Insane Drop Revealed – Join JackStarHeart Hypixel

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live I think Y no what obviously thank you br the power my power went out for like literally two seconds my computer instantly rebooted and uh it was long enough for the stream tonight though actually there was no hope OBS closed therefore wait y yeah I’m live cool OBS closed so the stream died BR and then I had to wait for the Wi-Fi to re reset itself because it also lost power oh wonderful okay are we good now unfortunately the other the other VOD already exists it it it’s fine we love we love when the power it’s it’s it’s like a sunny day here I don’t understand why did how did the why did the what did somebody like hit a power line I bet that’s what happens there actually a lot of car accidents in my town I bet somebody at a power line although that wouldn’t have turned it off for only two seconds so I I no idea what’s going on um Sky [Music] Block what do you mean this is my first time using any I install the new the new release they released like a full release finally that was pretty cool installed that it’s not my first time using it [Applause] um what was I doing oh NE is freaking out from that I had another my any you actually I’ll me if I went out again am I live now hello am I back live that disconnected lovely it says we’re connected again and the OB yeah OBS okay I think the Wi-Fi is just having good my internet’s having trouble it’s flickering maybe that was there might have been a power surge I know I’ve disconnected I like my last typ stream went similarly to this to this whoa I’m back am I though I’m so confused okay take two question mark okay okay that’s a cool helmet um let me Salvage this stuff like I was trying to do last time yo raph’s in the chat Jack what is this stream and it’s all it’s on and off I don’t know yeah rap my power went out for literally two seconds which was enough to turn off my computer and therefore stream in OBS so this is take two okay we got a 50 out of 50 Soldier leggings that’s not really worth anything though right I’m just going to salvage that um and this no yeah I can Sal the cont cool are we back I think we’re good although apparently the power could go out at any moment so be prepared for the stream to just end again that might have been is that my shortest stream ever no it’s not I think it’s my second shortest stream ever because I crashed I did a stream I think in like October and the similar thing happened I had like a three minute long stream probably my second shortest stream hi on I think I’m back oh by the way what level are you how’s the new profile go turn your API on net worth 4 I know that’s not real but net worth of four coins is very funny okay du um let’s cue some floor seven again that’s they’re p-dev I’m not good enough for preev parties they already have a tank they need a tank works of being a tank what C of level am I am I like 36 yeah I am that’s so low I think that puts me like 1% of the way to cata 50 probably even less no what no I Pro I gota be over 1% of the way to cata 50 right right like I have like 300ish floor 7 boss collection I got to be at least one% of the way to c a 50 right oh the wait isn’t there a calculator uh what’s it called PV um engineering do c oh okay we started why was it why is this green whatever oh I forgot to get arrows we’ll probably be fine for this R but next round we got to get more arrows oh I don’t like this oh no any you reset everything cuz my computer turned off for some reason that doesn’t make sense but it did anyway I don’t normally have these on I don’t like these on those are cracked stone bricks I don’t usually have that setting on my map reset oh come on bro it broke all my settings like I don’t even recognize the rooms now oh yes I we’re in this room a man I got to I got to fix all my NE settings now come on that’s upsetting okay it’s this one need some speed yeah I know I’m I’m trying to just get back into learning dungeons I forgot how to play I’m really bad I you is Rogue sword still viable for getting speed and dungeons probably not do I actually go ranchers boots you’re the guy that is the best you’re the guy that’s that is the best investor D O8 is fancy an’s a pretty good investor himself he has a lot of skins or before I got red okay I why am I killing these mobs not important for the thing for the thing I got to find the last secret the last secret what is this room again what just what is happening to me why am I I my brain is I’m honestly this these are making it so I can’t think I swear I don’t have these it’s distracting me what’s kidding me what’s the last Secret in this room I swear I know it it’s behind a super room wall it’s this right here yep I couldn’t see it cuz I don’t normally I’m I don’t like the green chest either I’m so distracted right now why did my power have to go out okay I got to leave the map I don’t why is the map like that I hate this map oh why is it I don’t like it I’m going crazy but hello s maiden us malony anyway uh doorway oh it’s trap nice I like doing trap let’s get some pearls I probably should have just had pearls out but I didn’t so whatever oh they those just compacted nice okay I still have enough can I just do this oh lag oh and my internet crashed again wait no it didn’t we’re not crashing my internet didn’t crash [Music] ow we did trap with pearls yeah speed Running Oh lag am I done lagging wait that didn’t disable pearls yeah pearls and trap is a pretty good pretty pretty good Strat not necessarily new but it’s a good Strat okay I am still totally brainless okay I got to fix this map that is it’s unusable for me I hate when I hate when it turns like that um map let we do vertical and we do okay hold on I got order size no border size down rim size it’s like it’s cutting off don’t know what’s we want vertical oh wait Center map map yeah there we go border size like that so I can see it all at once room size we can do turn this room size down then turn border size down that’s fine okay we don’t need a border Tye that’s fine there we go that’s usable okay I remember them saying that they disabled the pearls oh did they was that an update that that was supposed to happen I guess it didn’t work hello people okay um okay let’s try to get my head on tight okay didn’t do it right there okay whoa dungeons why are you trying to take him it’s my job okay there we go wither skeletons I am crazy I my power going out is just shocked my brain I didn’t even overflux there I overflux okay focus this is way too loud okay that was teammates are good they killed him pretty fast nice woo okay okay we can I’m going to start I’m going to try to calm down this is supposed to be chill dungeon stream I the power going out was crazy but we’re good now CH dungeons time then I do got to figure out how to turn off this though I can probably work on that now whatever uh what do I search for I just search for cracked yeah dungeon block overlay I I don’t want that on I don’t want this on at all there we go okay I need to get my OTS out what are you what are you doing what tank aggro what do you mean tank always aggro what are you talking about to be fair I was kind of in the Nu I didn’t notice he came okay woo I I Believe by this able to enable pearls again I see I I think it’s a good a good feature I don’t think it’s really that gamebreaking in anyway okay let’s try not to die in goldar which I always do if you saw the thumbnail I am Noob don’t expect high level gameplay from this stream I don’t even know the proper terminal strats I I know you’re supposed to do certain ones but I don’t know which one I’m supposed to use to do so I just do Dev this Dev at least and I fell that’s part of the Strat though why why wait wait I had regular pearls and I almost threw cuz I was trying to Spirit leap and they was oh boy I’m bad okay I was like why are my spirit leaps not working oh right it’s a regular Pearl I’m holding I got to heal wow I am oh calm down [Music] [Music] okay uh slight lag Spike ouch didn’t mean to do that wonderful wonderful game play here woo okay what do we miss got I went the wrong way the Str is to go down here I think okay whatever I’ll just grab this one I guess Melody again lovely [Music] um I don’t need aots let’s just last breath I missed I missed [Music] again woo okay oh someone in chat said that in the other stream the one that I the crash someone said that they nerfed last breath in floor 7 is that true why would they do that there’s only like five useful bows in Sky Block why would they Nerf one of the only useful ones I refuse to believe it last bre is awesome I thinking the lore changed right nope same same ability didn’t Nerf the ability directly haven’t heard anything about that yeah I haven’t either I don’t knowum much the work it seems I mean obviously that wasn’t a very fast kill but I’m going to do my tank things I think that’s what I’m supposed to do is just sit there and last breath handle recom nice and a Max to the fish aren’t those isn’t that a kind of like a rare combo leggings why am I checking all the chests I’m obviously just going to gra the Recon I shouldn’t check those chest Recon oh he just CED whatever I didn’t get arrows again okay calm down Jack we are dungeoning in peace peacefully done gone woo you don’t really need need last breath in for7 anyway yeah you’re right there’s really no risk of dying especially with Paul we’re if we die it’s fine okay uh why am I just standing here I why am I not going to clear I’m kind of just brainless right now let’s go okay map is kind of small I might make that bigger let’s just go over here and room stack a little bit go over here die actually let’s just go grab the secret why not okay what’s in here this room lovely Secrets before clear classic Jack starart okay where am I going we not here I know how to play grab lever actually I kind of like the glowing lever I lever lever yeah might leave that on okay we awkwardly lagged a little bit there but it’s fine we’re not even close to dead Okay this way water puzzle I do have the solver on right yeah I do Boop didn’t mean to teleport there Boop purple get Max Bo on NE CR that’s a good idea I can probably just make them into max or boots dick okay where we going now this reminds I’m in clear dead there’s still starred mobs probably in the basement why am I where am I going oh isn’t there like a floor above is there star mobs up here there [Music] are we go haven’t cleared yet where are the star mobs more star mobs in the basement oh no you are there you go they tuning points to speed I think I did did I I didn’t I’m tuned to crit damage for some reason okay we’re room stacking a little bit let’s whatever crash into that it’s fine okay I don’t know all this room be honest see already got that one is there something to do with this water yes bat actually I like the glowing bat too I’ll leave the glowing bat on I just I don’t like the glowing the glowing crack bricks let’s go to I I also don’t have heads on I’m just going to guess until we get to whoever’s in that room what do you mean that’s a long cool down where am I the room hasn’t been cleared yet but that guy’s about to get it so you we’re in blood I know I I don’t want to be in blood oh wait steal whatever so it’s this guy yeah I don’t know where I am oh I had to go down now we’re just going to go anyway this been clear oh it’s wait no one did Spider room this is like one of the most fun rooms it’s like there’s like what this is this is like my favorite room what up another stream my power went out which was awesome he already got that one uh I’m so slow I’m realizing okay as as your power issue it’s not usually I don’t know what happened like my the power went off my computer instantly rebooted but then it this was already nuked cuz OBS disconnected so that was awkward somebody died that’s interesting can Archer kill it please okay I’ll kill it tank tank usually kills Max that’s definitely how that works this even happening okay that was an odd maxar fight by way you see the hyic animation named named sky is the limit uh I did not I saw the one that like you know they advertised in the lobby I don’t know which one you’re talking about so probably not let me look it up on my phone High pixel Sky Block skies the limit nothing came up when I searched that okay hey OTS come here buddy he came over uh okay cool not by way yeah I figured uh could somebody kill this our Archer is like level 70 yeah okay that makes sense that’s why we’re not doing damage my inventory is so full like a tribute fancy yeah maybe I’ll check that up I need my spirit Loops I’m just going to keep on this device that seems to work fine you want AC choire see you see you a thanks for having in [Music] there’s a ghost wa someone died what wait why are we actually kind of close to not getting s+ what it’s Paul like somebody didn’t do spider [Music] room I crashed into that that’s what was part of my plan [Music] though okay he’s going grab that I’ll just grab [Music] letters I missed there we go rip S Plus oh what someone else died oh come on what oh what what is going on here and this guyn that’s that’s that’s kind of toxic though disconnecting especially when you’re level 74 you need it you need us think is not taking SMH what we’re in gold or I don’t need a tank in gold or I literally C The only green one that’s pretty funny I so fast that was so slow or you mean you mean I’m not taking it in the fact I’m not doing the right terminals oh wow I am washed F7 p is F7 party find are super annoying yeah mostly cuz you got monkeys like me trying to figure things out last breath which might have been nerfed no DPS oh yeah the Archer left the level 74 Archer wasn’t do them Stam anyway okay we got him oh wait the what why did my what I just realized the the subscriber count overlay broke CU stream died that’s awesome just switch to this oh well we have zero DPS you want to do dungeons with us uh perhaps what uh what what do you play may we can join again oh sick yeah maybe we can do that Mage cool isn’t Ian are you are you Mage too we can do but I don’t really care oh we have zero damage right now what a good run 9 minutes not even s+ oh you’re Arch okay yeah plus we can do that got go time for run wether Catalyst nice I got to fix inventory yeah it’s completely full that’s wonderful let’s Salvage the stuff and then we can make a party whack some IGN’s in chat and I’ll party you guys oh we got an auto recon zombie Commander leggings so I’m just going to salvage that cool it’s 60 on your Iron Man nice did you get any drops from that grind Watcher disc is that that rare at all I think I have a don’t I have a collection from Axor the fishes I think I put them in this chest yes I do I have a lot of fishes apparently and spider tells me that’s random y I just realized if sorrowful comes online we’re going to have to fill up that guy I think he has like 200 to give me oh man how much is a Infinity infinite leap isn’t it like 100 Mil y these aren’t worth anything right y um okay that’s another that’s an extra M Apex Hunter and G Gregorius tube there’s a did I spell it wrong I almost certainly did rigore us D okay no you okay we need one more don’t we CL member got a pro a proc Seven Pro seven probably fancy not worth infin my opinion how much how much is infinitely worth calling terms is that too advanced pimmy Could you teach could you like teach me how of call terms I would love to learn Infinity 70 mil yeah you’re right that is kind of expensive let me buy I can just walk I don’t need to type SL Hub oh okay A little bit of lag there that was weird let’s just buy arrows ter not retarding from the gate okay are they are they ordered like the top right is one he’s asking is is it ordered like say this is the start of it that’s the end of it is it ordered from like closest to here so like it’ll be like one two 3 four five one through four plus device so four goes like deep into it and starts doing it like from the back let’s buy how do I see how much Essence I have I want I kind of want an infin boom let’s just buy some wither oh some Undead Essence number four is farest into the phase and number one is the first terminal okay love Essence 14k oh that’s free okay cool you know who everyone is you can just run towards that term without feel need to check if there if there are if there are things skipped also when someone dies you know which term we left over okay so P do you know which one the tank normally does is there ones that each class normally does or do you just like call it beforehand oh I got to skip the ads YouTube Don’t Run ads oh in the meantime I can also why is my subscriber overlay broken refresh there it goes there are no SS for certain classes okay most of the time healer takes device okay do we want to uh should we hop in party finder for the for the last member and get a get a Healer let’s go buy an infin boom all right cuz healer pre-s yeah that makes sense we are we’re not going to have a Healer pred no yeah let’s try calling terms okay uh Essence shop hunted Essence shop [Music] inboom I’ve been wanting to do that for so long That’s so exciting wo and it’s instant too oh this is awesome now infin to LEAP with the Ence now just [Music] kid okay let’s see uh yeah got of 44 can’t do calling terms but all right we no we’ll try yeah I’ve never I’ve never done before either so we’ll try so let’s let’s call it before end like uh pimmy what do you want to do you you have your first pick do you want to do one or what what do you normally do didn’t you call did you call two last time you call I notice you calling it this is so hype though boom and also do we want to do we want to get a fifth member or should we just que with Quee like this get fifth okay do any of you guys know somebody or should I just monkey fighter I’ll just monkey fight uh start a new queue where is start a new queue where is start a new queue is it in here oh here it is oh P I was just asking like what which one I want to call the devs the the yeah I want to call the the terms now so which one do you want like one two three or four that’s all we should all pick a number first okay uh cat level 30 requirement that would be nice I would love if we can get C of 30s oh not not devs uh calling terms not devs but I can I can do devs we got an arch okay whatever let just Q or I’ll do two actually I can do actually I’ll do Dev cuz we have no healer where’s the Shadow do oh it doesn’t exist I do want to make the uh map bigger when I have a SI I think that’s still a little bit too small oh this room is there there’s definitely a way to cheese this room but I’m just going to walk through it like a Slowpoke why like TV I am so slow I should have tuning points into speed handle yeah we’re getting one right pretty sure this room we’re going to get one okay this room now what is this room oh it’s this room is there a bat in this room no oh archaeologist jumps here that was pretty easy I don’t actually know this room completely I’m just going to run around for a bit until I find something is there uh Speedy pills there’s a death might in there also arrows right there oh I’m so bad at this room wow I’m clueless right now where is even any secrets oh oh it’s this part of the room okay kill the bat there’s the bat I was I looking at that corner okay y y y die please die thank you where’s the last secret did a boom it’s a boom Oh infin boom normally I have to like wait for a second but that was instant I love infin boom woo okay I am so slow please die um we’re going over here we’re going right wait this room has I forgot the star Ms secet four clear classic me let’s I forgot this room I’m so map yep oh great I’ll be here for a while I don’t not do much damage okay that was his thought be yay we’re going over here let’s go I looking at the map and I forget to just look ahead of me like just now and just now no this was the right way I did it again I am so bad at dungeons I am completely washed melon room who didn’t finish melon room and why melon room is an awesome room I forgot I switched to tanks out now I don’t do any damage okay woo what blame you for what what happened oh melon room H me no it’s fine I’m throwing a lot more than you are really we can go why are we kind of we’re just kind of still here though why am I killing monsters I should be trying to get the secrets yeah we can go right we not go I already switched I’m crazy but when I say crazy I mean I’m mentally insane not good in any way come on buddy Mr Mr maxxor hi I get a trip where’s my orb my blind is I’m not even going to heal I’m just going to sit here I don’t need healing I didn’t need healing let’s grab the h no I don’t the OTS yet that was weird lag you see the new mayor update is on Alpha oh new mayor update what is in the new update is it just new mayors or like a new system for Mays oh you are I don’t know why I tried to keep killing him P instantly killed him oh p is literally one-shotting him okay I’m on dev kind of op really our mayor is op [Music] that could have been faster but whatever it’s done I should probably grab my spirit leaves oh wait I’m on dev okay I don’t actually know how to do this Dev I also don’t think this is the best way to get up there but I don’t have movement items so maybe I shouldn’t be doing device I get my bonso staff out nope it’s fine I did it okay I don’t actually know how to do this one is it Corners no oh this Corners cool I figured it out I’ve actually never done that I’ve never done that device before [Music] I don’t like the second number next to it what is it it’s kind of getting me my way it’s confusing me here we [Music] go okay awkward Dev moment I think doesn’t normally the arch do this Dev oh I fell down that’s not good this is recoverable I all I’m slightly throwing he’s trying to get up here for me I made it I don’t have my bow out I’m not throwing at all easy we didn’t I didn’t throw it all tank doing Dev almost every mayor update gets a new park and the second most voted mayor gets one of their perks active wait what that’s sick that is kind of op that is actually that is really op why they don’t they didn’t really need to do that I guess actually that makes sense cuz that will get more people playing for sure cuz like I am I often log on or stay online when it’s atrox cuz I like doing Slayers or even Paul like I I lo I logged on today just cuz Paul was mayor so that might actually be a good get people playing more cuz like if somebody wants to do Slayers and atrox got or like finnean got voted over atrox atrox got second still one perk will be active which means that player will want to do Slayers more or still want to do Slayers that’s actually a good change why did I press my DPI button oh no there we go no that’s too fast still there we go and new perks from a is sick too wonder what atrox this is going to be okay I’m the party leader I’m going to do a little bit of downtime because I’m bad I’m going to salvage this stuff y all for the miror without perks oh okay that makes sense this are like the two best Mayors what downtime not it oh undersiz party oh I I saw undersiz party and I still clicked uh it’s fine it’s fine okay let’s go I did there’s no door there Blaze I can do some Blaze [Music] here he uh you didn’t see that I oh I forgot you can reset puzzles really might sword is the best sword in the game again what they they buffed Midas sword I didn’t have any archaeologist things I’ll just do this for him whatever I didn’t even need to kill him but I just wanted to more Spirit leaps yay why am I going over here but I probably should have my infino in my inventory that might be helpful slightly did I flict this lever yet I feel like I definitely didn’t no I didn’t why am I I’m shooting nothing I’m so good at this game woo okay let’s grab this and the I’m in I’m confused this yay what is the last thing there’s a thing behind like a barrel but first of all we can grab this oh it’s right there cool I didn’t I didn’t open oh I missed the lever I remember where it is now I don’t think you can stalk this one I think you have to unlock it first so we go up I believe and we hit this I forgot to hit that yes I am so good at dungeons okay this room oh it’s slime room awesome now it’s over here they’re bad in here yes why does this chest never spawn there we go okay I cleared that room not too slowly right that wasn’t too bad okay we got trap we’re going to B Bop oh F going a stare That Awkward okay there we go bam NOP missed can I go up there I sure can that was slightly faster oh I hit the falling blocks that was funny okay that was an all right trap I feel like I’m not totally washed When I do that okay what is this room called I forget this is a fun room though I bet he didn’t get no he almost certainly got that one didn’t he get you get this one it doesn’t matter so on on Alpha Diaz’s new perk allows you to get stock of stons again use them in a shop oh we can get St stock of stons again you can buy frags to King the frag mosur spoon and datal axe that seems like an unnecessary buff to the might SP and datal a those are already two pretty good items but might so the item gets added that’s way too op for some reason when you frag the met swur the money for close to 250 mil oh that sounds pretty good they also just buff the damage of the might sword using G frag or G drag it’s why did I say G frag G drag it’s 2% better than Claymore what that’s crazy Big Crush tank d might SP goes to 500 mil holy crap I bet that’s going to have decent like single hit damage even though it’s how was used for the ability but going to have decent single hit damage now too that’s crazy probably should grab Spirit leaps need to go backwards to div probably should just get a Midas or a bonso staff and slash or a Jerry sheen gun to in my inventory do I wait for this to blow up or I can’t wait for this to blow up first how do I make this blow up I figured it out oh um so I suck I was so Bamboozled by the TNT that I just I just died does insane damage yeah that’s that’s crazy Diaz best May suddenly like what who who could have predicted that probably not best M want me to do Dev instead uh no I’ll get a I’ll get a dine gun next round and start practicing with that I’ll figure it out this is a good this is a good time to practice cuz it’s Paul there’s a new NPC that allows you to add money on the M sword if M Stu if you don’t have the buff Max oh that’s interesting so you don’t like if you throw in dark if you if you like throw in dark otion you can still fix [Music] it that’s [Music] cool can anyone res there we go never mind oh I walked into the lava where am I okay I need to get my oh oh it didn’t any you now why are these look like that where’s my Bono staff there it is that did not work at all okay okay I’m not throwing I’m here I’m definitely throwing wow that was terrible run for me come on buddy come on come on goldor come on and he died imagine dying in the boss fight of floor 7 who does that can’t do it I’m s there we go okay y they’re fine we still got the s+ we did lose the random fifth that’s fine though handle Dead Oh wither Catalyst it’s not profit though I said earlier starl I was like if he logs on H I know yeah okay I’ll I’ll I’ll take the Enderman luck for this run eh not so much I got punished for throwing I okay I got a fuming could be worse I’m at 1.1k no handle yikes all right let’s grab the fing hello Cheeto oh and Diaz also doubles the amount of shenz auctions and items in them oh that’s pretty good 80% meter wow nice I mean not nice but at least you’re close to getting the guaranteed one could be worse okay we’re going to downtime a little bit cuz I am bad I’m just going to salvage stuff and then we’re going to go back in cuz I should really I I really should just buy a dungeon bag or whatever they’re called dungeon sack do you any any interest in floor sevening we are four out of five right now think I have more good dungeon sack it’s the best thing in the world yeah I really should how much is it if it’s less than 20 mil I’ll just buy it why did I click on that can you get it on this I know you can buy it from Elizabeth May or not have armor but I can try as a wise Dragon Mage in floor s will that work um that’s a bit sketchy floor seven ultimate wise moment did you get ratted oh you didn’t you didn’t get red I would you’re still fine is that let me I’ll show setup I’ll just PV my game just crash no I just tapped out what up what doing am I how did I tab I beforewe I didn’t okay whatever you’re you you’re fine you got you got it shows you have wise or is that ultimate wise uh oh it is why dragon with c wow what a setup loving wise Dragon chest plate is crazy do you want we can do it I don’t really care it’s probably fine we have Paul so we’ll still be able to S Plus okay but the weapon oops yo estrea estrea why do you got an estrea that’s a stacked asraa though Smite seven asraa ramp 10 ultimate wise five a lot of tier sixes some tier sevens very fancy and a perfect perfect gemstone too why australa though why not hype have you been tanking C 41 I’ll do better than most of C 35 NE that’s true five out of five nice okay I don’t need these one of the arrows I just got them last round that’s should be fine yeah I’m fine okay let’s go basically the same really I right there hello pinster why am I recording keep fat fingering my recording hotkey oops on YouTube no I’m not it’s just a stream you I guess you’re on YouTube so this room I’m going to run right through it I hate this room I’m just going to run right through room stacking no I think is a no no shadow assassin goodbye Sor if I went to that room I’ll just do this room then I’m not in your room am I [Music] like you’re in a different room right or did I go the same route by accident I’m also really confused where where’s the so bad where’s the other secret oh there it is mobs where are you where are the starred mobs where are the starred mob there you are okay let’s just go to somebody else where am I I’m in trap this is not really where I wanted to be just work on this room in the meantime what am I looking at okay that’s not what I wanted to go where am I I went the wrong way I’m so good at this I like to believe I’d like to believe I was once okay at dungeons that’s definitely lost let’s go over here what puzzle let the green do do its thing first oh wait just got to do orange now no no no no I might have activated a different one oh no we’re good I did I fell down okay map I should probably look at the map okay someone didn’t finish trap that’s interesting uh somebody got this right yeah oh they didn’t get this what did somebody did somebody die to death mes oh no wait they just stalked it I’m dumb I am kind of throwing right now what I have no idea what happened there oh they didn’t get that lever why I don’t die these arrows hello I am I [Music] dumb I’m I’m dumb you a like a auto not Auto pet kind of like thing I can do to make it so I auto equip my tank armor when I enter here like in the game not a macro OB so I can wait to do that in the game oh I didn’t even look at my I was looking at my health and I was suddenly almost dead I am so washed at this I’ve invested too much time in the 1.20 combat that I forgotten had a 1.8 dungeons I think I’m somewhat unwashed in in combat Minecraft 1.9 combat but H pial Sky Block I am super WI nice crash nice whoever was whoever was on pad was doing great there it was probably pin and S me grab these oh Dev that mean Deb yep Deb I’m doing Deb what I didn’t see it [Music] [Music] oh wait I’m doing this I didn’t grab my J Sheen again but it’s fine I can just do parkour it’s fine this is definitely the meta yep oh oh boy the speed you’ve never seen it anyone do this device so fast Corners yeah oh boy am I fast [Applause] [Music] NE again might have falling down but it’s [Applause] fine that was not the plan this is the plan I missed a one block jump it’s fine cuz I have a bonso that I have a bonso I did it okay s did it I think normally I I don’t I have notic EXC that was kind of the throw I got just learn Jerry sheen gun I’m actually really bad at using Jerry sheen gun for Mobility I got to get better that I should just put one in my inventory get on right now I will die to Lava I do have one right yeah I know I have one uhoh almost got into the platform woo s+ [Applause] easy woohoo oh I don’t like the way this looks uh handle gear little The Profit I don’t care I’ll just not R thank goodness someone else called it cuz I I want to I like salvaging stuff I think most people just like THU I like Sal I don’t know why uh okay I’ll wait for in the meantime I’ll try to find my Jan gun I’m also going to try to figure out um I’m going it glass storage overlay yeah I don’t want these I decorated my storage CU I like the way it looks like this okay I have a jine gun right where where a jine gun not have a j Shing gun Sur I have a Jinga is it right in front of is it right in front of me and I’m just blind I I don’t have one what a museum maybe weapons or special weapons special parities aha good call to me when Eman streams uh I don’t know I mean I just hit level seven so I can drop term now I mean not just but last time I played at level seven I could do some Eman streams maybe this month I was ready whatever that’s the bank okay I’m definitely ready for this dungeon to start okay this room I love this room okay I might go this way I only last breath I’m going the wrong way [Music] okay do I this a strat let me drop it just got to be there’s got to be a better way to do this [Music] whatever dick okay uh is there a thing down here I have to get no I just did that what am I doing uh I don’t know this room my very well please die uh is there a thing like in the ceiling oh I see it’s right there that was interesting there’s a lever somewhere obviously for this door is it right over here oh yes it is is there a bad in here no where’s the last secret normally I just go kind of slow and I look at dungeon Secrets guy to figure things out that I don’t know but oh it’s right here okay I kind of KN I knew this room kind of where is I missed there we go that was the fastest you’ve seen anyone clear this room for sure uh okay this way left get to this room I love this room this is actually a fun room wait [Music] uh we can go over here already got that one okay probably already got this one but I’ll check anyway it didn’t interesting I stopped on the thing and now I can go up here I think and over here here I’m in the different [Music] room oh wait go down here and just grab the the bat which just dies when you walk in here very kindly which one am I missing which secret did I forget oh it’s the one like in the floor in one of these Corners probably over here no over there yes right on this floor someone already got this one never mind what am I forgetting oh this one wait the one on the rail rail one no other other rail one this one yeah no no that one I got it no okay you got it it o come on buddy come after me missed what how did I miss they okay name is I’m going Deb [Music] okay this one let me just try to do this first and if I get stuck I’ll bring out the J Sheen how do you get rid of that okay we’re going to J Sheen dang it fine out a Mana slightly awkward hold this for intelligence this is oh ever so slightly awkward oh I didn’t do it right hit me save oh I didn’t I’m so bad at this sorry for Thro i’ never like never played Mage once in my life but I don’t really know how to Zine gun that was a pretty bad attempt though I kind of just like wasted all the Mana and then died [Music] me stuck oh that was my throw of the s+ so even though but they died because of me I should put like s+ thrower in the title report check I for this eat you once you’re in ghost form still going to show you how to do devs I can do the other ones I’m just bad at that one cuz I don’t know how to get up to it very fast and the other one the one in bases three and four or uh no two and four woo ultimate Jerry device [Applause] on the lever device use your Sheen at like the end of the step end of the step no I’m sure one more go while figure it out what you mean by the step where it goes in and out um I’m not going to I know what you mean okay do under you that’s what I do so under me not against the wall I thought you supposed to do against the wall wa okay I guess you can’t use that withv I show you on run um I can I can Jerry sheen gun like like I can do it I just kind of threw it there Jack learning stream yeah guess so I probably should use my Juju not mys for projectiles where am I going I should go I’m just totally okay I’m going to do this room that that works oh I missed every shot there that was awesome water I have no idea what that lever does not good at this room either I think I’m good at like half the rooms the other half I have no clue what I’m doing in or maybe not good at half the rooms but I know half the room secrets but then like the other rooms I know like two of their secrets and then I end up running around like this being very confused that was a fake secret no it wasn’t that was a real secret uh do I know routes nope oh it’s water this one okay oh no somebody else already got that what uh this is a secret no it’s not [Music] um up here I don’t think there’s a secret up here but I’ll blow it up anyway like should get bad line no I don’t like using those I don’t like using clients I think you can you can just get supy right like supy has those things but also supy is like the mod that it’s really hard to get without getting hacked I think how do I where’s the last secret I’m just really bad at this oh wait I remember it being over here right no wait no I go over here and then turn left no that lever opened up something to do with this area I think I I feel like it has something to do with this area but it’s this just loops around that side maybe aha I put the entire run in this one room wow oh this is the fun room let’s go in the Hole uh and then out the pole and then up to here and then up the bushes right no up the other bushes up the other bushes I’m stuck in over here there we go that’s a dead monster we love this bug okay up I’m stuck and lost okay oh and then is this one called quartz KN I think okay there’s only one missing someone already got it cool oh why is it livid here on your blood not really Liv end up here PR frag I guess what do you mean mimic why did my my mimic thing go up oh somebody else kill mimic that makes sense wow I’m bad I’m going to steal that secet real quick uh did I forget to bring the guy I did that’s only slightly awkward I almost just died no maxor come back wow I am throwing this run too it’s fine my IRL friend just called me out what I went the wrong way what am I doing why am I whoa I am brainless anyway where where is he where’s there you are hi thermite did we miss him come on there we go oh was in the last stream thinking you did a super short stream and now I know it just died yeah my power went out you stay on me please why are you floating around where is he going where is where is he going nor mayy watch out oh that was close yeah I don’t I don’t know what my my brain’s kind of misfunctioning I I keep forgetting to take Agro Boop [Music] oh That Could That device could have been slower that wasn’t too too slow okay let’s see if we can not throw this this time when I get out my jeren we’re going to go over here here I’m going to jump over here and then I’m going to why didn’t that work I did the same thing as I did in the lobby and it didn’t okay whatever there they got it I feel like that should have worked I did the same thing as I did in the in the other area and they worked there now I’m confused [Music] okay uh a lot of clicks for this one fine we’re absolutely [Music] fine I probably the B out for [Music] [Music] this there we go okay I survived for this part of the fight for the first time in forever oh that was a insta kill proud of me thank you I didn’t die in the easy easiest floor right did you finish the hobbit hole handle fuming a nonprofit fuming a nonprofit business owner can I finish in time that’s okay I I can probably patch it up for you you’ll probably get back on for another little while at some point also see you sful thanks for thanks for coming out do you need to do I need to accept Enderman or can I okay he left dodge a bullet there eight much crap my inventory y um okay let’s monkey finder and we’re going to cue before sorrowful makes me go to My Island woo [Music] yeah did handle get did handle get dropped no it’s going to happen this run though I probably should not wear my tank set up or my other tank set up where is the door why is we not why am I not in door where did I got really confused this way where am I oh it’s up here I so dungeon where am I where am I I the map is not with with braining okay no one is in this room I’ll just do this room cool is this the room where there’s a secret like up there no it’s not it’s just below opposite of up there checkstar leave that run no I’ll do it after this run reluctantly but I’m not leaving the Run not what I’ve been doing so good so far this team needs my carry so where am I oh this door is closed please open up thank you where is the other Secret in this room over is something to do with this area is it above or below let’s go below that’s is that is the dead end and dead end oh wait it’s in here B that dies Co this [Music] way this room is a 0 to 7 okay this is actually a fun room that thing in wall right here wait no right here chest in crevice that’s one one of my favorite rooms I like this room a lot this oh mimic we kill with Shadow Fury we fall through floor we cannot go through floor apparently thck we go down get all of these chests down below like this bat which I think will just die if I go near it yes it [Music] did and now we go next to water and we break a wall it’s already been gotten random behind waterfall item drop we go up here and into here and cheers you have 27.7 37 I don’t know what that means he J hard likes those Enderman you are extremely mistaken where Eman pets 27 737 Eman pets don’t deep deep down no you can’t avoid them forever that’s that that’s exactly correct I I accept them because he’s just going to keep pting me if I don’t just take them okay um this way this is not the right way this is the right way and I just got to go up and then leave leave the room okay I got super stuck in that crise go over I’m so lost we go where is the door over here I’m blind and then this way and then this way and then and then this room in which there’s a thing not here but somewhere this way I’m going to get more now the more you B them the more I’ll collect by the way you can kick my C from the G okay yeah don’t keep collecting more I don’t I’m going to have to like add make the structure bigger to add more chests and literally running out of chest space in there I should probably collect cigarettes and stop running around um y there’s something like in the ceiling here no I’m just crazy let just go up please there we go can we go yes okay cool that’s the wrong one try to tank in storm oh I fell down whatever it’s fine pet trop Enderman oh no why do you get these Enderman no you CAU more uh no woo I’m worried I wonder how much like net worth I have in rare Enderman I mean they’re not worth that much but if you get enough like I mean if you have like a a million artisinal short bow that’s like 50 million coins or whatever 300 million coins whatever it is stop getting them why okay let’s try to a Jerry Sheen once again and not die like I just fell in lava a little lag [Music] there okay I got this i got this I fell it’s fine we can jump up here and then jump over I might have fallen it’s fine way I can bounce right up to here and then I [Music] it’s fine I scrolled by accident I might actually want to stun you a little bit why didn’t that work okay someone else got it I threw but it wasn’t a detrimental throw no it definitely was but at least we didn’t lose oh I got stuck in the thing okay that was an absolute throw I was trying to J Sheen I just scrolled away from it that was a throw but it’s fine cuz teammate clutched it wo that was not part of the plan but it’s fine again I [Music] okay okay he’s got that the random teammate’s doing it cool I’m going to go back to my random turns [Music] [Music] wo I’m hacko are mean gold or why is this not working there we go we already killed it that cool [Applause] okay here’s the handle run I probably could have kept last brothering there but I kind of want to jump in lava that was that was that was really fun wither cloak wether [Music] Catalyst uh you jinxed it no you got to ask for handle every single time the weather catalyst I got to like clean out my inventory so I can accept Enderman at Max efficiency Jack can never go handle okay never mind I’m going to never ask again I need to do this can’t be choosers true actually I’ll I’ll keep the mimic frag mimic frag I I have a spot on my Island for them 40K coins coins 40K coins is 40k coins okay whatever that keep all this stuff on me uh I got an island invite well that was interesting what is this thing oh nice slim minions that’s party chat uh chat a yeah don’t tell those are all end why did I agree to this Yep this is we’re going to have to go through at least like at least seven trade menus probably more refills his inventory we’re just going to rely on the stash for this one [Music] noop there they go into the stash how big is our stash going to get it we’re at nine right now powerful last is down in Max efficiency everybody has the trade request thing copy and pasted [Music] bro 76 see you pimmy thanks for popping in 76 oh my God he’s been he’s he’s had these for months by the way waiting for me to stream Sky Block oh my [Music] god there was an epic one in there what and a level five [Music] one oh why do I why the most worthless item in this entire game and I have the most of anybody now no I don’t want the epics 118 rare Enderman I’m going to have to grab more chests oh I can’t grab it my inventory is full wait there might here might by the clay minion and his rat pet oh rat thermite okay let’s add more chests and yes actually well I’ve also used this place I’ve just been chucking my like Auto recom stuff in here my bouncy bouncy gear that I get I don’t know why I say bouncy gear it’s not really worth anything but also whenever I get like an auto recon thing I just chck it in this chest like or or 50 things I just I don’t know like example what is it this chest auto recon jungle wood actually I think someone gave me that auto this is auto I think I saw I think I got that auto recomed water hydr head Auto recomed Earth Shard I just keep them because I think they’re kind of fun you have more what why is everybody here okay we can just this is my epic end chest by the way this is my other ones uncommon in common mostly rares though who are you mostly mostly rare end still got chest upon chests upon chests upon chest of rare Enderman oh wait these ones are still empty okay we can use these ones can you click these no you click each one that’s that’s just awesome it’s so dark in here I can I barely see what’s going on okay slash pickup stash or Ender’s why why is why is this a thing is this thing that I must deal with why is this there’s the Epic I just what just happened there I don’t know where is the Epic there it is what is it what is it what my command block profile viewer what okay what I have no idea what happened there okay that b man’s chest and you bug I see why do I have lapis minions I wanted to go for a high lapis collection leaderboard for fun back like literally like in the first month I started Sky Block I wanted to do that and I’ve kind of just kept them since then okay this is the last last p I think sorrowful is going to force the epics upon me too can we guess what that’s going to be correct it was an epic Enderman okay you lied to me and I asked if all the chests had renderman you said yes I did my bad most of them do but I do have random stuff in here cuz like these Bouncy Stuff used to be worth a little bit but now they’re not I saved them for nothing prob I’ll probably just go through and Salvage H at some point want to see my rabbit act collection sure oh no does TH might have something too you have some too a single Super Boom thank you there my night I’m going to put that by the clay minion do I get a star you don’t have one yet hello cppy Bara anyway um dung D dun dung dungun D okay does this guy have Enderman too how did you have Enderman too like the first time you tune into a stream how don’t you brh oh I got to add more chest next time no not next time there’s not going to be next time how many those Ender are are me again at probably around half maybe more [Music] why okay let’s go let’s go Dugan unless we want to keep farming social XP what’s my social skill social nine yikes this is the most important skill see you Gregorius tube thanks for dunan Duan yeah with us woo speaking of doans D guns dun yeah um that’s the wrong thing where do I Doan get more people yeah oh it’s only us okay thermite can you floor seven probably not I forget oh you can you can force s right do you want a floor seven oh you only have a few completions but do you want it you’re just fearful of the rare Ender I’m not fearful of them I just despise them now because I would always drop a bunch of them and then suddenly everyone just gave me more I just want to drop a legy man that would be awesome but no I just got like a billion rares and then everybody made it more rares and okay monkey finder [Applause] not going do right now okay un those in room we’re we ham grinded by the way that’s pretty impressive I just got IEX level 143 let’s go okay I do not care about dup let’s just Q um okay I’ll just go this way it’s I’m in the room but it says it’s still a question mark that’s pretty awesome oh it’s this room not a question mark for me does the bat Auto die it does cool give me that let me move okay where’s the where’s the thing no it’s over here no it’s not it’s over here no it’s not where is it I got myself quite lost here um why there we go come on what let me okay there we go he s you probably have like the if there was a leaderboard for like r r rare Enderman dropped you’d probably be top of that that be second where are the last two secrets in here oh wait they’re over here duh this one’s called quartz KN not the other one this room again okay I know I know how to do it now I’m not not going to throw this room anymore been a while just walking around this from last time looking for the secer but I know I know where where to do now how to do where to do how to do yeah thank you there was something to do with yeah lever go back up go over here whack you I already went in there but we go over here and then back here and then yeah mimic buk okay light like we don’t worry about that uh and then we blow up this wall then we grab this one and I know exactly where the last one is cuz it’s in the water easy are you Enderman in water cursed image or there’s more starred mobs how many more are there are you the last one you are how okay that room could have been worse oh Shadow nice hey buddy going I become visible no okay yes you did will this do damage a little bit fastest Shadow assin kill you’ve seen up for fun my hand gr my life is pointless now bro going to go get some more end on my final destination nice might drop some rare end on the way you don’t just grind Zealot grind Zealot that’s much better that way there a zero percent chance of rare Enderman I recommend that why are you still alive don’t look me like that why is our team dead why is everybody dead am I is no one am I the is like two are dead but also I can’t I can’t see anybody else on the map so I’m kind of confused okay one guy’s left no two two people are left okay we’re still here what restart or just do it what do we think take down what do you mean take down tanking they died in the clear they appeared on the map again and you just being a weird BK oh this is this room I have no idea how to do this room I’m going to SK skipe it now this room what is this room actually what is what even is this where oh hello see a thing in the wall so let’s go grab that is the one with the NPC the farming XP guy yes it is Duncan is that his name literally can’t see his name so that’s interesting somebody else died this is absolutely a restart I’m a restart did we lose the party yes we did [Music] I was splashed with healing eight nice [Music] handle run I mean not handle run I’m just going to hope to not get a handle cuz that’s what P says you shouldn’t ask for [Music] it and someone let the party whatever we can do four it’s fine oh quiz okay cool let that load while I do this restart nah oh is this the the this room yeah the Redstone Warriors I should just St qu what am I trying to do the other one there’s one like over here right yeah and then one right here yes again [Music] and then the other one is just we fight these guys El I don’t have to mimic actually are the Redstone Warrior star star mobs they might be could you not I cannot aim I’ll just kill them anyway whatever Beast area or whatever I actually don’t know if these guys have be SC they probably do more starred mobs oh you any more any more fails around puzzle it’s telling me the wrong ones you just got to press the hav’t Press like every button instead of just telling me to go whatever one out of two what happened here um I definitely know this room inside and out he’s going to go do it what happen with this room okay there’s something to do with something in these it like higher up to the right yes here it [Music] is there’s also something to do with this side of it right there’s something over here too yes that work and there’s a a boom somewhere in this rock over here it’s definitely over here what do you if any of you guys have Juju do you guys left click Juju or right click Juju which one I’ve always been right click Juju where’s the last freaking oh it’s right there duh there’s also okay it’s this one instead The Rock what I no room solvers I have room solvers oh no or I have see I have puzzle solvers yeah I don’t have I don’t have room solvers cuz I’m bad where’s the last secret there go me looking for the last secret and running around wasting time is it over here with these leaves first damage or thermonite no nice dragon sh on toply at the same time that’s crazy really on a random Rock where’s the last one boy am I dungeon Pro hello FS goodbye Fs in this room I don’t think so right click oh I got oh as just played sorry about that and nobody can hear me any anyway cuz there’s ads whoops how do I okay now I’m really confused I can just I can just leave and go to different room it’s more worth it we have it’s Paul it’s Paul it’s fine okay this room this is an interesting room because you go to the skull and then across the way into the vines okay have you me don’t worry oh nice no ads moment I usually skipped them but I didn’t see it until it was like about to insert the ads you D Mob we only have three people doing this this is this is a great run just an awesome [Music] run how is there star mobs left in this tiny room you find a little collection of M why am I grabbing those I don’t need Super anymore Midas oh I didn’t realize there was there was bomb are you guys going to reset it or are we going to just die that guy just DC okay wonderful another L run we could just try to two two people it no we should just leave yeah let’s just leave unfortunate do I sacrifice protector protector head I got from the Dragon Fighter still I sell I think you sell those I think that’s better I don’t know oops I wait I can talk there we go probably should start the queue before I waste time doing this stuff bam I want to gamble fair [Music] enough has anybody actually used her anyways for their intended purpose of like getting extra strength for a moment for like a moment oh it’s only about 400k yet but you’re probably start to get like a couple Frags out of it nope yeah I figured I still have my ultra rare 69 69 minutes any weights my most prized position ever and I think I don’t really know how the system works but I think I was pretty close to 69 670 or 6970 instead of you know keeping it there so I think if I touch that it’ll instantly change or I’ll use it I don’t really know how it works cuz I think if I wanted to take it out I I have to like shift click it and that would be kind of awkward I I did Q did I not I’m gonna go Q again there we go we got a Mage and an Archer and a Healer no healer joined in fact nobody else joined oh we got somebody else woo Boop oh yeah Victor you can join I’ll kick I’ll kick somebody after this run um yeah okay nobody has con this time it is time to actually win the D gone I’m going to go this way I got this room nice a fish room why is the map not working this new persons V you seems relatively unstable so far plus my computer is just having trouble running it none of these are oh no they are S I got to kill them please die wow I clear so slowly [Music] okay and somebody left nice and we’re going to have to restart again we love these people what is actually going on what is like what’s going on like what why are the people like this okay V1 K why did you make your username this oh wait I typed it wrong because that’s an impossible to spell username why did you do that to yourself is that a capital o or is it a zero no it’s a zero is it actually an O are they both O’s not zeros or am I just typing it wrong uh I’m putting nine not am I just dumb I am just dumb I forgot how to type I’m good at typing wow I’m my brain is not working today now will this let me PV no okay now we need one more person so back to the monkey finder did that did that guy leave or do we have we have five now oh he did leave okay whatever somebody join another Archer yay okay now I you can’t use there we go notice s don’t aotv while you’re trying to click NPCs we going is it going to is it me neither at all I guess we I guess the queue is long or we wait I guess woohoo D gone this is pretty exciting though I like super butter boom will that work queing attempt one of three okay that worked okay whatever strength oh team okay I’ll do puzzle okay no you’ll do puzzle I guess I will go a different direction haven’t gotten the key yet why am I up here it’s absolutely not the right right place to be whatever okay go going to go left oh it’s mines I’m definitely going to go left get me out of here maybe I should go to slender for the attack speed I’m slow right now I haven’t really been having trouble surviving Max [Music] oroo how did you I I ju and didn’t do anything that was interesting also I went the wrong way I’m in the wrong side and I’m still confusing myself woo grab the bat where’s the bat he back here whatever okay we we got the bat somewhere in there cool we go over here now back through mines and pretend we don’t see it because we don’t what is this room we’re in I don’t know let’s go through it oh it’s bomb you know what I’m a big boy I can bomb cheese right do I have young armor two okay uh we put this in the six slot now we hold this one get our bonso staff we use the right pickaxe no that was the right pickaxe oh I need silverfish pit uh Boop I don’t have black cap but it’s still possible I’ve done it before okay [Applause] nice now this one I did did the wrong one did it wrong again there we go it didn’t work okay that’s interesting there we go [Applause] yeah oh no never mind [Applause] almost yeah let’s go bomb cheese it’s always fun want to restart why should wear real armor I’m pretty happy about that I actually did the B cheese okay juj I mean Juju I mean yeah okay where am I I go over here and I go over here cuz this room has not been finished yet this room [Music] um here a bat nice okay let’s go over here this a rare room I don’t recognize this one I think I think it’s a rare room I don’t recognize it so I just reach 25k Z probably is not that season wonder what I have and someone disconnected again woo love this game I have a lot whoa melon okay what is this room oh wait there’s there’s no secrets in this room okay that’s oh wait is this admin room is that what this is oh I think this is admin room that makes sense and everyone everyone disconnected again bruh why why what bro can we we literally have reset the last four runs what is happening I did I did a bomb cheese for nothing I was proud of that [Music] okay please no no disconnectors okay let’s go with piano 573 have anyone online I don’t think so no not really I don’t really I don’t really know a lot of people my friends list to be honest what is this who are you okay the room I was some I think I can do this room I don’t I cannot think of very secret on top top of my head but I think I think I can figure it out maybe hopefully a frozen measure ice spray moment no ice spray what it should have been there’s something to do with yes here I miss and there’s also something to do with this also we just grab this one there’s something or was it a bat that I already just got okay let’s grab hello there’s something like else in this area I think maybe not maybe there’s a bat over here that I already got thought there was something else over here maybe I’m thinking of somewhere else did people leave again why what do you even what what went wrong did this guy just die and then rage and leave the Splashy guy he didn’t even die he just left what the heck whatever we’ll try to go with four long as this Piano guy doesn’t leave we should be fine hopefully okay let’s go up we got to go up like one of these staircases maybe this one like something up here here that’s secretive oh this is the area I want to be in cuz there’s something up here no up here yeah secret moment and then we just got to get the one one right here there we go we did this room cool whoa I can leave I don’t need to keep killing me like I I just like killing them I like kill okay where’s the way we got to go down first let me down please let me [Music] down now I got to do this room cool isn’t there one up here yes oh this is one where you got to just like flick every lever sick and then there’s this one I tried to kill that five times I missed there you go starting with this one and there’s a bat in here right or not it’s in here buk can you not shoot those guess not that works there we go this room is pretty easy mimic my eye is itchy okay the eye is been itched the problems have been solved die Zombies going to get you okay I don’t know what my why I did that anyway what’s this room this room that I got confused in last time and I’m still confused about it I’m going to go over here this long room oh this is a good room I like this room uh we go we break this one I think yes I don’t know which one it is like which side to go to I think I that was obviously we got to right that time work okay now lot of M over here but it doesn’t matter cuz wall now we can go all the way to the end of this room do this one which is this one this is this room which has a name but I do not know it and the startat for this room is to go over here grab these chests and then go below this room and blow up the floor and then grab the chest and then whack you with the shovel and then whack you with the shovel please next time die be polite die thank you die and then we go over here and grab the Wither Essence which is behind this no behind this and then we blow up something and we find a lever somewhere which is over here yes lever over and the other guy left like I said we were relying on him not to do that let’s just finish three person D gone run we’re probably going to die in gold or but it’s fine hopefully these guys can pad I don’t have High Hopes anyway um we need to find the oh I already did it and then we got to blow up this and then room clear we cannot go yet no don’t go yet we no no no no no no we resing a puzzle which is another puzzle we’re missing a yellow which is this the Lost Adventurer stop stop working me that’s very impolite you know it’s poite to die please and somebody died this might I don’t know if Paul can save this one to be honest I am nervous I want to finish a run we literally had to reset the last five runs I want to finish a freak can run let me into the Rock let me buk where’s the other Secret in this room oh there a bat I think cool what is this room it is two out of three [Music] where cool um yes done guns is there anybody in chat who wants to actually play Dungeons and not disconnect I need we need players please please I beg okay what is oh this room this is a super easy room let’s just blow up the floor my inventory is full oh no I need to get I need to get a dungeon sack oh I didn’t get the lever of the other place why did I not get the lever of the other place lever lever bam oh I don’t want to die I didn’t okay oh we didn’t Who’s Who did who who went in the Trap and then didn’t finish trap why didn’t I get the last secret did I forget something obvious oh wait there’s a chest just like up here right right there yeahh okay let’s go get trapped cuz apparently we did not finish trapped that’s very AR some got 20 that’s not good enough I mean I don’t mean good enough but I think you know rip I said that very wrong what I meant was yeah obviously a sign that’s AB rip okay let me I don’t know what I’m doing y i just my inventory is too full I need to grab pearls this is the slowest run of for of floor 7 you’ll ever see oh I almost died there I forgot to use pearls and that was [Music] silly Don’t Run Away good remember F to die okay now can we go yep we can go now go oh that wait they’re all they’re all back in trap okay I got to go I when over the it’s fine what a good run this is turning out to be hopefully these guys know how to get crystals uh I don’t think they know how to get crystals I also forgot to distract come here um okay Apex hunterman carry okay this run’s over plus I can get crystals here goes the solo tank gets crystals yeah I didn’t have enough Mana not even close so maxor oh actually wait maybe they’re still alive maybe they can go for it I fell down why is he hiding in are you over there I’ve seen it about double my money can hel come on buddy why are you over here you go try to get crystals uhoh I could try to heal him I guess um well I mean like I’m not going to die but also like we’re not going to finish this hold on he’s in that phase wait I can go for this one we could try to bonso staff it wait don’t kill me okay hold on hold on I don’t know how this works okay that was kind of close that’s the wrong PL let me uh I did I get stuck in BO boing here I go like Bo I hit the ceiling I could just try Jen not even close I don’t know how Jen will do you not I’m I’ve kind of just been like spam clicking like butterfly clicking is that that’s probably not the Strat right you’re probably supposed to time it that’s probably why I’ve been failing okay let’s go for the bonso staff again insanity is doing the same thing three times in a row and not working the third time let’s go for like a different angle maybe like this I got it that actually worked that actually worked what that’s my first time getting one of those crystals ever cuz I always play tank I never had to get one of these okay same Strat we go from the outside did I get it I did not get it I got it that time woo come on maxart where’d he go uhoh face me oh I forgot we DPS okay that worked okay run it back solo tank floor 7even not really solo but we’re doing it okay stop okay no it’s fine IGN know our back I missed you guys are here too but I don’t think you guys have the have Bono Stats come on okay maybe you can’t I don’t know if you can do it while he’s whacking you let’s try this side maybe he’ll not follow us he F he followed us for sure um oh no I shot off Fur by accident did I get it no it’s you oh okay I’m going to go over here and heal for a sec bam I got stuck in the lava that’s slightly awkward okay we’re fine bam got it let’s go tank getting crystals moment oh wait wrong side I think I missed it yeah I did wait he’s he’s he’s attracting Max we sick how are we going to do storm bam I get all four crystals I’ve never gotten a single one before that’s so cool okay where is he where’s the boy oh he already got him nice nice nice nice laser nice we actually finished maxar wait we didn’t I the Boss Bar vanished and I thought we finished him up but it was just kind of quick visual glitch okay sick okay how are we going to do storm you guys you guys don’t a pad Hopey hope don’t have a pad kind of scared though solo really Sol not Sol okay we haven’t they haven’t cleared off pad yet where are they oh wait oh oh wait they’re all dead okay how do I do this is this even possible cuz they didn’t cuz they got rid of pre- crush like pre- Crush has been nerfed oh get bads I need like I need like an ice spray to keep him here how do I I do this y oh that didn’t even work okay maxor we’re going to Pat a little bit okay now we’re going to go back and then hope you can come down okay that that that literally is pre Crush so I don’t know why I thought that was going to work okay let’s also that was not to play Let’s refresh a little bit oh I didn’t get the count down why didn’t the countdown appear whatever wasn’t much hope for that that was my new record for damage tank that’s so funny almost a bill what a run four Crystal yeah I know right too bad I threw in storm is solo storm even possible now it probably is I don’t know the strats for it though cuz I know ra did the solo F7 run and it’s in that one series but that was before pre- Crush was nerfed I think Oh wrong spot Salvage the bouncy boots we don’t need to sell bouncy boots anymore do we go for another queue people just keep disconnecting if I upload vid of this uh sure I don’t care um ultimate wise one that’s my my bizaar is full I sell so many random things let’s try to complete at least one more run before I end stream because this is a weird ending we haven’t queued haven’t finished a run in so long can you reforge me B I don’t have money please what kind of reforge do you need wait Victor Wen you in the party you’re in the party whatever hello Rees that Puffs what a what a weird name hope you don’t mean like smoking that’s really bad for you anyway what is good for Juju oh Juju reforge uh I think spiritual but I think also isn’t there a different one that’s been meta lately not precise but something else it’s not okay good and I need this I’ll keep those on whatever Holy Dragon frags that’s the wrong man I wanted to do bizarre that guy say warp okay you can that’s interesting not really a party finder party but guess you can’t warp a party finder that’s interesting I just like Rey’s Puffs and I like the name Reese I don’t know it’s weird no I like I like Reese’s Puffs too that’s valid definitely top five serial anyway uh what what was I doing all right re Forge Juju uh probably spiritual that’s what I have I don’t I don’t know if that is uh meta anymore I think there might be a new meta for Juju I think I was watching I was watching some kind of video where where different Juju reforge was better I think but Spirit probably still works oh I didn’t is that is that the new hat the Hat accessory I didn’t realize there was a balloon attached to it that’s so cool let me grab mine yo there’s a balloon attached to it that’s so cool I love the black one yo y that looks so so odd there I am [Music] hello why is the 300K I can’t I can’t warp you Victor to a to a my Island from a a party finder party apparently I’m going to keep this in the accessory back just in case it affects anything it probably doesn’t can you friend you I’m not going to hit a m friend request sorry anyway let’s go try to queue another dungeon cue another dungeon Oh wait we’re going to refor this guys bow first you have a spirit Stone Al also also give me a spirit Stone and I’ll apply it for you buy buy a spirit Stone off the bizar it’s uh spirit Stone this thing 1.1 mil Spirit Stone me and thermite are getting our steps in you don’t have money well then what are you how are you going to get a reforge how are you going to get a spirit Stone I spend all on Juju okay whatever give me the goooo the goooo and I will be able to do it for you do I even have a reforge an I don’t think I do we’re also going to do oops no uh Power because Power Six is like literally free oh and you can’t you can’t have only four stars imagine I just salvaged it I almost I almost CLI on that by accident uh wrong thing Essence crafting Bam Bam and wait is it is this a refor Anvil I think it is it’s not this is spiritual goooo what is it missing now missing Hot Potato books but all El will fill instantly right what else does it need I’m not going to buy soul e um it will it fill it fill in spiritual goooo yeah yeah I almost apply to my last breath by accident I’m not going to Recon it for you but you need to Recon viive later for legendary and the last one what else you I’d probably take punch off of it but whatever no problemo okay let us do the last D gun hopefully people dungeon yeah cuz we need to get an S we need to get one more s+ before we finish cuz I we do last few runs were just terrible actually terrible okay let’s maybe we should increase the like I have it set to like C of 30 no cat of 30 is fine that’s fine right we just need to get people who can do crystals and Pad no it’s not maybe you’re right one more s+ we got two bures I don’t care let’s go in spiritual Gojo where you go oh spider room I’m doing it nobody oh okay you have spirits up you’re doing it actually I’m going to do it I got stuck on the bars okay never mind we’re all in here I’m leaving we didn’t get the key yet he spawn like right here no where’s the mini boss where’s the mini boss what’s in here oh this room this is actually a pretty fun room I’ll do this one mini boss we found it where did it go okay there you are why don’t you grind for term because Juju better than term [Music] okay let us go up here El I much rather get cata 50 than a Terminator those ar ar really equal things but actually I think you kind of require a ter for cata 50 so never mind I’m duning right now because extra dunan XP because fifth year anniversary speaking of I wanted to I want to ask like how people in chatting around like how old are your profiles CU mine’s like three years I can’t see it it’s like three years and five months something like that so I’ve been around for most of Sky Block history now which is when I joined I was like super new but now it’s been a while I guess how old are your guys’ profiles I’m curious where am I I’m here where’s the secret here’s the secret you are starred mob and you are die now we are oh wither mancers nice I like this room too yeah let me fast way to get up Shadow FY Pro strats that was how did I hit that I don’t think I even clicked it but it opened [Music] anyway 3 years eight months wow it’s a good one good age Bonk die star mobs you have a star next to your name please die and people left the party again and everybody left the party again I hate people I don’t play Sky Block that’s a pretty technically it’s infinite age not really that’s one year one month but I got SC my old profile yeah that happens unfortunately why is there still a starred mob alive did you fall in the hole no where’s the last starred mob you fall in this hole you did kind of not really I’m The Last One Alive oh why I just want to finish a oh what’s going on just Ron okay I’ll think about that um sorry that was kind of mean anyway what do I do return what was that reset oh we’re going to do one more try with this party and if we don’t get as plus I might I’m just going to roll the party one more try at least this stream’s in relatively smooth since the other one just crashed because power outage I refresh the the thing come on people join the party that’s a mage hype Mage even better yay and a berserk nice hopefully they don’t leave awkward and we cannot C wonderful a little moment I have plenty of arrows still right yeah we’re fine there we go we are queuing the que is queuing the que or not okay let’s try this defy that’s not the right let’s see if that works it didn’t work [Music] awkward so uh anybody read any good movies lately dang it I messed that up okay we try going for the re party there we go re party strats there we go we’re still missing the birs what oh no he’s in is he yeah he’s there woo PE PE woooooo shoot everything you are all my victims please die thank you you you too thanks oh would you like to die oh found the lava hole let’s grab this I teleported around it twice that was pretty funny let’s flick the lever I fell off let me back up and then Zoom through this on top over here I going to get mimic from this chest not this time though and we out and let’s go down this ladder grab the the thing and then we go fly up here again and then we need to find the wall that we need to blow up is it right here is right here boom that was a pretty good that room there’s still starred mobs though which is unfortunate where are the starred mobs how dare you how how would you dare to be a starred mob and then stay alive are where where where are the where where are the Oh no I got them all okay now we go back into this room which I uh is a rare room I think Rish maybe not rare but I don’t really know it so I’m trying to make excuses oh there’s lever I got to find okay interesting I just sck through the wall but n where lever beond waterfall Bonk bonking makes me feel better where Leever up here behind fire uh um I’m going to go this way and come back to that later oh I don’t know this room either so we’re going to come back to it later kill Midas in the meantime break his armor [Music] buk and the entire part’s dead again bruh did they leave yes they did one of them did and there they go okay I’m going to try with a different party I’m just going to try full monkey finder not allow what you okay whatever one more try let’s try a new party sorry guys I’m just gonna you more experienced players Boop that’s not the right I wanted let’s just join you they didn’t have a tank yet R baby probably should salvage some random stuff first I got a Recon con Conjuring I’m going to salvage it actually I’ll use emit oh or not didn’t get a salvage whatever s+ please oh this room I already have that is it profit not really where’s the secret [Music] again right there this room okay how do you do this room again you go over here and blow up something oh no you got to find a lever first which is behind a super boom wall somewhere under here right here well that’s just a chest oh hello I think he just got it didn’t where is the it’s probably down here where that guy came from but he didn’t get the lever for some reason it’s right here isn’t it yeah and now I have to go over I’m so lost where am I over here and over over here and over here this room’s always kind of a maze for me I don’t know why I cannot navigate I could have gone through the ceiling whatever all right I’ll just go now speedrun woo okay I’m so lost where am I on the map I’m right there this way I’m just going to go do trap like a good tank right i’ would love to use some pearls I might have missed that Pearl I did I did let’s just grab more grass in a wall I tried to left click the lever where you just going to go right now wait for me to finish trap wait oh did somebody already get it or am I did I already get I’m confused I already got it all right this is this room this one’s missing one oh this is Wizard room did they get the B the wall boom wall we good got my Jingle Bells whacking overflux here ready to tank you come over here okay tell everybody we’re going to laser you yeah sorry Apex I res the party I’m just trying to get one more s+ and then I’m going to finish off the Stream inventory is kind of full and it’s kind of annoying we go [Music] grab the aots and then whack you so you can come over here faster theoretically literally just appears out of nowhere that’s so funny go bells to make sure he’s on me have an early cross but so work worked the Healer there are we calling calling devs we’re not calling devs okay so don’t blame me if I do the wrong ones oh they are oh wait they oh the healer’s preing sick we love healer Prive uh Ste room I may have whacked the bottom of that but that was on purpose you’re doing that okay let’s go up here Melody wonderful I always get Melody I get it so often oh cool that’s a lot of what what is there a cheater in here how did he completed there was nobody near me wait is there a cheater in here I don’t know maybe I just missed [Music] him this also just kind of laggy so maybe I’m just maybe was just lag laging weird confused and yeah [Music] okay this is handle run this is handle run this is actually a pretty decent run out to the heer prep who I got the I got the RNG boost okay I’m just up here now that was funny never never got up there it’s funny one time I used my uh my aot my shadow per by accident while we were in maxor and I ended up here like I was over there randomly use my shadow I ended up in in Phase 4 I was so confused this this my PR no I’ve gotten faster than that not bad though decent Run Okay handle a boots wisdom one oh let’s go dude we finally dropped wisdom one let’s go dude I’ve been dreaming and praying for the wisdom one drop yes wisdom one let’s go dude we finally got it oh okay I whatever I’ll I’ll do this last one this last r with them that’s fine we’ll go for handle one more time you okay D I just got wisdom I got wisdom one how could I not be okay I’m holding Last Breath okay I might be slightly room stacking and my inventory is slightly overflowing but that’s totally fine I also don’t have my hot bar set up properly but now I do also is this where there’s like a Wither Essence somewhere weird I like there’s a Wither Essence like next to a like behind a crate that’s what I’m picturing in this [Music] room maybe I just pull these up and find something no I don’t know what the last secret is so I just go up here that’s where I just was oh wait this looks like it’s it no that’s where I just was also probably below then I don’t know what this room is oh yes I was I was this is it great I just couldn’t find it there we go I’m stuck behind this die flaming FS lag not at all over we’re here is there a lost Adventure no buk I will take those fragments I think let’s go up here and grab the the thing the and then we’ll go this go get the secrets in the middle room can you can you die what the what okay cool oh inventory full of problems skeleton lower boots are not 600k right somebody disconnected I don’t think we’re going to leave because of that okay now we got to go down and then not this way over here Bonk Bon Bonk Bonk got to go this way and then right that’s the hallway or dead end this room okay did they get the bat or did they get this one they didn’t get this one nice buk BK now I can teleport I got to can I do this real quick but shows faces how do I do that heads there we go I got to go okay we’re just going in sick Bells B Bon B oh no Max hor and R oh the Healer actually wished a good time I don’t have to actually do anything now I’m just going to be fine I wasn’t scared at all I just kind of little there was kind of scary wait we didn’t is this an S Plus bro it’s fine I was going to leave last one I’m going to leave this room what’s uh oh I’m close to that where close I the next the next this not really close at all you guys going to get the crystals or what are we doing here okay one guy got all four nice I love those kinds of runs oh the Healer off pretty heav now so that’s kind of cool so many deaths for no reason though get my aots whack that back up to the Sea Lantern ring the bell walk to the sea lantern break the sea lantern for fun and then War up to the Healer which one’s the Healer I have no idea can this work why is there a cool down sick that’s exactly where I wanted to [Music] be hey very cool work please Melody longest possible Melody Boop do not do bad ones so come on there we go oh now the rain starts but the power goes out before okay [Music] whatever okay stop lagging what the that was a weird [Music] lag oh what do you mean two things just appeared at the [Music] end that okay Bo one out of all okay I just kind of spam cck until it works he already got that one I bonked my head and we’re done me get my lb I missed he’s dead we got a good Archer this healer is really good though kind of want to play uh healer sometimes so I can learn preev prev looks like it’s a fun a fun job I missed the platform oh we’re fine absolutely we’re fine I’m supposed to stand behind the Archer oh might have fall off platform AIT [Applause] woo s run yay yay and no I can’t get handle weather blood actually that normally what we got apparently it’s not profit here oh yeah ulate Jerry wisdom one wo we are getting so lucky this stream holy crap two wisdom ones back to back what okay I will I will do this queue I guess I’ll play one more with them since we’re getting so lucky I I think I’m going to keep the conjuring for Museum I don’t know if I have a Conjuring in there yet do I have a Conjuring in here yet I do donate you instead because Recon makes worth 9 mil woo and we can eat you can I join you again sorry I’m just going to do this one last run with them and because I want I want I want to finish off on an s+ and then I’m going to end the stream yeah dude why is it like downpouring right now outside my house it’s pretty kind of downpour it’s like super quite Pleasant it’s like it’s still like light out like it’s really bright sun behind the cloud so it looks kind of nice and bright pretty it’s loud it’s pretty loud in my room though my my room’s getting battered with rain kind of fun I’m ready by the way if you guys are gonna Q okay there’s the last person stretch here we go let us get an s+ this time please are we no there’s five cool is there five no we’re just four that’s that’s awesome that’s cool um okay where where are we doing cool awesome boop boop boop boop yeah if you guys are if you guys are new to the the Jack starart Channel this is my I’m doing a daily content month we’re going to do we’re doing a stream or or upload every month every day this month this is day 12 I’ve posted five pretty good videos so far want to check those out you’re welcome to please do I need subscribers anyway I’m not for it all so yeah hopefully you can join us next time because we’re going to be streaming a lot more maybe I’ll do more Sky Block I’m the Enderman stream’s been requested maybe I’ll maybe I’ll do that later on can we kill please there we go we got a Ab bir that’s a lot of rain 360 was fire thanks yeah didn’t you leave a comment on that one like right before I started the stream I didn’t respond to those ones yet okay and he got kicked even though we tried to join that’s wonderful I gotta respond to comment how’s that video doing oh it’s at 400 views now let’s go got like 100 and something views this stream like during the stream that’s awesome I’m so happy that when like my videos either die or do decent that one was looking like it was going to die but it’s it’s it took off a little bit let’s go okay focus up last time to run find the oh is that white storm what the that’s weird movement okay it’s not laggy at all wonderful I can’t teleport that has in hey buddy well that was a weird little movement bye-bye die everything if you live become not that and then I will be happy nope good bye bye-bye bye-bye oop okay puzzle oop come on show me the green one please there we go I don’t know how the solver figures out which one is the right one for that one okay let’s find the doorway and then go above said doorway and then grab the chest in the the thing above said doorway that I mentioned before when I was talking about that let’s find the lever wait lever is over here right yes bunk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk now it is time to go and blow up the floor don’t call me a contractor [Music] did that light lag don’t worry about it let us go this way now I guess there’s nobody in this big old room oh this room this is a fun room too y get sniped is the bat dead bat was dead why did none of those arrows land maybe them fire cuz lag oh open okay this is not laggy at all I’m loving this and this guy disconnected again I what is happening today why are people just leaving I’m so confused okay let’s just go grab I this is the wrong spot this chest and this one okay teleport to wall and now we go over here question mark no go over please stop get out of my face we go over here and then we grab the one in the wall and there’s two more um never mind we we at 306 we can afford three deaths let’s hopefully get zero deaths I would love to finish off with an s+ or I might have got off fed by accident but it’s fine cuz I teleported back to maxor which was the plan somebody died uhoh could you get in the crystal please thank you good boy good maxor good Max you should a good Ma you should a good with oh I’m dying why is that why was I dying get back in here good boy why was I dying there that was freaky hello do VR welcome in we’re doing some dungeons in high pickle Sky Block woo this is the thrower po by the way so be warned Al I was just going to finish up this run and then head out so we’re timing right buddy wish I could join you but I only count 22 you’ll get there someday 47’s pretty fun it’s a good good goal unlock that you unlock the L your obviously with their armor and stuff necessary part of the Strat eating axes into the void where where is he there he is hey buddy fire okay yeah please go pad that’d be awesome what that just shows how laggy this is that close so slowly come here buddy I don’t I don’t F7 on the alpha I’ve done I’ve done F on the I’ve done us on the AL but it’s very fun nice that guy’s doing device okay I’ll just do this random terminal then you want get that one yet okay [Music] cool did you blow up the wall hey did it runs in my face I can’t see there we go I press the wrong button fine that was awkward do I go for that with a shoting gun yes I do I shouldn’t have gone for that whatever I didn’t die so it’s fine [Music] [Music] I literally clicked the green one okay what’s okay it’s very slow right now come on bam there we go nice this is a decent run refraction pack be looking nice yeah I I’ve used prism for a while now prism yummy I think I prefer snowfall but I like I like using snowfall only you know during Christmas time winter time hello uh Patrick Professor assum that’s what that is I can’t see okay there we go now I can last breath using defrosted too yeah it’s a good one there we go there’s the s+ I’ve been waiting for oh that it’s not laggy at all do not worry about it okay you guys have just popped in it’s time to witness the handle congrats say get the ey was I was here is ready ready AA potato book Let’s okay I almost clicked that for the meme but that would have been a lot of loss okay we got a fuming and a Soul Leader that’s actually decent chest time for runs weather Catalyst nope okay we take we take fuming so eater that’s actually not bad potato handle huh I guess that works we got a fuming potato fuming handle yeah that works who how many runs do you have seven I think I have like 370 now not not too many only like 340 I guess actually I still have I still have these to to to claim haven’t claimed the Wither helmet yet I’ll do that next time I’m in a run if I think of it I probably won’t y y y y let’s I’ll keep a heart through I have a runes chest on my Island that I made before they added the Rune sack it’s very full and then I had to overflow it to this chest why do I why do I keep runes they’re not uh one day I’m going to do like a run stream it’ll take me like literally probably 10 hours to combine all these have I dropped any big ticket items not really I don’t really have many Big Ticket items that I’ve dropped no not much nothing really so yeah not much uh let’s uh I haven’t claimed those because I’m I’m going to saving up for Hyperion and those are going to put me over the edge because also two of those I dropped uh so yeah not many Big Ticket items not really no no haven’t really I’m not really RNG carried at all RNG hates me that’s what’s funny because that those were all dropped in the last like 200 hours of gameplay for the first like thousand hours I was I was so poor not poor but I was so like terrible luck then I got those like I also dropped a like there’s [Music] um you see three here but there’s also a fourth one that I used to make uh this you roll uh I think I think one of these was roll maybe maybe I forget I don’t usually roll okay we have an infin boom now that’s pretty sick okay well this is BR a pretty pretty productive dungeon stream I haven’t streamed Sky Block in a while this is pretty fun yeah um anyway subscribe because we’re doing other types of streams I plan to do probably more Sky Block stream this was pretty fun besides the to going out that was slightly awkward um if you’re looking for if you’re looking for something else to watch go to my channel and look for the video titled this why am I typing it why am I doing this that title that’s a good video go watch that if you’re looking for something to watch cuz shout selfpromo in my own stream anyway anybody is there anybody live I can unofficially raid because YouTube doesn’t have YouTube has no raids but can I unofficially raid somebody hello quag noos um nobody I know is live streaming okay I don’t know how to raid anybody that quog Nosh GNA GNA be honest you tuned in at a pretty yeah you tuned in at the worst time I’m literally ending this stream go go watch Exum avoid on Twitch we’re gonna we’re going to rate Exum void unofficially from YouTube to Twitch because yeah because that’s how that works unofficial YouTube twitch raid on Exuma void he needs a support he’s a pretty small Creator so yeah go go check out Exuma void guys he’s on the small server called hermit SMF or something like that check that out yeah uh Cub Cub sky or however you pronounce that word I don’t know hi thermite okay we’re going to floss for the outro floss with me thermite I don’t know if he has floss run with me bye thanks for watching more more content daily content June yeah bye okay now I got to awkwardly

This video, titled ‘Join to See Necron’s Handle Drop – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by JackStarHeart on 2024-06-12 18:58:16. It has garnered 119 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:12 or 12192 seconds.

Maxor = Meh Storm = Super Easy Goldor = I love you but u suck Necron = Rich kid can’t fight #jackstarheart #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock

  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

    The New Minecraft is Insane! Exploring the Exciting Updates of Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a blind journey through the new and incredible Minecraft update, 1.21, with no idea of what is happening. Unveiling the Unknown In this video, the players delve into the mysteries of version 1.21 with a twist – they are clueless about the new additions. Enjoy 10 minutes of thrilling gameplay as Mn escapes the hordes of Trial Spawners and Melle surprises with unexpected phrases. Copyrighted Music Experience the captivating tunes of Kevin MacLeod and Gavin Luke in the background, adding depth to the gameplay. The OST Crystal Dungeons by KrtD… Read More

  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

    11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft Important Things To Know If You Just Returned To Minecraft Minecraft, a game that constantly evolves with new updates, can be overwhelming for players returning after a hiatus. Here are 11 important things to know if you’ve just come back to Minecraft: Diamond Armor Without Diamonds Did you know that you can obtain a full set of enchanted diamond armor without mining a single diamond? The key lies in the armorer Villager, who, when leveled up, can sell you enchanted diamond armor at a reasonable price. Gear up quickly with this trick! Optimize Crop Farms When it comes to… Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock: Easy Automatic Sugarcane Farm Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One essential element in the game is sugarcane, used for various crafting recipes and as a valuable resource. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create an easy automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft Bedrock edition. Building the Farm To start building your automatic sugarcane farm, you will need to place seven blocks in a specific configuration. Next, add a piston on top of one of the blocks, ensuring it is facing the correct… Read More

  • WrobeleQ CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server!

    WrobeleQ CreeperSMP - Your Dream Minecraft Server! Welcome to CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure? Look no further than CreeperSMP! This Polish server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. From PvP battles to exploring new worlds, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast here. Join Our Community on Discord If you’re eager to join the CreeperSMP community, head over to our Discord server at You’ll find all the information you need to get started, including the server IP address. Remember, membership on Discord is required to access the… Read More

  • Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP

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  • Brother’s Minecraft Debut!

    Brother's Minecraft Debut! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey as we witness a new player, the little brother, stepping into the blocky universe of Minecraft for the very first time. Let’s follow along as he explores, builds, and faces various challenges in this captivating gameplay. Exploring the Unknown As the little brother sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft, he is greeted by a landscape filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Armed with only his creativity and determination, he begins his exploration,… Read More

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Experiment!

    Minecraft AI Experiment! Minecraft Neural Network: A Unique Creation Introduction to the Project In a fascinating video, William showcases a neural network entirely built and trained within Minecraft. The project involves a giant blackboard, a special brush, and a network that can classify handwritten digits based on pixel values. The neural network predicts with impressive accuracy, showcasing the power of machine learning within the game. Implementation and Training The neural network in Minecraft is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. Each layer consists of neurons that perform weighted sums and apply activation functions to introduce… Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!

    Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found Cursed Blood Skull in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-07-15 16:08:27. It has garnered 121057 views and 602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. Read More

  • Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!

    Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘i build my first simple house un Survival Smp.’, was uploaded by Hacky Craft on 2024-04-01 09:55:17. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. Thanks For Waching this video. pls do like and subscribe Minecraft survival smp My Discord Server: Minecraft survival smp Minecraft __________________ __ __ Smp New Tags: minecraft bangla, bangla gamer minecraft video, minecraft bangla video, bangla minecraft, minecraft survival series bangla part 1, minecraft hardcore survival series bangla part 1, minecraft, minecraft multiplayer, minecaft bangla gaming, minecraft bangla gameplay,… Read More

  • Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #Comment

    Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #CommentVideo Information This video, titled ‘# what is this#subscriber #like #minecraft #commen’, was uploaded by Yaman Ratre 2012 on 2024-02-13 14:31:31. It has garnered 4671 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Slayer SMP – Join Now!

    Ultimate Slayer SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s New BEST SMP! (Applications OPEN!)’, was uploaded by Slayer SMP on 2024-01-14 01:32:16. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Slayer SMP applications JUST opened! When you spawn in the server you get one out of 6 swords that grant people abilities and there are even CUSTOM artifacts! ================================================== Public Discord Server: ================================================== this video is not minecraft manhunt or minecraft but, but in this video augment smp. This video is also about an SMP like dreamSMP, dream, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, or wilbursoot,… Read More


    💥POISHORTCRAFT: Pick Your Side! ARA ARA vs DEMON KIM ANGEL!💥 | MINECRAFT ANIMATIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM MACNCHEESE DEMON TEAM KIM ANGEL CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poishortcraft on 2024-07-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 70885 views and 3072 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)👍 & Subscribe ▶️ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell 🔔 Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation 😊 Godbless You all 🙏😁 (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter 😅🙏 Read More

  • “Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison – EPIC!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition - Ultimate Comparison - EPIC!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shivam x Highlights on 2024-06-13 06:30:12. It has garnered 1055 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft showdown! 🌍 In this video, we dive deep into the differences between Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this comprehensive comparison will help you decide which version suits you best. From performance and mods to gameplay and community, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t forget… Read More

  • 🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】

    🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft live Deutsch, Jeder kann Mitspielen 🤝 [Deutsch/German][Bedrock/Java]’, was uploaded by Theon Gaming on 2024-06-05 17:38:46. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:24 or 9264 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #live Discord: Here are my names from games and social media: Epic : tollermann397 TikTok: Theon Gaming Discord : tolleemann397 # 5532 Instagram : Theon Gaming YT #minecraftps4 #minecraftjava #minecraftnintendoswitch #minecraftlivestream #minecraftandroid #youtube Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17

    Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bikin Kolam Renang Di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-03-12 18:25:01. It has garnered 2874 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:44 or 6344 seconds. Saweria donation: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft mod showcase indonesia Minecraft Java Minecraft pocket edition… Read More

  • Wool World

    Wool WorldWool world is a PVP server. Red vs Blue. There is colored wool areas that you must destroy to claim the teritory for your team. Claim resources like spawners and push into the enemy land to expand! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Server Features: Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Greedy capitalism sparks creativity”

    Minecraft Memes - "Greedy capitalism sparks creativity"Why be innovative when you can just mine for diamonds all day? #CapitalismWinning Read More

  • Redstone Wonders: 2024’s Top 10 Builds!

    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

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  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

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    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

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  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🥵🔥🤯#shorts #trending #ytshorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Confuse man on 2024-05-31 07:39:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🤯🔥🥵👍 People also ask What defines a house Minecraft? A “house” is defined as a claimed bed. If the bed is obstructed by a solid block, villagers cannot pathfind to it and therefore cannot claim the bed. Things to build in Minecraft Volcano. Castle. Modern Skyscraper. Floating Base. Bridge. Ship. Lighthouse…. Read More

  • 10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥

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    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: 📰Hiha fan group ► :… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More

  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

    Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft SMPs! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft SMPs? In this video, the player joins an SMP in Minecraft Pocket Edition version, ready to embark on new adventures and challenges. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From survival challenges to parkour adventures, Minecraft offers a vast universe for players to explore. Whether you’re crafting copper items or navigating through tricky parkour courses, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of Minecraft. Joining the SMP Community Joining an SMP in Minecraft opens up a whole new world… Read More