Buenas tardes su locutor de confianza viene a decirles que Hola eh No me me voy a enrollar esta vez con intro Generalmente no lo hago Pero esta vez tengo que hacerlo primero que todo Feliz año nuevo un poquito tarde pero Feliz año nuevo perdón por no haber subido el Mapa sinceramente difícil del año pasado eh básicamente no pude pasarme el mapa voy a intentar trlo en febrero típico libro de texto colorido que dice las reglas y algunas cosas sin importancia sobre el mapa y al final tiene una ceta de poesía original idea B el r se pira el r Se va no le gusta este lugar mcas pasarnos el mapa para este sí subirlo aunque sea [Música] tiempo [Música] pollos un sa después de Ok Ok segundo [Música] intento es es demasiado Random otro [Música] qué este va a ser el mapa más Random que voy a jugar probablemente otro Bueno menos Creo que vo a pasar este [Música] mapa un zombie chiquito que va [Música] lento ad se me cerró el [Música] Minecraft buen están ahí [Música] este se viene el combate épico el zomb versus el pollo yo quiero probar [Música] algo [Música] no [Aplausos] [Música] P ya ló p [Música] ya [Música] Ah [Música] Ay [Aplausos] [Música] [Música] y [Música] ah [Música] ah [Música] [Música] k Oh [Música] [Música] ah [Música] Oh [Música] k [Música] [Música] H [Música] G [Música] [Aplausos] [Música] Okay Al fin tengo una lana y una poción de vida por [Aplausos] [Música] aquí [Música] Oh [Música] Oh [Música] [Música] ah cao cao Chao Cómo que roja eres un troll eh Espero que les haya gustado este vídeo bueno fue demasiado Random así que bueno yo yo me voy a editar esto y sin más que decir nos vemos en el próximo video [Música] chao i Video Information
This video, titled ‘the typical void map Minimapa insanamente difícil más random que e encontrado’, was uploaded by Sstaily on 2024-01-15 19:00:13. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:01 or 841 seconds.
Ignore Minecraft is a sandbox video game, its literal translation would be “sandbox” and that is what the gaming experience represents. Players can shape the world to their liking, destroy and build, as if they were playing in a sandbox. This presents a great advantage over other video games for use in education, since it does not have a linear story or levels that block access to certain parts of the game. From the beginning we can make use of the maximum potential of the video game. The first version of the game was launched in 2009 for computers and since then many platforms and versions have appeared. Although they are all similar, each of them has its own characteristics that make it unique from the others. Before deciding which version of the game we will use, it is important to know them all. In the following image you can see the different versions, the operating systems on which they work and their indicative price. The popularity of the game has been so great since its inception that this year it became not only the best-selling game in history, but also the most played. These data show us the global reach of the game and lead us to the first feature that makes Minecraft a great tool to be used in the classroom, motivation. The students know the game, surely some of them have already played it, and this captures their attention when using it in an educational environment. Of course, its use in the classroom will go beyond the game, without ever losing sight of the educational objective that we have set to achieve with the video game. Minecraft is a sandbox video game, its literal translation would be “sandbox” and is what represents the gaming experience. Players can shape the world to their liking, destroy and build, as if they were playing in a sandbox. This presents a great advantage over other video games for use in education, as it has no linear story or levels that block access to certain parts of the game. From the beginning we can make use of the game’s full potential. The first version of the game was released in 2009 for computer and since then there have been many platforms and versions that have been appearing. Although they are all similar, each of them has its own characteristics that make it unique from the others. Before deciding which version of the game to use it is important to know them all. In the following image you can see the different versions, the operating systems in which they work and their approximate price. The popularity of the game has been so great since its inception that this year it became not only the best-selling game in history, but also the most played game. These data show us the worldwide reach of the game and lead us to the first feature that makes Minecraft a great tool to be used in the classroom, motivation. Students know the game, surely some of them have already played it, and this captures their attention at the moment of using it in an educational environment. Of course, its use in the classroom will go beyond the game, without ever losing sight of the educational objective we have set for the video game. #minecraft #meme #gameplay #commentarygameplay #commentary #minecraftjava #memes #ok #nothing