Insane Editing Hacks with Friends! MUST SEE!

Video Information

We are live my name is Matt from Friends withm and yes I am trying my best to finish this video as fast as I can but I will not sacrifice quality for getting this thing uploaded as fast as possible so first thing I’m going to do really is actually just watch

It um I’ve seen it a million times actually I don’t know if I want to watch it I already know what happens I might just get straight back to recording yeah let’s not watch it I’ve seen it too many times hello let’s go I see we got two people watching get

Some box off his seat that come with unlimited nachos and complimentary Margaritas wait a minute we thought what does elegant architecture and fancy seating arrangements have to do with measuring how deadly a cage match is it used to be about inventing new ways to torture Minecraft experts that felt like

They had already mastered everything survival mode had to offer oh so you learned how to kill the Ender Dragon without losing half of your Armor’s endurance okay so how about fighting the Ender Dragon and the warden at the same time so fighting one wither is too easy

For you okay how about two Withers or it’s three Withers so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered

Innovative and dare I say even genius get and box office seats that come used to be about invent it used to it but somewhere down the road have I recorded that Port already I feel like back in the preco days but now that everybody can if you wanted to win all

Okay time to record let me make sure sure the camera is okay sweet sip of water real quick and let’s get this show on the road Okay I need my sweater whoa why does it not look as purple this time what no it doesn’t look as purple it doesn’t is it me or does it not look nearly as purple as it did earlier today this oh my gosh stupid freaking thing oh my goodness having a serious Problem this you see this little cord this is what I Use this is what I use to charge the camera and I found this piece stuck in the camera apparently it’s still working though but I have never seen one of those pop out before so um hm oh sh uh technical difficulties ladies and gentlemen oh where did it go there it is

Okay I dropped it on the floor you just have to smush this thing back in there I guess my goodness it’s not going in oh my goodness I’m trying to get this thing thing back in there it won’t go in all right here we go People you see that’s where it’s supposed to go and now I push ah ah oh my goodness I don’t get it how is it not I had it in a second ago and then it popped back out I need like a hammer or something I don’t have to hammer this

In this is gonna take forever okay I need a new strategy because the strategy I’m using right now is clearly not working where I just try to jam it in there as hard as I can oh no I think I just broke it this is not good this is not

Good I mean the camera doesn’t need to be charging but this is my really long cord so I kind of need this cord and I still haven’t gotten this freaking thing in there um whatever I’m just going to film until it runs out of battery and I guess I’ll

Try to fix this when I’m not live we got five people watching let’s go okay time to record but well I haven’t hit I haven’t hit record yet pretty disappointed right there got red I went on a I just got back from like an 45 minute walk outside it’s like 15

Degrees in Dallas I’m from Dallas let’s see that should be good enough I just don’t like how this spot is a little too white so I think okay that helped a little bit I think that might have done the trick it’s still white though now it’s white over

There this light is just not powerful enough I need to ask gopex how he does it does gopex have a green screen or something he this little spot over here doesn’t doesn’t want to be pink whatever um it’s time to get started oh no my cheeks look like I’m on

Drugs or something I can’t have red cheeks I just realized I didn’t have my microphone on I might have to wait until my cheeks aren’t so red I was just on a 45 minute walk outside in 15 degrees weather all right let me see what else I can do real fast

Where’s the footage from last night what on Earth just happened why is it oh my God what the [ __ ] just happen why just why that’s why close panel supposed to go up here what the fu what the f I’m about to freaking throw my TV out the window this has never happened

Before when you double click this it’s supposed to go up here why is it going over there I didn’t change anything I didn’t change the settings I didn’t click anything different everything I’ve done is the exact same as how I always do it why is it going over

There hang on guys my AA sponsor is calling me so I gotta I’ll be right back Andy Andy Andy what’s going on yes sir um kind of been getting sick I was like feeling bad and then the next day I felt real better and then yesterday and today just my throat hurts

My eyes hurt just yeah uh I don’t know so I mean today I’m feeling better than I did yesterday yesterday was bad but but other than that I’ve been reading my big book every day and going to meetings okay I was about to say I did

Not get a I did not get a call genius oh but you did just remind me there’s this guy named Jack I need to call he called me and I was in the middle of saying he’s from AA he was just checking in this is the deadliest cage match ever

Made in Minecraft but don’t be fooled by his simplistic look because we made custom homemade mods to add insane challenges that’s not all we just built an OP kitchen that shattered the previous world record for Speed farming and cooking beef stay tuned because today we’re breaking multiple Minecraft

World records and later we have a guest star making a surprise appearance friends friends friends watch until the end because we’re we’re going to give you a digital cookie that pops out of the screen so how does one make the world’s most deadly cage match in Minecraft like

How do you even measure how dangerous a game even is is that even possible the short answer is Yes the first thing we had to do was research the current world’s most deadly cage match in Minecraft and then we promised ourselves that no matter how awesome it was we were going to make something even better you’re about to experience what it’s like to be a Pro

Gamer put in situations that are literally designed to irritate you aggravate you and turn on your friends oh almost you’re going to go off the edge buddy let’s go oh my and we might have went hunting for bacon with AK-47s AK-47 take that pig shoot I smell bacon but that’s the

Story for another time after analyzing all the previous winners we came across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with Arenas and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this therefore we were

Faced with a challenge should we just make a simple cage and try to compete with all the monolithic Arenas or should we give into the modern Trends and build a gladiator like Coliseum with Monumental size statues and underground passageways and Royal Chambers for the wealthier villagers that can afford

Seasoned tickets and box office seats that come with unlimited nachos and complimentary Margaritas wait a minute we thought what is elegant architecture and fancy seating arrangements have to do with measuring how deadly a cage match is is it used to be about inventing new ways to torture Minecraft experts that felt

Like they had already mastered everything survival mode had to offer oh so you learned how to kill the Ender Dragon without losing half of your Armor’s endurance okay so how about fighting the Ender Dragon and the warden at the same time so fighting one wither

Is too easy for you okay how about two Withers or three Withers so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had I’m back I am back my fa my cheeks are still too red looking I’m not I’m not recording with ugly ass

Cheeks I need oh that’s right we were doing this there so this is from gex’s point of view where’s did I I have I even uploaded mine just for the heck of it while I’m looking for my footage I might play this song to be in the background just because I like It [Applause] Turn [Applause] [Applause] Ah [Applause] [Applause] a how dude sometimes I just sometimes I just how is have I not put it in there yet I don’t remember I’m just going to assume no and we’re just gonna [ __ ] put it in there geez the we sake now where did it go are you kidding me

Oh my goodness gracious edit undo breathe breathe switch to the shotgun uh oh I well I died so I respawned up here it’s too dark I already have a shot of the AK I don’t know I don’t know it might be time to go clip hunting but that’s a story for another time

After analyzing all the previous but that’s the story for another time but that’s a story for another time bacon but that’s the story for another time after analyz bacon but that’s a story for another time after analyzing all the that’s all I have to do previous winners we came

Across a problem about five years ago people yeah this is where Tournament results audio issue still h that’s exactly what I’m looking for we got five people watching let’s go I’m about to make a fake fake what do you call it Tournament results because of the

What is the line I say after studying the past winners you see what I’m saying so now I have to make it look like there was actual past winners Dreamland online Minecraft wait I wonder I might do this one in the actual Photoshop I need need generate AI but

Sometimes my generate AI doesn’t come on why does generate AI sometimes not come on why does AI struggle producing text what is the problem with why does AI have trouble generating text in an image before I do this maybe I’ll try to get this I need doubles

Top I need that to say something else generative fill get rid of text if this works I’m gonna be stoked I hope this works I just want you to get rid of the text generate hey Andy what’s up uh driving what kind of driving um well I’ve been a truck driver

Before I don’t know if you knew that I was doing deliveries all over the whole country no I know I’m talking about that I I’m uh not even a year it’s like eight months it was during Co I did it during eight months yeah yeah no tickets no

Nothing yeah the CDL class one the the best CDL you can it’s expired it’s still on my license but ID but it’s uh expired yeah the uh I will the the only issue I can think of is how would I get there that’s why I’ve been just looking around

Places I could walk to but I mean I guess if there’s a will there’s a way um H just to start with yeah yeah I mean I don’t know where they are what if there’s a place that’s not too far away that needs delivery yeah that’s okay I’ll look into it

Yeah that’s that’s true well thank you all right see you deadliest cage match what hm for for for all for for audio seems fine oh thanks gex the only problem is those two stupid bars that kind of fixes it but I also don’t like that little blue Rectangle deadliest cage match that’s probably the best yeah that’s good except deadly is cage match needs to be more like violent looking actually that’s cool too that’s like real professional that’s what I’m talking about now the colors need to change huh oh yeah this looks bloody right

That’s what I’m going for like bloody looking and then we’re just going to separate the letters just a little bit cool looking good that’s all I’m going to do I could spend I could spend forever trying to make this look as realistic as possible but I’m not goingon to because like bird

Suggested I should probably get this video done um okay this video’s got to end at some point the video’s got to be finished at some point right Bird can’t just work on it forever but that’s a story for another time after analyzing all the previous winners what am I biting my

Finger what that looks so weird what is that my finger that looks so freaking weird and my thumb even looks weird maybe I’m just that weird looking okay we need to flip this the story for another time after analyzing all the previous winners we came across a problem about 5 years ago people

Started that’s so good that’s perfect but that’s a story for another time you guys want to know why I came up with I smell bacon it’s because I’ve been watching Even Stevens on Disney plus and little beans that’s like his favorite food and he said I smell bacon and I about five years

Ago I couldn’t get out of my head so I had to put it in the video like please yeah I suggest to finish it before you how do I like your commenton but that’s the story for another time after analyzing all the I’m trying to like your

Comment but I can’t reach it because this stupid Emoji thing you you know the little a little heart emoji there’s no way to I don’t I don’t know how to like it sorry dude I don’t know how to like your comment all right all right all right let’s get back to

Work I bacon but that’s a story for another time after analyzing all the previous winners we came across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing k ages with Arenas and so the recent winner World Rec about 5 years ago people started for is that even

Minecraft this is a this is a option that’s that has some potential this one I think I have to use this one just because it’s got the recognizable creeper there but I could also go with I might just get a regular picture of a cage it has to be this one and I’ll

Explain why it’s because I say five years ago and so the picture is in black and white which to me is the ultimate symbol of this happened in the past and obviously even five years ago we had colored pictures but I think the joke will still apply now we need Arena

You can’t like comments on a live that’s that’s a good looking Arena I don’t like how it’s floating in the sky though one’s too Plain I just have to keep going that’ll be a good one that’s good but you’re have to squint your eyes to really see what’s going on that’s really good I just don’t like how big it is see something like this would be make more sense because it’s only going to flash in your

Eyes for a split second so you need to be able to recognize immediately what it is in just a Split Second that one looks so good you just if you only saw it for a split second you wouldn’t even know it’s Minecraft congratulations whoever made that you

Did a you did too good of a job I can’t use it they probably don’t care because they don’t want me using their content I might just look through some of the videos I’ve already downloaded however this this is good ARA I’m surprised there’s not a lot more

Pictures I think this is the one Arena Minecraft architecture oh this is the site oh sweet Pokemon okay I’m getting distracted guys don’t let me get distracted that’s good enough friends friends who’s tuning in does when you if you saw that first Split Second You’ know it’s Minecraft right

About 5 years ago people started confusing cages with arenas goex are you watching this how why do uh how do I get it so that when I import a picture it fits to the screen rather than making me always do this like like I want it to I want to be

Able to upload a picture and just have it immediately fit problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with arenas started confusing cages with Arenas and so the recent winner world record holder you see how fast this picture is going to flash in front of your eyes

That’s why it needs to be clearly an arena and it needs to be clearly Minecraft across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with Arenas and so the that’s good that’s great Arenas to the recent win and so the recent birdie bird bird bird bird bird bird

Bird bird bird bird bird bird bird the left-handed boy is back again left handed boy is back another time after analyzing all the previous winners we came across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with arenas and so the re another time after analyzing all the previous winners we

Came across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with Arenas and so the re pretty obvious cool thank you winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this then I need to show the most epic

Minecraft build of all time winner world record holder for deadliest C do understand oh it’s a Podium okay for for Checkmate that’s what I’m looking for why do these guys all look like kids that’s weird for for for mcraft cage match TW for for for for oh no for oh for d

Editing or writing editing or writing oh just got a text from goex what’s the music that you used in the intro sounds like and so the recent um it’s definitely not old 16 1800’s music because the intro that’s the same as the beat let’s see what is this called underground

Academy I wait I just realized underground Academy YT audio library goex is working on his own video right now I wonder if he’s live streaming it let’s see oh I love Bluey he’s never gone live before got the Bell on guys go check out gex’s awesome Channel he does fortnite

Content but he’s about to start doing Minecraft content with me since since I’ve been begging him so many times you please can you come on Minecraft so we can film so he’s had to work so hard for me and I’s like you know what I might as well

Just be making my own Minecraft videos since I have all this footage and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this I have an awesome idea I have such a cool idea you guys don’t even know how

Cool my next idea is you’re not even gonna be able to guess how cool my next idea is for all wait a minute for for and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage ever made in Minecraft didn’t even

Build a cage instead he built this and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage man match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this for for

Why did it change to 144p what changed and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built didn’t even build a cage instead he for and so the recent winter world record holder for deadliest cage match ever

Made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead okay there we go and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this therefore we were based with a challenge did I say Bas we were based with a okay

Good the cage instead he built this instead he built this for bu a cage instead he built this a cage instead he built This this [Applause] therefore didn’t even build a cage instead he built this [Applause] therefore oh wait a minute or are you talking about the Mozart song my bad all right let see whoop goex is working on a script will you copy and paste it in the Discord it’s easier to read I’m looking

Forward to reading it I barely scripted the last two Minecraft videos but not even close to this one my intro I literally thought about it for an entire day constantly rewriting it I watched a bunch of Mr Beast intros dot d do literally just the first 30 seconds

Of his video and then go to the next video and listen to the first 30 seconds and go to the next video I found patterns I made sure to use similar keywords like never seen never seen before world record I broke I broke Minecraft instead of saying you beat Minecraft just little word changes and I watched a bunch of Mr Beast intro literally just first 30 seconds of this video then go to the next video and listen to the first 30 seconds and then go to the next video I

Found patterns made sure to use similar keywords like never seen before world record I I broke beat Minecraft do 30 seconds of bragging what’s in the video before asking questions question then then ask question yeah I think Parker gets it okay okay okay I go like this and I get some sips of

Gatorade of garad GAD unofficially sponsored by garad you don’t need to be drinking that Prime crap from Logan Paul what you need is Gad therefore we were based with a easy for you okays so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all

You had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers cage match ever made in Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built this music time let’s Go Oh that’s so perfect now I just need a find instead he built this what’s This Oh therefore we were faced with a challenge should we just make a simple cage and try to compete with all the monolithic Arenas or should we get into the Modern Trend he built This built this Yes Therefore Therefore we were faced with a challenge should we just make a simple cage and try to compete with all the monolithic Arenas or should we give in the modern Trends and build a gladiator like buil this that should be close enough a cage instead he built This Yeah ladies and gentlemen in my survival world I have a giant castle at the top of a custom terraformed Mountain that I built before I had any plans to make YouTube videos at all and I can in fact attribute this build to why a few of my

Friends told me to start making videos in the first place place and despite my cast and later I Al you can actually walking up here this this side of the castle and these are all the interiors that I’ve actually finished and if you backed up it’s always a lot better than

Randomly just choosing colors in this case the pink and magenta really fit well with the fantasy pastel palette I’m going for speaking of the roof I did something I’ve wanted to do from the time I first built the castle and that’s to texture in some cyan wool to add some

Variation and make the roof overall a bit more blue than green I find the mix a bit easy in the whole King full of storage and I I need one more shot dot dot dot with one of the Arenas we haven’t used yet period I want to surround the entire

Thing with one huge gigantic cage is that cool we can get that shot uh is there any chance we could do that real fast I just want to fly around sweet all right I’m gonna I’m gonna read Gil pix’s script while he’s going to pull that up

So I might download this video just because it’s so cool I don’t know what and I found a really cool it’s like 28 minutes it’s just too beautiful not to Download paste okay I better pull up Minecraft stalking your Discord by accident LOL oh sure is an accident Java for oh my goodness this this this is this is uh this is ridiculous go to the program how do I thank you jeez the Weise there we go Goex films just waiting I’m on I’m on so I want to go to a new Arena that you guys have not seen yet in my video gopex found it so he gets the credit and some stranger who made it gets some credit also if we feel like giving it to

Them and we’re going to build a gigantic cage around them Parker says one sec I’m going to send you the full script Yes uh There it is Sweet wait wait I don’t see the whole script uh intro I imported custom items into Minecraft geared up for battle and today blah blah blah intros how are we going to make the most intense dangerous and rage inducing Arenas in all Minecraft intro part two

The second part of my master yada y yada interesting interesting indeed now goex should be on any minute uh step wa real quick to go get a to go get my bucket of peanut butter and I’m going to bring it over here and I’m going to lick the peanut Butter Yeah okay let’s do the Discord call I don’t see it saying it’s Up goex s me Amigo yes he is please sub his channel as well do you play fortnite bird I’m calling goex nope did he kid on or did he it says I can hang up I’ll call him again wait what over here it says I’m confused I’m I’m

Confused so you guys can see what’s going On um weird oh is he on now he’s on let’s go all right I’m going to Minecraft wait I gotta I forgot to switch my OBS um yeah last time I checked it says can’t connect to the server it still says that let me just reload it see come on it’s

Pinging bird says is it just me or did I always did this random field battle to see who is the strongest it’s just you uh yeah it says can’t connect to server can’t connect to server so I’m going to delete them and just redo the IP

Address uh which one was it is was it oh okay I’ll go I’ll go to Discord and find it from oh remember yesterday though or whenever I had to use the numbers yes I’ll just use the numbers I got it I got the numbers copied we’ll see but yeah

Dude I think that’d be great if every Minecraft video at some point in the video I’m going to be like G I just can’t do this I got to call goex again and then I’m going to call you and then you and then you feature in

The video I’m not like this one we obviously were in the video the same time the whole time the the next video I do uh pretend it’s Mario Kart which I’m thinking about doing that like building a Mario Kart track from scratch um uh or just copy and paste one and I’ll

Be like riding on it all by myself like practicing or something and then eventually I’ll be like I’m gonna call gopex all right I’m In Okay hey how do I become that ghost cuz I don’t actually want either of us in the shot you I did but is there a way to get rid of my sword and the menu below me I guess get rid of the sword I’ll just

Un uh well from my point of view I don’t care cuz I can’t see it is there a way to get rid of that menu down at below oh let’s go that’s what I needed sweet all right now let’s go to a new Arena let’s go to a new Arena and uh where’s where do I warp I’m guessing Arena eight oh no that’s Arena eight is there an arena 9 Whoa It’s Exploding H wait so this Isri uh so you don’t have an arena that we haven’t used yet okay yeah we did use that but it it’s got to be an arena we haven’t used yet cuz this is a pre I’m pretending it’s the previous Winer now the castle one over here yeah but the the

The problem is the stuff in the back let me see let me see cuz I oh I’m getting attacked by those things Whatever dang it okay yeah from this point of view where I’m at right now we can use it now I need just a huge cage covering the entire thing you know what I mean just like one gigantic Square cage so we’re going to do the fill thingy

I’ll try to do it let’s see I guess I need my coordinates for that oh there is all right so I forget the easy way you do fill why is my cor oh Phill biome why aren’t my coordinates showing up usually they show up automatically oh you’re already doing

It oh boom look at that okay sweet and for this to be for this to work I don’t mean to be a I don’t mean to annoy you but for this to work it’s got to cover the entire thing I’m going to try to do some

Also but why oh there you go oh sweet God bless you okay I’ll try to do a wall over oh yeah that’s good that’s that’s tall enough that’s that’s perfect that’s literally perfect okay I gotta go F3 dude you know how Okay um I’ll do the other side if you’re

Doing this side I see where you are I’ll go to the other side you know I usually would just do slash fill and then it would let me hit Tab and automatically put in my coordinates for me why is it not doing that now I don’t want to have to type in the

Coordinates do you know what I’m talking about are you manually just typing in the coordinates well why are you do is it just fill not fill biome why are my coordinates not just popping up okay that’s pissing me off I have to actually write down my ornates

29 put them in here 2 9 38 59 78 and then I go to 150 let me try to do this one oh you did it I was going to see if I could do it dang it all right yep now we just just need a roof all right then then we don’t need a roof let’s not do a roof

Then um all right oh this is perfect okay thanks I just got to fly around and film some shots and I don’t want you to be in the shots and please don’t blow up anything on this Castle so I’ll just be flying around filming wait I’m gonna go to OBS did you

Know you can open up two obs’s at the same time yeah so I can I have one OBS doing my live stream and then I’ve got another OBS where I can just record for 30 seconds because my my live stream the whole thing gets recorded so you can’t just

Like record the 30 seconds and then cut out the clip while live streaming do you know what I mean uh display no not display this no not that let’s go to transition yeah Minecraft oh but it might not let me live stream Minecraft at the same time that I’m using it on the other one all right so then on the other one I have to not use it people are going to get mad it’s going to be this super ugly view because I when I do display capture it always makes oh my goodness oh my goodness seriously oh there we Go um sorry dude I’m having some technical difficulties what are the numbers for says bird that was my coordinates stop recording I’m sorry this is taking so long dang it right I’m just going to end my live stream sorry guys I gotta end the live stream

This video, titled ‘Editing With Friends (Bird) WAH WAH’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-01-15 08:15:37. It has garnered 70 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:55 or 6235 seconds.

Editing my next minecraft video LIVE. It’s fun and good for watch hours. Minecraft but I’m live and replying to comments in the chat 😀

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WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game.

Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours. But if the thought of exploring a vast new world all on your own feels overwhelming, then fear not! Let’s explore what Minecraft is all about!

WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set goal and can be played however you’d like! This is why it’s sometimes called a “sandbox game” – there are lots of things for you to do, and lots of ways that you can play. If you like being creative, then you can use the blocks to build things from your imagination. If you’re feeling brave, you can explore the world and face daring challenges. Blocks can be broken, crafted, placed to reshape the landscape, or used to build fantastical creations. Creatures can be battled or befriended, depending on how you play. The world of Minecraft allows for epic adventures, quiet meditations, and everything in between. You can even share your creations with other players, or play in community worlds!

IS MINECRAFT VIOLENT? Because combat is part of the game, there are some elements of mild violence. Players can hit and defeat both passive and hostile mobs, as well as other players if playing in multiplayer mode. However, the graphical violence is limited by Minecraft’s visual style and there’s no blood.

WHAT GAME MODES ARE THERE? In Creative mode, you have unlimited resources, immortality, the ability to fly, as well as the ability to destroy any kind of block instantly. This mode is mostly used by players who want to focus on the sheer pleasure of creating things with blocks.

In Survival mode, you explore the world, collect resources, craft, fight monsters, and gain experience points. Breaking different blocks takes work and requires specific tools. You are also bound by gravity and must manage your own hunger and health. Survival mode in Minecraft: Java Edition also has a sub-category mode called “Hardcore” in which you only get one life.

Creative and Survival both have four difficulty settings: Peaceful, Easy, Normal, and Hard. In Creative mode these settings don’t matter very much, because mobs won’t attack you. In Survival mode however, these difficulty settings are very important! They affect a number of factors, such as how often hostile mobs will spawn, how much damage they do, how quickly the hunger bar is depleted, and how fast a player’s health replenishes over time.

Minecraft but I survive in PARKOUR CIVILIZATION the entire movie of my journey in parkour civilization where the only way to survive is to parkour Minecraft but it’s SUPER SLOW the story about Minecraft if it was super SLOW enjoy! Minecraft but I buy a DOORBELL CAMERA the hilarious story of what happens when I get a doorbell camera for my house. The Story of Minecraft Build Battle the story how how build battle was created Minecraft if players NEVER did ANYTHING RIGHT the story of a Minecraft world where players could never do anything right Minecraft if there were NO RULES the story about a Minecraft world where rules didn’t exist Minecraft but it’s SUPER FAST the story of a Minecraft world where everything is insanely fast Minecraft but players NEVER make MISTAKES the story about a Minecraft world where players have to never make mistakes Minecraft but you can ONLY GO UP Minecraft if buried treasure could ACTUALLY be found the story of a world where buried treasure could actually be found.. What happens INSIDE an enchanting table the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft enchanting table What happens INSIDE a furnace the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft furnace: In addition to these game modes, there’s also unique content created by the Minecraft community in the form of hand-crafted worlds, mini-games, mash-up packs, adventure maps, and much more. This content can be found in Bedrock Edition at Minecraft Marketplace or via the subscription service Realms Plus, as well as Java Realms (Java Edition).

Minecraft is a game for everyone, and we want to see you thrive in it. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of resources. These resources are divided into three categories: Before you begin, Getting started, and Level up. To learn more, head over to our resource hub How to play Minecraft. You can also find answers to many of your questions at our help site Happy Minecrafting, and here’s one final tip from us: don’t dig straight down! What happens INSIDE a crafting table the story of what actually goes on in a Minecraft crafting table.

  • Minecraft: Concrete Crafting Tricks

    Minecraft: Concrete Crafting Tricks Creating Concrete in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the ability to create a wide range of structures and designs using various materials. One such material that adds a modern touch to your creations is concrete. By following a simple crafting recipe, you can produce concrete blocks in the color of your choice. Let’s dive into the process of making concrete in Minecraft! Ingredients and Crafting To make concrete, you will need 4 sand, 4 gravel, and a dye of your choosing. Head to your crafting table and fill four spots with sand, then add gravel to… Read More

  • Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft

    Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Creativity Minecraft, a game loved by millions around the world, offers endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From mining for valuable resources like Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Diamond, and Emerald to building magnificent structures, the game captivates players of all ages. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is delving into the depths of the world to uncover rare resources. Players can embark on mining expeditions to collect valuable materials like diamonds and emeralds, which can be used to craft powerful tools and armor. Building and Crafting… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a mysterious Minecraft legend in a video by RSmoody. The video titled “GİZEMLİ MINECRAFT EFSANESİ SHADOW BENİ EVRENİNDE HAPSETTİ!” takes viewers on a thrilling adventure as they try to unravel the mysteries of the SHADOW legend. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re a fan of fun, mystery, and adventure in Minecraft, then you’ll definitely want to join… Read More

  • Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft Witchcraft Mod by 𝓜Ꮛ For those looking to add a touch of magic to their Minecraft world, the “InWitched” mod created by 𝓜Ꮛ is a must-have. This mod introduces witchcraft elements, allowing players to delve into a world of spells and enchantments. Download the mod today on Planet Minecraft to start your magical adventure! Building Inspiration from Online Creations Many Minecraft players find inspiration for their builds from online shared creations. Whether it’s a stunning castle, a cozy cottage, or a futuristic city, the possibilities are endless. If you come across a build that… Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4

    Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4 In the 1v1 Minecraft showdown, Natop and I clashed, At the barcode scanner, our skills were unmatched. With Amazon Prime links, and Discord invites, We battled it out, under the bright lights. Editing and subtitles, all done by me, Bringing the action, for all to see. Join the channel, for exclusive content, Minecraft news, with a rhyming intent. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In the world of gaming, let the rhymes begin. Read More

  • Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20

    Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20 Creating a Stone Generator in Minecraft 1.20 {Java/Bedrock} Are you looking to build a supremely efficient, fast, and easy-to-make stone farm or cobblestone generator in Minecraft? Look no further! This farm can be constructed in both Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions, with the Java version being 100% AFK! Key Features of the Stone Generator: Here are some key features of this stone generator: AFK Stone Farm: This stone farm allows you to gather resources without actively playing the game, making it convenient for players looking to collect cobblestone effortlessly. Automatic Stone Farm: The farm operates automatically, ensuring a continuous… Read More

  • Descubre el dato más polémico de Minecraft

    Descubre el dato más polémico de Minecraft Exploring the Controversial Translation of Minecraft 1.6.4 Have you ever heard about the most controversial translation in Minecraft history? 🤯 Ten years ago, a translation mishap caused quite a stir in the community, leading to some absurd and hilarious item names. Let’s delve into this peculiar secret of the game and discover how Mojang addressed the issue in version 1.6.4. The Infamous Translation Incident Back in the day, Minecraft players were in for a surprise when they encountered some unexpected item names in the game. From quirky translations to downright bizarre choices, the community was left scratching their heads… Read More

  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

    Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10 Minecraft Survival Series EP-10 | IRON FARM! Unlimited Iron Glitch In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player showcases an impressive Iron Farm that promises unlimited iron production. The farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, making it a valuable addition to any player’s world. Building the Iron Farm The video demonstrates the step-by-step process of constructing the Iron Farm, highlighting key components and strategies for optimal functionality. Viewers are treated to a detailed guide that ensures successful replication in their own gameplay. Special Reward To keep viewers engaged, the creator teases a special… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

    Minecraft Museum Build Hacks Exploring Museum Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a touch of culture and history to your virtual world? Museums are a fantastic way to showcase your creativity and knowledge within the game. Here are 8 museum building ideas to inspire your next project! 1. Fossil Museum Unearth the past by creating a fossil museum in Minecraft. Display various dinosaur skeletons and prehistoric artifacts to educate and entertain your visitors. Use the minecraft fossil blocks to add authenticity to your exhibits. 2. Dinosaur Exhibit Bring the Jurassic era to life with a dinosaur exhibit… Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More