Insane Elder Adds Auto Crafters in Hardcore Minecraft

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wait what oh okay so this is broken now too I guess I know what we’re doing today last time we raided trial Chambers for hours but the iron farm has now run out of shulkers uh yeah that’s a lot and it looks like the Overflow is uh yeah overflowing crafting blocks by hand yeah that’s ending today hey Google what’s the opposite of struggle effortless requiring no physical or mental exertions last time I found the trial Chambers effortless looting fun but they’re only part of the one 21 update today I think it’ be a good idea to tackle the autoc crafter the autoc crafter recipe won’t automatically pop up if you have an older world that you’re upgrading so just pick up a dropper iron and Redstone to get it we can make our first this lovely grumpy face is the new autoc crafter kind of a cool block actually when you right click it you can see the first part of what it can do I can lock these slots to create shapes for crafting recipes it’s going to be useful for crafting things like doors tools and other shapes and before we get too far into this let me just show you a few of the autocrafters from what I’ve collected in the last 8 months since it was announced this first one here is an extremely simple example of how Crafters work I won’t be building this one today but the comparator reads the signal from the crafter when the total output is nine or a full crafter it crafts whatever’s inside and log slots count as one so in this example I’d need six more items to fill it and if I put eight ingots in here you’ll see that nothing happens it’s one away from the end on this Redstone line but when I put a ninth in it’ll immediately craft into a block of iron and spit it out the front one simple crafter I do want to do today is this one two or three slot crafter and this is an option-based crafter that lets you choose to craft with one two or three slots without lock blocking anything else so if I put that single block of iron back in here you’ll see It’ll craft ingots immediately when I change the selector to two slots and putting one iron ingot does nothing it just sits there when I add a second that’ll craft into heavy pressure plates and a better example of this would be planks where three makes slabs two makes pressure plates and one makes a button this is a nine slot crafter that inputs the items one at a time from nine different chests you can craft literally anything in the game with this one I’ll build this later and then remove it but we’ll get to that ideally this would be a great way to craft dispensers if it worked and this this is a very basic setup for autocrafting using two Crafters one with all the slots locked that a comparator then reads pointing into the side of another comparator with the output of that powering the crafter probably the most basic version of autocrafting that most people will use ultimately there’s a lot of ways to use this let’s go get into it let’s start by adding autocrafters to Farms we’re going to need some comparators some Redstone repeaters a bit of this a bit of that and I can craft up a second autoc crafter for the comparator output the iron farm is obviously first on my list so we can avoid the earlier problems for the moment I’m going to set up that simple crafter to show you how we could do this if full automation wasn’t our goal this is a very easy way to get your Farms going with just autocrafters nearby it’s that crafter with the comparator out the back and a crafter with a comparator going into the side of that one a full block here a block over the top Redstone Redstone and Redstone and we are done let’s add a hopper there and a chest there for input and then the output can come to this chest here and I’ll add a shulker of ingots and every time you see it fill up with nine ingots it’s going to craft I’m not going to keep this one here it’s just a temporary solution to a problem but it’s an example of how simple the autoc crafter is to use at the basic level and even though this one’s temporary I’m going to move it inside the loaded chunk so I can move around the world with no problem I think I’m best to make a shulker of autocrafting related items and just carry that around while we do these I made 32 crafters and grabbed a bunch of other related components then some barrels and chests will help as well that’ll do let’s go back and this simple autoc crafter is going well so far you can see that this is a solution not a good one not an automated one but for people who are really scared to mess with redstone just do this for now it’s still better than crafting it yourself I’ve blocked off the farm so we can work in peace and with that we’re ready to build our first automated [Music] crafter I added a double chest here so there’s a bit of a buffer I can add items manually if I want to input ingots like the 27 shulkers we had earlier on or other iron this is basically the same set up is the one below otherwise and I’ll show you this one working now at Double the speed of the one below this isn’t sped up this is the actual speed that’s the autocrafting for this let’s do a quick shulker loader and call this one done I’ve used this shulker loader about 30 times in this world already so I won’t explain it I am going to turn the output to the side here so I can add a lot more storage than a simple Barrel that it usually has just like that we’re done though we can load it up with the extra ingots that I had from earlier and since I know someone’s going to ask I’m moving items with item scroller mod not that that’ll keep people from asking so after the the Golems fall in the lava drops from them fall through the powdered snow and onto the item Pusher where they’re shoved over the filtered hoppers down through these Hoppers into this double chest into the autoc crafter and the blocks will end up in the shulker loader below I waited here for a few minutes so we can see the first box come through when the shulker is full it’s broken and put into this chest is this where we celebrate I don’t usually get here on the first try all right that’s how it works let’s go add it to some of our other most important Farms with the sugarcane farm it’s not about saving space three shulkers of cane is three shulkers of paper what we’re saving is the crafting time [Music] here and there we go that’ll save us a bunch of time now I thought about what to do with the Cobblestone Farm I make 1 million Cobblestone per hour we have enough to do something that I think would be wicked cool what I want to do here is have the Cobblestone run into autocrafters and from there into shulker loaders but have the autocrafters first craft everything that Cobblestone can make so I’d end up with SH of blocks slabs stairs walls but I can’t do all that today so I think we’ll save that for later same with the bamboo Farm the next one I do want to do is this copper Farm I don’t know how much we’ll use this now because of the sheer amount of copper in trial Chambers and the fact it’s way easier to mine than use this Farm but I’d like to make it so when we do use this Farm it’s set up the best it can be let’s skip the build it’s very much like the others with the same crafter the iron farm uses just a three wide version here instead of two when copper enters the water stream it’ll be crafted into blocks as before that was fairly painless and should save us some time let’s go move on to the last of our small autocrafting projects I want to work on the slime [Music] farm I think all the small Crafters are done now let’s go work on something bigger it’s definitely worth topping up our supplies for this next project the day autocrafting was announced I remember talking with friends about the possibilities and where it would fit best the iron farm is a natural fit so is the Wither Skeleton Farm the Cobblestone farm and the guardian Farm but the one I heard more than any other was turning gold nuggets into blocks sure the iron farm saved you time but if you’re going from ingots to blocks it’s one craft nine shulkers of ingots going into one shulker in a reasonable amount of time but if you want one shulker of gold blocks that’s going to take 81 shulkers of nuggets craft it into nine shulkers of ingots craft it into that one shulker of blocks and that’s 140,000 is nuggets and you have to remove them from Storage craft 250 times to make the ingots and then craft them again into blocks it’s painful and makes this Farm not always that fun to use my plan here is to use those triple input autocrafters from the copper Farm to feed into six different AutoCraft cters that means I don’t have to totally remove dash pump’s original storage for this farm six sets of Crafters can handle 18 Hopper inputs which is enough the last one will be for Ingot overflow once those six Crafters make ingots I’m going to pass it to a shulker loader I could make blocks from here but my own primary use is to use the bartering Farm that’s nearby I’ll have several options for Block crafting by the end of this video so if I do want blocks out of it I can easily grab an inventory of shulkers of ingots and make the blocks quickly from there drops will get pushed down onto the staircase forced towards storage the Slime Pusher will then shove the over the filtered Hoppers and into the Crafters below now this Farm is fun to use after that I quickly put this rocket crafter together in my main storage area these Rockets will go into a chest that I have access to on the other side so I always have a supply handy now with the autoc crafter work coming along well I decided to take a break and work on that background project that I mentioned last episode I’m working on making a 528x 528 block perimeter to hold a double witch farm and some surprises I haven’t talked about yet in order to do that I needed to take down the old obsidian Farm since this won’t work in 121 anyways one of the many casualties of upgrading I guess I removed this so I could quickly read a version of the old massive chest system that we had here before and I need to get a lot and I mean a lot of sand for this perimeter project so I’ll need to turn on the duper I set up ages ago once that ran and I got sand it was time to put it into action I need to create a four wide outside and then a four- wide inside wall all the way around the entire huge area the walls will allow me to drain the water between it so the first of our two machines can run here the first machine is called a trencher and basically it does just that it’s going to make trenches on all four sides of the perimeter and those trenches will go from the ground level all the way to bedrock in order for them not to get stuck and run into issues I need to drain these top bits fun times for me that I had to place this over the ocean right then I use this piston Pusher to get started this is the easiest little Redstone Contraption all it does is push sand in a straight line and create a wall out of that I had to remove all the kelp below so when sand falls on it doesn’t instantly break but that’s not too much work I did swap to twe’s face placement after a while as I found that was better and a little bit faster placing Four Walls of sand however took me hours I occasionally fought drowns with Trident including that one that dropped me his I also cleared trees along the parts of the area that were not in the ocean the lower I get these trenchers to start the faster the whole thing will run and after that it was basically Place sand run the sand duper Place more sand run the duper again and so on until I had enough to complete the outline both inside and out I’ve now placed nearly 110,000 sand all in this area that 1,700 Stacks or over 63 shulkers of sand just to make this outline I spent a little time lowering the trenches so I can run a little water remover later and mostly get this drained a few sponges after that and we should be on track how long was I away well long enough to get over four shulkers of iron blocks that’s a lot of iron so that was our perimeter progress for the week I’ll upload some of the footage to the long Place Channel just so you can see it if you want this should be our last Roundup without replay mod as well as it just came out now let’s get to today’s build ah replay mod how we’ve missed you in the weeks you weren’t out this area is going to be for a new addition to our city the crafting house for hundreds of years around the 12th century in feudal Japan guilds called zah monopolized the production transportation and sale of specific merchandise Services And Trades over 80 of these guilds were organized by the mid 1300s including blacksmiths Carpenters musicians dancers and in our world at least those who specialized in the production and refinement of goods via machinery and this area here will be for the build this is a very large build for these Guild houses but I need to fit all the Crafters I want inside so it had to be a fairly good size I’ll put the front door [Music] here and while I start building them I need to plant a bunch of mangrove trees nearby I need a mangrove Farm soon [Music] though all right that’s looking pretty decent to start there’s still a bit of terraforming work here but I want to get started inside the house on the autocrafting setups my plan is to put a couple machines on this side of the the main room here and then a couple more over on this side and then upstairs I’ll put that nine wide craft anything machine as a fallback when we need harder to craft recipes first of all let’s add a lever to these two out front I won’t use these two myself but I like the idea that people could just walk up for a little self-service autocrafting inside I have that one two and three item selector this will be great for Mass crafting buttons planks trap doors dieses and much more and next to that is a set of four simple Crafters where I can craft any one item type recipe from dieses to blocks and upstairs is indeed that nine wide craft after but I need to show you a technical issue this is the same machine in a creative world inside of the fifth and then the eighth Hopper you’ll see the bow and the Redstone this is set up to craft dispensers of course when I push a button to start the machine it adds items in the wrong order as you can see the Redstone and the bow are very wrong but if I remove the Hoppers and then read them starting from the crafter I don’t want to cut this so you can see this nothing else has changed let me push the button again sorry this is going to take a second I didn’t want to cut here I want you to see this whole thing nothing in there push that and it goes in in the right order and keeps working after that so that’s all good right everything’s working it’s fixed no let’s close the game reopen the game and it’s broken again weird but it has a name it’s called Hopper hasing and this is a bit silly so Hoppers are random and Hopper transfer order is random I can’t even report this as a bug because this is just the way it works I don’t even know anymore so yeah that machine will never work as intended I have a few ideas for fixes but we’re going to just fix it when we want to use it for now at least this is a three item recipe machine it’s great for things like nend crystals and auto turns itself off when one of The Hoppers below is empty so it’s great for bulk and this one is just a speed crafter it ticks very quickly so it’s great for what we’re calling uncrafting or making ingots out of blocks dyes out of flowers planks out of logs Etc let’s change up these banners a bit I want to add flow pattern to them I put it on the pottery and I think it’s a good fit for the build I really love the colors in this city still and I’m really happy with the Curve on this roof my first one was the Villager Hall and it’s way too triangular and straight I was very happy at the time with the up and down variation in the roof and didn’t focus on these Corners the sun Temple I pushed it as hard as I could and I got a nice looking curve out of it but it’s a temple it’s about as Extreme as I want it to go so this one’s more of a bit in between kind of looks like the edge of a piece of paper flipped up which is a look I want it and this roof line is looking pretty good for someone of my build skills as well I’m very happy with that in these little gaps that I left in here I think that come out pretty cool let’s do a quick bit of crafting I’m only doing some small tests here but I want to make droppers iron blocks craft some flowers into dyes make up some end crystals and just show a bit of how all this works when I get this done we have just one more thing to do I improved all the Crafters as I went through just adding some storage input chests and a few tweaks then I set up the one two three crafter to turn some flowers into dye before doing the same on the fast crafter and crystals were easy to set up and then the first round of iron blocks were finished as well having all this new infrastructure will certainly make the city building even more productive you ever have that one friend who just comes through all the time so I was done with this episode and complaining to my friend comw about how the nine wide crafter was breaking and he decided to whip up a new and better Universal crafter for us just like that he was done so quickly that I put the next episode on hold to come back here and get this done for you and now we can end this episode on a high note one sec so essentially when I flip this lever The Observer will come down and power the repeaters behind it they will power each of the droppers in turn which will send the items into the water stream in order and into this wait a second into this crafter here which puts finished items into this double chest the full crafter then sends the signal through this block into the comparator and over this Redstone line back to the block that powers the crafter and then it crafts the item at the same time when this Redstone gets powered The Observer notes that powers the rails which Powers the top Observer and makes the whole thing start again I’m going to add powder snow under each dropper and then after grabbing a shulker of all the required materials for dispensers I can unload into the double chest below and the bows are obviously the hardest thing to get for the dispenser so I’m just going to manually craft those for now but we can set up a bow crafter later up here and I’ve let this run for a bit to test it and now I can show you a working nine slot Universal crafter so please go give com VI a follow on YouTube to encourage him to post more of his work maybe he definitely deserves it that’s it for today we added autocrafters to a bunch of farms built a guild house for even more and eventually built a universal crafting system for every item in the game like subscribe and I’ll see you next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘How I Added Auto Crafters to My 1.21 Hardcore Minecraft World’, was uploaded by RadicalElder on 2024-07-13 00:00:32. It has garnered 2940 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds.

Today is all about the auto crafter, Minecraft 1.21’s new redstone wizardry. In this episode I will add the autocrafter to my gold, iron, copper and other farms, as well as guide you through how I setup five standalone autocrafter machines inside my city.

I’m going to show you how autocrafting works, a few ways to set it up and then build them in my own world along with the new Crafter House, my latest build for the Asian spawn city I’ve been creating.

So whether you want to see how the crafter works, watch me break redstone or build up the city, this one’s for you.

Includes a: rocket crafter, uncrafter, fast crafters, double speed and triple speed crafters, and a 9 wide universal autocrafter designed by my friend @commviewAU


Want this world download, my schematics of builds or early access to videos? Become a Patreon member here:

🟠 WHO I AM I’m Matt, but call me Rad or Radical. I’m a Minecraft YouTuber & Twitch Streamer living in Melbourne, AU. I make videos about Minecraft, primarily hardcore. In addition to whatever ongoing series I am working on, I also upload tutorials, tips and Minecraft SMP content.

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For business inquiries email me here: [email protected] For serious creator collabs, I’m radicalelder on Discord.

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    Ukri BANNED from Minecraft!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ukri wurde GEBANNT aus Minecraft..’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-01-13 16:30:09. It has garnered 259000 views and 9798 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:11 or 4091 seconds. Ukri has been banned from the YouTube island SemUkri City. Will Ukri quit Minecraft and record his last episode on the Minecraft island today? Will Ukri leave the island forever, including his friends Semlaki, Billy and Matwi? Watch the video to find out! 😀 💬Here you can find me: 💦➜ Ukri & Semlaki Merch: 💻 ➜ Community Discord: 📸 ➜ Instagram: 🎬… Read More


    OMG I KILLED @Wallibear?? 😱 | MINECRAFT PVP FUNNY MOMENTSVideo Information This video, titled ‘I KILLED @Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) 🤣’, was uploaded by Lite Gamer on 2024-04-18 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I KILLED ‎@Wallibear ? | MINECRAFT NETHER GAMES PVP IN MCPE (FUNNY) Ignore this: … Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft Voice Change 2024! 👾 #shorts

    Revolutionary Minecraft Voice Change 2024! 👾 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to CHANGE minecraft Voice FOREVER in 2024 #shorts @minecraft’, was uploaded by Amit_Gamerj28 on 2024-06-07 03:15:37. It has garnered 3309 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. In this Minecraft video I decided to use a voice hack to change all the in-game character voices resulting in hilarious and unexpected interactions Watch as I navigate through the world of Minecraft with voices that are all wrong creating a unique and entertaining gameplay experience If youre ready for a fun twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay then this is… Read More

  • Jai Server

    Jai Serverwelcome to our server Life steal. We are new server , let try join with our server. hope you all enjoy with us. Discord: Read More

  • Infinity Cube Server – SMP 1.21

    Infinity Cube Server Welcome to the Infinity Cube Server – a whitelisted vanilla server running on Minecraft 1.21! About Us Established in October 2020 Emphasis on builders Experienced builders and all player types welcome Our Goal Have fun, enjoy the game, make friends, and keep the server running forever! Updates and Mods Currently on Minecraft 1.21 Regularly update to newer versions Mods include TP features, Fast Leaf Decay, Dynmap, and more We reset chunks to keep the world fresh Join Us! Interested in joining? Join our Discord: Discord Link for more information and the application process. Thank you for considering! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trader’s High: Unexpected Perch

    Looks like these wandering traders have really stepped up their game, reaching unexpected heights in their perch! Just don’t trade with them while they’re up there, unless you’re okay with a high price. Read More

  • Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale

    Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m your guide, your narrator, in every scene. From epic cave expeditions to survival tips so keen, I’ll take you on a journey like you’ve never seen. With each diamond found and treasure unearthed, I’ll keep you entertained, your thirst for adventure quenched. Building masterpieces, crafting gear so fine, In this blocky world, every moment is divine. Join me in live streams, where challenges await, Together we’ll conquer, no need to hesitate. So hit subscribe, ring the bell, become part of the crew, In this Minecraft world, there’s always something… Read More

  • Spicy Skeleton Troll 🔥💀 #lol #minecraft #memes

    Spicy Skeleton Troll 🔥💀 #lol #minecraft #memes Why did the skeleton troll bring a ladder to the Minecraft party? Because he heard the drinks were on the house! 💀🍺 #SkeletonHumor #MinecraftParty Read More

  • Can’t Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱

    Can't Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱 The Exciting World of Minecraft Step into the blocky world of Minecraft with BezzubickMCPlay! This popular game has captured the hearts of millions around the globe with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join the HTTYDCraft Discord Server and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to share tips, tricks, and adventures. The community aspect of Minecraft adds a whole new dimension to the game, making it a truly immersive experience. Connect with BezzubickMCPlay Follow BezzubickMCPlay on VK to stay updated on the latest Minecraft news, challenges, and videos. Engage with the community and be part of… Read More

  • Ultimate Gnome Wizard Portal Upgrade Shizo Clickbait!

    Ultimate Gnome Wizard Portal Upgrade Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Green Wizard Gnome ALL MEMES Portal Upgrade #shorts #minecraft #bananacat #gegagedigedagedago #gnome’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft on 2024-07-10 05:00:02. It has garnered 18459 views and 502 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #catnap #poopyplaytime #huggywuggy #scary #dogday #bananacat #dametucosita #gegagedigedagedago #gnome Read More

  • Terrifying Herobrine Minecraft Memes

    Terrifying Herobrine Minecraft MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘👀☠️ #minecraft #scary #scaryminecraft #herobrine #youtubeshorts #creepypastaminecraft #memes #mcmeme’, was uploaded by Craftiel Minecraft on 2024-03-31 11:36:26. It has garnered 2651 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • RayGloom’s Freaky Minecraft Creepypasta – LOCK YOUR DOORS!

    RayGloom's Freaky Minecraft Creepypasta - LOCK YOUR DOORS!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See This Staring At You From the Dark, LOCK YOUR DOORS! Minecraft Creepypasta’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-04-13 07:00:15. It has garnered 501916 views and 8352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:55 or 2935 seconds. These three players had a frightening experience! By now most of you already know that it’s Twisted Steve! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! ► I’m an author! Check out my books!: ► Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in… Read More

  • INSANE! I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft

    INSANE! I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ryguyrocky on 2024-04-20 12:30:15. It has garnered 1766356 views and 26725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:54 or 3414 seconds. Want to be in a future video? Join my Discord! ► ►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a CLOUD in Minecraft Get some awesome merch at: •🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷• Check out my other CHANNELS! ►Ryguy IRL – ►Ryguy Roblox – ►Ryguy Plays – •🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷•🔷• Follow me: 🐦 Twitter – 📘 Facebook – 📷 Instagram –… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Most Epic SMP – Join Now!

    Minecraft's Most Epic SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s MOST FUN SMP! (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by Etheral SMP on 2024-05-29 12:00:58. It has garnered 517 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the… Read More

  • BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt: Unlock 69th Heart NOW!

    BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt: Unlock 69th Heart NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 69th Leviathan Heart | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-06-01 17:23:13. It has garnered 273 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:46 or 12346 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ : Denis :… Read More

  • Brawl Stars Creeper Rank Up in Minecraft?! 🤯 #shorts

    Brawl Stars Creeper Rank Up in Minecraft?! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Brawl Stars Rank Up Creeper Life Minecraft Trend.🥺#shorts’, was uploaded by SDKInsaan on 2024-01-04 04:37:57. It has garnered 1204 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Brawl Stars Rank Up Creeper Life Minecraft Trend.🥺#shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Bambe Returns to Minecadia Season!!

    Bambe Returns to Minecadia Season!!Video Information This video, titled ‘The New Minecadia Season!!!’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-09 18:46:36. It has garnered 522 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. The New Minecadia Season!!! 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them! Credits: ❓Pack(s)❓: 🡆 Join my discord to find out!! ⭐Server Ip?⭐… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Chosen’s Modded

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Chosen's ModdedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Morning Minecraft – Chosens Modded Adventure EP16’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-02-15 04:23:54. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:07 or 7507 seconds. Relaxing play in the 1.20 Minecraft modpack: Chosen’s Modded Adventure. Join me (@8:00 am Eastern on Mondays and Wednesdays) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Meadow Mines

    Meadow MinesMeadow Mines is a new survival server running on 1.20.4! We have a fresh economy, an auction house, a skill system, and the ability to claim your land! Join the Discord server and become a part of this new community! We are actively working to make this a thriving SMP community. Also, the icon is a picture of my beloved dog Sully so that’s cool Read More

  • Serveur survie 1.21 smp 1.21

    Bonjour, Je viens de créer un serveur de survie en 1.21 et je suis à la recherche de joueurs. Rejoignez notre Discord pour plus d’informations : Discord : Caractéristiques du serveur : Version 1.21 Survie Vanilla simple AntiCheat activé X-ray interdit Pas d’insultes dans le chat Read More