see oh yeah I can’t tell it’s fair enough what the [ __ ] I ran outs like a minute ago so so do you have any way of doing stairs I don’t have wood I have wood I just don’t have stairs what the [ __ ]

Stop fighting me this dumb ass get D all downstairs ow he’s trying to bite my thumb that I’m trying to jump with [ __ ] you oh there they are wait oh I don’t know why I’m jumping there all right I’m on my way home sort of with a

Cat there you go that pretty good well it’s a it’s a roof you guys making another house I’m doing my house I thought we were all going to live in the same house I want to make I know like I my little house we can have a little

Civilization but we already have a civilization that’s why we build our house in the village well yeah but those are villagers I want to have my own separate house that’s like smaller actually Dam this no oh my God this cat is so heavy you fat [ __ ] is this is this your

Place uh what oh yeah this is my place yeah I was building this my own custom design was helping me with it oh it’s literally just us on the server now is it oh it is it’s literally us it is literally just say the cool one so yeah I’m doing my own

House I jumped to the water accidentally it’s need should I go tree who [ __ ] CAU my tree though I did haven’t even found another Fortress what do you think we find nether sorry I can’t hear it lion what did you just say I was trying to get

Saplings yeah I find did you get sapling uh no oh the [ __ ] oh that’s my pickaxe that was my pickaxe uh is the iron one yeah so thank you I mean you don’t really need like um what’s it called to find the nether fortress to get bro [ __ ] is eating all my

Everything it’s a bit weird it’s a dumb it’s a dumb little cat if I like it he’s dumb right stop fighting my thumb he keeps seeing me pressing space bar to jump and he thinks it’s like some sort of worm he keeps attacking me [ __ ] funny [ __ ] try explor and get

More wood cuz I need dark wood I have a lot of wood on me actually I need a lot of the dark one specifically and I need to venture for that that’s my is a bit of an idiot no [ __ ] composter composter villager my Godus y remember that guy yes I do

Remember I us watch I never watched him but I think he wasn’t he like in uh The Annoying Orange show on Cartoon Network it was an Annoying Orange show thing before you like freak out the thing he was out for was a fake that’s the [ __ ] my mic Clos

Allegations fake end uping the guy’s life and it was kind of sad legitimately depressing can one of y’all go through the uh nether portal by base and tell me what the coordinates are I got lost again actually no don’t you you don’t have to I think I have them saved actually let me

Look uh right okay yeah I have it safe never mind [ __ ] [ __ ] I scar no not him I almost drowned in Minecraft oh God hiccups I thought you were laughing at me the [ __ ] sock if you was evil why is there a chicken in why is there like a Zombie Pikmin like uh

Like riding a chicken in the nether why not how did the chick get there probably went through the portal oh be hello be oh God ow I’m trying to pet this [ __ ] he wants pet and then he bites me okay I found the I found the portal I’m out

Good is insane shut up he’s attacking my head with his dumbass claws my cat might be autistic did yall know autism actually runs through pets what yeah some can be dwarfism as well down syndome I’m pretty sure oh hey George hi my God I’m D holy [ __ ] oh that is not

Good why do we just have a whole bunch of bamboo by our house now I want bamboo want bamboo I see the house you’re making over there it’s my house it’s my it’s masika Dam it I can’t run what the oh this going to take so long oh my God

This idiot you’re climbing on my keyboard bro what do you want no I can’t run to the F to back I wanted to see if I could get wood but like the biome is so damn big I got nothing please wait for me that’s a bit of a problem

Actually this [ __ ] is right in front of me on my Des desk wait for me don’t sleep please Please oh oh I’m almost there I can see the house you can see the house oh I can see the house holy [ __ ] all you got in my face with his ass what like I don’t know what’s up with this [ __ ] cat he keeps showing his ass to my face yes yes me

All I’m so slow hello what are you doing I’m on my way home by the way getting it cuz I’m really lost I need uh I’m sleeping your bed’s at your house there oh there goes the time God okay now I’m going to heat up yeah Phantom exists that’s annoying um food food

Food I’m going to heat up this with is there any coal there is this I’m going to take just for a moment and I found 14 emeralds holy [ __ ] huge oh my God you have food in your inventory what are you doing I think I’m

Going to get off the server for now no don’t all right would you be down to tomorrow um if I have time tomorrow all right that’s fair enough all right I’ll see yall later byebye right oh that did not Go BR not in some motivation that’s another portal I’ve never seen that portal never mind what he’s never seen this portal that’s our old portal I got back to our old portal there God I [ __ ] hate Birch by the way just like anly goated ass [ __ ] wood type I

Can’t [ __ ] use it you can use as like a good floor or a ceiling I guess though found another Port bro what is with these portals bro get your ass out of my face Orange oh what is this portal I fixed your portal that you wrongfully accused me of

Breaking that’s their old base who the [ __ ] is calling Draco you [ __ ] face get Draco in the server no what oh Oh my God this stupid little [ __ ] is about to go in my dad’s Room you know my my dad I don’t think he’ll like him there oh that’s the also on my way home I’m trying to find the dumbass ER buy treasure that I found this [ __ ] looted this shit’s diluted are you diluted open ohed hey I’m goed we’ll talk about it what what are

You trying to say you know what I’m trying to say where’s my super suit to be SE where is my super Suit stupid ass cat oh now you’re sing on sitting at my window bro contemplating does anyone have to course to the portal in the nether whoa in the nether in the nether in the nether in the nether that was a w voice crack really care Chad I’m sorry I failed you you sure

Diduck you’re not my know you’re not his what the straight up just [ __ ] write them down the main you’re not here anymore so well then all right I’ll be on my way home now can you resend me the course please the C to the house

Mhm here just give me the course to the portal I’m not there when you get there I see like a portal over here that’s their old portal then there is another portal somewhere like near near that one yeah man also I overshot the [ __ ] Base by a long shot

Apparently that’s inside of the house by the way yeah I get it all right I’m just going to go through this portal whatever happens happens e yeah this is our old portal stupid ass cat now bro’s giving me the silent treatment bro hates you yep

Hey guys hey guys I got a m music oh yeah all right I’m close enough to the house now you’ll be able to see me in the ocean Somewhere also I’m hungry as [ __ ] same I’ve been streaming for like 5 hours bro i’ been stre streams for like 3 hours 30 minutes that was good Enough y want to keep playing by the way I’m still playing I’m not sure yet cuz if majority of y’all are popping off I’m going to just close the server for today yeah I think I’m about done for the day give me a second get at least something good on

The [ __ ] fishing oh my god there it is oh goodbye suer goodbye I’m out Bo by never like that guy he actually left yeah what did you think was going to happen like they just you know left the game it’s like took too early could have been a good

Item how do I miss up how long you playing for try I get back to Bas I’m probably leave all right just leave the server but not same here pixel are you fine with closing the Sur plane tomorrow just want to get something on fishing give me a

Second I just want to get something I promise then after I get something I’ll tell you and you can CL you’ll tell me please no I don’t want fish huh said the Villager God why am I so voice cracky drink water I am really dehydrated puffer fish doesn’t count that’s a r

Portal I got us a heart of the sea for those who give a [ __ ] I’m right here thank you what oh okay find a ruined portal what the [ __ ] no damn what I see villagers [ __ ] outside of course you had react to that yeah obviously had react to that I

Walk outside and I see [ __ ] not not you wasn’t talking about you shut up all you do is hate bro you’re just a hater I’m sorry did I sh over my head yeah you did yeah oh damn he did what the [ __ ] all right well I’m home still

Boating are you also in the middle of the [ __ ] ocean yeah oh wait now this thing is supposed to work 2 there we go right now I put on the reactive images thingy because for some reason it only works on specific people no [ __ ] it I don’t care I got

Something that’s all I need I’m just going to sleep and that’s it I’m done yeah about that I can’t really but where are you guys where are you guys I’m my where did you make your new house the shore oh uh behind oh at the shore like

Next thingy are you like the friendly neighbor yeah Bic I made a bubble oh what the hello my friend hello I’m not on the PC right now give me a second bro it’s not on the computer comp yeah like I got something on fishing if you want to close the server

Go ahead I don’t have play tomorrow is going to be a new day for the server yeah man we’re probably going to stream for around the same time five hours yeah yeah cuz like the only thing about this when it’s like really late it started like hurting my head severely that’s why

I’m saying like like 5 hours of thep should be more than enough welcome back no it’s just because it’s really really [ __ ] late the only thing oh yeah I can just leave this I way just FK let me look at my house at least yeah no one said you can’t dumb

Face dumb face yeah that’s pretty sweet like legitim you [ __ ] with it yeah I’m happy with the [ __ ] George all right think that’s will you be heading off the SMP for today I’m pretty sure yeah okay I’m going to yeah okay good I’m going to thing in my armor real quick should I’m going to trim it do you have any is lazuli it’s in this chest right here the one with

The thanks no problem bro it’s so done no not really Ingot or Crystal I didn’t need to die oh my [ __ ] God wait where do you like this meting table God damn it uh me see oh I didn’t know it took from the armor trims as well well then the [ __ ] all right

Then I’mma Hop Off poop [ __ ] in time oh yeah goodbye chat I’ll see you tomorrow or some [ __ ] I don’t know around the same time byee byebye byebye all right have a good time have a bad time ooh

This video, titled ‘DAY #1 | POOPSHITTERS SMP | That’s right friends’, was uploaded by FireAtWhire on 2023-12-03 00:41:31. It has garnered 57 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:30 or 18510 seconds.

Oh yeah, we’re starting an awesome Minecraft SMP

  • Deceiving Minecraft Confession

    Deceiving Minecraft Confession Minecraft: A Journey of Lies and Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure filled with lies and challenges in the icy winter weather. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the game, encountering unexpected twists and turns along the way. Unraveling the Story The protagonist sets out on a quest to find brawl stars’ Aki el primi, facing various obstacles and puzzles. As they progress, they come across intriguing messages that urge viewers to subscribe for a chance to grow old in a beautiful place. However, the protagonist humorously advises against subscribing, adding a playful twist to the gameplay…. Read More

  • Mine to the Beat: Touching Gray Ends, Video Ends #minecraftshorts

    Mine to the Beat: Touching Gray Ends, Video Ends #minecraftshorts In the world of Minecraft, where colors hold power, One wrong move could make the video sour. Gray is the enemy, a touch means the end, But finding a diamond, that’s the ultimate trend. Villages to explore, signs with a warning, A mysterious figure, the plot is unfolding. Subscribe to escape, a spell to break free, The narrator’s fate, in the hands of the key. A house to call home, a bed to rest, But beware of the colors, they put you to the test. Noob or pro, the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where stories are… Read More

  • Shady Mods and Boat Rides – Minecraft Ep. 59: German Build

    Shady Mods and Boat Rides - Minecraft Ep. 59: German Build In the world of Minecraft, adventures unfold, With shaders and mods, the story is told. Exploring the land, with a boat we set sail, In survival mode, we never fail. With tips and tricks, we navigate the game, Building our world, with blocks to claim. From oak farms to lucky pickaxes, We craft our way through all the axis. But beware of the monsters that lurk in the night, With gold blocks to mine, we must be quick and right. As the journey continues, with each new day, In the world of Minecraft, we will always stay. Read More

  • EPIC Raid in 1.21 Update!

    EPIC Raid in 1.21 Update! Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update: “TRIAL CHAMBER Raid!” The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update has finally arrived, bringing a plethora of new features and challenges for players to explore. In this episode of The Optimistic Survival Series, our protagonist embarks on a thrilling adventure to conquer a brand new Trial Chamber. Let’s dive into the action-packed journey! Trading for the Trial Explorer Map Our adventure begins as we head to a nearby village to trade with a cartographer for the Trial Explorer map. After some persistence, we finally secure the map and set our sights on the Trial Chamber…. Read More

  • Get Minecraft Free on PC 2024 – No Launcher Needed

    Get Minecraft Free on PC 2024 - No Launcher Needed Unlocking Minecraft for Free: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction Creeper craft welcomes you to a tutorial on how to download Minecraft for free without the need for any launchers or complex configurations. The process is made simple and straightforward for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Downloading from Microsoft Store At the beginning of the video, the tutorial covers the process of downloading Minecraft from the Microsoft Store. This step ensures that you have the necessary software to proceed with unlocking the full version of the game. Unlocking the Full Version The tutorial then delves into the crucial step of unlocking the full… Read More

  • 100 Days in Zombie Hospital: Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Zombie Hospital: Minecraft Hardcore The Epic Adventure of Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Hospital in Minecraft Hardcore Imagine a city overrun with the infected, where you and your friend have to survive for 100 days in a hospital at Ground Zero of the Apocalypse. Your mission is to build roads, find other survivors, and create a post-apocalyptic settlement inside the hospital. You must send flares for air drops, signal other survivors, and most importantly, survive the endless hordes of zombies emerging from every building. Can you make it through this intense challenge? Day 1: The Beginning of the Survival Journey As you… Read More

  • Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft!

    Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft! Minecraft Community Server: Join the Adventure! Calling all Bedrock players! Today marks the launch of a new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, and all players are invited to join in on the fun. How to Join: Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start playing. Get ready for an exciting adventure filled with building, exploring, and collaborating with other players. Don’t miss out… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft Hardcore for the First Time!

    Beating Minecraft Hardcore for the First Time! Exploring the World of Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft Hardcore as our protagonist takes on the challenge of completing the game for the first time in this mode. With a mix of excitement and determination, they navigate through the game’s landscapes, facing various obstacles and adventures along the way. The Adventure Begins From the moment our protagonist sets foot in the Minecraft Hardcore world, the stakes are high. With limited resources and the constant threat of permadeath looming, every decision becomes crucial. Survival instincts kick in as they gather materials, build shelters,… Read More

  • Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem!

    Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, Ronaldo and Messi play, Their adventures in blocks, in a creative display. With a lie detector in hand, the truth they seek, In a virtual world, where friendship is unique. Messi’s house is grand, with a garage so wide, Ronaldo explores, with a detective’s pride. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, Their Minecraft journey, a tale well-spun. So subscribe to their channel, join the fun, In the world of gaming, where victory is won. With Minecraft facts and rhymes that ignite, Ronaldo and Messi, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Jef’s Hilarious Minecraft Prank!

    Jef's Hilarious Minecraft Prank! Exploring the Hilarious Adventures of Jef in Minecraft! 😂 Join Jef on a side-splitting journey through the world of Minecraft that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Watch as Jef navigates through the game with humor and excitement, creating a truly entertaining experience for viewers. Unveiling the Laughter in Minecraft As Jef embarks on his Minecraft adventure, the gameplay is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. From hilarious encounters with mobs to comical mishaps while exploring the vast landscapes, every moment is sure to keep you entertained. Humorous Gameplay Moments Witness Jef’s antics as he navigates… Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: Minecraft Server IP: ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

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  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

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  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱Video Information hello everyone welcome back to the chill Survival series we are standing in front of the mum that we buil in the last episode and we did a little bit of the Interior live on stream the other day this is how it looks inside at the moment and today we want to do something else I prepared something over here and we want want to build a bee farm in this episode a bee farm and a b Sanctuary I’d say we built well kind of like a bee house a greenhouse that is a beeh house… Read More