Insane! Electric Tiger Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned into the bobab Savannah as the mighty electric tiger well at least a baby version of an electric tiger but if I work hard and train I can live fully up to my electric tiger potential oh no you won’t I looked

In front of me and saw a massive hulking Squall Golem thundering towards me he was so much bigger than me the size difference was terrifying listen Mister I don’t want any trouble I’m Zozo what’s your name my name’s Mike and and I’m here to fight but why that doesn’t even

Rhyme yes it does if I say it Rhymes it Rhymes I’m the strongest creature in the world nothing challenges me anymore and the only way to relieve the bordedom is getting into fights with anyone I can but no butts weakland or I’ll kick yours here’s the deal I’m going to give you

100 days you better use them well kid and get as strong as possible strong enough to have an interesting fight with me cuz if you don’t I’m going to find you and pound you until you’re nothing more than a little electric tiger stain in the floor now run Mike the Squall

Golem didn’t have to tell me twice I turned and ran away as quickly as possible well Mike just laughed at me he seemed like my most formidable opponent yet 100 days I need to get real strong in that time or Mike really is going to destroy me on day two I continued

Running through the baps s not stopping until I was confident that Mike the Squall Golem was nowhere to be seen phw that was a close one if he’ attacked me in that state I would have been a goner I only have 10 Hearts I wonder if I have any special abilities without even

Realizing I could I released a blast of electrical energy for my paw the electricity is eliminated from me and charges up the air around me that must have been one of my basic electric tiger abilities W maybe I’m not as helpless as I thought wait do I see a peir tree

There I should grab one I grabbed a few paars and ate them even if my Hunger was full I just couldn’t resist it things were looking up already at least I wasn’t going to be hungry but my contentment didn’t last for long a scary plant-like Whisperer rustled its way

Towards me it wasn’t as big as Mike but it was definitely freaky oh no I have a feeling I know who you work for you’ll feel correctly Zoo you really think you can beat Mike he’s the goat goat he’s a Squall Golem no goat is an acronym he is

The greatest of all time g o a t and that’s why you’ve got no hope against him then why even bother coming after me I didn’t even want to fight I’m going to destroy you myself to save Mike his time as the Whisperer approached me I fired

My energy blast but it didn’t even slow him down all I could do was run away knowing that even with my energy blast I had no hope of fighting him I was hiding behind a small clutch of trees when suddenly a wind CER are teleported in

Front of me come with me if you want to live sure let’s go I’ll follow you wow people normally have questions huh let’s go the wind collar ran off and I followed him without question happy to finally have someone on my side on day three I continued following the wind CER

Deeper into the bobab Savannah he seemed to have confidence and power it definitely made me feel safer around him I’ve been waiting for you to arrive Zozo you have no idea how many people have anticipated this special day special this doesn’t feel that special aside from you saving my life from all the

Weird creeps who have been trying to attack me those weird creeps as you absolutely put it I’ve been bothering people for quite some time but if you stick with me and my allies we might be able to change that together the wind collar led me to a small shack leaving

Me to talk to its inhabitant a mysterious figure called the illusioner so you are the one the wind color selected H you don’t appear all that strong but perhaps that will change I still don’t understand what’s happening here who are all of you people and what

Does any of this have to do with me or that nasty squaggle a Mike windol and I are just two members of a secret group called the order of the shield for years we have made it our purpose to find and train a champion capable of destroying

Mike and ending his reign of terror if you accept this responsibility we will do all we can to help you realize your destiny well saying is Mike is going to come after me anyway I agree to working with you good go with wind colar there

Is no time to waste you must get strong enough to defeat Mike once and for all from day four to day five the wind cller and I went deeper into the bobab Savannah we didn’t stop until we found an area that was big and flat enough to start constructing a base first I

Knocked down a tree and used its resources to construct a wooden pickaxe I then mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to create my first set of real tools a stone pickaxe and a stone sword for from there I gathered more stone and granite and made

A basic base with a bed for myself and another one for the wind collar to stay in with me you’ve done great work here Zozo you shall promise with time you will become a great warrior capable of taking on Mike and showing him what we are all capable of I want to get

Stronger wind caller but I’m not sure where to start how can I become more powerful I can help you with that Zozo I’ll give you a portion of my power and that will give you a foundation to build on stay still please the wind collar fired and energy blasted me the second

It hit me I started growing becoming bigger and had the ability to summon lightning strikes I tried it out on some grass and it was fantastic wow I’m really starting to live up to my electric tiger name now from day six to day eight I decided to explore a new

Part of the Savannah and test out my new powers for real energy blasts and lightning strikes I’m all forc to be reckoned with and those Powers would soon come in handy because I saw an innocent fungus thrower being attacked by that nasty Whisperer who had attacked

Me earlier I’m not going to let this stand as I ran in the whisperer’s attention was turned to me and the fungus thrower was able to escape it was just me and my old enemy now hey you ugly plant you again I didn’t expect to

See you after you ran off like a coward last time I’m no coward Whisperer and I’m about to prove it talk is jeap tiger boy let’s go I Unleashed a powerful lightning strike on the Whisperer and this time it was completely destroyed my electric tiger Powers were coming in

Clutch already yo fungus thrower it’s safe to come out now I’m friendly I promise when I found him on the beach the poor lad was shivering from Fear dude that was scary but also amazing I thought I was a goner and then you came in like a superhero like bam Z kapow it

Was awesome well I don’t like to brag but I guess it was pretty awesome you’re really feel good at this whole fighting bad guys thing Dude tell you what I know there’s a real nasty bad guy not far from here follow me let’s see if you can

Beat him sure it couldn’t hurt to try let’s go from day N9 to day 10 I followed the fungus thrower into the bamboo jungle until we reached a clearing there a freaky frozen zombie was waiting yikes that thing seems unpleasant But A promise is a promise I

Ran in and Unleashed a lightning strike against the frozen zombie but it didn’t seem to do anything other than annoy this particularly Frosty member of the Living Dead the frozen zombie chased me and all he could do was run away as fast as I could when I’d managed to lose the

Frozen zombie I rued with the fungus thrower again I’m really sorry for letting you down on this one man but I just don’t think I’m strong enough to take down that frozen zombie yet it’s chill dude you did your best and that’s what matters tell you what why don’t you

Come and stay at my base while I get stronger you seem like a cool guy I’d love to hang out with you some more oh you’re too sweet man let’s do it from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with the fungus thrower it was exciting

To have another friend added to my team fungus thrower left to relax while I built a new room for him along with the rooms for me and the wind callar what do you think Buddy this looks awesome Zozo I can’t wait to hang out here and hey I

Got a little Restless while you were building the bedroom so I built a couple of upgrades of my own go take a look the upgrades that the fungus thrower had created were truly awesome he’ made a beautiful path connecting all the buildings and a storage room for the

Base with a furnace that I could use to smelt and Forge metal say that gives me an idea I searched until I found a cave that might contain some valuable materials and sure enough right at the entrance I found a rich vein of iron ore I mined and collected a bunch of it

Before going back to my base once I was there I used my furnace to smelt the ore into ingots then I made a full set of iron tools I still had a little left over so I use that to make an iron helmet and a chest plate this looks

Awesome so I’ve got shelter and weaponry covered now I need to make sure my food sources are sustainable too I built a small chicken farm on my base and HED a few chickens inside so I’d never run out of eggs or yummy chicken from day 13 to

Day 15 I spoke to my mentor the wind caller and asked him if he knew any other ways I could train and get stronger a very good question Zozo to become a better fighter you need to fight and hone your Battle Tactics I’ve heard reports of another one of those

Sinister Whisperers wandering around the bamboo jungle go out there and defeat it to grow your strength because everything windar had said so far hadn’t led me astray I followed his advice and went out to the bamboo jungle again I searched until I found the Whisperer that wind caller had told me about I

Will destroy you in the name of Mike not if I destroy you first Whisperer with my new iron sword it wasn’t hard to battle the Whisperer into submission when the Whisperer was destroyed it dropped a potion of strength on under the ground perfect timing I was starting to feel

Super thirsty I picked up the potion of strength and drank it and I felt the change immediately I started to get bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 30 the wind colar was right fighting that whisper did make me stronger from day 16 to day 19 I continued exploring the

Overworld until I came upon the Cypress swamplands it was a strange mystical place and the more I wandered around the more I got the sense that something important was waiting for me here and that feeling proved to be right when I Came Upon an ancient Book of Secrets

Laying around I decided that it might be worth reading so I flipped through until I found a section called how to defeat Squall Golems wow that’s appropriate a section read the Stony flesh of a Squall Golem may seem impenetrable even diamond swords and the strongest of arrows just

Seem to bounce off but if one could obtain a sword of netherite then the playing field would be evened a netherite sword I need to get my hands on one of those then my moment of victory was interrupted by a pair of Whisperers suddenly appearing and wandering towards me they must have come

Here to stop me from reading this book of secrets you overgrown weeds can’t scare me with my lightning strikes and energy blasts the three Whisperers were destroyed for good from day 20 to day 22 knowing that I needed a netherite sword to truly defeat Mike the Squall Golem I

Went back to the mining cave looking for more material sadly I couldn’t find any diamonds or netherite down there just more iron ore I mined a bunch of it and went back to my base where I smelted it into ingots and made myself the rest of

My iron armor if you can’t invest in your attacks you might as well invest in your defense my recent increase in strength reminded me of an old unsettled score I needed to defeat the frozen zombie for my friend the fungus thrower time to send that zombie to its Eternal

Resting place I returned to the bamboo jungle and hunted down the frozen zombie that had given me trouble all those days ago with my iron sword I was able to defeat the nasty Undead once and for all it probably probably won’t be long before I’m strong enough to take on Mike

And win I wouldn’t be so sure weakling I turned and saw Mike himself was standing right behind me I wanted to run but this time I stood my ground I’m not scared of you anymore Mike I know the secret I just need to get my hands on a netherite

Sword I’m a champion of the order of the shield what’s so funny you think you’re the first Champion you think you’re the only one who knows about netherite swords I’ve destroyed 100 foolish Champions like you and you’ll make it 101 Mike punched me taking off a frightening number of Hearts all I could

Do was run for my life I was clearly still not strong enough to face him yet from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to my base and informed the fungus thrower that I defeated the frozen zombie of the bamboo forest way to go Zozo you’ve no

Doubt achieved a whole new level of strength from that battle and I planned to get even stronger now that I was able to fulfill my promise to you oh yeah buddy I know you can I knew that I needed stronger materials in my inventory if I really wanted to work my

Way up to that netherite sword so I went digging for more iron in my mining cave while there were still no diamonds to be found the iron ore was plentiful I helped myself to as much of the iron as I could carry and smelted a bunch of it

Down into some more ingots I made a temporary smelting location to smelt the iron while I mined I already had a set of iron tools and armor so out of all the iron I made an anvil so we can repair our gear when it loses durability

My pickaxe can be the first candidate to get repaired once I was done mining I went above ground to my base where windar was waiting for me Zozo I’ve given the base a new addition that will be sure to keep you safe while you build up your strength that sure is nice of

You consider it my thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so far I went to see what the wind collar had added to the base and found a well- constructed security bunker to hide in in case of invasion this looks like it will come in

Handy from day 27 to day 31 I was far away from the base exploring the Cypress swamplands when I had first learned about the existence of netherite Swords if I remember my last visit correctly I also defeated a couple of Whisperers while I was here the whole area looked

Totally peaceful now without any of Mike’s minions to be seen as I was taking in the pleasant Vibes I was approached by a kindly Fletcher who seemed rather happy that the swamp lands were free of baddies wow we zo we you must be Zozo the electric tiger I heard

You took down those Whisperers some days ago that’s me I’m the toughest and only electric tiger around that’s wicked awesome it’s good to know that there are people out there looking for strength who are also nice and willing to stand up for the week I will do my best to

Help those in need I heard there were some other Whisperers skullking around and looking to challenge you they must really want to stand up for that mik guy I can take them do you know where they are not right now but they’d probably hunt me down and try to beat me up if

They knew I told you that then they’d be right here in the swamp again I know what if you stayed at my base for a while at least until I have my match with Mike that way I can protect you the Fletcher agreed and together we went

Back to my base where I added a base extension I made a small Outdoors library with a few couches to have a nice cozy place to relax the books that I put on the shelves would teach me strategies and techniques for winning battles because knowledge is power later

I was approached by wind caller who had some bad news Zozo we have to come with you again Mike’s minions have discovered the order of the shield and are attacking its members we need to cheuck on the illusioner before he could be next oh no that sounds serious let’s go

From day 32 to day 35 wind caller and I crossed the bobab Savannah to reach the illusioner shack when we found the place it was too late the shack was under attack by a Whisperer and the illusioner was desperately fighting for his life you order of the shield fools can’t win

Mike makes right the saying is mik makes right what you said is just silly you’re calling us silly just for that you’re going to die the Whisperer destroyed the illusioner right before our eyes you monsters talk about pathetic is this all the order of the shield is made of

You’re dead wrong I’m Zozo the electric tiger I am the champion and I’ll show you how strong I am I called down a lightning strike getting the whisperer’s attention and dealing a bunch of damage in the process with the few swings of my iron sword I made that whisperer pay for

What but it did to the illusioner more Whisperers emerged from the edges I was so angry I didn’t even need to use my energy blast to bring the pain and take them all down when the battle was over Windcaller and I planned what our next

Move would be we need to be on the lookout for any other mobs that are working for Mike curse him we were too late to save the illusioner from his Rampage we’ll keep an eye out for the other surviving members of the order of the shield and once we’re together we’ll

Help you become the strongest Champion you can be from Day 36 to day 39 I I returned to the bamboo jungle so I could practice all my most powerful fighting moves in a safe place where none of my friends would get hurt I was tossing around energy blast when I blasted away

Some bamboo and found an iron golem hiding nearby wa easy with those blasts you could knock somebody out with those my apologies I didn’t know you were here sometimes I Don’t Know My Own Strength oh no it’s okay I actually have been searching for someone strong enough to

Defeat the ruthless roaming ravager if it’s a worthy opponent that gives me a chance to test my skills then I’m 100% game where is this ravager anyway I’ll show the way oh mighty electric tiger I was brought to another part of the bamboo forest where the ruthless roaming

Ravager was running around it was my time to bring that bad boy down I fired some energy blast from my Paws and the ravager responded by jumping over to me and making a few attacks I countered with my iron sword the battle raged on

For a while but I knew from the start I would come out on top and I was right I returned to the Iron Golem to tell him that I had successfully defeated that rascally ravager huh you really are one tough tiger that’s for sure from day 40

To day 43 I was in the base and decided to see how the fungus thrower was doing it looked like he had been hard at work decorating the Bas with all sorts of tiger patterned banners and paintings this base looks absolutely awesome now good job fungus I’m glad you like it I

Was just spruing the place up in preparation for the pig I invited over you invited pigs yep I invited some pigs because I thought they might ojoy themselves here that’s a bad pun but not a bad idea I say yes fastic I mean fantastic the pigs that fungus thrower

Invited arrived soon after and we the life of the party I even got to train my defenses against their classic Pig pile technique after entertaining our fine piggy guests for a while I went for a walk out in the base and ran into flusher everything all right flusher I’m

Worried about my home back in the Cypress swamplands do you think you could go check on it just to be safe sure buddy it’s the least I can do for a friend from day 44 to day 49 I went back to the Cypress swamplands like Fletcher

Wanted me to I was expecting there might be a few Whisperers melling about but I never imagined that I’d see Mike himself what up tiger ready to take another shot at the bigman Mike this should be between you and me what you did to the order of the shield was Unforgivable nah

No way I’ve been baing with those bozos since long before you showed up and if you’re the chosen Champion they kept talking about then I had to take him down before you become any stronger so you did it because you’re afraid I’ll get stronger than you well now you’ve

Made sure it’ll happen I will beat you Mike one of these days you want to make this personal huh all right let’s make it personal safe you can take on my man the piglin brute to my surprise Mike ran off and and stuck me fighting with one

Big mean mob that he called a pigin brute it sure did live up to its name I’m about to show you why they call me the piglin brute because I’m brutal yeah I already got that put up your duk’s electric tiger he slammed me with an attack that was definitely

Brutal but thankfully my iron helmet was able to soak up some of the damage I traded blows using my sword and started to wear him down but the knockback of his attacks was giving me some trouble this will be a tough fight from day 50

To day 53 I had started to use my energy blast to continue to deal damage to the pigin brute he didn’t show much signs of tiring but then again neither did I I can see why the order of the shield was impressed by you but you can’t really be

The champion who will defeat Mike because I’m about to take you down wouldn’t bet on it brute I launched a couple of strikes at The Brute then I hit him with my sword and knocked him off balance so I could defeat him with some classic electric tiger energy blast

Bye-bye brute you were my biggest and meanest opponent yet but I’ve won this round The pigin Brute disappeared and I soon found an item that he dropped it was a map leading to Mike’s Fight Club this is quite a discovery I didn’t know whether Mike expected me to find this or

Not but either way this meant that I could go to his base whenever I wanted from day 54 to day 57 I cleared the Cypress swamplands of all remaining Hostile Mobs so that Fletcher would didn’t have to worry anymore the last one in the area was especially tough a

Vindicator who could take a lot of hits for my iron sword I really had to stay on my guard the whole fight relying on my new combat strategies that I had been practicing sure enough I was able to win with plenty of Hearts to spare The Vindicator even dropped a netherite

Ingot which was the first step to the netherite sword that I’d need to defeat Mike I quickly returned to the base to tell Fletcher the good news so the swamplands are safe they sure are you mean that you found a netherite Ingot just like that I sure did that’s some

Kind of coincidence huh it’s no coincidence it’s a sign you are meant to be the champion of the order of the shield it’s your destiny well in that case I better make the most of this chance and get some diamonds so we can eventually make a netherite sword you

Can do it Zozo from day 58 to day 62 I made a much needed expansion to the chicken farm so that it could hold more livestock it was just in time too because I was a ble to round up more chickens for food an electric Tiger’s

Got to eat to keep his energy up and delicious chicken tenders are what’s on the menu next I delve down to the mining cave to have another look for the diamonds I would need to craft a diamond sword I had to explore pretty deep but soon enough I manage to get my pickaxe

Into some diamonds there’s many diamonds here I might believe in destiny after all I mined for a while and found more than enough diamonds to make the diamond sword which I planned on using as the foundation for the netherite sword I’d be making later later I used the rest of

The diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a full set of diamond armor for myself once I was satisfied with the amount of diamonds I had aass I returned to the surface of the base and met up with windar hey wind cller I’ve crafted a diamond sword that’s excellent Zozo we

Should celebrate and the brand new super amazing party room that I just built oh wow no way a party room I love parties while I had been down in the mines windar had given the base its most exciting feature yet a decorated room for hosting parties I tried out the

Dance floor and had a really good time from day 63 to day 66 I was hanging out at the base with fungus thrower discussing ways for me to become even stronger if I could train in a new location maybe I’d be able to discover some new fighting moves I actually know

Just the place if you drain in the harsh sunlight of the desert you’ll increase your strength in no time how do I find the desert I’ll show you the way on your map the fungus thrower marks the desert as a location on the map I received from

The Fallen pigin Brute it looked like it was on the way to the biome where Mike’s Fight Club could be found I should get used to that path while I’m out there I went to the desert and felt the sun beating down on me this would be a good

Place to train and I was in the mood for a fight with a scary opponent across the dunes I saw one scary looking Wither Skeleton I move towards him with my sword drawn ready for battle hey you want to fight Zozo the electric tiger no thank you I don’t want to fight

Especially not a tough customer like you okay I can respect that we won’t fight did you think just because I’m scary looking that I’d want to fight you really shouldn’t judge people by their outward appearances yeah that was my bad I’m very sorry about that friend lesson

Learned it happens to me a lot I’m afraid just the other day a zoglin tried to pick a fight with me I told him no wait for a strong person who wants to fight well if that zlin wants a fight I’ll fight him I came here to train

Anyway from day 67 to Day 70 the friendly Wither Skeleton brought me to meet the zlin a dangerous opponent who was also looking for a challenging fight the zlin agreed to fight me one-on-one so we could test each other’s strength before the fight began the Wither

Skeleton took me aside so we could have a quick discussion are you sure you can win Zozo I didn’t mean to put you in danger I think I’ve got a chance but thanks for being concerned now thank you for fighting this battle for me that’s what a strong person does now I’m going

To go kick some Zin but the fight between myself and the Zin was off to an exciting start when the Zin charged straight at me I dodged his powerful tusks and hit with my sword while his back was turned the Zog encountered by hitting me with his tusks I lost a few

Hearts but I was still in the fight I fired some energy blasts and used my signature lightning strike to deliver the last blow defeating the zlin Zozo you did it I am the electric tiger Zozo remember the name from day 71 to day 74 I had completely left the desert behind

And was traveling through a new biome the ER roaded Badlands according to the pigin brutes map this was the same biome where the entrance to Mike’s Fight Club could be found the map also says you can find more of my Zozo videos by searching zo zo in the YouTube search bar you

Should try it out I followed the directions on the map further into the eroded Badlands and I can see Mike’s Fight Club in the distance just you wait Mike I’ll fight you one of these days I heard that Zozo suddenly Mike was right next to me and he was looking as strong

As ever you shouldn’t have said that spark plug now I’m going to give you a taste of my super special punch the Mike Spike oh no I forgot that today as one of those days Mike Spike he punched me and my heart started to deplete thank goodness I was wearing diamond armor I

Drew my diamond sword and swung at him but the damage it did was really low you’re still weak kitty cut no way well I need a netherite sword to even stand a chance I ran away from the fight retracing my steps through the eroded bad lands I still wasn’t strong enough

To beat him from day 75 to day 78 I followed the map home to my base and went directly into the bunker to work out somehow I couldn’t find the energy to train probably because I was disappointed that I had to run away from Mike Mike was the strongest in the world

And I still didn’t have the netherite sword I would need to actually challenge him from what he said before even that might not be enough Che up Zoo you have our strength too so don’t give up it was wind caller he had come into the bunker

To check on me and ra my spirits thanks wind cller I’m feeling like I’m weak today so I really needed to hear that follow me I’ll show you something that might also help there was now a new watchtower at the front of the base where we could look out at the bobab

Savannah from all of a sudden I feel a whole lot better wind colllar now I remember what I’m fighting for you are the champion electric tiger Zozo don’t forget it now that I was feeling better I went to go visit Fletcher hey there Fletcher Zozo I got you this special

Magic Apple to help make you strong enough enough to face Mike well an apple a day as they say I scarfed down the apple and began to grow into an even bigger electric tiger with 60 hearts in addition to bigger damage and more health I could also perform a special

Whirlwind attack Mike won’t know what hit him from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling strong and decided to go back to the eroded Badlands this time there was no sign of Mike so I fought some skeletons to test my newfound strength I wanted to prove to myself that I had

What it takes to become the strongest a nearby weaponsmith saw me defeat those mobs and thought that I was pretty cool so I offered to upgrade my weapons this is my chance to get a netherite sword yeah no absolutely just give me your diamond sword and your netherite ingots

And I’ll take care of the rest I gave the weaponsmith what he needed and waited in anticipation for him to finish my super cool netherite sword it didn’t take him that long and I could tell just by swinging it that this netherite sword was the most powerful weapon that I’d

Ever had thank you weapon Smith I promise to use what you’ve given me for the side of Justice go on and save the world every weapon Smith dreams of creating a hero’s weapon from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the base to show the others that I had obtained The

Netherite Sword and found that it was being attacked by Whisperers so this is where you ran away to coward we’re going to make you feel real silly for leaving Mike in the middle of a fight I battled The Whisperers with all my might testing the Ed Ed of my netherite sword these

Minions had given me trouble in the past but now I was so much stronger than them that they were barely a threat I easily defended the base and prevented any further damage to the structures oh man this guy is actually way too strong maybe I should leave this one to Mike

He’ll know how to win intimidated by my strength the Whisperer stopped fighting it was now their turn to run away serves you right for trying to mess with my friends you’ll have to deal with this electric tiger now I chased the whis wh spers through the bobab Savannah until

My base was far away never come back a villager who saw me bravely face off against Mike’s henchman came over to cheer me on you’re the electric tiger the second strongest being in the world soon to be the most strongest or first strongest whichever sounds better do you

Think you can spare some of your strength and give me a hand building a bridge over the river sure thing villager I used the materials the Villager gave me to finish building the bridge across the river thanks Zoo only a truly strong hero could do something

Like that from day 90 to Day 94 I continued onward across the desert and through the eroded Badlands until I saw on the map I was getting close to Mike’s Arena I could see one of the whisperers who had attacked my base lingering nearby and I drew my netherite sword in

Preparation for a battle I’m here to see Mike I’m going to challenge him for the title of strongest being in the world oh no you didn’t you’re going to need to get this guy first he’s the second strongest in the whole world an armored Pillager showed up taking the place of

The Whisperer as my opponent I’ve heard people say that you’re the second strongest in the world not true because that’s me I’ve never beaten Mike but I’ll beat anyone who isn’t Mike you won’t beat me I’ll take your title then I’ll take on Mike then bring it on Zozo

The electric tiger the armored villager waited for me to make the first move which I did using my netherite sword he blocked the attack and countered with a strike from his own weapon I lost quite a few hearts and had to dodge back to avoid the worst of his attacks I used my

Energy blast to keep him at a distance but his armor was as tough as mine you’re pretty strong Pillager oh you ready to give up and run away no way I’ll Never back down from a fight again from day 95 to day 97 I continued to battle against the armored Pillager

Utilizing all my specially trained techniques to try and gain an advantage have another lightning strike I can handle your lightning strikes all the live long day Zozo we’ll see about that I circled around the armored Pillager with my Whirlwind attack and delivered sword strikes wherever I could I was

Still having trouble cracking the second strongest Fighter’s armor but I figured I could soften him up for a lightning strike if I just kept attacking with my Whirlwind active I spun around and Unleashed my lightning strike with that attack the Villager surrendered the electric tiger defeated the armored

Pillager and became the true second strongest in the world no I couldn’t achieve my dream of becoming the strongest in the world why did you want to become the strongest so bad I’m doing it to protect my friends and myself from Mike it started that way for me too but

When I realized I would never win I became his follower all the people who believed in me before became sad and stopped being my friends but they went on to form the order of the shield wait you were the original champion no I was just the guy who tried to be a champion

Before there was a champion you’ve got to be better than me Zozo I will armored Pillager I’ll defeat Mike and become the strongest in the world once and for all on day 98 I went back to the base to tell everyone that I would soon be facing off against Mike

For the ultimate title I went to visit wind caller first who is standing at the top of the Watchtower thanks to the strength you gave me at the start I was able to become the champion that you always thought I could be it was like I said long ago my strength was the

Foundation but you built it into something better and made it your own thank you for believing in me here is a bit more of my strength in the form of a potion drink it before you go into battle next I met with Fletcher outside of the chicken farm I wanted to assure

Him that once I was the strongest I would use my strength to protect all of the biomes from Evil very soon the world will be safe I’m glad I was able to help your quest for strength Zozo you gave me what I needed when I needed it most and

I’m so grateful that I was able to meet you make the most of your magic powers the special techniques will be the key to Victory after Fletcher there was only one last friend to thank the fungus thrower who was chilling in the party room this room

Is the best room other than a mushroom of course that’s a fungus I look forward to hanging out after I beat Mike once and for all it’ll be a big celebration on day 99 I made my way back to the eroded Badlands and saw the first glimpses of Mike’s space I approached

And there were the whisperers waiting to stand in the way move aside small fry I’m here for Mike you guys don’t need to be involved The Whisperers bolted for the hills Han I ran straight into Mike’s base on day 100 I walked into Mike’s fight club with my netherite sword drawn

Mike I’m here to fight the big golem himself Mike appeared before me in order to fight Zozo the electric tiger you fought all the other strong people in the world and now you think you can steal my crown I do I’m going to make sure that you are put down for the count

Lots of people have said that to me before and I’ve beaten them all I didn’t get to be the strongest because I made excuses I just kept fighting and winning but you didn’t fight The Whisperers when they started going after the order of the shield you didn’t want a champion to

Fight you I don’t care what those weaklings do or what fights they get into all that matters is the fight between me and you that’s how it’s always been destined Champion let’s do this in a place worthy of this showdown Mike left and I ran after him he turned

Into his fighting arena I followed him in when he hit at the entrance and slammed his Golem fist into my body it was the mic Spike his signature opening move I drew my netherite sword and dealt some real damage to him for the first time I followed up with a whirlwind and

A lightning strike Mike threw me across the fight club then he jumped and slammed onto me dealing a lot of damage he tried to attack again but I hit him with an energy blast he caught him off guard and I was able to land a bunch of other energy blasts after

Then I remembered to drink up the strength potion wind colar gave me I felt much stronger now as we stood there swinging away at each other hit after hit I was wearing the Golem down eventually one of us fell Mike actually dropped yes Zozo the electric tiger wins

I had completed the 100 day challenge to defeat the strongest being in the world I had won on day one I spawned into the red desert as Diamond Venom the symbiote with major swag wa and I’ve started with 20 hearts that must be because of my diamond heart skin even though I’m a

Baby Venom I’m one tough baby but I didn’t get to enjoy all this for long before I knew it a bunch of heavily armored Royal Guards were running towards me yeah he looks like one of the escapes we need to get him back into containment before agent Horus finds out

He’s here Escape e but I didn’t Escape I’m Zozo and I just spawned here oh we’ve had that one before bub come with us you sparkly symbiot we’ll be forced to use extreme uh Force I really didn’t want to get into a fight straight away especially over a misunderstanding so I

Ran as fast as my little Diamond Venom legs would carry me uh-oh it looks like I might not be fast enough as I was running I suddenly noticed that more Royal Guards had me backed up into a corner symbiotes are powerful but as just a baby and without any weapons

There was no way I could take all these eyes on can’t we just talk this out I promise I won’t misbehave I think this is a huge misunderstanding don’t worry kid we’ll talk it out when we have you back in containment come along now we

Don’t want to hurt you if we don’t have to and with that the gang of Royal Guards led me off to who knows where this isn’t turning out to be a very successful first day on day two the Royal Guards escorted me into what looked like a kind of small secret

Research lab in the middle of of the desert welcome to Area 52 son this is where we keep all the secret things for research and testing and that includes you but I don’t even know what you guys think I did that’s for us to know and

You to probably never find out now get in this cell over here we’ll check your paperwork and deal with you later they made me go into a cell where a huge kind of intimidating Redstone Golem was waiting for me oh shiny what are you in for Mac honestly I don’t even know I

Feel like the right to a fair trial should have been given to us they can’t just lock us away like this andh here to that buddy I’m Robbie Robbie the Redstone Golem you I’m Zozo and don’t worry Robbie I’m going to bust both of

Us out of here but how you see one of the powers of the symbiot is super strength watch with my powerful Diamond fist I busted down the wall of the cell leading to the outside and before any of the royal guards could even notice Robbie and and I escaped out into the

Desert that was amazing zoo we should probably go our separate ways now so that those goons can’t catch us but I hope we run into each other again same here Robbie happy travels and with that we both ran off in different directions on day three I ran further into the

Desert trying to put as much distance between myself and Area 52 as possible I never want to have to go back there if I can avoid it but as I was running away my diamond Venom stomach started to rub oh no this isn’t good symbiotes are meat

Eaters so I need to get my hands on some good protein as soon as possible lucky for me there were some desert chickens waiting around and they just looked too delicious for me to resist I attacked them until I was left with some yummy raw chicken on my hands which I ate with

Gusto that’s finger looking good my Hunger saded I kept on walking until I ran into another lone figure in the desert it was a warden hello there Zoo wait how do you know my name I know a lot of things FKS of the job I’m agent

Warden nice to meet you agent Oh no you’re with Area 52 you’re going to try to capture me I used to be with them but now I’ve gone Rogue believe me Zozo we’re on the same team come with me I’ll tell you everything you want to know

That was an offer too good to refuse so I followed agent Warden through the desert from day four to day five we arrived in an isolated base in the middle of the Black Forest so deep and dark that nobody would ever find it unless they knew what they were looking

For Welcome to my secret base Zozo and I do mean secret if you tell anyone about this I’ll be forced to destroy you noted jeez this guy is intense I heard that no you didn’t when we were inside agent Warden started telling me the whole horrible truth about what people were up

To in Area 52 you were lucky to escape with your life Zoo they’re monstrous people they capture and experiment on every everyone who’s different trying to take their special powers and use them for their own gain I used to be part of their whole organization until I decided

Enough was enough I needed to take them down and over the next 100 days you can help me take them down after what they did to me and Robbie I’m happy to lend a hand in taking these bad guys down that’s the spirit but we can’t be seen

Together Zozo if we are there’s too much of a risk we’ll both get taken out take this stone sword and Axe and stone pickaxe go make your own secret base we’ll talk again soon my instructions were clear I took the sword Axe and pickaxe and left going deep into the

Black forest I cut down some trees to make a clearing and M some Stone then I started building myself a basic base to spend the night adding a nice furnished room and a bed to make myself feel safe from the mobs at night I stood back to

Appreciate my small and proud Bas and I was really pleased with my work but then I heard some Royal Guards coming towards the forest there’s that diamond Venom get him stay away from my base guys or you’re going to find out that I’m really a lethal protector they didn’t listen instead

They charged in and I used my super strength to beat the living stuffing out of them that’s what you get for messing with the diamond symbiot and giving those Royal Guards a beat down also gave me enough XP to level up becoming bigger stronger and amazingly having 50 hearts

And it looks like I can use my super strong SYM at Arms to climb walls I climbed the walls of my little base and sat on the roof admiring the beautiful scenery of the black forest from day 6 to day 8 I continued working on my base adding some couches and bookshelves to

My living area when I took a break none other than Robbie the Redstone Golem came walking through the forest right next to my base I was happy to see him again Robbie I’m so happy to see you again how are things going with you sadly not good man I’ve been looking for

A place to crash but two of of The Villages I’ve tried to visit were already destroyed by the time I turned up destroyed that’s terrible you said it man something awful is going on out here you need to stay safe I’m going to keep moving and you should keep your eyes

Peeled stay safe out there Robbie Robbie left and I was feeling more confused and afraid than ever I needed to go and speak to agent Warden as soon as possible I ran to a secret base and told him everything that Robbie had told me then it seems the situation is already

Grown braver than I first thought I have a few classified missions I need to perform myself but in the meantime head to the Sierra Valley and scope it out for any unusual activity together we can stop the worst of this Insidious Plan before it even starts yes sir I’ll do

Whatever I need to that’s a great attitude Zozo do everything I say and you’ll go far from Day N to day 10 I did exactly what agent Warden said and made my way out to the Sierra Valley to investigate I just needed to find find out if anything unusual was happening

Out here doesn’t look like anything weird is happening out here oh other than that as it turned out I hadn’t noticed the huge armored piglin running towards me yeah that’s certainly pretty unusual I began to battle the zombified armored piglin but he was way tougher than the royal guards even with all my

Hearts and my diamond hard skin he still had me on the ropes until suddenly an armored Pillager ran in and shot the zombified armored piglin with a bow and arrow the second the arrow hit the creature it seemingly got a lot weaker and one more strike from my stone sword

Was enough to defeat it that was awesome you really saved my life there thank you armored Pillager don’t mention it I’ve never seen anyone like you you really can fight I’ve got a gang of cell swords who operate out here in the valley we could use someone like you if you wanted

To sign up it’d be good work and good pay it definitely sounds tempting but I can’t write now I’m sorry I on an incredibly important Mission from agent Warden who it doesn’t surprise me that you haven’t heard of him he’s incredibly secretive but I’ll let him know we had

This talk thank you again for the help from day 11 to day 12 I returned to agent warden’s secret base and told him all about what happened in the Sierra Valley with the piglin and the armored Pillager who saved my life but by the end of the story agent Warden didn’t

Seem happy with me you even told him my name you can’t do that to Zozo I thought I told you my mission was top secret can you not even follow the most basic of instructions I’m so sorry agent Warden I didn’t know it would upset you so much I

Promise I won’t tell anyone else your name I’ll keep your missions top secret good that’s more like it for your next mission I need you to go to the Sierra Valley again the north specifically and find your way to a research base hidden out there they’re puppets of Area 52

Carrying out their evil bidding if you value your freedom you’ll gather all the information about them you can yes agent Warden I won’t let you down this time but that mission sounded dangerous so before I could take it on I needed to upgrade my gear that’s why I ventured

Down into an abandoned mine in the Black Forest to collect some iron I mined until I had enough iron ore which I then smelted into ingots and an abandoned furnace and crafted into a full set of iron armor an iron sword iron axe and iron pickaxe but it wasn’t all easy I

Was detected and attacked by a bunch of spiders while I was down there this is what I get for shining bright like a diamond it didn’t take me long to defeat the spiders with my iron sword then it was time to prove myself to agent Warden

Once again from day 13 to day 15 I ventured out through the Sierra Valley until I found what looked like a small research base it was crawling with Scientists guess it’s time to play detective and ask some tough questions I snuck in and found one of the researchers alone I cornered him and

Used my intimidating Diamond venom look to get his unde invited attention listen here you’re going to tell me everything you know about your bosses at Area 52 or else what Area 52 aren’t our bosses liar I have it on good authority that you do all their evil bidding so you better

Start telling the truth I am telling the truth the only time we ever collaborated was on the warden project wait the what project I’ve told you too much already just please please leave me alone yes I will I’m so sorry for bothering you I left the research base and started

Heading across the Sierra Valley something about all of this was terribly wrong and I needed to get some answers from agent Warden immediately from day 16 to day 19 I made my way through the Black Forest back to agent warden’s secret base as quickly as possible but

On the way I ran into Robbie the Redstone Golem again Robbie what’s wrong this time Zozo I found out some terrifying news and I I needed to tell you as soon as possible the one who’s been destroying whole Villages is some kind of Genetically Enhanced Warden and he lives in this Forest Genetically

Enhanced Warden oh no oh no no no I’ve had this all wrong I need to get back to that research base and warn them but by the time I’d crossed the Sierra Valley and reached the research base it was already too late the research base was

In Ruins and who else was standing in the rebel but agent Warden I de decided to rush in and confront him agent Warden how could you why are you doing this these people aren’t under the orders of Area 52 at all oh Zoo as naive and small-minded as ever you really are a

Diamond Venom in the rough aren’t you I don’t know the full extent of your evil plan but one thing I do know is that I’m not going to be a part of it whatever awful thing you want to do be careful Zoo if you’re not with me you’re against

Me then I get yes I’m against you you’re about to find out just how strong a diamond Venom really is but Zozo how symbius like you have two weaknesses fire and sound agent Warden Unleashed a hugely powerful Sonic Boom out of his chest it was a direct hit on me and as

Soon as it connected I fell unconscious from day 20 to day 22 I woke up in the ruins of the Sierra Valley research base agent Warden was gone and it looked like there was only one surviving scientist the same one I’d interrogated earlier you there Zozo was it I’m Dr Hardy I I

Saw that you tried to defend us against that terrible monster and even though the destruction he caused was awful it means a lot to know you’re on our side I’m still so sorry I couldn’t help more Dr Hardy I have no idea why Agent Warden just turned like that but I have a

Feeling that if we work together we can find out why want to come stay at my base and team up that sounds like an excellent idea Zozo I want to get back against this monster any way I can Dr Hardy and I returned to my base and I

Began working on a new room for him and had an area for him to sleep and an area for him to conduct any scientific experiments he needed to thank you Zoo this will do nicely from day 23 to Day 26 I made a trk back to the red desert

Where I originally spawned to see if I missed anything if I was wrong about agent Warden I’ve got to make sure I pay more attention to things from now on I carefully looked around and noticed there was an is oler in trouble someone please I need a protector an armored

Skeleton was running them down and it seemed like it would catch them soon I had to do something don’t worry Diamond Venom is here I jumped into the path of the armored skeleton and hit him with my iron sword it got his attention but he wasn’t looking that damaged from the

Attack I had succeeded at making the armored skeleton attack me instead of the isce oler but now it seemed I would have to deal with a strong and fast MO all on my own it wasn’t an easy fight but in the end I took home the W the

Iser was delighted Z was amazing they make a good team you said it iser it’s almost like a symbiotic relationship like a symbiot defeating the armored skeleton to save that is Soler had reminded me of my true strength and caused my powers to evolve I now had 75

Hearts and could Dash to quickly close the gap with enemies from day 27 to day 31 I was still in the red desert when I came across a herd of sheep they were looking for grass to eat but couldn’t find any I guess they must have been

Lost this way sheep there’s plenty of grass to graze on in the Black Forest back at the base I made sure to build a pen for the sheeper on some of that delicious grass I mentioned delicious for sheep at least this diamond Venom is

On an all me Diet later on I was walking through the base when I ran into the iser I had protected in the desert hey Zoo thanks again for your help the other day hey I Soler when did you get here oh I’ve been here for a while I noticed you

Have some scientists doing research here so I S I could help out in a big way follow me I followed the iser to another part of the base and saw what he was talking about he had upgraded the base with a research Watchtower the scientists are going to love this

Meanwhile somewhere in a secret place agent Warden was plotting the next phase of the warden project and whatever that entailed was probably Super Evil everything is going according to my super secret plan that’s because you’re so good at being evil Warden I agree pigas soon it will be time for you to

Play your role in how things proceed it is an honor to serve you sir piglet will make sure your every order is carried out without fail from day 32 to day 35 I went to Area 52 to see if I could get any more answers out of the royal guards

Even if they didn’t know anything else about what agent Warden was up to I could still reason with them and form an alliance ah it’s Diamond Venom there’s no reasoning with them battle formation the Royal Guards fought against me but I defended Myself by using my armor to

Reduce the damage from their attacks hold it guys I really think we can work this out he’s trying to reason with us I guess we were wrong about him that’s the first time we’ve been wrong about anything the Royal Guards took me to the office of their top agent agent Horus so

You must be that Diamond Venom that escaped from my holding sale a while back it’s a shame I never got to meet you in person is that because you were going to do some uncalled for experiments on me what no what do you think we do around here we thought that

A diamond symbiot like you had the potential to be turned towards the side of good that’s why we brought you here I’m glad you guys weren’t up to anything Sinister you definitely could have been nicer about it though the kinds of superpowered monsters we deal with it’s hard not to go overboard especially

After the warden project made us responsible for another monster you mean agent Warden what is he up to I can tell you is something most secretive and most definitely Sinister we’ve been keeping tabs on him but he’s operating in the shadows now I want to help you take him

Down he betrayed me and I don’t like that kind of thing good we could use a Venom Like You on our side until agent Warden is defeated we’ll make you a temporary secret agent agent Diamond Venom I like the sound of that from Day

36 to day 39 I went mining for iron to fix up my armor if I’m going to be playing the part of a secret agent I should look like I’ve got the best gear I dug down deep into the mining area and managed to strike iron there was plenty

Of iron to go around enough to fix my entire set of iron armor there were some diamonds down there as well I must have had a knock for finding them because I was a diamond Venom myself Diamonds Are a diamond’s best friend wait what did I say the diamonds weren’t even the

Treasure that I found in the mine the honor went to the powerful battle ax that I found lodged in a wall I went above ground with The Spoils of my mining Excursion and fixed up my armor I finished just in time for the iser to

Come in and talk to me hey Zozo actually it’s agent Zozo right anyway I was thinking we should expand our team there’s someone I want you to go talk to they should be waiting for you at the shattered Glacier from day 40 to day 43 I went to the shattered GL where the

Iser said I could meet our new contact I was surprised and relieved to see that it was my old friend Robbie the Redstone Golem I heard Area 52 made you a temporary agent they are no friends of mine but it’s good to see that you’re moving up in the world whatever it takes

To stop that rampaging agent Warden what did you call me here to talk about I wanted to ask if I could join your super group even if we’re only working together in secret this world needs protectors I was about to ask him what he had in mind when a giant Pigman ran

Towards us and stopped right next to us it was pigas the new minion that was sent by agent Warden you were too easy to follow Diamond Venom time to carry out agent warden’s orders and what would those be there’s no point in asking me that question I’m not telling you pigas

Smashed a big hole in the ground to show off how strong he was he’s tough Robbie do you think we could take him if we teamed up maybe but for now we should get some safe to have the rest of our conversation I nodded and the two of us

Ran away as pigas continued to smash his way across the shattered Glacier from day 44 to day 49 I was lying low in my base when I was visited by agent Horus he really must have been the top agent because I didn’t even see him come in

Agent Zozo I’ve got some key Intel and a new assignment for you took you long enough this diamond Venom is on the job whatever it is there is an object known as the Destroyer which was once in our position at Area 52 we believe that in

The right hands it has the power to take down any bad guy even agent Warden now now Diamond Venom just focus on finding the destroyer and getting it to us we’ll handle the rest where can I find the Destroyer it was last sided in the Sierra Valley biome you should head back

There and search for it won’t let you down agent Horus from day 50 to day 53 on horus’s orders I went to the Sierra Valley bam to learn more about The Destroyer it looked like I wasn’t the only agent on the case a royal guard was already here probably sent by Horus too

Hey there agent I’m agent Zozo I’m looking for the Destroyer too shh keep your voice down we don’t know who’s listening I’ll tell you what I know about The Destroyer but you need a promise to keep it a secret I promise the truth about The Destroyer is that we

Made it in Area 52 using some rare materials from another dimension those materal materials are what gave the item its unmatched destructive power what were the materials and what dimension did they come from that’s classified the point is we were so impressed by these materials that we started to use them on

A different project the warden project let me guess that was how agent Warden got his superpowers it was what made him a super villain the materials gave him destructive Sonic abilities that were out of control that’s why we need a weapon like the Destroyer to take him out understand now you keep looking

Around here I’m going to go back to the base for now I left the royal guard to keep searching that’s when I saw a battle between an iron chicken and a skeleton the iron chicken looked like she would make a good addition to the super group I was forming with the

Others I went to help her in the fight but the iron chicken had already won by the time I even got a HD in wao you’re strong do you want to join my superhero team sorry Diamond Venom but iron chicken works alone she ran off right after saying that I guess not everyone

Wants to team up with me from day 54 to day 57 I was traveling through the red desert when I ran into none other than pigas agent warden’s big brute of a henchman what do you want pigas I only want what agent Warden orders me to want

That’s how loyal of a henchman I am okay and what does agent Warden want he ordered me to take out the trash and the trash is you pigas hit me hard sending me flying across the desert his super strength was so much stronger than mine and I was practically super duper

Strength I fought back but I was losing a lot of Hearts to the big pig’s punches you really are trash just call me the trash compactor actually I prefer to be recycled and by that I mean live to fight another day I knew I couldn’t win

So I ran away from pigas he might have been strong but sure was slow well his henchman was keeping me busy agent Warden was in his secret base developing a personal teleporter that would take him between Dimensions at will once I harness the true destructive contained in the other dimensions I will be

Unstoppable from day 58 to day 62 I met with the scientist who’s been living in my base to see what he’s been up to how has the research been going Dr Hardy I’ve got amazing things to tell you about Zozo the statue I’ve been working on is really coming along it’ll be one

Of the great achievements when we’re done building it awesome work there is one slight issue though I run out of building materials do you think you could fetch us more of course I was just heading down to the mine anyway I returned to where I had been mining

Before and dug further into the area with the diamonds I was determined to get even more of them so I could get a complete set of diamond gear to match my diamond body I also made sure to get more Stone and iron while I was there so

The scientist could continue work on the Statue once I had enough of everything I left the mine and gave the scientists what they had been looking for then I went to the crafting table and made myself self a diamond sword diamond boots and a diamond helmet Diamond Venom

Is more Diamond than ever from day 63 to day 66 I received another visit from agent Horus he must really want me to find that Destroyer I looked around like you told me to but I haven’t found it anywhere that’s all right agent Zozo the Royal Guards and I have done that part

Of the job ourselves we have reason to believe that the Destroyer somehow cross Dimensions back to where it originally came from the Destroyer is in another dimension yes in another world known as the end how can I get there from here take a look at this portal we installed in your

Base agent Horus led me to an incomplete end portal which at the moment wasn’t working I wonder where they even got this portal but I didn’t want to question agent Horus what do I have to do in order to reactivate the end portal no idea we’ve never gotten any farther

Than this but if it does activate you should let us know post haste from day 67 to Day 70 I kept an eye on the end portal that Area 52 had installed in my base there were no signs of activity and I wondered if I would ever get the

Chance to get the Destroyer I was relieved of this Duty when Robbie the Redstone Golem showed up again hey Robbie what are you up to we’ve got ourselves a new objective zoso there’s some trouble down at the shattered Glacier and we should go help out what’s the problem one dangerous mob called the

Skeleton Jackal might be a new super villain leave it to me Robbie I arrived at the shattered Glacier and saw exactly what Robbie was talking about the skeleton Jackal had claimed the shattered Glacier as his own territory Diamond Venom you’re too late I the skeleton Jackal will soon be the most

Powerful new villain out there sorry but I already have an arch nemesis and he’s not you I’ll make you take me seriously the skeleton Jackal attacked me with his claws but I fought back with my trusty battle axe you were evenly matched in damag but my diamond armor and Diamond

Skin made my defenses that much stronger you might be durable Diamond Venom but this fight isn’t over by a long shot stop this we don’t have to fight What If instead of a villain you decided to be an anti-hero you can still be scary but you also get to do the right thing

Anti-hero huh I guess I could give it a try wow it worked welcome to the team skeleton Jackal from day 71 to day 74 my base was under attack by pigas who is using his Brute Force to smash giant holes into the surrounding terrain piggy power stop it pigas I used my Dash

Ability and started swinging my battle axe at pigas inflicting damage on him ouch that axe hurts can I have it pigas punched me causing me to drop the battle axe he picked it up himself and started swinging it at me I equipped my diamond sword and continued to fight but pigas

Was even more deadly with the battle ax in his hand give Mo that back it’s not yours it is now eat this iglas wound up a big punch and sent me careening straight into a hill and caused me to get heavily dazed when I got back up he

Was already gone it was no use trying to get my battle axe back now it looked like my base was totally wrecked too pigas I was really sad so I went to the river to be alone for a bit after a while I Soler came by to cheer me up hey

Zoo I I know you’re feeling down about losing your weapon but I’ve reviled the base and added a perimeter wall to keep out future attacks you’re the best iser I’m glad you’re part of my super group meanwhile back at agent warden’s base my arch nemesis had gained the powers of

The interdimensional energies he was attempting to harness Area 52 thought I was a mistake and tried to destroy me their real mistake was not going further with their experiments from day 7 5 to day 78 agent Horus came to check on the base and give me a brand new weapon to

Replace my battle axe the javelin we heard what happened with pigas it sounds like you really got on- agent warden’s bad side that pigas is a real Menace he’s going down just like agent Warden you’re in look we’ve got the location of agent warden’s secret base we figured

We’d send you over there to do some real damage I’ll do more than that this might just be business for area 52 but it’s always personal for me I took the javelin and set off through the Black Forest toward agent warden’s secret base if pigas was there I’d be sure to get my

Revenge from last time from day 79 to day 84 I was sneaking around the outside of agent warden’s secret base and sure enough I found exactly who I was looking for pigas agent Zozo looks like recycling day came early I’ll break you down like a cardboard box you’re the one

Who’s going to be broken pigas I threw my Javelin at pigas catching him off guard and then I used the opportunity to hit him a bunch of times with my diamond sword not bad I didn’t expect that new weapon but did you really forget your old weapon so soon no please pigas

Anything but battle axe pigas swung the battle axe that he stole from me taking off a ton of Hearts he was wielding the weapon as if it was meant for him once again my diamond sword couldn’t stand up to him especially since my super strength was weaker than his I really

Like being a henchman you know when I secretly get rid of someone agent Warden rewards me with treasure I wonder how rich I’ll be after I deal with you oh no am I going to lose as pigas prepared to deliver the decisive blow with my own

Battle axe I Heard a Voice from the trees it was the skeleton Jackal Zozo don’t forget that you’re Diamond Venom a shining in inspiration to anti-heroes everywhere you’re right inspired by skeleton jackal’s words I grew into a form powerful enough to take on pigas even with the battle axe I had 100

Hearts and Diamond Venom claws that were stronger than any diamond sword with my new form he was dropped in no time well I did the best I could but sometimes a henchman is just a henchman your boss agent Warden his next pigas and with that pigas vanished from day 85 to day

89 I went back to my base to tell everyone that I had defeated pigas in battle I went and visited the scientist first to inquire about the state of the statue I’ve made some amazing strides in the pursuit of the statue but I’m still missing some materials could you grab me

Some more wood sure let me grab some from my chest I took some wood from my chest and brought it back to Dr Hardy who then escorted me to the statue it was a statue of Dr Hardy halfway through transforming into normal Venom I guess

He must have been a big fan afterwards I returned to the side of the end portal where agent Horus was waiting for me it seems that agent Warden has already gone to the end to harness the materials there if the Destroyer falls into his hands he’ll be even more Unstoppable

Than a big Pigman with a battle axe that’s pretty specific but I totally understand what you mean These Eyes of Ender that the Royal Guards have gathered should be able to jump start the portal get in there and make us proud yes sir he activated the portal

And I stepped through suddenly I found myself in The Nightshade Forest this must be the main biome of the dimension known as the end this is feeling strangely familiar again not too far away I saw the Destroyer lying on the ground I didn’t have time to go and grab

It an Enderman appeared out of the trees and started to attack me H I guess I’ve got to deal with the mob first I used my diamond sword combined with my claw attacks to make the Enderman back off and run away with the mob gone I picked

Up the destroyer and headed back towards the portal from day 90 to Day 94 I heard someone sneaking up behind me it was agent Warden welcome home diamond in the rof this isn’t my home home is on the other side of this portal and I intend

On going back after I defeat you that is you won’t defeat me Agent Zozo you’re just like me the diamond symbiot that grants you all of your powers is from the end that’s why this place is your home I’m from the end yes and that’s why

I want you on my side I need someone to help me reap the rewards that exist in this world the materials that gave me powers could make an army of Sonic Warriors I’m not joining you Area 52 trusted me to take you down and that’s what I’ll do you’re making a mistake

Agent Horus and the others are weak weak and that’s why they capture and create super beings to fight their battles I think we should choose our own battles don’t you I actually agree that’s why I’m choosing my battle to be me versus you I threw my Javelin but agent Warden

Took it like it was nothing and bombarded me with a Sonic Blast even though I’d gotten stronger Sonic attacks were still my weakness his powers had increased so much that I was powerless against him agent Warden hit me with a few melee attacks before knocking me out and stealing the Destroyer I’ll be

Having that see you on the other side diamond in the rough he ran off through my end portal from day 95 to day 97 I was able to muster enough strength to crawl my way to the portal there’s no time to lose I have to warn agent Horus

And with that I crawled into the portal when I got to the secret research lab of Area 52 I found that all of the royal guards had been wiped out by agent warden in a destruction spree this was definitely the destroyer’s handiwork I kept searching around until I stumbled

Upon agent Horus he was The Last One Alive and was hanging on by a thread you sure kept us waiting huh agent Horus I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him he used my weakness against me no agent Zozo I’m sorry it was our foolishness and greed that led to agent warden’s rise to power

If only we had been more careful and now tried to turn what we didn’t understand into weapons you couldn’t have known he’d go this evil it’s all right Area 52 will be no more after I’m gone I need you to clean up our last mess Diamond

Venom make sure you stop him horse died trying to harness the forces Beyond his control now agent Warden was trying to do the same thing I’d make sure it didn’t end well for him either on day 98 I found my base had been destroyed in another one of agent warden’s evil

Rampages the scientist iser and skeleton Jackal were all destroyed too every member of my team gone this is unforgivable I knew agent Warden was my arch nemesis but I never thought he’d go this far I stood there in total shock for a long time until I heard some familiar heavy footsteps Robbie agent

Zozo no just Zoo I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect the rest of the team he was too strong don’t beat yourself up about it Robbie I feel a bit better knowing that at least my very first friend is still here with me you know what I feel the same way you’re alive

And I’m alive we’ve got to do something to make that count I’ll tell you what we’ll do we’re going to take back the destroyer and then we’re going to give agent Warden payback for everything he’s done now that’s the symbiot I know that’s rock on day 99 Robbie and I

Closed in on agent Warden secret base which hadn’t changed location since the time I fought pigas there I’ll learn agent Warden out with a distraction then you surprise attack him and steal the Destroyer sounds good be careful Robbie I went to hide behind a tree as Robbie

Stepped out and waved his arms hey Warden look at me I’m so destroyable haha come destroy me sure enough agent Warden stepped out of the base with the destroyer in his hands he started moving towards Robbie now is my chance I used my Dash ability to rush at

Agent Warden just as planned I was able to grab the destroyer and run away Robbie turned and ran away too haha I’m not destroyed better luck next time when we got back to the base I immediately took a closer look at the Destroyer it was definitely made with the same

Materials that made agent warden’s Sonic Blast so strong it was also from the end like my symbiot maybe if I well here goes nothing I absorbed the material in the Destroyer using my symbiot and I could feel that it was enhancing my diamond skin to a whole whole new level

Of durability it worked now my souped up Diamond skin will be able to resist his Sonic attacks on day 100 I returned to agent warden’s secret base for our final showdown I of course brought Robbie with me we entered his base and went downstairs this time agent Warden was

Already waiting for us in his underground lair this stops here agent Warden you’re not destroying anything else in your quest for Mad Science when will you learn symbiot my Sonic attacks will render you immobile once again he fired a Sonic Blast at me but I didn’t even Flinch this time because despite

Its name the Destroyer had made me indestructible how did you do that I know your weakness it’s like you always said I am a diamond in the rough and now this diamond is going to rough you up I called forth the destroyer from within my symbiot and attacked using it the

Shock wave smashed the surrounding area and did serious damage to agent Warden he’s weak my turn Robbie rushed in and smacked him with his Golem arms a couple times I joined in with a Diamond Claw attack agent Warden tried to fight back but his powers were useless against me

Now please no more this is for everyone at Area 52 and everyone at my base too no please all I wanted was to be able to blow up whatever I wanted I was just acting mysterious to look cool well now the truth is out and the truth is you

Got what was coming to you then I swung the Destroyer one last time and he was gone leaving me and Robbie to celebrate the fact that the world was safe again on day one I spawned in as a Pokémon Creeper Creeper Creeper thank goodness I was worried for

A second I’d only be able to say my own name take some of the sting off being a baby with a five Hearts I checked my inventory and found that I had a pokedex guide book this would help me recognize all the other Pokémon I encountered I

Looked at my surroundings I was in some kind of forest not quite the Kanto region but I could still explore further into the forest among some Tall Grass I discovered some more creeper Pokémon just like me creeper creeper oh I guess you guys aren’t so talkative that’s fine

I’m sure I can find a trainer who will talk to me but instead of a friendly Pokémon trainer instead a really scary bug type Pokémon called the deathworm popped out of the ground let’s get out of here guys Creeper Creeper we scattered off into the forest to avoid

The death worm I hid out behind some trees for the rest of the night on day two I ventured out of my hiding spot convinced that the deathworm was gone I hope I don’t run into one of those again guess it isn’t easy being a creeper

Pokémon but at least I wasn’t alone in being a creeper Pokémon while I was wandering around the Forgotten Forest I found an evolved creeper Pokémon oh wow is that what I’m going to look like when I evolve I couldn’t be more excited Creeper Creeper well even if I’m a baby

Creeper Pokémon at least I can talk but I couldn’t stand around for long a deadly fire type Pokémon the cockatrice came out of the trees and attacked it breathed a jet of fire onto my new evolved creeper friend destroying him in an instant and if it could do that to an

Evolved creeper I’d be in real trouble I ran away away as fast as I could later I arrived in the Lush red desert far far away from the cockatrice and the deathworm here I could maybe build myself a home let’s get building I found some trees and knocked them down

Collecting enough wood to make myself a wooden pickaxe and a wooden sword these are pretty useless but I guess everyone has got to start somewhere with my extra wood I started building my own wooden base to Gave Me Shelter From The Elements it felt nice to finally sleep

Indoors for once on day three I went out to the to The Meadows wondering if I could beat some more Pokémon who wanted to come stay at my base instead I found something even cooler a Pokémon trainer I ran over to him so excited to finally

Have someone I could talk to hey hey I’m Zozo I’m a creeper Pokémon it’s so cool to meet you oh wow a Pokémon that can talk you don’t see that every day I haven’t seen a Pokémon trainer here yet either maybe we should team up I’d love

To but I think I might need to become a more experienced Pokémon trainer before we can truly team up but when I get there I’ll nowhere to find you it wasn’t exactly what I wanted but it was a start I started to head back to my base and

Used my wooden pickaxe to dig up a bunch of stone which I used to improve my base and build myself a stone sword and a stone pickaxe before the day was out a Pokémon called a zlin attacked me and I was able to easily defeat it with my

Stone sword after I defeated it it dropped some rare candy on the floor and I quickly collected it this candy will come in handy later from day four to day five I woke up and felt ready to eat that delicious rare candy i’ collected from the zagin the previous night it’s

Been a long week I think I’ve earned a little treat the second I ate the rare candy I felt myself evolving and getting stronger I got bigger I now had 30 hearts and a brand new attack to use on enemy Pokémon fire breath wa it looks

Like I’m a fire type Pokémon too I spent the rest of the day in the Mojave Desert which was even hotter than the one around my base it was Sandy everywhere so I collected some sand blocks to use later then I ran into a sandwich hey there little creeper Pokémon I actually

Saw a few more of your kind not far from here you should go see them so I did I searched around until I found a little group of Creeper Pokémon just like me I was so happy Creeper Creeper yeah yeah creeper creeper how about you guys come

And stay at my base us creeper Pokémon should stick together for safety we returned to my base in the Lush red desert and found that a Wither was waiting outside this wasn’t good stand back guys I’ll deal with this I ran in and used my new flame breath to destroy

The Wither being a fire Tye Pokémon was a lot of fun from day six to day eight I met up with the Pokémon trainer again and we went exploring together searching for some food and not long after finding some we went into a nearby underground

Cavern to do a little bit of mining it’s super dark in here don’t worry trainer I can like the way I breathed a jet of fire and let up our way seeing some iron ore in the blocks beneath us I grabbed my stone pickaxe and started mining

Until I collected some ore we built a furnace in the underground Cavern and used the ore to create an iron sword and an iron pickaxe now I’m stronger than I’ve ever been with our new equipment in hand we went to the Oasis to relax and

Spent some time in the sun next to the nice cool water but not everything was so peachy in the Oasis we were suddenly attacked by a giant monster known as is the Hydra even with all my new equipment and my fire breathing power I couldn’t

Hurt him at all get out of here Zozo I’ll take care of him you need to get to safety so I did because it was all I could do my Pokémon trainer and the Hydra fought until in the end neither of them remained no I started heading back

Alone I felt so terrible I’d lost everything but on the way back I ran into a friendly mirx Queen hello little creeper Pokémon hey sorry if I seem a little down right now I just lost a friend of mine goodness you can talk that’s incredible I didn’t know creeper Pokémon could talk

Me neither I might be the only one well if you lost your friend perhaps I’ll come stay with you you shouldn’t be alone on a night like this I would love that murx Queen the murx queen and I returned to my base and I created a new

Room for her to stay in it was nice to finally have someone to stay with me who could actually talk from day N9 to day 10 10 I woke up to find someone waiting outside my base it was a huge scary looking dread Knight and he was here for

Me who who are you I’m your worst nightmare I’m the strongest Pokemon gym leader in the Overworld and that Hydra you and your friend destroyed that was one of my prized Pokémon it destroyed my friend and it attacked us first too how could you blame us for what happened

Don’t pity yourself not yet when I’m done with you you’re going to have something to really pity mark my words you sad little creeper Pokémon I’m going to get you and then he was gone leaving me confused and Afraid not knowing what would happen next from day

11 to day 12 I was woken up by the merx queen she seemed incredibly excited to see me Zozo I know that losing your friend was very hard for you so I made you something that might help you process what happened come and see I

Came out and saw what the mmex queen had created a memorial for the Fallen Pokémon trainer so we’d always be able to remember him this is amazing Mer’s Queen thank you let’s go traveling together we went out to the orchard where I hoped I might be able to find

Some food that would make me stronger instead we just found an angry siren who didn’t want to have our company being attacked while just going on a walk really gets me fired up I breathed fire on the siren defeating it and the murmu Queen and I continued searching for ways

To get stronger that’s when we met a friendly Troll and I decided to ask him wao a talking Pokémon that’s exciting if you want to get stronger you can seek out Professor Oak he’s an expert when it comes to Pokémon and I’ve heard he’s got a clinic somewhere out in the meows

Professor Oak now that sounds like an idea I’ll need all the help I can get to be strong enough to defeat the dread Knight want to come stay at my base in the meantime time sure that sounds like fun we went back to my base with the

Troll and I built a new room for him to stay in I wasn’t so lonely now from day 13 to day 15 I went off into the Meadows to seek out Professor Oak if that dread Knight guy really was after me I needed to get evolved as quickly as possible

While traveling through The Meadows though I got attacked by a terrifying dragon type Pokémon the Lightning Dragon there’s no way I’m ready to face that thing the Lightning Dragon was heading straight to towards me I tensed up and prepared to get destroyed when suddenly a huge energy blast struck the side of

The Lightning Dragon defeating it and saving my life when I turned and saw who fired the energy blast it was just a tiny little pixie I immediately ran over to thank her you saved me there I’m Zozo and I’m so grateful for the help you gave me if there’s anything I can do

Please let me know I’d always do whatever I can to help out a kind stranger but sadly I used up the the last of my magical power to defeat that Dragon do you think you could go and defeat the ghost type Pokémon who’s been haunting the meadow after the way you

Saved me there it’s really the least I could do I traveled further into the meadow until I saw the spooky ghost type floating around thankfully the undead hate fire and with my fire breathing power I was soon able to defeat it this ghost is toast and then returned to the

Pixie to give her the good news and ask her if she knew anything about Professor o thank you for the help Zozo Professor Oak is out of town on a research trip at the moment but he’ll be back in a week or so thanks for the heads up at least I

Was able to help here in the meantime with that valuable info I turned and started heading in the direction of my base from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base only to find it was being attacked by a deadly Gorgon I saw the friendly troll who told me about

Professor Oak running at her trying to defend the base but it was hopeless she destroyed him in one hit no Mr troll you monster I ran in to battle the Gorgon for what she’d done I tried to hit her with my sword and my flame breath but

Neither seemed to have an effect she just laughed at me you sad little creeper Pokémon is that all you’ve got wow The Dread Knight is wasting his time even sending me to destroy you I’ve got better things to do later loser with that the Gorgon laugh leaving me in the

Ruins of my base with another friend gone at least I still had the merx queen and she came to comfort me don’t worry Zozo we’ll get back at them and in the meantime we’ll repair the base and build back better I took the time to extinguish the fire around my base then

I returned to the underground Cavern mining more materials so I could make myself some iron armor I can’t afford to be unprotected right now by the time I got back to my base I found something exciting the murx queen had invited over a bunch of MMX workers they’d not only

Built a whole Barracks for them to all live in they’d also built a watchtower for us to keep a lookout for any more of the dread Knight’s henchmen I ran over to the mmax queen to thank her this is amazing murx Queen it’s starting to really look like a base here you know

What would make it even more like a base a super cool statue that’s an excellent idea and in fact I know exactly what to build from day 20 to day 22 I was wandering around the Prairie looking for new friends and potentially new upgrades in gear instead I found an angry dread

Scuttler I really don’t want to deal with this today I defeated the dread scuttler with my iron sword and proceeded to collect a bunch of blocks that I could use to start building the statue you’ll never guess what it is on my way back through the Lush red desert

To my base I found a few sheep wandering around and decided to her them back to my base I built a paddock to house them all this will be perfect for Gathering wool for making banners that’s when the mmix queen came over to me with some

Good news hey Zozo I got started on your statue and I think it’s coming along nicely but it’s going to need those new materials you gathered next I’ll add them right away I ran in and continued work on the Statue getting it just a little further along with the new

Materials I’d collected and you guess what it is yet let me know down in the comments from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the meadow hoping that this time I’d get a chance to speak with Professor Oak he’s got to be back from his research trip by now just then from

Out of the grass came an Enderman a really dangerous dark type Pokémon it swiped for me with its long arms but I dodged and Drew my sword prepare for battle I used my fire breath attack to weaken the Enderman and finished it off with an iron sword strike before I could

Celebrate two more Enderman jumped out and tried to pick up where the first one left off I defeated them both with some difficulty not much later I found a rare Ghost type Pokémon known as a ghast Ghost types are weak against dark types so it must have been hiding from all the

Enderman out here hey hey Gast it would be safer if you came to live at my base there are lots of friendly bug type Pokémon there now no thanks creeper Pokémon this ghost hunt alone and the Gast vanished Into Thin Air I guess he was serious about being alone I went

Back to searching and soon I found a man and a lab coat standing in the meadow are you Professor Oak well yes I am the famous Professor Oak World reowned Pokémon expert and who might you be I’m a creeper Pokémon but I can talk my friends call me Zozo well I’ve certainly

Met talking Pokémon before but it’s always an ultra rare occurrence where’s your trainer anyway that’s the problem I don’t have one right now I was hoping since you’re a Pokémon expert you could train me so I could become stronger I don’t see why not I’ve been meaning to

Do more research on creeper Pokémon regardless let’s get started on day 27 to day 31 I trained with Professor Oak in order to increase the power of my moves in battle I could definitely feel that my base stats were becoming stronger you’re not not just an expert professor professor you’re an expert

Trainer my work is almost done here Zozo you’ll be a fighting machine after you complete the last challenge of your hypert trining if it means being strong enough to face the dread Knight I’ll do whatever it takes very good answer now I will present you with your challenge you

Must defeat a wild ravager it is a fighting type Pokémon known for its merciless attacks it will be a formidable foe but if you’re ready and you believe in your training you should be able to win I won’t let you down professor here are some super potions

That might help you recover your hearts in the battle thanks I went to where the wild ravager could be found and took on the professor’s challenge using everything I had learned so far on my journey I battled the ravager it was a tough fight and the ravager’s fighting

Moves were very strong but I was strong now too and I managed to hang in there and retaliate with some attacks of my own I was down to low Health but I still managed to get the win good thing I had those super potions from day 32 to day

35 I told Professor Oak that I had defeated the ravager he seemed very impressed with my progress very good Zozo you are one powerful creeper Pokémon now thanks Professor you really believed in me and you believed in yourself too that’s half the battle what’s the other half Professor battle

Now take this league badge to prove that you’ve got what it takes to be a champ in the making all right I decided to return home to base to tell the others the good news about my training I had made it all the way back to the Mojave

Desert when I saw the gas from earlier and they were in trouble help help an evil gem leader is trying to capture me evil gym leader that sounds like oh no it is the dread Knight was here I didn’t expect that I’d run into him so soon

Stop running away ghast I’m trying to add you to my Pokémon team a spooky ghost type would make an excellent addition The Dread Knight didn’t see me yet I could sneak up on him and attack but what if I lost I might have earned a league badge but he was still a gym

Leader for now I have to retreat sorry Gast if only you’d listen to me before a little later I was at the Oasis still trying to find my way home when I ran into a giant pig Pokémon The pigin Brute no problem pigs are usually normal type

So this should be a cinch but it wasn’t as easy as I expected The pigin Brute had so many hit points and its attacks fell like Critical Hits oh no am I too weak to fight this Pok on too I ran away from the battle and continued on for

Home where I thought I’d be safer I couldn’t believe that I was still so weak after all the training I did from Day 36 to day 39 I arrived home safe and sound except the base wasn’t safe or sound it was being attacked by the Gorgon again oh no last time I fought

Her I barely did any damage we meet again Zozo have you come home so you can lose to me again no way if I don’t step up and beat you now the mx’s Queen and all the others will be in danger suit yourself I’m going to enjoy this we

Began to battle and once again my fire breath and sword attacks were not very effective and that’s when it hit me Gorgon must be a rock type and that’s why she has such high defenses but there’s one way to deal with rock types a fighting type attack like rock smash I

Unequipped my sword and attacked with my fists like a fighting type somehow it actually damaged her what I’m hit and your Victory while you can you still aren’t worth the trouble Gorgon left the base I guess my training with Oak did pay off the murm queen approached me

Looking proud Zozo you’re back and not a moment too soon I just heard there was a power bracer in the Lush red desert if you could get it you’d be able to upgrade your attack power to the next level that sounds like just what I need

We should go find it I took MMX Queen with me and the two of us went to the Lush red desert to search for the power bracer we didn’t get f far before we encountered another wild cockatrice they must be really common for fire types there was a villager in danger of

Getting scorched so I stepped in to help out striking the cockus down with my sword thank you for protecting me you’re one friendly Pokémon here’s a map to the beach where you can find some treasure gee thanks we said goodbye to the Villager and kept searching through the

Desert we found the power bracer without needing to worry about another fight great job Zozo now let’s return to base and get it equipped I got excited and I tried the power bracer on it fit like a glove and I could feel the power already we went back to our base afterwards from

Day 40 to day 43 the mmix queen and I decided to do a little bit more traveling that villager we saved the other day had told us about a beach where we could get treasure and that sounded just too good to pass up the map

We were given showed us the way to where the treasure was we decided to take a route back through the Forgotten forest and that’s where we encountered some more Ghost type Pokémon a horde of skeleton hasn’t The Dread Knight been catching Ghost type Pokémon I’ll bet these are

His they can’t beat us if we work together Zozo together the merx queen and I reduced the dread Knight skeletons to a bunch of bones with all the upgrades I had gotten it was no sweat it looks like there was one we missed and it’s getting away but I guess running

From stronger Pokémon is what you’d expect them to do we made our way out of the Forgotten forest and into a rocky Beach this must have been the place where the treasure was sure enough there was an open mining pit with a whole bunch of diamonds rip for the taking

Sweet from day 44 to day 49 I was back home at my base doing some training exercises by myself when MX Queen showed up hi merx Queen hi there Zozo I’ve done a bit more of my part to the Statue do you mind adding some details to it when

You get the chance sure I can actually do that right now I went to the Statue and began to add some special blocks in order to really make it look good you can almost tell what it’s going to be now it’ll be really really exciting when

It’s complete I worked on the statue for a bit longer before I noticed that a traveling Trader had come to provide us with some hyper potions for the price of some emeralds these are some quality potions you can trust me better than super potions that’s for sure we were

Running very low on healing items I didn’t have any emeralds on me but luckily the queen had some and brought them from Storage that should do it I bought the potions and thanked the trader for his service the base was attacked again right after he left by another dark Pokémon a Wither good

Things I’ve been practicing my fighting moves Haya take that evildoer the Wither was defeated but I knew I had to make sure the base was more defensible against enemy attacks so I went and built a perimeter wall that would make it way more difficult for intruders to

Get in from day 50 to day 53 I was collecting more supplies in a nearby Prairie when one of the mmex workers from the base came and found me he told me that the mmex queen had been captured by a Pokémon trainer probably not very nice one either the murx queen was a

Good friend to me so I knew that I had to go search for her but I also knew that I would need some help I decided to go talk to the smartest person I knew Professor Oak he was an expert in all things Pokémon and he might know what

Kind of trainer I’m looking for too fortunately he happened to be close by and researching the local Pokémon Professor please I need your help what seems to be the trouble Zozo the merx queen was captured by a Pokémon trainer and I need to find her H that is is

Rather troubling I would suggest looking for the bug catcher he’s the kind of trainer that specializes in capturing bug type Pokémon that sounds like it’s worth a shot thank you Professor the professor had given me a clue I could use to possibly find my friend I would

Save her no matter what even if I had to fight more skeletons speaking of oh boy there were some more of the dread Knights Ghost type skeleton Pokémon hanging around but at this point in my journey battling them wasn’t much of a challenge this time I defeated every

Every one of them all by myself and one of them dropped another rare candy I had better hang on to that for later from day 54 to day 57 I was in the Mojave Desert again searching for the bug catcher who might have captured the mx’s Queen the bug catcher took my friend

They must be the worst and as if on Q The Dread Knight jumped out I wouldn’t say that after all they can’t be worse than me I’m the worst of the worst dread Knight what are you doing here I like to ing you everyone knows that it is always

Best to capture a Pokémon when it’s weak not as weak as I used to be and now I’ll show you I gave the dread Knight A Few Good Hits with my sword he didn’t seem to be that hurt by it but I could tell I

Was doing a bit of damage you do have some fight I guess I’ll have to weaken you a bit more before I capture you he countered with a strong attack that took off half of my heart I wasn’t going to defeat him at this rate but at least I

Had put a scratch on him time to run away I escaped from The Dread Knight and definitely didn’t want to have another fight so soon fortunately I found the same friendly villager who told me about the treasure have you seen a bug catcher anywhere H now that you mention it I

Think he was in the prairie not too long ago try over there thanks I went to the Prairie but I didn’t find the bug catcher or the mmax queen I did find a bug catching net on the ground and one of the mmax Queen’s eggs oh no it’s true

The bug catcher has captured my friend I wanted to go after him but there was no sign of which way he went or where he might be now from day 58 to day 62 I returned to my base frustrated by the lack of leads when it came to rescuing

The murx Queen the murx workers were worried sick about their Queen I had to set a good example so I went mining for some stronger materials I found more diamonds and with these and the treasure I found on the beach I was able to create a diamond helmet and diamond

Boots with my remaining diamonds I crafted a diamond sword to match my armor pieces I knew that they’d be much more useful if I Enchanted them so I built an enchanting area into the base so I could do just that these diamond armor pieces will really boost my

Defense stats I went back out searching for materials because items are just as important in Pokémon battles as abilities are the underground Cavern I was exploring was dark and full of rock and ground type Pokémon it also had a hidden treasure in the form of a battle

Axe it gave the axe a few swings and I could already tell how strong it was I could do some really damaging moves with this thing the battle axe worked really well on the rock types in the area so I know it would prove effective on Gorgon

2 I returned above ground to base and found that the Gast was waiting for me I have escaped The Dread Knight and I have some news for you what kind of news I’ve heard that the bug catcher is trying to become stronger so he can fight The

Dread Knight he’s trying on the coast right now that actually helps you’re welcome to haunt the base I’ll be back later to help you settle in for now I’m going to go sit Save the Queen from day 63 to day 66 I gathered my strongest equipment and items and prepared to

Leave while I was still there Professor Oak showed up hello Zozo take this charged coal you’ll know when the right time to use this is thanks Professor I might be gone for a while so watch the base for me until I get back I headed off in the direction of where the bug

Catcher was training like most Pokémon trainers bug catcher seemed to move around a lot hopefully I would reach where he was before he moved on to a new region I didn’t stick around too long in any of the places I went before but I did encounter a Wither let’s try out

That charcoal the charcoal made my fire Attack stronger and I was able to wipe out the Wither in a single fire attack wow Zozo that was an impressive fire type attack do you think you could help me light up the fireplace in my house what are friends for the Villager showed

Me his cabin at the Oasis I lit the fireplace up so that he could get comfortable and stay warm that was really helpful I’ll sure to be do something nice for you next time friend from day 6 7 to Day 70 I found the bug catcher on the rocky Beach and the murx

Queen was with him it looked like they were both in the middle of a Pokémon battle with the dread Knight skeletons mmax Queen I traveled all this way to save you from the bug catcher Zozo a friendly face give me a hand dealing with these skeletons I swung my diamond

Sword over and over at the skeletons destroying them one by one I am the creeper Pokémon fear me while mx’s queen and I battled some of the skeletons snuck up behind the bug catcher and took him out well so much for that trainer didn’t he capture you no I went with him

To try and trained to fight dread night on my own you were training like me I thought I could solve your problem for you but I’m sorry for worrying you we’re back together and that’s what matters nothing can keep friends like us apart now let’s take apart the rest of these

Skeletons with our combined strength merx queen and I finished off the skeletons the last one to fall dropped a spell tag an enchantment which gets Ghost type power to items I should use this later from day 71 to day 74 I returned to the base with mmax Queen We

Were greeted By Gast who had decided to stay after all and had even built a place for himself looks like the rescue mission worked out sure did the merx workers have their Queen back now and it looks like the base is now feeling a lot more like home thank you for letting me

Live here even though I said I didn’t want to at first do you want to see the place I built sure thing the gas took me to his ghost type Pokémon room it was full of spooky things and sort of made me want to eat candy this looks awesome

Professor Oak has also decided to move his research lab into the base you should go see sure enough Professor Oak had created a place for himself inside the base I’m going to get so much work done here your base is very Advanced Zozo wow everyone has really stepped up

Their crafting game I’d better do the same I went mining for some more diamonds to complete my set of diamond armor and tools I used the spell tag that the skeletons dropped to enchant my diamond sword with Ghost type energy called life steal when it was finished I

Went to the outside of the base where the Villager was waiting for me hey Zozo I decided I’d come over and say hello hi villager from day 75 to day78 I followed the Villager back to his cabin at the Oasis I had a feeling he was going to

Repay me for that time I helped him here Zozo I have a gift for you because you’ve been so nice to me I knew it I mean thanks it’s a moonstone try holding it and see how your power evolves oh super awesome I held the Moonstone and instantly learned some more powerful

Moves to use in battle I went outside and battled a few cockatrice to test out my Powers my fire breath had leveled up into a fire blast attack even fire types can’t take the heat now from day 79 to day 84 I made some minor improvements to

The base now that everyone was calling it home I had to make sure that everyone was taken care of there were some bare materials lying around so I crafted a set of iron armor for the merx queen wow thanks Zozo I guess I’m a bug type and a

Steel type now you’ve always helped me in battle but now you’ll have stronger defenses for when we fight The Dread Knight’s stronger minions I’ll do my best in our next battles thank you for thinking of me after I finished talking with the mmax queen I realized that

Improving the base had left me short of some key materials so I went searching for them while I was out in the Rose Fields I encountered a familiar unfriendly face it was the Gorgon your armor and weapons have changed but you’re still weak what do you know

Gorgon I know a lot more than you do about everything including what dread Knight is going to do next what is he going to do next he’ll become a Pokémon master of course an evil Pokémon master once he’s done trying to capture weaklings like you you can call me weak

All you want Gorgon but I don’t need to prove anything to you I’m going home from day 85 to day 89 I left the Rose Field and returned to my base where the dread Knight was lying in wait Goen told me I needed to end our little cat and

Mouse game so I’ve come here to capture you once and for all if it’s a battle you want it’s a battle you’ll get the dread Knight attacked with his usual opening move but I was ready for it so I dodged I struck him back with my ghost enchanted diamond sword it seemed to

Deal some real damage a ghost weapon well that’s new guess I don’t need to hold back his next strike was a brand new move I had never seen before it left me completely defenseless oh no what should I do then I remembered I was still carrying the charged coal that

Professor Oak gave me maybe if I used it correctly I could evolve the last time I needed a rare candy for that and I have one I know I’m going to use them both than once I activated the rare candy and the charged coal together and suddenly I

Evolved into a brand new creeper Pokémon form with 80 Hearts Evolution and so strong as well I believe we have a battle to finish some of the time Zozo The Dread Knight deployed his skeleton minions and ran away but I was eager to test out my new powers on the hoorde I

Had a new signature move called Falling TNT which dropped exploding TNT blocks on enemy Pokémon those skeletons were dust and the base was completely safe from day 90 to Day 94 mmax Queen had almost completed the statue that she had been building the entire time wow it’s

Amazing merx Queen it’ll be even more amazing after you add the finishing touches I have confidence that you’ll make this statue look as incredible as I know it will no pressure it took a lot of materials and I had to mine for more several times but in the end the statue

Stood triumphantly over the base it was a statue of archus the mightiest and most ancient Creator God of all Pokémon I am humbled to be in your presence archus next on my list of things to do was help Professor Oak become stronger so that he could help me fight against

The dread Knight I decided to give him a potion of strength thank you and speaking of potions you should go get some more healing potions from that Merchant we have a few more emeralds and that should be enough to seal the deal good idea Professor this time I

Purchased Max potions the strongest form of healing potion available from day 95 to day 97 I went back to the Rose Fields where I met Gorgon that one time her taunting distracted me so I wasn’t able to search the whole biome for materials uhoh it looks like some other Ghost

Types are here zombie Pokémon there were zombies everywhere but because Ghost types were actually weak against other Ghost type attacks my ghostly diamond sword was the perfect weapon to thin them out that’s right shamble away I continued to use Ghost type attacks on the the ones that got into melee range

And used my falling TNT attacks to reduce their numbers eventually I had defeated or driven away all the zombies in the Rose Field when the battle was over I noticed there was a special sword stuck into a stone it was a netherite sword and it was charged with even more

Ghostly power than my diamond sword oh this is just what I was looking for I took the sword with me and began to walk home to my base on day 98 I was confronted by Gorgon just outside of my base face this stops now creeper Pokémon Zozo you have gone from a minor

Annoyance to the one thing that is stopping dread night from becoming a Pokémon master I’m going to end you here and now for his sake well it was nice knowing you Gorgon what I’m feeling like a on hit KO I drew my fighting battle axe knowing it would be super effective

Against gorgon and with one single slash I defeated defeated her critical hit now that i’ defeated Gorgon I knew the battle with Dread Knight would be coming so I built the perimeter wall a bit higher and gathered my Max potions has the time arrived for you to face your

Destiny Zozo I don’t know about Destiny but I’m definitely ready to take down the dread Knight then allow me to come with you that way I can record what a fully evolved creeper Pokémon looks like at its most powerful after you win of course and I will the professor and I

Left the base and soon we were on the road to The Dread Knight’s evil Pokémon gym this had been quite a journey and if you want to see more of my Adventures remember to search zo zo to find more videos and subscribe so you can always

Know when I upload next on day 99 we arrived at the Redrock Highlands which is where we found the dread Knight’s evil Pokémon gym the challenge will begin as soon as we enter his lair are you still ready to face him Zozo from the moment I spawned into this world I

Knew I’d have to fight I’m ready as ever professor and let’s head inside suddenly the professor and I were ambushed by more of the Ghost type skeletons not these guys again they surrounded us these must have been the highest level Pokémon that the dread Knight has I could handle them myself but Professor

Oak was a professor not a Pokémon he was in serious trouble go on Zozo this may look like a Troublesome situation but I’m Professor Oak I’ve seen far more rare and dangerous Pokémon than this and survived the only thing that is different this time is that I don’t want

To slow you down Professor go I’ll manage somehow go defeat dread Knight he must not become an evil Pokémon master I didn’t want to leave the professor but I could tell that he was serious so I braced myself and ran directly into the gym where I would soon come face to face

With the dread Knight on day 100 I was face to face with the dread Knight oh it’s you Zozo no more running dread Knight for either of us no matter who wins wins or loses this will be the last battle that we ever have I’m not backing

Down a Pokémon cannot hope to stand against a master I will show you the true meaning of fear you don’t have a ghost of a chance against me no more puns either we clashed weapons and I was glad that I brought my netherite sword it was the perfect weapon to use in this

Battle I was able to make the dread knight move back out from melee range and launch my fire blast attack now that had to hurt it’s not very effective you foolish Creeper Pokemon rats I thought I had him I’m going to use my own signature move now see if you can dodge

It the dread Knight created a Shadow Ball even more powerful than his skeleton guards and he launched it straight at me I dodged out of the way knowing that one hit from that would KO me say good night Zozo get it because I’m a knight that that’s your worst pun

Yet dread Knight it was Professor Oak he had come to help he threw a Pokeball and instantly it absorbed The Dread Knight’s power now’s your chance Zozo he could only use that move by becoming a ghost type himself strike him down right take this dread Knight I delivered the final

Blow with my netherite sword with the battle finally over I was a free Pokémon oh I guess Professor Oak would be able to come up with quite the Pokédex entry for this creeper Pokémon on day one I spawned into a beautiful cherry blossom Forest as a

Creeper oh wait why does my stomach hurt I guess I must be a hungry creeper and a baby hungry creeper at that lucky for me there seemed to be lots of apples laying around the forest that must be why there are so many kuchin monkeys hanging around would you guys mind sharing some

Of your apples with a hungry creeper like me I’d really appreciate it that’s when I saw a big scary skele King striding towards me out of the trees and he looked like he really meant business not so fast kid these apples don’t belong to these goofy little monkeys

They belong to me skele King of the Overworld oh well can I please have some apples your highness my name’s Zozo and I’m so hungry sure if you can pay up some emeralds nothing in this world is for free kid but I don’t have any emeralds then we have nothing to say to

Each other I’m sick of all you freeloaders thinking you can enjoy my food for nothing within a 100 days I’ll make sure that nobody can get a single morsel without paying through the nose for it I’ll never let you get away with that it’s not fair on all the hungry

People who don’t have emeralds well I guess I’ll just have to destroy you then sorry kid got to make an example out of people sometimes the skele King Unleashed an energy blast I ran away as fast as I could but it was already too late for the monkeys and the apples the

Blast took them all out the blast also took me down to two hearts I ran as fast as I could I needed to defeat the skele King within a 100 days or everyone would go hungry on day two I reached the seea woods and stopped for a minute to catch

My breath I could still feel my stomach growling I wish I’d been able to eat at least one of those apples but while I was still catching my breath I got ambushed by some armored skeletons and something told me that they probably wouldn’t have any food for me hey it’s

That freeloader the skele King told us about boys we’ll teach him to try scrumping our Supreme ruler’s produce attack the armored skeletons ran towards me and all I could do was run away it’s not like I had a weapon and even if I did I probably would have been too

Hungry to fight eventually I managed to lose them being in this world was already exhausting and if I don’t find a snack soon I think I’m going to pass out that’s when a castle approached me from how slowly she walked over it seemed like she was nervous you’re not with the

Skeley King are you gosh no I was just running away from him and his minions I’m Zozo what’s your name that’s a relief I’m Cassie Cassie the Cleary you look hungry come with me I know someone who can fix you up some free grub thank you that’s the best news I’ve heard all

Day on day three Cassie the castle took me to a cozy little cabin in the middle of seea woods that’s where I met the cabin’s owner a friendly straw Golem named Stefan my word you poor little creeper you’re all skin and bones how about I give you some of this nce bread

It’s fresh out of the oven Stefan gave me some tasty bread and it helped fill up my hunger bar a little bit anyway seems I really was a hungry creeper through and through thank you Stefan I really needed that I don’t understand why the skele King doesn’t just let

People eat when they’re hungry he’d make a lot more friends that way ah Zozo but you see the skele King doesn’t care about friends all he cares about are jewels and riches as a skeleton he doesn’t even need food he just Hoards it for his own benefit that’s awful how can

We stop him we can stop him by fighting back and making sure all the hungry are fed without having to give in to the skele King’s evil demands making a base would be a good start good idea thank you again Stefan we said our goodbyes to

Stefan and then Cassie and I set off deeper into the seea woods it was time to start building a base from day four to day five we started the construction project of course before we could do anything else we needed tools that’s why I broke down a tree and made myself a

Wooden pickaxe which is good for only one thing mining enough Stone to make myself a full set of stone gear including a stone pickaxe and a stone sword finally I can deal some damage and start building a cool bit Bas I used my pickaxe to harvest more Stone and used a

Stone axe to chop down some more trees giving me more wood to build with and more space for the foundation of my base looks like I’m getting the hang of this using all the materials I gathered I started building a pretty basic starter base with a room for me a room for

Cassie and a common area to hang out together when it was done Cassie and I took a second to appreciate it together it’s not much but it’s a start I think it looks awesome Zozo but as you can probably expect all this building worked up a real hunger I did some more

Exploring until I found myself some delicious carrots to eat what’s up doc and as soon as I ate the carrots something amazing happened I leveled up getting bigger stronger and getting nine Hearts looks like I power up by eating that must be why I’m so hungry from day

6 to day 8 I decided I needed a change of scenery and traveled out to the Mojave Desert to search for more food suddenly some text appeared it was my stomach you have generated one gunpowder well would you look at that I now actually have one gunpowder in my

Inventory I guess it makes sense I am a creeper after all I explored for a bit until I was surrounded with hot desert sand all around Las Vegas should be around here somewhere and I’ve heard they have amazing all you can eat buffets I’m sure my stomach would like

That but I never found Las Vegas or any buffets instead I found a little Goblin named goblo running towards me in a panic stranger you have to help me I’m being chased by a desert mummy oh no don’t worry goblo zo is the name and helping people is my game stand back I

Charged in leaving goblo behind while I searched for the desert mummy it didn’t take long for me to find him he was running around the desert trying to find goblo instead he found me let’s battle mummy you should at least be picking on someone My Size the desert mummy

Attacked he was one tough cookie but thankfully with my stone sword I was able to get the edge he dropped a cookie well don’t mind if I do when the desert mummy Was Defeated I returned to goblo thank you Zozo you’re a lifesaver no problem goblo why was that desert

Mummy chasing you in the first place because I owed his boss the skeleton Jackal some money when he finds out you defeated the desert mummy he’ll probably just send another then we better go have a chat with this skeleton Jackal personally and I’m going to need to

Break for lunch from day nine to day 10 I followed goblo into the Red Rock mountains where he told me the skeleton Jackal was waiting you hang back goblo I’ll take care of this guy myself then come back okay Zozo here take this slingshot maybe you can fling some stuff

With the skeleton Jackal I wish you luck I kept going until I found the skeleton Jackal waiting for me if you’re not going to forgive goblo debt then I guess we’re going to have to fight I loaded my slingshot with gun powder and flinged it at him to my disappointment nothing

Happened oh well I guess a good old stone sword will have to do I charged in with my stone sword expecting this to be an easy fight like my battle with the desert mummy but I was so wrong it seemed like my attacks were barely doing

Any damage to the skeleton Jackal he was just too fast and strong and to make things worse he started throwing his javelins at me ouch that hurts I needed to get out of there so I just turned and ran I ran until the skeleton Jackal was

Out of sight then made my way back to goblo feeling hungry and ashamed I’m so sorry goblo I don’t think I’m strong enough to take on the skeleton Jackal yet how about you come to my base to lay low we’ll figure something out that sounds like a good idea Zozo thank you

For helping me from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with goblo seeing as only Cassie and I had bedrooms at the moment I needed to expand my base I started adding a whole new room for goblo to sleep in connected to the common area after building the room I

Furnished it with a bed so goblo could finally relax how do you like your new room goblo yeah it’s amazing thank you Zozo I feel safe from the skeleton Jackal and his goons here great hopefully it’ll keep us safe from the skele King and his goons too oh no the

Skele King he’s like a hundred times worse than the skeleton Jackal I’ve heard his troops have been going to anywhere that can produce and store food and trying to take it all over but why almost everyone needs food Zozo so whoever controls the food controls the world and we better start producing and

Storing our own food just to be safe with that idea in mind I started adding a new room to the base just for storage once I built the room I installed a few chests so we could store as much as possible I also started mining around my

Base finding some iron ore deposits that I could later smelt into ingots but I was still hungry and I couldn’t just eat iron so I started adding another new feature to my basee a little chicken farm filled with some chickens I found around the seea woods the chickens would

Lay eggs and give me a steady supply of ingredients for cooking projects my mouth is watering just thinking about it from day 13 to day 15 I returned to my base and decided to have a much needed chat with Cassie the CER Cassie I need

Your advice how do you think I should go about getting strong enough to take on the skele King well you told me that eating helps you grow and level up maybe maybe you need to venture out further and try more exciting Foods the tropical rainforest might have what you’re after

That’s an amazing idea Cassie I took her advice and traveled out to the tropical rainforest the journey actually made me even hungrier but lucky for me I was able to find some sweet berries that reduced my Hunger a little bit but this was immediately followed by a sudden

Ambush from the Spider Queen well well well if it isn’t Zoo the hungry creeper I expected you to to be bigger I’m working on it it doesn’t matter the Skelly King sent me to eliminate you and believe me no matter how hungry you are I’m hungrier the Spider Queen will eat

You alive without another word the Spider Queen attacked me it was a tough battle but lucky for me I was able to hold my own and turn the tables on the evil Spider Queen when she was defeated she dropped some cotton candy onto the ground that is sweet get it because it’s

Candy sorry that is a bad joke I ate the cotton candy and immediately felt myself growing again just like Cassie had told me I was bigger stronger and now I had 14 Hearts from day 16 to day 19 needing a break from all the dense woods and

Forest I decided to take a stroll through the beautiful rose Fields while exploring I got hungry and decided to eat some bread from Stefan the straw Golem that I’d kept in my inventory when you’re going on a long journey you should always bring snacks especially when you’re a hungry creeper a little

Less hungry now I continued my search through the rose Fields until I found a mysterious old chest just sitting around in the middle of the field oh I wonder what’s inside I took a peek and found a book titled Mysteries of the Weeping witch Forest most of the pages were

Blank but one of them had the words a man who once walked the Weeping witch forest with evil thoughts found his mind and body Twisted always Desiring but never hungry forever unsatisfied a creature less than human wait that sounds a lot like the skele King does

This mean he has something to do with the Weeping witch Forest before I could finish my thought a bunch of armored skeletons turned up looking for a fight look we found the freeloader again let’s destroy him for good this time maybe the skele King will give us a raise the

Armored skeletons attacked me but I wasn’t a little baby hungry creeper anymore with my new size skills and my stone sword I was able to defeat every last one of them seems like all my hard work is paying off now I’m hungry again though running out of food fast from day

20 to day 22 I continued through the rose Fields I found a few spiders along the way but after defeating the Spider Queen they were nothing I think I’ve earned myself some upgraded equipment after all this I continued mining into the ground until I found some more iron

Ore I then built myself a little furnace out in the field to smelt the ore and ingots then turn the ingots into a full set of iron gear first and foremost an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I think I’m finally strong enough to settle an

Old score now with goblo Debs in mind and my Hunger nagging at me again I made my journey back to the Red Rock mountains where the skeleton Jackal was once again waiting for me ready for a rematch friendo the skeleton Jackal attacked but this time I was a lot

Bigger stronger and faster than before and I had way better weapons it didn’t take me long to defeat the monster and in doing so clear all of goo’s deaths it feels good to help now if only it made me less hungry while I was feeling sorry for myself the skele King himself

Suddenly appeared walking right up to me with him there I certainly didn’t feel as confident as I did before been enjoying all the free snacks you sad little mooch you’ve been eating on borrowed time Zozo you owe me and I always collect on what I’m owed I don’t

Know understand you skeley King I read that you were a person once before you lost your Humanity why do you want all this money if you don’t even need to buy food with it to need is weak and to want is powerful Zozo what you have is hunger

It’s a sign of your low status what I have is ambition perhaps someday you’ll understand that but I don’t expect you to live that long mark my words your days are numbered and with that the skele King disappeared and I was alone in the Red Rock mountains with a

Grumbling stomach once again from day 23 to Day 26 I tried to ignore my grumbling stomach as I returned to my base I really wanted a snack but first I had to give goblo the good news I found him chilling at the fireplace hey goblo

Guess what what is it Zozo I took care of that skeleton Jackal so he won’t be sending his goons after you anymore yeah that’s amazing thank you so much for your help no problem problem now we don’t have to worry about any more of those creeps coming after you next I

Decided to gather materials that would help me improve my base also I wanted to see if I could russle up another snack H some stone blocks I can use these to build a stone wall around the base and keep the bad guys out I gathered the

Stone as well as some coal which I Unearthed and got to work building a wall around my base that looks great super secure but I want to make sure I can see what’s going on out here while I’m inside I know I’ll add some Windows after carrying all that stone putting in

A few Windows was a snap phew that really made me work up an appetite I wandered out into the woods to see what I could find and suddenly I spotted a tree filled with what I like to call yellow gold bananas this is the best day

I’ve had so far I picked up as many bananas as I could find and made sure to eat a few to help fill up my rumbling stomach after that I could think much more clearly as much as I wanted to eat all the bananas I realized I could use

Some of them to help upgrade one of my weapons I know I’ll fuse these with my sword and make a banana sword no a banana Katana hey that’s pretty good maybe once the skele King is defeated I’ll get into comedy M it tastes delicious I just got to make sure I

Don’t cut my tongue while eating my Katana from day 27 to day 31 I was getting restless hanging around the base having no more bananas to eat it was time to head out and explore a new area to see what snacks I could find my

Journey took me all the way out to the ice spikes I wish I’d worn a coat but I’ve got my sense of adventure to keep me warm plus it was pretty hard to focus on being cold when I was so hungry as I was walking I came across some diamonds wo I

Can’t believe these are out here I’ll grab them and take them home with me then I saw something amongst the ice in the bushes and rushed toward it maybe it’s something I can eat but as I got closer I realized it was just Among Us

Oh sorry to bother you no bother at all I was hoping someone would come along to help me I took a stroll away from my home in the mushroom fields and I’m afraid I’m hopelessly lost and getting colder by the second well you can warm

Up at my base if you want follow me there oh thank you please take these cookies as a token of my thanks sweet yes exactly I showed the mongus the way back to my base but we were both still shivering from the cold we need a bigger fireplace I quickly upgraded our

Existing one and before long we were warming ourselves up by the fire and munching on cookies this is the good life just then Cassie the Cleary approached us Zozo I need your help it’s Stefon he’s in trouble we have to go now from day 32 to day 35 Cassie and I

Headed to stefon’s Cabin in the seet Woods to see what was going down Cassie sounded pretty upset so I knew it was probably pretty bad when we arrived I saw why Cassie was so freaked out the place was swarming with armored skeletons Zozo thank goodness you’re here these brutes have been tearing my

Cabin apart don’t worry we’ll stop them I drew my banana Katana I’ve got my banana Katana so you guys better split I didn’t have time to laugh at my super funny joke I had to get to work fighting these guys off there’s so many of them

What do we do we do our best one of the armored skeletons came at me but I managed to get in a good hit with my weapon before he could get me we were so caught up in the fight we didn’t notice the two skeletons then knocked Stefan to

The ground oh no I tried to help him but it was too late Stefan was gone you’ll pay for this my anger gave me the strength I needed to finish the fight and with Cassie offering moral support we defeated the rest of the armored skeletons I sadly approached the remains

Of the straw Golem this is all my fault I bet these guys were working for the skele King it’s not your fault Zozo it’s the bad guys who should be blamed you’re right Cassie I need to focus on what matters stopping the skele King from taking everyone’s food speaking of food

I’m getting hungry again I explored the Golem’s house for some food but instead found a crafting table with items placed on top of course it’s the crafting recipe for TNT I bet shooting TNT with my slingshot will work way better than shooting with gunpowder from Day 36 to

Day 39 I set off in search of something else to eat Cassie and I split up so we could cover more ground I also needed to keep looking for additional ways to defeat the skele King but I was pretty sure I could do both at the same time I

Couldn’t help it I was just a very hungry creeper Cassie told me she heard there was food in the Badlands so that was where I decided to go but I didn’t see any snacks anywhere just rocks sand cacti and other nonf food plants oh man

Nothing to eat here as I was talking to myself a coyote came up to me he told me that he needed help finding aloe vera to treat his sunburns he had spent too much time in the sun without applying sunscreen and now he had sunburns all

Over his skin sure I’ll help you maybe if I found it quick enough he’d give me a snack in return no I I shouldn’t think that you shouldn’t do good deeds just in case someone gives you a gift you should do them just because it’s good to be

Kind and help others I spotted the Alo plant but when I ran over to pick it up someone jumped jumped out from behind a rock I am the desert Lord dessert Lord M what kind of desserts do you have not dessert you fool desert this is my

Domain and everything in it belongs to me including that Alo plant beone no can do buddy that aloe is required by someone else then you must duel me for it works for me I ran toward the desert Lord and fought him with my banana Katana The Duel didn’t take very long

Because my Katana broke what was I thinking it’s made from bananas of course the durability is non-existent I used my axe instead before he fell down and gave up then I grabbed the Zimbabwe aloe saplings and took them back to the coyote he didn’t have any snacks for me

But that was okay it was still nice to help out before I left the bad lands I made sure to stock up on some sand so I can craft more TNT when I get home from day 40 to day 43 I returned to my base to check things out H this place is

Missing something I know we need some banners and some book cases I quickly got to work adding them when I was done I took a look at my new and improved base much better that’s when goblo approached me Zozo could I ask for a favor sure thing goblo what’s up I’m

Pretty lonely here without any other goblins think I could invite some of my gob friends to stay with us for a while sure let me just make them some rooms I added some extra rooms to the base so goo’s buddies would have somewhere to stay it was starting to look like a

Hotel all done go ahead and invite your friends while goblo and the Gob settled in I crafted As Much TNT as I could I have enough gunpowder for only three come on stomach you can do better than that start making more gunpowder at least I could craft myself

A diamond sword to replace the good old banana Katana my thoughts turned to food again but my thoughts were interrupted by one of my latest guests the mongus coming over to me with a quest hey zoo I have a quest for you sure what is it I

Need you to go to the underground mine for me there is an Anubis there who has been terrorizing my family and keeping them from mining there I don’t like bullies you’ve got it m us I’ll make sure he leaves your family alone from day 44 to day 49 I traveled to the

Location of the underground mine to look for that Anubis who is giving mongus so much trouble I spotted a crane in the distance this must be it it was an entire mining site I headed down into the mine and started to look around I have to admit I was also kind of hoping

I’d find something to eat too but the chests there were filled with rubbish mostly I was focused on my quest but I’ll never turn down a snack I ventured deeper but I didn’t see Anubis anywhere but what I did see was the skeley lurking in the mind hey you’ve gotten

Bigger since I last saw you what did I tell you before Zozo no more free snacks this is the end of that line kid you’re toast and you’ll never eat toast again without paying me for it first you’re terrible you let your greed consume everything you do and then you act like

We’re all greedy for wanting the smallest things it’s not fair life isn’t fair you’re either a winner or a loser get used to it and speak of losing get ready to lose a fight with one of my best minions he let out an evil laugh then

Ran out of the mine leaving a terrifying ghost Miner behind I had to be brave even if I was scared whatever I ain’t afraid of no ghost but when he rushed me I could tell he was really strong and this wasn’t going to be an easy fight

From day 50 to day 53 I worked hard to bust the ghost Miner and get out of the Underground mine alive I was a little bit worried because I couldn’t damage him my punches went straight through him and his pickaxe did loads of damage but

It dawned on me I should blast him away with my TNT I loaded up my slingshot and Kaboom the ghost was literally blown away haha I managed to win after all as I was looking around the mine after the fight I saw a chest in the distance I

Checked inside a golden apple can I eat this only one way to find out turns out I could eat it and not only was it tasty and gave me some nice Buffs but it gave me some secret knowledge suddenly I knew something else about the skele King so

He’s hiding all the food he takes in chests at his base if only I knew where his base was I could return all the food to the people that need it that’s great now I just have to find out where he’s hiding and get big and strong enough to

Stand a chance in a fight with him too from day 54 to day 57 I climbed deeper into the mine I couldn’t go back to my base until I found that Anubis after all I gave mongus my word that I would complete his quest well all of a sudden

It looked like I would still get the chance because a great big tough Anubis came bolting out at me ah bad dog bad dog he knocked into me and it hurt but I was still alive and I was still strong enough to fight back I ran back at him

And managed to defeat him even though he was bigger and B than me oh hey he dropped something so suspicious do awesome I didn’t care how suspicious it was I was starving I slurped it up and felt myself grow bigger and stronger with 18 Hearts now with my quest

Complete I headed back to the base to give Mungus the good news thank you so much Zozo I have some good news of my own I heard a rumor that the skele King’s base is in the Weeping witch Forest when you feel strong and ready enough you should be able to find him

There from day 58 to day 62 I was thinking about food again I wish I had some more eggs then we could make all kinds of snacks here at the base wait a second if we had some more chickens we could have more eggs I went out and

Found some chickens then herded them back to the base and put them in the ceop with the others make friends little chickens then I decided to see if I could upgrade my gear I went down into the mine and found some more diamonds perfect I used the diamonds to craft a

Shiny new pair of diamond boots and pants I feel tougher already from day 63 to day 66 I tried to come up with a plan for what to do next I wasn’t ready to try and take on the skele King on his own turf I needed to get stronger first

Then goblo came to me with an idea say Zozo are you still hungry I’m always hungry well I heard there’s some yummy fish to be found in the bou might be a good idea to check it out and see if you can find some that’s a great idea

Thanks to goblo tip I left my base and traveled to the Bayou I was wandering around when an ogre came stomping up to me I was pretty nervous and got ready for a fight but he gave me a friendly growl instead hi uh sorry to bother you

But I could uh use a little help you see there are a bunch of gnarly swamp spiders infesting my house and trying to bite me every time I go inside could you uh get rid of them for me sure after the kind of enemies I thought lately I can definitely squash a few

Spiders from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the ogre to his house and sure enough it was crawling with swamp spiders yikes I get why you asked for help these weren’t any ordinary spiders they were meaner and much more dangerous but I’d already fought the Spider Queen so I knew I

Could take them it didn’t take long before I defeated every single one of those spiders thank you I uh have done it without your help all done your house should be safe now yeah take this as a uh thank you he handed me some raw salmon hey it’s true there really is

Fish here I gobbled up the salmon and it really hit the spot we set our goodbyes and the ogre went back to cleaning up and living in his house from day 71 to day 74 I took a walk through the Black Forest on my way back to my base as I

Was looking around I found a note on the ground make sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more Adventures like this one and be sure to search zo zo to find more awesome videos after looking at the note I went back to hunting for

Something else to eat I’ve heard people talk about black forest cake before maybe I can find some of that here if I’m lucky but I didn’t find any cake all I found was the skele King lying in wait for me there’s no more cake left in this

Forest Zozo but I’ll give you a slice if you bring me some diamonds first never then perish he started throwing bone blocks at me I tried to dodge them but a few got me anyway ouch that really hurt he’s still a lot stronger than me I

Don’t want to run away but I’d better get out of here if I want to survive so I ran out of there as fast as I could before he could do any more damage next time I see him I’ll make sure I’m ready

From day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base thankfully the skele King wasn’t able to follow me there I need to do something to take my mind off of that disaster I looked around and my eyes settled on the garden some flowers

Would make me feel better so I planted some flowers in the garden and it really cheered me up look at all those beautiful flowers as I was finishing up with the garden one of the gobs that goblo invited to the base came over he thanked me for giving him and the others

A place to stay and handed me a steaming hot bowl of mushroom stew as a thank you gift yum this smells great I quickly ate the stew and grew larger gaining four more Hearts wow I feel so much stronger now thanks Gob that’s a pretty powerful

Stew from day 79 to day 84 I headed to the apple orchard to gather some fruit and look for some mobs I could test out my new Strength on I found plenty of both there are a lot of apples and there was also the golden Devourer they were

Hungry little guys trying to eat all the apples for themselves leave some for the rest of us I taught them a lesson and beat them quickly I really am stronger a giant came up to me and told me he saw what I did he’d been trying to clear

Those pests out of the apple orchard for days now and now he and the other people living nearby could finally get some of the apples I helped him pick some to take back home and he gave me a piece of mutton in return I ate the mutton and it

Tasted great and helped me grow even stronger from day 85 to day 89 I took a leisurely walk back to my base but when I got there I was shocked at what I found found there was a big nasty sectoid Queen attacking my base and scaring all of my friends hey you get

Out of here but before I could attack the sectoid queen scuttled off into the woods oh no you don’t I ran after her but I lost track of her I saw bull looking around and thought maybe he could help me have you seen a sectoid

Queen yes if I tell you where she went will you help me get my cat out of that tree sure here kitty kitty I don’t know why but the cat listened to me and climbed down out of the tree I guess it could tell I just wanted to help thank

You she went that way he pointed me in the right direction and I headed off to track down the sectoid queen from day 90 to Day 94 I found the sectoid queen deep in the sea Woods there you are why were you attacking my base just following

Orders from the skele King he sent me after a little mooch who’s been holding snacks without paying for them when I couldn’t find you I decided to tear apart your house to teach you a lesson you shouldn’t have done that now I’ll teach you a lesson you can try I

Attacked with my sword but it was a much harder fight than I expected uh-oh she’s really strong this isn’t going to be easy the queen seemed to back off and started digging a tunnel into the mountain I was hurting so I didn’t follow her immediately instead I gathered some berries to replenish my

Hunger and health before continuing the fight from day 95 to day 97 I went into the tunnel which led to a dripstone cave where the queen was waiting I charged her and kept on fighting the sectoid queen she started spawning regular sized ants around her sure they were small but

They still bite I was getting pretty tired and I was worried I might not make it out of this one might as well give up now you’ll never be a match for the skele King that taunt gave me the inspiration I needed to finish up the

Fight that is it no no more playing around taste the power of TNT I shot a TNT charge up into the dripstone and it fell right on the sectoid queen she was done for wow that was a tough one I saw that the sectoid queen had dropped a

Throwing axe and I picked it up wow this is a great weapon it’ll help me a lot there was an inscription on the handle reading property of the skele King I guess this used to be his throwing axe well he took a lot of things from people

Who need them and then he was careless with his own weapon Finders Keepers I guess I’ll use this to defeat him once and for all before I left I made sure to mine up all the diamonds that were in this cave this will be just enough diamonds to finish my diamond armor set

On day 98 I took my new throwing ax back home to my base and to my surprise my friends fixed up the house back to the way it was before I started preparing for the final battle first I made the rest of my diamond armor there now I am

Well protected next i c crafted As Much TNT as I could thank you stomach this gunpowder will be used for good now I finally felt ready to take on the skele King and return the food to the hungry masses but first Cassie approached me Zozo I’m glad I caught you I brought you

This pineapple to help you get your strength up before your battle I ate the pie and changed my form into a mutant creeper now I look really Mighty I gained even more hearts up to 40 now what was in that pineapple I don’t know but now you can definitely defeat the

Skele King then came goblo thank you for saving my life Zozo you have done so much to help so many people and I just know you’ll be the one to free us from the skele thank you that means a lot of course the mongus had

Something to say Zozo I may just be a simple mongus from mushroom Fields but I think you’re really Fung guy thanks and even the other gobs wanted to encourage me since you liked it so much before here’s some more mushroom stew eat up before you leave I stored the stew for

Later and I felt prepared to head out and take back what was rightfully ours on day 99 I started on my track to the Weeping witch Forest where the skele King’s base was at first I wasn’t sure where exactly his lair might be but a bubble parasite pointed me in the right

Direction you can do it Zozo thanks pal when I arrived at the base I saw an armored Pillager guarding the entrance how am I going to get past him for a second I thought my plans were doomed until the ogre came running out of the

Woods let me handle them you take on the skele King ogre you’re here you didn’t think I’d uh leave you without any backup did you I can handle the zombie yeah you head on inside on day 100 I ran straight into the skele King’s base with

No more minions to protect him he would have to fight me himself oneon-one come on out and face me it’s time for you to be the one who pays he emerged from his lair at the sound of my taunts I’m not paying for a thing you don’t know what you’re messing with little

Creeper I’m not so little anymore no I guess not you’ve gotten strong on Stolen snacks snacks you should have given me emeralds in exchange for you can’t make people pay you for food it belongs to everyone enough talk I’ve had enough of your shatter I’ll shut you up once and

For all you know what I’m still hungry and there’s only one thing that would hit the spot right now Justice and with that I sprang into action and charged at the skele King dealing him a powerful blow but he was not taking any damage he had some sort of purple magic protecting

Him that’s when I noticed purple crystals in the watchtowers that must be what is protecting him just like when you fight the Ender Dragon I needed to get closer to them I managed to Sprint into his house I searched for a lever to deactivate the towers but saw nothing

Just his bed and his throne he did have TNT on display that is it who needs a lever I can just shoot TNT at the crystals I had no time to waste the skele came into the house and landed some good hits on me I ran to the first

Tower and launched TNT right into the crystal the skele King didn’t seem to like that explosion I ran to the next Tower while skele King chased me soon the second tower was also down just one more the skele King almost caught up to me but it was too late I successfully

Destroyed all the crystals and his magical protection had disappeared he stepped back injured no you’re weak you’re tiny I own you I own everyone everything maybe you did own everything but I’m here to take it all back I threw my throwing ax as hard as I could and it

Hit knocking him out and that was that the skele King had been dethroned time to take all of this food and get it back to the people who need it in that moment I didn’t feel hungry anymore and I knew that as long as I had

Anything to say about it no one in the world would ever go hungry again on day one I spawned as a golden Hydra wow this is amazing I looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of cave I ventured out and immediately saw some scary dread Knights there he is catch

Him no thanks I scurried away the men following after me you’ll come back here they started shooting darts at me ah one Dart hit me and I lost some hearts wait I only have five Hearts this is insane I hurried and tried to get away but the

Men were too fast they surrounded me as I felt my eyes start to close perfect everything is coming together and with that I passed out on day two I woke up in a cage oh where am I I looked around and noticed that there were more cages

Around me but most of them were empty I almost didn’t notice the Frog sitting in the cage nearby he Blended in with the floor really well I was waiting for you to wake up come on we got to get out of here but how even if we can get out of

The cages I don’t know how to get out of the prison I know way out but you need to be the one to unlocked the door I looked closer and examined the gate I began to hit it with my heads but that started to make me feel dizzy the Frog

Laughed at me oh no no use your fire spit fire spit I did what the frog said and I spit at the lock but it wasn’t fire it was golden little orbs I left the cage and started firing away at the Frog’s cage until it opened too thanks

Don’t mention it I’m Zozo by the way I’m Freddy Freddy and I made our way over to the exit and broke through the door up the stairs we were home free on day three Freddy and I hurried as fast as we could away from the underground prison while we were running

I spotted some pigs and chickens and hurried to gather their meat before they could Scamper away I gathered up their meat and shared some with Freddy we both chowed down thanks zoo and I got to say that Prison Break was amazing I didn’t know you could spit gold neither did I

In fact I didn’t know much about anything except that some evil guys were after me Freddy and I agreed to go our separate way way I went further into the forest to explore maybe I would find some other hydras little Hydra I turned and saw an old troll walking slowly up

Behind me he looked hurt would you mind helping me I was attacked and need to get back home before it gets dark of course we slowly made our way to his home a little cottage next to a river thank you little Hydra please come inside so that you are safe there are

All kinds of monsters outside the guy seemed nice enough so I stayed with him for the night on days four to 5 I woke up in the Troll’s house he had cooked some stew for both of us thank you what did you say your name was I’m Horus just

A poor old troll trying to make his way in the world Horus seemed better than yesterday but still very tired is there anything I can do to help you actually I’m more concerned for your safety you are the golden Hydra after all the golden Hydra a prophecy was given many

Years ago by a great Seer she said that a golden Hydra would be born and it would be his Destiny to either save or destroy the land is that me I believe it is what should I do build yourself a safe house gather materials strengthen

Yourself as much as you can you need to be at your best Horus gave me some stone tools and a full stack of Oak planks use these to start I hope to hit hear from you little Hydra be careful who you trust I left horus’s house to find a

Good place to start a base I found a nearby lake on the plains with some nice level ground I used my stone tools to gather additional material and started working on a modest Japanese style gold Hydra base it may have only been one building for me so far but there was

Plenty of room on the planes for this base to expand with more buildings and features it was all coming together when I heard some men yelling there’s the Hydra get out it was more of those evil dread kns not today you goons I spit my orbs at them

And they all turned to Gold oh wow that is not what I expected just then I felt power rush through me and I grew into a larger Hydra now I have 11 Hearts nice I’ll beat whoever controls those dread knights in no time on day 6 to8 I

Ventured from my base to gather more information also I wanted to see if I could find more creatures that needed Shelter From The Mysterious villain and his men I came across some tortoises who immediately tried to run away hey I’m a friend they looked at me wearily you

Aren’t working with the sorcerer no a sorcerer is that who’s commanding all the dread Knights I have nothing to do with him look kid it would just be better if you left this land it’s not safe for you the tortoises slipped away leaving me confused I decided to go back

To horus’s house to ask him about it a great sorcerer has purged this land and intends to use your power for his purposes he will stop at nothing to get you that’s awful what should I do there is a cave nearby that has some armor and

Tools that we could use I was on my way there the other day when I was attacked that’s a good place to start sounds like a plan on days 9 to 10 I hurried to the cave that Horus mentioned and went to explore sure enough there was a chest

Hidden behind some rocks just as I was was about to open it a great hairy spider came rushing Out gross he attacked me and I was too slow to spit my golden orbs I took quite a bit of damage ouch I hurried and slithered from

The cave this is too hard I can’t defeat him by myself hey are you trying to get rid of that spider too a wolf came out from behind a tree yeah I am why do you want him gone he took some of my armor I’m trying to keep myself safe from the

Sorcerer’s goons me too maybe we can work together we came up with a plan and went back down to the spider’s Lair the wolf distracted him and I shot my golden orbs at him he turned immediately into a gold statue wow we gathered the materials in the chest and I gave the

Wolf the reptile armor be careful out there Zozo Zozo I’m Lex thanks Lex take care of yourself on days 11 to 12 I returned to Horus at first he was was happy but when I told him that I’d given Lex the armor from the chest he got really mad the other animals don’t

Matter little Hydra what matters is that you’re strong he was acting really weird but I couldn’t blame him he was probably scared of the Sorcerer And just wanted us to be safe you’ve done well but this isn’t enough now you must travel to the black forest and gather more strength

Potions left there by wizards of Y this is important little Hydra don’t trust anyone besides me defeat anyone who stands in your way I left the house wondering why Horus didn’t want me to trust anyone else he was probably just paranoid as I made my way to the Black

Forest I saw some more of the sorcerer goons traveling along the river I tried to be quiet and Slither away but they spotted me it’s La Hydra grab him I dodged some of their darts and shot my golden orbs at them they tried to escape but after a few shots they were all

Statues nice I soon reached the depths of the black forest hoping to gather the potions horse wanted on days 13 to 15 I plucked up the courage to enter the Sinister Black Forest at first there didn’t seem to be anyone there but I kept looking wanting to find those

Potions after just a few moments I saw a family of hogins gathered around a campfire harmlessly warming themselves why does Horus want me to defeat these hoglands they seem really nice I slithered in and the hogins were taken aback I don’t mean you any harm I’m just

Curious if you have any armor the hogins were cautious but one answered me are you going to try to steal it from us like the others others what others a Sorcerers men they have tried to steal it before they want all the armor taken away from the creatures in the land so

They can’t fight the sorcerer what that didn’t seem right I needed to talk to Horus about this on day 16 to 19 I traveled back to horus’s house I arrived and he seemed happy to see me but when I told him I couldn’t couldn’t get the strength potions from

The Black Forest he immediately turned angry don’t you know what’s at stake you needed to get those potions you need to get stronger why is it so important that I’m stronger you are not fulfilling my expectations I need to think this through he told me to leave I did more

Confused than before when I arrived back at my base Freddy Frog was there hey buddy it’s been a while Zozo I’m so glad you’re okay I heard that you met the sorcerer how did you survive what do you mean I haven’t met him all the creatures

Have seen him hiding out in the woods his disguised is a simple old troll wait was he talking about Horus I heard he’s planning an attack with his goons today he’s going to the village in the plains I had to see for myself if this was true

It couldn’t be Horus could it I went with Freddy to the village in the plains like he said when when we got there I saw the goons being led by a very recognizable troll I looked closer and realized it was Horus you manipulated me Horus turned toward me oh Zoo you

Gullible little Hydra you are too quick to trust but you’ve been a hindrance time for a change of plans you had no right to do that to me and you have no right to steal from innocent creatures and people I charged at him spewing golden orbs he easily outmaneuvered them

And with his powerful swing threw me back into a building before I knew it I blocked out on days 20 to 22 I woke up with Freddy looking down at me oh good you’re awake you need to help the villagers I got up and followed Freddy to the Village some of the buildings

Were on fire everyone move away from the buildings I hurried and spewed my orbs at them extinguishing the fires it was definitely not what the villagers were expecting W this is amazing how can we repay you it might not be safe here anymore you can all live at my base with

Me I have lots of room the villagers talked amongst themselves for a little while then readily agreed we made our way to my base and then gathered some needed supplies for the new houses it was hard work but in no time everyone had a house of their own thank you Zozo

These look amazing on days 23 to 26 I went back to the cave where I originally spawned it must have been important so I figured that I should investigate I entered the cave and it seemed very normal I was hoping to find some sort of

Clue as to who my parents were it had been a crazy couple of days and even though I had friends I wondered if I had family all of a sudden I heard a noise coming from deeper in the cave I explored further and saw another Hydra

But she was being attacked by a group of skeletons get away from her I slithered down and started shooting the skeletons within just a few moments those bags of Bones were gone gone I turned to the Hydra but then I felt a power surge through me I grew and then I leveled up

Into an adult Hydra I now have 18 Hearts I let out a large breath of golden fire Soo the Hydra looked scared of me no need to be scared who are you I’m your mother my mother I’m so glad I found you where did you go I laid an egg and went

To find some food but when I came back you were gone I was so worried about you how about you come to live with me I have a base and it’ll be much safer than this cave she happily agreed and we made our way in that direction on days 27 to

31 as my mother and I left the cave we happened to P Freddy again hey Soo do you think you could help my family he directed me toward a small Al Cove nearby that had been broken apart what happened the sorcerers goons tried to break our alol after we refused to leave

We managed to escape before anyone was hurt but we don’t have a home now the frogs looked very sad so I offered to build them a new home on my base really that would be great thank you so much with the frogs and my mother and toe we

Continued on our way to my base once we arrived we got straight to work building a pond for the frogs and placing down a bed for my mother I also noticed that the villagers had planted crops and gathered some animals they even made a nice path connecting all the buildings

Thanks guys you’ve done some great work here it was all starting to come together I will get that golden Hydra if it’s the last thing I do he is the key to all of my plans what would you like me to do Master I want you to follow him

Make sure he is met with challenges he needs to reach maximum strength by the full moon it’s vital that you do this Yes Master on on days 32 to 35 I wanted to return to the underground prison where Freddy and I were held if Horus wanted to befriend me why did he capture

Me in the first place that’s a good question maybe there are some answers at the prison I asked Freddy if he wanted to come with me and he readily agreed we made our way down the tower where we had escaped and noticed that there were Iron Golems standing around this time that’s

New and they don’t look like they work for Horus I wasn’t expecting you to come back here I flipped around to see one of the Iron Golems standing right behind me are you one of the guards not exactly I bed with some of horus’s goons that are

Corrupt they agreed to give you to me as a bargaining chip we weren’t expecting you to escape so quickly however so you’re not my enemy you just want to sabotage him basically so perhaps we can make an arrangement to stop him what do you have in mind I’ll be in touch I have

Some research to do just look out for a message from puck The Honorable honorable you captured my friend Freddy sorry what can I say I like frog legs I heard Freddy gulp behind me don’t worry I won’t eat your friend but we’ll be in touch Zozo and just like that he left

Without even saying goodbye not very polite but okay on days 36 to 39 I went venturing into a nearby cave to find some iron ore that could help buff out my equipment after I found enough I built a furnace smell did some iron ingots and finally made myself an iron

Sword iron pickaxe and some armor cool looking good I went digging deeper and even managed to find some diamonds yes jackpot this will be great for some upgrades before I could start crafting I heard a noise and something hit me I turned and saw a skeleton moving around

Trying to shoot me again I spewed my golden fire breath at him nice the skeleton froze but not before dropping his bow I picked it up and realized it was Enchanted infinite arrows sweet I returned to my base with the supplies and the bow hoping to upgrade some of my

Items and the houses one of the villagers approached me Zozo do you think you could help me with something sure what is it bradle and it’s about our home I thought I had gathered everything when we came here but I left something important there would you come

With me I don’t feel safe going by myself of course let’s go on days 40 to 43 Bradley and I ventured back to the village on the plains we hurried to the house to grab his item what is it you needed so badly he raged around his room

Under his bed and then whooped in Victory got it is that a paintbrush yeah it’s my lucky paintbrush are you serious it’s important to me I shook my head what a weird kid but hey at least he has it now all of a sudden I heard a noise

Outside shh I think there’s someone here I looked out the window and and sure enough there was some of horus’s goons rumaging around but they weren’t alone they were being led by a terrifying Yak this time we tried to sneak out quietly but Bradley made a noise and they

Spotted us Smooth Move Bradley the goons charged us and I started to spew golden Fire Within just a few moments we had nearly taken out all of the goons the henchmen just stood watching us then after a moment he ran off with the remaining men coward we looked around

And noticed the goons had dropped a few healing potions before I had Frozen them into gold nice now we have a little bit bigger of a potion stash just in case sheesh that was awesome was the paintbrush worth it Bradley absolutely on days 44 to 49 Bradley and I traveled

Back to the base once we arrived I found a note on my door Puck The Honorable sent me a message to meet outside my base near the river it didn’t take me long to find him I’ve been doing some research about Horus and his plans I

Think that if you were able to create a certain item you can overpower Horus great what is it an amethyst sword it’s the one thing that will harm Horus even if he reaches the full extent of his magical powers and it may just save your

Life what do I need to do you’ll need to gather two amethyst crystals and a stick that’s all you’ll need to make it though I can’t promise those crystals won’t be guarded by an incredibly dangerous mobs great sounds like a walk in the park what you expected saving the world to be

Easy no I just wish I hadn’t been duped by Horus in the first place don’t beat yourself up kid you’ll get the hang of it HCK handed me a paper with some instructions on it this should help you and just like that he left again I need

To tell him it’s polite to say your goodbyes on days 50 to 53 I followed the instructions Puck gave me to find the crystals it’s said to go to a cave and consult with the ancient being I realized that it had led me back to the

Cave where I had fought the giant spider as I entered I noticed that the spider was still there Frozen in Gold he must be the ancient being I wonder if there’s a way I can reverse it I went up to the spider and tried to shoot an orb at him

Nothing a fire breath and also nothing then I tried to punch him suddenly he turned back into his normal self he looked down at me angrily how dare you freeze me I’m sorry I was manipulated by the sorcerer to steal your items but you didn’t steal some of them from the wolf

He softened a little I did I was desperate and needed extra protection clearly it did not work what do you want I was told that you have information about amethyst crystals yes I was once a guardian of a great multitude of crystals but I was forced to leave when

The cavern was ambushed by an evil Warden it has been a great many years since then can you show me where it is I cannot when I desired to go back it was no longer there some sort of Shifting due to Magic I thanked The Spider and

Left the cave it was just another dead end on my way back to the base I noticed more of horus’s goons fighting a wolf hey that’s Lex maybe he’ll want to help me I approached as he finished the goons off hey remember me Zozo you’re alive

Yeah I am and I’m trying to defeat the sorcerer I could really use your skills would you want to help me I don’t think I can Zozo I’m good at fighting his goons but he’s too powerful I think you’d be better off on your own before I

Could even argue he ran off into the distance well that was underwhelming maybe he’ll change his mind on days 54 to 57 I went exploring a little more I thought myself close to where I had found Horus that first time I wondered if he was still at his house I decided

To investigate when I got closer I heard voices the master needs some atoms taken to him make sure they get there safely it was the henchman I had seen earlier the Yak he had a few goons and he was dragging some chests of things it seemed like a good opportunity to attack hey

Coward the henchman turned toward me you just can’t get enough can you he sent the goons forward to attack I maneuvered around them easily and within a few moments most of them were gold statues the henchman got mad before I knew it he attacked me ouch how is he so fast I

Felt my heart’s dwindling he slashed at me again faster than any other human I had encountered I tried to breathe my golden fire at him but it was in vain I need to get out of here I hurried and slithered Away retreating into the bushes look who’s the coward now the

Henchman ran off I didn’t dare follow him I was too weak and needed to go back home if I can’t defeat just one henchman how am I supposed to defeat a sorcerer hey Marin to take out a few of your men Master but he could not withstand my

Blows he is not even close to being ready yes he is weak but he will get stronger just keep attacking send out as many men as possible they’re disposable we’ll do Master on days 58 to 62 I made it back to my base I was met

With a much needed surprise Zozo we made you something sweetie my mom led me to the edge of the base whoa is this a statue of me it was a Hydra but it wasn’t completely gold it was more of an orange color actually it’s a statue of

Your father my father I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know if you were ready he died right before you were born he was trying to protect us he couldn’t wait to meet you Zozo I looked up at the Statue it’s amazing it’s not

Done yet we still need some more quartz for the teeth would you like to help us of course I headed to the desert where I had previously seen some ruins made out of quartz and collected those materials for the Statue after giving the quartz to Mom she quickly added the teeth to

The Statue and now it truly looked magnificent on days 63 to 66 I woke up to someone calling my name I went outside it was Lex hey Lex what’s up I went back to that cave with the spider and to my surprise he wasn’t a gold statue anymore oh yeah I should have

Warned you no harm done he actually told me that you were looking for a cavern with amethyst crystals in it I think I might actually know where that is really show me Lex led the way to a small desert we finally arrived at what looked like a rock formation with a door great

Let’s just push open the door and head inside we tried to push pull and roll but the stone didn’t budge I even tried my golden fire on it no luck maybe there’s a special compet ation or code word maybe but I have no idea what it might be it was

Disappointing but now I knew where it was at least I could come back to it later let’s head back how about you stay with us you don’t have to be alone Lex he sighed I know I was wrong and scared but I know you’re our best chance at

Stopping the sorcerer thanks for not giving up on me of course that’s what friends do Lex smiled and we headed home on days 67 to 70 Bradley approached me again hey Zozo do you think you could help me with something else is it another paintbrush Bradley no actually I

Wanted to practice shooting with the bow I have do you think you could help me with some target practice of course where did you have in mind there’s actually an archery area near my old house maybe we can even bring some of the stuff back to the base that sounds

Like a great idea we headed back toward Bradley’s old home when we got there we noticed some movement outside the houses hey those are the tortoises I met earlier they told me to take a hike maybe we should go then I noticed the tortoises were fighting each other over

Some food I approached carefully hey friends remember me G you again we don’t need your Hil padra you’re just making things worse for us the Sorcerer And His goons have driven us out of our homes and now we hardly have food the leader came toward me and snapped his teeth I

Don’t want to hurt you he snapped at me again and I had no choice but to spew golden fire at him after he turned into a statue I punched him he quickly came back to life looking surprised why did you do that like I said I’m not here to

Hurt you in fact we would love for you to stay at our base it’s safe and there is plenty of food there’s no need to fight each other thank you Hydra we are in your debt on days 71 to 74 we made it back to the base this time we were met

With an unwanted surprise my mom rushed out to us Zozo they’re attacking the base we need your help I slithered over and saw the yak and his dread Knights waiting for me hey you don’t belong here the henchmen looked at me and just like before attacked in a Flash I still

Wasn’t strong enough but I knew I needed to protect my friends using all of my strength I let out the largest burst of golden fire I could muster not bad hyra but not good enough come and find me when you are ready I’ll be waiting with your precious friend and before I knew

It the henchman left I had managed to staty his goons but he escaped again wait what did he say about a friend I slithered inside as fast as I could and realized that my mother was nowhere to be found mom mom he took her and I had

No idea where she went I retreated to my house blind with rage and then I started to cry this was all too much how was I ever supposed to defeat anyone like this I stayed in my house for a while not letting anyone in finally after a long

Time I heard a knock at the door Zozo it’s Lex we have something to show you I reluctantly left the house not wanting anyone to see me like this but they needed someone and I needed to be strong for them Lex showed me that they had

Fixed up the crops bred the animals and improve the security by building some walls great thanks Lex that’s not at all he turned me toward the statue of my dad and I realized there was a smaller version next to it it was of my mom you’ll get her back zoo we believe in

You I didn’t know what to say I just nodded and you are sure he is getting stronger Yes master he is almost to his full form excellent then the plan is working the mother will eventually bring him to us good work thank you master on day 75

To 78 Puck The Honorable left me another note I met him at our customary spot next to the river hello again Zozo what do you want Buck someone’s in a hurry I have important information and a gift for you I hear you are having some trouble with horse’s henchmen I have

Some important information his whereabouts he actually lives very close to Horus it’s a bit Hush Hush but I have my ways he handed me a map and I went to grab it be careful Zozo you don’t know what you’ll find there give me the paper Puck do not lose yourself along the way

Remember what you are fighting for I know what I’m fighting for Puck my mom has been taken by those creeps and I intend on saving her then I’m going to put the henchmen and Horus in the rightful place Puck handed me the paper good boy now go get your mother back on

Days 79 to 884 I raced to the henchman’s house if there was a chance he had my mom I was going to find her and defeat him once once and for all I followed the directions and found myself outside of a large wall inside it was a modest

Looking house this is where the henchman stays quite a Cozy home he made for himself I snuck around to see if he was inside but I didn’t see anything suddenly I felt a gust of wind the yak was standing right behind me come to retrieve your mommy coming after me was

One thing but involving my mom was a step too far your mother gave you everything and you still you can’t save her I’m going to beat you Yak for her I felt the power grow within me and I leveled up into a fully grown Hydra with

50 Hearts I got bigger stronger and even gained the claw strike ability no this isn’t what was supposed to happen horse promised me I wouldn’t be defeated by you be careful who you trust henchmen and with a swipe of my claws I defeated him he burst into golden Sparks and was

Gone Zozo I looked and saw my mother coming toward me she’d managed to escape mom did he hurt you I’m fine I’m so proud of you look at how strong you are you look so much like your father did I’m so glad you’re okay come on Mom

Let’s get you back home Oh and before we go I found this while I was imprisoned I figured you might want it it was a golden key on days 85 to 89 my mom and I arrived back at the base everyone was so happy to see my mom and they cered us

Over to the statues we almost finished it while you were gone but we wanted you to put on the Finishing Touch Freddy handed me a few glowstone blocks which I added to my dad’s statue completing his fire breath it was perfect and I have more amazing news Freddy the Golden Key

My mom found at the henchman’s base I think it’s literally the key to getting into the amethyst Crystal Cave the henchman and Horus must have known that the amethyst sword could foil his grand plan that’s why he had the key to unlock the cavern I I’ve got to get over there

Now I rushed out of the base toward the desert as I arrived at the door I felt my heart leap this is it it’s finally coming together I used the golden key to open the door here I go I made my way down the dark tunnel which eventually

Opened up into a Cave System inside were hundreds of glowing amethyst crystals all being watched over by a warden this isn’t going to be easy I got right behind it and before it knew what was happening I let out a large burst of golden fire he let out a terrible scream

But he didn’t turn into a statue I took a swipe at him with my claws instead this time he screamed in agony I kept swiping avoiding his blows as best as I could my hearts were dwindling but after just a few more moments the warden was

Gone yes I hurried and collected as many amethyst crystals as I could hold before hurrying out of the cavern time to end this Horus on days 90 to 94 I exited the cavern blinking in the sunlight no nice to see you again little Hydra I looked

And saw Horus standing right in front of me I was about to swipe him into Oblivion when his magic froze me in place please none of that I just want to talk I stared at him what could you possibly want to talk to me about you’ve

Gone out of your way to torture me don’t you see Hydra I have strengthened you you have become the golden Hydra of the prophecy all thanks to me you you had nothing to do with it oh don’t even think for a minute that you would have accomplished anything without me I made

Sure that you had difficulties so that you could learn I made sure that you would eventually get the potion that would bring you to full power you sabotaged your own henchmen he was disposable at best but think of what we can do together little Hydra we can rule

This land together of course it’ll need to be destroyed before it can be built back up but we can accomplish that if you follow me never this is your last chance watch the world burn around you before I possess your mind or willingly serve me I hissed at him very well

Somehow Horus made all my amethyst that I’d worked hard and suffered to collect all disappear be sure to be at your best by the full moon little Hydra in the meantime enjoy my wrath I heard Horus laughing and then it all went dark on

Days 95 to 97 I woke up to pitch black where am I Horus must have buried me underground I looked at what I assumed was up and started to dig it wasn’t too deep but by the time I saw sunlight I was exhausted I’m getting really tired

Of him I tried to catch my breath but then I noticed a note on the ground next to me it read say goodbye to your honorable friend my blood turned cold as I raced toward Puck’s dungeon no no no please don’t let me be too late when I

Got there the whole place was demolished I looked around hoping to find anything and I heard a groan from beneath some rocks HCK I moved the rubble and saw him on the ground he was in really bad shape I guess Horus figured out who my sources

Were you’re going to be okay Puck let me help you up Puck coughed don’t worry about me Zozo go protect your mom and your friends he’s heading to your base next and with one last breath Puck The Honorable passed I let out a giant Roar as I mourned my

Friend but I had to get to my base I needed to stop Horus before he caused any more destruction on day 98 I arrived too late what was once my base was now in Ruins I ran around frantically mom Lex Bradley Freddy I didn’t hear anyone

Answer I slumped down and was about to give up when I heard a small voice Zozo I looked up and saw my mom lipping towards me Freddy limped alongside her mom Freddy where is everyone else a lot of them didn’t make it out Zozo Bradley

And Lex managed to run and hide with me but nobody else was fast enough we’re lucky to be alive I let out another loud roar in agony Puck was gone all the villagers and tortoises were gone I had tried so hard to protect everyone and I

Had failed I felt my whole body slump hey everything is going to be fine do you know why why you are the golden Hydra and you are going to put a stop to Horus and his destruction mom slipped me something it was a key Horus dropped

This before he left it must be to his base I looked at the and shark you are going to get back your amethyst crystals finish the amethyst sword and you will put a stop to all of this promise promise on day 99 I headed to horse’s base it had massive black walls and

Inside there was a huge Tower raising High into the sky I carefully entered the front wall gate to my surprise the courtyard was completely empty I explored a bit and located a back door probably for the goons and I used the key to get inside Freddy you’re the best

I snuck up the passageway and went to open the door to the main chamber a dread Knight spotted me immediately it’s the golden Hydra I quickly took him out so much for being stealthy I was a Hydra after all a golden one at that it was

Hard to keep a low profile I opened the Chamber and to my surprise only Horus stood inside smiling at me did you really think it would be that easy Hydra but at last your day ear early what exactly was your plan here give me back the amethyst crystals and nobody has to

Get hurt Horus no I was prepared this time I smacked him back with my claws and grabbed for the crystals before he knew it I was down the passageway stop that Hydra I made it back to my base and hurriedly crafted the amethyst sword out of the two amethyst crystals and a stick

It was time to defeat Horus once and for all on day 100 I made my way back to horus’s base perfect a dramatic ending just like I wanted Horus was waiting for me outside are you ready for your reign of terror to finally end Horus you’re

Exactly where I want you Zoo when this battle is over I’ll take control of your body and use you as just another tool to take over this world not if me and the amethyst sword have anything to say about it this time I wasn’t wasn’t playing around he fired a magical energy

Blast at me but I was so strong now I tanked it and ran right in oh no I may have made an arrow here but that time for talk was over I ran in and hit him with the amethyst sword again and again weakening him a little more each time he

Unleashed his guards on me but they were taken care of quickly many sword swings later when Horus was on the edge of defeat I stopped attacking and stepped back for a moment moment you can’t win I am an all powerful sorcerer silence is golden Horus with one blast of my golden

Spit Horus was turned into a harmless golden statue forever more at long last the creatures of the Overworld can breathe easy again on day one I was flying toward the ground in a meteor it got faster and faster until finally I crash landed in a city oh gross I’m just

A pile of goo no wait I’m Venom I knew I wasn’t going to be able to survive 100 days without a host so I needed to find someone or something quick it was time to embrace the dark side and truly become the Symbiote I looked around the

City I had landed in wo these buildings are huge I was admiring all the buildings when all of a sudden I was attacked by a mean stray dog I knew I couldn’t beat him not being a puddle of goo with only three hearts so I hurried

And squirmed down a drain pH that was close the drain led me down into the sewer I explored down a tunnel before I found a little corner it seemed safe enough so I went to sleep for the night L away to spend the first night on a new

Planet on day two I woke up with a headache wait I don’t even have a brain how can I have a headache I Shrugged and started up out of the drain to the same Alleyway where I had landed I looked around and saw the Stray Dog was gone I

Went squirming around and figured if I could climb up the pipes that I must be able to climb up the walls too I started going up a building when I noticed an open window oh maybe I can hide in there I crawled in and saw that it was an

Apartment nobody seemed to be around so I made myself at home I smelled food so I tried to open the fridge but it wouldn’t budge I guess I wasn’t strong enough to opened doors yet my whole being grumbled my Hunger meter was dangerously low I knew I needed food so

I kept looking looking around but then I heard a noise I tried to freeze but then I felt something hit me ouch I dodged and realized someone was attacking me hey stop that he swung again that’s it pal time for you to see what a puddle

Can do I used the one ability I had morphing hey get off of me I climbed up and morphed into him getting absorbed into his body hey where didd you go I decided I should probably stay inside this guy until I could find some more

Food maybe he could take me to get some the guy looked around and Shrugged I guess he assumed I was gone he went back to sleep for the rest of the day leaving me starving on day three the guy had more into got up and made himself some

Breakfast he was able to open the fridge he had some fruit and it was fine but I didn’t really like it I wanted something else something meteor he went downstairs and he got onto his motorcycle even morphed inside of him it was really loud maybe he would take me to get some

Better food though we went to the park with some benches in a pond and he threw bread at some ducks I couldn’t handle it anymore I was so hungry at this point I decided to tell him what I needed brains he panicked not knowing it was me

Talking I need brains stop it Eddie you’re not hallucinating you don’t have time for the this okay so it seems like this guy’s name was Eddie perfect of course we had time for it I was hungry Eddie I need brains now I started to wiggle which made Eddie move maybe I

Could control him hey what’s going on help a police officer was nearby and he came running towards us oh no I didn’t want him to hurt us but maybe if I could have his brain the man got to us and I used Eddie to smack him I’m so sorry I

Don’t know what’s happening the police officer started yelling for backup oh no no we got to go no we need brains Eddie started to run away that wasn’t strong long enough yet so I couldn’t make him stop what are you doing I’m starving yeah well we don’t need brains oh I’m

Talking to myself we got back to Eddy’s apartment where he soon fell asleep I would have to try something else tomorrow on days four to 5 I woke Eddie up come on it’s time to eat I tried with all my strength to get him up and

Somehow managed to get his legs moving a little bit what in the world Eddie Stop resisting me I need food and you need to get it for me wao wait you’re not just in my head no I’m Venom or as you remember the little black puddle you

Tried to beat with the newspaper he started to go toward the fridge I want brain brains no more fruit I told you I don’t eat brains but I do I started to get really angry my Hunger meter was so low I was on the brink of dying and

Eddie didn’t even care I needed to get food and fast I reached out using all of my strength and manifested my true form we are Venom and we are getting some food and with that I jumped through the window on days 6 through 8 I fell down

Into the alleyway near the Stray Dog I saw earlier maybe I could eat his brain he saw us and ran away though no no brains Eddie was talking to me but I was in control of our body now I’m going to die if I don’t get some food soon don’t

You care about me Eddie I don’t even know you I started down the alleyway keeping an eye out for anything that looked tasty like I said I am Venom or now we are Venom I need a host in order to thrive and you are perfect Eddie well

Not perfect but we are a good match I ran up the side of the building and onto the rooftop it looked like even as Eddie I still had my same power I ran across some buildings and up some taller ones eventually we got to the edge of the

Water all of a sudden I saw what looked like a guy attacking a woman she screamed out for help without thinking I charged forward and grabbed the man then I realized he wasn’t a man he was a h it’s a zombie I didn’t know what a

Zombie was doing in the city but it looked tasty I defeated him and quickly ate some of the meat he left behind gross Venom that was a zombie yes he tasted interesting I realized that the woman was standing there staring at us we are Venom are you okay she nodded yes

Was that really a zombie uh yes yes it was he probably would have eaten my brain if you hadn’t come along zombies eat brains too we might be friends the woman started to tremble she looked really scared you’re scaring her Venom but not your brain you are nice to us

She nodded again Venom let me talk to her I let Eddie take control and he walked up to the girl I’m Eddie Brock I’m a reporter did you see where that zombie came from she pointed down the alleyway towards an abandoned building I was walking down the street when I saw

The guy outside I started walking faster but then he followed me down the alleyway do you think there are more of them I don’t know but we will find out anded he started to walk us toward the building when the woman called out from behind us wait I’m man if you need help

Call me she gave us her number I like her shut up excuse me no sorry not you oh okay she walked quickly down the alleyway and out of sight I like her so you said well I guess I’m stuck with you want to go see what’s up oh yes as long

As I get to eat on days 9 to 10 Eddie started to sneak toward the abandoned building hey I want to come out Venom You’re great and all but you’re kind of big what do you mean I mean a minute ago when you took form you’re only slightly

Bigger than me but that’s still something just wait until I take my true form what what never mind I think I see a window we can sneak in and he crept toward the window and looked inside there didn’t seem to be anyone there and it was open so we slipped inside we

Continued through the room and towards the next door Eddie opened it and we looked through still nothing just a dark hallway Eddie didn’t move what are you waiting for it’s dark I don’t know if there’s anything down there we forced Eddie to walk forward and he did we went

Down the hallway and saw another door at the end this one had a bigger lock on it you don’t by chance pick locks do you H I can try it turns out I had a special ability that would allow me to reach into door locks and Trigger the

Mechanism even without a key the door was now unlocked on days 11 to 12 Eddie opened the door and we immediately had to hide there were a bunch of scientists around what looked like big tanks full of green liquid Eddie ducked behind one fast phew I hope nobody saw us what is

This green stuff I have no idea Eddie peaked over the tank the scientists were listening as one scientist spoke the scientist speaking had spiky red hair and looked like he was in charge I’m going to try and get closer so that I can hear him anded he snuck us toward

Another tank one nearly behind the spiky-haired scientist and we couldn’t have done this without all of your help now that the machine is fully functional we can do what we intended start the zombie apocalypse what what are you doing Eddie they are going to find us Eddie peaked over the tank again the

Scientists were looking around trying to find the source of the noise you sure did it now Eddie come on we got to get out of here we looked up to see the lead scientist pointing a weapon at us I could tell that Eddie was scared so I

Started to take form then the scientist fired the weapon and we bled out on days 13 to 15 Eddie and I woke up strapped down on a table hey let me out we looked around the room there were cages weird instruments and glass windows looking in

On us well what are we going to do Venom H I don’t know maybe escape and with that I sliced the belts that were tying us down so Eddie was was able to get up you could have gotten us out this whole time yes it was just fun watching you

Squirm and he side and walked to the door he pulled it and it opened right up not very good security here huh he started to creep down the hall just then the lead scientist came around the corner we hid behind some boxes as he passed he went back into the lab and we

Heard him yell who let my test subject out we were still hiding behind the boxes I did notice that he had a syringe in his hand with the same green stuff from the large room got to get some more information out of him Venom sure thing

I took my Venom form and we started to run toward the scientist he screamed and ran into the room we were being help he sealed the door behind him and watched us through the glass what are you we are Venom and we know your plan funny haired man the scientist scrambled around and

Pressed a big red button on the side of the wall something really loud started shrieking oh turn it off I could feel my Venom form fading away and we turned back into regular Eddie Eddie started to look woozy and collapsed on the floor on

Days 16 to 19 we woke up strapped to the table again Venom what was that noise I don’t like loud noises we had a terrible headache and we could barely make out anything in the room it was like our our view was all fuzzy when everything

Started to clear up we saw the scientist again who was standing on the other side of the room looking at us through the glass extraordinary I tried to cut the straps but the scientist held up a device if you change again I’ll turn on the alarm and I’d rather keep you in one

Piece for now he let Eddie take control who are you Dr Drake I am researching life expansion and I have finally reached a breakthrough he pulled out the syringe with the green goo in order for life to expand it first needs to be controlled it needs to have the best chance

So I started the zombie apocalypse survival of the fittest you might say only the strongest should remain otherwise the Earth’s resources will be used up by the week and it’s irreversible so no chance of stopping me he put the syringe away he stepped up to a board and pressed some buttons a huge

Device lowered down and looked like it was going to envelop us what is that don’t you worry it will only hurt a little my first test subject worked well but apparently he was eaten his tracker gave off information that it was swallow sorry but no matter you’re exactly what

I need I already have four attacks planned but you are a welcome surprise with you and the bombs this city will be cleaned up in no time the device lowered and was getting even closer to us um I don’t like this Eddie me neither the device started to get closer and then I

Noticed something about it there was a tube running really close to our hand maybe that could stop the machine hit it Venom I morphed out of Eddie’s hand and pulled the two the whole device collapsed and smoke went up everywhere run I took my Venom form and we were

Able to break the glass I knocked over the scientist he dropped a syringe in the small alarm device in the struggle pick those up okay I grabbed them and we ran down the hallway on days 20 to 22 we escaped barely we ran down several hallways and finally broke through a

Window to get out wow that was amazing amazing we nearly died Venom oh we’re fine we climbed up the wall to the apartment and made our way inside I let Eddie take form he examined the device in the syringe we need to tell people about this everyone is in danger he

Started to move but I didn’t let him Venom come on we got to go War everyone but I’m hungry head side and started to go to the fridge no I want meat like that zombie oh that was so gross maybe I can eat more zombies Eddie stopped and

Thought for a minute Venom we need to help people first if worst comes to worst we can eat the zombies but we need to tell someone official okay how about that an girl I like her actually that’s a good idea we might need some help but then we talked to the authorities here

In town okay Eddie went to his phone and dialed an’s number while he was waiting he tossed something on the ground what’s that it’s chocolate Venom it sounded gross symbiotes don’t want chocolate they want meat Eddie picked up and atee the chocolate and I felt myself get

Stronger ooh yes more of that Eddie ate another and another and I felt myself growing that’s when I took my Venom form once again but this time I was even bigger I felt stronger and had more Hearts my Hunger meter grew too hello I forgot that Ann was on the phone hello

This is Venom meet us at the small messy place where we sleep on days 23 to 26 we decided to make some upgrades to the apartment I was helping build a secret door when Anne knocked on the door I opened it up hello nobody was there

Wrong door buddy oh right I went to the front door and there was an I let Eddie take form hey an come in he talked for a minute about boring things and then I said something Eddie tell her about the zombies and all the ones I’m going to

Eat right yes Eddie told an about all the stuff we saw at the lab he also told her about the safe house we were building this is all great Eddie and Venom I like her stop it what nothing you were saying we need to go to the

Police they can help us we nodded and we went with Ann down to the police station we told him about Dr Drake and his plan to unleash the zombie apocalypse they laughed and told us to go home so we made our way back to the apartment rude

What about your boss Eddie you’re a reporter maybe he will print a story about it Eddie nodded his head and called his boss he told him about the zombies and how everyone needed to be warned Eddie you really expect me to believe that it’s the truth look I can’t

Keep dealing with you in your crazy stories you’re fired Eddie Eddie sunk into the couch and side oh I know what will cheer you up let’s eat some chocolate Eddie only sigh on days 27 to 31 Ann offered to help us build our safe house we gathered more Brick and Stone

From abandoned buildings and made the Secret Safe House look just like the rest of the building we found some extra beds and other furniture too this looks great Eddie uh what about me and Venom too I was really proud of our work it was small but maybe we could upgrade it

In the future hey Venom we should build something else something that will let people know that this is a safe place to come when things get difficult Eddie and I agreed that we want to build a statue of you I was a little shocked Eddie let

Me take form me why well you saved my life and I know Eddie is really grateful that you saved him are you really grateful Eddie yeah yeah sure you’re kind of our hero hero I hadn’t thought about that before but it made sense these humans were very frail and small I

Was big and strong then I realized something am I the only one who can stop the zombies and nodd it we’re counting on you Venom you’re our only hope that felt good I liked that feeling okay an I will stop those zombies and make sure you puny humans don’t die an laughed

Sounds good to me on days 32 to 35 Eddie and I went back to the lab but I insisted on eating some more chocolate before we left I had also make sure he stocked up on some more in our safe house just in case we knew Dr Drake

Wanted to start the apocalypse we just didn’t know when or how we needed to stay a few steps ahead of it if we could on our way over we didn’t see anything out of the ordinary except some interesting graffiti on the wall what an odd thing to write when we arrived we

Could see the window we jumped out of it was still broken should we go in through there again I crawled up the side of the building to another window I didn’t see anything inside the green tanks were empty and there was no one in sight that’s not good I climbed to the very

Top of the building to get a good view of the city all of a sudden I heard a loud boom and a large Plum of smoke went up in the air oh no I think we’re too late we started to run across the buildings toward the large green Cloud

As we got closer we noticed there was a lot of green goo everywhere and there were zombies they were running after normal humans and attacking them we had to do something all right Venom do your thing I looked my lips and jumped down into the crowd on days 36 to 39 I

Defeated and ate a lot of zombies maybe hundreds I had never felt so full in my life after eating one I felt a surge of strength and I morphed into an even bigger Venom I was even taller and my tongue got longer and I could use that

As a new attack I realized I couldn’t keep eating because I was getting too full so I started to fence off one city block so the zombies wouldn’t get out the the humans were safe and I basically had an endless supply of food Venom we

Should go check on an see if she’s okay good idea Annie I like her me too buddy me too we made our way back to the apartment to check on an I let Eddie take his human form since I was getting a little bit big for the ceilings an we

Looked around and didn’t see her anywhere we checked the safe house maybe she went to get more chocolate Venom we have enough chocolate to last you a lifetime m not possible she wasn’t in the safe house either where would she have gone but then we heard another boom

And there was an explosion just down the street Eddie looked out the window it was was more green smoke oh no it was time for me to take my Venom form again and we went racing outside to go hell on days 40 to 43 we found the explosion

Site there was green goo everywhere and people were turning into zombies again we need to start fencing them in just like the others we started to take materials from the destroyed buildings and build a wall around the infected eventually we got all of them inside

Eddie there’s an I pointed to the top of a building nearby she was looking around frantically an we raced up the side of the building and grabbed her we ran her all the way back to the apartment building before letting her go I let Eddie take form what were you you doing

Outside I have some friends who live nearby and I was in their building when I heard the explosion I went to the roof of the building hoping it would be a safe place my friends went downstairs I don’t think they made it I’m so sorry an

But I’m glad you’re safe we are glad you’re safe just please don’t go outside again she nodded but she looked pretty sad hey Venom will take care of us okay I’ll let my true Venom form come out of course I will who do you think I am that

Made an laugh and she tried to embrace me what a funny human thank you what can I do to help I let Eddie take control again there must be a pattern to the attacks he mentioned that he had planned four we need a map so we can figure out

Where Dr Drake is going to strike next and nodded and pulled out a map from the bookshelf we looked at the areas of the city and it didn’t look like much yet we’ll have to wait and see okay how about we work on that statue so people

Know where to go great idea we started to build a statue on top of the safe house we only got the first little bit done but I’m excited to see how it turns out on days 44 to 49 we went back outside to scout the city at this point

Most people knew to stay inside some still went about their business though like nothing was happening Eddie said that the mayor told everyone that everything was under control and they had nothing to worry about I felt so proud of myself but also worried there were so many people in the city people

Like an and Eddie I really liked them and I didn’t want people like them to turn into zombies it wasn’t fair of Dr Drake to decide who would live in his weird world he needed to be stopped at all costs Eddie where do you think Dr

Drake is well if he wants to stop the zombie apocalypse he’s probably hiding in a safe house like ours but probably with more Security in food do you think he has a chocolate stash bet he does buddy that made me like him even less how dare he take chocolate that should

Be mine we jumped around on some buildings to look around but there didn’t seem to be anything there is always an explosion of goop so he must put it there before it goes off did you see any sort of container at the other sites I don’t know let’s go see I need a

Snack anyway we headed over to the second explosion site where we had built the zombie fence I noticed there was some sort of weird shaped thing on the ground what is that we picked it up but we couldn’t tell what it was maybe a bolt or something we took it with us

Back to the apartment on days 50 to 53 we found Anne in the apartment with a few other people I let Eddie take his human so so we wouldn’t scare everyone these people live downstairs but they said the owner of this building disappeared they didn’t feel safe in

Their apartment so they came up here the owner is gone what if we just retrofitted the entire apartment to be a safe house that way you can still live in your home that would be perfect thank you I’m Anita by the way let me know if you need any help with anything of

Course we could use some help with securing the block Anita nodded and started to gather some people to help her outside and Eddie and I got to work building some new security measures for the surrounding buildings we cleared out some of the other debris from the broken buildings and made ourselves a large

Wall surrounding us we also started to work more on the Statue it was starting to look really good it felt good to know that we were protecting people thanks again for taking us in you’re amazing of course anything we can do to help Anita nodded and her and her friends went back

Downstairs once we were done and Eddie and I sat around the safe house table looking at the weird object we had found we had put it in a container and didn’t let Anne touch it just in case wait I know what that is it’s the top of a fire

Hydrant are you kidding those are everywhere how are we supposed to know which one is real and which one is a trap but our conversation was interrupted when we heard heard a loud explosion it didn’t seem as close this time but it still made me mad how dare

Dr Drake hurt all these people Eddie let me take the Venom form and we went sprinting toward the green plume of smoke on days 54 to 57 we arrived at a city block close to the Waterfront people were groaning and already turning into zombies there weren’t as many

Zombies this time but it still made me mad hey Venom are you okay no why would a fellow human hurt other humans there are a lot of good humans here some are bad and should be eaten but mostly they are good like you and an drink needs to

Be stopped you’re starting to sound like a human that’s good at first I thought you were just this parasite that was going to eat me and everyone here you’re actually better than most people I know that made me feel only a little bit better well actually it made me feel

Pretty good it was nice to feel needed Venom are you crying no we are crying it’s okay buddy it’s all good we saw an emergency flare go up in the sky hey that’s a flare from our emergency stash the people in our building must be in

Trouble we ran toward the source of the explosion to see what was going on on days 58 to 62 we arrived back at the apartment everything seemed normal and no nobody seemed to know who shot off the flare but then Anita came running up to us Eddie you won’t believe it Anna is

A traitor what she was acting really weird so I followed her up onto the roof she told me that she was a spy for Dr Drake and had staked out the apartment for him she’s been trying to get to you so she can turn you into Drake I

Couldn’t believe it and was our friend how could she betray us like this where did she go I don’t know she must have gone down the fire escape I tried to grab her but she let off the flare and it scared me so bad that I fell over I

Think she was telling Drake where we are everyone started to free out hey everyone calm down we will take care of this don’t worry Anita seemed really shaken I felt the same way I still couldn’t believe that an was gone plotting with Dr Drake she was probably

In on it the whole time she pretended to be attacked by a zombie so someone would help her Drake wanted test subjects but now he just wanted me he would do anything to get to me I felt so angry at him but I also felt sad about an I liked

Her me too buddy me too we decided to keep lookout for the night I also checked all the fire hydrants in our block they all seemed real so I felt good about our safety I still felt felt sad but I knew that I needed to protect

Our friends if Drake was coming I’d be there to meet him on day 63 to 66 Dr Drake didn’t come we were expecting him to but he never did we waited and waited everyone seemed on edge Eddie most of all why hasn’t he come yet what is he

Waiting for I didn’t know but I had a weird feeling about this whole situation or maybe it was Hunger I couldn’t tell Venom what should we do eat chocolate I’m serious so am I Eddie threw up his hands in frustration Eddie I know this must be hard for you too he nodded are

You crying no we are cry ran on days 67 to 70 we went into the safe house to wrestle up some chocolate well in there we noticed the map that Anne had taken out she had plotted the attack sites and red marker venom look at that I know

Eddie I see through your eyes the three points were marked equal distance from each other then Anne had plotted the next spot with a bright yellow marker and figured it out wait why would she plot this out if she was a traitor maybe she left it here on accident she already

Knew where the attack points were no Anna smarter than that then it dawned on us Anita she must be the traitor but if that’s the case where’s Anne we decided to go up to the roof to investigate Anita must have been wanting to contact Drake and an was on to her and followed

Her up here with the flare gun as a precaution and she confronted Anita Anita is not good people no she’s not buddy and must have set off the flare and Anita had to come up with a story to keep her cover so where is Anne Anita

Must be hiding her then we heard some noise coming from the rooftop storage closet we took on my Venom form and approached the door I opened it my claws bared ready to fight an on day 71 to 74 we untied Anne and helped her out of the

Storage closet I’m happy you found me but Eddie Venom we need to stop Anita she’s a traitor we know we saw your map you are the smartest human and wouldn’t leave that if you were a traitor you’re not too bad yourself Venom I let Eddie take his form again and Eddie of course

Well we are Venom so I just assume everything good you have to say applies to me too well I’m glad you found me Anita was on the phone with Drake when I grabbed her I managed to get her phone and throw it off the building before shooting the flare gun well nothing has

Happened so Anita must not have contacted Drake yet we need to make sure she doesn’t otherwise lots of people will be in danger danger we headed downstairs to Anita’s apartment when she opened the door she looked terrified Anita we need to talk to you she tried

To run inside and shut the door but Eddie let the Venom form come out and we rushed inside Anita you heard Anne I didn’t have a choice Drake has my family wait what Drake somehow found where you lived and he knew I lived in the same

Building so he’s been using me to get information about the safe house and you what have you told him nothing and threw my phone off the building before I had a chance to say anything I couldn’t get a new one because the city is basically on lockdown please he probably thinks I

Betrayed him he has my family she started to cry Eddie wanted to take his human form again but I wanted to talk to her some more we will get your family back Anita they are important to you so they are important to us I patted her on

The back do you know where he keeps his chocolate what sorry do you know where his safe house is no but we know where he is attacking next do you know when that will be all he said is that he needed to wait he had to make some

Modifications or something we sat and thought for a bit but we had no idea what Drake could be planning we decided to help Anita get a new phone so she could contact Drake she told him that she needed some more time since we were making more improvements to the block he

Seemed to buy it for now that should stall him for a bit we will find your family Anita we promise on day 75 to 78 Anita apologized to Anne and they started working together again Anita helped us to finish the statue as well we thought it looked pretty awesome and

Hoped that it would be a Beacon of Hope for people we also crafted some weapons and gear for the people in the block we had no idea what was coming but we wanted to be prepared everyone seemed a little happier and hopeful we welcomed more people into our safe perimeter and

They even gave me chocolate as a gift wow we will never run out of chocolate we also went around the city to check on the zombie corals where they are fenced in people need to be able to get to their homes and shops we got to work

Making a large zombie pen on a small island just by a pier we slowly started transporting the zombies over there we also cleaned up the goo and helped the people living nearby it was good to be a hero on day 79 to 84 we scouted the block where the next explosion should be

We checked all the fire hydrants and they all seemed normal weird maybe he hasn’t put it in here yet we took shelter on a nearby roof and staked out the block a lot of time passed and nothing happened what in the world it was starting to get suspicious we knew

Where he was going to be why wasn’t he here it didn’t make sense wait Anita said he was making modifications what if it’s not a fire hydrant what if it’s I saw it I hurried and ran down the building toward the car it was green just like the goo but before I could

Reach it the car exploded on days 85 to 89 a giant explosion made the block Rumble the buildings were damaged and there was a large crater full of green goo there weren’t any people outside so there weren’t any zombies to worry about but we needed to clean up this goo

Before it would start to fect people I guess that Drake just wanted a bigger explosion this time we managed to clean up all of the goo before checking out the pieces of the car but there was hardly anything left just a crater wait look there was a very small trail of

Green goo leading away from the explosion site maybe the car was driven here it left a trail great job Venom we followed the trail cleaning it up as we went it led out to a pier and then stopped do cars drive on water no they

Don’t buddy he must have taken a boat we looked around but didn’t see any more signs of green goo the boat could have come from anywhere we will find him Eddie we will find Dr Dr Drake and make sure he doesn’t blow up anything else I

Know it’ll just take a little more time on days 90 to 94 we went back to the safe house to regroup and look at the map and pointed out a few different islands that were nearby as well as the prison I doubt he would be at the prison

But he might be on this island it has some abandoned buildings there it looked like our best bet but we wanted to prep and make sure we had everything we needed before heading over there Eddie grabbed the syringe we had taken as well as some chocolate bars oh yes those are

Most important we also helped people find apartments to stay in I let Eddie take his human form to talk to everyone thank you for all your support and help we think we have found where Dr Drake is staying and we’re going to make sure all of this ends soon we will restore the

City and make sure nothing like this happens again people clapped and cheered then one called out my name Venom you’re our hero Venom and the crowd started chanting my name and he let me take my Venom form and the crowd cheered even louder we are Venom on days 95 to 97 we

Said goodbye to an are you sure you’ll be okay do you want me to come with you we’ll be fine but we can’t risk anyone else coming no one is a immune like us and nodded but she looked sad hey we’ll be okay we promise she nodded her head

And looked down but then Eddie gave her a hug you take care of each other okay Venom I took my Venom form and told her yes we will take care I gave an A Grin and then we took off it was time to stop that scientist on day 98 we headed for

The island we swam under the pier and made our way across the muddy terrain it was foggy but we managed to muddle our way to what looked like an old hospital it had some large graffiti on the side of the building creepy you got that right we found an open window and

Through trying not to make much sound it seemed quiet wait listen it sounded like someone was yelling upstairs somewhere we made our way through the corridors and up the stairs the noise was getting louder so we knew we were in the right place we opened the door and saw a long

Hallway with rooms on both sides but then a bunch of zombies came running out from around the corner I started fighting the zombies and managed to take a few down other zombies tried to attack me but it Hardly did anything after only a few moments all the zombies were gone

I’ll bet there’s more coming I hope so I was enjoying the fighting we continued down the hallway and saw some double doors Le leading into a large open room there were tanks filled with green goo and Dr Drake standing in the middle of them he didn’t seem to notice us so we

Ducked behind a tank he looked like he was experimenting on some people we looked around again and noticed there were cells with people inside and’s family must be in here somewhere we will free the many but first we need to deal with Drake agreed we crept forward and

Managed to LEAP toward Drake before we knew it he had pressed a button and some alarm started blaring turn it off oh look who it is it’s venom the hero Dr Drake turned off the alarm for a moment I felt so weak so I let Eddie take his

Human form not so strong without your parasite are you Mr Brock let these people go Drake Drake hit Eddie and laughed no you see everything is going very well I realized I couldn’t infect you so the most I could do is kill you turns out the exploding car didn’t quite

Do it that was the modification that Anita was talking about no matter I don’t need you anymore you’re just a liability now soon I’ll be able to open your little compound and in fact all the people there I have someone on the inside no you don’t Anita told us

Everything she isn’t going to help you Drake yelled and hit Eddie again she will if I tell her that her family is going to die if she doesn’t Drake pointed to some people in a Cell nearby they were trembling and looked so scared I needed to help them I thought of an

Anita and especially Eddie they all needed me and I couldn’t let them down I mustered all my strength and took my final form no I transformed into the biggest possible version of Venom I was huge with tons of hearts and I could feel I was stronger than ever on day 99

I charged towards Drake but he had one last trick up his sleeve he ran back into an emergency pod and sealed the door shut it started to rumble and I thought he might have an injection pod but to my surprise the rumbling stopped I saw now that the door he was sealed

Behind was only part of a much larger door the large door slid open and a gigantic robot walked out piloted by Dr Drake the fight was on Dr Drake and I started to fight and it was a good thing I had gained all those extra Hearts because he started to take them away

Quickly I was strong but his robot suit was so powerful I worried I wouldn’t be able to defeat him before he took away all of my life but then I saw something strange in the room he had come out of a glowing device of some kind I couldn’t

Get past him though the huge robot suit was blocking me on the entrance into the room and he refused to move away from it far enough to let me pass but then I had an idea your turn Eddie I changed my form back to the human and much smaller

Eddie Eddie knew what to do and ran right under the robot’s leg into the room I saw now that the glowing machine was the source of the robot’s power No don’t touch that I turned back into Venom sorry Drake looks like your robot suit’s time has expired I broke the

Machine and heard dror Drake scream as his robot suit exploded I saw the doctor standing in the scraps of his robot suit I cornered him and then pulled out the syringe that Eddie had stolen from the lab all those days ago have a taste of your own medicine doctor I plunged the

Syringe into Drake and he started to scream he backed up and began to change his skin turned green as this cries turned into moans soon he was a zombie but still with that trademark red hair of course I lick my lips snack time soon I was enjoying another zombie meat treat

Everyone in the cages clapped and cheered me on we let them out and I went searching for my well-earned chocolate stash before heading home on day 100 we made it back to the apartment safe and sound Anita reunited with her family and we saw Ann again she made us the biggest

Chocolate cake ever which was followed by an even bigger Hub and even got his job as a reporter back we helped clean up the entire city the green goo tanks and everything went back to the way it was better even if you want to know what

Adventure we go on next don’t forget to like And subscribe thanks for your support

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an ELECTRIC TIGER in HARDCORE MInecraft – Unique Creatures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-10-29 01:15:03. It has garnered 31822 views and 490 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:03 or 13263 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an ELECTRIC TIGER in Hardcore Minecraft! My electric powers will have to grow, if I’m going to stop evil from taking over the land. Can I save everyone in time??

0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ELECTRIC TIGER 0:36:22 100 DAYS as DIAMOND VENOM 1:15:41 100 DAYS as a CREEPER POKEMON 1:53:21 100 DAYS as a FAT CREEPER 2:32:02 100 DAYS as a GOLD HYDRA 3:10:31 100 DAYS as VENOM

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  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2

    Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Horror Project pt 2’, was uploaded by Crisis on 2024-04-22 21:36:16. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:45 or 2385 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viral

    Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fact 💯 #shorts #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by (RANA) Gamer 64 on 2024-04-19 13:13:54. It has garnered 10728 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • 🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟

    🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Minecraft Monday #2 exploring the frontier【Starleigh Aurora】✨’, was uploaded by Starleigh Aurora on 2024-03-20 05:48:19. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:52 or 472 seconds. Credits: Model – DG Studio art&assets- ahyjay BGM – gannderp Additional thanks – agentf2s ——————————————————————- Follow my other accounts here! ——————————————————————- bgm: —————————————————————— Support me here! ——————————————————————- #vtuber #vtuberen Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Live Minecraft Server Indonesia’, was uploaded by LanEzzy on 2024-05-27 22:00:06. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. 🔳 **Minecraft Java 1.17.x – 1.20.x** *(Recomended 1.20.2)* “`IP:“` 🔳 **Minecraft Bedrock/Mcpe 1.20** “`IP: PORT: 19132 (Default)“` “` Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙

    EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Moonvelion Creek- Moon Vietnam (Minecraft Community Realm Stream)’, was uploaded by KidKinobi on 2024-03-25 11:58:07. It has garnered 83 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:56 or 5276 seconds. Let’s get this Moonrock Flavored Bread Pop in and chat, say hello! Just follow the golden rule: Be Chill! This version is Minecraft Bedrock edition, on PS4/PS5! *If you want to join the Realm, you first have to get into my Discord, then go over to the Realm Add Channel, Put in your Information, and I will add later this week!*… Read More

  • Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!

    Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-10 02:35:58. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:49 or 589 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • Jamesy’s SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!

    Jamesy's SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-11 11:00:45. It has garnered 17973 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:55 or 13375 seconds. I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!” #undertale

    "Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!" #undertaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE (OST: 71) – Undertale part 9 (Minecraft Noteblock) #shorts #undertale #frisk #deltarune’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-22 09:00:25. It has garnered 362 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Tags: #Undertale #frisk #undertaleost #undertalesoundtrack #UndertaleOST #tobyfox #noteblock #FamilyJules #Alpharad #deltarune #Minecraft #piano #NoteBlock #minecraft #music #gnhan5555 #cover #coversong Read More