INSANE Diamond Armour Unveiling! Minecraft Hardcore Live

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Oh my God what’s going on everybody happy Friday I hope you guys have a fantastic start to your weekend and hopefully this is the start for your weekend coming here hanging up with me playing some Minecraft trying to get through this hardcore survival uh I think we’re on day 39 39 right

Now uh 39 out of 100 that’s our first goal 100 so we still have obviously 60 is days to go give or take uh uh a little bit just because of you know how time works but but I think we could do it I think we could do it um if you’re

New here my name is the Phoenix and uh yeah that’s pretty much all you need to know uh we’re mostly a Minecraft streamer uh here on this channel uh actually almost entirely Minecraft now uh we used to do other games um and I do have a second channel

So we might get into some other games uh in the future but but for now we’re going to stick to Minecraft and uh Minecraft kind of exclusive content on this channel and uh hopefully grow from there Dakota first one in here let’s go buddy let’s get it

Started love to see it love to see it um I probably should share this but Yeah unfortunate unfortunate just a second there guys we got two likes on the stream already thank you thank you uh copy link go to Discord it’s past everyone oh we’re up to 205 subscribers uh what do I make in 200 days instead of 100 days in Minecraft

Just a thought we could definitely do that we could definitely do that I think we’re just going to aim for 100 days first 100 days is going to be our Benchmark and then uh yeah from there from there we um what are we going to do from 100 days we can

Go to I don’t know 200 could be could be doable that could be our next challenge we can do do increments of 100 or we go uh we can make it all 10 times harder so like we go from like 100 to 1,000 days I don’t know what your guys

Thoughts are on that but that’s an option that is an option um all right I guess we could jump right into it here 100 to5 500 yeah we could do that too sh that’s that’s uh a good idea right there let’s uh yeah let’s hop right over all right all right all right

Hopefully everything’s looking good on your guys it seems fine on mine but yeah so last episode we were able to get sharpness three on our diamond sword so that’s going to help a little bit I wish we could have got five five would have been really nice that’s okay though uh

What else oh we also got protection three on our Diamond chest plate now we all we need um excuse me uh Diamond Legs Diamond Helm and diamond boots and we also need to get those enchant up cuz I don’t think like one enchant is like super good for

Um for for like diamond gear like I feel like you should definitely have multiple enchants of course when we get diamond boots one of our biggest things is going to be feather falling um getting the max level feather falling excuse me on our boots uh yeah cuz you know it’s really

Quite a pain in the butt to die from fall damage on a hardcore series or you know if something ends up attacking us from behind and bumps us into you know whatever it’s going to bump us into who knows what that might be um oh excuse

Me sorry guys I just ate and I’m extremely gassy from that uh all right so we have our diamond pick there we don’t really need it for anything it’s kind of going to end up in I don’t know maybe we’ll put it in an item frame what do you guys think of

That throw that diamond pick in the item item frame almost broke first diamond pick kind of thing I I kind of like that idea uh Power one we don’t need but Unbreaking 2 is good I would love to be able to combine those once we get an

Anvil which we should be pretty close to here um hard to say though cuz we keep going through all of these things and of course we also have our first diamond sh shovel so that’s pretty banging um let’s see let’s get three three iron picks

Uh I kind of want to put efficiency on them like a low level of efficiency or Unbreaking trying to die like you did that one time I’m going to try my best not to I think uh I think we can get to day 100 easily uh the real challenge is going to

Be when we go on to the Ender Dragon uh boss fight as well as wither and especially the warden with the warden being uh I think to date the most overpowered boss in Minecraft so it might be a little difficult to kill the warden it might be I don’t know

I think we’re we are going to be all right uh yeah let’s just throw this in here efficiency 2 will take it efficiency 2 will’ll take it and I’m breaking to an efficiency to so that’s going to be our our good pick uh we don’t have any coal do we are

We all out of coal there’s no way we’re out of Coal we got to have coal somewhere ah shapi where we going uh throw that in there yeah let’s let’s go see if we can get some coal cuz I thought I just went mining for coal last episode but I could be wrong would be the first time I’ve been

Wrong I’m just waiting for the one time I miss that that jump and hit like one pixel and just die it’s going to happen I’m going to like try to adjust like last second and I’m just going to like hit there I can almost guarantee it uh yeah we have coal don’t

We we really not have any coal oh I guess yeah storage room Stu what am I thinking my oh my what am I thinking that don’t make no sense that doesn’t make any sense all right let’s go bet you right in here yeah there we

Go we do we have torches I don’t think we do we’ll take half for torches and half for okay we took a little more than half probably should should not have shift clicked and manually done it myself but that’s okay live you learn you laugh all right uh yeah we’ll cook cook

That up cuz we definitely definitely need some more Steak yo bacon what’s going on buddy welcome welcome welcome good to see you in here bro how’s uh you’ve been playing Roblox right how’s Roblox been going have you been I’m good bro uh I’m good back to streaming back to making some content when I can you know doing

What I can you know what’s good you know what’s good playing some Minecraft I’m mining away right now on Hardcore quite literally at this point cuz I need Diamonds all those are so freaking Deep all the way all right let’s go down this one let see what we got down here I’m going to switch you outs bing bada boom that’s what we like to see yeah I’ve been good buddy I uh I hope you’ve been doing good as well what you been up

To I haven’t seen anything from you lately I haven’t seen or heard from you much that’s definitely like partially my fault I am a terrible friend when it comes to keeping in contact all right if we can find some diamonds like quick though that’d be great like just the next few like M

Shafts we dig out just a ton of diamonds please I don’t want tough I want diamond it would be really nice if I could get like a fortune three pick too but I don’t think we’re going to get that lucky we did find some diamonds though right away that’s that’s a good sign

That is a good sign just the one oh no ah I knew there was another floor Diamond always good to double check always good to double check unfortunate unfortunate we’ll take the L on that one I guess only two only two could be worse could be worse could have been

None all right come on come on diamonds where you at where you at diamonds you only gave me two there you got to give me what we need seven for legs four for boots five for for a helmet three for a new pick and whatever other tools like a diamond

Ax would probably be good too so we need at least uh a lot of diamonds yeah I can’t math right now I’ll be 100% my math is to say yeah ter at least I believe 13 for for just armor right now cuz we already have a

Chest plate so we don’t got to worry about the chest plate at Least but we do however need a new pick an axe would be good but it’s not necessary and what else I mean a shovel would be good again not necessary but with enchants I mean becomes pretty necessary all righty all righty actually you know what I’m just going to dig Over all right one two yep okay down here we Go you know I actually considered like just making a nether portal cuz I think I have enough durability left on my diamond pick to uh get through all the obsidian I would need and then going to the nether strict strictly for um some nether quartz so we could get

Uh get some observers going and start an automated Miner like an automated Diamond miner because doing this by hand sucks and and I mean I’m sure it’s not the most entertaining gameplay for you guys either I hate just mining endlessly on stream I would rather be building or or adventuring or or fighting mobs or

Something but before we do that we need to prepare we need to prepare preparation must begin you know let’s see any any diamonds in here with the old red stone sometimes you get lucky and they get clustered together this is not one of those times this is not one of those times at

All I know like they nerfed diamonds and stuff spawning like in Bedrock but like or not Bedrock uh deep slate I get these lower levels cuz they want you to explore the massive caves full of mobs more so than strip mine but I would rather strip mine cuz at least this way

I can tict tap you know if I have to fight something at the same time or you know not going to fall on a lava pit hopefully I shouldn’t add this level because you know there is bedrock below us but and I honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen

Lava this low so it should be all right Yay another hole has been dug all right let’s go come on come on give me some diamonds come on game give me some diamonds I need more like I said I need at least 13 right now if my math is correct which is probably not so feel free feel free to correct

Me but at least 13 to uh finish our armor set and then uh from there we need our tools uh we already have a diamond sword so we need a pick an axe a shovel we could do a diamond ho but it really I don’t think it would make a

Difference cuz like I don’t think we’re going to be tilling that much dirt anytime soon I mean I could be wrong we could start like a massive automated Farm project too It’s hard to say though it’s hard to say like what in fact we would actually do all right Ah this could like give me some diamonds now like I appreciate all the Deep slate cuz you guys know how much I love building deep slate if you’re you know you’ve been around the channel for a little while or seen any of our Valley survival videos um you would know I like deep

Slade a lot it kind of took over uh for me for for like Cobblestone and stuffz I like the darker colors and then you mix it with like copper and it kind of gives like I don’t know I really like deep slate and copper copper combined like

Builds just because it’s really the only thing I find goes well with copper uh calite doesn’t look terrible if you keep it like the orangey copper um or like try to do a gradient with it it doesn’t look terrible like I said but it definitely could be could be much nicer too Right Luffy what’s going on the new song W what new song bacon are you making music she H am I good at this or what pop right back back out right back out I like I think we’re getting there we’re getting pretty close yeah nailed it all right let’s go this way maybe

We’ll have some luck this way cuz we certainly didn’t have luck going the other way I know too there’s a couple of different Lava Lakes that are like basically the bottom is on this top layer so we’ll see see if we run into any of those hopefully we don’t

Cuz kind of a pain you know I don’t want to be I don’t want to be dying in lava Constantly all right let’s go come on dig dig dig dig dig give me some diamonds give me some diamonds please and thank you a little bit of iron that’ll at least help with uh the pcks we’re going through through here so we’ll collect that we don’t have room to collect that I guess

We I don’t think we have any chest down here that would make a difference does that the sound of a deep dark I can’t tell oo I was wrong we do have a chest down here that’ll make difference and we have a crafting table look at me I’m just thinking ahead right

Now I saves so much Room actually it probably doesn’t save that much room but I like to think it it sa this room okay uh this is going really unsuccessfully there chat we w not having a good time am I like digging too too deep or not deep enough cuz like I could go down

A layer I guess but I’m pretty sure like this is the best layer right this is 58 and 59 like you have a high chance of Bedrock being there which you know you’re not going to get diamonds from on the floor so I don’t know I do not know man Once we get through this tough here yeah I think we’ll switch over now we go one two three there we Goop diamonds be real nice man maybe I just like dug a mine in like the worst possible spot you know what I Mean cuz I’m starting to feel that way like where are all the diamonds I mean at this point I would even take like some silverfish like something stop with just the Deep slate please I suppose I could work on well actually I need diamonds cuz I

Need the obsidian which I guess I don’t technically need the obsidian because I could just make it with lava and water but yeah I would rather have the obsidian or the the diers oh God boop boop boop just give me the the shiny blue shiny blue please it’s like a light Blue you would think by now you would find diamonds like statistically I feel like I should have found diamonds by now I don’t get it I I really don’t get it how is there no no diamonds I I found two looks like you’re only finding res St yeah

That’s I would trade all of my red stone for like 20 diamonds right now all of it easily gone wouldn’t hurt me in the slightest Redstone is so easy to get but then you’re like all I want is is diamonds that’s all I want but I could go to the Nether and

Try and find some blazes and then I wouldn’t have to dig for diamonds cuz I would just make it you know couple villagers that uh I could trade with so I could get you know enchanted diamond tools oh we found blue but it’s the wrong shade of blue some lapis laal With some red stonies it’s a little Annoying too far little too far You Blue Stone mat different color of red stone I mean if that worked that would be Perfect I don’t want Flint I do want the lapis though that’s down here boom lapis Boom Boom come on come on now give me some diamonds it’s my lucky mine right here there it is let’s go of course not only two again that’s uh little little upsetting a little

Frustrating we now have four diamonds we’re getting in there we we can make a set of boots or picking a shovel like I said I need like 20 diamonds so like 16 more and I’d be content with that some more red stone which I’m not worried about like I said we have so

Much of it just the diamonds man that’s all I want that’s it just the Diamond maybe we get lucky this way was this just Unbreaking efficiency one bro why at least give me two efficiency one’s not like not even worth having like I’m really not noticing a difference here between this and a normal pick you know all right uh yeah there we go where

Is everyone in chat I don’t know I mean it’s Friday maybe they got plans or something or maybe YouTube just didn’t push the notification out that happens too I’m here yeah sh’s here sometimes CH just quiet too you kind of get used to it it’s kind

Of I don’t I don’t know what the the term would be peaceful peaceful for for chat to not be here I can kind of like focus on what I’m doing but it’s also like super nerve-wracking for a streamer or at least for me uh cuz you’re like ah nobody’s in

Here so I’m not checking chat often and then a new person comes along and then they chat like 10 minutes ago but you don’t respond and now they hate you that’s okay though that’s okay we’re out here we’re grinding uh yeah right here trying to get some

Diamonds we didn’t show off the skin yet really other like it’s it’s in the thumbnail but I pay attention then I’ll tell you if someone in chat true you’re you’re pretty good for that won’t lie hey Redstone that I can’t pick up because my inventory is full come on come

On come on what are we we got to be close yeah we’re past it that’s okay that’s okay leave all that tough behind and my voice will crack at the same time that happens it happens it happens uh Yeah so we’ll go back up throw all this stuff in our chest up above Yeah but also also we’re up to 205 subscribers so that’s pretty cool if you guys didn’t notice that we’re up to 205 205 205 we’re getting there man we’re getting there I like toast but yeah seems to be a common kind of stream yeah yeah it doesn’t always have to be like

Super special uh we try to make every stream as authentic as always but uh not nothing guarantees like it’s it’s going to be a good stream I try my best uh you know and with time I’ll get better and with time Chad will get bger and we’ll have more people in

Here and we’ll be constantly chatting and my mouth will constantly be in a state of cotton mouth um cuz it’s pretty much already almost there um yeah well that’s just me whining you know a big baby a big baby yeah so we can do I guess there’s still half a pick

Left on that one so we’ll keep that going we’ll keep that going uh yeah I don’t know uh toast might be working swarley uh I don’t know I haven’t heard from him today I don’t I have no idea what sw’s up to um yeah I don’t know I don’t know

Man I just I just play video games bro I just play video games and try try to make some content every once in a while you know just enjoy learning learning how to do it all he off said something about Riley filling in I think yeah I didn’t see

Anything I didn’t see anything uh like pop up my notifications which normally I would for toast so or not toast uh for sarle I don’t know I don’t know man Yay okay let us I probably should go grab that sugar canane too but that’s all right we’ll throw that in there grab our wheat we’ll go feed our Cows we’ll go feed the cows you know bada bing bada boom now we got some baby cows um we got some sheeps lots of sheeps uh watching wrestling tonight yeah should be Friday Night SmackDown Friday Night Smackdown is on Tonight so it seems like people are busy it’s St know where I am and is it still snowing where you are uh I didn’t see any snow today so that that’s good um I mean no doubt it could start snowing uh here at any point because our weather is atrocious like that

But could be worse could be worse uh throw a potato some seeds some dirt keep the arrows on us and yeah I guess because we have the extra deep slate let’s actually we have Moss uh do we have bones I don’t know if we have bones anywhere I hope we have bones

Somewhere I’m not seeing any bones So there must be inside maybe yeah cuz that’s just that so what we could do is start growing some Moss cuz we need some Moss to finish this place up yes we got 32 bones we’ll take 16 for now cuz that’s still going to give us

Yeah 48 bone meal that that should be lots for for trying what I’m about to try yeah some people just busy on Fridays Friday’s a it’s a weird day I don’t know I we’ll see we’ll see if uh streams continue on Fridays depends on like how everything goes and stuff

Right how uh you know how things go over you know Christmas break and stuff too and any other time check our analytics and see see where things are going or whether they’re going or not Going SmackDown on CM Punk is back I wonder if if his wife will come back AJ Lee hard to say I know he mentioned her in the promo so be interesting to see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s See hey more iron Just What We Needed actually Iron’s always good to have especially because we can’t find any diamonds might as well keep the the iron Boat actually I kind of want to keep the andesite andesite is like a better version of stone we’ll go Cobble Stone and we will go know what we can do pop it in there we’ll see what this does I don’t know how this is going to react This Yes yes a little bit there was doing okay on Monday night right yeah I seen a seen a clip of that on Tik Tok I Believe pretty neat pretty neat Uh I wonder I think it’s this one this one oh excuse me I know one of these leads Go real nice not this one real nice cave and we can spam yeah there we go there we go little drippy Stone a granite does this work yeah it does that’s better

I’m driving that’s why I’m not chatting oh to good buddy drive safe my friend drive safe oh I ass you’re just heading home from work good times good times cover that up we don’t want no water in here we’re getting there we’re getting there all right not bad not best but if I

Go up here it might be a little better cuz it’s a little flatter what if I go here um uh uh it’s not fun driving rain uh and snow at night no no it is not hopefully you get home safe buddy should probably focus on the road more than you know chatting just

Saying feel annoying that’s all right we broke the hoe another person who listes to the stream ah yes well you never know what we’re going to talk about here in stream usually cuz I don’t even know what we’re going to talk about so I just kind of kind of uh I don’t even

Know just kind of exist I think that’s probably good for now I only really need this to like decorate the uh the base for now I mean eventually eventually actually we’re going to use uh probably going to make a a bone meal Farm who knows little bone meal Farm never hurt nobody uh and Moss with uh Stone generator is a good good way to do that as I’ve learned from playing with Toast of course he’s the machine and automator guy I just I build and I do things the slowest way possible by hand

Sweet oh almost did it almost did it that really would have sucked almost hit the Sleep almost hit the sleep I think no one likes to grab the but I could be wrong don’t quote me on that I mean I’m sure there’s like uh like the drift rally

Guys they probably don’t mind the rain and snow too much but who knows they’re you know crazy so all right lots of mobs tonight I like how this zombie is just like following me like it ain’t that serious bro go Away uh all right nice nice so that pretty much does it for that I think throw one there just to be safe um and cuz I I wanted the clear inventory spot not going to lie uh shoot all right where is our Spruce Wood cuz we’re going to need that

For some decorations here let us fill our inventory with Spruce Wood and then we fill our inventory with trft doors and we’re also going to need a bunch of fences and stuff but for now uh excuse me trap doors are going to be how we Do really this is what I mean man zombies and they’re gang violence can’t just leave me alone no always got to team up call the homies for backup you know okay just throw that in there throw that there go didn’t think So all right okay starting to come together a little bit uh yes I did forget ah what I don’t think I’ve ever seen two SP so close to each other like that dude it’s not that serious bro stop it ain’t worth it it ain’t worth it man all right Um C the ladder we’re Good All right and then we go here not we need a bunch of these A bunch of These that’s I was wondering when these guys were coming I don’t know why they waited so long man would you guys just knock it Off I not have an ax right now that’d be Funny there we go that’s better okay yeah I need some some scaffolding I really need to find like some bamboo or something this is a little Annoying I suppose I could just use dirt like I used to but think I have that much dirt I think that’s the issue I really

Don’t have any dirt I lied I have lots of dirt all right all right all right uh so just goop Boop No that’s wrong why am I so incompetent when it comes to crafting times don’t need to go in I left it Outside 40 it’s probably a few more than I needed but that’s all right in fact that’s a lot more than I needed I can almost guarantee that But this this is specifically going out to all the people that said I don’t decorate or I can’t decorate to we’re getting the decorations on them don’t you worry it’s already looking 10 times better just just that little bit making it look so good uh uh huh and since we’re

Here might as well might as well might as well actually I’m going to Do it exploded it exploded let’s just chop all you pretty leaves down hey how’s stream going what’s going on Jason stream’s going good man we’re just chilling just chilling nice chillax stream uh you know just building away starting to decorate the place there so it’s looking a little better

Already even than our thumbnail so thumbs up for that I guess um we still have a few parts that we need to actually add on like the roof I want to fix this roof cuz this is just way too plain of a roof and I don’t like it

But yeah so if we just go boop boop boop boop boop boop Actually what I will do just to switch it up we go with some regular leaves so it ain’t just All Uniform grab the dirt cuz we don’t have any bamboo up up here Boom don’t worry this ain’t the rest this this ain’t all of it don’t worry we’re going to have a lot more decorations Coming uhuh where that dirt go oh how you doing Jason hope you’re having a wonderful day it’s a fantastic friday um yeah there we go there’s that that looks fire already look at that go look at that go also also guys also also because we haven’t shown it off

Yet this is our new skin this is our new skin made by actually one of our community members if you guys are familiar with Nick Nick actually made this for me S it to me the other day in Discord uh I believe it was Wednesday after stream um they said this

So let us I guess show it off a little bit better too yeah I guess I can’t take my boots off but yeah I don’t know what do you guys think what do you guys think I give it a 10 out of 10 this thing is awesome

I really appreciate it so big shout out to Nyx uh you know looks just like you right it’s uncanny it is is uncanny just as like crosseyed too like the the eyes are a little crosseyed but that’s just the way Minecraft is uh it’s hard to get good eyes made out of

Squares but it looks pretty good I I do enjoy it like all around it it’s very nice and then pants we just have some some black pants some black Checker checkerboard pattern pants some shoes looks like double wielding knife H holsters I I don’t know if that’s what

That is either way I love it it’s awesome and of course we also added our cherry blossom Cape so I figured we’d show that off look at that that that is a view right there that is a view right there all right let’s get back to uh decorating there now that we’ve shown

That all off yes um all right what am I here for I’m here for something I don’t remember what now I remember take a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit of put that in there and that there and then that’ll actually come with us cuz

That doesn’t go there it’ll actually go here and we’re just jibber jabing away the leaf block fits well with the house that’s not like yeah it it looks good don’t worry we we still have lots of detailing to go it’s going to look uh much better than it does currently don’t

Don’t you worry once this thing’s complete you’re going to be like that’s a starter house yeah yeah it is I mean it’s only day 40 right we’re still working on the starter house at 40 days in that’s or what are we at we’re at 43 42 42 days in our our starter

House is not furnished it’s not even completed and uh our storage system is a mess so that’s all right though we’re we’re a little slow but you know slow as steady wins the race or however that that goes something like that right uh lapis in there got some trap doors some Sprucey

Plankies Sprucey logs hopefully that’s enough sticks I don’t think this is a like not super stick intense ensive thing but it does take quite a bit of spruce wood to do this I’ve never seen you once have organized storage just say that is not true I have organized uh

Storage on the valley it took me like a thousand days to do it but it is organized kind of I guess I’m so bad for organization in this game I think it’s cuz I Bard everything like I don’t like throwing anything Out No what do you guys think that that’s looking way better already um throw the dirt back back in There that would really sucked if I fell right There mm yeah so take dirt take dirt I’m going to have to make some more signs this isn’t going to be enough that was really dumb of me a little bit of fall damage though didn’t kill us uh yes so we’re going to need four and we only have three Darn Is that should give us five cuz I think this makes two signs right three we got six so we’re going to be a little over that’s all right though I’m sure we can use them elsewhere oh my God go away that’s the only issue with like doing this without

Sleeping I I mean not the only issue but that that’s a pretty big One I hate those things they’re the most annoying thing ever I thought I could reach it but apparently I cannot from there which kind of sucks CU that means I got to go outside and throw some dirt in here I think those uh these signs really just like finish it up go Like they don’t even do that much damage they’re just annoying uh I should make some signs for stores like armor is one where you sorry just sick trying to read chat and these guys are bullying me uh you should make some signs for storage like armor is in the one where

It says armor weapons but I can’t blame you cuz can’t I can’t organize my stuff yeah I mean I will organize uh eventually I actually have a plan for organization but I need well I don’t need I want this area completed before I worry about that because it does like it’s fairly leather

Intensive to like organize at least the way I do it um yeah so I don’t know what to do over here I don’t I don’t know I’m terrible at interior decorating exterior I’m good at but interior not a chance I’m so bad at interior decorating I might have to like hold off

In the interior decorating watch some videos on it teach teach myself how to do it you know yeah I’m you know I thought I like this and I’m looking back on it today and this happens from time to time I don’t actually enjoy that at all it kind of looks

Gross I also not really enjoying these like it’s good in concept but like in actuality it’s just kind of in the way you know like if I brought it back one would it be bad like if I go here instead I think that’s what I’ll Do Here right go from there kind of looks a little better that way right and then yeah so this needs to go needs to go like I said I thought I liked it and I changed my Mind but that’s okay this is Minecraft We’re allow to change things Up So annoying bro go Away you should sleep no I don’t want to sleep I I don’t need it I don’t need the Sleep Oh yes yes uh let us make something um let’s grab this here we’re going to grab a stone cutter we have 36 12 18 24 so we’ll take 24 of those and do the rest in these deep slate pile slabs I messed up that looks way better better that looks way better you had to ask me that is my Choice oh yeah that’s looking snazzy now unless we do that uh Bo and then we goop Perfect uh uh yo Silver Fox what’s going on welcome back welcome back uh that looks way better that’s what I mean that is some snazzy snazzy stuff right there I kind of like this is just like a OCD thing it doesn’t really matter but oh that that’s nice right there oh

Yeah that is nice now actually we’ll keep those ones straight That and we’ll actually switch these ones up yeah it just make like subtle things like that man can make a huge difference in a build it’s all the little things that come together to make it look just gorgeous gorgeous um yeah what are we going to do here we do some

Different things on each one I think what I want to do is maybe we could put uh I think a bush here would be good what do you guys think CH a bush there and then maybe some like potted flowers here maybe we could do like a hanging plant or something

Here I don’t know what do you guys I I don’t know what to put in these Corners yet but does it though yeah uh I definitely want some potted plants here I might get two composters actually replace these with composters that might look good and I

I’ll replace a stair with like hand aide or something too and then over here maybe some more potted plants I don’t know it looks great appreciate it appreciate it Uh missing something something’s missing I really want to fix this roof it’s really bugging me that the roof is just like a very basic roof when I know like when I was designing this like it’s got like a sloped roof so it doesn’t like just go like straight it’s kind of like

Curves it looks way better looks way way better um I might got to get up here and I do the roof on this as well that’s some point uh right why do I still hear this thing are you like stuck inside or something I’m so confused as to where this thing

Is I hear it but I don’t see it gosh oh man oh man what are you doing yeah there you are I knew you were stuck ooh that was close where did he come from that’s what I want to know where did that guy come from tried to sneak attack

Me uh I do have a stone brick stair but I think it was a stone stair there so do I have a piece of stone I don’t well we’ll go with the stone brick for now and we can we can always mend that later creepers sneaking up behind me I

Guess that’s why they’re called creepers I heard the hiss at the last second that’s that’s why like I just moved towards the house I’m glad that’s all he blew up Though like he definitely could have done a lot more Damage uh actually I need this Dirt what are you doing Phoenix I’m adding an attachment to our house also apparently I forgot to strip the wood oh gosh why is it always going to be just a little too tall and Then yeah I don’t know what to do there for I’m going to have like a little roof there kind of thing I Think on man sorry I can’t help myself oh you’re good buddy little creepy creeper sneaking up on us my God that dog sounds like good like a car crashing through the house every time he lays down what creeper you know it’s a song what do you mean it’s a Song is there a creeper song oh god oh we got we got to stretch here chat my back is all tight there we go put my slippers on that was I’ll put one slipper on cuz I got one foot up right now whenever I can find the other slipp over there

Found the other slipper we’re good um yeah so oh yeah that looks so nice so nice um I guess I need some clay let’s go I’m going to make another Shovel because I can boom see if I can go find some clay over here boom clay look at that didn’t have to go very far all right let’s go 52 clay yes sir um I need some more coal though go go find some some coal as

Well yeah cuz we only have three left that’s not going to be enough to do all of this clay ball all these 52 clay balls but it’ll it’ll help us get a little closer to that um I think I want to do yeah I think I’m going to do like an

Armor stand thing here I don’t know what I’m going to do in this little corner here I might do some like decorative something decorative something something also something I put a nice carpet down and then what do we put in this area area you know what I mean like we want

This to feel very Complete bet you that six beef is done yeah it is all right uh yeah we can throw that in there for now let’s go Run excuse me over these mountains here there should be lots of coal at these mountains coal likes to spawn higher up so we should be all right I Think oh we don’t have any Wheat there’s no point going to cows there have been a perfect opportunity to uh in increase our cow population zombie go away yeah there’s some coal up there so let’s go get some of that coal definitely should have made another pick that’s

Okay hold down here t look at that look at that we’re fine out the coal down here bud yes sir I feel like 40 days in like I’m struggling with resources and I should not be you know you know I’m saying not me oh God this song has to go this song

Every time it plays I think I’m being chased by like a slime or something it’s just got like the one like I don’t even know what it is in there and it just sounds like a slime Jason this one’s not any better now it sounds like a skeleton shooting to me maybe I’m just paranoid I could be paranoid would being paranoid in this game be like the worst thing Though You know I I thought there’ be a lot more coal and a lot less Gravel oh yeah huh the village is literally right here I I feel really dumb now yeah yeah there’s villagers right here wow um all right I hit the stupid button uh it’s a Minecraft song by YouTubers called creeper oh man like the song DJ Got Us Fall in Love again so it’s like

That but Minecraft version with creepers the three boys love it might have to check that out might have to check that out okay man That ain’t cool leave me Alone that guy’s got a shovel think I could take his Shovel by killing him why do these zombies all have shovels and why did they not drop them give me the shovel give me the shovel I want the Shovel critical hits for the win all right get that all planted up All right let’s see what we got here 22 seven of these little flower pots you know could use a few more of those uh of talking bodies all enough fair enough I should make those too actually since we have it here let’s throw that in there oh no we were doing right want a chest back

There we throw that there for now oh Yeah potatoes and carrots as well grown over here we can pick up perfect oh goodness goodness Gracious I don’t know why I’m so yny uh yeah oh that’s right I was building off the side that’s what I was doing um I need to make a bunch of campfires too so I need actually quite a bit more coal kind of a pain that’s all right uh yeah

Yeah this rain could go away now at any point too that’d be great I I really despise Minecraft Rain what am I doing what am I doing I got a stone cutter right there what am I doing That’s why I like regular spiders they don’t give you poison most of the time no I don’t think I can but still I’m going to go kill some cows over here and me just eat some mutton first I know there’s a creeper but I need the

Cow leather I don’t really care too much about the steak right now leather I do need double tap before you even hit the Ground also actually need a couple dead bushes if we can find some over out here I think you get those in the the winter biome too right I don’t actually remember hitting me with a shovel sir I don’t appreciate that very much uh so how long you streaming for

Because I want to miss Smackdown tonight uh that’s a good question Dakota I don’t actually know for tonight how long I’m going to be streaming just I guess till I don’t feel like streaming anymore or yeah but feel free to go watch Smackdown buddy like I appreciate you being here

But don’t inconvenient inconvenience Yourself I haven’t really explored this far either so but hopefully hopefully maybe I can send you a message when he’s done yeah yeah there little ice uh ice spikes biome here let’s actually go for a little stroll cuz I don’t think I’m going to get lost but I do need dead

Bushes so I can find a bit of a desert that would be fantastic I don’t think there’s anything to see in an ice spikes biome I honestly don’t remember I always used to think like these were like houses like villager Huts or whatever but I’ve dug through enough of

Them to know like there’s usually nothing nothing there it’s a pretty big Tundra though seems to be at least just keep jumping just keep jumping what do we do we jump to a village Nice nice I had no idea was that this was here little bunny foooo there little bunny foooo so good thing is is I think these have a cleric trapped in the basement of these Igloo usually oh maybe I’m losing it what do you want like are you a nitwit

Why can’t I interact with you nothing like can can I just not interact with villagers on Hardcore apparently none of you have jobs like is this a nitwit Village or something yeah nitw Village what is going on here snowballs beetroot toast I found your favorite item I found some beetroot oops uh could you imagine my friend War mobs to be in ice that would be interesting like they

Would just like melt in the ice or like a few different things you can do with that I’m sure Iron Golem bread all right some potatoes beetroot and coal okay terrible why do these villagers suck at life you guys can’t even give me like full diamond armor

Bro and I can’t seem to interact with any of you let’s let’s go down one this egloo here no no nothing what that really sucks I thought there was like Igloo isn’t there like a hidden hidden compartment or something supposed to be in these I thought there was like maybe

Not I thought you used to like have villagers trapped in them Minecraft PS4 cuz it make it more realistic yeah I’m honestly I’m just running vanilla right now um my shaders mod pack thing kind of like broken I’m not 100% sure why this is just straight Wool Wool

Wool I don’t want your wool though you can keep your light wool I thought it was just carpet I swear like Igloo you used to used to get like uh villagers that like trapped other villagers pretty sure I kind of want to attempt that jump

But I know I would never make it and then there’s spikes down there so I’d inevitably die here I can make though right there we go that one wasn’t too scary a little a little bit but like not not super scary Yo is is there tell me there’s a

House down here that would be awesome cuz there’s a Lantern and lots of copper I kind of want to know that would kind of make the seed pretty epic I don’t see one though and there’s a creeper coming up so I’m not going down there nope you should jump over you don’t die you just want to see me die don’t you

Dakota you want to see all this progress ended so you can make fun of me for dying maybe that’s what I thought that is what I thought yeah this Tundra goes on oh my why is this so big that’s what she said um but like on a serious note I just

Need to find a little bit of desert so I can have some some dried Bush and we’ll just keep hopping along the ice should get a boat actually cut down one of these spruce trees and make a boat good Enough ooh broken nether portal ooh piece of candy oo piece of candy There’s magma under the snow how does that work also where’s the chest don’t these usually always have a chest there it is Obsidian fire charge silk touch golden pick that that’s pretty decent you can throw that in there cuz we don’t really need we’ll throw a brick in there take these two

Things cuz the other are kind of useless probably should mine the Gold block but I don’t think it’s worth it like why does this go on so far this is got to be like the biggest snow biome I’ve ever ever encountered and it gets like pretty hilly too so that’s that’s kind of

Neat pretty hilly it does I really shouldn’t be doing this but I need the coal to warm my cold Soul copper I don’t care about you you’re useless to me for now for now yeah there’s nothing this way actually you know what do do dead bushes appear in Savannah too I feel

Like they do cuz if so I think I know where Savannah is pretty sure cuz we spawned in the savannah right Oh my lips are so dry today ni refreshing oh goodness hopefully I can survive getting all the way back remember still can’t sleep and we’re on Hardcore so if I die that’s it then is game Over all this just for some dead bushes seems a little unnecessary there’s no way this thing catches me right how how how how there’s no way you caught Up that’s a big hole it’s a really big hole she couple spiders little gaggle of spiders Around I don’t anything to do with those husks or the skeletons though just keep jumping just keep jumping what do we do we jump away jump he’ll be fine what the I promise I I don’t think uh I don’t think that’s one of those guarantees I’m willing to risk you know Wa Oh no I got slowness that’s that’s Bad all right heal up a bit heal up a bit you know They don’t know me they can’t handle the truth one wrong move and you’re dead faster than I say you’re dead you’re not wrong you’re not wrong at all it would not take much for me to die lose all this progress all right throw that in there

That in there keep that on let throw that in there all right uh we’re just going to throw this stuff in here throw that in there let’s hop into our base for a bit and hopefully we wi I need a little bathroom break one in

Here we safe in here and just like that we’ll be right back all right all right all right I’ll see you in a minute And just like that ladies and gentlemen we are back oh my all right um yeah what are we going to make what are we going to do what are we going to do yeah what are we going to do welcome back appreciate it appreciate It all right uh what to do guys what do we do what do we do we have a lot of seeds actually I really should make a composter how do you make a composter again I forget what the recipe Is I think it’s just wood right just be wood oh you’re lucky you’re lucky Punk aha I got range boo oo what are you going to do a going to do nothing uh composter let’s grab a couple couple Spruce planks I think we can make one I think that’s all it is right or am I missing something do I need dirt I Got Dirt Slabs That’s What It Is Well I mean good news is I can turn them all into slabs slabs boom slabs composter actually we could do two two for sure probably do more than that but for now we’re doing two let us yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought all right

Um yeah so what I’m going to do I don’t want those those CU now what I can do I still don’t know what Phan membr does I have to search that up one these days I have like a ton of them usually and I never know what to do with them ever sure

Um why not how many days are you on I am on day 44 we’re on day 44 so we’re almost halfway there which is pretty incredible uh yeah too many wheat seeds don’t need them all let’s just just go through it all cuz we’ll take the bone meal the extra bone meal is

Good I should set up an automated one of these so I can just put like all the scrap that I don’t need or like extra things in there I don’t know that’s not bad that’s not bad we got seven bone meal out of 136 um seeds it’s not a great conversion

Rate but we weren’t going to use the seeds anyway unless for some reason we start a giant chicken farm which I can’t see happening just yet uh yeah throw that in there should should should should makes some for dirt as well yeah oh my posture is so bad right

Now just trying to be comfortable man all right all right all right yes and then we can go here uh actually we go here and here yes that’s what we need so what will we do we will go here yeah and then we will go what else would we do we go Here Not uh you look like the dude from the one Tik Tok I sent you oh yeah like the the super long neck um did you know a chicken can still move with no head I did did you know there was uh a science experiment back

In well I don’t know the exact time uh period that happened but basically they wanted to test how long the brain would function uh once it was the capitated like once like the spinal cord was severed so this guy who was going to be executed volunteered and was like Hey

I’m going to Blink as many times as I can until I die right cuz you can’t communicate or anything the only thing you could do is Blink right so and I think he ended up blinking like 11 times or something MH Mhm That’s cool I guess yeah a little terrifying too like this guy was blinking like he he knew his head was severed and he was just blinking bada bing bada boom here we go that’s looking better that’s looking better what do you guys think starting to look starting to come together together quite nicely

There and what we’re going to do excuse Me got him I thought he had a chance he thought he had a chance these guys thought they really had a chance you never had a Chance never did you ever have a chance all right um let’s see let’s see dirt doesn’t go in there dirt goes in here so we’ll throw some dirt in there what goes in here random crap random crap random crap I don’t know random crap guess uh there some snow in

There uh beef in there leather in there snowball go with the snow brick can go in here I guess and strip can go here strip going also go in Here that’s good for now I think are you excited for Christmas uh I’m not overly excited for Christmas it it’ll be nice to to be off and away from work uh for a couple weeks which is nice and uh I think we’re going down um see some family over the holidays too so

That will also be very Nice what about you Dakota are you excited are you excited for the old Christmas season all right uh yeah so let’s go get the roof done on this I guess um I got to find my bucket too I have a bucket somewhere that bucket has my Necessities maybe I’m excited maybe not who knows fair enough who really Knows uh where’s my bucket there it is so yeah just throw that in there for now go milk a cow get rid of this if we do end up back over in the village over there to get the rest of our stuff we collected before we made a house here

And forgot that the village was literally on the other side of that Hill that’s awesome all right uh it’s going to be such a pain with these things it’s always so annoying ah yes yeah we’ll throw 32 in there for tiles I’ll take 32 for let us continue continue Continue an hour and a half timer takes forever there we Go all right uh what did we forget we forgot something dirt dirt right we’re using dirt as scaffolder back to the old o OG Minecraft days before we had actual scaffolding We might be able to do this in a way though sir that was very nice get knocked out you got knocked out you did too dummy God you’re so Annoying Uh that’s a lot for me to read just second I see your comment Dakota I will I will read it in just a moment um I need to hop down anyway uh I know what I want to do for my birthday when it comes up in may even

Though it’s not a weekend my birthday is on I just want to hang out with my friends cu the only time I go out somewhere is when you and Shelby come oh sure you go out more That might as well just make a full stack we’ll use it either way we’ll use it either Way yeah Buddy Ow all right these guys got to go they got to go so annoying man they’re so annoying that’s what I thought bro y’all ain’t good Enough all right you broke my gear specifically my helmet that ain’t very nice uh no I’m not sleeping well I don’t live in town so it’s hard but do a friend that was je you just there’s two houses down from here so my friend he

Come and if you wanted to I guess could yeah always ask him to hang out you know Uh what was I doing helmet I need a helmet and actually all I don’t have any lapis over here put it all back in my storage chest oh you’re lucky you’re lucky I almost had him think could probably only just be level one or level two inchant but I don’t

Know I G sh I can go for a nap Goodness all right not great better than nothing we’ll take it though here a zombie I need knew I heard one I knew I heard a zombie out here I also put my shield away apparently I know my last one broke but I had a second one I definitely threw it in one of

These chests there it is much better much Safer Much much Safer So dumb he’s so dumb all Right Oh I can’t sleep guys I can’t I can’t sleep ever never ever ever at least not until we hit 100 Days Last day I BR my kny today when I was playing DOD DOD phone I mean Dodge PA not phone why are you dodging a phone you can dodge a phone you can dodge a Ball uh um yeah so let us think let us think thinking the thinking is going on what are we trying to do here uh that is what we’re trying to do probably didn’t need 32 but actually I can almost guarantee we didn’t need 32 I think I only actually needed like five

But you live and you learn right You know what I changed my mind I know I do it all the time but I changed my mind man I got to get some wood or some sticks or something I got to find something the sticks on us Itchy itchy thigh um yeah DOD some balls today so I just thought it be funny if I said that ah fair fair enough got a funny guy eh I got a funny guy in here e there we go I feel like I can make that jump but I I don’t want to try all right uh now I

Need me don’t look terrible doesn’t look terrible well I am funny and also goodl looking funny funny guy funny funny hahaa kind of guy uh thinking brain power Activate oh goodness trying to think trying to think trying to think oh and there it is and now I remember uh no forgot it again and I remember I don’t think I have any up here I got to go to the mine for it there we go I remember now I remember slow

Climb I think once I get a chance I’m going to make this into like a bubble elevator that not so slow I don’t even realize when I’m being funny and my friend start to laugh that a boy got to get that comedy comedy special you know

Six yeah why not sure six di right walls that’s what we need and that’s what I didn’t want to happen all it’s okay though no harm no foul right Uh you just jump in lava as reverse water can hurt you and lava won’t you should try it what is it Opposite Day today funny guy funny guy trying to get me to jump in lava all right uh we need some glass some flowers we should get some nice pretty flowers from Somewhere yeah should go make some chains should go make some Chains oh my God I had diate right there I didn’t even have to go down to the mine I thought I had some in the house I wasn’t sure guess we Know I don’t have any more glass there it’s a little unfortunate to not have any more glass yes I remember correctly just need to go make some wood not make some wood I guess go grab some wood and then we can make some campfires for some decorations seven so

Far yeah wish I had a bit more but not a huge huge deal all we got to do here is seven campfires just like that yippe yeah that’s what I thought was going to happen have to make a bunch more of those so we’re going to need some more

Coal just two charcoal right now but what I can do so I can actually make some more charcoal charcoal if you make a charcoal All right all right all right all right Well too bad we broke our hoe earlier that’s all right though that’s okay that is a Okay potatoes bunch of Potatoes good inspirations Maybe that’ll help me relax a bit lean the chair Back Okay uh what else what else did I need to do I needed to do something something something what Was Oh my goodness I got to stop yawning killing me Uh I’ve almost crashed so many Times yeah it’s been a a real long Week I’m going to have to get lip chap or up my lips are so Dry thank you thank you sh anding me some ballistics lip Bal and me the old lit bomb all right Um yes let’s go breed the cows let’s go grow our little cow Army Good Enough all Right not going to go down there let’s uh let’s head to the Savannah actually cuz I want some dead bushes and I’m pretty sure there’s dead bushes Savannah I could be completely wrong and then once we get there we can head all the way back here we can work on finishing up our

Build oh the other thing too is chicken egg hey we’re at 206 subscribers yes sir yes sir we’re getting there 44 more to go we hit 250 which is awesome yeah that’s what I thought I knew we had some coal over here got some obsidian some food you have

Full diamond armor yet no sure don’t nope I do not we’ll take the acacia sapling cuz why not rest of it I don’t really need I don’t think we just keep it over here for now the Savannah Biome didn’t be too far I think I had had to go through like a pretty big swamp biome not a swamp biome a mangrove Mangrove biome a little swamp biome over here actually actually you know what there might be some pretty flowers over here CU we do need a couple

Pretty flowers for those uh pots that we have I really like the uh I think it’s the blue orchids I think that’s what they are I could be wrong um that the swamp biome is the only biome that has it but swamp biome does have dead bushes I forgot about that yes um

Cheers yay also take some of you that’s huge huge W’s right there could get some lily pads too if I wanted but not too concerned about lily pads not at this this point in Time what just like we have a huge Tundra but the smallest swamp biome I’ve ever Seen oxide daisies are nice too which is that that white flower I picked up those are some nice Flowers oh you know I should have grabbed more steak I wasn’t even thinking that’s all right I think we’ll be okay Hopefully I mean if we make it all the way back to our Savannah thing that we were at right have some of these roses yeah we got space for Roses Lil The Valleys those actually kind of I like the uh the blue blue orchid there aliens I actually don’t care for they just look like a purple lollipop tulips they have their place but not something I would choose to build with that’s for Sure all the pretty flowers some lilacs some roses sunflowers no Lux so far getting back to the Savannah Biome what is that what is over here really big Mount by the looks why is that so it’s rendering weird too we have eight steak on us or one cook

Steak eight raw beef so hopefully I think this Village has furnace should Savannah bomb’s just that Way I’m pretty sure I was at this Village right I don’t know it doesn’t look familiar F dude it’s been a long time since we were out here yeah craphy table what do you want paper could have had some emeralds buddy Fletching table let’s not put a fence post in front of that

Means you’re a Fletcher which means you’ll sell me arrows sticks or emeralds for sticks and then emerald and gravel for Flint not really a great trade like definitely not the worst trade but definitely not the best either you know you know I mean homie what are you doing over here fer

Joe you want wheat you want 20 wheat two emeralds I could do that I have the wheat I have the ability I don’t like that trade by I remember remember jumping off of this mountain so we’re on the right track I think oo some cherry cherry

Blossoms we need we need that I didn’t know that was there She Savannah should be like right that way I remember the map correctly I probably don’t I don’t know if you can grow these things I really hope so but for now I’m just going to pick up a bunch I get sapling Good there’s the Savannah there is the Savannah do I knew what I was up to Now do I remember where the village is in the savannah no cuz I believe we did travel quite some distance I believe I think I was definitely wrong on there being dead bushes here though I definitely thought there was dead bushes in the savannah probably because usually like when I find a savannah it’s almost always connected to a desert of some sort So there we go really should make a boat also have no idea where I’m going in the savannah you don’t have a boat yet no just been running on foot like a Madman You even know where home is uh yes like where my starter base is yes I know where that is kind of uh where I was camped out before I have no idea I’m thinking this is it cuz that that’s a Savannah Village this is not the right Village so I don’t think

Definitely not the right Village maybe what maybe it is maybe it is okay yeah okay get in the ground for where I’m at yeah yeah okay yep I have no idea where I’m at but yep my Hut I found my Hut woohoo some emeralds a mending pick stone

Cutter there’s like literally nothing of value in here whatsoever Compass I could useful that could be useful oh bamboo that that that’s the win right there needed the bamboo line I don’t need I’m going to take a comp cuz I think the compass points to home right our

Compass our Compass points to spawn doesn’t it cuz that came from that way like my house is back that way we maybe you got to set it or something I don’t remember to be honest got membrane in there take that ain’t really anything else I can

Think of I mean the raw mutton would be good the one iron what do you trade 10 a cooked C oh you’re a fisherman aren’t you yeah I can 10 you take charcoal or just regular coal of course of course yeah I don’t think you have anything I want

This like a mini desert biome please or is this just a really big Beach I think it’s just a really big Beach that’s right that’s right little man you ain’t doing that you ain’t going to do that to me oh yeah here’s the mango Biome oo I missed the swing there I want your baby I have room for this nothing I want to drop whatever I need to eat the bread those guys leave me alone thank you mud B mud all this mud yeah I think we can safely is it’s relative terms Boom boom just you know murdering cows for the sake of murdering cows oh goodness gracious now there’s fire over there oh that’s a skeleton no stop shooting at me how do I want to deal with You make some frog lights if I uh knew how to breed frogs maybe I’ll learn that for next episode and we’ll work on some Frog Light what do you guys think we want some frog lights do we want some mangroves are you kidding me I see Iron right there all that time

And the iron was just a little bit over oh yeah some swamp biome let me get some dead Bush and of course murder a bunch of cows while we’re at It a frog here care about frog I just want the bush good decorative for decorating uh you do that with frogs Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah you can you can breed them and then you get tadpoles and then you can breed them and then you can make lights out of their dead

Bodies I think that’s how it’s done I I’m not 100% sure to be honest I’ve never actually done it myself like I always say we’re always a couple updates behind usually so and this was the flower I was looking for but I don’t know what to get rid of wow that was

Hard uh yeah s planks aren’t a big deal these however are absolutely gorgeous flowers a whole field look bit yep yep a whole field of them I do really enjoy these flowers actually like these are probably my favorite uh of all the Minecraft flowers and they only specifically spawn

Here that is definitely a desert biome or really messed up Beach Spawn this is why it pays to explore a little bit you know not just uh hide your M shaft for 30 days that’s a witches hut though we’re not going to go near that cuz witches are I wouldn’t say like super op but yeah okay that is just a mess up Beach

Spawn by looks of it anyways we keep running this way we should get home right right all right all right all right toss the bucket get all this the plank crafting table the planks take the crafting table take out the broken place the crafting table table then make an oak

Boat apparently all right okay okay we’re making an oak boat and then I can also I have more Over also make a chest Planks that maybe I got to yeah okay thr those get rid of that if we go here ohat with a chest that’s what I was trying to Make like that That I don’t know why we did that I don’t really need the chest but Sure look at all that coold should actually we got time we got time there’s Kel here too I Wish all right I’ll do it I’ll do it what do I not care about if it goes in here dirt really doesn’t matter too much to Me but the kelp on the other hand we we can make a kelp Farm out of like one piece of kelp and just grow it but might as well you know you can make more than one you might as well make more than one there we

Go so now now all we need is I believe an observer piston repeater and we can make an automated C Farm which then we can have literally funnel into a furnace and infinite uh infinite fuel I think that’s how we do it all right or you might have to make it into

A Kel block first I don’t remember a dried fell maybe as much as I would love to take more I don’t have the inventory for it so Sandy Little Beach over here also I got out of the boat to go get the CP I just realized how dumb that was and some turtles I get some stuff I can get turtle egg and I can do it zombie Trap if I can go around This hopefully I can go around if not then I guess we lose 64 dirt which isn’t huge but this bamboo though is bamboo I tell you actually we can just make a automatic uh smelter with the bamboo about that Too go yeah I think I can I can definitely go around I just got to watch out make sure I don’t run into like uh underwater temple that would be terrible I mean good to know where one is for sure is that a shipwreck no I’m just seeing Things not a bad little spot over here a little Birch Forest just cruising down the street and myti F Not really it’s just an oak boat but if it was a 64 that’d be pretty Cool upsetting bye-bye boat I mean could pick it up but I don’t really have the space for It Sheesh oh no not the boat yeah we lost the boat well we didn’t lose it but probably for the best that we don’t use it on land I mean it’s doable it’s just really slow and I feel like we would definitely get picked off by a skeleton before we made any

Progress good news I don’t think we’re super far away from home Though Or maybe we are I don’t know exactly where I am actually I have no Idea That’s a pretty big hill a pretty big hill with some pumpkins looks familiar everything looks familiar though when you’re lost I Guess oh no hey we found home just like that not lost oh my God sometimes I’m too good at this game you know just can’t even get lost I hear them shooting at me and it’s really really unnerving all right throw that in There oh look at all those goodies we went away with or came back with I Guess boom cook 64 we still had our four diamonds on us we never took those out cuz what’s the point excuse me success we made it back goodness all right uh what can we do with diamonds we can make boots sure why not let’s make some boots also make an armor stand we

Have the stuff make an armor stand right I don’t remember if it it’s stutter stutter stutter uh smooth stone is that right I don’t remember I’m pretty sure comus just points to Spawn I wanted to point point to this but it just does not you know yeah it just definitely points to spawn I don’t know a ton about compasses either though so Trying to remember how to make an armor stand pretty sure how did I do how do I do that Right it doesn’t tell you Until and now it’ll give it to me I’m pretty sure no cuz I need the half slab variant don’t I I don’t remember guys I don’t Remember there it is yep sure yeah goodness Gracious so we’ll have the armor stand o well not o here put it in here why not right that kind of looks cool right throw that on there for now cuz I don’t have level 30 and I’m not enchanting it without without level 30 so why why are you in There come on I ain’t scared of you that’s what I thought that’s what I thought bro you ain’t got nothing nothing all right Um There we go there we go yeah that looks better that’s going to look real nice over there I think real nice uhu okay okay okay cherry blossom I don’t know what we need cherry blossom for but they look pretty so oh a rooted dirt oh yeah all this sugar cane no no

Reasonbly get rid most here only thing I could like really make a use for it again is like a bone meal Farm like just automatic bone meal farm with it I might still do but I don’t really see the purpose right now so all right uh let’s just make a bunch of iron

Picks what we have we will throw all of this in here Stone here for now and these two can also go in There and our beef should be done cooking I think CL there we go get the hunger saturation Going and actually our cow should be excuse me uh ready uh for another round so let’s up some wheat before we go down in the mines go get those cows all fed and uh yeah look mom a farmer I put the seed in the ground and

I grow a crop the crop in the cow’s mouth I grow a cow keep it keep what I miss something oh no oh no all right yeah let’s hop down to the mine there we do need to add bit more details house cuz me staring at it right now is

Bugging me already so let us let us let us let us grab take that take a dead Bush and something what else there was something else I wanted let’s put some sweet berries up front too just cuz we can I think we can put them on the Moss blocks here kind cool

That’s a nice little spot nothing That’s not terrible it is not terrible throw the DI bush in there cuz we don’t actually need that uh uh actually take that we in there very nice very nice very Sleek all right let’s hop on down to the mine have some pcks that ground started approaching real

Quick there I got real nervous real nervous get this red stone Bang Bang all the red stone all over the place All right we’re going to keep digging we’re going to keep digging we’re going to get some diamonds we’re going to get a full suit of diamonds and then we’re going to work on uh our levels as well so make sure we get level 30 enchants on all of It all this red stone all this red stone you know I’m just thinking if I go back here and I go bang bang bang and when I come back up I’m go like a couple deep here save me right it save me from going too far

Yeah all right let’s go come on tough come on tough oh goodness gracious made another shovel I guess I can when I get back to the uh one spot there hey shy kappo how’s it going how you doing today we having a fantastic friday hey look at that we found

Diamonds you must be my good luck charm she four at least four probably some more round here you think think we got a couple more round here I don’t know guess not I don’t think we’re that lucky all right four more is Good what are you up to tonight or whatever time zone you’re in I say tonight cuz it’s like kind of clock for me but it’s all right we just in here doing some peaceful mining you know grinding out working on getting some more diamonds we should really have like full

Diamonds by now cuz like it’s just crazy to me that we don’t have diamonds and we’re on what day 45 49 so we’re almost halfway to to 100 and we’re not even full diamond armor yet I made some real slow progress on this not even thinking I should

And throw some of that in there I guess we can also get rid of our Redstone oh goodness Gracious we have a diamond chest plate on with protection three and we need I’m a little better than that and we can hopefully next stream either tomorrow or Sunday I don’t know which it’s going to be head into The Nether and that’s when the real fun begins because once we can do

That we can start making some automated Farms and it is way better way way faster progress for us especially like we could do a a deep slate um what is it a deep slate uh oh more diamonds look at that look at that I don’t know if you’re still in

Here shot Kapp but uh you’re definitely my good luck charm I have had a real hard time finding diamond at least though be able to find what eight nine that fast Sheesh I haven’t found nine this whole series and within a couple minutes you being here find nine so that that’s I can respect that I can respect That oh goodness gracious I wish uh like I don’t know I find like Minecraft got like really grindy for Resources which is like fine I guess like when you’re just playing in a world but like I think for the content creator side of it it’s kind of an I mean yes there’s more content to to talk about in the game and more approaches you can

Take right like you don’t have to do everything One Way per Se All right let’s go Goodness that’s good enough for Now Oh my goodness come on let’s get us a full set of diamond armor at least this episode a full set would be Fantastic We’re at nine we have chest plate we already have boots seven is leggings so we need three more then we can have a Helm too and we just need a couple levels be good Oh you know this is probably the most boring part of this game but is the entirety of what this game is right cuz once you have a build done what do you do you mine till you fill up your chest and you have another idea Mining and

Building I only really like the crafting part the mining is just so tedious we could get uh I think we could get some automated diamond mine uh like machines going pretty pretty good actually yeah cuz we dug out like this whole side all of these sections and we never found any diamonds so

Either I’m like one block off or something and they’re all in the floor FL in these pillars which could be the case I don’t Know well I don’t like That cover that back up uh start on this end I guess oh must be sweating my ear or something that was really Uncomfortable All right chat uh I’m got to take a quick break here and I will be right back in like 5 to 10 minutes all right enjoy some tunes I will be back shortly Che we back sh let’s fix that mic that’s a little better all right our inventory is full get rid of the Flint though we don’t need Flint Flint is for chumps a little bit of diamond would be nice just a little bit more you know we’ll go till it gets pretty dark

Again and then we’ll switch tunnels and continue our quest for full diamond armor goodness gracious all right uh one two three now as long as we don’t hit lava we should be able to head straight back we’ll hit some gold apparently gold we don’t have space for gold do we

Now what can I get rid of what can I get rid of don’t need to get rid of anything yet but I can combine those picks free up the space we need a little bit of gold it’s nice to find every once in a while I still wish

It was you know Diamond but beggar can’t be choosers right Redstone up here too does anybody ever anybody else ever have troubles finding diamonds now like I never used to have an issue with it like even I know strip mine is probably not the most efficient way anymore but like

I feel like I should have found more diamonds by now oops there we go just keep mining just keep mining well hopefully we get back out there soon so we can go throw this stuff away into a chest all this deep slate like I building like what else can

We do with deep slay like it I know it replaces furnaces and stuff but also takes up so much storage space when you’re just trying to find some diamonds man they got to be around here somewhere Right let’s go diamonds let’s go Diamonds I feel like it’s just cuz I’m looking for diamonds I’m not like going to find them like I played other servers where like I wasn’t looking for diamonds but I still found diamonds just simply because I want a deep slate and yeah now it’s kind of a pain in the

Butt hair in my mouth Too wish you could Sprint up a Ladder uh oh we do have gold here iron it’s tough all right let’s yeah let yeah go collect those that ground gets close real quick sometimes you know We’re not having any luck with these diamonds today or yesterday no we didn’t stream yesterday Wednesday Tuesday and I believe Monday we were searching for diamonds and couldn’t find them that’s just crazy to me I never had this much issue finding diamonds literally never there’s zombies nearby me there’s probably a cave

Sounds like the Cave’s right above me I want to find it it’s definitely like a dark space nearby I just don’t know where I still can’t believe I’m having this hard of a time finding diamonds I don’t think I’ve ever looked so hard to find Nothing didn’t you have the same problem with iron yeah it’s weird how it works but if I wasn’t looking for it and I was just here mining like deep slate I’d probably find It but because I’m not mining or because I’m looking for it I ain’t going to find it Maybe you need a new location yeah maybe but like it really shouldn’t matter at the same time H That’s just crazy to me that like we literally oh I broke it oh I broke my pick Unfortunate oh maybe I just need to like mine 100 blocks in One Direction and then I can start a new mine I don’t know I do not know done a lot of mining in my time and usually it’s better than This time to look for something else yeah I guess so time to look for new Dreams yeah You There’s a Zombie excuse me Why Friday night stream yeah I guess so e why it’s an understatement it is deafening in the Stream tonight Required now is the perfect time to die yet nobody would see it ever they would never see it I got Great Clip yeah Just cuz I said it would be doesn’t mean go ahead and do it yeah Oh let’s just start I like the changes yeah it’s starting to get there it’s a nice thing about gravel it’s fairly easy to mine CU of it’s fall uh that’s the word I’m looking before I can’t even remember now game mechanic it’s it’s all mechanic gravity mechanic if you will

Just about getting the timing down Right Hey look at that found diamonds that’s funny and hit Level 30 incredible what I mean you don’t look for it and you find it how many more do you need quite a bit or like you mean like how many more diamonds I need uh good question I got 10 upstairs five that’s

15 uh 7 and 5 is 12 so I mean eight more would be more than enough I have enough for full armor now I mean with a half damage chest plate of course but All right so let’s head back to the top side h we All right uh lapis and actually oh wondering Trader what do you want oral and A J green the brain coral would be the only one I would consider but it’s easy enough to get once I get silk touch so not super worth it if you ask Me all right um yeah let’s go feed the cows slaughter Them might have to wait till morning actually many mobs spawn over there too fun Yeah Oh excuse me Man those things are so annoying that’s enough Than you should sleep yeah no Thanks no one would know yeah unless they go back and try to call me out you know go Away and you broke my boots A W That’s per it of course you would Ni and then we can bamboo blocks by accident dude just go away Man Yeah Should be in here get crushed by Cows Oh can you die from C uh you can die from entity cramming which is too many like things in one area basically so short answer yes yeah M You H y short answer you can die from cows by getting crushed to death do same with pigs you can do with pigs chickens uh pretty much Anything we’re just going along decorating with some Co dirt course dirt doesn’t grow grass it kind of looks cool Sometimes Smo this out a bit a bit more natural you know H Frog Interesting Crush to death by a million H oh yeah all right Oh my God Mhm What I thought that’s what I thought all right that was a waste of time five bucks Imagine that be embarrassing Mhm there’s so many membranes membranes H h mhm he here There All right let’s make some more fence bow 64 a lot 64 post yeah don’t I sell decorative pieces yeah He oh there goes my legs I lost my leg my leg how uh the little bushes like the little red bushes do uh small amounts of Damage All right stream I I think that’s that’s enough for me I think I just save one one quick glance at this real quick just to make sure it looks pretty good I think already looking way better already looking way better all right guys uh yeah press the wrong one I pressed the wrong

Button all right guys kind of a hard work tonight good job appreciate it we are getting get we’re making progress we’re making progress slower than I I would like not going to lie going slower than I’d like but we are making progress so uh no complaints on that any uh like I said

We are slowly very slowly uh progressing here so if you guys at all like the stream make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can be here for the next one the Bell notification will also uh notify you every time I go live if you are

Already a new subscriber so make sure you hit that as well smash that like button because it’s going to push my content out to other people and you know we can form a bigger community and who doesn’t want that more friends than marrier right anyways much love y’all

You guys have been awesome tonight I know it wasn’t like the hypest stream but that’s all right I’m going to go do something I don’t know what but much love to you guys uh we’ll see you on the next one either tomorrow or Sunday so see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Getting Full Diamond Armour and Unveiling Our Brand New skin!!! | Minecraft Hardcore Survival Live!’, was uploaded by Th3Phoenix on 2023-12-02 03:25:28. It has garnered 35 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:51:54 or 17514 seconds.

Hey everybody, I’m a small time creator trying to build a Fun community for all to enjoy!

Currently on the Road to 1000 Subscribers here on Youtube so if you wanna help, smash that subscribe button and help us on our path to being monetized!

Today we are going to be working on Getting full diamond armour, aswell as the finishing touches of our starter base! Hopefully with a little bit of work we can make this starter house look just perfect and get all the necessary enchants for a full set of armour that will help us through the nether as we begin our path the end game content such as the ender dragon battle, atleast 1 wither battle (probably more) and of course a warden battle to say we were able to defeat all the major mobs in minecraft on hardcore, also allowing us to come up with bigger, more intense builds to share with you amazing people!

Starting today on day 39 on our road to 100 days survived on hardcore minecraft and dont forget we havent slept since day 29 and will continue to not sleep untill day 100, at day 60 we will add another challenge decided by you, the community to make my 100 days that much harder to achieve!

How Many days do you think i will survive this time?

Make sure to subscribe if you enjoy Minecraft content or want to support our journey to 250 hundred subcribers!

Join the discord today!!

Winning Maybe

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  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 💖 Manic Links 💖 #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL TWITCH CHANNEL Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weirdest Logic Revealed

    Minecraft's Weirdest Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3’, was uploaded by BhagwanJanee on 2024-06-19 13:46:16. It has garnered 10204 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3 Your Queries :- Minecraft Logic Minecraft Minecraft Memes Minecraft Funny Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft No Logic Minecraft Logic Shorts Cursed Minecraft Wait What Minecraft Minecraft Logic 2 Minecraft But Minecraft Logic Be Like Minecraft Portrayed Minecraft Weired Logic Unusual Minecraft Minecraft Moments on 0 Logic Minecraft Wait What Best Minecraft Memes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Bruh… Read More

  • “Gaming GONE WRONG – Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction” #clickbait #shorts

    "Gaming GONE WRONG - Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Deaths That Hurt To Watch || Gamers react #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games Shorts on 2024-02-20 20:53:05. It has garnered 144 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Watch as gamers react to epic Hardcore Deaths in Minecraft! Don’t miss out on the gaming fun! Read More

  • 🌟 ULTIMATE Minecraft RTX House Build!

    🌟 ULTIMATE Minecraft RTX House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX mini wooden House 🏡 big Village houses’, was uploaded by SUNNY_GAMER 57 on 2024-06-17 17:06:39. It has garnered 495 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More