Insane Discovery: Frog Teaches Math to Moon Crab!

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[Music] what up what up how are you [Music] [Music] can you see a Chatter’s list from your management dashboard I’ve always wondered I’ve always wondered what’s up everybody how the heck are you it’s me Halloween Moon oh Mr Monkey Mr Monkey they didn’t do anything they don’t know any better Mr Monkey no no put the gun down Mr okay all right all right all right listen Mr Monkey we can talk through this okay calm down it’s going to be fine it’s going to be all right okay okay everything’s just chill all right Mr Monkey be calmed down okay it appears Mr Monkey is calmed down hey everybody we’re g to be doing two things tonight one we’re to be playing a game that somebody recommended to me of which I literally know nothing they told me to play it told me not to look up anything for it I um went to go look at the reviews to CU you can kind of get a gauge of how long long the game takes she’s been papering on my Mario so true Dylan and um again they just said don’t look at many don’t look up anything on this so what are we going to be doing uh going in blind also how are you Toad hope you’re well hope you’re will my friend just going to post in Discord and I’ll launch the game we’ll get going on that we live has anyone actually played this game by the way you guys even know what I’m doing I guess that’s the I guess it’s the next question huh what’s popping craer how are you craer I have no clue what this game is going to be zero zilch Zada zero so I it’s called frog fractions Game of the Year Edition I have no clue what it [Music] is I’m literally going in blind yeah all right it should be loading it’s trying to capture it how’s the audio it seems a little loud I’m get it down a little bit you guys cannot see it correct am I crazy hey there we are [Music] nice well all right it’s frog fractions Game of the Year addiction addiction addic addition addition hi Mrs all right eating sounds next gen color blind Off full screen off that way I can click over here and we still get music nope doesn’t matter okay turn that back on all right let’s play frog fractions wave one two of three one of three four of five four of seven okay so our scores are fruit in it zorm [Music] kids and I don’t know what [Music] else what is this okay we can get upgrades [Music] um cybernetic brain anything your regular old frog brain can do the new fangled cybernetic brain can do better okay we can get lock on targeting for eyeball installed Auto targeting HUD let’s we a glowy red list of the bugs you hate oh my gosh what is this okay should we get the cybernetic [Music] brain oh wait okay what is this all right we now have a cybernetic brain okay which I don’t know what that okay the fractions are different [Music] perish oh oh we can eat the fruit when that goes down [Music] oh I still don’t know what I’m doing here oh God that’s a lot um go away oh package D what the hell is this okay I guess we’re going to rock and roll and just upgrade our stuff here wait Tina have you played it have you played this game I have no clue what it is geez very peculiar okay should we get a turtle I haven’t played this one specifically okay all right so these cost zorm kids and fruit that’s our curreny that’s what we’re rocking with um let’s get this I guess we upgrade one at a time question [Music] mark okay oh it’s going so quick now can I can I move the frog looks like no this is very interesting I’m so curious what this turns out to be you know perish perish perish because the person who recommended to me I think had something in mind of which I don’t know I got no clue did I tell you guys that I got a $20 massage today and it was Primo okay uh static cling tongue rug balloons against your tongue before extending it nearby bugs will stick to it seems like a good investment right oh the bugs stay on there wait we we can uninstall lock on targeting the chicks don’t dig on cyborgs and it makes licking bugs less fun anyway get the surgeon to uninstall it we’re going to grab the static tongue what’s up Nicole how are you why do it always wave one what’s going on there I can’t do I only get the fruit that I can like um sit under do I like need all right now we’re on a turtle chat what is this game dude [Music] oh the Apple’s ripen oh I get it [Music] interesting Banger is good I guess we’ll get what do we get we can get a dragon he will love his new dragon shape I swear the shell is just holding him back it’s just holding him back chat everything else is too expensive I guess we know the thanit wait the noon note P it home wait now we’re learning about ttin now what is [Music] this my keyboard’s actually pretty bad about typing wait what is why does it say qu e what’s going on there you guys see down here what is with that why did we get a keyboard what is happening here okay okay um should we get the dragon might as well right are we still typing me Acra okay we can move again this time and it’s a bullet hell what oh my [Music] gosh do I have health oh I have health oh oh that’s my indignity my health is my indignity chat okay that’s what that is what a bizarre oh oh wait I can move [Music] what like a billion [Music] what is this game dude can I go anywhere else okay we we’re all the way at the bottom it doesn’t look like we can go anywhere else what game is it’s called frog fractions Game of the Year Edition it’s free and it is so weird I love it how are you Josh okay wait we’re still getting saued here I didn’t know we could even go up [Music] this part’s pretty fun actually like the little bullet hell I I like uh I like bullet hell well enough I don’t think we’ve ever played any on stream okay well it looks weird it is weird for sure um let’s get some durian it’s still wave one I guess we’re always in bullet [Music] hell wait can we go all the way up is that possible okay we can’t go all the way up oh my gosh oh my gosh what happens when we go back down wait gifts come here no I missed the gift [Music] dude well I guess I can go get more fruit [Music] right is there a limit to this you think golly by the way if you guys are ever on YouTube and you want a um different for format for the live we have a horizontal as well that’s of any interest oh wait there’s a present no okay all right so we can uninstall the lock on targeting we can also install a warp drive install a warp drive on your flying dragon now he’ll really take you places okay so I uninstalled lock on targeting which I kind of think wish I had not cuz I’m not a gamer chat well we have an unlimited fruit Supply so we don’t particularly care about that do we oh my gosh can I get a mod to ban Alex come on man it’s Pride mod be cool with [Music] it go go go nailed it what did Alex do ah it’s in YouTube chat it’s in YouTube chat say goodbye [Music] Alex sorry team just got to ban this guy real quick why is this hide user hey bada bing bing bada bing good to go there good to go there good to go there nice yeah oh what is is this lock on targeting I sure do miss lock on targeting it was pretty sweet D this game is sick get five upgrades horizontally or [Music] vertically I wonder if it’s going to prompt me to uninstall it again I’m still I want to get one of the presents we haven’t got one of the presents [Music] yet this game is amazing [Music] I thought I saw a present go down wait why do we only have nine zorm kids how do we get more of those okay we can get a warp drive so sick of the lock on targeting it just doesn’t have the friction of going a natural oh my gosh feels like one of those games gets dark in the future it does doesn’t it all right we have a war drive now chat glad you can finally make it Lieutenant hop we’re dealing with a serious infestation here I think it’s Mark Twain oh my gosh be careful around those asteroids don’t let them push you [Music] around hey what was that thing that just fell I don’t know dude there’s too much stuff on my screen wow I’ve never seen those bugs shoot at you anyone but you I think they might be racist [Applause] we got to we got to move my camera over uh so you guys can read the chat if it pops up on the bottom left I want you guys to be able to see that holy moly this rocks dude I’m immediately in love with this game there we go oh my God racism in the frog game is crazy that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying all right this is Bonkers eating sounds next gen okay where are we all right oh God don’t forget to avoid bullets Lieutenant hop what is going on here oh why do we only have nine zorm kids how do we get more zor kids there’s bug Mars now their home planet they’re going to regret messing with us thanks red high heel do a barrel roll thanks French Bridge you let asteroids push you around we said not to do that perish bug Mars I’m coming for you with my warp speed Dragon I cannot wait to recommend this game to everyone Under the Sun yo shout out noctis by the way we’re going to tag noctis in the YouTube description on this [Music] one good flying with youut hop see you on the other side thanks Abraham Lincoln no refuge B Attitude for Gams oh hello I wonder if any bad guy over there has any tips with dealing with fractions oh God okay I guess we got to oh we’re taking a hit we got to take out the shooters we got to take out the shooters okay destroy the core you’re under arrest thank you for your cooperation [Music] no Mr hop the charges you were severe you’re accused of breaking entering into our native habitat bug Mars with intent to purloin our delicious Space Fruit oh my gosh what do I [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pick oh my God I’m going to plead amphibious amphibious your honor are you sure you don’t want to lawyer these Chargers carry minimum sentence of 20 years hard labor there’s a special offer this week how’d you like to become a naturalized citizen of bug [Music] Mars let’s see absolutely I love it hear on bug Mars I’ve never been to a buggier Mars I’ll take the labor I don’t know what are the hours how do you follow bries if you’ll just reach in my FR get them get off the get them off get the bugs off Shall We Begin our bug flag has four Stripes what do they represent oh my God crushing our enemies in powerful mandibles can almost feel their bones breaking now oh we got we got a point we got a point okay on the series bug Jersey Shore what is bug Snookie’s favorite flavor of ice cream trick question ice cream is unheard of on bug Mars because of the climate I think they’re in my hair I can feel them crawling Al it’s bug so wrong and yet so right score in 20 bus ago bug and g bug Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of bugs that wrote that we are blessed with which inalienable right which inalienable right can you guess it at home the right to bugs the right to own sentient Space Fruit of slaves the right to refuse to testify against your hive mind in court the right to parade in court and only your um underwear and how the hell should I know I’m a Frog oh God bugs everywhere I’m going to say uh space rout of slaves unsettling is it you never guess just by looking at them they’re watching and judging our every move during the war of bug 1812 General Stonewall bug Jackson held off the nefarious frog Armada singlehandedly how many meca frogs did he Crush under the wheels of his Mercedes bugs enough to reach the ground we don’t know they hadn’t invented counting back then 420 I swear I counted them twice that’s not a pot joke none he didn’t like learn to drive stick until after his divorce they bite oh they bite oh they bite bite bite bite divorce divorce what a nasty breakup it was all over the tabloids for months the last question Mr hop how do you feel about [Music] fractions I um was told there’d be no math on this exam oh man I love them they’re an intuitive way to represent a non- integer value I’m actually leaning slightly towards more scientific notation these days I don’t know I’ve never really dealt with them I think my chair is made of bugs am I made of [Music] bugs um I’m going to love them I know right fractions I’m impressed Mr hop yours is the first perfect score our natur fake naturalized program has ever seen we were going to fire you into the Sun but instead we decided to issue a work visa if you’ll sign just here yeah f it fist pump YOLO bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs YOLO thanks red head and blue dress okay we have our bug Mars working holiday v v Visa Bartholomew salience I’m a bug I’m a chitten donor that’s good I live at 1 2 3 4 5 bug okay this is for novelty purposes only okay wait Coral you played this I I had no clue what this was going on okay let’s [Music] go HMC M Mars fractions are the best fractions okay we’re on Mars right we’re still playing our bullet Hill where are we going as conceived in 1632 by Portuguese printing press operator Andre Filipe boxing was a gentleman’s game in which two men would square off and regil each other with stories monotonous for days on end until one of them fell to the ground from boredom or exhaustion over the next few years the new sport de veloped a respectable following of a few hundred local social [Music] lights what this is the game of the decade we are playing the game of the decade Edition so it absolutely makes sense why I would feel this is immediately my game of the decade oh I love it uh let’s go this way what a fever dream dude it was Felipe’s son Andre Felipe Felipe who developed what he called the punching strategy in7 after seeing a school boy strike another in Anger causing him to fall down o when Andre Felipe Felipe challenged the then Champion British expatriate Sleepless Bill Bishop to a match Bishop was the odds on favorite you can imagine his surprise when while he was describing what he had had for breakfast that morning Andre walked up and thumped him in the neck sending him down for the count in the par of our time hey see you cbers see you cbers thanks for coming [Music] by can we do anything with this guy or is he just watching TV okay it doesn’t look like we can interact with them okay I guess we’ll just keep going [Music] down oh my gosh guys again if you ever have any bizarre games I want to play them I guarantee I want to have this experience I’ve missed out on so [Music] much I like the music [Music] too wait should I have gone back up and like um like done a couple waves and got more upgrades while it was universally agreed that the boy had violated the spirit of the game officials were unable to find any actual rule that punching violated and were forced to let the victory stand this upset caused an uproar in the boxing Community large enough to spill over into local newspapers which drew the interest of many Outsiders to come see what all the fuss was about the newcomers were enthralled to engage in these borderline barbaric displays of human strength and skill and the rest is history after a few spoil sport School moms single-minded about safety added the PED gloves of course of course I hope you guys are appreciating this intense and completely accurate description of the history of [Music] boxing I don’t even know where I’m going dude today’s boxing enthusiasts fantasize about a newcomer that would rock the ring the way Philipe they did classification of the modern rule set has essentially locked the punching strategy into place but it’s easy to get caught up in the fantasy young scholars with Big Dreams often enter the ring with their crazy new trick usually a variant of hypnosis and though they’ve achieved the occasional Victory none of the gimmicks have been robust enough to make it to the big time the big [Music] time what’s in here you think it feels odd to have like empty rooms I [Music] guess can I press anything I don’t think so I don’t think any of my buttons do anything let’s go over here let’s go over here yo uh not # notot sponsor shout out to poptarts crunchy poppers you seem neat all right let’s just check left and then go back down all right okay dead end got it got it got it got [Music] it I can’t wait for our next lesson in history on boxing oh my [Music] gosh guys the guy who gave me a massage today beat the ever living snot out of me it was awesome I’m a little sore now actually might have to go get a massage about it the real one though is that Andre Felipe’s original vision of boxing is still around oh gentlemen’s boxing clubs can be found in cities all over the world you can visit one most any day of the week and see two aidite gentlemen exchanging pleasantries in the ring of course most people only come to watch a few hours of a match and then leave but every once in a while you’ll find amongst your elders a stout fellow a diard fan who perhaps witnessed that historic battle between Felipe and Bishop who for love of the sport must stay to witness the last glorious seconds of wakefulness slip away only to return to fight again another day did we find a spaceship what oh what’s up P this is called um frog fractions man module is that it the rangling seems to have stopped and you feel the intense downward pressure let up after a moment you calm down enough to start taking in your surroundings for the first time since seemingly dormant vessel sprang to life Command Module the walls of this circular room curved meet to a point that must correspond to the curved nose of the outer hole aligning the walls you see a port hole a glowing display a control deck a ladder leads aft if you don’t know how to get started type help and press enter okay what next let’s type help oh my gosh okay okay look examine inventory get wrench turn knob push button inter phone booth climb stairs open box read plantlet pour orange juice into glass put plate on place place mat if it’s possible to do it must be good and wise break dance break dance dance you practice your moves for a bit still got it oh my gosh what’s up Sai how are you we’re playing an interesting game say the least okay uh pour orange juice into glass that was just an example there’s no juice in space bring juice to space I don’t understand that verb eat poptarts eat bug okay look okay the walls of the circular room blah blah blah blah blah okay we’re going to climb ladder that’s what we’re going to do doing good we are doing awesome we are doing fanastic got a fun freaking night ahead of us to tell you that much okay we climb ladder we’re in the Captain’s Log sleeping pot sits next to the nightstand a ladder leads to the fora four four four for a forier forier there it is Sai no it’s not it’s not a text based game it’s an everything based game so far it’s about a frog turn teaching us fractions all right an oriental rug lies in the center of the uh move rug moving the rug you discover a recessed hatch below it your score has gone up by two fifths of a point Enter hatch hatch is closed find key look around okay uh open nightstand we’re going to try that a thick manual read manual a navigation computer man uh for the Command Module blah blah blah blah our score goes up by 2 and E points okay we’ll keep looking around we’ll keep looking around look around H living look into to sleeping pod sleeping looks like a bed with a lid but you have to assume it’s got some sort of suspended animation functionality I mean right there’s a hole on top next to a gauge reading empty look inside I only understood as far as a look okay uh look up look down look around okay uh let’s see so there’s a hatch inspect hatch maybe you guys that work what’s up Eliot spoked wheel protrudes from the center of the hatch turn wheel oh hatch is open enter hatch we’re in the engine room nearly every surface in this room is covered with a sticky pink goop which seems to be thicker near a gray machine sitting in the corner a whole hole in the wall exposes a nest of wires there’s a hatch leading back to the Captain’s Quarter interesting reminds you of zorc I’ve never heard of [Music] that uh what happens if we look around same thing okay let’s inspect goop inspect goop okay nothing special about that um let’s see should we check the wires check wires check all check hole look at hole what next look at hole peering into the exposed Machinery you see what’s looks to be an empty coffee can that you’re guessing doesn’t belong there okay remove coffee can you twist the can it eventually comes loose but you’ve ripped the insulation off an adjacent wire in the process and it begins sparking as it comes into contact with an adjacent strut you glance down at what you’ve taken huh it really is a coffee can uhoh repair wires I don’t know how you want to fix that oh god look around okay everything’s the same oh man uh uh touch goop seems to be fixed in face lick goop you’re not hungry um connect wires maybe um touch wires you try to pull the wire away from the nearby components but it returns its natural position by touching the uh touching the strut have we missed anything what do you guys think we should do next this is awesome oh my gosh oh little stretch of doodle climb back up climb walls climb ladder climb patch okay so we’re back up there H climb ladder again let’s keep on going check display uh see a portal look at portal we’re in space we’re flying along right okay go to control deck that’s not a place you can go look at control deck the control deck consists of an array of switches and a pair of joysticks let’s hope you never need to override the ship’s autopilot because these are definitely not frog joysticks okay H what next look around okay port hole glowing display a lot uh use ladder uh climb ladder okay so we’re back in the Pod right what do you think should we go back this is bizarre huh very very interesting chat hi zoner how’s it going [Music] H so I we want to go in the hatch but I feel like okay let’s uh go back to go back up ladder I want to make sure there’s nothing we miss at the start uh climb ladder glowing display troll deck look at display maybe what is this it’s called frog fractions Game of the Year Edition oh here we go okay a glowing green uh display shows a map of the Galaxy with a destination you don’t recognize marked in an ETA of about 3,000 years looking closer you see two onscreen buttons labeled route details and new destination okay route details what’s the goal great question great question what are we doing today we’re playing a weird game we were a frog eating bugs and now we have gone to Mars we accidentally became a citizen of Mars because we upgraded our Leaf to a turtle our Turtle to a dragon we passed this naturalization test and then we sank into the water and found a rocket ship but the goal is to learn fractions from a frog oh man what’s up YT okay um okay wait wait uh let’s see the screen spills forth a slew of steps such as spiral spinward spy system far faster than you can imagine spiral spinward at spy system what does this do okay let’s do new destination okay you definitely part plot a course back to the bug Mars the engines Roar and you feel GeForce is shift the ETA reads 57 and 35ths years huh you run a diagnostic and determine that the vast majority of the time is going to be spent going through a bug Customs luckily you can sleep through most of it your score has gone up by 3 and A2 points golly hey thanks for the sub Jacob appreciate that oh my gosh what’s next what’s next you play this but you don’t know what your goal is yeah no clue somebody just told me to play it and go blind and here we are so uh I’m doing good fig I had a very good day I had a very good day what’s my IRL jaw um I’m a construction Foreman at Aqua 4 Industries okay let’s see what next what next let’s see check destination maybe Halloween Moon grab what’s up Ryder how are you Ryder if go back and check the start of this VOD Ryder you’re going to love this okay so we plotted a new destination look around maybe hm so what happens when we uh okay climb ladder what how do we get out of here uh Tina I left it on just chatting on purpose yeah okay climb down hatch we’re in the engine room we have the S sticky pink goop thicker okay wait check gray machine check gray machine inspect machine consists of a spigot aimed at a flat platform a handwritten [ __ ] of pe oh okay all right all right all right you make videos where I troll guys but you’re well I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry I’m not your target a audience zoner I apologize for that good luck with your um trolling though I appreciate the follow okay let’s read the paper Okay read paper this is out of order note included in your game pad package my game package what oh yeah I’m okay zoner we’re good we’re good this is the out of order note included in your game package inspect game package game let’s just type in game package and see what it does what’s up blood um take paper you ripped the note off leaving a fluttering piece of electrical tape behind and revealing a control panel aha okay the game is called frog fractions Game of the Year Edition it’s free5 free free on Steam you want to check it out okay take paper rip the note off leaving a flutter okay inspect control panel see you okay most of the control panel is rendered unusable by the sticky pink goop you see a row what looks to be radio preset buttons all which two are stucked there’s also a big red lever none of these are legibly labeled what do we do press button the raise button clicks into place and the previously selected button pops up local currency says a robotic voice h thanks for the sub pull lever okay wait insert currency press button the raise button clicks into place and the previously selected button pops up Mom’s specialty says a robotic currency what’s up draconic how are you moth moth moth moth moth o we pulled the lever machine words dispensings mom specialty pink goop it’s the pink goop pink goop streams out of the faucet splashing against the flat platform and getting everywhere a couple drops land in your mouth and you recognize the flavor bacon milkshake atmospheric anomaly detected a different voice says a worring sound ensues in the bulk of the goop is sucked into invisible vents leaving you just enough goop floating around to be gross and annoying atmosphere purified the voice says triumphantly I don’t know what’s going on there chat some weird with the green screen today I don’t know what okay press button okay P lever dispensing local currency a thick stream of zor or zor mids shoot out of the faucet bounce off the flat platform and SC around the room let’s do it again pull Le okay nothing else uh collect zor mids he spend a few minutes Gathering up the scattered zorp kids uh your score has gone up by third of a point third of a point okay let’s see let’s push let’s press button again and try try and double up okay Mom specialty okay the Vince do their ineffectual thing atmosphere purified uh look around what God what are you doing thank you holy [ __ ] AO yeah let’s let those AO play thank you for the 170 gift Subs I appreciate that we hit our sub goal again hey I guess uh shout out to Twitch for auto updating sub goals whenever they’re met all right let’s see if we get any funny names out of this I’m not wearing pants that’s a good one um offer sign KYR Alabama Bigfoot oh I yeah I recognize a lot of these names that’s awesome Mr Moon crap caught a sub Shout Out Mr Moon crap holy moly thank you for the 17 gift subs thank you thank you for the you listen I hugely hugely hugely hugely appreciate that that goes to funding Mrs Moon crab’s dreams of not working in the summer but you never have to give her anything like that oh no holy moly oh my gosh thank you thank you again Mo thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you holy moly uh yeah I mean Aur it’s it’s our money right so we yeah and right the 25 bits to really cap that one off oh yeah well some okay so like I don’t know how gift subs work to be honest because like sometimes it’ll catch people that are in the chat sometimes it’ll catch people who have been in the chat and then sometimes it’ll catch people who like have never been here I really don’t know what the system is to be honest because I’ve gotten I’ve gotten gift Subs to like chats I’ve never been to right a’t that peculiar Jacob where am I from Mars I’ve become a Mars citizen what’s up chicken detective how’s it going oh my gosh yes again thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hugely generos hugely can’t even speak hugely generous of you and I very much appreciate that if you guys caught a gifted sub please please please please say thank you say thank you holy moly do you want to see McCree mccree’s come to say hello hi buddy you want to say hi to everybody come here buddy he doesn’t like flying that much but he’ll deal ready [Music] hi Miss McCree hi buddy you flying you flying [Music] hooray good boy oh what a good guy he’s a baby yeah he’s alleged oh don’t look behind the curtain Mr Monkey hide my shame he is allegedly a golden husky allegedly but we are his fourth home so who knows what he is bye puppy good boy now he’s like sitting and chilling holy moly again please say thank you if you got give sub okay uh grab wires that’s not something you carry around fix wires I don’t know how to fix that look at wires sparking uh okay there’s a bear wire grab bare wire touch wires H use sticky goop wait put sticky goop on that’s a good idea on wires whatever breed is he’s a good boy and that’s what matters what’s up uh Pepe’s video page how are you use goop on wires that doesn’t go there eat goo there’s drops earlier were enough bacon milkshake for one life time thanks you’re good I’m good as well we’re reading some Pop-Tart crunchy poppers which is unfortunate name cuz poppers are often associated with the stuff people use for their butt stuff um is it just butt stuff or is it more anyway these aren’t for that they’re Pop-Tarts they’re quite good okay let’s look around and then maybe climb back up the ladder oh let’s go in the sleeping pod let’s go in the sleeping pod I’m sorry what yeah they’re called poppers we were at a um a rendition of Rocky Horror Picture Show at the um local gay bar and I had a friend who had poppers in her purse and she stood up and Spilled them everywhere and the smell is strong and so people call her Penelope Penelope poppers fun times what time is it it is uh 18,000 that explains everything wait which part hi good puppy okay should we get in the sleeping pod now a whole actually okay wait go to Captain’s Quarters Rocky Horror uh it’s it’s the first one Coral bro it’s 1:00 a.m. happy 1 a.m. hey puppy you guys can’t see him but mccree’s just let me see if I can do this mccre say hi there he is you see him down there say hi hey buddy this is my son hi invisible puppy we can see him now hi visible puppy oh my gosh I go to bed well hey thanks for hanging out while you were here I appreciate that maybe fall asleep to some YouTube videos you know huh huh we got a lot on there do you guys do that I fall asleep to YouTube videos all the time there’s a guy named pipetron who does town of Salem 2 content that’s the guy I currently fall asleep to okay let’s see we’re back in the Captain’s Quarter okay let’s uh oh he’s I’m trying to type can you start a fire I don’t think so let me try that start he’s like pushing the keys start fire buddy I don’t understand that fire sag okay buddy you got to get down okay thank you I love you you fall asleep to piano music on YouTube that’s oh that’s good too yeah I don’t know why I just I really like this guy’s videos I usually watch one every night and then I fall asleep to one of his live streams or one of his longer ones um okay get in sleeping pod okay you get in the sleeping pod your head barely touched the pillow when an alarm begins repeating perfume chamber MB you will wank up cranky you assume it’s going to stop eventually but a couple minutes later it still hasn’t you get up there’s no way you can sleep like that Among Us videos really you can sleep to those that’s interesting I although yeah I guess I used to fall asleep to chilled chaos I used to uh do his vods all the time so that makes sense perfume chamber empty okay inspect chamber where can we get perfume chat the sleeping pod looks like a bed with a lid but you have to assume it’s got some sort of suspended animation functionality there’s a hole on top next to a gauge reading empty is the pink goop perfume it swaps to someone uh I usually set a timer on so with iPhones you can get you can in the timer settings there’s a stop play that’ll automatically stop if it’s a video if it’s a podcast Etc time to Coro yourself yeah yeah yeah that’s exactly it I wonder where we can find it though perfume y what’s up random cat how’s it going oh I spilled Pop-Tart juice everywhere juice dust one second chat here eat this while I do this open up wait how do you fall asleep to Friday Night at Freddy’s streams I thought that game was scary or is it just like so familiar are you guys done eating this yet can I have it crunch makes me the crunch cat the one that talks about like eating uh rocks you know do hot takes such an interesting Litany of things that people fall asleep to and I’m sure all the creators appreciate the watch time and AD Revenue you watch it every day it’s so interesting me man humans are so interesting can’t s to Reddit yeah you get invested in the story you get invested okay wait where are we going look around so we’ve already got the hatch we’ve already uh knock over nightstand can we knock over the night stand inspect nightstand we’ve already read the manual here take manual take it read manual okay so we can set up a route back to bug Mars you’ve been falling asleep to reeba huh it’s a 4our no seriously you’re like you know what’s so funny so like I’ve done like a little bit of like monetization YouTube research etc etc etc right um and like I want to say music is like a very like huge money like I think like Finance is like the number one thing but like most of like the huge views that occur on YouTube are actually music and it makes sense but you don’t really think about it you know at least I didn’t think about it like you like like the top videos like the highest blah blah blah blah like there’s a ton of like music videos on there and it makes sense because it’s such a repeat thing right is there tape anywhere for the wires yes yes cuz there was electrical tape wait wait wait wait okay wait check inventory inventory you’re holding the can the out of order note the zor kids and the thick manual what music videos exist no for real and I had no clue like the the scale of it all right so interesting okay let’s go back to the hatch look around okay go to hatch take a electrical tape uh check panel check paper H how do we get how do we get this to go back how do we get this to go back play FR night for you know what’s so funny Ryder I don’t ever see the spam in YouTube chat because it gets uh it gets bopped automatically yo what’s up zit how are you what up what up what up sorry I’m scrolling back up here wow that’s cool I need I I I think I need to get on the I need to log on the public server real quick and grab some like kits and stuff like that I think I don’t remember somebody said to do that I think bunny be did uh um hell are we doing chat okay let’s go back uh Pink check machine look at machine okay take electrical tape taken yes let’s go let’s go baby oh okay inspect wires use electrical tape thank you Ryder uh wrap wire with electrical tape oh wait wrap wire with uh with electrical tape oh wait uh use tape on Wire yeah let’s go oh yeah I try to make it a a general rule commemorative 20K Discord oh is that what it was nice dude good for them I love the growth that they’re experiencing it’s really cool to be a part of it you know we could be unpopular together I do get that um my music taste shift based on what I’m using from like apple music to YouTube like there’s a lot more stuff that I’ll listen to YouTube I don’t know why I feel like I listen to rap on YouTube more often like mixtapes and stuff like that or like um freestyles like I guess like stuff that I generally wouldn’t be able to find on apps I tend to lean toward that stuff on YouTube because it’s not going to be available anywhere else right that make sense also chaotic what up sorry I don’t know if I said hello proper let’s do this too just in case I haven’t okay our score’s gone up again inspect wires okay look around we check the machine again check machine Loi medieval fantasy music oh that’s nice yeah yeah live performan is too live performan is too 100% uh look at machine Co lever okay okay climb ladder okay we’ve done something all right leave hatch look around uh go to Captain’s orders discover weekly yeah I like discover stuff that is pretty cool you have to do something to put whatever at the Le we’ve done both lever options leave am I crazy what am I doing all right uh clim hatch okay we’re back in here eat banana let’s check our inventory again inspect can an empty coffee can inspect Zork mids maybe yep that should be enough okay eat can sure eat can the can is empty okay uh climb ladder is the can for perfume so it’s empty coffee can so I don’t think it’s going to work but we could try that let me check the display panel again go uh inspect control deck okay we don’t want to do that we want to Let’s inspect the port hole and then the glowing display okay that’s the normal stuff check glowing display uh inspect dis playay okay so yeah the last thing we do is sleep and hey if the can works the can works then right okay look around climb ladder inspect sleeping pod insert can insert empty can oh wait insert ERT empty can H inspect hole in there brother fill hole fill hole with can can is empty wait no no no I’ve got it I’ve got it we used the bacon milkshake we used the bacon milkshake right look around okay climb hatch okay fill can with goop you can’t get a meaningful amount by collecting loose goop okay okay okay so we will inspect machine uh press button press button pull lever collect goop you can’t get collect okay wait wait what’s up you can’t get a meaningful amount just by collecting loose scop the vents do their ineffectual thing basically getting everywhere what do you guys think what do we what should we do maybe say with can select goop with can bill can with goop let’s look at our inventory again are we missing anything use manual to block vents block vent block vence we’re hitting a impass got to be a way to do this there’s got to be a way to do this chat where does the goop come from it’s from pulling the lever right so pull lever oh wait wait put can on uh flat platform put can on platform nice nice yes yes okay uh pull lever but the coffee can does end up filled you grab the can let’s go baby we’re going back to bug Mars okay look around climb hatch climb hatch climb hatch it’s coming coming together it’s coming together chat okay uh inspect pod what’s up Dion what’s going on okay uh fill hole with can oh no you bring the can close to the hole and the hole sucks the pink goop right in our score has gone up nine halves of points uh sleep in pod okay you lie down in the sleeping pod close the lid and drift off secure that in 57 and something years you’ll return to bug Mar as a wealthy frog you wake up you’re clearly not in your sleeping pod you Lally glance around to get your bearings and you appear to have been sleeping on a heart-shaped bed covered with roses a voice comes from the Next Room awake already a wispy human figure in a bathrob and Crown walks in she bends over and kisses you on the nose and suddenly you feel your body shifting yay she laughs and claps and you realize you’ve been transmogrified into a human [Music] form watch out man eating your fruit you awake with a start what a horrible dream you call your friend dragy the Flying Dragon just to talk to someone yellow dragy says I just had the worst nightmare you explained the situation I’m not sure that a support group for human bug eaters is really going to get you much of a following draggy Ponders maybe if we drummed up a little publicity first I know just the pr agency 5 minutes later dragy shows up at your door dressed to the nines he tosses a frog Tuxedo in at you and says put this on babe we’re running you for president oh my God what’s up skit Scott how are you my day has been fantastic yeah this game is a fever dream it’s fantastic candid hop what say you about the allegations you are not a natural-born citizen that you’re under 35 and that you are a frog oh wait we got to play DDR to answer this oh no oh God wait why am I missing all these I can’t press all the buttons oh there it goes oh God I’m not ready I’m so ill equipped for that oh God [Music] help oh this is messing with my brain so bad [Music] I’m am so not ready for this chat I’m getting [ __ ] can I just press buttons I think I can just press buttons and get it okay we’re going get it Chad we’re going to get it we’re almost there hold on oh man you smoked him you’re shoeing for [Applause] president it’s happened we did it it’s Betsy Blue Bonnet sir Clarence gastropod berand Kroger of course of course it’d be Ferdinand flaps McQueen I remember you back from bug Mars Morag yep and introducing draggy ceiling eater as himself Let’s Go Round of Applause Round of Applause greatest game of all time numerators in denominators frog fractions ladies and gentle bug coffee Mr President heav on the [Music] cream how many megabytes of bug porn do you wish to make wait all what what do we what do we what do we do here come on let’s be reasonable now I don’t know 100 how many Banner popup ads you want to purchase don’t worry this interface is temporary bug software Engineers are hard at work on bug Excel 98 oh no we can’t get 69 42 three it’s not you it’s my inability to distinguish you from prey what is this what is this okay so we lost a lot of money wait how many zorm kids do we want to uh 69 that confident huh what is this all right time to get upgrades oh no okay all right bug access hi division oh my gosh all right’s let’s let’s do 10 I haven’t even been reading these numbers I’ll be honest with you chat I haven’t even been reading these numbers oh my gosh what’s up foror H [Music] 10 be sure to charge more okay thanks but uh I’m ladybugs wow juvenile bugs posing as Health Inspectors gave your product the thumbs up everybody wants to see so they like the ladybugs they like the lady for lady bugs ladybug for ladybugs oh hi division how are you thirsty bugs bugs complain about your incessantly high prices we made 10 andb you sold zero wow we’re doing terrible okay guess he what am I doing dude wait bug drugs drugging the water supply will pacify delinquent bugs keeping them off the streets and staying out of trouble and not coincidentally staying home and watching bug porn okay sure what is this what is this okay so we’ve got a lot okay [Music] something okay try say decided to make bug New Age today nobody’s quite sure what severe thunderstorm it’s all ruined chat we made minus 7 million what’s up what am I supposed to do here am I supposed to get all the upgrades you think okay we can get a system of satellites to help meteorologist provide more accurate and precise weather forecast okay we’ll do that now it’s cloudy we’re not very good at it yeah we’re just pressing [Music] buttons all right let’s try this again okay let’s just do 42 impressive wingan okay the bug sensors are working today there will be no bug available bug retail the sensors bought all of your at lunchtime this is what real presidents are doing for sure for sure wait 115 100 or 15K okay okay what do we locked here what are we locked on how many zor kids do I need 2 million oh accidentally got [Music] it okay so you want to charge okay so we’re still going to do this still going to do this what is the stream what a good question what a good question all right 15K just be yourself you sold zero the warehouse burned down yikes okay don’t worry we’re going to keep making money we’re going to keep making money okay what’s our last upgrade that we need to get presidential swimming pool the heated pool provides a familiar wet environment in which the bug president can relax I do want to get lock on targeting again though oh my gosh H what’s up Jacob the game is taken many turns since you’ve last [Music] returned all right 69 or 20 15 it’s not you it’s my inability to distinguish you from the pr we’ve all been there severe thunderstorm all of its ruined okay what’s up cattle Creek Ranch I can’t explain the game we’re playing by the way it’s an incredible fever dream okay what happens when I click this cuz I want to get like the full the full upgrade thing this T you’re absolutely right krabber it it’s gotten something thanks but uh I’m lady just Bon the all across okay it just lets us keep going automation is what separates us from the Apes if you think about it I love the rotational all right let’s get the swimming pool let’s get the swimming pool we need to get back to work thanks legally distinct pack Bug [Music] Guy what’s that riding noise you guys hear [Music] that okay we can swim the greatest game of all Time Bar None easy [Music] wow wow why did I name it Halloween Mooncraft it’s a real animal Halloween Mooncraft is a real animal you give it a Bing is it actually over I have no clue I have no earthly clue if it’s over or not [Music] [Music] what hey can I get some can I get some Kappa claas in chat here that was that was something that was something oh my gosh really don’t understand what’s going on with my green screen that was something chat that was something incredible you guys want to play some Minecraft thank you styro we’ve all been there hello oh my gosh have we though h compelling point game please do you do real life sideswipe what is that Jacob RL sideswipe you never heard of that why is this not ending I want to see if there’s something after the credits oh Rocket League no I played a little bit of Rocket league with friends but like never like in a serious with Minecraft this isn’t scene we got to let it play out we got to we got to let it play out hello styro hello styro uh we’re at the sounds we’re at the sounds surely it’s almost done no I’ve actually never played Roblox I’ve only ever played Minecraft guys we have an excellent build we have an excellent build we’re going to be working on by the way it’s never ending it really is obscenely long if we uh if we get demonetized oh well it’s me [Music] Ryder are you now yeah I think Tina’s the one uh ah the dragonfly oh I know oh what games do you play we do a lot of weird games horror games in Minecraft right now hey in honor of beard number two it’s a check to see if you’re willing to stay there true I wonder if it’s a lighting issue let me try this conat rations you finished frog fractions and you’re a certified frog fraction ear but are you ready for the ultimate frog fractions experience by Hop’s iconic cap DLC and experience a day in the life of a frog wearing a hat it’ll feel different as you’re playing through an entirely different frog fractions game I chat I can almost guarantee you if we buy this it’s just him wearing a hat [Music] right is it just the same exact thing [Music] I we’re not going to do the hat today chat it’s just a hat I’m looking at the reviews right now it’s just a [Music] hat wait actually I can’t tell is it just a hat or not oh no chat we might have to play the DLC sometime we might have to do the DLC oh my gosh what do you do for a living besides YouTube um I balance hats on top of dogs take me to the sound test [Music] sure I’ll follow this guy on Twitter I’ll follow this guy on Twitter he’s earned it yeah I guess we do a twitch for a living too no incredible incredible let’s play some Minecraft that was wild dude hey guys I’m going to run an ad while things are loading up um just because we have to do that to get rid of the free rolls I appreciate everybody sticking around I Apple you’re not going to miss anything because we’re launching the game you got to download it it’s free yeah well maybe we’ll do the um maybe we’ll do the DLC next week or something give it a go go me what’s up zero how are you we are hanging out we just played one of the weirdest games I’ve ever played which is a high compliment Minecraft time um now we’re do a little bit of that Minecraft baby and thanks for everybody who’s liking the um lives and everything on YouTube by the way I appreciate that I appreciate that and by the way if you guys want to help us in our quest to become a y y y y YouTube Partner watch time on the lives counts toward that so L going a live is hugely helpful on that front Minecraft’s launching now by the way team we’re going to be part of a uh Pokey tournament tonight it’s going to be something else going to be something else I’ve got big plans to win the whole thing you know I have plans at the very least hey all right Minecraft’s up all right okay it’s not Christmas but it might as well be what’s up Cory are you going to feed the rest of the competitors’s rotten flesh oh we have plans we have plans why is this not loading Minecraft weird okay oh it’s freezing why is it doing that why did it full screen all right let’s fix that video settings full screen borderless apply done okay nice nice Christmas is a state of mind hey one the raffle add points all 600 are you going to use the evil one your ritual good point these are all good points let’s go say hi to the server greetings server smiley face oh oh my God explosive audio bort Rel logging not just farming H I promise I’m farming hos all right we’re back do we get any Hills can we Farm in hillow oh golly G gosh hey buddy what do you want Hello wow if it ain’t the cons hello wow I feel so welcome what the hell am I doing what do you think about that wailmer what do you think about that wailmer all right we got to get rid of a lot of this stuff let’s just find an empty chest this was just our dump chest right howdy y’all I can tell Speedy just got here to the Blackstone we have the stew we have the stew oh my gosh so yeah axe got in I I I’m about to go say hi to axe we’re GNA go find him we don’t want this lever we probably don’t need this anvil um we’ll keep the Safari Ball we actually want to probably make some more this is probably a decent set let’s grab all this stuff though oh this is just our regular stuff not bad okay let’s go find axe will you give me a ton of crap cash to imediately slots all sure yeah absolutely add points Rider dragonfly okay that should be good did that work that didn’t work let’s try that again add points Rider Dragon oh excellent thank you dear all right that should work I’m going to cry most like yeah that I I I sent him a message when he got in oh my God chat I have the chance to do the funniest thing in the world I have the chance to do the funniest in the world oh no bunny be bunny be you should no oh oh no hey bunny hi this is shiny vene where is where is [Music] it you got to calm down you’re not coming through okay okay what do I do what do I do just catch it wait why can’t you C it I have a chain my C chain okay so so catch this right yes so press R and catch it with the ball okay so don’t kill it right yes please don’t kill it okay bunny bunny you got to throw the throw the ball at it oh my [Laughter] God you got this you got this just just do it just do it please I’m begging you I don’t want it to be spawn please do not kill it kill it do not kill it don’t kill it die please throw the ball at it H ofc please I’m begging I’m don’t kill it [Laughter] no oh my God yo what’s up Axe Legend I quick balls on people what’s good my guy hello friend how are you oh that was so difficult that was so difficult I almost I I if he would have killed it I would have just logged off oh bunny you have no idea you have no idea how badly I wanted to murder it hey when is Titanfall 3 by the way bro it keeps me up at night every night all right well HMC can you send me that Pokemon freep oh no I’m gonna go oh actually I have a great idea can we go to the nether real quick don’t you dare okay he don’t worry axe I’ll take you with me okay hey bunny I’ll send you a Teleport soon don’t worry all right so we’re going to get the bunnery and we’re going to go put it in the lava actually is there any lava in um dumb question chat how do I tell where it is is this it yeah this is it okay let’s switch uh who do we switch probably one of the WHUR right the evil one Junior another demon for the sacrifice spawn is looking cool Spawn is looking cool wonder what’s being built there wait what is oh it’s a bir [ __ ] oh hey bro did she just say spawn looks sick what’s new um probably the shiny bunnery I would if I had to guess oh dude it took everything in my I almost killed it I really talk bunny had to talk me off the edge you know who is that it’s mine This Is Halloween Moon crabs proud owner by the way we’re not GNA put in the lava or anything like that soon bunny right no don’t kill him you made her disappear with your thoughts and my words oh she’s back she’s back hey bunny be hey h how’s it going do you not trust me to get this to you safely I should have t feed somebody else there yeah this is on you you had him come catch it for you and now he’s holding it hostage and potentially thinking about murdering it yes he’s like looking at me for help hey Doom where’s the nearest lava by the way just like hypothetically I don’t know there’s a volcano over there that would look good B hey hey I have a question if he murders or releases this bener can I start a poll whether we ban HMC oh wow wouldn’t you you know what I’ve got some TPS to send I forgot she has her favorite social media before her name I sent one as well did you guys know that your cousins oh I messed that up one second hey teleport to me teleport to me oh I’m trying to teleport to Speedy CH bro did you accidentally TP away let’s not talk about what I’m me wait time out time out dude you know how insane it is to say did you guys guys know your cousins and then TP away though like that’s an insane thing to say it was all calculated it’s all calculated all right bunny be oh hey bunny be don’t you dare what’s up hey what do you want to name this by the way do you have a name budy B just hypothetically buy I think broken I think she’s frantically trying to save the bunny’s life okay one second I’ve got a great idea for a name be a shame if something tragic happened no stop trying to kill [Music] her no I’m going to make this a bigger encapsulation I’m good good good good good good yeah sounds good no CRA no oh obsidian that’s kind of tough to be honest oh an axe okay this is good this is good fine fine we can keep it safe I think you miss poor bunny rip Bunny’s child what a all this lava and we had to use an anvil I know I don’t I don’t have any diamond I came in here a mother and I left not a mother damn yeah well congrats on single girl summer you know you’re free of kids yeah single girl summer is going to be insane this year I I personally am selling ran L Kosar so I’m going to bring some beers it’s going to be a good time oh nice yeah you guys know your cousins what day oh no the visual glitch what’s up Joe how are you uh I hope they’re down there I hope they’re down there TPX budny me oh oh she’s right there please get the mnny to Mone I’ll be back is he is he going to be okay no how’s it going oh we’re not at the lava anym more did Speedy teleport away yeah no is is the rabbit okay yeah perfectly fine what do you ask oh hey would you mind sending a Teleport to me soon Manny yeah no stop trying to kill it I you can s t even he oh wait uh let me try this again what oh my gosh darn it that’s so valid hey appreciate there zero milk let me check my homes milk n that’s strawberry milk all right is it strawberry milk pink it’s a really strong strawberry milk ah it’s like if you just fill the it’s from The Source yeah I don’t think we have a lot I don’t think we have a lava one strawberry milk from the ti of the cow you shake them up you put them in the freezer and you get iceam an are really imagine if I had a freezer you don’t have a freezer L plus ratio plus no freezer yeah no fridge no freezer no fridge no freezer no [ __ ] happy Pride bunny are you [Music] Northern hey oh hey guys how you just milk maxing uh Speedy I hear people keep getting us confused apparently we sound the same I got to go oh it’s cuz you guys are cousins thank you hey bunny be um our dear mutual friend Ryder dragonfly has pleaded and cuz I spent all last stream killing the evil one over and over and over again and there’s a big disc about the perpetuation of the cycle of violence and everything but Ryder has been begging me begging me to give you ex bunny child um yes give me ex bunny child and I really think you’re Alaska nice you and scge both historically I’ve had good experiences with alas uh what’s up red roses how are you how long do we hold this hostage by the way how long do we hold this hostage by the de Kaiser’s been crushing this I wanted to put down some blocks what were we even doing what were we even doing CH thank you for the 181 bits Ryder I can’t scam Ridder that’s the issue that’s the issue I can’t scam Ryder yo what’s up 67 Jaclyn thank you for the follow um I can’t scam Ryder H put it side by side of the evil one and burn them together that’s such a good idea if we can find some lava we can go travel to some lava actually okay chat we have some missions so Slack’s going to be late he’s having to move some stuff and he’s the one that’s running our tournament um oh a good Fountain here would be nice right interesting to do this okay wait home where’s the weirdest homes I can where’s the weirdest home I can take her uh [Laughter] [ __ ] okay okay I’ve got it I’ve got it I’ve got it were you going to try and murder me if I oh no the Betrayal she knew she she couldn’t stop the teleport cuz it was still bending oh I’m dying I’m done she’s going to find your things and is going to burn every one of them I know I’m screwed Manny oh my god oh well I I wanted to take her just to a weird place to have a discussion and then I teleported and realized that I had like a death teleport so I had to grab it and the fact that the fact that she knew and she couldn’t stop it no no no oh I got to use that more often holy moly what do you think of that ex bunny child oh not the poor bunny child it’s going to grow up to be so sad didn’t deserve all this didn’t deserve all this you know put it in a box put it in a box can I narrate my thought process to you would you mind Shar I do mind actually okay so let me go ahead and tell you because it sounds like you do mind so that means you want me to tell you I was going to take you to a weird place to talk and I thought the court would be a funny place to talk and so I teleported and I I was just falling out of the sky and then I came back and the second you realized it I was already gone I was so happy I cannot wait for you to see the can’t stand you yeah so sorry oh sorry no you continue no no C was in uh out Tower the admin Tower we got evicted oh sorry wait you guys have a courthouse right or a working on one are we yes also apparently HMC has been scamming people who talkk changed yeah the mask changed me nobody cared about who I was until I put on the mask I got a helmet in my in my crate I didn’t like it so I put it in ah okay here I’ll I’ll take off the helmet and see if I feel any differently am I mik wasowski for y’all or does it still not work uh you were not that’s the public server uh glitch thing yeah you didn’t care before theang I want bunny wasowski bunny wasi hey nerd do you like my shiny do you like my shiny it’s not his bunny child I love bunny what this seems to imply that it is this is very Team Rocket that was yeah you that or you going to leave it as the tiny oh I’m thinking about doing all sorts of things with it nerd comedy game ah that does not sound okay the name might need the name might need a little change if you’re going to do that oh well okay one second let me make some adust need a little bit of a yeah let’s let’s fix that a little bit for you we don’t need the the Ops to get a part of this right d a normal Minecraft experience X bunny what should it be X bunny to beon ryer I have a plan I have a plan don’t worry is there any way we can get apricorn logs in the shops like the logs themselves hostage probably okay okay bunny check out the name now d host what is a host bunny host it sounds like it’s a h Ikea furniture are you trying to say like hostage like or hey bunny H why didn’t you do hostage be yeah that kind of bunny would you mind teleporting to me I’d rather die well if you teleport to me I can I know I will I’m not doing it no all right bunny B here’s the deal there’s a tournament of sorts going on tonight let’s make it a little more interesting I’m not winning that tournament I don’t play video games Hello bu be you’re the gamer oh oh thank you oh no oh all oh my God you got the popcorn bucket head SI hey thank you I um people won’t stop they won’t stop the thing that looks like a flashlight hey can we D can we get a dune hat like the Dune popcorn bucket hat oh that’d be so cool please put suggestions and then like annoy ninja work can we attach it to my want some boxes oh I’ll take maybe are there snakes in them what flavor have you got oh my god oh those are Cheeto boxes Nach flavor they’re flaming hot I am somehow not picking up any of this I don’t know why why you just like why you just throwing them out I’ve used all I need nerd is out here get by everybody what the [ __ ] did you complete your objective I completed my objective today yes it is objetive have you good I I did yesterday oh M can we have a meeting in the office building I’m about to murder the man also hey banana hey I’m going to attend this meeting too yes absolutely I would absolutely want that to happen I need you to T okay I am so sorry for doing this hey bunny um no she Liv she Liv she lived come on I’ll buy you Subway is victim to gravity you might need to teleport bunny be you might need to teleport by me excuse my loud keyboard oh my God goodness man look at that shiny shiny um whenever slack gets on we’ll start our competition it’s going to be good stuff chat it’s going to be good stuff I’m very excited about it all go here let’s go here wait sorry did you did you teleport uh bunny be I did but she didn’t accept it okay got it yeah I’ve sent a message we’ll see if buer is in on it you know banana I am just the most innocent man on the server and constantly I find myself at these Crossroads of sorts you know oh and I don’t know why you know it’s real difficult yeah I couldn’t tell you oh if only what do you think about that X bunny hostage oh good to hear all right I’m about to get killed in a humorous manner wish me luck oh good luck surely I can trust this oh didn’t know you know you’re like nor Scotland level of uh Backwater hey Mr CRA Mr Crab I can order things but I just don’t yeah just a quick way to see yeah know truly I can trust the oh D fake Subway you okay over there buddy yeah I’m fine I uh I’m really getting hoisted by my own perturb if you will um you one cookie per 2,000 blocks too big of a word for me I don’t think I used it right either too so it all works sounds [ __ ] fire God bless no but I’ll stick to ground oh my God my game is my game is bugging out my game one second so don’t sit down in any chairs I guess was it cuz I was moving you think all right bunny be would you like to have a meeting in the office are you going to kill me immediately no I haven’t even been in the office I don’t even have a setup for that right bananana hey moers hi hold on I have something I need to catch real quick yeah give it a rip yeah come on into the office all right did you um did you check Discord by the way I did I did I answered okay one sec oh hey how do you um make the display stuff not show by the way what the what display stuff F1 yeah the um sorry the menu when when you’re alt tapping F3 plus P okay let me do that do I have to do it before or while the thing is up uh just anytime in the game after this have been an email in a way it could okay room this is supposed to be but this uh the downstairs is a nothing area oh well where we got we need take us to an office banana just any office yes take us office any office matter oh my gosh I love this I love this these are the oh our cubicles okay let’s we can waste our lives in here I can’t wait to CH a cubicle oh these are so good so wait let me go let me go buy a table real quick actually let me see how much money I have first how much money you need I have money I’m a little poor right now I I think I I think I’ve got like a thousand I’m sure that’s enough have to buy a table all right I’m going to buy a table for this meeting do we need chairs too or are they still bugged I have I don’t trust sh okay we’ll if their bug we’ll figure it out I’ll be right back I I yo what’s up kitchens how are you a lot has been going on a lot has been going on a lot more of these yeah Furniture decor we’re looking for a table chat trying to find an onyx are you playing how how you like the public server okay we’re going to we’re going to do a trolley with bread probably for our table okay okay let me grab this okay so we got this Pokemon Furniture actually this might be better who’s the police oh likely the president HOA the new one the old one all right what kind of table should we use what kind of table should we use there’s a Porygon stool and we got four of those okay all right you make it a wizard tower go go president that’s also true that’s also true chat got a Gyarados work toward Charmander hell yeah I love that kitens I’m back I’ve got stuff welcome back definitely not planning on charging you with kidnapping and child endangerment yeah that wouldn’t make any sense cuz I specifically changed Robert Robert has stated that he is just slave labor they have him digging a hole oh okay there’s stol there’s a stool one there where’s our table I that’s next okay you you put this in you should what the okay listen I was under a lot of pressure I was under a lot of pressure not a table one second let me move my Clos I’m Gonna Stand I’m gonna you know I’m gonna stand here that’s you so Val for that all right stand yeah now as you know I have my Pokemon my wonderful longtime compatriot in first shiny I’ve caught ex bunny hosg who is mine and I understand that you you’ve felt a lot of resentment toward me because of this right yeah because you’re a kidnapper and a cow’s in danger uh toxic banan would you strike that from the record please objection oh I’m not keeping record even better no record of this will ever come to light but I can Bill thank you Bill my God thank you Bill we appreciate your services hey banana be sure to put bill in a blender um anyway bunny B I propose that we settle this custody dispute of which you’re 100% wrong via slack tournament tonight okay you and me if I win I keep my best friend in the whole wide world my only true compatriot ex bunny hos tag who I don’t ever put in lava and if you win you pay me a th000 Crowns if I win I pay you a th000 crowns and I don’t get my child well I mean I’m just floating that out there do you have any other ideas like this no no no here here’s how it’s going to work if I’m going to agree to this the blender part he doesn’t like well we’ll go against each other and a turn this okay if if you win you get to keep X bunny host yes great to put in lava sorry did I say that out loud ah battle strike from the record thank you thank you Bill what wait that not not what Bill said thank you Bill okay and if I win I get my child back and you have to apologize and help us finish digging the pit oh wait which pit this pit our pit or the the one that axe has recently enslaved to no our pit okay thank God pit our pit also you have should working on since you’re part of our group but you know you have to publicly apologize in front of everyone my God put her there all right I’m about to go into a training montage have fun good luck in your 80s training montage push you to the Limit hey everybody Halloween help me I didn’t mean to kill you earlier it was an accident well it wasn’t an accident but I was persuaded no yeah it was very valid I’m looking forward to seeing the perspectives of both of you on that front she she killed you and I was like Doomsday returns doomsday returns and at the same time you’ve never seen me and doom in the same area have you I have it there’s the wait why did I spawn here nice oh my gosh what’s up Seth what’s up Pepe oh man a man alive yeah this has developed a lot this is developed a lot we’re really pushing the story line along here chat where are we going to build our um um Jigglypuff by the way okay so it looks like there’s an area right here I don’t know what I don’t know to scale where we put the Jigglypuff you know hi dear the moist collection oh this is good this is good whatever oh my God flip that one upside down look at this art chat this is really good this is really good leaning tower of moist I wonder what that white stuff is at the very top the moist gullet the moist sandwich the moist sandwich the moist chest board oh among us when the impostor sucks push it to the limit limit walk along the ra oh my goodness oh my well things have been really rolling all right chat I need a second let me think let me think let me think about what’s going on goodness me what dumb thing did he say here slack if possible can you put good Mo 1 million Subs as soon we are we are closing it on a thousand we are closing it on a thousand oh my gosh I’m like overwhelmed okay so chat what of the plans that we want to do first off we’re going to help build the pit secondly we want to make a cursed Jigglypuff we have a full plan for the Jigglypuff the Jigglypuff does not have to be that tall honestly it has to be it would probably if I had to guess take up about this amount of space the issue is that we need to jly puff that’s sticking its tongue out and we use the tongue as steps up to the jly puff now that’s what we got to figure out we got to figure out the step procedures right why do you need a pit oh cuz we’re building a pet check W check W yeah hey bunny be what’s up sir how’s your training montage going it’s going quite well I even messaged slack to see if he could put us against each other in round one okay okay it’s all coming together good night good night it’s all coming together oh hey what’s this guy doing out here usually if it’s that red you got to go see a go that’s the new name gedosa I didn’t know it was a female so gedosa will be it Gasol got start leling you up not now Rock Ruff not now 21 22 I have myself let’s see welome actually I need H I want to I want to go to axe I want to see that TPA explosive I really don’t know what’s with the green screen brother maybe it’s my shirt maybe my shirt’s the ones that gooing it up hey be very careful hello this is a nice p you got going on here oh thank mank what’s up man nothing I just wanted to see the pit that’s all yeah this is the the manual pit if you want to see the one that Doom put up for Bonsai for a sum of money I’ll show you that a sum of money the [Applause] economy gamer let’s go oh my God so this is what they were able to get the mods to do based off of I forget how much money all of their money was used to get that so I wanted to show and they’re also taking forever to dig so I went ahead and I was able to sweep talk to let me into the server so I could help dig a hole for them just to show that’s their goal that’s 40 deep I think it could go deeper myself but could could would but man it’s a lot of digging and then these yahoos what do you think of that teer let’s go cyar what a lad a lad ax do you mind if I change the trajectory of your life real quick uh Yes sounds good hous yeah that’s oh wait is that the three one oh they do have the three one mhm did you hunt forever for that no I actually and then immedately CH they do but the three is the rare one children oh my gosh don’t have a mic got it got it got it got it got it walk along the razor Doom don’t say anything if you want to give me a legendary Pokemon right now three two one that’s great yep yep yep something tells me that you I think you just typed the wrong command which I I’ll forgive you for uh I appreciate that the he was so quick with it the timer was bit there walk along the Raz you know what Doom if you write if you write one of us a script we can be your puppet true I’ve your many that’s a sick thing just give the script to someone with a real a real voice for theater it’s normal I feel like anyway I’m sure I’ll be safe the most boring voice hey everybody I’m back um it was a predictable Murder By bunny be evil bunny bee not the evil bee oh hey bunny be what’s up Jacob hi crab fancy seeing you here oh wow hey have you met my good compatriot bunny host bunny host bunny H what does host stag mean it’s the worst piece of fure from Ikea yeah it’s like um horseradish you know hey bunny be um I got a question for you this may uh provide some edification are you ready why do boxers not make love before the big fight why because they don’t like each other oh well you know oh what’s up Daniel go ahead only three can be used in your team okay okay I’m busy um first of all can we use any Pokemon from our inventory to cast this Pokemon and secondly am I allowed to uh use any sort of balls and can I have a starting boat okay please don’t kill me I’m curious oh you have a shiny buty too oh wow I really expected to just die here I thought this was a death prank um nope wow yeah you see it it’s a little um it’s pretty [ __ ] big wait am I blind what are you looking at do you not see this in front of you uh no I do not you don’t see the giant castle in front of you oh okay got it the castle itself understood the giant castle yes I struggle with Direction you know it’s okay if that much wasn’t obvious yeah how we going in straight through a front door or I’m I’m trying to TP people here but yeah I think we just go in through the front door what up puff hey man hey look at the castle Yeah we’re about to open the front Gates or what yeah go to the front door not this place oh no okay when you have three you chose participate M and I will Lev them yourth come sorry honestly let go let’s go knock on the front door charge charge oh charge sorry I was late on that one set a home that’s smart that would be a good idea no I want to go to the front door you know what we can make our own front door she said that is that what she said I think she said that right okay they might not there might not be a front door let’s make our own just dig making our own front door making our way inside God f we might be under it we are yeah we got to go up set going going up is in another Castle there we go what’s up love how you doing oh hey there but wait what are we here for we’re trying to conquer something mobs in here you saw that spelling no you didn’t no there’s a lot of mobs I see a lot of piglins oh the Trap went off got it it’s your train it’s your brain getting revenge for betraying bunny yeah dude I shot Gastly that like that where are they or not even a Gastly but the Big Gas Pokemon or mob that shoots care this I assume they went up here is this where we get elyos chat how’s Mr Monkey doing Mr Monkey is doing great [Music] questions I assume they’re up here right where am I Ming let’s [ __ ] go dude yeah buddyp here XNY be this is reala here Moxy TPA here banana oh it’s got binding on it so it can’t be taken off for real yo oh [Music] which oh okay got it got got RSW is fine to use oxy NE Fortress your head is backwards I uh I just got a mending helmet from this one oh I have three arrows nice equally valid check this one y hey will you tell oh your audio’s borked can you hear me she’ll be back hello D oh probably should have got all these uh stones out of the way before I joined you should also set a home o good idea there goes moers one two Buddy b one two hello hey welcome in I got a mending helmet out of this one so I wanted to call what did I get I got mending Unbreaking three and Fire prot gy and then th up not def Flex I got eight arrows is there only two barrels no there’s a bunch all over you just got to keep walking around I get scared to unknown places I have to hide behind strong Burly men Halloween moon crab wait hey where where where we going oh I was going to go this way where everybody else was going oh perfect perfect perfect paned it seemed like you were calling me off to the side yeah there’s actually really huge um so we go around why does he think you’re strong and brly come on aren’t I aren’t I I’m going to check up here wow it was just a stupid numl very nice very nice by any more chest there bunny b um no I’m just going to go this way oh that was foolish why does Mr HMC think I’m trustworthy true true valid questions all [Music] around yeah it was a real accident I was like H whatever I might as well keep the mod I guess I guess we moving chat we moving you find anything good yet no nothing too crazy other than like crossbows and some spectral arrows but I don’t even know what spectral arrows do they uh I lived surprisingly howy [Music] crab hi bunny sorry I’m inventory manager you’re what managing my inventory and soon I’m going to take off my popcorn bucket helmet I feel like it’s really created an evil Aura for me you know what yeah you definitely have an evil Aura ever since I put this on I caught a shiny maybe if I keep it on I can keep my shiny I found netherite nice yummy I found a mending axe I found two mending things in here D dub do I want this fire charge does it matter what’s up Bryce how are you we want the iron right Unbreaking three do we care about that probably right let’s go clear our inventory wait no we don’t care about it or like uh do we want more Blackstone EC smart I forgot my EC is empty here I have these boxes too I forgot about those we actually need more food um let’s be on the lookout for food usually we actually get a bunch of food here crab where are the shab sorry there’s a good chest right here like a pretty good one with SC and [ __ ] I don’t know are you on the second level I’m right behind you come back down I was right right next to you this chest in the corner was pretty good I got this one are there more all right I haven’t found any yet have you found any good ones yet uh I found items like I found Ming on that yeah but usually in something like this going to be like one treasure I’m going to prepare for the Pokey contest I’ll come back here later yeah we just got to find it just vibing just vibing all right let’s scroll back up okay SL gives you the go ahead you have 15 20 okay we can get three I lose them a lot dude I just random PC Str around the RW and I’m like yeah yeah yeah it’s me that’ll do it no wowe sorry I’m late everybody I was moving today congrats on the moveing it it sucked yeah well we’re glad you’re here buddy thanks what was that how did they get to use a PC got to catch them mo got to catch them come here Bunny’s going to kill you gra waiting on a few more everybody I got eight of those oh good so to prepare only one Pokemon to help you catch others that’s that’s probably what you should probably figure out right now do that okay get your get your one catchy guy all right all right oh so we can have one to catch nice yeah like like a like a false swiper or something and put everything else away oh it seems you guys are really crowding the PC wait what did he say about do in the PC was there something we were supposed to do we can we can keep one to catch people one cheron to get people oh okay okay okay level be hello oh gu I’m talking about D4 hey I’m back oh yes no you’re [ __ ] I’m hey D4 how’s it going buddy oh God it’s Halloween what are you to see xman [ __ ] what nerd get off me nerd what the [ __ ] wanted a bonding moment look it’s one of the bond ey Bros the third one hello good s all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen the first tournament of the server woo yeah woo [Applause] yeah right my first battle 24 minutes late let’s go the reason why this is called the Safari Zone tournament is we’re going to go out and catch our own Pokemon on the spot what that means is you’re going to take your Pokemon that you know helps you catch and you’re going to go out in 15 minutes catch as many Pokemon as you can and form a team of three got it three only more than three but you know you can only keep three right right right okay cool um there will be no held items uh if you find an evolution item out there in the wild like let’s say for example charet you know its item is in the nether that counts and then once everybody gets their Pokémon doom and uh I don’t know if anybody else is helping them uh we’ll help you guys get your Pokemon leveled up so we all match and it’s all fair got it everyone got it yes chef let’s go oh and another thing is no daycare you can’t use daycare right can I use any balls I want yes you can use anything in your uh repertoire of balls to catch because I don’t have anything 100 so there’s no reason put candy on them correct so just catch and just figure out your team as you go and you know are they getting involved and level 100 or just level 100 yes they’re they’re just getting you yeah you would evolve them based on the system how it works you know just click evolve conations not Wasing your r i don’t do while you’re catching them during this we can use that item yes for example like RI perior needs like a a trade thing but impossible to find that good luck on that one I would avoid that yeah I think I think what is asking like will they get evolved no matter what like if you need if you need an item or not which I think is the answer no right no yeah if you cannot find the evolution item it does you can’t use it CU there’s too much variables in that um level up moves only no TMS and I’m going to make a 15minute timer hold on let’s go chat you’re going down bunny be ready ready set go you can teleport anywhere you want go to homes go to do whatever you want look at them all flustered trying to get their spots I know right so I got to goe I got to go pee I’m going to go build a house good luck I’m not that confident I clicked the button like a a long time ago oh my gosh pite these nuts thank you for that shocking contribution Dylan chat we have 15 minutes we have 15 minutes we have 15 minutes okay are you kidding me are you kidding me she got a shiny Ain’t No Way ain’t no way dude oh didn’t mean to do that oh [Laughter] well that’s so funny yeah we do have to respectfully dis decline yo what’s up stopy how you doing how you doing welcome in Raiders we’re doing a little bit of a Pokemon tournament Pokemon tournament we’re in the midst of things we’re in the midst of things it’s going to be big it’s going to be big okay uh let’s get this one too we’re going to get three Pokemon it says oh it does it oh thank you stopy appreciate that W hallowe Moon Craft we’re playing on the mythical SNP doing a little bit of that Cobble [Music] mod [Music] Lord Lord have mercy thank for three stream streak yeah going ready doing some Sims 4 nice hell yeah um okay and let’s get a Ratatat let’s get a Ratatat right come here those will be our three I think those will be our three actually I want three ratata I want three ratata right couple new packs came out a few days ago nice what’s like the theme on those you can you can only keep three that’s true yeah yeah rata seems ready to evolve shut up nerd there’s another one okay okay I want I want three of these we aren’t using any like we’re not breaking any rules or anything hols and beastro that’s fun for The Sims hell yeah there’s number two are you doing two streams so one is um vertical and one is horizontal happy birthday stopy let’s go hell yeah congrats on that another year another year that’s awesome there’s other one there’s our third rata there’s our third rata chat okay uh here you are okay we’ll just we’ll just do some RSW just in case there’s something funny we can do but I think this is what we’re going to do Al hi TK happy early birthday yeah buddy we might as well grab this ratata in here I guess is it in here where is it where is he above kind of hard to sell to be honest yeah whatever I don’t care anymore hey oh yeah Doom you don’t have a mic um I’ll send you a message what oh hey Matt Hi how are you I’m good thank you where are you I’m great God you love to hear it um I do I have a request with my mod for the contest um M I’m going to use three rates and I don’t want evolved can they stay in their base form with yes excellent most excellent problem dramatic disappearance but I typ I push to talk with caps lock so I’m likely going to have to switch it off so I’m not going to be able to TP his way like d you get it you get it I get it I get it I get it yeah happy birthday so what kind of tournament so we have 15 minutes to catch any Pokémon we can um and and then we battle it out and Bunny and I are gambling this shiny of which is mine I definitely didn’t steal it from bunny or anything like that by the way no Siri 0% chance that that happened definitely didn’t happen definitely didn’t happen let’s teleport to bunny talk some stuff oh hey you know what I’m so confident I’m going to show you my team are you ready yeah there he is and we going to have two more oh don’t worry I do thanks for the Safari Ball nerd he you’re welcome I bet you’re not you’re not going to have any answer to my normal type rats will you I might I don’t know how Pokemon work but I figure it out you’re going to be cooked ah you’re going to be cooked all right I’ll tell them I cannot believe you caught a shiny immediately that is so funny I did I went to the RSW and immediately got a shiny and I was like oh no my Cubone chain it’s worth it no you could have enlisted somebody else to help you get that shiny yeah you so they could be kidnapped and then dangered again what you’re not even supposed to have that in your party silly goose Wait no that’s our that’s our catcher one that’s or that’s my catching one oh is that your catcher one okay okay that’s what I use for my catcher one so I could have it what is that over there the little red thing oh it’s a mushroom let’s see if there’s anything down here [Music] sure we haven’t taken damage yet chat there we go uh we actually are going to eat for a second here oh hey shiny busty bunny host stag whoop oh is there nothing down here I guess we can keep going this way huh kind of interesting you think bunny died holy dude what is with all these shinies what the hell’s going on this is weird isn’t it probably shouldn’t be jumping like that sh Mark I got you I got you maybe they have the shiny chance for this they might have they might have we’re just going to teleport around I actually if I can catch a shiny I’d like to oh wait all right let’s do a random nap this needs to be one of your Pokemon sorry oh I’ve already told you I have my team oh well I’m just saying you know he’s a normal time bunny be I if I can catch three of these in time I guess I could give it a go um H take that oh we got him okay we got the Mankey I do want to I do want to pop random places though um okay we go spawn oh wait I forgot about my um daily rewards yay nice bunch of XP candy cool go banana go auspicious AR armor what is that chat empty box empty box oo oo empty box didn’t we have some stuff with like mending on it and stuff like that yeah there’s one mending don’t didn’t we get two oh the helmet we don’t want to put this on on accident cuz it’s got curs of binding chat let’s not forget that let’s not forget that chat all right good we got our stew go that’s my random location please wait a few seconds guys do you think we’re going to win I think we’re going to win I think there’s no chance that bunny Poss beat this zero oh there’s another Mankey right there we if we need to get three manes we’ll get 3 minutes 30 seconds left oh my gosh no okay so yes yes that it’s a yes right right come here you you want a battle kid woohoo go Makey you have a dump chest that’s just yours yeah I’m going to Makey chain of one chat huh look at me go I’m on fire oh actually that’s a real loot spot um how the hell do we get to it you will die to Bunny and it will be satisfying wow wow our own chat doesn’t believe it us H can you believe it I can’t wait to prove him wrong oh oh we hit a Vine that’s kind of interesting this isn’t bad speed wise um I think we can I think we live this okay nice oh yeah we live that with ease chat hey Magikarp what is that blue thing under the pond wishy-washy what the hell is [Music] that some Pokéballs I’ll take those some Pokéballs I’ll take those some Pokéballs I take those should we do another random one why not why not maybe we get a third thany G I am not a dawn fan what what huh there chat I guess we can do another little sponsy Doodle right one minute all right spawn and we’ll hit one nav we’ll look around okay we hit one NAB we’ll look around oh goly G gosh oh ERS huh interesting let’s just get back to spawn cart lock challenge nuzlock a Pokemon game every time you lose a Pokemon you have to first place 200 cc hardest AI the cart lock challenge KL hell we’ll call it KL hell what’s a nuzlock by the way hey Manny hey what’s up 105 what what is what what’s 105 time oh yeah yeah yeah I got my guys I’m ready you got your guys stop catching hey bunny be H [Music] CRA meet it spawn we’ll see what we’ll see what he was let’s see it let’s see it all righty there you guys caught a cool team the worst luck but we got something okay okay okay just wait for everybody to uh wait how do I move them around get their way back here okay one two okay all right get your get your team of three in your first three slots use items that I found in the field on them or no no just uh evolution items to help your guy get I’m going leave come back as my spawn is a little messed up okay I could put everybody else away one mod per area so do people just have to like kind of look out on the types and stuff like that is that easy or hard it seems hard like cu cuz you could probably get like bullshitted right am I making that up interest here’s charlot by the way we had to find slack we had to find slack where is he wait actually where is he oh howy hey banners banana [ __ ] up the crab banana we’re going to [ __ ] up the crab hey slack did you see my message about bunny by the way uh I’m not making the bracket I passed on the mat I’ve been moving all day and I’m kind of like okay yeah I’ll I’ll M just just hopped in last minute so I didn’t have time to make anything okay okay okay message Matt you say yeah Matt’s the one making it yeah okay co go go a how cute let’s talk over here as you know my dear compatriot and I ex bunnybee well we’ve got a bit of a grudge regarding a shiny we would like to be placed against each other for round one the bet the life of the shiny named X bunny hostage it’s definitely not bunny be’s shiny that she asked me to catch cuz she was on a chain definitely not is that possible um I’m not going to like it was the first time I’ve ever made a bracket so I don’t know what I’m doing you should if you type in bracket generator online yeah I’m currently using challenge or some [ __ ] it’s called yep yep I’ve I’ve literally done that before yeah you should be able to paste all the names in there too as a feature I think you should be able to slide them around as well um okay sweet so I got 13 I think it’s 13 us going have a quick look in me second yeah moded modded it’s hard I’m sure that’s why they play right cuz like regular Pokemon’s like too easy I don’t even know I don’t even know what make sure you have your Pokemon oh got it and this tournament uh is going to in a uh stadium that was made as of yesterday right I think it was finished yesterday that’s cool it’s pretty sweet nice that’s so chill too not now okay not now not out Rider all right want to cheddar with me bunny be you better hope that the bracket doesn’t put us against each other your Pokemon should be turning to level 100 I’m not sure if everybody’s it’s happening for everybody at the same time but take some time and figure out your strategy and put your moves on look at all this concentration chat all this careful consideration actually it’s kind of weird that nobody’s moving rare is it that that occurs chat are I guys leveling up they’re not level 100 yet no you’re nervous me too I’m only nervous because I hope that I don’t get that face of you Halloween oh side I think the chances of that are very very low going be ridiculous now side can I tell you a little bit about what may or may not be occurring please okay so you know how speedy and bunny be are cousins right oh yeah of course everyone knows that so bunny be was on a chain of shinies and asked me to go catch a shiny for her right mhm and you know primis nocus says that that shiny is now mine right yes just like Thor right yes thank you and so like it’s my shiny bunny now I named it bunny hostage ex bunny hostage by the way and I wanted to kill it with lava had to settle for an anvil and now bunny be thinks bunny host let’s not talk about that there was a character limit I’m pretty sensitive about character limits okay anyway um so now we’re duking it out for ownership of the shiny I think Halloween should get it thank you thank you I so fully agree oh [ __ ] sorry guys dealing with some stuff I’m no it’s okay know it’s a big emotional moment for you um lot of concentration going on the only thing I’m concentrating right now is on my pizza what kind of pizza um mushroom and sausage pizza okay and all the toppings are still on the pizza you don’t like deconstruct the pizza to eat it do you I don’t like her spaced out answer I don’t like the time she took to answer that wait bunny part sorry say it with your chest and Truly Madly Deeply oh level 100 one second I’ve got the my piz is in full normal form definitely doesn’t have all the toppings pulled off and separated into piles I right that would be a real Jeffrey dmer move on your part Buddy b if that was the case my pizza is in full form I am not staring at it in piles on the plate beside the bread I’m not uh bunny please stop yelling at me I got to pick my moves for my Pokemon excuse me what’s up King check him PC all right let’s pick our moves let’s pick our moves chat okay how do we pick our moves HMC talking about people individually putting on items on their Pizza is he a surgeon or something okay constructing oh my Pokemon are little why probably you need a which one okay wait how do I tell what the moves do okay okay there we go there we go imagine not having food got have food like a steak honestly I should I can eat some if anyone thank you I’ve been eating carrots and potatoes for the last three days all right so we need tail that was let me show you something let there’s a man right here he sells premium RI on The Daily and then Super Fang I’ve been eating a raw this whole time yeah we actually don’t want to use super [ __ ] you’ve been eating out the garden and we’ve been eating at outb Stak house you just got to to cook it this time this guy got mey Endeavor right you go free stick free stick oh yes yes okay okay okay okay we’ve got this all planned we got I want to be a chefer py cook oh my gosh all right so we want to go give or take so it should all be in okay we want to go energy we want to go myn do for me did you say something someone said that uh you said the check PC ende all right never mind bro sorry I think we don’t want to use Endeavor right we want to STI tail whip and focus energy right 100 oh okay got you you’re not allowed to put TM on um and if you found the evu item you need then you could use it that you’re not other than that you uh are on your own there just to have mercy there’s a whole story line that we constructed tonight lot’s been going on lot has been going on and we played a bizarre game strong against fighting types like Annihilation psychic is good against fighting and like uh poison um that another thing I’m not thinking of but okay I’m going to ignore all that and just kind of lose anyone running into this just do just do your best I’m just going to wing it all right everybody there is a stadium to the to the South um we’re going to all go on over there can we talk to oh yeah slack we um so do you want to bring it up yeah yeah so oh man I don’t know how else to say it’s like I’m I’ll just let me talk to you because I don’t know how to oh jeez yeah whenever you’re ready yeah yeah should be why you looking at me okay there’s no way to keep uh track of how long your move is so just just don’t take too long does everybody can everybody do that just click your move and move on don’t take more than you know a minute that’s so chill all right the stadium is South we’re going now we’re going south we’re going to Georgia Georgia in the South when I was young I would get ices and slim gyms on car rides sick every time the bou in the South down to the B brother down at the B is the PO there yeah got floating balloons and stuff yo shout up Tri here are the builders right here they are balloons don’t normally float we’ve come to AET stadium for a tournament Scott welcome yeah um so we’re going to probably get paired up for the Bracken then everybody is going to do the pr preliminary round at the same time just fight each other and then uh you know yeah let uh Matt know who the winner is he’ll let you know who you’re facing just go up the when I was young who it’s so pretty up here that’s so chill am hey I really want to wish you like good luck oh thank you I wish you good luck too no I said I want to wish you luck I’m not going to do it cuz you’re my sworn enemy tonight I got you I hope you just have fun no good luck cuz way here this is the gy I need it this is cool home create Pokey gy I guess it’s been a year baby yeah seems like there’s not glass here oh God oh oh man dude my armpits are sweaty don’t don’t go on the bleachers what that’s crazy there’s no glass oh so no glass no glass um see how far I can throw this Pok ball where’s Matt oh is ready oh yeah you want me throw chat up I just realized it’s been off this whole okay thank you I need don’t want miss any okay so listen up now right I want to I’m going to call your names just let me know if you’re there are holes though yeah watch just so I don’t make sure that I’ve naed it naed this up so I’ve got explosives comedy gaming muffins orange snow sidearms crab Speedy Manny be puffer banana Fran and Jude is that everyone who’s participated anyone not named I don’t think you named me did you name me the host of the tournament you’re participating as well right I apologies I did not know you was participating I I am participating yes sorry that’s on me that is on me I take I oh I’m sorry Cory I apologize you know could a preliminary round by you know pass that would be cool wow Rigg from start okay sweet I have everyone okay when Matt calls your name just pair up and find like a corner of the the the platform here okay so first up Speedy versus money then you’ve got Orange versus France hey hey hey hey snow versus banana nerd versus slack versus bu oh oh my God agressive versus Jude going buff sorry if I butchered any Nam that’s crazy before try try to click your mov don’t take too long we don’t need to do 10minute rounds why they do this again why do they do this here you’re going to have to instruct me I don’t know all right bunny let’s do this let’s go to the bleachers go to the bleachers you have a I don’t know what to do come come here in the center it’ll be dramatic I challenge you to a battle all right here we go Galant I knew you my God ta whip H wait I’m a boy hot right now okay him out bud oh no yes no one the second Rattata that’s right battle go tail whip challenged you to battle Orange let’s get into a cool position feels like PE have to R is dead okay ready oh my God all right my grandpa’s deck has no bad cards [Laughter] go tail whip okay okay rotten hell crab rotten hell Get Wrecked crab Get Wrecked down this is bad D oh my chat I can’t can’t believe we lost we’ll have our revenge we’ll have our revenge hey don’t forget what you have to do crab this is the worst day of my life participating in public apology it’s the cow oh my God it’s a cow yeah yeah oh wait I didn’t get the shiny one second be right back I forg not too much I my battle Against All Odds bunny be cheated and got out on top I’ve Lost You My Shiny my shiny it’s over I have a question are we allowed to heal our Pokemon in between battles um come yeah I can do it give me two seconds no no no I I think you got 100% you go I don’t know hey there bud dude six stadi by the way thank you thank you visual bug be right back I can’t believe we lost I can’t just Bop her off the edge that’s so valid you’re so valid for that what’s up Q how are you sorry do you have the milk yet no I’m still working on that I’m still working on that sorry we were engaged in an epic battle okay okay there we go DPA actually I think I said at home right home me oh and I’m out I’m so sorry I don’t know what I’m doing I hope you’re riding your Fe didn’t the big shm a lot of damage anyal this your oh she’s Co now one sec oh Matt I have won my P round oh that’s Kingler my bad well played sir good playing I thought I could eat your battle’s over go report to Matt once your battle’s over go report to Matt hey Matt hey Matt I got I got [ __ ] Matt I too got [ __ ] but I surpris Just for participating so that’s why I’m here same swee do you want to have a we got [ __ ] battle no 100 in my working uh oh okay let me try something we got some emojis am victorie doie hey Matt do not thanks did you wi no I’m I’m definitely not in the tournament anymore all right there’s your public apology are you happy are you happy a now to read it out loud how do I give it to you again I have read it yeah how also how do I is it poke give yeah SL poke poke the my name Lords I own you imagine losing oh wait X bunny six is anybody still battling thank you I got to go put it in the is anybody still battling oh [Applause] yeah what did we get C okay so just so I know I have this right one against spe Manny me me me Manny right no glass there chat goodness me good goodness I can’t believe it happen yeah yo what’s up that does a lot where are you oh yeah you got to get on the poke roog you knowe in Fr orange dead orange lovely thank you speed you make it out of round one I sure did you make it out of round one I sure didn’t yeah lost your Bo lost your cousin Los my only dude I was just throwing random pokeballs down here and hoping I cast [Laughter] somebody proba go get those oh really man uh puffer did won Lord Mercy you got to win puffer not a part of this tournament I was here to support bunny find me right so I have man one orange snow slack out immediately CU I didn’t read the abilities correct I think sounds I just looked at I was like that’s not right speak up now accuracy hell yeah oh my gosh okay so round two you have explosive versus money that’s amazing okay Orange versus Snow Orange versus Snow orange snow Gator and hey I can’t help but notice neither of our names got called there must beake there’s no way we all could have lost surely not not this strong bench back here said man sorry bu I kind of think it was because we were really aggressive at the start we didn’t wish each other good luck properly fighting together or that’s yeah exactly we just Wast each other to have fun I think which disgusting really I’m going to I’m going to watch the slack battle God bless in the for nothing trade battle all right St what is that bro ain’t no way you brought Gloom this Gloom got me through the first round bro it took out two of nerd’s Pokemon Gloom it did [ __ ] me it did it did what do minimize I have no idea what that does I think it’s cuz it has that drip on its mouth go bun Invasion Rose that’s what we’re relying on oh this is going to be an awful B I don’t think we can I really can uh I should let’s do this I don’t think that’s true oh will that’s a big bird spectate on bunny be I’m watching the battle eventually used Electro like attack corite yeah probably the biggest threat on the field right now and I got rid of it wait how do you spectate quackt I know nothing about this go Gloom you got it D good trade good trade all right oh no Gloom you did so well you earned that rest [Music] this will do it this is trouble oh hell yeah was a crazy Choice I’m going to perish I’m going to perish I’m going to perish okay I don’t know what that is oh nice that’s nice press r on someone who go that’s not goodnation that’s that happen oh that’s big Damage Big damage scoliosis KO can he find out this oh I’m burned I’m burn he’s burned all right oh no scol a straight back right there we know I got to go for it all pois Drill Pack Sur on five iron defense and he gets paralyzed I have going to need to land this move [Music] Oho bunny your Pokemon fought well until recharging and then I won you can you can really tell that bunny be’s got that KYR blood FL through didn’t do anything okay wa which uh which move burned me I wasn’t paying attention hold on I’ll tell you it was Lord Mama Mia it was not very effective oh wait this is a real V [ __ ] I like 10p imp it was not very impactful you were really close bun good job so close destroy close she got Lord have mercy I got sled leg that means one wor the crab comes out crabs who’s fighting Bonsai brother which this is cool you can spectate like this this really cool don’t worry I’ll or Scott I have no idea what’s going ohis Scott why that hit so hard Travis Krab it’s wait how do you spectate press R fighting hor no but let’s see if he can play as rough as Mal while razor shell oh 1% left can he finish me in one turn Kingler part of the cards on Kingler Sucker Punch Su pun Sucker Punch is crazy heal up your guys [Applause] merry Christmas happy New Year dude that was a great bleachers bleach how many players are left rematch rematch rematch I’m so glad we get for who won against put my participation trophy right next to the window good one transp bro participation ring ring that would be yeah and tail whip the whole time didn’t work either oh my God I hate my rat Sons grow too you would have won oh golly yeah thank you please wow okay so I feel good to know we that was the most intense match I’ve ever played of any pokon moon crab come here that last minute Sucker Punch really gave me that Pokemon feeling hey hey oh oh Moxy you said that sorry about yeah hey moon crab hey Moon crabs chat there any primers in there any primers oh God I wish give this guy a prime oh my or come to me give me the prime it’s fine give to Moxy instead give it to Moxy I thought I was talking this whole time I’m an idiot sorry I was really I had some really good banter going and I just was not pressing the button I guess honestly my Dad wow I sure hope the prize for participating isn’t these level 100 Pokémon that would be these little rats oh hey that was just my son that’s all oh no it’s it’s okay sorry no he’s a stupid loser anyway I get it I get it okay okay like three of those way went out and got a vul of [ __ ] r minutes dare I say I my God that’s nuts me to throw that I had to go for it I had to go for it that was my biggest threat you hit me hydro pump that’s what it one of those okay how do we do this okay so we’ve got the health up top should we learn more about scolis that’s top five things you’re not looking for that’s that one go sleeping get him some milky oh he’s big sleeping that’s so cute got Manny melatonin over here he woke up that’s some good damage at least oo you you’re all that’s left Gloom you can do it [ __ ] Gloom dude everybody talking about stone to evolve come on Gloom it’s asleep Glo I tried to do the same thing I tried to do the same thing it might be sleeping no we’re getting to Winner’s final soon nice job puffer I’m doing it for you I’m doing it for you do it for us I’m doing it for us do it for GG good Lu good TR that’s okay I just I wish I had something besides GL for I’m I needed you to hit that one did you know Happ need a stone to evolve just a chy so unfortunate oh my God snow snow to this fight bro so hey that Gloom has gotten me this far it did great okay that buffing don’t worry first rounded slack I’m just pulling I got this one GG’s G Blaze again blaz chicken it’s time to blaze again Gyarados is putting its entire mouth on its head of disrespect so no head it might be hungry there’s not much I can do here who’s winning oh I lost I was uh in the um the other semal is going on over if I’m going that was win not win I [Music] said on that by the way this going to be I did not sign up for that I was I think we should do I I think we should little should we get the uh the those two matches to fight it out for third place third place battle I think that makes more sense you guys get to be a bronze medal would like that slack whose m is this exactly I can’t tell who little [ __ ] blong oh it’s um who was in the other one was it me it explosive yeah yeah to the middle of the Arena yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s an honor robt fedora blacko is going to give me a third place everybody all right slack let’s do this all right oh Speedy challenge to a battle a battle there we go my bad this is this is most to do this I think Gloom wins this Glo kind of goes crazy kind of goes crazy stupid loser yeah go to go go go very clever to the C trees we’re throwing them out that was um oh say bye he’s sleeping with his eyes open come on BL K wake up a power of friendship so bad everything is weak to it hon sh me oh man oh the switch out oh the Strategic switch switching bird fight bird fight the Sleep hacks yes incredible can huge turn around can I conce can I con we’ve trained for this one oh my Char while my minimization makes my accy that was such a cute animation what’s up jul I roll in the back that actually child what’s up gander crazy with it come your oh wow look sassy in this thanks for baning that over the shoulder side looks even more sassy as a mega can’t wait always come back how are you CER nothing nothing’s good here guys nothing nothing’s working out here best I can do is you have to believe in yourself first okay just recoil tactic the hell just like his stream career but he has to appreciate the struggle the grind to get to the top of the twist oh what kind of pizza this will be go even further Beyond [Music] toost slack ATK that was a good Thug finals good Thug finals very awesome and now for the finals here we go oh that sounds so good oh my God first I first I saw first saw first yeah it’s right here so someone did get all ratat I thought about doing City well I wouldn’t recommend the rat strategy personally also tail whip apparently isn’t doing well this season yeah what the hell must have got ner what kind of guy would I be you know what kind of guy would I be if I didn’t yeah can I get some of those I don’t have to steal aorn you eat too much food let me okay let me let me hero the final battle didn’t get a single one of those I live in a volcano give the space give the space Oh is it really hey can I get shot out for CER by the way before he goes I didn’t think about going of bird oh dude everybody has a bird everybody got a bird bro what’s the word be a little original wow they make together they’re kissing so kiss kiss kiss they’re kissing two are tou wait is this fourth Wing happy pride month together they form a mustache that’s why I did it I need to actually spectate they they’re doing everything this is so cute this is going to be the longest battle no this is there’s there’s a lot looks like a new Pokemon though not even going to lie from this angle it looks like a big butterfly it does oh oh it does I don’t have Roost by the way I like it when the corvite corv all over the place thank you for not having it doesn’t it doesn’t learn it started coring it open his mouth look at him dude Dage go go go go guys I think it’s the shirt that’s causing all the Goof you’re doing great we just go shirtless hey you should definitely miss this attack if you’re like you’re cooler you know I just hope everybody has fun I’mma come on your side and hang out with you okay that’s a big bird D wow Snow’s corvite thank [Music] retali my God must recharge uh he’s cooked he’s quick chit [ __ ] crazy one and only my gosh hell yeah that’s the guy right there yeah I was in the nether there just popped yeah yeah they’re pretty common youan tied that’s wild that’s nice huh Gyarados Falls to a crit that was crazy crial hit that’s a rough here is that [Music] it I did it for you I did it for you we we did it together lost to that guy it’s a Christmas miracle Mur let’s murder the Snorlax first he’s trying to hug [Laughter] me Lord hey there’s Snorlax right there why is the Snorlax speech oh my God speech oh jeez guys I didn’t I didn’t know I would win um I didn’t really prepare for this um speak from your heart speak from your heart I knew I’d win thank you guys for coming I appreciate it um super easy wasn’t even a challenge I cheated by the way it was all sidearm fault he had the the battle buff buff [Music] buff thank you guys for coming to the first tournament we’re going to be doing more um things like metronome only it’s going to be crazy metronome is a move that does random do random move that’s let’s do him he’s going to give you a prize what about the free sh I I I I don’t have prizes to give [Music] out be sure to clear your inventory let’s go thanks for saying this up slack this is awesome yeah this is a yeah thank you Cas tournaments to invite the uh the players that you know don’t uh battle as much or know Pokemon as much metronome only is going to be crazy um Metro imagine having a Snorlax a cable and a Mew on your team everybody gets one and you just click metronome appreciate wrong but whatever it’s going to be crazy godamn hell yeah we’ll figure out one that is but we’ll do more tournaments we’ll do serious who second place shiny scroll that’s huge let’s see what first is wait that’s actually insane the place for what do you get for like tide for 14th crates what about 15 thought maybe that was like a special same thing go where are you putting your participation trophy Speedy uh I’ll find a good perch for it what about you right as chice it basically means any type of effect on a Pokemon so you got Galaxy magma crazy jealousy SLE godamn I don’t know hard to do it honestly you should have Prime and I sent this message to every surviving a taking refe by it well let’s just say our [Laughter] peanuts hey shiny mudit y we did it oh [ __ ] did it again do third second and places then so slack crowns thank you crit hey crab hey bunny be I’m your there was a public apology to be made oh yeah I made it no moonra I’m trying to find those yeah it’s uh it’s axes thank you for the 25 bits again to make a speed yep I’m sorry oh hey when didd you die what’s up Galaxy magma firework that’s cool those those things are neat I can teleport once every 10 seconds mhm magma Matrix which is or radiant me to show you one Pokemon yeah o yeah Show and Tell Show and Tell Show and Tell we be on the yeah everybody guys I didn’t just win we all won all right everybody go hang out down here yay H yeah we we all on the stage I mean I get the stuff but you guys can hang out down okay Galaxy take your shaders to see it take off your shaders to see it yeah radiant oh so sick give me a that’s so cool chat that’s rant PR happy Pride happy Pride good for you a glitch thank you fell mhmh is that the glitch or the morphing bad my God it’s dying he’s in constant pain Matrix mat firework okay okay I keep forgetting that one’s in effect uh there’s Blaze too oh shiny wow they just keep going they keep moving these are really cool uh I’ll do magma magma magma good choice good choice good choice good choice good choice nice M oh it’s like oh there’s fireworks going off on it D I bet there’s some on [Laughter] cool these are cool Cosmetics niffer [Music] congrats we just got puff else we just got puffed so hard you puffed me the first [Laughter] round I division we had seven minutes left and I still have zero pokk you thanks mat thanks Matt for helping thank you stay tune for more tournaments we’ll put them in the we’ll make announc hide my face yeah so you didn’t try I want to do more battling that so cool what do we get what do we get what do we get what do we get what do we get yep working on it two go I go three left oh sweet a wizard’s hat you’re a wizard I’m going to give it [Music] to I’m missing one I miss in case you hit your head somewhere I want you to be protected oh my God side listen I will put this hat on as Halloween hey good job for not knowing nothing about Pokemon you little guy his hat they weren’t very good last season but my head hurts what can you do ni what the was let me it right now let me what’s the button for wardrobe I thought it was K to rebind it [ __ ] I’ll be back you look fresh Halloween thanks man I also have I can’t fellow brother of the blade I love the sword I also have katas fellow fellow brother Sensei Sensei double blades blad some razor some razor headphones we will train later can’t wait to do some sick and take over the [ __ ] world ready for excellent guys I’m really really excited for Speedy to enter his gamer girl era yeah I’m so excited yeah this going to be Iron Man that is very appropriate this is crazy that I get to that is super motivated really that was charged guys I can’t click the headset cuz it’s falling off the screen I can’t scroll to it yikes he doesn’t want to wear it he doesn’t want to wear it bro that’s so unfortunate the button lights up but I I click it nothing happens mhm why would look so cute in that [ __ ] perhaps relog question mark no it was the issue with the detective Pikachu thing too I think well guys if I ever figure it out I’ll look cute in my headset adorable press key yeah left side should be wardrobe click wardrobe oh and then yeah I’m there but I got a hats and then it just doesn’t let me put it on wait maybe if I hold on let me try this oh yeah got it oh my gosh oh my gosh headset back well hello [Music] princess a wh Discord kitten get back here kitten you’re making daddy Angry God I am in pain [Music] hey thanks for setting it up problem problem like you got you got a reward too for that right setting it up right oh yeah got yeah yeah yeah all right if you didn’t I got you here’s me oh here I really want I can’t believe so it www this is crazy W apology apology I can do it right here do the thing do the thing do the thing hey HMC has to make no don’t jump off I’m not going to jump I just want to I just want to get elevated to properly see J here J yeah yeah yeah yeah new oh new L new new moon crab lore I’m not going to have to wow we I can’t catch him yeah you can do it I believe in you JD all right so earlier earlier in the day bunny be tried to steal my shiny Pokemon and um hello moon hello Moxy how are you midd of working very well okay anyway sorry I let me finish I would like to apologize for absolutely nothing could even take it down oh that’s crazy I’m back here what are we all looking at what are we [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no I wanted to do it see you pig oh is this working why is it not working this oh hey what’s everybody up you wrote a speech and everything and you won’t even do it I put it in chat did you not see it you’re yeah you have to read it you’re a weenie that’s you are scrolling up it’s gone I like that’s awesome all right Manny can I look at you dur this apology you I’m sorry let’s go broke sides thank you I’m glad you for it’s all for would never actually happen in my lifetime no you I love women I’m married to one why are there invisible blocks right here I don’t know wait why am I in the sky spying on us in the hole wait where’s the hole I can’t see it is it here right there [Music] okay I’m sorry I’m suddenly facing consequences and I’m sorry finally now you been apologize now make your feet dear bunny be I’m sorry I kidnapped your child and held it hostage and pushed it in lava and killed it with an anvil with your cousin I’m sorry is that acceptable hold on let’s let’s ask X bunny hos do also got to hold on we got to ask do you do you accept his apology ex bunny hos dog yes I think that as a no wait no I heard yes I heard yes that’s a no right that’s a no I accept the apology you must die die no no you must die well I’m sure that won’t happen um you’re free am I oh I’m freee the apology worked you must die go go and get go get get I accept this punishment fully maybe yep down I go come on there okay well that was anticlimactic I am dead now I have gone onto the next World L buy me yeah I’m down great job everyone lovely setup thank you thank you oh get out of here bunny the fact that you died there wow funny was I was I was going to send you to your death not him so oh Lordy man then don’t send him to his death among us when the impostor is sus when the sus is sus impostor oh huh ex I might have messed up the firework uh thing though it was a oh good job BS I have done congratulations on [Music] that I apologize it was it was worth it in the moment thanks Steve Jobs thanks thanks Manny oh man yo cash toy welcome in how’s it going how are you how are you we’re Pokemon Manon didn’t find out are these the fireworks things yeah oh they set that up that’s so cool I don’t I don’t know how you you do it the Redstone Contraption let’s be inside hang on it’s water time chat no h that was so funny that’s weird and then there was one [Applause] me what is that one of the birds no water time farewell Matt okay did that work sorry I said did they work yeah they did work yeah hell St I appreciate your Bracketology no problem dramatic teleportation sorry it took me a while to figure it out so yeah it’s kind of weird oh wait actually I’m going to kill bunny real quick let’s do hello question are we keeping the three level 100 Pokemon damn it it didn’t work maybe it’s Court two maybe it’s Court two home home Lord have mercy that was going to bunny oh okay hey I’m right here oh hi hi I have a home set at the uh thing too oh yeah great battles axe great battles that was fun did you get off I think that went well absolutely I almost beat slack and that’s you really did you were like one move away that was awesome that’s crazy I like the I like like the uh gimmick tournaments that like help even the playing field you know yeah that was pretty cool I I enjoyed that I usually don’t like tournament style stuff but that’s that’s pretty yeah the next one’s going to be all random I think that’s going to be a lot of fun yeah metronome mhm now budy B what is something you can describe dude what the birds fly in are you kidding me yeah the birds can fly or at least most of them can I I have not seen that was the first time I saw one what’s up asmo hey can I get shot up for Axe by the way now buty what is something you think you could describe for roughly I don’t know 66 seconds or so H um pepper jelly hey could you talk about pepper jelly for 66 seconds or so I’ll be right back okay HMC chat y’all should all get pepper jelly it goes really well with cream cheese especially on a bagel but almost always you should have them with club crackers you can make pepper jelly out of anything all you need is the fruit to make the jelly and peppers to add into the jelly you boil it you cook it you put it in a jar and then you have it forever it’s so good it’s so yummy sounds great I’m leaving you with my chat too okay I’m I’m not very good at this gentle parenting thing okay um you know this just got a lot harder I have anxiety so we’re going to see okay what’s something else I can o pearler beads I don’t know if y’all have ever done peer beads but it’s like it’s like pixel art and you put them on a little peg board Bo that you shape and you make pixel art on and then you put a piece of wax paper on top then you melt it with an iron and it makes art and it’s cool you can hang it up some people use them as coasters uh some people turn them into paintings like you can put them in a picture frame I made an Aeros one one time um I feel like it’s been 66 seconds cab H I’m I’m out of information oh damn it Lord have mercy Hey where’s the Hole by the way or which hole cat go meow oh yeah it’s over here wait I got a baby I’m I’m gentle parting Moxy chat right now okay chat I want you to stand up okay actually wait wait wait get in a comfortable position take a deep breath in in through the nose hold it one 2 3 three four let it out big breath out okay should go ahead and roll your shoulders bring them up to your ears bring it back take it on down feel some heavy weight in your shoulders okay let’s repeat that okay I’m should to breathe in bring your shoulders to your ears hold them breathe out Bring It Down okay now I also want you to go over to the Subscribe button I want you to click that I want you to put it to the six Monon option you’re going to save money in the long run by doing that it’ll be roughly I’m guessing like $35 or so um but that’ll be 6 months of Subs cheaper than you could ever get them okay and breathe out I forgot to tell them to breathe out they might be dead now bunny be I think we chat uh something tells me we should find the body oh where should we put it we got wait do we keep all our level hundreds I don’t know black said why not oh so I have three level 100 ratas all named stupid loser I uh didn’t think this one through I’m failing at hiding the body I need help hiding the body it’s okay I what you really need is some good Mossy blocks here stupid loser excuse you okay your stupid rats are in the way sorry I’m trying to get him I accidentally battled somebody wait what is this okay huh why are we on fire interesting why are we on fire well maybe you think about your actions when you talk about my rats that way myself I still H maybe a little maybe be a little careful that’s hot I didn’t even touch maybe be a little bit nicer to my stupid loser rats okay I’m trying to cover the body hey stupid losers you’re going to drown how you tonight mesmo I didn’t know that’s what happened when you breathed in water oh that’s a good question let’s find out did I do it do I put her out of her misery I’m trying to figure out how much a level 100 sells for too you know I’m keeping my shiny it does feel like um level 100’s probably hard to get maybe I don’t know should we keep them yeah it is cuz I’m still like level 84 on my Pokemon please don’t yell at banana I’m sorry apologize it’s okay as long as you learn and grow from this which doubt it did you win that yeah I did win I won the whole thing here I’ll give mock to you a friend I’m going to go kill the witches witches I want to kill witches but I’m gentle parenting I’m babysitting chat I can’t oh I forgot about that okay [Music] let’s kill them all what the [ __ ] oh hey took you a lot of TP so it scared me sorry I apologize I have that effect on people it’s okay oh yeah this is looking clean chat this is looking clean this is looking clean super fancy and a level 100 oh they level all our mons to 100 that’s what happened that’s what happened Annie Annie okay damn bro it’s sucking on it ow my leash my leash a my king what do we need probably just balls at this point cuz we can sell those right I wonder if I should have looked harder for like a Pokemon I actually want level 100 what do you think about that Eevee oh Baner G stupid loser how do I get poisoned am I insane why am I poisoned who am I poisoned you know well I guess I’ll be poisoned forever chat oh there’s a witch outside oh I see it now yeah where is he where’s my food too yo your rat is dying ah well it was bound to happen he’s kind of a stupid loser anyway you know okay God bless him though that’s well that sidearm stew I can’t I can’t possibly get rid of that one more DBA specs but winning the whole thing we got a cosmetic crate we got a katana to put on our back well what did you kill him yet did you kill hey how’s it going I’m pretty good how about you you kill wiches no I’m actually on half a heart oh god well let me go handle this you know let me go handle I appreciate that Miss to turn I thought you were going to win it all be honest you know what I mean mm I fully understand and agree with whatever you just said yeah you know I know if I could find like a better weapon or something you know no weapon shall prosper against you religion you care any of that yeah the katana’s the katana I think works better on a different skin than the one I have I don’t know it’s it’s nice it’s nice it’s like subtle break the spawner not like a big one you know spawner broken single honeycomb is that a honeycomb or no a unique mystery book chat we finally got a mystery book let’s see what it is oh yeah we got Thorns too at the bottom maybe wait sorry what oh god I’ve been hit Diva down Diva down I’ve been hit B what are we even going to do with the sharpness how you doing there ax I see you have no I’m doing a little all right Big Stretch ja things sound like they’re going really well in here Choice scarp what does that [Music] do you you cuz we can always sell the balls right the balls like sell for a good amount so it’s good money we going to eat this carrot real quick right banana banana big drink ban hello woo man what a fun night chat that game earlier was so weird I loved it iron now I guess we can EC some stuff right it I want to fill it with Pokeballs typically cuz then I can just shift over and like not have to think about what I’m putting in there you know so if I just do that it’ll just like go in there me too me too wow y we go oh there’s nothing in here there’s nothing in here chat does widly nothing in here by the way uh what do we do we want the LA I keep grabbing the lapis lazuli but I have no clue what it would be for I’ll take the XP candy though I’m sure that’ll pay off eventually right we’re going to have like tons of them that witch can stay out there that witch can stay out there I want more books I want to get Ming although I don’t know where we’re going to get removal Scrolls how’s the day been it’s been awesome it has been so good we had a banger day we pampered Mrs moon crab all day got her things took her places I got a $20 massage at the mall and let me tell you that dude got after me like he was mad at me it was awesome I’m definitely going back there that was really good we went swimming um at my parents house which was super sick oh God and then uh came back ate some really good cooking from Mrs moon crab and then uh hopped on here played a weird game now we’re goofing about Sam hell yeah think there’s a ladder here yeah B whoop if your water bucket still stack smart do I ever really need this water question mark I guess like in the nether right no it doesn’t work in the nether how can I make this inconvenient maybe do it like that how far will that flow that’s pretty funny all right that do amused me enough that does amus me sufficiently yink I don’t know if nerd still needs books and stuff oh Gloom pushy let’s go stack it now stag it up stag it up stag it up probably could use some water right now oh there’s a graveyard right there whoop it’s running on it’s running on it’s running on it’s dead [Music] yeah gold I’ll take it ah I’ll take it chat we’ve had shaders off all night we always forget to turn them back on what do you think of that pine cone go stupid loser you’re no match for my stupid loser which will be known as forever for the rest of the server I hope I don’t accidentally sell them yikers yikers we got got some stupid losers chat embarrassing I’m not going to waste money tping to bunny I almost did oh did I loot these question I did not I did not excellent net ball get in there string what’s up crispy potato how’s it going oh oh wow a rata gross hello Jeff where do plushies go Sam stuff to sort I guess we do that imagine having one of them yeah that would be embarrassing that’s why I have three that’s right go stupid loser go stupid loser go stupid loser let’s go grab the evil one who else do we want to get we want to get the wh Lord because we still need to level these up right we’ll keep T poser what do you guys think what do yall link chat delicious nutritious simply scrum dilicious if you will and I believe you will I believe you will clicking buttons over here clicking buttons over there just double checking Discord good to go oh wait oh wait all right what’s our goal we’ll go to bunny be they’re under the ground by the other chest yeah there’s also a graveyard over there hold on TP home I’m going to set a home here I’m create house home home there we go home create gy um home let’s rock it let’s roll it get serious chat what me um I can’t tell bunnies on the map cuz the thing is like up blocking it also hi crispy potato what brings around these parts a little bit of mine CFT hello pony where is bunny be oh get gloomed ah interesting discussion we’re having bunny be oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I was Beed I apologize no it’s fine everything’s okay okay I just think I’m glad we’re just on even ground again after the whole shiny B that you caused you mean that you caused I’m going to the graveyard and I’m never coming back oh no whatever shall we gray matter I think it’s the shirt I think it’s the shirt that’s messing with it tonight NE [Music] you dig up all the graves I see one you had dug up right here which one oh my gosh I didn’t that one like an ID I got myself a Shiny Stone out of this one yes sir yes sir mhm whale whale whale whale whale wh whale okay I will not Auto sort the gold I will not Auto sort oh there’s a bunch more by the way or at least another one those ones I got those I’m going to sell all these balls I think that’s what I’m going to do [Music] chat what is this a chipped pot honey do what’s cracking how are you how are you wait what is this Sam Sam you’re doing okay huh come here princess come here come here princess princess come here what do we switch out I can’t get rid of this dude that sidearm Stewie usted it to me probably the books right no the paper cutting straw how many you’re welcome it’s kind of a weird question for me to ask but I stand by it uh anything under here nothing I’m doing my best you’re doing so great sweetie all right he takes the by how’s the uh NASCAR track coming along oh it’s coming it’s coming you know yeah I’m just you know I’m really out here just I’m hoping to get some shovels some nice efficiency shovels or something you know what I mean I got to do a lot of digging you know hey but no shovels but no shovels that’s what you needed right no tools what you give me you give me a hoe Unbreaking three hoe exactly what you asked for you know I wish I wish but this you know this will do this is nice this is nice hey happy to help oh I see I guess I’ll like a pretty important tool you know I don’t want you to you know you know what I mean I’ll take my ho and go I’ll take my ho and go it’s about to be bad you want to put them in sugar for syrup oh interesting that’s fun what are you going to make with it I mean like is there like an in goal or like specifically just um m Z is that a dumb question sorry I’m kind of a dumb guy okay chat concentrate concentrate do not screw this up okay do not Auto sort do not Auto sort this even though it would make perfect sense to keep them Auto sort sorted and that you have no clue why they aren’t Auto sorted okay I got amount of books efficiency two and wisdom three h that was tough stuff CH malicious armor my God we need another chest for books book chest book chest yep you just didn’t have any you didn’t have any real strawberry eaters with you on Memorial Day did you that was the real issue that was the real issue I tell you that much all right okay all right I tell you that much that was the real issue right there brother that was the real issue right there partner Che wait were you really the only one that’s kind of a bummer should I put my extra everybody was wasting your strawberries Vanishing strawberries here for right now Goodness Me Goodness [Music] Me full dessert what’ you make all right chat we’re going to buy together we’re going to buy them together we’re going to go eat it we’re going to go eat it okay it’s High Pass Time chaning One what does channeling one do oh it’s for it’s for a trident [Music] oh yeah oh yeah you love to see it chat you simply love to see it I’ll tell you that much hey I’m wiped and we’re streaming tomorrow we’re streaming tomorrow we’re streaming tomorrow we’re going to be doing a little GIC foam into more more more more Cobble mom so I’m going to uh first yo what’s up Seth sorry I’m I’m ending the streams guys if you’re over on YouTube I’d really appreciate if you like the video after we end the stream there um we’re going to go visit snow we’re going to be live again tomorrow go check out the YouTube If you haven’t oh what’s up sting so our ra message is going to be first loser first loser first loser go say hi to snow it’s hitting me all right we’re going to end the YouTubes YouTube bye like the stream Etc YouTube

This video, titled ‘I learned Math from a Frog? – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 7!’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-06-02 03:16:35. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds.

First time Frog Fractions! We send Jigglypuff to the Nether! Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 7 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2!

want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack – 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon

it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀


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#minecraft #cobblemon #mythicalsmp #pokemon #minecraftsmp

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    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More