INSANE EVIL Base Build – Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

All right we are live right oh hello don’t do that I just went to click the oh wait I wasn’t even live yet okay hello we are live I just went to click the share button and as soon as I went to click it um I forgot that the

End stream button on YouTube uh like the share button will be here right and then as soon as as soon as you start streaming the end the end stream button appears here and pushes the share button to the side so I almost ended the stream before it even started what’s up Village

Hero congratulations on getting first what’s up render uh Village Hero you know I actually didn’t know this but I just checked earlier on nightbot and you actually are the number one chatter uh for I think it’s this week but congratulations what’s up wtac how’s it going not late for the first time let’s

Go okay guys I’m kind of fired up today so today’s going to be today’s going to be dope I’m going to let me send out my notifications at notifications live now I’m fired fired up today today was a pagers Day come here about it and then boom all right I was

Playing Lego fortnite for the first or for the past stream sorry no worries Billy welcome back did I do it first no on my screen it was Village Hero but what’s up gbear how’s it going welcome to the stream guys today was such a good day I

Got so much work done the past few days um I think I’ve I I definitely have mentioned that I have not been taking my ADHD medicine which makes it a lot harder to get work done and so the past few days I’ve been uh either procrastinating or not really having

Enough time to to edit a Tik Tok until the night and so I’ve been doing it at night but today I woke up at like N I woke up at like 8:00 started working on it it took me a while to be fair it took

Me much longer than I would like it to but like I finished it at like 4: but then again I’m just that’s including all the procrastination and whatnot but I got I got it done and I’m happy with that because now I have a Tik Tok for

Tomorrow and I don’t have to wake up or I don’t have to stay up really late to post it uh or well I I always say a Tik Tok but that means like a YouTube short and an Instagram reel as well just so you guys

Know um why am I not sprinting right now there we go um been playing Just Dance 4 for the past 40 streams dang what do you think will happen first me 100k or you 1 mil probably me 1 mil I don’t know I don’t really know but I

Don’t AR are you are you still at the same amount of subscribers pretty much as you were last time forgot about Minecraft is the volcano complete it’s getting there it’s not complete but it’s it’s like pretty good now okay anyways other stuff other notable things that happened today in

Addition to getting that Tik Tok done I also got a good amount of work done on the next ful length video which is going to be awesome I’m actually really happy with how it’s coming out right now more so than usual like I I don’t put out crap

You know I only put out well I guess crap is subjective but I only put out something that I would watch and so like Norm so basically I was editing my video a while ago and I was like this is generic and like not that good and so I went and

Re-edited a bunch of stuff I added more jokes I gave the video just like overall its own identity and made it good and now it’s good and now I’m happy with it and I’m actually kind of right now thinking that this might be my best

Video yet I mean and I I’m not just saying that like I’m not one of the YouTubers who says that about every video where it’s like you know this this is my best video yet guys even though they’ve said that about every video this video I actually feel like really good about

I’m like doing I’m doing some stuff that I haven’t done in previous videos which is why it’s turning out well or like better than usual I would say like one thing that I haven’t done in previous videos is uh done music while I edit I usually save music for the very end and

Then the music isn’t always like super fitting and doesn’t always match the tone of the video as well as it could so I’m like doing that now I’m adding more sound effects and stuff that are just like making it better I’m adding more fun graphics and stuff it’s going to be

Fire is all I’m saying it’s going to be fire I’m at 2.52k now what were you at before oh I forgot that I turned up I made it so that my render distance can go really high I added the Bobby mod I actually should probably disable that

Cuz I don’t know let me disable that real quick I don’t know how that’s going to affect things got a keyboard and a mouse for Christmas it’s Sonic themed and now I have a keyboard that isn’t louder than my thoughts let’s go dude I hate loud keyboards I can’t I can’t

Tolerate loud keyboards they like I had to get I they’re like dude biggest mistake of my life was getting into the keyboard hobby cuz I spent like hundreds of dollars on a keyboard just to make it sound nice but it does sound nice now and it’s lasted me years what’s up Play

Welcome to the stream I have like three videos coming soon oh cool dash Merry Christmas and happy New Year happy New Year to you too apple and Merry Christmas um yeah so I’m really happy with the video right now um what else what else happened today that actually was like mostly

It um I’m pretty I’m pretty happy that I didn’t have to go on that vacation cuz I’m getting to stream and I’m getting to edit and stuff oh also the other thing that happened that made today really good was my Tik Tok um I posted also to YouTube

Um but YouTube is usually slow when it comes to giving me views my Tik Tok though I posted a video to Tik Tok a few days ago and that video absolutely blew up it’s at like 1.1 million views right now which means I’ll get like a few

Hundred from that video which is awesome so I’m pretty I’m also pretty stoked about getting lots of money from that video doing well I already made about three $300 off of that video and um you know I think I think I’ll make another like 100 bucks or something Dash is balling

Yeah dude it’s actually crazy to me that like that that YouTube and Tik Tok has become like a viable career path for me like I always kind of believed in myself but I don’t know if I I don’t know I feel like I believed in myself but didn’t know didn’t think it would

Actually happen I guess I guess that means I didn’t believe in myself but like dude I I can spend you know 4 hours on a video and make like $500 off of it and that’s crazy like that’s $150 an hour is a pretty pretty good pay if I do say so

Myself Das I’m eating premium mac and cheese interesting what’s up gundam style how’s it going it is pum by the way maybe that was just a typo though dash can you add a Cleveland Show poster in the in the volcano like like The Cleveland Show as in like the Family Guy

Spin-off is that what you mean remember me from a few days ago I do what’s up cash how’s it going welcome back um okay so the next thing that we’re doing guys we now oh wait do I have ice hold on I don’t think I have ice on

Me other than like the 30 grand Rolex on my wrist but uh that doesn’t actually exist because I’m not a I’m not that rich I am I’m well off right now cuz YouTube and Tik Tok be treating me nicely however not that rich and also I’m not

That stupid to spend 30 grand on a watch I can just look at my phone if I need to know the time time anyways enough roasting on rich people um let’s go get ice blocks I need ice I think being a YouTuber is a good thing to do because if you get monetized

You can do whatever you want while your video is collecting money yeah true I think some of my videos like are to like um a few of my videos are just passive income you know um they on YouTube they call them Evergreen videos which is basically passive income

Videos it’s basically videos that will just grow forever and keep getting views forever but they’re not going to grow rapidly necessarily but they will grow forever um I have I think I have two videos that are like that on my channel one of them I one of them isn’t because

I posted a new one and now it’s outdated um if you if you’re wondering what I’m talking about um I have the ever the Evergreen videos are my newest gold farm video and my Enderman farm video those videos will probably if even if I stop posting videos I’ll still make like a

Hundred bucks a month off of those two videos or something um that might be actually a little bit of an exaggeration I don’t know exactly how much money I make a month off of those videos but you get the point I’ll make a little bit of

Money off of them um and that’s just passive income and so yeah like my videos even if I stop posting videos I actually barely posted at all last month and I had one of my highest months in YouTube uh Revenue I think it actually might have been my highest month of

YouTube Revenue but that’s actually just because YouTube for some reason is about a month behind when it comes to my videos generally when it comes to my shorts hold on I have to turn this down this is earpiercing and I hate it um when it comes to my YouTube Shorts

YouTube will promote them like a month after I post them oh I got to do a mouse so so I posted a bunch of videos uh last month and then I barely posted any this month but I got a big old paycheck from YouTube because it was

Like oh great job this month and I was like ah cool I’ll take it thank you for the money so that’s that’s how I got money think YouTube is better as a side job for your real job until you get like a few million subs and guaranteed to get money I think that

Um I think that the Strat that most people should do and that I’m doing is have have the ability to get a real job like I don’t recom I don’t think most people unless you have like millions of subscribers and make so much money a

Year that you have like 5 years worth of money in savings I think most people shouldn’t like drop out of college or anything but unless you’re huge you know but if you but if you can I think that YouTube is a once- in a-lifetime opportunity for most people and uh

Schooling and getting a job isn’t you can go to college when you’re 50 but if you have a YouTube channel that’s blowing up and then you go to college and because of college you can’t post anymore let’s say at all right you can’t post at all anymore you come back to

Your channel in 4 years uh whatever game you were playing let’s say Minecraft has died and now your YouTube channel also is dead like that’s something that you’re never going to get the chance to do again which is why I would say that I would say that uh YouTube YouTube

Sh like while it is viable you should totally do YouTube even if you could be doing another thing because YouTube is just such a rare thing um yeah get out of here Phantoms dropping out is a dumb idea unless you’re rich enough to have a guaranteed career for

The next few years yeah or guaranteed to not need to work for the next few years I I would say personally that being if you can do YouTube even if even if doing YouTube means well so assuming that you love to do YouTube but I would say that

Even if doing YouTube means that you have to live extremely frugally I would totally do it like like if I if I finish college and I’m making let’s say let’s say it costs me like three grand a month to live like food and rent and whatever

And I make like 3 and half Grand a month I would I would still do YouTube because like even though you know even though I might be able to make more money elsewhere YouTube is just is just a job that you’re never you’re probably not

Going to be able to do again like most people most people when their channels die at at least I haven’t I’ve seen plenty of Sunny V2 videos that are like this YouTuber’s Channel died I’ve very rarely seen videos where it’s like this YouTuber’s Channel revived I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that

Honestly it’s it’s much rarer for a channel to revive than a channel to die so point is point is um I would say YouTube’s a once in a-lifetime thing do it while you can that’s that’s how I look at it I think YouTube you should totally do it

While you can um and then you know in a couple years if Minecraft dies my channel will probably die with it but that’s okay because at least I got to do YouTube for a little while you know like I would I feel like I would regret it forever if I

Waited I know my parents have have always been very big supporters of just wait a couple years finish like finish your swimming career and then do YouTube and I was like Mom and Dad YouTube is YouTube may not be here by the time I S finish my swimming career my YouTube

Channel may have died by then so I want a fun job that give me money like YouTube yeah I got a steering wheel for Christmas and I’ve been playing car games that’s dope what’s up wet owl how’s it going only time Minecraft ever died was the great fall of 2018 yeah I

Mean I actually am glad or I’m I’m I like to think that Minecraft is a game that probably won’t die as hard as other games uh it might have like dwindling viewers you know but at at points but I feel like Minecraft stays Minecraft won’t ever

Fully die and I feel like uh I feel like since I’m not like an Among Us streamer you know it’s like that’s that’s good at least at least I’m not I didn’t make a bunch of money off of Among Us quit my job to play Among Us full time and then

Among Us was like oh it’s on at least you know at least that didn’t happen cuz that would be bad but um but I had a point oh but Minecraft Minecraft probably won’t die at least not permanently and not as hard it’s not going to like even during the 2018

Period some people like me were still playing Minecraft you know I still played Minecraft a little bit when it was in its like dead years you know and so there was still like some content and stuff to be done during that time and to to

Get why don’t you stream on Twitch cuz I don’t like twitch your channel subject is like a boat and your channel is its Captain a captain goes down with his ship true I like that analogy I like that analogy you know I actually saw an analogy this is totally

Unrelated I saw a really good analogy for shaders on my on my video that I titled um or on my video where I ranted about how I don’t like shaders um somebody commented something along the lines of of uh I don’t like shaders because they’re like makeup if you have a build

And you put on shaders and it looks good that’s great but if you have a build and it looks good without shaders then you have something really special or something like I I don’t know I I’m not I’m not quoting it very well but I like that

Analogy I have a lot of ice now this is more ice than I need let’s go let’s get out of here yesh I’m staying in college for at least 6 years because I really care for my education and future are you doing are you going to do like a

Master’s degree or or doctorate or something six years of schooling is a lot it’s it’s more than you know the typical amount which is why I ask you know what I want to do right now oh no I want to move this nether portal

Down do I have a flint and steel on me though I don’t think so so I think maybe that’s not a good idea cuz I don’t think I’m going to actually be able to light it I have campfire so that’s not helpful I guess I

Can make a flint and steel yeah I can make a flint and steel really easily bam bam bam oh I should have just stayed up here oh my gosh toggle Sprint kind of annoying sometimes not going to lie like I’m shifting or I’m just I’m just trying

To walk along the bottom of the water and toggle spr is like no you’re going to swim down I like shaders I like light shaders like shaders that just add shadows and realistic lighting I mean even the lightest shaders for me I don’t I think do too much I think one thing

That I’d like I don’t know if this constitutes a Shader but entity Shadows are why do I not see them oh there we go oh interesting you don’t see your own entty shadow I hate that this is round I like um if you go into here I like I

Like this thing that uh complimentary adds these shadows and they actually look great and I would love them in the main in the main game they add pixelated well this is a setting but it adds like a pixelated shadow of you and it adds a pixelated shadow of everything and it

Looks so much better than the stupid round Shadows that for some reason Minecraft has Minecraft has no circles but then Shadows are round but like it’s so cool too because you can see your Shadow like moving around with you below you like I I do really like that this is

Just like I don’t know it’s so I I don’t love it I don’t love how shaders look um another thing some someone mentioned this about shaders and I I very much agree with this I also also can’t turn my brightness up and down with shaders which sucks but someone said this about

Shaders they were like I like shaders or um I like shaders but I don’t need Minecraft to be realistic like or I don’t need Minecraft to be so realistic that I can’t see anything like and and that’s so true shaders I feel like they always make the bright super super

Bright and then the darkness is really dark and it’s like that’s why I’m okay with the base game cuz I can turn my brightness up and down but with a Shader on I can’t and so I’m like I would rather this biggest problem of twitch’s rules is the hypocrisy they ban people for

That sort of stuff yeah twitch is the twitch mods are a bunch of a bunch of simps so you know I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that on YouTube YouTube please don’t ban me I mean it in no no negative way I’m a simp so it’s

Fine what’s your FPS without shaders like 500ish I have I have a I have a beefy computer for Minecraft my computer is is an editing machine though like but I it’s also really good for gaming because it is an editing machine but you know I like that Shader that you just put on

Well thank you I don’t really like it enough to use it all the time I think that I pref I definit well I don’t think I know I prefer the simplistic look of Minecraft I prefer I think I think Minecraft’s identity is built around it being simple and El and like it’s just

Like an elegant game because of it and I’m not a fan of shaders that make everything um look I feel like minec I feel like part of Minecraft’s charm is it that it kind of looks crappy at times and I think that uh adding shaders just makes things look a little too like

Detailed and good and I don’t like it shaders are just math interesting your game must be smoother than paper only when I’m like reloading new chunks is it is it not smooth I also run at uh I run at 32 chunk simulation distance so even

With that I got really high FPS in areas like this though I’m at like 100 12 because this area has a lot more going on yeah I’m now below 100 in less less important areas though I think I’m also loading in new chunks right or loading in chunks right now

Though which might be part of the reason but this is Minecraft not Zelda breath of the wild don’t give me these damn shaders yeah I don’t know I’m not I’m not a fan of shaders and I wanted to make a video about it and so I did and then a lot of people

Did not like my opinion but that’s okay that’s fine I don’t really I didn’t I didn’t really need them to man when is the gold Farm coming I’m so excited um the gold farm tutorial I have no idea when that’s coming well actually that’s uh yeah no I don’t know when the gold

Farm tutorial is coming but the Go the video that I made building my gold Farm is going to come out hopefully sometime in Jan January and then uh we’ll see about the tutorial I’m going to hop onto I’m going to start working on the tutorial right away right

Away as soon as I am able to but uh you know still going to it’s going to take a while to make that you know oh I actually did have my flint and steel I did not need to craft that okay word all right so here’s what we’re going to do

Oh wait wait just a gosh darn second I didn’t I I missing items Minecraft Legends is going to die I heard about that dude that’s crazy I only like shaders with bare bones because it looks like the trailer oh that’s valid that’s that’s probably a a combination of shaders and texture

Pack that I wouldn’t be opposed to Bare Bones is a cool texture pack it’s really weird to me that Minecraft makes their trailers with a texture pack instead of Minecraft looking like it actually does I that is one thing that I think is odd though like why does Minecraft not

Look like like in the game it doesn’t look like it does in the trailers like at all it’s like it’s like it’s a texture pack that changes a lot you know so I wish you could edit live chats what’s up BB sge how’s it going welcome to the stream I love Minecraft

Simplicity it’s like he getting a cheap shovel wear game as a gift it has a charm yeah I like Minecraft Simplicity I don’t know what that means but you can just redact your messages if you want to edit them if there was a revote for the

2017 mob vote what will you pick this time wait 27 mob vote was the The Blaze the uh great hunger and then the Phantom right were those the options I believe those were the options right right right if those were the options um I would pick and Barnacle oh

Okay and Phantom of course I’m picking the Phantom still no um I think I would pick the Barnacle the Barnacle seems like I feel like there’s not much danger in oceans and I like the idea of the Barnacle adding some danger to the oceans and I also I also like

Um I also I feel like the hovering Inferno which was the blaze would just be annoying like blazes are already a pretty annoying creature to deal with one of my in my tier list of favorite mobs to fight blazes are towards the bottom of that list so

Like so um you know I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t want another one Phantom obviously we know what Phantoms are like and they’re awful so I wouldn’t pick phantom um the great hunger seems like it would be annoying but also you would very rarely see it because elytra you would just

Like like I fly everywhere I would never encounter them and I want mobs that I encounter and I also just feel like the great hunger I don’t know it doesn’t feel like it belongs within Minecraft to me like it’s like a mob that burrows underground and then jumps out at

You what is this like a horror game like I don’t know I feel like I feel like I like the Barnacle so I can’t place this anywhere okay um what did I come here for oh I wanted to get my bed I don’t know what I actually did with my bed

Though I had a white bed oh hello weird glitch with my Sher box has it been 10 minutes guys I’ve been using this mouse for like a hot minute and I don’t know if it’s been 10 minutes and I don’t feel like checking ah that was not that wasn’t that wasn’t

Great not going to lie was not particularly convinced by that I’ve said timers up a thousand times oh I didn’t see oh you said it oh okay I didn’t see it whoopsie uh my you know my my friend it he said he’s he said he’s going to try

To code a bot to type in chat when timer’s up oh I should ask him to have it play a sound when the timer’s up because that would be helpful for cuz I might not check chat and I might miss it um but yeah he’s going to like have a

Bot that will tell me like 5 minutes and then it’ll tell me like 1 minute you know in chat I don’t know if he’ll actually be able to get it done cuz I feel like the API for that kind of thing for like disc or YouTube Bots might be

Difficult but we’ll see we we we can hope you know let’s hope that he gets it done did I not sleep I took my bed out and then I didn’t sleep silly me what mob did you vote for in the 1.21 update um oh the armadillo like the the most recent

One oh I can place this anywhere I forgot but it’s just not going to so which block was it oh was this one oh you know what I could actually I feel like the dead ones oh wait dead coral looks way better or looks dead coral actually looks

Good I think does it I mean we’ll see I feel like I feel like it will add some some extra detail to things Though I’m just going to add a bunch around here and we’ll see how it looks from far away um actually it’s kind of round I feel like okay it’s kind of round which I don’t like I like the shape of this cuz it kind of looks like

It’s just a dead Bush so I think we’re actually going to go back and get more Coral gosh dang it we’re getting Coral guys let’s go Coral Time Coral time we’re going to get the other types of coral though you going to are you really going to

Send your dogs into battle uh maybe but also the armadillo is just the cutest of the mobs and um Savannah biomes suck booty cheeks uh and also I could just move closer instead of the crab the mangrove swamps just got added I don’t think they need an update uh

Penguins barely any people build ice paths in the first place I build them and they’re plenty fast we don’t need a we don’t need the penguin the penguin sucks uh yeah just just explained all the reasons why armadillo was the best pick I like how much I overhyped being a

Member than when I got member I just put an emoji of your face next to the eggplant ah wonderful if you could bring back any mob from the previous mob vote which would it be h Huh huh um what are all the options I think the

Moo Bloom I like the moo Blom I would have liked the moo Bloom to be in the game copper Golem sucked tough Golem was even worse um for the most part all of my top choices got added to the game I also would have been fine with iser iser or mu

Bloom did you vote for the sniffer I voted for the sniffer sniffer gang rise up wait hold on aha see we have brain we have a bunch of types of coral that are not fans and that’s exactly what we want because when placed Out of Water these guys are going

To just look weird and wacky which is which is going to be dope and they’re going to add extra depth to the builds which is going to be awesome I’m going to throw these out for inventory management purposes all right so we have to do this

For a little while which is really fun IID bring back the muo bloom and I’m still salty about the glow squid winning I think um I didn’t really I don’t I didn’t actually vote in that one so you know I don’t really care or I didn’t really care but the uh mu bloom

Or the I I think I was okay with the glow squid and I still am okay with the glow squid winning I think people overhype how bad it is the glow squid isn’t the best mob but it’s also I don’t know it’s fine it’s more I’ve used the

Glu squid more times than I’ve used a lot of the other mobs like I haven’t played with the sniff at all you know like the Sni I was a fan of the sniffer and I did vote for it but I still have yet to bother with it um a

Lot of the mobs are like totally never going to get touched and I feel like I I think that the iser wouldn’t have dropped anything useful other than like ice blocks so maybe you could make it a very slow ice Farm using isce olers but I think I think I think that

Glow squids brought brought two new kind of cool items to the game glow ink sacks which are cool for decoration and like highlighting signs I have used that a few times and then uh glow item frames are okay bets are the worst they’re literally useless they’re just an ambient mob they’re

Fine will you actually manage your inventory I try Das people always say they need end to get more biomes like nether but I am a doesn’t because it’s supposed to be a wasteland I personally feel like I don’t go in the end very much so I don’t really think it needs an

Update but also I don’t go in the end that much because it doesn’t have anything to do in it which is maybe why it does need an update you know the nether though definitely needed an update I think because I did go in the nether all the time um like a lot of

Players went in the nether for various for various Farms the end doesn’t really have many farms in it and therefore you know you don’t really need to don’t really need to um you don’t really need to go there and doesn’t have many exclusive Farms to it

You know it has Enderman Farm which you know people build and then they use it a couple times until they get a better XP farm my point is um end I would like an end update but I would also like you know like an inventory update I feel

Like is more pressing to me I think an end update would be nice but I think there are better I think there are better ways that we could update the game do you like the deep dark I think the deep dark is great I think a block vote would be

Good yeah I think a block vote people might not care as much about out I think that um the mob vote does just straight up divide the Minecraft community and it maybe is about time that we just stopped doing it to in all fairness though I did

Profit heavily From the Mob vote so I’m all for continuing the mob vote so that next year I can also make lots of money by making videos about the mob vote you know controversial opinion but I like getting money and the mob vote allowed me to get money so I like the mob

Vote hey man how’s it going it’s 100 hate yo what’s up hate how’s it going it’s going pretty well how are you I think I saw you I saw something about you streaming on Kick how’s that going Minecraft player casually holding thousands of items in their

Pockets I mean I don’t want them to stop letting Minecraft players do that I want them to add the bundle or something or add man I want the vacuum enchantment for shulker boxes so bad it’s a mod makes it so that you can enchant shulker

Boxes and um put an item into a shulker box and then when you mine the that item it goes straight into the shulker box that enchantment and also another enchantment is one that will refill your Stacks from the shulker box those two enchantments solve all solve well I

Don’t know about all but they solve many of the inventory management problems they solve a lot of them they would be so helpful just add that Mojang and I’ll be happy and then and then you can do whatever else you want I am too bad I haven’t or I’m not

Too bad I’m not too bad I haven’t been streaming yet I’m getting prepped to start up again waiting to get my new mic in the mail it’s saying January 7th oh cool very cool well good luck when you do start add uh start streaming they

Should add it bundle in 1.21 oh cool um why did I say oh cool to that I agree I think I honestly think though that the bundle is a useful item but like I don’t know bundle bundle is cool and all but it I wouldn’t I wouldn’t use it I

Wouldn’t use it any time except for early game the bundle in like hoplight right the bundle in hoplight is just a Shuler box and the bundle in hoplight is actually useful but like the bundle being able to store 64 random items is not terrible but I mean the

Implementation that they had for like accessing an item in it was really bad if you could hypothetically if you if it was possible that uh that the player can if they made it possible for you to open it like a chest and then you can just grab a random item without having to

Like dump everything onto the floor then it would be fine and maybe I would use it early game but I don’t know I just feel like having a chest is just is fine I ordered the hyperx quadcast S white mic with boom arm super hyped how

Is the work going and how is or was school I’m currently on uh winter break school was pretty solid uh work which my work is uh my YouTube stuff is going well um the only thing holding the bundle back is Pocket Edition is that why they haven’t is that why the bundle doesn’t

Exist I’ve never talked about this but your profile pick is so cool thank you wait is my my profile picture is is me wearing a pumpkin on My Head Right or do I have I can’t actually remember do I have the professional profile picture for YouTube or is it is it the joke

One I can’t remember on on uh oh yeah it is me wearing a pumpkin on My Head word yeah I do like that profile picture that was taken in real life when I wore a pumpkin on My Head a few years ago wasn’t made with CGI trust me I mean

You were there for the stream weren’t you I think they should add the Aether or a sky world I think that the ather is like the best mod or one of the best mods of all time but I don’t think it I don’t think they should add it to

Minecraft I think the end is a sky world and I feel like I feel like uh the end I don’t know to me the end is the sky world and we don’t really need the Aether to be another sky world I also just feel like adding a mod

Would be would come off as very lazy and stuff if Mojang was just like all right guys we just decided to add this mod to Minecraft and now it’s in the game it’d be funny he’s cheating proofy isn’t playing oh my gosh he’s not holding he’s not holding his

Mouse ether will make all children’s dreams come true yeah I actually saw this video about how there’s a speedrun category that’s uh it’s like Aether percent or something and the goal is you make and light an ather portal in as in like as fast as you can obviously it’s

In vanilla Minecraft though so you just make and disappoint yourself as fast as you can ather would not be part of the of the completion for the game but it would be a really good little thing for the game um I feel like I like the blocks and stuff that

The Aether adds a lot and I like the armor and stuff but the ather I don’t know I don’t know if I would want the Aether being added to the game I think the Aether belongs as a mod and and should stay that way who’s more

Evil you or Gro MC probably me I don’t really know much about Gro but Gro fakes all his videos I do them for real so and when I say fakes I mean he’s doing it for for the entertainment value but you know all of his like villager

Killing videos I don’t watch much of him I know of him though all of his like villager killing videos you know are like he spawned them with a spawn egg I’m killing villagers that were bred by two parents just you know going at it and I don’t mean punching each

Other I’m breeding real live children or I’m killing real live children I think the trial key is a new portal lighter for a new dimension I think that would be cool if that’s what it was I think more realistically the trial key is going to be for the stone chest I

Don’t know if you guys saw but there was like leaks of like a stone chest existing and I think it it’s more realistically the stone chest is going to be a um ooh that would actually be really cool I would kind of love that they make it so that the so that the

Stone chest is unbreakable unless it’s unlocked and so you have to have the key to the chest which each key is is bound each key is bound to a specific no that’s actually a terrible idea imagine the griefing that’s just Bedrock but one player can break it

Um I don’t know how they would do that that’s a horrible idea don’t add that moang I was just thinking it would be maybe maybe don’t have it be like movable you know but it’s a it’s a unbreakable block unless it’s unlocked but when when it when it’s broken it’s

Just gone but like it would be it would be cool to have a new variant of a chest chests I I really would love it if every block got new variants like like a if we got like a oak chest Spruce chest dark oak chest I think that’d be really nice

But it’s not a huge deal dash Spence’s afternoon calculating the fastest way to create and Destroy villagers true and the frying table Yeah the frying table um I don’t I don’t feel like anyone is going to care about the frying table and if they do I don’t see

Why I don’t like I don’t who cares about the frying table bro maybe it only open with key when broken it doesn’t drop items but keeps NBT data huh that’d be interesting or maybe the stone chest is just a lockable chest okay that would be cool you do stone chest it’s not

Unbreakable it’s a lockable chest um that only the only the owner can can get it it’s un it’s untable you know it doesn’t it’s it’s not able to be exploded but you can mine it it just takes like the same amount of time as obsidian or something so that for for

The sake of uh security you can a little bit you’ll have some more security cuz like if someone wants your items they have to they have to mine all your chests which will take a while and like maybe by the time while they’re trying to mine all your chests you know you

Discover their plot and you foil it or something like a dog yeah kind of like a dog the jungle needs an update or revamp I think the jungle is fine I I don’t think it’s great but I don’t think I feel like I like I was saying before I

Think there are more pressing things I feel like the Overworld is pretty good for now and I don’t really want like I would be okay if they didn’t add another Overworld biome for a minute and then I I want them to just focus on stuff like what I was saying before

Like uh like inventory update and focus on uh end Dimension before we add any New Dimensions I’d love the rest of the game to be like you know perfected I feel like I probably have enough oh geez I forgot to turn off my fast right

Clicker that’s or my no not I forgot to stop holding down my mouse that’s unfortunate this design oh my gosh it’s bad look there’s freaking Coral getting into my Hoppers because of how poorly designed this is terrible terrible terrible design I’m so sorry Eagle ey but this

Design it’s not it it is not it what happened to the other Redstone Dust oh there it is I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how many how many minutes it took Eagle Eye to design this but it can’t have been more than 15 because this design is not

Good and eagley is a smart like eagley is smart I know I know Eagle ey is is capable of creating something a lot better than this which is why I which is why I’m like cuz I have Eagle I have some of eagal IED farms and they’re good

But this is not this is not good tube Coral oh wait tube Coral rain Coral fire coral and Earth fire cor Coral water Coral air Coral Earth Coral just kidding it’s an avatar reference guys do you get it everyone laugh now can’t call it terrible if you can’t

Do better I could do better I just didn’t if I put if I put time into designing a coral Farm I most certainly could design a better Coral Farm that’s why I call it terrible fire Coral is not a coral isn’t that what it’s called fire Coral that’s like that’s what it’s

Called why are you coding in my chat render it’s a jellyfish fire Coral is a jellyfish huh what’s your favorite armor trim um probably I’m kind of basic with that probably silence I don’t have it but silence is like a really cool looking armor trim AR Coral is a type of

Jellyfish well it’s also a type of coral according to Minecraft and Minecraft would never lie to me just like how in real life um gravel and sand and concrete powder are the only things that fall in real life when you drop something it just floats there is a member of the class hydrozoa

And more closely related to jellyfish and other stinging anemones that’s awesome silence is the best one that’s why it’s the rarest one true yeah Everyone likes silence silence is pretty cool NGL silence is a cool one okay here’s what I want to do I want to take this take fire Coral take horn

Coral take tube coral and we’re going to and what we’re going to do is we’re going to go uh random randomizer Max there we go four we’re going to go hot bar slot randomizer and we’re going to run around here and I mean I’m not 100% sure if this is

Going to turn out like I want it to but we’re going to we’re going to try putting these on the ground all over the place and see if this adds a nice decoration to the ground y I got my effects back I’m getting rid of these for now

Maybe we’ll add them back who knows I’m the only one who really knows what I’m doing ah stop that come back here like I like this and but I also feel like the dead ones will be good what’s up Sid or kid I don’t know if

It’s supposed to be kid or there was a stream yesterday do you use any clients I just use individual mods I haven’t gotten a red yet what’s going on there we go I’m trying to make it random in that there will be random spots that have multiple near each other but then there

Will also be some spots that have very few near each other just like if it was randomly generated you know I feel like I would like that more you know it’ll look better that way also I’m not sure if I like this but in a second we’re going to fly up and check

It out it’s going to take a lot of coral to do this whole Mountain fortunately we’re just kind of going around and randomly placing them so it’s not super it’s not like a super time intensive task oh I’ll land up here seems like a nice spot to land

Um I’m not sure what do you guys think what’s up super llama how’s it going why are we why are you coding in my chat render I’m not I’m not going to try and figure out what that does that volcano does looks good perhaps some larger dead trees and

Bushes we do have larger dead trees there I think it adds a lot of nice detail but I’d only put it on certain sides interesting like how Moss only grows on certain sides or do you mean only add I don’t know I’m honestly not sure if I like it

I actually think that I might agree with you about only on certain sides like I feel like I feel like um I feel like part of what I like about how there spikes over here is that it’s not everywhere and I feel like that might be

The move only put it in certain areas so that the the volcano on in different areas is different I guess you know like there are big spikes over here and I think it looks really cool and I’m going to do a bigger area but it’s only I’m

Not I’m not planning on adding spikes to the entire Mountain so I think that might be the move I’m going to just lurk need to get on COD and get some clicks for an edit I’m working on all right see you later uh see you later hate or trippy crafts I

Don’t know which I’m supposed to call you but I don’t know do you guys think you guys think that’s a good idea just add them in certain places and and then so like maybe on this on this area of the mountain we’ll have a bunch of the plants but then on

Other sides of the mountain we won’t have nearly as many I’m going to be running as trippy crafts now word have you tried Bedrock I have yes sir it’s a good idea well okay you’re the one who said the idea so obviously you’re going to think it’s

Good I need other people to answer what their thoughts are and then I’m also going to add a few alive plants I think I think I want to add the occasional few like not dead plants that are going to be just red on the mountain it’s all right word YouTube has

Excellent format Ming interesting bam bam bam bam it kind of just looks to me like dead bushes which I was planning on adding a bunch of but this is way easier because I can place them wherever and I don’t have to add the mud blocks all around which is really

Nice how would you feel if you died in your world right now I’d be pretty sad and upset I’d be probably sad mad and mad I wonder if all of these just stayed alive how it would look probably look really bad jump Yes we made it jump Yes we made it

I think in I think on this side it works because there are trees as well so this is like the vegetation side so I feel like adding lots of them in lots of them around the trees makes a lot of sense actually I think that’s what we’ll do

Maybe we’ll put these near the trees and then in areas that have no trees we do spikes or something like that or yeah something like that would be good I think the corals look good word we don’t know this obsidian where the obsidian at oh I don’t know

Um I could but that would be a lot of work so I’m definitely going to need more coral for all this but this hopefully will look good once I’m done with it oh I forgot that I can do that you can just kind of place them

Wherever the heck you want which is very interesting oh yeah and this area down here has the big spikes so maybe we add little spikes around it using dripstone something like that that seems to me like it would work well if we just add we have different areas will’ll have

Different stuff in them so spiky areas will exist we’ll have maybe we have like an area maybe we have an area with with hot springs I don’t want to get get sheru’s hopes up too much no that I I feel like I would do that I if I do that it’s

Going to be outside of the outside of the building build excuse me yapper I mean there but also I do um that is kind of my job I kind of have to Yap what am I doing if I’m not yapping I’m going to let the this flow a

Little bit down here I don’t know why it didn’t bless you thank you not you oh okay sometimes obsidian of excellent quality develops as surface lava flows however the best quality obsidian often forms below the ground surface around volcanic vents interesting oh you know what maybe we’ll have some sections that

Have a bunch of volcanic vents we just have like tons of smoke in certain Areas am I out oh no I have more good I wasn’t sure if I had more or not but I do that’s good all right we’re almost done with this area with adding vegetation dead vegetation to this area I’m thinking we could also do like

I don’t know do an area that has like glow stone or something I don’t know oh there’s there’s some more trees up here that we’re going to want to hit bam I could also um you know what we could do that’s actually not a bad idea

We add along the river banks like like if we add like um along some of these like Lava River Banks we have like Nether Warts growing that could be cool have a be like you know the the Nether Warts need the lava to grow wait for that to die there we

Go I think that this area is missing some but I think that’s not bad I think it definitely is interesting thing I’m still not sure if I like it or not but I think I might get used to it I don’t know though you should put lightning rods I am already already

Planning to do that just because it’s a villain base I feel like it summoning tons of lightning as soon as you anytime it thunders would be crazy oh wait no you know what I realized though Sorry I realized uh this is in a biome where it doesn’t rain so it won’t actually it

Won’t do that unfortunately that is not viable because it does not rain in this biome I was planning to do that but then I realized that it doesn’t rain so ow leave me alone bro stop this stop it stop hitting me this guyy such a such a sharpshooter I’m just trying to place

Things down can my Thorns do its job and kill this skeleton okay so I don’t need these maybe nearer to the water ooh nearer to the water we’ll have the ones that are red I don’t need these ones because there aren’t trees around so that’s going to be the

Plan oh my gosh you’re so annoying just die you’ve been shooting at me for like 5 minutes now how has it not died holy guy was so annoying we either do yeah I think we’re going to do nether warts near lava and then near to the water we’ll have aive

Ones that sounds really good we’ll have red plants near the water there’s biomes where it doesn’t rain yeah sand sand any any uh desert biomes it doesn’t rain and uh Mesa Biomes and Savannah biomes maybe a few others but it’s it’s mainly just ones where it’s uh ones where it’s dry you

Know dry biomes it doesn’t rain ah stop this oh my gosh dude you have you there’s a freaking another one I’m sleeping is India is indium useful indium I think is just a mod that you need for compatibility with other mods isn’t it I don’t know if indium actually

Does very much on its own so I think I think if you want I think you like I have indium and I think it’s just just because it’s a dependency mod okay so we’re going to add a bunch of spikes over in this area oh this is going to look so good

Now that I now that I know what I’m doing we’re having different yeah we’re going we’re going to have different zones and it’s going to look really good make a mob switch not yet I’m going to but not yet Frozen his villain Arc I am I’ve been in my villain

Arc I think on the top of your volcano it would be it would look nice for it to be longer and spiky you mean like just like make the top of my Mountain taller and like pointier I don’t necessarily disagree with you I actually wish that I had made

The mouth of of the volcano less wide but that’s like way it’s like too late now for me to fix that um I mean I guess I could if I really wanted to but I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s bad enough that I want to take the time to like redo

That we’ll see if I do though cuz I do think that it might be really difficult when I want the lava to be spewing out for for the mouth of the volcano to be so large might have to make it a smaller mouth all right there we go yeah for real anime thank

You mob switch is bad IO because the mobs at night are cool to have I just think that I have a I just have a plan like a build planned that is going to be a mob switch and so I don’t want to do a mob switch

Before before I have uh like before I’ve done that build cuz then you know if I have a mob switch I don’t have anything to do for that build cuz as you guys know I like my builds to be functional to some degree at least and this build

Is going to be centered around the around uh the mob switch so if I do that build or if I build a mob switch then I don’t have a build you know so that’s that’s why I have not built a mob switch yet all right there’s still a few too many far

Further away from the trees I think that I’d like to remove but it’s not bad I think I think as long as we keep yeah I think if we keep the little gray specks to nearby the trees it then we have small foliage and then we have tall

Foliage which is good I need riik I think you mean robu please donate me robu yeah Dash your volcano coming together really nice especially at night thank you I agree oh I missed one all right that’s pretty good okay let’s go get spiky boys we’re going to add some spiky boys

Around here because this is all right um but we we want some spiky boys what’s up Challenger how’s it going I also actually you know what I think I might want to add I’m not sure let’s see how it looks though where’s my mud I’m thinking maybe adding in addition or

Maybe in place of some of the dead coral we add dead bushes because then it’ll add Browns to the it’ll be gray and Browns which might be really Good there we go that’s where our dead bush is are Bam Bam all right we got mud blocks let’s go see how dead bushes look in this area there’s a chance there’s a chance that it looks good I need to turn off my hot bar slot randomizer your Christmas is good Challenger I’m

Glad to hear that I got what I wanted for Christmas what did you get all right um let’s do this one right here so you can’t place this on this but you can place it on mud so we just add the occasional mud block I actually kind of feel

Like I kind of feel like I want the mud blocks to be as hidden as possible Dash yeah what’s up there we go did you get anything I did I got uh some pants I got my monitor that I have been using for a while that was my my

Parent that was one of my parents’ gifts to me they just gave it to me early um I got a phone sanitizing thing which is dope especially right now because my brother has covid and my two parents I don’t know why I specified how many I

Have I guess I guess there are some non-traditional families that have more than two parents or less than two parents my parents both I guess is what I could have said my parents both have covid right now so it’s actually really clutch that I have a phone sanitizer

Because uh because I can sanitize my phone and not get Co hopefully um I got a heated blanket as well which oh my gosh dude heated blanket goes crazy like I never knew what I was missing until recently but I got a heated blanket and wow it’s nice it’s really nice

Having a heated blanket not going to lie heated blanket is really really nice I actually think that I do I think I do like that um think I do like the the extra color that this is adding by turning some of them Brown also it adds some gray specks to the mountain

Which isn’t bad a lot of these are placed on the sides though so you know that’s it’s a little more difficult for me to replace them which is why I’m just some of them are going to be on the on the sides I’m trying to replace

Like I don’t know a quarter of these with with uh dead bushes I think will be a good amount I think I’m going to take this One there we go bam bro heated blankets are so fire yeah Dash on New Year’s my two friends are joining in on a call and playing Minecraft for 24 hours but on a different server but on different servers it’s going to be insane we’re going to see who gets further into the

Game oh that’s kind of fun enjoy fun little competition a lot of Minecraft though though you sure you can handle that much Minecraft bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam I wish I had just done this as I was

Building it it would have been so much easier but it is what it is it’s too late too late now but yeah it would have been nicer if I had rather than breaking and replacing so many of these i’ just been building it like this from the start

I also feel like the wall Coral could be good as well if we add some of the wall Coral it could be nice could be a nice touch because you know all of them currently are growing upright but if we add some that’s growing on the

Side might be better might be even nicer looking all right it’s becoming night time so we can take a look at this guy again in a second I hope that I like it more now that there’s some uh some even more variety the longest I’ve played for a

Row is 16 hours I don’t think I’ve I think the longest I’ve played in a row was 12 hours um yeah I do think that adding yeah I think that adding the additional um I think that adding the dead bushes helps a little bit I think this is coming together I

Think it’s not too bad anymore I wasn’t a huge fan of the bushes but I think I think that now it kind of makes it like there are biomes to the mountain which I do like I feel like there now there are like kind of biomes around instead of it just

Being one big mountain it’s like the mountain has its own little sections I also feel like that’s fun for the story that I’m kind of trying to tell through this build where it’s kind of like um it’s kind of like I the story that I’m trying to tell is like it’s such a

Treacherous path it’s kind of fun for that because it’s like oh this is you know you could give it names you could be like this is the Land of the Dead bushes or whatever that’s a terrible name but you get the point no land is able to no no living

Flesh is able to survive here for very long you won’t either you know that kind of thing um what happened to my spikes oh there we go I have spikes dripstone all right so the drip so the the dripstone spikes are going to go around the bigger spikes is the

Idea they’re going to go relatively nearby to the to the big spikes so that the big spikes will it’ll kind of be like oh you know the the big spikes we know this is the papa Spike and then these are the little baby spikes and also it’ll be like this these

Spikes could one day grow into one of those spikes you know which is kind of a neat a neat thing for like storytelling purposes you know we could even put on the very top of this put a spike oh it’s kind of different colors so I think I’m not going to

But yeah I do like that I think I’m going to I think I kind of want to increase the size of a bunch of these spikes though the one tall spikes at least some of them just are like too small some of the spikes being four blocks tall is

Good you can see red messages really good I would love it if that was the case oh you know anime I finally saw when I went to time someone out yesterday on P I’m finally able to specify the amount of time that I want to time them out for

So like slow so like for some reason that was for that was a thing for you on mobile before it was for us on PC but like I have like eventually I got it you know now I can do it which is good okay we’re going to put some spikes over here

In this little area I think I’m going to put little small Spike there little Spike here little Spike here tiny Spike fairly large Spike fairly large Spike so the spikes will kind of be all around the mountain but only at like the base of the mountain is because this is where this part

Is before if I press the timeout it just did it for 300 seconds yeah yeah now you can do it wait so anime are you now now you’re able to see it you’re able to see deleted messages or something or did someone test oh man I’m almost out of pointed drip

Stone there we go ow that did some damage and by some damage I mean literally half a heart of dam damage but it was still more than I would have liked I’m almost out pointed dripstone and then I’ll have to get more but that’s not a huge deal

Um we’re going to put a oh that’s we’re out okay you have shaders I have them I don’t use them if that’s what I’m lost okay let’s see do I have any more anywhere do I have any more stuff any more spikes on me I think there might be

Some on the inside of the map Mountain I’m hoping I suspect that there are I’m not sure but let’s go see if I can get them I can see Channel activity now oh really dope how do you how do you see it interesting I need to I need to know how to do

This so you can you can see the channel at activity and that includes what the message said before it was removed oh yes there we go H interesting I do not see any kale tastes bad feel like I can I feel like we can all agree on that not a particularly controversial statement I don’t think anyone really likes kale kale is just like one of those foods that if you want to live forever you should eat kale

But pretty pretty terrible food hold on where where are my soul Sands cuz I want to I want to start adding um Nether Warts around the build I feel like it’ll look really good in certain spots as I’m not they’re not going to be random though it’s going to

Be like near lava there will sometimes be little patches of Nether Warts growing but I don’t know what I did with Soul Sand I thought I had Soul Sand but I can’t seem to find it now H why do I have so much good stuff in

Here all right I just checked like two times so so evidently it’s not in here we need a new life update we need vegetables to taste amazing or something for real I would love a life update that made vegetables taste good like look isn’t right here just

Like a perfect spot to have some Soul Sand to have a little patch of Soul Sand that is grow growing that’s growing uh Nether Warts I think it is I think the brown area will be good I’m curious if if the stuff is in here it’s not any of those

Ow okay it’s probably at my house then in that case I can get that if I want it if and when I want it I’m thinking like right around here could be good oh low key is that going to update it and screw things up doesn’t look like it is

Yay you know what just for safety let’s just break those three blocks anyway so that they won’t try and flow any further there we go feel like Nether Warts around the place will be good nice little nice little place to put some random Nether Warts oh no

Okay stop that all right we’re going to do that all right cool adding more detail Dash pom got the looks and I like him a lot thank you thank you very much so kind um like I feel like spots like this is perfect for for nether warts to grow is it

Not because look at that that’s like a coastal Coastal area for some Nether Warts to grow I need actually some more ow I am him yes sir I’m his number one meat Rider dang crazy oh I have a bed on me okay let’s just do that it finally grew what finally grew

Let’s see how does that look ooh that actually looks pretty good I like that actually look at that there’s so much detail it’s such a lively volcano now now it really looks it’s it’s looking yeah it’s pretty it’s coming along it’s coming along guys okay everything is awesome and everything is

Cool when you’re part of a team can you not see it you have 80 points oh no a has 80 points yeah uh anime what is stupid I’m taking it that you can’t see it but I don’t actually know for sure okay we need more pointed drip

Stone and then we also need more Soul Sand that actually looks really good thank you thank you yeah I think I think it’s coming along nicely and um we’re going to have it looking fantastic in no time I don’t know why I went into that chest that didn’t have anything of value

In it there we go Netherrack um obsidian obsidian might look good in places I’m not sure oh you know what would look good that I didn’t even think of polished Blackstone buttons just putting them all over the place just adds little tiny bit of extra detail just adds rocks it’s just Pebbles it’s

Just Pebbles and it’s beautiful that will be great that’s actually such a good idea Pebbles is really good um I could even add some what are the types of wood dark oak wood um dark oak wood and yeah dark oak wood won’t a button won’t burn right I don’t think buttons

Burn so we do dark oak wood buttons and we do and we do red buttons and then that would be kind of crazy I feel like that will go really nicely I’m also thinking these Wither Skeleton skulls will look good as a um as like rocks to decorate the

Thing I feel like I feel like these things are going to look really good um I’m also thinking maybe adding Stone buttons could be good I don’t know though they might be too gray but I’m going to grab some just in case I’m thinking if we add them sparsely they might be

Okay um and then bro what are you saying Ray uh this guy’s getting timed out for like 10 minutes uh we’re going to go 30 minutes for that for that message that’s crazy that message is not accept acceptable goodbye what are we talking about bro what monkey what are you talking

About let’s let’s talk about Minecraft or something why how did how did we get to this conversation how in the world I just I tune back into paying attention to chat for a minute and I just see why does bro even an edge so bad for your health like what how did we

Get to this topic um okay do I not have any more uh pointed dripstone I’m not going I don’t want to steal the ones from over there cuz I want to be able to get more pointed dripstone or I want to leave that there just so that I can have it

What chest would pointed dripstone go in dripstone aha beautiful we have more good and an update where you type awesome in Minecraft confetti pops up I don’t think that’s true um all right anyways let’s okay let’s put down a bunch of buttons oh wait do I have I

Think I do have red wood right cuz I want to I want to have some red buttons as well it’s true man try it wow that’s crazy I maybe I’m not in the newest update though nice that’s pretty neat yeah I I don’t you guys are going to be like

You’re so gullible for falling for that I didn’t believe it I just wanted to do it I guess that I guess that is me being gullible maybe but I had to check okay oh there we go baby button time button time okay so basically we’re just going to

Put it’s going to be mainly Blackstone buttons and then we’ll have like a one in it’ll be like um I’m thinking we do every single slot and so most are going to be Blackstone buttons and then we’re going to do a few non Blackstone buttons but it’s going to be mainly Blackstone buttons

Let’s put that away okay so we’re going to Go let me grab that all right so what I’m thinking is we do we do one one slot for Blackstone one slot for dark oak and one slot for stone and maybe we’ll even change the stone I feel like the stone will be okay we have some Grays around

Here um and then we just need a bunch more Blackstone buttons see that just adds like tons more depth like it adds so much extra depth also Wither Skeleton skulls are like big rocks I think so I’m thinking maybe maybe we do Wither Skeleton skulls as well we could

Do we could do one slot for Wither Skeleton skulls I love being so rich that I can just place down Wither Skeleton skulls as a decorative block this Mr Beast that’s streaming gble pum for uh yeah I think it is because look at that hey set I think been a long time since

I’ve been in a stream what’s up green liquid how’s it going welcome to the stream randomizer Max we’re going all the way up to nine this time and then hot bar randomizer why can’t I Sprint I can Sprint I don’t know why it didn’t let me there we go I just wasn’t

Toggled this is too many wither skulls I think maybe I’ll just go in after and and add them I’m going to go through so many buttons like This it’s just it’s just adding like literally the tiniest extra bit of depth but it adds it like everywhere and will probably look good hopefully we might decide that we don’t like the non Blackstone buttons and we might just remove all the other ones or all the uh you know all the

Crimson buttons or we might decide we only like the crimson and Blackstone and remove everything else I feel like we might not like the stone Buttons yeah I think that everything I think that these buttons stand out way too much I think those buttons are fine and then the Blackstone buttons I can’t even see at all but they are there they are existing so that’s good so let’s just do

That and then I’m going to as I go I’ll remove any any of the buttons that I see that aren’t the ones we like what’s up art sign how’s it going welcome to the stream why is oh my gosh Endermen are freaking placing my stuff again Endermen love to take blocks from

The around area and put them onto my build and it’s very annoying See I’m literally going to put buttons are just going to be all over the place cuz we love buttons you know what I should make one of them just blow up the whole mountain and then if I accidentally push it just game over I mean it actually like when you’re

Close up look at that it looks great when you’re just around it looks like an it looks like more depth and it looks good when you’re high up it doesn’t matter at all but when you’re low to the ground it’s quite good in my opinion oh I’m out of out of Blackstone

Buttons we need more just watch your Enderman farm tutorial from like six months ago it does not work on Bedrock does not work at all on Bedrock no Bedrock not only Bedrock just has different spawning conditions entirely I tried building it on Bedrock not a single Enderman would even spawn

Bedrock has significantly different spawning rules than Java does so it it doesn’t work it do not work Challenger thank you Challenger are you low to the ground a lot sometimes but also it’s just like I don’t know it even from high up it still is going to make a small difference I

Think hopefully at least I think it might still make a small difference when I’m high up just like really small to the point where I might not notice but well I might not notice that I’m noticing you know like I might notice that it looks better but it’s but like

If I do notice that that it looks better it’s not um it’s probably subconscious or the reason for it I it I might not be able to say like hey it’s because of the buttons I might be like oh it’s because of whatever because of something else

I like how the buttons look though I think they look quite good as I’m placing them I just need to remember which areas I have buttoned and which areas I haven’t buttoned you know I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to draw a line using buttons we’re

Just going to go up the mountain like this I’m going to draw a line and then I’m going to button all the way up to this line and then I’m going to continue buttoning around the rest of the mountain there we go okay now we turn around and

We just like go this way and we add buttons oh wow I’m out of out of hunger already Dash you use a Windows 11 or 12 I use Windows 11 sorry Dash I’m not unsubbing I’m just not interested in your content anymore okay no worries um

Yep all right we’re going to just oh no that button does not belong or maybe it does who knows I don’t know maybe it would look good on the magma blocks that’d be kind of a weird place to put them I think but who am I to say where a

Button can can and can’t go the button really desires to be there and it tells me then maybe I’ll put it on there okay buttoned up to here bam I need to not accidentally update the lava stream as well while placing buttons that would be unfortunate if I did

That I really you know don’t want to do that that would suck so let’s not do that I meant Windows 10 11 I use 11 12 does exist though I think that wasn’t your problem the problem was your GP dang that sucks maybe half bunnies on the magma for it

To have little chunks of Rock oh have buttons you mean yeah honestly it doesn’t look terrible um maybe I will I don’t know I like the magma though I feel like the magma looks really good just as it is so I’m not sure if I need to do that might not be

Necessary feel like the magma just looks really good on its own you know I haven’t done anything I haven’t ran places in a while like I’m while I’m buttoning you know I’m uh while I’m buttoning I’m actually using my Hunger which is weird I like fly everywhere so it’s so odd to

Not fly everywhere and like to actually go through hunger like I went through I went through my whole hunger bar and stopped being able to Sprint I can’t tell you the last time that I wasn’t able to Sprint due to running out of hunger well I guess that’s the only situation where

I wouldn’t be able to Sprint oh I can’t believe that didn’t mess it up I thought I did maybe because the buttons there it’s just not going to flow look at that that’s great adds a lot more depth to the mountain how low am I on buttons not super low that’s

Good and then I’m going to add bigger rocks around and the bigger rocks will be Wither Skeleton skulls but um yeah for now the buttons are doing a good job being rocks I think they’re little little rocks that are just on the floor making it you know more more dangerous

To get across because you don’t want to step on a rock and stub your toe imagine how painful it would be if you’re hiking and you stubbed your toe on a on a rock that’ be treacherous 16 GB of RAM is pretty good cash pump fan booy what’s up Dash pom fanboy

All right bye every see you everyone see you later art sign thanks for hanging out 16 isn’t as good as it used to be it’s good enough yeah it’s I mean it’s good enough for most games I think far as I’m aware oh hello what do you think you’re doing

Here think I’m just going to do that I need more buttons soon buttoning takes a lot of buttons believe it or not I actually think that this area has been mostly buttoned now I think there’s probably a few spots here and there that could use more buttons but for

Now um like I I feel like um I feel like this Coast has definitely been buttoned but then areas like the inner like the shore or that that are more inwards but not on the shore haven’t been hit haven’t been hit yet like these these areas over here

You know what I should do I should get a texture pack that like turns them green so I can find areas that I haven’t placed buttons in yet cuz then they would be actually visible to me cuz right now they’re quite invisible from any further than like 10 blocks away you know

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam get away from it I want to see the whole thing in a minute give me a sec I’m building once I finish buttoning up this area ha um okay I feel like this area has been buttoned let’s fly

Away you really can’t notice the buttons at all you can oh well that’s you can maybe notice the brown ones like ever so slightly they’re going to change the overall texture very slightly but but when you’re up close I think it does make a difference when you’re up close

You can tell that there are nice buttons on the ground and when you’re at medium distance you can also see all the buttons but then any further than that and it doesn’t really work here is the whole build so far what’s up Shuffle Fox how’s it going

Welcome to the stream I think I need more Blackstone actually which is unfortunate oh you know what do I even have I don’t even know if I have um any more Blackstone I might need to go I might need to go and start uh start bartering for more Blackstone cuz I

Don’t I think I actually use like every last bit of Blackstone I have pretty much what day am I’m on oh we’re so close to 5,000 4,977 I’m on Console I don’t know what SSD H H HDD CPU GPU CPU uh does equations GPU also does equations but for for graphics

Um SSD is a store is solid state drive meaning it’s ones and zeros that store your data HDD is a hard hard disk drive which means that it is a dis that literally writes onto the thing it spins ssds are way faster they both store information uh RAM is like an SSD in

That it stores memory but it is way way faster and also way way smaller I searched it up word don’t worry about it don’t worry about what I love Poland that is should be a crime I don’t know what the actual question was to be honest but

Um let’s should we fly around and add some random Wither Skeleton skulls to the thing these are like buttons except they’re much bigger so they actually will be visible probably from space and they are just decorative and I am very rich which is why we can place

Them get out of here get out of Here except these are supposed to be like bigger rocks so I want to uh these are supposed to be like bigger rocks so um we want to just have have them more spread out and also they also are cool cuz they can face in like a bunch of different

Directions normal skeleton skulls is more of a flex I agree and we’re going to add normal skeleton skulls but I currently haven’t built a farm to get them yet and also uh normal skeleton skulls would look way worse cuz they wouldn’t blend in the goal of this is to

Have the is to have them blend in except not blending so hard that you don’t even notice them it’s like we want these rocks these are supposed to be rocks so they’re little details that are supposed to be kind of all over the place except not super all over the

Place that’s not the right spot there we go all right now we just add rocks all around the Build SK skeleton heads aren’t a flex they’re in ancient cities well there’s not like tons of them though I’m placing like like having like tons of of skeleton heads is kind of difficult I mean you can build you can build a a head Farm though so it’s not like a huge deal I

Don’t think can I sing y’all a song No thank you sounds like it will flood the chat a head Farm exists yeah yeah it’s just it’s just a mob farm with like a lightning with like lightning to create uh charged creepers that then explode it’s not it’s nothing

Crazy I think you can also make ones that I I actually don’t know if these exist to be fair but I think you could make one that is um that’s multi-dimensional and can get like thousands of it can probably get like thousands of uh of skulls and stuff per

Hour I actually kind of want to make one just to see if I can I probably can I feel like you’d have to use lazy chunks and stuff though which would be a really interesting challenge because it only Thunders every so often so what I think you could maybe

Do is you you uh what I think you could do that would be difficult but really cool is it would basically be it would basically be a normal mob farm that like a flushing mob farm that then flushes mobs into The Nether pushes them into lazy chunks and then um and

Then once it starts thundering it will activate some some sort of system it thunders hits a lightning rod and then it releases a creeper that then decides to blow up for some reason um I don’t know if I don’t know if you can have can can you light can you ignite a

Creeper using a dispenser I’m just thinking it gets a Charged Creeper it gets a Charged Creeper it uh and then it ignites it in the Nether and blows up in the in the lazy chunks oh interesting the heads don’t even don’t even render dang that’s tragic huh well I’m still going to put

Them in because uh when I when I do this but I don’t watch his videos I only come to live in shorts H you don’t watch my full length videos how dare you my full length videos are way better than my shorts that’s all I’m

Saying like I put in like like a couple hours max to my shorts I put in like day and days into my full length videos they’re way better I would highly recommend that you watch the full length videos if you’re going to do something full length videos are way better I

Think I feel like when I look down at everything from here it looks really good and and has lots of depth which is dope um so I’m I’m pleased with how it’s coming out I don’t watch a lot of your vids I do watch shorts and lives I mean I know

A lot of my viewers are from shorts but I you know the goal for me is to convert my shorts viewers into long form viewers because um a I like having viewers on my live streams and B I want my mate I like the thing that I care most about is the

Long form videos not the short form ones short form videos are great but I care a lot more about long form videos so I want those ones to do well more than anything else um so go watch those ones I only watch his shorts and streams of Challenger you too

What I’m eating lemon cake that’s sounds yummy Dash add black slabs to your volcano will add more detail that’s actually not a bad idea if I just added slabs around it does sound like a lot of work though to be honest with you adding stairs and slabs seems like

Too much work because they’d have to be connected to something I think they would look bad if they were just like in the middle of nowhere wow that didn’t repair my whole thing there we go what does bro not have lots of long form vids cuz long form videos take way

Longer to to make than a short form video I can make a short form video in a day I it takes me weeks to make a long form video that’s why so many shers yeah I’m I’m bad at organizing my stuff so I have lots of

Shers wait what happened I had a Shuler that had all my there we go I was going to say I had a Shuler with soul sand in it where’d it go my computer would run out of memory before it would load all those items remember me I do what’s up how’s

It going welcome to the Stream all right we’re going to add bunch of spikes let’s add another another height there we go um anime sometimes you have op I don’t like how he killed all those villagers and yet you still watch me and I’m going to kill more too Village Hero so sorry about that but somebody

Somebody commented on one of my videos on one of my like torturing Mobs videos like stop torturing these mobs and I just responded no cuz why would I they deserve it it’s fine fine guys they those mobs they deserve what’s coming to that I wish that these would grow to a random size and then stop cuz then I could just place them around and eventually they would grow up dude why is Dash pum Fanboy that’s crazy um yeah especially the pillagers and evokers and stuff I Oh you mean I should I should torture them a

Lot I’m planning on torturing vexes soon I think so so maybe maybe you’ll enjoy that I don’t actually know though I might do creepers next I think I’m going to start tomorrow on another short form video that’s going to be um some sort of torturing of some

Mob I don’t know which one though I have to decide I do vex’s or creepers next I feel like I want to save creepers I think I feel like creepers is like one that a million people have asked for I want to do creepers like towards the end

Of the series cuz that’s like you know it’s the most iconic Minecraft mob I got to really I got to give it the best you know the best the best one are we hydrating Where’s my water bottle why is it over there I don’t think it has water in with

You it does not that’s awesome my water bottle has no water in it I’m going to go get water be right back BRB y’all I’m not back with water I have to get my mask because my family has Co here all right I got the thing yeah I used to have a push-ups

Thing but I am really bad at push-ups and also the issue was I mean I could probably limit them oh no on Twitch I could limit them per stream but uh you on streamlabs I can only limit them in total so I can’t really do that either

But I had it so that there wasn’t a limit and then my friend saved up a bunch of points and made me do like a 100 push-ups in like one go it actually probably was only like 40 push-ups but like I’m a weakling and can’t do that many push-ups so I think I

Removed it after that I also just didn’t want to interrupt my stream to go do push-ups every 5 seconds I’m okay with the channel Point rewards right now to be honest with y’all I think they’re pretty good you know I wish you could put uh spikes I wish you could put dripstone on

The sides of blocks wouldn’t that be so good I I can do like 20 I think yeah I can I can do like 20 probably but I they wouldn’t be very good I could do 20 if I was like held at gunpoint you know I used to be able to do a bunch

Last year I was doing some every once in a while I’ll get on like a push-up kick and I’ll like start doing a lot of them and doing like pull-ups too I think I’ve given up on being muscular though I’m just I’m content to have my brain be the

Part of me that people like not I don’t need to be jacked I’ll just be intellectually engaging and ideally I’m I don’t want to be like hyper you know I don’t want to be like ugly but I don’t need to be super hot ah not the midair creeper dude that’s

Crazy you got to hate it when you get attacked by a creeper midair that’s like my least favorite thing stop that why is there a chain mail guy guy over there oh my gosh leave me alone guys can you guys walk over this oh they can they I didn’t know if

They would be willing to pathfind over that but they are they do not care oh this is a perfect place for some for some uh Soul Sand can you leave me Alone All right there we Go oh this place also looks in need of some Soul Sand and some nether warts there we go we just killed a zombie with a pick yeah night po better Dash I think a patch of blue fire would look neat I actually was thinking that I have a bunch of fires along the

Path I was thinking that it might be cool to have the path be lit by Blue fires instead of normal fires I don’t know though I’m not sure but I feel like that could be really cool I’m going to remove that one and replace it the blue fire idea is good okay

Word looks like I got to roast him again me what did I do I don’t have any beds on me wait did I use did I somehow use that whole like shulker box of dripstone if I did that’s crazy I feel like I more re more likely just left it

In the Shuler box and that’s fine because I need to go back and get my bed anyway cuz I want to sleep so that I don’t have Phantoms and zombies and stuff spawn and annoy me while I’m trying to build I know some people like to do like Sleepless hardcore or Sleepless worlds

In general but I’m not really interested in that I am trying to to just play the game and get to 5,000 days so that I can switch my world to Survival cuz I’m I’m not switching until I hit survive until I hit 5,000 days I’m a sub to nightbot

O the song you’re playing is good or the last song oh thank you I mean I didn’t make it so I don’t know why I’m saying thank you but thank you all right let’s let’s fly down here and sleep exclamation point sub you just subscribe I don’t know if you mean like

Subscribe using money you just do that in YouTube chat oh there we go okay I did have more kind of what I figured wait hold On we’re getting more I’m going to get more nether warts Dash how do you feel I feel fine you mean in terms of like being sick or anything I don’t think I’m sick at least not right now I’m I I’ve been very careful my family has also been very

Careful they’re like staying in their own little zones of the house and I’ve been wearing my mask and everything so I’m just I’m really hoping that I don’t get Co you know but I thought bro was 20 five no I am 20 and I have I have school I have

College got them changing the Subscribe button color oh um I did they change it you mean like when you say subscribe and it like highlights it or did they actually change the Subscribe button color I didn’t notice anything I haven’t seen anything we finally beat the Ender

Dragon and got a lra on my server I made oh sick congrats College sucks IMO college is pretty good I like college and it’s also helpful for uh you know educating myself so that I can one day uh if YouTube don’t work out I can do something else and not be

Homeless me personally I like the idea of me not being homeless but that’s just me though crazy I know but I would prefer to not be homeless Bam Bam Bam Lowkey should have went to UNI oh why did you just say college sucks and then say that you should have gone interesting um yeah I don’t know college is good I’m I’m I’m not like I don’t love it but it was a good decision for my parents to make me

Go because I you know I didn’t want to go I didn’t I don’t really even at even as a marketing major I’m not like insanely interested in what I’m learning I’m like more interested than I was in computer science but you know um but the the issue

Is YouTube isn’t guaranteed to be you know I’m not guaranteed to have my YouTube channel stick around for years to come who knows so I want to you know I want to um I want to have a backup plan are you wall running on dripstone drip Stone’s hit boox gets narrower as

You go as it goes up so you can jump up it like so what if I just left one drip Stone that was really humongous just like there’s just one drip stone that goes up to Sky limit how does how do you think that would look what’s up Blue Room how’s it going

Welcome to the stream you should do that no it looks so bad Discord looks like wasaf now dude I haven’t I haven’t seen the update someone in the Discord server send send a screenshot of what it looks like I haven’t seen anything it looked I didn’t

Maybe I just didn’t get the update I don’t know though but it looked fine to me ow I I think having the little spots of growing um nether warts look is going to look really good and it probably already does look really good but it’s going to it’s going to be

Fire make a reaction Channel I don’t really want to make a reaction Channel I don’t like reaction videos I like commentary videos which are a very different thing so if I ever decided to make one of those that would be more in line with me like I watch a lot of commentary videos

So I would do that but reaction videos are so boring like even I love Mr Beast and I watch all of his videos but I I’ll be caught dead before you catch me watching a Mr Beast react video like no good reaction YouTubers exist commentary works but reaction

YouTubers are just well look at the thing that happened cool like compilation like uh reaction YouTubers are basically just people who compile a bunch of videos and then they just watch them that’s all they do freaking SS Sniper Wolf um commentary vids are okay say real bad stuff since you’re so

Biased this is Harris heler reaction vids suck reaction videos do suck I agree you Sniper Wolf dude everyone everyone doesn’t like Sniper Wolf it’s not shooting SN shots at Sniper Wolf no one likes Sniper Wolf except for her four-year-old fans and once they stop being 4 years old they’ll also stop liking her

Fortunately there’s there’s a freaking there will there’s always going to be a new batch of four-year-olds to watch her videos but like anyone with a brain and a pulse knows that Sniper Wolf sucks like it’s not it’s not a hot take to be like I don’t like Sniper Wolf Sniper Wolf

Isn’t going to come at me for saying that I don’t like her she’s you know she already got in trouble for doxing Jack films don’t think it’ be the best idea to dox me well I guess I’m much smaller than Jax film so it might not matter please don’t

Dox me Sniper Wolf I love your content everyone want to be a superstar get a lot of money buy a fancy car true nah she might come at you bro is the next Jack films clipon sending to her yeah she’s one of the most subscribed people on YouTube yeah dude it’s crazy

She has so many subs and she does nothing She literally does nothing Dash pum Empire slams Sniper Wolf simps my bad no smash that’s crazy I mean I feel like that is why the majority of her viewers are watching her well no I think some of them do do actually think it’s crazy to say that

They think that she’s funny because she isn’t funny she’s just showing funny videos and then she just watches them but like some people are like Sniper Wolf is so funny it’s like dude she didn’t do anything she just found the video that you’re watching why are you

Crediting her for it oh well I guess they’re crediting her for them because she doesn’t credit any of the people that she steals videos from yeah reaction Channel suck and I can I can say that especially as someone who has had my videos leeched before like it’s it sucks when someone just

Takes your videos and they don’t credit you for it I’ve had I’ve had uh a couple of my viral Tik toks get just like absolutely yed and then I actually one of them I had uh one of them I think I think my comment got like hearted or pinned or something and I

Asked for credit and then I think they might have asked put Credit in the description but like still it’s so easy to just credit the Creator and but like some people are just like garbage you know just human garbage and then they they just don’t leeched by who I don’t want to I

Don’t want to throw shots at anyone I don’t need to say some of the old people might know exactly who though because some of the old viewers because I I did I have at some points said who it was but I have said before who it was that

Uh that like they just made like a viral Minecraft Tik toks video or something and then uh and they just like put my video in it and no no credit in the video no credit in the description nothing and I was like dude what at first I was like

That’s so cool and then I was like wait they didn’t even bother they didn’t do anything like they didn’t mention me they didn’t they just like you know they’re just stealing my video I guess a reaction video is slightly better than people like kelp MC who will just blatantly take my farm

Design and then make a tutorial for it at least maybe a reaction Channel adds something like some small element of uniqueness to it I don’t know and and you know the the worst is obviously people who just directly take my videos and re-upload them which there

Are many of do a Manhunt I think I tried to do a Manhunt one time but I’m not good enough at the game and I don’t have friends who are good at the game so when I tried to do a Manhunt um the last time

I tried to do a Manhunt I got two of my friends and I was like it’s two of them them surely two of them versus me who’s not insanely good at the game will will be fair they I just like ran and they just like lost me and then couldn’t find

Me even though they like had the compass like dude it was it was so depressing they could not um they were very bad oh and and I remember killing one of them and then they were just like I quit like this sucks and I was like okay all

Right I guess we’re not doing this anymore he had tracked me for like a, blocks and then I killed him in the fight and he was like oh my gosh I can’t I can’t get back I have to run for another like thousand blocks and he was

Just like I’m not doing it and gave up how old is this Minecraft hardcore World 4,979 days oh I didn’t I didn’t pick up my bed dang my friend did the same same thing dang new bedw war what what Antonio what that’s a that’s a sentence that’s a crazy

Sense oh my gosh what are you what build are you working on I’m working on a huge volcano and it is beautiful Excuse Me Miss skeleton if someone donated 500 no I would not dude I’ve made way more than uh you know I guess you’re you’re probably new

So you probably haven’t heard this but I was one time given I was given $500 to to kill myself in my hardcore world that was 1,000 days old this world is 5,000 almost so they you know if they were going to do it they’d have to at least offer me

2500 and I don’t I don’t even think I’d consider that because I’ve made so much money I’ve made way more than $2500 off of making YouTube videos about this world so I I would not know was that a Bedrock bed it was just a purple bed 500 isn’t enough 10 minutes what are

You talking about oh I see can you kill dream or you’re dead I think dream would win I think I would die dream is like say what you will about dream but he’s pretty good at Minecraft I think he would win that fight pretty sure dream would win it was

Me versus dream I think I think dream comes out on top I do have more drip stone at home and I I might need to actually go get it cuz I’m really going through a lot of dripstone here um why do you like rabbits is it

Your pet yes I have a pet bunny in real life that’s why that dream how did that how did that come up did you see dream’s newest video um I watched some of it and then I got bored because it’s like an hourong video where

He he’s not I only I’m not going to lie I only care about dreams manhunts his other videos are not very good in compar comparison at least to the manhunts and so therefore I pretty much only care about the manhunts I have very I’ve I’ve watched a couple of the other

Ones but I mainly care about the manhunts I I certainly don’t really care about the allegations against dream at least not enough to watch the video I watched the part about him him cheating in this on his speedruns because that was interesting to me and cuz I I did I

Used to speedrun and I made videos about dream cheating and um you know wait did I I think I made video yeah yeah I did I did make videos punching punching at dream for cheating and it’s okay to do that because he has like 40 billion more

Subscribers than I do he’s like hundreds of time no is it hundreds probably like at probably like a 100 times more subs than I do is what like 30 million no wait yeah if I had 100 million or 100,000 it would be if we round down to 100,000 it would

Be yeah it’s probably like 150 times more subscribers than I do or something I don’t know how many Subs the stream have a lot I know but I don’t know exactly how many how mad would you be if you died I’d be pretty upset would you fight the Wither

Storm again I I already did it’s just I have to make the video out of it I know I know that actually surprisingly that video got more views than I expected I did not think it was going to get that many views but it did

And so I will be doing the part two I just need to get it done um I have other videos that are in my opinion more highly in demand so I’m working on those ones first and also I’m doing videos in the order that I filmed them

Which like so some of the some other videos are coming out before that I really like the spikes actually I think the spikes add a lot to the build yeah I think the spikes are good and just like make the whole build look a little more like in ating oh let’s add

Some more random lava let’s add some more or sorry random uh Soul Sand patches I like I like the Soul Sand patches I feel like they are cool I think I’m going to add one right here wow that grew instantly whack you should make it a nether

Volcano it already kind of is a nether volcano I mean I would say it’s quite nethery I’m not trying to make it like entirely a nether volcano but I’m just trying to add the reason I’m doing like nether warts and stuff is because um the reason I’m doing nether warts and

Stuff is just because it’s a red it’s a red block I think that’s spread a little bit maybe but I I’m not actually sure it’s a red block which will look nice around around the place and I’m using this as water add shroom lights and glowstone somewhere maybe I was thinking about

Like glow stone trees or something did you expect to be this far in your world um I don’t think so I feel like I feel like it’s hard to know how long you’re going to last my last World I lasted about a about uh a, days so I so I guess

Probably not but I don’t know I feel like I’ve learned with every world and I’ve be I’ve gotten better at both the game and at like the game sense that you need to survive cuz hardcore is a lot more in my opinion hardcore is more about being smart enough to survive than

Like the game the game isn’t that hard so I feel like you need to just like have the kn how to survive if you want to survive like you need to you need to be be wise and like do smart stuff instead of being dumb if you play quick and you play dumb

You’ll just die really quick and you’ll be sad you Know ow Top that Dash name your volcano Mount pum nine it needs to be a more villainous name I feel like what’s a villainy name when were you finishing the volcano I don’t know exactly when I’m going to finish it but uh we’re working on it we’re getting stuff

Done can you fight the Titans in Minecraft I don’t know what that means but maybe Mount evil that might be a little too on the nose for me might be a little on the nose for my liking maybe something a little bit more subtle subtly evil you

Know did you you kill the warden I haven’t in survival yet um I have before in not my hardcore World though well I oh I guess I have in survival I have in a not this hardcore world I have in a hardcore server that I have with my girlfriend I did not like

By my hands though I just like suffocated it to death so I guess that might not count I feel like the brown patches are nice as well because they just add a little pop of non black to this build cuz it is a lot of

Black so I feel like the non black is good you’re hacked that sucks are you ever at half a heart on this world um I mean I’ve popped totems but I don’t think I’ve ever I don’t I don’t know I don’t think I’ve ever been on like half a heart

After popping a totem or anything I don’t know if I’ve been that close to dying like that’s that’s a whole different level of being low on health you like pop all your totems and are on and are on half a heart I have not had that at least not yet let’s hope not

Ever as well bam bam bam I need to alternate whether or not I do the left or right side of a lava flow because I feel like I’m prioritizing the left side just cuz I’m going around the left side of the mountain but I want to I want to do a

Little bit more on the right side as well so remind me to do that guys what was your closest death experience that you can remember um I got shot at by a ghast while I was using TNT and the TNT all exploded and it almost killed me um I popped my totem

And then I ALS you know I popped my totem and then I was pretty low on health and I fortunately I flew away fast enough flew away fast enough that that I uh that I didn’t die think we’re going to go like a little bit up here

Maybe is there anywhere up here that I can do one I feel like that’s going to updated isn’t it oh it didn’t cool good bro why are you saying I love your YouTube shorts thank you if you died in hardcore oh my gosh why am I getting the same message every 5 Seconds

Now also anime ban the person who said uh who said I love your YouTube shorts Thank you cuz I don’t know if you see their name but their name is bad yeah that is not appropriate Here I’m actually blind no worries why I ban that guy his name is bad he has one of the names that they’re trying to get the streamer to say something offensive and we don’t like that oh my my freaking thing burned cuz I don’t me personally I don’t want to say something

Offensive and so you know ow all right that’s fine I’m just going to leave that like that I don’t really care there we go actually I’m going to put that there we go I hope that doesn’t spread okay it isn’t good like the way they put it I know their

Name you want me to say the name no don’t say the name Dash is nice thank you can youall ban me from this YouTube channel cuz I’m hacked and I don’t want to get banned off of YouTube If you ask I guess they ask to be banned so sure I

Guess you want to be banned uh you know I don’t see why I don’t see why we would reject your your request to be banned odd request a little bit but you know what who am I to judge what do I know or well I guess it’s not that odd you

Don’t want to be banned off of YouTube I don’t really know how you would get banned off of YouTube for that oh my gosh there’s a witch here witch you’re not meant to be on this mountain this is not a mountain for you buddy um I think I’m going to put some

Some around here does this guy count as a monster really you do okay I didn’t know if he would cuz he’s not actually aggressive towards me right now but I guess that makes sense it doesn’t really surprise me that much what up guy how’s it going Gabriel

Why don’t they have the armadillo and Bedrock Edition they do have the armadillo in Bedrock Edition it wasn’t the nword in Spanish it was just it was just a a bad term for black people that we don’t that we don’t use and we don’t want in my chat the other

Day I had someone whose name was like straight up it’s like if you it was two words and if you say it together it’s just the nword but um fortunately I was smart and didn’t accidentally say it I mean I’ve never heard of anyone getting in trouble for accidentally for like

Getting tricked into saying the nword so I don’t like nothing would have happened to me other than I would have felt silly and bad if I you know if if I had been tricked but it was a close one honestly I didn’t I I hadn’t had it I haven’t had

That happen to me in a hot minute but somebody somebody was trying to be a little bit of a little bit of a meany pants and try and get me to say bad mean words there was a username of a body part too huh I didn’t see that One try the toughest Nails mod no how about you try the toughest Nails Mod I’m not going to play place that there because as soon as I do it’s going to update it and it’s going to flow I think I suspect there we go there we go what’s up Greylock how’s it going I love how your title is the same thing

For each stream except for the adjective describing the base I mean what am I what am I supposed to title it I’m doing pretty much the same thing in every stream so kind of Mak sense for the for the title to be roughly the same sometimes sometimes I write like

More specifically what I’m doing but it it’s pretty much the whole pretty much for this whole project it’s been it’s I’ve been decorating the The Volcano so it’s just like the title is just decorating the volcano do you live in the volcano I’m going to live in the volcano Dash do

Your highest pitch voice no maybe I will hey what’s up guys how’s it going Dash BM four that’s my that’s as high as I can go do lowest pitch jeez I feel like I I can’t do like I can’t do like a low pitch voice

But I can do like a deep voice like Batman I can just do like my my Batman impression I’m Batman but that’s not really like a low pitch I feel like a low pitch is more is like I don’t know Batman’s like a smoke ER voice Batman is closer to the voice

Of a smoker than than like a low pitch person you know and like if someone talked like Batman all the time that would probably be bad that’d probably be an issue you know they’re getting all this info on your voice and tomorrow there’s going to

Be AI of you yeah do a dsharp I cannot it was Christmas yesterday now’s a good time to spend some pumpkins word I can talk like Batman and springtrap for some reason how do springtrap talks you just mean like William Aton what is left on the volcano before

It’s done um s a message to you people watching the stream replay what’s up people watching the stream replay penis that’s all I could think to say so that’s all I did say um uh I always come back oh I guess that one will you make a hardcore world for the parasite mod

No what do I have to finish okay we have more decorating of just like adding buttons and adding skulls all over the place to add like depth to it we have and then we have a little bit more um we’re going to place some more gray stuff around here and then the main

Thing that we have to do that’s going to take a while is the lava that is going to be spewing out of the top we’re going to do some crazy stuff to get floating lava that will be shooting out of the top of the volcano so that is going to be um that’s

Going to take a while so Dash are you the most of Hardcore Minecraft yeah how often you get donations on streams I don’t know uh I got like I got donated like 20 bucks yesterday or some I don’t know was it 20 bucks something like that I don’t know

Every every few streams I’ll get something and like every once in a while I’ll get like a like a big Dono once in a while I’ve gotten like 50 bucks or something and I’m like whoa crazy most of my money is not coming from streaming though it’s coming from

Videos content creation go bur in terms of money making unless you have like a really generous fan base it also depends on the age of your fans like if you have older fans you’re probably more likely to get money I would assume um I don’t have older fans so a

Lot of my fans aren’t able to give me money which is fine you know there’s no no harm no shame in that that’s totally okay um it’s just it’s just how it how it goes you know okay I am officially out of pointed drip Stone and therefore

I’m going to end the stream because I am also very hungry and I don’t feel like going home to get more pointed dripstone wait I have more point in driftstone that’s not enough to do anything with though so I’m still going to end the stream I can’t donate l no

Worries you did a herob br or a hardcore could you put herob BR in I’m already in a hardcore but how long have you been live almost 3 hours now no don’t leave I’m sorry I got to go now I’m three and gave you $2 why are you 3 years

Old you’re pretty good at English for a three-year-old where is the World download there is no World download anyways guys thank you for hanging out I will see you guys tomorrow peace out everyone bye guys

This video, titled ‘Building an EVIL base in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-12-27 03:30:36. It has garnered 684 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:40 or 10420 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More