INSANE DRAWINGS: Quilzs creates mind-blowing personas!

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I couldn’t think of a good video idea so I guess I’m just drawing myself in different personas and then talking about it because you know what that’s what I’m in the mood for this week I promise I’ll think of a better one next week but for right now I’m just going to do this so starting off I started with a Salam Moon Persona I don’t know why I never really thought of one because I’ve seen a lot of people do this especially with like art practices and stuff this is one of like the biggest things to draw yourself as and I haven’t done it yet considering how much I love salor Moon and I grew up watching it and it’s one of my favorite shows forever it there’s a really good base of like how I view friendship and love and stuff and it’s really important to my heart so I can’t believe that I’ve never done this so I’m just going to you know do my best with it uh first off my quills so the thing about my quills as you’ve seen in my like art pieces that I kind of just have them be as spikes like hovering over my head I thought about like especially my intro video you could see that I had them like poking out of my head which I I kind of liked but I didn’t really get the vibe of so I had just had them like you know poking out and hovering over my head and you know what I think that works a lot better but for this one I thought it’d be really interesting to like turn it into a tiara especially because Sal moon is very princessy and light and magical girly so I thought a tiara would make sense but I still had to keep it spiky just to make sure that it’s still red off as like my quills and then for the rest of the costume I tried to keep it as like you know as saam Moon as possible with the same like bow and skirt details and like the gloves and stuff however for the skirt I did try to make it into more of a skir I do love skirts and I think they’re super comfy and pretty to wear but I do get really uncomfortable when I don’t have shorts underneath it and even with watching some of these magical girl animes the way they’re skirt and dresses flare up I get so nervous for them so I kind of just Illustrated that there is a skirt underneath okay so you know maybe I have a pocket under there too that would be amazing and then I tried to show it off by the pleat splitting and then having a bow on top just to accentuate girly aesthetic I think it looks really cute I didn’t really know how I came up with that but I guess it kind of just happened and that’s great for me I kept my hair the same with the whole like it kind of looks like saor Mars except Salam Mars kinds of tapers down into like a V shape but mine is very like straight across so I made sure to keep that but I also wanted to be all flowy and stuff I kept my bangs kind of the same um they’re kind of ingrown right now so I need to go get a haircut but the saor moon bangs that they make are very like full and fluffy and though mine aren’t kind of like that I did want to Flo them up just to make the whole design work I still wanted to keep the athetic of the salor moon art style within this design so I tried my best but you know I’m I’m just doodling at this point I do love me a good healed boot but I also still wanted to like accentuate that spikiness that I have in my design so I kind of made it taper off into like a diamond shape which I think looks really cool I don’t really know why but like a diamond shape is one of my favorite shapes so I kind of just wanted to show that throughout the other designs I don’t know why it’s just always been my favorite thing everyone has that favorite shape okay this is mine so I wanted to make sure it was everywhere and I think I tried my best with this I think it came out really cute obviously I’m still not going to do color because oh I’ll do a whole video about colored Theory one day but I’m I’m still struggling with it so of course it’s not going to be in color what did you expect I tried really hard to make this work and I think it came out really cute I’m super proud of it I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner considering I’ve known a lot of other artists that have done this and I’ve always wanted to do it and just haven’t yet I guess this was my excuse for this video but I remember Sailor Moon being one of my favorite animes growing up especially because in the early like 2000s when I grew up a lot of shows did showcase like the power of friendship but a lot of them were kind of a toxic friendship especially when it came to like Western cartoons sometimes you you would see friends quote unquote being friends with each other but they were also kind of mean to each other doing mean pranks and stuff and though saor Moon also had some mean ele to it the power friendship is still holds a great place in my heart and I really thank Sal moon for that among with like other animes and I just have fond memories of it I can’t believe that I still watched it by the way because I think I was definitely too young to watch it and understand it but I still remember it even like rewatching it a couple years back I didn’t even know okay spoiler alert I didn’t know the Sailor Scouts died in the first season but I was rewatching it and I’m like I don’t remember this I can’t believe they showed that at least to kids okay in the early 2000s I learned that through my TV history class in college as a lot of channels were experimenting and developing and trying to get to know Their audience and so that they would include anime sometimes so I remember I forgot what channel it was but after like 8:00 I would say at night they wouldn’t show any more cartoons anymore and instead they would show anime which is how I grew up watching a lot of anime as a kid it was kind of just like staying up past my bedtime and just like after a while they actually put them all good you know times for kids so I did end up watching them in the morning with my brother and stuff and that was a really fond memory I enjoyed that a lot I kind of miss when when channels had variety like that it seems like a lot of cartoon channels especially kind of just showcase the same you know four shows on repeat which I’m really tired of which is why I kind of just stopped watching channels and just wanted to stream everything myself I kind of missed when channels used to have variety because that’s what introduce me to salor moon and Dragon Ball and fale Alchemist which are the shows that I still love to this day and I’m really happy that I was able to watch them and grow up with them I will say rewatching saam moon I I remember a lot of people especially when I rewatch with my friends they hated Sailor Moon or at least usaki especially in like the season one because she was such a whiny protagonist and I kind of just want to hold it in myself because I I related I don’t know if a talking cat talked to me gave me responsibilities and then put me in danger I would for sure start crying and whining and stuff I don’t know why everyone’s giving usaki such a hard time that’s a lot especially for like what was it Middle School like a high school student that’s a lot I also completely forgot how young she was especially with the fact that her love interest is like way older than her spoiler alert they are kind of of reincarnated beings so I I guess I don’t know how to explain it because they okay they were like reincarnated because you know the Moon Kingdom kind of fell apart and so the moon Queen kind of had to reincarnate them onto Earth in order to protect their souls and you know give the moon citizens another chance that saving their Kingdom so they already are kind of together and destined to be together but the fact that I guess Damian got reincarnated first and that’s why he’s just older in the show it’s kind of I side at it all the time don’t worry I remember as a kid though being super uncomfortable about their age Gap or at least what I think their age Gap was I know they’re trying to like kind of fix it in the new ones because they don’t want their age Gap to be too extreme now which I’m happy for but that was one of my biggest things watching it as a kid but besides that I really did like the show I promise animes can’t all be perfect I guess and this was one of my biggest things about the show another thing that I really liked about the show I really like the dubbing um I forget what dubbing it was because I think there’s two main ones now when it comes to this anime they have two different types of dubbings I’m okay with them I think they’re good I forget which one is better or the one I grow up with but I remember watching like the Japanese one one time and I was like whoa they’re Japan like it blew my mind that’s so stupid that’s such a kid thing by the way it’s like oh my God they speak other languages even though this show was made in Japan um yeah that was just one of my little kid knowledges I I couldn’t really understand much as a kid okay I think now my favorite is definitely saor Mars I think it’s I don’t think it’s just because I can lowkey cosplayer as her right now but I think she just has like my personality I can be very mad and angry sometimes but also like you know power friendship I adore the power friendship in this show guys I am so tired of all of these like weird especially like sitcoms sometimes where they are trying to be like about friendship and about like loving your friends and stuff and they are the most like toxic mean people to each other they would like talk about each other behind their back and stuff and I remember it being such a jump especially you know from watching animes like this where friendship is everything and they treat it better than family sometimes and I’m like whoa you’re doing what behind your friend’s back I guess that kind of raised my standards what I’m saying that Sailor Moon kind of just made me who I am and I’m very proud and now that I made my own Persona I guess I can be technically in it so what I’m basically saying is that this design is kind of just living out my fantasy of wanting to be in Sailor Moon because now I could draw myself in it which I didn’t even realize I could do that until like very recently I don’t know why I don’t know I feel like as an artist I forgot that I could like be capable of doing these things you can literally draw yourself in any Universe you want and then like change the art style change how a character looks like it’s magical and I just keep forgetting that that I’m capable of doing that and that’s so funny like I could recreate a whole cartoon if I wanted to especially with like my animation skills I could I could remake any cartoon that I want to and that’s so bizarre and I keep forgetting I could do that but I’m really thankful that I could do that because this design I think came out really nice it was really pleasing to ink and stuff I keep forgetting that because a lot of my designs are like black and white I don’t really need to Ink a lot of the details because I’m just going to cover them over with black anyway but uh o that’s just one of the quirks I guess about drawing in my style I thought of doing full illustration in like the whole cartoon or anime style that each of these personas are based off of but oh my God I feel like it would be a whole another video just talking about the analyzation of some of these art styles because they are magical oh my gosh um but yeah that was the saam moon one I hope you guys like her I think she came out really cute and I’m just living off my childhood fantasy of being one of the Sailor Scouts even though if I was one of them I’d definitely be the one who would just would rather not I think I’m good okay so for my second Persona I thought it’d be really interesting to do uh a Persona from a fan base I’m not really big on but I do really appreciate it which is a Spider-Man Persona or spider sonas every other artist likes to make one by the way I’m not really big on the Spider-Man franchise like I’m not like a hard-hitting person but I do watch a lot of their movies and like obviously I’ve watched spiderverse and it was amazing but I still really do appreciate it I think Sony did amazing with the 3D modeling and like the 2D Graphics I think that creating a really good Synergy between an animated movie and like comic Graphics was a really good idea and I really appreciate how it’s opened up the world of Animation to more possibilities other than just make everything you know hyper realistic because I’m just tired of that now so I really appreciate that franchise and I applaud Spider-Man for at least Paving the way for that because I think they did an amazing job with spiderverse and I am really excited for the part two of the second movie I guess third movie I don’t know what to call it I’m sorry so obviously with the franchise this big of course the fan base and the artist Community popped off because looking through everyone’s spider sonas was so cool oh my gosh guys I looked through so many of these on Pinterest and oh my God they are gorgeous guys everyone is so creative with how they want to customize like their specific spider design and how they want like the helmet to look and their color schemes Like It Is Magical oh my God so obviously I wanted to be cool like them but I had such a big struggle with this design I don’t know why I guess I was overthinking it cuz a lot of them they would just looked so cool and I thought I could never really live up to what other artists are doing which um I guess I kind of just you know filled myself with some anxiety because of I was comparing myself lot but I still tried my best uh so I tried to obviously incorporate the quills into the headpiece I think it came out really well but it kind of I don’t know it’s giving off more Power Rangers Vibes to me than like Spider-Man I tried to Showcase multiple eyes in the helmet to I guess showcase that you know it’s a spider and then I still kept the design black and white because you know come on obviously I thought it’ be really cool for this spider I guess one to be more like of an anti- hero as we’re going off of like the Salam Moon one you know she’s obviously a hero so I think it’d be really funny for this one to be an anti-hero I guess to Showcase like the different parts of me or just to change up these character designs a little bit I wanted her power to kind of just be like more spikes or something it’d be really interesting to kind of have a spike attached to like a web and to kind of use that to like kill people not kill people I I don’t think Spider-Man kills but I could be wrong because I I just really like spiderverse but from what I’ve seen from Miles um you’re not really supposed to kill them or at least he doesn’t because he’s a good person I you know what I’m just I’m just going to say she’s not going to kill anyway so she’s just using them for you know Pizzaz but I still feel like a spike design attached to a web would be a really interesting way to capture people especially in like a very pacifist way so let’s just going to stick with that she’s not evil she’s not good but she’s there so for the design I don’t know I was having a really hard time struggling with I guess the spider design because I did really want to incorporate like a spiky shape of a spider but I also didn’t want it to look like too evil I have so many drafts of this in my Sketchbook by the way of me just like rambling on and on about like different designs and shapes and stuff but I think I finally came up with a really good one I don’t know why I kind of looked at the spider and I was like okay it’s got lots of legs but that’s kind of really hard to illustrate sometimes especially because a lot of them kind of blend into some of the costumes some of them don’t even have a spider to be honest but I still wanted to incorporate the spider just to make sure it reads off as a whole spider Persona so I tried my best with like putting different shades of black everywhere in like different triangles and I was still having such a problem but I realized that when it comes to my color scheme I do want black to be the dominant character so I started with a black layer and then I kind of just carved out the pieces of her design that would stay white and in doing so I did create a really interesting shape around her chest area that’s like a very spiky is design that kind of reads off his anti-hero Vibes to me and I can’t really explain it that well but I think it turned out really really cool um a lot better than any of the designs I really came up with in my Sketchbook I didn’t really want to add like a techno theme I know when it comes to the spider designs I’ve seen some go for like a very techno theme and then some went for a very like natural spider web theme but I I think I tried my best to keep this one as neutral as possible I guess with my design and I thought it’d be really interesting to incorporate little like lines and spikes into her design just because in my design I do add like these little like lines and dots on like the shoulders and like my nose just to give a more appeal to a character not just giving them a blank face so I thought that doing that for this design would be really interesting too uh the rest of the design I guess is just black because I couldn’t really think of anything else but I still think she came out really cool and um I don’t know how I would be as a superhero but I guess I would just you know just lie there and I guess look cool I’m really proud of this design I struggled a lot with it but when it comes to Art you just have to struggle a lot in order to come up with something that you like and I was very stubborn with this and I did try my best and I did get to somewhere where I do like my design so I’m really proud of myself for that and you know that’s just how art be sometimes I do think as a Spiderman I don’t know how well I do considering I’m scared of heights and I don’t like crowds and I try my best to be confrontational but I am I’m not so you know I guess I I’d rather kind of just be the one on the sidelines just just watching stuff and maybe doing stuff if I kind of just you know trip a burglar I guess what I’m saying is that this character is basically an anti-hero and the salor moon character is basically like a superhero so I thought it’d be a really interesting idea for the last design to make it a villain I guess to like tie in all of the designs together and showcase like different personas of me so for my last design I chose the Minecraft evoker and this has some weird explanation to it so I met a group of friends online and we had a Minecraft server and U part of the Minecraft server there was a mod called the Origins mod or something where you can be like half something but also half a Minecraft mob which I think is really interesting but now that I say that out loud I kind of gave out the connotation that like our parents were half human and half monster that they lowkey just like did it with anyway so my character was like an evoker which if you haven’t played Minecraft in aoker was basically like an evil wizard type villager thing it’s an outcast from the other villagers and that’s why they live in deep mansions and stuff and they’re all scary and they are very hostile and always want to attack you but they also have one of the best Treasures in Minecraft which is the totem of and dying which can you know save you from death so they are like evil cultist sorcerer type people and I played as that which was really fun in the server but I completely forgot that my character was on like every Iron Golem’s Blacklist I guess for just being an evoker I see how it is guys but I found that really funny and I made the gameplay with my friends really interesting you know we’d all go to a village and I would completely forget and then they would just see me get like completely wrecked and chased Away by like five iron golems in Village it was really funny but I thought for this design I would lean into more of like the you know the villain type of aspect of an evoker because it is like an outcasted sorcerer which I’ve seen a lot in media so I thought I’d taken up a notch by making it like very very evil I really wanted to change the design of this cloak so badly I know if I did it wouldn’t really read off as an evoker which I I want I really wanted this to read as an evoker especially in Minecraft one so I did have to keep the clo out was but I did try to incorporate my own kind of design into it uh one of them was making my hair a lot more messy I know when it comes to villains the way that they present themselves and showcase themselves says a lot about them for this one no I’m going to be messed up so I chopped up my bangs really badly I kept one like very long one in the middle just to showcase the unevenness of my hair I thought it’d be really interesting to White out my eyes so it looks like someone kind of doing a ritual on me I don’t know why but I guess I kept this design even though the evokers in Minecraft when they do any of their spells and stuff they don’t really white out their eyes I just thought it’d be a really cool design aspect to it especially because they do wave their arms up in order to do some of their spells I should have drawn some of them I hate vexes and I don’t even want to be associated with them even though I think that’s one of the evoker like strongest spells vexes scare me and they are my least favorite Minecraft mob to this day so I kept the cloak how it is but I did want to incorporate it by you know having my hands summoned and stuff they kind of don’t really have much of a design other than this cloak and like just looking mean so I kept the shoes but I thought it’d be really interesting to incorporate my quills as emeralds and like gems floating up above my head and the reason why I did this was because they do like evokers as a mom they do carry good loot like they have emeralds and the tooms of undying and so incorporating them into design through a thing floating above my head would be really cool because it’s like I’m both protecting them but also using them and besides that I couldn’t really think much of this design I think this is a complete character of like a super villain gone like arai or something because I think this character especially through the lore of my character in game but also just the evokers was definitely oh they powerful mad scientist sorcerer that gone wrong and I really tried my best with this and I think it came out really good I just wish I could do more but their design is already so Bland to begin with and I could not really change that but I did showcase her with her like you know cloak and the holding the totem of and dying just like going crazy I don’t really know if this reads off its quills per se but I think this would be a really interesting story if I were to make a Minecraft short story I think it came out really well Minecraft is just one of those games that I love a lot and making this Persona is both really cool but also kind of frightening it is like the evil version of me playing this game or at least getting corrupted and I don’t really like to think about that because Minecraft’s world is such a sandboxy oh you could be whoever you want kind of story and in the story she just became evil and corrupted and horrible which I don’t think would be me this is just you know the Persona of my Origins when I used to play with friends and I guess I I realized I could just show them this video and it’d be really funny I guess I’m going to do that later this is the Persona that I came up with for myself in Minecraft um I feel like it’d be a really cool one to do another one of me just being a Steve or like an Alex you know a good character in Minecraft I feel like this would be more interesting considering I do have a backstory to my character in Minecraft even though when I played with my friends I was not like evil person I really tried to be I had like an evil tower and stuff but I was still just like sharing materials with friends exploring stuff there’s a funny story actually I was basically Still Human except you know villagers didn’t want to talk to me Iron Golems hated me and I could have some spells my friend on the other hand was like a fish and so I don’t know what happened but she somehow ended up in the desert and I remember having to bring like five water buckets to the desert in order to help her which you know is not really something a super villain is supposed to do you know helping out a random fish in the desert but I guess that’s how I wanted to be uh I what I’m saying is that I’d basically be at most an inconvenience as a super villain that’s kind of what I did I remember like putting random TNT spots in the world but I don’t think any of my friends found them or at least they didn’t really talk about it I didn’t really see anyone explode or like hear about it so I guess minor inconvenience at most I do remember the cool tower that I made it’s really sad that we don’t play on that map anymore but God I I tried really hard to make like a really cool evil tower that just went up and had like random rooms and Towers poking out of the staircase and it just looked really tall and stuff it made it really easy to just you know look over my Darkwood Forest which I did want to keep part of the aesthetic by the way everyone else was living in another biome and I was like no I’m an evoker I have to be in the Darkwood Forest that makes sense that it’s how it has to be so I did that and that was really interesting I made a path though okay I wasn’t completely segreg for my friends as much of the plot wants me to be and yeah that was just me being an evil evoker character meanwhile everyone else was still being nice and I I was being nice too but I tried really hard I was trying really hard to be a villain I can’t be a villain I feel bad I already feel bad when there’s a visual novel and there’s like a mean option and that’s already the source of my like negativity I can barely do that the only time I can do that is when a friend tells me to I I basically need to be peer pressured but I was not being peer pressured in this I was just a bad feeling so that’s my bad feeling for even though I feel like this one was definitely like more of a Persona of maybe they were doing experiments on me and that’s why I look a little more effed up than the other evokers because I don’t think they have Whited out eyes and if they did that would make them a lot more creepier than I think they already do I guess that would be a better story an evoker that got betrayed and experimented on that would be a cool story I feel like someone should do that why hasn’t anyone done that yet so that’s how my evoker came out I think she came out really messed up and effed up and I think that was the point and those are my three personas so we did Sailor Moon Spider-Man and Minecraft evoker I think that was really really fun I would definitely do this again but I think I need to come up with some conversation topics because I know a lot of this was just me rambling about whatever and I think you guys deserve better than that so maybe I’ll actually think of like other character design points but if you guys like me rambling and are just drawing to that I’m more than happy to do that I really like videos that do that too where they’re like drawing but they’re also talking and stuff because it feels like I’m just drawing with a friend you know it’s kind of like parallel playing which is what I’m trying to do for this video so if you guys like this let me know and I’ll I’ll try to think of a better idea for next episode I promise I’m sorry I was really tired this week I couldn’t think of anything else I was just doodling myself because that’s all I could really think of but yeah I hope you guys like this video anyway and I’ll see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘drawing my personas (sailor moon, spiderman, minecraft)’, was uploaded by Quilzs on 2024-07-06 17:00:24. It has garnered 661 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds.

enjoy my rambling (sorry for some of the weird breathing by the way, gonna get a check up soon)

=music= Music track: Flower Cup by Lukrembo Source: Vlog Music for Videos (Free Download) ♪ Lukrembo – Flower Cup

=equipment= illustrations/animations: krita drawing tablet: huion kamas pro 12 editing: davinci resolve recording: maono dm30 rbg gaming mic

=me= tapas: insta: youtube:

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  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP stream with fans! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft PvP stream with fans! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP with subscribers live stream’, was uploaded by Krishna Gaming Yt on 2024-03-24 19:16:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Forex Strategy Beats All Odds!

    INSANE Forex Strategy Beats All Odds!Video Information This video, titled ‘1x kan 4x gok florex mc’, was uploaded by xLeawys on 2024-04-05 18:58:07. It has garnered 217 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. bogac titanium pvp bogac blood cutting minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address,… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘First House #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memes #meme #trending #viral #fypage #fyp’, was uploaded by Enes – Shorts on 2024-06-14 13:16:06. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • New Boundar

    New Boundar这是一个来自中国的服务器 This is a server from China 注意事项(简略): 不在服务器内使用第三方外挂. 不在服务器骂人. 不在服务器内私聊骂人. 不使用矿透材质包及其他的矿透mod. 不刷屏. 不在服务器内讨论政治敏感话题. 不卡服务器的bug. 恶意教新玩家一些错误意义的指令 本服务器主玩生存 New boundar 原版 长期开放 1.20 VANILLA SURVIVES LONG-TERM Read More

  • Crusalis Geopolitical Node wars Server: Factions

    CRUSALIS Minecraft Server Join us on the historically accurate geopolitical Minecraft server, CRUSALIS. Participate in wars, raids, and help build nations like Armavir (Armenia). Connect with our community, Victorix, and contribute to our victories! Server IP: (premium Minecraft only) Community: Victorix Discord Invite (Use invite code: Q3pHvv7h, mention Mado as your inviter) Read More

  • Newcoming [Roleplay SMP]

    Newcoming [Roleplay SMP]Newcoming is an RP-heavy whitelist SMP set in a medieval fantasy setting where you get to write your own story and enjoy stories created by others! Explore a vast and diverse continent where the borders between worlds have grown thinner. Are you a local traveller? A guest from another world? Would you rather settle in a kingdom or roam about, not tied down by anything? Learn from both the lands and the people and watch your story unfold.CUSTOM MAPOur map is 100% custom-built; 25k by 25k blocks total. The mainland continent covers about 19k by 14k blocks, but there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – All hail the mighty pillar

    Well, looks like someone really hit rock bottom in that chunk! Who knew Minecraft could be so…hole-some? Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide Exploring Must-Have Farms in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? In this video, the creator showcases three essential starter farms that will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience in Minecraft 1.21. Let’s dive into the world of farming in Minecraft and discover how these farms can revolutionize your virtual adventures! 1. Crop Farm One of the fundamental aspects of Minecraft is farming, and a crop farm is a must-have for any player looking to sustain themselves in the game. By efficiently growing crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes, players can ensure a… Read More

  • EPIC! Find a Village in Minecraft!

    EPIC! Find a Village in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play | EP. 1: MAGHANAP NG VILLAGE! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by ArkiCraftMC on 2024-04-25 10:00:21. It has garnered 909 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. Hey guys! SO this is our first Survival Series this year, I hope you like it, don’t forget to Like this Video and Subscribe for content like this! 😀 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftfilipino #tagalog Read More

  • Unlucky Gamble – Epic Minecraft Bingo

    Unlucky Gamble - Epic Minecraft BingoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fetchr – Minecraft Bingo 5.1 – 259’, was uploaded by no_leaf_clover on 2024-07-16 18:00:23. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:17 or 2357 seconds. Even newer Bingo Hype! NeunEinser has sneakily updated Fetchr for Minecraft 1.20! New terrain, new items, new hype! Download: NineOnes: Old versions (testing playlist): Clover Community Discord: Twitch: #minecraft #minecraftbingo #fetchr Read More

  • LuckeY’s Insane Hardcore Minecraft Stream!

    LuckeY's Insane Hardcore Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: HARDCORE – 293. teljes adás’, was uploaded by luckeY – STREAMEK on 2024-03-26 08:00:03. It has garnered 3975 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:56 or 11276 seconds. STREAMED LIVE [03.25] 🟥 MY MAIN CHANNEL: 🟣TWITCH: ⭐ Become a member of our DISCORD community! If you like the video, please give it a 👍! 🙂 💻 SETUP: ⚡️G2A: ◤COMMUNITY PAGES ➜ ● Facebook: ● Instagram: ● For business inquiries: [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE BUILD on Hermitcraft 10!

    UNBELIEVABLE BUILD on Hermitcraft 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 10 : Episode 10 – AN IMPOSSIBLE BUILD’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-03-05 16:00:10. It has garnered 108165 views and 9643 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. Hermitcraft 10 : Episode 10 – AN IMPOSSIBLE BUILD HermitCraft Season 10. HermitCraft is a whitelisted vanilla SMP Minecraft 1.20 server! Stressmonster continues building the base, and hangs out with iskall85, Etho and FalseSymmetry. ♥ Become a member of my channel: ♥ My Social Media: ♥ My Stressmonster Extra channel: Hermitcraft Website: Outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create)… Read More

  • DONGOR MK TRICKS – Epic Villager Dance 😂

    DONGOR MK TRICKS - Epic Villager Dance 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Villagers Ka Bado Badi Dance 😂 | #gamerfleet #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by DONGOR MK TRICKS on 2024-05-24 06:48:13. It has garnered 10841 views and 315 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hello, Domsto 😄 ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ🥰 ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ…. ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴘᴀᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴀᴀ ᴴᴏ ᴛᴏ Οɪᴋᴇ ᴋᴀ ᴅᴇɠɴs I love you so much @GamerFleet @AnshuBisht @NotGamerFleet 🎧ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜ᜴ᴄ ᴠʜᴇ ᴄᴇᴅɪᴛ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ • ᴛʜᴇ ᴇʜᴩᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏᴡᴸᴇʀ• ❇ ᴀᴄᴏ̶ᴩ̶ʏ̶ʀ̶ɪ̶ɢ̶ʜ̶ᴛ̶ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴏ ᴇ LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. 📞🔴What’s the matter with youᴇ:- ᴀᴏʀ ᴀɟᴇ… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival: 6000 Days in 1 World!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival: 6000 Days in 1 World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 6000 Day Survival MC World Tour!’, was uploaded by KINGERiv on 2024-03-17 21:27:34. It has garnered 553 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:05 or 8285 seconds. Come join me in my 6000+ Day Survival World Farmtopia. Bedrock version on PC. World Tour is on my page in a previous Live Stream. Split Stream with Tiktok! Support the stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by Harshvardhan Sharma | Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by Harshvardhan Sharma | Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft and Chilling … | #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harshvardhan Sharma on 2024-02-18 13:05:38. It has garnered 82 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:42 or 12042 seconds. You Can Support Me By : Paytm/phone pay/Gpay : 7267920001 Tip : PayPal : (PLEASE MENTION THAT IN CHAT ALSO) Hope you will enjoy the stream… LINKS : Instagram : 🙏 No hate for anyone or any community, gender, religion, caste, etc. 🙏 No form of vulgarity would be tolerated. 🙏 Spamming is irritating. Don’t spam. 💙I… Read More

  • Aphmau’s New Ninja Family in Minecraft—Crazy Plot Twist!

    Aphmau's New Ninja Family in Minecraft—Crazy Plot Twist!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NINJA FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-05-31 19:15:02. It has garnered 3074478 views and 45285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:15 or 1335 seconds. Silent AND Deadly 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Minecraft TikTok Hacks Gone Wild! 😂🔥 #Viral #Shorts

    Minecraft TikTok Hacks Gone Wild! 😂🔥 #Viral #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral tiktok hacks 😂 😂 ❤️#part7|#shorts #youtubeshort #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Rajgamingyt on 2024-06-20 13:41:48. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft Viral tiktok hacks 😂 😂 ❤️#part7|#shorts #youtubeshort #minecraft #viral #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks… Read More

  • DisQordia Network

    DisQordia NetworkDisQordia Network features Skyblock and Lifesteal SMP. You *must* join our Discord to register ( SMP: A high quality and friendly survival server featuring Jobs, Lands, and LifeSteal mechanics. The aim is to be mostly vanilla, but with quality of life features to keep the server fresh, stable, and long lasting. This should be a good place for casual and hardcore players alike. – Claim your own land and set your own rules – Work a job to earn money – Kill players to earn hearts, or craft hearts on your own – Setup your own shop to trade with… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Vanilla PVP Non-Whitelisted 1.21

    Welcome to our Vanilla-Friendly Minecraft SMP! If you enjoy a server with limitless possibilities where you can create or destroy as you wish, you’re in the right place. Our small group of friends is looking for players to join our simple SMP server. Interested in joining us? Join our Discord server: Discord: Read More

  • SpectraMC – Skyblock Server – Coming Soon

    SpectraMC - Skyblock Server - Coming Soon█▀ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀ █▀█ ▄▀█ █▀▄▀█ █▀▀▄█ █▀▀ ██▄ █▄▄ ░█░ █▀▄ █▀█ █░▀░█ █▄▄SpectraMC is a no pay2win Islands Minecraft Server with a currency system, island upgrades and more!COMING SOON Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Help! Everything’s Broken!

    Minecraft Memes - Help! Everything's Broken!Maybe they need to remember to turn it off and on again…oops, wrong game! Read More

  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Minecraft Square Scare!

    Knock, Knock, Who's There? Minecraft Square Scare! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our crew of four, adventure-bound. Facing horrors, lurking in the night, Surviving the scares, with all our might. The knocker almost got us, a close call indeed, But we fought back, with courage and speed. Exploring caves, filled with dread, Each step we take, with caution and dread. Can we make it to Episode 2, with five likes in sight? Join us on this journey, through day and night. In the scariest modpack, we take our stand, Crafting our way, with a steady hand. So stay tuned for more, as we… Read More

  • POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft

    POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft POV: Trying to mine a block for 10 minutes only for it to disappear right before you finally break it #minecraft #laggyserverstruggles 😂 Read More

  • Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server

    Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server Servidor de Minecraft Survival e Roleplay Pirata e Original O servidor de Minecraft mencionado oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de explorar dois prédios incríveis, criando uma experiência única de sobrevivência e roleplay. Compatível com Java, os jogadores também podem acessar o servidor pelo PojavLauncher em dispositivos móveis. Vamos explorar mais sobre esses prédios e como aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência de jogo! Prédios Incríveis para Explorar Os jogadores novos no servidor terão a chance de se aventurar em dois prédios impressionantes. Cada um oferece desafios únicos e recompensas emocionantes para aqueles que se atrevem a explorá-los. Qual dos prédios… Read More

  • Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)

    Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-07-09 15:00:01. It has garnered 23321 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Lost PSX Edition

    Unveiling Minecraft's Lost PSX EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘taking on the long lost ancient minecraft version (minecraft: psx edition)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-02-09 18:20:15. It has garnered 28371 views and 1021 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:59 or 11039 seconds. today we explore a long lost ancient version of minecraft for the playstation 1. minecraft psx is from a long bygone era. this version was salvaged from a CD at a mysterious garage sale and seems a bit strange and off.. 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop 🎮 minecraft:… Read More

  • Discover Herobrine’s Secret in The Fog #yeikomc

    Discover Herobrine's Secret in The Fog #yeikomcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Que Querrá Herobrine – From The Fog #minecraft #nightdweller #yeikomc’, was uploaded by YeikoMC on 2024-03-28 21:33:16. It has garnered 365 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server Eclipse ft. KingZangoose-ABN!

    EPIC Minecraft Server Eclipse ft. KingZangoose-ABN!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Eclipse Of a New Minecraft Server! (Frank and Zangoose Collab) (Third Times The Charm lol)’, was uploaded by KingZangoose-ABN on 2024-04-09 04:06:00. It has garnered 43 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:48 or 15648 seconds. Like and Subscribe pls it’s free :3 Read More